#he and rydell have been around for a Long Time
annas-hair-donut · 10 months
For the WIP ask game: And If I Changed my Mind
I'm so glad you asked about that one! It's probably what I'm most excited to work on.
Fandom: Frozen, BATB Ships: Kristanna, Ryder/Belle, Anna/Mattias, background Elsamaren, Adam/Gaston, maybe some others Rating: M/E (this snippet is rated T)
It's a long fic (maybe 15-20 chapters or so, at least for now). And it's set in my Bandana AU (Future's So Bright, Rain Check, Here Comes the Sun). Basically, Anna has just divorced Hans and is starting over, living with her sister Elsa, her wife Mare, and their (mostly grown) kids Ryder and Olaf, and also grieving for her daughter Samantha, who passed away as a baby. KB and Anna previously hooked up right after the divorce without really knowing each other, but Anna decides she needs to be on her own for a while before she jumps into any kind of relationship. So this is the story that picks up after their hook-ups until they finally get together. Oh, also, KB hires Anna to be his office manager. It's a slow-burn friends-to-lovers fic.
Along the way, Anna will date Destin Mattias. And there's a side plot where Ryder has a huge crush (does Ryder have any other kind????) on fellow mechanic/Anna's best friend Belle. So it's a bit of a BATB crossover, too. And yes, I'm finally writing Rydelle! You might be skeptical now, but if you read my fic you will walk away a Rydelle believer.
Here's a little snippet (a little more than a snippet) if you want a taste:
Anna would have changed out of her hot pink dress before going in to work, but she got lost on her way from the graveyard, as she always did. She thought about calling KB to ask for directions, but she knew she could figure it out on her own. But once she meandered her way onto the highway - after about an hour of trying to figure out where her GPS was taking her - she spent the rest of the drive wondering why she didn’t even think of calling anyone else.
By the time she got back into town she was already an hour late for work, which meant she was going to have to call KB anyway.
She always thought he was going to be upset with her whenever she was late, but he never was. Not once. He wasn’t ever anything but nice to her.
Once she got to KB’s Auto Shop, she flipped down her visor to make sure she looked decent. It was sprinkling earlier, and she was sure her hair, which Elsa had tediously styled that morning, was nothing less than a frightful mess. And then some, she realized.
Then she saw wearing KB’s bandana tied around her wrist. She would have been mortified if he found out she used it as a security blanket. So she stuffed it into her purse, reapplied her lipstick - the tube was hot pink to match her dress, but the color was a lot less subtle - and headed into work.
Her dress kept riding up, so she pulled at the hem of the A-line skater skirt that hit mid-thigh when she got to the door, then picked at the form-fitting lycra waist, though neither helped. She meant to buy a new one for the occasion, but she was still trying to build up her savings and couldn’t justify spending the money. She didn’t think Samantha would mind that it was a little tighter now, but her dress was a little less forgiving. She didn’t expect to be wearing it to work, though.
KB was talking to a customer when she walked it, and didn’t even seem to notice her slip in, which is what she was hoping for, but then he looked up from the clipboard he was tapping his pen against and stopped talking.
The customer looked behind them, but Anna looked away and pretended not to notice.
But she pulled down her skirt again, then she smoothed her hair back even though she knew it wouldn’t help.
“Hey,” KB said, completely ignoring his customer. “How did it go?”
“It was nice,” she said with a smile she couldn’t help. “The butterflies were out.”
He smiled at her again, and she got the feeling he was trying not to look below her neck. “That’s nice. I’m glad it went well. But I’m also glad you’re back.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear again, though it didn’t stay. Then she scooted past him, and he had to back away to give her enough room to pass.
She felt his eyes follow her as she rounded the counter, and she didn’t look up until she flipped her hair from underneath the sweater that was fortunately draped around the back of her chair, and the thought KB’s head turned away.
“I’m sorry. What was I saying?” he asked the customer.
Anna looked in his direction again as she piled her hair into a bun at the top of her head, and KB looked away again.
The customer laughed and said, “Thanks, Kris. ‘Preciate you.”
KB walked back to the register, still smiling, to show Anna the new inventory he needed her to catalogue when she blurted it out, “I didn’t have time to change.”
“Wait, what?”
“I know this dress isn’t exactly appropriate for work, and it’s too tight, but I got lost and I was already late and I would have been at least another 30 minutes late if I went home to change.”
KB shrugged, “I already told you it’s not a big deal. But maybe a phone call with a heads up next time?”
Anna’s shoulders shrank and she said, “I’m sorry.”
He put his hands on his hips and squinted at her like he does when he’s stumped with a car problem, and she was sure he was wondering the same thing she was: why she couldn’t just call him?
“It’s fine, Anna. Really. No harm done.”
She didn't have an answer for him, though. “I guess it's just one of those days.”
His smile was sweet, but he was silent.
“And my hair is… Elsa actually styled it this morning and it looked so nice!”
KB’s smile widened, and his eyes crinkled. 
“She’s going to be so disappointed.”
“Probably,” KB said with a slight smile.
Anna snorted and KB laughed with her.
“If it helps, I kind of like it.” He moved some some stray hairs out of her face and tried to push it back but it fell forward again.
She piled it onto the top of her head in a messy bun and batted her eyelids in an obviously playful way. “There!”
“Looks great!” he teased and she swatted at his shoulder.
He caught her hand and held it while they stared at each other for a long moment. She knew he was feeling her ring finger to see how much the skin had flattened there. It had been several months since he’d last checked, but the evidence she’d been married before still hadn’t disappeared. And no matter how much she wanted him, she still wasn’t ready.
“Sorry, I should-”
He snapped his hand away and rubbed the back of his neck. “Right, um, no, sorry, I-”
His hands weren’t nearly as greasy as they would be by the end of the day, but Anna always had tissues nearby in case she needed them. She didn’t want to give him any false hope, but she also didn’t want him to feel awkward. He had become one of her closest friends and a knot tightened in her stomach at the thought of losing him.
“Are you still coming tonight?”
“Yup!” he said quickly, and Anna thought she detected relief in his exhale. “Come on, I wouldn’t miss your daughter’s birthday dinner. Is there anything I can bring?”
Just your handsome self, she almost said.
 “Maybe you can bring some beer? Elsa and Mare don’t have good taste like us.”
“Done!” he said on his way to check on the outside bays. 
Just because they were friends now, didn’t mean she couldn’t watch his ass walk away. But he turned when he got to the door and Anna pretended she was typing something. 
She took one more glance because she couldn’t get enough of his ass in jeans - she couldn’t get enough of it without jeans, either! He stopped so she looked up and he was smiling.
So much for not leading him on!
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anarcho-occultism · 2 years
“EGREGIUPSALTES-He is an infernal Duke of immense power and appeareth akin to a man with red skin and horns extending from his ears and chin. He causeth all who surround the summoner to engage in song, dance and other such merriment for as long as the summoner can bindeth him and provides inspiration and talent in the arts of musical composition and stage performance. He is capable of pushing men to reveal hidden secrets that they would otherwise keep concealed. He governeth 20 Legions of Spirits and is summoned by a seal imprinted upon a talisman. Knoweth this should ye summon him: Egregiupsaltes, while oft of good humor, demandeth burnt offerings. If they are not received any personages around thee may be compelled to dance until they burn. Egregiupsaltes also doth from time to time demand a bride, whom he shalt take to his realm if he is given one.”
-Excerpt from De Vermis Mysteriis by Ludvig Prinn, 1269
“NEW YORK, NEW YORK-NYPD sources have confirmed that popular nightclub singer Reno Sweeney was found dead in her apartment this morning at the age of 42. Sweeney, a former evangelist and ex-fiancé of British Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, was found burned to death. The circumstances of Sweeney’s death closely mirror the circumstances surrounding the demise of champion gambler Sky Masterston two years ago, though the cause of Masterton’s death likewise remains a mystery. Sweeney’s funeral is scheduled for next Sunday.”
-Obituary for Reno Sweeney found in the Daily Bugle, April 17th, 1939
“Yes folks, you’ve got trouble! Right here in River City! And that trouble is Satanism! I have found proof—definitive proof—that members of this town have been consorting with dark forces! I want to assure you fine folks that I will work tirelessly to uncover who is responsible for unleashing dark forces on your fair community, so long as I draw breath!”
-Excerpt from a sermon by Reverend Elmer Gantry, 1921
“Blue Rose Case #046-Localized Musical Phenomenon. Seem to manifest in close proximity to teenaged populations (see Rydell High School and Jets-Sharks incidents files). Potential ties to the music of Conrad Birdie under investigation but remain unconfirmed. Known impact on Agent Everett Scott in course of 1959 investigation into alien phenomena. Dr. Scott’s opinion is that aliens in question may venerate a particular infernal entity possessing the ability to create this.”
-Excerpt from a briefing memo sent by UIU Agent Kent Mansley to FBI Director J. Henry Lux, 1961
“The immolation of the gigantic Triffid responsible for terrorizing New York is still under active investigation by authorities. As of this time, police and federal officials remain uncertain as to how it was that the entity formerly known as Audrey II met its demise. Initial rumors that the Justice League was responsible for doing so have been debunked.
Speaking of which, as the Triffid invasion seems to be cast into memory alongside the Mollusc, Kanamit and Furon attacks, we are continuing our efforts to encourage people to help people find missing loved ones. If you are in the Baltimore area and see this woman—Penny Lou Pingleton—please contact the number you see before you…”
-Broadcast by Howard Beale on UBS Evening News, March 16, 1962
“My father’s papers have concealed within them some most foul and infernal documents. I have chosen to destroy them rather than let future generations be forced to confront his mistakes. The ring he had given Anna…was that a token of affection or a curse he sought to pass off? Either way I have ordered it buried in a remote part of Indochina. Hopefully it stays buried.”
-Excerpt from the diary of Thai King Chulalongkorn, written in December of 1868
“No, please, I can get you more sacrifices! I was able to give you a busload before, remember? NOOOO!! AGGGH!”
-Last words of Cory Radison, 2011
“SCP-7172 is not solely responsible for localized musical phenomena. It is estimated that at least 40% of LMPs occur due to the radiation of dimensional energies from the Land of Oz in areas where the boundaries between worlds wear thin for instance. However, SCP-7172 is responsible for a very high number of instances of LMPs including documented instances in:
-Albuquerque, New Mexico, centered on East High School. No casualties documented.
-Salt Lake City, Utah-Centered on the Latter-Day Saints Church Missionary Training Center, effects followed several elders on missions to Uganda, Japan and Norway. 3 casualties documented (2 in Norway, 1 in Japan)
-Cladwell, New Mexico-Effects were felt by the entirety of town. Notably SCP-7172’s impacts were indirectly responsible for the Water Riots of 2011 and the subsequent destruction of the town. Direct casualties: 6 Indirect Casualties: 732.”
-Excerpt from SCP-7172’s file, declassified 2038
“Hehehe, Ol’ Jack hasn’t got anything on me. My sweet muse, my sweet aide, he accepts my blood offerings as good as the fire. And he helps me stay clear of Mr. Noose—more’n he did for Mr. Todd, eh?
Warmest regards,
Mack the Knife.”
-Letter from Mack the Knife to London Police, sent 1890
🎵 Assassins, kitties, prophets—I’ve got range
I made Romans indulge in styles quite strange.
Even if they don’t know all the arts,
Everyone has a song in their hearts.
Theatre troupes, AIDs patients, naval ships,
Revolutionaries, newsboys, even SQUIPS.
I strip away every shred of their doubt
Take that energy, and let it all out. 🎵
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This seems like a good way to waste some time while waiting for my new laptop to be delivered. Current laptop has performed valiantly for 7 years, and it’s time for a relaxing retirement.
Rules: pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! then tag 10 people.  
I was tagged by @gritkitty​. Consider yourself tagged if this is something you’d like to do.
1. The Waiting Room, Buffy x Sandman crossover
"Right," Buffy says. Sure. Why not? She's sitting in a supernatural living room with Death. "So...if I'm dead, what am I doing here? Shouldn't someone be judging me? Oh, god, I'm not going to hell, am I? I've slayed a lot of vampires. That's got to count for something."  
2. Dangerous Cargo, Firefly
"You can all put away your scruples and rest easy. These are prize Shih Tzus. They are very rare, and they are a sight too expensive to eat. Our client is a breeder, and provided we can get the dogs the hell back into the cryo crates, they are headed to a long and happy life of puppy humping."
"Oh," Kaylee said weakly. "Puppy humping. I guess that's okay, then."
3. Rubato, Sports Night
Dan smiled benevolently at her. It made him look like he'd had a little too much tequila. "Estella Marcolini. Her name means 'star', you know."
"Marcolini means 'star'?" Natalie asked.
"Estella means 'star'."
"What does Marcolini mean?"
"I have no idea. But 'Estella Rydell' trips off the tongue, doesn't it?"
4. Counterpoint, SGA
John had been okay with letting Rodney patronize him when he was just the hired help, but if he was going to nurse a secret crush on Rodney, then Rodney could at least respect him. "Actually, I was going to say that it had the precision of Bach combined with the scope of Beethoven, plus a little dash of John Adams, for that modern feel."
5. The man with a gift for finding things, The Outlaws of Sherwood
"I have several sisters and three of them have husbands. Besides, my father knew long before I turned outlaw that he would get no grandsons from me."
Will tripped over a tree root and cursed under his breath. When he recovered, he stared at the back of Much's head; after a moment Much turned around, and though he colored, he did not look ashamed of what he had said, or unaware of the implications.
"My father is an exceptional man," Much said. "As you have reminded me today, I am fortunate in many ways."
6. Wait Wait Don’t Eat Me, RPF - National Public Radio
TOM: Too bad we don't have a national currency any more.
PETER: I think it's fair to say that fear is now our national currency.
MO: Or Snickers bars. Those are really rare now.
7. Five Times Jack Was in the Wrong Story, Torchwood x multiple fandoms Crossover
Joey looked confused at the intrusion into their little bubble, but took Jack's hand. "Joey Tribbiani."
Jack held onto his hand and gazed into Joey's eyes. "How are you?" He wasn't even looking at Rachel, but she suddenly felt a little woozy.
"I'm good," Joey said, his voice low and husky. "How *you* doing?"
8. A Collection of Nouns, The Raven Cycle
His body became a new thing to him. It had always been a tool, something to get him through school and work, something to absorb his father's abuse, his mother's disinterest. It required fuel and rest, and he resented its demands and limitations.
9. Contractual Obligations, Roswell
Alex’s bright eyes and eager face made him wonder how he’d signed up to earn some money and ended up with this.
10. Belongings, Roswell
And Alex wants him so desperately, aches to make up for all the years they'd spent apart. He wants to grocery shop with Michael and argue about what brand of granola bars to buy. He wants to throw their clothes into the washing machine and sort them out when they're dry.
He thinks Michael wants it too. But Michael is scared, and all Alex can do is make him welcome.
(And it worked! My new computer is here!)
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Meeting and Dating Kenickie Murdoch
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You never really cared about social classes or what people chose to wear. In theory, you didn’t mind greasers; you’d actually been quite fond of them at your old school. You just didn’t like the greasers at Rydell. 
- Your family moved houses during your senior year and since Rydell was much closer than the school you’d been going to for the past three years, your parents chose to enroll you there instead. 
- Fast forward to your first day at school. Coincidentally, you ended up on the same bus as Patty Simcox, who enthusiastically took it upon herself to become your tour guide. 
- The minute you stepped foot into the schools parking lot, her eyes zeroed in on a group of boys who were stood near the front of the school. You glanced over and asked if something was wrong. Her response was to warn you about “the T-Birds” and the other greaser/delinquent groups in the school. 
- You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes and assured her you would, mainly to change the subject. You hadn’t really intended to avoid the kids, well, up until you got your first real look at them. 
- Greasers started trouble at your old school, but it was always with people who either deserved it or were willing to fight back. This; you watched as the group of boys teased “Eugene”, wasn’t the same. You shook your head and made your way to your first period class, realizing that it was probably good to stay away from these delinquents. 
- But alas, that would prove to be quite difficult. Kenickie was in; at least, one of your classes; he could have been in more considering you were sure he cut half of them that day. And he seemed to take a liking to you the moment he walked in; late, to class. 
- You could feel him burning holes into the side of your head and when you finally glanced towards him, he gave you a small crooked grin. You rolled your eyes and turned away, intent on ignoring him for the rest of the period. He didn’t like that. 
- Throughout the period, which was filled with first day “fun” activities, he became increasingly bothersome with his attempts to garner your attention. Tapping his fingers, tapping his foot, dropping a textbook “on accident”, making loud jokes. You accidentally chuckled at one of them and were immediately met with a grin and wink once you snuck a glance at him. 
- The bell chimed and you picked up your things, making your way out of class quickly, hoping to leave him in the dust. You had no such luck as he seemed to be hot on your tail, matching your pace as he uttered his first words to you. 
“Haven’t seen you around here.”
“Maybe you haven’t looked hard enough.”
“Believe me, I’d remember a face like yours.” 
“Well maybe you should try and forget it.” You told him just as you entered your next class, leaving him standing in the doorway; a determined look plastered across his face. This wouldn’t be the end of it. 
- For the next few months, Kenickie would do everything he could to get you to acknowledge him. Teasing, flirting, complimenting, peacocking, playing it cool; you name it.  
- Going to hang out somewhere? He always just happens to be there, catching your eye as he enters the room. If you go to walk past him, he’ll block you with his legs, making you stop and speak to him; if only to say an exasperated excuse me, as you wait. 
- Waiting outside for someone? Well so is he. Hey, it isn’t his fault that you’re stood in a popular place that his friends always meet at …but while you’re here, why doesn’t he buy you a coke or something? 
- It’s not that you hated him. Sure, he annoyed you and could be a real jerk when he wanted to be but you didn’t hate him. A part of you even liked him and his attention, but you also knew that it probably wasn’t in your best interest to be interested in him. 
- Ever since you came to the school, all you ever heard about was how him and his friends did this or how him and his friends did that. Watch out for Kenickie. Oh can you guess who Kenickie parked with last night. Some of  it seemed exciting and he was certainly handsome, but he was also trouble and that was the last thing you needed, wasn’t it? 
- Unfortunately for you, Kenickie wasn’t keen on giving up and your resolve was beginning to break. His flirtation took a less obnoxious turn, it even started sounding sweet and soon enough you had to admit that he’d wormed his way into your heart. 
- It was after school one day, you were sat in the nearly empty courtyard, reading a book and enjoying the sun. After a while, you heard boots scraping slightly on the concrete behind you, the noise getting closer and closer until you heard your name. You immediately knew who it was. 
“Kenickie?” You asked, turning to look at him.
- He locked eyes with you for a moment, looking as though he really wanted to say something before he glanced up. His eyes scanned over the five people who were sat in the courtyard around you, his teeth nibbling anxiously at his bottom lip. 
“C’mon, I gotta talk to you.” He said, taking you by the arm and pulling you out of your seat, dragging you behind him as he walked to a totally deserted area behind the school. 
- The two of you stopped short and you watched him as he turned towards you. He was acting …strangely. Was he sick? Was he on something? You were about to say something when he finally spoke. 
“Y/n? You know how I’m always messin with ya?” He tugged at his collar, his eyes darting around, moving from the ground to your face and back to the ground again. “And how I- How I’ve, well, you know. How I’ve been messin with ya. 
