#hayley being the definition of 'prison for life'
andreal831 · 7 months
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E: We've come here for the girl. Give her to us or we kill everyone here. Starting with you.
Haylijah in every episode -> 1.07 Bloodletting
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
Discussion: is Hosie more of a supportive relationship or a toxic one?
While we all agree that Hope and Josie can sometimes be shitty, disrespectful, and manipulative to each other, I think that they are mostly supportive to each other. There are some people that think the opposite and conclude that Hosie is toxic. While I don't have problem with people shipping toxic ships too, I genuinely think that Hosie is mostly healthy for each other. To get a hold whether Hosie is supportive or toxic, I make this list of all Hosie interactions/scenes up to 3x13, which can be categorised as supportive or shitty that I can remember along with some of my thoughts. If you don't agree with me or forgot something, feel free to remind me or discuss them!
Thank you for making me feel the need to make this list. @legacies-supremacy
Thank you for helping me with some of the points. @dreamerdiving
The definition of toxic relationship is: “any relationship [between people who] don’t support each other, where there’s conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition, where there’s disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness.”
I marked those interactions/scenes that is harmful to Hosie in red so we can see it easily.
1. Josie burn down Hope’s room, without apologising
2. Josie made up stories about Hope calling Lizzie witch bipolar
3. Hope and Josie do dark magic together (hope ask for help, kindred spirit in revenge)
4. Hope stand up to Lizzie for Josie, while Lizzie threw Josie under the bus
5. Hope protected Josie by not telling Emma Josie being the one using dark magic with Hope
6. The scene where they pick trash, they connected really fast. It’s shown that they can have good communications between them.
7. Josie pays her respects to Hayley in front of Hope. It means a lot to Hope because she values her family.
8. Hope encourage Josie to voice up, fight for the things she desires. Josie helps Hope on her poked-herself situation.
9. They fought the first monster ever IN THE SCHOOL together. (Hope calls Josie to help, and Josie immediately do so)
10. Fight the spider-like monster together along with Lizzie.
11. The necklace that Hope gave Josie, make quiet things heard.
12. Hope, MG, Penelope save Josie together. Hope is very anxious (maybe more anxious than Penelope seems?), the necklace worked.
13. AU where Hope doesn’t exist, Josie dies.
14. AU where both of them straight up flirting, Hope comes to bring the Saltzmans to the Mikaelsons Boarding School, giving the twins a place to use and improve their magic freely. And mostly like cleans up the mess of Lizzie’s outburst (no blaming here).
15. When Hope was on slug, Josie is the first to suspect that she’s on happy pill, which is very close to the fact. While Landon and RAF see that she’s very happy but don’t think much of it, because they were new to her (no blaming). Landon sees that she’s very happy, said something like, you’re happy for first time ever?
16. Hope tell Josie to let her know if Josie needs someone to “take care” of Penelope.
17. Talent show: hope looks very happy and cheers for Josie when she sings (overly happy maybe because of slug)
18. Josie lets Hope sleep on her shoulder.
19. Josie does not come clean when Hizzie is fighting each other on “Hope telling the school Lizzie is witch bipolar” and “burn her room down to interfere with Saltzmans road trip”.
20. Josie finally come clean about burning Hope’s room and made up stories that causes Hizzie's rivalry, but Hope only cares about the crush. It can be said that Hope is very forgiving for Josie. - *smiles* you had a crush on me? (I mean, girl, she burned down your room)
21. Mystic fall pageant: Josie worries about Hope feelings when Hope finds out about the dress was from Klaus
22. When Josie distances herself from Lizzie after knowing about the merge from Penelope, Lizzie asks Hope to help make the food Josie likes the most. So it’s canon that Hope can actually make Josie’s favourite food? The attempts Hope made to repair the twins relationship show that Hope care for both of the twins.
23. Josie doesn’t want to interact with Hope either.
(May have forgotten hosie scene)
24. Triad: super squad team up, they help each other to save the school, it seems like when Hope says she has more backup, Josie is the one looks like leading them in.
25. Hope caught a bullet for Josie while Josie caught one for Lizzie as Lizzie was trying to catch them for Josie too.
26. Josie encourages Hope for hero time rather than staying by her side.
27. Hope only realised that she caught a bullet for Josie when Alaric asked about the hole on her sleeves. That leads to her knowledge on her blood can save Josie as well as herself being the loophole for Malivore. She tells Alaric to give Josie vial of her blood. (According to some fans, Stefan said that blood sharing is very personal.)
28. Josie is very confident that Hope will make it back to them, and urges Kaleb to have faith in Hope.
29. When Hope jumps into Malivore, something came over Josie, she feels most of the impact (maybe because Landon is dead at the moment)
30. Hope didn’t want to return to school because she sees that both Landon and Josie are very happy. She wants them to be happy.
31. While Josie is being jealous and hostile to Hope, she feels that there’s something off about Hope in her, not only jealousy.
32. Oni episode: Josie continues to be hostile to Hope because of her jealousy.
33. Hope as a badass tribrid, miraculously does not beat or intimidate or threaten Josie because of her hostility, whereas when other people do it, there will probably be consequences.
34. Josie is the one to seek Freya for the dark magic to bring back everyone’s memories.
35. Josie hit Freya using the newly-learned dark magic. Freya said something like even that spell is very powerful for a Mikaelson witch, meaning that the spell can have some strong effects on her. When Josie is questioned whether she knows what to do with the magic, in panic she hit Freya with this magic and run. It means that whether or not Josie choose to bring those memories back herself, there will surely be someone to bring them back when Josie opted not to do it. Even so, it’s Josie that contributed to bringing back people’s memories of Hope, or else Freya can never do it for Hope if the circumstances required her to do so.
36. If Josie is to bring back everyone’s memories, she knows that she will be the one that will be left behind and will be the second choice. She’s the one that will be badly affected, but she knows that she needs to do it, and calls Caroline to encourage her to do the right thing. (Or else why call? What kind of parents will encourage their child to do otherwise.)
37. Josie brings back everyone’s memories of Hope and save Hope and Lizzie from the Croatian.
38. Hope cares about Josie’s feeling to ask whether Josie is okay with Hope staying in the school. She is willing to leave the school for Josie.
39. Despite knowing that seeing Hope hurts a lot, Josie tells Hope to stay, and assure Hope that she belongs with them. For Josie, NO MATTER how much it hurts, she WANTS Hope ENOUGH to let her STAY, as Hope belongs with them. It’s what Hope wants: people thinking she’s worth staying for. It means that NO MATTER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, she hope that there’s still someone that WANTS HER ENOUGH to STAY for her.
40. Along with the previous point, it’s important to know that Josie tells Hope to stay after SimuLandon told Hope that Landon can’t tell her to stay (the same day as Landon chose to leave the girls). It assures Hope a lot.
41. Landon being a dick(sorry) to breakup with Josie and then immediately restarts a relationship with Hope (disrespect of Jandon relationship, it’s like an opposite of what he said to Josie). Hope being a bitch(sorry) by immediately accept the restart of Handon, disregarding it’s a fresh breakup for Jandon and Josie.
42. Josie avoids Hope because it hurts to see Handon immediately lovey dovey.
43. Santa episode: Hope is the one that handles Krampus-affected Josie when she tells Lizzie to run. Either the Josie being near to Lizzie will affect Lizzie, or Hope just want some time with Josie? For the former part, Hope protecting Lizzie also contributes to supporting Josie.
44. Hope actively seeks out Josie and helps Josie with the mora miserium - placing a protective barrier on it.
45. They confide in each other when they put a protective barrier on the mora miserium. They reveal their dark sides and weaknesses. They support each other verbally. (Hope reveal her jealousy towards Jandon, Josie asked Hope why Clarke chooses her, Hope said that it’s because Josie is a strong and trusting person, etc.)
46. In the Qareem/Wade-is-fairy episode, when Landon died, Hope protects the mora miserium first and passes it to Josie before going to Landon. (It’s a logical thing to do tho, Landon’s death can’t be undo but Hope can prevent Josie from going dark)
47. Hope go to the twins for comfort after her fight with Landon.
48. First therapy box episode: Hope comforts Josie after they come out from it.
49. People in numbers(the Saltzmans including Josie) vs Landon: Hope chose to save people in numbers which includes Josie, instead of saving Landon. (Prison world incident)
50. When Hope astral project into the prison world, Josie is the only one that can communicate with Hope because of the dark magic. It helped to save people and Josie herself in the prison world.
51. People in numbers (the whole school) vs Josie: Hope refuses to kill Josie when basically everyone is ready to kill Josie to save the school(including Alaric). (Lizzie is running away? Understandable tho, her life is in danger) Hope shuts Alaric and Kaleb in the therapy box to prevent them from killing Josie.
52. Dark Josie with Hope in the ring: they weren’t really putting effort in fighting each other before both of them call each other out.
53. I don’t think she even likes you - what’s the point of saying that when it is commonly known between Hope and Josie? So it must mean the opposite(which is Josie likes Hope) and solely to hurt Hope.
54. Josie, fight! - Hope can bring out the true Josie in dark Josie.
55. Dark Josie is agitated when Hope can really bring true Josie out. Maybe it’s because of losing control. But my clownness suggests that can also be a thing that both true and dark Josie do not want to reveal at all - that Hope weighs heavily in Josie’s heart.
56. Dark Josie is ready to kill Hope after Hope brought the true Josie out for seconds.
57. Hope goes into Josie’s subconscious to save her.
58. The actually-consensual kiss: when the pig tell Hope to try kissing Sleeping Josie, Hope respects Josie’s boundaries. But Hope never says that she is against kissing Josie at all because she now does not see her that way at all. = Hope will totally kiss Josie if the circumstances are right with a consent.
59. In Josie’s mind, true Josie really doesn't want to hurt Hope and urge her to leave before it’s too late.
60. Hope encourages Josie to trust herself with her power, that she is good and strong.
61. Dark Josie petrified Hope in Josie’s subconscious.
62. Josie did heed Hope’s words, she believes that Hope is good and strong.
63. Josie defends Hope by calling Landon out on him leaving Hope twice, and he doesn’t actually believe in not giving up love no matter what.
64. After Hope and Landon comes out from Malivore and the prison world, and Landon turns into goo after the unsafe intercourse (probably not using condom considering the result, there must be sexually fluid exchanged), Hope goes directly to the principal office and explains the situation, Josie is first to believe in Hope and is willing to teach her the spell.
65. When Hope’s Therapy-Box Ethan tells Hope that sometimes the right person for her is right in front of her. I think that it’s Hope’s subconscious of him promoting himself initially. But really, Hethan interactions are so little for me to really believe that Hope’s subconscious of the right person is referring him for that. So when Josie turns up next....(I’m clowning, but it means that Hope subconscious thinks that Josie is the right person, talk about faith.)
66. Hope believes that Josie wants Hope to be safe: Hope’s Therapy-Box Josie ants Hope to come with her? It means that Hope knows that Josie will want Hope to be safe with her together. To relate it more to the problem about Hope thinks that Josie runs away from problem and Hope solves them, it also means that a part of Hope wants to not face all these problems too. So part of her is constructing this scene to provide her an option, with Josie.
67. Josie is the only one Hope attempted to save in the therapy box.
68. Josie doesn’t help Hope grieves after Landon turned into goo. (to which I resent the writer’s effort in sabotaging Hosie in the show starting season 3 to make sure they sit right in the “not queerbaiting“ section. It doesn’t make sense that Hosie doesn’t interact at all.)
69. 3x08: Josie wants to help in finding Landon. No matter the motives, she wants to help, and the final results benefit Hope and Landon, not Josie.
70. I don’t need to deal with both Saltzman twins right now - Hope disrespects both twins.
71. Hope gaslights Josie to go help her postponing her date with Finch.
72. Josie believes in Hope too much to fall for her lies when Hope is apparently desperate. (Maybe that’s why Finch call Hope five feet of trouble, or we should believe that Finch is threaten by Hope or angry at Hope out of the blue?) - Hope is Josie’s blindspot too.
73. Josie is upset that Finch will hate her, but doesn’t seem angry about Hope lying( I’m thinking about “you have a crush on me?”, but it can also be understood as Hope lying doesn’t hurt her at all. If this is the case, then Hope = nothing in Josie’s heart, is this true though?)
74. Hope says that she would be there if Josie is to fall into her dark side again even though she believes that Josie is strong enough to withstand it herself. (It’s still manipulation even though Hope means it, right? Don’t want to romanticise manipulation.)
75. Hope guilt trip Josie about Landon and the prison world.
76. Hope thinks that she need more convincing work on Josie after the guilt trip. But Josie surprises her by not needing any further convincing. It seems that her concerns it’s never the danger she could face from the prison world for saving Landon. It’s about the risks of losing herself again by taking her magic back. Both of them don’t know that the ascendant is full of dark magic.
77. Hope tells Lizzie to hold on when they discover that the ascendant is filled with dark magic and according to Josie before that, “you’re going to die”.  
78. Josie steps in for Hope and Lizzie.
79. Hope only realised and apologised when she sees Josie with dark magic and in pain. (It shows the importance of Josie in Hope’s heart, but I think it’s very late so……)
80. When Josie, Landon, Wade ran into the kitchen from Berbelang!Hope, Josie and perfect Landon are in sync in saving Hope. It either means Jandon is very very low-key still a thing, or Josie and perfect Landon actually cares as much as each other cares for Hope. (And perfect Landon is made to love Hope, so if Josie show as much care as perfect Landon for Hope....)
81. Again, why do I care? - Josie: “Because I do!”
82. Josie embrace her magic entirely for Hope and to save Hope.
83. If the definition of true love is like what Wade says, like Landon would never hurt Hope, then we can see Josie is reluctant to hurt Hope either. She wants to consider it carefully before really plunge the knife into Hope’s heart. (But perfect Landon did it, as an outsider I think we agree that’s actually the right call? It’s just too soon when you basically have an hour to think carefully, maybe Cleo can control perfect Landon, so when she got the chance she makes perfect Landon to do it?)
84. Hope apologises for pressuring Josie into taking back her magic twice. Josie give credits to Hope’s words of her and her magic. Hope is very happy for Josie.
85. Hope wants Josie back in the school. It means that she thinks Josie is belonged to the school as how Josie think of Hope previously.
To sum them up, we have 18/85 of Hosie interactions/scenes where they are disrespect of each other, undermining, manipulating, and lying to each other. However, as we can see mostly they are supportive of each other, having good communications, and saving each other’s lives.
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klarolinelibrary · 3 years
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Hi KC Readers, 
Happy Friday! 
We have another weekly releases for you to check out. The stories below were updated during the week of April 17 - April 23. 
Grab a snack and drink, then dive right into the new stories and reimagined characters of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes!
Klaus POV - The Trouble with Spells (Chapter 21)
Author: ilovetf
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: I think the title is self explanatory. The Trouble with Spells as seen through Klaus's eyes and his POV. Over the years, people kept liking this story and some even asked for Klaus POV, so I decided to give it a try. Hope you enjoy it. All feedback is more than welcome. Good or bad.
Date of update: April 17 2021
SKULLS (Chapter 9)
Author: Lovely Vero
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Vampiro and El Diablo, aka: Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson, heads of the bikers SKULLS are fighting Gabriel Desperaldo, aka: El escorpión - head of the Spanish mafia - and his human trafficking in their city of Los Alamos in New Mexico. Never in a million years, did they imagine that the love of two captured women would change their life forever.
Date of update: April 17 2021
In the shelter of your light (Chapter 3)
Author: Clarity23
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline expected to face some challenges when she decided to foster a teenage girl. But she did not expect that the girl's older, annoyingly handsome brother would be in the picture as well. AU
Date of update: April 17 2021
Everything and anything for you (Chapter 13)
Author: thelibrarianofalexandria
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She had it all planned ahead. Graduate early, go to an Ivy League college, make her dreams come true. However, she has to change it a little when her whole life is thrown upside down and a handsome original takes an interest in her, the younger, shy, sister of Caroline Forbes.
Date of update: April 20 2021
You can't run from your past (Chapter 2)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is an FBI agent with secrets. Three years ago she fell in love with a target before she helped put him behind bars, and she faked her own death. Now he's escaped from prison and he's learned the truth, about who she is and the secret she's been keeping since he got sent away. Now she has to run, but he's determined to catch her. And he always gets what he wants.
Date of update: April 20 2021
Take on the world
Author: Logan27
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Starts near the end of 4x14 (I would rewatch that episode up until Klaus comes out onto the porch just for a refresher). Caroline makes a life altering decision and takes a big chance in order to move forward, heal and discover.
Date of update: April 21 2021
A Failed Sacrifice (Chapter 4)
Author: CookieDuo
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: She ruined the sacrifice to save her own life, and in order to survive she turned to the only other vampire who'd been able to survive the wrath of Klaus Mikaelson. She gets away, and learns from the master, but when Klaus eventually catches up to her, her life will never be the same again.
Date of update: April 23 2021
Step Up Or Step Out
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: E
Length: One shot
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 7. For Caroline it's been a long time coming.
Date of update: April 17 2021
no goodbyes (Chapter 9)
Author: deadofwrite (dead_of_write)
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: “Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Caroline whispered. Guilt. Shame. Regret.It was all the emotions he feared. And it was written all over her face. aka. a college/cheating au
Date of update: April 17 2021
Turned Off or Turned On?
Author: Anonymous
Rating: E
Length: Drabble
Summary: Caroline-that-has-flipped-the-switch seeks out one Klaus Mikaelson. Deep down Caroline knew that seeking him out was wrong on so many levels, he had been responsible for so much death and destruction, but that didn’t stop her. Truthfully, it made her want to go to him more, now that her emotions had been turned off. There was nothing from keeping her from having him. Had she had them switched on it was doubtful she even would have gone out of the door, she would have just wistfully thought about going instead. Thinking about what might have been.
Date of update: April 17 2021
One of a Kind, Two of a Kind, or the Three Musketeers (Chapter 10)
Author: Phandancee74
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline recognizes how hard it is for Elena to be a doppelgänger, her fate predestined as well as her face. It's pretty tough being the last of your kind too though, and Caroline is determined to protect them both, with some very helpful Bennetts on their side. A fic that integrates Malivore and the larger supernatural universe into TVD from the start.
Date of update: April 17 2021
A Blonde, A Brit, and A Baby (Chapter 3)
Author: Books4eva180
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes life is right on schedule for her Twenty-Year plan that she created at 16 years old: at 23 years old she is a junior editor at a magazine company in NYC and she has fantastic friends; one of whom is about to get to married. Life couldn't be more perfect or at least that was until she slept with a British asshole. What was only supposed to be a one night stand has turned into a life changing night because Caroline is now pregnant. Klaus Mikaelson has always enjoyed the simple things in life. Bourbon, art, and an endless stream of girls who are more than willing to fall into his bed. This all changes when he is forced to move to America to join his father's law company and he isn't even really his father. Then to make matters worse he ends up sleeping with a girl and even worse she ends up pregnant. Forced together in a situation that neither of them could have planned for will feelings blossom (yes they definitely will) Will Caroline be able to handle this life changing event? Will Klaus be able to escape the demons from his past? Will the both of them be able to provide a happy and healthy home for their baby?
