#he died when riku was young so he kinda remembers him
princekirijo · 1 year
You have a version of the Captain AU where Riku's a Wild Card right? Consider; Koromaru is his Velvet Attendant
So the Wildcard AU is a kind of what if Joker accepts Yaldaboth's deal and then Riku is kinda like fuck this imma dip and kill this god dude myself. Originally I was gonna have Elizabeth come back and act as his attendant (the Velvet Room has been sealed up/occupied by Yaldy Dabby Doo) but I really like the idea of Koromaru being the attendant?!!
Like I'm thinking maybe they could both do it so Koro helps out with Elizabeth's fusions by like biting the cards or something idk 💀
But I really like this idea and it slots in really nice to the AU!!!
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rhythmmortis · 3 years
I feel like a lot of people don't understand Riku as a character... what do you think?
i would say it depends on what aspect you think they don't understand!! when trying to understand or analyse a character i usually go for their motivations, their role in the story, personality, and interactions with other characters as a start
riku's motivations: as he states in bbs and ddd, his motivations for his actions are to protect his friends. they're what matter most to him, and as we've seen, he's dedicated to a fault. this is at the cost of xion, roxas, many others including himself. he falls to darkness trying to protect kairi in kh1, is a very active catalyst in 358/2 days and xion and roxas's arcs to protect and recomplete sora, and literally dies the first time around in the keyblade graveyard in kh3 to protect sora. his motivations for his actions are either seeking the strength he desires to protect his friends, or just using that strength to protect them
role in the story: in kh1, he falls to darkness for several reasons (main one being jealousy, in my opinion) and is used by ansem sod. he's an antagonist, and basically up until kh3, he spends his entire arc trying to make up for that. his role in the story went from friendly rival to sora, to antagonist, to kinda antagonist (in days, he's an antagonist for xion and roxas because he's trying to get them to return to sora, but he's doing it so sora can wake up), to trying to repent for his actions. his role in every game affects how he's understood, and it affects what he does. his motivations, personality, and pretty much everything affects his role here, but the whole thing about riku is that his role changes a lot.
personality: he's seen to have a tendency to keep his feelings to himself a lot, be very jealous (to the point of him falling to darkness because of it in kh1), but incredibly protective of his friends. his entire motivation stems from that protective side, as he really does want to 'protect the things that matter', like his friends. over the course of the series, it does seem that he's opened up more emotionally. he's also a good leader, shown in re:mind where he basically leads the guardians of light while sora's not there. he's probably had one of the longest character arcs in kh honestly, so his personality has changed (like how he's still kinda snarky at times but nowhere NEAR the level com riku was).
interactions with other characters: with sora, he's seen to have a playful rivalry with him but also care deeply about him. with kairi, he's seen to be slightly teasing (opening scene in kh1) but again, care deeply about her (all of kh1). this really shows how much he cares about his close friends and i wish that they would actually show us more rikai interactions at this stage because he cares about BOTH of them. with the sea salt trio, as previously stated, he's basically an antagonist to them but for the purposes of yet again, protecting his friends. one detail i like is in the kh3 ending scene, when they're on the beach, riku is racing against roxas and terra, and i think that shows a repair in their relationship! i would love to see how they interact at this stage too, because i've seen so many headcanons of them having a similar playful rivalry like riku had with sora in kh1 and i really like that concept! with the wayfinder trio, he treats aqua and terra with a lot of respect (he doesn't really interact with ven, so it's hard to say, especially since he's 'younger' than him), and this is because of riku remembering the promise he made with terra when he was young, and riku regarding aqua with the respect of a master. his interactions with others, especially over the course of the series, can show a lot of interpretations of him, but it's important to know the context of their relationship because that can change a lot.
this is just a basic start, but overall, he could be misinterpreted and misunderstood, but to give you a more specific answer i would have to know in what way you think he is, but thank you for the ask!!
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Nothing to worry about
After many, many attempts to decode the data to find Sora, Riku was spent. A thought came to him that maybe if he messed with data with the difficulties all the way up, then something might change. It had to be his third day screwing up on the same attacks over and over again. He didn’t remember fighting the organization to be this hard! Riku was a prideful guy that managed to beat most of them but enough was enough! He had been stuck on one obstacle for far too long and his hands hurt from hitting the wall the one time he rage quit. It was time to bring in backup, and he knew just the people…
Xion:You want me to want?
Riku:Beat data Xion for me. You’re too strong.
Roxas:It’s a computer…
Axel:Dude, you don’t get to say that when you smash computers instead of pressing keys.
Saix:You What?
Riku:Focus!!! I called you specifically because you’ve fought Xion, fought Sora, and some of you have done both while technically being connected to Sora; so you know how to play him well.
Axel:I feel like you’re missing people.
Riku:People are busy. You are the only ones that are still around a lot.
Xion:Am I really that tough?
Xion:Hmmm. I’m not sure how I feel about fighting myself. Something about it feels...depressing.
Axel:I’ll do it. I’m great at games! Plus we’ve fought a bunch of times! I know your moves.
Xion:But you lost…
Axel:Still learned them! *sits down* Watch the master!
That was the statement he made. It’s been three hours since Axel had that confidence. Now he was face down on the bed in the committee room along with Riku. If he heard “why do you fight” one more time, he’d lose his mind.
Axel:Since when do you bounce around like a ball of light!?
Roxas:Why are you surprised? I do it all the time.
Axel:I don’t even understand how you do it!!!
Saix:I can’t believe you didn’t even get half health.
Axel:Think you can do better!?
Saix:Nope, but I won’t act like I can to look cool. Xion, I’ve never seen you do half of the things that program does. Is it an exaggeration or…?
Xion:No, it’s possible. Doing all of that just makes me tired.
Saix:...(I never stood a chance in that graveyard. Then again I try not to go full berserk for the same reason.)
Roxas:My turn! I’m not exactly thrilled about fighting any version of you but helping Sora is the goal here. I just hope Cid didn’t program all of your armors. Not a big fan of the second one or you being the size of the central station tower.
Xion:*red* Hehehe...yeah that was pretty wild.
RAS:You can do what…?”
The change of players was getting better results. Roxas was in his third attempt when he started getting a good rhythm. Watching Axel helped, but there was something else. A weird six sense. Riku was right about him controlling Sora, it felt natural. Battling data Xion was the same. The way he predicted her movements were scarily good.
Axel:Wow, look at you go.
Roxas:Sssshhh, I need focus. I wanna do this as fast as possible. It might be data but hurting Xion feels wrong.
Xion:*red* Roxas…
The man makes it to the desperation move. It’s the second time he’s made it here and he wished data Xion had the armors instead! He didn’t last long before another game over screen. Everyone groaned while Roxas rested his head on the wooden desk.
Roxas:Gah! I can’t even begin to understand those patterns. Your columns of light move way too wildly!
Riku:I hate the fact that if you recover from a strike raid then the next one is delayed to change your rhythm! Why are you so smart Xion?
Xion:Sora does that too. It’s how to survive relentless attacks sometimes. I’ve told you all the timing so-
Roxas:Xion, I really don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, but you might as well grab the controller. The only person who knows you, is you.
Xion:And Ven, and Namine, you, Sora, Kai- fine I’ll give it a try!
Riku:Thank you.
Xion died immediately going into the fight. All eyes looked at her in disbelief as her face got red.
Xion:I wasn’t ready! Let me get a few warm up rounds in! I have never done anything like this. Roxas, can you go back to Twilight Town and get a small white bag in the usual spot?
A few warm up rounds turned into a dozen. Riku even saw her scroll through the settings once or twice. Then she wouldn’t do the fight right away. Instead she’d press bottoms to see how Sora reacted and fast. He didn’t want to be antsy but a piece of him wanted to try again. Riku went over to ask when Roxas came through the door to hand her the bag. Xion ran the program again. She reached in the bag as it loaded and pulled out something Riku didn’t know she still had. Her organization gloves.
Riku:You kept those?
Xion:Gripping a keyblade barehanded feels weird. So does messing with computers…
Data Xion:Why do you f-
Xion:Yeah we know the line…
Riku never considered himself good at things like video games or computers, but he didn’t think he was bad either. That was until he watched Xion start moving her fingers faster than he could keep track off. The whole room was silent except for the sound of clicking. Data Sora was moving at speeds and performing tricks Riku and the others didn’t even know about. He wasn’t getting hit at all!!! Axel could quietly hear Xion mumble numbers. A set amount when she attacked, and then a different set when the data version did. The sets kept resting and ending differently depending on what weapon she used or magic. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it.
Xion:How what?
Roxas:How are you doing this!?
Xion:Like you and Riku said. I know me, as well as Sora. I’m only gonna get hit so many times before I find a chance to counter. Also, there’s only so many moves you can program. It’s still just code!
She made it sound so easy, yet Riku. Can only think about how many times late last night he couldn’t figure out a single time to appropriately heal or attack. Yet here Xion is, perfect blocking and interrupting the desperation move. She even found time to take a picture before delivering the final blow!
Xion:Boom! Easy!
Saix:You really should’ve gone first.
Xion:But it was thanks to you guys that I was able to watch and learn without stressing out. It was a group effort. I guess we’re done here. Thanks Riku, that was kinda fun. *stands up*
Riku:Ummm haven’t beaten master Xehanort either. Do you think maybe….
Xion:*Sits down* You owe one for this.
Riku:I know a good spot to find the best seashells.
The crew let her get to work on the baldy while they occupied their time. Half an hour passed before they sat around a table eating. Riku looked over to see Xion learning how to deal with every move possible. It looked impossible. Most of the organization did. Another game over screen appeared and Riku sighed.
Axel:You alright champ?
Riku:It might be data, but seeing Sora lose is depressing. I hope he’s alright.
Roxas:Why wouldn’t he be?
Riku:He’s not the luckiest guy. Danger might as well be a spell when it comes to Sora. All of these data fights made me realize just how dangerous the organization really was. The thought of him running into something or someone as dangerous as that alone doesn’t sit well with me.
Roxas:You know Riku, you can be pretty dumb sometimes.
Roxas:What!? All I’m saying is you would think after seeing a program based off of him successfully beat crazy strong people like Xion that you’d have the most faith in his skills. I mean who else do you know has enough different moves to handle so many kinds of fighters?
Riku:....Heh, thanks Roxas.
Roxas:*red* Yeah whatever. Just stating the obvious.
Axel:Yeah! Sora’s alright. I mean he was able to beat me after all.
Saix: If that’s the bar then maybe we should worry.
Xion:I mean we did tie when I was tired.
Roxas:I beat you with amnesia.
Riku:Sora did too.
Axel:Who’s side are you on! This is the thanks I get for trying to cheer you up? Cut me some slack.
The friends shared a good laugh teasing Axel. Even he couldn’t help but join in on it. Riku should know better than anybody just how capable Sora is.
(Wherever you are, I’m sure you’re just fine.)
Fine was the appropriate word to describe it. If a Riku or the others used anything more positive then they surely would’ve bit their tongue. If only they could see their friend right now, dodging and struggling on a rooftop under a starry sky dome. A swarm of gigas closed in on our young hero to overwhelm him, but to avail. Sora whipped out a storm flag and slammed it on the ground to summon the watery beast of the seven seas. It’s tentacles whacked away and crushed the gigas flat. Now wasn’t a time to rest though. Yozora, his opponent, wasn’t done yet. Sora saw rapid flashes of red lock in on him and switched to the counter shield.
He hyped himself “Come on!” Spurs shouted. The first attack came from the left, then right. Four more were dead on before another six ferocious slashes came from the left. Collision after collision conjured sparks that lit up the impacts of each attack. Yozora finally thought he had an opening to stab from behind but was sorely mistaken when Sora had already pivoted already and unleashed a barrage of fists that knocked Yazora in the air. Sora leaped up to follow up with a change into the second form. “Get back here!” He pulled his opponent back in with a magnet burst then went right into an ars arcanum. Blades clashed faster than anyone could keep up with before Sora’s ferocity gave him an edge that turned into full blown hits that ended with him spiking Yozora to the ground. As he fell, Sora was shot in the back by a laser that sent him to the metal floor behind. He had no time to dodge the cross slash that connected against his chest. He watched Yozora vanish and switched right into ultimate form to do the same.
This disappearing and reappearing act made their sparks seem more like fireworks. Crackles and pops
Danced up and down the battlefield as each person kept attempting to warp for both offense and defense until Yozora got the better of Sora by trapping in an exploding prism that launched Sora sky high. Yozora finally had room to breath and could plant fis feet long enough to charge his blade. He watched his target recover mid air and unless a salvo of fireballs with double arrow guns. A good idea if it wasn’t so far away that is. “Sorry but-huh!?” A blue light washed over Sora and propelled him directly at Yozora with his attack. Yozora was quick enough to slash Sora away but decided to pull back by backflipping the fireballs; a big mistake. He had underestimated Sora’s speed. Before he could even reach the ground, Sora was already in front of him again. This time with a massive rocket propelled hammer that hit him in the direction of the fireballs. The magic projectiles curved midair to hope in on his location and blasted him right in the chin. This was bad, really bad. To think he’d have this much trouble with someone who looked so clueless moments ago. He had to switch things up and vanished again.
Sora switched to nano arms and stood perfectly still. “Three….four….” he pulled a barrier right as a glimmer of red formed into Yazora that blasted some strange wide shots from his crossbow before vanishing again. Sora turned the machines into yo-yos next and swung straight. “There!” Yozora appeared right as expected and hit dead on. Sora pulled himself to wards and shifted to his frozen blades for additional slashes.
“You’re Just full of surprises aren’t you!?” Yozora grimaced.
“Don’t Give me that look! I didn’t want to fight!” Sora went for a kick but was too slow. Yozora managed to warp behind Sora and summoned a massive red orb that started pulling everything into it.
“Let’s see how you dodge this one.” Yozora turned up the pressure and started warping as fast as possible at Sora again and again, cutting and slashing him cleanly to knock him off balance until Yozora delivered one more powerful slash across his body that sent Sora flying into the orb. He quickly up to it and glided his blade along it to trigger a massive explosion that made Sora scream. Smoke and fire filled the air for a moment. That was a move not even Yozora himself was too good at avoiding. Nobody was gonna get it right from the jump.
