#hbh text posts
autismnation · 2 years
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idk why most of these are spider & harper i’m sorry
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hlfgdlsbn · 2 months
Okay firstly I’m not Australian and before I watched hbh I’ve never heard of eshays (also not British so no clue about roadman either) and even now I only know about them in the fictional sense.
But everything I read about them makes me think that is rather hard to actually become one, especially one being kind of respected. Which Ca$h arguably is. Chook lets him get away with more stuff than others it seems (Ca$h lost the clothes/money and Chook let him just pay him back, which sure isn’t easy but he actually didn’t harm him for that, he punched him in the face bc Ca$h put himself between Chook and the boy). Chook also really seems to have trusted Ca$h and had some deeper bond with him, one that Ca$h reciprocated.
While we don’t know the details, Chook evidently was the person who helped Ca$h. He got him out of his troubled home, got him a family and trust and somewhere to belong. Gave him a name to be respected. And all this apparently before Ca$hs Nan was in the picture. So Ca$h had no one but Chook. So to get to the point Ca$h and Chook have a complex relationship, in which being eshays is just one part but one that definitely makes it even more difficult to get out of it.
And so I don’t understand how Darren, Harper and Amerie expect Ca$h to simply cut the eshays and especially Chook off. Like they seem to understand that they are dangerous but expect Ca$h to just walk away from them without facing consequences? Ca$h isn’t just some runner for Chook who maybe could get away with it, he’s part of Chook's inner circle.
In the end I’m just mad because they don’t think about it, Ca$h is putting his life (and to his horror also his Nan's and his friends life) in danger and the others don’t see it and are just pissed that Ca$h doesn’t do what they want him to.
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Woman moment.
Fun fact!
Originally I was going to put a small essays worth of text describing why I think she’s a butch and my reasoning behind it but it became so long and complex of a subject I decided to make a whole new post on the subject, I just wanted to get all of the HBH pride art out before the end of the month cause it was stressing me out otherwise tbh. I’ll still post that wall of text at some point regardless if you want to see it or not. >:)
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therobishow · 3 years
I think I'm done with podcasts made by men
I love listening to podcasts while I work. Especially ones related to history, film, and literature.
And damn near every time I try listening to ones that are made by men, I end up hitting a point where I have to stop listening and switch to something else. There's always a point where they say something that is so ignorant, blatantly sexist, etc., that I just can't take it.
Often times it's the host buying into a very male-centered lens of interpreting whatever it is they're discussing. And, you know, that's kind of expected. They're men. They're viewing things as men. I get that and I'm usually willing to just roll my eyes and move on. But then it keeps happening, or gets much worse than what can be excused by simple ignorance. And then I can't just roll my eyes anymore. I just want to start yelling. And that's not a good energy to have while I'm trying to do my job. So I switch over to something else.
A good example of this happened today. I was listening to a podcast called History by Hollywood. I found it because I'm a huge fan of History Buffs on Youtube. Comparing historical fiction to the actual history is fascinating to me. I love learning about the real event and how it's translated into fiction. But...it got bad. Real fucking bad.
Now, I can't place all the blame on the creators of HbH. They had guests who do a podcast that I think is called Green Screen, which discusses films through an environmental lens. And I definitely will not be listening to that podcast after hearing them today.
The episode was about Gorillas in the Mist, which is biopic about Dr. Dian Fossey. If you don't know who Dian Fossey is, look her up. She was one of the group known as the Trimates, sometimes called Leakey's Angels. The group consisted of three women who were expert primatologists: Birute Galdikas, who studied orangutans; Jane Goodall, possibly the most well known of the three, who studied chimpanzees; and Fossey herself, who studied gorillas. I would love to write hundreds of pages about how awesome and unbelievably badass these women are/were. Seriously, learn about these women if you haven't already. They are amazing.
