#he freakin go o_o
build-a-buddy · 1 year
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Papo gray wolf's face is very funny! 🐺
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oraorahoe · 2 years
The main three being jealous over reader? :3
Hi hi!! Love this req! Lol you always send in great ones :))
*JJBA (Part 3 Jotaro, Josuke, Okuyasu) Jealous Over Reader!;*
(wrote this with GN! Reader because why not…)
Jotaro (3)♡:
Jotaro’s more of the silent aggressive type but when Polnareff got a bit “too flirty” as he does with everyone- towards you…? Oh it was not very pretty.
You were playing cards with Pol, Kakyoin and Jotaro in your hotel room on your trip to Egypt to fight some sparkly vampire man. “HAH! Beat that Y/n!” Kakyoin shouted slamming down a “straight” (if you don’t play poker- it’s a pretty good hand lololl) you guys had been playing for what felt like hours- but there was nothing really else to do at the place, “Oh hey- why don’t we all go to the pool?!” Pol bleated out with a huge grin.
Not such a bad idea! You all decided it might be nice to check out. You went to get changed into your swimsuit and ran downstairs to the pool jumping in and making a huge splash. “CANNONBALL!!!!”… As you get out to jump again, you see Polnareff looking you up and down- and grinning from ear to ear. “Heh…”
Jotaro looks over and sees this interaction. And he tips his sunglasses down like some badass action movie character. “Polnareff…” he says gruffly, “If you ever look at Y/n like that again I’ll make sure you have no teeth left to smile at them with…” Polnareff backed off shuddering…
((Woa Joot O_O…))
Josuke was never the type to get very jealous; he’s naturally just more of a “go with the flow kinda guy.” But he began to get fed up when one of your casual “friends” from school kept being touchy and frankly a bit annoying towards you-
it started to get on his nerves like you wouldn’t believe >:(, this dude was all over you! Even when you asked him to stop. Hugging you, asking to walk you to class, just always trying something, even when you would politely decline.
“Oh y/n I’ll carry your books for you…”
“Uhh… that’s fine thank you- I can carry them myself…”
Then he’d just grab them from you… and try to put his arm around you possessively.
This was the final straw for Josuke. He decided to step in because this guy clearly wasn’t getting it. “Hey- would ya leave Y/n alone?! They clearly don’t want you bothering them, so stop being a freakin’ dick…”
“Huh-“ the guy turned around, “They don’t seem to have a problem with it….” He said looking over at you half glaring. “Are you kidding asshole?! Just leave them alone…”
“What- no! Just take your weirdo hairdo somewhere else kid….” the other boy said rolling his eyes.
Oh no…
(*insert DORA! x1000*)
Josuke managed to land a suspension but you ended up thanking him for getting that kid to stop being annoying towards you- it was sweet of him… you just wish he hadn’t gone that far overboard with it heh… (;-;”)
Okuyasu♡ :
It was Koichi’s birthday! Oku, You, Yukako and Josuke, planned to throw him a celebration at Tonio’s Italian restaurant… Okuyasu never thought he’d end up punching someone in the stomach midway through the party though…
Half the town was invited- I mean everyone loved Koichi- he’s such a reliable guy! There were games, and laughs radiating throughout the whole restaurant, Okuyasu was over gobbling up all the delicious Italian food at the buffet.
“Truth or Dare Okuyasu?” Koichi asked,turning around and smiling cheerfully. “DARE!!” He replied…enthusiastically… no way Koichi would come up with some crazy dare… 🙄 “DRINK A SHOTGLASS OF HOTSAUCE!” Koichi shouted, giggling- “Wh-What?!?!”… “No way!! I hate spicy foods!!!!” He blurted back at him…
“Alright alright… I got one!” Hazamada exclaimed, snickering and interrupting their game. “Rohan sensei- truth or dare?”… “Huh-! I’m not playing this childish game…” Rohan sneered, rolling his eyes. “Ugh… come on…” Hazamada pestered. “Fine whatever- truth…” Rohan answered begrudgingly.
“OOOH I was hoping you’d say that…” Hazamada paused… thinking for a moment. “If you could kiss Y/n would you?” WHAT DID HE JUST SAY?!?!
You nearly spit out your drink right in Koichi’s face… “Oi You smarmy little dick where do you get off asking questions like that…” Okuyasu chimed in- glaring at him. “Chill out it’s just a game…” Hazamada chuckled. “CHILL OUT- Quit asking questions like that making Y/n uncomfortable, you ASSHOLE!” Oku shouted- grabbing Hazamada by the collar and swiftly punching him in the stomach. “Woa woa Okuyasu-!” Josuke and you ran over to calm him down.
Oh gosh- well it was sweet of him to stick up for you,, even if his temper is a bit out of whack… his heart is in the right place 💜
hi hi :) I’ve been inactive for quite a bit so sorry I’m replying back so late! Hope you like it!!! <3
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glouchyouchy · 10 months
I just uploaded Chapter 2a on archiveofourown.org, after final tweaking over at fanfiction.net; for anybody who takes the time to read it, I would love to receive constructive criticism. Hoping that those who will read it have as much fun as I had writing it!
