#he assumed the role of my bodyguard for the rest of the night it was overwhelming as hell
anto-pops · 1 year
Pardon my French:
He looks like he gets hella bitches
……He absolutely does but I do too so it’s okay LMAO 💀
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WWDITS S4 Episode Title Predictions
Okay, okay, okay. As you may know, TV Time dropped the episode titles for the fourth season of What We Do in the Shadows. Now, TV Time is often less than accurate with these things, but given what we already know about this season based on interviews, press releases, leaks, etc., I think there's a strong chance that these titles are actually legit. So naturally, I did what any normal consumer of media would do and spent hours writing predictions based on this new information.
For reference, here are the episode titles:
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And here, below the cut, are my predictions:
Right. We know from Harvey that S4 picks up one year after S3 ends, so let's start by talking about what's been going on during that year.
Guillermo has been acting as Nadja's bodyguard while she serves on the Supreme Worldwide Vampiric Council. I've seen some people questioning his decision to remain with Nadja as opposed to tracking down Nandor, but I think Guillermo assumed Nandor would wait for him at the train station, and was deeply hurt when he realized this wasn't the case. He probably spent his time in the crate trying to convince himself that Nandor knew something had gone wrong, that he knew Guillermo would never abandon him unless he'd been incapacitated somehow, that he was out there looking for him, that at any moment the crate lid would open and he'd see his master's face smiling down at him. But then Guillermo arrives in England and learns that Nandor is already halfway around the world, and he just can't deal with his hopes being dashed anymore, so he decides to wipe the slate clean and stay in England with Nadja. And then he meets this cute British guy.
Meanwhile, I feel like Nandor is going through quite the opposite emotional arc. He's devastated when he gets on the train, thinking that Guillermo has stood him up, but then he hears that the whole thing was Laszlo's fault! Guillermo would've met him at the train station, had he not been crated against his will! What a relief! Now Nandor can enjoy the rest of his travels knowing that when they eventually reunite, he and Guillermo can pick up right where they left off.
Nadja has been desperate to make something of her eternal life, and she goes to England thinking that serving on the Supreme Worldwide Vampiric Council is the answer. We know, however, that this only lasts a year, so my guess is that her role on the council is ultimately unfulfilling, or that she isn't taken seriously by the other members. Whatever the reason, she decides to return to Staten Island.
Laszlo has spent the year trying to raise Baby Colin and allowing the house to fall into utter disrepair.
4x01 - Reunited
What it says on the tin! Nandor returns from his travels, Guillermo and Nadja come back from England (with Freddie in tow, apparently) and they all reunite with Laszlo and Baby Colin at the now-dilapidated house. This is almost definitely the episode with the leaked Nandor/Guillermo/Freddie scene (read: Nandor realizes that Guillermo has moved on and he's like THIS IS FINE 🙃). This might also be the episode with the pretzel scene (read: Guillermo kicks everyone out of the house in order to assess the damage and clean what little he can, so Nandor decides to be SUPER SUPPORTIVE of his BODYGUARD'S RELATIONSHIP by taking his NEW BUDDY out for a FUN NIGHT of HUMPING PRETZELS).
4x02 - The Lamp
Nandor is heartbroken over Guillermo and in denial about it, so when he happens upon a lamp with an ancient genie inside, he decides to revive all of his dead wives in an attempt to find the perfect spouse. This will be the episode with Djinn, Marwa (the woman Nandor will ultimately become engaged to), and a whole bunch of other wives. There will surely be some kind of wife montage, and it will be hilarious. Bonus points if one of the malewives hits on Guillermo and Nandor gets uncomfortable.
4x03 - The Grand Opening
In this season, according to the press release, "Nadja finally realizes her dream of opening the hottest vampire nightclub in the Tri-State Area." This is the episode where that happens. Richie Suck and Tom will be involved.
4x04 - The Night Market
Now, this one is particularly intriguing! The press release states that one of the episodes takes place in a secret supernatural night market, which absolutely tracks. But we also know that 4x04 is the episode where Guillermo's family will be introduced, and Paul Simms says that this will happen "in a way that makes [Guillermo] very anxious. We’ll learn that if he has Van Helsing DNA, then so does the rest of his family even though they might not realize it themselves." We've also been told that this season will include the show's most ambitious episode in terms of their depiction of supernatural creatures, and for my money, this is that episode. Listen, I'm not saying that there'll be an accidental massacre at the secret supernatural night market... but there might be an accidental massacre at the secret supernatural night market.
4x05 - Private School
This is going to be the episode where Laszlo tries to get Colin into private school (aka the episode with the leaked Headmaster Warren scene). It's probable that Colin will have rapidly aged into a precocious kid by this point.
4x06 - Pine Barrens
Okay, I have a LOT of thoughts about this one. The press release said that, amongst other locations, this season would take us to the Jersey Pine Barrens. I did some digging, and according to folklore, the Jersey Pine Barrens are home to a legendary creature known as the Jersey Devil. But don't take my word for it! Listen to what Wikipedia has to say about this guy:
The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many variations. The common description is that of a bipedal kangaroo-like or wyvern-like creature with a horse- or goat-like head, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, legs with cloven hooves, and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and is often described as emitting a high-pitched "blood-curdling scream".
Sounds like prime WWDITS material to me.
Another thing this show loves is a pop culture reference, and in my research, I learned that the eleventh episode of the third season of The Sopranos is entitled Pine Barrens, and that it's widely regarded not only as one of the best episodes in the show's history, but as one of the best TV episodes ever made (it's also the first episode that Steve Buscemi directed!). The plot surrounds Paulie and Chris getting lost while attempting to dump a body in the Pine Barrens, and their dynamic in this episode is one of the reasons it's so acclaimed.
Now, I'm just spitballing here. But what if Guillermo is running out of places to bury/dump bodies, so he decides to head out to the Pine Barrens (knowing this show, he could literally come up with the idea because he's been watching S3 of The Sopranos). Nandor doesn't want him to go because he's heard horrific stories about the Jersey Devil. Guillermo's like, "I'm a badass vampire slayer, I'll be fine." Nandor isn't convinced, so he decides to bodyguard the bodyguard and accompany him. They immediately get lost and have a terrifying run-in with the Jersey Devil (bonus points if he's voiced by Steve Buscemi). At some point, when they fear all is lost, Guillermo and Nandor share a Moment of Tension™️ or perhaps even an adrenaline-fueled kiss (though if I had to guess, I’d say the kiss won’t happen until Ep 8). And then Nandor probably remembers he's a fucking vampire, so he grabs Guillermo and flies the two of them out of the Pine Barrens and everything ends up being fine. But uh-oh! They shared a moment! And now there's tension! Guillermo has a boyfriend! Nandor is engaged! How can they possibly resolve this?!
4x07 - Go Flip Yourself
By this episode, I think Nadja's nightclub will be so successful that the gang can finally afford to renovate the house. But the episode is called Go Flip Yourself, which suggests that they'll decide to renovate it, sell it, and upgrade to a bigger house now that Nandor is getting married and Freddie seems to be sticking around. In any case, this will be the "pipes and a new drywall" episode.
4x08 - Freddie
Chewing glass, I am chewing glass. This episode has to be a direct parallel to Gail, right? Like, okay, Nandor is gearing up for his wedding, but he can't stop thinking about Guillermo, and it's not because of their undeniable chemistry and sexual tension, no, something just seems off about that Freddie guy, and it's not that Nandor is jealous, no, he's literally about to get married to Marwa, he's definitely not jealous, he just wants the best for his Guill--uh, that is to say, his bodyguard and oh my shitting fuck, don't look now, but is that Freddie trying to make off with those priceless ancient artifacts????? Fucking guy.
TLDR: I will place money on the fact that Guillermo never learned Freddie's last name.
Edit: @lord-of-the-ducks reminded me of what I like to call the Episode 8 Nandermo Pattern (the parking lot explosion in Citizenship, the break-up and make-up in Collaboration, The Wellness Center…) so there is zero doubt that this episode will be Nandermo-heavy. Can y’all imagine if they have their first kiss in this episode? The episode before Nandor’s wedding?? The episode that’s clearly meant to parallel Gail??? The potential emotional mileage is off the dang charts.
4x09 - The Wedding
Wedding episode!!! Okay, so. Nandor is all set to marry Marwa. His heart's not really in it, but he's trying to convince himself it's the right move. Besides, Guillermo was in a relationship up until very recently, and if Freddie hadn't turned out to be an artifact smuggler, they'd probably still be together. Guillermo made his choice, and now Nandor's making his.
Meanwhile, Guillermo's relationship is over, and he's... relieved? He'd been wracked with guilt over his feelings for Nandor, but now Freddie is out of the picture, and he has nothing to feel guilty about anymore. Because Guillermo knows what Nandor looks like when he's in love, and that's not the way he looks at Marwa. And Marwa's probably still a little miffed about being unceremoniously yanked back to life after 700-odd years of peace and quiet. So when Nandor and Marwa are standing at the altar and the officiant (it might be Laszlo, but imagine the angst potential if it's Guillermo himself) asks if anyone objects to their union, Guillermo doesn't feel anything but absolute certainty when he stands up and tells Nandor he's in love with him.
I think it's more likely that the wedding will be called off rather than Guillermo taking Marwa's place, but regardless, Marwa will be graciously sent back to the dead (or given her own agency beyond marrying this ridiculous man who never once stopped making eyes at his bodyguard), and Nandermo will be canon at last!
4x10 - Memories
In the season finale, I think Nandor will finally honor his promise to turn Guillermo into a vampire. His word is his bond, after all. But first, they'll spend a day doing all of Guillermo's favorite human things one last time. Or checking off all the things on Guillermo's bucket list that he won't be able to do once he's a vampire. Or maybe, to quote a favorite pirate captain of mine, a pretty solid mix of both! Either way, this episode will be centered around making memories, hence the title.
But alas, we have been reliably informed by Mr. Guillén himself that this season will end on a cliffhanger! So what's going to happen? Here are a few of my current predictions:
a) Nandor turns Guillermo, and the last moment of the season is Guillermo's vampire eyes snapping open
b) Nandor attempts to turn Guillermo, but Guillermo's skin is impervious to vampire fangs
c) Nandor attempts to turn Guillermo and everything appears to be going smoothly, but then Guillermo either has a horrible reaction to drinking vampire blood, or simply won't wake up
d) Nandor attempts to turn Guillermo and everything appears to be going smoothly, but then Nandor has a horrible reaction to drinking slayer blood
e) Nandor attempts to turn Guillermo, but his slayer blood interacts with the vampire blood in such a way that he becomes something... else (no idea what, I just think this is a fun and spicy take)
Anyway, those are my thoughts, but this is an entirely collaborative effort, so please feel free to chime in if you have anything to add! I'm having so much fun trying to put the pieces of this vampiric jigsaw puzzle together.
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E114-115 (Nov. 10, 2020)
My wi-fi’s gone distinctly shaky, so it must be that time again! I don’t think I’ve ever watched the pet montage with sound on, and the sheer majesty of Henry snoozing on a Nicolas Cage pillow is somehow ever better with a swelling orchestral score.
This episode’s guests are Liam O’Brien and Taliesin Jaffe!
Brian: “How’s everyone feeling?” Taliesin: “...god.”
There’s a brief discussion about sports. Liam and Taliesin agree that they like the cowboys. Not the Cowboys the sports team, just cowboys.
Taliesin, on episodes featuring him and Liam: “We have a dark sad energy that I think works well together.”
Brian leaps out of his chair. “My pants kind of match the wall!”
Also Brian: “You guys fuck with Barney?”
Okay, okay, okay. First question of the night at 7:09 PM. What was it like to find Vess dead? Liam had a lot of avenues of conversation he was planning with her and was disappointed to lose access to those. Taliesin notes that it’s ten days before they can talk to her again.
Another contemplative digression. Liam: “Google ‘fartiste’.” Lots of talk of sphincters.
Brian asks what it was like to see Molly committing such heinous acts. Taliesin: “I have a nice wall built because I understand the mechanism by which Molly is Molly, and knowing the mechanism, I understand what Matt’s doing. It’s only Molly so far. I always knew that whatever was going on in the background was sinister and a little bit iffy. And, you know, Molly was never actually against a little skullduggery. He’s not a moral person, just, you know. Situationally kind.” Taliesin genuinely isn’t sure how much Lucien knows about Molly’s life, but he looks forward to someday being able to talk about the initial conversation he and Matt had about Molly at a Starbucks by a tattoo parlor.
Brian wonders whether Vess’s death has made Caleb start thinking about how other Assembly members may not be all that untouchable after all. “It’s totally surreal and absurd to him. I still think of them as powerful, though. Story-wise, Caleb thinks of them as dangerous as fuck. All of them.” Getting to know Vess might have helped him figure out what to do next about Trent - now there’s even more uncertainty there.
On potentially having to explain Vess’s disappearance: “Clay’s just gonna peace out. By the time this becomes a problem, he feels this is not his problem. If there’s a good path to everyone working out, sure, but boy it don’t look like it right now.” Caleb’s “just in con-artist mode at the moment.” They’re both more focused on what’s going on at the moment.
“I will actually say, it wasn’t until halfway through that even I noticed [that Clay was being flirted with]. I really appreciate it, just because very, very early on, from the beginning, I was very much like, I’m just going to play him ace. He’s got no interest in this shit. All that energy gets directed into other places. I was like, it’s a shame that it will never come up organically.” He was pleased to have an excuse to bring it up in-game. He does note that because of the costumes “it was like being flirted with by Ganondorf.”
As soon as Laura was actively interested in reading Der Katzenprinz, Liam knew he wanted to put the whole book together. Taliesin: “I can barely take a walk every day. Who the fuck are you?” 
Cosplay of the Week: a fiery Caleb! (lilac.cos on Instagram, photo by fourphotoscosplay on Instagram)
Everyone’s a fan of Dagen Underthorn. Liam: “I love him because of how salt-of-the-earth he is. We’re a bunch of weirdoes.” Taliesin figures he’ll wait for the M9 outside the cave, but “three days, tops.”
“Clay’s seen a lot of things go down when people are mourning. This is a new one, so he’s definitely not sure what to do, and hasn’t really had an opportunity to be like: a little trepidation would be advised, because this could go really poorly, and you’re all a little weird about this. He’s assuming that Molly was another nice guy like the rest of these nice people, but after the Traveler he’s a little more wary of trusting his friends’ judgement on the character of others. It’s a lot like hearing about somebody’s ex and they’re like, oh, they’re coming to visit.”
Why was it so hard for Caleb to walk away from the necromantic emerald? “The first answer is that, Caleb, who is humble in many ways, is also cocky. I’m the best at it, I’m really good. One thread in Caleb’s personality is his hubris. The other answer to it is that Liam thought it was hilarious.” 
Taliesin: “I could’ve possibly stayed a little longer.” Brian: “How much longer?” Taliesin: “Until we had to resurrect someone.”
Brian asks what it was like to have a battle de-escalate to the point of “dinner and friendship”. Taliesin: “It’s been a hard year and I was tired. I don’t want to hurt anything for a while, I just want to have cocoa on graph paper.” Caleb invited the yetis in because “one, that’s amazing. But also they said they would escort us and be our bodyguards for a little bit.” He thought he could entice them to stick around longer, having plied them with cats and pastries.
On Caduceus getting to be a mammoth: “The same way that Caleb is a creature of hubris, Clay is a creature of self-control, and is really invested in his ability to maintain himself and to not get lost in the situation; even in a heightened situation, he’s still very much himself. This was uncomfortable. Eventually, with some hindsight, he’ll enjoy the notion, but at the moment, it’s definitely a lot of, that did not feel okay.”
Fan Art of the Week: the kitties in the kitchen! (kristen_felan on Instagram)
Why was it important to Caleb that Veth stop touting him as a leader? “It’s never really bothered him intensely, but it’s been a thing for a very long time. It wasn’t worth making a thing about it, but it was never true for him. He just doesn’t feel like a leader, he never did. He went from being an A-hole to one of the knights of the round table.”
Who does Clay think needs the most guidance? “Yasha. He’s feeling at least reasonable about everybody. He feels like Jester doesn’t quite have her shit together, but she’s fine, and Fjord’s doing just great. Everyone seems to be coming together. Yasha had a breakthrough but hasn’t really processed yet, so it’s a lot of, like, hey guy, so. You know. Now that we’re feeling more healthy, maybe it’s time to make some healthy decisions?” Liam suspects some of the characters will continue evolving even after the campaign is done. Taliesin: “Life doesn’t have an act structure.”