Date of update: April 18 2021
Darkness Becomes Thee
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Austria 1300s When Klaus met a young girl on a riverbank, he knew that he would one day come back for her. When he looked into her bright blue eyes, he could see a reflection of his own soul, a darkness that lingered inside both of them. When the young girl turned into a beautiful woman with a thirst for blood, his fascination with her turns into obsession. He wants not only her loyalty but her eternity, a possessiveness that is equally returned. or my "Caroline is the serial killer Elizabeth Bathory" au.
Date of update: April 18 2021
Reunited (Chapter 13)
Author: CandyCane1287
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Set after 5x12 TVD, where Caroline confesses what she did with Klaus to Katherine and Tyler hears. Katherine reveals that she’s dying and knows of a witch that could help her. But the witch is in New Orleans and that’s where Elijah and Klaus. Baby included but nice Hayley doesn't stick around. Also, Elena is supportive here.
Date of update: April 18 2021
A smutty anniversary (Chapter 6)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline and Klaus celebrate 3 months together with a day full of smut.
Date of update: April 18 2021
american dream prom queen
Author: trashcanbarbie
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: “What would they say, if they knew you were here, on my birthday doing something almost…” she trails off, because she doesn't know the word. “Nice?” he suggests, then grins like a wolf, “They’d roll in their graves, my siblings.” “They're not dead.” He grins, and Caroline feels as if he’s laughing at a private joke when he says, “Aren't they?”
Date of update: April 19 2021
We are young (Chapter 12)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: One shot
Summary: Basically, Klaroline flirt in front of their kids who they are barely older than, and Landon is appropriately confused.
Date of update: April 19 2021
Nowhere Else To Go (Chapter 2)
Author: NerdyNostalgia
Rating: G
Length: Drabble
Summary: Klaus has an unexpected visitor while in New Orleans and is determined to show her a good time. He isn't going to let this chance pass him by, and if it means he and Caroline get closer...well, that was a bonus. But is Marcel planning something?
Date of update: April 19 2021
Part of Your World
Author: perfectpro
Rating: G
Length: One shot
Summary: After trading the loveliest thing she possessed to a sea witch in order to walk on land, Caroline realizes that she'd accidentally bargained her voice away. Human legs shouldn't always feel this sort of pain, should they? With only a week to go before the spell wears off, the bargain can be undone entirely with true love's first kiss. The only problem is... Who falls in love in less than a week?
Date of update: April 19 2021
I Don’t Want You To Die
Author: klarolinexluv
Rating: E
Length: Multi Chapter
Date of update: April 19 2021
Sibling Rivalry (Chapter 9)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: In which Klaus and Rebekah are both bi, their taste in men and women overlaps infuriatingly often, and they argue over their newest shared interest. Edit: This is going to be a full series now, I love it so much. Edit 2: Oops, I dropped a whole bucket of angst on Caroline's backstory. If only there were some Mikaelsons willing to help her work through it...
Date of update: April 20 2021
What Could Have Been (Chapter 37)
Author: TNaPKI
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: My impression of what Season 6 of The Originals would have been like post 5x13 where Klaroline becomes endgame. Is Klaus really gone or is there more to the story? Find out! FINAL CHAPTER out in a month!
Date of update: April 20 2021
The Salvatore Sisters (Chapter 19)
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline and Davina Salvatore are Stefan and Damon's younger sister's, and they are far more than meets the eye. When Stefan and Damon's younger sisters show up during the beginning of season 2, what could possibly go wrong. The Salvatore girls have a dark past littered with their brother's enemies, the same enemies that just so happen to be their family. With Mikaelson's as husbands, miracle powers that could crush a Bennet witch, and whole life their brothers never knew about just how much have can these sisters and their family cause.
Date of update: April 21 2021
Author: wincefish16
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Date of update: April 21 2021
Compromise Coffee (Chapter 3)
Author: BelleMorte180
Rating: E
Length: One shot
Summary: Caroline Forbes has a coffee problem; or better described as a crush on the cute barista, Klaus, who knows how to make her large, non-fat latte with a caramel drizzle and two extra espresso shots just right. After years of coming to Compromise Coffee, Caroline thought he would have made a move by now, but he hasn't. Caroline has decided that it is time for her to make the move herself.
Date of update: April 22 2021
Soulmate visions (Chapter 4)
Author: kcatdino
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: On your soulmate's eighteenth birthday, you see through their eyes for an hour, but they don’t know. And if your soulmate turns eighteen before you are even born, you never get a vision. Klaus gets his soulmate vision right after he orders Tyler to bite Caroline on her birthday….
Date of update: April 22 2021
Give Me A Sign (Chapter 6)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Caroline Forbes is happy that she left founders' parties, competition over guys she'd known since elementary school, and even Mystic Falls itself behind years ago. She's not second-best to Elena anymore. Even Liz would be proud of her new life working on the side of the law. Mostly. (If you need to compel someone into giving up stolen goods, is it really a crime?) Of course he's the one person from her past who comes looking for her. Klaus does that.
Date of update: April 22 2021
Secrets Inside Us
Author: 1Jemmagirl22
Rating: T
Length: Drabble
Summary: Klaroline as actors falling in love on set.
Date of update: April 23 2021
Destination Wedding (Chapter 2)
Author: PumpkinDoodles
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The first rule of going to your ex's wedding is 'make sure you look good,' but Caroline's seriously worried that this British Guy is going to make her late. And she cannot be late to Rebekah Mikaelson and Matt Donovan's wedding at a Virginia winery.
Date of update: April 23 2021
There Is Nothing I Would Not Do
Author: ThrowMeAStory
Rating: M
Length: Drabble
Summary: 4x16 au, Part 8. Caroline and Bonnie reconnect.
Date of update: April 23 2021
Cloud 9: A Collection of Klaroline Fusions and Crossovers (Chapter 10)
Author: klarolineagainnaturally
Rating: G
Length: One shot
Summary: Various fusions and crossovers with Klaus and Caroline including Much Ado About Nothing, Ready or Not, and Tangled!
Date of update: April 23 2021
FFN: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 5)
AO3: The Traitor and the Coward (Chapter 5)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Klaroline AU supernatural multi-chap - Original!Caroline has spent lifetimes running from her lover and his family. Despite the centuries of loneliness, she regrets nothing. Soon, she'll bring an end to this madness. Or bring the madness full circle.
Date of update: April 17 2021
FFN: Heartless to Heartfelt, Redone (Chapter 10)
AO3: Heartless to Heartfelt (Chapter 13)
Author: SmallTimeWriter
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: Daggered and buried deep within the ocean, Klaus has spent the last 9 years in a torturous state. Haunted by memories of the past and images of a child he never got to meet. Now awakened, but not the same. He is faced with a decision, can he forgive those who wronged him when a threat larger then they could anticipate appears? They must reunited to survive. All Main Characters.
Date of update: April 18 2021
FFN: Divine Intervention (Chapter 13)
AO3: Divine Intervention (Chapter 13)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: This takes place in an alternate universe after Klaus seeks assistance from a certain blonde Norse goddess after Katerina has become a vampire and foiled his attempt at breaking his curse. Later chapters will follow this spicy "power" couple as they stir up all kinds of trouble in Mystic Falls. (Dark Klaroline) *Nominated for 2016 Klaroline Award - Best Original Story Concept
Date of update: April 19 2021
FFN: A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 154)
AO3:  A Beautiful Symmetry (Chapter 154)
Author: Uppity Bitch
Rating: M
Length: One Shot
Summary: A collection of random AU one-shots featuring Klaroline. *2019 KC Award - Best one-shot series* Chapter 154: Dimples and Domestics. The Mikaelsons are spoiled, selfish snobs — and unfortunately are art student Caroline and her parents' main source of income. At least she only has to put up with them over her summer break...
Date of update: April 21 2021
FFN: Through his eyes (Chapter 6)
AO3: Through his eyes (Chapter 6)
Author: TheAlllureOfDarkness
Rating: T
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: The story of Klaus and Caroline, from Klaus POV.
Date of update: April 21 2021
FFN: Judgment Call (Chapter 5)
AO3: Judgment Call (Chapter 5)
Author: Eliliyah
Rating: T/G
Length: Multi Chapter
Summary: As a Federal Agent, Caroline Forbes has always lived by a strict moral code. But when new evidence comes to light that Klaus Mikaelson, the first man she helped send to death row, may not be guilty hours before his execution, she begins to question everything she's ever known. As the investigation leads to the heartbreaking truth, she's forced to choose between right and just.
Date of update: April 23 2021
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handonhaven · 3 years
So it looks like this week we might finally find out what happened to Landon when is was in the prison world. At least I'm hoping we do. Because we only have 9 episodes left this season 8 if you don't count this week's episode. If we don't find out soon I think I might lose it. I'm just hoping that whatever happened to him isn't too bad. I know it's going to be bad because he was stuck in a world full of monsters. I just don't want it to be too bad because he's been through so much bad shit in his life already I don't want him to go through more(also because I'm a bit optimistic and hopeful).
That being said I just this post that pissed me off a little. It said Landon is toxic to Hope(again with people just throwing that word around) because he's making her relive her childhood trauma(what? How?) And since he doesn't know how to fight she's always saving him. And how he just stands around when there's a problem going on. Like in 3x11 when that monster attacked he just stood there and Hope had to step in etc.
Okay let's be honest if Landon was really making Hope relive her childhood trauma does anyone honestly think Hope(or anybody else for that matter) would stay with that person. And if that was true Hope would be a complete mess 99% of the time. As for Landon not knowing how to fight, he did try to learn but Hope stopped him when the monsters came back and I wouldn't put it past Hope if she told everyone else not to teach him(I'm not bashing Hope or anything), just so she could keep him out of it. Also on the part about Hope always saving him thing. The last time before this season that she saved him was in 2x06. The rest of the time she was just worrying/trying to keep him out of it even though he want it to help. It also look likes this season Hope is realizing that Landon can handle his own and that she's gotten let him. As for 3x11 Landon was told that no monster could see or touch them while they were there. He was most likely so surprised when it could that he didn't know what to do.
The only thing that makes me more upset then seeing post like that. Is when people say Klaus, Elijah and Hayley didn't die for this. When Hope does something that don't like. When the reason they died in first place was so Hope could live(not so Hope could live the way they want her to).
P.s what do you think happened to Landon in the prison world? Since it looks like he has new powers now.
Yes it looks like we’re definitely gonna find out something, that’s what I’m hoping as well. But I wouldn’t be surprised if it takes a few more episodes for us to know everything, but I hope we will know all that happened soon! Because yeah, we’re over halfway through the season. They better get going with this, otherwise there won’t be enough time to explore all they’ve been building up to. But ikr, haha, me too! We’ve been waiting for months to find out! I really can’t wait much longer. And same! I’m honestly so done with Landon going through crap. Before he even came to the school, he had been through trauma his entire life, and he’s had even more trauma since! And I’d love for whatever he went through to not be too bad either, but with all the theories that have been going around, there’s not one that wouldn’t be traumatizing for him. And I get that this is tvdu and all the characters are inevitably gonna go through crap. But when it comes to Landon, it’s honestly so constant and extreme, it’s sick. I just hope he’ll be able to somehow recover after all of this.
Ohh, I think I know what post you’re talking about. I had started reading it and saw that as well and was done. Did not want to read anymore of it because that’s absurd. Literally, Landon has not done anything to make her relive any trauma, he’s done all he can to prevent that. I don’t even know what that person is referring to, Hope losing people because she keeps losing Landon? In no way is that Landon’s fault, that’s completely outside of his control. The writers are the ones who keep putting both Hope and Landon through trauma. It’s not because of anything Landon is doing. And Hope is always saving everyone, and she’s not had to save Landon as much as everyone thinks. And saying that Landon just stands around is absolutely not true. That person needs to go back and rewatch the whole show because I can give about a dozen examples of when Landon has done the complete opposite of just stand there. Even without fighting abilities, he’s done all that he can to help since day one with the strengths and abilities that he does have.
But yeah, I can’t see Hope staying in a situation where someone was making her relive her childhood trauma, because you’re right, she would be a mess. And she’s gone through plenty of more trauma while at the school, but Landon is not doing anything to cause that. He’s the one giving her peace and happiness through it all. And exactly! Landon wanted to learn how to fight, but Hope didn’t want to train him. And I could also see her asking everyone not to train him as well, just to make sure he didn’t get more involved in the danger. He never did get anyone else to train him, so who knows.
And yes, there’s this idea that Hope is saving him all the time when she’s really not? Even in season 1, she only really saved him twice, technically. From the headless horseman, and then she saved him (and also everyone else) from Malivore by jumping into the pit. She only saved him maybe a few times in season 2. If you want to count the cyclops that was going towards him in 2x02, the monster that grabbed him in 2x06, and from Pothos a couple times in 2x11 (before Landon was the one to ultimately kill him). And this season, she only saved him from the monster last episode. And I may have missed something, but still, it doesn’t happen as often as everyone says. Yes, she’s mostly just worrying about him, as she would with anyone she loves, because of the danger they’re in all the time. She’s often concerned about saving him but he’s also ended up being okay without her help. And I agree, she’s gradually been realizing what he’s capable of and has been letting him handle himself more. And I think we’re gonna keep seeing more of that.
Yeah, the monster in 3x11 was totally unexpected. It happened so fast and he was shocked and didn’t know what to do. Then Hope immediately jumped in to help, so what? Hope is always doing stuff like that because she’s used to it, that doesn’t mean Landon is always just standing there.
Yep, ugh, I’ve seen people say that too. You’re right, they died so that Hope could survive, regardless of how she might live her life. But according to those people, since Hope has chosen to be with Landon and they don’t like it, that must mean that Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley didn’t die for that? As if they wouldn’t want her to be with someone who makes her happy and to fight for them? I don’t care what people say, Landon is exactly the kind of person they would’ve wanted for Hope. They just wanted her to be happy and safe. And Landon makes Hope happy. And we’ve seen that Landon would do anything in order to protect Hope and keep her safe. He has proven that. So how could they not want that for Hope? The kind of happiness Landon gives Hope is what they wanted Hope to have. And I could go on for a while about Landon and Hope’s family, but that would make this post a whole lot longer than it already is haha. But I really do wonder if the people who say that have actually watched The Originals? Or if they did, they must have not paid attention or clearly missed some of the big points of the show.
And as for Landon in the prison world, I feel like the theory that he somehow split makes the most sense. I don’t know how though, but I feel like we’re seeing part of him right now and the other part of him could be the bone thing. And if he has new powers, like his strength in the trailer for the next episode, I have no clue what’s going on with that. I can see him getting stronger from the prison world, but that strong? I really don’t know. There are a lot of things that could have done something to affect him or cause whatever happened. There’s the artifact, there’s the dark magic in the prison world, whatever might be going on with Malivore, Landon losing his powers and then dissolving in 3x04... something weird definitely happened and I really hope we’ll get all the answers soon!
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insertsexualitypun · 4 years
Some things I want from Legacies S3
This is going to be all over the place and pretty long. This’ll start with the general storyline things, then get down into smaller character arcs and whatnot. I’ll try to keep it somewhat organized and grouped by character but I make no promises. Also if you wanna talk about any of these feel free to dm! I’m incredibly bored in quarantine and would love to chat
- An introduction of a greater storyline past Malivore and moving away from the monster of the week thing. I know Legacies is supposed to be something different from TVD and TO, and the monster of the week concept is an interesting way to explore the universe past what we already knew, but with the premise as it exists and has been carried out now, it’s hard to develop the characters and relationships. If the characters are fighting new things every week, that makes it hard to give characters like MG and Kaleb their own stories. With a villain to anchor the season as the Big Bad, we can get characters that haven’t been given much of their own storyline a way to get more screentime as they go try and find someone or something with answers.
- GIVE HOPE HER OWN STORYLINE PAST BEING THE HERO/MARTYR AND BEING IN LOVE WITH LANDON. Hope is supposed to be the main character but this doesn’t feel like her story. As awesome as it is seeing Hope be a badass and fight monsters, I want more development from her as a person.
- Kind of ties back into the last one, but let Hope have more Dark moments like the Death Spell incident. Moments that show that while she isn’t just another Klaus, she still shares some of his tendencies towards violence and lashing out. This could work really well if they decide to keep Landon out of the picture for a few episodes.
- Let Hope and Landon break up amicably (assuming Landon isn’t really dead which let’s be real he probably isn’t) so that, again, they can grow as people. Then, if you want, they can get back together. Or just stay broken up and be friends
-  A resolution to the Necromancer - he’s a fun character and while I think he’d be fun to have around for a bit, I don’t think he’s an anchoring villain for a season. Plus to me I kinda figured that they were gonna wrap up his storyline in the last 3 episodes that they didn’t get to film before the production shutdown so chances are we’re getting this anyway.
- Either bring back Ethan, Maya and Mac more prominently, or don’t bring them back at all. Don’t get me wrong, I like the town normies storyline when it comes up, but it doesn’t come up much. Apparently, they were supposed to be in the last 3 episodes more but who knows. With the show already feeling kinda crowded (because again, the format of the show now doesn’t really allow for a ton of characters since they aren’t significantly developing, especially when these characters are in a setting completely removed from the main action of the show’s narrative), either have the normies for more than just getting caught in a magical crossfire, or put them to the side and focus on who you have at the school.
- The TVDU has progressed past the need for Alaric. That’s all I’ll say.
- The show being a little more self aware at the ridiculousness of it all. Like yeah, it’s not completely without that, but the last thing we need is the show devolving into a Riverdale, where the first season was aware of the ridiculous nature of itself, and then it started to take itself way too seriously.
- MORE LGBTQ+ REP. The show has done fairly well thus far compared to other CW shows but there’s still so much than can be done. The show doesn’t need to have show-stopping coming out storylines or anything - it’s actually the opposite. We get the casual drop of Josie having dated Penelope in the first episode of the show which was great. So let’s have more simple stuff like that. More mentions at crushes and other past romances - for all characters - that just allow for other sexualities to be normalized and not some earth shattering thing. 
- This ties into the last one but I felt like it deserved its own bullet, but also what is V NEEDED is rep of trans, genderfluid and non-binary characters. Again, it doesn’t have to be a huge storyline, but it’d be nice to have some recurring characters who are not cis. The show is meant to be set in a near future, so I think it’d be nice to show a normalized view on differing gender expression and sexuality as sort of a hope that such a future will exist.
