#havent solved this one yet it was just a thought
variousqueerthings · 2 years
was drowsily entertaining the idea that BJ is straight, but loves Hawkeye and would provide acts of service for him that include things like kissing or helping him get off, but he wouldn’t be able to physically/emotionally connect with those acts himself
and that Trapper is gay but seriously repressed, and loves Hawkeye, and would try to come at intimacy and sex in as detached and manly a way as possible so that he can rationalise it away, while still desperately wanting him
and therefore they’re both not quite as there as Hawkeye would ever need, but for reasons that aren’t quite the same, although the results overlap
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fipindustries · 1 month
the first lesson
"belief" chuckled the old man as he turned a delicate glass that contained some opulent limonchello "let me tell you something about how wizards trade in belief"
he was bald, with wild curly hair growing to the sides like the branches of a bonsai tree. he was also rather fat, not in a way that made him look flabby but rather round as a whole. his body could be easily drawn as a circle from which his head poked out, if some leeway for stylization were allowed to the artist. he wore a dark suit and dark round glasses as well as a simple goatee.
"do you lock your doors at night with a key?"
"uh... yes, teacher"
sitting in the small round table at the bar, across from him, was his student. a nervous lady, taller than him and far thinner, with a suit similar to his, dark and antiquated. they looked like undertakers. maybe they even were.
"wise thing to do, given your residence"
The student pursed her lips at this but made no comment. for reasons she could not understand her teacher was fond of making fun or criticizing her economic situation. and for sure there was a lot to complain about, she would do as much regularly, but her teacher seemed to be weirdly fixated on this. he would drop comments about it, cheerfully and casually and she would not respond to any of them and little by little the grains of sand would keep accumulating in the back of her head.
"so every night, before you sleep, you lock the front door of your room with a key, you put the key in the locke and you turn it once, and then twice, and you make a habit out of this, so much so that you do it unconciously, it is an automatic gesture with no thought put into it at all. you dont think to yourself 'now the door is locked', is just a truth of the universe, unacknowledged and yet all the same internalized"
"is this a story or is this your speculations about my life?"
"everything is a story if it's not meant to be literally true, maybe it is true, but that is not my intention"
"very well continue, teacher"
"so the next day, when you wake up and need to step out into the world, before doing that you unlock the door. now this is very important, you don't have to take a few moments to collect yourself and wonder if wether you locked your door last night, you dont have to take stock of your memories and recall that indeed you put the key there before going to sleep and locked the door tight, you just unlock the door because it is a deeply accepted truth that the door is simply locked"
"and the only way to unlock it is with a key"
"the only way indeed! very good!"
she didnt need to add that comment, and if it had been simply up to her whim she would have remained silent and let the man continue his lecture. but she had learned that her teacher enjoyed these interjections, however superfluous they might be, he always recieved them with joy and enthusiasm, as if she had solved a mystery or shown a deep insight. this was another of his weird quirks that she entertained simply because they seemed to make her interactions with him more frictionless.
"and now," he continued "imagine one day you go to a party and drink copious ammounts of alcohol, quantities large enough to make you dispossesed of your wits, not that i suggest you would actually do such a thing, at least not on the regular" the teacher gave her an unwanted wink "so your friends carry you back home and you stumble your steps up to your front door and once inside you are so out of sorts that you simply forget to lock the door, after which you fall into your bed and go to sleep"
"is this something about how my compromised state makes me believe for one night that ill be safe even though i havent locked the door or something?"
"not at all, you sleep soundly all night without being attacked, who knows, maybe burglars and robbers were busy in other houses or other parties, getting themselves merry and drunk, whatever the case may be you wake up the next day with no memory of last night, with quite a hangover, sadly there are no pills or medicines that can aid you with your malady at your home, so you will have to go to the corner drugstore to get something to let you handle your headache"
the student pursed her lips once again. there was a drugstore at the corner of her street, so this story not being about her seemed just a fraction less likely, but then again, there were drugstores at the corners of many streets.
"so you unlock your door and step outside, it's a lovely day with the birds singing and the sun shining and you go to the farmacy and buy the medicine you need to handle your hangover, end of the story"
"but how could i have unlocked the door if the door was already unlocked?" she said mechanically, knowing that this was the obvious question the story was baiting.
"exactly! very good my student!"
an overstated praise for a trite question. maybe her teacher just enjoyed being humored.
"for you see, to you it was not a matter of assuring yourself that the door was locked, to you it was simply a truth of the world, as profound and unquestionable as that things fall down"
"i see, and that is the level of belief i have to master in order to do magic?"
"more or less, yes" said the teacher sipping the limonchello.
"seems difficult to achieve without extensive use of manipulation, doublethink, brainwashing or psychodelics"
"hmm? what do you mean?"
"that...to internalize a belief that profoundly, seems hard to do without a lot of mental effort, without a rather strong amount of self deception and psychological trickery"
"i really dont know what you're talking about, you just have to believe, is the easiest thing in the world"
"it's... not, it's very much not, to believe, to truly believe, to actually thoroughly change one's mind about the nature of reality, against proof, against evidence is basically impossible"
"is that what you believe?"
"is-" oh, that was the trick. she had to internally stifle a groan. her teacher had pulled another of his dumb rethorical tricks. he seemed to be just as delighted when she failed to catch on as he was when she stated the obvious.
"that is the first belief you have to change, indeed is the first belief that all wizards have to change when they start" he said, chuckling again.
"that is the first spell that every wizard casts" she said, completing the thought.
"now" said the teacher, pulling out a small box with a large lock on it from his cape. he placed it on the small table, in the middle of the glasses, and then he pulled a key from a pocket. he put the key on the lock and turned once, and twice. then he put the key back into his pocket. "i want you to open this box"
the student looked at the box. so that was her challenge, to find the way to believe in her heart of hearts that this locked box was actually open. no, not even believe in hear heart of hearts, not even to know, really. this had to be something that trascended awareness.
she took a big gulp from her beer. she was going to fail the test so she wanted to steel herself to be embarassed.
obviously it was impossible for her to rewrite her brain right there and then and she was not even going to try. there was going to be no clapping while saying that she believed in fairies. that was just not how actual beliefs about the world were formed.
if it was a trick that all wizards had to master, she didnt have the instruction or the tools for how to do it. she looked at the box a little more. her hands hovered over it, hesitating. the moment she placed her hands on it and failed to open it, the test would be done and she would have failed and the was no circumventing that. she just wanted to delay the pie to her face a little longer.
of course, because she was her, she couldnt help but actually pause and still try her best to find the answer to the conundrum. she covered her mouth with one hand and scratched her mane of curls around her head with the other, like she did whenever she was deep in thought. her brow deeply furrowed with concentration.
And then she realized the true nature of her test. how dissapointing. it was a dumb trick of course. she placed a finger on top of the box and said "abracadabra"
She then opened the box.
"marvelous! marvelous! exceptional! very good my student! not even i did better than that when i was faced with the test!" exclaimed the teacher while clapping enthusiastically.
She was well and truly tired of her master's condescention.
"you didnt lock the box when you put the key in, you unlocked it" she said, rolling her eyes "the box was unlocked all along"
"exactly! precisely! the box was unlocked all along, just like the door in my story was locked all along!"
"no! no that is not the same thing!" insisted the student banging the table with her fist "in your story, someone believing that a door is locked changes reality retroactively to make it so that the door was always locked, but in my case the box was actually unlocked all along!" the ruckus made one of the waiters show up with a confused look in his face
"well yes, that is the point, that is what changing reality retroactively is supposed to look like, like it was unlocked all along" the teacher turned towards the waiter "thanks for showing up, what is the cost of these beverages, garçon?"
