#he came up with shortstack don't look at me
berylcluster · 6 months
⊰ STORMBORN PT III MEME @godkillersblood ZOE for STEVE ⊱
❝ You ought to be asleep. ❞
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➫ STEVE had trouble sleeping. Ever since he died, hell even the first time, sometimes his nights were plagued by visions. He couldn't call them dreams or nightmares, they seemed to be more focused on his current life and filled with messages he barely understood. Before Zoe had been blessed to them, Steve had a vision while he slept of a daughter, beautiful as her mother and strong as a God. The next day, their blessing was given. He never told Diana or Zoe, hoping they would go away in time. But the visions came and went, never the same one and not always so easy to decode; this one in particular had kept the ex-spy up for hours. He stepped quietly out of Diana and his bedroom, being careful not to wake her or their daughter. Steve found himself sitting at the breakfast table, right off the kitchen, holding his head and heavy in thought when Zoe finally came in. He chuckled softly, leaning back into his chair, blue eyes following the voice and finding her. "Shouldn't I be saying that to You? What's up, shortstack? Did I wake you?"
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luvtonique · 7 months
I just woke up and I chose violence let's go.
Look all I'm sayin' is
If you're gonna attack AI generative art
You should, for the same reason, attack Toby Fox.
The reason I've seen the most for people not liking AI is that it's not "Real art" and that it "Takes jobs from artists" and that it "Steals from other artists"
Well, then, let's talk about how Hopes and Dreams by Toby Fox uses fake Violins to mimic a symphony orchestra. Toby could have hired a real orchestra but he used a fake one and y'all came in your drawers over it.
Why'd nobody ever lift a finger to cover social media in how Toby Fox doesn't deserve to make money because his song "Undertale" uses a fake guitar that sounds just like a real one? He could have hired a musician to play guitar but he didn't! That cost a REAL guitar player a job, didn't it?
And how come when it was found out that Toby Fox stole entire lietmotifs from other games like Kirby n shit, y'all had like 600,000,000 excuses to defend him?
I don't dislike Toby I think he's amazing, like 100/10, one'a the brightest examples of a success story of all time and one of the nicest most pure-hearted people on earth who made two of my favorite games of all time and a ton of my favorite music. Spider Dance has been my ring tone for like 8 years.
I'm just saying, the literal same reasons I see people attacking AI gen art is shit that Toby does, all of it, and y'all worship Toby for it but attack artists.
And neither here nor there, but hear me out?
Y'all will say you're in defense of artists keeping their jobs and their livelihoods which is so very noble of you, but if an artist draws shortstacks that are just a little too short, or if an artist utilizes AI, or if an artist draws Rose Quartz skinny, or if an artist draws Sans and Frisk getting a little too Frisky, or if an artist votes for Trump, or if an artist says a dirty word you don't like, or if an artist draws a black person that looks just a little bit too stereotypical, or if an artist draws a lesbian character getting fucked, or if an artist doesn't believe in gender identities, or if an artist doesn't put trans characters in their graphic novel, or if an artist makes a sexy character with butt-jiggle the protagonist of their video game; Y'ALL ARE COMPLETELY OKAY WITH SAYING THAT ARTIST SHOULDN'T BE MAKING MONEY, AND BANDWAGONING A HATEMONGERING BRIGADE AGAINST THEM.
Spare me this "We hate AI because we care about the jobs of artists" shit, you lying scoundrels. You don't care about my job! You've tried to cancel me like 500 goddamn times, got my Patreon frozen twice, got my PayPal frozen over 100 times even right in the middle of conventions, flooded my stream chat and spammed the N-word in chat trying to get my Twitch banned, flooded my Discord multiple times with links to CP trying to get my Discord banned, and you have entire Discord servers literally called things like "Jay is an asshole" and "The We Hate Jay Society" (YEAH I KNOW YOU FUCKERS EXIST, HI, HAVE FUN SCREENCAPPING THIS).
My artistic career has been under fire for the past 12 years because I draw things y'all disagree with, have opinions you don't like, and have family members who vote for politicians you think are the boogeyman that's the cause of all your problems (and haven't disowned those family members). With all due respect, when I hear "We hate AI because we believe in fair wages for artists and want to protect the jobs of artists" I just wanna strangle your lying ass.
You hate AI because it's popular to hate AI.
AI is like a prosthetic robot arm that helps you carry the groceries, and disabled people like myself (rheumatoid arthritis) benefit from its uses greatly (such as being able to draw backgrounds much easier which has greatly improved my art and INCREASED MY COMMISSION REVENUE DUE TO MY ART QUALITY IMPROVING [But y'all don't care that AI helps artists earn more money, you hate AI because you claim it's hurting artists' ability to earn money]), but you're so hung up on people using the robot arm instead of their real arms that you think you're some crusader against injustice.
You aren't.
You're just looking for reasons to attack people, it's what you do. I've been dealing with y'all looking for any goddamn reason to attack someone that you can muster for the last 12 years, hell even before that I dealt with you types. You just want to hate, you want to be prejudiced so fucking bad that you look for literally any reason you can possibly find to make some vaguepost about how much you hate an artist and post it to Reddit, and then when you get called out, get so surprised that I found your bitch ass that you start pretending you didn't mean any ill will, and start pretending that you're someone else in the most pathetic attempt to dodge blame I've ever seen.
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[Context: The OP of this post accidentally revealed who they are on Tumblr, and then when I called them out on Tumblr, they pretended they were someone else because they were scared I was gonna out them on Tumblr and they tried pathetically to cover their ass, and even politely said "I never wanted to garner hate against you" when they literally posted "I hate the way he draws women" on r/mendrawingwomen and flooded the comment section (mostly now deleted) with how "disgusting of a person" I am, while I was in the comments politely giving context to the shit he was saying about me, and he started getting furious when other people were liking my art and agreeing with me instead of him. I have like 600 screencaps of all the cringe this guy spewed, but I'm not gonna post it all because it's tangential anyway. Case in point? This guy's blog is absolutely covered with how much he hates artists for drawing things he doesn't like, and he regularly posts about how AI is taking jobs from artists. Not gonna out his blog, but that's who he is. A shining example of exactly what I'm talking about. "I hate AI because it takes jobs from artists!" "THIS MAN-THING DRAWS WOMEN IN A WAY I DON'T LIKE AND HE'S A DISGUSTING PERSON, EVERYONE JOIN ME IN HATING HIM AND TRYING TO RUIN HIS REPUTATION AND THEN WE CAN CELEBRATE WHEN HE LOSES HIS JOB!!!"]
Like, y'all can sit there and act like you're defending me and artists like me all you want, you're liars. You're boldfaced fucking liars. You are disgusting. It's completely pathetic watching you attack a tool that can be used to improve our art, and claim it's in defense of the authenticity of our art and the continued financial stability of our artistic careers. Fucking give me a break.