- Hope loving beignets, eating/wanting to eat them all the time, and getting powdered sugar all over her dark clothes from them. Chances are, if you’re from/have been to NOLA, you’ve tried beignets and loved them because they’re amazing. SO LET HOPE HAVE HER BEIGNETS DAMN IT.
- More Wolf Hope moments. Let her turn more and just run because it let’s her feel more connected to Hayley :’( also the Crescent birth mark if that was ever a thing for Hope... I can’t remember, I’ve seen different things about it, lmk (politely) if that was ever a thing that Hope had
- Hope painting and sketching. It’s one of the few connections she still has with Klaus, SO LET HER EXPRESS HERSELF DAMN IT. (Yes, any time I say SO in all caps I need to end the sentence with DAMN IT, it’s a Thing now)
- MIKAELSON FAMILY MENTIONS AND APPEARANCES. Granted this one is different because there are real life schedules and whatnot that need to align, but even just more mentions of Mikaelson family members and others like Vincent would be nice. Yeah we’ve had some in the past, but it would still be nice to get some more. Also at least a mention of Rebekah and Kol checking in on Hope (assuming the writers aren’t going to pull something dumb like ‘oh the memory spell doesn’t work long distance like that so they still don’t remember her’)
- Hope also talking more about Hayley, Elijah, and Klaus. Again, feeling connected to her mom every time she’s a wolf. Always and forever, like Elijah always said. Telling stories about her father that put him in a better light than just being “The Great Evil” of storybooks.
- Hope being open with her friends about her past and how TERRIBLE it was a lot of the time like, y’know, people trying to kill her before she was even BORN.
- I’ve said this before in a separate post (which I’ll link at some point so expect an edit to this post) but I’d love for something to happen and for Hope to leave the school and go to NOLA and stay with Freya, Keelin and Nik because she’s tired of having to be the savior and still not saving everyone. (Also in that post it says Alaric comes and gets her and brings her back to the Salvatore School but we’ve progressed past the need for him in the TVDU so instead it’ll be the twins)
- Hizzie moments because whether you like them as romantically or just as friends, they are a DUO and we deserve more iconic sarcasm as well as genuine moments of friendship and caring
- Lizzie being the absolute Queen of Comedy
- But more importantly, Lizzie being more open about her issues and taking steps to have better mental health.
- Lizzie and MG having more open conversations and letting a relationship develop naturally - yes there has been a lot of development since season 1 but I feel like they both have a bit of growth to go before they should enter a relationship, if that’s something that happens
- Lizzie being happily single for a bit and not going for a guy that’s going to try and turn her into a vamp and keep her in a prison world 
- MG and Kaleb getting proper storylines or at least more play than just being the Local Vampires who help depending on the situation. They deserve WAY more than that
- ALSO MG and Kaleb backstories. How did they die and how did they get vampire blood in their system to keep them from dying permanently?
- Josie dealing with what happened pre and post Dark Josie and facing that she has always had some darkness in her. Yeah the dark magic definitely didn’t help, but she was willing to perform a spell that she didn’t know on a human over a football game and ended up breaking his arm. Not to mention, she was setting Penelope on fire as early as the first episode. It seems like we’re getting this since Josie locked away her magic in the last episode, but still, I don’t want this to just be a one episode reflection and then move on like she didn’t cause a lot of harm.
- More Hosie crumbs
- More Jade. OK admittedly this is probably really due to the fact that Giorgia Whigham is a Big Crush for me, but also the show really did start integrating her in a bit more with the black and white episode, which makes me think they’re keeping her around at least for a little bit. And I think she and Josie dating at least for a little while would be good for both of them. Jade was a ripper for 10 years in the prison world, and Josie was just consumed by dark magic and is now coming back from that. I think they’re a good (probably short-term) pairing that will help each other grow, but eventually break up because they just aren’t it for each other. And I saw this elsewhere on here, but someone pointed out that Jade could do what Penelope tried to do, but in a healthier way. Yes, Penelope was trying to put Josie first and show her her power and importance, but there’s a way to do that without gaslighting her sister and being manipulative. Sorry, I did not mean for this one to be so long.
- More Specialty episodes. The black and white episode was really fun in my opinion, and the show doesn’t have to be like that all the time, but stuff like that keeps the show interesting, as long as it makes sense within the context of the episode and storyline.
- Josie wearing the necklace Hope gave her
- I haven’t mentioned Rafael much and that’s because, despite being a main character, he hasn’t really done much besides run away with Landon, and feel guilty about having a crush on Hope. He’s personally not a favorite character of mine, but I think if he got more of a storyline - likely revolving around the fact that he was dead and being used as a pawn, as well as the fact that he possibly (but probably didn’t) kill Landon - it’d help give more to like about him.
- Caroline having a better reason for being away from the school than just researching the Merge. Like, her daughters have been fighting monsters, Josie almost died at the end of season 1, they were trapped in a prison world, Josie succumbed to Dark Magic, THEY LITERALLY HAD A MERGE EVENT and she’s still gone??? That’s not the Caroline we know. If she’s going to be gone (because like I said before, it all depends on Candice’s availability and willingness to come back), at least come up with something different than researching something her daughters have already done by this point.
- Since Landon’s not dead, let him unlock his full Phoenix powers. It’d be cool.
- Let’s have one season where Landon doesn’t run away like we don’t all know that he’s gonna be back within like 2 episodes if that
- More Dorian. I actually really like his character, he’s kind of a breath of fresh air sometimes so I’d like more scenes with him when possible
- A conclusion to Malivore and intro of a new villain. I kinda covered this earlier, but at this point, unless Malivore is going to become a tangible entity to fight instead of some black goo, it’s not a very interesting story thread to keep around for the next however many seasons Legacies goes on for.
Ok, that’s all I can think of, but feel free to reblog and add more if there’s other stuff you’d like to see!
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salvatoreschool · 4 years
Every The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, and Legacies Ship Ranked
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53. Daroline (Damon Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Our first ship is our worst ship because we can't find literally anything nice to say about Daroline. Consent issues, mind-control, and death threats are not exactly the stuff of great romance, and Damon should thank his lucky stars Caroline forgave him for this abominable period when they were together.
52. Calaric (Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman)
Ew. Gross. No. Kill it with fire. We've got no idea what The Vampire Diaries was trying to do with this ship, but we hated every second of it, and we're not ashamed to say it. We don't care that years had passed since Caroline was his student or that there were weirder ages gaps on the show, trying to ship a student-teacher relationship feels wrong no matter which way you slice it.
51. Klenevieve (Klaus Mikaelson and Genevieve)
Klenevieve was a blink and you'll miss it kind of ship on The Originals, but it still technically counts. Ultimately though, Klaus and Genevieve's connection was mostly physical, and there were far too many double-crosses and manipulations on both sides of this relationship to give it much credit.
50. Parkwood (Liv Park and Tyler Lockwood)
Liv and Tyler's love story kind of flew under the radar on The Vampire Diaries, but that's probably just because there were like 18 insane storylines happening at once in Season 6. This ship was actually pretty cute, and the only thing keeping it from a better ranking is the fact that Tyler, you know, killed her with his bare hands to activate his werewolf curse.
49. Malaric (Meredith Fell and Alaric Saltzman)
Talk about ships that flew under the radar. Alaric and Meredith Fell shared a brief tryst in Seasons 3 and 4 of The Vampire Diaries, but this relationship always felt like it was built to move the plot forward instead of the other way around. Kind of too snooze-worthy to deserve a good ranking.
48. Menny (Matt Donovan and Penny Ares)
We're not going to pretend like we cared even a little about Matt and Penny's romance on The Vampire Diaries. However, we're also not going to pretend like the scene where Matt hallucinates her ghost and begs her to take him with her after his car crash was anything other than devastating emotional torture that came out of nowhere and has stayed with us to this day.
47. Jolaric (Jo Parker and Alaric Saltzman)
Jo and Alaric really got the rough end of the stick as far as TVD ships go. They'd only just started to find their groove when Jo found out she was pregnant with twins, forcing them into a shotgun wedding that ended in tragedy. If these two had been given the time to start their family together the way they should have, we have no doubt they could have become one of the show's best duos ever. We'll have to settle for them creating one of the best duos ever -- Josie and Lizzie Saltzman!
46. Rizzie (Rafael Waithe and Lizzie Saltzman)
It's hard not to ship all of the Legacies kids with each other considering the great chemistry that cast has, but Rizzie is one we just never loved. Lizzie seems too intense for Rafael, and Raf doesn't exactly seem like the kind of guy that would give her the level of attention and devotion she requires. This ship was kind of a flop in Sesason 1, and we'd prefer it stay that way.
45. Debekah (Damon Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
Damon and Rebekah shared one night of tearing ballgowns and tuxes off each other, and then it was never really spoken of again. It's hard to properly rank a ship that basically came down to "that one time we had hate sex," but hookups like this were what The Vampire Diaries was built on.
44. Haylijah (Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson)
We really wanted to rank Haylijah higher on this list, but all the passion and angst in the world can't distract us from the cold hard truth: Hayley and Elijah had issues. Major issues. Not the least of which being that he killed her in the final season of the show. Whether you consider their love story to be one of the best or worst this shared universe ever created, at least you can comfort yourself with the knowledge that they gave it all they had.
43. Klaurora (Klaus Mikaelson and Aurora de Martel)
For as long as we've known Klaus, he was always teetering on the brink of insanity, which is kind of what we loved most about him. Aurora, on the other hand, has been batshit crazy her whole life and it's so not a good look on her. This weird, obsessive, "let's see who can out-crazy the other" romance was not to our taste at all.
42. KymG (Kym and MG)
We can't claim to be huge fans of the romance between Kim and MG on Legacies, though their names fit together so perfectly for a ship name that we almost demand they be endgame based only on that. Unfortunately, the show never really gave them the screen time they needed to get us invested in their love story before Kym decided she'd had enough superantural shenanigans and left Mystic Falls.
41. Elijah Mikaelson and Antoinette Sienna
On every TV show, there are ships that just make us shrug, and Elijah and Antoniette are definitely one of those. They don't even have a ship name, that's forgettable this tryst was. Even with memory loss, hidden pasts, and romantic pinao duets, this couple was kind of just meh.
40. Sizzie (Sebastian and Lizzie Saltzman)
Sebastian and Lizzie may have had potential, but in the end it turned out to be wasted. Their chemistry was off the charts, but like many teenagers swept up in romance, they never really took the time to connect or learn about each other. Maybe that's why they ended on such a sour note. Still, at least Sebastian went out a hero?
39. Jicki (Jeremy Gilbert and Vicki Donovan)
You know, we were really rooting for Jeremy and Vicki when The Vampire Diaries first started. They had that whole, rebels who are too cool for school, but not too cool for love thing going on. Ultimately though, we don't think Vicki would have ever calmed down enough for Jeremy, who was really only pretending to be a wild child to deal with his parents' deaths. This ship just wasn't to be.
38. Maroline (Matt Donovan and Caroline Forbes)
You know those Season 1 ships that you know are never going to make it, but every time you look back on them they make you nostalgic? That's what Maroline is for us. A cute relationship between two characters we love dearly that just never quite fit perfectly together. That being said, if there had been no vampires or life-or-death scenarios in Mystic Falls, Maroline absolutely would have been endgame material.
37. Stalerie (Stefan Salvatore and Valerie Tulle)
Stefan and Valerie had one of the weirdest love stories we've ever seen, but there was still a small part of us that was rooting for them. In a world not besieged by curses and vampire hunters and prison worlds, these two could have really been something! Sadly, Stefan has like five more appealing ships, which is probably why they never really made it that far.
36. Hafael (Hope Mikaelson and Rafael Waithe)
Legacies made a solid attempt to recreate another brotherly love triangle, but we weren't really feeling it with Rafael, Hope, and Landon. Raf and Hope have a great friendship going, but it's probably best left there considering how much more fans seem to prefer her relationship with Landon.
35. Marcille (Marcel Gerard and Camille O'Connell)
Remember when Marcel and Camille were a thing for a hot minute? Neither do we! Sorry to Marcille fans, but though these two had decent chemistry, they just never got a lot of attention as a couple, and so their love story kind of faded into obscurity.
34. Jasie (Jade and Josie Saltzman)
The Vampire Diaries universe sure does love its enemies to lovers ships, doesn't it? Josie and Jade started off on opposing sides in Kai's prison world, but after Jade turned her humanity back on, things started to change between them. At least the sex dreams they started having about each other did. Jade and Josie might be perfect for one another, seeing as they both understand having a dark side that's hard to deny.
33. Carenzo (Caroline Forbes and Enzo St. John)
While Caroline and Enzo never made it past the friendzone, we wouldn't have hated it if they'd had a thing. There was a lack of "epic love story" vibes between them, and when Enzo was at his worst, Caroline brought out the light-hearted, carefree side of him. Plus, all things considered, he really was her type - morally scrupulous Brit, who would burn the world down for the people he loves -- why does that sound familiar?
32. Mizzie (M.G. and Lizzie Saltzman)
Every day we go back and forth on whether MG and Lizzie are soulmates or whether they're the perfect best friend duo of all time. Could they possibly be both? Sure, Lizzie takes MG for granted sometimes, and MG can be a little thoughtless sometimes, but that doesn't mean these two aren't connected in a deep, meaningful way that most people can only dream of.
31. Noralise (Nora and Mary-Louise)
Though we only got them for one season, Nora and Mary-Louise had us from the moment they said hello. We do love a bad girl, and two bad girls together? We're toast! Our favorite thing about this ship is that while it was clear Nora and Mary-Louise didn't care about much in this world, they cared about each other, and that was more than enough for them.
30. Klayley (Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall)
When The Originals first premiered, we were sure Klaus and Hayley would eventually fall in love and live happily ever after with their precious loophole baby, but ultimately these two just weren't meant to be anything more than one really hot night. That being said, watching them as co-parents just proves that not all ships need to be romantic to work.
29. Rope (Roman Sienna and Hope Mikaelson)
Roman and Hope's sweet, timid flirtation on The Originals was like a breath of fresh air after some of the intense, life-changing, epic love stories we'd been getting for five straight years. Rope -- whoever came up with that ship name was having too much fun that day -- would have ranked higher if the whole relationship wasn't just Roman's ploy to get close to Hope's family.
28. Stebekah (Stefan Salvatore and Rebekah Mikaelson)
The Vampire Diaries had the best flashbacks on TV, hands down, partially because when your characters have lived for centuries, you can really mix things up. One of said mix-ups was the revelation that Stefan and Rebekah had been an item back in the 1920s, and while their romance is probably best left in the age of prohibition, it was always one of our favorites.
27. Hizzie (Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman)
Hope and Lizzie would definitely have that whole "enemies to lovers" thing going for them if they ever decided to take the plunge together. The bond we've seen these two develop over the course of Legacies has been so wonderful to watch, and while at the moment we prefer them as badass besties, we wouldn't hate to see them head towards romantic territory someday.
26. Janna (Jeremy Gilbert and Anna Zhu)
When The Vampire Diaries first paired Jeremy and Anna together, we thought our little vampire-loving hearts would give out. They were both so damaged and dark and alone in the world that they somehow fit perfectly together. Not even multiple deaths could keep them apart! Losing this one was hard, but at least ghost Anna came back to hang out occasionally.
25. Datherine (Damon Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Call us crazy, but even through all the craziness and manipulation, there seemed to be a spark of something between Damon and Katherine that was just undeniable. Maybe it was the fact that they both put up a dark and diabolical front to mask their real feelings about the way their lives turned out. This wasn't a ship for the ages, but it certainly was a pairing we'll remember forever.
24. Kennett (Kol Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett)
You know a fandom is strong when it can build a ship of dreams out of like 2 episodes and 10 lines of dialogue, but that's about all Bonnie Bennett and Kol Mikaelson ever shared. And yet somehow, Kennett is always going to feel like the one that got away in terms of ships that totally should've happened but never did.
23. Klamille (Klaus Mikaelson and Camille O'Connell)
Despite their messy ending, Klaus and Camille's relationship showed us sides of each character that we otherwise would never have seen. Though it was missing some of the passion usually found in The Vampire Diaries and The Originals ships, it was still absolutely heartbreaking to watch Klaus lose a woman who meant so much to him when Cami died.
22. Jandon (Josie Saltzman and Landon Kirby)
This short-lived romance between Josie and Landon may not have been super popular with fans, but it was perfectly in character for both these self-sacrificing loners to find their way to one another. It may not have been a romance for the ages, but it was an age-appropriate and utterly endearing one, and that's good enough for us!
21. Kolvina (Kol Mikaelson and Davina Claire)
As one of the few ships that managed to make it out of The Originals series finale alive, we have to give Kol and Davina props. Their love story survived multiple deaths, body-swaps, and that pesky problem of Kol accidentally murdering Davina that one time. We want nothing more than peace and happiness for eternity for these two crazy kids.
20. Jalaric (Jenna Sommers and Alaric Saltzman)
While some believe Alaric's love life is cursed, those of us who watched the early years of The Vampire Diaries know better. Alaric will simply never find someone as perfect for him as Jenna Sommers, which means he's destined to fall in and out of subpar ships forever. Poor guy, it's rough when your soulmate dies so early on in the first of three sequential shows.
19. Klefan (Klaus Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore)
This one's another ship was never technically canon, but as far as we're concerned that was a GRAVE mistake. Klaus and Stefan had chemistry coming out of their ears, and you're seriously trying to tell us that nothing happened between these two during their days of debauchery in the 1920s? Yeah right, you're not fooling us!
18. Jayley (Jackson Kenner and Hayley Marshall)
Jackson and Hayley may not have had the passion and the fire that some of the best TVD ships boasted, but they had something that very few other pairings had: A rock-solid friendship built on trust and understanding that grew organically into true love. Considering how crazy their world was, they both needed a relationship like this to keep them sane, which is maybe why we ended up loving it so much?
17. Kalijah (Katherine Pierce and Elijah Mikaelson)
Katherine and Elijah only shared maybe a handful of scenes together over the entire course of The Vampire Diaries, but they're somehow one of three ships we would have watched an entire spin-off about. Their love stood the test of time and somehow overcame hybrid-sized grudges, and that's about as romantic as it gets.
16. Rebel (Rebekah Mikaelson and Marcel Gerard)
Though we love Marcel and Rebekah (especially when we think about the day they both take the cure and grow old together), this couple had one major problem... One of them wasn't on the show all that often, which meant their romance faded to the background every time Rebekah left town -- which was a lot. We'll put this in the category of ships that were done dirty by logistical, behind-the-scenes stuff.
15. Bamon (Bonnie Bennett and Damon Salvatore)
The Bamon saga was one of the most topsy-turvey things to follow on The Vampire Diaries, but we loved every minute of it. From shipping them a little bit in Season 1 to hating everything about it in Season 3, to watching them grow into best buds in Season 6, Bonnie and Damon went on a journey unparalleled by any other ship in the TVDu. Do we kind of wish they'd given romance a try? Sure. Are we going to let that invalidate how awesome their story was? No way.
