#he hated seeing other canines jump at the chance to please and wagging their tails
crowsyart · 2 years
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Some baby spiritstein and spirits pelt pattern(he has a cross mark on his back) of course he’s a lot redder but yeah
Stein is also trans because. I’m projecting
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world-of-horrors-au · 4 years
Horrors AU - The Savage Beast Soothes [Pruning Roses]
Part 4 of the Briar vs Proxies series
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Ao3 Mirror
Wattpad Mirror
TW: None
Scratching, scratching. Sniffing, sniffing. Briar woke up cold, an iron hammer pounding inside her head, but aware of everything despite the pain. Scratching, sniffing, clicks and ticks. There was something nearby.
Toby had a pet. She'd never seen it herself but Eyeless Jack had. Said it was a wolf, the strangest he'd ever seen. Black as night with golden eyes, it followed him through the Forest when he got too close to the Proxies' territory. Jack said it growled like a beast twice its size. Toby called it Fury. Told Jeff it was the most dangerous being he'd ever met.
Scratching, sniffing, getting closer. Briar lay limp, barely breathing in her spot on the floor. Her heart pounded in time with her head. Something moved on the other side of the wall. Metal scraped and shifted. She tried not to tense, tried not to breathe too hard. Maybe if she played dead, it would go away.
An animal grunted in the darkness. Something huffed, sneezed. Briar squeezed her eyes shut. Fur scraped against the wall, and deadly claws tapped against the wooden floor. 
Briar exhaled, listening, listening. This room was too small, it was almost on top of her already. She heard it pause, and in the silence, growl. And the noise echoed in the tiny room. Her whole body shuddered. She was absolutely dead.
Hot breath rushed over her face. A warm nose brushed against her cheek. Briar couldn't stifle the whimper. It all hurt too much to hide anymore. 
The animal whuffed against her skin.
A warm, rough tongue brushed against her cheek.
Briar shook, waiting for the teeth to settle into her skin, but they didn't. The animal lapped at her in an oddly familiar way, moving from her cheek, to her arms, her shoulder and neck. 
Her eyes opened. The wolf was everything Eyeless Jack said. Big, black, looming in the darkness… but its eyes were closed, and the catlike tongue brushed over her skin.
Catlike. Briar's eyes widened. The wolf was licking up the blood spilled from the beating she'd gotten. Was it hungry? Or was she being… groomed?
"What are you doing?" She whispered.
The wolf opened its eyes and looked at her. Briar couldn't look away. It was like looking into the eyes of another Horror. This wasn't a normal animal. There was intelligence in those eyes. And maybe she didn't understand but… she swore there was compassion in them.
Letting out a shaky breath, Briar raised a hand to the wolf's head. Her fingers buried into the thick fur by the wolf's ears. She curled her fingers, scratching. The dark form of the wolf's tail lifted, and wagged. A deep rumble came from the being's chest. It couldn't be, she thought. Is it… is she… purring?
Fury's eyes closed. Her head tilted into Briar's hand, the loud rumble a comfort Briar knew so well. Memories of her teen years, her beloved cat Captain curled next to her chest, flooded into her mind. Her eyes closed.
"Thank you," she mumbled.
She felt Fury move, and opened her eyes in time to see the Beast lie down on the floor beside her. Fury rested her head on top of Briar's and sighed. She was so warm… Briar pressed into the thick fur, feeling the heartbeat beneath the powerful muscles. Fury purred, the vibration filling Briar's body from head to toe. It hurt, but she didn't mind at all.
She slept deep.
A low growl disturbed her sleep. The pain returned as Briar opened her eyes. Beside her, Fury sat rigid, the canine head turned away. Again, the Beast growled. Briar tensed, listening. 
The lock on the door clicked. She swallowed and closed her eyes again. Behind her eyelids light flowed into the room, the hinges squealing as the door opened.
"What the-" Hoodie said. "Fury, how the hell did you get in here?"
Another growl left the wolf-like creature, the noise vibrating her whole body. Briar hunched lower behind Fury.
"Seems like she likes the girl," another voice said. It took Briar a moment to recognize the speaker as the man from before, Masky. "Must have found her way in through a vent."
Hoodie sighed.
"We're not going to hurt her," Hoodie said. "We're moving her to the room we cleaned out. She can't stay in here, this room wasn't meant to be used for more than a few days. The new room is better."
Fury growled again. Hoodie grunted.
"Hey, girl," he called out. "You awake?"
The sound coming from the Proxy's mouth made Briar flinch. She looked up from behind Fury's form.
"That's a yes," Masky said.
"Get up," Hoodie said. His tone left nothing to be discussed.
With a nod, Briar shifted. Grinding her teeth against the pain, she forced herself to her hands and knees. Fury whimpered, watching with those intelligent golden eyes. Briar stroked the strange wolf's head.
"I'm okay," she mumbled. It was a lie but she had to reassure her new friend. "It's just - Just a little pain-"
She put her foot onto the floor, pushed up. Agony shot through her, her eyes flooding with tears as the world darkened at the edges. Briar felt the floor give way.
Cigarette smoke hit her nose. Her vision spun as she blinked her eyes. Someone's arms were around her, strong ones, and for a moment, Briar almost thought it was Eyeless Jack. But her sight returned, the pounding blood easing in her ears. She looked up into the white and black mask above her.
Masky adjusted her in his arms.
"She's not going to be able to walk like this," he said.
"Can you carry her?" Hoodie asked.
Briar squirmed. She could walk, she could definitely walk, it was just vertigo, she was going to be fine. But the arms tightened around her, Hoodie's eyes boring into her. Reluctantly, she went limp.
I hate this, she thought, ignoring Masky as he answered. Her legs left the ground as he picked her up. Briar shut her eyes. I hate this so much.
It was far from the first time she'd been carried in her life, but she never ceased to feel humiliated by it. Being carried meant she was vulnerable, helpless, unable to protect herself. It was worse now, being carried in the arms of one of her enemies. He was gentle, holding her like she was a priceless treasure, but what did it matter if they weren't going to let her go? 
I want to go home, Briar thought.
Behind them, claws clicked on the wooden floor. Briar relaxed somewhat. Fury. At least she wouldn't be too alone, for now.
They passed Beastie and Skully. Hoodie greeted the two with a wordless wave, Masky silently nodding as they walked by. Briar looked to the floor, gut twisting, feeling the Proxies' eyes focusing on her. Masky adjusted his grip, pressing her closer to his chest. She squeezed her eyes shut.
"We're almost there," Masky said in a voice so soft, it could only have been meant for her to hear. "Don't be afraid." Briar didn't respond, curling her fingers into her shirt. How could she not be afraid?
A few minutes later, a door squeaked open. Briar opened her eyes again. They stepped into a room, larger than her last cell. A quick glance around showed plastic boxes, made before the first Wave but still in good condition, a door on one side, a bed on the other. No windows, one lamp beside the bed.
Without a word, Masky set her down onto the mattress. It was soft, and surprisingly enough had pillows and a comforter, both well-patched from use. Briar pushed herself until her back pressed against the wall, looking between Masky, who backed away from her, and Hoodie. Hoodie stared back.
“Bathroom,” he pointed at the extra door. “The shower works, use it. Your clothes are in the boxes. I don’t know what Kate found but that’s what you’ll be wearing. The door will be locked, and we’ll bring you your food so long as you don’t misbehave.”
Masky’s face was covered but there was no mistaking the glare he shot his leader. Hoodie didn’t react, didn’t even look at the other. Briar swallowed under Hoodie’s gaze.
“Toby stepped out of line,” Hoodie said, “But I’m not afraid to have this happen again if you cause trouble. I’m not going to tolerate any defiance or disobedience, got it?”
Briar nodded. He said nothing, watching her. She looked away.
“Yes, sir,” she said.
That seemed to please him, though she couldn’t see his face.
“Good,” he said. He finally turned towards Masky. “The damage will heal on its own, eventually, but some first aid might encourage it. That’s your responsibility.”
“I’ll need Skully’s help,” Masky said, his voice tight.
Hoodie cocked his head to one side, as if in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“He’s better at serious injuries than I am, and you know it.”
