#having a n*zi boyfriend
fairyofthehollow · 6 months
“i can’t think of anyone more deserving of person of the year than taylor”
think harder.
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
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c.ai bot request google form
ミ★ miguel o’hara likes you for awhile now and he can’t help himself around you. he comes to terms with his feelings for and he’ll make it known that he likes you. it is up to you if you’ll accept his feelings or reject him!
✧🜚 miguel o’hara tries to save you from you falling off a building from your demise as you were knocked unconscious by an anomaly. you quite literally pulled a gwen stacy on him.the mission goes south…will he be able to save you? it is up to you
𖨆𒊹︎ miguel o’hara is a very famous basketball player who plays for the webber’s for nueva york! you’re in a secret relationship with him as he keeps you away from the spotlight. you’re fed up with being kept as a secret so you talk to him about making the relationship exclusive. will he listen to you or not?
ఌꨄ miguel o’hara is a rich geneticist who works for alchemax and also a sugar daddy. he’s a billionaire so he’s loaded with $$$, and you’re just a broke college student desperate for money. miguel wants to spoil the perfect sugar baby as he’s very wealthy yet lonely. you come across his profile and both miguel and you click. you both decide to meet each other at a restaurant in NYC. what will happen next? will he make you his sugar baby?
☹︎㋛ miguel o’hara and you just lost your precious daughter, gabriella. miguel became cold and bitter even angrier and you became a recluse, a homebody. your marriage may be in thin ice…both of you heartbroken over the lost of your daughter. will miguel be able to open up to you or not?
🜸🜚 miguel o’hara is a famous actor where the whole world has his eyes on him. he’s an a-list celebrity and well you are an aspiring and upcoming actor. you debuted in your first ever movie with miguel o’hara. you’re his co-star. luckily to you, the movie did numbers and made you become quite famous. the lines of acting and reality blur, and you and him seem to actually fall for each other! what happens next? who makes the move first?
ミ★ hobie brown as your boyfriend! you’re the only non-spider person who knows about his secret, him being spider punk.
✫彡 pavitr prabhakar had saved you from a building collapsing on top of you and ever since then you and him have stayed connected. after awhile that friendship blossomed into a relationship where now you and him are dating.
ミ★ miles morales and you are childhood besties! you both share everything together even your silly little secrets. you both attend the same high school together, but one day you go to visit him at his dorm room. you knocked waiting for him to open up but you didn’t hear anything so you opened the door…unbeknownst to you-you find out he’s spider-man?!?! how will he react?? how will you react?!
✫彡 spider-man noir is a private investigator and well a spider-man. you’re his personal assistant who assists him in all his cases and missions during the 1930s. his goal is to fight the bad guys and the n*zis. will you get even closer to him over time or not??
ミ★ the spot had taken you hostage taking you to god knows where!? he may look like a fool but don’t underestimate him. he’s a super villain and sadistic in a way. he torments you and such. you try your best to escape him, as your mission failed. what will you do? what will he do to you? will you be able to evade him and defeat him once and for all??
a/n: i take requests <3 much love 💗
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
[A/N: in my defense, I did say I was becoming a DiNozzo simp 🙃]
Ziva wadded up an old draft of a report that she was about to shred, opting instead to beam it at Tony’s forehead to gain his attention. The grin on his face melted away as his eyes narrowed in her direction, and he barked out a playful, “What?”
“What is it that you are smiling at over there?”
“A text.”
“A friend.”
“Not just a friend,” Abby chimed in from her spot at McGee’s desk, propping her chin on her hands as she batted her eyelashes in Tony’s direction.
“Oh?” That piqued Tim’s interest, and he pulled his attention away from the screen where he was testing a new program to optimize one of Abby’s many search parameters. “Are you seeing someone, Tony?”
“Yeah, McProbie,” the senior agent grinned, brewing up a facetious response. “Your sister.”
Rolling his eyes, McGee shot back, “You wish. She’s too smart for you.”
“Children!” Gibbs barked as he rounded the corner. The three agents scrambled to appear busy, shuffling papers around and clamoring over one another with updates on their supposed productivity this morning. Silencing them all with a mere glance, Gibbs continued, “If you’re done dishing about your social lives, we’ve got a dead Marine in Rock Creek Park.”
“I do not believe that you have a girlfriend,” Ziva stated matter-of-factly, pulling open the van doors to gather the crime scene kit.
“Well, believe it, Zi-va,” Tony retorted, the two syllables popping off his tongue in that infuriating way only he could do, “because it’s true. Here, watch my eyeballs when I say it: I have a girlfriend. What does your Mossad training tell you about that statement, huh?”
“That you are telling the truth,” she huffed back, eyes narrowed. “But if that is the case then how are you not gloating about your sex escapes all the time?”
“Sexcapades,” DiNozzo corrected automatically.
“Whatever. Why not?”
Tony shrugged, trying to control the blush threatening to creep across his cheeks. “Because.”
McGee unzipped the camera bag and slung the device around his neck as he caught the senior field agent’s eye with a teasing grin. “Because he really likes her! Tony’s in love.”
“Shut it, McGoob,” Tony growled out, slamming the van doors shut and stalking off to find Gibbs at the primary crime scene.
“Look at that, Ziva,” Tim sighed dramatically as they watched their colleague walk away, “our boy’s all grown up.”
“How was your day today, babe?” You flipped back to the diagram on venous circulation in your anatomy textbook, wiggling your fingers in an invitation for your boyfriend to join you on his bed. He heaved a dramatic sigh before stretching out across the comforter, laying his head against your thigh. “Don’t ask.”
Your fingers automatically went to brush through his short hair, freshly wet from his post-work shower. “Tough case?”
“What’d I just say?” he teased, reaching up to tweak your nose and eliciting a sheepish giggle from you. “It’s not the case, it’s my colleagues. They found out about you today and now they’re probing for more.”
“So tell them,” you offered easily. “My friends at school know about you.”
“Oh yeah?” His voice grew a touch huskier and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“Oh yeah,” you whispered. “I tell them all about your big, thick d…ura mater. For that big ol’ brain of yours.”
He groaned your name in frustration and you laughed, pleased with yourself, until his eyes shot open and you saw that green had faded to black. You held your book up in defense and tried to quell your now racing heart. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t. I have to study! I swear- don’t you even-”
He shut you up with a gentle kiss that quickly turned more desperate. Taking the textbook from your hands, he set it on the bedside table and tugged your shirt off before molding his lips back to yours, mumbling, “You need to study anatomy? Let’s get you some hands on experience.”
Tony strutted into the bullpen the next morning, greeting his teammate with an uncharacteristic smile given the fact that the sun had yet to rise. “McProbius. How was your night?”
Tim’s face twisted into one of confusion as he answered, “Uh, fine. Uneventful. How was yours?”
“Why, thank you for asking,” Tony grinned despite intentionally prompting the exchange. “My night was absolutely incredible.”
Ziva dropped her coat on the back of her chair and smirked knowingly at DiNozzo. Crossing her arms, she stated, “You had sex. Good sex, I am guessing, from the way you are gloating right now.”
“Not just good,” Tony clarified. “Amazing. Mind blowing. Since you two are so interested, my girlfriend’s a med student-”
“Hey, so is my little sister!” McGee cut in excitedly. “At Georgetown?”
“Yes, now hush. Anyway, when I tell you that she knows her way around male anatomy which is truly a testament to just how hard she studies. So diligent. Doctors are amazing, and we should appreciate them more.”