( As an aside... MAN the... Shipping wars is what it's called now? Is really HEATING UP in recent weeks even up to the present ( at least that's the vibe I'm getting over especially Reddit ). Hopefully cooler heads prevail, but I'd just like to put this out here as my own little way to try to improve the situation, being a literal nobody and a newcomer ( though a long-time Rebels fan ) :
I don't know about you or others, but since I "grew up", so to speak, with Rebels, these characters ( especially Ezra and Sabine ) feel REAL to me ( I know they're not real, before anyone asks hahaha ), akin to what I feel towards family / close friends. I say that because I really, REALLY wish only the best for them, which is probably why I want them to fall in love and settle down with each other. This is because - at least to me - in real life, when people end up together with their best friend, the one they trust the most, the one they meld with the best, the one they're willing to risk everything for, the one they're willing to go the extra mile to understand and simply be there, etc. IS TRULY SOMETHING MAGICAL ( take it from a happily married person ) and is one of if not the best outcome that will make them truly happy... And this is the exact same dynamic I saw develop with Ezra and Sabine over the course of 4 seasons of Rebels, and even more so now seeing how they ( especially Sabine, and even Ezra when he decided to trust that she will tell him at her own pace ) acted later on in their lives in the Ahsoka show.
It's also why my heart has been aching so hard to see Sabine be in the state that she was in at the start of the Ahsoka show ( and then when the exact circumstances of why she ended up the way she was was revealed during Ep4 ( by Baylan, no less ) and Ep7 ( by Huyang ), it only made matters worse for me ), then see Ezra be understanding and caring enough towards her to not push her too much and just trust her, only to finally see them be separated again... To the point where I've had to pour my grief towards creating a freakin' literary work just to give these characters that we all love a chance at truly being happy.
All of this is to say that we ALL like / care / love these characters enough to actually bother to ship them, which says a lot more towards how alike we all are than anything else. Isn't that something to celebrate rather than bicker pointlessly about?
That's just my take. :) )
[ EDIT :
My "take" above seems erratically written, sorry about that. o_o I had a coffee around 1pm yesterday, so the caffeine was still working on me well past 2am, which is when I wrote the above :)) ]
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zeux · 1 year
Omg hai ___^ I’m anon-san and I absolutely luuuv __ anime <3 and my fav is naurto!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband sasuke!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ___________________________________
When I walked onto Tokyo street =____=I looked up and saw…SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII SASUKE-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled n____n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am ___
he grabbed my hand and winked ~^ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE RAMEN!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< (O) (O) (O)] then I saw some baka fat ♥♥♥♥♥ watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [] so I yelled “UH UH BAKA NEKO THAT’S MY MAN WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH NARUTO CAUSE SASUKE-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then sasuke held me close =^= and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (O)/ then we went to his apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became ninjas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^___<) ^______________;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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irl-ichi · 2 years
i am going to lose my FREAKING mind 🙃
after the huge fight where my sister told my mom my partner was touching my chest and i tried explaining it wasnt sexual mom said it would take some getting used to this new generations ideas of boundaries and intentions etc etc and that the ONLY rule we have is no sex in their house
okay fair enough. i wanted to go to partners house next week for a few days since were always here and quite frankly i want a break. their parents are out of town for like another week so all rides would have to be from my parents. at first dad said "since you made that picture for me ill take you there" thinking it was only a day thing.... when i said it was like 5 days he said no their parents arent home and Girl And Boy Alone In House No
and im just like 🙃 cause this would make sense if i was 14 but i am freakin TWENTY FOUR YEARS OLD. i am their OLDEST child. and the youngest has a license and car he can drive to any girls house whenever he wants to do god knows what! i told dad i wasnt planning on doing anything sexual (a lie) but im also frustrated cause if i am why is it his business? "its my business because i have to deal with the mental and financial turmoil" AS FAR AS WE KNOW IM YOUR ONLY KID USING CONDOMS!! i am trying to NOT be pregnant!! trust me i dont want that either!!!!! but i AM an adult i have desires and wants of my own! even my partners mom was like "why do they care? shes 24 O_o" i bet YOU werent holding yourself back at my age you hypocrite god im so sick of men and im so sick of suffocating
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quinnick · 2 years
Omg hai __^ I’m anon-san and I absolutely luuuv @@ anime &lt;3 and my fav is naurto!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband sasuke!! &lt;333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^_______________________________^ When I walked onto Tokyo street ==I looked up and saw…SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! &lt;33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII SASUKE-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled nn then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am ** he grabbed my hand and winked ~^ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE RAMEN!!! RLY!! &gt;.&gt; &lt;.&lt; &gt;.&lt; (O) (O) (O)] then I saw some baka fat bitch watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [ -________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled “UH UH BAKA NEKO THAT’S MY MAN WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH NARUTO CAUSE SASUKE-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then sasuke held me close == and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (O)/ then we went to his apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became ninjas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^&lt;) ^_____________;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
This is art Ratthew. I am crying it is so beautiful
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bunny-hoodlum · 3 years
I'm a little angry with myself that my latest fanart took me 2 or maybe 3 hungry days long - my thumb is still flat from holding my tablet pen for so long lmao.
