#hazel johnson
protoslacker · 1 year
Much of our work was centered in response to police and carceral violence in various forms. Still, we’ve always seen the notion of environmental justice as a central part of what liberation looks like, and while doing our research, we started to see the name Hazel Johnson many, many times. Clearly, she was this looming figure with such a legacy and impact that was, in many ways, a compass or a North Star for the dynamic work of environmental justice today. And so it was from that place of wanting to know more about the history of Chicago, the history of social movements, and seeing that there was a significant figure that was so under-documented. Her life is so important to the work that’s happening now.
Damon Williams in interview with Adam Mahoney at Capital B. In Chicago, Environmental Justice Was Birthed by a Black Woman. A New Podcast Tells Her Story.
An audio docuseries about Hazel Johnson recognizes the community organizer's importance in developing the growing movement.
Help This Garden Grow
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coffeeinthebackpack · 6 months
Pip and Ravi, Stevie and Nate, Charlotte and Jamie, Daisy and Hazel have made me realise that I have a thing for smart reckless detectives and the protector of those chaotic detectives.
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care to consider crossovers with Abi?
Sure!! Let's see...
I think Abi needs to investigate some strange circumstances surrounding my OCs, which could open it up to a LOT of different options, honestly.
She could be called to investigate the strange regenerative clover in Gia's shop - perhaps assuming that the clover is a separate entity where prolonged exposure causes enhanced healing, rather than the truth that Gia and the clover are genuinely linked and the clover only affects her
She could be called to investigate Jimmy's little carnival teddy bear, much like Ray does in HIYH. In the main fic, the bear is completely benign, but if I were to write a crossover then I might give it some genuine magical properties just to make things more interesting
Quinn scoops up some artifact (I'm thinking some kind of bird skull picked clean in the desert, and she picks it up to turn it into a punk necklace) and discovers that it eases all her pain and slowly seems to be healing her injuries from the fall... but at some sort of magical price (maybe it starts to degrade the people around her, like the artifact is siphoning strength from them to give to her). Abi comes to investigate, introduces her to the paranormal world, and removes or destroys the artifact before things get worse.
Or just a whole crossover where Abi and other members of the WH13 crew go to investigate the NATM museum and the tablet? Including some fun interactions between Katherine (with her mythology-based perspective) and Abi (with her artifact-based perspective)
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woundjob · 10 months
i think a lot of online artists would be happier if they saw other good artists as peers from the jump. like. i am a professional artmaker i have no reason to be nervous around other people doing the same. i’m not shy i’m treating you as my buddy. we’re buddies now love your art btw. like none of that overfamiliar bs, respect people’s boundaries and all that, but also ur never gonna make the important connections you need to survive in the art world without getting over a little hero worship. this artist that i like is cool and so am i!!!!!
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celestieeeee · 11 months
I’ve never had so many hyperfixations in my career likeee
Hobie Brown (ATSV)
FONTAINE (They Cloned Tyrone)
Johnny Cage (MK1)
Ghost Face (Danny Johnson Specifically)
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badmovieihave · 6 months
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Bad movie I have Moonfall
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teleclub · 2 years
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Hazel Larsen Archer (American, 1921-2001) Ray Johnson at Black Mountain College 1948
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pepperoniparadise · 2 years
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A Taste of Honey
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A Taste of Honey - A Taste of Honey, 1978 (Disco/Funk)
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amari-3-18 · 1 year
In case you missed it! The latest Amari Music Talk takes a look at 3 of music’s greatest guitarists! Like, subscribe and share!
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contentabnormal · 1 year
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This week on Content Abnormal we present Elspeth Eric in The Inner Sanctum tale "Dead To Rights"!
