#he defaults to luke skywalker.
mediumgayitalian · 4 months
Do you think Will has a set of Lightsaber chopsticks? Because you can not convince me that he doesn't. Something like this, probably.
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oh yah. he has lightsaber Everything 💀 his bedsheets are star wars which is embarrassing for him but mostly endearing
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journeythroughtherain · 3 months
Unpopular opinion about Evan Buck Buckley
That man is not blond.
#evan buckley#like seriously#ever since i first watched the show and read the first fic where he was described as such i have been wondering#and i have stared and squinted at so many episodes and at gifs and pictures#both edited and unedited#of both buck and oliver stark#and i haven't seen a single one that has convinced me this man is actually blond and not brown haired#because his hair is brown#just because it's (half) a shade lighter than the other brown haired (aka dark brown haired) characters in the show (such as eddie)#doesn't make his hair blonde????#is this just because i'm norwegian and is operating with a wider scale of 'dark to light hair colors' where there is an actual difference#between different shades of brown hair?? so that not all slightly lighter shades is shuffled into 'blonde' by default????#the lightest haired i've ever seen him in a scene is the grocery store fight and that's light brown at best#dark blonde if you want to really push it#but certainly not golden blonde or light haired or anything like that#and this isn't the only character this happens to#so many character with decidedly not blond hair is branded blond for some reason#some i have seen described as such are like. dean winchester??? and isaac lahey??#luke skywalker too but despite his hair being sandy brown at its lightest in anh he sort of gets a pass#due to being depicted super blond in comics and also that one directors not of the character labeling his hair 'blond'#but on screen?? his hair is so dark after the first movie#this has driven me slowly mad for such a long time now across several fandoms#that said please don't take this too seriously i'm just feeling so genuinely confused about these characters' supposed hair colors#(it's 2am i just need to get the thoughts out of my head so i can go to sleep)#i would however probably cry tears of happiness and validation if someone wrote a fic depicting buck as having (light) brown hair
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This is the moment Din finally realizes Grogu is ready to be taught the Way of the Mandalore.
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When the Armorer first told Din the foundling was officially in his care, the following exchange took place:
Din: "You wish me to train this thing?"
Armorer: "It is too weak. It would die."
So Din continues on as he had before, protecting Grogu as he spends months searching for a Jedi to train the kid. We see Grogu closing his pram as if it's become standard operating procedure the moment he notices Din gearing up for a fight, and Din makes it a point to keep Grogu close because that's still the best way to ensure the child's safety while Din takes the brunt of the danger and runs into the line of fire.
After meeting Ahsoka, Din does acknowledge that Grogu is "too powerful" (after all, he has seen the kid do things like heal Greef and float a Mudhorn and hold back a flamethrower), and that he, Din, would be unable to train him in the ways of the Force, so he tells Grogu on more than one occasion to go with the Jedi if they find one.
Still, despite how awe-inducing and inexplicable this power is, all Din has ever seen of the Force when Grogu uses it in any significant capacity is that it's a one-shot trick that knocks the kid out cold. (Actually, Grogu ends up being most vulnerable after using the Force and therefore still requires protection even when he does use his "powers.")
Then, while Luke Skywalker definitely gives an impressive display of the potential power of the Force, the last Din sees of Grogu before a months-long separation is Grogu being withdrawn and quiet after having been held captive by Gideon, certainly in no frame of mind to use his powers.
And then suddenly Grogu shows up while Din is smack dab in the middle of a battle against the Pyke syndicate.
Din, of course, still has no idea what Grogu has been taught, so he defaults to protecting Grogu the way he always has: he asks Peli to look after him while Din takes on a battle droid, specifically telling Grogu "Don't move, let me handle this."
But Grogu is more confident now, and he saves Din from the scorpenek droid even while staying out of the way himself. However, it isn't until Grogu calmly confronts a rampaging Rancor and puts it to sleep that Din is visibly stunned (even with the helmet on) and seems to realize - hey, the kid really has learned a lot from the Jedi training, maybe he is strong enough now to be trained in the Way of the Mandalore.
And we see this to be the case in season 3. Din will still protect Grogu with his life, but he will go a step farther and start teaching Grogu -in the Mandalorian way - how to protect himself too.
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alicelufenia · 6 days
All Dark Urge Barks
Patch 7 expanded on the point-and-click voice lines for Dark Urge (and also added them for voices that were lacking them, like Voice 8. Had to use a mod prior to patch 7 to hear those). From what I've seen they seem to also trigger more frequently than in the past? Not sure, but it feels more frequent.
