#he is my mason romancer <3
brother-genitivi · 1 year
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pov: u only own 3 pairs of shoes and two are identical just different colours 😪
anyways here’s my wayhaven character Aydın + his wardrobe
closeups and taglist under the cut :)
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@penandsaber @forbodium @tatert07s
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mewsly · 1 year
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I love the M BFF Route So Much <3
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fictionismyreality3 · 6 months
Hi! I love your writing and i was wondering if you could write something where it’s Bradley and the reader’s wedding and for the sendoff they do something like this causeI thought its was so cute. If you can’t that’s totally fine but thanks anyway! 🫶
A Day to Remember
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Tags: Rooster x reader
Notes: hi babes!! Thank you much for the request, sorry it took so long, school is kicking my ass 😅
Warnings: weddings, romance and everything that comes with it
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"No. There's no way I'm gonna have oragami F-16s thrown at my head on my wedding day." You laughed incredulously. 
When Bradley had proposed, you thought your life couldn't get any better. You had a dream job, a dream man, and friends that had been exactly what you needed, even though they were unexpected. Telling the squad went exactly how you expected, everyone was more excited than they had been when Roo and Maverick survived the Dagger mission. But no one had been more thrilled than Phoenix. When Pheonix asked to help plan the wedding, you were hesitant at first. 
You had first-hand experience with her lack of party-planning skills. Somehow, even though she was incredibly organized during her work, the woman had an utterly disastrous record with parties. 
And your wedding was going to be a pretty big party. 
But how could you say no to Phoenix? She had been there for you through everything. From showing up at your door with pints of ice cream when your favourite character died in the show you were watching to going full Godzilla on the new recruits that tried to hit on you. It was nearly impossible to say no to her when she pulled her puppy dog eyes out and started reciting every favour you owed her. 
So you agreed.
"C'mon, please? It will be cute, I promise." She pleaded as you continued to put your toppings on your pizza. 
It was Wednesday, which Phoenix had decided was the designated wedding planning day. She would show up with a bottle of whatever you guys wanted to drink and you would make the pizza, frozen to accommodate for the cooking skills neither of you possessed.
"Look, I already let you get away with the abundance of mason jars, I'm not getting divebombed by a bunch of the planes that we fly." You grinned. 
Rolling her eyes, Phoenix conceded, and that was how a lot of the planning was settled. Phoenix would bring up hundreds of crazy ideas, and you would filter through her overly enthusiastic party planning to find the good ones. You and Bob would rein her in whenever she got carried away, especially when she brought up the idea of having a literal rooster at the wedding. 
"I think it's hilarious," Rooster said as you two got ready for the day. He came up behind you, turning you around to face him as he lifted you up onto the bathroom counter. Your hands automatically came to rest on his shoulders, fitting perfectly just like the two of you had when you met. 
"You have one already and you can't seem to get enough, honey." He continued grinning. 
You swatted at his chest, giggling as he began to pepper kisses along your neck, following a path that only he knew down to your collarbone. You tilted your head back to give him access to your soft skin that only he would ever earn, and your words came out in a breathy sigh. 
"I think you just-" Your train of thought halted as he sucked on a particularly sensitive spot of your neck. "You just like the idea of a little Roo running around, you brute." 
The rest of that morning consisted of him trying to make said 'little Roo' happen, not that you were complaining. 
The wedding was 3 months away and you were choosing your dress. Payback had insisted you go to the boutique that his grandmother used to run, saying that you could even get a dress for free. You tried to urge against it, but after his granda met you she wouldn't hear a 'no'. 
"Oh, it's so nice that my Rueben made some friends. Let me tell you about the time he.." 
So you agreed. 
Everything was ready and Phoenix was running around like a madwoman trying to orchestrate the chaos of venues, cakes and flowers into one magnificent symphony. It was 3 days out from the wedding and you had gone with your bridesmaids to the hotel Pheonix had rented to have some much-needed girl time. Rooster and the rest of the guys had done the same, probably off partying somewhere under Mav's watchful eyes. 
As you sat getting your nails done, the colour a baby blue that Rooster had picked out, you continued to poke at Phoenix for the details of the wedding. She had demanded to keep you out of the loop when it came to the majority of the venue decoration she had selected. Even Rooster wouldn't spill when you called him that night. 
"I don't wanna face her wrath, honey. You know-" He began. 
"Hey! No talking to the groom. It's bad luck!" Phoenix said as she plucked the phone from your hand.
When your wedding day finally came, you were a ball of nerves. As you got blindfolded and brought up to bridal sweet to get ready, you could only imagine what combinations of decor she had concocted. In your mind, you replayed the time she tried to throw a Christmas party for the squad that resulted in one too many poppers, a fireplace, and a whole lot of firetrucks. 
"Ready, kid?" Maverick's voice broke you out of your thoughts. 
Taking one last look in the mirror at yourself, the dress you had picked out making you look like a princess, you nodded and took his arm. As the two of you finally stopped in front of the doors that stood between you and your future, your heart swelled with anticipation. The sound of Bruno Mars 'Just the Way You Are' being played on the piano filled your ears, and Mav straightened where he stood, looking down at you with a proud smile. 
"That's our cue, kid. You got this." He whispered to you as the doors opened. 
All at once every ounce of fear or worry you had been holding on to dissipated. 
Phoenix had outdone herself. 
White Calla Lilies hung from the ceiling, surrounded by fairy lights and other perfectly placed bobbles. Every table was decorated with a centrepiece of forget-me-nots and daisies. The teary smiles of your family and friends stared at you in happiness. Even the mason jar candles sat in just the right amounts. 
Your eyes locked on Bradley, whose tears were already flowing, and you walked down the aisle without hesitation. 
Mav handed you off to Bradley, muttering a few protective words before going to take his seat as the priest began to speak. 
"Hey, you." You whispered to Bradley.
"Hey, hun." He choked out through tears. 
Both of you stood at the altar, grinning ear to ear at each other. Your vows to each other made sure there wasn't a dry eye left in the room. 
"You may now kiss the-" The priest began to say.
He didn't even get a chance to finish before Rooster already had his hands on either side of your face and was slamming his lips to yours. He was kissing you so hard your hands shot out to hold the lapels of his suit jacket so your swooning didn't cause you to fall over.
The crowd erupted in cheers, and you could hear the distinct sound of Hangman and the other guys hooting and hollering as Bradley poured every single ounce of love he had for you into the kiss. 
You had your first dance to 'Ain't No Mountain High Enough', and before you knew it you and Rooster were being whisked away by Phoenix for your send-off. 
The same send-off that she had refused to tell you about. 
"Just don't get mad!" She said quickly.
"Nat? What do you mean? What did you do?" You looked to Rooster for help but he was wearing the same conspiratorial grin as Phoenix. 
Before you could say anything else, she was already pushing both of you outside. It took a second for your eyes and ears to adjust to the sight and sound of your cheering loved ones who were lining the steps of the venue. It took even longer to process what you saw in each of their hands. 
Instead of baskets of rice, everyone there was holding what looked like a piece of paper. You were about to ask Bradley what was going on, but then something hit you in the side of your head. Startled, you went to turn to see what hit you, only to be greeted with the sight of a mischievous Phoenix holding two origami planes. 
Two F-16s to be exact. 
Before you could react, you and Rooster were getting pelted by a rain of paper F-16s. You burst out laughing as he grabbed your hand, pulling you to the limo so quickly you barely got a chance to wave goodbye to everyone. 
You let out a sigh of contentment as you slipped into the limo, looking back at the perfect venue and perfect friends who had planned it all. 
Okay, maybe you'd let Phoenix plan every party you had. 
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queer-reader-07 · 3 months
a love letter to trans romance
because i can't be normal about media and i'm making it y'all's problems
hi hello and welcome to my mildly unhinged ramblings about love and gender. this post comes to you in three sections, enjoy <3
t4t romance novels made me believe in love again
the first romance book i ever read was The Feeling of Falling in Love by Mason Deaver. TFOFIL is a t4t (trans for trans) romance that follows a teenage trans boy, Neil Kearney, and a figuring-out-their-gender teen, Wyatt Fowler, as they get themselves wrapped up in peak YA romcom shenaniganary and eventually fall in love. cute, right? just a fun little romcom, not much more to it?
yeah well that's what i thought going in, but coming out of that book i was in tears. tears because i'd never read a story about trans love before. tears because at that point in my life i'd never allowed myself to fully claim the word "trans." tears because Wyatt made me feel so seen and so real.
there's this one scene where Wyatt is talking to Neil and they describe themself as being the kind of person who sometimes wants to wear makeup and dresses, but other times they like their body hair and scruffy beard. and i just remember nodding along and then absolutely melting because Neil takes it in stride, he comforts Wyatt and let's them know that they don't need to have it figured out just yet. Neil makes it clear that he's there, and that Wyatt doesn't need to come out to anyone unless they're ready.