Finally, the battle was over. It was longer than expected but the end result was the same. “Sorry, but I don’t lose-” Another shockwave from the explosion accorded suddenly and dispersed the smoke. That’s never happened before. Yozora shielded his eyes and scanned the ground, no Sora. Just black puddles. He dared not walk closer to them when they started to increase in size until a bigger one formed near his feet and Sora hopped out with glowing eyes and drenched in darkness. “This guy…” Yozora mistakenly readied a block for the keyblade as was then punched by Sora’s free hand, throwing him off and into a world of rageful attacks he had no choice but to receive. Sora was fast, too fast. The patterns seemed random. It was impossible to know what to look out for with the addition of kicks thrown in as Sora instinctively warp in numerous spots to bat Yazora around. Any attempt to escape the loop was met with a primal roar that kept the loop going until one final monstrous attack came. Sora went right through Yozora and into the ground. Strange black orbs rose up from bigger pools of black from earlier and detonated repeatedly, leaving Yozora no room to escape.
What was once a dark night turned into blinding light as Sora once again appeared above Yozora’s falling body in a new form; and with two blades. It was hard for him to understand what happened next. All he could see was light and feel the pain it inflicted everywhere as pillars of them struck down around Sora, who remained airborne and glowing. A look of pure grit on his face as he shouted.
“I guess...my power isn’t needed after all.”
Xion:I beat him! But...I don’t think there’s anything here that might help. Sorry Riku. I know you wanna find him as soon as possible.
Riku:Hmmm, that’s alright. *smiles* Wherever he is...I’m sure he’s doing just fine.
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
Hey - Riku x Reader
Aha, Xeha-non! I tricked you! I wasn’t writing Roxas, I was writing Riku! It’s about time I gave this boy some love. 
               “Hey handsome.” I slide the book from the desk and take its place, grinning down at the boy. A snowy brow arches in response, before those teal orbs peer up at me. “Slackin’ on your homework?”
               “Maybe,” he grumbles. I display the text and he continues scribbling down his answers.
               “Ooo, even I got the homework done. You’re not tellin’ me I’m about to slip ahead on our grades are you?” I tease.
               He doesn’t even bother to look up. “Not even close.”
               I laugh. Of course it’s not. This kid could miss an entire month of school and still manage to beat me in almost every class. Not that I’m dumb or anything, he’s just that smart—now if only I could get him to realize that I’ve been hardcore flirting with him for over a year now.
               Riku and I have been neighbors since we were little. We were never really friends and that was fine by me; we only occasionally passed by each other on our way to school or in the halls. It wasn’t until we turned fourteen and actually had a class together that I lost my mind. He probably just views me as a mild nuisance at this point, but I can’t help myself around him anymore. He doesn’t acknowledge any of it though.
               The end-of-day bell rings and I stand up with a stretch. “Wha’chu think, Riku? Shall we do the project together?”
               “Hm?” Like a needle pricking at my heart, he wasn’t paying attention. “Oh, I mean we can. But it just sounds like you’re trying to keep that gap between us from getting bigger.” Gods, if I could turn that smirk into something sincere, I’d probably die happy.
               “Please. You may have me in maths and science, but you suck at English.”
               “I’m one grade below you. Also, what does telling a story have do with any career?”
               I count on my fingers. “Journalism, news, authors, basic communication skills.”
               “We’re communicating aren’t we?”
               “Barely.” Oh honey, there’s so much more than what we say…
               His eyes roll but we agree to meet tonight at six to work on this story we’re supposed to write. I waste the day away mulling over this nonsense between us. Clearly this boy isn’t going to get the hint; I could probably kiss him and he would just blow it off as an accident. Yet I still can’t tell if it’s because he’s not interested or just strangely oblivious to flirting. Eventually, I admit defeat—I’m going to have to just flat out tell him. I decide it’d be best to do it tonight, when there’s time for us to talk it out; though that does put me at risk for making this project insanely awkward. I suck it up and plan my words out for the end of the night until six rolls around.
               I pull open the door to find my classmate there, staring out at the horizon. “Hey handsome.” There’s still time to drop plenty of hints before the night ends, but he doesn’t respond. “You okay?” There are some gloomy looking clouds in the distance.
               “Uh, yeah,” he replies, shaking it off. “Let’s get this dumb project done.”
               “And here I thought you just enjoyed my company,” I say, letting him in.
               We start to flesh out a basic a plot for this adventure short, all the while he keeps glancing out the window at the approaching storm. I, on the other hand, am starting to feel the nerves gnaw at my gut.
               “Are you sure you’re alright?” I ask, pulling his attention from the window for the umpteenth time since we started.
               Looking away from his distraction, Riku scribbles on his paper. “Yeah.”
               He’s not going to tell me what’s bothering him. Perhaps it’s time to tell him what’s bothering me instead.
               “Hey Riku?” He hums that that he’s listening before meeting my gaze. This could be it: the end of my endeavors, the end of my shenanigans, possibly the end of a friendship. Here goes nothing.
               Taking a deep breath, I open my mouth to start again, but the storm lets us know that it’s here.
               When the lightning flashes, Riku abruptly stands. “I gotta go.”
               “What?” I stand with him but he heads for the door.
               “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” All those worries he’s been holding back all night have finally broken through. He hurriedly shoves his feet into his shoes.
               “But-” The boy rips the door open and takes off down the street, not even in the direction of his home. I stand in the doorway, stunned, confused, and a little heart-broken. “…Be safe.”
               The storm that night was terrible.
A year later…
               This last year or so has been kind of dreary. Since that storm hit, three kids disappeared from our islands. Days were spent searching, but only the ocean could’ve kept them hidden from us for so long. Then we came across a miracle; some weeks after their disappearance, Kairi had been found on the beach of the smaller island. From what I heard, she had been groggy and confused for a while, but remembered nothing of what happened. As for Sora and Riku, we never found them.
               I was upset for a long time but time heals all wounds supposedly. In reality, I’d just learned to think about it less and went about life. There wasn’t anything else I could’ve done. Even if my heart is still hung up on him, it’s not like I can bring him back. So, on the surface, I take my dreary days the same as my normal ones: one step at a time, no matter how hard the next step is.
               Nope. Don’t think about it.
               Clearing my head of memories I don’t have time to dwell on, I brush the hair from my eyes and readjust the bag of groceries in my arms. It’s Friday, school’s out, I’ve just done my shopping for the week, and now it’s time to go home and relax.
               My body freezes before I turn to person I just passed. He’s a tall, young man, his muscular arms bare. The first instinct is to put some space between us, but that mop of white hair is unmistakable; sure it’s longer than it was but it’s his.
               “Riku?” I breathe, afraid to believe it is. Have I finally lost it?
               His aqua eyes are just visible beneath that mess. “It’s been a while,” he tells me.
               That voice; it’s the same and it still makes my heart flutter. The bag in my arm is hastily set aside before I barrel into the boy, arms around his waist as tightly as I can hold. I could melt when he returns the gesture but I’m too busy trying to keep from crying.
               I step back, wiping at my eyes. “Sorry. I just…Everyone thinks you’re dead.”
               He’s taking the fact pretty lightly. “I can imagine so.”
               “What happened?” I murmur.
               “Uh, I can’t exactly explain it,” he answers, dodging my question. Something about him seems softer than before. “The storm took me someplace far away and a lot of stuff happened. But I’m here now.”
               Taking in his words, I want to question him. There was a whole year where I thought he was at the bottom of the ocean; of course I want to know everything. However, above all of that, I’m relieved he’s back.
               I smile. “Well hey, welcome back handsome.”
               Riku’s responding chuckle dies out to something hesitant. “Are you busy tonight?”
               Reaching down, I scoop my groceries back up. “No. Just making dinner and being lazy tonight.”
               “Do you want to hang out?”
               It takes everything I have to not scream ‘Yes!’ at him. “Didn’t you just get back?”
               “Yeah,” he says with a sheepish grin. “But Kairi spent a few long hours nagging me about being so oblivious.”
               His shoulders bounce but I don’t miss that old spark of mischief. “That whole year before I left, you were flirting with me.”
               It’s suddenly a bit too hot for me and my brain threatens to malfunction. Instead, I take my turn to answer sheepishly, “I mean, yeah. But I think you settling in again is probably more important.”
               “It can wait. I’ve got a lot of stupidity to make up for.”
               I may never stop smiling again. “Only two years worth.”
               “Then I’d better get started.” I could just squeal. “I’ll pick you up tonight.”
               “I’ll see you then.”
               I bid the boy goodbye and it takes everything I have not to explode before I’m sure he’s well out of sight. And that’s it; my brain is shot for the rest of the day. I’m not doing homework, none of my chores get done, and dinner is nothing that I had planned. I just lie around, giddy as a teenager should be.
               I force myself not to bolt for the door when I hear a knock; I cannot, however, help the swelling happiness in my chest when I see him waiting for me.
               “Hey handsome,” I greet. That’s an adorable blush trying to spread across his face.
               “Hey. Are you ready?”
               I tilt my head. “We’re going out? Isn’t it kinda late?”
               “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you from the monsters.” There’s a bit of the old self-confidence I remember him having.
               “Oh my knight in shining armor.” I follow Riku to the docks and I should’ve known he’d be taking me to the smaller island; it was his favorite place to hang out. But I’ve never been there at night so this will be a new experience for me.
               After he’s tied up the little boat, he offers a hand to me. “Careful.”
               “You’ve become quite the gentleman,” I tease, taking his hand.
               My joking goes right out the window when he pulls me up with absolutely no effort. “I think not wanting my date to hurt themself is just common courtesy.”
               “Fair enough.” I pray he doesn’t catch the mild quaver in the two words. “So what exactly are we doing out here?”
               “Whatever you want; just hanging out,” he says, walking out onto the moonlit beach. With a grunt, he plops down into the soft, white sand. With a bit more grace, I sit beside him.
               The ocean before us is dazzling. The water is calm, gently lapping at the land and reflecting the light from above. An endless sky is filled with millions of twinkling stars painting shades of blue and purple around the shining moon. There are no birds or strangers to interrupt the white-noise of the water; just us. And we’re not exactly quiet. We talk and laugh and joke about all sorts of things. I get vague hints that Riku’s time away had been quite an ordeal but we skirt around those topics. Still, I feel like I’m finally connecting to him; I’m not hiding anything or hinting at hidden feelings. I’m able to fully express myself. And though he may not be as snarky as he had been, I’m still enamored all the same.
               “It’s funny.” Riku says, looking up to the stars. “I wanted nothing more than to get off this island, but when I found out about you, I couldn’t wait to get back.
               Thank goodness it’s dark. “That’s kind of a silly reason to suddenly change your dreams.”
               “Not after the adventure I’ve had.” I don’t get a chance to dwell on the darkness in his words. Instead, my heart jumps into my throat when his hand sits on top of mind with a gentle squeeze. “Besides, I think you’re discounting yourself way too much. You’re worth changing dreams for.”
               What the hell do I say to that?! I sigh. “I know I was flirting with you but that doesn’t mean you have to do this. You don’t owe me anything. If you want, we can just-”
               My words are effectively silenced. It’s not smooth or gentle but Riku jams our lips together. I never would use the word awkward to describe him but this is terribly so. I still don’t hate it.
               I don’t know if it’s my own blush or the heat rolling off him, but the air between us is hot. When he breaks away, there’s that smile—I can die happy now.
               “If you end that sentence with ‘be friends,’ I’m going to throw you in the ocean,” he warns, a note of longing there.
               The astonishment in me takes a dive, succeeded by desire. Pulling myself up by his jacket, I swing a leg over Riku’s. My hands weave into his hair, pushing the locks from his face, revealing those beautiful teal eyes. Without another moment’s hesitation, I take a second kiss.
               First kisses are overrated. They’re awkward and never certain of both people’s feelings. But second kisses; with the confidence, understanding, and trust; those are the moments of passion that melt hearts. I am no exception. My insides are filled with thousands of butterflies but I can’t get enough—I will never get enough. I could live in this moment forever: just the two of us in this beautiful scene with our new-found love. I would’ve been gone only a moment too soon had I died earlier.
               Lips part, gasping for air. My eyes rapidly scan his face, trying to commit this moment to memory. Then the wave of euphoria washes over me and I let out a breathy laugh.
               “Fine. We’re not friends.”
Months Later…
               I trail through the sand, water lapping at my feet, birds cawing overhead, sun raining warmth on this quiet, little, lonely island.
               It’s been several months and it sucks. I got warning this time that he was going, but that doesn’t make me feel any better about his absence. The way he talked about it was like I may never see him again and he wouldn’t even give me any details. It was just ‘I gotta go’ and ‘I don’t know if I’ll come back,’ then he kissed me and disappeared; left me crying on the beach by myself. Even Sora and eventually Kairi disappeared too, but no, I get left behind. I’ve been flipping between anger and depression so much sometimes I just cry while I break things. Maybe it was ridiculous for me to think we’d always be together, maybe it would’ve been easier if he just said he was sick of me, but the fact that we were still so infatuated when he left makes this all the more miserable. I had less than a year to fall head-over-heels in love with him and, boy, did he leave his mark.
               Today’s one of those low days, where I miss him so much it almost hurts. So I’m on the little island, hoping for distractions; I’d even take memories of our little moments here—anything to dull the pain.
               Another round of sorrow creeps up on me and I take a moment to attempt clearing my vision.
               “Hey gorgeous.”
               My heart shudders so forcefully everything goes black and my ears ring. It clears quickly enough that I whirl around. He’s there, gasping like he ran a marathon to get here. I can’t believe it; also, I can’t take it. I take a running leap at Riku who falls on his ass to catch me.
               Sobbing into his shoulder, I manage to get out, “You’re not allowed to leave me again. I swear to the gods that I will tie you down if I have to.”
               Hugging me with his entire body, Riku answers, “I have so much to tell you.”
