#he also happens to be the fav of the only irl friend i got into this game
Day 4: Here Be Dragons
We bring you bachelor number two: Tatsuya Yukimura!
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Tatsuya considers himself an intellectual, but when he isn’t concentrating on his studies he tends to run a little hot and cold. As the eldest son of the esteemed Yukimura family, Tatsuya is having a hard time dealing with their loss of wealth. To lessen his family’s financial burden he works part time to put himself through college.
Even as a child Tatsuya was always very focused and serious. He’s become even more so with the current state of his family, as he rarely finds time to relax. Tatsuya himself carries pride in being one of the dragon-hybrids of the Ryu clan. Despite that, he still lacks the confidence to become the scion of the Yukimura family himself.
“I refuse to believe that appearance or even intelligence have anything to do with success. Diligence is the only thing that I recognize.”
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luffyvace · 7 months
Saiki k x Reader headcanons
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This is on my anime’s I write for list and I haven’t written for it yet so I wanted to show what I can do! 😉
Enjoy!! I Love Saiki, Aren and Aiura 💗💜💛
Okay let’s face it
your regular.
literally. (probably) like you are irl
doesn’t it feel good to have reader be accurate to how you are for once?
and that your fav would genuinely be into that and you know it?!
like you don’t have to pretend or imagine to be this cool, physically strong person your not for once?? Just me?
idk but it sure is refreshing
especially since it’s canon with saiki after he practically stalked that one dude
anyway onto the headcanons
I wanna start off by saying Saiki’s love languages are gift giving and quality time
the best part about gift giving is he could just leave it on your desk or night stand and watch your reaction from afar
they’re always very thoughtful since he can read your mind :) which is a plus!
and as for quality time he finds it quite peaceful to be around someone who’s not such a weirdo for once
and even if you are one, for some reason he can tolerate your strange behavior way better than he can your friends 😂
it’s always fun to play that one video game he has together
and it’s practically a requirement that every saiki k hcs have—you two will eat coffee jelly together
he would at least want you to try it and if you don’t like it’s that’s fine more for him
He’ll just get you whatever sweet, savory or spicy food you like so you can both enjoy something (and someone 💋) you love together!~
his mother absolutely adores you and is always pestering Saiki about when you’ll be back again
his dad thinks your a “good kid” (🗿) (like every dad says 😭)
Saiki loves to go on walks together
What he doesn’t like is when something chaotic happens to ruin it
but that’s besides the point—he loves to walk to school together!
nothing like getting up every day and seeing your lover. Going on a romantic walk too?*chefs kiss* 💋👩‍🍳
will try to indulge in your interests and hobbies to keep you happy
you may or may not be a introvert like him
if you aren’t he’ll go out and hang out with friends even if that’s outside of his comfort zone for you
but do remember to cut him some slack if he doesn’t want to or wants to go home early <3
and if your an introvert? Wonderful!
99.99% of dates are spent at either of your rooms (not just houses cuz parents are annoying)
or at that one shop that sells the coffee jelly he likes
only if you agree of course
if you prefer something even more private that’s just fine with him!
he only ever wants some peace anyway
and you simply never disturb that, to which he very much appreciates
if your a touchy-feely typa peep, please keep it to a minimum? Especially in public??
he’s already not really a physical touch person the way a perceive it
not that he hates it or anything
he just is more comfy without it when unnecessary
at least in public
he already will probably want to keep your relationship a secret/private for as long as possible
(he knows it’ll get out eventually by some misfortune event 🤦‍♀️)
but since they find out anyway here’s they’re reactions!
Honestly Nendo probably won’t realize your dating until you explicitly say so
either that or he’ll be the first one to know and just be like ‘oh, i thought everyone knew that’
Aren really doesn’t mind and thinks your relationship is sweet
Hairo supports wholeheartedly- maybe a little too much 😅💗
Chiyo is lowkey jealous you both got into a relationship before her but she’s happy
Torisuka is MAD jealous of Saiki but deep inside he’s still happy for you two
Kaido is also a tad jealous because he knows he would practically never find a girl his mom would accept but otherwise he pretty much supports 😭💕
Mera just uses your dates to get some free food (JOKING) she thinks you guys are cute
Saiko (Teruhashi’s brother) would be happy Saiki finally stopped desperately chasing his sister and learned his place (it’s the other way around bro 😑)
Uryoku (the magician dude) would be like ‘oh you dating someone master? Great! Now I need help for my upcoming show-“
Aiura immediately tests to see if you two are compatible and how long you’ll be together
turns out you are!! And you two stay together ♡
she thinks that’s adorable and will do anything for your relationship
will tear anyone who tries to split you apart a new one (they were just trying to say hi)
Aiura is the most supportive of your relationship
btw here we’re going with Saiki is her platonic soulmate instead (she prob already is)
Kusuke (Saiki’s brother) is very much so interested in the person his brother has fallen in love with
he will observe you and ask you lots of questions once he meets you
which I’m telling you Saiki tried so hard to make sure you never would.
what happened?
his mom happened.
”Kusuo! He’s your brother! He should get to meet your partner!”
now Teruhashi I had to save for last..
her reaction depends
if she still loves Saiki she tries to befriend you while turning on the charm with Saiki
her plan is to befriend you and basically make you go ‘oh! You like Saiki? Well I guess I’ll back off then since were friends”
and finally have Saiki go ‘oh wow’ and fall in love with her
otherwise if she doesn’t love him, moves on or whatever the case may be..
she probably doesn’t care much for your relationship unless your friends
i mean she’s kinda like that to anyone she isn’t friends with right?
In other news
Your friends def mess up your dates unintentionally
poor Saiki- since he’s usually the one to plan them
nothing too extravagant- usually just out for food..BUT STILL!
They always tag along and become 3rd, 4th and sometimes 5th wheels or more! 😀
on the bright side-
at some point in the relationship you get to call him Kusuo and it’s a big step for you two! 💖
”well, I guess we’ve been dating long enough right? You can just call me Kusuo..”
I wanna write for the disastrous life of Saiki k (mob psycho 100 and black butler as well) more in the future! So send in requests!
Truly hope you enjoyed loves~
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vivianne-is-tired · 3 days
First time watching Umbrella academy, kinda nervous ಠ◡ಠ
SO! my friend kinda introduced me to this show, and I have some feedback to share on the first(and only first)episode since I'm a slow watcher :<
the scene starting w/ the indoor pool? hell nah. pools irl are classy, in movies and tv shows tho? depressy and murdery. 0/10. no thank youuuu. I saw the girl kiss the guy and jump in being like-welp, it was nice knowing you for 0.5 seconds, enjoy that sea monster!
then the blood staining the water starts and I'm like, yep. just as I suspected, here we go-AHHH OHHH WTFWTFWTFWTFTFTFWTF WHY IS SHE PREGNANTTTT?!?!?!!?!11
she js kissed the guy. that's all that happened, why is she pregnant??t
his is why you should use protection kids ⇎_⇎
now, here are my few comments Abt the show so far, strap in, its a doozyヽ(。ゝω・。)ノ
let's start off with a few things(spoilers for episode ahead, read at your own risk):
Luther being #1(oldest sibling) and being the tallest??unheard of. make him short. we love older siblings who are short kings.queens :333
Second, can we talk abt Klaus overdosing then high fiving(?!)the paramedic that revived him like it was a normal Tuesday??? sir, I don't think you're even remotely human anymore. that's an eldritch being if I've ever seen one●_●
Also, Diego.....man am I abt to beef with this man if it's ever on sight. he defeats the thief's and LEAVES THE FAMILY THEY TIED IN THE BONDS!!! like-0 stars, would not recommend his services to no one >:(((( I wouldn't let him save me, cause what's the point? he's js gonna leave me there to rot without freeing me ;n;
now, Vanya might be my fav so far, cuz the violin performance at the beginning? chef's kiss, she's my daughter now(until further notice) :) makes me so sad that no one was there to applaud her tho, I would've been her biggest supporter being louuuud asf, lowkey
now, I personally don't trust the father since, hello? billionaire adopting a bunch of supernatural kids instead of supporting the parents/gaurdians? BUYING THEM??? immediate red flag. he don't give Tony or Bruce vibes. I feel as though he only mansplains and manipulates. not even malewife since he has 7 diff women pushing the strollers like-brother eughщ(ಥДಥщ)
allison being the normal one has got to be the funniest shit I've ever witnessed. i get that's she's also famous but get this, one of her siblings is a "recovering" addict, an introvert, another introvert who dresses up like daredevil and batman's secret lovechild, and an astronaut. can we pls make it make sense?
