#having a pretty good one! i always love seeing what ppl get at the grocery store whoch
heartyearning · 1 year
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Pictures from today
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Hobat brown's got me going hard into my bat phase again PFFT I will always be a halloween fanatic Daily Hobie HC! Hobat brown time Obviously, Hobie can always turn into a bat. After all, what vampire can't? The somewhat cute, yet amusingly annoying thing however, is Hobie can decide what specie of bat he wants to be. Thankfully, he's usually content being the biggest type to still have the feeling of being tall..being a fruit bat. Of course, his little face is always still recognizable with those spiked accessories and piercings. And obviously, those mischievous, loving eyes that always seemed to soften whenever placed upon you. When Hobie had shapeshifted into a smaller bat specie, he'll always nestle into the crook of your neck, his little body covered by your hair as you go about. Whether you've been invited to hangout with friends, or just at the store buying groceries, he'll be a little fuzzy ball curled up at the side of your neck. If he wants your attention during these times, pray you don't have an earring on, because Hobie will manage to bite onto it and give it a little tug. Or he'll chitter endlessly until you acknowledge his presence. Depends on how Hobie feels like. Around the house, Hobie will most likely be his fruit bat form, if not vampiric. He'll cling onto the back of your shirt if you're doing something, his wings draping over your shoulders as his face is immediately buried into the back of your neck. The first few times he'd do this, Hobie genuinely thought it'd be something to tease you with, but now it's just something out of affection, seeing as you didn't have any negative reaction, and often acknowledged him with a gentle rub at his wings. Even when you've decided to take a little nap, as a bat, Hobie will drape himself on top of you like a small blanket, enjoying the close proximity and warmth. One thing Hobie will never pass up the opportunity to do though, is to lick you. Even when he's a microbat, he'll sometimes just start licking your neck. Not out of hunger, but just to hear you start giggling since Hobie's very aware how ticklish you were there. Although you aren't sure which form you find more cute- annoying. Annoying..you can't deny that you love it. Even as a vampire he will still nibble on your neck playfully when you allow him to. Hobie won't even be needing to feed, and just wanting to show you how much he loves to tease you. If he is feeding from you, he'll gladly tell you if you need more iron or not in your blood. Despite the fact he drinks your blood, he makes best for telling a pretty good blood test result. And not only will he tell you what you need based on your blood, but will wholeheartedly go out of his way to get you something that might help. Low iron? Strawberries, watermelon, raisins. Low magnesium levels? ROASTED CASHEWS. Hobie never does this with what he's getting from you when he buys this and gives you it to eat, but instead is rather thinking of how he can raise your levels so you don't suffer. Whenever he notices subtle changes in your blood, sometimes he won't tell you, and will nonchalantly just give you foods that will raise the lowered levels. You never knew why sometimes Hobie would just randomly give you a plate of washed and sliced strawberries after he drank from you, until you asked, to which he nonchalantly just pointed out that you were low on iron. One of his very major rules however is he'll never take your blood while your uterus is having a tantrum. Especially at that time of the month, he's perfectly satisfied with alternatives. Hobie wouldn't even dare putting his fangs near your neck, opting to just smothering you in kisses whenever you feel terrible. -🐦‍⬛
He is a cutiepie! I would love to hang out with him and terrorize some ppl lol
Daily Hobie HC ❤️
So adorable! I can imagine a tiny bat swinging around while he clings to my earrings 😍 imagine that he's so small that you've forgotten that he's perched on your shoulder and he suddenly licks your neck making you jump lmao
Hobie leans away from your neck, mouth covered in your blood: *smacks his lips* hmmm needs more iron (I'd side eye him fr)
😂 i can imagine that he has made the error of feeding on you while satan's waterfall is visiting you and you suddenly collapse and fall limp in his arms 😆 he has never been more afraid thinking that he has drained you 🤣🤣🤣 (poor vampire)
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midwesternorcprincess · 2 months
so my evil uncle, as i've called him for several years now, well, it's complicated, i guess. i called him my evil uncle because he was very nasty for a while about ten years ago to my parents and my sister, who did him no wrong. he accused them of stealing from my great-grandma, which i take as an almost unforgivable insult. we were so poor we could barely afford food at the time, my parents were both going through major health issues, and my great-grandma would buy us groceries of her own volition when shopping. but my uncle is such a controlling hardass who has to have everything his way, that to him that was stealing i guess because HE didn't want it done, never mind what my great-grandma wanted to do with her own money. and he changed the locks so we couldn't get into her house or my grandparents' house (again none of us has ever stolen anything in our lives and we had nothing but great relationships with these relatives)
and that was the last straw for me, but it didn't come out of nowhere. he's always just started stupid ass arguments wherever he goes because of that need to control people who are minding their own damn business. he'd cause problems at almost every big family gathering, he sold real estate in town for a while until literally no one was willing to deal with him because he'd do the same there, he had pretty much only one friend from college who was still willing to stick by him, and even then he was constantly trying to rein him in. couldn't keep a woman around obviously, until about fifteen years ago he finally got one to marry him, god knows how they pulled that off
but, up until the incident a decade ago, i'd always have mixed feelings. he was very fond of me - he's my godfather - and we'd have a pretty good time when it was just us, or like us and my grandma or something, you know, a small group with someone he actually respected, which is very few people. he and my mom are the only people in the family with higher education (and now there's one more, me), and he was the only one who cared about science and things like that (he had a biology degree), so we kinda had that in common when no one else in the family did. so we'd bond and have fun sometimes. and then he'd turn around and start these dumbass fights and i'd get mad at him, but then we'd have fun again, and this was a neverending cycle
but as i said, in the last 10-15 yrs, i'd given up, started avoiding him, and after he did that to my parents, cut off contact and blocked him completely (he also provoked me by being nosy and wanting to know shit that wasn't his business) and refused to see him or speak with him. and also he was homophobic and went way down the Trump rabbit-hole. idk if he knows about my gf, but i can't imagine he has any good thoughts about trans ppl so i wanna keep him far away from that info.
but my mom and eventually even my dad came back around to him, far too easily at first, if you want my opinion. but he has by all accounts been good to them in the last two or three years or so. and he and my mom had to sort out all the shit with my grandparents' estate, since the other two siblings are even bigger dumbasses and caused all kinds of problems for everyone, so maybe there was a factor of my uncle and my mom having to be a team and deal with them.
my mom's always been too forgiving. especially to her siblings and their clans, who emphatically do not deserve it and don't even try to appreciate it, they just treat her like a punching bag. she's just the hug it out and cry type who always thinks there can be love and harmony again no matter how many times she's proven wrong. so for the last few years she's been trying to get me to come around and forgive my uncle too. and i've kind of been my own hardass, which i think at first was healthy skepticism. i had no reason to believe he wouldn't stir up shit just as soon as i turned around. but after so many years i think now it's my pride too, not wanting to give in, so i've refused contact still. he has reached out to me a few times and apparently really wants to repair our relationship (we never even had direct conflict, i voluntarily broke it off because of how he treated my parents) and i wouldn't.
but then come a year ago, my grandpa died so there was no avoiding it, i'd have to see everyone for the first time in almost a decade. and when i saw my uncle i found him suddenly very hard to hate. and he lit up a little in his way and i remembered the old affection i used to feel. and i think maybe i found him a bit pitiable. it's his own fault he's run everyone out of his life, but he lost his job and his wife left him and he started getting health problems and then the other two dumbass siblings started hating him for executing my grandparents' will and not letting them squat on my grandparents' property anymore because it needed to be sold. so my mom's right, i do kinda have to feel bad for him. certainly i feel much more inclined toward him than toward the other siblings.
but anyway my mom is pushing it way too hard, i am trying to come around and soften up and be forgiving in the best way i can. i guess she wants me to go about it like she does, all emotional and heart-to-heart and touchy-feely and all. but i can't be that way. idk if she understands that softening up my way, at a distance, is the only way i can start. my uncle's starting cancer treatment and she wanted me to call him and wish him good luck. fuck no i can't do that. but i genuinely want to extend an olive branch. or like, accept the one i've been repeatedly offered. so i think i'm gonna sew him a bear? i even got nicer fabric for it. and send it with a get well card or something. i kinda don't even want to tell my mom i'm doing it. my pride again i guess.
anyway character development. i think. i hope i don't regret this. but idk, maybe i should not be regretful if he starts acting like a jerk again. i guess i should only worry about the way things stand now and what's in my own control.
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ididkn0w · 1 year
That green and blue machine are both 125,000$ each can u fucking believe that. Only those two bro holy fucking shit. Omg and in the third pic u can’t see well but behind the fence is a robot arm it’s like a while ass transformer. And so it does shit don’t even ask me what but it was rlly cool. Btw this entire time Ive been at the restaurant and me my aunt and my gma and we’ve been waiting while my mom uncle and gpa talked with other clients and business ppl and babe it’s been like two hours and they just got back and they’re arguing about them bc idk prices n shit they said and whatever n they’re like yelling a lil at the table rn and my uncle is saying like u guys are treating this like a spy game and u guys are always so skeptical and thinking shit and my mom and gpa are like being like in a way it is we’re the top 20% more expensive in the market which is bad bc ppl want cheaper obv. N apparently an employee sent these people a list of our costs like how much It cost to produce n stuff n that’s rlly fucking bad like crisis type shit bc ofc we sell at a much higher prices and whatever like there’s a lot more to it that I don’t understand. Now my uncles saying u guys are always so negative and ppl are looking at us. Anyways I’m listening and talking to u it’s 3:31 pm rn. So back tl where I was. We went back to the conference room and they gave us giftssss Ik they’re like mini coffee cups. Omg bruh I can tell my moms backing out now😭 ok so I didn’t take pictures of them inside cus I wasn’t trynna open that shit. Oh yes and this typical Arabic cup to make coffee in. Cool souvenir or whatever. Ok I just got up it’s 3:41 rn I’ll finish typing In a bit. It’s the same thing following them around the fair. Then we finished the tour and got the gifts and then they took us to eat and resturaunt was sooooo pretty idk like the nature outside I felt like I was in the backyard of a rich Californian home idk and bro the food was soooooooo good and I drank Turkish tea again I loved the food. And once again no fucking wifi I always take screenshot to show u so we are and talked for like two hours and then we left and we went back to the factory and we left to the city again in the van and I slept the entire way and they woke me up and we were at a fucjing mall and I was mad as fuxk bc bro I was tired and I’m trynna get home to my man. And so we were there and like nothing was even open like it was rlly new. And I was bored as fuck but it was rlly pretty and then I’m so fr I took a picture of every cat I saw. And so we walked home and we stopped to get groceries and omg I forgot I to tell u at the mall we ate at a cafe. In the morning I took a picture of this place called mustafah u can look again n I thought it was silly bc everyone’s name here is mutsafah and we coincidentally ate there and it was sooooo good I ate a carénele tres leches it was so fucking good and I drank a coffee and they were in these cups that I loved they reminded me of u so much so I wanted them so bad so I went to buy them n they didn’t sell them so I got another ones that I think ull think are rlly cool they remind me of underthink logo. So they’re for our house. Then we walked home n we stopped be a grocery store for food and that’s when k got my Piña and then I stopped at this case place bc I’ve still been trynna get ur sparkly thing for ur cameraaaaa so I went and looked and asked for ur phone n they didn’t have any at that place but they had for mine but I just know they’ll have it at another one of those so don’t worry ur still getting one and I also got u this thing for ur charger u can put on it. I love you😄 n then got home n talked to u for like four hours I think even five
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scarletcreates · 2 years
Episode 1
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ava, madison, millie, claire, callie, sam, nick, ethan, raf
weekly brunch
madison: "im sorry im late. iana posted another vlog and i needed a good laugh
callie: what did she post this time
madison: "outfit ideas when u need to move on from ur cheating bf" he cheated on you 2 years ago how abt actually move on!
all: no way hahahahaha
claire: when will she stop using the cheating bf narrative for clout 😭
millie: what she needs is to get out of outfits and go ride someone. That will help her ACTUALLY move on
all: yeah right
sam: and there's always kpop boys to fangirl on
madison: alright keep it in your pants no one wants to hear your jihoon shit right now
sam: heeeey he can hear u shows pc
madison: stop bringing his photocard everywhere istg im gonna drown him in your coffee!!!
sam: hhhhhhhhhoooo dont listen to her jihoonie i wont let that happen to you
all: hahahahahhaha
madison: UGH
ava: anyway guys do you know if theres an available unit in your bldg?
callie: i can ask the landlord. wait. why. are you and ethan moving in? DID HE FINALLY PROPOSE?
madison: OMG is it tiffany's? pandora? bulgari? cartier? OH MY GOD SHOW ME THE RING
claire: how did he do it?
sam: when's the wedding date? pls dont let it be mar 25 i have a concert!
ava: i- i said no…
all: WHAT?!
ava: hey
ethan: hi
a: thanks for helping me move in
e: no problem. if u dont need anything else, ill go home
a: ethan… thank you for letting me do this
e: if u think living alone is what u need before saying yes to me… then okay… even tho i really dont understand why
a: im sorry… i dont understand myself either… i know that i love you. i know that i want to marry you. im sure of that. but… i also feel like i need to experience living alone. i need to experience independence before marrying you. i dont know why… i have the urge. i dont even know if ill survive this. what if im wrong. im actually scared. and of the thought i might lose you in the process. what am i doing. please dont go.
e: shhhh… hug hey hey… you wont lose me… ever… this is something u need to do so even though i dont understand it, ill support you
a: thank you… do you want to stay for the night?
e: i want to buuuuuut i wont. you need to learn independence quick so i could marry you
a: haha fine… i love you
e: i love you more kiss forehead alright i need to go i have an early meeting tomorrow
a: okay… call me when ur home
e: of course… enjoy your independence
a: love yaa take care
ava big sigh. but excited face for her independence
callie: nick we're home opened n eating out of a bucket of chicken
nick: heyyyyy… i bought us a bucket for dinner
callie: u really think i believe u didnt order that for urself
n: continued eating chicken u love me anyway
claire: so ava asked me to go to the grocery store with her, u want anything?
cy: oh thanks i'll text u a list
cl: alright i'll just change. i dont need my boobs unsupported when im carrying heavy things
n: so how's ava's studio?
