#he also has a retractable string in between his legs for some reason??
marlequinncos · 1 year
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He has arrived.
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todderwodders · 7 months
For the Commentary! This from Fire Walk:
“It is beautiful,” Korilla says, one big hand, ending in delicately filed to points nails tracing over the wooden wedge meant to be its head. It is less a proper dog and more a dog’s skeleton. His hours in Will’s kennels pulling and retracting his uncle’s dogs legs, prying their mouths open to peek inside, smoothing their cropped ears back and watching them pop back up as they dozed in the afternoon sun had paid off on his guess at the mechanism of movement, but things to make it look like a dog were harder to come by than the materials to make it move in the first place. He sets it on the floor and slides his fingers into the wire framed slot between its shoulders. The string is thick and taunt, he has to go slow, but it acts as catalyst to make the four dumpy, thick legs move. It is clunky and unnatural compared to a dog’s prancing gait, but no less pretty in its metallic clicking and clacking for the ten or so paces it takes before he runs out of string and thus, momentum.
When he turns, Korilla is sitting in the stairwell step, looking amused and amazed with her chin propped in her hand. Her eyes seem to glitter with something like new found appreciation, although why and for what, he does not fully understand. “And you made it all by yourself?”
He feels something warm, like sinking into shallow water in the summer, filling him up - he tries and fails to keep a smile off his face. “I did. I got all the parts myself, too.” 
“It must’ve taken a lot of butcher’s string and trash wire. They must think they’ve made less trash than usual.” A statement hiding a question that adults say to lead one directly into giving away more than they intend. He does not mind it - his smile widens.
She points one finger at him. The color of her nails match her dress, which Enver finds a bit tacky. “I can see why my master might like you.”
Absolutely losing my mind because god, this was one of my favorite parts to write in NINE BALL and one of the scenes I worried about for a multitude of reasons. One, plausibility, two, I worried about all the details that I kept adding in, and three, I kept asking myself if it was truly necessary.
My primary concern was could a small child, even a genius one, be able to build something like that? With what materials? With what time? Then I decided that this is a fantasy setting, and ultimately Ilios is emblematic of Enver’s best traits - his tenacity, his ability to outsource, his ingenuity, and his capacity for the pursuit of perfection. The dog isn’t just a dog, it’s a direct product of his life Baldur’s Gate and the wider life of his extended family.
Also, it was incredibly fun to come up with the potential things he would need to collect to even build the thing in the first place, and how he would go about figuring out how to make it in the first place. Trading with other kids, stealing scrap equipment from the blacksmith, string from the butcher, even using some of the material his parents use for shoe making, despite the risk. I imagine a visit to the High House of Wonders put the general idea in his head. Many more visits and his own good, but imperfect memory lead to the creation of the dog’s internal working.
Korilla I think, is one of the rare few to ever praise Enver on his work, so he eats it up with some, but not much, hesitation.
Moving on a little, but I intend to write more on Enver’s family throughout the fic because to me, the before of his life and the people in it are just as, if not more important, than the House of Hope itself. These people, the good and bad things he’s experienced, they’re deeply important to who he becomes as a person. They help him survive through the awful behavior he’s witnessed and through the common sense and ingenuity they’ve impressed upon him. Raphael expects nothing from a trade family, doesn’t suspect that these insane people could ever be smarter or more clever or more able than him, he thinks Enver is a blank slate for him to paint and not a person, which is his downfall.
I really, really wanted it to feel like he had a whole life with a bunch of people who know him and who miss him. His uncle runs a kennel in Rivington and he spends enough time with him to get to play with and then obsess over his dogs. He desperately wants one of his own, because much like with many a lonely, misunderstood child, dogs don’t judge, they are always happy to see him and he can never do something bad that will get him into trouble around them. Can’t have dogs in the Gate. So, improvise.
Three, it was a pet and not a darling so I kept it :)
Also, in the judgmental way of eight year olds, he can’t stand Korilla being so matchy-matchy. My statement.
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alias-sam · 6 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 30. An Enemy's Offer
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 1,747
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
Tim was struggling against your grip as you forced him to stay below the water. As soon as you didn't sense any more maggots with Golden Soul you loosened your hold and pushed him up to the surface. After some struggle, and help from Tim, you managed to tiredly pull yourself back up onto the dock. Tim looked over the water in awe as the larvae were lifelessly suspended on top of the waves, bobbing up and down with every ripple.
"W-what? How...?" Tim looked at you in disbelief as you quietly spit out what water had ended up in your mouth.
"Just like most bugs, maggots die in salt water." You grimaced as you unstrapped the electric guitar from your back and laid down breathlessly on the stiff wooden boards. Your legs felt like jello and your mouth tasted like salt.
"But I thought you said these things acted like a stand?" Tim asked as he examined the maggots shriveling up.
"I'm fairly sure I also said they're unlike anything I've ever seen before." You sighed, sitting yourself up. Tim's lingering gazer on the water slowly shifted to his now soaked guitar. "Uh- sorry about that." You groaned.
"Don't worry." Tim heavily exhaled, sounding defeated. "I can fix it." The both of you jumped when a string unexpectedly snapped. "Maybe."
You looked off into the water, watching as the current swept away the little white creatures. They had come out of nowhere, and were disappearing just as quickly. You gently reached back into the water, picking up one of the few remaining larvae that were nearby. As far as you could tell, it was just a normal maggot. Was this the result of some stand type or rule you weren't familiar with? So far, you had interacted with stands that could be an incredible distance from their users, while your stand couldn't travel much further than a few meters. This phenomenon, if it even was stand related, had to be closer to something like Quiet Riot or Know Your Enemy, which could move a fair range from their users. You lightly dropped the shriveled remains of the maggot, letting the water carry it off. As you retracted your hand, you noticed the wounds made by the maggots earlier had conspicuously disappeared. Even if it was unconfirmed on if this was someone's ability, you had a feeling it was one. The real question was why someone had their stand activated out in the middle of the woods and swampland and how it worked. You felt unnaturally fatigued as you idled on the dock. This scene was eerily familiar. While the location was a bit different, the late afternoon sunlight and hazy fog of exhaustion in your brain reminded you of the day Tim acquired Radio Star.
Between the lapping of waves on sand and Tim's labored breathing was the light rustle of footfalls on sand. You glanced to the other end of the dock upon hearing the creak of water worn wood.
"I may be mistaken, but I believe we've been here before Timmy." A familiarly cocky voice jeered. "However." He looked down at your slumped form with a smirk. "You weren't here last time Jojo..." The blonde boy, ever a theatric, leaned himself comfortably against one of the dock's hitches. Tim tried to hide it, but he was shaking slightly.
"The hell did you just call me?" You asked through gritted teeth.
"Oh! Sorry." Blake mocked. "I overheard...Jaya was her name?" He looked off into space for a moment. "Yeah, she calls you Jojo right?" Blake took a moment to bask in your irritated stare. "I really couldn't help myself." He said with a wink. "Its too bad the two of you aren't allowed to talk anymore. That Dr. Rossi guy is a real dick."
"How do you know about any of that?" You asked, trying to look past Blake's confidant persona for what he really wanted. "The way you're talking makes it sound like you've been following me..."
"I have my ways." Blake said nonchalantly while picking at his nails. "Besides, you already know how I like nicknames." Blake shrugged and turned his attention to a terrified Tim. "Right Buggles?"
"W-what do you want?" Tim deadpanned when he managed the nerve. He was still obviously intimidated by his long-term bully. Blake laughed at Tim's feeble attempt of standing against him.
"Believe it or not, I happened across the two of you by chance."
"You're right." You quipped. "I don't believe it." Blake laughed airily again and simply examined your fatigued posture.
"Well, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth." He pushed himself off the dock hitch and walked over to stand in front of you. "I have a proposition for the two of you."
"If it has anything to do with you and the Martez brothers, I'm not interested." You said, grimacing when Blake bent down to continue running his mouth.
"Don't be like that." Blake smirked. "I'm trying to let you in on a sweet deal here Jojo."
"And that would be...?" You asked, deciding to ignore the nickname for now.
"I couldn't help but notice how much you want to interfere with my group's endeavors. Typically, anyone who snoops around Keicho's activities dies." Blake glanced out into the expanse of the ocean, meanwhile you were trying to keep your impassive front. You were worried about just how violent this little gang of stand users could be. A group of superpowered and disturbed teenagers spelled disaster, especially for normal people with no way to fight back. "Since the two of you are stand users..." Blake continued. "I'm willing to bet Keicho will let you in on this. He isn't a forgiving guy, but he's at the very least a sensible one. In the grand scheme of things, neither of you have done much to hinder his goals. Blaze, bone headed as he is, had a screw loose when he came after you." Blake took a relaxed breath and tried decoding what was your attempt at an impassive expression, irritation still filtered through the little cracks in your façade. Anyone else would have never noticed the little tells of your true feelings, but Blake knew you. To him, Y/n Jones was an open book, and always had been. That was one thing about living in a small town like St. Rosewater, permanent residents, knew each other. Blake Greenmin had always been someone around you, from kindergarten to your first day of high school to now. The two of you knew of each other, and had always had little interactions, but they were overwhelmingly short and often involved you telling him to stop messing with someone for one reason or another. "You look reluctant." He commented. "Do you not trust me?"
"Never." You replied stonily. He was the last person you would ever dream of trusting. While Blaze was known as a human calculator, a manipulator, or emotionless, Blake was a different genre of exploitative. Everyone knew what kind of person Blaze Martez was, his manipulation thrived on intimidation, Blake however, had charisma. Blake had a friend group willing to wait on him hand and foot, he got away with breaking rules because nobody ever believed he could do such a thing. He hadn't been expelled for his staggering track record of absences or tardiness because he charmed his way through most of your school's administration. It always felt like you were the only person who noticed it though. In retrospect, Blake was probably a contributing factor in you becoming such a loner, along with the less than stellar rumors that were always circulating about you. Despite you being one of, if not the only person willing to ignore his fake persona, he never approached you about it directly. He always kept up his friendly character when around you. Even now.
"Oh, ye of little faith." Blake mocked disappointment. "I'm really offering this out of good will you know? Anyone with eyes can tell you haven't slept properly in days, which is a real travesty, you really are an attractive individual Y/n." Blake attempted placing a hand on your cheek, but you slapped it away. He simpered, retracting his hand. "I know we never particularly got along in the past, but would it really be all that terrible to trust me?"
"Probably." You answered with a raised eyebrow.
"You wound me, Jojo." Blake dramatically looked away. You watched his theatrics, unimpressed. "So, your current answer is...?"
"I see...Let me know if you change your mind." He shrugged and started taking his leave.
"Where the hell are you going!?" You yelled, shakily standing on your overexerted legs to follow Blake's retreat.
"Were you expecting me to fight you?" Blake responded, only looking at you over his shoulder. "No offense, but the two of you look like you were running from the devil himself. I wouldn't fight you even if I wanted to. I have more class than that." Blake turned his head to face forward again. "Besides, I saw what you did to Blaze Martez, I know when I'm outmatched."
"See you around Jojo." Blake gave a wave over his shoulder before promptly walking away. You and Tim watched Blake silently until he disappeared from sight.
"Did that really just happen?" Tim asked. He hadn't said much during the interaction, but he was still in shock from the situation.
"Yep." You sighed, dropping back into a sitting position.
"That was really.... weird." Tim commented. "Even for him."
"Especially for him." You muttered.
This was bad. Blake was the type to act on whatever whims struck him. Even if he was working with this Keicho guy, you had a feeling Blake only had his own goals in mind. Keicho and his group were no longer the only threat looming over your shoulder. Even if he didn't say it directly, you knew Blake wasn't trying to recruit you and Tim for Keicho. If Blake was forming his own group of stand users you and everyone else in St. Rosewater were in trouble. Blake knew how to take power for himself. You watched it happen firsthand over the course of high school. Blake was cunning, and knew how to conduct himself in a matter that most people wouldn't notice. As much as the guy loved his theatrics, he knew how to fly under the radar. He wouldn't be seen unless he wanted to be.
You shivered, but not from the seawater soaking through your shirt.
Something dark was brewing in that boy's mind.
Something you didn't know if you could stop.
Something dangerous.
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taylorsage22 · 3 years
One More (Harry Wells x reader)
SMUTTY SMUT SMUTT A/N-I hope yall Like this.
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Harry Wells has always been a hard man to read. His face, his body, his words - they’re never exactly what they seem. Knowing him, inside and out, is never a true guarantee; and it doesn’t matter if you’re intimate with him or not. He’s a man made of walls and barriers built up over many years of needing to be closed off. And yet, as much of an enigma he may be, there’s always one certainty you find with Harry - he never leaves you hanging. With your face pushed into the pillow, you can’t see him. Can barely hear him, other than his slow breathing right in your ear. His smell is imprinted on the pillowcase, but it’s stale and doesn’t compare to the man himself. The only way you register him is through touch. Feeling his body - hard and warm and big - pressed against your back. Feeling the heat of his breath on your skin, along with the occasional soft kiss. Most of all, feeling his thick, calloused fingers pumping in and out between your thighs. He’s on a slow, strategic pace. Curling his fingers to wind you up, but never going so fast as to make you cum. He keeps you right where he wants you to be; tense and writhing and pleading muffled into the pillow, begging him to make you cum because he’s been teasing for too long. You can feel his erection against your ass. He doesn’t so much as grind against it. And finally, after what feels like an eternity of stringing you along, Harry quickens his pace. Makes the movements of his fingers rougher, more precise, now purposefully dragging you to the edge and forcing you over it. And the sudden change of rhythm is jarring for your addled brain, but there’s also a certain relief that comes with it. Your hand shoots down, gripping Harry's taut wrist tight because you need something else to hang onto as you cum. It comes at you like a train; harsh, blinding, all at once. Impossible to stop and makes you cry out into the pillow, grinding down against Harry's hand. Vaguely, you hear him mumble something in your ear. Knowing him, probably some comforting words. Telling you how well you’ve done by cumming on his fingers, as if you had much choice in the matter. Even as the orgasm passes, Harry doesn’t stop. His fingers slow, even as he retracts away from you. But they never completely pause and allow you a break. They pump steadily as Harry makes his way down your body, pausing occasionally to press a kiss here and there, but it’s clear he doesn’t want to take the time to truly shower your skin in his kisses. With his other hand, Harry clumsily pulls your underwear all the way down your legs, and they’re discarded without a second thought. But his fingers are still inside you; moving in and out with a steady pace. Already winding you up again after finally letting the spring go. “Har-” you mewl out. Words are hard to come by, but surely he understands? He does, of course. He knows you too well. And yet, his eyes flicker up with just a hint of mischief that sharpens the green/blue of his eyes. “One more,” Harry replies. Straight-forward and simple. And yet, the words bounce around in your head. One more? Seriously? One was more than enough. The only reason you stop thinking about his answer is the sudden jolt of pleasure that comes with Harry's mouth on you. Hot and wet with his tongue instantly seeking out the most sensitive little areas and it all has you crying out and arching into his mouth. You tried not to, of course. You didn’t want to give him that satisfaction. But of course, he’s always three steps ahead. There’s a reason why he kept his fingers inside you - kept them moving, even as you squirmed. He kept you from sinking too far into that post-orgasm haze before he was done. Because when his fingers started pumping faster, and his tongue started doing something fucking magical, it was so damn easy to bring you back to the brink. To have you moaning out and gripping his hair in your fingers. “Hare, please-” He moans against you. Whether or not it was permission, you weren’t sure. And it doesn’t matter because the vibrations pushed you over the edge once again. Your hips shift up, somehow wanting more even though every nerve in your body was on fire. Words fall from your lips - unintelligible to anyone else, but Harry hears his name somewhere in the babbling. Finally, the orgasm passes. His fingers slow again, and Harry's head rises to watch your face. Your flushed, blissful, fucked-out face; and it takes a moment for your eyes to blink open. To recognize your surroundings and flicker down, instantly meeting Harry's gaze. You expect him to pull away. Climb back up to kiss you softly and you’ll taste yourself on his tongue. But his fingers keep their rhythm. Even curling up a bit, and it elicits a drawn-out groan from you. “Hare, I can’t- too much, it’s too much…” He smirks. With his hair a mess and his mouth wet and a glint in his eyes, the state of him could’ve made you cum, by itself. “Just one more.”
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
Nano: Insomnia
CN: discussion of murder/death.
There isn’t a reason Rain comes upstairs to see him, when it passes two A.M. There doesn’t have to be a reason though, does there? They just climb the ladder and peek in at the bastard who unwittingly became their captive, and find him sitting away in the corner of the little floor, holding his elbows out on either side of him, tipped back to stare at the blank rafters of the ceiling. It looks like he’s resting in a weird position, but as he straightens and they catch a faint wince passing his expression, they realise that he’s doing it to relieve pressure on his wrists. It’s because of the cables tied around him, chafing after nearly two weeks.
It’s been two weeks and they still have no idea what to do with him. Any plan he might have been trying to initiate has clearly gone off course. He hasn’t made any moves towards getting more privileges around the house. He doesn’t seem to mind that he’s locked in. He doesn’t seem to care that he never sees downstairs. He’s made no words of complaint about the lack of comfort, of food or water, or even the fact that Kala still comes and hits him most days and rants about something he did to her that he can’t remember.
Rain can’t sleep. It’s one of those nights. They have sleepless nights sometimes, nights where they’re up till six watching the lighthouse on the coast blink in the distance, up to the west. Nights where they can make tea and drink it and make tea and drink it and never get closer to feeling soothed. It’s not like it’s a bad night, necessarily. Just a night where sleep seems to shun them, and so they climb the ladder to visit the man they have only named aloud ‘the rat’.
He watches them. It’s clear that he doesn’t know what to think of them. Rain wonders if he even knew there was a light up here before they turn it on with the switch downstairs.
“Good evening,” they say, even though it’s the morning. They could tell him it was the afternoon in July and he would probably have no way to disprove them. He gets no daylight up here.
He doesn’t reply. He watches them. He looks haggard in the bright light of the bare bulb, his cheeks sunken and hair in stringy clumps along one side of his face, the side he clearly sleeps on. There’s a little hole in one of his knees. The arm that Kala bandaged and re-bandaged daily at Rain’s insistence is held more stiffly than the other behind him. He also has a split lip. The broken nose colours his eyes with dark bruising that makes him look exhausted.
He probably is exhausted.
“We want to let you out,” Rain muses, looking at him. “I know you want to come out, who wouldn’t? But we don’t know if it’s safe.”
He doesn’t nod. He only looks bemused. He always looks like that, when Rain talks to him.
“You’re evil,” they say. “We know that. Just because you lost your memories doesn’t mean you’re good now. You still have those tendencies, right? Probably. And it’s not like we could predict when your memories might come back.”
He doesn’t nod, or shake his head, or protest his innocence. Rain pauses, and he doesn’t speak.
“Well, I kind of... I want to try it. For a little while. What do you think?”
He blinks. He looks away, at the hatch, and Rain wonders why he hasn’t escaped by now.
“I... don’t know,” he says after a long moment.
They blink, having forgotten that he could reply. The dark feels so complete up here, even with the bulb lit like a tiny refuge from the night that won’t let them sleep. “You don’t know what?”
He looks at them. His frown seems so much smaller and smoother than it used to be. “I don’t know what I think,” he says quietly. “I... I’m sorry.”
They’ve never heard Lauritz apologise before, not to them. To Kala, yes, countless times, but... Seeing him meet their eye and appear so wholly regretful, when he couldn’t make such a face even after he broke their collarbone... It hits different. It unnerves them. It’s like seeing a teacher cry.
“You don’t need to apologise,” they say, and they don’t know why their voice is so soft, but it is. “I’m asking if you want to go downstairs for a little while. It doesn’t have to be for long if you’re not sure. But you could try it.”
Even if he is evil underneath, right now he’s just confused. He’ll get there eventually, they can only assume, but right now he seems like he’s... innocent, almost. Pathetic, certainly.
They don’t like looking at him like this, bandaged and bruised and tied down.
They’ve been that person.
“If you think it’s right,” he says after a long moment. There’s something strange about his voice, something feeble and halting. They can’t place it. It sounds familiar.
“Alright. I’ll untie you, but you should know. Kala is a light sleeper. If you attack me, I’ll scream or kick, and she’ll come running.”
His eyes widen a little and he nods. Rain has no idea if they’ve just headed off a potential ambush, or confused him further. He seems so naive, but it can’t be real, can it?
They move towards him, and then pause. “Close your eyes and lower your head.”
He does so. They look down at him, again, his neck bared, dirty hair falling in strings around his head, the bruises underneath his shirt collar still... Fading now, yellowing away, but he came with those and they still don’t know why.
Doesn’t matter. They reach down gingerly and push the stiff knots through until they come loose. That can’t be good for the extension lead, but who cares? They leave it where it is, and lean back, and brace themself.
Lauritz doesn’t even stand. He sits there, still waiting to be told he can get up, looking up at Rain like it’s only with their permission that his hands will work, his legs will work, that his body will obey his wishes. He looks at Rain like they’re the one to decide, and it makes them feel a little powerful, because they are. At last, they are, and they decide to leave him on his knees for just a minute longer while they remind themself that he can’t hurt them like this, weak and underfed and exhausted and in the middle of enemy territory.
This is safe to do. This must be safe to do, or they won’t do it. They know that Kala will be pissed off if she finds out about this but they don’t plan on letting that happen.
“Okay,” they tell him, and they can’t offer a hand to help him up, but they gesture awkwardly towards the hatch and he gets the message, struggling to his feet. “Let’s go down and maybe we can have some tea. I can’t sleep anyway. Sound okay?”
He nods. They’re pretty sure he would have nodded even if they’d explained they were going to take him out to sea and leave him there. But they would never do that.
Instead, they lead him down the ladder, insisting that he goes down first so that they don’t have to be below him again. They watch him go down, and they watch him stand awkwardly, waiting, as they hurriedly climb down themself. He doesn’t rock the ladder or try to yank them. He lets them climb at their own pace.
The rat’s feet landed on soft carpet. Had they ever felt soft carpet before? He wasn’t sure. The woman had taken his shoes after he had kicked her. It was self defence, but she hadn’t seen it that way. He had been sorry, but she hadn’t cared.
Now, though, he was glad it had happened. The carpet felt like clouds. He didn’t know what clouds looked like, or felt like, but the thought was there. Clouds.
He followed Rain as they led the way down the hall. It was a nice hall with clean cream walls and a long oblong of shadow heralding the stairway. The light from the attic had faded out by the time they reached it, and the rat stared down into the dark and felt a twist of nervousness that he wasn’t sure was real. How had he become scared of staircases in the dark? It didn’t make sense. It must just be because he’d never been down here before.
But Rain walked down confidently and so did he, still enjoying the luxurious feeling of a flooring that didn’t drive splinters into the soles of his feet for him to pick out later. There were fourteen steps, he counted, before they landed on smooth, dark floorboards, so well-worn that he couldn’t feel the gaps between them. He padded quietly across the hall, watching Rain’s feet in their dark blue bed socks with the white stars on them. The kitchen light was on, and bathed them in a dim glow of yellow as they entered. It wasn’t the big light, the rat saw, but the one over the oven, gentle and low. It was a night-time light, he thought. A starlight light.
He hadn’t seen starlight before, had he? It didn’t matter. Rain sat down, and gestured for him to sit down too, so he did. He put his hands around the sides of the seat to steady himself. Had he ever sat on a chair before? He must have. He knew what the word for them was, so it couldn’t be that deeply buried. There were so many things that still floated on the surface of his mind like sea foam.
Rain didn’t put their hands on the table between them, so the rat didn’t either. He sat and waited, holding onto his chair. Rain watched him for a moment, their expression as indecipherable as always. But then they shook their head, and got up. They walked over to the kettle and filled it with water from a jug, and clicked it on.
The rat watched, never once speaking. He moved only his eyes. He knew that if he did anything wrong, the woman would come and rip him limb from limb. She’d said that multiple times. If he found a way to hurt Rain again, she would kill him.
He had to be very, very safe.
Rain puts two teabags in two mugs, fills them with the boiled water, and then brings them over. “It’s cinnamon,” they explain without explaining. The rat doesn’t know why they tell him it’s cinnamon. He doesn’t know what that tastes like. He’s going to drink it anyway.
Rain slides the mug across to his side of the table and retracts their hand quickly, even though the rat’s hands don’t move from the sides of his chair. They narrow their eyes at him after a moment, and then shake their head. They get up again, go to a drawer, and open it.
There’s a pause. They stand with their head lowered, contemplating the drawer. It’s on a counter next to the window, so their back is to the rat, and he can’t see what they’re looking at. But it becomes clear after a moment, when they pick something up, close the drawer, and turn. It’s a knife. Not like the one the woman has used on him, but a small one, although looking no less sharp for it.
Rain comes back to the table, sits down on their chair, and places the knife flat on the surface in front of them. The rat looks down and sees scratches in the wood. He’s not sure if they’re simple wear and tear, or something that Rain has made deliberately.
It doesn’t matter, again, it doesn’t matter. All he has to do is sit here and be safe and be looked at, and maybe Rain will decide something.
They take a sip of tea. The rat takes a sip as well, thinking it must be safe. The tea is hot, and stays hot even after the water has left his mouth. He hates it. It hurts. He puts the mug back down.
“If I was going to kill you,” Rain said slowly, and their eyes stayed on the rat the whole time, “I think I would have done it by now, don’t you think?”
The rat watched. It wasn’t his place to answer this kind of question. The woman did this too, asked questions and then hated him more if he answered. It wasn’t his place to answer.
“I would have probably done it after fixing your arm, or getting Kala to fix your arm, anyway.” They gestured at the rat’s left arm, the one that he tried not to think about. When he remembered that it existed, he remembered how much it hurt, with every movement, every slight shift of bandage and skin. “You’re not good for her, you know? She’s messing with you almost every day and neglecting things about her own life. She’s diving back into that trauma so that she can get some kind of comeuppance on you, but it’s not enough. It’s not what she needs and it’s not making her happy.”
The rat listens, because he’s supposed to listen when they talk at him.
“I think I would have killed you then. Not because I hate you, or because I think I’m in danger from you.” Rain shakes their head slowly, and one hand reaches out to rest across the handle of the knife. “I would have killed you because we don’t need you in our lives any more than you already are. We can’t escape you most days already. Better not to have the living, breathing reminder in our attic, waiting to be reopened like Pandora’s box.”
The rat doesn’t know what Pandora’s box is. He doesn’t know what their trauma is. He isn’t even entirely sure whether Rain isn’t going to just kill him now instead.
“If I didn’t kill you for her, I wasn’t going to kill you for myself. So now I don’t think I’ll kill you at all. I thought you might want to know that, since it was probably a bit... Anxiety inducing, I suppose. Did you think we might kill you?”
The rat didn’t know if he was supposed to answer. It was a question, but the lady asked questions too and she hated it when he answered, no matter what he said.
Did you enjoy it, huh? Did you like seeing me sob over their body, beg you to get them the help they needed?
Yes or no, there wasn’t an answer that didn’t upset her more. So the rat stayed quiet and watched.
Rain watched back, and then looked down at the knife, gripping it in one hand. “I don’t know what I expected you to say. I don’t think you have any need to reply, really.”
The rat nods at that, just a little. He’s relieved. If he doesn’t need to reply, that means he can’t upset Rain by not replying, or by replying. His job is just to listen until Rain is done and sends him back upstairs.
Rain takes another sip of tea. The rat follows them. Copying them is safe. He even tries not to let it show that the taste burns his tongue and the roof of his mouth, even though the tea is cooler now.
Rain lowers the mug and picks the knife back up. The bottom of the handle rests on the table and they place a finger gently on the tip. It doesn’t seem to cut them; they just hold it there gently.
The rat thinks about how easy it would be to reach over the table and snatch it from them. But what would he do then? It’s just a surface thought, a soap bubble on the sea of his memories. It pops as soon as he tries to do anything with it.
“So you’re going to live,” Rain says. “Kala might hate you but she’s not a killer. You should be alright, or at least, you should survive for the rest of your time here until we figure out what’s going on.”
The rat nods again, a tiny amount. The woman is called Kala. She won’t kill him. These are important things to know.
He isn’t sure about the last part – the rest of your time here. When will that end? They keep talking about a reason, but he doesn’t know the reason he’s here. How can he? He doesn’t know anything.
“I suppose that’s not reassuring,” Rain says after a moment, looking at his face. “Well, I thought you’d like to know, anyway. I also realised I should have asked... Is there anything you need? Do you know if you take any medications or have any allergies?”
The rat shakes his head. “I don’t know.”
“Mm. Makes sense.” They sip their tea. He sips his. It’s halfway gone, thank...
Thank who? He doesn’t know how that phrase ends.
Rain gets to their feet, brushing hair back from their face. “I’m going to sit in the garden for a while. I should take you back upstairs. But do you have anything you want to ask me?”
The rat thinks. But they’ve already said they won’t tell him his name.
“What’s it like? In a... A garden?”
For a moment they freeze, hanging in the air half-turned, the freckles splashed across their cheeks standing out more starkly. Their voice emerges after a moment, soft and halting. “You... You don’t know what it’s like?”
The rat doesn’t know whether to nod or shake his head.
“I suppose you have only been outside for an hour or so, in your own memory.”
To that, he knows to nod.
Rain hesitates. Then they pick up the knife again. “Alright. Come with me.”
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Keanu Reeves x reader (A/n- he’s coming of as so much of a jerk, but come on, he’s nice, but he’s not oblivious, and no one’s a saint. Also, I’ve been writing this chapter for 3 weeks now and it’s still not that great.) (Chapter Summary- Keanu surprises Y/n. Later, her parents make an unexpected return, and they’ve brought along unexpected guests.)
Chapter1  Chapter2  Chapter3  Chapter4  Chapter5  Chapter6  Chapter7  Chapter8
Warnings- SUMT/NSFW, semi-public sex (sort of)
Chapter 9
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After a morning's worth of chairing back to back board meetings, in the absence of her father, Y/n was finally heading back to her office, tablet in hand and designer handbag hung in the crook of her elbow. The pristine white of her fitted skirt suit stood out bright against the dark back and grey décor of the building. Her heels clicked softly on the porcelain tiles, complimenting the tip tap of keys of the secretary’s computer. 
“Miss Warren!” Emily caught her before she entered her office, standing abruptly, clearing her throat, “I mean, Y/n.” Stopping in her tracks, Y/n turned on the thin heel of her shoes, humming in response. Emily swiped up a post-it stuck to the rounded counter, scanning it to make sure she had things right, “You have a meeting in conference room 19, it’s urgent, he’s waiting.”
“He?” Y/n quoted; despite her best efforts, she couldn’t recall having a meeting with anyone slated for that time, “I didn’t.......how long has he been here?” Worry built in her chest, hoping it hadn’t been long.
Emily glanced at the clock, “Since eleven,” she cringed; it was twelve thirty.
“Fuck,” Y/n breath, mumbling a quick thanks and hurrying back towards the elevators. Briefly, Y/n wondered if it was actually her father who had set up a meeting without telling her, though, as she tapped the toe of her shoe on the way down, she decided that it didn’t really matter, because if he found out that she’d kept someone waiting for that long, he’d be livid. 
Sucking in a breath as the doors opened to a hallway two floors down, Y/n all but ran to the conference room labelled ‘19′ in elegant silver numbers on rich mahogany. When she got there, the door was closed and the long window facing the corridor was tinted in an opaque white, signaling that the privacy setting had been enabled. 
Taking a minute to catch her breath, she smoothened her hair and skirt before turning the knob and slowly walking in. Though, just as she did, Y/n realized that she had completely forgotten to ask for her guest’s name. Fortunately, she was just about to find out that she wouldn’t even need to ask, for when she raised her head to greet him, she was left speechless by who sat at the table, chair turned facing the doorway. His hair was attractively wind blown and he sat like he owned the whole damn room, sunglasses discarded on the tinted glass table next to him. A well-fitting leather jacket hugged his biceps and between the worn jeans and the familiar brown boots, Y/n already knew that he wasn’t there for any sort of business meeting.
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Grinning and amused at her surprise, Keanu folded his arms, eyes unashamedly roaming her body, biting his lips at how everything seemed tight in the right places; she certainly looked like the makings of a dirty movie. Licking his lips, Keanu leaned further into his seat, crossing one ankle over his knee, “Surprised?” He teased, “I can’t say I wasn’t expecting you to be.”
Y/n scoffed, the reddish tint of her make-up only exaggerating the heat in her cheeks. Still, she tried to play it cool, “I thought you were in New York.”