“That’s not what I’m talking about,” Hoodie said. “But fine. I know what your problem is. If you want Skully’s help, he’ll help you. But this isn’t going to last forever. This might be your only chance.”
“I understand,” Masky said, “Though I doubt that’s true.”
The proxy leader snorted, and looked away. “Fury-”
The mattress creaked as the Beast jumped onto it. Fury sat down beside Briar, and wrapped her fluffy tail around her feet. She had a canine face, but the look of disdain on it was unmistakably feline. 
Hoodie raised his hands in surrender.
“Okay,” he said. “Masky, let’s go.”
Masky nodded. Hoodie shot Briar one last look before heading out the door. The other man followed him, but hesitated, glancing at her over his shoulder. For a moment, Briar thought he would speak, but the door closed and the lock clicked, and she was alone.
Well, mostly.
Fury turned to her, the deep rumble of her purr returning. She nuzzled Briar’s hand, licking it with her rough tongue. Briar ran her hand over the wolf-cat’s head.
“Oh, Fury,” she said over the noise, “What am I going to do?”
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thecorteztwins · 5 years
Werewolf Shinobi @esteicy-blog! Also tagging @acaprioglino @shattered-catalyst @sammysdewysensitiveeyes because I think you’ll enjoy it, as it has your chaotic dumbass boy! Shinobi Shaw was not a good werewolf. The first time he transformed, he didn’t rampage, or attack livestock, or eat people. He just had a really hard time adjusting to having four legs and tottered around the house falling all over his own paws, then barked at the mirror for two hours. He then had proceeded to just hide under his blanket with his nose poking out. His next few full moons had not gone any better. And worst of all, got sprayed by a skunk. His human form was just as embarrassing. He got distracted by squirrels mid-flirtation. He was starting to get really into sniffing people at parties. He attempted to run after cars, but still wasn’t in good enough shape for it so he just got worn out and started wheezing and whining and begging anyone he was with to carry him. And while making out with a guy at his apartment, the man’s cat had walked in. Immediately, Shinobi had jumped down to all fours to chase it...only for the cat to beat him up. Needless to say, his pack leaders were not pleased. He was before them now in his wolf form, which looked more like a coyote-sized black fox that anything, slim and silver-ticked with white paws. His tail was tucked, his ears were drooping, and his amber eyes were upturned in supplication towards the trio passing judgement on him from the rocks above that served as their thrones. Emma Frost. Erik Lehnsherr. And Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi’s own father. The representatives of the three most powerful werewolf clans in the territory, and the sternest, hardest-hearted, scariest people that Shinobi had ever met...with his father being the worst in all three categories. It wasn’t just that he was mean, or yelled, or told Shinobi he was a worthless idiot every time he saw him. It was the fact he hit him in human form, and bit him around the neck as a wolf, every time Shinobi disappointed or failed him. Which was often. Shinobi was trying not to cry.
Luckily, it was Emma who spoke, otherwise he might have lost that battle, and no one wanted to see a wolf weep. ”Shinobi Shaw, three times you have been granted the opportunity to prove yourself worthy as a werewolf of the Hell’s Fire Pack. Three times you have failed---and in rather spectacular fashion, I might add.” It had indeed been spectacular. The first time had involved a lake, the second a tanker truck, and the third time....a grand but accidental fireworks display that had frightened off every prey in the area during a hunt. Shinobi still wasn’t sure how any of it happened, but he suspected that the “liquid courage” he had consumed beforehand to “calm his nerves” might have had something to do with it. ”Three chances is traditionally all one gets,” Emma continues, “And it is typically MORE than one ever needs.” His ears drooped lower and he slumped. ”However...” His ears perked up. ”When the three of us assumed leadership of Hell’s Fire, part of the mandate that united us was the belief that some traditions must be torn down or at the very least modified to better suit the modern age and to best serve the pups of this generation. Lone wolves are a risk not only to themselves, but our species as a whole, and we would prefer for such a fate only to be earned by malicious action, not mere incompetence. Thus, for the time being...you are permitted to remain here, though you are still counted not counted as having any rank or truly belonging to the pack. But you are also not counted as a cub either. You are...your own category. Until we figure out what to do next with you.” His own category? He looked up. He was unique! He was special! He was so clever and amazing they had to make a new category just for him! As delusional as that was, it was either that or face the sense of crushing failure that was weighing down on his slim canine shoulders, so he embraced it...and avoided the stony GLARE of his father from on high, silent at Emma’s side, opposite of the other male, Erik. He had a feeling that his father probably had NOT been the one to vote to let him stay. But he would show him! He would show them all! He was just having a rough start, but he would be the best wolf ever! The best wolf the Hell’s Fire pack had ever seen in HISTORY! Bounding off into the woods after his dismissal, ignoring the laughs and taunts of packmates, his slender chest filled with determination, with confidence, with courage! He was going to--- He stopped in his tracks, kicking up quite a few leaves from the forest floor, as he realized, fuck, he didn’t know what to do. How could he prove himself? Let’s see...he had failed three attempts at the Rite of Passage, in which a young werewolf was given a task to prove himself worthy... Aha! That was the problem! The challenges were wrong! He would just have to make his own! And to do that, he needed inspiration! And for inspiration, he needed...BOOZE! So he trotted down to town and went into the nearest bar....and was promptly chased out with a broom by the screaming bartender. Oh, right, he was still in wolf form. He shapeshifted into his human state, and went back in...only to get chased out again, this time because he was naked. Man, some people were so uptight! After procuring some proper attire---meaning he swung by the designer boutique up the street where he had a personal account, rather than just go back to his penthouse to get clothes he already owned---he returned to the bar, told them they had made a huge mistake and he would now take his business elsewhere, and asked if anyone could lend him a $20 for an Uber. No one did. Then he remembered he had a driver he could just call. So he asked if anyone could lend him their cell phone. Wolves really needed to develop pockets in their coats. Eventually, he did manage to get to the upscale club he had in mind, though only by taking public transport like a SAVAGE. But he’d felt unsafe on the subway was a beautiful and affluent-looking human, so he’d shifted back into his wolf form for the trip... Meaning that someone was on a subway car with a wolf that was wearing fabulous sunglasses (at night) and a big fuzzy brilliantly purple haute couture coat. He was probably responsible for a WHOLE lot of people thinking they were either on drugs, or needed to quit them. He shifted back, got into the club, and... That was the last thing he remembered before waking up in the dog pound, in his wolf form again and without his new clothes. Oh, well, no big, this had happened before, he would just--- ”Hello there.” A WOMAN IN A LAB COAT was looking down at him. Something about her reminded him of Emma Frost, and not just because she was an attractive blonde. His tailed wagged and he hoped for pats. ”Don’t play puppy with me, wolf,” she said in a smirking tone, and his eyes went wide. She knew! ”Yes, I know what you are,” she continued, as though she had read his mind, ”Just stay in your current form, and everything will be fine. I’m getting you out of here.” Oh wow, he had found an ally! The pack would be so proud of him! She had on the white coat so she must be a doctor, maybe a vet! That was great! They needed people like her! After she had filled out his adoption paperwork, she walked him back to her car on a leash, something he enjoyed IMMENSELY. Once he was in the passenger seat, he turned into his human state again, to let her see just what a gorgeous specimen she had procured for herself. ”Hey there babe. I’m Shinobi Shaw, and I’m all ready to be your new pet. Or should I say---” ”Oh, shut up,” was the last thing he heard as she sprayed a can of knock out gas at him and he collapsed. When he regained consciousness, he was in a cage once again. A lab this time. Even he could recognize that, with all the beakers and test tubes around with unpleasant looking fluids in them, not to mention the other animals and people---people!---in cages there too. Many of the animals were squeaking or crying in pain, but the people...they didn’t move. And they didn’t look good either. Their naked skin had strange green patches, almost like they were growing algae from their flesh. Skin tags the size of plums drooped at random places. Liver spots were swollen and growing small horns. Teeth were sticking out of places that were NOT there mouths. And some of them were...kinda oozing. It had the antiseptic smell of a hospital...mixed, paradoxically and disturbingly with the smell of rot. Rot, and radiation. What kind of crazy medical kink play had he gotten into?! ”Oh hey babe---or should I say Mistress? Doctor, maybe?” he posed in as sexy a position as he could in the cramped cage as the blonde woman entered the lab. A hush fell over it, the animals too scared to continue their howls and squawks, the people too far gone to speak. As soon as he tells me everything I need to know, I’m wiring his jaws shut and excising his tongue, thought Dr. June Covington. Out of all the supernatural creatures she was studying, she’d expected werewolves to be the most taciturn, thinking they would be more like animals than people....although, in a way, she was right, this guy WAS an animal. And a dumb one at that. “Shut up,” she said simply, just as she had in the car. She unlocked the cage, grabbed him by the neck, and hauled him out. As she expected, he went willingly; it was why she hadn’t used anesthetic on him as she usually did with such creatures. She’d thought that his enthusiasm might wane as the experiments began, and yet, it did not. He clearly enjoyed them, writing around and making kinky innuendo throughout. She finally muzzled him, and he just clearly enjoyed that. She began considering anesthetizing him just so she wouldn’t have to put up with this shit, but she went through a LOT of sedatives, it was unwise to waste it on him if she didn’t have to. She’d hate to find herself facing down a PROPER werewolf without enough sedatives on hand when she needed it. This proved to be a fatal mistake. When she turned him over to insert the thermometer meant to check the temperature changes involved in shapeshifting, that was when things went to hell. Oh, he didn’t resist it, quite the opposite, he was clearly HAPPY about it. Too happy. Though still in human form, his tail sprouted, and he began wagging it. Hard. Very hard. So much so, he knocked over a VERY precious combination of chemicals.... “No!” was all that Dr. June Covington had time to get out before the place EXPLODED. The next thing that Shinobi remembered, he was waking up in one of the caves that the pack used in their meeting place in the wolves, surrounded by the concerned faces of packmates. “He’s coming to!” said one of the healers. “He’s awake!” “He’s going to be alright!”
