#so valid of them I also would tease them if I knew I could
lavenoon · 1 year
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Accidentally Undercover - They will never stop being a menace, truly <3
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ethereal-blossom · 2 months
Giving BSD boys a blowjob for the first time
ft. dazai, kunikida
warnings: blowjobs (surprise!) MDNI
a/n: kinda wrote these in mind thinking it was also giving them a handjob for the first time so I guess that's double the fun!
Dazai Osamu ♡
Your eyes looked up to find Dazai's face, searching for a sign of approval. In response, Dazai let out a validating, soft moan and closed his eyes as he nodded. "You're doing excellent, belladonna."
It wasn't unexpected. Dazai, sharp and observant as a hawk, had seen the way your eyes lingered over every small change in his facial expressions. While you were dating, both of you had agreed to take things slow. Even small milestones like holding hands was a huge thing for the man that was wrapped in bandages. The slow burn of deepening your relationship into each other's hearts until it left a permanent mark that even time couldn't erase, was wonderful.
But with time grows desire. Dazai teased you to the point of dilated pupils, hitching breaths, and a blush that cups your cheeks. Exactly like planned, the detective thought, smirking behind the mask of crafted innocence. Except, the plan had been for you to beg him to touch you; not that you would beg to make him feel good as your fingers pushed his hips onto the couch. Dazai is highly aware of his intelligence that makes him read people as if they are a children's book, but sometimes, he thinks he doesn't always grab your nature. The type of nature that has you on your knees in front of him, getting high off of his pleasure.
When you wanted to focus your attention back on the twitching cock in your hand, the sight of Dazai's fingers grabbed your attention. You knew Dazai better than any living soul. Although still a mystery novel that hides behind words of deceive and avoidance to keep parts of itself hidden until the time of reveal is there, this mystery novel was slowly showing you its pages that brought you closer to the truth.
One of the mysteries revealed was Dazai's massive self-control over his external reactions. Emotions were another vulnerable aspect of what it meant to be human, and Dazai hid them masterfully. A part of that was because it functioned as a tactic to reach his goals and stay in control, but a part of you wondered if it was because Dazai feared vulnerability more than a bullet. Emotional suffering is torture for the ones with a sensitive heart.
While Dazai's face was decorated in controlled bliss and his moans playing like a soft lullaby, the slender fingers around the sheets were clinging for dear life. You see... could you make another crack in that composed facade?
Your thumb starts drawing circles over Dazai's tip and with that, you witnessed the twitching of both his cock and fingers. A soft groan escaped Dazai's clenched jaw. "Ah, that's my belladonna. You're soo good to me, hm? Working hard for that reward." That controlled tone...
... It wasn't enough.
Dazai could tell something changed. Even though he had his eyes closed in concentration, clinging to the tiny bit of control he had, he noticed how your stroking became irregular. "What's filling your mind that isn't my- argh, shit." Dazai's eyes shot open as he bolted his hips deeper into your mouth, leaving you gagged for a good second.
That face of pure shock and arousal, the one you rarely got to see on your lover, revealed itself to you as you had taken Dazai's tip into your mouth. "Y/N, that's-"
Another lick and Dazai's original sentence was replaced by a moan, and the detective felt like all control slipped between his fingers when you placed your hands around the rest of his cock.
Dazai grabbed your hair, hissing you to go slower because oh God, he was about to cum faster than he ever did in his twenty-two years of living, and God knows he did not want this euphoria to end this soon. Oh, he really wasn't used to feeling this good-
"Belladonna, y/n, please-" Dazai didn't know what he was begging you for. For you to go slower? Faster? What it was, you hummed in approval. That little vibration was all it needed for Dazai to throw his head in his neck. His toes curled as high-pitched whines fell over lips that had become swollen in a miserable attempt to hide his moans.
When you looked up after swallowing, you were met with Dazai's bangs hanging over his eyes. "Osamu, are you okay?" Worried, you push the chocolate colored bangs aside and... oh.
He was so pretty with scarlet painted cheeks. Dazai couldn't even look you in the eyes, giving up after one second of eye-contact before shyly facing another side with his head. "That was... good. For a first attempt."
You chuckled as your hand caresses the cheek that faced your way and with a slightly hoarse voice you respond: "Good. I'll make you even feel better next time."
Dazai's hands twitch one last time before he closes his eyes and mentally picks up every string that he lost along the way. As the detective opens his eyes, you can see the control and seduction in those dark eyes that you love so much.
Dazai leans closer until you feel his breath on your ear. His lips tickle and a shiver runs down your spine as he whispers: "Someone has earned that reward, hasn't she? Let's see how long I can make you last."
Kunikida Doppo ♡
Rubies could not compete with the radiant red glow of Kunikida's face as he realized what you were about to do. The detective should have known you were up to something when he was preparing today's schedule and you had popped up behind him, placing your arms around his waist as you kissed his neck and whispered: "Keep a spot open at 8 PM, love."
Even when the blond had asked for details, your lips stayed sealed. The only hint Kunikida got out of you was "Dazai has made you work over-hours; I want to treat you."
Naively, innocently, Kunikida thought you might have a dinner or massage in mind. Not that he was wrong! It was just a... different type of massage. With your tender fingers wrapped around his cock, Kunikida clenched his jaw to not make a sound, but the moan slipped away as he sighed your name: "Y/n... I, we-"
"Does it feel good, Doppo?" You made sure to rub his tip with your thumb right then, making the detective's cock drop with pre-cum.
"It- yes... yes, it feels good."
Looking up blessed you with the sight of an orderly man turned into a mess under the tip of your fingers. A wave of arousal rushed through your body, seeing the man unravel in front of you. You figured he would be vocal, but oh-
Kunikida was sensitive. The smallest movement had him throwing his head back and trusting his hip as tiny moans calling your name filled the room. Not only were his cheeks the color of fire due to the heat of your touch, but the intimacy of it all left him flustered as well.
You felt a hand rest on your head, lightly gripping a bit of hair. "Y/n... we, you- I have to make you feel good, too."
Oh. "That has to wait."
"But- ah!" The hand around your hair tightened in response to your mouth taking his cock.
Kunikida's thoughts were twirled up in the storm that was you. Your name rolled off his tongue like worshipping prayers as you brought Heaven to earth for him.
The bliss of touching Heaven became too much, and with one closing word, Kunikida fell apart. He arched his back, forgetting to bite his lip to soften the groans that might slip through the walls where his colleagues live. His grip around you tightens, never wanting to let you go, never wanting to let this feeling go. But then Kunikida realizes he's still on earth and lessens his grip on the fear he's hurting you.
The detective looked into your eyes, but they were filled with lust directed at him and God, it felt so sinful that he had to deflect his gaze. Yet, you grabbed his chin and made your boyfriend face you.
"Do you feel better?"
Kunikida stammered, trying to get out a word. "Yes, that was," an embarrassed cough, "excellent." 
Your thumb caressed his lip. "Good."
And then, the world flipped around as Kunikida lay your back on the bed. "I have done a deep-dive research on how to please you when the time was there. Now, let me return the favor." 
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I Want It All: Part 3
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Part 1, Part 2
Astarion x AsexaulBard!Tav Masterlist
Astarion x Reader, Astarion x Tav, Astarion x Asexual!Reader, Astarion x Bard!Reader
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Soft!Astarion, Allusion to Astarion's Past (Sexual Assult/Dissociation)
Summary: You and Astarion had been playing this little game of yours for a while; he pretends to care, you pretend not to fall for it. It’s easy, even fun at times. The trouble is, what happens the moment you can’t pretend anymore?
A/N: Holy shit! It's done! Thank you so much to everyone who has commented and reblogged and just...everything. I cannot tell you how much it means to be to know this story has resonated with so many people. I don't have any plans to continue this as a larger story (I still haven't played the game); however, if anyone would like to send requests for small one-shots or headcanons involving Astarion and this Asexual!Tav, feel free to send me an ask.
Also, sorry if I didn't tag you. There were a lot of request, so I stuck to those who asked on the previous chapter.
Word Count: 5.2K
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You didn’t sleep that night, but what else did you expect?
For hours you simply lay in the dark, staring at the window. The patter of rain was the only source of sound besides your own breathing. Even that small comfort didn’t last as the storm passed leaving behind cloud covered silence.
No tears came to you.  What had you to grieve over? Everything you felt had been a product of your imagination. You knew that.
Still, it ached.  There was a throbbing in your throat you couldn’t swallow down and a constant pressure behind your eyes.  You almost wished you would cry, just to get it out of your system. If you could have a nice little breakdown, there was a chance you could get over this. It would be the slap in the face you needed to accept reality. Maybe then you’d stop doing this to yourself.
All the same, it stayed there, pressing heavy on your chest until the sun teased the edges of the clouds beaconing morning.
You groaned, burying your face into the pillow. You couldn’t lie and wallow the rest of the day. You had things to do, places to be, worms to destroy. The sooner you had something else to occupy your thoughts the better.
With an effort you pulled yourself out of bed and slowly made your way to the dining room.
You were a bit surprised to see everybody already up. Wyll, Karlach, Lae’zel, Shadowheart, and Gale were already seated with plates of half eaten food in front of them.  Two seats were still empty, settings ready and untouched. A quick look around confirmed the rest, Astarion had yet to make an appearance.
“Morning everyone,” you said, trying your best to be cheerful as you sat yourself between Gale and Wyll.  
You could feel all their eyes on you, no doubt noticing the dark circles under yours.
“Morning,” Gale greeted. “I trust you slept well.”
He let out a small yelp of pain.
You looked up to catch him glaring at Shadowheart as she shot him a disapproving look.
You frowned. Did she just kick him?
“I mean, ah, did you lie comfortably?” he amended.
“Seriously?” Karlach questioned.
You swore you could feel the heat of Gale’s blush, as he grumbled into his toast. “Damn it, you know what I mean.”
“Do I?” you asked.
“We just hoped you spent the rest of the night…pleasantly,” Wyll tried, and ultimately failed.
Your stomach flipped, as harsh, dreadful realization washed over you.  Yes, of course they would.
“You don’t look well,” Lae’zel noted. “After all his boasting, I had thought Astarion would leave his partners more satisfied.”
You didn’t say anything, deciding to take a bite of egg as an excuse. Now would be a great time for the ground to open and swallow you into the hells. Gods knew it would be an improvement.
“She’s right,” Shadowheart said, sounding a little annoyed to admit it. “You do look tired and not the good kind. Did something happen?”
“Did he hurt you,” Wyll said, his brow furrowing in sudden concern.
“What?! No!” you said quickly. “Nothing happened.”
“How’d you mean nothing happened?” Karlach put in. “We all saw what we saw. How could anyone turn down all of that?”
Fresh embarrassment washed over you, making you wish you could erase the last twenty-four hours and crawl into the nearest, deepest hole. You had spent the whole night worried about what Astarion would make of your vision, you had all but forgotten you had shared that part of yourself with all of your companions. Of course they would have their own interpretations.
“It wasn’t like that.”
A quick look around the table gave away the doubtful thoughts of all.  
You took a deep breath, willing yourself to calm. They weren’t going to believe you if you were emotional about this.
“Look, I appreciate your concern, but I’m fine. As I said, nothing happened. We talked, and it became clear that we just want different things. That’s the beginning and the end of it. Now are we done or are you all going to keep chattering on like a bunch of fishwives?”
The silence at the table was palpable as everyone exchanged looks.
Alright, maybe being calm wasn't a realistic expectation, but you hadn’t lied. Sure, there were some details you neglected to share, but that really was the long and the short of it. He hadn’t done anything wrong and neither had you. It just didn’t work out.
The plain truth of it settled in your heart carving out a hollow space for it to lay in.
Gale was the first to act, clearing his throat. “Fair enough, the matter is closed. Please, accept our apology. With such an intimate group as ours, it’s sometimes easy to forget that one’s personal matters can be well and truly personal.”
He looked at the rest of the group, each nodding in agreement to various degrees of reluctancy.
“Just for the record though, if you need someone to knock some sense into that pretty boy’s head, you just need to ask,” Karlach offered. 
Despite yourself, you had to smile. “I’ll think about it.”
You then turned to Gale, who met you with kind eyes and a comforting smile. You let yourself be warmed by it, even if you still felt a little guilty for snapping. He really did understand. It was easy for heartbreak to recognize heartbreak.
“Thank you,” you murmured. 
To your surprise, his first instinct wasn’t to reach for words, but rather your hand as he gave your fingers a gentle squeeze. 
“Good morning everyone. Gossiping without me?”
You whipped your head around to find Astarion standing near the head of the table, a sardonic smile on his lips and a hard glare in his eyes.  No doubt he had heard everything. 
Everybody shifted in their seats, glancing between you and Astarion. You averted your gaze, focusing hard on the table in front of you. 
Gale’s hand still rested over yours. Whatever comfort it had given you, faded as something akin to panic flooded your veins. In the next second, you rose from your chair, scraping it hard against the floor in your hurry. 
“I’ve still got some packing to do,” you said. “Be back down in a few.” 
Coward’s way out? Yes, but after the night you had, you figured you were entitled to it. 
Keeping your head down, you slipped past Astarion, feeling him watch you as you made your way back up the stairs. 
If you had lingered a moment, you might have caught the flash of hurt in his eyes. You might have noticed how his clothes were more rumpled than usual. You might even have seen his hand twitch with the instinct to reach for yours. But you didn’t see, and anything that might have happened disappeared in a brush of air. 
The next several days carried on in much the same way.  Not as torturous as that first morning, but still a drudge of avoidance and awkward silences. 
In your defense, Astarion seemed just as keen to keep his distance. Where he used to be your preverbal shadow, filling the hours of travel with idle teasing and conversation, now he kept to the back, his mouth decidedly shut. 
The others caught on and seemed determined to make up the difference. Karlach, Shadowheart and Wyll especially made a point to walk alongside you, telling stories and jokes in an attempt to make you smile. 
You did your best. They meant well, but in some ways they only served to emphasize the absence of another. 
Gale, on the other hand, had the foresight to try a different approach. He made it clear he didn’t expect you to talk, but always made sure you had the best spot by the fire and a little extra of whatever he made for the camp. You had to wonder if Tara had provided a similar comfort to him after Mystra. It was obvious he had the practice. 
Even Lae’zel offered to help you train it off, something about how your, “objectively weak body had left the rest of you vulnerable to attack”. A part of you felt the insult, but the gesture was appreciated. 
Honestly, all of this care was starting to make you feel guilty. None of them were giving Astarion the same courtesy. He wasn’t being shunted exactly, but the message was loud and clear; they were on your side. 
This was met by him taking a step back from the late night conversations. His interactions with the others were kept short and lacked his usual humorous flare. He took his shifts on watch alone and he spent even more time either roaming the forest or in his tent. 
The only person he consistently spoke to was Gale, which should have raised some alarm bells on their own, but you never caught what they were discussing. All you knew was Astarion never appeared especially pleased while Gale gave a look of someone begging the gods for patience. 
All of this was your fault. You just wanted things to go back to normal. Even if you couldn’t be with Astarion the way you imagined, you still valued his friendship.  If this kept up, there was a chance he might decide to leave all together. An olive branch was needed, something to signal you didn’t hold a grudge or expect anything more. 
The answer came to you one early evening as you took note of his haggard looks and less than graceful steps out of camp.  He hadn’t fed on you in a week and there was only so much deer and boar could do. 
You considered simply offering up your neck, but that felt too forward. Besides, you weren’t sure if you were ready to have him that close. The only other solution you could think of was to bleed yourself somehow. 
This proved more difficult than you first imagined. Astarion seemed to have an instinct for where to bite, balancing enough blood for himself without causing any permanent damage. You couldn’t boast the same. It took more than one cut to fill an empty goblet with what you hoped to be the right amount of blood. You’d ask Shadowheart to heal you properly later. Hopefully she’d accept a poorly executed knife trick as an excuse. 
You wrapped your wrist as best you could and, watching to make sure the others weren’t looking, slipped into Astarion’s tent. 
You were immediately hit with the scent of bergamot, rosemary, and aged brandy. A sense of calm washed over you at the familiar combination, settling comfortably in your lungs as you took in the space.
 A single candle remained lit, allowing just enough light for you to appreciate the rich purple and red fabrics lining the walls as well as the sheer number of pillows littering the floor. How he managed to pack so many was a mystery you doubt you would ever solve. The whole set up was down right ornate, but considering this was Astarion you were talking about, you shouldn’t have been surprised. 
It was only then you realized you’d never been inside before. He’d invited you more than once, but you’d always turned him down preferring to keep your feeding session in the open air. You had known, even then, any closer would give the wrong impression; all for naught it seemed.
You pushed the thought aside, pulling your attention back to the matter at hand. There had to be some place you could put the goblet where he wouldn’t knock it over. Why did he have to keep a side table outside the tent?
A shuffle came from just outside. Focusing your ears, you caught the tread of boots on grass transition to the nearly silent carpet just outside the tent flap. You turned using those handful of extra seconds to school your features into something passively innocent as Astarion ducked inside.
His whole body froze, his arm holding the fabric above his head as his eyes went wide. For a long moment, neither of you said anything. 
You took advantage of his momentary shock to examine his appearance more closely. He looked…well, tired and more than a little confused. No blood marked his shirt or his lips. His pants appeared to have taken a tear or two from a bramble bush. Even his hair looked just a bit disheveled in a way so unlike himself.  
“No luck hunting?” you said, unable to keep the concern out of your voice. 
He stared, as if your words were coming from somewhere far away and required extra time to reach his ears.
“I’ve had better,” he finally said. 
You nodded in understanding, shifting awkwardly as your eyes went to the goblet in your hands. 
