#he can have one smooch on the cheek for effort
teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
The only time youd ever express love to Chrollo is when he gives you skirts that comes with (deep) pockets
As long as the skirt passes the length test, he might even get a kiss on the cheek
Honestly, finding clothes with actual pockets, which is the bare minimum, is a hassle. If Chrollo manages to fill the wardrobe with anything that has functional pockets, he at least deserves his coffee without salt in it
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chuluoyi · 6 months
Baby gojo and daddy gojo not wanting to share mama gojo😭✋i-
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࿐ ࿔ 🕰️ 「 06:20 P.M 」
aww this is so cute of course this is the first i worked on after getting back from my weekend break <3 and actually i have this one similar ask too so i combined yours with theirs! here's some cute blinking gojo in phantom parade and okay now let us have some crack and make gojo suffer
a part of gojo's love entries
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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“bwah!” a nudge.
“myah!” a shove.
and then—
“waaa!” a… slap (?) on the cheek.
“huh?” satoru winced, touching where the baby’s palm just connected with his face, blinking rapidly. so he wasn’t imagining things. this really was happening in front of his eyes.
and it was the baby—his baby.
your giggles filled the air in response.
“hey, you,” satoru took on a very stern look and an exaggerated frown, glaring at his own son. the baby merely babbled at him innocently, blinking his wide crystal blue eyes that mirrored his. “bad, bad minion. this is a very serious issue. you shouldn’t do that, you hear?”
the serious issue being each time he tried to lean closer to steal a kiss from you, your son always found a way to repel him away with his tiny hands.
you snorted at his righteous tone. “he’s just protecting me. even your kid knows you’re a danger.”
a gasp left your husband’s shiny lips, mockingly in disbelief. “me? a danger? i make your life a heaven on earth!”
“i give you love, food, my body—” he emphasized, pointing at himself for a dramatic effect, and you threw your head back, dissolving into a fit of laughter even more, “—heck, i even give you this naughty baby!”
“wha—no! that’s team effort!”
“still! and now he is staging an uprising against me?” satoru cheekily eyed his child, who was now clutching the fabric of your blouse, tiny fingers playing with the shiny diamonds of your necklace—a gift from satoru too, actually.
“look at him go,” he grumbled, his eyes following each little movement his son made, then dramatically yelped when the boy pawed at your breasts. “hey! no touching! those are mine!”
“please.” you almost choked on your laugh. your silly husband always had a way to make things sound funnier than they actually were, and that was what made you fall in love with him more each day, really. “the milk is his!”
“he can have the cow’s! and more importantly, it’s thanks to me that you’re so milky—”
“satoru! you’re so uncouth i can’t—!”
“see? you’re laughing so much! this proves enough that i make you happy every day!”
later that night, after you put your baby to sleep in his crib, satoru gently poked his cheek, his expression tender despite his pursed lips. “he is out like a light…”
satoru might whine a lot, but ultimately, you couldn’t miss the look of adoration and fondness that made him the father of your child. even without saying it out loud, you knew that he would willingly put everything aside and sacrifice anything—first of all, himself—if it was meant for his dearest, most precious treasure.
knowing he'd do the same for you only served to melt your heart even more. and you felt full—so full, in fact, with warmth and love and anything that was soft.
you really do love him, don’t you?
“look at him, he’s like a shrimp,” your husband pointed out, still gazing at his baby in wonder as he kept poking and prodding at the chonky rolls of his little arms, and you thought, nothing could have been more precious than this.
“yeah?” he turned instantly at the sound of his name, but before he could react further—
you stood on your tiptoes and planted a swift smooch on his cheek, putting the overflowing love you held for him in it. “mwah!”
for the next three seconds, satoru malfunctioned. the brush of your sweet lips on his cheek was so innocent that he was rendered speechless. heat steadily gathered on his face, turning him pink despite himself.
“you…” he groaned, collecting himself, a dopey smile was quickly plastered on his face to cover up his setback as you burst into hearty laughter. “now you’ve started it…” and then he latched on you with a glint of a joker, launching a full-blown tickle attack.
“a—ah! why?! satoru! ahahahaha!”
. . .
safe to say, your wheezes effectively awoke your son from his slumber, and as a bit of payback, you left satoru in the dust to deal with the crying baby, both of them whimpering in unison since he had absolutely no clue how to comfort the little one.
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Bark, bark, snort, grrr
(The ex idea comes from @st-el-la-luna, absolutely brilliant darling ❤️)
Content: Voyeurism, Mild Injury, Possessive/Protective Behavior
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Johnny, for all his quirks and… weirdly human tendencies, is an incredibly good sport. Particularly about letting you put him in Santa hats and wreaths, ugly sweaters and snow socks. He poses for every picture so dutifully, looks so serious and annoyed up until you plant smooches on his head or cheek and that silly lupine grin comes out.
He’s been your perfect little heater ever since the heater started to go on the fritz. It keeps shutting off or turning itself lower than it’s meant to be, leaving you shivering before you realize something is amiss. It’s not so broken that you’re willing to interrupt your solitude to have someone come fix it. But you’re grateful for a big fluffy body laying on your feet or snuggling under the blankets with you.
As the winter sets in, you tromp out with him in the snow a lot. Often use his sturdy shoulders and better footing as a crutch to navigate without slipping. He always gets fussy when you do, dancing in his feet and snuffling at your coat, urging you up.
One morning you wake up after a fresh snow, expecting that you’ll have to clear the driveway and porch - only to find it freshly shoveled and salted. It would spook you, except you’re sure Johnny would have woken you up barking his head off if it was anything to worry about.
Your mother calls about holiday plans in mid-November. You hedge around any commitments, hand buried in Johnny’s fur, saying that you don’t want to leave your precious pup at home.
The combined efforts of both your parents, your sister, and a cousin you actually like makes you cave eventually though. They promise it’ll just be family, that you can even bring Johnny. You grimace at that - debate getting him some meds from the vet…. But he’s been doing better on walks in town.
The weird assurance that it’ll “just be family” should have been a red flag.
When you arrive at your parents’ place, several gift bags and Johnny (with a bow tie on his collar) in tow, you find your ex there. On the couch. Next to your least-favorite cousin and your sister.
“What’s he doing here?” you ask sharply.
“Well, you two were engaged—”
Johnny’s ears shoot straight up as you tense.
“Yeah, and then he cheated.”
“People make mistakes. If you would just hear him out.”
“I don’t care what he has to say. And I don’t care what you have to say either.”
You drop the bags in a heap and click your tongue for Johnny. He falls in with you instantly, leaning up against your side. You get all the way to your car before you hear your ex’s voice calling your name.
You try to hurry, but there’s ice and the last thing your dignity can take is slipping right now. Luckily, you have the perfect deterrent before you ex can even get within arm’s reach.
Johnny snarls, so deep and loud you feel it in your own chest.
“Jesus!” your ex cries, coming up short. “Where did you get that thing?!”
“Johnny picked me. More than I can say for you.”
“Don’t be like that, I’m picking you now.”
“Oh, did your girl best friend lose all her daddy’s money?”
His cheeks light up neon. Huh. Got it in one.
Then he dares another step and Johnny lunges. You just get a hold of his harness but it’s enough ward your ex off a bit more.
“He’s very loyal,” you add. “Also more than I can say for you.”
“Baby, just listen—”
“An upgrade all around, I think.”
You round your car, climb into the driver’s seat with Johnny standing guard, then let him clamber over you into the passenger’s seat. At the front door, most of your family is gathered and staring. You flip off your ex one last time before peeling out of there.
The tears come after you’ve gotten back home. Johnny licks your face until you stop crying, then leads you inside. The two of you curl up on the couch together, his face buried in your stomach. You fall asleep there and dream of a man’s voice whispering love and comfort in your ear.
A week later, your ex shows up.
You’re out in the yard with Johnny, watching him zoom through the snow and laughing as he speeds by. Your ex must hear you because he comes round the side of the house.
And Johnny. Goes. Ballistic.
Literally, he hits your ex like a missile, taking him into the snow and snarling like something from hell. He’s got his teeth in your ex’s designer coat, ripping it to shreds. It’s frightening; you’ve never felt safer.
“Johnny!” you call. A growl. You walk closer, kick a bit of snow at both of them. “Johnny, down! Leave it!”
And he does, finally does, though not without taking a good chunk of fabric with him. Your ex, wide-eyed and pale, panting, doesn’t bother to say a word. He scrambles away while Johnny barks after him, all canine and spit.
You hum as he returns to you, fabric in his mouth, tail wagging.
“What a good boy,” you coo, taking the partial sleeve and inspecting it. Louis Vuitton, it looks like. “Very good. My perfect boy.”
You drop his prize into the snow and snort as he wastes no time peeing on it. Well, that’s gonna stay there. Forever.
“C’mon bud, you deserve a treat.”
Johnny follows you happily inside, a new pep in his step.
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catcze · 8 months
Making out with wriothesley in a dark corner in the fortress of meropide 🤭
👀👀 ooh
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
「 CWS : 」 Kissing ! Lots of kissing lmao— but nothing too heavy that it warrants a warning or age restriction afaik
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"Wrio!" You exclaim, muffled by the hand that Wriothesley places over your mouth, practically kidnapping you as he pulls you into a hidden little corner of the fortress. He peeks behind the wall, ensuring that no one saw— but promptly brings his attention back to you at the sensation of something wet and slimy on his hand.
"What the hell—" he grimaces, pulling his hand away from your mouth, and you smirk victoriously at him. He frantically wipes it on his pants, cringing. "Did your crazy ass just lick me?"
"Well, your crazy ass kidnapped me!" You shove him with a little huff, leaning back against the wall with your arms crossed over your chest. Your eyes are trained on him, narrowed. "So? What gives?"
And really, you expect him to tell you something important. Some top-tier, need-to-know insider information, maybe. Perhaps the contents of some important and incredibly classified filed from Palais Mermonia. Why else would he go through all this effort to pull you away from everyone else, after all?
But Wriothesley just grins, eyes gleaming, and places his hands on your waist, getting a good hold of you and swaying you a little as he sidles into your space. His face is close to yours, so much so that you can feel his exhale on your lips. "Just want a kiss, sweetheart. Need to recharge a bit."