My old stuff on deviantart used to take me whole weekends too, it's just that right now I feel accutely aware that my process actually sucks. I shouldn't actually take as long as I do with the coloring. It's not like I'm interested in creating CG work like Sakimichan or anything. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I still have Skillshare I can turn to and Ethan Becker self-improvement hacks and Proko mastery vids and Marco Bucci fundamentals and shiznots, but I personally still feel lost and I'm typing this out at 6 am because I'm too obsessed to fall asleep. Even tho I felt totally dead after working on that piece, I still ended up trying to work on a portrait study right after. O_o;;; and it wasn't going well sadly. I feel doubtful if this struggle is still part of the whole concept called 'practice'. Because there's something called... I forget, but the idea is 'learning effectively'. You can always know something intellectually, but not actually gain the proper understanding and all that shit.
I just bloody wanna make professional looking shiz already. 🥺 Hell, I'll take semi-professional, geeeez.
On a random note, I freakin' love The Edge of Sleep podcast drama. I sorta forgot to watch Markiplier for like 4 yrs, so I didn't know about it until he went to Canada and I started listening to it while doing my portrait study. It's my first radio drama, but omigosh, it's so tense, slick and well-written? Or maybe it's about as well-written as any indie sci-fi novella, IDK. I'm kind of subconsciously taking writing/storytelling pointers from it tho, the dialogue, the timeline jumping, the witty commercial break about whatever that superdrug was called, I can totally picture it all. I guess there's a Zombieland feeling to the structure? Zombieland and something else, but I digress.
I can't wait to watch the live action adaptation next year. Mofo better be on a Netflix or something, I swear to god. 😤
Oh and on the note of Netflix, Into the Night S1 is great. Already halfway through the 2nd season (I think? Unless there's more eps?) and uhm... Anyways, S1 is great. 😆
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juminly · 4 years
JUMINLY!!!! I have to fangirl/scream with you. I’m doing the Leonardo and Comte love potion triangle event thing and the whole thing just feel like one whole pureblood sandwhich love fest. I’m not complaining because I love it and everything and you can get the whole lovefesy going on between the three and I love it! (Though I kind have a bad feel because I think the MC is Leo’s MC and kind of feels like cheating) but I love it! The banter and everything. What do you think? Have you done it yet?
Ray... *sobs* I AM HAPPY THAT YOU CAME TO ME TO FANGIRL/SCREAM. I’M ALWAYS HERE FOR THATTTT!!! ;)  Freakin’ pureblood sandwich sounds like the best thing ever tbh. If there’s any sandwich I’d like to be in, it’s that one... and the Van Gogh Bros... but that’s besides the point right now haha. And... if there’s a lovefest going on between all of them, so if anyone plays it, they kinda get polyamourous vibes from it and not neccesarily love triangle or what exactly? o_o [CYBIRD SHOULD WORK ON THEIR POLY ROUTES!!!] Regarding the whole cheating thing, it depends how you look at it, I believe. If Leo is actually okay with it and he wouldn’t mind “sharing”, especially if MC has expressed interest in Comte somehow? However, I can’t really tell T_T  I haven’t played this and I wish I had the time to do so. I’m barely managing to build on my intimacy points for Theo’s route so I can get through all the intimacy checkpoints. And I’m always too exhausted to even open the App when I get home after work. It’s been a really rough week. *loud sigh*  Ignore all the rambling. I’M GLAD YOU ENJOYED THIS! <3 Cybird has really been feeding their fans well. 
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clairvoyantsam · 4 years
13 Reasons Why S4E6 Thoughts
1)IS ZACK DEAD????? TELL ME IT AIN’T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!! :’OOOO Ok, NVM, HE’S ALIVE thank God, but Clay DITCHED him at the site of the crash????? WHAT?!?! HE COULD HAVE DIED, DUDE!!! Can’t blame Zack for telling Clay to stay away from him, he almost killed him.
2)Clay said he was in an appointment ... with his doctor, I guess, but his mom told the Dean of principle (I think that’s what he was called) that she didn’t know anything about that. What ...?
3) O_O What was that warning?!?! Is there actually a shooter in the school??? They said Code Red means it’s true!!! :O
4)Estella’s call to her mom ... It’s so heartbreaking ... Because shit like that happens in the US so often ... What world do we live in, man ... Going to school to learn stuff, make friends and one day somebody decides to murder innocent children and you find yourself locked in a bathroom, calling your parents to say goodbye just in case you don’t make it out alive ... Hard realism right here.
5)What’s that red stuff Winston wanted to give Zack?!
6)Diego better back off or ELSE. Leave Justin alone, shithead.
7)”Once you’re gone, all that’s left is the things you didn’t do. Or the shit that you did do and did wrong.” That’s deep, dude ...
8)FRICK!!! Tyler’s hiding too (in the girls’ bathroom?) and he’s with Estella ...!
9)Winston and Zack talking about their love for Alex ... Awkward xD
11)CHARLIE YOU BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!!! He pulled Alex out of that full-blown panic attack, I’M EMO!!!
13)Oh shit ....... Zack is telling Winston that he beat up Bryce .............
14)Justin Prentice & Timothy Granaderos as ”ghosts” of Bryce & Monty are freakin spectacular. So talented.