14. Gialijah (Gia and Elijah Mikaelson
We're probably going to get some hate for this, but if we had to pick between all of Elijah's ships, Gialijah would probably win out. Sure, they weren't star-crossed lovers or centuries-old flames, but if you're looking for a healthy dynamic (of which Elijah was sorely lacking) with great chemistry and some awesome scenes, Gialijah is the ship for you.
13. Handon (Hope Mikaelson and Landon Kirby)
Hope and Landon are kind of the Stelena of Legacies. Not a pairing that we think will be endgame (no matter how heartbroken that will leave us), but integral to the DNA of the series nonetheless. We're content to enjoy this sweet couple strive for their happy ending, and we'll even root for them most of the time as they grow up together and figure out this crazy supernatural world.
12. Jaiden (Josh Rosza and Aiden)
Oh, Josh and Aiden... the ship that was too pure for this world. Literally. Though both these characters bit the dust before all was said and done on The Originals, their love story was super sweet, and, hey, at least we got to see them reunite in the afterlife!
11. Beremy (Bonnie and Jeremy)
If any of you ever had a crush on your older brother or sister's friends, you'll understand our undying love for Beremy. There was something so cathartic about watching Bonnie realize that Jeremy had grown up to be a sweet, sexy, utterly dateable guy instead of Elena's annoying little brother. Even though the didn't end up together, they deserve a high ranking in this list of epic ships.
10. Posie (Penelope Park and Josie Saltzman)
Considering how few episodes of Legacies Penelope was in before she bounced, it's remarkable that so many people fell so deep in love with the Posie ship. We guess there's just something intoxicating about a bad girl who will do bad things for the girl she loves. If you come for Josie, Penelope will come for you!
9. Steferine (Stefan Salvatore and Katherine Pierce)
Is it weird that we always kind of thought Stefan and Katherine would end up together when all was said and done? Don't get us wrong, that relationship was toxic at best, but when they were on screen together, you just couldn't pull your eyes away from them. It was like watching a really sexy, complicated train wreck in action.
8. Forwood (Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood)
Considering how often Caroline and Tyler were separated (by distance, evil hybrids, or opposing loyalties), it's pretty impressive that they were still one of the most memorable ships from The Vampire Diaries. It some mixed the sweetness of Maroline with the passion of Klaroline, creating a happy middle ground for fans to enjoy.
7. Freelin (Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux)
Did we really understand the term OTP before Freelin existed? We doubt it. Freya and Keelin had their ups and downs on The Originals, to be sure, but through it all, there was never a doubt in our minds that these two strong, smart, sexy women were absolutely made for one another. Knowing they're living out their happily ever after in New Orleans with a cute little baby named Nik is the only thing that gets us through the day sometimes.
6. Steroline (Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes)
Considering how many ships exist in this universe, it's shocking that Steroline is one of only a handful to make it down the aisle. Poor Stefan seemed doomed to be forever locked in a love triangle with his brother until Caroline Forbes entered his life. Not only did he no longer have to deal with love triangle BS, he got to marry his best friend, who he knew would support him through thick and thin. If only it hadn't taken them so long to figure out how awesome they could be together.
5. Benzo (Bonnie Bennett and Enzo St. John)
Sometimes it's hard to ship characters that are thrown together at the end of a series as opposed to the beginning, but that was not the case with Bonnie and Enzo. One minute they were two characters who'd never really interacted much, and the next they were epic loves who built a strong relationship built on trust, compassion, and a lot of laughter. Honestly, they fit so well together even we were surprised by it!
4. Stelena (Stefan Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Of all the ships to ever grace our screens over the years, there was something truly special about Stefan and Elena. Maybe it's because we associate their love story with some of the best years The Vampire Diaries ever had, or maybe their connection really was just too epic for words. Whatever the case, Stelena was one for the history books, and we dare you to say different.
3. Hosie (Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltman)
It might seem weird to put a ship that's not, technically speaking, canon (yet!) so high on our list, but we absolutely won't apologize for it. Putting aside the obvious fact that these girls are definitely, majorly, into each other, Hope and Josie have proven over and over again that they not only understand each other on a deep, intimate level, they also care enough about one another to go to the ends of the earth to keep each other safe and happy. That kind of devotion when paired with a healthy, supportive dynamic is a killer combination.
2. Klaroline (Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes)
Klaus and Caroline never really got the timing right, but maybe that's what makes this ship one of the best in the history of The Vampire Diaries universe. They were enemies, they were lovers, and they were kind of even friends for a minute there, and the fact that they never really got a chance to be together only makes this ship more EPIC. Plus, it's kind of impossible not to swoon when a guy declares he'll be your last love.
1. Delena (Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert)
Was there ever any doubt that this list would end here? Whether you loved Delena or not, there's no denying this couple was iconic, and a large part of The Vampire Diaries' success was built on their love story. Sure, we would have preferred for them to not have different versions of the same fight for four seasons in a row, but that doesn't mean we don't still get major chills whenever we rewatch their first kiss or their series finale happily ever after.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, January 18
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Bill and Hillary Clinton 
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Page 2: Katie Holmes’ friends are warning her to wise up about her hot-tempered beau Emilio Vitolo Jr. after he went on a profanity-laced rant -- Emilio’s been in an edgy mood over his family New York City restaurant losing money while they’re forced to stay closed because of the pandemic and he’s definitely let his nice guy mask slip and it’s affecting their relationship and everything was all peaches and cream before but now it’s strained and difficult at times -- Emilio showed his ugly side when he raged against New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for shutting down indoor dining on his Instagram Stories 
Page 3: Tom Cruise’s chemistry with his latest Mission: Impossible co-star Hayley Atwell has spilled over to real life but it’s no surprise because the British beauty is the mirror image of Tom’s ex-wife Katie Holmes and Tom deliberately hunted down a Katie clone to be his on-screen leading lady and Hayley is everything Tom is looking for in a partner and more -- physically Katie was Tom’s definition of total perfection which is brunette with an athletic build and he’s been quietly looking for a girlfriend for some time who had the features he loves which is brown hair and a squarish jaw and hazel eyes
Page 4: Stressed-out and scandal-scarred Ellen DeGeneres in binge eating her way toward an early grave and Ellen is burying her sorrows by bingeing on junk food and milkshakes -- she’s packed on 30 pounds in 30 days after Kelly Clarkson beat her in the ratings for the third week in a row -- Ellen is convinced the world has turned on her and hides in her dressing room and locks herself in her bedroom and eats until she can barely breathe and it’s the only thing that gives her any comfort these days and the results speak for themselves because she’s bursting out of her clothes 
* Radio shock jock Howard Stern has blasted back at former staffers who painted him a cheap and petty monster -- the King of All Media said at the end of night he sleeps fine 
Page 5: Concerned mom Andie MacDowell is fearing for the safety of her starlet daughter Margaret Qualley after she was caught canoodling with accused abuser Shia LaBeouf -- no one can understand why she’d be with this guy after he’s been accused of such horrible things and Andie is beside herself with worry and she fears Shia may have staged his PDA with her daughter to polish his tarnished image 
Page 6: TV couple Chip and Joanna Gaines have prepped for the reboot of their wildly popular Fixer Upper reality show by undergoing extensive renovations on their looks and they spared no excuse in getting personal makeovers for the show’s return -- they are splurging on trainers, stylists, new clothes, designer makeup, at-home spa days and pricey hairstyling plus other indulgences
Page 7: Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani have called of their spring wedding plans after they were caught on camera in a vicious street fight -- they’ve been fighting about everything since they got engaged and all that tension finally exploded in a brutal screaming match -- the ruckus erupted over groomzilla Blake’s feeling that Gwen has given him little support after he’d spent endless hours and millions of dollars planning their over-the-top nuptials and after all his plans Gwen suggested they simply elope and Blake blew his stack -- Blake was already bristling because Gwen seemed more focused on jump-starting her career than their wedding plans 
* Jennifer Lopez recently confessed she and retired slugger Alex Rodriguez are mulling never getting married after benching their wedding plans amid the coronavirus crisis and she’s been spotted without her engagement ring 
Page 8: Barbra Streisand and James Brolin have bounced back from the brink of a $400 million divorce and now they’re even talking about making a movie together with Babs feeding him directing tips -- they’ve had their ups and downs but they’re getting a second wind and believe doing a project together will give their relationship the kick-start it needs -- James has seen his career revitalized with his role in the sitcom Life in Pieces and directing several TV movies and his recent success is pretty exciting to both of them -- James’ dream is to direct a big-budget feature starring his son Josh Brolin and Barbra wants to help him realize that goal 
* Barely a year after leaving Britain broke and beaten Meghan Markle has regained her Markle Sparkle with Hollywood flooding the former D-list actress with movie scripts and big-bucks deals  -- the wife of Prince Harry is savoring her triumph as Hollywood’s newly crowned queen and thumbing her nose at the royals -- since leaving the cable TV drama Suits Meghan has missed acting and now she’s looking for the right big-screen project to relaunch her career 
Page 9: Sex and the City is on track for a reboot only this time without black-sheep cast member Kim Cattrall -- Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon and Kristin Davis are all reuniting for what Sarah has called a revisit of the hit series -- Kim who has had widely publicized spats with series star and producer Sarah over the years has complained about the fan backlash she received for bowing out of a third Sex and the City movie follow-up 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Tiger Woods hit the links at a Florida tournament with son Charlie, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen walked hand-in-hand during a hike with pals in St. Barts, Pete Davidson took a stab at knitting, Paris Hilton with white roses 
Page 11: Bill Cosby is refusing to shower with his fellow prisoners because an outbreak of COVID-19 in the SCI Phoenix prison has caused the fallen funnyman to steer clear of the showers
* Martha Stewart turns 80 in 2021 but the scrappy senior’s been working her farm like an energetic 20-year-old -- the domestic diva has been riding out the pandemic at her 153-acre farm in Upstate New York but she’s doing anything but taking it easy as she’s up early milking cows, shoveling snow and even chopping wood for the fireplace and she hasn’t ignored her Martha Stewart Living lifestyle empire 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Ryan Seacrest personally tapped Billy Porter as his co-host on Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve because Ryan is Billy’s biggest fan 
* Kanye West and televangelist Joel Osteen have parted ways -- Joel loves the spotlight as much as Kanye but he wasn’t prepared for the backlash after they were criticized for their walking-on-water stunt and that was when things started to sour 
* The Kardashians’ new show on Hulu promises to spark even more controversy as it will show a much more X-rated version of the family 
* New Bachelor Matt James gets in a round of golf near his home in Jupiter, Florida (picture) 
Page 13: Michael Douglas was over the moon after becoming a grandfather again at 76 and has big plans for the Douglas family dynasty -- reformed bad-boy Cameron Douglas and longtime partner Viviane Thibes welcomed son Ryder nearly three years after their daughter Lua -- making him a grandfather again is the greatest gift Cameron could have given his poor old dad and Michael hopes he loves to be 103 like his dad Kirk Douglas so he can watch Lua and Ryder grow up 
* Reba McEntire’s new beau Rex Linn is a junk food junkie and she’s worried he’s digging his own grave with a knife and fork -- Reba loves Rex and he’s the sweetest guy in the universe but it’s just troubling the way he eats everything in sight -- Reba’s worried he’ll be six feet under if he doesn’t change his ways soon and she’s desperate for him to lose 25 pounds and she’s determined to put him on a sensible mostly vegetarian diet but Rex keeps sneaking chips and sweets when he thinks she’s not looking 
Page 15: Four years into their brutal divorce battle Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are entering into a new custody battle this time for their pets -- the fractured couple’s clash over their five youngest children remains at a standstill as Angie refuses to budge on her demand for full custody -- while Brad continues to battle for shared custody of the kids he’s now making moves to ensure he has equal time with their critters as well -- Angie’s house is full of animals many of which Brad helped choose and raise and while he doesn’t want full-term custody of them he’d like to at least have them accompany the kids when they visit because Brad has noticed the children miss their pets when they’re with him and he wants to rectify that and he thinks they’ll want their visits to be longer if they have their pets with them 
Page 16: Scandal-tarred Prince Andrew faces a shocking new investigation into how he lives like a billionaire despite being cut off from British taxpayer funds -- the disgraced playboy stripped of royal duties in 2019 over his involvement in the Jeffrey Epstein sex scandal has no steady stream in income to explain his lavish lifestyle of private jets and ski chalets and luxury cars -- but Randy Andy has apparently been secretly trading on his blue-blood roots to sponge off Arab princes and score lucrative deals with shady tycoons and cash-rich international oligarchs like Qatar’s Minister of Economy and Trade Sheikh Mohammed Bin Ahmed Althani and Secretary General Issa Abu Issa -- a probe of his financial dealings could see Andrew further shamed and banished from the royals forever 
Page 19: Taylor Swift’s heady brew of mysticism in her new album Evermore has fans wondering is Tay Tay a witch -- in a music video for her song Willow she pursues a magical glowing thread through an enchanted forest and joins in with a witchy circle of cloaked revelers -- Wiccans are rushing to embrace her but others are wondering whether Taylor’s interest in witchcraft is merely to boost sales 
Page 22: Devastated Lisa Marie Presley struggled through Christmas as the heartbroken mom is still coming to terms with the suicide of her only son Benjamin Keough -- her holiday was somber after she wasn’t included in her mom Priscilla Presley’s holiday plans -- Lisa Marie arranged to spend one night at Graceland to be with Ben at his final resting place 
Page 26: Health Watch 
Page 34: Kat Von D has made herself at home in a haunted house -- she left L.A. with her husband Leafar Seyer to give their son a more normal environment and instead they wound up in a seven-bedroom Victorian mansion in rural Vevay, Indiana that has 13 fireplaces and a local reputation as a retreat for ghosts 
Page 36: Grateful Dead fans have been dying violent and mysterious deaths for decades sparking fears the hippie band’s superfans are being targeted by a bloodthirsty serial killer 
Page 38: John Mulaney chatted up young girls on sex sites and sent nude selfies that suggested he was doing cocaine before checking into rehab -- the married star decided to get help after girls who partied with him online threatened to expose how he’d broken his 15 years of sobriety 
Page 40: Garth Brooks confessed his life in lockdown with wife Trisha Yearwood hasn’t been in perfect harmony because he’s driving her bonkers with his nonstop whistling 
* Hollywood Hookups -- Joe Giudice showed off his new squeeze who is a lawyer, Tyler Perry and Gelila Bekele split, Ariana Grande and Dalton Gomez engaged 
Page 42: Red Carpet -- Duchess Kate Middleton in 2020 
Page 45: Spot the Differences -- Tichina Arnold and Beth Behrs on the sitcom The Neighborhood 
Page 47: Odd List -- two months after hoofing it from a New Jersey slaughterhouse a runaway goat was captured and given a new lease on life according to the animal rescue that snagged the fleet-footed critter, a Texas man helped his boss turn the page on an old debt by settling his 48-year-old library fine as a joke 
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 14 - Christmas Eve (Christmas Special)
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Caroline Forbes-Salvatore and Lizzie Saltzman
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“Let me just tell you that if one brides’ bouquet is not white roses with the slightest drizzle of pink and the others pink with the slightest drizzle of black then I will personally cast each and every one of you into a prison world personally designed to fit and every one of your ideas of hell…do not try me!” Lizzie shouted at her wedding staff, standing in front of them all within the Salvatore Boarding School. “Careful now sweetie you’re starting to sound more and more diabolical by the second.” Caroline joked with her daughter as she walked into the room, before turning her attention to the wedding staff. “You guys better run and get to work now while I distract her.” The wedding staff who looked more than a little terrified of Lizzie jumped at the opportunity to leave her office, scurrying out within seconds of Caroline finishing her sentence. “The kids have only just left for the holidays and I’m already bombarded with Mikaelson’s showing up constantly looking for their room to crash, drink and murder god knows who in.” Lizzie complained as she walked over to her mother. “Planning a wedding for Josie, simple…planning a Mikaelson attending event that does not end in murder on the other hand…” “Sweetie, please…they are not that bad…anymore! Besides, I am sure Klaus will personally dagger any of his siblings who dare steal the attention on his daughter’s wedding day and if he does not then I sure as hell will.” Caroline promised her, attempting to calm down her clearly stressing daughter. “As long as you do not decide to catch up on lost time with Klaus at the reception, I’m sure I can handle a few Mikaelson murders.” Lizzie teased her mother. “Although, I know that is quite the ask mother.” “I could kill Alaric for telling you about that.” Caroline admitted to her daughter. “I just find it funny than you narrowly avoiding being a bride to a Mikaelson and then your daughter winds up getting hitched to the daughter of the man you one day could have and perhaps still could wind up with.” Lizzie laughed, more than amused by the awkwardness of her mother and Hope’s father’s special connection. “I am going to help your sister with getting ready and then check your father has not been too heavy on the bourbon before we walk her down the aisle…please feel free to going back to full planner zilla mode as long as it keeps you off gossiping about my past.” Caroline replied, eager to get out of this situation, knowing that’s exactly what Lizzie wanted her to do.
Elijah Mikaelson and Bonnie Bennett
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“Well, if it is not Bonnie Bennett, can you believe we are meeting on a day where neither of us are plotting a move against the other?” Elijah greeted Bonnie after he vamp sped into a beautiful garden area, located near the back of the Salvatore Boarding School, where chairs were placed correctly to each side an arch of beautiful flowers stood freely at the end of the aisle between the two different areas of chairs, all ready for a wedding. “To be honest no but neither can I believe Josie is the niece marrying a Mikaelson but hey the biggest miracle is that somehow despite having your brother’s DNA, Hope has become a truly remarkable woman and will no doubt be a beautiful and deserving bride today.” Bonnie replied to Elijah, being kind despite their troubled past, knowing that despite her issues with the Mikaelson siblings, that Hope, and Josie were perfect for each other. “I am glad you think so, Hope really is what all of my family can only ever hope to be…and I know Hayley will be watching over the proceedings today somehow as happy as we both are for both Hope and Josie.” Elijah responded, wishing nothing more for Hayley to have been able to join Klaus walking their daughter down the aisle. “I’ve been looking for months in preparation of this wedding to find some spell for Hayley to be here, when the Black witches broke the afterlife, I had begun believing there might have been a way…but they fixed all that before I made any real progress.” Bonnie admitted to the noble Mikaelson original. “But I am going to surprise them with a little magical wedding gift to really make this wedding festive.” “It honestly means the world to me Bonnie that despite everything you would try and do something so unbelievably kind for my niece.” Elijah confessed to her. “As for making it snow today if you need any assistance or magical anchor, I am more than willing to volunteer myself.” “It’s a simple spell…not so simple for high school me but I’ve really learned my craft since then.” Bonnie politely refused. “Not boasting or anything but Caroline has given me full permission to take down anyone and I mean anyone who even so much as coughs during the wedding and I am pretty sure she was not joking.” “I doubt she was.” Elijah laughed, genuinely touched by the moment shared between a former enemy.