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GOD I love Soriku and I’m just here gonna post my feelings on it again and just spill my soul out about:
I’ve never really seen a gay (I see Sora as bi) ship before. I mean as in I’ve never shipped it like that before. It’s not like I was homophobic I just never really saw it in games that I’ve played. Hell, I never really saw how it has to be canon until I was like “Soriku exists. I wonder what posts are there?” And I stumbled upon theories and artists (who are so good) and I was like “CRAP ITS CANON”. Like I always saw Kairi and Sora but I never really saw it. Like I was just “yeah I can see it happening” and that’s it. Just left it at that but when I looked closer I was like “oh GOD. Sora loves Riku and Riku loves sORA AND THATS THAT” dkwndnd. And I couldn’t see Sora and Kairi anymore. It wasn’t necessarily weird just surprising about how I never noticed it or thought about it before.
And it’s my first blog dedicated to just 2 sunshine boys who deserve to kiss and hug and breakdown and JUST BE TOGETHER. And I can see sokai I really can, but I can’t at the same time. I feel like the ending in KH will be like an ending where it’s left to our imagination. It won’t be Soriku or Sokai. It’d just be up to us to imagine it. But there’s a part inside of me that believes Soriku is canon not just bc I love Soriku bht also because, well...the game is about Sora and Riku. They’re the main characters. It’s about their relationship the WHOLE TIME and we see them develop a lot.
Kairi and everyone else are kind side characters (but are important don’t get me wrong. But that’s how I see it. They’re side characters). And we just see Sora and Riku being together in the beginning (Sora and Riku looking at the stars as children, them sitting on the dock laughing together as kids, them racing, and them just being best friends) but then they go through conflict (like many teens can with friendships. It’s just a natural thing) and then we see them grow and develop. And its so good. But theres still development that has to go. Sora has to start believing in himself and not just his friends and Riku has got to learn how to rely on others. I can’t remember much always about the story (bc I’m forgetful) but Ik he still kinda depends on himself most of all.
It’s just AAAAAH. The game is about Sora and Rikus relationship and there isn’t an argument on that bc it was stated by the game creator himself so I’m not saying that just because I love Soriku. But it’s juST GOOD. IT HAS SO MUCH DEVELOPMENT AND SORIKU IS CANON IN MY HEART. There are other times when we see a Riku and Sora just literally being connected bitches:
I remember at one point in the game, apparently Sora is dying. The Young Xehanort (forgive me if I’m saying this wrong) Is saying “goodnight Sora” or something. His voice (Soras voice) was high bC he was still very young in the game (maybe around kh2??? Idk) and I just remember darkness surrounding him and basically submerging him. And the last word he said in the whole thing was “Riku.” So this motherfucker is basicallt DYING and hES like “BUT WHAT ABOUT RIKU??” If that’s not love and them just being connected then idk what it.
Also, when Riku is in need in KH 3 and was fighting the demon tower, he is needing help bht Mickey isn’t there. He’s sorta trapped I guess? But he calls out “Sora” aND GUESS WHAT? THE MOTHER FUCKER JUST APPEARS LIKE “You called?” AND I STILL CANT GET OVER THAT OKAY FKWNND. AND THEY USE THE Gayblade™️ TO KILL THE DEMON TIDE AND IM JUST IN LOVE ALRIGHT.
In the remind apparently there is a scene where Riku is touched by Soras light, but Riku hasn’t opened his eyes. He just knows it’s Sora because he knows what Soras light and love feels like.
When Sora basically died in KH 3 because of the demon tide, the first name he called out was “Riku!” I feel like if Kairi was his most important person, then he would’ve called out her name, but he didn’t. Plus, if Kairi was his light that saved him, why was she in the tunnel of light? You can’t be the light at the end of the tunnel and be in the tunnel itself. It’s as if she had a copy of herself (not Namine) at the end but it wouldn’t make sense?? So it couldn’t have been Kairi. Yes Kairi brought him back, but she wasn’t the most important one at the same time. It was Riku uGHHHH.
I can’t think of any others right now but yes I’m still here and love Soriku with my SOUL and beg of Nomura to give us more Soriku and just admit it’s canon plEASE. I may have said things wrong and if I did I’m sorry!
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phoenix-downer · 5 years
Hi, fan of the games, fandom and what have you lol, but Here's a wild and maybe kinda weird question. Do you think Yensid knew sora was gonna die and knew about Kairi's resurrection but choose not to tell anyone due to reasons? Like he manipulated everyone into thinking everything is on sora?(Note: I could be wrong since I haven't play the game in a while.)
Hmmmm, that’s a good question. It’s been a while since I’ve played KH3 as well, so my memory is a little rusty, but I’ll give it my best shot.
I think Yen Sid at the very least suspected Sora might die. Mickey knowing about the risk to using the Power of Waking means that Mickey found it out from somewhere, and since Yen Sid was his master, it makes sense that Mickey might’ve learned it from him. The following are a few screenshots from a previous analysis/translation post I did back in February of this year (and my translations are always more on the literal side just to give people a better idea of what the Japanese version says):
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JP ソラ キミの目覚めの力は 心を追って飛び回る力じゃない
EN Sora, listen. The power of waking isn’t to go chase hearts around!
TR Sora, your power of waking, it isn’t the power to fly around chasing hearts!
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JP カイリを助けることができたとしても キミが元の世界に帰れなくなるかもしれない
EN Even if you do locate Kairi, you might never come home to us again.
TR Even if you are able to save Kairi, you might not be able to come home to the real world/to our world.
So Mickey seems to be aware of the risk, which means that Yen Sid probably knows about the risk, too. I can’t remember if Yen Sid ever directly warned Sora about it though - IIRC only Young Xehanort and Mickey did (and can you blame Sora for not trusting Young Xehanort?!)
Of course, there is one big caveat to all this: do we know that Yen Sid knows Sora abused the Power of Waking before Sora went off to save Kairi? He did show up for his big Gandalf moment after Sora had saved everyone else, but I don’t think he really got to talk to Sora or the others about how they managed to not die defeated. Of course, considering he is a powerful wizard, he might know anyway, but… 
Now, after Sora went off to save Kairi, I think Yen Sid probably knew Sora was going to die. Of course, at that point, I suspect Mickey did too, and even Riku seems to sense something bad will happen. I mean, look at his body language here:
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And this is when he’s about to tell Mickey to let Sora go:
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So I don’t think Yen Sid would be hiding anything from them at that point, necessarily.
As for Kairi’s resurrection, Sora promises his friends he’ll return to them…
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JP 大丈夫 俺なら何があっても必ず帰ってくる
EN I will. And we’ll both be back before you know it.
TR It’s okay. If it’s me, whatever happens, I’ll come home.
And Riku tells Mickey to have faith in him:
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JP ソラを信じよう
EN Now believe in him.
TR (Let’s) believe in Sora.
I don’t think Sora would’ve made that promise unless he was confident that he would return with Kairi, especially since he said he wouldn’t abandon her:
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JP 今回こそいっしょに帰れるはずだったのに この場にカイリはいなかった
EN I thought we’d finally be together. But she’s out there, alone.
TR This time for sure I expected we could go home together… but Kairi wasn’t in this place (realm).
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JP もう一人にさせたくない
EN Not for one more second.
TR I don’t want to leave her alone anymore/I don’t want to let her be alone anymore/I won’t let her be alone anymore.
I think Sora’s promise to find Kairi, combined with Riku telling Mickey to believe in him, would be enough to convince all their friends that Sora would return with Kairi. The very last scene of the game (not including the Secret Ending) shows them all partying like they were expecting Sora and Kairi to join them, depending on your interpretation. 
Granted, the whole thing is kinda vague and I can see why some people interpret it as “Sora and Kairi have been home for a little while and then Sora just up and disappears and no one was expecting it” instead. I don’t think we have a definitive answer, and might not get one until the DLC comes out, if at all. 
But if my “we threw this party believing and trusting Sora to bring Kairi back to us” interpretation is true, then I think their friends were overjoyed at them returning safe and sound, only for Sora to disappear anyway at the last possible second. That doesn’t contradict them suspecting something bad would happen to Sora earlier. They were just momentarily overjoyed that he had kept his promise, Kairi wasn’t dead anymore, and their faith in him had paid off.
At that point, I don’t think manipulation would be the right word to use for Master Yen Sid. Sora’s friends had faith he would rescue Kairi and return to them, which he did - he brought Kairi back, and he returned to them, if only for a little while. At least some of them also seem to have suspected something bad would happen to him - Mickey and Riku in particular. 
At this point, we also don’t know what Yen Sid did or did not tell them about Sora abusing the Power of Waking, though perhaps we’ll get some sort of scene about that in a future game. 
Now, do I think Yen Sid should have maybe warned Sora about the risks earlier on in the game, when Sora was trying to get the power? Absolutely, but that could be a whole other post. Yen Sid suffers from what I call the Dumbledore and Obi Wan Rule of Assholery and Power Limiting, where the mentor character’s behavior seems dickish because they don’t intervene as much as they should in the hero’s life, because if they did, they would solve all the hero’s problems and there wouldn’t be much of a story. From a plot/conflict point of view, it makes sense, but from the audience’s point of view, the mentor character risks coming across as unsympathetic when this happens. 
It would be nice if we got a scene at some point where Yen Sid regrets not telling Sora earlier, because even though Sora chose to abuse the Power of Waking knowing the risks, I would hardly say the blame rests on his shoulders for his fate. He’s young and he has this incredible power, and would you just let your friends die if you knew you could save them, even though the cost to save them might be your own life? Sora has been selfless even since KH1 when he sacrificed himself for Kairi, so this is completely in line with his character. 
Honestly, I’d say the blame lies more on Mickey and Yen Sid for not telling him what the risk was earlier. This isn’t the first time Yen Sid has failed Sora either; Sora very nearly got captured by Xehanort at the end of DDD during what should’ve been a run-of-the-mill Mark of Mastery Exam. It’s a miracle he still trusts Yen Sid as it is. And it’s a bad look that he finds out about the risks of using the Power of Waking from Young Xehanort of all people first! 
But again, without those failures on Yen Sid’s part, there wouldn’t be much of a story. And of course, the final time Sora uses the Power of Waking is after he’s been warned by Mickey, but c’mon, this is Sora. Did anyone actually think he would actually just let Kairi stay dead? Kairi, the same girl he sacrificed himself for before already? I don’t think anyone is going to blame Sora for his own death when it was done as an act of self-sacrifice, especially when they’re grieving their dear friend. That’s a one-way ticket to getting smacked - “yeah I know we’re all sad Sora died but it’s his own fault.” No one with any ounce of empathy would say that in real life, and I don’t think any of the good guys in KH would say that either. 
But I digress. At this point, I don’t think anyone would blame Sora for his fate, and I don’t think Yen Sid would’ve tried to make the others think he was at fault for what happened, especially since Yen Sid might blame himself for not warning Sora of the risks earlier. I hope the DLC shines more light on all this to give us more clear-cut answers.
Thanks for the ask!
