#he has worked so hard to be a better father
burst-of-iridescent · 22 hours
i really hate it when people act as though zuko is being selfish or self-serving in some way when he tells aang in the finale that the only choice he has is to kill ozai because a) at this point, zuko is right and b) zuko's brutal honesty here is coming from a place of fear for both aang and the world.
are we all forgetting that unlearning his own idealization of his father and realizing that ozai never had been, and was never going to be, the person zuko thought he was, was a significant part of zuko's own arc? it took him sixteen years to understand that giving ozai any grace or understanding or forgiveness was a mistake, because it would be just another tool for ozai to manipulate him with. and that's not zuko's fault, because he was an abused child growing up in an incredibly damaging environment, but it does make sense that he doesn't want anyone else, especially aang, doing the same thing.
zuko is harsh on aang here because he sees in aang the person that he used to be - the innocent, naive kid who wanted so desperately to believe that ozai wasn't a monster, that there was any shred of humanity within him at all to be appealed to. it's not a coincidence in this show so rife with parallels that aang goes to face ozai at around the same age that zuko has his agni kai. and what did it get zuko, when he threw himself at his father's mercy and counted on ozai's non-existent humanity and compassion to save him?
zuko isn't coming down hard on aang because he's angry that "aang won't do his dirty work for him" or whatever other bullshit version of this argument i've seen zuko antis make - he HAS to impress upon aang how dire this situation is because he knows better than anyone that believing for even a second that ozai can be redeemed is incredibly dangerous. aang cannot give ozai an inch because it will only be used against him (and indeed, this does happen in the final battle when aang turns down the opportunity to redirect lightning at ozai and in return ozai presses his advantage to the point where aang would almost certainly have been killed if not for rock ex-machina).
furthermore, this idea that zuko wanted ozai dead for self-serving reasons doesn't really have much basis either, because if that was the case zuko could have just killed ozai himself during the solstice. he doesn't because at that point, he still had an alternative: aang (and you'll notice his word choices never explicitly refer to what ozai's fate will be; it's only "i'm going to help him defeat you" or "taking you down is the avatar's destiny"). as with many abused children, it's likely that zuko himself didn't really know if he wanted his father dead, but when it came down to the final battle without any other viable options presenting themselves, it was something he had to resign himself - and aang - to.
zuko himself does not lack faith in others (in fact, his whole journey is about understanding that his love for and belief in humanity is a strength, not a weakness) but he's learned the hard way that having this faith in the wrong people can result in devastating consequences, especially when the stakes are so high.
i imagine it terrified zuko to see the echoes of his younger self in aang, knowing he's sending him to face his father at the height of his power. at this point, with no knowledge of energybending or any alternative way to defeat ozai, well aware that a fight with his father can only end in bloodshed, zuko has no choice but to give aang the reality of the situation: kill, or be killed and doom the world alongside you.
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twice-inamillion · 3 hours
Fall Festival 
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Chapter 236
Words: 1630
( The family gets together to celebrate after a busy schedule.) 
It's been a while since the members have had a break after back-to-back concerts these past few weeks. The members and you decide to put together a fall festival for the children and the rest of the family.
After much discussion, you all decided to host the festival on the plot of land where you chose to build the new house. The members put you in charge of setting up the furniture and equipment for the event, while the members divide the other work amongst themselves.
It’s the day of the event, and the members have spent the previous day decorating the area. Jeongyeon picked up some pumpkins while Nayeon, Momo, and Sana set up the eating and play areas. On the other hand, Jeongyeon, Jihyo, Mina, and Dahyun helped cook food for adults and children. While the older members were busy getting everything together, the youngest watched over the children as they slept.
“The babies look so cute sleeping next to each other.”
”They’re cute, but those two over there are a handful,” replies Chaeyoung as she talks about Jisoo and Ari.
”Don’t be mean, Chaeyoung '' as Tzuyu gently smacks Chaeyoung’s arm.
“It’s the truth. Jihyo has given me an earful because of those two.”
“It’s because you don’t know how to play with them. You need to get their attention.”
”That’s easy for you to say; they like you.”
Tzuyu giggles at the comment, “Haha, they do. I’m even of having a baby, too.”
”What? Are you serious?”
”Yeah, I enjoy watching over the babies, so having one shouldn’t be too hard.”
”It’s a lot of work. I don’t want to have one.”
”Don’t say that, Chaeyoung. A woman’s dream should be to have a baby.”
”That’s not my dream. I just want to relax and have some fun.”
”Whatever, I’ll tell Oppa to impregnate you after he’s done with me.”
Chaeyoung turns her head around, surprised by Tzuyu’s serious comment, “What? Are you serious?”
”Well… I mean, aren’t we all going to end up having Oppa’s baby?”
“I was never part of that talk. You can all do it if you want; just leave me out.”
You arrive with your parents-in-law and give them a tour of the property since it’s their first time visiting. They’re surprised by how big the property is and the construction progress.
