#he have me lots of mint chocolates :3
butchcharliee · 10 months
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konigsblog · 3 months
Haiii orla (՞ . .՞)ฅ” i have a just a small request, what do you like König or any Task Force 141 members favorite sweets would be?
also have a wonderful day, drink water and take care of yourself!
141 + könig favourite sweets :3 🍰🍭🧁🍬
i'm a firm believer that john price doesn't enjoy overly sweet desserts and treats. although, he enjoys licorice, as well as fudge and toffee. if you hand him some skittles, or sour patch kids, he'll gag and spit it out... doesn't do well with sourness whatsoever, and prefers chewy caramel, or fudge!
on the other hand, soap mactavish is a fiend for sweet treats. as he's scottish, i can see him liking scottish tablet, as well as empire biscuits. i also believe he'd like sour and sweet treats, as well as biscuits with jam.
simon riley likes chocolate, although, he's not too big on certain sweets. like captain price, he enjoys licorice, but he can also get behind stuff like haribos, or starbursts. he wouldn't turn down something sweet, but he goes absolutely insane for anything including chocolate. (is also a fan of custard doughnuts, as well as chocolate filled.)
like simon, gaz garrick also enjoys custard filled treats. custard creams, custard filled donuts, or having custard on the side of a brownie. he also adores chocolate flavoured sweets, but also enjoys sour candy. gaz is always complaining that it's not sour enough – he can handle a lot...
könig enjoys mostly everything – aside from licorice and anything mint flavoured. he doesn't enjoy mint flavoured chocolate (like i've stated before), but be goes crazy for most desserts. adores brownies, and makes fantastic homemade, chocolate brownies. enjoys sweeter tasting treats, but CANNOT stand anything sour – trust me, he'll scrunch his face up (he may shed a tear, or two...)
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hannie-dul-set · 10 months
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SYNOPSIS. wherein your friend offers a room for you to crash in while your dorm is being renovated, but fails to mention that your new housemates don’t know how to talk to women (oh, and they also have an ongoing bet about you, too).
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PAIRINGS. choi soobin, choi beomgyu, lee heeseung, park jongseong, sim jaeyun, park sunghoon x female! reader. GENRE. housemates! au, rom-com, sitcom, reverse harem time baby. WARNINGS. mentions of dicks and balls and nudity, mentions of sex, mild manipulation, someone cries at one point, the usual amount of swearing. WORD COUNT. 3.3k.
TAGLIST. @cerealdreamwriter @tyongff-ff @dinonuguaegi @certifiedmoa @blueberrgyuu0 @primantha @blu3bell4 @nunugget @hoshi-is-ult-bbg
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NOTE. whatever the bet they have is, it's definitely one of the three things you're thinking about. per usual, please let me know what you think about this trainwreck so far!
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CHAPTER 2 — the inevitable disasters of living with six men.
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FOR THE MOST PART, LIVING IN YOUR NEW TEMPORARY HOME HAS BEEN FINE. It’s similar to living in the dorms, but a lot more hygienic and a lot less stressful considering you don’t need to use your earplugs at the dead of night anymore. Your housemates all surprisingly tend to themselves, minding their own business on the day-to-day.
Jake makes sure you feel welcomed by introducing you to the extensive LEGO collection in his room which is taking him more than a week, you have never seen Soobin come out of his room again after he got jumpscared by your Victoria’s Secret on the first day, and Heeseung smiles and says hi to you but never fails to demonstrate his superhuman agility by swerving out of your way when you cross paths in the narrower hallways, making sure he never touches you. You also hear questionable screams of anguish from Beomgyu’s room whenever you come down for water at 3 a.m., you often have breakfast cereal with Jay and he always makes sure to refill your Cheerios while saying “to make your day a lot more cheery-oh,” and sometimes— when you’re particularly lucky— you and Sunghoon would emerge from your bedrooms at the same time and he’d stare you down, like usual, until you finally smile at him and he breaks into a cold sweat before either retreating back into his room or downstairs.
It’s great. Living with Jake and his friends is so great.
Until it’s not. Because you’re living with six men, and that statement in itself is bound to harbor problems.
Case in point—
“Who the fuck ate my ice cream?”
It’s early in the morning. Heeseung, Beomgyu, Jake, and Jay are all gathered around the kitchen island as you witness the murder scene in the fridge. You turn around, revealing the opened pint of mint chocolate that has a very noticeable chunk taken out from its creamy, minty center. “Not me.” Beomgyu is the first to defend himself. “You’re the only one in this house that even likes that toothpaste shit.”
“Say that again.” You slam the fridge door shut, looking him dead in the eye. “I dare you. Say that shit again.”
You wait. You continue staring at Beomgyu until he breaks into a nervous sweat and lets out a cough after tearing his head away. A victorious grin stretches on your face. “Thought so, punk.”
“That’s not fucking fair. You can’t pull that crap!”
“What crap?” you press further. Beomgyu isn’t able to challenge your stare again so he resorts to hopping off the stool with a groan and disappears into the living room. That’s another victory in your books. “Anyway, seriously— which one of you ate my ice cream? I won’t get mad. Just be honest and tell me.”
Jake fidgets in his seat. “Are you sure someone ate it?” 
“There’s a hole! There’s literally a singular hole!” You’re sure one of them took a bite before realizing their major fuck up and discreetly returning your pint into the freezer. Jay chokes back a giggle. The three of them are looking at each other. Oh my god, they’re all children. “Heeseung. Do you know what happened?”
The man in question suddenly jolts in his seat and straightens his shoulders. “N-no, no I don’t,” he sputters out. “I really don’t know.”
“I think he does,” inserts Jay.
“I think he does, too.” You settle the violated ice cream on the counter before marching up to the panic-stricken accused. He tries to run away, but you’ve memorized all his evasive tactics. You know how this bastard operates, so you slam your arm down over the counter as a barricade before he could book it. “Heeseung, did you kill my ice cream?”
“I did not!” he exclaims.
“Who did it, then?”
“I don’t know— ask Sunghoon!”
Just in time. Sunghoon is mid-stride into the kitchen, but makes an immediate u-turn the moment he hears his name. You’ve just about had it. You manage to grab him back by the scruff of his shirt and yank him down with a harsh tug. “Holy shit,” Jake breathes out. Sunghoon tries to pry himself off with a grunt, but you have an iron grip on his collar.
“Talk,” you spit out. “Tell me who ate my ice cream. I’ve had enough of your silent treatment, Park Sunghoon. You better spit it out, right now.”
This time, he succeeds by grabbing you by the wrist and almost flips you over, before settling with twisting your arm instead. “I don’t fucking know!”
You hold your forearm close to your chest. That was the first time he’s ever spoken to you and you would’ve thought his voice was pretty until he decided to cuss you out. “Well damn, you don’t need to be a total bitch about it.” Sunghoon’s expression sinks. He grumbles and turns back out of the kitchen. You let out a sigh, quickly returning your attention to the three boys on the counter before they can get the opportunity to run away. “None of you are leaving until you tell me who the culprit is.”
Heeseung squirms nervously under your stare. The other two are out of hot water because they don’t seem to know anything. It takes him thirty seconds to break. “Soobin hyung said— said something about making a mistake so I think you should— wait, hold on!”
Too late. You’re already marching up the stairs. You can hear the scrambling of footsteps following after you, but you don’t stop, not until you reach his room and you lift your fist up to gingerly knock on Soobin’s door. Two knocks. And then three. You hear the knob click before a small gap cracks open— wide enough for you to flash the hesitant Choi Soobin a malicious grin. Within a second, all the color drains from his face and he tries slamming the door back shut, but you wedge your foot into the gap quick enough to stop him.
Fuck. It hurts like a bitch. You’re biting down your tongue and trying your best to maintain a smile. “Let’s talk, yeah?” You kick the door open and Soobin stumbles back to avoid the violent swing.
It’s the first time you’re entering someone else’s room. You hope you don’t get sued for breaking and entering.
“I believe we have yet to formally introduce ourselves to each other, Mr. Choi Soobin, but you see, there has been a conundrum,” you start, walking into his personal space, inch-by-inch, step-by-step and he slowly backs away. “A crime scene, if you will. Yesterday, on my way home from work, I bought a delicious pint of mint chocolate ice cream from the 7-Eleven just outside the subdivision. You’ve been there, right?”
The back of his legs hit the cushion of his bed when there’s no space left for him to back into. “Soobin.” Your voice is sharp, slicing into the air, and Soobin stumbles back onto the mattress. “Have you been there?” you repeat your question. He nods, throat bobbing when he swallows down nothing. 
Maybe you’re pushing it, but you’re having way too much fun. Let’s just say you’re getting even. “Well, I left that pint of ice cream untouched in the freezer because it was already really, really late at night,” you continue. “I intended to eat it this morning, but imagine my surprise when I opened the pint to find a huge, gigantic hole in the middle! Almost as if someone dug a spoon and stole a bite of my mint chocolate ice cream.”
Soobin flinches everytime you hiss out a word with too much enunciation. You’re practically looking down on the giant man. His face is drenched in guilt. He’s got nowhere to run now. 
“Do you know what happened, Soobin?”
Too much. Maybe you pushed it a little too much this time because all of sudden— he’s in tears. He’s actually fucking crying. 
“I—I didn’t know it was yours! It was— it was late at night and I was half asleep, so I—I—I thought it was the choco chip ice cream I bought the other day, put when I put it in my mouth, it tasted horrendous, and that’s when I knew I did something horribly wrong.” There are fat tears rolling down his flushed cheeks and he’s close to breaking into a fit of hiccups. Oh no. Oh, for fuck’s sake. “I’m sorry, I’m so—sorry, please forgive me, I—”
“H-hey— it’s fine, it’s alright, I was just messing around!” Your palms and fingers are now all wet trying to console him while wiping off his tears. The last time you had to comfort a grown man was when you watched Hi Bye, Mama! with your friends, so needless to say, you’re lacking in that skill department and are thus, also freaking out. The only thing you’re getting out of this is the discovery that Soobin’s skin is unfairly soft. What the hell is his skincare routine? “It was a joke! A joke! You know what, you can have all my ice cream from now on! So, please just stop crying—”
“Oh my god.”
You snap your head back to see the rest of the boys gathered outside the door, but that’s the least of your concerts at the moment because you think you’ve just traumatized Soobin a second time within two weeks you started living here. “You monster. You made Soobin hyung cry,” Beomgyu announces from behind, and you shoot him a glare.
“Do you want me to make you cry next?”
“I think I’m good.”
Soobin finally calms down after that and you’re all subsequently kicked out. You knock on his bedroom door the next day with three more pints of ice cream (different flavors) as a peace offering and though you’re sure the both of you are cool now, he still starts sweating when you try to make eye contact with him. You also haven’t caught the bastard that keeps on depleting your kisses stash yet, but you’ll find him eventually.
And that was just one of your problems. The next issue you have is a little less dessert related, and little more—
“Fuck! Put some pants on, for shit’s sake!”
The amount of times you’ve almost seen a pair of balls hanging around shouldn’t be legal. You finally decide to round them all up in the living room for a discussion one day because it’s been getting out of hand.
“Listen,” you start your speech. The six of them are sitting around the sofa as you stand in front of them, arms crossed, and all. “I understand that you’re all used to living by yourselves for a very long time now. Trust me, I really do. But to be completely frank, I also really don’t want to see any dick and balls outside the bedroom, you know? I get enough unsolicited dick pics already.”
Jay looks like he wants to say something. “So, does that mean it’s okay if it’s inside the bedroom?” You give him a look. He politely puts his hands on his lap. “Sorry.”
“Anyway,” you continue. “Old habits die hard. I understand that. But someones these habits need to be broken for the sake of a peaceful cohabitation. That is why I thought of a countermeasure.” You tap on the large jar that’s been sitting on the coffee table since their arrival. All eyes are on the container. “Every time someone accidentally flashes anyone— of course, that includes myself— they have to put money in the Preservation of Dignity Jar as a penalty.”
“Yes. Thank you for your input, Jay. Jake, you’re raising your hand?”
Jake lowers his arm and clears his throat. “Who gets the money once the jar is full?”
“Very good question.” He looks proud of himself. You give him a smile. “All the money goes to me because of how much you guys have violated my eyes within two weeks of living here.”
“That makes sense,” Sunghoon nods at your proposal. Of course he does. He’s the biggest culprit out of the lot.
“That’s not fair!” Beomgyu interjects. “It’s not like I want you to see my dick!”
You give him a smile and he flinches back down into his seat. “So, is it my fault for walking into an unlocked bathroom?”
“Knock first!”
“I do, and you bitches never fucking answer!”
“Okay!” A clap resounds in the room. Heeseung makes an attempt to resolve the spat. “How about we all get the money in the jar?”
“None of your socialist bullshit, Heeseung. The most deprived should get all the money in full.” He winces the moment you step a little too close. You let out a sigh. “State your miseries. Soobin, you start.”
He’s been quietly fiddling with his thumbs since the beginning, and the sudden flush of attention isn’t helping his nervousness. “I...I have this Gojo figurine that I’ve been eyeing since last month, and—” Soobin cuts himself off. You raise a brow. He looks away. “N-nevermind. You can have the money.”
That was three more seconds of eye contact than usual. You should give him a pat on the head for that. “I’m in debt,” Beomgyu quickly presents his case. “I borrowed money from Jay and I need to pay him back.”
Jay goes next. “I’m a couple hundred thousand won short because Beomgyu borrowed money from me.”
“Those don’t sound very misfortunate, I’m afraid.” Jay says he totally, absolutely agrees with you and Beomgyu clicks his tongue before grumbling in the corner of the couch. Your eyes land on Jake, who hesitantly drawls out that he wants to buy a new beanie. Sunghoon spends too much time thinking so you eliminate him for being slow. “Heeseung, would you like to say something?”
“I just think we should all—”
“My turn,” you cut him off before he tries to settle for equality again. “My dorm caught on fire. I’m half-homeless right now. If there aren’t any objections about me being the most in need out of all of us, we can agree that I’ll be the one keeping the money.” They don’t dare make a noise. You grin. “It’s a pleasure doing business with all of you. Please feel free to walk around in your underwear as much as you’d like. Thank you.”
When you saunter out of the area, you hear Beomgyu rallying them to protest because this felt like an unfair arrangement, but by the end of the week, the jar is already a fourth filled with sweet, sweet cash and you have successfully established the steady flow of your passive income. Was that your intention in the first place? Perhaps, but they have to compensate you somehow for everything your eyes have been forced to witness.
But there is yet another pressing problem in your midst. This one, you’re not entirely sure you have a solution for.
“Hey,” you greet Jake after he opens his bedroom door for you. He invites you in and you realize he’s building an addition to his very extensive LEGO collection, so you’re careful not to aim your ass on any of the bricks scattered on his bed.
“What’s up?” he asks with a curious smile. 
“How did you get your friends to agree with me living here?” Jake cocks his head, eyebrows furrowed. “I mean, it’s kinda obvious that they’re not exactly comfortable with me being around.” 
“Are…you sure you’re not just misunderstanding?”
“Jake,” you exhale. “One of them picks a fight with me whenever he gets the chance, another one doesn’t even want to fucking talk to me. The other two are either desperately avoiding me or flat out think I’m about to hit them when I raise my arm for a wave. And aside from you, I can only hold a normal conversation with Jay, but those conversations aren’t exactly normal, either.” You have no idea if he hasn’t noticed this, or if he simply just wants to feign ignorance, but Jake looks like he’s in very deep thought. You sigh again. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to be here? I can just find another place to stay if I’m being too much.”
You must’ve hit a nerve, because he suddenly snaps into panic. “No! I mean, you really don’t have to go! Trust me, having you here is important to all of us.”
Now, that’s suspicious. You narrow your eyes at Jake, and he presses his lips together and looks away. Something is definitely up and you’re not going to give up until your dear friend voluntarily spills out his guts or until you make him spill it. 
“Important?” you prod. “What do you mean by that?”
He starts sweating even more. “I—I mean, those four are just shy, you know? They’re not very good at expressing themselves. And—and you’re getting along pretty well with Jay! They all have absolutely zero problems about having you here, I can guarantee you that.”
You continue staring at him for a little longer, throwing out a hum and sigh every now and then to get his gears grinding. When you deem him scared shitless enough, you finally start, “I see.” There’s something wrong in the tone of your voice and he knows it. Jake swallows nervously. You finally crack him. “Jake, I’m really disappointed.”
There it is. You watch as he crumbles right before your eyes. “I really expected better from you, you know?” A little more. “Of all people, I didn’t think you’d be the one to put me into this kind of situation. I mean, we’ve been friends for a good while now. No, I’m not angry! I’m just really, really disappointed.”
“Hear— hear me out!”
“I have nothing to do with the bet, I promise! I’m just an unwitting participant, so please don’t get mad at me! I’ll tell them to quit it, I really will!”
“Oh, so there’s a bet?”
It’s like you drained all the life out of him within a matter of seconds.
“H-huh?” he stammers, eyes batting in confusion. “Didn’t you say you were disappointed? Haven’t you found out about the whole bet thing?”
“I found out thanks to you.” It probably isn’t a good thing if Jake is this terrified about you finding out. You lean back, palms sinking into the push of his blankets as your friend continues to eye you nervously. “How about you tell me more about this interesting bet? Does it have something to do with me having to live with all of you?”
He’s nipping on his bottom lip. It’s becoming more evident that whatever this bet is— you surely have the right to know. “I’m sorry,” he finally spits out. “I—I can’t say— at least not at the moment! But, I promise it’s nothing bad! It’s completely harmless and not dangerous at all!”
It’s definitely something bad. “Alright.” You get up. He instinctively blocks your way and panics again when he realizes what he’s doing. You click your tongue. “I’m not going to force it out of you if you don’t want to tell me. You’re still the owner of the roof I’m living under, so I can’t exactly try to fight you, you know?”
“So, you’re not leaving?”
