#hdm fic recs
idkaguyorsomething · 9 months
The Problem of Susan Fic Recs
For many reasons, The Last Battle is probably the most contentious addition to the Narnia canon. The standout, though, has to be the infamous Problem of Susan, wherein the Pevensie children are all killed in a train crash and brought to Narnia 2 Electric Boogaloo aka heaven, then declare that Susan is no longer a friend of Narnia because of her interest in “lipsticks and nylons”. Hardly any time is spent on this, but the implications have been the ground for a lot of argument and discussion. What exactly would happen to Susan, and should it have happened? Over the years, dozens of fic writers have thrown their hats in the ring and weighed in on the subject, making the Problem of Susan almost a prism for the fandom: everyone shines through it a bit differently, resulting in a wide spectrum. Here’s some of the highlights under the cut.
Starting with the fic that coined the term, written by Neil Gaiman himself, this fic is a reflection and deconstruction of the idea that Susan would be able to find Narnia again by delving into the trauma that the experience of losing all her family at once as well as the social injustices that a young woman of her time would’ve faced, something that the narrative of The Last Battle never really addresses. It took off for a reason, as it presents a lot of good food for thought, but it’s also got some pretty weird shit that can feel like it’s conflating adulthood with edginess. Well worth a read for all the points it raises, but if you’re fond of canon you probably won’t like the way it takes a hammer to it.
Now this one is exactly what you’d want to read if you wanted some feel-good time. This story is probably the closest to how C S Lewis would’ve written Susan’s return to Narnia, detailing her rediscovering all the things she put away as well as what led up to her rejecting Narnia in the first place. It falls more to the end of being almost uncritical of canon, with the focus on Susan basically having the same sort of religious rediscovery that C S Lewis himself had in his life. Because of how she was treated in canon, that can be pretty frustrating, but the ending feels nothing short of joyous.
Swinging back to the other end of the spectrum, this fic is very critical of the idea of The Last Battle being a pretty happy ending for everyone, unambiguously stating that life is always worth living for all the Pevensie kids. It explores what their lives could’ve been like if they didn’t die, being a rebuttal of C S Lewis’ themes rather than a continuation of them while feeling equally as happy as the fic directly above.
And this story feels like a midway point between the above two. It dives really deep into the emotional damage that Susan would’ve suffered before and after the train crash in some absolutely gorgeous prose, showing both her and Aslan with great sympathy while maintaining that what happened to her is not a punishment in any way. Bittersweet and very, very good.
Heading back towards the more critical end of the spectrum, this fic presents a Susan who is not interested in finding Narnia again, only her family. She is very much a character straight out of an ancient myth rather than a teen trying to make sense of a senseless situation here, filled with determination as much as desperation. It’s probably the closest fic on here to having something close to a plot as well as a character study, with the exception of The Queen’s Return and one other:
Being a crossover with what’s pretty much the antithesis of the Chronicles of Narnia, His Dark Materials, it’s probably easy for you to guess which side of the spectrum this story falls on. It’s more of a HDM story than a Narnia one, but the two worlds blend together surprisingly well, and it gives us a rare look into a Susan who’s lived decades of her life when the story picks up. She’s pretty much the Professor and it is fascinating, as is everything left to interpretation by this gem of a fic that is ambiguous yet deeply satisfying.
¡And here’s Susan as a Doctor Who companion! This isn’t directly a Narnia story so much as it is one about two people much older than they look mourning the loss of their worlds, with a Susan who is a queen wise beyond her years. Reading it is like taking an ice shower. It doesn’t hold back on the grief, and as a result it manages to feel honest as it reaches a warm ending.
Despite also being a crossover, this is in some ways the opposite of touch the sky with two arms. Susan is more of an everyday young woman than a queen, and [SLIGHT SPOILERS] Narnia itself does feature directly. But y’know, that’s part of what makes fandom so interesting. Not everyone is going to have the same take on everything, and the ending of this leans more happy than melancholy.
¿A shipping fic that’s also a crossover with Peter Pan that features neither Neverland or Narnia? Yes, this one probably has the least to do with Narnia or Aslan, but it tells a very compelling story about living life and growing up, something that isn’t perfect but can be good if you find someone you want to spend your life with. Susan Pevensie and Wendy Darling are a really good couple, pinky promise.
Technically more a series of ensemble oneshots, but Susan features very prominently in a lot of them, and they will make you feel every feeling that everything else on this list might’ve given you. Satisfaction, devastation, simple joy, just go give it a shot.