Kol Mikaelson and Davina Claire-Mikaelson
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“I’m not coming for your best friend or anything, but I just think we should’ve maybe got someone else to watch the kids or better yet taken us with them.” Davina said to Kol, as she sat on the passenger seat of her and Kol’s car as Kol drove them on an empty road towards Mystic Falls. “I know you have known her for a long time, but I’ve only had a Greek glimpse into that family, and he is meant to be the best one.” “Davina darling, Rose was a little lost after another failed attempt to find whatever the bloody hell she is looking for and I am sure the kids will love the insanity that she brings.” Kol tried to reassure his wife. “We will not be here long and before you know it, we will be home on time to prepare the presents for Christmas Day.” “I would not miss Hope’s day for the world either Kol I just wish we took the kids this whole Christmas Eve wedding then rushing all the way back home is insane even for us!” Davina continued to complain. “Next time somebody in your family gets married we are taking the kids and nobody else gets to claim Christmas.” “I highly doubt any of my siblings will get married Davina so gladly there will only be one hectic Christmas rush.” Kol laughed, finding the idea of Klaus, Rebekah or Elijah settling down amusing. “If we ever go to another wedding, we will make sure to bring the kids.” “I’m not too sure about that one Kayne does not strike me as a kid person and I’d rather not have whatever the hell he is complaining about my kids on his big day.” Davina laughed. “You really think my brother Klaus is going to wind up marrying anyone?” Kol scoffed. “I know he’s changed a lot lately, but he is never going to find someone even remotely insane enough to tie him down…although Kayne is that level of crazy for sure.” “Elijah’s always dressed for a wedding maybe it will be him, Rebekah was married to Marcel albeit briefly maybe, they two will give things another shot, or she’ll fine somebody to walk her down the aisle.” Davina contemplated, wondering whose wedding she would be attending next, hoping whoever it was, hoping that it was not on Christmas.
Rebekah Mikaelson and Mayor Matt Donovan
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“I had hoped you would one day get yourself out of this town, instead you’re the bloody Mayor although I admit of all the Mayors, I have slept with in my time you were definitely the most memorable.” Rebekah declared, after vamp speeding her way into the Mystic Grill in an attention-grabbing red dress, finding Matt Donovan stood there in the empty bar, wearing a smart suit, ready for a wedding. “It’s been a long time Rebekah, I heard you had a wedding yourself, but I guess having the sort of ex-boyfriend there would have not been good especially considering your husband is an upgraded original…whatever the hell that is.” Matt replied to her, with a smile on his face, happy to see an old friend. “Marcellus and I parted ways not long after marriage…if I am to one day get that cure once Damon has lived a long human life than I am going to need a human partner to grow old with and bitch about our grandchildren together.” Rebekah admitted with a sense of sadness, the wounds from her breakup with Marcel still fresh. “What about you Mr. Mayor? Were there any weddings I was not invited to on your behalf?” “There was someone once…” Matt confessed, struggling to think about the loss of his fiancé Penny Ares. “But she died before we got a chance to make it down the aisle.” “I am genuinely sorry to hear that Matt, if anyone deserves all the happiness in the world it is you.” Rebekah told him truthfully, before quickly changing the conversation. “So, why is the dear Elena Gilbert and the severely whipped Damon Salvatore missing the wedding of the century?” “Elena Salvatore is away doing doctors without borders and Damon’s in New York spending Christmas with their daughter Stefani who’s in University there, he was trying to make it here but did not want to risk missing Christmas with his daughter considering it’s his first without Elena since they both turned human.” Matt informed the female original. “Which is probably a good thing considering he’d wind up saying something stupid and get himself killed by Caroline.” “Stefani Salvatore is in University now?” Rebekah asked in shock, before going on to joke. “I would say something human like I am getting old but since I am over a thousand years old the ship has most definitely sailed.”
Klaus Mikaelson and Alaric Saltzman
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Klaus Mikaelson and Alaric Saltzman’s history were a large and tangled one at that, considering Klaus once inhabited Alaric’s body and Alaric on multiple occasions tried and failed to take down Klaus, although many people had tried to kill Klaus to be fair. However, during the time in which Klaus had died, Alaric had become an important mentor to Klaus’ daughter and a father figure that Klaus could not be at the time, it was through Alaric’s acceptance of Hope that led to Hope becoming so close to her eventful bride Josie and her twin sister Lizzie and Klaus knew this was one of many reasons to be grateful to the retired vampire hunter, despite how reluctant he was to admit it. So, when it came to the two fathers of the brides meeting within the Salvatore Boarding School’s gymnasium, Klaus and Alaric found themselves for the first time ever, bonding over the most important day of their daughters’ lives. “Rumour has it, Caroline is trying to hunt you down.” Klaus stated, as he sped into the gymnasium, finding Alaric drinking a bottle of whisky while sat on the bleachers. “I however was hunting down a good drink.” “Who would have thought all those years ago when you were trying to murder Elena at any given moment, and we were all trying to get rid of you that one day my daughter would wind up marrying your daughter.” Alaric replied to Klaus, as Klaus sat down next to him on the bleachers. “Back then I’d have bet good money that either you’d be the death of us, or we’d be the death of you.” “I have to thank you for the part you played in Hope becoming such a wonderful woman that I could not be prouder to call my daughter.” Klaus admitted as he snatched the bottle off Alaric and took a swig. “To put your hatred towards me aside to raise her when I could not and then to not interfere with her and Josie…well it takes a great man to be that accepting.” “Hope was always one of my favorite students largely due to the fact she took more after her mother than her father.” Alaric joked as he snatched the bottle back off Klaus. “Although she has a lot of Mikaelson traits, the best ones…as for her and Josie I always knew they would wind up together and Caroline’s just happy Josie never wound up with Penelope.” “I have yet to see Caroline,” Klaus said with an excited smile, as Alaric took another swig from the bottle of whisky. “I bet she is as breathtakingly beautiful as the last day I saw her.” “Yeah, the last thing Hope, or Josie need to see at their reception is you once again trying to get with Caroline, although I suppose with all the changes it’s kind of creepily comforting to know some things have stayed the same.” Alaric told Klaus, wary of Klaus and Caroline’s inevitable reunion.
Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux-Mikaelson
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“Okay so Nik’s off spending the weekend in New Orleans with Vincent and I’ve checked in with work still not getting Christmas Day off but at least I do not have to miss today.” Keelin informed Freya as she walked into the living room of their family home in Mystic Falls. “Well, I did offer to cast a little spell on your boss but you’re the one who said no.” Freya laughed as she gave her wife a kiss on the lips. “With the number of suspicious humans in this town the last thing we need to be doing is casting spells on them.” Keelin replied, before going on to say. “You know it feels like just yesterday we were walking down the aisle and Hope was your teenage niece attending our wedding.” “It’s crazy to think they will soon be starting a family of their own and that my little brother Klaus could one day be a grandfather.” Freya stated, with a sense of excitement for her family’s future. “We just got to hope your family Klaus especially find a way to behave themselves long enough for Hope and Josie to actually get married.” Keelin joked with her wife. “Trust me if anyone can keep my brother in tow it’s his daughter.” Freya promised her.
Bride to be Josie Saltzman
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Josie Saltzman had come along way from her goody two shoes student days at Salvatore Boarding School and being daddy’s perfect little girl, after a brief time allowing the darkness within her to take over Josie found herself, her real, unapologetic self. After graduating from Salvatore Boarding School Josie went on to study psychology only to later return to the school as the new guidance counsellor, sharing her expertise alongside her twin sister Lizzie who at that time took on the role of vice-headmistress, the magics teacher Freya Mikaelson and her soon to be bride Hope Mikaelson who had taken on an official protector role within the school, as well as recruiter for students and trainer. It was at Salvatore Boarding School Josie’s love story began, continued, and would now get its happy ending and as Josie stood within the room that was once hers and Lizzie’s staring into a mirror taking in the beauty of her wedding dress, she could not help but be filled with happiness as the excitement over marrying Hope Mikaelson continued to grow. “I must admit despite all the insane intensity she brings to the job your sister Lizzie makes one hell of a wedding planner maybe she missed a calling by taking over the running of this place.” Alaric stated as he walked into the room, continuing to walk over to Josie before giving his daughter a hug. “You look positively stunning although as your father I am clearly biased.” “Well as your mother who is not remotely biased, I can honestly say you are the most beautiful bride in all of existence.” Caroline complimented her daughter, after speeding into the room in a very vampire style.
Bride to be Hope Mikaelson
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Hope Mikaelson had found herself sitting on the edge of the bed in the room that was once her bedroom within the Salvatore Boarding School, instead of being unbelievably happy she had found herself in a sad moment as she remembered the dress she was now wearing once belonged to her mother which led her to wishing now more than ever before that her mother was not dead, a wish that was somehow granted. “Considering it’s your big day I kind of expected you to be a little happier.” Hayley said as she walked in, shocking her daughter by her impossible presence. “Well, are you going to hug your mum while you can still see me?” “Mum,” Hope cried, as she stood up from her bed and rushed over to her mother, hugging her tightly. “How are you here right now?” “Some jolly old guy who kept calling himself Santa did some Christmas magic, said he owed you one for helping him out with Krampus at first I assumed he was just some crazy ass witch until suddenly bam here I am.” Hayley explained as she hugged her daughter tighter and tighter. “He said he owed you a favour, guess when I’m watching over you, I miss a thing or two like Santa freaking Claus.” “I’m so happy you’re here, I miss you so much!” Hope continued to cry, beyond happy to be reunited with her mother. “Unfortunately, I have a very small window before I’m back to the afterlife…I would’ve asked to stay for longer but the afterlife’s just getting back to normal.” Hayley explained to her daughter. “Wait, you’re not going to be here for my actual wedding?” Hope asked, as she broke off the hug, her happiness limited after realizing this reunion would soon end. “Oh honey,” Hayley said as she lifted her hand on to Hope’s face, before gently stroking it. “I am always here, always right beside you, watching over you. I was there when you fell in love for the first time with that Phoenix boy, I was there with every monster you killed as you protected your friends, I was there for your Graduation and I’ll be here for everything that comes after your wedding, its just you get to see me today, but I get to see you every day.” “I do not want you to go.” Hope pleaded with tears in her eyes. “I love you!” “I love you too sweetie, but you got a wedding to attend and although you won’t see me, I’ll be watching with nothing but happiness in my heart.” Hayley told her as she gave her daughter another hug. “I had an epic life and now I get to watch you have yours, do not waste anytime not being happy because you deserve the world Hope, and I cannot wait for the two of you to make me a grandmother.” Hope laughed at Hayley’s casual mention of children for a moment before Hayley completely disappeared out of Hope’s sight, out of her arms but instead of feeling the loss of her mother she now realized just how much her mum was never really gone and that realization made her full of happiness and more than ready to get married, knowing her mother would be watching…
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode 10 – Previously on The Originals (Season Finale)
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Rebekah stood outside of the compound in New Orleans having just arrived after a two year imprisonment in a ghost town eager to return to her family but resistant due to the fact she was six months pregnant give or take, she judged her pregnancy on how she looked but due to the fact she was both dead and had been for a thousand years she had never been pregnant before so wasn’t exactly the best judge.
After standing for what seemed like forever just when she was about to walk into the compound Marcel vamp sped in front of her leaving them both shocked to see each other especially because no-one knew she was no longer in the ghost town or that she had miraculously found herself pregnant.
“Well that’s definitely new,” Marcel said while shocked to see his former love pregnant struggling to get his head around the idea. “How is this even possible?”
“As it turns out no magic means I’m not only mortal but highly fertile.” Rebekah replied while holding her stomach. “Trust me when I say I have no bloody clue how all this is possible. I was hoping Klaus could get Hope to do some spell and if that didn’t work well then, I’d go see Freya. Freya her baby must be…”
“Babies she had twins which she called Elijah and Nik believe it or not I guess Kol wouldn’t have been too happy about that baby news.” Marcel replied. “Klaus isn’t here last time I checked he was in Mystic Falls trying to convince Caroline’s twins to help break you out.”
“Well needless to say his efforts were bloody useless.” Rebekah responded with a sigh.
“So, am I allowed to ask who’s the dad? I mean if the baby has a dad?” Marcel quizzed her.
“No, you bloody well can’t!” Rebekah snapped. “Please tell me Hayley’s still running things around here.”
“It’s more of a team effort but I’ll allow that little remark considering your bound to be pissed off right now.” Marcel replied. “How about I take you to her and catch you up along the way.”
“Thank you,” Rebekah said with a sigh. “Wait why isn’t she inside?”
Hayley and Elijah: Previously on The Originals
Hayley Marshall’s life had grown even busier over the last two years finding most of her time being spent in the bayou with the wolves although most of them had moved into the city the bayou was still their home and so the werewolves would run freely in the bayou whenever they felt the need and held any meeting werewolf related there.
Hayley tried to be there for Hope as much as possible managing to attend all parent/teacher meetings at Salvatore Boarding School as well as taking every opportunity to have her daughter home in New Orleans but she could only do so much and found herself missing a certain sweet sixteenth in the process which made her feel guilty even though the sixteenth party wasn’t even Hope’s.
Elijah Mikaelson had finally got the girl but found their relationship difficult with Hayley’s schedule being so busy he was the Mikaelson representative at faction meetings but considering he was the only Mikaelson who resided with New Orleans permanently and the city was rather peaceful because of it.
Although at times he struggled to adjust to Hayley’s busy life he never resented it or her in fact he was proud of the queen she had become and decided it was time to be his queen’s king.
“Okay why have you taken me out to the middle of nowhere?” asked a blindfolded Hayley after being vamp sped outside the gates of the newly rebuilt Mikaelson home from season one before taking her blind fold off to be left confused. “I didn’t know anyone was working on rebuilding this place.”
“It’s where the first chapter in our story began and it’s where I’d like to turn to the next chapter.” Elijah told her before kneeling and revealing a beautiful diamond ring in an equally exquisite ring box. “You have your kingdom and now I want you to have your home. I want us to live here happily and I want us to live here as husband and wife.”
“Elijah, yes, of course, yes.” Hayley cheered before Elijah picked her up in his arms and kissed her passionately.
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“Okay now it makes sense where your driving me too now.” Rebekah said to Marcel with a sigh while continuing to hold on to her pregnant stomach as she sat in the passenger seat of Marcel’s car as Marcel was behind the wheel driving them to Hayley and Elijah’s home. “So is she officially a Mikaelson now or did they think of waiting for their beloved sister before I missed yet another wedding.”
“They married the next day something small and simple which I guess was perfect for them.” Marcel laughed.
“If Klaus still has some daggers lying about, I swear I will not be held responsible for my actions.” Rebekah snapped. “Anyone else get hitched while I was gone? Clearly I’ve not been as missed as I should’ve been.”
Freya and Keelin: Previously on The Originals
Freya Mikaelson and Keelin Malraux woke up in bed together in their home in Mystic Falls like they had done many times over the last two years both ecstatic to see each other’s faces like they were every morning for the last two years.
“You’re looking especially beautiful this morning future Mrs Mikaelson.” Freya said to her fiancé with an innocent smile.
“I’m fairly certain when an engagement is put on hiatus the correct term for me is potential Mrs Mikaelson.” Keelin replied with a sarcastic tone. “Although as excuses go waiting for your sister to break out of a mysterious vanishing ghost town is pretty up there.”
“I told you I just don’t feel right getting married without her it’s bad enough she couldn’t make Davina and Kol’s weddings are kind of a big deal to her.” Freya replied with a laugh before pulling in her fiancé for a kiss only to hear the babies beginning to cry in the other room.
“My money’s on Nik.” Keelin guessed.
“I’ll take Elijah you take Nik.” Freya smiled.
Freya and Keelin pulled themselves out of bed just like they had done many times over the last two years and made their way into their twin boys’ rooms ready to see out another day of non-marital parents to twin firstborn Mikaelson witches bliss or as close to it as one could get with the next generation of Mikaelson brothers ready to create all kinds of chaos.
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“Well at least one sibling thought about me when it came to wedding planning although I must admit young baby versions of Niklaus, and Elijah truly terrify me.” Rebekah said to Marcel as his car pulled up to the gates of Hayley and Elijah’s home.
“There is one particular Mikaelson who should probably be notified now about your unexpected return.” Marcel revealed to her. “The one whose spent the last two years doing nothing but looking for you.”
Klaus and Caroline: Previously on The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson awoke to find himself in a cage within the dungeon underneath the Salvatore Boarding School only to stand up and see Sebastian stood in the cage next to him.
“I’m guessing you’re another one of these witches catches.” Sebastian said to him.
“Yeah unlike you I don’t intend on staying very long.” Klaus replied before marching towards the cage door only to stop when Caroline Forbes vamp sped in front of the gate.
“Really Klaus? You come all the way here pretending to want to see Davina and Hope when really you wanted my girls for some crazy ass spell and didn’t even think to run it past me.” Caroline snapped at him. “I thought we were passed playing tricks on each other.”
“In my defense Caroline you were always better with the tricks than me.” Klaus replied with a smirk always glad to see Caroline even if she was holding him prisoner. “I lost counts of the times you played beautiful distraction to me but trust me I’d happily be distracted by you any time.”
“You can’t just show up here flirt with me, scheme against me and flirt with me some more I’m not that girl anymore.” Caroline snapped.
“I sense some romantic troubles between use.” Sebastian smirked only to be told to “shut up” in unison by both Caroline and Klaus.
“I’m sorry I wanted to speak to my daughter before asking you and trust me when I say Caroline, I wouldn’t have done anything without your permission.” Klaus said sincerely making Caroline smile at him.
“Well you don’t have my permission,” She replied while unlocking the door. “But I do happen to know a heretic who also once belonged to the Gemini Coven in fact I was planning to seek her out myself if you fancy coming along for the journey?”
“You and I alone together.” Klaus said with a sinister smirk while walking out of his cage. “Are you sure you can trust yourself?”
“I’m sure I’ll manage just fine.” Caroline laughed.
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“I wish those two would just get together already their will they won’t they thing they’ve got going on feels like it’s been going longer than my existence as an original.” Rebekah said as Marcel opened her door and she got out of the car.
“Speaking of which are you still immortal?” Marcel asked her as they began walking down the driveway.
“Yes, I’m still a vampire now just a pregnant one which normally would be much weirder but thankfully my family have a Tribrid and twins to contend with.” Rebekah revealed to him before Elijah vamp sped over to them until he was standing in front of his sister.
“Rebekah,” Elijah said instantly hugging his sister before feeling the bump and backing away. “What on earth happened to you?”
“It’s called pregnancy Elijah!” Rebekah snapped at her brother. “Now why the hell couldn’t you and Hayley wait for your darling sister to be free from Hell Town before getting hitched?”