"that would be 30 in total"
"ah! very well, now you see i am a magician, so allow me a bit of flair" said the master waving his hands around in a very theatrical way "your fee is inside that box being held by my lovely assistant, my dear girl would you hand the box to our waiter?"
She rolled her eyes and gave the box to the poor confused man. who grabbed it and tried to pry it open. but he couldn't.
"um... is the box closed?" asked the waiter, out of sorts.
"oh? it should be opened, try again" said the old man.
the waiter struggled a little more but he could not open the box in any way. finally he turned to the teacher with forlorn expression.
"i give up, what's the trick?"
the old man reached behind the waiter's left ear and pulled out the key.
"here why dont you try with this"
"that is a really old trick" said the waiter while he unlocked the box and pulled out the money from inside it. he returned the box by forcefully pressing it against the old man's chest.
"what i nice lad!" said the teacher, while putting the key into the lock again and turning it once and then twice again. "anyway, where were we?"
the girl was just looking at he teacher, a mix of confusion, annoyance and a little bit of fear on her face.
"ok, how did you do that" she asked.
"i didnt do anything, you did, you opened the box"
"no, that... that was a trick, the lock is a clever mechanism or something"
"you are thinking like a magician, and i am asking you to think like a wizard, you opened this box, my dear girl, because you believed that it was opened, you already did this trick once, now all you have to do" said the man, placing the box back into the table "is do it again"
she hesitated.
"this is still a trick, right? you rigged it somehow so that if i try ill be able to open the box?"
the teacher laid back on the chair, very satisfied with himself. he crossed his fingers over his belly. she somehow felt that this, out of everything he had done that night, was his most sincere display of pride in her.
"what do you believe?" he said
she reached for the box.
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is-on-its-way · 24 days
my problem with iwtb... I think?
Okay Im not sure Im eloquent enough to meta my feelings on this topic, I also havent seen enough past season 8s finale to really have perfect opinions on this, but from the clips I see on here and reddit etc. I have issues I need to work out…  
There is something about the characterisation of Mulder in IWTB that really annoys me. And please correct me if Im wrong on his motivations. Usually my protest is the mistreatment of Scully. But in this case I think theres a certain mistreatment of Mulder’s character that really irks the shit out of me. 
Firstly Mulder comes off as Tom Brady in this movie. So single minded and stuck in his ways he couldn’t possibly figure out how to live his life without the one thing that he thinks makes him successful or that he lives for. Two things... its the wrong obsession (more on that in a moment) and this is the opposite of where his character has been hurtling since he met Scully so as written it makes no sense.
The thing mulder was obsessed with and searching for since he was 13 years old was solved. He got his answer when he found out what happened to his sister. He was freed from his lifelong quest. He even was ready to give the agent thing up in the s7 finale, telling Scully the price had been too high and she needed to stop. Meaning he would also be stopping, bc he never wanted to do it without her. Sure he wanted to keep fighting in 8 to protect his baby, but they got rid of the baby atp, so Im not gonna get into that rn.
Turning him into the FBI agent ghost of Tom Brady was… a choice. Throwing away the love of his life, the one who believed him, the one who listened and supported him and loved him back endlessly for what? To help the organisation that tried to murder him? No. I just dont really believe it at all, because it's just not believable. 
Secondly, would he maybe have a midlife crisis? Sure. Would he be lost or depressed? I could absolutely see it, they lost a child found out the aliens were taking over earth. Would Scully commit him rather than leave him alone in that house? For sure. And it would’ve apparently been the culmination of the plot line Morgan and Wong had worked towards since the beginning... 
Realistically, he might've been lost for a while with the end of the quest for his sister. I get it, you work your entire life for something and its always just within reach and when you finally accomplish it, you think well what now? You’d thought, you’d held onto the fact that when you got to the top of the mountain you would feel happy and accomplished and relieved. But when you turn around at the summit from the horizon of the breadth of your work, youre met with yet another peak ahead. Some other goal, some other thing that occupies your mind because thats what your mind is used to.
You’re just going to have a really hard time convincing me for Mulder it was searching for proof of Aliens in random magazines, (when he knows there are aliens and they have invasion plans) instead of preventing the 2012 thing, publishing actual papers under his Luder pseudonym, and making sure Scully knew how much he loved her as his family had never done for him, making sure he made Samantha proud and lived the life she missed once he let her memory rest. 
Thirdly he is intelligent, a psych major with alien superpowers, who graduated from Oxford. Would he be bumbling around making paranormal magazine collages a la Charlie Kelly when he ALREADY knows the endgame? Would he be dealing with random cases and helping the FBI who betrayed him and put him on death row?
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Or would he be using Marita Covarrubias and his apparent new power to speak to the dead to try and stop the invasion by any means necessary? Would he be combing over Maritas paperwork, medical records, UN contacts, payment histories to find, like all those bees in Tunisia for example? Would he not be having Scully research this magnetite thing and getting papers written about its properties so that when the hybrids make themselves known there would be literature for people to find? or engineering an anti bee-virus virus? (damn those effing bees btw) Would he not be using every power of his beautiful mind to continue fighting in any way he could, fully of the reservation? 
And could Scully then rightly say don’t bring that darkness into our home? Because my answer would be no. Even if she did go back to being a medical doctor (Im going to ignore the surgeon part because its out of character and would take her redoing residency etc. lets labor under the impression she’s a family doctor or ER doctor). They were right about one thing, the darkness follows them, and would still even if they both stopped looking. Thats the show after all.
Would she maybe have wanted a vacation where he could row her to a deserted island in the adirondacks? Sure. Would she be okay with letting an alien invasion happen in 2012 and saying to Mulder stop fighting? No. When one of them quits the other supports and encourages them back to the mission. Thats the show. If anything Scully having the breakdown about that darkness would’ve made more sense.
Anyway my point being, the transition from Mulder fighting for the big picture to him being a sad shell of himself in his hoarder office, telling Scully they weren't meant to be together is... jarring to say the least, and nonsensical. 😔
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theje0ngs · 2 years
JJH | Speak Now
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PAIRING/CHARACTERS • jaehyun x fem!reader
GENRE • light angst, romance, runaway groom!au
WARNINGS • profanities, y/n crashing jaehyun’s wedding lol, eloping
GELA SAYS • one of the works that was supposed to be a chaptered scenario, but i’m too lazy to do that and opted with just one shot ahahaha not proofread! so there’s probably a lot of grammar mistakes & typos also i’m posting this because i havent finished forget me not yet lol i’ll just link the music once taylor releases the speak now (taylor’s version) hsdhafha
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You were a fan of Taylor Swift.
Every music, every album, every merch, you have collected since you were a kid. Every concert, every awards show that allows audiences, you have attended them. Whenever your friends hear the artist’s name, their attention draws to you immediately.
And that being said, you weren’t expecting your friends to plot a plan based on one of Taylor Swift’s songs.
“We’re not crashing Jaehyun’s wedding nor am I running away with him, just because you heard and understood the story behind Speak Now, Mia.” You say, plopping yourself next to her with a bowl of popcorn. “I’m not the type of girl who’s going to barge in on a wedding. And what’s the point if I crash his wedding anyway.”
Your friends, including Jaehyun’s friends, have invited themselves over to your place to plot a plan to stop Jaehyun from marrying his bride tomorrow. You knew eventually that Jaehyun will marry another woman, not because he did not love you or you two had a bad breakup, but you knew it the moment Jaehyun’s mother asked you to meet her and personally informed you how much she repudiates your relationship.