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lilydalexf · 2 years
👽 X-Files Crossover Fic Recs
The theme of International Fanworks Day in 2023 is When Fandoms Collide. So here are a bunch of very good X-Files crossover fics. Enjoy! Abner by Anonymous Mulder and Scully are assigned to investigate a possible serial killing in a small, very suburban neighborhood. The Beast Within by Yahtzee Also from the department of twisted crossovers comes this story – but I’ll leave the crossover for you to figure out as you go. Mulder and Scully’s journey to a troubled Louisiana town leads Scully to an encounter with a far more troubled man. Birdsong by @chekcough The plot of Silence of the Lambs, with Dana Scully replacing Clarice Starling, and a younger Agent Mulder, working in the B.S.U, assigned to help her. It is not at all necessary to have seen/read either 'The Silence of the Lambs' or 'The X-Files' to enjoy this. The Glimmering Girl by Tesla Mulder works a child abduction with Frank Black, while Scully is away for the weekend, but very much on Mulder’s mind. Homicidal Tendencies by Swikstr What begins as a typical ritual murder case with supernatural overtones for Mulder and Scully in Baltimore becomes something else as the two are forced to interact with some of the unique personalities on Charm City's murder squad. Scully's developing connection with a Baltimore homicide detective has far-reaching consequences in the evolution of her relationship with Mulder. Interagency (Mulder and Scully Meet the Director) by pinebluffvariant "You're wanted on a task force." Leap of Faith, parts 1 and 2 by Livengoo Sam Beckett has to keep Fox Mulder from becoming one more abductee, but when he leaps into Dana Scully's size fours he finds that might not be such an easy job. Letting Go by Joann Humby Mulder goes solo on a case in San Francisco. But when the killer isn’t what he was expecting, he needs the SF PD and the FBI’s finest to help him out. Lucky X in the City by @lilydalexf Samantha Jones meets Mulder in a bar. Fox hunting ensues. It’s more serious than it sounds. Samsara by Alicia K. Crossover of sorts, MSR of sorts. I don't want to say anything more, so we'll just let it go at that. Out of the Little Grove by @slippinmickeys I got an anon Tumblr prompt asking for an X-Files/His Dark Materials crossover in which Mulder & Scully were detectives in Lyra’s world. There may be some small liberties I took within the HDM world’s canon to make this story work for M&S, which I ask you to please forgive. Road Fools by denynothing1 Only one of the reasons that the X-File on a little town in Kansas is so thick it occupies its own drawer in the filing cabinet. She's Beauty, She's Grace by @sunflowerseedsandscience I was asked to write a Miss Congeniality/The X-Files mash-up… so here goes nothing. Travelling with Children by @seepunkrun and Sab In the armory we have: one revolver, some rope, a candlestick, a knife, a wrench, and a fork. Twilight, parts 1 and 2 by Shannon A serial killer is on the loose in Baltimore. Mulder and Scully are called in to assist the Homicide Squad in profiling and finding the killer before he strikes again.
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moondal514 · 8 months
A fic rec list of some of my fave Good Omens fics. Dedicated to a certain friend of mine who has developed Ineffable Husbands brainrot
Be As You've Always Been by gyzym
For six thousand years, Aziraphale did his best to exist within the strictures of Heavenly conduct. It wasn’t a perfect practice; his relationship with Crowley, just for example, was never exactly what one might call “officially sanctioned,” or even, “particularly wise,” but the important thing was that Aziraphale tried. He wasn’t a very good angel, but he did his best, more or less. Wasn’t that all anyone could really ask of him?
It doesn’t really feel fair, is the point, that in reward for saving the world, Aziraphale seems to be having something of an existential crisis.
Absolutely fantastic hypothetical post-season 1 fic that I love for its slow burn
Archangel of Healing by Nnm/ @mouseonamoose
Aziraphale susses out Crowley's pre-Fall identity, as the Archangel Raphael. With this, he must rethink everything he thought he knew about the last six thousand years, about his own identity and his friend's, and even the Ineffable Plan. There is a fight, expressions of fear and hurt, reconciliation, yearning and confusion, and the sorts of questions that by all rights should cause an angel to Fall.
Also, at one point, Crowley admits he once lied about breeding rats for demonic ends.
My personal favorite of the fics with the Raphael!Crowley headcanon
Thy Kingdom Come by ShanaStoryteller/ @shanastoryteller
Crowley is just following orders.
Super interesting concept and a fantastically written fic that left a huge impression in my brain
pull towards heaven by JRaylin441
Gabriel says that it feels like an empty house.