And then...they started cheering. Shinobi was very confused. More than usual, that is. In a daze, his packmates walked him to the clearing that was overlooked by the rocks on which the leaders perched. He was expecting a scolding, or worse, exile. Instead, what Emma said was, “Shinobi Shaw, you have proven yourself three times over and then some. You discovered, infiltrated, and destroyed one of our deadliest enemies. Dr. June Covington has kidnapped and vivisected thousands of our kind in her foul experiments, but you put an end to it---and for that, you have the gratitude of this pack, and all lycanthropes, all magical creatures, forever.” Shinobi stood there, stunned.
And he realized the best thing about this. It was a good excuse for a PARTY!
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foreverwayward · 6 years
“Wayward Hearts” Season 1 Chapter 1: It Runs in the Family
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Summary: As Sam and Dean begin the search for their father, a chance encounter with another hunter will change the roads ahead. Riley Munroe is a hunter, raised by her father after her mother tragically died when she was only six months old. Brought together by loss, grief, and the family business, Sam, Dean, and Riley join forces. They’ll find that their stories are intertwined and lean on each other as they search for answers and to avenge those they’ve lost. They’ll face evil, darkness, and hell itself…as a family. 
Word Count: 9,763
Content Warning: language and violence
A black 1965 Mustang hummed down the road as the sign ahead read: ‘Welcome to Lawrence, Kansas’. The driver window was down and ‘Bad Company’ played on the stereo. The autumn air was rolling in and blew through her auburn hair as she inhaled the fresh cool air. Riley had one hand on the wheel and the other in the golden hair of the canine co-pilot that laid peacefully in her lap. She would never make it alone in the endless hours on the road if she didn’t have Finn by her side.
Riley was a simple girl. At 22, she’d been through more than anyone should ever have to endure in a lifetime. Though her face was young, her aged soul showed. She was mature beyond her years, in both the best and worst ways. She always tried to appear a little rough around the edges. How jaded she was still showed, but she lived with her heart as her compass; that’s how Dad raised her.
She wasn’t tall by any means. Being under 5′5″ didn’t give her much of an edge, but she never let her smaller stature stop her from anything. “You don’t need to be a man to kick ass,” Dad used to say. 
Riley smelled of her favorite black leather jacket that she always wore along with the only perfume she ever used. A simple, silver ring on her right hand, that she never took off, glistened in the light. It the only thing she still had left of her mother.
It was always so good to come home, she only wished was under better circumstances. Riley tried to brush off the thought that evil had come to her hometown and focused on the quiet roads. Every time she came to town, it felt as if she had never left. Nothing ever really changed in Lawrence, but that was one of the best things about it. Small ‘mom and pop’ shops lined the street and the trees had begun to softly litter the ground with colored leaves.
She couldn’t wait to get to Debbie’s. It had been too long since her last visit with her aunt and the idea of home brought warmth to her chest. But first, Riley wanted to stop by the local florist to pick up Deb’s favorite flowers.
She knew lilies always made her aunt smile.
Riley slowly pulled into a parking spot before bringing the car came to a stop. She pat Finn on the head. “Be right back, buddy.” The sleepy pup laid back down on the leather seat and fell back into a blissful sleep as  he waited for his best friend. Closing the door behind her, she began to walk towards the shop.
A husky voice to her left spoke up and caught her attention. “That’s a great car.”
Riley turned to the stranger to see a tall man in a brown, worn leather jacket. With his hands tucked into his pockets, he stared back at her as he leaned against a gorgeous, black, classic car.
A smirk curled up on his face and Riley smiled back. “Thanks. I can say the same for yours. That’s a beautiful Impala–a ‘67 right?”
Clearly impressed, his smile grew and a spark lit up in his eyes. “Yeah, that’s right. So, you know your cars, huh?”
She walked closer to him and crossed her arms as the cold breeze hit her. “Dad was a bit of a grease monkey. Cars were something he could never shut up about.”
At a closer glance, Riley saw his hypnotic hazel-green eyes and the small freckles that peppered his face. His hair was a shorter, sandy blonde and fit him perfectly. His full lips caught her eye and she had to force herself not to gawk at him. But she still took a brief moment to notice how his jeans hugged him just right.
The stranger let out a throaty chuckle and said, “my dad too. Looks like we were raised right. I’m Dean by the way.” He reached his hand out for hers and she took it in return.
Her name struck something in Dean and he was instantly captivated. Her piercing blue eyes stared back at him and for a second he was lost in them. Something about her was intoxicating.
“So, you from around here?” he asked.
“Yeah. Lawrence is home–just came in for a visit.”
“Same.” He grinned at the beautiful woman in front of him, trying to play it as cool as he could. Riley instantly made him nervous, but in a way that made him want to ride out the high she gave him.
Dean couldn’t help but take in every part of her; the way her stray hairs blew around her face, how she curved in all the right places, and how her smile was something he wouldn’t have believed had he not seen it for himself.
“Well, I gotta run an errand and get going. It was nice to meet you, Dean.” Riley began to walk away, her boots softly crunching the leaves beneath her.
Dean didn’t want her to go, he had to get to know her. Somehow he knew, she was something special.
“Hey, Riley!” Dean called out as he jogged to catch up to her.
She turned to him with a smile, trying to hide how glad she was that he didn’t just let her leave.
“I’m gonna be in town for a bit and have some time to kill. Would you maybe want to get together later? Dinner?”
Riley’s heart fluttered as she tried to calm her excitement. “Sure. Do you know Debbie’s Diner?” she asked.
“Hell yeah. Best burgers in town. They make a mean apple pie.”
“I couldn’t agree more. Wanna meet me there around seven tonight?”
Dean flashed a smile that made her weak in the knees. It reached up his face and made the corner of his eyes crinkle.
“It’s a date” Dean replied.
She smirked back at him, revealing dimples that he immediately fell for, “see you then”. Riley turned to walk away, making sure to saunter just a bit to keep his attention.
Dean couldn’t help himself as he watched her walk into the florist shop. She was a knockout.
Filled with anticipation for the night to come, he hopped in the Impala and backed out of his spot. Dean wished he didn’t have to wait another minute to see Riley again. But with a grin on his face and a fire in his eyes, he eagerly imagined the night to come.
Grabbing her duffel bag and the new flowers from behind her seat, Riley got out of the car.
Finn jumped out right behind her. He was wagging his tail with excitement knowing exactly where they were.