cy: it's nice, furnished so she only needs to bring her clothes.
n: she okay?
cy: ya she's pretty excited about the independence thing
n: right. oh bubu dont forget about my deodorant for the list
cy: done it already
n: oh also that shaving cream youre always buying me, and i ran out of toothpaste at work, oh oh oh my gummy bears also ran out
cy: done done and done already
n: aawwwe u know me the best kiss
cy: ya maybe u could use some independence too.
sent the messagee
cy: whaaaat it's for u and ryder when u know he'll decide to actually use his penis
n: can you believe he suits his name so much?
cl: rolls eyes he's not in the mood
cy: nick are guys ever not in the mood?
n: well yeah but 5 minutes tops. u tie ur hair and i'm good to go
cy: see?
cl: ewww the moment u tie ur hair im out of here
cy: but srsly when was the last time he was in the mood
cl: you know… never. ok fine. but he's all i got okay? i want to meet ppl organically and well he's the only non-gay guy at work
cy: are you sure he's not gay?
cl: no…
n: heyyy u thought i was gay when we first met
cy: but then i tied my hair
n: ah yes
cl: ughhh
ma kissing w someone in living room. s suddenly laughing her room
guy: uhm is it okay we're making out in ur living room w ur roommate here?
ma: dont worry bout her she's watching a live w her kpop boys she'll not go out for 3hrs
guy: okay but i think it would be better if continue this in u bedroom
ma: alright but it was pretty exciting here dont you think?
guy: alright continue making out
s suddenly shouted and disturbed them again
ma: alright sorry lets go to the bedroom
tomorrow morning
s: goooooooood morninggggggggggggggg
ma: grumpy hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
s looked around for the guy
s: i thought u had a date yesterday?
ma: yaaaa.
s: so how was heeee?
ma: he came even before u finish the live what do u think?
s: yikes… this is why kpop boys are better than real men just saying
ma: ur screen doesnt have a dick
s: but i dont need to fake my orgasm
ma: do u even have orgasms?
s: duh
ma: what
s: what
ma: dont tell me….
s: no im kidding. so whats for bfast
ma suspicious face
open door to mn
mn: hi
ma: heyyy
mn: ava wants to borrow this toaster but i need to rush to the lab can u guys bring it to her?
ma: suuure ill visit her later. whats up in ur lab?
mn: a fresh cadaver just became available and i need to slice up some brain for a tumor
ma: and thats it for bfast
s: hey have some bfast first
mn: oh grabs flask pour all coffee grab waffle thanks
s: good luck!
mn: thanks i really need that tumor
mn went out. millie received a text message.
m: he texted me. "had a great time last night. how about dinner tonight?"
s: so u gonna see him again?
m: sure. until i can find someone else to buy me expensive dinners
ava tried cooking meat loaf but it got burned, millie knocked on the door. a panicked a little covered the plate of burned meat loaf opened the window before opening the door.
a: heyyy
ma: heyyy madison wanted me to bring this to you
a: oh thaanks
ma: ohhh ur cooking something?
a: uhm… yes… earlier… but i already ate it. so ya im sorry cant offer it to u anymore
ma: thats ok i had bfast. sooo hows the independent life
a: good good. i cleaned. i cooked. i washed my own clothes. steamed my clothes. went to the grocery store. threw away my garbage. went to the grocery store again.
ma: chores taking all of ur free time?
a: it does… remind me why i wanted this again?
ma: dont worry youll get the hang of it. you just needed a schedule. list down your groceries and the quantity that would last you 2 weeks. ull get used to cooking. ull get used to cooking on the weekend and cooked a lot enough for leftovers for the rest of the week. dont worry youll get the hang of it.
a stomach grumbled. ma looked at a. a revealed the burned meat loaf
ma: and youll get use to not burning things
while eating
a: ur the first one of us to live alone. how did u do it
ma: hmmmm i just enjoyed the process. also bringing home a lot of men motivated me
a: alright i get thats to ease ur loneliness but how the hell is that motivating
ma: whaaat im motivated to keep the place clean. im motivated to do my laundry to clean the undies and sheets. im motivated to throw the garbage that contained the used condom
a: wow ur such a strong and independent woman
ma: i know
guy and millie in a restaurant. guy kissing millie's hands.
guy: i really had a great time last night.
millie: awwee of course you do. now, do you want the wagyu steak? i want the wagyu steak.
guy: sure, anything for my baby
millie: awwweee. excuse me waiter! ya, 7 wagyu steaks, fully cooked.
guy: wait 7?
millie: im sorry im really hungry. thats okay right?
guy: oh, yeah sure. make 1 medium
millie: oh right, so 1 medium and 7 fully wagyu steaks.
guy: w-wai…
waiter: do you want some reds with this?
millie: yes! 1 whole bottle please.
waiter: sure. anything else?
guy: uhm, do you take 2 credit cards?
waiter: yes. we do.
guy: oh okay. nervous laugh
millie: so you were saying?
guy: uhm
millie: how last night was so great?
guy: yeahhh
m texted sam.
sam in callie and claire's apartment
sam: "tell the girls tonight's dinner is wagyu steak." huh. type "what do you mean"
door open.
madison: this is the best day! i found a tumor.
ava: should i be worried?
s: no it's her experiment. congrats! millie is bringing over wagyu steak
madison: that's right universe be my bitch
a: so where's claire?
nick: with ryder who wont ride her. ha ha ha
callie: she's on a date with ryder. but she wont be sleeping with him so she should be back by now.
millie in restaurant again. wagyu steak arrived. ate 1 bite then texted sam.
sam received another text: "call me"
s: yow
millie: hey whats up im on a date?
s: you texted me call me
madison: millie wheres my steak i found a tumor!
millie: what? madison found a tumor?
madison: thats right!
m: oh my god. im coming over.
s: wait. no no no. madison doesnt have a tumor. she found a tumor for her experiment.
millie end call
sam: what just happened
madison: leave it. it'll get the steaks here faster
m: guy, im so sorry. madison just received some bad news. i need to go.
guy: no worries. let's just take this out and i'll accompany you.
m: i think she doesnt want to see strangers now
guy: ur right
m: waiter kindly wrap these 7 steaks and bill please.
guy: are you okay?
m: yeah.
waiter arrived with take out and bill
m: alright bye
nick: this is the best wagyu steak ever
ava: cos it's free?
nick: yes!
millie: dont need to fake orgasms on this one
callie: ugh now i know what claire felt this morning
s: please let millie meet more 1 minute guys please please please
claire arrived
nick: how's ryder? rode him yet? sksksksk
madison: it was funny one time
ava: we saved a wagyu for you
claire: thanks guys
callie: sooooo how's the date?
claire: i dont want to talk about it
all: oh okay
group looking at each other
madison: here's a wine sweetie
claire drank and: so he invited me to his home right. And he's giving me the eyes right. So now we're standing in front of his apartment door. He leaned forward and
Hugged me…
Im sorry
No no im not done yet. Then he said "you didnt have to ride home with me but thanks for the ride i owe you one". Turns out he just wanted me to pay for his taxi ride
Nick: ryder just wanted a ride
sam: im sorry claire
millie: u know what. let's go out this weekend and trick them into buying us wagyu steaks again
claire: ya thanks millie
millie reading guy voice mail.
"hey uhmmmm havent heard from u since the bad news abt ur friend. is she okay? are you okay? call me"
"heyyy how are you? do want to have dinner tonight? i-i'll cook"
"heyy uhmm the bill that night was a little bit high for my budget. is it okay if you pay for the half?"
"was it because i only lasted for 1 minute?………….. nah you said you had a great time. okay. call me."
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
I feel like vamp h is the most anxiety ridden mushy when it comes to petal, like I’m just picturing them going to like a target because petal needs some things and she tells h she’s going to grab some soap but he’s so preoccupied comparing two different brands of yogurt for her breakfast that he doesn’t hear her and when he turns around to ask which she thinks will be better, she’s gone and he just ??? but she was right there ??? so his mind immediately goes to the worst possible scenario of her getting kidnapped or something so he’s dropping the containers and looking down all the adjacent aisles and when he still can’t find her he’s beside himself and going to ask someone for help when she just reappears so nonchalantly like “they ran out of the usual kind we get but I’ve heard this one is good-“ but gets cut off by him literally barreling into her and hugging the crap out of her and ?? h? you okay? and he’s just trying to calm himself down and “don’t do that to me again petal I can’t take it” and she’s just apologizing not having the heart to tell him she told him where she was going :(
And you’d be right!!!!!!!🥺 like he loves grocery shopping now that he knows what she likes and it’s just another human experience he enjoys when he’s w her so it’s always fun when they go esp when it’s just for little things bc then he came take his time and figure out if there’s something like food wise he wants to make for her so ofc he’s distracted when she’s like oop!!! Forgot to grab some detergent hold on! And h nods bc he heard her ofc he heard her pretty voice but he’s just a little distracted reading over the labels of some food w his brows all furrowed and it’s when he looks up and sees she’s gone and he only can trace a couple of feet of her scent before it’s too diluted from the rest of the ppl stinking it up around him😠 so he’s panicking now like he drops their little basket they had and is pacing down the aisles trying to find her and keep his composure and he’s like ab to commandeer the PA system and ask where she is when she’s all leisurely walking back to him and like I couldn’t find that rosy one u like but I got this one and he’s not even listening before he’s wrapped around her and petal:( where did u go I was so worried:( and she’s like oh h I thought I told u I went and got detergent remember? Is everything okay? And he just I’m sorry I listen to u I was so distracted it won’t happen again I’ll go w u next time petal:( and she wasn’t trying to make him feel bad so she’s like no no h it’s alright I wanted u to keep shopping I just wanted to grab it before I forgot but it’s alright okay? Let’s finish up and go home and she’s all smiley at him trying to show him that everything’s okay he’s just being dramatic but ofc he makes a point to keep his hand in hers the rest of the time and he’s right there if she needs anything:(
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actualbird · 3 years
luke drives a motorbike in canon and it's a crime we havent seen it yet but also i cant decide which among these two motorbikes i want him to have most
wc: 1k
at the end of main story 2 when mc is escaping from the many media people tryna talk to her after her first big High Profile case, luke swoops in on a motorcycle, tosses mc a helmet, and whisks her off to safety
main story 2. thats so early in canon we were given the info that luke drives a motorbike
and we
have not
frankly i dont think thats fair cuz //gestures at artem and vyn and marius. artem really likes driving and hes got two illustrations already of him driving fast (SSR Entwined Fate, SSR Wandering heart). vyn likes horseback riding and hes got SR Gentleman's Game with polo as a premise along with all card evolution images wheres hes riding the horse. AND while i dont have this card, marius in SR A Dance In The Clouds has him in the first evolution image as behind the "wheel" of an AIRCRAFT HE KNOWS HOW TO PILOT
(sidenote: marius, youre 21 years old. recently for work ive had to research aviation schools n timelines and. it takes many years. how the FUCK did marius von hagen have the time in his busy busy short life to get a pilot's license. what. how. it's hilarious but also HOW)
POINT IS, all the boys have been shown driving a vehicle (horse counts as a vehicle) of their specialty
thats why this is a crime but i'll move on now, just had to get that off my chest
before i go into this i gotta tell ya, i know nothing about motorbike or motorcyle stats. i dont even know the difference between those two terms so i dont know what constitutes as a Good Motorbike. im going off of vibes
and one vibe from luke that both these options go into is his love for old stuff and antiques. stellis in the year 2030 has shown vehicles being slightly more futuristic (see: interior of car where theres no recognizable steering wheel, drives me NUTS) than what weve got now. but i dont think luke would go for an advanced looking model, i think he'd be drawn to more old style models liiike
option 1: classic harley davidson
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my reasons for this are the following
it's old school so it fits with luke's affinity for things styled in the sensibility of past eras and also it's COOL. IT'S A COOL GUY MOTORCYLE. and i hate to admit this cuz it infuriates me sometimes, but luke is a cool person
i dont have to enumerate his coolness just //gestures to his long grocery list of skills that are cool and also dashingly masculine
the masculinity is also a factor bc while luke isnt tryna be Manly Man or anything (imo none of the boys are, thankfully) and is shown to not a give a shit about what ppl past his circle of loved ones think of him so yes he will spend a whole afternoon enraptured by a stray cat, his skills r still pretty skewed to societally seen Dude Activities. buncha sports, being the most physically strong person in stellis maybe, shooting, THE LIST GOES ON. so it wouldnt be outta place for luke to gravitate to whats societally seen as a Dude Motorcycle
so this fits imo and my last justification is the simple self indulgence: luke would look so frigging hot driving something like this. and im a simple luke stan, ok
show me luke pearce being hot on a cool guy motorcycle
option 2: a vespa
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for all that luke pearce is Cool (infuriating) he is also DORK (AFFECTIONATE, LOVINGLY, I AM LOOKING INTO HIS EYES WITH HEARTS IN MY OWN EYES)
the catalog of his dorktitude is as endless as his grocery list of coolness. a tinker and inventor, collector and enthusiast of antiques, was apparently so smart he went off to a top university at 16 yrs old which was earlier for everybody else in his age bracket, viddy games, and on and on and on. hes a nerd and it is delightful because enthusiasm is always so beautiful but im especially happy to see enthusiasm in things that arent always seen as "cool"
delightful but not "cool" is, i think, the unofficial tagline for a vespa
it's a WONDERFUL MOTORCYCLE. classic as well so it fits with what i mentioned earlier. and also it's reminiscent of movies where characters drive through quieter provinces and theres no action in the movie at all, the film is more focused on this vibe of like, enjoying the sunlight and grass and stuff
//points at luke pearce. for all that hes a literal action hero, he shines so brightly in moments where he enjoys the little things in life. the vespa, in my humble opinion, is the perfect motorbike to do this with
also he'd just look so cute driving it. //puts my face into my hands
in conclusion
im torn. i cannot decide. i want luke pearce cutting through stellis traffic on a harley davidson looking like the coolest person in the entire city. but i also want luke pearce stuck in stellis traffic on a vespa and everybody who sees him---sunshine boy on a sunshine motorcycle---finds a smile pulling at their lips
maybe he could have both? maybe theres garage space somewhere in that building he owns? why must i choose?
oh also, whatever motorcycle luke has, hes deffo modded to be Better, to be Optimized
so no matter what, there will be scenes where luke is doing infuriatingly attractive mechanic stuff. yknow, with the towel over shoulder, tank top outfit, expression of deep concentration and when mc calls out for him and shakes him outta The Zone he turns to her hes got a streak of grease on his face he didnt notice and mc will HAVE to come over and wipe it off and feel extremely flustered doing so
im not sure i made a point in this whole post. mhy, i want to see his motorcycle please
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silkgonerough · 4 years
Astro Observation/Rants #3 (includes moral support for ppl with harsh aspects between their big 3)
🍰UNDERRATED ASPECT COMBO: Mercury sextile venus + mars when I tell you the amount of crazy situations I’ve talked my way out of and the amount of free things I’ve talked my way into is simply ridiculous.. The mixture of both I think gives someone a rlly nice and sweet way of talking but with a certain tact and persuasion with how their saying it if that makes sense? Which equals a real charmer in words but also someone very skilled in how to get what they want through what their saying. If you have this as well start using it to your advantage trust me it works!!!
