#he goes to oscar later like (SHE FORGOT I KISSED HER?!) and oscar goes
musubiki · 7 months
Mochi and Lime can get one revenge kiss. As a treat.
Coco and Oscar like, why you making such a big deal out of this? It’s only a kiss (says the two with marginally more experience and better(ish) understanding of their romantic feelings)
coco and oscar being completely normal human beings watching these two soap opera ass people try to be in love
BUT i just had a thought about the revenge kiss: if lime were to pull the same shit on mochi with the knock-out medicine, after he pulls away from the kiss giving her a smirk and a wink and a "That's payback for last time." while holding up the bottle of medicine, and not realizing that while the secondary effect didnt work on him (magic res), it DOES work on her so when she knocks out and wakes up shes like "Huh? Did I fall asleep? What happened?"
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leclerced · 8 months
tbh everyone keeps talking abt fratboy/fuckboy lando and i just need someone to talk to me abt fuckboy/fratboy oscar
can we talk about it?? we talked a bit ab this in messages n i forgot ab this ask tbh im sorry <3
frat!oscar has a history of leading girls on, he'll swear up and down he made it clear he only wanted sex and they're the ones that got attached, and they swear he made them feel special and they thought they could change him. she goes to one of his frat's parties and when they wind up in the kitchen together, she tries to ignore his advances. he makes her drink for her, promising to remember it for next time, but she knows it's just a line. (he totally does remember it though and refills it repeatedly that night and even weeks later he remembers and brings it to her when he hears from one of his brothers that she's there) he spends the entire party flirting with her and trying to get her into bed with him but she leaves with the friends she came with before the party is over and he finds someone else to keep his bed warm for a few hours before he kicks them out.
it goes on like that for a while, her showing up at parties and him flirting with her and her leaving with her friends. he starts bumping into her outside of parties, like he sees her in the cafeteria getting lunch and sits at her table or interrupts her studying in the library to personally invite her to the party. she knows he just wants to get her into bed, and the only thing holding her back is that she kind of likes the attention and she's sure as soon as she sleeps with him he'll lose interest. despite that, she ends up in his bed one night after sharing a joint in the backyard away from everyone else so they wouldn't ask for them to share. he's cooled on the flirting, settled with her being a friend he can chat with before he finds someone to hook up with. he'll slip her a line now and then but when she doesn't return it he starts looking at who else is at the party. he's really not expecting her to suddenly lean in and kiss him after he stubs out the joint, but he's not complaining. they barely make it up to his room, and it's weeks of bent up tension being released. he's used to having to awkwardly ask girls to leave, but he gets up to grab a rag to clean her up and returns to her half dressed, searching for her lost shoe.
he suddenly feels the urge to tell her she doesn't have to go, because it feels like the right thing to do in the moment but he holds his tongue and lets her leave. she's surprised when he finds her at the next party, he hadn't invited her to this one like the last, but he finds her and holds up a joint, asking if she wants to go smoke. she takes a look around the room to see if any of her friends are watching her go back on her word of not hooking up with him again, before nodding and following him outside again. they find their place behind the tree in the back of the yard and he sparks it up after settling against the trunk of the tree, then passes it to her after she sits cross legged next to him. it's him that kisses her this time, leaning in to shotgun a hit after she pulls the joint from her lips. they finish smoking and hook up and she leaves right after again. it drives him crazy that she doesn't even try to stay. like, does she not want to? why doesn't she want to? it fucks with his head and he hooks up with someone else a few nights later just so he can kick them out afterwards.
she's internally panicking because the sex is good and one of her friends is dating one of his brothers or trying to, so even when she doesn't want to go to a party hosted by his frat, she gets dragged out anyways. inevitably, she ends up in his bed and leaves before he can kick her out because she doesn't want to face that embarrassment. he changes things up by asking for her number one day and after a week of casual texting, she's the one who breaks and asks what he's doing that night. he kind of panics thinking she wants him to take her on a date until she sends a second text blatantly inviting him over for sex and he's like, alright. she's on the same level this is cool. they both fall for each other thinking the other wants sex and it's just messy. his brothers notice he's sleeping with the same woman regularly and point her out to him at parties, step in when other guys are flirting with her and such and he keeps acting like it doesn't bother him because she's not his girl. but she totally is.
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lokiarc64 · 3 years
I hope this one isn’t too long!
White Knight: Weiss has developed a deep desire to cuddle with her boyfriend Jaune, but her pride won’t allow her to outright ask him for cuddles, so instead she does her best to make it seem as though he is the one who’s constantly desiring physical attention and she’s simply putting up with it. Jaune (and everyone else of course) knows the truth, but he rolls with it because he loves her and enjoys being the big spoon.
Jaune: Goodnight, Snow Angel.
Weiss: Goodnight my Valiant Knight.
Jaune: “Kisses Weiss’ forehead“
Jaune: “Rolls over to his side of the bed”
Weiss: Jaune.
Jaune: Yeah?
Weiss (Internally): Just tell him, tell him you want to cuddle with him.
Weiss: (Internally): You are above cuddles, you don’t need to sleep with his arms wrapped around you.
Jaune: Uh Weiss, you there?
Weiss: Oh sorry, it’s nothing important never mind.
Jaune: Okay?
Jaune: “Goes back to sleep”
Weiss: “Pouts”
Weiss (Internally): Damnit what do I do now.
Weiss: …..
Weiss: 💡
“The Next Morning”
Weiss: “Sipping Coffee”
Jaune: “Yawns”
Jaune: Morning Princess.
Weiss: Good morning Jaune.
Jaune: “Spreads arms out for a hug”
Weiss: “Avoids Hug”
Jaune: Huh?
Weiss: Get dressed, we were assigned a mission earlier, we’ll get breakfast at a nearby diner if your hungry.
Weiss: Don’t make me wait long.
Weiss: “Walks Away”
Oscar: What was the about?
Blake: Oh right forgot your kind new here, Weiss has been a huge tsundere for Jaune since beacon.
Oscar: Can someone who speaks English explain this to me.
Yang: What Blake’s trying to say is that Weiss‘ pride always holds her back from telling Jaune how she really feels.
Yang: From the looks of it, Weiss’ wants Jaune to do something for her but won’t just flat out say, so now she’s trying to avoid specific affection he gives her.
Oscar: Ohh, okay gotcha.
Grimm: “Charges into Weiss”
Jaune: WEISS!!!
Jaune: “Flips Grimm over with shield“
Jaune: “Decapitates Grimm”
Jaune: Weiss are you alright?
Jaune: “Holds hand out“
Weiss: Hmph, I’m fine.
Weiss: “Gets up on her own”
Weiss: “Brushes dirt off clothes”
Weiss: Nothing my aura can’t handle.
Jaune: I’m just making sure you okay.
Weiss: Well now you have no need to worry, now I believe out job here is done, let’s go find a place to eat shall we.
Waitress: Welcome to Iced Side Diner, My name is Sarah and I will be your waitress today.
Waitress: Can I get you two started with some drinks?
Jaune: I’ll just take a water.
Weiss: I would like some of the tea please.
Waitress: Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks and ready to take your order, enjoy your time.
Waitress: “Walks Away”
Jaune: Hey are you sure your okay?
Weiss: Trust me it’s nothing I couldn’t handle but I appreciate your concern.
Jaune: I just don’t want to see you get hurt again.
Jaune: “Moves hands closer to Weiss’ hands”
Weiss: “Retracts her hands”
Weiss: I‘m more than capable of taking a few hits.
Jaune: Weiss, why do you keep-
Waitress: Alright, here are your drinks.
Waitress: “Passes out drinks”
Waitress: Are we ready to order?
Weiss: Yes I would like the eggs benedict with a side of sausage.
Jaune: I’ll take the pancake combo.
Waitress: Excellent choices, your meals should arrive shortly if you have any concerns please ask me or a fellow employee.
Jaune: Will Do.
Waitress: “Walks Away”
Jaune: Hey Weiss your favorite shows on, wanna watch?
Weiss: I don’t see why not.
Jaune: “Opens up blanket”
Weiss: “Gets extra blanket from the side”
Weiss: “Sits on the opposite side of the couch where Jaune is”
Jaune: Weiss is something wrong.
Weiss: “Smirks”
Weiss (Internally): He’s starting to break.
Weiss: Whatever could you mean Jaune.
Jaune: I-It’s.
Jaune: “Sigh”
Jaune: Never mind.
Weiss (Internally): All according to plan.
Jaune: I forgot how soft the bed was.
Weiss: “Watches Jaune get comfortable“
Jaune: Aren’t you gonna lay down.
Weiss (Internally): Now time to finish the job.
Weiss: Actually I think I’m going to sleep on the couch tonight.
Jaune: What, Why?
Weiss: It just feels better.
Jaune: Weiss, are sure you want to sleep on the couch tonight, by yourself I should mention.
Weiss: I told you, you shouldn’t have to worry about me I’ll be fine.
Jaune: Well if that’s what you really want then I won’t stop you.
Weiss: 😧😧😧
Weiss (Internally): What, no, he wasn’t suppose to let me go, he was suppose to beg me not to leave, why won’t he just cuddle with me.
Jaune: Weiss, aren’t you gonna leave?
Weiss: Oh right I should take my leave and sleep on the couch.
Weiss (Voice Cracking): Because that’s what I want.
Weiss: “Quickly Leaves”
Weiss: Why, why can’t I just tell him that I want him that I want him to hold me while I sleep.
Weiss: I just want to cuddle with Jaune.
Weiss: “Sniffles“
Weiss: “Feels something next to her”
Jaune: Hey.
Weiss: Jaune, what’re you doing here.
Jaune: “Starts spooning Weiss”
Weiss: 😳😳😳😳😳
Jaune: This is what you wanted right?
Weiss: Jaune how did you-
Jaune: I’m not as oblivious as I used to be.
Jaune: Weiss you know you can always tell me when you want to do these things right?
Jaune: Your feelings are important Weiss, I’m not gonna think of you any less.
Weiss: “Holds Jaune tightly“
Weiss: I’ve missed this all day.
Jaune: I know you have.
Jaune: “Kisses Weiss”
Jaune: Goodnight Weiss.
Weiss: “Smiles”
Weiss: Goodnight Jaune.
Weiss: “Slowly descends into slumber”
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let-me-luve-you · 4 years
Oscars Over Birthdays
Tom x Sister
Summary: The day Tom gets fantastic news is the same day your family forgot about your birthday.
Warnings: forgotten birthday, angst, slight cussing, rude family, fluff ending
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You woke up and smiled as you smelled Sam cooking your favorite breakfast meal, cinnamon waffles. Tom introduced you to them on your grub tour in New York City. Weirdly enough, only the two of you liked them. The rest of the family didn’t. You quickly got dressed and had to stop yourself from running downstairs. You walked into the kitchen with a smile on your face seeing all four brothers and your parents there.
“What do we have here? Is that cinnamon waffles I smell?” You asked, faking confusion as why your favorite breakfast was being made.
“We have some celebrating to do Y/N.” Dom said, smiling at you.
“Tom has been nominated for an Oscar.” Nikki said. You looked at Tom shocked.
“Oh my gosh T!” You said running over to him to give him a hug. “That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks Y/N/N.” He smiled at you.
You walked over to the counter and made you a plate. Sam smiled at you as you grabbed a couple of extra waffles. “Eat up Y/N. I’m making a big dinner tonight. Everyone is coming.”
“Really?” You said trying to hide the smile of maybe your family was going to surprise you with a small party.
“Yup. Haz, Tuwaine, and the rest of the gang will be here.” Harry said.
“Cool.” You said trying not to sound hurt. You sat through breakfast and everyone just talked about Tom’s nomination and the rest of the nominations. You were quieter than normal, but your family didn’t notice.
You got a text around lunchtime from your best friend Ryann. It was always tradition to go out and eat on each other’s birthdays. No matter what your schedules were.
“Hey Y/N.” She said as you sat across from her at your favorite Italian restaurant. “How’s your birthday so far? What did your parents get you? What did your brothers get you?”
You sighed, “it’s been alright. I haven’t gotten anything. They haven’t even acknowledged my birthday yet. I thought maybe they would surprise me with dinner tonight when they mentioned Sam cooking, but they are doing it for Tom.”
“I saw that online this morning. I’m happy for him, but that’s no reason to forget your birthday.” Ryann said. You sighed once again and nodded in agreement. “Well you know what, forget it. I’ll give you the best birthday ever just with my presence.”
“My day is already better.” You said with a laugh, but you actually meant it. Throughout lunch, you and Ryann joked around and talked. You hadn't seen her in over a week due to her work schedule working against yours. It was nice to catch up in person.
“Here. I know you told me not to buy you anything, but I couldn’t help myself. Now after you telling me about your morning, I’m glad I did.” She said handing you a gift bag with Happy Birthday on it. You gave her a glare but she could see happiness in your eyes.
You took out the tissue paper and pulled out a basket with a bunch of small gifts in it. You saw a bath bomb with some bath salts, all of your favorite snacks, the new Ryan Reynolds movie, and an envelope. You gently set the basket onto the table and pulled out the card. You felt the thickness of it and glanced up at your friend. Ryann just smirked at you as you opened the card and saw a bunch of gift cards to your favorite restaurants, your favorite cafe, and your favorite shops.
“You didn’t?” You asked, shocked seeing the multiple different gift cards.
“Oh but I did because you deserve it.” She said smiling brightly at you.
“I don’t deserve you.” You said as you started to tear up. “This is too much.”
“No it’s not. Plus it makes up for that trip to LA you bought me.” Ryann said matter of factly.
“I invited you to Tom’s premiere. It only made sense to pay for it.”
“Yeah, but then you continued to buy everything. Even bought my dress for the premiere.” She said with a raised eyebrow.
You sighed before setting the card down and getting up to hug her. “Thank you Ry. You’ve made this birthday one of the best.”
She looked at you sadly, “I’m here to always make your days better.” You grabbed your gift and moved to exit the restaurant. Ryann followed. “Will you let me know how it goes with your family?”
“Yeah. Hopefully they’ve remembered by now.” You said sadly. “You’re welcome to come over for dinner tonight. Tom won’t be mad at you crashing his celebration dinner.”
“I’m meeting with Jake tonight or I would.” She said. When she looked up at you she added, “but I can reschedule. He’ll understand.”
“No, don't do that. You two are so close to making it official, I don’t want to get in the way of that.”
“You would never get in the way. Jake likes you and he knows how much you mean to me.” Ryann said as you stopped at your car.
“Please don’t cancel on him.” You begged. “Just call me when you get home so I can hear all about it.”
“I will.” Ryann gave you one last hug before she walked to her car. You got into yours and drove to your house. When you walked in, you could hear a movie playing and the light sound of your family talking. You walked upstairs to your room to set your gift down. When you walked back downstairs, you decided to join Sam in the kitchen.
“Hey Sammy.” You said as you sat at the counter.
“Hey Y/N/N. Where have you been?” He asked. He kept his head down as he chopped the vegetables.
“Ryann took me to lunch.” You said.
“Fun. Hopefully you didn’t feel up too much? I’m cooking a big feast.” He said jokingly.
“I’ll always have room for your cooking. What are you making for dessert?” You asked, hoping maybe it would be your favorite pie or red velvet cupcakes.
“Crepe bar.” He said lifting his knife to point towards the table in the corner where the fillings already set. You stared at it for a moment so you could hide the disappointment from Sam.
“Yum. I love your crepes.” You turned and smiled at Sam. He smiled back. “What movie are they watching in there?”
“I think they’re watching that new KJ Apa movie. What is it?”
“Songbird?” You asked.
“Yeah that’s it’s. Have you seen it yet?” He asked.
“No but I’ve been wanting to. I’m not going to walk in there to start it in the middle. I’m going to go take a nap.” You said standing up. “Come get me when dinner is ready.”
“Okay, I will.” He said, turning towards the stove. You walked upstairs and went into your room. You felt tears building in your eyes but you refused to cry on your birthday. After shutting your door, you threw yourself onto your bed and pulled out your phone. You don’t get on social media much, but figured it was time just to do a quick check on all of it. You got on Twitter first and saw that Tom was trending. You clicked on it to see what everyone was saying.
Tom being nominated for an Oscar is what he deserves.
We stan an Oscar nominated king
You kept scrolling through the fans congratulating Tom when you saw one that caught your eye.
