#hazel thank you for organizing all of this!!!!!!
burstingsunrise · 6 months
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on purpose
pairing: cake rating: teen words: 20,012
The desire to kiss Luke is overwhelming. Calum knows he looks ridiculous right now, but Luke’s right there, face inches away, smiling fondly at Calum’s stupid face caught between his careful palms. His eyes are different too. He’s not looking at Calum like he wants to fuck him. He’s looking at Calum like he wants to gently cradle Calum in his giant hands like a baby chick. Somehow, that’s even worse.
it feels like both an eternity and a millisecond since i started writing this fic, but we've made it to posting day for the @5sos-fic-fest friends to lovers event!
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oukabarsburgblr · 3 months
come a little closer so you can fuck me better
It was the third quarter of a semester. Where college students crammed their heads in trying to understand 200+ slides of lecture before their test the next morning. Assignments deadlines approaching and quizzes seemed never ending. That was the case for almost all students and one of the courses taking the heavy hitters was engineering.
(m/n) (l/n) had been away from his friends, closer to his groupmates, scrambling to finish their lab reports before the submission link was closed. He unfortunately had to give half-assed replies to most of his associates, especially his two love interests.
They had something, affectionate and it ran deep but the (h/c) never made a choice between the sun and the moon.
He didn't expect any visitors when a knock echoed on his wooden door to his room. (m/n), lax in shorts and a plain t-shirt opened it to find Daisuke smiling at him, a box of food in his hand.
"Figured you haven't had dinner yet." His dimples carved into his cheeks as he smiled, his dark-hued eyes gleaming down at his beloved.
(m/n) smiled at him, bags forming under his own (e/c) eyes as he hugged the ravenette. "Already ate some leftovers but that's nice of you." "Really? Then just keep these in your pantry." He meant the shared pantry of his house, a section of his block on the same floor, which (m/n) did not prefer using since housemates always stole his shit.
"I'll just stuff it in Haru's freezer." "Where is he?" (m/n) invited Daisuke in, the ravenette tugging off his shoes, taking off his leather jacket and hung it on the coat rack in the corner of the shared room.
(m/n) slid back onto the chair, facing his desk as he picked up his tablet pen, continuing to write numbers and equations on the surface of his gadget. "He went home. Said he had a concert to catch." "In exam season?" "Dude's crazy."
Haru was (m/n)'s roommate, a tall quiet blonde who was with the (h/c) way back since preschool. He always disliked (m/n) bringing his so-called lovers into his room, especially Sousuke." A racket from his doorknow followed by annoying and fast knocks on his door.
(m/n) was about to stand once again but Daisuke beat him to it, pulling the door open with a frown on his face.
Sousuke, whose half of his face was covered with a green checkered scarf, glared immediately at the equally annoyed ravenette. A plastic bag bunched up in his clenced fist. "Whatchu' got there?" Hazel eyes perked up at the sight of (m/n) behind Daisuke and he pushed the latter aside to enter the room, throwing his coat on Haru's bed.
"You said your graph papers were out. Passed by and thought I could get some." (m/n) giddily reached out for the plastic bag, pulling out the almost scrunched green checkered papers. "Thanks. Almost went down to buy some."
Sousuke leaned to kiss (m/n)'s hair but was pushed by Daisuke. They both almost wrangled each other in the process but both were slapped by the (h/c) who forced the two to sit on his bed before he could entertain them.
"The submission is in four hours and there's zero progress on the abstract. I'm too busy organizing the others so either you shut up or get out." Immediately, the two sat up straight with their mouths closed. The two was easy for (m/n) to handle. They were almost alike, although the opposites of each other.
The (h/c) continued to grind his work, turning on his laptop. Ears stuffed with earbuds, some tunes blasting in his ear canal, drowning out the rare civil conversation Sousuke and Daisuke were having while relaxing on his single-sized bed.
Every now and then, there would a groan or a curse from the frustrated (h/c) who was suffering at the incompetency of his assigned groupmates. His leg bouncing up and down, his foot hitting the floor as he mashed the keyboards of his laptop, desperate to finish his work.
An hour passed and he stretched his arms, pulling off the charger to his laptop and took it with him as he slumped himself on the bed, his head in Daisuke's lap and his legs draped over Sousuke's torso. The redhead sat up as he pulled the (h/c) closer who slapped his hand away. "I'm not finished. Fucking hell, who passed these assholes?!"
He placed the laptop on his thighs, still typing away as Daisuke ran his fingers through his hair, occasionaly raking out a tangled strand or two. "I'm gonna die with the integrated project." (m/n) groaned, backspacing his teammate's work before proceeding to paraphrasing the previous sentences.
Sousuke and Daisuke continued to talk to one another, (m/n) chirping in while laying in between them, his bottom now in between Sousuke's thighs, he could feel the hardness of the redhead's jeans poking through but a boner isn't going to score his GPA.
"FINALLY!!" He yelled out, submitting his work as he slammed the laptop shut and carefully placing it on the floor. "You done?" Daisuke hummed, pushing back (m/n)'s baby hairs. The (h/c) nodded, his arm over his eyes as he could feel his body finally relaxing, sinking into the plush of his bed.
"I HATE....freeriders." "One's right in front of you." "I am not. I just so happen not liking to lead." In order of (m/n), Daisuke and Sousuke's voice. The two begin to banter once again. Daisuke bringing up his past experience working with Sousuke in a group project.
(m/n) pulled his arm away, staring at the popcorn ceiling of his dorm room, he had only noticed that it was already late. He wasn't even sure when Daisuke had entered his room. That's how much he had been holed up, finishing his homework.
He had been so tense the past few days, tension building up his shoulders, his tired eyes darkening for every missed hour of sleep. (m/n)'s whole body was so tired just from the past week and he could feel something burning up in the bottom of his stomach.
It was a fail attempt at secretly rubbing his ass onto Sousuke's crotch who immediately turned his attention onto the flustered (h/c). His mouth was agape as (m/n) stuttered to reason himself. "What?! Don't act so shocked...I'm just fucking frustrated."
He propped his elbows up, ready to leave before Daisuke pulled him down. "Frustrated? Frustrated what?" "College frustrated. Work frustrated, fuck. My damn pants are frustrated too."
Scarred fingers rubbed into the plush of his exposed thighs, reminding (m/n) that he had only adorned a thin and short outfit. Black eyes staring deeply into his, Daisuke's face was calculating, analysing his expression.
"You're not slick. Tryna' hump on me." Sousuke mumbled, dragging his tongue across (m/n)'s inner thigh earning a squeak. "As if. The both of you kept arguing like children. I might as well suck off a sex toy if that's all you're going to do."
"Sex toy?" Sousuke raised an eyebrow. A smirk on his lips. "Like you'd be satisfied with just that." He grumbled, smacking his thigh, a yelp from the (h/c) who felt something hardened as his head was still in Daisuke's lap.
"Quit it and just get on with it." (m/n) mumbled, turning to the side, his legs kicking at the redhead whose lust grew a thousand times more fervent as he pulled the (h/c)'s waist, ass smacking right on his crotch as he teased (m/n) who smothered his face into Daisuke's thigh.
(m/n) was now on his stomach, refusing to acknowledge Sousuke who was coercing him to continue. It was a rare dynamic. Sousuke would be quiet during their intimate encounters but his mouth becomes oddly chatter-ish around Daisuke who was the opposite.
"Just a little push. You did it five minutes ago, you can do it now." Sousuke was persuading (m/n) to rub himself on the redhead's crotch, his jeans stretching holding his length and (m/n) peeked behind him to see a grinning horny idiot.
"You're a cunt..." He mumbled again before moving. Rubbing his butt covered with shorts on Sousuke's groin, dragging his mound, pushing down on his erection. He could feel the friction on his balls as hos shorts was tugged down lightly just so his tip was peeking from his waistband.
(m/n) looked up to see Daisuke as the culprit, who was still silent, watching him with a blank expression but behind his eyes spoke otherwise. Their lust was burning and so was his.
Sousuke moaned, his hands rubbing up (m/n)'s sides as he pushed up his shirt, fingers travelling and locking onto his nipples, pinching them. The (h/c) mewled, having his chest groped as he desperately humped himself on the redhead's covered cock, slamming short bounces against Sousuke.
"I need it. I need the real thing." He whined desperately, his pitch tuning high as he dipped his head into Daisuke's crotch. His tongue flat against the ravenette's slacks and his teeth barely grazing on the covered hard cock.
(m/n) yelped again when his torso was forcibly turned, his face hot and Sousuke had a perverted grin. "How bad d'you want it?" "Bad. Really f-fucking bad." His words slipped as his hips stuttered.
A hand abruptly gripped his chin as Sousuke forcefully pulled his shirt off of him. Two fingers knocked into his palate as the redhead shoved his hand up (m/n)'s mouth. "You want it? You wanna fuck the two of us? Breed yourself like a horny rabbit?"
The tip of his cock was flicked and (m/n) gagged painfully, but his pleasure spiked and precum drooled onto his own stomach. Daisuke pulled away from (m/n)'s cock as he began to cup the (h/c)'s pecs, his hand squeezing the mound.
(m/n) nodded his head, when Sousuke's fingers began to press deeper in his mouth as he felt the redhead hump his ass. His tongue desperately lapping at the rough digits as he gasped when the redhead pulled his hand away.
"Prep yourself. It's time you get to work." Sousuke grinned.
This wasn't supposed to be their dynamic. (m/n) was used to having the redhead prep him, eat his ass out and fuck him swiftly like the pillow princess that he is. Daisuke was the same too, except more foreplay and less tongue but he had never needed to prepare himself, letting the two work their way into him because it was usually them getting riled up, not the other way around.
But (m/n) was desperate as he shimmied his shorts down, tugging off the bunched clothing from his ankle as he shakily reached down. Sousuke pulled his shoulder to lay him on his side and the (h/c) could see his jeans stretched out holding in his cock that he wanted to stuff himself with so badly.
He wanted to complain that he was dry but Daisuke had pulled his legs up, folded him in half and spat directly on his asshole before letting him fall back onto the bed. (m/n) was shocked and the ravenette was still quiet, urging him to continue.
A finger pushed in past the tight rim of his hole and he whimpered at the dry feeling, carving himself while struggling to hold his leg up but Sousuke had propped it up himself, pushing his hand to cup under his knee, letting him fully exposed to the redhead.
"Mmnn...it kinda hurts- annh mmf nggh anh-" He was corrected by his own body when he accidentally grazed his own prostate. His hole was still dry but the scratchy feeling managed to still bring pleasure to his leaking cock as he put another finger in and began to masturbate in front of the two men.
His hips were moving as he gripped his bedsheets, moaning and mewling. He was taken aback when Sousuke licked a stripe up his crack and balls. The redhead sucked on his base before focusing on his filled and twitching hole.
Daisuke used that moment of shock to pull his hair, forcibly pulling his head up as he shoved his tongue down (m/n)'s throat. The latter gagging at the sudden attack and he sucked on the ravenette's wet muscle.
Sousuke was too busy munching, pushing (m/n)'s finger apart to spread his hole as he stuck his tongue inside. Sucking and spitting at the rim.
Ugh i lost the inspo when i fell asleep. Tell me if you want a finished version and ill reblog it to tell u mofos. 🤞🏼 waka-chan out.
@tehyunnie @rainnyydaysworld @webwanderer @a-short-ass-disappointment @chikai-k @mello-life25 @miyuuuki @simpsations @sugar-p0p @kiiyoooo @helloanime @garlicforthewin
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canhearitonthewayhome · 3 months
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author's note: hiiiiii! this could potentially be a series if people like it. I have never written anything before and I did not proofread very carefully + wrote this super late at night. there seems to be a ton of lore in this part to set the vibe. let me know what you think! I am new to tumblr but I am pretty sure my asks/requests are open as well! ok byeee xoxo
word count: 2.3k
i. lilac short skirt
September, 2023
The sound of various playlists had been echoing down the hall and into your poorly insulated room for the past few hours. However, it was silent in your room, as your normally steady hand was shakily applying a final coat of mascara to your lashes. You sighed as you twisted the wand back into the tube, tossed it in your yet-to-be-organized drawer, and ran your fingers through your hair. Gazing at your reflection, you grew frustrated. It was your senior year at UConn, you had just moved all of your things back into Husky Village with the rest of your closest sorority sisters, and everything was on track to go perfect for the year. You had just received your LSAT scores back, and they were better than what you had initially anticipated, ensuring you an acceptance at your law school of choice when looked at in combination with your perfect GPA. There was only one thing missing, and it was the one thing you had never imagined you would be without. Her.
Attempting to make it through syllabus week seemed nearly impossible on Monday, but you had managed. The entire week felt like going through the motions. Your routine in Storrs, CT, had been the same for nearly the last three years and you hadn’t realized how difficult revisiting the familiar places on campus would be for your healing process. Honestly, you were just thankful to have not seen her yet, but you knew the odds of running into her tonight were more likely than not; Paige. 
On that note, you opened your nightstand drawer. You had been doing so well in regulating your grief, but you couldn’t help the tear that threatened to escape when you gently picked up the polaroid of the two of you from last Fall. Both of you in unintentionally matching sweatsuits, you sat on her lap at a bonfire party. She had a blanket wrapped around herself sitting in a lawn chair, with her arms wrapping around you. You had flashed your biggest smile for the camera, a natural blush showing on your cheeks as a result from the butterflies your then-girlfriend gave you as you cuddled into her, but Paige wasn’t looking at the camera. She wore a soft smile while looking only at your bright face. It was the kind of look she reserved only for you, as if no one else was capable of evoking that same action from her. The polaroid was slightly worn, as it used to sit in the back of your phone case. Now, it resides permanently in your nightstand as the sight of it makes your stomach churn with the harsh reality of her absence, but throwing it away made the realness of the situation seem too permanent. 