Crowley always thought of it more like losing a tooth.
Really lovely portrayal of the Lucifer!Crowley headcanon in the context of season 2
such high zest by TobermorianSass/ @tobermoriansass
In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth and saw it was perfect. Then sin entered the world and shook the very universe to its foundations.
Perfectly imagined HDM daemon au
the wine-dark sea by drawlight/ @ripeteeth
Even love stories must have a final chapter.
Gut-wrenching and heartbreaking and some of the most gorgeous prose I’ve ever seen in my life
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slitheringghost · 17 days
Love the metas and rec lists! 😊
I’m always curious about where authors draw their inspiration, and about the unique caches of literary experience that inform their work. Are there any particular texts (novels, poetry, stories, plays, etc.) which inspire you, or which have shaped your tastes, or which you find yourself drawing-on, consciously or not, as a writer? Or any texts that have caused you to interpret the HP texts (themes, characters, etc.) in new ways?
Thank you so much for the ask! I’m glad you’re enjoying my metas and fic rec lists.
So my all time favorite books are His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Autobiography of Red by Anne Carson, The Haunting of Hill House and We Have Always Lived In The Castle by Shirley Jackson, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier, and The Passion by Jeanette Winterson.
I feel like I've drawn on The Passion and HDM for my writing a bit. I especially like how the former portrays war, which has influenced my First War fic to an extent.
As for analyzing the text, I try to weave out as many of the references JKR made as possible (i.e. like to the Aegis, expanded on in this meta). This can be hard because I haven’t read a lot of basic Greek mythological texts that many people have, and I’m also not familiar with Christian tradition (and Abrahamic religions in general) and so catching the biblical references can be difficult.
This article and this one were incredibly crucial to my understanding of the series, that I’ve elaborated on in my meta And Cain Repented Not Of What He Had Done: Harry Potter As Retelling Of Cain And Abel. I would say that how these characters all play Cain - including Lily and Harry - is in fact much more important to understanding the text than their roles as Christ/God figures, Satan, etc. After reading it I felt like I got what HP as a series was Truly About more than anything else. It’s genuinely one of the most brilliant retellings of Cain and Abel, and I wish more people knew about that aspect of it!
Also thanks again for this ask, this made me pick up some of my fav books again and got briefly inspired while doing so :)
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 11 Recs: He's a Magic Man
The Week 11 theme was "He's a Magic Man," or recs featuring the mystical, the magical, the fantastical, and a lot of werewolves, apparently! (If you missed your chance, monsterhuggers, don't worry: we'll have a monster-centric theme when spooky season rolls around!)
Behind the cut, you'll find the recs gathered from the Yeehan community, organized by rating and then alphabetically by title!
Not Rated
What Lies Undone by AsheRhyder [8,117 words]
There are rules to this sort of thing. Not the common sort, made to be broken and bent and outright ignored, but the old kind, made for dealing with dangerous things.
And they are all dangerous things, in Overwatch.
McCree survives by knowing which rules to break and which to obey and when to do the opposite of what he usually does. Dangerous things stay dangerous because they can change - he knows this all too well.
General Audiences
And Time Passed by Tevokkia [4,108 words] Reccer comment: "Sweet and innocent; will make you cry in a good way. Vimeddiee did art for it too"
A small cowboy in a large hat wandered out of the mist one day, and asked a lonely young dragon to be his friend. Such requests hold great weight out on the edge of reality, where the dragon kept his cave. The dragon and the little boy shared secrets and adventures.
And time passed ...
... until the little boy grew up.
Teen and Up
Fool's Gold by leoandlancer [193,940 words] Reccer comment: "I REMEMBERED ANOTHER MONSTERS, DRAMA, & EERIE THINGS BEYOND OUR MORTAL COMPREHENSION"
A vast and powerful dragon hires a surprisingly lethal monster hunter in order to kill an upsettingly big bug. It's not ideal, but they work on it. (Hanzo is pretty sure McCree can kill anything and both of them are trying not to be quite so in love with someone who can and probably will, kill them. Dragon and Monster Hunter AU)
Heartless by AsheRhyder [6,504 words]
Once upon a time, a wicked sorcerer cut out his heart and sealed it away. He hid it in a needle, put the needle in an egg, put the egg in a duck, put the duck inside a rabbit, and put the rabbit in a box on an island at the end of the world. So long as his heart was safe, nothing could kill him. Or so the legends say, anyway. Nowadays, people know what a silly story that was. Nobody bothers with rabbits anymore.