Diego breaking into the coroner’s to get his “father’s” report? The dis-fucking-respect??? No. On. Sight.(i rlly like coroners and any disrespect to them is a personal insult)
HOLD UP! Why is there a MONKEY BUTLERRRRR?!?!??!!11 I thought it couldn’t get weirder. Help 🙁
Vanya making snacks for 5 hoping he would come back, aw, my heart js imploded. Thank you.
Bro couldn't even spare a second to bid goodnight to his kids. Ew.
Klaus is a silly little guy, thats my impression of him so far. Using humor to cope, that's me. I kin him now(also him being glad his dad’s dead, me frfr) “exsqueeze me” fav klaus line :)))
Allison and Luther making fun of Diego has got to be my fav thing ever! they’re me your honor  :3333
Oh Alison, my poor baby mama. PATRICK STAR, give claire back you son of a nice woman >:(((((
*awkward silence ensues*
Klaus in the background:*aggressively pouring expensive ahh scotch into a cup*
Kalus also:Wearing his sisters skirt like a girlboss(while high)😤
Luther, baby, pls dont accuse your traumatized siblings of murdering your very not so brat dad.(edit:he had every fucking right)
The way Allison just walks up to the shooter? Very mindful, very cutesy, very demure<3
*The man getting yeeted through the window*
The news anchor:now i've been in many situations such as this-
It's the kids walking out like they didn't just commit homicide to the nth degree….also, there’s an octopus child. Idk what to say.
Not Klaus spilling the urn. He's such a queen for that tho
Luther blasting music for the whole house to hear? Like, that player is blasting music loud enough to be heard through a literal mansion. I need to know how that works??? Are the walls that thin???????
And everyone started to dance. High School musical who??
And the mom folding laundry like-oh well, at least they’re happy!
Klaus’  “Daddy??” when the lightning started😂😂😂😂😭😭😭
*a weird blackhole portal thingy exists*
Klaus:throws a fire extinguisher at it.
Everyone else:bruh.
Five’s first reaction to coming back to make a sandwich is so real to me tho.(although what he made is an abomination, i do not stand by that)
It’s his nonchalance and everyone else shitting metaphorical bricks.
Basically what happened was; 
“You’re 58?!”
“Yeah, like it's a big deal?”
Ok, hold up. Who’s ben? Did I skip a chapter? A book? A whole movie?? Who tf Ben??
Ohhh, nvm js remembered he’s the octopus child.
Ok, klaus is rlly js pretty princess atp
I need Diego to stop trying to be different. You ain't built diff for shit. Get an umbrella you kook. 
The mom is now suspicious to me. Not so sigma of her to forget that her darling husband is dead.[sarcastic]
The monkey is lying cause what??you’re indebted to someone who turned you into a reverse animorph🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 bitch pls, bsffr
I now have beef with Diego, aka number 2, aka a crusty musty bitch who doesnt shower and wears kevlar all day. Why are you acting that way?? #justice for ben statue ✊😔)
Is the mom a robot? A slave? Why does she behave like that, i'm concerned now 🙂
DID THIS BITCH AS MF FORCE HIS KIDS TO GET TATTOOS??? Ohhh it's on, old man. I will hunt you down to the end’s of earth itself. Wait he’s dead, nvm. I will instead hunt you down to the end’s of the planes of the afterlife, you degraded sun glare. you overdrafted bank fee. You unnecessary movie sequel. Built like an easy bake oven cooking a broken bedazzled gnome.
Fun fact: the “dad” watches his kids while they sleep 😀 pedo pedo pedo pedophiliaaaaa~
Ok, the moneky butler is kinda ok to me now. Like-he may be dumb giving his life to raginald but he tried to comfort Vanya, so he’s ok in my books.
Allison asking where vanya is makes me soft
5 is a menace, according to the level amount of sass he holds in his little body.
The mom is a robot…..whoopdedoo(im not even surprised atp, just downright exasperated)
I feel so bad for the waitress ngl, imagine assuming some kid dressed in a uniform out that late is innocent and turns out he can take down 6 different men armed to the teeth with guns, and you served him black coffee too. I feel like she’ll never give kids black coffee again….
Me vibing to music while 5 commits murder:even old new york, was once new amsterdam, why’d they change it, i cant say, ppl js like it better that wayyyy
There’s a tracker implanted in 5?man this just keeps getting better, and stupider
Diego….idk wether to punch you in the face or kiss you for (probably) killing your father<333 
Also klaus, i do not in fact like waffles 😣
Also, we just found benny boy!! he ‘d dead and emo
5 and vanya being bestiessss, okkk im following
this shit show keeps pulling plot twists out of their asses and I'm concerned for my little remaining sanity ಠ╭╮ಠ
So far, i like it. Sorry for the whole reaction channel vibes i was having this whole time but i had to share :3333
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dreamsandscenes · 11 months
My Ranking of TVD Seasons
*spoilers ahead*
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I mean…do I need to even explain this? We all saw season 8. It was a mess. I felt like I had to drag myself through this season, just because I wanted to see how it ended. The only highlight for me was the ending.
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The characters going to college was always going to be a strange transition - as it is in any tv show that starts with the characters in high school - and I just didn’t like the change. I can’t even put my finger on a specific reason why. It just felt different. This season also had the Travelers and Markos, who were just boring villains. The whole Silas/Qetsiyah plot was interesting at first, but fizzled out for me. The only highlight I could maybe pick out is Katherine’s arc. The show just didn’t fill the hole that the Mikaelsons left behind imo.
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I didn’t completely hate this season. Ngl it was weird without Elena. That being said, I actually liked the time jumps in episodes. I wasn’t a fan of the Caroline pregnancy storyline, but that only happened because Candice King got pregnant irl. It just seemed to me like Caroline felt so bad for Alaric & everything he went through in S6, that she continued the pregnancy out of pity for him. The whole Alaric & Caroline “romance” (if you can call it that) was disgusting too. What were the writers thinking. I enjoyed the Damon and Bonnie moments though and Bonnie finally found a good love interest in Enzo. The Heretics weren’t all terrible either. I liked Nora. The Originals crossover ep was a highlight too.
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Season 6 was a mixed bag for me. I really loved the whole prison world storyline. I thought it was unique and an interesting way to keep Bonnie and Damon alive after the S5 finale. It completely changed their relationship for the better too. Kai Parker was a great villain, one of the best in the whole series. I remember when he first told Bonnie and Damon about what he did to his family, that was the first time I was genuinely disturbed by a TVD character. Liz’s death was so emotional. Elena’s storyline this season was dull and I didn’t enjoy the whole Lily Salvatore thing. The season finale at Alaric and Jo’s wedding was crazy though.
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Hope Mikaelson tutorial above 👀. Maybe it’s an unpopular opinion, but I actually liked Elena’s transition and then her no humanity arc. I seriously didn’t like the sirebond thing though. That felt icky to me. Her relationship with Rebekah from enemies to kinda friends was nice. Going to Silas island for the cure was interesting. Did I love the cure storyline? Not really, but it wasn’t the worst.
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So many great moments. I just love this season. I will say, the pilot is a little rough, but most pilots are, so I don’t hold it against the season as a whole. While I’m not a Stelena shipper, I do think Stefan and Elena were very sweet in S1. Elena was also at her best in this season and season 2. When I say I like Elena, it’s this one I’m referring to. Damon was in his villain moment. The arrival of Katherine at the end was just perfect after all the talk about her throughout the season. I will say, I didn’t love S1 the first time I watched it, but when I went back and rewatched it, it became one of my favs.
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This season? Oh this season keeps you on your toes. Elijah’s first appearance was so damn good. The moment at the school dance where Bonnie looks at Elena as she fakes her death with the sparks falling around her was a beautiful shot. I was so stressed the first time I saw it because I really thought Bonnie died. The build up to Klaus’ arrival and then him taking over Alaric’s body, so we kind of got a sneak peek of the character before Joseph Morgan fully entered the show was fantastic. I wish he didn’t kill Jenna, but he wouldn’t be the villain if he didn’t do horrible things.
