#he has a dog named Rex and a cat named Beauty and then he also stole a war horse as well
legendoflozer · 6 months
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Been thinking about Wars having a cottage in the woods
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awholelotofladybug · 2 months
(stammering au) Say Dog owners, why don't you tell us more about your precious pooches?
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"Well, Buddy is a yellow lab. He's s-s-s-seventeen inches at the shoulder with a short coat, and technically still a puppy. My mom got him for me as a g-g-g-gift when a friend of hers had a litter of puppies. He's very… He's very playful. His favorite game is Fetch. I play it with him almost every day. He's a lot of responsibility, but he's absolutely w-w-w-worth it."
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"My Sophie is a white standard poodle. She's the sweetest thing, very cuddly. She's about twenty-three and a half inches at the shoulder, and we got her a modified continental cut so she looks pretty. Sophie also loves to go swimming and play in puddles. She can get muddy once in a while, I don't mind. I love making my Sophie Baby look all clean and pretty."
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"Rex is a European Doberman. He's loyal, intelligent, and tough as nails. My parents got him for me as a gift. He's got a short coat and is twenty-eight inches at the shoulder. Before we adopted him, someone cropped his ears and docked his tail. That's illegal in my country, but whoever did it to him is bound to be dealt with eventually. Rex LOVES to roughhouse. It's exhausting, but whatever makes my Champion happy."
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"My little Mitsi is a golden teacup Pomeranian. I found her at the animal shelter and simply had to have her. She's a tiny little thing, about eight and a half inches tall, but that only makes us love her more. She loves playing with her squeaky toys and will play tug-of-war with Rex and one of his rope toys. I almost named her "Fluffy" because of her coat, but "Fluffy" is more of a cat name, so I named her after my great aunt."
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I have a Shiba Inu named Gigi. She's around sixteen inches at the shoulder, has a beautiful, golden goat, and the cutest curly tail. Giselle and I picked her up about a year ago when she was just a little puppy. She's such a precious little dog."
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"My mom got Luka and me a red wiener dog named Lola. She's adorable. Smart too. She already knows "roll over," "sit up," "shake," and "play dead." She's only nine inches at the shoulder, so she's pretty low to the ground, but she has more love than a truckload of dogs. Sometimes she sneaks into one of our rooms and crawls into bed with us to snuggle. Such an awesome little dog."
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"My mother recently gifted me with a Corgi named Toby. He's twelve inches at the shoulder and has a soft red and white coat. I love him, honestly. He's a friendly little guy. It's fun to watch him scamper around, and play with his chew toys. I've never had a pet before, so it's a new experience for me but Toby seems to like me enough. I'm sure it'll work out, as long as I give him food, water, and lots of love."
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"I have a yellow Pomeranian named Winston. He's eleven inches tall. I found him at the animal shelter two years ago when he was just a little pup. We've been inseparable ever since. He especially enjoys playing catch, usually with tennis balls or rubber squeaky toys."
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"My family recently adopted a French Bulldog named Lulu. She is the sweetest little thing. She's 13 months old, fawn-pied colored, and is about 18 inches tall at the head. Most Frenchies have breathing problems, but not my Lulu. Her snout is just big enough that she can breathe easily. And she is SUCH a loving dog. She adores people, cats, and other dogs. I can't tell you how many times she's jumped up on me to greet me."
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nightingale2004 · 9 days
Victorious next gen: Beck x Jade vers.
Damien Nolan Oliver West
Faceclaim: Zack Nelson
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Damien is the son of famous award winning actor Beck Oliver and the famous director, screenwriter, and filmmaker Jade West
Damien also has an older sister in college named Janessa
When Jade and Oliver first graduated from Hollywood arts, they were married a few years shortly after that, along with getting into their careers.
But when Janessa and Damien were kids, they officially filed for divorce, and Beck gained custody over the kids
Damiens's older sister attends college to become a doctor while Damien is in Hollywood arts
Damien has a love for poetry, acting, film, photography, and creative writing
Damien creates the most strange yet beautiful stories and poems, but he never shows it to anyone but his mom or sister
Despite living with his dad, he visits his mom a lot and is pretty much the only one (other than Tori and Beck) to help calm her down when she's spiraling
Loves both his parents but hates seeing them fight
He has a black pitbull dog named Buster that his parents gave him for his 10th birthday
Huge dog person
Likes to take charge....A LOT
He mostly takes after his dad, but his dark side shows a lot which comes straight from his mother
Loves watching his mother's movies
Has a soft spot for the Vega family
He and Melody are besties
Talks with his sister a lot or tries to talk with her when he doesn't want to talk with anyone else
+ Robbie x Cat vers.
Evangeline Mia Shapiro Valentine
Faceclaim: Abby Ryder Fortson
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Evangeline is the daughter of famous comedian and minor musician Robbie Shapiro and famous award winning singer and actress Cat Valentine
Evangeline goes by Eva, Angel, Angie, or Mia for short
She is the youngest in the group and attends Hollywood arts
She has most of her father's looks, but she has her mother eyes
When Eva was old enough, she put in red streaks in her hair to match her mother's hair color when she was younger
Rex creeps her out a bit but at the same time, he makes her smile and laugh a lot
Everyone loves Eva and are completely soft for her, even their kids
She also inherited her father's intelligence.
She has a love for acting and singing and is always looking to improve
Like her mom, she also has a Bibble addiction
She is a ray of sunshine and she loves it
Loves making people happy
Doesn't know a lot about her mom's family, but she has met her uncle on many occasions when Cat would call him for favors or help him to the hospital
She only wears glasses to read (she's far sighted)
0 notes
regulusmagnusblack · 1 year
Character Sheet
Name: Regulus Magnus Hitchens Black
Nickname: Reggie/Rex, Rabbit (Only Sebastian)
Sex/Gender: Male/Cisgender Pronouns: He/They (he doesn't really care, he prefers male or gender neutral pronouns, but he won't get mad if you use different pronouns to speak to/about him)
Birthday: August, 21st, 1875 (15~16 years old)
Birth place: Biarritz, France
Residency: London, England (currently)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Social Class/Blood Status: High/Pureblood (he's actually a half-blood, but that's a secret Shhh)
Civil Status: Single (engaged/arranged marriage)
Physical Characteristics
Eyes: Emerald green eyes, he has bags under his eyes due to many sleepless nights.
Facial expression: His resting face usually looks sad, but he has a pretty smile
Body type: Thin and tall with lean muscle mass.
Body complexion: pale skin, easy to bruise, with freckles.
Height: 179 cm.
Weight: 77 kg
Physical peculiarities: has a small “crown” around his pupil in the right eye, but it's usually unnoticeable unless you stand eye to eye with him. He has freckles, he hates them but his mother loves them, she says it reminds her of his father. He also has a beauty mark on his left side below his lower lip and many small moles in neck and back.
Way of walking: he usually carries an air of nobility around him. Almost like a young lord. That's how he was educated.
Way of speaking: He usually speaks politely, but sometimes he start babbling when he talks about topics he's particularly interested in. He also rambles in French or Spanish when he's angry or frustrated. Not to be snobby but because he thinks French and Spanish curses are way more delicious to pronounce and they're just beautiful.
Psychological Traits
Primary Motivation: Love, Family, Empathy, Ambition and Revenge, Fear of losing loved ones.
Emotional Disposition: Calm and Collected on the outside. Probably panicking all the time in the inside. Self-doubtful and anxious. Prone to sadness.
Mental disorders: ADHD, Anxiety, Depressive episodes.
Special Interests: Greek Mythology, Muggle literature and cuisine, clothes and fashion, Ancient runes and writing, Spells: charms, jinxes, curses and magic in general, cats, dogs, snakes, frogs and magical creatures.
Sexuality and Gender: He sees himself as a homosexual cisgender man
Love interest: He's very much interested in his roommate Sebastian Sallow, he's helped quite a bit to get over his ex Alexander. He's also shown interest in his other roommate Ominis Gaunt, but he knows Ominis heart is elsewhere, so he stop this pursuit. He's technically engaged to a French girl from his previous school, but not him nor her have plans to concrete this arranged marriage.
Physical contact and pain tolerance: He usually hates when people touch him without permission, it feels weird and rubs him the wrong way. But he loves cuddles, he will ask for cuddles with the people he feels comfortable with, he's been a bit touch deprived since his mother illness got worse, but his friends never questioned him and just let him hug them and give them some love, they know cuddles is his love language. To the point that some other students sometimes question the nature of their relationship.
He has quite a
Iola Hitchens(neé Black): He adores his mother. She's the only reason he's has put up with the bullshit the Blacks have pushed on him until now.
Phineas Nigellus Black: He's a bothersome man. He only sees him as a piggy bank to get money from time to time. He wonders how would the Black family react if they knew that his father left him and his mother quite a fortune before passing away.
The Black family: He hates them, and only agreed with their plan so his mother's would be safe in Saint Mungo's. He couldn't care less about their blood purity bullshit, after all he's a half-blood to begin with.
Natty Onai: Best Buddies for life, platonic soulmates. She's the extrovert that his introverted ass needed. Also shopping buddies, Natsai seems to be the only one to share his obsession with fashion and retail therapy.
Garreth Weasley: Joy! Regulus have so much fun Garreth, he's always up to help him with his experiments. He's sure Garreth will be a great potions master in the future. Sure he fails a lot now, but everyone does in the begging. He appreciates his friendship with Garreth quite a lot. He's one of the few male students he feels comfortable with, he usually prefers female company.
Leander Prewett: Regulus don't like him that much. It's nothing personal, it just feels like Leander is exactly the kind of person he would try to avoid. Even though the readhead had been nothing but kind to him.
Sebastian Sallow: His handsome, intelligent and charming friend (for now). Both of them are looking to help a loved one with a maladies that seems incurable. They will stop at nothing to find a cure for Anne and Iola. Maybe some other feelings will awaken in them in the process.
Ominis Gaunt: Cute and somewhat vulnerable. A reliable friend. Regulus feel very protective of Ominis and will not condone anyone who offends his friend. They both have families obsessed with blood purity nonsense, and feel comfortable with each other.
Imelda Reyes: Sarcastic queen, Regulus love spending time with her silently judging other students and sharing jokes. He only avoids her when she's trying to convince him to join the quidditch team. She from Latin American ascendency so they can talk in Spanish if they want to share something they don't want others to know.
Poppy Sweeting: Can you have more than one platonic soulmate? With Poppy it definitely looks like it. He adores Poppy, she's the sweetest girl he had ever met.He fees very protective of her, similar to what Ominis makes him feel. They share so many things, they are both introverts with similar special interests, one day when they both lost track of time they got detention for a week for coming back to the castle at 3 am.
Amit Thakkar: Amazing just amazing, he feels privileged to have such a talented wizard for a friend. He taught him how to find Regulus his star in the night sky among the stars in the Leo constellation. He also sometimes played his violin for him, when the noise in the castle overwhelmed him. He was lucky to have Amit as his friend.
Alexander Delacour: His ex. Both of them knew that their relationship was just to have a good time, it wasn't made to last, but still their abrupt break up still hurts. They were together only because their bodies were compatible and had fun with one another, their break up was just due to Regulus suddenly having to move to London because of his mother condition. He still misses Alexander touch from time to time, but he's slowly starting to get over it.
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obsidian-chika · 3 years
Zhongli x Male Reader
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗼
𝐅𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
A few days have pasted since the male's last visit to the Golden House. The weather didn't show any signs of sun. The ceremony drew nearer and nearer. Soon, the events to pick the bride or groom would commence.