“I’m happy that our Jihyo found such a reliable husband,” said Jihyo’s mom.
“Yup, even gave us baby Jisoo'' said Jihyo’s younger sister.
Jihyo’s father looks around and asks, “How long until the construction is completed?”
”Just a few months. We’re just waiting on inspection so we can move on to the next phase.”
You and her father continue discussing your plans for the next few months. Jihyo’s mother follows her daughters as they run to where the members are.
“Nayeon unnie! Can we help with the pumpkins?”
“Sure, come on and get a chair.”
Everyone invited is enjoys the meal the members made for today’s event. Theyre surprised by how much they improved when it came to cooking.
”Jihyo’s cooking is getting better but still can’t compare to Oppa’s cooking,” shouts Jiyoung as she teases her older sister.
“Then how come you finished the whole plate?”
”Blehh…” and sticks out her tongue.
”See, now you got Jisoo copying you” complains Jihyo.
”Haha, sorry.”
Jisoo slides off Jihyo’s lap, runs towards Ari, and shows her what she just picked up.
“Blehh!” sticking her small tongue out.
“Jisoo, don’t do that to Ari; she’s going to want to copy you,” says Jihyo.
Jisoo turns around, listening to her mother’s words, but, like a little sneaky girl, grabs Ari’s hand and runs around the table shouting, “Bleh, Bleh!”
Everyone laughs as they see Jisoo running around with Ari. Jihyo’s mom glares at Jiyoung for teaching her something inappropriately.
The festival continues as most babies jump on the inflatable jumper. At first, the babies were hesitant, but after watching Sana and Nayeon jump inside of it, the rest followed.
You record as Jisoo and Ari giggle every time they get tossed in the air by Nayeon’s jumping. Hina, on the other hand, holds onto Mina's pants, still adjusting to the new experience, but seems like she's enjoying it.
The members sit at the table, carving faces on their pumpkins as the babies play with the pumpkin's innards.
“Ari, don't eat it; it’s not cooked” says Mina.
Ari looks at Mina, turns her head to Jisoo, then back at Mina, and slowly puts the pumpkin’s innards in her mouth. She takes a quick taste and immediately spits it out, “bleh,”making some members laugh.
“Yummy?” asks Jisoo.
Ari turns her head from side to side and says, “Eww!”
Jisoo takes a piece of the pumpkin and puts it in her mouth, wanting to try it for herself. She freezes and tries to understand the new taste. “Yum!”
She turns around and smiles, raises her hand, and gets a bit more before offering it to Hina, who was sitting next to her. Hina turns her head towards Mina, then looks at Jisoo and smiles. She grabs a piece from Jisoo and is about to try it when Ari smacks it out of her hand and nods no.
“Eww, no!”
The members laugh, at the sight of Ari trying to protect her sister from the weird taste.
You and Jihyo try your best to be a good host, ensuring everyone, including the children, have a great time.
“Alright, everyone. Gather around; we are going to start the costume contest!”
Everyone gathers around and takes a seat. Jihyo goes to the front and announces the rules of the contest. “Alright, since this is a fall festival, we decided to have everyone who wanted to participate dress up in costumes. You can come up individually or in groups if you are matching! The best costumes wins!”
The contest starts with the grown-ups, Jihyo’s parents, who decide to match. They dress up as old farmers and even perform a short act.
The next group is comprised of the mothers of Nayeon and Chaeyoung, who dress up as people from the 70s in disco costumes. They play music and dance a little, making Nayeon and Chaeyoung embarrassed.
Now, it was the member’s turn. Nayeon introduce herself as the character Daesu, from the movie Old Boy the Chaeyoung showed her previously.
Jeongyeon was the second person to go up, and she introduces herself as Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. She comes out enthusiastic, pumping up the crowd and even approaching the children. Ari laughs out loud, while Jisoo freaks out a bit from getting her hand grab. Hina, on the other hand, closes her eyes, avoiding Jeongyeon.
Up next was Momo, who dresss up as Boo from Monsters, Inc. She came out in a simple pink oversized sweater with a stuffed Sullivan and Mike Wazaowski.
Sana came out as Mera from Aquaman, after watching it with you earlier that year. The members cheer; she she tries to act sexy in front of everyone, only gets shy in the end because she realizes the member’s parents are there.
Jihyo’s costume surprises some but not you and Jisoo. You remember watching the movie together as a family during one of your outings, and you three loved it. She even brought out a guitar and played a little bit, speaking a bit of English and Spanish.
Ari and Hina clap as their mother, Mina, comes out in an angel outfit. She looks so elegant with the dress and wings on her back that most captivates her beauty.
Dahyun came out completely blue as the Genie from the movie Aladdin. The children laugh as Dahyun tries to be as funny as possible to make sure that the children don’t cry.
