#he chases them to his office takes his hat back gets a kiss for his trouble and then they do their report
lavenoon · 1 year
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Accidentally Undercover - They will never stop being a menace, truly <3
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artyandink · 12 days
Light My Fire (Again) | beau arlen
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Summary: “I thought I’d swore off love, Jenny.” I smiled, chuckling a bit as I looked down to my feet then back up the skies, taking in the twinkling lights. “God, I really thought I did, and I was doing such a good job at it too. But, well, I just… I couldn’t help it.” I wet my lips slightly, biting the bottom one. “It’s improper, but it’s true.”
(divider credits go to @cafekitsune)
A/N - Inspired by Take Me Home by @zepskies
nine - sweet girl
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Soft, plush lips. Strong hands. Low groans.
Paperwork. So much… paperwork.
My pen lay forgotten on the desk, the door to his office closed and blinds drawn while Beau’s lips took my own hostage, staking his claim over and over again until he was sure that they were swollen and his, and he definitely wasn’t stopping after that, not when I was sitting on his lap with the danger of someone walking in. His calloused hand twisted strands of my hair around his fingers, his wrist adorned with an array of hair ties that he’d pulled from my braids every time he saw my hair done up in one.
“Gotta respect the shampoo and conditioner, darlin’, they’ve done work to make you look this gorgeous.” He’d rumble before nuzzling his nose against mine and capturing my lips in a sweet yet burning kiss.
His other hand rucked up the soft material of my Henley, pulling me back to the present but high up into the clouds of nine and possibly ten as his knee found its way between my legs, nudging them apart as he let out a low groan of pleasure at my fingers tugging on his silky hair.
But it wasn’t to get a sound out of him. As much as I loved his lips and the things they could do and the sinful sounds that came out of them, we had work.
“Beau.” I murmured against his lips, which chased mine at every opportunity.
“Mnh-mnh.” He hummed back as the pads of his fingers pressed into my side, his tongue teasing my bottom lip in a way that made me shiver.
Stay strong, Joyner. You haven’t caved to bullets. Don’t cave to a pair of lips-
He pressed an open-mouthed kiss to my pulse point.
Damn, they’re a weapon of mass destruction.
I cleared my throat, biting back a sigh as I lifted his head, making him meet green eyes with mine. “Paperwork.”
The word made him grunt softly in protest, his head jerking slightly to the side. “C’mon, I just got your gorgeous ass alone.” As if to punctuate his point, he squeezed it playfully. “Liv’s with Denise, it’s just us. We can have some fun, a lil’ somethin’-somethin’.”
“Here.” I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. “In your office. With the risk of someone walking in on us?”
Beau let out an indignant snort, giving me some puppy eyes. “I’m the damn sheriff. What’re they gonna do, hm? Look, darlin’, I’m willing to get on with all this hooey, but only if you let me hit that later.”
“Oh, fine.” I rolled my eyes with a small giggle, before I handed back his pen and picked up mine, beginning to fill out the form. “Y’know, I was thinking… I think it’s time that we tell Carla, Em and Liv. About, well, us.”
“If you’re comfortable with it, sure, we can slam the gas on it.” He hummed in agreement, his free hand rubbing soothing circles on my stomach from underneath my Henley. “But if I’m bein’ honest? I think Em an’ Carla already know. Those two don’t miss a thing. Y’know, there was this one time, I was on my way to the bar to have a drink with my old team. Those two clocked me the moment they saw me. Told me I had my party hat on.”
“Your party hat’s pretty peacock-esque, hon.” I smiled, nudging his foot with my own.
“Peacock-eque?” He repeated with a low rumble of a laugh. “That one’s new. Very new. Anyway, Em, she loves you like anythin’. And Carla, she’s been giving me more cheery smiles, like a lil’ ray of sunshine.” He leaned in and pressed a light kiss to my cheek. “I’m presuming that she’s clocked us and she’s happy.”
“But, just to be safe-”
“I can break the news tonight, no problem.” Beau nodded, patting my stomach. He was full of these little assuring touches and kisses, almost if he was assuring himself that this was real.
I was still unsure of it myself.
“But I’m kinda thinking about what Liv will think.” He continued, his breath against my ear. “Her auntie, with a new guy, it’ll be a bit odd, dontcha think?”
“Liv’s a sweet girl.” I shrugged, looking back at him with a small smile. “And after that whole situation where you took care of her while my ass was getting beat? That earned some brownie points.”
“While I appreciated the boost in my XP, I still wanna kill those bastards for what they did to your pretty face.” He brushed some hair out of my eyes with a gentle look in his own. “Or at least give ‘em a lifer. I’m still a law-abiding sheriff, even if I wanna tear them apart, limb by limb, rip their hearts out, stomp on them and not give those guys a proper funeral beyond torching what’s left of them.”
“You sound like such a law abiding sheriff right now.” I drawled sarcastically, a small chuckle leaving my mouth.
Beau nodded, playing along with a throaty laugh. “Yeah, right? Totally innocent.”
“Totally.” I giggled, then leaned forward and kissed him. The purpose was for it to be short and sweet, but Beau couldn’t have that and held it for a bit longer, the pad of his thumb pressing into a spot on my neck in a way that he knew would make me let out a sound into his mouth, which he took in stride. But then my phone rang, which had him pulling away with a roll of his eyes.
“Awh, c’mon, damn phone.” He grumbled, but when I pecked his lips again, he seemed placated. I looked at who was calling me, finding that it was Cassie.
“Sorry, hon.” I sighed, picking up the call and not noticing that I sounded a little breathless. “Hey, Cass. What’s up?”
‘Hey, uh-’ I heard a pause on the other end, followed by a laugh, ‘am I interrupting something?’
“What?! No.” I scoffed, but she picked up on it immediately, snickering.
‘Oh, yeah, I did. Tell Beau I said hi, and no, I’m not telling Jenny.’
“Thanks, Cass.” I turned to Beau, putting Cassie on speaker. “Cassie says hi.”
“Hey, there, Boots.” Beau replied warmly, chuckling.
‘Hey. Anyway, you said that Liv told you she was with Denise.’ Cassie sounded concerned and slightly annoyed, which had Beau and I sharing a look.
“She did, yeah.” I nodded, pouting in thought. “Why?”
‘She’s… not.’ I perked up, my eyebrow raising. ‘She’s with Tom.’
I gasped, outrage filling me. How dare she? Do I even know my own niece anymore? “She’s what?!”
‘I’m as surprised as you are. Just wanted to let you know. They’re in that cafe Tom works at. And they’re pretty cozy.’
My face set, and I let out a huff of breath, rubbing a hand over my face. “Thanks, Cass. I’ll talk to her. Bye.”
‘No problem. Bye.’
I cut the call, and Beau’s hand squeezed my shoulder, sensing my irritation. “Can you be there?” I asked quietly. “I need something to stop me from yelling.”
“Course, darlin’.” He rumbled, kissing my temple. “I can be there.”
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Olivia had a big smile on her face as she came home, and it almost broke my heart to know that I had to ruin her fun. But she defied my direct order, and I wanted to know why my baby girl did it. I wasn’t mad, just disappointed.
“Hey, aunt Isa.” She smiled docilely, and it almost made me believe she was innocent. Then her eyes flitted to Beau, and she seemed sort of… I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Hey, Beau.”
“Sugar.” Beau replied curtly, then nodded to me. “Go ‘head, darlin’.”
“Olivia Barlowe, do you wanna tell me exactly why you were spotted today with Tom?” I frowned, folding my arms. “When I explicitly told you not to?”
The question stopped her in her tracks, and she swallowed heavily. “Aunt Isa-”
“Save it.” My fingers drummed on the table, my eyes boring into hers as I fought back the urge to yell, anger only quenched by Beau’s hand on my back rubbing soothing circles. Trying to keep me grounded and miserably failing, though I’d never say that to Beau. Not when he was trying so hard to be an uncle to Olivia and a boyfriend to me despite my growing distance from him due to the case. “Someone found you in a restaurant with Tom, I only wanna hear an explanation, no ‘aunt Isa’s and flat out excuses.”
“I’m not the only one who has to explain themselves.” Olivia scoffed lightly, which had me raising an eyebrow. “You’d rather make out with your boss than spend some time with me-”
“OLIVIA!” My fist came down on the slab, making a thudding sound and startling her. The first time I’d yelled at her; the first time I’d lost control, and it didn’t feel great, but I couldn’t stop shouting. I couldn’t stop taking all of my frustrations out in this moment. “Do you have a goddamn right to talk to me like that?! Do you? Huh? Cause the way I see it, I’ve taken care of you since you were nine, and not to be that caretaker, but I will be- is this how you repay me?”
Damn. Damn, what was I doing?
Olivia remained silent while I continued, words - vexated, irate words - spilled from my mouth. “You weren’t meant to step near Tom, not with a ten foot pole. Not after his adopted father tried to force himself on me. I don’t care whether he’s adopted or not, he’s still Harry’s son. His family, and I don’t want you near that. I can let you near Rhea, she understood the situation, but Tom I can’t control. I thought your father was meant to explain that to you.” I swept my hand over my mouth, clearing my throat and lowering my voice. “It’s for your benefit.”
Olivia looked pale, horrified and confused- as if she had no previous idea of what I’d told her before she ran to her room, but I made no move to stop her.
She needed that space.
Even if her confused expression irked my gut.
“That was the first time I’ve yelled at her.” I whispered, and Beau drew me into his arms, rocking me from side to side with comforting kisses to where he could reach.
“You’re doin’ what you can, Belle.” He murmured, tilting my face up to kiss my lips briefly. “And you can love who you wanna. You’ve had a rough go of it, and you deserve that luxury, eh?”
I nodded against his chest, hearing his heartbeat and somehow feeling at peace. A small smile stretched on my lips, finally home. Home in Beau’s arms, after so long of struggling, giving up and struggling again. At least something made me happy.
Something made all this worth it.
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“Alright, we’ve tried a lot of passcodes so far, and there was no incriminating non-witness-based evidence against Mark Leeds, so we had to let him go.” Mo announced, which had Jenny, Cassie, Beau and I groaning and rubbing our faces.
“At this point, it’ll take weeks before we crack the passcode.” Jenny sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. I stared off into space, feeling like I’d failed Lucy. Otherwise I’d have put my brain into use and cracked this whole shebang. Yet I hadn’t, so I’d also failed my badge.
Tackling a gang member and having my wound split open was for nothing.
That hit and run six years ago was for nothing.
Sacrificing my relationship with Olivia was for nothing.
All of it… amounted to nothing.
I was having the worst kind of tears. The ones that burned your eyes and felt like they were there but weren’t. And you’d silently struggle, while the others around you didn’t feel half your pain. That was the kind I was having.
I let out a sharp breath, standing up and dusting off my hands. “Ah, well, I guess I’ll send Mark off. Offer an apology for being so damn rude in the interrogation room.”
“Sure you don’t want someone to come with you?” Beau asked, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles before kissing it.
“I’m fine.”
“Guys, you’re making me feel single.” Jenny giggled, giving us both an amused look that had me running the hand that Beau had held through my hair.
“Jesus, I have a boyfriend and even he’s not as affectionate.” Cassie snorted, referencing Cormac. I’d retaliate by referencing the office make out session, but then she’d expose mine and I didn’t want that, so I just responded with a bashful smile and an exiting of the room, briskly strolling over to where Mark’s handcuffs were being unlocked, what was once stubble now slightly beard-ish, but he couldn’t pull it off. Beau probably could. Then again, I might be biased.
“Markham.” I sighed, not knowing how to take this situation. With relief since it was most likely that he wasn’t Lucy’s killer as there was no evidence, or horrified that he was incredibly good at hiding evidence.
“Isabelle.” He replied with equally of an exhausted tone, but he did something that confused me immensely. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it with a smile. “You find her killer. I miss my Luce, and if anyone’s gonna find that bastard, it’s Elle Joyner.”
I nodded, swallowing thickly. “Y-Yeah. I’ll try.” Then Mark walked out, and even though he had faith in me, I didn’t.
Hell, how could I have faith in me when all I’ve drawn is blanks?
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I was working late hours at the station, putting in all the possible combinations of a six digit number one after one just to keep the work going and reach a conclusion faster because goddamn I needed a win. Olivia was with Dean in my house for the night, and I trusted her with him.
“134768,” I muttered, rattling off more numbers and crossing them off on the big-ass sheet.
“M’going home, Deputy Joyner.” One of the other deputies announced, which almost broke my resolve and had me up, leaving and never coming back cause I was going insane.
“Night, Deputy Yates.” I sighed, rubbing my eyes before continuing with the input of numbers.
On and on.
Never ending.
Goddamn, I hated this. Really hated this.
I had the fiftieth sip of coffee, letting the hot liquid rejuvenate my words and somehow my brain cells as I glanced at the time. 9:57pm.
Wait. I sat up in my seat. I’ve got it.
I remembered the tattoo Lucy had on her wrist. It was right there- how did I not see the connection before? I waited for the lock screen to stop telling me to ‘wait a minute’ because there were too many password tries and then entered the code.
Phone Unlocked.
I let out a breath of relief, running a hand through my hair as I went through Lucy’s camera roll first in case she’d gotten a video of the killer the night she died. But there was just one video, that wasn’t of the night she died. She was teaching Olivia a code.
‘It’s my favourite way to code messages. Simple and easy to decipher.’ Lucy smiled in the video, kissing Olivia’s hair, then turned to the camera. ‘I hope you’re getting this, Elle.’
‘I’m getting it!’ My indignant voice came from behind the camera and a piece of me melted. I was there that day.
‘Ok, so you write out the alphabet. Then you write down the numbers from one to twenty six under the alphabet, because that’s how many letters there are. So ‘a’ would be one and ‘z’ would be twenty six. Let’s spell out our names in this code. Y’know, I sometimes talk to your auntie in this code.’
There was an indignant scoff from behind the camera. ‘No you don’t-’
‘Shh, keep the magic.’ Lucy put a finger to her lips, but I instantly knew what she meant. This was a week before she died.
I wrote out the code 045114 on a piece of paper. Then I matched the letter to the number, and instantly my pen dropped, eyes widened and all the breath left my lungs.
Dean Barlowe.
