#his tail does wag a bit when he sees him again which is embarrassing
reaperexe · 3 months
Puppy ♡
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Summary : When your overly energetic puppy plays wingman for you.
warnings : none, just fluff <3
Who knew raising a puppy was so difficult not in the sense of the amount of work it takes but the amount of energy the tiny little life had. Nothing could tire him, no amount of fetch, runs or walks.
So when you took him for a walk that afternoon and he somehow got off leash and went out of sight in less than a minute you knew you were in for a long walk.
You seemed to be running for hours till you reached the little puppy only to see him approach a guy sitting on the park bench with a cat near his feet. 'Wow so much for stranger danger' you thought.
The cat hisses as the little puppy approaches earning a pet from the guy as your puppy sticks his tongue out and wags his tail regardless and barks to get picked up.
You are shocked and a bit jealous to see the puppy settle so calmly in his arms when he wont even stay in yours and always wiggles to be put down.
You approach the trio, the cat eyeing you cautiously. You have to admit this guy does look pretty cute up close, maybe your puppy does have some taste after all.
"Um excuse me?" You say as he turn away from the puppy and to you, ok this guy is hot, you think.
"Oh is he yours?" He says holding out his arms with the puppy, as the little guy wags his tail and looks at you with his tongue sticking out.
"Yeah he seems to like you" You sigh with a smile 'and maybe i do too' you think.
The cat near your feet now stands up rubbing herself all over your legs while purring softly. "Seems like we got the wrong pets" He laughs petting your puppy.
"Do you wanna take a seat?" He asks noticing your state from the run behind the little puppy as you smile, embarrassed and take a seat next to him, placing the cat in your lap.
You spend the next hour just talking and exchanging names till you notice your puppy has now fallen asleep in his arms making you feel a bit jealous but also happy, seems like you've got to be close to this guy now, only for your puppy's sake of course.
"Well we should head back now" you say picking up the little guy and you notice his face falls a little but he agrees, picking up his cat from your lap.
You spend the next week taking the puppy to walk in the afternoon and like clockwork he would run up to the guy and his cat letting you have a reason to talk to him as well.
Today was different, you were exhausted from this week and all the work you had to do still you mustered up the energy and took the puppy for a walk.
He dragged you by the leash pulling you to the usual duo who sat at the bench. The guys smile dropping at your tired face.
"Everything ok? is this guy giving you trouble?" He says petting the puppy earning him tail wags and licks.
"No its not him its just work" You sigh sitting next to him as he pats the spot next to him.
"Oh it will get better trust me I'm going through it too" He chuckles as you hum along.
Talking to him honestly makes things much better, as you feel a bit energized now and finally notice how he looks today.
He's wearing a nicer sweatshirt and pants than his usual one which has loose threads at the end, his hair looks nicer, more styled and he's definitely wearing some cologne.
He smiles at you awkwardly seeing you eye him "does it look bad?" he asks honestly as your eyes widen.
"No- No you look great!" You add quickly.
"Oh great thanks" He sighs with a relieved look .
"Um i wanted to ask-" He says before being cut off by the puppy's bark for more pets causing both of you to chuckle as he pets him.
"You were saying?" You ask again tilting your head.
"Yeah i was wondering if-" He begins again only to be cut off by a meow that comes from your lap and you look down to see the cat purring for pets as well.
Laughing at the situation he musters up enough courage and yells, closing his eyes "would you like to go on a date with me?"
You sit there stunned and so do the pets you guess stilling in their places adding to the dramatic feel.
You chuckle as he eyes you nervously for a response.
"Thought you'd never ask" You chuckle causing him to sigh of relief as he smiles at you.
Sensing the energy your puppy starts bouncing with energy again before trying to lick the cat earning a aggressive hiss as you both chuckle.
"Good pet" He exhales petting both while you rest your head on his shoulder with a soft smile.
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robo-writing · 5 months
I was thinking of the calling your boyfriend your husband trend on tiktok and I started thinking about the 141 boys reaction to it, so enjoy 🥰
It’s completely on accident, you’re checking into a hotel for your anniversary and it slips out, not even aware you’ve introduced him as your husband until the receptionist repeats it back to you.
“Mr. And Mrs. Riley, correct? Here’s your key card.”
Your heart skips a beat, ready to correct her when Simon eagerly takes the thin piece of plastic.
“Appreciate it. Me and the missus have a long day ahead of us.”
Fear turns to surprise, which turns to glee all in the span of seconds. The elevator ride is filled with the sounds of each floor, as well as your racing heartbeat. Simon’s tight lipped as usual, but you notice he seems much more relaxed, compared to your frantic state.
He called you missus. You might have done it on accident but there was no excuse for your boyfriend, you know him well enough to say that with confidence. He’d never joke about something like marriage if he didn’t really mean it.
Simon’s the first one to speak when you enter your room.
“So, husband? That the alias we going for?”
You rack your nerves for anything to say, eyes darting from Simon’s eyes to the floor. He can tell it was an accident, but he can’t help tease you a bit, you’re adorable when you’re shy.
“Far from the worst thing I’ve been called—suppose we keep the nickname after the vacation, yeah?”
He gets very proud, if he was a dog his tail would be wagging faster than the eye could see. He wouldn’t doubt his new nickname for a second, loving every minute.
“Husband, yeah?” He says, an infectious smile spreading across his face. “That’s it then?”
“Mm, yes it is,” you reply, barely able to hold back your own amusement.
“Where’s the ring then?”
“I’m sure I could buy you a ring pop—“
The noise of disappointment that leaves him is criminal. “A bloody ring pop? That’s what I’m worth now?”
“Yup,” you answer, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Because you’re as sweet as one.”
He huffs indignantly but doesn’t pull away from you, so you keep kissing him until he’s forced to return the favor, lips against yours.
He’d be the first one in the relationship to call you his wife. He’d say it was an accident, but then he’d be a liar. The first time it happens is a month after you’ve been dating, he’s talking to a friend on the phone and casually says—
“Yeah, I’ve got the wife cooking me up something nice right now, can’t wait to eat it.”
—to which you turn around, stunned. For a moment you think you heard him wrong, until he turns back to you smiling like the cat who ate the cream.
You don’t question it, but you can’t deny how warm the title makes you feel. His little Freudian slips keep happening over the course of your relationship, and after a year he finally gets the courage to call you his wife—officially, this time.
It comes naturally, John always calls you anything but your name and you having your own assortment of epithets for him. You two were often confused for a married couple with the way you hang off each other, so why not lean into the idea?
You’re greeted with the heavy sound of his footsteps, the jingle of keys outside and then the sight of him fills the doorway.
“Got you the mail darling—bloody junk mailers don’t know when to quit.” He says, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. His beard tickles your skin as he does—a welcome comfort you’ve become more than used to.
“Mm, thank you baby,” you whisper. “You’re the best husband a girl could ask for.”
His lips are turned in amusement, while you’re becoming more nervous with each passing moment. You start doubting whether or not he’d be comfortable with the name, confidence waning with each second.
“Boyfriend, I mean,” attempting to backtrack but John doesn’t let you get away that easily.
“No no no, don’t start lying now,” he grins. “Go ahead, say it again for me.”
He thrives off your embarrassment, enjoying the way you hesitate to answer. “Don’t leave me waiting doll.”
“It was an accident,” you sigh in defeat. A lie, of course, one that John sees through immediately.
“Didnt sound like an accident to me,” he says, leaning down to kiss you again. “And suppose I wanted to call you my wife, what then?”
You stammer, unable to answer. He smiles at your dumbfounded expression before leaving you to your own thoughts.
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jazzyblusnowflake · 7 months
do u have any headcanons for Nuzi? sorry if you've already written about this before and I just didn't see it-
Oh boi anyone here into silly headcanons? XD ill put them under the cut just in case cuz i write a loooooooooooot lol
i usually just make headcanons as i go with my fics, its hard to think about for them specifically but here i go trying, hope you enjoy uwu
Some Nuzi Headcanons i got ùwú:
[for the drone universe ofc, some of my human HCs don't work in the drone universe sadly lmao]
considering this is at a time where they would become official or heck maybe the tragedy ends and they are happy together or something:
Uzi loves calling N "Puppy", sometimes she would also call him "Sunshine" or "Angel" but her & Ns fav would be "Puppy". however N usually doesn't call Uzi many nicknames other than "Zi" rarely- and maybe occasionally "Birdie" when they are more lovey dovey- he's more into pet names like "honey - darling - sweetheart - etc" and not much of a tease... although at times when they get a bit more spicy and he DOES want to tease- he could go towards names like "lil biscuit", "baby bat", "my lady" and etc but again, very rarely 6v6;;;;
they both had to download helpful content on how to flirt 🙄 although they caught on pretty quick lol.
N is subconsciously protective of Uzi, often curling his tail around her without realizing it, or stepping in front of her; but Uzi is consciously protective of N- especially when he's being bullied or degraded- she would cut off anyone's conversation if they were talking about N badly with something like "oh stick a fork in it J-" before changing the subject-
Uzi is actively a smartass sass mouth- she just never really had the confidence for standing up for herself- but with N she's grown to be a bit more confident in herself- and yet N has never seen her be aggressive to HIM lmao- and then when he sees how sometimes she absolutely drags some other drones he has to literally pick Uzi up from the scruff of her coat and tell her to please be nice XD
Uzi and N are absolutely, hopelessly touch and affection starved- this makes them get really cuddly as a way to recharge themselves emotionally. occasionally they just sit next to eachother without words and rub their heads against eachother like cats and sometimes Uzi just sits on his lap and randomly starts prepping his whole face with tini kisses- as if to say mine mine mine- and N is... well just sitting there wagging his tail like an excited puppy :D no words needed between them, just healthy and wholesome touching, cuddling and affection from eachother-...... i mean it could get spicy too- lmao 👀 cuz Uzi really loves taking off Ns hat for more comfort and just threading her hands in his hair- sometimes tugging gently to tilt his head for a more firm and heartfelt kissing and makeout sesh- they rarely get that needy but N happily reciprocates and his grip on Uzi's body/hips tightens pulling her flush against himself more-
at the beginning they are both a flustered mess doing or saying anything romantic but then Uzi started liking teasing and flustering N at any chance she could take. N is just too easy and too smitten for her.