Taliesin: “I’m looking forward to playing the Tomb Takers after they TPK us.” Liam: “Dibs on Cree.”
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btssunnyboy · 3 years
Deadly Protection - Choi San - PART 1
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The hate he felt for his other clients, was nothing compared to how he felt about you. But maybe him liking you, isn’t the best possible outcome.
Word Count - 3,036
Warning - Progressive yandere, profanity, Chan is fucking mean, one misogynistic comment, and a sexual innuendo.
BTS , NCT , ATEEZ - Request Open
Working with over pampered celebrities was his expertise. He knew all the in and outs of this industry, but he had too. As much as he hated the people he worked with, he was still getting paid to protect them with his life. In order to do so he needed to know every possible outcome of every possible situation. And that hatred for those other clients built a pit of anger and despair in his stomach as he walked closer to the door. The thought of meeting the shitty person behind almost made him change his mind and walk away. But that key word almost is something big that should be taken into consideration. With a deep breath, San swallowed his pride and proceeded to make his presence known to those in the room.
A few sets of eyes shifted towards his direction and the only thing he could do is bow his head. Within a second those in the room turned back to their original conversation and paid the man in the comer no mind as he stared off aimlessly through the window. It was oddly strange that no one was rushing up to him, or pointing him towards the one person he was sworn to protect. This whole ordeal was causing a pit to rise in his stomach, and his gut feelings were always right.
“She has to be on set in ten minutes! Where is she!” One of the women in the dressing room bellowed out loudly as she checked her watch for the third time. Her eyes acted as if they were gonna pop out of her skull at any given moment. And that made San’s blood run cold. Was this mystery lady about to be another pain in his ass, were you somehow even more of a spoiled, entitled bitch then he had thought? Should San give up this opportunity right here, right now.
Another lady in the room, that he assumed was an assistant, came up behind the previous woman and tried to soothe her. Small back rubs and encouraging words did not seem to do the trick, as he watched her hissy fit continue to unfold in front of him. The assistant took a shaky breath into her lungs before she spoke, “Listen, Y/n has never let you down before! I promise, it’s probably just traffic that’s keeping them.”
Ah, so his client is the famous Y/n, who is known for her more villainous roles on the silver screen. If you’re anything like you’re characters, he’s gonna take that as a big red flag. But before he could form more of an obnoxious opinion on you, the dressing room door was being pushed open. Rather harshly as it made San stumble about, before he could reach for the gun that was hidden within the confines of his jacket just as his fingertips grazed the holster, he was met with pleading eyes. That was just begging for some peace at that moment.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t even realize you were standing there.” The voice was panicked as you rushed to his aid. Your eyes as wide as they’d go as you looked over his arm. Almost as if you were more worried about the built man in the corner then your own safety. As you had walked up to a complete stranger without inspecting more of your surroundings. “Are you okay, do you need anything?”
San’s curiosity spiked just by watching you interact with him, as you’ve known each other since you were kids. Your soft hands rested on his bicep as you tried to inspect for any injuries that you may have caused. And he found it quite cute when reliziation hit you, and you tried to make the distance between two of you greater. You were invading his personal space, and he appreciates you backing off. But before he could even answer your questions, the assistant from before harshly shoved her shoulder into his.
“Y/n, where the hell were you! Sasha has been panicking like crazy!” San felt his eye twitch at the high pitched voice of the assistant. They could have been nicer with this whole ordeal, it’s not that hard to ask a question. But instead this lady wanted to raise her voice and practically spit in your face, and then have the audacity to get mad when you took a few moments to answer. “You’ve got a voice, don’t you?”
“Amber I’m so sorry I was late, but traffic was terrible and random cars kept following me.” You explained as you tried to put down your purse. When you made eye contact with him, for some reason it felt nice and familiar. Even though you know for a fact you have never met this man in your life. “I promise this won’t happen again.”
“It better not, or you can kiss any letter or recommendations goodbye.” Sasha stormed out of the dressing room and dragged Amber along with her. A saddened look on her face as they simply brushed right passed you. “You have less than ten minutes to get ready for the scene.”
You harshly rubbed your hands down your face as you took in a deep breath. All these doubtful thoughts of the movie started racing in, and you wondered if this was all worth. Getting treated like trash just because you were late one time, and then threatening to trash your name up and down the boulevard. “I’m so sorry, I don’t know why Amber decided to take her anger out on you.”
“You say sorry too much, besides that hit felt like nothing.” San slightly smiled as he tried to keep the conversation small. Those two were already pissed and he doesn’t want you getting into any more trouble. He cleared his throat loudly as he started towards the door. “I will just step outside and let you get ready. Just knock on the door three times and we’ll head down to the set.”
Before he could step out the door, you held out your hand. A small gesture, that he was not used to at all. He was used to getting yelled at to guard the doors and make sure no pervert is snooping through the windows. His wrinkled eyebrows gave away his confusion as he eyed your hand just a little bit longer than necessary. The small rings that glittered in the light complimented your hand nicely, everything seemed to compliment you nicely. “Just so we’re starting off on the right foot, I’m Y/n, and I’m going to guess that you’re Choi San my new bodyguard.”
It was oddly strange how the first interaction with you had San’s heart beating a little faster than normal. He was so used to being with distasteful people, that didn’t care about anyone but themselves. But truth be told everything felt different when it came to you. You apologize profusely even when things weren’t your fault, you never raise your voice and you’re always so kind. Even to some of the dumb people that over step their boundaries, but that’s his job to pay attention to those types of people. It’s his job to protect you and yet it seems like you’d lay it all on the line to protect him.
He’d never admit it to anyone, but he does feel a connection. A connection that runs deeper than a simple coworker type of relationship, but at the same time he knows this has to stay strictly in the business type of situation. But at this moment it’s not like he could act on these so-called feelings, as your manager had other plans for your own love life. Which was stupid in his opinion, as you were your own perosn and you didn’t deserve to be treated like that.
“Don’t they just look fantastic together!” Sasha gushed beside him as she looked at her new couple. You were standing there semi awkwardly as the dude proceeded to put his arm around your waist. But it started to drift lower and lower and San could feel his blood boil within. Before he could even step one foot forward, you calmly removed his arm altogether. Within a second Sasha had to put her two cents in once more. “Y/n, stop! That pose is perfect, it shows how close you two are!”
“No offense, Sasha, but Chan and I barely know each other.” You forced a tight lipped as Chan’s hand tried to rub soothing circles on your hip. This relationship is just PR for the new movie you two are, but it felt so grimy. Lying to your fans just so they’ll buy a ticket and waste their own money on you. Just because they see the two main characters getting close with one another.
“I mean you could always take me up on my offer, and go on a date with me.” Chan smiled flirtatiously at you as he twisted your body to face him. His eyes staring longingly into your while his hands began to move to your lower back. Then he leaned over to whisper in your ear so that no one could hear. “Besides, if you have a good time at dinner, maybe we can have some more fun back at my hotel room.”
You kept your mouth shut because you knew that if you opened your mouth vomit would cover him from head to toe. But it seems like that decision was already made for you, as Sasha’s eyebrows quirked up at the idea. The idea of her two leading costars getting flirty at a candle lit dinner. It would drive the press crazy which in result would drive up so much more buzz about the movie. “That’s perfect, Amber will have everything set up by tonight!”
Dread filled your entire body at the thought of having to spend a night with him. You know it’s for press, and you know it’s for the fans, but still it’s the thought is stomach turning. But beside you, Chan, was having the opposite reaction. One of his eyebrows were cocked in and he wore a sly smirk. You could tell that his stomach was filled with something else than bile, like yours was. His fingertips brushed against your chin, as he pulled your face a little closer. His lips barely brushed against yours, as he softly spoke. “I’ll see you tonight sweetheart.”
You watched him walk away as you tried to keep your composure, but it was hard. Dealing with a guy like him was terrible. They never took social cues, or read the room in any way. The only thing that filled their blown up head of getting laid. Quickly slipping away you tried to make it back to the dressing room without anyone noticing, but you knew that you’d always have a shadow.
“Why can’t they have his girlfriend in the show go on a date with him! I’m his rival, what good is gonna come from this.” You huffed lightly as you turned to face the man that followed you. “I’m sorry you probably don’t wanna hear all my complaining.”
“Talking helps, and it’s obvious you need someone to listen.” San shrugged his shoulders as he took a seat on the plush couch, but he tried to keep a respectable distance between the two of you. “And I’m your bodyguard. I'm here to help with any problems you might have, so lay it on me.”
For once someone actually cared to listen to what you have to say. It felt like a wave of relief washed over you, because you felt safe having this conversation with him. You hoped that after this you two would have more conversations, because seriousness isn’t needed every second of the day. You just hoped he felt that way too.
“Let’s hope this doesn’t take long.”
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m all ears no matter how long it takes.”
You lightly patted down the bottom of your dress as you started walking towards the elevator. Chan had asked you to meet him down in the lobby, because he said he has a small surprise. Even though you know you needed to focus on the man you’re about to go on a date with you couldn’t. As cliche as it sounds you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering to San. The poor guy who has his ear talked off for over an hour, just by you complaining about Chan. But he still listened, his eyes were alert with every single word that passed through your lips. You sighed heavily as the elevator dinged showing that you were now on the right floor.
“You look stunning.” Chan said, surprisingly nice. Without the hint of any sexual undertones to it. You smiled slightly as you gripped his outstretched hand. He may be acting nice now, but you know you never should let that guard down tonight. Here’s to two hours of your life that you’re never gonna get back.
“You’re not gonna be quiet the whole dinner are you?” Chan jokes as he tries to nonchalantly sip his drink. His eyes stared back into yours with curiosity swimming in them, but he waited patiently for your answer. “Hmm?”
“I’m just looking through the menu right now,” You tried to keep yourself busy as long as possible. Because no offense to him, but you could feel your brain cells deteriorating the more you spoke to him. All you wanted to do was go back to your room and go to sleep. For once sleep seems a lot more interesting than keeping a conversation going with this man. You bit back the urge to laugh as you heard him huff.
“For fifteen minutes? Damn, I didn’t realize picking a meal could be that hard.” His words made your head pulse with a headache every time he decided to speak. But the stupid look on his face made it clear that he thought his words were just conversational pieces. And it took all the willpower in your body to not chuck the wine in your glass at him. But he didn’t seem to care as he started to scroll aimlessly through his stupid phone.
The moment the waiter came over you quickly rushed your order out of your mouth. The sooner you say it the sooner it might come, and the sooner you can leave this ass in the restaurant. Throughout dinner you could feel eyes staring holes into the back of your head. But every time you tried to catch a glimpse of them, they’d always disappear. Your soul nearly left your body as a rough hand was placed upon your shoulder.
“You need to leave, right now.” San has a calm demeanor, but you could tell something was wrong by the sternness in his voice. Chan eyed him worriedly, as he watched him out his arm around your waist. Before you two even stepped one foot out of the restaurant he placed his jacket over your head. You assumed it was to protect you from the rain. “Keep your head down, and walk as fast as you can. I’ll explain everything when we’re in your hotel room.”
You listened without a second thought as you raced back to your room. Ignoring the pain in your ankles from your high heels digging into them harshly. The only thing on your mind was the way San’s hands rested protectively rested on your waist. Before you stepped into the hotel you noticed all the vans that were starting to surround the restaurant and many different people emerged from them. Paparazzi, along with fans seemed to camp out in front of the restaurant. Now you were glad to be in the safe walls of San’s hotel room.
“Chan sent a tweet exposing your location and people started to figure out the hotel you were staying at as well. So I knew I needed to get you out of there as soon as possible.” Of course that dumb ass tweeted out where you two were. But then again it doesn’t surprise you, he’s always been one who loves any type of attention that he could receive. “Maybe it’s best you stay in my room tonight, just in case any fans put two and two together.”
“I really don’t want to be a bother, and besides you have to deal with me enough.” You tried to waive off his offer, even though you knew this was a good idea. You were safer with him no matter. And the thought of someone getting into your hotel room scared the hell out of you.
“Once again, it’s my job to protect you no matter what. And besides Chan is still at the restaurant they’re gonna follow him, and I’d rather not have the thought of you alone on my mind. So please just stay.” San pleaded as he tried to fix the spare bed. Making sure it was comfortable enough for you to sleep in. He smiled slightly as you gave a quick nod, before announcing that you were going to return to your room for a change of clothes. He knew at that moment you were too nice for your own good, and he’s going to have to step up his game in order to keep you safe.
San didn’t understand what came over him that night. Watching you shake slightly under your cover was tearing him to pieces and he doesn’t know why. He doesn’t understand why he’s even having these feelings all together, considering you were supposed to be a job, not anything else. But he picked Chan’s lock without a second thought and proceeded to show him why exposing your location was a bad idea. Chan’s room was unrecognizable, by the time San was down with it.
Glass shattered in every direction, piles of it littered the floor. Multiple pieces of his clothes were ripped and torn straight from the seams. His bed was turned upside down, with the sheets thrown across the room. Hopefully this gets San’s message across, but he’d be more than happy to take this straight to Chan’s face.
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 3 - Her Father’s Daughter
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunvelies @sunwoowuvbot​​
“You want the luxury of a choice? I’ll give one to you right now, so you better make the right one.” ​
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“Now, this just coming in-- The next director of Apple-Korea, Lee Juyeon and Hera’s Princess, Kim Jang Won... have been reportedly dating for almost three years now!”
“Yes! And get this: this wedding? It’s been on the planning table for almost 6 months!”
Lee Juyeon peers out the window as the car slows to a halt, hazel brown orbs scanning the traffic outside. Multiple LED screens on the sides of corporate buildings were broadcasting the news. The crinkling of a plastic wrapper ruins the beauty the amount of shock amongst the community was bringing Juyeon, cuing him to turn back and face his fellow passenger. The sight of Kim Jang Won awakens his corporate-thinking brain, processing the gravity of the news she falsely put out just about... five minutes ago.
“Your father just climbed out of his own grave and you wouldn’t give him half a day to busk in the spotlight, huh?”
“Mm,” She hums, gracefully taking a bite out of the fruit-yoghurt bar. “I would’ve given him a lifetime worth of spotlight if he came back as a zombie and there would be some sign of actual death but-- nah, he’s been alive since the day we thought he all dropped dead from that heart attack of his. God knows where he’s been the last two years, hiding and letting me build HERA & ARTEMIS... only to take it away from me?” She shakes her head, smacking her lips and taking another bite. “Not a chance.”
Juyeon laughs through his exhales, unsure whether he’s more in disbelief he’s trapped in this chaos or how poised Jang Won’s uncouthness in handling this situation was. His phone buzzes, and he coyly pulls it out to check the message in the screen amongst all the other stupid headlines. 
Young Jin Seol [12.52pm] : You’ve been schedule for a meeting with The Board at 4pm later, sir. 
He locks the device and slides it back into the inner breast pocket of his blazer. “I assume your brother is taking this better than you?”
“Excuse you, I think I’m taking this much better than most people expected me to. Well, better than I expected myself to,” The wrapper crinkles when she finishes it. The car drives up into the entrance of her mansion, easily dozens of reporters already beginning to pillow the car. 
“I have a meeting with The Board later at 4pm. Will you be present?” Juyeon raises a brow, watching Jang Won slide on her sunglasses. Her blue fingernails glimmer as she carefully folds the wrapper, using her tongue to dig the crevices of her mouth. 
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be, hubby?” She offers a seductive smirk, then unbuckles her seatbelt to lean across to him. Sliding the folded plastic wrapper into his breast pocket, Jang Won presses her cherry lips onto his, earning incessant flashes and shouts from outside the car. 
“Mm, I can still taste the wine and the tad bit of salt you got left from lunch with your Mommy and Daddy.” 
Juyeon frowns, gritting his teeth as she pulls away and exits the car on her side. The shouts and questions directed at her are muffled when she slams the car shut, her bodyguards from the mansion rushing down the steps to create a pathway for her. 
The car finally drives off, and Juyeon can’t help but to sneer in disgust at the cherry shade left on his lips. The grimace on his face nearly earns a snigger from his driver. 
“What? Funny?”
“On the contrary, sir,” He eyes Juyeon through the rear mirror. “I think she’s rather charming.”