“Well now I’m here,” Keanu declared, standing, the chair rolling back a little as he approached her. After Y/n set her things down the table, she folded her arms, awaiting a more substantial reason for his visit to Los Angeles and by extension, her workplace. Keanu, however, didn’t wait for an invitation to put his hands on her hips, enjoying that he was still able to tower over her even while she wore heels. “Last night was very......unsatisfying.”
Y/n tilted her head to the side, widening her doe eyes, trying to maintain her most innocent façade, even if she was far from it, “So you came all this way just to fuck little ole me?” She pouted, “I’m flattered, but surely a man like you has women just waiting with their legs open.”
Chuckling, Keanu knew she was right, he could play the coy card all he wanted, but he knew what women thought of him. Some even took his passing kindness as something more, offering things up, and admittedly, there were times when he had taken them readily, a night or perhaps a weekend of fun then cutting them lose, neither party ever minded. Keanu briefly thought back to New York, he had already noticed the little gestures and wanting stares from the younger assistant directors, then their was his own assistant with her ‘aim to please’ attitude and finally, one of his co stars, she was just a couple years younger than him, but he was sure they could have some fun if they wanted to. But none would be as fun as she was. He didn’t want just some woman, he wanted Y/n.
Sliding his hands around to cup her ass, he eased her closer, smiling as she ran her hands up his forearms, “Maybe your right,” he said, low and bending a little to get close to her ear, “But I wanted to feel your tight cunt around my cock.”
Y/n smirked wickedly, arching her brows, “Don’t you have a way with the words?”
“Fuck words,” Keanu offered hastily, just before crashing his lips to hers, squeezing her ass. Between them, she reached for the buckle of his belt and the button and zipper at his pants, her fingers fumbling in the process of undoing them. Y/n moaned into his mouth, complying without protest when Keanu broke their hungry kiss, hurriedly turning her and peppering rough nips and kisses on her neck all while undoing the buttons of her blazer. Shoving off the material, Keanu only retracted to pull off her camisole, tossing it to the floor. 
Y/n reached behind, stretching to tangle her fingers in Keanu’s hair, encouraging him back towards the column of her throat. His hands slid down her body, stopping at the hem of Y/n’s skirt, pushing it up over her waist only to shove her panties down. In one go, he pushed into her and Y/n melted onto the table, “Fuck,” she groaned loudly, gripping the edges until her knuckles went white. The top of her breasts and her stomach welcomed the coolness of the surface and her loose hair fell over her face, skewing her vision of the screen at the front of the room, not that it mattered.
Keanu maintained a firm grip on Y/n’s hip while his other hand travelled up her body, lingering to loosely circle the back of her neck, but eventually reaching her head. Quickening his rough thrusts, he brushed some hair out of Y/n’s face, only to gather a handful of it up in his hand, twirling it in his fist, before tugging, hard enough to make her whimper. “Do you know what you do to me?” Keanu managed through clenched teeth, “I never wanna fuck anyone else, only you.” Pulling out fully, Keanu slammed back into Y/n’s drenched core seconds later, marveling at how the movements pushed her body up onto the furniture. The toes of her shoes were barely reaching the floor by then and Keanu’s grip was the only thing keeping her in place.
The sound of skin slapping skin, coupled with the blood rushing in her ears was enough to nearly drown Keanu’s words, though, even if she could hear him, Y/n could barely think straight, far less piece together any sort of response. Between the way he stretched her with his girth, his throbbing veins brushing against her slick walls, and how far he reached with each rough motion; it hurt, in the best way possible. His hold on a fistful of her hair was tight and occasionally, he’d tug without warning earning him a little yelp of pleasured surprise. 
Y/n’s shallow breath went ragged as the knot in her stomach came loose and she came without warning. Her chest, still pressed to the table, glistened with exertion despite the air conditioning and her legs weakened as heat spilled out of her, dripping onto his thighs and coating Keanu’s cock. 
Keanu groaned as he felt her clench around his member. The way his name left her barely parted lips was the most sinful heaven and having Y/n completely at his mercy was something he missed since they’d parted. She was such a wonderful plaything. 
“Is that all you’ve got?” Keanu taunted, riding out Y/n’s orgasm, only to pull out and flip her wanton body. Her eyes were unfocused and she could still barely string a sentence together. When she didn’t answer, Keanu gathered her into his arms, discarding her onto the table, already edging into her again, “Well?” He pressed, “Is that all you’ve got for me babygirl?”
Y/n whined at the sensation, shuddering when Keanu reached between to add friction to her swollen cilt, “I....”
“Use your words, tell me that you want my cum in your pussy,” Keanu went slower that time, his hips rolling at a more leisured pace.
“I want....” Y/n swore she was seeing stars and she reached clumsily to grab Keanu’s shoulders, only just realizing that he was still dressed, with his pants only down to his knees. “I want you.....” the words dribbled off Y/n’s lips, slow and broken, “I want to feel you cum inside me.”
Keanu grinned wickedly, using his hand on Y/n’s back to press her closer to him, “Good,” he breathed, feeling himself grow closer to his climax, “You feel so good,” he praised sinfully, “I missed your cunt.”
Y/n felt her second orgasm building quickly and her toes curled as she threw her head back. The room seemed to spin, Keanu the only constant and the only thing keeping her from bouncing off the walls, “I missed your cock,” she eventually returned.
Keanu’s drawn on pace eventually quickened and not long after, Y/n was overflowing with pleasure again, her jaw slackening and her walls clenching around Keanu. “Fuck, baby,” he grunted, fingers digging into her hips as his member twitched inside her. 
Y/n’s ragged breaths went shallow, her face falling onto Keanu’s shoulder. In response, Keanu propped his chin on the top of Y/n’s head, his stiff hips still ridding out their highs. 
When it was over, and he pulled out, Keanu dropped back into the chair and Y/n laid back on the width of the table, both trying to catch their breaths. “I can’t believe you flew across the country for sex,” Y/n chuckled breathlessly.
With his hands on the plastic, cushioned armrests, Keanu slouched a bit, his pants still undone and around his knees. Y/n didn’t look much better; with her skirt still bunched up, topless and a bit exerted. “I flew across the country for sex with you,” Keanu corrected pointedly, “You have no idea what you do to me, do you?”
Rolling her eyes, Y/n licked her lips, “I think I’m getting a pretty clear idea.” Sitting up, Y/n winced as she shimmied off the table, going to collect her clothing off the floor, “Can’t say I’m not flattered though,” she grinned, starting with her bra, “Besides, no one can fuck my like you can.”
Standing as he frowed, Keanu pulled his pants up, the front still undone. When he finally stood before her, Y/n looked up at him, eyes holding a teasing glimmer, biting her lip. Keanu let his fingers skim her still bare arms, his movements slow, raising goosebumps on her skin. 
Letting one of his hands linger on her hip, Keanu used the other to capture a lock of Y/n’s hair, curling it around his index finger. His gaze was one of questioning and meant to intimidate her, “You’ve been fucking other people?” His voice was low and husky and Y/n sucked in a breath.
“I......” Y/n trailed off. She didn’t know what it was about Keanu, but the thought of him being possessive like that, even if they weren’t in a relationship, sent heat to the lingering soreness between her legs.
Untangling his hand from Y/n’s hair, Keanu let his hand rest at the bottom of her neck, his stocky fingers just over her pronounced collar bones, the edge of his palm in the hollow of her throat, “Answer me,” he urged, stepping forward so they were chest to chest, well, chest to face.
“Yes,” she admitted, blinking slowly, pupils dilated, “But they couldn’t even come close to you.”
Keanu hummed, a wicked grin pulling at his features, “I’m sure they don’t,” by then, Keanu’s hands were freely roaming Y/n’s body; sliding over her curves, groping her ass, “You know, since you left my room the last time; I haven’t been able to think about another woman the way I think about you. But here you are, fucking other people.”
“A girl's got needs,” Y/n teased cocking an eyebrow, “Pity that they were only just barely satisfied.”
Keanu huffed, jerking her even closer, “Sounds like you need someone to make it up to you.” Already, Keanu’s erection was pressing into her stomach and the throb of arousal in her center reminded Y/n of the growing soreness between her legs.
Licking her lips, Y/n regarded Keanu through her dark, hooded gaze, “Maybe I do.” An informal invitation was all Keanu needed to let his hold on her hip grow firmer as he crashed his lips to hers, pushing her up against the pulled down projector screen. Y/n’s skirt rode up her thighs as Keanu lifted her off the floor and her legs went around his hips. Not too long after, they were once again, clumsily shoving his pants down to around his knees, though, that time, Y/n pushed his leather jacket off too. 
Keanu’s hands slipped up Y/n’s blouse and underneath her bra, groping her breasts and toying with her nipples, eliciting sinful moans and pleading whimpers. “I like it when you beg,” he smirked, letting his tip brush her folds, “Beg for me baby,” Keanu encouraged.
“I want you,” Y/n pleaded breathlessly, her words evaporating as they left her lips, “Please Keanu, I need you to fuck me....”
The tip of Keanu’s tongue trailed Y/n’s neck, all the way up until his mouth was close to her diamond studded ear, “Well since you asked so nicely,” he mused, pushing into her, dragging his teeth over her ear lobe as she groaned at the feeling. 
“God,” the word seemed to bounce off the walls, low and hollow. Y/n’s nails dug into Keanu’s back and he could feel them through his thin t-shirt as he maintained a steady rhythm. Y/n’s warmth cocooned Keanu’s shaft perfectly, being with her like that was the perfect escape.
Y/n’s cheek was pressed to the side of Keanu’s face, his beard rough against her skin, giving her the slightest burn as he moved harshly. She clung to him for dear life, her eyes slipping closed as a consequence of the pleasure. It wasn’t an understatement when she’d told him that there wasn’t another man capable of making her feel the way he did; there was just something about his confidence, they way he could control her without force, wean her body to the highest levels of pleasure with his. Or perhaps it was simply physical, they way Keanu could fill and stretch her so much that it almost hurt, his balls slapping her ass all how his hands sent shocks through her body. Whatever it was, Y/n was certain that there could never be another man like Keanu. 
With the tips of his fingers pressed into the sides of her stomach and Y/n still gipping Keanu’s shoulders; they came together, obscenities mixing to sound messy and hanging in the heat that surrounded them. A final squeak of pleasure escaped her just as Keanu pulled out, collapsing lazily into the chair at the head of the table, pulling Y/n into his lap as he did.
Words weren’t exchanged as they caught their breaths, but there wasn’t really anything to be said anyway. One of Keanu’s arms stayed around Y/n tracing absent, unseen circles into her arm. The other hand lingered on one of her legs, both of which were draped over the arm of the chair. Y/n’s head lolled on Keanu’s shoulder, her gaze blank and forward. 
They stayed like that for an uncounted amount of time, the only thing pulling the two out of their sated state being the anxious shrill of Y/n’s cell, coming from her bag nearby on the table. Not even bothering get up, she reached over Keanu’s shoulder, knocking over the bag and grabbing the phone and swiping to answer without even checking the name or number. 
“Hello?” She nearly yawned, clearly tired from their activates. Letting his hand skim her back, Keanu moved to tangle his hands in her hair, single-handedly massaging her scalp as she spoke. “Okay,” though, Y/n’s frowned suggesting that whatever the matter was; it wasn’t ‘okay’. After another couple minutes worth of her hums of understanding, she finally chalked up, “I’ve been in a meeting all afternoon,” and then, she managed, “No, I’m busy this evening.” Momentarily, Y/n glanced at Keanu, though he couldn’t decipher what she was trying to communicate by her expression, “I’m doing something with a friend,” she offered, though eventually, after rolling her eyes, Y/n seemingly submitted to the other party’s pleas, “Alright. Fine, I’ll ask.”
Hanging up, Y/n tossed the phone back to the table, not even paying attention as it’s movement scattered more of her stuff. The called seemed to sour her mood and she stood reluctantly, wincing as she did, “I’ve gotta go,” she huffed. 
“Where?” Keanu furrowed his brows, not sure if he was offended or just disappointed that he couldn’t spend the rest of the evening with her.
Sighing, Y/n went through the motions of putting her self back together; straightening her clothes and running corrective fingers through her hair, “My parents are back from Beijing and they want to have dinner tonight,”  she rolled her eyes, adjusting and readjusting her skirt, “They said its important.”
“What about your friend?” Keanu scoffed.
“What?” Y/n scrunched her nose, taking a couple seconds before she realized what he was talking about, “Oh! The friend was you, I didn’t want to go,” she shrugged, “You know,” she grinned mischievously, “They said I could bring you. Do you want to come?”
Shrugging, Keanu shook his head, raising off the chair slightly to pull up his pants. Dinner with her parents didn’t seem like something they should be doing; he and Y/n weren’t a couple. Couple’s did family dinners. They were......well, Keanu didn’t know what they were, but he did know how it would look if he showed up on her arm for a impromptu family meal. “I can’t,” he dismissed, “I’ve got some things to do before I get back to New York.”
Y/n didn’t seem the least bit bothered as she shook her shoulders, “Okay, no problem.” The last thing she set out for was her panties, though, by then, Keanu had already stood too and had just gotten into his jacket.
She eventually spotted them near a table leg and when she stood again, underwear in hand, Keanu cocked a grin as he swiped them away, “I’ll keep these,” he shoved them into his back pocket, the red lace barely peeking out, “To keep the memory alive.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” Y/n teased, standing on the tips of her toes, still having to pull Keanu down with a handful of his t-shirt between her fingers to kiss him quickly; no emotion, barely any meaning above an unspoken thanks. “I need to get back up stairs, can you find your way out?”
“Yeah,” Keanu huffed, leaving the room and walking with Y/n towards the elevators, “I’ll see you around,” he half waved as Y/n got into the first available one. With her final goodbye, the doors slid shut and Keanu got into the elevator that dinged open.
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After the valet took her keys, Y/n lingered at the hooded entrance of the restaurant, trying to mentally prepare for what awaited her inside. Her family rarely had dinner together without due cause; her parents were usually too absorbed with work, each other or both to care about where, what or whom with Y/n ate. It never bothered her though; after growing up closely guarded and with very little room under their thumbs, she welcomed the freedom that accompanied their disregard. The only issue was her dire craving for more, because while her personal life was of very little interest to Heather and Michael, but they still tried to micromanage, though from afar, everything else; who Y/n was seen with in public, where she had gone to college, and most obviously, where she worked.
With a final stilling breath, Y/n smoothed a manicured hand over her short, plum colored dress, eliminating the inexistent wrinkles. Her velvet Jimmy Choo’s clicked quietly on the cobblestone, her steps only silenced by the carpet after  she crossed the gold-framed threshold. “Warren,” Y/n offered to the hostess after someone had taken her coat.
“Right this way,” the woman’s rehearsed smile perfectly charming but in no way warm as she led Y/n to a rectangular table for six central to the room, situated under the dim yellow light of a crystal chandelier.  Much to her surprise, all except of one of the seats were taken. Might have been nice to know that they were having company before she got there.
At the sight of her, Y/n’s father stood, greeting her with a hug, “Dad,” she pecked his cheek, leaning in for him to do the same. “What’s going on?” Y/n managed through her plastered on grin.
Heather was the one to speak up, “Darling,” she took Y/n’s hands before greeting her daughter with a trained la bise, “These are the Wang’s, we met them in Beijing.”
“Oh,” Y/n nodded politely in the other family’s direction, wondering what their interaction could possibly be leading too, “It’s nice to meet you.”
“It is, isn’t it?” Michael gestured to a man about his age first, his grey hair still peppered with dark strands, “This is Li Jian and his wife Alice,” a blonde woman smiled warmly in Y/n’s direction, one of her hands loosely griping her husband’s arm, “And this is their son, Daniel.”
At the mention of his name, Daniel stood, offering his hand, “What a pleasure to meet you Y/n; your parents told us a lot about you, but they didn’t mention that you were absolutely stunning.” Just when she thought Daniel as going to shake her hand, he turned it over, instead pressing a chaste to the area just above her knuckles.
When he raised his head again, Y/n couldn’t help but return his charming smile. He was attractive, probably more than conventionally so; all sharp, strong bone structure, dark eyes protected by long lashes and short, perfectly trimmed dark hair. “The pleasure is mine,” Y/n bent her head, hoping to hide the warmth in her cheeks. Daniel couldn’t have been more than thirty-five and Y/n couldn’t believe that he was already having such an effect on her.
Like a gentleman, Daniel pulled out the only empty chair for Y/n, and unsurprisingly, it was the next to him. Y/n’s father sat at the head of the table, nearest to her, Heather on the end to his left, while Daniel’s father was situated directly opposite of him, Alice next to Y/n’s mother. 
When everyone was settled, the waiter poured them some wine and handed over the menus. Their party looked over the selection of international cuisine, and out of the corner of her eye, Y/n could see Daniel stealing glances at her. Otherwise, it might have made Y/n uncomfortable, but for some reason, Daniel’s intrigue flattered her a bit.
When the waiter returned, he took their orders and as he left, Y/n’s mother was the one who struck up conversation, “Y/n, you know, Daniel is an engineer, he designs planes. He’s at the top of his field in China, and soon here in the U.S too.”
“Oh!” Y/n chuckled awkwardly, briefly turning to Daniel, who’s cheeks had just started going pink, “I didn’t know that, but we’ve just met so he hasn’t really had a chance to tell me.” Maintaining her posed demeanor, Heather kicked Y/n beneath the table, an unspoken warning to put on her best behavior. As the pain shot up her shin, Y/n tried to pretend it didn’t affect her, blinking slowly only so she could roll her eyes. With a sigh, she tried to rectify the awkwardness that she had created, “What I mean is; I’d love to hear about your work sometime.”
“Maybe you two could chat about it over coffee. Or maybe another dinner,” Michael interjected and Daniel’s parents seemed readily onboard with the idea. Suddenly, it all made sense. That dinner wasn’t just a casual affair between two families, she and Daniel were being set up. 
Y/n’s face fell but she hoped no one noticed; she didn’t think they’d try something like that so soon. Then again, Jillian was barely five years older than her and her parents had already found her someone.
“We should grab a bite together, just us,” Daniel broke Y/n’s thoughts and she had to blink her internal despair away. “I’d love to get to know you.”
“Yeah,” Y/n huffed, “That would be nice.”
As the food was set in front of them, everyone kept talking, but at some point Y/n zoned out, going into auto pilot. Sinking into her thoughts, Y/n couldn’t decide if her anger was outweighing her feelings of betrayal. How dare they blindside her like that? As if she were child, or worse yet, incapable of making her own decisions.
Y/n’s stare, directed towards the glass of wine in front of her went blank, and that time, the thing breaking her out of her thoughts was her phone vibrating in her purse on her lap. Trying to be discreet, Y/n kept the device below the table as she mined the short text, “Are you alone?”
“No, still at dinner,” for effect, she added a sad-face emoji.
“What a shame,” Keanu sent back almost immediately, “I’m ready for desert.” Attached to his texts was a picture of Keanu’s erection, constrained by his grey sweat pants, her panties from earlier near by, crumpled in his lap.
Y/n’s glass was at her lips, a mouthful of pinot noir nearly half-way down her throat, when she opened the messages. The sheer shock of the matter had her coughing up the wine, leaving Y/n clumsily scrambling for napkin. Daniel beat her to it though, handing one over and placing a gentle hand on her back. The phone fell, thankfully face down, back into Y/n’s lap and as she cleaned up her face just as Daniel offered her a glass half filled with water. “Are you okay?” His touch was soothing and his eyes worried.
Clearing her throat, Y/n took a couple sips of the water, feeling everyone’s eyes on her as she tried to settle herself. “I’m fine,” she managed, “I just....swallowed too quickly.”
“Okay,” Michael didn’t seem to believe her, though he brushed it off, quickly patting her shoulder, “Well take it easy there.”
Scoffing a soft chuckle, Y/n nodded, “Okay, yeah. Sorry about that.” For a moment more, everyone continued staring at Y/n before slowly redirecting their attention to their meals. The peace didn’t last for long though, because just about fifteen minutes later, Y/n’s phone shrieked loudly and she stood abruptly, her chair scraping the marble floor loudly as she excused herself.
“What?” Y/n hissed, her back now pressed the a wall in the narrow corridor that lead to the bathrooms.
On his end, Keanu chuckled, not seeming to care that she was annoyed. It was probably because he knew it wouldn’t last long. “How soon can you leave that restaurant?”
“We’re in the middle of dinner,” Y/n groaned, whatever irritation she had towards Keanu and her attraction to Daniel quickly melting away. By then, the only thing she wanted was to leave that place and go be with him. Keanu didn’t expect anything more than sex from her; no commitments, he didn’t control her unless they were in bed, just how she liked it, and he was certainly more fun than listening to her parents sell her to the Wang’s like she was some kind of prized pig. 
The gears in her head started turning and suddenly, Y/n wanted nothing more than to get out of whatever her parents were trying to do, “I can leave in the next ten minutes.”
“I thought you weren’t finished with dinner?” Keanu sounded intrigued and Y/n could only imagine the look on his face.
“I’m not. But I think I’m more interested in desert now,” her voice dropped lower and as the words travelled through the phone, she licked her lips.
“I’ll text you my address,” Keanu huffed and after a haphazard exchange of goodbyes, they hung up. 
Everyone raised their heads and awaited an explanation for Y/n’s behavior, though, instead she grabbed up her clutch, “I’m so sorry,” she wasn’t, not really, but she could pretend to be, “But I have to go.”
“Why?” Heather put her fork down, communicating with her eyes that Y/n should sit back down that very instant.
“Jill,” Y/n lied defiant and strong-willed, trying to come with something believable, “It’s an emergency, she.....needs me to....pick her up.”
Michael's brows knitted, “From?”
Moistening her lips, Y/n scoffed, “From......a bar. Rob’s busy and she doesn’t have a ride. So I’m gonna go,” laughing nervously, Y/n rubbed the back of her neck, “But this was nice, Mr. and Mrs. Wang, Daniel; it was great to meet you.”
Before anyone could object, Y/n was hurrying out, not even guilty about the whole thing; every other emotion triumphed by the excitement of seeing Keanu again.
If they kept going like that, Keanu was definitely going to get her into trouble. But, at least for now, Y/n couldn’t find it in herself to care. 
Tagging- @baphometwolf666  @a-really-bi-girl  @harrisongslimited  @paanchu786​  @sdaff2
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peterthepark · 5 years
crush culture - [prologue]
the double accident
pairing: steve harrington x reader (university au & modern au)
summary: He delivered newspapers, while you were one of smartest kids in school. It’s a weird combination, but the fact that he’s crushing on you is even weirder. And the weirdest? You’re falling in love with him - just a little bit.
warnings: strong language
series masterlist
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You never knew who he was until his paper delivery route had changed almost a year ago, where he first stumbled upon your campus apartment during the peak of the morning. He would pedal quickly on a blue bike and would never wear a helmet in fear of ruining his hair. Sometimes, you’d see him from your balcony, or when you’d get into your car, he’d speed by and give you a polite nod before tossing the community newspaper onto the driveway.
Later in your life, you did find out that his name was Steve Harrington: the boy who delivered newspapers at five in the morning during weekdays and ten during weekends.
He was the guy who dated Ashley Cutler during his freshman year then broke up with her because he thought he was in love with Olivia Kim, but really, he wasn’t - rumor had it that he was actually in love with some sorority girl called Melissa.
He was the guy who would pass by you between seminars, accidentally making eye contact with you when you’d stride past him.
He was the guy who rode his blue bike to campus on Monday through Friday, and his red one on Saturday and Sunday.
But yeah, you didn’t know him at all.
You were backing out of the driveway, busy adjusting the rear-view mirror before you heard a loud thud and a string of questionable curses. Speak of the fucking devil. You open your door, poking your head out. Steve sat on the pavement, hissing as he examined the bloody mess of his scraped knee.
You are literally a dumbass. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Holy shit. Oh, my god, I am so sorry. I wasn’t paying attention-“ You ramble as you approach him, crouching down to his level with worry.
Steve glances at you, then gives you a second look when he recognizes your face. “No, no. You’re - you’re fine.” He gulps, cheeks tinted with a rosy hue. “I wasn’t looking, um, either. Yeah, sorry, I wasn’t looking either.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips. You help him to his feet, simultaneously blushing with him as he dusts off his dirty hands on his clothing. “Y/N, right?”
You nod with a smile. “I have a first aid kit in my car. Would you mind if I...?” You start, pointing to the trunk of your van. He shakes his head, urging you to go ahead. Standing patiently with his arms crossed against his chest, his eyes follow your panicked movements.
You sigh shakily as Steve takes the red box from you, thanking you before he picks up his fallen bike. You swipe your thumb over your bottom lip, hesitantly speaking, “Look, I’m really sorry. Uh, surely it’s appropriate for me to give you a ride? To school? If that’s where you’re headed.”
Steve flexes his hands against the handles of his bike, glancing around as if he didn’t want to be seen with you. He shrugs with a shy and hesitant grin, “Sure. Yeah, thanks.” He drives his bike over and helps you load it into the trunk of your van, his hair tickling your cheek as he reaches over your shoulder. He apologizes, before he makes a beeline towards the passenger seat.
Bouncing his leg, Steve gazes out the window. The car ride has been awkwardly silent for the past ten minutes - well, you wouldn’t be able to hide the awkwardness in the first place considering the fact you almost ran him over.
“So, what’s your major?” You pipe up with a squeaky voice, keeping a straight face towards the road in fear of eye contact. You clear your throat, shocked at how many octaves your voice had jumped.
What’s your major? Really? Such a stupid, boring question.
Steve chuckles, glad that you‘ve broken the tension in the car. “Criminal justice. Woo! So fun.” He pumps his fist in the air enthusiastically, smiling shyly when he looks over to you.
“Oh, that’s so cool!” You chuckle genuinely, “So are you trying to be like a police officer or something?”
“Yeah, something like that. Maybe a crime scene investigator, too.”
You nod understandably, and Steve continues to discuss his major as well as his plans after university. Then, he realizes that he’s been talking about himself the whole time, and instantly shifts the topic of the conversation to you. “What about you? What are you doing?”
You tell him about your major and all about your experiences on campus, and he listens, occasionally adding a witty remark to your delight.
“I haven’t had a break since the semester started, but you know, it’s almost Christmas so that means vacation, which then means no exams and no assignments. Thankfully.” You laugh, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You take a turn into the parking lot, and part of you feels disappointed that the car ride has ended so quickly.
You open the trunk, moving to get his bike but Steve insists politely that he can do it. And before you know it, the bike slips out of his grasp and he accidentally elbows you in the face.
Steve cries out as your body plummets to the parking lot floor. You clutch your eyebrow, pulling your hand away from your face to be met with a small drop of blood.
“I am such an idiot. Y/N. God, I’m sorry. I should have been more careful and - and I didn’t want you to get the bike because I was trying to be a gentleman and I mean,” He chuckles, catching his breath, “Look where that got me.”
You manage to let out a breathy giggle. “Well, now we’re even.” Your eyes take a glimpse at his patched-up knee. “Happen to spare me a band-aid?”
He nods rapidly, before he takes your small hands into his own, lifting you up effortlessly from the ground. You nearly collide with his chest, but you’re able to grab onto his shoulders, steadying your weight.
If you had known this would be the start of your day, you probably would’ve stayed home.
Steve leans patiently against the side of your van as you clean up the wound on your face, catching his eye in the sun-visor mirror from time to time.
The two of you can’t help but snicker at each other when you finally get out of your car, looking absolutely ridiculous with a rainbow band-aid that matched the pony design on Steve’s knee.
Suddenly, the moment is stolen when a cloud of nervousness re-appears over your heads. Steve shifts from one foot to the other, scratching the back of his neck as he glances away from you. You don’t know what to do with your hands, resorting to tucking them away in your sweatshirt.
“I should go.” Steve says, shutting one eye as he throws his thumb over his shoulder.
Shit, that was cute. That was kinda, really cute. Okay, now say something.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, of course. Uh, thanks!”
“Um, for what?”
You truly are a mess. Why the hell are you thanking him? Get it together.
“Just - just for the company.” Smooth, real smooth. “Sorry about your knee... again.” You gesture to his leg, biting down on your lip. He chuckles with a scoff, nodding likewise towards your face.
“Oh! Wow, completely rude of me.” He shifts his bike to his left hand, holding out his right. “I’m Steve Harrington, by the way. I never introduced myself.”
“I know who you are.” You grin, shaking hands. Your eyes widen at how suddenly creepy that had sounded, and you stumble over your words in an effort to save yourself from embarrassment. “Jesus, that sounded really weird. Yeah, I-I know your name. In like a total, not stalker-ish way.” This is so bad. “I share an apartment with Robin and Kate, which you do bike by a lot, so...”
He must be really, really disturbed.
Steve flashes you a sweet, boyish smile, slowly retracting his hand from you after realizing that he had been holding onto it for the longest time. His palms are clammy, and he’s praying that you hadn’t felt it.
“Yeah. It was cool meeting you, finally. I pass by your apartment like you said so - so yeah, definitely, I...” He breathes out deeply, shaking his head with a scrunched up nose. “I’m gonna go now.”
Blushing visibly, Steve adjusts the drawstrings of his jacket before he takes a seat on his bike.
“I’ll see you around, Harrington.” You nibble on the inside of your cheek, taking a couple steps backwards. He waves awkwardly, then he’s off in the opposite direction, careful not to crash into any other cars.
You let out a strangled groan when he’s out of sight, bringing your hands up to your face in sheer frustration. Could you be any more awkward?
“I’m telling you, K. I’ll show you the data later. I don’t have my laptop, but trust me, it’ll make sense then.” You sigh at your friend, who seemed terribly confused with today’s lecture. You’re sitting in one of the cafés on campus, sipping away at your latte while Robin and Kate munched on a couple cookies.
“Okay, fine, later. Also what happened to your face?” She snorts, tilting her head at the not-so-subtle bandaid with teasing eyes. “Did you have that much fun with Henry last night?”
“Oh, my god. I did not screw Henry. He left right after we finished the project.” You huff, swirling your drink around. “I just... hit my head. On the trunk. Again.”
“Must’ve been painful.” Robin raises a brow at you, obviously suspicious of your reason.
“Anyways, you guys, there’s this thing next Friday. Levi is inviting us to this party at his friend’s, friends’s place. I was wondering...” She draws out the word, shimmying her shoulders. “Can you both come with? Please? It’s gonna be fun. Also, I wanna hook Y/N up with this guy I know.”
“Y/N might finally get some good dick.” Robin laughs, punching your shoulder lightly. You roll your eyes at her, flipping her off before you retreat to your phone.
Pulling up your instagram, your fingers hover over the search bar, and before you know it you’re searching for a special someone.
But to your dismay, his account seemed to be private. You blow air from your puffed out cheeks, successfully moving the stray strand of hair from your face.
“Who is that?”
Levi comes up behind you, and he smashes his thumb onto the terrifying white button without care.
No. No. No.
“You absolute dickhead!” You gasp at him, slapping his arm before you look back at your phone. “Fuck!” You throw your phone down onto the table, tugging on your hair as you swear under your breath.
“Is that Steve? That’s Steve, right?” Robin takes your phone, but honestly you don’t even care anymore.
Damage has been done, and all you could do at this point was wait.
“Y/N?” Kate calls out to you, snapping you out of your crazed state. “So, party? Friday? Yes?”
You whine, slipping your phone into your backpack. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Great!” She squeals, “I’ll send the address to you later. After you help me with that dumb data shit.”
Your phone buzzes loudly. With buttery fingers, you take it out again with trembling thumbs.
steveharrington98 accepted your follow request.
steveharrington98 has requested to follow you.
So much for accidents.
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seasickbaby · 5 years
Just a Kiss (II)
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Pairing: Christopher x reader
Words: 1.7k
Summary: Christopher offers to help improve your *romantic* skills, and he isn’t kidding. When you agree, things escalate and feelings you tried to suppress resurface. 
A/N: Hola amores! Thank you so much for your patience with his fic. Ngl I don’t think this is my best writing but I wanted to get it up anyways. This chapter is short but I’m thinking about making this a series. Please come talk to me about this chapter and what you (want) think is gonna happen next! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated and keeps me motivated to write more. Also from now on my notes will go at the bottom! Enjoy!
You can read part one here: 
“I mean,,, t-tips…” You stutter, “Give me tips.”
Christopher clicks his tongue and leans back on the counter.
“Tips will only get you so far y/n… This is more of a hands on activity.”
You roll your eyes and slap his arm playfully. “Come on, I need a guy’s perspective. I could give you some in return.”