- Listening to him ramble, it took you a minute but you finally realized what was going on. The Kenickie Murdoch …was nervous. 
- The thought flattered you more than anything. The tough greaser of your school was getting genuinely flustered and it was because of you. 
- His eyes landed on you for a long moment, his words coming to a stop as he seemed to mull over what he should say. Finally, he looked to his feet and spoke, his voice so low that you almost didn’t hear what he said.
“Well, I like you and I wanted to know if you, maybe, liked me too.” He gazed into your eyes once he’d finished, an uncharacteristic vulnerability lingering inside his baby blues. 
- You felt yourself begin to smile, butterflies fluttering inside your stomach as you tried to think of how to respond. Simple seemed like the way to go.
“Yeah,” You said softly, smiling up at him. “Yeah, I like you.”
- A big grin spread across his face, his nerves leaving him in an excited chuckle as he gripped your bicep and gave it a gentle push. Biting his lip as he smiled, his hand moved at his side as though he were banging it against something, before realizing he probably looked like a big goof. 
“Great,” He cleared his throat. “Good. I’ll pick you up at seven.”
- Your first date was at the drive-in theater. You don’t know how hard it was for him to not make a move on you. If you ever noticed him suddenly stiffen, it was because he was willing himself not to reach down and touch your boob or lunge across his center console and kiss you until you couldn’t breathe. You’re a lady, he can’t do that! Bad Kenickie! Bad!
- Knowing his reputation, you chose to make him wait a little and anticipate your first kiss. So the two of you kissed for the first time on your fourth date. But believe me, he tried to smooch you before then.
- The two of you had gone to Frosty’s palace for a shake and after you were finished, he drove the two of you to “makeout point”. He tried to act innocent when you gave him a look but he wasn’t fooling anyone. You rolled your eyes as he drummed his fingers along the steering wheel, uttering out a “come on” and smiling as he dove to connect your lips.
- Well, now that you have him, you won’t be able to get rid of him anytime soon. Not that you want to.
- Pda? All the time baby. You’re his girl and he’s gotta show it …just no goo goo ga ga stuff. He’s got a tough greaser reputation to keep up, ya know?
- His arm is wrapped around your shoulders 90% of the time.
- He likes gripping your chin and tilting you into a kiss. That lovey dovey look in your eyes as your gazing up at him gets him every time.
- Sitting between his legs and leaning back against his chest. He’s a serial lounger so it’s either that or he’ll just drape himself across you.
- He uses a lot of nicknames with you. Most of them are used in a sarcastic tone, unless they’re generic or the two of you are alone.
- Playful threats, sarcasm, and snide remarks.
- He will nap on you, laying his head in your lap and crossing his arms over his chest. Hope you don't mind the grease too much.
- He’ll deny it until his very last breath, but he’s a snuggler and is definitely the one to initiate cuddles 90% of the time. He complains and practically pouts whenever you pull away from him.
- The two of you usually cuddle facing each other, your arms wrapped snug around each other and your legs tangled together. He can’t help but smile whenever you sleepily tell him he smells good; which he always does.
- He insists on walking you to class, not caring about when he manages to get to his own. He’s late everyday anyway.
- Sneaking out to go see him. There’s always a smile on his face as he watches you make your way outside, though he’ll; weakly, scold you if you do anything dangerous. You just tell him that he could always stop coming to see you. He never takes you up on that offer.
- Late night drives.
- Parking in dark areas.
- Desperate makeouts. He always trails after your lips every time you pull away, moaning your name like the two of you were doing a whole lot more than kissing.
- One word: insatiable. His hormones are racing. Testosterone is pumping through his body. His pelvis is leading the way wherever he goes. He can force himself to wait until you want to do something but boy is it hard when you look so good.
- The more heated things get, the sloppier his kisses become; though you’re usually too far gone to really care.
- “Sneaky butt grabs” and blatant grinding against you.
- He definitely air humps your backside and makes grabbing hands at your butt/chest when you aren’t facing him, pretending like he wasn't doing anything when you turn to look at him.
- Hickeys. 
- Soft pushes when he makes wisecracks. He’ll knock shoulders with you and smirk or waggle his eyebrows, until you smile and roll your eyes.
- Anytime he does something; especially something big, he’ll ask what you think or look towards you for your reaction. He seeks your praise. Your opinion means a lot to him, even if he doesn’t outright say it.
- He probably got your name tattooed on him at some point. I wouldn't put it past the sucker.
- Not so deep down, he’s a softie and a pushover; especially for you. Try not to give him too much lip when he gets all goo goo eyed with you.
- As suave as he may seem. He hasn’t made it with all that many girls; at least not all the way. Sometimes, you’re gonna be genuinely shocked with some of the confessions that he makes to you because they all just make him seem so much more …cute.
- Momma’s boy. You think it’s sweet when you go over to his house and she dotes on him, usually prompting him to give an embarrassed “ma” with a mouthful of sandwich and/or reddening cheeks.
- He doesn't have a whole lot of spending money so; generally, the two of you go on fairly cheap dates, and usually go Dutch when buying things.
- Sock hops.
- Sharing and stealing food. If you can’t finish something and ask if he wants it, be prepared for him to grab it before you can even finish your sentence.
- He’s always got a beer for you if you’re into that sorta thing. He was probably the person to give you your first, amongst other firsts....
- Double; and more, dates with the couples in his gang.
- Your boyfriend is also Danny Zuko's boyfriend so expect to see the greaser a lot. He’s pretty fond of you and much sweeter than you anticipated.
- You’re only allowed to wear the jacket when it’s late at night and he catches you shivering; or when you’re completely alone. He won’t let any of the other guys see you wearing it, they can’t know that he’s gone soft.
- He’s not the best at comforting you but he’s pretty good at cheering you up and distracting you from what’s bothering you.
- Dangerous displays and daredevil antics. Whether he does them to impress or spook you is still up for debate.
- Harmless pranks, usually when you’re alone because he’d have to kick someone’s ass if they laughed you. He’s the only one allowed to tease you.
- He likes looking through your things. Your purse, your shelves, your locker; he’s a curious boy and his questions must be answered through scientific observation. He’s also looking for your compact mirror half the time so maybe just take your bag back and get it for him. 
- Sometimes, a womans gotta stand her ground and you’ll have to every now and again to make sure he doesn't walk all over you. He loves you but he can also be a jerk so give him a little hell when he’s giving you trouble. He learns that you aren’t to be toyed with or disrespected pretty quickly, and to be honest, you putting him in his place kinda turns him on.
- You once went to see a movie with him and offhandedly mentioned that one of the actors was handsome. He spent the whole night criticizing the movie and glancing at you when the actor was on screen to see your reaction. He was also extra handsy and kept trying to make a move, which prompted you to shrug him off. He was genuinely offended that you’d rather watch the guy then fool around with him.
- He can; obviously, be quite the jealous man. The only problem is that when he’s jealous, he usually tries to make you jealous too; especially if you’re fighting. It usually culminates in him failing to keep himself under control, finally just snapping and trying to beat the other guy bloody which is pretty much how all of his bouts of jealousy turn out. 
- He’s protective as all hell in all meanings of the word. He doesn’t want you getting hurt feelings, a hurt body, sick; nothing. He always jumps to your defense, immediately telling people to shut up if they even try to insult or hint at something unsatisfactory about you. Believe me, anybody who messes with you is cruisin’ for a bruisin’. 
- The two of you probably argue quite a bit but you don’t always have full blown fights. He’s usually a pretty blunt and sarcastic boy and doesn’t mince his words very often; especially when he’s angry, so things can get pretty heated whenever you do have a fight. 
- If you storm out on him, he’ll follow, even if he knows you’re about ready to kill him. He’ll take all the abuse you want to throw at him but you’re going to settle and square it right then and there, dammit!
- If you don’t wind up resolving things immediately after, then he’ll linger where he knows you’ll pass, hoping you’ll come up to him and forget everything that happened. He’s shy when apologizing but he does give you one when he’s in the wrong. 
- He shyly mumbles out a “love you” after you say it, especially when it’s in front of the guys. He’ll knock their blocks off if they even so much as smile at his expense.
- He proposes to you straight out of highschool. Some may call him crazy but he knows that you’re the one and he’s ready to spend the rest of his life with you.
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anystalker707 · 3 years
Nothing important
Pairing: Ray x Reader Word count: ~ 4 600 Genre: Fluff / Comfort Summary: Ray's annoying attitude turns out to be only attempts to get (y/n)'s attention.
Requested by @lubbockshusband
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On behalf of both schools—Rydell and Belleville High—declaring bankruptcy and a last attempt to save something, they suddenly came up with the idea to merge the two schools, hence the new semester started in a brand new building that’s at least much better than the old shit we had. On the other hand, there will be a long way until getting used to the new direction and students. Like this punk. I started talking with some kids yesterday—kids from the other school—who kept warning me about Ray and how I shouldn’t even dare to look his way, but I don’t know, he doesn’t look like that kind of punk, he’s just... a loser in eyeliner. How is he even popular if he’s not nice, anyways?
The new building has a much wider cafeteria, but the usual formation of groups has some of the tables going even mostly empty. Y’know what, I don’t care if today I end up sitting with people I’m not close to, I just want to sit at an actual table to have my lunch. It wasn’t nice when I spilled the juice all over me the other day.
Thankfully, the last table is empty, so I take a seat by the corner, letting the tray down on it first so I can sit down and take the rest of my lunch from my bag—the school has some good things once in a while, but they’re still not enough for a proper lunch—along with the notes for the next period to finish the last questions I couldn’t answer yesterday.
It’s halfway through a cup of juice and a sandwich that I’m forced to look away from my notes after noticing that whoever cleans their throat is, in fact, trying to get my attention in particular. And as much as these boots are nice, recognizing them makes me internally groan.
Ray looks down at me with... well, not a scowl, but he doesn’t seem very pleased, holding his tray in tense hands, knuckles almost white. Nice vest, though. I would ask him for punk DIY tips if he wasn’t such an asshole.
“What?” I raise an eyebrow. “There are other chairs. Actually, all of the others are free, and I’ll just keep doing my thing, alone.”
A sigh escapes his lips as a crease shows up between his eyebrows. “I don’t think you understand, but this table is mine.”
“Leave!” Ray’s eyes widen while he bares his teeth in a hiss. I take a look at him from head to foot—is he really going to do this? Considering the whole reputation he got, he became annoyed fairly quickly.
“It’s your table?”
“That’s what I said! Go fuck around somewhere else—”
“‘Got your name written anywhere?” I hum, putting my pencil down. “Something that states it’s yours, perhaps?”
“Oh, you want to take it the hard way?” Disdain mixes along with his fake calmness.
“And what are you going to do, hm?” I roll my eyes and sip on my drink before I continue. “Like, offend me? Or beat me up? Can’t you do anything better than that? Fucking pathetic! Not gonna share like a stupid toddler! Fuck off, I got shit to do.” A sigh escapes my lips again as I turn my attention to my notes again, just ignoring whatever the idiot says. He’s not worth my time, let alone a low grade.
Even if I don’t look away from what I’m doing, it’s possible to see he takes a seat by the other end of the table, on the other side, followed by a few other people who I presume to have been waiting for him to kick me out of here. It isn’t enough people to take the whole table, even leaving the chairs around me empty, but they still grumble and complain with each other. Ray’s glare burns against the side of my neck, but I couldn’t care less. He’s not gonna get brave, not with me.
Rather than the minor occurrence with Ray things go calmly. I can’t even tell what he does in the meantime, not when I’m focused on what I’m doing, but someone sits on the bench next to me at the moment I’m closing my bag after having put my things away so I can finish my lunch peacefully.
“You’re a crazy motherfucker, aren’t you?” This girl eyes me in disbelief. I don’t really remember her name... Was it something with H? “You’ll be lucky if he doesn’t break you.”
I raise an eyebrow, scoffing. “Look, I really appreciate all of these ‘helpful’ comments, but...” A scoff escapes my lips as I shake my head with a shrug. “I’ll seek out help or opinions if I need them—”
“Best that can happen will be if you end up in his bed, though,” she almost chuckles, eyes drifting down for a moment. She almost sounds uninterested in it. “I mean, not really a lot of people have this opportunity, but they all end up talking really well about it. Like, I’m just trying to warn you about how you should be careful, okay? He’s just really rude, somehow popular, but also for... getting in people’s pants, y’know.” A red tone spreads over her cheeks lightly.
“He— What?” I blink.
“Yeah, yeah, like, I just thought you should think about it, okay?” And she just fucking leaves, quickly disappearing among the crowd of other people.
The next hour is alright—even if I occasionally remember what that girl said, impressively surprising me since Ray’s not exactly what I thought. No surprise, however, is enough to prevent the light pain in the back of my head from forming itself at the moment I find Ray next to my locker. Unfortunately, he continues there even being ignored.
“What?” I close my locker, throwing my bag over my shoulder.
“Look, I know you might be aware of all of the rumors,” he says, funnily moving around the hand that’s not holding onto the strap of his bag thrown over his shoulder while he talks. “But my group is complete by now, and we’re not looking for anyone else, so—”
“Wait, you think I did that to get in your group? Like, to get your attention or something?” I furrow my eyebrows and scoff. Is he serious about it? It’s difficult to believe even if it looks like it. “Well, I don’t know if you’re already aware of it, but not everyone wants to be part of your group.” I furrow my eyebrows. Why would he think I was trying to do it? “So... The world doesn’t revolve around you, okay? I was genuinely just looking for a table. Take care.” With a forced smile, I pat Ray’s shoulder when I walk past him, only to replace it with a roll of eyes once I’m out of sight. Heaven help me.
The events from yesterday are just a vague memory already that’ll only really matter if something similar regarding the same people happens today. I hope it won’t.
I struggle a little to get past the crowd of people in the building’s entrance, but soon find my way to my locker, unfortunately not without running into Ray. Even if it’s something minor, he raises his eyebrows lightly, wordlessly telling me to be more attentive as if I was the one pretending not to see the other. Alright.
Of course, it’s not everything because I have the feeling the universe is constantly writing down my thoughts so it can do the exact opposite. Ray is in my first hour, but I think my presence only demonstrated itself interesting to him after yesterday’s encounter during lunch break. Whoever previously sat at the place next to me—some kid I never bothered talking to—was miserably scared away so Ray could take their seat, also making me wonder whether a couple of Ray’s friends were already taking the seats on the following line, but I don’t really think it matters as long as they don’t bother me.
“Can you lend me a black pen?” Ray asks, at least doing it when the teacher takes a pause to rummage through his drawer.
“Sure.” I fish it out of my pencil case to hand it to him, receiving a quiet thank you in response. Ray has been fucking fidgeting with his shirt since he sat down, for some reason. Is he anxious or something? I look down at his shirt, seeing the fingertips—which poke out of fingerless gloves—of the hand he’s not using to write, absentmindedly tracing the print of the Crimson Ghost’s hands, a shirt that vaguely reminds me of the one I was wearing yesterday. Of course he also likes the Misfits, I’m sure I had caught their logo’s patch on the jacket Ray was wearing yesterday.
“Here.” Ray returns me the pen, out of sudden. Maybe not so out of sudden since I was distracted, but still. I retrieve the pen with a simple nod, quickly turning to the blackboard again once the teacher starts speaking.
I can’t quite define whether it’s due to how I never really paid attention to his presence before—most times I used to see him were when he was leaning against the lockers and talking with someone else; Ray really was just another kid among the crowd—or that he decided I’ll be his next target. I don’t know what it’s for nor which option is worse, if it’s him getting in my pants or being annoyed and some shit. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that Ray isn’t attractive. He really is, probably even someone I would have approached to be friends with if he weren’t so annoying, but there’s the problem—he is so annoying.
To my surprise, however, Ray doesn’t actually complain about seeing me once again sitting at ‘his’ table and even more surprisingly, he takes the seat next to me.
“Where did you get that?” He furrows his eyebrows.
I look up from my phone with a hum and follow Ray’s gaze to my tray. “Oh, I just bring a few extra things from home once in a while.” I shrug, pocketing my phone—I don’t wanna risk him peeking at what I’m seeing even if it’s just scrolling through pictures of musicians I like.
Ray hums, silent for a moment. Does he want it? I hope not because there’s barely enough for myself since I thought there would be more tolerable things at school yesterday when organizing my backpack. Finally, he looks away with a nod. It’s kind of weird how sometimes he tries to include me in conversations or looks at me after he says something. Is he waiting for my reaction? Man, you were telling me not even a complete day ago that your group is complete or something and I cleared it out that I just want a table. What the fuck?
The discomfort, thankfully, is just minor and we soon need to leave when the bell rings again. The next time I see Ray, though, he’s observing me as if he expects me to tell him something as I leave the school. He’s way too confusing.
Things remain like this for the whole week, surprisingly. Of course Ray does occasionally pull some shit, but all of it is easily ignored because his bullshit doesn’t work on me—not the rudeness, not the pet names, not the threats. Nothing. Still, there’s something about the way Ray’s been acting towards me, which I interpret as interest, though it’s confusing to understand which kind of interest it is about, exactly. It’s not that I’m afraid of what he might do; I mainly want to avoid inconveniences.
“Master of Puppets or Seek and Destroy?” Ray asks as he looks at his phone, as if it was some sort of question as important as choosing what color to dye your hair.
“I— It depends,” I say, which sounds more like a question. “Both are good. Depends on what you want it for. If it’s to listen right now, maybe Seek and Destroy. Master of Puppets has more of a heavier vibe.” I shrug and sip on my drink, messing around with my food a little.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he mumbles absentmindedly as he taps on his phone. Okay, then.
The second hour after lunch break is fucking P.E. Sometimes I bother enough about my grade to show up, but today isn’t one of these days, which means I’m off to find some quiet place where nobody will bother me. At the old school, that place used to be at the library or a small alley between two buildings, but I’m afraid I’ll need to find a new place here—either it’ll be extremely easy since everyone is still settling down or it’ll be difficult, for the same reason, with everyone walking around the whole time. On the other hand, there’s one place they don’t have a reason to mess with and it is the sports court, which I’m sure won't be used since the teacher is using the indoor court.
It’s thankfully not gross enough under the bleachers yet, with no accumulated trash due to the neglect of the people responsible for cleaning or cum stains and used condoms here and there, so I don’t look around a lot before I sit down on the grass with a sigh. None of my other options to chill included such a nice shadow and calm place at once. Thank fuck. A groan escapes my lips as my back stretches against the grass after I slowly bring myself down against it and I extend my arms on the ground, allowing myself to rest... that is until I feel a ball of crumpled paper hit me.
“Fuck you!” I curse. These shoes certainly don’t belong to any teacher or anyone from the direction, for sure. “Throw this shit in a trash can, you loser!” They noticeably tense up and say something, probably a complaint, before standing up to walk away and it doesn’t take long until the footsteps come closer. “I’m not up to problems with you, it’s not my fault you’re such an idiot and— Ray?” My eyes widen at the familiar sight.
“Hi!” Ray offers me a side smile. “Sorry about it, it wasn’t even intentional.” He bends down and grabs the paper to stick it into his back pocket. “What are you doing here, though?” A sigh escapes his lips as he joins me on the ground, pulling my arm down so he can be closer. Fuck off.
“Does it matter?”
“If you’re feeling bad, whether physically or mentaly... then yes.” He shrugs, continuing to look up despite how I raise an eyebrow at him. What’s he looking at, after all? We can barely see the sky through the gaps between the seats.