“Here,” you offered. “No offense, but you look like you could use it.”
He gave a tight smile. “I’d say no offense taken, but this is me we’re talking about.” All the same, he took the cup, sniffing it cautiously. He blinked hard, his brows furrowing as he stuck his nose further into the cup and took a deep whiff. 
“Is this yours?” he asked. 
You shrugged, holding up your bandaged wrist. “Whose else would it be?”
His mouth parted slightly as if to say something before closing it again. 
“You didn’t have to do that,” he said, his tone oddly serious. 
“I know,” you assured. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Once again, he opened his mouth as if to speak, but instead released a breath of a laugh, allowing whatever tension he had formed in those last few seconds to fall from his shoulders. 
“I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but it seems I can’t help it with you.” 
Before you could ask him what exactly he meant, he raised the goblet to his lips and drank. 
The effect was instantaneous. Your blood met his tongue and any control he had slipped away. His pupils dilated to those of a predator as he guzzled the whole thing down in two deep swallows. He let out a gasp of air before returning to the cup, licking the sides so not to waste a drop. A low hum of bliss came from deep in his chest as he savored the rest, allowing his fingers to scrap the bottom before bringing it back to his mouth. 
The sight should have left you horrified, but in truth, it was encouraging. Things would be different, but you could at least provide him this. 
“Do you need more?” you asked. 
This time his laugh was loud and genuine as he wiped the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand before licking the remains; yet another thing you found inexplicably endearing. He really was just a big cat sometimes. 
“Dangerous thing to offer me in this state, darling,” he said. “Luckily for you, I found a nice burrow of rabbits yesterday.” 
Once satisfied there was truly nothing left, he set the goblet down on the ground before turning his attention to your wrist. 
“Let me see,” he said, reaching out a hand. 
“It’s fine,” you promised. “I’ll get Shadowheart to look at it later.” 
“I’ll be the judge of that, give it here.”
Knowing there was no fighting him, you relented, allowing him to unwrap the bandages.  
He visibly winced as he examined the litter of harsh scratches along your skin. “What did you use? A rusty spoon?” 
“I had trouble finding a good vein,” you said, feeling the need to defend yourself. You hadn’t thought it looked that bad. 
“Oh is that all? And here I thought you’d lost an argument with a displacer beast.” 
You pressed your lips into an annoyed line, but Astarion was already digging around his pack, coming back with a salve and potion of healing.  
“Drink this.”
You shook your head, ignoring the pleasant little flutter in your chest at the gesture. “I told you, I’ll just ask Shadowheart.”
“Oh this isn’t just for you,” he said, dryly. “Do you think I want her believing you’d willingly butcher yourself just to give me a proper meal? Neither of us would hear the end of it.” 
A small flush of embarrassment worked up your neck. He was right, of course. The party really hadn’t been subtle in their disapproval. It was the reason you had tried for discretion. 
Without further protest you accepted the potion. 
This seemed to appease him as he quickly got to work on applying the salve. 
He had bought it not long after you had come to your little feeding arrangement. It helped to sooth small cuts and bruises while minimizing the threat of scars. He had initially offered to provide…other services to relieve the pain, but you had declined. This was the compromise. You’d offered to do it yourself, but he insisted, claiming it was the least he could do. In truth, it was all very…transactional. 
This felt different. The hesitation he so often held, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop, was gone. His touch was gentle, his expression focused and his body oddly relaxed. It didn’t feel like an obligation, but an act of kindness, one he was more than willing to give. 
Any nerves that remained slipped away.  You could find a way to live with this. Certainly it was more than others had given you in the past. 
Once he was done, he pulled fresh bandages from his bag and began redressing your wounds with decidedly more precision than you had. 
“I am glad you’re here,” he said, breaking the silence. “I was hoping we could talk.”
A sharp sting of anxiety pressed itself into your skin. 
He nodded, tying off the bandage. “I think it’s important.”
You swallowed. The instinct to run pulled at your feet, but you managed to keep it in check. You owed him that much. 
“Well, I’m here so…let’s talk.”
He breathed out an audible sigh of relief, raising his hands up as he took a small step back.
“Just stand there a moment. Don’t move.”
He spun around, rummaging through various bags before letting out a cry of triumph. He stepped back holding what looked to be a violin string glowing with magical golden light. 
Your head tilted to the side as your eyes narrowed. “Is that…?”
“Part of the violin, yes,” he admitted. “Bit of a story. Short version, Gale was able to extract one of the strings. It shouldn’t cause any permanent damage to the instrument, as far as I know.” 
You raised a doubtful eyebrow. “And Gale just let you pluck this from his tent did he?”
Astarion shifted uncomfortably. “Not exactly. I, ah, may have had some trouble understanding how it worked and…inquired as to his assistance.”
“You asked Gale for help?” you asked, astonished.
“Don’t make me relive the experience,” he lamented. “He told me the strings themselves have different magical properties in order to create the effect you demonstrated the other night. Apparently this one alone compels people to tell the truth.” 
He then took the string and carefully wrapped it around his wrist before handing the other half to you. 
Your eyes widened, glancing between him and the offered cord. “What are you doing?”
“Leveling the playing field,” he said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
You shook your head, taking a step back. “You don’t have to do that.”
His lips curved into a self deprecating smile. “I think I do though. I haven’t been honest with you and…while that’s not exactly unique to you, the regret I have is. So you see, it really is a selfish action. If I’m to be free of this, I need to know for certain you understand that what I say next is the truth…all of it.” 
Your mouth opened to protest, but the words caught in your throat. The expression on his face was one you had never seen before. While he did his best to hide under his usual indifferent airs, his eyes gave him away. You’d never seen them so open and unsure. 
Slowly, you took the other end, feeling a familiar tingle spread through your fingers. 
“Alright,” you said, cautiously. “What’s your favorite color?”
Flashes of red shot across your vision, moonlit skies and a pair of eyes you only just caught to be your own before the image settled on something else entirely.
“Pink,” Astarion blurted.
Your eyebrows shot up as the start of a delighted smile spread across your face.
 “And orange,” he amended quickly, “and dark blue and…honestly just the color of the sky at sunrise.” He pouted as if annoyed at the words that escaped his lips, but he shook it off. “Alright, you had your little test run. Give me something harder.” 
You considered a moment. It was very tempting to continue on with some more embarrassing questions, but that wasn’t the purpose of all of this. Best to start at the beginning. 
“What did you think of me when we first met?” you asked.
He grimaced, guilt evident not just through his averted gaze but the tug of the string between you. “You were a target,” he admitted. “At best a convenient meat shield. You were just so…open, ready to trust. Manipulating you would be easy.”
You took a deep breath, ignoring the stab of pain between your ribs. You should have expected as much. He wasn’t exactly subtle. 
“And that’s what you were trying to do the other night, manipulate me?”
Another stab of guilt, a flash of your own back walking out of a candle lit room as a hand that was not your own reached hopelessly outward. 
Your actual jaw clenched. “I don’t need your pity.”
“It’s not pity.”
“Then what?!” you snapped. “Hells bells Astarion, do you even like me?”
“You drive me to acts of insanity,” he said indignantly, raising up the glowing cord around his wrist as proof. “Do you think I’d willing subject myself to days of Gale’s passive aggressive commentary on my personal life for just anyone? Of course I like you. Gods below!”
You stared, unable to deny the waves of exasperation mixed with the sound of your own laughter as heard through another’s ears. Something warm and unfamiliar bloomed in the chest of the body opposite you making your mind spin, as you tried to re-establish the divide. 
“Why did you ask me to come to you?” you asked. “What were you hoping to gain?”
Astarion took a deep breath. It was only then you noticed how tightly he was holding the chord linking you.
“I was hoping to get back on track,” he said, slowly. “I had a plan when we met. A nice simple plan. Seduce you, bed you, manipulate your emotions so you’d never turn on me. It was easy…instinctive.” 
He met your eyes and for the first time, you felt him fight against the images threatening to breach the gap between you. You caught the barest flashes, memories of half forgotten faces passing by one after another. Shame and vile brushed the edges of your mind, and quickly faded as Astarion regained control. 
“But, you seemed immune to my attempts,” he continued. “I could tell you enjoyed my attentions, but you never asked for more. My simple plan that had worked on countless targets, couldn’t get off the ground. And yet, you still gave me blood, protection…trust. I couldn’t understand it. I found myself wanting to know more, to know you. To anticipate what you would ultimately ask in exchange. And then that night, you showed me exactly what it was you desired.”
Something slipped through. You saw yourself in the center of the tavern with darkness surrounding you. A rise of fear entered your heart as you heard your name called from familiar lips. And then, the world shifted, light came back into the world and it was…beautiful. 
“I thought I finally understood you,” he said. “A poor repressed urchin who had been hurt one too many times. All that was required was a more gentle touch. I could provide that. It wouldn’t be the first time.” 
He paused, his expression softening. “And then you had to do the most inconsiderate thing and surprise me all over again: you asked for my heart, in exchange for yours. I should have been elated. It meant my plan had worked, not the way I intended, but you had fallen for it…for me. The trouble was, I hadn’t accounted for the possibility that I would fall for you.”
You stared, unable to say anything as a well of emotion threatened to burst from you. It was as if someone pulled a bow across your chest, creating a resonating sound that moved in harmony with your very soul. 
It was true, all of it. 
By some miracle, you wrestled back control over your lungs and tongue. 
“Why didn’t you say anything?” 
“I didn’t know how,” he admitted. “Even if I had, would you have believed me?”
You averted your gaze. It was answer enough. 
“It’s alright,” he said, offering a wry smile. “Smart really. I wouldn’t have believed me either.” 
You nodded in appreciation, your mind still reeling from everything he had just confessed. 
“What are you thinking?” he asked. 
You frowned, unable to shake a question that had been stirring for some time. 
“Do you even want to have sex with me?”
His eyebrows shot into his hairline, his mouth falling open. “I’m standing here baring my soul to you and that’s what you ask?”
“You asked me what I was thinking,” you defended. “Besides, it’s a relevant question.” 
He looked like he wanted to argue, but let it go just as quickly with a huff. 
“Well?” you prompted. 
He made a series of non-commital noises, his mouth half forming words before being wrenched in another direction. The chord between you glowed brighter, twisting just a little deeper into his skin.
“I…don’t really know,” he said, slightly stilted, as if surprised by his own answer. “To be clear, I do find you physically enticing. In that aspect at least, I’d hardly qualify bedding you a chore, but... I spent two centuries using lust and desire to lure people back to him. In that time I developed the habit of taking myself out of my body, looking at it as if it were happening to somebody else.  Even in those rare times it could be pleasurable, I still walked away feeling nothing but disgust and loathing. I don’t want those feelings associated with you. At the same time, I can’t help thinking that if we were together, it would be different. But, don’t take that to mean I expect it. Like I said, I don’t even know if I want it. Honestly, before you said it, I didn’t know saying no was an option.”
You took all of that in, your heart clenching as the full weight of what Cazador did to him settled on your mind.  Red filed your vision, the sympathetic ache replaced with a rush of fury.  He was a dead man. One way or another, you would see Cazador bloodied by the end of all of this. But as quickly as it had come you let the emotion pass. This wasn’t about him.  You wouldn’t let him intrude any more on this moment. 
“What do you want from me then?” you asked, softly. 
To your relief, something familiar and teasing flashed across his face. 
“I thought I’d made that obvious.”
With his free hand, he cupped your cheek allowing his thumb to lightly caress your skin. His scarlet eyes burned not with lust, but something warmer and just as desperate. 
“You showed me the chorus of your heart. How could anyone look upon that and not desire it? The trouble is, the price you asked. I…I don’t know how to pay it. I don’t know how to be with someone that way, but I’m willing to learn. I want it all. I want you to have it all.” 
The connection between you burned hot in your hand, but you couldn’t let it go. It felt so warm, so real. It filled every empty part of you to the point of bursting and still you wanted more. You were insatiable. 
Astarion looked just as lost as you, his eyes glazed over with too many emotions for you to name. His body began to tremble. It was becoming too much. 
In an instant you pulled his hand away, unwrapping the chord from around his wrist and tossing it aside.
He took a sudden deep breath as if coming up for air after being submerged in deep water. 
“Shit,” he cursed, gulping for air. Closing his eyes, he ran a hand down his face as he tried to calm. 
Your eyes widened as you caught the angry marks left behind on his wrist. 
“Are you alright?”
He blinked hard as if clearing spots from his vision. “I’m fine. Wasn’t expecting that is all.” He turned his focus to you with a bewildered expression. “Does it always feel like that?”
“That’s admittedly a first for me,” you confessed. You reached out your hand, glancing at his injury. “Let me see.”
He followed your gaze frowning, as if surprised to note the welts forming on his wrist. Still he stepped closer allowing you to examine them without protest. 
“Does it hurt?” you asked. 
He shook his head. “Sort of numb, honestly, tingly.”
You nodded, swallowing hard to keep the rise of guilt and fear at bay. It didn’t help. 
“I’m sorry,” you said, quickly. 
He tilted his head, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t think a little thing like this is going to scare me off. I meant what I said. I intend to give you your fill.”
“You don’t have to give it all at once,” you promised. “I can be patient when it counts.” 
A sly smile turned at his lips. “I almost hope you won’t. You’re not the only one who's starving.”
Heat spread up your neck, something Astarion undoubtedly caught as he gave a low laugh. 
“Well, now that we’ve cleared the air, what happens next?” he asked. 
“I’m…not sure,” you admitted. “Nobody else has ever given me the chance to figure that out.” 
He nodded slowly, before taking a small step back. His head tilted as if to examine you from every angle. A question started to form on your tongue just as the start of a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. He suddenly straightened before placing a hand on his chest and regarded you with a deep bow. 
You grinned, matching him with a curtsy of your own. 
He then offered his hand, which you easily took before he pulled you just a little closer. Your other hand found his shoulder while his pressed lightly on your waist. And then you did what was only natural. You danced. 
It wasn’t anything elaborate. There was no fire or sparks of magic. You simply moved together to a song of your own imagination. It stirred in your chest, the barest pluck of a melody, but it was yours and his; the promise of a symphony to come.
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Tag List:
@ambrolyer, @cassiecasluciluce, @tamwritesstuff, @hallowedandhungry, @mangomonk, @amefuyuu, @righteous-scamp, @starved-kitten, @tinystarfishgalaxy, @twinkliker3000, @unrestrictedbyreality, @screechingphantommaker, @becksynthetic, @black-sapphic, @dicenete, @isharaneith, @sarcasticlittlebook, @catsandskyrimcafe, @sora-o-kaku, @catching-fire-in-the-wind, @ka-du-trur, @baldursgateslittlestar, @rakilein
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lxverss · 11 months
⸻ ꜰᴇᴀᴛʜᴇʀʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏᴜᴄʜᴇꜱ | hhj
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✰ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: brothers bsf!h.hyunjin x fem!reader
✰ ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut, friends to lovers (?), mutual pining, hyunjin is a perv, reader is a tease
✰ ᴡᴄ: 2.5k
✰ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: smut, drunk sex, kinda? rough sex, swearing, lots of sexual tension, male masturbation, oral (f. recieving), lots of dirty talk, p in v, unprotected sex (don't be stupid like them), creampie, cum eating, hair pulling, a bit of fluff at the end (lmk if I missed anything!)
this fic is strictly 18+ and has sexual themes which are not suited for a minor. Minors/ageless blogs will be blocked immediately upon interaction.
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You were a typical broke college student. But unlike most of your friends, you had your own apartment. Mostly because you'd rather pay the bills than share your precious home with someone else.
Despite that, hwang hyunjin, your brother's best friend and him spent most of their times in your home. Your brother said it was because he didn't want his dear sister to feel alone. He was, indeed quite overprotective of you. Could you blame him? Boys would most certainly drool over you wherever you went. No harm in protecting his innocent little sister from those lust driven boys, is there?
Back to the present, you invited them over for tonight to celebrate finishing your second semester. You also invited your close friend Felix, one of your only male friends your brother trusted. You heard the doorbell ring right as you were done preparing snacks and drinks. "Coming!" You yelled from the kitchen loud enough for them to hear. You hastily made your way towards the front door, checking through the peephole. It was none other than hwang hyunjin himself.
You let him in, asking him where your brother was. "Well.. about that.." he started speaking, and you already knew where this was going. "...he can't make it because something came up at work" he continued, scratching his neck nervously waiting for your response. You sighed, kind of expecting this. "Oh well, I guess he can't even make time for his own sister for one fucking evening" you said, clearly pissed. You both then made your way to your living room, and he made himself comfortable on your couch.
You went over to your kitchen to bring the snacks and drinks you prepared. You made your way over back to your living room, seeing hyunjin has already put on a show for himself to watch. "Want some?" You said, putting down the bowl of popcorn on your coffee table. He gave you a small smile and a nod as he reached for the bowl of popcorn. You made yourself comfortable sitting next to him on the couch.
Hyunjin was nervous. That short little dress you wore tonight reached your mid thigh. Your cleavage was on full display for only him to see. And when you bent down to grab some of the popcorn, he could clearly see your breasts. It drove him crazy everytime your hand brushed his when you both were reaching for the popcorn at the same time.
You suddenly got a notification on your phone, and you jumped a little in surprise. 'So fucking cute' he thought to himself. You opened your phone, only for your expression to drop.
lix 🐣 : sorry y/n, my girlfriend got sick and I can't make it tonight :(
lix 🐣 : I swear I'll make it up to you soon!!