No exorcist could even come close to the place. There were many stubborn and overly confident ones that have tried, but to no avail.
Which family would it be? Who will be the one to get sent off to the Golden House, as the bride or groom?
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Liyue had events that would take place.
One, was the well known lantern festival for Lunar New Years. People would spend time with their family and friends. Games, food stalls, filled with happiness. Joyful times for the people that took part in the celebration. As well as releasing lanterns at night. 
Two, would be the choosing and wedding ceremony for the spirit attached to the Golden House. These were mostly filled with grief. Families fearing for the life of their children, hoping that it won't have their family name on the slip of paper being picked.
About a two weeks before the choosing and a month before the marriage ceremony, people would start to planning of the event. Listing out everything that was needed. Having traditional clothing for the marriage on hand, the timing for both parts, times to use as offerings, the host(s), along with ideas of foods and drinks getting made for the event.
(M/n)'s family usually took part in the clothing, jewelry, and any other accessories. Helping to provide fabrics for the male or female wedding gown, fresh make up supplies, jewelry, any type of hair piece, along with anything else to prepare the bridge or groom. Also, having fabric out for a male wedding gown to get burned off in place for the ghost.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
Soon, the choosing began. The people of Liyue gathered. Names of the different families have been craved onto sticks and placed in a jar. There was a table set up, with variety of foods, incenses, flowers, and other Liyue specialties. Red and gold decorated the area, everything was falling into place. Soon a family would be chosen for the wedding.
Not long after everyone has gathered, Liyue's leader stepped forward to start the ceremony. There were lots of people in the crowd, praying that they didn't have to give their kid away to the cursed spirit.
"We are here today, to find out who will be the chosen one for this traditional wedding. When the family name is acquired, may I ask for the head of the family to step forward to retrieve some items, along with announcing which child within the family it will be. 𝗟𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗻."
There was a large can of sticks, each stick being engraved with a family's name. The can was shaken up and down, which ever stick fell out, the family who's name is engraved will be the one providing the second part of the pairing. The crowd was silent as their Leader raised the can you and down in front of her. A group of sticks raised above the rest, but one remained up and out while the others fell back, and it dropped to the ground. The sound moving through the crowd.
She picked it up, raising to her feet, "the (l/n) family was chosen, the head of the family please come up for the items and to announce the partner of the marriage."
The boy stood in the far back to the crowd froze apron hearing his family's name being spoken out as the chosen. He hoped he wouldn't have to go, there were many things he still wanted to do. Seeing the beautiful of the world and acquiring any new type of knowledge he could because he had a passion for learning what he didn't know. He wasn't focusing on the speech his father was giving the crowd, he just wanted to go somewhere far away from what seemed like his home. Not catching much of the conversation, his father's words snapped him out of his inner thoughts.
"— as much as it hurts me to say, the son, (M/n), will be the one becoming the groom for this occasion."
The crowd was silent. Great. He knew it, nothing would change how he was viewed by his parents. He knew what his father said about his was a lie, his father and mother would gladly jump at the chance to remove him. His fate was now sealed, he was going to get married off in about one month. No one to save him, he could run away from it all, but it wouldn't feel right to push what he had to do onto someone else.
He didn't know what else to say beside replying with, "I accept my fate. I accept the responsibility that was placed onto myself. I will do my best."
No one smiled. No one was clapping. He was like a small sunshine around the harbor, but now his fate was decided. The only ones happy were his parents, the smirk of victory they felt when they no longer have to house that child they find horrid.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
He had about 𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵 before he would be married off. It was quite ironic to him, the place he found comfort in would also be the last thing he would be seeing in this life time. His time was now limited, so he wanted to make the most out of it. He traveled to places he loved, manipulating his hydro vision to teleport during some of his travels.
He now about 𝘁𝘄𝗼 𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗸𝘀 of time left after traveling to some and most of his favorite places. He wanted to spend the time he had left around the harbor. Helping people, petting the dogs, cats, along with spending a bit of time here and there relaxing in the Golden House. 
There wasn't much to do or even say to his family. He knew his parents were quite delighted to get rid of him for good, while his siblings were a hit or miss. He also wanted to visit a few more people before completely departing from Liyue. He never had any friends his age so there wasn't anything for him to say either. He wished he had at least a few friends to hang out with, but the kinds never talked too him.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
During the two weeks he had left, he would vividly remember dreams from the night before. Dreaming about things that was hard to understand, yet it seemed like all the dreams were related.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
There was a table, surrounded by seven people. Their faces being a blur, but one figure stood out. A small pony tail of gold and brown hair through the back of the hood worn. The conversation was also a blur, not many words were heard.
❝ 𝙤𝙨𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙚 ❞
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
A large rock dragon, next to it was a standing man figure. With the same hair colors and hood, staring out at Liyue.
❝ 𝙖𝙯𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙝𝙖 ❞
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
It seemed to be the archon war. Rock like spear formations were falling from the sky. There was a figure in the sky. That same exact figure, again.
❝ 𝙞 𝙖𝙢 𝙨𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙮 ❞
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
There was a female figure standing beside a male figure. Beautiful as the night sky. Bright as the sun. The male figure gazed at her.
❝ 𝙜𝙪𝙞𝙯𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙜 ❞
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The male figure looked a bit different. The hood was gone, now dresses in most black, gold, and brown. The hair color was beautiful as always. Plus, there were three other people a what seemed like a flying pixie.
❝ 𝙬𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙝 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙘𝙠 ❞
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
There were three others along with the same male. There was a blond male that seemed to have appeared before. The other two figures seemed to be the yin and yang of each other.
❝ 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙖 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙡 ❞
⋆ ��。⋆୨୧˚ 𒆙 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The man now stood there. Staring at who knows what. Time seemed to slow around him, he was in deep thought about the what he had just overheard.
❝ 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙞 𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙙𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙚𝙨 ❞
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
There was one week of times left. The (M/n) could fit some of the visions together, but he was never truest sure of what they meant. He wanted to find out more. So, he decided to spend his remaining time learning about what happened in the past, and more about the archon that once ruled one of the seven nations, who was the geo archon.
Books, stories, tales, anything he could find on the geo archon. His room soon filled with multiple books relating to Morax, or Rex Lapis. He was learning to much. The geo archon never failed to surprise him with his actions. Sure the geo archon could have been merciless at times, but there were things he also agreed with.
He understood quite a lot to his surprise. He also looked for first person stories when he ran into a few adeptus with his time left. He wanted to learn so much more, yet his time was so limited.
"My time is almost up, yet I want to learn so much more about you. I wonder, would I be able to talk to your spirit, or would I have an instant death. A heart is stone is still a heart, is it not?"
The boy closed his eyes, with those as his final thoughts about Rex Lapis, along with what might happen to him as he was the one to get married off.
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
It's finally done. Hope you enjoyed it, and I
also want to thank you for the support.
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vesperstalksclones · 4 years
What will you do after Mandalore?
Rated teen
Ingredients: kissy kissy, pining, angst, oogling, heavy petting, Rex likes using the F word a lot and thinks plenty about his tool
Sketch by @i-got-no-bones
He spotted her across the sky plaza that they had commandeered as a landing platform. Arms crossed, feet spread, back arched into her posture; every inch of her shining with pride as she watched her men tend to their business. 
Rex was content to merely stand and observe for a moment. Ahsoka Tano had disappeared over a year ago, radio silent. Furious and hurting, no doubt, after the Jedi council, men and women she had called family, had handed her over to the republic judiciary system to be tried on circumstantial evidence for a crime she didn't commit. Her name had been cleared and the culprit caught, but when the council invited her back sheepishly, after her humiliating excommunication, she graciously told them to shit in their hat, turned heel and walked away. He respected her for that, also envied her the freedom to be able to do so. If he stuck his birds to the GAR and turned his back, his parting gift would, at best, be a blaster shot to the shebs. Property didn't get to make choices like that.
He could have tracked her down, but she hadn't left him so much as a scribble in parting. He had not taken it well. First came panic - she was alone, who would have her back? Then anger - the 501st and Torrent squadron weren't good enough to stay for? Fuck her!!! The pain of abandonment - didn't the years fighting side by side mean anything, the men who had died protecting her life? Blind fury at the council that had driven her away - he had demolished several training druids to cope with that. Jealousy; that perhaps she had retreated somewhere… to someone… someone male... to lick her wounds and seek comfort. Like that litte Bonterri fuck stick. 
"No, old man, you turned yourself pretty inside out over Ahsoka's nonexistent good bye", Rex mused, a wry smile spreading over his lips. After about four weeks of stewing in his own volatile pit of self-pity and rage, during a particularly long night of insomnia spiced with bourbon whiskey, he realized why he was so angry. Fuck the Jedi, they didn't return the loyalty she had always offered. Fuck the GAR. They would carry on fighting and killing and invading and dying with or without her. 
Rex had realized, in those oppressive pre-dawn hours, that he agonized because she had left him. They had been companions for more than three years! She had grown from a bratty youngling, to a capable warrior, to a leader almost without match. They loved her, the 501st. Torrent, the battering ram of the esteemed legion, especially worshipped her. If General Skywalker was the spearpoint of the forces, the Troopers were the rigid staff,, and Ahsoka was the sinews and lead and nails that held the two together. They had adopted her as their blood sister, named her Vod'ika, and taught her their words. The squadron had cracked a little from their loss. The center of the chasm had been their CO. Rex was drowning in despair when he had heard his own voice quietly wimper… 
"Why did you leave me?"
It hurt, to hear it out loud. It made the pain more real somehow. He had curled inward  on himself, hating that he desperately needed his friend to help him cope, and yet she was the one he was mourning. 
By the time he had crawled from his bunk, all vestiges of anger had burned away. Left behind was only depression, and empty bitterness. Everything became harder after that. Skywalker also suffered her loss, and he and Rex began to severely grate on each other's nerves. Rex flung himself into work and training for the distraction, earning a multitude of grumbles from his Vod as he expected them to keep up his grueling pace. 
And then… Skywalker commed him. The General spoke as nonchalantly as if he was discussing the soy loaf at dinner. There was a mission to be had, to Mandalore. Bo Katan Kryze was in need of assistance, unseating the Sith lord Maul who had claimed the planet for his own. She would be meeting them in roughly 72 hours, with her comrade at arms. A certain Lady Tano. 
Rex had leapt from his desk, pacing a circle for nearly an hour. Skywalker said that they would accompany her, Rex in command of as many men as she needed. His stomach was clawing inside him like a trapped loth cat, with anticipation, excitement, and anxiety. 
He needed to tell his boys. Her boys. Their girl was coming home. He had stood there smiling like an idiot, loving the feel of those words in his weary brain. 
He called Torrent to attention in their barracks, briefly explaining the mission. They were going to fight for their father's home. Serve the warrior people that had created all that the Vode held dear. He could see the energy beginning to rise from them, the promise of a fight that really did belong to them in some way.
 He savored a pause, keeping her his precious secret for a second longer, before he flung her name to his troops like fresh meat to hungry dogs. The resulting roar was deafening, with a string of particularly loud expletives from Jesse, who had become his de-facto Captain, as Rex had taken on the Command of the 501st in purpose if not in official name. It warmed his tired heart to the core.
 Excusing himself he strode away to his quarters. The energy that the mere mention of her name generated had put the spring back in his strut. He didn't sleep that night either, for the boyish excitement inside.
By the following evening, several hundred men were sporting orange blazes on their helmets, and the indoctrinated eye would recognize the white jagged stripes that swept down over their visors. The men had shined every inch of their armor, oiled and cleaned every gun, sharpened every blade. He allowed them to fight it out for their spots at review. A few black eyes were given over the choicest front row positions.
