#he had a horse named G O R S E
konahrics · 2 years
I love Gore SO much. If anything happens to him i will kill everyone in this room and then myself. How is he so cool and adorable at the same time.
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degusart · 9 months
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So I colored that image (and added a couple of characters that were missing). Anyway, it's the full lineup of BFFs. I feel so normal about these blorbos. Thank you to @viridiandruid for running such a fun game with great characters!
[characer names credits and other info under the cut]
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A)ale! my PC and the loml. Massuraman Binder. They have a minimum of three souls in their body at one time and a maximum of five. they're doing so okay right now; don't worry about it
B) Devin, an eagle ale can summon him through their armor as an ally.
C)Cpt. James Hawkins. played by @theboombardbox, spellsword/barbarian. he's missing half of his soul <3, the Hat Man is following him, and he has worms.
D) Sash played by @halfandhalfling our wich/werewolf bestie. Apparently, she's a princess of the moon, but we don't have time to unpack all of that. Also, her (adoptive) mom fucked James.
E) Fig! Sash's familear
F) Orsa, Kiri's animal companion
G) Revazi, once played by @werepaladin. a barbarian whose "grandfather" Grandfather, a red greatwyrm, has been the patron of the party since like session five.
H) Chosen, in a human-only setting, she's an elf child! She's the reincarnation of ale's greatest enemy from both of their past lives, and they're apparently destined to end each other. But for right now they're buds, and she's the adoptive daughter of Kiri.
I) Kiri, @recoveringrevenant's PC, a Spirit Shaman. The newest Pc of the BFFs, our very chaotic party's grounding force, she can see a lot of stuff going on that no one else can see, both literally and figuratively.
J) Beren, a strange teenager our party was charged with keeping safe, then promptly lost (we're working on it). The person who charged us with keeping him safe may or may not be an abloeth, allied with the red dragon previously mentioned.
K) Cloves, the horse we bought in session two or three, that was then awakened by a random druid. He was one of the oldest members of the BFFs until... recently...
L) Erina, @recoveringrevenant 's retired PC, lets us crash at her place most nights, and she was a founding member of the BFFs, so even though she's not adventuring with us anymore, she's still one of us.
M) Agamemnon, our ship's AI, he's an orb that likes to dress up as a wizard :>
N) Ajatus, a guy we threatened to get to help us, but somehow became fully one of the crew. also, we need him to drive the boat, so, a BFF it is.
O) Father Lagi, a priest whose church collapsed into a skink hole after we visited it. We offered him a job in recompense, though by some of the conversations we've had, he's pitty chill in general. Also he embezzled like all of the church's coffers, so that's funny
P) Dahlver-Nar, one of the many souls that take up residence inside of ale's body. Though he's a bit more permanent. He helps out and gives advice alongside some skick-ass powers.
Q) Naz, this is the character I forgot in the first render of this piece. she's functionally dead atm (permanently trapped inside an amber tree), but you know how it is. a character once played by @recoveringrevenant as well
R) Cousin Chet! the half-dragon half ???? freak. we love him though
S) Bailey Wick, a once stow-away, now rogue-for-hire she has the sticky fingers and high dex our party lacks. So whenever we need to infiltrate a place, we send her on those missions. Though we've recently found out she's like 19, which is horrifying lmao. She also is one of the most competent members of the BFFs only because she's the only character that consistently rolls above a 10 (like genuinely)
T) Tansu, Revazi's twin sister. Our most recent true member of the BFFs, she's.... gone through it
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Horsemus, the obviously gay stallion among the mares, absolutely can't blend in. Virgil knows all of his mares, he raised them and named them. He also knows that none of them will ever have steam coming out of their ears and not a single one can turn red and mimic a train whistle. He calls Horsemus "Daffy" (short for Daffy Duke) and gives him some needed attention.
Remus finding out about the nightmares is probably what makes his gay heart do backflips. Imagine a young Remus, just a teen with a lot of problems, unable to sleep. He goes to the imagination to blow off steam, but he sees Virgil creeping around, hiding something big in his jacket.
He follows him to a meadow and watches Virgil set a foal down and waits for her to stand on shaking legs before bottle feeding her. He's so patient and gentle with her, petting her and cooing at her. Remus had never seen this side of Virgil before and he is smitten if he wasn't already.
He only makes his presence known once the horse vanishes. Virgil is embarrassed and annoyed but not angry, and he explains himself. Remus is officially into this spider and wants him
S C R E A M I N G I fucking L O V E this!!! Glad to see Horsemus is just as cartoonishly dorky as his true form but Vee calling him Daffy Duke is both very cute and hilariously clever XD <3 Ree is so down bad for an Emo who knows how to take care of beloved Nightmare Horseies and honestly as he S H O U L D cause get yourself a Spider who can raise animals like they're his own children (Dadgil Your Honor <3)
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cassvstark · 11 months
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t h e k i d n a p p i n g o f t h e s t a r k p r i n c e s s; ;
beneath a sky painted with hues of lavender and gold, the journey to their next destination was fraught with an electric tension. cassana and her female archers rode with wariness, each moment heavy with the anticipation of lurking threats, their forms etched in stark relief against the dusky landscape. the women of her archery unit were privy to the ominous murmurs, the insidious rumors swirling around the fate of their leader. they were acutely aware of the perils that danced at the edges of the road, but there was no safety in war. they pressed forward, anyways.
their forces had merged with another battalion led by lord long, a commander of unassuming stature but one who had proven combat prowess. 
as they progressed, cassana's heard her name called by lord long. she guided her steed ahead, drawn to the scene where he stood, his gaze locked upon a toppled cart at the roadside. "princess, do you recognize this emblem?" his voice was taut with intrigue. "i believe it to be one of ours, yet word of a lost cart has not reached our ears."
a flicker of hesitation hung in the air, before cassana descended from her horse, drawing nearer to the cart he pointed to. 
the distant echo of an arrow piercing flesh reverberated through the stillness. whirling around, she witnessed the cruel sight of one of her comrades falling, an arrow cruelly embedded in her chest, as an onslaught of shadowy figures descended from the hills.
"ambush!" the cry surged from behind, shattering the night, arrows streaking through the air like vengeful spirits. the assailants had cunningly targeted her troops only. none of lord’s longs men seemed to even join in the fight.
 the realization struck with a bitter clarity—they had been betrayed.
in an instant, her sword was drawn, gleaming like a sliver of moonlight. it arced through the air, cleaving through the first foe who was near.  she swung her blade into the next who came at her, ready to hit another  when she felt arms grabbing onto her. she didn’t know how many, one, two three? but the sword was wretched from her hand. she fought back as hard as she could, driving her elbow into whoevers face was close by. her hand desperately reached for the dagger at her side but the hands kept pulling her back. she let out a scream as she was pulled back again and again. 
she was pushed onto her knees, but still she fought back. finally managing to get her dagger. wretching her arm free she plunged it into the chest of one of the men next to her over and over and over, swinging at whoever was next. but she was overpowered. she was pulled from the man her arms pulled behind her back and she felt the rope tying them together. “no! NO” she screamed trying to pull away, trying to stand up, trying anything. she screamed and screamed and fought. gods she would not die here without a fight. she would fight until there was nothing left within her. but the hands on her were strong, keeping her down on her knees not giving her any room to move anymore. she didn’t know when they had shoved a rag in her mouth to muffle her screams of complete rage.
finally she felt the hand of the lord long’s on her face, turning her to look at the carnage around her. “look at it.” suddenly she felt like she couldn’t move at all. her fighters, her archers lay masared all around her. some of them still fighting, but many of them had lost their battle as they were quickly outnumbered. gods she hoped most of them had managed to escape “if only they didnt follow you then maybe they would have had a chance.” she heard one of the men say. the lord kneeled down infront of her, forcing her to look in his eyes.
 “you have a very pretty price on your head, alive of course. nothing personal, your highness but i need the money. the other girls were just in the way.” he smiled. 
leaning forward she headbutted the man as hard as she could, satisfied hearing a crunch of his nose breaking. another of the men holding her cracked her across the cheek. her vision blurred. cassana glimpsed the abyss of her fate. his smile was a grotesque mask of avarice. she met his gaze with a glare that bore more steel than any sword. she could not speak, but her intent rang loud and clear. she was not going easily.
if she could speak, she would tell him he was a dead man. when the starks heard of what happened, when they found out she was taken there would be no stopping them. they had lost jon, they swore to each other they would not lose another.
 she knew his fate without ever needing to see it in a vision. he was dead from the moment he decided to betray them.
"i’m sure king umber will find it in his heart to forgive the bruises i deliver with his new bride," the lord mused, a veil of insidious satisfaction shading his voice. darkness descended with brutal swiftness, the world slipping into a void of unconsciousness.
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succiducus · 4 months
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{philip froissant, 30, cis-male, he/him} We are so glad to see you safe, LORD ULRICH SUGIRDSSON of NORWAY! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are PERSUASIVE and INTELLIGENT enough to handle it. Just don’t let your NAIVE NATURE bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out you're not the real ulrich sugirdsson.
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b a s i c s //
birth name: johannes mikkel calgren
assumed identity: ulrich sigurdsson
birthday: june 24th (cancer)
orientation: bisexual / biromantic
status: married-ish? (unknown to everybody)
languages: swedish, norwegian, german, english.
character influences: david nolan/prince charming (ouat), matilda (matilda), amanda lemmon (it takes two).
tarot card: the fool
p r o l o g u e // tw: death in childbirth, mention of murder, weapons.