It is against Jaehyun’s will to be in an arranged marriage, but what else could he do? Since he was a kid, probably even before his father’s sperm fertilized his mother’s egg, the couple has planned every single year of their son’s life. Controlling parents, they say. After you found out that Jaehyun was set to marry another woman, you gathered strength and courage to face your boyfriend— now ex, and ended the 7-year relationship you two shared. Jaehyun’s breakup with you became his mother’s joy.
It only took them five months to prepare for the wedding and the reception. That’s five months of you crying and trying to move on. They made sure everything was perfect. That’s the reason why you didn’t like your friends’ plan at all. Hundreds of thousand dollars spent on this wedding, and you’ll ruin it? Just because your friends said so? Are they even sure that Jaehyun still had feelings for you? And if you did successfully stop the wedding, will Jaehyun even run away with you?
“Why don’t you just meet Jaehyun tonight, huh? He told me he’s been visiting you here, but you wouldn’t answer the door.” asked Mark.
“Because he’s about to get married, hello? And maybe he’s coming here to personally give me a wedding invitation, hell, I don’t think I’m even on the guest list. So what’s the point?”
“Sometimes I question how come you graduated with Latin honors… open your fucking eyes, Y/N! He’s trying to visit you here to tell you how much he still loves you!” Your best friend groans, “Do you really think that Jaehyun would replace you that fast? You’ve been together since we were in college, and that was years ago, for Pete’s sake! He wouldn’t forget about you that easily.”
You sigh, pinching the skin between your brows. “Okay, fine! You made your point and I hate you all for making me realize that.” You say, looking at the faces of your friends who are now smiling smugly. “How the hell are you people going to sneak me into the wedding?”
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This is wrong, this is so fucking wrong. You thought. Last night, when you asked your friends how you were going to sneak into the event, it was immediately solved by Joy— the event organizer and one of your friends. She suggested that you act like one of her staff, which Johnny, Mark, Jungwoo and Mia agreed to. You tried to explain why a part of you thought that the plan would fail because knowing Jaehyun’s mother, she would be hands on her son’s special day and would monitor the staff before the event starts.
“Just stay inside that little room, that’s meant for the staff anyway. I’ll pick you up there while the wedding starts so it’s not obvious that you’re there. There’s a dress there and you can change to that one so you could blend in with the crowd.” Joy said, walking with you towards the food that had a staff only sign. It was next to the room where the bride was, so you had a glimpse of her when someone exited the room. She was already wearing her wedding gown, and it made you wonder how many petticoats she was wearing for it to look like a puff pastry. It was so obvious that she was stressed that you could hear her shout at one of her bridesmaids. You remember how Joy described her and her attitude after working with the bride for a few months.
Meanwhile, Johnny and Mark, the best men, are trying their best not to be so obvious that they were nervous about the plan. They simply said that they were happy for Jaehyun when the groom asked why the two were whispering in the corner of the room. It was not new to the groom as he was used to the duo laughing and sharing each other some secrets or whatever it is they’re talking about.
“Mr. Jeong, we’ll start in ten minutes. Mr. Lee and Mr. Suh, you may now come with me.” Joy’s other staff said to the two.
Johnny stands up from the ottoman, followed by Mark and the two men straighten their tuxedos as they smile at the groom. Jaehyun chuckles, seeing his two best friends smile at him so proud. The older man put his hand on Jaehyun’s shoulder, leaning and whispered to his ear: “Congratulations bro, I know it would be hypocritical of me to say that I’m happy for you knowing that you’re not, but… whatever happens, don’t say yes.”
The duo walked out of the room, leaving the confused groom behind. What was that supposed to mean? Jaehyun shook his head and took one last glance in the mirror before emitting a nervous sigh. If ever this marriage goes south, there’s always divorce. He thought, walking towards the door and exited.
When he arrived outside of the hall, it was Joy and Mia’s cue to get you out of the staff room. You hesitated, not wanting to continue with the plan, but your friends’ incessant pleas is what made you give in. Jaehyun saw how much effort his mother put into this wedding, everything inside the event hall screams luxury. When he got to the end of the aisle, everyone stood up for the bride. It was now Jungwoo’s cue to exit the premises, get the car and wait outside of the venue. Even though your friends only planned this last night, you were amazed at the effort they were making. After Joy and Mia hid you behind the curtains for a few minutes, they leave you alone in one of the available chairs on the last row, next to someone you don’t know but you assume is one of the bride’s relatives.
The tune that the piano makes usually puts a smile on your face and calms you down, but hearing it now makes you a nervous-wreck and sweat was forming on your palm. You knew that your cue to stand up and stop the wedding is a few minutes from now, yet the thought builds up some weird anxious feeling inside your stomach. The bride was now walking down the aisle, you tried your best not to let Jaehyun’s mother see you and that is why you only sat while everybody stood up to give her respect.
Once she was finally in front of the officiant and next to Jaehyun, you readied yourself for the scene you were about to do. It’s now or never. You kept on repeating that until the words you’ve been waiting to hear echoed inside the hall: “Before we proceed to the vows, I’m giving this chance for the people to show us why this couple should not be lawfully wedded. Speak now, or forever hold your peace.”
There was a brief silence, you could see Johnny and Mark scan the hall and it looked like they were looking for you and when your eyes met Johnny’s, you stood up. You could feel every eye of the guests glue on you, you were shaking when Jaehyun met your eyes. You walked towards the aisle, standing in the middle before saying:
“I was raised better than this, but damn it, Jeong Jaehyun! You’re not the type of guy who’s marrying this girl! She’s not for you—”
“What do you think you’re doing?!” Mrs. Jeong said, standing up from her seat.
“Don’t wait, or say a single vow, Jaehyun…” You persuade, a splash of relief ran through your body when you saw him step down the small platform and started to walk towards you.
Johnny suddenly told Jaehyun, loud enough for everyone in the venue to hear: “Run away now! Go ahead!” When Mrs. Jeong attempted to stop her son from leaving, Mark and Johnny were quick enough to move and cage her in their arms. “RUN FASTER, YOU IDIOT! WE GOT THIS!”
Jaehyun looks back at his friends, then to the guests who were clearly shocked by the sudden commotion. When he realized that his mother was being kept down by his best friends, and the bride’s mother stood up, he ran to you and grabbed your hand. Using his body to open the doors, at first he was trying to think where the two of you should go because he could hear the venue hall doors open again. You hold his hand tight and said, “Jungwoo’s outside with the getaway car, let’s go.”
Jungwoo had a proud smile on his face, knowing that the plan they laid out was a success. He wished you two good luck and watched as you drove away, just in time for the families who tried to stop the groom from running away to arrive. Jungwoo only gave them a chuckle and went back inside the building.
“That was exhilarating!” You burst, stopping at a red light. “W-wait, was it right? Do you really want to run away with me?”
Jaehyun chuckles, “Of course, I do. I wouldn’t want to marry that girl anyway, she’s not the one I love.”
“So our friends were saying the truth that you still love me,”
“No one could ever replace you, baby.”
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Three days ago, you crashed Jaehyun’s wedding.
And now you’re in a taxi, in a different country and on your way to the Airbnb that he booked during the flight, where you two plan to stay and hide for a few weeks until the situation back home subsides. According to Johnny, the assigned correspondent, Jaehyun’s mother kept on yelling at him after he and Mark stopped her and even called his best friends a bad influence for tolerating the groom. When Jaehyun was sure that his mother was not at his apartment, he went back home and packed a bag because the original plan was, he was staying at your place for a few weeks but something tells him that he shouldn’t. So once he got back to your apartment, he asked you to come with him to the airport.
