deterweek · 6 months
Deter Week 2024 Roundup Post!
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First of all, I just want to say THANK YOU so, so much for everyone who participated in and otherwise supported Deter Week. I appreciate y'all SO much. Now, on to the good stuff: a recap of everything that was created for Deter Week 2024! If you weren't able to finish 'on-time' (I say this because there's no such thing) I will still reblog your stuff if it comes up and add on here!
Day One (Role Reversal/What Could Have Been)
Moonlit Bonds by The_other_boy
Stasis by @whimsicalmeerkat
the steel of my will (as your heart beats through my chest) by @lavender-lotion
before something breaks that cannot be fixed by @lucky-bishop
Day Two (Challenge/No One)
No. by @whimsicalmeerkat
Lemon Challenge by The_other_boy
the weight of my sins by @lavender-lotion
Day Three (Time Fuckery/All I Wanted)
Second Chance by The_other_boy
on hearts that hoard their bright, hard pain by @lavender-lotion (also for day four: mirrors/reflection)
Day Four (Mirrors/Reflection/Rolling in the Deep)
as through a glass darkly by @whimsicalmeerkat
Reflections by The_other_boy
Day Five (Opposites/Easier than Lying)
Looking Forward by The_other_boy
Souled Out by @hddnone (also for day 6: creatures)
Day Six (Creatures/I'm Your Man)
Life is fleeting by The_other_boy
like a god, like a man by @lucky-bishop
Day Seven (Freedom/Die For You)
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endlesstwanted · 3 months
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@hddnone and I are very excited to share our collaboration for the @winterironevents reverse mini-bang! I created a moodboard that can be found at the beginning of the work and inspired my partner in crime to write this story. Hope you love it as much as I do 🧡
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe and Marvel
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark
Tags: Canon Divergence - Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), bucky isn't snapped, Bucky Barnes Recovering, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark Friendship, All the soft healing vibes, and nature vibes, Happy Ending, Inspired by Art, Embedded Images
Summary: Bucky isn't dusted with half the universe. Instead, with nature, healing, and only a little meddling, he and Tony find out how to live in this new world.
Wordcount: 4,215 words
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psychiccatpanda · 2 months
Rules are: post gifs from your 10 favourite shows without naming them, then tag 10 people.
Tagged by the lovely @weethreequarter-- thank you! ❤️
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No pressure tagging @rebelmeg, @snarkythewoecrow, @cami-chats, @endlesstwanted, @gavilansblog, @hddnone, @journeythroughtherain; @somesortofitalianroast, @holistic-alcoholic
Mine was a mix of recent and old favorites. I decided they shouldn't all be mystery shows. XD
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reforgedzine · 2 years
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@hddnone is one of our amazing guest writers for the zine! Check out this preview:
The tavern was busy, and Tony breathed a sigh of relief as his lone entrance went unnoticed. As he waited behind the crowd at the bar, he cased the room for its important points: back door, no guards, and a man in a blue coat nice enough to impress a sneak.
Check, check, and—with one woman in his lap and another at his shoulder, together almost blocking the blue of the coat—check.
Tony paid for two mugs of ale and forced his way over to the Blue Coat Man with sharp smiles and sharper elbows.
It was promising. The man was broad and burly enough to be a believable sailor. The coat was nice—like Harley said—and spoke of money, though not enough for Tony’s usual level of society. And for the conclusive piece—There. A flash of a silver hook where a left hand should be marking this man as Bucky Barnes, first mate on The Avenger, and Tony’s ticket out of this blasted port before the bars clanged shut on his cage.
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27dragons · 2 years
WIP Ask Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of  how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the  title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or  tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips.
I came by this game by way of @rebelmeg. I don't have anywhere near as many WIPs as she does, but uh, still a fair amount.
A Hierarchy of Needs
A/B/O Arena
Arranged Marriage
Bakeoff AU
BBGM: Tony's POV
Concubine!Bucky AU
Dangerous Beauty AU
Drarry Thing
Fantasy AU
Guardian Angel AU
Hawksilver: The Quick and the Dead
HTP Thing
Life Debt Bride
Modern Slave AU
Old Guard AU
Prison AU
Roman AU
Spin Me Out
The Monster in the Labyrinth
The Supplicant
Unnatural Shifter
WI Endgame Fixit
WI Halloween Stockings 2021
So... 26? Several of them haven't been touched since 2017, lol. I'm not tagging that many people, so I'll just tag @monobuu, @hddnone, @writingfanficsfan, @polizwrites, and... anyone who asks me about a WIP who also writes, themselves.