You were brought back to reality with two gentle knocks on the door. You didn’t have time to hide the tear from earlier that had made its way down your cheek before your best friend, Hazel, had entered. She quickly shut the door behind her, and her big smile turned into a look of concern as she noticed the object between your fingers. “I’m not going to ask if you’re okay, but I just want you to know we don’t have to go tonight if you don’t want to. We can call food in and binge watch a show? We only have one year left together so I don’t have a problem doing that instead”, she quickly babbled out. You could tell she had probably had a few with your sorority sisters down the hall at how quickly she had been talking and the flush of her face. “No”, you said. “I have to deal with this eventually, and I can’t spend the whole year feeling sorry for myself. Let’s have fun tonight!” you smiled. You knew that Paige had more than likely moved on in more ways than one and there was no sense in making yourself miserable any longer. You had your girls, and that was all you needed. “Can you help me pick out an outfit?” you asked your seemingly convinced best friend. “Yes!” she shrieked, b-lining it to your closet. You placed the polaroid back in your nightstand and shut the drawer while she rummaged through your freshly unpacked closet. 
You felt the corners of your mouth twitch upwards as she started holding out options on her own body, tossing things aside she found unfit for the evening. You were thankful for the friendship you had made in your Introduction to Criminal Justice class you had taken your first semester at UConn. Hazel had taken a seat next to you on the first day and since then, you had been pretty much inseparable. You found yourself being literally snapped back to reality again with her loud laugh. “What are you smiling at? That was a quick mood change”. You shook your head as you told her, “I am just thankful for you. I don’t know how I would’ve made it these three years and especially the last few months without you”. She just shook her head and turned back around to make her final selection before tossing her choice onto your bed and making her way towards the door. Before she let it shut she added, “Thank me by putting that on and enjoying yourself. You deserve it. I’m gonna go grab you a drink and some shots. You need them. When I’m back, be ready to head out!” 
You giggled feeling excited for the first time in a while. It was short lived as you looked onto your bed to change into the outfit she had picked out. The lilac short skirt she had selected paired with a simple white baby tee had been the exact outfit you wore out to the same bar you were heading to the first night you had met and spent with her, with Paige. 
September, 2021
Cramming yourself into Ted’s, you could feel the tequila sodas you had lost count of coursing through your veins. You had just finished your second syllabus week, the stress of recruitment, and getting ready for the exciting year ahead. Per usual greek-life tradition, the girls in your pledge class were taking some of the newly joined girls out to celebrate their bids, the start of their new college life, and to have a good time. Standing at only 5 '2 you held Hazel’s hand as she effortlessly guided you through the crowd to a somewhat-empty area for you all to conjoin at. You stood on your tiptoes to make sure no one was left behind before turning to Hazel. “Let’s go get some shots for everyone!”
 As you turned around, you bumped into a much taller figure, spilling their drink all over the floor. You felt your cheeks get hot with embarrassment and a ramble of apologies were already leaving your mouth as you looked up from where the pink liquid and ice cubes were, “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I am so clumsy I can’t believe…”, you found yourself at a loss for words as you made eye contact with the girl. She was tall, and had to be at least 6’0. She had a skinnier build, but you could see the faint lines of proven muscle definition in her arms as she tucked loose hair behind her ears. She had a wide smile, without showing any teeth form and her eyes creased as she saw your expression. “Hey, don’t worry about it! It’s crowded in here!” she laughed. You were thankful for her nonchalant reaction, but it didn’t make the guilt you felt any better for spilling her pretty much full drink. “Do you think I could buy you another to make up for it? Please, it’s the least I could do. I don’t mean that in a creepy “I’m trying to get with you way”, but more a “I feel like a dumbass and am really embarrassed way”. Not that I don’t think that you're hot and wouldn’t get with…” you groaned as you cut yourself off again, hand covering your eyes as you made yourself cringe. You heard a light laugh, “It’s all good. Sure, you can buy me a drink. I’m Paige, by the way. Paige Bueckers”. As you looked up at her again, you saw her grin had grown into a gummy smile, holding out her hand to shake yours. 
After introducing yourself, Paige led you to the bar with ease, given her height. After thinking she had lost you in the crowd the first time, she extended her hand backwards, offering her pinky for you to hold. You hope she didn’t notice the way your face lit up as you accepted her simple gesture, trying not to read too far into how romantic it felt. You had literally just met the girl, but had never felt so instantly comfortable with someone in your life. Paige let you buy her drink you had spilt, but refused to let you pay for the next few rounds, your drinks included. You had talked about everything, covering where you guys were from, discovering your same ages, learning she was on the women’s basketball team, and you being overly invested in your academics. You hadn’t even realized how much time had passed till you felt your phone buzz and saw the time on your lockscreen, 12:45 a.m.
Hazel Crawford <3
Girl, are you good? I haven’t seen you since you said you were going to the bar.
10:03 p.m.
I see you. Omg, are you hanging out with Paige Bueckers???
10:45 p.m.
I cannot wait to hear about this tomorrow.
11:30 p.m.
I am headed back home. I didn’t want to interrupt you guys or make you feel like you needed to come home. Love you, be safe, and text me when you leave!
11:49 p.m.
Paige must’ve noticed your change in demeanor. “Is everything okay?” she asked. You quickly sent a response to Hazel telling her you were safe and would let her know when you got home. “Yes, of course. I just came here with friends and hadn’t realized how much time had passed. They were worried about me, but they all have gone home now” you replied sheepishly. “Well, are you ready to head out? I can walk you home if you’d like” she said as you stood up. You were pulling down your too-short lilac skirt down as you grabbed your things. “No, no. You don’t have to do that! I have already taken up so much of your night. I’m sorry again -” you felt yourself being cut off again as she grabbed your hand that was holding your phone and purse. She looked you intently in the eyes as she said, “I would really like to walk you home if that’s okay with you”. You couldn’t help the smile that crept on your face again as you led her towards the door. “Okay, Bueckers, let’s go home then”, you grinned. 
You can’t remember everything that you and Paige talked about on your way home, but you do remember the constant giggling, the way she swung your interlocked hands like you were just two kids, and the way she held the door open for you as you walked into your building. “This is me” you slowed, as you reached the door to your single dorm. “Do you want to come in?” you offered, feeling a little bold. Paige smiled before taking your other hand in hers. Holding them both she responded, “I would love to but I have practice in the morning and am already out way later than I should have been, but I didn’t want to say goodbye to the prettiest girl in the bar”. You felt your face grow hot as what must have been the millionth time of the night. It had only been a couple hours and you knew this girl was going to be the death of you. You had a feeling she might be thinking the same of you. She took one of her hands holding yours and placed it on the side of your face, stroking your cheek before saying just above a whisper, “I’m really sorry if this is forward, but I really want to kiss you and -”. This time it was you cutting her off as you stood on your tippy toes to close the gap between the two of you. Your hands moved around her neck and her free hand moved to your waist, holding you gently as if you were porcelain but firm enough so that you couldn’t melt away from her. You could’ve stayed that way for hours, but when you both finally pulled apart to catch your breath, it felt like time had frozen. Paige pecked your lips one more time before leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Goodnight, pretty girl”. With that, she turned around and made her way down the hall. As you shut the door behind you you couldn’t help the butterflies that exploded in your chest. 
The next morning, you had woken up a bit panicked as you realized you had never gotten the tall blonde’s number, or knew where she lived. As you threw a sweatshirt on to head to Hazel’s room to debrief the night before’s events, you shut the door behind you. There you found an envelope freshly taped to your door, what must’ve been just an hour or so earlier. You quickly took the note and opened up to a phone number and a small note saying, “I hope you let me see you soon, Pretty Girl”. You beamed to yourself before running down the hall to Hazel’s room.
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the-kr8tor · 2 months
I'm doing it! I'm writing a request! :D
(Ik you're suuuuppperrr busy I'm so sorry you can take as long as you want I'm in no rush you're so sweeet and literally a lifesaver cause every time I read your posts, I get infused with the energy of 2 million Suns)
So I was thinking about a oneshot where r is waiting for Hobie to come backstage after one of his performances and this know it all groupie type guy is like, really giving her a hard time and he won't listen to anything she says he just sucks or wtv. Then Hobie comes out like, total golden retriever all giddy and happy to see r and the other guy is just baffled. Dunno it's kinda silly and based off of a post I saw a while back presenting the idea of it.
Thank you for requesting! Sorry for the wait, I hope you still like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, cw food mentions, FLUFF
As the band closes their last song, the crowd cheers and hollers at them. Hobie, all pumped up and sweaty, bows to the audience. The colourful stage light illuminates his features well, lighting up all of his perfection; from how sweat clings to his cheeks, sliding down to his chiseled clavicle. His piercings shine brightly under the warm light, the cherry red guitar in his ringed hand acts as a beacon to the rowdy crowd. Yuri goads them on, arms riling up the crowd for an encore. Turning the clapping and screaming to thunderous applause and screeches.
You're situated along the side of the stage, and on the other side of the bannister where the crowd is currently starting the largest mosh pit you've ever seen. You crane your neck up to the stage, unintentionally meeting with Hobie's hazel eyes that were already turned towards you.
He confidently winks in your direction, a few people behind you screeches like a wild banshee. They don't know the wink was for you and for you only. You wink back, more bashful than the one he threw at you. It's your little signal, a signal that you and Hobie made when he's about to finish his set so you could wait for him backstage where he always runs towards you with his arms wide, grinning triumphantly and embracing you until you're breathless. You're familiar with his affectionate winks, but that doesn't mean you're used to them. He always catches you off guard with them, loving the way your eyes widen with your hand flying to your chest as if he just jumpscared you. Truthfully, you wouldn't have it any other way.
“Fine,” Hobie reluctantly cuts off your little staring contest with the silent promise of being by your side the moment the band finishes this one song. His lips press on the mic, eyes roaming around the packed stadium. “you lot better be fuckin' ready.” An immediate wave of whistles and yells echo around.
With his guitar riff starting back again, lights turning red and acting as the band's spotlight, you walk towards the event bouncers. Once they see your v.i.p ID they let you through the doors and into backstage.
Passing by the snack table placed by the event organizers, you stumble back to it. You then take an armful of water bottles for the entire band, and then you take a single black and white cookie just for Yuri and her sweet tooth.
Arms full, you wait by the side with the perfect view of the band playing with their whole heart. Hobie jumps on an amplifier and backflips off it. Your heart almost fell into your stomach when you thought he couldn't land on his feet. But of course he did, Hobie practically backflips off the bed every morning (not really he’s a grumpy riser) so it's only natural that he lands on his feet like an experienced gymnast.
Yuri and the others jam together in harmony, Ned belts out while James looks like he wants to crowd surf from the look in his eye. You hope he doesn't, not after what happened last time.
“Cool t-shirt.” A voice suddenly says next to you.
“Thanks.” You glance at the tall stranger while you adjust your hold on the water bottles and cookie.
“It's vintage isn't it? I know from the crude design.” You furrow your brows at the comment, especially that you and the entire band stayed up late to finish an entire sack full of the handmade shirts. “It's from their first album, right?” The man raises a brow, like he's questioning your knowledge.
You flick your eyes down to his own shirt, it's a recent one, definitely better than what you have on but it doesn't share the same amount of sentimentality. “Yeah, I know, I was there.”
“Right.” He scoffs, you take a step away from him, turning your attention back to Hobie, who's still not done with the last song. “Of course you were there.” Your jaw tightens, annoyed at best but you're not willing to leave backstage just because of him. “If you were there, you'd know that the shirt was technically designed for their second album. Not the first.”
You turn your head sharply, “you're right, it was.” Smiling, your eyes tell otherwise. “But it was made for the first album because the band couldn't be arsed to make another design for the second one so the second release of the shirts were in a bigger quantity. Hence the misunderstanding that it was for the second album instead.” You finish off your sentence with a smirk.
“Yeah, sure, lady.” He scoffs, unconvinced. “You probably can't name a single song from that album.” He makes another annoying entitled scoff “As if you were actually there—”
“There's our girl!” Yuri appears behind you while you basically throw daggers at the man with your stare. She clasps your shoulder, nudging you happily. “Ooh, cookie! Thanks, babe!” Yanking the snack from your hand, pecking your cheek, she spares the fan a glance then quickly makes her way to the green room to rest before the meet and greet.
“Where's our cookie?” James pouts, feigning a frown.
“I've got some water for you, Jamesy.” You almost forget about the fan gawking and aweing next to you.
“It's not the same though!” And yet, James still takes the bottle from your hand, patting your shoulder as thanks.
Ned clicks his tongue and shakes his head, following James, he takes his share, walking backwards and still teasing you with a disapproving face. “The sheer favoritism!” To add to his so-called discontent, he slams the doors of the greenroom. You're sure that you even heard a muffled, “give me that fucking cookie!” from him.