N also occasionally gets the confidence and mood to be more forward and assertive and teasing Uzi over things he knows she's into and Uzi is absolutely into that shit- she's sat 😤
they do share oil sometimes through bites or kisses- but usually that's only when they feel extra frisky lmao-
Uzi gets easily embarrassed during intimate moments and since contact and touching easily discharges their power as sparks, Uzi often uh.... ends up with multiple soft-reboots or powering on and off which kinda overheats her body and CPU alot lmao-
they like drawing and listening to music together- Uzi actually likes watching N draw even if they look amateur and childish- she finds them extremely cute and hangs them up in her room when he draws for her <3
they did NOT start out sleeping next to eachother well. Uzi has nightmares a lot, and even without them she still moves around frantically and is just never in the same position when she wakes up, meanwhile N sleeps like a dead person, he hardly moves and he got used to the pose of crossing his arms on his chest so yeah... dead pose lmao. this made him get kicked alot or shoved in the slot between the bed and wall often- [if he didn't sleep on the other side and just straight up get kicked off the bed anyway]😭. even at times when he decided they could sleep hanging from their tails Uzi often still found herself in the middle of the night hanging haphazardly, limbs and wings in every direction and clothes riding down which made N almost start laughing when he woke up seeing her like this 😭😭😭. in the end one of the ways they ended up making Uzi sleep alot better was cuddling. N would just hold Uzi close, if hanging he would put his wings around them. Uzi would resist and push against him alot at first but slowly after time her nightmares subdued and she felt calmer sleeping at night.... also they put a cork or something on Ns tail when they sleep lol-
All drones, disassembly or worker, can make their cores whirr in a purring noise, its just that its louder for disassemblers, the noise of Ns core helps Uzi relax <3
Uzi can lift N very easily, straight up on her shoulder even.... and somehow N is very turned on by this as she could easily carry him around bridal style if need be- esp if she gets jealous of N interacting with others and just throws him over her shoulder and leaves- or uh.... yknow, if Ns hurt or something, yep 6x6;;;
Uzi is also turned on by the fact that N is so much bigger than her. they be casually sitting and inspecting eachothers hands and Uzi's is smaller and she just blushes fervently imagining all the things she wants his hands and claws to do to her.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND thats about all i can think of atm without spoiling much of my own future ideas lol, hope it wasn't too annoying, but i really enjoyed writing this uwu<3
hope yall enjoyed it too if you made it til here :p
i diiiiid wanna include some nsfw hcs too but im gonna keep this ask as sfw as possible for now. 😇 those would be nsfw specific hcs anyway lmao
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Some more things on Johnny as a werewolf because my little good boy deserves more headcanons
Transforming isn't necessarily painful; But it's really uncomfortable. It feels like his skin is stretching out, his muscles feel like they're detaching from his bones, only to stick themselves back on again, his face doesn't bring him pain, bit it doesn't feel like his...
Once he's done going through the motions, which usually takes an hour, he has full consciousness, which is both a blessing and a curse.
On the one hand, his senses are heightened, meaning he just knows stuff he couldn't learn before. He sees little scars on people, details even the person themselves didn't know, he remembers their scent to a T, and just by being around someone, he knows exactly who they are. He hears things he couldn't before, so sneaking around him isn't an option.
But, on the other, now that his hearing is 10 times better, every noise makes him jumpy, and if he has to be subjected to high-pitched noise, he can't stand it. He can smell smells very well, which means that if an odour is only slightly unpleasant it's an acrid stench to him;
Another thing I think is that he doesn't succumb to instincts, BUT... he can't help himself when it comes to fetch. He knows what he's doing, and he can stop it, but he just wants to play with his friends and s/o! And what better way to do it, than a classic game? So, imagine: This huge, grown-ass, 12 feet tall werewolf that can rip apart cars with his bare hands (or paws?), Sat on his ass Infront of you, tail wagging wildly while you hold a ball, filled with little holes from his teeth, drowned in slobber. Then you throw it, the bestest boy on the world playing fetch with you. It's surreal, but come on. Johnny knows he technically shouldn't like this, but he does anyway. It's a little embarrassing for him.
His fur is also like a dense carpet, straight and medium length, a dark brown. So fluffy. Perfect to hug. He's like an oversized poodle when you hug him, just so much soft floof to hug, it's so...
But during missions, while Johnny is transformed, he's a big threat. Bullets don't do anything to him, and with his heightened senses, strength and agility he can easily clear a base all by himself. Nothing can stop him, even metal doors, he can just open them right up or rip them to shreds. He's truly unstoppable by anything that isn't capable of telekinesis, so that's why Simon works so well in tandem with him, to protect him from such weaknesses and magic.
-> I imagine that he gets overstimulated by his heightened senses sometimes. When he is safe, he tries to hide in a quiet, dark corner. Somewhere that won’t tear his eardrums apart, where he doesn’t want to vomit from so many smells. If he’s overstimulated on the field? He’s even worse—he’s borderline feral. He’s so desperate for all of the sensations, smells and noises to stop that he’s barely in control.
-> This man knows full well he will crush you by sitting in your lap, yet he still tries to, just like a lapdog would.
“Soap, jeSus, dude!— You’re heavy, get off..!”
-> Johnny throws himself to the floor and rolls onto his stomach often to show that’s he’s submitting and that he trusts you quite often; but that also means he’s shaking the floor, the whole damn building, even. Tongue out, panting, chest to the ceiling as he stares you down. He doesn’t want to admit it, but belly rubs feel good, too.
-> He loves when you pet him. Loves loves loves!!!
-> He can quite literally tear a human in half, yet he’ll let you examine his sharp canines if you wish to do so.
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serxinns · 7 months
Members of 1A Kabedon[s] Darling? [Hows others reacting]
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[Sorry If I asked this already. I couldn't remember if I ended up sending the question or chickenining out.]
(NO NO U WERE FINE Also you asked one time! :3)
Izuku- Blushing madly and stuttering while covering his face but in the inside he's literally fangirling and squealing imagining doing the same thing to you to see your flushed face, He just wanna pick you up and run away with you after that he's now making doodles in his notes of HIM doing the same
-Ochako Like Izuku Blushing so hard her head is like a tomato but she floats away and is broken after that she'll secretly asks you to do it again but is angry when realizing you're doing the same to your classmates as well, the aftermath is that she's begging u to do it to her and only her
-Tsuyu- Acts all shy and avoids eye contact is repeatedly Ribbiting in embarrassment but in the inside she just wanted you to kiss her right then and there, she quickly tells you to stop pushes you gently and runs away kinda of regrets it because she might think you rejected her so she tries to do the same but fails epically
Iida- Is just a whole Mess dude who doesn't know how to react he's just blushing red his glasses are getting foggy and is just starting at yin after that he scolded you for doing that stunt chopping in the air while blushing red he wants to think its wrong but why does he like it..
Shoto- Dude is just frozen in shock and confusion he was just asking a million questions "Why are you doing this?" "Is this a threat?" "Should I be doing the same" When you explained this to him the challenge it took him seconds to realize and started blushing he wished to do it to you so he could see you blush madly
Bakugo- Hes shocked, blushing and pissed shocked for doing such a bold stunt of him, Blushing cause it's you who's doing it, and Pissed because well dudes bakugo what's he's not pissed about? And what's pissing him off even more is that he's seeing you do it to other people as well he's dragging u away right then and there he wants to be the only person you can do it to
Kirishima- The Dude is just a Blushing nervous wreck Hes looking around to see if anyone is looking he may look like a nervous wreck on the outside but on the inside he's just admiring you now he does obsess over everything you do but this is a jackpot for him he's looking at you with love hearts in his eyes and if he had a dogs tail it would wag after you walked off he whined a bit he wanted more
Denki- Does the Same Yall keep doing it over and over again giggling mischievously to see who will win
Sero- Stunned and flushed at 1st but tries to regain himself and Flirts with a rose in his mouth 2 can play that game
Mina- Girl is Just squealing flapping her arms around tries to avoid contact but You just look so beautiful in that position So she's starting at with flush cheeks and crooked smile after that he urges you to do it again or to have her turn
Momo- Girl is just blushing holding her hands to her mouth and closing her eyes she's asking you what are you doing what's the context of this and ur just standing there with a smirk (W rizz) she couldn't stand it and accidentally does the same when she realizes she apologies repeatedly quickly running away
Jirou- Poor girl just wanted her soda and now she's back against the wall with you she's trying to act a tsundere saying you're doing it wrong but you wouldn't budge she threatened to use her earbuds on you (she wouldn't she could never) but you still wouldn't budge she pushes you off a bit stomping away processing wtf just happened
Hakagure- A flushed mess Girl is waving her Arms telling you what's going on but you didn't say anything but just smirked Shes confused about why but she soon realizes it Aha! She must be in her romance manga dreams so she tries to kiss you back which made u flushed and walks away saying forget it while she whites and chases after you
Ojiro- is just flushing he's trying to prevent his tail from wagging so hard dudes blushing questioning why are you doing this but you stood there and smirk he just embrace it like a man and accepts his defeat 😭
Koda- you broke him you fucking broke him dude was just having a lovely day talking to his rabbit and u broke him now he's flushed Confused and a bit scared you quickly apologize to him
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Tokoyami- Dudes just stunned he asked you what's the meaning of this you didn't say anything but just smirk he acts tough saying what you're doing is ridiculous that was until Dark Shadow appeared outta nowhere and said "It's not he thinks it's cute~" Tokoyami quickly grabs a hold of him and rushes off while apologizing
Sato- "Lemme guess you wanted your favorite sweet don't you"
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telleroftime · 1 year
So you know how Peach bakes cakes for Mario and Bowser one hundred percent gets jealous of it?
I'm sure we've talked about this before but that's not gonna stop me. I'm just thinking about baking him one as a gift and seeing the way he instantly lights up. Big doofy smile, visibly standing taller, eyes wide, tail wagging-
He's just so happy because he's special to you.
You find it interesting just how excited he gets and luckily Kamek is kind enough to explain. Though you may not really understand his previous infatuation with Peach you at least pick up on why this made him so happy. So now you bake him things all the time just because you've seen first hand how loved it makes your special guy feel.
And if you aren't good at baking you ask the cook's in the castle kitchens and they help you without question.
Just imagine how to you, the first time you bake him something, it wouldn't be such a big deal.
It was just a cake. It wasn't like it was exceptionally tall or decorated in golden leaves. It was just a simple cake and yet there he is, King Bowser in all his glory, falling into those subconscious quirks or his.
Wagging his tail which either brings up dirt of the ground in a little cloud of dust, or is very audible with the way his scales slide against the floor. Trying as hard as he can to control the wide grin but failing, only causing his lips to twitch higher as he flashes his teeth in the goofiest of expressions.
Oh and just imagine how carefully he'd pick up the cake. How he'd ask you a hundred times if the cake is actually for him. How he'd refuse to eat it at first and he'd simply stare at it in awe because once he does eat it it'd be like it was never there to begin with. Oh and the love he'd absolutely shower you with afterwards.
Just imagine how he'd have a lot of cakes ordered in for you. The best of the best, by the best cooks and bakers his kingdom has to offer. Whatever the price, you'd have it. Bowser would guide you to the room where there's just baked goods towered up high. He'd sit you down at the table and excitedly watch as you plate your favourites.
At that moment all he'd want is to hear you ramble about how your day went up until that point, he'd be content not eating any of the food. He'd just want to sit and watch you with his tail thumping lightly on the floor behind him with a lopsided grin on his snout.
And he'd definitely order them instead of making them himself because I think we mentioned this before how that man should not be allowed in the kitchen. Ever. If I'm not wrong it's a mutual headcanon that Bowser cannot bake.
Oh, and to those like me who cannot bake to save their life - imagine if you can't bake and you refuse to ask the castle's cooks for help.
