#im playing it lots and lots and lots
narsh-potatoes · 1 year
Hades fans I am looking upon you with my dearest of hearts and my most sparkling eyes goodness
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catmask · 8 months
does anyone have like an anti aesthetic. like something you look at and can recognize as a complete fashion/interior design/artistic movement and understand it but it makes you shudder seeing it. i am not talking like “its morally bad” “its poorly structured” like just sheerly devoid of joy for you actually invites a repulse response.
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bonetrousledbones · 6 months
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IM GOING TO THROW UP !!!!!!!!!!!
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fudgecake-charlie · 6 months
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beloved friend sent me one of scar's newer tweets and i HAD to draw it
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mokeonn · 1 year
I am trying to decide what I want to draw today so I think I'm gonna make the Mane 6 in the sims and see where it goes from there
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Chang's Muse
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acekindaneat · 1 year
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man loves his takoyaki
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the-raindeer-king · 29 days
(A/N: prt 4 and the finale of the Mama Riley au! Thanks for all the support and nice comments. It means the world to me! No content warnings. Enjoy!!)
If the ground would swallow him whole, Simon would consider that a blessing. God, he never should've asked his mom about you. Of course she'd clock him. Who knows the man better than his own mom?
He stares blankly at you for far too long. Long enough that you're wondering if there was a chance Mama Riley had it all wrong. You open your mouth, ready to backtrack the statement, when Simon settles a hand on your thigh.
“I… yeah. It's true,” he answers you. He tells you it's fine if you don't feel the same. You were his mom's friend first, and he can see how deeply you care about her and vice versa. He wants his mom to be happy.
“What about what you want?” You ask, curious.
Simon's quiet for a moment, thinking. He wants to marry you, but that might be a bit much to admit right out the gate. So he gathers his nerves, and quietly admits, “I want to kiss you.”
You can't help but smile in response. You lean in a little closer to him, your eyes already half lidded. “I want you to kiss me,” you reply softly.
The kiss is a little awkward. It takes Simon a second to get comfortable in the kiss, but it's good once he does. (You find out later on that it's his second kiss.) His hands come to cradle your face, tipping your head back to deepen the kiss. That's when the kiss becomes perfect, the kind that makes your head spin.
You break away at the sound of the door opening. Simon's hands linger in your face for a moment longer, before he drops them back down to his sides. But you're quick to lace your fingers with his, more than eager to start displaying affection. You've been holding back for far too long.
Mama Riley smiles at the both of you, a coffee in hand. “You kids get your feelings worked out?” She teases.
You and Simon share a look, before responding simultaneously.
“Yes, ma'am.”
“Yeah, Mum.”
Going to sleep that night is incredibly bittersweet. You two finally made progress, just barely started your relationship, and he's leaving in the morning. Simon has never hated his job more than now. He's waited, since the day y'all met, for this, and he doesn't feel like he even has a chance to enjoy it.
But it makes returning, two months later, all the more worth it. This isn't the first time you've gone with Mama Riley to pick him up, but this time is different. There's no fanfare, no balloons or signs, although you and Mama Riley had joked about it. But there is a new energy in the air, excitement to see your boyfriend.
He's easy to spot amongst the crowd, tall and imposing. But you see the way his shoulders sag with relief, when he spots you two. He greets his mom first, crushing her in a hug. There's some whispered words between the two of them, before Simon turns his attention to you.
He hesitates, before tugging his face mask down. “Can I kiss you?”
You can't help but giggle a little, nodding your head. His hands move to cradle your face, so gentle despite the horrors he's witnessed. And when your lips meet his, Simon decides there's no better way to welcome him home.
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alfheimr · 9 months
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sicklyseraphnsuch · 9 months
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She says to the guy who literally survived an apocalypse
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tubbytarchia · 26 days
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got an urge to design ponies oops
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jaradraws · 9 months
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playing bg3 and uhmmm. zevlor
❗NOTICE: this user has NOT completed the game. do NOT spoil this for them ❗
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obsob · 5 months
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once more around the sun!! :3
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acarillustrated · 7 months
thinking about mizu from blue eye samurai. thinking. thinking so much. thinking about how mizu operates outside of gender. like we joke about her gender being revenge but straight up? it literally is. like she grew up as a boy and is most comfortable being a man, but behind that is the feeling of betraying himself because he isn't being honest about who he is and he lives in fear of being discovered. and when he lived as a woman, she found joy there as well. she fell in love, and though she wasn't good at it, she liked being a wife and enjoying a simple life. but in that life too, she isn't being honest about who she is. and when she reveals her true self, it's not a woman, she's a demon, a weapon. she's to masculine to be a woman, and too feminine to be a man. ultimately, mizu is most comfortable when they are being a murder machine. that's when they feel they are being the most true to themself. like a sword, they are neither man nor woman, but a blend of both, which makes them stronger.
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wasyago · 1 year
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the brainrot won
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quil12 · 6 months
One of my favorite details about the Persona dancing games is the fact that all of the protagonists' respective first dances have a move reminiscent of the way Personas are summoned in their games
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The most obvious is Makoto's finger gun in Mass Destruction
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Then you have Yu crushing a pretend tarot card at the very end of Specialist
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And finally Joker ripping off his mask in Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There
I just think it's neat
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