Before you come looking for your favourite guitarist, Hobie appears from behind you, arms snaking along your middle to wrap you in his anticipated hug. “How's our number one fan?” You lean back, smiling up at him, not minding how his sweat now sticks to your back. You meet with his eyes as he pecks your temple with a resounding smack of his lips. You can see the adrenaline waning off him in waves as he carefully puts more of his weight on you without making you fall from the increased weight. You find yourself giggling more and more, already forgetting about the intrusion.
“I'm good. Hi.” He expects that reply from you, not from the man across from you. “I'm your biggest fan, Hobie!” Holding up a trembling hand to shake Hobie's hand, you seethe in place.
“Thanks, mate.” Hobie, being polite, shakes his hand. “But if you were the biggest fan, you'd know that this shirt…” he pats your stomach, hand lingering there. “was lovingly made by my girl for the first album.”
He's had his fair share of people like him, he takes their words in stride, but the moment someone does it to you, he'll be sure to fight back. He's convinced that if you weren't interrupted you'd be wiping the floor with the rude fan’s face by proving him wrong. Or literally wiping his face down on the ground if need be.
You grin wider as you see colour drain from the fan's face. “I ordered shawarma for everyone.” You provide the biggest slap to the rude fan by ignoring him. “I hid the biggest portion for you.”
Hobie chuckles into your shoulder before taking your hand and leading you away without another word to the strange fan. “And everyone says Yuri's your favourite.”
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delulustateofmind · 5 months
Potions & Shadows (Azriel x Reader)
Summary: An old neighbor of Feyre's is revealed to be not who they seemed when Feyre was a child. Leadign to Feyre needing the once village apothecaries help. Inspired by Frieren: Beyond Journey's End.
A/n: I posted a preview a week or two ago. I enjoyed writing this one, I've been super busy at work and with a family wedding so probably won't have a part two anytime soon. Hope you enjoy! Thank you all for the support on my last few fics! :)
Word Count: 2.5k
Part two, Part Three, Part Four
Warmings: None? Let me know if there's any.
Feyre would often find herself lost in memories of their old neighbor, a mysterious figure from her childhood spent in the manor with her sisters. Little did she know, her encounter with the apothecary would soon unveil new mysteries. Years later, as Feyre bid farewell before their departure, she decided to revisit the familiar door, hoping to uncover the enigma of the past.
In the hustle of their impoverished days and the chaos of her transition to fae life, Feyre scarcely pondered the mystery. It wasn't until Nesta mentioned seeing the apothecary, unchanged from their childhood encounter, right before the human queen's arrival, that Feyre's curiosity stirred. She made a mental note to pay a quick visit to the apothecary's cottage down the road after their business with the queens concluded.
The meeting with the human queens did not end too well, though they did manage to secure the book. With Rhysand somewhat strict on their schedule, Feyre knew she couldn't risk being late. The crunch of the dirt path under her feet felt oddly familiar yet different in her new fae form. The smells of the pine trees now heightened, and the distant streams seemed closer than ever. Pulling her out of her trance, she arrived at the apothecary’s cottage.
The moss on the roof indicated the cottage had been there for centuries, perhaps even when the village was being built. Feyre walked up and knocked on the door, her heart pounding with anticipation. The shuffling of footsteps inside signaled someone approaching. When the door creaked open, Feyre was met with a familiar face.
A short woman stood before her, her scent unmistakably human, yet intertwined with a hint of something elusive. Her hazel green eyes, flecked with gold and blue hues, seemed to hold secrets as deep as the mountains' morning dew. The apothecary wiped her hands on her apron, stained with various herbs and powders, and greeted Feyre with a small sigh and a bright smile.
"It's you... but different?" she remarked, tilting her head curiously. Feyre released a breathy laugh. "Yeah, you could say I am a bit different... you're back," she whispered.
The apothecary moved aside, inviting Feyre into the familiar interior of the cottage. Bookshelves lined the walls, while towers of books stood around tables filled with bottles and concoctions. The atmosphere was comforting yet tinged with a sense of mystery. As the apothecary made tea, Feyre couldn't help but notice the intricate organization amidst the apparent chaos.
"No longer human, now a fae?" the apothecary mused as she prepared the tea. "Haven't seen that before." She smiled to herself, lost in thought for a moment before continuing. "I always thought you were human, I mean you don't seem fae," Feyre whispered.
"That's because I'm not fae, though I am considered a fae creature," the apothecary explained with a soft smile. "Long story short, as I have a feeling your companions only gave you a few moments to visit. I am half human, half-elven... one of the last of my kind."
Feyre looked puzzled before asking, "How come you don't age? I mean the human counterpart should... make you age, right?" The apothecary poured the tea, the pink hue swirling in the cup, before joining Feyre at the table. "You're right, I should age, but there's this thing called the 'settling.' It's based on mana. The more mana you have, the more likely to reach immortality."
The apothecary glanced up at Feyre with a soft smile. "I stopped aging around... don't know, maybe 19 or 20 years old?" Feyre looked at her in astonishment, trying to reconcile the fragile appearance with the revelation of her age. "How old are you now?" she asked softly.
You smiled, reminiscing about your past travels as you glanced at your spellbooks and then back at Feyre while taking a sip of your tea. "I am roughly 300 years old this year, give or take a few," you admitted with a hint of nostalgia. "You tend to lose count on the road."
Brushing your long hair aside, you pulled up your sleeve, revealing the insignia of an adventurer guild—a small blossom marking. "This is from my guild," you explained. "I'm a mage, so I embark on journeys from time to time. It's how I honed my skills in concocting medicines and remedies."
Feyre looked taken aback, unable to sense any magic radiating from you despite your mage status and half-elven heritage. She was filled with questions, but time was fleeting, and there was much to be done.
As Feyre finished her tea, she felt a sense of urgency creeping in. "Listen... there's something that might be coming, would you watch my sisters?" The apothecary met her gaze with a reassuring smile. "I leave tonight for another quest, but the wards should be stable around their house. I'll reinforce them before I leave."
With a nod of gratitude, Feyre rose from her seat, her mind buzzing with newfound revelations. Little did she know, her visit to the apothecary would mark the beginning of a journey fraught with unforeseen challenges.
Certainly, unforeseen challenges indeed. In fact, the wards failed to hold as Hybern seized Feyre’s sisters while you were away on your travels seeking new spell books, a hobby of yours. Across the continent, whispers of war spread like wildfire. Perhaps this was what Feyre had alluded to—a war brewing on the horizon? After completing your quest, you returned home to find a letter from Feyre—a proposition of sorts.
“War is coming, we need healers like you to join us. Let me know your response when you see this.” 
Magic paper? Intriguing, something you will inquire about later on. You write your response. Perhaps, a new adventure wouldn’t be bad. You’ve never visited Prythian before. Given that elves used to be seen as slaves there, that elves were seen to be just one step above humans, being a half-breed who know’s where that would place you. Feyre was kind though, you knew that from the moment you met her. A war would be brutal, if the fae were asking for help, that meant it would be serious enough to involve others. 
“Sure, I’ll give my commitment for a few years,” you wrote. The paper vanished almost instantly, leaving behind a faint scent of smoke—a curious phenomenon indeed. Moments later, a message appeared, promising someone would visit you at the cottage within hours. With a shrug, you began to pack your belongings, including spell books, herbs, clothes, and trinkets. You were prepared.
That's when you met Mor, a lively fae whose energy belied her formidable power. She winnowed you to the healer’s cottage, where Madja, the head healer, resided. Mor apologized and hurriedly departed, leaving you to converse with Madja. The healer welcomed you warmly, showing you to a modest room furnished with essentials. The bed with white bedding and an old green quilt laid on top. Madja pointed out that the nights here might be too cold for creatures like yourself. 
"Haven't seen a human in years," she remarked as she led you to the apothecary storage room. "But I sense something else about you," a twinkle in Madja’s eye hinted at her awareness of your half-elven heritage. You responded with a smile, "Most don’t catch on too quickly," you murmured.
Madja returned your smile, her expression warm yet knowing. "You're probably the last of your kind," she remarked casually, her tone tinged with humor. "Your kind was always more focused on mana and magic than finding love. Perhaps your human side will help you with that," she teased, reaching for a mortar and pestle.
"Now, kid," Madja continued, her demeanor shifting to business-like. "I want to see what you're capable of. Make a few hundred healing potions—some for minor cuts and bruises, and others for those foolish soldiers who find themselves impaled one too many times."
You immersed yourself in your work, with Madja checking in every few minutes to monitor your progress. Impressed by your efficiency, she peppered you with compliments, acknowledging your skill. Together, you labored until late afternoon, the sun casting long shadows across the cottage.
Feyre stopped by to offer a brief greeting before departing to attend to war preparations and assist her newly transformed sisters. Their transformation weighed heavily on your conscience—if only your wards had been stronger, perhaps you could have prevented their fate. Pushing aside the guilt, you ground a few more herbs, determined to focus on the task at hand. Or perhaps you were trying to push that guilt away by keeping yourself distracted. 
The soothing scent of herbs filled the room, mingling with Madja’s quiet humming—a melody unfamiliar to you yet strangely comforting. You found solace in the routine of potion-making, a respite from the chaos of the outside world.
As you worked, memories of your travels surfaced—the thrill of discovering new spells, the camaraderie of fellow adventurers, and the satisfaction of aiding those in need. Though your main quest was to collect spells, you found fulfillment in helping others, a testament to your kind-hearted nature.
Completing the last batch of potions, Madja introduced you to the other healers, who welcomed you with open arms. Over dinner, you exchanged stories of your respective lives—Madja sharing tales of her long existence, while you recounted your travels across distant lands. The other healers listened in awe, their curiosity piqued by your adventures beyond Velaris. Constantly asking questions of your adventures, asking about the dragons you’ve came across. About the handsome warriors that you went through dungeons with. A smile tugged your lips as you bid them goodnight and headed to your room. 
As you lay on your bed, enveloped by the chill of the night air, you found comfort in the warmth of the quilt that Madja had provided. Retrieving a book about defensive magic from your bedside table, you delved into its pages, seeking solace in the familiar words until sleep claimed you. 
As the end of the first week approached, you found yourself manning the desk, processing orders for sleeping tonics, stomach remedies, and various other mundane requests. It was the less exciting aspect of your work, but you understood the necessity of attending to such matters. After all, not every day could be spent brewing exotic potions and elixirs. Madja had left to replenish the inventory and wouldn't return until nightfall. Before her departure, she mentioned that someone from the court would be coming to collect a 'private' order and instructed you not to charge them.
As you cleaned the countertop, the door creaked open, and a chilling breeze swept into the room, carrying with it the scent of mist and cedar, tinged with a hint of blood. You looked up and found yourself locking eyes with a figure standing in the doorway. My stars, he was strikingly handsome in a deadly sort of way—a sight that momentarily stole your breath away. You recognized him as an Illyrian, though you had never seen one before. There was something about his wings that instilled a sense of fear in you, even though they remained folded tightly against his back, shrouding his features in shadows.
Azriel dipped his head in acknowledgment, his golden gaze piercing as he spoke in a low, almost hypnotic tone. "I am here to pick up a prescription," he stated, his voice like a captivating melody that seemed to draw you in.
You nodded, trying to maintain your composure as you retrieved the bag containing the requested item. It was a rare occurrence for you to feel flustered, especially in the presence of another. As you handed him the bag, your hands brushed briefly, and you couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth flood your cheeks. The label on the bag revealed its contents—a contraceptive tonic. Oh... he was an active male too.
Azriel murmured his thanks before casting a lingering gaze over you, his expression unreadable behind his hand. As he turned to leave, you couldn't shake the feeling of self-consciousness. Did you smell bad? Was your human heritage too obvious to the fae? Such thoughts raced through your mind as the door closed behind him, leaving you to ponder the encounter long after he had gone.
Azriel departed for the House of Wind, where a family dinner awaited. Elaine had begun emerging from her room, while Nesta remained ensconced in her moody disposition. Lucien had ventured to the continent, leaving an absence felt at the table. Feyre was already seated next to Rhys when Azriel arrived, discreetly passing the tonic to Cassian, who muttered a quick thanks before Azriel settled in beside him.
"I didn’t realize Madja had taken on a new apprentice," Azriel murmured, his gaze shifting to Mor as she joined Cassian. Feyre glanced at Azriel, her curiosity piqued. "You met her today? She’s a friend of mine from the village. I knew her growing up," she explained. Azriel took a sip of the wine passed to him by Cassian, his mind wandering to the petite healer who had left such an impression on him.
Elaine's transformation from human to fae had only heightened Azriel's attraction to her, raising questions about his preferences. Was he developing a preference for humans? Could he handle the brevity of their lifespans? Feyre's voice broke through his reverie, drawing his attention back to the conversation. "She’s half-elf too, are they rare?" she inquired.
Rhysand nodded, his expression softening as he delved into the history of elves and their dwindling numbers. "They used to be slaves for the Fae, around the same time as the humans," he began. "Perhaps that's why she has never been to Prythian until now."
He paused, his tone softening even further. "Also, the elves were known to lack emotions, which led to them not reproducing that often, ultimately to their demise. There’s a few around, but not many anymore."
As food was placed on the table, Azriel found himself consumed by thoughts of the healer. Her scent lingered in his mind, reminiscent of cherry blossoms on a warm day. Though he had only met her briefly, he felt an inexplicable pull toward her that tugged at his heartstrings. It was a feeling he had never experienced before.