☹️Does anyone else who has Pluto or Saturn on or aspecting the ascendant in a harsh aspect have an intense self awareness that kind of keeps them from doing certain things bc it gets to much be too much or you get too paranoid over what others will think of you?
😪Being a Sagittarius but with Saturn as my dominant/elevated planet is really not what I signed up for... I thought I was getting my fun carefree casual storyline but Saturn said it’s the struggle for me. RIP to young me who only looked at cookbook astrology and rlly thought I was doing something...
🙃Ppl who have their sun or ascendant squaring your own ascendant usually have habits or just certain things they do that tend to annoy you or make you judgemental in how they present themselves to the world and others around them. My virgo rising squares my moms sagittarius sun and I can’t take her anywhere 😕
🥵Venus square mars is so hot yet such a disaster in synastry😭 like maybe it’s because I attract relationships that tend to be as messy as something out of a Netflix original but I’m always so attracted to guys who’s venus’ square my mars... and then they open their mouths😪
📚If you know someone with mercury in an aspect to saturn compliment their intellect, writting skills or just knowledge in general!! Ppl with this aspect tend to feel insecure with being considered “smart” even if they really are! Most ppl I’ve met are able to articulate their thoughts rlly well and are like walking dictionaries almost? They way they talk when explaining definitions or concepts is also lowkey hot🥵maybe that’s just my Virgo rising talking tho...
💖Sun in any aspect to venus but especially the conjunct/trine as an aspect between two people is the official hype man aspect!! The venus person hypes the hell out of the sun person and vice versa!! Probs the loyal fan who’s always in your comment section😘I love this aspect sm tho you just love the entire being of the other person! one of my fave celebrities has her venus conjunct my sun and I am deeply in love with her🤪
😩WHEN WILL THE UNIVERSE GIVE ME ANYTHING OTHER THEN A DAMN PISCES ARIES OR LIBRA MAN ITS GETTING OLD give me my Scorpio or Capricorn man😭🙏 (except dont bc all of hell will break loose and it’ll be me invigoratingly opening the gates)
🌗If you have your sun in a harsh aspect to your moon (square or opposite) your childhood was probably not the most fun in the home life and you probably understood the harsh reality of marriage or just unhealthy relationships in general from the parents :/ the whole sun/moon inner conflict was also probs pretty prevalent and caused social issues with peers at school.. honestly such a sad aspect to have as a child bc everything’s so hard and you don’t understand why bc you don’t rlly understand yourself yet :( but once you grow into it and figure out how to balance your emotions/moon to your overall personality/sun one can become the strength where the other is weak and it creates a sort of wondrous enigma of a person and ppl can become rlly entranced in your personality! It’s called layers bitch😜
🤫Scorpio/Pluto in the 3rd house (I have both🤗) could be someone who has a lot of secretive hobbies or interests that they don’t share with a lot of ppl but may have a secret social media accounts for them👀 not the type to tell ppl if they like someone but the ppl who are close to them will catch on or honestly figure out just by asking them straight up bc once confronted we get all embarrassed and you can see it on our faces super easily! We love our mysteries, plot twist or literally anything that requires digging deeper or making theories when reading or watching something. No surface level shit here🙅‍♀️
💸Mars in 2nd house may have a shopping addiction or may be bad at saving money. They usually binge shop and are the types that went to a grocery store for more untensils and came back with a waffle maker and a bunch of baking supplies😅 stingy if you eat their food without permission... the type to freak out if they left their fave shirt at their friends house after a sleepover lol, probs has a thing for food and sex together or sex in a really luxurious place with candles and rose petals.. it’s go big or I’m going tf home with them. Have furniture in ur home their not fucking in a god damn roller rink🤣
🌟People with Mercury in Aquarius/aspecting Uranus seem to really like talking about scientific theories or futuristic concepts!! All the ones I’ve known have had really grand ideas and seem to like anything related to the mystical but also seemingly holds a lot of innovative undertones! One of my friends who has Mercury in Aquarius aspecting Neptune/Uranus has a thing for the Disney short films which honestly is like a mix of neptune and uranus in its art forms! I’ve always thought it was cute how eager she is to show me them☺️
🌊From what I’ve observed an aspect that can make someone kind of bad at confrontation or like vocalizing their feelings until it’s too late and their bursting like a freaking geyser is Pisces mars. It doesn’t rlly take a lot to have them feeling some sort of way either with or without a valid reason (this is just an observation from the ones I’ve seen I don’t want to generalize!!) but the way they get angry is like a baby’s tempter tantrum and because I’m a Sagittarius I can always see thru the bullshit and I’m like is anyone else seeing this? I think overall besides Scorpio having a water mars signs is exceptionally hard so I cut them some slack but at what cost😫
🤤Mars conjunct Jupiter people are yummy. The men and women both are so hot and the men are always exuding big dick energy and usually thats what their giving👀
🌎All my big 3 create harsh aspects to one another (sun square moon, moon opposite ascendant, ascendant square sun) I honestly don’t know how I made it this far without literally exploding from tension but to anyone with these I guess my advice would be to refrain from taking things too personally bc it’s usually never that serious we’re just already a bit insecure in ourselves and how we present ourselves to the world! Your perception of how others view you vs how they actually do are usually very different in a good way but we tend to self sabotage ourselves into acting the way we think others want us to! I think having so many conflictive yet different sides of yourself creates a very influential character. It’s kind of like living in many completely different places throughout your life. The change is always hard and you don’t always feel secure but your experience and perception on things are really unique and you can offer other ppl a whole new perspective on who they are bc you yourself are always looking through the world through conflicting yet contrasting lenses.
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crispyimagines17 · 3 years
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“Maria Bonita” - [ Timothée Chalamet  | One Shot ]
Summary: We invite you to take a glimpse to the Chalamet’s house. A teenage parents who would do anything to protect, love and take care of their little one despite all the eyes of society. 
Written by: Crispy Imagines.
Soundtrack: main theme
Notes: A promise is a promise ppl, after two years of waiting Maria Bonita is finally here. First of all I want to thank every single person who was asking for this masterpiece, I hope i don’t let you down. Feedback is always welcome and nothing, enjoy it cause y’all deserve it.  Also, we attach several audios to make you feel part of the story, so contrast them just as a background sound. 
Tags: @miss2001babe ; @lg-vangogh ; @expectodonuts ; 
The creaking of the bed came to a halt as your two-year-old Maddox weigh crashes down the mattress; his tiny feet pressed on daddy’s back, sending a burst of chills down Timothée’s spine. Maddox hands traveled to mommy’s cheeks, pitching or stretching them as he let out a chuckle.
“Mommy?” he whines, kissing your cheeks softly “Mommy” he repeats, nuzzling his face on yours.
“What’s up champ?” Timothée speaks, his groggy voice echoing the room as he stretches his body.
“Daddy!” the little one leaves you and jumps all the way to Timothée.
“Good morning.”
“morning.” Maddox repeats.
You opened your eyes, and the first picture your eyes capture was little Maddox hugging tightly his daddy with a Woody on his right hand. When he saw you, you could see his eyes glowing and leaving daddy’s side just so he can be with you. Immediately you open your arms, letting his tiny weigh crash on yours as he looks at you with pure happiness.
“Hi mommy”
“Hi momma.” You hear Timothée’s voice as you rolled your eyes. He slowly approaches to you two, snugging and earning laughs from both of you. “How’s my family?”
“We’re fine. You need to get Maddox a shower bef-…”
“Noo…” the little kid as soon as he heard shower leaves the bed in such a hurry, leaving his favorite toy in bed. Both of you laughed.
“I’ll make some breakfast and I want you ready by the time I’ll call you.”
“Yes momma.” Timothée gets up from bed and before leaving the room he approaches to give you a tiny peck, then a kiss and later a passionate kiss; grabbing towels from the drawer.
“Come here little man, before I’ll catch you.” You could hear Maddox giggles all over the apartment and timmy’s footsteps running around.
“Come on bub, we’re late for school. Just put some damn clothes.” Timothée’s voice came out as desperation as Maddox was running in circles butt naked. He tried everything, baby shark song, let Woody shower with him and even doing some funny voices, but none of them work. He sighs, face palming as he listens to the little one singing “You’ve got a friend in me”.
“Love.” He speaks. “Can you help me with Maddox?”
“Sure, just watch the scramble eggs.” He sighs in relief, and lifting himself from the wet floor walking carefully. When he clashes glazes with his son, he mumbles him
“You’re going to get in big trouble, mommy is coming.” Maddox smile fades and the fear got in his eyes, so he quickly runs to his bedroom bringing the first piece of clothing he found.
“Dammit.” You whispered as you tried to adjust the child seat. Timothée was right behind you, holding Maddox; both of them watching you getting pissed.
“Let me try, love. Here, hold Maddox.” You sigh, extending your arms as little Maddox lunges towards you. You lay your head against his, as you rock yourself back and forth. “we’re ready.”
Today was going to be a long day due to your shift, leaving early sounds nice, but also means going to the grocery store, doing laundry, cleaning the house, teaching Maddox, do some paperwork. Although timothée helps you in every way he can there’s still more job to do, like you’re working nonstop all the year. As you drive towards Maddox daycare Timothées hands were on your thing, resting peacefully as he slowly reads some scripts.
“Shit” he mumbles, you looked at him with an arched eyebrow. He realizes his mistake and quickly covers his mouth and watches Maddox, who’s been gazing at the window without a clue of what happened. Timothée let out a sigh as he slowly began to read his duties when the little one laugh.
“Shet” Maddox said giggling as he smashes his toys. Both of you close your eyes in regret, he will now say the word to nonstop and the ladies from the daycare will complain, like always.
“Oh no.” you let out “Maddox, honey.”
“Wa mommy?”
“Remember when we said that kids shouldn’t say big words?” he nods. “You need to stop saying that, it’s rude and people will not like it.”
“Shet.” He repeats giggling.
“Love, say something to your child” you said looking at Timothée.
“Me? Why?”
“Cause you said the big word.” You insist.
“Why I’m always the bad guy…” he whispers as he take a breath. “Bub, what do we talk…”
“shet shet shet shet!” Maddox said out loud causing both parents to sigh.
“Well, we tried” Timothee said as you parked at the daycare.
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Picking up Maddox from daycare was the heavy stuff of the day, receiving each and every day complaints from the teachers about his hyperactivity, molesting other kids or yelling in story time. Today was not the exception, despite the look of irritation from the teacher you were calm and hugging a tired Maddox rocking back and forth.
“Maddox is… a special kid. His behavior today concerned the other teachers due to the fact that the child said the word shit many times. That cause the other kids to follow him and my job here is to ask you, Is everything okay with your… boyfriend and you?” you arched your eyebrows surprised.
“Y-yeah, we’re fine, Maddox is like a sponge absorbs everything, including the bad stuff.” You chuckle nervously.  She shakes her head.
“Kids at your age don’t know how to raise a child, it surprises me that you’re still together and with Maddox temper…” you were in shocked, does she tell you that? And in front of your kid? Oh, you’re so mad you’ve couldn’t hold your tongue.
“Believe me that my kid is surrounded by love and emotional stability lady, you have no right to judge me or my husband. We’ve been swallowing some bullshit since I was pregnant, but I will not tolerate to insult me in front of my kid. So, fuck yourself and your stupid business.” You raised your middle finger and walk towards the exit without looking back.
After you put Maddox in his chair, he looked at you in a lovely way, touching both of your cheeks and smiling.
“Love you mommy.” Your eyes watered as you kiss him on his forehead.
“Love you too.”
Going to the grocery store was Maddox favorite thing; the thrill of daddy pushing the car so fast; when mommy buys his favorite cereal and the music that always calms him. So when you said your next destination a chorus of happiness filled the entire car.
“Okay, we’re supposed to get the basic. Love, get a car and I’ll see you on the aisle 2.” You grab Maddox hand but he didn’t walk. “What happened?”
“Daddy.” He points with his little finger towards Timothée direction.
“Daddy will come soon. Come on, let’s go.” But Maddox stayed, making his little body heavier so you couldn’t walk.
“Daddy.” He repeats.
“Love he will come back, let’s go.” You tried once more, but he let himself fall on the floor, starting a tantrum that led all the eyes of the store on you two. You smiled awkwardly picking up Maddox as you tried your best to avoid the judge of the people’s eyes, walking down the first hall as you let him down with tearful eyes.
“Maddox, honey, you need to listen to me.” You cup his cheeks in an attempt to catch his attention. After he saw you his concern became evident.
“wa hapen?”
“Here you are, I thought you said aisle 2.” After he saw your eyes, his smile faded and he kneels with you two. “What’s wrong, baby?” you shake your head.
“Nothing, I just-“ you immediately tried to recover yourself and got up wiping your eyes. “We need to hurry up, we still have to make dinner.” You grab the car. “Love, please take Maddox with you.”
And so were you grabbing everything you need and both of your boys were trying hard to cheer you up by singing or listening to Timothee saying stuff like “Mom looks pretty today, isn’t she?” “We’ll make dinner so you can take a rest”
You were in line ready to pay and behind you there was a nice lady pampering Maddox. Timothee smile to her.
“Taking care of the little brother, huh.” She said waving at him. “what a handsome man.”  You both look at each other without saying anything. It was normal that many people believed one of you was babysitting a younger sibling or a cousin so you didn’t bother to correct the lady.