"Dracula's Daughter" by Beach Day
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Early 1910s Hairstyles
Gerda Ring (1910-1915) via the Olso Museum // Gertrude Vanderbilt, American art collector and sculptor (1910) via wikipedia // Princess Patricia of Connaught (1912) via npg.org.uk // Anne Johnson of St. Louis (1913) via wikipedia // Hazel Dawn, American actress (1913) via David Shields on pinterest // Ruth Findlay, American actress (1914) via wikipedia
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jellazticious · 8 months
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bing bong bootleg SS au
very long ramble under the C
stuff are subjected to change
The working title isn't solidified but I'm leaning on either Candy Castle or Pastry Castle
Tho I think I'm gonna go for pastry cuz it has the same amount of letters as castle much like pizza and tower have the same number too
The tower is a gingerbread castle. According to a friend of mine (It's Beefy, it's always Beefy go follow him) that Hispanics love their bakeries and yeah, I guess that makes sense. Not only do I have a theme based on the protag's culture but also the theme gets narrowed down to just baked sweets. Candy in general is too broad, I would die figuring out how to put every kind of sweet in it, and if I did it's gonna be really cluttered hooboy
Noise is called Theo because that's Peppino's name formula. Peppino is a nickname for Giuseppe so I thought I'd give Noise's swap a nickname to Theodore as the main name
Hazel Nutt is pretty self explanatory cuz Noisette means hazelnut in French
Their outfits are pretty simple to mirror Peppino and Gustavo's with just coloured shirts and aprons
Hazel doesn't get a mount because she would have Theo's prototype rocket skates. Just like Gus, she would have different stages of getting used to the skates per floor. First she gets blasted from end to end cuz she can't control the thrust. Second, she manages to turn it off but she's trying to keep balance on it. Third, she catches her breath now that she could stand still without moving or slipping. Next she would make a card castle, in reference to the very castle they're inside. and lastly she'd be holding a box of sweets without giving a shit about the scary floor.
To parallel the og Noisette, Hazel would smile bigger when Theo faces her direction.
Hazel is also Theo's delivery gal to match and switch with how Peppino WAS Gustavo's delivery guy
The "kick the rat" function would be Hazel swinging one of the skates and the cops grabbing Brick would instead hold a weapon detector that also functions as a magnet
Unlike Peppino, Theo is more aggressive than anxious. Imagine an injured cat defending itself from what it thinks is a threat
the name of Pizzaface's swap is Pieface for obvious reasons 😭
both pizzaface and pieface are used as insults. pizza face is used for people with so much acne and pie face is used for someone with a flat face or dull expression. It isn't just a pun on what food the characters are made of. Pieface is also a reference to the trope where people headshot other people with pies. With the mech floating towards the protag, it would look like a pie is being thrown and targeted at Theo
Honestly drawing what food makes his face is so fun. Did you know that before the croissant smile it was supposed to be syrup shaped to a smile? The nose was a long whip of cream before turning into a cut strawberry for the mustache effect
Pizzahead's candy version would be called Gingerhead because of how ridiculous it sounds.
Gingerhead is based on Willy Wonka much like how Pizzahead is based on Ronald McDonald which is why he has more of a showman look than a clown look
okay side note, it just occured to me how ironic PH being based on Ronald is considering McDo's isn't a pizza place
actually Wonka doesn't even sell cakes and shit so, I guess it's fair game
Theo has the nickname Muffinman to reference the rhyme. but this time, it's the gingerbreadman chasing the baker
Next up is Mr S, who would be Peppino but he becomes rich. Mr S is the stage name he uses. He is a known celebrity much as Noise is but he is more of a boxer than a host. Like Dwayne Johnson or something. His name is partially a reference to ResEvil's Mr X, another absolute unit of a guy
also the reason why he doesn't wear a shirt. He's committing to the bit. If he needs to cover himself when he isn't playing a role, then there's his robe. He doesn't take out his mask most of the time tho
Mr S's mask is based on the Chef Raider design but also part of the scrapped superhero design much like Pizzano. Actually speaking of Pizzano, S is characterized so similarly to him cuz Pizzano is the only SS character who was actually written well to my standards. To be fair we've seen too much of Peppino to flunk characterizing him sksksk