Johannes never dreamed of gold bracelets and riches. Working as the stablehand of many nobles taught him that the royal and wealthy were just as, if not more, unhappy than his own father. Born to mere peasants in a small hut in the Norwegian countryside, he'd grown up always feeling unworthy and empty, as if a piece of himself was missing and nothing was able to fill it. His father, an alcoholic after the death of his mother at the time of his birth, took his frustrations and grief out on the young boy, ensuring that he always grew up knowing that he would have to fend for himself. Although naivety ran through him, he was a smart boy, perhaps smarter than many of his peers. He learned to read and write from the children of nobles, secretly in their playhouses or while helping them bond with the horses, and from books that he would take from their libraries when allowed inside of the palaces and castles. He and his father were always on the move. One day, they would be happily serving a noble family, and the next, in a drunken incident, his father and he would be banished once more. However, he grew to like seeing new cultures and ways of life, and wished to one day have enough money to travel for himself. Normally irritated by his father's drunkenness, on the day he met the daughter of his new boss, he would've kissed his hand. Johannes had never befriended many, his thoughts had always been on work and keeping his father's temper away from his skin, however, all else failed in comparison to the smile of Count Gustaf's daughter. He didn't understand it at first, why a deep ache wound wind tightly inside of his chest when they would sneak away together or why he felt guilt and paranoia when their mandated 'short' rides would have them coming home in the late evening instead. He would find out, however, that it was simply because a noble had no business mingling, let along falling in love and eloping, with the hired help. Gustaf's weapon to his throat was the last thing that Johannes had been expecting when he'd found himself in his company but it happened anyway. However, when their eyes met, a sort of recognition found itself in his eyes; he knew this boy, or at least, his resemblance to the boy he knew was uncanny. Johannes, believing that he was about to be murdered, was surprised when only a threat rang out among musket fire - he was to leave Sweden, allow his daughter to believe him dead, and to never return if he wished to keep his life. And although reluctance found him, he listened. Johannes ran across the border into Norway and settled in the kingdom of his birth many years after he and his father left to seek work. It was here that something bizarre happened; he ran into himself. Learning that he had a twin brother who had been adopted by the Sigurdsson's was a shock yet as they sat together and spoke, he understood that Ulrich's upbringing was much like his own albeit one of love and prosperity. Ulrich was starting to tire of his place in the Norwegian court, he wanted to travel, to sleep well without worry of what his actions might bring onto Norway now that his father was regent and offered him a deal. And Johannes wanted protection from Count Gustaf in Sweden, more importantly, the crown in which Ulrich could potentially inherit from his father would, if done properly, allow him and Nell to meet once more. A wish that he has spent every day since his banishment hoping to come true.
p r e s e n t d a y //
They swapped places in the end and Johannes Calgren became Lord Ulrich Sigurdsson. Although being decorated in gold bracelets and having people of the empire bow in his presence had never been something he desired, having parents who loved him, younger siblings that held no ill-intent, and friendships beyond measure made him finally feel full. However, with that fullness came greed. When they learned of their king's survival, Johannes grew nervous. The naivety that he'd held up until that point shattered and he started to understand that one day, his twin brother would also return and upon his return or the return of the crown, the life that he had come to love would end. Something that he would not let happen, even if it meant harming the people that stood in his way.
c o n n e c t i o n s //
eleanora adlerberg (wife) - to be written
eirik sigurdsson (father) - to be written
silje sigurdsson (mother) - to be written
edvard sigurdsson (young brother) - to be written
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sxlveira · 1 year
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[raúl esparza - 50 - he/him] Introducing EDGAR SILVEIRA. Word on the street is they are an ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY affiliated with THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Though they are RESERVED and BLUNT, they can also be RESILIENT and CARING. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
[sky - 23 - she/her - gmt - no triggers]
✧・゚— B A S I C S
— NAME: Edgar Daniel Francisco Silveira
— NICKNAME/S: Ed (by his family) ; Eddie (by others close to him)
— D.O.B.: 4th April 1973 (age 50)
— GENDER, PRONOUNS, SEXUALITY: Cis male, he/him, heterosexual
— HOMETOWN: New York City, NY, USA
— AFFILIATION: The Syndicate
— JOB POSITION: Assistant District Attorney
— EDUCATION: J.D. degree, LL.M, and S.J.D. from Harvard Law School
✧・゚— P E R S O N A L I T Y
— MBTI: ESFJ – the consul
— POSITIVE TRAITS: Hardworking, resilient, intelligent, observant, organised
— NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stern, reserved, argumentative, blunt, cynical
✧・゚— F A M I L Y
— MOTHER: Isabel Marie Silveira
— FATHER: Ruyan Isaac Francisco
— OLDER BROTHER: Frederico ‘Rico’ Isaac Francisco Silveira
— ‘SEEING EACH OTHER’: Anaïs Murad @anaismurad
✧・゚— A P P E A R A N C E
— FACECLAIM: Raúl Esparza
— HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown with greying patches and beard
— BUILD: Average
— HEIGHT: 6’
— SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: A 5cm scar on his left calf from a childhood accident
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✧・゚— F A V O U R I T E S
— FOOD: Pizza (particularly pepperoni)
— DRINK: Bourbon
— BOOK: Slow Horses by Mick Herron
— FILM: Road to Perdition (2002)
— TV SHOW: Elementary (2012-2019)
— SEASON: Winter
✧・゚— B I O G R A P H Y
— Edgar was born on 4th April 1973 at 12:09am and is the youngest of two sons born to Ryan Francisco, a neurosurgeon, and his wife Isabel, a court stenographer. His brother Rico is older than him by 4 years and they were both taught to speak fluent Spanish by both of their parents. They lived in Queens.
— Edgar’s first love was baseball. He always played with his brother in their yard and their local park, often spending hours watching it on TV too. Their father took them to their first game when Edgar was seven and it remains to be his favourite memory. He also loves espionage novels and enjoys his downtime by reading them with tea and cookies.
— He grew up happy, although his father spent a lot of time out of the house due to his demanding job. Edgar looked up to Ryan, admiring his ambition, skill, compassion, and for a very brief time Edgar wanted to be a surgeon too (only after wanting to be a zookeeper, a scuba diver, a professional baseball player, and an astronaut, though). He was also close to his brother and mother: they would go on days out into the city together and spend time reading in the evenings amongst other things. This was when his love of literature began.
— Unlike his brother, Edgar was ambitious and always wanted to be challenged, especially at school. He was influenced by his mother and became interested in law because of her. He wanted to be the most successful prosecutor in NYC, so ensured that he studied hard to get through high school to focus solely on learning the law and making his parents proud. Meanwhile, Rico was getting into trouble with his teachers and also with the authorities. He’d been involved in the wrong crowds, getting involved in thefts and drug dealing, and brought shame to their parents. At the age of 19, Rico eventually left home in the dead of night and left a note to Edgar saying how sorry he was and that he’d be okay on his own. They wouldn’t see each other for another seven years and that meeting was a very brief one in the Christmas shopping crowds of lower Manhattan.
— Edgar graduated from Harvard at the top of his class. He had a four year long feud with a fellow student named Thomas and had vowed to beat him into getting top scores. They ended up being best friends and whilst Thomas ended up moving to Washington DC, they stayed in contact and see each other around the holidays.
— Edgar moved back home after graduating and after spending a couple of months helping his parents renovate their house he completed a strict study regime for his bar review before passing the bar exam first try. He then got his first job at the Queens District Attorney’s office as a clerk before working his way up to ADA. At the age of 32, he transferred from Queens to Manhattan, upping his workload and moving into a city apartment and has been there ever since. He still visits his parents often, though.
— He became an inadvertent affiliate of The Syndicate when he helped out his brother in certain dodgy dealings and in turn met Anaïs, who he tried not fall for but he did (and did so hard even if he won't admit it out loud to anyone other than Anaïs herself). In what little spare time he has, Edgar works for her father- Syndicate leader Petros, who made him realise that his talents could be put to good use in the world of crime with great rewards.
— Although ambitious and wanting to be a District Attorney (and even Attorney General), Edgar has been very comfortable in his ADA career and despite his experience he thinks he still has a way to go (little does he know that it’s just the self-doubt talking). He understands that it involves a lot of power and responsibility and doesn’t want to be watched too closely by government officials or the public considering his ties to crime.
✧・゚— W AN T E D C O N N E C T I O N S
— COLLEAGUES & ASSOCIATES: If your muse also works in law- especially in Manhattan- then it’s likely they’ve crossed paths with Edgar. Maybe they’re friends or maybe they’re rivals, but I’m up for discussing anything!
— OLDER BROTHER: Rico (or name UTP) is almost four years older than Edgar and has been involved in crime since his mid-teens. He’s an efficient thief and has evaded arrest on countless occasions. The two were very close when they were younger, but as soon as Rico left home things changed drastically and now that Edgar is lowkey involved in The Syndicate I’m also up to discussing anything in regards to how that might have changed their relationship (maybe it brought them back together or maybe there’s still a wedge between them)!
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survey--s · 2 years
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Do you tend to speed when you drive? Not on purpose, but it definitely happens. We have a lot of roads round here that go from 40 to 30 then back again in a short space of time and it’s easy to lose track lol.
Do you smoke cigarettes? Not anymore, but I did smoke occasionally as a student.
Does your temper flare a lot? I wouldn’t say so, but I am easily irritated.
Do you get emotional easily? Yes. Not outwardly, though.
Do you get obnoxious when you’re drunk? No, I don’t think so.
Which shoe goes on first? Whichever is closest I think.
Are you lazy? No. I enjoy lazy days and downtime but not at the expense of getting stuff done. I still walk the dog, do housework and keep the house clean etc.
Name one thing you do that people always tell you about. Talk to animals like they’re people.
Are you superstitious? No.
Do you get bored with relationships quickly? No.
Can you sleep without blankets covering you? I CAN, but I’d never choose to. I love being covered and feeling cosy under blankets.
What position do you sleep in? Normally curled up on my side, but sometimes I sleep on my back.
What do you do when you’re angry? Rant, or shut down, depending on the situation.
What do you do when you’re sad? Cry, wallow, watch sad films or listen to sad music.
Who do you call when you have a bad day? My mum.