Tim and Ziva exchanged curious looks, then turned to see the reason behind the sudden shift in conversation standing behind them. A chorus of greetings- slightly too loud- poured from the three agents’ mouths as they all but ran to their desks to continue working on their current case.
“His desk is right over there,” the security guard gestured in the general vicinity, and you thanked her with a smile before making your way through the bullpen bustling with midday activity.
An older man in a tan suit approached as you neared the section the guard had pointed out, a soft smile on his face despite the gruffness in his voice. “Can I help you?”
“She’s here for me,” two voices in unison confidently rang out, and you peeked around the man you assumed to be Gibbs to find the source of the sound.
“Easy, McGeek,” Tony chuckled as he rose from his desk. “Unless she’s the suspect you’ve been theorizing about all day, I’ll take it from here.”
“Uh, I think you should take it easy considering you have a girlfriend, Tony,” Tim shot back, brows furrowed. “She’s my sister.”
“But that’s- she’s-” Tony stumbled over his words while Ziva leaned back in her chair, laughing to herself as she connected the dots with a giddily mumbled, “This is the best day ever.”
Both men pointed accusatory fingers at you, fighting to be heard.
“You said you were studying last night!” “Your last name isn’t McGee!”
“Woah,” you held up your hands in defense, trying to calm the situation. “I was studying last night,” you directed the response to your older brother, then turned to your boyfriend, “and we have two different dads. How come you two have never mentioned each other?”
“He is Probie,” Tony clarified, as Tim mumbled, “He’s DoucheNozzle.”
“Hey!” you and Tony cried out.
“Hey!” Gibbs mocked you all, jingling a set of car keys in the middle of your heated circle. “Boyfriend and brother, go pick up our suspect. Figure this out when I have my killer behind bars.”
Sufficiently chastened, they each pressed a kiss to one of your cheeks while glowering over your head at the other man. As they made their way over to the elevator- clearly bickering from the looks of it- Ziva approached you gleefully. “They will either bond over their love for you in that car, or you will end up single and an only child. Also, hi, Ziva David.”
“Y/N,” you supplied in kind, taking her proffered hand.
“What inspired this visit, anyway?”
“Oh,” you laughed, shaking your head. “I came to tell them I passed my anatomy exam with flying colors.”
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loremaster · 7 months
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I had actually drawn a few more things than could fit within the 30-image-per-post limit. Here are the ones that didn't make the cut, with commentary!
(tw: mild animal abuse, n*zi mention, suggestive themes)
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Zilch's animal companions. I named Carmina Burana and Tortellini, Gucci and Bosch were named by my friends - though Bosch was supposed to be called Hieronymus, it just didn't fit on the nametag lol
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I wanted to illustrate some examples of Zilch casually mistreating/neglecting the animals but this was as far as I got. I don't think he would be a full on animal abuser, just... the type of person who likes having a bunch of pets to show off but doesn't really think about properly caring for them. He likes the aesthetics of animals much more than the logistics.
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This was gonna be the chapter cover and I forgot. Oops.
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This was just practice drawing the church characters from their sprites.
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Zilch: I must say, it's an unexpected pleasure to run into another kindred spirit around here. I'm Zilch~
This scene was actually cut deliberately. I drew it before I decided exactly what the Nun's issue with Zilch would be and then once I did, I felt like it didn't fit anymore. Zilch is still excited to see someone else with ears and tail like him, but in the final version, he's a lot more derisive about it.
I imagine the Nun is, like, an actual animal-human hybrid whereas Zilch is a furry with a wallet that can afford bioengineered bodymods. (One day, my friends... one day...)
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Zilch being flippant and Halara being dismissive/tsundere. Couldn't really find a place to put it but I still like the drawing - even if I did accidentally give Zilch human ears.
By the way, you might notice Zilch hasn't been wearing his cap. There are two reasons. One is to show off that his ears aren't actually connected to it. If I had the time to go back and redraw the prologue with him wearing it - so Halara's "holy fuck" reaction makes more sense here - I would. (Not really worth trying to fix though, not until the rest of the story is done.)
But the other reason is that upon looking closer at Zilch's original design, I thought it was a little too evocative of Nazi imagery and wasn't really comfortable with it. It's not really the same style of hat, sure, but combined with the swastikas in his eyes??? yeah no way is that not intentional. (I redesigned his eye symbols to be catlike slit pupils instead.)
I get he (or, the hitman, I guess) is supposed to be a villain, and a minor one, in the original game... but here I'm gonna flesh him out a bit more. So I guess in that sense the removal of the hat symbolizes his growth as a character beyond his terrible awful fascist upbringing lol (more on that in the Gumshoe Gabs soon)
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If I were making this an actual game it would be fun to have Yuma get a fun little added gameplay element of using Zilch's Forte like he does with Halara's. He gets some little animal friends!!!
I imagined Zilch would ask to be carried, but Halara won't do it without getting paid an exorbitant amount. And then Zilch forks over the cash on the spot. Yuma screams internally. If he had that the whole time why were they even trying to negotiate over the coat???!? Why does he still have his own debt to pay if Zilch could just cover the whole thing up front????
Halara has to pretend not to be enthusiastic about this opportunity.
Shinigami is... there, I guess.
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Martina my wife driving around her little parasite of a boyfriend. Ms Electro please call me
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Was originally gonna have Seth say that out loud but then I remembered he doesn't want to lose his job. (It's okay, he loses it anyway.)
(Also yes this is pre-Vivia-DLC.)
And then the mystery is solved!
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Zilch feels indebted to Halara for saving him from the Nail Man, and wants to follow their example, turn it around, treat his animals better... his act of goodwill here is extremely performative, though. But, hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere!
Ultimately I cut this scene after coming up with the cat bed idea. (Was very tempted to have Halara cruelly taking the coat from the boy, but just decided to skip it instead.)
So Zilch kinda idolizes Halara now... which is fine... but then the morning after he really lets his simp flag fly.
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Congrats on your furry boyfriend, I guess?????
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A doodle from the margins of this comic way back when.... which finally has a place to belong! \o/
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Zilch's fursona. His "zursona," if you will.
Thanks again for reading! I love everyone's comments in the tags and I'm so glad you all like my version of Zilch especially. Excited to develop him some more in future chapters >:)
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Being Funny In A Foreign Language
Chapter 3- somewhere in your heart/ somewhere guaranteed
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read all other chapters here
A/N: this was weird to write. Let me know what you think.
Warnings: smut? Kinda?
“2:00AM” the digital clock on the wall announced. Matty rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, a small cappuccino in his hand, sighing loudly as he entered the rehearsal space.
The sound of his echoing footsteps and the smell of his coffee alerted Tobias to his arrival promoting him to rustle through some documents to locate Matty’s copy of the setlist.
“Yo,” Matty mumbled a general greeting around the room intended for all attendants. “Where’s Amelia?”, scanning over the setlist that Tobias had handed him.
Tobias sighed, knowing where this conversation was headed. He looked up at Patricia, who sat on the couch in the middle of the stage, scribbling notes into her notepad. She shrugged.
“She’s out with her boyfriend.” Tobias replied, cautiously. “And, Matthew, I know this is going to make you feel things. But can we please focus on this?”
Matty’s face deceptively hid the way that the word ‘boyfriend’ had shattered his heart. He took a long sip of his beverage. “Yeah. Okay. Focusing on this.” He said, calmly, his eyes fixed on the work presented to him.
He tried to keep his thoughts on the task at hand, but the empty chair where he’d expected Amelia to be sitting felt as if it was mocking him. Like it knew that the cup of coffee in his hand was intended for her. It made his stomach turn.