He didn’t exactly tell you where you were going until he handed you the plane ticket, which you may have slapped his chest so hard when you saw where you two were headed. The place you two planned to go to on your 10th anniversary— Milan, Italy. Once you arrived at the lodging, after a long flight, you two fell asleep in each other’s arms. The two of you slept for so long that the sun already rose when you woke up. A new day in a new environment, in a place you’ll call home for a few weeks (possibly months).
“I love you so fucking much, Y/N.” He whispers on your skin, “I’m so glad I didn’t say my vows, I’m so glad you were around when they said speak now.”
You giggle, “That sounds like the lyrics of Speak Now by Taylor!”
“Well, Taylor is right. You’re not the kind of girl who rudely barged in a wedding, and I’m not the kind of boy who should be marrying the wrong girl.” He smiled, “because you’re the right girl for me.”
“Cheesy.” You laugh, “Can’t believe I experienced one of Taylor’s songs in real life…”
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so. youre telling me. that he’s got an ego. he knows he’s fucking smart. and yet he’s actually quite caring and possibly misunderstood ???
i think he comes off as really distant and full of himself based on what the other characters say in their voicelines. they know he does good work, but he works in his own way (which is often not by the rules). and i think probably he’s seen as the kind of genius that people can’t stand—he knows he’s a genius. and even though thats all probably completely true, like he’s probably super full of himself LOL, even just his introductory voiceline shows us that maybe he actually isn’t that selfish or self absorbed. he might know that he’s a good detective, but he still immediately notices the traveler’s condition and wants to hear all about their story. which, idk, maybe he has some ulterior motive, but from what i can tell he’s quite genuine despite his joking attitude.
he wants to catch criminals and put bad guys away—and whether that’s for the rush that he gets from solving cases or wanting to protect people, it’s a good deed either way. he’s keen, he’s sharp, and he knows people. from his teapot voicelines he says that he wants to play a game with the traveler where he guesses all the things you’ve done when you come home—like who you’ve met, what you’ve eaten, where you’ve gone. i think he’s genuinely so thrilled by intellectual stimulation, which is fascinating, and he definitely knows that he’s smart, which he knows how to use as a weapon.
so yea anyways i have no idea what this post is trying to say i just had some thoughts about him bc i went back and read through what others said about him. thoma said to steer clear of him, kujou sara said that he is extremely frustrating, and it goes on. but heizou’s voicelines tell us a different story u know!! i think he’s one of those misunderstood dudes except he doesnt give a shit that hes misunderstood which honestly??? is super hot👍
he reminds me so much of shawn spencer from the show psych, which you should definitely watch if you havent. phenomenal crime/mystery show with incredible humor and characters and just muah chefs kiss everything about it is delectable. it’s like brooklyn 99 if brooklyn 99 wasn’t shot in the style of the office
anyways heizou😍😍😍😍my love😍😍
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look @ him how goofy is he omg my skrungly my blorbo<33
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spamlets · 5 months
iterator logs but make them
with crowns ⬇️
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without crowns ⬇️
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individual ss, some doodles, + some actual (partially incoherent) info about the au below the cut!
rbs appreciated <333
individual ss:
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small doodles i did for the au haha
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more info:
the IL royal au is a silly little au i made up in my head!
basically it goes like this: the ancients created iterators to act as a new form of government in order to prevent govt corruption. cities or “kingdoms” were built around/on top of iterators and rather than them working to solve The Problem, they worked to govern over and make decisions for their people. the societies of these ancients were just as technologically advanced as in canon rain world. dont ask about The Rain (TM), i havent thought that far ahead yet.
cue mass ascension, i havent ironed out the details of that whatsoever but all the ancients die out leaving the iterators on their own (*cue fallen kingdom playing*). perhaps it’s on purpose, perhaps it’s a plague (this one could be pretty interesting actually)
distant frontier does his thing, creates an army of scavs or vultures or whichever else creatures he uses (i think he uses both but i could be remembering wrong) and breaks from his corruption-taboos, which is ofc a spin on the self-destruction taboo and would prevent him from expanding his domain/absorbing other kingdoms.
now the big thing here is that this was originally intended to be entirely centered around toxic yaoi (tr x df) which is partly why their clothes match (also because in general they share a lot of character traits and imo are kinda mirrors of each other in a way). that’s why i dont have much fleshed out—in the beginning it was just “king df and king tr marry and are gay forever” and whathaveyou, but then i thought about it harder and was like OH!!! this could actually be cool!!
if i go the plague route, perhaps tr had a colony of ancients still living inside his structure, but a new strain of the plague infected his people as he began to prepare for war against paradise. or maybe while trying to remove the corruption taboos he gives himself the rot like in il canon but it also ends up spreading to his citizens :headinhands:
this is all just vague ramblings for now, nothing coherent besides a few very striking mental images inside my head:
- tr lying on his deathbed surrounded by rot, the only shining thing in view being the gilded crown resting on his chest
- df on a throne wearing multiple crowns, tr bowing at his feet with a sword against his neck
- df with his artificial legs crossed at the ankles, his sword resting at his side with his karma symbols engraved into the blade
- unbroken promise with his forehead to the ground, surrendering himself and his kingdom to df after his queen ascends
- silent light standing guard in front of an endless library, only half-aware of what he’s guarding and what for anymore
- att practicing sword drills at dawn, falling asleep while standing up, leaning their chin on their sword pommel
but yeah! the basic premise is:
instead of creating iterators to solve the Great Problem, they create iterators to solve government corruption. each kingdom is built with an iterator as its ruler, with careful anti-corruption-taboos set in place to prevent them from acting maliciously towards their citizens, expanding their domain, or going to war. the entire kingdom and its walls are the body of the iterator, but theoretically worm off the string is possible because im a sucker for it and also i can imagine sometimes needing to meet up with other iterators in person for social gatherings because again im a sucker for classic royal au shenanigans 🤷
id like to personally apologize to daszombes sorry for being so autism over your characters i just think they’re neat
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pinyeti · 1 month
overwhelming day today here's the debrief
I have two humongous final projects both worth half my grade due on Wednesday and im losing my mind AND I HAVE A PAPER DUE TOMORROW MORNING AT 8AM AND I HAV.E AMIDTERM TOMORROW AT 3.30Pn, my groups suck for both projects and THEY JUST
and I just
I have this friend who im kinda close too but she's curt with me sometimes and we are kinda rude to each other as a joke but she just
she's rude to me sometimes on purpose and I dont know why and I just feel like she hates me and won't tell me why and I JUST I do love her and it bothers me ig and Ive had alot of issues with this friend and every time I try to solve anything
and I am having a huge body image attack which isn't that deep but whatever and my brother wlel
he's got every mental illness on the planet and makes my life a living hell I get being mentally ill makes life difficult for you but YOU CANNOT EXPECT ME TO SEE THEM AS MORE THAN EXPLANATIONS FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR RATHER THAN A FUCKIN EXCUSE?? IM NOT EXCUSING YOU TELLING ME YOU WANT ME T
okay and then
today was another friends birthday and she was so
we made a whole birthday surprise thing for her and I went to alot of effort to do it and she just I invited her boyfriend and one of her other friend and she sprent the whole time talking to them and making it awkward for everyone else and I
she was like send pictures? and it just bothered me cuz she went out of her way to make it look like she hated them and if thats so then ill just not invite her to things??? cuz wth I do like my friends and this is really fuckin inconsiderate and we had karaoke but there was an issue with the mic and she was just
being really weird about ti and I felt kinda disrespected and she really doesnt fuckin care
and im so sick of this and
its like she just tolerates them for pictures and it was weird and idk
maybe I dont like her as much as I thought and maybe im the problem cuz I really tried to make it special for her and she just
she was just not having it and I tried so hard and I wish I didnt cuz I felt so stupid for caring about mics cuz when she left the rest of us were singing nd it wasn't awkward and clean up was fun even
and the thing with happened with the friend that was curt with me earlier she just we found out a guy we knew was spreading rumors about her sexuality ( his friend group did this to me first) so I asked her about it and she said yea that guy confessed to her and she told him she didnt like him like that but also that her and my other friend fought cuz this guy was being weird and I was BUSY BABYSITITNG MY FUCKIN GROUP AT THE TIME AND WE COULDNT PROPERLY TALK ABOUT IT so I called her when I got home and she got so weird and defensive about it like I was crazy and I just
I hate when she does this and I hate that I care about her more than she cares about me
in fact I know this is toxic as fuck and caring isnt measured on scales
I need a break
I need a break
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Haha, Did I Scare Ya?