Tom being nominated for an Oscar on his sister’s (who’s his best friend) birthday is what I live for. Congrats Tom and happy birthday Y/N. You didn’t want to post until later tonight so you wouldn’t get bombarded with tweets, so you saved the tweet to thank the fan later. You then decided to search your name. You knew looking yourself up brought nothing but pain, but you wanted to see what people were saying. Seeing if anyone else wished you a happy birthday. What you didn’t expect was everyone hating on you for being the only family member that hadn’t posted about Tom’s nomination.
You knew it shouldn’t bother you because you had told Tom personally, but it hurt that these fans were saying such horrible things because you didn’t post on social media. You saw some try to defend you, but then you saw a fan had taken a picture of you and Ryann at lunch.
Y/N can’t congratulate Tom for his Oscar nomination but she can go out to lunch with a friend. What a bitch.
You immediately closed the app and took a deep breath. You’re not a bitch. You were spending your birthday with your best friend. There’s nothing wrong with that, you thought to yourself. You decide to delete the social media apps off your phone so you didn’t risk getting back on them today. You set your phone down and stared at the ceiling. Insecure thoughts flooding your mind.
You didn’t remember falling asleep but when you woke up you saw Tom smiling down at you. “It’s about time you woke up. I’ve been trying to wake you for five minutes.” He laughed.
“Sorry. I didn’t realize I fell asleep.” You whispered. Tom leaned down and kissed your forehead.
“Come on. Everyone is here and dinner is ready.” Tom said, pulling you up from the bed. “After dinner, we are getting a fire started in the backyard.” You smiled at him and followed him to the dining room.
You sat down and noticed all of your family sitting there with Tuwaine and Harrison sitting there as well. You could tell they were all waiting on you.
“Good nap Y/N?” Harry said laughing.
“Shut up.” You whispered as you stared at him.
“This dinner is for Tom.” Dom said, raising his glass to cheers Tom. “He worked his butt off to get to this point and it’s only the beginning. Cheers.”
“Cheers!” Everyone said as they held up their drinks. You turned and smiled at Tom.
“I know I said it earlier, but I’m extremely proud of you. I'm glad I have you as my role model. Love you.” You whispered and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you Y/N/N.” He said smiling at you. “I love you too.”
Dinner went by quickly with everyone talking and laughing. You couldn’t remember the last time you had all sat down and ate dinner like this. Now you all sat outside around the fire pit. You sat next to Tom and shared a blanket with him. You just sat back and watched everyone interact. You get lost in your thoughts wondering how your family could forget your birthday. After an hour of sitting there, you decided you would go to bed. Even though it was still early, you just wanted to be alone.
“It’s been fun you guys, but I’m off to bed.” You said.
“Are you sick? You’ve been sleeping a lot today.” Nikki said, full of worry.
“No, I'm not sick. Just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” You lied. “Thanks for dinner Sam. And congrats again Tom. I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Goodnight Y/N.” You heard everyone say. You walked up stairs and switched into pajamas. You were too mentally exhausted to shower. You figured you could just do it in the morning. Once your head hit your pillow, you were out.
Outside everyone kept talking. Harry was explaining something that he learned on set. Tom had heard the story a thousand times already so he pulled his phone out and got on Instagram for the first time today. He was scrolling through his timeline to see what his friends were doing when he came across a post Ryann had posted. He saw his sister smiling at the camera as she sat at a restaurant with a piece of cake in front of her with a sparkler candle on top. He looked at it confused and decided to slide through the multiple pictures. He saw one picture of her with a basket of goodies in front of her as she read a card. He scrolled down enough to see the caption.
A happiest 23rd birthday to my best friend and soulmate. I’m so lucky I got to spend time with you on your birthday. I love you and hope you have an amazing day.
Tom gulped as he stared at the phone with wide eyes. Paddy noticed his older brothers change in demeanor.
“What is it Tom?” Paddy asked concern. Tom looked up to him with pain lacing his eyes.
“Your nudes get leaked or something?” Harry joked. Nikki slapped him in the back of the head.
“It’s Y/N birthday.” Tom said. Everyone went silent. “We forgot her fucking birthday.” Tom stood up and paced. He was mad at himself for letting himself forget his best friend’s birthday. You and Tom had always been so close that everyone thought you were twins. You were only a year apart. It made sense that people would suggest that. Some even said they didn’t think Sam and Harry were the twins in the family.
“That’s why she’s been quiet today. We’re so horrible. I can’t believe I forgot my daughter’s birthday.” Nikki whispered more to herself but everyone heard. Tom looked at his parents and siblings before walking towards the house. He quickly walked in and ran to your room. He hoped you weren’t asleep yet. When he knocked on the door and didn’t get an answer, he decided to walk in. Your face was lit up from the lamp on your bedside table. What hurt Tom even more was he could see the tears that stained your face.
“Y/N?” He asked quietly. Thinking maybe you weren’t asleep. When he got no response and didn’t even see you flinch, he knew you were out for the night. He grabbed your extra pillow and blanket and sat next to your bed.
The next morning you woke up. Your eyes feel like sandpaper from crying. You didn’t even remember crying, but with the emotions from the day before it made sense you would. You gently sat up and jumped when you saw a figure lying on the floor. You leaned over to see Tom asleep.
“Tom?” You asked. He didn’t move. You got up and sat next to him. “Tom?” You asked again as you shook him. Tom slowly opened his eyes and looked around confused before looking at you. “Why are you sleeping on my floor?”
“I came in here shortly after you left so I could say how sorry I am for not remembering your birthday.”
You sighed. “It’s okay Tom. You got amazing news yester-“
Tom interrupted you, “it’s not okay. I don’t care if I was elected queen of England, no news is big enough to forget your birthday.”
“Queen of England?” You asked with raised eyebrows and a smirk.
“I think I would be an amazing queen.” He said with a small laugh. “Seriously though, I feel horrible.” Tom pulled you to him. You nestled your head into the crook of his neck. “I’m going to spend the day making it up to you. I promise. So get dressed. We’re starting with breakfast.”
You nodded and pulled away trying to hide the smile on your face. After getting dressed you walked downstairs and heard your family talking in the living room. When you walked in your whole family looked at you.
“Happy birthday Y/N!” They all yelled. Nikki ran over to you and crushed you in a hug. “I’m so sorry baby. We’re going to celebrate you tonight.”
“Yeah! I’ll cook all of your favorites.” Sam said.
“Don’t do that. You cooked all day yesterday.” Sam went to protest, “how about just make some red velvet cupcakes and we’ll call it good. We can order a pizza and have a nice family movie night.”
“Deal.” Sam said. After all members of your family apologized, you turned to Tom.
“Are you ready? I’m hungry.” You said with a pout.
“Then let’s go. Anyone want to join us for breakfast? We are also going to get lunch as well.”
“We will join you for lunch. Enjoy the morning together.” Dom said. Tom smiled at him before he turned to you and held his arm out for you to grab so he could lead you to the car.
“I’m going to treat you like the queen you are today. So if you want to do anything specific, just tell me.” Tom said as he got into the car with you.
“Just spending time with you and everyone else is enough. Thank you for making up for yesterday. I appreciate it.”
“I’ll go all out next year to fully make up for it.” He said.
“As long as there’s a bounce castle.” You joked with a laugh but Tom knew you weren’t joking.
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lustinglilac · 4 years
Hii!! A request with #13 and #19 with sad eyes, in which the reader is spookys sister but she’s afraid of her feelings towards sad eyes
Love this! 🥰 *ALL credit for the name José goes to other writers*
13. “You can’t keep pretending it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did!”
19. “I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the hell out of me.”
GIF BY: @merakiaes 🖤
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“So... when are you gonna stop pretending like you don’t like him?” Cesar asks from his spot on the porch. The spot where he had a perfect view of the man captivating his older sister’s heart.
Her brows furrow, turning to look at her brother, “What are you talking about?” She fidgets with her hands, trying hard not to sound like she was lying.
“Sad Eyes— you have a thing for him, don’t you?” Cesar notices the way she looks away from him.
“Is it that obvious?” She panics, turning away from where her older brother and his right hand man were working on the cherry red Impala.
Cesar chuckles lightly, catching his sister’s hand before she could walk off, “A little. But hey, your secret’s safe with me.” He smiles that boyish smile she loved so much, putting her at ease a tiny bit.
Later that night, Oscar had invited Sad Eyes inside for dinner, just what she needed to get her mind off of him. Not!
“Mind if I sit next to you?” José asks her, ever the gentleman. She can’t help but smile, shaking her head telling him it’s okay. Cesar can’t help but notice the interaction, chuckling quietly to himself.
Moments of silence pass by before her phone vibrates on the table, a text message from Jasmine. She looks at Oscar, too into his dinner to notice she was texting at the table anyway.
Jasmine: Bitchhh, please tell me he’s over rn and that’s why you texted me freaking out?!
Before she could open the message, Oscar clears his throat, “No phones at the table.” He arches a brow at her, challenging her to answer.
She sighs, biting her lip before deciding to answer anyway, despite her brother’s warning, “Oscar, it’s important. I swear, gimme two seconds.”
Diaz: YES!
Diaz: Jasmine he’s literally sitting right next to me. Ugh he is so cute 😩 what do I do?!?!
She types a reponse from muscle memory alone barely looking down at her phone to see who she replied to, “There. Done.” Tucking her phone under her thigh, going back to finishing up her plate.
She hears the vibration of another phone next to her, thinking nothing of it until Sad Eyes pulls out his phone discreetly, smirking to himself at the text message he’d just received.
Oscar looks at the both of them, “Are you two textin’ each other? At the dinner table?” He puts his fork down, waiting for a response.
Her eyes widen, panic settling in at the realisation, “Can I be excused?” Before her brother could even respond, her chair screeched back a couple of feet from the table, rushing into her room.
“Oh my god! This is not happening!” Unlocking her phone and going straight to her messages. The text hadn’t reached Jasmine at all but rather José.
Diaz: You weren’t supposed to get that... like at all 😬
José Guzman: Yeah I figured. I’m flattered though.
She rolls her eyes at his text, deciding not to answer. Her heart nearly beating out of her chest at the fact that both her brothers had seen her make a scene. Before it could look anymore suspicious, she walks out of her room, fanning her face quickly before reaching the kitchen.
“I think I’m done, honestly, I’m so full.” She places a hand on her stomach for emphasis, beginning to clean up her plate as well as Cesar’s, avoiding any and all eye contact with José.
“I’m gonna head to Monse’s.” Cesar kisses his sister on the cheek, saying goodnight to Sad Eyes and Oscar.
“You need help cleanin’ up—“ Oscar asks her, putting his plate in the sink for her.
“I got it. Thanks though.” She clears her throat, answering her brother with a grin.
José stands up after him, “I’ll be right out, compa, just gotta use the restroom.”
The door to the house slams shut, Oscar outside lighting a cigarette while the two of them stood inside, the tension in the room heavy.
“You’re just gonna pretend like that ain’t happen? Cause guess what? It did.” José catches her arm before she could walk away. “It looked real sus to Spooky, nena.”
“Don’t call me nena, José.” She shuts her eyes for a moment. “Because I think I’m in love with you and that scares the hell out of me.” She admits in one breath, heart beating so fast it felt like it was in her throat.
“I feel the same way ‘bout you.” He takes her face in his palm, finally looking her in the eyes.
“And it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way because of a stupid crush I have on you and it really doesn’t matter— wait, what?” She stops talking for a second, scanning his face for any signs of deceit.
“Yeah— it’s always been about you.” He grins, thumb caressing her cheekbone softly.
“I-I didn’t know that. I mean, you never really showed interest—“
José chuckles pulling back slightly, “You do know who your brother is, right?” He raises an eyebrow at her, making her giggle.
“Right, forgot about that.” She states, going back to stacking the plates and the pot of leftovers in the middle of the table.
“Here— lemme help you.” He grunts, picking up the heavy pot.
“You don’t have to, really—“
“Nah after you called me cute and shit, I’d do anythin’ you ask me to.” He winks, turning away from her more than embarassed expression.
“Oh do not let it get to your head, okay? It was a one time thing.” She scoffs, nudging him with her elbow.
“Yeah, yeah.” José smirks at her. “See you around, nena.” And with that he’s outside again like nothing ever happened.
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
ironwood for the ask game owo
My son! :D
What are my top four favorite non-romantic relationship dynamics for them?
Clover - I love the mutual respect, and I think Clover just sincerely admires James, and I can imagine them moving on from just being professional and into Clover finally dragging him into going out with the other Ace Ops for a drink. Oz (specifically in Oscar's body) - I love the interactions between Ironwood and Ozpin in volume three and I'm so mad that we didn't get them interacting in later volumes when Ozpin is in the body of a freckled short fifteen year old farmboy, because they'd wind up in a father/son dynamic subconsciously I think. Whitley - This also has father/son vibes, but like, a difficult relationship with a lot of tension where Ironwood just does not get Whitley, but still loves him and wants to help him. I would've loved Ironwood to rescue Whitley from his abusive home and take him in as a protegee. Penny - WHY DID THE SHOW TRY SO HARD TO RUIN THIS BEFORE WE COULD EVEN SEE IT IN ACTION. Penny and Ironwood's few moments before Volume 8 and they were really good. I don't care what anyone says, Ironwood was a second father to her and he would never willingly hurt her, and she adores him at the same time that no matter how many times he asks, she never drops the professional language. I love these two and I just want them to be best friends.
What season were they at their best and why?
It's a really big toss up between season three and season seven, but I'm gonna say season three. The interactions with Yang and Team RWBY where he's sympathetic towards what happened to Yang, the interactions with Qrow are just *chef's kiss* and the Grimm fighting, and the integrity, and the telling all the students they could leave and no one would blame them.
What season were they at their worst and why?
Volume 8 volume 8 volume 8. It was garbage, over the top, forced, rushed, comically bad, and it makes me want to kick something into the sun.
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In short, I hated what they did with Ironwood in season 8.
How would I rank their outfits from worst to best
1. The worst outfit by far is his season four look. They apparently were incapable of designing shoulders, and forgot what humans look like. 2. His volume 2-3 look. This was hard, because I really love the simplistic look of this outfit and think he looks great, but... 3. His best outfit is his season 7 look. Because of the beard and the hair, and them finally figuring out how to animate shoulders. It looks so good.
Which Hogwarts House would I sort them into (optional; what would their wand be?) Gryffindor, for sure, I'm claiming him. I think he has tendencies of every house and values all their values, so it really came to his personal preference, and I think he would want Gryffindor. And as for a wand, I'm going with Rowan wood, dragon heartstring, 11 ​1⁄2 inches, unyielding.
What do I think this character would be like if they were on the opposite side (good characters are bad, bad characters are good)
Ironwood (sadly) is a good character who turned bad, so in this version, he would be a bad character who turns good. Let's say he actually is a corrupt politician in Jacques's pocket this time around, selling secrets to Watts and unbeknownst to him, to Salem - in a misguided effort to uphold Atlas. He starts having a change of heart after the Fall of Beacon when Penny (who he's gotten attached to) dies, and many Hunter kids come back to the Academy traumatized from what happened to them. Ironwood starts trying to cut ties with Watts and Salem, but fears that they'll reveal all the bad he's done and he'll lose everything. So he plays things close to the chest and goes along with what they want by undermining their plans when he can. He welcomes Team RWBY and the others (and is falling for Qrow because this is my AU and everything is Ironqrow,) but is horrified to get visited by Watts, who expects his help and tells him Salem's on her way. This prompts Ironwood to admit to all the wrong he's done to the protagonists, who feel betrayed, but then agree to take the risk of trusting him again and work with him to take down Watts and Tyrian, and save the world from Salem. Ironwood obviously is forced to step down and tried for his crimes, but Qrow would wait for him.
If I suddenly had control of RWBY, what would I want to do with this character after the events of V8?
Ironwood wouldn't be dead. I would have Qrow dive down to the wreckage and ruin of Atlas/Mantle to desperately try to find the girls and any other survivors, find Ironwood instead, and then find himself unable to leave him behind. He'd get Ironwood on Robyn's plane and convince her to just take him as a prisoner, but when James wakes up, I'd have his freaking semblance no longer kicked in and have him reveal - using Robyn's semblance to confirm - that he was controlled by his semblance (which I'd change to being an active semblance he chose to trigger but just couldn't control his actions afterwards.) Ironwood would be gravely injured, and Qrow would be incredibly emotionally distraught, but the two would leave the Ace Ops maybe in Argus and then go on to Vacuo to maybe eventually rejoin the main cast, and start slowly healing and slowly relying on each other.
