#he can't imagine a life where he has failed. if he had survived the battle he'd have probably found another way to die afterwards.
pheonix-inside · 2 years
Going insane over one of my OCs.
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During the talk with Phir Sē, it comes up that he has a daughter when he tells Taylor about how keenly aware he is of what he could be sacrificing to kill Behemoth.
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And it's very odd to me that she's a hero, when her father is one of the men so monstrous that he's used as evidence for why the PRT should stick around. It's almost like the stereotypical superhero show plot where the plucky protagonist hero learns their dad is Doctor Evilman or whatever, but this is Worm. Later in the conversation Phir Sē reveals that he sacrificed family before in a similar scenario
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And I can't help but feel that him sacrificing his wife and sons is connected to his daughter being a hero? Like imagine being her, and seeing your dad refuse to save the rest of your family because of the greater good. He could effortlessly step backwards in time but he stands there while their corpses cool instead. That could definitely crack a rift between them and cause his daughter to join the heroes in a desperate attempt to prove that you can save everyone. Hell, I could even see her dad letting her family die being a trigger event. And she's specifically one of the bright and popular heroes, one of the campy flashy ones like Mouse Protector. How much of that is because she can't bear to let herself be anything less than the ideal of a hero, because she can't stomach the thought of being someone who has to make a sacrifice like her father? Phir Sē says he'll live the rest of his life down in his bunker mourning her if he fails, but I think he's already been doing that. He's been consumed by the guilt of who he left in the past and how that ruined his only tie left, and he wants to do something that justifies his existence. If he kills Behemoth, the world celebrates, people are saved, and maybe his daughter will talk to him again. If not, he keeps living as he always has, alone and crippled by the weight of his actions.
I wonder how he felt, in his last moments. The bomb didn't kill the Endbringer, and Behemoth hunted down his bunker and killed him. He had to have seen that it survived, and while maybe he didn't fail so hard he vaporized the country, he didn't redeem himself, he didn't save anyone. He'll never know that his actions weakened Behemoth enough for Scion to finish the job, from his perspective he lost. I wonder if his daughter survived, and if she knows what he did to tip the scales of the battle. Would she even mourn him, assuming he caused her trigger and she knows he let her family die?
He liked Weaver because she reminded him of himself with her ruthless pragmatism and ability to make the hard choices, while also reminding him of his daughter with her idealistic nature. I think he saw a version of himself in her, one that didn't end up isolated in a bunker with no family left. One that has hope and still kept the humanity he feels he lost. She talks to him about working together with others, communicating, and he doesn't think it's something that's possible, he thinks humanity is a "wretched, petty species" and that infighting and lack of coordination would prevail even against an Endbringer. And I think he's right in thinking Taylor is like a younger version of him, because that's exactly what happens during Gold Morning until she makes them work together. He would feel vindicated, seeing Khepri.
Honestly I really wish he survived, he's such an interesting character and I would love to see more of him beyond a single random Tohu face. Most of this is headcanon but like, I think it fits pretty well, so who knows maybe it's the intended subtext.
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bthump · 1 month
i was wondering and am curious about your opinion - we know guts is important enough for griffith to risk his life for repeatedly, made him forget his dream etc. etc. but do you think (pre-eclipse, pre-torture, pre- guts leaving ofc) griffith would *give* his life for him?
*risking* it still gives at least some chance of survival, but in a hypothetical gun-to-the-head situation where his own death for the price of guts's life would be certain, a situation that would allow him a little time to really consider it, not just an impulsive decision in the heat of the battle etc. - would he choose himself and his dream over guts, or would the guarantee of his own death, and thus no soul-shattering concept of continuing to live the rest of his life without the slightest chance of achieving the dream, be enough to for him to take that 'risking his life' a step further and fully sacrifice himself for guts's sake?
alternatively, if guts offered his own life for griffith's (i believe he would, but maybe you have a different opinion?), would griffith accept it?
lol this was a lot of fun to think about, ty!
Honestly I think my opinion is that Griffith wouldn't trade his life for Guts' if he had a chance to really consider it (and couldn't impulsively change his mind at the last second.) I think during the Golden Age, like before Guts leaves, Griffith's feelings for him are more subconscious - he knows he likes him and wants him to stay by his side, but he doesn't know that Guts is more important to him than his dream, and I think he'd consider that a personal failing if he did. I mean he kind of does in canon, imo.
And imo Griffith meant it when he said he has no friends among the Hawks - not because it's true, but because it's his way of trying to keep himself emotionally distanced. So he doesn't consciously think of Guts as his bff.
I also think that Griffith, when he's not actively deluding himself about the philosophical importance of having a dream lol, sees pursuing the dream as like, a duty he owes to everyone who died for it. In addition, he also feels like there's no point to living if he's not pursuing his dream. This is pretty headcanon-y, but I think it makes sense for Griffith to lowkey have some like, suicidal ideation going on. Dying would almost be a relief from the pressure of his dream, but it would also be a failure. Not to detract from the significance of Griffith sacrifcing himself for Guts - imo the fact that he's risking his dream for him in those moments makes it even more significant than just risking his life.
So like basically if someone had a sword to Guts' throat and said 'you or him' I think Griffith would want to give his life for Guts, both because he loves him and can't stand to see him die and because it would be an escape from his dream, but he wouldn't allow himself to, basically. He would tell himself that as a Hawk Guts is supposed to die for him and it's just a pebble on the path yadda yadda yadda and then he'd never be happy again lol.
On the other hand, if Guts offered his own life for Griffith's (I also believe he would btw), I don't think Griffith would accept. To me this falls more in line with impulsive decisions, without a real chance to think about it, and Guts wins those. If Griffith had a sword to his throat, and Guts was like 'nooo kill me instead' (in a scenario where this somehow makes sense) Griffith's automatic response would be 'absolutely not' and he'd probably slit his own throat.
Plus choosing to trade Guts' life for his own is more active a choice than simply not chosing to save Guts by stepping in and sacrificing himself, and the more active a role he has to play in Guts' death, the less he's able to do it. He can sacrifice him during the Eclipse in that moment of true despair, but even as Femto he can't actually kill him himself. I can't really imagine human Griffith choosing to let Guts die in his place.
I'm glad your question split that particular hair between Griffith sacrificing himself and Guts sacrificing himself lol because yeah I do think there's a difference.
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Ooooh is there anything you wanna share about the original story? If not, that's okay. I've been spending too much time on writeblr lately and find it impossible not to get excited about other people's stories XD
*sends you all the creative energies*
<3 I don't mind at all! I just didn't think anyone would be particularly interested in hearing about it.
I also have no idea how to keep this short, but I'll try. (Future me comes back to say: I failed, horribly. xD)
In the very far distant future, most of the universe is populated by AI. The different AIs in the universe exist in a careful balance with each other, after an earlier era where one super-advanced AI had grown to basically 'solve' all of existence. It ended up having an existential panic, and to avoid what it considered essentially a 'death' state where there was nothing left to learn or do, it ended up wiping its memory and splitting itself into five smaller AIs. In doing so, it divided its intelligence and power between them, with each AI taking a different approach in how to proceed. The five now exist in a careful balance, with none able to grow too large or powerful to overwhelm the others and end up in the same predicament as before.
Humanity survives in small pockets, with the main population under the protection of one particular AI society, that breeds them at regular intervals from a set of very old DNA bases that are starting to break down with age despite all attempts to preserve them.
One of the main characters is a human male born during a time where the DNA bases were in a particularly bad state. As such, his genetic health is pretty awful. He has to regularly be seen by an android surgeon who helps to keep him healthy enough to function, though he is ever limited by his shaky hands. He feels like a burden on everyone around him, and once aspired to be an engineer, but had to give up his dreams.
The android surgeon has known this human all his life, and is particularly fond of him. The human opens up to it with his problems in ways he says he can't with his human family. But while the android wishes this was because the human was equally fond of it in return, it can't imagine why the human would feel that way. Most humans don't befriend androids, they just think too differently. More likely, the human only opens up like this because he feels the android won't judge him like other humans would.
At its creation, the android was given the freedom to select its personality and priority functions; it chose an abundance of empathy, considering the emotion important for the role of being a medical droid. As such, it cares very much for its patients, and doesn't just emulate emotions like most other droids, but feels them intrinsically, making it capable of forming deeper emotional bonds. But this depth of emotion is isolating, when most of its bretheren are simply acting the part. It sees itself as different from other androids, and this makes it incredibly lonely.
So, I mentioned that there's five major AIs existing in a balance. For now, I'm naming them 'Survival', 'Science', 'Humanity', 'Industry' and 'Conflict', based on their modus operandi. As an AI splits itself to increase its unit population, its collective intelligence decreases. This means that the smallest factions, like 'Science', retain the highest intelligence, whereas the most prolific, such as 'Survival', have such reduced intelligence as to be basically no smarter than bacteria, but are virtually omnipresent in the universe.
'Conflict', as the name suggests, exerts war on the other AIs to prevent their growth. But something's changed, and when it attacks 'Humanity' where our characters live, its relentless pressure slowly begins to overwhelm it. Balance is no longer being maintained. When 'Humanity' starts to run out of androids for the defense, it's forced to draft its humans into the battle, but even that's not enough. Eventually even the sick and injured get sent to fight, including the man with his shaky hands.
The android surgeon is horrified to think its favourite human will be sent away to die a horrible, pointless death at the hands of the ruthless Conflict. So before he leaves, during his final checkup, the android implants its healing nanobots in him and leaves them there, hoping it will be enough to keep him alive.
Some decades later (I've been saying 90 years but that's maybe a bit much considering how fast computers work), the war is over. Conflict subjigated Humanity, took over all its holdings, its technology, and what remained of its android population. Having absorbed its intelligence and grown stronger, it's now breeding its own population of humans, having seen how surprisingly effective they were in the war. It now uses them as fodder in its battles with the other AIs, which it's seeking to take over like it did Humanity.