Anyway, the episode was about Dr. Fossey. My first issue is that, despite her PhD, they never once referred to her with her proper title. This is upsettingly common with women who have earned doctorates. Men never want to call them Doctor. It frustrates me to no end. But that's not nearly the worst of it. They went on to discuss how she became pregnant twice during her time in Rwanda. She chose to abort both pregnancies because she did not want pregnancy or motherhood to interfere with her work with the gorillas. One of the GS guys commented on this saying "I suppose her reasons could be considered valid." Um, excuse me? First of all, why do you think that you get to decide whether or not she had valid reasons? You don't. Second, of course her reasons are valid. Whatever a woman's reasons are for having an abortion are valid. She's the only one who gets to make that decision. So fuck right off with that. Sorry for getting a bit heated here, but that really pissed me off. There was no need for a comment like that. Especially since it makes it sound like he doesn't actually think her reasons are valid, but is scared of catching heat so tried to sugarcoat it.
Moving on, TW: rape, they also got into the fact that Dr. Fossey stated that she was repeatedly raped by soldiers in 1966 over the course of two weeks. People freaking love to claim that this is "disputed" or "exaggerated" and some go as far as to claim that it was an outright lie. Why? Because she originally claimed that she was treated well and then escorted to the border. Later on, she admitted that she was actually beaten and raped. I'm not going to delve too far into this because a) this post is already way longer than I intended, and b) I will get SO MAD. For the sake of brevity, I'm just going to say that I believe that she was raped, and that she initially lied because she was not ready for this information to become public. The hosts however...well, they'd like to claim that they didn't come down on either side of this "debate" and simply presented facts. But they totally don't think she was raped. They went on and on about all the reasons that she would have lied about being raped, such as political clout, publicity, propaganda, and other dumb reasons. But just couldn't seem to think of any reason that she would have lied about not being raped. Gotta love how men are always able to come up with fifty million reasons why women would make false accusations. It's absolutely not in any way revealing how they think of women.
They also got into the admittedly shitty things that Dr. Fossey did during her time in Rwanda. She wasn't perfect, and she did do some rather bad things. Her approach to conservation work was very much steeped in a colonialist mindset. I'm not about to deny that. And they did do a good job of explaining some of the more overlooked facts of poaching--most African poachers aren't cartoon villains who want to destroy nature. Many are farmers who are killing animals that threaten their crops and/or livestock. And then they get offered lots of money to do it. It's not a simple issue, and doesn't have a simple solution. I don't have a problem with them addressing this, and I'm glad that they did. However, and this is a pretty big HOWEVER, they also didn't discuss any of the great things she did. She saved a huge number of gorillas. She helped improve the Rwandan economy. She fought against multiple colonialist organizations trying to exploit Rwanda and it's wildlife. She helped to revolutionize the field of primatology. There's so much that we know now that we only know because of her. They also decided that the fact that she's a heavily revered and respected figure in Rwanda was worth a few sentences and that was it.
They referred to her as cold and unfeeling multiple times, largely due to her relationship with Bob Campbell, who was married when they met. Apparently the fact that she didn't stick with him for her whole life means that she's cold and uncaring. Ugh. I just fucking can't with this.
And the cherry on top, they made jokes about her murder. Yep. Dr. Fossey was horribly and brutally murdered with a machete in December of 1985. And they apparently think that's funny. Now, I know that some of the people who were close to Dr. Fossey have also made jokes regarding her death. However, there are several Grand Canyon-sized differences between someone using humor to cope with the death of someone they loved, and some assholes with a podcast making jokes about the brutal murder of a woman they never met. They also said that it doesn't matter who killed her or if they're ever caught. Which...no? It very much matters who snuck into this woman's home in the middle of the night and used a machete to brutally murder her. It very much matters if this person is caught. I can't even imagine trying to say that it doesn't matter if an actual murderer is ever caught.
All of this goes into a huge problem when it comes to studying history, especially the history of science. Women are always scrutinized more heavily, always criticized with more vitriol, and always have their enormous accomplishments either left out entirely or pushed to side. I almost never see male scientists given this treatment. Edison comes close, but he always gets quite a bit of "Yeah, he was awful, but let's not forget all the awesome things he did!" Women however get "Yeah, she did a few cool things for science, but let's not forget that she had an abortion!"