Like, you managed to maybe bake a cake the first time around, which is how you know Bowser becomes absolutely overjoyed when he receives baked goods, but be it beginner's luck or simply an off-day, you can't recreate it. No matter how many times you try and how hard you follow the recipe's instruction, nothing seems to work.
The batter either doesn't rise or it tastes too much of baking powder. It's either burnt or still practically raw and now you're on your fourth attempt and refusing to let anyone else be in the same part of the kitchens as you because you want to spare yourself the embarrassment.
Forget cleaning as you go too. At this point the actual station would be covered in a variety of ingredients. The flour is ironically caked on all the surfaces around you. There's bits of egg white just clumping with sugar on the worktable. There's crumbs from the past attempts littered everywhere and the frustration is very much starting to boil.
But, since you've made it once, you can do it again. At least that's what you hope though it doesn't seem to be that easy. And nothing seems to be going your way.
It's supposed to be a gift for Bowser, an attempt to see that grin of his again and see how overjoyed he becomes. Like you said, the tail wagging and thumping excitedly on the ground, the extremely goofy grin of his. But now you're there with a frown etched on your face because the batter isn't baking itself.
Just imagine missing dinner over this. The cooks were too worried to try and bother you because you were so focussed. Maybe you didn't hear them the few times they tried to get your attention because the dinner was ready. Either way, Bowser definitely notes your absence at the table and he's maybe eaten around half of his meal before he decides to go an look for you.
Because let's be honest, he'd be anxious if you're not there when you are supposed to be. The way you wrote him in the latest chapter of 'A Missing Gem' was utterly perfect. And yeah, he'd go and search for you.
And it wouldn't take him long to find you either.
From the smell of burnt batter to a bunch of cooks diligently avoiding one of the kitchen's entrances, he'd check if you were there and boom, you are. You are and you are covered in baking ingredients, a painful heat on your face from annoyance that only spreads as the embarrassment hits your. Because Bowser had caught you in your struggles.
And here's the thing, I don't think he'd care much if you can't bake. You had tried and you'd definitely get the exact same reaction you'd get if you actually presented him with a cake. It's the thought that counts and you'd still cause his tail to wag and you'd still get to see that dopey smile. He'd tease you for it if only to see the way you react, but he'd be overjoyed anyways.
Because you tried to bake for him.
Oh boy, if this post is a mess it's because I didn't write it in order and didn't read through it in full. My bad. I'll fix it eventually.
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little-bumblebeeee · 1 year
Moonlight - part 2
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Werewolf!Steve Harrington x vampire!Eddie Munson
a teeeeny tiny bit of angst but don't worry
A little bit shorter than I'd like and I'm realizing this might have more parts than I bargained for (also not proofread if you see mistakes no you don't)
Part 1 :)
They avoid each other like the plague. Well, it's mostly Steve avoiding Eddie a little more than usual. He even starts sending Tommy to buy weed instead of just getting it himself, which means that no, that was not in fact a weird ass dream and Steve most definitely is a werewolf. And Eddie called him a good boy. He doesn't know which is more embarrassing, the fact that he cuddled with him like he was a dog or the fact he kind of misses that. Eddie doesn't even attempt to talk to him. He didn't before, why would he now?
But the next full moon has Eddie wanting to go back to those woods. As he hears those cries and howls, he feels the strange need to go back out and help Steve again. So what does he do? He grabs the now cold McDonald's burger he was about to eat and his bag, as well as a pet brush because he doesn't want his fingers getting caught in Steve's matted fur again, walking briskly back to those woods. Just as last time, when Eddie peeks through the trees, he sees the big brown wolf curled up and whining, clearly still in a little bit of pain. "Steve?" Eddie asks tentatively. Steve's head perks up, looking around before his familiar burnt caramel eyes land on Eddie. He jumps up, bounding over to Eddie and tackling him to the ground.
Oh. Great. Eddie's dying now. His throat is gonna be ripped out and Steve is only licking his face to get a taste of Eddie before he absolutely devours him and- okay now why is that making him think about human Steve sucking his- anyways back to Eddie about to die. Which.. isn't happening. Steve hops off of Eddie, tail wagging as he digs his nose into Eddie's bag, fishing out the burger and finishing it off in a single bite, not even chewing once. "Steve.. hey. Uh.." Eddie stammers, sitting up and scooting back a bit. Steve is a lot more affectionate in this form, and Eddie just assumes that Steve doesn't remember shit because in what world would Steve Harrington want anything to do with Eddie Munson? Especially since... well, they have reasons for calling him a "freak" that aren't just about his looks. The one time he tried his hand at asking out a guy, it backfired horribly, and now practically everyone in Hawkins knows he's- that he's...
He was young. Tried to prove everyone "wrong" by asking out a girl he kind of liked, just to get people to think the rumors weren't true. But it only worsened things somehow, making him eternally damned to be "the freak". Why did life put him here? It's just his luck to be practically tortured his whole life then be told he's going to hell as if he's not already there. Maybe he has died. Maybe this is hell. He's only having this nice moment with Steve as he lays his head on Eddie's lap because it's a way for him to get his hopes up, for him to be happy for at least a few moments before it all comes crashing down again before he even gets the chance to savor it.
He's tired of it. He's tired of getting his hopes up, of crying, of dealing with.. everything. He's just. So. Tired.
Eddie looks back down at the werewolf lying in his lap when he feels Steve's wet nose nudge against his hand, big brown eyes looking right back up at him with a look that almost appears to be worry in his eyes. "Hey, Steve." He says quietly, running his ringed fingers through the light brown fur of the large animal. It's like a sliver of light, a shot of caffeine to wake him up. He feels a little more okay like this, even if his chest aches knowing Steve will only avoid him further by tomorrow. But tonight, he'll savor this tonight.
Before life rips it all away from Eddie, he'll savor this.
part 3
Tag list: @manda-panda-monium (that's it, you can totally ask to be on the tag list if you want, I'll add you no hesitation)
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cookiepie11 · 1 year
Pretty bird ~ (tickle fic SFW! Lee stolas,ler blitzø)
"so what will it be pretty bird?" Blitzø asked with a smirk, he grinned down at stolas who was willingly tied to the bed "what spot should I get first huh?"
"I don't knoww" stolas whined with a giggle he wanted to hide his blushing face from blitzø but he also wanted to gaze into his eyes forever at the same time.
"hmmm how about... here!" He exclaimed and wiggled his claws on Stolas's fluffy stomach.
"OHOHOO NOHOOO!" he hooted in suprise
Blitzø blushed at the cute noises but brushed it off quickly "laugh bitch!" He said playfully and clawed under his armpits
"uh huh I know it does" he agreed and scratched faster
"STAPITT GET AWAYY" he yelled and squirmed around, his face painted with a dusty pink blush
"get away? Why you asked for this shit no backing out now" blitzø practically PURRED and started to nibble on his belly
"OHHOHH BLITZYY TEHEHE NOHOEHE" he squealed and thrashed around
"nom nom yummy ass stomach I just can't get enough of it" he teased and wagged his tail at Stolas's cute giggles and squeals.
"Why of course" he said and moved down a bit "now for these ticklish legs~"
He skittered his small red claws on his thigs going down to the ankles and repeating the process over and over.
"teheee PWAHA NOT THE THIGHS STAHPIT STAHPPP TiTICKLEESSS!" He pleaded not really meaning it and blitzø knew that if stolas wanted an end to this he could easily break the restraints.
"calm your ass down pretty bird I'm moving spots~" stolas giggled and his face was redder then ever he loved the new nickname
Blitzø crawled down the bed and to the feet he poked one of them to test it out and he scrunched his bird toes up trying to hide his soles
"oh no you don't..I'm tickling these" he told him and scritched at his toes softly
"pwehee nooohoo stapitt!" He giggled cutely a small tear in his eye
"definitely not bitch I haven't even tried this yet! He said and wiggled all five claws on one foot and the other claws on the other foot "tickle tickle tickle.."
"HOOOT NOHOOT THEREEE STAPITT BLITIZHYYY MY FEEHET ARE TO SENSITIVE!" he begged which made blitzø wanna tickle them even more
"Yeah yeah sure you beg for a stop yet your not even trying to break free anymore" he teased and he was right stolas stopped squirming and was only scrunching his toes up which just put more attention on them
"hm wonder what happens if i..." He picked up long blue feather of off the bed it was obviously Stolas's feather, he fluttered it on the sole gently up down left right
"well no shit it's a feather" he replied and swirled the feather around under his toes he was being extremely delicate which made it all the more unbearable yet addictive for the bird
"DOHONTT STAHAP EEEEE!" he giggled very loudly he loved the feeling of the feather endlessly circling on his feet he didn't want this to ever stop
"dont stop? Why would I want to? I've got to admit this is fucking adorable" he said and his tail wagged side to side
"TITICKLEESSS! PWAHAH HOOT HOOHOOT BLITZY!" he was again trying so desperately to escape and hide his face yet not break free and stay like that forever
"bitch why are you crying?" He asked but he knew it wasn't from sadness he slowed the tickling down seeing the bird was running out of breath
"i..**pant** tickles.." he was extremely tickle drunk
"I want to wreck you not kill ya, you need to breath stupid" he said playfully and untied him
"thats was so tickly and...um nicer" he admitted and blushed "could we..um do that..maybe.. again..like if you want to like no pressure!" His voice was a squeaky embarrassed tone
"I don't think I'll even pass up a opportunity to see you laughing like that again" he blushed and cursed when he realised how cringey the thing he said was
Looks like they both enjoyed that tickle session
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thegayestandalite · 9 months
Chapter 4
Good Boy
He awoke to the oversized building’s door being opened, golden light flooding in. It had been otherwise filtering in throughout cracks peacefully and more importantly out of his way.
A bipedal animal waddled though, burdened with a heavy looking bucket.
A human. He remembered. The species who dominated this planet were humans. This one seemed to be tending captive animals.
He studied them through his morphs eyes until it clicked, he was caring for the injured animals. Injured by what or whom was indeterminable though.
He watched the human leave and leapt from his perch, curious to start investigating the other animals.
They weren’t very pleased with this clear predator encroaching on their confined spaces. He let them be. He sniffed his way out the door, nose to the dirt.sneezing occasionally.
It was a bright day, the sun’s warmth brought a new smell to the grass. Smelling the grass was sure a change from tasting it.
He felt his animal senses fill with joy and took the opportunity to roll in the grass and dirt, leaping back up again, exclaiming, “Aarff!”
He shook the loose dirt and grass bits off and jigged over to another building denser and smaller than the last.
His sharp ears heard a CLANK.
He was downwind, and hadn’t picked up on the human’s scent, but there he was, right behind him, staring.
He tried to not act embarrassed, as he focused back on the human.
He seemed scared, that’s a smart thing to be all considering, but not scared enough when you considered a little more.
But. Surely someone who works with wild animals would be ok with them existing outside of a cage?
“A Wolf?” The human said, to himself, surely to himself.
Shit. Let’s see…friendly..what does a friendly yell beast do? Be as non-threatening as possible.
The morphed andalite sat down and waved his paw forward, then laid on his belly, resting his large head on his long legs and gazed up with large soulful eyes.
“A wolf-dog?” He asked doubtfully.
