#he deserves all the snuggles
whipbogard · 7 days
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I’m missing my cats dearly so I hope Harvey and Flip are having a good time together 🥲❤️
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greyromanticghoul · 2 months
sometimes i get randomly emotional about the fact that copia's eye paint was smudged during the post credits scene so i like to imagine his ghouls taking care of him post-RHRN. helping him get out of bed, feeding his rats when he doesn't have the energy to, using quintessence to help him during panic attacks, staying with him at night so that he doesn't feel alone. i'm normal i'm normal i'm normal i'm n-
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ittybittyluci · 4 months
Okay But Like…
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Why is this so him coded tho?
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nosferatil · 7 months
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I LOVE HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!! astarion and my durge(larmica, they/them) <3333
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I am having such intense John and Noel thoughts. Fam help. They’ve taken over-
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jazzajazzjazz · 8 months
Logan deserves all the happiness in the goddamn world
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stormyoceans · 1 year
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monkee-mobile · 9 months
Re: that last ask well now I wanna hear about Peter!! (Please 🥺)
Ah yes, peter, sweet sweet boy.
peter is so special and sweet and I do have many thoughts about him.
peter loves cuddles. this is probably not surprising, but he indeed loves to snuggle up and nuzzle into someone’s neck and hold their hands. lucky for him he has this group of super touchy-feely guys to give him all the snuggles he wants. He just loves his friends so much.
Peter and mike end up getting really close. I think that after The Devil and Peter Tork, pete starts getting some really bad nightmares, about hell, but also ones that feature things like the other monkees forgetting about him or not knowing he’s there or even ones where they’re not real and this gets him real deep (poor thing). I feel like as a kid he had a hard time holding onto friends (this is a little bit personal, apologies), and was picked on a lot for being “different” and “soft” and it gets to him (like in the wild monkees when the girl calls him a sissy and he gets particularly upset) and the idea that this group of people who love him and care for him aren’t really real can be a lot.
He often starts screaming or crying in his sleep and Mike starts to wake up and go over to his bed to stay with him and calm him down. Davy also sometimes wakes up (micky is a VERY deep sleeper, but he has woken up before and come over to help but he konked out pretty quickly) Usually it’s just peter and Mike and Mike trying to calm peter down, just holding him close and rubbing his back and hair and letting peter know he’s there and that he’s real. Mike doesn’t feel really good at talking, especially not at two in the morning, so that is usually the most he can do, and it does help peter, who loves pressure and soft snuggles. Mike also sometimes sings to him, quietly as to not wake up the others, and they do talk a bit, mike trying to get peter to tell him what the dreams were about but they’re sometimes too confusing or too much for peter, and peter can’t always talk at all afterwards, so if mike talks to him it tends to be soothing things in a soft voice or asking peter if he wants to be sung to.
despite mike’s help, pete has a very hard time getting enough sleep and sleeping through the night so sometimes mike has him take a lot of shorter naps during the day (usually downstairs with the rest of the group) but peter has a hard time going to bed at night, afraid of what nightmares he’s going to have, so he starts having some terrible panic attacks about going to bed. Mike starts just sleeping in peter’s bed every night (eventually they all just sleep in the same bed because what the hell, they’re snuggly, but not at first). But peter has a lot of trouble with bedtime for a while, and micky one night comes up with an idea that this is NOT ‘bedtime’! No no no! this is PILLOW time, and pillow time is special and different! and tells him all these stories about it and it makes peter laugh and gets him to be able to go to sleep for a while, safe with Mike, though he still tends to wake up from nightmares.
this is another self-projection thing, but during this time when peter is having terrible nightmares he starts having problems with bedwetting. He can’t help it, but it freaks him out even more. It starts almost right away and Mike also starts helping him through it, late at night getting poor, crying peter into the bathroom and putting on a shower for him. Mike brings his guitar in and plays some things sitting against the bathroom door so that peter knows he’s there. then i guess they fall asleep in mike’s bed and mike deals with the sheets in the morning and they just don’t tell the other guys because peter’s embarrassed about it. peter does NOT get scolded about it at all, that’s a must for me, just because i’ve had problems with that due to nightmares and waking up to someone yelling at you for being disgusting is not a helpful thing. So peter is definitely assured he’s not disgusting and it’s not his fault and he is treated like a person about it. I also think mike knows how to deal with it, assumedly having taken care of younger siblings (see when he talks about his family in Monkee Mother) so he is prepared to help peter out and doesn’t really sweat it. Yeah, that’s just a personal segment of this all.
okay so to me tv show-peter is autistic. real life peter tork was diagnosed with autism later in his life, but peter the character shows a lot of autistic traits in my opinion so that’s gonna factor into a lot of these next ideas.
he probably needs help with a lot of things, stuff like cutting his nails or remembering to brush his teeth (micky also has trouble with both of those and mike has a system now where they all brush their teeth at the same time and is usually good at figuring out when he needs to throw a nail clipper at micky as he’s been scratched multiple times during werewolf impressions and similar) but peter gets the help he needs because the boys all help him out!