I grabbed my keys and my jacket, putting it on and sprinting to my car, dialling Olivia with shaky fingers as I started the car and drove at the speed limit to my house, getting nothing but voicemail. I slammed the wheel, letting out a strangled cry before quickly shooting a voicemail to Beau, Jenny and Cassie.
“They brought my baby into this.” I whispered, feeling ready to break down. They brought Olivia into this. “This is my fight.” Why did they need to touch her? “Why’d they bring my baby girl in the middle of all this crap?” I quickly pulled up at my house, sprinting up the steps to find a wide open door, my blood running cold as I pulled out my gun.
Beau, Jenny and Cassie arrived, also armed with guns that they flicked the safety off of and put up just as Beau gestured for me to take the lead.
“Sheriff’s Department!” I yelled, stalking inside, but when I found a house that was empty with signs of a struggle, chairs overturned and the kitchen counter splattered with blood, my knees buckled, drums playing at fortissimo in my head as my gun clattered to the floor as well, my hands raising to grip my head right as Beau knelt beside me, drawing me into his chest as I drew rasping breaths.
Hot tears spilling down my cheeks.
“We’ll find her.” He assured, trying desperately to wipe away my tears, but they kept on coming.
“My baby.” I sobbed, the sound racking, gut-wrenching, making my throat hoarse but I didn’t give a damn.
Jenny and Cassie came from sweeping the house, the former giving me news I didn’t want to hear. “She’s not here.”
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@nancymcl @deans-spinster-witch @hobby27 @thej2report @winharry @carpenterswife @xxannyxx @nesnejwritings @deans-baby-momma
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koithelittle · 5 months
me wans l'manbur to takes cares of meee wants to take his hat n run off w it >w<
l'manbur always inmy heart waaaa
-@littlesakura-anon 🌸
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note; yah yah yah!! i awmos wost dis dwaft but.. aneways i wuv wmanbur!!
lmanbur is a really soft cg I think, but sometimes when he's stressed he's a little more firm than he intends. you don't hold it against him, and sometimes you like to make him laugh and smile when he's really upset, or working alot.
he's sitting at his desk in his office, while you're curled up over in your corner behind him. it's a little nest of pillows, blankets and stuffies that make you comfy and give you a space to be by him and close to him when he's working.
he was grunted and sighing, dropping his face into his hands and running them down his face. he was visibly annoyed and frustrated and there was nothing you could do. except, maybe make him smile?
you sat there for a bit longer, thinking and contemplating before you stood up and grabbed his hat. he glanced up at where you stood, and you took a few steps back; giggles and smiles galore.
his lips twitched into a small smile, "love, what are you doing with my hat?"
you giggled, waving the hat around, "twy n catch me, dada!" you hurry out the office and he chases after you. your laughs and giggles echo through the hall as he hurries after you.
"I'm gonna get ya, baby!" he laughs, catching up to you quickly and picking you up by your waist, "there you go, baby!"
he holds you against his chest as you wiggle and squirm, trying to hold the hat away from him. he manages to grab it as he rests you on his hip, setting the hat back on his head.
"nooo! wou gon be upset atain!" you huff, folding your arms over your chest as you look away. he kisses your cheek, humming softly.
"I'm not, baby. i was just stressed, ok?" he rests his knuckles over your cheek, thumb rubbing over the skin..
"wou wehe mad.." you frown, laying your head against his shoulder. he hoists you up, adjusting you on his side.
"I promise baby, I wasn't," he pauses, nuzzling his nose against your cheek as he sighs, "would it make you feel better if I take the rest of the day off?"
you nod quickly, cuddling against him as he carried you over to the bedroom, setting you on the bed before he slipped into the bathroom to change into comfier clothes. when he came back out, he was wearing one of your favorite sweaters of his (it probably smelled like you now), and a pair of sweatpants before he sat behind you and pulled you into his lap between his legs.
a movie was turned on and you were soon asleep, so all in all, he thought letting you steal his hat more often might pay off.
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Dany, you know how I feel about that “greedy robber baron” and his unbelievably large hands 😭 Damn near twisted my ankle running to your ask box to humbly request either 1 (tiny hands in big hands) or 3 (cold hands in warm hands) or 13 (linking hands together during sex) or 28 (grabbing the others hand so they don’t fall) I CAN’T DECIDE, they all make me think of himmmm. I’ll let you pick whichever one gets your imagination sparked. And yes I’m aware that you might choose to do a combination of some of them or perhaps all of them, and well, that’s just a risk I’m willing to take 😏 THANK YOU
Send me a touch prompt!
idk why but you saying 'that's just a risk i'm willing to take' made me think of this
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Anyway we're back to
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Shocking, I know
Warnings: All fluff; period-typical attitudes toward hygiene and skincare; explicit sexual content - vaginal sex
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“Oh—Nora May Russell!”
You called after your daughter in vain—the young girl was already chasing your Fox Terrier, Lolly, through the otherwise undisturbed park snow. George was ahead of you, scooping her fallen mitten up from the snow and catching hold of Nora’s arm. He whistled sharply for Lolly, tutting as he knelt in front of Nora to get the glove back onto her chilled little hand. You caught up to them with a sigh, shaking your head at the child. 
“You need to keep your mittens on,” George chastised softly, “Or you’ll have no fingers left, and then how shall you pet Lolly?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing, forcing your stern expression as Nora glanced between you in shock. 
“Your father is right,” You insisted. “Are you going to lose your mittens again?” 
“No!” She squeaked. 
“Good girl,” George patted her cheek softly before straightening, nodding her toward Lolly again. “Go on.” 
You sighed softly, watching her go before glancing around the otherwise empty park. 
“I still think we should’ve brought her veiled hat. The sun’s even worse reflecting off of the snow,” You argued, grasping your skirts to keep from trampling them through the snow. “If she blemishes—”
“It’ll give her character.” 
“You know that society won’t see it as such.” 
“You know that I don’t give a wit what society thinks.” 
“And that’s all well and good, but it’s never quite that easy—Oh!” You gasped as you lost your footing, sucking in a stunned breath as George caught hold of your hand with one of his own, hooking his other arm around your back to steady you. Your sigh tapered into a chuckle, smiling up at George. “Nice catch.” 
“Yes, it certainly was.” 
You raised your hand, lazily slapping his chest, and grinning as he used his hold on you to tug you even closer once you regained your footing. 
“How long have you got?” 
“Another few minutes,” George grimaced. 
“There’s nothing to fret about,” You insisted. “I’m glad you could get away from the office at all. I can hardly remember the last time I saw you when the sun was up.” 
“Am I changed terribly?” 
His teasing made your face go warm with embarrassment, and you turned your attention back to Nora and Lolly. 
“There’s no need to be facetious,” You grumbled. George leaned in, pressing a warm, tender kiss to your chilled cheek. 
“I’ve missed you, too, you know.” 
You couldn’t help the slight smile that pulled your lips, and you gently nudged his shoulder with your own. 
“I’m sure you tell your mistress the same.” 
“I’ve no mistress, only work.” 
“Work is your mistress, and these days, she hardly spares you for a night.” 
“Is that what you want of me?” He pulled you to stop, turning you to face him. “Merely a night?” 
“You make me sound terribly short-sighted.” 
“I know you far better than to ever believe that of you.” He dipped his head, pressing a tender kiss to your lips. You hummed softly, cupping his cheek and feeling the slight bristle of his beard through your gloves. He sighed softly through his nose as he drew away. 
“I’m afraid I must go.”
“Go, then,” You urged softly. “Keep your scarf wrapped tightly as you walk back—and have some tea when you reach the office. The last thing you need is a chill.” 
“I will.” 
George caught your lips in another gentle kiss before he drew away, whistling for Lolly again. You winced slightly at the sharp sound, and smiled as Nora raised her hands to press to her ears. 
“Father!” She whined. “Too loud!” 
“I am sorry.” He crouched in front of her, grasping her chin gently. “Listen to your mother, and keep your mittens on. Alright?” 
George pressed a kiss to her forehead before straightening, patting her cheek gently. He turned, blowing you another kiss before turning away, striding toward the park’s entrance. You watched him go, keeping one eye on him, and another on Nora and Lolly. 
The knock on your door made you groan aloud. You were so tired. Nora had run you ragged at the park, and Lolly had gotten soaked when she charged into a fountain, determined to get the best of a duck that she had been chasing for the better part of the afternoon. You sighed heavily as you considered who it could possibly be. Likely your housekeeper with Nora in tow, demanding one more story before she went to bed.
“Yes?” You finally called out, turning from you vanity to watch the door open. Your brows rose as you spotted George, smiling as he lingered in the doorway. 
“May I come in?” 
“Of course,” You nodded. “I didn’t expect to see you tonight.” 
“Clay and I finished early.”
“You’ve eaten?”
“Good.” You stood from your vanity, ignoring the slight chill in the room and forgoing your robe as you reached for George. You grasped his cheeks, drawing him in for a kiss as he slid his hands across your hips. He leaned back after a moment, tutting softly and reaching up to take your hands in his. 
“You’re chilled, darling.”
“I’m alright,” You insisted, shaking your head. George hummed, pressing kisses to your cold knuckles. 
“I can call for Williams,” He murmured, words and beard tickling your skin, “And have him come and put another log on the fire.” 
“I’m alright!” You chuckled. “Truly.” 
“You’re certain?” 
“Yes. Come,” You urged, grasping George’s hand and leading him toward the bed, “Tell me how your day was.” 
“You really want to know?” 
“Of course I do.” You climbed onto the bed, drawing your feet up and patting the bed beside yourself. 
“It’s terribly uninteresting.” He lowered himself down beside you, gently tugging the sleeve of your nightgown aside to bare your shoulder. Your stomach fluttered as he lowered his head, pressing a kiss to the skin before it could cool. 
“I’m sure it’s—It’s not as bad as all that,." 
“I know that it is.” 
He lifted his head, trailing the tip of his nose along your jaw. 
“Would you rather you did not have my company for the night?” 
You turned your head, resting your forehead against his. “You know that I want you for more than that.” 
“For much more?” 
“For always.”
You closed your eyes, biting your lip to keep from moaning aloud at the feeling of George’s steady thrusts. He gave a harsh shove of his hips, and your mouth fell open, a soft moan falling from your lips. You turned your head from him, embarrassment nearly overtaking your arousal. 
“Why do you hide from me?” George murmured. “Hmm?” 
“George, please,” You breathed. “Someone will hear.” 
“Let them hear.” He planted his knees, hips seeming to thrust with greater purpose as he grasped your hands, intertwining your fingers. “Am I not the master of this house?” 
“And you, the mistress?” 
“Then your pleasure is nothing to be ashamed of. Let them hear you. Better yet—" George's lips brushed against the shell of your ear. "Let me hear you."
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soggywert · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick hcs I’ve come to conclusions with (based off of imos and me and my life) Pt2
part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/hangman-puzzlesolver/692152151697473536?source=share 
- mav watched minions: rise of gru by himself because ice never lived long enough to see it for their date night at the movies premiere (p1 explanation as to why) It looks like mav just crying over minions, but actually, it’s because his husband died (HOLY SHIT IM SORRY THAT SO ANGSTY I PROMISE YOU IT GETS BETTER)
- payback and fanboy are most likely to be the ones to organise a little get together at Penny’s bar for the whole crew
- mav has an extreme amount of knowledge on bones and muscles, mainly because he’s probably fractured and ripped most of them. The doctors like to let him know where he fractured that bone and what it’s called and mav makes mental notes on it; you bet he knows almost the whole skeletal system by now
- it’s a family tradition for the bradshaws to have a moustache, so ofc it’s just a ‘pass me down’ look as they all look like copies of the one before
- Phoenix is an avid snapchat user and always takes group selfies whenever she can
- Hangmans ringtone is backstreet boys, which everyone knows about because he once didnt have it on silence one day during a lecture and it played (he wears it with pride)
- hangman and rooster commonly go to the beach together, in a private area to watch the water lap at their feet, the sun setting in front of them. they usually bring a four pack, sometimes they have music on, sometimes they dont. sometimes the sounds of the water is enough for them
- the beach hangout is a good way for rooster to try getting into the idea of being around big bodies of water (small hc that he has a fear of it, after what happened to his father) which hangman helps out a lot with. theyre just having little therapy sessions as they cuddle by the water.
- ice and mav used to do the same thing! they used to cuddle by the secret area of the beach away from everyone; thats how rooster found out about it and told hangman.
- despite the name, iceman, he’s actually super shit at ice skating. mav took him to an ice ring once and they mainly stayed on the beginners section, until they got off to go get some chips. mav then dragged ice over to the big boy ring for him to watch mav do all these tricks on it!
interaction after that was probably like: ice: you never told me you could skate! mav: you never told me you couldn’t! ice: fuckin touché, pete
- mav makes fun of how most things in ice’s office are exaggeratedly big. so, they made a small little deal that ice will get half, and mav would get the other. it was at first a joke, but then it turn into a religious thing of just:
ice: keep your shit on your side of the table mav: shouldve brought a bigger table ice: it takes up most of the room, asshat
- back and forth banter between husbands, promise
- going on from roosters fear of big bodies of water, it took a lot of extra encouragement from the team for him to go join them on the beach for the footy dogfight. (mainly from hangman, phoenix and bob. mav isnt aware of it)
- mav has an obsession with peppermint chocolate, because it reminds him of ice
- mav tries being a father-figure to rooster as best as he can, but he doesn’t know many fatherly things to do; he once searched up ‘activities to do with son’ and saw fishing came up first. of course; he was never taught how to fish by his father properly, so he just buys a bunch of stuff from a local store and stands in front of rooster, hands full:
mav: want to go fishing rooster: ...why mav: beeecaaause i said so rooster: do... you know how to fish? mav: no
- rooster then proceeds to teach mav instead, but it’s still completely fun. of course, then they find out theyre fishing on protected land and get chased off with a hefty warning (almost fine). mav then got some fishermen hats and sowed their call signs into individual ones (gravity falls style).
- rooster is fine with hearing ‘great balls of fire’, finding it nostalgic and a happier memory, while mav is one to go into a trance from a trauma response episode. though, rooster tries to help him through it nowadays
yeah boys! we got some father and son bonding moments! this was a bit angstier than I hoped it would be, but god the brainrot hits different at night.