Then came the day of her arrival . General skywalker commed him for assembly. The men jogged to the meeting point, a large liaison space on the 3rd level. He had counted the length of his breaths carefully, willing himself to be calm and composed, as if this was really any other inspection. He was screaming inside. He felt like his stomach was trying to fall out of his ass.
The door chimed and slid open. And there she was. But she wasn't the girl he remembered. She seemed to have grown over the past year. Taller yes, he noted the distinct curve taking shape in her Montrails. Not just vertical growth either; she had expanded in all directions. Her hips were no longer angular, but smoothly bowed outward. Her waist tapered in and climbed upward to... what used to be pert little breasts - polite things that barely moved when she vaulted across the training mats. Now… well… they weren't polite anymore. In her absence Little'un had become a woman. How the hell did all this happen in a year?
 He called the men to attention, unable to suppress the absolute shit eating grin of joy that had plastered itself there. She had traded the skirts and tights of her padawan youth for the dignified garb of a warrior. Smart armored combat boots covered tight breeches, and disappeared under a slim fitting, high collared shirt which proved both modest and profoundly flattering at the same time. Having discarded her Akul tooth headdress when she left the temple, Ahsoka now wore a variety of tiara that looked like hand hammered durasteel. Numerous arm bands and leg holsters carried her various kit. Best of all, he noticed, she had outfitted herself almost entirely in the cobalt blue of the 501st. 
Ahsoka stepped towards him. Hesitantly, uncertain of her place in the scheme of things, her eyes searching his face for a cue. He was positively giddy at her approach, glad that his full body armour could dampen the sight of the tremors that ran through him. 
"Beautiful, fierce, brave girl… don't look at me like that. You'll always belong with us" he didn't say the words, they shone from his eyes. Her gaze landed on the helmet clutched in his hand, and he was certain they moistened as the orange and white design drove its message home. They were hers and she was theirs.
Moments later, things got complicated, as they were wont to do when Skywalker was involved. He had loaded about three thousand odd men on to another venator. Anakin had named him official CO of the 501st (could've done that a fucking year ago) and they left with their Lady. A jedi no longer, now only a civilian advisor. Whatever, she was still their angel.
Now, about 48 hours later, they had Maul's forces on the run, and had taken a few hours to regroup, gather sit-reps, and organize the city wide hunt for the criminal. His duties were tended for the moment so Rex had gone on the search, hungry to see her face again. He spied her by the transports, wearing her pride of possession, as she watched her Vod do what they did best. 
He jogged across the pavement and slowed to a swaggering stroll as he neared her. She beamed at him, blue eyes reflecting the city lights. 
"All right there, Lil?"
"Rex, this has gone off smoother than I had hoped. The citizens are disgusted, but at least things didn't de-evolve in to violence."
Gah, her voice! It was like a cool breeze on a shitty hot day.
She retreated a little way between the LAATs
and retrieved a canteen of water, drinking deeply. He took the opportunity to appreciate what nature had wrought upon the Togrutan. 
He couldn't pretend to be an expert on her race's anatomy, but he could definitely see that the physical changes in her had stopped being about adding physical size, and began to be about physical allure. The hard muscles of her youthful form had gained some softness via artistically placed plump cushions. Her rump… hips… bosom. Her face had exchanged youthful roundness for a pointed chin and angled jaw, and instead focused the fullness in to her plum colored lips. 
It wasn't until after the initial excitement of the reunion when they were en route to Mandalore that he could privately reflect upon her changes. As she bent over to adjust her boot straps he was certain the thirty or so Vod in the room must have heard his cock slam against his cod piece as he reacted to the sight of her peach shaped rear offered up like a feast before him. Since that moment he had remained at nothing less than half mast, his member ready and waiting for the off chance that he might need it, while his brain begged it to behave itself and not act a fool.. 
How the hell had he come to this? His sweet friend had become a veritable sex pot, her body shedding the trappings of youth and preparing her to recieve a male. The notion that had began to grow in his mind that night in his lonely bed so many months ago, had born fruit and ripened in that moment. 
He Loved her and not as a lad should love his dear friend.. He had pined away for months, struggling to function through the void created by her absence. Moments of privacy had tormented him either with loneliness for her presence or aching for her touch. Often his mind wandered too far in her direction and he was forced to take matters in to his own hands… well hand…. And release brought guilt as well as relief. 
When he closed the gap between them she offered the drink, and he happily chugged some just to taste her on the rim. He was so desperate, he thought. So fucking pathetic, but he couldn't help himself… and frankly didn't want to. As he regarded her, Ahsoka fidgeted nervously and her face fell, a mask of anxiety appearing. He knit his brow at the change, capping the canteen and setting it aside.
"Rex… I'm sorry."
He frowned. This was happening now, she was ready to explain to him her actions. In the middle of a mission. Fucking hell. He continued to watch her, his face calm and professional.
"Im sorry I didn't say goodbye. It was a shitty thing to do to you. It was cowardly and I was wrong, and I've regretted it every single day." Her sapphire gems stared in to his amber ones, searching them for his reply.
Rex sighed heavily. He had a few things to tell her, and he'd be damned if she was going to run away this time before he heard each and every one of them clearly. 
"Ahsoka…" he reached for her, and with only a little hesitation she snaked her arms around his waist and leaned against his armored chest. Resting her cheek near his pauldron.  He wrapped her up in his embrace and stole a moment to sniff deeply of her scent. Spice, and something herbal - like tea. Leather. And her own subtle musk, which reminded him of the sun warmed straw field he had walked through on Naboo. How he had missed that smell.
"I wont lie Lil. I hated you for about a week. When I got over that, I stayed pissed off for at least another month."
She trembled a little, her face hidden from view.
"Then, during my fifth week of insomnia and self loathing, I realized why I was so angry, and that it definitely wasn't because I hated you."
He tilted his head down, seeking her eyes, but she was still hiding them on his shoulder.
He nudged her lekk with his nose, gently demanding her attention. She shyly met his gaze, the blazing blue stars beginning to blur behind tears. Stop this at once Lil, you're not the crying type, and especially not over me. 
He dipped his face to hers, capturing her lips. She was rigid with shock for a moment, but then relaxed against his touch. He barely broke away, only to come back for a second helping, kissing her with more force in order to drive his message home. She tasted like honey, hints of cinnamon, and the poor quality caf they all survived off of on the Venators. The feel of her petal soft lips against his was enough to make his knees shake, and his heart pound, and, thinking back on every fantasy he had entertained about her, he would come to realize what a poor imagination he had. 
Pulling away, she dashed at her eyes with the heels of her hands. 
"The truth is that…  I didn't dare come to see you that day. I knew that it would upset you and I couldn't cope with that. I wouldn't have been able to go make myself leave, even though it was the right thing for me. Its ok that you hated me for a while.. I hated myself."
 She sucked in a shaky breath, regarding him silently for a moment as if she was trying to choose her next words carefully. Apparently, her voice had left her, so she framed his face with her sienna colored hands and returned to his kiss almost violently. He spanned her waist with his hands, pulling her closer to him, all the while cursing his protective armor that denied him the pressure of her firm body. 
"I wouldn't have let you go" he growled, biting at her lip for punctuation. With a breathy whimper she opened her mouth to his caress. He tasted her lips, and her tongue, twisting his head for a better angle. His gloved hands groped their way blindly up her back, and then back downward to her waist, one daring to sneak to her rump, palming the cheek boldly, but hell she could shatter his bones with her mind if she objected and he wouldn't be upset. She answered by chasing his tongue with hers, uttering a low moan of approval. 
Rex pushed her backward against the cold side of the transport, pinning her there with his bodyweight. His mind spun with surprise and delight that not only had she not broken his face, but was mouthing and pawing at him with equal desire. He sucked in a quick breath and claimed her mouth again, leading the charge with a velvet tongue. He was determined to display for her every ounce of frustration she had left him in for the past year. To convince her that she should not leave him again.
He nipped at her chin, scraped his teeth along her jawline, and caught a hitch in his breath as he tasted the salty skin at her neck. She rolled her head away, crooning gently, and he surprised himself at how quickly he one handed the top few frogs of her shirt. Bearing her neck down to the shoulder, he sucked and kissed at her offering, cherishing her closeness, his mind racing at the willingness with which she came to him. His right hand had found its way to her breast, caressing the sleek fabric covered mound and searching the telltale hardened peak he found there. She was arched backward over his opposite arm, her legs astride his armoured thigh, all the while he was inwardly cursing the confines of his pelvic armor; his member had sprung to full solute at the attentions of his Lady Commander. When she rolled her hips he dared to arch to his boot toe, giving her a hard surface to press herself against. 
She stiffened under his touch, suddenly going quiet and still. 
"Kriff." she whispered.
His eyes snapped open, alarmed by the sudden change in her demeanor.  He was about to speak when…
A chorus of hoots and howls joined the first voice, and Rex dropped his forehead to Ahsoka's shoulder, hand still splayed across her chest, thigh pressed to her besh… his index finger tracing the crease of her perfect ass….
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jesse. Kriffing Jesse, and about fifty of his men. Standing there watching him grind on Ahsoka like they were a live action porn holo.
"Fuck my life" he growled in disgust. 
Dammit Jesse. 
The fondling hand shot to his hip and raised the blaster just in time for his head to snap up and choose his target. The bolt screamed by Jesse, missing his temple by the length of a finger. 
Wide eyed, he screamed and cackled and ducked, the other troops reacting similarly. 
Rex contemplated shooting them all, and was choosing his next target when….
"FUCKING JESSE! QUIT COCK BLOCKING ME, YOU STUPID PENIS WRINKLE!" Ahsoka roared at the clone, and with a violent sweep of her arm she flung the entire corps out of sight further down the plaza. Rex couldn't help but grin at the satisfying shouts of pain and the clatter of armored bodies bouncing on the cement. 
They both sighed as he returned his DC to its home, and met each other's gaze. 
"Is that what he was doing, Commander? Cock-blocking you?" He teased. 
Ahsoka's blue chevrons darkened in the Togrutan equivalent of a blush. 
"Im not your Commander, Rex, not GAR, nor am I a Jedi. I'd prefer if you'd address me properly." 
"And how's that?" He cocked his head, smirking at her. 
"Anything but. You decide, cyare." 
She pushed her forehead against his. He flushed from the thrill. She had used his "native" tongue, never before had anyone called him "beloved", and the forehead "kiss" was a touch of the purest loving affection among Vod.
"Do you mean that? "Cyare"? Rex's head was spinning. The delicious heavy petting could have allowed him to die happily, but she had done something far more wonderful to him. Cyare was not a name for a piece of meat used to scratch an itch with.. did she understand that? "Are you sure, Lil?"
"Yes, I mean that. I want you, Rex. I think I have for a long time, but I was afraid to call it what it was. I didn't think you'd ever look at me the same way."
"What? Why wouldn't I?"
"Because your a grown man!... Who happens to be younger than me… and I've always just been this idiot kid." She frowned, the dusky colored pout did terrible things to him. 
"I don't think you've been a kid for a while now Sokka." To emphasize his statement, he kissed her like she was a woman. His woman. "What happens…" he didn't know if he dared to hope… "What will you do after we are done here?"
"I haven't really thought about it. I guess it depends on our success." 
They heard shouts. Troopers were gathering on the plaza, getting ready to depart for their search. 
"Than let's find the hut'uun quickly." 
He gave her a final kiss and a squeeze, and backed away step by step until her hand dropped away. 