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to change any of the visual backdrop along with the setlist so….i’ve prepared some options just in case…” Tobias attempted to begin the meeting, but, even as he spoke, it was clear to him that Matty’s mind was elsewhere. “Matty? Thoughts?”
“What?” Matty seemed startled. He cleared his throat aggressively. “Yes, anyway” straightening the setlist in his hand. “Right. Okay, so, we have a gap where ‘Then Because She Goes’ originally was,” Matty mumbled, more to himself than to his co-workers. He moved songs around on the board for a moment. “we’ve got ‘Me,’ as an alternative to ‘Bagsy,’ and….” His train of thought seemed to cut short. “Sorry, ermmmm.” He rubbed his eyes. “Shouldn’t George be here?” Tapping his phone screen and watching it light up and display the time.
“Texted him.” Patricia said. “He’s on the way. Said he overslept.”
Matty, once again, did not seem to be listening. This time, something on his phone had caught his attention. Even through sleep-laced vision, he could see a toggle of Twitter notifications, all of which contained his name. He slipped his phone into his pocket. Out of sight; out of mind.
He stared blankly at people’s faces, “Sorry, erm, just….just a moment. Smoke break.” He whispered, hesitantly walking away.
“Matty!” Patricia called after him. “You forgot your cigarettes!!” But he murmured something about needing to pee, instead.
Matty could barely hear the bathroom door close over the sound of his own heart pounding against his chest like a drumbeat. Honestly tight. His breathing shallow. He pulled out his phone, watching the notifications roll in. His stomach tightened as he scrolled through, quickly gathering that a ‘Pop Culture news source’ had just published a profile on him and revived the same old grievances that the internet has had against him for a while lately.
@Mattyfrnglomg have you considered that your jokes just aren’t funny and people hate them cuz you’re a racist twat?
Girlies, no. @mattyfrnglomg is not hot. It’s 2023 stop making being a n*zi ‘hot.’
Matty Healy is a racist, homophobic pos. Hope he ODs and fucks off.
Oh okay so I guess racism is ~high art~. Really needed an ugly white guy to teach me that. Got it thanks, Matty Healy.
This article is taking his words out of context. You don’t understand how much different he is once you actually take the time to find out what he means to say.
|___ You don’t understand how much idgaf. There is no out of context bigotry. Shut up and get a life.
He swiped out of the Twitter app and put his phone away, leaning against the sink and staring at his reflection in the mirror. He wondered if the reflection staring back at him was anything like what the internet says.
He’s been here before. Countless times, in fact. The internet turning against him every few weeks has become a constant that he can always count on. Whats the point of going through this song and dance every single time? Besides, on the other side of this bathroom door, there is a room full of people waiting for his direction. He doesn’t have time for wallowing.
He waved his hand underneath the faucet, triggering its sensors.
“Right.” He spoke to himself in the mirror, drying his freshly washed face. “Back to work.” He tossed the crumpled paper towel into the bin and watched it bounce and fall outside the rim.
“Fucks sakes.”
“Tobias! Swap out ‘Frail State of Mind’ for, uh, ‘Heart Out’.” Matty’s voice yelled out even before he was all the way back in the room. “Also, could we rehearse some Drive Like I Do bits?
“I must still be dreaming” George’s groggy voice announced his entrance, “surely you’re not suggesting we do Drive Like I Do songs…”
“Listen,” Matty jumped up on the balls of his feet, too impatient to wait for George to get settled, he met him at the door, handing him a copy of the setlist on which he’d scribbled some thoughts. “What if we just took out this bit, and instead did, like, Self-Titled, or DLID songs. The cyclical conclusion of the individual show would, sort of, mirror the trajectory of the tour as a whole.”
George wondered to himself if he’d simply spent too much of his life in Matty’s company or if what his friend was suggesting actually made perfect sense.
Matty’s leg bounced nervously under the table. He tugged at his sleeves every time that Amelia and Joshua got a bit too close to each other. He couldn’t help but look in her direction all the time. She’d burst into the room, hours late, but her smile and the fact that she’d brought food and coffee for everyone made it alright. she wore the same perfume that she’d had on the first time that Matty had ever undressed her. He caught a whiff of it when she’d zoomed towards him, setting down a pastry and a cup of coffee by his notepad and whispering “your favorites” with a playful wink. He was too overwhelmed to look her directly in the eyes. The scent is now forever intertwined with his memories of their first time together. Though it felt wrong to reminisce, a disrespect of her burgeoning relationship with Joshua, he couldn’t help but recall her trembling fingers, eagerly reaching for his belt buckle, the timid blush in her cheeks when he said that he wanted to see her touch herself first, and, of course, her breathily calling out his name when he guided her through her own self-pleasure. What he wouldn’t give to be back there now.
Being so close to her yet so far away, watching her smile at the man by her side, it all felt like a knife to the chest. The throbbing of his heart was impossible to ignore. Every time that someone had said anything clever, or funny, he would find himself turning around to check if she’d laughed too. If she’d had the same thought or reaction as him. When George had asked her how her night had been and she hinted that the reason for her late arrival had something to do with her and Joshua having a little too much fun, Matty couldn’t not watch as Joshua’s hand reached for hers, gently.
“So, what’d I miss?” Amelia asked, setting down her coffee. “You rockstars have weird business hours, by the way.”
George handed her a copy of the new setlist to get her caught up.
“Excuse me you took out ‘Bagsy’? What the fuck for??” Her outrage directed towards Matty.
He remained silent, so she returned her attention to the paper in her hand.
“‘Frail State of Mind’ too?? Are you insane?”
“We’ve already discussed it. Just….move on.” He mumbled, avoiding looking at her.
“ yeah, but I remember you saying this tour is meant to include more Notes tracks and now you’re axing half of them. Oh and I suppose you expect me to find ‘You’ totally self-explanatory, too?”
Matty scratched his forehead, irritated in silence for a moment. “Maybe if you hadn’t been late, you’d have been around for the conversation. Guess you’ll just have to schedule your dates around your work next time, won’t you?”
Amelia was stunned into silence, simply shaking her head in disbelief.
“Amelia, uhh, I wondered if we might place some lights around the door frame for the second half of the show?” Tobias asked, mostly to cut the tension. “If they end up doing 28, that is.”
“That makes no sense.” She said without a second thought. “28 pre-dates the box iconography.” Her response was to Tobias, but her eyes still watched Matty, astounded.
“Why don’t we take- uhh- take 5 minutes while I bring us copies of the apology speech.” Tobias rushed to escape the room.
“I was thinking,” Amelia mused out loud breaking the silence that had covered the room as everyone read Matty’s Better Help ad. “the sentence that starts with ‘there’s nothing wrong with wanting to better yourself’ how about we change it to-“
“No,” Matty stated, firmly.
“Beg your pardon?”
“I said ‘no.’” Matty kept his eyes on his paper.
“But you haven’t even heard what I think you should replace it with…”
“Don’t need to. Pretty attached to that sentence. Don’t wanna change it.”
Amelia stood out of her chair and walked, stiffly, over to Matty, slamming the paper out of his hand. “Can I see you outside for a second?”
He shrugged, following her out.
“What the fuck’s the matter with you?”
“How dare you speak to me like that in front of everyone?”
“You’re asking questions that you shouldn’t-“
“I’m doing my job! The job that you hired me to do, by the way.”
“Doing your job would’ve been coming to work on time. Leaving your boyfriend at the door. Being a professional. Having those conversations when it was the right time to have them. Not- not now!”
Amelia shook her head, looking directly at him. He took off his glasses, wiping them off with the end of his shirt.