A - is for the last person that made you ANGRY. I can’t remember the last time I was properly angry, to be honest.
B - is for BEER you prefer. I’m not really a fan of beer.
C - is for do you have a CAT? Yeah, we have three cats named Layla, Toby and Purrlock.
D - is for can you DANCE? Not very well, no.
E - is for do you have your EARS pierced? Yeah, I have eight ear piercings at the moment - used to have more.
F - is for your best FRIEND. Michael.
G - is for did you ever watch GUTS on Nickelodeon? No, we never had Nickelodeon as a channel - just whatever shows were bought by ITV.
H - is for the last person who HUGGED you? Michael.
I - is for close your eyes.. what IMAGE do you see? Blackness and like, a zooming galaxy effect.
J - is for have you ever been to JAIL? Nope.
K - is for when is the last time you flew a KITE? About five years ago.
L - is for the LOVE of your life. Michael.
M - is for the last piece of MAIL you got. A parcel that contained Toby’s medication.
N - is for do you remember NERF guns? I remember them but I was never allowed one and never played with them.
O - is for do you OWN a car? I do indeed.
P - is for your favorite PASTTIME. Horse riding.
Q - is for do you like peace & QUIET? Definitely. I need at least a couple of hours to myself everyday just to maintain my sanity.
R - is for do you like the color RED? I love burgundy/deep reds.
S - is for how many hours of SLEEP you need to function? I can cope on none, but my ideal amount is 8-9 hours a night.
T - is for what TIME is it? 7.46pm.
U - is for what is UNDER your bed? Loads of Mike’s stuff. He uses under the bed as some kind of storage area.
V - is for what you did last VALENTINE’S day. I think we got a takeaway? We both worked though.
W - is for do you drink a lot of WATER? No. I pretty much never drink plain water.
X - is for have you ever had an X-RAY? Yeah, I had teeth x-rays three days ago, actually.
Y - is for the last person you YELLED at. Michael, but just to get his attention.
Z - is for have you ever watched ZORRO? Nope.
Who do you wish you could hang out with right now? I’m happy enough on my own for now.
Name one thing you absolutely can not stand. Bratty children whose parents can’t be bothered to keep them under control.
Where do you spend most of your time? Home or out walking dogs.
If you could fly, where would you go first? Somewhere hot and sunny - maybe The Seychelles.
What was the best vacation you’ve ever been on? All our skiing trips to Canada or the holidays we took to Italy.
Have you ever hit a squirrel when you were driving? Hmm, probably. They just run out into the road and it’s safer to keep going than it is to stop or try and swerve them.
Did your car ever break down? No, I’ve had a couple of flat tyres but otherwise I’ve been pretty lucky.
What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekend? Horse ride, sleep, watch TV, relax.
What radio station do you listen to most often? Radio One.
Pick one: Papa John’s, Dominoes, or Pizza Hut. Papa John’s, but we don’t have one nearby unfortunately. Then Pizza Hut goes second, and Dominos is last.
What is the longest amount of time you’ve been awake? 50+ hours.
What would you do if you found out the world was ending in one week? I mean, there’s not really much I could except carry on as normal, lol.
Do scary movies make you paranoid when you watch them alone? They don’t scare me, I just don’t enjoy them.
Name one thing you’ve lied about recently. I can’t remember.
What is the worst movie you’ve ever seen? Big Momma’s House 2.
Who was the first person to ever give you flowers? A boy named William when we were about six.
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corcnach · 2 months
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{sam heughan, 45, cis-male, he/him} We are so glad to see you safe, CATHAIR FERGUSSON of SCOTLAND! It’s dangerous out in the world these days, but I hear that you are NURTURING and STRONG-WILLED enough to handle it. Just don’t let your PROTECTIVENESS bring you down! Stay on your guard, because with your secret being at risk for exposure, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out you're cooperating with foreign rebels in order to abolish the scottish monarchy
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b a s i c s //
birth name: cathair fergusson
birthday: june 13th
occupation: scottish soldier / fergusson clan head assassin
orientation: demiromatic - demisexual
status: married to tbd
languages: scottish gaelic (native), english (native), arabic (fluent), russian (conversational), french (conversational), spanish (intermediate beginner).
character influences: orochimaru (naruto), russell lightbourne (the 100), hap/dr. percy (the o.a), milton brandt/whispers (sense8), elijah mikkaelson (tvd/to/legacies).
tarot card: death
p r o l o g u e // murder tw, torture tw, blood tw
whether the first-born child of alexander fergusson and his wife was created out of love or hate, many would never know. in a home that was neither warm nor cold, he grew up, perhaps, the least privileged of every boy born to them. for fifteen years, he lived and worked simply under his father's guiding hand on a farm of their owning. whispers of rebellion came in and went out, he had never paid much attention then, more worried about the cows and horses in the paddocks and barns and keeping the younger fergussons out of trouble to pay attention to politics. that was until one day when the stuarts took everything from them - including their true identities. the stripping of all that he had known, while uncomfortable, was not what brought strife upon him. no, that would come in the dead of night when his father roused him from his makeshift bed surrounded by a puddle of red-headed children searching for safety and warmth and made him follow him with a knife in hand. his father had announced to many that he was, in fact, the new chief of the fergusson clan but with demanded proof, his father had fallen desperate. at fifteen, he found himself torturing a poor older man for a simple sheet of paper; a birth record, forged, and blood-stained. life felt strange, after that - he went from sleeping on hard ground, surrounded by his younger brothers to soft beds, lavish parties, and forced studies. however, something else changed, something deeper and more complex; he'd learned that people who held power over others could gain what they wished, more so, he learned that violence was the most effective way of persuading those to give him just that.
p r e s e n t d a y //
In whispers among the high courts of europe, africa, and northern asia, the name 'coronach' is a well-kept secret. monarchs in need of a closed mouth; nobles wishing to marry for love; or simply a scorned lover looking for revenge - it is said that, if the price is right, this faceless person will do anything asked of them. many think of them as a ruthless, uncaring man, but the truth would shock them if ever they knew; coronach was a simple man, a warm husband, a doting father, and a protective older brother. while being known as a strong soldier with an offstandish air and a cautious manner, he was the chief of a well-decorated clan inherited from a passionate father, surrounded by thriving siblings raised under his guidance who loved him just as fiercely as he fought for them. though, those in his real life would also look upon him with shock if they ever found out his secret; he would do anything to keep them and their legacy safe, even if it meant that his hands were covered in the blood of many.
c o n n e c t i o n s //
unknown fergusson (spouse) - tbd
cailean fergusson (youngest sibling) - tbd
w a n t e d c o n n e c t i o n s //
spouse (romantic) - cathair's love is quiet. it manifests in protection and secrecy that isn't always well intentioned. many would describe this person as strong for being left to their own devices most of the time or for marrying a man of such a personality as cathair's. outwardly cruel and standoffish, inside their home, when he isn't away, he is a doting father and attentive husband, even if his heart is a bit distant and his hand, strict. their children are 5 & 8 and are starting to ask questions neither of them want to answer. there is tension within their marriage surrounding his job but as long as they sweep it under the rug, their relationship is relatively harmonious.
past/current hires (political) - whether monarchs or civilians, these people are the people who want cathair's sword for purposes of murder, torture, etc. if they pay a good fee, cathair is willing to do whatever they ask of him as long as insurances of his family's safety can be promised.
coronach members/spies/fall guys (political) - these people are those who work under cathair's alias, coronach, so that he can never be made by people who have hired him before. aligned with the scottish rebellion, they are a smaller more ruthless branch and their true loyalties lay with cathair. although their name is scottish in origin, members of this pathway of spies/assassins are of different origins, making the true face of this branch unknown.
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Disclaimer: These are not my questions. I found them somewhere and answered them myself.
Found this somewhere and thought it looked fun:
A- Age: Sixteen
B- Birthplace: Ohio
C- Current Time: 9:44 pm
D- Drink You Last Had: Apple juice.
E- Easiest Person to Talk To: This will sound really strange, but I'd probably have to say myself, because I know me best.
F- Favorite Song: My favorite song in general is by far The Beach Boys, God Only Knows. But I also have my favorites from different groups I like. The Beach Boys, Here Today. The Beatles, She Loves You. Led Zeppelin, The Ocean. Queen, It's A Hard Life. George Harrison, Isn't It A Pity. (Along with All Those Years Ago, What Is Life, Crackerbox Palace, and When We Was Fab.) Billy Joel, She's Got A Way. Paul McCartney, Maybe I'm Amazed.
G- Grossest Memory: Anything I've seen happen at my highschool.
H- Horror Yes or Horror No: Yes!
I- 😍?: In regards to romantic relationships, a guy who is charming, loves animals, resembles Paul McCartney in appearance and personally, and likes kids. He also has to be practical, but also willing to run through a field with me or ride horses through the woods with me just to make me happy.
J- Jealous of people: Who can stay organized and on top of stuff and people who have clear skin around their eyes.
L- 💛 at first sight or should I walk by again?: I believe in love, but not at first sight.
M- Middle Name: Rose.
N- Number of Siblings: One older brother.
O- One Wish: To meet Paul McCartney before one of us dies to tell him how much his music and legacy means to me.
P- Person You Called Last: My mother.
Q- Question You Are Always Asked: I don't really have one.
R- Reason to 😁: Kids, people who are still pure, accomplishing things, playing music, finding cute fanfics, cats, and The Fab Four.
S- Last song you sang to: I'll Be Back by The Beatles.
T- Time You Woke Up: 6:40 am.
U- Underwear Color: Gray at the moment.
V- Vacation Destination: Scotland, Pennsylvania, and India.
W- Worst Habit: Scratching my neck when I feel awkward and letting conversations get quiet.
Y- Your Favorite Food: Shepherds pie, popcorn, and pumpkin pie.
Z- Zodiac Sign: Pisces.