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Nothin’ Holdin’ Me Back
Santiago “Pope” Garcia x Reader
The last of the Shawn Mendes song fics. Will be working on new set soon. Um. Let’s see. Warnings.... insecurities? I guess. 
Everything tag list: @mikeisthricedeceased​
Oscar Tag: @m-1234 
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I wanna follow where she goes
I think about her and she knows it
Santi woke up to an incoming text. He smirked when he saw the name, ‘Daiquiri.’ He opened the text to see it was a message asking him to come over and that she was lonely.
He chuckled at her message. He had been seeing her for a few weeks. He had met her at a bar a while back. All she drank was frozen Daiquiris because that’s the only drink she liked. After several drinks, the both of them had stumbled back to his place. It might not have been the best experience for both of them, but the next several times certainly made up for it.
He got dressed, brushed his teeth, and after making sure he had his keys, wallet, and phone, he was gone. She lived only a couple blocks from him, so he simply walked over to her place. He had a skip in his step, as he went up the stairs to her townhouse. He knocked on the door, waiting with a smirk.
It took her a moment to answer, and she looked frazzled.
“Hi. I’m sorry. We’re… this… My home is throwing a hissy fit, and apparently wanted a pool,” She complained, glancing back toward her kitchen with a groan.
“I’m sorry. I wasted your time,” She apologized with a small sigh, looking down.
Santi sighed softly, lifting her chin back up. “Tell me what happened?”
I wanna let her take control
'Cause everytime that she gets close, yeah
Just like that, their usual get togethers became something more. Soon, he was over to help her fix random stuff. Or he saw these flowers and they reminded him of her.
She wasn’t going to complain. She enjoyed spending more time with him. He always knew how to brighten her day with small, simple gestures. She was beginning to love just seeing him randomly, and not just for sex.
Sometimes he would come over just to talk. He often has nightmares about the incident in Colombia and just wants someone who will listen without judgment. She liked that he would confide in her. It made her feel like he trusted her.
One night, it was about 3am when he called. She had gone to answer it, but he hung up before she could. She stared at her phone, after trying to call him back twice with no success. She laid gnawing on her lip in worry. She decided to just go to him.
She got up threw on some sweats and a cardigan, hopping into her car and driving over to his place. She stepped up to his house and knocked. Waiting. Soon enough he answered the door.
She looked him over, spying the sweat on his face, and how worn out he appeared.
She simply pushed past him, taking his hand into hers, once he closed the door again, and led him back to him his room. She laid down, pulling him with her, and making him lay down. He situated himself, lying on top of her, his head resting on her chest. He sighed once, before holding her to him tightly. She ran her fingers through his hair, lulling him back to sleep.
She says that she's never afraid
Just picture everybody naked
After that night, they hardly left each other’s side. Besides work, they would often have dinner with each other, or would just spend the day together on a weekend. There were some evenings where they would go and hang out with friends, but they always missed one another.
Santi was tempted to introduce her to the guys but wasn’t sure if he was ready for it. His team were his family, and he didn’t want to risk them hating each other for whatever reason. On a deeper level… was he ready for that? Was he ready for her to see him entirely? That level of commitment that he has never shown before?
It scared him a bit. He knew that he really liked her. Hell, he would even go as far say that he loved her. But did he really? He’s never known love before. He’s never been with a girl long enough to get to that point (or ever wanted to get that close).
One night, he came over and wanted to talk some things out. He forgot however, that she had her girlfriends over for a girl’s night in. So, when he knocked on the door, he wasn’t prepared for all the giggles and laughter he heard, as she opened the door.
“Santi? Hi. Why are you here baby?” She asked him with a smile, slight concern in her eyes.
“Oh. Sorry. I forgot tonight was girl’s night. I just wanted to talk about some stuff. It can… wait. I’ll let you get back to... everything,” He tried to backtrack, wincing slightly.
“Um. Before you go… would you… would you like to meet them? They seem to be under the impression that I made you up,” She mock whispered to him.
He chuckled at that, and said, “If it doesn’t bother you or them, sure. Why not?”
A few minutes later he met her three best friends who all made vague threats to castrate and murder him, if he ‘shattered their best friend’s heart.’
He figured if she was okay with him meeting her best friends, it was time for her to meet his.
She really doesn't like to wait
Not really into hesitation
A week later, she was strolling into a bar, looking for Santi and his friends. She spotted them, and quietly analyzed the group that was with him. There were 3 men, and a woman who had a small baby with her. All 3 men were tall, and well built. Two were blue eyed but one was blonde, the other brunette. The third was tan, with dark hair and eyes. He was currently making faces at the baby trying to get her to laugh.
She slowly made her way over to them, even though she felt like she was interrupting them.
Santi turned his head and spotted her, a smile breaking out on his face as he beckoned her over. She shyly walked up to him, kissing him on the cheek. He introduced to her everyone and pulled out her chair when she went to go sit next to him. He called her by her nickname Daiquiri which made her laugh a bit.
She was quiet for most of dinner, mainly because they made her nervous. She was afraid of saying something and them taking it poorly or something. She wanted them to like her; these were the most important people in his life.
Halfway through the guys got up to go play a round of pool, and she was left with Maria, Frankie’s girl, and their baby, Isobel.
“You can relax around them you know?” Maria softly tells her once they were away.
“I… I’m having a hard time doing so” She admitted, feeling slightly defeated.
“I understand. I was the same way when I first met them too. They have like a hive mind, and inside jokes that I still don’t understand. But they are all genuinely nice guys, so breathe. Loosen up,” Maria assured her, shaking her teasingly. “Here. Hold Isobel for a moment, I gotta go to the bathroom.”
Maria hands her the baby, as she stood up and the walked away. She stares at the baby concerned for a moment, gently adjusting her in her arms. She sighed softly, looking down at her. Isobel giggled at her, as she grabbed a lock of her hair.
“Oh? You like my hair? Please don’t tug on it, princess. I know. It’s very tempting, but ow,” She winced slightly as Isobel gave it a sharp tugged.
She gently untangled her hair from the teeny tiny fist with baby hulk strength. Once her hair was free, she simply just started talking to her. Isobel watched her with an odd look of awe as she spoke, and soon fell asleep in her arms. She didn’t know quite what to do, so she just stayed there, somewhat rocking her.
When Maria returned, she was pleasantly surprised to see that Isobel was asleep, and helped Daiquiri lay her gently into her baby carrier.
She looked up to see what the guys were doing and wished she hadn’t immediately. A pretty young girl, was standing next to Santi, heavily flirting with him, and he… from the looks of it… wasn’t ignoring her advances. In fact, he looked a lot like the night they first met: leaning to the side, a hand in his pocket, and a smirk on his face.
She bit her lip. She wasn’t quite sure what to do. They never really said they were exclusive. Never really spoke about what they were to one another. She looked down, not wanting to watch anymore. She just quietly pulled out some cash, to pay for her meal and tip, before quickly leaving. If she had been paying attention, she would have noticed that the girl who was over with Santi, had walked away from him, frowning.
Pulls me in enough to keep me guessing, whoa
And maybe I should stop and start confessing
Santi hadn’t realized what had happened. All he knew was after he and Frankie won their game, he looked over to where Daiquiri had been and sees she was no longer there.
Maria, however, was and she was frowning deeply at him. He made his way over to her, and asked, “Where did she go?”
“Probably home. Since you seemed to have a grand ol’ time with malibu barbie over there,” Maria informed him with slight disgust.
“Malib- what are you talking about? I told her she was too young for me, and that I had a girlfriend?” He defended.
“That’s not how it looked from here,” Maria tells him with a sigh.
“Shit. What do I do? I… I’m in love with this girl Maria,” He begged her, stressing, running a hand through his hair worriedly.
“Go. After. Her.” Maria explained slowly.
Santi nodded, quickly paying for his tab and rushing out. He was freaking out on the drive to her place. He didn’t know what to say or do to make this right. He just knew that what she saw wasn’t what it seemed.
He quickly parked in front of her house, and rushed up to the door, knocking.
He heard a slight shuffling, before the door opened slightly.
“What Santi?” She asked, her voice cracking, as she stood there, not even opening the door wide enough for him to see her.
“Can we… can we please talk? I swear. I wasn’t flirting with that girl. I was telling her I had a girl,” Santi desperately tried to plead.
She snorted lightly, not quite believing him.
“You don’t have to explain. It’s not like we…” Her voice faltered for a moment. “It’s not like we said we were exclusive. So. Technically you’re perfectly allowed to do whatever you want.”
“Baby… that’s not… that’s.. I..” He didn’t know what to say to that.
“Look. I’m tired. Um. I just want to go to bed right now. We can… talk later… or something,” She told him as she closed the door.
Confessing, yeah
'Cause if we lost our minds and we took it way too far
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
A talk… that she kept avoiding. She wanted to talk to him, but then her mind would think up all the reasons why she shouldn’t bother.
‘You weren’t exclusive.’
‘This was just a friends with benefits thing.’
‘You didn’t mean anything to him.’
‘He’s known for not settling down with one chick.’
‘Why would he settle down with you?’
The last thought, in particular, was the main reason why she’s been avoiding him. She knew the moment she met him that he wasn’t the type for commitment. But for a while there, she let herself hope. She really thought that maybe he had changed.
So, she avoided his calls and texts. She avoided his knocks on her door at all hours. Some of her friends wanted to go and beat him up for hurting her. She told him to let it go, that she was the idiot who fell in love with him.
Her best friend, however, had a different thought. One night, she came over to talk.
“Okay. Imma say something. I want you to listen to me for a moment. If you truly meant nothing to him, why is he blowing up your phone left and right? Why is he trying to talk to you constantly to explain?” Amanda, her friend, questioned.
She didn’t know what to say to that.
“Go. Talk. To. Him. Let him explain fully what happened. If nothing did, then fucking move on. You are miserable, so go. To. Him,” Amanda stated firmly, pulling her to the door. “I’m locking you out of your own house, bye.”
Amanda shoved her out, and she heard the lock turn.
“I hate you!” She shouted at her through the door.
“Love you too. Go fix things with your man!” Amanda called back.
She made the awkward stroll over to Santi’s place, shivering because it was chilly out and she had no jacket.
When she stood in front of his door, she bit her lip, fidgeting with her hands.
She slowly reached up and knocked.
If you were by my side and we stumbled in the dark
I know we'd be alright, I know we would be alright
Santi… was not doing okay. He hadn’t realized it, but she had become his anchor. She grounded him when the days or nights got rough. It had only been a few days, but he was struggling. He was having a hard time sleeping.
His head jerked up when he heard the knocking. Thinking it was one of the guys, he sighed loudly, getting up from the couch and answering it.
He was surprised when he sees her there instead.
“Hi,” She whispered.
He looked her over, noticing her eyes were puffy from crying and she was slightly shivering.
“Did… did you walk over here? Honey. It’s 34 degrees out! Get inside,” He stated, pulling her in, rubbing her arms with his hands.
“Amanda. L-locked me out. T-told me to come t-talk to you finally,” She slightly stuttered out, as she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to warm up.
“Did Amanda think to check the current temperature before doing this? C’mon. C’mere.” He beckoned leading her to the couch where he threw one of the several blankets she brought over on various dates, around her shoulders.
He went into his kitchen and quickly made her a cup of hot chocolate, bringing it over to her gently. She took it from him, the warmth of the mug, immediately taking the chill from her hands. He sat next to her, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close.
It took some time, but soon enough her shivering had subsided.
“I wasn’t flirting with that chick. I swear. I almost lost that game of pool, because I kept watching you. Seeing you hold Isobel… drove me crazy. I never thought about that kind of stuff before…” He quietly explained to her.
“I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions, I should have… let you explain. I… I just… figured… you were bored of me or something…” She mumbled back, sniffling slightly.
“Nah. I… I’m crazy for you baby. I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I… I love you,” He whispered pressing a kiss to her head.
I know we'd be alright, we would be alright
Oh, I've been shaking
She felt her breath catch as he confessed that. She could feel her lip tremble and tears well up in her eyes. She wasn’t expecting that.
“You don’t have to say it back just yet. I just want you to know… you’re it for me. I don’t want anyone else. No one else can compare to you,” He said sweetly.
She bit her lip and nodding her head slightly. She slowly finished her drink and Santi set the empty cup into the sink, rinsing it out. She got up and walked over to him. She stood behind him, and slowly wrapped her arms around him, resting her face against his back.
She raised herself to her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to the small scar at his neck. She felt him shiver slightly at the sensation. He slowly turned around to her, his arms going around her waist.
“Umm. Would… would you like to stay the night?” He asked her hesitantly.
She nodded her head. She bit her lip for a moment, before going back onto her tiptoes and pressing a kiss to his lips.
He kissed her back, his hands moving down to her thighs.
“Jump,” He muttered against her lips.
She does so, and he catches her, walking the two of them up to his bedroom.
I love it when you go crazy
You take all my inhibitions
It took some time, but the two of them got back to normal routine. They had a long conversation together, which ended in him officially stating that he was hers, and she was his.
Santi realized from that conversation that meeting all of the guys, was a little intimidating. So, he tried again, but one at a time. Frankie and her immediately hit it off, especially when Isobel recognized her and got very excited.
Will was a bit more cautious but soon they were having conversation about dominos and fidget spinners and weird traps. They are now planning a whole elaborate chain reaction of dominoes.
Benny was overactive and excitable, but she got used to it fairly quickly. He was a bit like a overgrown puppy in her words.
Soon enough, they were going out with the whole group. One night, they had gone out with the whole gang and were playing a game of darts. The guys for all their military know-how, were awful. She kept laughing at all of them when they would try to go for the bullseye and failed.
Santi dared her, “You try then.”
She took the darts from him and tossed all three into the bullseye with ease.
Santi stared at her in awe, “How?”
“A lady never reveals her secrets,” She teased moving away from him.
He chased after her, grabbing her and tickling her. Her laughter was high pitched and infectious.
When she finally got over her giggles, she said something that he wasn’t expecting.
“I love you,” She said breathless.
Santi couldn’t stop smiling all night. He wasn’t sure what the future held in store for him, but he knew one thing: he had the love of his life by his side.