She walked to the back of the diner and went through the employee entrance. A small break room, that looked more like a family room, was warm and simply decorated. Couches, a TV, a coffee table, and a rug took up most of the room.
Riley pointed to the sofa and Finn hopped on. She briefly rubbed his ear and walked into the back entrance of the diner.
As she took a step onto the tile, the familiar smell of Debbie’s pies filled the air. The hiss of the fryer in the background making her famous fries made Riley’s mouth water. The soft music playing overhead reminded her of all the time she spent in that diner while growing up.
She took a deep breath and let out a sigh as she whispered to herself, “home.”
Riley saw Debbie and quietly crept up behind her. “Surprise!”
Debbie let out a small yelp and turned around. Her eyes widened and her smile grew too big for her face. “Riley!” She embraced her niece tightly and didn’t want to let her go. Riley was the daughter she never had and Deb missed her so desperately when she was gone that it hurt.
After a moment, she let go and gave a small tap to the side of Riley’s head. “You scared the crap outta me.”
Riley chuckled. “Sorry, Deb. But...I come bearing a peace offering.” She handed her the lilies and Deb knew she could never stay upset with her.
“Oh, honey, I missed you so much. I didn’t even know you were gonna be in town. Why didn’t you call?” Deb asked.
“Well, I came in for work and thought I’d surprise you.”
Debbie’s joy fell a little knowing exactly what ‘work’ meant. She hated what her niece did. The job had taken her whole family from her and the idea of losing Riley made her lose sleep at night.
Suddenly, Riley could feel the pain swell in her aunt. It turned her stomach and she felt fear, worry, and sadness all at once. She was left dumbfounded, unsure of what was happening.
“This isn’t the life I wanted for her. Why can’t I convince her to stay?”
Riley froze realizing that Aunt Deb never spoke a word. She was rattled, unsure of what had happened. "Did I just...hear her thoughts? Feel her emotions? No. That’s not possible,” she thought before shaking it off and blaming it on exhaustion. She had been driving for a full day; of course, she was tired.
“Well, I gotta get these into a vase. Make yourself at home, but don’t think I won’t put you to work later.”
Riley chuckled, “yes ma'am. Uh, Deb? Do I smell fresh--”
“You and your pie,” Deb cut in. “I’ll grab you a slice.”
Riley grinned from ear to ear and gave her another hug. She took a deep breath and inhaled the smell of fresh food and her aunt’s vanilla shampoo, one of her favorite scents. “I’m so glad to be home, Deb.”
Dean was nervous and it had him on edge. He wasn’t used to the knots in his stomach. He was good with women and he knew it. But Riley was somehow different. She did something to Dean and he was dying to find out what that was.
He let out a heavy exhale and ran his fingers through his hair. Getting out of the car, he straightened his jacket and headed towards the diner.
“It’s just a date,” he muttered to himself. “It’s just another date.”
He opened the door and a soft bell jingled. Dean didn’t see Riley and was happy that he had gotten there before her.
There was a sign that read: ‘please seat yourself. We’ll be with you shortly.’
He found a booth in the corner and sat down on the red padded seat. Fiddling with his hands and looking out the window, he was hoping she wouldn’t blow him off. Dean had been looking forward to seeing Riley again since the moment she walked away.
A familiar and appealing voice spoke out that brought him back into focus.
“Hey, glad you made it.”
He looked up to see the same big blue eyes that he hadn’t been able to get out of his head. Dean couldn’t believe he hadn’t made Riley up in a dream.
“Wouldn’t have missed it,” Dean replied.
“Want a beer?” she asked.
Riley walked away and went behind the counter.
Dean watched her with his brow arched, confused as to why she was just helping herself. He saw Riley grab two bottles and pop them open, bringing one to her lips and taking a sip as she came back.
She put the bottles down and sat across from the smile that gave her butterflies.
Dean looked at her and chuckled, “you know, they don’t like it when you serve yourself.”
She tried to stifle a laugh while taking another sip from her beer. “I probably should have mentioned, this is my Aunt’s diner. This is kind of like my home.”
“Well, that makes a lot more sense. I was thinking you might just be a little wild,” he smirked.
“Oh, honey. You have no idea.”
Dean’s eyes widened at her response as he bit his lip. Her confident banter was beyond sexy and made her only that much more enticing.
Debbie walked to the table and pulled a pad and pen out from her white apron. “Hey, Riley. Want to introduce your friend?”
“Of course. Aunt Deb, this is Dean.”
Dean shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, ma'am.”
“Ma'am? Damn. When did I get old?”
They all let out a small laugh. Debbie took a moment and a look of recognition came over her face. Though she thought she might have known the boy, she didn’t want to embarrass Riley and ask too much.
Debbie pushed aside the thought and asked, “you kids wanna order?”
Dean motioned to Riley for her to go first.
“Just the usual, Deb. Cheeseburger and fries.”
Dean loved that she didn’t order a salad or something ridiculous and tasteless. A woman who appreciated good food was a turn on all on its own.
“And for the handsome one?” Debbie asked looking at Dean.
Riley rolled her eyes and pulled her lips together. Of course, Deb would say something like that.
Dean looked down and let out a shy laugh. Turning back to Deb, he gave a soft smile and said, “I’ll have the same.”
“Coming right up.” She shot the two a wink and quickly returned behind the counter as she tucked her pad away once more.
The two were finally alone. There was a moment of silence where they just smirked and soaked up being together.
“So, tell me about yourself, Dean,” Riley said in a calm and flirty tone.
“Well, uh--I’m from here, I have a little brother, I love cars and I may have a slightly unhealthy obsession with classic rock.”
Riley laughed and replied, “I’m the same way. I’m a sucker for when music was actually good, ya know? Def Leppard, AC/DC, Guns 'n Roses, Led Zeppelin…I have too many favorites to name.”
Dean couldn’t believe his luck. She was literally the perfect woman. “You know,” he said coolly, “Not a lot of girls are into all of that. I’m pleasantly surprised.” He took a sip from his beer with a flirty brow.
“Well, Dean. I’m definitely not like most girls.” Her smirk was trouble and he loved it. “My dad and I were always listening to music together. It was something that we both loved. Some of my best memories are of us belting out our favorites during our long drives.”
“Sounds like you and your dad are pretty close, huh?”
Riley’s eyes cast down and her face changed. “Dad, uh--he passed away about a year ago now.”
Dean saw the pain in her face and felt guilty for even asking the question. “I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks--definitely miss him,” she said choking on a lump in her throat. Riley downed a large swig of the beer, put it on the table, and fiddled with it in her hands trying to get out of her head.
Riley needed to change the subject. “What about you? You close with your parents?”
Dean sighed and wasn’t sure how to explain his relationship with his dad. God only knew how complicated that was. “Uh--dad and I are kinda close, I guess. He raised me and my brother--mom died when we were kids.”
“I lost my mom as a kid too. It was just me and dad. Now, Deb is all the family I got. Well, her and Finn.”
“Finnick--my golden retriever. Kinda my partner in crime. He’s in the back–can’t have dogs in the diner.”
Dean let out a soft chuckle.
They got lost in conversation, talking about anything and everything. He made her laugh, and she needed that.
Riley loved that he thought she was funny and his laugh was genuine; it ran up her skin like a warm hug. 
Time stopped and the two of them let go of the world for just a little while.
After the burgers and fries were demolished and multiple beers were downed, Debbie stopped by the table with two pieces of fresh pie.
Dean’s eyes lit up. “Oh God, yes,” he mumbled with anticipation as the smell wafted his way.
The two ate their pie and Dean finally gathered the courage to ask what had been on his mind. “So, Riley, how the hell does a girl like you not have a boyfriend?” He didn’t notice that his mouth was still somewhat full as he mumbled his words.
“And what makes you think I don’t have a boyfriend?” she teased.
Catching the game she was playing, Dean retorted, “well, I mean--you did take up an offer to go to dinner with a total stranger.”
Dean was a well trained flirt, that much was clear.
Riley smirked, finding him and his sense of humor endearing as she took a bite of the warm pie. Swallowing her food, Riley added, “well, I guess I just don’t stay in one place long enough. Kind of hard to build a relationship when you’re always on the road.”
Dean felt like she was singing his song. Somehow, she understood him. “I know that feeling all too well. Work keeps me traveling a lot.”