“Mommy sleep.” Maddox said, looking at you with tired eyes. Your eyes immediately watch the lady who was quite skeptical. “Mommy.”
“Oh” she only said. Your eyes travel to her, you’ve could see her disappointment on her face, it was something you’ve got used to it. You tried to recover yourself, this was too much for one day and it hasn’t ended yet.
“Love, can you pay? I’ll have to take some air.” Timothee’s eyes were concerned.
“Sure love, here, take the keys. Maddox will stay with me.” You grab the keys and exit the store as soon as you can, fighting hard to keep the tears from falling.  
When you get into your car you let yourself go, tears streaming down your face and allowing yourself to feel this way.
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The migraine you’ve been dealing with was in its best moment, due to Maddox screams and the tv in all the volume it has. Timothee was in the bedroom with a script; he left you with all the toys, crayons and food on the floor. You sigh, frustrated and just when you were calming yourself you saw Maddox torn one of Timothee’s scripts and laughing. Timothee was behind him with a red face, taking him the pieces of paper to look directly at you.
“Seriously? Are you not watching this kid?” after those words your blood began to boil, throwing him the nearest object.
“Are you fucking serious? I fucking make dinner because you “innocently” forgot, I’m doing laundry so you can go to your fucking auditions clean; I’m washing dishes cause you’re so busy reading your stupid scripts and you can’t watch Maddox. And you’re implicating that it’s my fault that I don’t watch our kid? Unbelievable.” You said furious. “I don’t fucking have a break, I work my 8hr shift, pick up Maddox; do all the chores; helping Maddox with his homework; shower him, giving him dinner; make us dinner; shower myself if I have time; and checking some paperwork. You’re… You’re just auditioning, promising that one day we’ll be in a mansion and lived happily ever after, you do not do anything unless I asked you for.” He was shocked, avoiding all eye contact with you.
“I-I don’t know what to say.” You sigh, leaving the kitchen, taking one of your coats and leaving the apartment.
You could hear Timothee’s footsteps behind you, but you just keep on walking, breathing deeply so you can’t say something you regret.
“Wait, love.” He tried to grab you softly by the arm.
“So now I’m your love, huh?” you rolled your eyes, stopping yourself to look him in the eye.
“You’ve always been my love. Sorry for behaving like an asshole. You were right, I’m a completely shitty father. I leave you with all the heavy duty while I focus on a stupid dream.” You could see the sadness of his face, eyes beginning to water. Immediately you cupped his cheeks and touched your forehead with his, staying in silence for a couple of seconds.
“You know I’m the biggest supporter of your dream.” You said in a whisper. “But you have to be a responsible father and husband. We are a team; we’re supposed to help each other in every way we can. I’m not asking to give up on what you are passionate about.” you sweetly pressed your lips against his.
“I love you.” He said, with eyes pure of love that your stomach curled up.
“I love you too, handsome.” You stayed hug for a while, while you feel like there was something missing. It was Maddox!
“Oh my god… where’s the kid?” you lift the head to catch his eyes.
“I left it with Maddie, I think we should pick him up before she calls us.” You nod.
An so where you, walking back home holding hands having the warm sensation that everything from now on will be just fine.
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 [Soundrack] [3]     
The sound of nature calms both of your boys, you suggest to travel to the nearest park to set up some wood fire. And now you are carrying Maddox tired body, the little one is closing his eyes so often, and it will not take too long for him to sleep; since he’s got his thump already in his mouth. Timothée was watching the stars, with a sad tone on his face he said:
“Sometimes I forget that I’m a dad. When they invite at some restaurant for brief seconds I forget that I’m someone’s dad, that I change diapers or fed him. And that feels weird, not good weird, like something is missing. I’ll never going to regret being a father at my age, I will have a long way to watch him grow and become anything he wants; and somehow that makes me happy.”
“I don’t regret either. I feel that this kid connects us in beautiful ways; we are his mentors to teach him the good and bad. I think we’re more than ready to take the challenge.”
“I love you. And I’m so happy I chose you to be the mother of my child, even if that means by accident.” You couldn´t help but laugh.
“I love you too. Come on, let’s go to our house.”
“At least let us heard one more song before we go.” Timothee got up shaking the dirt from his pants, he went to the car and shuffle a couple of songs before he found out the one. “This one will work. Let me get Maddox on the car.”
After he let the baby he slowly approaches to you, touching his forehead with yours, rocking back and forth as Maria Bonita was playing on the back.
“Even if this song is made for a Maria. In this park, at midnight with the stars and moon as witnesses you’re my Maria Bonita. The one I will always be in love, beyond my body and soul. I’m all yours baby. Just say the word and we will go to the nearest chapel.”  You smile.  
“Yes.” You whispered on his lips
“Promised me that you don’t lie just because you feel idolized.” You kissed him. “I love you Mrs. Chalamet. Let the world know I Love this woman.” You shake your head, chuckling, the song ended and to seal the promise he kissed you passionately taking from his coat a jewelry box; knealing.
“Will you marry me?”
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.4
I swear folks once I get this and the last part up I’m gonna condense it all
But yeah couldn’t resist some <3
Zhang and Wu Chat
Wu Xie: Um. I’m all done with the shower if you want a turn.
Zhang Qiling: I’m alright without one.
Wu Xie: sooo are you pissed at me still?
Zhang Qiling: ? I have not been angry with you since the ladder incident.
Wu Xie: you’ve barely said anything since the necklace thingy
Zhang Qiling: I believe it is a long-running joke amongst my friend group that I do not, in fact, say much.
Wu Xie: okay but there are multiple gouges in the tea house walls that would suggest you had somewhat strong feelings today
and I kinda caused the events that sparked said feelings
so just checking in you know
Zhang Qiling: I was not angry so much as I was afraid. More afraid than I’ve been in a long time.
Wu Xie: ??? But it has worked out fine??? Everyone made it out alive and Uncle Erbai gets to feel morally superior to the Zhang family for a while so today was a win overall
Zhang Qiling: I heard you scream. I didn’t know what had happened. I couldn’t get to you right away. Therefore, I was afraid.
Wu Xie: ohhhhh. oh, Xiao Ge. It’s alright now—hey the necklace was actually helping u look out for me:) It’s not like those ppl were actually trying to hurt me, really. Your family isn’t so bad, at least you don’t have any uncles you know of
today was just some big misunderstandings wrapped in some poor life choices. Tbh my memoir title
I feel kind of stupid for screaming but when a glowing necklace wraps itself around your neck it’s a little uhoh moment lol
I did like the design tho def my aesthetic.
Zhang Qiling: I am pleased that it was able to protect you when I was not.
Wu Xie: Uh no you are not allowed to get all emo abt this it’s only like 3pm
damn time flies when it’s flashing before your eyes lol
Are you on the roof? You’re def on the roof. I thought I heard the tiles moving over my head. Come down or I’m coming up.
Zhang Qiling: I will be down in a moment. Do not come outside, it’s cold and raining.
Wu Xie: you know, Zhang Rishan said he thinks the necklace might be linked to you, somehow
something from long ago, even though you wouldn’t remember it.
It’s lucky that it liked me, huh:)
Zhang Qiling: Yes. Quite lucky.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: No. Also, I am considering what steps I should take with Zhang Rishan. Regardless of his concern for the Zhang family line, his actions were unacceptable.
Zhang Qiling: I am the patriarch of my family. The necklace behaved as I would, apparently, to protect a vulnerable family member. Wu Xie’s bad cold last week activated it, and it responded to a perceived danger to him today. Simple enough.
Wang Pangzi: UH HUH
Zhang Qiling: It protected him on a technicality. But I will not allow him to bear the burdens of my family ever again. It has taken so much from him already.
Friends of Wu Xie Support Group Chat
Hei Yangjing: you’re welcome for everything today<3 I accept PayPal, although of course it is always my honor to assist my friends:)
Zhang Qiling: You did absolutely nothing.
Hei Yangjing: whoa whoa maybe I wasn’t threatening family members or busting up load-bearing walls like some undying divas I could name but I totes helped
or at least I was there for moral support maybe?
Zhang Qiling: The only reason I knew you were there at all was that as I lowered my blade from Zhang Rishan’s neck, I heard the camera click and saw you were taking a selfie making a peace sign, angled to have the two of us in the background.
Xie Yuchen: I saw it on social media just now. The caption is “#greatdaycatchingupwiththelads #blessed”
Hei Hangjing: okay yeah you see Xiao Ge that is a modern kind of help I should’ve known you wouldn’t be aware
It’s called performance, you wouldn’t understand
it’s a ‘Gram thing
Also it means I’m a great person
Bc letting you handle the situation was my gift to you
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie mentioned there is something called “blocking ppl” that gets them out of my phone.
Hei Yangjing: nah
Can’t trust that Wu Xie, bae can’t tell a coffin from an urn amirite
it’s not a thing, blocking
Xie Yuchen: It is a thing. I’ll show you later, Zhang Qiling.
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Hei Yangjing: you looked pretty comfortable in those handcuffs earlier ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Go to sleep, idiot.
Hei Yangjing: You’d have to do something to tire me out ;););)
Xie Yuchen: Are you like this around Wu Xie? Not that I care, I’m just asking.
Hei Yangjing: uh that’s a big nope
First off all Idk when I’ll die but Id prefer it to be on my terms and not at the hands of those other two
Secondly there is a part of me that remembers how adorable he was when he was younger and that makes it weird
(No offense but u were not adorable. He was bebe luke skywalker, you were bebe princess leia I am obvs Han Solo 4lyfe)
Also I’m a little scared that if i flirted with him and he flirted back he’d be better at it.
Xie Yuchen: All valid concerns.
Hei Yangjing: as cute as he is I don’t really wanna tap that.
Xie Yuchen: I see.
Hei Yangjing: do you tho
Main Chat
Wu Xie: okay folks who wants cocoa to top the evening off? I picked some up today:D
Wu Xie: the tea house gift shop:)
Wu Xie: I mean we were there the whole day, it felt impolite not to buy anything.
Wu Xie: look, let’s focus on the positives/ we are all okay, and we learned something new, that necklace is still active! It’s really quite nice-looking when it isn’t moving of its own volition.
Zhang Qiling: I would love some cocoa. I’ll come to the kitchen.
Wu Xie: I have special marshmallows for you!!
Wang Pangzi: I SEE
Wu Xie: Still thinking about that design… I’d love another chance to examine that necklace under less Zhangy circumstances.
Kinda sad we couldn’t borrow it to use for illnesses and dangerous missions :/
ah well it’s for the best, a family heirloom should be treasured, preserved and protected<3
Zhang Qiling: I put it on your dresser.
Wu Xie: ???????
Wu Xie: I—
Zhang Qiling: Are those bunny-shaped marshmallows for me?
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket Manga Review , ch 110
The writer doesn’t need to rush to akito (antagonist) & give us quick background exposition & escalate her mentality to the exploding moment, simply cuz tohru (the protagonist) isn’t emotionally in her most vulnerable moment yet. Tohru’s issues will be presented deeper  with each pov chapter she’ll have. So what should the writer do now?
This is a connected plot, meaning the emotions belonging to the previous chapter are still lingering & needs to be dealt with. There is no stupid laughing & cooking or even dumber momentarily amnesia. Nope! There is this:
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-The Art of Writing Slow-Burns: (Lingering Emotions:)
Last time kyo hugged tohru thro the sheets. sth he wouldn’t do if it weren’t for the heartbreaking moment of tohru’s tears & the reason behind them. Why wouldn he do it? cuz he believes he’s the reason of her pain & is setting his mind on leaving her & being imprisoned as a punishment. He  wouldn’t do it cuz he loves her but he did it cuz he loves her. why? cuz love is illogical. Kyo’s heart moved him effortlessly to embrace her & “ his tenderness covered her pain” as the writer put it at the end of ch109.
Last time tohru hugged kyo thro the sheets, sth she wouldn’t do if it weren’t for the comfort of his warmth enveloping her loneliness & providing safety & a home. A home can a person. Why wouldn she do it? cuz Tohru is someone who hides pain behind a smile, someone who thinks she’s ugly & unlovable cuz she’s grieving still after all this time. She’s thinks she’s a burden. But here she confessed to kyo unprompted or advised by anybody. He only asked a fleeting question. but tohru cant hide who she is friom him anymore. Still, he accepted her & tenderly held her thro the sheets & she threw her body at him, she initiated the hug.
The sheet hig is the biggest emotional moment between kyo/tohru yet. It altered how they feel for each other cuz in that moment tohru’s mask fell & kyo was the most honest with himself emotionally. That’s not sth you move from with the stupid ED song. They both try to carry out normally afterwards cuz they live together after all. The slightest touch brings..... sexual tension!!!  it was so bad poor yuki left the house running!!!!!!!!
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The writer cleverly escalates the sexual tension as they awkwardly try to find a talking topic, then dissolves it a bit when kto asks if tohru wants to go out together & where, then escalates it when tohru suggests buying eggs cuz she’s awkward, then dissolves it when kyo grumpily agrees but this is just grocery shopping” not a fun going out”, the escalates it when tohru said she’s happy for just bring together with him regardless of the location & kyo looses it! sexual tension explodes!
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The target of the slow-burn isn’t the characters... the target is the audience! the writer plays with their emotions & cleverly puts the audience in a place where they desperately want these two idiots together but still remember why they aren’t! that’s very important. Having the readers cheer for a romantic relationship includes the readers understanding the obstacles ahead & how big they are & still cheer. If the obstacles are meh~ the readers will find the couple unrealistic, if the obstacles are so big & the couples emotions aren't buildup properly, then the couple themselves will feel meh~. Glad kyoru survived such writing mistakes both manga & anime ( anime hurt their characters more than their relationship).
-Yuki wants to move on from the unofficial son third wheeling his mom & her man:
The writer jokes abt yuki admitting he felt as a son watching his mon & her bf. I love tha this joke becuz it cleverly addresses the following points:
it is cleverly weaved in with the kyoru incident from last chapter. Sth happen & yuki doesn't know what is & doesn't want to! Yuki represents the audience I talked abt in the slow-burn point above. He is us. He’ll cheer for them to be together & will be so frustrated when they can’t. It adds to yuki confronting kyo at the climax!!! You see in the anime kyo/yuki stopped interacting much in se03. Then tada~~ big fight when it’s a must! & can’t be escaped... Here we still have kyo/yuki moments despite each boy moving away from his issues being the fault of the other. Basically better writing.....