15)”I can’t save everyone, I never could” Clay breaking down like that, screaming and crying under that table while shots are being fired in the hallways ... Heartbreaking :’(
17)So, it WAS a drill.... WHAT KIND OF DRILL WAS THAT???????? Are u kidding me???? Those kids are traumatized for LIFE now. I know that I would certianly be.
19)The last scene ... Fuck, bro ... Clay ... totally lost it ... I mean what he said about the entire situation at school held some truth but when he grabbed the gun from that policeman ... He’s finally cracked ... That was so hard to watch :(
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norcumii · 4 years
fanfic authors tag game
Tagged by: uh. Several people. @oft-goes-awry , @dharmaavocado, and @aces-to-apples  I think?
AO3 name: Norcumi
Fandoms: Star Wars, Gargoyles, I guess by now I’d BETTER be putting in Stargate, and a whole host of random shows because crossovers, man. And Spellstorm, but that’s a defunct phone game almost no one’s heard of.
Number of fics: 111 works, 725,416 words. Wtf. HOW. o_O
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Either Star to Steer By, because it just freakin’ ballooned on us, or Knock on Effect, because I spent a decade plus, ah, unintentionally researching it beforehand. >_>
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Cutting Ties (And Forging New Ones), probably. It was one of those spur of the moment things which had a neat punch, only needed a bit of setup, and some nice visuals along the way. That, or one of the 15 minute challenge ficbits I...don’t think I have up on AO3, so they probably don’t count.
3. Longest fic: Star to Steer By, 99,053 words. This one’s gonna keep showing up, sorry.
4. Shortest fic: Prologue: The Stirring, apparently. The first of the Nurturing Nature series is 512 words – it might not have needed its own fic, but it felt weird doing it as prologue to an actual chapter. Everything of mine in that series it meant to be nice, bite sized crackfics treated a little seriously.
5. Most hits: To no one’s shock, A Star to Steer By with 128,614, which is a number that breaks my brain when I think on it too hard.
6. Most kudos: Star, 5118 kudos, which I also will not be thinking on too hard (oh gods those numbers are too damn big).
7. Most comment threads: Taaaake a wild guess. That’s right, Star has 1399 why am I looking at these numbers.
8. Fave fic you wrote: Uh. Well. Hrm. Y’know, I actually sat and perused everything I’ve got posted, and.... I’ve written stuff for spite. Because people have asked me to. To fill niches I desperately want to read. To answer questions I have in my own head, to study characters in situations I can’t stop thinking about. And then there’s Knock On Effect, which was what pulled me out of a nosedive and literally saved my life. It’s the answer to fourteen years of abuse and it’s declaration that maybe there’s a path out of that darkness that people like me can walk. It’s kinda hard to beat that.
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Hmmm. Identity always felt a little messy, and difficult to track which narrator was which. There is a part of me (that is quickly squelched because there are already too many shiny, shiny projects) that would love to have the spoons and creativity to explore Terriers of Conflict Resolution or Second Chances further, just ‘cause there’s so much fun world building, but no spoons, and for Terriers, insufficient writing chops to write Sorkin style fic for that long.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning: Well, the major thing right now is That One Id Fic. I might’ve read thedevilchicken’s The Witcher fic a man of many talents only to FINALLY discover why some people think shaving is an interesting fic trope (seriously, my brain has always stopped at “grooming is an annoying necessity in the first place having to endure doing it for someone else to whut?”). And me being me, my brain immediately went “HEY. This is hot and hits REALLY close to some VERY interesting specific interests we have, how can we do this for Rex/Obi without flat out tackling the same convenient mechanism?”
And then, me being me, it spiraled out of control into whatever-this-thing-is-now. I mean, it’s mostly smut and setup, with a dash of angst and more pining than some major forests, and a hint of the fact that I watched FAR too much Jeeves and Wooster when I was younger.
Here, have a sample.
However, he was not in fact staring when Rex hustled forward, stepping into Obi-Wan’s space and gently shoving him backwards. That got them both out of the way of a landspeeder coming in far too fast only to halt just in front of the shuttle they’d departed. A richly dressed Zygerrian, reeking of arrogance, stepped out of the speeder and didn’t even glance their way as they swept aboard.
Rex pulled back, murmuring apologies while tugging Obi-Wan’s clothes straight in a way that did not help his emotional equilibrium at all. They both flinched as startled yelping was followed by the crack of hover-sleds crashing into each other, then Obi-Wan sighed and covered his eyes. “That was my luggage that just got ran into, wasn’t it,” he said, stopping himself just in time before saying ‘our’ by virtue of practice, and the recent image of Rex’s biceps imprinted on his brain.
Most helpful, that.
“I’ll go have a word with them,” Rex growled. Obi-Wan raised a hand.
“Don’t bother. I’m not in the mood to play games over whose status is bigger with some random walking ego.” Stars, but he hated this planet. Rex didn’t hesitate to nod and drop back in position, which got the very distracting outfit out of his field of view, but could do nothing about the lingering feel of him being in Obi-Wan’s space, straightening his clothes.