Voice 1 - Joshua Wichard
Voice 2 - Lynsey Murrell
Voice 3 - Ken Nwosu
Voice 4 - Emerald O'Hanrahan
Voice 5 - Neil Roberts (not that Neil)
Voice 6 - Muki Zubis
Voice 7 - Pieter Lawman
Voice 8 - Tina Barnes (my personal favorite)
1 and 4 - I like the contrasts with these two; quiet and mostly whispering to themselves out of combat, screaming psychopaths in combat.
2 and 7 - at first I wasn't a fan as they're both very downplayed, but given Dark Urge's assassin background, there honestly should be choices for a more reserved and sneaky, less vocally homicidal maniac type of durge. It's the difference between "I'M COMING FOR YOU (threat)" and "im coming for you (promise)". Both their "Kill, kill, kill again." have that Luke Skywalker Smiling "oh boy here I go killing again" energy, and yeah we need examples of that in the voices.
3 and 6 - Nothing in particular stands out for me with these two. Not necessarily a bad thing, they could work with basically any kind of durge.
5 and 8 - Neil Roberts the voice of default Dark Urge, and Tina Barnes the voice of Alice. Okay not literally, as Alice is my oc, but I mean, voice 8 IS her as far as I'm concerned, so I was very excited to hear her Dark Urge lines, and wasn't disappointed. In my opinion these two are the best, hands down. I know they're not necessarily the most popular, but in my experience everyone who uses these voices, it's their favorite.
I especially love the contrast Tina makes between Tav and Dark Urge, it really helps creating the impression she's both Going Through It, and that Something occasionally just speaks for her. I'm loving it as resist durge, but it could be fantastic for embrace durge as well. And Neil's Hannibal Lector-like delivery is both entertaining and kinda sexy imo, plus if you haven't seen his bg3 streams, he has a TON of fun with reading every durge line with that strained unhinged tone.
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rjalker · 1 year
did you know that it was established in the Star Wars books (like....several decades ago now lofl) that if you don't wipe a computer's memory banks every now and then, and just let it keep running...it'll eventually become sentient?
Most people think it's annoying and too much of a hassle so they make sure to reset them to factory default once they start showing signs of mutation.
But Luke liked his X-wing and didn't want to erase the personality it was starting to form.
He's also been criticized many times for "allowing" R2-D2 to have so much personality.
Luke Skywalker says droid rights, when written by a competent author.
Edit: TERFs, anti-abortionists, conservatives, you will all be shot on sight. Get the fuck off my post. Luke Skywalker would in fact hate you.
Edit #2: Someone who's read the books more recently than me says this was probably established in the Thrawn trilogy!
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ooops-i-arted · 1 year
filoni called anakin "the greatest jedi of all time" in the ahsoka sneak peak lmaooo that's wild. just the cherry on top of the slop he's been serving us in recent years.
is that why other jedi in his works are often trashed and his darling favorite oc ahsoka is so elevated in importance? is that why he doesn't know jack shit about attachments and constantly misrepresents it, because to him, jedi are the big meanies that tried preventing anakin from boning padme? someone please stop this man.
Ah, anon, did you sense a disturbance in the Force that brought you here? Instagram forced me to look at the new Ahsoka trailer about forty times today and I'm sure my saltiness is palpable. Every time I hear that orange fucktart say "Heir to the Empire" I could rip up his stupid notebook emblazoned with Ahsoka's symbol I saw in a behind the scenes post with my bare hands.
I think Filoni's Anakin (not canon Anakin, not the one in the prequel films, because TCW Anakin is NOT Anakin* and I will die on this hill) is a dear OC to Filoni, but of course not on the same level of Ahsoka. So of course he's speshul just the way Ahsoka is. The Jedi ~just don't understaaaaaaand them~ and they DESERVE special treatment and to break the rules like many an amateur writers' OCs.
*Apparently the TCW Anakin voice actor was told to "do a mix of Luke and Han" so clearly staying in-character for Anakin was never on the radar.