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sohannabarberaesque · 3 years
At a symposium of sorts held on Huck and Snag's Half-Dog, Half-Cat, Half-Track in Rex Beach the other day
[Your compere being none other than Peter Potamus, Ambassador of Diving in The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera, as everybody knows, with plenty of the curious being attracted]
PETER POTAMUS, getting things started in his trademark safari jacket and pith helmet: I do admit that there's bound to be a time sometime when I'm likely to have to pass the proverbial torch of my diving interests to someone close ... and if I may, I'd like to introduce three especially likely (or is it unlikely?) kith and kin of my part as are already showing some serious diving-related potential ...
[As each of the three are named, all come forward unto the stage and take their bows]
Peg Potamus, who may be barely a tween, but has received initial SCUBA certification and can freedive to as deep as 30 feet, which she's done off Catalina several times!
PEG POTAMUS, with some campiness inherent: Isn't diving wonderful?
PETER POTAMUS: My teenage cousin, Penelope Potamus, who's shown some promise as a SCUBA instructress--and a rather patient one, at that--and has herself joined me a few times in the rather interesting depths of Polynesia Uncharted ...
PENELOPE POTAMUS: I do have to admit that I've managed to tame a few savage types who were all the more unprepared for diving, and actually made them all the more excited for it!
PETER POTAMUS, all the more fascinate: And how exactly did you do that, Penelope?
PENELOPE POTAMUS: It's a secret for the most part, but I will say such is rooted in the fact of us hippopotami being born to DIVE!!!
PETER POTAMUS, continuing with the presentation: And my seven-year-old nephew, Pat Potamus, who's also become intrigued as much as I have with the uncharted, the unknown even, side of Polynesia!
PAT POTAMUS, getting into excited-schoolboy mode on a par with Bubi Bear of the Hair Bear Bunch: On a recent expedition somewhere in remotest Polynesia, I was able to join a group of native divers--all naked, I'll have you know--who found quite the oyster bed as was TEEMING WITH PEARLS GALORE just 25 feet deep from the surface! And boy, what beautiful pearls were actually found that day, as if the divers being naked wasn't cool enough! [Some laughs from the audience]
PETER POTAMUS, trying to get back to things: At any rate, these are some rather fascinating hippopotami as KNOW their diving, especially at their age ... and they certainly had the best of teachers--none other than yours truly, PETER POTAMUS "HIMSELF"! [Aside] Not to mention a few close kith and kin among the hippopotami, as well as some time at a diver's camp I maintain with some fellow diving buddies near La Jolla, California, itself quite the diver's paradise!
PENELOPE POTAMUS, as an aside of sorts: And doesn't it feel wonderful diving just wearing yourself essentially, for the most part?
[Chuckles from the audience]
PETER POTAMUS: I would have to say so myself ... and you might like to know that my Penelope is getting some assistance from yours truly here at Rex Beach to get full Dive Instructors' Certification. So try not to be surprised if you see me alongside Penelope as she gives diving lessons to the deserving at select summer resorts in these parts; I'm more of a mentor type to her as she prepares for the certification examination.
PENELOPE POTAMUS: Thanks, Uncle Peter ... and do look up Peter in case any of you are curious for some diving lessons here this summer, even if it's mainly snorkelling for the most part, although SCUBA can be had if desired!
PETER POTAMUS: Still, I would be cautious of one thing to certain parents: Forcing a child to take diving lessons just for the sake of "building character" while you sulk in your nervousness is, to my way of thinking, asking too much. Besides, he could unwittingly be scared or frightened, and it isn't good for the diving business to have a scared child forced to take dive lessons.
PENELOPE POTAMUS: As I see it, Peter, one needs to have a sense of patience and gentility, yet be a little adventurous,if you want to learn diving!
PETER POTAMUS: The point well taken, Penelope! And who could ask for more?
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Updated 4 October 2021
Rest of the Masterlist.
 #kylothekiller by crossingwinter (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: It’s not the first time that Rey has seen Kylo pop up in her Fido stream, but it is the first time she’s clicked on him fast enough to be scheduled for a meet and greet with dog and owner on Saturday.) #kylothekiller Sequel /r/dogs by crossingwinter (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: [Help] My Girlfriend thinks she’s dying because the dog won’t leave her side.) A Dog is a Man's Best Friend (and also a force for fate) by Impossiblefangirl0632 (AO3 2020  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is dog-sitting for Poe and everything is going fine until BB sees a rabbit and runs off. Rey finds a muddy, but happy dog and takes him home with her. She's going to turn him into the shelter, she really is but before she can she runs into a very stressed, very annoyed Ben who accuses her of dognapping.) A Hare Brained Scheme by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rosey the Rabbit is sad. Rex her bonded companion has died and she needs a new hutch-mate. The problem is Rey is flat broke. Would her surly neighbour, owner of Huxy the Bunny be willing to let Rosey bond with his beloved pet? ) A Tail of Two Fluffs by Crysania, deadlikemoi, DyadamDriver, EquusGirl (EquusGirl0621), HelenFlower92, here4thereylo, lorel_steele, tmwillson3 (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben and Rey are roommates secretly pining for each other. When the two move in together, a cheesy ad on the radio brings them to Takodana Animal Shelter, where they meet Kira and Kylo, two animals that quickly win over their hearts. Can they sneak them home as Christmas presents for each other without raising suspicion?) Dog Days of Summer by reyloanne (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Veterinary student Rey has loved dogs ever since a puppy stole her heart at 7 years old. Now, she supplements her scholarships with a side business walking dogs. When there's a mixup with the scheduling of her newest client Buster, Rey walks in and gets an eyeful of Buster's owner instead.) Doggy See Doggy Do by youfluttermywings (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 4 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Kylo's terribly late for work, his dog Chewie is bleeding out from his leg and his regular vet is all booked out. The only vet who can fit him in is a forty minutes drive away...) En-Snack-Ment by Twin_Kitten (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Police dog Kylo alerts for drugs on Rey's car, and Detective Ben Solo must investigate.) Get Over a Man, Get a Dog by PortPowerhouse (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 5 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey tells her best friend Ben she loves him. Ben was raised in a household where he was taught “I know” is an acceptable response to “I love you”. Rey gets a dog to help cope with her heartbreak because the real best way to get over a man is to get a dog.) Gimme Shelter by JaneNightwork (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 14 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben Solo meets Rey Niima when his mother asks him to drop off a few boxes of old sheets and towels at the animal shelter. He is immediately charmed by her and decides to volunteer at the shelter to get to know her better. In the process of building his relationship with Rey and learning to take care of the animals, Ben learns new ways to heal old hurts.) If Found, Please Return by SageMcMae (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 8 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey knows what it's like to be abandoned, so when she returns a lost dog to his posh Manhattan address, she gives his owner an earful.) In Small Packages by DyadamDriver (AO3 2018  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: It was then that Ben realised three things. 1. He had never had a cat in his life. 2. He had no idea what these little things ate. 3. He had a crippling crush on his neighbour.) Kitten Love by ReyloRobyn2011 (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is a field reporter for Hanna City that always is given ridiculous stories to report. What happens when he interviews the owner of a local kitten rescue that brought the kittens to an aquarium? Well, it may just be love at first sight.) les amoureux des animaux by reylomami (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey leaves her job in a whim after a quarter-life crisis. With too much time suddenly in her hands to rethink her life and her identity, Rey finds money-making respite in a pet-sitting job from Pawshake. A Reylo Pawshake AU with poor time coordination and fluff out of meet-cutes and mournings.) Let's Go Pumpkin Picking by JustYouBenSolo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rose doesn’t understand why Rey is so eager to go pumpkin picking with her at Han Solo’s farm when Rey went pumpkin picking last week with Poe. And the week before with Finn. Maybe she just really loves pumpkins? TW: Unsafe sex, no pregnancy.) Lost & Found by commandercrouton (AO3 2019  Rated T Complete, 6 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey loses her kitten, her neighbor finds a kitten.) Matched! by ekayla (AO3 2021  Rated M Complete, 15 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: What happens if you finally meet someone interesting on dating app during an international pandemic and can’t meet face to face?) Merry (Fuzzy) and Bright by JaneNightwork (AO3 2019  Rated M Complete, 25 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: One night Ben finds a dog abandoned on his doorstep. She's cold, scared, and pregnant. Ben takes her to a nearby vet clinic and meets the beautiful veterinarian Rey, who promises to help him be the best caregiver the dog and her puppies could ask for. Throughout the holiday season Ben and Rey fall in love with the puppies and, of course, each other.) Must Love Dogs by wanderlustfaery (etherealprey) (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben gets a rescue dog named Kylo. Rey has a rescue dog named Gavin. These two dogs apparently know each other from before and force their new owners to exchange numbers so they can see each other.) My Favorite Spot by erney007 (AO3 2019  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A modern AU where Ben has a love at first sight when he meets Rey. Only a little problem, her little Corgi wouldn't let him get near her.) Of Coffee, Corgis, and Cats by starspangledbisexual (AO3 2021  Rated G Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey would do anything for Finn- and by extension, Finn's boyfriend Poe and his adorable corgi, BeeBee. That includes covering Finn's shift when BeeBee goes missing. Throw a handsome customer, some convenient coincidences, and a very surly cat into the mix, and Rey's Tuesday afternoon turns out to be a lot more interesting than she thought it would be.) Paw Prints on my heart by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The prompt was Rey and Ben are roommates who find a stray kitten and the kitten brings them closer together. Could it be that they mean more to each other than they thought?) Paws by Polkadotdotdot (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Every Friday, Ben Solo takes his Doberman, Kylo to Central Park. Every Friday he sits on the same bench without anyone ever bothering him. Until another dog walker steals his spot...) Puppy Love by Hellyjellybean (AO3 2020  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben adopts a naughty puppy and contacts a dog trainer. It's horrible. Rey's too attractive and every time she says 'good boy' Ben comes close to popping a boner. Rey is pure magic with dogs, so he can't change trainers. Will Ben be able to survive the class?) Pussy Peek by JustYouBenSolo (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: When Rey adopts a kitten, she invites Ben over to meet it. He misinterprets this as an invitation for something else. When Ben comes over, Rey says she’ll be right back (to get the kitten). He starts taking off his clothes…) put it into words by akosmia (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben went out to get a dog, and he got home with a poodle and a crush on the girl working at the shelter. That's life, right?) Sabotage by CaptainMarvel42 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 10 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: After learning Ben's role in Finn and Poe's breakup, Rey plots her revenge.) Snow Sparkles Like Stars by raptorginger (AO3 2018  Rated E Complete, 9 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: A blizzard forces Professor (of mythology and cosmology) Kylo Ren, aka Ben Solo, off the road while on his way to his parents’ house in Seattle for the holidays. Luckily, the woman who owns the house he’s stranded at is well prepared for a snow-in and (as a bonus) is adorable. Unluckily, she’s the owner of eight mischievous Alaskan Malamutes, who may or may not be the physical manifestations of the old gods of Norse myth.) Steadfast and True by andabatae (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 3 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Veterinarian Rey Niima's life mission is to save hurt or ill animals. When Ben Solo brings his injured puppy into the office, she leaps into action to save him. And when Ben asks if she makes house calls to check on recovering pets, Rey immediately agrees.) Strays by crossingwinter (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey rescues a mangy mutt from the site of a junkyard and brings the dog to the Solo Veterinarian Clinic. There she falls in love with the handsome son who's just really trying to save all animals.) Take My Hand by phrenique (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey lost her dog, Ben finds it.) The Fetch Order by Erulisse17 (AO3 2018  Rated T Complete, 2 Chapters, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Working at the Fetch Order is all Rey ever wanted. She's surrounded by dogs everyday, her coworkers are fun and friendly, and the owners, Leia and Han, care about her like no one else ever has. But when someone breaks in at night to steal Chewie, she has to do everything she can to protect him. Until she finds out that the intruder is Ben Solo, trying to pick up the dog for his parents. ) To Say Good Night to You by dawninthemtn (AO3 2020  Rated T Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: Ben is living a lonely quarantine when he gets a FaceTime call from a random toddler. He makes friends with the child, and eventually, her mother.) Valentine's Day by PropertyOfThaJoker (AO3 2018  Rated M Complete, One-Shot, Modern AU, Quick Synopsis: The cat immediately came to Rey, who immediately held it. “He can’t be more than five weeks old, Ben. He’s a baby. It’s cold out here – he’ll freeze to death. We have to take him home.”) Wild Child by tmwillson3 (AO3 2020  Rated E Complete, 4 Chapters, Regency AU, Quick Synopsis: Rey spends her first Season in Bath with her best friend, Rose Tico. When Rose begins a hate-at-first-sight relationship with Sir Armitage Hux, Rey thinks that nothing more exciting could happen. That's when Sir Hux's friend, the Earl of Alderaan, and his dogs come crashing into Rey. Rey has never liked peers, but when she bonds with him on a rainy day, everything changes.)