He wagged his tail hopefully, unsure as to why. He let the wolf brain do the thinking on how to be non-threatening. Maybe the human would understand it.
He still Looked doubtful,”Come here…c’mere boy-er girl,” he called bending over in a dangerous gravity defying maneuver to pat his knees.
Bor’ij took the opportunity to surge forward in a wild legged gallop and Leap on him, paws on his shoulders, as he very friendly like sniffed his face and hair in friendly “wolf” fashion.
[I am the friendliest wolf,] he said privately, [No need to fear at all.]
“A very friendly wolf-dog,” the human amended to himself. He scratched Bor’ij under the chin, which in a way, was a big confidence booster.
“You must belong to someone,” his expression darkened, “Unless they abandoned you here.”
[Ah, new human friend, your concern for me is endearing but, fear not, in this particular circumstance I have not been abandoned- I don’t want to get into it.} He replied privately and only to himself.
“Come on, come on girl, let’s Go inside,” he beckoned him to follow.
Do-does that really work?? Do animals actually just follow- well ok.
He trotted with the human.
[It’s my mother,] he continued from his earlier self conversation, [I know, it’s always the mother, but like - she was always so distant.]
He stepped inside The smaller building. Inside was very…different. All right angles. Hard floor with..fake grass surrounding it..whatever that was for. Old dust sat and drifted, he sneezed. He liked the barn better…much more practical.
“I bet you’re hungry,” the human said, curling his mouth upwards…but no teeth, so probably not aggressive.
[Hungry for validation,] he agreed, [It’s like, what do you want from me mother?]
They entered a smallish room, lined with wooden cabinets and non wooden appliances.
[Is your planet really so full of forests that you could so readily and copiously destroy them for such minor and frivolous manners?] He asked suspiciously.
The human was opening a few cabinets, taking out a small metal bowl with a silverish gleam to it, and placing it on a table that dominated the room.
[What is this? What is the thing that you are doing?] He craned his neck to try and see, snuffling the air, nothing but metaliness.
He settled on his haunches and leapt easily on the (wooden) table.
[Yes, I like it better up here,] he said with an air of approval. [But seriously, don’t the other animals use trees,] he asked, examining the table.
The human seemed to be amused with his antics and poured a cup full of pellets into the metal bowl. Ah. It was all coming together.
“Here you go,” he said encouragingly. Bor’ij gave the food a careful snide and recoiled. It was some sort of mishmash of..dead animals and…garbage. It hurt his nose, like the dust were chemical embers lodging and burning into the tender flesh of his snooter.
He found it downright offensive. He pushed it away with his paw and gave the human a dead pan look.
The human male leaned on the table with his arms crossed.
“Picky eater, huh? Not unusual with wild cross breeds. You probably ate whole prey.”
Bor’ij winced his eye. [You aren’t going to put a freshly dead carcass in the bowl are you,] he pleaded, [you are becoming too helpful, you are actually becoming distressingly.]
Bor’ij’s ears shot to attention and his gaze focused on the direction of the entrance.
“Dad?” Called a tinnier, younger voice. A young, Human female. Younger because of softer, rounder, smaller features, he surmised, with the same dark coloring of the male.
“I’m home-“ She balked, “Is that a wolf?” She stared at him in a very uncomfortable .
“A wolf dog, sweetie,” he said with an air of excitement, “at least, that’s my best guess. Seems very friendly, very social and adaptable to his surroundings. So probably high content dog with a trick of the phenotypes favoring the wolf content. Am I right girl?” He raised his hand, palm flat and vertical.
[Hell yeah man, whatever you say.] He remembered vaguely that phenotypes were genes that were visibly expressed. Some old visage of learning before he had left the “education scene” and probably only retained because biology had always been one of the more interesting lessons. He loosely copied the gesture, lifting his paw up in the air and clumsily letting it down again.
The human male made a deep chest noise, laughing? “She’s a cute one,” he rubbed his head affectionately.
[Accurate. I can see that your sense and cognitive processes work fine.] he agreed.
“Oh, that’s so cool,” the girl said, stepping towards him. Her face was looking rather stiff. Perhaps “cool” meant something bad.
“Where…did you find her, dad?”
“She was out front, by the barn. Someone probably left her here,” he shrugged. “She follows and listens pretty well, she has to have had human contact before.”
[Acting.] He said smugly.
“Hey dad..why don’t you call mom and decide what you’re gonna do with her,” she suggested. “I’ll watch her.”
“Yeah,” he paused, “I guess he wouldn’t be better off in a zoo type setting, not without a pack and being so socially adapted to humans I- Good idea.”
One ear twitched backwards, a zoo? They went around abducting animals from their homes? Like the Skrit Na? Gross.
The human left, with his daughter leaning against the wall opposite of him, scrutinizing him carefully.
Softly she spoke, “Are you the andalite we met yesterday?”
His outside demeanor froze into nonchalant animal mode, but his inner one wheeled.
Of course the earth aliens would likely have lived near by - running distance at least. He looked at her in what he hoped was purely animal interest.
She came forward, quietly, and carefully placed a hand on his shoulder. “We only want to help. I know that andalites have to keep a lot of secrets, and they have a lot of distrust of other species, but we really do just want to help.”
He perked an ear, she sure did know a lot about andalites.
Which made sense since they were…friends or whatever with that Aximili guy, he’d probably told them a lot being stuck on this planet with only them as companions.
He whined loudly, uncomfortable with this soft pleading - a trick he was all too familiar with. He licked his snout nervously.
Suddenly his ears shot up again. He heard a vehicle. He tried to listen carefully as the human regarded him carefully.
Yes this whole earth creatures and their ability to morph was troubling but- what he was hearing now was far more so.
They were speaking, and from a distance so it was difficult even with his super hearing to make out everything but-
“Arrived at human dwelling near UFO sighting-“
“Ready to engage investigatory host acquirement-“
He was meant to land on earth silently, but that plan had changed due to circumstances out of control. They must not know what the disturbance actually was for sure, or they’d have swarmed his ship. This planet was truly infested if he was spotted so and they reacted so swiftly.
He leapt off the table, arranging his long limbs and huge paws gracefully, and careened towards the stairs, the human was in close pursuit, but he ignored her for now.
He turned sharply into another room, it had a huge cushions and more importantly, a window.
He jumped up and steadied his paws on the window sill, staring intently out, honing his ears on the controllers.
There were four. That was a lot for what he was formulating in his mind.
“Excuse me!” The girl was behind him. She would do.
The controllers would be beyond suspicious if random animals started attacking.
She would do fine.
Without breaking his gaze on the controllers, he demorphed.
“So it is you,” she regarded him warily and stepped forward, Stepped forward, right into range.
His arm shout out, quick, most. Likely quicker than any andalite she has seen save their tails, and gripped her wrist tight.
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crowsyart · 2 years
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Some baby spiritstein and spirits pelt pattern(he has a cross mark on his back) of course he’s a lot redder but yeah
Stein is also trans because. I’m projecting
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hello im back and the marshall lee x cat-like reader was so good! you definitely nailed it :] but is it ok to ask a dog like reader this time? like reader just gets really giddy when marshall gets home from who knows where and whenever marshall playfully leaves her somewhere she just looks lost and looking around for him [maybe add a twist where like gumball helped her since he noticed reader looking lost] [its up to you what you wanna add :] and here take this 🖤 hope you get better soon]
Thank you so much <3 I’m glad you liked it!
If you haven’t read the previous one, Marshall Lee x cat like! reader is available HERE
Warning(s): nothing (: but I’m writing this at 1 am so the spelling might be weird
Marshall lee with a dog-like s/o
You’re each others opposites, but somehow it just works
Marshall definitely can’t deny that he feels all warm and fuzzy inside whenever you express your excitement to see him again
You’re just so happy, it’s adorable
And you’re happy bc of him?? He’s the reason you get so giddy?? Just wow
He definitely fights the urge to scratch you behind the ears a lot, don’t get him wrong but you just seem very petable
But then he remember you’re an actual human and gets embarrassed
However, he does just tend to hold your face a lot
He would never say it out loud bc it’s sappy as hell, but he absolutely adores holding your cheeks between his palms and gazing into your eyes
Homeboy m e l t s when you give him those puppy dog eyes
You tag along with him for big events a lot, mostly bc you hate being left alone but also bc you absolutely love seeing him up on stage
He always looks for you in the crowd when he plays, his otherwise still heart skips when you notice him staring and happily jump
At those big venues, you also tend to get lost a lot tho
There’s just so much to see, so many ppl to talk to and this one time there was this really pretty butterfly you just had to follow outside
No surprise you got lost
When you realize this you just stopped, you could be independent don’t get me wrong, you had a whole life before Marshall lee
But the thought it being so lost you might never find him again, quickly made tears cloud your eyes
You looked around with a pout and a wobbling lower lip, not realized you had walked straight to the candy kingdom
Of course you knew gumball, even though he and Marshall’s relationship was,, tense
You couldn’t help but lunge yourself at him right as you spotted the pink prince
If you had a tail, it would be wagging violently
Finally someone familiar, tho it wasn’t Marshall it was someone you knew
Which was evidently better than walking around in the woods alone at night
Gumball isn’t much for affections, but he let you hug him tightly anyways, awkwardly patting your back
You stumbled over your words as you explained to him what happened, holding back tears at thinking back to the whole situation
Luckily for you, gumball is a fairly sympathetic guy and even tho he found it funny how you were so distressed after only being a couple miles away from Marshall he didn’t let it show
“You know you just walked in a circle, right? Marshall’s playing right behind the east wall and you just walked around and ended up at the west gate,” he explained gently to you
You nodded along, sniffling a bit as you calmed yourself down
You weren’t so far from your beloved after all
Gumball chuckled and offered to have the banana guards escort you back to the venue
You happily agreed, hugging him tightly again as your go lucky attitude returned
You got along with the banana guards very well, you sorta match each others happy and clueless outlook on life
To say Marshall was confused when you returned with 10 banana guards would be and understatement
He immediately jumped to the conclusion that you got arrested upon seeing your tear stained cheeks
He was just about ready to give gumball a piece of his mind before you bid the guards farewell and happily made your way over to him
He had finished playing and was getting w bit worried when you didn’t run to him right after
Sure, he pretended to lose you from time to time in the market place
He never went too far tho, always returning when your look of confusion turned to distress
A lot of the times you found him first tho, your cheery personality making it easy for you to make friends with just about everyone who would help you find Marshall
He had been looking for you around the venue, confused as to why you would have left and slightly worried when it took you over an hour to return
You hugged him tightly when you reached him, snuggling your face into his neck
He gave you a bewildered look
“Have you been out there making trouble?” He asked when you parted from him
It was a foreign thought to think of you causing trouble on purpose
You shook your head when sheepishly smiled at him, explaining with wild hand gestures that you saw the prettiest butterfly she just had to follow it
Marshall tensed up a bit when you mentioned gumball, but ultimately decided to drop it for now
The rest of the night you spend following him around like a lost, well, puppy
You were exhausted when the two of you got home, happily curling up against Marshall in the bed and falling asleep almost immediately with a giddy smile on your face
Marshall couldn’t really float when you were practically laying on top of him, but for you he would gladly give up float-sleeping
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I hope you enjoyed it! I enjoyed writing it haha, I sorta just based y/n on how I act around the guy I like 😳
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stargazer-balladeer · 3 years
“I love you” [Tears of Themis]
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How will they react if you spontaneously say “i love you” to them?