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polizwrites · 2 years
WIP Update - 1 Mar 2023
A slower (aka “normal”)  writing week -   I only touched 2 fics (2 WIPs & 0 new works)  but managed a total of  2027 words!  
On Ao3, I posted:
The Words Engraved Upon Our Souls  - Stucky Soulmate AU with supportive(pining)!Tony.  An Indecent Proposal  - Pepper POV  No Powers AU (implied Stony) The Steward of Brookline Manor  - Werewolf & Regency AU, WinterIron outsider POV A Piece of the Action - Chapter 2 - pre-slash Tony + Scott Lang bonding over shooting repulsors. Wraps Around My Heart (Refusing to Unwind)  - WinterIron hanahaki (Bucky POV) - WIP
On Tumblr I posted:
A Secret Garden - Part III -   rolled into the above  WI hanahaki fic
I have  11 active WIPs  with my current  deadlines being  the Stucky and Avengers bingos. 
See below cut for what I’m working on/planning to work on - arranged more or less by bingos/challenges/etc.  As always, feel free to send me prompts or plot bunnies as well as asks regarding any of these projects  or any other WIPs I’ve got out there.   Interaction really helps feed the Muse and keep me motivated!
Bucky Barnes Flash Bingo 2023  [BBB_F23] (Ends 28 Feb)
I completed one card from the  @buckybarnesbingo February Flash Bingo event - posted everything to Ao3 and completed my fill forms - just need to pull a masterlist together.  
* Ultimatum - used this in combination with the FFC23 Day 9: Soulmate AU prompt along with my Stucky Bingo  Stark Tower prompt  for  The Words Engraved Upon Our Souls  -  a Stucky Soulmate AU ficlet with supportive  (and maybe pining, just a little) Tony.  
* Unlucky - Filled this with Come Again Some Other Day   It’s an introspective piece with Bucky reflecting on how much he hates being rained on that came in at 527 words.
* Undone - Filled this with Chapter 2 of   Make My Heart Come All Undone  - No Powers AU featuring surfer!Tony (with a secret) and  amputee!Bucky.  I got a good start on this thanks to the  FFF23 Day 1 prompt: Wave and have since finished the fic, which is coming in at  2191 words - will probably post the final chapter March  3rd.
* Uniform - filled this with Clothes Make the Man - a drabble  where on the eve of Project Insight, Steve takes on a more personal mission.
* Underdog -  combined this with last week’s Flash Fiction Friday prompt  . [#FFF189 Who Are You]  for a double drabble:  The Fist, Defeated.   The plan is to possibly add on more (possibly present day) to also fill my ACB  Isaiah Bradley square.
Tony Stark Bingo - Round 6  [TSB_R6  (Ends 28 Feb)
Skidded in with an almost natural blackout - 24 squares and two adopted squares!!   I’ll be posting my masterlist later this week
* T3 - Pepper Potts/Rescue -   Posted  An Indecent Proposal  on Saturday.  It’s a partial remix of sabrecmc’s  Indecent Proposal  from Pepper’s POV that came in at 542 words. 
* T4 - KINK: Concubine -  this is getting pushed to the next round in order to do the idea justice.   😔
* A1 - AU: Regency -   Posted  The Steward of Brookline Manor   on Sunday. It’s an outsider POV (Phil Coulson) of the first few scenes of To Tame a Werewolf.    It came in at 713 words.
*A5 - Scott Lang -  decided  to add on to A Piece of The Action from the 2021 TSB Flash Bingo - Chapter 2 came in at  717 words and makes the fic more or mess a pre-slash/getting together fic between Tony and Scott.
* K2 - Secret Admirer -  Posted the first chapter of  Wraps Around My Heart (Refusing to Unwind), yesterday, inspired by Seeds of Love  (WinterIron hanahaki fic by the super-talented @hddnone).   Chapter 1 came in at 595 words and Chapter 2 is already written & will be posted probably on the 10th. 