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theelliottsmiths · 4 years
Idk if this has been asked before but if the band were cats, what kind of cats/breed would they be?
It probably has but 1. Tumblr is impossible and 2. It's fun
You didn't specify and cats breeds aren't as diverse as dogs so only like half are domestic cats
Till: Scottish wildcat. Sturdier than domestic cats, rare and wild, very good hunters (obviously). Handsome, look meaner than they are. Maybe also a liger, or a Maine coon because they're big babies and act more like dogs than cats. Very loyal. Weirdly, they usually enjoy being in water. People get pools and run baths for them and they have so much fun swimming around.
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Paul: Munchkin, keeping it brief so I don't start ranting about breeding shit like that into cats just because it's cute but small. Affectionate, intelligent, supposedly they like to hoard things and he collects/collected coffee machines according to him. Almost said rusty spotted cat (the smallest species I believe, the picture attached is of an ADULT), but that's too obvious. Maybe a Pallas' purely because look AT them.
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Richard: chinchilla longhair. Why? When I was a child I had this cat book (I went through a long cat phase apparently even though we never had any) and the chinchilla longhair was my favourite. It's beautiful. It has eyeliner. It looks like a high maintenance bitch but in a nice way, like they're totally worth it. They're lovely and pretty extroverted but definitely a more independent breed. Alternately, a ragdoll because he's so soft and cuddly and melty.
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Oli: caracal. Looks pretty normal until you get to the ears and then it turns out it's a weirdo. Alternately, a very rare species called the Borneo bay cat which is also a weirdo and Long and again, rare. Name the last time a human perceived Oli, I'll wait.
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Schneider: I was about to say cornish rex but they're curly but then I remembered the modern Siamese, look he looks just fucking like it
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Flake: sphynx, obvious choice, or a jaguarundi. They're. They're so fucking long, my friends. They're also fairly smart and pretty shy, or so I was told. Whether or not Flake is shy is hard to determine, I'd say both yes and no because he's so hard to pin down: he'll be quiet and why one moment and then the next he's being fucked in stage with a gag in his mouth like it's nothing. In the past I think he used alcohol to loosen up and boy did he loosen, going off the stories. But anyway.
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33max · 4 years
Modern AU: The Prequel Trilogy and their Pets! [HCs]
He has had pets his entire life, and while he grew up with cats and dogs he’s a little bit more adventurous since he moved out... 
He has a raccoon named Roco and it only likes him. Whenever anyone else is in the room, Roco makes sure to sit on Anakins lap to get all of the attention. He turns his back on all of Anakin’s guests. 
Roco sleeps beside Anakin and nudges him awake when he has nightmares. Anakin will deny this. 
Roco doesn’t like Anakin hugging other people, this becomes a bit of a problem when Anakin first starts dating Padme. She’s worried she will never get his damn raccoon to like her. 
All it really takes is Padme feeding Roco lots of treats when Anakin isn’t looking to win him over in the end, phew. 
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Obi-Wan grew up on a farm, so he is really good with all animals. He considers himself an expert on understanding what they’re thinking.
He has a pony named Yoda that he rescued a couple of years back. Yoda lives in the stables of the ranch where he helps out a lot. 
Yoda is a small grey pony but he spends so much time rolling in the grass, that he sometimes looks a little green. 
Obi-Wan doesn’t ride Yoda, but he does occasionally give riding lessons to kids. He’ll always allow the kid that’s a little bit apprehensive or scared ride Yoda on their first lesson.
Yoda has a lovely temperament and just wants to eat polos and nuzzle Obi-Wan.
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She ended up with Buddy the Bunny when she did some volunteering work at an animal shelter. Buddy’s previous owner could no longer have him and Padme couldn’t stand the thought of him not having a loving home. 
Buddy settled in really well at her apartment, he hops after Padme while she goes about her day. 
He loves any and all attention, so when Anakin starts coming over he is SO HAPPY. He wants belly rubs from the tall man. 
Falls asleep in seconds whenever Padme strokes his ears. 
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Ahsoka didn’t have pets when she was growing up, so she didn’t really know where to start when getting her first pet. 
Eventually, she rescues a little black kitten, as she a) is not superstitious at all and b) was sad at just how many black kittens were in the shelter.
He’s called Hex and he likes to sit on Ahsoka’s shoulders. 
He walks all over her laptop when she’s trying to write essays for class. The laptop is his enemy as it takes her attention off of him. 
Hex is a little on the small side, and he likes to squeeze into small spaces to nap. Sometimes, when she first got him, this would terrify her as she didn’t know where he was. Now, she knows that if she rattles his food bowl he will come running. 
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Captain Rex
Rex has a beautiful little Labrador puppy. He got her because his roommate Fives moved out recently to live with his partner and Rex, having never lived alone, was LONELY.
She’s called Luna, and well he absolutely DOTES on her. 
Luna has a collection of bows, and Rex lays them out in front of her so each morning she can decide which one she would like to wear. 
She sleeps in a basket beside his bed, and licks at his feet if they’re ever sticking off the end of his mattress. 
Luna loves all of Rex’s friends but especially Echo because Echo always brings some chicken over and sneaks it to her when Rex isn’t looking.
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Commander Cody
Cody 100% has a snake. She’s a really beautiful albino royal python named Ventress. 
All of Cody’s friends are terrified of Ventress, except Anakin who ADORES her. 
Most of the time she sleeps in the hood of whatever hoodie he is wearing that day. 
Sometimes he accidentally goes to the shops without realising that she is still curled up in his hood.
Her vivarium is practically luxury, Cody wants only the best for his queen. 
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Fives also has a little Labrador puppy, he went with Rex to pick up Luna and ended up bringing home Luna’s brother Hondo. 
Hondo is a little devil, he chews the carpet, he digs holes in the shared garden of the apartment complex, he has escaped numerous times. 
One time he escaped into Fives neighbours apartment, he got the shock of his life when he came nose to nose with a very confused raccoon. Fives apologised to his neighbour, but now they have beers together every Friday night so it’s all cool. 
Fives loves the chaos that Hondo brings to his life. He can’t imagine life without him anymore. 
Hondo eats anything and everything. He is an absolute dust bin. 
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Doesn’t have a pet. 
All animals hate him.
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lextherandlxce · 5 years
Oh man thank you so much for answering my ask! I still am into Longmire, and Branch remains my favorite character, and you are so right about people not looking long enough to see what a great guy he is! Now you’ve got me hooked though, haha! What are your headcanons for Branch’s hobbies? What’s his taste in books and music? Does he like scary movies? Dogs or cats? CAN HE SING? (I’m a sucker for a man that can sing) you write for him so beautifully that I just wanna know more haha! Thanks love!
{ You are so welcome! And thank you for sending another one!! I can’t tell you how excited I was to see all these questions for Branch omg :3 Feel free to send anything you want about Branch. I’d love to keep talking about our boy with you! Also, thank you so so much. I’m so happy that you enjoy the way I write Branch ! }
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Branch’s hobbies tend to be pretty Wyoming typical. He loves camping, fishing, hunting. He loves to go swimming in different rivers. He’s not a huge fan of swimming pools. He prefers to be out in nature. He, of course, loves riding his mare to clear his head. He used to be a bronc rider before he became a deputy, so sometimes he likes to go visit his old friends who are still involved in the rodeo circuit. And occasionally, he’ll take up the invitation of a ride. He still needs a good rush of adrenaline from time to time. He also tries to volunteer with animal shelters. He hates seeing animals abused or neglected, so when he was younger he loved going to take care of them. His father hated him doing it. He thought it made Branch look weak. Branch never cared what his father said about it, but since he’s become a deputy, he doesn’t have too much time anymore. He’ll do his best to attend an adoption day or donate large amounts during the holiday seasons though. Overall, I think Branch’s biggest hobby is simply to build things. He loves doing things around the house (like putting in a new deadbolt for Cady). Any home improvement project is something he’ll gladly take on. Anything that lets him use his hands. He really wants to learn more about carpentry. He has basic knowledge and can build basic things, but he wants to be able to create really beautiful woodworks.
Branch is a total classic rock guy. It’s the music he grew up with, and he loves it just as much as when he was a kid. He doesn’t listen to country. He doesn’t want to be that much of a walking cliche. He doesn’t really ever listen to new music either unless he just happens to be where it’s playing. But classic rock and sometimes old school funk are his jams. If you want a few examples of songs Branch loves, listen to Leroy Brown by Jim Croce. But Branch loves every song by Jim Croce. ( @peritxetxinvenit I can’t lie, Leroy Brown reminds me very much of Vic xD ). But he also loves songs like What a Fool Believes by the Doobie Brothers. Okay, if I’m not careful I’ll wind up making an entire playlist of songs Branch likes! But for some more recent songs, Branch likes Mr. Brightside by The Killers and Somebody That I Used To Know by Gotye. 
Now, can Branch sing....? YES. Yes, Branch can sing. And he can sing very well. When he listens to any of the songs I’ve listed above in his truck, omg, does this boy belt it out. One thing that always helps put him in a better mood is to get in his truck, drive down a quiet road, roll the windows down, blast music he loves, and sing along to it. Now while Branch can sing, he never let’s anyone hear him. He’d be mortified if anyone heard. He doesn’t realize that he has a wonderful voice, and he feels like a fool at the idea of people hearing him sing. He doesn’t even hum to himself or silently lip-sing to songs he likes with other people around. He won’t even sing in his own house because he’s worried someone might come to visit and overhear. However, after a couple of beers and with someone he really cares about, they might be able to get him to sing a little tune for them. An aside note, Branch had a couple of piano lessons when he was young, but he hated it and his father never made him pursue it. He can’t play any instruments, though he’d like to learn to play the guitar. 