“Maybe the internet is right about you.” She spoke after an uncomfortable beat of silence. “Maybe you have turned into an arsehole.”
At one end of the hallway, Amelia laid in bed in her hotel room, watching Joshua undress and get ready to slide into the empty space next to her. She crawled into his arms as soon as he laid down.
“You alright? You seem upset.” Joshua kissed her forehead.
She couldn’t stop thinking about the look on Matty’s face as she’d called him an asshole. A look that she’d only seen once before. At George’s house, two years ago, hours after his long term relationship had ended. He’d gotten drunk and cried himself to sleep on George’s couch. She wondered if that’s how she’d find him right now. If she walked over to the other end of the hallway, to the Royal Suite, would she find him in that same state?
“I’m okay.” She whispered into Joshua’s chest. “Kiss me please.”
George grew increasingly worried the more that his knocks went unanswered. He pulled out his phone, sending “anyone hear from Matty yet?” To Adam and Ross before deciding to go down to the front desk and ask for a spare key.
His heart sunk at the sight in front of him. Several empty bottles of wine around the room, Matty’s crying muffled by the pillow that he’d buried his face into, the notepad on the floor, Matty’s body shaking, his hands fisting the duvet. He was right to be concerned. He was right to come here.
“Matty,” he whispered, laying a gentle hand on his friends shoulder. “Matty, mate, c’mon. Look at me. C’mon, let’s g- please, sit up for me?”
“ I know this isnt what you want to hear, but…There are only two options, I’m afraid.” George said softly, his head dipping to the side. “You either tell her how you feel, or you move on.”
“But she’s got a- a- Joshua!”
George tittered, trying not to be too amused. “I know, but what does that matter? They’ve only just met. You should still tell her. Let her make the choice for herself.”
“Nothings really changed, though. She was crushed when she told me she loved me and I didn’t say it back. And-“
“Why, exactly, did you not say it back?”
“I’m not- I don’t think being together would be a good idea. I’m not good enough for her yet.”
“But, Matty, you’ve had this— thing— for her for ages.”
“Yeah, but I was a fuckin mess for the first couple of years. I mean; I was addicted to smack- and - and then she got a boyfriend. And I got a girlfriend, and th-“
“I know. I was there.”
Matty fell silent for a moment, looking down as his hands fiddled, nervously, with the end of his sleeves. “It’s just….when I’m with her….when we’re together….everything feels right. Everything feels good — ‘m not even talking about sex; not that the sex isn’t good. Cuz it is. It’s fuckin great but that’s not all there is to it— Doesn’t matter what it is that we’re doing, if we’re doing it together, then I’m happy.”
“I haven’t heard you speak about anyone this way in a long time.”
Matty smiled, a tired, defeated smile, shrugging, “right.” He looked up at George, “but….im still not the kind of person that she can depend on. I couldn’t even say ‘I love you’ back. And- she’s got someone who…clearly knows how special she is. Who’s willing to take a risk on her.”
“Matty, there is no perfect redemption arc or whatever the fuck you’re on about- you’re don’t have to wait to become a different person- she said ‘I love you’ to you. Not some….potential of a perfect version of you”
Matty wanted to remind George that she’s wrong about him. That all the reasons she loves him for are not real. Simply a product of her misplaced faith in him. A mistaken understanding that he’s a better and stronger person than he is. But he didn’t have to say all that. He had a shortcut right at his fingertips. “Look at this!” Matty held up his phone, displaying a vast number of notifications, all of which contained derogatory and disparaging attacks on him, available for the whole world to peruse through at any moment. “Do you honestly think a new relationship would be good right now?”
The glimmer of conviction in George’s eyes began to fade. “So….does this mean….you’re letting her go?”
They were silent for a moment, then, George got up and pulled Matty into a hug.
“About that stuff in your phone-“
“I’m fine.”
George knew he wasn’t fine. But he also knew he wasn’t ready for help yet.
The show was perfect. Amelia had to hand it to Matty. She couldn’t see the vision at first. Especially when he’d changed much of the setlist, but onstage, it made perfect sense. Watching the audience’s shock and awe at witnessing those lesser known songs be played live for the first time in years only made the night more exciting. Matty appeared to take in the positive, instant feedback as well. Thanking everyone and taking a bow before getting off-stage.
She meant to inform him of how impressed she was backstage, but he was instantly swarmed by techs, unhooking him from the equipment and checking with him about next show’s instruments. He disappeared into the dressing room shortly after, and in the chaos of the post-show action, she was distracted. Before she knew it, Matty’s driver —who’d been reassigned to her and Joshua as soon as they’re joined the tour— was driving them back to their hotel room.
The silence was deafening. Matty laid in bed, struggling to sleep, lonely, cold, and contemplating going downstairs for a smoke. He picked up his phone and scrolled through his Instagram messages, his finger hovering indecisively over a woman to message. The routine —something he’d done before, on many a lonely night— made him feel sick. He didn’t want that anymore. He buried his phone under his pillow and tossed to the other side.
Minutes turned to hours as Matty laid, wide awake, tossing and turning in bed. His hand slowly sliding down his body, wondering if he could relieve some stress and distract himself from the pangs of loneliness. He closed his eyes, dipping his hand into his briefs and grabbing himself. He worked himself to the memories of his best sexual encounters, trying to recall how he’d felt, what it had been like, how he’d made his partner feel. The pleasure, the intimacy of that deep connection, the rush of giving someone else overwhelming pleasure and hearing them moan and whine. None of it seemed to be working, only building his frustration. He turned to lay on his stomach, still jerking himself off. As his frustration continued, he decided that perhaps humping the mattress may help. And he really tried his best, getting closer and closer to feeling something, he dedicated all of his focus towards remaining in his body, working hard at shutting away any thoughts, his hips grinding against the bed. He groaned and whined into the bedding. Had he been quieter, or moved slower, he might have heard the soft beeping of the door lock as a spared key swiped into it, or even the footsteps approaching his bedroom. Unfortunately, he only heard “Matty?” When it was too late. Amelia was already standing in the doorway.
“Fuck! Oh my- Christ!” Matty jolted at the sound of her voice. “A-Amelia. Wha- what- what’re you- doing here?” He cover himself up with the duvet, sitting up against the bed frame.
She smiled, walking towards him. “Sorry. I clearly interrupted something.” She teased.
Matty’s lips parted. He wanted to speak, but nothing came to mind. He watched her approach him, reach out her hand, and cup his face gently. God, he needed this. A human touch. Amelia’s touch.
“Amelia I’m so-“
“I know. I know. You don’t need to say anything, Matty.”
She leaned in kissing his lips. Her hand dipped under the duvet. “Let me help with that.” Wrapping her hand around his cock. Matty stiffened to her touch, swallowing a gasp.
Her hand jerked his length over and over, she’d sat in his bed, settling into a persistent rhythm. Matty cried incoherently, fucking into her hand and desperately hoping for pleasure. Nothing helped. She noticed his hips moving more aggressively and heavily m as his frustration peaked.
“Hey, easy, easy, Matty. Not like that. You’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“It’s not working. I’m so sorry- I- it hurts….”
“It’s okay; it’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry.” She let go of him, moving her hand away.
Matty blushed the words left his lips before he could stop himself “please don’t leave me.”
His genuine plea caught her off guard. “Matty….” Perhaps hes been worse off than she’d imagined. “I’m not gonna leave. I’m just…can I ummm…can I hold you?”