February Ficlet Challenge [FFC23]  (Ends 28 Feb 2023)
I’m participating in the @februaryficletchallenge, where two prompts get posted each day.  You’re supposed to write a 200+ word ficlet within 24 hours and share it to the collection -  I’m ending up using these as prompts for longer works to fill bingo squares, but am posting each ficlet to Tumblr as I complete it.    I kind of petered out on this, but the organizer said they’re keeping the collection open til June, so I may try to write a few more if inspiration strikes. 
I’ve completed ficlets for the following prompts: (12 of 28 days)
Day 1: Wave;  Day 2: Caught in the Rain, Day 3: “What’s up, Doc?”;  Day 6: Pirate AU  Day 7: Carnival/Amusement Park,  Day 8:  “This is the last time I bail you out!”;  Day 9: Soulmate AU;  Day 10: “Wet your whistle”;  Day 12: Secret Admirer,  Day 13: Vampire and/or werewolf AU;  Day 15: Ice; Day 16: Out to Sea
Stucky Bingo Round Four [SB_R4] (Ends 31 May 2023)
Thirteen fills and one WIP with a couple of other vague ideas.
* B1 - Mutual Pining -  no specific idea, but it’s so On Brand for me I’m sure I’ll come up with something!  (maybe  the Centerfold fic idea I’ve been toying with)
* O2 - Stark Tower -  See BBB Flash  Ultimatum above.
* N1 - AU: Fairytale - stretching this prompt a little to combine it with the FFC23 Day 15: Ice prompt for a double drabble.   The Captain and the Soldier is vaguely inspired by The Snow Queen (Hans Christian Andersen).    
* O4 - AU: Supernatural - got inspired by a dream to start a Stucky fantasy AU (magician!Steve/ensorcelled!Bucky) that @bill-longbow  is collaborating on with me. We’re currently sitting at 1640 words  (984-ish of which are mine).   Will probably continue on this sometime in February/March.   Current Last Line:  "My men will accompany you back to Brookline in the morning.”
I also adopted the Writing Format: Remix one of your fics  square  – am thinking of taking one of my Stony or WinterIron  No Powers fics and adapting it to a Stucky pairing – if you have any requests - hit me up!  
WinterIron - No Powers AU  –  Stony No Powers AU
Avengers Bingo Round Four [AvB_R4] (Ends 2 June)
This time around the card is a 3x3,  so am looking at writing different pairings for my two favorite Avengers - Tony and Steve.    I have 2 fills completed and two WIPs, with a couple more ideas in play.
* A1 - Vulnerability - see TSB James “Rhodey Rhodes square above
* B1 - Unrequited Love -  see TSB Secret Admirer square above.
* B3 - Mistaken Identity -  I’m planning a third chapter of my Tony/Rhodey  Western AU   Decision at Sundown   based on the ficlet I wrote to fill the “Wet Your Whistle”  FFC23 prompt.   The expansion will make both this square (and probably the fic itself) more explicit.  😁
* C3 - Dog Tags - seems like a good  Steve/Bucky  (or Steve/Sam?) square.
All Caps Bingo [ACB_R1]  (Ends 30 Sep 2023)
This new bingo focuses on Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson as its main characters - paired up with each other or anyone else!    I’ve got three completed fics, one WIP and two different ideas for the One Fill, One Bingo Challenge - see this Tumblr post for details.  
* B2 - AU: Fugitive -  I combined this with the FF23 Pirate AU prompt to write  Flying the Flag of Freedom.   I plan on expanding it to bring Sam aboard (so to speak) but need to do some more research first.  
* G1 - Isaiah Bradley -  see BBB Underdog above.
* O1 - “This is payback, isn’t it?” -   combined this with the FFC23 - Day 7: Carnival/Amusement Park prompt for Recollection of Anticipation - Steve  revisiting memories based on Bucky’s comment about the Coney Island roller coaster.   It came in at 541 words and will be posted to Ao3 before this event ends.
* O3 - Pararescue Sam Wilson - may try to squish this into an expansion of  A Rising Star -  a previous Flash Fiction Friday fill.  
Sam Wilson Bingo [SWB_R3]  (Ends 15 Oct 2023)
Finally got my square incorporated into my Master Bingo tracking workbook and have one fill.  I have a few squares I want to swap & will probably start tacking this and the All Caps bingo in earnest this month.