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The best of the best. The absolute pinnacle of the series. Season 3 was non stop action. It never got boring. And of course one of the main reasons why this season is number one for me is the introduction of the full Mikaelson family. The Originals brought so much to TVD. This was THEIR season tbh. They were the best villains ever in the series, and watching the Mystic Falls characters try to take them out never got old. From Stefan’s ripper arc, to the Mikaelson ball episode, to Alaric being turned by Esther, and then finally, Elena’s death and transition in the final episode; it was just simply a perfect season.
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smimon · 9 months
More questions to giant k
Fav season? Why?
Least fav season? Why?
Potato fan? 👀👀👀 i freaking love potatoes, especially fried 🤤🤤🤤.
Who was the first K called once he realised something was wrong? How did that go?
How was the adjustment phase?
Why is he so tall? Was there a reason and if so what was it? Is it permanent or temporary? Can it be undone? Who caused it? 👀👀👀 more backstory?
What influences his size? Can he get even taller? Will clothes given to him magically fit suddenly? Even if the item was standard size? Or does that not work?
He is tall yes but did he ever got lost?
Jay my friend saving the day again with a pile of nice questions 🥹💛
Fav season? Why?
Must be summer because he can just walk shirtless and not worry about wearing the same one t-shirt for the 100th time 😅
Least fav season? Why?
Was gonna say winter which is I guess true for irl Jere but actually giant K would enjoy the thought that he can serve as a portable heater for his friends and just shove them under his jacket in case they don't dress warm enough for the weather 🤭
So maybe it is autumn instead, when the weather forces him inside buildings more often than he would like :/
He still hasn't experienced spring as a giant so the ranking might still change 👀
Potato fan? 👀👀👀 i freaking love potatoes, especially fried 🤤🤤🤤.
He's probably enjoying baked potatoes more than fries, chasing each and every single fry through the plate must be irritating when they are so tiny to him, and cutlery won't make things any easier...
I bet he loves kumpir!
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Who was the first K called once he realised something was wrong? How did that go?
🥹 This will be detailed in one episode but he did set up a group call thing with Häärijä and Jesse, asking them to come keep him company but still not quite understanding what happened.
Jesse was the first to arrive because Häärijä quickly went shopping for groceries (they thought he's sick or something). He and Jere first assumed they must be hallucinating, until they realized they are not 😅 and Häärijä never noticed something changed but still made sure his friend is being taken care of 💛
How was the adjustment phase?
Well, once he realized he is very likely not going to shrink anytime soon, he took extra effort to feel comfortable in his new shape as soon as possible.
So he did a lot of physical activity until the movements felt right again, like aerobics and swimming and zumba and Just Dance. And asked his gym to provide weights heavy enough for him to not go out of shape.
And definitely tried to squeeze on purpose into every hole and opening and space that seemed just barely big enough for him, so that he could learn his limits before he got stuck somewhere accidentally when least expecting it. Mostly places that are not meant for human presence at all. He would notice a wardrobe or a car trunk or two trees growing close to each other and go nyoom! without a single thought.
Why is he so tall? Was there a reason and if so what was it? Is it permanent or temporary? Can it be undone? Who caused it? 👀👀👀 more backstory?
Can't answer because spoilers for final episode 🥲
Can I say that he grew through the power of love like Clifford the big red dog? Would you accept such an answer? XD
Well there is one way it could go away with time, but it would take years and also it does not seem likely at this point (will be detailed in the finale). So it is permanent for now.
The magical forces that caused it technically could revert it if persuaded enough. But they are proud and stubborn magical beings who believe their actions were only good and right and mere mortals disagreeing with them is not enough to make them undo such a magical masterpiece! (The finale will be very fantasy genre haha)
What influences his size? Can he get even taller? Will clothes given to him magically fit suddenly? Even if the item was standard size? Or does that not work?
Oh he would never want to get so big that it would be impossible to hold hands with his friends 🥺 and the forces of magic are not cuel, they won't do this to him 💚
His current size is a result of a few coincidences and misunderstandings and some ignorance too 😅 once he and his friends learn the truth they will probably sit and stare in the void for a few hours
He needs his clothes tailor-made 🥺 everything he owned before the change also grew, but new clothes need to be specifically made for him. If he were to return to his previous size, the new bigger clothes would shrink too! Magic is so thoughtful!
He is tall yes but did he ever got lost?
Wouldn't it be the funniest thing 😂
Imagine Kä confidently going for a walk in an unknown neighbourhood believing he has a good sense of orientation since he can see so far. And five minutes later calling Jesse for help and unable to even describe where he is 👍
Thanks for asking 😊💛
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porcelainvino · 1 month
[PART ONE] the room where it happens (b!g animatic): artist’s commentary
spoiler warning for eden, other than that, who wants to hear some lore?!?!
better!glee is my (kind of) glee fanfiction in which my favs are essentially my ocs (i do not claim to own the characters). there’s a difference between the “glee club members” and the “better!glee characters” because some of the main characters in the better!glee story are just side characters i like in the real show who aren’t in the new directions (ex: kurt is in the NDs as well as a main character in b!g, rachel is in the NDs but is NOT a main character in b!g, maud is NOT in the NDs but is a main character in b!g; it’s confusing but i’ll try to elaborate as we go on).
each character has their own color, but it has no secret meaning, it’s just to separate them/tell them apart. i was planning, but it was honestly too much effort, to draw all of the new directions, so i only drew the ones who are main characters in better!glee.
the story takes place during the canonical 3rd season of glee, but it does not necessarily follow the canon plot of that season/the rest of the show. some of my b!g characters may act “out of character” compared to canon, but this isn’t necessarily meant to follow canon. in this animatic, there isn’t really a “good side” or “bad side”, both think their doing the right thing but also have their own flaws; this isn’t meant to villainize any character.
i do not necessarily plan to ever post the fanfiction publicly because it’s genuinely mediocre and frankly not even a glee fanfiction at this point. i don’t mean to gatekeep it or anything, this is genuinely just for my irl friends, not for anyone else. despite the name, better!glee is not meant to “fix” the show nor make it “better”, it’s just for silly funzies.
backstory, and basically the first minute of the animatic:
the last major plotline of better!glee mainly follows maud, the violin girl from s1, and her effort to join the glee club. she was unable to and discouraged to join for the past 2 years by her brother and her peers (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), but after becoming friends with some of the new directions members, she’s motivated to join and help them win nationals.
kurt encourages her to join. he didn’t get any letter from nyada yet, and he is determined to win nationals to add on to his transcript just in case. maud films her journey/the glee club’s plans for nationals for an av club project, and kurt encourages her to so he can maybe even use it to help him get into nyada.
kurt takes charge to help the glee club win nationals. however, kurt, the b!g characters, and the rest of the glee club have a bit of beef at the moment due to previous events (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), so tensions are high, and friendships are strained. his closest friends, mercedes and tina, try to negotiate with him, especially in such a busy time frame.
for context:
maud sings aaron burr’s part
kurt sings alexander hamilton’s part
tina sings thomas jefferson’s part
mercedes sings james madison’s part
rest of animatic, feel free to follow along :3:
• kurt has control of how nationals plays out, prioritizing winning. mercedes and tina hold a photo of the better!glee friend group, prioritizing their friends, at least in the beginning.
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• the trophies are colored in the character’s color, representing how each one of them helped win that competition, like tina got to have a solo at sectionals/got to chose the set list (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain). nationals has not happened yet so there’s no trophy.
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• despite having beef with half of his friends (there’s more to that but it’s too much to explain), kurt begs mr. schue to help, at least temporarily, reunite the new directions for nationals.
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• “the pieces that are sacrificed in every game of chess” plays while they point to maud. this is showing how the b!g characters in the new directions are slowly but surely abandoning the non-glee club b!g friends in favor of nationals (i hope that made sense).
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• i genuinely don’t know how to properly explain this part because i’m not really sure how i want the plot to be (for context, i’ve only written 16 chapters but i plan for there to be over 80, with this animatic being one of the last plots), but i suppose this could be interpreted as either if mercedes and tina brought up the importance of friendship to kurt, they could all reconcile properly OR maybe mercedes and tina saying that their friend group will be fine if they temporarily work on nationals rather than focusing on fixing relationships? i’m not sure.
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• just maud wanting to be in “the room where it happens” aka the choir room.
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• there’s a message on the bulletin board saying that the glee club will continue to focus on nationals by themselves and do not require extra members. maud gets mad at kurt for getting her excited for nothing even though he had most of the control of how things would play out and had promised her he’d help her get in.