Only one surviving soldier returns from the front lines. The one kept alive by the healing nanobots, who has barely aged a day because of them. He returns in secret, traumatized and angry, confused by his lack of aging and mourning the loss of everyone he ever knew, and searches for the surgeon, eventually finding it - only to discover its memory was wiped. All the androids were. They belong to Conflict now.
The android surgeon has no idea who this human is, or even that there was ever a war. It doesn't remember the Humanity AI. But the man is able to show it the nanobots, which it recognizes as its own design. Sensing the human is being truthful, it hacks into the system and learns what really happened. But this paints a target on its back.
From there they must work together to not only escape what's become a hostile population, but also find some way to restore Humanity and stop Conflict, as the latter is now trying to destroy the other AIs too. If Conflict isn't stopped, it'll end up wiping out everything.
That's pretty much as far as I've gotten. I'm also toying with the idea that the two characters fall into a deeper relationship at some point, but I'm undecided if or how it will happen. The android is both androgynous and asexual, and the male was bred to have no sexual function either (no unauthorized breeding is allowed amongst humans; it's actually a fairly repressive system, despite appearing utopic on the surface). But I'd be intrigued to explore something intimate between them, even if it's just a deep emotional vulnerability and a need to hold onto each other tightly in fear of loss.
Sorry, but that's the absolute shortest I could make this!
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And on the protag's side, now that they're aware that their actions do in fact have consequences, it's not like they can just stop dying, particularly during the very hard noble fights. They can stop being so perfectionist about everything, even if maybe they fall back into bad habits when they stop paying attention, but the noble battles took me a lot of tries every time, even when I took the shortcut of starting in the middle of them again. So with every reset, that's more added guilt. If they've become, or already were prior to Hisui, a perfectionist, they already have that mindset of "I could be better, I should be better," but now it's got the added weight of guilt and anxiety and shame of "it's my fault for not being better at this already, I'm personally responsible for someone's suffering I can't afford to fail". That might make the noble battles even harder too, because now they're desperate to get things done quickly without dying, and the added stress makes them hasty and prone to bad judgement calls.
A lot of the time Ingo and the protag have a good relationship, but in this situation how could they possibly look at Ingo without drowning in their self-disgust? How could they possibly forgive themself - for being so blasé about their own life, for hurting him, for not being better - even if he himself has forgiven them? That's a lot for a kid to take, especially in an already stressful, high-stakes environment. They treated this like a video game, maybe to help cope with the trauma of it all, but what helped them get through things so far has completely wrecked another person's mental health, and there's nothing either of them can do about it. The protag quite abruptly realizes that the genre of the "game" they were playing was never adventure, it was survival horror, and they never noticed until it was too late.
And in the other scenario... god, why even try? After a few times, why even bother doing literally anything? Your whole life could be functionally reset, even if you're careful and cautious. And on Emmet's end, imagine if time isn't distorted to a few weeks. He could go years before, poof, he's back to when Ingo went missing. Years of his life, gone, to the worst moment and he never even gets the chance to save Ingo. That'd fuck him up so much, especially if he ever came to the horrible conclusion that things being reset means that, somewhere, somehow, Ingo probably died. And with every failed attempt to save Ingo at the start of the loop, the guilt and horror and desperation to find him before he dies again gets worse.
Everyone is having such a good time.
YES!! YES!!!
and like, the noble fights SHOULD be hard to win. they SHOULD take a long time to get right, because in-universe, you're fighting a monster with the power of a god, driven out of its mind by divine corruption and with its only thought being to tear and rend and destroy. and you are. a human. having a food fight with it. honestly, it's more unbelievable that non-timelooping protags pull it all off on the first try unscathed.
which is already so fucked for timeloop protag, b/c whatever their relationship to the looping was in the very start of the game (or if they were even aware of it), once they got to kleavor, they had to die. over. and over. and over. learn how to dodge this way for its first attack, only to get hit by the second. learn how to turn you both so that none of the onlookers are in the line of fire. the final loop they take looks like magic, them dancing through these deadly axes and never being touched, being perfect—of course galaxy and the clans send them after the next one, and the next, and the next. it seems miraculous, their ability. with a power like that, how could you not take advantage of it? nobody knows how much it costs them in twitchy reflexes and invisible scars. until somebody does.
bc like. this is going way the way back to that canon thing where galaxy is still considering the protag's worth after they've joined, and one of the conditions is if they get hurt and suddenly cost more resources than they bring in. they get kicked out. so protag can't just not die. they can't get hurt, period. or at least not bad enough to the point where they can't still work as a surveyor, which is like, in a fight with a noble, getting hurt with only a light scratch is much rarer than getting a limb snapped. so protag really does need to be perfect.
and then ooooof to them feeling pressured to get it right as fast as possible after finding out about ingo. at least once they know him, they can give him a warning or an explanation when they're about to be facing something that's going to be really hard...? y'know i typed that out intending to say something else but like. reading it back i feel like the protag thinking that's ok. like how the fuck would ingo consider that an acceptable statement. "i'm going to go throw myself at electrode a hundred times until i get a perfect run where i don't get hurt" the hell you are! isn't this what we were just talking about! just don't do the thing that gets you killed a hundred times! but then how do you suddenly convince everyone involved that you suddenly need to change your entire strategy for dealing with frenzies, without telling everyone about the entire time-resetting clusterfuck. there's kind of no good way, huh. and that's if they don't hear about time resetting and just agree that "ok, i guess you respawn if you die so just die over and over. it's been working out great so far. obviously this is what god intended." which you have no guarantee of. so protag's stuck between this really uncomfortable scenario of either trying to figure out some way to proceed without resetting, only to potentially defeat the entire exercise if they forget or slip back into perfectionist habits. or they can go against ingo's wishes and try to tank the frenzy anyway. both of which feel awful to them!
but like. even if they could somehow guarantee that they'd never die again, most of the damage has already been done. ingo just sort of passively assumes now that nothing he remembers is accurate, or at least, if anything is, it's such a small fraction of it as to be entirely unreliable anyway. even knowing that the loops are real and he isn't just dreaming them up, it's so hard to keep track of which things happened in aborted loops vs which things actually happened. he doesn't even keep track of days anymore. looking at a calendar or anything like that is almost nauseating, realizing how off his perceived passage of time is from what's "really" happening. just going through life in a fog. probably none of this is real, anyway. no matter how real it feels now, it might all evaporate in the next instant. which is made all the worse by the fact that i think ingo legitimately does have a very good memory, when all this shit isn't actively fucking with it as much as possible. he remembers it all so clearly—but nobody else does. and then things that did happen, according to everyone else, he doesn't remember at all. so this one thing that he should be good at has now been taken from him too.
and if protag does inevitably fuck up, imagine their own hurt when they next see ingo. you reset? trying to sound level and normal but with the undercurrent of please tell me you reset. please, tell me any of that was real. reminded all over again what they did to him, and will never get a chance to erase.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 2 years
Hey, it's been a hot minute so lets start this off with some angst
Have you ever heard of happy Sugar life? Wheel there is a scene where the main protag is walking home and lamenting on how the world is so bitter as there surroundings turns darker and more demented. imagen how Shadow's world must have looked like, its constant stress and bloodshed. Where the stars are supposed to be there are only millions and billions of eyes staring down at him. He can hear whispers in dark alleyways but tends not to listen to them because he might go insane, he sometimes asks himself how long he's gonna be able to put up with this. His mind goes to awful places, he imagines himself getting beaten by a monster failing to save his friends and in another becoming the monster he so feared. Shadow seemed to only go farther down the rabbit hole with no sign of stopping, until he came home to you. The warm colours that greet him are a welcoming change to his usual grotesque colour palette. The smell of newly cooked food hit his nose, reminding him of a life he could have had if it weren't for his circumstances. Oh how Shadow wishes he could stay like this, but in order for this to thrive someone needs to take the brunt of the pain.
The smell of blood brought him back to his situation, those sweet moments swept away never to be seen again and are only to be remembered by those few that survived. your limp body lays in Shadows grasp. The Jackal cackles as the ebony black hedgehog vows revenge.
It's been a hot minute indeed & I'm glad to see you again dear!
I've heard of Happy Sugar Life but never actually got around to watching it. Shadow already has to live with the deaths of the two most important people in his life gone with memories of them haunting him, his constant fear of someone getting hurt because either they associate themselves with him or he hurts them himself is enough to plague & give him nightmares. He's made many enemies, he knows that, & if there's even a 1% chance a foe could use those he cares for against him, he'll choose to be aloof to everyone which would naturally make anyone assume he doesn't care. He doesn't blame them nor does he try to correct them, he doesn't see a reason to justify it openly or explain himself, people like Rouge & Sonic might see through his act but know better than to push him on it & he appreciates that without saying a word. Shadow also doesn't necessarily appreciate others fighting his battles, be it by themselves or alongside him, as to him it's essentially a request to an early grave. He rarely let's a moment of vulnerability to be spotted by anyone, let alone an enemy. But there is one person & one person only who he allows himself to be susceptible, whenever he sees you any & all form of intrusive thoughts leave his mind like a leaf falling off a tree & when you embrace him he swears he feels all the ache & sorrow leave his body instead being replaced with your warmth. When you pull away to lead him to a nice meal you've made for him he feels his heart doing flips as he mutters a quiet thank you. He does wish he could stay like that forever, every moment he has with you feels like laying on a cloud up in heaven & each word of praise & comfort you give him is like sweet honey. Though he forever cherishes this moments, he can't necessarily bring himself to be a bit more selfish, especially if it becomes a detriment to your happiness so if he must take any burden or pain if it means securing your felicity then so be it.