Feel free to tag yourself if you’d like to play! :D
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whichships · 4 years
Omg hai ___^ I’m anon-san and I absolutely luuuv @__@ anime <3 and my fav is naurto!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband sasuke!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^___________________________________^ When I walked onto Tokyo street =____=I looked up and saw…SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII SASUKE-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled n____n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am *___* he grabbed my hand and winked ~_^ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE RAMEN!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< (O) (O) (O)] then I saw some baka fat bitch watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [ -___________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled “UH UH BAKA NEKO THAT’S MY MAN WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH NARUTO CAUSE SASUKE-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then sasuke held me close =^= and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (O)/ then we went to his apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became ninjas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^___<)
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theanxiouscupcake · 5 years
are you seriously suggesting it's not a big deal that they hugged!? no one wants another love triangle. no one was expecting natsu and touka to meet
um......... i am, in fact, suggesting that. would i rather have a nalu moment, yes. but how in the WORLD does that suggest a love triangle!? it would be a love triangle if natsu has at least conflicted feelings but he... does not? 
his literal face is O_O even LISANNA coming back didn’t show us a love triangle... why would it be any different? 
also um. of COURSE natsu and touka were going to meet, why did anyone think they wouldn’t!? she has a crush on him; writing that in would make no sense if they didn’t at least meet
idk what touka’s crush on natsu would mean in the long run, but i really honestly don’t think it’s a love triangle.... pls that’s too much, how do you get that from a freakin hug!?
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erikaember · 5 years
Didn’t understand much of what was said, but here we go.
Aw, poor Ramier got akumatized again and it’s a boring fight because he’s such an easy fight. So easy, in fact, that they have enough time to sit with him and eat some ice cream. Aw!
Timetagger... I thought it was someone who was tired of playing tag, but nope, it’s Chris who tags up the place... which somehow messes with time or something, idk.
FREAKIN WHAT?! ALIX’S WATCH HAS SUPERPOWERS?!?! ...sure, the hologram was pretty epic but-
...just... wow.
This is epic.
Aw! Kitty tries to ask if he and Ladybug are a thing in the future! XD Can’t understand what Alix says, but I’m guessing she said “it’s complicated” or something.
...older Ladybug and Cat Noir and we only see them from behind. Of course. Not even a glimpse of their possible change of hairdo. ...good thing the Eiffel tower still stands. And--... LB, you still haven’t gotten a better suit?! ...*sigh*
Very cool episode, I love the design for older Alix and her hero identity, it’s epic.
...now I’m eagerly awaiting translations so I can find out as much as I can about what was said about the future.
EDIT: forgot one important detail:
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antigenius · 5 years
Aaaaah your skincare hc 💜 i'm dealing with some really bad acne rn and reading that was amazing. Can you write skincare hcs for 1a girls too? (And also the best girl hatsume mei if it's not too much) 💖
I got her hcs while I was in the shower coincidentally enough.
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Okay surprisingly for someone who you can't see, she really REALLY cares about her looks. It's really sad but she's actually super insecure despite being invisible
Loves any sort of face mask that has animals or cute things on it!! Cute, cute, cute!! She especially loves those little fruit shaped masks that you slap on different parts of your face like hgsvgbd please-
Actually has really oily skin, which is purely the cause of her insecurities. Someone please compliment this girl on her skin for gosh sakes-
Uses foam and oil cleansers to gently try and control her acne. Then uses a really light daycream with included sun protection when it's both day and night. She uses it at night because she gets scared that her night cream will be too much for her face. Better to go lighter.
OH MY GOD SHE LOVES HOT SPRINGS. P L E A S E. She enjoyed the camp so much because it made her pores open up and made it easier to clean!!
Uses those peel off pore masks on her nose, chin and upper lip. Hurts her sometimes, you can usually see her cry a bit when she takes them off.
Uses tweezers to clean up her eyebrows and upper lip. Hurts a lot, but she manages. Puts aloe vera after.
Detoxing is important! Sometimes she goes on a vegan diet for a week so that her acne gets a bit better. Only drinks water during that time too!
In general she enjoys smelling like things you can eat! Mainly fruits, so Toru generally smells like berries or citrus.
Uses a stick deodorant that's organic. Hates the feeling of clinical deodorants.
Ajdjsjjjf acne needles? Yes. She uses them. Doesn't wanna get acne scars and this is more hygienic than actually popping pimples with your fingers. She really takes great care when it comes to her skin.
Ochaco is literally me when I spent all my money on food :')
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Cheap as hell. Obviously. This means CHEAP BEAUTY HACKS!
Ochaco has normal skin thankfully enough, but she does get some bad days with acne. Happens.
Cheap means you make your own stuff. Instead of buying exfoliating scrubs, Ochaco makes her own by buying oatmeal, apples, raw honey, cinnamon, and lemon juice. She puts this all in a food processor, letting it become a thick paste. Before she puts it on her face, she puts in a bit of sugar and tada!!! Smooth, soft, baby skin!
Another thing she makes is cucumber and banana ice-cubes for her dark eyebags. She grabs some cucumber, mushes it half a banana and then puts them into an ice-tray. Then whenever she has dark eyebags, she busts out these bad boys and voìla!
Is a hoe for 5 minute-crafts stuff. They're usually cheap and work for her really well, so now she heccing worships it like a g O d.
Doesn't really understand makeup? She might only use some eyeshadow and eyeliner. Possibly chapstick if she has some.
