#he felt like background
That wasn't enough!!!!!
I need more ZAYN!
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sacchiri · 3 months
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"what is that— "
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keitorinrose · 4 months
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My day be so fine and then boom i think about branch's past
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masterofiodine · 5 months
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i absolutely adore that photo of ben and i just had to draw him (/cap) like that
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spenglerstwinkie · 18 days
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Throws this at you and runs away
I’ve never drawn a mirror before nor a reflection my b🙏🙏 I also think this would’ve been a better concept if it was young Jotaro in the mirror and old man Jotaro looking but I liked my young Jotaro sketch too much and flipped it. erm……..
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What is wrong with you. WHY ARE YOU BLUE.
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mooshroomterrarium · 11 months
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lighting practice w bdubs :}
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eveningrainstorm · 3 months
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he's not joking
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axeknee · 2 months
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More Touchstarved mc Whenver!
You can find the template by red spring studios in the media section on the official touchstarved website if you wanna have a go too.
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blorbobingus · 3 months
totally random
but im currently thinking about how painfully UNFINISHED c!fundy’s whole dream arch was because that shit could’ve been SO GOOD but it all happened around that time the server was on a decline, therefore being left unfinished, right where it started
the fucking agony
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
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2023 Dutch Grand Prix - Fernando Alonso(ft. Max Verstappen & Pierre Gasly)
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meredithbeckham · 4 months
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when you grew up like we did, it… it impacts how you see the world. everything is filtered through a very specific lens. and ward got that.
i think it’s important to realize you can miss something, but not want it back, paulo coelho.
#daisyjohnsonedit#daisy johnson#aosedit#daisy x ward#anti skyeward#to be clear this isn't meant to romanticize them it's just exploring a facet of their dynamic i find interesting (and utterly terrifying#and sickening)#how much of daisy's connection to ward to begin with was in their shared abusive backgrounds#how he specifically could understand how she grew up and the impact it had on her and her worldview#it physically hurts me to think about how vulnerable she was with him and how much she trusted him with as her s.o#how much she would have felt for him in regard to his own abuse and wanted to help him and what a role that in of itself would have played#in their relationship and in her feelings#something i think aos does really well is allude to daisy's history - how clear it is that she is a survivor of abuse and how consistently#present that is in how she perceives and navigates the world#it's subtle but so very there#her face in that scene where ward goes off because of the staff. CHILLS#and it hurts me so very much to think of how connected she felt to ward in that regard while he himself was preying on and manipulating her#tucking away every vulnerable detail she shared for later use#how he convinces her to trust him and that he won't turn his back on her just to be yet another person who has abused her#how when he starts talking about how he isn't a good man it must be so easy to think he's just like her - thinking she's bad and worthless#and wrong and unlovable because that's what abuse does that's what it does to you#and daisy is so keenly aware of that so much more self-aware than she's given credit for#abuse /#daisy who is actually able to articulate what ward was to her and who maybe misses what she thought he was sometimes because how could#it not be nice to for a moment have someone who understood#but who is also so keenly aware of who he is and what he has done
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runayachi · 7 months
okay so you know when takeda manages to get ukai to come watch karasuno play for the first time and kagehina show off their freak quick and ukai is like "sensei how long have those two been paired together" and takeda is like "oh kageyama and hinata? they just met this year i've heard it was rocky at first but they're getting along well now" and ukai is like "what a shame". do you think he goes home and looks into them and finds out that kageyama's the lonely king and that his teammates abandoned him. do you think he looks and looks for hinata but can't find him until finally he stumbles across a no-name school that barely had a volleyball team and their only match lasted 31 minutes. do you think he wonders about how lonely they were. a coach can't replace teammates but do you think he decides to try and make sure that no one on his team feels lonely again.
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 months
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yo, @bennydunbar, check this out
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skeletalheartattack · 23 days
hell yeah pride pfp thats--um. sweating nervously. whats that in the background
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jenanigans1207 · 3 months
All I’m saying is that in the supernatural universe, I firmly believe that the most popular destiel fics are written and posted by one Sam Winchester under a pen name. And he doesn’t even come up with elaborate plots. He just dictates, almost verbatim, interactions he witnesses Cas and Dean having and then just tacks a kiss or a love confession on the end.
And everyone comments about how he just gets their characters, how he builds such convincing sexual and romantic tension, how the characters feel like real people instead of words on a page. Sam is the most popular destiel ao3 author, his fics on every single rec list, and it’s simply because he got tired of watching Dean and Cas pine uselessly for each other so he decided to make it everyone’s problem.
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criscura · 10 days
Not apologizing for the meme made on my camera app LITERALLY i can't focus on any of his scenes because of this
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Why. Why is he Like That. Why did they draw him like that. Why in 30+ episodes has it never been addressed ONCE
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