#he is doing the bare minimum lmao he isnt even doing anything
the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Yeahhhh good to see TADC requests are back up! Hope you’re feeling a lot better with everything going on! Also belated Merry Christmas?
If it’s not much, could I request a scenario for Kinger? If I didn’t misread or anything, I don’t think it was written anywhere that I have to specify requests. Hopefully so cuz I don’t have something in mind other than angst. Also cuz you said that you sometimes have trouble coming up with ideas for certain characters, so u can imagine pretty much everything so it’s not restricting. If you want me to specify, tell me!
Thanks! ^^
General Kinger x Reader Angst stuff!
wooooo definitely weird sitting at my computer again; typing on it while i wait for the oven to preheat because admin craves pizza eheheheheheh uhuhuh!! hope this isnt too bad! its probably going to take a while to get back into the swing of answering requests + writing for TADC, even if its only been like a week most of this ended up being about kingers grief over queenie/queener LMAO was originally going to have this be multiple things but i got too sucked deep into the grief idea
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i think we should get the obvious out of the way, but kinger has a problem with zoning out and mixing things up; oftentimes leading to him becoming distressed or frightened. regardless of if youre his friend or partner, youre going to need to exercise a fair amount of patience, especially in the beginning if you want to build some level of trust between the two of you
as for romantic stuff, i dont think he ever truly will fall out of love with queenie/queener, its like how widows never truly stop loving their partners after theyve passed. you try not to think about the idea that he would still be with queenie if she hadnt abstracted... you try not to let it get to you but it still rears its head in, you know?
does notice that something is up with you but you wont open up about it because you feel so horrible about being jealous over a woman who isnt even around anymore in a way that she can likely never come back... which leads to kinger becoming more worried for you over time as you keep trying to shut everything down
imagine it leads to a blow up and you just break down or even lash out because you feel so disgusted with yourself and kinger is just standing there in shock unsure of what to do
very tricky situation, because theres so many factors to take into account. the abstraction, kingers grief, your wellbeing and self worth, things like that
as much as i want to say that kinger would be all over you trying to make it better, because he doesnt want you to abstract, i think that the best course of action would be for you guys to spend a few hours apart at the bare minimum.. whether thats what ends up happening is debatable
or even worse, you abstract in the process of your breakdown, leaving kinger with two lost partners
not totally related, but i like to think kinger leaves flowers and the like at queenies door.. as often as he can.. maybe sometimes he stays at her door talking about how his day went and how everyone else is doing... i think he would do the same for you if you abstracted, too, regardless of if you guys dated or not
unrelated to the reader but i like to think kinger and gangle have a grandpa/granddaughter relationship and he tells her about queenie and tells her about his abstracted wife and
he gets misty eyed
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z0nic · 1 year
NO LITERALLYYYY actually one time i saw somebody call scourge irredeemable because he "canonically" killed his father . and frankly there were so so so many absolutely deranged takes in that entire post that this one isnt even close to the worst one but it still haunts me. girlie. theres so much going on there but canonically. canonically? give me a break. its not even that i dislike the headcanon or anything i think it can easily be used interestingly if you put in some bare minimum effort but its a HEADCANON . its a headcanon. head in hands. nobody knows what canon means. 0 reading comprehension in this fandom
LMAO???????????????? send the post i want to be a hater. and YEAH he just said "my dad simply isnt" or something which is just a kind of weird way of saying he died. NOTHING says it had anything to do with killing. and if you take canon evidence its likely that he DIDNT kill his dad, probably he was assassinated by some guy because he was famous if i had to guess. bc if it was about the same timeframe as jules being roboticized, then scourge would have been REALLY young. teeny tiny. he didnt even try to kill kintobor the first time we see him as anti sonic you think he killed his dad when he was like 5 or whatever? sod off
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herlade · 2 years
happy to see ppl finally stating how annoying they think harry styles is lol cannot and will not undersfand the hype
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torreybv · 4 years
Wild how distressing it is when a family member who u thought had been accepting and respectful of ppls pronouns immediately starts misgendering someone when they think they can get away with it