“It’s not about it.” I shake my head lightly. Why would he care, anyways? “And why are you here?” Because I should be at least a little nice to him. I mean, I’m not friends with Ray or anything, but I’m still curious about where that interest of his is leading us.
“‘Got nothing better to do, so I was having a smoke and that paper was in my pocket.” It’s not the first time I caught Ray smoking—the last one being when he was outside the school’s gates before school—and it’s not like I can judge him for doing so. I simply nod lightly in response. “Do you wanna listen to something? I got this cool playlist with Misfits, Slipknot, Slayer.”
“Sure.” I hum. Might quiet down my thoughts.
Music quickly starts playing, having an almost immediate calming effect on me, making my muscles relax against the ground. It’s not bad.
“How do you make these patches of yours?” They don’t seem to be store bought, taking the paint stains and sometimes uneven lines in consideration.
“Oh, I don’t make them myself,” Ray chuckles softly. “I got this friend. He usually draws and stuff, he’s really good at it, so sometimes I ask for some stuff and buy it from him. Would you like some? That jacket of yours would look really cool with some extra patches.”
My denim one? It’s already got a few patches, studs and pins I managed to get, and there just aren't any more because either I can’t find the patches I want for a good price or the ones I want are too expensive and I don’t wanna support some businesses. It would genuinely look good with a few more patches and maybe I could commission one with my own design. “Yeah, I think I’d like to talk to him at some point. If you could introduce him to me or something, that’d be cool.”
“Sure.” Ray grins, still looking up, eyes never meeting mine since he arrived here.
Sometimes I wonder if Ray’s actually that bad and will ruin everything for me as people warn or if it’s just rumors because sometimes he’s not all that bad. Kind of the type of person I’d distract with a kiss so I could kick him on the shin and fucking run away.
My elbow sinks into the grass as I bring myself up on it and take a look at him, seeing how he seems almost harmless while distracted by the song lyrics. It’s almost by impulse, but I quickly find myself leaning in to press my lips to Ray’s, noticing it when it’s already too late to do anything, but... Fuck, it’s no problem at all. Ray gasps softly, kissing back after a few seconds, lips moving carefully and softly against mine and simply surrendering to the rhythm I impose—totally not what I expected, maybe he would take over, deepen it, add tongue or something, but... no. It’s just sweet.
Our lips come apart with a soft sound and a bright red tone spreads itself over Ray’s cheeks, his eyes averting the second after they meet mine. His mouth opens and closes a few times, though no word or sound ever comes, only a sigh as he purses his lips and faces the other way.
“I hope you don’t have a significant other,” I break the silence, just for the sake of it. “If you do, I’m sorry.”
Somehow, the red tone that colors Ray’s features grows deeper. “No, I don’t,” he breathes, his voice is quiet, not soft but weak. “I... What was that?”
Fuck, what if I pissed him off or something? “I’m sorry. Forget about it,” I sigh, about to sit up when a grip on my forearm has me falling back to the ground—not hard enough to hurt since I was barely able to get my back off the ground, but I had my weight supported on the arm that was tugged on.
“No, fuck— It’s not that, I...” Ray sighs, looking around, then curses under his breath as he finally lets go and allows me to sit up, doing so as well. “Like, I didn’t— don’t mind it, just... why?”
I blink. What am I going to tell him? Oh, yeah, bestie, I kissed you because I wanted to test something here real quick. Fuck off. I hum quietly, shrugging. “I just... I felt like I needed to.” It’s not a complete lie, if it’s even a lie, actually. “It’s... not important, okay?” I don’t bother to hold back a smirk at the way Ray’s eyes keep averting to my lips and place a hand on the back of his neck to pull him for a kiss again, this time snatching a hum from him with how I take his lip between my teeth and nibble lightly on it before deepening the kiss, feeling his hand rest over my chest.
After that, things get different. A nice different, at least. Starting with how Ray seems more excited every time he sees me, always with this stupid smile decorating his features and it feels like he’ll start bouncing on his heels in any second. He never does, though. He also stops being so petty, something I’m a little hesitant about at first, but slowly allow myself to build proper conversations with Ray. The way the conversations never gain a sexual connotation sometimes make me wonder whether the rumors are lies or if Ray’s interest is genuine. Difficult to determine, though easy to ignore.
Ray lies down with his head on my lap, having his eyes closed. It’s not that simple to keep my attention on my phone as I intended to, every few seconds looking down to observe the peaceful expression he has on. Fuck, who knew he’d be that soft?
A smile tugs on my lips as I lean against the tree again, letting my phone down and staring into the distance for a moment. With the more frequent use of the outdoor court due to the good weather, we were forced to find another spot and it meant some tree in a kinda deserted area at the school, which is good enough. I feel Ray shift before he sits up and leans against my side, nuzzling my neck lightly before he allows his head to rest on my shoulder. It’s soft and comforting, and gives me this nice sensation.
What are we, though? Is it even worth talking about it? Damn, Ray and I kiss sometimes, make out, cuddle, hang out, but it’s still not... not dating. We don’t know much about each other—I know Ray likes to play the guitar, piano and drums, but I also don’t know what kind of music his band plays and who his bandmates are, the same way he knows I like music, but not the reason why I rarely go to concerts and avoid certain subjects. There are missing parts in the big picture, still not enough to make anything bad. It’s fine like this.
“What are you thinking about?” Ray asks against the side of my face, wrapping an arm around my waist.
“Nothing important.” Because it really isn’t. I look at Ray, running my hand up and down his back a couple of times, resisting the urge to play with his curls—I don’t want to ruin them.
“Okay,” he says softly, and sucks in a breath to say something else only to be interrupted by the bell. “It’s lunch, let’s go. We better get there before they run out of the good stuff.” And I nod, taking his hand to help myself stand up when he extends it to me.
The cafeteria still isn’t full when we arrive there, taking in consideration how some people either don’t come here directly after being released from the previous hour or the teachers don’t really make it easy to happen. The rest of Ray’s group—which I don’t really bother befriending—isn’t even here, so Ray’s still rather soft, a posture he drops depending on the situation we are in.
“Thank you,” I say softly, trying to suppress my surprise at how Ray brought me some tea for the second consecutive day after I complained about how the school’s juice isn’t the same anymore. I end up leaving my own drink in my bag, this way.
“It’s no problem.” Ray pecks my cheek with a soft smile, soon proceeding to bite down on his hot dog.
“(Y/n),” someone says, making me sigh at the familiar voice, but I still hum in response while opening my bottle of tea—it’s still warm, how nice—and sip on it—so fucking good, as always—and the other person takes a seat on the bench, next to me. “I was thinking if we could hang out today.” Andy grins as he slides his hand over the table until it meets mine; I slap his hand away, grabbing some of my food instead.
“Man, last week I told you I didn’t want to and it still didn’t change.” I furrow my eyebrows with a roll of eyes. “Like, we don’t have the friend group anymore, hanging out just with you would feel weird, so... Just no. It’s a new year, find someone new.” I roll my eyes, feeling Ray shift lightly next to me.
“Fuck, (y/n), but we—”
“No, okay? No.” I glare, leaning away when he reaches for my forearm.
He furrows his eyebrows, observing me for a long moment until he rolls his eyes. “Fuck you, can’t even be nice! I used to like you, y’know?”
“‘M glad you don’t anymore!” I glare, compelling him to stand up and walk away while grumbling under his breath, which only makes me sigh in relief. “Hell, I hate how he’s been insisting since the beginning of the quarter.” The lack of answer coming from Ray gets me curious, and he’s just glaring at Andy walking away. “C’mon, he’s not worth the headache.”
“Still, I... Fuck, do you want me to do something about it?”
“No.” I let go of the tea in order to take his hand in mine—he finally looks at me. “Like, as I said, he’s not worth the headache. I’m here, though. I prefer hanging out with you, honestly. Don’t even be afraid that I might change you for someone else because I’m not even friends with the rest of your group aside from Gerard,” I chuckle. It might be some sort of reality for Ray, on the other hand. My thumb runs over the back of his hand in a soothing motion, which he replies with a soft squeeze.
“Yeah, I know.” Ray offers me a smile. “It’s okay.” He brings our hands up to press a kiss to my knuckles then pecks my cheek, seeming pleased after I feel my cheeks heating up. It’s still extremely impressive and adorable to see Ray become so soft sometimes, such an opposite to the posture he always has on in public, and the best part is how it happens when he is with me. If he likes me so much and finds so much comfort in my presence, why was he being so weird at first? What had happened? Maybe he... No. Fuck, what if he was trying to get my attention? Sounds a little improbable, but... it would make so much sense. “It’s uncomfortable when people are like this towards you.” He frowns. “Some other day that other friend of yours had been hugging you while you clearly don’t like it and... I don’t know.”
Ray is kind of possessive—a healthy possessive, probably something related to how he feels around me. It’s not a ‘Imma punch anyone who touches you in the face’ type of thing, but instead ‘I will be extremely upset if anyone touches you’. Very lovely, at times worrying, still manageable.
“It’s fine,” I hum with a shrug. “Sometimes I’m in the mood for just tolerating it, sometimes I’ll just punch them in the face. I promise it’s okay.” I press a kiss to Ray’s cheek, sighing softly at how he smiles and lets go of my hand to hug me tightly. His hugs are the best. “You worry so much sometimes, but it’s also nice. Nice to know someone actually cares. Just be careful, alright? I’m lucky to have you.”
“I’m also lucky to have you,” he chuckles, his eyes lighting up. “I’m not gonna leave you either, by the way.”
“Of course not,” I scoff. “You’re mine. Only mine.”
“Just yours,” he says softly, not in the same joking tone I used, sounding actually serious... Fuck. My heart flutters with it and I can’t really think of anything to say in response, so I just lean in, pulling him for a kiss.
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clumsyclifford · 4 years
so i’ve lurked on ur blog for a while for the atl content but seeing that you’ve been appreciating ross lynch felt like my worlds colliding. also saw in the tags of ur last reply you’ve been listening to louder by r5 and lemme tell you. r5 was like the first band i was ever genuinely in love with. i was literally like 11 and bought louder the day after it was released. proceeded to have r5 consume like three years of my life. i saw them live Four Times as r5 (the last time being back in 2016 when i met them. gah i can’t believe it’s been that long). i was supposed to see the driver era last april before the world shut down. anyways seeing you appreciating ross and the rest of r5 just felt like very opposite interests of mine coming together. and i know so much useless info about that band. also sometime last night is def the superior r5 album, louder holds a place in my heart solely for the nostalgia but it definitely is not a like. amazing album for me at this point oops lmao. BUT the bonus track wishing i was 23 is my fav off of it!! and some of the last stuff they did as r5 (the new addictions ep & their Last Ever Single, hurts good) shows their growth and u could tell they had a lot more control over their music at that point. and what ross & rocky have been doing as the driver era is also really good!! anyways i appreciate ur blog and ur blog appreciating the first fandom i was ever part of. and i’m always excited to talk about how proud i am about how far ross & rocky have come with their music. apologies for dumping all of this here but. u talking about ross & r5 & the driver era made me v excited.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M VERY EXCITED THAT YOU’RE HERE TO TALK TO ME ABOUT ROSS LYNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
damn okay you are IN IT i respect the hell out of that also this ask made me realize i stopped listening to louder literally in the middle of a song so i’ve now come back to it and one last dance is just finishing and wow this song is pretty????? anyway i got into driver era during quarantine times but i would LOVEEEEEEEE to see them live now i fucking love ross’s current vibes he’s like if a frat boy and a philosopher had a kid. i can’t really explain that but i stand by it
yeah well i’m only listening to louder because it’s their first album and when i want to get into a new artist i try to listen more or less in chronological order? but i’ve heard a few songs from sometime last night which i really enjoyed and i can also def see how this album (louder) is like.......it’s really fun but i wouldn’t say it’s super profound. like it’s pop music! and i really love it! and it has ross lynch singin on it!! that’s all i have to say about it !!!! that’s all you need sometimes :) i am looking forward to getting deeper into the discography and hearing the more recent stuff because even just from like the album art it seems like they did have more control or at least that they just grew and matured and that’s always sexy to see. i’ll keep you posted i don’t know when i’ll listen to sometime last night cos new music always a little difficult especially these days like this is the first new music ive listened to in maybe a week 
you KNOW WHAT. wishing i was 23 is not on spotify. what the fuck kinda CRIME???? why would they release a deluxe version of the album but not include the bonus tracks!! so maybe if i get around to listening to it on youtube or something ill let you know
however i am REALLY into the driver era (actually i have @cakelftv and @glitterblazercalum to thank for getting me into them but man am i glad they did) can i ask what your favorites are anon!! at the moment mine are preacher man, scared of heights, a kiss ?? i think? and welcome to the end of your life?? yeah
anyway i appreciate YOU coming here to validate my ross lynch infatuation i’m so glad that austin & ally has brought us together anon it really is all thanks to me just binge watching the whole show in about two and a half days also if you wanna drop more r5-related information i am always open to hearing about it i just watched both of rydel’s sibling tag videos that was some good good shit god i love the relationship the five of them have (i know ryland wasnt in r5 but like. you get me you know what i mean)
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Danny Zuko x Reader
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It had been a month since you moved to town and although you tried to stay to yourself, the shenanigans at Rydell High were always happening. It seemed like everywhere you went, people were loud and cheery. You just wanted some peace and quiet. And not to mention, Danny Zuko. He was always around, somehow and someway he always knew where to find you. He would relentlessly flirt with you or simply follow you around have a one-sided conversation. Just now for instance.
You turned and looked at Danny with an exhausted smile, he had been chatting about some race he was in and following you around the library. It was a weekend morning and you had to get yourself ready for a big event you were going to be in, you couldn't have any distractions.
"Danny. Don't you have somewhere else to be?"
"No, baby. Anywhere you are is where i wanna be."
You sighed in defeat at his flirty, but sweet, words and smiled at him.
"Fine, will you carry these books for me then?"
He agreed happily and held out his hands, expecting one or two books. You handed him a ridiculously, cartoonish amount of books and Danny looked at you like you were stealing them.
"Uh hey, (Y/n), what is all this for? You don't even take these classes."
You continued looking for more books as you explained.
"I know, the Decathlon is coming up and i want to be extra prepared. I'm new here so i want the team to know i mean business. I dont want to disappoint them."
Danny smiled, he loved hearing you talk even though he didn't really register what you were talking about. You turned to him and smiled.
"Okay. That's all the books i need. I'm just gonna be here reading so if you wanna leave, now would be the time."
Danny said he would stay with you in the library, and so he did. He ended up reading some book on car mechanics and what not while you went through every page of the books you picked up, absorbing every detail you read. Eventually, you finished and put the books up. Danny and you left the library together and you were going to walk home, so you tried saying goodbye to him, emphasis on tried.
"Well, Danny. Guess I'll see you tomorrow."
"Hey (Y/n), do you have time for a bite?"
"I don't know, Danny. I should really be heading back home."
"Are you sure? I mean, i have seen you eat anything since this morning."
You looked at the time, it was only 2:30, so you decided to take him up on his offer, which made him very happy.
You were at some small diner in town, it was packed and it made you nervous. Danny noticed and put up a menu to hide you both behind and talked to you as a way to keep your mind off of the people.
"So, what's a deca...decalf...that somethincon."
"Decathlon?" You giggled. Danny smiled at the sight of you.
"Yeah, that. What kind of sport is that?"
"It's not a sport, per se. They have an athletic Decathlon and then an Academic one, which i will be participating in. It is like a trivia game."
"When is it? I'll go and cheer for you."
You smiled but told Danny he probably wouldn't be able to cheer. The Academic Decathlons you had been too were very strict on their audience's volume. You did, however, tell Danny when it was taking place and his smile fell.
"Aw shoot, i can't go. I got plans already."
You patted his hand and told him it was okay. It wasn't like you told him he had to be there or anything, he invited himself. But you did like the idea of a cute boy like him coming to cheer for you. You both ate and Danny made sure you walked home safe. As you laid in bed that night, you thought about the day you just had. You shot up in bed at a sudden realization.
"Oh my gosh! I went on my very first date today!" You told yourself in disbelief. Somehow Danny had roped you into spending a bunch of time with him, even if you didn't talk much, and then you went out for dinner with him which he paid for, then he walked you home. And you enjoyed it! You blushed as you rested your head onto your pillow again.
It was the day of the Decathlon and you were getting ready. All you had been able to think about was Danny and it was driving you crazy. You had read alk that material but now all you could think about was everything Danny had said to you EVER. And then you remembered, he wouldn't be able to come see you compete. It made you sad a bit, sure, but you'd win and then you could tell him all about it. Your team got to their table and the event began. Your team was ahead because of you and you were feeling very proud of yourself, you just wished Danny was here to see it. You zoned out thinking about him and completely missed the host asking the next question, luckily one of your team members answered instead. You snapped back and continued to answer questions.
Theast question rolled around and it was the hardest one by far, you struggled to come up with an answer but you did just in time. Your team had won and all of them shook your hand and hugged you. Suddenly you heard your name being yelled out from the sea of darkness where the audience was. You looked out and saw Danny. You gasped and saw him coming to the stage to see you. You got down and he picked you up and spun you around.
"Hell yeah, (Y/n)! You did it! You're so smart, baby!"
You laughed and hugged him tight, he put you back on your feet and you pulled away to look at him.
"Thank you for the other night. I had so much fun on our date."
Danny smiled, knowing what day you meant. He couldn't help himself anymore and pulled you in for a kiss. You happily returned it and the kiss was surprisingly sweet and gentle. You both pulled away for air and smiled at each other.
"Wanna get a bite?"
You nodded and Danny took your hand in his gently as you began to walk out the door, off on another date. This was going to be the start of a long and very interesting relationship.
"How do you know what classes i do and don't take?"
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wat-the-cur · 4 years
The Body/Stand By Me Headcanon: Teddy is actually very sensitive about his hair. In the years between his father’s assault on him and Beatlemania in America, he did get picked on at school for the length of his hair. It is very fair and very smooth, giving his cut a slightly feminine appearance (by the standards of little kids in the 1950s, anyway), resulting in a bit of extra bullying. Despite this, however, he is determined to keep his hair long enough to cover his scarred ears. Not only so no one else will be able to look at them, but so that he will see them as little as possible, himself. He is very protective of his long hair.
During the early months of Gordie and Chris’ drift from Teddy and Vern, some bad feeling arose between Teddy and a fellow student. Said student sussed the significance of Teddy’s Beatlecut and began to target it. He always took the opportunity to yank at Teddy’s hair during fights, resulting in white hot rages from Teddy that would land him in worse trouble. He also like to try and get things stuck in it, like twigs, dirt and chewed up candies. One day, he poured almost a whole carton of glue over Teddy’s head. 
By the time Teddy had been calmed down sufficiently for his punishment to be doled out, the glue had congealed in his hair. This swiftly sent him from fury into panic. He dashed to the boys’ toilets and shoved his head under the tap, scrubbing and clawing painfully through the slimy clumps of hair trying to get the glue out. If it didn’t wash out, he knew it would have to be cut. He scrubbed and scrubbed, his hands getting slick with glue and hand soap, yet he could still feel the glue in his hair. His fear was rising and shame boiled in his stomach as he could feel himself starting to cry. Cry over glue in his hair, like a pussy. 