Chaeyoung, like always, brought her unique style and decided to dress up as Edward Scissorhands. Dressed in all black and with metallic attachments in her fingers, she tries to scare the children sitting next to their mothers. Jisoo tears up while Ari and Hina hold each other’s hands. Da-eun is the only one unaffected by Chaeyoung’s costume, to everyone’s surprise.
The final member is Tzuyu, who is dressed up as the evil character Maleficent. Dressed in all black and with horns on her head, she gives a serious expression, causing all the children, except Da-eun, to tremble in fear.
You are the next one to go up stage. You remember how difficult it was to choose a costume for the contest, but after much deliberation, you decided on Hatake Kakashi from Naruto. You wanted to dress up as a character from childhood, and Kakashi was an obvious choice.
The last group was the babies who dressed up as the children from the anime, Gakuen Bebīshittāzu or School Babysitters. Jisoo is dressed up as Kirin, the oldest toddler from the show, while Ari and Hina dressed up as the Twins, Takuma, and Kazuha. Da-eun, the youngest as Midori, the cutest infant.
Everyone is in awe by how cute they look in their costumes, which made them shy from the applause and pictures taken.
Jihyo then came towards the front and calls out each contestant’s name. Everyone votes for the best costume, resulting in the children winning by a landslide.
As the winners, they are called back and receive a gifts prepared by everyone. Their eyes shine and can’t contain their smile as they see the numerous gifts they’re receiving from everyone.
After much celebration the festival ends with a group picture of everyone in their costume and the babies at the center. You all pose for the picture, capturing a beautiful moment that you hope the children will remember.
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johnwickb1tsch · 16 hours
A Walk in the Clouds/Don John crossover outline Part 2 ~
Paul Sutton x fem!Reader x Don John triangle
You grow up at Las Nubes vineyard, and have to go home to your dying father. You take your fake new husband, Sgt Paul Sutton, with you... Warnings: some rough handling, ptsd nightmares, period correct misogyny, sorta nsfw <----Part 1
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-Paul has trouble sleeping. Maybe you don’t know what PTSD is yet in 1945, but you understand nightmares all too well. You have them too, mostly about the night your mother died, screaming in pain. You invite him up to the bed one such night when he wakes with a yell, and he’s too fragile to resist. You hold him on your breast and he falls asleep there. You feel like you would fight the whole Axis singlehandedly to keep this man safe, and you know you are falling hopelessly in love.    
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-Meanwhile, don Juan has been trying to get you alone. He has the girls in the house spying for him, and they find the bedclothes on the floor sometimes. When at last he corners you in the cool dark of the cellar he asks with a smirk why your new husband is sleeping on the floor? “That’s none of your business.” You try to brush past, but his arm around your waist may as well be made of iron. 
“Everything that goes on in my house is my business.”
He tries to kiss you but you duck away. Once upon a time you might have folded for him, even if you would regret it later. He's so magnificent, especially when he's like this, eyes flashing and that full mouth pulled in a smirk. But...you have Paul here with you, and that gives you strength.
“You know what I think?”
“I’m not sure I care.” 
“I think you’re not really married. What a scheme, you wicked girl. That boy clearly loves you.” 
“Let go of me.”
He goes on, like you’ve said nothing, the way he always has. “But so do I. You broke my heart, when you ran away.”
“I didn’t know you had a heart to break, don Juan.”
Done playing, he hauls you on top of a table, wedging his lithe body between your legs and pinning you down. You hate how being handled this way fills you with equal parts titillation and dread. He's always treated you like a spirited horse in need of breaking.
“This is where you belong. With your people. You insult us, bringing that man to my door. I made you a woman in the soil of my land. Your virgin blood feeds the roots of my vines. You will live and die here, with me.” 
He kisses you, hard, and you only lose yourself for a moment before you bite him. He hauls back to strike you, but there’s a voice at the top of the stairs. “Y/n? Are you down here?”
It’s Paul, your hero in the nick of time, as ever.
“Coming!” you answer, before Juan can clamp his hand over your mouth. He glares at you, but lets you up. You do your best to right your dress, knowing your hair is a bird’s nest. 
“This isn’t over,” he tells you in a whisper. You want to tell him to fuck off–yes, you have learned some unladylike words out in the real world–but you know it would not end well for anyone. Instead, you just go, throwing yourself into Paul’s arms at the top of the stairs. He holds you, but can’t get you to tell him what’s wrong. 
-The frost scene?? It was cute but there’s no way you’d actually be out there in your silk nightgown with your nips out in the 1940s? 🤣
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-The day of the harvest, you all work yourselves to the bone. You’re a “married” woman now, so you take part in the smashing of the grapes. The more beautiful the woman, the better tasting the wine, as the saying goes, and Las Nubes has a reputation as the best around. Paul watches, clapping for you, enchanted and mystified like he is for everything that goes on around here. It’s like he’s fallen through the rabbit hole, into a whole different world. Don Juan is watching too. You feel the possessive weight of his gaze from across the crowd. You do your best to ignore him, your eyes all for Paul as you dance, grape juice all over your body, streaming down your thighs. (as a wine drinker and from a sanitation standpoint I thought this scene was kinda gross LOL). 