“In his defense it was my idea for a simple and quick wedding.” Hayley said after vamp speeding over to be next to her husband and in front of her sister-in-law. “I thought a lavish wedding would hardly be fitting without you there planning it.”
“See now that’s an answer I can get around.” Rebekah smirked before hugging Hayley. “You were my sister long before you married my brother and if you ever choose to leave the tight laced know it all you will remain my sister, Always and Forever.”
“You too,” Hayley replied before looking down at Rebekah’s bump with shock. “You’re going to need to tell me how the hell that happened.”
“Yes, all in good time,” Rebekah replied with an eye roll. “Now where’s Hope?”
Hope and Josie: Previously on The Originals
Josie Saltzman found herself looking in the mirror while wearing a beautiful red ball gown with her brown hair tied back in a beautiful yet simple style as she prepared for her sweet sixteenth birthday party before she heard a knock at the door only to turn around and see Hope Mikaelson once again standing in her doorway.
“Lizzie’s going to be super pissed because she looks nowhere near as good as you do in that dress.” Hope said to Josie while in awe of her beauty.
“You know Lizzie’s currently convincing my dad and mum as we speak to release that vampire in our dungeon just so she can have a date for her birthday.” Josie revealed to Hope.
“I don’t Caroline’s going to let Lizzie use my dad as her date considering their previous history.” Hope joked as she walked into the room.
“Oh no I meant the other guy,” Josie sighed. “It’s been a long sixteenth.”
“I knew what you meant Josie.” Hope said while moving closer towards Josie making Josie nervous as she drew closer. “Happy birthday Josie!”
Hope pulled Josie in for a passionate kiss as Josie kissed her back the two of them sharing a moment together that they had both been wanting for too long and now that moment had finally come.
“Was that my birthday present?” Josie asked her.
“I love you,” Hope laughed “always have always were I guess I was just as chicken as you.”
“I love you too!” Josie replied before kissing Hope again.
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“So, Hope got herself Caroline’s daughter before her own father could get Caroline.” Rebekah smirked while placing herself on the couch in Hayley and Elijah’s living room while Marcel, Hayley and Elijah stood above her. “I can’t wait to rub it in my brother’s face speaking of which where is he currently?”
“Last I heard Klaus and Caroline were in Croatia,” Hayley answered before looking at Marcel and Elijah hoping for them to speak only to realize it was up to her. “Okay Rebekah you’re going to need to tell us how the hell you got pregnant.”
“I slept with a Malus witch when mortal and now I’m knocked up with his baby!” Rebekah snapped. “Before anyone even dares judge me, I’d look at your own previous bedfellows first and don’t get me started on any birth control lectures considering I’m bloody dead.”
“Klaus said you were locked in there with Nathaniel and his father,” Elijah said cautious to ask while Marcel and Hayley stayed in silence. “So, is the baby Nathaniel’s child or sibling?”
“Sibling of course I’m hardly going to sleep with one of my oldest friends.” Rebekah responded to Klaus.
“But his father is fair game.” Hayley joked much to Rebekah’s fury.
“Just like marrying the brother of your daughter’s father.” Rebekah replied with a cheeky smirk.
“Or sleeping with your brother’s adoptive son.” Hayley said back with a sly smile of her own.
“Fair play Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson.” Rebekah smirked. “Now what the bloody hell happened to Bonnie Bennet in my absence is she still cheating death and bossing the New Orleans witches about.”
Bonnie and Henrik: Previously on The Originals
Henrik woke up on the cold hard ground of Lafayette Cemetery only to find a smug looking Bonnie hovering above him. He quickly rose to his feet as a large group of witches appeared from behind tombs chanting in Croatian as he noticed he was tripped in a devil’s trap judging by the markings on the ground around him in a circle.
“I recognize you we’ve met before, haven’t we?” He asked Bonnie.
“Yeah your sister Rebekah and I help you escape the ancestral plane.” Bonnie revealed. “And now I’m going to help you become somewhat less of a monster.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Henrik quizzed, confused by Bonnie’s words.
“Apparently Nathaniel was planning on turning you into an original and it just so happens I’m down for that idea.” Bonnie revealed.
“You want to make me even more powerful,” Henrik laughed at her. “Because killing you all is going to be easy as it is especially now Nathaniel isn’t trying to stop me but please go ahead and make me even more powerful.”
“Actually, the spell’s been altered to use the Malus inside you as the source of magic for the spell,” Bonnie admitted as she raised her hand and magically made Henrik fall to his knees. “I’m going to use up all your Malus to turn you into an original and as for the magic you get from your mother well that kind of magic becomes dormant when you’re turned into a vampire.”
“You cunning little bitch,” Henrik snapped at her as Bonnie joined the other witches chanting in Croatian causing Henrik to let out a series of screams before passing out.
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Marcel walked out of Hayley and Elijah’s home and onto the porch when suddenly a heavily pregnant Rebekah vamp sped from out of the door and in Marcel’s path, so she was standing in front of him.
“You never told me what you’ve been up to over the last two years,” She told him while looking down at Marcel’s left hand smiling after noticing his wedding ring. “Judging by that it’s quite the story.”
“Rebekah…” Marcel replied reluctantly.
“I’m literally standing in front of you pregnant with another man’s child I think you can tell me about your wife, and I won’t get bloody jealous.” Rebekah responded. “My love for you was an epic sordid affair but when it ended it did end. I still love you Marcellus but not in the way I used to so please tell me all about yet another wedding where nobody waiting for me.”
“I don’t have a wife, but I do have a husband and it’s Josh.” Marcel admitted.
“Well good for him,” Rebekah said with a sincere smile “I was beginning to think he’d never find another man. In fact, there was a time I didn’t even think he’d survive the month after being turned clearly he’s come a long way.”
“Thanks Rebekah it means a lot that you’re happy for me.” Marcel told her. “I’m happy for you if anyone was born to be a mother it was you, I don’t care how messed it is that your pregnant I’m just delighted you get to be a mother.”
“Thank you, Marcel,” Rebekah said softly clearly touched by Marcel’s words. “So how did Josh romance you down the altar.
“Actually, it was me who romanced him down the altar.” Marcel laughed.
Marcel and Josh: Previously on The Originals
Josh was busy putting chairs up on tables as he cleaned up his bar Rousseau's in New Orleans before Marcel vamp sped into the room grabbing him instantly and pushing him against the counter as the pair began passionately kissing.
“Okay we really need to stop soon before a certain original ex of yours finds out and I’m a goner,” Josh said nervously as Marcel began kissing his neck. “I mean it we should really put an end to this if not for my own survival.”
“Are you wanting this to end?” Marcel asked looking hurt at the idea of their romance coming to an end.
“Well no not really but if we don’t stop now, I’m either going to wind up dead or heartbroken and I’d rather be neither.” Josh admitted.
“Heartbroken, are you admitting feelings for me Josh?” Marcel quizzed with a sinister smile.
“I’m admitting nothing except my need to stay alive.” He said while pushing himself off Marcel.
“I’d never allow anything to happen to you Josh.” Marcel told him as he pulled him back into his arms. “This may have started out as fun, but it’s become so much more.”
“What are you saying?” Josh asked, hopeful of the answer.
“I’m saying I’m in love with you Josh can’t you read between the lines.” Marcel laughed before kissing Josh once more.
“Don’t just say that to win me over.” Josh sighed.
“Josh you have been my best friend long before you were my lover,” Marcel declared to him while placing his hand on Josh’s cheek and looking at the man with pure adoration in his eyes. “I can’t imagine my life without you and I never want to when I say I love you it’s because I love you with all my heart not because I want to get into your pants although that’s definitely a bonus.”
“Who knew you were the romantic,” Josh laughed before kissing Marcel. “I love you too.”
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“That sounds very sweet I swear I just got toothache from listening to that bloody story, but you missed the part when you got married.” Rebekah replied to Marcel as she and Marcel walk down the driveway heading away from Elijah and Hayley’s home. “I’m guessing that was the proposal of sorts.”
“Actually, that wasn’t one of my proposals it took me about six before Josh was sure I was serious.” Marcel admitted. “He wanted to make sure I’d never hurt him usually that could put a guy off but it just made me love him more to know he wanted me to be fully ready for him before he would say yes.”
“It figures you always did like some good old-fashioned rejection well played Josh.” Rebekah joked. “So, when did the wedding take place?”
“Not long after the sixth proposal,” Marcel smiled. “He had the whole day planned.”
“Oh, bloody hell,” Rebekah shouted as she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. “No this can’t be bloody right!”
“What’s wrong?” asked a worried Marcel.
“This bloody thing that has possessed my womb seems to be wanting to come out now.” Rebekah revealed.
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hereticxtulle · 6 years
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❪RIE, 24❫  ⵧ 🙶Is that ISABEL DURANT? No, it's VALERIE TULLE,20/190+,HERETIC. They came to the Salvatore Boarding House because of SHE'S BEEN RECRUITED TO TEACH. They are FEMALE and go by SHE/HER.🙷
Valerie was born a siphoner witch in the gemini coven in the early/mid 1800′s. Around 19/20 she was shunned and afterwards was found by Lily Salvatore and taken under her wing as a sort of adoptive daughter.
Valerie unknowingly turned herself into the world’s first heretic when she believed she lost her baby. She kept a lot of secrets about her transition since she’d been pregnant by Stefan Salvatore.
A few decades passed after her turn into a heretic while Lily, herself, and other newly turned heretics went on a murderous rampage. They were also running from a magical huntress named Rayna. Ultimately they were caught by the Gemini Coven and sent to a prison world in 1903. 
A hundred years came and went only to have a few more go by before people wound up in their prison world. First Lily was set free before some time passed that another siphon came in to set them all free. 
After being set free Valerie took quite some to adjust and eventually revealed the secret of her pregnancy to those she cared about, even Stefan Salvatore himself. 
Once more time passed Valerie and Stefan’s relationship had changed to that of a romantic one. They were happy for a little while and Valerie was definitely in love with him. However, she knew that he wasn’t as in love as she was since his true love was for Caroline Forbes. She broke up with him so that he could get his chance back with Caroline.
After her break up, Valerie chose to try and move on by traveling the world on her own. Whether or not she’d find a love like Stefan again never crossed her mind as this trip was about herself. She kept a diary to log all of her travels and even wrote some letters to her former adoptive family as she was the only one left and missed them all terribly(except for the evil one Julian of course).
Besides traveling the world Valerie had been found a couple times to help out people due to her siphoning abilities. In one particular instance she had siphoned a hex from Rebekah Mikaelson. (this is a headcanon a lot of people/valerie players share after Hayley mentioned it in season 4 of the originals to Grandma Mary)
Valerie has grown content with her life, but when an opportunity rolls around to join the Salvatore School to teach she jumps on it. She’s happy with traveling the world, but knows there’s more joy to be found and believed that taking the teaching job would help.
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imjustthemechanic · 6 years
The French Mistake
Part 1/? - A Visitor Part 2/? - The Kulturhistorisk Museum Heist Part 3/? - Cutscene Part 4/? - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Part 5/? - Breathless Part 6/? - Escape at Last Part 7/? - Fox in Socks Part 8/? - Things Go Wrong Part 9/? - Downey and Out Part 10/? - Road Trip Part 11/? - Temptation Part 12/? - An Awful Reunion Part 13/? - Unreality Intrudes Part 14/? - A Call for Help Part 15/? - Loki’s Guests Part 16/? - Stan Lee Cameo Part 17/? - Reassessment Part 18/? - Midnight Invasion Part 19/? - Elevator Fight Part 20/? - Courage Part 21/? - Unwelcome Back Part 22/? - Darkest Hour Part 23/? - They Are Here Part 24/? - The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Part 25/? - Word of God Part 26/? - Avengers Assembled Part 27/? - The Houston Underground Part 28/? - Houston has a Problem Part 29/? - Onward and Upward Part 30/? - The Chi’Tauri Queen Part 31/? - Through the Wormhole Part 32/? - Prisoners Part 33/? - Arm’s Length Part 34/? - A Moment’s Respite Part 35/? - Ravagers to the Rescue Part 36/? - What Happened to Hiddleston Part 37/? - Haven Part 38/? - Steve Has a Terrible Idea Part 39/? - Can’t Be Choosers Part 40/? - Stan Lee Cameo Redux Part 41/? - Shipjacking Part 42/? - The Gauntlet Thrown Part 43/? - The Queen’s Chamber Part 44/? - The Guardians Part 45/? - The Nest Part 46/? - Heroes Part 47/? - Homeward Bound Part 48/? - Loose Ends
Just a few things to tie up - like Johansson’s marriage, how they’re getting back, and what will happen to the tesseract.
A moment later Musa was called away again by a group of astrophysicists, who were hoping she could tell them about her home system.  Steve wasn’t alone for long, though – the next person to approach him was Natasha.  She was now dressed in a pair of jeggings and a shirt with a cartoon bone on it and the words I Found This Humerus.  Next to her was Scarlett Johansson, wearing a blouse and skirt.  Both had washed up and combed their hair, and they looked nearly identical, but Steve immediately recognized which was which.  The two walked differently, Johansson gliding along like a glamour goddess, while Natasha moved with a determined stride that spelled trouble for anybody in her way.
“How’d your checkup go?” Nat asked.
“Nothing but bruises,” Steve assured her.  “If I cracked any bones it was so minor they’ve already knit.”  The bruises would be gone by this time tomorrow.
She smiled.  “Good to be back?”
“Yeah,” he agreed.  “And possibly just a little more appreciative of how tough I am.”
“Oh, really?”  Nat smirked.  “Does that mean you’re going to start using a parachute?”
“I wouldn’t go that far.”
Nat laughed.  “I’m going to Malibu with Scarlett,” she said.  “We need to patch things up with her husband and daughter, and it’ll be easier to explain if I’m with her.”
That felt like something that had happened weeks ago, and Steve had almost forgotten about it.  Now he groaned.  It was true, they should do something about that, but whatever it was they ended up doing would be very, very unpleasant.  “Do you want me to come with you?” he asked, praying that the answer would be no.
“Probably not a good idea,” said Johansson.  “Romain’s had a bug up his ass about Chris for a while now, and I don’t think he’d want to see your face.”
Steve tried not to show how relieved he was.  “Got it,” he said.  “Text when you arrive, okay?”
“Yes, Mom,” said Nat.  “Wouldn’t want you to worry about me.”  She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye.
Once she was gone, Steve worried he’d be alone again – but it was only a minute or so after Natasha left when Evans came up to him.  He had a few bandages and stitches, but he, too, had washed and shaved and changed his clothes.  With no beard, wearing jeans and a dark blue t-shirt which, thanks to somebody’s sense of humour, had the image of the shield on the front, he looked so much like Steve as Captain America that it was downright eerie.  He came and stood awkwardly facing Steve, hands in his pockets, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t figure out how to word it.
“How are you doing?” Steve asked, deciding to take pity and give him an opening.
“Okay,” Evans replied carefully.  “That was a hell of a thing but I… I’ll get over it.”
Steve had heard that phrase before, from people who would very definitely not get over it.  Far too often, he’d been the one speaking it, himself.  “You sure?”
“Yeah,” said Evans.  He sat down on the bench next to Steve.  “My parents are coming to pick me up.  I told them guys, I’m thirty-five, I can buy my own plane ticket, but Mom wouldn’t hear about it.  She actually said, I won’t hear about it, like little old ladies do in cartoons.”  He chuckled.
Steve smiled back.  He was glad he hadn’t called Evans’ parents when he’d been tempted to, but lord, he missed having that kind of loving, unconditional support.   It would have been wonderful to steal just a drop of it, even knowing it was not rightfully his.  Loki really had meant what he’d said – this world was full of everything Steve had ever wanted.  It was just that to get it, Steve would have had to compromise everything he’d ever wanted to be.
“Sorry for freezing up when Musa grabbed me,” Chris added.  “I, um… I have some… I’m good with a script, but actually talking to real people is hard for me sometimes.  I almost turned down playing the role – playing you, I mean.  I wasn’t sure I wanted to be…”
“To be that kind of movie star,” Steve finished for him.  “Bob told me.”
“Yeah.”  Chris nodded.
“What changed your mind?” asked Steve.  Bob had offered an explanation, but he wanted to hear it from Chris Evans himself.
“Well… Captain America,” said Chris, with a shrug and a cockeyed smile.  “You’re everybody’s hero.  You’re… you’re everything I was raised to believe in.  It sounds corny, but all that freedom, equality, and justice stuff, you embody that and you make it look cool. When I post about politics on my twitter I get comments from people who say things like here we see Chris Evans actually being Steve Rogers and it always makes me smile.  I’m proud to stand for that, even if the fame part is kind of terrifying.”
“The fame part is terrifying,” Steve agreed.  “At least you got warned about it.  When I volunteered for the project nobody told me I was going to be a celebrity. Then they dragged me off on that tour with the chorus girls and the posters…” he shook his head.  “And I end up standing there…”
“Wondering how the hell this happened,” Chris grinned. “That’s what I figured you were thinking.  Reading the lines off the back of the shield was my favourite joke in the movie. Anyway.”  He sat up a little straighter.  “My point, which I’m getting to in a roundabout kind of way, is that it’s an honour to meet you in person, even if this is really, really weird.” He held out a hand.
“Thanks,” said Steve, giving him the handshake.  He had to agree – it was weird, but he also felt a sense of kinship with this man. Not just because of what they’d just been through together, but because he realized that Chris Evans must have spent more time thinking about Steve, and trying to understand him, than anybody else he’d ever met.  Which left one rather important question.  “Bob told me about something you said in an interview…” he began.
“Oh, no,” groaned Chris.  “This is about the teams thing, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Steve said.
Chris spread his hands.  “Well, for one thing, I never thought I’d be having this conversation.  I thought it was all hypothetical.  And I was talking about our world, if there were superheroes here. Our world isn’t run by people who thought nuking New York or approving Project Insight was a good idea.  I mean, sometimes they’re not much better, but they’re not that bad.  I just feel like real superheroes would have to accept limitations and be responsible when they hurt people.  Even if it wasn’t on purpose.”
Steve thought about the pirates… they weren’t nice people, but nor had they asked to get into a fight with the Chi’Tauri.  He wondered how many had died, and supposed he would never know.
“Well, thanks for not getting me killed this week,” Steve said.  “I’m a rotten actor.”
“Same,” Chris agreed.  “I’m the opposite – a good actor, a rotten hero.  Better for you to live your life and me mine, even if yours does sound way cooler.”
Now there was a thought… would Chris Evans find the details of Steve Rogers’ life as tempting as Steve had found his?  He decided not to ask, partly because that would involve admitting how tempted he’d been to call Evans’ parents, but mostly because the whole subject was better left alone.