And when you sigh, fixing him with a dry stare, the corners of his lips just curl up more. "And it couldn't have waited until we got back to your office?"
"Mm. Too far of a walk."
You sigh again, and he knows he's got you hook, line and sinker. You cup his face in your hands, feeling the warm rush of blood under your palms, and tug him closer until his lips meet yours. It's soft and, by all accounts, chaste. A simple press of the lips, a smooch that merely lasts a second or two, but it already has Wriothesley's heart racing.
"One more," he asks when your lips disconnect, breath slightly hitched and already leaning back in. "Just one more, please."
And who are you to deny him? You tug him back, and this time when you kiss, there is more purpose to it. The press of his lips is harder against yours, and he squeezes you with the hands still on your waist, making you jump a little. It's almost like he's trying to kiss the breath from you, humming into the kiss and keeping you close. Eventually, you push him away and he goes, a flush high on his cheeks now.
"Okay." You're a little breathless yourself, but you still manage to stand on your own two feet. "Okay, that's enough to tide you over. C'mon, we had business to attend to, right?"
He nods, voice failing him as he tries to swallow heavily. Nevertheless, when you take his hand and go back on your merry way, he easily falls in step behind you like a lovestruck puppy, smiling all the way.
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ghostofhyuck · 4 months
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NCT Dream's love languages, but oddly specific.
Mark Lee ; long messages and timely updates
Mark would be the type of significant other who will send you 'good morning' every day. He will not miss a day where he'll send you a message. He'll be the type that despite his busy schedule, he will find a minute to send you a message and update about his whereabouts. Mark is also the type who'll bombard you with long yet sweet message because he remembered that he has a sweet significant other who supports him no matter what.
Huang Renjun ; customized gifts
Why are we not surprised? Renjun's the type who loves customized gifts especially when he takes his time to make sure that you'll love it and it's special. Every detail, Renjun makes sure that you'll appreciate it and that it's unique! Whether it's a customized hoodie or a painting that he painted for you, Renjun will put all of his efforts to show you that he loves you. 
Lee Jeno ; hours of silent calls 
Listen, as an introvert, Jeno would probably appreciate hours of silent call. He doesn't if you two aren't talking while on call, the two of you might be doing other stuff like for Jeno, he's playing games while you are studying, as long as the call's not ending. Sometimes it'll take hours or even a day where your phone's heating up but Jeno's going to be, "no, don't hang up please, stay with me." 
Lee Donghyuck ; stolen kisses and bear hugs
Donghyuck's favorite thing in the world are smooches and hugs. He's very very very!!! clingy!!! that's why stolen kisses are a must. It'll be during random things, like when you're washing the dishes, he'll sneak onto you and steal a kiss on the cheeks or lips, depending on what he feels during that time. While bear hugs happen whenever one of you two needs to leave. Donghyuck loves bear hugs where he'll squeeze you until you're breatheless. 
Na Jaemin ; cooking and late-night snacks
Na Jaemin's love language is cooking you your favorite food!!! he wants you full and not hungry, he will not let his significant other be starved!!! he makes sure that you have eaten. Jaemin will send you a message asking if you have eaten and if he's around, he'll cook you food!! and if he's overseas, he'll send you delivery food or money so that you can buy food!!! Jaemin makes sure you have food inside your fridge too!!
Zhong Chenle ; proximity
Chenle would be the type who's very nonchalant with relationships. He doesn't need grand gestures or overexpensive dates. Sometimes all he needs is for you to be around. That's why proximity for him is the best. He just needs you near him, like for example, you two are in the living room, you're watching television while he's playing with Daegal. You two aren't talking but you're there and that's all he needs. 
Park Jisung ; late-night ramblings
You can't convinced me that Jisung will be that boyfriend who will keep you late night talking about the weirdest things. This kid is just full of imaginations, that's why sleep doesn't exist between the two of you. He'll keep you up with conspiracy theories or just questions about the future that will keep you two all night. But it's fun to have those silly conversations with him especially when Jisung's too immersed with the topics. 
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suempu · 8 days
My gosh,believe me,I just got into the dungeon meshi and I just wanted to thank you for writing all those hcs😭😭😭 I've been rereading them a few times over and over lol
I guess that if everyone is requesting,then maybe I can ask for a tall fem reader who is like 5'10 ft x kabru cause he is such a small man actually omg😭😭😭😭
Anyway,I hope your back pains are okay cause it probably hurts like hell,jeez. Take breaks!!
rereading them??? my fics?? anon,,, i think u might have stolen my heart 🥹 thank you for the kind words !!!
fem reader + sfw + reader is a meanie
the time to bully kabru is now. and you take every opportunity you can get, just to tease him. its payback for how much he’s been a little shit to you and your friends (exaggeration)
although you loved that man dearly, you can’t help but play around with him at times. whether its pinching his ear or just ambushing him from behind with an embrace, you liked seeing his usual calm demeanor scrunch in surprise.
“i know you’re behind me.” kabru hums playfully, fingers flipping through a page on his book. “i caught you this time— ah!”
nipping his earlobe, you wrap your arms around him, peppering light kisses all over his face. he sits at his desk, making him look even shorter from your perspective while you stand.
“bet you didn’t see that coming.” grinning widely, you continue the smooch treatment on his cheeks and nose.
he chuckles before putting his hands on your hips, “alright, alright, you win.”
one of his favorite things about your height is the easy access of your neck. it’s takes no effort to nuzzle into you, he doesn’t have to bend over or tip toe, making it very comfortable for him.
kabru just melts into you, he loves physical touch and you often feel him resting his cheek on your shoulder whenever you two spend a relaxing day together.
whenever you’re in need of comfort, he opens his arms wide, smiling at you softly. proudly calls himself your own personal teddy bear while you hug him.
he loves being the small spoon btw, feeling and hearing your heartbeat is comforting. the act is so intimate for him and kabru loves being close to you (your chest is soft and comfortable too but its just a bonus)
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beatificwrites · 1 year
Can I plss ask for a miguel O’hara x fem!reader fluff piece where readers second language is french so their constantly speaking to each other in different languages but they both find it so endearing? I just need it as a french speaker pls thank you so much
pairing: miguel o’hara x fem!french speaking!reader
a/n: ofc!! here ya go! BTW: i’m fluent in spanish, however i don’t know french that well because i’m still learning, so, please bare with me on anything that doesn’t makes sense ;( this is my best effort ;; i was extra with the fluff part too lol
word count: 1.1k
content: pre-established relationship, implied that reader is a spider
premise: just a day in the life of two lovely bilinguals, you and miggy
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Your day begins with Miguel’s annoying, blaring alarm clock going off and you having to reach over to his nightstand to turn it off.
It always wakes you up first, then he wakes up right after you pepper his face with good morning kisses. Miguel always pretends to still be asleep, unaffected by the noise, so he can bask in the softness and gentleness of your sweet pecks.
He believes you have yet to figure out his little mischief, but you caught on pretty early in the relationship. You happily play along because the thought makes your heart swell at how cute he unknowingly is.
You start by giving his collarbone a few smooches, then slowly work your way up to his chiseled jaw. You can hear his smalls breaths and you know he’s about to “wake up”.
As your lips inch closer to his cheeks, you can feel his jaw move slightly upwards; signifying he’s smiling.
You lift yourself to straddle him and to look him in the eye, and he only chuckles before you carefully lean downward to kiss those precious lips.
“Bonjour, mon chéri.” [good morning, sweetheart] you whispered.
Oh, how he loved the sound of the smooth French that would escape your lips. He found the language to be incredibly intriguing and just as romantic sounding as his own mother tongue.
His large, rough hands place themselves on your hips before his gruff morning voice greets you with, “Buenos días, hermosa.” [good morning, beautiful]
The corners of your mouth lift instantly at the cadence of his crisp, baritone-y Spanish. That voice not only drives you crazy, but also makes you fall in love with him even more.
His Spanish is crisp and your French is smooth, and you both find the language exchange between yourselves to be the most endearing of all.
For sure, the exchange was difficult at first; you both having to become accustomed to one another’s different language. It was easier to use English for the most part, and still is, but you each wanted to go the extra mile and truly learn each other’s language.
Therefore, the exchange is the most endearing above all things in your relationship because you two can see just how much the other cares due to the great effort they’re putting forth.
Miguel lifts his hand to gently caress your face. “Vamos a prepararnos para orto día dificil, ‘mor.” [let’s go get ready for another difficult day, love.]
You giggle at the small jab he made at managing the spider society. Of course, you understand as co-leader in charge of protecting every multiverse that stands.
“Oui, mon beau!” [my handsome] You chuckle lightly before kissing him once more.
With that, your morning concludes and the segue into your afternoon commences.
You two work in the same office and your afternoons are always spent analyzing anomalies and deciding what needs to be discussed in the next spidey meeting.
Today, you and Miguel were focused on one anomaly in particular who had been hard to catch in yesterday's mission. Thus, you two are figuring out how today's mission must play out in order to catch this anomaly and finally send it back to where it belongs.
You're looking at the holographic screen in front of you, tapping and swiping away. Miguel is watching you and you notice from the corner of your eye.
"Ou qu’est-ce tu regarde?" [what are you looking at?] you ask playfully.
"I was just looking at your screen. Nada mas, preciosa." [nothing more, precious] he replied nonchalantly.
"Tesoro [treasure], you don't need to lie to me and pretend like you weren't just looking. Regarde tant que tu veux. [look all you want]" you said with a wink.
At times you would pick up each other's words.
"Dios mio [my god], this whole place would fall apart if I stared at you all day, ma bijou. [my jewel]" he exaggerated, half-jokingly.
"Miguel O'hara joking with me? Mais non!" [no way!] your hands hit your chest as you gasp exaggeratingly.
"Cállate. [shut up]" he shook his head as he held the bridge of his nose and gave a low chuckle.
"Viens ici." [come here] you said and he took a step forward. You believed it was time for a tiny break from the bright screens.
You scooted closer while on your rolling chair and he bent down in front of you as if on command. You cupped his face and gave his forehead a smooch.