You sighed, not being able to stay mad at him for his valid reason of not being able to make it. You texted him back, saying he should take care of his girlfriend and that you hope she gets better soon. "What's wrong?", Asked hyunjin with a confused expression. "Nothing... Lix won't be able to make it because his girlfriend's sick." You sighed yet again. "Guess it'll be just us tonight then" he said with a smirk. "Oh please." You rolled your eyes, focusing back on the movie but still smiling widely at his flirtatious remark. He only chuckled.
Despite seeming confident, he was internally screaming. Because not only was he gonna be spending time with you alone, in your house, but to make it worse he had been staring at your thighs and boobs this whole time instead of focusing on the movie and it took a toll on his newly formed erection. He was growing harder by the second, his thoughts only engulfed by your presence. He had to grab a fluffy pillow and put it over his erection, not wanting to give away his perverted antics. Although he was imagining it was you grazing your slick pussy over his cock instead of that pillow.
His mind was growing fuzzier by the second, and he had to avoid your gaze everytime you made a comment about the movie he wasn't even paying attention at. He was solely focused on the way your breasts bounced everytime you sat back down after grabbing a popcorn. He focused on your bare thighs, and your flimsy little dress riding them up as you put your right leg over the other. His gaze dropped to your fine legs, a silver anklet hanging from your right foot. He glanced back up at your breasts, his gaze slowly going up. They stopped at your collarbones, seeing a golden necklace adorning your neck. It was the one your brother gave you for your 18th birthday. Oh how he thought you were the most stunning woman on earth.
You noticed his lustful gaze on you, and the way he was clutching onto his pillow everytime you brushed your hand against his. You were loving every fucking bit of it. "Want a drink?" You playfully said, and he immediately knew you meant alcohol. "Sure" he said with a small smile.
You got up to make your way over to the kitchen, your dress moving from side to side as you swayed your hips on purpose. It was almost visible that you had no underwear on whatsoever and he could see that. He clutched his pillow tighter as he slid his hand down his pants to rub his now fully hardened cock. He moaned softly and he felt like a disgusting pig for even thinking of you like that.
You came back with a bottle of wine and two shot glasses. You sat back down and popped the bottle open, filling both your shot glasses with a generous amount. "Cheers!" He exclaimed as you both picked up your shot glass only to down it all at once. You both had a few shots, and he was a bit more drunk than you.
You both resumed watching the movie that was currently playing only to see a sexual scene unfold. His eyes grew wide in shock, seeing the protagonist heavily and lustfully making out with the female lead. It progressively grew worse and so did his boner. As if it couldn't get any worse or better, they started stripping and immediately hyunjin excused himself to the bathroom. You turned it off, flustered from the unexpected sexual scene.
Hyunjin shut the bathroom door behind him and leaned against it. He slowly reached for the zipper and unzipped his pants. He pulled his pants down along with his boxers and started stroking his fully hard dick. He moaned a softly, not wanting you to hear him. As he was stroking his cock, he only thought about you and how stunning you looked tonight. Your smell, your gaze, your smile, the flimsy dress you wore to tease him, and god everything about you was driving him fully insane. It didn't take him too long to cum, spurting it all over his hand.
After cleaning up, he came back and saw you scrolling through your phone on the couch. "Are you okay?" You said, glancing up at him with your big doe eyes. "What do you mean?" He said, in panic. Could you have caught on? Did you hear him masturbating? No. No way. He was as quiet as he possibly could be.
You motioned for him to sit next to you on the couch. He took baby steps towards you, and hesitantly sat down on the couch. "I'm not stupid you know" you said, staring at him with a teasing expression. His heart dropped to his stomach. This had answered all his questions.
"I see the way you look at me, hyunjin" you said, bringing a hand up to his face. He leaned into your touch, and his gaze went to your lips. You slowly leaned in and he thought you were going in for a kiss. But then, you swerved your head to the side and next to his ear you whispered, "I want you to touch me..". You grabbed his hand and brought it to your thigh, urging him to touch you. His cock jumped at that, and he immediately got hard again. He started to rub circles on your inner thigh, leaning in and pressing his plump lips to your neck. "Just how do you want me to touch you, angel?" He muttered into the crook of your neck and then started leaving featherlight kisses down to your collarbone. "Mmmh⸻ ah!" You whimpered softly which made his cock ache in the confines of his tight pants.
He pulled away at your lack of response and grabbed your jaw, "answer the question baby" he said with the most fierce gaze that made your pussy drool. "I-I want you to touch me down there.." you whined and he chuckled raspily. "Yeah? Will you be a good girl for me and take my fingers?" You nodded frantically in his hold. He brushed his hand over your clit and put slight pressure onto it which made you whine against him. He brought his finger down to your folds and gathered your juices to spread them on your clit. To which you grabbed his biceps and moaned loudly. He removed his fingers and started licking his fingers clean. He almost moaned at your taste. "Fuck, you taste so good baby" you whined at the loss of his touch and clenched around nothing. He grabbed your hips and changed your positions so you were laying down.
He forced your legs open and started kissing your inner thighs, leaving a few hickeys. He blowed his hot breath onto your clit and you squirmed at that. You tried closing your legs but to no avail, because his grip on you was too tight and would probably leave a mark. He then grabbed your clit with his plump lips and started sucking licking and biting on them. He started rubbing your entrance with his swift fingers, which made you clench and writhe beneath him. With the overwhelming pleasure, you grabbed onto his hair and clutched it tight. He groaned at that, grinding against the couch roughly.
"Fuck baby.. mmh..." He said in between slurping your essence. He then shoved two fingers into your cunt, thrusting them in and out in a swift motion. You moaned uncontrollably at that, and the knot in your stomach snapped. "Fuck!" You yelled as you came down from your high. Hyunjin wiped your release from his chin with the back of his hand. Grinning, he was satisfied with his masterpiece. When he got off the couch, you saw that he also came, staining your couch.
He hastily pulled his pants down along with his boxers and allowed his cock to spring free. Your mouth opened in awe, staring at his big cock. And fuck, was it pretty like him. It was thin but long, and blushing red at the tip. It had just the right amount of veins.
He smirked and got back on top of you. You grabbed his pretty black locks and pulled him in for a heated kiss. The kiss was gentle and loving despite the situation but it quickly grew rough. Teeth clashing, tongues fighting for dominance but obviously he won. Drool dripping down both of your chins, mixing with the sweat on your body. He bit your lip to which you let out a loud whimper and his hands clawed at your breasts. He got up and pulled you to his lap, not breaking the kiss to unzip your dress.
Then he finally pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting your lips. His gaze was dreamy and it made your stomach do cartwheels. He then slowly pulled the dress off of you, admiring your naked body. You whimpered and tried to cover yourself but he swiftly grabbed both your wrists with one hand and pinned you down on the couch roughly. His other hand slammed down right beside your head. You yelped in surprise, and your pussy clenched around nothing.
"don't hide yourself from me, darling.." he said in his deep voice. He looked you up and down and bit down on his lips when his gaze fell on your perfect and round tits. "Fuck.." he grabbed onto your breast with one hand, still keeping you pinned with the other. His mouth latched onto your other breast, giving them both full attention. You squirmed under him at that and tried to get yourself out of his grasp but his hold on you was far too tight. You moaned and threw your head back into the pillow which made his cock twitch. He abandoned your breast and went up to sink his teeth into your neck. You nearly screamed and started squirming even more.
He suckled on your neck and left a few hickeys. Then finally let go of your wrists. Your hands latched onto his back and you dug your nails into is back. He whimpered and bit down harder. "Please hyunjin... need you...", You managed to squeak out. He got up, then went in for another kiss, slower this time. He started stroking his cock and rubbed your entrance with the tip. You whimpered into the kiss, hands moving up his back to tangle them in his hair. He slowly pushed into you, bottoming out.
"fuck, fuck, fuck!" You cussed and grabbed his hair tighter. He growled in response, "you're so fucking tight.. fuck!" He was leaking into your tight cunt. He didn't even start moving yet and you were already clenching him like your life depended on it. He started moving at an inhumane pace, chasing his release. You were practically screaming at this point, and you'd most likely get noise complaint from your neighbours but did you care? No. Not one bit. You felt like you were on cloud nine as you both went at it like bunnies. His grip on your hips were bruising and would leave a mark by morning but you didn't care. All you could think about was hyunjin and his pretty cock.
"nghhh- hyunjin! G-gonna cum!" You said in between thrusts and dragged your nails down his back which felt so fucking good. "Fuck! Cum for me baby" he said into the crook of your neck. You released all over his cock, milking him dry. Soon after your release he emptied himself inside of your delicious cunt, his cum oozing out of it. It felt warm against your walls as he thrusted a few more times to keep his cum inside. He pulled out of you shortly, getting up and picking you up along with him.
He kissed along your shoulders and neck, easing the burning bite marks and hickeys adorning your delicious skin. You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, still coming down from your high.
He made his way over to your bathroom and sat you down in your bathtub. He turned on the water with just the right amount of pressure. Before he could walk away to grab a towel to clean you up, you grabbed his neck and pulled him close, "round two?"
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A/N: this is my first time posting a fic on Tumblr so hope you enjoyed!! Reblogs and feedbacks are highly appreciated! <3
This is not proofread btw so pls ignore if there are any typos or grammatical errors!
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Do not repost, plagiarize or translate my works on other sites. ©lxverss 2023 all rights reserved.
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thatfandomslut · 2 months
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Reneé Rapp x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: discussions of sex (no smut), insecurity
something inspired in Messy, like, renee being afraid of a relationship with r cause things don't end well to her and r comforts her
Reneé Rapp requests are open.
Other accounts: hoe4flo | ghostyanne
Discord Groups: Mean Girls | Mean Girls RP (in need of people)
“I want to be in a relationship with you,” Reneé’s words hung in the bedroom, breaking the silence between them. “I’m just scared of what this might mean for us. What would this mean for me?”
(Y/n) shuffled a bit, turning over to face Reneé. They were supposed to be sleeping, but it was obvious that Reneé had too much on her mind to commit to the idea of sleep. Therefore, (Y/n) was also not getting any sleep either. She didn’t mind though. Late night conversations with Reneé were her favorite. They were so deep, and they dove into topics they haven’t explored yet, like their relationship. It was a taboo topic for the two of them because Reneé has commented several times on not being ready nor is she looking for a relationship.
Although she tried to focus on Reneé’s figure, (Y/n) could barely see the vulnerable look on Reneé’s face in the darkness of her bedroom. “Well, we don’t have to jump into anything. We can take it slow and figure this out together. We can start by going on dates instead of just sex on the weekends after you’re done shooting your show.” (Y/n) teased softly, successfully lighting the mood as Reneé snorted out a soft laugh. She nudged (Y/n)’s shoulder with her hand before moving to the crook of (Y/n)’s neck. Immediately, (Y/n) allowed herself to rub Reneé’s back in a comforting manner.
“A part of me is just nervous this is going to be like my past relationships.” There was a beat of silence where neither of them spoke after that. (Y/n) knew Reneé wasn’t finished speaking, but she needed to figure out her words. She gave her all the time she needed as her thumb caressed Reneé’s back gently. “Every time you leave in the morning, I want to tell you to stay, but all of the fake scenarios in my head tell me not to. They remind me there are more possibilities than you staying with me. Instead, every situation I imagine, is you saying no. It’s you saying that you don’t like me like that, that it’s just my imagination.”
(Y/n) wasn’t expecting Reneé to feel this way. She thought that she had made it very clear that she wasn’t interested in anyone else when last week, Reneé asked if they could only sleep with each other, no one else. If she wasn’t into Reneé, she wouldn’t have agreed. Still, she understood that this was a real fear for Reneé, so she thought about her words carefully to make sure she knew her feelings on the subject were completely valid.
She cleared her throat, shifting slightly to get into a more comfortable position. “Reneé, there is no situation that I would not want to stay with you. Every time I get up to leave, I wish I could stay with you in my arms. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t want to stay. I just didn’t know you wanted me to. Now that I do know, if you want me to stay in the morning, I am more than happy to.” (Y/n) told the blonde, who laid there in her arms, tears welling in her eyes. Still, Reneé had to remind herself not to cry, she didn’t want to be overly emotional, no matter how vulnerable this conversation was.
Reneé swallowed the lump in her throat, pulling away from (Y/n)’s neck in order to press a deep kiss to her lips. She wanted to hide her feelings within this kiss. Even if it was just for a moment. (Y/n) was initially surprised by the action, but she was very quick to reciprocate as she kissed back. Reneé smiled softly into the kiss.
“What if I wanted to be your girlfriend?” Reneé questioned carefully, hoping that none of her fake scenarios in her head didn’t arise. She felt a bit anxious as she waited for a response. “I mean, it would only be if you’re okay with being girlfriends. I understand if you aren’t, of course.”
(Y/n) kissed Reneé softly to calm her down, which worked. “Reneé, I would love to be your girlfriend, if that’s what you want us to be, too. I’m already technically exclusive to you. I just wanted to be sure we were both ready before we put a label on who or what we were.” She said softly, reminding Reneé that they were technically exclusive. (Y/n) would be lying if she didn’t admit that she wasn’t excited that Reneé was ready to be more than just friends who occasionally had sex.
Reneé bit her lip to hide her smile, despite the dark effectively doing that for her. “I do want to be your girlfriend. I’ve been wanting this for a long time. I’ve just been worried about you not returning my feelings.” Reneé explained, happiness bubbling in her chest as butterflies fluttered every which way in her stomach. Normally, her relationships ended up messy because she couldn’t get over the fake scenarios in her head. However, (Y/n) never invalidated them. Instead, she let Reneé feel her feelings and comforted her fears. This was already different than any of the relationships she had in the past.
“Then, it looks like we’re girlfriends,” (Y/n) said with a soft smile, pressing kisses all over Reneé’s face. This, in return, caused Reneé to giggle at the display of affection. “And, if you ever feel like there is more than one possibility in your head about something in our relationship, just let me know. We’ll talk it out, like we did just now.”
Reneé felt validated by this as she established her spot in (Y/n)’s neck once more, smiling so hard that her cheeks began to ache. “Okay, I’ll let you know. Thank you for letting me know that my feelings are valid.” Reneé whispered, sleep finally threatening to take over her. (Y/n) mumbled a soft ‘of course,’ sleep taking over her as well. As the two girls slept, the trace of their smiles remained at the fact that they finally had this big breakthrough in their relationship.
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ominoose · 20 days
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𝐏𝐫𝐨'𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐧'𝐬
Pairing: Nathan Bateman x GN!Reader Summary: You make a smash or pass spreadsheet with friends, Nathan finds his part. Warnings: Reader made fun of slightly but turns out well in the end, its just silly :) WC: 836
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It was a silly, fun little game. A night to let loose with friends, not hold back, no thinking or worries. Just a light-hearted tease. Simple.
It was not supposed to lead to Nathan Bateman storming up to you like a man on a mission, pupils blown wide in fury behind gold frame glasses. Ordinarily he wasn’t a man to be trifled with, even on his best days (as far and few between as they were), and everyone that worked under him, no matter how distant their role, knew to tread lightly.
Nathan was not treading lightly. The crinkle of paper clutched and creasing in his fist was all that accompanied the stomps of his boots on the carpet until silence reigned as he stopped in front of you, nostrils flaring.
“'Arrogant, rich asshole'?!” You’d never heard his voice so angry, so loud from the get go, and if your blood didn’t go cold at the quote you would have had the good sense to be more scared.
"‘Chewtoy biceps’, ‘Condescending in a sexy way’, Sexier Elon Musk!". It wasn’t looking good for you.
The group Google Doc wasn’t even your idea, listing the singles in your lives with the pro’s and con’s of sleeping with them in a “Smash or Pass” group call also wasn't your usual friend-groups past time, but you didn’t need much persuading to join. Nathans name being added to the pool hardly came as a surprise, but you boldly stamping Smash next to his name was.
It was a night of giggles and gasps, losing self respect in the name of forging deeper bonds, like girls at their first high school sleepover. It was not meant to get back to him.
“Mansplaining snob?!” The sharp words snap you back into reality from where you’d rabidly been trying to recall the words you typed that would now serve as your death sentence.
“It’s not mansplaining when I have to dumb down simple fucking concepts for you to understand, sweetheart.” Despite the pet name, the way he waves the printed out screenshot in your face made it clear he’d kill you by death of one thousand cuts if he could.
How could you get out of this? You couldn’t, there was no way you’d come out of this with a job or reputation intact. It was a miracle he didn’t wait until you were in the middle of the office cubicles or a meeting to humiliate you. Then again the fact that he was furious enough to come straight to you with fire at his heels was equally terrifying.
“Wanna know what’d I’d say about you, hm?” His weight shifted on his feet, shoulders squared as he used every inch of his height to leer over you.
“I-I didn’t say this to your face!” A pitiful attempt at reasoning, as if the word mercy wasn’t something Nathan Bateman boxed for his morning work-out. Technically it was his own fault, he didn’t own Google, he shouldn’t be snooping in his workers private documents.
“Oh, okay then.” A higher pitch, raised eyebrows, the ghost of a smile. God, you were absolutely fucked.
And then he walked away. No stomping, no clenched first. It was the strut of Nathan that had just had a breakthrough.
This was off script.
The next few days were absolute hell. It was paranoia akin to living under witness protection after whistleblowing a major government conspiracy. Every email that came, every task assigned had you tensing and assuming this was it, this was the deathly blow.
Turns out the deathly blow was even less exciting than an email. It was an A4 piece of paper left on the centre of your desk, perfectly straight and ivory white.
‘Cons: -Overly sensitive -Acne marks -Didn't go to Harvard -Needs validation -Buys shitty clothes, probably from Temu’
Maybe being simply fired when he first confronted you would’ve been the easier option, that or death by the thousand cuts.