I just can't handle this shit anymore. If you managed to get all the way to the end of this wall of text (yay) please recommend me some good history/literature podcasts created by women. I will love you so much.
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hbh-entertainment · 4 years
i tried to make my fictional kpop company’s head quarters on the sims 4 and this is what happened.
i got this idea from @ephemera-sm​ who posted a text post about how it would be interesting to see a floor plan of oc dorms, companies, etc. I thought that was an amazing idea so i decided to make my company on the sims! 
some notes before we start: 
the sims only allows 4 floors to be built. obviously a real company has multiple floors and multiple different levels. some of the layouts that i created i see as being a ‘repeat’ floor (so like... multiple floors may have the exact same layout)
i am really really really ungifted when it comes to sims4 building. please don’t judge me too hard. i don’t have cc furniture either. i was working on limited skill and resources. i’m insecure about posting this lmao please be nice.
if you even read through this whole thing.... i’m open to answering any questions about HBH or the building or staff or whatever! questions help me world build and I really need to work on world building.
Alright. Let’s start with the ground floor. 
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Ah, the main lobby. Where visitors and artists alike enter the wondrous building and are greeted by the equally-wondrous, piece of ancient history secretary, Mrs Son Youngja. Right next to the entrance (that you can only get through if you either have an ID or buzz in), are three large display cases. Inside these cases are all the awards that HBH artists have won over the years. Yes, this is a flex on any newcomers that have never been to HBH’s headquarters. No, it’s not subtle in the slightest.
If you’re a trainee, employee, or artist, you have to show Youngja your HBH Entertainment ID before heading to the elevators. Anyone who doesn’t have their ID has to wait in the lobby, but they will be asked to leave by security if they loiter for more than ten minutes. You do not want to mess with security. 
In order to access the rest of the building, you will need your HBH Entertainment ID to open the elevators. Depending on your position at the company, your ID may only get you into specific locations. For example, a corporate intern will only have access to the corporate floor. 
I always pictured HBH to have a wall full of ivy or plants or maybe even running water behind the front desk. I feel like Hak Bonghwa would want that just to like ‘bring calmness’ or something. The sims 4 ivy wall looks fugly but please just envision a cool looking plant wall.
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In my Sims 4 world, I called it ‘The Big Practice Room’. At HBH, there are actually at least 2 of these types of floors, stacked one on top of the other. 
So there are two floors that look like this! The first one is on floor 1, and they call it Practice Room A. The second one is on floor 2, and they call it Practice Room B. 
These larger practice rooms are mostly reserved for debuted idols to practice their choreography. Large groups like Triptych need big practice rooms like this so all their members can work together. 
Trainees rarely use these practice rooms unless they are given permission from their instructors to book them. They are sort of a rite of passage to be able to use the larger practice rooms after you debut. 
I showed a picture of some random posters next to the ‘sound system’ in the second picture because in my head these practice rooms just have a ton of vice/promise/triptych memes printed out and pasted onto the walls near the back of the rooms.
Part of being an HBH artist is coming in at five in the morning to see a new meme of yourself right next to the aux cord. Good morning, Seoul. 
As you can see, there are two locker rooms up here. Most of the idols just dump their stuff against the wall in the practice room, but sometimes people actually use the lockers that HBH paid for.
There’s also three showers and if I could find space for it there would have also been bathroom stalls but.... hehe i made everything too small and was too lazy to rescale. There should be three toilet stalls in each locker room, just use your imagination. 
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In the Sims 4, Trainee Town is one floor. At HBH, it’s more like two. So imagine this floor, but another identical floor on top of it. 
They call it ‘Trainee Town’ because these two floors are only used by trainees. 
Well, not all the time, but you will rarely see a debuted idol in a practice room up here or walking around unless they are hosting a class or dropping by to give tips.
Trainee Town has four practice rooms, all which are significantly smaller than the larger practice rooms that we saw earlier. This is because when they are training, they are broken down into smaller groups and taught by instructors. They also are broken down into smaller performance groups when it comes to busking and showcases, so they never really need a large place to practice.