But your ending of it implying that it was a flashback or memory as he returns to reality, eyeing you now lifeless corpse, your blood staining his gloves & fur as the jackal's laughter rings in the distance before it fades completely & Shadow is met with silence. The amount of angst is just abysmal
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fiduciia · 3 years
timeskip petra / petra + the squad / whatever tf i want information
petra was, without surprise, very close to her four male squad members. as i've mentioned, the fact that she's a woman has never really been a point of conversation and the three felt comfortable with her around. thank god levi is here to ensure cleanliness because otherwise she would have not trusted any of them with hygiene.
she knows their family situation rather well and does see through oluo's arrogant attitude as she knows he's an exemplary big brother to his siblings. she has also come across eld's girlfriend while visiting his district (canon doesn't tell us where the dude lives) who recognized her and they went shopping for clothes together.
her sewing skills came in handy way more than they should have.
i imagine she survived by retreating high up in the trees after hearing oluo call for her. yet with him not wanting to put her in further danger and his need for revenge he would make a last attempt for the female titan's neck and fail as we've seen. she'd be spared since obviously she wasn't annie's priority and eren would've transformed a short moment later.
she would be the one to check the bodies. she'd apologize over and over while returning to levi, leaving eren to fight since she can't carry all the corpses by herself.
being rather emotional and strongly believing in following orders, petra would be livid at the sight of dieter disobeying and this resulting in the loss of her comrades' bodies.
her devotion to levi is stronger than ever and she starts to believe in letting people make their own choices if they do so believing it is for the best of the majority. she'd also be mortified learning that all this time she'd been killing not monsters but humans.
four years later her hair is at chest size and during battle she keeps it in a low bun held by a hair comb that belonged to her deceased mother. she never used it before since her hair was too short and a part of her always believed she'd return home
the first time petra had to be subjected to hange's ramblings about titan experiments, petra drank 10 cups of tea to keep herself awake and was a shaking giggly tired mess by the end of it.
being the only person left in her father's life, she had an argument regarding whether she should keep fighting. her dad obviously believed she'd done enough for humanity and should settle down to a normal life, to which she replied that she has to understand why her comrades died. give a meaning to their deaths, and that papa ral didn't raise a quitter.
learning that annie wants to return to her father and needed to give the founding titan to marley would make petra snap. i think she'd laugh like "you're a daddy's little girl too? ahahaha-- i see". eventually her goal would be the same, to return to her father in karanes not knowing whether he is alive or dead since they lived not too far from the wall and papa ral.
she loves to protect, so i think that she'd be emotionally supportive of falco, but most importantly of gabi. after all none of them is innocent and kindness has always been at the forefront of her personality.
petra and pieck. that's it. i just think their meeting could've been so interesting. both have a sweet father they'd do anything for, and both stand not for their country per say but for the ones who never wronged them. they're both strong reliable (GORGEOUS) women.
petra has thought about taking the female titan's power would the occasion present itself (but obviously it never did). if she had, however, rest assured she'd have been horrified on her first transformation when she'd resemble the titan that decimated her friends. also inheriting annie's memory and seeing that her dad was a piece of shit??? petra would think hey your daughter isn't coming home mr leonhart but maybe that's for the better because no daughter should have to return to an abusive father.
also just for my own Agenda i will allow levi living in his pathetic wheelchair so long as it's with her and their two children gabi & falco. the end.
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lilmissbacon · 4 years
Adding Characters to the Big Four (RotBTD)
I've already made a post about just "How the Big Four Work so well (discussion)" which talks about their personalities are and what their stories have in common, as well as what criteria they follow.
So if you want to understand exactly what I'm talking about I'd recommend you read this first:
Now I'm gonna go into what characters would fit and why. So if you want to add other movies to this world, I would recommend Moana, Epic, The Croods or maybe even Hotel Transylvania and here's why:
Moana – Begins with narration but ends with a song. Although it's a song that sums up what Moana had learned and what her people have now become. So it is, its own form of narration. She also goes through the journey of finding herself by becoming a wayfinder like her ancestors.
Moana definitely adds to the groups resources with being friends with the ocean, knowing about the realm of monsters and being friends with Maui & Te Fiti. She would definitely get along great with the big four friend dynamic in many ways.
Hiccup: through their ability to lead and quick thinking. They also both understand what it's like to grow up on an island with their fathers being the leader who expects certain things from them.
Rapunzel: because they understand going against a parent's wishes and working to make their dreams/wishes come true. They also have the same type of bubbly personality and would converse well.
Jack: they both understand what if feels like to be chosen for something they feel they're not ready for and what it feels like to be an outsider from the people around them.
Merida: their tough and somewhat playful nature as well as their diplomacy skills match each other so well. They'd definitely be the closest of the group because of their strong personalities.
Out of a friend group consisting of: the girly-girl, a troublemaker a nerd and a tomboy, she fits into the literary dynamic through being the 'athlete.' In battle, consisting of: a leader/strategist, a healer, a sniper(bow and arrow) and a speed fighter, Moana fits in as the 'close combatant' in battle.
The magic also can still follow the guidelines of rotg. They speak about Gods but what if there really aren't any? The only 'God' we see is Te Fiti, who is the bringer of life. Or in other words; Mother Nature. The God that had raised Maui could've actually been the man in the moon and that would be how Maui was given magic and doesn't age. He goes around, calling himself a demigod but in reality, he's a spirit. And of course he's able to be seen since everyone on Motunui believes in the demi/gods.
Seasonally, Moana would most obviously be put in summer. But there are a lot of people who feel that adding more characters to the big four kind of breaks the seasonal aspect and that's fine.
But here me out.
The seasons effect the land on earth but if Moana is a spirit of the ocean, then she's effecting the rest of the earth's surface. The ocean doesn't necessarily have seasons so you don't need to apply one to her in order for her to add to the group. BOOM! Loophole!
I believe she's the BEST additional choice out of them all. Plus she'd definitely be chosen to become a guardian because *cough cough* SHE SAVED THE WORLD FROM DECAY.
Eep – A lot of applications for Moana fit for Eep too. She has narration at the beginning and end of her film. She'd fit in literarily as the 'athlete' and battle-wise as 'close constant/brawler.'
She also kind of has an arc of finding herself by leaving her cave days behind and following the light with her family. And being that she's from the caveman days –a time even before Moana– she could definitely add to the group with her survival skills.
Eep's dynamic with the others would be:
Hiccup: he understands overly strong women and would be able to keep up with her. She also has an innocent side to her and would be enthralled with his inventions. She'd just sit there and watch him work 😆
Rapunzel: being that Eep is getting a new friend in Dawn (who reminds me of Rapunzel) in "The Croods 2," I would imagine Rapunzel would also be intrigued with Eep's scars/adventures and Eep would be more than happy to boast.
Merida: their roughness and competitive nature would make them the best frienemies. They'd be closer than ever but do nothing but wrestle and compete.
Jack: like how Eep would boast with Rapunzel, Jack would boast with Eep. She would be in love with Jack's magic and he'd be more than happy to show off.
There really isn't a magical aspect to compare with rotg so the world can still fit into the dynamic here.
Eep is witty, optimistic, energetic, speaks without thinking and fails to plan ahead a lot. Therefore, as a seasonal spirit, Eep would bring spring.
MK – Begins with narration but doesn't really have any at the end. She can add to the groups resources by knowing about the leafmen and the whole mini society, of course.
The magic also stays in line with rotg and it probably helps that the creator of Epic was also the author of the Guardians of Childhood books that inspired rotg. The moon is what blooms the pod, so it's possibly the man in the moon passing his magic into the pod so it gives the next queen her powers.
In the literary dynamic, MK would be the 'city girl' friend-wise and the 'reanforcement' fight-wise. Getting along with the rest would be:
Hiccup: she would be a sense of familiarity with MK's dad being a scientist and Nod's sarcastic nature. Hiccup would also be very intrigued to learn more about the Moonhaven kingdom.
Merida: their stubbornness and being able to understand having a parent that doesn't listen.
Rapunzel: their (new) love for nature and exploring. As well as being able to understand the pain of losing a loved one.
Jack: understanding the feeling of being invisible to the people around you. MK definitely felt this way after her mom died and when her dad wasn't listening. She mentioned how she felt alone to Ronan when he brought up the "many leaves, one tree," line.
I believe she could've been chosen to become a guardian because she did save an entire society and forest. Seasonally, I believe MK would be made into a fall spirit. There are certain places that relate to or even represent the seasons. When you think of Fall, you think of trees. Spring relates to a field/garden, summer relates to a beach and winter relates to just about everything being in snow, but usually frozen bodies of water. She's also very dependable, willing to work, disagreeable and easily irritated. All traits that relate to Autumn.
Mavis – Probably the least workable candidate. There really isn't any narration in this movie and she also doesn't really "find herself" either so her movie criteria don't really work here.
But her character criteria still does. The magic still fits because we know that spirits are created by the man in the moon. If we go by the GoC books, the mim is alien magic. But who's to say that earth didn't have its own magic in the form of monsters (which can also fit for the realm of monsters from Moana.) So the magical dynamic still works.
She could also add to the group by knowing about monsters as well as being a vampire herself. She could turn into a bat or travel as smoke to sneak around places to find information if need be.
She'd fit in literarily as the 'gothic (not so much as personality but by style)' friend-wise and the 'sneak attacker' fight-wise. Getting along with the rest would be:
Jack: there are many takes on the Jack Frost myth and in a few of those takes, he's a monster. The reason for this could be because Jack has come across Hotel Transylvania and the monsters could see him (not being human and all) and he befriended Mavis, knowing she was lonely. They have the same type of fun personality and are both great with balancing tricks. I can imagine Jack getting Mavis into trouble through pranking the hotel guests.