Jake is wearing his puppy dog eyes and you honestly start to feel bad. You sigh for the umpteenth time and raise an arm, letting your fingers pad through his soft hair when you pass in front of him, walking towards the door. “I’m not,” you assure. “I am finding out about this god damned bet eventually, though. It’s honestly worrisome how easy it is for you guys to crack under pressure.” Flashbacks consisting mostly of Soobin and Heeseung flit through your mind. You’ll try to mess with them a little less from now on.
You exit Jake’s room with a new problem on your plate and your previous one unsolved. It just keeps building up more and more.
To be honest, the biggest problem you expected to have upon discovering that you’d be living with six grown ass men would be them bringing in girls way too often for your personal comfort, but so far that hasn’t happened yet. Something tells you that you don’t need to worry about that anymore.
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HOME FOR THE BITCHLESS. © hannie-dul-set, 2023.
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kissitbttr · 7 months
hello! i read you miss having asks and i don't know if you maybe miss having some requests (in case you aren't taking any you can ignore this and i hope you'll have a good day <3)
but what about some domestic Miguel and spending your first Christmas together? just imagine sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with a blanket covering both of you, watching some way too romantic soap opera, while drinking some hot chocolate and just enjoy the moment <3
(i know this is so early and we are still in November, but I swear, I can already feel the nostalgic feeling of Christmas </3)
xmas with miggy? say no more baby!!
it is absolutely one of your favorite holiday, ever. the music, the decorations, the presents for your loved ones, the cooking and baking. everything about christmas just screams fairytale,
miguel has never been the one who’s fond of this specific holiday, or any holiday for that matter. he would drown himself in work to avoid any invitations from friends. sad but anything to get away from interacting with strangers.
now ever since you stepped into his life, he can’t help but see how this year’s christmas would be different. having you with him to celebrate together just changes his perspectives. now he has someone to hold and love, this christmas would bring joy into his life.
you and him had been pretty busy with the decorations and stuff. buying a Christmas tree, getting pretty ornaments, looking for presents etc.
“need a hand, baby?” miguel steps into the kitchen, seeing you take out fresh cookies from the oven. you look so… comfy. dressed in his old t-shirt with your hair tied up in a bun—his clothing is basically a dress so there’s no need to be putting on some pants other than underwear—
you nod, looking up at him before setting the cookies on the counter. “can you put those hot chocolates on the table, my love?” you ask with a smile,
his heart soars at the nickname before grabbing the two cups of hot cocoa with tiny pink marshmallows in them. “you pick or i pick the movie?”
you’re quick to raise your hand in a child-like manner, causing him to laugh. “me, duh!” you answer as if it’s the most obvious thing. “we’re tuning in The Mafia Dolls and La Reina Del Sur”
miguel groans at the choice, shaking his head as he put the tray down on the table before grabbing a blanket. “you just want to watch Kate Del Castillo because you have a crush on her” he points out,
shrugging you showcase an expression of no shame. “she’s hot. you know i would leave your ass for her”
miguel jaw drops open, hand over his heart as he watches you stifle a giggle. “i’ve had enough time dealing with men trying to hit on you on a daily basis and now i have to compete with Kate Del Castillo too?!”
“her and Eva Mendes” you nod, arms crossed, smiling to yourself as he rolls his eyes before throwing you a playful glare and sit on the couch. “you’re going to pay for that comment”
you give him a cheeky smile. grabbing two cookies as you stride towards him, his large arm coming to wrap itself around your waist. he gently pulls you down on the couch, letting your head rest against his chest as you feed him a cookie.
“mhmm” he hums in approval. “new recipe?”
“yeah. you like? grandma sent the recipe to me. said that i have to treat my man something nice every once in a while” you giggle to yourself as he put his arm behind you. his lips plants a kiss on top of your head.
“tell her i said thank you” he mumbles as he turns on the tv. “i like this you know?”
a hum rumbles from you as you lay your back comfortably against him, taking another bite of the cookie. “what is?”
then he smiles, eyes landing on you. his fingers move to stroke your soft hair gently, catching that sweet scent of your strawberry mint shampoo that he finds obsessed over.
miguel can’t exactly remember when he had something like this. probably in his childhood? not quite sure. even if it was true, he doubts that it’s actually memorable. he remembers there were a lot of screaming match and broken plates though. maybe that’s why he avoids christmas like a plague. it was never magical.
but you… oh god, you.
you changed it for the better. the decorating christmas tree, wrapping up presents for each other, counting fails at an attempt to create gingerbread house, cooking up delicious traditional food instead of unseasoned dish that he sees people are making. and it might not be a big christmas party like in movies or how his co-workers do it, but that’s okay really. that’s just how he prefers it.
you, him and christmas.
“being with you” he responds, not minding the chatters coming from the tv. “estoy agradecido por ti, princesa”
“so, so grateful” he mumbles, pressing another quick kiss on your temple.
his words cause your gaze to soften. you slowly turn your head to look up to him from the tv, who’s eyes glued into the screen. your heart warms at the sight of miguel being comfortable with you, a small smile attached to his face.
leaning forward, you give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. he sighs out of contentment at the gesture, hand around your waist tighten.
“i’m grateful for you too.”
aaa this feels like it’s rushed but i hope u like it anon! I’m sorry it took too long:(
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna
(Stray Kids x Reader)
Chapter 3
2,855 Words
A/N: New Chap let’s gooooo! As always, likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated and lmk what y’all think!💞
Well. This was unexpected.
You were prepared to deal with the excitement of working closely with members of an internationally well-known band and all that that would entail. Really, you had finally made peace with that.
But. Stray Kids.
What the hell.
Your brain was flooding and the only thing keeping you afloat was Kwang-sun’s voice sounding once again from the front of the room.
“I will give you ten minutes to look over your clients’ files and then you will meet up with their respective managers. I look forward to working with you all.”
And with that, he left.
The two clipboard people, however, remained standing where they had been for the entirety of the day, aside from what you assumed to be their lunch break. Your feet hurt just by looking at them.
You turned back to the table. Each of the other caretakers were looking through their files and they seemed to make mental notes.
While looking at them, you began to wonder why each person was assigned to each group. It wasn’t by gender and it couldn’t have been by age because while Jae was the oldest and got assigned TWICE, Stray Kids was the second oldest band in those five and you were the youngest of the caretakers.
After a couple minutes of drifting off into those thoughts, you realized that you should probably look at the file.
Opening it, you saw the first page showing a profile of the oldest three members.
SCENT - Eucalyptus
RUT NOTES - very possessive, sometimes aggressively so, good to have at least two members with him at all times but not Lee Know and Changbin at the same time or he will get aggressively anxious about the young ones, likes to wear things scented by all the members, prefers to stay in his dorm, will eat a lot
LEE KNOW - Alpha
SCENT - Caramel
RUT NOTES - doesn’t like wearing clothes so keep him in the dorm with no surprise visitors, likes to mark up anyone but especially the younger members, not particularly possessive but more aggressive than usual when members don’t do as he says
SCENT - Cooking spices
RUT NOTES - gets especially bad headaches, likes to cuddle with the omegas and betas, will eat a lot, likes other members to wear his clothes
All of this information looked rather typical to you, so you turned the page to see the next members.
SCENT - Coffee
HEAT NOTES - gets especially bad cramps, keep a lot of heating pads and warm water packs in dorm, not particularly protective of nests, will usually nest in common room and everyone is welcome in
HAN - Beta
SCENT - Chocolate
SLIP NOTES - sense of smell increases, likes clinging to the members, will mimic nesting
FELIX - Omega
SCENT - Lemon dessert
HEAT NOTES - very protective of his nests, will only build them in his room and no one is allowed in until he invites them, likes to cling to alphas outside of the nest
You frowned at the use of the word “mimic” in Han’s profile. Even if he wasn’t an omega, nesting was nesting and if it made him feel better, what did it matter?
You shook your head. As long as it’s just in a random file that won’t even tell you all of the details, it can’t cause that much harm, right?
You turned the page again.
SCENT - Mint
SLIP NOTES - doesn’t like touching people or interacting
Well now that was almost too much information, you thought sarcastically.
I.N - Alpha
SCENT - Toast
RUT NOTES - doesn’t have regular ruts yet, they are seemingly random and unexpected, is particularly possessive over Felix and Seungmin, will get aggressive if anyone else gets too close
Before you could think any more deeply about the profiles, Jisu from earlier entered and brought three others with her.
She smiled before addressing everyone. “Hello, my name is Jisu, you might remember me from before. My colleagues and I are here to escort you to your meetings with your band’s managers. Jae, Ha-Eun will take you,” she gestured to a short alpha woman, “Saira, Ja-Young will take you,” this time, a curvy beta stepped forward, “Millie, Jung will take you,” now it was a tall beta man. Then she turned to smile at you and you noticed her cat-like eyes for the first time. “Y/N and Justin will be with me.”
You each gathered up your file and the rest of your things before following your guides out of the room.
The clipboard people came out as well and followed you, Jisu, and Justin.
Oh god, they don’t think I’m a threat, do they? You shook the thought from your head. I am probably one of the least threatening people in this building. They could just drop me off in a random room and I would be helpless because I wouldn’t know my way out of the building.
You walked for about five minutes before you came to a stop before a door and Jisu told Justin that his meeting was in that room. He went inside and one of the clipboard people, the beta, followed him in.
Then, Jisu turned to look at you with her cat eyes, looking you up and down before turning around and strutting away. “This way, Y/N!”
You scrambled to follow her, the clipboard person keeping you in between the two of them.
When you had gotten close to Jisu and settled at her pace, you turned to the clipboard person. “Hi, sorry, what’s your name?”
He looked startled. “My name is Chang-ho.”
You smiled at him. “It’s nice to meet you. What do you do?”
He blinked a couple times, then looked at Jisu and back at you. “I usually help the screening process for new hires.”
You frowned a bit. “Am I still being screened?”
Before you could hear his answer, Jisu whipped around and smiled at you. “Here is the room you will be meeting your band’s manager, Y/N. I hope you will fit well in our company. It would be nice to see you again.” Her cat eyes gleamed as you passed her, in a way that was both unsettling and slightly attractive.
Entering the room, you saw a large desk with one nice leather chair behind it and three much less comfy-looking chairs in front. Choosing the middle of the three seats, you watched as Chang-ho grabbed the left one and dragged it to the back of the room before settling in.
You were about to ask him what he meant earlier about the screening process but you were interrupted by a new presence.
The man had an average height and build and had what you could tell was an expensive haircut. He wore special extra-strength scent blockers so you didn’t know his secondary gender. Nothing really stood out about him, but he had a nice smile.
“Hello, Y/N, my name is Cho Ha-Joon, manager of Stray Kids. I look forward to working with you.”
After exchanging pleasantries, you both sat down and he pulled out a similar file to the one you still had. “So,” he started, “any immediate concerns about what your job will be entailing?”
You remembered what the file had said and decided your first priority. “Do you really not have a specialized nesting space?”
Ha-Joon’s eyebrows furrowed. “The omegas nest in their rooms or in the dorm’s common room. Is there really a need for something more?”
You hummed thoughtfully before responding. “Yes, I think there is, especially because in the Stray Kids dorm arrangements, the two omegas are kept separate. I think it would be more beneficial for them to have a combined space.”
Just then, the door opened. Expecting Jisu again or maybe another clipboard person, you sat patiently until Ha-Joon could respond.
Then Bang Chan walked in.
“Hello, Ha-Joon, I just wanted to let you know-”
He cut himself off when he caught sight of you, just releasing a breathy “oh”.
He was wearing a slightly askew beanie with a few curls poking out along with a black sweatshirt and black basketball shorts. Classic Chan outfit, you thought. And then your brain promptly shut down.
After a few seconds of just staring at each other, Chan seemed to snap out of it, and cleared his throat. “I am so sorry, please forgive me, I didn’t know that there was a meeting going on.”
Ha-Joon just waved his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it, it would be nice to have you anyway. Are you busy?”
Chan shook his head. “Ah, no I was actually coming here to tell you that the boys are heading home a bit early. They were a bit excited about the new caretaker and couldn’t focus so Lino got fed up and ended practice.” The entire time he spoke, he kept glancing back at you. “I was just going to head to my studio and get some work done but if you want me here, I’ll gladly stay.”
Ha-Joon nodded. “Of course! Speaking of the new caretaker…”
You stood up and bowed quickly. “Hello, my name is Y/N and I will be the new caretaker for your band. I look forward to working with you!”
You mentally patted yourself on the back for not going into cardiac arrest.
Chan smiled and bowed back at you. “Hello, I’m Chan and I look forward to working with you as well.”
You tore your eyes from his right dimple when Ha-Joon cleared his throat. “What were we talking about again?”
The three of you sat down, Chan taking the remaining seat at your side.
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down, thankful that Chan was also wearing heavy duty scent blockers. If you were able to smell him, you might have fainted.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you tried your best to recall the earlier conversation. “We were talking about a combined space for the omegas to nest.”
“Ah, yes.” Ha-joon nodded. Then he turned to Chan. “Let me know if you have any input on behalf of your members, alright?” At Chan’s nod, he started up again. “We were planning on changing the dorm arrangements, one with the four alphas and one with the betas and omegas. We would buy a new space in order to give you your own room with the omega and beta group. The boys would have to move, but they will get used to it.”
Out the corner of your eye, you could see Chan’s head tilt in confusion. Did he not know about the plan to change the living arrangements?
You frowned. “While that could work, I truly think it would be more beneficial to leave the boys in the dorms as they are and allow me to rent my own space. Acquiring a caretaker is already a big change, I don’t want to force them into anything more. Plus, I think having my own apartment would be beneficial not only for myself, but for the band as well. That way, no one feels like they’re being smothered by me, they can come and go as they choose if they need me or just want to get away, and I would like my own space for my heats until I feel comfortable enough with the band. Also, while most caretakers do tend to focus on omegas, it’s important to not prioritize one’s mental health over another’s based on their secondary gender. I hope that each and every member of Stray Kids will feel comfortable coming to me when they need to.”
You could feel Chan’s gaze on you, but tried to ignore it in favor of being taken seriously.
When Ha-Joon seemed to be considering it, Chan stepped in. “I also think the boys would prefer keeping the living arrangements as they are. We move between each dorm so freely anyway, there would really be no point in making a huge deal by moving. Plus, I like Y/N’s idea of a shared omega space. Felix and Hyunjin like to nest together but it’s a bit of a hassle to move all the right blankets and pillows and stuffed animals from one dorm to the other when they want to.”
Fuck. Your name sounds good in his voice.
Double fuck. He’s supporting your thoughts and putting his band mates first.
How were you supposed to work with this guy when everything he does makes you want to eat him?
Nervously fidgeting with the edge of your own scent blockers, you hoped that despite the lesser quality, no one would be able to smell how much you were mentally drooling. Thankfully, it was company policy to provide the heavy duty scent blockers for employees that worked closely with idols, so hopefully you would be receiving some soon.
After a few moments of deliberation, Ha-Joon looked down at his papers and wrote something down. “You both bring up good points. I’ll talk to Kwang-sun and see if we can decide what the best course of action is.”
Looking back up at you, he said, “Y/N, it was great meeting you but I’m afraid we’ve run out of time. Here is my card, and please email me if you have any questions.”
Taking the card he offered, you stood up and bowed at him. “Thank you so much for everything, I look forward to working with you!”
Turning to Chan, you felt your breath hitch.
He stood up as well, and you both bowed at each other before he clasped one of your hands with both of his. “I’m really excited to get to know you, Y/N, and so are the rest of the boys.”
Trying not to melt, you did your best to respond. “Yes, I can’t wait to meet them! I really hope you’ll all like me.”
His smile honestly could have blinded you. “I know we will! It was great talking to you, see you tomorrow!”
Tomorrow? You were seeing him again tomorrow? Did that include the rest of the boys as well?
Just then, Jisu walked in. She looked a bit surprised at Chan’s presence, but she recovered quickly, smiling at you. “The car is waiting to take you back to your hotel, Y/N. Are you ready?”
Saying your final goodbyes, you followed her back out of the room and down the hall. Realizing that at some point, Chang-ho had left, you decided to ask her about that.
She frowned. “Chang-ho? Oh, yes, he was there monitoring you while Justin was also being watched because we were on the fence about who to assign to which group.”
When you stopped walking, she turned around and looked directly into your eyes. “Both Stray Kids and ITZY wanted you as their first choice, Y/N.”
Wait. What?
Two globally famous bands wanted to hire you as their caretaker? And they chose you themselves instead of the company choosing for them? They specifically wanted you?
At your obvious surprise, Jisu just shrugged and turned back around. “I suppose your resume must have been impressive.”
Instead of going crazy because what the fuck, you decided to focus on one question circling your thoughts. “Okay, so why was I chosen to be assigned to Stray Kids instead of ITZY?”
You could see her press her lips together before she answered. “I don’t know exactly, I wasn’t too involved in the process, but I would guess it’s because you have more credits that they trusted you with more people.”
Another question surfaced. “Wait, I thought you were just here to escort us around and make sure we all got where we needed to be, but you seem to know a lot about this. What exactly is it that you do?”
You could see her eyes flicker over to you before she looked straight ahead again. “I also studied to be a caretaker for a few months when I was younger. But then, I decided I wanted to be more on the business side of things. They have me working as an assistant manager but because of my background, they use me as sort of a liaison between the management and the caretaking departments.”
By now, you had arrived outside and in front of the car. You turned back to Jisu. “I hope we get to spend some more time together then, Jisu.”
Her eyes widened a bit before she smiled. “Yes,” she purred, “I hope we do too.”
By the time you got back to your hotel room and all cleaned up, putting on a loose top and old sweatpants, it was dark out.
You decided to order room service and while you waited for your food, you wrote down everything you could think of that you wanted to talk to the company about.
Finally, you heard a knock on your door.
Since you were expecting room service, you didn’t look through the peephole and just swung the door open abruptly.
The person at your door was not room service.
“Uh,” Chan smiled and gave a tiny wave. “Hi.”
A/N: What’s this? An interaction with Chan? And now he’s showing up at your hotel room? Ehhhhhhhh?