Cole Cassidy has no heart.
Sideshow by Kestrel_sama [5,414 words]
Hanzo manages to steal a night for himself at an American circus. What he finds there is no ordinary freak show.
So Nice to Meet You by fishpoets [9,142 words]
There it was again, something pale that shifted in the shadows - a mass of pure, white fur. Jesse stared. The wolf – for that's what it was, a huge, white wolf, sprawled out in front of the kitchen doors – raised its head, and stared right back.
(Five times Jesse interacts with Hanzo's daemon, plus one)
The Looking Glass by firefly_quill [9,509 words]
Hanzo lives a quiet life in his small magical antiquities shop, just far enough off the beaten-path. Quiet, at least, until Ana arrives with a magic mirror and a request. Modern fantasy AU.
Written for the McHanzo Reverse Bang 2018.
Turn Around, Lie Down (Come Home) by AsheRhyder [17,455 words] Reccer comment: "i loved this werewolf au fic"
In the dark, snow-filled night, a wolf howled.
Run with me. Eat with me. Sleep beside me. Be pack.
Cast No Shadow by PersonalSpin [46,029 words] Reccer comment: "a HDM-esque daemon AU"
Jesse McCree knows better than to trust a man without a soul. A His Dark Materials AU about things said and unsaid, and those you stay and those who leave.
(Not that kind of demon, this kind of dæmon.)
Death's Best Man by deliciously_devient [Series; WIP; 16,901 words] Reccer comment: "The Death's Best Man series by deliciously_devient is a must. It's one of the first I read when I got into the fandom"
Jesse is fifteen years old when he earns a favor from Death.
Kelp(ie) by Wulpia [5,734 words] Reccer comment: "Achingly poetic"
When biologist Hanzo goes on a trip to a remote reservoir in Scotland to study the flora of a lake there, he finds something far more interesting, ancient, and potentially deadly.
Not Another Moment by Author of Kheios [30,431 words] Reccer 1 comment: "a harry potter au, a small nsfw scene, is a long oneshot and cole is a single dad, mutual pining. Not Another Moment by author of kheois"
Reccer 2 comment: "The OW-HP crossover fic none of knew we needed"
Years ago, Cole retired as the Defense Against Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts to raise a little girl. Now, she's old enough to get accepted, but she dislikes the professor who took his place, and he has to intervene.
Hanzo has heard so many stories about the the man, the myth - nay, the legend - whose post he took at Hogwarts, yet not in a single one of them did anyone say anything about how attractive the Deadeye Cowboy is. But even if the man's daughter didn't hate him for no apparent reason, Hanzo can't afford to fall for someone who would kill him on the spot if he ever found out Hanzo's true nature. So of course, he falls head over heels.
All That We Were, Are, and Will Come to Be by Dracoduceus [Series; WIP; 30,894 words]
His instructions were deceptively simple: visit the planet Hanamura and bring back two of the sons of the famous Shimada Clan.
McCree, captain of the Santa Fe and an independent contractor that worked with the Overwatch space station, should have known better than to think that anything about this would go according to plan.
Away by Vimeddiee [29,154 words] Reccer comment: "Light on the magic lore, strong on the feelings"
Hanzo awakens to the feel of grit in his eyes and the crunch of sand between his teeth. This in itself doesn’t rudely force him into consciousness, but the insistent flicking against his nose that he groggily attempts to bat away, does.
“High tide’s coming, you better nap someplace else.”
AKA I wanted to write Cassidy as a slappy boy so I DID.
Call of the Wild by deliciously_devient [Series; 4,712 words] Reccer comment: "Pretty sure the Call of the Wild series is the actual, literal first OW fanfic I read"
The moon is full, and the air is full of....promise.
Clipped Wings by Vashoth [14,631 words] Reccer comment: "possibly the first magic AU I read in this fandom, and the intrigue of it has stuck with me ever since"
Any hunter worth his salt knows that you should take all possible precautions to avoid messing with the Fair Folk. Most of the Fair Folk, however, don't really give a rats ass what precautions are taken and delight in messing with anything unlucky enough to get within arms reach.
Or: Hanzo is in way over his head and Jesse is loving it.
Dangerous Phases by Vrunka [13,593 words]
There are eight phases in a moon cycle. Eight phases in thirty days. And then it repeats. Over and over. Hanzo Shimada never really saw a reason to care. The moon comes, the moon goes. Hanzo Shimada also never really saw himself getting into an explicit sexual relationship with a werewolf. But well...these things do happen.