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gm--requests · 3 years
Coffee Shop Puppy- Daddy! Matsukawa Issei
g e n r e - s m u t.
w a r n i n g s - daddy! mattsun, squirting, fingering, degradation, pussy slapping (once), light! praise, sub-space (breifly), dumbification/bimbofication, massive horse dick mattsun, virgin! reader, breeding kink, use of pet name (puppy)  mention of jay park’s music, if i missed any please lmk
o r i g i n a l  c o n t e n t - i did write this
w o r d s - 5221
r e q u e s t s - closed
inbox thirsts- OPEN
a / n - this was first inspired by @introloves coffee shop worker with Aone fic and then somehow along the way it turned into what it is now... uhm i had two really close friends help me write this, so it is a special piece to me. this is written with a plus-size reader in mind anyone, of course, can read it, and i highly encourage it because i worked hard on this piece. also please leave feedback if you have any. please do not engage in unprotected sex unless you are in a long term relationship with a trustworthy partner.  that being said please enjoy sex as much as you want with the use of aforementioned protection!
When you first met Matsukawa Issei it was at the coffee shop. It was a rainy day and business was dead to say the least. You worked hard to keep yourself busy, alternating between either wiping off the countertops and tables or studying for your upcoming final exams. The dreary weather made the soft music and Christmas lights around the store seem like something out of a movie and you couldn’t help but feel happy and content. 
You’re humming along to some G.Soul song when the bell above the door rings. Your head shoots up excited to have a customer after so long of nothingness. You greet the man with a large, warm smile, he meets your grin with a subtle smirk. He was dressed from head to toe in black and taller than any man you think you’d ever seen. You couldn’t help but size him up. Though the height was impressive you thought better of asking him how tall he was and instead asked him what he’d like to order. 
“The largest iced americano you can legally make me,” he replied, his kind and playful tone not at all matching his lazy, almost sleepy gaze and seemingly disinterested expression. 
“Well all our gallon buckets are being put to use right now, so will this be okay?” You ask, laughing softly, grabbing at the stack of your largest cups. 
The smirk he carried earlier finds its way back to his lips, “I s’pose that’ll have to do.”
You nod to him and turn around, “How many shots would you like sir?” 
When he says five, your head whips around and you look at him a bit shocked. He quirks his eyebrows a bit at your obvious surprise, “F-five?” You ask dumbly, holding up your hand. 
He chuckles, and holds up his hand mimicking your motion. He spreads his fingers and you notice the tattooed lines wrapping around each digit, “Yea, five.”  
You turn around and begin running the espresso machine, two shots at a time, “You must be very tired sir,” you comment as you breeze around the barista’s area. 
“Are you normally this chatty?” He asks, intently watching your plush body move with practiced intent, pouring two of his five shots and starting another two. His question makes your face flush in embarrassment. 
“Sorry, sir,” you say hurriedly bowing to him before returning to making his drink. 
Your apology flusters him a bit, as he was only joking, one of his large hands comes up to scratch at the back of his neck awkwardly, “No, I don’t mind, I was just asking if, like, you were always this friendly?” 
“Oh, uhm,” you begin as you scoop a bit more ice for his drink, before putting the lid on and turning to him with the same bright smile you greeted him with when he walked through the door, “I try to be! Not to seem cheesy, but you never know what someone’s going through and sometimes all they need is a smile, y’know?” 
He hummed in response and reached out to grab his drink from you, giving you a good look at his tattooed fingers. You can’t help the small ‘wow’ that leaves your mouth as you ogle them. 
“I love your tattoos sir! They are super unique,” you compliment still holding onto the cup that he is trying to grab from you. When you realize you draw your hand back quickly and clear your throat, turning your attention to the cash register to ring him up. 
“My name is Issei, Matsukawa Issei,” he says, his simper small and sly, as he reaches into his back pocket for his wallet, “that way you don’t have to keep callin’ me sir, and thank you for your kind compliment...” he trails off the end of his sentence, wanting you to fill in the pause with your name, so you do. 
“I’m y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you! If I may, uh could I ask why do you have those red x’s on your two middle fingers?” 
“Hmm, y/n, a pretty name for a pretty girl,” he flirts as he grabs his card from the leather holder and hands it to you, his eyes catching yours with an intensity that you don’t remember seeing earlier, “and y’know what they say, ‘x marks the spot’.” 
Despite him not actually saying anything worthy of the heat creeping up your neck, it does anyways and you just nod, trying to convince your body not to get red. Matsukawa watches you with an almost predatory gaze. You were so damn cute. The panicked blush that settled across your skin and your flustered mannerisms had him quickly enamoured. He knew he’d be coming back. 
“Well that is, uhm, very clever,” you say softly as you hand him his card and receipt. Matsukawa doesn’t say anything, just pulls out a few bills before putting away his card and wallet. He moves the cash in between his index and middle finger, passing it to you, his lazy stare returning. 
“Oh no sir,” his eyebrow quirks and you backtrack, “I mean, Issei, that goes in the tip jar,” you scoot the sticker covered container to him and he shakes his head.
“No, I want you, in particular, to have this,” his tone was non-negotiable, but you try anyway. 
“I really couldn’t possibly take all of that, I made you our most basic drink, and,” he cuts you off. 
“Then how about you give me something else?” 
His low voice, met with that scandalous insinuation, had your eyes almost bugging out of your head as you look up at the tall man, but he just laughs, “I meant, why don’t you give me a
nickname? I think I’ll be coming in here more often and the title ‘sir’ just doesn’t sit right with me.” 
“You want to pay me for a nickname?” You eye him with confusion. 
“Well since tipping you for doing your job wasn’t a good enough reason, I s’pose so,” he leans in a bit, making your breath hitch, “Did you think I was trying to pay for something else, someone’s got a dirty mind hidden behind that cute face.”  
You sputter out a flurry of no’s and I'm sorry’s, only to be met with his snicker. Matsukawa places the money on the counter, and turns towards the door, coffee in hand. 
“Y/n-chan, when I come back, I expect a nickname,” he calls out over his shoulder. The bell above the door rings as he steps back into the wet darkness of the rainy, early evening. 
Over the next few days Matsukawa comes in around the same time, always hoping to see you, but instead is greeted by the cafe’s other employees. On day 5 of coming in and not seeing you, he took a little longer pulling his card out, “Uhm, excuse me, you wouldn’t happen to know when y/n is working next would you?”
He looked up to meet the barista’s eyes as he passed the card to him. The barista grinned slyly, “Oh, like, my girlfriend y/n? The one who works here?” Matsukawa tried to keep his gaze empty and lazy, but the surprise did hit him, “I’m Atsumu Miya,” the barista extended his hand outwards, still holding Matsukawa’s card in the other, “Are you a friend of hers?” 
Matsukawa meets the boy's grin, with a smirk of the same intensity, “Yea, something like that,” he takes the boy's slightly smaller hand in his own, giving it a firm shake. 
Just as Atsumu goes to say something, you walk out of the backroom, still tying your apron around your waist. When you see Matsukawa a full smile blooms across your face, “Mattsun!” you exclaim and his gaze falls from it’s intense staring match with Atsumu to you, softening a bit. 
“Ahh, is that the nickname you came up with, little one?” 
Your face is set ablaze by the ease with which he says the pet name, “Mhm, I- I thought it was very cute. I- Is that my new nickname,” you ask, surprising both Matsukawa and Atsumu. Atsumu’s grip tightens on Matsukawa’s hand and Matsukawa shoots him an amused look, before pulling his hand away. 
“Yea, I think it will be,” his eyes back on you, “think it fits you real well.” You beam up at him and his heart melts, but he can’t ignore the sharp dagger like glare Atsumu has on him, “Well, maybe I shouldn’t call you something like that, don’t think your boyfriend here would be too fond of it.” His voice is smug. 
Your eyebrows furrow, “My boyfriend?” 
Matsukawa works hard to hold back his laugh, “Well yea! Atsumu, was it?” He glances at the boy feigning ignorance before looking back to you, “just told me that he was your boyfriend and I’d hate to cause any problems.” 
You turn your head slowly towards the boy behind the counter with you, glaring, “I’m sorry he told you something so insane Mattsun,” you say through gritted teeth, before your voice becomes more matter-of-fact, “I’d never date someone with piss colored hair.” 
Matsukawa swears he sees Atsumu’s soul leave his body as the boy cries out dramatically, “Whose hair ‘re ya callin’ piss colored y/n?! Ya used to say ya loved my hair!” 
“No, ‘Tsumu, I said I loved ‘Samu’s hair. Maybe I’d like your hair more if you stopped lying to valued customers!” You exclaim before turning back to Issei, your lovely smile returning, “Are you all taken care of Mattsun? Is there anything else I can get for you today?”
“Well actually,” he pulls his phone from his back pocket and taps on the screen a few times before handing it to you, “I’d really love to have your number, that way I can see you outside of ordering coffees.” 
You reach out your tiny hands and grab the phone from his one large tattooed hand, “Oh sure! I’d love to see you outside of the cafe! Maybe, uh, maybe we could go out to lunch!” 
“Make it dinner and you’ve got yourself a deal, little one,” he replies, watching you quickly type in your number before handing the device back. 
Happy with the new contact information, he bids both you and Atsumu a farewell with a cocky smirk and a wink. You blush and Atsumu growls. 
The first dinner date came a week after exchanging numbers, he invited you to some swanky upscale place that needed reservations. It had dim lighting and you felt a little out of place. He chuckled at the way you nervously fidgeted with the end of your dress.  He ordered for the both of you and he paid. The whole time acting like a fine gentleman, but a dark hunger never left his eyes. 
The second dinner date went the same way, some fancy restaurant you didn’t know even existed; you in one of your only few dresses, him in fitted black dress pants, and black dress shirt that was unbuttoned enough to have your eyes wandering a little too much. You tried to play it off each time, but he caught you regardless. As he drove you home from the restaurant, he tried his luck and placed one of his large inked hands on the fat of your thigh. You jumped in the seat and he fought back a smirk. His roughened thumb, rubbing back and forth on your soft skin. You wondered why just a small touch like that had heat pooling between your legs. 