“What do you do?” she asked.
Careful not to reveal too much he answered, “uh--it’s a family business. We do a little bit of everything.”
Riley scoffed with a smile. “Well, that was vague.”
He laughed. “What can I say? I like to be a little mysterious. What about you?”
It was her turn to omit her full truth. “We’re kind of a family business too. Odd jobs here and there--just all over the place.”
He looked at her and felt she was hiding something, just like he was. Dean decided not to press it further though.
After their plates were finished, they stood up to leave.
Riley hugged Debbie and told her she’d be back soon.
“Be safe, sweetheart,” Deb told her niece. “It was nice to meet you, Dean.”
“Likewise, ma'am.”
“Oh, for the love of God, please call me Debbie.”
Dean smiled and put his hand out to give her some cash. “The food was delicious by the way.”
“Oh no, honey. It’s on the house. Here, I packed you a pie to go. Seems like you enjoyed it.”
Dean was all too happy with his gift. “Thank you, Debbie. I’ll definitely be back for more.”
With a final wave, Riley and Dean walked out of the diner and slowly meandered towards his Impala.
Walking side by side, they took their time with every step, not wanting to say goodnight. Normally, Dean would have already offered to take her back to his room, but not with Riley; she was different than the rest. She wasn’t just some chick he wanted to have a one night stand with. Dean wanted to see if there was something more and that thought alone was enough to terrify him.
The parking lot behind the diner was poorly lit and next to a quiet alleyway. The moon gave more light than the street lamps, but it was the perfect setting.
Dean leaned against the car and looked up at the stars. One of his favorite things about Kansas was you could always see the night sky.
Riley gazed up as well and they both sighed feeling the comfort of home.
“Dinner was great. Your aunt sure knows how to cook,” Dean said as his take-out bag crinkled in his hand.
“Yeah. She’s amazing. She seemed to really like you.”
“Good. ‘Cause I, uh--I don’t always do great with first impressions.”
“Well, you did just fine with me.” Riley bit her bottom lip, a smile showing through.
Dean let out a breathy laugh and their eyes locked. He was lost in hers and her in his. 
There was an electricity between them and it was as if an invisible force was pulling them together.
Riley took a step closer to him and Dean’s free hand brushed her hair behind her ear. She was so beautiful and Dean felt his stomach flip as he glanced down at her lips.
“I had a really good time tonight, Dean.”
“Me too. I’m just glad I got the guts to ask you out.”
She laughed and replied, “me too.”
It was then that they realized the gap between them had closed. They quietly looked at each other waiting for the other to make a move. 
Dean put a hand gently on the side of Riley’s face and her breath hitched. Her hands found his chest and felt his cool leather jacket under them. They inched closer, both feeling lightheaded as their lips ghosted over each other, barely touching.
A sudden, loud crash came from the alley, causing both of them to instantly pull away and look in the direction of the sound. It then went quiet, eerily quiet.
That silence was abruptly broken as a horrific, snarling creature with long fangs shot out from the darkness, ready to attack. The vampire was practically already foaming at the mouth.
Charging at Dean first, the vampire went straight for his neck. Dean absently dropped his bag and punched the creature in the face, causing him to stumble. He then shoved the monster away with full force.
Both Riley and Dean shouted to each other in unison, “get behind me!” They shared a look of confusion, but knew any questions would have to wait.
Just as the monster got to his feet to lunge back at them, two more vampires came out from the shadows behind Riley and Dean. They were outnumbered.
As Dean went for the two to his right, Riley went for his original attacker. Dean pulled out his gun, but before he could shoot, he was grabbed and thrown onto the hard asphalt, the gun falling out of his hand.
Riley unsheathed the knife from her boot and brought it up ready to fight. The creature then pinned her to the wall as they both fought for power over the blade.
A deep voice rang out from somewhere nearby, “Dean!” A tall young man with shaggy hair came sprinting into the fray with a machete ready to aid Dean. 
He quickly came up behind the third creature and sliced its head clean off.
Dean grabbed his gun again and fired several rounds into one of the vampires; it fell to the floor in agony. He yelled out with worry, “Riley!” and ran in her direction.
Riley finally overpowered the creature and stabbed him in the gut, only slowing it down. She pushed him against the wall and immediately grabbed the lid from the metal trash can next to her. With all her might, and a forceful grunt, Riley plunged it into the vampire’s throat, decapitating the monster.
Dean stopped in his tracks with shock on his face.
As she wiped off the blood that had splattered onto her face, Riley turned to Dean. 
All three were out of breath, not sure what to make of what had just happened.
The remaining vampire laid on the ground, groaning in agony. Dean and his partner sauntered over to it and hovered above.
“What the fuck did you do to me?” the monster snarled.
“Those are dead man’s bullets, you son of a bitch.”
Riley strode in between the two boys with that same lid, slamming it down and finishing the monster’s final breath.
There was silence once again in the parking lot as they all panted.
Dean turned to Riley. “You’re a hunter?!”
“You’re a hunter?!” she replied in shock.
“Yeah. We came into town hearing about a vamp nest nearby.”
“Me too.” Intrigued, her curiosity unable to resist, Riley questioned, “dead man’s blood?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s uh--something Dad figured out. Bullet’s dipped in the blood of a dead man. Doesn’t kill ‘em, but it’ll hurt like hell.”
“Huh,” she replied plainly while in thought.
Still catching their breath, no one knew what to say until Dean finally motioned to his partner. “Oh, this is my brother Sam. Sam, this is Riley.”
She looked up at the brother. He looked so young, handsome like his brother, but in his own way. He had soft hazel eyes and his brown hair swept over his forehead. Though Dean was much taller than Riley, Sam practically towered over her smaller figure.
Riley had a realization that struck her like a bus. “Wait--Sam and Dean? As in Sam and Dean Winchester? John’s kids?”
The brothers stared at each other and Sam finally spoke up with an incredulous look. “Uh--yeah. Do we know you?”
“Your dad was my dad’s hunting buddy.”
“Who was your dad?” Dean asked.
“Jackson Munroe.”
Dean’s eyes grew. “Jack Munroe? He and dad hunted together for years. Damn, he was a hell of a hunter.” He let out a heavy exhale of disbelief. “Man, I can’t believe you’re Jack’s daughter.”
“Dad didn’t do too well hearing about Jack last year. I’m so sorry, Riley,” Sam added.
Riley nodded in gratitude as she pulled her knife from the vampire’s corpse. She cleaned it on the creature’s shirt and sheathed it again. “How’s your dad by the way? I haven’t seen John in a while.”
Sam scoffed, “yeah, join the club.”
Dean scowled at Sam and then turned back to Riley. “We’re actually looking for him right now. He went on a hunting trip and we haven’t heard from him in a while.”
“It’s John Winchester. I wouldn’t be too worried,” she said. They found themselves in that familiar silence again. “Well, I don’t know about you two, but I could use a drink. My aunt has an apartment above the diner and I happen to know that she has some whiskey hidden away upstairs, if you’re interested.”
“I am definitely not gonna turn that offer down,” Dean answered with a tired smirk.
While Riley dragged one of the corpses off to the dumpster, Sam grabbed Dean’s shoulder and turned him towards him. “That’s the girl you went out with tonight?”
“Yeah. She’s incredible. Did you see her? Dude, she’s a total badass.” He smiled like an excited kid as he tapped his brother’s chest.
Sam let out a breathy chuckle in agreeance and they both went to help Riley remove the evidence of their violent supernatural encounter.
The three hunters stepped into a small apartment; it was cozy and welcoming. Pictures of the Munroe family made it feel like a real home, one that neither Sam or Dean had ever experienced.
Riley closed the door behind them and a happy dog came running to her. He jumped up to hug her and she rubbed his back. “Hey, Finn. You been a good boy?” 
He got down, stood next to her, and observed the strangers.
Sam bent down and Finn went to smell him. He pet him and the dog wagged his tail in appreciation.
“What a beautiful dog,” Sam told her. “I always wanted one. But, uh--Dean’s not exactly a huge fan of dogs.”
Dean gave Sam a nasty look and then shot back to Riley with a big cheesy smile. “I like dogs--I do. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Riley turned with a questioning expression on her face and Dean slugged Sam in the arm. “Dude, not cool.”