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roosterforme · 1 year
A Love You Don't Find Everyday Part 3 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Things finally boil over for Bradley. You don't understand the full extent of what you've done and how much you've hurt him until after a phone call and too much to drink.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, swearing and smut
Length: 5300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
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"I hate to say it, but this is not the worst date we have been on together," Bradley told Jake, pouting as they sat down together in the movie theater.
"Hey, I had fun at hot sauce class. You were the one who was grouchy," Jake told him before shoving a fistful of popcorn into his mouth. "Now why couldn't Angel come tonight?"
"Work," Bradley muttered, popping a few Junior Mints into his mouth. "Busy with work."
He had felt a lot better today. Work was going well for him, and instead of feeling neglected, he forced himself to feel happy for you. It wasn't his accomplishment, but it was the next best thing. 
"She's been working a lot?" Jake asked cautiously. "Barely seen her around. Usually you can get her to eat lunch with us a few times a week."
"She's been working nonstop," he said quietly. "I miss seeing her at lunchtime, too."
Jake cleared his throat as the lights dimmed. "It's not another Josh kind of thing, is it?"
Bradley's jaw dropped. He hadn't even considered that. 
"No," Jake said quickly. "I'm sure it's nothing like that. She would have told you if there was a guy giving her a hard time."
Bradley swallowed against his fear. "I think she's just trying her best to be as successful as she can while she has a good commanding officer. She's kind of chasing that next promotion, you know? And this project deadline is coming up soon. Hopefully things get easier after that."
"And then you two lovebirds can plan your wedding," Jake said.
"Right," Bradley replied as the previews started. "Right."
You were holding up your champagne flute and smiling brightly. Your entire group was seated in the private room of a rooftop restaurant along the beach. Your belly was full of seafood and wine, and now the desserts were coming out. It had been weeks since you were eating on a real schedule, and you'd probably feel sick tomorrow, but you had as much as you wanted. 
Bradley would love it here. You would have to tell him about it and bring him one day. Maybe you could make some seafood for him this weekend as a treat. Maybe he could help you practice your presentation. You could make a game out of it again. 
You returned your attention to the toast and took a sip before taking a bite of chocolate cake. You were tired, and kind of ready to go home, but everybody else wanted to hit another spot for drinks, so you agreed to go.
And after three more drinks, you realized you were going to need to wait around for a while before you could drive home. It was late, and you didn't want to call Bradley for a ride. You knew he would come get you, but there was no sense in waking him up. And even if he was up, you didn't want to have to come retrieve your car before work tomorrow morning. 
This was fine. Tomorrow was Friday. You were way ahead of schedule with work now. You could spend a day with Bradley. You could catch up on some sleep. 
Bradley was easily persuaded to join Jake at the Hard Deck. It was better than going home to a house without you in it. But it was Thursday, and there were no other aviators there. 
"This is weird, Hangman," Bradley said as they shot some pool. "We never come here on Thursdays."
"True," Jake said, lining up a nice shot. "But, I'm a little worried about you. Plus, it'll be easier for me to pick up a girl with your ugly mug next to me."
Bradley gave him a blank stare. 
"I'm kidding, Bradshaw. Clearly. You bagged yourself a dime. You couldn't be that ugly."
"Thanks," Bradley muttered, focusing on his next shot. 
"Now you gonna tell me what's wrong?"
Bradley looked at his former nemesis turned friend. He knew you and Jake were friends as well, so he felt a little weird talking to him about you. He preferred to do that with Nat for a number of reasons. But he couldn't help himself. He shook his head slightly. "She won't work on any wedding planning with me. I'm not even sure she wants to."
Jake frowned. "You tried talking to her?"
Bradley took a long drink of beer. "Yeah. Just blames everything on work. I'm sick of asking her about it." He set his empty down and shook his head. "I don't know what happened. Everything feels wrong now."
"Jesus, man. Let me get you another beer," Jake said before setting down his pool cue and ambling up to the bar. 
Bradley re-racked the balls and practiced breaking a few times while he waited. He didn't realize anyone was behind him until he heard a voice.
"Hey, you're really good."
He turned to see a cute girl. Bright eyes. Pretty smile. Probably in her late twenties. Exactly the kind of girl he would have tried to take home with him. 
Bradley glanced up at the bar and saw that Jake was in heavy conversation himself, so Bradley nodded and said, "Thanks."
She smiled and licked her lips, and Bradley's mind took him there. He thought about how easy it would be to hook up with her. He knew it would be. It could be a one time thing. Meaningless. Just the way he used to operate. You would never have to know about it. 
What the fuck was wrong with him? He was engaged to you, a walking, talking dream. How could his mind have possibly gone there? He was disgusting. 
"So, you wanna teach me how to play pool?" she asked, inching closer until her hand was resting on his chest. 
Bradley didn't respond. He couldn't even figure out how to breathe correctly. He didn't even fucking deserve you.
He shook his head. "No, sorry. I'm not interested," he said before moving away from her and heading for the door.
"Bradshaw! Where are you going?" Jake asked as Bradley walked past.
You tried to come in as quietly as you could, but Tramp still came running to the front door. It was so late. You were exhausted, but you also really wanted to take a shower. When you walked into your bedroom and found Bradley asleep, you decided to skip the shower and just curl up next to him. After you brushed your teeth and took your contacts out, you got undressed and just climbed right into bed.
You were dying for a good night of sleep. Tomorrow would be a long day, but then you'd have two in a row off. You pressed your naked body against Bradley's, and that was when you realized how much he reeked like liquor. 
How much had Jake let him drink? Did he drive home like this? 
"Bradley?" you whispered. "Are you okay, Roo?" you asked a little louder.
He groaned, "I'm going home."
You kissed his cheeks. "You are home, Roo. I just got home as well."
"Baby Girl," he mumbled, rolling over toward you. He smelled like he drank an entire bottle of bourbon, but at least he seemed to be okay. 
"Yeah, I'm here," you told him, letting him pull you against his body. You dozed off with his strong arms wrapped around you. 
Then you woke up to the sounds of him getting sick in the bathroom. You climbed out of bed just as the first rays or sunlight were filtering through the bedroom windows. 
"Are you okay?" you asked him as he sat in front of the toilet cradling his head.
He turned to face you, his brown eyes raking over your body. He looked terrible, but you could still see the longing on his face. "Yeah," he told you, his voice hoarse.
"Did you and Jake overdo it last night?" you asked, running your fingers gently through his hair. He seemed to melt into your touch.
"Something like that," he groaned, turning back toward the toilet to be sick again.
"Roo, how are you going to go to work like this?" you asked. He should know better. Maverick would ground him for the day in this condition.
"Very carefully," he told you with a grimace as he stood and washed his face. 
"Okay," you hesitantly agreed as you started to get yourself ready for work. "Want me to make you some coffee?"
You finished getting yourself ready and left some plain toast and black coffee on the counter for Bradley. 
"Do you need anything before I leave?" you asked softly. He was halfway dressed and sitting on the end of the bed. 
"No, Sweetheart. I'm fine." But he really, really didn't look fine. He looked miserable, sick, hungover and sad. 
"Listen," you told him. "It's Friday, and we have the whole weekend to ourselves. I'll probably work a little late tonight, but when I get home, I'll make dinner and we can relax. Sound good?"
He looked up at you and nodded. 
"Perfect. Bye, Roo," you told him, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. 
Bradley deserved to feel this shitty. After the thoughts in his mind last night, he honestly deserved much worse than this. He hated himself right now, and he didn't deserve you. Even on your worst day, you weren't as bad as he was. That's why he drank half a bottle of scotch when he got home from the Hard Deck. He just wanted those thoughts out of his mind. 
But damn it, he also wanted some sort of reassurance from you. Every time he asked for you to plan even the smallest wedding detail, you shut him down. And he didn't want to push you too hard right now, because he knew you were busy. You had Annapolis coming up. This was all very important to you. 
He wanted to feel like he was important to you too, though. 
He scrambled through work, thankful it was only a classroom day. When Jake tried to ask him why he left the bar so suddenly, Bradley didn't know what to say. 
"Was it that pretty little thing talking to you?" Jake asked, and Bradley's eyes snapped up to his. "You could have tossed her my way, you know. Instead of running out like your ass was on fire."
"I told her I wasn't interested. Nothing happened."
Jake rolled his eyes. "Obviously nothing happened. Look, Angel's not gonna care that some little airhead touched you, Bradshaw."
"Right," he agreed. "She wouldn't care about that."
But that's not what had Bradley rattled. He was starting to question too many things. He needed to get himself home and wait for you. He would demand your attention. 
So when he got there, he sat on the couch with Tramp, but then he decided to just finish the rest of the bottle of scotch to help him relax a little bit. When Jake texted asking if it was okay to come over and workout in the garage, Bradley responded and told him that was fine. 
He sipped more of the scotch and ate a bag of the disgusting, unsalted pretzels you liked. He finished the bottle around seven o'clock and was just about to pass out on the couch when he remembered that he had hung up the dirty calendar you gave him in the garage next to his weight bench.
"Shit," he hissed, rolling off the couch and making his way out to the garage. He could already hear Jake's music playing, and then he noticed his car in the driveway. Bradley was having a really difficult time walking, but he did manage to get inside the garage.
"Bradshaw," Jake said in greeting as he did some bicep curls. 
Bradley shook his head and unclipped the calendar from the wall. "Don't look at her."
Jake snorted. "Yeah, it's a little late for that, man. Angel looks good in red though. And if I haven't already told you before, you are one lucky asshole."
Bradley ran his hand through his hair and turned back toward the house.
"Are you okay? Wait, are you drunk?" Jake asked, hopping up from the bench and following Bradley. "Whoa. What the fuck is going on?"
Bradley tried to stand still, but his head was spinning. "I don't know."
"Let's go inside," Jake suggested softly, guiding Bradley back into the house and helping him sit on the couch. 
Bradley watched him bring in a glass of water and some crackers. "Eat and drink some water. I'm going to call Angel."
"No... don't bother her at work. She's busy." Bradley closed his eyes to keep the room from spinning. 
But he could already hear Jake talking on the phone. 
"Hey, Jake, I'm a little busy," you said when you answered your phone. "What do you need?"
He was silent for a beat, and your heart started pounding. 
"Angel, I think you should come home right now."
"What happened? Where's Bradley?" you asked, tossing your computer into your bag and heading for your office door.
"Can you just come home?"
Now you were scared as you rushed out of your building. What happened to Bradley? And why was Jake at your house? When you finally pulled into your driveway, you saw Jake's car. And when you rushed inside, he was there talking to Bradley.
"What happened?" you asked, out of breath. 
"Sweetheart," Bradley groaned from the couch. He was clutching the calendar you gave him to his chest. You watched his eyes slide in and out of focus as he looked at you, reaching for you as he tried in vain to stand up. Sinking back to the couch with a deep sigh, his eyes drifted closed.
"He's drunk again?" you asked Jake. "Why did you let him get trashed again? He was a mess last night and this morning!"
"What are you talking about?" Jake asked. "He only had one beer with me last night. Ran away when some cute girl started flirting with him. Didn't even stay for a second drink. And he was already like this when I got here an hour or so ago."
You let Jake's words sink in as you tried to puzzle through this mess. Bradley must have gotten drunk here last night. He must have been trying to do it again tonight when Jake found him. 
"You came over to use the garage?" you asked, eyeing up his gym clothes.
"Yeah. Rooster came stumbling in and took down all the scenery," Jake said, pointing at Bradley. Well, at least the calendar's presence made sense now. "Red is definitely your color."
"Shut up," you told him, making your way over to Bradley. "Are you okay, Roo?" 
He cracked his eyes open and nodded. You pushed his hair back from his forehead and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to walk Jake out. I'll be right back." Bradley whimpered in response and nodded his head as you stroked your fingers along his flushed cheeks.
Jake took you firmly by the hand, and you followed him out onto the porch. 
"Listen, Angel. I don't mean to pry, but why are you putting him through the wringer like this?"
You gasped. "What?"
Jake ruffled your hair before you could duck out of the way. "He's crazy about marrying you. Just tell him you're looking at dresses or you picked out some exotic flowers or you know what flavor cake you want. Give him a little hope. It'll go a long way." 
He was already walking to his car when you let your shoulders slump. "No," you whispered as you rushed back inside.
Now Bradley was up and walking around, still holding the calendar. 
"Roo, why don't you sit down and I'll get you something to eat?"
"Not hungry," he told you, pacing over toward the piano.
"Okay, well how about we sit on the couch together?"
His eyes went a little wide. "You'll let me touch you?"
You nodded your head and took him by the hand, but you were starting to feel like shit. "Yeah, you can touch me."
You guided him to sit down, and then you started to unlace your boots. His unsteady eyes followed your every move as you took them off and set them near the front door. When you sat next to him, he curled up with his head in your lap, running his hands along your uniform pants. He kissed your legs through the fabric before letting his cheek rest on your thigh. 
"You look really nice in khaki," he told you, his voice deep and raspy.
"So you've told me. I've also heard I look nice in red," you said, raking your fingers through his hair.
"Fucking Hangman shouldn't have been looking at that," Bradley muttered, nuzzling the back of his head against your belly. You were just thankful the photo with your bare breast wasn't the one on display in the garage. 
You took a deep breath. "You gonna tell me what's wrong, Roo?"
Bradley sighed. "I wish you still wanted to marry me," he told you, and you felt like someone had kicked you in the stomach.
"Bradley. I do," you promised him as tears stung your eyes. But he was wrapping his arm around your leg and starting to doze off.
Okay, so you had made a mess of things. Even Phoenix and Jake could tell what was going on, but you were so absorbed in your own work projects, you had been oblivious. And now Bradley was drunk, again, and you couldn't even put his mind at ease. 
You let him sleep, running your fingers along his cheek and looking down at his beautiful face while you cried. You had to fix this. And you needed to do it this weekend. You had one more week here before you left for Annapolis, and you needed Bradley to know you wanted to marry him. You wanted to do everything with him. 
When he started to stir a little bit, you helped him stand and walked him to the bedroom. "Let's get you undressed," you told him softly, peeling his shirt and jeans off. He just did whatever you said, so you sent him into the bathroom to brush his teeth while you got him a fresh glass of water and something for the headache he was going to have in the morning. 
You were waiting for him next to the bed, and when he climbed in, he said, "She wanted me to teach her how to play pool, Sweetheart."
"Who?" you asked, handing him the water. 
He shrugged and shook his head before he snuggled back against the pillow. "I dunno. It was a girl."
You kissed his forehead and started to get undressed from your uniform. Bradley got hit on all the time at the Hard Deck. If there was something you should be worried about, Jake would have told you. 
You climbed in bed with him until he was definitely asleep. But it was still pretty early, and you had been neglecting more than just Bradley. So you slipped out of bed and gathered up all the laundry. Then you cleaned the kitchen and pulled out ingredients to make a nice lunch tomorrow. Then you cleaned the entire house before you got your phone out to text Jake. 
You scrolled through your calendar, and your eyes caught on what was listed in your schedule for Monday. You'd take the day off. You would use some of your vacation time and spend the day at home. Everyone would just have to get over it. 
And then you started to look at wedding dresses. Because you wanted to. You also knew you wanted that weird confetti cake batter as your wedding cake. Bradley always complained it was too sweet, but you would insist upon it to the point where he would concede and smile and kind of grunt at you. 
You emailed three dresses to your mom and Maria, and then you took a quick shower before climbing into bed. When you were both awake, you and Bradley would have a calm, rational conversation about what was going on.
Bradley woke up with a pounding head. And he was pissed off. He was fucking angry about everything. He was mad that Jake saw his calendar. He was mad that you came home and took care of him. He was mad that the house was cleaned up. He was mad that he was throwing up again. God, now his ribs were aching, and he was laying on the bathroom floor. 
He wasn't a fuck up. Not entirely. He hadn't let the house get too bad while you'd been busy working. He'd managed to feed himself. He hadn't chatted up that girl at the bar. In fact, he'd come home on Thursday night and jerked off while thinking about you. 
God damn it, he would be a fucking great husband, and he knew it. He remembered all the dumb shit so you didn't have to. Like when to pay the bills, when to buy dog food, when to change the oil in your piece of shit car. He even remembered to change the batteries in the smoke detectors.
He let Tramp lick his ear while he rolled over to stand up so he could wash his face and brush his teeth. Then he sat on the floor in front of the sink, and the pup climbed into his lap. He scratched him behind the ears and tried to calm down, because he was fucking mad at you, too. 
There was no way he was going to beg you for your affection, but he would demand your attention today if he had to. He wanted a real reason why you didn't want to plan a wedding. You'd been engaged for two months already, and you couldn't even tell Bradley one single detail you wanted. And if you didn't want to get married, he deserved to hear you tell him why not. 
"Roo," you said softly from the bathroom doorway. He looked up at you, wearing one of his Top Gun tee shirts, and he wanted to bend you over and fuck you. He also wanted to yell at you until he felt better. So instead of doing either of those things, he just sat on the floor and stared at you. 
"I'm sorry," you whispered. 
He cleared his throat. "What are you sorry for?"
He watched you swallow hard and swipe your fingers across the tip of your nose. You were going to cry. He could already tell. But Bradley refused to get up and comfort you. 
"I made a mess," you told him, shifting your weight from one foot to the other. "I've been working a lot and neglecting too many things."
"What things?" he pressed, tired of dealing with this shit. Tired of trying to pry information out of you when most of the time you weren't even home. "And I swear to God, if you tell me we can't have a conversation right now because you need to go to work, I am going to lose my mind." 
Tears started to stream down your face, and the sight actually made him feel a little better. "You! I've been neglecting you! And myself! Us!" You were sucking in air as you tried to talk. 
Bradley nodded and watched you grab the door frame. "Yeah," he agreed, making you cry harder. 
"I'm sorry! I just wanted to get through this work project, because it's important to me. I told you before we even started dating that work is important to me. You know how much I love what I'm working on now. And women don't get promoted as quickly as men."
Bradley nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, I understand that. And I know it's important to you, and I know promotions aren't always fair. I guess I just got used to being on your list of important things."
You swiped the tears away from your cheeks and took a step toward him. "You are on my list, Bradley! You're at the top. And I'm sorry we aren't having sex as much as you want, but how do you think I feel when you're deployed for weeks or months?"