#my brothers wifes friend came out to them like a year ago maybe as nb and like every time they talk abt this friend my bro uses they them#pronouns and so i was like for as much as my brother sucks maybe hes like okay bc hed been making an attempt to repsect their pronouns#but like he was talking to my dad about this friend and all the drama involved eith them bc the friends mom isnt accepting and the friend#is having a hard time bc of it and my dad as soon as he heard gender identity like scoffed and rolled his eyes and was like ive issues with#that stuff and for whatever reason my brother asked him why even tho we both have heard it before#and then once my dad was finished with his rant about it my bro immediately started misgendering their friend#like i fucking see u and this is exactly why i dont like u lmao#like my bro and i arent close at all and like what do i care u know but like idk i thought at the very least he was trying to be cool about#this one fucking thing and its like i dont expect anything from him and yet im still disappointed lmao eild#and like this happened like a week ago and i was like disappointed or ehatever but i shouldnt have been surprised and like#ugh idk like its bad enough that i cant ever talk to my dad abt this shit bc he doesnt see it as a valid thing but like to hear someone u#thought had the potential for decency just completely fail at offering the bare minimum as soon as he could get away with it#like how often does he misgender this friend and like how does he really view them if he easily goes back to calling them their given name#and using the wrong probouns#ugh idk im upset abt it even tho its not surprising and like idk even know this person tbh#but like ugh it just makes me so mad and i didnt realize how mad i was abt it ig#im ranting#personal
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narrie · 3 years
I get what harry was trying to get around when he said he hasnt found the cause of his life, like i think ellen has a fund to protect gorillas but its like... she supports a ton of other causes as well (not trying to hype ellen lol just an example of what privileged rich white people can do), like you said there are a TON of causes bro what are you waiting for? And the blm and pride stickers is so vague, he is being praised for it by doing fuck all thats not even the bare minimum. I dont even think you could say he is an advocate for queer rights bc what did he do??? Wave a pride flag and have a pride tpwk hoodie?? Idk i just checked his Wikipedia page and it has a whole section of “philanthropy and advocacy” yeah he did a lot of charity work and if you are not a fan you might think he is an activist but we know all of his (recent) activism had a marketing motive behind it and it doesnt feel sincere, and it isnt hard to do it. The fact that he has a advocacy section in his wiki page shows how much praise he gets for doing the bare minimum, thats the double standard
bye i just went on the wiki page to look at that philanthropy and advocacy section and they deadass put that “i haven’t found a cause” quote on there like that’s a good thing 💀💀💀 “Styles has shown support for the LGBT community by waving a rainbow flag onstage, wearing LGBT-themed clothing and supporting LGBT fans in concerts” lmao king of activism ! anyway it’s not like he doesn’t care and isn’t doing anything, the issue is more with the way he’s deadass celebrated for only just doing the bare minimum at best which is so disrespectful towards minorities who are and have been pulling the weight with much smaller platforms. also, despite popular belief, being outspoken isn’t about stan wars and to be able to brag about ur fave but to actually raise awareness about certain issues and to help, so most of the response his “activism” is receiving feels very misplaced imo.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
my boss could be an irl mr. krabs
lately getting more and more pissed with my boss and how he’s rly ruining our store 🙃
he’s relatively new (to our particular store and to being a general manager) and our former boss transferred at the end of august this year. and just. man is our current boss a Real Piece Of Work. for starters he’s incredibly stingy and overdramatic about labor and our overtime and how it takes from his bonus check. like just a couple weeks ago i worked night as i usually do but i came in early to cover someone in the morning so i was working a double shift. and my boss was almost immediately complaining about labor to me when he came in and how i should’ve said something about it to him. thing is, we have always just told the opening or closing managers about schedule changes which he. is not. he got so mad at me and said i didn’t need to come in for who i was covering due to labor and shit but like dude why schedule her then lol??? god the fact he was so trying to get rid of me until i come back for my night shift was so annoying? especially given my recently cut hours (more about that shit is upcoming 🙃) so. like. no i’m staying thanks!! ugggh he’s cheap so much so that it’s become a store-wide meme amongst just about everyone lmao. for example say something obviously unusable and so insignificant falls on the floor like One (1) french fry, and we exclaim dramatically “OH MY GOD we gotta pick that up RIGHT NOW, just think about [boss’ name]’s money!!!” it’s so goddamn funny he’s literally too easy to make fun of. which is all fun and dandy until you consider how his dumbass has been causing us to go downhill since he arrived.