Characters Included: Artem Wing, Luke Pearce, Marius von Hagen & Vyn Richter + GN! Reader
Notes: sorry if Vyn’s part feel rushed hehe… originally for genshin but decided to do it for tot instead. Hope ya’ll like this!
Warning: fluffiness
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Artem Wing
Rosy cheeks and eyes wide with his mouth ajar (👁👄👁). He stares at you with a flustered face, totally caught off guard when you uttered those three words. But he can’t deny how his heart fluttered when he heard them.
“… I-I’m sorry-?” His voice cracked a bit, shock laced in his voice as he coughed to cover up his embarrassment. He was just telling you about the movie he watched last weekend when you suddenly said those three words, completely losing his composure the second his brain registered what you just said.
“I said I love you, Artem.” You smiled at him, flashing your teeth to him, making you look so innocent in his eyes. Too bad that ‘innocence’ could also be deadly. At least for his heart. When you uttered those words again, his heart skipped a beat once again. He can’t help but let out a smile at that, his hand still covering his mouth but you can see the wrinkle in the corner of his eyes indicating that he’s smiling.
“I-I love you too. But please don’t say that so suddenly… it’s not good… for my heart.”
Luke Pearce
Eyes widened at your sudden exclamation of your love to him before his eyes sparkle with adoration and childish glint, and a goofy smile overtakes his face. No matter how serious or dire the situation is, hearing you say those three words are a reassurance to him that you love him still.
“Wha- you cannot say that so suddenly!” Even though he say that, it does little to cover up how happy he is. If Luke has a tail, it would be wagging back and forth fiercely. It was hard to believe that this was the same boy who was hacking in the Big Data Lab again with a serious face. He tried to fake an annoyed face but gets overridden by his joyful smile.
Eyes glinting underneath the LED lights in your apartment, shining adoringly at you with his smile directed at you. He grabs you by your arm and pulled you to his chest, cushioning your fall. He then press kisses all over your face, soaking in the laughs you let out every time he attacks you with his kisses.
“That attack wasn’t fair at all! You should’ve given me a warning beforehand… hehe. I love you too, my Watson.”
Marius von Hagen
A mixture of Artem and Luke. When you uttered those words, he was caught off-guard. His eyes wide and a faint hue of pink in his cheeks as he stood still, the object he’s holding falling to the ground in the process making him snap out of his trance at the ‘thud’ sound. Before going back to his cocky self.
“Oh? Finally realizing you’re in love with this devilishly handsome young man?” Rolling your eyes playfully at him, you tossed an erased at him which he easily caught. Just mere seconds ago, you’ve gotten himself in a flustered state (which you prided yourself for). But then he quickly reverted back to his prideful and cocky self again. So your celebration only lasted for seconds.
“You know what? I take back my words.” You said, flashing him a forced tight smile as you stood up and make your way out of his art room. Just as you were about to reach the door, a hand grabs your wrist and pulled you back. Holding you tightly by the waist when you land on his chest, gazing into your eyes with a playful glint in his eyes. But even though he has a cocky smile plastered across his (handsome) face, you can see the adoration behind the playfulness he displays.
“Ah ah ah. You can’t take back those words once you said them, don’t you know that? No take backs, no refunds either. I also love you very much.”
Vyn Richter
For the first time in his life, he got flustered. He didn’t expect you to suddenly proclaim your love to him so suddenly, catching him by surprise. But it won’t show on his face very much, his eyes will wide a fraction before letting out a sigh and a smile.
“You’re really are full of surprises, love.” He muses, glancing at you from the document he’s reading with a smile evident on his face. He watches you giggle to yourself while he shakes his head. Closing his folder, mentally taking note to review it later after entertaining his ‘guest’. He makes his way to your sitting form and crouches in front of you, taking your hand to his and place a kiss on top of your knuckles.
You smiled at him before bending down to place a kiss on his forehead. “I love you, Dr. Richter.” You whispered to him once more. His heart beat rapidly in his chest as he feels himself overheating from the love you convey to him. Staring at your eyes, eyes flickering from it to your lips before leaning in and placing a kiss on them.
“I love you too, my dearest. Always. Maybe, possibly even forever. I’ll always remind you of that everyday as well. Maybe even surprising you for my revenge fufu.”
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[x] Main Page || [x] Tears of Themis Page
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batwritings · 3 years
okay hear me out
small sub dogboy sapnap brain rot rq
he woke up from a dream and came in his sleep and your number 1 rule for him was he can’t cum without permission
so he walks into your room with his ears flat against his head and tail between in legs in shame because the guilt and embarrassment he was feeling.
and theres two ways this can go
you coo softly as he admits what happened but reassure him that it wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t control it. allowing him to sit on your lap as you pet his ears, whispering soft praises to him.
“it’s okay pup, you couldn’t control it.” “such a good boy, telling me what happened.” “oh don’t be embarrassed baby. i’m not mad.” “want me to make you feel better, puppy?”
kissing him and rewarding him for being such a good boy and telling you immediately. allowing him to eat you out/suck you off because it’s his favorite thing to do. fucking him or riding him like the good boy he is. his moans and whines at your praises and touch.
(pls i know he gives great head or at least loves it. he’ll be so enthusiastic because he gets to make you feel good, tail wagging behind him as he does so. will be a messy with it but knows how to make you feel good but that’s a story for another day)
bending him over the bed and landing a few spanks onto his ass.
edging him because he already came so why would he need to again?
“ah ah, you dont get to cum baby. you already did.” “stop your whining. i already said no” “such a little horny thing, can’t even sleep without thinking of sex huh? just a needy little mutt.”
over stimulating him until he’s whining and squirming. holding his hips down gently as you blow him.
he’d let out pretty little whines and moans, not knowing if he wanted more or not. pleasure would over power the small amount that it pain of your mouth on him after he came so many times. small groans and moans at your words, reminding him of how he broke your rule.
“can’t even wait until you wake up to cum huh?” “oh puppy, you look so pretty like this. mouth open, cock hard and leaking.” “oh come on pup, you can handle one more right? you wanted to cum so badly earlier…”
yeah just sub puppy sapnap ❤️
This? Right here? Is literally the duality of man kind of thing I face with Sapnap. I wanna tell him how good he is for telling me and give him a reward but wow do I wanna degrade the fuck out of him. Added a mommy kink for a bit of spice~ Enjoy~!
"--my? Mommy please wake up," you hear as consciousness floods your system. With a tired hum, you rolled over to see your sweet puppy, tail between his legs and ears flat against his head. Most notable was the stain against his boxers. "I just had a dream and when I woke up I was cumming and I couldn't stop."
You smile fondly at Sapnap, reaching up to cup his cheek. He immediately leans into the touch as his tail thumps against the bed. "Sweet boy," you sigh, opening your arms for him to lay in which he does immediately. "Such a good boy for telling me."
"Y-you're not mad?" he asks, sounding like he's almost on the verge of tears. "I came without permission though, i-it's your number one rule."
"Sappy there's nothing you couldn't have done to prevent this," you tell him matter-of-factly. "You can't help when your body decides it needs pleasure like that. It would be pretty wrong of Mommy to get mad at you for something out of your control."
Sapnap leans against your breast, taking your words into consideration. He nods softly to show that he understands, nuzzling into your bosom. "You did so good telling me pup," you praise, scratching along the base of his floppy ears. "I think you deserve a reward. Do you want to eat me out or would you rather I ride you?"
Immediately your pup perks up at the choices presented to him. You watch him worm his way under the covers to sit patiently between your legs. You chuckle fondly and nod, giving him the okay to taste your sweetness.
Sapnap wastes no time slipping up your nightshirt and pulling your underwear down. He's on your cunt in an instant, tongue and lips sloppily kissing and licking at your folds. Your hands are threading through his hair as pleasure courses through your body.
"Good boy Sap," you whine, softly bucking your hips up to meet his mouth. You hear his tail thump against the bed as he takes you rocking against him like a champ. His sole goal is to please you as he watches with eager golden eyes.
With such a practiced mouth on you, it doesn't take long for you to reach your peak. Rambled praise and pleasured moans fall from your lips as you rock your hips against his face. Ever the good pup, Sapnap eats you out through your orgasm, obscene wet noises lingering with his hums.
When you fall back against the bed, the hybrid is back in your arms, snuggling up to you. "Thank you Mommy," he mumbles, a yawn barely being stifled against your skin.
You kiss his head softly, nearly falling asleep with his warmth against you.
"My pleasure puppy. Good night."
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evelxtus · 2 years
℘ . . . their reactions when they make you blush. ⚘
featuring · itto, albedo, xiao, zhongli, childe, gorou, diluc, kazuha, ayato x gn!reader.
warnings · ayato's part it's a bit suggestive. oopsies.
note · self-indulgent sht, please excuse me. :) like/reblog if you liked it, and leave a request if you want. my asks are open.
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itto. . . ⚘
when he sees your cheeks turning slightly pink, and how you are trying to avoid his gaze, his heart inevitably races and he stares at you for a few seconds, stunned. realizing what he has achieved, a proud smile will cross his lips, totally unwilling to miss even a second of what he has managed to provoke in you. “yeah, little one. this is the power of the one and oni, arataki itto!” after his iconic phrase, itto crouches down slightly so he can whisper to you with a smug look. “do you want to see me do it again, hmm~?”
albedo. . . ⚘
at first albedo doesn't understand what is causing your cheeks to take on that warm color, and he even thinks that something he has said may have upset you. “oh? that is not the case? then… oh, i understand now.” as soon as he realizes the real reason for your reaction, he still doesn't quite understand how it is that a few words of his have had such an effect on you, but what he knows is that he will take it into account for future occasions.
xiao. . . ⚘
humans are very strange beings. how can you blush at the words of an adeptus? what a being with so little shame and weak. that's what a part of xiao's mind thinks, although the more he looks at you and your flustated features, the stranger he feels himself. his cheeks also begin to feel slightly warmer, but with a single movement he moves away from your sight until he understands why you have "infected" him with that worldly feeling. the only thing he doesn't want is for you to see how you also manage to get a weak part out of him... even without uttering a single word.
zhongli. . . ⚘
a warm feeling runs through the former archon's chest. how many years, centuries has it been since he felt that way? and the only thing that lit that warm wave within him was seeing you blush and look away from his sight. the only thing he does about it is lean out slightly to take a good look at you, although he knows that it's impossible if you do whatever it takes not to be even more embarrassed. zhongli can only move away so you can calm down again, while letting out a sincere, sweet chuckle.
childe. . . ⚘
just like itto, childe is proud of what he has achieved. as if he had won a fight, he smiles victoriously while you hide from his curious blue eyes, which are looking with amusement to meet yours. of course you don't make it easy for him, but it's impossible to keep running away when he gently grabs your chin with his thumb and forefinger. you thought you would see how he laughs at you, but his orbs have a slight glow of tenderness. “don't hide from me... you look cute this way.”