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back
You take me places that tear up my reputation
Manipulate my decisions
Baby, there's nothing holdin' me back (oh whoa)
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sword-of-summer · 3 years
All of them answer every question fuck you
ahahaha no i respectfully deny your "fuck you" and i accept the ask and so-
i am 5'10", and i don't wish to be taller or shorter- i am the perfect height for hugs and messy hair, and yep, i like it here-
dream pet would be a mix of golden retriver and a husky called Holly and a chonky cat called Loki- yes ofcourse my future kids have names everyone should name their future pets-
ripped jeans/black pants with a Darth Vader tshirt or a Ethnic Fusion Kurta with black sneakers/artificial leather slip-ons, and if it's cold, a black jacket open obviously- and a black wristwatch i love my black wristwatch.
favourite video game was Clash of Clans and going even back, GTA Vice City and, the og- MARIIOOOO
three things/people are Oreos, Nutella and Pizza. The Holy Trinity-
"Beware me my fingers are smeared with chicken popcorn grease"
you didn't mention an opinion, @chunkybirb, so imma give my opinion on Vanilla ice cream and Nutella- ANYONE WHO HADN'T COMBINED THESE TWO COMBINE THESE TWO THEY ARE FUCKING AWESOME
im either phlegmatic or melancholic bruh idk maybe ik or maybe not
im v v v v ticklish
not an allergy, but an intense hatred for ketchup- i vomit if it gets too close to me fuck you ketchup
im heterosexual
any between tea and coffee but full milk coffee (ik, kill me), never had cocoa- but i love a chocolate or nutella milkshake
both. both is good. (cat and dog)
i would be an elf cause hell yeah, knowledge and wisdom
favourite youtuber is Samay Raina, a stand up comedian turned youtuber who is just awesome-
as i mentioned in 1., i am 5'10"
i would not change my name cause it's the coolest fucking name ever, i am Tanay, and Tanay in Hindi means Son, and my parents literally named their son Son, and hell yeah i like it
i forgot how much i weigh- last i checked it was 75 kilos, but ive gained weight since 2019 so yep, gotta walk in the mornings
yes i believe in metaphysicality cause one- it seems cool- second- me and @theclassyghost discussed a metaphysical life theory that i really really like and metaphysicality gives preservation of knowledge so i believe in spirits
im not that religious, no
pet peeves no well nah not really
nocturnal def nocturnal i sleep at 4.50 anyway hehehehe
fav constellation is Cassiopeia
fav star is Sirius tho
what the fuck are ball jointed dolls
i do have a fear of losing people that's just anxiety i guess
yep, global warming is real
never thought that much about reincarnation tbh but maybe, i do
fav movie is Spider Man : Into The SpiderVerse and Inception and The Dark Knight Rises and Revenge of The Sith and yes, for my indian gang, 3 Idiots and Gully Boy
yep i get scared v v v easily
i have had no pets but i plan to once i grow up
@chunkybirb 's blog is fucking cool awesome and *chef's kiss* a masterpiece
blue calms me. i love blue.
live in Norway cause pretty lights, snow, and less people than this overpopulated country i am in
born in Mumbai, India
v v v dark brown like it's almost black but no it's dark brown
horoscopes and zodiacs, i do read them, never believed that much tbh-
i really wanna visit my brother i haven't met him in a long time i really wanna play cricket w him just like old times
my sister- she's annoying but well i care for her
tattoos idk bruh im okay idk may get one or may not get one
nope, smoking is ewwww *vomits*
ah my crush- she's cool [ if she exists
when the chalk doesn't write on the board but goes iiiiiieeee I HATE THAT
a sound i love is rain pitter pattering i just hhhhhh sends me into happiness
nope fatass here
nope fatass here
favourite actors have to be eddie redmayne, oscar issac and pedro pascal- and margot robbie and winona ryder in the actresses section also yes, elliot page
bruh already answered in 30.
im okayish!! spotify and tumblr, cool combo-
my hair are okay being black for me
yesterday, monday, from 6.40 to 6.50
uhhh naah not that i know of
well in Rick Riordan's Magnus Chase books, the sword of Frey aka Sumarbrander TALKS and demands to be called Jack, so here i am
bakwaas, music and comfy
yep, i believe in evolution
unfollow on hate and when they dm me sending nsfw pics ugh why are people like that
follow, well, i like people and they seem cool, so i follow them
fav kind of person is the one who'll sit with me for hours not even talking and just vibing to music
fav animals are beavers, doggos and cats
three fav blogs are @chunkybirb, @theclassyghost, @little-boats-on-a-lake, @aredhel-of-gondolin, @sue-me-imbadass, @alleenkaas, @my-ackerman, @brrrrrrrrrrzone
fav emoticon has to be ☹ this me seeing my stupidity outrank others
fav meme has to be Butternut is a master of psychological manipulation
Libraaa let's go
no dog, i have
black darth vader tshirt, black pants, black sneakers and black wrist watch
i have no selfies my phone has no cameras i live in eternal darkness
what the fuck are platform shoes
i, uhhh, i remember weird things like what i drew in class in 3rd while i was supposed to be doing english
lazy ass here, no front flips possible
i like birds they fly
nope i don't Iike swimming i like blankets
wrapped up in blankets reading books sounds better than both
hyperspace travel
nope none
reading writing eating sleeping
my friend
tumblr seems cool
i have around 60-70 idk
yes i can run but why
yes they do but what's the fun in that
nope I'd fall over
sapphire let's go
koala bear or panda
sunflower or the one on a lemon tree
ketchup store
one cup of coffee is enough, tysm
read minds that sounds cool cool yeaaahh
nope never wore it a black clothes guy here BatMan
winter winter all year long
i don't know and i don't wanna try
i don't know and i don't wanna know
everyone cause they are better than me
bookstores cause bookstores any bookstores
sneakers, black onez
apparently some gas bitches mixed up to form a planet
non vegetarian but i partake meat just twice or thrice in two weeks
i don't know they don't seem like liking
bugs ew
spiders ew
about the fact that i come off as arrogant and overconfident while in reality it's just that my communication skills suck
i can draw averagely whenever im in a mood
this thing im answering but i like answering it
uhhhhhhh brain freeze- idk bruh questions are good they give knowledge
yep, while sleeping
ahh yes calming, they are
cloudy days cause fucking cool vibes
hehehe wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy
CumuloNimbus i really like it's name yknow nimBUS
dark blue, dark blue always or black
naaaah no freckles
fav thing is when they laugh and it's just happy and we're both laughing like shitheads but who cares we're rebelling against depressing life and we laugh
both. both is good [ fruits and vegetables
sleep but i have to answer 170 questions cause @chunkybirb
sky sky sky it's my blog's header duh uh sKy
sweet and sour candy. SWEET AND SOUR CANDY.
dim lights it makes me feel cool
ahhh so here we go- Mooncalfs, Thunderbirds, Phoenixes, Sphinxes, Dragons that seem to be Space Nebulae, and more and more and more
i really feel like a boomer sometimes
i love everything about this site/app it makes me feel happy cause i like the people and the posts
uhhhhh i think too much about everything cause i just do. i like thinking
"He's dead, guys. For the sake of The Force, please watch Star Wars now he wanted to discuss it with you" actually no i would just say "A big shoutout to Garlic Bread he loved Garlic Bread"
myself cause i should be sleeping but sleep is for the weak and i am the weak and the strong i am a paradox-
that i obsess too much on things and try involving people it never works out
nope. had braces for 4 years, that beat out teeth showing smiles
i prefer computer-tv ahahahahaha
never tried them, so IDK
naaaaah not motion sickness- never travelled by sea so idk seasickness
lobed ears
yep i believe that deeds do count in life and beyond
idk bruh i don't believe in physical attraction too much- bodies are fake- mentally/metaphysically tho, im a 7
ahhhhh many many Stupid Genius, Tani, Tanu, Tanya
i still do-
i really want to talk to a therapist. converse. and discover.
im both, i am both.
10:1 is the ratio- giving 10, receiving 1
uhhh nothing just when i am right and people use the old "disrespect" argument
3, Hindi, Marathi, English
uhh no i am not
my hair i love them everyone says things about my hair but i love them
knowledge vibes i give, someone tells me- and that's all i ever wanted
anyone i know tbh, my mutuals, my friends, my discord friends
ahhh no i wouldn't but i wish i was born 20 years earlier
bleh bloo, neither like nor dislike
i don't know if i have one
i don't know, haven't had physical contact in a long long long time in a galaxy far far away
the above point stands but i would like to ig
anything i write, 3 hours later, i instantly hate just idk why
anything i write
that i am normal no i am not and i am not okay hahahahaha
65-70 ish people
somewhere around-
many many many don't ask please but okay if you do ask
uhhhhh idr exactly but i won't tell in public duh uh
mediummm hairrrr
last year lockdown i became harry potter
i don't know buddy i seriously don't know
yep i do cause knowledge i like knowledge
naaah never tried
no i definitely cannot stand on my hands or my head for more than 30 seconds
yep, im pretty sure i answered most of them correctly-
og link-
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a series of fortunate events
summary: the three times the line between friends and ~something more~ is blurred and the first time that line is demolished.
word count: 1.5k+
warnings: language, mention of harassment
a/n: dang right i stole the title from my favorite children’s book series! what’s it to ya?
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the first time it happens is completely by accident. you’re mates––nothing more––so when he asks you to go with him to the oscars you tease him about his lack of a proper date, but ultimately say yes. it is the oscars after all. you find your dress (a pale lilac chiffon gown, only eighty pounds on the clearance rack at h&m), begrudgingly allow him to purchase your plane ticket, and pack you bags. 
after a long flight and full saturday of sight-seeing and overpriced meals in the city, sunday evening finally rolls around. you get ready in the comfortable silence of your hotel room. introvert that you are, it’s easier to get ready alone knowing you’ll be out until the wee hours of the morning. plus, the solitude gives you a moment to collect yourself in private. you’re nervous, naturally, but it’s likely he’s ten times as nervous as you. the thought forces you to get your emotions under control; you’re here to be a support, not a burden.
he knocks on the door at five p.m. sharp. grabbing a pair of earrings, you hurry to the door and pull it open, turning your back as you search for your shoes amidst the pile of clothes on the floor.
“that would be a riot if i forgot my shoes,” you say dryly. one hand shoves the back of your earring into place while the other tosses a shirt out of the way. “could you imagine me showing up barefoot?”
you rise from where you’re crouched near the floor and turn to face him. what you see stills the air in your chest. he’s painfully handsome in his suit, and there’s a part of you that likes his short hair, but that’s not what stops you.
he’s staring at you with a mixture of awe and adoration. so much so, heat rises to your cheeks at his open gaze. you want to look away because if you don’t soon you’ll surely start to sweat, but you can’t. his stare holds you frozen.
clearing your throat, you motion to your gown. “i got it on sale.” it’s lame, a foolish attempt to ease the heaviness in the room. if anything, as his eyes move from your face to your body, the heaviness only grows stronger.
“it’s... nice.”
a moment longer and you know you’ll burst, both out of confusion and excitement, so you find your shoes, slip them on, and shove him out into the hall with a quip about being late.
still, once you crawl into bed well past midnight, buzzed and content, you replay his look over and over because friends don’t look at each other that way and the idea alone sends a nervous thrill down your spine.
the next time it happens is barely worth mentioning, but it’s kept your wheels spinning and your heart thumping for days despite the moment’s smallness.
you’d gotten coffee together, caught up on a few weeks, and shared a laugh. it’s nothing out of the ordinary. but there’s one moment––the moment that nearly drives you to insanity––which you cannot shake.
from his place at the table, he can see out the window over your shoulder. as you talk, he watches the road outside, his eyes trailing the passersby. he’s always been that way, a people watcher. you like his thoughtfulness, but sometimes it can drive him to distraction.
you snap your fingers in front of his nose. “hey, earth to gwil. i’m just about to get to the best part of the story.”
“wait.” he sits forward, grabbing the hand still hovering in front of his face. his fingers curl around yours, and he squeezes your palm in a silent message. “that lady dropped her grocery bags and that guy’s about to help her.” 
you twist, hands still entwined, to look out the window. sure enough, an older woman, tomatoes and fruit and cardboard boxes littered around her feet, is helped by an older man. the scene is sweet, like something about of a film.
you face him again. “that’s cute.”
he sits back and shrugs before taking a sip of his coffee. “finish your story.”
as you finish, your hands remain meshed together on the tabletop.
the last time is happens––and when you know one of you has to make the first move or else you’re fucked––is on holiday. your families have gone to the shore as one large unit for years and this summer is no different.
one evening, you follow him, your sister, and his siblings to a nearby pub. you’re tired after a long day of doing nothing, but he convinces you to come. something about trivia night and the smile on his face, the eagerness in his voice, breaks you down despite your initial protests.
you’re just grabbing another pint from the bar when a hand slaps your ass. you jolt out of surprise, beer sloshing over the rim of your glass to wet your arm. torn between the offender and the trail of beer spreading across the counter, you freeze, uncertain. the offender takes the mute reaction as encouragement, and he leans against the bar next to you.
“hey.” his breath is foul, a mixture of bad beer and garlic. you cringe and reach for a pile of napkins. “nice ass.”
“fuck off,” you mutter.
“just bein’ friendly, that’s all. you don’t gotta be so uptight.”
“i’m not uptight.” you level him a glare and upturned brow. “i’m simply not attracted to anyone who thinks a good pick up line is slapping a complete stranger’s ass.”
“is everything okay here?”
on some level, you wish he would let you handle your predicament on your own. you’re a big girl. surely you can handle an asshole without someone coming to your rescue. but he looks concerned, his eyes darting back and forth between the offender and your angry features. he sidles up next to you, weaves his arm around your waist like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and gives the offender a once over. he’s taller than the offender, which not uncommon for him, and tonight he uses his height to intimidate.
worry flashes over the offender’s face. he gestures between you and your rescuer with a meaty finger. “you know him?”
before you can answer, he answers for you. “she’s my girl.”
you feel your face react before you can stop it. your eyes go wide in surprise, your jaw slackens but doesn’t fall open, thank goodness. the hand you slowly bent around his back goes hot. 
he’s just playing a game, you tell yourself. he doesn’t mean anything by it.
the offender huffs, pulls at his beer, and sulks off. 
his arm remains snug around your waist, his fingers fluttering over the exposed skin of your hip. you shift, nerves forcing you to look elsewhere.
“thanks,” you say. “but i could have handled it.” that’s the pride speaking, but also the anxiety.
he moves to help mop up the spilled beer. “sure, but i meant it––you’re my girl and i look out for you.”
you still and look up at him under your lashes.
your mind is made up.
later that same night, you resolve to demolish the line between friend and lover once and for all. you’re tried of wondering and dreaming. you’re already too far gone to care about the repercussions. god, you think you probably love him already. 
the house is quiet, asleep, as you tiptoe your way across the floor where your sister lays on her air mattress. he’s lucky enough to have scored his own room this year. he was fastest out of the car when you parked, and he beat his brothers to the loft above the cabin. it’s semi-exposed––you can peer down over the railing to the house below––but he’s alone and that’s enough to keep you moving. 
he’s awake, which surprises you. there’s no door so as you round the corner, you can see him sitting cross-legged on his bed. a small table lamp shines across the book in his lap. his hair is mussed, as if he’s woken from an unhappy sleep. the floorboards creak under your feet, and he looks up, sleepy eyes peering through his glasses. when he realizes it’s you, he sits up straight.
“hey,” he whispers.
“couldn’t sleep?”
you shake your head.
“me neither.”
he sets the book aside and rubs a hand down his face, elbows propped on his knees. his sleep shirt––a godawful t-shirt with the phrase dad jokes? i think you mean rad jokes written across the front––is too small for his muscular shoulders. it tightens around his back as he moves.
“gwil, i think...” you nearly loose your muster when he looks at you. years of memories play through your head, and you wonder, if he rejects you, what will come of those memories.
but then he stands. he reaches for your wrist, circles his long fingers around it, and pulls you close. you stumble toward him. just before he lowers his head to kiss you, his fingers propped under your chin, he smiles.
“me too, kid.”
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Headcanon request: How would the Bowers Gang react to their girlfriend's (poly or individual, I don't mind which one you choose ^^) ex - who is still her best friend but obviously likes her/calls her petnames - coming to visit her from their home town? What about when that ex tries to distract their girlfriend from hanging out with the Bowers Gang?
I wrote this as poly but it can not be I just didn't section these off tbh
TW: normal stuff for the boys, smoking, drinking , cursing, homophobic slurs, Patrick, blood probably
Bro it's on sight
They find out he's coming back up for the summer and they're so annoyed
Like they're just fucking vibrating with annoyance
Bc Henry wants to rip his fucking head off and he knows he can't
So he just sits in his agitation with the rest of the boys
You only started collectively dating the Bowers gang six months ago but you've all been friends for way longer
So they knew this bitch from stories
And those said summer visits
And none of them liked him even back then
They had to deal with the aftermath of that prick
Granted it turned you into the person you were
But still
He hurt you
He hurt what was theirs
And that wasn't gonna slide
The boys are the only ones allowed to call you pet names.
But anyway
They all first met when they were 14 (Patrick was 16)
At the time Vic and Pat were the only ones who called you 'pet names'
But those were more of a joking manner
Say Vic was teasing you he'd use them in a demeaning manor
Patrick was still trying to laid so he's mostly the same
So when Calvin called you 'baby cakes'?
They all collectively almost burst a blood vessel
Vic was the only person who called you that.
So hearing it leave that boys mouth?
Obviously he had a death wish
It only grew with time
You had told the boys that Calvin was coming up this summer
The last two years he couldn't one due to his family vacation and the other on your summer school classes
However the entire gang was blackout drunk when you told them
So no one remembered
Henry was going to your house to hang out with you and he saw this kid in your house so he played dumb
But he still knew who it was he wasn't stupid
You answered the door and let him in, immediately he had an arm around you.
This bitch really sat down at the kitchen table and looked at this guy knowing damn well who he was and said
"Hey sweets? Who's the fag?"
"Henry... This is Calvin... you've met him before"
"I think I would of remembered you hanging out with a queer."