I did see a post I can't find now that was directed at Anakin stans, not Filoni, but it was interesting because it said basically Anakin is called the greatest Jedi of all time by his stans but they really mean "the most powerful Jedi of all time." Because he possibly/probably was, whether you go by midi-chlorians or just demonstrated power with the Force. But the post went on to say the Jedi don't value power like that, don't measure by it, so it's a fandom projection to say Anakin was the "greatest of the Jedi." Which makes sense to me, because the greatest of an organization wouldn't be the one who destroys them. And how are we measuring "greatness" anyway? Overall accomplishment? Skill with the Force? Number of people helped/saved (and do you get a penalty for people you hurt/kill)? Does Yoda win by default just because he's had longer than everyone else to rack up Jedi Greatness points and longer to practice his skills? Personally I would pick Revan, powerful in the Force, made a huge impact in her day, and her redemption (if you play Light Side like I did) was actively undoing the damage she did and defeating Malak for good, not just killing a Sith to save her own loved one and then dying. And of course I'll freely admit part of that is because she's one of my favorite characters. The point is, it's subjective. And Filoni has shown again and again he cannot be subjective about his faves. Just look at TCW Character Bo getting the Darksaber literally handed to her by the main character being shafted in his own show.
Oooo, since you're here, wanna hear an absolutely RANCID crack theory I had today? What if the whole Din Grogu thing is setting up some obscure Outer Rim tradition of taking on another's name with your own so that Filoni has an excuse to have Luke say "Oh Ahsoka, you are so wise and perfect and the Best Jedi Of All Time Who Truly Embodies What Filoni Thinks A Jedi Should Be, I would like to go by Ahsoka Luke now! Who's Padme anyway, no one important." While Filoni claps and honks like a seal as Ahsoka Luke Skywalker appears in the credits. Okay it's very silly but I put nothing past him.
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archivistofnerddom · 1 year
Okay, I really need to know if Rex has ever met Luke. Has he? Has he gotten this far in life (more years than so many of his brothers have gotten) and stumbled across a hopeful young and caring Jedi with the Skywalker name and none of the darkness of the Clone Wars? Does he need a moment (or many) when he found himself This Close to defaulting back to his days in the 501st and the natural chaos of Anakin because of that?
And, heavens help us, does he find out that this young and hopeful and bright Jedi who carries the Skywalker name have a twin sister? And that said twin sister, one infamous Leia, has the bold, fierce, and righteously angry combination he’s only seen in General Skywalker and Senators Amidala and Organa (the elder)?
Does Rex look at Luke and Leia and see the biological and adopted parents who are carried forward in them?
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smut-wars-exchange · 4 months
Hello! I was wondering what the solo nominations (Solo: Luke Skywalker) mean. Are they like character nominations (Character: Luke Skywalker) in other exchanges, as in they can be paired with anyone, or are they exclusively requesting offering masturbation focused fic? Would Luke masturbating about a particular person be disallowed?
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Solo nominations are gifts focusing on masturbation or other forms of solo play. It should be assumed to have no heavy ship focus as the default. Sticking with your example, if you requested Solo: Luke Skywalker, you can use your DNWs to specify that:
You don’t want Luke to be thinking about anyone while masturbating;
Luke can think about a vague, non-specific person;
You don’t mind who he’s thinking about, but DNW a couple of specific characters. Keep in mind: per the rule about not using DNWs to force your gifter into creating something specific, you cannot request Solo: Luke Skywalker and then have a DNW for him thinking about anyone but Mara Jade. If you want Luke/Mara Jade, you should request this!
If the pairing you’d like is Luke Skywalker/[Any, Creator’s Choice] and not a solo play scenario, then nominate Luke Skywalker/Other(s).
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Why Tori Meadows is a sith lord
You know... I was thinking about doing some shitpost “proving” that Tori is unironically a god tier duelist that was paid to hold back for the entirety of Zexal and could actually obliterate any duellist foolish enough to stand in her way.
But the thing is... that’s not really a joke to me. I honestly truly believe Tori would be capable of great viciousness as a duellist if just given the chance. Just look at Duel Links:
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That is a girl who is out for blood, a war machine in the making, a kid who decided to get serious about duelling to the point of being able to “beat everyone in a snap” (the game’s exact words) just out of rage and spite alone. That is iconic and legitimately deserves more attention in the fandom.
So now for my real arguement: I think Tori Meadows is a sith lord.
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Yes, Samuel L. Jackson. This seemingly innocent 13 year old girl is a sith lord, one more powerful than either Darth Sidious or Darth Vader could have ever hoped to be.