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lovelytsunoda · 2 years
the cedric diggory f1 driver au that nobody asked for but i wrote anyways
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all of this started because i was watching goblet of fire and noticed that both renault and hufflepuff share a color scheme
and then i thought that robert pattinson would look very very hot in a race suit
more chaos dedicated to the harbinger of chaos, anj herself (@libraryofloveletters )
in this scenario, the driver lineups are as follows:
ferrari: harry potter, oliver wood, red bull: draco malfoy, blaise zabini haas: fred & george weasley, renault: cedric diggory, zacharias smith
hes lead driver at renault, has been there for two years now
by all accounts, he's a very good driver, especially being as young as he is
but he's still chasing that elusive race win, he just hasn't been able to push the renault far enough
god he looks incredible climbing out of the car, balaclava lines on his face, hair mussed and drenched in sweat
cedric is a humble king always praising his fellow drivers, including ferrari rookie (and his former teammate) harry potter
"yeah, i mean, the pace was there but at the end of the day, it's hard to beat the ferraris. hats off to harry for that one, he really smashed it today, the win was well deserved."
a little wink at the camera, towel around his neck before he backs away with his press officer at his side
he's basically pierre gasly on steroids
the f1 ladies man
literally has fangirls falling over each other to try and get his autograph or a picture with him at signings
he's not the life of the party, leaves that to the weasley twins (they drive for haas, they need SOMETHING to celebrate)
instead he can be found in the back, talking and laughing with the mechanics and the engineers
everybody in the paddock loves him
media darling, you can't tell me otherwise
he's england's sweetheart
the extra tight white fireproofs that show off EVERYTHING
it's silverstone, his home grand prix (although it's also the home grand prix for half of the grid at this point)
and he's feeling great about himself all weekend, cedric has a feeling that he might finally get his win that weekend
a crash in the first corner takes out one of the ferraris and a mercedes
he's not even sure how it happened but somehow he's up into second place with ten laps to go
"alright, ced, the gap between you and blaise is 0.45 seconds, malfoy is almost one second behind. if you can hang on until the drs zone, i think we stand a chance at winning the whole damn thing."
"and diggory has drs! the renault goes down the inside of the red bull of blaise zabini, and he's done it! cedric diggory is leading the british grand prix!"
and the crowd goes MENTAL
"it worked!" cedric screams over the radio. "we're leading the bloody race!"
i imagine that he'd talk a little like george russell on the radio
and when he finally gets to stand on that podium, with the british national anthem pouring out of the speakers as he stands on the top step
hefting the trophy above his head before they're given the all clear to pop the champagne bottles open
god that man would so pretty covered from head to toe in champagne.
a cheeky grin throughout the post race interviews
gets to the cool down room and slumps down in his chair, still in shock over the entire thing as he looks at the little pirelli baseball cap, the british flag and 1st place embroidered on the side.
his girlfriend there in a little yellow sundress filming the podium celebrations
cedric goes over to the blacony above parc ferme (i think that's what it's called? or maybe parc ferme is just where the cars go after a race?) and pours the champagne on her when she's not looking
champagne kisses after the podium celebrations, the paparazzi are swarming and he's holding the trophy in front of their faces for privacy
celebrating afterwards with him you ask???
a full dinner with the whole team to thank them for their efforts
he's wearing jeans and a white button down shirt, a little cord necklace resting under his collarbone
they're back in the hotel, music playing softly in the background
sharing a bottle of wine and dancing in the candlelight
turns into hot sex
but cedric, despite now having a race win under his belt, still devotes the entire night to pleasing his girlfriend
holding her hand at all times, even when it gets a little rougher by their standards
which it always does during a race weekend when he lands a podium
scratches all down his back
shes on her stomach, one hand behind her back to grasp his hand as he fucks her from behind
calling him 'my race winner' the entire time because it inflates his ego (and turns him on)
endless cuddles afterwards (hes the big spoon, draping his body over hers as he thanks her for being there to support his career, being there for him during every up and down in his career
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inkribbon796 · 2 years
Egotober 2022 Day 1: Undercover
Summary: Another spooky year in Egoton, it’s Egotober.
Chase is on a mission when he gets surprised by Wilford.
A/N: I’m back, and I’ve brought some heroes. It’s a while and life’s gotten a bit out of hand since my last upload. Wanted to come back for Egotober.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
Prompt: Hoodie
Characters: Chase, Wilford, Dark
Chase was supposed to be undercover for Dark. He was wearing a grey Tool band hoodie and black with a beanie instead of his usual hat. He felt wrong. He wanted his hat back, but he was infinitely more recognizable when his face was half hidden. Unlike every other hero who had to bend over backwards to hide their faces.
Dark wanted him to get a handle for how many demon hunters were still in the city, and Chase was more than willing to scout around for him. Dark had been doing his best to round up as many as he could find and kill them.
Chase would have fought him more on the killing stance if they weren’t trying to murder his own kids. The triplets had been attracting a lot of attention, and they needed to protect them. But Chase would sooner be dead than let anything happen to them.
He was sneaking around Brighton, not Dark’s territory. It was more of Anti’s turf but it was close enough to his ex-wife’s place for him to want to take a look.
While he was about to wrap around he noticed the colors around him became more vibrant.
“Oh, you fucker,” Chase said as he looked around and saw Wilford standing behind him.
Chase moved the instant he realized that Wilford had his prized revolver out, trying to close the distance as the gun was coming towards him. The scuffle was easy, too easy. Chase had Wil on his back in some alleyway. Wil’s gun in one hand and he was pinned to the ground.
“I was busy,” Chase told him.
“And I was bored,” Wilford admitted.
“Go bother Abe, usually you bother Abe,” Chase argued and then there was a weird sense of vertigo and Chase felt like he was falling through the floor and right into Dark’s office where he was trying to work on some paperwork.
He straightened up a bit when they suddenly appeared.
Chase scrambled up and grabbed Wilford’s gun, bringing it over to Dark. He didn’t even look up from his paperwork to take it and slide it into his inside suit coat pocket.
“Look, chatty Kathy,” Chase turned back to Wil, fixing the front of his hoodie. “I’m trying to work, could you wait until I’m done.”
“I’m just saying, Darky isn’t the only one who wants to have a little fun,” Wilford winked at him.
“Pass, not looking to get stabbed in the not-so-good way again,” Chase said.
Wilford shrugged, walking around the desk to get Dark a kiss on the cheek. Dark leaned into it. “A shame.”
“What’s the report?” Dark asked.
“There numbers are down and they don’t seem to be going back up, but they’re definitely following the twins around,” Chase said before stopping. “Triplets, sorry.”
“Now there’s no need to forget about Memento, he’s a quieter one but he’s still there,” Wilford said.
Chase stared at the madman. “Anyways. We watch over them closely and they should be fine. They’re getting good at protecting themselves.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Chase said. “Last I checked the triplets were still in the Manor. Hopefully they’ll stay put for a while.”
Dark had some noise. “I doubt it.”
“Yeah,” Chase agreed.
“They’re all such free spirits, come on, they’re having fun,” Wilford said.
“They’re allowed to have fun, but they shouldn’t try and get themselves killed,” Chase said.
“Bah,” Wilford said as he cleared off a spot on Dark’s desk and sat down. “Death is a joke and the triplets know how to play the game better than their siblings. They’ll be fine.”
Dark looked over at Wilford, unconvinced but he wasn’t arguing the issue at the moment. Chase rolled his eyes and grabbed his hat off the couch in Dark’s office where he’d left it.
“Going back on patrol, if any of the heroes show up, give them a nice hello for me.” Chase looked back at Dark and Wil as he put on his hat. He felt a lot better with it back on.
“Of course, of course.” Wilford smiled. He was holding up his prized revolver again, suddenly appearing there again despite Dark having it last. “Do the same if you see them first.”
“Got it,” Chase said as he left the office and pulled up his hoodie to sweep a different part of Dark’s territory.
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lilacsandamethysts · 3 years
Home sweet home
Pairing: Scaramouche x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: Arriving home is always enjoyable, being greeted like this is even better.
Warnings: domestic fluff, one curse word, mentions of parenting and family life
A/n: Tbh at first I didn't get the appeal behind Scaramouche but after reading a few fics and realizing that he is the only-soft-for-their-s/o type I was hooked. Take this domestic fluff that hit me at 2 am.
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The walk up the hill was always tiresome. Ever since they chose this location to build their home, he would get extra exercise whenever he left. But he knew it was worth every pant and grunt. Their small home was on top of a hill in the border of Liyue and Mondstadt, far away from the harbor and any close interaction with fatui business but also close enough to civilization in case of an emergency. He remembers travelling with her across the country trying to find the perfect location in the limited time they had left before things changed drastically. She was understanding of his concerns regarding the fatui; of course they would threaten to use her against him once they found out about her existence. Her disappearance from their lines went unnoticed, she was a low ranked officer and part of his squad after all of course he would cover it up. Anything to keep her safe, even going against his order. Nothing would matter if she was taken away from him.
He huffed one last time as he reached the top, the house coming into view finally. Glaze lilies painted the garden blue with a few silk flower bushes bringing some pink into the picture. Walking through the small wooden gate he let out a sigh, catching a glimpse of the newest additions which consisted of jueyun chilies and violetgrass. It always amazed him how she managed to make anything flourish and grow, regardless of the circumstances. Then again she did manage to brighten up his life with a simple smile. A few wooden toys were scattered around, some he recognised others not, while a small bike lay against the grass on the right side of the main entrance to the house. Chuckling he picked it up, placing it against the wall knowing fully well she would be fuming if she saw it abandoned like that. He unlocked the door, letting it close behind him with a soft click as he inhaled deeply allowing the familiar smell engulf him. It smelt of firewood and cinnamon with a hint of roses. It smelt like home. He took off his boots and hat, placing them on the costume drawer near the wall before fully stepping into the familiar space chuckling at the more toys scattered around the place.
“I’m home…” He said softly. At first he thought neither of them heard him but soon stomping could be heard from the second floor and a worried voice saying to “be careful down the stairs”. Before he knew it a little boy with bright eyes and sloppily cut dark blue hair came into view, an excited squeal leaving his lips as he jumped into his arms hugging him with all his strength.
“Dad, you’re finally back!” The little boy giggled in his arms as he peppered him with kisses, his own arms squeezing the daylights out of the little man until a strangled little squeak left his lips. And just as another fit of giggles overcame his son, another person stepped into the room; eyes wide in shock as she took in the scene in front of her a few tears trailing down her cheeks as she stared at him. After a few more moments she snapped out of her stupor, sprinting into his arms as she engulfed both of her boys in a tight hug kissing his cheek then her son’s as she smiled up at him. He rubbed small circles on her back, answering her smile with a kiss on the tip of her nose and then one on his son’s, letting all the pent up love and affection he had hidden while he was away on his harbinger duties flow between them.
“Welcome home, Scar.” They stayed like that for a few long minutes before his little boy wanted to be let down, grasping his father’s hand, dragging him across the living room and up to his own room, something about showing him his new rock collection tumbling from his lips. Scaramouche, managed to spare one last glance to his love who was trying to hold back her laughter at the scene in front of her. Who would imagine that the double faced, rude and manipulative sixth harbinger, Scaramouche the Balladeer, was in fact a soft soul who was wrapped around his son’s pinky and his wife’s ring finger. He prefers it this way. The only thing he will admit he admires about his colleague Childe was his determination he puts into keeping his occupation as far away as possible from his loved ones. Scaramouche is applying the same method with the two people he cherishes most, he couldn’t imagine what could possibly follow if the other harbingers found out about his family.
After a long day of playing in the sun, chasing each other through the house and a whole afternoon of cooking together, all three of them were exhausted. The boy was passed out on his father’s chest as he laid in bed, one arm wrapped around his wife’s waist while the other lay on the boy’s hair playing with the silky soft strands of blue. He stirred in his sleep when his mother leaned over to give him a kiss but he didn’t wake up, instead he nestled deeper into his dad’s chest. Scaramouche, albeit tired, stayed awake staring at the ceiling basking in the warmth his two loves provided.
“I didn’t expect you to come home this week.” She said softly, tracing patterns on his right peck. “I thought things were hectic this month.”
“You want my professional or personal answer?” He turned to look at her, their noses touching lightly. Her eyes bore into his and without even needing to say anything he knew the answer. “I missed you. Both of you. Things are still out of hand and will continue to be for quite some time but I felt like I was drowning in there. Everything was too much and I couldn’t wait until I could come visit.” He kissed her once, their lips molding together into a sensual kiss leaving them both gasping for air.
“Plus... Childe was being a pain in the ass.”
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pen-observing · 3 years
request: how lucifer, mammon, satan, belphegor and diavolo react and find out about you having 'I now own your soul' under the terms and conditions of a webpage.
While Lucifer is certainly busy all the time, and tries to balance it by having you in his study as he works, he can’t hide how tired he has actually been for the past 4 weeks.
All you know is that Diavolo has made the meetings more frequent and they are taking a toll on him
And since he means that much to you, regardless of if you wish to acknowledge it or not, you have to ask what is going on once he stands up and walks over to reach for another bottle from his shelf Lucifer does not drink that often and he certainly doesn’t try to avoid work by drinking.
Just what could be making him act this way?
“Lucifer, you have to tell me what is going on.”
He stands on his side of the desk just pouring another glass down.
Curse him for being elegant and showing his forearms while doing so!
And then he dares to look at you with full focus and furrowed eyebrows and he is about to say something and he looks like-
‘no. You are human.’
“Come on! You know I won’t tell anyone!”
He does trust you at least after so long.
"Very well. I will tell you since it has something to do with a human. If, by any chance, you spread the information, the price you pay will be a heavy one."
He can’t intimidate you that much but you know when he is serious.
"You see, recently, Diavolo has had more issues than ever with someone we like to call ‘code soul stealer"
“Uhn,, and that is?”
He takes a sip of his drink and holds the glass while looking at you.
“Apparently, a pesky human added ‘I now own your soul’ in their terms and conditions on a web page and some application. With this, they have stolen many souls and Diavolo has grown even more concerned these past few weeks since the page is just gaining popularity.”