NASA offered them all dinner in the Space Center cafeteria, which was fortunately not one of the buildings that would have to be torn down from the damage.  Natasha and Scarlett had already gone to Malibu, and Scarlett had texted Chris Evans to let him know they would be staying overnight. Hemsworth also turned down the meal. He hugged everybody, and then left to catch a flight back to his home in Australia.  Most of the other actors who’d come in for the charade were already gone, but Hayley Atwell hung around, as did Bob Downey.  At dinner they all sat together and listened to Hayley tell stories about the props – and people – she’d accidentally broken while filming the Agent Carter TV series.
“I need to watch some of that before I go,” said Steve.  He would probably regret it… but he would regret it more if he didn’t.
“I’ll get you some DVDs,” Hayley promised.  “In fact, take them back with you and show them to Sharon.  I can get confirmation from Emily if you like, but for my own part I’m sure she would want to see them.”
Steve could bet she would.  “That would be great.”
“That gives me an idea…” Bob began, but before he could explain what it was, the conversation was interrupted as Thor and Steve moved aside to make room for Donny Glover and Kevin Farinas, who had come to join them.  Kevin was proudly holding a tablet and a stack of binders, which she dropped on the table in front of her.
“Good news!” she declared.
“Good news?  For us?” asked Steve.
“Careful there,” said Bob.  “He’s an old man.  Too much excitement might give him a heart attack.”  He winked at Steve, looking uncannily like Stark in that moment.
Kevin opened the top binder in the stack and passed around some photographs.  “I’ve been looking at the insides of your spaceship,” she said, “and it looks like their actual device for directing a wormhole runs on very similar principles to my hypothetical one.  Here’s the switches.”  She reached across the table to indicate a particular picture, which Hayley happened to be holding at the moment.  “They’re hidden under the console, probably so the people on board couldn’t mess with them.”
Hayley passed the picture to Steve, and he saw two rows of twelve symbols, one in pink and one in blue.  The symbols themselves were indecipherable to Steve, just messes of intersecting lines.  “What do these mean?” he asked.
“No idea,” said Kevin.  “They’ve called in some cryptography people, but figuring out will probably take longer than it would take to build a new one.”
“How is that good news?” asked Bob.
“I’m getting there,” Kevin informed him.  “Now, as you can see, there are two lines – two ends to the wormhole.  The pink one tells you where you’re starting from, the blue one tells you where you’re going.  If I understand this properly, the ones on the right refer to the specific destination universe, and the ones on the left are your exit point within that universe.  I have no idea how to program it.  The left ones must be a space-time coordinate system of some sort, but I don’t know what their reference point is, while the ones on the right must refer to properties of the target universe, whatever those are.”
“I’m still not seeing the good news,” said Steve.
“Well, isn’t it obvious?” asked Kevin.  “Look, they’ve got this thing set up to take them between a chosen point in this universe and their home port in yours.  But if you can change the spatial destination coordinates for your universe to match the ones you leave from in ours, then when you activate it you’ll transfer to the other universe exactly where you left from ours with no programming or linguistic knowledge required!”
That did make sense.  “So we appear over Houston in our universe… and we can fly right out over the Atlantic back to Wakanda,” said Steve.  That would have the bonus that the Leviathan would end up in hands Steve trusted.  He wouldn’t have wanted any other country on Earth trying to reverse-engineer any more Chi’Tauri technology, even the United States.  Wakanda, however, would either destroy it or do good with it, whichever T’Challa decided was best.  “Perfect. Can you have it ready by the time Natasha gets back?”
“Definitely,” said Kevin.  “It seems to remember where it left from, too, so if it doesn’t work the way I think, you can just come back here and we’ll give it some more study.” She picked up her binders again, beaming.  “You know, it sucks that we can’t keep that tesseract things.  With that kind of energy we could explore the whole solar system and then head for Alpha Centauri.”
Steve blinked.
“Yeah, sucks,” Donny agreed cheerfully.  “I’d ask to go with you guys, but my alternate in the Marvel Universe is a guy who finds Spider-Man hanging out in dumpsters, so nah.  But!” he held up a finger.  “Kevin, can you get me into the Star Wars universe?”
They were joking around, so Steve made himself smile as if he were enjoying the conversation. But he couldn’t stop thinking about what Kevin had just said.
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taaroko · 6 years
Post-IW MCU Rewatch: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Here we go, Winter Soldier. I somehow never watch this one outside of marathons, even though I know it’s amazing. 
Steve and Nat’s friendship is awesome. I love how invested she is in his love life and how confused he is by that.
“Well, all the guys from my barbershop quartet are dead, so no, not really.” I’m still trying to figure out how to define Steve’s sense of humor. It’s like quiet, deadpan understatement? I guess? I love it.
That shield looks pretty dingy, Cap. Could do with a wash.
There’s a really random sting in the score when Nat attacks a dude, and for a second you think it’s going to be a kinda retro spy score, but then it’s just over. Weird.
Steve has by now adjusted quite well to being a part of modern tactical missions, if less so to being a part of modern everyday life.
This French pirate dude really likes his unnecessary acrobatics.
Bonus points to Cap for doing trash talk in French.
One of the best parts about Steve and Nat’s friendship is how seamlessly they work together in battle. Whenever there’s something dangerous (especially explosions) on the way, she hunkers down or grabs onto him and lets him and his shield do the work, and they don’t even have to signal each other.
“Last time I trusted someone, I lost an eye.” Oooooh I wonder if that has anything to do with the Skrulls in Captain Marvel. Can’t wait to find out.
“I thought the punishment usually came after the crime.” “By holding a gun to everyone on earth and calling it protection.” “This isn’t freedom. This is fear.” Cap is not down with your surveillance state or pre-crime nonsense.
I love the awed little kid who spots him. So cute.
*pauses on Bucky’s memorial* “When Bucky Barnes first met Steve Rogers on the playgrounds of Brooklyn, little did he know that he was forging a bond that would take him to the battlefields of Europe and beyond. Born in 1916, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four. An excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom, Barnes enlisted in the Army shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After winter training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, Barnes and the rest of the 107th shipped out to the Italian front. Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, depravation, and torture. But his will was strong. In an ironic twist of fate, his prison camp was liberated by none other than his childhood friend, Steve Rogers, now Captain America. Reunited, Barnes and Rogers led Captain America’s newly formed unit, the Howling Commandos. Barnes’s marksmanship was invaluable as Rogers and his team destroyed Hydra bases and disrupted Nazi troop movements throughout the European Theater.
Wait a second. Up top, the thing says he was born in 1916, but at the bottom, it says he lived from 1917-1944. Wow. Nice continuity there, guy in charge of putting words and numbers on a single pane of glass.
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Peggy! “He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would become my husband.” Yes and that man was Daniel Sousa. Oh hey, photos of Peggy with her kids! She had at least one son and one daughter. It’s hard to tell if the girl with her in the first picture is the same one as in the second picture.
The effect to make Hayley look old isn’t nearly as good as the effect to make Chris look skinny. It’s rather off-putting, actually. But oh man her dementia is so heartbreaking. “Well I couldn’t leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance.” *sobbing*
“What makes you happy?” “I don’t know.” *more sobbing* Everything that made Steve happy is seventy years gone. Steve is never not sad. No wonder he refuses to compromise for a second when it comes to Bucky.
The attack on Fury’s car is so nerve-wracking and he handles it so well. I wonder if Sam Jackson imagined he was going to get so much cool stuff to do in this role when he agreed to be in the end credits stinger of Iron Man.
The Winter Soldier’s introduction is masterful.
So...Fury pretty much got out of that by using his lightsaber. :D
Hi Sharon! This is some cute flirting.
“My wife kicked me out.” Was it because you insisted on taking your super-suit out for some daring do?
There it is. That Winter Soldier music. *shiver*
I totally bought Fury’s death when I saw this in theaters. Not sad that it turned out to be a ruse (I will never be sad about Marvel pulling character death-related punches), but I do think those bullet wounds were a little too convincing.
“To build a really better world sometimes means having to tear the old one down.” Heh. Except Cap is going to be tearing down your “better” world and standing up for the best parts of the old one.
Elevator fight! I love how observant Steve is. He’s always been that way. Just quietly taking in everything around him and putting it together. He’s brilliant. And then “It kinda feels personal.” Bahaha.
So if Steve falls a couple hundred feet and lands on his shield, it absorbs the impact ‘cause it’s vibranium?
Holy crap he took down a quinjet with just his shield.
I am not a fan of Nat’s straight hair in this one, especially with that center part. But it’s still better than how it looks in Infinity War. Especially the eyebrows.
Undercover engaged hipster couple Steve/Nat is so great. Steve is so bad at it and it’s adorable.
“Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.” “Yes, they do.”
I love Nat putting her feet on the dash.
There’s no way Nat didn’t know who Peggy Carter was. She asked Steve to gage his reaction.
They are pretty far underground, in a bunker. How did the missile even affect them? Did they make a special chute for the missile to go into in case they needed to blow up the base? Doesn’t look like it.
The design for Zola’s computer face is effectively creepy.
Hydra’s plan is so insidious and horrifying. Screw up the world on purpose until people want to trade their privacy and freedom for security.
That’s a really pathetic amount of milk Pierce poured himself. Like two inches in a really tall glass. Weird.
So...I guess Sam has a straightener. For some reason. Why couldn’t they have just let Nat’s hair stay wavy?
Steve is so sweet with Nat. She’s numbly horrified that she might’ve been working for the bad guys this whole time and he’s all nice and reassuring. Aww.
Senator Stern arranging for a young prostitute with Sitwell is gross.
Nat: *kicks a guy off the roof* *immediately transitions to asking Steve about girls he could be asking out*
Okay how does Sam have access to military equipment like his wing pack when he’s not on active duty?
STEPHEN STRANGE. How is he already on Hydra’s radar? There’s no way Zola’s algorithm accounts for magic, and even if it does, how can it possibly predict that he’d become a master of it several years down the line? It’s not like he was dabbling in it in his surgeon days. That came about as the result of a freak car accident! Pfft. They clearly only threw that reference in there to get people freaking out about a possible future Doctor Strange movie. 
Bye Sitwell.
Hehe, as soon as the Winter Soldier shows up, Nat crawls into Steve’s lap ‘cause she knows he’s gonna have to make an insane exit and she will be PREPARED.
Okay I never noticed that Bucky ripped the freaking steering wheel out.
Gah, Steve getting tossed off the bridge and into the bus looks so incredibly painful.
So Bucky has now shot Nat twice. (I still ship it.)
There are some excellent kicks and knife fighting moves in this showdown. And the way the music ramps up is hair-raising.
I hate Runlow so much.
Maria is awesome.
Um, hi, Joe Russo. He plays Fury’s doctor! Dang! No role for Anthony, though.
“I’m with you to the end of the line.”
Yesss. Vintage Cap. And the shield is clean now! Symbolism!
HI DANNY PUDI. (Apparently Alison Brie was going to be Sharon Carter, but she had scheduling conflicts.)
I love this brave curly-haired kid. This is courage. He has no power and he’s so scared he might wet himself, but he will not launch those helicarriers even with a gun to his head.
Shouldn’t have helped SHIELD with that repulsor tech, Tony.
Okay, I guess Steve can tuck and roll to land a fifty foot drop without using the shield.
These helicarriers store their data in a really strange way.
“We’re the only air support Captain Rogers has got!” *all immediately get shot down and blown up by the Winter Soldier* Whoops.
I wonder if we’re gonna find out more about Bogota in Captain Marvel.
STEVE IS A CRAZY PERSON. You do not jump before you know you have your ride!
It’s a good thing Bucky neither knew nor cared what that data blade was.
I’d love to read a fic that’s just Steve and Thor sitting around talking about all the times Bucky and Loki have shot and/or stabbed them.
Sam has the correct reaction to Runlow’s nonsense.
Why is Jeremy Irons on the list of targets? I wish they’d put more Easter eggs in here, like the names of the Netflix Marvel characters and the Agents of Shield characters. It would’ve been an extremely unobtrusive way for the movies to reference the shows, instead of it always being one-sided.
It’s a good thing they were planning on firing after the count of 3, not on the count of 3.
Steve, you really need to work on your attitude towards exit strategies.
HOW did Runlow survive that?!
Steve would rather Bucky kill him than live in a world where Bucky can’t be saved. And that’s what saves Bucky. *wibble*
“On your left.” Bahaha.
Hi Pietro and Wanda!
Winter Soldier is awesome. I love a well-earned, narratively consistent game changer. One thing I definitely did not expect the MCU to do back then was buck the status quo, but they did it in a huge way, and they did it extremely effectively. I was deeply impressed. And it still holds up even looking back now. The way they tackle the issue of surveillance is very effective. Probably the best thing about this movie is that they realized that Steve Rogers was not going to work as a character if he adapted too much to modern times. Instead, they derived much of their conflict from the disconnect between Steve and his surroundings, and they added a deeply emotional connection at the core of it. Steve ultimately succeeds against Hydra and in getting through to Bucky by shedding his modern trappings and affiliations and going back to what he always was, complete with the old outfit and the shiny clean shield. Steve Rogers reminds us of the ideals America is supposed to stand for. Freedom, justice, honor, and truth. He makes us want to be more like that. Take a note, DC; this is the kind of thing you should’ve been doing with Superman. This is how you make a paragon character we can still be deeply invested in even as we look up to him. (They did a pretty good job with Diana, but the real test will be how she adapts in a more modern stand-alone film.)
Another great thing about this is that they kind of dumped all the side characters from Avengers into Steve’s story. As the First Avenger and as a man out of time, this a brilliant way to give him a new supporting cast without it being jarring and forcing us to spend a ton of time getting to know everyone. We already know Fury, Nat, and Maria and like them, so we’re perfectly prepared to watch them being awesome without feeling like it takes something away from Steve. We know the World Security Council. We know SHIELD. And then there’s Peggy, the Smithsonian exhibit, and Bucky that are all from Steve’s time. It’s a very solid foundation onto which we can add Sam, Sharon, Pierce, and Runlow. It just works so well. And Hydra manages to be even more frightening as an evil organization than it was in the first movie, when it was honestly kind of silly. (So many bonus points for how that played out in Agents of SHIELD, too. As far as I’m concerned, that was when the show finally got good, and it has steadily gotten better since.)
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cathygeha · 4 years
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Lords of the Nile by Jonathan Spencer
William John Hazzard #2
 Riveting read from beginning to end! I could not put this book down as I was drawn in more and more with each page I read. One might consider being in the Navy romantic but the men who fought in real battles often ended up maimed or dead. The life was not easy, and these stories bring that life alive. In this second book of the series not much time is spent on ships. Instead, we pick up at the end of book one when Hazzard and Sarah see one another again after a few years apart. What transpires next is heartfelt, intense, gritty, and filled with action. It was a terrific story!
 What I liked: * John Hazzard: intelligent, courageous, tenacious, strong in body and mind, a good leader, has a strong moral compass, a warrior, and a good man. I like him, feel sorry for him, and hope that he will survive the series with something at the end to look forward to when he retires.
* The men that follow Hazzard: dedicated to him and to the life of being a sailor/warrior – great teammates.
* The close alignment with history – and that it made me more knowledgeable than I was before I read the book.
* That I felt I was there in the midst of the story
* That I cared about the outcome
* Revisiting places I have been before and seeing them in a differently due to time and events in the story.
* The intensity, plot, pacing, character development, and writing
* Thinking about how much Hazzard and Sarah must have grown and changed over the time they were apart.
* That the author did not shy away from the dark and gritty brutal aspects of war
* Thinking about the mentality required to go to war and/or to be a spy
* All of it really except…
 What I didn’t like:
* Derrien and his thugs/followers: evil men doing evil things because they were “called” to do so for their nation – or more likely – because they enjoyed inflicting pain and the power they derived from their positions
* The loss of life due to war – good people die – and so often the reasons for war do not benefit the common man…or even the men doing the fighting
 Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely
 Thank you to NetGalley and Canelo for the ARC – This is my honest review.
 5 Stars
 The battle for Empire rages across Egypt
The thrilling second novel in the William John Hazzard series, following Napoleon's Run.
Malta, June 1798. Captured by the French after hurling himself into the enemy ranks, Hazzard is now a prisoner of Bonaparte and his nemesis, the spy-catcher Derrien. He has, however, uncovered the deadly purpose of Napoleon’s fleet: the conquest of Egypt.
Their bold plan is to cut open the ancient Suez Canal and then sail through the Red Sea to attack India, the jewel in England’s crown.
As Napoleon's great armada prepares to sail, Nelson’s fleet, still scouring the Mediterranean in vain for the French, is nowhere to be seen. If Hazzard can't find a way to stop this – no-one will.
But help comes from an unexpected quarter – the missing Admiralty agent…
From the shores of Malta to the truly epic encounter of the Battle of the Nile – this is the explosive beginning of the French invasion of Egypt. Never give up the boat.
Praise for Jonathan Spencer
‘This is an outstanding novel, made even more remarkable by its début status. Better than Sharpe, gripping and intense, Napoleon’s Run deserves to be a runaway success’ Ben Kane, Sunday Times bestselling author of Lionheart
'Hornblower meets Mission: Impossible. A thrilling, page-turning debut packed with rousing, rip-roaring action' J. D. Davies, author of the Matthew Quinton Journals on Napoleon's Run
'Outstanding... Packed to the gunwales with action. Hazzard is not only a convincing action hero, but also one who offers a timeless insight into loyalty, trust and honesty. A thumping read' Chris Lloyd, author of The Unwanted Dead on Napoleon's Run
‘This book has a rich cast of characters who will delight, enthral and keep you turning the pages to the very end. A brilliant, thrilling read, with a new – and very believable – hero. This is my favourite historical novel of the year so far’ Michael Jecks, author of the Last Templar Mysteries on Napoleon's Run
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Photo Credit: Hayley Ellis
Jonathan Spencer is from south-east London, the great-grandson of a clipper-ship captain who brought tea from China. He served in the Canadian army, studied ancient and modern history, and has lectured at universities and private associations on the subject of Napoleonic Egypt. He writes historical non-fiction under the name Jonathan Downs, his major work a revised account of the British acquisition of the Rosetta Stone, Discovery at Rosetta, (London 2008; Cairo 2020). He speaks several languages, has trained with the former Russian National fencing coach, and has lived and worked abroad all his life. He currently lives in the Western Cape in South Africa.
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salvatoreschool · 5 years
Julie Plec Tells Us How Hope's Finale Twist Will Affect Legacies in Season 2
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[Warning: The following contains spoilers for the Season 1 finale of Legacies. Read at your own risk!]
Legacies did the unthinkable in its Season 1 finale, and now we're not sure whether Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) is dead or alive or hovering somewhere in between!
The finale saw the Salvatore School under attack from Triad Industries, and the confrontation eventually left Josie (Kaylee Bryant) in mortal peril. After she jumped in front of a bullet made from Malivore mud intended for Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), the poison slowly started to eat away at her. Only Hope's blood managed to save her, but we're wondering whether or not that will end up being a great thing considering she found a magical device in Alaric's office that could eventually release a pretty huge baddie — more on that later.