"No," he said, setting Tramp down and standing up. "That's not fair. I can jerk off when I need to. That's not the problem. And I don't need you to give me pity blowjobs to get me off your back. It's not about that, and you know it." 
"Pity blowjobs?" you asked, still inching closer.
Bradley ran his hands over his face, suddenly wishing he was wearing more than just his underwear as your gaze dipped downward. "I've had to practically beg you to let me touch you for the past three weeks. And every time I try to be with you physically, you turn me down."
"Bradley." Your voice sounded pitiful, and your face was all red and splotchy now. "I'm sorry."
He took a step in your direction but raised his voice. "Why don't you want to plan a wedding with me?"
"I.... do.... I want to."
Bradley threw his hands in the air. "I can't plan this without you! I don't even know what you want to do, because you won't tell me anything! Two months of asking, and I have no information from you! And you haven't asked me what I want to do. Not once."
"Roo," you whispered, your lips quivering. 
"We can wait and get married next year if you want to. We can get married tomorrow. For all I fucking care, we can get married in Spain or New Zealand or Maryland or our back fucking yard! I don't care! I just want to know what you want! I'm begging you!" He realized he was yelling, but he couldn't stop now. "Do you even want to marry me at all?"
"Yes!" you yelled back. "Yes, Bradley, I want to marry you! I want confetti cake! And I want to wear your mom's veil, because it's prettier than anything you can buy today! I already emailed three wedding dresses to my mom! And I don't want to look at the venue in Laguna Beach, because it looks too fancy in an annoying way!" 
Bradley's heart was pounding. His head still ached, and he still felt nauseous, but your shouted words and scratchy voice were soaking through his skin and making him feel better than he had in weeks. He watched you clench and unclench your fists as you took deep breaths. "Well, fuck! Baby Girl, why didn't you tell me any of this before?" 
"Because I feel overwhelmed!" you told him, your voice echoing around the bathroom. "If I can't keep it together now, how is this going to work later?" Your voice softened to a whisper. "I'm scared I won't be enough for you."
Bradley's eyes went wide. "Baby Girl, you're everything," he promised, rushing forward to grab you. He pulled you against his body and mashed his lips against yours before gently letting his fingers ease up along your body until he was holding your face in both hands. "Everything."
You kissed him back, whispering his name, and his entire body was aching. "Roo." Your voice was questioning, pleading with him to understand.
He scooped you into his arms and devoured your mouth, relentless until you were gasping. Then he eased himself to his knees and set you gently on the floor, the back of your head coming to rest on the tub mat. You pulled him down by his hair, and he whispered against your neck, "You're more than enough. You always will be."
You moaned as he pressed his body weight on top of yours and ran his rough palms up along your thighs and over your bare ass and pussy. Bradley kissed your face, your cheeks still pink and damp and cool from your tears. Your tears gave him relief this time; he felt so thankful that you shed them. 
Your voice was nothing but a broken whisper as you told him, "I need you."
He kissed your lips, holding your chin with one hand. "I need you, too," he promised. "I always will. Please don't forget that." Bradley eased your thighs apart, settling himself against your core. You rocked against him, your fingers gripping his hair tight and keeping his mouth on yours. 
"Please, please," you were gasping against his lips, your teeth grazing his mustache as you pleaded. He loved the way you were needy for him, but he needed you just as much right now. 
Wordlessly, he reached between your bodies and stroked your clit softly one time. 
"Oh!" you whined, your head automatically tipping back, and he licked a stripe slowly up your perfect neck. He stroked your pussy softly, barely giving you the pressure you needed, which had you writhing. "I love you," you told him, rubbing yourself up against his hand. You were so soaked, he could feel you through his underwear when you rubbed yourself there. "Bradley."
He was instantly yanking down the elastic and pulling himself free. He filled you in one stroke. It felt like ages since he'd been inside you. He hated the way it felt like he'd been sharing the house with you, but you had been just out of his grasp. He hated how he felt like he wasn't a priority. 
When you licked your lips, and met his eyes, Bradley started to thrust, slowly at first. A soft smile touched your slips, and then with one sharp movement of his hips, you were whining again. He pinned you down with one hand on your hip and teased up the front of your shirt with the other. 
He took your soft breast in his hand, gently working his thumb along your taut nipple while he fucked you with hard, short thrusts. He watched your back slowly arch off the floor as he hit just the right spot, and you pressed your lips together stifling your sounds. 
"Be as loud as you want, Sweetheart. I'm gonna make you cum on my cock."
"Fuck," you whined. "I'm so close," you cried, shaking your head against the mat. Bradley could feel your right leg shaking against him. The keening noises coming from you had him on the edge too. 
He leaned over you, getting some pressure against your clit as he squeezed your breast. You spasmed around him, crying out and gasping for air. And he spilled himself inside you, jerking into you until he couldn't move. 
Your hands and lips were all over his face, and as he let himself rest against your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around him. "I'll be better, okay? I promise you, Roo, I will do better."
"Okay, Baby Girl."
A few hours later, you were still wearing just his Top Gun shirt and sitting on his lap at the dining room table. You were sharing a plate of Marry Me Rooster while a confetti cake from a boxed mix baked in the oven. 
"Please, Roo? Confetti cake for the wedding?" you asked, giving him your best puppy dog eyes, which weren't even as good as the ones he frequently gave you.
"It's too sweet, but I'll think about it," he replied. But you both knew you would get whatever you wanted. 
Let's hope they can stay on the same page and plan a wedding that will make them both happy.
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taintedcigs · 1 year
My request is more reader teasing dom Eddie until he breaks hehe
✦ SUCH A TEASE | e. munson x reader ✦
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wc: 3.4k
pairing: eddie munson x f!reader
warnings: smut, smut smut!!, MINORS DNI!! p in v, dom/sub elements, dom!eddie, sub!reader, bj, or*l (both receiving), use of the nickname 'master' lmaoo, kind of a breeding kink??, praising, degradation (name-calling etc), mean!soft!eddie JUST OVERALL FILTH MINORS DNI!!!
summary: you tease dom!eddie to the point where he snaps and fcks u till u see the stars.
authors note: HERE U GO NONNIE!! hope i did ur request justice <33 also tthank u guys for getting my other hc to 2k notes!!! ily all, and i love this concept so i'd love to do more!! lmk if u want more like this or all ur requests and any of ur feedbacks pls send me an ask abt anything ily all <3
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You had been teasing him all day, all fucking day, and you knew he would snap soon enough.
It started with you holding his gaze as you licked your ice cream, whining as it spilled all over your fingers, and you sucked your fingers, hollowing your cheeks while looking up innocently at him, but knowing your intentions were anything but.
You could feel him tense up, especially his pants tightened when you offered him your finger to try some of your ice cream, giggling innocently when his eyes darkened at your actions.
It got worse when you sat on his lap when the two of you were hanging out with Steve and Robin, Scoops Ahoy booth offered you enough space to sit on, but you preferred Eddie’s lap to make sure you could tease him beyond his point.
You giggled and shifted in your place, a lot, that Eddie kept clearing his throat to make you stop, but you paid no mind, keeping your movements, as you turned your attention to him. “Is everything okay, Eds?” You hummed sweetly, your eyes were soft as you hid your smirk, and his gaze was intense, you knew you were getting to him.
He couldn’t hold his reactions when you kept rubbing on him, and he realized you weren’t wearing any underwear when you started soaking him through his pants, his mind went blank after that, he needed to get you home, as soon as possible, so he could fuck the brat out of you.
He almost groaned when you shifted your ass against his cock, still taking kitten licks from the ice cream and acting as if you couldn’t feel the way his hard cock was pressing up against your folds and your ass, you just giggled, turning your attention to Steve and Robin.
But Eddie was really close to losing it, he couldn’t handle your teasing anymore, and he was getting annoyed with your bratty attitude, he needed to teach you a lesson, and he needed to do it now.
His breaking point wasn’t when you bent down extra low to pick up something you had dropped, giving Eddie a full view of your ass and your pussy, and he looked around to make sure no one had seen what he just saw, he started stuttering when he cleared his throat, you were going way out of line and he was ready to drag you home.
So when he harshly pulled you back to sit on his lap, you gasped innocently, “You okay, Eds?” You murmured sweetly, giving him doe eyes as your hands rested on his face.
He knew what you were up to, and he would make sure you would get punished for this, so his gaze was dark and filled with lust as he just murmured. “Wait till we get home, sweets.” And you could feel your thighs dampening with the excitement of what he would do to you.
A few moments passed after your last teasing and you knew Eddie needed that final little push to drag your ass back to his trailer and fuck you into oblivion.
You hid your smirk when the idea popped into your head, Eddie just slowly eyed you as he did this entire day, he was curious about what you were about to do next.
“Stevie, what flavor is your ice cream?” You hummed sweetly, gazing up at Steve and Eddie’s grip on you tightens with just the nickname of ‘Stevie’ alone, you know you have him right where you wanted.
“Mint Chocolate Chip.” Steve almost stutters over his words when you’re giving him those eyes, he knows you are Eddie’s girl but he also knows how gorgeous you are, and he can’t help but be flustered.
Eddie’s gaze is more than intense as he gives Steve deathly stares. “Mmmm, I love mint chocolate chip.” You giggle, but you make sure to rub your ass further in Eddie’s hard-on, which earns you a little slap on your thighs from Eddie, who is telling you that you are trying his luck.
You still pay no mind, as Steve offers you his ice cream, you nod excitedly, but as Steve is about to hand you his cup, you offer something that you know will drive Eddie crazy.
“Nooo…” You whine, Eddie’s grip on your waist is so tight that the pain brings you pleasure now. “Can you feed it to me, Stevie?” You bat your eyelashes at him on purpose, and Steve is left stunned, he blinks twice to make sure, and he gulps as he tries to hand you a spoon of ice cream.
Eddie grip tightens further and the look he is giving Steve could kill him. “Alright, Stevie boy.” His voice is louder than before and you almost flinch, and Steve stands frozen. “Don’t you two have some work to do, you know considering all of those customers.” Eddie points towards people who are impatiently waiting.
“Oh, shit.” Robin and Steve curse at the same time as they quickly get up. “You two work whatever it is you got going on.” Robin almost chuckles as she points between the two of you. “And Steve stop flirting with Y/N, let’s goo…” She drags Steve out before he can respond to what she just said.
Robin’s words alone make Eddie’s jaw clench, he knows what you are doing is on purpose, to get him to fill you to the brim, make you cum till you see the stars. But Steve flirting back makes him want to fuck you right on this booth as you repeat Eddie’s name like a mantra, he wants you to tell Steve, that you are Eddie’s and his only. He wants Steve to see when you cry out on his cock, begging for more, begging to cum.
He stands up suddenly, after gently pushing you to aside, even when he’s supposed to be angry at you, he can’t help but be gentle with you.
“We’re going.” He announces a little loudly, and you gulp, knowing that you got him right where you wanted.
He doesn’t turn back to face you when he gets to his car. The ride is silent and you do your best to suck up to him, to make sure he doesn’t edge you too far today. “Your hair looks good, Eds.” You murmur expecting him to at least reply with a grunted “Thanks.” But he doesn’t he just gives you a harsh look and then focuses back on the road.
You pout as you try to keep complimenting him, but he never replies, growing frustrated you huff again.
Then, you know something that will get his attention again, you hum quietly as your hand makes its way toward Eddie’s pants, at first, he doesn’t even give you a glance, his eyes are on the road, and you start rubbing his bulge through his pants, and you swear you hear him groan a few times, but then you slip your hands inside of his pants, getting past the way of his boxers, and when your soft hands gently rub his hard cock, he utters his first words.
“Y/N.” His voice is stern, he turns his attention to you and you continue pouting at him. “Hmm?” You hum gently, and pick up your pace as you give his cock a few jerks, swiping the pre-cum on his red tip. He hisses. “Stop with the fucking teasing, Y/N.” He turns his attention to you, his beautiful brown eyes are fully darkened, and you can feel yourself growing wetter just at the thought.
Without saying anything you suddenly bent over to his side, lowering his pants more to get better access to his aching cock, your mouth almost waters at the sight, without thinking you take his thick cock into your mouth, and Eddie curses, groans leaving his lips.
“Shit, Y/N, yes princess, you’re doing so good.” He praises as he holds down your hair, he’s still making sure that you’ll get the punishment you deserve when you go back to his trailer, but he’s enjoying you sucking him off to make sure he will make you cum later.
Your mouth takes him all in as you hollow your cheeks, looking up at him. Eddie’s trying his best to focus on the road, making sure he got to the trailer as fast as possible, but he can’t help but enjoy the idea of you wanting his cock, anywhere and everywhere.
“Fuck, sweets. Do you think that little stunt of yours back there would go unpunished when you gave me head? No, princess. No fucking way.” His tone is as intense as his gaze, you bat your eyelashes at him further, still trying to take all of him in your mouth.
He groans again but shakes his head, signaling you that your punishment would end up in him edging you for hours.
When he pulls up to his trailer, you are still salivating on his cock, making sure you had all of him. It kills him to tell you to stop, but he does. And his tone is so serious that you nod eagerly, giving it a few kitten licks before you quietly huff, wanting to be filled by his cock always.
He guides you to the house once again, his cold demeanor returning as you follow him inside like a little puppy. He slams the door shut after you enter, and pins you against the door, making your insides explode from excitement.
“What you did back there have some consequences, you know that don’t you, sweetheart?” His voice is low now and you nod quickly, enjoying the way his figure crashed against yours.
“’M sorry, Eds.” You murmur looking up at him apologetically. He just tsks, and cups your cheeks with his rough hands, the coldness of his rings making you more excited.
“Baby, sorry isn’t going to cut it this time.” His voice was icy as he crashed his lips onto yours, and you whined into the kiss, the way his lips explored yours made you tingly.
“Gonna fuck you so hard that all you’ll be thinking about is how good my huge cock is milking your tight cunt, doll.” You whined. “You want that, doll? You wanna be my little cock slut, hmm?” He hummed, a devilish grin forming on his face.
“Please, please Eds, need you so badly…” You whined again and he chuckled, moving to kissing your neck, nibbling, biting, as he was sure to mark you.
His hands make their way to your blouse, he groans as he feels your perky tits perfectly, realizing that you have no bra, either. “Take all of this off.” His voice is demanding and you’re more than happy to oblige as you take your blouse off in a swift motion. Eddie takes his time, slowly rubbing them, pinching your nipples to make you gasp. He smirks as he realizes the effects he has on you.
He rips your skirt suddenly making you gasp again. “The whole skirt thing was genius, I could barely hold myself not to fuck you on that booth where that Stevie fucker could see, see who really owned this cunt.” You whined at his words, practically dripping down your thighs.
Eddie’s hands made their way over your thighs, teasing you as he leaned down to kiss and trace each part of your thighs, always getting close to your pussy but never actually fully touching it.
“Eds…” You whine wanting more. He smirks into your thighs, still placing sloppy kisses. “Hmm, sweetheart?” He mumbles. “More please, more…” Your voice is pleading. “I don’t think you earned that by flirting with Stevie.” He air-quoted the nickname, and you pouted.
“Aww… does my little slut want my cock, hmm?” He mocked you, but you nodded pleadingly. “What do you want, sweets? You want my mouth?” He questions, now his hands are toying with your clit, as he nibbles on your thighs. You nod eagerly, “Please…”
He pinched your clit, giving it a few licks, and you whimpered just at the sensation, and now Eddie had you wrapped around his finger, you were soaking and wanted nothing more than Eddie.
“Does that feel good, angel?” You nodded squeezing your eyes shut, you wanted more of him. “I need you, Eds. Only you.” You mumbled and he grinned. “Please, I need your mouth, then I need you to fuck me, need your huge cock inside of me, only you, Eds.” Your words were like music to his ears, he was ready to give you anything you needed because he wouldn’t let you cum at the end.
You moaned loudly as Eddie buried his head between your legs, his hand still toying with your clit.
He started sucking on your clit, humming softly at the way your pretty pussy tasted. He had missed you, and he had missed the way your tight little cunt tasted.
You whimpered under his touch, the way his tongue worked wonders. “S’good, s’good, thank you, Eds.” You mumbled and he looked up to see your fucked out face, he felt glorious.
He kept teasing your cunt, sucking and licking your clit as you couldn’t handle it, your legs were starting to tremble and both of you knew you were about to come. When you let out a broken moan, he knew you were getting close, so he immediately stopped his movements.
You whined loudly, pleading for him to fuck you with his cock, or continue with his mouth, you were a blabbering mess, crying out for more as he watched you amusingly. “My dirty little slut wants my cock fillin’ her up?” He asked.
“Please, master, please…” You cried out, wanting nothing more than to be filled to the brim. He finally gave you what you wanted, dragging his cock through your wet folds, which made you groan loudly. You wanted him, thrusting into you until you see the stars.
With your begging, he pushed into you without a warning, you gasped at the feeling and then your gasps turned into pretty moans, and Eddie swears he’s in heaven. “That’s right, doll. Speak up.” He holds your chin up as your thighs hold onto his back tighter.
“Needed you, Eds… Needed that huge cock fillin’ me up.” You whimper and he groans at your words, happy that you’re being a good girl again. “Such a good girl, hmm? Takin’ my cock so well.” He praises.
“Fuck, baby, your tight little cunt feels s’good.” He grunted and he nibbled on your neck, his next thrusts hitting your sweet spot as you moan loudly. “Please… please faster, Eds.” You beg, and Eddie’s pace is agonizingly slow now. “Pleaseee…” You whine but he just shakes his head.
You try your best to move and create more friction, but Eddie holds you in your place, giving you a stern look. “Please, master, please.” You whine, almost crying as Eddie mocks you.
“Hmm, are you crying, doll? After all that shit you pulled, I’m giving you what you want but my little crybaby is still crying?” He pouts mockingly, and you sniffle a bit, wanting to be stuffed by Eddie’s cock fully, while he is thrusting into you as deep as possible.