Since this is Peppino that Mr S is based on, he's not as tech savvy or as self centered as Noise so he doesn't have robots that look like himself. Instead he has ants for a crew
the ants swap the place of rats. the rats in PT reference the new york pizza rat while ants just generally eat your food especially if it's sweet when left alone for five minutes
the ants come from Mr G, who would be Gustavo's swap with Noisette. He's Mr S's lawyer. at the end of S's bossfight, G would snatch him away with Click (the ant) because S would make a foul and embarrassing move on live camera
I can't seperate Gustavo and Brick so Click stays with Mr G instead of assisting Hazel
inside what would be Noisette cafe, instead of Mr G and Click being behind the counter, they would be sitting as customers next to Caraman. the barista isn't seen anywhere
Honestly when I'm writing everyone, my logic of swapping them isn't "make them switch places AND personalities" but more of "write every single one of them with the og personality because giving them a different lifestyle/role would drastically change their motives and how they behave"
I'm practically just swapping each character's place of birth
I mentioned this because it's kinda funny with Noisette and Gus since they play the exact same role of assisting Peppino/Noise so swapping them won't change much in how they act. They also have the same cheery and welcoming personality by default so Hazel and Mr G would act REALLY similar to their og
The only difference is that Gustavo can be threatening whenever Peppino fucks up. It fits right in with being a lawyer for the same goon
Now we got Mel Caraman who would become this au's Vigi. Lemme just say off the bat that Caraman is just as delusional as Vigi. He gets hired as a guard for floor 2 and took it way too seriously that he thinks he's some sort of sentinel. Hired as a guard but thinks he's an ancient guardian or something
his name vaguely references James Bond because you also VAGUELY get "caramel" out of "Caraman, Mel Caraman"
Caraman is a caramel apple but he's half glazed to form an eyemask. he's also got a stick poking out his head that stretches his chorro hat. the big hat makes him look cooler anyways. Bro I was so ready to settle for a shitty wild west mayor hat and I owe Beefy one for suggesting a new hat. I was gonna make him look like Doug Dimmadome with the short brimmed tall hat😭😭😭
but yeah Caraman doesn't have the same dignity as Vigi does. He can fight crime decently on normal circumstances and badass when he's full serious. But like day in day out he's so obnoxious about looking for crime that people get tired of him nor would they take him seriously
he would also be mistaken for a pepper
Next to last, Cam M. Bert or just Bert who would take place of Pepperman. he's an artist who appreciates the world instead of himself, a freelancer also. There was only a bossfight because he was coincidentally commissioned to make a mural for the castle the same time Theo busts in. He didn't like how Theo ruined some of his works with his rush to open the door
Bert is a cream cheese instead of a cheese slime. his beret is actually a little cherry to distinguish him from the other creams.
Bert is really chill and humble, He's like Bob Ross, whenever he can, he'd try to talk about how every beauty in the world should be immortalized through a canvas
In parallel to Vigi's delusion of thinking he's a human, Bert thinks he's actually a living painting (which is completely possible for someone to be in the PT world since Pepperman was able to do it with his own art)
instead of a :{ face that Vigilante has, Bert has a :3 face
the naming formula is taken directly from Vigi
Vig E. Lantte
Cam M. Bert
There is a type of sweet cheese that's really creamy called camembert which his name is a direct reference from. Here is a picture of a camembert since it's hella cute
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Camembert cheese was also suggested by Beefy, brother thank you for not allowing me to name this cunt Creamlad
Mr Lardo would be in place of Mr Stick but his motive is that he's collecting Theo's money on BEHALF of Mr Stick. They're probably the only ones who completely stay intact because there's not much canon info of Stick WITHIN the game itself I also feel he's a crossover character from his own "series" with how long McPig has him prior to PT so I just swap the character who makes the "cameo"
The toppins are still called toppins because they'd be used to decorate a cake or pie. They would be
Strawberry - Mushroom
Cream - Cheese
Cookie - Tomato
Icing (in a piping bag) - Sausage
actually I dont know yet for the pineapple but I'll get to it. I've only been figuring out this au since four days ago....