His body stiffened into attack mode again, when he heard the door open. It was Vern. Vern was a kid who found a style and stuck with it. Even as the years rolled on and he watched all the boys around him change their looks, he still combed his hair into that perfect Bobby Rydell style, every day. He knew what he was used to and he knew what he liked. As he grew up, he had gotten better at caring for his hair. His mother had been delightedly when he had asked her advice the first time. Only having sons, she had never expected to be able to share her hair care tips with either of them. 
After Vern’s onslaught of questioning had gotten and embarrassed Teddy to spit out an explanation, he immediately told him that the water was too cold. Apparently, Billy had done something similar to him, before.
“You can get that shit out, but the water’s gotta be real hot. You gotta, like, boil ya head.” 
Desperate, Teddy pushed Vern into sneaking home with him to help him out. He didn’t want his mother to catch him before he sorted this, or she would whip out the scissors before he could argue. He wouldn’t let Vern lay a hand on him, he did not want him to touch the misshapen shells of his ears, but he let him get the water right for him. Vern boiled the kettle and added the water to the wash basin, little by little until it was hot enough to have some effect on the glue. By the time Vern left, Teddy’s hair was merely greasy. A few days and a couple of hot washes later, Teddy’s hair was back to normal. 
I imagine that, like Gordie and Chris, Teddy and Vern stayed friends. Perhaps they never had quite what the other two did, but there was definitely a strong feeling of trust and respect there. I do not believe that Teddy would ever really have gotten over the loss of Vern. 
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sparrowwritings · 4 years
Writing Challenge Day 11: 1987
Day Ten -- Masterpost -- Day Twelve
“And over here,” Callum typed in 1-9-8-7 into the keypad to yet another storage compartment on Hope Remains. “Is where we keep the excess mechanical supplies. Tools, bolts, screws, that sort of thing.” They looked over their shoulder at their one-person tour group. “I know you can’t see what’s inside but it’s impressively empty.” 
Balthasar glided past the engineer to stand in the middle of the storage space. They went in after he did, the door sliding shut with a beep and a click. His bare feet padded over the metal flooring, barely making a sound as he walked towards one of the shelves. Despite being blind, he seemed to have found something interesting among the tools. “This place has a great many storage areas. I wonder what all of them were made for?”
They shrugged, then realized he couldn’t see the gesture. “I’ve tried asking Rydell what Hope was built to be a bunch of times and he keeps evading the question. From what it looks like, the ship was built for long term travel. Probably for something military based.” They tap at the keypad built into the inside of the storage space. “These keypads are everywhere, and there’s a bunch of redundant codes to use for any given one. Only reason to keep them under lock and key is if the initial use was for people of different ranks to be able to access certain areas.” Callum gave a nervous grin. “At least, in theory.”
The blind man had been nodding along with their explanation, but now he’d made his way to the keypad they had indicated. Once again they had to marvel at his ability to navigate without sight. “And is there a reason that these codes produce sounds as you use them?”
Callum blinked a couple of times before they remembered that yes, indeed, most keypads had a tone for each number. “Oh that’s--uh, standard actually.” They stood next to him and pressed every number there so that he could hear the tones, then they guided one of his hands to trace out the engraved numbers. “Each sound is a different number being pressed. There’s only ten keys on the pad, so the numbers go from zero to nine.”
Slowly, Balthasar started typing 1-9-8-7. The door to the storage area immediately opened up. “Fascinating.” 
“It’s actually an older type of keypad, but they’re scattered all over Hope. It’s a good thing too, since the more modern ones are all LED and don’t always respond when people use them. Even on a ship that’s not actively falling apart.” There was no reason to believe that Bal actually thought any of their mechanically inclined ramblings were fun to listen to, but Callum couldn’t help themself. He was such a good listener. They could be talking about flying purple creatures that spit out bubbles and he’d nod and ask actual questions about them. 
Even in this instance where he was clearly distracted by the tones that the keypad made as he pressed numbers, Bal still managed to be paying close attention. “Why do you think the newer ones were used instead?” The numbers were producing some sort of unfamiliar ditty, one note at a time. The door had shut thirty seconds after it had been opened. Balthasar’s messing around with the numbers didn’t seem to have the passcode in them, so it stayed shut.
“The newer models are harder to trick into opening up without the password. The actual mechanism and some other functions work based on the sounds, so just producing the sounds without actually typing in the numbers can get some of these keypads to do weird shi--I mean stuff.” They crossed their arms as they stared into the middle distance. “I need to look that up again, it sounds kind of right, but not all the way.”
“I wish you luck in that endeavor.” Balthasar said with full sincerity. He turned and indicated the door with a hand. “I do believe you had more to show me…?” 
“Right, right, let me just--” Callum typed in the passcode. An angry beep came from the keypad. “...What? It’s the right one…” 1-9-8-7 they slowly tapped. Another angry beep erupted. 
It was with slowly dawning horror that they realized what just happened. They turned to face their friend. “Hey uh, Bal?”
“Yes, Callum?”
“I think your song accidentally locked us in here. The passcode’s reset itself.”
“Ah.” He replied. His tone was almost supernaturally calm compared to the engineer’s rising panic. “My apologies.”
They ran a hand through their bright red hair to try to dislodge some of that anxiety. “It’s...fine. I can work around it. Don’t get yourself too worked up.” That last statement was made with no small amount of sarcasm as they rummaged through the stowed-away tools of this storage space. 
“I will not.” Callum looked up from their search to squint at him. When his small serene smile did not move, they turned back to their task and got started trying to bust the two of them out.
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🎬, you know it.
Ok, I hate myself for this. I’m sorry idk where this came from, but here you are 😂 I also tried so hard to have this written and posted actually on Valentine’s Day, but it turned out way longer than I was expecting, so my baaaad. 
Anywho, here’s my whack at a rom-com au (kinda) from this list of Valentine’s Day prompts
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Greased Up Valentine’s Day
In which Harry and Y/N don’t have a regular movie night.
Word count: 12.2k OF NONSENSE
“Hurry up H, it’s starting,” you call to your boyfriend from where you’re sat on the couch. He mumbles an incoherent response from the kitchen where he’s finishing up popping a bag of popcorn, and you roll your eyes before focusing back on the animated intro of Grease that is starting to play on the TV. You hum to the sound of Frankie Valli’s voice as it booms from the television speakers while reaching for one of the chocolate-covered strawberries you picked up from a nearby grocery store to yours and Harry’s shared apartment and take a bite out of it; sighing pleasantly as the flavour envelops your taste buds.
The little old lady selling them at a stand near the grocery stores entrance earlier today lit right up as you approached her and was so excited to talk to you. She seemed very intrigued when you told her your Valentine’s Day plans consisted of a simple night in with the love of your life while watching some of your favourite movies, rather than making a big deal over the whole day. She frowned when you said that though and went into detail about the so-called magic that surrounds the day of love, and how you’ll understand that very soon. You listened to her spiel but didn’t really take any of it to heart as you mentioned you needed to get going so you could beat Harry home. 
After stating you’d like to purchase some of the delicious-looking strawberries she was selling, she didn’t let you take one of the packages she had out on display, but rather rushed to the back of the stand where she reached into a cooler and pulled out a completely different container of the chocolate covered fruit to give to you – saying it was her special batch and could “make people fall even more in love by granting their wishes;” to which you couldn’t help but chuckle at. She insisted that you didn’t pay, but you refused to walk away without giving her something for them; so, when she waved goodbye and looked away, you set a ten-dollar bill onto her table before briskly walking away from the stand and blending yourself into the crowd of people headed into the grocery store.
Once you were done buying all the groceries for yours and Harrys dinner tonight, you went back outside half expecting to be sassed by the sweet, yet odd older woman for leaving her money; but to your surprise her and her stand were gone without a trace, as if they’d never been there in the first place. You glanced down at the strawberries you’d packed into one of the bags and shook your head, feeling as if you were going crazy as you made way to your car and called Harry to tell him about what had just happened as you drove home.
Fast forward a couple of hours to present time where you and Harry have already finished making and eating the pasta and salad you bought once he’d gotten home from the studio and are now ready to start your movie night.
“We’ve seen this movie, so many times love, I don’t think it’ll be the end of the world if I miss a bit of the beginning,” Harry’s voice snaps you out of your trance as he appears in front of the television.
You scowl at him as you finish chewing on the piece of strawberry that still fills your mouth, while he chuckles and tosses a piece of popcorn at you. “Hush, and get your butt over here.”
An hour or so later, the two of you are still curled up on the couch, and you find yourself feeling rather sleepy. You fight to keep your eyes open as Frankie Avalon’s presence takes over the screen while singing Beauty School Dropout to Frenchy and lean your head onto Harry’s shoulder, cuddling up against his warm body as you somehow become even more tired. He glances down at you affectionately and smiles to himself as he shifts to wrap his arm around you, pulling you in even closer before reaching for one of the remaining strawberries and taking a bite of it; humming to himself in satisfaction. “What is with these things? They’re so good.”
“Don’t gotta tell me,” you mumble with a small smile dancing across your lips, before allowing a loud yawn escapes your mouth. You snuggle into the blanket that’s wrapped around the two of you even more before abruptly sitting up straight a little bit so you can get a better look at Harry. “Ever wonder what it’d be like to be in the world of Grease?”
“What?” He asks you incredulously as he chuckles at your words. “You feeling alright there, bub?”
He reaches to place his palm against your forehead, but you swat it away; rolling your eyes as his laughs become louder. “Oh, shut up. Breaking out in songs like Summer Nights and We Go Together or having a love like Sandy and Danny would be unreal, and you know it. I wish we could experience it, I think it’d be cool.”
“Whatever you say Y/N,” he jokes and with another sarcastic eye-roll, you allow yourself to lean against him again to watch more of the movie, and soon enough your eyes begin fluttering shut. Soon enough, the two of you eventually pass right out while cuddled up on the couch together.
You’re not sure how much time has passed since you fell asleep, but when the noise of multiple voices surrounds you; you think that maybe it’s time to wake up. You slowly open your eyes and let out a loud gasp when you see you aren’t laying on the comfy couch of yours and Harry’s apartment, but rather in the backseat of a car with three girls you’ve never met before.
“Christ Y/N, what was that for?” The brunette with short curly hair in the driver’s seat speaks up as she glares at you in the rear-view mirror.
“She was probably busy daydreaming about seeing her beau Riz, cut her some slack,” the girl sat beside you with longer light brown hair speaks up as she stares at herself in a small compact mirror and finishes touching up her lipstick.
“W-what?” You trip over your words as all three girls look at you now is if you’ve grown a second head, and that’s when you notice it. These girls aren’t just any girls, they’re Rizzo, Marty, and Jan; better known as The Pink Ladies in Grease, and they’ve even got the matching pink jackets to prove it. A surprised breath leaves your mouth as you glance down to see that you’re wearing a similar ensemble to the other three with your pink jacket, soft pink tank top, black pencil skirt, and fancy pair of black flats. Alarmed, you reach over to grab the compact mirror out of Marty’s hand so you can look at yourself and are taken back when you see your reflection. Everything about your face is the same, but with the way your hair is pulled back into a high ponytail with a long pink ribbon wrapped around it, and the soft pink eyeshadow that covers your eyelids; it’s just so different from how you’d dress in real life and it’s throwing you right off. “Oh my god.”
“I wasn’t done with that,” Marty grumbles as she snatches the mirror back and glares at you.
“This, this isn’t real.”
“Real?” Jan questions as she looks over her shoulder and takes a bite of an Oreo she’s holding. “Life isn’t real sweetie.”
“Can it, Jan,” Rizzo snaps before glancing back at you. “And to think we thought you were a normal one of us, but French might have you beat now. What’s gotten into you?”
“I don’t know,” you whisper mainly to yourself as you glance out the window and a large building with a sign saying Rydell High School in front of it comes into view and can only think of one thing…Holy shit, you’re actually in Grease.
None of the girls say anything as Rizzo turns into the parking lot and pulls up to a vacant space. They each climb out of the pink car and start walking away as you take it all in. This is by far the weirdest dream you’ve ever had because it just seems so real, but before your thoughts can carry you too far away; you snap out of it and rush after The Pink Ladies. 
You hear them talking about being seniors and instantly know what scene of the movie you’re in once you catch up to them, just as Marty reaches over to smack Jan and says, “Jan that is so adolescent!”
“We are adolescents,” Jan giggles as she continues nibbling on her Oreo.
“We don’t have to flaunt it,” Rizzo adds before looking back at you. She grabs your arm and gently pulls you between her and Jan to continue walking with them.
“This is going to be our year isn’t Y/N?” Marty asks from the other side of Rizzo.
“Uh, I guess…”
Rizzo just smirks in response to this before slinging the pink jacket she’s carrying over her shoulders, and looking at all of you before strutting forwards a little bit. “Okay girls, let’s go get ‘em.”
The four of you make way through the front doors of the school, earning gazes and particular looks as you all walk past everyone – looking as if you own the place. Everything about this feels so weird and you want nothing more than to just pinch yourself so you can wake up, but just as you consider doing that; an all too familiar British voice speaks up from down the hallway, and your eyes widen.
Leaning against some of the lockers is five boys all wearing different coloured leather jackets with a large T-Birds logo printed on the back. With them, standing awkwardly away from the lockers but looking fine as hell, is a sixth boy that you’d never seen in the movie before but are quick in recognizing to be your boyfriend of many years. You pause slightly and shake your head at the thought as you stare at his greased back curls and shiny leather jacket he wears, one that’s similar to what the other boys are wearing. The dimples that you’ve grown to love so much make themselves known as he smiles at something one of the guys have said, and you have to blink a couple of times to make sure its actually him you’re seeing. “Harry?”
At the sound of your voice, Harry snaps his gaze to yours and his striking green eyes widen once he sees you. Without even thinking, he steps away from the boys and makes way towards you; pushing through The Pink Ladies despite the whines and comments they make at him. The closer he gets, the more relieved you can tell he is to see you as he shakes his head and speaks up. “Y/N? What- you’re here to? I thought this was some weird-ass dream, but now I’m-.”
“Just as confused as I am,” you whisper, and glance at the group of people staring at you over Harry’s shoulder. You bite down on your bottom lip and slowly let your gaze fall back onto your boyfriend before letting out a huff. “Harry, what the hell is going on?”
“I wish I knew love, I just remember us watching the movie and now we’re in it? God, did we take some type of drugs or something?”
“Not that I’m aware of!” Your hushed voice rises as you continue taking in just how obscure all of this is. However, before anything else can be said; the bell rings to indicate that school has started. You look to Harry for an answer because there’s no way in hell that the two of you – two full ass grown adults are expected to go to a high school class; however as Marty marches her way over to you and starts pulling you down the hall and away from Harry; you don’t really get the chance to plan your escape to try and figure a way out of this all. You glance over your shoulder at Harry as he’s surrounded by the other guys, and he soon disappears out of sight as you turn around a corner. You look to Marty; who has now let go of your arm before starting to dig through her purse, and you shake your head again. “Where are we going?”
“Homeroom,” she states as if it should be a known fact and looks at you oddly. “Geez Y/N, are you sure you’re not sick? You’ve been acting really weird today.”
“Uh sorry, yeah I guess maybe I am.” Right? That’s the only logical explanation for all of this.
“Well I’d sure say so,” she mumbles as the two of you reach a door and she pushes it open to strut her way inside, you following right after. You both take a seat at one of the many long tables that fill the classroom and she isn’t long in speaking up again. “So, what’s with you and Styles, huh? I thought you were trying to patch things up with Danny.”
“Danny?” You ask skeptically and think back to how he was amongst the other T-Birds leaning against the lockers watching you and Harry moments ago. “There’s nothing between Danny and me, isn’t he with Sandy? Oh wait, he doesn’t know she’s here yet, does he?”
You feel as if you’re finally adapting to how this entire dream is going to work out and end up just like the movie. It has to, and ideally, by the end of it, you and Harry will be out of this weird alternate universe. As you think about how the entirety of the movie plays out, and how you and Harry are going to wake up from this as if nothing ever happened; you can’t help but sigh in relief until you look over at Marty to see her staring back at you with a confused expression. “Who is Sandy?”
“Danny’s girlfriend…”
“No, you’re Danny’s girlfriend.”
“Pardon?” You ask disbelievingly. “No, I’m not.” Danny isn’t real, you think to yourself, none of this is – but yet, everything else that has happened so far has proved you wrong; so you know it is brave of you to assume otherwise.
“Ok well maybe, not technically,” she agrees but isn’t long in justifying her argument. “But you’re the one who broke his heart at the beginning of summer, remember? I don’t know why though because literally, everyone wanted to have a relationship like the two of you had.”
“Marty, I actually have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“Ok, then I’ll show you,” she responds before standing up from her seat and walking towards the back of the room. You watch as she goes up to one of the bookcases and grabs one of the many yearbooks that line the shelves. Once she finds the one she’s looking for, she takes it off the shelf and walks back towards you; tossing it on the table in front of you with a loud thud, before sitting back down. “There’s last semesters yearbook, take a look for yourself.”
You look at her skeptically before sliding the yearbook towards you and opening it up. Amongst the first couple of pages you see pictures of many familiar faces of the people you know as the main characters of this movie; however, pictured with them is you and Harry, and in almost all of them you’re cuddled up against Danny Zuko’s side while he has his arm draped around your shoulder. As you flip through the pages, there’s even more evidence of what Marty said to actually be true, and it’s freaking you the hell out. This dream you thought you were living is turning to be much more than what you bargained for, and with that; you start panicking. “There’s no way.”
Without another word, you slam the book shut and begin pinching yourself. Marty clearly seems to think you’ve gone crazy by the look that’s written across her face, and quickly reaches over to grab onto your wrist so she can stop your actions. “Y/N, what are you doing?”
“Trying to wake up,” you mutter as you move your free arm to start pinching your opposite shoulder again. “Maybe if I pinch hard enough, it’ll work.”
“Can you stop?” Marty hisses and grabs ahold of your other hand. “You’re not dreaming, this is all real and people are going to think you’ve damn near lost it.”
“Well, I pretty much am feeling as though I have Marty,” you snap, and she lets out a huff.
“Let’s just drop it then,” she states with a defeated sigh and moves away. “Class is starting, can you at least try to act normal? People are looking at us weird.”
You mimic her tone under your breath as more people file into the room, and Sonny — one of the T-Birds, makes his way to the two of you and strikes up a conversation. You unintentionally drown out his voice as morning announcements start sounding over the PA system, and glance down at the yearbook; deciding to flip through it once again.
The way you and Harry look so naturally positioned in the pictures with everyone else truly blows your mind. Some of the photos show the two of you at school events, him working in the school’s auto shop, you sitting at lunch with Rizzo, Marty, Jan and Frenchy, and even your class picture amongst everyone else that is apparently in your grade.
This is all becoming so confusing. With all the times you’ve watched Grease before — you know that with everything that’s happening, it doesn’t add up to how the actual movie goes, and that has you wondering. Before you know it, you’ve mindlessly reached the end of the yearbook and are on the pages where students would normally sign their autographs; but this one doesn’t have any. Instead, it’s has only one message scribbled across the whole page in very unique writing.
“An alternate universe is what you wished for, so an alternate universe is what you’ll get. But make sure the story ends the way it’s supposed to, or else it’ll be something that you soon regret. – A friend.”