Actually, the kids will practice anywhere. The space between the two elevators has been used as a practice room multiple times. 
Right when they get off the elevators, there are bulletin boards that not only have the schedules for their training and showcases, but also sometimes they’ll leave messages to each other on them. It’s cute. 
You might have noticed that the locker rooms don’t have showers. That’s because I ran out of space again. There is supposed to be showers and toilets. I just don’t know how to be an architect. 
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There’s at least three floors of corporate, but only one has Hak Bonghwa’s office. (The floor above his has an office very similar to his. That office belongs to Heo Seongja.)
They all generally have this same layout. Open seating, no cubical, only a half-wall to separate desks.
HBH’s unofficial-official color is a greyish blue so I tried to keep the color theme going in this specific floor because this is like... where the Business Happens. 
I couldn’t make it but there is a specific floor in HBH that is dedicated to just conference rooms. All the top floors of HBH are for business offices and stuff, but the conference floor is the second-to-top floor. The only floor above that one is the food court, which overlooks the city.
I totally forgot to add the food court, but imagine like... a college dining hall. It’s like that but with healthy food and tables with benches. 
Anyways! Hak Bonghwa’s office is in a glass box so he can see all his workers. He doesn’t do this to be controlling or whatever, he wants to make it feel like they’re all in this together. 
His desk always has photos of his family on it. 
He has a small conference section of his office with a cat vase. In my head, there was no cat vase. Now that I saw this one from the Sims, there is now canonically a cat vase in Hak Bonghwa’s office. 
The tea is: a good chunk of HBH workers hate this office layout because there’s no privacy and you can always see what other people are up to and it’s distracting. 
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The last level I created were The Dungeons. 
The Dungeons got it’s nickname for two reasons. One, the other half of the basement (which isn’t shown because I got too tired to finish it) used to be the old trainee rooms when Vice were training. 
The second is because of the obsurd amount of time you spend down here when you’re working on a new album.
Most of HBH artists are self-producing so the members will spend a good chunk of their time down in one of the studios to record their comebacks. 
There are three recording studios. The Green Studio, the Red Studio, and the Blue Studio. They all get their names from the carpets that are laid on the floor. 
The Blue Room is used the most frequently for production lessons for trainees.  
Across the hall, you may have noticed two other rooms. One of these rooms “belongs” to Cyth from Vice. The other belongs to Rushi and Haeun, two long-time trainees. 
Cyth gets a room because he produces not only for Vice but he also has had a helping hand in almost every HBH artist comeback since Triptych debuted. He’s earned his own work space to say the least.
Rushi and Haeun have one for similar reasons. They have both been trainees for nearly six years now. A part of their training was that they got to produce, compose, and write for other HBH idols. They have helped Promise create their whole “Dancer” album as well as a few early Triptych tracks. Even though they are just trainees, they are very valuable members to the HBH gang. 
To explain the “random space” part! 
I’ve thought it through and I’ve decided that I will probably be putting several ‘empty’ rooms down there for a variety of things like rap practice, vocal practice, lyric writing practice, etc. Just more practice space for idols and trainees. 
I have nothing else to add. If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear them. I may or may not make the dorms?? idk. We’ll see. i’d love to see other people’s floor plans! hop on this! let’s make it a trend! Thank you for reading this very long post! Stay healthy please. 
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thetaylorfiles · 5 years
Well, this one (that made me log off tumblr afterwards actually lol) was posted after HBH used the phrase ‘Please don’t get triggered, everyone’ as a preamble for a personal anecdote about her girlfriend. I forgot to screenshot, but her story had absolutely nothing to do with mental health and it is clear that HBH didn’t initially think about its connections to it.