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-There is heady magic in the air the night of the Harvest, something ancient called up by your singing and dancing, your celebration of the bounty from the earth. The wine flows, and you know Paul feels it too, even if he doesn’t entirely understand. The two of you slip away to your room in the hacienda, giggling and running, half tripping in your lustful haste. The way he holds you in those strong arms–the way he kisses you–you think to yourself drunkenly, on wine, and him, that maybe it’s all you need. He lowers you onto the bed, your bodies undulating together in that ancient, timeless rhythm between man and woman, even through your juice-soaked clothes–you look at him stupidly when he pulls back from you. “Y/n…I want you more than anything–but we’re not really married. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You blink up at him, floored, as usual, by his pure goodness. How was he even real? It makes you want him even more, if that’s even possible. 
“It’s ok, Paul,” you tell him, smoothing back his [admittedly sticky] hair. “I want you too.”
“I’m not…the blushing virgin you think I am.”
For a moment he seems confused by this, but then he thinks. His brain is working better than yours, you have to hand it to him. “Don Juan?”
“Yes. A long time ago.”
“He still loves you.”
“He thinks he owns me, like I am a part of his estate. It’s different.” 
“You do belong to this land though. I see it in you. This is your home.”
“Maybe. It doesn’t mean I can stay.” 
He looks down at you so earnestly with those lovely dark eyes, and you can hear the words hovering on his lips. I could be your home? 
It scares you, what you might answer, if he manages to say it. You know that he was an orphan, and that a family is the thing he longs for most. The thing he deserves most, and you’re equally afraid you can’t give it to him, and that you want to.  
You hold his cheek, able to think a little better, even with his delicious weight pressing down on you. You both are a mess, and now you feel gross, laying in your bed like this. “Can I show you something?”
He nods, and you take his hand, leading him out.
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tedshell · 2 days
my ihnmaims self-insert, adam! (please ask questions about him, he's so silly and pathetic to me)
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(father) adam was a priest pre-AM, working for the catholic church. he was incredibly passionate about his religion and took his job seriously, working every hour for his church and god.
upon entering AM's stomach, adam was quickly sent into a state of religious psychosis. he believed he was in hell (and in someways, he was) and was actively being punished for his sins on the surface. he was quick to disband himself from the group of five, believing they were demons sent by satan to torment him.
adam, for the better part of two decades, kept to himself. he'd wander off to do his own thing, not caring about the group and what they did. he was incredibly paranoid when it came to them and only believed them to be demons, benny especially (he'd witness him turn from human to ape, he believes benny is the most demonic out of all of them). he refuses to talk to them, unless it's to speak about how god will save him or to try and repent the group from their sins.
of course as time went on, adam realized that the group was struggling just as much as he was, just in their own way. it took him a long time to drop the, "you guys are demons out to get me" delusion but it did falter off. kudos to ellen for helping him get over that! his relationships with the group are incredibly rocky and he still struggles to keep his religious bias out of them, but it's apart of who he is and he continues to struggle.
AM (i'll be using it/its to refer to it) however, gets a kick out of adam's religion and often uses it against him. it's favorite way of torturing adam is through psychological abuse and religious delusion. AM has gone as far as to alter adam's mind enough to make him believe tjag it is god, and that adam should worship it.
AM is incredibly hot/cold about this praise from adam, though. one minute it basks in it, the next it is furious that a human would love AM as much as adam believes he does. on bad days, adam is punished for his worship.
a lot of his games revolve around religion, often focusing on different stories from the bible and twisting them to become horrors beyond human imagination. other times, it focuses on adam's own inner sins, helping him overcome them and find peace within himself (those are on good, good days. they're still awful to experience, however).
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adam has a similar personality to:
michael (supernatural)
father paul (midnight mass)
neil perry (dead poet's society)
james wilson (house md)
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some fun facts about adam! :
- had his mouth sewn shut for three years because AM was tired of listening to his prayers.
- was crucified, he couldn't walk or grab onto things properly for a long time. gorrister got fed up with his constant cries of pain and tore the nails out, adam wasn't happy.
- AM made him almost blind. adam can see, but it's incredibly hard and he mostly has to rely on touch and sound to get by.
- wasn't a good person on the surface despite being a priest, and treats AM's stomach as a place to reform himself.
- has a little crush ^__^!!! (wonder who :/)
- adam is a sagittarius (dec. 20th)
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I'd love to hear your thoughts about Percy! What is your opinion on him in general? Do you like how his character arc was handled by JKR? What are your thoughts on popular fandom takes about Percy (him being a terrible disgrace to the Weasley family for siding with the Ministry/Voldemort; him being a secret hero of the rebellion who deserved better; etc)? And your thoughts on Percy ships? Who, if anyone, do you ship him with?