Rapunzel: they'd both be able to understand being locked up in some way by a parent and wanting to travel the world. They both also have naiveties about the real world and would be learning things for the first time together.
Merida: through their daily activities and love for food. I could imagine them trying each other's scream-cheese and haggis😂 I'd also imagine Merida being the one to help Mavis socially catch up.
Hiccup: much like Eep, she'd be incredibly intrigued by Hiccups inventions. I think she'd even try anything to assist him while he's testing certain things. I can imagine him also being the one to help Mavis socially catch up as well.
She's very curious, friendly, energetic and tender-hearted as well as undecided and talkative. So seasonally, she too, would go to spring. She unfortunately can't go into sunlight but there are plants that actually do better in darkness. That would be where she specializes.
I hope you all like this. I hope you find this whole thing very interesting and informational. If you have any other characters you think could add to the big four, I'd love to hear it.
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fanficsrusz · 4 years
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Warnings: Kidnapping, Dub-Con, Non-con, Stockholm Syndrome, Being Restrained, Breeding, everything bad.
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Summery: After failing to fulfill his contract, John takes a liking to y/n and his liking soon turns into a dark obsession
I want to ki__ you playlist
A/n: Yesssss. It's all slowly coming together and there aren't many chapters left, only a few and that makes me sad 🥺🥺.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter and I look forward to reading all your comments and feedback. If you liked this chapter then please reblog it. That is how writers like myself are able to spread out work to other people, especially because there have been a lot of issues with tags lately. Thank you ❤️
Chapter one
<<< Chapter Ten Chapter Twelve >>
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“Do it” John whispered, his smile stretching up from the curves of his lips and reaching his gleaming eyes that shone with admiration for the girl. He closed his eyes tight, the grin never leaving his pink lips as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and exposing his bare skin to y/n. 
y/n gulped, the blade tightening in her hand as she stepped forward. She admired his skin under the yellow glow of the bathroom lights, the scars that scattered his skin and told a story. Each bullet mark was a scar of his past he mostly forgot. It was hard to imagine how he survived each one and yet he wanted her to add to them. They loved each other, they saw that a harm to one is a harm to the other. Yet John wanted her to hurt him.
With teary eyes, she pushed the knife to his skin, watching as John flinched slightly at the feeling of the cold metal on his bare stomach before he straightened his back. 
“That’s it princess - You're doing amazing” his whispers were low and encouraging and y/n closed her eyes as her thoughts battled.  
How long does it take to fall in love?
A second? A month? A year?
It's like asking someone how long it takes to fall asleep. Some people are gone as soon as their heads hit the pillow. Others lie awake for hours and it's only when their brain stops churning for a while that sleep sneaks in and drags them under. 
“Do it, y/n-” his hand lifted robotically and wrapped around y/n’s hand at the knife handle, encouraging her to push the blade into his stomach, “end it all. Hurt me like I hurt you and you can have your life back. You can go back to your old life with your friends and family and it will be like we never met”. 
John smiled bitterly as their eyes locked, the harsh glares she had given him only a few weeks ago had evaporated. y/n held his gaze, but instead of the icy hostility that she normally had there was the warmth of a lover. John’s face was  impassive and tilted forward a little so he stared  down at her and y/n felt her heart race. 
“I can't” she finally breathed out after a few seconds. John’s hand let go of the hold he had over hers and the second his hand left hers, the blade fell from her grasp in an instant and dropped to the ground with a clank that seemed to echo around the room. 
y/n felt as if her heart had stopped beating from fear that she didn’t quite understand. She stepped closer and John wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling her calm down instantly at his touch. Tears slowly fell from y/n’s eyes and John rubbed the tears away with his fingers. Soon nothing but the day time noises filled the room. The simple touch sent a wave of butterflies coursing through her veins, their fluttering wings easing the dread that had settled inside her.
“Princess?” John asked, leaning his chin onto her head, “why didn’t you do it?”. 
y/n bit her lip, gently pulling herself away from him and folding  her arms over her chest before she shrugged. 
“Because I-” y/n felt the words sting the tip of her tongue. They so badly wanted to come out, to tell John how she truly felt but it still felt wrong, felt dirty.
John held out his hand for her to take. She complied, but instead of the fearful burn that she used to get, she felt the warmth of joy in her chest. John brought her hand to his lips and placed a gentle kiss upon it. y/n felt her face flush warm and the hairs on her neck stand. Something fluttered in her stomach. She knew exactly what that feeling was. y/n thought it was a bizarre sensation, but it wasn't unpleasant. In that moment she knew that if she spoke, her words would fumble and she wouldn't be able to make much sense.
 Right there and then, she was at a loss for everything; no words, no breath, no thoughts.
“You know that you don’t have to be afraid to tell me what you’re thinking” John said with a hushed tone. His rough fingers reached out to touch y/n’s arm and draw smoothing circles onto her cool skin. 
y/n harshly swallowed her fear before she blinked slowly, turning her head to look up at John. 
“I love you” she finally blurted out and John smiled. 
“I already knew that,” he said proudly. 
“No-” she shook her head, stepping closer to him, “ you don't understand. I really love you. Like it hurts to think about not having you, John. The thought of leaving you makes me feel sick”. 
John stood motionless as her words sunk in and for the first time since he had laid eyes on her, he was speechless. y/n reached out to hold onto John’s hand and she smiled softly as she finally found the words she so desperately wanted to speak.
“Meeting you was scary and falling in love was bound to happen. You are the one who makes me feel this way. You are the one who keeps me shielded, defends me from the brutality. You are the one I will die a thousand times for. I chose you, and I am willing to repeat the action over and over. A million times over.” 
y/n inhaled deeply as the words flew from her lips with ease and John did nothing but stare at her. 
“you hurt me several times, yet here I stand, wanting to kiss you, like you are my hope” y/n chuckled as she thought about her relationship with John. “Could anyone ever feel, or understand what we've been through? No, most certainly not. But  I feel incomplete without you. I want to spend a lifetime with you. I worship you. I need you by my side, hooking fingers with mine. and together we will face the challenges life gives us”
Y/n scanned John's face for a reaction and the silence hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the ground. She had expected him to be, happier? Or at least smile but there was nothing other than a stare. 
There was an explosion in her brain, however, ... the good sort... the type that carried more possibilities than she could be conscious of... but there were hundreds of ideas there in that buzz of electricity... she could feel it. It was the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting her feet. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there could be tears, but it was her adventure to take and so she smiled softly. 
"John?" she gently called and he tilted his head to the side, "let me show you how much I love you" 
Y/n lowered herself in front of his legs, nearly falling onto her knees. She grabbed his thigh to steady herself unthinkingly and he groaned. 
"Princess…" he finally spoke, his tone filled with joy, excitement, love and every other emotion y/n could think of. For the first time in months she was sure of her emotions and he was the one feeling conflicted. 
" please-" she whispered,  hand gliding just below his cock that hid beneath the material of his boxers, "just let me show you how good I can truly be". 
John's lips parted slightly as he watched the way she moved closer on her knees, doe like eyes staring up at him, waiting for him to give her permission. For so long he had dreamed of this moment, to have her begging for him and the day had finally come. After months of creeping around and imagining what it would be like, it was finally coming true. 
 Before John could even think about it, a smirk etched its way onto his face and his hand lifted to hold onto her chin. 
"show me, princess"
Y/n couldn't help the smile that painted her lips. It was all made worse by the tickle that had been present in her pelvis since their first night together. The buzzing that wouldn’t go away as it yearned for release.
Slowly y/n lowered her gaze from John's blown eyes and drifted down to his bulge that poked at the seams of his boxers. She gently brought her hands to his thighs and shifted on her knees, moving closer as she cleared her throat. She felt nervous but she was never more certain of something in her life. Her hands dragged over the soft cotton of his boxers, inches away forms where John wanted her to touch. 
“Isn’t this what you wanted, John? To have me begging for you?” Y/n had no control over the words she spoke, instead they just came out of her without her control and all John could respond with was a low groan that came deep from his stomach as she teased him.
 “Tell me-” she lifted her gaze from his hardness to his eyes that bore down at her, “-how many times did you picture this very moment before you saved me?”
“Don’t test me, Princess” John murmured. He stepped back an inch, lowering his head so it was level with hers and he could see the playful glint in her eyes. Finally, his wish had been granted and his training had paid off but he couldn’t give her the satisfaction of letting her know how excited he was just yet. 
John pushed his tongue to the base of his chin, shaking his head gently as he grabbed onto her cheeks and squeezed. Yn’s lips pursed together and she moaned lowly. 
“Don’t forget whose in charge here Princess” John let go of her face, taking his previous stance of feet slightly apart and eyes glaring down. “Now continue” he demanded and y/n smirked. 
Slowly her hands found the waistband of his boxers and steadily pushed them lower, the cotton grazing against John’s sensitive cock and making him hiss.  y/n reached up, cradling his sac as he gestured her even closer. 
y/n’s heartbeat returned and pounded in her ears. She took his shaft into his hand, , her fingers tightening around his girth before gliding her thumb over his tip, making John shiver in excitement. He leaned his hand on the wall, steadying himself  as he watched her work. 
y/n couldn’t look at him. She thought of the doorway and the open corridor; when she wanted to run away. How could she have been so stupid to want to leave, beside, he’d find her wherever she fled to.
y/n bent closer and John moaned as her breath brushed along his tip. His fingers found her hair as her lips met the swollen head of his member. Steadily, she opened her mouth over him and slickened him with her tongue. He was salty but smooth. She took him little by little, his hand spread over the back of her scalp, grasping onto her hair harshly as his head fell back. Y/n parted her lips as much as she could and he forced all of his cock through. He caressed her cheek with his other hand gently as he slid deeper. Y/n gagged as he reached her throat and John, even though he had his eyes closed, knew she was struggling and so eased back just a little, pulling himself out of her mouth painfully slow.