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inu-jiru · 4 years
Tomoe, The Eastern Tigress - Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen - A Growing Bond
“Where are they going…?” murmured John as he watched Tomoe following after Kyoushiro’s pack. “Their base?” suggested Ken in response. “It looks like Tomoe’s relaxed now. Maybe Kyoushiro trusts her enough to talk.” “Mmph…” John grunted. It was good news, sure, but the idea of his only daughter walking off somewhere with a male made him uneasy. “What do they need to go somewhere else for…? Why can’t they stay out in the open where I can see them?” “Kyoushiro sent dogs after those Dobermans, remember?” said Ken. “He might have the same idea as us: that they’re Hougen’s dogs and he doesn’t want himself to be exposed.” “Heh…” Hiro couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Sounds like you don’t trust that Kyoushiro, eh, John?” “What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” snapped John. He turned, flashing Hiro a sharp look. Beside the Pyrenees, Reika began to chuckle. “He can’t help it,” she told Hiro, flashing the bigger male a playful grin. “That’s just how dogs are when they become fathers.” Kagetora began laughing as well. Not even Ken could stop himself from smirking. John, meanwhile, continued to fume. Suddenly, he took off into the woods, sticking close to the edge so that neither Tomoe nor Kyoushiro left his sight. The laughter stopped. “Eh?” Kagetora barked. “Uncle John? Where’re you going?” “Keeping an eye on them,” John called back. “You chuckleheads can stay there if you want.” “Oh boy…” Ken murmured. “We’d better go after him in case he decides he wants to bite Kyoushiro’s head off.” Back in the field, Tomoe was unaware of her father’s antics. She walked alongside Kyoushiro, her paws effortlessly treading through the thin layer of snow. She watched Kyoushiro out of the corner of her eye; she was still unsure of what to make of him. The insult against her father still bugged her, though now that things were calm, she couldn’t help wondering why Kyoushiro would assume the worst. He’d said that none of the dogs in his pack had ever felt love. Was Japan really filled with that many wicked dogs that Kyoushiro couldn’t fathom the idea of a good parent? If that was the case, then it was incredibly depressing. Tomoe had known Ohu all her life; while she was aware that evil existed in the world, never could she have imagined that there was so much of it. Tomoe’s ear fell back. So many dogs suffering and she’d never known until now… Yipe! Tomoe froze, her right forepaw raised in mid-step. She looked down, seeing Teru lying flat on his belly, bracing himself for impact. The bitch hadn’t noticed the little male in her path. Fortunately, she’d managed to stop in time. “Oops,” said Tomoe, smiling sheepishly. She brought down her paw on a clear patch of snow. “Sorry, kid. Didn’t see you there.” Teru looked up at her, wide-eyed. “You weren’t gonna kick me?” asked Teru in genuine amazement. He then looked at his paws, his brow furrowing. “Daddy would do that whenever I didn’t get out of his way fast enough…” “What a guy…” Tomoe grunted in disgust. Good riddance, honestly. “But no, kid. I’m not that kind of dog. Sorry if I scared you.” “Be careful where you’re running, Teru,” Kyoushiro warned gently. “Lots of big paws around here. Here.” The Kishu stopped, lowering himself into the snow. Tomoe stopped, watching curiously. Teru, hesitating at first, hopped onto Kyoushiro’s head. Kyoushiro then stood, grinning as the puppy gasped at the sudden rise in altitude. “There you go. Now you’re even taller than me, heh.” “Kyoushiro!” exclaimed Teru, his tail wagging in excitement. Tomoe couldn’t stop herself from smiling at the sight. That was, until Kyoushiro caught her gaze again. Tomoe felt her heart suddenly skip a beat and she quickly turned away. Her cheeks heated up beneath her fur. What the…? she thought in alarm. What the hell’s the matter with me…? “Heh,” Tomoe heard Kyoushiro chuckle behind her. He didn’t say anything more, but Tomoe could just picture the smug look on his scarred face. She didn’t get it; why was she getting flustered so easily all of a sudden? The journey continued. Tomoe and Kyoushiro caught up with the rest of the pack just as they were reaching the other end of the field. There was a large, old tree at the forest’s edge, the snow scraped away from its roots. Lying on the cleared soil was a freshly-killed deer. It’s body was mostly untouched, aside from the killing wounds. Kyoushiro’s packmates licked their chops, rushing to the kill and settling down to eat. “Finally,” one of them said cheerfully. “I’m starvin’!” “Oi, oi,” called Kyoushiro as he lowered his head and set Teru down. “Make some room, will you? We have company.” “Oh, I’m fine, thanks,” said Tomoe. “I ate earlier.” “Fair enough,” replied the Kishu. Looking down at Teru, Kyoushiro gave him an encouraging nudge. “Go on, Teru. Get something to eat.” “Really, Kyoushiro…?” asked Teru in awe. Kyoushiro’s smile widened as he nodded. “Of course. Eat as much as you want. No one’s gonna stop you.” “Ah…! Alright!” Teru dashed over to the kill, finding a place among the other dogs and beginning to eat. He tore away at the skin and meat vigorously, as if this was the first real meal he’d ever had. Tomoe honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if it was. The bitch’s gaze swept upwards towards the rest of Kyoushiro’s packmates. They ate together, tails wagging as they chatted and joked with each other. “How long have you been doing this?” Tomoe found herself asking. The white male sighed in response, taking a seat at the edge of the snow bank. Tomoe sat near him. “About four months, I think,” said Kyoushiro with a somber expression. “Yeah, I think I was eight months, then. That’s when I first found one of my boys being beaten by his asshole dad.” Kyoushiro paused, nodding to a gray male. “That guy there: Jirō. He tried to take a kill from me. Said his dad would beat him if he didn’t bring home any food. To make a long story short, I got rid of the bastard. Jirō’s been by my side ever since. But then I met more young dogs, all of them abused and taken advantage of by their so-called parents.” The Shirogane bowed his head slightly, gritting his teeth in anger. His eyes were glistening with tears. Tomoe’s eyes widened at the sight. “In four months, I’ve saved fifty-one dogs, but who knows how many more I’ll have to save…” “Kyoushiro…” Tomoe said quietly. She hesitated to continue, biting her lip as she pondered over what to say. “...I’d wanted to ask you to help us fight Hougen, but thinking about it now, it kinda feels shitty to ask that without offering something in return.” Kyoushiro looked at her. Tomoe couldn’t make out his expression. “The Ohu army’s whole purpose is to bring down evil bastards. If you help us, I’ll personally see to it that we help you make Japan a better place for puppies to grow up in.” “...That’s a pretty big thing to promise,” Kyoushiro said. His voice was uncertain, and his eyes were dark with his doubts. He’d seem too much evil in the world; what Tomoe was saying sounded way too good to be true. “Maybe,” said Tomoe. “But I’ll make sure it happens, and that’s a promise.” The two looked at each other, neither daring to blink as they studied each other’s faces. Kyoushiro’s hard expression melted away slightly. Something about Tomoe seemed so genuine, despite his own feelings. Something made him want to trust in her. In the woods, John and his group had made it around the field, closer to where Kyoushiro’s base was. Remaining hidden by the trees, they continued watching the interactions between Tomoe and Kyoushiro. John watched, his eyes narrowed, as the two young leaders gazed at each other. “They both seem calm…” Ken observed. “Maybe Tomoe’s done it? She’s gotten Kyoushiro on our side?” “I don’t like the way he’s looking at her,” John grunted. His tail lashed violently behind him. “Easy, John,” said Hiro with a sly grin. “I’m a little worried about Rocket and GB,” Reika murmured, looking over her shoulder and into the forest. “They still haven’t come back yet. You don’t think--?” AHHHHHH! A terrified scream echoed across the forest, drowning out Reika’s voice. All dogs perked in alarm, be they from Ohu or Kyoushiro’s pack. Tomoe and Kyoushiro stood up quickly. “Riku!” shouted Kyoushiro. He shot off in the direction of the scream without any hesitation. “Hachi!” “Shit…!” Tomoe muttered. She followed after the Shirogane. Whatever was going on, she’d help out. She had to show Kyoushiro that she was a dog he could depend on. “Oi!” one of Kyoushiro’s packmates called. They all began scrambling to their paws. “Boss! Wait for us!” “Come on,” John barked to his comrades, his previous anger forgotten as he ran to investigate the scream. The rest of the Ohu soldiers followed him without question. The scream hadn’t sounded like GB or Rocket, but… “Damn it...what did those bastards do…!?” Kyoushiro and Tomoe ran along the forest trail, quickly arriving at the scene. The rest of the pack joined them seconds later. As the Kishu had feared, the two young males were lying in the snow, bleeding from wounds on their backs and sides. The snow was tinted red underneath them. They weren’t the only ones at the scene, though. There was, of course, GB and Rocket, the former also wounded quite heavily, but there were also two others there, two males that caused Tomoe’s stomach to drop like a stone: Weed and Jerome. “Boss…!” Riku called out to Kyoushiro, to skidded to a halt in front of his packmates. “What happened?” the Kishu demanded. He glanced up at other dogs. “Did those bastards hurt you?” “No, no!” replied Hachi quickly. “They actually helped us! Those Dobermans...we’re sorry, Boss, but they were just too strong. We would’ve died if those guys hadn’t stepped in.” As they spoke, Tomoe couldn’t tear her eyes away from Weed and Jerome. Weed stood near GB and Rocket, questioning them about their wounds. Jerome, meanwhile, hovered over him, his eyes darting about in surveillance. Part of her was surprised to see that they were still hanging around on the mountain, but she also figured that Weed wasn’t so willing to abandon Ohu. “Tomoe!” Rocket called, looking over at her. It was then that both Weed and Jerome turned to stare at the bitch. Weed’s eyes narrowed, and he looked away immediately afterwards. Jerome, however, continued staring, his eyes burning with cold fury. Tomoe ignored them. “Those dogs...they’re Hougen’s assassins! And their teeth...something about them isn't right. They’re sharper than anything I’ve ever felt!” “So that’s Hougen’s plan…?” Kyoushiro’s lips curled back, showing up his fangs. “Sending assassins after me? Tch...that shithead’s gonna pay. But first, we’re gonna crush those bastards. Anyone who hurts my packmates won’t get any mercy from me! Let’s go!” “Aye!” Kyoushiro’s allies called as they followed his lead. Kyoushiro took off after a set of footprints leading away from the area. They had to belong to the Dobermans. Tomoe joined the group, feeling a sudden anger washing over her. “They won’t get away with this,” Tomoe promised as she passed GB and Rocket. “Tomoe…!” said GB, but the bitch didn’t look back. The Setter blinked. “They really think they can take them…?” Weed suddenly took off, as well, lagging behind out of Tomoe and Kyoushiro’s sights. “Eh? Weed…?” “Even if he’s against Tomoe,” Jerome explained roughly. “Weed won’t stand by and let evil dogs hurt his comrades.” “Mmph…” Rocket grunted doubtfully. If Weed was interfering again, something was bound to go wrong. All of Tomoe’s work would’ve been for nothing. “Rocket! GB!” The remaining trio turned, seeing John and his group approaching them. The General caught sight of Jerome and his brow furrowed. Up ahead, Tomoe joined Kyoushiro’s side, running with him at a steady pace. The Kishu glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. “You don’t have to come with us,” he said. “We’re not afraid of taking on a few of Hougen’s goons.” “They hurt my friends, too,” Tomoe reminded him. “Besides, even if they didn’t, we can’t just let a couple of killers run loose.” “Mmm. Is that so?” The Shirogane paused, looking towards the path ahead. “...The runt’s following us.” “Yeah…” said Tomoe with a grunt. “I can smell him. If he does anything stupid, I’ll pummel him into the ground.” “Heh,” Kyoushiro chuckled. “I like the sound of that.” The trail eventually split up at a snow-covered pile of logs. One assassin had gone left, while the other went right. Tomoe scrunched her nose. So this was their game? Kyoushiro studied the situation before turning back towards his packmates. “Alright,” he began. “Split up into two groups and follow those tracks. If you find them, give me a howl. Don’t fight them. I don’t want any more of you getting hurt.” “Aye!” responded the pack. As commanded, they split into two groups, each one following a set of tracks. As they did so, however, Kyoushiro caught notice of Teru. The pup had joined them, and was now about to travel with the group heading left. Quickly, he called to him. “Hey, Teru.” The puppy halted, looking up at Kyoushiro with confusion. The Kishu patted the snow with a paw. “Come over here. You don’t have to go with them.” “But…” Teru’s eyes fell to the ground. “I wanna help, Kyoushiro. Hachi and Riku are my friends now. I wanna fight whoever hurt them.” “I appreciate that, Teru,” said Kyoushiro with a grin. “But you’re not as strong as you could be just yet. Once you’ve gotten a little bigger, then you’ll be able to fight alongside us.” “Oh…” murmured the puppy, clearly still disappointed. Kyoushiro cocked his head a bit, humming thoughtfully, before leaning down to pick Teru up. The pup gasped as Kyoushiro lifted him high off the ground once again. “You’ve got the right spirit, though,” Kyoushiro continued. “You’ve already got the heart of a real dog.” “You think so?” Teru said, a smile forming on his muzzle. Smiling back, Kyoushiro nodded. Tomoe watched the interaction with a soft expression on her face. Kyoushiro really wasn’t a bad guy. He was a bit rough around the edges, sure, but he had to be. He couldn’t afford to look weak, not in a world like this. Tomoe definitely wanted him as a friend. Out of curiosity, the bit dared to take a peek in Weed’s direction. The Akita mix had remained behind, sitting a short distance away from the other two youngsters. He was watching Kyoushiro now, a look of interest on his face. Tomoe’s eyes widened. Was the kid finally getting it through his thick skull that he shouldn’t be so quick to deem someone as “cruel and unjust”? Kyoushiro entertained Teru by setting him down on top of the snowy mound, allowing the puppy to gently slide down. As Teru reached the bottom, he giggled, and rushed to climb the mound himself so that he could slide again. Feeling eyes on him, the Shirogane turned to face Tomoe and Weed. “Kyoushiro…” Weed piped up. Both Kyoushiro and Tomoe gave him tired stares. “What is it, kid?” replied Kyoushiro roughly. “It’s Weed,” Weed corrected, his tone sharpening a bit. “And I wanted to talk now that we have a moment.” “If you’re gonna try to ask me to join the battle against Hougen, you’re a little late.” The Kishu shot a glance towards the Shepherd beside him. “Tomoe’s already given me an offer. I think I might take it.” Tomoe felt her heart flutter at that. She couldn’t explain why. Weed gritted his teeth, looking towards Tomoe with a look of frustration. Tomoe stood her ground, returning his gaze with a cold, unflinching stare. She dared him to try and act out. Son of Gin or not, she wouldn’t tolerate his shenanigans any further. There was a sudden cacophony of footsteps. The two groups had returned to the mound, the tracks having led them right back where they started. The dogs grunted, puzzled. Kyoushiro, cocking a brow, approached his comrades. “What happened?” the Kishu asked. “The tracks led us back this way,” Jirō admitted. “We’re just as confused as you, Boss…” There was a loud shuffling behind the gathering of dogs. Everyone turned towards the mound. Teru was nowhere to be seen. Kyoushiro felt his heart stop. “Let me go!” the puppy’s voice rang out from afar. Kyoushiro was the first to sprint after it, crying out the youngster’s name. “Teru! TERU!” Rounding a bend, the white male spotted two figures: the Dobermans, Thunder and Lector. He skidded to a stop, his eyes widening as he saw Teru’s little body in between their jaws, Thunder gripping the back of his neck, while Lector held his lower back. With a simple snap of their heads, it would’ve been all too easy to rip the puppy in half. Kyoushiro gritted his teeth hard. “Let him go,” Kyoushiro seethed. “Not unless you tell your pack to leave,” Thunder replied coldly. “You’ll fight the two of us. Alone.” “You already know my name, bastards. Just tell me what you want from me.” “Well…” The Doberman brothers share a glance, a sadistic twinkle in their eyes. Tomoe padded forward, the fur on her spine standing on end. “Wait,” the male said, looking at Tomoe. The bitch paused, staring at him. His eyes compelled her to stay put. Grunting, Tomoe stepped back. With a thankful nod, Kyoushiro turned towards the assassins. He forced himself to take on a neutral expression. “...If you’re gonna kill him, then do it.” “Uh…!?” Tomoe nearly choked in her surprise. She could hear Weed gasping behind her. For once, she could say they were on the same page. What the hell was Kyoushiro saying!? “Teru has a strong spirit,” the Kishu continued. “A dog like that doesn’t give a damn about life and death.” “What?’ Lector muttered. “There’s no way that’s true,” said Thunder. “You’re bluffing.” “Go on and tell them, Teru,” Kyoushiro called. “Prove that I’m right.” Teru looked to his leader, tears streaming down his face. “Y-Yes, Boss…” Teru whimpered. Despite how terrified he was, he forced himself to sound brave. If this was what Kyoushiro wanted, then he’d do it. Irritated, Thunder began tugging slightly on the boy’s neck. “Don’t joke with us!” the Doberman warned. “No!” Teru barked in a much fiercer tone. “Kyoushiro’s right! I’m a real male and I’ll gladly die like one…! Kyoushiro…! Don’t hold back on these jerks! Promise me you’ll beat them after I...after I…” “Teru…!” Tomoe felt her eyes stinging with tears. Kyoushiro couldn’t stop himself from frowning. “Teru…” he began. “Those words mean a lot to me, you know. But I can’t make that promise.” Teru’s eyes widened in shock. “Because...Because you’re not gonna die!” Without warning, Kyoushiro leaped forward, flipping over and landing on his back in the snow. His legs were spread apart and his head lifted upwards, exposing his throat. Everyone was taken aback. “I’ll be the one who dies tonight,” declared Kyoushiro fearlessly. “Let Teru go and kill me.” “Mmm,” Thunder hummed in approval. “Very well. But first, send your pack away. We’ll kill Teru if you don’t.” “Grrr...you heard him,” shouted Kyoushiro. His packmates hesitated, ears falling back and tails tucking between legs. No one wanted to leave the Shirogane to sacrifice himself. “Do it! Leave! That’s an order!” “...Let’s go,” Jirō said, unable to stop his own tears from flowing as he began heading back the way they came. The rest of Kyoushiro’s pack slowly followed, leaving only Tomoe and Weed left. Tomoe, now understanding the Shirogane’s true intentions, took a step forward. “Eh?” said Thunder, eyeing her. “Kyoushiro said to leave, didn’t he?” “I’m not a member of his back,” Tomoe shot back. “Regardless,” Lector snarled. “You need to leave. Take that silver brat with you. This doesn’t concern either of you.” “I’m not going anywhere,” Weed chimed in. He padded to Tomoe’s side, standing tall. Tomoe gave him the side-eye. “You hurt my comrades. I won’t forgive that.” “What are you babbling on about, brat?” “My name is Weed, and I’ve come from my father’s Paradise to stop evil dogs like you.” Tomoe rolled her eyes. Where was all this talk before? “I’m the son of Gin!” “Eh!?” both Dobermans gasped. They dropped Teru in their shock. Immediately, the puppy ran to hide behind Tomoe. Lector began to sneer. “So this is the brat Hougen’s worried about?” “Don’t forget about me,” Tomoe spat. The female lowered herself into a fighting stance. “I am Tomoe, daughter of John! If you bastards think you’ll get away with any of this, then you’re dead wrong.” As this was happening, John was making his way to Kyoushiro, Tomoe, and Weed’s location accompanied by Jerome, Hiro, and Kagetora. Reika had remained with GB and Rocket, while Ken was going to gather the rest of the Ohu soldiers. “This isn’t good…” Jerome said. “I’m starting to recognize those assassins…” “Well?” replied John impatiently. “Spill it. Who are they?” “If memory serves me correctly, those two should be the Killer Fang. They were trained in the same facility as me. I should’ve realized they’d be the type to join Hougen.” “Two more bastards to deal with,” Kagetora growled. He licked his chops. “Bring it on. We can take them out.” “Well said, youngster,” said John. The four males arrived at the small clearing, seeing Weed and Tomoe prepared for battle. Kyoushiro had gotten up and joined their side. With Teru safely behind them, he was free to unleash his fury. Thunder and Lector looked up, seeing the new arrivals. “More interruptions?” Thunder snarled. “We may have to leave for now, brother.” “You’re not going anywhere,” Tomoe spat, taking a threatening step forward. “You bastards want a fight? Then you’ll get one.” She looked back at her father and allies. “Dad, we’ll handle this. Please don’t step in!” “Tomoe!” John exclaimed. “I can do this, Dad!” the bitch insisted. “Please! I’m not afraid of these bastards!” “If you stay back,” Lector barked. “We’ll only fight Kyoushiro and the bitch. For now.” “I told you I’m not leaving,” Weed snapped. “Hey, Teru!” Hiro called. The puppy looked back at the Pyrenees. Recognizing him from before, Teru smiled a bit. “It’s you…!” “Yeah. Come over here. It’s dangerous for you to be out there.” Teru shot a reluctant glance at Kyoushiro. The Kishu, who was looking back at him, nodded to him reassuringly. Teru decided to obey, and rushed to Hiro, sitting between his massive forepaws. John had been contemplating quietly the entire conversation. Finally, he nodded. “...Show ‘em no mercy, kiddo.”