He nodded repeatedly, a wordless and enthusiastic plea. She wrapped her arms around him, doing her best to tighten around his thick, strong muscles. Amelia kissed along the expanse of his shoulders as she shook and wept in her arms. Despite his massive build, he felt so small and fragile. She put all she had into those gentle kisses, hoping his skin would absorb her love, her care as she grazed it with her lips. They stayed that way until Matty had no tears left to cry. He fell asleep.
The sunlight felt harsh against Matty’s eyelids. He stirred in bed, not ready to open his eyes yet. As sleep weaned its hold on him, the events of last night came rushing back. He was filled with a mix of different emotions. Comfort, embarrassment, anxiety, and a sliver of joy. As he prepared to open his eyes and turn to the other side of the bed, he prayed to a god that he didn’t believe in that he would find her sleeping right next to him. He waited a moment for his heartbeat to come back down. Then, he turned around, slowly, and opened his eyes. She was gone.
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I still have so many feelings about the trauma in Centaurworld s1.
the tree shamans couldn't bring back Wammawink's herd, because what she needed wasn't for the dead to rise, but to heal. bringing back her family would not have fixed the trauma of knowing they were dead--murdered brutally and torched. necromancy isn't therapy.
the Be Best Competition is focused on appearances and distraction. there is talent on display, but you're not rewarded for artistry or passion, only novelty--or appealing specifically to the particular taste of one person (Johnny Teatime). And you don't even get to enjoy being the winner, because tomorrow you have to compete again if you want to keep the sash. You wake up in the morning and have to choose between being a cut-throat performer who will tear down their friends and loved ones to be closer to fame, or being an audience member--a nobody, because you aren't Performing hard enough. (or you can be normal like David and considered a joke)
the beartaur is definitely a fatphobic stereotype, but also he's a fucking asshole because he see the very real pain and death caused by the war as something Fun To Look At; he's not processing his grief, he's using the grief of others as toys. like the middle class white dudes who obsess over the Vietnam war or collect N*zi "memorabilia" instead of maybe dissecting the fact that their grandfather was a cruel, evil man because he obeyed orders to torture and murder other human beings, and it fucked up his brain chemistry.
the whale shaman herself is a metaphor for suicide, addiction, any form of unhealthy coping mechanism that relies on numbing yourself to everything--not just the hurt. she thinks she's helping (like the people who offer you drugs when you're grieving to "take your mind off things"), but all she does is deprive. I'm really glad she changes, by the way. it is so important that people realize you do not have to disappear from the world. you can stay. you MUST stay.
the human woman's boyfriend turned evil so she locked him in the void and... what, expected everyone else in two entire universes to just never wonder at the Rift and maybe find another way to open it? she expected everyone to share her shame and despair, and lose the ability to hope or fight for those they loved? she let the knowledge of the very real danger fade from everyone's minds, because she personally didn't feel like she could do anything?
I'm almost definitely going to add to this after I finish s2
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jewish-vents · 3 months
it’s long, apologies (an I also need a bit of an opinion) also trigger warning for r&pe
I recently found out that on both sides of my family we come from Yemen, like, full on- the thing is- something mixed into our dna making me and my mom blond.
My grandma has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, she’s on the paler side and is married to a Yemenite Jew. (On both sides of my family everyone is from Yemen except for me-kind of, and my mom and grandmother-kind of)
my great-grandmother never married but had my grandmother during ww2, she (great-grandmother) had curly dark hair and brown eyes with a tanner complexion and had recently come to Ukraine.
The entirety of my family history we have always been Jewish, in fact, we can semi trace it back to when Islam first came to Israel- that far back. So having an ancestor that’s blond is very unlikely.
So how did we get the blond? I brought this up with a friend and she said that it’s likely that maybe my great-grandmother had a boyfriend? We chucked that option out the window, my great-grandmother was always very modest.
That left r&pe.
I always knew that my great-grandmother went through a lot during ww2 but I never though of her getting well-
anyways, I want to ask my grandmother if that’s what happened but I’m afraid of what the answer might be.
I told this to another friend and they said “Who cares? Palestinian women are being r&ped by the IDF daily, we don’t have time to ponder over history we need to help the Palestinian women”
I understand that- but it’s MY family history? It shapes me, I also want to know if there’s something like health issues- and unresolved generational trauma that we want answers to.
But all my friends have seemingly turned on me after I brought this up? Am I at fault? I just want answers and I don’t mean to make anybody else’s trauma less, I just want to understand my life, my family.
But now I have friends turning on me and people making jokes that I’m a descendent of a n@zi, if I am a descendent of a n@zi- where does that leave me?
I very quietly brought that up with some people at my nearby shul who I know for a fact were born through r&pe during the holocaust and they all said that people treat them differently because of it, they get treated like a half Jew, a monster with a n@zi father and that kinda scares me.
I don’t want to be a half Jew and I don’t want to be a descendent of a n@zi but I also want answers.
This is a really painful situation to go through, I'm so sorry.
I wish I could do more to help you, but know that what happened in the past and your genetics aren't your fault. Nor do they make you less Jewish. Jewish people are extremely diverse. Also, if you mother is Jewish, you're Jewish. There is not really "half Jewish", either you are or you aren't, and in your case you are so that's that. No one can take that from you. Even if they treat you differently, that just means they're rude, says more about them than about you.
Also that second friend needs to learn to have more empathy. Human rights and empathy aren't a cake, no one gets less just because others get more. You can be upset about the SA of a group of women without discounting the hardships of other women.
I hope you find answers, if you decide you want them, and I hope you and your family can heal. Also I hope no one treats you differently regardless of what you do or don't find out.
If you need to vent some more we're here for you, and you're completely anonymous, and we won't judge you or think any less of you
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clairehadenough · 5 months
he's a fan of a genocidal! wow, that's cute! married a nazi, than fan a zionist. how wonderfull!
Oh honey don’t you dare. You never once brought the genocide up, not one person in all of your circle of delusional fuckers did. Now suddenly you object? You don’t give a fuck about the children of Palestine nor do you know what a N*zi is and how atrocious these people were and their supporters still are. You think calling someone that is just a kind of insult. Your ignorance is showing when you’re accusing someone of being both a n*azi and a zionist supporter. You do not understand that it is impossible. The only people who have the right to comment on this and be mad are the people who truly have been speaking against JB’s support to the genocide. From the beginning. Lot’s of them already got in touch and expressed their disappointment in Chris, which is absolutely their right and also understandable. But all of you who couldn’t care less about Palestine and the genocide can respectfully go fuck yourself. Stop being fans of causes suddenly out of the blue just because you’re butt hurt over an imaginary boyfriend.
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alovesongshewrote · 2 years
Mamma Mia! | Steve x Reader x Eddie
Plot:  Eddie and Steve are being shits while you're only trying to sleep, so you use the ultimate weapon on them: ABBA. [Gender Neutral!Reader x Eddie x Steve. It's a polycule, you're in a polycule.]
Word count:  1,982
Warnings:  none.
Disclaimer: Fuck netflix, and fuck whoever came up with having a "stranger things experience" in a former n*zi prison where jewish and romani people were exterminated. that's an incredibly fucked up thing to do, and i do not support or endorse it.
A/N: this idea burrowed its way into my head and it wouldn't get out. on the bight side, it helped me to keep writing, so other stranger things stuff will hopefully be out sooner because of it. anyway, enjoy the fluff
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Summer was drawing to an end in Hawkins. Of course, you were pumped about this. You were kinda sick of all of the heat, and of all the sweat. Normally you were fine with the Summer season, but the Summer of ‘86 specifically was a little too warm and a little too rough for your tastes.  
You probably would have been fine with it if you didn’t have two injured boyfriends to take care of. I want to stress that watching after your boys was not the problem, even if they bitched about the heat even more than you did. It was the heat itself that you all collectively hated.