Riley went to the kitchen, grabbed glasses from the shelves, and found the bottle of whiskey stashed under the sink. Finn settled next to her chair and laid his head on her feet.
The boys went to the table and she brought everything to join them. 
As Riley poured the glasses, Dean let out a scoff. “Man, what are the odds? I mean, it’s Lawrence--small town…but still.”
Taking a drink, Riley sighed as it burned in her throat. “You’re not wrong.”
Sam let out a throaty chuckle. “Life’s funny that way, I guess.”
The front door opened and Deb walked in, her apron draped over her arm as her fingers worked to take her hair out of its tied up bun. 
Finn ran to greet her and she rubbed his head before looking up.
“Oh, didn’t know we were having company. Dean, nice to see you again.”
“You too, Debbie. This is my brother, Sam.”
Her eyes grew wide and Riley chuckled before telling her, “yup, Sam and Dean Winchester.” She turned to the brothers. “And yes, Deb knows all about it.”
“I knew I recognized that face. Dean, I haven’t seen you since you were a little kid. And Sam…my God, you were just a baby.” Deb pulled up a chair and joined the group. “Now that love of pie makes so much sense. You were the same way as a little boy,” she said eyeing Dean.
Dean let out a small gasp of frustration as he remembered his forgotten to-go bag. “Dammit! I dropped my pie back in the alley.”
Debbie laughed, “don’t worry, honey. There’s plenty where that came from.” 
She got up, grabbed two pies from the refrigerator and some forks before bringing them to the table. “Dig in. We don’t need plates when we’re with family.” 
Dean lit up with excitement and went right for the pie as Riley did the same. 
“So, the Winchesters are back in Lawrence. Is your dad with you?”
“We’re only in town for the case. Dad’s out kind of doing his own thing right now,” Dean said with a full mouth.
“You boys came in for the vamp nest, didn’t you?”
“Yes, ma'am,” Sam chimed in.
Dean shook his head with his cheeks stuffed, “mm-mm. She doesn’t like that. Gotta call her Debbie.”
Sam, being slightly embarrassed by his brother, returned to his conversation. “So, you know all about the job?”
“Oh, yes,” she replied. Deb lifted a small bite of pie to her mouth, chewed and swallowed, followed by a sigh. “My brother was a hunter–cost him his damn life.”
Sadness fell over Riley’s face. She hated that her aunt still hurt so deeply. Not to mention how disappointed she was that Riley was following in her father’s footsteps.
“We heard about Jack. We were all so sad to hear of his passing,” Sam added. “If you don’t mind me asking, we never really heard what happened.”
Riley put her fork down, ran her hand through her hair as it fell back in her face and she took a deep breath. 
Dean could see the pain in her eyes and put his hand on top of hers that sat on the table. 
She looked at him and could see he genuinely cared. He was calming her. How he was able to do that already was beyond her comprehension.
“Dad had been hunting down the thing that killed mom for as long as I can remember. That’s why he became a hunter. I don’t even remember my mom. I was only six months old when she died. But, the night Dad died,” Riley paused as she swirled the liquid in her glass. “He didn’t tell me anything was wrong. He said 'he had to handle some business’ and went alone. I would have never let him go if I had known something was gonna happen.” Riley choked back tears and cleared her throat before her jaw twitched with a hint of anger. “God help that yellow-eyed son of a bitch if he’s what took my dad from me.”
“Wait a minute. Was your dad after a demon? A demon with yellow eyes?” Dean asked.
Both Riley and Deb’s faces went white. They looked at each other and then back at Dean as they both froze.
Debbie’s voice cracked in her throat. “H--how did you know that?”
“Because that’s the same thing that killed our mom too.” Sam’s was completely taken back as he answered her. “Dean, Jack must have been working with Dad on the case the whole time. We always knew they went on hunts together, but Dad never really talked about them.”
Deb took a breath and continued, “he was gone so much. Riley was just a baby and spent a lot of her time with me--I practically raised her. And whenever Jackson would come back home, he would teach her everything he could about hunting. I hated every second of it. Watching her learn to handle a gun when she was only in kindergarten made me sick. But, Riley wanted to be a ‘hero’ just like her daddy. I knew I couldn’t stop her, no matter how hard I tried.” She grabbed her glass and downed the last bit of whiskey, trying to stifle her emotions. "And then one day, 'Riley was old enough to hunt’,” she scoffed in annoyance. “She was just a child, but she didn’t want to be away from her father and wanted to help him find the thing that killed her mom.”
“Deb, I didn’t want to leave, but I had to.” Riley reached her hand to Debbie’s and squeezed. “You were like a mom to me. That never changed.” 
Deb returned the loving gesture and exhaled.
“So, you hunt alone now?” Dean asked Riley, surprised.
“Yup. Well, Finn comes too...sometimes. He’s mostly there for the company on the rides and in the motels, but he’s saved my life a couple times. He’s the only partner I’ve ever had besides Dad.” 
She reached under the table and pet the sleepy dog.
“Well,” Deb sighed as she stood up. “I have to go close the diner and clean up. Riley, you’re off the clock tonight. Stay here and enjoy the rest of your night.” She kissed Riley’s head and looked to the boys. “It was nice to see you both.”
“You too,” replied Dean. “Thanks for everything.”
Debbie gave a half-smile and headed out the door.
Riley stood to clear the table and Sam stopped her, “I got it,” he told her.
She realized that Dean had never let go of her hand. They had absently intertwined their fingers and found comfort in each other. 
Riley glanced at him and their eyes locked. 
That electricity was there again and they could practically feel the charge in the air around them.
Sam quickly cleaned up and then turned to see the two of them. He cleared his throat, reminding them that he was still there. “Well, I’m gonna head back to the motel. Thanks for everything, Riley. It was really nice to meet you.”
“You too, Sam.”
The brothers exchanged looks and Dean nodded in his direction as to say, ‘I’ll be there in a bit’.
Sam acknowledged the notion, pat the dog, and left.
Finally, they were alone again.
“Come on.” Riley grabbed her glass with her free hand and lead Dean to the couch with the other. He scooped up his own glass as well.
The couch was dark blue and incredibly clean. Dean was impressed with how neat and tidy Deb kept her home.
They both sat down and looked at each other.
“I gotta admit, Winchester, I did not see tonight going the way it did.”
Dean let out a throaty laugh. “Definitely not.” He searched for the right words. “You’re incredible though, Riley. You just keep surprising me.”
“In all good ways, I hope.”
She smirked at him and he felt chills go up his neck. “In all the best ways,” Dean said. 
Riley smiled and took a drink. 
Pausing, Dean gathered the courage to keep talking. “You were right, you know? You’re not like most girls. You’re something different altogether. …I actually don’t think I’ve ever met anyone like you.” He looked up and caught her eye as the charge surging between them only grew.
“Listen,” he said, putting down both their drinks. “I gotta do this before something stops me again or I know I’m gonna regret it.” Dean pushed her hair away from her face before taking her chin in his hand. Slowly, the space between them closed and their lips touched.
Riley felt a spark in her that she never had with anyone else. It was terrifying but amazing. He was amazing.
As the kiss intensified, Riley’s hands slipped behind his neck and his other hand found her hip. 
They pulled each other close together and began to lose themselves in the moment. The rest of the world faded. The pain, the stress, the monsters, all but forgotten. All that existed was them.
Dean ran his hands through her hair as she pulled him close by his jacket. “I’m not gonna let this girl go,” he thought to himself before slowly laying her down on the couch, their kiss never breaking.
The next morning, the boys drove down the main strip of town, the sound of Baby rumbling beneath them. That Chevy was the only home Sam and Dean had ever known, the only constant in their lives besides each other.
Dean flipped open his phone to reveal a message from Riley.
‘Come in through the back. See you soon’.
A Blue Oyster Cult song played softly from Dean’s go-to cassette tape.
Sam broke the silence saying, “so, you sure you wanna see Riley after your night together? I mean, I have never seen you do that before.”
Dean knew he was right. “It’s not like that, Sam. We kissed, that’s all. And yeah, I definitely want to see her.”
Sam was pleasantly surprised by his brother’s response and nodded in understanding.