Juyeon nearly chokes on his saliva, pulling out a napkin from one of the seat’s back pockets. “‘Charming’ my ass. She’s a dangerous woman and I’m just keeping myself alive.”
Mr Ro has the most disapproving look on his face as Jang Won pridefully pushes her way into the entrance hall, heels clacking against the marble and smiling widely at her butler. But of course, her brother shows up from the hallway, clearly dissatisfied.
“What the Hell’s wrong with you? You can’t run off like that and lying to the media!”
“Oh, please. This is nothing. Hey! Can I get my wardrobe and hairstylist down soon? I want to look nothing less of Kylie Jenner at her mother’s funeral at my own press conference!”
“It is exactly because I know you’re just getting started that I think you should stop,” Younghoon quickens his steps, reaching out and grabbing her arm. “You are not only pulling our family into this - you are pulling the Lee family into this.”
“Well, hey! I wasn’t the one who put their son up for sale when the offer came along!���
“But Lee Juyeon didn’t even want to be a part of this! He had no choice because his parents made it for him!”
“And did I?!” Jang Won’s near-shriek echoes through the halls. Mr Ro winces, gently shutting his eyes to regulate the surprise. “You say that of him as if I had a choice. I didn’t want dad to die. I didn’t want to take HERA & ARTEMIS. You think I wanted to spend all those nights and days and shitty bar hangouts with rich people trying to get them to sponsor and invest in HERA & ARTEMIS? Hell, no!”
She tears her wrist out from Younghoon’s grasp, shoving him back by pushing against his left shoulder. “Maybe you don’t know how shitty it feels because all you had to do was wait for HERA & ARTEMIS to become successful enough before you could build your stupid entertainment company. But right now, I’m fighting for what I created; for what I made, and I will tell you right here and right now that I am not stopping until I get what I fucking own so you better... and I really, really, really hope you make the right decision when I say you better pick a side.”
Her brother remains frozen in some kind of resignation as she closes the gap toward him. “Just because we share the same last name, doesn’t mean I will spare you, Kim Younghoon. You want the luxury of a choice? I’ll give one to you right now, so you better make the right one.”
Jang Won turns on her heels and strides past Mr Ro to the stairs, walking up to the second floor where she would spend the next 3 hours getting pampered and fitted for her press conference as the new bride of Lee Juyeon. 
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The smile Lee Juyeon has on his face looked like it was programmed; sculpted onto a stone statue; frozen in time. His father almost cannot look at it - even through the television screen, he knows it’s fake. He knows Juyeon hates it. 
But Hera’s Princess couldn’t care less. Why would she? She’s getting what she wanted, or at least, part of it. Now that she’s got Lee Juyeon playing the game by her rules, she’s one step nearer to her goal, and that’s to win back HERA & ARTEMIS from her own father. 
The jewel sitting on her left ring finger shone brightly with every flash a certain camera in the room went off. The Blue Nile Round Diamond 30-carat ring could blind someone if she deliberately shone its reflection into someone’s eyes.
“Today, The Board invites the next director of Apple-Korea and his newly announced fiancé, also known as Hera’s Princess and current owner of HERA & ARTEMIS to our monthly press conference of May. We warmly welcome Lee Juyeon and Kim Jang Won.”
The reporters and journalists provide a rather generous round of applause as Juyeon steps up the platform and takes his seat, Jang Won on his left with the brightest, sweetest smile he’s seen on her in the last six hours. 
“Thank you. We’re absolutely honoured to be here today, my fiancé and I. Today, we announce our upcoming plans up till the end of the year, assuming my father still grants me some kind of authority to HERA & ARTEMIS,” She scoffs the last part of her sentence away, earning some scattered chuckles from the crowd. It irks Juyeon, the way he knows she’s being sarcastic and her words are filled with nothing but the poison of hatred and yet these people can’t hear it for the love of God.
Sympathy, he feels. For a short, fleeting moment, he feels sad for her.
“But otherwise, my father and I have agreed on a major reform of HERA & ARTEMIS.”
Juyeon’s eyes light up, not from enthusiasm, but anxious anticipation.
“Before my father is to take full ownership of HERA & ARTEMIS by June, firstly, we will have our wedding in April,” Coyly grabbing Juyeon’s hands and showing them off to the audience, rings around their fingers. “And secondly, after my fiancé advances to director, Apple-Korea will buy 50% of HERA & ARTEMIS.”
The effort Juyeon was investing into hiding his shock, confusion and frustration in his chest was of immense, ground-breaking magnitude. His grip around her hand tightens, and she tightens her jaw, forcing out a smile when the reporters and journalists break out into murmurs and surprised exchanges.
“My brother, Kim Younghoon, will assume full ownership of Artemis as a separate entertainment company, no longer attached to HERA & ARTEMIS. Artemis will become a collaborator or partner, no longer a subsidiary.”
The panel of officials from The Board looked extremely restless from the corner of Juyeon’s eyes, and he finds trouble in deciding which to offer more attention to: the fact that one single person was intelligent enough to send the entire world of The Board into chaos, or the fact that she was already making use of him even before he assumed the role of director. 
Her fingers are now interlocked with his, resting on the table as the camera flashes go off, illuminating the room every other second. 
Younghoon’s inhales sharply, standing and frowning at the television screen after finally being unable to contain his shock. The reflection off the pool outside his living room paints inconsistent waves on his ceiling, the sound of pool water wading being the only thing he can hear besides the commotion from the broadcasted press conference. 
Scoffing aggressively, he covers his mouth and drags his fingers down to his chin, pulling on his skin and pursing his lips into a thin, white line. 
“Father, you have made the grave mistake of underestimating your daughter,” Younghoon smiles, then grins widely, somehow proud. “Her father’s daughter after all.”
Jang Won’s smile beams throughout the room, and for a split second Juyeon is mesmerized by it. Her eyes have been planted with the horrors of nightmares and terrible myths combined and yet there was something about that smile that made him think ‘Maybe being your fiance wouldn’t be too bad’.
“Before we open up the floor to the invited reporters and journalists, would Mr Lee like to say anything?” One of the officials from The Board finally gets up, hiding his confusion and anxiety behind his polite, service smile. 
Lee Juyeon sits up straight in his seat, thumb gently massaging hers as he resumes the act. Jang Won’s service smile remains coded into her lips, eyes loving as she turns to him. 
The whole world is watching, Juyeon. He thinks. The whole world is watching you put up this act, being in love with Hera’s Princess - arguably the most cunning name tied to The Board. Choose her and she’ll give you what you want. Choose otherwise and who knows what will happen?
“Mr Lee?”
“I think my fiancé has said everything that’s on my mind, haven’t you, love?” Juyeon smiles sweetly, eyes folding into long, thin lines. The curl of her lips are of triumph when she knows he’s bought into what she offered him; what she promised him. She cannot do this without him and he knows this, but what better way than to assert his authority than to pair up with the most powerful female in this shitty world?
Kim Younghoon’s eyes widen, fingers digging deep into the material of the cushion on his sofa as he watches Juyeon remove his hands from Jang Won’s, instead cupping her cheeks and bringing her face to his. 
Mr Ro strides past the first guestroom, hearing the sound of the news playing on the television in the room. He looks through the gap of the door that was left ajar, cautiously watching Kim Jo-Pil nervously swirling a glass of whiskey in his hands as the next director of Apple-Korea tilts his head, on screen.
“Play along, would you?” He whispers, and Jang Won’s pride surges when he presses his lips into hers. The floor of reporters and journalists erupt into questions and cameras go off like Donald Trump had just been shot dead. 
Kim Jo-Pil freezes, watching the whole press conference room light up with fluorescent flashes. But Mr Ro can’t help the jolt when Kim Jo-Pil deliberately flings the glass into the floor, pieces flying across the wooden flooring. 
“She’s her father’s daughter after all, sire.”
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Nothing Alike: VIII
Description: Geralt of Rivia has been tasked with taking out a fellow Witcher who has decided to settle down in a town. She has no intention of leaving and Geralt is forced to take matters into his own hands.
Geralt x Reader
Warnings: violence, language, angst
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The king’s men caught up with them three days later.
There horse was surrounded before either of them knew what was happening, and the crown prince was in their ranks, sword drawn, the point directed at Y/N as she sat behind Geralt.
“You were supposed to kill this one,” he drawled, sharp noise just as harsh as it pointed at Geralt. “And yet, she breathes.”
“Wish I wasn’t as bad as you smell,” she cut in, jumping from the steed, brandishing her sword. The men who surrounded them drew their swords in turn, but that arrogant smile didn’t leave her for a moment. “Twelve against one, I like my odds.”
“Does this Witcher not fight for you?”
“No one fights for me, especially not the Witcher.”
“Then we will have no problem taking you. Guards.” They climbed down from their horses and she readied herself, sword poised to take them all. She slashed at one with deadly speed, but with professional grace she only brushed one’s fingers enough to cut his knuckles. He dropped his sword in surprise. She took another step forward and pressed the tip of his sword to the man’s throat.
Geralt was sure she could have fought to the final breath, maybe even killed most of them on her way down, but Geralt couldn’t bear to watch her kill. Not after he had heard the screams of the auctioneer.
As she brandished her sword for the second strike, he brought down his own sword, clanging iron against iron to halt what would have become an onslaught of carnage.
She whirled around, and as he had done the first time, he met her, smacked her head with the butt of his sword. She crumpled to the ground and Geralt glared at the guards who dared to advance.
“I believe criminals are given trials in your kingdom.” The prince glared at him, clearly itching to return with nothing more than her head. He studied the Geralt and his sword, clearly considering him a far greater adversary than Y/N. Angrily, he nodded in defeat.
“Bind her. We ride until sundown and then camp for the night.” The guards advanced again but Geralt directed his sword at them once more.
“I will keep her.”
“As you kept her before, letting her ravage the county side while you watch idly?”
“She is not a dog to be tamed.”
“No, she’s a rabid bitch.”
“Then I would not want you to catch fleas, Your Royal Highness.”
“I see you have already caught whatever disease she has to offer,” the prince said with a smirk but did nothing to stop Geralt from gathering her onto his horse, binding her wrists around his waist as he sat atop his horse. “If you run, we’ll kill you both, honor be damned.”
“I would expect nothing less.” In terms of smugness, this prince could give Y/N a run for her money. He urged Roach to follow the great peacocker and his bodyguards.
They took the easy trails, which were subsequently the longer. It was going to take them three days at least to reach the palace at the rate they were going. Geralt couldn’t believe he had subjected himself to this without a fight.
Not only was he being forced to parade after a prince, but it was also agonizingly slow. The king’s men stopped to hunt game that would only make the ride longer. They were acting like this was a vacation, not the hunt of a mass murderer who had singlehandedly overturned the economy. Maybe that’s why they were behaving this way because they were convinced, they had won. They were sure that they had caught the dreaded beast, and that thought made Geralt chuckled to himself. She wasn’t caught until she was dead.
But he wasn’t going to tell them that, not when he had grown a twisted fondness for his study.
It was no surprise that she gained consciousness before they had gone a mere twenty miles. He felt her shifting against his back, and he waited for the unforgiving tug against his midsection as she struggled to get away, but it never came. She merely sighed and gently bumped her head against his spine.
“That’s the second time you’ve done that to me,” she grumbled, and he laughed again, doing his best to keep quiet lest he alert the prince.
“When you come up with a counterattack let me know,” he whispered. He could practically feel her rolling her eyes.
“Very funny.” She settled back into silence after that, and he thought she might be sleeping until he felt the faintest tug of his belt. He glanced down to find small, nimble fingers removing a knife from his belt. He caught her hand and she let out a sardonic sigh.
“Nice try.”
“Not nice enough.”
“I can’t make it too easy, can I?”
“I wouldn’t complain.”
“I’m sure Prince Peacock would.”
“Oh, we care about his feelings now?”
“Do you want your face all over wanted posters?”
“Depends on how good they get the portrait.” It was Geralt’s turn to role his eyes. “So, how do you think everything’s going to go down with the good king?”
“How apologetic are you feeling?”
“I have no reason to apologize.”
“Then you should write your will now.” She laughed, this time loud enough to capture the attention of the prince. He slowed his horse and rode along side the two witchers, that smug smirk never leaving his face.  He never said a word, just stared with hungry eyes. It was clear he didn’t think she was as much of a dog as he had stated before. Geralt knew she was staring back with fierce indignation, golden eyes sparkling in the sunlight.
After a few moments, he quickened his pace and whispered orders to the guards. They all nodded and, and five of the twelve charged forward. Geralt watched and noted the sky, assuming that they were going to set up camp for the spoiled prince.
About an hour later, Geralt’s assumptions were proved true as they stepped into the most luxurious looking camp he had ever seen. He remained on his horse as the rest of the men dismounted, not sure how he was going to climb down with Y/N tied to his waist.
“Come on Witcher, don’t run now,” the prince called as he walked towards an ornate purple and orange tent. “Wilhelm, cut down the girl and bring her to my tent, I have some things I would like to discuss with her before dinner.”
As a guard cut her down, dragging her towards the tent, Geralt wanted to be annoyed, but he couldn’t. Not when he understood. Frankly, he was just annoyed that the peacock was acting like that wasn’t his goal. She let herself be dragged away, tossed inside the tent. Geralt rolled his eyes as he dismounted, leading Roach to a tree before settling himself against its trunk.
It was only ten minutes before the yelling began. It seemed she had tolerated him five minutes longer than Geralt had anticipated. The prince came out roaring, his hand knotted in her hair as he dragged her forward. He stepped into the firelight and the reason for the yelling became clear. Three long claw marks had made an appearance on his cheek, rivers of blood leaking from each.
“Tie a noose, we’re going to string her up,” he screamed into the darkness. Heavy feet scrambled to follow orders while Geralt merely watched. She didn’t struggle in his grasp; he was sure she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. The requested knot was presented and slipped around her neck. They tossed the rope over a tree and then as she screamed profanities, they pulled it taught.
Her fingers went straight to the loop as pulled it away from her windpipe. The tips of her toes brushed the ground as she howled and spit like a feral cat.
“This’ll teach you to disrespect me, cunt,” the prince laughed, creeping closer, putting his hands on her hips, sliding them up towards the swell of her chest. In one sacrificial sweep of her leg she kicked the man between his legs and cut off her own air supply. As she struggled to regain her footing, Geralt was on his feet, sword in his hand. “Hoist her up,” the peacock screamed, still doubled over in pain, and as instructed she was off the ground, coughing and gasping for air.
“Put her down,” Geralt growled to the guard who was holding her. The guard glanced at his sword and instantly obeyed, but the prince wasn’t having it.
“Do you take orders from monsters now?” he screamed, a violent temper tantrum brewing as he drew his own sword. “I said, hoist her up. Let’s see how long it takes a bitch to beg.”
“And I said, put her down before I gut you.” Her feet hit the floor and another royal scream filled their ears.
“I’m in charge here.” The prince marched forward, shoving the guard out of the way and giving the rope a brutal yank of his own. She was hanging again, lips turning blue. With a flash of his sword, the rope severed, and she hit the ground, gasping for air as she struggled to stand. “You fucking mutant, I’ll have you both killed,” he screamed like a madman, swinging his sword around with no regard for those who stepped a bit too close. He swung at Geralt, who lazily blocked the strike and sent the sword flying from his hands.
“If you wish for cooperation, you will do nothing further to harm my keep. She is granted a trial, and you will not steal that right because she would not have your cock.” The prince spat at him, seething beneath the purple of his cheeks. “Harm her again, and you will not have a cock, are we understood?” A moment passed before the prince seemed to compose himself.
“Wilhelm, find the collar, and make sure she stays out of my sight.” With that, he marched back into his tent with a huff. Wilhelm had the requested collar within a moment, and he clasped it around her bruised throat without a struggle. He dragged her stumbling towards the tree where Geralt had laid moments before. A stake holding the chain was driven into the ground and she was left in the dark, just a touch too far from the fire to feel its warmth.
He wandered to her side and settled against the truck, watching silently as she struggled to get comfortable.
“You should have let them kill me,” she snapped, but her voice was to ragged to sound at all threatening.
“You haven’t finished you will yet,” he said, and she let out a raspy laugh. When she said nothing more, he was worried she had passed out, but her eyes still glowed in the moonlight. “Where does the gold go?”