G1 - Rescue Mission  -  I combined this with last week’s  @flashfictionfridayofficial​ prompt [#FFF190 Trapped in the Dark] to write a Sam & Bucky mission fic  hurt/comfort ficlet:   Down in the Hole (Some Emotions Are Hard to Hide) It came in at  525  words and will get posted to Ao3 sometime next month.  
* G3 - Joaquin Torres - possible expansion of   A Rising Star .  
On other creative fronts:  I have a Launchpad McQuack and Deadpool Stuffed With Character figures in progress -  still working on the figures/props for my three Marvel Trumps Hate  auction winners as well (7 of 8 done so far) – thanks so much for your generous support!!  Finally, I am prepping for a superhero con in March  and another con in June  so am pretty well booked up through spring/early summer.
That said, if you’re looking for one of a kind gifts for birthdays or other celebrations later in the year, check  out Stuffed With Character   over on Facebook for a full list of my designs (now over 100!).   They’re  mostly Marvel and monsters, but I have some Star Wars, Star Trek, DC   and Disney figures as well. Plus I love to take custom design  requests  for any fandom!
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tonystarkbingo · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Tony Stark Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Magic, Fae & Fairies, Fae Magic, Dancing, contract magic Summary:
Bucky is half-human and half-Fae. He won't deny his humanity, but neither will he ignore the instincts of his Fae blood.
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what2finish · 4 years
hddnone Creator Post
(Auction #1005)
Creator’s previous works: Here!
Link to GDrive Folder of WIP Summaries/HCs/Plot Bunnies Creator is Offering: Here! [no link from creator]
you can contact the Creator before bidding at:
email:  [email protected] discord: hddnone#8110 tumblr: hddnone
Likes: All manner of AUs (fantasy, sentinel/guide, wings, magic), domestic fluff, some angst and/or misunderstandings but mostly happy endings.
Do Not Wants: Major character death (unless temporary), hurt no comfort, super angst, break-up fic, non-con, infidelity in main pairing, bathroom kinks, 1930/1940s AUs, zombies.
Preferred Charities of the Creator: Any
Full Charities List
Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fanfiction
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Pairing(s): Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes, Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers
Character(s): Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Rating: Teen, Mature, Explicit
Abhorsen AU, Tony x Bucky This is a fantasy AU based off a book series by Garth Nix. Tony is from the Old Kingdom, where technology doesn't work and magic exists, but he has made a life for himself south of the Wall - the non-magic side. He means only for a quick trip home to visit his family and friends (Rhodey and Pepper) but home is not as he left it. The Abhorsen - the one person who can keep the dead down - is missing, and the kingdom is falling apart. Featuring: magic, talking Alpine, walking dead, necromancer Bucky Estimated word count: 30K Pern AU, Steve x Tony x Bucky Where humans make lifelong, telepathic bonds with dragons, Tony becomes a gold-dragon rider. Men aren’t supposed to bond gold dragons, as it’s the gold dragons that lay the eggs, and so Tony’s dragon is assumed to be sterile and worthless. Steve is a bronze rider and was fighting, dragon vs dragon, when he gets dragged ‘between,’ and he finds out dragons can jump time as well as distance – centuries into the future. Steve and Tony are struggling to get along, and then comes Bucky who is chasing Steve from the past. (Continuation of From the Shell fic) Featuring: telepathic dragons, rocky relationship Steve x Tony (at first!), explicit scenes, dub-con due to dragon heat / mating Estimated word count : ??? no clue, honestly! Definitely >20K Virgin Sacrifice, Tony x Bucky Tony is sacrificed on behalf of his village to the monsters attacking them. Only, these monsters aren’t willing to negotiate, and it’s thanks to werewolf Bucky and his pack that Tony survives the encounter. Featuring : werewolf Bucky & other Avengers, asshole Howard, misunderstandings on werewolves as villains Estimated word count : 30K maybe? Price of Peace continuation, Tony x Bucky Omega Tony is given as tribute to Warlord Steve, but Steve has no use for an omega. He gives the tribute to his right hand, Alpha Bucky. (Continuation of Price of Peace fic) Featuring : Bucky with a tragic backstory re: arm, light magic (re: arm), conflicted Bucky, Bad-ass Tony, A/B/O, dub-con & explicit scenes Estimated word count: ??? Walking Tall AU, Tony x Bucky This pulls from the movie Walking Tall. Bucky was Special Forces but comes home after an injury. Home is a small, run-down town where the only jobs available are at the casino run by [villain of choice]. There’s a few hometown friends, such as pre-serum Steve, and also Tony Stark – whose father got swindled by Obadiah Stane and now works as a bartender at the casino to help take care of his elderly mother. When Bucky finds out just how tight a grip the casino has on the town and the law enforcement, Bucky figures out how to Walk Tall (and carry a baseball bat). Featuring: Small town drama, vigilante Bucky, possible Ty as Tony’s ex Estimated word count: 20K maybe?