Lastly (of the characters), the Faker in this would be mechanical to match the original Noise's familiarity in robots
Fake Theo (temp name) would be engineered to be "Theo but way better" while actually being succesful with it. Faker would also sort of look like a mini figure of a ballerina. Referencing The Nutcracker
Opposite to Fake Peppino, Fake Theo is more graceful than terrifying but it's so uncanny how unnaturally pretty it is
and now some misc stuff
Title of the final level is When The Cookie Crumbles
the pepper pizza will be replaced with an extremely sweet pie and the immunity is caused by the sugar rush from it
Pizza Time is called Crunch Time
Pillar John would be a giant graham cracker since the walls are made of cookies instead of bricks. Gerome however, is a solidified bar of brownies. like a shittily made brownie that it just turned into a construction brick
Snotty is a pure white cream cheese and that's cuz he's actually made of glue. His name is Sticky
Pigs would either be bears or rabbits with how many times those two animals represented sweets
I'm gonna be clear with everyone here. I literally made this au cuz I'm going insane trying to make swap stuff with Pascal/Stefano when the au itself is so empty. sure it's colourful but it's so empty like I can't draw SS characters outside of poses
I tried like doing fanon modifications as I always do then there's so much I "modified" that at this point it's not Sugary Spire anymore. Just straight up a completely different au. The only similarity is that it's a swap au with sweets
it is what it is yknow. this is my life now. I said fuck it and went with the flow and boom, new personal au that I poured too much into
basically I blame Pascal for this
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practically-an-x-man · 9 months
It takes Kat a moment to realize Misty is looking at her patiently, primly, with an awkwardly braided ribbon around their neck with a note attached. An inspection of the note will show a scribbly crayon drawing of a black cat and a white cat snuggled together with suspiciously blue magical hearts and stars surrounding them. It says TO KAT in careful but haphazard all caps, in crayon, FROM WILLOW
"Aww, look at this," Katherine said, holding out the letter to Ahk, "Looks like Rose has a little artist."
He came up to her side in an instant, lacing one arm around her waist as he took the note with his other hand. A faint smile grew on his face as he looked it over.
"That's our Mefkat and their Fidget?" he guessed, "With... an awful lot of filigree."
"C'mon, she's a toddler. That's how toddlers draw. I'm sure you made little doodles like this when you were a kid."
"Hm. I was more fond of terrorizing our cats, I think," Ahk responded, shooting her a brief and amused grin as he spoke. Katherine snorted.
"Let's be grateful Willow doesn't feel the same. I'm not sure that one would turn out very well, pulling the tails of two magically-inclined animals."
"I'm sure Mefkat would be very patient with her."
Katherine shot him a look.
"Have you met these gods?"
"Can't say I've had the pleasure," he shot back as he bared her a wide, teasing grin. Katherine bit her cheek to hold back her laughter, though she couldn't help leaning faintly into his side.
Ahk looked over the note once more, tilting his head at the little drawing.
"Do you think we should send something back?" he asked.
"We should..." Katherine agreed, honey-colored eyes flicking back and forth across the drawing. After a moment she snorted, shaking her head, "I have the worst idea right now."
"Sending a drawing back. Like a kid drew it," she said, biting back a swell of mischievous laughter, "I mean, she'd freak. Her mom-instincts would kick in so hard, I swear."
"My dear..."
"C'mon, it's not like she'd really believe it! Not for any longer than a moment or two, at least," Katherine argued, "I mean, we're both young, you know I'm ace, and you're technically dead half the time- it's not like we're becoming parents any time soon."
Ahk was silent, looking at the letter with a strangely intense expression on his face. Katherine frowned.
"Okay, so... maybe it's not as funny as it was in my head," she said, shifting on her feet a little, "We can just send her a 'congrats' instead."
"You know that I would do my best, Katherine," Ahk mumbled, seemingly out of the blue. Kat opened her mouth to respond, to ask for clarification, but his eyes darted up to hers and he spoke again, more intently, "If something were to... to happen. Even if it wasn't mine by blood. I would raise your child as my own, as well as I could in my situation. I hope you do know that."
"Well, I- I know. But nothing's going to happen, nothing can happen."
"I'm sure," Ahk agreed, "But... just in case. If something happens, even if Bastet decides she'd like another heir and works some strange magic on you, I'll always be here. Perhaps not entirely prepared, but... here."
"Bastet is not going to be turning me into the Virgin Mary," Katherine huffed, half-amused and half... a little frightened at the thought, "But thank you."
Katherine turned her thoughts inwards, directing them at the desert and the shimmering veil that lay just beyond the confines of her mind.
That wasn't an invitation, by the way, she thought, the words echoing in dual languages in her mind. She felt the presence of the goddess slink in on gentle paws, could almost see bright amber eyes watching over her.
I did not take it as such, Bastet replied in the same canary-song, Though I will ask Mefkat to deliver your response with care.
The following afternoon, the cat returns to Summerville, carrying a small basket with odd focus and strength. Inside can be found a short note of congratulations, alongside a few plush toys... and a lot of coffee.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 4 months
Camp Half Blood Halloween Lookalike Shenanigans Headcanon
My little brother and I decided it would be funny if there was a Camp Half-Blood halloween party where everyone came dressed as a different member of the camp. Our ideas include:
Grover dresses as Percy, borrowing one of his flannel shirts and putting a streak of gray in his hair.