Chris, completely unfazed, just takes another sip of his beer. The lack of attention is bothersome so you cross your arms and pout your lip; inner five year old coming out when he doesn’t give you what you want.
Chris steals a side glance and chuckles. He then turns and, with a soft gaze, places a soft hand underneath your chin.
“No offense princesa, but what tips could you possibly give me?”
Forehead wrinkling, you force a laugh.
Wow, that was rude.
“Full offense Chris, but for how much you get gassed up about your skills, I expected more.”
This takes him by surprise. He was used to being teased by the other members, sure, but never about his ways with women. Everyone knew he was a ladies man. Even himself.
“Woah what do you mean?” Visibly hurt and confused, Chris pulls back his hand and dramatically places it over his chest.
You pretend you do not hear.
“Hmmm, maybe I should just ask Zabdi, I bet he won’t mind.” You shrug before hopping off the stool, “I’ve heard good things about him too.” You wink.
“Wait, wait, wait.”
His hand finds yours before you could walk away.
“Fine. I’ll help you, but first take back what you said.”
His ego got hurt, cute.
“And why would I do that?” You smile innocently.
He gives a small tug on your hand and brings you to stand in front of him, pulling you in between his legs when he hooks his hands behind your lower back. Eyes burning into yours.
Funny how people say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul. Most would say Chris is an open book; his outgoing, energetic personality makes it seem like such, but his eyes always spoke the words he never said out loud. Full of emotions yet never revealing too much, only showing what he wanted you to see.
You let yourself get lost in them every once in a while, never for too long. But right now, being so close in proximity, staring straight into his doe eyes, made you a little light headed.
Not even kidding, you could’ve kissed him again right there and then... if Erick hadn’t interrupted. The young one came over, ever so happily, and throws his arms over both your shoulders; the movement forcing Chris’ hands to let go of you.
“Ayyyy, compadres.”
“Erick your breath smells like beer.” Chris laughs as he sees you wrinkle your nose in the opposite direction of his face.
“Honestly, who even gave you alcohol you’re a baby!”  
“I am not! Tengo 18 años para su información. I’m a full grown, legal, adult!” Erick sloppily waves his hands in the air.
“Uh huh, we can see that.”
A couple minutes pass of the three of you standing there together, laughing and talking, until Erick stops mid conversation and gasps.
Listen to the song!” He instructs.
You and Chris both give each other a puzzled look as you try to listen over the crowd of drunk people.
“Que sordos… It’s El Guachineo!” He grabs your hand and starts to pull you out onto the dance floor, “Come on, let's dance!”
You swallow the last of your drink and the tequila pumps through your veins, making you feel bolder and confident. Perhaps it was the way Chris was looking at you or the one too many shots you took, you weren’t really sure, but you get the sudden urge to give in to Christopher’s temptations. Nervously biting your lip, you lean closer to him, and you’re sure going to regret this once you’re sober.
“Prove me wrong, and I’ll retract my statement.”
He could've not known what you meant, but the way his eyes widened made you think otherwise. You send him a flirtatious, yet sweet, smile before letting Erick drag you away.
There was never a dull moment when dancing with Erick. The way he flung his arms around everywhere and his facial expressions always had you laughing. Erick was a good dancer, no doubt about it, but he’s also a goofy guy, and that goofiness is multiplied by ten when he drinks.
Eventually the rest of the boys join you on the dance floor; everyone except Christopher. The longer you danced the longer you overthought the comment you previously made; anxiety begins builds up in your stomach. You try to push the thoughts away and instead focus on the boys in front of you, who were arguing over who was better at dancing bachata.
After what felt like an hour, you leave the group to look for Chris. You begin with where you last left him. Upon not finding him, you turn to the person most likely to have seen him last.
“Excuse me,” You smile at the barista, “have you, by any chance, seen a man with sloppy brown hair, tattoo sleeved arms, and looks like,,, a deer… kinda?”
“The Velez guy that was sitting with you over there?”
“Yes! That one.”
“He left not long after you and el otro muchacho went out to dance.” She gave you an apologetic smile.
The way your heart drops a little is unsettling, so you ignore the feeling and, instead, order one last shot of tequila before heading back to the hotel. You shoot the boys a quick text in the groupchat and head out of the club.
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
I’m going back to the hotel, have fun :)
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Zabdi: Who’s taking you?
You’ve been drinking all night
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
I called an uber I'm fine
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Richard: I’m coming with you
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n
 I’m F I N E, enjoy your night
From: Thicc boyz + y/n
Richard: You’re drunk in a big city we don’t know, 
I'm not letting you go alone
                                                                                                To: Thicc boyz + y/n                                                            *not drunk & too late :P
Later, xoxo
You throw your head back on the Uber’s seat with a sigh and close your eyes, feeling a bit dizzy.
“Long night?” The Uber guy asks.
You sigh with a small laugh  “In a way.” Even though it was only two in the morning; at this time people are still drinking non stop.
“Well, I hope whatever is troubling you now resolves itself soon. Remember, everything happens for a reason.”
It was a small but sweet gesture. Maybe your troubles were a bit dumb but he made your feelings validated. Let’s just say, you got back to the hotel safe and sound and with a new friend: Ricky the driver.
The elevator ride to the fourteenth floor was slow and you couldn’t wait to finally relax. You open the door of your room and smile in relief when you kick your heels off. You took a shower, put on your favorite silk pjs, threw a robe over it and flopped on the bed to watch The Lion King (for the hundredth time) with a bowl of grapes. You were in the middle of singing Hakuna Matata when your phone rings.
A notification from Chris pops up.
Did you make it back to the hotel safely? [2:50 am]
I did, thanks for asking [2:51 am]
Where did you go tonight? [2:53 am]
I, uh, had to take care of a little problem [2:54 am]
Oh? [1:54 am]
That you caused… [2:54 am]
I’m even more confused  [2:55 am]
Did you mean what you said before? [2:57 am]
What do you mean [2:57 am]
About,,, you know [2:58 am]
Proving you wrong [2:58 am]
Oh, I didn’t not mean it [2:59 am]
Your heart thuds loudly as you anticipate his response
Y/N you’re Richard’s little sister… [3:00 am]
Damn. Bitches just want to be good kissers and end up getting exposed to their brother… I’m bitches :( [3:00 am]
Just say you don’t like me and GO [3:01 am]
I guess I could teach you a thing or two [3:02 am]
That has you sitting up abruptly. Eyes scanning the text over and over. You feel your heart in your throat and, why is it extremely hot all of a sudden? You push yourself off your bed and pace around the room, unsure of what to do or say next.
Your phone dings with another text and you scramble to read it.
Come to my room. [3:05 am]
A101 [3:05 am]
You debate it at first. Coming up with multiple “what if’s” and a long list of things that could go wrong. But at the end of the day you knew this was a one time thing, no strings attached, and a way to practice. So why not?
You’re knocking on room A101’s door sooner than you expected. You look down at your shorts and curse yourself for not wearing something less revealing. A couple seconds pass, enough for you to change your mind, so you turn to walk away.
“A donde vas?”
A voice too familiar says behind you. You slowly face him, heart beating out of your chest and hands a tad clammy.
“Strictly for instructional purposes only?” You raise one eyebrow.
“Nothing more.” He extends his hand and you stare at it for a second before grabbing it. His lips part into a smile and yours return it. Chris pulls you into the room, letting out a small laugh as you trip over your feet. He reaches a hand up to brush through your hair, stopping at your jaw and tracing his thumb all the way to your lips.Your laugh dies down as you see Christopher’s eyes flick to your lips, tongue coming across them in a slow, sultry, motion.
Deep down, you knew you were crossing a line which you couldn’t come back from. And you were worried. Lowkey truly worried. Because there was so much on that line: your friendship with Christopher (one of your best friends), Christopher’s relationship with your Richard (his band mate and best friend) and your relationship with your brother. But all those worries vanish when Chris leans in to press a soft kiss to your forehead, your nose, and then the corner of your lips.
“Step number one.”
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mythiica · 5 years
Reader x Gavin - Date Gone... Right?
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Title: Date Gone… Right?
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen’s Choice
Character: Gavin
Genre: Plot with porn
Warnings: full on smut at the end
Intended Gender Audience: Female Audience
Word Count: 2908 words
POV: second person
Other comments: kind of had to edit the requests a bit cause i had a vision of merging them,, but i think it worked out pretty well xD im sorry i just have so many gavin requests istg im going to drown i had to combine some of them
Just as you reach for your purse to leave, someone knocks at the door. You raise an eyebrow, unsure as to who it could be.
          Upon opening the door, you are surprised to see Gavin standing outside of your apartment. Upon seeing you, he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. “Is it a bad time?” He nods at your get up – the summer dress you are wearing, the makeup you are wearing, and the jewelry that shines in the dim hallway light. “You have a date?”
         “No,” you laugh, “It’s just a business meeting.”
         Gavin doesn’t seem to believe you, but he purses his lips to keep himself from saying anything else.
         “Don’t give me that look. I’m meeting with someone who would like to do a collaboration. If I manage to convince them to work with us, it would boost our views significantly. It is nothing more than a meeting to make sure our views align.” You brush your fingers through your hair. “Oh! I completely forgot to ask– did you need something?”
         He goes quiet for a moment but then shakes his head. “No, it can wait until tomorrow.”
         You exit your apartment and lock the door behind you. “I have to get going or I’m going to be late. I’ll see you tomorrow then, Gavin.” With that, you turn and walk down towards the elevator, leaving Gavin to linger in front of your apartment.
         As the door closes, he calls out, “If you need anything, call me!”
When you arrive at the restaurant, the man you meet offers you a bouquet of roses. “O-Oh, thank you. You didn’t have to, though, but thank you.”
         He scratches the back of his neck and smiles awkward. “I thought it was fitting for tonight–”
         You tip your head to the side, but brush the comment off. “Shall we go inside?”
         The two of you are given a table with a beautiful view of the skyline – there is a candle in the middle of the table and a rose in a vase next to it. As you glance around, you can’t help but notice that all the other tables are occupied by couples. Your mind clicks, and you wonder if Gavin’s words might have had some truth to them.
         Still, you want to give this guy the benefit of the doubt, so once you sit down, you pull out the formal proposal for the business collaboration.
         “Shouldn’t we order something to eat first? I heard that it can take a while before the food arrives.”
         “Oh, of course,” you reply, tucking the papers into your lap.
         After making small talk and deciding on drinks and dinner, you put the papers in the middle of the table and begin to talk about the proposal. “Now, this is completely flexible, so let me know what you think about it. If you have any questions, let me know, and we can sort it out.”
         He gives you a rather surprised look. “Uh.. I thought that you would be presenting this at tomorrow’s meeting.”
         Your stomach sinks. That’s not what you agreed to in the emails you exchanged with him…
         “So… this is…”
         “Our first date!” He laughs heartily. “I see, you’re just such a hard worker that you wanted to impress me. That’s one of the reasons you caught my eye in the first place. Good looking and smart.”
         Exhaling, you take a sip of wine and try to clear your mind. “I think I might have misunderstood–”
         “Oh, that’s not a problem.”          “It’s not?”
         “Of course you are probably just so awestruck that I managed to get a table here. I’m not a sugar daddy to clarify, but I guess I did want to show off a bit as well.”
         He continues blabbering, but you can’t stand it anymore, so you stand up abruptly. “I’m sorry, please excuse me for a moment… I have to… use the little girl’s room.” You flash him a bubbly smile, making him melt in his spot, and you run off in the other direction.
         In the restrooms, you pace back and forth, raking your fingers through your hair. How could you have misinterpreted the situation so poorly?! You also don’t want to ruin the mood, in fear that he would retract the collaboration proposal. That would cost your show and company a lot – so the only thing you could do was finish the date.
         Unless… You pull your phone out and dial a number.          “Hello?”
         “Hey, aren’t you on that business meeting?”
         You go quiet for a moment and bite your lip.
         “It was a date, wasn’t it?”
         “I swear I didn’t know!” you exclaim. “But I can’t tell him or he starts talking about himself.” Composing yourself, you take a breath. “Can you… save me…?” It hurt to say those words because you were essentially admitting he was right.
         “Yeah, where are you?”
         “Main street, at the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel.”
         “He took you to Nuit d'Étoile?!”
         “Yes…” you reply bashfully. “What are you going to do?”
         You hear a door close on the other line. “I’ll come up with something. Stay there.”
         “O-Okay,” you mumble. “Thank you, Gavin.”
         The line goes silent for a moment, and you hear a motorcycle start up. “It’s no problem. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” And the call ends.
         You fix your lipstick and return quickly to your table. The appetizers already there, and he lights up when you come back. “Sorry. There was a line,” you lie.
         As you take your seat, he immediately takes one of the appetizers and plops it into his mouth. “That’s fine! When nature calls, it calls, amiright?” He proceeds to laugh at his own joke, so you chuckle dryly as well. “Aren’t you going to eat some? Don’t tell me you’re the type of girl that doesn’t eat anything–”
         You take one of the small appetizers before he can make another comment.
         There is not much time for you to talk about yourself as the man controls the conversation with detailed accounts of his accomplishments. You might have fallen asleep had he not suddenly stopped talking. Snapping out of your trance, you turn around and see Gavin towering over you.
         “Can we help you?”
         Gavin gives you a look. “Ma’am, I’m here to take you to protective custody. We think that he is targeting this restaurant and might strike. There is a car waiting outside.” His voice is low and smooth – completely convincing to anyone who doesn’t know him,
         Your ‘date’ goes pale and starts trembling. “What is the meaning of this?!”
“If I tell you more than you’ve already heard, you might become a target as well. Ma’am, we have to leave now.” Gavin takes your purse and holds out his hand.
         “Wait, shouldn’t I come with you?!”
         “No, you are safe as long as the two of you are never seen again.”
         You stand up and take Gavin’s hand. Not waiting to say goodbye, you lead Gavin out of the restaurant and call an elevator. He takes a step forward and stands very close to you. So close, in fact, that you can smell his aftershave and the faint scent of perspiration lingering on his skin. Gavin had probably dropped his work to come here as fast as possible.
         “W-What are you doing?”
         “He’s still watching to make sure the story is real. I’m being your bodyguard.”
         Your heart starts to beat frantically at the proximity of his large torso. You never really paid it much attention, but Gavin has a well-defined chest. When the elevator dings, he pushes you inside to keep up the act. Without prying eyes on the two of you anymore, you relax. “Thank you… I would not have survived that.”
         Gavin swallows hard and does not meet your gaze. “It’s not a problem. I’ll take you home.”
         “Well, the least I can do is thank you with dinner-”
         “I just busted you out of a date? Are you so eager to go on another one?”
         Blush spreads across your cheeks. “If you don’t want to, you can just say no.”
         He exits the elevators the moment the door opens. “I… didn’t say that. Here,” he hands you his helmet. “Put this on.”
         You do as you are told and sling a leg over his motorcycle. Gavin revs the engine and kicks the stand up, and the machine lurches forward, and out of the garage. Even with the helmet, you can feel the breeze pushing your hair back. When he accelerates, you lean back slightly. The moment of weightlessness scares you, so you instinctively wrap your arms around Gavin’s waist.
         Gavin goes rigid for a second, but then relaxes at your touch. He tips his head back and says something, but his voice is lost in the wind. Instead of taking the turn to your apartment, Gavin keeps going, and the two of you end up on the other side of town.
         He turns off of the highway, and, after driving down a few small streets, the two of you wind up at the head of a closed off street – on the other side of the barrier is a festival. Fairy lights string between lamp posts, and you can smell the food from where you are.
         After parking, Gavin helps you off. With a hand on the back of his neck, he smiles meekly. “I came by your apartment earlier… to invite you here.”
         Your heart wells with guilt, but you shake it off and grab his hand. “Let’s go have fun then!”
You are holding a large stuffed animal Gavin had won for you when you start to fumble around in your purse for the keys to your apartment. Upon opening the door, you turn around and smile brightly at Gavin. “Thank you for saving me and then,” you lift the plush, “for this. I had a wonderful night. Even if it did start raining.”
         Gavin runs his hand through his hair. “A little water never hurt anyone.”
         You take a step backwards. “Would you… like to come inside?”
         He inhales sharply, and then he reaches out to you. In a fluid movement, his arm hooks around your waist, and he ushers you inside. The door slams behind you, your purse and toy drop to the floor, and you sling your arms around his neck as he lifts you from the ground.
         His lips are on your neck and jaw, and his tongue rolls over your skin. Your moans echo throughout the dark apartment, and Gavin pushes you against the wall. You cling to the nearby table, and accidentally knock down a lamp. “Oops..” you whisper.
         Gavin snickers and catches your jaw to tip your head up. You can hear his heart pounding and the gentle clink of the metal zippers hanging from his jacket. Without saying anything, he kisses you deeply, and his tongue presses against your lips. When you don’t give him access, he bites your bottom lip, making you cry out slightly. The split second that you do, Gavin pushes his tongue into your mouth.
         You slip against the wall, and eventually land on the ground again. Gavin is swift to hoist you up again, but this time, he throws you onto your unmade bed. You land on your stomach, but before you have a chance to scramble up, Gavin flips the edge of your skirt up.
         He drags his gloved hands over the back of your thighs, right under the elastic of your undergarments. The cool sensation of the leather against your skin makes you go giddy with anticipation. You try to look over your shoulder, but Gavin places one hand on the back of your neck to keep you looking straight. With his other hand, he rubs his fingers over your clothed cunt.
         Lowering your head into the blankets, you moan loudly. “Gavin… please–”
         His warm breath tickles the shell of your ear, and it sends shivers down your spine. “I didn’t like seeing you there with him. He doesn’t deserve you – you are far too good for him.” As he speaks, his fingers threaten to dip into you at any moment. “But I couldn’t… admit I was jealous.”
         “Why not?” you inquire, shifting your hips slightly.
         Gavin teeths on your earlobe. “Because, I would be admitting, at the same time, that I can’t stop thinking about you.” Finally, he slips two fingers into you. The leather rubs against your walls, and he almost immediately begins to scissor them apart. “My heart twists in every direction when I see you…”
         “I–I feel the same,” you mumble between drawn out moans. Burying your face deeper into the covers, you prop your hips upwards, hoping that he will pleasure you more.
         Instead, he removes his fingers, but they are replaced by his tongue – the sudden wet sensation against your folds makes you throw your head back. His name drips from your lips like syrup, and it only fuels him to move his tongue around more. It flicks against your clit, pushing it upwards.
         You snap into reality for a moment – your underwear digs into your ass as he holds it away with a finger. Meanwhile, his tongue works wonders on your clit and his free hand inches up the inside of your thigh. Again, they slide into your hole, but this time, he curls them inside of you.
         Exposed like this – it does not take you long to unravel for him. Your essence trickles down your legs, but he continues to worship you, claim you, dominate you. Only when your legs start trembling does he reel back.
         Overwhelmed by pleasure, you can’t bring yourself to move. Gavin remedies this when he flips you over. Even in the darkness, you can see your liquids shining from his chin. With your gazes locked, Gavin takes the tip of his glove in his mouth, only to remove it only using his teeth.
         You groan at this display, knowing that it is purely to arouse you.
         After dropping both gloves to the ground, Gavin fumbles with the buckle of his pants. This gives you a moment to remove your dress and undergarments. They fly off into the room, and you turn your head to look at Gavin again. You are about to strip your soaking underwear when he catches your ankle with a strong grip. He raises your leg slowly and pulls off the lace with two fingers.
         The moment it falls from his digits, he rubs his cock against your entrance.
         Reaching up, you paw at him to coax Gavin to lean down. As he does, he inserts himself into you. You throw your arms around his neck and drag your nails against his muscular back. “G-Gavin!” you cry out. “Ahh… y-you’re…”
         He smirks against your lips at your meek works. “I’m… what?”
         “You’re stretching me!” The sentence flies from your mouth, and you clasp your hand over your lips after it does. Embarrassment makes you turn a bright shade of red, but Gavin only laughs at it.
         Leaning down, he kisses your hands and begins to thrust into you. “Good,” he whispers before standing up straight. As you watch him, Gavin holds your leg up and kisses down your thigh. His bed eyes pierce through you, and moans come tumbling out of your mouth.
         “Gavin… I won’t… last much at this ra-ahH!”
         The tip of his cock hits the spot that makes you see stars, and the words are lost to moans. His thrusts quickly become sloppier, but you fall over your edge again.
         In your dazed state, you feel his warmth fill you. He grunts breathlessly and curls over you when he cums, his nose buried in your hair.
         They two of you remain like this for a moment, but then he pulls out, causing his seed to run down your thigh.
         “Fuck…” he murmurs. Gavin turns around and pulls a few tissues from the box on your nightstand. He pats it against your leg, successfully collecting any exterior evidence of his release.
         You move slowly, sitting up before even thinking about doing anything else. Gavin takes a seat next to you, and you lean against him.
         Exhaustion rakes over your body, so you scoot backwards and slip under the covers. Gavin stands up and reaches for his underwear, but you stop him. “Aren’t you going to come here?”
         He freezes before turning around.
         You make room for him in the bed. “Stay here… until morning,” you add, trying to not sound desperate.
         Gavin lies down next to you, and you tangle your legs with his. Resting your hand on his chest, you nuzzle close to him. You don’t know exactly what to say to help him relax, so you stay silent. It is Gavin that speaks up. “I… didn’t expect this…”
         You laugh. “Does that mean you regret it?”
         “No!” Gavin replies sharply. “Not in the slightest,” he continues with a softer voice. He tucks his nose into your hair and kisses your gently. “I–I–”
         Tucking your head into the crook of his neck, you shush him gently. “Shh… I understand. I really like you Gavin.”
         If you had your eyes open, you would have seen him blushing. “Go to sleep. Don’t you have a meeting in the morning about the collaboration?”
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ohh-baekhyun · 5 years
Just For One Night | Final (5-8)
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✨Foreword: Baekhyun has always been carefully platonic in his interactions with his best friend’s little sister. He resolved to keep her at arm’s length despite his attraction towards her. But one night, one kiss changes everything.
✨Genre: romance, there’s a bit of badly written smut in there sorry, fluff!
✨Word Count: 10.5k (it’s long)
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Turn out, the pianist who was supposed to play for Kyungsoo’s wedding backed out last minute for an urgent matter. There's not enough time to hire a replacement, hence, I was asked to help out since I was the only who knew how to play the instrument. I was freaking out. It had been years since the last time I performed in public. Hell, I couldn't even remember the last time I played the piano. I'd stopped completely after that one incident in which I broke down during a performance for a national competition. It was embarrassing and also traumatizing.
I was all alone in the backstage waiting room, sitting on the cold ground with my legs crossed. I was nervous and my head was spinning like a washing machine as I worried about all the worst case scenarios that might or might not happened. 
As my thoughts were running, a click from the door startled me and I looked up. The door slid open and Baekhyun stood in the doorway, one hand grabbing the doorknob to hold the door open. He made quick glances across the room until his eyes found me, "Why are you sitting on the floor?"
I gave him a small smile, "Come sit with me."
He stepped in and pushed the door closed behind him, "I’m starting to think you are anti-social.” he teased as he made his way towards me.
I chuckled half-heartedly, “I just need some time to calm myself down.”
When he reached me, I tilted my head up to look at him. "Is everything okay?" he asked, eyeing me down with concern.
I shook my head hopelessly.
Sighing, he lowered himself to the empty spot next to me. "Nervous?" he asked.
He placed his palm over my hand on my thigh and gave it a light squeeze, "I think it's perfectly normal to feel that way. I'd be very nervous too if I were you."  
"I'm afraid I'll screw up and ruin everything for Kyungsoo, it's a big day for him."
And I went on and on about it, telling him all the worst case scenarios that might happen in a long endless ramble.
As I finished, I looked to my side and found him smiling at my rambling. I return his stare with knitted eyebrows. "Why are you smiling? I'm freaking out right now."
Shaking his head, he moved his hand to cup the side of my head, and then he gently pushed it down so I was leaning on his shoulder. “You need to stop doubting yourself, sweetheart,” he said, stroking my hair comfortingly. "You did well for the rehearsal and I'm sure you'll do well later."
“What if-“
"No more," He cut me off sternly. ”You are going to be fine."
“How can you be so sure?”
He didn’t answer to that, instead, he slipped his free hand beneath the jacket of his suit and pulled something out of it. “I know whatever I say is not going to help, so I have something else that might help.”
“What is it?” I lifted my head from his shoulder and peered at the shiny object in his palm.
He reached for my wrist and tugged it to him. “It’s a lucky bracelet.” he circled the chain around my wrist and fastened the clasp. When he was done, I pulled my hand back and observed the new piece of jewelry on my wrist. It was a rose-gold bracelet with six mini charms dangling around it.
Dolphins, piano, books, snowflake, four-leaf clover and a heart-shaped locket.
They were all my favorite things.
I grinned from ear to ear while eyeing closely at the cute little charms, “Thank you. I really love it.”
“It's not for you,” he replied, surprising me. “I’m lending it to you just for a day.”
Not expecting that answer, I squinted my eyes at him, “Why do you have this girly thing with you?”
“I found it under my bed on a Christmas Day when I was ten.” he explained, surprising me again, “I believe Santa gave it to me."
I snorted once, twice and then I laughed, “Remind me you’re twenty-nine.”
“You can laugh all you want."  he muttered. “this bracelet brings good luck everytime I wear it."
"You wear this?" I asked in awe and at the same time suppressing my grin. It was hard not to laugh at the visual of him wearing such a cutesy piece of jewelry.
He nodded, “Only on special occasion."
“And it works?"
“Every damn time.”
If it wasn't for the fact that he and my brother used to fool me a lot when I was little, I'd easily fall for his silly lie.
I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously, “You sure you are not messing around with me?”
Baekhyun curled his lips in annoyance, "Hand it back to me.”
I retracted my hand and hid it behind my back before he reached it, “I trust you. Sorry."
“You better do because the magic is not going to work if you don't believe it."
Is he telling me to believe in magic?
Must. Not. Laugh.
"What? You still think I'm lying to you?" he frowned at me.
“I believe in you.” I muttered through my pressed lips, trying to hold back my laughter.
“Good.” he said, “You’re going to be okay now.”
“I hope so."
“Are you still feeling nervous?”
For some reason, I wasn't feeling as nervous as I was before. Was it the bracelet? or Was it him?
“I told you it works.”
He must be right about the magic. I was suddenly so in love with this bracelet.....
"You know," I climbed onto his lap, straddling him in kneeling position. He looked perplexed as I circled my arm around him. “Christmas is just around the corner,” I hinted.
Finally understanding my intention, Baekhyun smirked, resting his hands on my hips to hold me still. "Trying to lure me, sweetheart?"
“I'm just saying you can forgo the hassle of choosing a gift for me." I coaxed. "I don't mind having this as a gift, even though it has been used."
He didn't spare any time to consider my request, instead, he just answered, “No."
"Please?" I begged him with my voice, and then my eye.
He stared at me, completely unmoved.
Dammit, it used to work when I wasyounger...
I harrumphed. “You are so not generous.”  
"It's good enough that I'm lending it to you. Stop complaining."
“You know, If it were Chanyeol, he would gladly give it to Soyeon if she asked for it."
"Do I look like a Chanyeol to you?"
He raised one brow at me, "So?"
"I mean, If it were me, I'd give it to you as well. You don't even have to beg for it."
"Are you guilt-tripping me?"
"No." I denied, "I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to be nicer to your girlfriend."
"I'm lending it to you for a day. That's nice enough." he said firmly, "Take it or leave it."
I wrinkled my nose, "You stingy human."
"Don't make me change my mind, you ungrateful woman."
"You are so not getting any gift from me." I lied. I had actually bought him a watch for Christmas.
A knock on the door surprised me and I scrambled off his lap immediately and looked over my shoulder. The door slid open and this time my brother appeared peeking into the room. "What are you guys doing here?" he asked when he saw us on the floor.
"Chatting," Baekhyun answered calmly.
"Come and join us." I patted on the space next to me.
"The ceremony is starting soon. We have to go now," he said.
"Let's go." Baekhyun said as he raised himself off the ground and then helped me up.
Chanyeol held the door open with his elbow and once Baekhyun and I stepped out of the room, he shut the door closed and fell into step next to me. I was now sandwiched between the two males as we made our way into the main hall.
"You feeling okay?" my brother asked, sounding worried.
I nodded and raised my hand to show him my bracelet, "Baekhyun lend this to me. It's a magic bracelet from Santa."
"Santa?" Chanyeol peered at Baekhyun and threw him an incredulous stare. "For real?"
Not liking the look Chanyeol gave him, Baekhyun frowned at him, "What?"
"Stop messing around with my sister, dude." he accused, "She's not five anymore."
"Shh," I nudged at my brother's elbow and whispered to him, "He's quite sensitive about it."
"You know that asshole is lying to you right?" my brother whispered back to me.
"Fuck you all," Baekhyun cursed his breath.
"See. I told you he's sensitive."
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The room was quiet as everyone waited in anticipation for the bride to walk down the aisle.
I placed my fingers on the keys and looked up at the cellist seated across the piano. Once he nodded at me, I knew it was my cue to start. Inhaling a deep breath, I pushed the keys down to the very first chord of the song. The strings followed afterward, blending in beautifully with the melody. My heart beat a little faster, but my mind was calm and my hand wasn't trembling as they did earlier. The bracelet really worked its magic.
The music lasted around three minutes before it finally drew into a stop the moment the bride reached the groom at the altar. I was glad I could finally watch the rest of the ceremony and I couldn't take my eyes off the couple. By the time the couple finished exchanging their vows, and kissed, I had tears all over my eyes.
The speeches that followed afterward was like a breath of fresh air. Suho cracked us up with his hilarious speech, keeping the atmosphere bright and far from sentimental. Jisoo's father was next to deliver his heartfelt speech as he spoke about her in glowing terms. We ended up with teary eyes again. Lastly, it's Kyungsoo's turn to give his speech, swooning all the girls in the room with his loving words as he sang his wife's praises.
The moment Kyungsoo ended his speech and the MC announced that the dinner started, everyone swarmed towards the buffet station to queue for food. I walked off the stage and glanced around the crowded hall to look for a toilet but midway through searching, an arm stopped me.
"Can I speak to you?" the EO asked.
"Come with me."
I followed behind him as he led me to a quieter place backstage. We stopped at the dark corner of the hallway and he turned around. "I need your help again," he said, passing me a few set of papers. 
I glance down at the music score, confirming that the song was famiiar before glancing up at him. "Sure, I can help."
He sighed in relief. "Thank you so much. You’re really a lifesaver.”
“Don’t worry about it,” You assure. "May I know when is it starting?
"Once I get all the guests to be seated, we're ready to go. It'll take about fifteen to twenty minutes."
"Enough time for toilet break?"
"Sure, go ahead."
Inside the restroom, I bumped into Aera and our encounter was awkward to say the least. The girl sounded so excited as she told me about Baekhyun, how funny and sweet he was, how good-looking he was. Instead of feeling envious, I felt guilty. It was bad enough that I had to lie to her about my secret relationship with Baekhyun, now I had to also pretend that I was happy for her. It's a good thing what she had for Baekhyun was merely just a crush, because anything deeper than that would result in a heartbreak. I'd be the worst person on the planet if that ever happened to her.
Aera and I headed back into the main hall together. As we walked, she did most of the talking and I listened. When we entered the hall, people were scattering all over the place, some were chatting, some were taking pictures and some holding plates with a mountain full of food. We parted halfway as she returned to her table and I walked back to my seat behind the piano on stage.
Around twenty minutes later, I had played a total of four songs and I was starting to feel hungry. Good thing this was the last because I'd been eyeing the food at the buffet table for a long time now. As soon as I hit the last note of the song and the guests cheered, I hurried down the stage towards the food station. I made a stop at the dessert table, picked a piece of mini fruit tart and shoved it into my mouth immediately.
"You seem very hungry."
A voice caught my attention and I looked up at the man standing before me. He grinned, and I flash him a polite smile with my mouth full, "I am."
"It was a nice performance. I forgot how much I enjoyed listening to your music."  
I tilted my head to the side, "I'm sorry, but have we met before?"
"We used to be duet partners, remember?" he hinted.
My brows knitted together in a deep thought, trying to remember him and his name. I had numerous duet partners a few years back when I was still attending the music academy.
"I'm Kai."
"Oh! Kai as in Kim Kai?" I guessed, finally remembering. He smiled an nodded. "I'm sorry I couldn't recognize you earlier. You look so different from the last time I saw you."