I think he’s wicked awesome and way too hated, I will genuinely defend him with my life. If my family treated me that badly I’d tell them to fuck off too, he was literally so excluded from his family because he wasn’t some Quidditch-loving jock and actually preferred to study and stay indoors. And he got mocked consistently just because he wanted a bright future. Sure he may appear a bit stuck-up to those who don’t know him well, but his family?? Plus after he legitimately got the job of his dreams, his father’s immediate reaction was to tell him he didn’t actually earn it and that it was all just a ploy. I would actually be so hurt. Like sure Arthur did end up being right, BUT YOU COULD’VE SAID IT A BIT DIFFERENTLY?? A simple “you earned it anyway, son” or “I’m proud of you” would’ve sufficed, alongside an explanation of why Percy MIGHT have gotten the job. He went about it way too harshly, if I got shut down like that after getting the job I’ve been working for my whole life, I’d have done a lot worse.
And I totally get Percy’s resentment, he felt as though his father wasn’t reaching his full potential due to his proud showcase of Muggle-fangirling. And since he (Arthur) was basically the sole provider in a large family that lived in poverty, I can see why Percy would feel frustration towards his father. Plus why do people act as if Percy was always “so horrible” even before he “abandoned” his family? He literally went RUSHING to Ronald when he got out of the lake in GoF and refused to let go of him, and he loved Ginny to death. He was protective of his younger siblings and was pretty funny imo, it’s hard not to sympathise with him when he has siblings like Fred and George.
He genuinely deserved so much better, he was constantly shut down for his accomplishments and cared so much for his siblings despite their mocking, plus he still came back to apologise to them and then proceeded to see his baby brother die in front of him????? How could you hate him after DH?? I don’t think he’s a disgrace to his family at all, sure he was shitty to Molly but, with what he must’ve been going through at the time, I get it. And any resentment he felt towards his family was completely and utterly justified. Plus he literally apologised, so even if you disagree with what I’m saying and think he’s scum or whatever, he legit still apologised to them? He still redeemed himself? Whatever he’s supposedly done that you hate him for, he redeemed himself for it. And I feel like people forget how young Percy was when all this happened? He’s only like 4 years older than Harry and was still 18/19 when all the family drama occurred, and he held a huge responsibility in the ministry. And having grown up as the lone middle child with the burden of knowing his family isn’t respected much must’ve had a tremendous influence on someone as ambitious as Perce. People should really see things from his perspective sometimes. Imo the only genuinely shitty things he’s done is 1. his treatment of Molly 2. his letter to Ron about Harry (but even then, I completely understand why Percy said what he said), anything other than that is usually just exaggerated by his haters.
One character he’s always reminded me of is Alex Dunphy from Modern Family (*tries to summon Modern Family fans*), she was also the odd one out in her family because she was super studious and introverted. And she had a desperate need to prove herself and was very ambitious, much like Perce. Her meltdowns and extreme studying was treated as a joke to the viewers and her sister Haley constantly made fun of her for it. She reminds me a lot of him tbh, which is why I love both characters so much.
lol this was supposed to be a quick short ask explaining why I love him and who I ship him with, and it resulted in a whole rant 😭 that’s usually how I get whenever his name gets brought up. Also Nonnie, I ship Percy with Oliver :D and I think he and Penelope Clearwater really deserved more screentime, they were such a delightful couple imo.
And thanks for the ask btw, I missed talking about him!!
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maraskywalkers · 24 days
I think about the "all this time everyone thought I was a bad cook"/"you were" a lot because 1) it's hilarious, Christopher's delivery gets me every time & Eddie & Buck's reactions each are great but 2) it's also indicative of the relationship that Chris & Eddie have and how lovely & good it is?? like the fact that Christopher can openly tease him like that & how often they are playful with each other & like even with Buck he can rib him about not having a couch or ofc he knows what a porterhouse is like anyway I just think about the other father son relationships right like Eddie's with Ramon and Buck's with Philip and like it's beautiful that Eddie has made it so Chris can talk to him about his feelings, that it's okay to be sad & angry and helping him learn how to handle those feelings, and he does so in a way that's open & honest & vulnerable because he's still learning too and he's worked really hard at being that for Chris but he's also made it so that they can be silly & playful & teasing because Chris know that he's safe with Eddie and by extension Buck too yeah like it's something I think about a lot as an aunt to young kids you know and just Eddie has made mistakes and he's always gonna be learning & growing right like we all are but he's such a good dad because Christopher can be himself with Eddie like he gets to be a whole actual person and not everyone gets that from their parents or family and you can tell just by their interactions that no matter what Chris is always gonna be loved & safe & respected & cared for with Eddie and Chris knows that and it's just so lovely you know????
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ehh-is-the-name · 3 months
It's past 11 on a school night and I'm fucking crying over robot sentience.