Starting Bid: $10
Creator Notes:
I can try to work the bidder’s likes & ideas into the fics! Some, like Abhorsen and Virgin Sacrifice, have >10K written so might be less feasible from a plot perspective. The Stuckony Pern AU, Price of Peace continuation, and Walking Tall AU are still very flexible. Winning bidder gets to choose the highest priority fic. If the bid gets to $30, then can choose the top two priority fics. If the bid gets to $60, then bidder can request a 5K fic of their own if they’d like! I tried to keep the summaries short, so if you have any questions / concerns about the fics feel free to get in touch!
Current Bid Spreadsheet: Here.
Please check what the current bid is at before bidding.
Pids might take a few minutes to load.
Bidding ends on November 28th 11:59:00pm CST. The highest bid before that deadline will win the auction.
Bidding Form: Here.
Please check the Bid Spreadsheet and bid higher than the previous bid.
You will not be notified if you have been outbid. Only the winner will be notified after bidding ends.
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your tony x bucky x hope moodboard is so pretty and also i loooove the idea!!! so creative and so fun XD did you have more thoughts about it at all? are you maybe writing something that i can look forward to? low-key obsessed XD
Thank you so much! I hadn’t planned on writing anything for this verse but since you asked, here’s a short ficlet just for you!
“The important thing,” Bucky says firmly even as he tries to fight back his own rising panic, “is to remain calm.”
He looks at Tony. “No?”
“No.” Tony gestures around him at the expanse of plains around them. The armor is missing and he’s dressed in a black tunic with a white tree on the front. Bucky thinks he should recognize the symbol but nothing is coming to mind. “Look around you, Bucky Bear! Does this look like Earth to you? No! Which means this is the perfect time to panic!”
“Don’t ‘Tony’ me.”
“Boys,” Hope says and is promptly ignored by both.
“You’re being patronizing and I don’t like it. You’re not Steve.”
“And you should be glad for that,” Bucky shoots back, irritation growing by the second. “Cause if I were Stevie, I would have told you to cut the chatter already and we all know how you feel about that.”
“If you think I should shut up,” Tony hisses, “then why don’t you just say so?”
“Fine. Tony, shut up.”
Tony gasps, outraged and points an accusing finger at him. “I knew it! I knew you hated me. Well, you know what, Freezer Pop, you’re stuck with me and I refuse to shut up. There are people out there who would pay to hear me talk-”
“-And none of them are here with you,” Bucky finishes. He can’t even really say why he’s so angry with Tony except that he’s panicking as well but one of them has to put on a good front and it obviously isn’t going to be Tony so it looks like it’ll have to be Bucky because that makes perfect sense. Let’s put the recovering brainwashed ex-assassin in charge of this because the great Iron Man is-
Tony taps nervously at his chest and Bucky suddenly gets it. He’s so used to the sound of the arc reactor that the absence of the noise is glaringly obvious. No wonder Tony’s worried. He opens his mouth, maybe to apologize, maybe to ask what he can do to help.
Before he can, Hope snaps, “Boys!”
Oh. He’d forgotten she was there. Don’t know how he could forget though. Hope Pym isn’t an easy woman to miss and that’s even when she’s not shining with some sort of ethereal glow.
“Maybe,” she continues impatiently, “if both of you would shut up, you’d know that I know where we are.”
“Where’s that?” Tony asks.
She smiles wryly. “Think about it, Tony. You’re wearing a white tree and I-” She tucks her hair behind her ears - her pointed ears. “I have pointy ears.”
Bucky puts it together the same time as Tony. “Shit,” he groans.