“Please, master, need to be filled by your huge cock.” You beg, and Eddie loves the way the word ‘master’ rolls off your lips, he gives you a quick peck on your lips as he pushes deeper inside of you, hitting that one spot that makes your eyes roll to the back of your head. “Eds, so good, thank you, Eddie.” You murmur sweetly and he grins.
“Would Stevie be able to fuck you this good, sweetheart?” He mocked, and you shook your head quickly. “No- no, never. Only you, Eds.” You look at him proudly, but you were a pleading mess.
“Then tell me, princess, who do you belong to?” His voice was dark and he was going faster now, the way his cock stretched your cunt had your lips trembling, you were getting closer, especially after the way Eddie teased you with his plump lips.
“You, Eddie. I belong to you…” You babbled sweetly, still so cockdrunk. He gave you a smirk, “Is my little cock slut close, huh? Can feel your tight cunt squeezing me, you gonna come for me, sweets?” You nodded eagerly, which made Eddie chuckle.
“Not so fast sweetheart, the way you were all over Stevie today doesn’t make you seem like such a good girl.” He mocked as he held your cheeks between his fingers, his cold rings were always a nice addition.
“I’m a good girl.” You protested but he shook his head. “I promise! Eds, I only want you, and I belong to you, I don’t want anyone else.” You pleaded, your eyes were soft and glimmery as they rested on Eddie’s harsh gaze.
He didn’t answer as he filled you further, inch by inch, thrusting at a fast pace. “S’fucking tight for me angel…” He murmured.
“Please, Eds.” You murmured, your cunt clamping on his cock harder than before, and he knows you are really going to cum. He tssks, “No coming until I say so, my bratty baby.” He disapproves and you huff.
“’M sorry for today, Eds! Won’t happen again, I promise, I just wanted your cock- I just wanted you inside of me!” You whined and Eddie’s gaze was more sympathetic now. He gave you a harsh kiss on your lips, tasting you once again.
“Such a dumb little cock slut, doing everything to try to get my attention just so that I will fuck this tight little cunt, just so that I can make you cum more and more, hmm?” You nod eagerly.
“Yes, please, Eds, please…” You whined again. “’M sorry, I won’t tease you again, I promise.” You begged, as Eddie’s thrusting in and out of you was getting you closer to the edge, your sorry’s had now become a blabbering mess, and Eddie wanted to see your pretty face when you came.
“Won’t be a little brat anymore, I promise.” You pouted again.
“Next time, you just ask nicely, won’t you princess?” He asked as you hummed, nodding eagerly. “I will, master, please, just let me cum.” You begged.
And he chuckled, enjoying the way you begged him to let you cum around his cock. Eddie buried himself inside of you, getting as close as possible so he could feel every inch inside of you. He groaned as you wrap your legs tighter around his waist, he can feel the way you squeeze around him, you wait for him to finally let you release.
“Cum for me, angel, cream my cock.” His dirty words are enough to get you over the edge, you come as your legs tremble, and your lips let out a long whine as you make a mess on your thighs.
Your whimpers alone are enough to make him spill over the edge, but what makes him finally release his sticky warm load into you is when your cunt starts to convulse around his cock, as you praise him with how good he was, and that you only belonged to him and him only.
He releases his warm seed into you. “Fuck, angel, take it all. Take all of my fucking cum like a good girl.” He grunts as his movements slowly start to fade away, you can feel his cock pumping into your awaiting cunt, making you feel full, so full of his cum that you feel content.
“There you go, my pretty little girl is taking me so well.” He hums as he tries to even his breathing.
Not even a second later, the two of you try to come down from your highs, but Eddie slowly carries you to the couch, and you gasp as he does so, he never exits outside of your cunt, as his now soft cock rests inside of you.
With a few whines, you try to create some friction, but Eddie harshly holds your hips in place, and you groan as his cock hardens and sinks fully against you, you huff.
“Need more.” You mumble but Eddie just mocks you, holding you tighter when you try to move. “You didn’t think you could get away with flirting Stevie with just that, did you princess?” He grinned and you pouted.
“Need you to move, Eds. Please…” You gave him your prettiest eyes but he wasn’t falling for it. He shook his head. “You’re just going to sit still, princess. And not move until I say so.” He demanded and you nodded, sighing, waiting for Eddie to fuck you into oblivion again as his hard cock filled you to the brim.
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minimomoe · 2 months
Love Bites pt. 3
Nothing harder than being a girl on her birthday.
Baker Fem Reader x Toji Fushiguro. (mafia au)
word ct: 15.1k, 11 Chapters
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
Preview: Toji nods so you busy yourself with a new task, and when you both sit down you gush over your presents as Toji’s ears flame red, and he covers his growing smile by drinking more chocolate...
Chapter Three: Mint Chocolate Chip
“Shit, I forgot his book,” you curse and rush back outside. Luckily you parked your car close enough to the bakery that it wasn’t a far walk, but the bad news was that the snow was picking up and sticking to any exposed skin. You fumble with the ring of keys, muttering angrily to yourself for not clearing it out already. You rush inside to grab the wrapped book sitting in the cramped office space and double check the rest of the bakery before slowly backing out. 
Just as you turn around to open the clear door, you see Toji holding onto the door handle and jump back in surprise. 
“I didn’t think I would see you today! I can whip you up something really quick if you’d like.”
Toji steps in and closes the door behind him, dusting off the snow on his shoulders before meeting his gaze with you. He takes in your appearance, the melting snowflakes caught in your hair, your slightly fogged up glasses, the carefully wrapped present you held in your hand. The gingerbread wrapping paper crinkles softly as you nervously squeeze it and wait for Toji to talk. 
“I’m not here for that. Happy birthday,” he says, and holds out a rather large gift bag that bulged at the sides. Your eyes widen at the offer, and you look back up at Toji whose face was, as always, expressionless. You scuffle to put your gift on a table for customers and gingerly take the bag from Toji, as if you were afraid that he would take it back. 
“For me? Really?”
Toji stiffly nods and shakes the bag a little for you to take it out of his hand. You giddily take the bag and set it on the table, pulling out the decorative paper on top to see the expensive gift at the bottom. You slowly pull out a deep mauve scarf that was thick in material and impossibly soft. You ran your hand over the fabric and felt your eyes pricking from emotion. You took another look in the bag and saw that there were knitted gloves the same color at the bottom, along with fuzzy white earmuffs and a matching beanie. You shoot a glance at Toji who has his hands stuffed in his coat.
“Toji… Thank you. Thank you so much,” you tap the corners of your eyes to catch the tears before they fall. Toji steps closer to you until he stands right in front of you, grabbing the scarf off of the table and slowly wraps it around your neck. The bakery is a lot colder now that the ovens and lights aren't on, but the thick wool is the perfect shield from the weather. 
“It’s not a lot but this color looks nice on you. You always wear purple,” Toji drops his hands and you immediately miss his proximity.
“It’s perfect. I love it.” You dig your chin into the scarf and take a deep breath in. You don't know if it’s because Toji is standing so close or because the gift itself has stayed around him so long, but you catch a whiff of his cologne and try to steady yourself. 
“Would you.. would you like to share some hot chocolate with me? I’m about to leave but I’d like to have a cup before I go.” 
Toji nods so you busy yourself with a new task, and when you both sit down you gush over your presents as Toji’s ears flame red, and he covers his growing smile by drinking more chocolate. He peers down into the cup and raises a brow.
“Oh it’s mint hot chocolate. I like it better than the normal one,” you explain. 
“I like it too.” 
You bite your lip to keep from smiling like an idiot, and before you know it you have shared two cups of chocolate with Toji before you finally force yourself to leave, and he walks you to your car to send you off. 
“I brought you a new book I think you’d like,” You say and sit beside the hospital bed. “I wrapped it up but you know I’m horrible at keeping secrets. I’ll try not to spoil it for you.” 
You brush the hair of your brother and look up at the monitor. The rhythmic beeps of his heart is the only thing showing, and when you look down at his face she can see the ventilator cloudy from his breathing. 
“I read a new book this month. It was called We Are the Ants by Shaun Hutchinson. Horribly sad, but it made me hopeful at the end. We are truly just ants in the grand scheme of things,” you mutter. 
You take your hand off of his face and hold them in your lap. “And I have a new crush. Or at least I think I like him. I think he likes me. He got me this scarf,” you tug at your gift then sigh.
“I miss you, Ezra. This is hard. Really hard without you, or mom, or dad, but I’m trying. I really want you to wake up so you can meet him, and tell me if I’m making a mistake or not. That’s my one birthday wish.” 
You wipe away the tears that fell down your face but didn’t bother after a few minutes. You cry quietly in the corner, right beside your brother, until you fall asleep breathing in the scent of your new scarf. 
Chapters: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI.
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 6 months
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Everything Everything? That's maybe a lot but sure
She is the leader of brahman and created the gang along with Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi to beat Mikey.
Her full name is Senju Akashi however she prefers to go by Senju Kawaragi because she likes how mysterious having another name is.
She likes chocolate mint ice cream
Senju values her family a lot and wants them close by. This mainly seems to include her two older brothers, Takeomi and Sanzu.
She doesn't have any friends her own age when she meets Takemichi.
Senju loves festivals/ fayres and used to go to a specific one with Takeomi and Sanzu as a kid.
As a child she was constantly chasing after Mikey, Sanzu and Baji.
She was also raised by Takeomi (and partially her Grandmother since her dad worked a lot).
One time she took Mikey's toy plane to play with, accidentally broke it and then lied saying it was Sanzu who broke it. This caused Sanzu's scars and Senju to live with the guilt for years.
She blamed herself for Draken's death
Senju also hid her true fighting abilities from Takeomi as a way to protect him from corruption.
She spent a lot of time fighting and Benkei and Wakasa's gym and beat all the guys there. It's implied they helped train her.
Sanzu was the one who taught her to fight as a kid
She enjoys shopping
In one timeline she sacrifices her life to save Takemichi's
She's very good at switching her personality from fun to serious (much like Mikey).
In the final timeline she ends up being a youtuber with Sanzu.
In the final battle she takes on the role as 5th division captain of toman but in the good timeline she's the 5th division vice captain.
She gets told to be more girly often
She tried to make friends with Hakkai but he ignored her because she's a girl and Senju assumed he didn't like her.
She tried her best to stop Wakasa and Benkei from killing Taiju. She also had no idea why they were with kmg and looked kinda upset by it.
Senju once kicked Baji because she thought he was a random guy bullying Emma when it turns out they were just practicing martial arts.
Senju is ranked #2 on the worst drivers list
She is also ranked #2 on the best singers list
She is ranked #1 on the big eaters list
She is #3 on longest eyelashes
And is #1 on worst with words
As well as being #2 on the not needy when dating
She is 154cm, 48kg
Her birthday is the 10th of September 1991 (virgo)
A is her blood type
Everyone knows her as the unmatched Senju
Cherry blossom pink is her image colour
She likes to be conspicuous
She dislikes Takeomi when he intrudes
The octopus hold is her special skill
Antonio Inoki is her admired person
She is scared of no one
Her dream is to be a star
While in toman in the good timeline she's part of a group with Kazutora and Peh where they try to take down Mikey, she's the only one who's serious about it though.
She likes reading manga
Because Sanzu is often banned as the 5th division captain she seems to take over his duties a lot.
She hates getting wet
She lives with Takeomi (at least during the brahman arc)
She has a penguin plushie
She also has a lot of training equipment in her house
She has no problems taking Takeomi's card
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inawearyworld · 5 months
little things in the wonka score/soundtrack that get me every time: a post made by a music major with severe brainrot (seriously it’s getting bad)
• even though i’m not sure how to feel abt what they did orchestrally to pure imagination when it was sung in full, i loved the way it was interwoven until then-the opening credits, the clock tower chiming its intro, etc
• when the intro to hatful of dreams ends and the instrumental HITS. that was the moment i was sitting in the theater like “…oh i’m going to be so charmed by this movie huh”
• something abt the way timmy sings “i’ve put everything i’ve got into my choc’late”. see above bullet point
• welcome to scrubbit’s has no right to be that much of a banger
• the low brass in scrub scrub HELLOOOOO?!?!? the chromatic slides. the muted trumpets. abacus’ bass moments (go off king). the song is literally about laundry and yet IT GOES SO HARD
• walk into the club on a friday night like FIRST YOU PICK UP THE APPAREL AND YOU
• the instrumental of ynhclt that plays while everyone’s flying is so cheesy and so golden-age-of-hollywood-children’s-musical and i cannot help but smile
• the cuh-lassic “one instrument at a time” opening of sweet tooth
• mathew baynton’s voice. that’s it that’s the bullet point.
• #GiveTheCartelMoreTight3PartHarmonies2k24
• well we’ve got lots and lots and lots and loTS AND LOTS AND LOWHY AM I SINGINGGGGGGG
• somethin about how the “noodle noodle” countermelody is a sort of arpeggiated outline of each chord, like a vocal warmup, like he’s letting her take the melody bc he knows she will in time. i’m gonna sob they’re literally family
• the orchestration of for a moment, esp while they’re dancing on the rooftop, just SOARS. idk if anyone here has seen mr magorium’s wonder emporium but that movie shaped my childhood, it’s probably my favorite film score ever, and this instrumental bit is SOOOO reminiscent of it
• clock tower. a fifty-second masterpiece
• CHOCOPOCALYPSE. (for those of us who were on the theatre kid side of the internet in 2018, i think chocopocalypse should be the new calculust. hear me out)
• mat’s voice gets a second bullet point bc what the hell man. literally the sonic embodiment of dark mint chocolate. h e l p m e
• …#fickelgruberisathinmint2k24
• noodle’s portion of ynhclt, while she’s teaching willy to read, has a few instrumental nods to mozart’s famous sonata in c, a typical piece for piano beginners-kids-to learn. in the 1971 film mrs teavee incorrectly identifies mozart as rachmaninoff. this MOVIE
• i wish there could have been more, and more involved/complex, ensemble vocal moments
• charlotte ritchie <3 (okay i’m biased sue me)
• the new orchestration for the oompa loompa song is straight fire
• the LEITMOTIFS the fucking LEITMOTIFS!!!!!!!! the opening fanfare that became the basis of hatful of dreams popping up here and there. the melody to a world of your own playing whenever he thinks of his mom. every time we think willy’s safe from the cartel, ope there’s that descending major sixth again.
• (now that i think about it. sweet tooth is in g major of all keys, rather atypical of a villain song. most of the intervals are major too. it’s the trembling strings that give it that “evil” sound. and it fits so well-like, “we’re not completely immoral! time for a fun little tango! there’s colorful lights! killthisguyplsOH LOOK CONFETTI!” they’re so sinister i love it)
• the way that the intro to a world of your own echoes the intro to pure imagination
• the!! chromatic!! basslines!! in!! that!! song!!!!!!!!
• the fact that the bridge comes before the second verse-name any other songs where that happens i dare you. just another example of willy changing the narrative in every way
• the fact that sorry noodle is AN ENTIRE *OTHER* COUNTERMELODY that then falls back into the for a moment melody at the end what the FUUUUUUUUUUUCK
• the monks chanting “giraffe. a massive giraffe”. so fucking funny
• stripping down pure imagination to its essence while willy sings it to noodle was a thousand percent the right decision. and the lyric changes for the situation are sooooooo clever
• as someone who grew up with the 71 movie and has been utterly enamored with its music her whole life, i’m not the world’s hugest fan of this version’s pure imagination orchestration; i get they felt they had to do something different, it just feels slightly too modern/disneyesque, but it had the vibe that they intended for the end of the movie
• anyway god i love this score
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lookingforluna · 2 years
Rotate || C. San
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❥ Pairing: Choi San x Reader
❥ Word Count: 9.4k
❥ Rating: M
❥ Genre: strangers to lovers au, smut, non-idol au, fluff, humor
❥ Warnings: lots of smut, explicit language, unprotected sex, teasing, dirty talk, praise kink, San's mouth is filthy, jealous San, creampie, intercourse
❥ Summary: During a late-night ice cream run to the supermarket, you bump into a handsome guy with a green streak in his hair that claims to have met you at the club the weekend before. When you confess to not remembering him, he becomes determined to make sure you never forget him again.
❥ Moodboard: Edit 1
❥ Song Inspiration: Rotate (Clockwise) by Rak-Su
❥ A/N: This is my first ever ATEEZ fanfic, so much longer than originally planned. I recently joined the fandom 2-3 weeks ago, and I'm so excited to start writing. As you can tell, San is my bias, and this man makes me WEAK in the knees. I have so many fics planned, so please support me! I hope you guys like this one! Can't wait to make new ATINY friends &lt;3
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Hmm, should you try one of the new flavors? Usually, you stick to buying the mango-flavored mochi ice cream, but today there was a new arrangement of flavors on display. Green Tea, Red Bean, Strawberry, Vanilla, and Mint Chocolate Chip.
“I recommend the mint chocolate chip. It’s one of my favorites.” A soft voice interrupts your thought process, causing you to turn around only to see an incredibly attractive guy standing behind you.
You couldn’t help but feel a little awkward, not used to handsome guys just walking up and talking to you. If anything, they didn’t really look your way, and if they did, they never approached you.
“Oh well, thank you for the suggestion,” you shyly smile, giving a slight head nod before turning around. Your fingers trail over the mint chocolate chip package, seriously considering it. Mint chocolate chip wasn’t exactly your favorite, but you weren’t against it. 
“Don’t you remember me?”
The question catches you off guard as you stare at him, trying to organize your thoughts. You were certain you would remember this man from just the bright green streak in his hair, but you couldn’t place him.
The more you gaze at his face, the more his features remind you of a fox. His face shape is very defined, and his jawline is so intense. God certainly took his time with this creation. For some reason, you couldn’t move away from his eyes and how they remained fixed on your own.
“I’m sorry, I don’t. Should I?”
You honestly wanted to curse yourself at this moment as his eyes flitted over your frame. The thought of dressing up as you did a quick run to the supermarket didn’t cross your mind. It was late at night, and you just wanted something cool to help with the boiling summer heat. That meant running out of the house in a slightly cropped white t-shirt and short black biker shorts.