Makes her own lipscrubs though! Sugar and honey make a beautiful scrub for her lips, she rubs and licks it off happily to reveal velvet, plush lips ready for kissing! ;)
Really good at making cute diy beauty stuff!! She once made this clear lip balm that had a dry flower inside. She actually sold some! She was so proud of herself.
Oh gosh if you give Ochaco expensive Burberry Her perfume that smells sweet and sugary she will cry because she is so grateful for that. It's her FAVOURITE smell. Otherwise, she smells like faint roses.
Uses spray deodorant on hot days and stick deodorant on cold days. Spray deodorant is such a perk up when she's been sweating from training.
If there's a sale on skincare products, you'd best believe Ochaco sits there in the morning in front of the shop to get all the best stuff first. She will actually kill someone if that try and take the last item on the shelf which is on sale, especially if it's like 50% off. She'd tear some limbs. O_o
Prefers liquid soap over soap bars, but buys soap bars more often because they're cheaper and easier to stock. Just please get her some moderately priced things god this girl NEEDS PAMPERING OKAY???
Bro you know how gay I am for this girl like dude I LOVE HER OKAY???
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Completely and utterly clueless when it comes to skincare.
Never gets acne??? Like ever??? I'm so jealous it's SO UNFAIR. Does get dry skin though.
Uses those 24 carat gold face masks because they look pretty and make her face freakin GLOW LIKE A GODDESS.
Uses peel off masks, but more for dead skin. Hurts much less and she just heccing emits rays of sunlight.
Uses sunscreen a lot though. She's really prone to getting sunburnt, and she can't get a tan, which makes her kinda sad. Cancer is too scary to get a tan over.
Likes body and hand creams too much for her own good. Has a whole collection of them which all have a variety of smells and textures so her body and hands and just her skin is normally soft and silky and just hafdjskrjkt-
Has to use coffee scrubs and body oil since she has stretch marks from developing super fast. She's really insecure about it and hates that part of herself a lot tbh. Please praise her I beg you.
Loves to sit in a hot bath with rose petals. Spa treatment is all he knows about skincare really.
Has like four perfumes she normally uses. One is a sweet smelling perfume that has soft sugary notes that make you drool. The second smells like delicate roses with dewdrops from the morning mist. The second smells like berries and forests, as if you're about to pick some yourself. The last one smells like the pandan leaves with mangoes. Basically, Momo smells like paradise.
Actually loves buying cheap lip-glosses and lipsticks!! Her favourite is this shimmery golden lipgloss which changes colour depending on the light that she's in. Only uses it on very special occasions though. Otherwise, her best one is usually a moderately red lipstick or a cute red tinted lipgloss which just slightly colours her lips. Makes her lips so adorably kissable. (I'm gay for her okay shut up-)
Okay, we all know for a fact Momo be thicc. But she doesn't really like it honestly. Her thicc comes from cellulite and it's so gross to her. Uses a stiff, dry brush to move the fat around a by so she's more evened out in thiccness.
Pink alien queen!
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Acid comes out of her skin daily, this means really dry skin. Dry like sometimes peel off dry. It's really bad.
Just like Toru, really cares about skincare. Although a little less than Toru but still.
Toners are her best friends because her pores sometimes open up due to her quirk. Acid can damage them sometimes too, so mild, hydrating toners are great for skin like her's.
Whilst she isn't rich enough to have a bunch of handcream like Momo, she has this specific handcream that smells like candy and marshmallows. It's. So. Good. Also makes her hands soft and silky like gahdhhd-
Cream is also a good friend of hers. Uses both night and day cream to make sure her skin stays plump and hydrated!
Uses potato slices instead of cucumbers so that her dark eyebags aren't too bad. She normally doesn't get em so this rarely happens.
Also uses lots of vanilla and almond body cream. Soft and silky skin that can make anyone want to hug her. (IM SO GAY SHUT UP)
Uses lip masks! Loves those Korean or Japanese candy ones! They really leave her lips luscious for any kisses!
Speaking about Korean and Japanese stuff, SHE ADORES THEM.
Korean stuff the most! They always provide her with great results, so they're her go to when she has a really dry day. Loves using their hydration masks!
Uses lip tattoos because she hates the feeling of lipgloss or lipstick. Plus, it doesn't leave a mark.
Mina also thicc, but she's more of a muscular thicc than fat thicc. This means she needs to use body oil to make sure her thighs and skin are tight and smooth.
She uses lasers to get rid of her hairs. Somehow her hairs are immune to her acid. She uses laser treatment to make sure she doesn't have to deal with it often. You wouldn't even know she has hair tbh because of the treatment.
Mina smells like coconuts and sea-salt with a hint of lime or mint depending on her mood. She smells like what'd you smell in a 5 star island resort as you walk on the white sandy beaches and sit in the bar watching the sunset go down on the horizon just hhh-
Feet are baby smooth?? Dunno why. They're just naturally soft and beautiful and shfhd when she rubs her feet against your legs it's so soft it's like she rubbed petals on your legs-
Speaking about petals! She loves having baths with either bubbles or petals with some candles to calm down. Definitely after a hard day of training!! Don't disturb!