Nathan was never a man to mince his words, if you had a weak point he’d punch it and blame you for having it in the first place. You also knew you weren’t perfect, this was a job you’d clawed your way to, losing several nails in the process. Half your mental capacity was spent simply trying to keep above water, who could blame you for wanting a little ‘Well done, good job!’ every once in a while. Clearly, Nathan could.
The paper became blurry, hot tears trembled in your eyes, threatening to spill right in the middle of the office buzz. And how would you explain? Getting fired while having every flaw listed by your incredibly wealthy, accomplished, genius boss?
Blinking back the tears, there’s only half the letter left to read and getting it over with sooner was better than later.
‘Pros: -Funny -Can keep up -Nice ass -Annoying smile -Not materialistic -Honest’
There was only one word left at the bottom, one line above a phone number.
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femdomlieeh · 11 months
Pink Blush (m)
First time Sub!Haechan ✧ Secretly Dom!Reader
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WC—1.8 k
THEMES—new relationship ✧ nsfw fluff (?) ✧ borderline smut
WARNING—punishment ✧ teasing (m!g) ✧ masturbation (m) ✧ use of handcuffs & strap on ✧ praise ✧ light degradation ✧ pet names "mommy", "channie", "bad boy"✧ mentions of gender stereotypes (ew), safe words & (future) pegging
NOW PLAYING—Tattoo ✧ Loreen
[A/N.] old xiumin (exo) version
When this post gets 100 votes I’ll publish a stray kids group reaction chapter👍
M.LISTS—nct 127 ✧ dream ✧ latest updates ✧ wp version
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
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"Come on~! Show me~!" Haechan whined in your ear for the umpteenth time today.
Like all the previous times, you answered no.
Yesterday your boyfriend had found out that you had a mommy kink and liked being dominant in the bed (You had left a wattpad tab open on our shared laptop because you were apparently too tired to click on the cross), and, although that should've been something positive, you didn't want him to know.
On a daily basis, he already got critique for being younger (looking younger) than his partner, and being too 'feminine' and 'cutesy' – so, to want him to submit to you and make him match other people's perception of him was selfish and thus something you refused to do.
The theory of genders having specific power roles was something you'd always been opposed to, as you do not believe a gender determines a level of power. Truthfully, you couldn't care less if your boyfriend wanted to break gender stereotypes or not — damn, he could wear 'girly' clothes and/or put make up on if he wanted to — but you did care about what he thought of himself.
He didn't like it when people commented on how much younger he looked than he was. He didn't like it when people described him as feminine instead of masculine. He didn't like it when people [excluding you and some of his friends] called him cute. He didn't think that having any of those characteristics was wrong; he just didn't want people to call him those things.
"Please?" He attempted to lure you in with his gleaming puppy eyes – which usually worked – but that method didn't work this time around, because the great amount of vexation he had brought to you today had made you fully resistant to his cuteness.
"No, I don't want to hurt you," you answered with a blank face, trying your best to find a seemingly interesting movie on Netflix, that you hadn't already seen, so your boyfriend could give up his dumb quest. It was a little confusing why he wanted to try these types of thing with you, knowing how he felt about being belittled by others.
"I thought you said that we should always be honest with each other and always be ourselves," he argued, making a valid point since you had said those words from the start of your relationship.
"But I also said I never wanted us to hurt each other," you retorted in defense, feeling more and more irritated by the second.
Leaning and sinking down a little bit on the sofa, Haechan wanted to be more comfortable as he knew this conversation would be long. Chewing on the strings of his pink hoodie, he looked at and studied you; frown, annoyed sighs, hard grip on the remote, darker lips from biting on them – everything pointed at you being mad, and thus rather sensitive.
Then a bulb lit above his head.
"But what if I like it when you hurt me?"
You turned your head to his side. There it was. Exactly what he wanted to see. An expression on your face that told him that if he continued this route, he would get fucked. Whether it was literally or metaphorically, he wanted to find out.
"I'm leaving," you announced and stood up as quickly as the short sentence ended. You had to leave, because Haechan was pushing your buttons and you knew that if you stayed for longer you could end up doing what you had been trying to avoid since he had found out about the femdom part of you.
His face changed from calm puppy to clingy puppy with separation anxiety, scared of its owner leaving. This was not the reaction he had tried to get from you. He stood up and followed your fast steps to the bedroom. As soon as he saw you throw one of your biggest bags onto the floor, followed up by some clothing pieces, he felt his blood freeze. Were you leaving as in leaving the relationship?
"Why are you packing?" he asked, scared of your answer.
"I'm going to Irene's. I can't stay with you when you're making me crazy like this." What you said was true; you were sure he'd crack your patience and make you go full sadist on him if you stayed in the same room as him for another minute – or even worse: another hour or whole night.
He felt relieved that you weren't breaking up with him over a silly argument, but he still didn't want you to stay over at your friend's when you both knew that it would be smarter to solve the tension instead.
"Stay with me," he pleaded lowly, sensing he didn't have many other options than pleading and hoping it'd be persuasive enough for you to stay with him.
"We need a night without each to calm down and have an adult discussion, alright?" you tried to explain, grabbing your now-fully-packed bag, and heading to the door to continue your journey to your awesome best friend.
When Haechan didn't talk back, you turned away from the doorway and to the bed to see why he was being quiet and not protesting some more like he usually would. He was looking you in the eyes as he pulled the hoodie off his torso and threw it your way. You caught it in your hand. Proceeding, he pulled down his pants, making sure he did it slowly enough to send you signals that he wasn't planning on putting on his PJs.
As he stood in only his boxers in front of you, a new bulb lit up above his head – and this one was even brighter than the last one – maybe he did have more options than to plead and strip.
With a smirk he sat down on the foot of the bed, maintaining eye contact, and pulled down his boxers to reveal his hard cock. You were speechless when he had stripped down to almost full nudity, but what shocked you the most was that just speaking to him disrespectfully had turned him on.
The moment he started touching his cock and moaning like a bitch, you realized that he had purposely been naughty so you could punish him. He had whined in you ear all day, stripped and masturbated when you wanted to leave because he wanted this; he wanted to be punished.
So, you decided to do it.
You dropped the bag and went to your wardrobe, taking out a box you'd kept secret from Haechan. He looked your way curiously, analyzing your reaction while still stroking his cock rudely. Damn, he hoped you were doing something femdom related.
"Safeword?" you asked, examining the nostalgic box of memory-making apparatuses, trying to decide which ones you wanted to use to make memories tonight.
"Sun," he answered, smiling at the victory; he was going to get fucked literally.
"I hope you understand that I'm going to have to punish you for being such a naughty boy."
"Yes, Mommy," he said oh so naturally.
You looked back at him after he said the last word, watching him lay down on the bed, boxers in a random corner of the room. He seemed experienced or like he'd had a fantasy about calling you that word for a while, no stutter, and thankfully that made it easier for you decide on which toys to use on him.
"Naughty boys don't deserve to touch Mommy," you turned to him with a pair of pink, fluffy handcuffs. He blushed a little, not expecting the object you chose to punish him with to be so adorable. Did he seriously think that was all you were going to use as punishment when he'd riled you up like this?
How cute.
Walking slowly to him, you threw the cuffs onto the bed beside his legs and startled him a bit at the suddenness of the action. He had teased you, and you wanted to make sure he'd feel teased as well – and what better way to do that than to use one of his biggest weaknesses against him? Smirking, you pulled off your shirt, leaving your upper body in only a bra – a pink one. He had always liked that color – though he denied it since it wasn't manly to like pink.
You climbed on top of his body and took the cuffs in your hands again, getting ready to restrain him. He was breathing heavily, getting aroused by your body above his, and especially by your boobs that were clad in such a lovely color. Although he liked the bra, he would've loved to see your boobs without anything covering them.
"Hold your arms up for me, Channie," you ordered, to which he listened to instantly. He held them up against the bed frame, assuming you were going to cuff him to it. But he was wrong. You didn't want him to predict his punishment; you wanted everything to be a surprise that not even his fantasy could come close to.
Instead of cuffing his wrists to the frame of the bed, you cuffed them to nothing. Yes, nothing. It may sound boring to restrain your partner to nothing, but it was the opposite; restraining him to air meant that he still could choose to disobey you further by bringing his arms down. "You're going to keep your arms here, and if you at any point put them down and touch me it'll add to your punishment, understood?"
"Yes, Mommy."
"Oh, don't act like a good boy all of a sudden. You're getting punished for a reason, Haechannie," you scoffed lightly, feeling soft from the sweetness that seemed to ooze naturally whether he tried to or not.
"But I am a good boy," he pouted, adding to the cuteness you adored so much.
"Only if you can manage this punishment, but until then you're a bad boy," you explained and turned back to the box to grab the last part of the punishment. He continued pouting, until he saw the object you took out: a strap on. After removing your pants, you put the fake dick on and adjusted it to your hips.
The strap wasn't bigger than the average dick as you didn't know how used he was to having dildos shoved up his ass – and even though you wanted to hurt him, you were still cautious over how harsh you were with him. He was your squishy Haechannie after all.
"You ready, Channie?" you asked as you crawled back to him, searching his face for any uncertainty. His big eyes and toothy smile hinted at him anticipating what you were about to do, but you still wanted a verbal answer as you wanted to make sure he was OK with being pegged.
He nodded quickly, "Yes, Mommy, I'm always ready for you."
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❝ Violins playin' and the angels cryin'
When the stars align, then I'll be there
No, I don't care about them all
'Cause all I want is to be loved
And all I care about is you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo
No, I don't care about the pain
I'll walk through fire and through rain
Just to get closer to you
You're stuck on me like a tattoo ❞
—lorine zineb noka talhaoui; 2023
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Confession Time: Part Two of Jordan Li X Streamer!fem!reader
A/N: I just got a cold so that's part of the story. Also, I own none of the characters from The Boys or Gen V. Enjoy!
Warnings: None, I don't think.
Word Count: 1410
Taglist: @airabek @thesuperwolfdiaries
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A couple of weeks had passed since you realized your feelings for Jordan and now you had no idea how to act. You tried to act as normal as possible but no one told you what to do after realizing you have feelings for your friend of over a decade.
“Just tell them!” Emma insisted one afternoon in her dorm room.
"How do I work that into a normal conversation?" I replied.
“It’ll have to be a special conversation. All you have to do is say ‘Hey Jordan, I like you and I would really like to have sex with you’.” “Emma!”
Emma’s words did not help and as you set up for your stream later that night, you hoped Jordan didn’t notice your hands were trembling. “Nervous, Y/N?”
Of course they noticed.
You shook your head. “No, I think I just had too much caffeine.”
They nodded and leaned back in their chair. “So, what game do I have to carry you through tonight?” “You don’t carry me.” “Not in comfy games but I have to in horror games.”
You rolled your eyes and muttered, “PT”, wondering why your heart was fluttering in your chest.
As soon as the stream started, so did the thirsty comments and donations. “Yourmomssloppydisk said, ‘Jordan, what amount of money would get you to step on me? It could be any amount of time, I know you’re busy.’ Chat, relax,” You joked, face warming up.
“It’s okay, Y/N. For one thing, there would need to be an ironclad contract absolving me of any responsibility. The other thing is I don’t know if you could afford me.”
The sound of super chats and donations provided a nice distraction from the dark hallway in-game. “Someone sent a super chat and said, ‘I’ve never seen two pretty best friends, but this stream proves they exist’.” Jordan wrapped their arm around your shoulders and pulled you close. “Thank you for noticing.” “I will say, chat, I made this channel for my external validation. Jordan gets enough offline and online.” “Most of the comments come from you,” Jordan teased.
“Shut up!” you exclaimed, running through the loop again. Before you knew it, chaos in-game ensued and you couldn’t stop squealing.
Fortunately, the horror of the game kicked in just in time to distract you from how closely Jordan sat next to you or how good their new shampoo smelled. Or how widely they smiled when you got jump scared.
You were grateful for the nights they weren’t available to stream and you could focus on important things, like studying and planning new content. But the idea of confessing was always a thought in the back of your head.
Despite the fan content you’d seen, you couldn’t help but feel terrified of rejection. Putting yourself out there online and offline were two very different things. Online, you could just log off but offline, was a much different beast.
The decision to confess was taken away from you…sort of.
You and your friends were planning on attending Dusty’s Halloween party, AKA the biggest and best party of the year. Cate had been helping you plan your costume for weeks and you’d be able to take a night off work.
Everything was going to be perfect but, your immune system had other ideas. The morning of the party, you woke up with a sore throat and runny nose. As soon as Cate and Marie saw you, they practically shoved you back in bed.
“I’m fine, guys, I swear, I’m fine,” you insisted as Cate tucked you in. “Downing a bunch of Dayquil doesn’t mean ‘fine’, Y/N,” Marie said as she set a glass of water on your nightstand. “Now you’re going to stay in bed and rest,” Cate said.
“You can’t make me,” you huffed in your haze. “Yes, I could, Y/N, but I’m not going to.”
After they left, you did take a nap but there was only so much resting one could do before they got bored. So, you decided to do an impromptu stream. Nothing serious, just some Animal Crossing. You set yourself up with as many blankets and pillows as could fit with your setup and started.
“Hi everyone, this isn’t a planned stream but, as you can probably hear, my immune system lost a battle and I wanted to play some Animal Crossing to make me feel better.” You smiled when a super chat came in. “Thanks for the super chat Seriouslydon’tcallme87. ‘Y/N, you can take a night off. You’ve been working hard forever, and you need to take care of yourself.’ I appreciate the concern but I have plenty of zinc and Dayquil in my system.”
At Dusty’s, while Cate, Emma, Andre, and Luke partied, Jordan couldn’t stop worrying. Marie had told them about how you were sick when they met up at the party and then she had to stop them from driving back to campus. “Y/N would want you to have a good time and she’d probably feel really bad if you got sick.”
While Marie had a point, Jordan couldn’t stop thinking about you, all curled up in bed and suffering. In the middle of an intense game of flip cup, Jordan got a notification that you were streaming. They immediately stepped away from the table, clicked on it, and saw that you were practically lying down while working on your island.
“This is such a stupid mechanic. Just let me build a waterfall Nintendo,” you whined. Jordan laughed at that. You were always whiney when you were sick, but it was kind of cute. You were always cute.
Then, they felt bad because you were looking forward to this party for so long and kept your costume a secret from them, wanting a huge reveal. It was kind of embarrassing for them to admit that they were curious for which style route you took. Almost as embarrassing as the crush they had on you for the entirety of your friendship.  
“No, chat, this will not turn into a sleep stream. I didn’t even take the Nyquil yet.” As soon as you yawned, Jordan was on their way back to campus. When they burst into your room, you barely moved, head lolled to one side as you attempted to fish.
“What do you mean, ‘Jordan is serving?’ Chat, you all need to touch grass,” you muttered. Jordan laughed lowly and slowly approached you. “I appreciate the compliment.”
You slowly looked up and smiled. “Hi, Jordan. You make a great Jack Skellington.” “Thanks, but, I think it’s time we end the game.” You sat up and looked at chat. “Yes, chat, I was supposed to go socialize tonight but my immune system failed me. My costume was pretty amazing too, I was gonna be Black Cat.”
Jordan smiled at the visual. “Okay, chat, thanks for watching her for me but, I’ll take it from here.” Your protests were weak as Jordan stopped the stream, shut down all your devices, and gently lifted you in their arms.
“I wasn’t done!” you exclaimed. “I saved your progress, you can finish tomorrow.” They gently set you back in your bed and wrapped you in all the blankets they could find. They found the Nyquil and placed it on your nightstand along with some juice.
You wiggled around in bed and pouted. “But I’m not tired.” “Is this what it’s like to have a kid?” “Are you calling me a child?” Then, you started giggling and Jordan shook their head.
“Just take your medicine.”
"Why’d you leave the party?” you asked. “Because I saw my best friend trying to stream while she’s sick and thought I’d prevent a disaster.”
You grinned. “Thank you for always taking care of me, Jordan. You’re so sweet.” “Stop it, go to bed,” they said. “Wait.” You leaned up, grabbed the back of their neck, and pulled them closer to you.
Either the Nyquil kicked in or you genuinely didn’t notice the shock in their eyes. “I love you, Jordan. I was going to tell you at the party tonight but, this is also fine.” They opened their mouth to speak but you flopped back in bed, fast asleep.
For a moment, Jordan stood there, stunned as they watched you sleep. They couldn’t believe you said that and didn’t even give them a chance to respond.
Once they finished cleaning up after you, they decided to confess to you when you were lucid.
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gotafewtricks · 7 months
Hello! I saw that your requests were open and was wondering if I could request Hanzo having a crush on a shy reader and how he would approach them/ask them out? Maybe they go on a cute date? :) Thank you in advance!
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★ Shaky hands and awkward laughs
Mhm, hello! Idk where you Hanzo fans came from, but I'm enjoying reading your requests and the such :3 anyways, you're welcome !! Hope you're doing well! I'm sorry this took a bit, I was just a bit busy here lately.
Feelings would catch up to the stoic archer sooner or later; knowing that what his heart truly told him was what feel true to him—natural.
He liked—no, loved—you more than for your characterized timid nature. Hanzo would never degrade someone to just one notion of their mannerisms; their personality. He does believe that what's in the inside of a person makes them beautiful, but he could go on and on about what makes you oh-so special to him.
At first, Hanzo would rethink and doubt his crush. He knew he felt very strongly for you, and those emotions felt as if they'd burst through his seams. It seemed that his mind was plagued by his overthinking nature. Would you think that he only sought for you because of the "appeal" of being shy? Was he trying to prove to himself that he was the protective role—therefore, only thinking of such an intimate relationship as just mere status? Just how status affected him all those years back?