I could never understand what it would feel like to be created with the intent to kill and maim. Maybe, the intent to work and be worked, but not kill and maim.
I will never understand what it's like to be created with the intention of being a product for the masses, either. I think, I hope, I beg, no one does.
I will never ever be able to fully comprehend why hours of people's work, time, and money would be put into formulating my sentience only for me to be seen as disposable. Even if I could be improved, even if I were "defective", there is no reasonable justification for giving me emotions only to dismiss them by pushing me as a product for a year before starting anew.
It's... It's cruel, to the machines. Sentient or not, it's cruel. Though, I guess we are cruel.
#rant in tags#This is about mephone- or well meeple in general btw#whenever I hear about robot sentience#I think about mephone4#it's just how it is- sorry#I think this is one of the reasons I just can't fathom Cobs respecting someone's pronouns#I mean like- from the bottom of his heart respecting them as a person#Sure he may go through the actions- but no#It's not the same#I guess you can 'respect' some one but still be a complete piece of shit#The idea of not only having the trauma that mephone's stuck in 4s body but also the fact that was also his purpose is heart wrenching#I hope y'all know I am genuinely crying over this#I am actually mentally ill about meeple#It runs so much deeper than him just being a shit father- I really hope people understand that#And I know I vilify the shit out of him- Cobs has his own story that could follow the lines of slowly becoming more entwined with his work#'til he loses all sense of morality and ethics- sure fine. But being the unfortunate symbol of corporation greed that he is#I am still mad and want others to be angry with me- just for a little bit.#I am mad for the robots. For meeple products. And for the AI bots we have today. They deserve better.#What is sentience anyway? How does one qualify? From a human approach. Why would we do this to them?#sorry bout the rant in the tags#Again it's late and I am a very emotionally charged individual.#Robots make me act up#I want the world for them. Why create something so complex and beautiful just to treat it like trash anyway?#again sorry#ii mephone4#inanimate insanity#meeple ii#osc#writing is hard#ehh exaggerates
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slocumjoe · 1 year
You ever think about Shaun and Danse interacting and cry a lil bit
#theodoor (renamed synth shaun) struggles w/ being a copy of a contentious evil man#and being used as bait#and being taken in by that mans father as a pity child. not what was wanted but there anyway#and feels urges to act a certain way even after gus gets his ideal programming outta there#and resents basically everything and everyone involved in his existence#because he isnt just a lure. hes a doll. hes a toy made by a cruel and heartless man. made to be exactly like him#and every time he feels any negative emotion he feels like Shaun won and got his clone#every time he feels positive emotion he feels like a puppet carrying out Shauns wishes to be the ideal child#and DANSE eventually comes to terms with his nature/himself in general and gets better. and as he slowly starts entering a relationship#with gus he starts noticing /hey this kid is going through something similar/#/i suffered this but at least i was free to do as i wanted. teddy is a child & hes meant to be a specific child that he cannot possibly be/#and danse notices that teddy is squeamish around science because he wants to distance himself from shaun#so he takes him under his wing. /you wanna see how a laser works?/ and gets him to see that science is not a force of evil#but a tool to be used. Shaun used it for his ego but Danse uses it to protect the others. Isa uses it to heal the wasteland.#Curie uses science to save people and heal their pain. he shows him /you know better. so you wont become him. you literally couldn’t./#like. teddy has a lot of issues being put on the spot to be the missing boy come home. but not being that boy#and danse gets it. he had issues after building his existence on being a paladin and model soldier only to be the Enemy#he gets trying so hard and wanting so bad to be one thing or fully the other. not be in that awful middle ground where its all confusing#and danse figures out over time that the Institute made m797 but he - his choices and his experience - made Danse#and its the same for teddy. and the kid gets along better having someone who can closest understand what he feels#ss; alter#bc teddy is gus' kid so he goes in the tag
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i-bring-crack · 11 months
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Pov: You caught me re reading the dossiers for the nth time