An idea struck him. "Don’t we need to deliver the potions to the camps? I could help with that tomorrow, I finished the reports," Azriel suggested, turning to Rhysand. A smirk danced on the high lord’s lips—a silent understanding passed between them. "If you want," Rhysand replied casually, gesturing with a wave of his hand. "Perhaps show her around Velaris while you’re at it."
Azriel nodded, anticipation stirring within him. Tomorrow promised to be an intriguing day, his shadows seemed almost restless to meet the little healer again. A new sort of feeling fueled both him and his shadows.
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clawsdevour · 1 month
caught on cam
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wc: 1.6k content warning: post-time skip, established relationship, kuroo x reader, smut, fingering, recorded sex, not proofread
𓍯ぃ ˑ  ִ
At the front door, you’re stumbling behind Kuroo as he’s trying to hastily pick the house keys from the bundle on his carabiner. The jingles from his keys rattled as he unlocked the door, turning the wrong way in the grooves of the handle while he’s letting out a few grunts of frustration till he was able to open the door.
“Door’s open..!” Kuroo exclaims, looking back at you with his hand out to put a grip on the side of your waist. You're slyly smiling as you walk in ahead of him, feeling a warm presence linger down below, slowly moving down towards your hip, and beyond lower. You both paused for a moment, closing the door with a discrete bang and a click as he locked the top and bottom knob.
“Did you forget why we came home early?” You’re staring into Kuroo’s hypnotizing hazel eyes with this seductive look plastered on your face as he’s gazing back at yours, sluggishly shuffling off his jacket.
“Now.. What made you think I forgot?” Kuroo’s smirking cunningly as he steps closer to you, eventually cornering you against the hallway wall. Inches away from his face, you planted a quick kiss on his cheek to toy with him while letting out a giggle. 
“You’re such a tease.” His hot breath tickles your ear when he whispers, lowering his head toward your collarbone keeping eye contact with yours. You felt a warm embrace press in between your legs. His fingers snuck up on you and started feeling up your panties as he slowly kissed you going from head down to your chest, leaving his subtle marks in only places he knows. 
You’re letting out sweet whimpers into his ears while his sloppy wet kisses attack you, pressed against the wall you wrap your arms around him to pull him even closer. His arms reach for your ass, signifying he wants to carry you somewhere else. Hopping into his arms, his grip on your ass was tight. It was like he had his hands feeling up mounds of raw dough that spilled out of his hands as he strolled into the living room. 
Slowly, he placed you down on your back on the couch laying your head down last. He’s standing on his knees hovering above you, Kuroo’s watching you while he’s tugging down at his tie to loosen his collar and dress shirt. Watching him start to undress, you pull up your shirt leaving him to see your exposed nipples that were now perky due to the chilly air while you see his length grow in size pressed against his restraining pants.
“You’re so cute, you know that? Ha.. I need a photo, or maybe a video.. to remember how fucking adorable you look right now.” Kuroo murmurs under his breath as he reaches for his back pocket to whip out his phone. Opening the camera app, he switched to the video mode and started recording with your permission. 
Playing with your tits with one hand, and the other with his phone capturing his soft fondles and flicks. Kuroo’s teasing your nipples as you let out faint whimpers feeling all the sensitive sensations created by his hand. His finger traces down your stomach, sending tingles that sparked down making you slightly arch your back against the plush couch. His hand reaches down towards the inside of your legs, tracing your inner thighs to soothe them. Looking at the screen to get the right angle as he flips your skirt up to reveal your slightly damp panties. His fingers press onto your clit, rubbing it in slow circles as you feel the friction in between the fabric and his fingers against your stimulated organ.
“Wet already, hmm? Do you want my fingers baby? Tell me or I won’t give you them..” switching his attention from the screen to your flushed pink face, waiting for you to utter out your response.
“Fingers.. I want your fingers in me, Kuroo” He’s snickering at your words and how needy you looked when you said them. His hand reaches for the sides of your underwear to pull them down, tugging on both sides to reveal your bare cunt to the camera. Getting your panties off he flings it off to the side before going back to your glistening juices. You’re covering your face in embarrassment when he gets his phone closer to your pussy, parting open your flaps to show the camera your full intimate area that leaked your sticky essences. His finger coldly brushes against your slit, collecting your slick as he hums in satisfaction.
“Are you excited that you’re being filmed, hmm? You’re pussy’s calling for me y’know?” Snickering, he’s circling your clit over and over sending shockwaves up your spine.
“So fucking beautiful down here, you should stop covering your face. M’trying to film all of you.”
Slipping a long slender finger into you, you let out a moan and listen to his words, essentially taking your hands off your face to stare back at the lense and your boyfriend. Kuroo’s watching his phone as if watching ordinary porn, he’s getting painfully hard. It was almost unbearable and he felt  like he could cum in his pants at just the sight. Adding in another finger, he’s also speeding up the pace while curling his fingers into your sweet spot. Your back arches even further on the couch, he’s recording every second, every angle, every sound, and every time he’s taking out and putting back in his fingers while watching you shake in pleasure. When you had your orgasm it was like you felt electricity race throughout your body as your vision blurred.
“Shit.. was it that good? Do you even need my dick inside you?” Taking his fingers out to reveal the slick all over his fingers, he pans the scene down to your breathless face that’s trying to regain its sanity. The footage shows his fingers being put into your mouth to get cleaned off before he unbelts his tight pants that held his increasing erection in check.
 Back to your senses with a more steady breathing pace, you’re spreading your legs wider for him as he closes in between the gap. He was able to get his pants unbuttoned and his belt off. Taking out his cock, the screen shows his dick bounce out to reveal his great size to which he stroked up and down making you salivate at the sight.
“Kuroo.. put it in,” holding your legs back for him, hips staring back at the ceiling with your messy pussy ready to plummeted by his cock. He’s lining himself up at your entrance, sliding in smoothly as he lets out a groan of relief while watching your stomach protrude with his size in you. 
“You feel like heaven.. feel s’good baby,” pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead before resuming filming your little sex tape. Gradually his hips clicked with you as he put his thumb on top of your clit to stimulate you further. While he’s going at it, you’re shifting your gaze from Kuroo and to the camera as your tits move in sync with each of his poundings. Each squelch made you wetter the more he thrusted, the phone in front of you made you feel like a real big slut for Kuroo as you moaned out his name multiple times, capturing the whole moment.
You’re squirming so bad on the couch from pleasure, trying to close your legs but always being denied by his hand that prohibited you. His tip kept bullying his way into your sweet spot so many times, you were just about to have your second climax. Zooming in on your wet pussy, to tits, to your lewd face slightly covered with your messy hair. Kuroo knows you’re eventually about to cum and immediately pulls out, leaving you in pants with whines in between.
“W-What’d you do that for.. Kuroo??” You’re out of breath and dazed in confusion. 
“Don’t worry about it, just making you feel extra good..” you mumble out a tired m’kay. Kuroo’s placing his phone down for a second, his hands rolling your limbless body onto your front. Your tits pressing down into the couch as he puts a pillow under your abdomen to help you stay stable so he can carry on with fucking you, this time with your ass up towards the ceiling. 
Sliding back into your warmth, except he’s able to reach deeper in this position, you can’t help but groan when his big cock makes his return back into you. Phone back in his hand while he videos your big ass taking his powerful and hard thrusts, making you moan like crazy while you try to grip onto the couch. Your ass against his pelvis jiggles with each time he plunges back into your gummy walls that don’t want to let go. 
“All mine right here.. haha. So beautiful. All mine..” Kuroo’s pussy drunk deep around your sticky walls, fondling the flesh of your ass when he adds a stinging strike on your cheek that turns a light red. You flinch in pleasure, tightening your grip on his cock that leaked of your essence.
“F-Fuck..! Think I’m gonna cum, can I do it inside baby?” Planting kisses on your back up to your shoulder. You’re lazily nodding while looking back at him in exhaustion, mouth open with whimpers spewing out his name. Kuroo’s warm seed shoots into your messed up pussy, pausing a bit before he takes his throbbing cock out for the camera to see your dripping cunt that held his genetic DNA.
He’s slowly exiting out of your warmth, immediately feeling a bit hollow as you try to hold it in you. He’s focusing the camera onto your pussy as his white fluids start to trickle out and slowly land onto your inner thighs while you start to give up on keeping it all in.
“T’so fucking hot.. I can't believe I got it all on cam this time. Maybe later we could watch and recreate it.. what do you think?”
masterlist here
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bellaramseylover · 1 year
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Pairings: Hazel Callahan x Fem! Reader
Summary: Hazel being super oblivious to you liking her, so you have no choice but to tell her.
Request: Friends to lovers and have Hazel be completely oblivious to readers feelings, then Hazel does some cute thing as a apology then asks reader out - @curiousshifter101
Warnings: Cursing and some kissing that’s all.
Author Note: I’m not sure if i like this, but i’m really trying to get better at writing plus i’ve been wanting to post <33
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You were literally in love with Hazel and she was so oblivious to your feelings for her, you started to lose hope that she liked you back.
No matter how much you hinted at it she would not ever do anything about it or think anything of it.
Right now, you were sitting with the whole fight club. You were sitting right next to Hazel who was talking to PJ.
You were picking at your food while you got lost in your own thoughts, thinking about Hazel and if she liked you back or not.
“Hello?” You snapped out of it when Hazel waved her hand in front of your face. “Sorry, what’d you say?” You looked over at her.
“I said are you okay?” She chuckled and you sat up a little “Oh, yeah, just thinking.” You shrugged.
“Right. About what?” She questioned and you hummed “Nothing..” you tilted your head while you tilted your head and held eye contact.
“Well, did you still want to study later?” She asked as you glance at her lips “Yeah” You nodded.
“Alright, we-” She gets cut off when the bell rings and everyone starts getting up.
“I’ll just see you later on.” She said and you nod, touching her arm and rubbing it slightly before you walked away.
Hazel thought of it as like a friendly little bye without actually saying bye, but she had no clue that it was like in a flirty way.
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Later on that day, you were at home waiting for Hazel to knock on your front door any minute now.
You were looking in your mirror in your little purple tank top and your black little shorts just so you could tease her, maybe then she’ll make a move.
You were putting on some lipgloss when you finally heard the knock on your front door.
Your parents also were not home, so if Hazel wouldn’t get the hint and just make a move you might just have to do it yourself.
You opened the front door and leaned on it as you opened it wide “Hi..” You tilt your head and she walked in “Hey” She smiled.
You shut the door and lead her to your room and she set her backpack down on your desk.
She started talking about the project as you sat down on your bed.
You suddenly remember that’s the actual reason she was at your house.
You hum lightly as she turned around and saw you sitting on your bed “Oh, are we working on your bed?” She asked.
“Oh, yeah..” You hum, patting the spot beside you so she went over and sat beside you.
She pulled out her journal and you lean over her to look at the organized notes that she wrote down as she flipped through the pages.
“You’re like, really good at taking notes.” You said as you slowly looked at her face and she looked at you, making eye contact with you.
You guys were inches away from each other and you looked down at her lips for like a full 10 seconds.
“Oh, thanks.” She chuckled to herself and looked down at her journal.
How much more obvious can you make it?
You sigh, leaning into her a little more and she slowly looked down and caught a glance at your breasts and quickly cleared her throat.
She looked back up at you and you giggle as you sat up right “Hazel” You whispered and she looked over at you.
“Yeah?” She asked and you tilt your head while you both stared at each other.
“Can I kiss you?”
She froze, unsure of what to say or if you were just joking with her.
You noticed her silence and immediately thought the worse.
“Fuck, I’m sorry Hazel I-” You were cut off when Hazel quickly leaned forward and kissed you.
You shut your eyes and she grabbed your face and you put your hand on her knee.
She pulled back with a huge smile on her face and you giggle “So..you do like me back?” You muttered.
“Yeah, I’ve been liking you. I just never thought you would like me back..” Hazel said in a sad tone.
“I’ve made it very obvious, Haze.” You raise your eyebrows as she looked at you confused.
“What? No..” She looked down as she thought about it.
“Like..really obvious.” You hum as she sighs “I guess now that i think about it, yeah, you kind of did..”
You giggle and look down “I figured you didn’t like me back, because you would never react to what i would do.”
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry.” She frowned.
“It’s alright..” You sat up right and she cups your face. “No, no, it’s not. Can i make it up to you?” She asked.
“How?” You ask and she hums and she thinks “I’ll take you out on our first date, and i’m gonna make it so perfect.” She said.
“Oh, yeah?” You grin widely and she nods quickly. “Yeah” She shrugged as she leaned in and kissed you again.
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rottiens · 3 months
i’m still in love with your name btw. now please, what specific thoughts about cult leader suguru are plaguing your mind ?? still gripping ur hand tightly <3
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✮ tags. . (18+), canon au, suguru x non sorceress reader, power imbalance, fem reader, reader has hair long enough to tie it, spit kink, praising (good girl), masturbation (m), dirty talk, mentions of shoe humping, embarrassingly self indulgent (as always), situationship. divider creds: cafekitsune.
✮ notes . . sosa, my angel, thank you so much for being so cute, your name has always seemed to me unique and very pretty, thank you for letting me talk about my lil ideas ! <3 and sorry for the delay jsjs I had to organize my thoughts (plus when I posted that I was at a party... I just couldn't write this while everyone was dancing, I had to pretend to be normal lol anyways! :3)
✮ wc. . 1.5K
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Suguru is someone… reserved.