the first big significant thing he did (that also really involved me so like. makes me even more pissed) was starting to promote our opener and give him a raise before me despite the fact i had asked first and as the main closer i do so much more shit than this other guy could even fathom doing. i was beyond frustrated and ANGRY. i work too hard and too much for the little pay i was getting. not to mention i live 30-40 mins away! gas ain’t too cheap! the fact this other guy still remains getting promoted is infuriating because he. doesn’t. fucking. deserve. it. and i’m not the only one who thinks so, just about all my coworkers think he’s careless, bothersome, and incompetent with no real maturity to handle becoming a manager. i keep fucking praying he ends up not becoming one. the thought of closing with him makes me want to SCREAM
but luckily i did eventually get my raise (after literally having to directly contact my boss’ boss over the issue) but heres what’s just. great… i’m now like still making a similar amount to what i was pre-raise because our boss pushed and pushed to start closing early. like we ARE brutally slow most of the time at night and the fact there’s this shitty construction blocking a big road entrance to our store isnt helping. but ya’ll we went from closing at midnight every day to closing at 10 except fri and sat we close at 11. its a drastic change though and it killed my hours. the worst part is i know my former boss wouldn’t have done this, maybe closing at 11 every day if anything but not 10, good lord. but because my current boss is so damn persistent in getting what he wants he was able to push enough for the change in our store hours. it’s funny because if you have some kind of issue you HAVE TO be super persistent to him about it otherwise it gets forgotten on the backburner immediately and it’s so frustrating. yet he’s always annoyingly and brutally persistent with his bosses over everything so 🙄
hes also like cutting my hours completely and giving me far less days to work, i used to be working 5 days a week all the time but now its like 4 days and recently this week (dec 3) its turned into only 3 days. but to sorta put that into perspective, i havent worked 3 days or less since MID JULY. id be working 35-40 hours a week (and 50 before i started school) and now this most recent week im barely working 19.
not to mention this hours change has managed to be reason for 1 of our night cooks to quit. and like ya’ll, we have only 4 night cooks, and the one leaving literally closes most of the week. she closed a minimum of three days each. and now our other main closing cook who closes fri-sun every weeky is beginning to consider leaving also. it’s such a shitty development from all this and i don’t even want to know the shit that’s to come next.
so not only all that shit but then there’s how he makes our schedules and always manages to fuck something up each week or weirdly schedule people in a way that makes no sense. like if someone requests off a day they normally always work each week, he often doesn’t fill that shift with someone else? like hello?? our schedules are so static too, my former boss always went out of his way to put different people together on different days each week but my current boss? nah let’s just copy and paste the last week’s schedule, change like 2.5 things and call it good. and i know it’s like, don’t change something that doesn’t necessarily need to be changed but. ugh i guess i just didn’t realize how much i enjoyed that original schedule diversity until it was suddenly gone… doesn’t help that i’m constantly being scheduled to work with the few coworkers i don’t particularly like 😊
so yeah tl;dr my new boss is an incompetent stingy asshole who gave a raise first to someone evidently less deserving than me, obnoxiously pushed to close much earlier thus killing the night crew’s hours, has given me far less hours than i used to altogether, at least partially caused 1 out of our 4 night cooks to quit, and he additionally just makes rather shitty unideal schedules
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pigletsbigmovie · 5 years
endgame spoilers i watched it a couple weeks ago here are my complaints lol
nebula and gamora...... were done so dirty lmao....... i am not surprised, i knew this was gonna happen but still.
i mean i really liked nebula in endgame! i love seeing how far she’s come since gotg! she played a larger role in this film than i was expecting and that was nice!
i just disliked the fact that she ends up killing her past self?? it’s such an example of the problem with these big ensemble films... other characters’ arcs take precedence over other characters and so like while killing her past self makes sense for the overall narrative... it doesnt make sense for nebula’s character arc....
or like how since this the last film in which we’ll be seeing all original avengers together, of course it’s them that are prioritized over other characters which means Of Course it’s tony that ultimately defeats thanos even tho really it makes more sense for thanos to be defeated by nebula and gamora and that would’ve been a rly big development in their arcs but guess not! i guess! no can do!
they tried to make the tony vs thanos conflict this Big Dramatic Thing but in reality it is sooooo impersonal....... which makes the conflict and the resolution of that conflict just not very interesting to me...