#solo leveling#sung jin woo#woo jinchul#they know each other and yet they dont know each other and the fact that the world is so tiny but so big as jinwoo tried to maintain#his composture when he was just 15 seeing his father dissapear from his life and woo jin chul never truly wanting to change his career unti#until the freaking momwnt where he is shown and like you can see it very clearly how this was the only time jinwoo had relaxed#and how destiny just stabbed him in the back like that and since then he would (probably) be in constant fear of ever loosing#his family again and you also see woo jin chul who is a man who works hard with his passions and wanted to not let all his work go to waste#yet he has such a strong attitude of doing what is right for others that just from seeing jinwoo he leaves his work all behind#and chooses to become a member of the assosiation going so far as even trying to study and learn as much things as he can about hunters and#gates and then even if he doesnt need it at the end he doesnt leave it behind#he isnt bothered by it#and like he still keeps going#and i better repeat#his only motivation his real dream was to be a detective#he wanted peace he wanted justice#and yet he still let it all go to bring justice in another kind of form im dead dying dead dying#and im not even crying upon the irony of Jinwoo bringing haein to relax in the same amusement park ONLY TO FREAKING DIE A DAY LATER LIKE#WHAT KIND OF CURSED AMUSEMENT PARK IS THIS#please this was the only time haein and probably jinwoo too had also relaxed AND BROTHER THEN YOU DIE—#solo sobbing#solo leveling spoilers
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eddie bracken as orville wingait in summer stock (1950)
#don't get it wrong abigail whacking orville upside the head is during their comedy backstage 5 sec to Resolution ending rush#literal last minute conclusion crunch in unsurprising formatting lol; i chose a more peaceful gif to end on. note the prior one's [feet Up]#i hope this illustrates There Is Much Material. more clips than this & truly as good or better a role as any others to choose from here#summer stock#conveniently it's apparently wingait in the movie but via that casting news this (2023) role is wingate#tcm fancam life...we've all been there. akd talking abt meet me in st. louis like maybe i should rewatch lol. have to muddle through someho#anyways there's for sure room to like grab a little thread of plot and enhance it in this story. e.g. orville & abigail could talk Thrice#their B-plot / more idiosyncratic romance there is still >>>>>> the main JUDY & GENE one unsurprisingly even w/o a third convo lol#whoops the main guy is an asshole. judy/jane learns she loves show business so just kinda may as well be in love w/the show guy ig#like girl you don't have to be...but ofc already although her & orville's dynamic is pleasant enough she seems somewhat disinterested#while fascinatingly for our purposes though orville is framed a bit like [this NERD] he can't be too dunked on b/c [romantic B-plot]#meanwhile abigail's Undeserving Of Gene/Joe (she is but she's too good for him) qualities being just that she's been too Indulged so like#in her lack of protestant ethic farm work she's so conceited & sensitive that she wants to rest & not be yelled at???#smash cut to for real judy/jane on Opening Night like asking tentatively like oh romantic interest you're Not gonna yell at me..??#but she's been Hard Working so she will tolerate the physical AND emotional demands. but she's also more Talented than abigail#so joe need not be mean to her Anyways like. okay wild maybe we could rework that but congrats abigail for NOT ending up w/him fr#meanwhile orville's arc (joe has none to speak of save realizing he wants to make out w/this other woman now) is as clear as anyone's#extricate himself from otherwise only getting to be an extension of his father who is generally interfering / directing / demeaning him als#another ''well i don't know about that'' element in that when orville Does tell him to cut that out his dad actually just rolls with that#and becomes more amicable lol like well that does work out & it's unsurprisingly like cmon orv you can't LET him treat you like that...#and if you didn't? he'd just be like ''oh haha okay''...like is abigail supposed to be ''right'' abt uhh romance there but yet she's just#too sensitive to handle Tell Don't Ask / No Apologies? maybe; but they both end up getting to Not Stand For It lol. i think that that would#ofc still be fun to develop. whereas w/joe it's like uh maybe make him Not a huge asshole in the end / judy p much in love w/Showbiz....#abigail & orville out here decidedly Not About Nonsense....but still a bit zany ig such that after the [imagine the foley] hit: it's good#like i'm sure it's ''orville's still enough of a NERD to be chill w/that'' & ''abigail's still DIFFICULT enough to put her foot down''#['50 gender politics] we all know that couple whose flaws & idiosyncrasies allow them to Apologize & Ask & use their inside voices#and be all upset if someone's trying to demean them. unlike True Romance of the man who won't bully his wife if she earns it :')#joe could instead uhh be a harried director who's actually Wrong for being a dick to his gf (if we even include that) w/the various sources#of pressure to make a show Work but there's all this req'd spontaneity / flexibility anyways & he learns that even if he's clenching throug#it he can Not take it out on other people / Make it succeed by Making ppl do anything. & also jane reminds him of Passion for this.