After turning off the engine, they stepped out of the car, the doors creaking behind them as they slammed shut.
As the brothers walked around the back, they saw the diner in the daylight. Memories from the night before played in their minds; remnants of blood that couldn’t be scrubbed away were still staining the concrete.
Opening the back door, the two stepped inside.
Riley was sitting cross-legged on the couch with papers, newspapers, and a map sprawled around her on one side and Finn on the other. 
She glanced up, trying to not seem too eager to see Dean. “Hey, guys. Good morning.”
“Morning,” they both replied.
Dean sat on a single chair close to Riley and Sam made himself comfortable on the longer end of the sofa as he greeted Finn. The golden pup was already a fan of the youngest Winchester.
Riley sipped her coffee and nodded towards the side table. “There’s a fresh pot if you want some, help yourselves.”
Dean got up and poured two mugs full, giving one to Sam and then returning to his chair.
He looked at Riley and studied her. She was just as beautiful in the morning. Her hair up in a messy bun and glasses that were sexy as hell rested on her nose. She was wearing sweats, a Led Zeppelin t-shirt, and socks. 
Riley didn’t even have to try to impress Dean. It happened so naturally.
“So, whaddya got?”
“Well, looks like all the attacks have been up north on the furthest skirts of town towards the city of Midland.”
Sam chimed in. “I did some digging and I haven’t seen a single attack here before the recent ones this last week. It’s so weird that they just showed up in Lawrence out of nowhere.”
“Yeah, but with the death toll piling up, and the visit from our friends last night, I’d say it’s a safe bet we have a full-blown nest now. Now where they came from? I don’t have a damn clue.” 
Riley pushed everything to the side to focus on the conversation and the warm coffee in her two cupped hands. She always joked about how the smell of coffee would ‘wake up her soul’ as she was not a morning person.
“Okay, so what’s the plan?” Dean asked while he sipped at his warm mug.
“I say we stake it out tonight. If we think we can handle it, we go in. If not, we gather intel and we’ll regroup for tomorrow. At least if we’re there, they can’t leave without us knowing,” Riley added.
“Sounds good to me. Guess we have the day to kill,” Dean said with hope in his voice.
Sam knew where his brother’s head was at and smiled at the thought of Dean being so keen to be with this new girl.
“Well, let’s go grab some breakfast and we’ll make plans from there. I am in dire need of more coffee. I’ll go change and meet you in the diner.” Riley got up and pat her side for Finn to follow.
“Great! I’m starving” Sam shot out in response.
“Meet you in ten.”
Dean watched her disappear up the stairs, his eyes locked on her.
Once she was gone, Sam laughed.
“What?” Dean asked.
“Dude, could you be more obvious?”
“...shut up.”
After a day of lounging in Deb’s apartment, copious amounts of delicious food, and a couple of classic movies, it was time for the hunters to head out.
Grabbing her gear and giving a kiss on Finn’s soft head, Riley followed the boys out to the car.
Dean popped the trunk to check on their supplies while the sun set softly behind them. The sky was barely lit with beautiful orange and yellow light coming over the horizon.
Riley peered down into the trunk and was thrilled with all the different ‘hunter toys’ it held. “Oh, my God.” She pulled out a baseball bat wrapped in barbed-wire and grinned as she admired it. “This is so badass.”
Dean chortled admiring the weapon as well. “That’s actually one of Dad’s favorites.”
“Don’t think I won’t be taking a swing with this baby at some point.”
Sam let out a playful sigh. “My God, there’s two of them.”
After Riley and Dean exchanged a flirty glance, they shut the trunk and walked around Baby. 
Sam went to the front passenger door and opened it for Riley.
“Such a gentlemen” she teased.
After all three were in the car, Dean started the engine and cranked up the music. “Let’s do this.”
Night had fallen as the Impala’s lights shut off and rolled to a stop. It hid behind some brush just shy of a rusted metal gate that led up to private property. From there, the hunters could still watch to make sure no one left the cabin on the hill.
A beat-up old van was parked in front, warm lights seeping out of the house windows.
The still night’s silence surrounded the car with only the sound of crickets chirping around them.
“Did you happen to get maps for the property? Do we know if there’s a way out on the other side?” Riley was frustrated that she wasn’t able to find them while researching.
“No,” Sam responded.
Dean saw an opportunity to get a moment with Riley and formulated a plan. He put his arm over the seat and looked back at Sam. “Well, Sammy, how about we stay here and you do recon around the property? You can come back and let us know what you find.” A look of ‘play along’ sat eagerly on his face.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Sure. Why not?” he said with annoyance in his voice. 
Grabbing a flashlight and packing his gun into his hip, he got out of the car and tried to close the door gently.
Dean peeked his head through the crack in the window and whispered, “take your time. No rush.”
Sam rolled his eyes again and began his trudge down the road, keeping his eyes peeled.
With Sam no longer in view, Riley and Dean were alone again. They both had been hoping all day for the moment that would happen.
Riley couldn’t tell if the night before meant as much to him as it did to her. Maybe it was just a playful moment together after a fight, leftover adrenaline egging them on.
What she didn’t know was Dean had been aching to kiss her again all day as he replayed their time on the couch together again and again.
Dean cleared his throat. “Listen, at the risk of sounding like a complete idiot,” he stopped and laughed under his breath. “I really like you and I actually had a really great time with you last night. Even if it was interrupted by blood-crazed monsters.” They both let out breathy giggles. “But had that not happened, I may have never seen what a kick-ass hunter you are.”
Riley’s stomach flipped. Knowing that she impressed him filled her with pride that she couldn’t contain. Watching him in the fray the night before turned her on and she couldn’t wait to see him in action again. “Last night was pretty awesome. Definitely my most interesting date so far.”
Dean’s lips pressed together while a smile grew behind them. She looked so perfect. There hadn’t been a moment since they met that he didn’t think so.
Riley bit her lip, catching his gaze and it was happening all over again.
With heated eyes, Dean leaned in and pressed his lips to hers. 
Their eyes shut as they were both lost in the gentle moment between them. They broke apart only to softly smile and look at each other once again, fire and hunger for the other growing with every second. 
Breathing heavily and not able to take it anymore, the two crashed their lips together and pulled each other as close together as possible. And yet, it still wasn’t close enough.
Dean’s hands were everywhere; grabbing at her sides, her face, in her hair and on her neck. 
Riley tugged at his shirt and pulled at the nape of his neck while the short hairs rubbed against her hand. 
The two hunters were completely lost in each other, even forgetting they were on a case.
That’s when the back door opened and they both jumped to look back at Sam getting in the car.
Sam hesitated when he saw the couple. “Oh, I’m sorry, should I come back?” he asked sarcastically.
“Shut up, Sam. What’d you find out?” Dean asked trying to subtly catch his breath.
“This is their only way out. If they leave, we’ll know it. I was able to get a view into the window and heard them talking. They’re pissed about the three vamps we took out last night. Losing them apparently brought their nest down to four. They know it happened behind the diner and they plan to hit it hard.”
Riley’s eyes grew with anger and a hint of panic at the thought of Deb getting in harm’s way. “That’s it. I say we handle these bastards now. No way in hell am I letting them near my home.”
Dean loved seeing that side of her, the hunter side. She was always ready for a fight and clearly had true loyalty in her. It made her that much more attractive and he wanted her even more.
With Dean’s mind set on being at her side and raring to go, he looked to her and then Sam. “Agreed. Sam, you in?”
“Let’s go,” the younger brother replied.
The three got out quietly and grabbed their gear from the trunk. A gun on each of their hips, knives hidden in boots or sheathed in jackets, and a machete in hand.
Riley reached for the bat and studied it in her hands. She gave a fiery look that sent chills up Dean’s spine, diving him wild, while her hands tightened their grip around it.
With purpose and intensity, the three marched up the hill, ready for whatever awaited them behind that cabin door.
The remaining four vampires sat in the main room venting their anger in front of a roaring fireplace.
Thirsty for blood and revenge, one of the men with black hair and a large build hissed under his breath. “I’m not waiting. Those fuckin’ hunters took out our kin. They die tonight.”
With the rest of the nest in agreeance, they got up ready to leave.