Mason Deaver has another t4t romance, Okay, Cupid. and that similarly had me in my feels because there is something so special about finding people who embrace you for all that you are.
every t4t romance I've read has one thing in common, the fact that the love interests do not love each despite the other's transness. their transness is not an obstacle to love or to attraction or to adoration, it is an object of it. their transness is something to be admired and to be loved and to be cared for. it is not something the other has to "get over."
reading The Feeling of Falling in Love was the first time i ever thought to myself "maybe, just maybe, i can call myself trans and still be loved." because up until that point i hadn't let myself accept that i was some flavor of trans. up until that point i'd said "not cis" without ever saying trans because i was so scared my being trans would make me unlovable. t4t romance books showed me how wrong i was. they showed me that my ability to be loved was not dependent on my girlhood.
ha you thought i could write something this long on tumblr and NOT mention good omens? think again bestie
i have held a trans reading of crowley since i read the book and the show only solidified it for me. crowley canonically plays with gender.
he's dressed femme during the crucifixion scene, his modern look is a mix of men's and women's pieces, his hair is a Whole Thing in and of itself. i could go on but i digress.
but it's not just the way he plays with gender that informs my trans reading of him. it's also how his character arc can very easily be read as an allegory for transness.
an angel who falls (a girl who isn't a girl anymore)
a fallen angel turned demon (a girl who is a boy now)
a demon who isn't really a demon anymore (a used to be girl, a thought to be boy, is now nonbinary)
girl = angel and boy = demon is entirely arbitrary in this please don't read into it
now, you may be thinking "A how in god's name does this apply to trans romance?" to which i say, aziraphale falls in love with every version of crowley. aziraphale beams heart eyes at angel!crowley before the beginning and loves crowley as a demon for millennia and is so deeply and unabashedly in love with crowley in his not-quite-demon form of s2.
aziraphale loves all the versions of crowley because crowley's angel or demon-ness (gender) is not the reason aziraphale loves crowley. aziraphale doesn't love crowley because he's a demon or because he used to be an angel, aziraphale loves crowley because it's crowley. crowley in whatever clothes he chooses to where, crowley with whatever hairstyle he's fancying at the moment, crowley as he inhabits the shades of grey just a little more.
to me, that is so easy to read as a trans love story. you could argue it's t4t depending on how you read aziraphale, but to me, it's at the very least a love story between a mostly-demon who gets down to some gender fuckery and an angel who loves him very much.
fuck it let's talk about fanfiction
i don't think i could make this post without mentioning @ineffabildaddy's fic I'm Beginning to See the Light.
i have a complicated relationship with my body. i don't plan to ever medically transition because i don't want to make any permanent changes to my body. but there are days where all i want is to have a flat chest and hips that are flush with the rest of my body but instead i'm stuck with tits and an hourglass figure cis people always seem to focus on.
i don't hate my body, but the idea that anyone could look at it and not just see A Woman is beyond me. i walk through life being perceived as a very feminine woman even on the days that i feel the most androgynous. the idea that a lover could look at my body and still see me for who i am feels like a dream that could never happen.
and IBTSTL slapped me (lovingly) across the face with the message that, actually, i can be loved as my whole self and that there are people out there who don't look at me and see A Woman and those people don't love me any less. IBTSTL made me feel safe in my trans body because it said "you are worthy of love and adoration because your transness is not something to get past it is something to admire. it is something to love."
i think the point i'm trying to make here is this: trans love stories are so special to me. they've been so vital in my own journey to love and accept myself. they're the reason i can imagine myself maybe having romantic love in the future.
representation matters, it can quite literally change your life.
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sunniskyies · 5 months
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𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚, 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐚, 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐧 || 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐎𝐝𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭: - 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Finnick has been taken from the arena of the third Quarter Quell by the Capitol, and all you can do from District 13 is wait 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Finnick Odair x fem!reader 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Violence, mentions of drugs, symptoms of abuse 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Very AU’d, reunion trope, fluff(?), angst, mentions of abuse, violence 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.1k 𝐀/𝐍: (I still don't know if I like this???) I was never going to write a Part 2, but I had this image in my head of the reader going to District 13 and Finnick replacing Johanna at the Capitol, and it had to happen. As with the last one, this story is based on the song ‘Georgia’ by Phoebe Bridgers, please go have a listen to the lyric references  <3
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏 > 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐
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Your fingers twist themselves around the soft blue fabric, causing your knuckles to go ivory white. Your eyes are trained on the screen, watching Finnick stumble through the jungle with a terrified expression on his face.
"Help me, Finnick!" You scream —or your voice does at least. "Help me! They got me, please Finnick!"
Finnick's eyes dart around, wild and crazed. "Y/N? Y/N, hold on!"
He staggers around, with Katniss Everdeen right behind him. Soon the canopy is saturated with piercing shrieks and wails - a mixture of your own screams, Gale's, and a young girl's who you presume to be Katniss's sister.
Finnick and Katniss have established the cries are caused by the ebony Jabberjays in the trees, but after Finnick explained that the birds must be mimicking from somewhere, the two tributes had fallen into a frenzy.
You yourself don't know where the Gamemakers got their hands on your voice, but all you are focused on is the sight of your golden boy, scared and alone.
"Finnick," you breathe through your tears. When the recording flicks back to a view of Cashmere and Gloss, you scramble desperately for the remote control. You press the 'rewind' button hard, watching as Finnick once again hears the Jabberjay's cry.
"God, if I see you rewatching those recordings again I'm actually going to burn the tape," a voice groans from the door.
You whip around to shoot a glare at Johanna, who is slumped up against the doorframe.
"Shut up, Mason," you snarl, focusing back on the screen. You've rolled it too far, back to the poisonous fog, and Finnick's cries for Mags echo out of the tinny speakers. "You don't get it."
Johanna rolls her eyes, pushes herself off the doorframe, and walks over. She plops down on the cot beside you and grabs the remote control from your hand.
"Seriously stop that, Fish-face. You're not helping Finnick from in here," she snaps. "They need you down in the infirmary, if you can pull yourself together."
Johanna, always the abrupt one, rips off your 'Mentally Unstable' armband and pats you on the back, hard.
"Johanna. I can't— what if Snow brings Finnick on for an interview instead of Peeta? I can't miss that!" You sniff, fresh tears welling up in your bloodshot eyes.
Johanna sighs, but just gently pulls the hair scarf from your vice-like grip and begins finger-combing your hair out. "You really are the one, aren't you Fish-face," she murmurs.
You sniff again. "The one?"
"Yeah, the one. That sappy shit you find in those romance books." Johanna fidgets in her seat. "Finnick's been with a lot of girls. But he wouldn't go tearing through the jungle—knowing it's futile—for any of them."
For the first time since District 13 had liberated you the night before the games, your heart felt warm. Looking back at the screen, which had now reached the Jabberjays again, you don't feel the usual pang of guilt at his reaction to your cries. You feel a rush of affection.
The one.
"Back in the arena, was he okay?" You often ask this question, even though the answer is always consistent.
Sighing again, Johanna ties up your hair scarf. "He was brave. Strong. What you'd expect from an ego like his."
You hum in acknowledgement. Same answer.
But Johanna continues, "But we could all tell he had a girl back home."
You turn to look at Johanna with raised eyebrows, encouraging her to keep going. She shuffles again, as if awkward talking about topics such as 'love'.
"The way he stared into the sky every night, the way he talked in hushed whispers when he thought no one was listening. I always thought it was that Cresta girl," she admits.
"But now I know he needs you. You're all that he sees," she says simply, ending the conversation at that.
"Hush, sweetheart. It's okay, it's not real," you soothe, rubbing circles on the red-haired girl's back. You've given up trying to coax medicine into the girl, instead settling on trying to prevent her from bashing her skull in.
She's moaning incoherently, and would be tearing at her hair if it weren't for your steady grasp on her wrists.
"Annie, calm down. Breathe with me," you say, kindly but firmly. You take long, deep breaths. Annie's breathing gradually slows, and her glazed eyes begin to sharpen.
All that is thrown out the window when the infirmary's television flickers on, a mandatory viewing from the Capitol.
President Snow, puffy-lipped and menacing, stares out at Panem smugly. A white rose is pinned firmly to his lapel.
"Good evening, Panem. Today we interrupt you for another message from our Victors," You deflate. Peeta. Poor Katniss, you think to yourself.
You turn back to Annie, once again trying to coax the medicine into the mad girl's lips.
"The program shall be carried out by a special new guest of ours," Snow continues. You pause, colour draining from your face, and stare up at the screen.
"He is a fine new addition, enjoy," the president's lips curl back in a sly smile, showing too-perfect veneers and blood-stained gums.
And then Finnick's face replaces him. Golden hair styled but limp, a tight white suit clinging to his form.
"Is that... Finnick? My mentor?" A shaky voice whines. Annie. You have to get her away from this.
"You. Girl," you order, pointing at a small, blonde intern nurse. Must be around 12 or 13. "Take Miss Cresta back to her quarters. Turn off the broadcast. Write her up for a rotation of one hundred milligrams of Methylphenobarbital every six hours. Do you understand?"
Nodding, the young girl wheels the cot out of the room while you stare desperately into the dull green eyes on the television.
"Hello Panem. My name is Finnick Odair, Victor of the 65th Hunger Games," he states flatly, voice hoarse. No amount of powder and colour correction masks the dark circles beneath his eyes and the bruises that peek out from his collar. Your heart clenches.