"You mean I look older now?" he deduced.
"No, that's not what I meant." I corrected, afraid that he'd be offended. "You look young, just slightly older.... but still not that old...you know....” I giggle nervously. “gosh why am I saying....you know what...I look older too. We've both aged."
"Relax, gorgeous, I was just teasing you." he laughed.
I couldn't help but blush, feeling embarrassed at my own rambling.
"Are you here alone?" he asked.
"Not really."
"Not really? So where's your date?"
As if he was answering to Kai's question, Baekhyun suddenly appeared at my side, one hand slid around my waist to pull me close. "Can I speak to you for a moment?" his voice brusque in my ear.
I shifted my gaze to Kai who looked perplexed at the moment, "Will you please excuse us?"
"Sure. I'll talk to you later then."
I had no time to reply to him as Baekhyun wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me away.
"Where are we going?" I asked to his back as he hauled me through the crowds and dragged out of the main hall. "Baekhyun?"  
He wouldn't answer to me.  
We were now reaching a dark hallway where the female's toilet was located at. He banged on the door and when there's no response, he pushed it open and shoved me inside.
"What's wrong?" I asked, still confused by his frantic actions.
He locked the door behind us.
"That guy was flirting with you." he kept his voice low despite the anger vibrating off him.
I finally understood where his anger was coming from. He was jealous. But I was honestly clueless that Kai was flirting with me.
"Is that how it looked like?" I asked, "I wasn't aware."
His jaw clenched, "Jesus, how could you be so oblivious?"
"We were just having a conversation," I explained softly. "I didn't know he was flirting."
His dark eyes stared deeply into me and I could tell he wasn't convinced. I'd be lying if I said him acting all jealous hadn't thrilled me. But I'd still like him to put more trust in me.
My hand moved up to squeeze his arm as a gesture of reassurance, "I wasn't flirting with him."
The tension slowly eased from his hardened face and he sighed wearily, "I know. I trust you." he said gruffly, "But that doesn't mean I can just sit back and watch some good-looking guy younger than me ogling at my girlfriend like she's his last fucking meal."
I hadn't noticed Kai was good-looking until Baekhyun mentioned it. Maybe because all along, I only had my eyes on one man. And he's right here with me.
"You are the only one I'm attracted to, Baekhyun," I told him sincerely.
His response was to push me up against the wooden door, pinning my hands next to my head as he kissed me hard. It took me half a second to get over my surprise and I kissed him back. He pressed his body into mine as though he couldn't get any closer and I gasped at the feel of his erection against my crotch.
"Mine." he breathed over my lips as he continued to grind his hard-on against me.
A rush of tingling pleasure strike right through my core and my breathing hitched, "Baekhyun," I panted, "W- we are in the toilet..."
"There's no one here." his lips traveled down the side of my neck and I arched into his kisses.
"What if someone hears us." I whispered frantically.
"There's no one here," he repeated, his voice thick with arousal.
"But- Ohhh," I whimpered at the feel of his teeth piercing down my skin. Another pleasured sigh slipped through my lips as the tip of his tongue darted out to lick the bruised skin, then it trailed its way back to my mouth.
My hands were suddenly free as his hands slid down to shove the hem of my dress up so it was bunched around my waist, his fingers immediately found its way to the wetness he had caused down there.
"B-Baekhyun." I moaned as I felt a subtle brush of his thumb over my clit.  
"Shh, baby, Let me take care of you." he pushed two fingers inside me, pumping them in and out and edging me closer to climax.  
My legs quivered and I gripped his arms tightly. His fingers worked me rough and fast. I dropped my head to his shoulder and let out a muffled cry against his neck as my first orgasm rolled over me.
"Fuck!" His chest heaving as he watched me and his breathing grew harsher.
Baekhyun pulled his fingers out of my throbbing heat and his hand went down to his trousers. My stomach flipped with need and anticipation as he unzipped. He shoved his trousers down his legs and his erection sprung free.
Keeping his eyes on me, he tore my knickers down. "Put your legs around me," he ordered.
I did as he asked me to, my legs went up around his waist and my arms wrapped around his shoulders. His erection poked against my entrance and I gasped at the sensation. For a few torturing seconds, he ground his dick against my aching heat while his mouth latches on my neck, sucking and licking until I begged him to fuck me right there and then.
"Say it."
"I want you inside me." my plea came out desperate.
He didn't need to be told twice.
His fingers dug into my hips and he thrust into me, filling me completely with his thick length.
"Oh God!" My head slammed back against the door with a loud cry of pleasure.
Baekhyun let out a low grunt as he continued to move his hips and drove his cock deeper inside of me. My whimpers grew louder and I bit my lower lip to suppress the lewd sound, worried someone might hear us.
"Louder!" he growled, as he thrust harder. "Let me hear how good I make you feel."
The lewd sound of my moan blended together with the loud sound of my back pounding against the toilet's door. I clenched my fingers into his shoulders, watching the restrained on his face as his cock slid in and out of me.
"Come!" he ordered.
"Baekhyun!" My body shuddered and I clenched around him as I came hard for the second time.
"Fuck baby, you feel like fucking heaven," he groaned huskily, "Keep squeezing my cock like that, I'm coming."
And I gave him what he wanted. My inner muscles squeezed around him and a low guttural growl emitted from the back of his throat as his own climax hit him hard.
His body slumped against me, and for a while, we just stood there trying to catch our breath and gain back our senses. When we finally came down from our high and our breathing was more controlled, he pulled back to look me in the eyes.
"I'm sorry I got jealous for a stupid reason," he whispered, affection and tenderness shone in his brown eyes.
A smile touched my lips. "You need to get jealous more often," I joked. "That was hot."
Chuckling, he pulled me into a long kiss. I ran my hand through his locks and sighed into his mouth, feeling the contentment rose in my chest.
"You really didn't notice he's good looking?" he asked as he pulled back.
"You think he is?"
"I mean...he's tall." He shrugged. "Women prefer taller guys. Right?"
"That's not true. You aren't tall but I still like you very much." I said. "Aera likes you too," I added. "Oh and don't forget Jaesi."
His forehead creased at the mention of the two girls, "You know I'm still inside you right?"
I hummed. "I can feel it."
"Can't you at least wait until I pull out before you mention about my ex?"
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Baekhyun pushed the toilet’s door open, making just enough space for his head to peek through. Once he checked that the corridor was empty, he turned to give me a nod before shoving the door further open. We sneaked out and strode down the hallway towards the revolving door at the lobby hall.
We were leaving the venue to get some cakes at a well-known pastry cafe nearby. The wild bathroom sex had left me famished since I barely eaten anything for dinner. I could’ve gone back into the hall to get some food but Baekhyun insisted that we leave this place for a little while. I couldn’t say no to him and of course I couldn’t say no to to cake...
The parking valet approached us as soon as we came through the door, “Should I get you your car, sir?”
Baekhyun turned to me for an answer.
“Let's walk.” I said, "It's not that far anyway."
The valet guy took my answer and gave us a courtesy nod before stepping away.
"Let's go."
I was feeling like one of that child on Christmas Day while we strolled side by side down the peaceful street. My eyes wandered restlessly at the beautiful lights and decorations twinkling all around us. That, along with my present company, gave me an immense sense of joy. I’d never thought it was possible to be this happy. But I was. Deliriously, exhilaratingly, and wonderfully happy.
Every so often, as my eyes caught something I admired, I’d stop and stare at it for a long time, and I loved how Baekhyun would wait patiently next to me and let me have my own sweet time. He told me he used to not understand why people love Christmas so much, but now, he had started to get it. When I asked him how so, he shrugged and told me he simply loved how much I loved it.
My my,  If this man isn’t perfect, I don’t know what is.
“I am going for Christmas shopping next Saturday.” Baekhyun announced, breaking our comfortable silence.
I looked at him, cocking my head in thought, “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying.” he said, “I might start putting up Christmas tree from this year onwards.”
It was strange because Baekhyun had never put up a Christmas tree before. He thought it was a hassle and he didn't quite like the smell of pine tree.
“Why the sudden change of heart?” I asked, curious.  
“Because you’ll be staying over at my place more often now.”
“What does thathas to do with Christmas tree?” I asked, still clueless.
“You are just as slow as your brother,” he muttered, shaking his head at me.
“Come on, it’s not like you to beat around the bush.” I muttered with quirked eyebrows, “Why do you all of a sudden decide you want a Christmas tree?”
“Christmas tree makes you happy and I love seeing you happy.”
I see now...
Liking that a lot, I beamed, “You really know how to impress a girl.”
“Only you, baby. Only for you.”
Grateful that I had a boyfriend who loved to make me feel happy and special, there’s nothing more I could say but a simple thank you.
“So, would you like to join me?” He asked.
“For what? Christmas tree shopping?”
“Yes, and we can decorate our first Christmas tree together.”
There’s something blissfully warm in the way he said “Our”. Right then, it occurred to me that we'd soon be spending our first Christmas together as a couple. The idea alone put a smile on my face. I wished this wouldn’t be the last.
“So? Is that a yes?” he asked, breaking into my thoughts.
“I’ll have to check my schedule for that day.” I was completely messing with him.
Baekhyun skidded intoa halt and turned to face me with furrowed eyebrows, “Do you have to work on Saturday too?”
Enjoying his reaction, I giggled on the inside. “You know I am a very busy woman.”
“What about Sunday?”
Has he really thought I was serious? How cute…
“Don’t worry, my love. I’ll clear my schedule just for you.”
His eyes rolled at me, “Glad to know I have such a thoughtful girlfriend.” He said in a tone laced with sarcasm.
I chuckled, tugging at our entwined hands to cue him to move,  “Then maybe you should treat her better.”
“Do I not treat her well enough?”
“You do, but, she’ll be happier if you let her have your bracelet.” I hinted.
He snorted, looking down at my wrist and back at me, “Say I let you have the bracelet, what do I get in return?”
“Hmm…” I pondered, “Me?”
“What can you do for me?
“You’ll stay with me tonight?”
He smirked, likingmy offer. “And you’ll let me do anything to you?”
“What will you do to me anyway?” I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.
“Something that involves lots and lots of orgasms.”
A smug grin spread across my face, “That sounds like a very good deal.”
“After you.” Baekhyun said, opening the door for me.
“Thank you.” I said, stepping into the two-storey cafe.
The smell of freshly baked pastry welcomed me us. I glanced around and noticed a few pairs of curious eyes turning to us, some started to whisper something to their company. I immediately felt out of place in my attire, and knowing that people were talking about it made me feel a little self-conscious.
Sensing my discomfort, Baekhyun pulled me to him and let me stand in front of him in a queue. “What do you feel like eating?” he asked.
I knew he was just trying to distract me and I was thankful for that. I looked down at cake slices sitting insidethe display fridge next to me. There were too many choices that I had a hard time choosing. “Should I order this, this or that one?” I pointed to the strawberry shortcake, mango mousse and tiramisu.
His face appeared next to mine as he stared down at the cakes I was pointing at, and his arm naturally came around me, “We can order three and share.”
“Oh okay.” I mumbled, feeling my heart race at his closeness.
“Next order, please.”
“It’s our turn.” Baekhyun prompted, kissing me on the cheek before letting me go.
At the same instance, my eyes met with a female counter attendant who was eyeing me with slight disgust on her face. “Next order.” she repeated, sounding impatient this time.
Too mortified to face her, I pulled at Baekhyun’s wrist and pushed him forward towards the counter. He glanced back with question in his eyes. I hurriedly whispered to him to order for me before leaving his side to find a table for us.
It was amazing how completely unbothered Baekhyun was. Sometimes I wished I had that attitude in me.
The seats on the first floor were fully occupied. I went upstairs instead. As I reached the second floor, I felt a small relief seeing the almost vacant space with only three tables occupied by two young couples, and a middle-aged lady with her little boy.
I sat in the corner at a table next to the window, waiting for Baekhyun to come up with the cakes. He appeared not too long later, carrying a tray of cakes and drinks. He’d ordered an Espresso for himself and a Latte Macchiato for me. I praised him for ordering the right drink without me having to tell him, though I thought it was a little too late for caffeine. Baekhyun insisted that we needed it to keep us awake. I didn’t need further explanation.
“Why are you rushing?”
“They should be looking for us now, we’ve been away for so long.”
“Your brother knows we’re here.” He said, lifting his phone up to show me the text he had sent to Chanyeol.
“What about your date?”
Baekhyun took a slow sip of his drink before calmly answered tomy question, “I told her that we’re together.”
At that, I choked on my cake and couldn’t stop coughing. Baekhyun pushed a cup of water to my side, suppressing his laughter. I downed the liquid in one go and set the cup down on the table.
“When did you tell her about it?” I asked, giving him the nervous stare.  
“When you were on stage. She asked me to dance but I told her I can’t.”
I frowned, “Why can’t you dance with her?”
“Just holding hands.” He recited my words, “Remember?”
Of course Baekhyun took my words literally. I couldn’t decide if I should be happy or...
“What did she say? Was she upset?” I asked in a hurry.
“She’s pretty cool about it, she said she wasn’t surprised.”
“Wasn’t surprised? What do you mean?”
He shrugged, “No idea. That’s all that she said.
I let out a sigh, yet I wasn’t completely relief. I needed to find a way to explain to her that I wasn’t in any way trying to hurt her. I didn’t want this to destroy our friendship. I might not be as close to her as I was to Soyeon, but that didn’t diminish her value to me.
“Stop worrying about it,” his hand came resting on mine, “I’ve explained everything to her. I’m sure she understands.”
I gave him a small, uncertain smile, “I hope so.”
“Just don’t think too much and enjoy your cake.”
I nodded, eyeing the strawberry shortcake now. I was about to pull the plate to my side when a little boy appeared at next to Baekhyun, staring keenly at the cake. I gave Baekhyun a curious look and he shrugged.
“Want some?” I offered.
The boy hesitated, looking back and forth at the both of us, probably considering if it’s safe to accept foodfrom strangers.
I picked a new set of pastry fork, place it on the plate next to the cake and shoved it forward to him, “You can have it. It’s very yummy.” I smiled.
He was still doubtful.
“Don’t worry, we are not bad guys.” Baekhyun re-assured, patting on his back gently.
The boy finally picked up the fork, and I watched with amusement at how his face lit up as he shoveda piece into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it.
“Like it?” I asked.
He nodded enthusiastically, scooping up another big piece and quickly dove in for another bite. That last piece was too huge for his tiny mouth that he had icingall over his lips.
Chuckling, I grabbed a serviette and leaned over to wipe the mess on his mouth.
The boy stared at my face quietly and his gaze drifted down to my blue dress, then, he turned to look at Baekhyun, “She looks like a princess.”
Baekhyun gaze onme turned deeply affectionate as our eyes met, “She’s my girlfriend.”
I felt a giddy flutter in my tummy. This was the first time Baekhyun introduced me as his girlfriend instead of his sister like how he used to do.
“Your girlfriend is very pretty.” the boy said to Baekhyun again.
I smiled on the inside, wondering if he was too shy to say it to me that he had to tell Baekhyun instead.
Baekhyun hummed in acknowledgment at the compliment, “She’s more than just pretty. She’s perfect.”
I nearly choked from the embarrassment. His cheesy side was one that I loved (oddly but true), and I wouldn’t mind hearing it when there's nobody around.
Baekhyun laughed. His laughter was so infectious that the boy started laughing along with him. I wasn't sure if he understood what he was laughing about.
My cheek blushed furiously as Baekhyun continued teasing me with compliments. Thankfully, the boy’s mother came to my rescue. She apologized profusely upon discovering that his son had finished our cake. We assured her that it’s fine since we were the one who offered it to him but she insisted to pay for the cake. Inthe end, she broughtus two extra cakes and two chocolate croissants, telling us it’s a must-try.
"I don't think I can finish all of these," I told Baekhyun once I finished eating my share of croissant. There were two more cakes left untouched. I didn't like to waste food but I was too full.
“I’ll get the server to wrap it for us.” he said, sliding back in his chair as he stood up.
While Baekhyun was downstairs, I went to the toilet to freshen up.
I looked into the mirror and nagged inwardly at myself when I found a chocolate stain on my dress. I unrolled layers of toilet paper, dampened it and wiped the brown stain carefully.
A loud explosion startled me. The sound was later followed by a terror scream coming from the outside. I wasted no time to rush towards the door, but pulling it, the door wouldn’t open. I tried again, it didn’t work. My heart sank. I called out for help and pounded onthe wooden door repeatedly, yet there was no answer, all that I could hear were bloody screams. I paced back and forth in the small confined space, anxiously searching for tools I could use to open the door.
“Sweetheart, are you in there? You need to come out now.”
Baekhyun's voice alerted me and I moved nearer to the door, "I can't get out, it's locked. What’s going on out there?”
“This place is on fire.”
His answer was followed by another sound of explosion. My shoulders jumped at the shock and fear quickly overcame me. I held onto the door handle and started pulling at it frantically. I needed to get out of here.
“Step away from the door.”
Fifteen minutes later…..
Sweats were trickling down my forehead from the heat and the trepidation. I’d lost count of how many times Baekhyun repeatedly crashed himself against the door, trying to knock it down to get me out of here. But the door wouldn’t open and the scariest part was, I was starting to lose hope. As much as I feared to be left alone to die, I couldn’t let him stay with me any longer. He’d been out there inhaling far too much smoke. He’d die too if he didn't leave.
He wasn’t listening.
“Baekhyun. Stop." I begged, my voice broke and I was nearly in tears.
He did and we were left with the soundof blazing fire. My heart was slamming hard against my ribcage and I inhaled a long deep breath, mustering every ounce of courage left to say what I was about to say.
“You need to get out of this place.” I tried to sound tough but my voice came out just as hopeless as I felt.
“No!” he refused strongly, voice loud and determined, “I’m not leaving you alone.”
And just as determined as his words were, he continued crashing and slamming himself against the door, each time harder than the last. My chest hurt so bad thinking of how much pain he had to endure just to saveme.  
Suddenly, the smell of burning oak hit my nose and stared down with horror as I saw wispy fingers of white smoke seeping in through the gap beneath the door. My knees almost buckled seeing how the smoke crept in, traveled up and spread in the air
“Baekhyun, please listen to me.” I begged, panic filling my voice.
He still wouldn’t listen.
“You have to leave now. I will be okay.” I convinced, "The firemen will arrive soon and they'll come and save me.”
Tears were welling up in my eyes as I said that because honestly, I wasn’t sure if I’d still be alive by then.
“Please stop, I don't want you to die because of me.” my voice broke as my tears flowed freely. The thought of me dying had scared me, but the thought of himdying had terrified me to my very soul.
“No one is going to die.” He persisted. “I’ll get you out of there.”
Baekhyun did as he promised. With one hard slam, he managed to shove the door open and stumbled inside. His eyes found me, in no time, I was in his arms, hugging him tight
“Are you okay?” He pulled back, staring at me with deep concern filling his eyes.
"I'm okay, what about you?" I asked, making a quick scan from his head down to his toe. I felt more than relief that he wasn't injured, "Let’s get out of here.”
Baekhyun glanced around the toilet and headed towards the sink. He shrugged off his jacket, dunk it into the sink and jerk at the faucet, letting the water soak the fabric. “Go and wet your dress with water, quick.” he directed.
I did as told, hurrying into the toilet cubicles, reaching for the bidet and started spraying water all over myself. Baekhyun came in not too long later to help.
"Ready?" he asked once we were all set.
For all I knew, we might or might not survive the blaze. If there’s one thing I regretted, I regretted those years I wasted not telling him how I truly felt. Now that we only had hours, maybe minutes, to be together, I wanted him to know that I loved him, even if it’s a little too late.
"Thank you for staying back for me.” I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around him. "I love you and I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you that.”
Baekhyun leaned back so he could look into my eyes, “Say that to me again when we are out of here.” he said it as if he knew everything would be just fine.
“But we might not-.” I trailed off. Saying it out made it even more frightening than it already was.
"We will," he said confidently. “We will survive this.”
With that, I gained a little courage. Baekhyun had always been right. This time, I hope he’s right too.
“If we made it out of here alive,” I said, “I’m marrying you, Baekhyun.” I wasn't kidding. "I'll be the one to propose.”
That's a promise because I told myself if I were able to survive this, I'd be able to do anything.
The corner of his lips curled into an amused grin. One that managed to grant me hope in such a hopeless situation.
“We’re getting married, baby.” He promised.
And I prayed so hard that we will.
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Even though we managed to escape the fire, Baekhyun had unfortunately sustained a second-degree burn on his left arm caused by the falling debris. We were rushed to the ER and he was treated in the trauma room at the moment.
By right, I wasn’t supposed to be in here. A few nurses had tried to drag me out but I wouldn’t budge. At last, they gave up and allowed me to stay next to Baekhyun so long as I remained calm.
The pungent smell of disinfectant, in which I’d describe as the smell of death, brought uneasiness down the pit of my stomach. Sitting on a chair next to the gurney, I kept my eyes trained on the blisters on Baekhyun’s forearm. They were excruciating and my gut wrenched just by the look of it.
“I’m going to scrub the wound on your arm and peel off the dead skin. You might want to take a deep breath first.” the nurse instructed, causing my stomach to twist unpleasantly.
I reached for Baekhyun’s hand and held it tight. He turned to look at me and still managed a smile despite the pain he was enduring. “Don’t worry. I’ll be okay.” he ensured.
“This is going to sting just a little,” the nurse said before landing the tip of the forceps on his blistered skin.
I knew by a little, she meant the opposite.
Baekhyun dropped his head to my shoulder, his grip on my wrist turned bruising as he roared in pain. I reached behind him and ran my hand up and down his back soothingly. My chest hurt so bad I could barely breathe. Nothing hurts deeper than watching your loved one suffers yet unable to do anything to help.
“Can you give him something to ease his pain?” I begged the nurse.
“I’m sorry but Mr. Byun is allergic to pain medication.” she said, sympathy masking her eyes as she spoke.
Baekhyun lifted his head from my shoulder, his chest heaving and beads of sweat were trickling down his neck. I sighed helplessly and brushed his hair from his face. The anguish onhis face was piercing through me. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered, tears burning in my eyes.
Noting that I was about to start weeping, Baekhyun frowned. “I’m not letting you sit here if you’re gonna cry.”
I returned his frown with a deeper one, “You’re weird. Why am I not allowed to cry?” I said, fighting back the tears in my eyes. (just in case he kicked me out of here, he might, who knew).
He quirked an eyebrow at me, “Will your crying help with my pain?”
“It won’t but-“
“Then there’s no need to cry.”
“Nonsense.” I argued, “It’s only natural to feel sad or cry when someone you love is in pain.”
A slow smile forming on his lips, “You love me huh?” he asked.
Silly man.“Of courseI do.”
“You are right, of courseyou do, I saved your life.” Baekhyun said smugly.
“And I’m thankful for that.”
“You shouldbe, I saved your life.”
I rolled my eyes at his bragging, “You are going to use that to your advantage aren’t you?”
“Of course. I saved your life.” he said it again.
“I believe you’ve said that three times, Sir.”
My gaze moved to the nurse who had just joined our little argument, “Thank you.” I mouthed to her, giggling.
Baekhyun shot me a glare for laughing, “How dare you. I saved your life.”
“Four times, sir.” she reminded.
I really liked her...
Baekhyun parted his mouth, about to mutter something, but a loud hiss left through his clenched teeth. "Shit, that hurt like a bitch." he grimaced.
Feeling my heart ached at his pain, I brushed the back of my thumb across his knuckles comfortingly.
“We are almost done here,” the nurse informed. “I’m just going to apply an antibiotic onyour skin to prevent infection. You’re not going to feel a thing, I promise.”
With a heavy sigh, Baekhyun slumped back against the pillow.
Relief moved through me as I stared deeply at the man who had just risked his own life to save mine. He looked exhausted and I felt sorry he had to go through such pain because of me. No amount of words could ever be enough to express my love and gratitude for him, not only for saving me today, but for the countless time he stepped in to rescue me from dangerous situations since I was little.
Always and forever fighting my battle for me.
Leaning down, I pressed my lips to his forehead, “I can never thank you enough for what you did.”
“Don’t need to thank me, you just have to marry me.” he said, a tinged of amusement in his voice.
I couldn’t tell if he was being serious but I wasn’t kidding when I said, “I’ll marry the hell out of you, Byun Baekhyun.”
That got him to smile. And naturally, I smiled too.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” the nurse chimed in, earning our attention. “How long have you two been together?” she asked.
“Just for a day.” I answered honestly.  
She gazed at me in disbelief, “No way.”
“She’s telling the truth.” Baekhyun convinced. “We just got together this morning.”
“But you two look like you’ve known each other for life.” she remarked. “And you’re already talking about getting married?”
“You’re right, we’ve known each other for life,” Baekhyun agreed, then I saw a glint of mischief in the back of his eyes before he said, “She’s my sister.”
The nurse was struck mute by his revelation. Eyes and mouth agape as she stared back forth at the both of us.
”My best friend'ssister I mean.” Baekhyun clarified, snorting loudly at her dumb-founded expression.
“Thank God,” she muttered sarcastically, “I was planning to file a police report.”
At her remarks, Baekhyun threw his head back and burst into deep laughter. The nurse giggled along with him while dressing a bandage on his injured arm. I was last to join the bubble.
Frankly, I didn't find that funny at all, but I felt warm all over at the sight of Baekhyun laughing again. Happy that he was no longer in pain, happy that he was safe, happy that we were together.
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One week later...
“Baekhyun,” I whispered into his ear, tugging lightly on his t-shirt. 
He made a little groan of protest under his breath, turning away to give me his back.
I grip his shoulder and pull him back so he’s lying supine. “Baekhyun, wake up,” I try again, tugging a little harder than before.
His arm moved to cover his eyes as he groaned. “What time is it?” He asked sleepily.
He removes his hand to stare at me in disbelief. “Are you crazy?” 
“No, I’m not. Wake up,” I urge. 
He finally propped himself up by the elbows. “What do you need?”
I smiled at him. “I love you.”
There’s a pause where he narrowed his eyes at me, then he finally mutters, “You’re definitely crazy.”
My lower lips jut forward in a pout. “Can you at least say it back?”
His eyes softened and he reached out to cup my face. “I love you too, baby, but it's four freaking a.m.” 
“But there’s something I want to say to you,” I told him enthusiastically. 
“This better be important.” 
“So, I was thinking, since we both love each other very much and we’re both so perfect for each other. Isn't it a good idea to, you know, get married?”
He gives a bark of laughter. “Are you proposing to me right now?” He asked. You nodded in response. A flicker of mischief flashed in his eyes as he realized what this was about. “Come on baby, you can do better than that. Why don’t you try again?” 
Now that he is fully awake, I was suddenly feeling shy. “Uhh, will you...” I hesitated, my cheek growing red. “Will you marry me?” I finally say with a small voice. 
He pursed his lips, contemplating. “Uh, shouldn't you be getting down on one knee when you propose?”
I grabbed a pillow from my side and threw it at him. He caught it with a bark of laughter. I grumble. “You are just being annoying, Baekhyun.” 
His brows went skyward in a teasing way. “Do you want to marry me or what?” 
I slumped back against the mattress and rolled to my side, giving him my back. “Just go back to sleep.”
“I’m not sleepy.” He said, a hint of smile in his voice. 
“You were sleepy just a few seconds ago,” I said, huffing in annoyance. 
“But I’m not anymore. Come on baby, try again.”
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Two weeks later...
 Christmas Eve-05:30pm.
Weeks had passed since the fire incident at the cafe. Aside from the injury on Baekhyun’s arm, we were both very alive and well.
That night, Chanyeol and Soyeon arrived at the hospital just as the nurse was done treating Baekhyun's arm. We had completely forgotten about the wedding and missed to inform them about the accident. They were upset, worried upset, and still very upset at us for not letting them know earlier. In the end, we forgo the chance to share the news about our relationship and decided to wait until today. We agreed it was the right time since everyone would be present. Not sure how my brother would react but I wasn't afraid anymore. Maybe it was the near-death experience that made me a little braver than I used to be. It did change my perspective and made me realize how fragile life could be.  
I was spending my afternoon at my parent’s house, helping them prepare for the gathering tonight. My only duty was to clean up the place. My mom could no longer trust me with the cooking task after I nearly exploded her oven last year while attempting to bake brownies.
Once I finished my chores and the house was immaculate, I headed back into the kitchen. Leaning back against the counter, I watched as my mom busied herself with her signature shepherd's pie. The house was unusually quiet that afternoon. My dad had gone to the grocery stores to stock up on snacks and drinks. My brother was out for lunch with Soyeon and her parents. Meanwhile, Baekhyun was visiting his parents in his hometown. He’d been away for three days and would be back tonight in time for the dinner.  
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Baekhyun: I'll be there around 6.    05:35PM
Me: Noted.    05:35PM✓
Baekhyun: See you soon.   05:36PM
Me: Ok.    05:36PM✓
Baekhyun: Love you.    05:36PM
Me: Thank you.    05:37PM✓
Baekhyun: WTF     05:37PM
Me:   ;-) 05:37PM✓
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Christmas Eve-9:45pm.
The dining room was empty once everyone left the table and moved to the sitting room. Since no one volunteered to help with the kitchen duty, I had to do it all by myself. Not that I was complaining, but again, no one loved doing the dishes.
For not once I thanked God for the men who created the dishwasher. After loading the life-saving machine with bowls, plates, and the cutleries, I went on to hand-wash the mugs, cups and those that couldn’t go in.
Minutes into my lonely chore, Soyeon walked into my mum’s kitchen, humming a tune I didn’t recognize.
“Please tell me you’re here to help.” I begged, turning my head towards her.
“Nah.” she muttered offhandedly as she moved past behind me to get to the fridge.
“Your lack of consideration is fantastic.” I rolled my eyes at her back as she held the handle open.
“I need soda.”
“There’s no soda,” I said as I continued washing the mug in my hand. “We have lager though.”
“But I’m craving for coke.” she whined, closing the fridge just as I turned my head to look at her again.
“Wine?” I suggested.
That’s odd...I narrowed my eyes, “You never said no to wine."
There was a pause before she revealed, “I’m pregnant.”
The mug slipped from my grip and fell into the sink with a loud clank, “You’re PREGNANT?” I asked hysterically.
Soyeon raised her finger to her lips, gesturing me to keep my voice down.
“You are pregnant?” I asked again, softer this time. She nodded to my question. “Like pregnant pregnant?”
“Is there any other type of pregnant?” she quipped, grinning.
“Oh my god. Congratulations.” my face beamed a thousand colors, “How pregnant are you?”
I meant to ask how many months was she into pregnancy but I was too thrilled I couldn’t form a proper sentence.
She snorted at my question, "What's the scale?”
"One to nine."
“Does Chanyeol know?"
“I’m going to surprise him later."
I cooed, imagining how thrilled my brother would be. He loved kids to bits. "Is that your Christmas gift for him?"
She nodded, smoothing her hand over her tummy as she stared down at it lovingly. I was so happy for her I nearly teared.
“Can I hug you? I really want to hug you.” I pleaded.
She glanced up, eyes drifted from my wet lathery hands to my face, contemplating.
“No, thanks.” she said eventually.
I jutted my lips forward grumpily, “Mean.”
“Bye.” she patted on my bump before dissapearingfrom my mum’s kitchen.
Back to being alone but feeling a whole lot brighter this time, I picked up the mug I had just dropped and started humming happily as I did my chore. When I was nearly finished, someone else sneaked into the kitchen causing the skin on my neck to prickle.
I knew it was him just by the sound of his footsteps.
Excitement danced wildly in my belly. He stopped a few meters away from me, and then he just stood there and stared at my back silently.
“I can feel you there, Baekhyun.” I muttered without looking back.
Then, his footsteps came closer and they drew intoa halt when the warmth of his sturdy chest met with my back. My heart pounded hard and fast. I gasped softly as he slid his arms around me, “Need my help?” his low voice whispered in my ear.
“A little too late, don’t you think?” I said, already washing the last mug.
Soon as I placed the mug down on the drying rack, he twirled me around and pressed closer to me. Two hands moved to cup my face and he welcomed me with a deep loving kiss on my lips.
Suffused with contentment, I sighed into his mouth, slid my hands up around his neck and kissed him back with all the love in the world. We didn’t even care about getting caught anymore, well, they’d find out soon anyway.
“You have no idea how much I missed you" he murmured against my lips.
I was going to tell him how much I’ve missed him too but he started dusting butterfly kisses all over my face, eliciting giggles from me.