like imagine if the gotg films were it’s own franchise. no other marvel movies exist, it’s not connected to anything else, it is it’s own thing. then that would mean the gotg franchise has thanos for itself and those films would be leading up to the defeat of thanos which can be fulfilled by nebula and gamora because theyre protagonists of these films. imagine how satisfying that wouldve been!! like gotg has always focused on themes of family! that franchise ending with nebula and gamora defeating their abusive adoptive father with the help of their new found family wouldve been so emotionally impactful and satisfying!
but nnnoooo instead we get tony vs thanos. they don’t even know each other. they’re just that one guy that got in the way of their desires. just an obstacle. that connection is not deep enough to be interesting
ok i went off on a tangent there but back to nebula killing her past self.... Why. we know that given time, the nebula that we see can change for the better! we know bc we see that nebula right there! our nebula! but nooope instead of getting a powerful scene about nebula literally staring her trauma right in the face and how she feels about that now that she’s grown so much...... she just kills her? i mean she tries to appeal to her? but this past nebula isnt given the time she needs to grow! she’s just killed off with 0 compassion......... and it’s such... a sad and unsatisfying development... like there’s a difference between “letting the past die” and killing your past traumatized self.... like if her past self deserves to die and isnt worthy of compassion then that just goes against our nebula’s entire existence? she is the person she is in the present bc she was shown compassion and was allowed to grow! why is this nebula not deserving of that? it’s literally just bc it’s inconvenient to everyone else... thats awful.
then there’s gamora...... like she finds out about this future in which thanos succeeds in his plan and........... she fucking WAITS???? SHE WAITS TO STOP HIM??? IM SORRY BUT WHHHAAAAT THE FUCK??????
like!!! this is literally around the time in our timeline when gamora enacts her plan to ditch thanos and steal the power stone for herself as soon as she finds out that he’s found it’s location in order to stop it from getting into his hands. you’re telling me that gamora waits A LONG SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF TIME after thanos gets all the information he needs to get not just the power stone but ALL THE OTHER INFINITY STONES before attempting to stop him?? YOURE ASKING ME TO BELIEVE THAT?? THAT SHE WOULDNT IMMEDIATELY OR AT LEAST AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TRY TO STOP HIM?
like if i remember correctly, by the time she teams up with future nebula to try to stop thanos, he’s already made significant progress in formulating/enacting his plan to get all the infinity stones..... like she doesnt try to sabotage/steal the information re:time travel in order to keep thanos away from the stones??? it doesnt make sense. it does not make sense that she would wait i cant get over it what the fuck alsooo...... while im glad that gamora isn’t just Dead now and that there’s an alive gamora out and about.... it Upsets me deeply that this isnt our gamora lmao. and this isnt just me being unnecessarily sentimental. it just sucks storytelling wise. gamora underwent so much development from the 1st gotg up to infinity war...... and now all of that is all Gone bc new gamora didn’t experience ANY of that! like saying her development was retconned maybe isn’t exactly true bc all of that development still happened and is Canon but... it’s basically all irrelevant now bc! again! this gamora didnt go through any of it! when peter and gamora reunite in infinity war and peter is emotional and gamora is like What the Fuck? like ha ha yeah funny but...... peter and gamora are very important to each other. theyve been through a lot together. whether or not you like their romance is whatever but them telling each other “i love you” in infinity war was such a HUGH DEAL considering everything they went through as individuals..... and now that development is Gone. and it sucks.
rly i felt all the female characters in endgame got the short end of the stick in this movie :/ like sure theres that One Group Shot... and sure it made whiny men cry so that’s great... it’s cool but like it felt so shallow to me! the bare minimum! very few of the women in that scene actually significantly contributed to the plot of endgame.... like it’s So Easy to put all these women in one shot but it’s a whole other thing entirely to give those women actual Roles in the plot. they even fridged another women in the Literal Exact Same Way they did in infinity war! the exact same way! like the 1st time they did it was unnecessary and unjustifiable to me and then they really went and did it again exactly the same! ALRIGHT! COOL I GUESS!
also captain marvel was so hyped up as being the Key to defeating thanos but the film comes out and i dont think she’s even in it for like 5 minutes total screentime. i mean i wont lie. seeing her fight thanos no problem was really really cool and i loved it but then it lasted what? 10 seconds? 