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• maud realizes that kurt was never going to let her join and only hyped her up so she could record the success of the new directions to further his chances of getting into nyada, using her for his own gain.
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• kurt saying that the better!glee friend group is insignificant compared to nationals, at least in his eyes. from his point of view, winning nationals is his chance to change the course of his future, and attempting to mend relationships is just an obstacle to that goal.
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• this is just my favorite frame lol
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[click here for part two]
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mineonmain · 1 year
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by @telomeke ^u^ slay
Credit: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy was my first and probably till date my fav. What a way to start. Very few BLs overall have lived up to the unreal standard that this show set, and no matter what all has happened IRL since the airing of the show, this show has a place in my heart that nothing is going to ever replace. It's the show that revived my love and passion for TV shows after years. This show (ep 5 4/4 👀) changed my brain chemistry, without exaggeration. P'Aof i'm chewing on your furniture until you pay for my therapy. [Other favs are MLC, ATOTS, UWMA, Between Us, MSP]
Favorite Pairing: I guess i'll talk about actor pairings but onscreen, not how they are offscreen. EarthMix is absolutely one of my favs, they bring a maturity, natural-ness, and intensity to their acting that I've rarely found in other GMMTV pairings. I'm also gonna mention FourthGem because they're the GMM young blood and I think they've got an incredible amount of potential. We've already seen their range in MLC and MSP, and I think they're going to be huge. I have a huge soft spot for BounPrem (but I may be biased lol), and this may be a lukewarm take but I really enjoyed BillySeng, I thought they had some incredible onscreen chemistry.
Most underrated actor: Oh jeez where do I start. Gotta mention Fourth - he's not really underrated but he's just starting out, but I can already see he's got the chops and with the right training and right directors he's absolutely Going Placed. Shout out to Fluke Natouch, that boy does emotional scenes like no one else. Special shoutout to Tonnam - he's supposed to be starring in his first BL as a main character this year, idk if that's still on schedule or not, but every character he's ever played so far has been a hit in my book. His comedic timing is unparalleled for me, it never fails to hit.
Favorite Character: How do I choose!! Pat Napat is so dear to me??? As is Ae from LBC???? Tutor from Why R U???? Team from Between Us?? I've got so many different little blorbos it's impossible to choose. They're all pocket sized to me. Making me choose is a crime.
Favorite Side Character: Idk why but the first one that comes to mind is View from Between Us. He's absolutely Little Bro, but he's also so sweet and genuine and full of love??? He's annoying bc all little brothers are genetically coded to be annoying but he's impossible not to love. His smile is healing. You can't take him away from me.
Favorite scene in a QL: Bad Buddy Ep 5 4/4. This was the scene that actually broke me. The lead up to the scene, the subtle but deliberate choices that both the characters made. Pat gritting himself to go talk to Pran bc if there's one thing he doesn't do it's avoid people and situations. Pran resigning himself to the conversation bc he can't avoid it any longer. Pat finally saying exactly how he's been feeling less than a business day after he had the realisation himself, bc the moment he feels something and decides it he has to act on it. The music swelling in the background. Pran realising that he's been projecting his fears onto Pat this entire time, that Pat has always feel differently about him too. Pran asking the question to break it all, wording in one way where he was expecting one kind of answer, not expecting that it would be interpreted in an entirely different way and would rock the foundation of their already teetering relationship. Pran asking if they want to be friends, because the alternative would be to be enemies. Pat hearing 'do you want to be only friends', and realising that that would never be enough for the both of them. Pat seeing that Pran is scared, and realising that he has to have courage enough for the both of them. Pat taking the deepest and shakiest breath of his life, swallowing down his fear and trepidation, voice trembling saying 'no'. This is the scariest thing that Pat has ever had to do, but how he'd rather do this than lose Pran again. Them both taking a step towards each other, because this is a decision not of one but of equals, mutual as they have always been. Pat treating this like his first kiss, like a relief of finally knowing the answer to a question that has long plagued him, like the start of something, going into it with utter joy and coming out of it with complete bliss, because the world finally makes sense. Pran treating this like his last kiss, like the end of everything they had ever been or ever could be, like he was going to milk this for everything it was worth because he was never going to get a chance to do this ever again, going into it with fear and desperation, and coming out of it with heartache and resignation, because they had lost everything they had and couldn't get it back. Pat crying tears of joy because he finally found what he was looking for, and Pran crying tears of pain because he got to experience for the first and last time what he would never be allowed to have but had longed for all of his life. Yeah I'm so normal about this show.
Favorite line in a QL: I mean. I literally said it all above, but yeah. 'If we're not enemies, could we be friends?' 'Do you want to be friends?' 'No.'
Most Anticipated QL (& why): I don't honestly know?? But I do wanna see the Thai remake of Cherry Magic, I'm interested in seeing how they're gonna treat it differently from the source show, esp since Thai shows have a tendency to bit more high heat and the original show was all about the tenderness of falling for someone because of their goodness.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: oooh i gotta go for TinnGun from MSP, they're just so lovable. Yes it's a highschool relationship but it was presented so sweetly without coming across as childish, and my boy Tinn is the ultimate green flag. Also even tho I'm not personally a SaifahZon fan (they're not my cup of tea) I think they're incredibly healthy.
Most toxic relationship in a QL: TharnType (i'm mostly looking at you Tharn), most of the KP pairings (the T in Theerapanyakuls stands for needs Therapy), early RainPhayu (i'm sorry but pigtail-pulling on the playground to show you like someone is very kindergarten behavior Phayu), LianKuea (go ahead girlbosses who gaslight and gatekeep).
Guilty pleasure series: I honestly don't know if anything I like counts as a guilty pleasure. Maybe SCOY?? Because I know there's a lot of people who don't like it and find it cringe but I think they're all kind of missing the point. I could write a mini-essay about this show too but i'll save that for another day.
Most underrated series: Ingredients (Baby Jeff!!), My Only 12% (It absolutely deserved more love and hype).
Tagging: @antisocial-burrito @liyazaki @webetterlove @bisexualhedgehog @shortpplfedup @whatisgodtoanonbeliever @onstoryladders @respectthepetty @heesulovebot @gunsatthaphan @incandescentflower @rythyme @elevatormusic @vegaspetesupremicy
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
The sims 3 lore is just as wacko as the sims 2 istg my fav lore has to be the dead clone wives lemme explain. So in twinbrook there's s sim name Juan Darer (he's quite interesting to look at too) in the junkyard he owns is the grave of Lacy Darer. Now Juan and Lacy have no relationship but she could be his ex wife as deceased spouses aren't shown on the family tree in the sims 3. Lacy died in a fire but what's the crazy part Juan's best friend Harwood Clay is has a possible wife named Macy Clay who also died in a fire. Macy and Lacy's names aren't just a coincidence. Macy and Lacy are almost completely identical. Many think they're twins but twins don't have the same exact same personalities. The darker theory is that Juan being the eccentric creator created clone wives for him and his best friend and Lacy and Macy somehow perished possible in the cloning process which is also the reason Juan's house caught on fire and he lives in a barn.
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Sorry for taking forever to respond to this! This month has been wildly busy in the worst way!! I hate summer! Everyone in my house has been sick at some point! UGH!
Anyway, I finally had a chance to sit down and thoroughly look into both of these families. I'm going to start with the Doe family because, honestly, I don't have a whole lot to add about the Darers and I'm eager to jump into the Does (my thoughts on the Darers will be at the end though!).
Let's dive in! ↓
I had to look up Midnight Hollow to start, and EEEEEEP I love this world's whole vibe. If I play the Sims 3 THIS will be the world I start in!!! Favorite world I've learned about in TS3 so far. I lowkey want to live here irl.
But imagine my shock when I found out that they were putting whole ass worlds on The Sims 3 store. That's absolutely insane lmao!! They would of had my wallet with this one though, not gonna lie. The vibes are top-tier.
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Now I looked up the Doe family just like you said and I need you to know that they are the kind of unsolved lore I live for. This family alone makes me want to pirate buy TS3 today.
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The Wiki's description wasn't necessarily weird, but the household description left me with many questions.
Jane is the perfect housewife, from her neat hairstyle to her fashionable yet conservative dress. She's neat, nurturing, loves her kids, and can make a mean pot roast! Meanwhile, John is rising in the ranks at his corporate job. He feels successful in life and supported by his family. He works hard but comes home in enough time to teach his kids a lesson or two about life and talk to his wife about her day. Nothing mysterious seems to be happening here, but didn't their house used to have a basement?