The Epic and Wondrous Tale of the Librarian and the Demon Hunter by annella [47,403 words] Reccer comment: "Hands-down one of the best AUs I've ever read, and I want desperately for the author to turn it into a series of books"
Jesse's got a pretty good job as the librarian in a magical library. He spends his days cataloguing, tracking down rare titles, fixing up the occasional spell gone awry, and dealing with the smoke monster in the basement.
Then Hanzo Shimada, Demon Hunter, shows up to turn his world upside down.
Freedom's a Funny Thing by robocryptid [4,940 words] Reccer comment: "a deliciously unnerving trickster Cassidy with a side of sex magic"
Once a year, magician Hanzo must perform a ritual to bind the dragon spirits to himself. This year, something about the ritual doesn't quite go right, and he summons a trickster along with the dragons. Now he's stuck with the stowaway until he can figure out how to dismiss him. Luckily Cassidy seems mostly benign, if irritating and predisposed to dressing as a cowboy.
Originally for the Myth//Legend zine, but now with a couple bonus scenes. Consider this the director’s cut.
Ghost Stories on Route 66 by Nagaina [210,058 words] Reccer comment: "Monsters, drama, & eerie things beyond our mortal comprehension."
Hanzo Shimada is an expatriate student of the Fine Arts, attending college in what he assumes to be a reasonably sedate corner of the American southwest. Jesse McCree is an occasionally leather-clad NPS ranger whose duties extend somewhat further than shooing lost tourists back onto the clearly marked hiking trails. Something weird is going on in the desert south of Santa Fe and their lives unexpectedly come together in the middle of it.
In the Woods Somewhere by CorvidFightClub [WIP; 3,946 words]
Hanzo has spent years of his life a captive werewolf, fighting in underground dogfights for a master that values his ability to kill and nothing else. One night he's stolen from the back of a transport van and wakes somewhere new.
A small farm in the woods somewhere.
[The Big Long E-Rated Version of the fic of the same title I wrote for the Rising Moon Fanzine.]
Licensed to Slaughter by ChillieBean [16,910 words] Reccer comment: "ChillieBean's "Licensed To Slaughter" (explicit, 16K words) features vampire Hanzo and werewolf Cassidy caught in the midst of a small-town murder mystery. It has a great plot and is excellently written. 10000000/10!"
Hanzo, an author who is struggling with his murder mystery draft, decides to move across the United States, trading the bustling city for quiet mountain life for inspiration.
Little does he know that he lands right in the middle of a real-life murder mystery and is suspect number one.
Never Saw it Coming by Kestrel_sama [WIP; 12,794 words] Reccer comment: "a cute modern-with-magic AU"
Fortune-telling was just supposed to be a way to make some money for Genji's business. It was easy enough with the dragons whispering secrets in his ears, and the outfit certainly helped bring in customers. But it was a skeptic named Jesse McCree who turned everything on it's head.
Possess by sciencefictioness [3,978 words] Reccer comment: "This week's theme covers half my bookmarks, but this is the first story that came to mind."
Jesse closes his eyes and he is not at home anymore.
He is not alone.
Jesse is in a large, open room with a high ceiling full of exposed wooden beams and what looks like straw mats spread out on the floor.  Some of the walls are solid, others are made of paper.  Words come to Jesse to unbidden like memories that aren’t his own.  Dojo.  Tatami.  Shoji.  The characters on the pillars are kanji.    
Jesse is in Japan.  Parts of him, anyway.
There are people lingering along the edges of the room.  There are two figures in the center, one of them older with his eyes flashing eerie red, black hair greying at his temples.  In front of him is a boy about Jesse’s age— seventeen.  Eighteen, maybe.  He’s kneeling with his eyes downcast, long hair pulled up into a messy bun, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.  His clothes are hanging down off his left shoulder to expose an intricate tattoo, dragons and storm clouds and lightning in blue and grey and gold.  
He’s beautiful like nothing Jesse has ever seen, a tangle of contradictions.  He looks delicate.
He looks powerful.
He’s breathtaking and he’s afraid and oh, fuck.
He’s Jesse’s. 
Resonant by sciencefictioness [6,473 words] Reccer comment: "Resonant by sciencefictioness is pretty sexy"
The table seems endless stretched between them; polished wood, incense filling the room with smoke, ceremonial cups of sake. Jesse stares across the length of it, his gaze locked on Hanzo with an intensity usually reserved for the hunt, except he’s never been interested in any prey the way he is now; voraciously.