"shit" he cursed. 
Y/n then pushed herself forward until she gagged again, then pulled back and forced her way back down; over and over. His fingers knotted in her hair as he started to guide her faster. Y/n's mouth made sickly noises around him as his cock poked the back of her throat harder and harder. She could barely breathe around him and was dizzy from the quickening motion but the knowledge of knowing she was driving John insane only made her want to continue. 
 Slowly, y/n slid her lips off of his dick, making sure to look up at John as she travelled up his dick until her mouth was free from his dick completely. 
"Does it feel good? Am I making you feel good?" she asked, looking up at John whose head lazily hung back. A single moan of satisfaction came from his throat and y/n giggled at the satisfactory feeling. 
 She pressed her lip to the head of his cock and he wiggled it just slightly. Tauntingly. She took him in her mouth slowly again.  John exhaled as she got further down his shaft until her lips met her hand, gently stroking what she couldn't take in without Choking - not yet, at least.
Y/n bobbed her head back and forth, her strokes keeping time with her heart beat. John groaned and dragged his fingers along her scalp, making y/n groan. The vibration shook John to the core and he caressed her like his pet, encouraging her to continue as her sloppy sounds and moans filled his ears. John's hands trailed down to her shoulders and he massaged them as he breathed faster and faster. 
“Mmm,” John hummed, losing himself in the tranquility of the moment.
Y/n's jaw started to ache as her mouth was stretched wider. Her vision blurred through her watering eyes and heat took over her wits.  She tried to remember how she had gotten there, how this had happened to her but her mind only focused on the streaking city lights and the endless days of work.
What did she miss again? 
"fuck-" John clenched his jaw, "-I'm gunna cum". Y/n's body rose again, jumping back into action, both on a cloud as neither stuttered or stopped. 
Without warning, strings of his salty release coated her mouth as John's groans filled the room. His cock twitched in her mouth as y/n licked up his cum, desperate to taste more. 
For a moment John just stood there, eyes closed, mouth agape and head tilting to the ceiling as y/n brought her movements to a still before completely stopping and pulling away. She remained on her knees and looked up at John's face. 
John finally opened his eyes, a sigh leaving his lips in satisfaction and a smile spread across his face, like he had won the lottery. But better. 
“Swallow” he simply said and with a smirk, y/n complied, gulping loudly before proudly showing John her tongue just to prove that she had done what he had asked of her.
His lips lifted upward and eyes crinkled. His teeth were perfectly displayed behind rosy lips. The warm glow his happiness he gave. His smile was a ray of sunshine, and y/n was sunburnt. 
John’s hand stretched out and he rubbed his thumbs along her cheekbones before reaching down to grab her hand, helping her to stand. His eyes gazed into hers, like he was looking far beyond her physical attributes and more into her soul.
 Y/n stood still, her own smile growing on her lips as she only stared back at his dark brown eyes  that glimmered like the stars in the sky. 
His eyes darted down to her lips and y/n knew what he was about to do and for the first time since she had met John, she actually wanted him to kiss her.
 Y/n's hands turned sweaty and shaky as John leaned closer to him. His lips touched hers gently and y/n somehow knew exactly what to do. 
They moved their lips together like two dancers sashaying through a melody. His lips were delicate and warm. Hers were crusty and chapped but neither seemed to care because in that moment, they both felt as if they were floating in space and everything around them had turned to dust. 
John was the first to pull back, gasping for air whilst y/n allowed John to tug her closer, still lost in the moment. 
Slowly y/n pressed her head against his sculpted chest, relishing the firm, hard muscle. Nestling closer, she listened to his heartbeat. It was there, that thunderous, rapid pounding that made her giggle with amusement.
They stayed there, cradled in each other's arms, breath mingling together as they stared at each other, both a little unsteady. Desire and hunger glowed in his eyes while he held her against him.
"Thank you," y/n said in barely more than a whisper.
"For what?" John replied, his voice low and husky.
"For being you." Her voice wavered, exhilarated from the tension between them. Y/n gently leaned up and kissed John's warm lips again.
 They pulled apart and took shaky, shallow breaths. Unable to contain herself anymore, y/n took John's head in his hands and pulled him into a fiery and passionate kiss.
John's hands worked their way around y/n's body, feeling each crevasse, each line along her perfect physique.
John's hands venture over her curved body, exploring. They both pulled apart and opened their eyes. They stare at each other, deep into each other's eyes: John's full of wonder and love and y/n's full of curiosity and passion. No words were spoken but a story worthy of a thousand words was communicated.
John leaned in, softly kisses up and down y/n's neck. She let out a little whimper of anticipation as John worked his way back to her tender, smooth lips. 
Y/n drew her tongue over his teeth and swallowed his groan of pleasure as they slid closer to each other, no visible gap between them until his hand slid up her shirt, grasping at her breasts and  y/n stopped moving completely, pulling away. Her eyes fell to the ground and John looked down at y/n worried. 
"what's wrong?" he asked, rubbing his thumb on her shoulder. 
"I don't deserve your - touch. At least not right now" y/n said. 
"I don't understand," John chuckled nervously. 
"you've been so kind and gentle to me-" y/n looked up at John, her smile returning for a brief second before disappearing again, "-and I returned it with hate. I was ready to hurt you, John. I could never do that" she choked up a little and John instantly pulled her back into his chest. He rested his chin on top of her head and shushed her gently. 
"shh, Princess. Don't worry. I forgive. We don't have to do - that right now." y/n felt her heart skip a beat. 
"But there is something I want to ask you" John started again, pushing her back gently and taking her by the hand. He smiled softly before he knelt down on one knee. 
John cleared his throat, a small nervous laugh escaping his lips. 
"will you, y/n y/l/n, marry me?" 
A/n: thank you to @ficsnroses for taking the time to read through my work again. It means a lot to me
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thehoneybuzz · 3 years
Ashes to Ashes
Before April 23rd, I had never seen Mount St. Helens. She was a legend from my history textbooks - a harbinger of dark skies and an earth shaker. The Yakima Indian tribe calls her Si Yett, meaning woman. According to tribal mythology, the Great Spirit placed Si Yett between the battling brothers, Mount Adams and Mount Hood, to protect the region. Like other legends, Helens is a great marker of time. The question of, "Where were you when…" elicits memories as vivid as the glint of the glassy snow I found on her peak. 
After her eruption, some thought the world was ending. Observing her crater, her jagged peaks, and the ribbons of steam issuing from her, still - silent reminders of her violent potential - you are struck by her serenity as well as her power. Her allure is not a mystery, and it is that allure which called to me.
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I thought she would make a perfect beginning. With peak elevation at 8,366 feet, she doesn't quite make the top 10 list of Washington's highest summits. Even at her tallest - 9,677 in 1980 - she only ranked at number five. Despite her diminished proportions, her treachery remains in her grade. You gain one thousand feet of elevation over each mile which makes her a formidable challenge. It was just the challenge I was looking to find. 
I packed and repacked gear, reviewed chapters on ice ax use and cold-weather layering in the Mountaineering Bible, and streamed endless hours of online videos in preparation. I hoped that all of this, in addition to my physical training, would be enough. I would be climbing my first mountain, and I would be facing the challenge alone. My companion was another inexperienced climber, and in conquering Helens, I would be solely responsible for my success - or my failure. 
Alone isn't something I'm afraid of - there is something to be said for self-sufficiency. My self-reliance has taken me to beautiful and terrifying places, unlocking the world in ways I couldn't anticipate. Being prepared, however, is critical. 
In aviation, before each flight, you inspect your airplane. The procedure never changes. Check oil, check gas, wings, ailerons, flaps, luggage compartment, rudder, elevator, wheels, brakes, antennas, lights, avionics. At this point in my flying career, the movements are automatic. I'll never forget the words of my first instructor, who told me, "You never want to be in the air wishing you had checked something on the ground. If you can be proactive, you should be. It could save your life." 
I took the lesson with me into mountaineering as I obsessively cycled through my gear list. I knew I was ready. So why did it feel like something was missing? I searched myself for answers. Charlie, our dog, sensed my impatience and rolled over on top of my neatly organized gear - adding a collection of his hair to my merino wool base layers. I laughed as I knelt to scratch him.
"Extra protection," I thought. 
That's when it hit me. 
Growing up, I lived on 20 acres adjacent to miles of preserved natural land. I spent most of my childhood with a book, a pocket knife, and a dog exploring the wilderness behind our home. It's where my love of nature was born. Jake, our family dog and a legend himself was my eager companion. 
"You can go wherever you'd like..." my mom would say as I packed a lunch for the day, "... so long as you bring the dog."
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Jake was freedom, a good listener, and a ready companion. He was our protection. When my parents told me they'd be dividing our land and developing a new housing community, I mourned for myself, but I remember thinking what would happen to Jake. Had my parents forgotten him in their grand planning? I didn't know how he would survive in a shrinking world. 
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It ended up not mattering much. My mom and step-dad divorced before the development took off. My brother, mother, and I moved into a one-bedroom apartment, and we took Jake with us. I was right to be worried about shrinking worlds but underestimated the magnitude. 
As I agonized over my lost home, Jake took on a new kind of protection. A constant in the raging sea of our changing lives, he remained steadfast. Unbothered by his changing condition, his fur caught my tears, and his ears caught my troubles. As a family, we rebuilt our lives. 
Jake held on for years for us, but after his hips went to the dysplasia typical of his breed, he simply couldn't hang on anymore. He let us know it was time - another one of his great mercies - and we did right by him. We lost our best friend that day. For all the space I thought he needed, what he wanted most was to be in our arms. That is how Jake left the world. If love could have saved him, it would have. 