"Hello, Finnick! Now, I think I can speak for all of us when we say we didn't expect you with us today!" The reptilian voice of Caesar Flickerman slithers out from behind the camera. "Peeta's always been happy for talking, but you don't seem to be one for cooperation, am I right?"
Finnick nods tersely, "Well Caesar, sometimes there's people worth talking for."
The breath leaves your body, and you have to sit down on an empty cot before your knees give out. He's talking about me, you think dizzily. God how you wish you could tell him that you are unharmed and in District 13. That he doesn't have to cooperate to buy your safety.
You watch raptly until the program ends, obsessively studying Finnick's face and movements. Even after the broadcast cuts out, you sit numbly watching the black screen.
You want to run into Command, and demand Plutarch and President Coin to hold back the rebel forces. You fear that if District 13 so much as breathes, they'll kill him.
You're standing on the shoreline, watching as the figure of a young boy begins sinking through the water, silently.
It's the same dream every night, the same outcome, but regardless you still shed your clothing and dive into the cool water.
You push through the rough waves, and like always, the water stretches and distorts, 14-year-old Finnick always out of reach no matter how hard you swim.
The roaring surf deafens you as you watch the boy sink into the depths without a sound.
When you wake up, jolting upright with cold sweat trickling down your spine, you find the deafening roar not exclusive to your nightmare. Outside your bedchamber, you can hear dozens of people shouting and running.
Frightened, you stuff your feet into the papery slippers that District 13 has provided. Automatically, you pull back your hair into your blue bandana as you open the door. The hallway bustles with activity, people rushing in all directions, and you feel your nerves spike.
The air is thick with the smell of disinfectant and sweat, and you're quickly overwhelmed, so you take a deep breath to try and steel yourself as you join the throng of residents. You make your way towards Command, hopefully someone there can explain what is going on.
"Y/N! Hey, Fish-face! Over here," Johanna's familiar voice cuts through the crowd. You scan around until you see the woman, also pushing through the swarm to get to you.
"Johanna! What's happening?" You fret, clasping her arm. Her hair is still plaited from sleep, and she wears an identical thin nightgown.
"Don't freak out," she warns, slowly guiding you towards the infirmary. "But I just talked to Plutarch. Apparently, they arranged a mission to the Capitol without anyone knowing!" She growls.
You freeze. "The Capitol? Why?" Your voice comes out sharp, frantic.
Johanna grins. "To liberate the Victors."
You rip yourself free, hurtling through the crowd as if they are nothing but air. The infirmary is loaded, and people are running in and out.
"I'm a nurse! I'm a nurse," you gasp to the guards at the door, who swiftly let you in.
"Finnick? Where's Finnick?" You choke, pleading at anyone you pass. But they all seem to be distracted by something happening between Katniss, her guard and a very sick-looking man.
"Please, someone tell me where he is!—" You stop, eyes snagging on a tangle of bronze hair.
A thunderclap of relief pierces through you. Finnick is sitting on a gurney with his head bowed and his hands clasped tightly together. He looks worn and defeated, and your heart breaks at the sight of him.
You don't remember pushing through the thick crowd, but you do remember grasping his clasped hands with your own shaky ones.
"Finnick," you breathe. His head jerks upright at the sound of your voice, and when he sees your eyes the defeated boy is replaced by the King of the World.
"Y/N!" He cries, arms wrapping around you and pulling you tight against him. Your face burrows into his neck, your hands never satisfied, constantly moving and grasping a different spot on his shirt or his hair.
"Finnick are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!" You sob, pulling back to look at him briefly before slamming into another tight hug.
"I'm here, it doesn't matter," he whispers into your hair. Disbelief and gratitude has sunk into his tone. "I can't believe you're here. I thought you were back in Four, I thought they had you after the Jabberjays..." His voice is choked out by emotion, and you lean back to show him that you're okay.
Tears well up in your eyes as you take in his exhausted appearance. His golden hair is matted and dishevelled, his skin pallid and marked with bruises. You reach out to touch his cheek gently, tracing the contours of his face. God, how many years you've imagined being able to hold him like this.
"I can fix this," you smile, tapping lightly on his bruised skin. He smiles back, weak but full of warmth.
How could Snow hurt him? This gold-hearted man, how could he take him and tear him apart?
"Do you hate me?" You whisper, fingers stilling from where they were tracing his jaw. Finnick's brow furrows.
"Of course not," he replies. Gently —whether for your sake or his, you're not sure— Finnick pulls you into the narrow mattress next to him. You remain holding each other, but now he's cupping your head, thumb rubbing over the blue fabric of Georgia's scarf as he stares into your eyes, and you stare into his.
"I wasn't sure if I would ever see those eyes again," he murmurs. You giggle, a melody to his ears.
"My eyes? Why are they important?"
Finnick smiles shyly. "It depends. Do you believe in love at first sight?"
Your heart flutters. He said it. He said how you've been feeling towards him for ten years. And he said it about you.
"I do. Because I've loved you ever since I pulled you out of that stupid ocean."
The grin that Finnick shines at you could rival the sun in brightness. "All that time?" You nod. "Well, will you still have me?" He murmurs. When confusion shines in your eyes, he gestures to his condition, scabby cuts and bruises, hollow skin and boney ribs.
A smile, pure and angelic, splits your face. "Of course, Finnick. Will you have me?"
"Over anything."
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© sunniskyies 2024, do not repost or translate my work
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
After all these years, I finally forced myself to try other routes and not only romance Adam every time XD In the past, I always just went back to Adam, and I suck at not playing as myself, but I finally forced myself to try Felix's route with an MC I made. I did not think I could fall any more deeply for your work, but Felix's route was sooooo refreshing and fun, especially in contrast to Adam's LMAOOO and I just ended up falling in love with Adam more as he was the BFF in this route. Adam drinking blood out of a wine glass will never not be funny to me. All I can think about now is doing Mason and Nate's routes next. so Hats off to you Sera!! You can truly feel the love and passion, and attention to detail. I have a one-track mind, and I don't think that I've come across anything else where no matter how many times I play, I still discover something new, and I've only been playing one path this whole time.

Also, I was today years old when I found out how the other romances progressed with the "begin relationship" option and *sexy time* option. All I know is my body is so ready to smash those buttons with the force of a thousand suns when it eventually shows up on Adam's route lmaoooo This slowburn that hurts so agonizingly good is truly giving me a masterclass in patience.
Aah, this makes me so happy! Knowing that people are tempted to try the other romances seriously makes me smile so much you have no idea!
F's route is definitely my happy route, hehe! :D After the intensity of the others, F's is always a breath of fresh air to write! (Not that I don't love me some heaviness and angst, just sometimes it's nice to have the fluffy openness of a romance too!)
I hope you have fun exploring all the routes! Thank you so much for the amazing message <3
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blueaetherr · 9 months
romance oblivion
pairing: mason mount x fem!reader [she/her]
warning(s): angst?
summary: the one where feelings are no longer mutual
author's note: something short to get myself out of my writer's block. my requests are open if anyone wants to send a request or two <;3.
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In the second hour of the day everyone and everything seemed well settled in the night. The neighbours' music and lights were off by midnight, the streets beyond the estates quiet and deserted of traffic and commotion, all while the animals of the day decided to retire until the early hours of dawn returned in the following hours.
Yet in the early hours of the day, Mason and Y/N were mildly awake. Still dressed in party attire from earlier, resting comfortably in Mason's conservatory. Under a dim light, surrounded by the dark of the night, they entertained themselves with their slurred jokes from fogged minds, dancing with a lack of care and laughter that occasionally brought them out of their fatigue.
Here was Y/N and Mason, friends who were openly intertwined with one another. From the way they spoke to one another, from the way they were able to spend time together outside of normal hours, the way they chose to compose themselves in the privacy of their friendship compared to in front of others—which was all the same—it was difficult to expect anything other than an honest friendship that would see years and milestones to come.
Tilting her head she focused her gaze upon the individual on the other side of the coffee table. She asked, "Tell me, Mason: how are you?" 
He offered his friend a wondering look. "How am I?" Mason had to repeat the question to himself. For the time since they settled in the space, their conversations had only known laughter and unserious behaviours. The shift in conversation was more than sudden to him.
She rolled her eyes as she laughed a bit. "Yes! I don't see anyone else here to ask."
Mason reached his hand back to scratch the nape of his neck. He let his sight wander away from Y/N. "Well... I don't know what to say," he exhaled, leaning his head rightward. It was a simple question to answer, sure. Though returning his eyes to Y/N's unfazed gaze—a look demanding and pronounced, a look purposely in his vision—he felt the need to deliver. He sighed as his face relaxed back into a smile. "I feel like you know everything about me already." 
And he was right to think so 'cause for the most part, it was true. Considering they had been friends since the beginning of time, they lived near one another and their friendship included but wasn't limited to personal and intimate conversations, it wasn't a surprise that they knew enough about one another just as they did themselves.
"C'mon, Mase. There has to be something I don't know about," Y/N said as her face opened up further, her eyebrows lifting slightly. She mentioned in a small voice, "Let's not point out the elephant in the room."
In fact, here was Y/N and Mason, friends and ex-partners who were openly intertwined with one another.