Many people are proclaimed "shy" in different ways. Either through their nervousness and reluctance of meeting and-slash-or interacting with others (however, that term's rather "anxiety"), or through stuttering and stammering words—overthinking, like how Hanzo was—he'd do his best to never embarrass you.
Hanzo is not one to purely view someone as just "cute" by humiliating them. Sure, the blush that'll coat your cheeks from time to time make him also flustered, he doesn't want you to ever be upset, if you do not take embarrassment very well.
He would tease you, but never about something he knew that would be too much for you. As with every other person, too—but, you were someone special to him.
Even if Hanzo wasn't a shy person, he was rather reluctant on interacting at heart. Therefore, he'd much, much rather have you hint at potentially liking him; so he doesn't disrespect any boundaries by asking you out.
I feel like the poor man would wait and wait, and if you were too shy to even remotely hint at it, he'd get flustered over the idea of having to be the one to ask you out. It takes a lotttt of convincing himself into doing such a thing, considering he is also afraid of messing everything up.
He would try his best to pick out a good spot and time for him to pop the question; not letting his impulses to randomly hint at it, or do something even more, get in the way of everything. As much as Hanzo would move to hold you in his embrace already; kissing your neck tenderly... He knew that it was way too embarrassing for his own good.
Eventually, he then settled on asking if you were free anytime soon during a conversation about his training schedule. Hanzo felt as if he should ask the question, as if it was normal and felt right—rather than having to force himself in a "romantic" environment for it to be valid. He truly did love you, no matter what the circumstances may be.
"I format my days around the times of my practicing." He would then explain, drawing an arrow from his quiver to just absentmindedly shoot at a target—bullseye. "How about you? When are you normally free?"
Just adding that last sentence made his heart beat a bit faster. As much as Hanzo does have a flirty personality, underneath his stoic nature, he feels very... wrong, if he were to flirt with someone that could either get shy or embarrassed easy. He doesn't want to break any boundaries, but he doesn't know how else he could ask if you were okay with flirting, just due to the implications.
After you filled the archer in on your schedule, the two of you then settled on a day where you two could hang out—with how he phrased it, it was rather vague, and you didn't just want to assume that your crush was really asking you out. But, unfortunately...
As the both of you were together, underneath the cherry blossoms—it began to rain. The two of you had to make due with sheltering at a local inn, as there was no time, or use, to go back home; considering the location that Hanzo picked out in particular was for a purpose, as it was secluded, private, and beautiful. Just like him, in essence.
With frantic apologies from both parties, he then just had to look around the interior of the inn room that he has rented out, just for today. He even was thinking of taking them out to a favourite restaurant of his, but, no—the weather had to ruin it. There was a nagging feeling of frustration behind him, as if he just... couldn't do anything.
As you saw that all-too familar look on his face, you tilted your head; and asked what was wrong, and if it was the weather. Hanzo would then scowl, rather at himself than anything, as he woukd then shake his head. You were already on the bed of the room, so you then patted the seat next to him; implying you wanted him closer snd level to you. He obliged.
"I... my apologies, for earlier. I feel confined in here." He'd sigh out.
You then reassure him that it's okay, and that it wasn't anyone's fault for the weather. It's not as if anyone could control it! After talking to Hanzo more about this, his gaze started to soften, as it always does whenever he chats with you, and then he now nods his head; affirming that it's okay.
"Plus, any given time with you is great! I just... eugh, that rain made me feel so cold and clammy- oh?"
Once you get those words out, Hanzo then took the leap of faith, and brought an arm around you to hold you close to him. It just felt natural, as he didn't have any words to really express his gratitude for you—relying on touch and his body language to convey it, as the words felt too heavy on his tongue. Please say what he's doing is okay, and that you understand—because you love him, too.
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reverie-starlight · 1 year
hiii, just poppin' in to say i love ALL of your writing (no matter how self indulgent) it's always so so amazing
i also wanted to ask about your favourite headcanons of your favourite haikyuu boys/girls?
and oooo that's a tough one... I'm gonna do relationship HCs and I'm gonna try to limit myself to 5 but we shall see how that goes...
(...I only did some boys in this one cause it was getting long but if you want me to do one for the ladies of haikyuu I absolutely will. alisa and kiyoko are my wives.)
{relationship HCs for various hq boys}
gn!reader, pure fluff <3
timeskip spoilers!!
includes: kuroo, atsumu, oikawa, sakusa and semi (who would have guessed)
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the light of my life. my first husband.
like he could be so attentive to your every want and need
but you need to communicate with him what those things are before he actually picks up on them
but once he does? you're gonna feel like royalty with how amazing he treats you
kuroo is definitely the type to rile you up for his own enjoyment
like not enough to make you actually angry but just mildly annoyed, or to get you into the same playful mood he's in
usually you'd go into playful banter from there
he loooovvveeesss kissing you
like so much it's actually concerning (but you love it anyway)
doesn't have a specific place he prefers to kiss you but he will admit to purposefully kissing you in sensitive spots (like your neck or stomach) so he can hear the noises that come from that
if you're like me and get anxious/too in your own head sometimes, he would be so good at keeping you distracted and calm
would hold your hand squeeze it every so often to ground you
(side note he would have the nicest hands, second only to akaashi maybe, and he's aware you like them)
gently cups your cheeks a lot when you're having a conversation, it's so common that neither of you even notice it anymore, so when you're out with friends and he does it, they gag at the affection
also yk that thing where you knock your heads together as a form of affection??? you guys would absolutely do that, it's his favourite thing
since I literally have his jersey in hoodie form, I have to mention that he would purposefully buy clothes he thinks you'd be more likely to steal from him
he lovesss seeing you happy, so your relationship is a lot of fun. he's always making you laugh, which in turn, makes him laugh too
will CRY if you whisper sweet nothings to him after a long, hard day, pls validate him and tell him you love him and he's all that you want and more
and he will absolutely do the same for you, even if you had the best day. he wants to give you everything, so let him !!
scratch his back while he lays on top of you and rants about his day and he turns to putty
he's just very in love with you and wants to make you the happiest person on the planet, he wholeheartedly believes you deserve it <3
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we all knew he was gonna be on this list
fun fact, kuroo and akaashi were my top two characters for like a year and a half, and then one day atsumu shot to first place (if you couldn't tell from my blog)
anyway if favoritism shows, no it doesn't
he will pick you up at any chance he gets and drag you to your room for cuddles
he is SUCH a cuddly guy I wholeheartedly believe that.
does not mind being the big spoon one bit if that's what you prefer, as long as he gets to hold you in some way
he goes all out for anniversaries and holidays, you actually have to reign him in a lot of the time
will go to the gym and send you mirror selfies with horribly cheesy captions saying how much he misses you and how he wishes you were there with him
the jackals all love you and will 100% side with you in a petty argument just to tease atsumu
his favourite place to kiss you is definitely on the lips. he's not sure why but it just makes him happy
he LOVES it when you kiss his forehead tho
you guys have an entire arsenal of inside jokes
truly your relationship is two dorks best friends in love
after a long day his ideal destress routine would be to make dinner with you and then watch a show on the couch before going on an evening walk together
will show you off at every event he brings you to
he gets so giggly whenever you show him affection without him having to ask for it, it's the cutest thing you've ever seen
this man flirts to see you hideaway and then turns a million shades of red if you give it right back
he is just so proud to call you his partner <3
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this man is my favourite character in all of haikyuu
he's my favourite character but like, only top 5 in terms of my simp list yk??
but you'd better believe I have some HCs for him
I've said it before and I will say it again, even if Spanish isn't his first language, he would absolutely use Spanish terms of endearment on you while/after living in argentina
things like mi vida, mi sol, mi amor, etc...
i'm half costa rican, you can't blame me for adoring pet names in Spanish, and if you do I will simply ignore you <3
bro is so romantic.
like I genuinely believe he would be one of the most romantic guys out of any of them
very affectionate, but I feel like he wouldn't be so much in public despite what everyone else says
he'd happily show you off at events and stuff, and it would be obvious you two are together, but I think he's definitely more affectionate alone with you
loves loves loves skinship
will literally stick his hands under your shirt when you're cuddling just to trace shapes into your skin
loves gently running his fingers over the features of your face
he just wants to feel you a bit
kisses your temples and fingers the most I think
loves taking baths with you as well, he loves just sitting with you and talking about your days
he always wants to hear about every little detail
he lovesssss when you start rambling on about something and will listen to you so intently bc he knows what it is to feel passionate about something
if you run your hands through his hair he will melt into you, but you didn't hear it from me
he will also melt if you call him any pet name. he'll never admit it, but you know his favourites are the ultra-sweet, tooth-rotting ones he claims to hate
if you're ever insecure about anything in terms of your physical appearance, he will spend so much time complimenting you and kissing every place you point to <3
looks for you in the crowd at his games and smiles at you before he serves bc you're wearing his jersey
i want to give him a million kisses all over his face after he wins a game to see him smile and laugh, I have no problem feeding his ego actually
damn maybe the favoritism showed up more in this one
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take this as his bday post bc i forgot to get something out for the actual day
i LOVE this guy
I do already have some fluff HCs for him and a clingy!reader
but these are gonna be more general
okay so I do genuinely believe he would be soft for his partner
in public he is not outwardly affectionate
but that's okay bc you love all parts of him and respect his boundaries
however behind closed doors
he will bask in your affection
loves having your arms around him, loves being pressed against you
he's not a robot in public though, oh no
he has a very dry sense of humour, i think, which you love
bc if he has a sly remark or something to make about someone, he'll lean in close and whisper it to you
doesn't matter where you guys are, if he thinks of something, he's gonna want to share it with his partner, especially if he thinks it will make them laugh
his pet names for you range anywhere from "sweetheart" to "you little shit" tbh
lots of playful debates with him too
he likes to subtly match with you, either through colours you wear or like, homescreens that match up when you put your phones side by side
loves to kiss your palms the most and when he's holding your hand or you're cupping his face, he will hold your wrist and press tiny kisses to it
very observant so he will always be picking up on any mood changes or things you're hinting at
his morning voice is god tier, just saying
loves it when you play with his hair right when he wakes up, will literally purr like a cat if you do it long enough, but he will deny anything and distract you from it with a kiss
what a guy <3
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i've said it before and i will say it again: he plays the guitar for you and writes songs with you in mind
he is a literal godsend when it comes to attending to your needs
does not mind one bit if you ask him to get you water at midnight
he is always down for late night drives as well, and has two playlists specifically curated for them and he picks one to play based on whether you're tired and need to get extra sleepy or if you're energetic and want to jam out with him
he's a government worker by day, musician by night and whenever you go to his shows, he will dedicate a song to you
speaking of performances
bringing this one up again, but always has you write something on him before he goes on stage (I have a mini fic based on that idea if u look on my page!!)
HE LOVES YOU SO MUCH OKAY??? would literally worship the ground you walk on if you told him to
gets you souvenirs from wherever he plays a show and presents them to you all dramatically and grins when you laugh at him
you most definitely have a necklace or bracelet with one of his old guitar picks hanging from it
semi is affectionate. not stingy with it in public but not crazy with it behind doors either. he's just. affectionate. most of it comes out in his songwriting anyway.
his main love languages are probably words of affirmation and acts of service
will ABSOLUTELY whisper sweet nothings to you completely unprompted when he's feeling soft just to get you flustered and/or in a sweet mood with him
he is in love, your honour
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@emmyrosee more kuroo as promised!!
hope you all enjoyed!! please like and reblog <3
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
This Kiss
Reader has never been kissed and she's looking for candidates at a party but Eddie rejects them all and scares them off even before they're talking with the reader. After the party, he shyly announces his candidacy for her first kiss @saramelaniemoon 💖
Warnings; Reader is over 18, Fluff, protective Eddie, slightly jealous Eddie, friends to lovers.
I don't give anyone permission to copy my work.
If you enjoyed this then please consider giving it a reblog it is much appreciated 💖
Telling Eddie her biggest secret was nerve-wracking. She knew he would never judge her, and he would be so supportive but she was still anxious.
"Sweetheart? What's the big secret? I'm thinking all sorts here" shit! now he looks worried so she just comes right out with it.
"I've never been kissed and I would like for it to happen" he states at her stunned.
"Never?" he gapes and she nods feeling flustered which he notices straight away.
"Never" she confirms.
"So you want to kiss the right guy, I'll help you find the right guy. He will have to be someone incredible though to be good enough for my princess"
His princess... she tries to ignore the butterflies in her stomach but it's hard because Eddie was so handsome and sweet to her.
They had just recently became really close friends and she didn't want to jeopardize anything by admitting she felt... more than friendly feelings for him.
What if he didn't feel the same and he was just being kind? She didn't want to take that risk, the embarrassment of being rejected, and then trying to pretend that it didn't hurt so she could still have Eddie in her life.
"Well, there's the party that Chrissy is throwing tomorrow. We could go to that? Scope up any candidates" she suggests and he nods.
"It's a date! Uh... I mean not a date like that" she stammers and inwardly curses herself for being so awkward around him.
He smiles though and squeezes her hand to let her know that he gets it.
"Tomorrow it is"
Chrissy's party was one of the biggest of the year and since her parents, were away on a business trip everyone was attending.
It was also the party after graduation so it was anticipated by everyone and Chrissy had invited her and Eddie.
It was her first big party and she was excited.
At first, it was a little stifling, so many people crammed inside and out, the loud music blaring in her ears but she was determined to stick it out.
She had a reason for being here after all.
Operation First Kiss, yeah it was a kinda dorky name but this was just between her and Eddie who was staying close to her and handed her a beer.
"Okay, so candidates?" she prompted Eddie and tried to not notice how hot he looked in his leather jacket, black shirt, and black jeans.
Eddie wasn't very forthcoming so she looked around the room while sipping her beer.
"Okay, how about David, cute, nerdy guy? Standing over there beside Nancy. Think he works with her on the school paper" Eddie gives the guy a once over and shakes his head.
"Nope" she stares at him amused.
"Why not?" he shrugs and proceeds to drink his beer. Yeah, valid argument there Eddie.
She grins as she spots Jason and purely to wind Eddie up she points to him.
"I guess Carver is like a definite no then?" he almost chokes on the beer and glares at her and she looks back at him with a perfectly innocent expression.
"Oh ha ha" he murmurs sarcastically and she cuddles into him just for a second.
"I'm only teasing Eddie. I would never, he's a douchenozzle" Eddie snorts and whispers around his breath.
"Douchenozzle" he looks proud, he should be he's the one who taught her it.
They are so lost in their laughter that she doesn't notice one of the basketball players sidle up to her looking very interested.
"Hey?" he gets her attention and she smiles at him. His name was Danny and she knew he was very nice, Lucas liked him a lot.
"Are you enjoying the party?" he asks her and she shrugs.
"I'm not really one for parties but Chrissy invited us and she's really lovely so I thought why not?" at the mention of us he looks over to Eddie and pales.
She isn't sure why until she turns to Eddie and notices that his eyes are flashing dangerously and he does not look happy.
"Oh, I think I hear one of my friends calling me, got to go" Danny scurries off and she rounds on Eddie whose dark expression immediately soften. Now he's the one trying to look innocent.
"Eddie! What was that? We are trying to scope out potential candidates. Not scare them away. Danny is nice, Lucas likes him and says he's not a jerk like Jason"
Eddie gives her one of those heart-melting grins of his-all dimples and she sighs.
"Sorry sweetheart. You know how protective I am of you and I just want you to find a good guy"
Okay, she agrees and it was sweet of him to want her to find the perfect guy. Now it was on to the next one.
Out of five other candidates she had found Eddie liked precisely none of them.
"He's far too into himself princess," he said about one of her picks.
The other was "A total butthead"
Even when she mentioned that maybe Gareth could be an option and worth considering as he was Eddie's best friend and all and was a great guy, Eddie swore and shook his head.
"No way, absolutely not princess" she is beyond exasperated by now.
"He's your best friend. You like him, what's wrong with him?"
"Nothing but it's still a no sweetheart" she huffs and Eddie offers to get her another beer when she sees Steve join the party with Robin and she has an eureka moment.
"I've got it," she says excitedly as Eddie comes back. He looks at her wary.
"Steve, he is kind, handsome, sweet, and surely you have nothing against him right?" she implores and Eddie swallows and stakes his head.
"No, he's a great dude" he murmurs and fiddles with his rings, something she knows he does when he's anxious.
Almost immediately the idea disapatates quick.
"He's still crazy in love with Nancy though and I adore Nancy so that's not the best idea" is it her imagination or does Eddie relax after she says it?
Considering the party a failure she turns to Eddie and pouts.
"Did you make any more of that amazing mac and cheese Eds? This party is a bust and I'd rather be relaxing at yours" he brightens.
"Lead the way milady"
Once they are back at his she is a little put out things never went how she thought they would.
"What a let down the party was. All those guys and every one was a fail" well mostly according to Eddie.
"There's still one guy left," Eddie tells her, and she feels her stomach fill with butterflies as his big brown eyes go all soft and he looks so shy which was a rarity.
"I'd like to put forth my candidacy"
Her jaw drops because she didn't expect this but then it suddenly clicks into place why he was so protective, how no one was good enough.
The only guy he wanted kissing her was himself. The butterflies intensify and she takes his hand.
"Eddie.. why didn't you say before?" she asks softly and he touches her cheek.
"I've always thought your were incredible. Beautiful. I like you a lot sweetheart, I've fallen for you hard"
"Oh, Eddie, I've been falling for you too. I wish you had said something sooner, would have saved us both a lot of pining" he grins.
"Yeah no shit" he teases and then he moves closer as does she and before she knows it they are kissing.
It's slow at first and very gentle. Tender, Eddie wraps his arms around her and holds her close.