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eternalmomentss · 5 years
I finally did it! I beat all of the data fights on critical and let me tell you, it was painful! To celebrate, I want to do a ranking from easiest to hardest! Keep in mind that this is my opinion and my own experience. So, let’s go...
13. Xigbar 
By far the easiest data fight in my opinion. It was hard to find some openings to attack at first, but after one death and a fresh start I was able to beat him. That said, I gotta mention that this is probably one of my favourite fights, The music was great and really fitting and the reaction command Showdown was such a cool idea and made the fight super interesting!
12. Luxord
Also very easy compared to the others, though his DM was a bit tricky to understand at first. I really enjoyed this fight though and was very glad to see that they brought back the time gauge and the minigames. Also the remix of the 13th Struggle was perfect for him! It had kind of a gentlemanlike tone to it!
11. Young Xehanort
Surprisingly doable! His DM was by far the fastest and easiest to survive. He did kill me a few times but only because I wasn’t as focused...so yeah this fight was actually a breeze of fresh air, but also overall really damn cool. I just love L’Impeto Oscuro!
10. Dark Riku
Some say he is the easiest but I don’t see it lol. He just doesn’t stop attacking, slashing at you from all directions and it is stressful. But after a few times, he is actually really doable.
9. Larxene
The first one I attempted and beat. I remember her first phase was actually such a breeze and I got through without too much effort, but her DM changed everything. I was too slow most of the time and it was hard to block her attacks, especially the one from above. But tbh I think KH2 Larxene is still harder (without reflect that is). Loved the fight, though!
8. Saix
Yes, moon man is only at number eight. I know many see him as one of the hardest and I can see why! He attacks relentlessly and the spinning swords he throws that stun you are really annoying. They can lead to many deaths...but apart from that, he was doable! (Still hard af though) The fight as a whole was awesome! I was having so much fun! The remix of the 13th Struggle is pure fire and really fits the character. I guess this is also one of my favourites, they did him justice!
7. Terra Xehanort
That stupid Guardian was really annoying to me! I don’t even really know why I struggled with this one, because his DM was easy to avoid and there were enough openings to attack, but he kicked my butt anyway. Guess because he was the second I beat after Larxene. Actually, maybe Saix would be harder for me now...I am a bit unsure.
6. Ansem
I heard rumors that he is also supposed to be one of the easier ones but...urghh his DM was what I struggled with the most. I guess it was because I was unaware of the fact that you can actually deal Damage to him between his attacks, I tried to block the whole time but one little mistake and I was screwed lol
5. Marluxia
The first one that really frustrated me. He just juggled me in the air most of the time lmao. The unblockable attacks got me way to many times and his DM was a problem too. Also, these stupid rose petals! That doesn’t mean I didn’t love this fight, on the contrary! It was beautiful. The music was great (I love Lord of the Castle) and the atmosphere stunning. Again, they did him justice!
4. Vanitas
ToO slOw! toO SLow! aarrghh my god this fight was hard for me. First of all, what even was that DM, huh? Unfair! I died way too many times and ended up cheesing it with a link. Yeah, I am not proud of myself but whatever, I was getting too pissed lmao. I didn’t know you can just cancel his DM with a simple thunder spell...but again, the fight was really cool and now that I know more, I kinda feel like doing it again.
3. Xion
What a beautiful and stunning fight! They did my girl justice! Everything was gorgeous, the music, her quotes and the whole fight in general. It was just really fun. And even though she kicked my butt and I got frustrated along the way, I still enjoyed it and was really proud when I beat her without a link to avoid her DM. Yey! BUT, her reducing your max HP was cruel and led to many many deaths...
2. Master Xehanort
At first I thought, how am I going to survive this? Especially the DM. It was similar to his DM in the main game and let me tell you, I struggled with that on critical as welll urgh. Also, the lasers and the weird ice bomb thingies were hard to avoid at first, but after some time, I was able to detect a pattern! (I also watched a video to be fair lmao don’t judge me) but yeah, a cool and difficult fight for sure!
1. and the top spot goes to Xemnas
My god this fight got me screaming! I fought him so many times, I have all of his moves memorized by heart now...I don’t know why I died so many times tbh because there were plenty of openings and stuff but...i guess the thorns threw me off a bit? Also the DM, oh damn, it was hard to get through for sure. Yeah, Xemnas made me wanna explode and was the hardest for me, no question. But again, that doesn’t mean this fight was bad, no it was fcking amazing, again one of my favourites. The music was great and despite being hard as heck, the DM was gorgeous. They did him good!
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ultyso · 5 years
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All of because of re-seeing this part of DDD and an rp I’ve been doing with my buddy, I’m all like agghshahahahkalalalal cause I’m VenSo trashhhhh.
So my friend and I were rping of a what if UX Young Ven and young Sora became friends at this time period. Was just for funsies ^u^ butttt then....
As I rp’d that more I started thinking of in game things based on this RP.
Hypothetically, what if that version of Sora did share the paopu with Ven? Cause:
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(Gif source: starrshard)
Or as Riku has stated:
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Then I thought, well what if Sora did body hop like Luxu to get to his current time period or he 'died' but couldn't find a body to go with when he changed timelines??? Lost in the darkness kinda business.
He was unable to remember what he was doing since you forget when you change timelines, so he just wandered in the darkness until he found Ven's light (because it was familiar even though he would forget Ven himself maybe?) and followed it, and I'm like the connection that couldn't be broken cause paoupu magic???
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(Gif source: Gifer)
Cause paopu powers have it as you'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what so who’s to say that that this couldn’t be a reason why Sora was able to reach Ven so easy? Because no matter what some sort of force would keep them together.
So when the whole Xehanort and Ven thing happened and even though he couldn't remember, he felt it right to help him because they were connected (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
When Sora finally managed to find a body if he did body hop, he let Ven stay then when he broke again, to which Ven had said he was wandering in the dark till he found Sora's light and followed it (Like seriously these two aren't the only light's in the world why specifically Sora? I mean could be Sora's half in Ven's heart wanted to go back to where it originally belonged butttt then what of Sora’s part in BBS? Like they could have easily went to the Princesses of Light or something or all the other children that had light) and thus literally making their destinies intertwined for real now.
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They are together as one being for quite awhile until Sora wakes him up. But they’re still connected even though he’s up (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
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(Or hell pulling a stretch, what if Sora’s original ‘body’ resembled that more of Vanitas? Cause seriously why does Vanitas even have black hair? Cause literally everyone else got white for the darkness taking over them???? Roxas doesn’t have black hair either he just looks like Ven so? And so the scene could be scene even more of huh for Ven? That’s not how I remember you looking for some reason I can’t recall, but also is the oh god I associate that face now with Vanitas cause of all the trauma of everything that’s happened.
Also what is with the clenched fists Ven. I see you 👀
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and then like with Kairi, I was thinking? Oh dear what if it only works once sharing a paopu and that's why she isn't able to bring him backkkkkk even though he did the power of waking for her, he couldn’t go back with her. Obvs from using it too much so most likely case. But, these two are always being separated even though they so badly want to be together. It’s like something wants to push them away no matter what and I cry .°(ಗдಗ。)°. Like what if it’s Ven’s fault that these two keep getting pulled away from each other no matter how much they’ve tried to fight it?
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(Gif source: Was on knowyourmeme not sure where poster grabbed it from)
Anyways, Vanitas sounds like he is still with Sora somehow, which is a part of Ven so still keeping the, I'm always here with you no matter what, we still will share the same fate. And I’m really curious what Vanitas’ role will be in future titles cause of all this.
And ahhhhh I'm sorry I'm dying 😂 . I just had to spout it out 😂😂😂 Feel free to tell me I’m crazy and just letting my love for VenSo make my brain go derp 😂😂😂
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mellz117 · 5 years
Mellz plays KH Re:Com on PS2, Reverse/Rebirth (Riku’s campaign) Part 2
Yeah I hate Larxene. She’s mean for the sake of being mean, she has no redeeming qualities. Xemnas at least has a goal, Larxene is just an asshole just to be so. She reminds me of Agent South from Red vs Blue, whom I also can’t stand lmao.
Now that THAT’S out of the way....
Check out part 1 of Riku’s campaign if you’re joining me for the first time! Also linked there is the beginning of my time with Sora’s part of the game. Otherwise, let’s continue.
Snibbs shout out to you for warning me about Wonderland. LETS GO THERE RIGHT NOW!
Ok I think I know that you meant. I have like 20 cards but only 9 show up in battle.
Oh wow ok. I only ever have 9 cards to work with in Wonderland which sucks against the boss. So I died.
I'm getting so mad right now. I died 4 times. Ok. After reaching the next floor a cut scene plays and Lexaeus tells Zexion that Vexen is dead, which he already knew because "his scent is gone". Some convoluted bullshit gets talked about, if the hero of light loses his path the Organization might find use for the hero of darkness. If the hero of light goes astray YOU STILL HAVE ROXAS.
So I'm at the Olympus Colosseum and after a while I started wondering out loud
"Can Dark Firaga heal Hades?"
And my sister, who's been eating Ferrero Rocher says "Dark Ferrero?"
Thanks, Rose. Do they make Ferrero Rocher with dark chocolate? I kinda want that.
I do not struggle with Hades at all. Ever. Especially when I don’t have a stupid DUCK casting fire spells.
When we finish the Colosseum Riku meets Lexaeus, who's already got his tomahawk out. He's ready to kick ass and take names. Nobody here has any time to stop and smell the white, ceramic roses do they?
He calls Riku an infantile coward (a wussy baby) and battle ensues.
Oh ho-ho on battle attempt number 5 we both had one hit left in our HP bars. Guess who won!
Death count with Lexaeus was 6 after a bunch of grinding. My card count wasn't a problem it was my HP.
Jesus christ, Lex. Hes 15, give him a break. No, not shatter his back on the ceiling...
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Well now you done it. Ansem took over and kicked your ass for Riku.
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Rose: "Sorry, Ansem, I don't think you're his type"
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Please stop talking. Seriously. Someone call the feds omfg
Zexion laments Lexaeus’s defeat. He sounds so sad about it. Were they close?This melancholy mood is quickly shoved aside when Axel appears. They both casually discuss who of the remaining Org13 members in this castle is gonna die next. Zexion leaves to confront Riku himself.