While exes they chose to remain friends—incredible friends even. After two years of dating, they knew it was time to let each other go romantically to preserve all they already had. Their break-up, as unfortunate and tragic as it was, was necessary and understandable; they wanted different things for one another and themselves, leaving them feeling unsupported in the relationship that was initially nurturing. 
As always they were patient and kind and gentle. To themselves, to one another, to the process of returning to a friendship that actually never faded away. Nothing was irrational, arguments were limited to nothing and feelings were preserved on both sides.
"I mean..."
Watching Y/N eating with a lack of care, focusing her sight upon him, her legs raised at ease on the coffee table, slightly undone in front of him. She made it clear that she was comfortable being around him as a friend, as an ex and as a friend again. She was clear of him. She no longer thought about him until her mind ran dry of thoughts to explore. She no longer held valid nor romantic feelings for Mason.
Yet here Mason was. Watching Y/N like his own reflection, struggling to form words from his distant thoughts, uncertainty every time he spoke up, observing her every action with changeless admiration and longing. For her, for something more with her—whether worthy or not of it. He had been trying to move on, trying to focus his thoughts on someone else, anything else though his attempts weren't enough. 
From the time they had ended their relationship up until now, Mason still wasn't over Y/N... and she didn't even know, both not even in the slightest way.
So Mason had to say, shrugging through a now pained smile. "Nothing, nothing has changed for me... Same old, same old, you know."
And though he wanted to say more—to express himself, to say hear me out or let's give us one more chance—he knew he couldn't so he didn't. Not only for Y/N's peace of mind but for his. After all, before they were lovers, even before they were ex-partners, they were rightfully friends. A friendship that had always been around and uniquely theirs. Y/N was his friend, and Mason would never compromise that for his own gains.
That left Mason stuck somewhere in a place where he would be alone and without Y/N. Somewhere he would continue wanting and yearning for someone who no longer desired him. Somewhere he would continue falling for Y/N with nothing to break his fall. And his most devastating reality, somewhere he would continue to fall for Y/N while she no longer would for him but rather for someone else.
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cameronspecial · 11 months
Thorn In My Side, Rose In My Hand (Part 3)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Under Age Drinking, Under Age Marijuana Use, and Displays of Toxic Relationship Acts. If I missed one, please let me know.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 3.2K
Summary: Y/N’s relaxing morning on the beach is interrupted by a potential suitor. But Rafe and Mason aren’t exactly fans of this new bachelor. 
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The early morning means no one else is on the beach with Y/N yet. It is too early in the morning for parents to be at the beach with their children and way too early in the day, in general, for teenagers to be out of bed during the summer. She enjoys it when it is just her, her book and the sounds of the waves. The morning is breezy so her sweatshirt stays on while she sits in her beach chair with her book. She is currently reading her mother’s latest release in preparation for her mom’s new manuscript that she is going to get once Cassie returns from Bali. The sound of the footsteps on the sand causes Y/N to look up to be aware of her situation. 
“Ah, a fellow Cassie Y/L/N lover I see. Her magnum opus is Destitues of The Modern World,” a Malibu blonde and steel blue-eyed boy says. In Y/N’s opinion, she hates her mother’s work from before she was born. Even though her mother’s current work is adult fiction (not Y/N’s preferred book age group as she prefers YA fiction), at least it is murder mystery and fantasy. Cassie’s pre-twin writing was fiction based but it was just that. No romance, fantasy, or mystery in front of the word fiction and that bored Y/N to death. She finds no excitement or enjoyment in reading about a person dealing with everyday issues. So Desitues of The Modern World is definitely not on her list of her mother’s favourites. 
She looks up at the boy and gives him a tight-lipped smile, “Oh, I’m not the greatest fan of her earlier work. I am much more of a fantasy or murder mystery fiend.” She made sure not to mention how she is related to the author because as she looks at him more, she starts to notice how handsome this man really is and she doesn’t want him to only hang out with her just because of who her mother is. Y/N could’ve sworn he reminded her of someone but she couldn’t figure out who. Maybe it is Chris Hemsworth. “That is acceptable. Her writing is amazing either way,” he approves as he approaches her, “Where are my manners? I am Wilson Porter.” Wilson extends his hand out to Y/N and she takes it to shake. “Y/N, it’s nice to meet you.” “The pleasure is mine. Might I say you look beautiful.” His voice is smooth like honey and his words make her blush. 
At the same time as Y/N meeting Wilson, Rafe and Mason are at the indoor country club pool to practice training for the swim team. During the summer, the indoor pool is emptier because all the club patrons prefer the outdoor pool. The boys finished up their last lap before they take a fifteen-minute break. “Where do you think I should take your sister for lunch? I know it isn’t a date because you are going to be there, but I still want her to have a good time. I mean we are already at the country club so it would make sense if she meets us here, but she also likes going to the Wreck. She might want to see Kiara since I know it’s been a while and Lacey isn’t in town,” Rafe questions before taking a swing of water. 
“I say we go to The Wreck. I hear they have a Po’ Boy special and I think my sister wants to try it.” Rafe chuckles at Mason’s suggestion, “I’m pretty sure you are the one that wants to try the Po’ Boy, Mace.” “Dude, you are absolutely 100% correct. But I bet you if my sister knows about the special, she’ll want to get one too. She likes fried seafood. I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” Mason announces, he gets out of the pool and heads towards the change room. Rafe nods and gets out of the pool to text Y/N the plan. He grabs his phone, smiling when he opens up the text thread between him and Y/N. Hey, so Mace just told me about The Wreck’s Po’ Boy special. We should try it. Meet you @ 12? His smile dims a little when he doesn’t get a reply in the next few minutes because he knows she generally replies five minutes after getting a notification. Looking at the little red number gives her anxiety and she always worries it will be an emergency. Mason returns from the bathroom, which causes Rafe to quickly place his phone back onto the pool chair and gets into the pool. Maybe she’s just in the water.
Y/N and Wilson have been talking for a while before she realizes she is getting hungry. She remembers she promised to have lunch with Rafe and Mason. She checks her phone to see if Rafe has told her where to meet them and sees that he has. Sounds good! Meet you there. Before she hits send, she thinks about asking Wilson to join them for lunch. “Hey, I actually have to head to The Wreck for lunch. Do you want to join?” “I have never been to The Wreck; however, I will be happy to join you,” Wilson answers. He gets up and starts helping her pack up her things. “Thanks, let me just send a quick text and then we can walk over.” Sounds good! Meet you there. Could you actually get a table for four, please? I just invited someone to join us. 
Rafe text tone for Y/N goes off while he and Mason are in the changing room and he quickly grabs his phone to check it. He opens it up. What he sees makes his smile immediately vanish. “Dude, what’s wrong?” Mason worries upon seeing the frown on his face. “Yo, Lacey’s not back from Paris, is she? I thought she is coming back this Friday,” he asks his friend. Mason shakes his head, “She is back on Friday. Y/N/N and I are supposed to pick her up on the mainland. Why do you want to know?” “She wants us to get a table for four. Maybe, she ran into my sister or Scarlett at the beach?” Rafe really hopes the new lunch mate is a female and not from the opposite sex. “Yeah, probably,” Mason agrees. 
They both finish up getting change and head into Mason’s truck to head over to The Wreck. Mason parks the car then the boys enter the restaurant. “Welcome to The Wr-. Oh, Rafe. Mason. How many people are joining you?” Kiara says with a little disgust, she is not a fan of the boys as they are always bothering her and the other pogues. “Hey, Kie. Table for four, please. Y/N/N and a guest are joining us later,” Mason informs in the nice way possible. He knows if he annoys Kiara for no reason, Y/N will have a lot to say about it. Kie nods her head, getting the menus out for the boys to lead them to their table. She doesn’t want to seat them in her section, the prospect of Y/N coming makes her decide against it. 
The boys wait around five minutes for Y/N to show up with her mystery guest. Y/N’s arrival is marked by a squeal coming from Kiara. “Y/N/N, hey! It’s great to see you again! I missed you.” Y/N giggles at Kie’s excitement and gives her a hug, “It’s good to see you too Kie. We definitely need to catch up because it’s been a while. Maybe you can come over tonight and we can have a sleepover?” “I love that idea! Come on, I’ll take you over to your brother and Rafe,” Kie leads her over to Rafe and Mason. “Hey, guys. Hope you haven’t been waiting for too long,” Y/N sits beside Mason. Rafe sends her a smile, “Hello, Y/L/N. We’ve been waiting an eternity for you slow poke.  So where is this special guest?” “Oh, he just went to the bathroom.” At the mention of him, Rafe internally panics. Hopefully, this guy is just a friend or gay. 
“Wilson, over here,” he hears Y/N call out, waving a blond and blue-eyed man over. Mason looks over to who his sister brought over for lunch and almost laughs at the sight in front of him. The dude Y/N invited looked like a knock-off version of Rafe, despite the hilarious revelation, the disappointed expression on Rafe’s face stops Mason from laughing. Wilson walks over and slides in beside Rafe. It is like Mason is seeing double, although it is obvious that Y/N can’t see the similarity between the two. “Wilson, this is my twin, Mason and his best friend, Rafe. Guys, this is Wilson,” Y/N introduces everyone to each other with a wide smile. Rafe just nods at the intruding guest, scared his voice will crack. Mason places cross his arms and place his elbows on the table to lean on them, “So Wil. When did you meet Y/N/N? I’ve never heard you mentioned before.” “Well, first of all, my name is Wilson. Not Wil. Also, her name is Y/N. Not Y/N/N,” Wilson starts in a condescending tone that goes over Y/N’s head, “Y/N and I met on the beach, this morning.” 