You snickered and covered your mouth, hitting his arm gently
"Henry that's mean"
"Do I give a shit?"
Que Henry kissing the side of your head.
This kid was dead silent. Whenever you weren't looking he was glaring and sending daggers at Henry
If Henry didn't have the slightest bit of self control that he did have?
He'd of fucked the kid up right there in your kitchen
But he knew that you'd kill him if he did that
So he refrained and just made passive aggressive digs at him every chance he could.
Henry was generous like that
If Patrick heard about this guy coming up he'd be on the fence
Patrick made jokes about a three way when you were drunk and talking about it
He expected your plans to fall through like that had the last two times
Oh but they didn't fall through
And you didn't tell him about it?
He was fucking livid
When he saw you and him walking while he was out on the town getting a mouse for his (unofficial) pet snake?
To avoid interruptions like Henry, Calvin thought to take you out on the town
So last minute plans
Out on the town surely Henry wouldn't find you there
Calvin didn't know about the rest of the boys
It was over for you once Patrick saw
He let go of that fucking rodent so fast
Immediately he was on you, wrapping himself around you in a hug that was mostly groping
All of his snarky attitude and smirks were on full display
Those looming looks that would make anyone freeze
Yeah Calvin was annoyed and felt a faint sense of dread creep in
Patrick didn't even say anything yet and Calvin was shaking
His arms slipped to your waist while her rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Hey there sweetheart ... thought I smelt your perfume. Say, who's this"
"Henry said the same, This is Calvin. My friend from Welton"
Really goes to show how much they pay attention when you talk (atleast you thought he wasn't paying attention)
But as soon as you name dropped him Patrick remembered everything
He remembered when you got that breakup letter in the mail
God he remembered those tears,
You looked so pretty with your mascara running
Patrick definitely jacks off to that memory but you didn't hear that from me
"Oh Calvin the cocksucker! I forgot what that fag looked like" he said reaching his hand out to Calvin to shake
"I'm (y/n's) boyfriend, nice to see you again" he said with a wolfish grin
Patrick stayed with you guys the rest of the afternoon and accompanied in walking you home
He wanted some alone time with Calvin
The threats that left that boys mouth were enough to scare the boy to his core
You think he'd of laid off right?
He most certainly had a death wish
Two days later you and Calvin were hanging out in the woods
Just on a hike having a grand old time
That's when you saw Vic across the shallow water of the Barrens
Smiling he waved to him but he didn't see you
His face was shoved in a book
Your guess would be some Oscar Wilde book
Vic is that bitch
But nevertheless that boy was invested
"Vic!" You called out and his head shot up, immediately he was on his feet and ready
Poor boy thought he was about to be jumped
That's when he squinted and saw you across the water
The smile that crossed his face while you picked up the sides of your dress to quickly dash through the water and see him?
Yeah his heart melted
"Hey there babycakes" he chuckled and wrapped an arm around your waist while using his other hand to hold your chin and bring you in for a quick but tender kiss
He pulled back and looked at you then back to Calvin.
"Oh he's still here?"
"Yeah why wouldn't he be"
"Nothing Patrick said something.. and I guess I misunderstood"
"Oh what did he say?"
"Nothing don't worry about it okay, (y/n)?"
From there your hike was accompanied with the dashing blonde
Calvin was trying to hide his anger
How many fucking guys were you leading on?
How many guys were you sleeping with?
He was seriously starting to rethink his feelings and wanting you back
Vic's hand slipped into yours as he began to speak to you about his book
The way he spoke about it was so soothing you couldn't help but listen and nod along
Calvin just walked behind you silently fuming
He was so fucking done with this
But that's not even the best part
When you guys reached your house that night, belch was sitting on your Porch with his car parked in the driveway
Calvin almost lost it
He had to see you run up to Reggie and hug him then kiss his cheek
This was crazy
And immediately both boys could see the jealousy and anger in the other males eyes
So that's what was going on
Belch had offered to hang out with you that night and he intended to do just that
Vic offered to walk Calvin back
You weren't stupid you knew that Vic wanted to talk with Cal
I'm all honesty you let him have it because it was easier to have him get out that masculine possessiveness he absolutely needed to get out of his system.
Besides it was easier to play dumb then face the problem right now
Now you didn't hear it from me
But Vic punched him that night.
As soon as you and belch were out of his peripheral view he spoke up
"So you crushin' on my girl?"
"What- no"
"Hey I get it. I mean look at her. She's a doll but I'm gonna tell you this now. If you try one more time for what you've been trying to do all week I promise you you won't like the consequences. I'll make your life hell. Understand"
"What are you and your crew gonna do? Huh?"
Vic soaked him.
"Go. I won't be as nice next time"
Calvin went to the only motel in town where he and his mother were staying
He was leaving tomorrow
You were sad about it, you had fun when the boys weren't being dicks to him
You also did have a bit of fun when they were too
Calvin was going for his morning walk just enjoying the sights of the quiet and yet noisy town
He was lost in his own world until he heard the roar of an engine
There was a car coming straight for him.
All four of the boys were in the car (not really in it exactly)
Henry had the window down and was sitting in the space where the glass should be
Patrick and Vic was half out of the car
They began screaming to him until Calvin fell to the ground, scraped up
Vic threw his lit cigarette at the boy and Patrick laughed
Henry's voice was the loudest as they assaulted him with slurs.
"Stay the fuck out of my town. And away from my girl!"
Belch proceeded to speed off while Henry spit back at the boy
Let's just say your letters to Calvin take a lot longer than normal now...
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belphegor1982 · 4 years
And Tom and Jon, 31
(EDIT: urgh, sorry, Tumblr is stupid and won’t put the “keep reading” at the right place. So this is a long post. Sorry again :S)
(“flowers” it is, then!) This is set just at the end of the Christmas holidays, after Jonathan returns from home. Our two lads have acknowledged that what they have is more than a couple of friends having fun; they did the do, they said the words, and they’ve come to terms with that. Now if they could only find a beard girls to (pretend to) flirt with to hide the fact that they love each other 🤔
(which is how you get this: fluff! idiots in love being idiots! and proof that Tommy does have his share of chancy ideas, as well :D)
Lost in Translation
“Flowers?” Jon repeats, sounding a little suspicious. Tommy nods enthusiastically.
“Yeah, flowers! My cousin Annie and her husband sent each other flowers at least twice a week before they got married. She said each one had a special meaning and they had whole conversations without even sendin’ each other letters. Apparently flowers have a ‘language’.”
“That does ring a bell, yes,” Jon says, still squinting in that way he has when he thinks someone is trying to put one over on him. “It’s not a language I speak, though. And you’re proposing, what – giving flowers to random girls in the hope that they’ll stop long enough to talk?”
Tommy shrugs.
“Why not? At the very least it might make them smile. And it’ll make a good talkin’ point.”
There is no rejoinder, only a warm puff of air against the skin of his chest as Jon gives a snort. He does appear to think it over, though. After all, if they’re going to find girls they can pretend to court – which is the whole point of this conversation – anything that can help is welcome.
“All right,” says Jon finally. “What do we want to ‘say’, then?”
“Well, I was thinkin’ carnations, mostly. They’re supposed to be about, er, fascination, admiration, that sort of thing. The white ones are a symbol of innocence, I think.”
Jon’s hand, which for the past few minutes was splayed on Tommy’s chest, shifts as he caresses the skin with the back of his fingers.
“We usually wear white carnations as boutonnières,” he points out with a small smirk that somehow manages to look thoroughly wicked. “How ‘innocent’ do you think that makes us?”
It’s Tommy’s turn to snigger. No amount of white carnations could make Jon look innocent. Even when he has neither said nor done anything reprehensible, he still gives the impression of being up to something.
“Not very. But that’s the thing about symbols – it’s all in the eye of the beholder, so to speak.”
“How very true.” Jon thinks for a bit, fingers still moving idly. “Look at green carnations. Sweet little flower, perfectly innocuous colour, but anyone who wears one at his lapel might get odd looks at best and probably a nasty encounter with the more savvy members of the constabulary at worst.”
“Why’s that?” asks Tommy, curious.
“Let me put it this way: if I were interested only in chaps and looking for a way to advertise that fact without, y’know, advertising it, I could resort to wearing a green carnation at my lapel.” Jon pauses, lays a kiss just under Tommy’s collarbone, and adds, “Of course I’d have to be a bit desperate, considering the risks.”
He raises his eyes to Tommy’s, smiling that little smile of his, almost a smirk if it weren’t for the warmth. His expression is clear: I’m glad I don’t have to.
So is Tommy. He’s just had a week to ponder the fact that he actually said “I love you” for the first time, and he doesn’t regret it now any more than he did then. And it seems that Jon, for all that he looks a little frayed around the edges sometimes since the beginning of the Christmas holidays, doesn’t regret saying it, either.
If pretending to flirt means he gets to keep what they have, then by God Tommy Ferguson is going to flirt.
* * * *
Of course, when the next day Jon disappears then reappears with a dozen carnations and a grin like the cat that got the cream, Tommy starts to have creeping doubts regarding this whole operation.
“Where did you get those?” he asks, suspicious.
“You told me you didn’t want me to put more money than you into this endeavour of ours, didn’t you? Well, good news! You don’t have to pay one bob.”
Tommy’s jaw drops.
“Jon, for God’s sake – did you steal those?”
“No, I did not.”
Tommy stares at Jon until he squirms just a little.
“I picked them,” he says pointedly. “There’s a difference. Stealing would imply they were someone else’s property.”
They probably were, but Tommy knows better than to ask. Except –
“Did anyone see you?”
“Who do you take me for, some bloody amateur?” says Jon, sounding scandalised. “The Parks are quite empty at seven in the morning. Besides, I was careful, you know – only picked one flower every three or four. Not even the Superintendent’s going to notice. Shall we go?”
Go they do, but eastwards, towards the Water Meadow. Tommy isn’t too keen on setting foot in the University Parks while the flowerbeds look like they’ve been pillaged, and Jon, in an uncharacteristic display of sense, isn’t in a hurry to show his face there.
Unfortunately, when at the end ofthe day they compare their respective tallies, it becomes obvious that something is not quite right. Not only they both failed to get a single name, let alone a rendezvous, but most of the girls who stopped long enough to look at the flowers they were offered strode off in a huff.
Which means that the flowers Jon picked (in other words, stole) wither and become quite unfit for gifts by the day after.
That evening, at hall, Tommy and Jon both stare glumly into their mushy peas.
“I don’t understand!” says Tommy at some point, fork clattering on the table. “What kind of girl doesn’t like being handed flowers?”
“The local kind, evidently,” Jon mutters into his palm. It’s terrible manners, propping your elbow on the table and your chin in your hand, but it’s informal hall and they’re too despondent to care.
‘Darling’ Darlington – one of the few first-years who stayed in college for the entire vacation – looks at them curiously.
“What do you mean?”
“We thought we’d take advantage of the holidays to find company of the female persuasion.” Jon doesn’t miss a beat. He doesn’t even take his chin off of his palm. “No offence to you chaps, but a man needs a bit of variety once in a while.”
This is said matter-of-factly, like a truth universally acknowledged. Meanwhile, Tommy feels Jon’s foot nudge his ankle under the table, and he grins into his glass.
Darling nods wisely.
“That’s only natural. I wish you the best fortune. But where do flowers come into it?”
“I thought we could use the ‘language of flowers’,” says Tommy, who is fully prepared to shoulder the blame for the apparent failure. “We got a bunch of carnations to give girls, to convey admiration and all that, but all we got was glared at.”
“I see.” Darling eats a bit of his beef, swallows, and asks, “And what colours were your carnations, if I may?”
“Yellow, mostly,” Jon replies. “Some had stripes. Why?”
The bark of laughter Darling lets out makes the whole table turn to look at them.
“Because,” Darling says with barely-restrained mirth, “yellow carnations convey disdain and rejection, and the striped ones mean refusal. You spent a day telling every girl you met that you despised them and couldn’t be with them.”
Tommy and Jon both open their eyes wide, stare at each other, and groan.
“Oh, bloody hell.”
“Which flowers should we have used, then?” asks Tommy just a little desperately.
Darling puts down his fork and counts off, still grinning, “Let me see… Pink roses for grace, gardenias for secret love, chrysanthemums for joy and optimism – only not the yellow ones, that’s ‘slighted love’…”
“I think I’ll stick to English to speak to girls after all,” says Jon flatly. “Fewer risks of misunderstandings that way.”
Darling’s eyes are twinkling in a way that says he’s finding their misadventure a lot funnier than they do, but at least he makes no further comment.
“Well,” says Tommy as they file out of the hall after dinner, “there goes my idea.”
“It wasn’t a bad idea,” Jon insists, which makes Tommy smile, because if he knows Jon at all at least half of that isn’t a lie. “The execution needed work, that’s all. Doesn’t mean we’re all that hopeless.”
“I know.” Tommy’s mind strays to the wilted carnations they’re going to have to get rid of somehow and he says, “No more stealing flowers to give to girls, though. We’ll find something else.”
Jon agrees, the matter is closed, and they’re off to the pub.
* * * *
A few days later, after the start of term, Tommy takes two minutes between class and a late morning shift at the Turf Tavern to drop into his hamper a few dirty collars, cuffs, and drawers he forgot in Jon’s room. Just as he’s about to run out, however, he notices his bed is slightly unmade.
Slightly, but in a very conspicuous way.
Tommy makes to fold the covers properly, but stills when he spots something that sticks out from under the pillow.
And laughs.
It’s a sheet of paper, folded in two, in which lie two flowers, neatly pressed: a gardenia and a green carnation.
Three hours later, at the end of his shift, Tommy is still smiling like an idiot.
A boutonnière in English is the flower a man can wear at the lapel of his jacket. (In French it’s a buttonhole. *shrug*)
Oscar Wilde, trailblazer and trendsetter that he was, wore a green carnation on his lapel, and it became a symbol for gay men from the late Victorian age well into the 20th century.
I’ll work on your TF2 ASAP! :o)
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teddystrap · 5 years
Drama CD: 「オジサマ VS ワカゾウ」2 ~恋はいつも突然に…~
Ojisama: Ichinose Yasunari (CEO, cv: Horiuchi Kenyuu) Wakazou: Ichinose Yuusei (Vice-President, cv: Sakurai Takahiro)
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ACT 1: Ichinose Yuusei rushes into his father's office with a shocking news: his younger brother, Minato, has a rumoured love interest in the office. But hearing this, Daddy is surprisingly calm - as it turns out, he has already investigated this rumour, and asked the girl in question to come and have a talk.
Enter *YOU*, confused and worried about why the CEO wants to see you. After introducing themselves, they tell you flat-out that they want you to *reject Minato's advances*. The reason? Minato is going to marry the daughter of a client company and become their future heir. This is his #destiny as the son of the Ichinose family.
You'd think that such arranged marriages should naturally be reserved for the oldest son (Yuusei) first, but see, Yuusei will be the future CEO of Ichinose Corporation itself, so he cannot be the CEO of the other company. (Maybe this guy could learn from Elon Musk and up his productivity. Just stay away from Twitter yo.)
Minato gets a lot of female attention all the time, but mostly from gold-diggers who are after the Ichinose wealth, so Yasunari is surprised to hear that you do not give two flying fucks about their money. They try to make a deal with you, that if you reject Minato, they will transfer you back to the Planning Department or wherever you like.
But! Your noble soul will not stand for such backhanded tactics!!! Although you aren't sure if you like Minato (...that would be a 'no' then...), you still refuse their offer, because they are not considering Minato's wishes in his own marriage prospects. Your reply piques Yasunari's interest. He gives you one day to make your final decision.
Both Yasunari and Yuusei are surprised by your bold honesty in stating your opinion. They decide it's best to give you time first, then later, if you really end up choosing Minato, then they will intervene. #perfectplanlol
When the time comes to give your answer, you say that you... need to postpone your decision some more. _(:3」∠)_. Yuusei is annoyed and threatens to transfer you to another branch, but Yasunari wants to... make you their personal mistress secretary and get to know you better.
Yasunari’s #evilplan is actually to trick you into falling in love with either himself or Yuusei and thus give up Minato. Yasunari thinks you are different from other women, but Yuusei still finds you boringly banal and uninteresting. Yuusei is also worried about this #evilplan, but his father is excited to see who will ’win' your heart.