Oh fuck, oh fuck. Thats you that he is calling a pesky human! You only did it as a joke because you saw a meme! It wasn’t supposed to make an enemy out of you to the prince of hell!
How are you supposed to tell Lucifer that? How will he react?
Maybe if you do tell him it will actually create more good than harm?
Or, you could hide it for the rest of your life and- no! The honest way with Lucifer is the best way. He trusts you enough so you have to trust him too!
“Lucifer...I am the pesky human you are referring to...”
He drops the glass. 
“I swear I had no idea souls were actually real and now I own a lot of them! O-On the good side I went viral 4 weeks ago so...oh, that is why you’ve been so busy....sorry.”
Lucifer says nothing.
He just falls into the chair in the most dramatic way you’ve ever seen.
He covers his face with both hands and groans into them loudly.
If you were not ‘code soul stealer’ you would laugh at him right now. But he has to figure out a way to protect you now.
You see, dating Mammon means that you two will bicker plenty.
However, it is usually silly stuff that you bicker about like; are gold or silver lines better on this cup of tea or not?
He just loves you too much to get into a serious argument with you.
However, Levi dragged you both to play a spy/heist game that just came out and Mammon cannot accept to lose such a challenge.
He is not proud that people call him thief, but he is proud and believes he has the skills to back up his many enrichment-plans
So the fact that you won against him for 3 times in a row is UNNACCEPTABLE under this dark, dark sky.
Mammon denies it all. ‘i went easy on you’; ‘I did it cuz you are happy when you win’ and ‘please, don’t you know who I am? I am THE Mammon!”
And while he is cute while bickering, sometimes it becomes unbearable.
So, you do what any normal human would: you challenge him by listing your biggest ‘heist’ ever.
“You don’t know who you are talking to! I have created a heist unlike any other! I have stolen a million souls so far! The DevilTV refers to me as – unstoppable soul collector!”
Levi left long ago so Mammon is standing there completely stunned with the stupidest look on his face so far. He kind of looks like a blowfish.
Still, he runs and puts a hand over your mouth and whispers:
“Don’t yell! We don’t want others to know that we run that business!”
Excuse him? Who is this –we- he speaks of?
“You will add your boyfriend to those plans, won’t you?”
Mammon will not let shock stand in the way of money or souls. You can explain to him how you managed that later but for now – just add him as your accomplice.
You love your boyfriend.
You really, really do.
You love seeing him so excited and focused on finding clues to the newest Devildom mystery that you chose to let him have his fun by not telling him YOU were the one he was searching for.
And while you love him that much, you are about to ruin the whole game.
Why does he think it is appropriate to own 48 pairs of the same Sherlock Holmes outfit with THE UGLIEST MATCHING HATS YOU HAVE EVER LAID YOUR EYES ON.
First, he wore them in his ‘detective office’ only. Also known as the Lamentation house storage room for cleaning products. And that was fine, it was.
But then he started to wear them inside the house and in the garden. The saddest day was when a cat knocked the ugly hat off and ran away with it. Oh praise that cat! Praise the little paws!
However, he has gone too far.
He knows no bounds and shows no signs of stopping.
He started wearing the outfits OUTSIDE! In the middle of cobblestone paths of the main street while you were trying to have a nice date!
"Who knows where the soul snatching culprit could be hiding? I must wear this outfit everywhere to catch their clues. Trust me.”
That is it.
If one more iguana-looking-ass demon points their finger at you two and snickers as you walk past – he will have a rude wake up call.
How is it possible that he is trying to catch the culprit that is you but doesn’t pay any attention to you?
So, when you arrive home and he walks into the mop closet to add another unrelated photo to his crazy whiteboard as a clue – you tell him to sit down for a moment.
“Satan, honey, I have something to tell you about your soul snatching culprit.”
That definitely got his attention.
Finally! He is actually looking at you!
You lean down and gently kiss his head.
“I am the culprit you’re looking for. How does it feel to completely miss something right under your nose?”
He freezes up and throws a pen towards the whiteboard. It just bounces off and hits him in the back.
“You....you mean to tell me that,,, the biggest Devil Mystery TV phenomenon is ACTUALLY YOU?”
You are met with complete disbelief. Satan demands a detailed explanation on how you did it. He even tells you to use his whiteboard to retrace your steps!
...good luck...
Will Belphegor ever actually publicly say that he has changed because of you? No.
Will he ever actually admit that to other brothers besides Beel when they’re talking in the late hours of the night in their room? Oh, absolutely not.
Will he tell you? Yes.
Yes but.. He will leave something out.
Sometimes Belphie looks at how you smile and remembers things that make him famous in this realm.
Yes, he is one of the most powerful demons and yes, he has a reputation of rebellion and the biggest steak of unattendance in RAD but
He is also a fairly famous scholar.
His papers and research are cited on the regular.
But when you smile and say a witty joke – he remembers that most of them focus around him proving just how dumb or naïve humans actually are.
But, you’re human and he hopes that you never see those.
Except that you do.
Because he is so famous it is no surprise that while looking for research papers to reference for your next assignment you saw his name while browsing through
And while you love him - you will not allow him to just diss the whole mankind.
So, you grab one of them from the library. Walk home, go to the attic while he is napping and open it up, putting it right on his face.
It takes a couple of seconds but he feels something is wrong and his hand reaches for it.
When he pulls it away, he is met with his thesis that was further developed from the seduction speech class assignment.
It sets it up as: ‘Seduction speech as a matter of blatant deception that humans always fall for but could never recreate.’
You are not even that mad at it to be honest.
But proving him wrong is always fun. And little does he know about your biggest secret ever.
“I will cut right to the chase and say – fix your bangs I want to see the way your eyes look when I tell you this!”
“I wonder who messed up my bangs with the academic paper in the first place?” is what he replies but his hand is already on his forehead.
“Whatever. Prepare to be amazed! I am the one the elders of the devildom are always ranting about on TV! Yes, I am the ‘pesky little human’ who is stealing away ‘edible’ souls! How is that for your thesis now? Is that not true deception?!”
He likes your smile still. You’re standing in front of the bed looking at him with sparkling eyes and clenched fists while striking a pose. It is silly really but he smiles.
Because you are.
And while he will ask you a bit more about that claim, he is just happy to know that maybe his next academic paper (which everyone eagerly awaits) will be tad more positive to your kind.
You got an urgent call from Barbatos.
On the doorstep he told you that Diavolo needs you in his study.
What could you do that Barbatos can’t and will help Diavolo? Does such a thing even exist?
You walk inside of his office and are pretty sure Barbatos did not want to go inside because of the fact that a rat could be hiding under the mountain of papers that are all around the room.
Usually, Diavolo immediately stands up, lights up the room with his smile and stretches out his hands for a hug.
Now? He hears the doors open and looks at you with a weak smile while his head is resting on his elbows from behind the desk.
He has never looked worse.
“Barbatos said you called for me?”
You are unsure where to begin with this so you state a fact while thinking of questions to ask.
“He has? I have done no such thing?”
Great. Now both of you are confused.
“Can you tell me what is going on?”
Diavolo sighs and his smile is still nowhere to be seen.
“The elders have been so annoying lately. I understand that the biggest threat to the Devildom and everyone’s life here still has not been identified but there is nothing I can do except search!”
Just what threat is that? What could be making Diavolo so miserable?
“They keep comparing me to my father without actually offering any ways of fixing this!”
“I will try to offer some way if you tell me what the threat is!”
There you are, making a grand exclamation and promise while trying to avoid papers on the floor. Diavolo sighs again.
“A human is ruining our business! They somehow set up a page that allowed them to own souls by consent in some application under the terms and conditions. I mean, this has never happened before! Humans were never expected to think of that or have access to such means! And the name they used was fake. How am I supposed to find them and then burn them in the darkest pits of hell as the elders want me to?”
You stop trying to avoid the papers.
Did...did he just say darkest pits of hell? Did he just say the elders want YOU burned?!
How are you supposed to fix this? It was a fucking joke! You did not imagine this could ever happen!
“Diavolo you promised you would protect me no matter what, right?”
His eyes are serious when you say that. “Yes. I will. Is something amiss?”
“Diavolo.... I am the enemy your elders want to burn.. PLEASE DON’T LET THEM! MY SKIN JUST ADJUSTED TO THIS TEMPERATURE!”
Diavolo looks at you and laughs like never before. It is cute, it is childlike. His laugh finally lights up the room.
He thinks you are joking.
He thinks you are joking and abruptly stops once he realizes that you did not join in on the laugh.
You were just trying to crack a joke and make him feel better, right? There is no way that is true, right? But judging from your reaction he knows it is.
So, he grows serious once more.
He runs to embrace you.
“Please tell me you are willing to make a compromise because the elders do not care about how your skin adjusts to the temperature.”
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chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 04  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Previous : 00 01 02 03
⇢ Word Count : 4.7k
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
Last night can’t get out of your mind. It’s not like you to do such a dumb thing. Kissing Jimin... you didn’t know what had gotten into you last night. The last thing you’d ever want to do is have someone go through the same thing you did with Jimin when he had cheated on you. Your mind raced all night thinking if that kiss, that one sole kiss, would make you the bad guy? Make this whole situation worse? 
Both of you were vulnerable and just not the same. Of course you’re still tender to the subject of and about him, and forever will have have a soft spot for Jimin. You didn’t expect that to happen though. 
‘‘ Yes.. Yes.. Okay.. I understand.”
You drone on for the millionth time today. Only 9 am and calls are making their way to you. You’ve been caught. Someone spotted you and Jimin last night walking to your apartment. Luckily the pictures were only garage scenes of you and him. Jimin’s head hanging low trailing a distance behind you while you hold your sore arm. Thankfully, by the looks of the new articles every damn hour, they think that you had hurt yourself and Jimin was supposedly there for you for comofort.
The fanpages are going to have a field day with that.
Your manager continues to lecture you about how this could start a scandal, how you should of been more careful, and finally that those words everyone has told you before. He wasn’t good to you, move on.
‘‘ Listen im just going to be with Ryan today and she’s bringing Jungkook. We are heading over to Ryan’s office to discuss things and what not.’‘ You sigh into the phone, wanting to hang up already.
Your manager on the other line is hesitant for you to go, but gives in once you say you’ll only be an hour in and out. That’s the only way you’ll get to go out today. Whenever small scandals like this brew up, the management company would make you stay low for the next three days. 
You both say your goodbyes and then hang up. Finally. Somewhere in the room Clara lets out one of her tiny meows making you smile to yourself. The day planned ahead is way more exciting than you worrying to yourself
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‘‘ Baby please. I have to go’‘
Isabel smirks lowly while shaking her head. Jimin watches her intensively as her hands roam all around his now bare chest, that was covered with a shirt two minutes ago.
‘‘ Jimin, you and I both know that we haven’t had much time to ourselves lately.’‘
Her dainty fingertips trace over his forming abs one by one staring him straight in the eyes. He bites his lip hard just before letting out a useless groan with his head thrown back in the chair. It’s true. With all the celebrity show appearances they’ve had, the quality time together has been cut short.
He ries to pry her hands away from his jeans but it’s no use. “ I have to leave, Jungook wants me at Ryan’s office in twenty minutes.”
Her face turns into a pout, lifting her hands from his jeans.  ‘’ So he’s more important than your girlfriend?’’
‘‘ Well I mean he is my blood broth- Fuck!’’
It’ was quick enough to where he didn’t feel it coming. Before he knew it, his jeans were unbuttoned and her mouth glides across the imprint of his shaft hiding behind his boxers. “ We can stop and you can leave.. if you want..” She knows exactly what shes doing by making sure her voice is low and those round eyes meeting his. 
His groans only become louder when she takes a long, slow lick from the base to the tip. There’s no way on hell he’ll miss this opportunity to get some head. Jimin’s craving for sex has been high lately and with no time to recieve pleasure, he damn sure wasn’t gonna let up this offer. “ Fuck that. Keep going my love.”
Grabbing a fistful of Isabel’s hair, he yanks his boxers down revealing his thick, hard member hat springs up to his belly button. Isabel smirks at him just before taking the whole thing down her throat making Jimin moan out louder in pleasure. The sound of sucking, wet noises fill the studio’s ambiance.
Jimin watches her intensely while letting out low groans and growls as her bobbing head becomes quicker. This isn’t what he wants truly.  What he wants is you. You is who he wishes who’d be pleasuring him right now. The way you’d sometimes gag on him when his dick filled your mouth completely was something he’d always enjoyed seeing. The way your eyes water with him stuffed in your mouth but determined to go on was a major turn on for him. He wants you and only you. Right now in this moment Isabel doesn’t mean shit to him but you do. 
He can’t help but to lean back in his chair and close his eyes waiting to chase his high, all with the thoughts of you and your guises past sexual encounters turning him on even more with the lost track of time in the back of his mind.
You on the other hand, wait with Jungkook and Ryan who are getting a bit anxious waiting for the boy’s arrival. You of course didn’t want him to come. It’ll only make things more complicated than it is right now. Essentially you were going to leave when Jungkook said he’d be inviting Jimin.. yet again. 
Seeing as though when you were on your way to the office, you had glanced at the clouds and could see a big thunderstorm brewing. You’d rather not take your chances of being rained on while walking back to your apartment.
‘‘ Geez where is this guy? He’s always late ever since he’s been with Isa-”
A shove by Ryan shuts him right up before finishing his sentence. Ryan gives him a glare and a few utters of words to him before turning back to the giant window that gazes over the bright nightlife of Seoul.
One part of you wishes for Jimin not to actually show up but the other does. Just to see his face and reaction too you ever since yesterday. But just for the sake of it, you won’t bring it up. Play it off like it never happened.
‘‘ Was it really necessary for us to come at night? We couldn’t of just come during the day?’’ Jungkook says, walking over to her.
He snakes his arms around his waist placing gentle butterfly kisses around her neck. The reflection off the mirror shows her facial expression, a slight smile as they sway from side to side. A ping of happiness shoots through you at the sight of them. It reminds you of you and Jimin. That happiness quickly shuts down.
You smile to yourself, “Well i’m a model, Jungkook and his brother are idols, and you’re an upcoming fashion designer dating said Idol. ”
Jungkook clears his throat before placing his arm gently around Ryan, “ Yeah she’s MY girlfriend.’’ He says proudly. Ryan shakes her head while playfully rolling her eyes. 