You're looking for people who say positive things about AI art so you can attack them and feel justified because it's popular to attack them.
All while sitting there and gladly swallowing the cum of any musician who makes amazing music with synths, fake symphony instruments and autotune.
"We care about the jobs of artists."
Long as those artists fall in line with your opinions and only draw things that agree with said opinions, right?
Wouldn't wanna care about the jobs of "problematic" artists who draw "offensive" stuff or vote for politicians you don't like.
Final note: This isn't even an attack against any political opinions or activism or anything like that, but I'm being realistic here because these are the people I see brigading against AI art. It's not me saying those people are dumb for having their opinions or political standpoints or being activists for their beliefs, it's me saying those people are the ones who are constantly attacking AI art in "defense of artists," while in the same breath attacking artists for not sharing their political standpoints or also being activists for the same causes. If you truly, truly cared about the livelihood of artists, you'd stop attacking artists' livelihood for disagreeing with you. Or for that matter: Any reason. Stop attacking artists' livelihood, or stop pretending you care about it. Be consistent, at least.
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Xavier Thorpe x reader smut
Xavier sat next to Y/n in class sketching absentmindedly as she watched him biting her lip as she stared at his hands, she could barely focused as she imaged them on her, they made the pencil look so small in his fingers. Xavier stopped drawing looking at Y/n oddly as she bit her lip staring at his hands as he moved to wave infront of her face, Y/n flustering instantly as she tried to compose herself knocking over her book as she bent down to grab it awkwardly sitting back up as she squirmed in her seat Xavier whispering to her as he got closer his breath on her neck as he spoke.
"You okay Y/n? You've been really spacey today." His hand coming to hold her thigh as he looked at her worried as she squeaked out a yes crossing her legs his hand dropping as he looked her over before nodding her hair covering her face as squirmed again trying not to stare at his hands as he began sketching but she couldn't help it. Her eyes finding their way to back to his hand as she uncrossed her legs rubbing her thighs together as she bit her lip pushing her hair out her face as she tried hopelessly to stop imagining his hands everywhere on her body, Xavier watching her for a moment as he kept sketching shading the same area over and over before putting down the pencil and using his fingers to shade the lines Y/n's breath catching as he used to fingers to rub up and down the page. Xavier watching her closely with a smirk as he circled his fingers Y/n clenching her thighs together as she quickly looked away opening her legs slightly as she tried to hide how much his actions affected her, Xavier scooting closer until he laid his hand on her upper thigh Y/n jumping as he pushed back her hair whispering in her ear with a smirk.
"You okay there Y/n? You seem a little pent up. Let me help." His hand slipping under her skirt as he pressed against her underwear repressing the groan at how soaked they were, pushing it to the side to rub his fingers up and down her folds collecting her wetness before swirling around her clit one of her hands gripping hi arm as he watched her closely his eyes darting to the teacher every few seconds. He only had 5 minutes until the end of the class and he was going to make sure Y/n walked out that class with cum on her thighs, leaning his head on his hands he faced the front as Y/n let out small gasps and whines her hand in her mouth biting down hard as Xavier kept his pace slowing down every few seconds and rubbing up and down her folds loving how she twitched. Y/n whispering his name as he mockingly turned to her.
"What's wrong baby? Something you need?" Y/n nodded looking at him pleadingly as he moved forward his fingers speeding up as he grazed his lips against her cheek.
"Tell me." He whispered Y/n whimpering in response as she clenched her thighs together with a small moan.
"You gotta be quiet Y/n, i'm painting here we don't want everyone to know do we?" Y/n shook her head looking at him as he circled her clit harshly making her breathe in quickly before biting her lip.
"Please Xavier, i want to cum." Y/n whispered Xavier grinning widely as he moved back facing the front seeing he had a minute left, as he leaned back in his chair circling her clit quickly as he heard her breath quicken and Y/n's nails dig into his arm as she reached the edge, Xavier slowing as she whimpered looking at him as he pouted, leaning over as he waited for the bell.
"You can cum shortstacks." He whispered as his fingers quickened overstimulating her so quickly she didn't have a choice as she came the bell ringing as she moaned her head on the table as she tried to hide the noise her entire body on fire as Xavier sat next to her as his friends filed out high fiving Ajax as he pretended to comfort Y/n.
"She's not feeling well." He said with a cheeky grin as he pulled his hand from her underwear Y/n turning her head and watching him suck his fingers before standing and closing his book, helping Y/n up as he tapped her butt. 
"I'll help you back to your room." Xavier winked at her Y/n flushed dark red as she felt how soaked she was as she walked. 
Wednesday Taglist:
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baalzebufo · 1 month
One Star, Brighter than the Rest
y'know what. im probably not gonna get around to writing more of this because im lazy but if it sits in my drafts forever nobody will see it so im posting this fic/drabble/thing. THIS IS for my demon gideon au.
Gideon, at the end of his rope, calls Bill to make a deal. But Bill has bigger plans. Much bigger plans.
‘I'm finally ready to make a deal.’
The walls of his solitary cell seemed to shift then, as the buzzing in his ears grew into a wild cacophony of laughter. Gideon stumbled backwards away from the chalk sigil on the wall, his vision blurring and swimming as the dream came into being. The crude drawing seemed to pulse, its single eye blinking. Then, a massive beam of light- Gideon shielded his eyes, and the moment his vision returned he was hovering there before him. Bill Cipher.
‘WELL, WELL, WELL! Look who came craaaawling back!’
The triangle squinted at him, throwing his hands up and watching the child flinch at his voice. Gideon felt his back pressed against the cold stone wall of his cell. He had no time to respond before Bill sprung forward.
‘Geez, you look haggard, shortstack! What's wrong, the warden giving you trouble again?’ His tone was mocking- his tone was always mocking. ‘One of your prison buddies finally got fed up and try to shank you? Oh, wait, my bad. That’s supposed to happen next week! Haha!’
Gideon swallowed hard. He couldn’t let Bill get to him. He had summoned HIM- he’s the one in control. He wasn't playing second fiddle to Bill, not now, not ever. He balled his hands up into fists and steeled his nerves, stepping forward with his nose in the air.
‘Listen to me, demon! I called you here because I- I want to make a deal!’ He glared up at Bill with an unearned confidence. ‘You messed up my plan last time, but I'm givin’ you one last shot to prove yourself to me! Y'all're gonna break me out of this joint!’
Bill's eye widened then, before he threw himself backwards into the air with laughter. Gideon seethed. His arms shook as he puffed himself up, standing on his toes. ‘Are you LISTENING to me? Do you want to make a deal or not!?’
He grit his teeth until Bill calmed down, wiping a tear from his eye.
‘Ohhh, kid! You're KILLING me here! You’re really killin’ me!’ He shook himself from side to side, tutting disappointedly. ‘I gotta say, your lack of imagination would be funny if it wasn't so sad, Gideon.’