"Baekhyun," I smoothed my hand over his chest and pushed him back gently. He stopped and stared down at me with amusement flittering in his eyes. "How did the talk with your parents go?” I asked.
He brushed a strand of hair from my face and tuck it behind my ear, “They got the shock of their life when I told them we’re getting married.” he said.
“I figured too.”
Who wouldn’t be? We’d been together for less than a month and already the talk about marriage. It was too quick, I agreed, but taking into account our history, and the fact that we loved each other to bits, why bother taking it slow? Life is short, take a chance.Marrying Baekhyun was a chance worth taking. He’d be the most wonderful chance I'd ever take.
“Were your parents against it?” I asked.
“Not at all,” he smiled, “In fact, they couldn’t stop bugging me about wanting to meet their daughter-in-law.”
Heart blooming, my cheek flushed and I burst into a shy smile.
His gaze on me softened, filled with warmth and tenderness, “I wish you were there with me.”
“I know.” I heaved a regretful sigh, “I’m sorry I couldn’t go.”
Baekhyun and I were supposed to go on this trip together. I’d even requested for annual leave and it had been approved. But our plan was canceled when my boss called to inform that the company was short of staff and that they needed me at the office.
“It’s alright.” he consoled, “We’ll plan a visit again soon, and we'll visit my grandparents too.”
”Oh yeah!” I chirped.
As usual, my excitement over his grandmother’s house amused him, “Since you are so obsessed with my grandmama’s house-“ he said, hand digging into the pocket of his jeans. My eyes followed the movement of his hand. “This is for you.”
A key.
I looked up from his hand, puzzled, “You’ve passed me your spare key, remember?”
”I know.”
”So? what’s this?”
”I should’ve asked you first before I decided to buy it." he said apologetically, "I hope you are not mad.”
“You bought a house." I deduced. "Where?"
He bobbed his head, ”At Dolphin Island."
I was so speechless I couldn't say a thing.
Baekhyun chuckled at my astonishment, "It's a villa just a few blocks away from my grandparent’s beach house.”
Still speechless...
“I thought it would be great to have our own place to stay whenever we visit.” he said, “In the future when we have kids, we should bring them along too.”
Overwhelmed with joyful emotions, I enveloping him in a big tight hug and kissed both sides of his cheek. He shook in laughter against me, burying his face in my neck.
”How many kids do you want?” I pulled back to ask, likingthis conversation about our future.
He shrugged, “Doesn’t matter to me. As long as it’s ours, I’m happy.”
"Why do you have to be so perfect, Mr. Byun?"
My words pleased him very much that he smirked, “Can't help that I'm born this way, Mrs. Byun."
"Mrs. Byun huh?"
"Soon to be," he said surely, "Let's go tell yourbrother now."
"Right now?"
"Right now." Baekhyun asserted, backing away from me.
Before he took my hand and pulled me away with him, I clenched the sleeve of his sweater and pulled him back to me. "Wait."
He quirked an eyebrow, "Are we waiting til' next Christmas?"
"Promise me that no matter what happens, we'll stay together."
His gaze on me softened. And as a promise, he leaned forward and kiss me on the forehead. “Always and forever.” he vowed.
I smiled up into his beautiful eyes, and as always, feeling fulfilled that  I’d found a lover, a confidant anda home in this man.
“I love you." I whispered earnestly.
For a while, I waited for him to return the three words, but instead, he turned his back to me and walked away.
"Love you?" I repeated.
"Thank you."
Huffing in annoyance, I reached for a washcloth and tossed it to his back. "Asshole."
His steps halted and he looked over his shoulder.
”What?" I said, two brows raising in defiance.
A slow devilish grin spread across his face, “We're screwing like a teenager tonight."
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Christmas Eve-10:30pm
I nodded.
With our hands intertwined, we walked into the sitting room where everyone was gathered. The TV was on and all eyes were fixed on the screen. Hana, seated in between my parents, was first to notice our appearance and her eyes drifted down to our hands before she looked back at us. Confused, she nudged her elbows on my mum and dad's arms and nodded in our direction. My parents looked clueless as well.
Soyeon was next to lift her head from Chanyeol's shoulder and looked at us. Once she understood what's going on, she turned to the man next to her. Chanyeol was unaware and she smacked him hard across his arm, causing his body to jump in complete shock, eyes widened.Baekhyun chuckled next to me and I tried my best to hold my laughter.
"What was that for?" Chanyeol whined, frowning at her.
She grinned, grabbing his face and turned his face towards us.
Tension permeated the air now that everyone was staring at us, eagerly and anxiously waiting for our announcement. This was more nerve-wracking than I imagined it would be.
”Chanyeol,” Baekhyun started. “You are like a family to me and I know years ago I’ve made a promise to you that I will never date your little sister.”
There’s a momentary silence that caused my heart slammed harder against my ribcage. I squeezed his hand tighter and held my breath.
“I’m sorry I have to break that promise now.”
Chanyeol frowned, his eyes shifting from Baekhyun to me, and then to Baekhyun again, “What are you talking about?”
“I love your sister, Chanyeol. I've loved her for a very long time now. And I-“
“You sick bastard.” my brother’ voice roared across the room as he rose from the couch, his hands fisting on his sides.
Taken aback by his anger, everyone in the room turned wide-eyed. Never had I ever seen my brother this furious before, it's as if he was possessed.
My brother’s tall figure prowled towards us until he stood face to face with Baekhyun, his jaw clenched and his glare at Baekhyun was menacing. Panic rippled through me when he had Baekhyun by his throat. My body acted on reflex and I moved to step in between the two male, “You should calm down, Chanyeol.” I confounded, pressing my palm to his chest.
“Get the hell out of my way.” he barked, scaring me so much that I flinched away.
Suddenly I was standing behind Baekhyun's back as he lunged forward on my defense, “Don't you dare talk to her like that ever again." he warned, tension vibrating from his body.
When I peered through his shoulder, Soyeon was already standing close to my brother, one hand resting on his shoulder, “Hey, you really need to calm down.”
"Shut the fuck up." he snapped, riping her hand away roughly.  
My jaw clenched and I was about to step in to defend my best friend, but Baekhyun held me back. My eyes instinctively searched for my parents, but I was bewildered when I found out how unbothered they seemed to be. My mum had his arms tangled around my sister, while my dad was lying back with his legs and arms crossed.
"Are you guys just going to sit there watch?" I chastised, frowning deeply at them.
Three of them shrugged.
Annoyed by their lack of concern, I huffed and glanced back at Soyeon. From the fury in her eye, I knew she wasn't going to let my brother get away so easily.
I was right.
Her next move sucked the soul out of me. I had no idea where did the glass of water in her hand came from, everything happened too quickly, the next thing I knew, my brother had water splashed all over his face.
My brother looked completely lost, but in a jiffy, he returned to being enraged again.
I thought I heard Baekhyun sniggered but maybe I heard it wrong because when I looked at him, his expression was still tense.
“What the hell is your problem?” Chanyeol growled.
Urged by the need to stop the fight before it turned nastier, I pushed past Baekhyun and marched towards the couple. As I reached, Soyeon had this knowing smile spreading across her face, then out of the blue, she announced,
“I am pregnant."
Chanyeol blinked in perplexity, then he leaned forward and whisper in her ear, “Babe, that’s not part of the script.”
"I know it's not in the script, but I'm really pregnant," she whispered back.
They probably thought I couldn't hear them but I could, and I was confused. 
“What are you talking a-”
Chanyeol’s word was being cut short by my mom's dramatic entry, “Did you just say you're pregnant?"
Soyeon turned to my mum with a smile and a nod.
"Oh my god!" she shouted in victory as he looked over to my dad's side, "We're having a grandchild, honey."
"Congratulations." Hana and Dad said concurrently.
"Thank you."
However, Chanyeol wasn’t fully convinced yet. He took a step closer and stared down skeptically at his girlfriend, “Are you joking? Because if you are, babe, that’s cruel.”
She giggled, “I’m not joking, darling. there’s a baby in here.” she convinced, rubbing her palm over her belly, “Our baby.”
With his lips falling agape, Chanyeol stared down at her stomach, then back at her face. Their eyes locked and there’s this silent conversation going on between them before Chanyeol finally believed. An elated smile spread across his face. In one rapid motion, Soyeon was in his arm as he lifted her feet off the ground and spun her around. She clung to his neck and squealed with delight. As he lowered her down, he cupped her tiny face in his big hands, "I fucking love you, Jung Soyeon." he whispered before leaning down to kiss her lips.
The sight of their happiness warmed me through and through. It was such a beautiful distraction that for a moment I'd completely forgotten about the chaos we had earlier. Now that I remembered, I twisted my head around to look at Baekhyun for an answer.
And there he stood, arms crossing over his chest as he gazed at me with that signature smirk resting on his lips.
That was when I realized I'd been fooled.
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Christmas Eve-11:38pm.
The eventful gathering ended with me jokingly threatening my family that they were not invited to my wedding. And for some reason, Baekhyun was under a wrong impression that I was changing my mind about wanting to marry him. As a form of retaliation for the prank he pulled on me, and also because I was enjoying his panic very much, I decided to remain silent.
As we bimbled down the pathway in a quiet park, I ignored him for a good ten minutes. For that good ten minutes, he talked and he couldn't stop. It was until he pulled the 'I saved your life'card on me that I finally spoke up. Partly because a tiny fraction of me felt guilty, but mostly because I loved him so much that ignoring him became such a difficult task.
We spent the next twenty minutes strolling around the park with him chattering away and memostly listened. This place used to be our playground when we were both young.
When we walked past a bench under a willow tree, I remembered having a crush on him for the first time there.
And then, I led him up the bridge over a water lilies pond in the center of the park. There, we stood behind the railing and stared out into the calm water.
Eight years ago, on the same day and right at the very same spot, was the day I knew I loved him.
That was why I decided to take him here tonight because when the clock stroke twelve, I was going to propose to him. The idea had been stuck in my head since the day he saved me from the fire. It was my Christmas gift for him and also my way to repay him for all the good things he had done for me.
"It's getting cold sweetheart, should we go now?" he asked, huddling closer to me.
I stared down at my wristwatch that said two minutes before midnight, “Let’s stay here just for a bit."
”We can come back in the morning when it’s not freezing, I don'twant you to get sick.” he advised, adjusting the scarf around my neck.
”Just one more minute.”
”Fine. One minute and I’m dragging you away.”
I nodded and started counting backward from sixty. When I reached zero, I turned to his side. Slowly, I lowered myself on one knee and looked up.
His brows furrowed as he dropped his gaze to me, “Wha-”
“You are my best friend, Baekhyun. Always and forever will be.” I said and inhaled deeply. “I loved you since I was fourteen and that feeling never stopped growing...I doubt it will ever stop because you are too perfect you made it so hard not to love you...You are too perfect that sometimes I get worried I’ll never be enough for you.”
I smiled shyly, feeling vulnerable and a little frightened, but, they eased away as Baekhyun gazed down at me with a growing tenderness that calmed me.
“I know you deserve all the best in the world, but I’m nowhere near that. And I know that I will never pass as a good wife material because I can’t cook and will likely burn the house if I tried.” I said, scoffing at my own words.
While watching him chuckled at my confession, I tucked my hand into the pocket of my coat.
“There’s nothing I can give you other than me and my promise to love you forever as long as I’m living...and I am not sure whether that’s good enough for you, but if it is,” pulling my hand out, I held the ring up to him. “Will you take me as I am and marry me, Byun Baekhyun?”
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A/N: Hiiii, thank you for reading even though it’s so lenghty! That’s chapter 5-8 combined. I hope you enjoyed it! I personally love the part where she proposed 💕 It’d be nice if you could leave your thoughts in my ask!! Thank you💕😚
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ichigopanhpff · 4 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 23
Read Ch. 22 | Masterlist
Okay I lied. I misremembered where I left off. The next 3 chapters are fillers in between what’s canon in the comics.
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“He did what now?!”
“Don’t make me repeat it,” Ren groaned and hid her face in her arms.
With U.A. on a short break before the mandatory internships start, Ren, Tomoe and Seri finally found time to hang out in their secret hideout. It was the only place they could go without anyone hearing their conversation. Even though it was freezing cold outside, a small campfire was made to keep the three warm.
“Tomoe, it’s hunting time,” Seri darkly blurted out and took her talons out.
“No! No hunting!” Their pink-haired friend immediately jumped out of her seat, her hand held up to stop them.
“How about maiming?” Tomoe suggested with an evil grin.
“Do absolutely nothing that would cause him bodily harm!” she nervously instructed.
“You’re no fun,” her owl-faced friend pouted and retracted her claws.
“It’s not a matter of fun. Aizawa’ll kick my ass three ways to Sunday,” she solemnly pointed out.
The tawny brown haired girl grabbed a Pocky stick left over from the holiday party and clamped one between her teeth.
“So what’re you gonna do?” she asked and took a bite of the chocolate biscuit.
“Move out of the dorm and back to you guys?” Ren half-jokingly thought out loud.
“You’d trouble Todoroki-kun if you did,” Seri pointed out. “The real question is how do you feel about him?”
“I...” Ren sat back down on the log and crossed her arms over her chest, really thinking about it. “He… makes me calm.”
“Calm is good,” Tomoe noted.
“He’s also very observant and makes a lot of effort in trying to help the people around him, even though he doesn’t seem to be the type to trust easily.”
“Does he make you happy though?”
“As happy as I get.”
“That doesn’t help.” Seri rubbed her forehead, unable to fathom how one of her best friends could be so emotionally dense with all that intelligence. “Has he done anything for you lately that’s touched your heart?”
“He let me meet his mom at the hospital and took me to a dog cafe after he overheard me talking about Skye.”
Ren’s two friends made eye contact, one just as shocked as the other upon hearing that bit of information.
“Damn, the competition won’t last at this point,” Tomoe muttered out.
“Competition?” She turned to look at her tall, spiky friend. “What are you talking about?”
“She doesn’t know,” Seri noted with a smirk. “It’s actually cute.”
“Know what?” The pink haired girl was beginning to get agitated. “Who on this goddamn campus hit their head and decided to have doki-doki feels for me?”
“Should we say?” The hedgehog girl enquired loudly to her owl-friend.
“I’m not sure.”
“Hey!” Ren shouted with thinning patience. “I’m right here and don’t appreciate you two having a conversation without me!”
“Ren-Ren, look,” Seri started and took a breath. “There are a lot of people on this campus who have ‘doki-doki’ feelings for you,” she explained and used finger quotes on the descriptor. “You’re just oblivious to them.”
“Or maybe they’re too subtle,” Tomoe hypothesized. “Ever since the festival, you’ve gotten a lotta attention from other classes.”
Ren could only groan out loud again.
“I don’t care about them. I only care about what I’m gonna say to Todo-kun,” she blurted out and held her head in her hands. “I rather take on a villain and beat them to the ground with an inch of my life rather than deal with this.”
“We can give you as much advice as you want, but nothing will change unless you talk with him,” the white-haired girl reasoned. “Peel off the band-aid and put your hypothetical balls to the wall.”
Knowing her friends were right, they decided to put the fire out before teleporting back to the main campus. The three entered 1-A, only to see a stack of large boxes by the doorway.
“Oh senpai!” Iida greeted. “These packages came for you while you were out.”
“But I didn’t order any–Oh sweet baby All-Might, no.”
She buried her face into her palms, mumbling something inaudible while shaking her head slowly.
“It’s that time of year again.” Seri held a worrying hand to her cheek, sighing out loud and felt drained all of a sudden.
“What are you guys talking about?” Midoriya asked only to see two completely dejected upperclassmen like they had their souls sucked out.
“The shackles of the elite upper class,” Tomoe summarized and pointed to the aforementioned boxes with her thumb.
“But I’m not elite or upper class!” Ren jolted back up. “It’s my mom’s position that lets people believe otherwise!”
“What does your mom do, senpai?” Kirishima asked.
“She’s a translator at the embassy. Her quirk, Polyglot, let’s her understand and speak every language on this planet.”
“Whoa, that’s so cool!” Uraraka boasted.
“But what does it have to do with the ‘shackles’ over there?” the green haired boy pointed to the stack of flat cardboard boxes.
“Every year, the embassy has a holiday party with powerful government people,” Tomoe explained. “And since they made it a family friendly event, spouses and kids are invited.”
“More like they just want to show us off as their trophies and brag about our accomplishments like it’s their own,” Seri venomously spat out with a glowering stare at the boxes. “They can kindly go kick rocks and fuck themselves.”
“I already told my mom I wasn’t going this year, but she insisted,” Ren huffed out angrily and rolled her eyes. “Because a ‘future hero should build up a good network.’ Those parties are always so boring and stuffy. I swear she just wants me to go half the time so she could play matchmaker to me. It’s just–”
She let out an audible shudder that vibrated throughout her entire body.
“And the dresses...” Ren continued with a look of sheer horror on her face and glanced over at the towering behemoth. “I just… I can’t...” she choked out, suddenly remembering all her past traumatic experiences with fitting sessions.
“Okay, the past few years may have been poor choices on her behalf–” Tomoe defended only to be cut off by Seri.
“I wouldn’t necessarily call a small piece of sparkly fabric held together by one thin string ‘poor choice’, Tomoe,” Seri flatly said.
“I had stripper dust on my back for weeks even with just trying it on,” she groaned at the memory and wished to push it back down into the depths of her subconscious. “I’m not looking forward to this.”
“Well, let’s open the boxes together and see,” Yaoyorozu suggested. “Perhaps they’re not so bad this time.”
Reluctant to agree, Iida and Midoriya helped gather the packages and laid them down on the floor in the common area. They opened it one by one and Ren physically felt blood push up her throat upon seeing the first dress. It was a fully sequined high collared ball gown in crimson red with matching high heel stilettos. There were ruffles where there weren’t supposed to be and sequins could be found on every inch of the bodice.
“So sparkly!” Uraraka gushed.
“Burn it,” Ren darkly growled. “Next.”
The next dress was a midnight blue in an A-line cut. The dress had a very deep v-neck line in the bodice area, only held together by a thin mesh material in-between and the back.
“Throw it into space. Next.”
“Your mom sure has… very outgoing taste,” Yaoyorozu slowly commented, choosing her words carefully.
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘gaudy’, Yao-Momo.”
“Well, I don’t want to be impolite...”
“It’s as gaudy as they come,” the three upperclassmen simultaneously stated.
Opening up the next box, Uraraka pulled out a strapless sparkly pink ruched bodice dress with a leg slit that sat right below the hip bone. Even the gravity girl was blushing madly.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she groaned in English.
Ren took her phone out from her pocket and dialed a number without even seeing the last two dresses. The line on the receiver picked up.
“Courier. Now. Or I burn them all,” she growled out in Japanese.
“But you haven’t even–”
“Courier. Or. Fire.” She repeated with emphasis on each word. “Your choice.”
“At least let me see you try them on,” the woman on the other line bargained. “It’ll make dear ol’ mom happy.”
“Y’know, just because you couldn’t wear them when you were my age–”
“Are you saying I’m projecting, dear daughter? After everything I’ve done for you?”
Ren’s shoulders froze in place, inwardly groaning.
Now she’s done it.
“Just...” She rubbed her temples in a circular motion with her thumb and squeezed her eyes shut. “Give me five minutes to set up the video call.”
She ended the call and slumped over the couch to muffle her screaming.
“She went dark on you?” Tomoe asked the obvious.
The flustered pink haired girl turned her head to the side for some air and flatly answered, “Almost.”
Dragging herself away from the couch, she asked Uraraka to help her with the dresses and went into the girls public bathroom.
“She’s not gonna flush them down the toilet, is she?!” Jiro exclaimed.
“The sequins would clog up the pipes.” Seri’s stoic commentary made her sound like this was something she knew from first-hand experience.
“Lange-senpai, what did you mean by ‘dark’ before?” Midoriya asked.
“You guys remember how Ren-Ren was when she beat Bakugou in the video game?” Tomoe reminded.
“Don’t bring shit up from the past,” the mentioned blond boy grumbled out and rested his face in his palm.
“Yeah… Imagine that in the ‘mom’ version.”
All the boys sitting in the common area thought about their respective mothers. Their eyes immediately went wide as the aura of hopeless seeped out. Their stream of consciousness slowly faded from existence.
“Ren-senpai, we sympathize,” majority of the boys all dejectedly huffed out a long sigh. A sudden burst of echoing laughter came from the girl’s bathroom, recognizing it as Uraraka’s.
“You’re laughing too much!” Ren’s quivering voice shouted.
“But—But–” Sputtering of tittering replaced her words instead.
“Seri, is the call set up?” she shouted.
“We hear you loud and clear, sweetheart,” the voice on the speaker phone echoed.
“Let’s get this crap over with.”
Ren trudged out of the bathroom wearing the first dress, trying to gather what she could of the fluffy fabric so she didn’t trip on it. Her face looked like how Bakugou’s was at the podium from the Sports Festival. A roaring fit of laughter filled the silence of the common room as she stood stationary, shaking from anger and embarrassment as she flipped them off with both hands.
The dress, for a lack of better words, made her look like a Mama at a brothel; all she was missing were the gaudy makeup and a cigarette in her mouth.
“Oh! Put the shoes on! I wanna see the full outfit!”
Letting out an audible growl, she roughly dropped the heels on the wooden floor with a clatter and gingerly stepped into them. Her mom squealed with delight on the call.
“How does it fit?!”
“Sequins are digging into every part of my skin like spikes and it hurts like my soul,” she deadpanned.
“Turn around. I wanna see the back.”
Throwing her head back and slumping her shoulders, Ren awkwardly turned with the 5-inch stilettos. She yelped aloud and tripped on part of the fabric from being caught on the jeweled part of her dress, subsequently falling flat on her butt with a muffled thud.
“Senpai! Please stop!” Jiro wheezed out between her fits of laughter and nearly rolled off her seat. “I can’t breathe!”
“Ren-Ren, you look like a clown’s mirror ball!” Tomoe blurted out loudly and fell over the armrest of the couch.
Angrily kicking the shoes off, Ren clumsily got herself off of the floor, slipping over the unnecessarily copious amount of fabric on her person while hissing audible profanities. She stomped back into the bathroom as everyone continued laughing. Uraraka stumbled along not too far behind to help her out of the dress.
“Why are they laughing? I thought she looked beautiful,” Ren’s mom blurted out.
“I think your definition of the word differs from theirs, Aunt Victoria,” Seri replied between her own suppressing giggles.
A shuffle of fabric could be heard at the far end of the hall, with Ren coming out wearing the midnight blue dress with her black bra showing itself through the mesh fabric. Her face was flushed from the commotion and embarrassment. The previous laughter was replaced with approving awes from the girls and furiously blushing faces from the boys.
“That… looks really good on you, senpai,” Kirishima praised with flushed cheeks, his red eyes unable to peel away. “You look… beautiful.”
“You’re supposed to wear that without the bra, honey,” her mom pointed out.
“Like hell I’m gonna take it off with perverts around!” she barked back at the camera on the phone, fuming.
Sensing a sudden disturbing force, Ren turned to her left and saw Mineta launching himself at her from one of the couches. The small sticky boy seemed to have been unable to contain himself anymore.
“Entrust me with your boob--” he shouted with a trail of drool coming from his mouth, only to have his lecherous face catch her hard right hook followed by launched quills from Tomoe to stick him to near the top corner end of the wall. Sero huffed a quick sigh and restrained the small boy with his tape.
“Good to see your reflexes haven’t dulled, Ren-Ren,” Seri remarked.
“Who do you think you’re talking to?”
“You really need to learn restraint, Mineta,” the boy huffed out.
“You should wear this one, Ren. It really shows off your figure.”
“This thing is half mesh and I’m freezing,” she complained and visibly shivered. “I can’t even think about moving in this thing without thinking about flashing side boob!”
“Which is perfect for some young gentleman to lend you his jacket at the party,” her mom fantasized dreamily over the line. “Just think of the possible–”
“Cut the call, Seri,” she coldly blurted out as she walked back to the bathroom.
“You’re so cruel! Doing that to your own mother!”
Ruffling the back of her hair, Ren stared down her next opponent: the pink bodice dress. It’s not that she minded wearing dresses, she just wished they weren’t so… form-fitting. And it’d show her scar. Uraraka came from behind to help her out of the dress carefully and prepared the next one.
“I really like the blue one, senpai,” she gushed.
“Then you wear it,” she blurted out and paused. She then slowly turned to her assistant with a sly grin, like a wolf cornering its prey.
“S-Senpai?” she quivered with fear in her eyes. “W-What are you doing?”
A high pitched scream echoed from the bathroom, making everyone jump out of their seats. The girls ran in to check the commotion, only to come back out moments later with matching grins.
“Is everything okay in there?” Midoriya asked with worry.
“Oh, it’s fantastic,” Ashido drawled out with a wink at the confused boy before returning to her seat.
“I’m so getting video of this,” Jiro mumbled out with excitement while setting up her phone camera.
First came Ren in the form-fitting pink dress, clearly flustered at the garment. She was trying her best to pull the slit close by grabbing it with her left hand so she didn’t flash anyone while walking. Her right arm covered her chest and shoulder scar; they looked like they were ready to fall out of the strapless dress due to the tightness of the band. The apparel literally left nothing to the imagination as it hugged every part of her. Feeling no one behind her, she darted back into the bathroom to drag Uraraka out.
“Noooo, senpai! Pleassseee!” Uraraka desperately pleaded while clinging onto dear life at the wall.
“Hey, if I’m making a fool out of myself with this, so will you!”
She used her full strength to pull the brown haired girl out from the confines of the bathroom. She stumbled out with flushed cheeks, wearing the blue gown Ren had on before. The boys were rendered speechless looking at them, some even looked away out of shyness. Bakugou could only stare at Ren wide-eyed, never realizing her body was that curvy.
“That dress fits Ochaco-chan so much better,” Seri approved and lightly blushed.
“’Cus she has the better boobs for it,” Ren blurted out, making the latter party yelp and cover up their chest out of shyness. “What do you think, Midoriya? Doesn’t she look good?”
The green-haired boy’s face was glowing red, with steam coming out of his ears as he whimpered and stuttered, unable to form any sort of wording.
“Ren-senpai, I never realized your butt was that big,” Jiro noticed, prompting her to put her hands behind there to hide it in failure. She wished she could sprout arms out like Shoji and cover up her entire being.
“Why do you think I always wear baggy clothes?!” she huffed out at the purple haired girl, her face flushing bright red before turning back to the camera. “And mom! Why did you even think this was a good idea?! I look like someone looking for a sugar daddy in this thing!”
“With that butt, I’ll give you all the sugar you need,” Mineta cooed out lustfully, only to be silenced the instant Seri and Tomoe launched their respective projectiles at him.
“Sleep now,” Seri’s eyes glowed yellow at the tied up boy and instantly knocked him out.
“I mean, it’s not necessarily a bad idea at the party–” her mom teased.
Her daughter silently glared and pursed her lips into a fine line, crossing her arms over her chest and tapped her feet impatiently.
“Are you done?” Ren flatly asked, clearly not amused with the selection of attires.
“I guess we are,” her mom pouted. “Are you sure you don’t wanna keep any of–”
“I’ll offer them to the Fire Gods as tribute and you’ll lose any hopes of a refund on your credit card.”
“Point taken.”
“Yao-Momo, Kyoka, can you help us get outta this stuff?”
Yaoyorozu placed a hand on the small of Ren’s back to escort her to the bathroom to change. She did a really awkward shuffle with the balls of her feet, like she really needed to pee.
“I seriously cannot move a muscle in this thing,” she muttered out within an earshot.
“Ochaco-chan, come on.” The tomboy musician helped her floaty friend back up on her feet and brought her back to change.
“Perhaps the bodycon wasn’t the best idea, Aunt Vicky,” Tomoe commented.
“I thought it’d look nice with her figure,” the woman pouted. “What did the boys think?”
“Well...” Seri trailed off and turned the phone camera over to the couches where they were sitting. They were all practically blushing from ear to ear, avoiding eye contact with everyone; Kaminari and Sero both crossed their legs suspiciously. Bakugou glared away, covering the lower half of his face with his hand as an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
The girls reemerged in their regular clothing a short moment later.
“I’m gonna be picking sequins out of my butt for the next week,” Ren grumbled out, wearing an annoyed expression and gently reached out to grab her phone from Seri’s hand. “Satisfied?”
Her mom heavily sighed on the other line. “Not my best choices, it seems.”
“You don’t say,” her daughter sarcastically replied and jutted her hip out when she rested her hand on top of it.
“Just be sure to get something to wear in the next three days, okay? I’ll get a courier to pick that stuff up.”
“I’m gonna wear a sleeping bag,” Ren joked.
She ended the call and placed the device back in her pocket, heaving a heavy sigh. “Sorry you had to see that, guys.”
“I… don’t think they’re going to answer anytime soon, Ren-Ren.” Tomoe cocked her head in the general direction of all the dumbfounded and stunned boys. “You gave ‘em quite a show.”
Ren emerged from the elevator to the common room dressed in a black and white jumpsuit with a draped black blazer on top on the evening of her mom’s embassy holiday party. Her hair was styled back with a bit of volume and her makeup consisted of black eyeliner, voluminous mascara and dark red lipstick. It was simple but dramatic enough to catch everyone’s eye. Just to be on the safe side, she adorned her bangles in case anything were to happen. She placed her heels near the door before heading to the couches and draped her peacoat and scarf draped on her arm before placing it on top. As she walked past, the boys caught a whiff of her honeysuckle and rose pedal perfume.
“Senpai, you look hot!” Ashido praised with excitement. “So grown up!”
“You’re not wearing a dress tonight?” Ochaco wondered.
“Jumpsuits are more my speed. Pockets and better mobility,” she explained.
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Moments later, Todoroki came down the stairs in a navy blue suit with a black lapel. He wore a black skinny tie and a crisp white dress shirt underneath the jacket to match the black slacks. His hair was left unstyled.
“Whoa, Todoroki!” Kaminari whistled. “Lookin’ spiffy there, my dude.”
“You have a hot date tonight or somethin’, Todoroki?” Ashido half-joked with a grin.
“I have a function to go in place of my father tonight in Tokyo,” he replied in his usual stoic manner. “Since he’s still recovering from his last fight. Though, I’m sure he’s using it as an excuse.”
“Tokyo? Isn’t that where you’re goin’, Ren-Ren?” Jiro asked.
Before she could answer, her phone in her hand vibrated, notifying her the driver arrived at U.A.’s gate.
“Gotta go kiddies. Stay outta trouble.” Ren hurried to the shoe lockers and grabbed her belongings off the couch before putting her shoes on. “Todo-kun, wanna catch a ride? I’m sure they can drop you off wherever you need to go.”
As they walked to the gate, the click of Ren’s heels filled the silence between the two. Catching the aroma of her perfume in the cold wintry air, it was then he realized how beautiful she looked tonight. Her simple eye makeup made her usual warm hazel-green eyes more striking.
“You look nice tonight,” he softly said. “The clothes suit you.”
“O-Oh. Thanks.” She looked up at Todoroki and gave him a small smile with a light blush on her cheeks. “You clean up nicely yourself.”
They get to the car and see Seri already in the back seat with a black coat with her dark purple dress showing up below and greeted one another. Settling in the middle seat, the boy made sure Ren had enough room when he got in and closed the door.
“Good, you’re on time,” a familiar voice spoke up from the front seat; it was Aizawa.
“Aizawa-sensei,” the dual-hair colored boy greeted. “What are you doing here?”
“For some reason, I got invited to the party at the embassy tonight, so we’re all going together.”
“’We’?” Ren questioned.
“It seems we’re headed to the same place, senpai.”
“At least we won’t be bored, Ren-Ren,” Seri chimed out with a devious smirk, her owl-like eyes gesturing to the boy on her right. She could only inwardly groan and felt her heart rate go up a few beats, remembering the conversation they had a few days ago and the kiss. The drive went by without incident and the party of four reached the embassy safely. Disembarking out of the car, Todoroki opened the door for both Seri and Ren on the other side like the gentleman he was.
The two girls thanked him and headed into the building together. Ren strolled up to the reception desk with purpose. It’s not exactly the most favorite place in the world for her; majority of her childhood were spent here after moving to Japan and waiting on their paperwork to be legal citizens in the country.
“I don’t think we’ve ever had much of a chance to talk, Todoroki-kun,” Seri softly spoke, looking at the back of her friend at the reception desk. “I’d like to ask you something.”
He softly turned and looked down at his petite upperclassman with a curious yet nonchalant gaze.
“What exactly is Ren to you?”
“A senpai. And… a friend.”