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MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne)
Highest Rating: E Fandoms:   Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers Academy (Video Game) Tags: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Harley Keener, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Fluff and Smut, Fluff and Angst,  Domestic Fluff, Domestic Avengers, Alternate Universe Short Prompts: 1)   an attempt at cooking 2)   team training exercise by paintball/laser tag/nerf guns/whatever fun shenanigans 3)   Witch AU / magic AU Long Prompts: 1)  Pacific Rim AU where Steve and Bucky are co-pilots for a Jaeger and Tony is the mechanic who makes sure they’re fit to fight 2)   Two of them are running an old dogs sanctuary and then the third comes in to help – either with money or handywork or an extra set of hands 3)  Bucky and/or Steve get kidnapped and then Tony (+ Bucky and/or Steve, if they’re not kidnapped) lead a fierce rescue attempt
Do Not Wants: Sad endings, major character death (unless temporary!), non-con in main pairing, infidelity in main pairing, Steve/Bucky & Tony as FINAL Stuckony relationship (pre-get together of all 3 is great!), bathroom kinks, traveling back in time, 1930/1940s AUs, zombies Likes: Both get together fics and established relationship, domestic fluff, I loooove Ty as Tony’s evil ex, banter, I’m also good for dark romantic fics – like, not true dark but a ‘we’re terrible to everyone except each other’ vibe, A/B/O, all types of AUs, Winter Soldier as a separate identity to Bucky NO TREATS CLICK HERE TO VIEW ALL STOCKINGS OR TO CLAIM THIS STOCKING. CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ON FILLING STOCKINGS. Treats open on September 25th.
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your tags are just amazing thank you SO MUCH!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
uhm, thank YOU for that fic - and all others just as well!! i absolutely adore your stories and the latest one was such a delight to read. thank you for all the fics you write and share with us! <3 <3 <3
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buckybarnesbingo · 4 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Natasha Romanov Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark Additional Tags: Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon Divergence - Post-Captain America: Civil War (Movie), Violence, Mental Breakdown, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Secrets, Forgiveness is Tony's superpower, BAMF Natasha Romanov, Reconciliation, Eventual Happy Ending Series: Part 16 of 2020 Tony Stark Bingo Summary:
On a mission gone wrong, Bucky breaks down. With Bucky and team signed under the Accords, the fallout of his mistakes could break the team apart all over again. Natasha won't let that happen.
Turns out Tony won't let that happen either.
Secrets had divided them before, but now maybe a shared secret can pull the three of them together.
Chapter 2
Bucky Barnes Bingo square B1 - mission gone wrong
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imaginetonyandbucky · 6 years
Okay I got this idea in physics bc we were talking about bungee jumping Like one of Tony's friends thinks it's a great idea to take him bungee jumping for his birthday Bucky is a dude that works there And Tony is sorta pissed at his friend bc this is not something he wanted to do So Bucky is securing him and everything But then another guy who works there and jokingly pushes Tony a bit to scare him And Tony just clings to Bucky and that's how they become closer
Beam Me Up, Bucky
“Ty, you can’t be serious.”
“What? You’re not scared are you?”
The grin on Ty’s face is too sharp and knowing for Tony to bother answering that question. Still, Tony isn’t going to back down - not to Ty - so Tony scoffs and follows Ty.  
A high-pitched bell jingles above their heads as Ty pushes open the door.
“Welcome! How can I help you today?” a man behind the counter with a name tag reading ‘Jasper’ asks. He has a polite smile on his face, and Tony tries to return it.
Tony’s feels more like a grimace stuck on his face, though.
“We’re bungee jumping,” Ty replies, and Tony’s stomach twists. “It’s that one’s birthday,” Ty says as he thumbs at Tony, “and he’s all about the adrenaline rush.”
Tony takes a deep breath and approaches Jasper and the counter, telling himself that Ty is right. Because Ty is right, Tony loves an adrenaline rush. ‘Twenty years  stupid’ is how Howard likes to phrase it, but usually Tony does his stupid stunts with both of his feet on the ground. Speed racing his Audi is a whole different thing than jumping off a cliff with nothing but a rope.
Besides, Tony isn’t scared. He’s just… anxious, that’s all. He’d much rather put his life in the hands of a car engine than latex. The physics of bungee jumping are completely acceptable on paper, but Tony still thinks people should hesitate to challenge the theory of gravity with nothing but a stretchy rope.