‘My-’ All at once, rage flared up inside him. ‘WHAT?’ He roared, fully ready to throw one of his tiny fists into the ‘face’ of that smug isosceles jerk-
‘Don't you GET IT, KID?’ He hovered down to Gideons level, put one arm around his shoulders and tugged him in close. ‘You got a personal genie right here, and all you wish for is to get outta prison? Did you even READ my entry in that book you had? You’ve got NO idea what I’m capable of, and here you are, askin’ me for something you could do with one lousy prison riot.’
He patted Gideons shoulder softly. ‘Look, I get it! You’re probably just worn out from all that hard prison labor, aren’t ya? Your mushy little human brain isn’t working right! So I'll cut you some slack just this once. After all, we’re buddies, aren’t we? Haha, yeah we are.’
Gideon froze up, pushed himself out of Bills grasp. He squinted- then frowned. What was he getting at, here…?
‘What are you ramblin' about?’
Bill's laugh cut through him again. ‘You gotta think BIG, shortstack. Sure, I could help you outta this jail, or I could give you the power to do it yourself. I could make you just like ME!’ Bill threw wide his arms and little sparkles flew from his palms.
Gideon blinked, his jaw slightly agape. Bill took his stunned silence as an excuse to carry on his pitch.
‘I've been working on something special while you've been away, and I've got it all figured out! I could make you a bona-fide demon, kid! You could get my powers with all the perks. Think about it- getting into the nightmares of everyone who's ever crossed you, tormenting their every waking moment! Phenomenal cosmic power, right?'
'You're basically the perfect candidate, too. I mean, look at you-' He gestured vaguely at Gideon- for once in his life, speechless. 'You're almost crazy enough for it. I mean, hey, I saw that time you nearly gutted Pine Tree with those shears! In front of his sister, no less! That was DE-LUXE, kid. No hesitation. You've got the murderous ambition to really go far.'
'Honestly, you're probably the only person in this lousy town who could HANDLE this kind of power. So hey, just this one time, let me make YOU a deal you can't refuse! Haha!'
Bill blinked at him- ‘Wink!’ and held his hands out wide. If he had a face, Gideon could tell there would be the biggest toothy smile plastered on it. He swallowed.
Bill was dangerous. He knew this much. He knew you should never- ever- trust a demon at it's word. And yet...
‘You're insane.’ He muttered, shaking his head. ‘You can't do that, it- it just ain't possible.’
‘Gideon, REALITY IS AN ILLUSION. What's ‘possible’ is whatever I WANT to be possible!’ Bill drifted, floating upside down as he spoke. ‘I defy the laws of nature just by EXISTING, so who's to say I can't do anything I want? You're talking to a criminally insane triangle, kid! Start BELIEVING. Here, let me help you.’
Bill snapped his fingers, a teal flame shooting up from his hand and forming a portal of sorts- within it, figures started to form. Gideon saw…
He saw himself.
He saw himself laughing. He was wreathed in flame yet somehow still cast in shadow in the middle of a chalk pentagram, his five-pointed star burning bright. Gravity Falls around him lay in ruins. He stood in the burning husk of what was once the Mystery Shack. The Pines lay crumpled, crushed beneath burning timbers. The smell of ash and blood thick in the air.
And hovering before him, as if in a deep fairytale sleep, was Mabel.
Sweet, sweet Mabel.
He saw a vision of his victory. All the power he had ever wanted coursing through his veins. Everyone who had ever slighted him was dead by his hand. And his only love- she was all his, forever.
His vision reached out, took her hand so gently. He could almost feel her hand in his, her skin so… so soft. He hadn't felt it in so long. His hands shook, and he reached out.
And then, the vision erupted back into flames with the click of Bill's fingers.
Gideon stood, spellbound, holding a breath he didn't think he could let go. The teal flames still flickering in the back of his mind.
‘Yup, I knew you'd pick up what I was puttin’ down, kiddo.’ Bill flipped himself upright and straightened his little bow tie.
‘It’s about time you got everything you deserve, isn't it?’
All at once, Gideon seemed to snap out of his stupor. He blinked, shook his head. He took a step back again, swallowing down the lump in his throat. No- no… this had to be too good to be true. The devil was a tempter, he knew this much. But if there was a chance- the smallest chance- that this future could come to pass... He hardened his expression as best he could, trying to gain back his swiped upper hand.
‘But wait.. what would you get outta all of this? There's no way you'd be helpin’ me just outta the ‘goodness of your heart’… if you even have one of those.’
‘HAHA! You got me there!’ Bill swiped at him playfully. ‘But I'll have you know I have at least NINE hearts, and several other heart-adjacent organs! Wanna see?’ He wiggled his fingers before sticking one hand straight down into himself- a horrific CRACK sounded along with a spray of what looked like television static, a horrible thick black something trickling out to the floor down his arm- up to the elbow in his chest. It took all of Gideon's willpower not to scream.
‘Answer the question!’ He snapped. Bill huffed, let his hand flop out of his body- the relief when he didn't drag some sort of horrific organ out was palpable. He brushed himself down, the wound closing as easily as it had appeared.
‘Okay, sheesh! Keep your hair on.’ Bill rolled his eye, leaning forward. ‘Obviously, I wouldn’t do it for free. We can do a trade. I’ve got some stuff I need to finish up in the physical realm, see. So I’d just-’ He mimed jumping with his fingers. ‘- hop on into your body for a bit. Temporary possession.’
‘My body-!?’ Gideon clasped his hands over his heart, realizing his back was pushed against the wall again. Bill wanted to POSSESS him?
‘Yeah! Geez, you look like you’re going to pop an ulcer, kid. You wouldn’t be in it, obviously!’ He scoffed. ‘We take you out, put me in, you get all my powers an’ I get to use your chubby little hands to finish some personal business. I won’t even keep it that long. Think of it like a vacation! And when I’m done with it, you get my powers for keeps. There’s basically no downside!’
Bill floated down to the floor and folded his hands together. He shrugged. 'It's all up to you now, kid.'
Gideon got very quiet. He took in a deep breath, then hopped up to sit on the edge of the metal slab they called a ‘bed’ in here. He fiddled with the fringe of his blanket, chewing on the inside of his cheek in thought. Bill was surprisingly silent as he watched him struggle with this. Then, he hopped up next to him on the cot.
‘Listen to me, Gideon. You've always known you were different, right? I mean, hey. You were born a freak. I get it! I was born a freak in my world, too.' Gideon frowned, but Bill held one hand up to stop him from interrupting.
'I GET it. They only call us freaks 'cause they can't handle that we might be BETTER than them. It happened to me once- now it's happening to you too. They want you to roll over and conform, to bury your head in the sand and be ''normal''. Well, that ain't gonna happen!'