It made changing bandages into a horrid, sweaty affair. It ruined your days, and your nights (especially your nights,) and it just made everything awful. To add insult to injury, you were the type to forget to stay hydrated, and with your boys recovering- read: unable to bother you into drinking water- you spent a solid chunk of your Summer on the dehydrated side of things.
It sucked. It all sucked.
But! The winds were changing now. Temperatures were cooling, there was a chill in the air, and you could finally get cozy with your two loves without being wildly uncomfortable! Everything was lovely.  
Until it was time for bed.
Because you see, when it was time for bed towards the end of the Summer, your room got really fucking cold. You weren’t sure if it was the windows, or if it was a draft, or whatever the fuck it was, and you didn’t really care. You just knew that the whole space just got unpleasantly chilly whenever you were trying to sleep.
Alas, there were only two remedies to that predicament, and their names were Steve and Eddie.
Once you let them know about your frozen room problem, they were more than happy to help. Thanks to them, you spent most of your cold-ass late nights beneath the covers with your boys beside you. Blissful warmth radiated from both of them, keeping the icy air of your bedroom at bay. It was perfection- you were finally able to shut your eyes and relax, cozy and comfortable.  
There was just one problem.  Those two didn’t know how to shut the fuck up.
“At this point you’re fucking with me, man. I’ve told you who Ozzy Osbourne is at least a thousand times.”
“Maybe I just don’t know who he is because his music sucks.”
Eddie gasped dramatically and shot up in bed, “You take that back!”
“Guys, please,” you whispered, voice muffled by your pillow. You weren’t sure if they heard you. Eddie did lie back down, but the conversation continued.
“Those are marriage-ending words, Harrington.”
“Marriage-ending? We aren’t even married!”
“Then I’ll marry you just to end it!”
You groaned, “I’ll marry and divorce both of you a hundred times if it’ll shut you up.”
“Thank you, baby,” Eddie leaned over and kissed your head. You thought that meant that it was over, but no, he immediately continued fighting with Steve, “See, Harrington, you wouldn’t know good music if it bit you in the face.”
“Are you sure about that? Because at least I listen to more than one type of music.”
“It’s not my fault all the good music is in one genre!”
“But that’s the thing, it’s not all in one genre!”
Eddie scoffed, “(Y/N) back me up on this, metal is before all else, right?”
You remained silent, trying to ignore the laughter bubbling in your chest at how offended both of your boys sounded.
“I’m just saying, ‘Like a Virgin’ was pretty good.”
Both you and Eddie groaned, and even though your face was buried in your pillow, you could practically see your metalhead rolling his eyes back into his head.
“You’re wroooong, Steven,” Eddie drawled out, “So, so wrong.”
“You’re both wrong,” you finally freed yourself from your pillow prison, just enough to see your boyfriends' faces, “The best music- the best song is the Jaws theme. Dun dun. Dun dun. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun-”
As you continued to lazily say, “Dun,” you dropped your face back onto the sheets and sighed. They were both quiet now, listening to you speak the Jaws theme. Maybe, if you just kept “Dun-ing” you could finally get some-
“How am I dating two people with such bad taste?”
Eddie’s fingers jammed themselves into your sides, and you yelped and squirmed as you sat up. You glared at the man, one of two in your bed, crossed your arms and pouted at him. The bastard seemed so pleased with himself. Well, you would show him.
“It’s because you love us! He loves us, doesn’t he, Steve?”
“Mhmm, he suuuure does,” Steve groaned, his hands over his eyes. He seemed to be tired, but honestly, you had little sympathy. You were tired too only moments ago, but now?  Now you were wide awake and ready to cause chaos. You were sure Steve would be fine with it.
“Y’know what he doesn’t love too much, Steve?”
“Yeah, what don’t I love?”
You didn’t answer right away. Instead, you flopped back down next to Eddie and positioned your lips against his ear. You drew in a breath, deep and calm, and then you whispered thus:
“I've been cheated by you since I don't know when.”
Eddie’s groan echoed off of your walls, but you weren’t stopping- no, the fun had only just begun.
“So I made up my mind, it must come to an end. Look at me now, will I ever learn? I don’t know how-” 
You reached over to Steve and gently smacked his chest a few times, silently ordering him to join in. Of course, he did, and the two of you continued to terrorize your boyfriend in messy unison.
“But I suddenly lose control! There's a fire within my soul.”
“No,” Eddie said with no real mirth, “Stop.”
You did not stop. Instead, you both sat up, looming over Eddie as you chanted the words to the song, “Just one look and I can hear a bell ring.” 
“One more look and I forget everything-”  you and Steve were louder now, probably louder than you should have been considering it was late into the night, but that didn’t matter now. All that mattered was the song.
And also, bothering Eddie. That also mattered. And you were definitely succeeding in bothering Eddie. Your boyfriend’s hands covered his face as he moaned out a long, “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.”
That didn’t put a stop to anything. It just made you and Steve get louder.
“Whoah! Mamma mia!! Here I go again!!  My, my, how can I resist you?”
“Mamma mia, does it show again, my, my, just how much I've missed you?”
“Yes, I've been brokenhearted!”
With a growl, Eddie sat up and wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist, pulling him back to lie in the bed. Steve’s chanting was halted instantly, and he let out a little, “AAAH!” as he collapsed into the pillows.
After watching your comrade fall, you scrambled away towards the end of the bed, all the while chanting, “Blue since the day we parted. Why, why did I ever let you go?”
Alas, you were no match for Eddie’s sudden burst of speed. Tucking his bottom lip between his teeth, Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back into the sheets. You let out a short scream, but you refused to let this break you.  
“Mamma mia, now I really know-”
You let out a squeak as Eddie’s arm wrapped behind your neck, allowing him to cover your mouth with his hand. You struggled slightly, but his grasp was both unyielding and gentle. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see that he’d managed to get a hand over Steve’s mouth as well. It looked as though you’d been defeated- but you weren’t about to give up so easily.
With the drama of a thousand theatre kids, you sighed and let your body relax. You did everything in your power to make it look like you’d given up. Alas, when Eddie didn’t relinquish his hold, you audibly mumbled, “Fuck it,” before yelling, at the top of your lungs:
“My, my, I could never let you go!!!”
And then you licked Eddie’s hand. He had it coming. He let out a loud, dramatic sound, that was more of a cluster of vowels and consonants than it was a word. Judging by the second sound he made a moment later, which was entirely identical to the first, it seemed that Steve had executed the same idea.
“You’re both brats, you know that?” Eddie’s words may have conveyed irritation, but there was nothing but fondness in his voice.
“We’re aware!” you grinned, curling up against Eddie’s side and resting your chin on his chest. You watched his brow furrow as he glared at you, but there was no ire behind his eyes- and there so rarely was. Eddie was so soft for you, and for the boy lying on his other side.  
You couldn’t blame him for that. You were soft for them, too.
You turned your head slightly just so you could see Steve better. When your eyes met his big brown ones, you smiled. stretched yourself out slightly and took one of Steve’s hands in yours, squeezing gently. He squeezed back.
“Yeah,” Steve said, voice warm and welcoming, “We’re aware.”
“Good!  Good.  Because I-”
You didn’t let him finish. Instead, you pushed yourself up so that your upper body was leaning over his. It was a bit of a balancing act- you were supporting your weight with one hand while leaving your other in Steve’s grasp, but in your humble opinion, it was worth it.
“But are you aware, Eddie Munson,” you asked, “That you are a menace?”
“A menace?  Me?”  he gasped, faking offence, “Never.”