This night would always be stuck in the back of your head forever. The words your father always told you about looking presentable in public suddenly entered your mind, and of course, you should’ve listened to his advice.
“I’m San. We danced together in the club last weekend,” he says, as the tip of his tongue does a quick swipe across his pink lips.
That simple motion was enough to make your knees buckle, but you must keep it together. Thinking back to that night, your close friend Jackson had you taking long shots straight from a Hennessey bottle. The only reason you couldn't remember him is probably cause you were drunk off your ass.
He doesn’t need to know that.
Truth is, San caused something to stir in your stomach. It had been such a long time since a guy actually gave you attention like this, and he was breathtakingly beautiful. He was far from the guys you typically went after, and maybe that’s a good thing.
The last thing you want is to seem desperate, though the only way to avoid that is to seem uninterested. Or at least seem hard to get.
“I’m sorry, your name doesn’t ring a bell. I danced with many people that night,�� you explain, sounding calm and confident. The original reason you entered the supermarket returns to your mind, and you focus on the shelves again, your body turning away from him.
From the corner of your eye, San straightens his posture, not expecting that answer from you at all. He knew you wouldn’t have been alone at the club. Of course, you would have caught the eyes of many guys, but he was certain you would’ve remembered him at least.
“I guess you weren’t that memorable,” you finish, settling on the mint chocolate chip mochi box.
As you turn around, ready to leave, your breath hitches at San’s tall frame looming over you. His eyes are different from before. Instead of the bright wide doe-eyed guy from earlier, his eyes are darker, more intense, and slightly narrowed. You hadn’t realized how tall he was before, but here you were, craning your neck to look up at him.
His plush lips part when suddenly a familiar voice breaks the heated staredown.  
“Woah, Y/N! I see you’ve met San!”
An energetic Wooyoung makes his way to San, followed by Hongjoong, hands full of different chips and snacks. San’s eyes flicker between you and the guys when suddenly something registers in his mind. Wooyoung drapes an arm over San’s shoulder, pulling him close and creating some distance between the two of you.
“You guys know each other?” San beats you to ask the question. It certainly was a small world, after all.
Wooyoung laughs while patting San on the chest before looking at you, “This is our childhood best friend we kept telling you about. He just moved to the city.”
What were the chances you would run into the guy you had heard countless stories about almost every day?
“So this is the best friend you guys talk about every time we hang out?” You do a quick once over of him, matching his image to the third friend in the stories you always wondered about.
“Well, it looks like I am memorable after all,” San slightly smirks as his eyes focus on yours, widening, and cheeks lightly flushing.
“Are we missing something?” Hongjoong asks as he stands next to you, him and Wooyoung exchanging glances.
“It’s nothing important,” you quickly reply, earning a slight scoff from San as he runs his fingers through his black hair, muscles flexing from the motion.  
Hongjoong organizes the snacks in his hands as he turns to look at you.
“Are you busy tonight? You should come out with us.”
Wooyoung’s loud laughter causes a couple a few feet away to pause and stare before returning to their shopping.
“Y/N busy? Do you see what she’s wearing? You’re having one of your depressing movie nights, aren’t you?”
Wooyoung motions to the box of ice cream in your hand before shaking his head in laughter. Of course, you were so predictable. He and Hongjoong knew you like the back of their hands. Your routine on Saturday nights was usually the same if you weren’t with them or other friends.
“They aren’t depressing! You just don’t have taste,” you exclaim, crossing your arms and glaring at him, a small pout appearing on your face.
“No, I have to agree. Watching The Notebook and Dear John on a Saturday night is depressing,” Hongjoong agrees while squishing you against his side in a comforting hug.
San stands there watching the little conversation between the three of you in silence. He could see why Hongjoong and Wooyoung would be close friends with you. In a way, you reminded him of himself.
Back home, he would usually stay in on the weekends and hang out in front of the TV, preferring to be alone. Since moving to the new city, though, he wanted to break those old habits, so he agreed to go out with the guys tonight.    
“Fine, I’ll go out with you guys tonight, but on one condition,” you say, breaking San away from his thoughts as he glances down at your small self.
“What is it?” Hongjoong asks, his eyes lighting up at the thought of you finally going to the club with them.
“Wooyoung’s buying my ice cream,” you say, tossing the box into his hand with a grin before walking ahead of them, a small giggle leaving your lips.
“Ya! I’m always buying your ice cream, I swear!” Wooyoung shouts jokingly as he follows behind you, happy you agreed to their plans.
Hongjoong catches up to them, San trailing behind as he watches how your hips sway with each step. A smile breaks across his lips as he thinks of you, realizing that he enjoys your feistiness more than he expected.
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“Wooyoung, I don’t know how I feel about this dress,” you nervously express while pivoting back and forth in front of the mirror.
It was far from anything you had ever worn out to the club. The dress was bought sometime last summer while on a trip with a few close friends of yours. They had convinced you to buy it, exclaiming that it was about time you stepped out of your comfort zone.
The last thing you expected was for Wooyoung to pull it out from the depths of your closet and toss it on the bed, a pair of matching sparkly black heels beside it. You tend to stray away from sparkly short dresses, but this one caught your attention because of the beautiful strappy back.
The self-conscious feeling begins to rise at the idea of forgoing a bra. You always wore bras in every dress you bought, but the intricate back of this one made it impossible.
“Oh, come on! I’ve never seen you in something like this! You look banging too!” He shouts while motioning to your figure as if presenting you to an audience.
Well… maybe you could wear it out. The dress was bound to come out of the closet at some point, and Wooyoung was the only one who could convince you to wear it. You had let your hair down in loose curls and decided to keep your makeup simple. You did your regular face routine with the addition of some eyelashes, winged eyeliner, and of course, a bold red lip.
While you were busy studying yourself in the mirror, you hadn’t noticed that Wooyoung had left the room, heading out to call for a ride to the club.
Instead, standing in his place against your bedroom door stood San, his brown eyes scanning over your body multiple times before settling on your face. He was certain you were trying to put him into a trance. He couldn’t figure out where to look, completely captivated by you.
“Wooyoung, I’m not sure about this. I’ve never worn anything like this. Some guys can get touchy in the club, and I don’t want to start any problems,” you huff out a little disappointed before turning around.   
You almost stumble a little, completely unaware of the moment San entered your room. He was leaning against the door, arms crossed and noticeable beneath the fitted black dress shirt he wore, the first two buttons opened and exposing his chest. The black skinny jeans he wore pressed against his legs a little too perfect as he straightened himself.
“You look stunning in that,” he says, his voice suddenly sounding deeper than before.
It’s hard to swallow as you look at him, trying to avoid eye contact but hopelessly failing. He has siren eyes; you're sure of it. The man might even be a siren himself or some damn mythical creature. That might not even be the right word to describe him, but all you know is that it becomes hard to breathe every time he’s near.
“T-thank you,” you manage to stutter out, nerves on complete display for him. His light chuckle warms your heart as he steps towards you, eyes locked on your own.
Your fingers fumble with the short fabric at the end of your dress, lightly biting down on your bottom lip before releasing it.
“I'm not sure. I know how guys are at the club. I don’t want to get into any problems,” you nervously explain to San, his head tilting to hear your concern.
His brows furrow in confusion, and you’re sure he hadn’t thought about that. Maybe he would agree that you should change out of the short dress and put on something else.
“That’s not an issue. Wear the dress. I can fight,” he softly breathes, the look on his face absolutely serious and firm. This was when you were sure your knees would buckle from that sentence and look alone.
Luckily before you can reply, Hoongjoong enters the room, announcing that the ride is 5 minutes away. You stumble back a little, caught off guard by Hongjoong and aware of the proximity between you and San.
Before you can fall back, San’s strong hand wraps around your wrist, tugging you forth and right into his chest. A soft floral and sweet scent enters your senses, and all you want to do is bury yourself there.
“Ya! Y/N, you’re so clumsy. Let’s go,” Wooyoung shouts, dragging you away from San before looking back and shooting his friend a wink.
San stands there in shock, not expecting Wooyoung to pick up on his interest in you. He thought he was doing well keeping it a secret, but clearly not well enough if Wooyoung noticed. 
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I just wanna see you rotate, both ways
I just wanna see you rotate, slowly
The music booms loudly in your ears as the bass thunders in your chest, and your favorite song begins. The club was becoming more and more crowded as the minutes went by. The four of you had been here about a little over an hour, and the vibes were only getting better.
“This is my song! Let me show you!”
Your voice is barely heard over the sound of the music as you shout to Hongjoong, your hands in the air and hips swaying to the rhythm. Wooyoung had disappeared some time ago, most likely looking for some girl to take home.
The last time you saw San, he was sitting at the bar, a few girls immediately flocking towards him. Of course, it made you feel some type of way, the way he smiled at them, but the two of you aren’t together.
He’s single.
And so are you.
“Oooo, wait, take this shot first and let me see!” Hongjoong yells as he pushes what’s probably your fifth tequila shot of the night into your hands, quickly downing his own. Taking a deep breath, your head tilts as the cool liquid slides down your throat, the burn immediately settling in your stomach as a new wave of confidence takes over.
Your hands glide up and down your arms as the rhythm and lyrics take over your body. The flashing blue and green laser lights of the nightclub gave you an adrenaline rush, your skin heating up from the shot and other bodies brushing up against you.
Hongjoong disappears from your sight for a few seconds before he reappears, tugging your wrist towards the bar. 
Mingi, the tall and buff bartender you became quick acquaintances with due to your many appearances at his club, sent a wink your way before he tapped the counter twice. Confusion settles onto your face as your head tilts to the side, Hongjoong pulling you next to him.
“Only for you! Just this once!”
Mingi shouts before his hands rest on your waist, and you’re hoisted up until your heels touch the flat surface of the counter. Your heart stammers at the realization that they want you to dance on the bar. Cheers and shouts erupt around you as people start to notice.   
One time, let me put it 'pon ya
Two times, let me put it 'pon ya
The nerves slowly vanish as you feel the music, your hips ticking side to side as more people corner around the bar. The attention you’re feeling only empowers you even more as you lean forward, arching your back and moving your waist in a slow wine.    
Three times I try, you caught my eye
You know what's on my mind
You glance around at the crowd, drowning in the attention and feeling of so many eyes amazed by you. When you make contact with those familiar, dark, and slightly narrowed eyes, your breath falters a little. San sits at the end of the bar, body leaning back against the chair as he tracks your every turn, dip, and bend. 
“Wooo, you look hot, Y/N,” Wooyoung shouts as he appears behind San, hand resting on his shoulder. Wooyoung raises his shot in the air to you before sending it back down his awaiting mouth.
Why you acting so shy?
Come and take the spotlight
Gracefully and in time with the beat, you dance towards the end of the bar, very aware of the girls sitting on each side of San, watching you with bitter stares. Just as your favorite part of the song plays, you drop low in front of him, aware of how high your dress rises, barely covering your ass.
Baby, make your body go clockwise, anti-clockwise
Baby, make your body go clockwise, anti-clockwise
The alcohol floods your veins as Hongjoong, Wooyoung, Mingi, and the screams of other people sound in your ear. Your fingers fasten in the top of your hair as your hips twist in circles, fingers moving to caress down your arms, putting on a sexy show for one man in particular.
San licks his lips, one eyebrow lifting as his eyes take in every inch of your body, your ass on display for him, and god was he blessed. Never had he ever received a dance from a girl in all of his years of dancing, and from the way, you were gazing at him, he knew this was his first.
As the song comes to a slow finish and the next one starts, Mingi helps you down the bar, and you make your way towards the three guys you entered the club with. 
Wooyoung and Hongjoong pull you in between them, squishing you against their warm bodies as they hug you close.
“I have never seen you dance like that,” Hongjoong shouts as he looks at you in complete awe.
“Wow, I’m surprised you’re not a dancer with smooth movements like those,” San says before taking a sip from the glass in his hand.
“See, that’s a huge compliment coming from a dancer like San!”
Hongjoong smiles as he looks between the two of you. You knew from the countless stories Wooyoung told that he was a pretty well-known backup dancer, but you hadn’t realized he was that good, and your cheeks began to heat up.
“This was all my doing,” Wooyoung says as he looks at you, “I knew the dress would bring out a different side of you that you’ve been hiding!”
A soft smile settles across your face as you realize he’s right. There’s no way you would’ve been bold enough to dance like that on the bar in a different dress. With all their eyes on you and no idea what to say, you thought of the one thing that would make you feel more relaxed.
“How about another round of shots?!” You begin to walk away and head towards Mingi on the other side of the bar without waiting for a reply when Hongjoong’s hands suddenly shoot onto your shoulders.
“Woah, we just had a shot less than 10 minutes ago.”
Hongjoong was right about that, but taking a shot might ease your nerves around San. He wouldn’t stop looking at you with that intense stare as he sips his drink. You had no idea what he was drinking, but if you had to guess, maybe it was vodka.
“Yea, wait here. I’m gonna get you water instead,” Wooyoung shouts over the loud music before ruffling your hair a little and heading towards the busy bartender.
“Water? Are you guys serious? I’m not even drunk,” You pout, looking at Hongjoong with wide eyes while wrapping your arms around his neck.
He tries so hard to hold his laugh in but fails and just shakes his head at you. His soft hands reach up to unclasp yours from his neck, looking over at San as he speaks.
“Please watch her. She’s had her fun for the night. I’m gonna call for a ride to take her home,” Hongjoong explains.
San sends a smile his way, assuring him not to worry about you. Now that Hongjoong leaves, reality sinks in. You’re stuck here with San watching you. All you want to do is disappear into the crowd of people, and that’s exactly what the voice in your head tells you to do.
Just as you get about five feet away and into the crowd, a really tight grip encircles your hips, pulling your hips flush against a firm body. The hardness against your back is the first thing you notice, and you’re in shock.
Before you even turn around, the presence behind you fades as if it was in your imagination. The hardness was there one second and gone within half a second.
“Touch her again, and I’ll break your fucking hands.”
The low and threatening voice is the first thing you notice as your eyes land on a fuming San. His jaw clenches as he fists the shirt of some guy clearly drunk off his ass, now looking like a deer in headlights. The guy raises both hands in surrender as he mumbles out a jumble of words before San lets him go, and he takes off.
Standing there, you’re unsure what to do. Maybe you should thank him, but you didn’t ask him to do that. You didn’t need him to protect you, but he still did it. He’s still pissed. You can tell from the way he stands there, still looking in the direction of the guy, shoulders tense and jaw clenched.
A deep breath exits his mouth as he turns around to look at you, his face immediately relaxing as his brown eyes meet yours. You swallow, mouth feeling dry as he slowly walks over to you, head tilting as he studies your face. One of his ring-clad fingers ghosts over your cheek before tucking a stray curl behind your ear.
“Are you okay?” San asks as his eyes soften.
Out of all the expressions you had seen from him, this was a first. You didn’t think it was possible for him to show concern since he was always looking at you with those narrowed eyes. All you can do is nod, not able to trust your voice because of the way he’s looking at you.
“It’s because of this dress. Some bastards can’t keep their hands to themselves,” he says while glancing around you before pulling you closer. His hand was comfortably resting on your lower back, the heat from his palm warming up your skin and making it hard to breathe.
“What? You told me to wear the dress in the first place,” you complain, suddenly feeling disappointment fill your head at the thought of him not liking the dress.
As if reading your thoughts, he pushes his tongue into his cheek before sucking his teeth. He noticed how quickly your face had fallen and couldn’t stand seeing you like that.
“I did tell you to wear it. I love the way you look too,” he says, voice more serious as he glances down at you.
“I just don’t like anyone else enjoying the same view as me,” he whispers, tongue wetting his lips as he sucks it into his mouth.
The change in your breathing doesn’t go unnoticed by him as he slowly leans in closer, your senses overtaken by that same soft floral, sweet scent you associated him with. San’s grip on your waist tightens, and you can feel his minty breath wash over your face as he gets closer.
“There you two are!” Wooyoung’s shout makes the two of you jump apart quickly, your friend grinning like a Chesire cat because of the position he had caught you two in.
“Here’s your water, Y/N. Hongjoong was looking for you guys. The ride is gonna be here soon,” he explains as you down the water, the ice coldness soothing your throat and taking away some of the heat you had been feeling.
Wooyoung stands there, eyes flickering between you and San as he shakes his head and slaps him on the back, a chuckle leaving his throat.
“We should go meet Hongjoong,” San shouts over the loud music, unsure how to make things less awkward for you now that Wooyoung had almost seen the two of you kiss.
You nod in agreement, still chugging the water down as the two of them follow closely behind you. Little did you know that the two of them were playfully pushing each other around, Wooyoung excited about the thought of you and San together. 
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“Damn, where the hell did Wooyoung go?” Hongjoong groans as he looks around the front of the building used to this happening. He was always taking on the parent role in the group even if he didn’t want to.
“I thought you saw him sneak back into the club with that blonde girl,” San comments while shrugging his shoulders, clearly not concerned with his friend’s whereabouts.
You stifle a laugh as Hongjoong throws his head back, sweat trickling down the side of his forehead from his constant running around before he once again enters the nightclub.
“Wait here for the ride,” he orders, giving you both one last look before entering the swarm of bodies.
Right as he enters the building, two girls walk out, giggles erupting from their lips but suddenly becoming serious as they traipse over to San leaning against the brick exterior. You recognize them as the two girls that were sitting around him earlier in the club.
“What are you waiting here for? You can come home with us,” One of the girls giggles while trailing the tips of her fingers across the top of his exposed chest. The way she looked up at him with giant doll eyes made you want to throw up all the shots you had downed. 
“Yea, we can show you a very good time,” the slightly shorter friend smiles as she squeezes his bicep and earns a soft chuckle from him.
You were pissed at Wooyoung and Hongjoong for leaving you with him. The last thing you wanted was to watch these two girls drool all over him. The worst part about it is that he was actually entertaining them, chuckling and tilting his lips as his eyes flicker back and forth between the two.
“Fuck this,” you mutter to yourself, head fuming at what you were witnessing.