The writer cleverly used this to address that yuki still feels like tohru’s son sometimes despite being more independent now, which is natural as you cant switch ur feelings with a button. But also the writer doesnt stay in this moment long & use it to build the next moment.. yuki/Aya , yuki/machi & aya/mine.... sadly all there dynamics are shortened in the anime like kyoru’s.
-I don’t think yuki/Aya  moment suffered much from the cuts, the entire school parents meeting ep us enough to reconcile the brothers. Aya defended yuki that day & so did yuki. He completely accepted him & stood up to him in front of the mom.
- More aya/mine would’ve been good to see & I would’ve preferred it to yuki/motoko moments in the anime that served nothing. but aya/mine too are stand alone story. They’re the most alike couple in a healthy way. Aya is the guy who protected his woman the most. simply cuz he’s the snake. snakes are secretive. he kept her to himself, even from yuki!!! impressive.
- What I lament from the cut of this mini yuki adventure?
1- This: ( yuki’s facial expressions) This is sth the anime fears, either cuz (a) pretty yuki is 100% pretty all the time, so no expressiveness cuz it leads to showing eyebrows & hiding them under layers of hair is the A.B.C of pretty characters... (b) Yuki in the anime is a prince 98% of the time, except with kyo (they got rid of this in se03 & give them one honest/ugly moment together) & with kakeru (one tiny moment in se03 in match’’s focus ep & then quickly back to prince yuki!)..., ugh!!!!!! I hate how yuki is prince thro & thro in the anime!!that’s why they couldn’t get rid of any motoko content!!! he’s a prince there... heck! school girls float after him the graduation ceremony... what’s up with that!! lol.
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2-. This: ( machi with the toy that tohru/kisa/kagura/momiji & kiro like! so cute!!! also, foreshadowing yuki’s future chosen extended family! (his bro & his wife), (yuki & his wife) & best friend/his brother in law! Also, yuki is so himself! no glitters, no bubbles & no pretending anger! <3
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Side Notes:
The lovely @mizzraynelly​ made notice kto’s speech in ch109 abt not vising his mom’s grave! Even tho it’s such a minor line, it’s one of the biggest cuts that foreshadow the accumulation of kyo’s guilt towards his mom. Kyo’s thing is guilt towards ppl he loves & fear of hurting them, by keeping this feeling alive in readers’ minds, the writer is making sure that the climax will hurt like sharp knives cuz the readers are on the same wave liength as kyo!!! epic buildup consists of tiny subtle pieces!
 Luckily, kyoru as a ship felt so strong in both manga & anime despite the later cutting half of their moments. Why? cuz the chosen cuts didnt affects the romantic relationship...no... the cuts affects the characters’ own personal struggle... most precisely tohru. Kyo’s own character struggles had better luck in the anime despite the cuts, simply cuz (a) was drawn with very expressive emotions & the anime team lingered on them in his scenes. (b) His character design as a whole was very expressive, the anime team didnt give him constant wide eyes like tohru & didn’t fear expr4essivness will affect for his “beauty “ like yuki. (c) kyo was given one ep per season for his issues which altho not much but way better than tohru (d) most important: kyo’s issues are very universal & very relatable” feeling guilt, mistakes & choosing wrong. That’s sth we all do!!! Tohru’s thing is grieve: this is very personal & most ppl experience it differently. 
I love kyo’s oufit!!! we have a hint of this moment in se03, ep 10 when yuki was fighting kyo... but they made yuki see them shopping as opposed of him seeing them being sexually charged!
I’m so mad this kyoru moment is cut!!!!!! tohru as a woman with pending sexual emotions is so refreshing & underrated in the trope of “ girl saves guys”. Also, it contradicts the pure mom image that’s been suffocating her since se01 ep 1!!!!! oh now i know why it’s cut... That’s why! momma tohru is so pure for such things & only when it’s the last two eps, then will allow her to be a woman choosing to live away with her man by her own desire! Why the anime only allow things ti happen when there’s no escape!!! I’ve always felt tohru/kyo is the type of couple to be expressive emotionally & sexually with each other based on seeing that ALL of their romantic interaction involves body language & I’m so happy there’s a canon proof so early before the future glimpse in finale!!!!!! 
I liked the aya-story, but it felt like the typical “ lesson of the day” formula, so I didnt analyze it much, but I enjoyed the brotherly interaction so much!! It had a gold mine of yuki being himself & so nit a prince! Im so happy I saw it! <3.
Every time yuki looked expressive is a happy moment for me!
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ironmandeficiency · 3 years
pedro boys + spending habits
word count: fuck if i know, wrote it thru the app
characters: din, marcus m, dave, pero, marcus p, oberyn, max, frankie, whiskey, maxwell, javier, ezra
a/n: idk what caused this to happen but it works i guess. hope they make sense
✨support my ko-fi✨
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trust him with your money, your drink, your social security number, everything:
din. this man is barely scraping by on his own when you first meet him. when he adds the kid to the mix, he gets even more frugal than he already is with an old as sin ship that many people are surprised to see fly. he will have a policy of “you earn it, you choose what to do with it” and since he goes after most of (if not all) the bounties to keep you all alive, he has the final say in how most of the credits are spent. he does want you to have nice things though, so he makes sure to configure the budget to where you don’t have to pour your credits into the group’s survival money very often. it’s the least he can do. he’s very big on taking care of his people and will show that in small ways.
marcus m. he’s a single dad for a significant amount of time, he has no choice but to be responsible with his money. he has to take care of missy, keep them both fed and housed and healthy, and that’s not even touching on how expensive all of high school graduation and college will be once she gets there. he teaches missy very early in life how important money is bc he doesn’t want her to ever know how it feels to not have enough. he makes a considerable amount of money w the heroics tho so he can afford to responsibly splurge on you both, but not constantly. is very cautious abt the splurging becoming a habit
dave. yeah he may be a murderer, but he’s scary great at managing his money (to continue being able to murder). he’s got his ex wife’s alimony (that still pisses him off but that’s another story) and two girls he takes care of, there’s no other choice for him either. there’s never a worry about dave having a midlife crisis and spending money on some stupid dad thing (like a motorcycle or assless chaps or a country club membership) because he murders to keep his mind off that sort of stuff. files his taxes diligently every year the day tax season starts and will pass this wisdom to the girls.
pero. he’s very good at judging if you need something or not. if it can’t feed you, keep you healthy, kill someone, or protect you, you don’t need to buy it. definitely not a man who indulges in trinkets and frivolous things that do nothing but weigh down his horse and his person. will encourage this way of thinking with whoever travels with him to whatever extent he can, but won’t be a dick about it if you have something sentimental on your person. if it’s a necessity, he will splurge on a bed and bath at an inn but not much else for a while. cheap because he has to be
marcus p. i don’t think i have to explain this one so i won’t. no i’m not being lazy who said that?
maybe you’ll be fine if he’s in charge. maybe:
oberyn. being a prince (and himself), there are different ways this could go. he spends his money frivolously at brothels & on his daughters + other loved ones (as well as other luxuries) and doesn’t really seem to be the type to keep tabs on it all as he goes. but... he’s a prince in a prosperous kingdom and so there isn’t really a worry for money. he’s known as the red viper for many reasons, including his clever nature and the ease with which he can get what he wants thru whatever means necessary. if you want for something that he can’t buy, you know he will find a way to get it for you (which can be a problem sometimes).
max. he’s good with money in the sense of perpetuating capitalism — that’s the red flag here. hell, he’s gonna be investing into bitcoin and who knows what stock market bs & bc it’s max, of course you trust him. max can’t control the stock market tho, so sometimes things are a little iffy. it always evens itself out though, and you make sure in the future that he invests his money instead of your joint money. he’s still gonna share anyways, it just helps you have a little more peace of mind.
frankie. he just wants to take care of you, okay? you can’t fault him for that 🥺 he maneuvers his budget around to make sure he can do all these nice things for you while leaving his own needs unchecked, which isn’t okay. he just wants to provide for the ppl he loves the best he can, but the problem begins when he starts to think he isn’t doing enough. his insecurity & lack of self-worth (fueled by his guilt for “not being everything you deserve”) is what makes him agree to the Trip™️ in the first place. once he comes back & sees you frantic, only wanting him home and not giving a flying fuck about the money, does he realize that you’re devoted to him and not what he can do for you.
whiskey. working for statesman made him forget what things really cost bc he suddenly never had to worry again about not having enough money. being with someone that isn’t practically made of money will snap him back into reality. he looks at his bank statements and his balance occasionally, but our big spender cowboy hasn’t really counted money as something he worries about for a while. when he constantly showers you in expensive gifts (only the best for his baby, that’s his motto) and you tell him that he has to not do that bc he’ll go broke, he plays it off because he doesn’t remember having to worry. separate bank accounts are only because you want to make sure your money is being spent smartly (even though jack has offered constantly to pay for literally anything you need).
don’t give him anything you want to see again:
maxwell. as much as i love this dork, he’s absolute shit with money. when his business is falling apart (bc he made the stupid ass decision to buy the oil rigs no one wanted bc they weren’t producing oil), he throws it all into saving face and trying to make investors buy into something that isn’t there. what a smart business man would’ve done was liquidate his assets and possibly try to get into a business that will yield at least some profit. he does learn his lesson tho and eventually can be trusted with money, but even he is hesitant to do anything with the household finances. he’s a dreamer, and dreams and money are the same as oil and water.
javier. i know you’re possibly surprised but hear me out. he’ll go all in to get info, whether he’s spending american taxpayer money or his own money or anyone else’s, if it’s valuable info that can be bought, it’s gonna be bought even if he goes without groceries for the next two weeks. before being with you, it was booze and prostitutes and cigarettes that ate away at his checks outside of buying information. the only thing that really changed once you got together was the prostitutes and slightly less cigarettes and booze. however, when he goes back to laredo permanently, he’s perfectly capable of keeping his shit in line. he’ll balance every checkbook in sight and run a tight af ship.
ezra. this man is a scavenger by necessity, a con man by choice. he has a silver tongue and a roguish charm and pretty questionable morals; he’s not gonna have any issue with getting his hands dirty. he’s probably gonna use your joint money to try and pull a fast one on some unsuspecting stranger (“it’ll double our money,” he says, “it’ll be fine,” he says), but then said stranger will end up turning the tables and leave you both absolutely broke. yeah he will feel guilty, no doubt. the only problem is that he won’t take it as a “hey don’t do it again” lesson, it’ll be a “this is how i can improve for next time.” eventually you have to put your foot down and take control of the money and when he realizes that you’re improving your lives much better than he is, he will thank you for it.
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all pedro character taglists: @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky @obirain @leias-left-hair-bun @themarcusmoreno @catsnkooks @captainrexstan @mackstrut @torradoza @simping-for-fives @stardustsunrisekisses @darthadeline @artemis61003 @majorshiraharu @getdookuedon @capricornrabies @max--phillips @darklingveracruz @book-of-anarchy @andysficrecs @purelypascal @whovianwar @lv7867 @hornystarwarsbisexual @kaermorons @princess76179 @pedropasscals @greeneyedblondie44 @seasonschange-butpeopledont @qhbr2013 if you don’t want to be tagged, lemme know!! the link to join is in my bio
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pink-imagines · 4 years
snow day
request: Hi hi! Can I get a headcannon of needy Todoroki were Todoroki is in the ~mood~ 😏but his s/o is out shopping. But when they get back he’s all on them and pretty much attacking them w kisses and cuddles.
a/n: let’s just say for this fic’s sake covid never existed!! (stay safe ppl, try to stay at home as much as possible!) also hi! i’m back, i literally have no excuse now but i’ll be posting a bit more soon hopefully. (you can probably tell that i started writing this back in january)
warnings: mentions of something smutty that might go down but no smut and no other warnings!
requesting rules
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The snow couldn’t seem to stop falling. It had already been snowing for the past few days, but the weather didn’t change. It stayed the same and the snow piled on and on. You quite liked this kind of weather, somehow seeing people wrapped up in their scarfes with beanies dragged far over their ears made you feel warm - despite the cold weather.  Today was your day off work, so you had a wonderful lazy morning with a bath and eating breakfast while watching TV. The only thing you could think of that would make this better was if Shoto would be here. He was, unlike you, out doing work. You remember teasing him lightly about it yesterday, that you got to spend the day at home while he had to be working out in the snow. In reality you worried that he’d become sick or catch a cold, even though you knew he stayed safe.  Either way, you decided to treat yourself today with some shopping. It had been so long since you could actually go out to shop, so despite the cold you wanted to go outside.
You took the train to the mall and walked through the stores. The only thing you were planning on buying was a sweater, considering that you had been frequently stealing more and more of Shoto’s hoodies so you should probably get some of your own. When you saw the little jewlery shop you stopped dead in your tracks. Knowing that your wallet would start screaming if you walked in there you decided to keep it to window shopping. Earrnings, necklaces, bracelets... but most importantly rings. The memory of your mom straight up asking Shoto when he was planning on proposing came to mind. A smile grazed your lips, he had been so flustered that he choked on whatever he was eating. You had been trying to tell your mom off when he put a hand on your thigh and lightly brushed his thumb across your skin there. “No, it’s fine.. we’ll see in the future.”, he had said and had given your mom a soft smile. If it weren’t for the fact that people were around you would’ve started giggling, but you held yourself back and kept glancing over the rings. One in particular caught your eye, a simple silver one with a smaller diamond. You knew you couldn’t wear a lot of jewlery for your line of work so it seemed so perfect. For the sake of the memory that your brain decided to pull out from the dust, you took a picture of it and sent it to Shoto. -So... when’s it happening? :P You snickered to yourself and started walking again but your phone buzzed quicker than you expected. -You’re starting to sound like your mom A laugh escaped your lips at the message. However, it did surprise you that he could be texting you back so quickly since he was at work. -I was just joking.. aren’t you supposed to be working right now? The text bubble that indicated that he was typing appeared immediately. -Not on patrol today and I just finished my paperwork. I’m about to go into a meeting though -Is that a warning or a challenge? -Y/N. Do. Not. Yet another laughed made it’s way up your throat and you put your phone away again. He usually sounded cold over text, but you could always see right through it. Maybe that’s what four years spent together does to you. 