(another little self-projecting thing) peter has trouble not spilling glasses of water so he has to be reminded a lot to use two hands when holding a glass. (this will forever be my struggle lol)
he’s also prone to meltdowns if he gets overstimulated. (it’s the sixties so autism is not really understood so i think peter is definitely not diagnosed and he doesn’t really know what these meltdowns are) Sometimes grocery stores are a lot for him and the other boys have to frantically figure out how to calm him down. if it happens at the grocery store usually one of them will go with peter to go sit in the car (a lot of times it’s mike, because grocery stores are also very overstimulating for him. dont tell mike, but he’s also autistic haha. but sometimes it’s not mike because putting davy and micky alone to do the shopping together is not always the best idea). Micky is not always the best at calming peter down because he sometimes can make it more overstimulating, but he figured out a good way to calm peter and get his brain thinking about other things by pointing to something and saying “peter what color is that car/sign/whatever” or, if there’s nothing all that interesting around asking peter what different animals say.
peter also gets bedtime stories read to him a lot. either that or they sing to him. sometimes mike will have peter and davy snuggled up on either side of him while micky sits and the end of the bed and sings and they often all do harmonies together. sometimes mike’ll figure out a new song right before bed and they all work it out together, running to get a guitar while micky drums out a beat on the bedframe saying “we’re really gonna make it big with this one guys!” and it’s so exciting. wholesome little rock band activities.
(this is not a headcanon and this post is already so long so i’m leaving random stuff out for maybe another time but i just have to put it into the world because when the monkees are little little cuties i go absolutely insane. you know in monkee mother when micky starts spoonfeeding pudding or something to peter, is that not the cutest fucking thing in the world?!???! micky is so older brother) okay, now back to our regularly scheduled programming of *shuffles cards* the rest of the random peter headcanons!
peter’s nickname is ‘peterbabe’ (said as all one word) sometimes elongated to ‘peterbaby’ and micky jokes that they should change his full name to ‘peterbabe tork’ because they just say it so darn often.
this is pretty obvious but peter loves flowers! hes a flower boy! he even grows daffodils! :) He brings flowers into the pad (micky is allergic to a lot of them unfortunately so he’s prone to sneezing fits) and he likes putting flowers in everyone’s hair (micky’s hair is particularly fun to put flowers in so peter tries extra hard to find ones he won’t sneeze over) as well as his own hair and he puts them along the windowsills too, which has made for some good photography.
I guess since this is so long i’ll finish it off with a little thought since it’s indeed christmas: in the christmas episode they all rag on peter about getting “bad” gifts and to me the only gift that’s not really working is the coat for davy cause it’s just too big. It was mikes fault for opening snow skis in july, and the chemistry set is actually a very thoughtful gift for science-loving micky, micky just had to go and DRINK whatever concoction he had made which is basically lab safety no no #1 and that is not peter’s fault. the writers pulled those “bad” gifts out of their asses. anyway.
AH! and a bonus because i forgot to include it in the davy post here’s a davy headcanon I hold dear that was from the monkees headcanon instagram account but is so wholesome that i need to bring it to everyone’s attention: davy falls asleep on the couch and often needs to be carried to bed. thank you.
And yes, davy’s “diagnosis” in 33 1/3 being “regression” on top of him literally dancing around dressed as a toddler in a baby’s bedroom can 100% support my idea that davy is baby real.
AND WITH THAT, thank you so much for the ask! these asks give me an excuse to just dump out my thoughts and I hope other people enjoy them despite how long and disorganized they are. sorry about that lol.
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madamefluffnstuff · 10 months
A Night Stayed In
Fandom: Elder Scrolls Online
Pairing: Darien Gautier x Fem!Reader
Rating: K
Warning(s): None- as sweet and fluffy as cotton candy.