You giggle along with her. It’s only been a short while since he’s asked her and he seems so happy and proud with her. Something you wish that Jimin wouldn’t have ruined for you two.
‘‘ Nobody knows we are dating and If paparazzi catches you coming to my office it’s going to stir up something rather it be little or not.’‘ Ryan sighs, sitting down next to you on the white couch.
Jungkook pauses to be silent for a second but continues on, “ That would happen regardless because paparazzi comes out at any time of day. We just so happen not to get caught.’’
Your frail hands begin to play with the sleeve of your shirt at the wrists. Something you do when anxious but trying to keep calm. You’re starting to get annoyed with this couple talk. You’re happy for them but rubbing it in is starting to hurt a bit. Where is he at?
‘‘ You know what im tired of waiting. If he comes he comes. If he doesn’t oh well we already knew he’s an asshole because of that girl now.” Ryan scoffs.
She folds her arms as she leans onto Jungkook who’s now sitting on the arm of the couch. He chuckles at her pouting and sudden anger just before giving her a kiss on the forehead.
You take in the sight of them. Two love birds that mean the world to each other. You wouldn’t dare want nor try to break them up. You knew Jungkook has been waiting for that moment to ask her. When he did on that day Ryan couldn’t of been even more happier.
And if as on cue, that familiar face comes in quietly with two large brown bags in his hands. You choose not to make eye contact with him when he stops infront of the couch, glancing at you.
‘‘ Im sorry im late. I bought food for us..” He pleads for forgiveness. If it was up to you then you wouldn’t have forgiven him. Hell, you still don’t want to forgive him for that act last night. Yet you can’t be a hypocrite because you’re just as guilty.
Jungkook takes the bags from him due to the way to familiar scent coming from them. Jajangmyeon. His favorite noodles of all time. A quick way to earn his forgiveness of anything.
‘‘ You are forgiven don’t let it happen again,”  He says, smiling ear to ear as he pulls out his serving of noodles.
Ryan hands you a pair of chopsticks and your serving of noodles. You thank her and look down at the bowl. If you did eat it that means you forgave him, if you didn’t that means you wont. Your mind doesn’t know which one to pick.
While everyone sits there talking amongst themselves you sit there with chopsticks in hand zoned out. You seen the hickies when he had came in. When he had tilted his head announcing his arrival, thats when you saw it peeking from under his scarf. that The dark bruises peaked up and back into hiding whenever he moved.
‘‘ You don’t like the noodles?” Jungkook says, taking a big bite of noodles then slurping them up.
Ryan gives you one of your guises code looks but you give one back to say you are fine. ‘’ Im sorry I was just zoned out.’’
You don’t engage on any of the conversation instead you sit there eating your noodles quietly until they’re gone. That is until the real reason why you are here is brought up.
‘‘ We are here because me and Jungkook have thought about you guys.” Ryan glances at the boy who’s now wiping his face free of sauce.
Great. When are people going to stop doing that though?
‘‘ Ryan come on now, I honestly don’t care. He’s happy with her and I am with myself. Im serious. Please stop thinking about things like this. Im happy can’t you see that! ‘‘ By this point you know you’re all worked up.
It isn’t the truth, but you just want everyone to stop worrying so you could move on. Bringing the whole situation up all the time is draining for you and you’d rather not be reminded of Jimin and what he does and how he’s doing.
Jimin keeps quite with a stare that’s intense on you. You stare right back at him with an emotionless expression. The both of your eyes never leave each-other but you knew it had hurt him. Saying that you’re fine but he knows you’re bothered a lot.
Jungkook sighs heavily, “Baby-Cheeks don’t get all upset now. We are just worried solely on you. Even Jimin is and we all came to an agreement to have this civil conversation right here and now because all of it needs to be addressed.”
You cock your head slightly to the side not leaving Jimin’s eyes. You knew for a fact that this entire conversation is his doing just by Jungkook saying that last sentence. 
“ I told you to stop worrying about me. I really meant it. I’m fine. I am F I N E .’’ You spell out the words, then shake your head clearly pissed off. 
‘‘ But you aren’t. You constantly lose focus and don’t talk as much. Im worried for you so much that it pains me to even see you like this.” Jimin bites his lips to prevent from breaking down. You know that expression all to well.
That still doesn’t mean he should be worrying about you. You two are no longer together and no matter how many times you scream it to the top of your lungs each time, nobody listens to you.
‘‘ I am fine. I promise you guys. I’ve just had a comeback and they set me on a strict diet for the next few months and I go to the gym more than I used to because that’s what us models do. Since I have been absent for a year now my break time is over. The reason I zone out is because I have a busy schedule and sleep is whenever I can get it so that makes me tired often. I am fine.”
Your explanation is partially true and you do feel bad for lying on some of the parts but knowing them they will keep doing whatever to make things right. It’s time for you and them to stop worrying about Jimin and your relationship with each other.
The group doesn’t say anything after that. You tried to keep the best serious tone you had to explain that to them. Luckily they fell through and believed it. All except Jimin.
‘‘ Now can we move on? Is everything okay now?”  You ask, looking at both Ryan and Jungkook. They both shake their head slowly still unsure of what to think.
‘‘ Well since that is over with, lets all take our leave yeah?” Ryan sighs, collecting everybody’s trash from the food. You nod your head and begin to help her while the boys go somewhere in the room to talk privately together.
You don’t care enough to want to know about what they’re saying. As long as they don’t bring anything of worriedness about you again then it’s okay. Soon after the room is all cleaned up you grab your coat and scarf. Jungkook grabs Ryan’s and helps her into hers, zipping it all the way up.
‘‘ My baby can’t catch a cold.” He giggles before placing a kiss on her forehead. Ryan turns a deep red in her cheeks as he continues to dress her properly for the snow outside.
‘‘ Can we talk privately again?’‘ A quite voice says behind you. You knew it all to well. But you don’t turn around at all while slipping your coat on.
‘‘ I’ve thought I made myself clear. I don’t need to say it again. Please just accept it.”  The maroon colored scarf is gently placed around you from behind.
You grab his hands to stop him but he’s quick enough to come in-front of you and begin to wrap it for you. “ You lied. You can fool them but not me.’’
You break his hands away from the scarf, making sure to glare at him before you storm out of the office. All of the pressure and just concern in general is getting to you. It’s not like you to get worked up to this point. You hate making scenes and you knew that when you left like that it’s going to spark more curiousness.
The heel of your black suede thigh high boots click down the hallway fast as tears feel the brim of your eyes. Why wont they just leave it be?
After taking the long way out and going down three flights of stairs from the emergency exit, you make it down to the lobby and out the rotating doors.
When you do you almost choke out a whimper at the sight at Jimin greeting Isabel with a hug in which she pulls him down to a deep passionate kiss while waiting in-front of his car.
He was just upstairs dressing you properly, but kissing on her a few minutes later. Typical Jimin.
You bite your lip hard enough for the taste of blood to fill your mouth to prevent from crying right then and there. You can’t show her any sign of weakness. This is what she wants you to do. Cry and breakdown in-front of her to gain victory. She can’t have it. She wont have it.
You slip your hands into the coat pockets and begin your journey down the street. Catching a taxi would be no use. The cold harsh wind mixing with the hard drops of rain feel euphoric but numb to you.
‘‘ What are you doing? You’ll catch a cold for walking in this type of weather!” A voice yells far from behind you.
You don’t bother to look back at him. You up your pace just by a little to get that voice far away from you as possible. He kissed you last night, but kissed her right infront of you. The lump in your throat is sore and your heart hurts with each step you take.  Is this how the game goes? It hurts. It hurts a lot. 
 The wind blows harsh and the rain blows on your face making your makeup wet but not smeared. The mascara running down your face doesn’t matter from your wet tears.
 The stop lights turn yellow, red, and then green a couple of times. You count the number of changes before walking past it. Three times total.
then back again.
The thunder roars causing you to jump a bit, but you’re numb to any noise around you anyways. You sniffle repeatedly to stop your nose from running but why not just let it run? Why not just let everything go. Let yourself go. Yeah that sounds about right. Let yourself g-
The blackness of your vision is sudden. No chance to react when the sound disappears from it. To the ground your body goes, laying there in a puddle of water. Your eyes blink slowly when you wince in pain upon bringing your hand up to your head. Vision goes in and out, in and out. You can’t hear the disorted person above you screaming and shaking you just before blacking out again.
The look of horror on his face and adrenaline runs through his body as soon as your eyes close. He thinks it’s his fault. His fault for wanting to keep talking to you. His fault for kissing you last night. His fault for stressing you out to your limits for you to walk home instead of asking him for a ride.
Running his hand through his hair, he slowly picks up your limp body. He saw that fall, and that fall was hard. You slipped on a decent sized amount of a dirt and mud mixture from not paying attention. Tears roll down his eyes when he places you in the passenger seat to buckle your seatbelt where your chest rises up and down. A sign of life.
The ride to your house is hell for him. Constantly hitting the steering wheel out of anger from himself and crying loudly wishing for you to be fine and okay. The hospital wasn’t an option right now. If paparazzi saw him taking you in unconcious right after the small scandal, he’d be sure that he’d be on the news for the next two weeks for supposedly abusing you, which isn’t the case.
It doesn’t take him long to arrive, considering he was tokyo drifting through the streets of Seoul. Laying your body on your bed, he sees the bottom of your outfit is dirty with mud. At first he hesitates but keeping muddy clothes on you wouldn’t be right of him.
After picking out some sweatpants, he moves on to your hoodie collection and spots one in the back of the drawer folded into a ball. Jimin lets out a small laugh when he realizes its one of his. It must of ended up here in transit when packing from the old apartment.
Nevertheless, he decides it’s that one you’ll be wearing and not anyone of the others. When it comes time to undress you, he looks away when taking off your clothes and putting the new clothes on. He tucks you in when done, planting a small kiss on your forehead just before going to get an icepack for you to place it on your head.
The sound of cartoons playing in a distance wakes you up. Your eyes stir open until full view. The throbbing of your head makes you wince a little. You’re just as more confused as to when you made it into your apartment let alone your room.
‘‘ You’re awake?’‘
He places the icepack on the back of your head but when he goes to grab your hand to make you secure it, your heart skips a beat when his soft hand touches yours. It’s been a while since you last had his warm touch against yours. 
The thoughts in your head stops when he lets go of your now cold hand. ‘‘ Why are you here?”  You say, finally looking at him.
‘‘ You fell. You fell on a puddle of mud while crossing over to the next sidewalk.” He sighs, eyes staring at you with anger yet relief. Instead of fighting back for the sake of your throbbing head, you just look down.
Thats when you notice the new set of clothes on your body. You certainly weren’t wearing this hoodie before. In fact you knew for a fact that this particular hoodie was balled up in the back of your dresser drawer. It’s his. 
 “ You undressed me?” You yell, furrowing your eyebrows at him. You pull the cover closer up to your body out of embarassment but Jimin doesn’t care. He’s more worried about the fall than the undressing.
“ Do you fucking know how got damn worried I was?” Jimin walks over to you with his arms crossed and jaw clenching. You want to hide right about now. “You’re more worried about if I was a pervert or not but news flash, I didn’t even look at you while undressing you. I’m not the asshole you think I am.”  
Silence is golden.
‘‘ We all shouldn’t have been out there with a storm coming, but we came to the office for your sake. You keep putting yourself at risk, just stop!‘‘ He semi-yells at you. 
You know he’s correct but that doesn’t stop you from forming the lecture into an arguement.
‘‘ Risk? I don’t take risks unless necessary. I was just minding my business and walking home. I guess I wasn’t mindful for that the weather wasn’t suitable for walking. Thank you for tending to me.’’
The boy scoffs with a sarcastic smile on his face backing away from your bed. You close your eyes knowing you shouldn’t of said that. ‘‘ Wasn’t mindful? Really? Why can’t you just listen to me whenever I need you to?”
‘‘ You were with Isabel. I don’t have anything to do with your guys relationship at all. I didn’t want to seem like a threat to her. ‘‘
Jimin sighs and rubs his temples, ‘’ You know you’re hard headed right? Do you think I give a flying fuck if she was there or not? You health and you yourself are important to me. ‘’
Here we go again.
‘‘ I said don’t worr-’‘
Jimin raises up quickly with anger and sadness written all over his face, ‘’ I don’t care what you say. Fucking listen to me when I say so! I’m going to worry about you until the day I die and cannot breathe anymore! Accept it okay?’’ He semi- yells, chest heaving up and down fast.
You keep your eyes away from his. You knew it would happen. You knew he would blow up somehow today.
‘‘ Im not going to accept it. Want to know why? I’m not your girlfriend anymore. I have to accept the fact that you no longer are in a relationship with me Jimin. You need to too.’‘
Jimin sighs, pacing back in forth across the wooden floor while running his fingers through his hair repeatedly, “ I was hoping it wouldn’t have to be like this. I’m not letting it happen anymore. From now on I will be checking on you everyday. Understand?’’
‘‘ No I don-”
‘‘ Understand?’‘ He growls, head whipping towards your direction.
There it goes. Pissed off Jimin. The side of his dominance that he dares anyone to overpower.
‘‘ Jimin you cannot come he-”
He shoots you a glare wanting his question answered now. You bite your lip making sure to shut the fuck up at this point. Anything you say after you know would do damage. ‘‘ Do you. Fucking. Understand?’‘
You nod your head. When he becomes like this there isn’t any way to stop him or change his mind.
‘‘ Good. Im not leaving for the night.”
You furrow your eyebrows, “Woah Jimin. Okay that’s too far. That’s considered cheating on Isabel.”
‘‘ It’s not. Not if im not with her anymore.’‘
Your heart jumps at those words. Not with her anymore?
‘‘ You honestly didn’t have to break up with her for me.”
You know you’d honestly feel very bad, but not as bad because she honestly deserves it for being a homewrecker. Then again, what does that make you?
‘‘ We technically are on a break. Im planning to break up with her in a couple of days.” He says, turning the blaring hot heater that was turned on prior to you waking up, onto it’s low settings.
You decide that’s enough of questions and to just enjoy his company there while it lasts. Putting the cover back down, you pick up your phone from the nightstand. A few texts from your manager, a missed call from Ryan. By the looks of it they both don’t know what happened and that somehow relieves you. 