“Okayyyy, sorry. But it doesn’t surprise me that you met on the beach. Y/N spends most of her time there during the summer,” Mason apologizes awkwardly. He doesn’t love the way Wilson spoke for his sister but he knows if he says anything about it that it will only drive her further into Wilson’s arms. She takes it as a challenge when people give her unwarranted advice and she just does the complete opposite of what they say to do. Kiara could sense the tension between the three boys, observing that Y/N is oblivious to it while she talks about who knows what, so she goes to take their order to help alleviate some of the awkwardness. “Are you guys ready to order?” 
Rafe and Mason are relieved to see Kiara and immediately nod their head. “I’ll try the shrimp Po’ Boy, please,” Mason orders, returning the menu to Kie. Rafe quick glances over the menu, “I’ll just have the cheeseburger and fries, please.” Kiara is surprised by the politeness, which he only adds because of the girl sitting at the table with him. “Can I please have the oyster Po’Boy? Thank you,” Y/N requests. Before Kie can confirm she got the order, Wilson speaks up, “Actually, we will both have the Cesar salad. Everything else on this menu is too greasy.” Everyone, except Wilson and Y/N, gives him a disapproving look for trying to tell her what she could eat. It only surprises Wilson when Y/N corrects him, “No, I want the Po’ Boy. Please.” She smiles sweetly at Wilson with the belief he is just looking out for her. Kiara’s pride for her friend shows whilst she grabs the rest of the menus and goes to place their order in. 
After the nickname and order fiasco, Wilson seems pretty normal and nice throughout the rest of lunch. He probably just has the jitters from meeting new people and that is why he said what he did. Wilson even insisted he pays for everyone's meals. The group makes their way to the front entrance. “I must leave now, I am afraid. It was lovely meeting you all and Y/N I would love to take you out to dinner just the two of us,” Wilson notifies everyone. “I would love that! You have my number so text me anytime.” With that being said, Wilson departs from the group. “I’m going to wait for Kie’s shift to end and catch a ride home with her,” Y/N tells both boys before going back into The Wreck. 
Mason and Rafe are chilling in the pool on floaties whilst drinking a beer. “So we hate Wilson, right? It’s not just me saying that because I’m jealous,” Rafe tries to confirm with his best friend. “Oh, most definitely. He is a red flag in walking. But he hasn’t exhibited any abusive behaviour yet, Y/N stood up to him and he could’ve just had nerves about meeting us.” “True, but we both agree that if he keeps acting like that and we so much as see a bruise on her or distance herself from us that we intervene.” Mason agrees, “Totally agree, dude. Enough about him though. Let’s talk about how we are going to continue to put you in her good graces for when Y/N and Wilson part ways.” 
“Well, I think I’ve got this figured out. I was going to bring the girls some food tonight for dinner and then I was thinking we can make a fire pit for s’more. I’m sleeping over today by the way,” Rafe plans, relaxing further back into his floaties. The thought of getting to see Y/N again makes him giddy. “Dude, it’s all good. I know you don’t love staying at home. Plus, if my sister falls for you before she gets together with Wilson, it just means he can be out of our lives faster,” Mason says, hoping he will never have to see Wilson again. 
Y/N and Kiara arrive at the Y/L/N residence to the sound of laughter coming from the pool. The girls enter the backyard to see the boys facing away from them floating with no care in the world. How could they have been in the pool for so long without so much as a drop of water on either of them? The matching smiles on the girls’ faces mean they are on the same page. Both of them lay anything they don’t want to get wet on the bar and take off their shoes. Y/N uses her fingers to count to three and once she gets to three, they both jump toward the boys to sink them into the pool. Mason is attacked by Kiara and Rafe falls victim to Y/N. 
“Dudes, seriously. I already washed my hair this morning after training. Now, I’m going to have to wash it again and that is going to dry my hair out” Mason complains, quickly jumping out of the pool to go fix his hair problems. Kie laughs at his misfortune, “Well, I’m going to go steal your shower Y/N/N because your water pressure is better than the guest bathroom.” This leaves Y/N and Rafe alone in the pool. “You seem to like to get me wet, Y/L/N. What is this, the third time this week? Although, I’d much rather be the one getting you wet.” Rafe swims closer to Y/N, reaching out to take one of her hands into his. He’s afraid she might pull away; she doesn’t. “Haha, now you know how it feels to be on the short end of the stick,” she quips, watching his lips get close to hers. He believes she is going to let him kiss her. Finally, the moment he has bee- RING, RING. The sound of Y/N’s phone causes her to instantly pull away to go get it. Rafe’s disappointment can be seen on his face. 
She answers the phone, placing it against her ear, “Hey Wilson, I’ve been waiting for your call. No, I’m not doing anything right now.” Y/N gives a small wave to Rafe, making her way inside the house, presumably to her room. This leaves the lovesick boy alone in the pool. He should’ve seen it coming; life could never be so easy for him. 
Rafe returns to the house accompanied by the dinner he promised everyone. He got authentic personal pizzas from the fancy Italian restaurant Y/N loves. “Yo, I’m back. I got salami and olives for Mace, vegetarian for Kie, and fungi with extra mozzarella for Y/L/N. I also bought some Italian soda because I know how much you like it, Mace,” Rafe places the food in front of the corresponding person before settling down with his own meal. Dinner went much like breakfast, without a single argument between the normally feuding duo. Mason is thankful he didn’t have to play judge for any disagreements. 
The group finishes dinner and this means it is time for s’mores. Rafe and Kiara went out back to start the fire while Mason and Y/N clean up the dishes. After the dishes are spotless, the twins make their way to the back. “Rafe, could you please roast me a mallow? You always get them just perfect. Not burnt but also not cold,” Y/N pleads, holding out her stick toward Rafe. He gladly takes it from her and begins roasting it for her. “You know what would make the s’mores even better? A little bit of grass,” Kie suggests, taking out a rolled joint from inside her bra. Kiara lights the joint, takes a drag then offers it to Y/N. Y/N shyly turns away from the sight, “I’m good, thanks.” Y/N did not love the feeling of being out of control of her body that comes with the high; however, she is fine with people smoking it around her. 
Kie shrugs her shoulder and then hands it to Mason. Mason takes his own hit, then attempts to hand it over to Rafe, who surprisingly does not take it. “No, thanks,” Rafe refuses, focusing on making sure he doesn’t burn Y/N’s marshmallow. This action does not go unnoticed by Y/N and this causes her to smile because she is pretty sure he did it so she wouldn’t feel alone in being sober. Rafe hands the golden brown marshmallow back to Y/N, watching her happily assemble the s’more. He notices a little chocolate smudged on her cheek; he quickly reaches out with a napkin to wipe it away because he knows she hates having her face dirty. “Thanks, Rafe,” Y/N appreciates the gesture; she really is enjoying this new side of him. Her neck feels much better without all the head-turning she has to do, which is normally caused by Rafe’s whiplashing personality. 
The night is spent telling stories, eating s’mores and singing along to the music playing on the portable speaker. It couldn’t have been a better night. “Well, I gotta head to bed. Lacey and I are supposed to face time early tomorrow morning,” Y/N waves goodnight to everyone, heading inside to go to sleep. Rafe wishes she could’ve stayed for longer; he almost worked up enough courage to offer Y/N his sweater when he noticed she was shivering a little. Nonetheless, at least she is leaving early to talk to Lacey and not Wilson. He might’ve had a small tantrum if she was. As he lies in the guest bed waiting to fall asleep, he thinks about Y/N's smile when he wiped the chocolate off her cheek. He really hopes he will have a chance to romantically show her how amazing she is. 
Taglist: @itsalexwin @sublimepenguinpeach-blog  
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lunatiqez · 11 months
“PICNIC DATES” — Texas McCormick
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PAIRING: Texas McCormick x GN!Reader
GENRE: Romance
SUMMARY: Texas decides that your first date should be a picnic date.
A/N: I LOVE TEXAS MCCORMICK!!!! I will say though,, don’t rlly like this fic tbh. Anywho!! Requested by @mictodii and proofread by @lu-vin-it !!
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YOU AND TEX HAD BEEN DATING FOR A month. And, this being Tex’s first relationship, he didn’t want to screw anything up. He wanted everything to go perfectly, especially dates.
“Mace, me and Y/N been dating for a month! Can you believe that? One whole month!” Texas exclaims to his brother, his crooked smile showing how proud he was. Mason doesn’t pay much attention, instead he continues on reading the newspaper.
“Yeah? You take ‘em on a date?” He asks.
“A date? Of—“ Tex thinks for a second. “Of course I took them on a date already, c'mon man!”
In reality? Texas McCormick had never taken you on a date, not yet at least. It hadn’t even crossed his mind until then.
“You ain’t a very good liar, Tex.” Mason looks up at his younger brother, a smirk plastered across his face.