You stare at the page blankly and silently read the message over and over again, until you soak it all in. Was this some kind of sick joke? When the hell did you wish for something like this to happen? There’s just something about the message that makes you think it was specifically written for you to read, and that thought alone makes you anxious.
Your mind starts thinking back to when you and Harry were cuddled up on the couch watching this movie and you said that being in this movie world would be unreal before technically wishing to be in it. Is that why you’re here now? But why? How? Clearly, this isn’t a dream, this is really happening; but how are you supposed to get back home? All of these thoughts are racing through your mind, but before you know it; the bell rings again to indicate that class is over and you are unable to dig much deeper into the thought of it.
Apparently, the majority of your morning classes are with Marty, but there’s also one you share with Jan, a couple of the T-Birds, but none with Harry. It seems like time is flashing by and you can’t keep track of it. Those classes however, come and go in a whirlwind and soon enough… it’s time for lunch.
You and Jan take a seat in the outdoor cafeteria as you wait for Marty and Rizzo, who are still waiting in line for their food. Jan immediately starts digging into her spaghetti, whereas you just push the noodles around your plate instead of eating any of it. After taking in all that has happened, food is the last thing you’re thinking about at the moment and you remain silent until two familiar voices start singing from a few feet away. You look over to see Rizzo and Marty approaching the table, shimmying as they both finish the little song they’re singing and take a seat next to you and Jan.
Without missing a beat, Jan looks at the two and is the first to say anything. “Hey, did you guys get a look at Zuko this morning? Looking pretty good this year, huh Riz?”
The way she moves the sunglasses that cover her face up and down suggestively makes you recognize the exact scene from the movie that you’re now in, and you know exactly what’s to come after.
“That’s ancient history,” Rizzo states before glancing at you. “That was before him, and Y/N were an item.”
“Well, history can repeat itself,” Marty pipes in and nudges you with her elbow. “Besides, Y/N wants nothing to do with Danny anymore, she’s already moved on.”
“With who?” A voice gasps and your gaze snaps up to that of a girl with dyed ginger hair, and a blonde-haired girl trailing right after her; who you instantly recognize as Frenchy and Sandy.
“Harry,” Marty states and all the girl’s ooh.
“Well that was fast,” French responds and motions for Sandy to sit down.
“It really wasn’t,” you grumble to yourself while thinking of how long you and Harry have been together in real life, which luckily no one hears.
Frenchy starts introducing the four of you to Sandy and going off about how she had just moved here from Australia, just like she does in the movie. You watch the scene unfold in front of you and are too shook to say anything as they all continue on their conversation word for word, all while you’re here living it with them. Everything down to Rizzo sassing Marty about her glasses, and Patty Simcox coming up to excitedly explain how she’s been nominated vice president is the same and you just can’t help but stare. 
Patty invites herself to sit down next to Sandy and lets out a scream as she sits down on an apple left there by Jan, while the four other Pink Ladies huddle together and motion for you to join as Frenchy asks if you all think Sandy has what it takes to be a Pink Lady.
The entire scene has you wondering where in the hell Harry could be in all of this, but if your memory is correct – which it is; he has to be on the bleachers with the T-Birds eating lunch and… oh god, they’re going to break out in song any minute.
As if on cue, Frenchy speaks up again to ask Sandy what she did this past summer.
“Oh, I spent it on the beach, I met a boy there,” the blonde responds, and you press your fingers to your temples as it feels like your mind is about to explode.
“It’s happening,” you whisper as Rizzo makes a comment about Sandy being ridiculous for being so strung up on a guy she met on the beach, and Sandy dismissing her while stating how romantic it was. A distinctive guitar riff starts playing from God knows where and right after, Sandy starts singing her part of one of your favourite songs from this damn movie; Summer Nights.
In some type of crazy unnatural way, you can hear Danny’s voice in the distance as he sings his part of the song and you slowly stand from the table and back away as all the girls in the cafeteria join with Sandy for the musical number… 
This is it. You’ve officially gone crazy and this dream world has become a nightmare. You watch in complete awe as the whole girl’s part of Summer Nights plays out in front of you, and only one thought plagues your mind; you need to find Harry and get the hell out of here now.
Without a second thought, you take off in a sprint away from the commotion just as Marty asks Sandy if this guy – who you know to be Danny, has a car before continuing on with the song. You shake your head as you struggle to run in the long pencil skirt you’re wearing and earn dirty looks from the people you rush by. It doesn’t take long for you to become confused as to why these people are so taken back by you running past them, but unfazed by the random song that just broke out and can seemingly be heard from wherever you are in this place? Bullshit, absolute bullshit.
You’re not really sure where you’re going seeing as you don’t know the layout of the school, but get a pretty good feeling that you’re going the right way as the boy’s voices grow louder, and the girls become a little quieter. A moment later, you turn around a corner and reach a part of the school that overlooks the track field, and sure enough, in the distance is Harry standing on the bleachers with all of the guys looking shocked and unsure of what to do.
With a quick breath, you try to make it down the stairs towards the field as fast as possible without falling, so you can get across the field to your boyfriend and try to figure something out. You watch as all the boys – minus Harry, move across the bleachers in a perfect sequence of one another, and think of how normally you’d appreciate this part of the movie; but right now, you’ve got more important things to worry about.
Some boys who are running on the track look at you oddly as you crash through the gate at the bottom of the steps and mumble a quiet ‘sorry’ as you weave through them. Someone… that you think to be Coach Calhoun yells at you in the distance to get off the track, but you ignore them as you get closer to the bleachers just as Rizzo’s voice sounds in the distance saying how the guy they’re singing about sounds like a drag, and the boys break out into the shoo-bop-bop part of the song while they start shuffling across the bleachers in unison.
You finally reach the bottom of the bleachers and think you’re close enough to get Harry’s attention now. Although you have to lean against the fencepost to catch your breath for a moment, you’re quick in calling out to your boyfriend so he can realize he’s not alone in all this craziness. “H! Harry, over here!”
His green eyes snap to yours instantly, and he wastes no time in rushing over to where you’re standing. A small sigh relief leaves your mouth as he reaches you and immediately pulls you into his chest for a tight hug, smiling as you melt into his touch while he starts muttering some words. “Fuck, I didn’t even know where to look for you in this place. All of them would look at me as if I was crazy for wondering where you were… m’just- I don’t know what to do in all of this Y/N, this is a lot to take in.”
“I know, but we’re going to figure this out together,” you tell him reassuringly as you move away slightly and grab ahold of his hands. You look over his shoulder as everyone on the bleachers keep dancing away, and start pulling him away from them. “Come with me.”
You lead him around the side of the bleachers and move underneath them so you two can talk in private without getting noticed by any of the T-Birds. Once you’re both out of sight, you turn around to face him just as he’s pushing a hand over his slicked curls. “Y/N, I feel crazy for even thinking about it, let alone  saying it out loud but this movie… it’s the same, but different. Like there’s something completely off about it all, and I’m not talking about the part of how we both magically appeared here. It’s just not adding up and God, what the hell is all this?”
“I’m not sure, ok?!” You unintentionally yell at him; regretting your words as you feel the tears prick your eyes almost immediately, and start feeling bad for taking your frustrations out on the last person who deserves it. With a sigh of defeat, once you see the hurt expression that flashes across his features, you start looking anywhere but his eyes before speaking up again. “I-I’m sorry H, I just- I  don’t know… But I’m more than positive that all of this is happening because of me – it’s all my fault.”
“Hey, hey, hey, Y/N- love, there’s no possible way this is your fault,” he tells you soothingly, but a choked sob still manages to escape your mouth. He watches as the tears begin streaming down your face before stepping towards you and wasting no time in lacing his hands with yours so he can gently pull you against his chest again. You instantly melt into his touch as he begins rubbing soft circles on the small of your back and can feel you yourself starting to calm down. “It’s insane that we ended up here yes, but it’s just the movie, right? Maybe all we have to do is make it to the end before being sent back to our real lives.”
“I don’t think it’s going to be that easy H,” you tell him as you move away from his embrace. 
“And why is that?”
“Well, like you said, the movie itself is the same… but it’s also different,” you begin to explain while he looks at you curiously. “We changed it by showing up here.”
“We couldn’t have changed it too much bub,” he states with a slight smirk. “Everything that has happened so far goes perfectly along with the movie, right down to the random breaking out in song during unnecessary times.”“Not everything is the same though Harry, and I think that’s our key in getting out of here.”
He looks at you skeptically before letting out a breath and running a hand over his grease slicked hair. “Alright, you’ve officially lost me.”
“When I was in class with Marty earlier, I found a note,” you explain, and he nods as if silently telling you to continue. “It was in the back of a yearbook and it basically said if the movie doesn’t end the way it’s supposed to, we’re gonna regret it.”
“Ok, but what does that mean love?” He asks with a slightly aggravated tone. “Like I said, the movie has been pretty on track so far… It mustn’t be too difficult to make it stay that way.”
“But that’s the thing H, it may not to stay on track and that’s what we have to worry about. We’ve altered everything just by being here, who are we to say more won’t change the longer we’re here? There might be setbacks we’ll have to face because of it.”
“What kind of setbacks?”
“Well…” You trail off slightly as you think back to what Marty said about you and Danny, as well as all those pictures to prove it. “Apparently I’m the ex-girlfriend of one of the main characters who broke his heart before summer, and now everyone is expecting us to get back together; including him.”
He doesn’t say anything as he stares back at you with complete and utter confusion until a small smile dances across his lips and he lets out a sarcastic laugh. “That’s funny.”
“It’s not meant to be a joke, Harry, I’m serious.”
“How can you be serious when none of this is real, Y/N?” He snaps, and you find yourself flinching at his tone. You stare at him with wide eyes and see how he already feels bad. “Wait, I didn’t mean to snap I-.”
“If none of this is real, then why are we still here, Harry?” You ask through gritted teeth. “Why aren’t we at home where we should be hmm? This isn’t how dreams work, this is actually happening, and I’m going to figure out how to get us out of here whether you help me or not.”
“Babe, you know I’m going to help you regardless. We’re in this together,” he reasons with you and reaches out to grab your hand. “I just- m’not a fan of hearing there’s this other guy that’s gonna try to take you away from me… Even if he isn’t real, it all still rubs me the wrong way.”
“There is nothing for you to worry about H, I’m all yours. Have been for a really long time now and even a young seventies sexy has hell John Travolta acting as one of my favourite characters in one of my favourite movies can change that, ok?”
“Ok,” he replies with a soft smile before leaning down to catch your lips in a sweet kiss. You melt into the feeling of his lips attached to yours, and hum in satisfaction. That’s always something you’ve loved Harry for being able to do. It doesn’t matter how crazy or stressful the situation is, he always knows what to do or say so that the two of you can keep a level head and not take it out on each other. After a moment he pulls away and smirks down at you before mumbling something else. “Just had to throw in young John Travolta being sexy didn’t yeh?”
“Well of course,” you tell him with a smirk before standing on your tip toes so you can peck his lips again. “But that’s beside the point because I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how good you look in that leather jacket yet.”
Your boyfriend smirks and goes to respond, but before he can say anything else, someone clears their throat from nearby and both of you snap your attention towards them. You were both so caught up talking with each other that you didn’t realize the song had ended, and your bickering was more than likely to be heard; which just with your luck, has now attracted the attention of all the T-Birds as they have now made their way behind the bleachers to see what the commotion was all about. Harry gives you a sideways glance before straightening out his posture a little bit and speaking up with a nod. “Boys.”
“So, it is true,” Danny speaks first, causing you to cringe slightly as you can sense a bit of hostility in his tone. “The two of you really are a thing.”
“Geez Styles, you sure wasted no time in swooping in on that one,” Kenickie mutters as he puffs on a cigarette and leans his elbow onto Danny’s shoulder. “Thought you and Danny were going to work on things Y/N?”
You can’t help the sarcastic laugh that leaves your mouth at his comments and have to roll your eyes as all of them, except Harry, stares at you with rather dirty looks. “Oh, come on, you can’t seriously think I’m a bad guy in this situation. Danny you literally just sang a whole song about a different girl you wanted to bone all summer.”
“Bone?” Doody asks confused, and you mentally smack yourself because there’s no way these guys would know what that means.
“Wait, that wasn’t about Y/N?” Sonny chimes in.
“Well… no,” Danny responds sheepishly, and all you can think is – you fuckboy. “It was a girl I met on the beach, but it’s not like I’ll ever see her again.”
“Wouldn’t be so sure about that lad,” Harry mumbles from beside you, and you send him a warning glare as all of them look at you confusedly.
“What Harry is trying to say,” you start with a forced smile. “Is that anything could happen… even the craziest of things that you’d never expect in a million years to happen, like getting sucked into a movie; but you know, that’s life.”
“What?” All five boys ask in unison, and you grit your teeth for letting yourself rant about your current predicament like that.
“Nothing. But anyways, Danny what I’m trying to say is I moved on, and you should most definitely keep your options open and allow yourself to do so as well, maybe your dream girl is right around the corner.”
“Ooh well played,” Harry whispers loud enough for only you to hear.
“Doubtful,” Danny grumbles. “Doesn’t matter anyways, let’s go guys.”
All the boys start walking away and wave for Harry to join them. He looks at it hesitantly, but you just nod as a way to tell him you’ll be fine on your own. “Go with them and just make sure everything stays the way it’s supposed to, I’ll make sure nothing more changes with the girls either and we’ll be out of here before we know it… hopefully.”
“Ok,” he agrees softly and places a kiss to your temple before stepping away. He makes it a few steps before glancing over his shoulder and winking at you. “You look hot in fifties clothes by the way.”
“Get out of here,” you tell him with a broad smile before letting out a huff and making way back towards the school.
If there’s one thing you’ve managed to pick up on by being in this movie, it’s that time really doesn’t matter. Things that would normally consume a good amount of time in your reality passes by in a matter of seconds here, and it’s quite dizzying. That being said, after meeting up with all the girls after leaving Harry and the boys; the rest of the day flew right by.
It’s now the evening and you’re sat on the back of Rizzo’s car with her, Frenchy, Jan and Marty as you all watch Sandy cheer in the school’s pep rally. After spending the day with all of them, you’ve gotten to know the girls pretty well and find that it’s actually kind of fun experiencing the whole movie world with them – but you also know that this can’t last forever and yearn to be home even more with each passing minute.
You’re fully aware of the plans Rizzo has to take Sandy to where Danny is with Harry and all the other boys as a surprise, and you just can’t help but sit back and watch in awe as every little thing happens the exact same way; just with you part of it. Once Sandy joins the five of you,  you all make way to where the T-Birds are. You think of exactly how the next few minutes are about to play out and are less than impressed by how Danny is a complete asshole to Sandy after realizing they are in the same place again, just like he is in the movie.
You watch with pursed lips behind the girls slightly as it all unfolds but snap out of your daze once Harry steps beside you and nudges your shoulder. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” you tell him just as Sandy storms away upset after being treated like trash by Danny and the boys start praising him for being a jerk. You look at Rizzo – who just smirks to herself for planning all of this, and you know it’s just part of the movie, but man does it sucks seeing someone get treated like that. So, you feel like you need to speak up about it. “Actually no, I’m not. Hey Danny?”
“Yeah,” he responds arrogantly and turns around to face you.
“You’re a real dick, you know that, right?” You snap on him, and everyone looks at you in surprise. Your gaze moves to all the boys standing behind him, and you start going off on them too. “You guys as well for feeding him on like that. Oh, and you too Riz, it’s pretty pathetic that you go out of your way to do something so mean to a person. Geez, grow up – you’re all high school seniors for fuck sake.”
They all stare at you blankly as you let out a huff and grab hold of Harry’s hand so you can storm away with him in tow. You make it a couple of feet before he lets go to rush in front of you; causing you to almost full-on crash into his chest because of how unfocused you were on him. “Woah, hey, that was… that was really brave of you to stand up to them like that Y/N. M’really glad to see you’re still the firecracker I fell in love with, even here.”
“Yeah, sorry for your loss.” You smirk as he wraps a hand around your waist and pulls you closer to him.
“What do you say we get out of here, hmm? Clear our minds up a little bit.”
“How do we plan on doing that?”
“Turns out I have an old cool car in this world too,” he tells you with a wink. You look up at him with a soft smile before nodding in agreement and allowing him to lead you towards a nice-looking black car waiting at the back of the lot. Some voices sound to your right and you can see Frenchy consoling Sandy a couple of feet away, smiling to yourself again when she tells Sandy she could use a girl’s night.
“You’re lucky, I love you. I’m missing out on seeing Look at Me, I’m Sandra Dee and Hopelessly Devoted To You in person now because of you.”
“But I’m hopelessly devoted to you my love; and would much rather spend my night alone with you, isn’t that any consolation?”
“Yeah ok smartass,” you murmur jokingly and pull him in for a kiss, before climbing into his car and driving off. You and Harry spend the majority of the night sitting in the diner drinking milkshakes and just talking – mainly about how much you’re both missing your lives at home. It was nice spending time just the two of you, but neither of you knew exactly where to go afterwards seeing as you don’t actually live in this world; so you both settle on sleeping in Harry’s car on the oddly comfortable backseat. You start the night off cuddling but that soon escalates, and before you know it, you’re waking up to the sun beaming inside of the car. The rays dance over the small blanket that covers both of yours tangled legs, up to where Harry’s T-Bird jacket lays to keep from showing off too much of your exposed upper body and chest; causing you to groan to yourself slightly. 
“Another quick round before school?” Harry asks suggestively from beside you with his deep sleep-filled voice. You scoff in response but with the way he starts peppering your neck with kisses – you’re not long in succumbing to his advances.
“As long as we find a place to shower afterward.”
About an hour and a half later, you and Harry walk out of gym locker room showers in at school while trying to act as normal and casual as can be without drawing too much to yourselves; before setting out the rest of the entire crew. You brush out some of the wrinkles of the new top and skirt you wear with your Pink Ladies jacket that you conveniently found in Harry’s trunk, just as everyone in your group seemingly comes bursting through the doors at once before whisking you and Harry away from one another.
Later in the day, you and Frenchy are walking to class together just as some familiar voices sound from down a hallway, and you pause to listen to them. Frenchy stops a few feet ahead of you after realizing you’re no longer beside her, and slowly shuffles back while looking at you curiously. “You ok there, Y/N?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” you tell her with a smile as you look between her and the hallway the voices continue coming from. “Hey French, what’s down there?”
“Oh, that’s the auto-shop. The boys are probably there now.”
“No way,” you exclaim as you know that the boys are about to start singing Greased Lightnin’, and you want nothing more to see Harry take part in that. Without a second thought, you grab hold of Frenchy’s hand and start dragging her towards the source of the noise.
“Where are we going?” She asks between some chuckles as you continue pulling her.
“Oh, you’ll see.���
The two of you reach the end of the hallway where you push open a door and walk to a railing that overlooks the whole auto-shop. Frenchy looks down at the boys and is about to say something, but you shush her just as the boys break out in song again.
You’re still unsure of where the hell the music comes from but brush it off as you and Frenchy watch in pure amusement while the guys dance around singing about what they’re going to do to Kenickie’s car; including Harry. Small laughs leave your mouth as you watch Harry dance alongside Putzie, Sonny and Doody to the entirety of the song; showing off the dance moves he knows just by how much you’ve made him watch Grease. Frenchy seems to be enjoying herself too as they finish up the song and you quickly start pulling her out of the shop before any of them realize that the two of you were there. 