Looking back up at him, you notice him turned around about to take off his shirt. His back muscles are evident and flex whenever he moves. You miss those. The way they’d feel under your hands and nails when he used to be ontop of you giving you the best nights of your life.
You hadn’t known he had turned around because you’re too deep in thought recalling those nights. “ Im assuming you like what you see?”
So you’ve been caught. “ No. Put your shirt back on.” Its a lie but you can’t admit to daydreaming about him.
‘‘ Hush im just changing into new clothes.’‘
You watch him go to your bottom left dresser and it all clicks to you. Back when you both shared an apartment Jimin kept extra clothing for emergencies always in the left bottom drawer.
You don’t know why, but you felt that it was tradition to put his extra clothing inside the bottom left drawer when you moved into here. Jimin had left the box of emergency clothing, on accident, with you as the both of you moved out.
When things had arrived here and you started unpacking you had seen what was inside the box. Instead of calling him to retrieve it, you just placed them in the bottom left drawer of your dresser in case something had ever happened where he was in need.
And that scenario just so happened to play out today.
You close your eyes as he casually slips his pants off in front of you. You want to peak but choose not to. ‘‘ Why are you covering your eyes? You’ve seen all of me before.”
And you want to see it all again.
‘‘ Yeah whatever. Im sleepy.’‘
 You rub your eyes and let out a quite yawn. You can feel his eyes staring into you so you turn to face him while getting comfortable under the covers.
Jimin turns out the lights first and then the t.v. Pitch black just how you like it.
‘‘ I forgot how cute you can be.’‘ He shakes his head, pulling you closer to him to where you’re laying on his chest with his arms wrapped around you.
His heartbeat is relaxing to you. So relaxing that soon enough, the both of you are fast asleep tangled in each-others love.
Once again, you fell for his sweet-talking and little white lies. All because you want another chance, one last time.
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harveywritings92 · 3 years
BNHA vampire soulmate scenario: When you first saw them.
 The first time you saw him, he was feeding off someone.
TWs: Blood, death stalking and attempted assault.
Mr. Compress: {Your Quirk: Card capture: it's similar to Mr. Compress's quirk but you can entrap people and objects in cards by manifesting these clear glass like cards that slip out from your wrist, you can use them as throwing weapons too as they're very sharp, the only drawback is that you can get severely dehydrated if you overuse it.]
You were walking home late from work just hungry and physically done! today was crap show! first you missed the train then half way to work you forgot you realized you forgot your lunch!, Your boss (who's usually pretty chill) for whatever reason decided he hated your guts today and yelled at you in front of everyone! and to rub salt on the wound you spilt hot coffee all over yourself! so now you arms and chest have burns on them that were itchy as hell! you just wanted to crawl into bed, and forget about this day. 
You decided to cut through the park when you saw a odd pair, a man in a yellow trench coat and top-hat and mask which was pushed to the side kissing a woman in sundress under a streetlight. "huh, how sweet." you sighed exasperated before continuing on you way, when you noticed foot steps coming out behind you, you cautiously reached into your coat for one of your cards... you knew it wasn't the man in the top hat as you did a quick glance over your shoulder he was still  'occupied' you could smell stale alcohol in the air remembering the beware of mugger sign at the park entrance and figured out what was going on when the person was in grabbing range.
You whirled around grabbing your would be assailants arm forcing it up and pulling him towards you, you hissed  felt a sting on your cheek as your free hand slammed your card into his chest "release!" you barked as a powerful cyclone burst from the card sending the man flying off his feet *Thank-you Anko-san* you mentally cheer happy that your friend had a wind-quirk and let you capture it's effects in a card; said card then shattered as it was a one-shot use like all your offense cards. 
The man wheezed as he was thrown to ground next to the "couple". while you took off running! not seeing Top-hat pull away from his lady friend and sniff the air. 
Atsuhiro dropped the woman he was feeding on she slid limply to the ground as he readjusted his mask and followed that delicious scent and found a bloody knife on the ground *Could it be?!* his heart was beating abnormally faster as picked it up and sniffed it he lifted his mask up and licked the blood off the knife, Atsunhiro almost felt alive again as the sweet taste of his mate's blood touch his tongue... 
He was so elated his mask was blushing! (cos anime logic!) "My Darling❣~" he purred in pure ecstasy, but soon his euphoria was cut short when he heard the man who attempted to rob you on the ground cough, the vampiric ex-magician turned in his direction, he could smell this uncultured brutes scent all over the knife mixing his mates. 
Atsuhiro's primal urges were screaming at him to kill the man for harming his mate, however the ex-showman had something else in mind... The next morning you were watching the news on your laptop seeing the mugger at the park last night had been caught, and was being charged with murder for another woman. You felt your stomach churn as the photo of the woman who you saw making out with the top-hat man flashed on screen. 
Than you felt a a chill go down your back!
You nervously looked away from your screen and scanned around the nearly empty café, there's was only you, an elderly couple wearing matching tracksuits enjoying some tea and having a conversation, a tired and obviously hungover mother and her two rowdy kids having breakfast, and lastly a man with black hair and copper eyes wearing a yellow casual suit and gray news boy cap reading a book.
You squint at the title....The magicians nephew, you frowned letting out a small hum; swearing you felt someone's eyes on you, thinking you were just paranoid from last night... you unconsciously traced the healing cut on your cheek and went back to you doing your work, not seeing the copper eyes of Atsuhiro watching you from behind his book with a knowing smirk.
Dabi: You were walking home drunk to hell as your friends kept you out at the bars until 3am, you decided to take a detour home to get a late night snack/early breakfast at the 7/11 a few blocks from your place, as you were walking to the store you spied what looked a couple making out against the dumpster a few feet a ways, even in your drunken state you couldn't help but scrunched up your nose the sight. "at least take her to cheap motel buddy, jeez..." you muttered the man in the black hood growled back in retort as you entered the store.
While in the shop you frowned seeing you favorite snack was out of stock. "D-dammit." you huffed and looked around before spotting the clerk who was unpacking some packs of ramen. "Hey d'ya got any f/snack left?" you asked trying to keep from slurring your words. "Yeah there should be some packs over by the-" the clerk went to point but forgot they were holding a box cutter and accidentally jabbed you in the leg just under your knee. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" the clerk gasped while you tried waving them off, it was just an accident, but if it made them feel better you bought some band-aids and disinfectant along with your food the clerk felt soo bad they gave you discount and with that you walked out in to the night....
When you got out your leg was still bleeding it didn't really bother you as you too tipsy to care, besides it's just a tiny cut, as you were leaving you noticed the "couple" still going at it, however now it felt kind of off... and that's when you noticed the man in the black hood stiffen... you stomach felt like it was full of rocks as you watched him slowly turn to face you.
Dabi was busy draining this dumb bimbo who followed him out of the bar after he told her to piss off, but seeing as he hadn't fed on fresh human blood in months, (he was drinking blood-packs of pig's blood.) he decided screw it, she'll know the consequences her actions that is if he doesn't suck her dry.. "at least take her to cheap motel buddy, jeez..." a drunk woman muttered as she passed them Dabi let out a frustrated growl at that jab yet another reason he hates feeding in public, about ten minutes later the vampire's attention was suddenly pulled away from his dinner when a sweet enticing scent invaded his nose. 
Dabi's eyes snapped open his senses were on fire as his inner monster snarled *mine.....mine...* his breathing became labored as he turned away from the woman's neck; her blood dripping down his chin as he turned to look over his shoulder, saw a [y/ht-wt] woman with [y/hc] and starring at him in shock, his eyes drifted down and saw the blood dribbling down her leg, he let go of the woman he was feeding on, she let out a weak wheeze as she fell limply to the ground not that he cared, Dabi took a step towards his mate reaching out to her, only for the woman to snap out of her shock and run....
Leaving the vampire standing there in an almost trance like state, before he looked inside the store could smell faint traces of her blood in the air and saw the clerk washing the bloody box cutter; A guttural growl escaped Dabi's throat as he approached the door. 
The poor oblivious clerk didn't know what was coming as the door chimed telling them a customer had entered the store... "Welcome!" they greeted cheerfully. from an outside point of view there was hot flash of blue from inside the 7/11 followed by the store fire alarms going off.
The next morning you were hiding under your blanket hugging your knees your whole body was shaking while you were watching the news... there was a fire at the 7/11, the clerk was killed their remains were so badly burnt they were carbonized...
Bakugou: You had just started working for his agency as a secretary and were working on late paperwork one of your coworkers pushed on you so they could go on a date, you grumbled as you made your way to the elevator to drop the files off on Bakugou's desk, and were stunned to find the top floor was pitch black! you were trying the navigate in the darkness by feeling desk, when your hand brushed up against a pair of scissors someone left out you hissed feeling them cut your palm, you could feel the blood dripping down you hand and decided screw this! you were going to leave the papers on the desk outside of the boss's office for him to find in the morning, when you noticed the door was open a crack. 
You could hear deep breathing, a woman gasping and grunts, your cheeks felt hot as you though Bakugou was getting frisky with one of his fans. *I never took him for that sort...* you were just going to pretend you didn't hear anything and walk away, but curiosity got the best of you, and with careful steps you crept toward the door and peeked in, and felt you stomach drop when you realized what was going on was not a wham-bam thank you ma'am situation, you threw your hand over your mouth when you saw Bakugou eyes glowing red had his fangs sunk into this woman's neck draining her of blood! Scared you were about to quietly back away from the door when you saw the blond blink pull away from the unconscious woman, sniff the air and... you ran before he could even turn his in the direction of the door, and made it on to the elevator just as a shock of blond hair rounded the corner.
The next morning Bakugou was on edge as he recalled the events last night, one minute he's feeding off some pushy fan-girl and the next, his senses were taken over by this amazing smell it was so enticing he forgot about his hunger and overwhelmed by the insistent need of find it's source... as Katsuki turned his attention to the door he saw someone dash and and he gave chase just in time to get a split second glimpse of a woman with {y/hc} before the elevator doors closed.  
{later after he sent that fan home via cab) 
Bakugou inspected his office and found a blood trail leading from random sidekick's towards his office the couple hurried drops towards the elevator, he curiously swiped his finger threw the blood on the desk where the trail began, licked it a content rumble left his throat, his inner monster purred. *Mate...mine* however that euphoric feeling he felt had soon soon worn off into frustration as the next morning rolled around he had been in the agency all day, and no one who came in today had that scent on them! 
The blond was pissed and ready to rip someone's head off, when he overheard two of his employees talking. "Hey where’s Y/n? I have to thank her for staying back and doing my extra work last night." the other employee shrugged. "She said she hurt her hand last night and was staying home." Neither had noticed the explosive blond who immediately went to his office and pulled your file out for your address, and he here was standing on your front porch, sniffing the air as a cocky smirk graced Katsuki's lips breathing in that sweet scent from last night. "Found you..." he purred. 
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Treats {Ranpoe}
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A/N: Hello fellow ranpoe lover ilyt! okay listen i got so excited when this popped up bc i literally love these two so much and it’s always so fun writing for them. Hope you enjoy! :D
Summary: Poe has been hit with a case of writer’s block, and when he takes a break to get a treat for him and Karl, he can’t seem to find any. Who could possibly be responsible?
Word Count: 1.3k (under the cut)
Edgar grumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck, Karl chirping in his ear.
“No, Karl, I’m not happy right now,” He admitted. He had been working on a new mystery novel, one that he hoped would truly challenge Ranpo, but he had been hit with a terrible case of writer’s block, and just picking up a pen was enough to drain his energy and inspiration.
Karl chirped again and Edgar couldn’t help but flash a small smile. He scratched Karl’s chin, making the raccoon coo. He stood up from his desk, walking out of the office that he and Ranpo shared in their apartment.
He went over to the cabinet, looking for the little treats that Edgar had for Karl. They were technically cat treats, but Karl liked them all the same.
Edgar raised an eyebrow when he couldn’t find the treats. He craned his neck to look at Karl, who looked very disappointed, and he gave him one more quick chin scratch.
“It’s okay, Karl, I’ll get you some more later,” Edgar said, and Karl chirped again, hopping off of his shoulder and onto the kitchen counter. Edgar opened another cabinet, looking for his own treats that he had for himself. He pushed aside one of the boxes of sugary cereal that belonged to Ranpo, but he couldn’t seem to find his cookies. 
Edgar sighed. Something was definitely up. 
Edgar loved to share snack time with Karl, everyone who was close to him knew this. Sometimes Ranpo would join in, or even Lucy if she had free time. Karl would eat his treats and Edgar would have his cookies. It was special for them.
The front door opened and Edgar turned, seeing Ranpo with a grocery bag, lollipop in his mouth as he waved to Poe with his free hand.
“Hi Eddie!” He called, setting the grocery bag down and kicking off his shoes, trotting over to Edgar and wrapping his arms around the much taller man. “I got more candy!”
“Did you eat my cookies? And what happened to Karl’s treats?”
Ranpo stopped squeezing Edgar for a moment, looking up with a sheepish expression. “I don’t know?”
Edgar huffed. “Ranpo, you and I are the only people that live here besides Karl-”
“Karl isn’t a person…”
“Well he’s family! And I know you had something to do with the treat disappearances!”
Ranpo snorted. He let go of Edgar and walked over to Karl, scratching under his chin.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. You don’t have any proof!” Ranpo teased, and Edgar crossed his arms, fumbling over his words for a retort.
“Oh yeah? Well I guess… I-I’ll have to tickle it out of you!” Edgar threatened, and Ranpo raised his eyebrows in surprise.
Edgar took one step towards Ranpo, showing he was serious, and Ranpo bolted off into the bedroom, yelling. Edgar chased after him, Karl trotting behind as Ranpo ducked behind the bed.
Edgar walked in, immediately seeing the top of Ranpo’s hat as he huffed, walking over and picking up Ranpo under his arms. Ranpo squeaked and kicked his legs, giggling already as Edgar held him up, lightly digging in his fingers. 
“Eddie! Wahait, let’s talk about this!”
Edgar lowered Ranpo to the bed, and Ranpo looked at him nervously, a huge, guilty grin planted on his face. Edgar pushed Ranpo back, making him giggle again as Edgar felt himself flush from embarrassment.