“Is that all?” she instigated, earning her a now suspicious stare from Todoroki.
“What do you mean, Kubo-senpai?” His tone was deep and clear like ice.
“She told me what happened with you two after the party the other night. One can only assume you have more than friendship emotions for her.”
His hetero-chromatic eyes looked down at his leather dress shoes, unable to come up with a proper answer. He swallowed heavily and clenched his teeth, frustrated at his lack of understanding of his own feelings.
“This goes without saying, but Tomoe and I are extremely protective of her. We won’t stand idly by and let someone play with her heart who wanted to give her a kiss on a whim. She’s more sensitive about things than she lets on.”
“It wasn’t on a whim… Nor am I trying to deceive her,” he softly retorted and sighed through his nose. “I’m just… not used to feeling this way with anything.”
“Then I suggest you properly sort it out first before acting,” Seri advised with a harsher tone than she intended. “I don’t wish to see her rejected again.”
“Like with her ex-boyfriend?”
“With Togata-senpai.” The owl girl corrected and sighed. “She may make light of her confession at him, but it hit her hard. Part of it stems from her survivor’s guilt. She thinks she doesn’t deserve to be happy and loved no matter what Tomoe and I say.”
Seri’s yellow owl eyes was crestfallen and looked like she was going to cry. Her hands gradually gathered part of her dark purple dress into her palm.
“I just… I don’t want to see her heart break all over again. She’s come so far.”
Knowing Ren’s history based on recent events, he stayed silent looking at the snow owl girl. What could he say? He had to grow up and face his feelings head on.
“Hey, you two okay?”
Ren’s voice roused them from their conversation and the two faced her wide-eyed. She held two silver colored wristbands in her right hand.
“Never better,” her bird friend answered with a bit more energy than before. Even though she didn’t seem convinced, neither one looked like they wanted to talk about it.
“Party’s at the top floor.” She handed each of them their wristbands to put on before walking past the lobby and toward the elevators.
“Where’s Aizawa-sensei?” the boy asked.
“He went on ahead to talk with some government officials about some hush-hush stuff.”
The ding of the elevator doors gave them permission to enter and found a security guard inside to guide them to the proper floor. The lift stopped once more and brought them to their destination. The three walked down the wide carpeted hallway slowly leading to the ballroom.
“Who do you think we’ll see there?” Seri wondered aloud.
“Probably the Preppy Posse,” Ren groaned and placed her left index finger on her temple, already feeling an oncoming headache in having to deal with them. “They’d never miss a party like this to schmooze and booze.”
“’Preppy Posse’?” Todoroki asked.
“They’re the sons of some of the ambassadors. For a lack of better words, their offsprings are a waste of air and quirks, reeking of privilege who think they’re above the law,” the owl girl summarized.
“They’re more trouble than they’re worth. I’d advise you to stay away from them, Todo-kun,” the rose-gold haired girl stated.
“They’re the types to suck up to powerful people for favors?”
“And Peppermint gets the winning point,” Seri praised.
The three stood at the giant doors and took a breath like they were going in for a boss fight.
“Let’s get this over with and get some ramen after.”
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Make Up Theories_Part 3
Another installment in the Lion and His Lamb series.
To all the women who might not swear by makeup (though we love to use it occasionally...)  (*raises my own hand*)
This is for you.
Part 3
T’Challa was the first to recover, “Sister Y/N…..”  
You fought everything in you to hang your head. Instead your eyes skittered and you drawled, “Yeah?”
“Wait, how long were you here for?”  Shuri asked.
“I just got here. I apologize for being late. I really don’t have an excuse.” you said.
“As long as you are in one piece”, Shuri grinned.
“All pieces present and accounted for”, you shot back. The two of you laughed.
T’Challa smiled at you, “As long as you are safe, it is fine. Do not trouble yourself.”
You nodded but couldn’t help the: “Sorry.”
T’Challa out of habit reached out to put his hand on your head but his hand wavered and he retracted it. You cocked your head. “I don’t want to...disturb anything….” he said by way of explanation.
“Oh, yeah, thanks….” you said before adding, “I think…..”
T’Challa just laughed once. Your gaze shifted to Erik who still had yet to say anything. He had an unreadable expression on his face as he looked at you.
Finally unable to take the scrutinizing you said, “Please don’t let me keep you from your business.”
T’Challa lowered his voice, “I’m on break.”
You leaned closer, “Can the King take a break?”
T'Challa grinned, “Who is going stop me?”
You gave as solemn nod, “Of course, your highness. How could I forget?”
“Your highness….?”
All of you looked up and you had to fight not to groan and slap your forehead. Ayo and Farjari were standing between John and the rest of you. However you were keenly aware when his eyes landed and rested on you. You felt a ripple from Erik and realized he saw the exchange.
T’Challa took a step forward and both Ayo and Farjari fell back though they had their eyes trained on the newcomer. John thrust out his hand and T’Challa took it allowing the man to eagerly pump his hand a time or two before pulling it back.
“I’m John Clayton, CEO of Clayton Enterprises.” In a flash and with a flick of his wrist he pulled out his card from inside his jacket pocket and held it out.
T’Challa inclined his head once and took the card, “I have heard of you and your company Mr. Clayton. 
You looked at Nakia when you felt her shift next to you. She had shifted to stand on her back leg and was frowning at the man. Did she know of him? Looking around you could feel all of them tense at the newcomer. You weren’t sure what was going on but you kept quiet as usual.
You were suddenly glad that you didn’t raise your voice to him. You looked up to see John looking at you with a smile. Erik looked between the two you and you saw the beginnings of a twitch forming. You looked away from John’s piercing blue eyes.
“I’m afraid I didn’t get your name earlier, Ms.....” John said and you don’t know about anyone else but you heard the smugness in his voice.
Erik finally spoke, his voice tight as he asked, “Earlier? What earlier?”
“We met but I think we got off on the wrong foot so I didn’t catch her name.” John explained with a small laugh. He looked at T’Challa, “You have a very nice girlfriend.”
Despite the buzzing chatter around them, a pin drop could be heard.
“Did…” Erik was cut off by T’Challa raising his hand once.
You were actually shocked that Erik didn’t continue.
T’Challa cool demeanor had become quite chilled as his eyes were trained on the man, “Mr. Clayton, she is not my girlfriend. She is his girlfriend.” He pointed at Erik who was glaring at John.
“My apologies!” John thrust out his hand towards Erik but Erik just stared at him. John wavered once before laughing it off and dropping his hand.
John looked back at T’Challa, “Such a stunning woman, I was sure had to be yours.”
Shuri at this point was cringing so hard, “Stop digging your grave colonizer” she muttered and only you caught that.
“First off, I don’t know how it is in America but in Wakanda we don’t own our woman. She is not mine. Second, this is my girlfriend.” T’Challa said holding out his hand behind him.
His eyes warmed as Nakia stepped to his side before chilling again as they looked back at John. John was looking between Nakia and you and it seemed he didn't quite know what to do with that.
Finally he just laughed, “I see. It’s nice to meet you.”
Nakia just nodded once.
John launched into another monologue about….well you weren’t sure you could keep up but it was business related you figured. But everyone could see that John’s eyes could not stop straying to you.
Finally Erik couldn’t take it anymore and reached out and pulled you behind him, “Do you have an eye problem or somethin?”
John looked startled, “No of course not. I have 20/20 vision.”
You could feel Shuri’s slap she gave to her forehead. Since you were safely behind Erik you couldn't help the snort.
Erik breathed hard and finally smiled. John looked a little startled because it seemed to come off as a barring of teeth to him. “I’d appreciate if you stop ogling my girlfriend. It’s disrespectful to oogle another man’s woman. You understand that right?”
Everyone could see the wheels processing in John’s head. Finally he gave a teethy grin, “My apologies.” He looked at T’Challa, “I hope you will consider my proposal, your highness.”
T’Challa gave a curt nod and then John Clayton turned and walked away. Once he was gone, Shuri snatched the card out of her brother’s hand, “As princess, I’m ordering you not to consider that man’s proposal, if for no other reason than we'd have to work with him.”
“Who said I was serious? You know how diplomacy is. Besides, he is not someone we wish to do business with” T’Challa said grimly.
“There are rumors about him”, Nakia said lowering her voice.
“Rumors?” you questioned.
Nakia nodded, “It is said that part of the reason his business is so good is because he deals in sex trafficking. It goes up to government level but no one can prove it. If we can prove it then we’d be able to shut his business down. I’ve been keeping an eye on his company.”
You gave a hiss, “Seriously?”
Nakia nodded and looked at you, “And it’s also said that he has…….how do you say in America.....many sidepieces?”
Erik snorted, “So he’s a man ho?”  
Everyone looked at him.
“What?” Erik snapped and groused, “....the way he was eyeing my girl it’s very clear which brain rules. Couldn’t even have some respect about it either!”
Nakia continued, “Either way, there have been a string of women like a revolving door, if you understand my meaning. However for some reason, no one is able to catch him in the act. Some of the women that came forward…..”
You were uneasy, “....yeah?”
“Well…..they disappeared.”
You blinked, “Disappeared?”
Nakia nodded, “Just disappeared. I mean he covers his tracks so well but I think he has another government helping him. I just….every time I see that man….I wanna….ugh!!!” She balled her fists in front of her and throttled the open air.
T’Challa reached out and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, “Be at peace my love. We will get him one day.”
“He doesn’t sound like a good man”, you murmured.
Erik looked at you then. It took you a moment before you noticed and looked at him, “Wha?”
“What? You wanted him to be a good man?” Erik asked lightly but all of you knew better.
Shuri, T’Challa and Nakia were pointedly looking around like they weren’t hearing this.
“N’Jadaka….” you hissed. “I ain’t gonna play this game with you.”
Erik pouted once before looking you up and down. You followed his eyes, “What?”
Erik shook his head before wordlessly, taking you by the hand and dragging you off. You waved haphazardly to the rest as you pulled through the crowd.
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kpopfanfictrash · 7 years
Iron Crown (IV)
Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: You / Jinyoung
Rating: 18+ (explicit sex)
Genre: Vampire!AU, Royal!AU
Word Count: 9,261
Summary: As the Crown Princess of Vitus, your land has always been peaceful. When your power-hungry Uncle decides to stop paying the tithe though, things take a turn for the worse. The vampires who reside in the mountains are not happy and in retaliation - they set their sights on you.
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“Y/N,” he gasps, forehead bent. Jinyoung’s grip tightens around me. “What have you done to me,” he murmurs.
“Me?” I ask, surprised. He must be able to hear my heart.
He nods back, expression solemn. “Y/N,” Jinyoung hesitates, raising a hand to my face. Pushing aside a strand of hair. “Aren’t you afraid?” he asks, voice quiet.
I stare back at him. Stare at my blood on his lips, the deal I’ve just made. “No,” I whisper, arching upwards. “I am not afraid.”
Jinyoung’s thumb brushes my face, eyes closed while his body stills. There’s a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, one I reach up to now and wipe away. Jinyoung turns at the last second and bites down on my thumb, making me hiss. He lowers his head to suck the blood away, eyes opening lazily to stare at me over the top of my hand.
My heartbeat quickens. His gaze is open, unfocused. Eyes a bright, burning red and I slowly bring my hands up to his face. Brushing the corners of his eyes while staring wonderingly upwards. As I do so, his mouth lifts into a smile. His incisors now back to a normal, human length.
This smile slowly disappears. “You know this isn’t over,” Jinyoung says quietly. “I might be on your side, but there’s still the Coven to convince. There’s still a war to plan, since I doubt your Uncle will have forgotten us.”
I nod. “Probably not. He’ll likely plan another attack – although this time, he’ll have a tougher time convincing Parliament. They’re likely digging in their heels after the last failed battle.”
The corner of Jinyoung’s mouth lifts. “Pity, that.”
When I laugh, the sound surprises me. It’s been so long since I’ve made that noise. Not since my parents died. Even before then, though – my life was an endless circle of meetings, duties, the weight of ruling. The ease with which my Uncle took power undermined my confidence in a way I’ve been loathe to admit. While some people in Parliament protested the shift, far more sat back and did nothing.
This memory makes me wonder what I want, when this is all over. Given the assumption that we win, of course – I’ll be Queen. I’ll have a kingdom, a people – but I’ll leave Jinyoung behind. I stare upwards, fingers sliding to his elbows as I pull him closer. It’s not just him, though – I’d have to leave Jackson’s vibrance, Mark’s reasoning, Jaebum’s stoicism. It’s odd but the past several days spent in Domum have felt more like home than Vitus has in years. It makes me feel – well, it makes me not want to leave.
I must, though. I must go, even if my very body begs me not to. Even as my soul takes root, anchoring me for the first time I can remember. There are things I still need to do, strings which bind me – and I tell myself I can’t leave Vitus.
Jinyoung must see my change in expression, since his hands rise to brush my face. “What?” he murmurs, lowering his head. Kissing me gently before pulling back. “You seem… disappointed.”
“I’m not,” I refute, shaking my head. “I’m very happy.”
Jinyoung’s fingers brush twin pinpricks on my neck, wiping lingering points of blood. He examines me carefully, then returns his gaze to mine. “You don’t seem happy,” he muses. “Unless I’ve been immortal for so long now, that I no longer recognize the emotion.”
His fingers tighten while I continue to stare. “I was just thinking,” I sigh, looking away, “That if you do help me, I will become Queen of Vitus.”
“Hm.” Jinyoung doesn’t react. ‘Would that be such a bad thing?”
I exhale. “I think it would be bad to be away from you.”
Jinyoung doesn’t move, though his gaze darkens. “Ah,” he breathes, tilting my chin to look up. “Once again, you surprise me. I thought you were anxious to leave.”
My eyes widen. “After I kissed you? After I told you I’d stay?”
“With certain caveats,” Jinyoung points out. “Plus, I kissed you first.”
I roll my eyes. “A formality. Trust me, if I didn’t want you kissing me – there would’ve been a very different reaction.”
Jinyoung’s eyes gleam “Oh? Do tell.”
My lips lift. “Not now. Not when I need to think of what to say to your Coven.”
“Mm,” Jinyoung’s hands slide up my waist, pulling me forward. “Normally I’m all for punctuality,” he whispers, scraping his teeth along the edge of my jaw. “But don’t you think planning and scheming can wait – just a little while?”
His lips move to where his teeth were and my eyelids flutter, attempting to regain my thoughts. It’s hard though, when his hands are pulling me forward. When his tongue is so expert and his one leg slides in between my own.
“Jinyoung,” I manage, my hands winding through his hair. “Either you stop kissing me – or resign yourself to not leaving this bedroom for a month.”
Jinyoung pauses, head lifting. His gaze meets mine. “That seems more like an inconvenience for you than for me,” he allows, showing the tips of pointed teeth. “Since my diet exists right here.”
“Jinyoung!” I swat. Unable to control myself when he throws his head back and laughs. Really laughs, eyes crinkled while I watch, wondering about how often this happens.
I recall the story of his maker, of Jinyoung’s human life – and realize probably not often. From what Mark and Jaebum and Jackson said, Jinyoung is the voice of reason. He’s their decision maker, the strategist, a burden which must be tiresome. To always be considering your actions, having no one by your side to share that burden with. For the first time since my arrival, I wonder if Jinyoung is just as lonely as I am.
Yes, I have Youngjae. Yes, Jinyoung has his coven – but each of us carry a burden which sets us apart. That of a ruler, a leader. The longer I stare at him, the more I wish I could share this. That Jinyoung could share this. His thumb strokes over my waist and when he takes a step backwards, he’s still smiling.
“You’re right,” Jinyoung nods. “Jaebum has gathered my sentinels in the Council room – I said I’d meet him at half-past eleven. You should join us, if you truly wish for your plan to work. You’ll need their support before discussing with the Coven.”
I nod, stomach twisting. When I glance at the clock and see it’s nearly midnight, I gasp. “Jinyoung,” I scold, gathering my skirts to rush towards the door. “We’re already late – this is an awful impression to make.”
“I don’t need to make one – I’m their King.”
Jinyoung’s footsteps echo from behind, until he cloaks ahead of me into the hall. He smirks, leading me on while never moving too far away. We pass through wings I’ve never seen before. They look like all the other hallways, though decidedly less decorative. More militaristic, lamps hung with no decoration. The floor remains unpolished, the walls rougher. It seems we’ve descended into the heart of the mountain, further away as a wind sweeps the corridor.
Jinyoung looks over, noticing my shiver and pointedly taking a step closer. “Only a bit more,” he murmurs, nodding up ahead. “In there.”
We arrive at the plain, black door set into the stone of the mountainside. Jinyoung pauses, rapping sharply before pushing it wide open. Jaebum’s face appears, pale in the shadows as his gaze finds first Jinyoung, then myself.
“Y/N,” he straightens. “You’re – here?” Jaebum looks questioningly at Jinyoung, seeming almost angry. “Did you not tell her to leave?”
“I did,” Jinyoung interjects, stepping between us. “I told her, tried to make her – and she offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse.”
Jaebum looks sideways, at me. “Is this true?”
My brows lift, meeting his gaze. “I have something to discuss, if that’s alright.”
Jaebum stares for a moment longer before nodding, slowly stepping back inside. He lets the door open, moving aside as I enter the room. Jinyoung walks in as well, ignoring Jaebum while nodding towards the rest of the vampires present. I move in next, staring blankly while the door thuds shut behind me.
The room is small, filled mostly by a large, round table. It’s half-full, and nearly all present are vampires I recognize. Jackson sits closest to me, smiling widely – before he hastily retracts his fangs, realizing they’re out. Mark is on the other side, hands folded neatly across the table. He nods, the gesture shallow – until a smooth, pale hand slides over his arm.
The owner of said hand smiles, eyes bright and welcoming. Her hair is a pale, golden color with lips of ruby red – the same color as her eyes. Despite her beauty, I can’t help but look at Mark. Mark, who looks towards the woman in a way which softens ever line on his hardened features.
This must be Fallon.
“Fal,” Jinyoung smiles, walking forward. When she stands, he kisses both cheeks. Moving quickly past to sit at the head of the table.
I follow, uncertain what to do when Fallon turns to face me.
“Hello,” she replies softly.
I flush. My cheeks red with shame as I recall Mark and Jinyoung’s information. This woman – Mark’s beloved – was nearly killed by my Uncle when he poisoned the rivers of Amir. Fallon remains smiling though, the corners of her mouth lifted as she holds out her hand.
I take it, shaking as I try very hard not to look at the floor. “I’m sorry,” I say to her, watching Mark stiffen. “I’m sorry about –"
Fallon cuts me off, waving a hand. “It was your Uncle who did this, not you. Don’t take responsibility for faults which aren’t your own,” she adds rather pointedly, throwing a look at Mark.
Mark exhales, looking away and I smile. “All the same,” I say. “I’m sorry it happened.”
“That’s fine,” Fallon nods, frowning slightly. “I’m also sorry it happened.”
My stomach drops, considering the full meaning of her words. People died in Amir – vampires died – ones who might have been her friends. Might have been Mark’s friends, Jinyoung’s friends, I –
A hand reaches over to touch my arm. Jinyoung appears beside me. There’s sadness in his eyes before nodding, covering his hand with my own. Mark sees this and starts, Jaebum stares as well and Jackson – well, Jackson’s jaw nearly hits the floor.
“Holy shit,” he gapes, continuing to stare at Jinyoung.
Jinyoung doesn’t respond. “Shut up,” he mutters, pulling out my chair for me to sit.
I do, folding my hands in a silent imitation of Mark. Jaebum sits down, leaving just Jinyoung to settle beside me. His hand stays on my elbow though, brushing lightly with one fingertip before withdrawing.
The silver metal atop Jinyoung’s head gleams, even as he lowers both palms to the table. “I apologize for being so late.”
Jackson coughs, looking at me. “Doubt it.”
Jinyoung glares until Jackson re-adopts his expression of innocence. “Anyways,” Jinyoung sighs. “I trust Jaebum informed you all of the situation.”
“Yes,” Mark inclines his head. His gaze becomes somewhat hesitant as he says, “I’m sorry to hear about your Uncle. Know you have a place here, should you wish it.”
The room falls silent, broken only by soft breath expelled from my lungs. “Thank you, Mark.”
When he looks back up, his gaze has softened. Whether it’s by my Uncle’s words or the hand still hovering over his arm – I’m unsure. All I know is that I’m grateful, for the five people looking back at me. Five people looking, listening – ones I know will try and help, in any way that they can.
Not just because of Jinyoung, though his presence helps. No, I know they’ll help me because they care. Because the way they look at me is that of friends, not enemies. They’re Jinyoung’s sentries, but also his family. Their care and affection is obvious – it would make me jealous, if they didn’t also look at me the same way.
That’s when I realize this is a room full of outcasts. A room of people who’ve been told they don’t belong – don’t fit in anywhere. Jackson is a noble, but he’s shown me more compassion than anyone I’ve ever me. Mark is a vampire, one whom Jinyoung says values life above all else. Jaebum is cold, but resolute in his loyalty. And then there’s Jinyoung. Beaten, broken, bruised – gone through hell and back – only to show me more understanding than any human ever has in Vitus.
He convinced his coven to hold. To not launch war, even when we attacked him first. He maintains higher morals, higher standards for himself in order to atone for his past. A past where Jinyoung was harmed, hurt and never shown the kind of love he craved. Staring back, my heart swells with emotion. I realize that here, in this chair – this is where I want to be.
“I have an idea,” I say, staring at each of them in turn. “But I’ll need your help.”
The air whistles past my ears, cool and dark as the night around us. The only sounds are that of the valley, muffled through distance and time. It’s past midnight, of this much I’m sure. It was around that time we left the Council room, around that time I was swept down the mountainside with my arms tight about Jinyoung’s neck. I lace them closer now, turning my head to meet Jaebum’s gaze.
He catches this and grins, red eyes bright while running. His figure wavers, disappearing in shadow to reappear once more.
Jinyoung laughs at this, holding me tighter. “Are you trying to scare her?” he tuts, shaking his head.
“Won’t work,” I mutter, smirking at them both. “Jinyoung is twelve times scarier than you are, Jaebum.”
Jinyoung smiles, bending his face to nuzzle against the side of my head. “Good.”
“And Mark is scarier than both of you combined.”
“What?” Jinyoung’s head snaps up. “Mark is the gentle one! He convinced me that humans were kin, not food. If it weren’t for him –"
“Yes,” I interrupt, tapping his nose. “You’re very scary, King of the Volucri.”
Jinyoung looks downright outraged, even as Jaebum laughs. Slowing somewhat to jog beside us. “I just wanted,” Jaebum hesitates, eyes roaming through the forest before us. “To say I’m sorry. I was arrogant, rude when I kidnapped you. I assumed things based on your title, but the life you’ve led has been difficult. I’m sorry for making light of that.”
“That’s alright,” I nod, looking back. “I understand.”
Jaebum falls silent as we continue. The city becomes larger and larger, castle looming as we start to descend. Fire flickers in the streets, contained to glass lamps hung over various shops and buildings. We’ve moving so fast, I almost don’t see the sign as we enter. To the right of the road, posted in iridescent ink, reads:
Recruitment: join the Vitus Military!
Keep our homes safe from the demons of the night.
Don’t let your family be the next to fall victim to their fangs.
– Lord Protector of Vitus –
My lips tighten and I see Jaebum’s head turn. He looks first at Jinyoung before nodding, veering off to the right. Jaebum’s arm snaps out and breaks the sign. It falls, muffled by the quick grasp of his wrist. We continue to run, passing darkened streets and sidelong alleys. There’s a reason I picked Jinyoung and Jaebum tonight. They’re both able to cloak, which means that when we near the gates of the castle – we disappear into thin air.
This was something tested before leaving. Jinyoung held onto me, disappearing safely with me in his arms. It was remarkable, the first time it happened. He said he’d heard stories, tales of vampires who could cloak and take other people with them – but had never tried it himself. There was no one he trusted enough, no one willing to try it with.
Jackson pouted at this, of course. “What about me?” he whined. “You didn’t want to try with me?”
Jinyoung just rolled his eyes and disappeared, reappearing with me once more. “Well,” Jinyoung smiled, looking down at me held safely in his arms. “I guess it works.”
We disappear again now. Cloaking to appear on the other side of the castle walls. I know this place, I know its guards and schedules. I know the weaknesses and strengths and I guide Jinyoung and Jaebum to the portion of the wall which I know won’t be well-guarded this time of night. I suppose I’m taking a risk, assuming my Uncle hasn’t changed the schedule, but he luckily hasn’t. We appear on the other side before disappearing, catching only a glimpse of an empty side yard.
I exhale, recognizing the castle staircase solidifying around me. Blocks of stone and marble appear as Jinyoung pauses on the steps. “Jaebum,” he murmurs, waiting until Jaebum wisps into shape beside him.
“Here,” Jaebum nods, glancing upwards. “Are you ready?”
I nod. “Yes,” I say, grip tightening around Jinyoung’s cloak.
We disappear, reappearing in a familiar hallway as I slide slowly down from Jinyoung’s arms. Taking a step forward, my heart beating rapidly while I continue to stare at the known, wooden door.
“It will be fine,” Jinyoung murmurs. His hand leaves mine as he takes a step backwards, disappearing into the shadows were Jaebum already stands. “I’ll be listening for you to say my name.”
I nod, tearing my gaze away and pushing open the door. A thin strip of light falls forward, crossing over the beams of moonlight. I shut the door as softly as I can. Walking forward to stare at my brother, fast asleep on his bed.
“Youngjae,” I whisper.
He moves, just slightly. As I cross to the side, dropping to my knees – my hand shakes as I reach for him. I can’t believe I’m here. That I’m seeing him, that’s he’s safe and whole and sound – when I touch his arm, he opens his eyes.
Youngjae bolts upright. Barely pausing a moment before pushing his covers aside to pull me forward. Crushing me into a hug, one which makes it hard to breathe but I don’t care. I’m hugging back, arms around his neck as I try and fail to contain the tears in my eyes.
“Youngjae,” I gasp, breaking away. I stare back at him, nearly laughing for happiness. “You’re okay.”
“Me?” Youngjae breathes, throwing his legs over on side. He looks at the closed door behind me. “You were the one kidnapped,” he exhales. “You were the one taken. I – I’ll never forgive myself for not being there. For not stopping them – I tried, I swear I did.”
I nod. “I know, I was trying to get to you too. It doesn’t matter,” I sigh. “We don’t have much time and there have so many things we need to discuss.”
Youngjae’s gaze turns wary, as he once more glances at the door. “Y/N,” he says slowly. “How did you get here? How did you escape?”
I pause long enough for him to grow suspicious.
“Y/N,” Youngjae repeats, eyes narrowing. “What’s going on?”
“Okay.” I place my hands on his arms, forcing him to stare back at me. “I need you to stay calm.”
“That’s never a great way to start,” Youngjae grumbles. “But fine. I’ll try to stay calm.”
I release the breath I’ve been holding. “I was brought here by them, by the Volucri.”
Before I can say anything more, Youngjae is standing. Pushing me aside to grab the dagger from his bedside table. I notice it then– stupid of me, why didn’t I see it before? – the smooth metal laced with shimmering powder, a trace of Lilith on it’s blade. I lunge to grab it but Youngjae turns at just the wrong moment. His dagger moves, slicing across my forearm to draw blood.
I gasp, stumbling backwards to clutch my arm.
Youngjae appears shocked, eyes wide with horror as he moves forward – stopping suddenly when Jinyoung materializes between us. The King of the Volucri hisses, dropping into a crouch to shield me from Youngjae. I can’t see around him, but I know that Jinyoung’s eyes must be a brilliant shade of red. Jinyoung pushes me backwards, facing off with my brother as my stomach drops to the floor.
“Jinyoung, no!” I gasp, pushing against him but it’s no use – his arms are made of steel, stone and he doesn’t budge. I’m panicking, feeling the moment start to slip through my fingers and hit his back again – but then I stop, realizing that no one’s moving.
I peer over the top of Jinyoung’s elbow.
By the bed stands Youngjae. Moonlight illuminates his features, and his blade is held loosely in one hand. He’s staring at Jinyoung not with anger – but with recognition. There’s confusion there, and something more as his gaze finds mine.
Jinyoung seems then, to recognize that I’m not in danger. Realizing that Youngjae didn’t intentionally hurt me, he slowly straightens himself. Still not moving from before me, but some of the tension disappears from the room.
Youngjae continues to look confused. “You’re standing in front of her,” he observes.
Jinyoung pauses, then nods.
“You’re standing in front of her,” my brother repeats, gaze sliding to mine. “Which means you’re protecting her from – from me?” Youngjae’s expression drops. “She’s bleeding, but you don’t seem to notice.”
Ah. I brush my hand against the side of Jinyoung’s neck until he finally looks back at me. He nods, begrudgingly, hesitatingly stepping aside. As I walk forward there’s a ripping noise, the sound of cloth torn from fabric and Jinyoung softly thrusts a bundle in my arms.
“Thank you,” I murmur, wrapping the cloth around the cut. It’s shallow and the bleeding is already stopping. When I reach Youngjae, I sigh. “This is Jinyoung,” I explain, nodding. “My friend.”
From the corner of my eye, the side of Jinyoung’s mouth lifts.
Youngjae doesn’t see this though, continuing to stare while lowering the dagger to his side. “A vampire?” he asks, brow furrowed. “But – they kidnapped you.”
I nod, trying to remain as gentle as possible – even though I know there’s little time. “They did,” I murmur. “Trust me, I was as angry as you. Maybe more so. But these people,” I say, ignoring Youngjae’s start of surprise, “have not harmed me. What’s more, they’ve been kind. Generous. Youngjae,” I explain, gaze level. “The Volucri are not the enemy here.”
Youngjae’s eyes move from me to Jinyoung, then back again. “No?” he asks, sounding unconvinced. “Then what are those two bite marks on your neck?”
I flush, pulling my collar up. “That’s beside the point. Youngjae – listen to me.”
Glowering, Youngjae stares at Jinyoung while clutching his dagger tighter. “I’m trying,” he says angrily. “It’s difficult though, when there’s a fucking monster here sucking your blood.”
Now it’s my turn to glare. “Youngjae,” I scold, stepping forward. “Will you just stop and listen?”
Youngjae’s gaze wavers, returning to mine. “Five minutes.”
“Okay,” I nod, considering for a moment where to begin. “First off, our Uncle lied.”
Youngjae’s expression remains blank. “Do tell.”
I snort. “That attack when his army marched on Tamber – it wasn’t the first. The first attack was on a vampire settlement called Amir. Our Uncle poisoned the water, killing many before they even knew what was going on. This was the reason they struck at our capital,” I explain. “That is why they took me in the night.”
Youngjae doesn’t move. “Alright,” he allows, somewhat begrudgingly. “They took you, though. The kidnapped you. I can’t forgive that.”
“Maybe you can’t. But I can,” I say softly, laying my hand on his elbow. “It was the most peaceful option Jinyoung thought of. To take me, have the tithe reinstated and then give me back. It would avoid war. Oh,” I add, the thought just occurring to me. “Youngjae, Jinyoung is King of the Volucri.”
Jinyoung inclines his head, light glinting off the iron crown. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, King of Vitus.”
Youngjae seems shocked, though his expression quickly fades to confusion. “I am not King.” He gestures airily at me. “Y/N will be – is our Queen. I am merely Crown Prince.”
I softly shake my head. “Not if I abdicate in your favor.”
Youngjae slowly turns. “Have you lost your mind? What are you even saying?”
“Youngjae.” I take a step closer. “Even before I was taken – this life was never what I wanted. I’m not good at it,” I confess, looking down. “I’ve been groomed to be this since birth, pruned and prodded but no one ever asked if this is what I want.”
I’m too scared to look at him as I continue. “I want to be free,” I admit softly. “I don’t know what that means, truly – but you, Youngjae. You’re meant to be King, I’ve seen it in you. You’re never angry for yourself, but for our people. I listened to you gather support from the noble households. You were the one who got through to them, who broke the mold. I do things because I have to. You do things because you want to – and because you need to.”
Youngjae continues to stare, swallowing past the lump in his throat. Finally I’m giving voice to the fears I’ve held onto for months – years, even. I tried to shield Youngjae from this, tried to protect him from the horrors and policy of our world – because he’s better than I am.
I had that drive once, I think. A long time ago – in a time before my parents were dead and my Uncle turned away and I didn’t know the weight of the world resting on my shoulders. Now though, I look inside and see that I don’t want this. I don’t want it, but would do it if I had to. That shouldn’t be the person who leads the country, though.