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HBH begins her little tirade with gaslighting and guilt-tripping that anon, who has asked her in the kindest way possible to refrain from misusing the word ‘triggered’, by making it all about herself and prioritising her own potential (non-confirmed!) trauma over having an ounce of empathy and respect for this person’s actual struggle with PTSD and the bullying endured for it. (Also, may i repeat that HBH DIDN’T even use the word FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE IN THE FIRST PLACE!). She then proceeds to enforce that guilt by shifting the blame for her own negative reaction onto the anon, insinuating it’s their fault it escalated, as they could have tried to resolve the issue privately (You could have as well, HBH, just make a DAMN text post asking that anon to send you a message, not every blog is comfortable with DMs). And don’t even get me started on the ‘So...I am not sure if you have caught on’, that’s probably one of the most condescending and patronising things you can say to someone to make them feel bad about themself. Also: You should never excuse your behavior with ‘having a bad day’. Manipulation galore!
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And iwanthermidnightz reply just takes the cake: ‘how are you supposed to know what OTHERS are uncomfortable with?’ Well, dear madam, that’s achieved with communication, which is exactly what the anon is doing...or at least trying to do, if many Kaylors stopped being so deliberately obtuse.
This has been quite the essay, huh? Hopefully coherent, English isn’t my first language! I get all riled up, when people are brave enough to open up about their struggles and demand respect for them equally respectfully and all they are met with is blame-shifting, arrogance and derision, siiigghhh.
Your English is perfect and I love you so much for all of this!! I miss so much on her blog.
Jesus. Why are Kaylors so damn unkind? How fucking hard is it to just say “I truly wasn’t intending to cause you any discomfort by using that word and I’m sorry that I did.” Like why is it so hard for them not to be such assholes to anyone they don’t like?
Seriously thank you for this. Especially after she asked everyone not to reblog her. Now it’ll be on here for eternity!
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stateofgay · 4 years
Hey I recently followed HBH and they didn’t block me. They def don’t know who I am because I’m very new here. So maybe her blocking you was at least a bit personal. Maybe it’s because of what you wrote about tcg.
the thing is i used to follow from another sideblog but wasn't very active on it and would check on them from my personal without following. then i switched to here and had finally followed again only recently. idk the precise moment they blocked me since you don't get a notification. it's definitely odd behaviour, cause if it were simply that they want their content private then they'd set the blog to private lol. i'm not a big blog and my text posts get buried quickly as i reblog a lot, so yeah... go figure.
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igarashione · 4 years
Access List
Access list
Standard numberd ACL (1-99)
Access-list <acl # > {deny | permit} <source ip > <source wild> [log]
Access-list <acl #> remark <text>
In access-group <# > {in | out}
Extended numbered ACL (100-199)
Access-list <acl # > {deny|permit} [protocol] [source] [source wild] [destination] [destinamtion wild] [log]
Access-list <acl # > {deny|permit} tcp [source] [source wild] [port] [destination] [destinamtion wild] [port] [log]
Eq (equals) , gt ( greater than), lt ( less than)
access-list <acl #> remark [text]
Int sx
Ip access-group {number \name [in|out]}
Line vty
Access-class [number | name ] in| out
Ip access-list { standard | extended} name
{deny | permit} [source] [source wild] [log]
{deny | permit} [protocol] [source] [source wild] [destination] [destination] [log]
{deny | permit} tcp [source] [source wild] [port] [destination] [destination] [port] [log]
Additional ACL numbers (1300-1999) standard, (2000-2699) extended
Named ACLs
Improved editing sequence number
Configure standard ACL
Access-list 1 permit
Access-list 1 deny
Access-list 1 permit
Interface S0/0/1
Ip access-group 1 in
Configure extended ACL
Access-list 101 remark <text>
Access-list 101 deny tcp host 1772.16.1.0 eq ftp
Access-list 101 deny tcp host host eq www
Access-list 101 permit ip any any
Int s0
Ip access-group 101 in
Int s1
Ip access-group 101 in
Ip access-list extended barney
Permit tcp host eq www any
Deny udp host .0.0.255
Deny ip
Deny ip
No Deny ip
Permit ip any any
Int s1
Ip access-group barney out
Verify standard acl
Show ip access-list [acl # | name]
Show ip access lists
Show access-list [acl # | name]
Show details of config acl for all protocols
Show ip int s0/0/1
Accesslist set to the interface in and out
Both match on the source address or the destination address in the protocol header.