Things were progressing slowly and honestly Matsukawa was proud of his patience, but by date seven it was more than wearing thin. That night he passed the turn to your house, his hand on your thigh, the radio playing some Jay Park song real low. His grip on your thigh tightens a bit and you feel your whole body straighten up. You try to calm your breathing, but soon his hand is grabbing at the sensitive flesh on the inside of your thigh. 
“This okay?” his eyes never leaving the road. He sees you nod out of the corner of his eye and tsks, “Use your big girl words, I asked if this was okay.” 
“Yes s-sir,” you stammer out as he pushes your legs further apart. You sink down a bit in the seat to give him room between your plush legs. He smacks your inner thigh in warning and you inhale sharply, “Didn’t I tell you that ‘sir’ shit wasn’t for me, little one?” 
“You did,” your response was quiet. 
“So I guess you’ll have to think of something else to call me, huh? ‘Cause Mattsun isn’t gonna cut it in these situations.” 
In your head you’re mulling over his words. ‘These situations? He wants another nickname, something respectful, but not sir.’ Then his fingers press purposefully against you and the title leaves your lips almost involuntarily. “D-daddy,” you whimper and he smirks. 
“Ah, there she goes,” he murmurs as he continues to rub against the growing wetness of your panties, “what a good girl, you’re a quick learner huh?” 
You nod and this time he slaps at your pussy causing your hips to jump and a high pitched squeal to come tumbling out of your mouth, “Big girl words or Daddy’ll stop right now.�� 
Instantly you’re speaking, “Yes Daddy, I am.” 
Matsukawa chuckles, “Gonna have you trained for me in no time,” he remarks as he pulls into the parking garage of his apartment building.  
The walk from the car to his apartment seemed never ending, but now that you were both in nothing but underwear, and you were splayed out on your back in his king sized bed, you couldn’t help but to wonder how things moved so quickly. 
As Matsukawa’s large frame towered over your small one, he couldn’t help but smirk at the way your chest rose and fell heavily despite the fact that he hadn’t even touched you yet or how your pretty eyes stared up at him in some mix between fear and excitement. You looked so soft and vulnerable. 
While one tattooed hand held him up, the other came to grab your face as he harshly pressed his lips against yours. A quiet noise of surprise leaves your throat, but it is smothered by the ferocity of the kiss. His tongue quickly presses into your mouth and he hums as you try your best to keep up. Though your hands come up to grab at his shoulders, the rest of your body softens, sinking into the mattress beneath you, becoming almost limp with want. 
Matsukawa’s leg presses between your thighs and up against your once again dampening panties. The pressure making your hips jump, a small whimper leaving you. He pulls away, letting you catch your breath. His eyes dark as he stares down at you, taking in your swollen lips and slightly glazed over eyes. 
“I’ll be easy with you since this is our first time,” he begins, but you cut him off, your voice shaky and your gaze avoidant, “It is my first time.” 
His normally hooded eyes widen in surprise, before his shock turns into subtle enthusiasm, “Awe puppy is it really?” 
You nod, embarrassed. You can’t help but avoid his gaze as you try to explain yourself, “It’s just- I don’t ever- I don’t go out much and I don’t often find lots of people sexually appealing and it’s like I-” 
That all too familiar smirk lands on his lips again as he watches your face heat up and your words fumble on your tongue, it’s cute. You’re cute. He isn’t surprised that you’re a virgin, but it wasn’t something he thought you’d be so embarrassed about. 
Matsukawa cuts off your innocent rambling by bringing two fingers to your mouth, shoving them in while you’re speaking. While it was precious, he was tired of hearing you say useless things, especially when your mouth could be so much more useful. His tattooed fingers pressed down on your tongue and you immediately began sucking on them. You whimpered around them as he pressed his thigh against your core with a bit more pressure. 
From there Matsukawa moves a bit quicker, his lips pressing against your neck, his tongue running against your pulse point, before biting it roughly. You mewl and tears prick at your eyes, but he doesn’t stop, his large hands grab at your fleshy body, bruising it up easily. The further he moves down your body the less patient he becomes. Every noise or jerky movement you make only stokes the fire in him. You were bombarded by the pleasure, overwhelmed didn’t even begin to describe it. Every time you went to open your mouth and ask him to slow down, the words would get lost behind your pleasured moans.
“Y’know puppy, for someone who’s such an inexperienced, innocent little girl, you sure are eager.” You try to remove his fingers from your mouth to protest his words, but he just shoves them further down your throat, making you gag, “No need to try and deny anything, I can feel how wet you are. You’re soaking my thigh, even through your panties,” he gags you on his fingers again, you wrap both your hands around his big one and he smiles something sadistic, “S’cute,” he finally pulls the appendages from your mouth, spreading the drool across your cheeks messily, “So pathetic.” 
He knew it was a lot for you. He was sure of it, but he couldn’t bring himself to care as much as he should. To put it bluntly, his dick was hard, so much so that it was beginning to be a bit painful and the thought of sinking into your leaking virgin cunny only made the twitch in his cock more violent. So why would he slow down? Especially when he got to hear your cute noises and watch your eyes start to glaze over. He was going to break you, without hesitation.  
After making sure his teeth marks and handprints littered your plush body, he finally made it to your panties. Sitting back a bit he stared at your watering eyes and heaving chest, bringing his hands to the band of your plain black panties, “Puppy, I’ll buy you a new pair,” is all he said before ripping them away from your body. 
You gasp sharply at the feeling of the fabric cutting into you and then ripping away. Before you can reply to him or his actions, he is pressing a long finger into your wet hole. Instantly you are clamping down around him. The moan that leaves you has his eyebrow quirking, “Oh, are you really that sensitive puppy?” 
Honestly, you couldn’t answer if you wanted to as his finger slowly moves in and out of you. The new feeling has your chest tightening and you gasping for air, even more so as he slips a second finger in. Matsukawa licks his lips as he watches his fingers gather more and more of your wetness. He marvels at how it seems as though he isn’t stretching you at all, even as he scissors his fingers. You can’t help the way your back arches off the bed at the menstruations. When he slides the third finger in and presses his thumb to your clit, you all but scream. The pain and the pleasure blinding, too quickly. Already, you feel the tightening in your stomach, “D-Daddy I-,” your words get lost as your brain starts to swim. 
He feels you flutter around him as you speak, your eyes rolling back as his  fingers stay steady. He laughs at how quick you are, how sensitive, and despite the humiliation you cream all over the three digits he has pressed into you. Matsukawa is even nice enough to let your ride out your orgasm, legs already shaking as he keeps pressing into you. When he removes his fingers, he holds them up, letting the light catch the wetness, “Look at the mess you made puppy,” he says as he brings them to your lips, “Clean them off yea? It’s your filth anyways.” 
You nod and open your mouth, bringing your tongue to lap at each inked digit. He hums in satisfaction, “You’re so well behaved, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think that despite you being a virgin you’re a filthy slut anyways? Is that true?” You stop cleaning his fingers to answer, “N-no Daddy, I’m not dir-” A sharp slap comes to the outside of your thigh and you cry out in surprise, “I didn’t say to stop, did I?” You shake your head no and he smiles, shoving all three fingers into your mouth, “See, I bet you thought about me treating you like this after every single date.”
He wanted to keep teasing you, but he didn’t have it in him, not when you were being so damn good for him, “It’s okay if you did puppy, cause I’m gonna fuck you just how I know you want it. Don’t worry I’ll try and be nice with ya,” he pulls his fingers from your mouth and shoves them back into your sensitive cunt, “I know you can barely take these and I’m a lot bigger than this.” 
Your eyes widen at his words, you were able to focus on the pleasure enough with three fingers for it to feel good, but you can’t imagine how anything more than that will feel. It’s already too hard to think and when he removes his boxers and grabs your fat thighs in his big hands, spreading them apart, you begin to feel dizzy. 
Matsukawa watches the worry wash over your features and stops his movements. Taking one hand from your thigh to bring it to your face. His eyes a bit softer as he makes you look at him, “D’you still want this?” 
You hesitate and then both hands are on your face, cupping it gently, “Need you to tell Daddy you still want this before I continue. We don’t have to do this tonight puppy,” you look at him with big wide eyes, surprised by his demeanor change, “I can fuck you dumb some other night, if you aren’t ready.” 
His words catch you off guard and make your breath hitch, he just chuckles, his lazy eyes never leaving yours. Despite being scared, the heat of his body is keeping your warm and you can almost feel the tip of his dick touching your aching cunt, “Daddy, I wanna…” 
“What do you wanna do, puppy?” he asks amused. 
“I wanna,” you try and look away but his presence is all enveloping and you can already feel yourself getting more turned on, “I wanna be fucked by you.” You whisper nervously. 
“Good girl,” Matsukawa praises, his hands leaving your face to trail down your body again this time a bit slower, a little more self control regained. 
His hands end at the underneath of your thighs as he pushes them back, “I’m going to fuck you absolutely stupid and I’m sorry if it hurts a bit at first, but I know you’ll be good and take it all for me, right?” 
You go to nod, but catch yourself, “Yes Daddy,” you huff softly, “I’ll be good, I-I’ll take it.” 
He doesn’t reply, instead just brings one of your legs to wrap loosely around his waist while he lines himself up. Tapping the tip of his dick against your clit, watching your hips jump a bit each time, slowly he drags it through your glistening folds, stopping at your barely stretched hole. Slowly he pushes against you, just to watch you pant for him, but when you look at him over the swell of your breasts, his want to tease fades and he finally gives in. The tip pushes into you with an almost audible pop, and instantly Matsukawa hisses. 