Teeth curve long out of his jaw, and his body rolls into the half-shift all on its own. Ears pricked, tail sprouting from the base of his spine, eyes lit up red. Hanzo is doing no better.
His eyes are black, pupils blown wide, nothing but a thin ring of gold set in an impossibly dark sclera. Jesse watches Hanzo’s horns lengthen, watches his claws extend. Watches his cheeks turn red, even more pronounced against the blue of his skin.
Everything goes sideways, as Jesse always expected it would.
It just doesn’t go sideways the way he expected.
Jesse had been ready for a fight.
Survival Instinct by mataglap [36,482 words] Reccer 1 comment: "OH, ha, also monsters, drama, & eerie things beyond our mortal comprehension"
Reccer 2 comment: "Survival Instinct, by mataglap, is one I've read multiple times"
Cassidy takes a new monster hunting contract. It's pretty decent as contracts go: the pay is good, the perks even better, and he's got two competent companions to fight at his side when the monsters come.
Then a third companion arrives and ruins everything.
Watcher in the Woods by Kalikuks [84,072 words] Reccer 1 comment: "Kali does a lot of monster and magic/fantasy fics, but if I can only choose one, this is it"
Reccer 2 comment: ""Watcher in the Woods" by Kalikuks 🥰 (explicit, old name for Cass) Blind Hanzo and eldrich being Cassidy. Buckle up cause is a long one with sequels!❤️"
Hanzo gets the uncanny feeling that he’s being towered over and instinctually tips his head up, even if he sees nothing.
“You can’t see me,” a deep honeyed voice rumbles from above, a good few feet above, Hanzo guesses.
Hanzo’s reply is drowned out when the hunting party crashes through the foliage behind him and the screaming begins.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
AU Where Hanzo is Blind and Jesse is an eldritch being of sorts that drives men mad when they look upon him. They fall in love.
And that's it for the Week 11 recs! Thank you so much to everyone who submitted a recommendation.
If you happen to find a fic you love using this rec list, be sure to leave the author kudos and a comment! Even "I found this fic because someone recced it" is a lovely thing to say.
Come back next time for Week 12: "Simple Pleasures," or all the smutty PWPs your heart desires.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 10 recs here, or check the full list of past and future themes here.
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geeoharee · 11 months
Time for a fic recs post! Theme, predictably: "Say that you are not hurt!"
This one's based on a movie I've not seen, and has Watson observing the aftermath from Heaven (and a happy ending, dw) https://archiveofourown.org/works/8887078
This one's got a vampire in it https://archiveofourown.org/works/5094446
This one makes the connection to Devil's Foot https://archiveofourown.org/works/3421670
This one's got HDM daemons https://archiveofourown.org/works/2491625
This one's a first-time fic (I THINK the only one on this list with a sex scene, could be wrong) https://archiveofourown.org/works/786661
This one explores a couple of the BAD ways that could have ended https://archiveofourown.org/works/603170
This one's just really cuddly https://archiveofourown.org/works/170497
Yeah three of them are by gardnerhill, what do you want from me, I have taste
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lanistas · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Okay, round two haha. Thank you, love 🤍
soulless creatures: my second HDM fic, and still one of my favourites. "Their love is a massacre to avert your eyes from" is still the best line I've ever written.
little wonders: one more fic from my HDM period. This was supposed to be a much longer collection of one-shots, but writer's block hit me like a truck, so I only managed to finish two chapters before abandoning it. But I still like what I've written.
my (fake) beloved valentine: an 1899 Maura x Eyk fake dating AU. I just think it's neat :)
love like fools: my very first MSATD fic. "Oh no, a suspect might see that we are following him, so let's kiss to confuse him" kind of situation. A cliché that I'm always down for hehe.
wrapped up in you: suuuuper short and suuuper ridiculous HDM fluff that is basically "masriel + hogging blankets".
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freuleinanna · 2 years
HDM fic recs?
I am so sorry, but I'm a shitty reader and have never used ao3 properly to save what I read?
The only thing I actually did save for HDM (purely because I came across it by chance like last week) is everybody's got something to hide (except me and my monkey). It's dark, it's cutting, it's a character study on Marisa, and it's everything I love, so... yeah
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 21
fandoms: bnha, hdm, hq, mcu, mdzs, mp100
Sleeping With Ghosts by lalazee
“I guess even heroes have to do their grocery shopping.”
“Villains, too,” Katsuki said tightly.
“Villains?” Deku blinked, gasping softly as he went to his tip toes and looked over the aisle divider. “Where? Shit, Kacchan, you’d better get on that!”