The next few days er-weeks in movie time are spent just letting the film play itself out. Although you’re starting to get tired of sleeping in the back of Harry’s car every night and using the school showers to clean yourselves off, you’ve slowly started adapting to this world and what it entails. You learned that every day without fail, a new outfit just magically appears in Harry’s trunk for you each to wear; and you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve stopped questioning everything and are now just letting it happen because you will probably go mad while thinking of how something like that is remotely possible.
You and Harry have agreed to just go with the flow of the movie and only stepping in to make sure things stay on track if need be. You’re both just sitting back and relaxing, watching everything unfold and being quite entertained by it all; especially after witnessing Danny’s attempts at picking up on a sport in order to win Sandy over again and get her to go to the school dance with him. You’ve both even become friends with all of the characters as well. Harry tells you about what he did that day with the guys each night, while you tell him how you’re really getting along with the girls and feel as if you’re able to confide in them; especially Frenchy.
Soon enough, it’s the night of said school dance; one of the best parts of the movie, and one of the most dramatic. Harry is pretty adamant on not dancing whatsoever, but you egg him on about it until he finally agrees to the two of you slow dancing together to the version of Those Magic Changes the band plays and taking part in the dance line to Tears On My Pillow alongside all of your friends.  
As the song comes to an end, Principal McGee and Coach Calhoun make their way to the stage to discuss the expectations of the dance and how it’ll all be filmed on national television. Principal McGee explains how she will not be judging the dance competition that’s about to happen, but rather the infamous celebrity in the world of Grease; Vince Fontaine. Everyone erupts in excited cheers as they know they’re about to see this huge celebrity, and you casually glance up at Harry with a smile before elbowing him gently until he looks down at you. “Vince is the movie equivalent to you in real life.”
“Shut up.” He rolls his eyes at your comment, but you notice the arrogant smirk dancing across his lips.
Once the rules of the dance competition are explained and the television cameras start rolling in order to film it all, you drag Harry to the dance floor where he has no other choice but to dance along to Elvis’ Hound Dog with you. Despite his complaining, Harry is quick on matching the steps of the people around you and seems to actually be having fun.
You glance to your right to see Frenchy and Doody laughing while dancing together, and the same coming from Jan and Putzie to your left. Marty is to the side, ignoring Sonny, while Danny and Sandy dance their way next to you; sending wide smiles as they do so. Vince Fontaine goes on the stage and starts talking again before the band starts playing Born to Hand Jive, and you and Harry decide to sit this one out.
The two of you stand on the sidelines watching as your friends dance their hearts out to this particular song and can’t help but laugh a little with how offended some of them get by being eliminated from the competition. Harry smirks at you while you find yourself smiling and dancing to the music, however, a slight movement from the corner of your eye catches your attention and you quickly glance over your shoulder to see what it was. Standing behind the crowd observing everyone while dressed up like a janitor much to your surprise, is the old lady who was selling the chocolate covered strawberries outside the grocery store on Valentine’s Day.
“Who are you looking at?” Harry asks while turning to see what it is that’s grabbed your attention.
“That lady,” you tell him and shake your head disbelievingly. “The janitor, she’s the one who sold me those strawberries back home.”
“The one that said all those weird things about Valentine’s Day?” He questions and you nod frantically. As if being able to hear your conversation, the lady’s eyes widen once she sees you and Harry both staring at her before spinning around on one heel and disappearing down the corridor.
“C’mon let’s follow her,” you say before taking off after her; Harry right with you as you go. The two of you enter the hallway to see her shuffling away as fast as she can – watching as she jumps slightly when you call out to her. “Hey, wait!”
She slowly comes to a stop before turning around to face you, smiling as she does so. “Hello, dear.”
“You… all of this is happening because of you, isn’t it?” You question and cautiously step towards her. “It all makes sense now. The strawberries, the whole Valentine’s Day spiel, the being sucked into a freaking movie for fuck sake… it’s all because of you.”
She lets out a breath before nodding her head in agreement. “You caught on a lot sooner than I anticipated.”
“What- how can you even say that?” You snap and feel Harry places his hand on your back as a source of comfort. “You-you just stepped in and messed with my life. I didn’t ask for this, I don’t understand why-.”
“Do the two of you love each other?” She cuts you off, and you squint your eyes at her.
“Do the two of you love each other?” She repeats and steps towards the two of you.
“Well yeah, of course, we do,” Harry speaks up. “I love Y/N more than she’ll ever know.”
“Good. And what about you, dear, do you love him?”
“More than anything,” you state as a smile dances across the lady’s mouth. “But why does that matter?”
“The two of you were just put through a major test that many people would be at each other’s throats about by now,” she explains. “The concept of being sucked into a fictional universe is so obscure and unrealistic that many would freak out at even the thought, but not you two. The both of you worked together to make the most out of hand you were dealt, adapting to something so surreal to you, but not letting it effect those who don’t know any different from what rights in front of them.”
She’s talking about your friends, and your heart drops at the thought of it. The T-Birds and Pink Ladies have been completely oblivious to any of this because this has become their reality, a reality that you and Harry are very much a part of now. You shake your head at the thought before looking back at the lady and letting out a chopped breath. “But why, why us?”
“I thought you could use some Valentine’s Day magic,” she responds before turning around and beginning to make way down the hallway again. You watch her make it a few steps before stepping forward yourself and speaking again.
“But how do we get home?”
“Make it to the end of the movie,” she states with a shrug. “Get the ending back on track.”
“It’s already on track,” Harry explains. “Nothing has happened that could possibly change the movies ending now.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure,” she replies before tilting her chin upwards to motion behind the two of you, before disappearing around a corner.
You and Harry glance at each other confused beyond belief of what to do next, but before you can even think up a plan; a soft familiar voice speaks up from behind you. “Guys?”
Your heart plummets into the pit of your stomach as you and Harry slowly turn around to face your friends staring back at you with hurt expressions.
“What do you mean home?” Doody asks first.
“You guys lied to us?” Jan adds in as well, and you feel your heart sinking even more. “Who are you two?”
“Jan we’re still us,” you desperately try to explain as you feel the tears pooling in your eyes. “We’re just not… we’re not the Harry and Y/N you think we are. We don’t belong here.”
“And where exactly is it that you belong then?” Sonny speaks up.
“Far from here,” Harry starts. “You would never believe us if we told you.”
“Try us,” Putzie challenges.
“W-we’re from a different universe,” you explain and feel even crazier as you do so. “This whole world we’re in isn’t our own. Harry and I live in a reality where this is a movie to all of us who live there.”
“So, you’re saying we don’t exist in your world?” Marty asks, still looking confused as ever.
“The actors that play you do, but this,” Harry says and gestures to your surroundings. “This is all part of the movie world.”
The six of your friends that stand in front of you start talking about how ridiculous that all is, and you feel a pressure building on your chest as you watch it all unfold and Sonny finally speaks up again. “Maybe you both should just go back to your little world then seeing as you care so little for ours.”
“That’s not true,” you plead with them and feel the tears streaming down your cheeks now. “You guys have become our friends. This whole thing has been bearable because of all of you, we wouldn’t have been able to figure anything out if it weren’t for you guys letting us in.”
“Well, you can figure the rest out on your own,” Putzie states. “Have a nice trip back to wherever you two are going.”
You watch with a heavy heart as they all send you one last hurt glance before turning around and going back towards the dancefloor; all except Frenchy. A soft sob leaves your mouth as the girl who you’ve become closest with looks back at you with watery eyes. You wipe a tear away before stepping towards her but cringe slightly as she steps back. “French, please let me explain.”
“What is there to explain Y/N?” She asks with a shaky voice. “You lied to us. What did you plan on doing when you reached the end of the movie, huh? Just disappear with no explanation of why? A real friend doesn’t do that if we were actually friends, maybe you would’ve asked us for help.”
“Frenchy, it really isn’t that simple-.”
“Save it Y/N. I hope you guys get back to wherever home is safe. It was nice knowing ya.” And with that, she sends you both a sad smile before disappearing around the corner with everyone else.
You stare at the now empty hallway for a moment before Harry pulls you into his chest and starts rubbing your back while choked sobs leave your mouth. “H, what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know bub, but we’ll figure something out,” he tells you soothingly all while feeling rather shitty about this whole thing as well. “C’mon lets get out of here.”
You and Harry go the next few days/weeks… you’re not sure; without any communication from any of your friends. They all go out of their way ignore the both of you in the hallways, at the drive-in, everywhere and it becomes increasingly difficult to not be able to speak with those who helped you adapt to this world, but there isn’t much you can really do.
The day of the big race at Thunder Road; the race all the boys were fixing up Kenickie’s car for, comes up very fast and you can tell Harry is a little bummed he’s not going to be there to watch his friend win a race with the car he helped fix for it. You watch silently as he pushes around the food on his plate while the two of you are sat in the diner and let out a huff.
You both decided to skip school for the day to clear your minds about everything, and just with watching him quietly sulk to himself; you relate more to when he said comfortable silence is so overrated more than ever. You bite down on your lip as you start feeling sorry for him, before reaching across the table to lace your fingers with his. “H?”
He hums in response but doesn’t make eye contact before some loud, obnoxious voices speak up from a couple of tables away from yours. The two of you glance over at the guys sitting nearby discussing the race at Thunder Road, but these aren’t just any ordinary guys – they’re The Scorpions; the rivals of the T-Birds.
“When they show up, I’m gonna distract them,” the leader of the group tells the other guys. “And then when they’re not looking, I need one of you guys to cut the breaks on Kenickie’s car. Can’t have them winning on our own turf.”
“H, if they do that… Danny won’t win the race,” you whisper to your boyfriend, who gives you a knowing look. “If that happens, Danny could get hurt but-.”
“It also changes how the movies could end,” he finishes for you, and you bite down on your lip again. “Fuck Y/N, we need to warn them. Not only could this be our last chance at getting home, but that’s also our friends out there.”
“I know,” you tell him with a nod before standing up and pulling him with you. “Come on, before it’s too late.”
The two of you rush back to Rydell High, but much to your dismay; everyone has already left to get to Thunder Road. As you and Harry look at each other unsure of what to do next, you see Sandy talking to Rizzo and are surprised when Sandy lights up once she locks eyes with you. “Harry, Y/N, are you two going to Thunder Road by chance? I really need to talk to Danny.”
“Yeah,” you respond and earn an eye roll from Rizzo. “But we don’t know how to get there, Riz do you?”
“Why would I tell you? Haven’t the two of you done enough already? Also, why would you care, this isn’t even your world.”
“Actually Riz, we just overheard The Scorpions plan to cut the breaks on Kenickie’s car; so yeah, you may all hate us – but at least we’re trying to make sure no one is hurt,” you tell her firmly and in all the time you’ve spent in this movie; you see Rizzo speechless.
“Sandy knows how to get there,” she responds, and you nod. “You guys stay safe out there too.”
“Come on we don’t have much time,” Sandy speaks up and starts walking towards the parking lot.
Harry grabs onto your hand to lead you towards the car, but you pause slightly to look back at the leader of The Pink Ladies. “Thanks, Riz, also I know what people are saying about you around the school. Don’t take it too much to heart… you’ll know why soon enough.”
“I forgot about the whole everyone thinking she was pregnant part,” Harry mumbles into your ear as the two of you head after Sandy.
“Yeah,” you tell him softly. “Rizzo means well, as a friend… I don’t want her to beat herself up, you know?”
“I know,” he replies and places a soft peck to your temple before breaking away from you so the three of you can hop into his car and get to Thunder Road.
There’s already a good crowd of people gathered once you get there, and it’s clear that Kenickie and Danny are arguing with the Scorpions in the centre of it all. Away from the commotion, a lone Scorpion is sneaking around the back of Kenickie’s car with a pair of wire cutters in hand and you’ve never seen Harry floor it as hard as he does in that moment. The car skids to a stop once you’re closer to the group and the two of you are quick in climbing out of the vehicle in order to stop the guy. You’ve caught everyone’s attention at this point, but don’t let it faze you as you walk right up to the guy crouching on the ground, still out of sight from everyone else and snatch the wire cutter out of his hands. 
“I’ll take those,” you state with a sarcastic grin as surprised gasps and voices sound from around you.
“That guy was going to cut the breaks,” Doody speaks up, and more chatter rises.
“Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it,” the Scorpion snaps, before standing up and glaring at you.
“Doesn’t matter,” Harry steps in, before looking him up and down. “Now step away from my girl and get out of my face.”
“Wow, these guys really are rubbing off on you huh,” you say to him quietly as the guy marches back over to his group.
“Whatever,” he replies with a laugh. Soon enough, the two of you are surrounded by your entire friend group; minus Sandy and Rizzo and they all stare at you with wide eyes.
“You two just saved Danny’s life,” Marty is the first to say something.
“Boy are we glad you guys decided to show up,” Putzie adds before gripping onto Harry’s hand and pulling him in for a bro hug.
You watch as all the guys huddle around Harry and smile to yourself fondly as they all greet him like an old friend. You’re about to step away and let them have their moment before Jan speaks up.
“Hey, where do you think you’re going?” She asks you with a raised eyebrow.
“Well I-,” you ramble as Marty grabs onto your hand and pulls you towards one of the many cars nearby.
“You’re gonna watch the race with all of us, right?” The brunette questions with a smile.
“Of course,” you respond as Jan and Frenchy join the two of you.
You look at your orange-haired friend before she sends you a broad smile, before giving you a sideways hug. “Glad to have you back, Y/N. The Pink Ladies felt empty without you.”
With a small smile to yourself and a knowing wink from Harry; you feel better than you have recently with everything that’s gone on. You didn’t really think of it all that much before, but you really are going to miss all these people when you have to leave… If you can leave.
Not much else is said as everyone gets into position, and the race starts. The race plays out just as it does in the movie with The Scorpion leader playing dirty, but Danny turning it around and beating him. Everyone rushes to Danny’s parked car to congratulate him for winning once it’s all done, but you and Harry find yourselves standing back from them.
“Looks like we’re going home soon now, huh?” Your boyfriend asks.
“I guess so,” you respond while scrunching up your face. “Kind of bittersweet.”
“I know, but this isn’t our life to be living in anymore.”
“Can you stop being right all the time?” You start dramatically while he just laughs. “It’s annoying.”
“Can’t, sorry,” he tells you with a shrug, and you swat his arm. “Let’s get out of here though, the carnival scene awaits.”
The next day you’re sitting in class with Marty as Principle McGee is giving her announcement over the PA system to the graduating class. It absolutely blows your mind how everything that has happened took place over eight months…. When really, it’s only been about an hour and thirty minutes in real-time. God, if you don’t get out of movie time soon, you swear that you’re going to get a whiplash or something.
After the announcement is over, all classes are dismissed; therefore, you and Marty start making way out to the football field to meet up with everyone else. The two of you reach the bottom of the stairs and part ways almost immediately. You find yourself wandering around for a few minutes alone before you almost run straight into Rizzo and Kenickie.
“So, you’re leaving after this, huh?” Rizzo asks and looks at you with an unreadable expression.
“Uh yeah, I guess so.”
“Well, this place is going to suck without you and Styles here to mess everything up,” Kenickie adds before him, and Rizzo pulls you in for a group hug.
“Are you two trying to make me cry?” You ask as you hug both of them back, letting out a sigh.
“Is it working?” They say in unison.
You pull away from the two, and they say their goodbyes before heading off in a different direction. Just as you’re about to start wandering around again, a strong pair of arms snake their way around your waist and pull you against them. There’s no point in guessing who it is because you’d recognize those ring clad fingers anywhere and have no time to comprehend anything before Harry’s spinning you around in his hold and crashing his lips against yours.
“Ready to finish this up and get home love?” He mumbles against your lips after a moment of making out.
“More than ready,” you tell him and start pulling him towards where you know the rest of your friends are.
You reach everyone just as they’re finishing up singing, You’re the One That I Want, feeling a sudden wave of sadness… You’re going to miss the ridiculously random breaking out in songs like this.  
“Oh look, the whole gang’s back together,” Frenchy says as the two of you approach.
“We’re sure gonna you guys when you leave,” Doody chimes in, and everyone falls silent.
“Try not to forget about us when you go,” Jan adds in as well, and everyone mumbles sad ‘yeahs’ in agreement.
“Nah that’ll never happen,” Danny says while sending a wink your way as you nod in agreement.
“How do you know?” Sonny asks, getting in Danny’s face slightly.
“What do you mean, how do I know?” Danny challenges and pushes him backward. You watch as he falls back onto the high striker game all of you are standing beside and the weight reaches the top with an obnoxious ding. With a loud laugh, you place your hands over your eyes just as Danny says the opening line for the very last song of the movie. “Wop ba-ba lu-mop!”
“Wop bam boom!”
Everyone around your group breaks out in dance to the sound of We Go Together, and you can’t help the giant smile that stays plaster on your face. The fun and happiness radiating off of everyone around you is contagious, and the matching dimpled grin that stays on Harry’s face lets you know he feels the same way.
As much as you really don’t want to join in on the dance, you find yourself busting a move to the catchy tune just as you and Harry get dragged away from everyone by Sandy and Danny. The couple doesn’t say anything as they take you away from everyone to an awaiting car; but not just any car, the car Sandy and Danny fly off in at the end of the song.
The couple doesn’t say anything as they take you away from everyone to an awaiting car; but not just any car, the car Sandy and Danny fly off in at the end of the song.
“What’s this?” You ask them and send a sideways glance to Harry.
“Your way back home,” Danny states.
You feel your heart swell as they both pull you and Harry in for a quick hug and have to take a deep breath to keep yourself from crying. Once they pull away, Sandy looks at you and smiles gently. “Thank you for taking care of us all and making sure our story ends the way it’s supposed to.”
“It was my pleasure,” you tell her before getting pulled in for one last hug.
“Ready to go home, Y/N?” Harry asks softly as Sandy and Danny take off towards the others.
“You bet,” you tell him and pull him down for a quick kiss before climbing into the passenger seat of the car.
Harry gets into the driver’s side and revs the engine a little bit, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him before inching forward. The crowd of students starts breaking away to create a path for the two of you to drive down, and you continue smiling like an idiot.
You reach the end of the crowd, and the car lifts off the ground, just like it does in the movie with Sandy and Danny. You glance at Harry; who just smiles, before turning around to wave at all of your friends – watching them disappear as you and Harry are consumed be an extremely bright light.
The annoyingly loud ringtone you have set on your phone awakes you from your deep slumber as you slowly blink your eyes open to the sunlight-filled room. The tone goes silent, but you couldn’t care less as you let out a loud groan and stretch out your very stiff body. You remove Harry’s arm from around your waist and slowly sit up on the couch, rubbing at your tired eyes as you glance at the date displayed on your phone; February 15th.
“Oh my god,” you gasp and look down at your still sleeping boyfriend. You start shaking him and chuckle as incoherent sleepy words leave his mouth. “H wake up, we’re home.”
“We’re what?” He asks before finally opening his eyes. Another soft laugh leaves your mouth as he sits right up and looks around your living room. “Holy shit, we are.”
He looks to you, and as soon as your eyes meet, you tackle him back onto the couch with a hug. “We did it!”