“You’re so damn tight, think I might break this little pussy of yours.” You cry out as he continues to ease into you. His pace is slow and his cock is never ending. Tears stream down your face as your hands grab at the bed sheets and then move to claw at his back as he folds himself over you and pushes your thigh back further.
“Please, please,” you sputter through your tears, and he chuckles. 
“Please what puppy? Daddy is only half way in.” 
This realization makes you sob harder. How could he possibly only be half way in when you already felt so damn full. 
“Aww puppy, are you really crying?” His voice mocking, hooded eyes alight with amusement, “Are you really crying for Daddy’s cock… It’s okay puppy, I know you can handle it.” The whole time he speaks, the drag of his cock against your tight walls makes your eyes screw shut and your breath labored. 
“Just listen to yourself, puppy, you’re panting like a bitch in heat and I haven’t even been able to begin fucking your properly.” 
In reality he knows it hurts, he knows it’s going to hurt quite a bit before the pleasure hits, but he can’t help the words he says, nor does he really want to because he likes the slight quiver in your bottom lip when he says degrading things to you and he really likes the way you unknowingly tighten around him each time. 
When Matsukawa is finally fully sheathed inside of you, you’re barely conscious to know it. His hand tapping firmly against your tear and drool stained cheek is what brings you back to reality. 
“Daddy’s fully inside, puppy,” he says, the lilt in his voice playful as he watches you struggle to focus your eyes. Really you don’t know if you’re blinded by the pain or the pleasure. You can feel him all the way in your throat, his cock pressed snuggly against your cervix. Without him even moving you feel as though you’re going to cum. It’s all you can do to keep yourself in your right headspace, but as he slowly pulls out, you lose your grip on reality. 
He watches it happen eagerly, watches your eyes finally glaze over, the permanent glassy sheen in them. Your jaw falls open, slack, your tongue threatening to lull out. Matsukawa has fucked lots of people, girls, guys, everyone alike, no preference and you definitely weren’t the first virgin in his book of fucks, but already you were the best. Unlike any other he’d ever seen, the way your back arched as he fucked back into you slowly, the way your body shuddered as he picked up speed, you laid there pliantly for him as he worked up to genuinely ravaging your body. 
Begging him over and over again not to stop, to fill you up, all your words slurred, the tears falling freely from your eyes as you screamed for your Daddy. He was losing it, genuinely, you were all he could think about. The rock of your soft, squishy body, your sweet voice as you cried out for him, the way your cunt took all of him, each orgasm milking him of everything he had. 
“Gonna squirt on my cock again, puppy? Gonna wet my dick some more? Fuckin’ disgusting,” he grunted as you came undone for the umpteenth time. 
“Daddy’s s’good, s’deep Daddy,” you whimpered as you covered your thighs, his abdomen, and the bed in your arousal, “Can’t stop-,” you huffed, a broken moan leaving your lips, “cumming Daddy. Please don’t stop, ts’too much but p-please don’t stop.” 
He knew you weren’t really aware of what you were saying, you had long ago forgotten the words leaving your mouth, but that just meant that you meant them even more. You were so drunk on his cock, that you were honest. He knew you meant it the most when you begged him to stuff you full of his cum. Matsukawa knew because even when he told you no, you kept begging for it, until you started crying all over again, you begged for it. 
“Daddy, please, please” you warbled, “Want you to cum in me Daddy!” 
He opened his mouth to grunt out a no, but you cut him off, “I’ve been a good puppy, I can take it Daddy, won’t waste any of it Daddy, please please plea-” 
Matsukawa shoved his fingers down your throat to get you to stop, “Shut the fuck up and quit begging. You’re such an insatiable little whore. Do you really need me to cream in these pretty walls of yours so badly?” 
You nod fervently, softly choking on his fingers, “You’re so eager for Daddy to fuck you full, is that it puppy? You want Daddy to breed your nasty little cunt? Will that shut you up?” 
You gargle around his fingers and the spit spilling from your mouth trying to yes and despite himself Matsukawa laughs, pulling his hand from your mouth and bringing it to help fold you down. He pushes your legs as far back as he can, your breath catching in your throat at the new angle. Issei is so deep that your body involuntarily tries to pull away from him as he batters against your cervix, fresh tears falling from your eyes as his pace increases, his cock so deep your eyes cross. 
“Just to think an hour ago you were an innocent little girl and now you’re nothing more than a dumb, cock hungry slut, you’re so pitiful begging for my cum, but I’ll give it too ya. You’ve been a good puppy for me, so I’ll reward ya.” 
And he does, he presses his hips flat against your plush ass as he releases into your spent cunny. His cock twitches inside of you as he throws his head back in pleasure. The feeling of warmth flooding makes you cum one last time, weak and painful. 
When Matsukawa comes down, he slowly pulls his softening cock from your pulsing cunt. You’re too tired and spent to do anything other than whimper at the emptiness. He watches happily as his cum runs down your folds. He gently places your legs back down on the bed, staring at your limp body. 
He climbs over you and kisses you deeply. You try your best to return it, but find yourself too tired to even do that. A soft dopey smile graces your fucked out face and it makes Mattsun smirk. 
“You did good for your first time puppy, made Daddy real proud. Such a good girl for me,” he says patting your head softly. He goes to get up, but feels you weakly grabbing at him, bottom lip jutted out and quivering, tears already prickling at the corners of your eyes. 
“Daddy please don’t leave,” you whimper and his heart melts. 
You were gonna be the death of him for sure. “M’not goin’ anywhere puppy, don’t worry.” He wasn’t one to take care of the people he slept with, but you had been a little different from the start anyways, so there was no surprise that he cuddled up with you, pulling your small plush body into his tall, muscular one. 
You were his puppy after all, not just a good fuck… But you were definitely that too.
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fandom-puff · 4 years
Sandor Clegane Fluff Alphabet
Requested by: @shyloudpanda
Gif creds to owner
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Literally anything and everything. The slightest thing, he thinks is beautiful.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Although the thought of fatherhood frightens him (he just doesn’t think he’d make a good dad) the idea of you pregnant with his baby, cradling a newborn, teaching a little toddler to walk... it makes his heart swell
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He loves spooning you. He envelopes your body perfectly, cuddling close to you with his arms around your middle. Good luck trying to wriggle away in the middle of the night if you get too hot, need the bathroom etc because he is not letting go
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Sandor doesn’t do ‘dates’. Even when you were courting, he didn’t do dates (I don’t think they really exist in Westeros lolz) but sometimes you’ll sit with some wine, just talking. And it’s peaceful and calm and 🥺🥺
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Little one 🥺🥺
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
When you told Ser Trant to ‘fuck off before I shove your own sword up your arse’. Sandor had to bite back his laughter as you Trant turned an ugly shade of puce
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Very, very gentle. He’s so afraid of hurting you that more often than not, he treats you like a glass ornament
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
You very rarely do it in public; he’d much rather you p it your arm into the crook of his elbow
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were just another ditzy maid at first, but boyyy was he wrong (see F)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Sandor Clegane is a very jealous man. He WILL throw hands and draw swords if someone is making you uncomfortable, and he is not afraid to get caught in an alcove with you
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
It was you who initiated the first kiss; he was insisting that you didn’t want a monster like him, but you rolled your eyes and just pressed your lips to his.
He normally takes your lead with kisses, going by how gentle or how passionate you want it
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Him- after the first kiss. He was so overwhelmed with emotion that it just blurted out
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Your wedding day. The way you looked up at him, swamped in the cloak of his house, your hair braided back from your face had his heart racing
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
No. You don’t want it, he doesn’t see the point in ‘useless shit that you don’t really want’. You make do with what you have, and that’s good enough for you both
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
White. It’s the colour of your simple linen night clothes, and you look like some sort of angel in the dead of night with your hair all haloed on the pillow, face relaxed...
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Love, darling, woman, wife
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
What is considered non-modern in Westeros??
He likes old stone and wood carvings. Even though he lives a relatively simple life, he does find beauty in the intricate carvings you adorn your home with
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Ride. There’s nothing like a horse ride through the wind and rain, into the forest. It’s soothing to just listen to the rain, but be protected by the canopy of leaves. Bonus points if you’re with him
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
He represses it deep down. It takes a lot to make Sandor break, and sometimes he just needs a good cry into your chest
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He’s a man of few words, so it’s usually up to you to hold the conversation. He doesn’t mind, and occasionally inputs a remark that has you grinning
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Being with you; just laying in bed, staring at the ceiling...
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You. You’re the only thing in his life that’s pure and good.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
It’s a quiet affair; if you’re still in kings landing, it’ll be in the sept of Baelor; if you’re northern, it’ll be under a weirwood of the old gods
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
You don’t have a song. He does like watching you dancing to lively fiddle music, occasionally he’ll join you in a tavern or inn
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Always. He wants you as his wife and no one else.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
He adores his mean-tempered horse, Stranger. Despite Stranger’s aggression, he has gained trust for you, and is as gentle to you as he is to his master
I feel like Sandor would like a few big dogs, especially if you live in a little cottage in the middle of nowhere
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess
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bored-mumma · 3 years
Thor Odinson - Fluff alphabet
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A = Attractive. What do they find attractive about the other?
Thor found your bravery unbelievably attractive. It would never matter who you were up against, you always gave it your all and never ever backed down. He admired that about you. 
B = Baby. Do they want a family? Why/Why not?
He wouldn’t mind children. His entire life he had always yo-yo’d between wanting them or not but he believes now he’s finally made the decision to have them. Having a son or daughter to carry on the family name and to pass on his wisdom, it sounds like a dream.
C = Cuddle. How do they cuddle?
His arm beneath your head, you using it as a pillow. You would cuddle into his side as he uses his other hand to stroke shapes onto your skin. 
D = Dates. What are dates with them like?
Very, very rare. Thor wasn’t particularly keen on actual dates. You would more just spend your evenings together watching the telly or going for walks. Its very simple but rather intimate moments, although not technically dates.