No, it should be the person who wants it. Who hears the call in their blood, their very bones and knows nothing but the people. That person is Youngjae, and I know he sees this – even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
“Youngjae,” I say, grasping his hands. “You know it’s true. Besides,” I add, glancing sideways. “It wouldn’t be right, to only give part of myself to our people. To leave part of myself behind.”
Youngjae turns, following my gaze to where Jinyoung stands. “Him?” he asks quietly. “He is the reason?”
“He is a reason, not the reason,” I counter, continuing to look at Youngjae. “Youngjae.”
Youngjae exhales, and I know then that he’s thinking. Know he’s struggling to understand but when he looks back up – his gaze is surprisingly clear. “What do you need me to do?”
I smile. “I need you to come with us. I’ll explain on the way.”
“Come with you?” Youngjae mutters, wrinkling his nose. “What, will we walk?”
“Er, no,” I say, shifting my weight. Jinyoung moves beside me. “Jinyoung will carry me.”
Youngjae stares for a long moment. “Oh, hell no,” he shakes his head. “I’m not letting myself be carried by your vampire boyfriend. No way.”
“You won’t be carried by Jinyoung.” Jaebum steps neatly from the shadows. “I’ll be the one carrying you.” He tilts his head to the side, trying and failing to keep laughter from his eyes. “Sorry you missed, when you tried to stab me in the breakfast hall.”
Youngjae flushes, remembering the moment. “You,” he breathes, looking from Jaebum to Jinyoung. “When – when my Uncle refused to pay,” he mutters, working things out for himself. “When he refused to pay the tithe, you went to him,” Youngjae nods at Jinyoung, “and you explained? And then you,” Youngjae’s gaze travels to the King, “you offered to help my sister?”
Jinyoung nods.
“But why?” Youngjae seems incredulous.
Jinyoung moves forward, fingers interlacing with mine. “For her,” he says simply.
Youngjae pauses. “That may be the one thing we actually have in common.”
I blush at the signs of approval on his face. “So, you’ll come?” I ask, still very aware of the time.
Youngjae looks sideways. “Yes, I’ll come,” he nods, sheathing his dagger. “But there’ll be no funny business under my roof,” he warns, already striding toward the doors. “And if anyone tries to bite my neck – they’re dead.”
Jaebum follows Youngjae a few steps behind, chuckling softly. “You know,” he says, looking at Jinyoung. “I’m starting to like this human Prince.”
“King!” Youngjae corrects, from somewhere out in the hallway.
Jinyoung just shakes his head, bending to lift me in his arms. “You ready?” he smiles.
I lean up to softly kiss him on his lips. “As I’ll ever be.”
Jinyoung smiles, then disappears.
As we run, I tell Youngjae my plan. Tell him about the blood market. About unifying both vampires and humans against out Uncle. Youngjae listens intently, jaw tight while refusing to respond. Insisting on hearing absolutely everything before agreeing.
When I’m done talking – he sighs. “You’re crazy.”
I nod. “I know.”
A smile curves at Youngjae’s lips. “I love it.”
I smile back. “I know.”
Then Youngjae frowns, looking over at the vampire who holds him. “Putting aside how demeaning this is, being carried by a vampire – I just thought of something.”
Jaebum raises both eyebrows. “What?”
“We could have killed our Uncle,” Youngjae says, hair whipping into his eyes. Spurred on by the wind as we run. “You were inside the castle, managed to break into my room. Why not just kill him and be done with it?”
Jinyoung starts to shake his head, even as I brush the back of his neck with my fingertips. “It wouldn’t have worked,” I explain softly. “We might have gotten rid of him – but then what? Our Uncle has a military, one who agrees with everything he says. If we got rid of him, one more head would grow in his place. No, we need to beat him at his own game. Vanquish him on the battlefield and have him relinquish the crown in public. Only then will this come to an end.”
Youngjae is silent, then nods. “Ah, you’re right.” He falls quiet, staring off into the distance. “I wish it weren’t true – but it is.”
I nod, then take a breath. Jinyoung has called the Coven for a gathering at 2:30 AM. When we arrive, I’ll speak my peace and argue on behalf of the blood market. The coven will have questions, obviously won’t trust me – which is where Youngjae comes in. The future King of Vitus, who will promise the goodwill and implementation of the market. Hopefully this will be enough to convince the Volucri to fight with us.
If not – I don’t know what we’ll do.
It’s this thought twisting my stomach as we arrive to Domum. Entering through the same entrance we came weeks ago, as Jaebum informs that this is the only way in and out of the mountain. It’s 2:15 AM, which means we’re already cutting it close while cloaking down hallways. Jinyoung sets me down somewhere outside a place I don’t recognize, Jaebum appearing a short while later to set down my brother.
Youngjae stumbles a few steps before righting himself. “That’s not a mode of transportation I want to get used to.”
Jaebum shrugs. “I’ll go and join the others,” he announces, waiting until Jinyoung nods before disappearing.
Now it’s just us in the hall – my brother, Jinyoung and I. I stare at them both, trying to wrap my head around what I’m about to do – what we’re about to do. Jinyoung smiles gently, stepping closer to slide one hand beneath my chin. “It will work,” he murmurs, bending to brush his lips with mine.
I swallow when he pulls away, nodding. “Okay.” I turn to face the doors. “Let’s go in.”
Jinyoung enters first, his movement elegant while pushing open the entrance. The doors are made of metal lacework, though the metal is latticed over smooth, rich mahogany. There’s no creak when they open, hinges too well-oiled for that, and as they swing inwards – I see the Volucri for the very first time.
Vampires. Rows and rows of them. Hundreds upon thousands of predators stretched as far as the eye can see, in an amphitheater which spirals towards the ceiling. The seats are smooth, black stone – benches, more than anything and as we enter, the entirety of the room falls silent.
The lack of sound is hostile. From the first step, I feel it. Washing forward in waves, threatening to drag us under. I think back to what Mark and Jinyoung have said. Many vampires don’t share the same moral code they do. Many here would kill me without a second thought.
Youngjae doesn’t speak, though I see his hand curl over the hilt of his dagger. Preparing himself to fight, if necessary. If it comes to that though, I know we’ll be long dead before reaching the door. There’s no way we could fight all these vampires and win and as we continue to walk forward, a pit of fear enters my stomach.
Burning, red eyes trace my movement. Following my gait, the too-slow motion of my limbs. Everyone here is faster than me, stronger than me, older than me.
I stop in the middle of the stage to face the audience.
Jinyoung steps forward. He stills, scanning the crowd as his face lowers into a mask of disinterest. “Volucri,” he calls, voice soft. “My coven. We are gathered here to discuss a certain proposition – one which has been brought to my attention by the human population of Vitus.”
There’s a low hiss from the crowd, though I can’t tell from where the noise comes from.
Jinyoung doesn’t react. “We have been wronged,” he says calmly. “When we tried to take the high road, when we tried to rise above the cowardly attack on Amir – we were met with nothing but scorn.” The room falls silent, so much so you could hear a pin drop. “Im Jaebum visited the Lord Protector two nights ago. He requested the reinstatement of the tithe, at the cost of the life of the Princess of Vitus.”
I remain standing, silent with head held high. I still don’t speak. No – that is still to come.
“He refused to pay,” Jinyoung hisses. “He called us monsters, beings lower than himself. These insults cannot be left to stand. We must strike back, and must strike with force."
There are whispers, ripplings in the crowd. Many nod, as one woman pushes herself to stand. "Why now?" she interrupts. "You used to be adamantly against violence. Why change your mind?"
Jinyoung looks in her direction. "I still do not condone violence,” he warns. “Not violence for the sake of violence. But we have tried to work with this tyrant who calls himself the Lord Protector. He has refused our pleas for peace, repeatedly. The only option, therefore is depose him from the throne."
Whispers turn to murmurs, rising through the alcove above. I look at Jackson, who’s sitting casually in the front row. He sits beside an unfamiliar vampire with black hair, frowning at something the other whispers. This new vampire stands, arms crossed lazily over his chest to look at Jinyoung.
"How do you propose we do this?" he asks, gaze flickering to mine. "Why should we meddle in human affairs at all? Why not let them deal with the mess they’ve made?"
"What about when it becomes our mess, Bambam?" Jinyoung asks. "What then? This tyrant will not be content to leave us be. The Lord Protector will come for us, sooner or later."
Bambam pauses before nodding, sitting back down. "Go on."
Jinyoung looks to those gathered. "The current Lord Protector does not care for the Volucri. He does not care for our ways, legacy, tradition. He will continue to attack until he gets what he wants – which is our eventual eradication. This is why we must fight. We must, and must do so intelligently. We must fight for a future which brings peace. That future is one where we ally with humans."
Several members of the audience stand, general outrage written across their beautiful features.
"Lies!" hisses a vampire with golden hair, several rows down from us. "You just said humans wish to kill us. And now you want us to ally with them?"
Jinyoung nods, speaking over the murmurs of the crowd. "We will not ally with the Lord Protector, but with the rightful King of Vitus," he announces, waiting until the room falls silent. "A King who will help us. Who will work with us. Who will bring us the peace we so dearly crave."
"Oh?" The vampire sitting beside Bambam uncrosses his legs, long limbs fluid as he also stands. "And who might that King be?"
"I," my brother says, stepping forward. "King Youngjae, of Vitus."
I have to give Youngjae credit. He doesn't waver, refusing to show even an ounce of fear. Jinyoung steps aside to give him the floor, and my brother moves to the center. Youngjae stares out over the crowd, meeting dark and red gazes alike. He looks and he looks, and he doesn't flinch.
"I wish to offer you the future your King has spoken of," Youngjae nods, his expression solemn. "I want peace – I want peace between our people. I am not an arrogant person," he admits. "I come here asking you for help. My throne has been wrongfully taken. My sister and I thought our Uncle held our best interests at heart, but this has been proven wrong repeatedly. He commands our army. Vitus’ militia and in order to be rid of him, we need an army of our own."
There's more murmuring throughout the crowd, though it doesn’t sound as angry as before.
"You're probably asking why," I interrupt, stepping forward. Speaking for the first time tonight. “Why should you care, what humans want or need.”
There’s general agreement.
I lift my head higher. “Right now, Vitus pays the Volucri a tithe. Money every year, to ensure the human citizens of Vitus are not fed upon. This system is imperfect,” I exhale. “The Volucri grow richer – without a source of blood. We become poorer – but live in relative safety. What I propose is this: an open-trade market.”
The impact of my words is visible. Bambam leans towards the long-legged vampire, whispering rapidly. All around, I can see others doing the same. See the shock my words bring.
My gaze somehow finds that of Mark, five rows back and six seats over – seated to the right of Fallon. He nods, a small gesture as I clear my throat. “A blood market regulated by both vampires and humans – where citizens of Vitus can offer blood in exchange for money. My brother and I have pledge to help install this market, should you aid us in the deposal of our Uncle.”
There’s silence. A long, careful moment where I imagine thousands of vampires collectively weighing the costs. Weighing the benefits. Finally – the same woman who spoke earlier stands
“Why help you,” she asks, voice even. “When we could take your blood for free? Your people are currently divided, currently weak. We could go in and take Vitus for our own.”
My heart pounds, somewhat frantically. This is exactly what Jinyoung feared, the question he did not want to be asked. Surprisingly though, it’s Youngjae who takes a step forward.
“I’m asking for your trust,” he explains quietly. “It’s easy to fight one another. It’s harder to understand. I see a future,” Youngjae wonders, voice growing louder. “A place for our two people to co-exist as one. If you ally with my Uncle, or even take Vitus for yourself – that future is naught. Human beings will fight you, fight until the day that you die. You will spend every waking moment, every bit of energy beating them into submission. And even then – it might not be enough.”
People are listening. They lean forward to face him, offering their attention. Expressions once cold, are no longer so. I see it now. I see the humans which once were, the people whom once were – and I feel them offering, if not sympathy – then hope.
Youngjae exhales. “I come here as the rightful King of Vitus. I come here to ask for your help and promise you a future. My Uncle would never offer you this. And so,” he finishes, light shining in his eyes. “I beg you to consider my request. To aid Vitus in ending this nightmare – in ridding our land of this tyrant, once and for all.”
The room becomes still. Its patrons immoveable stone. There’s nary a breath, a word out of place but for Youngjae and I’s breathing. I feel Jinyoung tensing, stepping closer. Moving to protect me – just in case things should go wrong.
Then someone stands. “I will aid you in your request, King Youngjae.”
I don’t recognize him. It’s a vampire who has not yet spoken, who hasn’t even stood. He’s so far back, I can barely make out his face – and yet he was the first one to speak. I note him, note his action and remind myself to not forget his bravery.
Barely a second passes though, before the long-limbed vampire in the front row stands.
“I, Yugyeom – Mayor of Amir – support your request.” Yugyeom bows.
I turn, brows slightly arched. Youngjae appears shocked as well, though he recovers quickly and nods. “Thank you, Mayor.”
Bambam springs up beside him. “I, also offer my support.”
It’s like a wave. A colossal upheaving as vampire after vampire stands. Sweeping as far back as the eye can see, until suddenly I can’t see for the blurring of my eyes.
Jinyoung leans over, words soft as he murmurs, “You’ve done it.”
“Me?” I shake my head no. Looking at my brother, standing before us. “No.”
Jinyoung hums, before taking my hands in his. “Yes, you.”
Everything after that becomes a blur. Rushed plans, meetings in the Council room – this one to include Youngjae – and then I’m bidding farewell again. Saying goodbye, nearly refusing to let go. Youngjae has to wriggle from my grasp. Pushing away to ruffle my hair, saying he’ll see me in the next few days.
That’s assuming all goes according to plan.
Youngjae is to return to Vitus. He’s to canvas Parliament, determine who amongst the nobles is loyal to the crown. He’ll then gather their support, inform them of the joint attack against my Uncle and convince them to back his claim to the throne.
The very thought makes my head hurt. If anyone can do it, though – it’s Youngjae. Youngjae, with his earnest eyes and pure heart. Telling our people exactly what there is to lose if we don’t unite. That’s what the Volucri have pledged. Help – in exchange for a better world. If Youngjae can convince an entire Coven of vampires to fight– I’m certain he’ll be able to convince the people of Vitus.
The entire time though, Jinyoung’s hand rests in mine. In my grasp, on my waist, pulling me closer and keeping me upright. He doesn’t speak often, chiming in every now and then to speak for the Volucri. To point out different perspectives and worldviews, all while remaining a steady presence at my side. A pillar, a friend – one whom, every time I make eye contact with, find my thoughts going oddly blank.
At the end of it though, once Youngjae has long since disappeared – Jinyoung pulls me closer. “You need to sleep,” he informs, lips pressing gently to the space behind one ear.
I nod, allowing him to lead me away. Waving goodnight to Mark and Fallon, who are currently disappearing around the corner. Jackson left a while ago, needing to ready the troops in Jaebum’s absence. Jinyoung leads me away. Up staircases, down halls. Past corridor after corridor until reaching a set of jet-black doors.
“This is my room,” he announces, hesitating with one hand on the door. Jinyoung’s gaze moves to mine. “I can take you to yours, if you’d like.”
I’m already shaking my head. Pushing past him to walk inside. Jinyoung allows me this, following and softly shutting the door behind him. I pause on the carpet, taking a moment to survey the room. It’s bright, which surprises me. The wall opposite is made of glass – giant, thick panes I wander towards. Running my hand over the sill to stare out at the moonlit valley.
When I turn, Jinyoung has removed the cloak from his shoulders. It drapes casually over a post by the door, leaving Jinyoung dressed in a his tunic and trousers. He walks forward, stopping to slide his hands into the base of my hair.
“There are windows,” I say, letting him to tilt my head upwards. “You have windows.”
Jinyoung nods. “Yes. Though I miss the sun, at least at night I have the stars.”
Staring back at him, my hands slide around the panes of his waist. His skin is cool, a direct contrast to the heat flowing through my veins. The touch of him is soothing and I move even closer. Jinyoung bends his head, hovering a half-beat over my lips.
“Jinyoung,” I breathe, heart hammering. “I hope you understand that what I did today – I had many reasons for doing it.”
Jinyoung’s lips lift. “Oh?” He bends, nuzzling the side of my neck. Teeth extending to gently scrape my skin. “What reasons did you have?”
“Well,” I exhale, trying to concentrate. It’s hard though, when the lines of my body are pressed to his. When his lips replace his teeth, when I remember the last time he bit me – and the elation which followed. “Part of it was because Youngjae should be King. He deserves to lead, and I don’t want to. But also,” I break off with a gasp, as hen the tips of his fangs prick my neck.
Jinyoung pulls back, withdrawing before any real damage can be done. “Yes?” he muses, tongue scorching the twin marks he’s just made.
I shake my head, staring back at him. “I don’t want to leave,” I confess.
Jinyoung freezes. His gaze lifts to mine and as I watch – as something within breaks. Some damn of long lost, pent-up emotion that he expels, exhaling though he doesn’t need to. The noise is shaky, almost a question as his thumb brushes against the side of my temple.
“I don’t want you to go,” Jinyoung admits. “It’s been so long since I cared about anything – anyone. I don’t know why you came into my life. Well,” he corrects, lip quirking. “I know why. But I didn’t know it would be like this. I’ve never.” Jinyoung closes both eyes. “I’ve never really had someone like this. Someone to love unconditionally, to potentially love me back. I don’t – I don’t know what that’s like.”
“Well,” I say, swallowing. “Then I guess we’re both similar. The only person I’ve ever had in my life is Youngjae. Everything I did, I did by myself. I spent my whole life drifting. Searching for something, somewhere to fit in.”
Jinyoung opens his eyes. “I understand.”
“I don’t want to leave,” I confess, looking down. “Here – or you.”
Jinyoung doesn’t move. Then, so slowly I might combust – he lowers his head. Lips brushing mine once, then twice. Hands twisting in my hair, pulling my closer. When his body finds mine, mouth sweeping open, I groan as his tongue darts inside. Jinyoung’s breathing hitches, hands descending my body. Tracing over my curves, my spine. Feeling every inch while pressing me to him.
I can’t help myself, I’m kissing him just as fiercely – sliding my hands into his hair to push his crown aside. Jinyoung grins, biting down on my lip before removing this entirely. Then he lifts me, skirts bunching as I’m pressed against him. He walks us over to his bed, hardly any effort on his part. It reminds me that Jinyoung is more than any human, more than what I’ve experienced before and when he sets me down and stands above me – I curl my legs up underneath.
“Come here,” I say, heart pounding wildly.
I watch his eyes dilate, blown out and crimson as he lowers one knee to his bed.
Slowly, Jinyoung moves before me. One hand descending to the mattress, the other one cupping my face before kissing me. His lips move gently, tenderly before I touch him. Legs coming up to frame his waist as he groans, dropping onto both elbows to kiss me harder. Jinyoung pushes hair back from my face, his body moving tantalizingly over mine.
It’s still not enough though, still too gentle – so I roughly yank his hips downward. “Jinyoung,” I groan, lips roaming his collarbone. “Kiss me. I won’t break.”
He exhales shakily, almost a laugh. “Oh, angel,” he chuckles, pulling back to look at me. “You just might.”
His fangs extend. Pausing for a moment, waiting for my approval before sinking them into my neck. I gasp, arching against him. My arms circling his neck while blood thrums headily through my veins. Jinyoung’s hips continue to move, pinning me downwards – as though I’d ever want to leave. I arch up, needing more – needing everything.
“Jinyoung,” I groan, waiting for his teeth to retract. “Take off my dress.”
Suddenly he’s above. Eyes wide as his hand skims gently over my side. “Are you sure,” Jinyoung murmurs, lowering his head to lick away the blood he just left.
I nod, lifting my arms higher. “Please.”
Jinyoung stares – solemn, seriously before reaching downwards. His hands gather my dress from my thighs. From my waist. Pulling up and over, tossing the fabric to fall somewhere on the floor. I stare at his face, unable to look at myself. I don’t have maids here. Don’t have ladies in waiting or women to help dress – so I’ve been forgoing many aspects of my usual royal attire recently.
I have on no underskirts, no corset. My hair hangs loose about my shoulders and Jinyoung continues to stare at me. Looking for so long that I fear he’s forgotten how to do anything else. Then he moves. Looking at me hair mussed, lips parted – and I swear nothing’s ever been so beutiful.
“What are you doing to me,” Jinyoung says, voice rough with emotion. “Why,” he breathes, pressing a kiss to the curve of my neck. Lowering himself to the curves of other places. “I want you so badly. I need you so badly. I,” he groans, hands sliding my legs apart, “want to give you the world – and more.”
I moan, body contracting as his tongue slides in a slow motion over my sex. I’ve done things with boys – I hate to even call them men, right now – but nothing like this. Nothing which sets my skin aflame, heart on fire, even as his skin is cool to the touch. Jinyoung’s hands widen me further, body lowering and I bite down on my lower lip to keep from screaming. Jinyoung’s tongue sets a rhythm as he circles, sucks – forcing my legs to tremble and core to throb.
He continues until I’m on the edge, the space between my legs wet and wanting. Jinyoung pulls himself up to kiss me, and I taste myself on his lips, even as his hands grasp my waist. He pulls me to him, around him and I push the tunic from his shoulders. It falls over his head, onto the floor.
Jinyoung’s chest is defined, inordinately perfect as he slowly, gently lowers me to the mattress. One hand reaching between my legs, stroking until I groan out loud. “Please,” I pant. “Please, Jinyoung. I want you inside me.”
He stops. Lifting his head. “I – you could,” he closes his eyes. “Y/N.”
Rather than answer, I reach between his thighs. Sliding my fingers over his hardened length as Jinyoung’s entire body stiffens. His eyes open, blazing red before exhaling through his mouth.
I reach for his pants, slowly unbuttoning them to roll downwards. Exposing him inch by inch, until he’s wonderfully, gloriously naked. I stare at him like this for a good minute. Just letting my eyes wander. Drinking in every piece of him. And then my hands are sliding around his waist, bringing him to me. Arching up to capture his lips with my own.
“Jinyoung,” I breathe, loving the sound of his name. “Are you – will you…?”
I grew up with horror stories about girls becoming pregnant outside of wedlock, ones who encountered awful diseases through this act. Luckily, Jinyoung seems to understand my concern and shakes his head. “I’m a vampire, angel,” he murmurs, lips trailing my neck. “I can’t make anyone pregnant. I don’t have human diseases.”
And then he finds my entrance, parting my legs as I lose all sane semblance of thought. Jinyoung pushes forward, drawing breath from my lips before stopping halfway. He looks at me, lowering his forehead to mine. “Tell me if it’s too much,” he whispers, before kissing my upper lip, then my lower.
My legs rise up on either side, allowing easier entrance. I let him fill me, inch by wonderful inch. It hurts. I can’t deny that. There’s a moment of excruciating pain, a gasp and then – he’s there. Inside me, a part of me. Jinyoung’s eyes darken, just a shade as I realize I’m bleeding. I’ve heard of this, never considering before what it would be like to do this with a vampire.
Apart from his slight tensing though, Jinyoung doesn’t move. He continues to look, waiting for my nod of approval before pulling back out. Slowly, teasingly – he slides back in. This time the motion is smooth. My body still tight around him, the motion still rough but it’s more and more pleasurable. As Jinyoung hisses, hips slowly rocking forward – I lift my hips to his. Hands roaming to the contours of his body and pulling him closer.
When Jinyoung moves faster, my head falls back to hit the bed. The rhythm of his hips is relentless, precise – fucking with even, unbreakable thrusts which make me dizzy with want. I need him closer, need him more and I arch upwards. Wrapping myself around him, pushing his hips into my body. Jinyoung swears at the motion, biting down on my lower lip before moving even harder.
His hips shift angles and there’s a sudden change in pleasure. A singular spot he hits over and over and over. Driving me inwards, driving me upwards and I feel my entire body tightening around him. This continues until it’s too much – I can’t take it – and I think I might explode before gasping his name, vision blackening as a shuddering wave crashes through me.
Jinyoung slows, softer and softer until eventually pulling from my body. He kisses first my brow, then my lips and my shoulder before collapsing beside me. Jinyoung pulls a sheet up and over, drawing me closer against him.  His eyes are lighter than I’ve ever seen, the softest smile on his lips as I curl into him. I wrap myself closer, letting my head fall against his pillow. The air is still, sun so far-off on the horizon while I fight, weakly to catch my breath.
Even as I look at him, there’s a conversation playing through my mind. One which hangs at the edge of my consciousness and slowly – I pull back to look at him.
Jinyoung stares, dazed and happy before moving his body closer. “What?” he purrs, mouth dropping to nip at the edge of my collar. “What do you want to say?”
“Jinyoung.” I wait until he looks up. Closing my eyes and steeling myself for the question I’m about to ask. “Will you… Will you turn me?”
[Master List]
Author’s Note: Part V will be up 7/14. Thank you! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANTAL @ivegot7scenarios
685 notes · View notes
Blackwatch era Gabriel Reyes, 2.7k words, violence warning
Borrows from my other OW stuff in re: timeline and what’s going on with Gabe’s body.
“Fuck,” Gabriel snarls, ducking back down below the window.
Across the room Genji sits leaned up against the side of a destroyed couch, twirling a knife through his human fingers. “I would have to agree.”
It’s not that they’re being shot at. That’s very annoying, yes, but it’s nothing new. Hong has enemies, more so since Gabriel and Genji have been helping him expand his business ventures.
The people shooting up Hong’s second-largest factory complex right now aren’t Chinese underground. They’re Overwatch. Which means Gabriel isn’t allowed to shoot them, and also he might feel bad. Not quite sure on that latter point.
“What do we do, Commander?” Genji asks mildly. A line of bullet holes cracks into the crystalcrete above his head.
“Well, we can’t fucking let them get Hong, because that’s gonna massively fuck up our op, and we’ve been on it for six fucking months and I’m not gonna go back and tell fucking Stockman that Overwatch fucked up the op while I just fucking sat back and let Jack fucking Morrison take our fucking guy.” Gabriel exhales through gritted teeth, then sticks his rifle out the window and fires a quick salvo of bullets.
“Mm.” Genji nods thoughtfully. “So we are going to aid Hong’s escape.”
“Basically, yeah.” Gabriel holds his hand out. “Give me your grenades. I’ll slow ‘em down, you get Hong away from here.”
“Understood.” Genji leans across the small room, handing over his collection of five cap grenades. “Would you like me to send you help?”
Gabriel stows them. “No, because Hong’s guys will be shooting to kill and we should probably try not to kill any of Overwatch’s people.”
Genji frowns. “Then I should stay to help you.”
“No, you should follow my fucking orders and get Hong out,” Gabriel snaps.
Genji’s jaw tightens in irritation, his enhanced red eyes locked on Gabriel’s; then his mask extends to shield his face. “Fine.”
Shit. Gabriel rubs his forehead. “Sorry. I just…” He waves a hand. “Never mind. I’ll be okay on my own. You get out of here.”
Genji rises, the setting sun catching his red gaze. “I will meet you later.”
“Right. Be careful.”
Then Genji is gone, out the back window of the office. Gabriel trusts him to get Hong out, at the very least.
He starts switching the grenades to mine setting, dials up the sensor radius as high as it’ll go and spools down the force to its second lowest value. That should scare them without killing anyone. Some of Hong’s guys are still exchanging fire with Overwatch. Gabriel uses it as cover, darting between the garages and assembly lines and storage sheds to plant the grenades at strategic locations. Ones that’ll give the Overwatch agents pause when they start pushing through. Wishes they’d waited another goddamn hour or two so he’d have some better cover in the dusk—listening to bullets ringing off the tin walls as he hides behind corners—but nothing in this goddamn life has been easy for him, so why would that change now?
The gunfire starts to trickle off. Hong’s guys are retreating. That’s good, at least. Now Gabriel just has to not get killed. Or caught. That would be worse.
A muffled explosion from the far garage. His work. Gabriel sticks his head out from behind a storage container and starts shooting. Still blind—can’t see anyone outside the building. But it’s better that way. It wouldn’t be good if any of these agents died by friendly fire.
A white flash from the garage window. Gabriel swears and heaves himself around the corner again.
A series of thuds. That’s a pulse rifle. Not that Blackwatch gets a chance to play around with those, but Gabriel’s done his research. Nasty weapons. He’s too exposed here, has to get inside the big central factory where there’s plenty of cover. It’s maybe a fifteen-yard dash in front of him, and with this tin box at his back he should have some protection.
Gabriel takes a deep breath and runs.
His legs pump, strength flowing into them like spicular crystals tumbling through his veins. He flies over the asphalt, boots grinding on the granular surface. The metal door approaches and he yanks it open. A scattering of shots thump liquidly into the wall beside him. He ducks inside—
Only to be thrown forward by the kinetic impact of plasma fire slamming into his shoulder. Gabriel tumbles to the ground, hissing. Fuck, that’s painful. He heaves himself to his feet and staggers forward—around a conveyor belt, a heavy pallet trundling past him. God damn, that arm hurts. He tacks right and sinks down behind a pile of empty crates, grasping the wound. Can’t stay here. Overwatch will be closing in. But he just needs a second to recover—
The door clangs open. Gabriel freezes, trying to quiet his harsh breathing. The scuff of footsteps. A wave of pain from the arm that makes him want to throw up; he chokes back a groan, squeezing his eyes shut. Sweat breaks out over his forehead and back. The footsteps draw closer. The edge of a blue uniform, a red glint. He reaches out, groping for his rifle—
The red tactical visor retracts. Fuck. “It had to be you,” Gabriel growls.
Jack Morrison, pulse rifle in hand but lowered. Looking tired but strong and uninjured. “What the hell are you doing here?!”
“Trying to salvage my op,” Gabriel retorts. “From you and your people fucking it up. Which you’re doing a pretty fucking good job of, by the way.”
“Your op?” Jack is comically flabbergasted, like he couldn’t even fathom that someone else might be trying to do some good. “Gabe, we’re on Hong. He’s been getting too powerful, we’re taking him out.”
“Oh no you’re fucking not,” Gabriel snaps. “We’ve been backing him, Jack, we’ve brought down a half-dozen of his competitors and now those strings he was pulling on in Russia and Korea are gonna help us reel in some more nice, juicy targets. You can’t take him in yet.”
Jack stares. “Are you nuts? He’s destroying the goddamn city!”
Gabriel shrugs. “It’s not a whole lot worse than it was before. And it’s only temporary.”
“No. Sorry, Gabe, but that’s not acceptable. Hong goes down today. You can help us or get out of our way.”
Gabriel can’t help but chuckle. That’s no choice at all. “Or I can tell you to fuck off.”
“Gabe. I’m serious.”
“And shortsighted. Let us work. We’ll get a way bigger haul if you leave him with us.”
“I already told you no!” Jack takes a step forward, real anger breaking through on his face. “You can’t just—screw over a bunch of innocent people just to make your bust! That’s not how it works!”
Gabriel tips his head back against the crates, exasperated. Should have known better than to try and reason with him. “You know how many more people we’re gonna help by waiting? Use your fucking head, Jack.”
Jack’s eyes are narrowed, his mouth set in a hard frown. “Get out of here, Gabe. We’re going in. If you stay and get yourself shot, just remember it’s your own goddamn fault.”
Then the red tactical visor descends again and he turns his back, leaving Gabriel sitting on the floor alone with a burning hole in his arm. But the wound feels…strange and Gabriel is afraid of what he’ll see but peels his hand away anyway.
Under the melted clothing something black and turbid seethes. Gabriel looks away, gathers up his rifle, and runs.
Another muffled explosion. Gabriel dodges around towering machines, pits filled with congealed chemical waste, mechanical limbs suspended and waiting. His arm is filled with insects. Or that’s how it feels, at least, and that might be preferable to the truth. Long splashes of orange light spill through the tall windows, and he avoids them; there’s a clang far behind as the door bangs open. Still a couple of grenades left at his belt, and as he exits the other side of the factory he leaves one as a gift.
Gunfire from behind, getting closer now. That means Hong’s guys are still pulling back. Around the corner Gabriel spots more magnesium-white muzzle flashes, hears the strange, blunt reports. How many of those goddamn rifles do they have?
Time to fall back. He slips into a warehouse and sprints. Maybe he can find a spot to hunker down and buy Genji more time.
He bursts out the door. To his left the fence with the forest beyond; to his right a small cluster of storage sheds, so he picks one and slips inside. The window sticks in the track but after some tugging it lurches open, and he sits below it, sticks his rifle out, and fires off a blind burst.
An answering burst of plasma slugs thud into the outside of the wall, warming the metal at his back. Gabriel shoots again, the rifle jumping in his hand. He hopes the wall doesn’t melt.