Nico also dresses as Percy, but in the most stereotypical way possible. He keeps pulling massive amounts of blue candy out of his pockets and threatening to fight people with a ballpoint pen.
Annabeth dresses as Grover. She finds a way to get food to look like tin cans and candy wrappers, and spends the whole time eating those while stopping everyone who keeps accidentally littering.
Percy and Jason dress as each other and swear they didn't plan it in advance. Piper also dresses as Annabeth and she and Jason call each other seaweed brain and wise girl the whole time.
Mr. D complains that the whole thing is stupid and he's not participating, up until the day of the party, when he's seen walking around with an orange t-shirt and a nametag that says "PETER JOHNSON"
Connor and Travis are dressed as themselves. They keep saying things like "CLEARLY I'm dressed as my brother," and "can't you tell? We switched necklaces!" when in actuality they did not at all and came dressed as themselves (or as each other pretending to be themselves I guess?)
Will plays the greatest Nico DiAngelo imaginable, wearing all black, carrying around a Happy Meal box, and walking around complaining about how "everyone hates me even though I have no evidence to support this claim" and "oh maybe those Apollo kids are right and I should start actually taking care of myself, but alas! I shall not!"
Leo dresses as Jason. Actually, he's wearing a superman costume and a blonde wig, but it gets the point across. He keeps walking up to Percy, who is also dressed as Jason, and saying "oh great, ONE of us is gonna have to change," and also finding random places to pretend to pass out and knock himself unconscious. He's having the time of his life....
That is, until Hazel shows up from Camp Jupiter in a dirty white buttondown shirt and suspenders, grease staining her face and hair, wearing a cheap dollar tree toolbelt with plastic tools. She peppers a pun into every conversation and jokingly flirts with half the girls there, and even though Leo acts unimpressed, everyone else agrees she almost makes a better Leo than he does.
Frank comes with her. Having mastered his powers of shapeshifting, he manages to shapeshift only his lower half into a horse, thus making a pretty good centaur, and he wears a suit jacket and speaks in a cryptic manner, making for a pretty convincing Chiron. At first, Frank wasn't sure if it was such a good idea. Maybe Chiron would think it was rude, or in poor taste? He ends up very glad that Hazel and Leo convinced him to do it when he sees how much everyone appreciates his costume.
And, of course, Frank realizes he had nothing to worry about when Chiron comes in wearing a hawaiian shirt, with a diet coke in hand, as he calls every single camper by the wrong name.
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in August 2024 🌈
🌈 Good afternoon, my bookish bats! Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Happy reading!
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❓What was the last queer book you read?
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❤️ Failure to Comply - Sarah Cavar 🧡 I Spit On Your Celluloid - Heidi Honeycutt 💛 You're Embarrassing Yourself - Desiree Akhavan 💚 Death of the Hero - Briona Johnson 💙 Between Dragons and Their Wrath - Devin Madson 💜 The Crimson Crown - Heather Walter ❤️ Sacrificial Animals - Kailee Pedersen 🧡 Oath of Fire - K. Arsenault Rivera 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 This Ravenous Fate - Hayley Dennings 💜 Mistress of Lies - K.M. Enright 🌈 Wolf Bite - T.J. Nichols