If you had to choose just one word to describe him it would probably be that, in the months you've been involved in this strange dynamic that you can't define as a friendship or even a relationship, you've realized that you know very little about him.
You know his name, you know his age, you know he's someone of few words, that he doesn't like to talk about his past/childhood or his family in general now that you think about it. Everything you know about Suguru is because he has allowed you to know it, like breadcrumbs that he slowly drops along the way, or like loose pieces of a puzzle that you must organize yourself without his help.
You know more about the things he doesn't like to talk about than the things he likes to talk about or the things that make him the way he is, which makes you realize —as you trace his back and join his moles with your fingertips— that he knows too much about you: where you study, where you work, your friends, your parents, he's petted your pets, he's seen the pictures you have hanging on your walls, the little you clutching her mother's hand while looking straight ahead with a feigned smile. He knows so much about you and is so involved in your private life while you've only skimmed the surface of who Suguru Geto is, that the idea terrifies you in a way. There's another part of you that prefers not to think about it, after all, Suguru is nothing more than a medium through which to let out your repressed desires.
It's just like smoking a cigarette once a week, a bad habit that you can quit. It's just a casual thing. I can stop seeing him whenever I want, you repeat to your friends who have warned you so many times about the guy you keep so mysteriously, the one of whom you only have a couple of pictures saved on your phone.
Despite repeating that you can stop seeing him whenever you feel like it and so decide, somehow you find yourself always opening the door when he knocks, always agreeing to see him on his terms, always crawling on the floor, scraping your knees when he asks and ending up kissing the soles of his shoes when he commands it.
"Good girl," Suguru looks at you adoringly, or so you want to believe.
His hazel eyes are flecked with a darkness that makes the bare skin on your back bristle, you rock in the awkward position you're in to stand straighter and get a better look at his face, the red ropes that hold your hands still on top of your thighs, perfectly intertwined, burn and bite into your skin every time you try to struggle.
Suguru wears his long hair tied in a bun for comfort and except for you, he is fully clothed.
His fingers slip along your jaw bone and you shiver at the touch, your eyelids yielding to the loving caress that comes cold with affection and full of desire. With the darkness that your closed eyes immerse you in you allow yourself to feel the electric touch of his hands tracing your chin, gently running behind your ears until he gathers your hair into a bun with one hand and gently tugging pulls your head back.
"Look at me." His breath hits your mouth.
Embarrassment and desire compete to take over your chest, dancing to the beat of the drums that are your heartbeat, debating whether you should feel self-conscious about the nudity he has so often contemplated before or if on the other hand, you should feel aroused by the difference in positions between you.
Suguru cups your cheeks with two fingers of his free hand and you, submissive to the event you have experienced so many times before, open your mouth without needing a command. He spits, you hold it in your mouth until he tells you to swallow. Suguru, smiles close to your lips, proud of how well he has managed to train you over these months.
"That's a good girl," he praises you again, originating wave after wave of heat in your insides.
Her touch is warm as it trails down your neck, eyes darting with his fingertips touching your throat and down to your collarbones, eyelashes fluttering and the beginnings of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Suguru pinches one nipple, then the other and, leaving you with pleading lamb eyes and a torch in your belly he rises above your kneeling position and stands in front of you.
When he does that, pretending to be at the same height as you, you can often come to forget how scary his actual size is, how big his shoulders and back hide part of the view behind him. The zipper noise startles you, makes you look, not at him, but to look for the source of the sound.
Fingers like spiders hook into the zipper, pull it down and help him take out his erect cock that poses hard in front of your face. Suguru steps forward, you lick your lips with a restless heart and sticky thighs.
"So you said you needed me…" you want to speak, but with a mouth full of his saliva you can only shake your head showing him that what he said was true.
He was referring to that text message, you remember, watching him wrap a tight fist around his cock. It had been a long day, a stressful day, you didn't want to talk so the first person you thought of was him, your "friend with benefits", you didn't know if you could even call him that, the one thing you are sure about Suguru is that he is always going to make you cum hard and he is exactly what you need right now.
Only, seeing him walk through the same door of your apartment that he has walked through so many times and go straight to the bedroom, this was not what you had in mind when he knelt you down in front of him, ending up looking up at him from below was not the idea you had when you texted him how much you needed him.
He takes your chin between his index finger and thumb and your lips part, you can almost savor the all too familiar taste of his precum now only inches away from you.
"Always so obedient." Suguru squeezes his cock and a pearly drop slides from the head onto your neatly bent thighs, despite your efforts to lean in to lick it off. "You were so needy that you forgot the rules?"
Oh, the rules. You look up at him with naive eyes, batting your eyelashes begging him to believe in your innocence. You're supposed to expect him to be the one to text you first, always, you came to think that maybe it was because he had a girlfriend or boyfriend, that maybe he didn't want them to read your messages but the idea remains a mystery just like everything around him.
Suguru places his hand in front of your mouth and you spit, returning his own saliva mixed with yours and he promptly takes the drool dribbling from his hand around the length using it as a lube.
"You wish this was your pussy, huh?" he is fucking his hand so precisely, deep and at a pace that he would have your legs closing around his thighs. His hips play along with his hand, rocking back and forth in pursuit of his own pleasure.
"Yes." The word slips so softly out of you.
You see him restrain himself from grinning and decides instead to roll his thumb over your lip, showing him your teeth. The hand urges itself to go faster. His short, hoarse moans bounce between the walls and have the puddle in your pussy spilling over to your thighs; your clit throbbing for just a little attention, in situation like these there is nothing that would please you more than him letting you grind at least against his shoe.
His brow furrows and he bites his lip.
"Suguru, please…"
"Uhm no, open your mouth," he orders you, milking the tip of his cock between your parted lips. The heat and closeness is almost unbearable, you want to lean in and suck even though his next punishment would be much worse.. however you manage to control your urges and let him jerk off over your face, his moans turning into grunts, his lips pursed and his full balls gently twitching from the sudden movement.
It takes maybe ten seconds or so before you feel him dripping in your mouth, on your tongue, spurts of cum that has your naked body quivering with need.
"Don't swallow it. Get on the bed." Suguru instructs you, leaning down to brush his nose against yours and leave a fleeting kiss on your forehead.
Now, he was really going to take what was his.
Now, he was going to eat your pussy and see how hard you could resist not choking while he did it with his cum in your mouth.
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
could i request one where it’s azriel x reader where reader meets him for the first time and is stunned. Literally stunned. Feyre and Rhys introduce reader to azriel and all she can do is stare at him with no words coming out. Feyre and Rhysand silently giggle and reader snaps out of her trance before she can drool. She blushes and apologizes to him. When he leaves she turns to feyre and rhys and tell them that she has to meet him again. They continue meeting and the bond snaps🥹🥹🥹
anon I feel this in my soul lmao, I'm usually pretty dismissive towards men but I would not be able to keep my cool around Azriel. I love love this prompt and loved writing this, thank you for sending the request💜💜
Azriel x Reader
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The only sound was the crackling fireplace in Rhysand’s office as you lounged in one of his enormous leather chairs, lazily sipping on your drink as you studied the mobile of planets in front of you. 
You’d grown up in the Court of Nightmares, developing a clever nature by necessity - outwitting the males who functioned as your oppressors your greatest tool for survival in such a place. You became acquainted with Morrigan while Rhys was under the mountain, becoming a trusted advisor of hers. She advocated that your vast knowledge of everything ranging from inter-court relations to theories about your universe would be a helpful addition to the Inner Circle, and Rhys and Feyre agreed, eager for your assistance with the overlying threat from Koschei.
You were more than content to work alone in your research, but Rhys and Mor both insisted that their spymaster, Azriel, would prove helpful in organizing his spies in other courts to further your efforts in attaining any information you could gather. Naturally, you were irritated at the presumption that you needed a male’s help. You had navigated the Court of Nightmares, and if anyone thought that they could disrupt your extensive research and take over your mission, they would be sorely disappointed. Thus, you resolved to remain unperturbed by this spymaster, keeping an air of indifference about yourself as the door to the study cracked open - Rhys, Feyre, and the most stunning male you’d ever seen entering the room.
Your eyes shuttered as you struggled not to drop the glass in your hand as you took in the sight of Azriel. He consumed the room - everything else small and insignificant as his golden hazel eyes bored into you. It was an airy, breathless feeling – as though your body was adjusting to no longer needing oxygen to live, but him. 
You didn’t realize you’d been staring until Rhysand cleared his throat, your attention turning towards him and Feyre as they gave you twin smirks. Whether Azriel noticed your reaction to his presence, he was kind enough not to mention it. Rather, he gave you a polite nod as he quietly introduced himself, allowing you to lead the discussion as the four of your began your meeting.
You continued working with Azriel over the next several months - searching for any trait of his that would alleviate the butterflies that erupted in your stomach every time you saw him - but the only thing you detested about Azriel was how there was nothing detestable about him. He was kind and polite, never spoke over you, and yet every time he looked in your eyes it was as though you were struck by lightning. 
You’d never struggled keeping your composure around a male before, as there were none like Azriel. It had become an issue for you, where you felt a sense of panic before you would see him, unable to trust whether you would be able to keep your own sense of professionalism around him when everything he did made you fall more in love with him.
It was on a day that you were supposed to meet with Azriel on the outskirts of Velaris to go over your recent findings when you began to panic. Surely he must know how you felt for him - he must be playing you, knowing your feelings for him as he enjoying embarrassing you. No male had been that kind to you in the Court of Nightmares - why did you think Azriel would be different?
You fled from your meeting place, not making it far before familiar shadows materialized in front of you, a concerned-looking spymaster taking in your frantic state as he searched you for signs of harm. He slowly approached you, as one might approach a frightened animal, taking your hands in his. Hazel eyes searching yours with an intensity that had your stomach in knots, Azriel whispered, “are you alright? I saw you running as I flew overhead, but I didn’t see anyone else around.”
His open show of concern for you brought a flood of emotions as you collapsed into his chest, sobbing as you finally let go of your pride regardless of Azriel’s intentions. As you let your walls down and looked up at Azriel - a new openness in your eyes to let him see the impact he had on you - his features shifted. Azriel stumbled for the first time since you’d known him, his jaw going slack as the two of you stared at each other in stunned silence for several moments.
You sniffled, wiping away your tears as you found the courage to explain. “Azriel, I have had feelings for you that I have never had for anyone else. I am not used to kind males, and I don’t know how I can work with you when I feel the way I do about you. I am so confused, and I just need you to be honest with me because I cannot go on like this.” 
As tears welled in your eyes again, you looked to Azriel to see silver lining his own eyes, and he laughed. It was a soft laugh, one of relief as he surged forward and hugged you. You slowly wrapped your arms around him, melting into his warm embrace, the both of you enjoying each others’ soothing presence. 
Azriel pulled away, wiping your tears with his thumbs and pressing a kiss to your forehead. He sighed, smiling softly as he looked down at you. “You’re my mate,” he whispered. “I’ve been drawn to you for so long, but I didn’t think that you felt the same towards me. I didn’t believe you wanted anything more from me other than a working relationship... but just now - when you looked at me with those beautiful eyes, so open and earnest - it snapped for me.” 
Suddenly everything clicked for you. The feeling that you had when you first met Azriel, the draw to him, the comfort you’d never felt with anyone else. Your mate. You pulled him down for a kiss, and Azriel smiled against your lips as love and peace flowed between you through the bond.
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tetsuswaifu · 2 months
Can you please write a one shot about husband!dad!kuroo with twin boys and pregnant!wife!reader.
Have a great day/night~
Game Night with the Family
word count: 781
a/n: omg heyyy ! we all know kuroo would be the ultimate dad, i picture him being so active in the kids lives and driving the minivan to games or whatever else the kids are into, like fully involved in the role and loving every second of it, and him being the sweetest husband to you as well. when your pregnant hes even more "please let me get it for you princess" typa shit, he meets every good expectation imo. thanks again for the request and i hope you also have a great day/night love ! 🫶🏼
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read my work :)
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The cozy living room was filled with the sound of cheerful chatter and the clatter of game pieces. It was family night, and the boys had decided that board games would be the activity. Ren and Leo, your six-year-old twin boys, were seated on the carpet, eagerly setting up the board game. Kuroo Tetsurō, ever the doting father, was busy organizing the game cards next to you on the couch, while you, his radiant pregnant wife, watched with a loving smile on your face.
"Daddy, are we going to play now?" Ren asked, his brown eyes wide with anticipation.
"Yeah, we're ready!" Leo added, bouncing with excitement.
Kuroo grinned at your boys, ruffling each of their hair. "Almost, guys. Just let me shuffle these cards, and we'll get started."
You chuckled, resting a hand on your belly. "You two are so excited. I wonder who's going to win?"
They both raised their arms and exclaimed, "I'm gonna win!" in unison. You and Kuroo both softly laughed at their eagerness.
Kuroo finished shuffling the cards and handed each boy a stack. "Alright, let's see who's the master of this game."
The boys scooted closer to the coffee table, ready to beat each other at the game. Kuroo's hand naturally found your thigh, giving it a few gentle squeezes. "How are you feeling, love?" he asked, his voice softening. His hazel eyes met yours, always full of endearment when he looked at you.
"Good," you replied, leaning in to give him a short kiss. "The baby's been active today."
Kuroo's eyes sparkled with affection. "Our little one's going to be a bundle of energy, just like their brothers."