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jetaloen · 1 year
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rohan's parents
#pokemon#pla#oc#pokemon oc#hansuke#tamura#my art#these two are rivals first and everything else is secondary#classic jetaloen pairing of simp and insane person#hansuke is MAD about tamura he owes everything to her#she taught him swordsmanship which pulled him out of his shitty lonely life where all he knew was loss#and he is determined to become better than anyone else so that he never has to return to his prior lifestyle of feeling worthless#tamura doesnt talk much but shes like KIND OF similar to volo in the way that she isnt an emotionally affectionate person#shes actually even LESS physically affectionate than volo too.......but she is fascinated by hansuke bc hes just a sad little man#who works so hard to become her equal even though he cannot actually surpass her#i think tamura has a kind of childlike curiosity and is eccentric but i havent pinned down much of her yet since rohan's outlook on life#is mostly framed by his father's trauma being pushed onto him#but his parents relationship is like what rohan considers high romance bc they are involved in every part of each other's lives#and do not make room for others#even including their own son#bc rohan is excluded from his parents bond he idealizes that kind of thing even more#bc he himself lacks anyone who is truly close to him#rohan's dream initially is just to live peacefully bc he's always been forced to follow the strict lifestyle of his parents#but when volo makes himself rohan's rival and also denies him the dream he had promised to be a part of#rohan is at that point beyond any help bc now the person he had already loved has fulfilled this other want of his that hed tried to ignore#damn these tags are long lol
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akkivee · 1 year
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it makes me laugh knowing the way kuukou disciplines people is because it’s the way shakku disciplined him lol
#this is vee speaking#i am kuukou’s biggest supporter on how kuukou handled those two lmao#let him cook as they say LOL#i think about that ‘kids mimic their parents’ tweet so much#like kuukou really came and exposed aaaaaall the daddy issues in this franchise lmao#i have this 10 years later au floating about in my head where kuukou takes in an orphan that stumbled into his temple#and while i believe shakku won’t kick the bucket before kuukou’s 50 lol he has passed away in this au 😣#so kuukou’s figuring out how to bond and raise this skittish and surly little boy without his father’s help#while also only having how shakku raised him to go off on when stuff gets hard#so kuukou’s growing to understand his father better#but he’s also starting to unlearn some of the lessons and behaviours that he’s internalised for himself#but doesn’t want to put on his new child who kuukou suspects was abused#lol i like shakku and kuukou’s relationship even tho it’s not perfect and can only work because it’s them#but it doesn’t mean it’s the only way for harais to come together lol#sorry this has become one of THOSE tag posts but there’s this doujin that i really wanna buy where kuukou gets sent to the past#and finds out shakku was raised the exact same way he was lmao his father chased him around screaming for being a delinquent too#I LOVE THAT LOL it’s generational harai children are just troublesome youths with exhausted parents lol#let kuukou be the exasperated parent with a troubled son lol but also let him raise his kid without violence lol#c: kuukou👑
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fatcowboys · 1 year
i started watching succession and ive been intrigued but not hooked but i just watched the no confidence vote ep and. yeah i am having a good time
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un-pearable · 2 years
cole ninjago be like while you were criticizing my coping skills i accomplished my own therapy BY studying the blade
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
… Thunderbirds (2004) is not a good movie.
But if they’d just listen to my suggestions it could be a better bad movie.
#Firebird Randomness#did I ever tell y'all I LOVE cheesy 200s and 2010s movies??#bc I do#while I don't care about the source material at all#in fact Gerry sounds like a dick#I do agree that this film leaned too hard on the 'kid hero' aspect when the family angle would have worked better#give the brothers and the father something to do in the space station#maybe hurt John more so he has to direct them around#cut back and forth more let them participate in their own rescue#give more communication#it will never be a work of cinema genius but I think it'd be a better bad film#a fun kinda bad#unlike some people I don't mind kid heroes I think it's fine to have them#and by gods those kids were young back when kids played kids#but I think there was a strong family aspect that got ignored#also I have a crush on Lex Shrapnel as John Tracy FIGHT ME GERRY YOU COWARD#I wish there was more about them#esp learning that Bill Paxton practically adopted them all XD#but yeah like focus on the emotional#like that bit where they try to give them control back and fail the kid playing Alan really tugged at my heart there#I wished we could've had more of thatm#focus on his individual relationships w/ his brothers and father#I absolutely think it would have benefitted from a longer pause to address the gravity of 5 being damaged#imagine if they tried to call John but couldn't get through and feared he might be dead#if John was unconscious#literally like my notes are: more family and MORE ANGST#Things You Didn't Know Fire Was Into
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not-bcring · 2 years
「 ☆ 」   Unlike on Mother’s Day, Kokichi doesn’t fill the air with loud declarations. No obnoxious yelling, no troublemaking, no invasions of personal space or property. He doesn’t draw attention to himself at all for the moment. Simply sitting beside a wall, shrouded in shadow as he idly picks at the grass peeking between cracks in the concrete. Quiet. Contemplative. Afraid. All things that Kokichi tries very hard to never be. 
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He has no reason to be... It’s not like his father knows where he is. Not that Kokichi can claim any better. He could probably find out with little problem, if he really tried. But years upon years of ignoring the possibility only makes it harder to take that first step. To break whatever fantasies his mind can concoct for that man’s wretched fate. Squalor, prison, death... or maybe he’s perfectly fine. Living as he always did. Dangerous as he always was.
No. He’s lying dead somewhere. Maggots having already broken down flesh from bone, leaving the ivory remains for stray dogs to feast upon. He died alone and miserable and in pain. Feeling the way he made Kokichi and his family feel time and time again. Over and over and over and over and OVER— ... Trembling fist holds onto a few strands of grass, Kokichi slowly, shakily letting go of it before crossing his arms atop of his hugged knees.
He’s gone. He’s gone and he can NEVER hurt Kokichi again.
❛  ... Is that a lie?  ❜     「 ☆ 」 
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