“What’re you talkin’ about? I’ve taken Y/N on a date! Why don’t you believe me?” He pouts slightly.
“Well first off, if you did already you didn’t tell me, and I know you woulda told by now. You’re head over heels for Y/N, so if anything, you’d be braggin’ about it.”
Tex looks away, embarrassed. Mace goes back to reading nonchalantly.
“Well, well just watch! I’ll take them on a date!” Texas says as he stomps off to his room.
The next day, Tex walked up to you in the hallways at school and started a conversation, as always.
“Say, Y/N.” He says after you move on from your most recent topic.
“Yeah? Everything okay?” You ask him.
“How ‘bout we go on a date tonight, huh? For our one month?” He suggests. You smile widely.
“Of course we can! Whatdya wanna do?”
“Uhh,” he thinks for a moment, nervously rubbing his hands on his jeans. “Let’s go on a picnic! Down at that meadow, a little ways away from my house.” You nod and set a specific time— tonight at 8PM.
“Am I bringing the food, or are you?” You ask.
“I could, but—“
“I’ll bring it.” You interrupt him, already knowing that he's going to make up an excuse as to why he can’t bring the food.
“Wha- no, I will! I can do it!” You chuckle in response.
“Alright, but I’m bringing at least somethin’” you say. It was mostly so you don’t feel bad that Tex had to provide everything.
After you finished your painfully boring day at school, you went home. By then, it was about 3:30PM; you had 4 hours and 30 minutes.
Your mom came out of her room, so you decided to ask her now before it was too late.
“Hey, mom!” You said, catching her attention. She looked at you, wondering what was the matter. “Can I go out with Tex tonight? Like, at 8? He wants to take me to a picnic.” She placed her hands on her hips and sighed.
“We won’t be back late, I promise! ‘N dad won’t have to take care of Banjo at all this week, I’ll do it all myself!” You said, trying to convince your mother to let you go.
“You’re supposed to be doin’ that already. She’s your horse.” You shrunk slightly.
There was an awkward silence until your mom broke it by sighing once more.
“Go ahead, but if you ain’t in this house by 10 I’m havin’ your father lock you out, you’ll sleep on the porch.” She rolled her eyes. You chuckled at her remark.
You let a few hours pass, and by now it was 6:30. You decided that you would get ready now, because you wanted to look and feel your best for your first date with your boyfriend. Suddenly, you got an idea to make cookies for Tex.
Cookies were his all time favorite food. Sometimes, you think he loved them more than he loved you. He would always go on about how much he craved cookies, and how his favorite cookies were chocolate chip. So that’s what you made.
You got all of your ingredients in order and began to make the dough. After that was done, you rolled them into small balls and placed them on a sheet. By now, it was getting close to 7, so you popped the cookies in the oven, set the timer for 20 minutes, and went to go get ready.
You hopped in the shower, making sure you used your best smelling body wash. After about 10 minutes, you got out and went to get dressed.
You took a while deciding on what to wear, but ultimately decided on your nicest pair of riding jeans, a navy blue button up, and Tex’s denim jacket that you stole from him a while back.
After you were done, you went to the kitchen and, right on time, the kitchen timer dinged— indicating that the cookies were done baking.
You grabbed an oven mitt and put it on, pulling the cookie sheet out.
The cookies looked delicious. They were a perfect golden brown, and not too hard, but also not too mushy. You smiled proudly and set them on the counter to cool off.
You threw the mitt on the counter next to the cookies and turned the oven off.
Then, you found a wicker basket. After another 10 minutes, the cookies were cooled off and ready to be eaten. So, you took a spatula and after getting them off the cookie sheet, you placed them delicately on a plate from your cupboard and then put the plate in the basket, leaving it on the counter and going to get Banjo ready.
You rushed out to the stable, excited to see your horse.
“Hey, Banjo!” You greeted the animal. She neighed in response.
After giving her some praise, you began to get her ready. You placed her saddle on her and tightened it around her stomach.
“Ready to go see your boyfriend, huh?” You asked her, chuckling at your joke. “Yeah, me too.”
After getting your horse saddled up, you went back inside to grab the basket. Before heading out the door, you grabbed a handful of carrots from your fridge and tossed them in your basket as well.
You went to the stables again, basket in hand, and balanced the food carefully on a thick fence, jumping up onto Banjo. You had her walk to the fence where the food was sitting and grabbed it, holding onto it carefully.
It was getting pretty close to 8, so you had Banjo hurry to Tex’s house, it only being a little ways from your house— since you both had horses, you both had to live out of town, making you essentially faraway neighbors.
Banjo trotted to Tex’s house, making it annoying to hold the basket still.
“You’re so stubborn, Banjo, can’t you just hold still?” You asked her as if she knew what you were saying.
Before you knew it, it was 7:58 and you were entering Tex’s yard. Mace was on the porch talking with Lem, Banjo walked up past the cars and you stopped her.
“Hey, Mace!” You said to him. He stopped his conversation with Lem and stood up to talk to you.
“Hey, Y/N, been a while huh?” He asked you.
“Mhm! Is Tex here?”
“Oooh shit!” Lem said. “Tex got someone? Huh?” You giggled.
“Uh huh,” you said as you subconsciously pet your horse.
“I don’t think we ever met,” Lem says as he walks over to you. “I’m Lem— one of Tex and Mace’s buddies. Bet you already figured that though, huh?” You smiled and nodded.
“I’m Y/N! Y/N Y/L/N.” You introduced yourself. Mason then informed you that Tex was getting Rowdy ready to go right now.
You went out to the back and shouted for your boyfriend.
He then came out of the dark stable on Rowdy, a basket in hand just like you.
“Hey, babe.” He said, his smile widening. “Was gettin’ scared, I didn’t think you’d show up.” You scoffed.
“You really think that low of me, Texas McCormmick?” You asked
“Well, no, I just— Y’know, it was getting near 8! I just thought you forgot or somethin’.” Tex rambled off, making you laugh.
“Let’s go, you got a blanket?” You asked him.”
“Uh huh.”
With that, you said your goodbyes to Lem and Mace and went off to a nearby meadow. On your ride there, Tex took notice of your basket.
“What’s in there?” He asked you, pointing to it.
“Surprise.” You smirked at him. He scoffed.
When you reached your destination, it was nice and quiet, the only sounds being a stream of water and crickets chirping.
The two of you hopped off your horses and Tex laid the quilt out on the ground, making sure it was perfect. To your surprise, he also pulled out 2 candles and a lighter. You giggled when you saw them.
“What??” He asked innocently. “It’s gonna get dark out, we need them!”
When he lit the candles, you sat down with him.
“Did you bring food?” You asked him.
“Course I did, see?” Tex showed you the food he brought.
Grapes, potato chips, and sliced apples. You laughed aloud at the assortment of food. Tex furrowed his eyebrows.
“What’s so funny??” He asked you, confused.
“Nothin, nothin.” You said as you stopped laughing and pulled your basket near you.
“I made us cookies!” Tex’s face lit up and he smiled wider than ever.
“Hell yea! I love cookies!” He cheered as he dug through the basket, throwing the carrots aside.
“Oh yeah, those are for Rowdy and Banjo.”
Tex immediately dug into the cookies, taking about 3 at a time.
“Hey, hey!” You shouted at him. “Geez, save some for me!” He laughed as he bit into his first sweet.
“These are real good, Y/N. Thanks for bringin ‘em.” He thanked you as he laid on his side, propping himself up on his elbow. You mirrored him so that you were facing each other.
“Tex, what made you think of a picnic, out of all things?” You asked out of genuine curiosity.
“I dunno.” He shrugged. “I just thought it would be somethin’ you liked. And of course we had to bring Rowdy and Banjo along.” Texas motioned to the horses as they grazed next to the two of you.
“I see.” You then changed your position so you were laying flat on your back and looking at the stars. Tex followed your eyes and that brought him to the sky, aswell.
“Stars are nice and bright out, huh? No clouds.” He commented. You nodded in silence.
Tex then brought himself to lay with you, placing his head gently on your stomach. You instinctively grabbed his hair and began playing with it. It was nice and silky, his hair was one of your many favorite things about him.
There was a moment of silence before Texas asked you, “How’s this for a first date? Did we do good?”
“I love it, Tex.” You responded softly. “You did good. I love you.” Texas chuckled.
“A lot of people do.” You flicked the side of his head.
“Ow! Cut that out!”
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aurorawest · 2 months
Reading update
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Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love - 3/5 stars
The Fate of Stars by SD Simper - DNF at pg 32
A Gathering Storm by Joanna Chambers - 4.75/5 stars
I kept getting the Madame Leota room from Haunted Mansion stuck in my head as I was reading this (not a bad thing!). This book has a surprisingly low rating on the Storygraph, and I'm not going to torture myself by looking at the reviews, but I'm assuming it's because of the power discrepancy between Ward and Nick. Clearly it didn't bother me as I really enjoyed the book!