As they started the game, the room filled with laughter and playful banter. Ren and Leo were fiercely competitive, but Kuroo and you always made sure to keep the atmosphere light and fun. Whenever it was the boys' turn, your husband would sneak a kiss on your cheek, making you giggle in response. He was so affectionate towards you, always making you feel loved and appreciated.
"You're distracting me," you teased, playfully leaning into him.
"Can't help it," he replied with a mischievous grin. "You're just too cute, my love."
Ren and Leo both said, "Ewwww!" in response but continued focusing on the game. They equally wanted to outdo their parents.
After a few rounds, you excused yourself to get some snacks from the kitchen. Kuroo followed you, wrapping his arms around you as you reached for the chips.
“Need any help, sexy?” he whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck.
You laughed, leaning back into him. “I think I can manage, but I do appreciate the offer,” you said, turning around to peck him on the lips.
Your husband couldn’t resist giving you a playful smack on the butt. “Just making sure you know how irresistible you are.”
“Tetsu!” you scolded lightly, barely holding in your smile. "You're impossible."
"And you love it," he winked at you, turning you around to kiss you properly. "I'm just so lucky to have you."
You both returned to the living room with snacks in hand, and the boys cheered at the sight of treats. The game resumed as you all began munching on the various snacks, the atmosphere filled with warmth and joy.
As the game night drew to a close, Ren and Leo were declared the winners, much to their delight. They celebrated by jumping up and down, high-fiving each other, then you and Tetsu.
"Good job, guys," Kuroo said, lifting each boy for a hug. "You beat us fair and square."
"We're the best!" Leo proclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.
You laughed, ruffling his hair. "You boys did great. Now, how about we wind down with a story before bed?"
Ren and Leo nodded eagerly, and the family moved to the couch. Kuroo picked out a storybook, settling between his sons while you leaned against him, your head resting on his shoulder. As he read, his deep voice brought the characters to life, mesmerizing the twins.
The boys fell asleep quickly, resulting in the story being cut short. Kuroo carried them to their room, tucking them in with gentle kisses to their foreheads.
"Goodnight, Ren. Goodnight, Leo," he whispered. "Sweet dreams."
Returning to the living room, Kuroo found you waiting for him, your eyes filled with love. He sat beside you, pulling you into his arms.
"Tonight was perfect," you said softly, looking into his eyes.
"Every night with you is perfect," he replied, kissing you tenderly. "I can't wait for the baby to be part of this."
You embraced him in response, your family's future shining bright with endless possibilities.
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madamechrissy · 2 months
Nanami Makes Breakfast
SFW (It's just silly, cute fluff lol. I usually only post smut fr 🤣😭)
You wake up to the smell of breakfast cooking and coffee being made. You stretch out languidly, feeling the emptiness in Kento’s bed, right next to you, not even rumpled; he'd already fixed the blankets and pillows on his side to perfection. You sigh, smiling as you feel how sore you are everywhere.
You stand up and stretch, then pad into the kitchen, where he’s standing at the stove, shirtless, his back? It’s so fucking sexy, every muscle, every line… and Nanami Kento is flipping pancakes with surprising skill. You grin, leaning back on the dining room table and watching him.
“Good morning, my love,” he says, turning to smile at you. His hazel eyes are bright, a sweet smile on his lips, and it is a stark contrast to his seriousness the night before.
You wrap your arms around his waist from behind, peering over his shoulder at the golden pancakes. “Mnn, good morning. What’s all this for?”
He laughs, placing a kiss on your forehead, vastly in a different mood. You’re very happy he is, but you’re a little curious. “It’s just breakfast. I figured I’d spoil you a bit before our big day out.”
“Ooh, I could get used to this.” You tease, hugging him once more, kissing his back before backing away.
“Watch the master now.” You giggle, so unused to seeing Nanami like this, wide awake and carefree.
You watch him, feeling the warmth in your body, in your heart, making you so happy you couldn’t picture how you’d been before. Over something so simple, as a little breakfast, but how couldn’t you be happy? The smell of syrup and butter fills the air, making your stomach rumble.
“Have a seat, pretty girl.” He gestures, and you sit down as he pours you a cup of coffee, just the way you like it, and you sip it, sighing happily.
“Oh gosh this is so good, thank you Nanami. This is so sweet!” He starts to put pancakes in front of you, fluffy and dripping with syrup. “What have I died and gone to Heaven? Nanami Kento making me breakfast, shirtless.”
You watch his cheeks tinge red. “I need to do more for you, if you’re this damn excited about pancakes.” He sits next to you, an arm around your shoulders, as you begin to dig in.
“It’s so yummy!” You moan as you nibble on the sweet pancakes, chewing thoughtfully. “You do plenty for me just being here.”
“I think I should spoil you some.” He murmurs, kissing your lips, licking the bit of syrup from the corner. You flush.
“I don’t need anything…”
“Nonsense. Let me treat you today. And every day.”
You feel those emotions hit again, tightening your throat. “Kento…”
He kisses you again, big hand on your delicate jaw, caressing it, kissing you again. You sigh into the embrace. “Finish eating, darling.”
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fyonahmacnally · 3 months
Thank you to @rainbow-rebellion for the amazing prompt!
“W-Wait…you’re going to Midvale this weekend? You’re spending the 4th of July in Midvale? With the Danvers? The same place I am going?” Lena asks, voice an octave higher than usual as her panicked green eyes dart between her computer screen, her cell phone, and the woman sitting in front of her. “K-Kara didn’t mention anything at lunch yesterday.”
Oh fuck! Lena thinks. This can’t be happening. Sam knows me too well. This is a disaster. Fuck! That’s it, I have to find an excuse not to go. 
Sam’s hazel eyes scan her boss and longtime friend’s face with a smirk. “Well, that’s because she just asked today. I ran into her on the sidewalk on my way back from lunch with Andrea. She invited the two of us as well as Ruby, but Rubes is going to be with her friends all weekend. So, it’s just Drea and I.” 
Shit, Andrea will be there as well. Goddammit, Kara. Drea knows me better than Sam! Gay panicking. You’re gay panicking. Okay, it’s fine. Everything is fine. You’re fine, Luthor. Get it together. You’ve hidden your pining for years. You can handle a weekend with your friends. 
The brunette CFO raises a brow in question, an act picked up from the raven haired genius over their years of working together. It’s obvious the youngest Luthor is panicking over the presence of two of her oldest friends. No, she’s full on gay panicking. Sam does her best to stifle her laughter for Lena’s sake, but just barely. “Why are you being so twitchy about it, Luthor? Drea and I have been going to game nights since I moved back to National City. Besides, all of us already know you have the hots for blondie.”
The L-Corp CFO grins as she watches Lena’s posture shift from nervous to defensive. The entirety of their friend group knows Kara and Lena have been pining over each other for years. Sam is more than aware of the reason her friend is being squirmy about her and Andrea spending the weekend in Midvale. Lena knows she and Andrea know her better than the rest of their friends. The two of them know her every little tell and both of them live to give her shit about it. 
Sam gives the youngest Luthor one final devilish smile before leaving her office. Lena knows she is absolutely fucked with the Arias and Rojas duo.
Lena does her best to put things out of her mind after her conversation with Sam. The first two days of her week fly by. It’s suddenly Wednesday, she’s finished her work for the day, and is currently standing in the middle of her walk-in closet trying to figure out what to pack for her four day weekend in Midvale. 
The past few years with Kara around have provided a crash course in “comfy clothes” as the hero calls them. She has even accumulated a lot more casual clothing, but it doesn’t mean she has figured out how to pack for a holiday weekend, much less one held primarily outdoors. Honestly, she never really had holiday weekends while growing up with the Luthors. How the hell is she supposed to know these things? 
She sighs and glances down at her watch, she should have been finished packing hours ago.
Kara will be at her penthouse any minute and she has exactly three things packed – her toiletries, her tablet, and her glasses. They are supposed to leave at 7:00 pm, which is exactly 45 minutes from now. There is absolutely no way she will have all of her shit done by Kara’s proposed departure time. 
The Kryptonian wants to beat everyone to her childhood home to help Eliza set-up for all the guests. Lena pulled out all the stops and tried her best to get out of going after learning Sam and Andrea would be there, but the lovable reporter wielded her deadly pout and any further attempt died on her lips. So here she is, packing her suitcase. She was originally excited for the trip. It was supposed to be relaxing, but now she’s certain she will spend the entirety of the trip tense as a mouse in a room full of cats. 
Lena sighs, again. She can already feel her anxiety climbing and shakes her head. Get yourself together, Luthor. Accept the fact you’re the mouse and will be tormented by two very devious cats. Fucking Sam and Andrea.  
She gets lost in her thoughts. The next thing she knows, warm arms wrap around her waist causing her to shriek like a banshee. Once she calms down and wrangles her heart out of her throat, she smacks Kara for scaring the hell out of her quickly followed by shaking her now aching hand. They tag team her packing and get it done much faster than she would have alone. Unfortunately, she let her heart eyes cloud her judgment and allowed her years-long crush to take care of her swimwear for the weekend. There is no doubt in her mind she is going to regret this decision later as she has no idea what awaits her.
You are a fucking gay disaster, Luthor. Useless, pining queer disaster. 
Unfortunately, Kara Danvers is her kryptonite. Lena Luthor cannot say no to that woman. It’s impossible.
Read the rest on AO3 - link at the top.
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mostmagical · 5 months
Pairing: Stranger/Stranger (Adrinette, but they don't know that) Words: 4k Summary:
“Can I kiss you?” It's costume theme night at the local bar, and Marinette finds herself a bit entranced by a pretty stranger wearing cat ears. She thought she would be content just watching, until Alya suggests she asks for just a little bit more.
Marinette chewed on the edge of her fingernail, trying not to be too obvious as she peered across the bar at the stranger on the corner.
They had met on the dance floor not too long ago, and she had been having trouble looking away ever since. He was attractive, despite the obnoxious cat-eared beanie tight over his blond hair, drawing her towards him in a way she really hadn’t felt in, well, ever. At least, not towards someone she barely knew. Not since the breakup.
The liquid in his delicate cocktail glass was dyed pinker by the spotlight he stood under, so she couldn’t tell if he was actually drinking anything as passion fruit-flavored as the color, or if it was just straight liquor. Her breath caught as he removed his hand from the water-beaded surface, lifting it to adjust the thick-rimmed specs he wore and reminding her of the sparkling green eyes she’d spied earlier.
Blond hair. Green eyes. 
She wondered if it was some cosmic joke that this always happened to her.
Even the cat ears were suspect, but she was trying her best not to acknowledge that.
A hand landed on her arm, and she jumped before realizing it was Alya returning from the bathroom.
“Still staring?” Alya asked. She had forgone her eye glasses that night for the sake of ‘accuracy,’ providing Marinette a clear view of the humor glittering through her friend’s hazel eyes.
Marinette sputtered, readjusting the skewed heart-shaped sunglasses over the bridge of her nose. “Wh– What? Staring? Staring at who– I mean— Staring at what? Because obviously I’m not staring and even if I was I wouldn’t be staring at anyone, certainly not anyone handsome and charming and—”
Alya interrupted Marinette’s spiral with a laugh. “Right, right, right.” She shook her head, the red curls bouncing across her bare shoulders. “You weren’t staring at the guy you danced with earlier, and you haven’t been nervous and jittery ever since. I imagined all of it.”
“Yes.” Marinette nodded sagely. “Thank you, exactly. It was all in your head.”
Alya simply hummed, turning to get the bartender’s attention and ordering the two of them another round. With her friend distracted, Marinette couldn’t help but let her eyes wander again. The stranger was now scrolling through his phone. Oh no. Was he calling a taxi? Checking train schedules? Was he leaving?
Pain blossomed over her thumb and the taste of metal hit her tongue as she bit down just a bit too hard.
“Marinette!” Alya hissed, pulling Marinette’s hand away from her mouth and quickly wrapping it in a cocktail napkin. “What are you doing to yourself? Do you want to get kicked out?”
She was sober enough to feel the embarrassed flush cover her cheeks. “Sorry.”
Alya’s barely concealed eye roll was colored with humor. “You should just go over and talk to him.”
Marinette blinked owlishly. “And say what?”
“Ask him for a kiss.”
“What?!” She knew her shriek was loud enough to disturb the patrons on either side of them at the bar, but all she could hear over the pounding of the bass was the blood roaring in her ears. “Why would I do that?”
Alya just laughed. “Look at you” —she waved a hand at Marinette’s napkin wrapped finger— “biting through your nails because you can’t stop thinking about how hot you are for him.”
“I– I–” Marinette faltered, her mouth feeling like it was stuffed with cotton the more she tried to move it. “I am not.” At Alya’s raised eyebrows, she tried and failed to come up with another reason why not. “I– You know I’m not like that!”
“Normally, yeah,” Alya replied, shrugging, “but there’s nothing wrong with having a little fun, just this once.”
Marinette swallowed.
“And have you ever been so attracted to a stranger in your life?” Alya continued. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this wound up. Not since Adrien, or Luka, or– actually–” She stuck a finger in the air as if the thought had just struck her from above. “No, not Luka; it’s more like with Chat N–”
“Stop stop stop!” Marinette cut her friend off, throwing a hand over her mouth to stop up the words.
Alya licked her palm in objection.
“Ew! Hey!”
“You are so silly, M,” Alya laughed as Marinette pulled her hand away and dramatically wiped it on her shirt. “It’s not weird to have a crush on a superhero.”