Written for KatsuDeku Week 2017, Day 2: Heroes/Villains.
burning bridges & taking flight by carolinaa
Breaking out of the School is only the first step to their freedom, and the odds are stacked against them. Most of their quirks are defective, and the Commission runs Japan like a well-oiled machine. It's not as if they have anyone to turn to in the outside world.
But Tooru, Shouto, Hitoshi, and Izuku are dead set on getting Eri out of the Commission's hands, no matter the consequences. They'll figure out how to keep her safe and hopefully shatter the Commission's public image in the process.
The chaotic neutral’s guide to time travel by DancingInTheStorm
“You claim you are from the future,” Nedzu said, hopping onto his desk. “Do you have anything to prove this?”
Hitoshi fished around in his pocket. “Here’s my hero license,” he said, holding it up.
Nedzu opened his mouth, but Hitoshi kept right on going, producing a handful of odds and ends from his pocket. “Also a movie ticket, some dryer lint, some, uh, didn’t know I still had that but it’s old gum—“
That was when Aizawa walked in, capture weapon floating around him. “What’s the emergency?” he asked, clipped, as he kicked open the door.
“—and the left arm of a Deku plushie,” Hitoshi finished, unruffled. “My cat ate the rest.”
Irrational Rationality by hedonistvenus
Keiji was terrible at taking care of himself when he got stressed, but luckily, he had three boyfriends who were more than happy to pick up the slack and be there for him.
and they will realize (that I am a hurricane) by stealthestars
"I have a deep fear of being too much. That one day I will find my someone, and they will realize that I am a hurricane. That they will step back and be intimated by my muchness."
Bokuto Koutarou has ADHD. It doesn’t really bother him but it’s apparently quite the bother to everyone else in his life.
- For day 5 of Haikyuu Angst Week. Prompts: Arguments/Fights, "But you promised."
mcu x hdm
In Nomine Diaboli by WerewolvesAreReal
Sometimes Matt wonders what it would be like to take his daemon out with him in public. He hasn't been able to do it for twenty years.
Love Song In Reverse by timetoboldlygo
Wei Wuxian gasps back into life without a single memory left. His friends, his siblings, his home — all lost to the fog in his head, nothing more than a mystery slipping through his fingers. What else was there to do but carry himself around in bits and parts, trying to become whole, a letter waiting to be written? He is – he is Mo Xuanyu, isn’t he? In this body, with these people. This family. He has to be Mo Xuanyu, he didn’t know anything else, even if the name sounded wrong. That was all he had.
Well, that and Hanguang-jun.
Lan Wangji, for his part, has had his taste of love and lost it. In all his grieving and searching, he didn’t expect to find another.
Wei Wuxian gets resurrected, loses his memories, and falls in love.
a veto on the concept of kicking and screaming by suitablyskippy
“I told you,” says Teru patiently. Strobing lights flare out of the darkness behind him at random neon intervals. “There’s a dress code, little brother. You can’t come in looking like that.”
(A collection of MP100 fics written for prompts, featuring a mixed assortment of AUs, tropes, and character combinations, with Ritsu's general background level of suffering the only constant.)
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runawaymarbles · 4 years
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FIC PRINTING #6: He Says He Is An Experimental Theologian by @bicatperson​
Featuring: Different alethiometer symbols for each chapter.
6x9, 455 pages, which was about $13 on Lulu Xpress. The interior and cover files are available at in this google folder.
Feel free to DM me if you have any questions!
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lordeasriel · 4 years
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his dork materials #8: eddie coulter and lord asriel are best buddies! as portrayed in much better quality in this amazing fic by @queenofnabooty!!! (click/tap for better quality!)