The hours passed by as you walked around in the mall. It was actually quite pleasant, as not many people were there considering the fact that it was a weekday. As you were trying on clothing in yet another store you found a sweater that you really liked. It was an oversized black sweater that went down you your mid thigh and the collar was a bit wider, almost creating an off the shoulder look. You smiled at yourself in the mirror. Under the sweater you had the black bralette you had tried on moments before. Both of the items fit you perfectly and together it created a very cute look. Without thinking you sent a picture to Shoto, asking him if you should buy it. Thinking he probably had his phone off during the meeting, you put your phone down and changed back to your clothes. When you had just finished up putting your pants back on you looked at you phone again to see Shoto’s messages... you forgot his messages are connected to his laptop as well. -Y/N I told you I was in a meeting! -I mean you look very pretty, I like the sweater.. but if you’re going to send me pictures while I’m at work please put pants on. This was not a funny situation, is what you tried to tell yourself... but that didn’t stop you from smiling at the thought of his ears going red in the meeting room. -Sorry, I forgot! I’ll make it up to you by making you soba, okay? It took a while for him to answer so you went out of the dressing room and put away the things you weren’t going to buy. -... fine. I’ll be home after this meeting, so maybe around 5. -See you then ;) Were you being cheeky? Yes, but it wasn’t anything that he hadn’t dealt with before. 
After making your purchase you looked at your phone and saw that the clock was nearing 4:45 pm, this meaning that it was time for you to go back home. You went over to the trainstation only to see that the train you were taking home was delayed by 20 minutes due to the snow. With a sigh you sat down on the nearest bench and took out your phone. Because of the 20 minutes it would take to arrive at your home station and the 5 minute walk home, you’d be home in about 50 minutes. Knowing Shoto, he’d probably already be home by now as he most likely managed to cut the meeting short - what was the meaning of staying longer when you had already gotten to the point? Even so, you decided to not call him just yet in case he actually still was in the meeting. 
Time passed and as soon as the clock struck 5:00 pm you got a call. “Hey, are you okay? I’ve been waiting for a few and you’re still not home...”, Shoto’s voice was slightly distorted over the line due to your bad connection but you were still relieved to hear his voice. “The train got delayed, can you believe it?”, you sighed heavily. “Yes I can actually, it’s been snowing all day.”, he said calmly, “Do you need me to pick you up? I can be there in 10 minutes.” “No it’s fine, the train should be here in 5 and then I’ll be at the station in just 20 minutes.”, you stood up and looked by the track for the train. “Are you sure? The train’s probably gonna be packed.” “It’s fine, I have headphones with me so I won’t even notice.”, you smiled at his tries to come get you, “Besides I can practically see the train by now.” “Okay... then I’ll meet you at the station.”, he answered, as if it was nothing. “No, baby, you don’t have to do that. You’ve been at work all day just rest please?”, you reasoned. “I’ll see you in 20 minutes, sweetheart.”, he hung up on you. You were taken aback by the usage of the nickname, he barely ever called you by petnames. Before you could think to much of it the train arrived and you put in your earbuds and got on quickly to find a good seat.
The train wasn’t as packed as Shoto had thought. Though there was a crying child in your cart. The mother who frantically tried to calm her baby down gave you an apologetic smile. You made sure to look friendly back at her to make sure she understood that you didn’t mind. The poor woman was trying to keep her child from screaming while also balancing groceries and a stroller at the same time.  “Do you need any help?”, you asked and took out your earbuds. “Please.”, the woman gave you a relieved look. You took her grocery bags and balanced them against some empty seats. Then you took the stroller from her hands so that she could properly care for her baby. “He’s just a bit hungry...”, she said and took out a bottle to give to the young boy. “... I’ve never understood how parents always know what their children want like that.”, you said mostly to yourself but the woman answered anyways. “I guess it’s an instinct.”, she said with a warm smile, “Thank you for your help. My husband’s working late so he couldn’t take care of the groceries tonight.” “Ah... I understand.”, you nodded. “Are you married?”, she asked and when she saw your shocked face she quickly apologized, “Sorry I didn’t mean to pry, I was just trying to make small talk.” “It’s alright.”, you stifled a laugh, “I’m actually not married... not yet at least, my mom’s been pressuring my boyfriend for a while now so who knows.”, you joked. “Oh, you have a boyfriend. Have you two been together for long?”, her demeanor had changed back to the kind and warm one from before. “A few years, actually.”, you nodded, “He’s a very sweet guy and-... that’s him actually.” Your phone started buzzing and Shoto’s caller-ID flashed up on the screen. His picture that you had chosen was of him holding a puppy husky that you had been thinking of adopting. Sadly, you ended up not doing that since you were both to busy to take care of a dog - let alone a puppy. You excused yourself to the woman next to you and answered. “Hi, babe, is everything okay?”, you asked. “Yeah, I just wanted to say that I’m by the station. Was the train packed?”, he spoke softly, which made it clear for you that he was in fact outside. “Not at all actually, it’s quite roomy. I told you that you didn’t have to wait for me though...”, you sighed. “I wanted to. It’s fine.”, he said and then added in a whisper, “Then I get to see you sooner.” Your face flushed up in all shades of pink as he said that. He was never usually this affectionate, but you couldn’t deny that you absolutely loved it. “You’re cute, Shoto.”, you chuckled. “Don’t laugh at me.”, you heard him huff slightly. “Sorry, sorry.”, you smiled, “I’ll be by the station in a few minutes if I’m lucky, okay? Thank you for waiting for me.” “No problem... see you soon.”, he said and hung up again. When you turned back to the woman sitting beside her you could tell she was holding back her excitement. “That was the sweetest conversation I’ve ever heard. That sounded like it was straight out of a story!”, she realized what she said and quickly apologized again, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to eavesdrop!” “It’s no problem, we all do it sometimes.”, you tried to control the blush that was creeping across your face but it was near impossible. “I bet he’ll propose to you soon.”, she said and looked back at her baby, “I hope he does.” “Thank you.”, you smiled and looked down at the baby, who was staring back up at you. You waved at the child and he let out a gurgling laugh that had your heart melting. Today was certainly a special day.
You and the woman just happened to get off by the same stop so you helped her get her grocery bags out of the cart. When you saw Shoto standing by himself you waved and called his name. He turned to you and smiled softly, almost longlingly. “He’s handsome too... wow, you’re lucky.”, she smiled to you, “Thank you for the help, miss.” “No problem!”, you smiled back and watch her walk away before turning your attention to the man walking towards you. “I haven’t seen you all day.”, he embraced you with a sigh. Hugs were normal for the two of you, but absolutely not in public. Your body stiffened in shock before settling in his arms and hugging him back. Eventually he let go of you and took a step back. “Who was that woman? Do I know her?”, he asked. “No, I just met her on the train. Let’s get home, it’s freezing out here!”, you said and took his arm in yours.
The two of you walked in silence, as you usually did, but there was one thing that was running around in your mind. “Do you ever think of having children?”, you asked out of the blue, your breath forming white clouds in the cold air. Shoto stopped in his tracks and looked at you. It wasn’t until then you had realized what you had said, maybe not directly but the question was floating around your heads. “Children, huh?”, Shoto took a deep breath. You peered up at him through your eyelashes, afraid that he’d look disgusted or even scared. He didn’t. His mind was somewhere else, you could tell by the far away look in his eyes. Shoto’s face was dusted pink but, just like yours, you couldn’t tell if it was because he was flustered or cold. “I’ve never thought about it, actually.”, he looked at you which made you look away, “Not against the thought of it though. Let’s talk it through some other time.” He said it so casually. As if this was obvious and not a huge step in a relationship. Then he just kept walking. If it wasn’t for your arm that was still wrapped around his, you would’ve forgotten to walk along with him.  “Don’t be embarrased about it, please.”, he said suddenly, “It’s good to bring up these things.” “I just thought about it... you know... the woman on the train and everything...”, you muttered. “Sweetheart.”, there was the nickname again, “I told you not to be embarrased about it.” After a few years you’d think he wouldn’t be able to make you weak in the knees anymore. That was wrong. You hummed in response to what he said and leaned your head against his shoulder. There was an urge in you to feel a sudden intimacy between the two of you and that was the first thing that came to mind. “Are you cold?”, he asked. “Not extremely...”, you looked up at the clear sky, “... maybe it’s not the best time for cold soba though.” “It’s always a good time for cold soba.”, he answered, completely serious but you still laughed. You laughed because it sounded like him. You laughed because it would ease the excitement stuck in your stomach from what he had said before. You laughed because at that moment you felt so incredibly wonderful - and who wouldn’t laugh at that?
When you got home you made yourself a cup of tea while Shoto stuck to heating up by the radiator. “Are you sure you still want cold soba? We could always make warm soba.”, you suggested as you poured the hot water into your cup. “I say we make cold soba.”, Shoto shrugged as he kept his hands on the warm radiator. His nose was still red from the cold. “Then we make cold soba.”, you nodded.
After eating and cleaning up you sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. Since you usually sat with a bit of space in between the two of you, you did so. However, this time Shoto scooched closer to you and put your head on his shoulder, only to then wrap his arm around your shoulders. “Is this okay?”, he asked quietly to not disturb the show playing. You could care less about the show, your heart was beating loud enough for you to not even hear it. No words would come out of your mouth so you hummed as an answer to his question. He had been acting very lovingly the entire night, something that he didn’t always do.  “Are you okay, Shoto?”, you asked suddenly, “Did something happen at work?” “Why do you ask?” “You just seem... more cuddly?”, you looked up at him, catching him staring but he didn’t look away. “I just missed you then I guess.”, he said, “... and you sent me that picture and that wasn’t very fair.” He looked away and now he couldn’t blame the cold on his reddened face. That’s how you remembered your sweater that you had bought. “Right the sweater!”, you exclaimed, “Can I show you?” “Sure.”, he said and watched you get up, “You seem very excited about this sweater.” “Yes! And you should be too, because now I won’t be stealing yours anymore!”, you took your bag and walked over to the bathroom. “But I like it when you wear my clothes...” “Then...I won’t be stealing your clothes as often anymore!”, you smiled before closing the bathroom door behind you.
You walked out of the bathroom, dressed just like you were in the picture, and walked up to him. He looked over at you, looked you up and down, and then stood up. “What do you think?”, you smiled as he pulled you closer by your waist so that you could wrap your arms around his neck. “I like it more when you wear my clothes... but this is also very nice.”, he leaned down and kissed you quick, “Let’s go have that talk about having children...”, he whispered and started guiding you to the bedroom.
permanent taglist: @theoceanphoenixhasrisen | @raven-r0ses | @darkbeautyswife | @sondering-thoughts | @gowoneandonlyone | @bnhabadass | @queenblackcat | @jayetheanimefreek101 | @witchy-anna | @cutest-celestial-princess | @missymysa | @karebear5118 | @weebartistinc | @crystal-lilac | @brithedemonspawn​ | 
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realcube · 4 years
class 1-A’s love languages headcanons 💕
tw// swearing, crying, she/her reader
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Yuuga Aoyama
his love language is words of affirmation
like tell him that he looks fabulous but he is also a talented hero 
and. he. will. die. 
of happiness ofc 🥰
and whenever you are feelin’ insecure he’ll do a pretend fashion show with you to boost you spirits (o゜▽゜)o☆
Mina Ashido
her love language is physical touch
but not in a *holds your hand 🥺* *kithes🥰* sorta way
but rather in a
“YOU’RE SO FKN CUTE, (Y/N)!!!” *aggressively pinches your cheeks*
and whenever she kisses/hugs you, it’s always a surprise attack form behind
she is also 159cm in height (almost 5″3)
so if you are shorter than her, she’ll sprint up to you and before you have time to react, she’ll engulf you in her arms
if you are around the same height as her, she’ll sneak up to you and try to jump onto your back, peppering you in neck kisses
and if you are taller than her, she’ll grab your hand and place a kiss on the back of it 
Tsuyu Asui
i think her love language is gift giving 
but not typically gifts from the store
it’s usually cute flowers or any sort of pretty flora that she finds on her walks 
and she’ll sometimes come to your room just before lights-out and hand you a shiny rock or a colourful flower like “hi, (y/n). i found this flower in the park a nd it reminded me of you. so here, i hope you like it.”
then you cry (❤´艸`❤) it’s too precious
also when she visits your dorm, she notices that you have a jar filled with all the flowers she’s every gave you and shE BRAIDS THEM INTO YOUR HAIR
and if you don’t have hair, she makes you a flower crown out of them
Tenya Iida
the king of gifts periodt ✋
to him, gift giving is kinda like a sport and if it was, he’d definitely be winning
he’ll be out getting groceries or sumn then he’ll pass the candy aisle and just *flashback to 3 months ago when y’all were studying together and you randomly said you were craving sour patch kids*
then he buys two packs of sour patch kids (❤ ω ❤)
so obviously excels during holidays like christmas, valentines day or your birthday 
and if you make it explicitly clear that you need something (ex. water, medication, cutlery, soap etc.) and you will go get it in x amount of day(s)
expect it to be in your hands within 1-9 hours 
“Iida, you didn’t have to rush out to get me Ibuprofen - I was going to go get some in a few days anyway.”
“Yes, but as a hero in training, you must agree that seeing your partner potentially suffer to due a preventable cause would be inhumane.”