ACT 2: A week after becoming their secretary, you have surprised both Yasunari and Yuusei by being good at your job and hard-working. Admittedly they both thought you were a gold-digging liar in the beginning, but now they have changed their minds. Yasunari in particular thinks you are a rare pure soul and too good for his son Minato lolol.
There's a meeting about business expansion in North America later this afternoon, and Yuusei has sent you to make some coffee before that. But you are taking a suspiciously long time, so he decides to come check up on you. Along the way, he hears a loud crash,... followed by some girls from another department running hurriedly from the break room. He enters to find you with spilled coffee all over your blouse.
(He then proceeds to rip the wet blouse off of your ripe, dripping body and ravage you in a fit of carnal passion... NOT.)
You claim that your hand slipped and spilled leftover coffee on yourself while emptying the pot, but Yuusei is not convinced. He has noticed some petty jealousy coming from a few of the female staff over your new promotion. He asks you to name the culprits, but you refuse, saying that you empathise with them: if you were in their position, you would also feel jealous towards yourself. Yuusei calls you a 「バカお人好し」 and compares you to Oscar Wilde's Happy Prince.
He excuses you from the meeting, and takes you shopping for a new blouse afterwards. (You need to attend some important business deal later that day.) He also tries to buy you a wine-red formal dress (for parties and events), but you decline angrily, because you are an #IndependentWoman à la Destiny's Child circa 2001.
The deal goes through swimmingly, and to thank you for your good work, Yuusei wants to treat you to the French restaurant at the top floor of the hotel. But just then the two of you run into... Yasunari! He has come to interfere with your romantic alone time >:D. You say you are tired, and he asks his chauffeur to take you home. Yuusei is understandbly displeased with this turn of events, and vows to get back at Daddy the next time...
ACT 3: The next morning, Yasunari is talking to you when Yuusei barges into the room unannounced. He has come to ask you to prepare the documents, and come with him next week to the business meeting in Kyoto. Hearing this, Yasunari also wants to tag along too, but Yuusei reminds him that he has talks with some new German company next week... XDD
That night after-hours, Yasunari forgot something and comes back to the office to get it. He is surprised to find you still working there by yourself. You are preparing Yuusei's documents, and the girls from the 2nd Sales Department (who are supposed to help you) have dumped all their work on you.
Yasunari low-key disses his son for not factoring in this bullying problem. He himself is well familiar with people's jealousy: when he was starting up Ichinose Corporation, he also encountered jealous people around him who did things to sabotage his work. He apologises for not taking better care of you, and promises to give 2S a stern warning tomorrow.
As with before, you try to stop him, but he explains that he needs to set a good standard for the whole company. You relent, and he helps you to finish up the remaining work, before taking you to one of his regular restaurants for supper.
At the restaurant, who do you guys run into but *Yuusei*, who has just finished meeting with a client. He eagerly joins you at the table, and Yasunari explains the situation with 2S to him. Yuusei mentions the coffee incident, and they both agree that they need to deal with the office bullying before it grows into a bigger problem.
ACT 4: On your Kyoto trip, the deal was concluded earlier than expected, and you have a good part of the day free. Since it's your first time in the city, Yuusei suggests to go sight-seeing with you.
You want to visit the music-box museum in Arashiyama, and Yuusei reminisces that when he was a child, his late mother used to have a music box with a dancing ballerina inside. Yasunari kept it away after her death, never to be seen again.
The museum turns out to have giant jukebox and furniture-like music boxes of all kinds, which surprises Yuusei. As you are leaving, you feel a bit lightheaded and almost fall over. Yuusei apologises for overworking you, thanks to the huge load of clients and projects lately. He also asks if you've been in touch with Minato, who is currently giving him and Dad the cold shoulder, because he's resentful that they snatched you away from him lulz.
Then, Yuusei asks if you have made up your mind about Minato, and... confesses his own feelings for you X3. Because you are very much the 'strong, silent type', he feels an urge to protect you and soothe your troubles. It's the first time he has ever felt that way about a girl, since he has been so wrapped up in his work that he hasn't had time for a personal life. But now that he has met you, Ichinose Corporation can go to hell!!!! He will not surrender you to Minato or anyone else.
He suddenly embraces you, and you get embarrassed because you are still out in public. Just then your stomach comes to your rescue and lets out a growl of hunger, causing him to laugh and let go of you. As you go for lunch, he kisses you on the cheek, and tells you not to care about people watching and to look at him *only*. ~~~(*´∀`*)キュン!~~~~
...At the Japanese restaurant, you again run into... Yasunari! (Are you seeing a pattern here??) Turns out he was the one who introduced this place to Yuusei, so he had an idea Yuusei would take you there. Yuusei asks him if he so enjoys foiling his son's romantic dates, and he replies 'of course!' XDDD. And as you sit down to eat, you pour sake for Yasunari first, making Yuusei envious, and he asks you to pour his cup too. Lol @ the competitiveness, I can't. (゚ー゚)ニヤニヤ
ACT 5: It's a three-day weekend!! Yasunari drops by for a surprise visit nice and early in the morning, and he remarks that seeing you in your casual clothes is giving him evil thoughts... XDDDD He drags you into his car, keeping the destination a secret...
... Turns out, he wants to spend the extended break with you in his holiday home in Karuizawa. Except!!! Yuusei is there upon your arrival. *By concidence*, he overheard his father phoning the mansion's butler during the week, and thus decided to invite himself along lolol.
Yuusei suggests that there is horseback-riding and tennis here, depending on your interests. But first, you need to change out of your lounge-pants and put on some makeup because you left in a hurry lol. A fancy lunch awaits, and afterwards Yuusei volunteers to show you around a flower garden nearby.
Yasunari explains that this mansion is special to him, as his late wife used to love coming here. Before her death, she asked him to take his 'special someone' here in the future, too. You are surprised by his words, at which point... #CONFESSIONTIME. He tells you that you are the first to take his heart after his late wife, and he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He will wait until your return to Tokyo for your reply.
As he plants a kiss on your lips, you blush, and he's all like: 'Damn grrrl u acting all coy when u obvsly want me is making me want u moar.' *Somebody* sure has a high opinion of himself for an ossan. XDDD
ACT 6: After lunch, Yuusei takes you for a *long* walk nearby. He apologises for his father suddenly kidnapping you here #lolol, and reaffirms his feelings for you. In the beginning, he only wanted to trick you into falling in love with him so that you would reject Minato, but after getting to know you, he has fallen for you instead, and now he couldn't give two fucks about the company as long as he can have you.
He asks how you feel about him, and who of the three you will choose: him, Yasunari, or Minato. You reply that you can't answer straight-away, and he plants an understanding kiss (for luck!!) on you and promises to wait.
The disc ends with all three of you back from the trip. Yasunari and Yuusei both make one last bid for your heart before your final decision: 「君を愛している。どうか、私と一緒にずっといてほしい。」
(In the cast commentary, the two seiyuu speculate about who you chose. Sakurai Takahiro says you probably chose Minato, and Horiuchi Kenyuu is all like: 'Who is Minato??' LOLOL _(X3」∠)_ #getouttathereossan~~~)
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ecmlol · 4 years
Jude grabs his backpack and gets up
Patty leads the way.
“ she sleeps like a brick .”patty says and points to Justice In Jude’s arm
“ I hope that Jaxy orJax Jax is a good sleeper too”jude says
“ jaxy? Jax Jax? Please tell me it’s a nickname.”
“ it is noah and I haven’t officially named her but he is out votes so far.”
“ oh what’s would her name be?Jackie’s ?”
“ no  Jacqueline with a x not a c”
“ oh that’s different “
“ that it is I really like it”
Jude walks his mother and sister back to her ride. Lucky for jude she was dropped off by German. German is waiting in a near by parking spot.
“ I almost forgot.” Patty take a Small box from her pocket .
“ here you go.please remember to open it alone baby”
“Sure I’ll see you later” jude hands his mother a sleeping justice and watches them walk away.He makes sure they are in the car before walking back to the icu.
As Jude walks he thinks about his plan. He hated doing this but it is time to call Oscar. As well as Jude knows noah he wasnt sure what his mindframe is going to be when he wakes up either way he has to be prepared for anything.
As he walks jude texts his dad. A few minutes later his phone rings.The conversation was quick. Oscar agreed to help and Jude thanks him. Yeap my first born son will definitely be named oscar after this. Jude thinks to himself.
Jude makes his way quickly to Noah’s room where marshal is sitting on one side of the bed . The other side has a pillow and a blanket waiting for Jude in a chair.
“ thank you?”
“ your welcome you are juggling a lot right now and I’ll be as helpful as I can to you “
“ thank you.. any change?” Jude ask as he sits his back pack down and gets comfortable.
“ no unfortunately “
Jude takes Noah’s hand in his and holds it.jude is grateful that Marshal is allowing him to be on the side without the broken wrist.jude kiss noahs hand and relaxes in his chair.The sound of the machines are like white noise and Jude falls asleep quickly. A few hours later jude is woken up by Noah fighting the ventilator.
Marshal is up and out of the room getting a nurse. Noah is clutching To Jude’s hand.His eyes are looking wild.
“I’m here.”
Jude has to step away from the bed so the nurse can help noah.
Marshal and Jude stand near the door to watch the nurse work.
A few minutes later the nurse leaves.
“ can I talk to noah for five minutes alone. Please. I promise I’ll be quick as I can”Jude ask
“ of course. Noah I’ll be back.”marshal tells a noah who is work his mouth like it was sore.
“ hey” Jude says as he walks over to the head of the bed.
“ I feel like I was hit by a truck in the middle of a orgy with a elephant.” He has his sense of humor so that’s good.
“ well lovebug you were hit by a Porsche.”
“ lovebug? Really ?”
“ yeah sorry I finally got inspiration “
Noah laugh
“ oh that hurts don’t make me laugh. I’m having a hard enough time breathing ”noah says
“ I know you have a lot of broken bones. Everything has to hurt. I’m sure you want to go back to sleep but we need a plan on how to deal with zero.
For the next 5 minutes jude and Noah hashedout a plan. After 5 minutes marshel knocks and Jude has to ask for a nother twenty minutes. This time when the time is over Marshal walks in.
“ is everything all right?”marshal ask
Noah doesn’t say anything and jude nods and goes back to his chair and falls sleep.
The next morning jude gets up and calls a Uber to take him to the arena to get his car after he checks on the baby.His drive home seems like it is taking forever . As Jude drives he is thinking about the personal sacrifices that He and noah are making because to the  decision they made this morning. He isn’t happy with the options he gave noah to choice from.
Jude sighs and pulls into his driveway a few minutes later .The house looks quite from the outside jude thinks before getting out of the car.Jude decides to go in through the gym. He figures he can avoid all of his family this way.Jude has the door open and he wishes he went in from the front way.
On the treadmill Chester is jogging he looks up and nods.of course he would start his day in the gym like father like son.
“Good morning “chester says as he slows to a walk
“ morning “
“ I got a text this morning that he’s awake. How is he”
“ in a lot of pain”
“ ah . I hope you don’t mine I put together her crib last night”
Jude stops.
“ thank you that’s a big help. Is my mother and sister up?”
“ yes I think they are getting dressed.”
“ thanks for letting them in.”
“ not a problem. ”
Jude heads to the door.
“ you ok?”
“ I guess”
“ do you mind if I work on the nursery while I’m here.”
“ thank you that is thoughtful of you.”jude said before walking out.
Jude heads straight to the master bedroom to take a shower.
Jude makes quick work in the bathroom. He heads to his closest to pick out his best suit. He wanted to look sharp he had to make a lasted impression on zero.
20 minutes later
Jude walks out with his hair slicked back wearing a dark grey suit.W.W.O.W.W.B . What would Oscar wear went blackmailing. Jude heads for the kitchen for a cup of coffee to go. Jude is greeted to his mom making breakfast.
“ morning”
“ hi baby I hope your hunger?” Patty says with her back to him
“ I can’t stay I have a meeting”jude says as he fixes his coffee.
Patty turns
“ good god jude you look like your father.”
“ good that’s what I’m aiming for .”
Justice waves because she’s too busy eating to talk.
Jude waves back and kisses her forehead before stealing her bacon
“ mom! Jude stole my bacon”
“ welcome to having a big brother babygirl” patty says before wrapping a bunch of bacon in a paper towel and handing it to jude.
“ you all right baby?”
Jude shrugs
“ thanks for the bacon and have a safe trip home”
Patty takes her apron of and hugs and kisses jude.
“ I’m sorry I couldn’t stay longer.”
“ it’s ok”
Jude kisses justice on the way out.
“ bye jude!”justice says
“Bye sis” jude says as he walks out the kitchen.
Chester passes jude on his way out.
“Duty calls huh”
“ yeah I have some important business to take care. I’ll be back at the hospital afterwards.”
“ I’ll see you there” Chester says.
Jude nods .
At the arena zero is sitting patently for jude to arrive.
Lionel is waiting for jude to arrive.
Jude pulls up next to lionel.
Jude gets out and meets Lionel at the dock.
“ I would have thought you would have been at the hospital . Wait are you really going through with this.”
“ I will be shortly. And yes I’m”
“ where’s your little assistance?”lionel says
“It’s her day off.” Jude says Is lionel jealous? Jude thinks to himself.
Lionel and Jude are walking into the arena. Jude is fiddling with his phone.
“ are you all right?”
They board the elevator.
“ I’m good I just need you to hang tight for about 20 minutes in the hall way.
“ what why?”
“ because my brothers is in the building .”
“ Ah I see” Lionel says
The walk to the devil’s playground in quite.Lionel knows jude doesn’t want to talk about anything. She can tell by the look on his face.
They get to the devil’s playground and Lionel has a seat out side.
Jude takes a deep breath before straightening his jacket and walking In. Jude thought is ironic that Halsey’s you should be sad starts playing as he walks in to confront zero. With the birth of his daughter fresh in his mind the song hits him in the gutt.
Zero is siting patiently at the bar with a glass in his hand.
“ about time you got here.”
Jude takes a seat.
“ why did you do it?”
“ what?”
“ why did you hit my husband with a car”
“ you cant be serious right now. You act like you didn’t call me up ten minutes later telling me you couldn’t leave him because you didn’t have a prenup. I was desperate and really pissed at the guys so I hit.”
“ do you seriously think I would ever want you to kill someone?”
“ well last time you thought it was sorta ok when you thought I shot someone”
“ well I was young and dumb. It’s sad that I thought you knew me better .This whole time you got played. I have a twin brother that has been pulling the strings and you fell for it. Hey dad “jude says loudly “can you bring him out.”
“ I thought I wasn’t the only one here
A minute later oscar brings Brandon out.
Zero looks at Brandon and then Jude then back again.
“ what the hell”
Oscar walks closer and hands jude a piece of paper then walks back to Brandon. Brandon is standing quitely at the kitchen door way.
“ I’m so sorry jude” Brandon say upbruptly.
Jude didn’t know what to say to that.
He takes out his iPad and sets it up.
“ my husband has a few demands for his silence. And by the way I record your confession.”
Zero is in shock so he just nods.
Jude plays the video he made with Noah earlier this morning.
“But first we became dads last night..”
“ what?”
“Jamie went into labor and had the baby.”
“ seriously but she’s too early did she survive?
“ yes she’s early but not as early as you thinks.”
“What do you mean”
Jude shows him the video.
“ so any ideas how she has your feet?”
“ no.. should I?”
“ ok I figured I asked seeing nothing is adding up. I think she got pregnant using one of your used condoms you like to throw away in the trash.”
“ you really think she did that ? Really? Why can’t you just ask her.”
“ she died last night “
“ I can’t believe it a lot has happen sense last night.i feel like I have been out of it for months”
“ yeah a lot has happened. So she needs a name but you are way out numbered your dads agree with me that naming her after your mother is a great idea.”
“ of course they did.”
“Why not you never said anything bad about her”
“ she was a great mom. I guess I never really dealt with her death.”
“ oh well maybe now is a good time to do it “
Noah sighs
“ not like I’m going any where anytime soon.
There’s a knock in the door
Marshal comes in.
“ can we get a nother 5 more minutes please.”
“ of course”marshal quickly walks back out.
“We need to talk about zero”
“ yeah we do “ noah says in a horse voice.