You lean down to connect your lips to his and moan when his hands start roaming your body in a new soft and intimate way; different from how he touched you in the movie while being worried about someone seeing the two of you in the back of his car. After a few moments of doing this, you find yourself breaking away from the kiss and chuckling slightly. “As much as you’ve already managed to turn me on, don’t you think this would be much better in our bed? I miss that thing.”
“You read my mind,” he replies with a laugh before gripping onto your ass tightly and sitting up straight so that you’re straddling him. He connects his lips to yours once again in a quick kiss, but it ends as fast as it started. “Weirdest dream ever, huh?”
“Fuck, don’t even call it a dream; it’ll mess with my head too much. That all seemed so real.”
“Oh, I know,” he tells you before glancing over at the few remaining strawberries that are still in the pack from being left out overnight when you two fell asleep on the couch. “Think Jeff will believe me if I told him what happened?”
“Hell no,” you state firmly.
“Ok, but what if we got Mitch or Gemma to eat the rest of those strawberries?”
“Nope,” you tell him as you scramble off of them and make a dive for the fruit before he can. “These are going in the garbage.”
“You’re no fun,” he whines as you walk over to the kitchen and toss out the container.
“Oh, grow up,” you sass as you walk back into the room. Just as you’re about to say another witty remark, you glance at the television screen where it’s paused on a picture of all eight of your friends from the movie. A smile dances its way across your lips as you look to Harry and gesture for him to look at the screen as well.
He stares at it for a second, before shaking his head and turning back to face you. “I actually miss them.”
“Me too,” you agree and send him a wink. “Guess we’ll have to watch it again so we can see them.
“I think the fuck, not Y/N. I don’t need any more Grease in my life for a long time.”
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akire-echo · 5 years
Light-Bringer Chapter 9
You’d fallen asleep once you ditched the squad car behind an abandoned gas station and conveniently found a SUV. Tikka switched seats so she could navigate while Daryl drove. Nick got into the back with you. You suppose you’d fallen asleep on him. At least, you woke up with your head on his shoulder and his head resting on yours. It was so nice that you didn’t want to move, but your side was aching. You slowly peeled yourself away from the Orc, seeing Tikka and Daryl share a look. You rolled your eyes in amusement. Nick jolted awake, alert already.
“Good morning you two.” Daryl teased.
“Where are we?” Nick asked, sounding groggy.
“Almost there.” Tikka replied.
You knew where you were going, Tikka had told you about an old man she knew who bred dragons for a living. There wasn’t much demand, since dragon-riding was illegal in most places. Still illegal in California, but not Vegas. Pretty much everything was legal in Nevada, no matter how debaucherous. You knew it’d be safer there too, as the only elves to set foot in Vegas were those who were freaks to society. Most people who went to Vegas only wanted one of two things, money or sex. And it was going to take a lot of money to get a suitable dragon.
The sun was already high in the sky when you got into Vegas, the strip was apparently the easiest way to the dragon farm. Tikka said you’d all be able to stay there and lay low while you worked on magic. In the light you could see all manner of people. Elves hand in hand with humans, gay orc couples, even an Orc and human couple. It was so odd to see something like that in broad daylight, or even at all. You blushed as you saw a orc man kissing a human woman, imagining that it was you and Nick.
“We will be there shortly.” Tikka assured. “We won’t have time spend any more time in this...place.”
You crossed your arms and hung your head. Nick reached over and felt your knee. “You good?”
You faked a smile at him. “Could be worse. I could be bruised and bloody with broken bones.
He smiled back. “Magic really is uh...magic.”
He was kind of goofy but you liked that.
“It really is.” You replied, putting your hand over his. His hand was pretty big compared to yours.
Ward interrupted your cute moment.
“We are nearly out of the city.” Daryl said. “I hate Vegas.”
Nick took his hand away.
The drive was another hour, but when you got there you could see so many dragons.
“Wow.” You let out a breath.
“I’ve never seen a dragon so close before.”Nick awed.
You’d be gawking too if you weren’t so scared.
Ward parked and Tikka motioned to get out.
“You are sure about this, right?” You asked her.
“He’s an old friend.” She assured you.
The four of you went to the front door.
It opened to reveal and old elf man, who immediately smiled.
“Tikka!” He said exuberantly and held out his arms.
“Rydel!” She hugged him.
They must’ve been really close. He patted her back then let her go.
“So, you must be Tikka’s guests? I’m Rydel. Welcome to my farm.”
You still felt wary, not trusting new people, especially elves.
You felt Nick hand on your waist, that helped ease you a little.
“Come in, I understand you’ll all be staying with us for some time.” Rydel smiled.
Tikka went in first, followed by a suspicious Ward, then you and Nick.
His place was modest, unlike anywhere an elf would live. It looked nearly homey and cozy.
“I see your style hasn’t changed.” Tikka said to him in lower Ovüsi.
He just chuckled. “Keeps me humble.”
It was a kind of place you could only describe as a ranch house. Open floor design though, kitchen leading to dining and living room. There was a second floor too.
“I was just about to cook dinner.” He said. “Take a load off and we can all eat together. Tikka, show them where they can stay.”
She nodded and motioned to the group.
There were two extra rooms, both sharing the same balcony. Two queen beds in each room too, perfect. You were still so tired from running away, but you supposed sleeping could wait until after dinner.
Rydel was nice enough. He was talkative and just kept going as he cooked. You’d never heard such a chatty elf before, it was strangely nice. And tikka had some sort of smile on the entire time.
“Soups on!” Rydel set the table and sat out beautiful dishes. “This is Hot-Dish, a Great Lakes staple. Although this version is Vegan.”
“It looks great Rydel.” Tikka said
“Smells good too.” Nick chimed in.
You looked at Ward, who obviously liked meat as much as any other human. He just shrugged though.
You started to eat and it was actually pretty delicious, plus you were so hungry.
You ate everything in the little dish and really enjoyed it. The berry wine that Rydel had made was good too, very potent.
The sun was beginning to set so you all decided to turn in.
Tikka fell asleep rather fast in the bed next to you, while you sighed and tried to sleep. You tossed and turned a lot, not able to get your brain shut off. You heard the sliding door open to the balcony and could see Nick’s silhouette leaning over the banister. You quietly got up and opened your door.
He looked at you, then smiled.
“Did I wake you?” He asked.
“No, just can’t sleep. You?”
He nodded. “Can’t get myself to just-“
“Shut off?”
“Yeah.” He sighed.
“Me too. I’m too amped up.”
You leaned over the wood and looked at the sleeping dragons. Nick stood beside you and his hand barely grazed yours. Neither of you flinched, but you blushed.
You hadn’t known him for long but you kind of loved him already.
“Are you um...cold at all?” He asked.
“A little.” You replied.
He wrapped his arm around you, rubbing you with his large hand. You leaned into his body and closed your eyes. He smelled so nice and he was so warm.
You let out a breath of relief. “Do you think things will slow down now? That we will be safe here?”
“I think we will have to stay on our toes, but I will be with you every step of the way.”
You looked up at him, his blue-ish cheeks darker.
“Thank you Nick, you don’t know how much that means to me.”
His heart picked up pace, you could feel it.
You decided to take a risk, go with your heart, and kiss him. So you leaned in and his breath hitched, his lips so close to yours. But then at the last second he turned his face.
“Oh-I-Uh-sorry.” You said embarrassed, tears stinging your eyes.
“No, no-I’m sorry too, I just-”
“You don’t have to explain.” You cut him off, the hurt of rejection choking your words.
“Goodnight Officer Jakoby.” You went back into the room and flopped on the bed. It was going to be a very long night.
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Sticks and Stones
AO3 Version
Relationship: Runaan/Reader/Aaravos
Rating: General
Summary: You saved Aaravos and Runaan both from their respective imprisonments without even knowing how you could do such a thing. You're the castle-keeper of Katolis, not a mage and certainly nobody powerful--and yet you free them both, leading to Runaan taking you and Aaravos to his village in Xadia to try and patch together some semblance of a normal life.
This is just one glance into your lives together.
It’s been a year.
Twelve months, fifty-two weeks or even three hundred and sixty-five days, depending on the way you choose to divide up the time. It’s darted through your perception as quickly as a frightened doe, but it has also limped by as slowly as it takes for the new moon to rise full.
Despite all of that time spent in practice and observation, you still don’t know how to sharpen a blade quite as good as even one of the village’s youngest initiates.
It’s not as if you don’t understand the concept or technique, as you’ve seen the knights caring for their weapons as far back as when you were castle-keeper of Katolis, but there’s simply something in the execution that always leaves you stumped.
So here you are, sitting on the steps outside the humble cottage you’ve called home in the last year, willing for even a single god above to let you do this right.
You feel your brows furrow as you stare down at the small dagger in your hand, a whetstone in the other. You’ve been trying to sharpen the damn thing for almost an hour, but all you’ve seem to manage is just to put unseemly scratches against the edge you really hope can be buffed out.
It’s aggravating enough that you don’t realize there’s someone in front of you until their shadow falls over your hands. You’re about to look up just as a hand reaches forward and grabs the wrist of the hand holding the whetstone.
“You need to remember to keep the angle smaller.”
The grip is as gentle as the words, voice familiar enough that you simply turn back to the job literally at hand and allow the help from the man, Runaan, as he takes a seat beside you.
“I don’t know how you’re able to do this so quickly,” you sigh. “I seem to damage blades more than sharpen them, no matter how many times I’m shown.”
You hear the elven man let out a short, disbelieving huff.
“And have you asked for any help?” It’s hard not to hear a thread of tension, the same tone of voice he’ll sometimes get when speaking to the young initiates he’s training. “I recall Merith and Rydell having offered.”
You don’t answer him right away. The man’s hands carefully put yours into a new position, both of his hands over yours, delicately angling the stone against the blade in a position you assume is the correct one–he is right, you were holding the blade at a vastly larger angle.
“I…” the words feel like stones in your throat, as heavy and rough as the one against your palm. “…I don’t want them to think of me as useless at everything I do around here.”
Sharpening blades. Organizing books. Hunting game. They aren’t exactly skills you learned in your upbringing as a castle-keeper.
You let Runaan tug your hand–and thus the whetstone–carefully across the blade in a smooth, slow motion. He does it a second time and then a third, finally letting you try to do it yourself.
By the sound of the hum that leaves him or the fact that his hands remain on yours, you must not have the motion mirrored quite well just yet.
But at least he doesn’t berate your fear.
The moonshadow elves are not as hostile towards you as they once were, when you were new in their village and stood precariously on the border of ‘hostage’ or ‘guest’–perhaps you had been both at the same time, until ultimately they decided to see you as the one exception to an unspoken, yet powerful Xadian rule.
Maybe it had something to do with you freeing Runaan from imprisonment. Maybe it’s because you were accompanied by a powerful startouch elf mage, someone who you also freed in the same night as Runaan though similar means of magic or power that you still don’t understand yourself.
Maybe a lot of things.
…It’s a long story.
“You won’t learn how to do this right until you ask for help,” Runaan says, dragging you out of your thoughts. “It takes years for a moonshadow elf to learn these things–you’ve only been here for one.”
“But I’m a human.”
Runaan is quiet for a few moments, giving away a lot more than words ever can.
“You still have hands,” he argues, grip getting a little tighter around your wrists. “And that extra finger has to be good for something.”
He’s learning to grow past his colored stereotypes for humans as much as the rest of his village, but at least he’s honest–there’s an effort, much in the same way that you continue to learn about them.
You don’t have the chance to say something witty in return before both you and Runaan are interrupted by a new voice booming across the air, familiar and strong and pulling both of your attentions away from the lost cause of a dagger.
“I thought that I would find both of you together.”
It’s not hard to guess who it is–the voice alone is as unique as the rest of Aaravos, a startouch elf settled in a vastly moonshadow village. There’s no hiding the difference of his eyes, his horns or the starlike sparkle of both his form and clothes.
There’s a smile on his lips as he approaches the two of you.
“What mischief have you gotten to now?” Runaan asks, not a single beat of silence missed from the moment his eyes lay on the other elf.
Aaravos’ expression drops into a pout, lips pursed and brows tilted, but it’s not that hard to see that it’s simply a playful, but fake expression.
“Mischief?” he asks, raising a hand to his chest as if wounded. “Runaan, you think so little of me. I have many years of experience and knowledge to my life, the ability to weave the power of the stars to my desire and you accuse me of but childish pranks?”
He steps closer to the two of you and sits down on your opposite side, the three of you taking up all of the space on one of the steps leading up to the house you and Aaravos have called home since arriving at the moonshadow village.
Runaan merely stares at the other elf, eyes narrowed in caution.
“Did you set something on fire?”
Aaravos merely laughs, making you look at him with all of the same caution, but a plethora more of curiosity, if only from the glimmer of playfulness in his eyes as he smiles even wider.
“No,” the older elf says softly, his eyes glancing off to the side. “But I did teach some of the children how to glamor rocks as poisonous insects.”
As if on queue, both you and Runaan turn to look where Aaravos’ eyes are, only to see a small group of children run past screaming in delight and every single one of them with stones clutched in their hands.
“Aaravos,” Runaan sounds exasperated already. “You can’t just do that, it will mess up their training and cause a mess that-”
You drop the blade and whetstone so you can reach a now-free hand to grab his, stopping the words of argument before they can begin.
“It’s not going to hurt anyone.”
You feel a smile on your lips and watch as Runaan looks at you, takes in your words, but looks back to Aaravos with caution still nipping at his thoughts.
Somewhere in the exchange, Aaravos takes your other hand in his, leaving the three of you in a silence that takes a long time to break. It would be hard to describe your relationship to the two elves to anyone–it’s hard enough to label it yourself. You’d freed Aaravos from his prison and saved Runaan from death, leaving both of the elves with a sense of debt to you.
Debt that became companionship.
A year is a long time, after all, and it can change a lot of things. Perceptions, understanding, relationships. It can break connections and forge trust in the same blow and, honestly, it’s left the three of you unsure where you stand in life–it feels almost as if each of you had somehow escaped death itself and were trying to find yourselves in a world that had been prepared to go on without you.
Maybe love is a good word to describe it. Forged in debt and cemented by time, made strong only by shared little moments, comfort and companionship. It might be the right word, but it’s not one you’re ready to use just yet, and it feels like Runaan and Aaravos feel much the same.
You feel both of their grips on your hand tighten, just a little bit.
“I doubt they’ll even be able to do the spell properly,” you say gently, glancing from one man to the other.
“Don’t underestimate them,” Aaravos muses softly, the words spoken with almost a vague sense of pride. “For being so young they are exceptionally talented; you shouldn’t be so hard on them, Runaan.”
You watch as Aaravos’ smile curls into something wicked, on the teasing side of mocking, as if the two of them have had a similar conversation in the past that you’ve not been privy to.
Runaan merely makes a noise of exasperation, seeing his defeat in the conversation.
“Fine,” he mumbles, eventually pinching the bridge of his nose. “I can tell when I’m outnumbered. At least promise me you won’t teach them how to light something aflame.”
There’s a tone in his voice, as if it’s something spoken with previous experience.
Aaravos takes in a breath and slowly leans his body against your shoulder; he is warm and gentle in both voice and movement. Runaan eventually does the same, squishing you gently between the two elves as they lean against you, your hands held in a gesture not one of you will label.
“Oh, I don’t need to teach them a spell for that,” there’s a cryptic, toying note in Aaravos’ words. “A piece of flint and steel is less troublesome.”
Before Runaan can respond, there’s a familiar commotion coming from down the path. Screams and shouts fill the air before you catch the sight of a group of children–the same as before–come barreling down they way. Ranging from small child to young teen they run, almost clamoring over one another, all holding fistfuls of candy in their hands.
They’re chased by a man, who stops to catch his breath in front of you, Runaan and Aaravos. He pants and leans forward, hands on his knees and face quickly looking up to all three of you.
“Runaan, I have no idea how it happened,” he starts, rubbing a hand over his face. “There is a nest of scorpions in my shop.”
All three of you are silent for a few seconds, but you can feel two very powerful emotions flowing from either side of you: one is annoyance, but the other is immense, smug-colored pride
“Very talented children indeed,” is all Aaravos cares to say, expression mischievous as ever.
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cristicnox · 5 years
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭  𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧.
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[ XAVIER SERRANO, 21, CISMALE, HE/HIM ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ CRISTIANO MARQUEZ ]. you have been accepted as a [ REGULAR ] student from [ SPAIN ], going into your [ SENIOR YEAR ] and majoring in [ FINANCE ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ CHARMING & CAREFREE ], but being [ SELFISH & INSENSITIVE ] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ MICHAEL’S BEST FRIEND ]? [ ADMIN J, 23, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER, EST ]
jocey here again with my second one. this is my trash son, cristian. i say that with love, but srsly, t r a s h. if you would like to plot with him, hit that like button, or hmu on discord!
name : cristiano javier alonzo marquez nickname : cristian age : twenty-one sexuality : heterosexual hometown : madrid, spain major : finance extracurriculars : athletic students association, soccer (centre forward)
━  the marquez family is known to have a bit of a controversial reputation, mostly surrounding how they made their fortune. what started out as a small delivery company decades ago has now expanded to a global empire of sorts. officially, marquez enterprises is a shipping company that controls the major ports in spain, and owns several businesses throughout europe and latin america.
━  but off the books? well, let’s just say there may be rumours that they’re involved in some shady business cough drug cartel? cough and have quite a few shady interesting contacts from all around the world, from politicians to some less than savoury people. regardless, it’s common knowledge that the marquezes are filthy dirty rich, enjoy living extravagantly and lavishly, and are practically seen as spanish royalty in the social scene.
━  arguably the marquez with the most well-known and controversial reputation is cristian - one of the heirs to the marquez fortune, fuckboy extraordinaire with an impressively long list of ex lovers, and all around entitled trust fund brat. he was always expected to be the picture perfect son, to steal the biggest stake in marquez entreprises from his cousin sabina’s family, and to carry on the family legacy. but parents never quite get exactly what they hoped for from their children, do they?
━  eventually, his parents learned that hiring a good PR team and shipping their off to boarding school was easier than forcing him to behave. if there’s one thing you should know about cristian is that he will never do anything if he feels forced into it. still, he did the bare minimum just to keep his parents off his back. he got good grades (whether it was based on his own merits was a completely different story), showed up to important events (granted he was always drunk and late), smiled for photo ops (no complaints there because everyone had to admit he looked good), and charmed the pants off of interviewers and his admirers (quite literally). ━  cristian puts out this very lazy, devil-may-care image of himself, who does not give two shits about anyone other than himself. you could call him a selfish asshole and he'd probably agree with you. most see him as this impulsive, directionless loose cannon, when in fact he actually does think things through and is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. but he just believes that expectations lead to disappointment, so it’s better to not have anyone expect anything of you. he is, however, not so smart when it comes to his love life and is notoriously bad at juggling his booty calls. as in, getting all their names mixed up, and running into a booty call number five, who he’d ghosted, when he was with booty call number eight.
━  is anyone even surprised that cristian was best friends with michael valmont? they were like two peas in a pod, two of the same kind. birds of a feather flocked together after all, don’t they? unlike so many people in michael’s life, cristian never cared all that much about what a dick the guy really was. because, well, he himself was just as big of a dick, if not bigger (he would argue that his is definitely bigger eiogsgjlkg - HE IS TRASH!!!). he often found amusement in michael’s petty antics, but never played a part in them, mostly because it required too much effort on his part. he was always more of the ‘lounging back with scotch on the rocks while he watched michael terrorizing those at the bottom of the pyramid’ type. as long as he wasn’t on the receiving end of this, he couldn’t care less. 