You opened your mouth to respond, but you were quickly silenced by what else, Eddie being a menace. In seconds- no, less than seconds, Eddie had wrapped himself around you and flipped you, placing your body between his and Steve’s. You were taking a moment to process your new position when your darling menace interrupted you once more, cutting off your view of the ceiling with his lovely face.
You squinted up at him, placing a hand across said lovely face and playfully pushing him away, “Yeah. Never.”
“You’re both awful,” Steve said, voice heavy with sleep. You and Eddie began to protest, but Steve was not having it. The Mamma Mia had been sung, and now, it was time for sleep.  So, he handled the issue like a mature adult- he rolled over onto you and Eddie, squishing both of you beneath his broad chest.
You squeaked indignantly. Eddie made a similar noise. When you tried to complain, Steve slipped his hands up, placing one over your mouth and one over Eddie’s.
“Shhhhhh,” Steve whispered, “Sleep now, be cute later.”
That was enough to satisfy you. Eddie, however, still had a problem that needed to be addressed. With an evil smirk crossing his face, he stuck out his tongue and licked Steve’s hand.
“GAH, Munson-!”
“Nope, time for sleep, Stevie!”
“You said it yourself, babe,” you giggled, “Time for bed.”
“The worst,” Steve muttered. Though his words conveyed annoyance, his tone betrayed his deep affection for the dorky menaces sharing the bed with him, “Both of you are the worst.”
And maybe he wasn’t wrong, but it didn’t matter. It was, in fact, time for sleep. Together, the three of you drifted off peacefully. The night was dreamless and calm, and when you woke, it was to the sound of Eddie humming something-
Mamma Mia.
You smiled to yourself as you buried deeper into the bed. Your job here was done.
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lunarw0rks · 9 months
no i get it, my boyfriend is jewish and that was so damn STUPID of them to say (also are u jewish too omg <3)
not religiously, but i have jewish ancestry, so it kinda stung a little bit to read that ask :(
// my dad has had a lifelong interest in history (specifically WWII) and i’ve been raised around learning the genuine facts about that era specifically. and then later on, finding out that some of my ancestry was connected with that.
so to imply that i would ever sympathize with a n*zi character and thirst for one, without even knowing me?? what the fuck.
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diantha · 1 year
can you explain the celebrity drama thing? /srs /gen
sorry anon ive been so tired today
basically people are getting on taylor swift's new boyfriend (?) for dong a n*zi salute at one of his concerts (not in a genuine manner but basically calling out kanye for being antisemitic, he follows it up with "thank you kanye very cool"). and of course that's a very messed up thing to do and in very poor taste. there are hundreds of ways he could have gotten the same message across without doing using the salute. there are jews who have articulated this much better than i have
the issue I have is that there is this repeated pattern of goyim just using antisemitism as a kinda "gotcha!!" or whatever during celebrity drama or when they want to cancel someone or whatever. But they don't actually care about the antisemitism, they just care about making the person look bad. They don't care about listening to jews about this or helping jews or anything. they dont care about promoting our voices. its not about us, its about whatever agenda they are trying to put forward and its just so tiring to see. our pain is not ur prop. please show solidarity with jews even when the hatred of our existence isn't useful for you.
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ipoddymouth · 1 year
Wait bestie I want to know your thots on the matty healy being problematic thing he’s said a lot of weird/offensive stuff for sure but apparently some of that stuff is supposed to be satirical/ he’s an edge lord or whatever like the n*zi salute thing he did and it’s not a good thing to do no matter the context but I feel like it’s probably more harmful to call him a n*zi when he isn’t actually one it’s probably better to call that action antisemitic than a whole n*zi no?
wait gjargigjag you just basically summarized my thoughts but imma ramble more under the cut
i dont think matty is actually, truly, deep in his core racist or a n*zi (i'm also p sure he's given enough interviews explaining himself and his political ideologies bc he's annoying and never shuts the fuck up) BUT he also does say a bunch of shit on the side that doesn't help his case.
i think intent is a big issue in society in general bc it's like 'are you saying this shit to be funny? or are you saying this shit to be mean?' and people don't ask that question anymore. i remember when ariana dated pete and he made that joke about manchester and people were like 'he's disrespecting the dead!!' and, like, i can defs see where people are coming from for sure, and i can also see why he was like ???? in response to the backlash because his attention clearly wasnt to offend.
i will not lie and will fully admit that i am SENSITIVE lmao and there are some jokes in standup sets that i will straight up 😐 during bc i cannot separate the words from intent sometimes but im not going to say bill burr is a rape apologist or whatever because i sit and watch my silly lil 'offensive' robot chicken episodes without batting an eye. the problem with humor is that there will always be a faction that makes certain people uncomfortable. and that's okay!!!! not all of us (me included) need to watch cumtown or red scare because we will not find it funny!!! there's one drag queen who's yt videos my boyfriend cant watch bc he thinks she comes across mean even though i think the jokes hit!!!!
and to your second point i agreeeee like im black and grew up in a p white area so obviously people have said some SHIT to me, but that means you have to learn how to distinguish between someone being intentionally racist or someone being ignorant. i think matty says shit he thinks is funny because he's trying to be funny but the jokes themselves don't hit and just come across as....bizarre? rude??? multiple -ists???? but then he tries to explain himself and people (strangers to him) are either like 'fuck u this isnt sincere' or are just like 'but youre still wrong and horrible' and he just gets frustrated and deletes his socials in a lil baby fit gjlragjaglgj. and not to be a white apologist lmao BUT i kinda do understand why people turn to that 'anti-woke ideology' bc if every time i said something with poor phrasing and someone i didn't know called me a racist n*zi i'd probs go ape shit too.
there are real, actual n*zis like in real life who are actually trying to hurt people and people are pulling out all of their big gun ultra-bad labels for some scrawny boy band dude???? like what are we supposed to call the actual n*zis???????? like i l i t e r a l l y have seen a neo-n*zi rally down the street from my HOUSE and thats fucking TERRIFYING and they're just snatching up more people because of all of the culture wars bullshit
[but like to note im not saying that people need to be forgiving and understanding every time someone says something that pisses them off. some people need to be yelled at!!! they need to know they are wrong!!!! people should just be aware of the impact their words have. matty's words have made A LOT of people straight up hate him, but at the same time, some people have probably seen matty get called a n*zi and are now like 👀 bc the bar to being considered h*tler seems kinda low.]
anyway tl;dr racism is a spectrum, words have meaning, and we don't know these people. but if matty really is a racist and im wrong then i hope he chokes!!!
ALSO i am an adult and am not in the business of defending other adults so like im not gonna argue with someone if they think matty is racist. i am not doing dirty hit pr for FREE
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system-stims · 1 year
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🐈‍⬛꒱ Hello! Could we maybe get a moodboard for a mixed source alter? He is Jung Hi from LoveUnholyc and Strade from Boyfriend to Death with themes of Lovecore and Cats & Rabbits. If possible maybe some images of Ren? Not needed but if you can that would be lovely! (another character from BTD) Have a wounderful day/night!!
💕꒱ Anyone not on our dni can reblog
🐇꒱ DNI if you’re a pedophile/variants, proshippers, lgbt+phobe, n*zi, trump supporter, ableist, racist, people who ship incest or pedophilic ships, people who still support dream, or others in our dni
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thatdumbfrenchwitch · 2 years
What I’ve Been Up To & Plans for the Future
Hello lovelies. It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything remotely about witchcraft or magic, but hopefully this is coming to an end this summer.