‘And it's because fate had something bigger in store for you. Why do you think you were born different? Why do you think you're so much smarter than everyone else here? Hell- why do you think YOU found that journal in the woods, and not one of the village idiots?'
'It wasn't dumb luck, Gideon. It was fate.' Bills voice grew... darker. More intense. It prickled at the fear response in Gideon's head, and yet... he found himself entranced, somewhat.
'I saw you had potential. I knew you were destined to do more than sell cars, grow old, and die. You could be so much more. So I kept my eye on you until I knew you were ready for it. Now's the time, Gideon. I see EVERYTHING.'
He looked up- Bill was hovering in front of him, now. His eye was glowing with a vision of the void. Within its depths, universes swirled. Galaxies shifted in their positions. And at its heart he could see one star, shining brighter than the rest.
‘And you can see, too. All you need to do is-
He extended his arm forwards, and it erupted in a familiar cold blue flame.
‘And I'll show you.’
Gideon swallowed hard. Nothing good would come of this. He was making a pact with a demon. One that had ended poorly, before- how badly would it end THIS time? What if Bill was lying? What if their plans were foiled before completion? What if, what if, what if, part of him repeated.
But the other part of him… the selfish, cold, cruel part of his heart burned brighter than ever. Ever since his amulet and his journal had been taken away and he had been thrown into this cell, he’d felt powerless. He had crawled his way up from being ostracised, weak, and alone to basking in fame and fortune. And then it had all been taken away.
No longer loved, and barely even feared. What did he have in here? A handful of schmucks who gave him their seconds in the mess hall? How long would it be then, until THEY tired of him, too? They’d cast him aside eventually. And then he would have nobody and nothing but a cold, dark cell and a life to regret.
He needed that power back. No- he needed more. He needed enough to wrestle the world back into his hands. To know that all he had to do was will it, and it would be crushed back into stardust.
His eyes were cold. He looked up.
‘It’s a deal.’
He took Bill's hand.
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inklessletter · 10 months
You know the right person, wrong time trope? That one? Let's make it steddie. Suffer with me~
[Part 1]
Eddie wondered what in hell did Chrissy Cunnigham, his mess shortstack of best friend, see in Steve Harrington of all people. Eddie was sure that if he seeked out "average" in the dictionary, the definition would come alongside Steve's high school portrait. That dude was every cliché of the book, but there was nothing in him that made him stand out. He wasn't the most handsome in the school, wasn't the best in his team, wasn't that charming, (wasn't also the greatest asshole either, thank god), and he was definitely not the smartest. Yet everyone seemed to be starstruck by that guy. Now, his best friend was in his net, too.
The thing is, she was crushing hard, he could tell. Like, whe was not sighing, or running after him, or telling Eddie how cute Steve was all the time, or cutting class to go see him training, but her eyes always spotted him like they were trained to fix on his silhouette. God, Chrissy didn't even tell Eddie that she liked Steve; Eddie just guessed it. Chrissy blushed one when he smiled politely at her, not looking at her longer than necessary, and just like that, Eddie knew.
And it fucking stings.
It stings for so many reasons.
For once, he's seen Chrissy. They've been best friends for years now, and he knew where she came from. He knows what she was taught at home, what she thought love was for so long until they had this heartfelt conversation in which Eddie's heart broke as he told her that love should not hurt.
He's been there for her, you know. He was the one to jump between Chrissy and his dad to avoid a second fucking slap, just because they were hanging out together. He was there, picking her up from a party she wasn't allowed to go just because she wanted to spend time with that little shit Jason that ditched her because he was too drunk that night and couldn't drive her home. He was there holding her hair when the guilt for eating was far too much to handle, and he was there holding her hand when she thought she wasn't strong enough to hold it inside.
He's been there when she had no friends but him all last year and not even talking about crushes or romances of any kind because she was done with it.
He was there now, looking at Chrissy too-good-for-literally-anyone-in-the-world Cunningham while she looked at Steve Harrington across the high school corridors, blushing and longing.
So yes, that situation actually fucking stung.
"Don't look at me like that," she said under her breath.
"I'm sorry, this painful pining is hard to miss," Eddie replied, smirking.
"It will go away," she shut her locker door, "you know always does."
"I just don't get it, tell me again why won't you talk to him?"
Chrissy rolled her eyes.
"Not this again."
"You have got a class together, righ? Go sit next to him in French-"
"It's Spanish."
"-and just talk to him, go for the weather, talk shit about some teachers, find a common thing to hate, you know, he looks like he masters shallow conversations."
"Wow, that's not rude at all."
Eddie held a laughter.
"I'm just saying," Eddie put himself in front of her, "that you've got nothing to be afraid of. You're cute, you just became a cheerleader (you can talk him about that, too), you're smart and if he doesn't like you back he's more of an ass than I though."
Chrissy considered, looking at him from below with those impossible huge eyes of the colour of the rain. Eddie suddenly zipped up her jacket and she backed up, laughing and gently shoving him off.
"He doesn't even know that I exist," she said, speaking under the layer of thick fabric of the jacket, fit for Hawkins winters.
Chrissy readjusted her jacket and looked at Steve's direction once more. She stiffened when Steve and his group were crossing the corridor, coming their direction. And Steve had the grace of actually, actually, mutting "hi there" at Chrissy as he passed by, with a killer smile.
Eddie rolled his eyes so hard he saw little orange dots for ten seconds straight.
"You were saying?"
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intercoursefluids · 6 months
TBTSB Chapter 2
“Grayson, let go of my face before I skewer you with my blade.”
“No, I miss your baby face. I miss the squish.”
Jason snorts at the pout on Dick’s face as he tries to remember the ‘baby fat’ Damian still had for the first year he was there.
“Would you two hold still?! I’m trying to fix the back of Damian's collar and I can’t do that if he's trying to get away from you Dick.”
Tim finishes straightening Damian's collar with a huff before going over to sit with Jason.
“What's got your panties in a wad, Shortstack?”
“MDC is going to be here, at the Gala. For the first time ever, and is not going to reveal her identity. She will be HERE, at the gala. And I might not even know I’m talking to her! The only reason I even know is because I caught Bruce and Alfred talking about it.”
Jason nods in understanding, going over to where Alfred stands at the doorway.
“You totally know who MDC is, don't you?”
“I have no clue what you are talking about Master Jason, but do try to behave this time. We have some important guests from Paris attending.”
Jason snorts walking back over to his chair and picking up his book.
He shouldn’t have even bothered asking, Alfred knows all, sees all, and hears all.
Of course, he would know who MDC is.
The car was silent as they arrived at the Gala. Father is the first to step out followed by Grayson, Todd, Drake, and then himself. Alfred would be parking the car and entering from a side door to avoid the publicity.
They smile and wave, stopping for pictures along the way before finally heading inside.
“Hey Big bird, wanna hit up the snack table?”