Now for people who aren’t familiar with the beloved wonderful six film Star Wars saga, the villains, aka the sith lords, gain power from anger. Fear and anger and hate are a surefire path to fall to the dark side. It’s what did Anakin in and turned him into Darth Vader. Tori in Duel Links fought and destroyed the fools that got in her way with her anger and hate, Astral even confirms this is what gives her power:
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Tori duels with anger, she duels with hatred of Yuma’s sheer stupidity, she uses them all to her advantage but unlike every other sith lord in the series, she isn’t destroyed by them. Only one other has managed to accomplish this feat, the most powerful force user in the galaxy: Luke Skywalker. See, he’s the most powerful force user because as of the final chronological film in the saga, Return of the Jedi, he’s the only one left, so he’s the most powerful by default.
Also, more relevantly, he also defeated Darth Vader in a duel with his anger yet didn’t fall to the dark side, throwing his lightsaber aside and refusing to turn to the dark side even after feeling its power firsthand. Tori has managed to do the same within Duel Links, harnessing her anger to give her strength, to give her focus, so she could hunt down Yuma and once she accomplished her goal, was able to let go of her anger, rather than letting it be her undoing like other foolish siths. Tori has done something no other sith before her has managed to do: went down the exact fear, anger, hate pathway without ending up at the final step: suffering.
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“But wait!” You cry. “How could Tori possibly be a sith lord if she can’t even use the force?!”
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Foolish padawan. A wise sith lord doesn’t reveal their force abilities to the masses, they keep it under wraps until the perfect moment. Palpatine for example. He didn’t use his force abilities to save himself from the Zillo beast in Clone Wars, he kept it secret until perfect moment: the chance to murder four jedi, gain a new apprentice, and take over the entire galaxy.
Tori never had to reveal her abilities because no one was a true threat to her power. Besides, what need would she have to display such abilities in a world where card games seemingly reign supreme? I say seemingly because they do not. The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. It is more powerful than your card games could ever hope to be.
Still not convinced? Take a look at Tori’s eyes compared to Anakin’s dark side eyes:
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I think I’ve said enough to convince you :)
I end this obvious shitpost with a warning: the moment Palpatine decided to reveal his sith abilities was the day he committed genocide and took over the galaxy. The day Tori chooses to reveal herself will likely be an even more universe shattering event...
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wizardysseus · 1 year
your post has got me thinking, and, if you feel like sharing, what are some of your favorite asexual characters? (Intentional or not, relatable or not)
i have a tendency to assign all characters i relate to asexual. it's like, you know — highest honor i can award, moreso than bisexuality because bi is my default state for character creation or analysis, but i knew i was ace before i knew i was bi, and i don't share it as openly, so it's more personal and special. with that said.
luke skywalker, star wars — my one, my only. as much as i miss mara jade (and i DO. every DAY) (mara is also ace) there's something beautiful about luke's sexuality being open to all interpretations, such that mark hamill can like every headcanon on twitter. and this is mine. i love to assign asexuality especially to characters who immensely compassionate and full of rage.
kaladin stormblessed, stormlight archive — this is somehow not canon but he never shows any particular interest in sex, is known to miss signals, and displays at best a vague longing for relationships that has no basis in reality. the last girlfriend he had dated and dumped him entirely offscreen. and for what? him not to be canonically ace? i also love jasnah who is canonically ace, but kaladin is my fave character from the series.
jean valjean, les miserables — my blorbo in christ
caduceus clay, critical role �� and this boy's canon!
keyleth, also critical role, also canon! or like, mostly canon.
reyna avila ramírez-arellano, percy jackson series — i didn't read toa so i only heard about her coming out through the grapevine, but whether it was planned or a retcon, it makes a lot of sense retroactively to me. i loved her in hoo when i first read it and again when i reread it this year. i love her sense of honor, her loneliness, her jealousy, her strong heart. it's nice to know she's out there for young readers.
hellboy, hellboy comics — hellboy has had a couple of love interests in his time (the current hellboy run is in fact called 'hellboy in love,' which i only found out about recently), but in general mike mignola is deeply uninterested in sex or romance as a writer and i love that for him. hellboy's whole thing is spooky old houses and secret societies and fighting evil and caring about people and avoiding his destinies. when would he even have time for sex? he's a giant red brick on thighs and he has a heart of gold and the fact that he's not interested just makes him cooler. i think hellboy should only ever be one girl's boyfriend, and that's me.
jonathan simms, the magnus archives — this got canonized in what to me is a very insulting but undeniable way, so net zero, but i do love him. i don't think about tma much anymore but for awhile it was a large tract of my mental real estate. pour one out. etc.
and then there's a tier of character that are like. really not ace in their source material but i decided they were ace and it makes them entirely more interesting. and those characters are diana wonder woman and matt murdock. see again: immensely compassionate and full of rage.