That last line. Yeah. WTF? That made the hairs on my arm stand up, especially considering that the world they come with is supposed to mimic a classic-horror vibe. So Immediately I'm getting serial killer vibes, I'm getting psychological thriller, I'm getting family that invites you over for dinner only for you to realize that you are dinner.
Just from the description alone, I'm thinking that the parents are people with a wicked past - coconspirators in crime (whether Jane is a willing or unwilling participant is debatable but intriguing) that may involve killing and disposing, from the sounds of the "former-basement" and the fact that no one really knows why they've suddenly come to a new town without any explanation of their past. Additionally, the names feel like a reference to true crime and murder to me - the last name Doe, with first names Jane and John specifically, are typically names given to unidentifiable victims who, more than not, are victims of violence and brutalization which leaves them unidentifiable. Or, at times, they're simply unidentifiable based on the fact that they don't have family or friends that could claim them, thus making them the perfect targets if you've got bad intentions. The parents seem shady, but beyond that their names reaffirm that they aren't the perfect, squeaky-clean, nuclear family they pretend to be. I mean, you could even speculate that Jane and John are not even their real names. Obviously the sims team are big fans or campy, on-the-nose names (Bob Pancakes, the Goth family, the Calientes, Marcus Flex), but I've always liked to think that sim names can serve more than one purpose.
I jumped over to The Doe family community blog post and the interview there further confirmed a lot of my suspicions, and that whatever they're hiding might be sealed off in what used to be the family basement (the dev who made this family makes sure to draw attention to this enough that it's clearly significant). It's no coincidence that the basement suddenly "disappeared" (or perhaps just became inaccessible) as soon as the family moved in. Some notable things from this interaction:
The classic, old-fashioned misogyny from John. "The light of my life keeps my home perfect and welcoming." It's subtle, but says a lot about this family's old-fashioned dynamic. I hate the condescending, possessive energy between these two. I literally felt uncomfortable during this entire interview (I'd argue that is intentional).
The recurring and growingly tense persistence for the interviewer/producer to drink more tea. BIG red flag on this because my first thought is "Why?" I can understand being hospitable, but it seems like the interviewer has already been taken care of, so why the push? Jane is literally described as frantic, dodging the interviewer's questions entirely and hyper-focusing on the tea as if this is her role to play in what could be an unfortunate turn of events. On the other hand, John seems to be cheerily dismissive. I'm seeing skilled, practiced manipulation in the form of feigned charisma and charm - he doesn't ignore the questions but rather skillfully pivots and tries to keep things light and comfortable. His energy is notably different than the rest of the family, which makes him seem like the primary, skilled aggressor. He is keeping shit under control just enough to not raise suspicion, in my opinion.
But, most interesting to me, is their children's reactions to what is going on. The bio tells us so little about them, but their actions say so much. James, being a toddler and the youngest, obviously is going to be relatively clueless. But Jenn, the daughter, Sits quietly and stares ahead with an eerie blank expression. This feels like a traumatized, almost dissociative response. She seems removed in an anticipatory sense, on-brand for how a child might respond to signs of danger. I'd go as far to say that she is exhibiting one of the 5 fight and flight trauma responses; mainly the "freeze" response. The oldest son Joseph, on the other hand, is outwardly angry. He even leaves the room and slams the door as a response to the conversation, perhaps simply triggered by the mention of moving to Midnight Hollow, but I would venture to guess that he's also frustrated with the events taking place beyond that. After all, I would think that if there is anyone aware of the parent's possible nefarious nature and wrongdoings, it would be him. That being said, he's a teenager... but still a child, nonetheless. He unfortunately has little to no control, and it's clear that he's exhibiting a flight response, showing his own disdain as much as he can (a touch of fight in that door slam) while taking an opportunity to flee the scene. In the picture, their eldest son and daughter seem to be looking at them with... complex expressions. They're certainly not happy.
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The whole interview ends because the wife is "not feeling well," but that brings me back to my point about John being a skilled manipulator and the main aggressor running the web that his family is caught in: he would be able to cite when things are getting out of control. A predator knows when to strike and when to back off, and I think this is John's way of regaining control before too much is brought to light. Many people have been spared, unknowingly, from the clutches of a serial killer because they got lucky and the killer decided it wasn't the right place/right time - that's the vibe I'm getting, idk.
The energy around this family reminds me of an Ari Aster or a Jodan Peele psychological horror feel - everything is fine on the surface until it's not, and that tensity and complexity is disturbing and uncomfortable for the outsider (the audience) looking in, but it's usually just as disturbing for our growingly-aware protagonists (who, based on actions alone, I would argue could possibly be the eldest son and perhaps even the daughter, in this case). "The Stepford Wives" by Ira Levin has also been cited possible inspiration at least for Jane's motivations/role in the story. If you don't know about this story, I recommend checking it out.
As I researched, I was actually surprised with the amount of people who did not jump to the murderer route right off the bat. Some other theories include the family being hypnotized and even speculation that they might be robots (likely a take resulting from Levin's work).
Personally, I am more inclined to think that the parents are people with a wicked past, but it was interesting to read alternative takes. The robot and hypnotism theories are intriguing to me, but they neglect to explain the mysterious disappearance of the basement or the children's behaviors. Furthermore, the "brainwashed" and "repetitive" nature Jane has could just as much be signs of trauma/being in an unsafe environment/being forced to act against her will just as much as they could be literal signs of being robotic or hypnotized, so I don't think those things are necessary. Trauma, fear, and feeling trapped are enough to make a person act outside the realm of "normal."
Hell, I think I've only covered the surface here, but I've talked for so long lol. It seems their story might always just be a mystery left for speculation, sadly.
My boy Benoit Blanc says it best:
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Some additional resources that I used below for any curious cats who made it this far:
The Doe family discussion on the sims forum
TS3 Reddit Thread on the Doe family
As for the Darers: from what I'm seeing, the theory that the wives were clones (or at the very least identical twins) makes sense to me. I put pictures of them below, and just from their CAS headshots you can definitely see that the girls are identical - there's gotta be some relation there
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Personally, I lean toward clones due to the traits being the same. Twins in the sims franchise have always had their own unique interests and traits, so these girls being near carbon-copies doesn't make sense if they're only sisters. Plus, the franchise loves clones (looking at you, two versions of Bella Goth in the Sims 2). For the era of franchise that TS3 was in, I feel like the team was still making the game lean toward whimsy and outlandish as opposed to realism.
Regardless of the relation these two girls share though, the fire death is suspicious and maybe the only thing that keeps this from feeling like an open and shut mystery. It also acts as another good reason to lean toward clones as opposed to sisters unless the fire was caused accidentally by Lacy herself. I think the cloning housefire theory is compelling, due to the girls not actually having a relationship with either of these guys explicitly on the family tree. I guess in that case they were actually their potential wives more than actual wives, which would explain why there's no marriage memory as well.
In some ways it's endearing that Juan would do all that, not just for himself but for his buddy as well, especially if it caused his house to burn down and ultimately push him out into a barn. In the end though, I think the whole cloning situation leans more toward weird when you consider the implications. If you have to invent a wife, you probably should just stay single my dude.
Last and unrelated sidenote: Harwood Clay's hair was an unexpected, horrifying surprise lmao.
Just from what you've told me, TS3 Twinbrook world had a lot of interesting characters. I had no idea that TS3 lore was even close in wackiness to TS2 and TS1, but my takeaway here is that we all should be more pissed off that TS4 premades are so dull.