He had never really tickled Ranpo before. Sure, he had occasionally poked him or tickled him by accident, but never like this. It was normally Ranpo who did the tickling, but Edgar was determined to see this through.
He gulped, placing his hands on Ranpo’s ribs, who clamped his arms at his sides in anticipation, still giggling nervously. Edgar slowly started to move his fingers, lightly digging between Ranpo’s ribs as his shorter partner immediately burst into louder giggles.
“Eheheddie! Nohohoho, not tickles!”
Just Ranpo saying the word was enough to make Edgar’s face go red, but he pressed on. He climbed up to Ranpo’s underarms, making him arch his back and squeal as he scrunched up his nose in laughter.
Edgar remembered that Ranpo normally teased him when he was tickling him. This might be embarrassing… scratch that, it would definitely be embarrassing, but it might get Ranpo to admit to his deeds sooner.
“Well, you’re gonna get t-tickles, whether you like it or not! Unless you admit to your crimes of course,” Edgar started, feeling slightly embarrassed. However, he couldn’t help but adore Ranpo’s red, scrunched up face as he laughed openly, squirming from side to side as he shook his head.
“I’ll nehehehever admit it! I didn’t do ahahahanything!” He protested firmly, and Edgar chuckled playfully. He wasn’t intending for this to be some sort of act, but if Ranpo wanted to play along, he’d give him what he wanted.
“Didn’t do anything, hmm? Then what happened to Karl’s treats? And what about my cookies?” Edgar pressed, dancing his fingers down to Ranpo’s hips, making him buck and shriek as he laughed heartily.
“I dohohohon’t know! Mahahaybe you ate them all!” Ranpo tittered, squealing when Edgar pinched the spot above his hips. He grabbed onto Edgar’s wrists for support, shaking his head so much that his hat fell off as he whined.
“I know I had some left! I always buy a new box when I’m running low, so where did they go? There had to be at least ten in there, Ranpo,” Edgar said.
“What happens if I tickle you… here?” Edgar teased, slowly teasing the sides of Ranpo’s tummy, making the shorter man positively squeal.
“Nohoho! Not thehehere! Eddie~!” Ranpo yelped, squirming as Edgar raised an eyebrow, switching to light tracing of circles on Ranpo’s sides.
“Why not? Is this the spot that’ll get you to admit what you did? Or are you gonna keep lying?”
“I’m nohohot! Plehehease, don’t tickle me thehehere!” Ranpo giggled like a small child, his laughter rising in pitch as Edgar closed in on his tummy again. He skittered his fingers across the expanse of his tummy, pinching at the sides before lightly scratching at his lower tummy.
“EHEheheddie!! Plehehease, it’s so bahahad!”
“Oh, it’s bad? Should’ve thought about that before you ate my cookies! And what even happened to Karl’s treats? Did you eat those too?”
“I didn’t! Buhuhut-”
“But what?”
“I ahahahate your cookies! I’m sohohohorry!”
Edgar gasped in mock disbelief, continuing to prod at Ranpo’s tummy as the detective squealed and kicked his legs, squirming.
“I can’t believe you ate them,” Edgar said, sounding betrayed as he pulled his hands away from Ranpo, instead folding them across his chest as his partner caught his breath, a few stray giggles still escaping his lips.
“I’m sohorry, they looked so tasty… I got more though!” Ranpo said, and Edgar perked up.
“You… did?”
“Yeah! That’s why I was at the store earlier, I also got more treats for Karl!”
Edgar smiled and Ranpo sat up, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, making the novelist blush.
“You thought I’d just eat your special cookies and not get you more?”
Edgar stammered and Ranpo laughed. “I also didn’t eat the cat treats, that’s gross. I was trying to teach Karl how to sit!” 
Edgar hummed, watching as Ranpo walked into the hallway, picking up the grocery bag from earlier. He tossed a package of cookies to Edgar and pulled the cat treats out of the bag, sitting next to Edgar as Karl trotted over to them.
Karl sat, plopping down and reaching a small paw up as Ranpo tossed him a treat, chuckling. Edgar watched, astonished. He never knew that people could train raccoons to sit, but this was also Ranpo, who could do almost anything.
“Now that you have your cookies,” Ranpo started, setting the treats down and leaning over to Edgar, a small smirk on his face. “I should show you what happens when you try to best the Ultimate Detective!”
Edgar squawked and tried to crawl away, but Ranpo was already on him, scribbling his fingers up his sides as Edgar laughed. They would indulge themselves in the cookies later, but right now, they would just laugh.
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lambourngb · 3 years
a skeleton of something more [malex wip]
Inspired by the promo/trailer for season 3. Spoilers and speculation ahead. 
A tumblr work-in-progress
Pairing: Michael/Alex, Alex/Forrest
Summary: Alex goes undercover to seek out Deep Sky. Starts mid-2x13.
Alex leaned his back against the solid wood of his front door, letting the heavy oak take up his weight. He kept making the standard uneven bargain with his body, of giving just a little more, going through the motions for a little longer, and then it would be over. But the tally sheet his body held was long, overflowing with so many unfulfilled promises that it seemed ever more likely he would end this journey in the red. 
If it ever ended.
At least, tonight, he had haggled wisely for some space to breathe. On the other side of the door, he had managed to escape Forrest’s hopeful and not subtle attempts to follow him inside, toward the bedroom for a long-awaited reunion. A reunion that Alex had deftly avoided without a trace of guilt. He had used the bland excuse of fatigue from a long, cramped ride from Holloman Air Force Base to Roswell on a bus that had predated the ADA by a good thirty years. It was transparent but still true, written on every line of pain in his smile as he had said “Not tonight.” that even Forrest could read it, even if only Alex knew the real source of his fatigue. 
He waited several long moments, before turning to look out the peephole to watch Forrest’s Prius silently reverse out of his driveway. Exhaling out long and low, the tension he had started carrying a little more than a year ago slipped away, letting the calm certainty of safety of his house slip down his body as he released the facade. 
Alex was almost done with this assignment, he reminded himself, as he rubbed the back of his hand against his mouth, scrubbing away the taste of Forrest Long from earlier. 
Just a little while longer, and he will have enough good will built up to finally meet the leader of Deep Sky face-to-face, after all who could resist the request of a senior member, especially one with the last name of Long? It had been a lucky find that Alex had made in cleaning out his father’s house after his death, a ring and an old photo of the members. In washed out Kodak colors was the cabal of Deep Sky. Former military men with names Alex had memorized off the salvaged hard drives from the Caulfield prison. Linked not by overlapping time on the alien project, but what had become of their careers after their military service had ended. All of them vowing to carry on the protection of Earth against an alien threat, but without the oversight of the government. 
The photo in his dad’s desk had been expected, but the silver ring? He had remembered clutching it, his hands still sore from tearing down the shed with Michael, and feeling the imprint of the symbol press deep into his skin. Searing across what Mimi had called his long-love line, singular and deep on his palm. Searing even deeper inside with the recognition that the symbol matched the ring Forrest Long wore.
The genial historian with the loose-fitting cardigan and blue-streaked hair, who had shown flattering interest in Alex, had worn the same ring. Easy on his hand, flashing in the bright sunlight when he had eagerly met up with Alex at the paintball fields with sharpshooter skills. After that date had crashed and burned thanks to a mishmash of his father’s voice and the feeling he had whenever he thought about kissing someone, not Michael, well, Alex had figured that would be the last he would see of the man. 
It hadn’t been. 
Suddenly, Forrest was everywhere he was, the Crashdown, the Wild Pony. It should have been suspicious to Alex, after months of sharing the same town with the other man without a single encounter. His heart was still bounding uselessly after Michael, while his hands had been full of his suddenly feeble father, and he had missed the snare of the trap. Not just the one his father had laid. Then after his kidnapping, two things had become clear to Alex, his father would never change from the hateful man he was, and Alex’s heart would never change when it came to his feelings for Michael.
Alex pushed his leaden body away from the door, tottering on his feet for a moment before the new prosthesis shored up his balance and he took a deep breath for the strength to move forward.
Fuck. That was a mistake. 
His house smelled like rain. Michael. The unexpected consequence of having Michael watch over his house while he had moved around the country, playing up the role of the grieving scion of the Manes family legacy. After a year of brief trips back to Roswell and long stints on the road, the house now smelled like Michael. 
Alex sucked in greedy gulps of air, chasing the taste of green and petrichor with his tongue to wash away his previous actions at the bus stop. His security system, his reinforced door and window locks, the weight of his gun still tucked in his back holster, none of it made him feel as safe as the smell of Michael in his home. It was the smallest crumb of promise, but it filled him.
Moving toward the kitchen for a drink, he clocked the changes Michael had made in his absence. His heavier luggage, shipped ahead of him, was already stored, including the set of crutches and the charging station for his back-up prosthesis. The lights in the kitchen came on with a single touch, all of them bright. Dammit, Michael had fixed the two burnt out bulbs, along with the slightly weeping fitting on the sink faucet.
There was zero sign of neglect in his house, no matter where he looked. Not even the faintest trace of dust on his guitars. The house looked warm and well tended. Loved. 
The rush of tears welled in his throat, an impossibly large lump, as Alex fought to keep from breaking down. Don’t fucking cry, don’t do it, that’s for at night, he swore creatively at himself. Tears were only allowed under the cover of dark, in hotel rooms or visiting officer quarters, not in the middle of his brightly lit kitchen.
A knock sounded on the front door.
Abruptly, every drop of tortured longing was gone, as Alex straightened his shoulders and crossed the threshold back to the door. He pasted the right amount of faked aspiration mixed with real annoyance on his face as he yanked the door open, expecting to see Forrest back on his step with a weak excuse concocted to overcome the earlier rebuff.
Michael looked up in the porch light, his black hat in hand and his curls wild with nervous raking. “Uh, hi.” He scuffed his boots against the concrete before growing still under Alex’s gaze.
He looked over Michael’s shoulder nervously, for the distinctive truck that everyone in town knew belonged to Michael, but his driveway was empty.
“I parked a few streets over. I don’t think anyone saw me-” Michael’s explanation was cut off short as Alex grabbed his wrist and yanked him inside. Stumbling from Alex’s strong grip, Michael fell forward, and then back as the front door slammed shut with them both safely inside out of view. His mouth was still open in surprise as Alex covered his lips in a kiss. 
The surprise was short-lived. Michael came alive under the kiss, opening and yielding to Alex’s hungry lips and tongue. Alex brought his hands up into Michael’s curls, cupping his head protectively as he pressed Michael firmly against the door, drinking in every sound Michael was making. 
Hours before, he had kissed Forrest at the bus station, playing up the role of a dutiful boyfriend returning home. It was the tariff he paid with his body to get closer to the roots of Deep Sky, but this, feeling Michael whole and safe under his hands, tasting him now, that was sustenance. Lifeblood. There was an evolution of difference between the two, like comparing simple bacteria wiggling toward complexity and the finished product of a man, standing upright. 
It was both a reminder of why he was doing this and a reinstatement of focus, as he slowly broke the kiss with reluctance. Michael chased at his lips, his mouth red and wet, his eyes dark with want. He could feel the heat coming off of Michael’s thin brown shirt, his hands itched to pull it off, to descend back into the physical, but Alex knew that he owed Michael an explanation for earlier.
“I’m sorry about earlier. I didn’t know he was going to be there to meet my bus. I thought it would be okay for you to give me a ride,” Alex explained quietly, as he ran his hands from Michael’s neck down to his fingertips, drinking in all the changes that had happened while he was gone. Michael looked thinner to him, as if he wasn’t eating enough despite the healthy amount of work and money. “I guess he wanted to surprise me and thought it would be romantic.” 
Michael made a face at the idea of surprises ever being considered romantic, especially to Alex. He turned sweetly toward Alex’s palm, kissing the center as Alex pushed a stubborn curl out of his eyes. “Are you sure that’s all it was? He wasn’t testing you, was he?” 
“I don’t think so.” Alex couldn’t pull his hands away from Michael, and leaned in to kiss him again. It started soft and shallow, trading breaths with Michael, lips against lips, licking deep into his mouth as his previous weariness disappeared now that Michael was here. “He saw you watching us. Now that I’m back, he’s worried about losing my attention to you. He hasn’t hidden his jealousy that I asked you to watch my house last year.” 
“Did I look sufficiently broken-hearted?” The question was light, but Alex could hear the grain of truth under it.
“You did.” Alex closed his eyes, the guilt of the situation flooded back inside. The statue of his father looking down on him didn’t make him feel nearly as sick as having Michael’s eyes on him as he let Forrest kiss him in front of the town in a cinematic homecoming moment. It was a cruel reminder to Alex that he had never been able to give Michael that, a public welcome that spelled out who they were to each other, not once in ten plus years of deployments and duty station assignments. Trading a glance across the Wild Pony was as close as they came. “I wish it wasn’t like this, sneaking around, pretending-”
“Hey, I agreed to this, right at the very beginning when I was your only back-up. Remember?” 
“We were just friends back then, you couldn’t have known that things would end up like this.”
Michael laughed, his head tilted back against the door, casting an attractive line of his throat to his collarbone. “We’ve never been just friends, Alex, but I knew what I was signing up for when you told me what you planned to do to smoke out Deep Sky. We’re in this together.”
*** to be continued... here
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iliveiloveiwrite · 3 years
For blurb night!! Fluff 7 10 and 13 for Anthony and misc 4 and 8 for Bucky!!💕💕💕💕My two soft and angsty boys🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
(these are going to be under a ‘keep reading’ as it’s two requests, thank your for taking part)
To Wait For You
Fluff 7: “Of course I waited for you.” // Fluff 10: “You look wonderful.” // Fluff 13: “Are you wearing my clothes?”
blurb requests are closed, please do not send anymore.
London in May is decidedly wet. Though Spring was in full swing, the heavens had opened through the night and a rain had soaked the city. 
At some point in the night, you had been chased from sleep by your dreams. Your husband lay soundly asleep by your side; a hand outstretched, wanting to touch you even in the deepest of dreamlike states. Knowing full well that you weren't going to be falling back asleep soon, you left your marriage bed, grabbing a piece of clothing from the floor, and leaving your beloved husband to sleep in peace. 