Just as their decision was made, the door was kicked open. It swung with force and slammed against the wall. Chips from where the door met the frame splintered out.
Riley went in first, ready to lead the others. Taking large, controlled strides into the house, she swung the bat with abandon and hit the black-haired monster in the head, caving in the side of his skull. He hit the floor and Riley swung another two times ensuring that he was down, blood splattering from his fresh wounds.
Dean and Sam went in opposite directions ready to take their part in the fight. Punches were thrown and the youngest Winchester took a blow to the jaw that caused him to falter back, but Sam shook it off and charged back at the creature.
On the other side of the room, Dean faced off with a long-haired vampire in a leather vest. 
As they danced around a bit, trying to corner each other, Dean looked the monster over with a chuckle. “Dude, you know, you reek of 'douchebag’, right?.”
The vested animal let his rage take over and rushed at Dean, creating the perfect opportunity for the hunter to duck away. He spun around and sliced the vampire’s head off its shoulders.
Turning around while still riding the high of the kill, Dean then removed the head of the other monster that was fighting his brother.
Riley, face to face with the only remaining creature, was met with a monstrous woman with a pixie haircut. Her teeth were bared and she snarled at the hunter.
“You, bitch! You come into our house and kill my family?”
A cocky smile grew on Riley’s face as she tensed around the bat and jested, “better yours than mine, you piece of shit.” 
After a couple of swings and misses, the vampire lost her step and was met with a swipe to the side of her face. She hit the ground, blood dripping from her head as she realized she could no longer stand.
Riley took her time and walked behind her. She reached out her hand to trade her weapon for Dean’s machete. She grasped it firmly and walked back to the beaten monster who was leaning back on her hands.
Barely able to get out words the woman hissed through her breaths, “you…hunters…you’ll never win. There’s too many of us. We’ll always…come for you.”
With one final look, Riley replied, “and we’ll always be ready.” With one swift motion, the blade cut off the evil creature’s head and it thumped to the ground.
Baby pulled up in front of the diner. Deb had already closed up for the night and must have gone to bed as all of the lights were out.
Exhausted, covered in blood, and still coming down from the adrenaline of the tussle, there was quiet between them.
“You know, Riley, you’re a damn good hunter,” Sam admitted from the back seat.   “We could use someone like you on hunts more often.”
“He’s right,” Dean added. “You kicked serious ass tonight.”
Riley sighed. “This was actually the first time I hadn’t gone on a hunt alone since I lost Dad. I guess I was always too scared to--” her voice trailed off. “I couldn’t afford to lose another partner.” Her head fell slightly and she knew that if she got too close to the boys, odds were, she would lose them too.
“Hey,” Dean said lifting her chin up softly to look at him. “Look, this job sucks. We’ve lost more friends and family than we ever care to admit–it hurts every damn day. And the thought of losing more? It’s almost too much to live with. But this ain’t a one-man show, sweetheart. We survive because we do it together.”
A small smile came over Riley’s face and she knew he was right.
Sam’s hand landed on her shoulder and her hand went to rest on top of his. “You have two partners right here if it feels right to you. We can figure out all this shit as a team. We can go after Yellow Eyes, together. We got your back.”
The thought thrilled Dean to his core and he couldn’t help but grin. “Sam’s right. So, whaddya say, kid?”
A million thoughts ran through Riley’s head while she tried to fight her fear of getting too close to anyone. There was a reason she tended to keep to herself.
“I--I need to think about it. I know you guys are headed out in the morning. So...I guess I’ll let you know then.”
Riley’s uncertainty kept her hesitant, afraid to make the wrong decision.
Both brothers nodded in agreement and a swell of comradery swept through the car. 
Whatever her decision, an undeniable bond had been formed.
Leaning over, Riley planted a soft kiss on Dean’s lips. She looked at him and then back at Sam, “goodnight, guys.” Getting out of the car and swinging her bag over her shoulder, she disappeared into the back of the diner.
Dean’s eyes had watched her every move until she was out of sight. “I really hope she says yes, Sam.”
It was a brisk morning and more leaves had covered the streets and sidewalks of the quiet street. The mood in the town had shifted and even the air felt lighter.
Evil had left Lawrence, for the time being.
Dean stood leaning against Baby, never breaking his gaze from the diner door. He had tossed and turned all night worried that he would have to say goodbye to Riley, and he just wasn’t ready.
Sam saw the concern in his eyes. “She still might come, Dean. We’ll give her a few more minutes.” Even he was keeping his hope that the new friend he had made would be leaving with them.
Dean’s heart sank and with a heavy sigh, he turned to the door to get in the car. 
As he did, he heard the soft jingle of the diner’s bell behind him. He spun at the sound and beamed when he saw her.
Riley was grinning from ear to ear, a bag over her shoulder, and a guitar case in her hand. Finn and Deb followed close behind.
“Still got room for one more, Winchesters?”
“Hell yeah.” Dean hugged her and happily took her things to put in the back seat.
Sam went to her and embraced her tightly. “You play guitar?”
“Oh, honey, I’m full of surprises.”
Riley walked over to Finn and got down to his level. With a tear in her eye, she pet him and rubbed his ears while she looked him over.
“I love you, buddy. But we’re going after something too big and I can’t risk you getting hurt. Aunt Deb’s gonna take good care of you. I promise I’ll be back soon.” She wrapped her arms around the whining dog and kissed his head. “I love you.” Tears crept up in Riley’s eyes and the lump in her throat threatened every breath she took.
Getting up, Riley squeezed Deb in a loving embrace.
Her aunt whispered in her ear while her voice broke and held back tears with each word. “You come back to us, you hear me?”
“I promise. I love you so much.”
The two tried to pull themselves together as Riley stepped away and walked towards the Impala.
Debbie hugged both of the boys and handed Dean a large bag. “It’s filled with food for the road. I made sure I packed some pie in there too.” She winked and Dean’s smile was beyond enthusiastic. He then hugged her one more time. “You take care of her,” Deb told him softly.
“Thank you, for everything. I promise to get her back to you.”
The trio got in the car; Riley, and Dean in the front again with Sam in the back.
With tears slowly rolling down her cheeks, Riley waved one more time. She had no idea how long it would be until she would be with her family again.
“I hope I made the right choice,” Riley thought as she wiped the tears from her face.
Dean backed out of the spot and headed on the road. 
Finn and Debbie were right where Riley had left them as they faded in the side mirror.
Seeing her pain, Dean squeezed her hand. 
Riley took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. “Music?” She asked as she turned the dial.
Nothing took her mind off things like the beautiful sound of memories. That’s what music was. It was solace, it was Dad.
Bob Seger’s ‘Night Moves’ came through the speakers and it was as if Jackson had sent a message just for her. That was their song and Riley beamed knowing he was always with her.
“I love this song!” The music swept through her soul and Riley sang to the tune. “I was a little too tall, could’ve used a few pounds. Tight pants, points hardly reknown. She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes. And points all her own sitting way up high…”
“Woah, she sings too,” Dean teased as he soaked up every beautiful sound that she shared.
“Always the tone of surprise with you, Dean. Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy. Out in the back seat of Dean’s '67 Chevy. Workin’ on mysteries without any clues. Come on, boys!”
Dean watched her as she warmed his heart. Every word and ridiculous sway she did in the front seat of his car was magic, she was magic.
The brothers chuckled and joined in as they all sang in unison.
“Workin’ on our night moves. Trying’ to make some front page drive-in news. Workin’ on our night moves in the summertime. In the sweet summertime.”
At that moment, driving past the sign reading: ‘you are now leaving Lawrence, come back soon!’ and lost in the night moves, the three of them let the weight on their shoulders fall.
It felt right, like pieces of a puzzle were slowly coming together and finally making sense.
Sam got comfortable in the back seat and Riley scooted closer to Dean. The older Winchester wrapped his arm around her as they both imagined the roads to come.
That day was the start of something bigger than the three hunters could ever have known. Call it fate or destiny, but Sam, Dean, and Riley’s lives would never be the same.
“I woke last night to the sound of thunder. How far off, I sat and wondered. Started humming a song from nineteen sixty-two. Ain’t it funny how the night moves when just don’t seem to have as much to lose? Strange how the night moves...with autumn closing in.”
Chapter 2: Bloody Mary
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