The man was like puddy in your hands and he allowed you to caress his cheek with your thumb. You brushed your fingers through his soft, brown locks.
"Me encanta cuando me haces asi, cariño." [i love it when you do that, dear] he sighed as his eyes closed, relishing in your loving touch.
“Je sais, mon cher” [i know, dear] you beamed.
“Uhh…spiders incoming.” Lyla announced as she appeared abruptly, then left equally as fast.
The spider-people began to trickle in the office and Miguel was quick to pull himself out of the temporary relaxed state and get back up from his knees.
He heavily disliked being lovey-dovey in front of anyone. Jess and Peter would never live it down.
You suppressed your laughter with a cough before situating yourself in order to address all the spiders now in your company.
From that moment onward, Miguel addressed everyone with that sternness of his, all while keeping that hand of his on your lower back. He loved at least doing that in front of others.
It’s decided who’s assigned to the mission and you both join the fight as well.
The rest of the afternoon is spent on Earth-45789 attacking the current anomaly on a second capture attempt.
You and Miguel return to your apartment complex extremely exhausted, but with less weight on your shoulders—especially Miguel—because the anomaly was finally caught and that universe is no longer in severe danger.
You both wash up together before heading to bed and preparing for another action-filled day at work tomorrow.
“That guy was insane, mon amour! [my love] I can’t believe he almost had Peter for a second, good thing I sensed it.” you recalled.
“Si, I thought we were gonna have to put up with some trouble for the next few days.” he admitted as he used his hands as a headrest.
“Ugh, carrément. [for sure]” you definitely agreed.
“C’mere.” he simply said and you moved over to lay on his chest.
This time, Miguel’s coarse fingers messed with your hair. He took care and tenderly massaged your scalp.
You hummed at the pleasant sensation and Miguel gently dragged his fingers up and down your back.
“Te amo, mi reina [i love you, my queen]”
“et je t’aime, l’homme de mes rêves [and i love you, man of my dreams]”
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lovelyney · 2 years
───────DATING HIM !! WANDERER───────
CHARACTERS: wanderer
SCENT: headcanons
WARNINGS: get’s a little suggestive at times, LMAO.
FLORIST’S NOTE: just!!! one!!! million smooches!!! pls!!!
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯2022 !! #©LOVELYNEY
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𖠵𝟎𝟏: Initially ?? This guy was the biggest twat of all Teyvat, LMFAO. Kinda still is, but shhh. . . He wouldn’t dare let anyone get close to him.
key word being ‘initially’ he came across you one day while wandering the forests of Inazuma and was like, “fuck.”
𖠵𝟎𝟐: It took him a while to fully warm up to you and trust you; you had to put in a reasonable amount of effort to show that you weren’t going anywhere.
he didn’t dare show it to you, but he felt relieved seeing you stick around after how bitterly he treated you.
𖠵𝟎𝟑: He’s always been incredibly protective over you. You’re the first one that’s decided to stick around him; you think he’s just gonna let you run off ?? Fuck no.
𖠵𝟎𝟒: That said, he’s also quite possessive as well. You’re his first love and, frankly, his last; he plans on keeping you for as long as you’ll let him. And if someone attempts to steal you ?? God bless their poor soul.
𖠵𝟎𝟓: A cocky bastard forever and always ‹3 He loves whenever you two go back and forth.
𖠵𝟎𝟔: Before, he, quite frankly, rarely showed affection. But after he was defeated, he became much more open to it since he didn’t care what people thought of him.
he also just wanted to make up for the times he didn’t give you enough love or was being a nightmare, but you didn’t hear it from me.
𖠵𝟎𝟕: He loves to tease you !! Seeing your cheeks flush because of him is the biggest ego boost putting aside whenever you’re crying out his name he can ever receive.
𖠵𝟎𝟖: Kisses you like the world’s going to end tomorrow. His kisses are always incredibly passionate and deep.
he has always loved making out with you, for some reason. he says it’s “a gentle reminder that you're mine and mine alone.” like ?? you call THAT gentle ??
shoving his tongue down your throat is his favorite pastime.
𖠵𝟎𝟗: Calls you “sweetheart,” “(my) love,” and “(my) princess/prince.”
❝I have a feeling I don’t say this as much as I should, given how much it kills my ego. But, I love you, alright? I hope you never doubt that despite how much of a pain in the ass I can be sometimes. But hey, it takes one to know one, sweetheart.❞
𖠵𝟏𝟎: 10000% pulls you close to him when it rains, so you don’t get wet. Sometimes he even lets you wear his hat just by itself !! (Alhough, the latter is more likely as it gives him a reason to keep you close.)
𖠵𝟏𝟏: Sometimes, when you two are out and about in the cities of Sumeru, Nahida likes to pop in to see how you two are doing!
she always tells you that he’s fortunate to have you and that she’s thankful that he has someone like you.
𖠵𝟏𝟐: In more crowded places, he’ll always hold a little bit more tightly onto your hand, scared that you’re going to get lost and potentially hurt.
𖠵𝟏𝟑: Holds you tightly and close whenever you two sleep, scared that you’re going to vanish the next time he opens his eyes.
𖠵𝟏𝟒: Whenever he’s deep in thought, he’ll always absentmindedly play with your fingers.
𖠵𝟏𝟓: Your entire presence is an immense comfort for him. He finds himself thinking that he wishes he could’ve found you sooner.
𖠵𝟏𝟔: Always watches over you whenever you’re doing something, making sure you don’t accidentally hurt yourself.
𖠵𝟏𝟕: Has a deep bitter resentment towards Childe since he constantly flirted with you back when he was in the Fatui 💀
𖠵𝟏𝟖: At home, he’s attached to you at the hip. Whenever you’re cooking, he’ll back-hug you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
sometimes he’ll use the excuse of “you’re obviously not strong enough to stir this so let me help you” just to hold your hand.
𖠵𝟏𝟗: Seeing you play with children brings forth a new wave of emotions for him.
𖠵𝟐𝟎: Sometimes bruises you from hard he grips you.
𖠵𝟐𝟏: Putting aside his anemo vision, fully loving and watching over you has given him a new type of freedom.
𖠵𝟐𝟐: You didn’t talk to him for a while after what he did to Nahida, and because he completely neglected your loyalty to him. Safe to say, it taught him a lesson, LMFAO.
during his resting period, he informed Nahida all about your relationship and how much he actually missed you after all of it; how, after the sour taste of defeat, he’d kill to be resting in your arms.
he cried in your arms for a long while when he finally found you; he missed you a lot more than he ever thought he would.
𖠵𝟐𝟑: Listen, just because he’s a lot kinder now doesn’t mean he still isn’t a little sadistic. . . He still loves to see you squirm from underneath him.
𖠵𝟐𝟒: When he gets nightmares, or his abandonment issues are running high, he’ll lay on top of you so you can comb your fingers through his hair. ‹33
𖠵𝟐𝟓: Loves to mark you on places that are easily spottable. That way people hopefully know to back the hell off.
𖠵𝟐𝟔: He has pretty hands !! He doesn’t see the purpose in your fascination with them or why you like to play with them, but he finds it cute, endearing almost.
𖠵𝟐𝟕: Quick to snap at anyone who’s getting too close to you or is raising their voice.
𖠵𝟐𝟖: Kept you completely hidden from Dottore; he does not trust him around you in any way.
𖠵𝟐𝟗: Now that he has you, he wouldn’t trade you for the stars or any of the planets.
𖠵𝟑𝟎: Always aggressively gives you affection when you ask for it.
while holding onto you: “is this better?😡😡”
“yes, thank you, Kuni ‹3”
“good, it better be because now i’m not gonna let you go😡”
𖠵𝟑𝟏: (↑) He’s also rather aggressive when taking of you when you’re injured or sick—that’s just how he projects his worries.
𖠵𝟑𝟐: Will sometimes threaten to drop you whenever he’s holding you and floating in the air 😭
𖠵𝟑𝟑: Actively seeks out opportunities to hold your waist/have his hands on your waist. The way they fit around it brings him a sense of satisfaction and pride.
𖠵𝟑𝟒: Only cooks/buys you the best quality of food; he will not have it any other way. If food is something that’s required for you to live, then he will only give you the best to ensure you staying alive.
this means he will not have you skipping meals or not eating !! ):< he’ll figure out the root of the reason why, try to fix it, and continue to feed you smaller portions of the meals he cooks.
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skxllz · 7 months
𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 + 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧 𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐛𝐲
I feel as if john is the type to display more pda than his brother's. while he isn't too big on hand holding or kissing the back of your hand, he will give you a smooch on the cheek if he excuses himself - or even, to show he appreciates you, he'll slide his hands to your hips and tug you closer before setting his forehead against your own. the way he'd look into your eyes would be enough for anyone to see that you're his and his alone.
now, john is the more flexible one out of his brothers. while arthur and tommy both have a caring side, it takes more effort to pull their loving nature out. for john, I feel, it comes natural - maybe with a bit of a push, but still easier. he's willing to dip you when you the two of you dance, and loves to see that wide smile of yours when he tightens his grip on your waist and pulls you into him. you're kissing him by then, cheeks tinted the slightest shade of red, all while he's cheekily planning in his head on how to made you even redder.
around his family, his acts of affection towards you would come in little bits that you're sure to notice. whether it be a hand to your waist at all times, or him rubbing small circles into your side with his thumb. somehow when you're around, john is just always touching you, but you will never have a complaint leave your mouth about it.