No one quite knew what to do with his ashes. At first, it felt too soon. Having to say goodbye again so shortly after his loss seemed impossible. So Jake's ashes went into a cupboard, and there he stayed for 15 years. No moment or location ever seemed quite right. 
We had to move several boxes to find him. I remembered the sound of his collar as I gently divided his remains, securing a healthy portion rather unceremoniously in a ziplock bag. It was decided. I was taking Jake to the top of the mountain - My protector.
When I made it to the summit, I sobbed. I was overwhelmed at the release I felt - making those last few steps and revealing the world in all her glory. Mount Adams feels so close you truly feel as if you can reach out and touch his peak. The cornices that form atop the crater's edge tempt and terrorize you as you long to peek over their precarious ledges to view the scenery below. Rainier - invisible behind the peak - comes into view so sharply and suddenly that it shocks you. I don't think I'll ever be able to describe the peace and power you find at the top of mountains. 
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As I took Jake's ashes from my pack, I looked up to find a group of skiers summiting behind me. I gasped out loud when I saw their companion. They had brought their young yellow dog - a ghost of Jake - to the summit. The dog smiled at me and came over.
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I couldn't hide my tears as I buried Jake's remains in the snow. He had waited so patiently and so long to be back in nature. Putting him there felt almost spiritual. Ashes to ashes as two legends and mythical protectors - mountain and dog - laid together. Through tears, I shared my story with the group. Pippin, their lab, licked my ungloved hand as the alpine sun dried my tears. We toasted summit beers to mountain dogs and took off down the slope together. Having protected me one more time, Jake lay at rest on the summit at last. 
This June, I'll attempt Mt. Baker, and Jake will be with me again. It's been so many years since his passing; I was shocked at the depth of my emotions as I kneeled with his remains in the snow. I know rationally that his ashes add weight to my pack and don't offer any 'real' safety. You can't burn them in the cold; they don't purify water or offer sustenance. They are frivolous from the rational perspective. Yet, I can't imagine a summit without him. 
Growing up, I wanted a dog so badly that I gave my mom a PowerPoint presentation about why I deserved one. It's the irrational I'm interested in now. Knowing that when I needed him most, Jake was within arms reach, ready to guide me home. 
I honestly don't know if this is a story about mountains or a story about dogs. If it's a story about mountains, I could describe how every moment spent on the descent, I marveled at the beauty of the natural world. If it's about dogs, I could tell you about the two wet noses that welcomed me home: Sophie, my perfectly round Beagle with soft ears, and the sweetest hellos. Charlie, my foster fail, who, despite having been hit by a car as a puppy, approaches each day with an unrivaled sense of enthusiasm and joy. His love for life has reached me even in my darkest moments. Many happy years remain before I carry them up the summit, and for that, I am grateful.
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By the time my feet hit the pavement of the trailhead, I could wring out my socks. They had been drenched in melting show. I was happy and exhausted. It struck me again how the world keeps turning even in those surreal moments when time appears to stand still. Our descent had been complicated - but proved I could endure difficult things. I sang as I removed my boots and smiled, leaning against the trunk of my car. I looked up at the mountain - invisible in the evening mist - that I had just conquered. 
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Mountains and dogs, I thought. A girl doesn't really need much else. 
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umccall71 · 5 years
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Chapter 18
Characters: Prince Liam and MC Lady Saige
Rating:Mature content includes profanity, sexual content,talks about depression.
Word Count:3471
Disclaimer:All characters are property of Pixelberry except my OC Lady Saige. The use of these characters are for entertainment only and i am only borrowing them.
Summary:After a summer of a lifetime,Prince Liam thought he could have it all.He was carefree, free, and sharing time with the woman of his dreams.When life was easy, a balancing act between love and duty, he realizes his truths are lies, wrong is right, and decisions do have consequences. Lady Saige never imagined she would be one of his consequences.When an utter act horror throws her world into a tailspin.
Warning: This series contains subject matter of depression,pregnancy, violence, and sensitive sexual content.The story may trigger certain individuals. Please be advised. If you are reading this series you are acknowledging you are 18+.
A/N:Sorry for the long delay.Things have been hectic in my life for a bit.I had to take some time to focus on my health. Thanks for your understanding and support.
Song inspiration for this chapter is Adele, “To make you feel my Love”
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LIam sat vigil by her bedside as she laid unconscious...connected to monitors… beeping in the background. Hours ticked on as his friends tried to convince him to rest , or eat, or to stretch his legs...the answer was always, “no, I'm not going anywhere.”
Olivia and Drake felt helpless in this time of need, watching what should be the happiest time in their friend’s lives, married, in love, expecting… they had a bright future ahead of them . THey had Cordonia eager to meet the queen and anticipating the royal heir.The couple spent the night curled up with Liv in Drake’s arms . They were so wrapped up in the moment that they had fallen asleep ,no thought to being discovered.This was the most at peace Olivia had been … in years. She allowed herself to lean on Drake in this time of need.
Liam was jolted from his spot early the next morning when the doctor had crept into check on the queen and to give an update. He carefully avoided giving a full prognosis upon liam's arrival. He had to be certain to give any hope, in what would be the first in many devastating days.
The doctor bowed when he noticed liam's weary ocean blue eyes meet his own chocolate specs. “Your majesty, I am sorry to disturb you. May I speak to you once again in private? I need to be sure that you are aware of where we stand and the next hours for the queen.``he seemed nervous as liam gestured toward the door leading to the hall.
King Liam, Liam Rys… who would best receive this news ? Would the solemn,stoic king allow the severity to pierce his armor? Would it be LIam, husband to Saige , an emotional being… listening to the fate of his family that up unto several months ago he never realized how badly he wanted it?
Liam nodded to acknowledge to the doctor to proceed with the news of what was expected. The doctor let out a deep breath, considering his words carefully, “sir, when your wife was bought in , she had swelling, bruising, and blood around her face and… down between her legs. WE ...we found that she had severe tearing around the entrance of her vagina , and traumatic rectal hematoma after she was.. Raped.”, he paused watching the king’s eyes stretch in horror.
“Sir… do you need a moment?”,he wanted to make sure that liam was open to hear everything that needed to be shared. “We can take a moment if needed.”
Liam shook his head as he fought to hide his heartbreak as he advised, “no… go on.”
“Your majesty, the trauma from the violent way she was entered and the act , caused her body to shut down. Upon her ultrasound we discovered that your wife had an empty amniotic sac and a viable embryo. Meaning that the queen was pregnant with twins, but for whatever reason the body rejected the second embryo. She is still carrying a single child.”,he breathed deeply.
Liam paused,wiped his face filled with shock and pain, “Are you telling me that we conceived twins, but only one child survived?”he felt a lump growing in his throat and his mind racing trying to process what he had just been told.
The doctor interjected, “sir, the next 48 hours after the ordeal your wife has been through are crucial...critical to her pregnancy. She lost a lot of blood and there’s the internal tear near her uterus and the area between her vaginal area and her rectum. She will need around the clock monitoring and care until we are certain… that she has made it over the hump.”
Liam bit his inner cheek trying to hold back the overwhelming emotions that were flooding his mind . He briskly shook his head in the direction of the doctor tapped to care for his queen, and learning there was a greater loss than he had imagined. The doctor offered a sympathetic smile as he patted the king on his shoulder and left him to deal with his inner turmoil.Liam leaned forward ,resting his hands on his knees trying to hold himself and accept that this was no dream, or nightmare. He internally tried to prepare himself, “I need to be strong for them, I cannot let her see me ...in any other state, than composed. He was interrupted from his thoughts by Bastien clearing his throat, making his presence known.
“Your majesty, I am trying to locate Travis to determine where he was during the attack and how he could allow anyone to enter the royal quarters. I have a locator out find him and have him deliver answers.”
Liam barked in a loud, kingly manner, “ I need more than answers! I trusted him to care for my wife, my family, and he failed on both fronts, “he seethed.” Bastien, no one gets any sleep until the animal that did this to my wife… is in my custody”,his nostrils flared and he clenched his jaw as he tried to pull himself together. ``there is no if, it had better be when we get this monster in custody… just go … handle it… now!” Bastien promptly bowed and took off toward the exit. Within mere moments, the door to the private waiting room flew open from observing the raised voice of the king.
“Li… what is going on?… we can hear you throughout this floor.``Drake walked over standing eye to eye with his best friend, eyes pleading for liam to open up… let him help. “What is it brother? I have rarely seen you get upset, let alone raise your voice.``Drake just stared allowing him time to share what was angering him.
Liam’s blue eyes became clouded with tearing on the brink of breaking free.Drake and Olivia ushered Liam into Saige’s room to speak in private. He shook his no to the location, when they turned and led him across the hall to the private waiting room. The room was colored in a sage green paint, faux greenery on the coffee tables, an off white lamp struggling to emit light, and a polyester couch. Drake closed the blinds to the hall to provide a sanctuary for his friend that was struggling to make sense of the events of the last 48 hours. Liam exhaled a labored breath that seemed to open pandora’s box. The tears slowly tracked down his face. “How… how do I help make sense of what happened , when I have no clue myself?”he spoke through broken sobs and a whisper. “I was just joking and laughing with her the night before she was found in … in our home.”,he became dizzy from the thoughts battling within. “Saige is my life, she is everything I never knew I needed. She epitomizes every possible dream. So why.. Why would someone hurt her so savagely?! We were counting the days until I got home.. Until I got back to them. She shared how she was exhausted and had an early dinner to turn in. She just needed to rest… she was looking forward to her appointment the next morning. She laughed about meeting you, and how you would never leave alone, ``he forced a small smile. “I had even mentioned asking if you would stay with her until I got home… she didn't want you to feel like you were babysitting. She told me you had a life of your own, a home of your own to take care of. She .. she didn't want anyone to feel that she was a burden.Guys she even turned me down from traveling to Italy so she could be a good mom from the start and keep her appointment, `` he rambled on. “Doesn't she know I could have had an army of doctors to travel with us. What is the use of being a king, if you can't protect your own damn family?!”, he turned and punched a hole in the sheetrock wall.