Grayson and Todd separate from the group to stuff themself like the undignified swine they are as Father and Drake head to network and greet the guests.
Staying near the back Damian listens in to other conversations, finding himself interested despite his best efforts.
“Yeah, so I get home and he has another girl in our bed! He gave her my anniversary ring!”
“No! He! Didn’t! The one that's been missing for the past few weeks?”
“Yes! That one! I think he took it and convinced me I lost it!”
Realizing that he had been getting far too invested in someone else's conversation for far too long, Damian decides to head over to the snack table for something to drink.
Hoping to avoid his brothers to no avail.
“Hey, Little D! How has it been going so far?”
Raising his glass in the direction he just came from, he answers with a mixture of amusement and borderline disgust in his voice.
“In the past 30 or so minutes that we have been here, I have learned nothing more than the fact that that women's hopefully Ex-Boyfriend, is a pathetic piece of trash who stole from her and cheated as well.”
Todd and Grayson both look over at the two with pity, unsure which one Damian was talking about.
“He sounds like an ass.”
Damian raises his glass again in agreement as Grayson scolds Todd for his foul language.
He wished he could just stay at home.
Come Find Me In The Maribat Discord!<3
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w3bheadz · 8 months
Fishhooks Chapter 8
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AN: This was a filler chapter, hope you like it :)
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Then, it moved to her sitting down on the docks or on the coast while I strummed away at my guitar.
I couldn't tell you when she finally became a regular in my routine, but when she did, she didn't leave. I didn't like hanging around many people. I didn't keep many friends for that reason. I mean, sure. Tigris and I sent letters back and forth, Roe sat around in silence as I sang, but that had been the extent of it.
Then, Roe came around for dinner one night with her brother. Thats when I felt a change. This wasn't two people being alone together in the miserable routine we called life. This was a friendship. It started with one dinner, then two, and now she and Ezra were eating every night at my home. For once, I didn't feel so alone.
"Roe, a little help here?" I called from the kitchen, trying to grab the plates she just so happened to put on the top shelf last night.
Roe came into the room, leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest, a smirk on her face. "Whats the matter Flanagan? Having some trouble?"
I rolled my eyes "Rowena, I swear to god, if you want dinner then you should help me get these plates down."
She rolled her eyes, walking up behind me, leaning forward, pressed up against my back as she leaned up, grabbing three plates. She was warm, a feeling I hadn't really felt since before the games. But, the feeling went away just as soon as it came. She backed up, setting the plates on the counter beside the stovetop. "Anything else, shortstack?"
I groaned, shoving her away "Leave me alone-" In response to my obvious agony, she snuck up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and lifting me up "C'mon, drop the 'tude Flanagan. it doesn't look good on you, which isn't good considering everything looks amazing on you"
I felt my face flush, though I couldn't begin to understand why. I felt weird about this. It was like my body was on fire, her touch ice cold. She finally let me down, tugging slightly on my braid "Earth to Magdeline, you in there?"
"Yeah, yeah- sorry, just tired I guess" I responded with a laugh, walking over to the pot to dish out the food. It was almost bubbling over "shit- its burnt..." The rice had gone a bit mushy, the red soup of the jambalaya now turning to a dark red brown. "Gross-" I mumbled under my breath "We won't be able to eat this-"
Roe stuck a spoon into the pot, sipping the soup quietly. She tried not to show it, but I could tell it wasn't good. "mmm- yum" she choked out. I burst into a fit of laughter, the sight of her "oh my god, just spit it out and say it's bad!"
she shook her head "nope, its great.."
"Ezra! Come in here and try this please!" I called from the doorway. He came in, an eyebrow raised "What's going on?" he asked. "I need you to try this, because Roe says its good, but it's burnt as shit and I think she's trying not to hurt my feelings." Ezra just nodded, grabbing his own spoon and trying it. He immediately made a face of disgust "Oh my god... Roe why would you put that in your body-" he ran to the sink, rinsing it out of his mouth. "No offense Mags, you know how much I love your cooking. I just, I don't think that was EVER good."
It started a whole new round of laughter between the three of us. I couldn't remember a time where I'd felt this nice. Sure, the food sucked. Sure, my family was all gone. But I was finally making a new one. I was letting people in, and I was going to be okay. I had to be.
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passerine-writes · 8 months
Silent Sparks - Volt 82
Warnings: It's a small filler chapter cause next chapter is the start of the raid!! Word count: 1946
Notes: Italics - Tsukare signing Bold italics - Family member/friend signing 'Italics with apostrophes' - Thoughts
Volt 81 | Volt 83
My first day back to class was uneventful. Dad and I sparred in front of most of the class. I used my inhaler once during the entire match, but he deemed he felt comfortable with me going on the mission.
The call came the next day in the middle of the night.
My phone buzzed on my chest, Denki sound asleep on my laptop and I rushed to get my shoes on. Midoriya and I left our rooms at the same time and only gave each other a nod while we rushed to the elevator. Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsu standing in the commons with their phones.
"Alright. You too?" Kirishima asked us.
"We got it." Tsu confirmed.
"It's happening." Midoriya said.
"Hey, you okay? Did you sleep last night?" Denki asked as I came down to the commons to eat breakfast.
"Yeah, I got a little bit of sleep in." I told him lackadaisically.
"What's going on?" He asked gently, careful not to draw anyone's attention to us.
"I'll explain later, I promise. I can't talk about it right now." I told him softly while looking into his eyes. He took a breath but nodded and dropped it.
Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, Tsu and I sat in silence, all of us mentally preparing for today. I gave my brother a hug and Denki a quick kiss and soon left with the others to Nighteye's agency.
"They're keeping this Eri girl in their stronghold?" Rock Lock asked incredulously.
"And by stronghold, you mean..." Fat Gum trailed off.
"The headquarters of the Hassaikai. It's their leader's residence." Ryukyu confirmed.
"So you're tellin' me all that time we spent investigating was for nothing then?" Rock Lock jabbed.
"Not at all, we gained plenty of new information as well." Nighteye corrected.
"How'd you confirm she was there?" Fat Gum asked quickly. I bit back my laughter as Nighteye pulled out Gung-Ho! Glitter Squad 10! box.
"A member of the Hassaikai visited a nearby department store the other day. He purchased a toy favored by young girls." Nighteye stated casually.
"That's pretty sparkly." Rock Lock said.
"Listen, maybe the guy just likes cutesy stuff. Different strokes for different folks, Nighteye." Fat jumped in. "You wanna tell us what you're doin' with one, though?"
"Yes. I was there when he made the purchase and overheard his conversation with the store clerk." He explained how he used his foresight on the guy and saw Eri.
"You ended up using Foresight anyway?" Rock Lock jabbed.
"If you recall, I said I'd use it when our path was more certain." Nighteye stated calmly.