A shooting star arcs through the window and explodes.
Gabriel ducks his head as he’s thrown sideways across the room, back slamming into a rusty container. The breath is punched out of him all at once. It burns. His stomach. He cracks open his eyes.
Raw plasma is spattered all over the floor, glowing white, misting slowly as it evaporates into the air. It burns. Gabriel looks down.
White droplets hiss on his bulletproof vest, outlining the plasma splash sinking into his middle. Something bubbles in the mess of melted Kevlon and flesh.
Gabriel touches it gingerly and for some reason that’s what sets the pain off, a hot, liquid agony roiling in his gut and making him sick to his stomach. If he still has a stomach. His legs jerk, flooded with pins and needles as he tries to drag himself back behind a storage container. It burns. It burns so badly. A moan of agony issues low and animal from his throat. Behind him he leaves a broad swath of red and black, a wide paint-stroke marking his trail.
Fuck. Dying for Qian fucking Hong. What does it fucking matter at this point? Jack hates him for good. Genji and McCree will be fine on their own, now that he’s pretty sure he’s made them hate him too. He didn’t want to end up here but here he is.
Another wave of agony. His body shudders, and he heaves up a thick glut of blood, bile, and black, the sour metallic fluid coating the inside of his mouth and nose. He scrapes the back of his sleeve across his lips and coughs, curling up behind the container. As good a place as any to die.
His face feels cold, his head fuzzy. Blood pumps from his ruined stomach, soaking his pants. Not long now. Maybe he should say something to Genji over comms. But no, that might make him turn back. And it’s dangerous here.
His brain is shutting down, he can feel it. Losing blood to the blackened pulp that’s left of his gut. The shining surface glimmers in the light of the setting sun, pulsing with the frantic beating of his heart as it strains to compensate for all the blood burbling, tortured, out of him. Maybe they’re coming to finish him off. That would be nice. The searing heat in his middle is awful. He coughs and comes up with another mouthful of bile. Tastes like stomach acid and slag.
A figure beside him, a red glint at the eyes. Gabriel blinks slowly. He is lifted and carried over someone’s shoulder. Doesn’t know where they’re taking him. Won’t do much good either way. If they want to save him they’re too late. If they want to interrogate him, same deal.
What were his final words? Who was the last person he spoke to? Jack, that was it. In the factory. Probably said something in anger.
He doesn’t have words—hardly has the breadth of thought to encompass how much he wishes that none of it had ever happened, that he and Jack were still okay or more. Instead he’s in Blackwatch and Jack is king of the world and everything they had is ash smeared underfoot. It didn’t have to be like this but Jack made it that way. Or they both did. If only he could fix it, right now. There must be something left. Something that wasn’t completely burned away.
A grunt. Gabriel’s grimy vision comes up with a chain link fence. Climbing. Then a thump and a stumble as they land on the other side. His rescuer lays him against a tree.
Gabriel’s head lolls forward, and he finds himself peering down. His stomach looks like a roiling black sea.  “Jesus,” his rescuer breathes. The faint clinking of—what is it? A can of flexfoam being shaken, and the hissing as the pale green foam sprays out over his middle. Gabriel laughs and then chokes on the bloody, metallic bile sitting at the base of his throat. A little flexfoam won’t help him now.
Then there’s an explosion somewhere and leaves scrape on leaves, his rescuer rising and running off.
Where did the burning go? Gabriel is cold all over. Doesn’t like it. He feels sick but can’t throw up. With a great effort he tips his head back, staring up at the canopy. The fir trees are shifting shapes of black in his fading vision, creasing and fluttering with the wind. No longer shapes. Their outlines ripple and swim together slowly, and they recede above him in shadow, shimmering as he sinks beneath dark water. If he’s going to die he wishes it would hurry up. But there’s someone, somewhere, telling him, this won’t kill you.
Gabriel isn’t so sure about that. A quart of raw plasma to the gut will kill just about anyone.
He shuts his eyes.
When he wakes again he’s being dragged through the forest on his back by what’s left of his bulletproof vest.
“Hm.” He reaches out and grasps at nothing; his hand falls and he catches leaves between his fingers.
“Commander. You’re awake.”
Genji glances over his shoulder, red eyes glinting in a fluttering shaft of sunset light. Oh. It was him. Gabriel takes an experimental breath. Cold air rushes into his lungs. He pats his stomach gently—the flexfoam still there, and not even leaking blood around the edges. “Thanks,” he croaks. “For coming back for me.”
“You are welcome,” Genji replies.
“You get Hong out?”
“I think I can walk, actually.”
“Oh! Of course.”
Genji releases him and he rises gingerly, one hand on the flexfoam. It moves with him, bending and straightening. Still no leaking of blood, although his pants remain soaked with it.
Genji is staring. “Commander…”
Gabriel waves a hand. “I’ll be fine.”
Genji watches him for a moment; then he nods. “As you say. Did you find out why Overwatch is here?”
“Yeah, Jack wants to bring in Hong now. Thinks he’s gotten too powerful.” Gabriel cracks a smile. “I told him that was our fault. He wasn’t happy.”
Genji comes over and grasps Gabriel’s arm, steadying him as they walk. “Was he the one who did that to you?”
“Don’t know.” Gabriel scratches his beard. “Doubt it, though.”
“Are you sure?” Genji murmurs.
“Yeah,” Gabriel says. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
“I hope this is not too forward, but I have heard you two fighting—“
“I’d still take a bullet for him,” Gabriel interrupts. “If that tells you anything.”
Genji sighs. “Actually, I think I understand.”
“Hey. We gotta move Hong. Overwatch is gonna be looking for him.”
“That will be difficult. They have many agents here.”
“I know, I know. Leave Jack Morrison to me.”
They walk in silence for a time. Gabriel’s middle is still cold and numb, and his legs still weak, but the sense that he’s going to die isn’t there anymore. Christ. Who takes raw plasma to the gut and lives?
Him, apparently. Great.
“For what it is worth,” Genji says. “I hope one day the two of you can become friends again.”
Gabriel press a hand to his face because he feels his eyes pricking and that pisses him off. He’s got other people now. Jesse, Genji.
But he misses Jack still for some stupid fucking reason. No, he knows the reason. “Yeah,” he mutters. “I hope so too.”
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far-east-orient · 7 years
Wind of the Desert (Part 2)
The scenery has remained the same, though nature has mercilessly left its mark on mortal belongings. The flames of war left little behind. In funeral attire, he pays respect to those who have left.
A light breeze blows, he is seen under the clear moon. Who still remembers the carefree years of the past? Years passes in an instant, yet he constantly wanders back into the past. How many wrongful deaths did it takes to turn a man into a stone?
- Excerpt from “Chieftain and Lineage of Xaela Tribes”  as collected from an old journal believed to be owned by Algun Bairon, Turuk Bairon’s Chief during Seventh Astral Era -
The ruin of Be'lahdian beckons from amidst the burning desert of Thanalan. Algun covers his eyes as he enters a ruined courtyard. Flocks of condors were feeding on the dried carcass of a long dead animal. Algun withdraws his bow and arrow, he carefully skirts around the ruin. When they were young in Othard, their father once bought a colored book from an Aldenard merchant. That book is a shared treasure between him, Temujin, and Tuyaa. Algun is the one that dreams of becoming a greater explorer than his father. Even when he was young, his gaze is ever forward, to bring his people to a better land. Nhaama's name can be glorified anywhere and spread amongst the four winds. Perhaps by doing that, maybe Nhaama will also consent to turn her view over them?
The book told them about untold riches and wonders of ancient civilization, one of them is the Belah'dian city of the dead, a ruin far to the south of Thanalan, rarely visited due to the treacherous road and the long travel. It is here that his brother calls for their final confrontation.
"Welcome, Akhduu (brother) " 
Temujin voice echoes from within the ruin. Algun carefully tries to follow the source, however, the echoes surprised the flock of condors and they made surprised sounds as they fly away. "You have escaped me once, but this ends now, today" Temujin's voice echoes his own. Algun would remember how he loved and doted on his brother. Even though they are only separated by few seconds in birth, he always takes the role of the protector.
Once, Temujin accidentally breaks shademother Alani's holy water jar. Such capital punishment would earn at least twenty lashes, the Bairon views water as the source of life and the jar that contains it are believed to hold blessing from the dusk mother, moreover the jar belonging to one of the shademother.
Algun remembers that back then Temujin was recently healed from an illness and they were playing when Temujin accidentally breaks the jar. His brother will not be able to stand twenty lashes with his still weak body. Knowing this, Algun took the blame and receive forty lashes instead, due to his position as heir to the chief. The lashes made him faint due to the pain and the burning sun of Azim desert. The first thing he remembered was waking up and looking at Temujin's worried face, his mother angry, worried face, and his father's stony stare, yet his eyes say it all: relieve and proud, that his son is able to withstand the punishment that many adults do not survive.
Remembering this brings anger, and pain to Algun...for what is the greatest betrayal if not for own flesh and blood betrayal?
"Temujin, you coward. Go out and show yourself. Fight me!" 
Algun scans his surrounding, gritting his teeth in rage yet in him burns a sort of quiet rage. He strains his hearing as he lighten his steps 
"Oh, the hero of Turuk Bairon calls me a coward? that is like the kettle calling the pot black!" Temujin voice seethe with hatred as it echoes 
"Before you ask why do I call you a coward, remember this: it is because you are a coward that you told the father to hasten your marriage to Tuyaa! you are afraid that Tuyaa will realize I am the better man!"
Algun shakes his head, his marriage was indeed a few years earlier than promised...but that is because Algun's mother was sick and on practically breathing her last. The creeping malaise has consumed her within for sometimes but she bid him not to tell Temujin. Temujin is the closest and held dearest by his mother and his mother worried that this might upset Temujin, to Temujin his mother was just tired from their harsh desert life and therefore was just having a normal illness.
Her last wish was to see Algun wed before she passes away. That summer Algun asked his father to hold the ceremony, to their surprise Tuyaa's parents and clan agrees to their request.
"Temujin, am I always so low in your eyes brother? did you ever think of anything else but me trying to take Tuyaa away from you ?"
Algun heaves a breath
"First of all, our mother was dying and her last wish was to see me wed. I have asked father to pick another bride from the Narima, however, you know that he will lose face if he does that."
"How can I, a whelp whose only through kindness and love of our parents dare to give them even the slightest burden ? to not fulfill my mother, no -our- mother last wishes ?"
"How can I smear father's face with dung by making him break his promise?"
He grits his teeth as Algun continues to look for Temujin.
"In the hereafter, Nhaama will avert her eyes away from me if I ever held any jealousy towards you, Temujin. However, it is you who cannot listen to reason"
A moment of silence before Temujin replies 
"Why does it have to be you Algun? you are always our parent's favorite, always the better one, and to add to the insult you even take the only thing I treasure in this life"
A thunder flashes somewhere and from within the ruin whinnying sound of a horse can be heard. Suddenly as if springing to alive, the old rotten wood door to the inner keep blast open as Temujin rides astride a black midnight stallion. Spear in his hand and hatred in his eyes as he tries to run over Algun.
Algun however, was ready. He rolls around and evades the attack although the horse swipe makes him tumble to a nearby wall and knocks the air out of his lung. He turns back and his eyes turns wide as he recognize that horse
"Rukh!" Algun shouted in surprise, calling the Darkhad horse. Rukh’s sire is Ajim, a stallion that was gifted to Batugun from Bogatai Khan himself. Algun's eyes will not mistake the horse from anything else because he was the one who helped deliver Rukh into the world as a foal. The horse has a distinct color and birthmark on top of his right eye in form of a faded wing, it is said that horse such as this is blessed with speed and strength.
Algun had left Rukh that day when he goes hunting for the fire lizards, he did not know that Temujin ran away with Rukh after he and the conspirator party he worked with exterminated the clan.
Temujin twirls his spear, sneering 
"Oh yes, brother, the last of your possession is already mine years ago. After I poisoned your whelps I tried to take Tuyaa with me, but she refuse to hear reason" Temujin limbal ring retracts as if a feverish man is talking 
"I promised myself, I shall destroy you and all that you love. I had to do what need to be done, and still, Tuyaa did not blame you!" "This fire in me will not be quenched until I kill you Algun Bairon!"
Algun draws his bows, string taut and arrow aimed. As Temujin approach with a blinding speed, Algun shot his arrow. Temujin eyes widen as he tries to dodge the arrow meant to pierce his throat. His movement was a bit late though as the arrow pierce his right shoulder instead.
Algun lowers his bow and stares into the horse's eye. Rukh mouth is foaming as he travels at breakneck speed, Algun will be trampled if he does not dodge. Even animal, however, recognize their true master. Just as he was about to be trampled, Rukh rears up his front leg and whinnied loudly, throwing Temujin out of balance and out of his saddle.
"Cursed animal!" Temujin shouts as he falls down the horse, it does not take him long before he stands up and continues his assault towards Algun.
Algun would fire another arrow, Temujin snarls as the arrow hit his left shoulder. Driven by a fit of rage, he thrust his spear towards Algun, the wind made from the spear movement can be felt. A sign that the force behind the movement is very strong.
Temujin was strong, but he is hurt and so his aim was not good. In a split moment, Algun draws a dagger from his belt and parried the spear away before he shoulder tackle Temujin.
The fight afterward was a contest of strength, Temujin has grown surprisingly strong and even though Algun tries to be calm he knows that if he does not give in to his instinct he will not survive. The older Bairon therefore, let his fist and kicks answer Temujin's attack beat by beat.  Temujin might be strong, but he forgot his brother is an accomplished wrestler.
So there it was, as a dust storm approach the ruin: Temujin Bairon lies on the floor with both arms twisted and broken. Algun face is bloody from the struggle and some of his old wound reopens again.
Algun wipes the blood and draws his dagger
"Temujin Bairon, a traitor to the blood and kin slayer. If you have any words that can stop Nhaama's justice from being done, say so now" he grabs the dagger with both hands,
"If you have been wronged by someone then tell the truth, fear not, your soul shall rest with your family. under the ever merciful gaze of Nhaama." 
As the chief, judge, and arbitrator Algun holds by generations of custom and tradition to pass a fair judgment. His hand trembles as he stares at Temujin. The only thing he fears now is not Temujin but himself.
Algun raises the blade as he stares at Temujin's face. His twin looks at him before saying "I hope you rot in Nhaama's hell, Algun Bairon. You shall live with the knowledge that you were helpless when I kill your whelps and your wife" he snarls and attempts to spit at the chieftain. 
Algun's hand is faster, however, as the blade reach Temujin's face and the enormous power behind it drive the dagger into the skull like a hot knife through butter. Temujin Bairon was dead before he knows it.
Algun hand moves again, the blade moves and cut through the throat as he sever the head from the body
"Your body is our parent’s gift, therefore I shall not subject you through seventy-seven corpse defilement, punishment from betraying your kin and your Chief. Your head and your body shall be separated so that you shall never find your way to the Dusk Mother's Gher. Ever lost as a ghost in the afterlife" Algun says this in a firm voice yet when he tries to wipe his face from the blood, flashes of memories run through his mind.
Of Tuyaa "Rest well dear wife. This debt has been paid and settled."
Of his sons and daughters "Temur, Sokha, Batu, Hulagu, Ilya. Aav (father) ask you accompany your Ekh (mother) to Nhaama's Gher. Show her the way through the lonely path"
Of his clans, warriors old and young, weavers, water-bearers, scouts, shade mothers, sisters, brothers, and much more.
Dropping his blade and the severed head of Temujin, Algun looks to the ground.
Then the Chieftain weeps quietly...
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Sakamaki Reiji x Male! Trans! Reader ¡Lemon!
//chapter is written in first (1st) person//
//3,644 words; 19,439 characters//
"Yui!" I called . Yui had invited me over to discuss the literature homework we both had.
Our class was intermingled, meaning students from every grade /in high school/ were in that class together. Yui was a second year, and I was a first year; yet somehow I was an advanced student.
I had to use the restroom while I was here, so Yui led me to it. Though when I got back, she was nowhere to be found. I just sat on her bed and opened my literature book. While I was reading, I felt my chest contract.
'Damn this binder...' I thought to myself. I was thankful that it flattened my rather ((Chest Size)) chest, yet it often killed my lungs. My packer is bothering me as well; but what really matters is that I pass well, which seems to be working as of late.
"R-Reiji stop!" I heard from down the hall. That was Yui's voice, which concerned me. I closed my literature book and walked into the hall. I see that Yui' is there, gently against the wall with a /devilishly handsome/ man, seemingly, kissing her neck. I cleard my throat, being loud enough for both of them to hear.
"Pardon my interruption, but I do need Yui for homework purposes." I spoke rather tauntingly.
Yui was gently thrown to the ground while the /vampire/ man walked towards me. His purple eyes scanned my body hungrily. He pushed his glasses up, huffing.
"And who might you be?" He asked, his voice very composed. I smirked at him.
"I find it rude to ask for someone else's name without giving your own first." I replied. The man chuckled.
"My name is Reiji Sakamaki, now please answer my question." Reiji insisted.
"My name is Y/N, my last name isn't important." I spoke. He smirked.
Realising I had forgotten about Yui, I looking down, seeing her shuddering and panting. Sighing, I looked back to Reiji.
"What exactly did you do to her?" I asked curiously. The man stalked towards me.
He awkwardly sniffed my neck before gently laying his left hand on my right shoulder. This made me shiver as I was sure that he could feel my binder. Reiji then used his right hand to tilt my head. I made no attempts at stopping him, I was too curious. He made a move at my neck, gently biting down on it.
The piercing of his fangs against my flesh stung, but as he drunk it felt... Soothing.
"Vampire, eh... I thought they didn't exist..." I mumbled. I wasn't afraid, I thought vampires were just children's stories. As soon as I heard him groan, I let out a tiny noise of my own. He tightened his grip on my neck, pulling me closer.
"Shit..." I whispered. Why was Yui even screaming (?), this isn't nearly as bad as she made it out to be. Plus, Reiji seemed respectful and gentle; aside from the initial bite.
After a few long moments, the vampire pulled away.
"How could a male be so masculine with the voice and moans of a woman? And especially make such lewd noises?" Reiji taunted. This made my cheeks flush a tiny bit, yet I controlled it.
I saw a bit of blood running down his chin, so I used the back of my sleeve to wipe it off. His eyes squinted at this.
"How dirty; You've stained your sleeve with your own blood." Reiji commented. I chuckled.
"Well I didn't exactly want my blood stained on someone else's face." I replied. He gave a content smirk. My shirt slid down my shoulder a bit, yet I never realised it. Reiji took note of the strange strap on my shoulder and grabbed it. He cocked a brow.
"What is this?" He asked, slipping his fingers under it. My face heated up fast as I quickly swatted his hand away, slipping my sleeve back up on my shoulder.
"It's... Nothing." I answered. I couldn't answer truthfully, that would give away the fact that I'm trans, instead of a cis gendered male. Reiji huffed.
"I don't like being lied to." He replied. Before I could reply back I felt Yui grip my shoulder. This startled me.
"Y/N, we still have homework." Yui spoke. I nodded, giving one more look to Reiji before walking with Yui back to her room to work.
I'll admit it, I am attracted to Reiji; and the thought of his fangs on my neck has me flustered. So, not only did vampires exist, but I am attracted to one.
Back in the room, Yui and I both had our literature textbooks open. I had my /school/ binder out also, taking the notes that I needed. All Yui had for the class was a spiral notebook, which I suppose is reasonable. I only have a binder because I take more notes than the other students in the class. They say I'm an overachiever, which is 100% correct.
Though, for being an overachiever, I have the attention span of a cheese sandwich. Even now, when I was helping someone else with their work, I couldn't focus. My thoughts were going to the events that happened in the hallway. I don't know why It's got me so flustered, or why it's got me so excited.
'It's probably because he's a vampire.' I thought to myself.
"Y/N, I think we should stop for today. You look like you're running a fever." I hear Yui say. Was it really that obvious? I brought my hands to my face,, feeling how hot my cheeks were.
'Shit..' I thought to myself.
"Yui, can I ask you something?" I asked. Her eyes perked up.
"Of course! She replied enthusiastically.
"Do you, at this moment, know where Reiji would be?" I have to ask him something." Her eyes widened when I asked this.
"Y/N that's not a-" I interrupted her.
"I know that he's a vampire, I just need to speak with them." She gave a defeated nod after I said this.
Yui had led me to Reiji's laboratory. Just the thought of him having a laboratory was fascinating. I knocked softly on the door, yet loud enough for anyone inside the room to hear.
"Enter!" I heard Reiji's raspy voice shout. I shuddered, his voice sending tingles down my spine. I reached my hand out, turning the door nob. Opening the door, I was greeted with a magnificent sight of bookshelves, testubes, and potion recipes.
Reiji was drinking a cup of tea while in a lounge chair. He seems to be pondering something.
'Cute.' I thought to myself. He drifted his eyes over to me. He squinted at me, yet his eyes were soft.
"What is it that you need?" The man asked, a biting edge at the end of his words. I inhaled a sharp breathe, completely forgetting what I was going to ask.
"I..." I began to speak.
"Spit it out, Y/N. I hate when I wait for something so insignificant." He spat. I cleared my throat.
"What does my blood taste like?" I blurted. His eyes widened before he smirked at me.
"Well, it's hard to describe. Come here, and I will show you." He replied in a deep, sultry tone. My first instinct was to comply; It's like he had me in some sort of trance,, like he was controlling my emotions and actions.
I began walking towards Reiji,, taking long, slow steps. He unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, as if trying to seduce me.
I now stood about three steps away from him, his cold eyes looking down at me. I felt heat building up all over my body, and my heart rate was increasing. He mimicked the motions he did before: Resting his left hand on my right shoulder as his gloved one tilted my head gently and gracefully. Reiji began kissing my neck softly, causing me to let out soft whimpers. He then sunk his fangs in, though this time it was more pleasurable. I moaned softly, my action making him tighten his grip on my neck, almost choking me. Even that was pleasurable.
"Reiji..." I said subconsciously. He halted his movements, turning his head up to me as he let his fangs retract. He had the tiniest blush on his cheeks.
"So lewd. Calling my name like that." He cooed. This made me legs buckle.
'Is he trying to seduce me? Trying to make me weak like this?' I thought. While in my thoughts, I didn't realise his lips were on mine. The kiss was soft, yet hot. I could taste my blood on his tongue as it danced with mine. My arms made their way around his neck, gripping his hair; the heat in my body began to rise as my knees bucked. Reiji then pulled away, a string of saliva connecting us. My face was as red as it wanted to be.
"You're getting aroused, aren't you? I should punish you." Reiji spoke in that seem deep and sultry voice. I moaned internally, looking up at him with half lidded eyes.
Quickly, Reiji bent me over his desk, my school shirt hiking up. I feel him take some sort of ruler or measuring tool off his desk as it rested on my behind. A few /quick/ moments after, I felt a slap. This made me jump, but also shudder.
He then repositioned my hips, adjusting my posture so that I was on my tip toes with my back straight. Another slap was felt, my body shifting forward.
I felt his figure loom over me, getting close to my ear. His hot breathe made me shiver.
"I want you to count." Reiji whispered. I nodded vigorously, feeling his smirk. Another slap landed on my behind.
"One!" I whined out. I could feel my arousal rising in between my legs.
'Fuck, my packer's getting really uncomfortable now.' I thought. My arse stung, but the arousal just continued to pool in between my legs. Another slap was landed, but this time I moaned.
"Two-" I moaned out. I could feel his hard gaze boring into my back. After that, Reiji let out a huff.
"Was that a moan that came from you?" He began, giving an even harder slap. I moaned even louder this time.
"Are you enjoying your punishment, Y/N?" Reiji taunted; I shuddered. I felt him grab my torso and yank me up, making me stand up straight. However, while standing my shirt hiked up; it was just high enough for Reiji to see the underside of my binder. Unfortunately for me, he noticed. He then began to unbutton my shirt carefully, as if not to rip it.
When it was open fully, he left it on my shoulders, getting a full view of my binder. Reiji seemed to know what I was, and he seemed,, perplexed.
"Flattening your chest, hm? Are you sure you are a male?" He spoke. That hurt, a wave of dysphoria washing over me. I couldn't answer him.
"Did I poke a nerve?" He taunted. I just glared a him, a soft growl coming from my lips.
"Of course you did, bastard! Unlike you, I wasn't born in the correct body! ,,I never wished to be born a female..." I retorted. Reiji's eyes softened at this as he rested his hands on my hips. He gripped them harshly, making me yelp.
"I will say,, for being born in the body of a woman, you make a handsome man.." The vampire spoke. My cheeks flushed, yet I noticed that the arousal in my core never left.
Acting on impulse, I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him deep and hard. The pool between my legs grew, causing my packer to shift. I fekt him land a slap onto my arse, causing me to moan. Reiji took the chance to slip his tongue into my mouth, claiming dominance over me. I gripped his hair, bringing him closer to me. Reiji bit my bottom lip, drawing blood; he moaned at the taste of it.
We had to pull away for air, and I was panting like a dog in heat. All Reiji did was smirk, gripping and kneading my arse.
"Such a slut." He threatened. The harshness in his voice had me rubbing my thighs together, seeking some sort of friction. Reiji lowered his head to my neck, biting it harshly.
"Ha..." I moaned out. My hands dipped from his hair and started tugging at his shirt. Right after, he grabbed my hands and pinned them behind my back, making me whine.
'When did I become so submissive?' I thought to myself.
Pulling away, Reiji then dove his hand into my boxers. He could feel my packer, but also the pool of arousal between my legs.
"Packing too, eh? But it also seems that you're extremely aroused. Such a naughty little thing." He taunted. I just whined and pushed myself against him. Reiji removed my packer, throwing it across the room before shoving a finger into my core. It felt weird initially, but soon I was letting out soft whimpers. My hands were still pinned behind my back, so I couldn't hold on to him.
"What a dirty boy you are..." Reiji whispered into my ear, inserting another finger. My whimpers turned into full fledge moans; and thankfully, he let go of my hands.
My hands immediately went to his shirt and began to undo it. Reiji's menstruations stopped as he growled.
"Did I say that you are allowed to undress me?" He said in a superior tone; a tone that made my knees buckle.
"No sir-- Oh!" I moaned as Reiji plunged three fingers into me. I felt my knees give out as I collapsed on to his chest, my entire body shaking in pleasure. He sped up his pace, causing me to let out long moans. I heard Reiji groan softly, obviously getting aroused.
Unintentionally, my hand drifted down to his pants, gripping his growing bulge. Reiji moaned lowly at this, bucking into my hand; though he didn’t stop me, instead he worked his fingers at an inhuman pace.
“Fuck-” I moaned out, getting close to my climax. His fingers felt so good, but I was longing for more.
Reiji hit a bundle of nerves that made my vision go white for a few seconds. I’m close, I’m so fucking close.
“You’re not allowed to release until I say so, got it? Not until I give you permission.” Reiji spoke, slightly growling. I whined, trying my hardest not to cum. The not in my stomach was so close to snapping, and Reiji’s gloved hand wasn’t helping anything.
“R-Reiji please,,” I called out, bucking my hips into his hand. He let out a low, husky moan, dipping his face close to my ear.
“Let go...” He whispered. And right then I let that knot snap, my body shaking as I cry out. Reiji had bit into my neck, giving me even more pleasure. My grip on him tightened, and that includes my grip on his buldge.
My core clenched around his hand; the vampire cradling my body as I came down from my high. Reiji was still drinking from me, but after a few moments, he pulled away.
“Get on your knees.” He ordered. My mind was hazy, so I didn’t think twice before obeying. I looked up I him, my hair a mess and my cheeks flushed. Reiji looked down at me with eyes that made me moan out to him, the heat in my core coming back instantly.
‘Damn what is he doing to me?’ I thought. I saw Reiji untie his tie before he tied my hands together; they were in front of me instead of behind my back.
As he unbuckled his belt, I saw that he had a wet spot in his boxers; his pants fell to his knees. Seeing this, I crawled as close to him as I could, placing a kiss to his clothed arousal. He gripped my hair, pulling my head back far enough to give me a soft kiss before pushing me farther on to him.
I took his underwear between my teeth and pulled them down, hearing Reiji hiss as I took his member into my mouth. And as I was sucking him off, I felt a dirty trick come to mind.
“Daddy...” I moaned around him. I could hear him inhale a sharp breath before pulling me off of him and gripping my neck. He still had a good portion of my hair in his hand.
“Call me that again, and I won’t hesitate to bend you over my desk and take you right here and now.” Reiji growled out.
“Then take me.. Daddy.” I teased again. I yelped when I was bent over the desk with my back facing the vampire on top of me.
My clothes were stripped off; everything /thankfully/ except for my binder. I could feel Reiji position himself at my entrance, pushing in; but not before testing a hand on my lower back. It hurt like hell, causing me to whimper. Reiji’s figure looked over me, placing small kisses on the back of neck. I clawed my nails into the palms of my hands.
“Shh... You’re okay.” He whispered gently in my ear. Knowing that the pain would still be there regardless of how long I waited, I began to move; I began pushing my hips back against Reiji, moaning in pain. Though, the grip Reiji had on my hip tightened as he hissed in pleasure. Knowing that he was being pleasured during this put me at ease.
Nibbling on my earlobe, Reiji began thrusting slowly, making me moan in pain and pleasure,, but there was more pain than there was pleasure. My lower regions ached; I felt like I was being torn apart. The pain made me tense up, and the vampire stopped his movements. He grabbed my neck gently, pulling my head back and connected our lips. The kiss was gentle and passionate.
“You’re okay...” He reassured. I took a deep breath as he began thrusting. I heard Reiji take sharp breathes; it took about three more thrusts for pleasure to begin building, and for me to let out sultry moans. The vampire sped up, rocking my hips back and forth with his thrusts.
“Reiji~” I moaned out. A large smack was landed against my arse.
“That’s Daddy to you.” He said sternly, and before I could answer, I saw stars. He hit that special bundle of nerves that drove me wild. I balled my fists; oh how I wish I could snack my arms around his neck.
“I-I want to see you!” I whined out, feeling Reiji’s smirk at the back of my neck.
Without pulling me off of him, he turned me around, having my back bent over the desk. I gave a dazed smile as I threw my arms around his neck. Reiji unexpectedly thrusted into me at an inhuman pace.
“Daddy~” I moaned out, looking into his lust glazed eyes. He groaned /sexily/ at me. My face was flushed and there were tears at the corners of my eyes. I felt like I was in heaven.
Reiji leaned down to my ear, letting loud moans fill it. He was letting me know how good he felt. This made my personal pleasure even more intense. I gripped his hair as best I could with my bound hands.
“I’m the only one who gets to see you like this, understood?” Reiji said aggressively. His tone alone was almost enough to send me over the edge. I nodded vigorously as his pace quickened [if that was even possible]. My whole body shook with pleasure.
The vampire sunk his fangs into my neck, and that sent me to the moon. I pretty much shrieked with ecstasy as my body arched itself into Reiji’s. His hands roamed my body gently and gracefully, caressing every crevice and curve as I came down from my high. Reiji still hasn’t reached his climax yet, however. I instinctively moved my hips, whimpering from the overstimulation. Reiji moaned at this, holding my hips in place.
“Y/N stop...” He moaned, but I didn’t listen. I rocked my hips once more, shuddering as he continued his thrusting. His thrusts were hard, but there was a few moments between each one. I could tell that he was close, so I put my lips to his ear.
“Let it out... Daddy.” I moaned into his ear. Right after that, his third or forth thrusts had him over the edge. He pulled out and released into my stomach, my name quietly leaving his lips.
Reiji slumped over me for a few moments, giving me an opportunity to pull him in for a short and sweet kiss. He pulled my arms out from around his neck, untying them. He kissed the bruises that formed on them, and then placed soft kisses under my ear.
“Such a handsome man...” He whispered. It’s like his entire persona changed, but I wasn’t complaining. Reiji pulled away from /and out of/ me, grabbing a cloth to clean off my stomach. I was exhausted and just wanted to cuddle, like the sappy scenes you read in romance books.
The vampire had redressed himself and slipped my boxers back on me. He then went back to his cup of /now cold/ tea. He saw the look in my eye and sighed, like he hadn’t just taken me on his desk a few moments ago.
“Come here.” Reiji spoke. I smiled, walking up to the lounge chair he was in and climbed into his lap, embracing him.
“Such a handsome, yet troublesome human.” He whispered. I laughed at this.
A study date with Yui led to /surprise/ sex with a handsome vampire. I’m not complaining...
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