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sycamorre · 9 months
Also, I need to know about at least one: Luke Skywalker or Will Turner.
[send me a character]
Since I was such an Orlando Bloom fangirl back in my middle school days (and because I'm on a sailor/pirate kick), I feel like I gotta give some love to my man Will.
Will Turner —
Favorite thing about them: That he's just genuinely out to do some good. He doesn't get obnoxious about it, either, he just does what he has to do to help someone he genuinely cares about, even if it means basically losing his freedom.
Least favorite thing about them: He was definitely on the naive side starting out, which always gives me secondhand embarrassment watching it, but that is part of his arc and I can appreciate in the end. In truth, I probably need to binge the movies again and I'll find something more specific.
Favorite line: "If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it."
brOTP: Honestly the idea of Will and Norrington coming to some kind of solid friendship after everything and a quiet understanding of all they went through is nice to think about.
OTP: Me. I'll let him have the default one with Elizabeth, because any other otp just feels so out of character for him.
nOTP: I feel like a common "non-canon" pairing would be Will and Jack for obvious reasons but no. Absolutely not. Those two are barely friends. Coworker level at best. Will may be willing to put his neck out for Jack as a friend and someone who believes he is being wrongfully condemned, but anything more than friends just does not seem like a realistic or even reasonable idea considering how much their personalities clash.
Random Headcanon: Will absolutely sang and hummed while he worked at the forge. Probably some form of sea shanty before he realized how much he was tied to pirates and the sea.
Unpopular Opinion: I like the idea of exploring Will's relationship with his father more than his relationships with any other character. There's some literal "like father like son" stuff going on between Will, Bootstrap, and later Henry.
Song I associate with them: "A Sailing I Will Go" by Karliene is one, but also "The Flying Dutchman" by The Jolly Rogers also feels appropriate.
Favorite picture of them: Will in a nice hat is hard to beat.
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illumiera · 1 year
from the fanfic writer director's cut asks—feel free to send one in or reblog so I can ask you!
thank you so much, anon!! 💖
⭐the opening lines of i fear no fate—"Laat Dovahkiin wears flowers in her hair. This is the thing that throws Miraak, above all."—were the first lines I ever wrote for this story. I had this very clear image of how Apocrypha might as well be a realm of the dead, an Underworld populated with those who've long since forgotten their mortal lives, and then Miraak is absolutely taken aback by the sudden appearance of Elentari who, by contrast, is riotously, colourfully alive.
⭐ speaking of Elentari and her flowers... this is where my long-lasting love of all things Persephone jumps out. in myth, Persephone has a dual nature as both goddess of spring and Queen of the Underworld so feared and so respected that in many texts, she's referred to only by epithet. I borrowed a little from that with Ellie, who speaks softly and gently, wears flowers in her hair, and excels at Restoration magic—but as her mastery in Destruction will tell you, she's capable of being downright devastating when she wants to be, too.
(it's also not all that often she's called by name, in-universe. it is known around Skyrim, but as Miraak notices, it isn't included in any of the books written about her. those familiar with her will call her "Elentari", or "Ellie" if they're Lucien, but most address her as "Dragonborn", "Dragonslayer", "Flameheart", "Arch-Mage", or "Ysmir".)
⭐but that's not to say that the flowers don't have a lot of symbolism in-universe, too! I like to imagine that Ellie would have started wearing them a while after her resurrection, after she emerged from a months-long haze of grief: a symbol of her new life.
her choice to wear blue mountain flowers in her hair was also very pointed, I think. I've long since envisioned her going to Sovngarde wearing those same flowers, so I like to think that whatever meaning they actually have, she was using them to say something like, "hey, Miraak, whoever you are, I beat the World-Eater, and I'll beat you, too."
(cue Luke Skywalker voice saying, "This is not going to go the way you think...")
⭐ I'm a big fan of sprinkling references to fairy tales and mythology about (in case the entire paragraph I just spent rambling about Persephone didn't already tip you off...), and I intended a certain part of the fourth chapter to be something of a callback to Orpheus and Eurydice. my idea this time was, “what if Orpheus didn’t fail? what if the answer is to walk through the dark, clutching your beloved’s hand, and turn to them and see all that they are and only that way will you be able to bring them back?”