"Whatever, this means we've got the data we need, right?" Fat Gum interjected.
"Yes. And we know for sure when they'll be there thanks to our stakeouts." Centipeder confirmed.
"We also worked with the police and already got a warrant to search the place!" Bubble Girl told us happily. "Next step..."
"... is to barge in there!" Fat Gum exclaimed.
"So what's the deal with ginger back here?" Rock Lock asked, turning around from the front to look at me.
"And that means?" I replied dully.
"Last time you went out and these guys were involved, they almost killed you." I sighed at the statement while everyone turned to me in silence.
"Yeah, they almost killed me. Had Fat Gum radio the school so I could say my goodbyes and everything. I don't believe that was just the Hassaikai though. They're working with the League, we can assume that much. As we are all well aware, the League has an interest in me. My bet is they persuaded the Hassaikai to help trap me or take me out, especially since Kirishima and I caught the guy who shot Sun Eater. For what reason, I'm not sure. But I can almost guarantee that the news coverage pissed off the League a lot." Rock Lock took a few steps forward, arms crossed over his chest.
"What makes you say that, Shortstack."
"Shigaraki is a power hungry, egotistical maniac with a loathing for heroes. He wants attention. He functions much like a toddler having a tantrum, that doesn't mean we should underestimate him though. So if he was behind that, or had anything to do with it, the fact that he got zero recognition, it would send him into a frenzy. He thrives off of chaos, whether it be in society or the chaos he makes. I'm aware of the risks, I'm not daft, but my only concern at this moment is getting that girl out of there. And it's Sonus, not Shortstack." Rock Lock licked his lips and nodded, dropping the issue right then and there.
I stood off to the side as Mirio worked on cheering up and pep talking with my classmates, Amajiki looking at him lovingly.
'They're cute together.' I thought to myself, mostly focusing on keeping my heart rate calm.
I followed everyone to the men's locker room, my suit having been repaired fully since the last time. I felt stray eyes on my back, and I already knew who they belonged to without looking up as I got in my costume.
"What?" I asked dryly.
"I- How did you..." Rock Lock trailed off.
"Just because I don't have my glasses on doesn't mean I don't have eyes in the back of my head. What do you need?" I asked again, my tone colder.
"I just wanted to say, it was nothin' personal back there." I scoffed under my breath and popped my glasses on.
"Sure it wasn't." He looked taken aback by my comment. "You don't feel like you can trust me cause I'm a kid. Personally, I couldn't care less who you are. I don't care about your age, your fighting style, who you like, what you look like, what your quirk is, none of it. As long as I know at the end of the day you're gonna have my back out there, couldn't care less about any of that. You saw my scars in person, so what? Now you're convinced I'll have your back and you feel the need to tell me because you felt bad?" He sighed and hung his head for a moment, waiting until I turned to face him.
"You're a good kid, you have a good head on your shoulders. You got morals and I can respect that. So, Sonus, next time work studies come around, I'd be proud if you reached out to me." He said, handing out a card to me. I let a small smile slip as I grabbed it and tucked it into my hero costume.
"Glad to know you aren't rescinding your offer from the Sports Festival." I told him, the two of us starting to walk out of the locker room.
"You saw that I sent you an offer? I'm sure you got loads."
"Almost four thousand to be more precise." He looked at me baffled.
"And through all those, you remembered mine?" He asked in arrogant disbelief. I sent him a cheeky smile and tapped my temple with my index finger.
"Don't forget, high IQ, gotta use it for something." He sighed and shook his head.
"Well played."
"Now then. Let's begin." Nighteye said before we all left, gathering in front of the police station at 8 am.
"As you know, Nighteye was able to use his quirk on a Hassaikai member. Through it, he saw underground facilities, and we believe them to be this Yakuza group's headquarters." The lead officer on the case started, briefing us and all of the cops behind him. "We were also able to confirm that the girl we're trying to rescue is currently being held in one of the rooms there. Although we were unable to map out the entire layout of the underground hallways, we believe the man Sir Nighteye saw took the shortest route to our target. This is the best intel we have at the moment concerning the Hassaikai's stronghold. It's the basis of this mission. Stay smart. These guys are dangerous, and we can expect them to bring their quirks against us, full force. We're passing around a list of current Hassaikai members and their quirks according to our registration databases. Commit this to memory."
"It's solid information to have on hand. Thank you for this." One of the heroes in the front said, an officer handing me a paper. I gazed over it, remembering the key points as best as I could.
"We don't wanna give them time to hide." The detective stated. "Our aim is to identify and apprehend all members as quickly as possible while securing our target."
"Things are moving fast now, huh?" Kirishima asked excitedly.
"Yeah, just remember to stay more focused than me and you'll be alright." I told him.
"You two are energetic, considering how early it is." Amajiki commented.
"Bold of you to assume I slept after we got the message this morning." I said sarcastically.
"I'm getting nervous." Uraraka expressed.
"No joke, first detective work, and now we're cooperating with the police. There's so much I don't know. Onryo seems to be the only one in our class who understands all of this." Tsu said, a finger pushing into her cheek nervously.
"I've dealt with the police too many times and after being a victim in a hero raid that needed to be rescued, it really tends to clear things up. Y'know, like looking at things in a different perspective." I rationed, seeing my Dad behind me look at me curiously.
"All the pros seem like they're pretty chill, huh?" Kirishima asked Midoriya and I as we walked away from the girls studying with Ryukyu. "So brave!" He cheered.
"Hey. I haven't seen Gran Torino around here this morning. You know where he is?" Izuku asked hesitantly.
"Apparently he won't be joining us today." Sir Nighteye said as he walked up.
"Tsukauchi's been keeping an eye on the League. According to him, it looks like they're on the move. Fortunately, we have plenty of heroes here, so we can afford to send Gran Torino." The detective said, walking up beside Nighteye.
"I was wondering where Tsukauchi was, but that answers my question." I told him blandly.
"Maybe we can take down the Hassaikai and the League of Villains at the same time!" Kirishima cheered.
"Oh, yeah!" Izuku returned with excitement.
"Whaddya think Tsukabro?"
"That's the hope, and I'm not trying to be a pessimist, but I won't hold my breath on taking down both groups today." I said in a colder tone.
"Let's do this." Midoriya said, more to himself than anyone.
"Not yet." My Dad said as he walked up to us.
"Ah! Mr. Eraser Head, sir!" My green haired best friend exclaimed in shock.
"I'm teaming up with Nighteye Agency for this. Do you understand me?" He asked.
"Yes, sir!"
"And Sonus. I'm watching you, too. Make me proud." He said before walking off. I swallowed the lump in my throat, my nerves starting to climb.
"Now! Heroes!" The detective called. "Things could get violent quickly out there. If you encounter even a hint of suspicious behavior or resistance, call for help immediately! We're up against gangsters who've avoided capture until now. It is imperative that each of you carry out your respective assignments. And stay sharp in there! We will commence the operation at 0830 hours. Heroes, move out!" He said while him and the rest of the cops saluted us.