Anyways I Noticed That You’re Looking For Some Silly Questions, So Your Wish Is Granted Mate!
A Simple One Of Course, What Are Your Thoughts/Opinions About One Of The Villains Such as The Interesting Twins?
JXJDB sure did
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These guys, are by far my favorite villians, also im sucker for sibling dynamics
Wished they were taken more seriously, but won't deny some of their episode were my favorites by far (especially OP T.R.I.P). Less because of the gags they thrown them in, but rather we do finally see glimpses of their own personalities cause up until then there rlly wasnt much on them besides them failing and falling out a whole damn window all the time xxbdj honestly, that calls into question how resistant these guys are holy shit
The sister(if anyone got any name suggestions for them plz tell so I can steal them too/j), is fed UP, and I love her for it, cause with the amount of shit she's face i'd go fucking insane too. I vote we should give her gun, all her problems would be solved/j but actually, i enjoy that she's a little shit, impulsive, arrogant, etc, but i think it kinda stems from a fear of failure because how else would they've been known as father's bestest spies? Sector V had knocked down a pedestal, and that fucks with her head, but then their failures began to pile up and now she's becoming increasingly desperate to prove that she's still somehow #1– in turn she because implusive, impatient, etc. Sbe 100% cares for her brother, so at the same time she feels like she's dragging him down, it all piles on. Maybe a vaca would do her some good.
The brother, I absolutely adore him – tbh I adore both of them equally. He seems more like the younger of the two in terms of personality, we seem always following his sister's lead despite how irrational it could be. His loyalty and compassion to her is something that kinda pushes him to being my fav twin spot, cuz well im a sucker for good brother characters. And despite his more "softer" attuide compared to his sister's, they're both evil and flawed equally on the same level ‐ mo manipulation or pressure(well kind), nah-da. As the brother is just as implusive, selfish, and arrogant, but he hasn't let their failure get to his head just yet – in turn, he has more clearer head than his sister, so he ends becoming a voice of reason than a leader.
(Readmore cuz this is long jdbdb)
It's pretty popular theory that they're delightful, which is something I think about a LOT when it comes to their characters. And a bit more headcanon here: their non-delightful selves are still conscious, as to me(inspired heavily by my SS au with a friend), being delightful serves as just a filter for kids. Kinda like you feel the urge to chuck a plate, but because you're delightful, it's like a parasite keeping your hands folded in your lap, controlling your behaviors and words.
And they both don't like that their delightful-selves are fighting against old comrades because they were probably ex-KND operatives. perhaps got caught during a mission in Father's mansion, and faded to obscurity in KND history. Either that, or maybe they were father's first delightful experiments? Before the DCFDTL? Maybe that's why they aren't as insync as the DCFDTL, cuz you'd think them being related by blood would strength that bond.
Honestly, i just want an AU where they're happy:))
More headcanons:
Lesbian/Gay solidarity and hostility
They are the entire Evelyn Evelyn album(or not idk, havent listen to it in awhile)
If they ever do end up being undelightfulized, they'd have vastly different asthetics out of spite. Not sure which ones yet
They'd marathon Saturday morning cartoons to get the full childhood experience!!
They consider the DCFDTL sort like cousins, a familial connection is there at least
They're presumed missing, so they live alone in a house bought by Father. They're able to split the chores usually, but the Brother is the better cook between them, so the sister just does the dishes.
Alternatively they also live in Father's mansion, but because they keep falling out of windows at comical heights, they're in bed rest planning their next schemes, therefore more out the way
If they got turned into animals, they'd probably be panthers or owls idk
(Lord save me it's nearly 1am on a school might xmsb)
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gizkasparadise · 8 months
thoughts as i watch the last ep of devil's plan. spoilers up to the last ep below (havent watched the final game yet!):
i wasnt into orbit's whole thing from the get-go and at the end...i am still not into orbit's whole thing. didnt like how dong joo got eliminated because of his bad play, either
siwon and seokjin writing their own kdrama ending, bless lol. actors going to act. alexa, play something by gummy @ their reunion
seungkwan seems like such a sweetheart and i really felt for him during that pokergame. you know he knew how to solve it but the time pressure got to him
related: SEVEN FUCKING HOURS OF DOING MATH EQUATIONS?! kill me i'd go all in on round 2 just to be free that would emotionally break me
lol i loved kyungrim's energy in that pokermatch. just. nah. see you guys~
i didnt hate joon bin as much as everyone else :'D. he had a brand and that's what he was there for ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ him crying at kyungrim's elimination was a good moment of authenticity from him and it made me v sad
IM SO BUMMED that the games where yeonwoo wouldve dominated HAPPEND AFTER HER ELIMINATION i think she was the one contestant where she was just abysmally unlucky vs. a bad player
what in the haunted house dystopian hell @ that secret game in the dungeon??
also LOL at seokjin just angling the tea kettle after yeonwoo and seungkwan had so much angst over pouring the water
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol 1 Thoughts
I'll keep my review spoiler free, except for 4 pieces of official art found in the first volume! So if you want more detailed thoughts, let me know, but it'll mostly be incoherent screaming about it all lol
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I've seen the Untamed already which was the censored live action adaption for these books and loved it, so while I know things will be different, as it is with any adaption, I do know the basic premises for the whole story already. And while I knew the show was censored, I was still caught slightly off guard with all the extra added gayness we got ALREADY in the first volume! I LOVED THE CHARACTERS. SO MUCH. They are just so *character* and those who get it, get it. Lol
Honestly, I've read all of TGCF (that's been released so far) and bow vol 1 for this series and I think this one might end up being my favorite (i havent read SVSSS yet for full disclosure AND i say this, but i still LOVE TGCF, all the books were 4 to 5 star reads there too). And probably because I think I'll end up liking the characters more. Drunk Lan Zhan also had me BLUSHING!!! It felt like at its most basic premise, it was 2 friends (who really also love each other but aren't together yet) going on an adventure to solve a mystery while we also happen to just keep having only one bed! 😏
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Not to mention it's got some incredibly bad ass characters, well timed flashbacks to give us information about how we got where we are. Fun dialougue, even if the writing isnt perfect and the translated style takes getting used to. Also I can already tell this will be a good read about processing and dealing with grief and guilt and the aftermath of war and how sometimes, the battles aren't over even after the war is. They just look different. And did I mention how badass they all are too?!
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But also like, the romance? God kill me now, it's so angsty and slow burn and delicious 😍😍😍
Volume 1 an already incredible 5 star read for me personally. The illustrations help too!
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
Its always a joy to see an update from your fic and I do hope this one treats you better than the last and that youre well!