“You know, when you win bets or fights you win gold, but where does it all go?”
“Why are you still hung up on that?”
“Consider it morbid curiosity.” A beat of silence passed before she answered.
“I leave it in people’s homes. Those with pregnant women.” That is not what he had expected, so he remained silent, waiting for her to explain further. “That way if any of their husbands promise the law of surprise, the gold will be the surprise.” Suddenly it all made sense. Everything from fighting to drinking to tagging along with him was to prevent the creation of more child surprises. To stop more people from ending up like her.
He suddenly felt guilty for letting them take her. He glanced back to her and found that she was sleeping, worn out from the day he had put her through. He was tired too, but the thought of what the peacock might to do to her if someone wasn’t watching scared him too much for sleep to overtake him. So, he remained awake, pondering gold and the woman sleeping beside him.
Taglist: @stuckupstucky​ @aurora-sweet​ @holyhumorliteraturelight​ @dreams-of-sunlight-and-starfire @auds24
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fullmarvelheart · 4 years
Crossing Lines (3/?)
Pairing: mob!Bucky x fbi!mob!Reader
Word Count: 2,601
Recommended: 18+ readers 
Summary: A sudden and unsettling event rocks the underworld, and Y/N is immediately called in to prepare for what’s to come. What she isn’t prepared for is James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, also known as the new head of the Brooklyn mafia clan. When these two get shoved into a world of danger and deceit, will they ever learn to trust each other? Or will they be doomed from the start?
Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, angst, swearing, implied torture, kidnapping, suggested smut, mentions of familial loss
A/N: Ok, so I’m a bit nervous for this one, but I’m just happy I was able to get it out today. Now, to start packing so I can get back to my college! All mistakes are my own. The GIF is not mine, so credit goes to the original creator! 
Series Masterlist
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Two days after I had barged into my father’s home, my phone rings, and I stupidly answer without checking the caller ID first. If my father knew, he’d have my head for being careless.
“Y/L/N here.”
“You need to come in as soon as possible.” Coulson’s voice sounds serious, and I straighten up instinctually. “Fury has requested you.”
“On my way.” I tell him before hanging up. A quick message to my bodyguards later and all four of us are piling into the car. Hunter gives me a small glare as he moves into the driver seat. I smirk back.
“See, Hunter. You’re driving me. Don’t look so upset about it now.” He sends me another glare that has me chuckling, easing the prickle of nerves that rests under my skin.
During the drive to the estate, I find myself zoning out. The moment I step out of this car, the moment that a plan I’m not entirely aware of will fall into action. A feeling in my gut settles heavily and some part of me knows my hands are going to get dirty soon.
Like usual, we pull in front of the stairs leading into the estate, and my guards escort me in. Once I’m in, I’m led the familiar path towards my father’s office. Three out of four of my group stop where the other guards are posted, and I head through the door. I falter slightly, seeing both my siblings, Hill, Coulson, and my father but continue on just as quickly.
“You have a way in.” Fury starts, not wasting time, while also pushing a thin file towards the edge of his desk. I grab it and flip it open. “Your team will stay here during your assignment. Hill will drive you to where your vehicle will be, your new identity is in the glove compartment. Once you leave the premises, you won’t be able to have any contact with anyone in the Clan. I thought you’d like to see the twins again before you left.” I give him an appreciative nod, keeping myself firmly planted where I stand so I don’t run to my sister and brother.
“Who’s he?” I ask, in reference to the man in the folder.
“A known HYDRA affiliate. Your way in is capturing him and delivering him onto the Barnes territory. Oh, and they just want him alive when you get there. Better for information.” I smirk slightly. There it is.
I look over the file again, memorizing everything about this guy, before I close it back up.
“Can I say my goodbyes, now?” I ask with a slight hitch in my voice.
That’s all Wanda needs to hear before she’s sprinting over to me. I stumble slightly when she reaches me, then lock her into a tight embrace. I feel a third party join the hug and move to let Pietro in as well. It’s not long before I feel the chill of tears seeping through my shirt. The sting of fresh tears burns my nose, and I will them not to fall.
“Please, be careful.” Pietro practically begs. In order not to start sobbing, I can only nod into his chest.
I eventually push myself away with a shaky breath. “I will try my best. Promise me you two will stay safe.”
“It’s not us,” Wanda sniffs, drying underneath her eyes. “That you should be worried about.”
I give her a sad smile before it suddenly drops and I’m looking between them. “Promise me. I need you to promise me you’ll be ok.” I whimper as a single tear rolls down my face. The reality of what is being asked of me comes crashing down and I need to make sure I don’t worry about them. I need to know my little siblings will be safe from HYDRA.
“Promise.” Pietro and Wanda whisper sadly with tears streaming down their faces.
I nod while drying my face before looking directly at Maria.
“Hill.” I start, masking my vulnerability. She nods once in acknowledgement. “I assume there is a bag with my necessities for this mission.”
“Yes, and the Barnes family also has some things for you on arrival.”
“Then let’s go.”
A semi-long trip, an outfit change, and an equipment exchange later, and I’m on my way to some second-rate club on the outskirts of NYC. When I pull in, I’m not shocked when I find the parking lot mostly empty. After coming to a stop, I run through the mental file I have on this guy.
Target: Ian Quinn (with his brown hair and smug smile I memorized from his photo)  Occupation: Disgraced billionaire, but still has money. Is believed to be working with HYDRA for extra money as well as to help his business; has most likely been given access to classified info Location: Club Atlas, low security on premises, cameras only at the front entrance and boss’ office door Other: Seemingly a sucker for a damsel in distress
I groan to myself as I throw the car door open. My simple black heels, with one strap over my toes and the other around the ankle, click on the asphalt as I fall into the role of the meek and timid persona I am adopting for this part of my op.
I try to tug the dress down as I walk closer to the bouncer, making me seem uncomfortable. He eyes me skeptically before asking for my ID. I pull out a fake and hand it to him. With only a quick glance, he nods then motions for me to head on in. I slowly walk across the sticky floor as I make my way towards the bar. The bass of the music send strong vibrations into my ears that seem to resonate through the rest of my body. The few patrons that are here either sit at the booths lining the walls or writhe on the tiny dancefloor. However, Quinn is nowhere to be found.
I adjust my dress again once I reach the bar, then continue looking around.
“Can I help you, little girl?” The bartender asks in a condescending tone.
Yeah, I’ll take a glass of the fuck off, please. “Oh! I- uh- I wa-.”
“Is Mikey giving you a hard time?”
I turn around with wide and fearful eyes to meet two blue ones. Ian Quinn.
“I-I, no! No, I was just startled is all.” He smiles softly but with a twinkle in his eye that unnerves me. I turn back to the bartender. “I’ll just have some tonic water with a lime for now, please. I’m just waiting for someone.” I tell him softly even though I want to punch the sneer he gives me right off.
“So...” Quinn says grabbing my attention. “Who are you waiting on?”
“Oh, uh, I was supposed to meet a date here that I met online. But, uh, this isn’t how he described the place.” I chuckle shyly.
“Well, until they get here, why don’t I keep you company.” He states with a smug grin. It wasn’t a question.
I giggle, my fingers tucking on a loose strand of hair. “That’d be fine.”
“My names Ian. Ian Quinn.”
“The billionaire?” I question with a gasp of awe that I force out of my mouth. “I can’t believe it. I’m Rissa.”
We shake hands before my drink is placed in front of me. After 30 odd minutes of Quinn talking about himself and flirting, I glance at my phone and sigh.
“Ya know. I don’t think he’s coming after all.” I mutter sadly.
“I’m sorry, Rissa.” Quinn says with concern, though I’m sure it’s just an act. “You don’t deserve to be stood up like that.”
I hum thoughtfully. “Ian, I don’t usually do stuff like this but there seems to be no point in us just sitting here. Would you, I don’t know, possibly, want to come to my place? It’s, uh, it’s not far from here.”
He smiles. “I’d love that, Rissa.”
I smile back, ignoring the bile rising in my throat. We pay for our separate tabs before I’m leading the man to my car. He closes the passenger door and I turn towards him. He faces me with a flirty smile before leaning in for a kiss, only faltering when he feels a prick on his neck. Before he can understand what’s happening, he’s slumped forward in the seat.
“Thank fuck.” I breathe out, pocketing the needle, before driving off.
I’m able to find a rather vacant one-star motel and get a room for one night. Luckily, it’s on the ground floor making it easier for me to drag Quinn in without causing any raised eyebrows. I hastily change out of my dress and heels into a pair of jeans, a tank top, my leather jacket, and some combat boots. I give myself a once over before I hear a faint groan come from the bathroom.
I smirk then throw the duct tape and zip ties I had taken out once I got Quinn into the room, tossing them into my backpack. At the sound of another soft groan, I saunter my way to the bathroom.
Ian Quinn is barely regaining consciousness from his place in the bathtub. My eyes glance over his ankles, five layers of duct tape and two zip ties binding them together. I used two layers of duct tape and a zip tie to bind his wrists behind his back so he can’t try to escape. Not to mention the duct tape I put over his mouth.
“Morning, sweetie.” I chirp as his eyes begin to flutter open. “We have a lot of work in store for us. Well, for me. Bet this isn’t what you had in mind.” I smirk down at him, well Rissa does.
Quinn starts squirming while attempting to glare at me, eyes still half-closed because of the drug I gave him.
“You can’t get out of this.” I purr, sensually dragging my finger down the side of his face. “I want an in. And you, you’re how I get it. And don’t take this too personally, you were just the easiest of HYDRA’s scum. Still important though.” His brows furrow as he thinks over the information I just gave him. Good, that’s the point.
While he’s distracted, I pull out my switchblade.
“Now. They just need you alive.” I quip, flicking the knife open. “Not unharmed. And don’t worry, I won’t let you die. Not yet, at least.”
His eyes widen in fear right before I’m digging my blade into his side. The duct tape muffles his screams as the blood drips into the bathtub.
I take a big gulp of the coffee I had purchased through a drive through, glaring at the sunlight. I really do hate pulling all-nighters.
I cross the line of my father’s territory and take a deep breath. There’s no turning back now. As I inch across the Brooklyn Bridge, No Limits by Zayde Wølf plays through my speakers. While the lyrics only sort of apply to my situation, the beat is enough to keep me awake as I inch through traffic. Well, maybe it’s the double shot of espresso I had added to my coffee.
The occasionally soft thumping of an item, or person, shifting in my trunk is enough to assure me he hasn’t escaped. Though, I doubt he could, especially with the drugs running through his system at the moment.
The neighborhoods are bright and lively as I drive by, but I keep my guard up. I cannot get caught now, I’d receive no help if that was the case.
Following my father’s directions, I eventually pull in front of a warehouse. The second I get out, five armed members of the clan approach me.
“Who the fuck are you?” One asks, pulling the cigarette from his mouth.
“I’m here to speak with your boss. I have something that is of interest to him.” I tell them as I cautiously round my car.
“You don’t deal with the boss man. You deal with us.” Another pipes in, giving me a slow once over. I resist the urge to shudder or punch him.
“What’s goin’ on here.” Another man walks out of the warehouse. His blond hair is pulled into a half-ponytail while the rest brushes his shoulders. I note that he’s slightly taller than Steve is, if I recall, and has a slightly broader build.
“I’m here to speak with Barnes.” His men all stiffen at the mention of his name. “I have a gift for him.”
“Show me.” Blonde says. I shake my head.
“It’s for your boss, only.”
With an annoyed snort, blonde turns around with a shake of his head. “Your funeral.” I hear him mutter as he walks in, causing the men to chuckle.
A few minutes later, I lean on the side of my car with my arms crossed, tired of having to wait. Five minutes later and I get annoyed.
The doors finally open as a flood of people I don’t recognize walk out of the building. Sam and Steve follow. The group causally surrounds me as I hold my place against my car, showing I’m not intimidated. The two men I know stop closely in front of me.
“You have some nerve, I’ll tell you that.” Sam quips before movement behind him catches my attention.
“Some nerve indeed.” Barnes adds. I give him a smug smile. “I hear you have something for me.”
“Something or someone.” I state as I push off my car.
The men immediately go ridged, watching every step I take towards my trunk. Barnes follows me with his eyes. Blonde stops me before I throw the trunk open and does so himself. His eyes widen when he sees my gift. Rolling my eyes, I push past him and drag a semi-conscious Quinn out of the car. I pull him to his feet and walk him forwards before throwing him down in front of Barnes. James’ eyes rake over the blood-stained clothes, and the cuts and bruises on his face.
“Ian Quinn.” I start. “Known HYDRA affiliate who’s been able to pay off any arrest warrant issued. He’s said to have been in contact with the top brass as he’s been a critical part in their financial endeavors.”
“So why give him to me?” Barnes questions skeptically.
“I’ve heard what they did to your father and I knew if I had any chance of being able to take them down with any help, it would be with you and your clan.”
“And why would you want to be part of the Clan?” Steve pipes up.
“HYDRA killed my parents in cold blood. I want every single one of them to rot six feet under.” I tell them, maintaining the cover Fury gave me, though there’s still an element of truth.
James nods looking back at Quinn. “You do all this yourself?”
I roll my eyes but nod back. “He’s only valuable alive, that doesn’t mean unharmed.”
He hums. “What’s your name?”
“Rissa, Rissa Maximoff.”
“Thor, show Rissa to my office while I deal with him.” Barnes says, motioning towards Quinn.
Blonde, Thor, nods then roughly grabs my arm and drags me inside. Once inside, Thor sighs.
“You’re a brave thing aren’t you, fiery one?” I chuckle at the nickname.
“I guess you can say that.”
He leads me through the warehouse and past a few offices until he opens a door and ushers me inside. It shuts with a soft click, locking me inside.
Part 4
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mintvender · 4 years
Y/N came home after a war that took months, What's the boys gonna do??? I'm thinking that the war is to either take over a kingdom or the kingdom declared war!
-🌼 Anon
Little anon, for this particular ask, I will be focusing more on the emotional aspect of each person with a less detailed scene as that may contain some spoilers. Hope you understand 🌿 🌿 💚
BTS’s Reaction to Y/N Returning Victoriously
A/n: Please do keep in mind that these boys have a very traumatizing past so they won’t act like the average person. Also, this is also an era where power rules all, so you can tell that without power, a person will literally be of no use so please understand that it differs from ours.
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Red Carnations: Symbolises admiration and missing another. Along with pink carnations, they are a common flower that is used to signify your longing for a particular someone.
Kim Taehyung
With his identity, it is not a surprise to many people that he is in fact involved in the planning. Though, due to his rather weak physique, he obviously would have no chance of surviving the battlefield so he had to stay within the capital, and wait for your return. Taehyung knew that the chance of you winning is much more likely but with how long you were gone, he was slowly losing hope. Days without you seems to be eternity for him, with every passing moment bringing pain, while the next too far out of his reach. As days turned into weeks which morphs into months, Taehyung is slowly reminded of his past traumas. The longer he is without you, the more insecure he became that it made an opening for his nightmares to begin chasing him.
The moment he saw you, Taehyung basically forgot everything in the past few months and focus solely on you. Seeing you alive and healthy, he was beyond glad that you have kept your promise. Though, he would be quite calm during the celebration of your return, but the moment you guys are alone, Taehyung would cling to you, telling you how much he had missed your presence. As the Royal Consort, he gets to spend the first night back with you. As a result, that night was the first night in months where he was able to sleep soundly, a gentle smile adorned his face in the process.
“ You... are back? Is this a dream? ... No, you’re really back!”
Kim Namjoon
As the head of the medicinal department, Namjoon wasn’t allowed to leave his office to attend to all the injurded soldiers on the battlefield. If he were to do so, there would not be a capable person to handle all the affairs of the department which would be extremely burdensome once he gets back. As a result, Namjoon makes sure that all the physicians, who will be accompanying you are very experienced and skilled. Of course, he was very proud of all the physicians in his department but he wants the best to serve you while being away in a foreign area.
During this time, Namjoon’s way to cope with the feeling of longing for you is to busy himself with work to get his mind off you. So during your time away, he had accomplished many major plans which resulted in you awarding many valuable herbs when you had returned. It was clear as day that Namjoon was extremely proud of his effort, and seeing you also feeling honour of having him by your side, nothing boost his self-esteem than that. He, also surprised you by using all those previous herbs to help concoct essences and medicine for you to utilise. To say the least, Namjoon would show his affections through the hours you both spent together nurturing you back to perfect health.