It doesn’t take long before Marluxia's dead, which is enough power to SHAKE THE WHOLE CASTLE and Zexion shows himself to Riku. "Sora's destiny is to fight the darkness, including you, Riku". he says and peaces out until we get the Destiny Islands.
Poor Riku, constantly being bombarded with reminders of his mistakes. These bad guys REALLY like to give him a hard time. LET HIM LEARN WITHOUT HURTING HE’S TRYING HIS BEST.
The Darkside is also a super easy boss. Especially at this point in the game. It's like a bull against a mouse, and the mouse wins. The mcguffin card showed up at the end when it wasn't necessary but I used it anyway.
There’s a door. Oh I get a choice? I don't remember that door. I always just went up to "Sora". What happens if I pick the door?
God damn imagine how BEYTRAYED Riku feels, thinking Sora has turned against him. Hm, well Sora sure knows how it feels now Riku does too!
He looks so sad...
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A figment of Kairi appears before Riku. “There is no power than can defeat you” she says. So Riku is OP? She means like, one nor the other has to be his downfall. She tells him the darkness will make him stronger but that’s what ANSEM has been telling him this whole time. And Riku just believes this illusion of Kairi… why? She’s parroting Ansem and Riku’s like “...Yeah that sounds legit”
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What does darkness smell like? Like a damp towel? Stale potatoes?
Battle ensues. So I didn't realize Zexion was stealing my cards to use against me. So what a surprise when I paused to do something and he's got Soul Eater in hand!
Upon exiting the Destiny Islands a cutscene in the darkroom plays. Zexion is scared half to death by Repliku before he realizes Axel is there too. Oh how short that wave of relief lasts... Axel manipulates Repliku and has him kill Zexion. Axel is a bastard. How would killing Zexion help Repliku? What does he know too much of? Isn't he still loyal to Xemnas? Or did he defect like Marluxia and was considered a traitor? Is AXEL even still loyal to the Organization at this point?
Poor Zexion.
The disembodied voice of Ansem Seeker of Darkness calls out to Riku. "Who's there?!" Riku asks, totally forgetting the fact he has seen this man talk with this voice. Canonically it's the same voice. It may be different to the audience but in canon it's the same!
Mickey is at full opacity.
I really like seeing this side of Riku, more silly and cute.
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Riku just really needs a hug.
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Riku is just completely overcome with relief and his legs give out on him. He’s not alone anymore. When did they get the time to bond between the end of KH1 and CoM?
I'm reading this aloud and Rose says, when I'm done. "No, no, you have to do the voice”
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Ok so I went back and reloaded the save before the Darkside fight and the door just leads you to the previous room in case you want to save. Now with that over with, we go to Twilight Town
DiZ tries to be all "ooh Im evil, I’m Ansem, be very afraid Riku". They battle pose and nothing happens for a too long an awkward moment of time and Riku sees right through this farce.
"You're not the true Ansem" ACTUALLY HE LITERALLY IS THE TRUE ANSEM THE ANSEM YOU KNOW IS TERRANORT’S HEARTLESS LMAO. Look if any of you reading this don’t know Diz and Ansem the Wise (not seeker of darkness) are the same person, what are you doing here?
Oh look it's that ho. I know I keep dragging Repliku but I'm just remembering his death scene and I'm really sad again. I honestly feel so bad for him. He needs a hug. He's super distressed and it's just so heartbreaking. Help!
“Your own darkness doesn’t scare you anymore”
“How can you tell?”
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How many of you have played Sonic Adventure 2?
Repliku’s feelings of existentialism hurt me. 
I stop feeling bad for him with every death I face
I was grinding for level ups and this happened
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I’m barely within its despawn range lmao
I did it! I don't know how but I beat Repliku! Guess a lot of dueling is the technique? Because I ended up doing that a bunch.
So Repliku is dying. I gave him a lot of crap and drug him through the dirt but the fate of Repliku is a heartbreaking one. He's just laying there and accepts his fate. HE DIED SO YOUNG.
I’m suddenly reminded of this omg
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Let’s get back on track.
What DOES happen if a replica dies? Riku ponders as well, perhaps they go to the same place as a normal person. THIS SCENE MAKES ME SO SAD [video]
After all this anger and drama I'm glad that Riku feels pity the replica. He's not heartless. We now enter the mansion and into the... Basement? Is the pod room in the mansion’s basement?
Omg shes so cute.
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She shows Riku the pod Sora’s in and Riku's wigging out, thinking Namine's done something wrong with him. Riku, you’re scaring her!
She explains what he's doing there and offers to use her power to make Riku forget the darkness. Riku is concerned he could forget his loved ones as a result. 
Riku is king of sass
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God damn I love this kid. Little shitlet half the time but I love him. My son. My boy. That stupid finger waggle
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GEE I WONDER! Think back what, 10 years ago? Is that when BbS took place?
Riku is ready once and for all to fight Ansem and tells Mickey to stay behind because there’s no point in fighting him if Riku can’t win with his own power.
He’s like “Hey do me a solid? if I don't defeat Ansem, just kill me.” 
Riku-interrupting Mouse interrupts him “Sure I’ll save you if that happens”
“No, no. If I lose, DESTR-”
Here’s [part 3] of Reverse/Rebirth, as well as my final thoughts.
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pmiller1 · 5 years
Let debunk some Deja Vu. Woah. Deja Vu.
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Already I had to debunk and it from Young Xehanort. This could be me, but it seem like talking about the Many Young Sora that is wounding around here.
Kinda surreal if you ask me.
Within Kingdom Hearts, there’s a general rule of thumb that even though the mind may not remember, the heart never forgets. This was established pretty early as a concept with Chain of Memories (imagine, with a name like that).
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This specific example is even further proven by being one of the memories Sora can choose from during his Dive to the Heart. Something he otherwise can’t actively recall, but it remains within him.
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We doesn’t know if Sora actually remember this. But given this is for the Guardian class so to say. It best bring the idea of when Sora choses to be a guardian for his friend. (This doesn’t really matter)
This is also kind of the idea behind some of the effects of Time Travel. If traveling through and into the future, your experiences and memories don’t come back with you once you return to the past. You continue to live your life, but with an underlying, subliminal need or sense to follow whatever brings you to the future you’ve experienced as “It has been etched” into your heart.
It’s a continuity failsafe.
Time Travel.
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So regardless of the means (time travel, memory erasure, etc), having experienced something guarantees that the memory still remains somewhere, deep within your heart.
So the breakdown from this if your Time Travel from another time and once you return from time, you forget everything in that other time, but you hearts will keep on as fate. Given it a subcontinent memory kinda of deal.
Can I just point this memory erasure only happen when you return to own time. Not when you traveling pass time. Or how would Young Xehanort know he from the future, he there to make sure he future action does happen.
And in away, this is going with the idea that Sora and Riku want back in time before the Keyblade War, before Kingdom Hearts III so to say. How would there forget there action. I mean it not like going to the past would remove the memory, Maleficent remember everything before she dead in KH1 when she was in the past in a date of her home world. She try to set plan to get the seven princess of heart, only for the 7th princess Kairi being unable to reach her do not having a date worlds of where she would be. “Darkness” himself told her that.
So the idea is this Deja Vu is already faulty.
We see what seems like evidence of this throughout the game like, a lot. A lot a lot. A notable amount of verbalized forgetting of details, characters reacting to something before it happens or aren’t present for, or unwarranted familiarity with a given situation. In most instances characters even provide an easy to swallow explanation for it, seeming to deliberately hand wave the issue so you don’t take much notice. 
The game begins with a cutscene from the end of 0.2. This functions as a means to refresh players of what Sora needs to do, but they have a very interesting conversation where Goofy brings up the very important phrase “May your heart be your guiding key”. Something they’ve never heard (yet), but Goofy insists he had.
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Even with the implication that the timeline restart happens at the end of II.9, we’re still including this scene and how pointedly odd it is.
And here the real reason why Goofy, Our anthropomorphic dog recall Yen-Sid saying “May your heart be your guiding key” where the two doesn’t. He heard it when he mutter, whisper those lined. And Goofy the anthropomorphic dog, pick up it, being a one to pick up noise more better than the other two. Didn’t you see Goofy pick of the little girl screaming for help for away, or when he pick Elsa singing “Let it go?” before the other? Because that seem like the reason.
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note: In Jiminy's Journal, it says Hayner, Pence and Olette are “still on their summer vacation”. So it really hasn’t been that long at all.
This does beg the question of how long was Dream Drop Distance? Heck, How long was it between Kingdom Hearts II and III. I know Re:code was there between that, along with DDD and 0.2 where Mickey recalling his time with Aqua.
But there said that in italic. Meaning there saying it haven’t been a very very long time. Like say a Year. Maybe a week had pass, who know.
Plus, this haven’t been confirmed but the idea of world having there own time is there to. I mean The Caribbean is going by the 3rd movie. At world ends.
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Hann: “Yozora!”
Yeah. There point here is that Sora here look like Yozora from the game Verum Rex. Rex even think he is Yozora.
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Sora’s mentioning of this line is interesting as a direct reference to DDD. In the Country of Musketeers, Sora runs into Mickey, Donald, and Goofy and has a little difficulty dealing with meeting his friends who don’t know or remember him. Regardless, he keeps the experience and phrase close to his heart, which makes it stand out as he says it to himself like a reassurance.
True. Sora had met the past Mickey, Donald and Goofy in Country of Musketeers. But I think there said “All for One, and one for all”, when there team up back in KH1. I think it more that there are dream of that world past of them that would having a effect of that person heart with the Real One, Given that Tron, even if he isn’t the Tron in Ansem’s computer had somehow able to recall Sora. And I like the think the Real TWEwY gang recall Sora even if he met only the dream memory of them.
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Note: We went through BBS and confirmed Donald and Goofy never leave Yen Sid’s tower. They never see the Unversed for themselves. Goofy goes from feeling like he’s “seen them before”, to confirming only Mickey ever fought and told him about them.
You can say it’s just a continuity issue. But BBS and DDD were planned at the same time to lead into KH3, and the series has stayed remarkably consistent with itself especially post-2010. And all of that doesn’t explain why Goofy would contradict himself, in his very next sentence.
By the way. I want to point out, that I’ve check the wiki for this and Donald and Goofy are D-Link in BbS for both Ventus and Aqua. Granted in Story there never leave the tower, but in gameplayed, unless you haven’t made the two use the two d-link, there kinda have fought the Unversed. And there didn’t say there didn’t fought them, just that the King Mickey fought a whole bunch of battles against ‘em.
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Pooh being forgetful isn’t anything new, but for what little time we spend here coupled with everyone else struggling to remember what they were even there for, it stands out.
Something there just need a reminder that there here for a harvested. Also, Pooh told his reason once he had his honey and that he felt Sora link lost, that even Sora can tell and fear it.
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I mean, why wouldn’t you trust Sora? He that person that you can be friend with. This have nothing to do with Anna and Kristoff having to feeling like there know him already, Just he can be trusted.
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Sora’s phantom pain here is probably one of the more interesting and unexplained oddities. It’s hard to believe that it’s just his connection with Anna, seeing as we’ve never seen anything like this with any other character before. He feels the pain at the same moment she was struck, a shot of ice straight to the heart. The mind may forget, but the heart remembers, suggesting that maybe Sora took the blow in the past.
Even within the movie it’s said, “The heart is not so easily changed, but the head can be persuaded”.
I’m sorry what?! Are you implying that Sora take the blow of Elas cold freak out, instead of Anna?
If so, then how is Sora isn’t dead by a frozen heart? It clear from your Theory (and in Canon) that Sora died in Keyblade Graveyard. And Riku and Kairi wasn’t there to help Sora from that spell by there true loved.
I’m guessing that do to Anna being a Princesses of Heart, made Sora felt the same pain from Kairi Heart back in Hollow Bastion. As he felt Anna pain just then as he did with Kairi.
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You know what best about this, Donald really did say “The Sea belong to everyone.” back in Davy Jones Locker.
I let Goofy say the rest for me up there.
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Aww. Let Sore be a Teenage Kid. He just excited and want to tell his best friend about the world he at.
I’d bet he gonna call Riku about how awesome Shibuya is, even if he still in the Reaper Game in the 1st day just for humor. Now that I’d love to see.
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Emm... Riku is just being caution here. Using the Stop spell would be very costly here and given Donald's Zettaflare just out right cost his own life to cast it. It safe to say that Riku doesn’t want them to pull another powerful spell at the cost of their own life.
Also this after Sora changed fate. So this wouldn’t counded.
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“More than once” despite the fact we only visited here during that first dive.
“On your visits to the Station of Awakening.” That mean that the Station of Awakening is part of the Final World. At least I think so.
I like to remind you, the final world is last stop before the afterlife. The people are holding on there life. That remind here before that move on to afterlife or there could come back to life. This is the crossroad between sleep and death.
Also, No I don’t think the final world is a Sleeping World, not even can be part of this “Realm of Sleep” given that is been disproven to be a real thing.
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talinexa · 5 years
Sparring Partner - One-Shot (High School-ish!AU)
IDK I had this thought earlier and just wanted to write it. Where everyone’s ages are kinda how they are in KH3 at the end? IDK I just wanted the BBS characters to be the same age group as the other trio characters who make appearances. AND even though it takes place in our world, keyblades are still a thing because I’m the writer and I said so and I get to decide which elements to crossover! (Y’all don’t let me write A/N’s late at night what is up with me?)
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“Hey Aqua?”
Aqua and I turned to see a tall young man with powerfully built muscles standing in her doorway. “Hey Terra. What’s up?”
“Oh. Sorry. Didn’t realize you had a friend over. I was wonder if you… never mind.”
“Oh this is Igni. My friend from school. Well. Actually we met at Dad’s dojo before we knew we went to the same school. We’re just working on a craft. Igni, this is my brother, Terra,” Aqua said to me. They had the same eyes—vibrant blue. And probably the same hair if Aqua stopped dyeing hers blue.
I waved. “Hi Terra.”