Marinette chewed her lip, traces of the watermelon drink she’d had hours ago still tasting in the corner of her mouth. “You know it was more than that.”
A hand patted her shoulder. “Of course I do, but the point still stands.” Alya grinned, as sly as her own superhero persona would imply. “You deserve one night to not care. Treat yourself. You need to cut loose after, well, you know.”
Marinette couldn’t deny that since she had presented it, Alya’s idea was sounding more and more appealing. Though maybe that was the vodka talking. Or the desperation.
“He sure seems like your type after all,” Alya pressed, squinting her eyes as she studied him. “Tall, pretty, charming... blond.”
“Green eyes, too,” Marinette added, despite herself.
“What?” Alya laughed. She reached out a hand, flicking the frame of Marinette’s sunglasses playfully. “You could tell through these bright pink abominations?”
Her face warmed in embarrassment. “I may have, sorta, practiced discerning colors on my posters of Adrien with them before,” she admitted. She lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “His eyes look the same.”
Alya laughed again, full and delighted. “Marinette! Oh, there’s no one like you,” she said, grinning. “Now you really have to do it. I’m convinced it’s fate.”
It did feel almost divine.
Alya squinted once more, and Marinette wished her friend had listened to her when she told her to wear her glasses anyway. “He even kinda looks like—” She cut herself off with a hum, shaking her head. “You deserve to get out there again anyway. It’s been ages and I kinda think you need a rebound.”
Marinette wasn’t sure if she fully agreed with that statement, but she wasn’t exactly in the mood to broach the subject and down the mood.
“What if he laughs in my face?” she asked instead, sticking her lip out in a pout. It was meant to look cute, so maybe Alya wouldn’t push so much, but the fear was very much real. Sure, she and the stranger had had an amazing conversation, and their chemistry had been more intoxicating than her drink, but he was still that— a stranger. There was no telling what might happen if she walked up to him and asked for something so daring as a kiss.
“Marinette, look at me,” Alya said, placing both hands on either of Marinette’s shoulders. “You are hot. You are cool. And he is totally into you.”
Was there any explanation for the way her heart leapt straight out of her chest?
“Into me?” Marinette repeated. “What makes you say that? Are you sure?”
Alya smirked dangerously. “Well, don’t look now, but I may have caught him taking a few glances over here while your back was turned,” she explained.
Marinette, of course, looked. Her head turned at just the precise moment to catch his gaze in her own, and sure enough, the stranger’s jaw momentarily dropped upon making eye contact. He recovered quickly with a sweet smile, raising his glass in a cheers motion from across the bar.
Alya sighed, shaking her head. “Well, at least there’s another sign for you,” she said, amused. Grabbing Marinette’s shoulders again, Alya turned her back around to look at her face-to-face. “See? Repeat after me: I am hot.”
A bit dazed from the encounter, Marinette could do nothing else but exactly what Alya asked. “I am hot,” she repeated.
“I am cool,” Alya continued.
“I am cool.”
“He is into me.”
She choked, the last phrase a little rougher on liftoff than the others. “He is, guh– into me.”
“One more time, all together.”
Marinette closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. She regretted it, as the smell of sweat and hops stung her nose. But the intake of air managed to ground her, all the same.
“I am hot. I am cool,” she chanted. “He is into me.”
“Yes!” Alya cheered. “Good job!”
The mantra was like a magic spell. Marinette opened her eyes, suddenly energized. Her stomach pitched a little, but it was full with excitement.
“Two cognacs,” the bartender announced, jolting Marinette from her reverie.
“Merci!” Alya picked up a glass, pressing it into Marinette’s hands with cool insistence. “Drink this, and then get over there!”
Marinette obliged, downing the drink in two big swigs. The alcohol no longer burned the back of her throat, settling in her stomach with a pleasant warmness. She replaced the glass on the bar with a firm clink, then sucked in another deep breath, wiping her upper lip with the back of her hand.
“Okay,” she said under her breath, hyping herself up. “Okay!”
“Go!” Alya gave her one more push, spinning Marinette around and pressing the heel of her hands into her shoulder blades. “Your prince charming awaits,” she sang.
Marinette stumbled forward, unsteady from Alya’s shove, but she quickly regained her bearings. Her blood pumped faster in her veins as she approached the other end of the bar. She swore she could feel every fingertip throbbing with her own pulse as she got closer.
Just a little kiss.
Plenty of people did that.
(Although, it wasn’t something she had ever considered doing herself.)
It wasn’t... weird to ask.
And like Alya had said, he was into her. The stranger probably felt the exact same magnetism she had. He would want to kiss her.
Steeling her nerves, she stood behind him, watching him swirl the liquid around in his glass. His head tilted towards where Alya stood by her lonesome on the other side of the bar, and Marinette’s heart skipped a beat in her chest as she wondered if he might be looking for her.
She smoothed down the synthetic purple wig as best she could, and adjusted the collar of her leather jacket. She almost wished she could dart off to the bathroom for a final appearance check, but she knew she would lose all her built-up confidence if she did. With butterflies brushing the insides of her tummy, she reached out a hand, tapping him twice on the shoulder.
The stranger turned, and she thought she might let herself believe his face really brightened when he saw her.
Nervously, she waved. “Hi.”
“Hey, Clara,” he said in a soft voice, somehow still audible over the loudspeakers. His smile was sweet and reserved. Her throat tightened up. “I was hoping you’d want to talk again.”
Marinette felt like the breath was stolen right out of her lungs. “You– You did?”
A hand reached behind the back of his neck in what must have been a nervous tick— yet another similarity to more than one of the loves of her life, oddly enough. “Yeah, I mean—” Was that a hint of red on his cheeks, or were her glasses fogging up again? “You– Uh, I loved dancing with you.”
The smile pinched her cheeks. “I loved dancing with you, too,” she said. “I had a lot of fun.”
“Wait a second,” Marinette said, her mind finally catching up to the last 60 seconds. “You called me Clara. I didn’t—?”
His mouth twitched into a grin. “Your outfit,” he pointed out. “Inspired by Clara Nightingale, right? From the ‘Heartbreak Disco Baby’ video?”
“You recognize it?”
The stranger’s face seemed to light up, even in the darkness of the bar. “Of course!” Marinette watched agape as his eyes scanned up and down her body, dare she say, appreciatively. “I’ve only watched that video about a million times and this is a perfect recreation.”
Pride swelled in her chest at the praise. “Thank you,” she replied. “I do take my costuming very seriously. My best friend even dressed to look like Sonia Auclair from that video.” She gave her loose hair a flip over her shoulder as she took the moment to seize up his outfit as well. “And you are—”
“Dressed at the very last minute,” he supplied bashfully. “I wasn’t exactly planning to come out, but luckily I had this beanie.”
“It suits you.”
His smile seemed genuine at her compliment. “You really think so?” he laughed, playing with the edge of the material. “Thanks.”
He was adorable. She bit her lip against the rising heat on her face.
“Heartbreak Disco Baby,” he repeated thoughtfully. “That doesn’t mean you’re a little heartbroken, are you?”
Adorable and considerate.
Now or never, she thought.
“Can I kiss you?”
As soon as the words left her mouth, her chest seized up. She said that. Oh god. She really said that.
The stranger’s face blazed a delightful shade of red, and Marinette wondered if they would match or clash were someone to compare the two of them. “Sorry,” he coughed. “I think I might have misheard you?”
She could run away. Back out right now, and save herself the mortification. Unfortunately, a flash of movement on the other side of the bar caught her attention, and she was met by Alya fluttering her fingers across the way. Marinette forced down a swallow.
“I asked to kiss you,” she repeated clearly.
When he only continued to stare at her, face crimson and eyes wide, Marinette slipped dangerously close to panic mode.
“Forget it!” she practically screeched. “You don’t have to do that—” She cut herself off with an awkward laugh. “I just— whew! Is it hot in here? I just— My friend over there told me I need to cut loose, and she told me to just go for it because I, well, I mean you’re very pretty— and we had chemistry…? Oh god, I said that— I mean, no, I stand by that, we do—” She covered her mouth, eyes wide in horror over her spew. “I swear I haven’t had that much to drink,” she admitted, rubbing her temples. “Sorry, I’ll go.”
Marinette froze, slowly drawing her gaze away from the floor and back to the stranger’s face. “What?”
He rubbed the back of his neck again, the redness of his face having faded to a lovely pink that blended with the colored shades of her glasses. “Okay,” he said again. “I’ll kiss you.”
“You- You– uh. . .” Words didn’t seem to want to come to her rescue.
Luckily, the stranger did. He eased off away from the bar, facing her fully as he took her limp hand in his. With a gentle tug, he guided her to step closer towards him. “Is this okay?” he asked, his warm tone sending her heart fluttering.
She nodded almost too vigorously before she finally managed to rouse her tongue. “Yes, yes, it’s okay.”
This close, she could smell his cologne, a cluster of warm linens and nutmeg that sent a pang of recognition down her spine. His chest was firm and radiated a comfortable warmth that Marinette felt she could fold into. She followed his eyes as they dropped down to her mouth and back up again. Goosebumps raised over her skin as his hand glided up her arm, his face an image of patience. Until it changed to panic.
“Wait, oh no,” he gasped. “You’re not–”
“What?” She tilted her head in confusion, not really sure where this reaction had come from.
His mouth was a worried line. “Have you been drinking?” he asked. “Because I’m sober, and I don’t want to be taking advantage of you–”
Marinette cut him off with a snort. “I promise you, I am completely of sound mind, when I do this.”
Riding the sudden wave of confidence, Marinette mirrored his earlier movements, allowing her hand to trail up his arm and over his neck, warm skin beneath her fingertips. As she gently cupped his cheek with her palm, she pressed up on her tiptoes, rocking forward to sear her lips to his.
His breath fanned her mouth as he gasped into it, truthfully without a hint of the taste of alcohol, and his lips were pleasantly warm and plush against hers. She found herself quickly sinking into it, especially as a hand landed on her lower back and held her steady. Her other hand dove into the hair at the back of his neck, teasing the soft strands in rhythm with the glide of their kiss.
It was more than sparks and explosions and fire— all things she never expected she would feel while kissing a complete stranger.
She couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something achingly familiar— comfortable, her mind supplied— about the pressure of his mouth on hers, and the little hums she could feel vibrating over her skin. Despite herself, she cracked open her eyes and studied his face as he continued to kiss her.
Green eyes. Blond hair. Cat ears, puns, those lips. Her heart almost seemed to stop as she realized she knew exactly why the sensation was so familiar. She had felt this kiss before. It could only be Chat Noir, she realized, warmth flowing between her shoulder blades.
She pulled away, just a centimeter to breathe between them. “Mon Chaton?”
He blinked open dazed eyes, blinking at her as if waking up from a dream. “Chaton?” he repeated. His eyes widened. “My Lady?” His voice was breathier than she was used to hearing it, and it sent a thrill up her spine.
“It’s you.” She almost wanted to laugh. “No wonder we fit so well together.”
It only took a few seconds for her partner to recover from his dreamlike state. He grinned his cat-like grin. “We’ve always been the purrfect team, after all.”
“Oh my god,” Marinette groaned, pressing her lips to his once more to shut him up. However, his mouth remained shockingly slack against hers. She pulled back. “What’s wrong?”
Seemingly dumbfounded, he replied, “You kissed me again.”
Oh god. Oh, god. He didn’t want to kiss her now that he knew. She was such an idiot.
“I’m so sorry.” Hastily, she tried to push away from his chest, only for him to grab her wrists and prevent her escape.
“Wait, no. I just–” His mouth worked wordlessly, endless green eyes searching her own. “Are you sure you want to be kissing me? What about—”
Marinette froze in place, the familiar voice sending a chill up her spine— one that was cold and bruising, rather than warm and thrilling tingles that her partner had sent up and down her back all night.
Her hands went limp, still caught in Chat Noir’s hold, as the spray-tanned arms of Chloé Bourgeois wound around his neck.
Chloé, dressed in a flowing gown that did not at all match the whimsical costumes in the bar, immediately launched into complaints, current company left unnoticed, or rather ignored. “Thank god, I finally found you,” she cooed. “I can’t believe you left me there with that cousin of yours and Tsurugi. Ugh.”
A pained expression flashed Marinette’s way before her partner turned his head to meet Chloé’s powder blue eyes. “You had Zoé, too, didn’t you?” he asked her.
“Ugh, you know I would rather it be just us two.”
Marinette was rooted to the spot. It felt as though her brain was misfiring in about a billion directions. And yet, somehow all those directions ended at the exact same destination: the stranger before her.
A stranger, she was realizing, that was not so strange after all.
In fact, this was probably a person she knew better than she ever thought she had.
Because if she added everything she knew up, carried the two, and multiplied by three, well...
It seemed like Chat Noir was Adrien Agreste and the two (three...?) loves of her life were actually just one.
Nervous green eyes peeked at Marinette, as if to check that she was still there. The redirection of his— Adrien’s, oh god— attention finally drew Chloé’s eyes east, and if Marinette thought she could make it out of this easily, she was quickly corrected when an appalled groan filled the air.
“Dupain-Cheng?” Chloé stuck her nose up in the air, somehow glaring at Marinette through only the corner of her eye. “What are you doing with her? I thought you two broke up.”
“It’s complicated,” Marinette said, at the same time Adrien burst out “Marinette?”
She took one look at his face before immediately casting her eyes away again, an angry red blush overtaking her cheeks.
What the hell what the hell what the hell.