Branch is a very intelligent man, and he’s actually an avid reader. Some people might think of him as the dumb high school quarter back, but he’s not stupid despite loving sports. During high school, he read a great many classic novels. He actually loved them all. It shames him to no end, but when Walt lent him Hound of the Baskervilles in order to chastise him, Branch did indeed take the book home and very carefully read it. He learned a lot from it and thoroughly enjoyed the story. But because his job demands a lot of his time, he doesn’t ever feel like he has the time to read many novels anymore. Branch is at a point where he’d want to get through a book in an afternoon. So he doesn’t read novels or novellas, instead, he reads plays! Plays as old as Oedipus Rex to contemporary plays. He enjoys that they’re quick reads, but he also has a lot of fun making his imagination work to visualize everything. He actually much prefers reading plays instead of going to watch them. And because of his Uncle Lucian’s talent for writing poetry, Branch will always go buy a collection of poetry based on whoever his uncle recommends he reads. 
Branch loves scary movies! They’re one of his favorite kinds of movies. Yet as often as he watches them, he’s not often truly impressed by them. He hates cheap jump scares. He loves the old school horror movies, no matter how camp they are. Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Chucky to name a few. All the cult classics that had phenomenal horrifying originals. He never bothers with any sequels. He doesn’t really care much for blood and guts in movies. In fact, he’d like to get away from that once he’s out of work. His favorite kind of horror movies have good characters, strong plot lines, and a sense of unease that builds and builds until it’s intolerable. Though I will say, he’ll never watch horror movies alone. 
And here’s a little headcanon near and dear to me that almost ties into the last one. He’s not a coward by any means, but having grown up in close proximity to the Cheyenne reservation has influenced his belief in frightening creatures and spirituality as a whole. While Branch says he doesn’t believe in ghosts or goblins of any sort, he feels it’s best not to push his luck with any possible malevolent entities or cryptid creatures. When Vic Moretti mentioned having her tarot cards read, he actually thought she was pretty brave. He was being honest about never having had them done because he’s a guy in the middle of Wyoming. But I do imagine after that, Victoria would have really tried to get him to go with her for a reading. He would have flatly refused, and it’s because he would be afraid. He’d be afraid of knowing something bad was coming his way and he’d be helpless to stop it. For Branch, he’d rather not see the snake in the grass until he’s bit rather than to know it’s there and know he’s trapped. 
And last but not least, Branch loves cats and dogs!!! He never had any pets other than horses growing up, and he doesn’t have one now. He’d really like to have a pet, but he worries he wouldn’t be fair to them by working all the time. But he adores dogs and cats equally. He loves that a dog can go anywhere with him and be an outdoor companion. And when he visits people who have cats, the kitties tend to take to his lap instantly. He loves cuddling with a kitty inside, but he doesn’t like how their fur gets everywhere. And usually it’s so fine that it makes him sneeze terribly compared to dog fur. He likes to think that once he’s Sheriff or even retired from the Sheriff’s department, he’ll adopt a dog and a cat. 
{Thank you again for all these questions, my sweet! Please feel free to send in any more you have about Branch. I don’t mind answering anything about him. It all helps me flesh out how I want to write him. I hope this was an enjoyable read, and thank you again for your support of my writing!}
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myspaciousplace · 4 years
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Hi there, my name is Nicki and I have the privilege of raising four beautiful children with my amazing husband, Asif. We are a family on a journey, in the process of getting from where we are to where we want to be. Our story is rich, filled with both high triumphs and deep dark pits. I have known that we will write about this adventure “someday,” when we have arrived at the place of our dreams, when we have achieved our goals, when we are finally “there.” 
BUT, as time goes on, I am realizing that the powerful part of our story is the struggle, the loss, the hopelessness that we have experienced and still are trudging through at times. I once heard that when we tell our own story, no matter how raw or painful it may be, we then get to decide the ending, because we have taken ownership of it. Not telling our story makes us the victim of someone else’s narrative and keeps us stuck. With that in mind, I am choosing to write now, knowing that as a result, I will get to choose the ending. So here goes. . . 
First, I want to welcome you into our beautiful home, which I am so grateful for. I really want you to feel like a guest in my home, so please imagine you’re here as I describe it: 
My Dream Home
We live on 8 acres of land in a beautiful modern farmhouse with an open floor plan, 5 bedrooms, and 3 bathrooms. The sunlight streams in through our huge windows and we are far enough away from our neighbors that I don’t even have to close the curtains at night. My mostly white kitchen is spacious, with plenty of counter and cupboard space (gorgeous marble counters, to be specific), two ovens that I frequently bake in, and a large fridge filled with healthy food. Together as a family, we care for a flourishing garden, adorable miniature goats, chickens, barn cats and 4 dogs. I love every season in our home. The summers are spent mostly outdoors - in the pool swimming, on the deck grilling and eating, and in the backyard exploring. The fall is full of yard work and playing in leaf piles, followed with campfires in the evenings. The winter is cozy as we cuddle up in our living room by the fireplace and enjoy looking at the beautiful white world outside. And spring is spent planting our garden and cleaning up the yard in anticipation of the summer. We thoroughly enjoy taking care of our home and it is a bright, peaceful and joyful place. 
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What I just described here is very, very real in my mind. In my imagination, I experience every nook and cranny of this home: I feel the warm grass under my feet when I’m outside in the summer; I smell the baking of Christmas cookies in my convection oven in December; I hear the joyful sounds of my kids running around, playing freely; I taste the large meal I’ve prepared for our family and the extended family that has come for dinner; and I see the bright, open living space, filled with the furniture and colors that I love: a bit of mid-century modern, mixed with a dash of farmhouse style, sprinkled with turquoise, green and yellow accents. This is My Spacious Place. This is my home.
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Where We Really Live
However, if I were to tell you about where I actually live right now, it is indeed quite far from this vision, this dream. . . no, this PROMISE of a home I just described. 
Right now, our family of 6 with our 2 large, high-energy dogs, lives in a tiny, second-story, 1 bedroom apartment with no yard. And in fact, the 1 bedroom doesn’t even have a door on it. Nope, we’ve hung a curtain in the doorway of the room where our 4 children sleep every night. We have no real beds in this apartment, the kids roll out sleeping bag-type pads every night (except for the 2-year-old who is still in a crib) and Asif and I pull out part of our handy Ikea couch to transform it into a “bed.” This room is our “living room” by day and “bedroom” by night. 
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Our tiny kitchen has less than 3 feet of real counter space (about 1.5 feet on either side of the sink) that we supplement with more Ikea furniture: 2 mismatched wooden islands against the wall. We eat meals at our small, 15-year-old kitchen table (also from Ikea!) and share one bathroom and a shower. We don’t even have a bath tub for our young kids. 
We have a room that used to be some sort of “porch” or maybe a 3-season room at the front of the apartment. It has no heat, but we need every bit of space we can get so we use an electric heater to heat this room in the winter and we endure the heat in the summer. We call it the playroom - it’s where the toys are and it’s also where I homeschool our 3 school-aged children. Thankfully, we have a large attic space where we can store stuff and I actually keep a majority of toys up there, rotating them occasionally to keep it interesting for everyone.
The kids clothes are kept in yet another piece of Ikea furniture, a cube-shaped bookshelf unit. Their clothes are in the boxes that fit into the cubes and that shelf is in the “living room.” Asif’s and my clothes are in a “closet,” that is actually just a section of the bathroom that we installed a couple of bars in for hanging clothes from. 
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Walking On Eggshells
Additionally, we live above 2 businesses - one is our own business, Asif’s photography studio, and the other is an architect’s office who has been there for over a decade. He had a very bad relationship with the previous apartment tenant who was a woman with her older daughter and several small “yippie” dogs. She was too loud for him. She, the single woman with a daughter who was in school 5 days a week, who was probably often working herself, was too loud. 
And now we live here - we, who have 4 kids under the age of 10 who are pretty much home ALL day. We, who have a 2-year-old who jumps instead of walks to get around. We, a family who is naturally loud when we’re happy and mad, of which both emotions are expressed dozens of times daily between the 6 of us. We, who don’t have several yippie dogs but rather 2 big dogs who love to wrestle in the living room, right above the architect’s office and bark at passing dogs. And to someone working downstairs, apparently even a normal footstep quakes in such a way that whomever is listening can’t help but tense up and anything beyond that makes one think the ceiling is going to collapse. 
This man has clients come to his place of business and here we are, where our every-day life is causing him to appear unprofessional. He has banged on the ceiling and yelled multiple times to get our attention, Asif and he have had several tense discussions, and ultimately we know that we need to do whatever it takes to keep everyone quiet. But that’s not easy. So we block off half of our already small apartment every weekday during the architect’s work hours to keep anyone from even walking over the main part of his office. It’s helped keep the peace so far, but we are certainly “walking on eggshells” every. single. weekday. 
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What a contrast from the dream home I described at first. Quite the opposite pictures. But do you know what’s crazy?? In the midst of this one-bedroom apartment living situation, I actually find the same peace, joy and brightness that I envision in the promised home that is to come. And believe it or not, I have come to see this as my spacious place. 
And what exactly that means, is another post. 
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Ok, @topaxi said they’d like a post of all the animals I’d like to get so here it is.(under the read more because I am insane and there is so much)
This is a lot (and I know I’m not going to get everything on the first go so this is a work in progress) so let’s start with the smaller categories.
The first category is something I will never actually own because A) I am autistic so a lot of loud noises is something that I CANNOT handle and B) I don’t have the time to devote to them that I would need to keep them happy.
Birds: African Grey Parrot, Cockatoo, some kind of dove or pigeon, and a chicken. As you can probably tell, I haven’t put a ton of thought into these because I know I will never really own a birb.
Reptiles: Tortoise, preferable and African Spurred, but I’d take something smaller. I just think they’re neat. A bearded dragon because they’re hecka cool and cute. I really want some type of snake but my sister is deathly afraid of them so they’re a no-go if I want her in my life even a little bit. 
Amphibian: Axolotl. Have you seen them? THey’re awesome. I don’t want to maintain an aquarium, otherwise I’d have one by now. But maybe someday I’ll be patient enough to have an aquarium pet. 
Cats: An Oriental shorthair. I like long faces and they have a dumb meow. I mostly want a white one right now, but that might change and I might want another if I do get my white guy. I’d also take a maine coone, a savannah cat, an ocecat, or just rescue who is just right. I’m gonna be honest, I’m not much of a cat person but I believe they’re closer to the supernatural than other animals and I’m terrified of anything supernatural so when I move out on my own I’m gonna need a cat of my own to help me out with that stuff. Mostly because i like pets to be guardians and protect me just as much as I protect them and the most and least I expect for protection is warning when there is something there that shouldn’t be.
Rabbits: I will probably never get another rabbit, honestly. Larry is my entire world and I adore my other two rabbits, so I can’t see me being able to move on and get another rabbit if any of them pass. And they are a lot of work that I just am not sure I want to commit myself to again with the dogs that I want to get. However, I do still dream of having a sandy and fawn flemish giant (gotta catch ‘em all), a rex, a french lop, a holland lop, a dutch, and probably any other breed that I see.
Foxes: I just want a fox. I’m not picky. I just think they’re cool. Again, I never will because they’re too much work and require too much time and aren’t really good with any other pet, especially rabbits, but I can dream.
Farm animals: I want a cow, a goat, a couple sheep, a pig, and a horse. I’m not picky about what kind for any of them. Except maybe the horse. Let me do some research and get back to you. But, unless I win the lottery, they’re just not financially viable and, again, I don’t have the time to give them the care they need.
And now the big category, Dogs.
First is another collie. I’m not sure I’d stop at just one more because they’re great dogs, but I also can’t imagine owning more than two at once because I work in a grooming salon so I know exactly what they need in that regard and there’s only so much work that I want to bring home. But, specifically, I’d ideally get another sable merle, or just sable, from the same breeder I got Barkley from. Preferably same parents and everything so they’re siblings. I think that’d be cute. Oh, and I want a girl this time. 