“ we only have two options Noah. We can turn him in to the police and loss the devils. We can sell the house and move to Florida. Like we planned on anyway. We can be in the same time zone as the rest of our family.You can get a job with another arena . I’m sure lionel cans find a spot and I can be a agent again and be a stay at home dad. We can do family vacation on the weekend with my mom and her family. She can teach me to cook even more then now.
“You sounds like you would be ok with this.”
“ I’m ok with it”jude says as he thinks about all the drama he wouldn’t have to deal with. No more pax issues. They can raise there daughter in a normal old fashion way.
“Ok what’s the the next option.”
Jude hates this option for personal reason.
“ from your injuries I’m pretty sure they can figure out you saw the driver. The lighting is good at the arena so there is no reason not to be able to spot the driver. This was personal it wasnt like you were crossing the street and someone just hit you.”
“ ok. I’m not seeing where you are going with this”
“you say you don’t remember anything from the pass year. We blackmail zero for what ever you want and We keep the devils”
“ what about us and our baby”
“ It just means I have to woo you back.youll play hard to get .It will be hard at first.Ill miss you but we have to make this believable.
There’s a knock on the door.
Marshal pokes his head in.
“ can we get 20 more minutes please” jude says
Marshal disappeared before saying anything.
“ so what do you want to do?”jude says
End flash back.
Noah’s bruised face comes on the screen and zero cringes.
Good.Look at him and see what you did to him. Jude thinks to himself.
“ Jude says I look pretty rough I hope you don’t forget my face looking like this. I want you out La and when you have to come to la you have to inform me. You can’t move with in a 100 miles of la.i want all medical bills paid for.That means rehabilitation too plus I want a 1 million for the rest of your life. “
“ ah blackmail I can handle this. I’m to pretty to go to jail.”zero says
Jude at the moment wants to punch zero in his “pretty”little face.
Jude slides the account number over to zero.
“Lastly the debt between you and jude is done and over you have no claim over anything between the two of you. That means the devils and everything else”
Jude closes his iPad after the last demand.
“ you know what you are the biggest mistake of my life. Noah saved you from going to jail. You’re lucky it wasn’t up to me, I wanted to see you be someone bitch. I made peace with losing the devils. I was ready to move my family to Florida to be a agent and a stay at home dad.” Jude gets up.
“ I know you jude you wouldn’t be happy being a agent again . You just can’t go from being king of la to a no body.”
“ a no body? Really unlike you I know who I am I’m Jude kinkade Medeiros and I’m Noah’s husband Oscar Kinkade’s son ,Justice’s big brother and Jaxueline Kinkade Medeiros’s father. I will always have that! What do you have. Huh? Who do you have?” Jude say before turning to leave.
Jude turns back to a arrogant and angry zero.
“ I can’t wrap my head around the fact that you think you know me. Are you kidding me you slept with my brother then bragged about sleeping with me to my husband!we my be identical but do we screw the same?You don’t know me if you did he would have gunned for you and not noah. Even Lionel can tell us apart. You know what your pathetic you wanted nothing to do with me but you see me happy and you came charging back into my live. Oh by the way I have a prenup I didn’t want it but my father made Noah sign it and guess what he had no problem signing it because he wants me not wait I have or what I can do for him”
Zero shrugs.
“ guilty as charged.”
“Leave me and my family alone unless you want to keep screwing my brother. Then go for it.You two deserve each other . You Two are the most screwed up people I know I hope you like a mental case”
“ mental case”
“ he has split personals” jude reaches the door and keeps walking .Jude leaves all the negativity and his past with zero behind.
He actual feels great like a large boulder been lifted from his shoulder.
Jude almost walks pass Lionel like he forgot she was there
“ Jude? What’s our password “Lionel asked seeing jude just walked out of the room a completely different person.
Jude stops and turns. Jude mustards up a smile.
“ on the rocks”
“ ok I had to check you walked out like someone just gave you a million dollars”
Without a beat.
“ wow YOU really do know me”
“ of course you’re my guy”
“ well let’s go see my little tough cookie and your goddaughter.”
“ of course your my hag who else would I give the title to.”
At the hospital Noah has been quite all day. Both of his dads have been watching him closely for the pass hour. Noah hates having to revert back to being mad at Chester. Noah figures that a year is the time line he would go back . Right before gettting the job and before meeting jude. The police just left. Noah sticks to his story and same timeline with them as with everything thing else.
“ Nono is there anything I can do.” Marshal ask from the doorway
“ why is he here”
“Noah we explained to you all ready”
“ why didn’t you tell me before.”
“What we do is none of your business Noah “Chester says
“ I shouldn’t had to have seen that.”
“ no you didn’t and I’m sorry you found out that way”marshal says
“ why are you apologizing for? We did nothing wrong marshal”
“Chester you have to understand that no matter how old our children are they are still our children. Sometimes the the badge aid doesn’t need to be ripped off.” Marshal says while cupping Chester face.
Chester stares down at the floor.
“ we should have been honest with them when they were young.”chester says
“ why didn’t you”noah say
“ I was out voted by your mother and your father”chester pulls away from marshal.
“ is that true” noah asked
“ tell him marshal “Chester demands
“ it is. Your mother and I thought it would be best for the two of you. It was going to be hard enough to trying to explain why chester has always lived with us. We where sure rumors would start at some point”
“ that’s why I went back into the service after your sister was born” chester say
“ your sisters arrival was a wake up call.”
“How so?”
“ your mother was a racial mutt and with your father’s background how did they end up with a blond daughter?” Chester say while rubbing his white and blonde goatee.
“ I’m sure it happens” noah said
“ well we didnt chance it so I left for four year.”
“ we took turns visiting for two years until we couldn’t handle living without him so we moved to Virginia and once he was done we moved back. You were too little to remember this . You missed your pop so much and so did we”marshal say.
“ so it’s your fault dad “noah says
“If you want to blame anyone then yes it my fault “marschal says
“ Nono it’s the past the damage is done my boy.”chester says
Marschal walks over to Chester and puts his arm around him.
“I’m sorry I got mad at you “ chester whisper before kissing mashal cheek.
“ I’m sorry for making you hide from our children for so many years “
Marshal gives him a look and Chester sighs
“ an I’m sorry you found out the way you did. We were upset and I was over hiding who I was for other people. I never had a chance to openly love your mother like I wanted. Not winning that coin toss is the biggest regret of my life.” Chester says
“ that must have been hard for you .”
“ very” Chester says as he walks closer towards Noah .
“ your pop gave up a lot to stay apart of his own family.” Marshal says
“ I did it because I was and still am crazy about being your dad.” Chester says
“ I’m glad you got to hold our grand baby first.”marshal say
“ I can’t believe I have a kid and a husband”noah says.
“Yeah and that husband of yours let me pick what name the baby is going to call me too
“ he did?”noah asked
“ yes he did” chester says proudly
“So what did you pick?”Marshal ask
“ I’m grandpa no back seat with our grandbabies”
“ I’m happy for you “ marshal gives Chester a hug.”
There’s a knock on the door.chester and marschal look over at the door.
“ who is it.”noah ask
“ dr overly needs to run a few test.”
“ oh alright I guess I’ll see you guys later” noah says as he is wheeled out of his room.
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bclthczcros · 5 years
task : the interrogation 
mentioned: @ofhvney​, @the-great-and-wonderful-oz​, @ofzola​, @thcyer​, @divineangcl, @holdenwoodz
zar was shaking as soon as he got the message, and he hadn’t really stopped shaking since. he’d lied to the authorities plenty of times, why are you in this building? did you start this fight? where did you get that bruise? but it had been a while since he’d been sixteen. hopefully, he thought as he kissed honey goodbye and walked into the ashmont pd, it was like riding a bicycle. 
if possible, he was hoping even harder now, trying his best to seem... at least semi-casual sitting in front of officer grant and officer forrester. his usual go-to mode when speaking to authority figures was defiant, so he tried to seem a little more innocent, a little more wide-eyed. he didn’t know if he was successfully fooling anybody. 
Do you have any criminal history? Anything big or small that you want to make us aware of?
zar bit the inside of his lip, shifting a little bit in his chair and trying to maintain eye contact. his past was shameful, he could admit it, so it would make sense if he was a little embarrassed, right? “yeah, actually, um, from when i was a minor. assault, vandalism, illegal consumption of marijuana, underage drinking, trespassing, and breaking and entering.” 
he considered, for a split second, mentioning the fighting ring, but he very quickly decided that was the worst idea he’d ever had; he didn’t need anyone snooping in on that. even though, given the city-wide curfew and the increased police presence, the ring was kind of dying out on its own. instead, he presented his upturned hands, and said, “but that was all back in high school; i’ve been living pretty clean since i came to ashmont. oh, uh,” he bit his lip. “except for the puppy mill incident, but i wasn’t charged.” officer grant raised her eyebrows, and zar pretended like he hadn’t been planning out how to make the great puppy heist work since then. step one: don’t be drunk while doing it. he glanced down at his hands, somewhat embarrassed. “it should be in your records somewhere.” 
How have you spent the few weeks back at college? What have they been like?
he tried not to give too heavy of a sigh, but he still exhaled through his nose. “studying, working, volunteering. the usual, y’know? they’ve been... hectic. kinda hellish. i mean, a girl is dead. it’s pretty difficult to get through that.” and, of course, there was their little exposing murderer, but zar didn’t dare mention her to the cops. he really didn’t need them finding that blog. “and with the... the mural at the art exhibit... i don’t know, everyone’s been super paranoid.” he indicated himself. “i’ve been paranoid.” 
How did you know Miss. Rutherford? What was the nature of your relationship?
“i’m her family’s dog walker,” zar started, tip-toeing around this topic. “or, i was. the rutherfords have been letting a lot of staff go in the wake of their daughter’s death, which is understandable. they don’t want many people around their place right now.” he bit his lip; he supposed it would be best to be candid about this. “i... for a while, i was under the impression that her dogs were being abused.” he was still under that impression, but it would probably be better to pretend that was all in the past. “i volunteer at the humane society, y’know? so i thought i knew” i actually know “what abused dogs look and act like. i thought they were shelter dogs at first because of how jumpy they were, but they were quick to tell me they’ve had them since they were puppies, so.” 
he sighed, shook his head, and couldn’t help it; he crossed his arms. “i told daisey that- basically i threatened to contact the humane society, and i told other people i might take them there myself, which-.” he shrugged, sighing. “which was a dumb thing to say, and i would never do that but i was just- i was angry. i’m extremely passionate about animal rights- i’m hoping to become a vet with an animal welfare specialization.” with that, he shrugged, “so, no, daisey and i didn’t have a good relationship, but it was simply a misunderstanding. if i could say one last thing to her,” oh, god, could he manage this? he tried to unlock his jaw, look officer grant in the eye. “i would apologize for accusing her of such a heinous act, and of telling so many people about it.” she seemed to buy it; then again, she was probably just pretending. great. 
Do you remember where you were the night Daisey went missing? If so, where were you? What were you doing? Who were you with?
oh, you mean the night i realized i was in love with my now-boyfriend and also almost ruined the couch of one of the richest families in town? “i was at the homecoming party,” zar said, rubbing his hands together. “at the lamar family home. which,” he indicated with one hand, expression earnest, “i presume you know about.” y’know, since it was the last place daisey was seen alive and all. he pursed his lips together, “um, i spent a bit of the night with honey kennedy? or, ulysses,” it always felt weird to call him that, “but he goes by honey. i was hooking up with him in the bathroom at about... eleven-ish? um, i hung out with zola carter for a little bit, when i got there at about ten, and then later on at around midnight.”
“i smoked outside with sam...” he put a hand to his forehead; fuck, what was his last name again? zar snapped his fingers when he remembered. “samuel thayer. that was just after i-.” he clenched his jaw. “after i got into a little fight with oscar lamar. nothing too major, obviously, or anything physical,” except for those spring rolls, “just... we don’t get along, y’know? zola’s his cousin, and he thinks i’m a bad influence on her.” he sighed to himself, “i went back inside, danced with some people whose... names i can’t remember, and then i went home at about two thirty in the morning after saying good-bye to zola.” yeah, that was about how he’d spent the night, give or take a few details. 
Did you notice anything strange about Daisey’s behavior the night she went missing? Did you notice anything suspicious about anyone else you ran into that night? 
he looked up for a moment, trying to remember. “not really... like i said, daisey and i didn’t exactly get along, so we tend to avoid each other. oh,” he sat up, almost surprised he forgot. “there was one thing, though.” oh fuck, was he really about to throw someone under the bus. well, he’d started this sentence, so he had to end it. “i saw her friend angel, angelica flores, and her arguing from across the room? i couldn’t hear what they were arguing about, but angel kept...” fuck, he really hoped he was right. “it looked like she was trying to get daisey to drink something, but daisey didn’t want to drink it.” he shook his head, glancing back up at them. “again, that’s just what i saw, but it seemed fishy.” 
Where were you the night Daisey’s body was recovered?
zar shrugged. “i was at home. watching old battlestar galactica episodes in my room.” and icing his injuries from his fight; the night before had been the night of the voicemail. it was a shit alibi, but it was his alibi. 
How familiar are you with the Ashmont woods? Have you been there often? Have you recently ventured out here? If so, why?
zar frowned for a moment; that wasn’t where daisey was found. was... was that where she was killed? “i went for an ecology class once in, like, sophomore year,” he admitted, “but i’m... i’m not at all familiar with those woods. i’m from out of town, so i don’t exactly know ashmont all that well, especially outside of campus.” 
Do you have feelings towards the investigation? Any comments?
he shook his head. “not really? like... why would i have feelings towards it?” it was a genuine question, and read as such. “i mean, a girl is dead, and you’re questioning everyone who was involved, so you seem to be doing pretty thorough.” zar shrugged for what felt like the tenth time this interview. 
Do you have any people you feel the police should look into? Please, let us know who and why.
there were plenty of people that zar thought could be guilty. any number of daisey’s exes. her fiance who was, apparently, not super into her. a part of him wanted to throw holden under the bus, but even zar knew it wasn’t deserved. “just angel, honestly. though i don’t...” zar shook his head, remembering her breakdown. “i don’t think she would have killed her, honestly. but i just have a bad feeling about her making daisey drink something, y’know?” 
What do you remember of the gallery opening? What did you do? Who were you with?
zar tried not to look too nervous at the question. “yeah, i do. i, uh, took in the art. drank a bit of champagne. i was mostly checking out my friends’ pieces. uh, i went with honey. kennedy. ulysses? my boyfriend.” he swallowed, going over the lie he’d prepared in his head. “all things considered, i didn’t stay for very long. i got a message from our neighbor about my cat, bath bomb? she’d caught herself in the fire escape and i needed to take care of her. so i had to run home. take her to the vet.” 
What do you know about the vandalism that transpired that night?
he shrugged. “i... honestly, i didn’t know about it until the next day. my boyfriend and i left through the back. just ‘cause it was closer to our place. i didn’t even see it in real life. but, i...” zar sighed, raising his eyebrows. “i heard it was blood, and i heard it was fuc- messed up.” 
Did you see anything questionable that night?
“no,” zar insisted, shaking his head. “not at all.” 
as officer grant and officer forrester dismissed him, he hoped that would be the last he’d see of the ashmont pd, but somehow knew that wouldn’t be the case. 
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Rosegardening Headcanons “The Little Prince and his Princess Bride”
You know how in every shoujo romance manga or anime series, there is usually a point in the plot where some kind of school festival or fair is introduced where our protagonist and her love interest along with their friends are roped into participating in.
In keeping with a Pinehead headcanon that I concocted with Al @albion-93, let's say…since Oscar Pine is considered one of the most popular boys at Atlas Academy due to his status as the crowned 'Little Prince', imagine if...there is a festival hosted by Atlas Academy that goes in correlation with its grandiose end of the year gala.
What if...each year as part of the festival activities, there is some sort of Parade of the Princes where the students from each school year vote one of their male colleagues into being their crowned Prince to represent them. The Prince candidate is then allotted to choose his Princess who will be his companion during the parade. And as the rules imply, a Prince is able to select his Princess candidate from any school year so long as the individual is his choice.
So let's say, Oscar is picked to be the Prince of the First Years and chosen Princess is none other than Ruby Rose. For the sake of comedy, let’s say Oscar only picked Ruby since she is his bestie bud and if he needed a companion then there was no other girl he’d want by his side than Ruby or something to that extent. At first Ruby was very touched that Oscar picked her only to retract her sentiments later when the two Rosebuds learned more about what their roles in the Parade of the Princes entailed. 