I havent quite read through the latest chapter yet, but I remembered a question Id forgotten to send. Some time ago you answered a different ask I believe wanting to know what would happen if Leo were to ask Draxum to join them. I think you said Draxum would have refused him, but obviously he didnt do that with Raph and so Im wondering, what was different? Would he have still refused Leo had he beaten Raph to the punch or would Draxum have accepted Leo in this time since they had the collars at the ready?
Hope you have a great rest of your day!
Thank you! In general readership went way down when I moved from Book 1 to 2, but it worked itself back up. Not to the point doth was at in the last few chapters, but better. It's plummeted again, but I'm hoping it'll pick back up like it did for Book 2. (otherwise, I'm not really sure what's happening, other than people getting fatigued? Did a bunch of people stop reading because of Raph doing his stupid thing?)
Clarification: Draxum would have initially refused him. Leo would have had to sell himself, and really make a good case for it because Draxum would have been very resistant to the idea. But that's the sort of thing Leo really excels at. So I don't think it's out of the question that he'd succeed. He'd just really have to nail it in one go.
I mean, a couple reasons. A major one being that Draxum really doesn't like Leo. Leo is overwhelmingly the one poking the sword in Draxum's side, he's loud and disobedient and Draxum thinks he doesn't take anything seriously. He's come to realize what a mastermind strategist Leo is, but honestly that just makes him hate him more because Leo is usually strategizing against him. He hates how fanatically devoted he is to bringing his twin back, he hates that he can't just kill Leo or beat him to a pulp. And he hates that on some level, he still thinks to himself "in another life he'd be my son."
But the main factor in all this is the way Draxum views Raph. Draxum glorifying Raph's size and strength is a huge theme here and it goes back to the table chapters. Raph was the only other turtle he seriously considered taking besides Donnie, and even though he ultimately decided against it due to the difficulties of holding him, it always bothered him that he still technically didn't get everything he wanted. Logically, he knows that Raph's fighting prowess could be replicated-Tigerclaw isn't one of his mutants, but he's proof that Draxum could easily obtain other powerful mutants that came willingly to his cause and were far more loyal.
The problem being that Draxum, as much as he pretends he's not, is very sentimental. He planned to raise the turtles themselves, both as warriors and people, and especially now with how close he's grown to Galois he thinks more and more about what life could have been had Lou Jitsu not kidnapped them. It wasn't just having a super elite warrior at his beck and call, it was the thought of having this massive, extremely powerful mutant warrior and being able to call him his. He considers both Donatello and Raphael to have been his masterwork-and he can't even take full credit for Donnie because it wasn't his intention to make him a genius. It drove him crazy not to have his masterpiece by his side, and even if he can't admit to creating Raph now he still knows Raphael was his work. He feels very smug about that.
Another thing is going back to the risk vs rewards thing. The reason Draxum didn't kidnap Raph along with Donnie was because he'd be physically impossible to control, but with Raph submitting willingly (and having a shock collar that could paralyze him on command) that was much less of a concern. But Raph, as strong and powerful as he is, is also...not very bright. Like, he absolutely has good problem-solving skills, and while he's not on Leo or Mikey's level he is emotionally intelligent. But there's no way he could outsmart Draxum, and he's also aware of his own limits enough to know not to try. A shock collar and the threat of instant death is enough to subdue him.
It would not be enough for Leo. Even if Draxum didn't think Leo could outsmart him outright, he'd still try. His attempts could be destructive, and he'd likely be forced to hurt or even kill Leo in retaliation. Which he wouldn't consider a breach of his promise to Donatello, since Leo would have initiated the entire thing and agreed upon those conditions, but agreeing to Leo's proposal knowing it would most likely end with Draxum killing him wasn't really in the spirit of the promise. And again, part of him still doesn't want to kill Leo. Part of him still understands that he's his son's brother, and they both love the same person even if they're calling him by different names.
Also Raph's proposal addressed a major insecurity of Draxum's, that being the subject of Galois's safety. He's freaked out. He knows he has to let Gale out of the house at some point, but he's terrified of what might happen when he does. 'Giant murder turtle bodyguard' might not solve the problem, but it makes it a whole lot better, and it's done in a way that doesn't make Draxum look like a crazy overprotective father. He might worry about Raph messing with Gale's head, but he knows Raph is still extremely protective of him and would die before he let Gale get hurt. Leo-what could Leo do for him? He wasn't big and intimidating, had already proven that he couldn't protect Galois properly-he's still injured from that event, at this point Draxum would have every reason to believe Leo's lack of mobility is permanent. It just wouldn't be worth the risk.
In short: Draxum knew he really shouldn't take any turtle up on that offer. It was a stupid decision, and it went against what he promised Donatello. But Raph did the equivalent of dangling a piece of meat in front of him and Draxum was practically salivating the second Raph knelt before him.
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patriciaisaisa · 1 year
my thoughts on synecdoche new york, contains spoilers, and it all relates to me, my life experiences. its not the "correct" interpretation, the "studied" interpretation of anything. tho i dont believe there is a correct one. this is all very subjective. all that i read and watch leads me back to my life. this is no exception.
it took me a few hours maybe a day to realize what it was exactly, to pinpoint why kaufman had reached his hands inside my chest. what paths did he use. i realized, this representation of life feels as panicked and as suffocating as my life feels to me. from the time passing so fast and unnoticeably, to the mystery illness and no answers from doctors on what is gonna happen, to all the relationships, to the trying to understand other people, to houses on fire, untamed minds, to outside perspectives of the self, to dying and awareness of it aproaching until the cold death itself, not merciful, no that would be too good. just death. ending. cease of existence. doesn't solve anything, doesnt bring on any problems. it simply is. all these making for an absolutely unbearable time alive.
one of the things that kept nagging at me was the constant renaming of the play. he kept trying up to the last moments, to try and rewrite it. convinced that maybe this time it will work. maybe this time he will get to show it to the public. maybe this time I'll know how to live, the other ways havent worked but this one surely will. I'll make it right, I'll make it true, i swear i can make it good. if you just give me some more time. don't kill me off yet i swear i can do better. only for the film to end just as he thought of another way to write it. you dont get unlimited chances. he died without achieving it. because of course there is no "right way" there is no perfect title, no perfectly written play, there is no perfection in the act of living life. you can't keep chasing something that doesn't exist, but you can't help but do it anyways. because what else are you gonna do?
the house cleaning caden insists on doing, a source of a certain kind of comfort for him, it feels all too familiar, not in a literal sense nothing here is literal is it? its a fucking poem. the way i can never let go of people. the way i constantly dive inside my mind and take residence in the memories of people that i no longer have in my life or i still do but the circumstances have changed. i always go back to the places we went. there's much comfort in living in the past when you cannot handle the future. i would say it is not recommended though. seeing as living your life inside your head might be a tad unhealthy. and yet i keep doing it. i keep picking at the same wounds. i can't help myself. i am right where people leave me. i never move on. i am right there.
that also ties into the hiring of an actor to play himself. the actor has followed him his whole life. i thought of it as a sort of mask, something that was always inside of you and that you are finally going to let come out and play, live your life for you. a little deception to make it easier. but also the constant reliving of just lived scenarios is enough to send someone spiraling. it feels like a desperate attempt at understanding. understanding other people and their reactions, understanding yourself and why you say certain things, why you act the way you do, where you went wrong. this sort of mental nitpicking i also need to quit. but it all comes from confusion. all this is just desperate confusion. this attempt, however misguided, of trying to understand other people, to make sense of life. this feels all too familiar. it's just perfect, he is pathetic and sick and dying, just like me.