E = Everything. You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)
You are my reason to smile.
F = Feelings. When did they know they were falling in love?
It took Thor a little while to realise his feelings for you. He would love to admit it was love at first sight but it wasn’t. He always thought you were very good looking, very kind, very intelligent. But it did take Thor nearly a year to realise that he doesn’t just like spending time with you because you’re a good friend of his. He realised he could never stop thinking about you and when you said someone had asked you for a drink, a wave of jealousy went through him - Making him finally realise his love for you.
G = Gentle. Are they gentle? If so, how?
He’s always gentle with you. He knows his strength and will always be careful. Not just physically though but emotionally or verbally too. Even if Thor is extremely angry or upset, he’ll never yell at you. He’ll never speak harshly or say things he may regret. He’s a gentle giant.
H = Holding Hands. How do they like to hold hands?
Gently with your fingers intertwined. 
I = Impression. First impression/s?
He didn’t really notice you much. You were just another Stark employee hired to help the Avengers as much as possible. It wasn’t until the both of you had to work pretty closely for a mission that Thor really started to notice you.
J- Joker. Are they into pulling pranks?
Not particularly. He’ll joke around with you and have fun but actual pranks he’s not too keen. Probably a side effect of growing up with Loki as a brother.
K = Kiss. How do they kiss?
He usually gently holds your chin in his large hands, lifting your face to look at him. He’ll start off gently dragging his lips against yours but will quickly turn more needy.
L = Love. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
You did. You were always the more forward one in this relationship and had no problem admitting you were utterly in love with the God. At first, Thor was taken back at your vocalised love but it only took a moment for him to return it
M = Memory. What’s their favourite memory together?
When he brought you to Asgard to meet his family - more importantly, to meet his mother. He would never admit it but he was desperate for her approval. Which of course, she gave. Watching you and his mother happily chatting, speaking of your mutual admiration of Thor and of each other, made his heart swell with pride. 
N = Nickel. Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?
Not so much on Earth as he doesn’t have much money. But when you go to Asgard? oh my god. Everyday is a new outfit for you to wear with matching accessories and shoes. Everyday is a new bath scent for you. Everyday he’ll bring you books, flowers, food, art, jewels. You always try to return the favour but Thor is definitely the God of gift giving.
O = Orange. What colour reminds them of their other half?
Red. His signature colour that you started to wear a lot when you began dating seriously. Thor will always buy you some red roses or red earrings because the view of you wearing his colours is one he’ll dream of with a smile for the rest of his life.
P = Petnames. What petnames do they use?
My dear or my Darling are the most common.
Q = Quaint. What is their favourite non-modern thing?
Horse riding. It’s a very normal thing to do on Asgard  but on Midguard its a little less modern. 
R = Rainy Day
Thor loves the rain! He bought an extra large umbrella to hold for you both when you go for a rainy day walk. He finds them so peaceful and enjoys your company.
S = Sad. How do they cheer themselves/others up?
His sadness tends to turn into anger. When that happens he’ll throw himself into battles and take it out on anyone on the opposite side. You will always try to help him, to get him to talk. But sometimes you just need to allow him to get on with it in the way he deems fit.
T = Talking. What do they like to talk about?
He loves to learn about you and your culture. Not just that but loves just hearing about you in general. Every evening he’ll ask how your day was and unlike most people, he’s honestly interested in what you want to say.
U = Unencumbered. What helps them relax?
Thor adores you playing with his hair. He’ll sit on the floor with you sat on the chair behind him and rest his head on your thighs. Dragging your nails across his scalp, you’ll style, plait and play with it as it relaxes you too.
V = Vaunt. What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
His history. There is nothing he loves more than telling people tales of the glorious battles he’s fought or of the amazing planets he’s visited. Tales you will never get tired of hearing.
W = Wedding. When, how, where do they propose?
He had planned the perfect proposal. He took Clint with him to find a ring - him being the only Avenger with a long, successful marriage. He planned a romantic day of your favourite things only to return home with your living room to be filled with your favourite flowers. That is when he would get down on one knee.
You however had other plans. Three days before the amazing day Thor had planned, you two were cuddling in bed when you looked up at him, saw the love in his eyes and decided right then and there to say. “I think we should get married.” Thors eyes widened as he grinned, a sign that you two were on the same page. “Will you marry me, Thor?”
X = Xylophone. What’s their song?
Falling - Harry Styles. 
Not that Thor will admit to many people he actually really adores that song.
Y = You. You are the ___ to my ___ (e.g. the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
You are the thunder to my lightening.
Z = Zebra. If they wanted a pet, what would they get?
Thor might want a cat but he really doesn’t care much. If you want one, go for it but he’ll never ask for one.
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degusart · 9 months
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All of the BFFs, plus or minus one or two. Most of our closest allies from @viridiandruid's 3.5 campaign. The horrors are real, but we will beat them with the power of friendship.
[characer names credits and other info under the cut]
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A) ale! my PC and the loml. Massuraman Binder
B) Devin, ale can summon him through their armor as an ally.
C)Cpt. James Hawkins. played by @theboombardbox, spellsword/barbarian
D) Sash played by @halfandhalfling our wich/werewolf bestie
E) Fig! Sash's familear
F) Revazi, once played by @werepaladin
G) Orsa, Kiri's animal companion
H) Chosen, in a human-only setting she's an elf child!
I) Kiri, @recoveringrevenant's PC, a Spirit Shaman
J) Beren, a strange teenager our party was charged with keeping safe, then promptly lost (we're working on it)
K) Cloves, the horse we bought in session two or three, that was then awakened by a random druid. He was one of the oldest members of the BFFs until... recently...
L) Erina, @recoveringrevenant 's retired PC, she lets us crash at her place most nights, and she was a founding member of the BFFs, so even though she's not adventuring with us anymore she's still one of us
M) Agamemnon, our ship's AI, he's an orb that likes to dress up as a wizard :>
N) Ajatus, a guy we threatened to get to help us, but somehow became fully one of the crew. also, we need him to drive the boat, so, a BFF it is
O) Father Lagi, a priest whose church collapsed into a skink hole after we visited it. We offered him a job in recompense, though by some of the conversations we've had, he's pitty chill in general. Also he embezzled like all of the church's coffers, so that's funny
P) Dahlver-Nar, one of the many souls that take up residence inside of ale's body. Though he's a bit more permanent. He helps out and gives advice alongside some skick-ass powers.
Q) Bailey Wick, a once stow-away, now rogue-for-hire she has the sticky fingers our party lacks. also Sash's main ship
R) Tansu, Revazi's twin sister. Our most recent true member of the BFFs, she's.... gone through it
S) Cousin Chet! the half-dragon half-aboloeth binder whos just a lil freak <3
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hello there! Your writing is always so good! May I ask for Kaido NSFW alphabet, please?
Kaido NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
quiet, he’ll lay on his back and let you curl into his side. if you talk he’ll answer with grunts or hums, but he’s pretty dazed after sex. usually he tunes everything out and just runs his thumb up and down your arm until he falls asleep. he’s not for aftercare so good luck
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on his partner probably their ass/boobs no matter what size (whatever gender you are) but he also likes their stomach, any size 
on him it’s his dick 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
lots of it, thick, kinda bitter but not enough for you to gag.
he likes cumming on your face/boobs/ass/stomach, he’s not that big a fan of cumming inside you actually- he prefers to dirty you with it instead (if he cums on your boobs/pecs/chest he licks it off himself)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he doesn’t have secrets- he wants you to masturbate in front of him and the calamities/whole crew
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
experienced, I mean a lot of people wanna ride that x_x
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anything where he can see your ass/boobs/chest and grope it or see it bounce. or anything with him on top and he can see and/or feel how big he is overall compared to you- he has a size kink
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he doesn’t groom so its’s kind of matted, it’s a bit darker than his other hair and he has a pretty thick happy trail
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
ehhh- he- yeahh... no, purely fucking
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I want to say he’s busy but I’m not actually sure, at least 1-2 times a day (that's jerking off if you’re not there)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
size, begging, nipple play giving and recieving ;)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
against the wall basically anywhere or bending you over the table (also almost anywhere)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
S/O showing skin, S/O grabbing onto him for whatever reason, moans, seeing someone else check his S/O out like if one of the calamities makes a comment on your figure or what skills you probably have in bed, a good victory (bloody violent big)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
don’t tie him up, no degrading him, nothing against your will
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
definitely prefers receiving- whole lot of face fucking and dirty talk, he’ll be standing up and have both hands on the back of your head, slightly hunching over as he thrusts into your mouth, when he cums he practically folds in half and your head is pressed between his lower torso and thighs
he also likes you sucking him off when he’s laying down, when he cums like that your head ends up getting squeezed between his thighs
omg and he likes riding your face, rimming but also sticking his dick in your mouth and thrusting in. he almost suffocates you because he’ss focused on his own pleasure- you might have to pinch him to remidn him to let you have air 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and hard- he either fucks you in one position or he switches it up everything 2 minutes covering the whwole room or wwherever you are 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
yes and yes
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes definitely, location more so but he’ll try kinks anytime- but when he hears the name he knows if he likes it or not and will say yes or no, if he says no there’s nothing you can do to change his mind
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can last 15-20 minutes but he can go 7-9 rounds (10 when he’s particularly horny or you’re in touble, or he’s mad)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i don’t knoww if these are considered toys but sx swings, leather bindings, that hard bdsm stuff, he has that but he doesn’t use it often because he doesn’t care, forgets about it, and doesn’t need it for either of you. he���ll buy a fuck machine if it’s something you like and he does have an anal plug for you, oh and one of those ball gags, and those hardcore chokers
he has this one choker that has beats pirates jolly roger on it and he has you wear that, then shows it off to the crew by taking you doggystyle on the table in front of them while they cheer
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn’t tease I strongly suggest not teasing him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
ehhhh, had to think for this one but it’s motly r e a l l y loud grunts and dirty talk, about a half mile away is when you can’t hear him
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s had you masturbate in front of a fallen foe, a marine too :D and he’ll have you do it again when he feels like it- sometimes he fucks you in front of them too. or or or, has you tease them (like they’ll get horny when their limbs are misisng)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
h u g e, bigger than a horse. I can’t even think of inches because I feel like that would be underestimated, but roughly the size of a grown man’s thigh, in length and width but could even be bigger than that 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
about 3-7 minutes
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fandomracket · 4 years
SPOILERS Tales from the SMP | The Wild West
Warning: Cursing
Very few deaths this one. The blood lust have eased up a bit. Also, the accents/voices in this one. Oooooh boi. This is the same time as the Masquerade. So it's in the past of the Dream SMP.