They break away both grinning goofily. It was her first kiss and the first of millions more to come with Eddie.
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Cuddle Party
George figured a new couch was in order, given the last one kinda uh. Exploded. Might as well help him break it in!
I blame @george-weasleys-girl for this. It literally all stemmed for this pic
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Warnings: Heavy petting. ((Yeah it seems like a vanilla warning, but hey sometimes you aren’t in the right headspace for sexual content. Even if there isn’t sex. You valid sweetie!)) lots of fluff, and some wholesome “teaching your kid about deafness”
Writing coms open
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“See? As if nothing had ever happened!” That nothing being your son, Fred the second, inherited someone’s pyrotechnic passion. Wasn’t Freddy’s fault. He wasn’t even old enough for a wand yet, but he was showing brilliant magic. Even so young. You two made sure he understood it was an accident, but also used it as a good learning lesson that when accidents happen you do your best to fix them. Gentle parenting was what helped Freddy best, and like hell you would ever yell at him for such an accident.
“You wanted an excuse for this, didn’t you?” You would tease, as you leaned over the massive thing. Was pretty much a alaskan king, with many purple cushions to accent the orange material. It was loud, and that was how you liked it. It was also perfect for when family was over. Just move the furniture around, and the couch was suddenly much longer with many seats. You did like that. This would make having company over far easier. You really did like it.
"MAYBE~" He cackled, before he jumped onto the thing. A graceful flop he went, with so much space to move around. That had you rolling your eyes, but you were smiling. Your husband. Such a adorable man, and that made you so happy. Kept you feeling young, even with so much happening. With that being said, it also meant you had a streak of mischeif all the same. Before your husband knew it, you jump right on him. Making him wheeze, before laughing.
"NO FAIR! IM DEAF I COULDNT HEAR YOU COMING!" He, playfully, argued. Along with took advantage of your laughter to pin you down. Made you laugh more, as you would fight back. Your wrists pinned, and sock feet flailing, as your were attacked with kisses. Left you squealing, as he made sure to attack your sweet spots. Leaving no mercy, as the two of you broke in the new furniture.
“You are a menace to society, just my type~” He growled, as he gave you a kiss. Then another, and another, and before either of knew it. It was more than just kissing. You two were just engulfed by each other. Utterly addicted to each other’s flavors and scents. The fresh ash, and sweet pastries.
Suppose you two were breaking in the new couch, that’s for sure. As if either of you could complain. That is, until your passionate moment was interrupted by someone jumping onto George’s back. Made him wheeze, before tumbling across the furniture. Leaving you to have someone fall on your stomach.
“ITS LIKE A BIG BED-!” Junior shouted, before he crawled off of you. Quick to stand up, and jump on it. Meanwhile, you two needed a moment to breathe again. You caught your breath far quicker than George did. Since he was full on WWE-ed.
“Dad! DAD-!” Junior shouted, but George was busy with a bruised back. Not to mention his good ear was forced into the cushion, so he didn’t hear Freddy at all. You used that to your advantage, and soon scooped Freddy up.
“Remember, Daddy doesn’t hear to well. Right?” A nice learning moment. With Freddy in your lap, as you sat crossed legged. “Yeah yeah-! He hears only half the stuff we do-!” Junior would agree, and made the sign for ‘silent’ on his left ear. Just like where George’s was missing.
“That’s a good job-! Oh you did so well, you remembered!” You praised, making your son beam. Learning languages sure comes naturally, when half your family’s speaks more than one language. Romanian, Mandarían, French, Arabic, Latin, and throw in some British Sign Language.
“And you remember what we said about yelling?” You asked, as he nodded. “Not everyone likes it! So you gotta ask em first. Cause yelling is scary sometimes. Like when grandma Molly yells. She yells loud!” Junior said, making an explosion motion with his hands.
“Oh she got lungs alright-“ George huffed, as he caught himself again. Once he was steady, Junior was quick to camper over to George. Yanked into the older man’s arms, and held high in the air. Then, he collapsed on the couch. With Junior plopping on his chest. You were quick to snuggle your husbands side, as Junior sat on his chest. Having to much energy.
“Your kid-“ You tease, before kissing your husbands cheek. That made Junior stick his tongue out, and George mimicked him. Having a silly face off. That made you laugh, as you enjoyed the cuddle session with your family.
Eh, that old couch had been here since you three had got the permit for the place. Some things needed to be replaced. But memories like this? Never. You wanted to simply keep creating, and keeping, more and more. Forever, and ever.
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headkiss · 2 years
hii! i got a concept stuck in my head and was wondering if you would want to write a fic about it 🤧 everyone's reaction to steve & reader having been secretly dating for a long time for some reason!!! they can't believe it.
she could be someone's sister or nanny also. the kids didn't suspect a thing because they say she's way out of his league anyway and always talks about her boyfriend. somehow the secret's out!!!
thanks in advance if you write it :))
hi :) i don’t know if this is exactly what u had in mind but this is what i wrote and i hope u will like it!!! | 0.7k words and fluff
It’s a collective yell, the group of kids that you’ve grown to love so much surprised at what you’ve just told them.
What you and Steve told them.
They make it seem like it’s some huge deal. It wasn’t a secret that you had a boyfriend, the secret—until now—was only who that was. But, you suppose it is a huge deal to them.
You and Steve waited a couple of months before telling the kids you were together. It was mostly for their sake, actually. You didn’t want to expose yourselves as a couple until you were sure things would stay that way, that the kids wouldn’t end up caught in the middle of a breakup.
And you were so sure.
Steve was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for. He took you out on the cutest dates, took care of you when you weren’t feeling well, and he was a great cuddler. You think the best sleeps you’ve ever had have been when he’s with you, holding you.
Even now, with at least five different questions thrown at you at the same time, he’s holding your hand tightly.
“I thought you already had a boyfriend?” Dustin brings up a valid point. You’d been talking about your boyfriend for weeks, you just never mentioned a name.
“Steve is that boyfriend, Dusty.”
“Wait so our actual childhood babysitter is dating the honorary babysitter? Oh, this is too much,” Lucas is next to speak up, but he smiles as he says it. It looks like approval and happiness and something that tells you he was expecting this.
“But you’re like.. way out of his league,” Max said.
“Yeah, I know she is. Got lucky I guess.”
Steve looks at you, smiles growing on both of your faces. He squeezed your hand and leans in to peck your cheek.
A chorus of groans and fake gags ensue.
“So we have to watch you two be all gross all the time now?”
Just as you’re about to say no to Will’s question, that you won’t go overboard on the PDA, Steve plants a kiss right on your mouth. He winks at you when he pulls away, and laughs at the reactions of the group.
He loves nagging them just like they do with him.
“When it rains it pours, or whatever.”
“Ew, Steve. You need to be stopped.”
Dustin and your boyfriend start bickering the way they do, and you can’t help but giggle at their antics. You know it’s all out of love, anyway.
Eventually, things calm down and you’re able to get back to watching the movie, the one that was the real reason for getting together all at once. Of course, the kids forced Steve to bring it home from Family Video, and of course, he did just as they asked.
It was nice, you think, to finally be able to cuddle with Steve without having to make sure nobody was watching, being able to hold hands without a blanket hiding them. Everyone made jokes, teased, but it was exactly what you wanted.
Things felt like they always did, like this was how it was supposed to be. Just you and Steve and this group that might not be kids anymore but they still are to you. You still care about them just as much as you did when you were their (official) babysitter.
On the drive home, back to Steve’s where you often find yourself staying, things almost feel lighter. It wasn’t like the secret was really that serious, like you needed to be hidden, it was a choice the both of you made together. But, now that everyone knew, things felt calmer.
It was like everything just came together, like there was an overcast that’s now full sunshine. Beaming.
“They took it well. Right?”
Steve looks at you, tucks your hair behind your ear, and says, “‘course they did! We're too good together and they know it, baby.”
“I was just nervous.”
“I know,” he brings you into a hug, his arms around your shoulders and his cheek resting against your head. “But it was good, okay? No more sneaking around, isn’t that good?”
“You could barely sneak around anyways, Steve. You’re so clumsy.”
“Hey! I’m not. I’m like a ninja, c’mon.”
“Sure you are.”
He pulls away so he can see your face, the smile that graces it and the way you laugh. It’s really cute.
“Whatever. I’ll prove it to you one day, you’ll see. Sneak up on you so good.”
“Can't wait.”
You kiss him, his face in your hands. It’s soft and sweet and it’s another bit of reassurance that this, you and him, it’s exactly what’s meant to be.
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bemysinphony · 1 year
Are you feeling this too?
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pairing: txt taehyun x f!reader
genre: os, au, fluff, smut
summary: when your attraction to him becomes unbearable and you fail to hide it, he has a surprise in store for you...
warnings under the cut!
warnings: beomgyu makes an appearance (but he's not part of the smut), friends-to-lovers, irony, tae is a bit of a know-it-all, they both have a thing for hands (quirofilia), they are veeeeery much down bad for eachother, cursing, mutual masturbation, handjob, thigh-riding, fingering, praising.
word count: 3,3k
notes: in case you haven't already noticed, I'm a big fan of friends-to-lovers 😋 this has been in my drafts for wayyy too long, I can't believe it's finally seeing the light! I kept editing it so many times because I was never satisfied enough (damn perfectionism), so I hope the final result is decent 😭 enjoy <;3
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You two knew eachother for some years now and were the most comfortable with one another. You shared almost anything with no worries or embarrassment, as well as feeling a special kind of excitement everytime you had something you needed to talk about and knew the other was going to be there to listen without judgement.
Taehyun was a bit of a know-it-all sometimes and he loved to use that side of his personality especially to tease you, but that didn't stop him from validating your thoughts and feelings, however unrational they might be. And he found relief in you, who helped him to not think too rationally like he did most of the time. You balanced each other quite well, that's why you worked like a match made in heaven.
Same could have been said about your clingyness: you both needed your own space and individuality, but, when you felt like it, you were ready to cuddle the other until satisfied.
Neither of you could have predicted that this level of comfort would have extended even to sleeping together in the same bed though.
Lately, whenever you two hang out at night with your shared group of friends and you were too tired or drunk to go back to your apartment, as he was to accompany you, he started offering you to stay at his place, which was closer to the centre of the city. Not giving it much thought, you simply turned collapsing onto his mattress into an habit.
Last night was one of those nights: you checked out a new bar with your friends, the dishes were delicious, as well as the drinks, reason why it was easy to drink a bit more than usual.
"Looks like you'll come with me tonight as well" Taehyun stated, holding your waist to help you stand up. It was so unfair that he held his liquor so well and better than you.
As usual, Beomgyu teased you both about the situation: "At this point, I'm so sure they've been doing a lot more than just sleeping... when are you guys going to confess the truth to us, uh?"
"Shut up, Gyu" you mumbled annoyed.
"Let's go, he's just envious" Tae retorted, nodding to the group to greet them.
"I'm not envious! I'm not!" Beomgyu's shouted at your back, accompanied by the laughs of the others.
The last thing you remembered was slipping into the warm covers of Taehyun's bed, all clean up and ready to collapse and sleep for hours.
"Are you comfortable?" he made sure, pushing a strand of hair out of your face.
You groaned in affirmation, deeply inhaling his perfume that permeated the sheets, something that never failed to relax you.
"Goodnight then" he wished you.
"You too Tae" you grumbled before falling asleep, too tired to give any importance to the feeling of being stared at.
When you open your eyes on the half light of the bedroom the morning after, you rise your head to look at his soft sleeping face, following his features as if you were tracing them with your fingers. Honestly, it was also very much unfair how pretty he was and that you only got to look at him like that when he wasn't aware of it. You sigh softly and your gaze lands on his slightly parted lips.
The faint memory of the dream you had falls upon you all at once, making your cheeks flush. Did you really dreamed about fucking him? Again? And this time while you were sleeping in his bed, with him in it ? This was getting out of hand. How were you supposed to keep a straight face while looking at him now?
At first you kept telling yourself that having these type of thoughts about him was just caused by the curiosity that your friends' comments sparkled... but when you started to linger your gaze on him, feeling attracted to his body and the way he moved, until you fantasized of kissing and touching him, you understood that, no, it definitely wasn't just that at all.
You were terrified by the idea of ruining your precious friendship, of losing your best friend, just because of lust. Just the thought itself felt like losing oxygen. And yet you couldn't help your feelings that only kept on growing. What a cliché.
You try to get up without waking him up, moving slowly outside the covers, but the mattress betrays you, squeaking as you shift your weight. He stretches and blinks to adjust to the light, serene and unaware, while you freeze on the spot, still sitting on the mattress, blushing even more if possible.
When he looks at you he immediately notices: "Hey, are you okay? Do you have a fever?" He gets up quickly, worried. His raspy morning voice definitely wasn't of help.
"N-no, no, i'm fine" you manage to say.
To make sure he reaches out to touch your forehead anyway, causing a rush of chills running down your back. "Okay, you don't" he sights in relief.
"That's what I told you!"
"Why are you blushing this hard then?"
"It's nothing, it's just hot, I need a shower..." you want to get up and find refuge in the bathroom, but you can’t bring yourself to move. You feel your panties getting wet and instinctively push your legs closer together.
He glances down at your sudden movement, understanding what was going on: "Oh, I see... you're horny" he smiles amused, "so, your plan was to get off in my shower?"
"I was just gonna take a cold shower!" Your heartbeat quickes at the thought of him imagining you touching yourself. You wonder if he has ever done it, but you immediately chase the thought away.
"Yeah, sure..." he mocks you, a playful smirk on his lips. "I am too right now, so... nothing to be embarrassed about"
"Wait- right now? Are you...?"
"Uhm, yeah, I'm hard right now" he frowns, confused by your surprise, "I was going to, you know, take care of it... while you're in the shower."
"W-well, now we can't do that."
"Why is that?"
Your eyes widened. Was he for real? Was he trying to act bold, pushing your buttons to see how you'd react?
"Do you seriously want to get off at the same time, in different rooms, while being aware of it?" You point out the obvious.
"Would you rather get off here? Together ?"
Was he joking or was he provoking you? And if the latter was true, why? Was he attracted to you as well? And if so, was he trying to find out how you felt about it? No, that couldn't be... those were just your delusional fantasies... right? You look away and blush even more if possible.
He registers your reaction and this time he fully blushes as well, thinking it's an affermative answer to his question: "Wait- seriously? Would you like that?"
This wasn't what you meant, but it wasn't wrong either: you do want that, him, with every fiber of your body.
You don't understand how he feels about it, what's behind his embarrassment and surprise, so maybe this is the time to address the elephant in the room once and for all and find out. You feel the panic growing quickly inside your chest as you say, "What if... what if I did?"
He looks you dead in the eyes and swallows.
Surely he's searching for the right words to reject you, to tell you that he wouldn't, that you are just a friend for him and that the way he's been staring at you is because of the affection he-
"I'd like that too" he admits. The cool and chill facade is crumbling before your eyes, piece by piece. "I... I fantasised about it. About you."
You can't believe what your ears have just heard. Is this happening for real or it's just a very vivid dream?
"You did?"
"Yeah... of course" he shakes his head, "I mean, I don't know, these days I feel very attracted to you so it just came naturally to imagine how it would feel... to do it with you" he looks down, the fiery red tips of his ears sticking out. Now that he's letting his vulnerability take over he's so cute. It's a pity that you don't get to see this side of him as often as you'd want to. You want to kiss him so bad.
"Has this happened to you?" He finally asks.
"Yeah..." you bite your lip out of anxiety "I am very attracted to you Tae... I've been for a while now and... recently it's been difficult to not mind it at all. Like, very difficult..."
"Fuck..." he lets out inadvertently.
"Yeah, exactly" you let out a nervous giggle and his eyes widens.
"Should we...?"
"Would you like that?"
"Damn if I'd like that. You? Would you?"
"Definitely, yes" you confirm.
Still a little uncertain and awkwardly, you both move closer to eachother, looking forward to the touch you've been craving all this time.
Your first kiss begins sweet and tender: your fingers run through his soft hair that you have always loved very much, while he's smiling on your lips and caressing your cheek.
When you give his tongue access to your mouth things get heated. He instinctively moves his hands to your waist to bring you closer, his fingers starts lingering over the bare skin of your back, just above the elastic of the sweatpants. When you release a soft moan and tug his hair, that drives him completely nuts: he's been dying to know what kind of sounds you make.
"Fuck, that was pretty. Do it again please."
"I need you closer... can I?" He nods eagerly while getting rid of the covers, you waste no time and sit on his lap. Feeling his hardening pushing against your core despite the fabric is heavenly, the string of moans escaping your lips prove it.
"You're music for the ears... whatever I've listened to until now can't even compare"
Your heart beats even faster at the compliment, threatening to burst out of your ribcage. How are you going to survive this? You're just getting started and you're both a mess already.
Your fingers run to the hem of his shirt, removing it to reveal his beautiful toned body for you to explore like you've been craving to do. You trace the muscles of his shoulders and arms he's so proud of have been enhancing, and leave sloppy kisses all over his chest.
"Are we really doing this?" His breathing is hard and irregular.
"Do you want to stop? Cause we can, anytime" you raise up to look into his eyes in search of any proof of doubt.
"No, I just can't believe it's happening" His soft smile contrasts with his lust-filled gaze. "Do you?"
"Not at all."
You start moving your hips slowly against his, making him let out a groan of pleasure. When you fasten your movements he throws his head back. "God, y/n..."
"Tell me what you imagined me doing to you"
"No, but-"
"What? Did I do something wrong?" You stop in your tracks.
"No, fuck no, this is great" he reassures you, "it's just that- I should take care of you first, you're the one that-"
"But you are going to, silly. Now answer my question."