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Tsu literally doesn't use skin items at all.
She has a normal skin type and also never gets acne somehow???? Like bro hecc tell me your ways.
She's not clueless about it like Momo, but she just has no use for it since her skin's just kinda perfect like hello what-
She is a frog though, so she really need that moisture!! Jacuzzi baths are like her favourite thing.
Ooh, also really likes those clay masks! That's the only skincare item she actually uses to be real with y'all.
Okay okay hear me out though, Tsu is a hoe for those kiddie slime baths. Like I'm not even kidding she loves it so hecking much but she would never admit it in any lifetime.
Also really loves it if you get her a whole big bag of those resin pellets that turn into those little jelly balls and she just goes into a bath of those??? Gosh yes paradise hecc
Smells like a dewy forest with hints of citrus and earthy tones. She's got that scent that's really unique and like you can walk by with a blindfold and point her out by smell alone.
Oops by the way she really enjoys having cucumbers on her eyes. She has natural eyebags, so she normally counters it with both cucumber and potato slices.
There's a secret tradition that runs in her family to get rid of wrinkles. They steam a small, knobbly hand towel with warm water and then rub it in circular motions on their face slowly going upwards. Works really heccing well.
Honestly, Tsu doesn't really care about her looks. Skincare or makeup for her is just an additional bother that she has to deal with.
Her skin is never pruney. Makes sense why though.
Eyy because you asked so nicely! Tbh to me Camie from Shiketsu is best girl but like okay Mei is qt-
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She's always covered in grime and dirt, so she actually gets acne daily. She just has really great skin routines!
Has a combination skin type, her forehead is the oiliest compared with the rest of her far though. Yuck.
When she stops tinkering (haha when does she do that-), she immediately goes and washes her face with an oil face wash. It helps properly cleanse her pores from all the grime and dirt that was on her face.
Sometimes, she has a really grimy day, so she uses a harsh clay wash just to make sure EVERYTHING IS OUT. Then uses a hydrating toner and a very light daycream!
Exfoliates every two weeks to make sure her skin isn't gross. Skin cells need to turn over every two weeks, so she makes sure she does that or she'll literally have pimples scattered on her forehead.
Is a popper. She hates seeing pimples and immediately pops them on site with some gloves. Then puts a miniscule dab of antiseptic cream so that it don't come back and spread.
Mei smells like petrol. Literally. When she stays out of the lab for a week though, she actually smells like caramel and cotton candy.
Has calluses on her from tinkering so much. She doesn't like it. Please trace and caress them gently and she'll love you.
She uses body oil because it feels more normal than body cream. Can lead her to being clumsy because she sometimes sloshes it on her body and then she has to wait a while before she can actually do things.
Salt block. Hates deodorant. Masks the smell of grime in the lab and she LIVES for that smell.
Uses charcoal face masks to relax and detox. Helps her think of her next baby to create as well, so bonus!
Likes going to those floating pods. They're really relaxing and make her feel at ease in the world.
Bubble baths are a no no. She had a really bad experience with them once when she tried to make a bubble telescope and put it to her eye. Let's just say she used to be able to see farther…
She enjoys using lipgloss though! Her lips smell like cake or cookie dough even though they're normally coloured in a neutral pink or a soft red. Even tastes like strawberries and cream.
Takes hecking great care of her hands. Her hands are meticulously the most gorgeous part of her. They're soft, velvety, and while they are callused, it only adds to its perfections and they're just so stunningly manicured and she does it all by herself like oh my god her hands are just bdbdkfgjfk-
Since anon has some bad acne, I actually have some advice since I myself care a heck ton about my skin.
Oil based face wash goes incredibly well with a foam cleanser. Using both gets rid of all the dirt, oil, makeup and residue in your pores. Best stuff and keeps me clear.
EXFOLIATE PLEASE!! Get one of those cute exfoliating scrubs or literally make the one Ochaco uses. They're really important to do because your dead skin cells can cause more acne and bumps.
When you have bad acne, I suggest using only light daycreams after you wash your face because night creams can be too much. Also use a nice organic toner so that your pores are tight and can't get much dirt or gross things during the day/night.
Charcoal is the best face mask for detoxing and decreasing oil levels. But don't use it when you have pimples. It can actually cause more pimples to come because you're stripping your ace of the natural oils it needs.
That said, make sure to wash your face at least twice a day! Thrice is okay too, but four is too much. Make sure to moisturise immediately after too!
Sunscreen is so important. Get yourself a face cream that has at least an SPF of 30. Please. Cancer is real and the sun's rays can make you seem to age faster.
Woof, that was a loooot. Next time, please be specific with characters anon! I didn't mind, but I normally only do about 3 characters. I'm not doing much yet so this is cool but yeah. Thank you so much for requesting though and ACKEJKRKN YOU'RE A CUTIE ILY THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY WORK!!
I also realised I missed out Jiro T_T I might edit her in later but really I found her and Tsu the hardest to talk about skincare with because they're my really girls who care about how they look. They're just cuties.
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treason-and-plot · 5 years
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Naomi!!! Behave!
I thought Naomi was being quite motherly towards him...motherly for Naomi, anyway ;=)
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A moth to the flame? *worries for Roy*
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Oh crap. He's in trouble.