“ How have you been these months? I assume it was quite exhausting considering how tense your muscles are.”
Jung Hoseok
When you’re busy in the foreign lands, Hoseok would be much more involved in the harem’s matter because of many reason. The main being him wanting to help you out as best as he possibly could. He knew that with you being away for months, piles of work will start to accumulate and would overwhelm you the moment you are back, so he does try to ease some of those burdens. Hoseok, at this time will be less energetic, seemingly loosing his energy as time continues to go by. Assuming that you guys already has a deep bond at this time, he would feel like something is weighing down at his heart the longer you are away. This continue to worsen once his father got permission to visit him.
Despite this, he tries his best to continue to smile on but anyone could tell that it was far from genuine. However, the moment that he heard that you are indeed returning and after getting reassurance too many times, he began to feel his heart lighten, seemingly relaxing along with the news. He would be very proud of you for winning the war, but will freak out the moment he detect a single wound on you. Though, during the entire process, a smile is always adorned on his face while his body relaxes within your presence. Hoseok would also make sure to praise you plenty of times whenever you are with him.
“ Don’t worry, your majesty. Your... workload is not that much. I bet that you can even finish it in a week. Why?... I-I tried my best to help you, I hope you don’t mind.”
Min Yoongi
Aside from you getting to see his vulnerable side, Yoongi still remains as an emotionless person for everyone else. On the outside, he doesn’t seem to be affected by you being away but if anyone were to observe a little closer, they would start to notice how his motions are much sloppier than normal. This was the result of the countless nights that he spent awake, crying to himself. Yoongi felt that he was worthless and couldn’t help you in any ways. Because of his status, he was restricted from getting to attend anything that could threaten the new dynasty’s position. As a result, Yoongi has no power to be of any help to you. Though, he does managed to utilise his previous lessons and try to improve himself.
As a result, you were quite surprise to see how different Yoongi was when you got back. On the other hand, Yoongi almost couldn’t take hold of his feelings and tackled you on the spot if it wasn’t for the countless people present on the scene. You bet the moment you guys are alone, he would hug you tightly and cry within your arms, wanting nothing but your comfort. These past months had been extremely hard for the boy, especially without your protection but he managed to survive it all and is now bathing in your presence. He then began to list all the things that he had done and promises to be more helpful to you.
“ Your majesty? How are you here? Aren’t you at... No, that’s not important now. You are finally back! I have been working very hard to be of help for you. Let me show you what I’ve accomplished.”
Jeon Jungkook
As your bodyguard, it would be extremely unlikely that he would ever leave your side in this kind of situation. However, if there was a chance that he would have to part from you, possibly likely forced to, it would have to be from an injury that prevents him to do his job that would take an expansive time to heal. Jungkook takes his position very seriously and would be quite lost once he returned to the capital to take a break. He feel like he just failed his job as a bodyguard and couldn’t protect you properly.
If this happens, the best way to deal with it is to let him be alone, before approaching him. Once he starts to open up again, carefully approach him with the topic to not overwhelm him. After getting him back, you would noticed how much his swordsmanship have improved. This was the result of the countless of hours that he spent working on them so he can do his job better when you get back. Hearing about your victory, Jungkoook would become quite proud of getting to be the bodyguard of such an amazing person. However, do try your absolute best to not be injured; it would put quite a bit of pressure on him for not completing his role.
“ Your majesty, are you wounded. Are you sure?... I sincerely apologize for not being there to protect you! If I was there I could have prevented these wounds from appearing on your body.”
Kim Seokjin
Since our merchant is from a different country, he would spend the majority of those months there. Seokjin’s main reason to come to Corea is to be with you so with you being away, he has no reason to be cope with the life within the palace walls. He will spend his days in his old home, reviving all the long forgotten memories of you and him. As he is in the headquarter of his company, work is expected to consume most of his time. However, this does not stop him from thinking about you. In fact, it makes him long for those times even more. Once he heard that you are returning, Seokjin will work countless hours to finish all his work and assign people to represent the company in his stead and rush back to Corea. How he is still allowed to be there? Thanks to you of course; you’ve long bonded with each other that you pay no mind with him staying there.
Now, if Seokjin sees even the smallest wound on you, he will spend hours lecturing you in private setttings, and a couple more for the rest of the physicians. To say the least, he will be quite upset about seemingly everything you say — both privately and publicly, and he will proudly show his distaste. However, Seokjin is proud of your achievements even if he is too prideful too admit so. Though, he will lightly congratulate you on behalf of his country.
“ You BRAT! Is that a scratch that I see. Maids, go and get the medicine from the west! You worthless physicians, why couldn’t you even prevent these measly wounds from scarring!”
Park Jimin
Jimin, would probably the most affected besides Taehyung and Yoongi just because he is grown so used to your presence. Suddenly getting forced to separate from you, he would naturally seem quite loss. It is a reasonable actions for someone who has been traumatized during their childhood. Unlike Taehyung, who will continue with his duties, Jimin will lock himself within his yard, seemingly gone missing during those months. His attitude would also be quite off whenever the consorts would go and visit him. As a person from somewhere else, he does not have any relative that could help him pass the time. As a result, he would feel nothing else than suffocation during those months.
With you coming back, it was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Jimin would desperately cling onto that very speck of light until he finally realizes that you are indeed truly coming back. Slowly Jimin would pick up his shattered self and force them into a perfect mask again. It is up to you to continue to help him heal and understand why he is so vulnerable.
“ Don’t come here! I said I’m fine... NO! Your majesty? Is it really you?”
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
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outbythehighwind · 4 years
The Misconceptions of FF7: A Cloud, Aerith & Tifa Analysis Part 2/5
Link to all parts: https://outbythehighwind.tumblr.com/post/640347336477966336/the-misconceptions-of-ff7-a-cloud-aerith-tifa
Last post, I examined the misconceptions around Cloud’s character with a brief psychological analysis on how the selves that are “Ex-SOLDIER” Cloud and ‘real’ Cloud pertain to ‘Cloud’ the being. This was to evidence that Cloud’s feelings (as both “Ex-SOLDIER” and his true self) are ‘Cloud’s’, and to refute the nonsensical notions that: the player until the Lifestream sequence is not really playing as Cloud; Cloud’s feelings toward Aerith are Zack’s; and only the ‘real’ Cloud’s feelings for Tifa are valid (because “Ex-SOLDIER” Cloud has feelings for Aerith).
I had referred to ‘feelings’ in the general sense. These next two posts will examine them in the specific spheres of friendship and romance.
Nowhere in the game or FF7 compilation does it explicitly state that Cloud romantically “loves” or “is in love with” Aerith or Tifa. FF7 handles its themes in a manner that is incredibly human and complex. So, before attempting an objective analysis of his ‘feelings’ beyond the general sense – ie. what kind of love he has for each woman – I want to draw attention to the role of the player.
The developers want the player to form their own attachments, have the agency to play to them out, and have their own emotions evoked throughout their experience of the game. This is why the love triangle exists within the narrative – narrative being that tool by design (how the story is told; the lens by which the player experiences the game, and the tool by which the writers play with the player’s emotions). The player can, to a degree, make choices that alter story events within the narrative. They can manipulate the affection points to take Aerith or Tifa (or even Yuffie) on the Gold Saucer date. They can keep the relationship with both women platonic and have a bro’s night out with Barret. A player who is torn between the girls can therefore experience ‘more’ of the love triangle than a player who takes the latter route of bonding with Barret.
Which brings me to another nonsensical argument: that because the date mechanics ‘favor’ Aerith (who begins with a 20 affection point advantage over Tifa), the game wants Cloud to date Aerith, and therefore Cloud’s true love is Aerith. Again, nonsense. For this argument to stand, it must first adhere to the fact that the love triangle exists outside of the date mechanics: if the game wants Cloud to date Aerith, it must want Cloud to date Aerith in its plot (the always true relationship between story events that does not alter on player decision). This particular date is only an available option within the narrative. That is not to say it is not canonical – quite the contrary. Of course Aerith’s date is canonical. So is Tifa’s, or Yuffie’s, or Barret’s – if the player so chooses. It is not a plot matter, but an experience for the player.
But let us assume, for a moment, that it were a plot matter. Let us assume Cloud’s ‘romantic love’ is the person he spends the night out with at Gold Saucer. Aside from the obvious Barret and Yuffie alternatives, here is the problem: who comes for a night out is not determined by Cloud’s affection toward them, but their approachability in their affections toward Cloud. It is Aerith or Tifa (or Barret or Yuffie) who takes Cloud out. Naturally Aerith would begin with points higher than Tifa because there is no barrier of a dark & secret past between them, and Tifa has lower self-confidence, tending to lock her feelings away.
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So the player has agency over the Gold Saucer experience. This does not alter the plot. Aerith will die; and Cloud’s “sealed up secret wish” involving Tifa will be brought to light in the Lifestream.
Cloud’s feelings in the plot sense – ie. as they truly are (not to the player’s subjection, but objectively Cloud’s) – are complex. Before giving my two cents worth on two beautifully deep relationships, to all who say that ‘because Cloud romantically loves one girl he doesn’t care about the other,’ I propose the following statement:
“Those who cannot conceive Friendship as a substantive love but only as a disguise or elaboration of Eros betray the fact that they have never had a Friend.” – C.S. Lewis
I lament with Mr. Lewis at the degradation of friendship's meaning in the world today. So when I speak of friendship, I wish to stress its meaning: that it is one of the highest forms of love.
Cloud’s feelings toward Aerith, I believe, can be interpreted as either of the two loves – friendship or Eros (romantic love) – or both. Even within the experience of Gold Saucer, I personally have not any solid evidence that Cloud’s feelings for Aerith are Eros, and whether they are or not has no influence on the plot. Cloud and Aerith will become (very) close; Aerith will die; Cloud will be distraught; and Cloud will continue the fight they started together – Eros or no Eros. That being said, I can see how conclusions of Eros are a possibility. Cloud’s investment in Aerith’s journey and well-being is very personal. His care toward her runs so deep, in fact, that his “Ex-SOLDIER” persona is often cracked.
Aerith is the first and only character to humor this self that Cloud is so desperate to project to the world. She takes the mickey by giving him the title なんでも屋さん (“Nandemoyasan”) – “Mr. Jack of all trades”. Yet she allows him to ‘play SOLDIER’ in making him her bodyguard and supportively holding him to that role.
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Cloud is encouraged and feels strong when he is with Aerith. She raises his self-confidence and trust in his own strength in a uniquely distinct way that no other character does – not even Tifa. Though he is encouraged by Tifa to “be strong” also – in a uniquely distinct way pertaining to his accepting of self (which is, ultimately, what saves him) – Cloud feels weak around Tifa, due to his constant failure to live up to being her hero as he perceives it. With Aerith, we have the opposite effect.
Aerith simultaneously encourages the “Ex-SOLDIER” façade and breaks through it. They share laughter and tease one another on the rooftops. Cloud reveals his soft side when urging her to open up to him.
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Aerith realizes that she does not know the ‘real’ Cloud, and tries very hard to find him, to bring him out. However, she does not. Not even within the Lifestream where he ends up twice in a broken state and she has maintained her complete physical consciousness. This is a role that only Tifa can fulfil.
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Likewise, Cloud realizes Aerith is facing her own inner struggle – of what it means to be a Cetra – and he time and again goes out of his way to try help her, from risking his life to rescue her from Shinra to pushing to talk to her even when she wants to be left alone (note how Aerith turns her face away in the screenshots below). The writing stresses that this is by Cloud’s own investment, not simply that of the party’s as its leader. “But I’m… we’re here for you, right?”
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Paralleling Aerith’s inability to reach Cloud’s true self, Cloud is unable to help her in discovering and fulfilling her task as the last Cetra, and Aerith finds herself more and more “alone” in pertinence to her inner conflict.
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Her nandemoyasan, her dear friend, fails her, and that haunts Cloud after her death as he grapples with his own role in saving the Planet – a hope that is lost without Aerith.
Which now brings us to her death.
Aerith dies at the point where Cloud’s inner conflict against Sephiroth first peaks for the worst. Just having become aware that Sephiroth can override his very conscious (being forced to hand over the Black Materia in the Temple of the Ancients), Cloud has begun to doubt himself and is immensely afraid of who he is. Immediately following is his failure to save Aerith.
Cloud, whose entire life struggle and “Ex-SOLDIER” persona were built upon his self-loathing due to feelings of failure, weakness and inadequacy, has just failed to save this woman so precious to him. We see the haunting and guilt it holds over him in Advent Children, where he despairs and distances himself from his family for fear of failing them too.
Cloud does everything in his power to ensure Aerith’s mission is complete, not just for sake of the Planet, but for Aerith. The fight for the Planet is the party’s fight – the “we” fight, together as a whole. But it is more for Cloud, so much more.
“I’ll do the rest.”
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Cloud’s external fight for the Planet and his personal feud with Sephiroth is in much part out of his deep love for Aerith.
This love is, no doubt, an incredibly powerful mutual friendship. It is clear that, in addition to this friendship, Aerith has romantic feelings for Cloud (which I will evidence in part 4), but what of Cloud for Aerith? Could he have feelings for her that are Eros too? Absolutely. I have found no evidence implicitly for it, nor implicitly against it, and that to me is a beauty of player experience in the narrative. (I also believe this is what Nomura meant when he expressed his desire to leave interpretation to the player.)
However, in the sense of plot and Cloud’s feelings that are not up for the player’s interpretation, I hold to my understanding that Cloud – even if having romantic feelings toward Aerith – is romantically in love with Tifa, and that that Eros is core to his very being.
I will not say “there’s nothing more” between Aerith and Cloud even in my interpretation of them as friends. For that implies friendship is a lesser love than Eros, which I do not believe is true. C.S. Lewis said that (no pun intended) “To the Ancients, Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves,” “the crown of life and the school of virtue”, and I agree with his saying that “few value it because few experience it.”
My hope is simply this: that people would lose this notion of ‘competition’ – that one girl must win ‘all’ of Cloud’s affections, and that at the expense of one ‘winning’, his relationship with the other is belittled.
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Link to all parts: https://outbythehighwind.tumblr.com/post/640347336477966336/the-misconceptions-of-ff7-a-cloud-aerith-tifa
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ayellowcurtain · 3 years
Like trouble water running cold - Ismail x Constantin
Chapter 6, I think
To @odi-et-amo85 and the anon that asked for this
The next morning, or afternoon actually, was not much easier. Ismail’s own words were still dancing in his very hungover brain, and he could tell it was no different with Constantin. He looked like a small, cute puppy that was left on the sidewalk for a new owner to grab or something. Ismail didn’t try to play nice that morning, he didn’t have the energy or emotions to do so.
Breakfast was quiet, and awkward, Constantin wouldn’t stop looking at him, and when Ismail tried to calmly tell Cons’ parents that he was leaving, Constantin tried to argue, saying to his parents that Ismail had nowhere else to go and no need to leave, but Ismail didn’t care, and he was out of the house a few hours later.
After another or two arguments with Constantin trying to stop him while packing his bag, or while taking everything to the door, he was finally on his way to Zoe’s place. He made sure to check that Kieu My wasn’t there that morning, and Zoe said it was only her, that even Nora wasn’t home.
Of course she already knew he and Constantin had a fight when he finally got there. If news travels fast, it travels faster than the speed of light between all of them, their tiny, extremely messy group of friends. She didn’t know exactly what the fight was about - it’s not like they hide that they hook up sometimes but it’s also their very private thing, their bubble that nobody has full access to - but she knew something had happened, and as always, tried to brush it off, to say whatever it was would be gone after a beer or two, or maybe wine.
Ismail didn’t feel like talking, or trying to fake anything, so he just used his hangover as an excuse and Zoe let him be for the next day or two.
Everyone’s lives did go back to normal eventually, at least the we-will-party-and-drink-no-matter-what part and Ismail was okay with it after those first few days feeling sorry for himself and angry with Constantin. He avoided going out the first week but he was going insane after all that time locked inside so he started going out again, and just avoided being alone with Constantin, ignoring his every attempt to talk and brush things off too.