I also see him as the type to pull you close and kiss your temple when he leaves out with his brothers to do some kind of business. It's a sweet and small gesture, but it leaves such an effect on you. he also tends to whisper in your ear how much he loves you, just loud enough for you to hear and you alone - in his line of work, he never knows if he'll make it back to tell you again or not.
in situations where the two of you argue; to make up, john is quick to heist you up by the waist and pin you to the wall. kisses and bites to your neck and chest are his best way of letting you know just how sorry he is, and how much he loves every part of you. later on, he'll apologize in words - explaining, whatever the problem was/is, only to continue to express how much he didn't mean to yell at you and how much he adores your presence.
adding onto that last bit; john will place a hand to your cheek and stroke your soft skin with a back n’ forth movement of his thumb. his touch is warm and inviting, and the act itself is small, yet filled such utter affection for you as he gazes into your eyes. your foreheads will be pressed together; your breathing in sync; his lips hovering just above your own. “ you mean more to me than you'll ever know, ” is the words he always says - and everytime, it soothes your vastly beating heart.
when the two of you are just with one another, john enjoys displaying kisses to your shoulders and over the back of your spine. It always arises laughter from you - and since your giggles are music to his ears, he simply insists he must continue to do so until you can no longer vocalize your enjoyment.
he also loves to run his fingers through your hair. your touch alone reminds him you're still there with him, but to have your soft tresses amongst his fingertips assures him that you wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon - not as long as he's around.
okay I can think of much more acts of affection for this man, but I'll cut it here just because it's 6:58 am right now where I'm at lol.
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shyhaya · 1 year
I had my first request yayyyyyyy! the bad part is my phone stopped working and erased everything I wrote ;-;
Still, here it is! I don't think I put Blue Lock in my fandom list but I guess that drawing of Nagi gave me away huh? Nevermind that, fluffy headcannons coming right up! ^^ (Anon if you're seeing this I hope you like it!)
Kisses for You and I [Nagi Seishiro, Mikage Reo & Michael Kaiser x GN!Reader / SFW!]
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❯── Nagi ──❮
When it comes to receiving kisses from his s/o this lazy boy doesn't really have a preference. As long as he's getting his dose of affection from you he's good.
With that said, he does have an inclination for tender forehead kisses.
Something about his lovely other half moving his bangs and pecking his forehead softly whenever they greet him or when he's taking a nap makes his heart flutter.
Usually, this type of kisses lead to him wanting to cuddle with you and if you don't I dare you he'll hover over you until you give in and go cuddle with him!
Obviously he loves kisses on the lips. In fact they're exactly what he needs after a long day of soccer practice. When he gets home he expects you to give him a kiss. If you don't he'll take them but beware he might not stop.
If you kiss his cheek or neck he'll blush and nuzzle his face on your shoulder or chest (doesn't matter if you're a female or male) ^^
Now, when he's the one giving he's extremely lazy, as expected. Don't get him wrong he truly loves kissing you but it's such a hassle to get up from his spot and follow you if you're doing anything.
However, if he's very needy he will put the effort to go to you. And will probably drag you to the bed/couch to snuggle while he claims his prize.
He likes to kiss his s/o's neck to see their flustered expression. And if you kiss his forehead he'll do the same.
His favorite spot to kiss his partner is on their lips. The way they feel against his it's like it was meant to be. His second favorite place is your shoulder or chest.
Overall, Sei might not look like it but he adores your affection (he'll start to wonder if he did something wrong if you haven't kissed him in all day) <3
❯── Reo ──❮
This boy is such a sweetheart, be it receiving or giving affection.
He really likes when his partner kisses his cheek or any spot on his face in general. Just greet him or pull him close and smooch him all over his face. He'll smile and blush so pretty <3
When you kiss his lips, make sure to not pull away very soon. He loves long and sweet kisses. It doesn't have to be heated or anything, he just wants to feel you close.
Good morning and good night kisses are a must! Also kisses before his matches! Don't forget it or he'll start acting like the spoiled little brat he is. He'll pout and refuse to go on with his day if you just brush it off.
Just kiss him please, he'll get back to normal ^^
He doesn't mind his s/o kissing him in front of his friends or teammates. It shows they're not afraid of showing him off (he does the same). Of course, he cherishes the kisses you two share when you're alone even more.
If it's him the one giving kisses they're always tender and full of love.
He likes hugging his partner from behind and placing a kiss on their shoulder or neck. The warmth of their skin is soothing to him. He'll love it if you do the same!
He likes to tease sometimes so he might get very close and then just kiss your cheek or forehead. After that he'll steal a kiss from your lips because he can't help himself.
Sometimes when you're chilling in your home, talking about anything or watching TV he'll take your hand and kiss your knuckles and each finger. He smiles afterwards and ask for a real kiss.
He gets flustered when you kiss his chest, you can use this to your advantage :3
All in all, Reo finds you and your kisses a real treasure.
❯── Michael ──❮
Honestly, if the other two were very clingy and needy for kisses, this man is a total menace!
It's like he can't function well without your kisses. I think he's the type to act all cool and make you think he think so at least you're the one that is practically begging for his attention.
If you go with the flow, you'll discover he loves when you kiss the area of his arm and shoulder that is covered by his rose tattoo. Seeing you treat him so lovingly makes him smile.
Pull him in by the waist and kiss his jawline. He'll smirk and ask you if it's a way of flirting or you're just so in love with him. For me, it'll be both
Although, if you take his hands and kiss the back of them, you'll catch him by surprise and maybe will be able to see him blushing. Like, really blushing. Bold actions make him act even more bold, but little gestures of endearment like that will fluster him. > <
He gets so damn dramatic when you forget to kiss him or are distracted with something. Like, he'll say you don't love him and all. Shut him up with a kiss, that works even if you're falling in his trap.
When it's the other way around it's not so different. He needs to kiss you at least three times a day. You know he'll always want more but whatever.
He needs a kiss before all of his games if you're with him. After the game too.
He likes to steals kisses when you least expect it. The expression you make is so pretty to him. Also, if you're cuddling or doing whatever just know that he'll press a kiss on your forehead, hands, cheek and wherever if you let him. He's the real "I can't get enough of you"
Unsurprisingly, his favorite kisses are on the lips. There's nothing better for him than kissing his lover, his one and only.
At the end of the day, Michael is just a guy in love who cannot go a day without his love's kisses. <3
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I hope I did okay.. ahhh I can't believe this was my first request I'm so happy :3
Anyways, Thank you for reading!
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queenendless · 6 months
A/n: Tooth rotting fluff cause it's baby's big day!
Set in that Teacher AU cause why not?
The banner down below I made using official JJK illustrations, plus Befunky and etc.
My ideal pairings with the students, teachers, sorcerers and etc sprinkled in with SatoSugu but overall it's our man's big day!
Please DON'T plagiarize, repost, AND/OR translate my FANFIC work. Rather reblog, like and follow instead. I hope you enjoy!
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The lights were switched on.
Sounds of poppers went off in droves.
Confetti and streamers flew through the air.
“Why, you shouldn't have!” Sparkles became animated around Gojo's beaming aura as he clasped his hands together in joy one moment before looking and sounding dead serious the next. “But really, you should have.”
“After your insufferable reminders to us the past few weeks, we considered dropping out.” Nanami bluntly put it before sighing in defeat. “L/n-Chan however pleaded for us to aid her in this endeavor.”
“Be grateful L/n is willing to put in all this effort for you, you dolt.” Utahime sternly admitted, although the smooch on her cheek from Shoko had the scarred sorcerer blushing and hiding her cute face in her wife's shoulder to Shoko's amusement.
“Honestly, you knew we were gonna throw one either way. Your disappointed whining wouldn't rest otherwise.” Shoko patted Utahime's noggin, airily adding.
“Congrats, Gojo-san, for one being one year older!” Haibara draped an arm around Nanami's shoulders, leaning against his husband's fit suited form. Raising his alcoholic free drink to that. “And for all your hard work, as always!”
“Yu-kun~!” Gojo shed waterfalls to that; dampening his black blindfold. “Nanamin, why can't you follow your hubby's example~!?”
“Your conduct can answer that.” Nanami's disdain spoke volumes as well.
“So can this grand gift from us.” Nanako and Mimiko rolled up literally with a big wrapped box topped with a bow on a foldable trolley cart.
Eyes widening behind that blindfold, Gojo cheekily giggled as he took that lid off.
With some aided help from inside.
“Tada.” The calm cheer from Suguru as he popped out of that giant wrapped present box with open arms struck love's arrow through Satoru's heart.
“YAY~!” Tackling his hubby to the floor with such intensity made the latter grunt roughly before breaking out in breathy laughs as he was being smothered in amorous smooches followed by Gojo literally chewing on them cheeks.
Expected reaction whenever those two have not been in each other's reach for just mere hours. Imagine days or weeks spent apart.
“I've missed you so much~!” Gojo whined.
Geto chuckled as Gojo suckled and tugged on his reddened cheek. “Satoru, you saw me this morning.”
“Exactly my point! I need my squeeze~” Gojo nuzzled his cheek against Geto's red marked one.
“Gojo-sensei …” Yuji's voice ominously trailed off, getting both senseis attention.
Tokyo and Kyoto students unite, lined up with cream filled pies in all their hands, smug and devious grinning looks on their faces, readying for the strike.
“Tanjōbi omedetō!” Yuji, Yuta, Junpei, Kasumi, Kokichi, Aoi, and Takuma's cheers were more enthusiastic with smiles beaming bright.
“Tanjōbi omedetō.” Megumi, Nobara, Maki, Panda, Mai, Momo, and Kamo were more on the lukewarm side.
“Mentaiko.” That is all Toge owned.
The room exploded with a shared consensus.
That be it, to bury this man, albeit in a celebratory way.
Those pies flew.
A gawking Geto was caged in Gojo's smothering hug, dragging him down with him.
Filled with unbridled enjoyment, Gojo did a double peace sign pose, covered in cream, so memorable, so snapshot worthy as many took them pics. Even with his bashful pie covered husband pressed to his side.
“I hate you,” Suguru grumbled.
“I love ya too.” Satoru cooed, smooching his man fully just to lick all that cream off, taking Suguru's chuckles as a good sign before returning the liplock.
Nanako and Mimiko giggling at their pie coated papas, taking pics whereas the rest of their fellow teens were either flustered by the PDA or were numbed to the daily PDA of these two.
“Hey! Someone better clean up this mess cause it ain't gonna be me!” Riko complained before passing some towels for them to wipe all that cream off when her mom dove in to sweep up said mess. “Not you, Kuroi!”
“But someone has to!”
Gojo waved it off. “Eh, we can clean up after hours. Now then, where did our darling wifey go?” Seeing your figure slipping away in the midst of the creamy chaos made this white cat curious.