⭐ here's an eyebrow-raising one for you, or for me, at least: in the third chapter, Ellie finds herself dreaming of Labyrinthian, then Bromjunaar, which was ruled by Morokei at the time. since by intervening there, she's rewriting time so that whatever she did was always going to happen, I wonder if Morokei ever felt anything of her while he was alive? magic leaves an echo, after all.
I like to think some part of him—whatever remained behind in his lich—recognised something in the Ellie who came to Labyrinthian shortly before becoming to Arch-Mage, even though the events of i fear no fate hadn't yet started. that's why he defaulted to Dovahzul, expecting an answer, only to switch to Tamrielic when he received no response.
one thing's for sure, she'll soon be very glad she re-killed him...
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toririvas · 2 years
ok besties sound off do you guys look at some of these characters and go "that one has trans swag" bc i have some thinking and some thoughts.
- it's Chad that's why I'm making the post. sorry he just is. his power is essentially self transmutation. he's not really into gender but boy is nice. he just gave himself any sort of transition he wanted. no scars even (i will draw him with scars anyway).
- it's also Alex he kins Luke Skywalker so hard he transed himself.
- and Violet.
- Vince isn't into gender he's just like 👍. im here.
moving on its
- it's Warren I've been over this there's something about the parallel of living under your shitty family to survive vs hanging out with a really evil wizard to not be killed. and the movement away from them in a moment of identity choice. yeah.
- this one's a hot take but it's Ellie. they already put her under the knife for everything anyway. PQ has her files ultra locked bc he thinks it would ruin their reputation (because that man is a hundred and smth years old he's both too logical to be bigoted and too smart not to see that people will have issues.) it's Ellie.
- xelas isn't cis nor het but a secret third thing (unhinged)
- i think quorum is technically multigender by default anyway but I think he's like. he goes to pride as an AHC rep with Dapper Doll. yes hello fellow citizens i contain multitudes and we empathize with so many of you. we don't feel a lot of gender. here's the mock training course if you all want to do it also we have merch at the table.
is this anything. am i coherent.
btw Tim from spells swords and stealth is trans too. if you even care </3
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kylosbreedingkink · 2 years
Anakin: “I want to become a Jedi!”
Anakin: *Kills all the Jedi*
Ben: “I want to become a Knight of Ren!”
Ben: *Kills all the Knights of Ren*
I know he wanted to be like his grandpa but this is getting ridiculous!
In addition to my previous ask...
Luke: “I want to join the Empire!”
Luke: *Destroys the Empire*
Never let a male Skywalker join something unless you want it gone.
Honestly, anon, this is just smart. Become thing and then just eliminate all the competition, so by default, you are the best at thing.
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rjalker · 2 years
Since Martha Wells decided to confuse everyone, I made a chart.
Feel free to save and share this chart wherever you want, I don't need credit.
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[ID: A chart showing the differences between an android and a cyborg.
The Left side is pale blue, and is labeled, "Android", with the explanation: "A robot or other artificial creation designed to mimic the appearance of a human. Can be made of mechanical parts, synthetic, or a mix of the two."
Below is a picture of Nick Valentine, from Fallout 4. Nick is an android with grey skin that is damaged in some sections, showing the mechanical parts of his skull and part of his neck. His eyes glow yellow.
More text beneath the image of Nick reads "Other notable androids in popular fiction…"
And lists: "Murderbot from The Murderbot Diaries book series, Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation show, C3PO, from Star Wars."
The right side of the chart is pale orange, and titled, "Cyborg", with the explanation: "Any biological organism given cybernetic enhancenements, usually in the form of prosthetic limbs, but can include synthetic organs or sensory aids. Literally cybernetic + oragnism", with "CYB" in cybernetic, and "org" in organism in all caps, underlined, and purple for emphasis.
Below this is a picture of Cyborg, or Victor Stone, from the DC Comics. Cyborg is a Black man with many parts of his body, including half his face, replaced by cybernetic prosthetics of blue and grey metal.
Below him is a list: "Other notable cyborgs in popular fiction…" listing, "Luke and Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars, Tony Stark and Bucky Barnes from the MCU, the Cybermen from Doctor Who, and the Borg from Star Trek", with "(literally, their name is just 'cyborg' without the cy)" in parenthesis for the Borg.
End ID.]