As for Hope, after facing off against this week's monster (a headless horseman, of all things), Ryan Clarke (Nick Fink) got the best of Hope and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) and threw the final artifact into the Malivore pit, raising his father from banishment. Knowing she couldn't allow the monster-eating golem to return to Earth and use Landon's body as a meat suit, Hope killed Landon (temporarily, obvi) and threw herself into the pit along with Landon's brother. As the tribrid of the three species that created it, Hope realized she was the only thing that could destroy it, finally giving her loophole existence a purpose. Girl, you are too noble for your own good.
So, is that the end for Hope, especially now that no one even remembers her? And what does her "death" mean for everyone else but especially Rafael (Peyton Smith), who might now have to remain a wolf forever? TV Guide spoke to showrunner Julie Plec about this huge finale and where we go from here when Season 2 picks back up.
So Hope is officially erased, but are all traces of her really gone? Or can we hope to stumble across some clue to remembering her and getting her back in Season 2?
Julie Plec: There is hope, and there is an actual pitch for that, so your brain is in the right place, creatively.
Is Malivore dead now or did she just prevent him from rising?
Plec: That is the question, I think, that we're left with at the end of the season, which is — technically if she had destroyed him, would she be destroyed in the process? Maybe not. So the fact that no one remembers her might mean that there's still a blackness out there that is keeping her captive. And since we've already seen a glimpse of how s---ty that is, I hope that's not the case.
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Can we expect to see a Hope-shaped hole in the lives of everyone left in Season 2?
Plec: That's exactly what we can expect to see. What's fun about it, and sad about it, is we'll be able to realize just how much impact Hope had in these people's lives without them even realizing what they're missing. And just understanding that they all feel individually like there's something that doesn't feel right and that they're struggling with this feeling of not being complete somehow. It just feels like such a universal experience, especially for teenagers. I'm looking forward to having each of those characters act out on that feeling.
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If feels like Raf is the one most affected by her loss, since he's kind of stuck as a perma-wolf?
Plec: Yeah, Raf is screwed. Raf is a perma-wolf. Look, when Hayley (Phoebe Tonkin) on The Originals was turned into a wolf all that time, that really did a number on her, and Raf is a new werewolf, who is still a teenager. So to be stuck in your most primal and feral state for God knows how long, if he's ever even able to get out of there, that will be catastrophic.
Landon did learn that he was intended to be a "meat suit" for Malivore to let him procreate, but does he even remember that? And if not, is that still a looming threat in Season 2?
Plec: I think that's a good question. What, if anything, of his experience and all the information that he learned about Malivore will he remember? Even more so, what does it all mean now that Malivore doesn't appear to be functional anymore? So Landon is going to have a lot of questions moving forward, and a Hope-sized hole in his heart, as you've said.
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I love the chemistry between Hope and Landon! Every time they're on-screen together, you just can't help but go, "Awww!"
Plec: Thank you! It's so pure; I think that's why I love it so much. It just feels really innocent and honest and pure in a way that you don't get a lot in relationships in movies and television. So I think that's why I really like it.
Will Triad Industries play a role moving forward, considering most of their staff was just killed or consumed by Malivore?
Plec: We may have seen the last of Triad for now in that I think M.G. (Quincy Fouse) made it very clear with his mother what role he expects her to not play in his life moving forward. I certainly don't think the organization is going anywhere, so they will be out there lingering in the shadows and maybe our heroes will cross paths with them another time.
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The twins seem to have found the Ascendant, which The Vampire Diaries fans will recognize as the key to a prison world. How worried should we be about a visit from evil Uncle Kai (Chris Wood) if they start messing with that?
Plec: I think when a key that would open the lock that is keeping evil Uncle Kai imprisoned shows up on your screen you should always be afraid ... and also super, super psyched — which, by the way, is not me saying that Chris Wood has agreed to come back because I have not gotten any answers out of him yet, but I would love nothing more.
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Will we be seeing more of Penelope in Season 2?
Plec: Penelope was a very successful character for us, and we always love the villain that ultimately finds a way to redeem her wicked, selfish, evil ways over the course of the season and leave us all crying and wanting more. Certainly my hope is that she remains in our universe and she, in spite of being in Belgium with her family, may make an appearance again. I can't make any promises, but I certainly would love to see her.
Can we also hope for the return of Clarke? Because I was really digging the revival of the whole supernatural brothers thing!
Plec: There's going to be a hole in the marketplace right now for supernatural brothers. We have not necessarily seen the last of Clarke. Certainly wherever Hope is, it seems to be that he is there as well. It depends on where that is and what that looks like and if we want to tell that story.
So if we want Hope back, we might have to get Clarke?
Plec: Exactly. Two for the price of one.
Are you looking to introduce a new big bad for Season 2 or are you hoping to stay invested in this Malivore storyline?
Plec: We are going to take a page out of Harry Potter and hope that Malivore can be an ongoing threat, much like Voldemort was able to be over the course of all the books. That is the goal and we will see how long we are able to do that.
And are you planning to keep the monster-of-the-week format or lean into more serialized storytelling.
Plec: I think our emotional and character stories will always be deeply serialized like The Vampire Diaries, but the structure of the monster of the week or a monster that can span a couple weeks has been a lot of fun for us, and we've really enjoyed it. So we'll definitely be continuing down that road.
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Are there any plans to return to monsters we've seen and spared before like that gorgon who was getting flirty with M.G.?
Plec: There's absolutely opportunity for any of the monsters that we've seen before to come back again. I know my personal favorite is the necromancer. We've got some competition... people who loved the dryad, the gorgon — if we can figure out a way to make snakes cost less in visual effects, [it] has a better shot at coming back when technology can catch up to what we want to achieve. That was a "learn the hard way" kind of character.
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Alaric's (Matthew Davis) position at the school has been left up in the air, so what can you say about the impact of potentially removing him as headmaster if that's how the council votes?
Plec: I think that for a man whose last decade-plus of his life has been committed wholly to his daughters and this school, if he wakes up one morning and is no longer the headmaster, that's going to be a big dramatic shift for him and I'd wonder how he would make it through that.
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What Hayley did is not worse than Klaus, Katherine or Damon did. I don't like her but Klaus is a true killer and no one blame him for his past. I'm still pissed about what he did to Katherine. Katherine should have a redemption arc, not him! Hayley is not very smart, I never understand why she didn't go away when she had the chance. I never understand her link with Katherine. Headcanon: Katherine is not dead and still queen of hell.
I disagree. I think Klaus gets plenty of references to his past and the things he does. Retribution is literally always on his back tapping him on the shoulder like “Hey you’re a bad person you gotta pay for this and that”) one could argue that maybe Klaus is living a nicer life than he should at the present (I certainly agree that Damon got a wayyyy happier ending than he should have) but I definitely do think that everyone (with the exception of maybe Cami very much gives him due blame for his actions). What Klaus did to Katherine was both horrendous and unnecessary I completely agree.
Personally, I don’t know that Katherine really wanted a redemption arc. Katherine spoke sometimes about wanting to embrace her humanity and having a fresh start but personally, I think Katherine kind of relishes being bad.  It’s like when Elijah says in 4x18 that he wants to find his Katerina under this Katherine facade. And then later in the episode, Katherine expresses how she’s been pretending for so long that she believes her own lies. There’s all of that but I personally feel like Katherine’s character would be diminished if she had a big redemption arc (especially with the misogynistic way these writers write) I think Nadia’s appearance in s5 plus her death was kind of sort of supposed to be her redemption arc. 
On the other hand, I wrote this post on how characters like Damon, Klaus and even Kai can have redemption arcs but Katherine gets dragged into hell, so I see your point.
You’re right anon. Hayley is not very smart. So logically she shouldn’t have been able to have gotten away with half of the things that she has. Part o Klaus’ charm is that he’s cunning he’s managed to stay alive and avoid his enemies not just because he’s an immortal hybrid but because he’s always one step ahead, same with Katherine. Hayley has no charisma, she has no personality she’s a walking plot device. That’s my point. She’s not unlikeable because she’s a terrible person (and she is) she’s unlikeable because the character is flat and on top of that so is Phoebe’s acting.
Hayley didn’t go away when she had the chance because the whole objective of trying to free Tyler’s hybrids was a favor to Shane (to complete a spell or whatever to free Silas I think) in order t get info about her parents. She tells Klaus about the plan because Caroline and Tyler were planning to mess up her plans. So by Klaus killing all the Hybrids, Shane got what he wanted. She did run but then Katherine sent someone to kill her (because again Katherine promised her info about her family in exchange for info about Silas) and then while at Klaus’ house they have sex, she gets pregnant yadda yadda…
So Literally Hayely whole backstory is based on opportunism and screwing over this one and screwing that one just to get what she wanted and she does a pretty sloppy job of it too because she’s not smart well thought out character. Hayley’s character was never conceived to have a whole show built around her and she wasn’t given enough development for it to work. 
To be honest you may just be right. I thought Kat was gone in S5. Then they brought her back for some weak ass plot (even though it was good to see her) Her and Kai seem to be two characters who are relatively unkillable. Ifact all of Team K have had countless resurrections it seems.
Klaus: Died as a human, died-ish in s3, was in a coma in s3 of TO to anchor his family
Katherine: Died as human (a traveler technically), died as a vampire when Elena force fed her the cure, was dragged to hell in s5, died, what? Like 5 times in that series finale.
Kol: Died as a human, and technically lost his witch powers, killed by Jeremy + Elena, Killed by Finn, got bitten by Marcel and got put in the weird coma place with the rest of his family in s3 of TO
Kai: Was trapped in the prison world in 92, died countless times while in there, escaped, got trapped again, was turned by lily, got killed by Damon, returned from hell, got trapped again by Bonnie.
So yeah your headcanon could very well be correct.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader  ( x Klaus Mikaelson & Caroline Forbes)
AU : Klaus is still a hybrid , Caroline is born from a werewolf bloodline and they have a child together. Caroline dies in childbirth breaking Klaus’ heart but just when everyone think she is dead , Caroline wakes up and they realise that she had died with the baby’s blood (who has Klaus’ vampire blood) in her system. Later on she turns into a vampire.  Years go by and Reader grows up into a young woman. After Kai gets out of the Prison world , he meets Reader and falls in love with her.   *not my gif __________________________ Kai thought the day Bonnie finally let him out of the Prison World she had him stuck in for over 20 years was the happiest day in his life , but he was wrong. The happiest day in his life wasn’t the day he had gotten his revenge on the Gemini coven , it wasn’t even the day thanks to the Maxwell bell he got out of Hell either. No. The happiest day was when Kai had met her. Y/N. Kai had spent his first few weeks back enjoying every moment. Even the people walking and talking loudly on the streets made him feel happy , it was so nice to hear the buzzing sound of conversations , laughter … to see people running around like ants.  None of the things that usually would bother him did. Kai sat on a  bench in the town square , that’s when he first saw her. There was something different about her , in the way she walked and looked at the world around her. She sat on a bench not far away from him , letting a small pile of books down next to her. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. At some point she looked in his direction and smiled. What kind of a person smiles at a complete stranger ? he thought looking around to see if there was someone else. There wasn’t. She took one of her books , opened it and started reading. Kai waited a few minutes. The girl had peeked his interest , so he decided to go and talk to her. “Hi.” he said smiling at the girl. “Do you mind if I … Can I sit here?” She glanced at him and nodded with a smile. “Sure. I’m just waiting for my mom.” said closing the book. “Are you new in town ?” “Um no … not really.” Telling someone you’ve spent the past 20 somewhat years locked away in a magical prison world was not the way to start a good conversation , he thought to himself. “ I’ve been away for a while.” he laughed nervously. “Sorry , manners. I’m Kai.” he said outstreching a hand to shake hers. “Y/N.” the girl said smiling , shaking his hand. Suddenly Kai felt all warm and fuzzy. What was happening to him ? Something wasn’t right… but at the same time deep down he knew that finally in his life something was right. He sneaked a peek at the book Y/N was reading. A school book about history. She noticed him starring at it. “Using every free moment to study.” Y/N laughed nervously. They talked for a while and every time Y/N smiled or laughed Kai got the same warm and fuzzy feeling , his heart beating a little bit faster.Y/N glared in the distance. “Oh there she is.” she said starting to gather her books. “My mom , I mean.” she added after seeing Kai’s confused expression. He followed her gaze and saw someone familiar but definitely not friendly walking towards them. “Yeah , I have to go too.” Kai said starting to get up but he was too late. Caroline was standing a few steps away from him and Y/N. He prepared for the inevitable burst of anger from her. “What are you doing talking to my daughter !?” Caroline nearly screamed at Kai , yanking Y/N’s hand away from him. Kai looked confused. She was Caroline’s daughter ? What ?! Caroline looked pretty much the same as the last time he’d seen her. It wasn’t possible , was it ? “It’s OK , mom.He is a friend of mine.” Y/N said calmly , looking embarrassed. “Sorry , over protective mom.” she added. Kai’s eyes darted between her and her mother , clear shock on his face. Of all the people in this town … What are the chances ?! he thought “He is NOT a friend. That’s Kai who put that awful spell on Elena and he is the reason why Bonnie will never get to see her again !” Kai started to say something but Caroline didn’t let him. “Stay away from my daughter!” Y/N turned towards him mouthing “Ignore her. I’ll call you later.”  *** (A few hours later …) *** Kai had expected Y/N to reject him. Caroline clearly would’ve told her everything about him , all the things he had done … so the surprise when Y/N walked ino the Grill and headed straight for him with a smile on her face was huge for him. “So ..” she started “ I realised something on my way home. We never exchanged phone numbers.” Y/N laughed , starring at Kai’s startled expression. He laughed , unsure what was happening. “I just … I just assumed after Caroline told you who I was , my past… ” he said trailing off , still unable to believe that Y/N had come back looking for him. “Oh please , my father has done worse things.” she smiled. “Plus I am not one to judge…and I really want to get to know you.” “I want to get to know you too.” Kai said smiling too. They spent the rest of the evening talking , laughing and learning about each other. Y/N was a witch , just like him but she also had the werewolf gene. Kai told her about his family , his childhood , the Prison worlds (tho he was vague about it) ; how he had turned into a vampire but being a siphon before he was now both , a hybrid. He felt like he could tell her anything which was new to him and the more they talked , the more this warm and fuzzy feeling he had in his stomach grew bigger.It took him a few moments to realise what this feeling was , he had only experienced it once in his life but it hadn’t worked out. Suddenly all Kai wanted was to kiss Y/N , pull her close and never let her go.
“Hey , we are closing up in a few minutes.” said the bartender. Kai looked at the clock. Was it really nearly 11.30PM ? Y/N looked at him , disappointment on her face. Clearly she didn’t want the night to end yet either. Kai thought about compelling the bartender to let them say longer but he decided against it. As much as he wanted to spend more time with her , it wasn’t the right thing to do at the time. They walked outside. There was a slight chill in the air but it was still warm. “I don’t want to go home yet.” Y/N said smiling , “Do you want to take a late night walk with me?” Kai smiled and nodded. Y/N started walking away but he grabbed her hand , making her turn and face him. He couldn’t wait any longer… “There is something I’ve wanted to do all evening.” Kai said , touching her face. Y/N’s heart beating faster than ever with every second. He leaned in and kissed her softly , before pulling away. They stared at each other for a few moments, Kai trying to understand her reaction but her face was unreadable. He started to get worried he had overstepped or that she didn’t feel the same away about him and just when was about to start apologising , Y/N wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him , pulling him closer to him. He pulled her closer too , kissing her deeply letting all he wanted to say but couldn’t to be said by the kiss.
***   *** 
They kept their relationship a secret because Y/N’s mother didn’t approve of Kai.  She didn’t care tho. They loved each other and were happy together , it is all that mattered to her. About a month after they had started dating Y/N only told one other person - her father , Klaus Mikaelson. Somehow she felt he’d understand it and he did. After all he knew all about being the bad guy and changing into a better person. However , he was still her father and Klaus Mikaelson… “If he hurts you in any way, I will rip his head off.” he had told her. “Be sure to get in line , I think mom might beat you to it.” Y/N had said , laughing nervously before her dad had hugged her. Eventually Caroline accepted she can’t control her daughter and has to let her deal with things on her own. She still didn’t approve of the relationship but if it was what made Y/N happy …
*** (About 3 months later …) ***
It was Thanksgiving , Kai’s favorite holiday and Y/N ’s family had invited him over for dinner. He had been reluctant to say YES at first , but Y/N convinced him and he had to admit , he was curious to get to know her family. She had talked about her uncle Elijah and his wife Hayley,  about her other uncle Kol and her two aunts - Freya and Rebekah. To him her family seemed perfect even tho Y/N corrected him every time. “It’s not perfect.” she’d say. “Maybe perfectly disfunctional but we stick together , always & forever.” Still seems perfect to me. Kai thought.
In the evening Y/N had gone to Kai’s house. She couldn’t stay away from him for more than a few hours and he was more than happy to have her around. He was dead but Y/N made him feel alive , more alive than when he had actually been alive.
“What if your dad doesn’t like me? I mean … I know your mother hates my guts for all the stuff I did to Elena and .. Bon Bon but…” said Kai nervously. Y/N fixed his tie. “He will like you” she said smiling. “Trust me…” Y/N took his hand and they headed for the Mikaelsons.
When they arrived , Klaus and Caroline were in the living room talking. Klaus shot up straight and headed towards them the moment Y/N and Kai walked inside. “Its about time you brought your boyfriend for a visit.” said Klaus looking very serious. “My lovely wife ” he said motioning to Caroline , who had a glass with wine in her hand. “tells me you are a pshychotic killer…” Y/N’s eyes widened. “Dad !” She knew this dinner party was going to be awkward but this was exceeding expectations awkward. “You promised-” Kai felt even more nervous than before and a little scared. Klaus was an Original and could easily compell him or kill him. He decided not to show his fear and instead he laughed and squeezed Y/N’s hand. “I was , but since I met Y/N … things started to change. She makes me a better person.” he said turning to meet her eyes. She smiled and wrapped her hands around him. It was the truth. Y/N was making him a better person and even tho he liked who he was before , Kai liked even more who she was changing him into. Caroline scoffed rolling her eyes. “People don’t change that fast , Kai. I swear if -” “Sweetheart , ” Klaus interruped her. “I thought we’d agreed to give him a chance first. You gave me one , remember ?” Caroline finished her glass with wine at once , glanced at Klaus and said “Fine. One chance.” then she turned to Kai. “If you screw up , you are dead.” Kai swallowed hard and nodded. “Got it.” Klaus laughed and pulled Kai into a hug. “Welcome to the family , Malachai Parker.”
NOTE : It was so much fun writing this one ! :) I think at some point there might be a part two or another story continuing the events in this one , no promises tho … ;) _____________________
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