Ismail could see him constantly staring though, drinking more and more every new day they went to go have drinks somewhere but he didn’t give in. Yeah, he made a big scene out of a small, dumb hook up but it was more than that. He was just generally tired of exactly this: Constantin trying to brush everything about them off like it’s no big deal when it was to Ismail. Constantin trying to always get his way because he can pout and look like a puppy and make you think you’re in the wrong when he’s the one constantly fucking things up left, right, and center.
“I don’t even know what’s exactly that you’re so pissed about.” Constantin said almost a month later. Ismail knew that this was planned, it just took everyone a whole month to make it happen.
They all felt bad that Constantin and Ismail weren’t talking at all, they all tried to fix it, to talk and find a way to get everything back to normal but Ismail assumed they were always way too drunk or high to put their stupid plan ir order. It only happened a month later, and it was basically an accident. Somehow, it felt like a miracle to be honest, Constantin was the less drunk one besides Ismail, and so he was in charge to walk everyone home, find their keys, shove them inside or something. Lucky for him, he only had to do that with Kieu My that night because everyone else was staying at Zoe’s.
Seeing him open the door for Kieu My, help her get inside her house safely and without making a sound made Ismail a little bit jealous deep down, remembering their laughter, and long arms wrapped around each other as they walked upstairs that one night. And maybe he froze watching that, too bitter to notice that Zoe and Finn ran as he waited for Constantin as they all should. So in the end, he was left behind to walk with Constantin, and that’s when Constantin started that conversation after long, awkward, heavy minutes walking in silence between them.
Ismail tried to ignore but of course that wouldn’t be a sign for Constantin to just leave him until they got to Zoe’s. He can never take a no for an answer.
“It can’t be because I had sex with Kieu My.” Constantin came closer to say that and Ismail stepped away, and he could hear the loud sigh before Constantin was in front of him, following every time he tried to go the other way to keep walking.
“What?! You, me and Kieu My had fun millions of times before, and the times it was just me and her are like,” Ismail rolls his eyes, and tries to move to the side again but Constantin quickly follows, "…less than my two hands, and you and I know that. It was never a fucking problem befo-”
“We were tested before that, remember?”
Constantin frows, doesn’t seem to remember right away. “Yes…? So…?”
Ismail huffs, and tries to move on again, but Constantin stops him again, holding his arm this time too.
“I used a fucking condom, Ismail! What do you want?”
“It’s funny that you still have to ask.”
Constantin stutters, blinking a few times, for once in shock, letting Ismail take a few steps in peace before he’s right back next to him.
“I like you too. I didn’t know this wasn’t clear or that big of a deal to you too-”
“You always get your way, Constantin. You hear other people, what they want or need, and you completely ignore if that’s not what you want. You’re selfish, you don’t care, even when you have feelings for someone, it’s still so fucking small compared to your ego. I’m tired of being your babysitter, I’m tired of always doing things your way. I’m taking care of myself now, putting myself first. So just leave me alone.”
Ismail bumped into Constantin’s shoulder as he walked away and Constantin didn’t bother him for the rest of the way, but Ismail could feel his puppy eyes watching his every step all the way home. Constantin obviously tried to make himself even worse, declining Zoe’s invitation to stay at hers too so he wouldn’t have to go home alone. He only decided to stay because Ismail got tired of his pity party, and said he should stay and not be dumb. He slept on the couch, and Ismail couldn’t even close his eyes that night.
6 months later
Ismail finishes his beer, rolling his eyes because Kieu My is still there, glued to his side, pressing her lips together not to say anything.
“Where’s your girlfriend again?” Ismail teases, and she laughs wholeheartedly, leaning against him, with her elbow on his shoulder.
“At least I’m not grumpy because I’m as single as one can be. No cute dates to drag to our parties tonight?”
Ismail is guilty of that, maybe, but it didn’t happen as often as Kieu My is acting.
“I deleted Grindr.” Ismail decides to finally tell her, it’s been a few weeks, the hookups got boring and repetitive.
“No way! Why?”
Ismail shrugs, turning around to watch the party, can’t help but look for Constantin, talking to Finn in a corner, smiling for once. Kieu My follows his eyes, and presses her elbow on his shoulder.
“Don’t tell me you’re gonna finally give him a break.”
“No.” Ismail cuts that conversation right away. He and Constantin are okay, finally, but there’s no chance they’ll go back to that mess. They’re friends. Like Finn, or Zoe, or Kieu My even. No benefits. They’re not even best friends anymore.
“He’s trying, you should at least give him that.”
“Trying what? To not act like a horny spoiled pre-teen?”
Kieu My raises her eyebrows, shaking her head from one side to the other. Constantin is a little better but Ismail can’t do that, ever again. He can’t get that close to Constantin again because - and nobody else needs to know that, the guilt inside his brain is big enough already - he knows his feelings are just asleep, buried under thick, comfortable layers of time passing by where Ismail got distracted with anything (and anyone) else.
“He’s not as dumb and egocentric as he used to be. You should be proud that you gave him some ground to walk on and grow up.”
“‘I’m that good of a human.” Ismail laughs, fixing his curls that are bothering his eyes. Maybe the hookups that he brought to some of their small parties were also intentional, to teach Constantin what he was missing but Ismail doesn’t have to admit that out loud either.
“And you still have that huge of a crush on your childhood best friend but we won’t talk about that, I’ll pretend I don’t see right through you.”
Kieu My doesn’t wait for his moody answer, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before finally joining Fatou on the dance floor they made in Zoe's living room. The fake disco ball with the strings attached to it, the confetti on the floor, they really went all out this time, it feels like the old days, before all the drama.
After months of failed attempts, Constantin doesn’t rush to try and talk to Ismail every time he’s alone at parties anymore. He misses it, a little bit. And he misses a lot the relationship they used to have, mess or no mess. There’s nobody that could ever fill the thousand of roles Constantin had in his life. Best friend, older brother, younger brother, bodyguard even, lover, easy sex…
Ismail turns around and walks around the counter to see if he finds himself something stronger to drink. He’s been living here for long enough to know where Zoe hides her good drinks so he checks the cupboards underneath the counter but there’s nothing new or interesting there.
“Zoe said we’re running out of booze.”
Ismail stands back up, for some weird reason getting a little nervous to be talking to Constantin, only the counter between them and even then, Cons is sort of leaning against it, and he looks painfully hot tonight. Maybe it’s the weeks without even getting to kiss someone that’s getting to Ismail.
“Already? It’s not even that late.”
Constantin shrugs, drinking his beer. “If you need it so bad we can go look around for some store that might be open still.”
Ismail shakes his head, wrapping his robe type of jacket tighter around him, using the feathers around the wrist to keep his hands warm.
“No fucking way, it’s too cold outside.”
“Okay then.” Constantin takes a long look at him, and Ismail feels a little prouder, a tiny bit exhibitionist. “You look good tonight.”
“Every night, you mean.” Constantin laughs, and it makes Ismail laugh too.
“No way.”
“Fuck you.”
Constantin raises his eyebrows, finishing his beer and Ismail rolls his eyes. I wish!
“I see you’re letting your hair grow…”
Ismail misses Constantin like he can’t even explain, even the tedious parts such as cutting his hair because Constantin is too much of a lazy ass to go find a professional hairdresser that he might like.
“Not really, I just don’t have the fucking option. My hairdresser doesn’t accept to deal with me and my reckless behavior anymore.”
Ismail sighs, stealing the beer Finn left at the counter to go to the bathroom. “You’re so fucking weird.”
Constantin leans against the counter again, following him with his eyes as Ismail doesn’t mind going around the counter, standing a step too close to Cons, but still far enough where Constantin doesn’t think Ismail is making a move on him.
“I still have the fancy hair cutting things you bought last year.”
“That I bought to cut my hair…” Constantin rolls his eyes, and Ismail stops himself from smiling too big.
“That you used to cut my hair too.” Ismail notices how short Constantin’s nails are when he starts spinning his empty bottle on the counter. It’s been a couple of years since Ismail saw his nails this short, he wonders how anxious he is today.
“What are you doing tomorrow?” Constantin finally asks, less cool than how he was trying to be until just now.
“Cutting your hair, apparently.” Ismail finishes Finn’s beer, trying to tame the butterflies that are starting to fly on his stomach, well aware that Constantin will find a way to convince him to go stay at his place tonight.
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redrobinhoods · 4 years
retrograde | chapter 4
AO3 Link | 1,300 words (approx) | Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 5
Chapter Summary: Riyo and the commanders of the Guard force Fox to go to the medical center
Fox glared across the small room at Stone as the medical droid flitted around his head.
“Has the patient been experiencing any abnormal behaviors since the initial injury occurred?”
“He’s started sleepwalking.” Stone cut in. “Having mood swings. And forgetting.”
“What have you been forgetting, CC-1010?” The droid asked, spinning back around to face Fox.
“Little things. Passwords and such.”
“Conversations.” Stone cut in again. Fox had known when Riyo had asked his brother to accompany him that this would be a painful appointment.
The droid was quiet for a few moments before it came to a decision. “I will run another scan. Please, remain seated while I summon a technician.”
“Mood swings?” Fox snapped once the door had shut behind the droid.
“What, you think that Thorn wouldn’t tell me that you yelled at the best thing that’s ever happened to you? I swear, Fox, if you ever hit her, Thorn and I will beat you within an inch of your life.”
Stone watched Fox’s expression move through a mix of different emotions until he settled on, “I wouldn’t.”
“And before last night, would you have ever yelled at her?”
“Technically, I yelled at Thorn.” But he didn’t push the issue further.
When the medical droid returned, accompanied by the technician it had gone to fetch, Stone was asked to leave the room as the new scans were taken. When he was allowed to return, he was also allowed to sit by Fox as the medical droid assessed the images. When it made a worried hum, Fox was glad for the presence at his side. “The chip in your frontal lobe is still active. That is unusual. The activation may be the cause of your memory loss.”
“Well, can you take it out?” Stone asked when it was clear that Fox wouldn’t respond.
The droid made a sound that would’ve sounded like ‘tsk’ if it had come from an organic lifeform. “Any modifications to the clone trooper template must be done on Kamino. Would you like me to put in a request?”
“What are my other options?” Fox asked quietly.
“We can leave it be and see what happens.”
Stone let out a light curse under his breath.
“I’ll wait.” Fox’s voice broke on the second word and he stopped to gather himself together before speaking again. “So far, everything I have forgotten has been recent. What happens when all my new memories are gone?”
“I suppose that it will start going after your old ones.” The droid said lightheartedly. “Or it will stop. We shall see. Have a good day!”
The droid whisked out of the room, leaving Fox behind to rest his head in his arms as Stone pulled him into an embrace.
It took all of Riyo’s will not to laugh as she took in the men before her. Fox and Thorn, who sat on her right at the head of the table and on her left beside her, respectively, had long ago adjusted to eating normal food in her apartment. Stone, sitting across from Thorn, had been over for dinner just enough times to not make a weird face at the new flavors before him, but not enough for the formal set of his shoulders to relax. But Thire, who had always refused her offers of food before, was poking at the vegetables before him as if they were from another universe.
“They’re called seasonings, Thire.” Thorn teased as he watched his captain.
“I’m sorry, this is all very new to me.” Thire laughed nervously, casting Riyo an anxious look.
“Don’t be sorry.” She gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. “I know it’s a lot after barracks food.”
Thire looked down at the plate before him before returning Riyo’s gaze. “I am grateful for your invitation, Senator Chuchi. But why am I here?”
She titled her head towards Fox, who was taking in a deep breath.
“I think you’re all aware that I’ve been forgetful this past week and it’s been getting worse. When the medical droid ran new scans today, it found that my inhibitor chip is still on. It’s been on for three weeks now. It assumed, and I assume, that it’s the reason why I’m not retaining new memories. With this, I don’t think that I am mentally fit to continue on in my command. Riyo and I have already discussed this…”
They had discussed it thoroughly despite the tears that had streamed down their cheeks.
“… and I have decided that I will be signing over my rank and taking a lesser role in the Coruscant Guard. As of the last hour, Thorn is the commanding officer of the Guard.” He paused to let it the news sink in. “My last act as commanding officer was to file your promotion, Commander Thire.”
Riyo was finally able to stifle the sound of her laughter at the expression on Thire’s face under the sound of Thorn standing up from the table and walking over to embrace his mentee, sandwiching Thire between him and Stone.
“Thank you, sir.” Thire said once his brothers had released their hold on him.
Fox smiled and reached over to clasp Thire’s forearm. “I’m proud of you, kid.”
Thire hung his head in embarrassment before changing the subject. “So, what are you going to do, Commander Fox?”
“Just ‘Fox’ to you now.” Fox grinned before a serious look came over his face. “Riyo and I have decided to go to Pantora and see if the doctors there can help. Officially, I will be acting as her bodyguard.”
“I will be taking a month away from Coruscant to reflect on my planet and what we represent in the Republic. I have a strong team representing myself and Pantora here, it will not be an issue logistically.”
“And if they can’t help?” Stone prompted.
Riyo fell silent, looking down into her lap and contemplating for a moment if she should cover her ears to hide the sound of the conclusion Fox had drawn earlier.
Fox ran his fingers over the silver crescent covering his browbone, tracing the seam between metal and skin in contemplation. “Then I ask that you send me to Kamino.”
“They’ll kill you!”
Riyo felt Thorn silently reach over and squeeze her leg. He had already voiced his protest to Fox beforehand.
“It will give you closure.” Fox said.
“Fox-.” Stone started.
“It’s not that I want to die, Stone. But I’m dead one way or another, and I’d rather take my body with me.”
Stone’s posture hunched in defeat as he rested his forehead on a propped up arm.
“But it’s not going to get to that.” Thorn cut in with a gentle tone. “Fox will be in good hands. We just need to hold the fort down for a while.”
Fox shook his head, a sly grin forming on his lips. “Oh no, there are no tag-backs for the CO position. You’re stuck with it.”
Thorn let his head loll to where he could fix Stone with his eyes. “How do you feel about a promotion in a few months?”
“I’d rather go to Kamino with Fox.”
“That’s fair. Thire?”
“I’ll drive you two there.”
“Chuchi, dear, dear Chuchi. Have you ever considered a change in title?”
Riyo paced around the bed, examining the arrangement of clothes and living necessities laid out upon the sheets. “I feel like I’m missing something.” She confessed when she heard Fox enter the room.
“Me.” He walked up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist and planting a kiss to the back of her jawbone. “Your toothbrush is sitting on the counter.”
She laughed and allowed herself to melt back into his arms, leaning her head back to gaze up at him. “What would I do without you?”
“Forget your toothbrush.” He bent down to gently kiss her.
And for the first time in weeks, she truly felt that all was right in the galaxy.
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regrettablewritings · 4 years
Well I recently watched Trouble in the Heights, so let's go for Nevada Ramirez & Love, even if he perhaps has 1 bare inch of it in his whole body.
(I’m still fucking wheezing oh my gOD. Nevada Ramirez is 5′9″, and that ninth inch is composed completely out of the one inch of love he can actually express like a normal human being.) Similar to the Bruce Wayne one, though, some of these were sorta referenced in past Nevada pieces (what few there comparatively are). So, just in case, I included links to those pieces because they generally go into more detail in certain areas. Hope that’s all good!
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Who said “I love you” first?: Well, you said it in that way first, so technically it was you. But if we just meant the actual soul of the phrase, of someone vocally expressing to another their love and interest in their well being, even without the exact words in place? It was Nevada. And even he didn’t necessarily notice it in the moment. Granted, even a sentence like, “Hey, don’t be stupid and just go straight home, understand me?” can slip Nevada’s notice as a sign of his own affection. He’s not nearly as in tune with his emotions as he’d like to think, really.