She found herself almost wishing for an akuma alert to save her. Except, no. No, she didn’t, she realized, because she would still have the same man right there with her.
“Marinette?” Adrien repeated again, voice sounding almost far away, even in a room where her ears were already blocked from the loud music.
Shyly, she met his pleading eyes, pushing her sunglasses back up and onto the top of her head. His jaw all but dropped open as he watched her, recognition flitting through his eyes.
They were quite the pair, weren’t they? Marinette could have laughed. A pair of glasses and neither realized that they were talking to their own ex. And the fact that she had recognized Chat Noir’s kiss, but not Adrien’s... No. Nope. Not going to unpack that.
Chloé glanced between them, a look between disgusted and bored plastered across her face. “What’s with that reaction?” she asked. “Listen, if you’re getting back with this weirdo, I–”
Marinette had no idea where Alya had appeared from, but she had never been so happy to see her best friend throw an arm over the other girl’s shoulder. Chloé physically recoiled under Alya’s touch, attempting to lean away, but to no avail.
“Césaire,” she grunted.
Alya grinned, unbothered by the less-than-enthusiastic response. “Oh my god, it really is you! I could barely tell; forgot my glasses, silly me. How’ve you been?” she asked. “I want to hear all about the new campaign.” Over her shoulder, she threw Marinette a wink.
The realization that Alya was providing her a way out burst across Marinette’s skin. In a flash, she had wrapped her hand around Adrien’s wrist, bodily dragging him through the crowd and away from their classmates. He came along willingly, only slowing down to dodge around drunk patrons that stepped between them.
Eventually they found themselves comfortably alone in a quiet hallway leading to the bathrooms. The hallway was much brighter than the main floor, illuminating all of Adrien’s features in a way that she couldn’t believe she had missed before. Marinette looked up at him in question, squeezing his wrist tight between her fingers. “When did you get back?” she asked, too desperate for the answer to pretend like she wasn’t.
He looked worried. “Just tonight. I– I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me.”
“Of course I did,” she murmured. She realized she had said it too quietly to be heard over the speakers when Adrien kept going.
“Everyone was asking questions.” He pressed a hand against his forehead, twisting her heart with it. “And just talking so much about my dad and England and... I don’t know. I– I had to get out.”
Her breath caught. She began running her hand up and down his arm to try and soothe him, saying, “I know, kitty, I know.”
“Zoé mentioned you and that’s when I realized I had to make a break for it.” He ducked his head shyly. “I should have figured I’d run right towards you.”
Marinette huffed out a laugh, her earlier conversation with Alya about fate and divinity seeming oh so relevant now. She let her hands rest on both his cheeks. “Yeah, seems like we’ll always be in each other’s orbit, doesn’t it?” she asked. “I just can’t seem to ever let you go.”
His eyes went shiny, and she wondered if he was about to cry. “Do you really mean that?” he asked, covering her hands with his own.
Her shoulders dropped with the tension she had been carrying. “Of course I do,” she replied, running her thumbs over the dark circles beneath his eyes. “I’m sorry about that night. I just didn’t want you to leave and I didn’t know how to say it.”
“I didn’t want to leave either,” he said with a watery smile. “Are you disappointed you didn’t get to kiss a stranger?”
She used her thumb to brush one errant tear away from his eye. “Considering I’d rather be kissing you, anyway?” she teased. “No, I’m not disappointed at all.”
His mouth twisted into a wry grin. “Not even about...?” He glanced back and forth down the hallway, as if checking for any listeners, only to look back at her with just an eyebrow waggle to voice his concerns.
Marinette giggled again. “Come here, kitty.” With a gentle tug, she guided his face down to hers, kissing him all over again.
If you enjoyed, consider dropping a kudos or comment on Ao3! <3
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darkwitchingflower · 5 months
Cabin 13 - Hades - Headcanons
(By request of @bookishteardrops, thank you btw!!! 🩵)
It usually takes Hades kids a while longer to realise Hades is their actual father
Hades tends to care for his kids in the less obvious ways (visiting in the form of a lawyer for Nico and Bianca for example or giving his kids zombie chauffeurs)
Just like how Apollo kids can heal others, the Hades cabin have a special knack for healing bones and relocating them
especially since Apollo kids aren't a fan of pushing bones back into place, they like to call Nico in for help (will also just likes to see his boyfriend)
coffee addicts
archaeology fanatics
decaying things fascinate them
Mrs O'Leary actually dug up a dinosaur femur at one point and its now on display in the Hades cabin
There's a ghost in the cabin called Roberto, he and Nico are friends
when Nico goes to the Apollo cabin, the only showtunes they can agree on are the ones from Hades Town or Sweeny Todd
for Halloween, the Hades cabin and Hecate cabin team up to make a spooky Halloween
but since both cabins are like goth and emo central, they go all out
one year a camper fainted
don't worry they were ok
Sweeny Todd was a child of Hades
There's a rumour going around that kids of Hades can tell you your exact date of death, no one is being bullied anymore
They tend to be more introverted and traumatised than the other campers
bless their little hearts
speaking of hearts they have anatomically correct organ models in their cabin
they were valentines gifts to Nico from will
the cabin is currently split in two
one side for Nico
one side for Hazel
if the child is able to control gems there is a good chance a load will pop through the floors when they're stressed, anxious or scared
same goes for if they control skeletons except its slightly more controlled
after the war with Gaia, Hazel and Frank stayed at camp half blood with Nico just to be sure he was ok
Hazel probably needed it more than he did, her side of the room is covered in crystals from when she's had nightmares and PTSD flashbacks
Nico's side of the room however has a wall covered in photos of himself, Bianca will, Hazel and Frank
Hazel will sometimes ask Nico to tell her about their cool big sister
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cutestbow · 5 months
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Notes: this blurb is apart of an au if anyone is confused
: im finally back after a week to continue this story, this is just a little blurb but its where it really all begins so enjoy!!<3
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Penelope parked her car in the Hughes drive way, heart beating and hands sweaty. She never ended up going to the lake house last summer due to family issues so she hasn’t seen the Hughes family in a while due to their hockey schedule and her school schedule, especially Luke since he recently made his nhl debut and played his first game in the nhl.
The last time she saw luke was a few weeks before last summer when she went to go say thank you, yeah she tried to watch some games but it wasn’t always as easy with her schedule.
She walked up to the door unlocking it with the key Quinn had given her a few years back. The house looked more organized now, with hockey and boat decor filling the walls.
She heard voices coming from the pool room.
Penelope turned the corner deciding to walk towards the room.
“You scratched!” Quinn yelled at a certain someone before shifting his gaze to Penelope.
“P?” He said shocked before rushing over to her and pulling her into a hug, “when did you get here!” He said pulling away looking at her.
“Just now,” she laughed.
“Penelope?” A voice said, she examined the brown haired boy with ocean blue eyes and brown stubble across his chin.
“Hi Jack,” she said lightly laughing at his reaction as he pulled her into a hug, “You look older now,”
“So do you!” he said examining her once more before pulling away rushing down the hall.
She shook her head and laughed before facing Quinn again and falling back into conversation.
Only a few minutes into their conversation she heard Jack speak again, “look,” he spoke to someone causing her to turn around.
Only then was she met with a curly haired brunette with the prettiest hazel eyes, he looked taller, more fit then she last seen him.
Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of him, almost embarrassingly.
Quinn and Jack both gave each other a look at the twos silence.
“Hi Penny,” Luke said grinning widely.
“Hi Luke,” she letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
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brave-and-gentle · 6 months
Girl dad!Jean Kirstein - Happy Birthday Edition
In celebration of our man's birthday!
Pairings: Jean x afab! reader
Summary: Modern AU - You find out that you and Jean are unexpectedly going to be parents, and the baby is due on Jean's birthday.
Warnings: None, this is a continuation of super wholesome girl dad Jean
EB's Notes: I wish I could've fully fleshed this out, but alas, I'm working on two fics so a bulleted list is the best I can give rn <3 also I don't know what it's like to be pregnant or give birth so?? I did my best?? Plz enjoy and celebrate our Jean boy!
It's September when you find out that you're pregnant. One missed period isn't a big deal, but two? That plus how your stomach swirls every morning. You can't keep anything down until mid-afternoon. You silently blame the Fourth of July rager Eren threw every year. You and Jean had never been the patriotic type, but you two enjoyed the party (maybe a little too much thanks to Connie handing you drinks all night) and got a little careless after the night's festivities.
One night when Jean comes home from work, you decide to tell him. “Um, Jean?” Lacking words, you hold out the pregnancy test. Your hands shake. You had talked about having kids together, but it was always some distant future, certainly not now. He takes the stick and stares at it for what seems like forever. You wonder if you have to explain to him that it's a pregnancy test – is he really that dense? But then he looks up, hazel eyes glowing in the sunset streaking through the windows, and wraps you in his arms. “It's going to be okay, no matter what we do,” he whispers and kisses the top of your head. “I know it's not great timing and I'm not sure I'll ever really feel ready,” you begin, voice trembling, “but I think I want this. A baby. With you.” Jean leans down to press his forehead to yours. “Then I think we're going to have an adventure,” he grins.
Jean is overjoyed when you two find out that the baby is due in early April. “Do you think they'll be born on my birthday?” He asks, excitement rippling through his six-foot-two frame as he stares at the sonogram. You roll your eyes. “I didn't realize you could tolerate sharing a birthday with anyone.” Jean made a big deal about his birthday every year – mostly because he wanted to see what you would come up with for him. “Anything for our little one,” he affirms and caresses your slight bump.
Jean is the perfect partner to have a baby with – almost too perfect. It's almost irritating how much he dotes on you, but you remind yourself that he's doting on the baby too - “Baby K” or “little one,” he calls them interchangeably. He supplies you with all kinds of ginger snacks for morning sickness, researches all the baby stuff you'll need, asks a million questions at every appointment, gives you a massage every night, and takes over the majority of the household chores. Connie and Sasha tease that they never see him anymore because he's “whipped for two.”
You start to feel contractions on the evening of April 6th. Frantic, Jean calls the doctor, who says to wait until they're closer together. Neither of you fall asleep that night – you simply lie in bed, counting the minutes between contractions together. In the wee hours of April 7th, you decide it's time. Jean carries you to the car, packs the hospital bag, and hyperventilates all the way there. “For god's sake Jean, we're not even there yet!”
For all his hyperventilating in the car, Jean manages to calm down once your contractions and labor pains ramp up. It's pain unlike anything you've ever experienced – like someone is twisting all your organs together and rearranging them. All modesty is out the window. With so much sweat sliding down your body, you throw off the hospital gown and are stark naked in front of Jean and the nurses. Jean holds you hand the entire time and rubs your sweat-slicked back as you contort yourself into any position that will get the baby out as fast as possible. “C'mon baby, you're doing great! Almost there, almost there!” He encourages with confidence, but his face is as pale as the hospital bed sheets. You know Jean well enough to know that on the inside, he's border line having a panic attack.
You let out one final scream, one final push, and ear-piercing cries fill the room. “You have a baby girl!” The nurse announces and places your daughter on your chest. She's covered in all kinds of fluid and is screaming so loud your ears ache, but you don't care. You cradle her in awe that she's this little combination of you and Jean that will someday grow into her own. Jean pulls closer and wraps his arm around you and places his hand on your daughter's back. His entire hand is almost bigger than her. “She's so small,” he whispers. His earthy hazel eyes begin misting.
When Jean holds his daughter for the first time, his misty eyes give way to a rainstorm. “I can't believe we have a daughter – we made an entire human,” he blubbers and snuggles her close. “Don't forget who did most of the work,” you groan and roll over on your side to watch the two loves of your life. Jean lowers your daughter from his chest to gaze down at her. His eyes light up. “Hey babe, look, I think she's got my face!” You laugh because sure enough, she does have a longer face than most babies you've seen.
When the nurse takes your daughter to get cleaned up, Jean nibbles your ear. Heat flushes your face. “So when do you think we can -” You bat him away. “Don't even think about, Kirstein.” “C'mon babe, I'm starved!” He pleads. “NO. You don't even want to see my pussy right now, it's wrecked.” Jean crosses his arms. “I'll have you know that I saw everything, probably more than you did, and I still want your pussy. But alright alright, maybe in a month or so. Maybe we could make another one. . .” He trails off and grins. You widen your eyes. “If she's got your attitude? We stop with her,” you counter. “But,” Jean says, “if she's like you? We should have three more.” You groan and throw a pillow at him.
A few hours later, Connie, Sasha, and Marco come parading in with chocolate cupcakes. “When I asked Nicolo to make cupcakes for your birthday, I didn't realize there would be two birthdays,” Sasha laughs and hands a cupcake to Jean, who wolfs it down in one hand while cradling your daughter in the other. “More importantly,” Marco says and hands you a cupcake, “congratulations. I'm glad everything went well.” You grin and take the cupcake. “Thanks Marco.” Jean grabs another cupcake and holds it in the air. “To you,” he says your name, “for giving me the best birthday present I could've ever asked for.” Tears shimmer in his eyes again. Your heart blossoms at the sight of your best friends all here for you. “Who knew Jean boy was such a cry baby,” Connie mutters and munches on his cupcake. “Ouch!” He cries as Sasha hits him on the head. “Happy birthday Jean,” you laugh and roll your eyes because you know for the rest of your life, he's going to be insufferable about how great it is to share a birthday with his daughter. “You're never getting one like this again.”
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