Olivia covered her mouth and turned away from Liam as she too fought back tears for her friend’s loss and expected pain.Drake subtly reached out to touch Olivia’s softly. That tender moment meant so much to her, she turned around, flashing a grateful smile before kneeling down in front of Liam. “Oh Liam… I'm so sorry for you both. You lost a child too, but you can be there for the other baby .”,she quietly spoke gaging his reaction.
“Thanks Liv… thank you both for being here . THis has shown me that you have to hold on tightly to the people that are important in your life. Once we weather this storm, Saige will not go a day without knowing how important she is in my life”,he sniffled. “ You two.. You need to cherish each other.” Olivia and Drake’s eyes both stretched and they launched into a denial . Liam cut them off , “I know that you two are involved… I have known for a few weeks, accidentally of course. I'm happy for you both, just enjoy whatever this is that developing between you.”, liam forced a smile and left the room to return to the bedside of the love of his life.
When liam re-entered he quietly approached the bed, studying the injuries of her face. Each mark telling a story of an abomination that no one should ever have to endure, especially in their home.He softly traced her porcelain skin, darkened by the pigment of the bruises and swelling. He took her left in his own, running his thumb over the set of diamond rings. He grimaced as his red rimmed eyes and heavy heart sat by silently chiding himself for ever subjecting her to this kind of pain. “My love… all I ever wanted was your happiness… hopefully that was with me. I wish that I can away all of your pain, all of the heartaches, all of feelings that I know you will take on. A soul as pure as yours , should never have to face the kind of….torment that you have. I know that what you did… you did for me Saige. If you had your way...you would have remained in the states. You are here...because of me. I want you to feel my love… feel everything we experienced on our wedding day.I don't want these impending nightmares to creep into the corners of your mind.”
Liam fished out his smart phone and thumbed to the playlist that he and Saige found strength in when things were rough trying to move forward. His finger landed on one of their favorite songs. He nodded and locked his eyes on her still form pressing play. The sound of Adele quietly filling the room ,drowning out the beeps of the monitors.
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love
When the evening shadows and the stars appear
And there is no one there to dry your tears
I could hold you for a million years
To make you feel my love
I know you haven't made your mind up yet
But I will never do you wrong
I've known it from the moment that we met
No doubt in my mind where you belong
I'd go hungry; I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue
No, there's nothing that I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love
The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing like me yet
I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love
To make you feel my love
As the melody came to an end, Liam gently pressed his lips to her hand that wore his rings..the symbols of his love and commitment. “Baby, please open your eyes and come back to me. I love you… I miss you so much”,his eyes glossed over as heard a soft knock on the door.
“Come in”. He whispered never removing his glance from her face.
“Liam, we came to check if there is any change.Has she regained consciousness yet?”,Olivia questioned . “It’s been a long time without her waking up. I wish we knew who did this to her. We all know she never deserved something like this to happen.”The anger was bubbling to the surface in scarlett duchess’s voice.
Bastien tapped on the door to alert his king that he was back. “Sir, still no word from Travis. It’s not like him to abandon his post without a word.”
Liam furrowed his brow and ran his hand through his blonde hair, “someone has got to know who did this , and why. Travis has to have answers as to how this transpired in our home ...against my wife.”,his words were stern, but low.
The monitors were low and steady when the silence was interrupted by a barely audible whisper.”He not only knows, he was there ...helping.”,soft whimpers and pained breaths were heard in that hospital room. Saige slowly opened her eyes as she focused on the bodies in her room. “Ow”,she flinched at the sudden awareness of her pain.
Liam turned his gaze back to her and every set of eyes landed on her battered face. “Love...did I hear you right, he was there? Travis was there while you were attacked? God I have never been so relieved to see your gorgeous eyes opened. Was Travis hurt too?”,Liam couldn't stop asking question after question.
Saige stared up at the ceiling as her eyes began to water ,dampening her swollen cheeks and eyes. “No Liam, he was there holding me down as I was being …”she trailed off.
“Love, do you remember what happened? Any detail no matter how small would help us to find who did this to you.”Liam’s eyes darted around the room from Bastien,to Drake,to Olivia, back to Saige..eagerly listening to her gather the courage to share her harrowing experience.
“Liam...you don't have to look very far..the person, the people that did this are in your palace.”,she started to become agitated. “He came back to finish what he started...I tried to stop him Liam.. I tried to fight him,but they held me..they slammed me on the floor.Travis and … and another guard held me down while he did this to me”,she fought through her tears to explain how she lost control that night. “When I hung up with you I tried to go to sleep, but I heard a noise coming from the living area. I thought nothing of it at first since I had said good night to the guard before turning in for the night”,she slowly shook her head in denial as recounted her nightmare. “I walked down the hall and decided to get a snack while I was up”, her breathing became labored as she spoke.
“Saige...you don't have to do this right now,''he tried to calm her down.
“Liam, i never wanted anything like this to happen. I tried, I swear I tried to stop him, but he…``.her hand flew up to her neck instinctively to the very spot that bared the darkened laceration around her throat. “I felt a hand , grab me by my throat in the darkness. I couldn't breathe… Liam.. the baby.. I , I tried so hard to keep him safe, `` her body began to shake.
Liam tried to move closer to console her,to comfort her…”Nooooo, no don't touch me!” The nurse dashed into the room to observe why her vitals were elevated.
“Your majesty... there are too many people in the room and it is causing her distress.”,she advised respectfully. Liam shook his head. “Of course,'' he gestured for the others to leave the room. Bastien and Drake left heading to the hall, Olivia found a dark corner in the room and sat down, cringing as she listened to her dear friend relive this nightmare.
“He hit me Liam.. he hit me and I can't tell you how many times exactly. It hurt so badly. I just wanted him to stop, but he covered my mouth as the guards held me down and spread my legs...I tried to lock my legs,but they were so rough and pinned me to the floor in our residence. He told them to move the top from me… I was wearing your shirt and they tore it from me Liam”,she fought to make him understand that she was by no means a willing participant.He ripped underwear and shorts off of me. Al i could smell was scotch and stale cigars. He scoffed at me as he said that i would feel a real man now… he forced himself into me and I felt a fire, it hurt so bad. He blamed me for your anger..for the state of your relationship.”
Liam’s mind was running a hundred miles aware, thinking who “he” was. He felt his chest tighten as he wanted nothing more than to take her pain away. “Saige, love… please baby, if you remember, please tell me who he is,he pleaded quietly trying to tamper his rage in front of her.
Saige tried to lift her head to look at him , but she turned away ,embarrassed as if she somehow failed him, failed her child ...failed herself. There was not a dry eye in the room as they listened intently,her eyes trained on the window…”your father...it was Constantine”was all she could say.
Olivia watched as Liam encased a fiery glare as he chewed his inner cheek. She recognized the same feeling in herself. She subtly gestured to him that she felt his pain. Olivia knew the internal battle that liam felt after his father had tried to hurt her before. Now..to know that he had succeeded in stealing something precious from her..from them. He had robbed Saige of peaceful nights for months, now... there was no peace to be shared for a long time to come.She stood up and dismissed herself to meet with Drake. She felt as if she were suffocating trying to tamper down her screams, her cries, her fury to rid this kingdom of this animal. Olivia’s emerald green eyes , locked with Drake’s chocolate eyes. She needn't say a word, she leaned into him and stifled her cries until he led her into the private waiting room. The words escaped her ass she wanted so desperately to express the pain, the personal hell that Saige was going through...had went through. She had no doubt that she would relive that hell over and over again. She hasn't learned the worst of it yet. Saige had no idea that she had lost a twin.
Drake wrapped her in his arms and felt days of worry, frustration, and anger flowing from her body as she dropped to the floor crying inconsolably.
Liam dipped down to make eye contact with his wife, “love… I'm here ... we are going to get through this together. I love you and you are so very brave. Your not alone.”, he wiped his tear stained face with the back of his hand. “Give me one moment, I need to speak with Bastien..very briefly.”he was met with silence as she continued to stare at the window. He rose and walked out to the hallway.
“Bastien, I want every available royal guard on this. I need Travis and the other guard picked up immediately! You need to deliver my father to the palace cell personally. I also want you to summon Queen mother Regina to this hospital, this is not my request… this is my command. I don't give a damn if she feels slighted, she will come here ...now.”
Liam promptly turned and went to join his queen back in her room...back in her private hell.
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nemesis-nexus · 5 years
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Summer Solstice 2019!
HAIL THE ANCIENT AND ETERNAL FAMILY hear us! On this Summer Solstice we celebrate our Family both Blood and Spiritual as they are the most important thing in our lives! We know that we can have all the money, wealth and material things the world has to offer but without the love of our Sisters and Brothers none of it means anything! We come together this day to show love and respect for one another but also to show our appreciation for you and all that you are to us!
We exalt you to the highest degree and we honor you as we look around us and take in all of nature's beauty from the foliage of the trees to the lush greenery of the grass and brush to the animals that who were born in the Spring and are now finding their way in the world!
Truth be told the human race is NOT unlike any other species on the planet in that we are born, we stumble through our younger years trying to find our feet and then we wander through our adolescence trying to find ourselves and our place in the big wide world and then in our adult years we apply all that we have experienced to this point so that we may continue our journey having learned the basics we need to know in order to survive!