“Hello.” He barely glanced at me—then did a double take. “You met Aqua at the dojo? You’re a fighter?”
“Heck yeah.” I leaned back on my hands, crossing my ankles where they dangled off Aqua’s bed. “I’ve been going to that dojo since I was really small. But Aqua was always a class ahead of me since technically I started late up till I advanced enough and skipped one—which was why we didn’t meet till the summer before high school. But we got our Marks at just about the same time.” I smirked at him. “I recognize you, by the way. You’re the boy in the framed picture on the wall of the dojo. But you were a lot younger then.” I didn’t mention that I also recognized him from the pictures in their house. Aqua had at least half-a-dozen pictures of her family in her bedroom alone. But that felt creepy to say so I defaulted to the dojo—a slightly more public space.
“Yeah. I was about twelve,” Terra said quietly.
“Well you haven’t changed enough that I couldn’t recognize you,” I said. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Aqua talks about you and Ventus all the time.” I giggled and Aqua rolled her eyes.
“Nice to meet you too. Aqua’s mentioned your name a lot.”
“Funny that I went four years without meeting you.”
“Yeah… I spend a lot of time at work or behind-the-scenes at the dojo. Sometimes I teach the beginner classes.”
“Fun!” I exclaimed.
Terra cleared his throat and scratched the back of his head. “Thanks,” he muttered.
“Were you wondering if I wanted to spar out back?” Aqua asked. “‘Cause if you’re looking for a sparring partner, Ven—”
“I’ll do it!” I volunteered.
“Ig,” Aqua sighed. “You’re too eager. It’s gonna get you hurt.”
I shrugged. “Just the way I am, Aqua,” I said.
Terra shook his head. “It’s okay. I wasn’t looking for a sparring partner. But thanks for the eager offer. Maybe one day I’ll take you up on it. You said you got your Mark right?”
I beamed. “Yes sir! Eraqus almost didn’t grant it to me because I’m too eager and my defense is weak because I’m more of an offense fighter, but I pulled through on defense, surprisingly, and passed. On my second try. My first graduation exam was a disaster but we don’t talk about that.”
Aqua started laughing. “How long did your nose bleed, Igni?”
“Ssshhh!” I hissed sarcastically.
Terra shrugged, leaning against Aqua’s doorframe. “Don’t worry. I didn’t pass my first time either. For almost the same reasons. Too offensive. Not defensive enough. Poor balance between the two.”
I smiled. “We’d be a train wreck against each other,” I said.
“Terra, what were you wondering about again?” Aqua asked. “To get back on subject.”
“Oh yeah. You seen Ven? He didn’t come into the dojo today when he was supposed to.”
Aqua glanced at her keyblade in the corner of her room and back to her brother. “I think he was going to Sora’s,” she said. “Something about a biology project?”
Terra sighed. “Ohhh. Right. I remember now. Thanks.” He nodded and left.
“Welcome!” Aqua called.
I waited for a moment in silence while Aqua went back to her beading.
“Your brother is a looker,” I said.
Aqua snorted. “Igni!” she protested.
“What? Just stating facts!”
“Please never say that again.”
“Okay I won’t. But I figured it should be said at least once because dang.”
Aqua gave me a look that was amused but uncomfortable. She shook her head and went back to her beading. I couldn’t help but snicker before focusing on my own craft. Aqua was the better craftswoman but I had fun keeping my hands busy and listening to her Alt Music playlist. Mostly Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, and Imagine Dragons. Which was great because I liked the same groups.
“Hey Aqua?” I asked quietly.
“What’s... what’s up with Ventus?”
“What do you mean?”
“Like, what’s his relationship to you and what’s his life situation? It’s like, I know he’s your family because you talk about him all the time, but... that’s literally all I know.”
Aqua sighed and set her beading down. “Ven is Terra’s and my first-cousin-once-removed. His grandfather is our uncle---Uncle Xehanort is quite a bit older than our dad---but his parents died a long time ago. There was an accident. He lived with Uncle Xehanort from age eight to twelve but then... there was another accident that nearly killed him and Uncle Xehanort brought him to live with us to keep him safer. He’s been with us ever since. He’s basically our brother.”
“Hmm. Poor Ventus,” I said. “Thanks for telling me. I’ve been confused for a while now.”
“Yeah,” Aqua said, picking up her craft again. I took a deep breath and picked up my own.
I spun my keyblade around, stretching out my wrists and hands, also trying to stretch my arms and back before attacking my training dummy. Eraqus, Aqua and Terra’s father, was pacing the dojo. It was practice hour. I’d graduated his program at the same time as Aqua—back at the beginning of the summer after graduating high school—so I didn’t go to the dojo for class anymore. Just to practice with my keyblade.
I had an hour to practice before the beginner’s class came in. A bunch of kids flooding the floor. Half of whom would quit this dojo before they were twelve. If not more than half.
“Hyah!” I shouted, swinging my weapon—
My keyblade rung off another’s.
“Oh gosh, sorry!” I exclaimed.
Terra’s smile greeted me. It was a gentle smile. “Don’t be. Not your fault. I swung sloppily,” he said. “But since we’ve crossed blades, would you care to spar?”
“I would. But don’t you teach the kiddie class?”
“Yeah. So what?”
“Isn’t that in like an hour? You’ll be tired if you go against me,” I teased.
He smirked. “You think you’re that good an opponent?”
“I got my Mark about the same time that your sister did. I should hope so,” I said. Terra bounced his eyebrows and the smile turned into more of a mischievous smirk.
“Well, might as well try,” he said.
“I’ll go easy on you,” I joked.
We moved away from the practice dummies to the middle of the sparring floor. Eraqus glanced at us and adjusted his pacing route. I nodded to him. He nodded back. There was a small grin on his face too. “Good luck,” Eraqus said to his son. “Igni is one of the most gifted students I’ve trained in years.”
I smiled. “You flatter me, Master Eraqus. You’re just saying that to intimidate him.”
I swung my keyblade. Terra blocked expertly. He didn’t even deflect. He just blocked. Stopped my swing dead. The only other person in the dojo who had ever dead-stopped my swing was Riku. Even Master Eraqus had deflected and parried my attacks the whole twice I’d ever sparred against him. I took a deep breath, steadying myself.
Terra smiled. “You okay?” he asked quietly.
“Dandy. I’ve fought against Riku before,” I said.
Terra nodded. “A worthy opponent. He’s a good fighter.”
He shoved me off and swung his—much longer, much bigger—keyblade at me. I managed to dodge, but only barely.
Holy crap he was a strong fighter. I could feel the breeze of the keyblade flutter my shirt. I smiled. Time to pull a Ventus—I’d sparred against the kid before and he was fast. Even though I was two years ahead of Ven in training, he was so fast it was hard to beat him, despite his backhand grip.
I grabbed my keyblade with both hands and swung as strong as I could.
Terra smirked as he deflected it rather than blocked.
He smacked me with the flat of his blade—making me stumble. I ducked under his next swing and elbowed him in the gut before snapping upright and following with a kick that slammed him against the wall. He panted, chin dropped to his chest. “Yield,” I said, pressing my keyblade to his chin and lifting his head with it.
He smirked. “You are good,” he said.
I shrugged and bounced an eyebrow. “I like to hope so.”
He smacked my blade away from him with his own before taking an offensive swing at me—that I blocked but my arms shook from the force of doing so. He was strong.
“But not good enough,” he teased.
“Oh. Bring it on,” I said quietly, shoving him off and swinging at him myself.
We sparred for a few more minutes, knocking over two training dummies and nearly smashing into Sora and Ventus attacking the same dummy. But Terra hooked my keyblade with his and yanked me away from the younger boys.
I ended up smashing into his chest and dropping my keyblade. I managed to scoop it up and parry his next swipe, but only barely. His keyblade grazed my arm. I winced and hissed in frustration as my shirt tore and my arm started bleeding. I clenched my jaw as fire shot up my arm.
“Yowch,” I muttered.
“Are you alright?” Terra asked.
I stripped off my wrap fighting shirt, catching my necklaces—a silver crown and a silver star—and threw it off to the side so I was just in my sports bra and tank top that I wore underneath the wrap shirt since the ties on the wrap tended to come undone and the shirt was so loose on me that if the wrap on the front shifted I didn’t want anyone to look at my sports bra.
“Fine,” I said, spinning my blade and planting one hand on the side of it to block he downward swing.
“You’re bleeding,” he said.
“I’m fine,” I insisted. “I’ve been cut sparring before. Usually by Aqua.”
“Let’s stop,” Terra said, dropping his keyblade completely. “Here. Let me, uh...” He jogged off to the back rooms of the dojo.
Ventus and Sora came rushing over to me. “Igni! Are you okay?!” Ventus demanded. I smiled and ruffled his hair the same way I’d seen Aqua do so. He peered past my hand and arm with wide blue eyes.
“I’m fine, Ven. Just a scratch. A tiny graze. A flesh wound.”
“You’re bleeding,” Sora said.
“I know. It’s okay.” I ignored the flaring pain in my injured arm and put on my brave face.
Terra reappeared at the door to the back offices. “Igni. C’mere,” he said, beckoning me.
I smiled at Sora and Ven again. “I’m fine. Promise.”
As I crossed the dojo floor to Terra, I snatched my torn, slightly bloodstained shirt. I’d have to patch it up. Again. Maybe Aqua would let me borrow her sewing machine. That would make quick work of it...
Terra wrapped his warm, callused hand around my wrist and pulled me back into a room labelled, Instructor’s Office. Inside was a desk, a computer, a couple chairs, a smartphone, and a First Aid kit on top of the desk. Terra sat me down in one of the chairs and immediately set about cleaning and bandaging my wound.
“Terra, I’m really okay,” I said.
“No you’re not. And I can’t let you drive home in good conscience while one of your arms is bleeding.”
“Listen, Aqua would kill me if I didn’t at least patch you up before letting you drive yourself home.”
I sighed. He had a point. “Fair enough,” I relented.
He could wrap his hand around my upper arm with no space between his thumb and fingers. Not because I had skinny arms—I didn’t—but because he had pretty big hands. For their size, he was nimble enough with them to gently wrap my arm and tie the bandage without hurting me.
“There,” he said quietly, tying off the bandage. “That should do it for now. Make sure to change it and clean it often—”
“Terra. I know how to handle injuries like this. This isn’t my first time.”
“Right. Sorry.”
I shrugged with my uninjured shoulder. “It’s fine. Don’t worry about it. But I really oughtta get home. Take some painkillers or something because it’s starting to throb.” Liar, I thought. It’s been throbbing since the moment you realized you were injured.
I shut that part of my brain up and pushed myself to my feet with my good arm. “Thanks, Terra. I appreciate it.”
He shrugged. “No problem.” He took my hand as I moved to leave and kissed my knuckles. “Forgive me for hurting you.”
“You’re forgiven,” I said. “You have nothing to apologize for. It happens.”
He gave my hand a squeeze and dropped it. “Thank you. But I do. I hurt my sister’s best friend. That’s inexcusable.”
“I would disagree. Accidents happen, Terra. Don’t worry yourself too much over it.” I waved with my good arm, slung my wrap shirt on like a jacket, grabbed my keyblade, gathered my stuff from the cubby I always put it in, and headed out to my car.
Terra plopped onto Aqua’s bed. “I’m sorry,” he said.
Aqua looked up from the college club website she was browsing. “Fooorrr... what?” she asked.
“Igni and I sparred at the dojo today. She didn’t dodge fast enough and I grazed her arm. She said she was okay but her eyes were watering. I don’t think she even noticed.”
“She noticed. She just ignored it. She gets smacked around a lot and puts a brave face on to ignore the pain. But what are you apologizing to me for?”
“She’s your best friend and I hurt her.”
Aqua shrugged. “Did you apologize to her?”
“Then there’s no need to apologize to me.”
“But... there’s more to it than... just that.”
“What do you mean?” Aqua’s eyebrows lowered.
Terra sighed. “I think she’s pretty and incredibly capable and would like to ask her out sometime. To get to know her better. But I don’t want you to think I’m trying to steal your best friend from you.”
Aqua blinked. “I don’t. Go ahead. She’d be delighted.”
Terra nodded and stood up. “Thank you, Aqua.”
“No problem. Hey, before you ask her out, take this.” She reached over to her desk and picked up the charm she’d made. “For luck. There’s one for me and Ven too.”
Terra accepted it. “Thanks.”
“My pleasure. Now go ask her out!”
Terra snickered and looked down. “Yeah... yeah okay.” A smile spread up his face and he left his sister’s room. “Worth a shot, right?”
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dewprisms · 6 years
ok so, it’s been a day, i think i’m ready to collect my thoughts on KH3
where to begin....the plot I guess?