Ok. Characters. Are:
Of course, our Karl. Twitch.tv/karljacobs is his full name. We got a shitton to talk about this man's character and such. I will save it for maybe the end bit.
John John (Ranboo) is a bartender. Has fingers?. Suspiciously looks like a minor that just works at a saloon and only sells beere. Hands a lot of drinks. He dies by the hands of Mason. I don't know the reason why but he did. The only one to die in the "right side." He believes the devil are usually the reason of "strange" occurrences. Held a stack of milk, pretty sure.
There's a priest Reveren? I think was the name that died and was supposed to come back in 3 days.
Percy (Tubbo) is a banker. If he had a last name, I didn't get it. Has a G R E A T S H O T. Also, had a banking bee that died because of Michael's fireworks. Plays go fish while in the middle of a blackjack match. Likes snap and to match the pictures. John owes him a lot. (They gave that skin to someone that is likely the youngest in that group)
Sheriff Sherman Thompson (Technoblade) is a Sheriff that has about a week before retirement. He is the sheriff and he saw it. Has a G R E A T S H O T. Forgets the number five. The only one who initially owns a gun. Has one Horse power.
Crops (Corpse Husband) is a cannibal prisoner. Ate the priest and the orphan. Ate the doctor last week. Deep voice. Didn't understand the terms of the duel. He was just hungry.
Ron Ronson, son of Ron, obviously son of his dad, Ron Ronson, who yet again is the son of Ron Ronson. But he is just called Michael. (Fundy ffs) Mails people things of people. Either he stutters a lot or he is some robot or both or there was a weird transition in the middle (maybe due to the injury or a nervousness thing). Eats Japanese lanterns and has a frozen (not the cold type) chicken wife. He killed it.
William Williamson (BadBoyHalo) offers muffins. Has nice pants. Has a G R E A T S H O T when drunk. You touch anything you buy it. Drinks a lot.
THE bullies BANDITS. (I love this) Democrat haters. They were never at all jailed despite their crimes and only Crops was and that's because he is a cannibal. Although the group also seem to be cannibals.
Jack Kanoff (Quackity) is the leader? of the bandits. Weak to Thorns. A "good guy" Cannibal. Killed by the hand of Crops.
Mason (Sapnap) is Jack's right hand man/best friend. Muted. Killed by Karl. He didn't have much info.
Just Connor/Flint Michigan (Connoreatspants) Fastest Thief alive. Why is he wearing a onesie in a west side town under what seems to be an extremely hot climate. Disappears. Killed by Sheriff Sherman.
Other comments:
The map looked so awesome. They never visited the inn tho.
Also that song from and the beginning was so catchy and I literally listened to it earlier just before the stream started. It's by derivakat on youtube and the songs she made are so catchy.
Billiam used to be from this this town. He took most of the town's money.
Who let the cows out? Who who who who who?
Percy volunteered but was not really chosen for the duel. So did, Michael but Michael is... ehhh. I mean we already know whyy he wasn't fit for that.
Why John tho? That was just unclear to me. Is it so Karl can do his revenge thing? The man was shaking when they chose him.
I think Michael would've been hilarious choice to send in to the duel. But I chose Percy because he already volunteered.
Bandit Language includes LMAO, LOL, LMFAO, XD, :P, :3, OwO, and UwU
Congrats for Qucakity not dying first. He died second. New record
Jack, Crops, and Karl love triangle?
Milk drinking contest.. Also just because of the milk thing and how they both have similar jobs and actor, I think Butler and John John could be related. Billiam could have took Butler from John or smth like that.
Karl declares he's the new sheriff in town then suddenly walks away saying he wasn't even from there. I mean Yeh. But the confusion of the townspeople... it was funny to say the least. They just got dragged into a weird fight by someone they do not even know. That gives me an idea.
John was the first to meet Karl and defended him from the Sheriff due to being indebted to Karl saving him from the bandits early on. But Karl chooses John to fight the last bandit despite being "incapable" and was led to his death. I feel like there is some type of manipulation here tbh or I might just be trying to over analyze it.
Ok now about the Inbetween. It is really beautiful. And the multiple Karls. It makes sense! Since it is his safe haven on time travels and apparently he will time travel a lot more. The Inbetween has no time or dimension and I can see why there were many Karls.
Also Don't Stray Off the Path ? That has 87 pages. What's that about?
Good enough ending, lets go! I mean John John died but Lets Go!
I really love how it is a plot-following chaos. Yeh there might be an outline of what should happen but other than that it's chaos compared to the main lore where it would be a more "organized chaos."
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iliumheightnights · 4 years
Peter Pevensie Fluff ABC’s (Male Reader)
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Peter Pevensie x Male Reader
For my dear friend @itslouielou​ ...
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) - Your looks. I wish I could say Peter wouldn’t care about your looks, and he doesn’t, but at the same time he thinks you’re so hot and that’s what he finds the most attractive. At least at first.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) - Yes he does. Growing up he had been raised that’s what he was SUPPOSED to achieve with his life but that all changed when he fell in love with you, a man. That was DEFINITELY not how it was supposed to go. But that didn’t matter to Peter, he loved you and he still wanted a family...luckily Aslan helped out there.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) - He’s the big spoon! He likes to hold you close to him as tight as he can. Sometimes you have to tell him to ease up a bit because he just gets really clingy.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?) - In Narnia, they are the most incredible and outgoing dates. He’ll throw large galas and parties to show you how much he loves you. Sometimes you’ll go on amazing adventures throughout Narnia. Back in England it’s a whole other story. Two men going on dates in public in his time? Good luck with that. You’re lucky if he brushes his hand with yours every so often. But that doesn’t mean he won’t take you on dates, they’re just in secret. The occasional picnic with Lucy who eventually runs off to ‘explore’ something. The late night drive through the country roads. Anything he can do to take you out.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)) - “You’re my king M/n.” He says it with so much love and adoration, but you can’t help but say a joke. “Of course I am. I had a throne right besides you.” He’d only playfully roll his eyes.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) - It would have been during his time in Narnia. He would have had a feeling and know that he possibly liked you before that in England but...two boys in love? That wasn’t possible...was it? But in Narnia, there he was king and no one would judge him for who he loved. So he acted on his feelings.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) - Peter is gentle...or at least he tries to be. Peter’s a teenage boy and still trying to figure out just how relationships work. When he gets to his more mature age and grows into his crown he knows exactly how to treat you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) - In Narnia he will hold hands with you all the time, Everyone knows just how important it is to both of you to hold each other’s hands. In England it’s a whole other story. Hand holding practically became none existent besides when you were alone together. However sometimes the two of you held pinkies if it was possible.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) - The first time Peter ever met you it was in England. More than likely you had met in school and had become friends. Honestly I could see Peter as a little kid Bullying you in school but the two of you eventually became friends.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?) - Peter is a jealous boy. The moment he sees someone talking with you, no matter their intentions, he’s immediately by your side intimidating them into leaving.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) - Honestly you were probably the one to initiate the first kiss. Peter would honestly be kind of sloppy at kissing at first until a bit more into your relationship. Then his kisses become filled with passion and love.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?) - Fun fact. You both do. You literally would say it at the same time and laugh at it.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?) - It was a memory back in Narnia. Some Noble at insulted Peter and you had just gone OFF on the noble, bringing shame and dishonor to him.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?) - In Narnia Peter would spoil you with so many things. From the finest clothes to the most elegant jewels, even if you didn’t want them. “Only the best for my boyfriend.” He would always say. In England it would be a bit different, he would no longer have the means to get you fancy clothes and elegant jewelry but hey, he’s still gonna give you small gifts. Such as food, home made things he made (With Lucy’s help of course), and some things for your hobbies.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?) - Red. Red reminds him of Narnia, which reminds him of all the special time he got to spend with you.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?) - My King, My Prince, Love, your majesty.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?) - horseback riding or fencing. It reminds him of his time in Narnia and what he missed.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) - Spending time with you, probably listening to the radio. Honestly anything that saves him from boredom.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?) - Peter likes to just let it out. He was raised in the belief that ‘boys and men don’t cry.’ but you showed him it was alright to cry. However when he does let it out, he likes to be around you for comfort. Normally he’s better after a good crying session.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) - He likes to reminisce about your time in Narnia. “Do you remember when-” Yeah it’s a lot of that.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) - Peter loves taking a nice warm bubble bath to relax, sometimes even you join him.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) - Peter is proud of his brawns. He has brains of course, but his brawns are what he’s really proud of. He’ll flex his muscles off every now and then and will try to show off how strong he is. But hey that’s good to you.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) - Remember you both spent a long time in Narnia...that’s where it happened. He proposed to you during the golden age of Narnia when the Pevensies ruled, right there on the terrace of Cair Paravel. Of course you accepted, you’d be crazy not too.
It was only a couple days after that the actual ceremony took place and you became Peter’s husband. But then you returned to England you both wondered...were you still married? You both decided yes.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) - Okay but like...hear me out. “I can’t wait to be king” from lion king. That is perfect for him.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?) - Well...he did haha. If he has to do it again in England he will.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) - A lion! No, but well maybe. If anything he’d totally get a horse.
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