Words: 468
AN: I had promised at some point to make fluffy Darien Gautier scenarios, and so I deliver. Fashionably late.
Also tagging @lithiumrev because reasons.~ ;D
"Hello, love!" a soft voice called from the kitchen in response to the front door opening. "How did the training go?"
Darien Gautier closed the door and gave a slightly tired noise, "It went well, actually! Things were rough yesterday, but the boys made up for it today." He walked over and gave his sweetheart a kiss on her forehead.
"Glad it went better today," the Vestige responded, stirring the pot in front of her. "New recruits do well?"
"The first group of recruits is doing very well. They'll be ready for the field in no time. The more recent group, however, is not." Darien rolled his eyes at the thought. "Pretty sure they wouldn't know their asses from a hole in the ground."
The Vestige threw her head back laughing. "If you, of all people, are saying that then there must be no hope for them."
Darien shook his head, "Probably not. However if you were there, it would be different."
"Who? Me? Nooooo," she replied with bemused sarcasm. "They would never respond to me."
He gave her a level look, "Some of our equals are terrified of you."
"Then they are intelligent individuals."
A wry chuckle came from Darien as he turned to start taking his armor off. As he worked at the fasteners, he asked "By the way, what's that you're making? It smells amazing."
When they had moved in together, they agreed to share the cooking duties, and tonight it was her turn. And he had been looking forward to it all day.
"Oh just something simple, stew and bread."
Darien's head whipped around. "Fresh bread?"
"Yes." There was a chuckle and the thud of a baking tray. "Fresh bread."
The rest of the evening was spent in well-deserved leisure. Darien and the Vestige, wrapped in each other's arms, feeling the overall closeness of each other's bodies, and their selves. The warmth of the fireplace brought a gentle calm to the cozy house.
The bed was extra comfortable tonight, with both soldiers home. The Vestige leaned back against the pillows as she softly ran her hand through Darien's hair. His arms snaked around her torso, holding her in place as he rested his head against her collarbone. He was so close he could smell the afterscent of her baking, and she could smell the sweat and rust of his armor.
They lay there in silence, breathing in each other's scents, with the occasional light forehead and cheek kiss here and there. As sleep started to take and they snuggled into the blankets, Darien couldn't help but think how lucky he was. The two had literally been to Oblivion and back, fighting tooth and nail. And now he was laying in her arms, listening to her heartbeat.
He wouldn't have it any other way.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
@ liam evans
you're my honeybunch sugarplum pumpy umpy umpkin you're my sweetie pie you're my cuppycake gumdrop snoogums boogums you're the apple of my eye and i love you so and i want you to know that i'll always be right here and i love to sing sweet songs to you because you are so dear
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little-shiny-sharpies · 11 months
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New frames of them got me beating the executive dysfunction slightly!!
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rouge-the-bat · 2 years
u know what. if ur queer or an ally, reblog with ur labels (no matter how out there! we love and appreciate everyones personal identities here!) and your fave sonic character with why theyre your fave!!
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vangold · 1 year
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For a change, finally some more Dragon Age stuff again
Welp, now that my guys here really are a thing it's about time they get some more proper artwork x3
Bout the context - since I'm not entirely sure if I talked about this certain constellation before, so lemme quickly summorize:
Atm me and a few friends of mine play Inquisition but it's a Pen-and-Paper RPG Adventure with its very own unique twists and turns and characters. Still based on Inquisition as we know it, but my bestie and GM of the thing switched a few things around, rearranged plot twists and stuff like this, to make it more interesting. And boi did they succeed in that x3
Anyway, my dude here, Sharles - welp, I swear this wasn't my original intention. This guy originally was a notorious skirt chaser. Damn you Dori for being so irresistibly gorgeous awakening the bi's in my OCs XD
Welp.....happened, and I am glad it did for they are way too precious and an absolute treat to play along with <33
Also need some more bi-representation among my characters anyway x3
They're on a spy mission there btw UU
Best camouflage ever. If anybody spots them they just pretend they wanted to have some privacy in the woods and start snogging. UwU
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devilzfruit · 4 months
i just napped for like 4 hrs. uh. hello.
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flynnsdoomangel · 1 year
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The DOOM Slayer❤️‍🔥‼️
I love him a lot, got a nice big place in my heart for him💞
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dykeogenes · 10 months
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One of these things is not like the others (I’m sorry women)
It was a very transsexual year. What can I say.
Postmarked c/o Saint Peter?
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