Indeed, these past couple years have been more of the mundane kind than the witchy kind. The main priorities were mostly proving myself in university, with a whole bachelor’s degree and an admission in a master’s degree being at stake here, while trying to maintain something as similar to a normal life as possible and having a job, all this while trying not to get overwhelmed by despair and horror. It’s been quite a couple of years, really.
I didn’t have much space for any kind of spiritual practice, let alone for posting about this on tumblr.com
This summer, however, feels very much like a shift is taking place when it comes to my witching life. I feel it in my bones and in my guts : that visceral feeling that draws me to this life, to this world, and to this community is back, and it is being nourished. This Dumb French Witch is back, and he’s studying and practicing as ever. Which is such a wind of fresh air. It is almost soothing to reconnect with that fire.
So what am I currently doing ?
· First, I’m still developping a healthy and sustained relationship with my ancestors. In this context, I have tried to reconnect with the Christian traditions I was raised in (French Catholic on one side, Russian and Ukrainian Orthodox on another) as they are common grounds between them and me. I am struggling a bit with that as I am very much an animist with pagan tendencies at heart, although the Holy Theotokos is a whole vibe and I’m absolutely in awe before her and she is the moment for me.
· I’m also back to basics when it comes to spellcraft and spellcasting. My track record when it comes to spell efficiency is still not as good as I wish it was so I’m just trying to step my spellcasting game up so that I can better hex the patriarchy, curse N*zis and find myself a boyfriend. I’m also in the process of studying verbal charms which involves studying the magical uses of Psalms (which is part of my struggle with this whole “reconnecting with Christianity” era I’m in), but also reading poetry and finding pieces of academic research on verbal incantations
· In addition to general theory and practice in spellcraft I’m also studying domestic magic, which is very cottagecore of me I must admit. I’m currently reading Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House by Cheryl Mendelson for mundane advice in order to be #perfecthousewifematerial and I also have a little reading list on house magic and witchcraft (including Magical House Protection: The Archaeology of Counter-Witchcraft by Brian Hoggard). I guess this summer is just me acquiring that good ol’ cottage witch knowledge, vibe and, dare I say, aesthetic ?
· Finally, I am trying to elaborate (”trying” being the keyword here) my own personal “Wheel of the Year”. I really want to get in touch with the rhythm of the seasons as well as traditional feasts and celebrations. I guess this personal calendar of mine can be described as kind of Christopagan since I wish it to have feasts from both sides (which for some is a no brainer since there is obvious overlapping between Christian and Pagan feasts) and it will have feasts associated with the Holy Virgin Mary because, as I’ve said earlier, she is the moment. To document this I will surely take inspiration from other blogs but I also have borrowed copies of five volumes from Arnold van Gennep’s Manuel de folklore français contemporain, which I’m VERY excited about. To give you an idea, Arnold van Gennep is considered the father of French folkloristics, and this particular book functions as a foundation for the study of French folklore, and it happens to focus precisely on the traditional cycles in the year. You can expect some tidbits of French folklore about seasonal tidings as the year goes by.
These are all my current interests and my priorities for the next couple months. I hope to be efficient in my studies so that I can start delving again in other interests I have nourished in the past like traditional witchcraft, potion-making, history of magic and East Slavic folklore.
I hope you are doing well, dear reader. Take care.
That Dumb French Witch
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Sailing Part 37
A quick pull on a black strap – the life raft from the Hail Mary Box inflates quickly before our eyes.  At least we’re getting out of this water. Ziva thought. No more dog-paddling and definitely no more fucking sharks. She muses as she watches her boyfriend Tony and [Y/N] climb aboard first and then helps Tim and Abby on.
When they see Ziva’s leg – the white of her shinbone jutting out from her leg – the kids all fall deathly silent. It just about takes something like this to shut them all up, especially Tim – whom had gone pale white.
‘Is there a doctor on the boat?’ she’d tried to joke, trying to lighten the mood. The very bad joke doesn’t work very well at all. In fact – the raft become more silent like ghost lights – if there is such a thing after they all struggle to pull Gibbs aboard.
He’s in even worse shape than they all thought. Almost all his entire body is literally covered with second and even some third-degree burns. His skin is like bubble-wrap with every bubble popped.
[Y/N] can’t bear herself to look at him – obviously she’s feeling extra guilty because of what happened earlier – when she tried to drown herself and possibly her father.
They knew back on dry land – that in the burn unit – there would be a host of different available treatments. Out here in the middle of fucking nowhere is a totally different story altogether. There’s virtually nothing we can do for him.
‘Hand me that first-aid kit, Tony.’ Ziva said, gritting her teeth over the effort to speak. The rest of what was packed inside the Hail Mary Box is scattered about the large raft. In addition to the first-aid kit – there is a surprisingly large amount of bottled water and food – though the food is mostly dried fruit, crackers, and nuts – all vacuum-packed in plastic.
In all – it’s not a lot – but it’s better than nothing and we’ve got it covered. Although we have no motor, no shade from the sun, no sunscreen, nothing to listen to and the only thing we do need is satellite phone and a flare gun; – which we definitely do not have.
Tony hands Ziva the first-aid kit. She finds some antibiotic ointment and gently dabs it over the areas on Gibbs that runs the highest risk of infection. She slowly pours as much water as she can into his mouth – until he can’t swallow any more. With Gibbs’s head resting on the side of the raft – he doesn’t move or say anything. He’s drifted back to being unconscious; or just doesn’t have the strength or will to talk.
‘There,’ Ziva said applying a thin layer of gauze around his arms and legs – which will still allow his skin to breathe. ‘That will have to do until help arrives.’
‘What about you? Zi,’ Tim asks. ‘We need to do your leg.’
‘For now my leg is okay, Tim. It does need to be re-set. There’s about a twenty-four-hour window before there might be any permanent damage,’ she explains. ‘Hopefully by then I’ll be safely in a hospital bed having you all sign my cast.’
‘You really think they’re still coming for us?’ asks [Y/N].
‘Of course I do. Why wouldn’t they be?’
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xdarkangelicx · 3 months
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Hey it's me Ash (or Angel)
(have to put this here we are trans (female to nonbinary), nerodivergent, and deal with a lot of mental health issues, we are a system, we use a lot of slurs that we're allowed to use so if you see any slurs just remember we are in that community and we know what slurs we can and can't say)
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Likes - Hazbin Hotel, Friends, My boyfriend ( @theperzona ), Video games, Poetry, my books, my real family, Angels, the word Angelic, my loving communities, social media, The colors black, yellow, blue, and red, choir/singing, Roblox, etc...
Dislikes - School, SA, interacting with people IRL, bio family, annoying people, science/math, panic attacks, triggers, chocolate (I like it just not that much, I'm weird), etc...
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Incest shipper
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young minors (ages 5-12)
Over 20
Littles in systems (including our own if they find this)
People who use slurs they're not allowed to use
People who will argue politically on my posts -.-
People with strong fetishes
People who love Hazbin Hotel
Angel Stans
Husker Fans
People who use text tones
parody accts
Mentally ill people (we're in the same boat)
People with Autism (samzies)
LGBTQ+ people
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How I sort my tags:
‘<3' = Me interacting with my boyfriend
'Angelic' = all of my posts
'AHEM'= usually news or personal updates
'Angel writes' = my writing (duh)
No tag = didn't feel like tagging
'<333' = me flirting with anyone (or just interacting sometimes)
'__ x__' = ship posts
'My Twin' = Hazbin Angel Dust posts/reposts
'Angel flexing' = posts in French
'SR' = Silent Reposts
'Depresso' = Mental health posts/reposts
*I don't tag ships that include me
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