gorou. . . ⚘
his ears are straight, trying to pick up anything however small it could be, and his tail wags from side to side as he tries to look over your shoulder for answers as to why you suddenly turned around trying to avoid his gaze. gorou's persistent, so he finally gets his answer, which pleasantly surprises him. a quiet smile graces his lips as he quietly gives space for you and his ears relax once more. the only hint left that he is happy with what he has achieved is his tail, wagging happily behind him.
diluc. . . ⚘
he is so reserved that he would never have imagined that he would make someone blush with his words. diluc wasn't even trying to make you feel that way, so it came as quite a surprise when you turned around with flushed cheeks. diluc, for his part, stared at you for a few seconds without knowing how to react while his crimson eyes seek to observe your features with hidden curiosity. realizing that perhaps he's looking at you a little too much, he turns his head and clears his throat trying to recompose his serious composure again. it must be said... that he's not displeased at all.
kazuha. . . ⚘
truth be told, his intentions are always hidden under his eyes full of innocence, but in reality, he knows very well what he's doing, and if he has managed to make you totally red with a single sentence, he already had it planned before. his laugh echoes softly in your ears, pleased with your reaction. ��oh, what a sigh. although nothing guarantees this will be the last time it happens.” kazuha talks like he doesn't take it seriously, but believe him when he says he'll do it again.
ayato. . . ⚘
his calm laugh resonates through the room. “most delightful” he never has time for himself, since he is always working or helping his sister. with you ayato can fully enjoy, and that means that willingly or not, you will be at his mercy. with his words he can ignite thousands of feelings in you almost effortlessly. it's scary the ease he has to make you feel warmer in seconds. maybe he enjoys it a little too much. “just wait and see what else i can make you feel. you are not one of those who are satisfied only with the main course now, are you?”
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halcyon-writings · 3 years
- holding out your palm under their chin (hcs)
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note(s)/warning(s): the title sounds kinda wild but it’s fluff i promise, no spoilers, my thoughts are too much, reader is gn + not rosa/the mc (bc she’s here and that’s weird dating urself we aren’t 3h /j) surprisingly enough my first entry for this series is not angsty who would’ve thunk
feat. marius, luke, vyn, artem, and rosa
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marius von hagen
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the one who’s teasing you about it, maybe a slight laugh too. looking from your open palm to your eyes with a the corners of his crinkling in amusement. He even raises his eyebrows a few times to add to the humor of it all. But he’s going to indulge you all the same, after poking some more fun of course.
“I didn’t think you could be so cute!” He exclaims, and of course you want to either smack him or kiss him (or both). You pull your hand away which makes him fluster instead, He still wanted to do the thing where he rests his chin in your palm. After much convincing (which meant to stop his whining that got several looks from other people) he finally gets his way.
He bats his eyelashes and pouts when you laugh at him. But doesn’t quite move just yet. And seeing how you move to cup his face with both hands, suddenly the so confident pax group leader flushes. he protests loudly as you laugh while letting go. (He likes it more than he wants to admit). And you suddenly have a thing for him whining. Huh, who knew.
luke pearce
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Luke, you beautiful soul you, would look at you a bit confused when you hold your hand out out of the blue. Confusion spreads across his features because he can’t remember you handing him anything. Perhaps followed by a small panic because what if you did and he forgot and then lost it. He’s patting his many pockets on the familiar jacket before you grab his attention again.
Your hand is held out again, and this time Luke tilts his head, akin to a confused puppy. And you probably have to reach up, palm placed underneath his chin. He processes it for a moment, before his entire face heats up, and he sputters out a question about your antics. But he doesn’t move his head away either so really, who’s winning here.
Once he recovers, and you’re certain he won’t spontaneously combust, he sends a wide grin your way. And like previously looking like an excited puppy, all he was missing was the ears and the wagging tail. This man loves physical affection, and literally would love this so much. Don’t @ me I’m right.
vyn richter
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Ah Vyn. Now unlike the previous two, it would take a bit more to surprise him, or even fluster him. He sees you raise your hand up to his chin, just enough that he’d have to lean down slightly. Raising a delicate brow with a small amused quirk of his lips, “Oh?” And despite you literally having him in the palm of your hand, it feels like you’re the one that’s been trapped instead.
Not one to state his want outright, rather nudging slowly, Vyn relishes the contact just as much. I imagine that he’s also another that’s a bit touched starved (ig they all are huh). Looking up at you through his eyelashes. There’s soft adoration in his eyes, it’s no surprise if you suddenly combust at the way he looks at you. Vyn is just that charming and he knows it, using this skill for evil /j. “Is this what you wanted?” He asks.
But unlike the previous two, he ends up flustering you. Leaning just a bit more forward, tilting his head, when you feel him kiss your palm. Also peering up at you slightly just to get a glimpse of your reaction. It seems that he got the last laugh instead, well played doc, well played. 
artem wing
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This poor man. You’re gonna end up confusing the hell out of him and that is a fact. If the man had to consult a book on how to ask someone out, he probably wouldn’t even know what you want him to do unless you say so outright. But it’s okay, his confusion is cute so it’s whatever. Probably makes a note of this to google it or smth, just in case,,, can’t stand him /j. But just because he’s a little confused, does not mean that he won’t do it.  
Literally all you would have to do is ask nicely and man will go to the ends of the Earth for you. His happiness is quiet, but still he’s enamored all the same. If he could bring both of your hands to cup his face, he would but the thought of that probably gets him all flustered. (He once turned so red when his hand brushed against yours once, even Celestine had decided to have some pity for the poor thing and didn’t tease him that time). 
He’s literally boyfriend material, wtf. Probably the second that flusters you albeit unintentionally because once he gets it, it’s as though a lightbulb pops up above his head. Artem is just so earnest in his affection (I’m gonna go kiss him rn smh), like idk if it’s y bias towards him but please imagine him doing this it’s so cute
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MISS ROSA!!!! My beloved,,, I know we can technically give her any name we want but I like this name for her. Another sweetheart who get’s flushed when you hold your hand out in front of her/beneath her chin. She’s aware of the cute trends, and in no doubt thanks to Kiki as well, but still, she thinks it may be cheesy to ask for such couple-y things to do. But she still loves them. 
As her s/o, you can get away with teasing her (Marius is punching the air rn). Just please have mercy on her, you’ll make the poor woman combust or smth. But once she gets over the slight embarrassment, she loves it. Also probably does it to you from time to time so she can see you get all flustered. It’s a hollow victory bc Rosa is also red in the face but it is a victory all the same.
If you also work at Themis, just know that Kiki may or may not squeal at the two of you and now you have everybody’s attention, good luck! (It’s okay get her back with smth about idol merch and she gets sworn to secrecy, easy peasy).
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cheelduh · 3 years
How to get Hit-listed by a Stonehide Lawachurl (High School AU!)
Part 6 of the highschool au
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5
Pairing: Childe x fem!reader
Synopsis: Childe’s a menace to everyone when playing dodgeball. Even as his new girlfriend, you’re no exception to his affinity for raising hell during the most tranquil of circumstances.
Warnings: Swearing, bad humor, and absolutely horrid spelling mistakes.
Words: 5.3k
Note: Longest chapter yet sheeeesh 🗿
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Negotiation is an art.
Childe, or "Tartaglia" has utilized the art of negotiations in his daily life. Whether that be scamming the ninth graders with fake weed, or convincing the teachers why he doesn't deserve detention for injecting random fluids from the chem department into the school's resident pet frog.
All in all, by becoming an expert in the field of negotiations, Childe is nothing if not a master, tongue silver and smooth as he takes on a new opponent.
Which is why he dutifully negotiates with you on this Monday morning in front of the History classroom, getting down on one knee and pulling out a—
"I hope to Barbatos you aren't proposing Childe," You hiss, panicked eyes landing on the velvet box he's pulling out. "Considering that we're sixteen and still in highschool."
As if remembering those meagre details, Childe gulps and shoves the box back into his pocket. "Uhhh yeah, I was just, tying my shoelaces?" It comes out as a question.
You let out a sigh of relief, overlooking how he undoes his shoe laces just to do them all over again.
The ring burns in his pocket as he gets back up.
"Why did you call me here?" You ask, hand on your hip, foot impatiently tapping. The tap tap tap isn't because of impatience though, it's because you need something to cover the nervous palpitations of your heart.
He gives you a vicious smile, sinister enough to shake the bones of anyone who's observing, opens his daring mouth to show the imaginary sharpness of his teeth. Then with the confidence of about a hundred shirtless tiktok boys, he finally demands:
"If you don't become my girlfriend, I will kill—"
"Yeah sure thing." You answer before he can finish, soft smile growing.
Childe chuckles evilly, "I knew you'd say that, but I've come prep—wait a minute." He snaps out of his villain origin phase, stumbles back a bit, then his eyebrows are furrowing in confusion. "Did you just say yes?"
You nod, cheeks flaring up. "Don't make me repeat it." Then you look away, too embarrassed to see his reaction.
For a second, Childe's internal conflict following the chain of this event causes him to temporarily malfunction, and all he can do it stare at you in amazement.
It's only when you tell him to stop staring and jump off the school roof is when he snaps out of his daze, a grin festering on his face.
He lunges straight at you, giving you no time to deflect him as he wraps his bone crushing arms around you, then lands a soft smooch on your forehead.
"Let go of me you idiot!" You barely wheeze out, light headed not only because of your lungs being squeezed like oranges, but also because of the sloppy kiss he's delivered so ungracefully.
He does so reluctantly, and you're unamused, wiping the stickiness off your forehead with a sleeve as he steps back.
"Ew what the fuck?" You say, glaring at him. "What's wrong with you?"
He completely ignores you, giddy with excitement. "Ah girly, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that. I can't wait to introduce you to my parents and eat lunch together and kiss each other during break—"
"Slow down." You tell him, as red as a tomato towards all his suggestions. "We've barely started dating."
"Oh," Childe stops momentarily, then nods in agreement. "You're right. We should start small. How about I walk you to class?"
"We're already in front of class." You nudge your head towards the classroom, and catch Zhongli and Venti peeking from the side of the door, trying not to be obvious.
You narrow your eyes at them threateningly.
Childe tugs your arm, lovingly looking you up and down. "Let's walk to class together anyways. In a circle."
A complete waste of time, yet it's impossible to say no to the face he's making.
Before you guys depart he suddenly stops, gasping loudly, remembers something important. "I have to make a quick phone call."
Childe speed dials Scaramouche, and the latter picks up annoyed, answers the phone with muffled sounds in the back. Something that sounds a bit like pleading and whimpering.
He then mutters something that forces dread into your system. "You can release the hostages."
You hear Scaramouche groan on the other end, muttering a "such a pain in my ass", but choose not to question it immediately.
As soon as the phone call is done and you're back by his side, you point at his phone questioningly. "What hostages Childe?"
He gives you a close eyed smile, taking the fifth.
"What hostages Childe?" You repeat again weakly.