It’s been almost 10 minutes since you’ve been waiting for the damn ride and you were done waiting. The cool breeze helps calm your emotions as you begin the walk back to your apartment. This area's streets are pretty noisy, with other people entering and leaving the different strings of clubs up and down the block.
You don’t even glance back to see if San notices you walking away. Truthfully, you didn’t think he would care, and why would he? He was occupied with not one but two girls! Pain shoots through your feet as the aftermath of wearing heels for so long finally begins to settle. Your apartment is only a 10-minute walk away; if you power through the pain, you can make it.
“Y/N, is that you?” The voice causes you to halt in your tracks, turning to notice a very happy and smiling Seonghwa entering your line of sight.
“Oh my gosh, Hwa! It’s so nice to see you!” Excitement runs through your veins, replacing the bitter emotions from before. It was nice to see a familiar face and one that was like family at that.
“Damn, you went to the club like that? Let me see you do a spin,” he grins, holding out his hand for you to grab onto.
Giggles erupt from your lips as you twirl for him, the club's neon blue and green lights swirling in your vision. He lets out a low whistle that has your mood soaring through the roof and a wide smile spreading across your face.
“Were you at the club with your friends?” You ask him as he stops spinning you, his hands resting on your hips.
He looks back towards the entryway of the other club, replying, “Yea, I was out with Yeosang, Yunho, and Jongho. I’m leaving now, though. I’ve had my fun. Do you need a ride home?”
Someone must have been watching over you because you swear Seonghwa was an angel sent in a time of need when you needed help the most. He grins widely, noting the relief that washes over your face from his offer.
“Yes, please! My feet are killing me, Hongjoong is still looking for Wooyoung in the club, and San is busy with some girls,” you ramble on, voice coming out slower and softer towards the end.
“San,” Seonghwa states instead of questioning, and you’re confused for a second until you feel a firm pressure on your hips, Seonghwa’s hands falling and being replaced with tighter ones.
“Yes, that’s my name.” A shiver runs down your spine as his cool breath hits your neck, your body tensing from his closeness.
Turning around in his arms and away from his body, his warmth immediately leaves you. A frown fixes on his lips from your reaction, but it passes as he looks at Seonghwa, eyes narrowing.
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, feeling irritated with the way he glares at Seonghwa. His brown eyes shift to your face, brows pulling together as he speaks.
“I was in the middle of a conversation, and when I looked up, you were gone. I saw you turn the corner and followed you. I was worried,” he explains, voice low as he runs through everything in his mind.
The concern in his voice has you softening for a minute, and warmth fills your heart as you realize he came looking for you. Then within a second, it disappears again as he looks at Hwa with that same glare as before.
“We should get going. Our ride is waiting,” he says, dark eyes unwavering from Hwa.
“I’m good. You can go ahead. Seonghwa is going to take me home,” you state. You don’t back down even when San’s dark eyes stare into your soul. Anyone walking by could easily tell he was pissed off from the look on his face alone.
“You’re leaving with me,” he says even more firmly than before. His body inching forward to grab you when suddenly Hwa steps in front of you, clearly finding amusement in San’s reactions.
“She doesn’t want to leave with you. I’ll take her home.”
The last thing you wanted was to see the two of them having a damn dominance contest. You didn’t come to the club to deal with this. It was supposed to be a night of just fun with friends, and now these two were having a pissing contest.
“She came with me. She’s leaving with me,” San grits out, jaw clenching and face getting closer to Seonghwa with each word.
“Listen,” you shout, stepping in front of Seonghwa and placing your hands on San’s chest to push him back a little.
“I’m leaving with Seonghwa. You were so busy earlier that you didn’t even notice me leaving. You can go have fun with your girls. No need for you to take me home.”
You turn away from him, grabbing onto Seonghwa’s wrist as you lead him to the parking lot. Sure, you felt a little bad, but you didn’t like how he wanted your attention one minute and then was busy with another girl elsewhere the next. You have every right to make your own choices, it wasn’t like the two of you were together.
San’s eyes widen in shock as he processes the words that leave your mouth. He didn’t think you would fight him on this. In fact, he thought you would just give in to avoid any more conflict. He feels like shit as he watches you walk away with Seonghwa.
It was true that he was busy talking to those girls, but they wouldn’t leave him alone. He didn’t want to be rude and tell them to stop talking or just walk away from them. He let them continue their words, letting out some awkward chuckles here and there, but the truth is he didn’t even pay attention to the conversation.
He thought you would turn back, return to him and wait for the ride. It wasn’t until you turned the corner that he realized he fucked up. He sprinted from those girls, not caring to apologize or explain as he ran in search of you.
He thought going after you would make things better, but it just seemed to make things worse, and watching you leave with another guy made him feel something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
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It’s about midnight when you finally slump against the couch after saying bye to Seonghwa. Once you reached home, the dress was immediately off your body and replaced with a soft silk black robe.
The heels are neatly placed in your closet, and the only thing remaining is your makeup. The major downside of going out so late at night is removing all of your makeup, especially the eyelashes.
Scrolling through your phone, you send a quick text to Hongjoong and Wooyoung, letting both of them know you got home safely and that Seonghwa gave you a ride. You don’t expect a text from them, certain they’re still at the club or just leaving.
As you look out the window, you’re happy you left the club when you did. It started drizzling when Seonghwa dropped you off, and now it was pouring. Throwing your phone onto the couch, you decide to go take off your makeup when a knock on your door halts your steps.
Glancing at the clock, you wonder who could be knocking at your door at this hour. Assuming it’s most likely Wooyoung or Hongjoon deciding to crash at your place, you swing the door open without a second thought.
The last thing you expect to find is San soaking wet from the rain, clothes dripping wet, hair stuck to his face, and breathing heavily.
He glances at you, noticing the black robe wrapped tightly around your frame, before pushing himself into your apartment. You shut the door, eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
“Where is he?” His chest is moving up and down at a fast and steady pace as he tries to walk by you, his eyes franticly searching all around your apartment.
“Woah, did you run here, San?” You ask, blocking his path as you tug on the side of his black shirt. It was the only thought that came to mind when you noticed how out of breath he was. It had only just started pouring a few minutes ago too.
“Where the hell is he, Y/N? Is he in your room?”
San asks as he begins walking towards your bedroom, a water trail following him. Your hands push against his chest, stopping him before he can even enter the hallway, keeping him in the kitchen and living room area.
“Stop it! You’re dripping water everywhere, San!” 
You shout, becoming upset with the mess that he’s creating in your apartment. Cleanliness is one of the most important things you value. Having things in order is always important to you, and with the mess San is causing on all of your floors, you’re about to pull out his and your hair.    
San looks down at your hands pressing flat against his chest, his own cold hands wrapping around both of your wrists as he looks you straight in the eyes.
“Answer my damn question, Y/N! Is he here? Was he her-” His eyes are completely dark and fuming as he stares at you, trying to stop himself from imagining you and that punk together.
“Why the hell does it matter?”
You yell, cutting him off and preventing him from finishing his sentence because his actions are so uncalled for.
It was none of his business if Seonghwa was at your place. Taking a step back, you try to tug your wrists from his grasp, only for him to pull you closer, your chin now touching his chest.
“If you interrupt me one more time, Y/N– so help me, god.” 
“As if I’m gonna listen to you. Please, what are you gonn- ”
Before you can even finish the sentence, your back is against the front door, San’s drenched body pushing against yours and wetting your robe.
“I’ll show you what I can do about it, but first,” he pauses, his forehead against yours, eyes closed as he takes a deep breath before opening them again and focusing on your eyes.
“I need to know. Were you with him?” The way San asks the question makes your frustration fade away. His voice is soft and almost shaky, as if he’s afraid to hear the answer, but he needs to know. 
“I wasn’t with him. Nothing has ever happened between us, and it never will. I don’t think his boyfriend would be too happy, honestly,” you carefully explain and watch as San’s eyes widen in realization. You can visibly see his shoulders relax as he lets out a breath he had been holding.
“But why were you bothered by him so much?”
The question tumbles out of your mouth so quickly before you can even process it. It had been on your mind the entire ride back home with Seonghwa, but you weren’t planning to bring it up at all. 
The question tumbles out of your mouth so quickly before you can even process it. It had been on your mind the entire ride back home with Seonghwa, but you weren’t planning to bring it up at all.
It was hard to read San. At first, you thought he might actually be interested in you, but then the next minute, when other girls were around, it was as if you didn’t exist.
“Because you were with him and not me.”
He leans back a little, his arms by the side of your face still trapping you between his body, but now you could see him entirely. A fake chuckle is all you can do to express how you feel, and from the look of surprise on his face, he wasn’t expecting that.
“It didn’t seem like you needed me. You had enough girls to occupy you,” you mockingly reply, catching him slightly flinch from your harsh but true words.
A loud sigh passes through his pink lips as he fists a hand through his wet hair, tugging at the strands in frustration.
“Fuck… I was trying to stay away from you because you’re friends with Wooyoung and Hongjoong. I was trying to distract myself because I don’t want to fuck things up,” he explains slowly, thinking about his words carefully.
His eyes remain on yours the entire time he speaks, and you know it’s the truth as you get lost in his dark eyes and his soft, honey voice.
“Then why did you come here?” The question comes out barely above a whisper, almost unheard because of the pouring rain.
“Because I can’t stop thinking about you since the first night we met. I know you don’t remember, but I do, and I keep remembering it. I’ve been thinking about you all day, and then I ran into you at the store,” San says as he reaches up to gently caress your cheek with his thumb, not imagining that this moment was actually happening.
A small smile touches his lips as he notices how your eyes close and you lean into him.
“I thought it was just a coincidence at first. I’m not someone who believes in fate, but everything changed for me when I found out Wooyoung and Hongjoong knew you too. No one has ever affected me this much. I just can’t get enough of you,” San breathes out his confession, relieved that it’s all out there but unsure of what happens now.
You’re unsure about your feelings for him as you stare at him. You know you have some, but he’s right. Both of you are friends with Wooyoung and Hongjoong, and there’s a risk to the friendship there. If things end badly between you, that could damage many friendships and complicate things.
San starts to feel a little uneasy at your silence. He didn’t expect you to accept his feelings and say you love him, but he expected you to say something at least, even if you rejected him.
Regarding relationships, you were never one to jump into things. You never did one-night stands and considered yourself as someone who prefers long-term relationships.
But as you look at San standing before you and confessing that he hasn’t stopped thinking about you for a second, all of that logic goes out the window and into the storm. You were always thinking with your head; for once, you wanted to let your heart win.
“How badly do you want me?” You quietly ask, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
A groan escapes San’s lips as his tongue wets the surface, “So fucking bad. If it meant giving up dancing to be with you, I’d do it in a heartbeat. Without any regrets.”
You stare up at the man before you, his hand reaching up, gripping your jaw tightly, his silver rings feeling cold against the warm skin of your cheek. His thumb slowly brushes over your bottom lip, admiring the lust swimming in your eyes and the red flush settling onto your cheeks.
Without thinking, you part your lips and slowly wrap them around his thumb, feeling satisfied as the digit starts to sink further into your mouth.
“Fuck, Y/N,” San groans, his eyes hooded in desire, as he pulls his thumb from your mouth, biting his lips as he notices the clear trail of saliva connected to it.
“Kiss me, San.”
That’s all it takes for San to let go and smash his lips onto yours. He kisses softly yet passionately as if he’s trying to get lost in you. He wants to memorize every single curve of your lips and each inch of your mouth as his fingers grip your hips tightly.
It feels as if every inch of your body is on fire, your hands gripping his shirt as you pull him tightly against you. You want more of him. It feels like you’re drowning in his smell, touch, and taste. His fingers draw small circles against your hips over your robe, and the realization of how little clothing you have on hits you.
San lightly teases his tongue against your lips, a smile splitting onto his face as you easily grant him access. His tongue explores your mouth, lightly flicking against your own tongue a few times, giving him complete control.
“Fuck. This is a one-time thing, right?” You manage to say against his lips feeling breathless.
It’s supposed to be a firm statement, but it comes out more like a question. San makes it incredibly hard to think straight when his lips are pressing against yours so rough and hungry. He breaks away from the kiss to talk for a second before continuing his actions.   
“You know that’s a lie,” he murmurs while peppering kisses along your jawline and down to your neck, teeth biting the skin there but not deep enough to break this skin. 
“This might be the first time, but it definitely won’t be the last,” he says against your neck, leaving small hickeys as he continues down to the top of your robe. His flick up to yours, heat swirling in them, gaze darkening and eyes hooded.
“Don’t give me that look,” you whine out, aware of the wetness gathering between your thighs from just his stare alone.
San chuckles against your chest, his warm breath hitting the slightly exposed skin there.
“What’s the matter, Y/N? Do you get nervous when I look at you like this?” The smirk on his face is disgustingly sexy, and you can’t argue with him. He knows exactly how to use his expressions to his advantage, leaving you in a mess before him.
With a soft thud, your head leans against the wall as you avoid eye contact with him. His stare wasn’t equivalent to a siren. You were wrong to think that before. He had the eyes of a demon, dark and waiting to devour you.
“Don’t be shy now. Where’s the feisty girl from earlier?”
He mumbles against your chest, purposely avoiding the deep neckline of your robe that reveals some cleavage. His lips leave delicate kisses across your chest, his hands wrapping around your thighs and hosting you up against him.
Pride fills him as you let out a loud and needy whine, pulling his head tightly against your chest as he swiftly kicks his shoes off before entering your bedroom.
San tosses you onto the bed, mesmerized by the way your hair spread out around you in a perfect halo, as the robe comes undone, both sides falling open and exposing your smooth skin.
His teeth immediately sinks into his bottom lip, trying to digest that this was happening. You were here, spread out and so needy for him. Willing to let him touch you in ways you could only dream about. 
“Please touch me, San,” you beg, moving to sit up only to halt your actions, San shaking his head and telling you not to move.
“God, I love when you say my name,” he groans, fingers making quick work of his black buttoned-down shirt and jeans, the clothing left in a pile at the front of your door.
He can’t keep calm as he takes in every uncovered inch of your skin, from the perfect curve of your breasts and hardened nipples to the red panties he had been picturing all night.
The image was stuck in his head from the moment you flashed him in the club during your dance. He didn’t know if it was intentional or not as you dropped in front of him, legs spread at an angle so only he could see between, but thank god you did.
He carefully drops onto his knees, head dipping low as he presses gentle kisses up your feet, ankles, legs, and thighs until he reaches your center.
“San, please just fuck me. I can’t wait any longer,” you moan, fingers weaving into his hair as you pull him up, his eyes rolling back from your neediness.
“Guess I’ll have to wait until next time to taste you,” he chuckles against your lips, the comment a small reminder that this wouldn’t be the last time.
 You want to tell him not to get his hopes up, but the whiny “just fuck me” is all the confirmation he needs. If he made you feel like this, you would never let him leave your apartment. 
There’s a scraping of teeth, and a battle of tongues as both of your fingers work to remove the remaining fabric on your bodies. San draws back to look at you, a low “fuck” passing his lips as his mouth latches onto your breast, pulling the flesh into his mouth and moaning loudly. His fingers play with your other breast, pulling and twisting at the nipple before giving it the same attention with his mouth.
You can feel his dick, heavy and hard, slip between your thighs and slowly drag against your wet folds. He pauses his sucking and breathlessly says, “Condom?”
As much as you know you shouldn’t, you shake your head. You’re on the pill but don’t know if San has been with anyone else. You also didn’t have any condoms around, not having an actual sex life, but you were certain San carried one with him.
“I want to feel you. I want you inside of me now,” you moan out, pulling San back to your lips as his hands position your legs around his hips.
San is certain he just died and went to heaven. Not only did you want to have sex with him, but you wanted him to fuck you raw. Truth is, he didn’t prepare for this to happen. He didn’t carry condoms with him like most guys because he wasn’t out looking for sex.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you,” San breathes out as he stares into your eyes, the tip of his dick leaking precum as he pushes through your folds, breaching your entrance.
You feel intoxicated by his touch, the pink head of his dick stretching your walls as the smell of his heavenly cologne overflows around you.
You push your hips down, grinding yourself against his length, taking him in another inch as pleasure washes over the both of you. San licks his lips, eyes glued to where your bodies join, enjoying how he fits so snugly.
“Fuck, you’re so big,” you manage to breathe out, continuously clenching as San finally bottoms out completely inside of you. His breathing is just as heavy as yours, experiencing this for the first time. He had never had sex with anyone like this before, and every feeling was magnified.
“You feel so good, baby,” San grunts as he carefully moves his hips back and forth, swearing each time you clench around him.
His hips pick up pace as your moans encourage him, sweat dripping down the side of his forehead as he holds himself up by the forearms, taking in your fucked out expression.
He admires you, your body relaxed and covered in his marks and sweat. In his mind, you looked like a work of art, and he was the proud painter perfecting each brush stroke until you were no longer the clean blank canvas as before. He was determined to leave you a mess, so you would be reminded of his presence in this room even when he wasn’t there.
The sound of his dick moving in and out of you sets your skin ablaze as the squelching sound of your juices gets louder with his hard thrusts. The moans that leave your lips become more obscene as San gives a rough thrust upwards, pushing himself deeper inside of you, hitting that special spot and making your back arch.
“I- I love it when you t-talk dirty,” you struggle to say as the pleasure builds up with each of San’s powerful thrusts.
The smirk that stretches across his face as he looks at you with hooded eyes screams trouble. You’re unsure if telling him that was a mistake, but you’re about to find out. 
You’re unsure if telling him that was a mistake, but you’re about to find out. He flips you over, dick never slipping out as he thrusts into you from below, your hands grabbing onto his shoulders as he ruts into you. You’re letting out whines, shaking your head from side to side as the pleasure becomes too intense.
“I know you can take it, baby. I know you love it. Look how good you soak my cock,” San says, his praises encouraging as you look down to watch him disappear into you. His dick is so hard and covered in your wetness, his lower stomach shiny from your arousal.
“Fuck, you’re such a filthy girl. And it’s all for me, right?” He asks as his thumb finds your clit, pressing tight circles on it that draw out a long “yes” from you.
“Only for you. Only for you,” you pant against his lips as you lean forward, San’s hands gripping your ass as he pounds into you.