in the end the complete relinquishing of control, a bittersweet act. something i wish to do as well. to no longer be weighed down by the burden of existence but still alive, at the low low price of handing over your free will. a price i am not willing to pay. at least not yet. after that his life seems restful? he looks miserable but he has looked miserable the whole time. it's boring i guess? that's the bad part? life is fun because it is insane. is it worth it to give that up for calmness? for peace? he's not happy, he simply is. but it does seem he might have reached either a deep level of contentment or he has simply given up. why the two look so similar to me i dont know. might be that i cannot imagine an end to all of this. to be content and no longer strive for anything is terrifying. a certain kind of death to me. just like giving up.
after watching this film it has immediately jumped to be my favorite. i could keep writing about this for days but i do have other shit to do unfortunately
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k1ngj0ve · 1 year
Random Metalocalypse headcanons
Nathan: I think hes bisexual (but hides it), is deeply emotional, likes and is kind to children but doesnt want any of his own (hopes someone else will have kids he can dote on), the only instrument he plays is piano (but not super well), is straight up the only one here who is actually A Goth, is deeply deeply insecure, has accidentally become a 'can only solve problems with threats' type due to that being how he dealt with bullying. Also he has ALWAYS had vaguelly prophetic dreams since childhood, but cant tell them apart from regular ones and cant always tell if they are good or bad, so he only sometimes does what they say
Skwisgaar: i made a long post about this previously but he has complete dylexia and due to his intense anxiety and his moms general belittling of mistakes he actually is WAY worse at english than it seems like he is and he sort of just muddles through and pretends. His english is much worse when hes thinking about it, which the others noticed, which is why they rarely correct anything he says because hell go silent for 3 days. Also hes bisexual (openly before being in Dethklok) and yes he IS some kind of god child but he probably WASNT appointed for the soul purpose of making babies Toki: not stupid! not 'mind of a child'. Just immature. I headcanon that he was not of-age when he joined Dethklok and someone in Dethklok (i havent decided who is funniest yet) had to legally adopt him to keep him in the country and they kinda forgot. He only hit 21 in season 1 and while he HAD been drinking before that he really started going overboard after it got easier. Also, skwisgaar taught him english (hence same pluralization quirk) but hes now much better at it. Despite his comments about 'superior scandinavian education' he didnt actually go to school and didnt learn to read or write until he was older, but hes very good with computer codes and math. ALSO his parents arent his real parents, he was thought to be a demon child born to a member of the flock with no husband and was adopted to be 'fixed' but ended up just goign towards demonic things since he thinks hes a demon. Is it true? idk. Murderface: Gay but also in-universe many many many many people are attracted to him. Hot people. Movie stars. gay men especially. Refuses to admit hes gay because it feels like 'giving in' to a thing that everyones always said about him. He grew up in Tomahawk with pickles but doesnt have the accent because he took after his grandparents. PIckles mom refuses to admit she knows murderface. ALSO that 'murderface expert' guy is making up at least half of that. he does bath he just has like skin problems and is too impatient to deal with them and too anxious about being made fun of to go to the doctor about minor issues like athletes foot. Hes in a secret highly emotional online relationship with a guy hes only seen in person once because of insecurity reasons
Pickles: trans or cis depending on my mood at the moment ;p Bisexual and knows it but doesnt knwo the word for it. A lot of health problems hes been diagnosed with but he always forgets about. Wears contacts (or just chooses to be blind some days). He is NOT Mollys son, actually, hes Calverts from a mistress which is why his mom hates him so much (also why his dad said he belonged in a 'garbage can', hes referencing that he wishes pickles mom had an abortion). yes of COURSE hes in love with nathan, he just like assumes its not possible and 99% of the time is okay with that. Ofdenson: for some reason i had a misunderstanding for many years that he had ALWAYS been part of the church of the black klok and so even now that i know its not true, i still prefer it. To me, this is why he is so fucking negligent-- in some way the klokateers and audiences must be a blood sacrifice for the apocalypse (or potentially to stave it off? unclear). Additionally he is largely responsible for the entire 'look' of the enterprise. I simply dont believe that half the shit in mordland were ever seen by dethklok or could even possibly have been conceived of by them, let alone asked for. My headcanon is he is the one that started the entire 'branding of the gears' thing and is responsible for the brainwashing (this i think has canon support at least)
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comvi · 3 months
personal sona/plurality thoughts..
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ive always had a hard time creating a set sona for myself because: from being many creatures & having many kintypes, to plurality & general neurodivergence, etc etc. I can never decide a set look, personality, aesthetic, and so on for myself
i want to make myself a simple sona that can change forms/whatever else you would call it (but distinctly not a shapeshifting way), so that i can incorporate all of these into my design. but then i just struggle again with finding a “main form”, and whatnot for my sona lol
for most people with this/a similar issue, ive seen them mostly solve it by make their sona(s) have their most prominent/common traits as their default, and ive tried this!! I really have!! But, it just doesnt work for me
my plurality (though, i really dont call it by that name much anymore, i just, am this way??. i guess?) makes it all especially more hard, because my relationship with it is so, weird?.. strange? ..i dont know
im trying to think of a way to describe my experience with it, and whats coming up the most for me right now is that: im not really made up of multiple people, per say. its more like we are many personalities, identities, shards and parts formed together, to make one big thing. we arent all completely separate individuals, yet at the same time, we arent not separate individuals.
its really weird? To me, but through all the years ive been aware of it, i havent been able to come to any set conclusions of how to deal with it. i guess its just another weird feature of being a weird creature… or something like that…!
if you read this all, thats cool… a pikachu for ur troubles :3
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just-mushroom-thoughts · 10 months
Fallen souls
Chapter 1: all is w(h)ell
Michael fell.
He expected to fall, of course, seeing as he jumped into a pit. He should of thought it through, but no-one would ever accuse him of thinking before acting.
He had to jump. Had to... he owed it to him- to them.
Michael coughed as the wind was knocked out of him as he hit the ground, hard. He would bruise to be sure, but he was otherwise unharmed.
Michael layed there, just breathing a moment.
Once he caught his breath, he stood, looking for an exit.
As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he found a door, large even to michal who wasnt small by any means, which he cautiously approached.
On the other side, even the light from the hole he fell through didnt reach, leaving the room pitch black.
Michael sneezes at the amount of dust in the room
"Seems no-one has cleaned up in here for a while" he jokes to himself
Continueing towards a distant light, he emerges into a well light room.
He notes that there are coloums holding the ceiling up, and six large buttons on the floor, four of which are pressed.
Next to the door, a note is pinned, held to the frame by a toy knife thats been stabbed into the wall.
The writing looks rushed, like it was written in a panic and it read:
" if you are reading this, you havent evacuated yet, you either didnt get the evacuation order, or just got here, either way you need to make your way out of the ruins, before They find you
Come find me in snowdin,
"Before... who find m-"
Michael was cut of by the sound of metal scraping on stone, approaching fast.
Michael ducked behind one of the pillars.
The scraping passes by the pillar, michael peeks out to see what it was, only to see the back of a large blue rabbit animatronic
"Bonnie?" Michael whispers " how is he here?"
As the mechanical mascot moves on, michael stays hidden for several minuets to be safe, before moving on to a long hallway. He notes that part of the floor is discolored in a specific path, at the end of the hall, is several spikes, a path through which have been plowed down, seems bonnie just mowed them down
Past the spikes is a room with several flipped switches on the wall... odd.
Michael moves onwards, past solved puzzle after puzzle finding odd dusty coins on the ground, eventually he finds a web with a sign hung in it:
"Spider bake sale!
Closed from lack of stock
Donations needed"
He drops some of the coins in the web and heads onward.
He eventually finds the front of a house, built into the cavern, no way around. He'll have to go through.
As he gets closer he sees that a large tree has been pushed to block the door.