What are their primary love languages?: It’s really hard to place what a guy like Nevada’s love language could possibly be -- mainly because it’s hard to picture a guy like Nevada and a concept like love even inhabiting the same room. Being a gang leader and, well, just being Nevada Ramirez in total, he likes to give off the air that he doesn’t really necessarily need anybody — that everyone, from his underlings to even his past lovers are more or less side dressing he allows near him. But don’t be fooled: This little shit gets by on spoiling you and the affirmations he earns from them. The great thing about gifts is that in theory you could present them without needing to say much or even say anything at all. And given ‘Vada’s . . . less than delicate manner of speaking, this can be a good thing. And don’t get it twisted, he ain’t no sentimental pussy or nothing; he just sorta likes how your face glows when he just so happens to remember things like your favorite candy, or artist you mentioned wanting a framed piece by. He don’t need you to tell him he’s the best (he already knows he is), but it doesn’t hurt to hear you cry it as you practically fling yourself at him and smooch him silly. He also appreciates acts of service. Shady as his business is, it still demands a lot of the man. He won’t always express it completely but those nights when you show up at his place with his favorite takeout, or he comes home and finds the sheets have been cleaned or that you’ve done whatever he’d meant to have completed earlier that day? He almost wants to drag you to the edge of the bed and express his thanks to you. He appreciates it more than you would think.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?: Frequently, actually. There is hardly a moment wherein Nevada doesn’t have some part of him touching you: His hand resting on your hip or place in the back pocket of your jeans; your rump resting comfortably on his lap; his arm around you as you lean back in the VIP section of a club; or even just your legs over his own (or vice-versa) as you rest on the couch at home. Many would assume it’s just for show; that El Trujillo is simply asserting his dominance to all who might consider approaching you with sexual intent. They wouldn’t necessarily be wrong -- Nevada does intend to wordlessly yet loudly tell people that you belong to him. However, in addition to this, ‘Vada also just likes to show you off to everyone. And what better way to show the world his beautiful girl than to have her perched on his lap like a pretty bird on a branch?
What are their favorite things to do together?: To the surprise of no one, you two don’t have too, too much in common in terms of interest: Nevada, with his silver palate, enjoys eating out at restaurants with no less than four stars, and you enjoy going out to live shows, specifically on or even off-Broadway musicals. You don’t really care much for the strange food he likes, and he’s extremely particular about what sorts of show’s he’ll even bother with, but you do it for one another. But when it comes to what very few things you do enjoy in common, it ultimately gets narrowed down to two things: Cuddling on the couch and watching TV. Typically old shows or telanovelas because they’re both enjoyable and so terrible that neither of you can help but jeer at the bad acting, awful storylines, and cheesy sets and costumes. It’s a very strange bonding activity -- and certainly not one that anyone would associate with Nevada (and he wants to keep it that way). But it’s the one that you two enjoy the most after a long week, and a surefire way to help both parties relax and cheer up.
Who’s better at comforting the other?: Well, you’re one of the only one who can make him genuinely laugh if that says anything. Nevada isn’t an easy man to comfort, mostly because in his stubbornness, he’s become convinced that his power comes from his anger. So really, it should be sign enough that he even decided to go steady with you that he finds some sort of comfort in your presence (regardless of what he might tell you).
Who’s more protective?: Being a dealer of some infamy, Nevada is aware that he’s made more enemies than friends both in The Heights and out of them. As easy as it is to assume he doesn’t care too much about you, the reality is far from the truth: He cares deeply for you in his own Nevada way. When you go to one of his clubs, he’s never far away or not without you in his line of sight. There’s always a hand resting on your hip or your thigh, or he’ll, you’re always on his lap. Call it primal, but smart enough people who value their lives can take one look at ‘Vada’s hand resting on your ass and just know not to even bother with you. Slightly less smart may need to look at the man’s cold, murderous glower just for confirmation. And those with no sense of self-preservation have essentially signed their death warrant. But that’s in an environment he can control. Outside of his bars, his clubs, his restaurants where he’s a VIP? He’s a lot more quiet about it. Originally, he made sure you always had at least two Men-turned-bodyguards nearby you at all times, but you complained about how difficult it made everything from going to work to simply going shopping. “I don’t need your boys to know what types of tampons I use, Nevada!” you bristled. After much arguing, he eventually agreed to go another way about it: There’s actually more people with their eyes on you, often in disguise or paid off, but he’s made sure to put more distance on them so that you won’t feel as skeeved (or that you’ll even know they’re there for that matter). (For extra measure, if he can get you to agree to it, he’ll also have you equipped with a “Saturday Night Special” so to speak.) But be aware: The moment anyone so much as indicates even thinking about making you a target? That calm, cold demeanor rises to a simultaneously freezing yet infernal rage: You will be put on lock down or even ushered to a safe house until the threat can be dealt with. You will be escorted about the house at every moment by an armed man. And you will be kept safe until the threat has been literally disposed of.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?: Physical, because at least then he doesn’t have to say anything. Asshole behavior aside, Nevada knows damn well that he’s the absolute worst with words and that it honestly doesn’t take much to set you off. He figures that so long as he doesn’t have to actually say anything, he stands a better chance at not ticking you off and screwing himself over.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?: “The Wolf” by SIAMÉS. “Silvertongue” by Young the Giant. “Love Me Dead” by Ludo, if the roles were reversed . . . Nevada is just plain symbolic of something that’s bad for you but just feels so good to have. That in spite of how poisonous he actually is, he is capable of using just the right words and moves to have you addicted to him after just one drop. And in spite of everything he might insist or do, it works both ways: You’re both tragically and constantly craving the other, and it can wear you both out. But then again, that’s just what addiction is: Craving to the point of depletion. Though if you want something more optimistic, there’s also “Body Talks” by The Struts: Nevada doesn’t understand it himself but all he knows is that the very moment he laid eyes on you, he was going to do whatever it took to make you his — and, judging by your body language, you were perfectly happy to do that, so long as he worked for it. And let’s face it: El Trujillo ain’t afraid to get his hands dirty.
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?: The problem is that Nevada does have the ability to give nicknames, but he’s mostly crap at it unless there’s an ulterior motive involved. Like when he wants to keep you from being mad at him or to stop you from pouting, he’ll teasingly run a finger along your jawline and pout back a cooing “Cariño” or “Muñequita.” If he means to seduce and tease? You’re his “Good Girl.” If it’s more like he’s for once asking you to do a favor, he’ll give out a quick “Babe” or something of that nature. But if he’s just trying to apply a nickname for the sake of using one? Don’t trust him with that. Trusting him to pick a pet name based on a characteristic of yours, or in reference to an event is just not a good idea. His bluntness almost always causes him to pick the wrong thing to focus on! For example: If you have a green thumb and have taken to keeping a small windowsill garden or a corner for your plants, he’s not going to reference a goddess of greenery or even a flower or spice — he’s going to try calling you “Dirtworm” or something! (And then get frustrated when you express distaste over the name.) You’re honestly probably going to have to guide him to what sort of names you’ll tolerate and what you won’t, which shocks every and all witnesses who know anything about Nevada. A romantic interest? Telling Nevada what to do? It’s more likely than you think! Even though he’ll go along with it to pacify you, the hot-tempered man obviously can’t help but feel as thought you’re being unreasonably picky. After all, he’s more than satisfied with the nicknames you usually give him. Granted, they’re just the same nicknames he’s been going by for years now: El Trujillo, Jefe . . . He used to be called “Daddy” in the VIP sections of his haunts, but that title has since been reserved only for you. That, and ‘Vada. And “Baby Boy”, but only very, very sparingly. Which is still more than he’d let anybody else get away with.
Thank you for your patience!
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yjk-imagines · 3 years
Preview from a future fic I'll be writing
Warning for partial nudity. Nothing seggsy, just changing clothes.
When you went through the things that Jaina had been through with her friends, the concept of privacy and personal space went out the window. And she didn't mind it one little bit. Jacen was sitting on Tenel Ka's lap, and Lowie was sitting on the bunk that the twins usually shared, playing with Jaina's wookie doll. It was a testament to her explicit trust of her friends that she didn't rip it out of his hands and hug it tightly. Jaina herself was sitting on the bench in the Rock Dragon's hold with her feet on Zekk's lap. Zekk was attempting to fix a part he'd brought from the Lightning Rod, but was struggling because Jaina's feet were tapping out the beat of the latest Bith hit.
"Masters and Mistresses," Em-Teedee interrupted their comfortable silence with a soft chime over the comms as he monitored their flight from the cockpit.
"We are coming up on Canto Bight. It would be prudent to prepare your disguises now."
"Thanks Em-Teedee!" Jaina called. Lowie growled an affirmative.
Tenel Ka gave Jacen a nudge, and despite the big, soft brown eyes he stared at her with, she kept nudging him until he fell onto the floor.
"The closet should be over here." Tenel Ka opened the double doors and the fabric nearly took off Jaina's eyebrows as it gasped for breath after being squished inside.
"Huh," Jaina grinned, "Maybe the Ta'a Chume has a few good ideas every now and then."
Tenel Ka graced Jaina with a rare smile, "This is a fact."
"Okay," Jacen slicked his hair back at the fresher unit, "Let's go over our roles one more time."
"You don't have a role," Jaina shoved a stylish Corellia-cut suit at her brother, "You, TK, and I are notable enough to have a alibi for being on Canto Bight."
"Yeah, but the holonet doesn't know anything about us. Uncle Luke said that Canto Bight is always swarming with paps, so this is our big chance to create the persona that we want the rest of the galaxy to know."
"You've been crafting a big, dramatic backstory this entire ride, haven't you?"
"I have." Jacen admitted with a huge, dorky grin.
"Hear me out;" Zekk pulled out his ponytail, "A playboy."
Jaina hummed and hawed, then looked at Tenel Ka, who already had her poker face ready to go, "It might work, if he had any girls to play."
"Hey!" Jacen protested, "It could work!"
Not with his one and only girlfriend by his side all night. Jaina rolled her eyes.
Canto Bight had connections to Black Sun, and so at the request of the new owner, Master Skywalker sent five of his newly minted Jedi Knights to snuff them out. Jacen, Jaina, and Tenel Ka would play the heirs come to have a night out, spend all their money, and sniff out suspicious activity. Zekk and Lowie would play bodyguards.
Lowie wore pieces of the same suit Zekk had squeezed into, and the boy from Ennth envied him.
"It feels too tight," He said, trying to move his arms without tearing the suit.
Jaina tried to hide a chuckle, "It makes you look more intimidating." She told him.
"Friend Zekk, there is another suit here that would perhaps fit you better," Tenel Ka tossed it to him. This style of suit was mostly black, with purple accents. It hugged his hips, but comfortably, and the sleeves allowed for more movement while concealing a couple of holsters on his arms. He placed a single tiny blaster on his right arm, just in case, and tucked his lightsaber into the two on his left.
"Still intimidating?" He asked.
Jaina, who was still indecisive about what gown to wear, looked him up and down. "Let's try a fake scar," She suggested.
"Are you sure?"
"Trust me, you look like you have a babyface."
"Are you saying I'm not intimidating?"
"Zekk, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you're about as intimidating as Nicta."
Zekk had no idea how to react to this. His mouth moved back and forth as Jaina grabbed the makeup kit. "I was the Darkest Knight!" He defended.
Lowie growled, badly stifling a fit of laughter.
"Lowbacca is correct. That is not who you are anymore." Tenel Ka decided on a slim number in neon green, with a matching sash of green, blue, and yellow taffeta.
Zekk sighed, "Well, good to know all the time spent meditating on my actions and taking responsibility really worked."
"Hold still," Jaina pushed down gently on his shoulders to get him to sit in the chair. She began to draw a long white line over his eye, reminiscent of the scar on Anakin Skywalker's face. Zekk waited patiently, but with exasperation, for the whole process of blending, shading, and contouring to be finished. By the time Jaina was done, Lowie had brought them out of hyperspace and everyone else was dressed.
"Am I beautiful yet?" He asked.
"Very," Jaina promised.
"For a mechanic, I am impressed with the attention to detail you gave my makeup," Zekk said, examining himself in the closet mirror.
"Hey Jay! check it out!" Jacen said. His hair was spiked up in the front, and face was painted with the craziest amalgamation of colors and powders he could concoct, reminding everyone else of Raynar's robes.
"You like it?" He asked his bewildered sister, framing his face with his hands, "I'm thinking rich bad boy with a heart of gold."
"Perfect! You're bad at everything!"
Tenel Ka stepped in between the twins before they could start fighting and smear the makeup on Jacen's face.
"I thought that you might find this dress fashionable, yet comfortable enough for your tastes," She held out a pile of fabric, and Jaina could hardly tell where it started and where it ended.
First of all, she noticed the red cape. Two buttons, stretchy material, and an endless amount of opportunities. She was sold immediately, but even more so when she noticed the white pants that went under the whole ensemble.
"The shirt is more of a tunic, and can be worn with or without the pants, though I assume you would prefer the pants?"
"Um, yes!" Jaina immediately began to change, trading her cargo pants for the long white pants that, while shiny and white, fit more like Zekk's bodyguard-style pants. She was in love. They came with a matching set of white heels, but who cared when she got to wear pants to a fancy, stuck-up party?
And then she had to change her shirt.
Zekk froze, staring at her collarbone. The familiar pattern of spindly white lines trickled into existence, blossoming with the faded black and blue of bruises from lightning and gathering together beneath Jaina's bra.
"Jaina, what is that?" He asked, his voice shaking.
Jaina looked down at her chest. It hardly pained her nowadays, but yeah, it was there.
"Uh, lightning scar?" She quickly pulled the white shirt on, not nearly as excited about her disguise now.
"No, Jaina," Zekk's voice was low, and bristling with sharp, pointed syllables. "That is not a natural lightning scar and those kinds of bruises only come from Sith lightning."
He stepped closer to Jaina, who didn't move. The whole ship was deathly silent as Zekk's anger rippled outward into the force.
"Jaina," His voice held a hint of softness as his fingertips brushed against her hand, "Who did this to you?"
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yahnnieee · 3 years
Summary: Rianne Gallagher who is the younger sister of Aidan Gallagher and is a new actress gets her first role with Louis Partridge, soon she started falling for Louis. Will she be able to hold her feelings or something new will start?
-Part 1-
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"Rianne!!!!" Someone called out my name from downstairs. I walked out of my room while looking at my phone and started walking towards our living room where my brother, Aidan was sitting watching his own film, The Umbrella Academy.
"Yes?" I asked walking towards the couch plopping myself next to him, laying my head in Aidan's Shoulder.
"Well... I think you'll have your new role, as Brianna Wang in ' Princess's Secret Side' alongside Louis Partridge and some other actors" He said scrolling down in Insta. I quickly looked at him with wide eyes and disbelief.
"Are you serious?" I asked holding my scream.
"Yes I'm serious, you wanna see who the guy your going to be acting with?" He asked looking up at me. I opened my phone and showed him my wallpaper which was Louis himself.
"Is this him?" I asked showing him my wallpaper.
"You like him?" Ai asked, looking back at his phone.
"I don't... I just find him Handsome" I said my face flushing a light red.
"Rianne... Your my sister you can't lie to me" Ai said cocking an eyebrow.
"Shut up Ai!!" I whined and started walking towards the stairs again.
"You'll be flying to London tomorrow, pack your things, Ian" Ai shouted before I fully got to the very top of the stair case.
"K" I simply answered and went to my room. I got inside and started jumping and squealing, I have a big crush on Louis since I was like 12 and now I'm 16 it's crazy! I went to my closet to pack my things.
'Just don't make it obvious that you like Louis or We're gonna be in trouble'
-Next Day-
I woke up pretty early around 5 am since, I couldn't really sleep last night, I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. After taking a bath I went to my closet and picked out a black plain crop top and denim shorts and a oversized polo that I put over the outfit. I pick out some white d'lites with 'D'lites' written with gold glitters. I looked at myself in a full body mirror and admired myself. After a while my brother called me to get downstairs. I went downstairs and asked what he needs.
"You done?" He asked looking at me, I nodded and he walked to my room to get my luggages. Our parents where outside in our car waiting for us. Ai came down with my luggages, while I was carrying my purse. We went outside to our car, Ai was going to London too since he is part of the cast too. He got inside after putting his luggage in the back, he sat next to me and we started driving to the airport, after what seems like a few minutes we stopped with a halt. I looked out of the window, looking at the airport. I saw guys wearing all black they seemed to be waiting for someone. Ai got out and so I did too. The guys in black came closer to us and said:
"Hi Miss Rianne, and sir Aidan. We'll be your bodyguard from here" One of the guys said.
"I'm Leo, this is Carson. I'm going to be Miss Rianne's bodyguard. We should be moving if fans see you they'll go wild so we better get going" Leo explained while Carson was taking our luggages out of the car. Our parents went out of the car and hugged both me and Ai. We said our goodbyes and walked towards the baggage check. After a while some fans saw Ai and asked for pics and some even asked who I was. We got to the departure and started walking towards a private plane, where flight attendants and other man in black were standing, we walked passed the Flight attendants and inside the plane.
We got comfortable and the plane soon departed..