He’s on the brink of cumming, and when he delivers one powerful thrust, he feels you shake, your pussy holding him incredibly tight as you orgasm, wave after wave hitting you, each stronger than the previous.
He manages to fuck you through it, dick pulsing as your walls constrict around him, praising you as more wetness seeps onto him.
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he grunts, teeth grinding as your tightening and wetness propels him to chase after his own orgasm as his eyes have trouble finding a place to focus.
He’s reeling in pleasure as the images in front of him take over his mind. His eyes flicker between his thick cock disappearing between your swollen lips, sliding in and out of your wetness and your glassy eyes staring down at him. 
“Please give it to me. I want you to cum inside of me. Please, San,” you beg, your words coming out high-pitched and desperate. It was all San needed to hear from you. You didn’t have to beg him, he would give you everything he had, over and over until he was empty.
“Fuck I’m cumming,” he moans loudly, the loudest you’ve heard him tonight, as his thrusts turn sloppy and warmth floods your insides.
Each hot spurt has you clenching around him, further heightening his pleasure as he empties himself, enjoying the view of his cum squeezing out of you.
 His hair sticks to his forehead, sweat dripping down his face, neck, and chest. Almost every inch of his skin is covered in sweat, and so is yours. Both of you are a mess, and as you carefully pull off him, a mixture of your wetness and San’s cum spills out onto his stomach, earning a loud moan from him.
“You’re so sexy, baby,” he chuckles, pulling you down by the neck and planting a short and gentle kiss against your lips.
He reaches over to the nightstand, grabbing a tissue to wipe his stomach as you lay beside him, legs sticky with both of your releases. As San catches his breath next to you, dick already softening, you can’t help but mumble, “That was amazing.”
San pulls you closer to his side, one hand hooking around your shoulder as the other settles onto your hip. Head resting on his shoulder, he looks down at you, eyes full of warmth and a mouthful of white teeth on display.
“It was incredible,” he replies, placing a sweet kiss on the top of your head. A peaceful silence fills the room, and he opens his mouth to speak again.
“I hope you know you’re more than just a one-night stand to me. I want you every morning. Every day. Every night. In every way possible,” he whispers, looking down at you, brown eyes sparkling in the soft moonlight.
“I feel the same way too,” you confess, heart swelling and comforted by the fact that this was more than just a night of sex for him.
San leans in, his lips moving to cover yours when a loud bang in the living room suddenly interrupts it.
“What the fuck?” You jump, startled by the noise.
San’s face becomes serious as he stands up, covering you in the blanket at the foot of your bed before pulling on his briefs.
“Stay here. I’ll check it out,” he whispers, about to walk away when you tug onto his wrist.
“Wait! Take this,” you quietly say, leaning over the edge of the bed to pull a metal baseball bat from underneath.
“For protection,” you explain, handing it to him only to receive a soft chuckle. You watch as he steps out into the hallway, anxiously waiting. It’s silent for a few minutes before you hear a loud and annoying voice.
“What the fuck! Are you trying to kill me?! See, I told you, Hongjoong! I knew the two of them would fuck! You owe me 50 bucks!”
Footsteps sound down the hallway, and you pull the sheets closer to your chest, covering any visible skin. An embarrassed San trails in, followed by a drunk Wooyoung and a tipsy Hongjoong.
“I tried to make them leave,” San explains, cheeks flushing as he runs his fingers through his hair.
“Y/N!” Hongjoong whines as he takes another step into the room.
“Now I owe him money,” he drunkenly pouts, looking cute and defeated. All you can do is laugh as San returns to his spot next to you, leaning against the headboard.
“I knew she wouldn't be able to resist him! That’s my boy,” Wooyoung shouts a little too loud, causing Hongjoong to flinch as Wooyoung smiles in triumph.
“Yea, you’re right. She couldn’t resist my charms,” San grins, eyebrows raising as he gives you that sexy look he was talking about.
You lightly slap his chest, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as he pulls you towards him, placing a kiss on your nose before ordering the two trouble makers to leave.
You weren’t entirely sure what would come out of this, but you felt good about it. If this happened when you listened to your heart, you would do it more often. 
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Copyright © 2018-2022 lookingforluna. All rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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arminsbf · 2 months
im rlly loving armin today…..tell me somethings about him….
HI DAHLIA!!!! me too omg literally every day 💗💗💗
i don’t know if this makes any sense at all because i’m just yapping but here you go!!!
before you dated it was SO fucking obvious that you liked each other — it became a running joke in the friend group about how he was so clearly in love with you
and yet I think it would take a long time before you two actually got together!! you had to be the one to admit your feelings — because ever since he realized how he felt, he stood by NEVER telling you abt it js because he was so scared you would reject him
but… srsly… he loves you so much. he’s so much happier now that he has you and that he doesn’t have to hide it anymore!!
mf sleeps SO MUCH, especially in the summer because he’ll be out in the sun all day and come home exhausted
he loves to watch movies with you but trust half of time he will js pass out while cuddling w you!!
basically whenever he’s touching you he gets tired :( you’re js so warm n comfy… he just… 😴😴😴
but that shows how much he trusts you!!!!! you’re really one of the only people he can be vulnerable around — even w how close he is to eren and mikasa
if you have long hair, he’ll learn how to do a ponytail, and then a braid… with help from you and from youtube 😭 he thinks it looks cute on you n he likes that he did it himself :3
maybe he’ll learn a french braid if u like when he does it enough!
loves spending time with you even if you’re doing literally nothing. he enjoys js being in the same room as you even if you’re doing something else
STUDYING!!!! you know he is such a nerd… he really does spend a lot of his free time studying/doing his work. his favorite thing though is working while you’re in the room!! like I said he really js likes being around you… you don’t have to be interacting.
he just likes having you there, even if you’re just on your phone or smth! he likes hearing your breathing, and having something to look at. he feels like a weirdo because it’s not much different from being by himself — but he loves you so much and js wants to spend as much time with you as he can!!
I KNOW YOU SAID THIS BEFORE BUT HE LOVES FRUIT???? he is always eating fruit. if you like fruit too he will make you this https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLyJ1d5B/ and eat it with you
i mentioned this once but i’m so serious he ran track in high school. he ran the 400 and HATED it but all his friends did sports and he was like okay i guess i can do this…
absolute demon at beach volleyball
always hounds you abt sunscreen because he spends so much time at the beach. “no babe you’re gonna get skin cancer you need to put it on!!!!”
but he offers to do it for you so it’s not so bad :3
he is allergic to shellfish
another thing i’ve mentioned before is that I think he gets nightmares sometimes :( he might wake you up from squirming or making noise, but then you can be there for him!
he’s usually okay right after, it’s never anything too bad — mostly just falling dreams, or maybe being chased. still leaves him feeling anxious and overwhelmed, so he’ll hold you close. with you there to calm him down he can fall back asleep peacefully
hmm i think he likes to hold your hand n kiss your forehead n your nose during sex :3
he’s super clingy w you in private but he gets so embarrassed talking about it with his friends…
like of course he’s not embarrassed to talk about you and how amazing you are but he struggles to talk about how much YOU love HIM without wanting to run and hide
cook him anything and he’s instantly proposing. he loves eating food you make even if it’s not good!!!
ice cream dates!!! he likes ice cream anddd I think his favorite flavor is mint chocolate chip
there,,, a lot of random thoughts abt my bf armin i hope you enjoyed!! 💗💗💗💗
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rileyslibrary · 10 months
Thinking thoughts but Ghost as a really jumpy, on-edge person, obviously. He would’ve had to have been to survive everything he’s gone through. It’s just how he is.
Reader, who’s observant and more for quiet acts of service picks up on this. It would be more difficult for them not to. They start dragging their feet, walking with more force behind their steps, purposefully knocking against doorways. Just generally announcing their presence whenever Ghost is in the room. 
Ghost obviously picks up on the reader’s shenanigans and decides to confront them about their recent bout of clumsiness. (A little rudely but it’s mostly concern for the reader’s cerebellum.) Reader explains how no, they don’t need a check-up, they were just tryna be considerate and this man just melts, okay?
Nobody talk to me I’m gonna be kicking my legs, eating mint chocolate, and giggling for the next 3-7 business days. (I love your stories so much Mwuah Mwuah Mwuah Mwuah lots of love 💋)
Ho. Ly. Shit, anon, you absolute legend of a human being. I fucking love you, ya hear me?
Hold on, don’t get scared; let me explain.
I had this epiphany a few days ago when I answered this request. The details differ from yours, but the context is the same: what if Ghost was the easily startled one?
What? Don’t you believe me? I saved my thoughts in a draft on the 7th of August, just so I can revisit it later, possibly to do something with it (though yours is SO much better since I intended to make a crackfic out of it).
Exhibit A:
Tumblr media
And here you are, laying it all out. Wow, *stands up, slow clapping, shaking my head* bravo, anon. Bra. Vo.
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petitmimosa · 3 months
This or That Ask Game
Tagged by @alittlefrenchtree for an obscure reason. Should've made you guess what I was going to answer and you'd get one sugar per cup of tea for each one you got right.
Iced or hot coffee ☕
Why would you make me drink coffee in the first place? Why was coffee even discovered and who decided it was an acceptable beverage? If I have to make a choice, then iced and with a shit ton of sugar/chocolate/white chocolat syrup. You know Starbucks' white chocolate frappuccino? Very little coffee, lots of everything else.
Iced or hot tea 🍵
Why would you ice TEA? This is why the human race is doomed I'm telling you. Tea is to be served hot but never burnt so get that kettle off before it boils.
Lemonade or sweet tea 🍋
Sweet tea is an abomination. Why would you give me BAKING SODA TO DRINK? Ugh. Lemonade is alright if homemade by someone who's not addicted to sugar though.
Fruity or minty gum
Not allowed to chew gum anymore but I was more of a mint person. Fruity flavors were too chemical for my taste.
Pasta or potatoes
Niak. This is a hard one. Potatoes are fun and you can fry them and they're creatures of God but pastaaaaaa... Parmesan goes on pasta and for that reason only it gets my vote.
Olives or pickles
There are two things you need to know about me if we're gonna share food together: I will never, ever willingly consume olives and will have pickles with absolutely everything. The small ones though, cornichons. Not the gigantic ones people in America like to grow.
Rice or bread
Bread. Bread. BREAD.
Cookies or brownies
Brownies take too long to bake and you have more fun with cookies. Also, that's my cat's name and if I don't say cookies he will know tonight when I get home and he will bite me to punish me.
Handwritten or phone reminders-
That notes app is somewhere on my phone because I can't uninstall it. But I hate my handwriting with a passion so I just remember everything since I have an excellent memory.
Zip-up or pullover hoodie
I hate zip-ups, I look like a whale in them. And hoodies are COZYYYY.
Jeans or sweatpants
I look even more like a whale in sweatpants so I'll have to say jeans. But when I'm home I'm just wearing pjs.
Flip flops/thongs or slides
Both are evil so they can crawl back to where they belong. I'll sleep with socks (even thin) all year long. I'll take them off when we reach 40°.
Paperback or ebook
I use my kindle before bed but paperback all the way when you want to spend hours reading.
Enemies to lovers or FWB to lovers
Enemies to lovers all the way. The hatred, the tension, the angst, the oh, oh maybe I was wrong? the messy feelings, GIVE IT TO ME I'M READY.
One bed or fake dating
That one bed trope has been alive way too long and needs to be put to rest, pun very much intended.
Hurt/comfort or whump
Hurt/comfort. I'm all for angst but the heavy hurt usually deals with atrocities and, nope.
Mutual pining or amnesia
Amnesia! That's the kind of angst I like.
Canon compliant or AU
It depends on the ship. I usually prefer canon but there are some excellent AUs out there.
Soulmate or Sports AU
My issue with sports AU is that it's almost always about the characters in the sports world rather than the chosen sport itself. I end up frustrated with how poorly depicted the sport is or how irrelevant it is to have them in this world in the first place all.the.time. Like okay they're figure skaters but why would you have them do 3 triple lutzes in one program when it's not a thing and yolo spins without telling me if it's a flying sit spin or a back camel?
Celebrity AU or Coffeeshop AU
I may have outgrown the coffeeshop AU, so, celebrity.
One shot or long fic
Quality over quantity. Which isn't an answer but :D
Anyone who wants to answer this, have at it!
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catboymitosis · 6 months
Daan/Levi drabble request: Levi finding out about Daan's sweet tooth <3
Sorry I'm kind of behind schedule on this one, I’m worried its kind of nothingburger but I don’t want to leave your requests hanging either aaa;; Used the Levi old town shop party talk as a jumping off point for this. Please dispense your disbelief in how early the trend of hotel mints was established (google says it was the 1950s and used to be chocolates instead of mints)
“They don’t seem too well stocked” Daan muttered to Levi as he looked around the newly opened old town store. Cardboard boxes stacked against a shelf rather than any proper display.
He approached the clerk “Excuse me, is what's in those boxes for sale?” 
Daan nodded and made his way towards the boxes, Levi trailing close behind as he always did. 
“They have a lot less than they used to…” he pointed out as he rummaged through the boxes. In their short time together it had been proven rare for Levi to ever speak up without having been first addressed.
“Well people tend to buy up everything they can before rough times hit, though that would imply anyone knew this was coming beforehand” Daan pondered “So, any stories about this place?”
 "The other kids at the orphanage used to have this plan on how to shoplift some candy from this kiosk..."
Daan nodded, encouraging him to continue his story.
"One would order something that required the clerk to reach the top shelves, while he was occupied with that the others would shove as much candy as possible to our pockets..."
“And were you part of that group?” Daan asked him
“Sometimes, there wasn’t really much else to do… It worked pretty well until the clerk hammered a nail through the palm of a kid who was caught still gouging the candy jar..."
Daan hissed at the thought of that though it did not entirely surprise him. He knew well how theft was used as justification to be physically cruel to children. 
“This clerk?” he asked in a hushed tone.
Before Levi could respond to him they were interrupted by loud banging, the bandaged man bashed his baby doll’s head against the shop counter repeatedly. Just as suddenly as he started he stopped his assault on the thing and returned to swaddling it as if nothing had happened.
Daan and Levi stared at him in surprise, then at each other for a moment before they turned back to the boxes.
“Shopkeepers are always on the lookout for thieving kids even though they’re the ones stealing the most inconsequential things, just waiting to enact revenge on the first target that can’t fight back. I remember being chased away from even looking at candy displays when I looked too poor to pay, window shopping is a privilege only those with enough money to dress well seem to get” Daan rambled.
“At that time the only way I ever got my fix was from a patient of mine, she’d been robbed and only had a hotel chocolate to pay me with. I treated her regardless of course, would stop by her street corner every night hoping she might still feel grateful enough to give me another. Most nights she wasn’t there but the nights she was were one of the bright spots in my life” he reminisced.
“Hotel chocolates?” 
“Single squares of chocolate, they leave on your pillow.”
“I didn’t know they did that… I’ve never stayed at one.”
“Not all of them do, only the high end ones. I’ll take you to one someday. Did you find anything we need?” Daan stood up with a few medical supplies in his arms. 
Levi shook his head, they paid for the goods and left the store. Once they were back out in the old town Levi fished out a wrapped hard candy from his pocket and presented it to Daan.
“It’s not chocolate… Sorry it was the only one I could find.”
“Did you steal that from the kiosk? We would have had enough to buy it, you know.”
“Just… Seems like a waste of money right now”
“Well you should have it then, doubt we’ll come across anymore and you’re the one who did the work”
“I don’t really like candy…”
“So it’s just about the thrill for you?” Daan smirked.
“... Sorry I thought you’d want it… I’ll just go throw it away…” Levi fidgetted. 
“I’m just teasing love, thank you Levi you’re too sweet” Daan accepted the gift and popped the candy into his mouth and gave Levi a reassuring ruffle of his hair for good measure.
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chocolatedreamer22 · 4 months
I've read many fanfics that go like "Charlie goes to the chocolate factory but brings his older (usually female) relative with him instead of Grandpa Joe. After the factory, she and Willy Wonka fall in love and they (live happily ever after.)"
That got me thinking "Why hasn't anyone written that story but with a different family?" I did see someone start to do just that, but Charlie and Joe were still heavily involved in the story. What's the point of using a different family if you're still gonna have the Buckets be a main part of the story? Just imagine the difference. Wonka is in love with this person, but he can't stand the child in the family. And the child's parents don't like or trust him and disapprove if his relationship with the other relative. It could be really good for conflict and character development. It'd be way more interesting than how the Buckets always like him right away.
So that's what I'm gonna attempt to do. A cheesy (or should I say chocolatey) Wonka love story but without the Buckets. Honestly, I'm just tired of reading about Charlie all the time. Let's give one of the other kids a chance.
So I'm currently working on two OCs, and I've got some ideas for what kinds of stories I might want to use them in. I even plan on writing a couple stories with BOTH of them in it. I wrote some notes for their characters. I'm still working on them, so I might add/change/remove some things. Here are some of the notes:
Julia Crystal Sugar (Veruca's Cousin):
23 years old, Tried to go vegan/vegetarian once but got sick, Curious, Observant, Dislikes total silence, Good at baking, Suggests the impossible as a joke, Secretly has a crush on Wonka, Quick learner, Is/Wants to be a veterinarian, Speaks 3 languages, Protective of Veruca, Likes writing, Likes scented candles, Plays piano, Friendly but vengeful, Mom died of cancer, Afraid of heights, Likes cherry flavor, Dislikes mint flavor,
??? Grace Teavee (Mike's Cousin):
(I haven't picked out a name for her yet, but I know I want it to be gender-neutral.)
25 years old, Wears dark colors, Tomboy, Likes skateboarding, Likes loud music, Likes flame design, Gets nervous if people stare at her, Kinda emo-ish, Likes graffiti, Hates eggs, Likes spicy food, Swears/Curses a lot, Works at GameStop, Good at drawing, Has a bad temper/attitude, Dislikes girly things, Her dad's a jerk but not a bad person, Thinks tattoos are sexy, Might be named Alex,
Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions. :)
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