idk it’s just. rly rly easy to give superficial nods to the strength of these women and while, yes, it bothers whiny man babies and isnt harmful... it’s still superficial <:/ like these are just tiny itty bitty baby steps. it’s 2019 please allow female characters to play larger more significant roles in stories..... alluding to their strength is not the same thing as that. hire female writers.
overall i didnt have a Bad Time watching this movie? i actually laughed plenty. all the scenes with scott are wonderful. but overall the movie was just... fine... and left me feeling empty and indifferent like a lot of other mcu films leave me feeling <:) despite it’s faults i enjoyed iw a lot better and so endgame felt anticlimactic to me which is yknow. bad. considering it’s supposed to be a big finale.
sorry to be a big ol No Fun Allowed boy but i mean. the thing that i find so attractive about these films is Character! like ive only rly enjoyed a handful of mcu films but the reason i keep coming to watch the new ones is bc the idea of these characters is so attractive to me! this expansive superhero universe gives a big opportunity to explore a whole bunch of different characters and a whole bunch of different character dynamics. and while for the most part the mcu is good at producing distinct, conceptually interesting characters.... theyre generally not very good at utilizing them and building them up... which is why they leave me feeling empty
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sickmarrieddying · 7 years
this whole harry blm thing is so messy there r sm different opinions some ppl r still mad bc it took him too long to say anything (lmao) and some ppl r happy he acknowledged it at all and bottom line is let him take baby steps hes obviously uneducated and its gonna take him awhile to fully understand so get ur head out of ur ass if ur still mad?? but also the hurt that poc fans felt/feel is completely valid and this isnt meant to downgrade that at all but the argument that it took too long is shit bc he couldve easily not done a damn thing abt it .. yeah we shouldnt praise him for doing to bare minimum but this is the road to being educated and i think thats great. some ppl are also saying he did this to escape criticism but ngl i doubt he even knew there was criticism bc his ass doesnt pay attention to online shit lmao . i think clare mustve said something to him bc of that comment she liked n obviously he values her opinion so i think hes opened his eyes a bit. i hope he keeps this up n i think this is a good path
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harryisntstraight · 7 years
he didn't even do anything for pride month ngl i'm disappointed and lowkey annoyed lol because he presented himself as this ally for like 2 years and now it's radio silence. like. this is just bare minimum as a human being but especially from a celebrity who gets so many articles being called an activist for us and gets all this credit from our community when uh sweetie you're not actually doing anything at all lol.
i rly dont wanna get into this at half midnight lmao but ughhh i just feel like its unfair to hold him to ‘ally’ standards of support because to me he so clearly is more than just an ally. like idk i think its really unfair to be annoyed at lgbt people for not doing ‘enough’ for their community, even if they are a privileged celebrity like harry is. and i think shows of support from celebs (especially during pride month) can almost come across as performative and insincere or calculated in the same way that corporations sticking a rainbow over their logo during pride month does. for me, i felt like harry picking a band to support him on tour made up of people who were all female and all lgbt was almost a better show of genuine support than just showing up at pride or posting a rainbow. like idek i feel like harrys in this place where he isnt necessarily……in the closet (i hate to use that term but idk how else to explain it) but he isn’t necessarily out either so anything he does in relation to the lgbt community has to sort of toe the line between supportive ally/ambiguous/queerbaiting/doesnt give a shit. i really dont think its fair to say that he hasnt done anything at all when like he has shown time and time again that he cares and also time and time again that he’s more than just an ally but is part of the community as well. idk yeah
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calangkoh · 7 years
alphonse elric post-cos headcanons
based on my “teenage alphonse elric would be an absolute nightmare” post except it’s not as funny anymore now it’s just sad
al actually does have a lot of angst going on so let’s talk about that before we talk about how it manifests in his teenage behaviors: first off, general ptsd. now that his memories are back and he has a body and like, a brain to torment him, he’s gonna be having nightmares and flashbacks and anxiety and paranoia and days/moments where he’s feeling so overwhelmed where all he can do is sit in terrified silence. his survivors guilt from the end of the series returns and then multiplies, because he shouldve died but ed brought him back and now he and his brother are together and somewhat happy and it doesn’t seem fair. he also was the cause of the destruction in central, which definitely killed a buncha people. he has so so so much survivors guilt and has a hard time appreciating anything because it always comes with guilt. hes also resentful to ed for making his sacrifice at the end of the series mean nothing. like ed couldve had his limbs back and be happy in amestris but no ed had to play sacrificial ping pong and bring al back and make things ten times more complicated and make al have to live with all the guilt he feels