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etoiile · 5 months
hi friends! this is my reminder that tumblr is not real. (btw this is all from a girl's perspective)
lets think. what's a fan fav trope? sunshine x grumpy? when have you ever met a "grumpy" guy like rin? THEY DONT EXIST. everyone has at least a basic level of manners, and the people that don't are absolute douchebags who dont have the soft side that makes this trope so good. and even if a grumpy did exist, (you might be able to find a less grumpy version irl??) you wouldnt get to know them well enough for them to open up to you and love you. why? because they're BITCHES. like. IMMEDIATELY. no chance to say hi or get to know them, because it's "hi! nice to meet you! i'm y/n! what's your name?" "rin." *walks away*
also. guys dont hardcore fall for girls like the way we depict them. "the moment i laid eyes on her, i knew that she was the one for me. the one i would marry. the only one i could ever love" like uhhh bro what
LETS THINK OF ANOTHER TROPE!! hmmm only one bed? in WHAT scenario would you be sharing a bed with a guy. group of friends on vacay?? lets be fr the girls would all cram on one bed and the guys on the other. oh! for some reason youre the manager of their sports team?? first of all, girls aren't managers for all-boys teams (at least in the US in high school) but IF IT SOMEHOW HAPPENED, i absolutely GUARANTEE that the school/team would find another way to get you your own bed. there is NO WAY IN HELL you would share a bed with a guy. (as a girl, at least.)
ok! another one! enemies to lovers! ok so who do you know that has an actual "enemy?" NO ONE. people dont have enemies, and thats ESPECIALLY true for girl-guy relationships. "oh, y/n? yeah, she's weird as hell." "oh, *insert boy name?* he's such a creep like omg" THAT is what happens. THAT is reality. there is no hot hatred-fueled hookup. it's just "ewww i hate him hes so weird" like be fr.
what are some popular meet-cutes? first one that comes to mind for me is like A spilling coffee on B. that could be SORT of realistic but like what are the odds of the most gorgeous gorgeous gal (y/n) being in the exact same place at the exact same time as the most gorgeous gorgeous guy (tumblr fantasy man) and just so happening to spill her drink on this very specific man? ALMOST ZERO. this typa stuff just DOESNT HAPPEN. and on the slim chance that this did in fact occur, do you really think that a lot of guys would like offer to pay for your coffee and dry cleaning? NO. i had a guy BREAK my tumbler to the point that i couldn't use it and all i got was a lousy "sorry."
anyways i will still be reading and loving and writing and loving and dreaming and loving and hoping and loving on tumblr. when will i get a bf amen have a good day
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b0rusxmi · 9 months
People should really look up what is the legal definition of stalking and what are the actions that constitute stalking.
While Orihime knew Ichigo's house due to it being the Kurosaki Clinic where her brother was brought to and died, she wasn't even seen nearby it watching Ichigo's movements.
Her going to Ichigo's room to say her goodbyes and confession was the last thing she did prior to going to Hueco Mundo as a hostage to save her friends. If anything, that was her doing the thing she wanted to do the most while facing the possibility of being trapped in Hueco Mundo forever.
Whoever says that is stalking should get themselves checked on the head. If anything, Rukia's actions can be considered one as she could have opted to stay in other places but yet opted to stay in the Kurosaki clinic and made up some drama to convince Isshin and Yuzu to let her stay there. Also, when Ichigo was training with the vizards, who is the one who opted to track Ichigo's reiatsu actively but failed to do so, Rukia. Orihime, on the other hand, was able to sense Ichigo's reiatsu but she didn't track him down until Yamamoto contacted Hitsugaya's team and personally asked Orihime to send Ichigo his orders.
If people would only keep their biases to themselves, they wouldn't be spouting nonsense.
P.S. - Ichigo loves his bed and has told off a lot of people, including Rukia when they sit or step on it without permission. However, there is one person who he didn't tell off once and was even allowed to step and sit on it, well, it's Orihime. The TYBW anime adaptation added child Nel beside Orihime but it's more of trying to minimize the panels needed for the part.
sometimes I think they��ve run out of names for the females so they come up with something else.
while I do like Rukia, yeah, she’s more of a stalker than Orihime is.
when their fav does it, it’s fine, but when someone else does it, she’s suddenly an obsessed-stalking weirdo.
I wonder what makes ppl this toxic and double standard.
because of one scene, she’s a stalker when it was literally shown not long after their meeting that Rukia slept in Ichigo’s closet without him knowing and even took his sister’s clothes.
one day, these ppl are gonna say something to the wrong ppl (make up a lie about the characters to non fans) and hopefully get bashed. because they’ve got to learn, if they keep going, they’re going to get worse and thing of a worse thing to call them and it’s not going to end well.
they’re already saying Orihime sexually assaulted him in his sleep over a failed kiss. that’s NOT to be taken lightly because that happens in irl and a lot of ppl take their own life because of it and they’re applying it to a cute anime scene?????
I’m worried for the future of these idiots.
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viperwhispered · 7 months
30 days of twst challenge - day 4: First fav VS current fav?
Malleus was definitely one of the reasons that drew me into the game in the first place. I saw some cool fan arts, got into the game, enjoyed his voice and his looks and all that.
Then book 4 happened.
Well, the Scalding Sands event actually coincided with me reaching book 4 of the main story. Which... it was quite the switches in mood to read the first part of the Scalding Sands event, read book 4, and then going back to finishing the event. At this point, I had also seen Jamil in the latter half of the Halloween event (alas, the first part with the magicam monsters and things I just about missed and still haven't read, tho I've seen some bits).
Already when reading the first parts of the Scalding Sands event, I was commenting to a friend how relatable Jamil seems in certain aspects, even if I don't share his fondness for shrewdness (and I'd like to think I'm a bit less of a busybody than he can be).
Reaching the overblot only made those relatable aspects more obvious. Like, even with the en translation version of things, the whole thing of having to hold back, not being allowed to show your skills and competence hit me so hard. Like every other overblot until book 4, my reaction was basically "yeah you've gone through sucky things but your actions still suck". And like, not that I can approve of Jamil's way of going about it either, but also, I found it really hard to judge him for it. Because like, had I been his shoes? No way would I have been able to handle that pressure or dealt with the situation any better. Just the whole not being allowed to show his skills and getting recognition for it would've succed so bad, since admittedly my competence is one of the things that is quite integral to my sense of self.
So with Jamil, more than any of the previous overblotters, it felt like I just got it and felt for him more than anyone else.
Add in the pressure to conform, too, and the way he's been raised to behave in certain ways (no matter whether the pressure comes from, exactly, depending on if we're looking at the en or jp version of things), and like... yeah. I just want all the best things for him, and the freedom to be himself.
Plus ngl, in like book 6 or the Glorious Masquerade for example, I've really enjoyed Jamil letting himself be more schemy or just more authentically himself. It's been fantastic and I just want more. Not that I'd necessarily agree with some his choices if we were talking irl, but seeing it happen in a story like this is just delicious sometimes.
Now, to circle back to Malleus after that Jamil ramble. He certainly surprised me with being more of a softie than I anticipated, and very much a teenager in some ways despite the occasional maturity. There's an interesting contrast there which perhaps makes me view him less through the romantic option lense (which admittedly I'm wont to do), but still makes me curious to learn more about him. Admittedly, I've yet to get started with book 7, and I've read less of Malleus's stuff than I have of Jamil's, but he's still hanging on in my faves. Just, book 7 would need to do a whole lot of work to dislodge Jamil from the top fav spot at this point.
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
heya, this is the anon that salted about edelgard fans who get defensive of their fave to the point of romanticizing imperialism, and kind of replying to the other anon.
you missed the point of what i said.
i never said anything about dimitri and somehow you attacked with the assumption my fav is dimitri (my fav is claude btw). red herring, but go off i guess.
imagine playing crimson flower (or even scarlet haze in 3 hopes) and finding things that could fit in the history of your country. the wars that we never asked all because some powerful country out there decided they were blessing us with their superior culture. imagine hearing edelgard's constant insistence for the greater good, and things will be better. when i live in a country that is still hearing from the still bleeding wounds of colonialism and imperialism.
playing edelgard's routes genuinely upset me, but i had two other routes i could play that would let me enjoy the game. so i did. and i also know people like crimson flower and like edelgard and that's fine. we all have different tastes.
what i don't agree is when people aren't mindful to what they say for the sake of defending their blorbos. imagine, for one second, what it looks like if you talk to a fan who is maybe not british or whatever nationality that doesn't have a history of being colonized (and mayhaps have a history of being the colonizer), and you tell them that edelgard did nothing wrong. you equate her tragic and complex personality to being absolved from all wrongdoings. you dig in that hill, and you will die on it like bernadetta on the flaming platform.
and so you got two fans hurt. one thinks you're a white supremacist, the other assumes you hate edelgard. and so nobody talks. only debates. nothing is shared. only fought.
at this point any fan of the house leader is overly defensive. if someone doesn't like claude, you're racist. if someone doesn't like dimitri, you must be an edelstan. if someone doesn't like edelgard, you just like dimitri to dick you with the areadbhar between his legs.