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that sounds....ominous and problematic....
Ohhhh booooooy!!! This doesn't sound good!
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I have a feeling Naomi is up to something and may or may not like it
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Why do I have a bad feeling about this...
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If Naomi hurts Roy I hope one of her giant penis statues falls over and crushes her
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I hear Jaws music in the background. Uh...oh. 😲
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I hope for Saff to ring the alarm at some point 😶 Well, not immediately 😈
I think he would have to have been gone for a long time for anyone who knows him to take his disappearance seriously... he does have a reputation as a party animal after all, and he did tell Saffy he wanted to get ‘totally slammered’....so yeah, it might be a while before anyone thinks to raise the alarm! ;=)
Now, should I bring popcorn or a shock blanket...
Roy might need a blanket after being up on that ledge in the freezing cold!
and to think there was a time i was rooting for these two. smh
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Hell...this can't be good. I'm so afraid for him. This scene is so dark *yikes*
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there is simply no way this is going to go well for Roy. maybe his past and his life choices are catching up to him at this point in time.
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@doka-chan Ooops ! Here comes nothing !
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@miraaklesThe more I look at Naomi's face the more I can't shake the feeling she did something different with it.
I changed her contacts...but other than that she is the same as she has always been. 
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Oh, Roy, don't! Here's to hoping he didn't jump out. I don't trust Naomi to stop him if such a situation arises.
Ah, but he has awakened Naomi’s muse! She cannot afford for him to jump!
Maker's breath, Roy. Tell me you aren't doing what I think you're doing... 🤪 Plus I don't trust Naomi to helpfully push him off the balcony (just sayin').
There are a lot of buildings surrounding Naomi’s, and a lot of security cameras, and there is also the constant threat of drones. If she pushed Roy off the balcony, there would definitely be witnesses. She cannot risk that, even if it was something she might have been considering. (which she probably wasn’t, at least not seriously.) 
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WTH??! Freakin Roy!!
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I hope Roy didn't jump!! He can't die before I curse him out for being such a big fool!!
Oh, there will be ample opportunities for that ;=)
Aaaahhhhh O_O
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Sorry that’s the best way to describe how I’m feeling about this post...part of me is saying he’s fine, he’s Pru’s favourite, the other part of me is saying that Roy is seriously screwed right now.
This night will definitely have a huge impact, but thankfully that impact won’t involve Roy hitting the concrete from a great height, lmboooo!
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check the walls. Maybe he really did turn into a moth. I can't believe he can really walk out on that woman.
That is very perceptive, I can’t imagine him walking out on Naomi either. Except that he is on another planet at the moment.  
i hope he's not out on that balcony. =(
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Oh my! I can’t look!
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Ruh roh..... best be very very careful. Though... would she like him up on a ledge with her?
The thought of doing a ‘Titanic/ I’m the king of the world’ scene did cross my mind...and that’s where the Lizard King inspo came from, lmbooooo! 
Did she just compliment him about being the perfect specimen?? Good thing he is that high, either way his ego would have brought the skyscraper down 😏 I also can't stop thinking Naomi would sink him into bronze or clay gypsum or whatever to mould him 😱😱😱
Sort of! That is, there was at least one part of his body she deemed perfect. But sadly for Roy only from a purely aesthetic point of view.  
I knew since he took the white lamas that it was a bad idea to begin with... damn, I'm so scared right now !
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Oh boy. Is this what you meant by “hopefully, it’s not too late”
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😱😱😱 No! Tell me he didn’t!!!
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Holy shite!!!
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twinkluvr67 · 5 years
Omg hai ___^ I’m anon-san and I absolutely luuuv @__@ anime <3 and my fav is naurto!!! Okies so anyways, im going to tell you about the BEST day of my life when I met my hot husband sasuke!! <333333333 OMFGZ HE WAS SOOOOO FREAKIN KAWAII IN PERSON!!! Supa kawaii desu!!!!!!!! ^___________________________________^ When I walked onto Tokyo street =____=I looked up and saw…SASUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333!!!! “ KONNICHIWA OMGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ SUPA SUPA SUPA KAWAII SASUKE-SAMA!!!!!” I yelled n____n then he turned chibi then un-chibi!! he looked at me [O.O;;;;;;;;;;;] and then he saw how hot I am *___* he grabbed my hand and winked ~_^ then pulled me behind a pocky shop o_o and started to kiss me!!!!!! [OMG!!! HIS TOUNGE TASTED LIKE RAMEN!!! RLY!! >.> <.< >.< (O) (O) (O)] then I saw some baka fat bitch watching us and I could tell she was undressing him with her eyes!!!!!!! [ -___________-;;;;; OMG I COULDN’T BELIEVE IT EITHER!!! (ò_ó) (ò_ó) (ò_ó)] so I yelled “UH UH BAKA NEKO THAT’S MY MAN WHY DON’T YOU GO HOOK UP WITH NARUTO CAUSE SASUKE-SAMA LOVES ME!!! (ò_ó)” then sasuke held me close =^= and said he would only ever love me and kissed me again!!!!!!! ** (O)/ then we went to his apartment and banged all night long and made 42 babies and they all became ninjas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nyaaaaa!!! (^___<)
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