Then, I want to rescue a greyhound. They look so dumb and are so funny and I love them. They’re super fragile, though, or at least that’s what I’m told, so I need a lot more financial stability before I can even consider that. Plus more room. I believe our house is big enough for another dog, but not a greyhound. 
Borzoi. Named Z. Because I have a friend who, for a while, really like that “the birds work for the bourgeoisie,” meme so I think it’s funny. Plus, I was watching Ocean’s 8 and the ex-boyfriend is shown walking two of them for a moment and I thought they were beautiful dogs that look like number 1 and number 2 on my list mixed together so I immediately thought that I need all 3 so I could have the whole trilogy.
A border collie. They’re probably my favorite breed but I have a mental block that I can’t get one without replacing Midnight so I want a blonde female to get as opposite from him as possible. (Her name was going to be what I’m going to name my next collie, but it’s more fitting for the collie now that I’ve decided to get another) There are generally more health problems for blonde border collies, though, and you’re almost guaranteed to have to buy them from breeders, which I don’t especially want to do. I mean, I’m fine with going through a breeder for collies but I’d rather rescue for other breeds. I don’t know why but that’s where I’m at right now.
Great Dane. I want a horse dog. I’ve always loved big dogs, in general if an animal has a large size I want it. And there’s this one named Pip who comes to my work and he’s so big and so much fun and I adore him so I want one now.
Irish Wolfhound. I think wire hair looks really cool and, again, I like big dogs, so I’ve wanted this breed for years. About 10 years, to be specific. One named Castiel comes to work for nails and I talked mom into letting me brush him out one time and damn, did he look good.
Smooth Saint Bernard. Purely because of a dog named Daisy who came to my work and she was the sweetest girl. She recently passed, about three months ago I believe, and I cried when I heard.
Standard Poodle. I don’t really want a curly coated dog because that doesn’t seem like fun daily maintenance, but I really love the way black standard poodles look. Especially with a clean face and clean feet. Plus there are so many fun, cute haircut options to play around with. 
Shih-tzu, Maltese, or Japanese Chin: I won’t actually own a small dog, until maybe when I’m old, but they’re all real cute.
Pit Bull. They’re so cute and sweet and I love them so much. 
Old English Sheepdog and/or Bearded Collie. They just look like such big dumbs and I love that in a dog.
Bull Terrier. I’m a sucker for long faces and they’re basically nothing but a long face.
Afghan Hound. They’re similar to Borzois to me, honestly. Just long face skinny bois with long hair. Which I like.
Smooth Collie. Specifically blue merle. I hate the way that color pattern looks on rough collies, but I think it looks fly as hell on smooths.
To be honest, I would love to own any herding breed other than a german shepherd. And I have a type, I love the long, sleek, skinny bois. (And american eskimo was never on this list, nor would it ever have made it, but I love Oso to death and he has made it so I have the most patience with eskies at work because they need to be handled a specific way and he has taught me the correct way)
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catbreeds2 · 3 years
LaPerm Cats
The LaPerm’s excellent characteristic, after all, is his coat, which has free, bouncy curls, making it gentle and ethereal to the contact.
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When a brown tabby barn cat named Speedy produced a litter of kittens in The Dalles, Oregon, in 1982, one in every of them was bald, with tabby markings on her pores and skin, and massive ears that have been spaced huge aside. She seemed like somewhat alien from outer area. When her coat started to develop, she seemed much more completely different: it was curly. And that was the identify she was given by proprietor Linda Koehl.
Curly finally produced her personal kittens by numerous males within the space, together with a Siamese and a Manx. All of her kittens shared their mom’s curly coat, the results of a dominant mutation.
Geneticists decided that the cats had been distinct from the opposite rex, or curly-coated, breeds such because the Selkirk Rex, which first appeared in Montana in 1987, or the Devon and Cornish Rexes, which originated in Nice Britain.
Finally, standing as a breed was looked for the curly-coated cats. They got the identify LaPerm and achieved recognition from The Worldwide Cat Affiliation in 2002. The Cat Fanciers Affiliation additionally acknowledges the breed. To keep up their genetic range, LaPerms are outcrossed to non-pedigreed home shorthairs and longhairs.
Dimension: The LaPerm is a small cat, weighing 5 to eight kilos. He reaches maturity when he’s two to 3 years outdated.
Life Span: 10 to 15 years
The persona of the LaPerm cat is as distinctive as its look.
LaPerm cats are very agreeable and enormously want interplay which makes for an exquisite household cat that does properly with busy households, different four-legged people and thoughtful youngsters.
Though they’re very inquisitive and vibrant, they’re fairly content material as indoor cats, and aren’t hostile to being left alone from time to time.
LaPerm cats are lively, dog-like and fascinating with out being annoying, and are so in tune with their those that they appear to know when to dial it up or down. They’re an awesome selection for seniors, infirmed people, housebound of us and busy singles as a result of they’re undemanding and supply calm, lovable and joyful firm.
The LaPerm cat is acknowledged by the Cat Fanciers Affiliation (CFA), the world’s largest cat group. and is rising in recognition amongst pure-bred or “pedigreed” home cat breeds.
The coat could also be straight or curly, lengthy or brief in any colour. The specified coat is a gentle, tousled look, with some people really having pretty tight curls.
Shedding could be very low and something greater than common grooming, surprisingly, is definitely not required as a result of the coat often doesn’t mat. Combing is normally higher than a brush, and as soon as per week or so works nice. There additionally seems to be a discount in allergic response to those cats, which is typical of all of the curly Rex breeds.
These are lean, beautiful, small-sized cats which have only a few breed-related well being points.
Each pedigreed cats and mixed-breed cats have various incidences of well being issues which may be genetic in nature. La Perms are usually wholesome, nonetheless.
The LaPerm’s uncommon coat is straightforward to look after and often doesn’t mat or tangle whether it is combed or brushed one to a few instances per week. Longer coats ought to be groomed extra continuously. Use a comb with revolving enamel for finest outcomes. It’s going to undergo the coat simply with out straightening the curls. To maintain the cat wanting his curly finest, mist the coat with just a little water or fluff it with damp fingers to set the curls.
The coat sheds little, and shedding is additional decreased with common brushing. If small mats develop, brush them out gently with a slicker brush or greyhound comb (chrome steel with slim enamel at one finish and wider enamel on the different finish).
In case you give the LaPerm a shower, press a towel towards the coat to absorb moisture after which let him air dry in a heat, draft-free spot. Utilizing a blow dryer will give him a nasty case of the frizzies.
Brush the tooth to forestall periodontal illness. Every day dental hygiene is finest, however weekly brushing is healthier than nothing. Trim the nails weekly. Wipe the corners of the eyes with a mushy, damp fabric to take away any discharge. Use a separate space of the material for every eye so that you don’t run the chance of spreading any an infection.
Examine the ears weekly. If they appear soiled, wipe them out with a cotton ball or comfortable damp material moistened with a 50-50 combination of cider vinegar and heat water. Keep away from utilizing cotton swabs, which may injury the inside of the ear.
Preserve the litter field spotlessly clear. Cats are very specific about toilet hygiene.
It’s a good suggestion to maintain a LaPerm as an indoor-only cat to guard him from illnesses unfold by different cats, assaults by canines or coyotes, and the opposite risks that face cats who go open air, akin to being hit by a automotive. LaPerms who go outdoor additionally run the chance of being stolen by somebody who wish to have such an uncommon cat with out paying for it.
LaPerm kittens are very fast to bond with individuals and alter rapidly to new environments. They’re shiny and busy however simply educated.
They’re neat and fastidious about their potty habits, even when only some weeks outdated., and even the youngest kittens will quickly fall right into a routine with the household schedule
Kitten-proofing is unquestionably really helpful for anybody contemplating adopting or buying any kitten.
Excessive furnishings ought to be off limits, warning needs to be taken when holding these wriggly little kids, significantly when carrying them throughout LaPerm kittenhard wooden or tile flooring, and areas below counters and doorways ought to be blocked off as they’ve a really sturdy urge to discover.
LaPerm kittens could look drastically totally different from adults. Some LaPerm kittens are bald at beginning and develop their curls in 6 to 12 weeks, others are born with some curls – then go bald- then develop their curls again! Lastly, a share are born with straight fur, however nonetheless have that fabulous LaPerm character !
LaPerms should not very well-known, they aren’t at all times available and one searching for a pure bred LaPerm kitten to purchase might have to look a bit to discover a LaPerm cat breeder.
The LaPerm’s excellent function, after all, is his coat, which has unfastened, bouncy curls, making it mild and ethereal to the contact. Tighter, longer curls encompass the neck, forming a ruff and clustering on the base of the ears. The whiskers are additionally lengthy and curly.
The coat is available in two lengths—quick and lengthy—and any colour or sample. Tabbies, tortoiseshells and pink cats are commonest.
Longhaired LaPerms have a plumed tail. The coat’s size and fullness could fluctuate seasonally. It typically components naturally down the center of the again.
The shorthaired LaPerm doesn’t essentially have a ruff, ringlets or “earmuffs,” and the feel of the coat could also be more durable than that of the longhaired LaPerm. He has a tail with fur that appears wavy, extra like a bottlebrush than a plume. The quick coat can also half down the center of the again.
Regardless of the size, the LaPerm coat manifests in numerous methods. Kittens could also be born hairless, with straight hair or with curly hair. Each longhaired and shorthaired kittens might be born in the identical litter. You might discover that the title in your kitten’s pedigree consists of the letters BC, BS or BB. These initials point out whether or not the kitten was born curly, born straight or born bald and helps breeders research how the gene is expressed.
The LaPerm’s head is a modified wedge form, that means it’s barely rounded. The medium-size to massive ears are barely flared. Longhaired LaPerms have full furnishings (hair contained in the ears) and a overlaying of fur on and across the outer ears that resembles earmuffs. Expressive eyes could be any colour.
Head Form: The cranium is a modified wedge, barely rounded with mild contours. Whisker pads ought to seem full and rounded, with lengthy, versatile whiskers. Muzzle: Broad with rounded contours and average to sturdy whisker pinch. Chin: Robust and agency presenting a perpendicular line down from the tip of the nostril. Allowances: ought to be made for the jowls on mature males. Profile: Slight dip to nostril slightly below backside of eye, then persevering with straight to tip of nostril. Dip should be felt for, as it might probably seem straight. Brow must be a flat airplane to the highest of the pinnacle, then clean mild curve again over prime of head flowing into neck. Ears: Positioned to proceed the modified wedge of the pinnacle, barely flared and cupped, medium to massive. Full furnishings and earmuffs with lynx tipping is most well-liked on longhair breed. Eye: Medium giant and expressive, almond in form at relaxation and rounder when alert. Set reasonably far aside and barely slanted towards base of ear. Eye colour has no relation to coat shade.
Physique and Tail: Torso: Small in measurement with medium nice to medium boning. Slim, lengthy legs. Forelegs could also be barely shorter than hind legs. As with physique, medium wonderful boning with rounded ft. Tail: In proportion to physique, tapering from base to tip.
Coat: The cat is available in a long-haired and semi-longhaied coat and each women and men might have ruff on neck at maturity. The coat needs to be freed from matting so it shouldn’t be too thick and heavy. The tail is plumed with some curling. The coat is springy, mild and ethereal. The texture might range amongst particular person cats and/or shade.