Ochaco Uraraka
her love language is probably quality time
OR words of affirmation BUT ONLY ONLINE
like irl she loves going on lil’ picnic dates with you or dates to go watch the sunset or star-gazing..or literally anything where she gets to spend as much time in your presence as possible
you could literally take her on a date inside the sewers and she’d be like 🥰
in the moment (during the date) she just looks at you and wants to tell you how beautiful you are but she is way too nervous
but as soon you leave she texts you sumn like ‘OMG >< YOU ARE SO GORGEOUS 😍 AND I WANTED TO TELL YOU SO BAD BUT I COULDN’T 😩’ 
also, hypothetically, if she had a phone which supported social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat 
she would definitely be the sort of girl to post cute candid pics of you on any special occasion and i mean ANY
like she doesn’t want to just random post pics of you bc she thinks that’d be weird so she looks for any excuse she can
deadass she’d post a beach pic of you and her on her insta with a caption like, ‘happy pancake day to @y/n.l/n 🥰💖 on our first date we shared a stack of pancakes so this is a really special day for us 💓 i’m so blessed to have a stunning, smart, amazing gal like her by my side always 💕’
Mashirao Ojiro 
he’s a physical touch kinda guy
sometimes he’ll randomly drape his tail over your shoulder to pull you close
or he’ll pat your head with either his hand or tail when ever you do anything remotely impressive
“ooh, i’ve apparently taken 17k steps so far today, ojiro.” 
then he’d be like “that’s good” *pat pat* 
he also gets butterflies whenever you hug his arm or tail while he is talking to someone
Denki Kaminari 
bb is blushing profusely when you hand him a pikachu plushie , saying it reminded you of him
before that, he was probably a physical touch sorta guy but once he realised how awesome and special that simple action made him feel, he became a gift-giver 
however, 99.9% the gift is a plushie and the other 0.1% it’s a doll
(he literally bought a whole fkn barbie bc you owned a dress similar to the one the doll was wearing)
“it looks exactly like you!” 
“i don’t think so..” “it literally does!”
anyway, whether he is at the mall, in the town, in a gift shop or at the carnival, if he sees something that he knows you’d like or that reminds him of you, he’ll stop at nothing to get his hands on it
flashback to that one time at the carnival, there was a stall that had a huge fkn Kuromi plushie up for grabs 
so he asked the lady running the stall if he could have it and she said it was all his, if he could get a ball into the basket 3 times in a row
and once he figured he couldn’t do it on his own, he got the bakusquad to help him out 
(bakugo was all like ‘i’m not helping you, dumbass’ but kirishima convinces him to give it a shot and as soon as he misses on the third shot, he is livid.)
anyway, after an hour of holding up the line, the lady just gave the plush to kaminari for ¥1000 
but it was all worth it after he saw how thrilled you were 🥺
he came round to your dorm one day and noticed every plushie he had ever given you, sitting on your bed 
you told him that they help you sleep and he just..died..
Eijirou Kirishima
his love language is words of affirmation imo but with a sprinkle of physical touch 
like whenever he sees you looking nice or sumn..he’ll just tell you
he has no shame and why should he? he’s just telling the truth
if you walk into the room looking ✨immaculate✨ he will tell you 
he’s just like ‘if nobody else is going to say it then I will.’
when your face lights up after he has just told you that you’re beautiful or that you’re one of the most likeable people he’s ever met; it makes his day every. single. time.
the sprinkle of physical touch is because he tells  you what he is thinking all the time
and he thinks you’re stunning even when you are lounging around the dorm complex in casual wear and no makeup
so he’s aware that he might’ve watered down his compliments a bit by saying them too often 
(even though he’s telling the truth every time)
so he likes to give you hugs and kisses to express his affection without  seeming like he’s buttering you up
Kouji Kouda
honestly, idek which category he falls under bc he does so many different things to show his love
like, he’ll use his quirk to get a butterfly to land on your head so you can take the perfect photo for instagram
he always holds your hand in crowded areas so y’all don’t lose each other
(he would end up crying in the corner of a Hot Topic or sumn if he couldn’t find you tbh)
he writes mini-love notes v. late at night and uses his quirk to get an insect or bird to carry it up to your room
religiously takes you out on dates to the park
or library/study dates (p≧w≦q)
Rikidou Satou
acts of service but mostly to do with baking
if his s/o doesn’t like sweet treats then..it just..can’t work
he’s very good at noticing when you are down and what he bakes depends on the severity of the situation
like, if you’re just a bit bummed because you got a bad mark on a test, he’ll bake cupcakes and leave a few outside your dorm
obvs accompanied by a cute lil note abt how proud you make him and how you’re the most diligent person he’s met so he knows that you’ll succeed if you just persevere
and as soon as you come to him with your improved mark, he’ll bake you a cake with ‘congratulations, (Y/N).’ written on it
Mezou Shouji
acts of service. but like..service service
he treats you like royalty-
he is the kind of bf to give you his jacket if you’re cold
he can and will use his quirk to form more arms just so he can hold your bags along with his own
if you enter is dorm and he doesn’t offer to take your jacket immediately then i’m sorry to inform you but that is not shouji..that is toga in disguise 
you’ll never have to open a door if you are walking next to him and don’t you dare even try to 
just an overall gentleman tbh 
sometimes you try to get him to stop being so kind bc you’re afraid ppl will think you treat him like a butler 
so he’ll be like “sure ..
i’ll hold just your gym bag rather than your gym bag and school bag.”
“don’t hold any bags, shouji..”
Kyouka Jirou
her love language is definitely quality time
there is nothing she loves more than vibing with you in her room - whether y’all are studying, cuddling, playing videos games or something else - while chill music plays in the background, either from a playlist or from her playing it herself on one of her instruments 
and sometimes when she’s feeling especially comfortable, she might hum a tune or sing some lyrics to match the mood
she asks you for suggestions for music to put on bc she loves introducing herself to new music
but when you’re concentrated,  she doesn’t want to disturb you so she just puts on a playlist she made prior 
she doesn’t create a new playlist each time you hang out but there is at least 10 new songs added to it every day 
the playlist is called ‘lazy days w/ (y/n) 💕’
anyway, she just loves hanging out with you bc you’re one of the very few people who don’t annoy tf out of her 
also - she’d never say it aloud but - she thinks you’ve got a very comforting presence and you make her feel so exhilarated whenever you laugh (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Hanta Sero
Sero loves spending as much time with you as possible - hence, he’s a quality time sorta person
but i also think he’s barely a quality time guy bc he expresses his affection in so many different ways
he’s like a mix of 4
( not gift-giving, whenever it comes time to get you gift for whatever occasion, he’s always stumped and ends up asking someone for help)
he preforms acts of service in a sense that if you are both cuddling on the couch and you are cold - even if he seriously can’t be assed to move - he’ll force himself to get up and bring you a blanket
he is really good at compliments bc he barely has a filter so if he sees you looking good, he’ll straight up tell you
plus, he loves seeing your reaction - especially when you get all flustered
and physical touch bc..cuddles :)
to him, there is just something reassuring about having you in his arms
Fumikage Tokoyami 
a quality time man mwah
he doesn’t play music on speakers when y’all hang out though, he just likes to sit with you and either mindlessly chatter or chill in comfortable silence 
he also doesn’t put in earbuds bc he thinks it’s rude 
(you assure him that you don’t mind if he puts his earbuds in but he is always like..no..)
he just loves your company bc he seriously can’t think of somebody he’d rather spend his time with 
also he is convinced that he does things 10 times better with you around
when he’s not with you though, he misses you- like- seriously
sometimes he’s just out with his friends or watching a movie with his family and he is just like ‘this’d be more fun if (Y/N) was here-’
and you said that you missed him too when y’all weren’t together 
so he did the reasonable thing and made you a playlist for you to listen to whenever you missed him ( •̀ ω •́ )
he sent you the link and your heart stopped bc it was literally called ‘i love you 🖤’ AND THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME HE’S EVER TOLD YOU THAT AAAAA
‘you’re so sweet, tokoyami 🥺 i love you tooooo’
and good thing that was over text bc otherwise you would’ve seen him blushing profusely (= ╯▽╰ = )
as for the contents of the playlist; it’s probably quite diverse
some alt pop, some indie, a bit of R&B, pop rock and a lot of Metal/Rock 
Shouto Todoroki
his love language is acts of service
most of them are school related though
he can easily tell if you’re struggling with the coursework and asks you if you want go on a lil study date at the library or in his dorm 
he also helps you with homework or explains the material to you if you don’t understand it
and he’s the best teacher since he’s extremely patient and well-spoken
if you’re feeling under the weather, he’ll head to your dorm to fetch your notebook so he can write the class notes for you 
and he’ll put in the effort to make them as similar to your other notes as he can
so he flicks through the pages and (for example) if you have a highlighting code, he’ll look for the legend and highlight the notes he took accordingly 
once school is over for the day, he goes to your dorm to drop off the notebook, putting it back in the respective part of your bag
and the next day when you open your notebook to check the notes, you notice that he wrote a little note for you;
‘get well soon 💛’ 
it was a simple, kind gesture but the small details like how he coloured in the heart with a glittery yellow highlighter he must’ve took from your bag had you blushing (^///^)
also, whenever you’ve scheduled a study date at his dorm, there is no way in hell you’ll walk into his room and there isn’t 2 bowls of fresh soba sitting on the desk
no way. impossible.
(or if you don’t like noodles, then two bowls of rice.) 
Tooru Hagakure
physical touch bb
she just likes you to know that she is there 
also she loves how soft your skin is ^^
she really likes surprise hugging you from behind and you’d think that she’d be very good at that considering that she is.. invisible.. but she’s really not
she has very unique and recognisable voice 
and whenever she creeps up behind you, she’s always snickering quite loudly 
but you like seeing her happy when she thinks she surprised you so you just think to yourself ‘get ready to pretend to be shocked’ 
so as soon as she wraps her arms around you and goes ‘boo!’, you jump and always say the same stupid line you wish you would   stop using but it just comes out naturally
“ope, didn’t see you there, tooru.”
but it makes her laugh every time so maybe it’s not such a bad habit
Katsuki Bakugo
he’s definitely a physical touch kinda guy but tries to be an acts of service man..y’know?
he doesn’t want you thinking that he likes hugging, cuddling, kisses or any of that none-sense bc..he is a big macho king explosion murder 
and he knows that if he gets to comfortable with showing affection through physical touch, it’d become a habit then he might do it in public and the last thing he wanted was a rumour coming out that ‘king explosion murder is actually a huge cuddle-bug dork!’
so he hides it the best he can and expresses his love by like letting you wear his hoodie and not cussing you out when you do something stupid
but the fact is, nothing makes him feel better than holding you in his arms - under a blanket or not -  with your face buried into his chest and your arm lazing draped over his shoulder
he usually does a good job at resisting his urge to randomly kiss you or take your hand in public
but there was that one time
luckily, it was on a date rather than on a school outing so it was only you who knows about it 
it was probably around 6 months after y’all first started dating and he took you on a date to the carnival
there was a gang of boys who looked around a few years older than y’all and they were chatting amongst themselves until they approached the line you and Bakugo were waiting in (to get onto a ride at the carnival) and the group of boys stood behind you in line
at first everything was alright; they were just chatting while you were raving on about the ride to bakugo but he kinda tuned you out after he heard one of the guys say something along the lines of
“she’s kinda hot- a bit young but so fit. i think she’s from the UA too.”
that comment was enough to make his blood boil but a separate comment from one of the other guys tipped him over the edge,
“yeah and look at the guy she’s with. he’s the feral guy that needed to be put in chains at the sports festival - how embarassing.” he snickered, which was genuinely one of the most annoying noises bakugo has ever heard
his voice was low, in a whisper so they probably didn’t expect bakugo to hear it over the background noise of the carnival along with the girl yapping in his ear
but he did
and when i tell you this man was livid 
in that moment he seriously considered just turning around and burning each and every one of those guys into a crisp
but the law-abiding citizen and hero inside him said no 
instead, he fiercely snaked his arms around your hips to pull you into his chest and looked over his shoulders to shoot literal daggers at the guys
he led you out of the line for the ride in silence and you followed him without question - having heard the things those guys said but choosing to pretend as if you didn’t 
“What was that about?” You finally asked as he brought you over to a bench, pulling you onto his lap
“Nothing.” He said, oddly calm as he stared into the void
“Okay.” You rolled your eyes, deciding not to pry as you obviously already knew what provoked him to do that. “I’m gonna go get some cotton candy then. Do you want some?”
“No.” He replied monotonously, allowing you to hop off his knee but immediately grabbing your hand, preventing you from going any farther than arms length from him.
“you needy cow.” you giggled, playfully kicking his shin, “I’m so hungry - let me go!” 
“No.” He replied in the same monotone voice. “I can’t be assed to move.”
You leaned back, pulling your whole weight backwards to try get Bakugo to release his grip on your hand and eventually he gave in and got up, sluggishly following you to go get cotton candy 
you gleefully popped some of the delectable fluff into your mouth before sneaking some into bakugo’s mouth too.
 “are you gonna let go of my hand any time soon?” you asked, wanting to hold the bag of cotton candy for yourself but instead having one hand interlocked with his and the other being used to rip small pieces off as Bakugo held the bag in his spare hand 
[(a/n): not the over-used jealousy trope 🙊]
Izuku Midoriya 
definitely a words of affirmation kinda guy
bc he knows what it’s like to have to go through life with barely anyone besides your mother telling you that your great and that you’re worthy. it’s depressing and traumatic and he wouldn’t wish that misery on his worst enemy 
so he’s like your personal hypeman :)
making sure that you always feel appreciated, confident and loved 
during the sports festival or anything similar, he’s always louder than the cheerleaders when it comes to your turn to shine
slightly embarrassing for him but when he sees you smile confidently back at him, every ounce of embarrassment melts away and he is just filled with joy
he gets really emotional sometimes as well 
but not like ‘you just faced an opponent and won bc one all your hard work and training - i am so proud of you’ sorta emotional
but like ‘omg you walked into his dorm wearing a new dress and you look really beautiful and you smiled at him so emotions wash over him and he just cries bc he realises how lucky he is to have you.’
he loves to receive words of admiration from you too though
one time you wrote him a birthday card and signed it off as ‘the future wife of the #1 pro-hero’
and as badly as you wanted to just sign it as ‘from the future pro-hero 😘’
you didn’t bc you knew how happy the other option would make him
Minoru Mineta
idk perversion ig?
wait no his love language is titties and/or ass
Momo Yaoyorozu
gift. giving. 
like you have no idea how much serotonin she gets when she sees you overjoyed at gift she gives you
bc in her mind she knows that it was her that made you that happy and no amount of trophies will ever compare to how accomplished she feels for being the reason behind your smile 
she’s a QUEEN 👑 UGH 😩💓
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galactic-magick · 4 years
Careful Not to Lose Her: Agnes x Reader
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Request: Is it okay for me to request an Agnes x Female reader fic imagine where reader meets her for the first time and calls her beautiful? Like she just randomly compliments Agnes and Agnes is surprised by that and gets shy but returns it? And maybe the two start flirting with one another all the time and maybe reader stops for a bit as she spends more time with Wanda (helping her with the kids) and Agnes feels jealous and stops talking and reader is all confused and confronts her and Agnes admits her feelings for her are true? 😊 I'm happy ppl r writing for her lmao I love her! And maybe they share a kiss 👀 (sorry this was a long request hah)
Summary: You and Anges become very close, but when you have to help Wanda with the kids more often it strains your relationship.