━  except one day, he was. michael had stayed with cristian in spain during spring break. it seemed like since that trip, everything started to go downhill. a couple of blackout idiots, a party gone wrong and too many lines of coke later, they found themselves hurrying back to one of the marquez’s properties, while scrambling to find an alibi. they swore they’d never tell another soul about what happened that night, but michael being michael eventually turned on him. no matter how laid-back and carefree he always came off, cristian was a marquez after all, and the marquezes never let anyone shove them under the bus. like hell he was going to go down for something that michael had an equal part in, best friend or not. two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead - that’s how the saying goes, sí?
SQUAD ━  they’re those guys. the popular, rowdy bros who have their own table in the cafeteria, throw the best parties and cause a bunch of mayhem together. just a bunch of obnoxious alpha dudes who think they’re hot shit.  taken by michael valmont, brooks palmero, charming channing, preston chao, daisy kennedy BEST GAL FRIEND / MOM FRIEND  ━  probably one of the few girls he’s managed to not try to hook-up with, or constantly flirt with. someone who helps him remember the names of girls he’s hooked up with plz lol. also secret confidant of sorts - someone who actually knows cristian very well and sees through his lazy rich boy act. maybe they have a platonic sibling type relationship. kind of his moral conscience/good influence when he wants to do dumb rich boy things.  taken by fallon knight UNLIKELY FRIENDS  ━  maybe the last person you’d expect to be friends with cristian. possibly met during a school project or something, and they realized that he’s… actually… not that bad?? despite what everyone says about him and his reputation, he’s not really as big of an asshole as he comes off and is actually kind of tolerable one on one. kind of.  taken by rydel hood ON/OFF  ━  cristian has had a lot of flings and hook-ups, but this person has been the one constant in his life. their “relationship” ( if you can call it that ) is kinda messy, but surprisingly chill. HOOK-UPS/FLINGS/FWBS  ━  whether you like cristian or not, you can’t deny that he’s hella hot. homeboy is bound to have lots of current hook-ups, flings and friends with benefits, whether they mean something or not.  taken by sofia gonzalez-cortes, calla montgomery-amell EX HOOK-UPS/FLINGS/FWBS/ONE NIGHT STANDS  ━  boy has been around the block and back more times than you can count on two hands, so he’s definitely got plenty of exes. especially exes who hate him cuz he’s the worst™.  taken by crimson cooper oops ENEMIES ━ let’s be real, cristian’s the kind of guy who can easily rub people the wrong way. he has like no filter, so his big mouth has pissed off so many people that he’s bound to have enemies. maybe someone who hates him just for being michael’s best friend.  taken by alice coltell #1 SINCE DAY 1  ━  cristian’s best friend since the beginning of time ( or close enough ). met in boarding school, and they’ve been there through all of cristian’s constant shenanigans and wild times.  taken by william acher
das all i got so far. most connections are open to multiple people filling it, unless it’s crossed out. and ofc i’m always open to any ideas not listed here!
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myserie · 5 years
Chris/Damian Shorts 2/???
@starfleetisapromise partially inspired this
Phil Boyce woke with a start and glared at his beeping communicator, wondering who was comming him at this hour.
When it didn’t stop beeping, he freed his arm from the sheets and grabbed it from his nightstand.
“Boyce,” he grumbled
“It’s me,” Damian Rydell replied, sounding muffled and jittery. “Can you come to the Captain’s Quarters? He’s thrashing around and won’t wake up. I’ve tried.”
Phil sat up and pushed back the covers, dressing blindly in his discarded uniform as unwarranted thoughts rushed through his mind. Chris had been struggling with nightmares for a long time, but there hadn’t been any recent away missions that would leave him in a state.
Out of the corner of his eye he caught the stardate on his terminal screen. “Shit,” he swore, pulling on his boots. “Fucking hell, Chris.”
He stopped at medical first, collecting a low grade anaesthesia that would knock him out for a few hours of dreamless sleep and a hand held regenerator as he remembered how muffled Damian had sounded on the comm.
The door opened with a hiss as he approached and he could hear Chris’ muffled grunts and shouts from the bedroom. Sitting on the floor outside his door was Damian, in standard issue black briefs and a shirt that was a little too broad in the shoulders. He looked...miserable, holding something against his face that Phil quickly saw was a dish cloth full of ice.
“Did he hit you?” Phil asked.
Damian nodded. “I grabbed his shoulder and he elbowed me in the jaw,” he said. “He didn’t mean it. He’s not even conscious.”
“I know,” Phil sighed. When Chris found out, he was going to be unbearably guilty for weeks. “Help me get him to hold still, I don’t want to stab him in the wrong place with this hypo.”
Damian tossed the ice pack aside and stood. The left side of his jaw was turning purple, and there was some blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth.
Phil mentally congratulated his decision to bring the regenerator, and followed Damian into Chris’ bedroom.
Chris was still asleep, but tensed like he was ready for a fight. The dream wasn’t going to let him go any time soon, Phil realised and nodded to Damian. “Talk to him,” he said. “It might calm him down.”
“You don’t think I’ve tried that?” Damian snapped, and Phil fixed him with a look. “Fine.”
Damian approached, wary. It almost broke Phil’s heart to see the young man so afraid of Chris. Hours ago they were practically trying to crawl into each other’s skin in the back of the rec room while the rest of the officers were glued to the holovid.
“Christopher?” He said, gentle. “It’s Damian, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here, you’re safe. I promise.”
Chris just seemed to tense further. Whether he couldn’t hear Damian or the dream was twisting the young man’s words into something terrible, Phil didn’t know. “Hold him still so I can get this needle in his neck,” he instructed.
Chris lashed out the moment Damian touched him, and one arm swung wildly and his fist collided with the young man’s nose with a crunch. Phil thrust the needle into Chris’ jugular and pressed down on the plunger as Damian reeled back and clutched his likely broken nose with a groan and a shout of “fucking hell!”
Chris went lax almost immediately, muscles slack and pliant as Phil tucked him back into bed and pulled Damian out of the bedroom.
“He broke my nose,” Damian muttered nasally, blood dripping from between his fingers. “He broke my fucking nose.”
“It’s the anniversary of Rigel VII,” Phil told him, forcing Damian to sit on one of the chairs in Chris’ kitchenette. He pulled out the regenerator and forced Damian to move his hand. “I should have told him to take something before going to sleep. Don’t blame him for this, please? His last partner...well.”
Damian looked at him, miserable. Phil was prepared to beg Damian not to leave because of this, and then he realised that this was about something else. “He doesn’t talk to me,” Damian said after a moment. “I knew something was wrong today but...”
“He’s not good at talking,” Phil explained. “And it’s only been six months since you two started whatever this is. Give him time.”
Phil checked to make sure the regenerator was knitting the soft cartilage of Damian’s nose back together in the right shape. He knew there’d be a lot of angry ensigns who’d crucify his ass if he ruined their favourite Lieutenant’s nose.
Damian stared at him for a long moment. “What happened on Rigel VII?” He asked, almost hesitant.
Phil blinked. “He hasn’t told you?”
“I just told you he doesn’t tell me anything.”
“You didn’t say he hasn’t told you anything,” Phil replied. “I wasn’t there, but it was...bad. They were holed up in a fortress on another planet and-well. Chris was one of the only survivors. It broke him, he almost left Starfleet because of it.”
“Three years ago,” Phil answered, moving the regenerator node to Damian’s jaw. “Don’t worry about kicking his ass about this because I will.”
“I’ll...” Damian frowned, rubbing his jaw as Phil pulled the node away. “What do I do? Until six months ago I never would have thought I’d be in a relationship. How do I talk to him?”
Phil blinked. “Be honest,” was all the advice he could give. “Don’t let him pull rank. If you’re going to be in a relationship with the Captain, you’re going to need to learn to hold your ground when he tries to use his rank to avoid uncomfortable situations. Call him on his bullshit and remember that when you’re not on duty you’re on equal ground.”
Damian swallowed noticeably, and Phil put his hand on the younger man’s shoulder. “Look at me,” he said, stern. Damian’s near-black eyes met his own, unwavering. He’ll be a great Captain someday, Phil realised. “If he won’t listen, tell him what he did to you. He’ll be unbearable for a couple of weeks but at least you’ll have enough leverage to get him to sit still and tell you about Rigel VII. And ask about Talos IV, while you’re at it.”
“Alright,” Damian replied. “Can I go back to bed? With him?”
Phil nodded and squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll put you both on medical leave tomorrow,” he said. “Sleep well.”
“I’ll try,” Damian gave a half-smile. “Thank you, Dr Boyce.”
“Call me Phil. You’re important to him, kid, and that means you’re important to me too.”
If you liked this come read more about Damian and Chris in Blueberry
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cleoxortiz · 5 years
𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭  𝐛𝐚𝐳.
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( ARON PIPER, CISMALE, HE/HIM ) Oh hello, you must be SEBASTIAN "BAZ" MARQUEZ it’s so nice to meet you. Is it true that you’re a SIXTEEN year old LEGACY student and in your SIXTH? I should warn you, rumour has it you’re pretty HEDONISTIC & SPOILED but I think you’re really FUN-LOVING & FREE-SPIRITED - people like to gossip around here, but you’ll find out for yourself. Let me show you to SALISBURY. ( JOCEY, 23, EST, SHE/HER )
rip carter. gone, but not forgotten. herrree is an equally chaotic dumbass! clearly elite has  taken over my life and aron piper is the loml. my need to get this done won over my need for this intro to be good so lmfao. hit that like button and i’ll msg ya for plotty mcplots with my hot mess of a child.
name : sebastian javier cristiano marquez nickname : baz age : sixteen gender : cismale sexuality : pansexual hometown : madrid, spain
━  the marquez family is known to have a bit of a controversial reputation, mostly surrounding how they made their fortune. officially, marquez enterprises is an imports/exports company that controls the major ports in spain, and owns several businesses throughout europe and latin america.
━  but off the books? well, let’s just say there may be rumours that they’re involved in some shady business and have quite a few interesting contacts from all around the world. regardless, it’s common knowledge that the marquezes are filthy dirty rich, enjoy living extravagantly and lavishly, and are practically seen as spanish royalty.
━  baz is the baby of his family. growing up, his parents and his older sister, sabina, always took care of him and took on all the responsibility, so he never had to. he never had to learn how to be responsible, what consequences were or how to look out for himself because there was always someone to take care of it all for him. so, he is about as spoiled and irresponsible as a clueless, rich brat can be - just coasting through life on his trust fund.
━  completely oblivious and ignorant to the real world, you could say that baz has always lived his life through rose coloured glasses. problems are never serious problems (unless, of course, they’re his problems - in which case, it’s the end of the fucking world) and they’re never something a little (or a lot) of partying can’t fix. or a lot of sex. partying and sex. sex and partying. it’s the perfect recipe to fix just about anything. how can anyone argue with that kind of logic?
━  baz has never really been good at anything. his grades are below average, his coordination skills in sports are very below average and his artistic skills are just about nonexistent. the only thing he is good at, and will proudly say so, is having fun. whether it’s throwing the best parties, knowing the hottest clubs or having the coolest connections, baz will have you covered. going to the met gala after party, vacationing with the kardashians, being invited to leo dicaprio’s private island - his stories and adventures are endless. 
━  baz is the type to fall hard and fast. he loves love, but he’s also not the greatest at it because he’s always so fickle and indecisive. he “falls in love” faster than kim k can post a new insta. being the dramatic little shit that he is, this also means that he gets his heart “broken” on the reg. as well. baz is known to be very flirty and affectionate with just about anyone and everyone, so it’s hard to say if he’s kissing you because he’s just being friendly, or because he likes you and wants to get in your skirt/pants. or both. porque no los dos?
HOEMANCE  ━  his best gal pal. the bonnie to his clyde, but in the most platonic soulmates, legal, non-murder-y way. or the thelma to his louise? or the other way around. he doesn’t know the difference rip. basically partners in crime, ride or dies, hoes for life. if you invite one, the other will automatically show, no questions asked.  taken by ophelia sinclair BROMANCE  ━  his best bro friend. i love a good pair of chaotic dumbasses who encourage each other’s dumbassery. BONUS POINTS if we make this a trio (if you watched elite, you know da bro vibez). just some bro friends who’ve been there through each other’s good and bad shit, y’know?  taken by nathaniel darlington CHILDHOOD FRIEND  ━  grew up together. maybe their parents are friends, in which case they might know about the marquez’s family secrets?? they played house together and all that cute shit. “if we’re not married by the time we’re 30, promise you’ll kill me. or marry me.” P L E A S EEEE. i am a H O E for that angsty childhood friend catching feelz cliche omg.  EX (BEST?) FRIEND  ━  used to be friends, maybe even best friends, but somehow grew apart. or maybe some shit went down that caused the rift. maybe they found out about baz’s family and noped tf out. IDK. so many possibilities.  taken by preston morgans HELLA HEART EYES FOR YOU  ━  baz crushes on everyone at one point or another. he’s a slu for romance, what can i say. and also just a slu in general. basically people he’s crushing on. could be reciprocated, could be unreciprocated. anything and everything goes.  taken by rydel hooh, alex morgan FWBs/BOOTY CALL  ━  self-explanatory methinks?? just a forewarning that baz catches feelings so damn easily, so this will likely not be just a chill ‘3am text > dance with no pants > fist bump and peace out’ sitch lolol. it can definitely start out that way, buuuut it will probably get messy oops.  taken by nathaniel darlington EXES  ━  baz dates around so damn much, he’s probably got a long list of ex lovers who he was in a relationship with for like... a month max. or something. he loves love, but he sucks at love so either he ended it, or they ended it. there can definitely be some linger feelings. maybe baz regrets breaking up.  taken by maggie stevenson, charlie williams MOM/DAD FRIEND  ━  listen, his sister can’t always be around to save his ass, so he needs a responsible friend around to make sure he doesn’t die, or try to buy a maserati for all his friends, or something idek. also doubles as a good influence ig??  taken by rose baker & charlie williams STUDY BUDDY/TUTOR  ━  baz is borderline failing his classes and pretty sure the only reason he isn’t is because his grades are being bought. and he’s not even buying GOOD grades!!! he desperately needs a good study buddy and/or tutor who will get him to even crack a textbook open.  taken by elizabeth morley & charlie williams
das it fam, das all i got. ofc i’m always open to anything not listed here. btw, unless a plot is crossed out, i am always down for more people filling that plot!
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remember-panchaea · 6 years
FV001 // it_will_be_okay
WARNING: The following personal ficlet contains violence and death. It does not go into graphic detail, but it is nonetheless one of the themes of this piece.
This is a piece I wrote for my friend, and her character here is the female mentioned, who’s named Felicia Valentin. My own is the male, Vinn Rydell. Felicia is not visibly augmented, but Vinn is heavily so. She’s a pretty, short French lady who wears a plague doctor mask and is an unlicensed augmentations specialist. He’s a tall, lanky Swede that mostly does freelance work and is otherwise homeless. They have been friends since childhood.
Her player read some of my others and requested I “hurt her” by writing her one as well. She claims I did it too well, so now y’all can read this horrible garbage too.
I attempt to convey a sense of anxiety when I use these long run-on sentences, like mimicking racing thoughts almost, and I can only hope it works.
Do you remember?
Do you remember when we fought? You do. You remember the yelling, the escalation of voices, the anger in his eyes, in her eyes, in your eyes, in ours... our eyes.
Our... we... we were two, once upon a time.
The coldness, the cruelty, the baring of teeth like angry wolves.
And this would pass. That's what we said. It would pass and it would be made right again. We would come back around. You would roll into town and you would ring him up. He'd greet you with stilted English he still couldn't speak well. You loved it. His smile, his energy.
You were electric. You were more than the circuits in your body and the mechanical devices driving your limbs. You were more than the hurt, and she loved you for you. She loved your mind and your spirit and your heart and your... your you.
She loved you for you.
He loved your silence.
The calm before his storm. The quiet winds before the gale hit. You were the wind under his wings, teaching him to soar, to be more than what he confessed he was in the darkness of your still bedroom. This room isn't yours. It never was. You have no home and yet he lives with you.
He crashed in your heart more than he ever crashed on your couch. You didn't want it any other way. Why have a couch if he wasn't on it?
Useless furniture.
It's empty now, but you can still see his ghost on it some days.
You see the glow of metallic red haloed by light that shone like morning. It was just the lamp, when he told you about his adventures. You loved his stories but you loved him more and he always came back to you. You were his world. You were the wind under his wings, the reason he fought, the reason he tried.
What is a dragon without a queen to circle?
He circled you. He spun about you every day and he fell into you.
And you caught him.
But not this time.
You found him when the dust settled. Amidst the store fronts on fire and the people screaming for help, to save them and their loved ones. You found him. You rushed to his side and you took of your mask in public for the first time. You cupped his face, and you shouted at him.
"Stay with me!"
You yelled. You yelled like you were mad at him and not the circumstance but only because you wanted him to hear you.
He heard you.
You looked up at her, eyes of stained glass showing a different story in her chapel than ever before. It's different this time. You can see the people inside, and you can see them in the pews. You can see their heads bowed and you can see the casket before them.
And somehow you know it's your body in the casket.
But you smiled. You smiled despite the blood on your teeth, one missing at the side, and you smiled despite the fact you were almost blind. And your head is spinning, and your chest is cold, and you can't feel much anymore.
You feel pain.
You've never felt this much pain before.
And you're scared and she's scared and the world is scared and the bombs are made of dreams thrown back at a government who crushed theirs.
And she's crying, "Don't leave me," and you tell her you won't but you're a liar and you always have been one.
He's bleeding out. You press your hands to the wounds and you put as much pressure on the spot as you can, and your body is small and you feel if maybe you were bigger you could stop the bleeding and you could stop the pain and you could stop him from dying and you could you could you could...
...if only it had been different.
And you're crying but he's smiling and he's telling you you're too beautiful to cry. He's telling you it'll be okay and you know he's lying. He's lying through his bloodied teeth and his lips are hurting you more than anyone ever has.
Your mind is fractured and you wish you could be numb like all of those other times.
"Even if it's a lie, tell me it will be okay," you demand. Your voice is shaking and your throat is tight and you're choking on the smoke in the air but you can't find the will to care about anything but this.
"It will be okay."
He's lying to you.
You can taste the lie, you can smell the deception, you can hear the quaver in his voice and you know that he hasn't even convinced himself.
But you want to believe him.
And your vision is fading. She's the last thing you see. Red, throbbing agony is creeping in at the corners of your sight. You can't hear her voice anymore. You can only hear your heartbeat.
And you can hear it slowing.
You can tell she knows this is the end, and you try to laugh but there's no sound. Shadows overtake you, but it's just her. She's pulled you into her arms, against her chest. And you're staring up at her.
He's staring up at you with eyes that are glassier than you remembered, and there's something in his eyes that had never been there before.
His profund new religion of "this is the end" is written in holy scripture in eyes that stare up at you like he's found God in your face.
And the smile is fleeing.
And the light is bleeding out.
And he's not moving anymore.
And you can't feel his breath on your face.
And he's gone and he's gone and he never existed.
And you can't feel anything anymore.
Isn't this the numb you asked for?
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