again before we get into what a nightmare al is i wanna talk about what an angel he is first (because to me it makes sense to talk about the good first and let you leave with the bad lmao). and it has to do with ed’s struggles. al knows his brother and knows how to calm him and take care of him and knows his patterns. at first al is frustrated with himself because ed has changed a bit and he has to readapt to this. at first he feels like he doesnt know his brother anymore, but he catches on pretty fast. Al is an angel because he still takes great care of ed, and knows how to tend to his needs. He can tell when ed is having a bad day, when he’s on the verge of a panic attack, when he’s anxious, and just in general knows all his ptsd markers and how to care for them. als teenage behaviors are also his way of defending ed from how messed up he is. he doesnt want ed to know hes struggling because he knows ed will blame himself. honestly as codependent as the elric brothers are, they have poor communication because they always want ot protect the other, but it never works because they know each other too well and can see right through each other. but they never talk about it. They just act on it. both of them are the most self-blaming people on the planet and it just snowballs because they’re aware the other is self-blaming, which they self-blame for, etc etc etc.
now onto teenage behaviors. so all this angst is what’s motivating it. and obviously, he misses home, too. and hes thrown into this totally different world and he doesnt know what to do with himself. i mean, ed has a resume now from working with alfons’s team, but he’s not gonna keep working for nazis so he’s gonna go get a research career at a university and be successful and probably even be a professor (this idea makes me extremely happy tbh). meanwhile al is like wth do i do with my life? some more relatable teen angst of “what is my purpose in this sucky world.” ed tries to include al in his work but al just is too distracted and depressed to be interested.
so what does al do? he snaps at ed a lot. Post cos ed has learned sensitivity and warmth (like in cos i really got that sense from him that he learned more social skill and grace) and he literally big brothers al all. the. time. and it comes from him caring for al’s mental health (like he knows what al is going through to a tee but he just doesnt know how to communicate verbally with him about it). he’ll bring work home with him and try and get al in on it and al will snap at ed ti leave him alone. ed will offer to take al to work and al will get pissed because why cant he just mind his own business and stop treating him like a kid? ed will offer to do things with al, he’ll do little things to try and make al happy and damn al is terrifying. i mean i have a personal story here: my older sister smothers me a lot and senior year of high school (she was living at home after graduating college) and im sitting in my room and she comes in without knocking, and in the sweetest voice is like “look at this shirt i had that you can wear to school!” and in the most demonic voice possible i just say “get out of my room” and she justs squeaks out “okay” and leaves looking terrified. Like THAT is ed and al. Ed will do something totally unexpectedly thoughtful to try and help al and al will just be a total shit leaving ed with nothing to do but run away for his life because nothing is scarier than a moody, teenage alphonse elric.
So yeah at first al just stays at home alone, wondering, “high school? or factory job?” And just isolating himself from the scary outside world that he doesnt recognize.
When ed takes him out al is so quiet. Ed talks pretty excitedly about his day, trying everything to help his brother out (because god he was just as miserable when he came to this world and the only reason ed is genuinely doing well now and is actually pretty happy despite his mental illnesses is because al is with him now. And ed just wants to freaking save al from this pain but it just...isnt working. he knows its not that he isnt enough; he knows al would rather be with ed here than in amestris without him but god he still cant help how muh self loathing he feels that he cant help his brother like hes able to help him) and al just zones out and plays with his food or sips his tea or looks at the sidewalk. its not that he doesnt care about his brothers day or that he resents him for being happy, its that he just does not have the energy to be present. and then that is snowballing because he feels like a sucky brother and then he feels like hes self-pitying too much and then its just this endless cycle
So al goes to high school because ed thinks the mental stimulation and learning about this worlds culture and science would be better than throwing him into a factory job. thing is, people who stayed in school past 14 in this time period tended to have money. And while ed makes money, he only makes enough to put al in high school and then provide the bare minimum after. and al cares about his appearance and about what others think about him. its just his personality. and even though hes a brilliant kid who picks up on what hes learning really quick, he still doesnt know much about this world and its current events and honestly amestris is so much more modern so al is confused about certain restrictions and stuff like that. so in school al is this poor, socially awkward, but super-good-at-school teachers pet and dude he is so so bullied and has no friends. remember he also has the mind of a 17-18 year old and so definitely appears to be an old soul among his actual 13-14 year old peers. so hes extremely outcasted. but now he also has a temper and he gets into fist fights.