“Possibly preparing her gift for you, I believe.” Suguru hinted at, winking as the twins dragged him by the arms to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
The birthday man took that as his chance to find out himself, easily tracing your cursed energy signature, huddled up over the closet in your shared bedroom.
“There you are!” Your heart bursts out of your chest at seeing him pop his head into the room. You were too absorbed in what you held that you forgot to sense for anyone approaching you.
“Did you plan all this for big ol’ me?” Satoru smirked widely as he stripped off his cream splotched jacket, already knowing the answer before it got past your lips.
Your irresistibly shiny lips.
“Hey, Sugu helped. And Ieiri, Yu, Riko, Yuji, Yuta – it was a team effort. There, I said it!” You pouted.
Toru laughed a bit, dropping his creamy jacket to the floor, stretching his arms all feline like, seducing you with his flexing muscles through that black compression shirt, burning up immensely at the sight but turning away to try and focus. “I just didn't have time to wrap it amiss helping set up!”
“Any gift from you is perfect, regardless of the packaging.” He praised, slipping off those creamy pants, revealing his soft blue boxers.
“Well it's my first time celebrating your birthday with you and Sugu wanted me to feel included in helping set up and I was gonna use the kitty wrapping too – MMPH~!”
Being turned around so swiftly made you grow dizzy but his sturdy grasp kept you standing, pinning you as you were flooded with so much warmth.
The taste of creamy goodness came from that piping hot mouth of his as he took his chance to dive that tongue right in.
The familiar dance playing out as he made sure every inch of that succulent mouth of yours was touched by his very essence. Your hands loosened their grip on that small velvet box as your muffled moans made him want to wrap his own hands around you, caressing the back of your head to pull you in deeper with one as well as resting the other on your lower back.
“Such a decadent angel for a handsome devil like myself.” He sighed in bliss, falling back to land on your giant shared bed, pulling you down with him. “Now gimme gimme~!”
You rolled your eyes endearingly at his childlike spirit. “Okay, I give. Here.” You two sat up as you watched in bated breath.
He opened the box to find a silver locket with three tiny gems embedded in the lid.
An amethyst. A turquoise And a (birthstone).
One for each of you three's birth months.
“I considered putting in a blue zircon for your stone, but you're not a fan of traditions so I went with the modern option.”
He held it by the silver chain, chuckling as he marveled in its worth. “It's perfect.”
You scooted closer, hugging his arm, as anticipation made you bounce to his amusement. “Open it up.”
Once that lid flipped open, he gaped a bit.
There was a fitted picture inside. A very familiar one. He should know. He took the pic himself.
It was on your first date with the sorcerer couple.
Seated outside in the early evening.
Vines trailing down the brick back wall.
Fairy lights hanging above.
You had a rose placed behind your left ear; symbolizing your new dating status, by a tenderly smirking Suguru himself who wrapped an arm around you as Satoru took up your other side with a beaming grin as he took the picture himself.
With you blushing, shyly smiling, through it all.
“Man, how a year just passes by.” Satoru got all nostalgic.
“Trying to get that photo at just the right size was a challenge but I'm just glad it fits. Do … Do you like it?”
Your soul trembled as he pulled down his blindfold; his spiky hair now settling down, to see it with his own glowing eyes in the flesh, heartfelt emotion racing through his irises.
He looked up to pierce you with his intense gaze. “Have I told you how much I love you?”
You rubbed your nose with his, giggling as he mirthfully returned the gesture. “Every day since that first date.”
He clasped the locket around his thick neck, now hanging plush between his voluptuous pecs. “Well, I love everything you give me.” He cupped your cheeks to kiss you tenderly. “Thank you Y/n … for this … the bash … for coming into my life.”
A loud rough coughing sound brought you two out of the entrancing moment to look over and see Suguru in his white undershirt and gray sweatpants.
“Our lives, actually.” Suguru crawled over the bed to smooch you just as affectionately. “Satoru, pants."
“I could just go out in my birthday suit~” Satoru coyly suggested.
You nearly got a nose bleed at that.
Suguru snorted before nibbling on those smug lips. “Tonight, you madman. But for now, pants.”
“Hai hai.”
Mai and Momo taking selfies with the decadent sweets spread out.
Kasumi smooching off the frosting she poked on a flustered Kokichi’s nose.
Kamo fails in talking down Todo by putting Yuji through another rival challenge to test their brotherly bestie bond.
Junpei having a dopey grin as he aided Tsumiki with cleaning but trying to focus his eyes anywhere else when the girl nearly caught him every time.
Nobara cuddling against Maki as she live streamed those two on her phone.
Yuuta laughing at something Panda said with Toge holding his hand and giving it a squeeze, intertwined.
Yuji and Aoi having a chugging contest just to have a wandering cursed doll whack into him, choking out his Cola.
Megumi rubs Yuji's back after handing him a water bottle, with Yaga running over to grab his wayward creation, apologizing to Yuji whereas Todo encourages – more like yelling – for his brother to keep striving forward.
The night ended with everyone wearing party hats and blowing in birthday whistles as Satoru, wearing matching sweatpants, smiled as you dimmed down the lights along with Riko and Kuroi rolling out the cake; the candles being the only source of light.
Singing happy birthday.
Capturing this moment with his eyes, his mind, and his soul.
Claps and cheers fill the air after he blows out the candles.
“Ya wanna know what I wished for?” He asked as he settled beside you on the couch, plated cake in hand, savoring every bite.
“Unless you don't want it to come true, probably not.” You reminded him.
“Superstitions or not, I'll only say this …”
Suguru settled on his other side, relaxing against him, humming as Satoru gave a forehead smooch.
“Whatever comes next …”
Eyeing the bustling lively room of students, colleagues, friends and family with awe.
“We face it head on. As one.”
Your face rested against his shoulder, laxing in tranquility.
“Happy birthday, Toru.”
He kissed your forehead next, dropped his plate in his lap so he could wrap his arms around you both, letting you two use him as your pillow.
The fulfilling nourishment topped with the wholesome vibes of today got you three in the mood to just nod off for a bit.
“Thank you … for the best … b-day … ever.”
The befuddled, amused expressions thrown your way went unnoticed by you, of course.
As you three snoozing lovebirds curled up and cuddled up together on that couch.
With that gifted locket in full view.
Those three gems shining bright.
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lemonxdaisybby · 2 months
Hello , can you do dating hcs about daigo dojima ,sfw/nsfw are ok
Helloooo, here you go, and thank you for the ask! 💕
Firstly, Daigo would absolutely treat you right. This man is such a sweet angel gentleman towards you. He might try to appear all stoic and professional in public and amongst his subordinates, but you would be his ultimate weakness. Anything you want or need, he’s got you.
Probably would have come across as a little stiff and formal when you first started dating, more so as he would have been so focused on making a good impression. He would want to make sure that he showed you the utmost respect, not wanting to overstep or push any boundaries. He does eventually relax though and become more chilled.
He would likely take you to fancy, private restaurants when first dating, wanting to impress you and make sure you experience the best of the best. He’d always make sure you got home safely too, whether that be by ordering you a taxi, or driving you back himself.
He would often worry that someone would attempt to take you or hurt you, in order to get to him. For this reason, he would keep you as separate as possible from the Yakuza side of things. His love life would be a mystery to everyone else.
He doesn’t have tons of free time, and is very busy. Due to this, he’d often worry that he isn’t spending enough time with you, and would end up feeling pretty bad. He’d make an effort to try and call or text you during the day to check up on you, and just to chat to you in general. He’d secretly worry about you a lot, and would want to make sure you were okay.
He would actually be pretty romantic and physically affectionate behind closed doors, once the relationship is more established. He would bring you flowers and gifts often, and would just adore kissing you. Whether that’s forehead kisses, a peck on the cheek, or a passionate smooch on the lips, he is just a big fan of kisses. It would never really be the ‘cute’ type of affection, and would always be quite meaningful and romantic.
In terms of sex, he would mostly be vanilla, and would be a switch. He’s got quite a lot of experience from his emo younger days, and his sex drive would be pretty moderate.
He’s happy to let you take control for the most part. He’s so used to being the one in charge in general life, so it would make a nice change of pace being bossed around and taken care of for once.
If he’s frustrated or stressed, he would definitely top on these occasions, but he’d be fairly soft still. However, if you did ask him to be a bit rougher on you, such as spanking, choking, hair pulling, etc, he would be happy to oblige. He would be aftercare king though, checking on you to make sure he hasn’t hurt you, stroking your hair back out of your face, asking if you need anything, and cleaning you up if need be.
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Carnival Dates With Seventeen!
Gender neutral reader! Bro at the slightest provocation I will write one shots for this because going to the carnival??? Way too cute 🥲
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♡ ‘So, what do you want to do first?’ A simple question, yet the care with which he asks it & the fondness of his expression as he does have your heart beating a bit faster.
♡ He’s willing to follow your lead all day, but you guys get a good alternation of activities going, following the bustle of your atmosphere well.
♡ Seungcheol tries the test your strength game where you hit the target with the hammer, trying to ring the bell, & of course he does 😌 & looks over at you immediately with a big eager smile like ‘was that cool?’ PLEASE HYPE HIM UP
♡ Your date gets a little interrupted as you guys find a lost little girl wandering tearfully between the cotton candy & churro stands, Seungcheol kneeling down to ask her if she can remember what her mom was wearing. ‘P-purple,’ the little girl, who couldn’t have been more than three or four, sobs. ‘Well that’s easy! I’ll find her soon, I promise.’ You guys tag team, you buying her a small plushie to return her smile & Seungcheol finding a woman in a purple dress who happily runs to her daughter, thanking you profusely. Afterward, your boyfriend begins to apologize for the interruption, but quickly stops when he sees your shining eyes. ‘Don’t be.’ ‘We make a pretty good team, don’t we?’