Still, Tony signs the liability waiver. He only hesitates for a moment over the impressive safety hazards section before he scratches his signature at the bottom.
Ty smirks as he signs his own paperwork, and Tony takes a deep breath. Tony would rather go through with the jump and deal with the stress than to hear about this moment from Ty for the rest of their lives.
Tony breathes out. He can do this.
The safety video that they’re made to watch isn’t particularly helpful. Tony already knows the how and the why of how bungee jumping works. It’s called physics. He knows about the rope stretching, the load the the rope can take, that Tony will get yanked back up at the end.
What Tony can’t change - and can’t control - is the biology of his own system. What if his blood vessels give way under pressure and he loses his eyesight? What if his bones don’t hold up, and he breaks his neck? What if the latex rope frays from one too many jumps, and it snaps on the stretch?
When the video ends, two men in matching T-shirts and khakis collect them.
Tony holds back a sigh. Their instructors just have to be attractive because Tony wasn’t already on edge. Both have their shirts clinging to their biceps, so at least Tony can appreciate that. Both have dark brown hair, though the taller, smiling man wears his tied back in a bun while the shorter, smirking one has short spikes.
“You guys ready to jump?” The smiling one asks.
“Do we finally get to do something now?” Ty replies.
The instructor’s smile hardens at the edges, but he continues on with enthusiasm, “Yes, now we get you into harnesses and ready to jump. I’m Bucky and this is Brock. We’ll be your guides today.”
“Bucky?” Ty snorts. “Seriously, what kind of name is that?”
Tony elbows Ty in the side. Even if Tony agreed - and he does, though only a little and he’s hoping it’s a nickname - he doesn’t like how Bucky’s smile flattens.
“He gets that a lot,” the other instructor, Brock, says.
Brock is still smirking, and Tony decides he prefers Bucky.
“I’m Tony and this is Ty - short for Tiberius,” Tony introduces, dragging out Ty’s full name with a dry voice.
“Fuck off,” Ty says, shoving Tony.
“Alright, this way please,” Bucky directs, waving them through to another room. He gives Tony a subtle wink when Tony passes by, and Tony grins in return.
Maybe this won’t be so bad.
Tony is fine as he straps into the harness. He’s fine as they walk over to the platform extending out over the edge of a cliff. He’s fine as Ty smirks and teases him about the nerves that Tony admits are now showing on his face.
“Uh oh, do we have someone scared of a drop?” Brock teases.
Tony is not fine when Brock jostles him on the platform, Brock’s shoulder knocking Tony closer to the gap in the failing where there’s nothing but open air.
It doesn’t matter that Tony is still several feet from the edge, what matters is that the open air stretches out in front of him and Tony doesn’t have that practically-medieval stretchy rope attached to him yet.
Tony scrambles backwards, not even trying to be graceful or discreet about it. He can already feel himself falling, hearing the wind whistling in his ears and the scream getting caught in his throat.
“You’re fine, you’re fine,” Bucky’s warm voice assures Tony as Bucky grips Tony’s arms.
Tony can hear Ty laughing at him over his own panicked wheezing, and he turns into Bucky’s embrace.
Bucky pulls him back, away from the gap in the railing, and away from Brock and Ty.
“Sorry. Brock is an ass,” Bucky murmurs. “I’ll report him again, but he’s related to the owner so…”
“It’s fine, just a joke,” Tony wheezes, trying to get his heart to stop racing.
“Ain’t a funny one.” Bucky says, gently squeezing Tony’s arms. “It’s fine to be nervous. Normal, even. It’s the arrogant assholes who aren’t afraid of what can happen that bug me. That’s when things do happen.” Bucky nods back to Ty, who stands on the edge and looks down but who still doesn’t have the bungee cord around his feet yet.
Tony tries to slow his breathing. “Yeah, that’s Ty for you.”
“You got something to prove, that’s why you’re here?” Bucky guesses, eyeing Tony. “Because I can take you back, get you a full refund. Don’t let that jerk-face goad you into this.”
Tony manages a smile. “Thanks. No refund necessary though. He’s paying. It’s my birthday.”
Bucky shakes his head. “Well, happy birthday, but in my world that usually means you get to do something you want to do.”
“One jump and he can’t hold this over my head,” Tony explains. He realizes he’s holding onto Bucky’s shirt, fingers digging in and clinging to the fabric, and Tony lets go.