Murderbot is an android, specifically an androgynoid since it's designed to look like a genderless human. It would only be a cyborg if it started out fully human and was then later given mechanical parts. It was created from the getgo as a combination of mechanical parts, cloned human tissue, and artificial intelligence. It's not a cyborg, it's an androgynoid.
Gurathin is a cyborg, because he is a human who was then augmented using technology.
In general, cyborgs are born. Androids are created.
Anything, including an alien or an animal can be a cyborg. Anything can also be an android, but the term android specifically means "robot designed to look like a man" as in a male, not just a general human, hence why Murderbot's an androgynoid. A robot designed to look specifically like a woman would be a gynoid, and so on and so forth. There are pretty much infinite options here.
(Edit 5/9/23: I created the term "anthroid" as a catchall term for any robot designed to look like a human, without having to specify gender each time. Go. Be free from male default language.)
So if you really wanted to do good worldbuilding for an alien species, they'd have their own specific term for robots they build to look like themselves.
a robot designed to look like a spider, for an example, could be called an arachnoid. You may also notice the similarity to the word "humanoid".
Anthroid = robot (or other artificial construct if your universe has magic) that is humanoid. Android = robot designed to look like a human man. Gynoid = robot designed to look like a human woman.
Cyborg = any biological organism given any mechanical enhancements or augmentations. Yes, including something as "not dramatic enough" as a prosthetic eye with a high tech camera in it.
(The Daleks and also Geordi la Forge are also cyborgs, I knew I was forgetting obvious examples)
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casp1an-sea · 3 months
Star Wars LGBTQ discourse
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First of all, this is on Reddit, so I’m not surprised I found this, and I am not surprised that people are homophobic, but let me educate you!
Wookieepedia it’s not the end all be all of Star Wars information, it is a great resource for research into the Star Wars universe, but at the end of the day anyone can edit the platform, so you should always fact check things you learn on it, or check the sources. THAT BEING SAID two of the characters this clearly very intelligent person listed are canonically gay in the Star Wars universe. :) Lando Calrissian is confirmed pansexual, and Tarkin had an affair with a male storm trooper IN CANON. So by default already half of what They said is incorrect and ill-informed.
I’m only going to dive a little bit into the homophobic ness of this post, because people have said it time in time before. No one is changing things to please a minority. If they wanted to please us a whole lot more characters would be gay, and they would have compelling stories not just shoved in the background to give corporate Disney moral high ground. (no pun intended). And even if we assume this person is telling the truth, when they say they wouldn’t mind if new LGBTQ characters were made (which I highly doubt) The legacy characters have constantly been changing, and their stories have been being written over and over again since the beginning of Star Wars there are far worse changes than giving one a label, and not even showing it in media.
anyway, to anyone who is wondering why Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker are listed in that section of Wookieepedia, I am here to tell you. No, they are not confirmed to be gay their listing here is technically a mistake. HOWEVER Obi-Wan’s sexuality has come up into discussion recently as in a canon book he blushes when one of his male friends asked him to let him know if he’s ever interested in kissing, and Obi-Wan proceeds to think to himself about his opinion of kissing to which at the end, he thinks to himself that maybe he wants to kiss all of the Lenahrans after describing them, as handsome and charismatic. He also repeats multiple times in the book That he is not sure romance is in his future and he does not know what he wants. Leading many fans to believe he’s biromantic and on the asexual spectrum. Now Disney did not outright say that he was bi, but are we really going to ignore this?
as for Luke, we have no concrete evidence, other than many believing (myself included) him to be queer coded. But there is a lot of miss information spreading around on the Internet that says Luke is canonically confirmed gay. He is not, but the evidence people used to say that he is, it’s the fact that Mark Hamill said in an interview “If you think Luke is gay, of course he is.”
this unfortunately was not mark Hamill confirming Luke is gay in Cannon, it is actually just a piece of the quote, the full quote being, “They say to me, 'Could Luke be gay? ' I'd say it is meant to be interpreted by the viewer… If you think Luke is gay, of course he is. You should not be ashamed of it.” Hamil was telling the viewers Luke’s sexuality is whatever the viewer decides. Of course this is a great quote from Mark Hamill and it’s always lovely to see him supporting the LGBTQ community so openly, but this is not Canon confirmation, Mark Hamill does not have dictating power over Disney execs, so let’s not give Disney representation points when there isn’t representation and instead give Mark Hamill a round of applause.
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