First period goes by smoothly for the most part. Lisa, your so called best friend, once again is bought off like a corrupted politician by your new boyfriend. She sits far away from you, leaving you without any defences against the menace that dotes on you a bit too much.
Throughout class, all Childe does is score Venti's colourful pens, and then writes you annoying little love notes, using the expert origami skills he's learnt from Anthon to deliver them to you.
Despite the threat of distraction these notes pose, the corners of your lips can't help but tug upwards at his enthusiasm and attempt at poetry.
Zhongli makes sure not to ask you two any questions the entire class, leaving you to your own accord.
Lunch comes around soon enough, and your usual table of Diluc, Jean, Kazuha, and Lisa is disturbed by the torpedo that is Childe, and he brings collateral with him.
Kaeya whole-heartedly ceases the opportunity to sit near his stoic statue of a brother purely with the intention to annoy the premature crap out of him, but one look from the redhead sends the chicken-shit right back where he came from.
When Childe forcefu—lovingly feeds you the smiley fries and dinosaur nuggets his stunning mom packed him, Diluc looks just about ready to hurl.
Lisa winks at you two, Kazuha doesn't even bother looking, and Jean tries with upmost effort to keep Diluc from launching himself at the whipped fatui boy basking in your attention.
"Quit embarrassing me." You whisper-exclaim sharply, noticing how Jean passes Diluc—all green in the face, a puke bag discreetly. "Shouldn't you be doing something illegal right now? Or vaping in the stalls?"
"I quit vaping for you girlie." Childe boops your nose with his finger. "Well, at least full time. I still need a puff when I'm around Signora, to like, get rid of her awful vibes."
While it is endearing how he quit vaping for you, it doesn't lessen the need for you to bury yourself alive right here and now.
Then you sigh, pick up a Dino nuggie, and shove it in his mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking your finger. You die inside.
"There, you happy?" The action of feeding him is so...intimate, it sets your heart aflame.
Childe's a lovesick puppy when he chews, imaginary tail wagging a hundred times a second. "Can I have a kiss too?"
Diluc slams his hands on the table and stands up, hurriedly picks up his grape juice and makes a break for it. You don't blame him.
"I'll kill you." You smack him with a napkin, blazing red. "I'll end your pathetic little life right here and now."
By the end of lunch, Lisa and Jean have to restrain you so you don't break the world record for the maximum amount of mutilations that can be done on a single body.
Fourth period is a break. A break from Childe you mean. It's expected of the school's resident bad boy aka menace to skip classes in order to skip over the bodies of his victims.
You bask in the momentary peace, until it's disrupted by a tap on the window. Reckon it's nothing, maybe a bird flew into it, because intentional taps are impossible from the third floor. Except your conviction is hindered yet again by another tap.
What a nuisance.
You finally turn to look outside the window, face down, and spot Childe waving incessantly, rocks in hand, oozing with excitement that can't be concealed and a grin that nearly takes you into cardiac arrest. Without meaning to, you send him a small smile, waving back as Baal drones on about quantum superposition.
Successful in gaining your attention, he moves aside to reveal the hefty corpse of a stonehide lawachurl with a destructive path in its wake. The ridges and bumps of its hide are enough to do a number on the road, ruining the school's playing field.
Your smile drops down into a horrified frown in the span of a few seconds.
"Wow." Albedo, your lab partner whispers from next to you, for the first time distracted in class.
"Yeah," Kaeya whistles from behind you two, one hand supporting his head. "What a gesture."
"Y/N, I'd be grateful if you could possibly obtain a black crystal horn for me from the specimen." The blonde asks, entranced by the corpse that your boyfriend is flaunting off to you with pride.
"Aren't those things endangered cutie?" Lisa makes sure to butt in, as per usual.
Yes. Your boyfriend with several issues and an affinity for chaos brought you the corpse of an endangered geo-infused creature that's five times the size of him. During school hours too, the fiend. Like a cat dragging the corpse of a dead mouse to its owner.
You groan into your hands, heart racing while the fire is coursing through your veins.
That idiot.
Childe is exceptional at a lot of things, like the switch and making weapons out of seemingly harmless things (e.g shiv out of a toothbrush), but what he prides in the most is physical education. With washboard abs, uber tall height, and a dickish smile to top it all, he has everything it takes to showcase his top tier athletic abilities.
He pounces at the opportunity to show off in front of you, wanting nothing more than to have you fawn over his strength. He's sure it'll be enough to have you all over him, wrapping your cute little arms around his muscled ones, passing him his water bottle and dabbing away at the sweat on his forehead. Most of all, he daydreams you planting your soft lips on his to congratulate him after a big game.
Physical education, for you, is a pain. You may be good with your brain, but games exert more energy than necessary, and coordination that lacks logic entirely. You're just here for the credit. The over-achiever part of you walks the extra mile to ensure a grade in the high nineties.
Although witnessing Childe clad in the school shorts and matching polo shirt is enough to make this worth your while, you'll die before admitting it. Especially when he gawks at you as if it's the first time you're wearing the sports uniform yourself. It has you fidgeting with your fingers and tugging your shorts down nervously.
You try not to flip him off like you usually do, especially since it's not even been twenty four hours since he's asked you out.
Mr.Zhongli blows a whistle, calling all the students over to surround him. It's odd that he teaches most of the subjects at this school, seemingly the only adult present, but no one questions it in fear of genshin logic. Moving on, he explains that you have a dodge ball game today.
Lisa groans beside you. She hates anything that requires the exertion of energy, oftentimes bringing a book to read while everyone else screams in the background.
You're relieved, mainly because Childe and Tohma are usually captains, and Childe always picks you to be on his team as a means to flex his skills. For you, it means sitting back and watching him carry your team towards a straight A.
However, all your dreams are crushed when Zhongli announces the team leaders.
"Y/N, I trust that you'll lead the blue team to the upmost of your ability. Childe, prepare to lead the opposing red team."
Your knees shake as you stare at him in disbelief. "But Sir—"
"No buts Y/N." He scolds you lightly, checking off your names on the clip board. "I'd like to witness your exceptional leadership skills."
In reality, Zhongli just wants to reenact a lovers-on-opposing sides trope, wanting to see how the two of you crack under the pressure. In a way, it is an exercise of leadership.
Instead of picking teams, Zhongli assigns teams for the both of you according to his own judgement, trying to make it as fair as possible.
Lisa pats your back after your teammates are assigned, trying to cheer you up. "It's going to be okay. You guys are dating now, so he'll go easy on you."
You look up to meet Childe's eyes from across the court. He gives you a charming smile, which turns downright barbaric as he lifts up a thumb and motions to slash his neck with it. Then he wickedly mouths "I'm going to destroy you."
You blink and turn away as fast as you can in fear. "We're fucked."
Lisa, witnessing the entire ordeal nods alongside you, doing nothing to reassure you because she herself has given up.
Suddenly a hand lands on your shoulder gripping you tightly. "Let's wipe the floor with that g*nger." The voice is ice cold, threatening enough to send a shiver down your bones.
You turn to meet Rosaria, who frowns at you. Most of the time she doesn't really put an effort in dodgeball, but she must've seen your crestfallen expression, trying to comfort you in her own detached way.
Rosaria is the other school nurse in training, alongside Barbara, but somehow her patients end up more injured, sick, or mentally defiled than before they entered the room. She also spends after hours beating up Chads in the school parking lot. Also runs a blog with her booby co-author Kaeya that emphasizes mostly on the dark knight hero.
Spotting the rest of your team behind her, you begin to criticize them one by one.
Standing against the wall is Kaeya, pushing both his biddies up with his crossed arms like an absolute whore. He's breaking about several dress code rules right now. Venti is next to him, drunk off his butt as he beat boxes with Tohma.
Eula mutters under her breath, on and on about seeking revenge on Zhongli for putting her beloved Amber on the opposing team, promising him an unfortunate fate. Xiao is miserably squatting on the floor, sharp eyes observing everyone in the gym, scowl not ready to dissipate anytime soon.
Then you look over at Childe's team in the distance. Jean with a determined look on her face as she listens to Childe's game plan, and Diluc crossing his arms with his brows furrowed in concentration. Even Amber, the best baller in the school, is stretching out her arms, assisted by the gifted princess of the school, Ayaka.
Not only that, but Childe has the king of dodging on his team—Kaedehara goddamn Kazuha. Beidou shoots you a wicked smirk, winking at you until she's disrupted by Ningguang's shove.
"Oh my god." You cry out when the realization hits you, falling to your knees in despair. "We're completely fucked!"
"No we aren't." Rosaria mutters lowly. "You're only fucked if you want to be. Don't you dare throw in the towel before the fight has even begun."
"But I—"
"Stop it." She grumbles again, rolling her eyes. "You're being annoying now. If you lose the game, that makes him the dom. Don't you want to be the dom?"
She's right. You do want to be the dom.
Her words of encouragement, and not at all veiled insults somehow allow you to find motivation deep within yourself. You get up and stomp towards the rest of your team, calling their attention with your newfound confidence.
"Listen here soldiers!" You shout out, determination clear as day. "I know I am not capable of leading. I know that I barely have the physical capabilities needed to defeat the opposite team."
You take a deep breath, pointing at your cutie patootie boyfriend across the gym as you seethe. "But that man, that harbinger of chaos, that instrument of war, is nothing but a tyrant. And I cannot let such a tyrant be a victor in this battle. Not when innocent lives are at stake."
Tohma speaks up, sending you a bewildered look. "What lives—"
"Shut the fuck up soldier!"
"Yessir!" He immediately stiffens, saluting you.
"Are you ready soldiers?" Your voice booms, and everyone reinforces their priorities, except for Kaeya though. He just lazily smirks.
After Zhongli places the balls in the middle, everyone prepares for the battle of the century.
'Gods, please let us win this war' you pray to the archons above, closing your eyes in concentration.
'Give me the strength to flex my superior skills' Childe wishes, then adds on quickly 'also I want to dominate this world.'
'Give me the strength to make it to Friday.' Rosaria prays for nobody but herself, rolls her eyes at all the unnecessary dramatics of this dodgeball game.
"3..." "2..." "1..."
Zhongli ends the countdown by blowing hard into a whistle, signaling the beginning of the game.
Not even two seconds later a ball whooshes past a few of you at the speed of light, followed by a tail of fire. The ball of death kisses Kaeya square in the nose, sending him reeling back into a wall with enough sheer force to cause an indent.
Everyone winces.
Before you all can reel in from the initial shock and make sense out of wherever the hell that asteroid came from, Zhongli's voice booms throughout the gymnasium.
"Mr. Ragnvindr, headshots are strictly forbidden. You are out!"
With a scoff, Diluc, satisfied with his work, leaves the court with no apparent qualms. He accepts his defeat with the upturned corners of his lips.
Rosaria pokes Kaeya's body with the tip of her heels, then cringes when he shakes awake, up from his short lived knockout and sends a wink her way.
"Getting handsy when I'm unconscious? I didn't think you'd be one to partake in such vulgar activities." His eye twinkles in mischief, and if his momentary defeat at the hands of brother has him fuming, he doesn't show it one bit.