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<a href="https://archiveofourown.org/works/32597938"><strong>you can rip that map to shreds, my dear</strong></a> (72015 words) by <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/users/the_crownless_queen"><strong>the_crownless_queen</strong></a><br />Chapters: 11/11<br />Fandom: <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/%E5%83%95%E3%81%AE%E3%83%92%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AB%E3%83%87%E3%83%9F%E3%82%A2%20%7C%20Boku%20no%20Hero%20Academia%20%7C%20My%20Hero%20Academia">僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia</a>, <a href="https://archiveofourown.org/tags/His%20Dark%20Materials%20-%20Philip%20Pullman">His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman</a><br />Rating: Teen And Up Audiences<br />Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply<br />Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Eri, Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Tsukauchi Naomasa & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye & Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma & Sensei | All For One<br />Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma, Sensei | All For One, Eri (My Hero Academia), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Bakugou Katsuki, Original Characters, Hero Public Safety Commission (My Hero Academia)<br />Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - One For All Quirk Doesn't Exist (My Hero Academia), Alternate Universe - Daemons, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Quirkless Tsukauchi Naomasa, Alternate Universe - Still Has Quirks, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, kind of, Torture, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Non Consensual Daemon Touching, Ujiko is Terrible But That Is Canon, ujiko is tsubasa's grandfather is izuku's quirk doctor, Midoriya Izuku Misses The Entrance Exam, in this house we love and cherish all of our characters, Kidnapping, We Throw Canon Out The Window, no beta we die like past ofa users, Discord: No Writing Academia Fic Fight (My Hero Academia), NWA Fic Fight Team 1-B, Parental Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bullying, I Cannot Stress Enough How Not Canon This Is<br />Summary: <p>This year is Izuku's last chance. His last year before he can try for UA -- his last year find a way to pass the entrance exam despite being quirkless. He plans to study hard, finally convince his mother to let him start training, and hopefully make a friend that isn't his own daemon. </p><p>Unfortunately, the universe has other plans: number one hero All Might has gone missing, and in the darkness, someone is moving to take advantage of the vacuum. </p><p>And Izuku... Well, Izuku stumbles upon a very curious object while walking home. An impossible object.</p>
This fic is really good and has like no notes
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imreallyloveleee · 5 years
thg fic rec
I watched the first episode of His Dark Materials last night, and enjoyed it, but more importantly it reminded me of one of my favorite fics I haven’t read in a very long time:
Geothermal by antistar_e
it’s a very beautiful Peeta-focused fic working with the concept of daemons as they exist in the HDM universe. it’s short, so if you have any interest in THG whatsoever, you should read it!
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penny-anna · 2 years
I just binged "He Says He Is an Experimental Theologian" by ErinPtah (Night Vale daemon au but also HDM crossover) and I'm now on the sequel and it's INCREDIBLE. I love how the author thinks through things like public transit and football games with daemons (they also cite an animorphs daemon au as being formative but I cannot remember the title or author. They're somewhere in there)
He Says He Is An Experimental Theologian by ErinPtah
Ever since Carlos was little, he and his daemon have been fans of Dr. Lyra Belacqua. Both as the most groundbreaking experimental theologian of the 20th century, and as the heroine of dozens of fantasy-adventure children's stories (based very loosely on her own mysterious childhood).
But Lyra's true legacy is still bigger than Carlos ever imagined...until he took a team of scholars to study Rusakov particles in the most theologically interesting community in Hispania Nova. Now his own day-to-day life is full of things like angels, witches, hooded spectres, portals between worlds, vague yet menacing branches of the Magisterium, and a man who walks around without his daemon and can read an alethiometer as easily as a stop sign.
AH so i have read this one (at least all of the first fic, i think?) and it is a good one, however it tends not to make my rec lists when the subject comes up bcos i gave up on the series after the length of it got kind of overwhelming. also, some aspects of it just aren't to my personal taste as daemon AUs go.
and YES i know the animorphs series you mean!
Daemorphing by Poetry
They can't tell you their real names, or their dæmons' names. The Yeerks are everywhere. But they're going to fight back.
i've read some of it but it's not a personal fav of mine due to the exact same reasons cited above ^
fun fact tho, i actually knew the author a bit waaaay back in the day on a web forum and i remember when they first started posting the series on livejournal so the fact that it turned into such a Huge thing just blows my mind. author living their best fanfic life. love that for them.
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broomsticks · 3 years
pinned post
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lanistas · 5 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Thank you for sending an ask my way 💗
I haven't written for a while, and I don't have many fics to choose from, but let's see:
lead me home, my shooting star: an 1899 fic, finished right after cancellation news hit the fandom, so I put all my rage towards Netflix and all my love for this show into the story. Lots of symbolism + a little bit of soft smut.
the world keeps spinning: an HDM au where Asriel is an immortal being known as the Weaver. I still don't understand the logistics of this AU myself xD It just came to me in a dream.
we are tonight, we are forever: an MSATD fic written long before season 2 came out and inspired by me having the time of my life on MSATD Discord server. This fic is about William x Eliza, and even though I don't ship them anymore, I still love the fic.
right next to you, where I belong: one more MSATD William x Eliza fic inspired by conversations on Discord. Very short, very sweet, still makes me smile :)
we will be chasing a starlight: my first AO3 fic, and my first attempt at HDM fanfiction, so it has a special place in my heart.
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