So what....even happened. like, Xehanort seems to have done a change on why he’s doing all this, but i’ve seen examples that it’s not far-fetched but idk it just seems like poor writing if “i love darkness” xehanort was really trying to bring back the light...there’s stuff that never got explained with so many characters too so i’ll just
sora: him hiding his pain was always implied but a lot of people really are too dumb to realize that and called him OoC in this game, like Coded and DDD were leading up to all this. I joked that he died but then it turns out he really did fucking die. and then he died again to bring back kairi. and now he’s in shibuya??? do i gotta play twewy now cause i dont care about that game
riku: why did they not let him interact with kairi. why. their relationship got shafted hard. its like, are they even really friends anyway? or just with sora? the soriku in this game was strong af despite being the one where sokai was made canon
kairi: GOD WHERE DO I BEGIN Kairi I’m so fucking sorry Nomura did all this shit to you. Hype you up with keyblade training. helping with the final battle. then what happened? needing rescue, everyone getting hurt because you need saving. getting your ass beat by xion (at least in my game, jfc she died faster than donald ever did), getting kidnapped immediately after, again. then GETTING KILLED BY XEHANORT SO SORA CAN HAVE HIS MAN PAIN then having Sora die so he could bring Kairi back so she can cry about being lonely. why the FUCK isn’t she the one looking for him, why are they having Riku do it? why does nomura fucking hate her. she deserves better than this. i’ll never be over this even if Kairi gets redeemed in every subsequent game. they fucked up real bad with her and I’m so fucking pissed off.
roxas: my boy. where is the convo about him and ven. we just saw them notice each other but no words exchanged. this is the guy who’s been having an identity crisis since he was born. and nothing at all? come on.
xion: my girl her new outfit is so gosh darn  f r e s h like damn son. but, why is she back? why was she with the orgxiii? how did they even get her when she was inside sora’s heart???
lea: i still dont like him. he kidnapped kairi and hurt her friends and he makes kairi call him axel, the name he had when he did all that, so he could project his faded memories of xion onto her. he was abusive to xion and roxas, i knew they were gonna reunite because they’re friends but he NEEDS to apologize for what he did to them, the constant lying, attacking xion because she ran away from her abusive situation because he didn’t want to be lonely, and the writers turned his threat into a heartwarming scene? no fuck that. everyone forgave him for everything far too easily.
isa: APOLOGIZE TO ROXAS AND XION TOO YOU FUCK. especially xion. now he’s suddenly friends with them? fuck that. he needs to make up for how he treated them.
x: it would’ve been great if they had brought her up in days, it just comes so out of left field that isa and lea were trying to find and save some girl who’s name they dont even know. why the fuck is Skuld even in the present, cause that’s likely who she is. more forced ties to the money hungry gacha game i can’t bear myself to leave.
ven: my son, i have nothing bad to say about him
terra: my son, i’m surprised the guardian = terra’s heartless theory was true, and like damn, he got messed up so bad his heart, body AND soul/mind got split? but, where was his interactions with riku. he did bequeath his keyblade to him. but nothing is said between them, they don’t even interact outside of a small race in the ending.
aqua: why do people say they wrote her bad? i mean yeah she just immediately gave up against the heartless swarm instead of fighting it but she was trapped in the realm of darkness and taken over by the darkness for 10 years like just a few hours before hand.....she still got off pretty good in the end.
namine: i swear i was worried they forgot about her, she helped LW find terranort which brought terra back, and she came back. that ending? she and xion are def dating.
replica riku: replinami is fucking canon i dont care what you say. im still sad, he could’ve had the replica body anyway, it was implied there were many more, and even could’ve just made more. roxas and ven, and kairi/namine/xion can exist despite being identical, why can’t he and riku?
demyx: what the hell even happened to him? he dropped off the replica body and ansem the wise then disappeared from the rest of the game. we legit have no clue what happened to him. all we know is that he got benched from the nort 13, then xemnas confirmed he was also a keykid in the age of fairytales, but even khux hasn’t revealed that yet, larxene just got revealed like 2 months ago. i feel like him being revealed as a keykid should have jossed the theory of him being the master of masters but people still going at it. then again....(far below)
luxord: also a keykid even though he looks too old (prob the beard), his characterization seems to be in line with days, how he resigned to his fate that he was just gonna serve the org til the end because he had nothing left. also what the hell was that “wild card” he gave to sora, it never got brought up again.
marluxia: he also forgot his past like them all too, only remembering when sora beat him. i’m guessing he’ll never find strelitzia, she was in the final world too so she’s def dead. although namine was there too.....
larxene: god i love this absolute bitch. saying “ugh xemnas” to his face is such bad bitch energy. all of her scenes were so good. she only went along because of marluxia though....and yet neither of them remembered their past as keykids but stuck together anyway. they’re canon hush.
ienzo: what a good boy. he’s really trying hard to atone.
vexen: i’ll admit i didn’t trust him, but he was sincere in wanting to repent.
aeleus/dilan: lmao the former got like 1 line and the latter got like 1 grunt and nothing else. they were just kinda there. weird considering what Xaldin was like in 2/days.
ansem sod: uh.....what was with the attempted redemption in his defeat, literally nothing ever implied he was wanting to quit because he suddenly always knew they would fail
xemnas: same as ansem, literally nothing implied he was sad over being lonely because nobody actually liked him or his authority
young xehanort: imagined getting burned by freakin woody of all people. also what was his deal. he’s like the only one who didn’t get some kind of sad or redeeming cutscene. and he was the one who implied sora would die if he abused the power of waking outta nowhere. idk, something about him seemed off compared to like. every other nort.
donald and goofy: donald straight up decimated Terranort in the first/failure timeline, like dude literally died from zettaflare
Mickey: I wish he had died instead of Kairi :/ just because she was already being treated like shit
Eraqus: He apologized to Aqua and Ven but not Terra :/ at least he’s with his boyfriend in the afterlife
Xehanort: All the fights were easy as shit and the finale was anticlimatic. I actually like him less because of the fucking Kairi bullshit. Also his new VA just doesn’t work. He suddenly has an accent, his voice is nowhere near as deep and he lacks emotion in most of his lines. And people thought Terra and Aqua’s voices were emotionless? At least Xehaqus is canon ig
braig/xigbar/luxu’s getting his own post
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razorblade180 · 4 years
What do you feel bout most of the "real" Organization XIII members getting redemption (sort of) by the end of Kingdom Hearts III?
They didn’t really.
Riku replica-Died by version of him that’s been good for awhile.
Demyx-Never cared or did anything evil
Vexen:-Did gain a moral compass which I’m fine with since he mainly just felt bad that his research was ruining lives which is normal science trope.
Larxene-Said goodbye, and said she was just here with her boo. That’s not a redemption.
Marluxia-Remembered he has something else more important to do and that he isn’t a jerk. Which is kinda a redemption I guessed. But if you play KHUx then it’s more like he’s back to normal and will probably feel guilty.
Ansem-Said good job, I’m tired of this and died, not sorry.
Young Xehanort-Said fuck off, I win.
Vanitas-Said Scew you, I’m darkness
Xemnas-Felt emotions, said it sucked but I guess being human is cool. Also he only felt bad about being a bad boss, not from trying to take over everything.
Xigbar-Laughed and died
Luxord-Said GG and died. Sora was the one who wants to see him again because that’s just how Sora is as honestly I can respect that.
Siax:Has been having this fight with Axel since they first appeared in the franchise so of course it’s gonna in friendship because kingdom hearts. So that’s two real redemption so far.
Terranort-got an exorcism.
Xion-Was got taken off of factory settings. I don’t understand why narratively why you would put her on the evil team like that if it’ll be fixed three minutes later.
Xehanort:Is the only one I’m actually upset with because they let him go to keyblade heaven with his boyfriend when he is the only person that should’ve been brutally beaten.
Summary:We got two redemptions that make sense even if one of them is a bit of trope but hey, scientists are always on some nonsense. And we got one redemption that should’ve been a public execution. ReMind fixes that last one a little bit.
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lunestival · 6 years
🌟12/18, sean🌟
it’s been..two years since his pseudo suicide. i still think of him so much and miss him all the time. he’s still one of my best friends, i still think of all the good he did for me. the truths of his passing will always be close to my heart. was it weird for a 50+ yr old man to be friends with a young girl??? i was... 21 by the time he died, i think, but in his journal he said i was 18 lol!!! he still saw me as the same kid i was when we met. “frankly, i have love for her” frankly, i loved you too. you’ll always be a huge part of my heart and a big catalyst in my life.
i got a papercut on my middle fingr of my right hand. it hurt a lot when i put on sanitizer today. which i have to do every time i do a piercing. speaking of which a lady and her 19 yr old got mad at me for telling her she probably didn’t want to go through the scarring on her daughter’s ear. it wasn’t a keloid but it felt similar lol bitch see if i care if she’s prone to ache an infection!!! it’s not like i do this or a living. i just smiled and that made them even more angry. that’s how we get shit done.
i drank a Hard Lemonade because it tastes like bubbly lemonade but now i feel a little sick cause i drank it like juice instead of alcohol LOL i’m not at all supposed to be drinking alcohol while taking anti depressants, as i’ve SEEN that it really has an effect on my mood, but i’ve been ok abt it lately. i just......like the taste of fizzy lemonade
i miss my daddy (ONCE AGAIN REAL BIOLOGICAL FATHER) he’s gone past christmas so i’ll be spending christmas alone...... :( at least i’ll have semmy. we’re gonna play kingdom hearts on christmas and/or watch the cinematics. when i was a kid christmas always put me in a kh mood, i remember reading 50k+word fics on christmas break; one year i got the first manga set as a present and spent all day reading it next to the christmas tree. “the window is dyed a nostalgic color”
my tmj has been flaring up again recently and my jaw REALLY hurts. i went to a new dentist but they didn’t at all care about helping me. they just tried to swindle me into their 3000$ hygiene program......told me to get an over the counter mouth guard. the BUTTS
kitty and davey got me monster hunter for christmas, eric got me smash <3 i love all of them......having good friends is so new to me. this time last year my friend group were the type of people to call me sjw when i asked them not to use slurs around me. but being friends with people who actually care about my feelings and think similarly to me is really refreshing. it’s been a long time since i had that, it’s something i really need, this year is so different to he last. being near cute girls helps too. sunshine is cute she painted me a picture of hello kitty for christmas it was so precious
the new kingdom hearts trailer has me really emotional. it’s kinda dawning on me that this huge part of my life is seeing some conclusion soon. sora riku and kairi are all in a polyamorous relationship and dating. i’m really looking forward to lea and kairi’s relationship after seeing this last trailer, i’m pretty sure it’ll be a/the big highlight of 3 for me.
i wonder if my mama misses me i haven’t been able to draw lately lune has been very affectionate
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Yay! ok how about Sora reassuring Terra b/c you know that boy has a lot to feel guilty about and needs some of that pure Sora lovin'
Oof you’re right he does feel guilty a lot and I made his guilt be about the KH 3 scene (I’m sorry if you haven’t played it and I just let out a BIG spoiler) where he gets his control back and stops being controlled by Ansem (??? KH is confusing alright) and saves Aqua and Ventus from falling to their deaths. Okay enjoy and if it isn’t good just tell me and I’ll try to rewrite it! Thanks for asking❤️ and I hope you come and ask again soon boo~.
Also, if the information isnt all accurate it’s because KH is confusing as hell and I never know how to explain most of it.
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Whenever Terra couldn’t sleep at night, he would go outside and look at the stars. He couldn’t sleep because of his guilt. It kept coming back to haunt him. He nearly killed his friends. His friends he would do anything for. He remembers it all so vividly.
Aqua and Ventus had purple chains wrapped around their bodies. They slowly began to lift into the air, and they couldn’t do anything about it. They were unconscious and silent. He had to watch silently and painfully as they lifted into the air and he heard Ventus whisper, “Terra...I kept my promise.”
He still hated how they were lifted into the air and he had to watch. He should’ve done something sooner, he should’ve done something different. But he didn’t. He blamed himself for everything, he hated himself for it, and he couldn’t help but come out here at night and blame himself. Nobody ever followed him, which he felt kinda grateful for. He’d rather be left alone with his thoughts. However, one night was different.
He had been out there for maybe 10 minutes before someone decided to join him. He didn’t notice the quiet footsteps behind him of a curious, teenage boy. Sora had apparently heard him leave since he too couldn’t sleep at night. He had his own problems which he never spoke about to anyone. They wouldn’t remember it anyway. “Terra?” Sora said. Terra suddenly tensed and turned around to see Sora at the door. Fuck. He didn’t want anyone to know he was here.
“You should go back inside. It’s late,” he said, trying to sound like the grownup he was. However, Sora knew when something was wrong. He always did. It was strange to Terra, but he secretly wished for Sora to stay. Sora crossed his arms and sighed. “Not until you do,” he said with a serious tone. Terra never really heard Sora have a serious voice. Only in battle did he have a serious voice. Terra wasn’t ready to go back inside, and if he couldn’t make Sora leave, then he’d have to let him join him. He sighed, “Fine you can come over here,” he finally said. He heard Sora let out a little laugh and knew he was happy with his little victory.
He came to him and sat beside him, facing the Stars. “What’s wrong?” Sora asked. Terra felt like a burden. Sora was just a child and, even though he had seen a lot for his young age, he felt like he didn’t need to deal with an adults problem. “It’s nothing, I just came out here to view the Stars,” he said, not looking at Sora. He felt as if he looked at him he would see Ventus and cry. Sora sighed and turned towards him with a little angry look. “Liar! I know when somethings wrong,” he told him with an angry look, but he still seemed sad more than ever. Terra knew how Sora wanted everyone to be happy, but right now, he didn’t really know how to be happy.
“I don’t know what the problem is, Terra. And I may not be as close to you as Aqua and Ventus are, but I want to help you,” he told him with a concerned look. Terra couldn’t help but sigh and give in to Soras demands. He really was a kind but pushy kid. Terra looked down at his hands and spoke. “Aqua and Terra almost got killed and if I hadn’t have stepped in,” he said with his voice started to choke up. No. No crying. “They would’ve been dead,” he said while closing his hands into fists. Sora looked at his hands and should’ve guessed this was the issue. He had been there to witness it and could see how much Terra missed them and how hard he tried to save them, and he succeeded. But, that didn’t mean the guilt was gone.
“It wasn’t your fault. You were controlled. It wasn’t you, Terra. They know the real you, and know that you would never harm them,” Sora said while trying to make Terra look at him. But he wasn’t budging. “We have all been through some stuff, Terra. But, we have to look towards the future. Learn from our mistakes. We’re both stronger and know how to protect the ones we love.” Sora couldn’t help the little bit of pain in his heart when he said that. He remembered when Riku died and how he couldn’t save him. He died for him. It was Rikus choice, but he couldn’t help the feeling of guilt in his heart. However, he couldn’t tell anyone because no one remembered. So that guilt built up and will continue to build.
He wished he could take his own advice.
Terra let out a sigh and finally looked towards Sora. His guilt wasn’t fully gone, but Sora comforting him made it a little less heavy. Sora had a little smile on his face as Terra smiled back at him. “Come on, its late. We need to get to bed.” Sora laughed and got up so fast, Terra knew he would’ve felt dizzy if he did that. “I’ll race you back inside!” Terra stood up and laughed and patted him on the shoulder. “I’m not up for that right now. But how about in the morning?” Sora laughed and nodded. They both walked back inside with their spirits a little bit higher.
Well, Terras was. And Terra was thankful to have Sora with him and his friends.
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