Dionysus in Wisconsin by EH Lupton - 4.75/5 stars
At some point I might get tired of Mid-Century Modern romances, but not this day. This book was super fun, with an interesting world and lovely characters. And a Midwest setting! I've spent a lot of time in Madison, Wisconsin, where this book is set, so I got the added bonus of knowing most of the places pretty well. There was even a shoutout to an obscure piece of Madison history, the Lost City in the Arb. I have to get the second book in the series now!boy
Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan - 3.25/5 stars
I gave this book an extra quarter of a star for being written in 2003, when it would have been genuinely pretty groundbreaking. Reading it in 2024, it's very twee and pretty cringey (the queer utopia town would have been a magical fantasy in 2003, not so much now in a lot of places). When Levithan credited Francesca Lia Block's Weetzie Bat books in the acknowledgements, I though, ah. No wonder. Hated those as a teen.
All that said, there's some genuinely lovely writing in this book, and it has its place in the queer canon.
The Greywacke by Nick Davidson - 5/5 stars
Super interesting nonfiction about the discipline of geology and how the early geologic epochs were figured out. Also gave me an idea for a historical romance about gay Victorian geologists.
Home Grown Talent by Joanna Chambers & Sally Malcolm - 5/5 stars
I think I loved this one more than the first in the series. The social media scandal was perfect, in that it was exactly as absurd as every social media scandal is, and thus hilarious, but also chilling in how even something so stupid can ruin people's lives.
The First Bright Thing by JR Dawson - DNF at pg 1
Prince of the Sorrows by Kellen Graves - DNF at pg 30
Reuben's Hot & Cold by M Arbon - 3/5 stars
Slight Foxing Around the Edges by Melissa Polk - DNF at pg 132
Restored by Joanna Chambers - 5/5 stars
Balefire by Jordan L Hawk - 4.75/5 stars
A Rulebook for Restless Rogues by Jess Everlee - 4/5 stars
The Mars House by Natasha Pulley - 5/5 stars
See my brain vomit about this book here. If you've been around here for any amount of time you know all Natasha Pulley's books make me feral. Absolutely no exception here. I cannot believe her first UK publisher dropped her over this book. Idiots! It's wonderful just like everything she's ever written.
In the Case of Heartbreak by Courtney Kaye - DNF at pg 181
The Piano Tuner by Daniel Mason - DNF at pg 21
The Charm Offensive by Alison Cochrun - 5/5 stars (reread)
Just as good as the first time I read it!
Exhalation by Ted Chiang - 4.5/5 stars
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic - DNF at pg 84
Crisped + Sere by TJ Klune - 4.75/5 stars
It actually kind of makes me mad that this series isn't Klune's most famous work, because it's real good. At this point it seems kind of unlikely he's going to continue it, but man, I'd love another book.
These Silent Stars by Chani Lynn Feener - DNF at pg 68
Trailer Park Trickster by David R Slayton - 5/5 stars
See below.
Deadbeat Druid by David R Slayton - David R Slayton - 5/5 star
I LOVE this series. Love love love love. Absolute must read. If you're a fan of KD Edwards's The Tarot Sequence, this series is right up your alley. It seems like there will be more after this initial trilogy, and there's also a spinoff book coming soon which I'm super excited for. Read them!!
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kickinganddriving · 1 year
Hey so I was thinking of this Taylor swift song “Afterglow”, she’s a F1 driver and idk something happened and fight with mason but at the ends everything it’s fine
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Notes: pinterest has been serving with the photos lately, this was my first time writing an argument and lets just say i NEED improvement. apologizing all day because this was so shirt, but it felt like that’s where it needed to stop. I wanna do a part 2 so just reply if you think thats a good idea!
Pairing: Mason Mount x Reader
Song Suggestion: Afterglow- Taylor Swift
Warnings: Swearing and Angst ig? 
WC: 900
I blew things out of proportion, now you're blue
Put you in jail for something you didn't do
I pinned your hands behind your back, oh
Thought I had reason to attack, but no
"Really? You want to go there, well we can go there Mason!" You and Mason are walking the very thin line between a small argument into a blow out fight.
"I'm sorry! But it feels like you're more focused on racing and your team than you are in this relationship. You didn't even notice that I visited my family for a weekend while you were at home!" Mason pleads in anger and concern for your relationship.
"And i'm sorry for that, but this week has been insane, we have the round 6 race in less than a week! When you have big games going on we don't see each other as much!"
"But at least I remember to talk to you and make sure you are still living and sleeping in our home!" His voice is slowly starting to rise as the intensity of the argument rises.
"Well i'm sorry that I fucked up big time? Is that what you want to hear?!" You say in such a sarcastic tone that it could almost offend someone.
"You know, maybe I should wait for you to act like a big girl so we can have this conversation and have you not act like a 3 year old!" Mason starts walking toward the door, but as he walks out you realize you were the one who actually messed up.
Fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves
Chemistry 'till it blows up, 'til there's no us
Why'd I have to break what I love so much?
It's on your face, and I'm to blame, I need to say
“Wait Mason!” He didn’t hear you. There was nothing left that you could do in the moment except cry and watch sad romance movies in the dark. So that’s what happened, midway through watching the notebook you heard the click of the door. You turned around to see if you could talk to Mason, but he walked so fast that all you heard was swift steps and the thud of your bedroom door.
At this point in time you knew you had to put your ego aside and beg for forgiveness if you ever want your relationship to move past this, which is all you want it to do. There is one thing you knew Mason could never say no to, that is a nice cup of coffee. So in an attempt for forgiveness you made coffee the exact way he likes it, not an extra grain of sugar, and not a drop less of his favorite creamer. Argument aside, you were quite proud of yourself.
“Hey Mase?” You say as you lightly tap the door.
“What?” The exhaustion in his voice was clearly heard.
“I made you coffee” just a few moments after you heard the click of the door lock, and the door opened to reveal a disheveled Mason with bags under his eyes and a slight frown. His hair was wet and he was not wearing a shirt so you could assume he just took a shower. You could not bear to see him like this, setting the coffee on the small table next to the door and giving him the tightest hug you could possibly give, he did not hug you back, which meant you really fucked up big time. You slowly pulled away and handed him the mug filled with coffee that was sitting on the small table.
 His dark brown eyes had never looked more exhausted, and he had a frown on his face as he said “What do you want?”
It's all me in my head
I'm the one who burned us down
But it's not what I meant
Sorry that I hurt you
I don't wanna do, I don't wanna do this to you
I don't wanna lose, I don't wanna lose this with you
I need to say, hey
It's all me, just don't go
Meet me in the afterglow
“I’m sorry, this entire thing was all on me and in my head.” You saw his eyes light up just a bit, and you knew you were on the right track. “You don’t need to forgive me right now, but I just wanted to take responsibility for this entire thing, and I know I'm going to be in the doghouse for a while and have to grovel for a while, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
“It’s gonna take a lot of groveling” You hear Mason say with his usual cocky tone as he scrunches his nose and pulls you back in for a hug, after he sets his coffee back down.
“I am really sorry” you muffled into his bare chest, as you already found your hands tracing the familiar muscles on his back.
“I know you are, but I just need you to remember me even when you're busy conquering the W-Series” He says resting his chin on your head.
“How could I ever forget a boyfriend as great as you”
Meet me in the afterglow.
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bl00dbitch · 1 year
i replayed book 3 so that i could see some scenes that i didn’t get during my first playthrough so here’s a simple thread of some screenshots w/ commentary from m’s route (warning: there’s a lot) that had me tearing my hair out, gnawing on my own arm, throwing up, & entering a comatose state - spoilers for book 3 below the cut !
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this scene had me
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i’ve played thru nate’s route & adam’s route w/ this scene and i love how inconsolable mason is in comparison - like he’s not rational abt it at all lmao (i haven’t played f’s route w/ this scene yet so i can’t comment on that)
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just the casual “i tried to make sure we didn’t wake u up” felt so domestic- i know some ppl are probably like “this is literally the bare minimum” but no this is the equivalent of a declaration of love for m (i swear i’m not delusional)
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the way he’s so attentive & is almost banging down the door to help us but still maintaining that boundary is so sweet
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this is truly The Scene for me in m’s romance- like i feel like i could write an essay on the emotional depth and intimacy of this moment. this was hotter than any sex scene ever imo
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this is one of those scenes that really helps encapsulate the dynamic between angela (my detective) and mason- like my detective is a lot more open w/ her positive feelings vs. mason is more closed off in that regard + can’t help but look for an ulterior motive to kindness. it kind of reminded me of an earlier moment where mason & angela are arguing over whether compassion is a weakness or strength in the field; also, they are so good at calling out each other’s weaknesses & then following through with subtle reassurances? like i remember an earlier scene where mason is like “u don’t have to thank me for apologizing for being a dick” or when he trusts her capabilities & then here where my detective is like “i mean what i’m saying” or after the whole necklace scene where she’s like “u don’t owe me anything for helping u” is just perfect. she’s always addressing his issues w/ emotional intimacy & trust while he’s always addressing her issues w/ self-doubt & avoidance of negative emotions
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this was so cute ??? my detective is a people person (i really doubled down on the opposites attract trope w/ these two huh) so she was happy to take over but it was just so sweet to witness mason defer to us during such a personal scene
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get u man who’d rip off the arms the arms of anyone who’d try to touch u … listen the detective can say “that’s intense” all they want but we all know they found that hot- also him just casually throwing in the “i don’t like not being near you” had me sick
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i chose nate as my bestie bc his & angela’s personalities just mesh so well together (they kind of give sibling vibes? not in a realistic way but like in a “this is what an only child thinks siblings are like” way- ie. sickeningly sweet) anyways, i just like nate’s subtle digging to see what mason’s intentions are + mason’s swift response of “i’m not playing around”
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the way he beelines to her … the way he goes “i couldn’t have lasted thirty seconds here w/out u” pls give me a swift death at the hands of a firing squad thank you
& that is all? maybe? that is all until i decide to replay the other routes w/ my other detectives or come up w/ more things to scream about with m’s route
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somethingoriginal127 · 5 months
i want to have a rant about the most unimportant thing in the world (this is going to be kind long so do what you will.)