i don't like yuri because he's too much of a twink for me, but i'm sure there's some morality reason for it in the fandom space. i must be a *throws dart on board* aelfric stan and ship him with *throws another dart* count rowe while also supporting *last dart* aristocracy and rhea's dragon tits.
i wish people stopped being defensive and enjoy their barbie dolls. all their barbie dolls. let people share their barbies without having some goddamn debate happening. exchange clothes. cut the hair. do make believe with funny voices.
i wish dimitri artists weren't harrassed because they like drawing dimitri. i wish dimitri fans wouldn't plot their own harrassment war on edelgard fans because of this ""travesty"" or whatever the fuck. yeah, philosophy and social issues are going to be discussed. it's a game with war and politics. just be mindful and not defensive. talk about things but for god's sake please make sure not to trigger or squick a fan while gushing because you're too focused on showing your barbie is the prettiest.
i wish i could share racist and dark fucked up colonialism headcanons on the world of fe3h because it's a comfort for *me*, a southeast asian who grew up with the colonial mentality of western countries being better and we should thank them for conquering us.
but i can't share these headcanons (besides a few irl friends) because people would think it's an attack on edelgard because how dare i unromanticize crimson flower. or that i hate claude for projecting that and i'm racist. or use it as a "gotcha!" moment to dunk on dimitri because "hey he supports monarchy and the church, and they're components of colonialism! why don't you talk about that? hmph you just like his looks"
so it's exhausting. and i'm okay with playing with my barbie dolls alone or with a group of two. but i wish i didn't have to
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k-ky · 1 year
Do you have any Guti + Raul headcannon? If so could u share some of ur favs :D
OK HI so Raul first ever, and only game ban, came during his youth days in Atletico as a preteen, when he fist fought an opponent boy on the ground during the game. It was said the boy was actually Guti from the Real Madrid side. (I LOST THE SOURCE BUT I DESPERATELY WANT TO BELIEVE THIS THE BEST MEET CUTE EVER)
Anyways as history had it, a more grown up teenage Raul joined the youth RM team, which he was NOT initially welcomed by Guti, who tackled him during training and then told him to apparently "fuck off back to Atletico". Idk what happened but I guess they made up and became friends somewhere along the way hehe.
But this is when I have to introduce third wheel/love triangle/ prettiest friend Alvaro Benito.
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He, Guti and Raul were a trio of besties and APPARTENTLY had amazing set pieces together in the youth team. Quoting, (and badly translating) Alvaro in this interview: With Raúl and Guti. We were very close friends and also three complementary lefties in different positions of the field. Guti fed me, and I fed Raul. Guti was very good in kicking balls with depth, where I could take advantage of my speed and me getting them to Raúl to score.
ONCE YOU RECOGNISE THIS GUY, you will see him EVERYWHERE in most photos of young Guti and Raul. They were rly besties (threesome)
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Raul was the first of them to get promoted from the youth team, followed by Alvaro, and then lastly Guti (who was still benched most of the time while Alvaro and Raul was mostly starting 11 from the get go.) Bet your ass Guti was bitter af abt that knowing him, since he was with Real Madrid the longest. Unfortunately, a bad tackling during the youth national games to Alvaro left knee ended his career very early on, like within two years of Alvaro joining the main team. He had like EIGHT surgeries, one even in the USA, and then got into a CAR ACCIDENT, he was never the same since and couldn't play again. He still hangs out with Guti and Raul TO THIS DAY and sometimes play in charity matches with them, you can see Guti still pass to him and he tries to score (he seems rly good) but he seems to be really careful with his knee :(((
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ANYWAYS back to Raul and Guti:
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I find that the Spanish media POV of Raul is very different to the fandom (who isn't 100% spanish) POV because Raul seemed very political and temperamental IRL. He is constantly stirring up discourse and unrest in the team if he doesn't agree with the higher ups (re: his time in the Spain NT), giving the media sullen cold shoulders (he deadass sat there and glared at them in silence, his horoscope Cancer is showing) and literally got managers FIRED bc this guy will directly complain to Perez if he disagreed with you. THIS MAN IS A MENACE. Compared to Guti who literally just wanted to party and black out, and sometimes lost his cool on the pitch, Guti is considered the more laid back between the two for REAL.
Additionally, ofc them being co captains, (I'm convinced Guti disinterest in company politics was there to balance out Raul's rumored hunger for power), the fact Guti wanted to leave RM in the later years because of the Galaticos causing him to be benched alot, (other teams were trying to get him such as like Man Utd) and his waning motivation; but he stayed because Raul is here (HE SAID THIS IN AN INTERVIEW). And THAT MOMENT when Guti announced he was leaving RM, ONE DAY AFTER Raul said he was leaving. BC I GUESS IF RAUL ISNT HERE HE CANT BE ASSED????
And APPARENTLY Raul was crying watching Guti's farewell on TV (Guti didnt even cry lol) and he called him right after. And they still kept in touch after moving to Germany and Turkey respectively, because in an interview in Germany he said he was enjoying it there immensely "while my friend Guti does not like Turkey". (Ok visit him then.)
I think there are more but i cant rmb more rn i might rmb it after sajkdfhajksdfh anyways uh the families hang out tgt too Guti's son Aitor was at Raul's son Jorge's birthday party
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Here’s Alvaro and Guti being 100% smashed and extremely sus tgt
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I have so many photos of them I might do a picspam or smth tumblr has a limit of 10 photos lol
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tsunderedoctor · 2 years
Hii! So, let me introduce you to not ye properly named crew (i call it the Pirate's Princess Crew but eh).
Ookami D. Mariss. 24 y/o (also her "present" is before the 2 years time skip) She is under heavy redoing rn, so i dont have her pic or i dunno if her surname will stay. But she was born as Kersley D. Mariss, to a Pirate Princess - which is basically a.. well smt like "Pirate King" in The Pirates of Carribean franchise. She has the power to lead all 4 of the Yonkos, and even tho is "born" with the title, the 4 Emperors needs to acknowledge her and swear her loyalty before she is "official". She was 15 when she got appointed as such, only 3 Emperors were present (which is minimum.) Kaido missing. And two out of three voted yes, Big Mom being the only against out of the three. She is cursed by a wolf god-like creature - tho by accident. So she can shapeshift into wolf. She wields the power of Voice (goes w/ being Pirate Princess). Also has dragon Zeyra and best wolf friend, Kasumi.
Her fav pastime is meditating.
2)Firstmate; Navigator
Then there is Ren, pic also in redoing. He is 29, nicknamed "The Knight" and wields buster sword. He honestly should get raise for all the bullshit he has to deal with in daily basis. Childhood friend of Mariss, but didnt see each other between 6 - well teen years.
He is the artist of the crew and his fav pastime is tattoing.
3)Chef, occasional healer
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(Vinsmoke) Trixie. Okay she is second ever made OP OC, and i made her like.. ages ago.. before the Vinsmoke ordeal was shown but holy shit she fits right in! She doesnt uses her surname. And she is older sister to Sanji (now i say she is twin to Reiju). She is 21 y/o but was born 24 years ago. TLDR: born, got experimented on, no result - Judges accidentally "kills her" and let her drifts on sea, so it would seem like horrible accident. She then gets find by The Great Calamity - chinese dragon-like sea spirit, known to feast on souls. And spents 3 irl lives in vacuum, her soul too weak to return to her body, but cant be consumed by the spirit due to Germa testing. Here finds here Mariss, driftinh in a sea and asks the Wolf god-like thing to save her. Which happens, cursing Mariss with shapeshifting powers in the process.
Trixie wields the cursed water powers and is skilled in close comba and bo-jutsu. Beside the whole soul eating problem, the only way the Germa's experiment can be seen is cuz she usually lacks empathy towards enemies and is very prone to anger. She is nicknamed "The Water Empress".
Also cant hold her liquor. Its bad. No tolerance at all. And she loses all of her sense when drunk, it got so bad that Mariss banned her from drinking, unless there is Ren or Mariss to take care of her.
Her fav pastime is bubblegum blowing, while thinking of new recepies. Loves ice cream. And similarly to liquor, she cant handle coffee. She gets even crazier after a cup, and gets migraines.
Oh and despite her being the less stable one out of the crew, everone ways expect Rita to be the psycho of the crew. Its not. Its Trixie.