Both match individual host addresses or subnets/prefixes.
Both can be applied directionally (inbound and outbound) to a router interface.
Both can match on transport layer protocol information such as TCP or UDP source or destination port number
Both can match on specific ICMP message types and codes
Both have an implict deny statement at the end of the ACL that matches all remaining packets.
Both support time ranges for time-based ACLs.
Ipv4 ACL can only match ipv4 packets and ipv6 acls can only match ipv6 packets.
Ipv4 ACL can be identifieed by number or name, while ipv6 is name only
Ipv4 ACL identify that acl is standard or extended but ipv6 identity differently
Ipv4 ACL can match on specific values unique to an ipv4 header (eg. Option, precedence, Tos TTL, fragments
Ipv6 acl can match on specific values unique to an ipv6 header (flow label, dscp) as well as extension and option header values
Ipv6 acl have some implict permit statements at the end of each ACL just before the implicit deny all at the end of the ACL, while ipv4 do not have implict permit statement.
Ipv6 can match
Traffic class (DSCP, 0 to 63)
Flow label (0 to 1048575)
Ipv6 Next Header field indicting extension header type/number
Source and destination 128-bit ipv6 addresses
Upper-Layer header details: TCP or UDP port numbers, TCP flags SYN,, ACK, FIN, PUSH, URG, RST
ICMPv6 type and code
Ipv6 extension header value and type (hop-by-hop headers, routing headers, fragmentation headers, Ipsec, destination options, among others)
Standard ACL
Ipv6 access-list [name]
[permit | deny] ipv6 {source ip | any | host source ip} {destination ip | any | host destination ip} [log]
Int gi0/2
Ipv6 traffic-filter [name of acl] [in|out]
Extended ACL
Ipv6 access-list [name]
[permit | deny] <protocol> {source ip | any | host source ip} [opperator [port #]] {destination ip | any | host destination ip} [opperator [port #]] [dest-option-type [doh number | type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [log] [log-input] [ mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | type]] [reflect <name> [timeout <value>]] [routing] [routing-type <routing number>] [sequence value] [ time-range <name>]
[permit | deny] icmp {source ip | any | host source ip} icmp-type [icmp-code] | icmp-message] [opperator [port #]] {destination ip | any | host destination ip} [opperator [port #]] [[dest-option-type [doh number | type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [log] [log-input] [ mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | type]] [routing] [routing-type <routing number>] [sequence value] [ time-range <name>]
[permit | deny] tcp {source ip | any | host source ip} [opperator [port #]] {destination ip | any | host destination ip} [opperator [port #]] [ack] [dest-option-type [doh number | type]] [dscp value] [established] [fin] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [ mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | type]] [neq {port| protocol}] [psh] [range {port|protocol}] [reflect <name> [timeout <value>]] [routing] [routing-type <routing number>] [rst] [sequence value] [ time-range <name>] [urg]
[permit | deny] udp {source ip | any | host source ip} [opperator [port #]] {destination ip | any | host destination ip} [opperator [port #]] [dest-option-type [doh number | type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [ mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | type]] [neq {port| protocol}] [range {port|protocol}] [reflect <name> [timeout <value>]] [routing] [routing-type <routing number>] [sequence value] [ time-range <name>]
Permit icmp any any nd-na (permits NDP NA message)
Permit icmp any any nd-ns (permits NDP NS message)
Permit icmp any any router-solicitation
Permit icmp any any router-advertisement
Int gi0/1
Ipv6 traffic-filter [name acl] [in|out]
Line vty 0 4
Ipv6 access-class [name] [in|out]
Show ipv6 access-list
Show ipv6 interface | inc line|list
The post Access List first appeared on IGARASHI.
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autismnation · 2 years
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hbh text posts since nobody else is doing them (also sorry if u dont ship these ships)
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autismnation · 2 years
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hbh text posts my beloved 🫶
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