"I..." he looks down where your bodies are closer, then reaches for your hand and kisses each knuckle tenderly. You hold your breath as butterflies invade your stomach. "I thought about your pretty hands around me"
You move to stroke the bulge covered by his underwear a couple times and watch him struggle to hold back his own moans, before getting rid of it. You stop for a moment to take in what your eyes are seeing: he has a nice shape and length, you can't wait to discover how he feels.
Meanwhile, he begins to worry about you being disappointed or regretting your decision: "Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just never saw you like this and wanted to take a proper look at you... you're pretty, you know?"
Surprised and pleased, he lets out an "oh" that turns into a loud moan when you start palming him.
"Does it feel good?" Your chest is filling with pride.
He's already humming approvingly and instinctively bucks his hips into your hand. "You're so good..."
"As good as you imagined?" You tease him.
"Not even close... so much better"
You really need some contact as well and you squirm over him.
"Use my thigh" he proposes, gripping your hips. Loving the idea, you shift to have his left thigh between your legs and start rubbing your pelvis. His muscles flexe beneath you and the fabric creates an amazing friction.
You stroke his skin faster, circling the tip with your thumb, resulting in him bringing an hand over his face: "Shit, I'm close already..." he mumbles.
"It's okay, come for me" your voice sweet like honey, "I want to see your lovely face though..." and you gently take his hand away, locking eyes with him just in time before thick, white ropes start covering his stomach. His face contorts in pleasure and only groans leave his lips, that are eager and desperate when they take yours in a rough kiss.
"That was... way too good" he sighs, "I'm sorry I didn't last long..."
"Don't say that", you reach for the tissue box on his nightstand, "you were so excited of having my hands all over you, it was so hot." You lick your lips, passing him the tissues to clean himself up.
"It's your turn now" he moves closer to your ear and starts leaving a trail of pecks down your jaw. "What did you imagine?"
"I- uhm... well... I'm actually in this state because I- I did have a wet dream tonight..." You look away, your cheeks are burning again.
"Oh, you did?" You recognise from his tone that a smug smile is certainly tracing his lips, "Was I involved?"
You nod, finally revealing where this all thing started. "You were playing with my boobs..."
"Was I?" He starts rubbing your nipples through the thin fabric of the shirt, making you whimper.
"God, I love the sounds you make too much." He frees you from it and admires your body like you did before with him. "You... your shapes..." he starts kissing and massaging your breasts, "...are so gorgeous..."
You look at him working your skin and intertwine your fingers with his locks once again, pulling a little everytime he licks the right place the right way.
"And then you went down..." you continue to guide him.
"Of course" he starts kissing your stomach, slowly descending.
It was taking too long and you couldn't take it anymore. "I seriously need you between my legs. Right now." You rush him.
"How exactly do you need me?" He looks up at you and that's so hot of him, you swear you could pass out.
"Your fingers..."
"Seems like we both have a thing for hands, uh?" He lets out a giggle detaching his lips from your skin. He guides you to lay down before removing your thin sweatpants. The darkened spot in your panties is so wide now, his fingers linger over the damp cotton.
"Stop teasing..." you complain.
"You're right, you had to wait this long to take care of me..." he finally gets rid of the only piece of clothing left and takes a look at you, mesmerised. His fingers runs through your folds, his digits circle your opening. "How are you so pretty?"
The first finger enters you easily, shortly followed by the second one. You gasp for air when he curls them, the sensation of finally having him inside of you burning in your chest, waves of pleasure crossing your body. As soon as he starts pounding, you buck your hips to get him as deep as possible.
"Look at you... this is so much better than anything I could ever imagine." Feeling how warm and tight you were around him was simply delicious.
"Faster, please..." you ask gripping the sheets and he immediately begins to thrust with more vigour, his other hand on your knee to keep your legs open.
You start clenching around him and feel your clit pumping looking for some attention as well, thus you reach for it, rubbing your digits in a circular motion.
"God, you're so hot like this" he grunts while your juices drip into his palm, "I can't believe I'm watching you touching yourself for real."
You slightly lean forward to get a better view of his veiny hand and your mouth goes agape. You've always been enamored with his hands, seizing the opportunity everytime you two felt cuddly to caress and play with them, but this... this was a whole another level.
"Tae, fuck, I'm almost there, keep going"
"Whenever you want baby, let yourself go" he breathes out, making a last effort to keep his pace steady.
You feel your orgasm exploding in your chest and spreading all over your body, leaving behind a prolonged moan to delight him.
He's out of breath, his fingers slowly slip out of you and he waits for you to look at him again.
You're panting but you get up and smile at him: "Okay, now explain how are you so great? You definitely rank number one for fingering."
"Thanks for confirming the suspicions I had about my abilities." He says gaining a roll of eyes from you.
His digits still shine with your juices so you lean close enough to lick them clean, surprising him.
"I'm going to grow a boner again at this rate"
"I wouldn't mind it" you run your fingers on his chest and bring him closer to you.
He tucks some tufts of hair behind your ears and scans your face, focusing on every little detail. In this moment you are both asking yourself the same question: is it just lust or there's something else you're both feeling for eachother?
When you indulged in imagining the two of you confessing, you definitely didn't picture this situation as one of the possible scenarios. Yet, here you are. "What do we do now?" you break the silence.
"I think the most logical thing to do is to not panic and see where this takes us."
"That's such a 'you' response" you wrinkle your nose, and the word 'cute' invades his mind.
"Am I wrong though?"
"Ah, you're so annoying" you snort, not wanting to give him the pleasure of agreeing with him, and lay down.
"I know you know I am" he lays on top of you, crossing his arms over your stomach and resting his chin there. "What do you suggest?"
"We've been friends for years now, right?" you start playing with his hair, "many of our friends have been teasing us about how similar to a couple we look, considering how comfortable we are with eachother..."
"The affection was already there"
"Exactly" you nod, "and now attraction joined..."
"In conclusion, you think we are in love already, even if we don't think so yet"
You're taken aback by his response, especially because of the use of the words "in love", but yes, that was what you were aiming for. "Maybe? We should find out."
He giggles, "you just explained what I meant earlier."
"God, I hate you" You let out frustrated, covering your face with your hands to hide the big smile that's actually painting it.
"No, you don't" he gets closer and removes them.
"I truly don't" you admit, moving your eyes to his lips and viceversa.
"Good, because me neither." He's still holding your hands when he kisses you slowly and softly, in a way too romantic manner for you to still be "just friends".
"When he will find out, Beomgyu is never going to let this down."
"Shhh don't make me think about it yet!" You frown, before joining his laugh.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
We're A Family Part 12 (Steddie X You)
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A/N with warnings: Y'all know when I give you both in one you're gonna feel some things lol There is no smut in this one but all the angst and fluff near the end. Like I said I knew I wanted a chapter like this but I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted it to go.
What Y/N and Dylan discuss are things I have been through with biological mother especially that feeling of not being enough. If this triggers you, I highly recommend you skip this chapter. Dylan does confront Charlie about how he treats him and it doesn't go well. Dylan talks in detail about how it makes him feel and the guys and reader will talk about their own traumas with their parents.
If you've ever experienced anything like this or have ever felt you weren't enough for one or both of your parents, I'm here to tell you that they fucking suck and your feelings are valid. You ARE enough <3. I love you!
Word Count: 4535
“Can I, um, talk to you guys about something?”, Dylan asked as he entered the living room. 
Steve looks at his watch before placing his arms back on your legs that were strewn over his lap. “It’s after eight. Didn’t Ed say he had to submit questions in writing at that time?”
“A ha. You’re so funny.”, your son teases as you grin. 
“Do you need everyone or will we do?”, you ask. His eyes look around hesitantly and you know before he speaks. As you rise from the couch, you kiss the top of his head before opening the back door. “Hey! Our son needs a word with everyone over 3.”
“Oh shit. I just barely made it then.”, Eddie chuckles as he takes one last drag and stomps out his cigarette.  
“Ok, weirdo. The floor is yours.” You grin at him encouragingly as you sit between the distance of the boys on the arm rest.
“I…so…um…”, he looks down as he fidgets with his fingers. “I was wondering if…I could, maybe, visit my other dad.”
You feel the tension in the room rise immediately, mostly from Steve’s side as you and Eddie glance nervously at each other.
“I don’t have to like spend the night or anything. I was just thinking maybe a dinner or something.”, Dylan quickly followed. 
“Can I ask why, baby? Why now?”
His anxious eyes meet yours. “I miss him a little bit…him and Vivi…”
“That’s understandable. Is it okay with you if the three of us talk about it first?”
“We can talk about it now. I think it’s a bad idea.”, Steve responded in a hard tone.
“Steve…”, Eddie warned. 
“What? After everything that’s happened?!”
“He’s allowed to feel what he’s feeling.”
“Yeah, and as his parents we are allowed to protect him. I say no.”
“Harrington, you do this every time the topic comes up. Y/N is right, we need to talk this through first and then depending on what we decide we also need to reach out to Charlie.”
As they argued back and forth, you and Dylan continued to stare at each other sympathetically. This is what he was afraid of, hurting their feelings. You saw it in his broken-hearted face while he saw your fear for his own feelings not just when it came to them but Charlie as well. 
You subtly nodded your head, signaling you would handle it before he came over to give you a hug.
“I love you, weirdo.”
“I love you to, mom.”
All conversation stopped as you three watched him head back upstairs.
“I want to make one thing very clear, Steven Harrington. That is the last fucking time you do anything like that in front of my son. Do you understand me?”
“I’m trying to protect—”
“No.”, you cross your arms as you glare at him. “I don’t care what you were trying to do. It took a lot for him to do what he just did especially in front of you both. He knows you two care about him and love him but that doesn’t change the fact that Charlie is his biological parent. He’s not like Aurora. He had a whole other man in his life he called dad for 6 years before you entered the picture.”
Steve’s jaw clenched as he looked away from you. “I just don’t get it. I mean…if Charlie wasn’t a complete douchebag…
“I get it.”, Eddie sighed. “Those first few years after Wayne took me in, I still missed my parents. Even after everything they did, I kept thinking maybe if I was ‘a better kid’ they’d come back. When that didn’t work, it was more like why wasn’t I enough, you know? Then it became a mission. I NEEDED to hear from them why I was easy to leave behind. It took a lot of angry nights and patience from Wayne for me to get here.”
“Steve, I know you mean well. Honestly…”, you exhale as you sit beside him. “I’m more worried about having to tell him that Charlie doesn’t want to hang out with him yet and see that sad look on his face.”
“You shouldn’t have to be the one to tell him that.” You look up at Steve in confusion. “Maybe, if Dylan makes that call…”
Dylan sat on your bed as the phone rang. Both men thought it would make him more comfortable if you two were alone but they remained at the foot of the stairs to listen in. 
“Hey, Vivi.”
“Dylan!? Oh my god. Hey, kiddo. How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you?”
“I’m doing really good. I miss you. Did you want to talk to your dad?”
“I miss you to. Please…”
“Ok, bud. One second.” You two listened as there was some shuffling on the other line. “Dil?”
It broke your heart to hear him hesitate as you ran your hand through his hair. The truth was he didn’t really think about Charlie that way anymore but there was still a part of him that hoped. Eddie’s eyes flicked to Steve who exhaled heavily, patting the space next to him on the stairs. As the boy sat down, the metalhead comfortingly rubbed his palm along his back, resting his chin on his shoulder as they continued to listen. 
“Hey, you. How are you doing? Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, no. Everything is fine. I’m fine. I, um, I wanted to call to see if, um, maybe you and Vivi would want to hang out with me. We could have dinner or something.”
“Oh, dude, that would be amazing…”
Your eyes squeezed shut before he finished his sentence. You knew. He had done this so many times during your marriage. 
“Baby, that’s amazing, but I can’t actually make it to your graduation that day. I have to work.”
“I know this is so hard for you, Y/N, but I don’t think I can go with you to your dad’s funeral.”
“Hon, I had dinner scheduled at this amazing restaurant but something came up…”
Steve knew this dance to but his father was a lot more aggressive with his approach. 
“Congratulations on graduating high school, something everyone accomplishes with little to no effort. I’m proud!”
“Oh, you got an A in English? Come to me when you run your own company. Now THAT’S an accomplishment.”
“But we just have so much going on right now we barely have anytime to even sleep!”, he chuckles. “How about we revisit this conversation in a few months, huh?”
“Ok, baby. Give me this and go hang out in your room, alright?” Dylan hesitates as you pull the phone out of his hand. “It’s ok. I got it.”
“Y/N? Did you put him up to this?!”
“Yes, Charlie. I set in motion a diabolical plan for your son to want to spend time with you.”
“Believe it or not, I have a fucking life of my own now and family to take care of. You both can’t just surprise me like this!”
“He’s asking for a dinner not a fucking vacation! And believe it or not, he’s a part of that family you should be taking care of to.”
The bed dips as Eddie sits beside you, Steve leaning in the doorframe.
“No. Remember, he has a new dad now. Two of them!”
“You’re such a child. Don’t do this, Charlie. He’s a good kid. He deserves better.”
“I don’t know what you want from me, Y/N. I’m busy alright. Look… maybe if we go back to court and come up with a schedule so I can make time…
“Yes, because that worked so well in the past. I’m not going to waste time and money to do all that if you can’t even see him for 2 hours.”
“Still so fucking self-righteous. Like you’re god’s gift to parents. I…”
His voice trailed off as Eddie took the phone from your hand. “Yeah, that’s enough of that.”, he growls under his breath as he hangs up. “You ok, sweetheart?”
“Fucking asshole.”
“I mean…I know I’m not the nicest guy but—”
He smiles when you laugh and push his shoulder. Steve comes up to your side and pulls your head against him as he kisses the top of it. 
“I’m sorry, honey. Maybe, we can all go do something this weekend that Dylan likes. Let the kid have some fun.”
You awoke to the sound of a toddler giggling as she tried to pull herself onto your bed. 
“Aurora Munson-Harrington, what are you doing?”, you grin from your place on Steve’s chest.
“Up! Mama, up!”
After untangling yourself from both men’s protective arms, you lean over to grip her biceps as you tug her onto the mattress and plop her on top of the man you were using as a pillow. 
“Dada, wake up.”, Ro smiled as she placed both her hands on his cheeks, pressing her face to his. 
“Can I help you?”, he groggily asked.
“Teehee. Dada, up.”, she laughs again as she signals with her hand that she’s hungry by tapping her mouth. 
“You know, that sounds like a daddy problem. You should go bug daddy.”
“Nooooo… dad!”, she exclaims.
“That’s my girl.”, Eddie smiles as he throws his arm over his eyes, yawning.
Aurora crawls over you and Steve to straddle her father’s chest, tracing his tattoos with her fingers as she waits for someone to do what she asks. 
“I can go make breakfast. Let me just check on Dylan real quick.”
“Din bye bye.”, she waves towards the hallway. All eyes fully open as they turn towards the toddler. 
“Ro, hey, what do you mean Dylan bye?”, you ask.
She fiddles with her fingers for a bit before answering. “Din bye.”, she babbles some more before pointing towards the stairs. “Beep beep!” You jump out of bed as she mimics the alarm noise you’ve heard her do when someone opens the door. 
“STEVE!” He quickly gets up to head for Dylan’s room. “He’s not here!”
“He probably hasn’t gotten far if he woke her up. Come on.”
Dylan knew this was going to get him into trouble especially after what his dad did that got him arrested but he has to know. He has to physically talk to his father to understand why he didn’t seem to miss him like he did. 
He loved Eddie and Steve so much but he just couldn’t understand why it was so easy for them to be his dad but not for Charlie. Is it something he did? Maybe he shouldn’t have called Eddie dad in front of him…but he was scared…Eddie made him feel safe. As he got older he found he was more into stuff his dad found “appropriate” like sports and things like that. Isn’t that enough?
After a 15-minute walk, he finally arrived at his destination, exhaling out the nerves before knocking on the front door. No one answered immediately so after a few moments he knocked again. He heard angry rumbling on the other side as it finally flew open and he was met with his father. 
“Who the fu—Dylan? What are you doing here? Where’s your mom?”
“I needed to see you.”
“You what? Hang on, come in. I need to call Y/N and let her know you’re here.”
The boy walked in heading for the living room as his dad detoured towards the kitchen. It was quiet until he heard your voice echo through the phone. 
“Charlie?! Is he there?”
“Yeah, he’s here. Calm down!”
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down! I’m on my way!”
He huffed under his breath as he hung up the phone.
“I swear, Dil, sometimes your mom such a pain in the ass.”
The boy’s nose scrunches in annoyance. “Don’t call her that.” Charlie turned to glare down at him. “Why don’t you want to spend time with me?”
“Look, bud. You’ll understand more when you get older that adults get extremely busy sometimes and—”
“So does mom, Eddie, and Steve. Eddie owns a store and Steve worked while going to school.”
“Well, fucking good for them.”
The sound of your hand banging on the door cut through the tension that was beginning to build. You flew in as it opened not waiting for an invitation. Charlie gestured for Steve to enter and he did so cautiously, his eyes scanning over Dylan. 
“What the hell were you thinking!? You don’t just leave like that!”
The boys eyes avoided yours as he targeted Charlie again. “WHY don’t you want to spend time with me? I play sports, I get good grades. I’ve gotten into more things I know you like so we can do more stuff together. I don’t get it!”
Steve reached for your arm and pulled you slightly back out of the line of fire.
“HEY! I’m your father! You don’t speak to me like that!”
“You’re not my dad!” You started to step forward, prepared to shield him from everything going on but Steve’s arm extended out to stop you as his eyes remained on Dylan. “Steve and Eddie are my dad! They don’t make fun of me or tell me what I like is stupid! They come to every one of games and help me when I need it! They are actually there for me when YOU NEVER WERE!”