Condensation lines the window of Anthony’s office and you rest your forehead against it with a sigh. The staff would be up soon, wanting to get the fires lit so the house would be comfortable when you both awoke. It seemed today, however, you would be active before the staff. 
You couldn't pinpoint why you had woken up; the dream wasn't frightful and you hadn't gone to bed angry. Rather the opposite, you had fallen asleep wrapped up in the strong arms of the man you pledged your forever to. Pressing a hand to your face, you go through the events of the last few days, wondering and pondering over why your body didn't need the sleep. 
“Are you wearing my clothes?” Anthony asks, his voice hoarse with disuse. Ten minutes ago he had been fast asleep, now he was standing in his study watching you fiddle with the hem of his white dress shirt. 
“I grabbed the first thing I could find,” You admit sheepishly after startling sightly. You peer up at your husband through your lashes. “I can find something else if you don't think it’s appropriate...”
“No!” Anthony all but shouts, his voice loud in the early hours. “Don’t change. You look wonderful.”
Your face flashes at the compliment; still very much in the honeymoon phase of the marriage. The actual honeymoon had ended some weeks ago; returning to London with your husband on your arm to find that you were very much having trouble keeping your hands off him. Who wouldn't? He had eyes of sapphire, and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. It felt inevitable that you were to fall for the Viscount. 
“Why aren’t you in bed?” Anthony asks, joining you at the window where he reaches for your hand, feeling the coldness and rubbing some warmth into them.
You smile at the action, utterly besotted by the blue eyed man across from you. “I’m not too sure,” You answer honestly, “I can't seem to find a reason.”
“That means you've been thinking too much.”
“Have I?” You laugh, “I suppose I have.”
“What about?”
“Us, I suppose,” You sigh happily, poking your husband with a toe. “I’ve been thinking about us.”
“Good things I hope,” Anthony smiles wryly. 
“The best,” You laugh. “I’m glad you waited for me,” You whisper, thinking of the age difference between you and your husband. Five years wasn't a lot in your eyes, but to some, it was a gaping void that could only bring trouble. 
Anthony brings your joined hands to his lips where he presses kiss after kiss to the back of your hand. “Of course I waited for you. I love you too much.”
“I love you too.”
Hatboxes and Love Letters
Misc 4: pinky promises // Misc 8: handwritten love letters.
The tradition knows no origins. A Barnes’ family secret for as long as the child could remember; her mother and her father leaving notes around the house. Menial notes that ask for more bread to bought from the supermarket, that the child has a dance recital that we absolutely cannot miss - call everyone and remind them. 
Other notes were kept out of the child’s eyes, a secret unknown until the child had turned into a teenager. 
The teenager found the box full of love letters on a whim. An old hat box sitting on a shelf; the colour faded, a sign of its age. The lid slides off easily, showing light on countless pieces of paper - some long, some short, some brown with age and some fresh as if written just yesterday. 
The teenager delves right in, reading and reading as if she were running out of breath.
“I’ve lived what feels like a thousand different lives, but the one I have with you is what I will cherish most. Pinky promise, Bucky.”
“Look after my heart, I know it’s safe with you. Pinky promise, Bucky.”
“I still think of the first night you told me you loved me. Doll, I’ve never known happiness like that until the day we brought our child home. Pinky promise, Bucky.”
“To be given the chance to live my life with you - the love of my life - that is what I fight for. My heart beats for you, doll. Pinky promise, Bucky.”
“What have you found?” He mother asks from the doorway, no trace of anger in her voice. 
“I was reaching for one of dad’s jumpers, but I found this,” The teenager gestures to the hatbox and the letters piled in there.
“I haven't read these in a long time,” Her mother muses, a soft smile turning up the corners of her ageing face.
“What does ‘pinky promise’ mean? All the letters from both you and dad are signed with ‘pinky promise’.”
“When your father used to go out on missions all those years ago, I would make him pinky promise to come back to me. A pinky promise is sacred you see, you can't break them. After a while, ‘pinky promise’ replaced ‘I love you’ in our language,” Her mother confesses, taking a seat on the edge of her bed and holding a hand out for the hatbox of love letters.
The teenager hands them over, watching the memories flicker over her mother’s face as if it were her own private cinema. At this moment, the teenager feels as if she has invaded some private memory - something to be shared only between her mother and father.  
Another voice sounds from the door. “Sentimental, doll?” Bucky laughs.
Her mother smiles, looking like a love-struck teenager as she faces her husband. “Always when it comes to you.”
Her father places a hand over his heart, winking at the teenager before joining her mother on the bed. “I can’t believe you kept them all.”
“Always and forever,” Her mother murmurs, holding her pinky finger up. 
“Always and forever,” Bucky echoes, hooking his pinky around her mother's. “Pinky promise.”
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Moving On
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Part 13
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I slept with Ryan
I slept with him.
I've only ever slept with Kayce and I'm glad Ryan made me forget him. John took Kayce to show him the man hired to kill us. He asked us to go see Jamie and question him. Throwing on a black Yellowstone sweatshirt, blue jeans and boots with my cowgirl hat hair all loose. "So he told you first?" He spoke in question but I just look out his truck window saying nothing. "Y/n, Y/n are you seriously not going to talk to me!" Getting out of the truck we head to Jamie's office. Jamie said that Kayce drove through an enter section shooting the truck with an assault rifle. Kayce drops the file telling him. "This is the man who hurt us." John wants him to interview the man.
Getting back to the ranch Kayce told John what happened. Brushing my horse's fur in the barn Bree comes running in giggling. "Mama can I go ask Tate to play?" Tipping my hat up I shake my head no sadly. "Not right now baby. How about you go play with Holly." She nods walking off. Bree doesn't need to be anywhere near Monica specifically. Footsteps approach me and I already know who it is. "Y/n, please. Please talk to me..." He slowly stepped up until we're a few steps away from one another. "I wanna talk, try and fix this...fix us." He directs with his arm me and him.
"Unless you're here to tell me Monica is leaving and never coming back. I have nothing to say to you." I try walking past him but he snags my wrist blocking me in between his chest and one of the closed barn stalls. "I'm an idiot. An idiot who chose wrong. And I'm sorry - I'm sorry for lieing about Bree-" I cut him shoving his chest angrily. "Do you regret lieing to me about Bree. Regret punching Ryan. Because I can't believe anything you say. It's all bullshit Kayce!" He puts his arms on the side of my head staring into my eyes deeply. "I divorced Monica Y/n!"
Wiggling my way out of his arms I stomp out of the barn seeing Ryan and the cowboys moving cattle that have pink eye. "So that's it. You're just never gonna talk to me. I love you damn it. Isn't that enough!" He roars causing me to spin in my boots throwing my hands up. "Loving you is the only thing that....It hurts me because I want to chase after you when you leave...Kayce I don't want to hear an apology. I can't believe a word you say anymore!"
"I regret everything - I regret creating this anger between us. I regret destroying the happiness and love we had 2 months ago..." Kayce removes his hat running a hand through his hair, holding it in his other hand. "I've made things I'm not proud of. I'm a selfish man. Who can't decide who he wants to be with-" I feel tears falling down my face taking two steps forward. "Then I'm a selfish woman...because I slept with Ryan. I thought it was to move on from you - but it wasn't. It's because I have no idea what to do anymore Kayce."
He stepped up dropping his hat. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it. This is a promise and I won't break it..." Running my hands through my hair I growl under my breath. "Hell no. We're not doing that. I gave you the freedom to choose and you left, you left me for Monica. I - I can't go through that again..." He cups my face in his hands  kissing me suddenly making me release a gasp. I hesitantly kissed back hearing the front door open so I opened one eye seeing Monica and Tate carrying out suitcases and loading his truck. He can't be serious!!
Removing my lips from his I release a cry holding my hands up not wanting him to come any closer. "You son of a bitch. You lied again. You're choosing her again over everything!" He strides up securing my arms to keep me from running. "I'm not choosing her. I told her she should leave and go be with her family. I'm only taking her to them. I'll be coming back and forth..." He reaches into his pocket pulling out his wedding ring and mine, shoving them into my hands. "Hold onto these. You're ring and mine."
"Kayce..." He holds a finger to my lips locking onto his brown eyes I see regret. "I choose you. I choose you Y/n L/n. I'm giving them to you to make a choice. Giving you the choice..." He released my other wrist picking up his hat, placing it on my head. The black dusty hat he wears all the time. "Keep this hat and the rings. I'll come back this time I promise you. Instead of asking you what you want, I'm going to be here waiting. Waiting for you whenever you're ready."
He slowly stepped towards the truck for me to see John anz him talk then his truck driving under the Yellowstone sign. John dropped to sit on the porch steps releasing tears as I talk a seat beside him. "He's not coming back. It's happening all over again Y/n." I opened my right hand eyeing the rings. With my freehand I removed his black hat remembering the first time I wore his hat. Where I was so young. So innocent. No heartbreaks. No love. Just the new neighbor of the Dutton's.
"Keep it for the ride." He points his index finger to his hat on my head sending me a wink making me blush lightly. Stumbling off my horse for the first time into his muscular arms.
Giving him the nickname like we'd known each other forever. "Kayc - huh?" He smirks lightly sitting me on my feet. I stutter out barely making eye contact. "I - um.."
He takes his hat off my head to put it on his before wrapping an arm around me, smirking. "Don't be embarrassed y/n, I like it...you're the only one who calls me that alright."
Sitting it on the porch I lay my head in my hands feeling John rest his hand on my back. "I don't know what to believe anymore John. He said he chooses me, all the way. But I - how can I believe it..." He noticed the hat and the wedding bands. "I believe he's telling the truth Y/n." Lifting my face from my hands I sniffed through tears I question. "How John. I don't understand?" He picks up the rings holding them in front of my face. "Because he left these darlin'. The ring he proposed to you with is his mother's ring....my wife Evelyn's ring that's how certain I am."
Will Kayce come back?
Can Y/n truly believe him?
Comment you're thoughts and reblog 😊
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Three Peaky Caps
Request: Tommy Shelby x reader, taking there triplets babies with him to a meeting with other peaky blinders, while reader goes shopping or something else. And I feel like Thomas would have custom hats made just like the peaky blinders but for the babies like maybe pink or blue ! Also hope you are safe and okay 💕
Requested by Anonymous
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 767
Warnings: None??? Just the mental image of Tommy w/ his children
A/N: I hope this turned out well, I love the idea of Tommy with his children. I hope to god I can get all my requests done soon cause I got some ideas of my own that I want to work on. And I get my wisdom teeth out on the 22nd and hopefully the recovery period will give me some time to work on stuff.
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Tommy sat at his desk, paperwork for a new business deal sat in front of him. Eyebrows furrowed, no amount of education could help him translate the stupidity he was reading into something that made an ounce of sense. With a sigh, he ran a hand threw his neatly combed hair as something hit his leg. Glancing down, a soft smile spread his lips as leaned down to pick up Percy, the toddle giggling as he was placed in his father’s lap.
“Don’t go into this line of work, it’ll piss ya off,” Tommy told the young boy, shaking his head as he looked back over at the paperwork he wanted to burn. The toddler, unable to comprehend his father’s words, played with his fingers, poking the buttons on Tommy’s waistcoat. 
Just as he was about to put his son down and return to his work, a playful shriek came from the main room of the betting shop before two small children ran into the room. Full of giggles and smiles, the two children ran laps around the open space of the office. Tommy chuckled and placed Percy on the floor to play with his brothers. Percy wasted no time joining his brothers in their madness as their father leaned back in his chair and watched. 
Percy was the calmest of the three boys, reminding Tommy of the man he was before the war. He hoped his boys never had to experience that form of hell. Then there was Louis, he was like a bull in a china cabinet. Y/n always feared leaving him to his own devices for too long, something would always end up broken. The last boy, Will, who was happily chasing his brothers around, was a mama’s boy. Where ever Y/n was, he was. But when she wasn’t around, he had no issue raising a little hell.
“What is going on in here?” Polly sternly asked from the doorway, hands on her hips. The three boys slowed their pace. They’d been in trouble with their Aunt Polly before and were wise enough to know when she meant business. 
Tommy shrugged, resting his hands behind his head. “We’re working.”
She snorted, rolling her eyes. “If this is what you call working then I’m surprised we’ve stayed afloat this long. Children don’t belong in the workplace, Tommy, why aren’t they with Y/n?”
“She’s at the market. Difficult to control three small children when you’re trying to pick out apples.”
Polly stepped into the room and picked up Percy when he raised his hands up in front of her. Placing the child on her hip, she walked around the room. “And this is control?” Her nephew nodded causing her to roll her eyes once more. “Why don’t you take them home, along with your work, so everyone else can work in peace?” she suggested. Turning, she walked up to the coat rack, ready to throw Tommy’s coat at him and force both him and his children out the door but stopped short when her eyes landed on three small caps. “Are these peaky caps?” It was a stupid question to ask, she already knew the answer.
Nodding, Tommy stood up to collect the remaining children on the floor. “Had ‘em made last week,” he informed her as he walked over to where she stood and grabbed two small coats. “The boys kept running off with mine, this was the best solution to keep my caps where they belong.”
His aunt shrugged and placed a coat on Percy along with a cap. “I better never see a blade in their caps, Thomas, ever,” she warned and put the small boy on the floor. 
“You never will,” Y/n assured her, stepping into the room with a wicker basket hanging from her arm. “Right, Tommy?”
“Right,” he agreed, fearing what would happen if he didn’t. “How was the market?”
“It was lovely, quiet without my three little beasts,” she mused as she was greeted by her children. “Are we going home?” she asked the boys, smiling when they all nodded in unison. 
“Yes, we are,” Tommy said as he slipped on his coat.
His wife raised a brow and stepped in front of him to adjust his coat. “Oh, Mr. Shelby, I thought you had to work?”
“That can be done tomorrow,” he said with a smile and leaned in to kiss her. “I’d rather spend time with my lovely wife and children.”
Walking out of the room, Polly howler back, “He’s also afraid of what’ll happen if his lovely offspring keep interrupting my work.”
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Peaky Blinders: @simonsbluee @queenofmankind
Thomas Shelby: @captivatedbycillianmurphy @imnotuglyimjustpredebut @creativemayhems
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