Curl or Waviness: Curl is most popular. The coat needs to be free and bouncy and will stand away from the physique, a coat you’ll be able to run your fingers by to the pores and skin. The coat may have an virtually unkempt look (the “Gypsy Shag” look). Tightest curls are within the ruff and the bottom of the ears; longest curls are within the ruff, base of the ears, and on the base of the tail. The coat could range in size and fullness in line with the season and maturity of the cat. At occasions this coat will half naturally down the center of the again.
Sample: Any accepted shade is allowed.
General Look: This needs to be a medium sized cat with dense physique weight, long-legged and with a dramatic, curly coat. Nice and personable, they aren’t simply standard for his or her look, these cats make completely great pets and companions.
Some LaPerm kittens are bald at beginning and develop their curls in 6 to 12 weeks, others are born with some curls – then go bald- then develop their curls again ! Lastly, a share are born with straight fur, however nonetheless have that fabulous LaPerm character!.
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furry fury
A fursona is a person’s conception of themselves as an anthropomorphic animal, e.g. a humanoid dog or raccoon. This is sometimes, but – and many furries would like me to stress this point – not always, a sex thing.
A deadly battle fursona is a fursona that has tapped into the hyperplatonic essence of that animal, of which the universe is conceptually composed. Naturally, the best use for identifying with a principle of the cosmos is to beat people up with it. This is also sometimes, but not always, a sex thing.
When you create a character, consider your name, the epiphany that led to your first fursona, and what your fursona is. By default, you have a Normal Fursona.
Allocate 4 points between Subtle, Straightforward and Strange. When you use one of these traits, you will roll a d6 and add that trait. Your Fursona grants a bonus to one of these traits depending on its tier: +1 for Normal, +3 for Cool, +5 for God.
The Deadly Battle Fursonas are divided into approximately three tiers, according to the commonness of the animal and power of its style. A master of the Deadly Battle Fursonas must begin with the lowest, and work their way up to the highest tier with spiritual self-enlightenment and beating up other deadly battle furries. The Normal Tier is comprised mostly of mammals, being the animals it is easiest to identify with: great cats, dogs and wolves, foxes, otters, etc. Techniques of the Normal Tier are most suited to straightforward violence. Then come animals with more puissance and mysticism: most birds, reptiles and snakes, many things considered verminous or monstrous. Techniques of the Cool Tier are more unique and niche. The 999 most efficacious fursonas are among the least commonly considered animals: tardigrades, cephalopods, and deep-sea creatures. Techniques of the God Fursonas are esoteric and hard to apply, but of paramount power.
Each Deadly Battle Fursona is interpreted by its master into a Fursona Style, with up to three Techniques. The power of these Techniques depends on the tier, as well as the prowess of the martial artist and the number of Techniques: the more there are, the less powerful each Technique is. When a master assumes a Fursona Style, they may physically transform into an anthropomorphic example of that animal, or they may remain in human form with only the aspect of that animal around them.
Here are some examples:
Normal Tier
Canid Style: Best Friendship Guard lets you protect another. Bloodhound’s Unerring Sniff lets you track someone through concealment or camouflage. Teeth of the Pack lets you make a coordinated attack with other Canid Style masters.
Panthera Style: Night Predator’s Prowl lets you move unseen and make an ambush. Nine Lives Reincarnation lets you shake something off harmlessly. Counter-Clearing Jump lets you climb sheer walls and difficult surfaces.
Rabbit Style: Ground-Thumping Escape lets you run the hell away. Racing Hare Approach grants you incredible bursts of speed, though it is exhausting. Thousand Enemies Awareness lets you hear anything that might be a threat.
Horse Style: Galloping Charge Stance lets you cross large distances to make an attack. Sometimes Horses Fly Approach lets you cross terrain you shouldn’t be able to cross.
Snake Style: Cobra Speed Strike lets you make an attack with unmatchable speed. Viper’s Venom Sting lets you inflict lasting ailments. Python’s Coils Grapple lets you strangle someone inexorably.
Cool Tier
Corvid Style: Beady Black Eyes lets you see things that are valuable to your enemy, as well as other weaknesses. Battle-Crow Cry lets you inspire violence in those around you. Raven-Wine Feast grants you strength when people are defeated, whether or not it was by your hand.
Saurian Style: Thunder-Lizard Stomp causes earth-trembling shockwaves. Tyrant King Jaws lets you chomp like a T-Rex. Dragon’s Breath Roar lets you breathe bursts of destructive energy.
Deer Style: Headlights Paralysis Stare causes you and your attacker to freeze in terror. White Deer Chase lets you lead a pursuer on a nonsense chase. Antler Gore lets you gore someone with your antlers, whether or not you actually have antlers.
Unicorn Style: Virgin-Detecting Purity lets you detect someone’s guilt. Single Horn Gore lets you make an armor-piercing attack. Glittering Rainbow Beauty lets you convince attackers you are too beautiful to harm.
Rat Style: Maze-Navigating Cleverness lets you navigate mazes cleverly. Trash-Detecting Scavenger lets you detect what is poisonous or unhealthy and what is edible or good. Immortal Vermin Endurance makes you hard to exterminate; no matter how hard people try, you always come back eventually.
Cephalopod Style: Flashing Skin Camouflage lets you blend in with your surroundings. Many Tentacled Dexterity lets you manipulate several things at once with your be-suckered tentacles. Deep Sea Genius lets you be slightly smarter than you should be.
Mantis Shrimp Style: Cavitation Claw Implosion is a strike so powerful it produces a small implosion. Sixteen Cone Perception lets you see colors that don’t exist. Reflexive Liquid Jet lets you shoot a stream of unidentifiable fluid when threatened.
God Tier
Tardigrade Style: Cryptobiotic Emptiness Defense can endure against everything from the vacuum of space to the pressure of the Marianas trench and the heat of a volcano to the cold of the abyss. Water Bear Don’t Care renders you impervious to things like heartbreak and the pervasiveness of suffering.
Blobfish Style: Perdurant Suffering lets you endure any hardship, because it can’t be worse than what you’ve already been through. Doleful Gentleman Approach lets you suffer with dignity.
Platypus Style: Implausible Biology Evocation lets you have any anatomical feature you haven’t proven you don’t have, such as webbed feet or the ability to lay eggs. Venom Spur Kick injects its victims with agonizing poison that lasts for five days before killing them. Electrolocative Proprioception Sense gives you a sense for something not normally sensible, like regret or mimes.
Hagfish Style: Slime Invagination Excretion lets you slip free of any restraint, leaving only a mucosal trace. Overhand Knot Convolution lets you tie yourself up to get into or out of any situation, somehow. Burrowing Lamprey Evisceration lets you get all up in someone’s meat, then burst your way out.
Axolotl Style: Perpetual Neoteny Stagnation lets you stay young forever. Infinite Limb Rejuvenation lets you regrow lost limbs. Cannibal King Evolution lets you transform into a more powerful form when you have eaten another Axolotl master.
You and all the other Deadly Battle Furries are gathered for the Kingdom Anthrocon Invitational, held every five years so that masters may come together to meditate and beat each other up. Battles may break out at any time when one master challenges another, and may be of any form from a one-on-one duel to a three-vs-three parkour battle to an all-comers wave challenge in front of the hot dog stand. When you fight another, roll against each other. If you can justify the use of a Technique, you may add your Fursona’s bonus. Each roll is not necessarily a single blow, but a whole tactical exchange: a volley of porcupine-quills forces the Vulture Prince to take cover before he can use his Tactical Vomit Experience. Keep track of how many rolls you win; when you have won at least 3 rolls, you may risk it all on one final attack. The final attack allows you to roll 2d6 and keep the higher, adding your trait. If you win this roll, you win the fight; if not, your opponent may make a final attack against you. If both final attacks fail the fight is generally called a tie.
Noncombat scenes may also include walking around the convention center which is also hosting a regular furry convention, or meditating on what it means to be a furry. The primary means of advancing in fursona are personal epiphanies about the nature of the universe: one who reaches enlightenment about the value of things may awaken Rat or Corvid Style, while one who understands the true value of youth or personal growth may awaken Axolotl Style. The other means is to defeat a master with a higher tier of Fursona. You do not have to gain their Fursona: if you defeat a Hagfish master, you may gain Platypus Style.
writing this gave me a legiteral headache and also killed me
dont @ me about fursona tiers
PERDURANT OCELOT has always, retroactively, existed.
thanks and curses to @retroactivebakeries for letting any of this happen
i think my personal evolution would be canid > corvid > tardigrade
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TAGGED: @kintsuggi​ TAGGING: anyone who wants to
NAME.           Hal Emmerich EYE COLOUR.        Blue. HAIR STYLE/COLOUR.        Ash-Brown HEIGHT.       177cm (5'8’’) CLOTHING STYLE.       Hal’s attire is usually plain and comfortable; t-shirts, jeans and sweaters.  BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE.       Hal has been told his eyes are very beautiful but he’s never actually considered himself terribly attractive. He’s can be critical of his appearance. 
YOUR FEARS.        It’s probably easier to name the things he isn’t afraid of. Most of all he fears never being able to atone for designing REX YOUR GUILTY PLEASURE.       Gorey body-horror anime (like Akira) and on the other side of the coin Shojo anime YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE.        People being dismissive of his hobbies and interests YOUR AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE.         make a world he’s proud to bring Sunny up in. 
YOUR FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP .          Hal’s mind turns to work pretty quickly, check programs he left running overnight, glance at the news, find some coffee, sit down and pick up where he left off.  WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT MOST .        Crushing and all consuming guilt. He thinks about how his choices have killed people he loves. How it’s all his fault Emma is dead. How it would have been his fault if she’d died with his father (Which he also blames himself for) and how some people would rather die than accept a life with him.  WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED .        the crushing weight of his responsibilities and the continued vicarious guilt of his family name.  YOU THINK YOUR BEST QUALITY IS .        Hal would consider his best quality his intelligence and persistence. 
SINGLE OR GROUP DATES.          single . TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED.        you can’t love without respect.  BEAUTY OR BRAINS.       brains . DOGS OR CATS.         both.
LIE.       yes . BELIEVE IN YOURSELF .        I guess BELIEVE IN LOVE.        maybe?? someday.... WANT SOMEONE.        sometimes...
BEEN ON STAGE.        No, god no, oh no, no no no DONE DRUGS.        Hal smokes a lot of weed and has an Adderall habit when he’s stressed/studying CHANGED WHO YOU WERE TO FIT IN.         Hal has never felt it was worth it to change to fit in.  He’s always been a loner. After being dropped off in America he didn’t have a lot of people looking to give him a lot of attention, he’s learned to get by with very little attention or affirmation. (Though he still kinda craves it.) He would rather be the weird Otaku no one talks to than to gain friends by hiding parts of himself. 
FAVORITE COLOR.        Blue FAVORITE ANIMAL.         Hal never had any pets but he definitely likes dogs, they’re full of love and joy. FAVORITE MOVIE.        Army of Darkness FAVORITE GAME.        Um Jammer Lammy or Castlevania
DAY YOUR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE.        June 3 HOW OLD WILL YOU BE.       38 AGE YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY.         16 (To his stepmom, oops) DOES AGE MATTER.       no .
BEST PERSONALITY .        Hal has a thing for strong personalities that take what they want and he’s easily lured in by kindness directed at him. BEST EYE COLOR .        Doesn’t matter BEST HAIR COLOR .        Not important. (But he’s been with brunets mostly) BEST THING TO DO WITH A PARTNER .         Cuddle on the couch or in bed. Drink coffee.
I LOVE.        My friends. I FEEL.        Cursed. I HIDE.       my pain. I MISS.        Emma. I WISH.        I was never born.
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