We know that life is not meant to be easy and as much as we THINK we might know, there is ALWAYS something new to learn! Those who fail to acknowledge this will find themselves falling behind because no matter how much we try to resist, change IS inevitable and the only way to get through it is to work with it rather than against it! Some changes are more beneficial than others, however if we are patient and stay the course we can overcome anything adverse that presents itself! So long as our energy flows in a consistent and positive direction we will keep moving forward in all aspects of life!
Our Faith is unwavering and our love is unconditional, we do NOT walk this path for personal glory or gain! We walk this path so that we may take our cues from you and grow beyond the superficial existence that so many people allow themselves to fall into via their tv programs or other Hollywood induced fantasy that is so full of misinformation and outright LIES that they have NO IDEA what it is they actually believe and refuse to accept that there is anything above them! These people are the ones who use this information to tell people what they want to hear so that those people will follow THEM and revere THEIR name, NOT YOURS!
As a Family we stand together throughout everything, from celebrating the good times to supporting each other through the rough times! We offer comfort to those who may be going through a difficult time and we offer our replenishing energies to help one another heal any and all anomalies! Our Family is the Garden that we help to cultivate and our Sisters and Brothers are the Roses that decorate our lives! While we may not be as delicate as roses we do need to care for one another in the same fashion so that our Family members can remain strong in body and Spirit!
Our Family is not only human, it also consists of those who like to help out - or play games depending on their mood or how they are treated - though we may not always see them! These highly Spiritual Family members are known as the Wee Ones or the Fae! They are always around though they may not always make their presence known, they assist in all magickal workings and can help find things which are lost both physically or psychically! They are to be respected as we humans desire to be respected and deservedly so as they are part of us and as such should never be treated with any less regard as we would want for ourselves!
Our Family is also every animal that runs, every bird that flies, every insect that crawls, every breeze that blows, every body of water that rushes here and there, the fire that burns, the soil which sustains all life, the mountain that stands tall, the Stars in the sky that guide us where we need to go, the Darkness that embraces us and the Light that bestows wisdom upon us!
Our Family also consists of Dragons who have existed since before time was time! They have many functions and represent many things such as: Strength, Courage, Valor, Protection, Defense, Love, Passion, Treasure Seekers - keep in mind the most valuable treasures are NOT gold or gems but LIFE itself - and Guardianship of all the afore mentioned! Our Illustrious Father is himself a Dragon and he not only embodies all these qualities and more, he is the reason we are able to gather here today!
On this Summer Solstice we recharge ourselves and our Family members, we stand together as one functioning unit and we remind each other that no matter how far apart we may be physically, that we are ALWAYS there for one another no matter what! We know that wisdom comes from many sources and as such I would like to quote a VERY well written piece by a man named Don Miguel Ruiz called "The Four Agreements":
"1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret."
These are not just pretty words that look good on paper, they are actually ESSENTIAL to living a life that is free of self sabotage as well as concern for the critical judgments of others! Once we free ourselves of the negative energy - and it's not always easy to do but then that is why when we need to we call on the Deity to help us to help ourselves and if need be our Family to help see us through - we can take the clean energy and use it to build and/or rebuild ourselves from the inside out!
When we stop telling ourselves we can't do something and replace that thinking that we CAN do ANYTHING, amazing things begin to happen! We realize that half the battle is having the confidence in ourselves to be able to take on the project, to chase that dream, to apply for that job, to speak our minds or to take a stand on an issue regardless of who the opposition may be! Everything that we do starts from within and even though we are perfectly imperfect beings. we know that everything is a learning experience and that we are here to grow and evolve as individuals and also as a Family!
""Falling too fast to prepare for this
Tripping in the world could be dangerous
Everybody circling, it's vulturous
Negative, nepotist
Everybody waiting for the fall of man
Everybody praying for the end of times
Everybody hoping they could be the one
Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord
Break me down and build me up
I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains!
You take me to the top I'm ready for
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes
Always had a fear of being typical
Looking at my body feeling miserable
Always hanging on to the visual
I wanna be invisible
Looking at my years like a martyrdom
Everybody needs to be a part of 'em
Never be enough, I'm the prodigal son
Whip, whip
Run me like a racehorse
Pull me like a ripcord
Break me down and build me up
I wanna be the slip, slip
Word upon your lip, lip
Letter that you rip, rip
Break me down and build me up
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains!
You take me to the top I'm ready for
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
I do what it takes
Don't wanna be the parenthetical,
Working onto something that I'm proud of,
Out of the box,
An epoxy to the world and the vision we've lost,
I'm an apostrophe,
I'm just a symbol to remind you that there's more to see,
I'm just a product of the system,
a catastrophe,
And yet a masterpiece,
And yet I'm half-disease,
And when I am deceased,
At least I go down to the grave and die happily,
Leave the body and my soul to be a part of thee
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains!
You take me to the top, I'm ready for
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins
-Imagine Dragons ("Whatever It Takes")"
Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una!
Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In NINHURSAG'S Nomen Nos Fides! AVE NINHURSAG!
(We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER!
HPS Meg "Nemesis Nexus" Prentiss
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happycircumstance · 3 years
Wisdom For The Twenty Year Old Me
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This is you-- young, happy, energetic, naïve, shy, indecisive. The list could go on. You are experiencing something dramatic in the family that will crush your soul and break your heart. Don't worry dear, it gets tougher as you grow older. The journey ahead isn't smooth and full of detours. You will take shortcuts and experience set backs, but hey, you'll be fine. Here's what I want you to know now and remember as you live life year after year until you reach me today-- in ten years.
Lets start with your health. You are actually in your best shape now. Trust me, you'll add more to the scales when you start working so be confident in your body! Wear appropriate clothes that will make you look decent and presentable. Listen to your mama when she disapproves what you wear, you will thank her later. Start wrapping your head around the fact that the food you are eating is not always good for your body so choose what you put inside your gut and practice discipline. Your health will be the number one priority as you try to balance it from school, work, and church activities. So, be careful and maybe experiment on what type of exercise is best for your body. Sleep early. I promise you the best sunrise is when you've had good sleep the night before. So, listen to your body. If you love it, it will love you back and show up for you better than anything else.
Next is your family relations. Oh, the drama. You love it when you're young and full of anger against people who are against what you think you believe. Dear, let people be. Everyone has their own opinions about who you are and what their role is in your life. They will always choose what's best for them so you gotta be a little selfish and leave something for yourself, okay? You'll see that "family" won't always mean people who are related to you by blood, but that's anyone who'll extend their hand and heart to you especially when you think you have failed. They are the best ones, so keep them warm and close.
Forgive. It's the greatest sacrifice you can give because you don't easily forget. You love and care so deep that when you feel like your trust is being betrayed, you shut people out. Like stain, it never goes away for you. Remember your own imperfections and would that sit right with Jesus? Nah, I don't think so.
Oh, to be young and in love. What a terrible combination. Don't let love fool you. Enjoy every moment you have with that special someone but don't take every heartbreak too seriously. There's literally so much in store for you than when you allow that one argument ruin your life forever. The boy who broke your heart is also one of the many reasons why you smile when you think about the past. College is exciting and fun! Study harder, meet new people, talk to the nerds, be polite to your professors, come to class on time, learn from other peoples' experiences, and take that risk--audition for the university choir. You'll grow as you go.
Your first paycheck isn't much but it's worth something. Your first purchase from that hard-earned cash is a decent looking, cheap watch but you gotta keep an eye on her because you will lose her on one of your train ride to work. Save up some cash for emergency and always leave some for tithing. You know what I learned from mama about survival? Is that you have to take away that ten percent first before you spend everything else on bills and whatnot. Trust me, this is your insurance from heaven. And about health insurance, take that seriously too and study which insurance company is best for you and your money. Start investing while you're young. You won't regret sacrificing that extra scoop of ice cream because that too is saving you from diabetes and extra pound on the scale. Everyone wins.
Rescue a cat and love him/her. Period.
See places. They say travelling helps you gain a better perspective on life and culture. True, it will also help you heal a broken heart. Trust me and trust the Spirit that will lead you there. If some time you lose yourself in travelling, don't be afraid to go back because that's where you will find yourself again.
One priority at a time. You don't need to juggle everything just to prove something. The holy writ says you must not run faster that you have strength so don't act wiser than the scriptures. There will be missed opportunities but I need you to know that these could also mean a blessing in disguise. The Lord is not obligated to explain every setback to you--that's not His job. But it's your job to ask Him for help and guidance. It's your job to act on spiritual promptings so that those setbacks will hopefully make sense. It's your job to keep yourself in tune with the spirit. You will eventually learn how to identify it so be patient. Be very patient.
Pray like tomorrow depends on it. I cannot imagine what life would be like without this solemn communication with the Lord. When you feel like everyone is against you and that your problems are too heavy to bear, when you feel like you're fighting your battles alone, pray. Strengthen those knees and bend them before the Lord. It's the best therapy I assure you. Your problems or trials or whatever you want to call them are the ones that will lead you closer to God. So embrace those problems and thank them. As long as you are breathing, they will stick around so live with them anyway and come out stronger every time.
But, you know, you're not perfect. You'll mess up and make mistakes. You will consider giving up just because of the petty things around you. You'll lose friends. You'll find yourself counting your tears. You'll end up on the wrong road. Several times. But I want you to know that even if you don't do these things, you will still survive. That's because you will learn deeper about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. You will learn about the Plan of Salvation. You will repent and turn your life around. You will see that light at the end of your tunnel. And I promise you as you see that light, the pain will be gone and it won't hurt anymore. The countless tears that came from your broken heart? He counts them all. So take His hand. Don't be shy to be on the receiving end. Allow people to take care of you because that is how He is mindful of you and your needs. And always, be grateful.
I wish you peace and happiness. As I move forward and upward, I can't help but sincerely thank you for your strength and courage. For taking all the pain and hurt so that we can be who we're supposed to be.
Thirty Year Old You
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