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palaceofpassion · 2 years
Truth or dare for Emerald
Truth- what is one thing you can’t stand/ hate about each of your teammates?
Dare- give (insert person here) a lap dance.
Master List
"So~ Em?"
Emerald's eye did a quick twitch at the nickname. "What?"
"Truth or dare?"
Emerald thought for a moment, wondering what kind of trap the psycho cat would put her in. Eventually she came to a conclusion, her fingers rubbed her temples as she spoke her fate.
"Bitchin! So, about your teammates, what's one thing you can't stand or hate about each of them."
Her eyes widened, oh that was a bad question! But there wasn't anything that she couldn't stand about Cinder! She was the best! So... so what was she supposed to say? Maybe she could nickpick?
"Yo, Em you there?"
She would have to make things up, 'I can at least start with Neo and Mercury.'
"Mint's really quiet, and not just in the, she can't talk kind of way. She's quiet in the, I'm going to sneak up on you when youre changing and watch kind of way."
"Oh shit."
She wasn't sure who said it, "The worst part is, she LOVES to mess with me. She put yogurt in my underwear one time!"
She wasn't actually making this up, dealing with Neo was a pain the damned ass.
"Oh... I'm sorry..." This actually came from Jaune, who looked at her in concern. "My uh, sister's tried that on one another... it didn't really end well..."
"No freaking duh!" She was left with a nasty itch for a good week damn it!
The boy didn't bother flinching, instead eyeing her carefully.
"No I get it, I've seen all the troubles that things like that can cause."
"Okay well why don't you move on to someone else?" The champion offered calmly.
She nodded, "Mercury... oh god where do I even start."
"Just one thing, that's all you need." Neon was starting to worry as Emerald began to huff.
"He's a sick twisted pervert! He uses the excuse that we all share the same room to peep on me all the damn time. He pretends he doesn't care, but the moment I turn around or try to get privacy he'll follow to a certain degree. I've seen the way he looks at me too and..." She shivered in repulse.
"It's pretty disgusting."
Even Neptune was turned off by that prospect.
"Then there's the fact that he'll openly masturbate. He won't do it when Cinder or Mint are around, but he'll do it when I'm there, cause he knows no one will take me seriously and it's frustrating!"
Yang nearly gagged, "Dude that's gross."
"You think that's bad?!" She was huffing now, "He leaves his damned dirty clothes on the floor... for all to see! He won't even pick up after himself! I've seen enough of his stains to be done with them for the rest of my life!"
No one was really sure what to say to that.
"Oh oh when he's masturbating, he'll freaking say who he's thinking of." She turned to Pyrrha, who suddenly paled.
"Sorry Nikos, but you're pretty high on the list."
"I'm going to break his legs."
Nora chimed in.
"Don't think you're not in that Shortstack."
"YEP breaking his legs!"
Perhaps she was overexaggerating a little? She wasn't even sure at this point, she was however frustrated and rather pissed off with Mercury's normal behavior.
Emerald continued, but moved on to Cinder. Without even realizing it, she began to speak words that she hadn't meant to, "Cinder's always acting like I'm just something to be used..."
Those words came out far more serious than she'd originally meant them.
The room got quiet for a moment, each not sure what to say. Emerald seemed to be having second thoughts about her team up till this point.
Eventually Yang moved, shifting closer and placing an arm on her shoulder. Neon taking her other side, "Sorry about the question, didn't think you had it that hard."
Eventually Emerald calmed down, "It's okay... I didn't mean to get the mood down."
This was the first time she'd managed to let her real self be free.
Sun suddenly called out to her, "Hey Em, catch!"
Emerald's eyes opened as she was drawn to Sun, a beer in hand.
She wasn't one to drink, but when the can was tossed her way she caught it, opened it and began to down it.
"Damn it I needed that! Alright! Whose next?!"
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anime-apparently · 4 years
Hi dear ♡ can I have an Haikyuu male matchup please? I’m a Pisces, 155cm and an INFP-T. I'm pretty expressive and emotionally driven, so I'm a horrible liar and I blush far too easily - which is an embarassing combination with my appearance. Shortstack, baby face, dimples, botton-up nose, big dark eyes, messy curly brown hair. I'll never look like someone of age LOL. So uhm, crowds and people I don't know make me nervous and anxious. || 1/I-really-hope-not-too-many
I'm pretty stubborn though, so in spite of it, I tend to kick into gear on impulse so that then I'll have to deal with it anyway, I don't like feeling drawn back by my own fears. I'm kind and emphatetic by nature, if we're close I'm actually cheerful and carefree, but I can get pretty snarky and sarcastic. I'm WEAK for cuddles (that I don't know how to get without combusting) and ice cream. Just, any kind of ice cream. Anything I don'r know strikes my curiosity and needs to be tried out, || 2/??
-it's the reason why I wander off a lot even though I know my sense of direction sucks. I enjoy swimming, languages and arts in general (writing & sketches are my thing), but I'm not into any sport in particular (ACHM's limitating from that point of view). I get excited about anything though, and being self-conscious myself I always make a point to be super supportive and encouraging no matter what! So whatever you do, even if I don't know much about it, go for it! 💪 || 3/4-yEAH-I-DID-IT
And OMG, I'm done! This rurned out SO LONG and I'm so sorry! 🙈 Anyway, I just wanted to say I hope things are okay over there. We're on quarantine too here in Italy, so I know it's hard. Take care, okay? ♡ || 4/4
A/N: thanks for waiting and i'm sorry this took long to post. This was literally sitting in my notes waiting to be posted along with the others. I drowned in new animes, oh and here's some hearts because your message made me smile (/^-^)/💞💞. Take care of yourself too!
I match you with...
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- you are a kawaii kouhai and is a classmate of Akaashi
- Akaashi knows you pretty well because you two share the love of Arts
- Bokuto just came barging in your life (literally)
- he just popped up and went barelling to hug Akaashi but Akaashi side-stepped and he ended up hugging you
- you melt into it with a bright red face
- "Oh! Hi! I'm Bokuto! Are you Akaashi's imouto?"
- you're just standing there and blushing because of the hugs and because of his back
- goshhhh that back tho, he hella thicc
- you became friends soon and you're brought to games as a support for Bokuto
- it didn't really take long for you two to become close friends
- honestly, cuddles (or hugs in general) with him are the best cause he's just so huggable
- like he smells nice and his arms wrapped around you are just too good
- i mean, have you seen his arms and back??? i would faint if he hugged me asdfghjkl
- he gets called out jokingly as a "hentai" or "loli-con" by his teammates upon seeing you cheer for him and interact with him as you look younger than you actually are
- you two are the most emotinal pair there is
- Bokuto loveesss seeing you blush, he think it's really adorable so he would find a way to make you blush (often surprising you with hugs)
- he loves introducing you to people and he knows about your anxiety so he turns really soft and calm when introducing you which confuses his teammates because "wth?? Bokuto can be calm??"