now you’d think al would pummel these kids, right? Well no. you see when al gets into these fist fights, it kinda triggers memories of being in the armor and he becomes clumsy and out of touch with his body and sometimes forgets how to even move. some fights are better than others and the bullies are pretty shocked this kid has any skill at all, but al never wins against this entire group of kids
so yeah al comes home beat up and ed gets majorly pissed but now that theyre in this…normal life, having your big brother come into the rescue is not awesome. And ed doesnt get that because, well, when your bro is being beat up isnt the right thing to do to beat up the guy thats putting his life in danger? like these are eds survival/protective instincts from years of adventure and danger, so al telling him not to do anything is like...what? he doesnt understand. and al is getting super defensive about the whole thing. “Its none of your business” “leave me alone you’re not in charge of me” etc etc. and in a rational moment, al calmly explains that ed doing anything about it will make it worse. and now ed feels even more helpless and we all know that that is the worst thing ed can feel
and al is just such a nightmare now because hes getting in physical fights and sneaking out and losing his temper and snapping at people and being grumpy and rude. i can write a whole other list of headcanons for alter wrath both exacerbating his behavior but also helping his mental health (like him being friends with alter wrath/rudi as the fandom has named him really makes a “things get worse before getting better” situation
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ohallows · 7 years
im gonna... scream ??? 
so this dude i work with is CONSISTENTLY off task and doesn’t come into work and does the bare minimum and then he like??? blames me for shit??? im!!!
like we’re trying to get him to update a video he made a month or so ago so my boss emailed us both and was like “hey gr*g can u make these edits also hey bri do u have the updated video on the flash drive” and like i dont have the updated video there are no files on the flash drive she gave me so ummmm not me?
and i looked back at the other emails in the chain (i just got added) and gr*g was like “i had let bri know to tell you, but there might have been a miscommunication” UM BOY I HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN YOU IN LIKE TWO MONTHS BECAUSE YOU DONT SHOW /UP/ FOR YOUR DAMN JOB
like even if you did tell me thats not?? how it works?? “oh i’m pretty sure i mentioned it to bri?” thats it, you don’t fucking shift blame especially because YOU DID NOT TELL ME
and like. at the beginnin of the summer he was like ‘yeah ill come in every monday and thursday from 10-4 to work on stuff” and i asked him the other day why he’s only come in one(1) day since then and he was like ‘i dont have anything to do’ and i just... he isnt coming in so we aren’t giving him anything to do bc we assume he’s busy and he goes on vacation and doesn’t tell either of us and honestly! if there’s any damn miscommunication its not on our end lmao like regardless of if you HAVE stuff to do you come the fuck in whihc is what you SAID u would do and you can yknow?? BE PROACTIVE AND WORK ON STUFF OR IDK ASK FOR SOMETHING TO DO LIKE
i dont normally have stuff to work on either but im still THERE doing WORK and ASKING WHAT I CAN HELP WITH
sorry /rant over im just fuckn annoyed
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harrysayingnympho · 7 years
the album is obviously coming out in spring. it's being announced the way it has been always. through breadcrumbs from the same block of stale bread. and yet he hasn't done promo. he hasn't interacted with fans. he hasn't done the bare minimum of even tweet or follow a single fan. that's acting entitled? lol. you know what is entitled? thinking harry is entitled to money for his solo career without offering a morsel of affection for those fans still around. that's insane, right?
k first where did i say entitled? your reading comprehension: 0. the album isnt obviously doing shit because guess what? you dont know whats happening based on a single line printed in a single magazine and also how are you saying announced how it always has as if this isnt his first solo venture???? lmao he doesnt have to do shit cause he’s on a break!!! if he rly has been just working for the past year on making a movie and making an album he deserves time off and if he chooses not to use social media then whatever makes him happy like tf is wrong w you lmao im not saying he’s entitled to anything but he literally hasnt announced??? anything???? so why are you acting like he’s pissed in your cereal??????
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