He tries to move it, but michael is more than a little out of shape, and the tree is more than a little heavy.
Michael eventually gives up on moving the tree, kicking it and saying
" who needs to use a door, doors are too pede-"
Hes cut of by scraping of metal on stone,
He needs to go.
He picks up a stone, tossing it through a window, before sprinting for it.
He makes it to the frame but bonnie is catching up.
He starts to climb in, he's safe!
He pauses just inside the window to breath.
When he feels a sharp pain as bonnies metal fingers grab into his shoulder.
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abyssal-cryptid · 1 year
Still more thoughts about Tears of the Kingdom (SPOILERS! like seriously. in this one)
I love this game
So much
I had to find a guy for a quest but was like
"Im going to check out this well first"
Alao the brown breakable rock break with one hit, blue with two and black with three
Matches the bombs it takes to break them
Tulin, whose village is dying, watching me search for pretty clothing
"Link please my family is dying Link we have to go Link"
The frostbite set is stunning
Finally a hairdo that lets Link have long hair
I hate the Sages
Not really but my god did they make their AI absolute trash
Theyre always in the way except when you need them to solve a puzzle
And if you have more than one Avatar present good luck getting the one you need
Not as much as I hated Queen Gibdo but
Why was crossing a spider and scorpion necessary
"Brave Fledgling"  what if I cried
Tulin is so good
So is this making it canon that the time 10 000 years ago was still after every other game
I dont know the timeline is weird
But if there was both Zora and Rito at the time of Rauru
This is so confusing
Ive both heard and seen Rauru sacrifice himself multiple times now can these dead Sages give me new info
Zelda my beloved
Marry me please
Also so the only other Demon King we have ever had was Demise so is Ganondorf him or after him
The Sage calls Tulin "my brave fledgling"
Someone call me something so loving one day
Tulin is so excited to be a Sage
He is so happy to fight alongside Link
Hes so happy to save the world
I love him
What a boy
Boys will be boys is from now on only about Tulin
Shortest Hylian
I got a third ring
Bring a gerudo bow to this boss fight if you can it makes life so much easier
I havent been to Death Mountain at all yet
Done all other Temples and fully mapped Hyrule before ever going near Gorons
The extra snow melted
REVALI IM SO PROUD OF OUR BOY *shakes the ghost of Revali*
Was already my least favorite in BOTW
But now he is a major asshole too
Fuck that
Im not helping him
Im gonna go blow up his company
If this guy becomes a Sage I swear
I'll drown him in Death Mountain myself
The ember headdress is probably the best headpiece in the entire game
The Ember set is genuinely the best set
Its so pretty
Im gonna go see what these look like dyed
After that beating up Yunobo
But fashion comes first
I love Cece
She is the only person matching my love of fashion in this game
I just realised why the evil Zelda is wearing Zonai clothes
Or maybe Im dumb
"Oh Yunobo was wearing a mask making him evil" no Yunobo is just like that
This sucks I hate everything to do with Death Mountain
Worst place
I have to use the machines AND GO TO THE DEPTHS??? NOOO
Nintendo you will be hearing from my lawyers
When I die Im going to ask Rauru wtf were the Zonai doing in the depths
No because if youre going to have a cutscene and then make a second cutscene three steps further just fucking make it one cutscene
Yunobo is a "young little rock"
Left that for now
Found Champions leathers
Found Royal Guard boots??
They were in the king's study
King's diary wasnt there so like is it canon Zelda was able to read it?
Misko was a good guy actually, hiding all these clothes for me
Me, in the depths: I wonder where this strange Sheikah tower leads
The Yiga hideout in Akkala:
The only ancient sheikah tech still working is Hateno Tech Lab travel point
I spent some time in the depths and FOUND THE ANCIENT CENTRAL MINE
Fought Kohga
Finally the shrine censor
And travel medallion? You treat me so well
Already had that prototype
Badass feeling
Omg Robbie's compendium database is so cute
Got all three upgrades immediatly
Fully stocked purah pad
I like to kill the hebra great game because they drop gourmet and prime meat and cooking those and they sell for a good price
Horse and bullet time
Many coins
Zelda's memories are so sad
Been giving my friends a fashion show of my favorite clothing
I am again so gay for Sonia and Zelda
My god
I am sobbing crying screaming
Im so upset
Zelda being the light dragon is so unfair for her
She deserved happiness and freedom
Not losing her humanity and personhood
I went into the strange thunder cloud
Why is it taking me into the depths
Not again
Alright Sage of Spirit
I'll make your mech suit for you
That took a while
But owl head statue
Mineru my beloved
Oh.my god this is hell
Worst part of this game so far
Im leaving this temple also undone I DONT CARE THIS FUCKING SUCKS
I hate it
Fuck this
Why do game devs come up with shitty awful bad as hell stuff to do in their games AND MAKE THAT MANDATORY
I just quit the game no lie
Fuck that
I did it and I was being dramatic, it wasnt that hard
Mineru is so goddamn gorgeous
They designed this game for me specifically
I should get back to drawing furries
Mineru holding my hand which is her brother's hand
Mineru I love her
I have not beaten Fire Temple yet
I just cant
Darkness and puzzles and fire
Also dont like Yunobo
I feel so bad for Mineru
Zelda :(
Why doesnt Link get a secret stone
Where did Zelda's special stone come from when its a time stone and Ganon stole Sonia's time stone
Mineru I will not go get the Master Sword
Demon Ganon is hot idc
Ganon: "Link. I look forward to meeting him" goes into slumber
Damn all of Rauru disintergrated but his hand
I have to find the light dragon
The dragons dont have schedules in this apparently
Mineru so was in love w Zelda
Everyone is putting too much weight on Link's shoulders
Fine I'll finish the fire temple
*2 hours later* I hate it here
I did scam those puzzles as much as I could
Worst puzzles
Worst boss too
Marbled gohma
Fucking awful
I nearly died about 11 times
Rip my food storages
I really need to cook more
Special stone for Yunobo booo
Little rock is adorable pet name tho
Ancestor Goron is fine af
Ive heard this story four times now
Fucking hell cant we get anything new
Someone give me a 200k word fanfic where Ganon awakens but is not evil
I need Ganon Zelda Link friendship
End the cycle
Watching Brian David Gilbert and Unraveleds rn
We have established this is not a PG channel
Ok fine I like Yunobo
Daruk was better tho
Ive found most memories why cant I say anything to these people about thats not Zelda
I know Zelda is the light dragon
Running around Hyrule Castle for 'Zelda'
About to do bossfight w Ganon
Can I do a flurry rush? No
I just hit or die
Life is like that
No clever tactiques just caveman brain and trying
Evil "Zelda" is fun
Why is Ganon like one of those movie posters here
Why is he still not rehydrated
Ganon I have dick to suck hurry up
"You will not live to see another sunrise" Ganon the sun is rising rn
Woo Phantom Ganons
Fuck yeah
Lets see if I can kill them aka can I finally take on Gloom Hands (I wont)
Ganon's so arrogant
Not Lynels
Still the hardest enemy in game
Ok so if youve found Mineru and have the Master Sword already, the convo after the fake Ganon fight Purah goes "Youve already found the fifth sage? AND you have the master sword? Why didnt you say so before"
Usually youd get quests for those
It was funny
Why is the limit of horses I can have ten ::((
The Charged shirt is actually so so slutty I love it
So I finally cleared The Deku Tree's little stomach bug
And like it is so funny how easy the Gloom Hands and Phantom Ganon become when youre in late game
I was sweating about it and then it was so easy
And Im bad at combat
Ok not to brag but I killed a white lynel. First time ever. Also first time ever I killed a lynel without Urbosa's help
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