♡ The whole encounter leaves him feeling extra soft & affectionate, wanting to spend some time just strolling under the lights holding your arm & pulling you closer until his head is practically resting over yours. You feel him place a kiss to the crown of your head, smiling & turning upward for a second one ☺️
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♡ All the games the carnival has to offer turn immediately into a betting ground for Jeonghan, who leans up close to you, batting his eyelashes & saying if you beat him he’ll give you a kiss 👀
♡ You lose, naturally, but he gives you a kiss anyway for your good efforts. Pinches your cheeks as he gives you the prizes he’s won 😊
♡ 'We have to go on the bumper cars, (y/n)!' You take him up on the challenge, leaving a bunch of other patrons confused as they casually putter through the rink why there's two people driving as fast as humanly possible, very aggressively turning & bumping only into each other. Eh, they're laughing though, everyone thinks, so they just let you have your fun.
♡ Oh, boy, do NOT say anything at the accessory & knickknack stalls is cute unless you want Jeonghan to try buying it for you. You have a generous boyfriend ok???
♡ All the running around makes him tired though...if only there was a ride that you could sit on for a long time & relax.... Jeonghan keeps trying to get you to slow down, selling the idea more & more until you realize... he's trying to get you to suggest going on the Tunnel of Love ride because he wants to hear you say it. Finally you relent, rolling your eyes as he immediately teases you about how you must really be in love with him then. You may agree or tease him back, but either way it's too late, you've got a giddy Jeonghan on your hands. Plus he's right, like who doesn't want to sit & smooch in some air conditioning after a long crowded day??? 👀
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♡ Before the two of y’all go anyyyyywheeeerrrrree, Joshua is making sure you have sunscreen on. Nothing is happening to you on his watch, not even a little sunburn!
♡ Anything you might need gets thrown in his bag in fact; it’s so adorable you can’t even bring yourself to tease him for bringing a bag just to a carnival day.
♡ Once you’re situated, though, that’s when Josh can let his crazy side out a little 😌 he’s taking you on a roller coaster just so you guys can yell funny stuff at the top of the hill & practically giving you a heart attack sneaking up behind you in the hall of mirrors. But he makes up for it by falling into you & turning the scare into a back hug!
♡ Joshua is the type to want to experience it all with you, not a single stone unturned. You guys will manage to cram in every ride, but it won’t feel overwhelming because he’s efficient about it 😌
♡ You guys end the night in the Tunnel of Love where he takes your hand & asks if he can kiss you 🥰
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♡ He gets so excited, taking your hand & interlocking your fingers before running through all the stands & rides 🥺
♡ ‘Let’s get ice cream!’ ‘Maybe we should get the tilt-a-whirl out of the way first?’ ‘Good point. Let’s go on the tilt-a-whirl.’ *Jun proceeds to slightly regret going on the tilt-a-whirl*
♡ You jokingly put an ear headband from one of the accessory stalls on his head, but he wears it proudly, doing a matching pose that you think is so cute you end up taking a ton of selfies together. Jun ends up buying them & wearing them with you for the rest of the day! Every time he looks over at you on a ride with a big wide sunshiney grin on your face, he can't help but boop your nose!
♡ Ok, rides over, ice cream time! The person making the sundaes can't help but laugh as Jun excitedly adds more & more to your shared treat with wide, childlike eyes.
♡ Any excuse to be corny, Jun takes it. 'You've got some chocolate syrup there.' 'Where?' *smooch* right there 😏
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♡ Fair warning: he is going to want to drag you onto every huge roller coaster, so hope you like those rides or are willing to wait for him on them 🎢
♡ He also becomes DEAD SET on winning you a plushie, but not just any plushie, a tiger one of course 😌 before he gives it to you, he holds it up to face him & gives it a stern talking to about how it should protect you…but also not steal all your cuddles because those are his 😤🥺
♡ There’s a live band going by the food area, so once you’re done with your meal he takes your hand, leading you onto a patch of open grass to dance. He spins you so fast, you joke that you don’t need to go on the teacups anymore!
♡ Y’all two goofballs joke about doing the Lady & the Tramp scene with a churro, but then of course you actually try it. You can’t even get halfway through because you’re laughing too hard, just splitting the churro like normal people.
♡ Besides, he wanted to save the kiss for the top of the roller coaster anyway >:( that way it’s nice & dramatic at that highest-hill pause, you guys feeling up with the clouds & a bunch of tension you need to release. It’s so worth your priceless expression of shock & the way your smile widens into a shout of laughter, your hand reaching to squeeze Soonyoung’s as you make the next tight turn.
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♡ Wonwoo manages to put a unique twist on such a timeless classic of an experience, spreading out a blanket in between some of the grody plastic tables in the eating area so you guys can sit on the grass instead, all your little dishes of street food suddenly becoming a picnic.
♡ There’s a stall where you can paint a little keepsake sign, so you guys stop there to have something you made together as a memento for the day ☺️
♡ You did a combo of both of your favorite colors, unaware but pleasantly surprised how complimentary they are. ‘One last thing, don’t forget,’ Wonwoo tells you. ‘What’s that?’ ‘The date, so we’ll never forget when this was.’ Simple words, but they tug in your heart nonetheless.
♡ I hope you weren’t expecting Wonwoo to let you win any carnival games…he does not 😔 he can’t help himself being good at games & watching you pout when you lose is just too cute. Somehow, you can’t stay mad at his mischievous little smile. Maybe you aren’t the only adorable one in the relationship!
♡ The only time you get to win a game is when you distract him with a kiss & Wonwoo.exe stops working 😌😌😌
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♡ There's just something magical about Jihoon that makes even the noise, lights, & bustle of a busy carnival draped in every color of the rainbow feel intimate.
♡ Maybe it's the way he tries to ignore the crowds, looking almost pointedly at you & only you. Maybe it's the way he prepares your funnel cake for you exactly how you like it, pouring your drink for you as if it were wine at a fancy restaurant.
♡ He even lets you bring him onto the merry-go-round, just shaking his head with exasperation at the things he gets into because of you. Besides, he gets to take some cute pictures of you smiling back at him & reaching for his hand 🥰
♡ Y’all have tons of fun on the teacups, your boyfriend receiving relentless teasing about how strong he is when he turns the wheel so fast. He gets so flustered your spinning slows down & you have to pick up some slack 🥺
♡ At the end of the night, you guys take a series of selfies under a light up sign shaped like a heart, one where Jihoon has his arm around you, one where your hands are making a heart, & one where you pull him in for a surprise kiss, pleased smile just starting to form on his face 😉
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♡ He will go on ANY ride you really want to, but warning: may squeeze your hand super duper tight & scream a lot.
♡ 'Should we get our faces painted?' 'Do you want to risk what would happen with a stage if you can't rinse it off?' 'Alright, that's actually a great point. You're so smart 🥺'
♡ Suddenly Seokmin gasps, all but startling you as he yanks you forward towards some stall or another. '(y/n), look!' WIN A GOLDFISH, the big sign reads. 'You want one?' You giggle. 'Yes, look at the little black one, he's so cute!' What can you say, your boyfriend's joy is infectious.
♡ He makes the most hilarious overly serious expression before a simple ring toss that that alone has you in stitches, but he's actually a great shot; his second throw is perfect, winning him the fish of his dreams. 'What should we name him?' 'Lee Seokmin The Second.' 'Do we look alike?' *holds up bag to his head & does fish lips*
♡ Logistics of a goldfish joining your date were not considered, thus Seokmin Junior requires a bit of juggling, getting set down on tables numerous times when your boyfriend decides it's time for an impromptu carnival music dance or to gently place a headband he found on you to see how cute it looks. He actually apologizes out loud to the fish before setting him down to cup your face & kiss you, leaving you smiling into it.
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♡ Insists on trying the test your strength game part 2. Slams the hammer so quickly you have to jump back, chuckling at your giant puppy of a boyfriend's eagerness.
♡ The bell rings, of course, earning Mingyu his pick of a whole slew of plushies. He chooses the one that's your favorite color with a grin.
♡ After that the pair of you try an assortment of the finger foods from a few different stalls, Mingyu feeding you from his own dish. As he watches your eyes turn upward in pleasure at the amazing taste, he vows to find the recipe for all your favorite things & make them for you at home!
♡ Please don't try to make him go on all the scary rides :(((( just no loop-de-loops or drop towers ok? In fact, just enjoy the comedy of all his reactions to simply watching other people get sent down the drop tower.
♡ But it's ok, he decides to try out the swing ride, which is a little nerve-wracking with the heights, but not too bad when he gets to reach across & hold your hand. Benefits of being tall 😌 the moment you get off the ride he pretends like he thought he wasn't going to see you again so he can put on a whole dramatic act & kiss you like a movie hero hehe
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♡ You guys beeline for the caricature stand because what better way to remember the day by? 😌 the artist is really nice & respectful too, not one of the ones that makes an insulting ‘joke’ picture, just a cute cartoon of you & Minghao!
♡ Passing by some of the games, you see one of those semi-creepy mannequin fortune teller guys seated in his little glass prison. ‘He’s kind of scary, isn’t he?’ Minghao comments. ‘Yeah,’ you agree, shudder melting into a grin, ‘let’s try it!’ ‘I don’t believe it’s accurate or anything.’ ‘Neither do I, but just for fun!’
♡ 'True love eternal will find its way to you soon.'
The paper spat out by the box reads. 'You know what?' The corners of your mouth turn upward as Minghao takes the paper from your hand, fingers brushing yours with every bit of electricity as the first time. 'I think I do believe it.'
♡ Next stop: the hall of mirrors! You go in fully expecting to just laugh at how silly & distorted you & Minghao look, but your boyfriend utilizes the blur to take some actually legitimately cool pictures, too, like the artist he is 🤩
♡ The picture he takes in a spot that casts endless repeated reflections is his favorite, the frame filled with the image of him & the person he loves most joined in a kiss reminding him of the way you occupy his mind.
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♡ He makes friends with a baby the lady in front of you in line is holding, playing with him the entire time you two are waiting for the spinning cups. He’s actually lowkey sad when they get separated 🥺
♡ You guys laugh your heads off on the teacup ride though, you insisting on spinning it as fast as humanly possible as he tries to keep up, totally contrasting the way he shouts warnings to stop.
♡ As you stroll through the show of lights & colors, Seungkwan glances down shyly; you notice, the smile you give him encouraging enough for him to muster his courage & take your hand, fingers intertwining perfectly with yours.