-After 10hrs-
I was woken by Ai shaking me, I opened my eyes to look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"What?" I asked raising a brow.
"Get ready we're here" Ai said while looking at his phone, I shrug my shoulders and went to look in the window. London was truly beautiful and romantic, I would wanna stay here even after our filming. After a few more minutes we heard the captain speak.
"This is your captain speaking, we'll be landing in 10 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts" I fastened mine and breathed deeply. After 10 mins we got to London in peace. The flight attendants helped us with our luggages and we went out of the plane, many bodyguards went around me and Ai, assuming the fans know we're going to be here so the went crazy... Apparently.
-1 hour later-
We walked inside the airport hearing fans screams and yells. We walked pass the crowd struggling after a few but was able to get there. We got inside the limo and to the hotel were gonna be staying with the other casts.
We were now in our hotel rooms resting it was 11 pm here in London and tommorow were going to be meeting the rest of the casts. I went to bed to get ready to sleep, I laid my torso against the headboard, I looked at Louis' Insta seeing he posted a mirror pic and selfie in Insta. I smiled and played some calm music and put my phone down. And closed my eyes, letting sleep take me.
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lucywiggin · 4 years
I smile and cut ribbons for a living (I do it really well)
Chapter 1: Not a Roman Holiday
When Tae-joo decided to sneak out of the palace, a week after his father’s funeral, he didn’t do that because of the reasons people might imagine a spoiled prince – suddenly king – would sneak out of the palace. He wasn’t looking for troubles or had some ridiculous romantic urge to experience life as a commoner (Tae-joo accepted a long time ago he had a certain role to play in life, and refused to fool himself that way).
No, he was sneaking out because he couldn’t pretend anymore he was grieving for a caring, loving father. He wanted to – he really did. He wished that he had that loving relationship with his father where he could honestly grieve for him with all his heart. But after the ceremonies, when he was left alone with his emotions, the most prominent one was relief. Even the grief he felt, Tae-joo realized, was grief about the relationship he could have had with his father, had his father been a different man, rather than grief of the real father who passed away.
When the dissonance between what the nation expected from Tae-joo to feel – what he wanted to feel – and what he actually felt became too difficult to deal with, he decided he had to get some air, and a drink; or two; or three. He had sneaked out before once, seven years ago. He was sixteen back then, and his father responded by having all his bodyguards beaten up and fired.
Covid-19 made face masks practically mandatory, which gave him hope he wouldn’t be recognized that easily. But even if he would be recognized, it didn’t matter. He was beyond caring.
 Tae-joo thought he saw recognition in the eyes of the bartender who poured his drink, but the man said nothing, so Tae-joo drank, finished his drink at record time and asked for another. Things got hazy after the second drink, beyond what he would have expected after drinking that amount of alcohol, and he suddenly realized something was wrong, and that he was in trouble. He tried standing up and leaving, but his legs gave way after two steps, and he would have met the floor face-first if someone hadn’t caught him.
“Are you okay?” He heard. Tae-joo tried to answer, but everything was too foggy, and he couldn’t make his mouth move to create the words.
“Let go of him!” Somebody shouted. “We saw him first, you fucker! Do you know how much money he’s worth?!”
“I don’t care,” whoever was holding him said. Tae-joo clung to him out of pure instinct. He knew he was helpless, and that the guy was his one chance of safety.
“Fuck off!”
At that point, Tae-joo felt himself being slowly lowered to the floor. What happened next was blurry, but he was pretty sure there was fighting going on. Then he was picked up with strong arms.
“It’s okay,” he heard the guy says. “The hospital is ten minutes away. You’re going to be fine.”
Everything went dark.
 Tae-joo woke up in what he would have considered a hotel suite, if it wasn’t for the hospital bed in its middle, which he was lying in, and the small army of people in white robes, which he assumed were doctors. His head was pounding.
“Your Majesty!” said the man closest to his bed. “You're finally awake! How are you feeling?”
“Been better,” said Tae-joo. “Who are you? And where am I? I’m guessing this is a hospital, but I don’t know why I’m here.”
“You’re in Gangnam Severance Hospital, Your Majesty, and I am Doctor Jo Joon-woo, the head of the hospital. You were brought here unconscious last night.”
Last night, thought Tae-joo. What happened? He sneaked out, he remembered, went to a bar, had a drink, then another…
“I was drugged,” he told the doctor.
“You were, sir,” the doctor confirmed. “But very fortunate, other than that. You’re not hurt in any way. Now, with your permission, I would like to run more tests…”
Tae-joo cut him short. “Later,” he said. “Is my personal assistant around? Send her in and send everyone else out.” He was sure Hye-mi was outside, waiting for updates.
“Sir, we really have to…”
“Yes, sir,” the doctor bowed and left, taking the others with him.
 Hye-mi’s worried, pale face made Tae-joo feel very guilty.
“I didn’t mean to worry you,” he said in a way of apology.
“Not just me,” said Hye-mi. “Mom has taken to stress baking. You were unconscious for almost a day.”
Tae-joo felt even more guilty. “Tell her I’ll stop by the kitchens as soon as I’m released from here.”
“I will,” promised Hye-mi. “Do you want to tell me what happened? That is, if you remember. I know you were drugged.”
“I sneaked out,” said Tae-joo.
“That part I know,” said Hye-mi. “You went to that bar to drink. While you were unconscious, the secret service questioned everyone present which they could get their hands on, and arrested the bartender and several other suspects, but they’re still not sure who drugged you.”
That bar…Tae-joo tried to remember, to ignore the pounding in his head and focus. He had to remember. Something important. Someone important.
“How did I get here?” He asked Hye-mi. “How come I’m not kidnapped, or whatever they wanted to do with me?” Tae-joo really, really didn’t want to think about what whoever drugged him had in mind.
“Someone brought you in,” said Hye-mi. “I’ve seen the hospital footage – he carried you in his arms to the ER, told them who you were, that you were drugged in a bar, and left before they could stop him. He was wearing a mask, so it’ll take a bit more time to find him, but we will. Do you think he had anything to do with this?”
Tae-joo shook his head. “I think…” gentle arms, he remembered, supporting him.
“I think he saved me.”
The story is a WIP (3000 words published so far). You can find the rest HERE. 
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grimweaver · 4 years
            Lucien and I were met first with a washover of festive sounds in the streets, muffled no longer once the heavy doors of the smith shop groaned outward; a few common percussion and wind instruments playing along with loud, happy-drunk singing, laughing, and cheering. As it had at roughly the same time the previous nights, the air was beginning to thicken with a mostly pleasant mix of the usual scents; smoke billowing from grills and clay ovens, charred and baked goods, perfumes, and hard-partying bodies.
            Immediately in front of us was a little more than a dozen laborers that were sent out for us, and standing out amid them was a stout figure— a bosmer with slicked back brown hair, wearing a brown cotton vest over a white peasant shirt that was tucked into dark brown capris, and a pair of doeskin shoes. He gave himself away when he bounced up and down as he pointed at us, shouting:  “LOOK! LOOK! LOOK!”  It was Dorandil, assuming the role that he had already been playing since the start of it all, except under a different name: Norabil Windthorn. “  BY AZURA! BY AZURA! BY AZURA!  It’s the G—!” One of the female workers gave the bosmer a firm and deserving smack upside the head. At least he had enough brain cells to understand the message in the scolding strike and come up with a decent correction.  “...Great Dancing Duo !” he finished, rubbing the back of his head, then joined the workers in helping Jahruu and Hennia with their things.
              “Ah!  Master Atterius and the lovely Lady Nelvani !” the voice of Ocheeva called out from our left. We turned to see four people in bronze scale armor, with burgundy cloth wrapped around their shoulders and faces, and draped over their heads to cast dark shadows over their eyes—not an inch of flesh could be seen.
Each individual called out their name.
            From Ocheeva: “Stone-Scale!”
            From Teinaava: “Ebon-Claw!”
            From Bremman: “Denarius Saxtus!”
            From Farwil: “Sreth Rellintilys!”.
            In perfect unison, they saluted by pounding their right fists against their chests, bowing their heads, and shouting together: “ At your service! ” 
            It attracted some attention from some celebrants nearby. Those who understood that the masked man was Atterius whirled completely around and cheered ecstatically as they pointed at him. Lucien gave them a smile and wave, then urged us all to get a move on before some real crazies started coming out of the woodworks to commence a blocking and grappling frenzy— that was part of the reason why he wanted us to leave so early. The other part was the fifteen-minute walk quickly becoming a forty-minute one— there was very little flow control on the public grounds, so the pathways had become a jumbled mess far worse than anything we had encountered before— people, shoulder to shoulder, jumping and bumping into each other as they threw marigold petals into the air and at each other. The vendors were a bit more aggressive in their efforts to grab attention from people walking by—instead of just sitting behind a counter, they were actually getting in front of people and intentionally blocking their path. Thankfully, our ‘bodyguards’ did an excellent job of getting a pathway cleared for us and shielding us from an onslaught of zealous Atterius fans.
            When we got through the bulk of the crowd, just a little ways past the Guild Traders, a cool flush of gratefulness went through my being and relieved the swell of rage mixed with nausea— our amusement of the inner-city partying had disintagrated when we entered the outer rim of the bulk, where the cloud of stagnant air had a mild undertone of bile, curry flatulence, and undiluted beer-sweat.
            “Thank All the Powers !” I blasted as I gasped for air. I owed gratitude to military aquatics training as well, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to hold my breath for 2-3 minutes at a time. “A second longer in all of that and one of you would be wearing my eggs and bacon!”
            “T’h-h-yeah!” Farwil chuckled with a cough. “Agh… I think we’d all have worn each other’s breakfasts!”
             “There they are,” Lucien said, pointing to a group gathered near the first lamppost beyond the market square. All but one kept their gaze fixed on the plateau ahead— an effeminate male with long and wavy platinum-blonde hair, wearing a robe made of quilted white silk, jeweled rings on every finger, layers of necklaces made of gold and glass beads, and a steel-plated belt over a dark red sash. He motioned to the rest and pointed back at us. “By the Black Nights of Boralis! What breathtaking beauty!” he cried out, and that’s when I knew who it was:  Vicente!
            “Speak for yourself…  Fabiere ,” Lucien replied, suppressing a chuckle he looked him up and down. 
            “Oh!” Vicente blasted, grappling at the shirt of his robe. “Are you talking about this old thing?? It’s  so-o-o-o  last week. And this sand-caked bird nest that used to be lovely locks of pure sunshine??” He fussed with his hair and looked at it with feigned disgust, before daintily slapping it away from his face with a light, hauty grunt. “I am rather embarrassed by it all… but thank you!” 
            There was an eruption of laughter all around, even Lucien couldn’t hold back his. Vicente was doing a good job of getting into his character. 
             “Astaunne is right,” Gabrelle said. “You two look amazing !”
            The whole group voiced their agreement.
             “Indeed… Nine still my heart,” Farwil said, “you… um… no others among us… could accentuate the finery so well.”
            “Thank you, Sreth,” I replied, trying not to think about all the unshareable things that were probably going through his head, and turned to face him directly. “ Please  … promise me that you’ll stick to the plan and remember  everything  instilled in you...by… um… your training at the Fighters Guild—our survival depends on it.”
            “I’ll promise to  try ,” Farwil replied, returning the back-pat in a respectful friend-and-comrade sort of way that did not give me the creepy-crawly cringes. “I’ll do what I must, if I have to do it. I’ll not forget the good point you made… about… our ‘top priority’.”
            “Ah… right. Well that’s… good.” I sighed. “I just… that thing I was going to tell—“
             I was interrupted by Lucien nudging me with his hip.
             “What??” I snarled at the Speaker, and I was cheeky enough to glare up at him too. “I wasn’t going to actually say it yet.”
            “Say what?” Farwil asked.
            “Never you mind now. Just… just try to stay alive, please… please. I will… I will tell you after uh…  our ‘performance’.”
            I couldn’t see his face, but I sensed confusion and annoyance rising in him again. But he nodded and replied, “Alright.”
             “Let us be on our way ,” Lucien said, this time using an insistent tone of voice to nudge me, and gestured for me to hook my left arm around his right. With noble grace, I accepted his arm and kept deep beneath the surface an immense thrill over its feel.
            “Atterius, ” Farwil seethed.
            “For the sake of appearances, sir,” Lucien whispered to him. “Please... do permit me.” Even then he preserved diplomatic humility, conscious of the Cheydinhal Sanctuary’s dependence on the Dark Brotherhood’s good relationship with House Indarys.
            “Agh-h-h-fine,” Farwil replied. I sensed there was more he wanted to add to that, perhaps something similar to what he had said before back in Taneth:  “Just don’t forget what I told you back in Cheydinhal!”  But he probably remembered that I was short on patience with his threatening words towards LaChance and swallowed them.
             Where the road began to curve towards Sentinel’s northwest entrance, we joined the steady stream of guests and entertainers making their way up the wide sandstone walkway that was built into the side of the plateau. Most arrived on rickshaws, elephants, camels, and horses, but our unit remained on foot— one of the things that Atterius was known for was his humbleness.
            We were cheered on by crowds of people lining the path to the gates of Surraiah’s property. Bursts of marigold petals, several dozen at a time, flew out from people's hands and cascaded from the treetops and the ledge of the cliff wall. I almost wished I had taken my sandals off, thinking about what a wonderful textural experience it would’ve been to feel the supple flower petals crunch beneath my feet. I was distracted from the temptation by the massive drums and horn instruments blaring from the center of Surraiah's party, which could be heard from a mile in every which way; it lifted my spirits up to a height untouched by the fears that had me minutes ago, or any regard to the true identity and reality that I had left at the doors of the smith shop. I felt as though I was truly becoming the person that I was pretending to be, to the point of not giving any second thought to tightening my grip on LaChance’s l arm and giving the parent shoulder a few affectionate pats to express to him my excitement over a welcome fit for royalty.
            “Enjoying yourself, Lady Nelvani?” Lucien asked, drawing up a small grin as he mildly gave return pats to the forearm hooked around his right.
            “Damn right I am!” I cried out, bouncing a bit like a school-aged child as I waved back at the crowd. “Come on, Atterius! Let yourself be raptured up into the moment! We might never know a night like this again!”
            “Actually…  we might .”
            My head snapped from the crowd and to Lucien’s masked face. “Oh? What—?”
            “Hush, now,” Lucien barked through his teeth as he faked a smile, giving a quick nod to the upper end of the walkway. “We’re almost there. Get your head out of the clouds and focus on the task at hand.”
            “My mind can occupy multiple places at the same time,” I argued. “Stop worrying.”
            Lucien’s head whipped around and I could feel the heat of his intense scowl permeating through the mask. 
            I corrected myself. “I mean…  yes, sir .”
             We all kept an outward calm as we reached the top and followed the line of guests, but I’m sure I wasn’t the only one with a head full of hornets, watching the guards without blinking or breathing as the distance between us and them shortened, two people at a time. Whenever I felt the surface give slightly to the pressure, I smiled and acted as though the shakes were caused by sheer admirition of Surraiah’s home; the grandeur and mesmerizing details in the moulds, ceilings, and floors that spoke of a wealth that had been accumulated and preserved throughout generations.
             “What’s with all the extra security??” asked someone ahead of us.
            “A necessary precaution; that’s all we’re at liberty to say,” answered one of the guards, holding a clipboard up to the couple’s faces. “Negative. Move along, and enjoy your stay.”
            “Thank you!”
             To ease my mind, I turned my attention to the beautiful multicolored metal embellishments along the wall made of sun-bleached sandstone. But just as I was beginning to relax, Farwil gave my arm several frantic jabs with his elbow. 
            “What, Sreth??” I snapped at him, at a volume just under that of the surrounding clamour. 
            “Remnants…  all of them,” he hissed.
            “Remnants? You mean…  daedra ?” I whispered.
            “Are you sure?? How can you tell??”
            “It’s something they all wear to generate an illusion. I’ll explain later… when or if I can.”
            I nodded, then turned to Lucien. “Did you hear what Sreth said?” I asked him.
            “Of course I did," Lucien answered, phenomenally calm. "I hope he’s mistaken… but… he's likely to be right.” 
            "Do you think that means…  you-know-who  is also here?"
            "It might. But that doesn't change anything. Do not, under any circumstances, deviate from the plan unless I instruct you to. Understood?"
            "Yes, sir."
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