❤️ In the Valley, A Shadow - Samantha Tano 🧡 Follow My Lead - Adrian J. Smith 💛 The Last Woman I Kissed - Venetia Di Pierro 💚 Full Shift - Jennifer Dugan & Kristen Seaton 💙 Hers for the Weekend - Helena Greer 💜 Come Out, Come Out - Natalie C. Parker ❤️ Rules for Ghosting - Shelly Jay Shore 🧡 How to Leave the House - Nathan Newman 💛 Plot Twist - Carmen Sereno 💙 On the Far Side of a Crescendo - Kalyn Hazel 💜 Tiny Oblivions and Mutual Self Destructions - Maxwell I. Gold 🌈 Daylan and the River of Secrets - Edd Tello
❤️ The Italy Letters - Vi Khi Nao 🧡 The Gender Binary Is a Big Lie - Lee Wind 💚 The House Where Death Lives - Alex Brown 💙 Ash's Cabin - Jen Wang 💜 The Avian Hourglass - Lindsey Drager ❤️ The Heart Wants - Krystina Rivers 🧡 A Grand Love - Janna Barkin 💛 You Can't Go Home Again - Jeanette Bears 💜 Libertad - Bessie Flores Zaldivar 🌈 Her Golden Coast - Anat Deracine
❤️ Mighty Millie Novak - Elizabeth Holden 💛 Rise and Divine - Lana Harper 💚 Dying for You - L Flowers 💙 I'll Have What He's Having - Adib Khorram 💜 Changing Her Tune - Amanda Kabak ❤️ Monogamy? In this Economy? - Laura Boyle 🧡 The Rainbow Age of Television - Sayna Maci Warner 💛 Medusa of the Roses - Navid Sinaki 💙 Confounding Oaths - Alexis Hall 💜 Idol Lives - K.T. Salvo 🌈 Brother's Keeper - Quinn Cameron
❤️ Key Lime Sky - Al Hess 🧡 Crushing It - Erin Becker 💛 The Husky and His White Cat Shizun - Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou 💚 Not for the Faint of Heart - Lex Croucher 💙 Tasting Temptation - JJ Arias 💜 Ami - S. Jae-Jones ❤️ You're the Problem, It's You - Emma R. Alban 🧡 Cubs & Campfires - Dylan Drakes 💛 The Dark We Know - Wen-yi Lee 💙 Practical Rules for Cursed Witches - Kayla Cottingham 💜 Riyati Rebirth - Kalani Shimizu 🌈 The Brujos of Borderland High - Gume Laurel III
❤️ A Bánh Mì for Two - Trinity Nguyen 🧡 Dance of the Starlit Sea - Kiana Krystle 💛 Scattered Snows, to the North - Carl Phillips 💚 Beyond a World Apart - Caitlin Myers 💙 Don't Let It Break Your Heart - Maggie Horne 💜 Nothing Heals Me Like You Do - Harper Bliss ❤️ How It All Ends - Emma Hunsinger 🧡 How Do I Sexy? - Mx. Nillin Lore 💛 The Palace of Eros - Caro De Robertis 💙 Prince of the Palisades - Julian Winters 💜 Better Left Buried - Mary E. Roach 🌈 Back to Back - Jo Fletcher
❤️ DITCHLAPSE / [REALLY AFRAID] - Tommy Wyatt 🧡 The Love Archives: Bonus Scenes & Excerpts for Palestine - Various 💛 Guardian: Zhen Hun - Ying Priest 💚 The Sunforge - Sascha Stronach 💙 Queering Reproductive Justice - Candace Bond-Theriault 💜 Gender Explained - Diane Ehrensaft & Michelle Jurkiewicz ❤️ The Unlikely Pair - Jax Calder 🧡 In Universes - Emet North 💛 We Love the Nightlife - Rachel Koller Croft 💙 Lessons from Cruising - Martin Goodman 💜 Wild Ginger in the Rhubarb - Eule Grey 🌈 Not My Circus - Delicia Niami
❤️ Asunder - Kerstin Hall 🧡 The Phoenix Keeper - S.A. MacLean 💛 Encounters with James Baldwin - Various 💚 Verity's Game - Jennifer Giacalone 💙 Hunt Me! I Crave the Chase - Fae Quin 💜 The Audacity Omnibus - Carmen Loup ❤️ Haunted to Death - Frank Anthony Polito 🧡 Blood Orange - Paige Grunewald 💛 The Bad Things We Did - Chris Archeske 💙 Dark Restraint - Katee Robert 💜 Worth the Wait - Kenna White 🌈 The Maid and the Crocodile - Jordan Ifueko
❤️ Loving Corrections - Adrienne Maree Brown 🧡 The Last Witch in Edinburgh - Marielle Thompson 💛 The Duchess of Kokora - Nikhil Prabala 💚 The Scales of Seduction - Rien Gray 💙 Survival Is a Promise - Alexis Pauline Gumbs 💜 Loka - S.B. Divya ❤️ The Every Body Book of Consent - Rachel E Simon 🧡 Southern Lights - Liz Arncliffe 💛 Then Things Went Dark - Bea Fitzgerald 💙 Death at Morning House - Maureen Johnson 💜 The Last Doorbell - William Parker 🌈 The Pairing - Casey McQuiston
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