Bucky tries to smile, but he doesn’t look happy about it.
“You got some kind of friends.”
Tony sighs and nods.
They head back toward the gap, and Tony appreciates Bucky staying close.
Brock is wrapping Ty’s feet with the bungee cord when they walk back over, and Bucky keeps a careful eye on the proceedings. Brock talks Ty through the fall - the arms out, chest out pose, and that they’ll winch Ty back up to the top after.
Tony gulps as Ty smirks, still completely at ease, and jumps off the ledge.
The rope doesn’t snap and neither does Ty’s spine. Everything is fine, and soon enough it’s Tony’s turn with Ty red-faced from the rush and jeering at him.
Bucky is the one who bundles Tony’s feet up in the jump rope and securing everything into the harness. Bucky waves Brock away every time he comes close, and Tony appreciates that.
“You good?” Bucky asks softly after he walks Tony through the pose, the fall, and what happens after.
Bucky’s hands are warm on his back, Tony notes, even as he breaks out in a cold sweat.
“Could be better,” Tony admits, his heart racing. All this air, and it feels like none of it is going into his lungs - or his brain, which is maybe while this feels like it could be his last moment and he might as well go for it all. “Don’t suppose you’d be open to a kiss for good luck?”
Bucky eyes spark, and he leans close. He kisses the corner of Tony’s mouth, tongue darting out for just a fraction.
“Come back in one piece and I’ll give you a kiss for succeeding,” Bucky whispers.
“That one have tongue?”
Tony sucks in a breath. “Well, then.” He shuffles to the edge, the bungee cord wrapped tight and thick around his feet. His arms are out, his chest up. “Make sure to beam me up at the end, yeah?”
Tony jumps.
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psychiccatpanda · 1 year
WIP tagging game
@polizwrites tagged me in this game to share a snippet from a WIP.  This is a little bit from a sequel to Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf that I’ve got in the works.  😁  Bucky is the Big Bad Wolf and the Witch of the Woods and the Woodcutter’s identities are revealed.  Is there more to Bucky and Tony’s relationship than either of them realizes??  
Tagging @cami-chats, @hddnone, @jehbeeeh, @ralsbecket, and @snarkythewoecrow  and anyone else who wants to play – no pressure, of course!  (I was trying to think of people who hadn’t already been tagged. If your WIP is a drawing or not for the Marvel fandom, I don’t care!  I’m just interested to see what you’ve been up to!)
A week after chasing the Big Bad Wolf out of Rhodey's garden, Tony helped the Woodcutter harvest his prize-winning cabbages for the fair in the village just outside the forest.  Every one of them intact and perfect, which soured Tony's mood even more.
Rhodey glanced at him.  "Hey, I thought you wanted to help.  I've got this if you have something better to do." 
Great.  Now Rhodey was pissed too.  Tony put on a smile.  "I offered and I meant it."  Making an effort to shake off his bad mood, he asked, "Mind if I ride with you?  I need to pick up some fresh reagents."
"That works for me as long as that 'I drank spoiled milk' face doesn't make a comeback," the Woodcutter said, nudging Tony with his elbow.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Tony said stiffly.
"I heard -"
"Those birds are gossiping liars," Tony snarled.
"- that you and the Wolf had a fight while I was gone," Rhodey finished.
Well, that was true, Tony supposed.  "Yeah?  So?"
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trashcanakin · 6 years
Winteriron Moodboard ||♥|| For @hddnone’s Fic Hunger
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27dragons · 1 year
Last Line Tag Game
Tagged by @seiya-starsniper
From my paranormal college/uni AU:
(In which Dream feeds on nightmares, and Hob - naturally - offers to be his victim, because Hob)
“Hob... This would be. More intense than a standard nightmare. I can’t ask you to endure that.” “I’m not saying I want to be your go-to snack,” Hob said, grinning. “But you’re literally starving right now, I’d be an ass if I wasn’t willing to endure a little discomfort to help you out. If it makes you feel better, you can owe me a favor.” He shouldn’t. It would lose him the one friend he’d ever made. But he was so hungry, and Hob was offering. Maybe he could only take a tiny bit. Just enough to give him the strength to go out and hunt properly. Just this once.
Tagging... @monobuu, @hddnone, @dsudis, @mallory-x, @bookslutskye
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