4)Gunner/Sharp Shooter
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Akane Rita, 21 y/o ex-thief/killer-on-hire. Wields the power of God of Fire (based on Kagutsuchi mythology) and is skilled in firearms (Ekan still thinks its horrible idea to have the emodiment of fire dragon handle gunpowder 😂). Rita's fire actually has no shape, but to provoke Trixie she usually makes fire dragons. She has pair of pistols (Kagu and Chi) on her all the time, but also has rifle named Star, but can use huge variety of fire arms. Also has twin daggers named Sun and Moon from her thief days.
Due to her powers and Trixie powers.. the fight a lot. Usually just with snarky remarks, but sometime also with powers. Ren is on babysitting duty all the time.
Her fav pastime is cleaning guns and yes, she csn handle the spice (and is addicted to coffee)
5) Doctor
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Zaviria, 18 y/o - the youngest member and only DF user. She is quiet, but touch her plants and you are dead. Her parents are surgeon and chemic with aunt as herbalist, and she got smt from all of them. Cant find notes on her DF, but basically she could manipulate plants and flowers. She is the one who supplies Alix with poison. She prefers to breed her plants into using it as sleep/poison powders, so she wouldnt have to do the dirty work. Also, can throw needles with scaring precision and for some reason is WAY too good with alcohol. Likes horror and unsolved murders podcasts.
6) Scout/Assasin/Ninja-like
Alix. Boyfriend of Ren. 24 y/o. He is pretty new so i dont know much. Is stealthy, can kill variety of weapons and is skilled in posion usage etc. Has a hawk he can ride on. No pic yet. Only that he looks lanky and boyish, kinda like Luffy...but is older. Bestie with Zaviria and thinks of her as her younger sister. They listens to unsolved murders together. Also has immpecable sense of stability. Like man can SIT while standing on pole/string.
7) Shipwright and Helmsman
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Ekan, 20 y/o. They're 1/4 fishman. Grew up in grandfather's martial arts dojo and mum's shipwright company. Trained in fishman karate, can breath underwater and has weapon, but not sure what yet.
P.s. Rita/Trixie/Mariss are cold the "The Cursed Sisters". Rita has the most epiteph out of all: ^ that; "The Fire Empress" due to her powers and "The Red Death" when she briefly worked as bounty hunter when the crew was disbanded for a year.
((👉👈🥺 thats VERY brief introduction to my chaotic crew.. yet i still it might have been a bit too much. Pls dont bother to react if you would feel overloaded or smt. Have lovely dad!)) ((Also if you want to gush about your MCs, go on!)) ((Maybe.. can they handle alcohol? Are they like Trixie and absolitely not, or suprisingly well like Zaviria?))
Sorry this took so long to respond!! I wanted to wait when I got off!!
But they all sound amazing!! I think Roese and Zaviria could be friends!! Roese is a green witch so she makes medicines and talks to plants, she can also manipulate them at will, but isn't that strong yet haha!! So I think being doctors and plant lovers they would get along 💜💜💜
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peonies-in-bloom · 3 months
im back, after a while.
I weighed 137 back in feb 2023 and since then my life has been a shit show and right now im back to 165 (i started higher but i am so disgusted with myself i cant even mention it).
I got back into running and working out and stuff and its been good because over the past few weeks ive been doing that while on a restriction of like 200/250 and then some days fasting if i didnt run. but then i had some days of binging (not like true binging but two ramen packets and an egg and microwave popcorn over like 6-8 hours) and then this weekend i was at my brother's place for his proposal and it was food food food. atm, i havent eaten since tuesday (18/06) and im looking to go until this coming tuesday (25/06). i am now just about at 96hrs so i feel like i can complete it because im more than halfway done.
my boyfriend and i practically live together even though we have separate apartments so he's over pretty much all day. i've been lying about eating and its making me feel like shit. i've been in a state before where im too embarassed to eat in front of him because i eat a lot more than him on a regular basis anyway. so ive been asking him to stay in the kitchen/living room while i "eat" a bar or something in another room. he weighs less than me and it makes me want to kms. tonight we're going to a potluck and he went out for a bit so i told him im going to eat dinner before we go so that i can not eat while there since i dont want to eat in front of people. but tomorrow i think we're going to spend 100% of the day together as neither of us really have anything to leave the house for (though he might go home for lunch, im not sure).
anyway, im pre-freaking out on how im going to manage to not eat tomorrow. i lowkey fainted in front of him today because i just stood up too quickly from the couch. its happened before (unrelated to not eating) so he isnt super worried about it.
I know my fast will technically be over on tuesday but so far i haven't really been feeling any physical hunger and its only really mental hunger. i dont want to eat on tuesday honestly, i want to see how long i can last because i know that when i eat and then go to weigh myself the next day im going to have gained some water weight regardless.
this week, i pretty much haven't left my house which i think is making the fast easier. and i dont have any of my fav snacks on hand. on july 1, im going on a trip for two weeks so i will be able to exercise and not eat in peace. though i wont have a scale (i actually just realised that right now). im working at a camp. how weird would it be for me to bring a scale to weigh myself??? oh fuck im stressing now. and for a month after that its possible that im going to paris to work (volunteer) at the olympics (theyre desperate AF because they reached out to Canada a week and a half ago lmfaooo) but for my position i have some relatively rigorous physical skill testing. so its a fine balance between starving and working out enough to build muscle/maintain cardio. at camp i obvs wont have access to weights so im going to have to figure out some stuff to do.
sorry for the rant, but i find this a helpful place to journal because a) im hiding this from everyone IRL and b) because all my friends who know i have AN (ATYPICAL BEFORE ANYONE ATTACKS ME FOR STILL BEING A FAT PIECE OF SHIT) also have had ED in the past and i absolutely dont want to put them in a bad place mentally.
open to acountability buddies/meanspo :)
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childeapologist · 1 year
I was scared to ever no-filter vent about this situation on here bc I knew one of the people involved followed me but since they seem to have purged my existence from all their social media and ghosted me instead of bothering to TALK about anything I hope I’m in the clear now. Even if they do see it honestly go ahead. Read it. This is how I feel about you and your incessant need to over-correct me over every little thing all the time bc you just NEEDED me to be problematic for the sake of your narrative or something.
But last year when I took a vacation to stay with some of my friends who are a couple, on my last night there starting Attack on Titan together. They had both only seen the first season 10 years ago when it first aired, I’ve read the entire manga and seen all of the series that is out, and I have probably seen the first season 5+ times.
And this girl, the wife, starts conversation over the episodes like “I heard that in the manga there was this whole story arc about the outer wall refugees being made into slaves and that the anime cut it out and it was really controversial bc they are like devaluing slavery by doing that” and I was like, “I’ve read the whole manga and that isnt true, you must be mistaken or conflating it with something else” and it’s been a year and I cant remember my exact words but I was nice about it, literally just making conversation. People hear incorrect things. It happens. I wasn’t aggressive, but I do care about factual information so maybe I was assertive.
She just doubles down on me without looking up any new info. Which is wild to me, like I’ve READ THE MANGA can you not just trust me? She keeps doubling down, implying that I am prepared to defend the devaluation of slavery just bc it’s one of my fav medias.
And then I brought up the panels on my phone to show her. And the conversation just kind of ends, like I got ghosted IRL they just stopped responding to me. They ignored me trying to show the panels.
Later I ask her husband about it like “what happened back there?” and he tells me that “Oh she looked it up herself and realized she was wrong, and she didnt know how to approach you bc youre mean” and also just blames it on her period.
LIKE GIRL, HELLO? “oOPS i looked it up and I was mistaken, sorry!”
it really isn’t that hard?
And things like this just kept HAPPENING. 
And THEN I try and bring this up later, approaching the husband bc like. Im like “this girl couldnt even handle being told she was wrong about an attack on titan trivia fact. how do i approach her about boundaries and accountability?”
So I try approaching her husband for pointers in talking to her. And he just deflects everything, basically tells me that Im just “super mean and intimidating” and that I just want an “I TOLD YOU SO” moment. And it is like no I want my input to be respected? I want my friend to be able to be wrong about something so simple and not turn it into this weird thing? This isnt even about that stupid argument anymore, it’s about what this says about the overall dynamics here and your wifes inability to be wrong and take accountability. I deserve better treatment, I deserve respect and if I dont get it, this friendship is over. and they purged me on all social media after that without even attempting to reconcile or talk to me
am i crazy?
how can you be so inable to hold yourself accountable and try and gaslight ME into being the problem?????????????????????
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