“Charlie?”, Vivian’s small voice echoed from the hallway; her hand casually resting on the baby bump. “What’s…what’s going on?”
Dylan’s eyes looked her over from head to toe, his bottom lip quivering as if he was trying to form more words but couldn’t. Steve stepped forward and kneeled in front of him like he did when Dylan was smaller.
“Are you ready to go home?”
The boy nods.
“Ok. Is there anything else you want to say to Charlie or maybe Vivian?”
“I don’t want to do this anymore.”, he whispers.
Steve softly smiles as he runs his thumbs under his eyes. Dylan wrapped his arms around his neck and the man lifted him up like the boy was still six years old. As you three headed for the door, Steve turns to address Charlie. 
“This was your chance and you blew it. I’m not going to let you hurt him anymore. You stay away from him. Do you hear me?”
“Or what?”, your ex challenged.
“Try me, Charlie. We did this once already and you lost. Now you’re messing with my son. It will be a whole lot worse. Stay. Away.”
“Beep beep.”, Aurora parroted as the front door opened. Eddie immediately rose to his feet just in time to see Dylan fly past him and out into the backyard. 
“What happened?!”
Without a word, you followed after him where he was pacing in the grass trying to catch his breath. 
“Dylan, breathe, honey.”
“He’s…he’s replacing me. I knew it…I knew it…”
“Knew what?” His breathing picked up as he slipped further into his panic attack. 
Eddie came down into the yard and encircled his arms around him from behind as he placed his palm on the boy’s chest. 
“Kid, I want you to do me a favor, ok? Whenever you’re ready, tell me five things you can see.”
“It can be anything. Surprise me.”
“Um…I see…mom…grass…”
“Good. Keep going. What else?”
“I see…dad on…on the porch…Ro playing inside…sky.”
“Good, kid. You badass. Ok, now tell me four things you hear. Again, any four.”
Dylan’s eyes squeezed shut as he tried to focus. “Birds. I hear birds…kids playing in the street. I hear mom’s breath….and my voice.”
“Ok, three things you can feel.”
His chest was still heaving a bit but you noticed his breathing wasn’t as labored. 
“Your hand on my chest. Um…the wind…and the sun.”
“You’re rockin’ it, kid. Two things you smell?”
“Your cigarettes.”
“Well, that’s a given. Even the dead can smell that.” Dylan released a heavy laugh that made you want cry with happiness. “What else?”
“My mom’s perfume.”
“It’s the one you got me for Mother’s Day.”
He and Eddie both grin. “One thing you can taste.”
“My spit.”
The metalhead turned him around, placing both palms on his cheeks. “Gross.” You son laughed as he hugged him, pushing his face into the man’s chest. “You’re okay, Dylan. Everything is okay.”
Dylan crashed on the couch with his sister who insisted on laying with him when the boy came back inside. 
“Din sad? No!”
You three leaned against opposite ends of the kitchen counter as Steve updated Eddie on what happened. 
“Fucking prick.”, he sighed. 
“What was that, Ed? That you did with him outside?”
“The sensory thing? It’s something some school counselor taught me after I moved in with Wayne. She said it was meant to ground me, get me out of my brain and focus on the moment.”
“You panicked like that?” He subtly nodded before turning his attention to the floor. “I’m sorry.”
“What on earth do you have to be sorry for, sweetheart?”
“Steve was right. I should have told him no. I should have protected him.”
“He needed this, Y/N. Eddie never got to tell his dad how he felt and the closest I’ll ever get was telling him fuck off when you were pregnant. You got to tell your mom and now he got to tell his dad.” Steve exhales as he folds his arms. “Maybe now he can really start healing.”
After dinner that night and putting Aurora to bed, you laid with Dylan in his room like you guys used to in the apartment. 
“I’m sorry I snuck out. I didn’t mean to scare you guys.”
“I appreciate that. You are still grounded though for the next week.”, you smile as you pretend to shutter. “Why do you have to make me punish you? I don’t know how to do that. You never get into trouble.” He chuckles at your words. “I love you so much, weirdo. I hope you know that.”
“I do, mom. I love you to.”
“I remember when you were born and I held you for the first time… I knew I would do anything for you. I always thought I could protect you from all the bad stuff and I try! I really do but sometimes…things slip past me, I guess.”
“Hey. Are we asleep yet?” Steve pokes his head into the boy’s bedroom. 
“No, why?”, you grin. 
He waves at you both with his hand, urging you to follow him. He leads you outside where Eddie is already waiting. 
“Why hello there child and ma-ma.” You roll your eyes playfully at the man’s announcer style voice. He gestures to the box in front of him. “What we have here are disgusting man dishes we had across the way when we were neighbors.”
“Man dishes?”
“Honey, they are glass items that are in plate form but I wouldn’t legally call them that.”, Steve chuckles as he reaches in and hands everyone something to hold. “Eddie and I figure; we’ve been living here for almost 6 years. Time to leave our rowdy bachelors lives behind us.”
“Wow, you two need to calm down.”, you laugh at them. 
The metalhead smiles as he nudges Dylan with his elbow. “Remember how I told you a few years ago I moved in with my uncle when my dad did something bad?” The boy nods as he listens to Eddie speak. “He was attempting to steal another car when the owner found him hot wiring it. They got into a fight as my dad tried to run but, of course, cops got him. Because this was one of MANY offenses, the judge didn’t even think twice, and locked him up for good. I remember my mom telling me they had arrested him and why. I couldn’t stop thinking ‘Why? He had us…were we not enough?’.”
Eddie abruptly threw the glass against the concreate around the end of the patio as hard as he could. “Oh wow. That felt nice.”
Steve laughed as he inspected the object he was holding. “My dad always wanted me to be ‘the best’ encouraging me to sign up for sports and these clubs that our family had been a part of for generations. The problem was he never told me what ‘the best’ looked like. In high school, I was MVP in basketball but our team never made it to the championship. Somehow that was my fault…not like he would know because he never went to any of the games.”
The man copied Eddie’s action, the glass shattering loudly. “You’re right, man. That did feel nice.”
Dylan looked up at you eagerly as you heavily sighed. “I hated back to school shopping with my parents. Kierra and I would always hold hands and listen to them bicker about which outfit was appropriate. My dad advocated for what would make us comfortable whereas my mom wanted what looked the best. I remember one time she took us into the dressing room and insisted we prove to her that my dad’s suggestions would work. I had on blue jeans and a yellow tank top with sneakers. Kierra found a sundress that was so gorgeous. She, um, she said my sister looked like a truck stop hooker and my shirt over accentuated my stomach making me look fat.”
You threw your glass object a bit harder than you meant to but it did release a lot of aggression you felt in your chest, not just from the memory but everything else. 
“When I was smaller, when mom and dad were together, I didn’t get why he was never home but…I was okay with it because he yelled at you a lot when he was.”, Dylan exhales before continuing. “When he would take me somewhere, he always seemed... distracted. He would be talking to other people or on his phone. He took me to a movie one time and after the previews said he needed to go to bathroom and didn’t come back till the movie was over.”
You son threw his plate hard and you followed him reaching for something else to throw along with him. 
“If I could go back in time, I swear to god…”, you growl. 
“Ok, Rocky. Chill.”, Eddie chuckles as he runs his palm through your hair. “But for real though. What kind of guy would leave a dope kid to watch…what was it?”
“Oh my god. Seriously? Who does that?” The metalhead tosses a plate casually, smiling when it shatters.
“Eddie’s right. I mean, you’ve shown me all those Marvel movies! Wait until Ro get into them and you can tell her all that trivia you gave me. I think it’s so cool you know all that stuff.”, Steve grins as he throws something else. 
“My dad never liked anything I did! He always said it boring and nerdy.”
“Who says? And even then, what’s wrong with being nerdy?” Eddie hands him something to throw and he does. 
“Right? There’s nothing wrong with it. Not like it matters because I tried things he likes and he still doesn’t care!” Dylan continued to talk, casually throwing things between each of his sentence. “I did everything I could and even then, he’s still too busy! He was too busy for mom and me but had time for Vivi! He was too busy to hang out with me but has time for everyone else! He always seemed to find time to make my mom cry or tell me I should try something other boys are into but can’t come to one baseball game! He doesn’t even call me on my birthday anymore! How is he going to have time for a baby when he doesn’t have any time for me!”
Dylan pauses as he reaches into the box again to find it empty. He turns his head to find you three standing off to the side, watching him. Steve takes his hand and guides him to the porch steps where he and Eddie sit so they can be eye level with him as you come up behind him, wrap your arms around his chest, and rest your head on top of his own. 
“Do you how when people say, ‘I know how you feel’ and you think ‘You have no fucking idea how I feel’? Dylan… we KNOW how you feel. We know our family is a little weird but…”, Steve smiles when the boy laughs. “The first time we met you when you knocked on our door, we knew you were a unique kid. You’re so smart, funny, incredibly kind. I love watching you play with Ro. You’re extremely patient with her and you make her giggle all the time.”
“You’re actually a lot like your mom. When we met her our lives were kind of stagnant.”
“Boring.”, you reply. “I know. Eddie’s whipping out the big words.”
“You calm down over there, princess.”, he winks before turning his attention back to Dylan. “What Steve and I are trying to say is, we understand that you’re going to think about or miss Charlie. Nothing wrong with that and you won’t hurt our feelings if you ever want to talk about him or anything like that. We just hope you know that…we love you very much.”
“And we would never do anything to make you feel like you’re not important or that what you like or enjoy doesn’t matter. We see you the exact same way we Aurora. You’re our son. Full stop. No strings attached. No conditions. You’re safe with us, little man.”
Dylan detaches from you to wrap his arms around Steve before disconnecting to do the same with Eddie. 
“Ok, criminal. You’re free from the adults now.”
“I don’t know. Kid’s sneaking out now, getting grounded…He’s a wild child. Who knows what he’ll do next.”, Eddie shrugs as Dylan rolls his eyes before they meet yours.
“Go head and can you please make sure Ro is still asleep?”
“Oh! And don’t tell her about this. The toddler doesn’t really need that idea planted in her head of throwing dishes.”
Your son nods as he runs back into the house. Both men look up at you with a knowing gleam in their eyes. 
“And you two were afraid of becoming your fathers.”, you smirk.
“Eh. We may have grown up a little bit these past six years.”, Steve grins as he reaches for your arms, tugging you between his legs before leaning his neck up to kiss your lips. 
“Thank you for that and this.”, you gesture towards the glass. 
“Of course. Now let me go get a broom so you can clean up this mess you made, sweetheart.”
You fain a gasp as he stands and you lightly smack him with your hand. “MY mess!? Excuse me, sir!” Eddie cackles as he runs into the house and Steve guides you towards a step to take a seat. “You’re not even going to let me help, are you?”
The boy shakes his head as he grins, the metalhead charging back out with a broom and a trash bag.
############# @adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @alienthingstwo
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cicimunson · 1 year
What You Deserve
Author's Note: I'm easing back into writing, so this fic is super short but it's basically therapy for me rn. I do plan to resume all my series, gonna be on here much more.
Story Summary: You get your heart broken, and Eddie is there for you.
Ship: Eddie Munson x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Reader is really fucking sad, there's a stabbing joke, idk if that would bother someone but just in case.
You burst into Eddie’s trailer without knocking, practically sprinting down the hall to his room and flinging open the door. He and his friends jump when you barge in, startled, Gareth practically falling off the bed.
“Jesus, Y/N do you knock-” Eddie trails off as he notices your tear streaked face. “Alright guys, out.” He says immediately, waving a hand dismissively.
Jeff groans. “You’re kicking us out? We’re in the middle of campaign plotting!”
“Out!” Eddie repeats, pushing them towards the door.
“Of course his girlfriend ranks above us guys, don’t act surprised.” Dustin teases, tugging on Jeff’s arm.
“She’s not my girlfriend, for the millionth time.” Eddie rolls his eyes. He wishes though.
“Mhmm, tell us that the next time you kick us out.” Gareth grumbles.
“You don’t…Eddie, never mind, I didn’t realize you were busy.” You manage to choke out.
Dustin whirls towards you when he hears the pain in your voice and realizes you’re sobbing. “Nah Y/N, it’s totally okay, we were pretty much done.” He smiles sympathetically before elbowing Jeff in the ribs.
“I’m sorry.” You mumble.
“It’s okay Y/N, we really were wrapping it up.” Jeff pats your arm as they leave.
As soon as they’re out the door, Eddie pulls you into his arms, hugging you tightly. “Sweets, what’s wrong? What happened?”
You start to sob again, burying your face in his shoulder. “He chose her. He told me he was moving on and he chose her.”
“Oh fuck. I’m so sorry. Fuck.” Eddie snuggles you closer, stroking your hair. “You deserved better than that fucking prick anyways.”
You sniffle. “Stop, he wasn’t a prick. He told me we’d never be together and I kept on deluding myself into thinking we would somehow.”
“He also told you he was in love with you knowing that you two could never be. He never should have told you. He should have left you alone.”
“Stop, you always blame other people when I’m upset. This was on me. I saw him pulling away and I knew he was trying to move on and I still held on to hope. It just hurts. I was so fucking stupid.”
“Don’t ever say that about yourself again.” Eddie says sternly, brushing tears from your face with his thumb.
“It’s true. Of course he chose her. She’s perfect. She’s skinny and beautiful and uncomplicated and everything I’m not. I knew. I fucking knew he was gonna choose her.”
“Stop it. You are fucking perfect and if he can’t see that, if he can move on like you’re nothing, he’s the fucking stupid one.”
Eddie’s heart is breaking for you. To see you sobbing and hysterical, to see you so fucking broken, it’s almost more than he can take. You were the most amazing person he’d ever known, and he hated the guy for making you doubt that.
“I want him to move on and be happy, he deserves it. But I didn’t know it was gonna hurt this badly. I know it’s selfish but I can’t help but think “What about me? What am I supposed to do?”
“It’s not selfish. You are allowed to feel whatever you feel. Your feelings are valid and fuck anyone that makes you feel otherwise.” Eddie insists, hugging you close again. “I’ve got you, okay? I’m here for you, always.”
“Can we lay down? Please? I’ve cried to the point of exhaustion.” You mumble. All you’d done the entire day was sob and your eyes were so swollen you could barely hold them open.
He pulls you onto the bed with him, shifting onto his back so that you can rest your head on his chest. “Anything you need, sweets. I’m right here.” He murmurs, kissing the top of your head.
“Thank you. I’m really sorry that I interrupted your stuff with your friends.”
“Don’t apologize. You needed me. I’d drop anything if you needed me.” Eddie admits, grateful that you can’t see the blush creeping up his neck.
“You’re so sweet. I don’t know what I would do without you.” You lean up and kiss his cheek. “I’m so lucky to have you.”
He blushes more. “You’ll always have me, Y/N.”
“Your face is red, are you hot?” You start to lean back but he tugs you against him again.
“I’m fine. Stay.” He insists.
You snuggle into his arms, reaching a hand up to twist a lock of his hair around your fingers. Your tears stop after awhile, your sniffles subside. Eddie rocks you in his arms, humming a song soothingly.
“He broke my heart, Eds.” You whisper after a bit. “And I don’t know if I’ll ever be okay again.”
“You will. In time you won’t even remember him. Someone will mention his name and you’ll draw a blank. I promise you.” 
“I don’t want to forget him. I just want the pain to stop.”
“It will, baby. Just give it time. And do whatever you need to do to feel better. Your feelings, your mental health, that’s what matters right now and fuck anyone that can’t see that.”
“You’re so insanely loyal, you know that? I could kill someone and you’d say it was their fault for running into my knife.”
“Shouldn’t have been running around sharp objects, totally their fault.” He quips, smoothing your hair as you look up at him. “Seriously, you will find happiness again. You don’t need anyone else to be happy. It comes from you, sweets.”
“You’re amazing, you know that, right?” You smile at him and realize it’s the first time you’ve smiled in days.
“There’s that gorgeous grin, I’ve missed that.” He can’t help but run his thumb over your bottom lip. Your breath hitches and your lips part as if they have a mind of their own.
Eddie groans softly, eyes fixated on your mouth. “Sweets…” His tone carries a warning.
You close off the space between the two of you and kiss him. Eddie returns the kiss, caught up in a moment of weakness. He should stop this. You’re not in the right mindset. But he indulges for a few more seconds before pulling away.
“We can’t.” He murmurs. “You need time and I understand that.”
You blush, starting to pull away from him. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”
He tugs you back, shaking his head. “No, I’m glad you did. And I want to revisit this, when you’ve gotten over your heartbreak. I don’t want to be a rebound or a way to forget about him. I want to know that it’s real, Y/N, cause it’s real for me.”
“It is for me, too. But I agree, I need some time to process and move on from this.”
“Of course, sweets.”
And Eddie does that. He gives you space and time, staying by your side to help you through your heartbreak. He holds your hand, he makes sure you eat and get some sleep, he listens to you cry and vent and scream and do everything you need to do to move on.
And one day someone brings up the guy you lost in conversation. Eddie’s eyes immediately flicker over to you, frowning.
But you’re okay. You barely register his name, your expression doesn’t change. You nod politely when someone tells you he’s engaged now, no trace of sadness or remorse on your face.
And that night, Eddie kisses you again for the first time in months. He cups your face and holds you close and tells you that he’s proud of you, that you’re amazing, and that you’re all his. Because after all, being happy with Eddie is what you deserve.
Tag list: @cluz1babeabe @aunicornmademedoit @neewtmas @harrystylesandthegoobs @cancankiki @cal-is-not-on-branding @cltopp199999
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