♡ He keeps putting off going in the ferris wheel until suddenly the stars are out & it’s all he wants to do. He was saving it for one special moment, something he’s always dreamed of doing.
♡ You lean closer into him, for though the night’s not so cold, as you reach the top the breeze chills slightly. Stealing a glance reveals a look of soft, joyous admiration on Seungkwan’s face, & you matching it is all it takes for him to close the gap between you two, his lips meeting yours as you reach the highest point, closest to the stars.
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♡ ‘How’d they manage to deep-fry those?’ ‘I don’t know, but I dare you to try one.’ ‘Only if you do!’ ‘You’re on.’
♡ You guys load up on way too much carnival food to do any roller coasters right away, so instead you decide to chill for a while in the petting zoo. Sure, you & Vernon are the only adults beside one dad, but you don't care. All that matters is petting an alpaca, which you get to do 😌
♡ Spending time there also grants you the opportunity to get the most adorable pictures of your boyfriend ranging from him surrounded & almost getting knocked over by a slew of baby goats that realized he had food or one of him holding a sweet fluffy little white lamb 🥺
♡ Y’all also go in the haunted house, AKA the perfect place to see Vernon’s hilarious reactions to the jumpscares. Beyond that, he’s actually pretty calm, so you guys sort of just end up admiring what they’ve done with the place DHCGXVSGXDHSRDVY
♡ Once you finally do go on a roller coaster, his hair gets all messed up from the wind & you tease him about it, but reach your hands up to fix it. He just looks at you with heart eyes until you’re done, your hands slowly dropping until he catches them. When you look up, that’s when he leans in to connect your lips.
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♡ Wants to play allllll of the games! So of course you guys have some loving competition 😌 the bet is that whoever wins more games gets to direct the rest of the evening, so if there's anything that seems scary, well there's some incentive!
♡ Oh? What's that? Scary you say??? That's right, Chan challenges you to a walkthrough of the haunted house too. No bets, just to see who gets more scared. At least that's what he claims, but what he really wants is to 'protect' you & have an excuse to hold you.
♡ So even if you don't seem all that scared, he's draping an arm around your shoulders going 'You're so frightened, aren't you? Don't worry 😏' shhhh just let him have this.
♡ He didn't let you win any of the games anyway, nope, so he gets to control what you do! This advantage is used to force you to let him spoil you 😈 for example, when your feet start hurting he insists on carrying you. 'Nope, no buts, I'm the winner remember 😌'
♡ As you guys leave, you still clinging onto Chan, hands around his neck, he stops, pulling you into a nice little corner where the lights still barely reach, illuminating the lines of your boyfriend's face as he turns you around in his hold. Fireworks go off- literally- as you kiss, the carnival launching off bursts of color into the sky right as your lips meet.
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porcalinecunt · 1 year
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𓂅 ✧ tokyo revengers boys kissing their boyfriend for the first time + finding out they like boys
𝐜𝐰 — some suggestive themes. biting (kokonoi!). more tooth rotting fluff.
𝐚/𝐧 ❥ yup, more gay hc’s bc im gay and i do what i want on this acc AHA— but anyways, yall wanted a pt 2 thanks to the poll i posted a long while ago. sorry for the delay, life got busy and i’ll probably have slower updates for now. enjoy! 🤍
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gay panic
poor baby is weak around pretty boys!
always had eyes on you ever since you accidentally bumped into him trying to find the bathroom.
you were a good friend of yuzuha, so it’s no surprise you’d see hakkai a lot.
every time she’d invite you over to study, hakkai would have to lock himself in his room. so you wouldn’t see his beat red face.
despite that, you curiosity got the better of you.
you’d start to pay more attention to the blue haired boy, looking his way and smiling at him innocently.
you cannot lie, you love the way he practically melt when you look at him. hiding his face to avoid embarrassment, but only drawing you closer.
the gap between you two would close however, when one night, yuzuha would run out to grab some snacks. it was only you and hakkai sitting the the living room.
despite the effort, you two couldn’t ignore one another forever. one thing lead to another, and suddenly, you were talking to him.
maybe the topic of crushes comes up? to your surprise, hakkai revealed that he never had a romantic partner. sure, he did have a few crushes, mitsuya being one of them. however, he could never muster up the courage to say anything.
the both of you knew what the other was trying to say, there was no point in hiding it anymore. not with hakkai’s pink cheeks and your flushed face.
“you like me, don’t you?” you’d asked an already flustered hakkai.
there’s was no point in denying it anymore, he could only utter the word “yes.”
moving your face closer to his, you hear his breath hitch and his cheeks grow beat red. awaiting your lips to make contact with his.
it wasn’t anything intense, a quick peck that becomes a smooch when you grabbed his face and presses it closer to yours. his face was hot against your hands.
it only lasted a couple seconds, before you pulled away, meeting a flustered hakkai.
“c-can you do that again?”
absolute heartthrob!
it’s no surprise that a couple guys would end up crushing hard on him, including you.
after passing by his club a couple times, you couldn’t help but peer in. curious to see why mitsuya was so popular with the girls. safe to say, you got your answer.
you also decided to join the club, despite you never touching a sewing machine in your life.
despite constantly pricking your fingers, messing up a couple threads, mitsuya never once lost patience with you.
your heart flutters every time mitsuya speaks with you, whether he helps you with the sewing machine or small talk, hearing his voice only made you fall deeper in love with him.
so it's no surprise when one afternoon, you decided to shoot your shot at the club leader.
it was only you and him alone in the clubroom, since you stayed over to help him clean up.
however, as the time to leave inches closer and closer, you still couldn't spit it out. your mind became a train of thoughts that discouraged you from confessing.
you feared the thousands of possibilities of your confession going wrong, maybe he isn't into guys? does he only see you as a friend?
just when mitsuya was about to leave, you quickly stopped him before he could walk through the door.
impulsively, and messily, you finally told him the truth through stutters and shake hands. your face grew hotter and hotter from embarrassment.
shutting your eyes, you braced yourself for the rejection, when you felt a soft hand touch yours. looking up, you practically jumped when mitsuya's was near yours.
you froze when his lips touched yours, it was gentle and sweet. the taste of berry chapstick kissed your tongue, as you loose yourself to him.
pulling away, you could barely look at him in the eye. this is not how you'd get your answer, then again, you weren't complaining.
"wanna walk home with me, love?"
my favorite bisexual ♥
you didn't pull him, he pulled you!
a couple of flirtatious remarks and even more flirtatious texts was enough to sweep you off your feet and into his arms.
but even then, you have yet to give him your first kiss.
it's a bit laughable, but poor you couldn't even look at koko without getting ridiculously flustered.
however, koko enjoyed having such a shy boyfriend.
as much as you try, he knows you'll never initiate a kiss. no matter how much you claim to or would want to "prove it", Koko can already imagined you melting into a puddle.
your first kiss with him would be a surprise.
the both of you are on one of your typical dated, ending with a simple walk through the park.
while he was talking, you were barely listening on what he was saying as you kept staring at his lips. the urge to just give them a quick peck almost took over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“hey, are you even listening?”
koko snapped you out of your trance, now his whole body is facing yours.
gazing into those eyes of his made you want to scream, trying to find a way to break it without it getting awkward.
“why the red face? i know you wanna kiss me love.”
your heart was pounding at this point. he was right, you did want to steal a kiss from him. but how could you?
cold fingertips touched your warm cheeks, which only got hotter as he rested his palms on them. your mind was running in circles at that point. the only thing you could do is shut your eyes as your boyfriend finally did the very thing you couldn't do.
what you didn't expect was a a bite to the earlobe, forcing a yelp out of you and clinging onto his shoulders.
beyond flustered to even look at him, he could only laugh at your reaction. something he both expected and enjoyed.
"what's the matter? shy?"
scary boyfriend who loves you!
despite all your doubts, you somehow managed to score a date with inui. boy oh boy, did that man flick a switch in you.
similar to kokonoi, you have yet to steal your first kiss with him despite dating for a good two years now.
only difference is, inui is the shy one!
attempts to kiss him ends with his hand over your lips, all while he tries to hide his flustered face and reddened cheeks.
of course, that never stopped you. it surely didn’t on the night of a certain date.
sitting in the car after spending the evening at a diner, you two were just talking, occasionally staring into one another before one of you got too shy.
suddenly an idea came over your head.
maybe you two are doing a at home date, snuggling and watching a movie. inui loves physical affection, so it’s natural for him to be a cuddle bug!
at one point, you snuggle extra close to him. maybe plant a little kiss on his shoulder.
he notices, a pink hue begins to form on his cheeks. you would keep going, kissing his shoulder up to his cheek. till he turned his head around, and you stole the opportunity.
the kiss was sudden, until inui succumbed to it.
it was slow and passionate, with you resting your hands on his shoulders to calm his tense nerves.
pulling away, inui was more flustered then before. however, he cracked a small smile before looking down at your hands that were now holding his.
“that was…better then i could imagine. 🤍”
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not-alien-girl-v · 8 months
Mrs All American (Matty Healy)
warning: mention of dick sucking, tw mention of his fuckass mohawk circa 2013
note: god i’m so lonely.
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he had been at the studio all day. it’s something you’re used to, him being a musician and all, it’s just a little unfortunate that because he’s always so ‘in the zone’ during his time at the studio that he never texts. it’s not impossible to get a message to him, but most of the time you have to call, which is a lot of work.
he left before you woke up this morning. you don’t live together, you have your own place but if you don’t spend most of your time at his house, you’d almost never see him.
today, once he left, you simply didn’t go home, spending your day lounging around his shared house with george, who was also away at the studio all day.
it’s around 6 in the evening now, you’re at the dining room table, headphones on blasting a catchy song by an australian pop rock band that you adore, and your back is to the door, so you don’t even notice a change in the house when the door swings open, two men entering.
you do notice, however, when a pair of arms wrap around you from behind, a warm breath onto the shell of your ear, a loving sigh, and a tight squeeze from the arms. the red bracelet, the ‘dad’ tattoo, the smell of tobacco on his breath.
popping out your earbuds, your eyes are still trained on the laptop but you touch your palm to his forearm, squeezing it. “hey, baby.”