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This is where things get more fun. Let’s say, in addition to picking their princes, the students of Atlas Academy also get to decide the two major themes the Parade of the Princes will be inspired by. And as it just so happened, the themes for that current year were ‘roses’ and ‘wedding’.
See where I’m going with this? This meant that as, his chosen Princess, Ruby will also play Oscar’s bride during the Parade and will be subjecting to wearing a wedding gown as part of part of her performance; much to her dismay.
Just picture it, Oscar looked dashingly in a white and gold groom's tuxedo fashioned with red roses while Ruby dons a gorgeous silver and white wedding gown; also decorated with red roses to complement her Prince. I absolutely love this idea just to use it as a golden opportunity to have our Rosebuds play bride and groom and pretend to be a couple for an evening.
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And what would make this idea even better is if like any bride and groom, the Prince and his Princess must share a kiss as part of their performance for the Parade. 
Imagine… Ruby and Oscar having to kiss each other before a packed audience of their friends, family and the whole Atlesian School. Sure it's part of festivities but it's an embarrassment both children share; particularly Ruby who confesses to Oscar that this would be her first kiss and while she liked Oscar, sharing this moment with him of all people wasn't exactly how the Silver Eyed Warrior picked this moment. 
Speaking of first-time kisses, my Pinehead Headcanon is that Oscar already lost his first kiss when he was younger. It was stolen awkwardly by a neighbour girl who caught him by surprise. In an alternate version of this headcanon, the girl who stole Oscar's first kiss was his childhood best friend---my RWBY OC: Rosaline Fox who kissed him to sort of save him from being snogged by Big Am who had cornered poor young Oscar. Big Am and Young Rose Fox are featured in this script right here.
I love this headcanon because it creates one of those my favourite cliché romance scenarios. Y’know the one where our titular couple are forced to kiss as part of act but it ends up being one of the moments that makes them realize their true feelings for one another.
Picture Ruby and Oscar only needing to pretend to kiss each other for the Parade of the Princes. But of course, they wind up kissing for real and though brief, it's a unpredictably magical moment that sparks something in the both of them. That little light of love.
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(Image Credited to @soldieroflandb) 
I also have the clever inkling to tie this Parade of the Princes headcanon of mine into a hunch I have about a staged attack on Atlas Academy during it Gala by Cinder Fall and Neopolitan.
Based on my RWBY Musing #73; imagine if… Cinder and Neo head a Faunus Revolt that disrupts the Atlas Gala festivities; taking most of student bod hostage while its leaders threaten to end their lives if the Atlas Council didn’t fulfil their Faunus Revolt leader’s demands.
Like picture the Parade of the Princes being part of the Atlas Ball entertainment. So let’s say… Ruby's Rose Bride wedding gown is her chosen dress for this so-called Gala Arc with Oscar as her Prince and date to the dance.
So as the Parade of the Princes closes off with the Princes sharing a kiss with their respective Princess Brides, Oscar is, of course, the last to go. However the instant Oscar leans in to kiss Ruby, the power goes out and Ruby finds herself suddenly being dragged away before Oscar could help her.
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One of my favourite and most memorable episodes of Sakura Cardcaptor was the School Play Arc. I guess you can call it an arc since the story behind it spanned for more than one episode. During this storyline, Sakura and Syaoran get spend more time alone and thus grow closer during their rehearsal moments for the play. 
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It could be cute to have something like that for the Rosebuds. I especially dig the additional concept of the Princes having to recite wedding vows to their Princess Brides as part of their performance. Fortunately for Ruby, only the Prince have to come up with vows while all the Princess has to do is to accept the Princes' words as the proclamation of his undying love for her.
Just imagine Ruby being onstage and it's Oscar's turn to recite his vows to her. Now by my headcanon, the vows are a part of the parade where the Princes are basically allowed to wing it and go all out since the key idea is to put on a show for the audience.
While the other Princes did something ostentatious, Oscar kept his simple yet sweet. All he did was take Ruby's hand gently in his hiss, kissing it as he bent the knee before her. Though a small gesture, that wasn't what earned the acclaim of the crowd with Oscar's performance. It was his words. When Oscar spoke, his words resonated with a passionate sincerity that practically stunned the audience into silence. Never once did he falter in his speech. The young boy just continued to speak from the heart, all the while his hand remained on Ruby's and his eyes never left hers; entrancing her in radiant gaze. His warm smile was ever so sweet to complement his words.
It sounded like Oscar was genuinely confessing his love for Ruby. Whether his words were honest or just an act, they served their purpose. The crowd reacted positively to Oscar's declaration, hanging on his every phrase and to Ruby's astonishment, so did she.
Imagine Oscar's words stunning Ruby so much that she nearly forgot her own part in the Parade. All she focused on in that moment was Oscar. But the words that truly caught Ruby even more off guard was the end where Oscar concluded his vows by lifting Ruby's hooded wedding veil (because of course), revealing her flushed face underneath.
"...I love you Ruby and I am yours forever."
Those were Oscar's final words before he starts leaning in to kiss Ruby. Now mind you, all the Princes were expected to end their vows like this as part of the performance. But despite knowing this detail, imagine Ruby being conflicted in the aftermath because of it.
She knew Oscar only said those things for the Parade but imagine there being a part of Ruby that secretly wished the confession was real since in her heart of hearts, it felt real to Ruby.
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Imagine that my fellow Rosegardeners. Wouldn’t something like this make your heart melt? Again I know, it's an unlikely idea. Buuuuut it's still a sweet one to play around with. 
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More Squiggles’ RWBY Content
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019) 
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sheepsandcattle · 5 years
Chapter 5
When his parents split up, Curly wasn’t really at home for most of it - not as far as he can remember, at least. He doesn’t even remember crying over it at any point after that one time; the day they sat him down at the kitchen table to explain it all.
He remembers his dad crying though; remembers him smoking in the garden even though he’d never seen him do it before. Remembers spending some time with Brandon, probably to keep him away from the brutality of his old man packing up his things and leaving his home.
He can’t remember how long it was that he stayed with his best friend, but there were countless nights spent whispering under covers, giggling past bedtime and dozing off before they could even say ‘goodnight.’
He remembers forgetting about the things happening at home.
One night at Brandon’s house, Curly had found his mind drifting for the first and only time during his miniature-break down the road, to his parents and their home and the office that was his dad’s and “what will we do with it now? What will we put in there? Where will he go?”
“It’s quite fun, you know,” Brandon had said. “My dad’s house is better colours than mum’s.”
Curls had sighed. “My dad might get lonely.”
Brandon had sounded so sure - had frowned as he said, “no he won’t," like it shouldn’t have needed to be said at all.
“Why not?” He rubbed his eyes; far past their bedtime again, and the heat they’d trapped under the blanket was making him even sleepier.
Brandon shrugged. “Same reason I don’t get lonely,” he explained and placed a hand on Curly’s shoulder that made his friend seem more grown-up than he was a few seconds before.
Brandon smiled like he was too shy to say any more, but he didn’t need to. Curly wasn’t too shy (never was), leaning over to wrap him up in a hug.
A few months melt into one another. He’s not sure where a few of the weeks go. Maybe he was sleeping; his body and his brain becoming mutually exclusive for a while.
The ‘being more careful’ thing he promised to Dean isn’t going great due to unforeseen circumstances.
He doesn’t have his rubbish job anymore. Doesn’t like to think about it too much because it makes his head fog up and his jaw ache. That’s what happens when he gets stressed, he’s discovered. Smoking helps calm him.
His manager was kind enough to pay him a week’s notice when she fired him at the beginning of December, even after weeks of coming into work absolutely steaming after late nights, and leaving early when his highs just didn’t wear off right.
She’d said, “enjoy the holidays, Curly. You’ll be alright,” and hugged him goodbye.
He is alright as well. He’s making okay money and he’s brought his mum some bits for her kitchen for Christmas because she has a boyfriend now and he doesn’t love the orange and green theme she has right now.
Curly’s selling all sorts; drugs that even he hasn’t tried and some more that he’s tested for the sake of knowing what he’s talking about. Some he’s dabbled in more than he planned to.
Regardless, it’s all under control, all in the name of a good time and good money and, when Christmas does roll around, he spends it with his mother’s parents, almost perfectly sober with just a little pot in his system to take the edge off.
He applied for some jobs but he hasn’t heard off any of them. Yet. It’s been two weeks since he gave up.
His mum asks if he’s feeling okay when she catches him staring across the table at nothing in particular, but he’s always gotten overwhelmed at family dinners like this, so it’s easily excusable. His grandparents don’t seem to notice; they only used to see him two or three times a year when they’d visit England, so he’s not sure they even know what his natural state is.
He wonders if that’s just what happens when you don’t see a lot of someone, even if you trick yourself into thinking you’ve some kind of unwavering blood-bond with them. He wonders if his grandparents feel a little bit awkward around him just like he does with them, or if it’s different because they’re older and cherish him in a different way entirely.
He wonders if that’s what it will be like with Genie as she continues to grow up without him.
“Gosh, Elliot,” his grandma would say every time they’d meet again. “You’re so handsome” and, “you’re still growing!” He’ll never forget her face when he tried growing stubble just after high school and how she’d said, “oh stop! Stay young forever!”
Now he’s clean-shaven and his skin is as bad as it was when he was fourteen, and his grandmother doesn’t say that he’s handsome today, just that he looks older. He doesn’t feel very handsome; sleepy and achey. Looking older doesn’t feel as good as it used to. It feels like dry skin and shooting pains, cramping jaws and headaches.
He’s with his family though, and he’s happy nonetheless. They look happy too, so it’s all fine.
It’s all fine.
His mum’s buzzing because, thanks to Curls, she’s got a kettle again with a toaster to match and insisted that everyone had a brew after dinner, so his grandparents are in the lounge now, watching the telly with a cup of tea each. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, his mum gives him a haircut -shorter at the sides, neater on the top- whilst Curly chats to her new boyfriend about The Cure. It turns out Dom has great taste and is an all-round really nice guy.
He doesn’t feel so bad now for missing so many of his mum’s calls.
As he walks back into the lounge with his new haircut, his grandma says, “very handsome,” and he feels a bit less trodden down and a bit younger again.
And then January is slow and dull and he doesn’t get out of the house much really unless he’s dealing drugs or buying more fags.
He’s not sure when he got so caught up with Jules’ and Oscar’s shit. Not sure when this thing started where he trails behind them while they do deals of their own, or while they huddle in parks and fields and alleyways with dodgy people he doesn’t know to share a hit of whatever it is they fancy that night.
He gets sad sometimes. Lonely like he used to be. Heroin helps; makes everything in the world feel fine. Only in dire situations, though.
Still, January has him caught up in the half-there place. He forgets a lot. Jules gets frustrated because he’s always forgetting the daftest things he says when he’s high. He makes promises he can’t remember when he’s sober, but his roommate is kind - kind enough to let him off the hook for most of the things he owes him these days.
Drugs and money, that is. A few apologies here and there too, after nights cut short thanks to Curly’s weak stomach or empty skull or whatever else it is that demands he goes home immediately.
What a blur it is. A girl tries to kiss him outside a club that he doesn’t manage to sneak into because he’s too young or too far gone or a combination of both. He feels shy and weird and says, “sorry love, I’m just a bit drunk,” because he feels too guilty to simply say ‘no.’
Fooled, the girl calls him a gentleman and gives him her number on a receipt but he loses it on the walk home - can’t even remember taking it out of his pocket. Can’t even remember walking home at all. Jules says he tried to smoke it which Curly thinks is fucking hilarious but doesn’t remember it and therefore decides he’s talking bollocks.
February. A Valentines party in his apartment.
Turns out ‘party’ means the usual five-man circle (together again) drinking and smoking and pretending they have an excuse to do it. They’re still laughing about the girl at the club last week, Oscar says, “maybe you’re gay,” but it’s only a joke. He remembers more laughing and drinking and having a good night until Jules offers him a line of coke for free, to sober him up a bit. Jeff says “don’t,” says “slow down,” says “take it as a sign to stop,” but he does anyway. It’s free. He doesn’t remember losing track and overdoing it.
He remembers waking up in Dean and Jeff’s apparent with sick on his top the next day.
Still February. His birthday.
Calling his dad in the morning is hard. Speaking to Genie and crying in his bedroom for some daft reason isn’t nice either. She’s forgot about a World War II project she was meant to do, is breaking her heart about it.
Spending a few hours on google and writing five-hundred words for her and figuring out how to send it in an email because the thought of her standing in front of her class with nowt to say kills him. She says there’s loads of spelling mistakes but she loves the bit about the Spitfires and he’s “the best brother in the world.”
Crying again when he gets off the phone because he’s a mard-arse apparently and he just misses her, alright?
He forgets to call Brandon - again.
He remembers going to a party and flirting with a boy called Robbie. Doesn’t realise he was flirting until he’s remembering later… Almost kissing him, feeling shy and weird, telling him, “I’m sorry love, I’m just a bit drunk,” because he feels guilty - again.
Robbie says “me too, I don’t mind,” but Curly does, so they don’t.
He remembers meeting Jules in the bathroom for another hit that night, hearing two men yelling in a cubicle of a club he cannot remember getting into, and then watching one of them storm out. The guy looks at Jules, dark brows pinched as he drags a hand through near-white hair and says, “the fuck are you looking at, red?” Then he rucks his denim jacket back over his shoulders and shoves past them on his way out.
He doesn’t remember taking the hit, blacking out.
He remembers waking up in Dean and Jeff’s apartment again with a black eye this time. They don’t wanna hang out with Jules anymore. He doesn’t ask why ‘cause he doesn’t wanna know.
The three of them spend the next day together and it finally all slows down.
They watch Trainspotting because Curly hasn’t seen it in ages and Jeff and Dean haven’t seen it at all. Curly remembers that day more than any other that month.
They just talk after the film - no more telly, no music, nothing. They just talk and talk about daft things they’ve all done and said. Silly stories and memories that Curly thinks are happy until he says them out loud and they all seem to make him feel sad.
“You miss England,” Jeff tells him like it’s something Curly really needs to know. He supposes he’s forgotten to acknowledge it recently.
“I miss my family,” he says. Brandon too - misses having a friendship that feels unconditional.
They get weed-high in the evening and all get ‘choose life’ tattoos that same night - Curly’s on his knee, Jeff’s on his shin and Dean’s on his bicep. Curly does Dean’s for him because he can’t get the angle right himself. He panics because it’s wonky but Dean says “it’s perfect.”
“Can I borrow it?” Curly asks, handing the tattoo gun back to his mate.
“Absolutely fucking not,” Jeff answers for Dean, who laughs and adds, “I’ll have to teach you first.”
Curls says, “mint,” because yeah, he supposes it sounds like a better plan than jabbing the needle in and hoping for the best.
Trainspotting is their favourite film now, even though Jeff and Dean struggle to understand the accents and think it’s an ‘inaccurate representation.’
Of Britain or addiction, Curly’s not sure. How would they know, anyway?
Jeff drives him home a little before midnight and Jules is passed out on the sofa with a bag of frozen peas on the ground beside him. His arm hangs over the edge of the couch and his knuckles are bruised but Curly doesn’t ask why because he doesn’t wanna know.
Oscar’s in the kitchen and he says “oh, you’re back,” and pours three mugs of coffee.
“Course I am,” Curly replies and they both hear Jules groan in the living room. His eyes dart towards the door and then back towards Oscar again and he whispers, “have we fallen out?”
Oscar chuckles, shakes his head. “It’s not you, man. Jules just gets like that. Don’t cry ‘bout it.”
He doesn’t know what he’s not crying over, but he nods anyway and, after that, nobody talks about whatever it is that happened the night before.
That evening he calls Brandon and they both (pretend not to) sulk over the phone. Brandon isn’t lonely - says he’s met a girl, and Curly is jealous but he’s happy for him. He doesn’t tell him how lonely it gets here, just tells him the best parts that make Brandon say, “mate, I’m so jealous, but I’m so happy for you,” but it doesn’t sound as sad when Brandon says it as it does when Curly thinks it.
He remembers saying he’s tried, but he can’t remember falling asleep.
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