- he gets wounded when your snarky and sarcastic personality comes into play
- like he will sulk and turn into the small-eyed owl who looks pretty out of it and you bribe him with ice cream
- you two are both really adventurous
- there have been a lot of weird shit that happened with/because of you two and it gives Akaashi major headaches
- Bokuto is probably good with his sense of direction but would often wander around with you and get lost just for the sake of it
- he gets so energized in seeing you work and your works
- one time he saw a drawing of him mid jump for a spike and he just smothered you with affection
- he gets excited about almost anything too so you two get excited a lot that Akaashi feels like he's taking care of kids
- Bokuto's a ver ver supportive boyfriend and would destroy all your insecurities
- so Bokuto probably confessed to you with the help of Akaashi but the plan turned to dust anyways
- it was near white day and Bokuto wanted to do something special so Akaashi helps because honestly he ships it
- Bokuto made chocolate (be proud of baby owl uwu) and a heartfelt message but he got really nervous and blurted out that it was from Akaashi
- he ran away after that and Akaashi just sighed so deeply you got worried
- but upon reading the signed letter and seeing the chocolate (they were owl-shaped) you figured he was lying
- practice was interesting because Bokuto would normally be motivated with you around but he was so distracted
- you took it upon yourself (it was an impulse decision) to be the one to complete the confession
- you just went up and "Bo-kun, I like you too!" and with a kiss on the cheek you ran away
- after that you two became a sappy couple and cuddles have never been forgotten
- lots of ice cream dates and museum dates too
- you slowly adopt his "Hey, Hey, Hey!"
- you slowly got closer to the vb team too
- he would probably teach you volleyball just for fun but won't force you
- he takes it upon himself to try and learn new things that you like (he probably turned out to be such a van gogh fan)
- he's really caring and despite his mood swings, he's always happy with you
- like i see you and him as that adventurous couple who's very affectionate and cute and stuff like that uwu
- he really likes you and he's so soft for you so take care of him because he's a precious baby owl and he does the same because as he says "you're my precious baby owl"
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iturbide · 7 years
If you don't have a comprehensive list of your Kiran headcanons I'd love to see them! I know you have summoner ocs o w o
oh my friend i have actually never put any of my actual summoner oc headcanons down anywhere 
you have opened a door you cannot close you have been warned 
So to start with, there are two of them.  While they are very different in a lot of ways, they do share a few similar quirks: 
They both identify themselves by their physical sex, but haven’t really given much thought to their gender.  Neither one necessarily feels comfortable saying they’re one or the other, and when it comes right down to it they both don’t really think of themselves in those terms.  When asked, they’d probably say that their gender is “I’m me.” 
They’re both asexual and really unsure on the romantic spectrum.  They both love romantic media, to be sure, but they’ve never really felt it themselves. 
They tend to hide their feelings and only let them out when they’re alone or with someone they deeply trust.  Given how hesitant they are about opening up about the world they came from or the lives they led before around these idealistic, optimistic heroes, this means that they mostly rely on one another for that true emotional support. 
While they each have their unique strengths when it comes to handling business in Askr, they also share several duties.  In general they collectively decide who to support in Voting Gauntlets, they tag-team on many of the special maps, and they both handle duties in the Training Tower. 
They both have such sweet tooths gods and they’re both fond of music; though they’ll never claim to be good at it, they love to sing, but rarely do it publicly. 
Miryn (aka the beanpole):
He’s tall (around six foot) and lanky, with black hair, hazel eyes, and a dark olive complexion. 
In general he tends to be shy and easily flustered.  He smiles a lot, but he doesn’t usually laugh unless he really means it. 
Before arriving in Askr he was…not in a great place.  He had a boyfriend?  Kind of?  But they weren’t exactly doing great: said boyfriend had a lot of expectations that Miryn just couldn’t keep up with, was starting to get uncomfortably physical, and he was also starting to see another guy who was really possessive and looked at Miryn as competition and was starting to threaten him.  Not a good situation.  Miryn was having a rough time. 
He doesn’t remember what was going on before he suddenly arrived in Askr, and he doesn’t necessarily think he wants to. 
He’s an absolute creampuff.  He wants to be friends with people, and Askr is proving to be a great place to make the attempt (though he does tend to let people walk all over him, he’s too sheepish to tell them off most of the time because these are Heroes and he’s just some random guy). 
Since he arrived first, he’s the most deeply entrenched in the war between Askr and Embla, and he’s also the one Gunnthra communicates with in dreams.  In the Training Tower, he also tends to take teams of four level 1 trainees through and level them together.  He tends to be a defensive strategist and an obsessive healer, unwilling to sacrifice any units if he can help it (even knowing that they can be revived after combat), and hates going into combat without a cleric or a troubadour on hand. 
While he’s rather shy about people touching him, he’s also rather starved for affection, and really enjoys hugs.  When he’s upset is when he needs them most.  Please hug the beanpole. 
Dian (aka the shortstack)
She’s on the short side (around 5′4″ to 5′5″) and rather chubby, with shoulder-length brown hair, hazel eyes, and a dark peach complexion.  She also wears glasses for distance viewing. 
In general she tends to be shy, but stoic.  She habitually smiles, but while she can kind of make small talk, conversation isn’t her strong point. 
Before showing up in Askr she was in a bad place.  She was bored to sleep by her job, trapped in an abusive friendship with no visible way out, and in general completely miserable whether she was at work or otherwise. 
She arrived with the Tempest, much to everyone’s surprise.  And unlike the rest of the Tempest’s chaos, she didn’t disappear when it faded away.  She and ‘Marth’ share a special bond because of this. 
Please don’t mess with the shortstack.  Please.  She looks like a creampuff, but she’s sick to death of people walking all over her and while she may not be able to fight herself, she has a sharp tongue and a surprisingly fierce presence when she’s angry.  
Given her late arrival, she dedicates most of her energy to dealing with the Tempest when it arises, joining Marth in helping to quell the chaos.  When the Tempest goes dormant, she takes care of business in the Arena (she’s not exactly hyper-competitive, but she is proud to see how well the Heroes can do), and is a power-leveling fiend in the Tower, taking one trainee at a time through to the top strata.  In terms of strategy, while she does tend to be a defensive fighter, she’s also brutally cutthroat against enemies: unwilling to sacrifice her own allies, but relishing a well-executed strategy that takes down an opponent. 
She’s not fond of being touched most of the time, owing in large part to her history.  She’s at her most touch-averse when she’s upset.  Please do not hug the shortstack when she’s upset. 
honestly there are probably more but that’s all I can think of right now 
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