“how’d you know it was me?”
“i can tell by the stench.”
he rolls his eyes, the sunset catching a curl against his cheek, causing the dark brown to glow golden for a moment, and he looks too beautiful.
“i’ve told you before, love, you’ve got to stop referring to any scent as a ‘stench.’ it makes it seem like i smell bad.”
you open your mouth to release a snarky remark but he predicts it. “ah! and i do not smell bad.”
you smile back at him. george enters, grabbing a soda from the fridge and cracking it open, not even paying attention to this lovers quarrel, he knows better than to by now.
“what can i say? you’re a boy. you’re stinky. and you have cooties.” he snorts and you hear george, against his best effort, conceal a giggle from across the room, leaving you feeling like a real comedian. they should start paying you for this comedy show.
“i do not have cooties, you stupid girl. you don’t even know.” he’s still hugging you from behind and the position is awkward for a full conversation so you peel him off and turn to face him in your chair.
“trust me, i know what i’m talking about. i spend all day in this house, and let me tell you, this place reeks of male energy. and cooties.”
he hums, not quite ready to let you have it. “you probably have cooties by now, then. shouldn’t have agreed to marry me if you’re so worried about disease.”
you grin and you don’t want to fake argue with him anymore, so you wordlessly turn back to the laptop. he leaves a parting kiss on your cheek, and it’s a bit wet with saliva so, like any intelligent woman would, you fake gag and wipe it off.
he gasps, loudly, stumbling back and placing a hand over his chest like he’s been shot, such a drama queen. “did you just wipe off my kiss?”
playing dumb, “i don’t know, did i?”
he lunges forward, smooching your cheek again, you wipe it off just as fast. it’s instantly become a battle that you’re committed to winning. he kisses again, you wipe it again. he kisses one more time, you wipe it off.
once more, he kisses your cheek and just as you’re about to wipe it off your face, he forcefully grabs your wrist mid-air and uses this leverage to yank you up out of the chair.
you’re chest to chest with him and for a split second you’re worried he’s genuinely lost his temper, but the thought is dissolved from your mind immediately when you remember this matty you’re talking about, and he loves you too much to ever lay a wrong hand on you.
he drops your wrist and instead gently takes your face into both of his hands, leaning in slowly to kiss you sweetly. this time, you decide it’s best to just enjoy it, you’ve been clingy and missing him all day and this is the first bit of attention you’ve received from your lover since last night.
after your normal, romantic kiss, he pulls away and with a silly smile, leans in again, catching your lips and releasing them with a big ‘mwah.’
“well, i got some candy for you my dear, but i understand, since i’m so gross and have cooties, i’ll just have to eat it all myself.” he walks away, grabbing at the plastic bag you’ve only just noticed had been dropped to the floor by your chair, and he disappears down the hall.
“wait! i’m sorry!” you holler and scamper down the hallway to catch him before he eats your candy because knowing matty, he may actually do it.
you find him sitting on his bed, trifling through the bag of sweets. “what did you get me?”
“you? oh, i didn’t get you anything. i got me a bar of chocolate and another twix bar in case i’m still hungry. twix is your favorite, isn’t it? ah, that’s too bad it’s all for me, then.”
you pout and approach him on the bed. “i’m sorry, please, you don’t have cooties, i love you. if you give me the twix, i’ll suck your dick so hard your stomach will cave in like a juice box, i promise.” you put your hands together and grovel.
“i’ll hold you to that,” he sighs and hands you the twix bar, it’s a left twix.
you giggle, giddy like a child given candy. it’s not far from the truth. he stands and stretches out, groaning and joins cracking. he pulls off his t-shirt, glancing at the hamper across the room and then to you. “think i can make this shot?” you put your candy down on his nightstand.
“prepare to be wrong, baby.” he crumples up the fabric into a ball and makes a proper shot at the hamper, missing it by about 2 feet. the shirt lands helplessly on the floor. “shit.”
you burst out laughing, falling back into the bed in a fit of giggles. “that was embarrassing, stop laughing.”
he crawls over and lays down beside you, settling down on top of the black duvet. it’s when you both finally still that your neediness snakes it’s way back into your brain like an evil worm that tells you to kiss him all over.
you steal glances at him through your lashes, admiring his beauty, specifically his soft, dark curly hair. you scooch closer to him, pressing your body against his, propping up on an elbow and reaching out to brush your fingers over his hair.
like a puppy, his eyes flutter shut. “this is getting long.”
“it is. do you like it?”
“of course i like it. but do you want to keep it like this. wanna let me cut it?”
“if you like it, then i won’t cut it.”
“i like your hair all the time. except for when you had that fuckass mohawk, that sucked.”
he sighs, “i know, baby, i won’t do it again,” he sounds like he’s being scolded for something and you’re glad. you hated that fuckass mohawk.
“missed you today,” you keep a hand threaded into his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp with the very tips of your nails.
“missed you too. promise i’ll be home more often, hate being away for so long.”
“it’s fine. i know it’s your life. it’s one of your things.”
he opens his eyes again, looking at you with a deep sense of purpose all the sudden. with his one hand, he places it on your forearm, rubbing gentle with his thumb. “just don’t think i don’t care. don’t think i don’t miss you just as much every time i leave. it’s not hard to love you, it’s the easiest thing i’ve ever done. and the best thing, as well.”
you don’t know why, but tears begin to well up in your eyes and you want to look away from him and his intense gaze. it’s like he senses every thought in your mind, so he pulls you into his arms, chest to chest again, his nose brushing against your exposed collarbone.
he works his hands up and down your back, pushing under your shirt to graze across your bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.
any sense of urgency in your clinginess is instantly lost as he holds you like you’re falling out of his arms.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
taglist: @indierockgirrl @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @milkluvr8 @americanangel @butyou-callmewhenyourebored
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minki-moo · 9 months
♡‧₊˚ 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙖𝙬𝙖𝙮 𝙥𝙩. 1 ♡‧₊˚
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pairing ♡ mingi x f!reader rating ♡ m for mature tags ♡ office au, boyfriend!mingi, long distance, petnames (mingi calls reader baby), suggestive w/c ♡ 800 pt. 2
a/n ♡ so i originally posted this on ao3 and since it did pretty good on there i decided to post it here too. pt.2 is already done so i'll be posting it right after this one. pt. 3 is also in the works so i hope you enjoy!!!
you look at the clock. 9 pm. you hold back a sigh. it's been a week since your boyfriend left for his trip, and you can't say you're not disappointed. you had just gotten together after months of the both of you being absolutely clueless about each other's feelings. when everything seemed to be going smoothly, his work pushed a 2 week business trip onto him. and if it couldn't get any worse, with his trip and your workload suddenly increasing, you barely had any time to call each other, and when you did, the call wouldn't last anymore than 5 minutes.
you plop into your bed, exhausted from work. as you scroll aimlessly through your emails, you get a text:
minki &lt;3: good evening shnookums 
you smile as you read his text, silently cursing him for being so adorable
you: good evening princess
minki &lt;3: how was my wittle cutie patootie 
you: better now that i can talk to you &lt;3
minki &lt;3: awww ur making me blush
minki &lt;3: …i miss you
as you reread the last text over and over again, different feelings start flooding your mind: lovesickness, longing, sadness, and…lust.
yes, you haven't been dating for that long, and your busy schedules made it difficult to meet up. mingi, being the gentleman that he is, always made the most out of your dates; taking you out to different restaurants you've always wanted to try, and planning other fun things that made you fall for him every single time.
although those sentiments were very touching and thoughtful, you have to admit that you were ready for more. you were ready for more than little pecks on the cheek, you were ready for more than tentative cuddles while watching tv. 
the problem is, you don't know how to bring it up to him. mingi always seemed so happy whenever you had time for each other that you convinced yourself that where you guys are right now is enough. 
a loud ring shakes you out of your thoughts. you look at your phone, a bright "minki <3" pops up on the screen. clearing your throat, you answer the phone and put it on speaker, letting it rest on the pillow beside you.
"hellooooooo beautiful~", mingi's soft yet melodic voice makes your heart skip a beat.
"you were taking a while to answer, so i thought i'd call you. are you doing ok?"
you take a few deep breaths, hoping he didn't notice how your breathing had become uneven.
"no no i'm ok, just a bit tired", you reply.
you could practically hear the pout on his lips when he replied.
"awww you shouldn't be working too hard. how am i supposed to talk to you if you're tired?".
you chuckled as he continued to curse at your workplace for making you work so hard.
after a brief silence, you hear mingi take a deep breath, and proceed to say something that made your efforts to stay calm go to waste.
"i wish i was with you right now."
calming yourself down, you manage to reply, "i wish so too, mingi."
"oh really? it doesn't sound like it". his voice practically oozed with sarcasm.
rolling your eyes, you say, "of course i want to be with my boyfriend".
"well i don't believe you~", mingi says in a cute little sing-song voice.
"then what do i have to do to prove it to you?".
"kiss me".
huh???, you think in awe. "mingi, darling, you're miles away, how am i supposed to kiss you?"
"kiss me through the phone~", he replies, as he continues singing the rest of the song in an out of tune voice that makes you giggle.
"ok ok fine", you say after you stop giggling.
you pucker up your lips and give your phone a big smooch. a small laugh from your phone makes you smile.
"thank you, love. i really needed that".
you and mingi talk a little more before he dozes off, still on call. you let the call continue, not having the heart to cut it off. picking up your laptop, you start working on an email while listening to mingi's deep breathing and incoherent mumbles.
"mmh, baby".
you freeze, slowly turning your head towards the phone, not believing what you are hearing.
you hadn't noticed before, but small moans had accompanied mingi's breathing. your face starts to heat up as you struggle to keep your heart rate down. what was he dreaming about that made him say stuff like that in his sleep?
"fuuuuck yeah, right there".
this was the last straw. you quickly grab your phone and end the call, still in shock at what you had just heard, and ashamed at yourself for letting it affect you the way it did. 
after calming yourself down, you close your laptop and head to bed, your mind reeling over the phone call you just had.
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