The only thing that keeps Rosaria from knocking him out for real is the blood that trails down onto his lip. She doesn't want to clean blood off her shoes, especially since it's a pain in the ass to get off.
You're about to tell them to get up and take this seriously, but a softball does your job for you when it darts straight at Rosaria. With pristine accuracy, the girl manages to pitch herself away last minute.
You swivel in Childe's direction, who wears a remorseless grin, which only grows wider once you pick up a blue softball next to your feet.
The glare that he receives has him shaking in exhilaration. More so than the elation he'd felt when he took down that Stonehide Lawachurl for you, as a gift of promise.
You begin to bark out orders. "Eula, Xiao, and Rosaria cover the front and act as decoys."
They nod immediately, but Xiao still clicks his tongue in distaste as he starts following orders.
Then you offer Kaeya a hand. "Get up princess. You're on sniper duty."
With Diluc out of commission, the battle is fair and square now considering both sides have the same amount of people. Ergo, no one's at a disadvantage.
That is—until Lisa fake trips over pure air, landing on the floor in a dramatic slow motion.
You roll your eyes.
"Oh dear! I think I've twisted something." She cries out, crawling away from the battle field, acting as if she's paralyzed completely. "Don't worry about me. I'll cheer you on from afar. The battle has begun, and it seems as if I've become the first casualty."
You don't let the countless amount of Lisa's betrayals get to you, even this one. It's just her personality to flake out on anything and everything that requires her to do more than below the bare minimum.
Focusing on the match, your eyes are only on Childe, just as his are on you.
You aim the ball straight at his ribs, step back a bit, then propel the ball in the air with as much energy as you can, using your entire body as a power outlet. The ball spins in the air, reaching the awaiting victim.
Childe, unbothered, dodges the ball with perfect precision, the ball not even grazing his clothes at the least.
Your jaw drops open, and you're about to move for another ball until he grabs the same ball you threw at him. With the sharpness of a predator locking in on its pray, he focuses on you like a missile locks on its target, launching the ball in the air for power that has you trembling, second to the powerful ball that was thrown by Diluc.
With your pupils dilated at your impeding doom, it's Xiao that grabs you and thrusts away.
The ball lands on the floor, smoke rising.
"Holy shit!" You shriek over everyone else's grunts and shuffles. "Are you trying to kill me?"
"Isn't it poetic?" Childe shouts back while he slides away from the balls being thrown. "Lover against lover. Either you're by my side, or in my way. And right now, you're in my way." He narrows his eyes dangerously. "Albeit reluctantly, I will take the victory babe. Even if we are on opposing sides."
"There was zero reluctance in that throw asshole!"
You thank Xiao, who wipes his hands on his pants in disgust. "Filthy humans. So pathetic and weak."
Mildly offended, you roll your sleeves up and begin to fight with everything you've got as soon as he walks away.
The dodgeball game goes as expected for the most part, Eula carrying for most of it with the flow of her skills.
Tohma actually tries like the presumptuous asshole he is, aims straight for his girlfriend Ayaka, and takes her out completely. His only justification for that is "I ain't no simp!"
He shelves his cocky attitude when facing Childe with a sense of dignity and prestige you didn't think he had in him.
The two one of a kind fuckbois puff out their chests so that they look more hefty than they are, having some kind of an Alpha match. The 'me stronger than you. me dominant. me get all the women' type beat.
Unfortunately, Childe manages to fence him with his throws, and lo and behold, the square off ends with a dejected Tohma dragging his feet to the nearest bench.
Eula oversees that Ningguang and Beidou meet a quick end, taking their slower dodging to her advantage. You're actually rooting for her, tasting a sliver of victory that you haven't reached yet. So close, yet so far.
Amber trips on herself in the middle of throwing a what should've been coordinated ball, and it loses most of its momentum. Xiao is directly in front of it, and will probably be able to catch it with ease.
Ah, another short victory.
If Childe loses his expert baller, he's only left with Kazuha and Jean, whom's lack in the art of throwing is made up by their ability to dodge most of the fastballs.
However, all your plans and hopes are crushed when Eula slides in front of Xiao last minute, sticks out her foot, and let's the pathetic product of Amber's would-be downfall hit her on the leg with the total force of about 0.0000001 newtons.
Your chances of winning have just went down by a staggering 60%.
"Eula!" You cry out, collapsing on the ground. "How could you?"
Tohma cups his mouth and bellows obnoxiously from the bench. "SIMP!"
"I cannot avenge my clan if I win a false victory." Eula crosses her arms, casting her gaze down in visible uncomfortableness. "Amber will pay her dues in two business days. Mark my words."
It all a load of cap. She's sleeping with the enemy and you know it.
You grit your teeth. Fuming with an abundance of rage, you pick up three balls and throw them all back to back, taking out Amber and Kazuha simultaneously.
Childe's heart flutters in another kind of delight when you pluck out his team members one by one with no hints of remorse.
In retaliation, Jean and Childe work in sync to swiftly take care of a distracted Rosaria.
"Shit." You hiss underneath your breath.
It's Venti, Kaeya, Xiao, and you who are the only remainders of your short-lived team. It's still two more people than Childe and Jean, giving you the upper hand briefly.
It's a mystery to everyone how Venti is still standing. You reckoned you would've lost him as collateral during the beginning of the match, but it seems he's able to hold his own.
When you squint hard enough, you realize that Xiao has been t-posing in front of the nonchalant SoundCloud rapper that's about as high as a kite. He must've been defending him throughout the entire round.
His defenses are all in vain once Childe correlates another attack with Jean, sharp-shooting four rapid balls that are secured on their targets.
Xiao swerves to the side, avoiding most of them, until one is about to reach a nonchalant as shit Venti.
You scream at him, eyes widening as you run towards them in slow motion. "NOoOoOOOo-"
The yaksha doesn't waste a moment, shifting so that he's covering Venti's body with his own, which to be honest is a pretty heartwarming sight.
The ball hits his lean back, a sharp thud following when it hits the floor.
Xiao is out. But his sacrifice is so inspiring that it brings tears to Zhongli's eyes, makes everyone in the gym go silent in awe.
Even the sadistic Childe melts, cerulean eyes gaining back their light, halting his fire.
When Xiao finally uncovers Venti's body, he speaks from the bottom of his dead heart. "I'd do anything for you..."
Venti shakes out of his baked state, blinking at him stupidly with a nervous chuckle. "Ehe~? I don't even know who you are."
The entire class sweat drops. Whatever slip of compassion on Childe's face earlier has become nothing but a memory. Even your eyes dim.
The next time Childe aims and locks at Venti, it's not with malicious intent. It's a favour, for you. In a way it adds dimension to who he is and the lengths he's willing to go for you, even at war.
Venti steps away with a bounce in his gait, hands behind his head.
Kaeya and you are the only ones left standing now, and the game becomes too tight knit to tell which side's going to win. It becomes utter chaos, balls being launched every second, stamina slowly decreasing as everyone lurches away from their demise.
As laid-back  and charming as the boy presents himself to be in front of the ladies, he's not very patient when it comes to facing circumstances like these. He's side lined for most of the match, finding it boring. And when Kaeya gets bored, the intensity of the tide changes, and everyone knows they're going to get a run for their money.
Kaeya coasts a hand around your hips, pulls you real close, purposefully leaning his bust into the side your innocent arm.
When Childe's smile drops, and the glint in his eyes reads 'DANGER' in full caps, you know it's time to be properly scared.
Your blood runs cold, mouth opening briefly and then clamping shut immediately.
"I'm so glad to be on your team Y/N. Maybe this'll give us the chance to become...closer." His hot breath fans against your ear, voice loud enough to be heard by onlookers.
Suddenly everything stops, falling into an unsettling silence.
You attempt glance at Childe, being met with a glare that's directed at the Captain of the Skating team. The ball in the orange-haired boy's hand deflates from the sheer intensity of the squeeze.
The tension becomes unreadable. Even Zhongli is caught mid-sip with his tea.
Quickly, you shrug off Kaeya's arm. "Childe, he's just fucking with you—"
Childe cuts you off by hurling a ball with nothing but the objective of cold blooded murder.
Kaeya whizzes past you, successfully ducking to avoid the hit, and his amused laugh rings through your ears. He rolls away from the following attacks, chucking his own series of colourful balls.
The events that unfold are blood-curdling enough to make even Satan boil his pants with diarrhea.
You take the clear opportunity presented by their concurrent dumbassery to take out Jean, the ace of the other team.
Childe's rage blows over when Kaeya eventually loses interest and takes the L, playfully winking at you while walking backwards to the rest of your team.
Now that all the distractions are dealt with, Childe's eyes flicker to you, and you share a murderous glance.
"Finally," He slaps the softball with a free hand, lips thinning into a homicidal smile. "I've been waiting for this. You better not disappoint me."
While Childe may be a violent anarchist who's only aspiration in life is to become a government contracted killer, he's also supposed to be your sweet boyfriend.
Slowly, you inch towards the front. "We don't have to do this Childe. We can coexist peacefully."
"Peace was never an option Y/N." He sighs, cracking his neck. "Besides—how else can I prove myself in your eyes? You may be my greatest weakness, but you are also my greatest adversary."
"I don't know, maybe start with not trying to obliterate me?"
"I'm obliterating you out of respect." He counters with a playful pout.
"Well I'll be paying my respects to your grave!" You lurch ahead into a sudden assault, yeeting as many balls as you can his way.
"That's my girl!" Childe whistles, grin widening psychotically when he goes all out, leaving you with an absence in favorable openings.
Out of nowhere, the fire alarms start going haywire, along with a beep in the PA system, which stops you two in your tracks.
A panicked voice of who you assume to be Yanfei shrieks through the comms. "CODE ORANGE! CODE ORANGE! EVACUATE THE BUILDING, THERE'S A STONEHIDE LAWACHURL ON THE PREMISES."
As if on cue, the ground starts rumbling and a Stonehide Lawachurl bursts through the halls and into the gym, looking around for something. Or rather, someone. It's sharp bumps and ridges make an indent on the floor, cracking it in.
Everyone falls into a state of panic, Zhongli trying his best to evacuate the class from the emergency back door as quickly as possible. "Settle down class, we have to follow protocol."
You, devoid of any emotion or sense of fear, turn to your boyfriend in such a calm manner it strikes an ominous dread in his stomach.
You stare.
Childe stares harder.
“I thought you killed it."
"I did." He retorts slowly, switching to gaze at the raging beast in amazement.
"Then why is it in the school!" You seethe, glaring daggers at his side profile.
Childe chuckles sheepishly, scratches the back of his neck. "I may or may not have stuffed the body in the boys washroom. Y'know, for safe keeping?"
The Lawachurl locks it's gaze on you, the prey, and then roars furiously. Turning into its geo-enhanced state, it begins charging at you with all its might, the target being solely Childe.
Leave it to your boyfriend to get on the hit list of an endangered beast.
"Fear not my vibrant girlfriend. Our first date can be surviving this." Childe cheekily kisses the top of your trembling hand before grasping it tightly and making a run for it.
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