what is with that trend that was happening where everyone started pretending we misinterpreted television show characters when really you just refuse to say you like a problematic character/ship??
i since her debut have LOVED sharpay evans to the moon and back. she’s pretty, she’s flashy, she’s fun, she is the drama. however, you are not going to convince me gabriella was the true villain of hsm and not her. like genuinely what are you people talking about she tried to steal troy for shits and giggles and was literally just jealous of gabriella because she didn’t try and still got picked. just because you feel bad for sharpay doesn’t mean she didn’t treat gabriella like shit unprovoked hello?? you’re still allowed to say you liked her?😭it’s not that serious.
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NEXT idgaf how toxic they may have been down the line whatever you did not like dean and alex more than mason and alex. you. are. a. liar. dean was NOT better boyfriend. everytime i see someone say mason was so incredibly toxic and she should’ve just stayed with dean 4 of my brain cells shrivel up and die. (couldn’t even find a dean gif bc that’s how little he spoke to alex)
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mason acted a fool TWICE in that relationship and they dated a long ass time and i know you don’t remember why her and dean broke up, let me spread the news: HE PAYED NO ATTENTION TO HER THEY WERE BARELY DATING😭
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he treated her like a homie, didn’t prioritize her and they basically .. weren’t a couple. do you know who can relate to that? IDK BUT ITS NOT MASON GREYBACK🙄
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how are you guys forgetting that the cuntiest disney protagonist who has never demanded anything less than princess treatment since her debut had a boyfriend who couldn’t deliver broke up with him immediately and made the next bf obsessed. put some respect on her name ?? it’s her whole brand ?? alex only hangs out w mfs who will wait on her hand and foot and reinforce her selfish behavior! duh! (she’s my favorite disney channel character of all time btw like raised me from the ground up)
now he (mason) did fuck up with the juliet thing (but that was like kind of a supernatural reflex thing) and being a flake in the end when he was mad at alex but i’m sorry dean was not even almost a better boyfriend than him. the only reason you’ve deluded yourself into thinking so is because someone on the internet said so and because you can’t remember a single dean and alex fight (the reason you can’t is because they didn’t talk to each other)
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next : beck was not more toxic jade sorry idgaf. he was slightly too friendly with other girls but i would be too if my girlfriend made me that miserable like she was so so so evil to him all the time.
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tori also did not have jade’s bullying coming jade like always was mean to her unprovoked. you can’t change the narrative just because you hate tori and love jade?
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doesn’t matter to me though i loved beck and jade even though they were toxic. 8 year old me thought they were so entertaining.
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^i thought this was peak romance idk
those are my hot takes that weren’t considered hot takes a decade ago. ty for reading if you did so. <3
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sterek-ao3feed · 15 days
"You're my god"
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/56262274
by quackquackcey
After Stiles dies and wakes up as a god, he travels around causing mayhem and ends up crash-landing into a remote forest amidst a storm, only to realize that he's in fact slammed into another god's yard. As the two of them get closer, troubles from their past threaten to tear them apart and destroy them—will they be able to fight against the gods and cut down the obstacles in their way?
The tale of two gods, seemingly opposites, who split the heavens and rended the earth to save each other.🌪️💫
--- (Written for the SterekYrRound's May event!)
Words: 23514, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf), Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, Isaac Lahey, Liam Dunbar, Theo Raeken, Mason Hewitt, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, The Alpha Twins (Teen Wolf), Jackson Whittemore, Jordan Parrish, Allison Argent, Kate Argent
Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Mythology, God Stiles Stilinski, God Derek Hale, True Alpha Derek Hale, BAMF Stiles Stilinski, BAMF Derek Hale, Present-Day Mythology, Derek Hale Nearly Dies, Derek Hale is a Softie, Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, Stiles Stilinski Deserves Nice Things, Action & Romance, Magic, Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Fluff, Shameless Smut, Top Derek Hale/Bottom Stiles Stilinski, First Meetings, Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Stiles Stilinski Talks A Lot, Derek Hale Loves It ™
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 3 months
Active Authors Masterlist (10)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: February 10th, 2024
Last Checked:-----
atleastmymomlikesme-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Respect the Grayest Pile (For the Departed Creature’s sake) Summary: Against his better judgment, Haymitch has accepted responsibility for both a revolution and two teenagers who will surely be the death of him. Probably sooner rather than later. Just his luck that the only way to save them both involves landing himself back in the arena. Catching Fire AU
ellizablue-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Where Soul Meets A Body Summary: "Sometimes I think they reaped you because they knew I would love you." Annie and Finnick's full story, starting with Annie's Reaping and ending after Mockingjay. Annie's POV. Canon.
LastLeaf :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: Beyond the Fence-Divorced with a failing business, Peeta Mellark doesn't think he can sink any lower. Until he finds himself attracted to his neighbor's 20 year-old niece.
Littlefroid-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: The old familiar sting Summary: Maureen Trevi won the 49th Annual Hunger Games, and has now been a victor for 11 years. Dealing with her own demons for a decade now, alongside her victor duties. Now that the 60th Hunger Games is here and she is forced to be mentor for this year's game. However for the first time she actually get a tribute that think he has a chance to survive the games. Trying to write a backstory to the two Morphlings in Catching Fire because I needed to know more about them when I reread the series.
Meadowlark27 :: ao3, tumblr
Popular fic: The Meek Shall Inherit the Eldest Everdeen-The boys all wanted Katniss at the slag heap. But Peeta Mellark just wanted Katniss.
morgswrites/booklover2019-ao3, wattpad
Popular Fic: Blooming in the Spring Summary: I am empty and want nothing more than to drown it all out--all of the fear, the guilt. The guilt. There is so much of it, all the time. Guilt for those I've killed. For those who I could not save. They haunt me every second of every day, always there, always in the back of my mind clawing their way forward. Today, it is Finnick. Yesterday, Cinna. The day before that, Castor. Prim. Always Prim. ~ In the months following the fall of the Panem's Capitol, Katniss Everdeen is continuing to fight a battle-this time against herself. After surviving two Hunger Games and leading a revolution, losing countless loved ones along the way, Katniss is forced to learn how to live on with her trauma and how to navigate a new life with the boy that saved her life.
Pookieh :: ao3, ffnet, tumblr
Popular Fic: First Impressions-Her whole life, Katniss Everdeen had been raised to believe her only goal in life was to find a suitable husband and marry. Upon meeting the standoffish Peeta Mellark, she could not be more put off by the notion of marriage. However, unbeknownst to her, there is a reason behind Peeta's demeanor, if only she chose to look beyond her biased first impression. Hunger Games/Pride & Prejudice cross-over.
rarepairheathen :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Positive-In AU Panem after Katniss winner of the 74th reality TV show “The Hunger Games” she finds herself in a world of trouble.
sakurakyouko-ao3, tumblr, main blog
Popular Fic: As Long As I'm Burning Summary: Johanna Mason-centric, canon-compliant fic, spanning from the 71st Hunger Games all the way through to the end of Mockingjay. Mostly gen; the romance is a feature, but not the central focus
winryofresembool :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Cheese Buns and Garlic Cakes-Peeta finally gets a chance to talk with his childhood crush when she shows up at his door to sell some ingredients for his pastries.
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dynasty889 · 2 months
Alright. On here yet again. Listened to the saga on Spotify and here’s my thoughts. Here are my rankings:
1. Monster
2. The Underworld
3. No Longer You
Okay so I had to listen to Anticlea’s part (Ody’s mom) like several times over. Polites caught me off guard but Anticlea really caught me off guard even though she had been mentioned in the Monster snippet. Idk it’s so emotional and the way he got his actual mom to sing in the song is just beautiful. When he sang “I took too long” I literally just felt my heart break a bit. That’s like 90% of the reason The Underworld is my second favorite song.
No Longer You was really good and I think it would’ve taken the second spot had Anticlea not shown up and broke my heart. Mason’s voice is so phenomenal and powerful and still gentle, but also wise like Tiresias. I love how angry odysseus asks “who?!” And then he’s like “I see a song of past romance” like bro just got his question ignored.
Me feels like that first opening part of Monster before the electric guitar (I think??) plays reminds me of the intro to the Horse and the Infant. Fitting? Yes. I also think I might have heard a viola when Ody sings the line “Does a soldier use a wooden horse…” so yeah little references everywhere. I don’t think I specifically heard Penelope’s motif but I’m like 80% sure I heard a viola during that part of the song.
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