Words:  1300+
Warnings: light angst
Author’s Notes: I wrote this imagining it happening in the 80s/early 90s era, but you can probably picture it whenever you want.
You hear the doorbell ring, and Wanda gets up and smiles, “Oh that’s probably just Agnes, I’ll introduce you,”
You nod, pushing yourself off the couch as well. You haven’t met many people in town yet besides Wanda and her family, so you’re interested to meet some more hopefully friendly faces.
“Hiya neighbor!” Agnes waltzes in. “Who’s your new friend?”
“Oh this is Y/N! She just moved in across the street,” Wanda says. “Y/N, this is Agnes,”
“Hey!” you shake her hand. “Wow, you’re beautiful,”
Her mouth falls open a bit, and her hand freezes in yours, “Well I…gosh you’re too kind,” after taking a moment to process what you just said, she bursts out laughing, “Not too bad yourself, hun,”
You grin, following Wanda back to the couches to chat some more. She and Agnes tell you everything you need to know about the town, who to befriend, who to avoid, and where to spend your time. Wanda introduces you to her twin boys and her husband when he gets home from work, who eyes you a bit suspiciously. Wanda assures you he just has a cautious personality towards new people, so you try to shrug it off and not take it too personally.
“Well, I think I’m gonna head out, maybe stop by the gym for a bit,” Agnes announces, heading towards the door. “Would you like to come, Y/N?”
“Oh! I mean, sure! But I didn’t bring any workout clothes…”
As if out of thin air, Wanda hands you a set, in your exact size and favorite colors.
“How did you-“
Vision sets a hand on her shoulder, “Darling I thought we talked about not using your pow-“
“Eeeeer you go! Have fun you two!” Wanda smiles, pushing you and Agnes out the door.
You look at Agnes as the door slams behind you, “Did I miss something?”
“Oh no, those two have always been weird,” she shrugs. “I’ve stopped asking questions,”
“Anyway, let’s go! Don’t wanna miss the evening cardio dance class!” she takes your hand and leads you into the town square.
Once you arrive and change into your clothes, you meet Agnes in the corner of the gym, “Agnes I’ve never done one of these before, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do-“
“Oh, relax. No one does. It’s just for fun!” she playfully pokes your arm, “I only started coming because my ex-husband Ralph told me I should find somewhere to get all my excess energy out, but now I do it to have a good time,”
You nod as you hear the teacher of the class crank up the music and lead everyone in some warm-ups.
Surprisingly it’s just as Agnes said, and you end up having more fun than you’ve had in a while. You just move and dance around with her, singing loud and off key to the tunes, and laughing so hard that you’re afraid you’ll disrupt everyone enough to get kicked out.
Thankfully you don’t get kicked out though, and you leave the gym still laughing and very sweaty.
“Alright I’ll admit, that was pretty fun,” you agree. “We should hangout some more sometime!”
“Oh, yes please,” she chuckles. “I’m free anytime you need me to be,”
And just like that, you spent as much time with her as you possibly could. You went to classes with her every Tuesday, went on errands with her, and went out for dinner a few nights a week as well. You were inseparable, and it shocked you how it was so after so little time. You just bonded with her so well, and you feel like you can be yourself with her.
One day while you’re headed out to meet up with her, your phone rings.
“Hey Y/N! It’s Wanda. So sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to babysit the boys tonight? I know it’s last minute, but something came up that I really need to take care of,”
“Is everything okay?”
“Oh yeah…everything’s fine, just, some things aren’t running as smoothly as usual, ya know…at work,”
“I didn’t know you had a job-“
“So will you be able to make it?”
“Yeah, I can be right over,”
You hang up the phone with a slight sense of unease. Something wasn’t right with Wanda, but you’re always open to helping a friend, so you try not to think on it too hard.
On your way over, you knock on Agnes’s door to tell her there was a change of plan. She’s disappointed, but she agrees to reschedule another time.
Unfortunately it’s not the only time this happens. Wanda starts asking for your help a little more often, and you have to cancel more meetups with Agnes. Sometimes Wanda sticks around and sometimes she’s gone, but either way you can tell why she needs so much help with the kids. They’re not awful by any means, but twins can be difficult for anyone, especially new parents.
Eventually you have to cancel so much that you just stop rescheduling, telling Agnes that you’ll just let her know when you’re free, but that time starts to exist less and less. Sometimes she’ll stop by the Vision household to say hello, but you’re not able to talk very much.
By the time Wanda lets you off the hook a bit and needs your help a little less, your friendship with Agnes is nearly gone. Whenever you see her in the grocery store or just around town, she avoids your gaze and turns the other way.
After a couple weeks of failing to get her attention, you’ve had enough. You aren’t going to let her get away that easily.
You knock on her door and ring the doorbell repeatedly until she finally caves and opens it, her face sadder than you’ve ever seen it.
“Why are you avoiding me?” you demand, harsher than you meant to.
“Well sorry I don’t want to hang out with someone who doesn’t have time for me anyway,” she scoffs.
“I do have time for you!”
“Oh really? Where was all that time for the past I don’t even know how long? Oh yeah, you spent it with Wanda instead,”
“I was helping her!”
“I’m not mad at you for helping her! But you couldn’t say you weren’t available at least sometimes?!”
“I was trying to be nice!”
“I’m sure you were,” she rolls her eyes. “But it wasn’t very nice to me,”
“Agnes, look, I’m sorry-“
“You know what? No. That’s not good enough,” she points a finger. “I like you, Y/N. I like you more than I’ve ever liked anyone. I thought we had something going, I thought we were special to each other. But I guess I wasn’t worth giving some effort back,” she starts to close the door, but you grab it first.
“Agnes, please,” you sigh, a tear falling from your eye. “I’m so sorry. I really am. What I did was wrong. I’ve always struggled with saying no to people who need help, but I know that isn’t an excuse to abandon anyone, and I won’t do it again. I like you too, and I’ll do everything I can to make this up to you,”
She looks at you a moment, taking in your words.
“I suppose I forgive you,” she finally says. You look up and smile. “And I suppose you can make it up to me by taking me on an official date,”
“Yes, yes, of course,” you nod vigorously, wrapping your arms around her in a tight hug. When you pull away slightly, you give her a quick kiss, barely a second, but enough to get a reaction. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, I should’ve asked first-“
Before you can finish apologizing for overstepping, she grabs you back and kisses you for real, hard and longer than you care to count.
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Allright. Elliott thread that nobody asked for. Part 4
The words you read seem to be some alien gibberish? Try these first:
Part 1   |    Part 2     |   Part 3      
Don’t worry guys. It will be over soon, I promise.
Bevore we start: This happened yesterday.
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And I basically turned into that iCarly gif, where she’s on the Computer, sippin’ her drink and goes: interesting.
Because look who we have here. Our future husband acting all self-aware? Right after I assumed in my last post that he never talks about the possibility of his failure...
Elliott, do you know that I talk shit about you on Tumblr?
Please stop breaking the 4th wall...
To safe at least some of my ‘credibility’, he followed this up with something along the lines of:
“No, no...I am not fishing for compliments. Which does not mean I don't appreciate them ;) “.
Sure. Whatever.
In comparison to that:
A few in-game days previously, I had a cut-scene with Leah, where the player can suggest that she should organise an art show. And there, Leah openly communicated her fears of ppl not liking her art. I was surprised about how open she was, given that it was probably her 2nd heart event or something (?). It's interesting, how Leah (who I perceived to be more reserved than Elliott), was so willing to let us know about her insecurities. Meanwhile, Elliot seems to brush these thoughts aside rather quickly and returns to his nonchalant, graceful self.
I always thought that from the two of them, it might be Elliott who is more vocal about his emotions. But now, Elliott doesn't seem to wear his heart on his sleeves as much as I thought he would. Which changed the way I think about him quite a bit. Maybe he is more likely to hide behind platitudes and a self-assuring smile, after all.
And what can we take from this, when we would want to write, let’s say a scene with Leah/Elliott friendship dynamic?
What do you guys think?
Anyways, before I was so disgracefully exposed, I was roasting Elliott’s life choices. To which I now gladly return to.
You see, the "issue" I see with Elliott is, that he plays into a trope:
The brooding hermitic author, who turned his back onto society in favour of finding inspiration in nature.
While this might sound thrilling and "romantic", we know that Elliott is not the best candidate to conform to this lifestyle. Just compare, how we as the player, manage to form quite strong relationships with everyone in Pelikan Town just by talking to them regularly.
We see Elliott outside the beach-area quite often. But aside from Leah, he does not seem to interact with anyone much. I don't know if there are statements about Elliott made by other characters, to have some inkling on how they feel about him. But its quite remarkable, how all other friendships outside to his connection with Leah, are not explicitly known as canon (?).
After a whole year living in this town, previous to our arrival, I would suggest, that Elliott might still be very much an outsider. He even remarks how, with our arrival, it will be nice, to no longer be "the new guy" in town.
But the problem with that might have been Elliott's reservedness, to begin with. Polite, but yet, maybe, quite impersonal. All pleasantries and platitudes as mentioned above. It all plays into Elliott's refusal to experience the comforts of a normal lifestyle in favour of pursuing his art.
And I love how Elliott just brushes that aside as if its nothing. I'd really love to know: what would have been his plan b, if his debut failed?
Worst case cenario: What would he'd done, if he ended up stranded in Pelikan Town, penniless and unsuccessful?
Where would he go? Is there a place he can return to? A previous home, previous friends?
I don't think so.
But, dedicated, impuslive, sweet, dumb Elliott just thought to himself:
“I can do that. How bad can it be???, it will be fi~ne.It will be marvellous!
Authentic, truly!
It will be superb pictouresque and that is all I need to write my novel....”
Thanks Yoba. You’ll keep doing that please.
And then we also have interactions of the likes of:
“People have scaped a living off the sea for thousands of years....
I just go to the grocery store.”
A different thought I had on Elliott kind of plays into what I already said previously. But I will adress it as its own topic.
The downside of Elliott’s ego.
As much as we explored the rather whacky / chaotic elements of his character and how he does stupid shit for prestige itself, it is interesting to see what happens when the player challenges his self-dramatisation.
I keep re-thinking if and to what degree Elliott can laugh about himself.
He is not one for self-deprecating humour, I think.
I can imagine that to be more Shane’s thing.
We see different scenarios, in which Elliott reacts differently to things not going his way. One of the positives is the whole “A tiny crab made a home inside his coat pocket”- story. I have seen two interpretations of this scene. And both are dependent on the tone, in which you read his dialogue. One group thinks he is just complaining yet again.
On the other hand, you could read it more like:
“My, look what we have here. Can you believe that [y/name]?!“.
I think that Elliott does not appear to be angry or annoyed at all in that scenario, too. He could have vented to the player, how he needs a new coat, now.  But he simply leaves it at that. And you know what?
But, there are other times, where Elliott reacts negatively to the player not doing what he wants you to do. Meaning:  your reaction to him or your behaviour in a specific situation. Let's look at his 2nd (?) heart event at the Stardrop Saloon. He comes up to the bar, finds himself in the mood for company, and orders wine for you and ale for himself. 
New Headcanon:
That little crab still lives there! It will probably live there long after you two get married. And he will feed it scraps from the dinner table even though you ask him not to.
Whatever...Sounds Cute. 
My first reaction to that was: “aw, wHaT a GeNtLemAn!!!”. My second reaction was my inner feminist having a temper tantrum because: “how dare a man, to assume what I want to drink!” 
New Headcanon on Elliott and gender roles, anyone? Or is it given, that with him being a good old fashioned lover boy, his expectation on any relationship dynamic might be more traditional?
As much as I find Elliott charming and all, this could be a great red flag and, again, beautiful material for character-conflict. Maybe Elliott needs to learn to not take everything at face value. Maybe he needs to learn, how to take a joke. Especially those made at his expense.
However, when the question arises, what the two of you should drink on, he will not laugh if you say “your doom”.
This is not something he sees as sarcasm or as a joke. In fact, you lose 50 friendship points! Like holy shit. That in itself is not much, but its a game-penalty. He is actively reacting negatively toward you. This is one of the few times, where your decision actively has an impact on the friendship-metre. Of course, that statement could be delivered in a non-joking matter. Which then justifies his reaction.... sure.
But even the fact that Elliott chooses, to not downplay or gloss-over your comment, leaves me with the following interpretation:
He hoped for a charming, flirtatious interaction. All you had to do, was to play along. But you ruined it.
Just imagine a situation with a little bit of miss-communication and a version of Elliott that is a little too proud for his own good and *chef's kiss* we have drama.
Me to Elliott and Farmer-OC: fight! fight! fight! fight! :D
All of you reading right now:
omg can't you just chill??? We are here for the fluff :(((
Also: depending on how it's written, that could be one of Elliott's major character flaws. The one that is not cute at all!
I wanted to take some jabs at Elliott's likes and dislikes. But as it turned out: Yes, you can turn Duck feathers into quills. I had this funny headcanon that Elliott wanted to be extra special by choosing duck feathers as his preferred writing instrument. And I was all like: “use a pen!!”.
But then I found out about the Unobtainable Weapons-List and Elliott’s pen is one of them. Okay, whatever. 
And then I asked google how to make quills. And while duck feathers are not the preferred or most popular option, there is also nothing that would speak against it, as long as the feather’s shaft is durable enough. So that theory has flown out of the window pretty quickly as well.
The only thing that comes to my mind instead is, how Elliott would still need a digital manuscript for publishing. But me screaming: “Where is your Laptop Elliott??? You need a computer! Its the 21 century!!!” is not half that funny anymore.
I guess I’ll end it here.
I hope you enjoyed this completely useless stream of consciousness.
I will now continue playing Stardew Valley and indulge in all my other quarantine-born obsessions.
I wish you a wonderful day and happy farming.
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