#he is so sunshining to meeeee
laddersmp3 · 6 months
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the people's princess
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bisexualfagdyke · 3 months
RIP Charles Rowland you would've loved Alex Claremont Diaz
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blushouyo · 1 year
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sutherkins · 7 months
i know i’m a bit late but Hey-la-day-la my boyfriend's back!
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jeanmoreau29 · 5 months
Keep thinking about Jean-Yves so so pretty so sad that was taken away from him. I love you forever Jean-Yves Moreau
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thescarletnargacuga · 2 months
Could we get a cute little one shot for Harlequin of Cade being an awesome big brother to Anya (the Jesterdoll kid) for Specter :)
Harlequin AU credit: @iamespecter @tadc-harlequin-au
Cade sprinted through the mansion halls and up the stairs to his shared bedroom with Anya. He burst through the door, startling his younger half sister from her book.
"ANYA, ANYA, ANYA!! THE TREEFORT IS DONE! COME ON!" He jumped up and down, pointed back through the door he nearly knocked off the hinges.
"Really?" She put down her book, careful to bookmark her page, and grabbed her teddy.
"YEAH! We have a real fort to play in this time! Come on, come onnnnn!!!" He ran in circles by the door.
Anya smiled and went to follow but Cade impatiently grabbed her hand and ran with her outside.
It was a beautiful day. Spring was in full swing and everything around the manor grounds was vibrantly green and alive with bloom. The treehouse was built on the sturdiest tree on the edge of the small forest on property closest to the mansion, in plain view of any windows.
The miniature two-story structure was built around the trunk of the tree. A wrap-around balcony offered a scenic view from all sides. It had two slides, a straight slide from the first floor and a spiral slide from the second. It had a zipline connected to another distant tree that would take them to the ground. Two swings hanging below. A rock climb as an alternative way to get inside from the ladder.
Cade let go of Anya to climb up the ladder and check out the inside. It was huge! While the inside was plain, it wasn't empty. They had play tables and chairs and toy boxes and drawing boards on the walls and a small swing inside. A short staircase led to even more space on the lofty second floor. The windows were open, letting in light and the breeze, but he saw small lightbulbs on the ceiling and the balcony.
"Woooooow..." Cade quietly exclaimed. This was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen.
"Eh...urg-" Anya struggled up the ladder with her teddy.
Cade heard her and helped her up. "There you go. Isn't this place cool??"
Anya looked around with a smile. "Yeah! We could have so many tea parties up here." She pictured filling one of the toy boxes with her dollies and bringing books up to read in the swing by the sunshine.
"Heck yeah, we can! And we can race down the slides! And- oh my gosh, a zipline!! I've always wanted one of these!" He ran to the drop point on the balcony and grabbed the rope with a small wooden circle seat to ride down. "Hey, Anya, you wanna go first?"
Anya squeezed her teddy and stepped back. "No, thanks."
Cade shrugged. "Okay. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" The zipline was everything he hoped it would be; fast and fun all the way down. The cord widened to a slow stop before his feet touched the ground. "THAT WAS AWESOME!!" He shouted back at Anya, watching him from the balcony. "YOU SHOULD TRY IT!!"
Anya nervously looked at the long line down. "....no, I'm okay." From her vantage point, she saw a large lumbering figure emerging from the shade of the trees. She gasped. "CADE!! LOOK OUT!!"
Cade spun around to see Kingr coming out of the forest, covered in twigs and loose leaves. "Uncle Kingr!! Look! We have a tree fort now!" He jumped up and down as he excitedly pointed at the new playhouse.
"I see! Good for you to have such a strong fortress at such a young age." Kingr beamed with pride.
Cade's eyes narrowed mischievously. "Bet you can't get us inside!" He sprinted away and scrambled up the ladder, giggling the whole way.
The invitation to play caught Kingr off guard but he gladly accepted. "Oh, can't I?" His four arms snaked out from his back as he encroached in the kids' fort.
"Hide, Anya! He's gonna get us!" Cade rushed inside to go to the second floor.
Anya smiled and playfully screamed as one of Kingr's hands tapped along the edge of the balcony nearest her. She ran along the circling balcony, only to be stopped by another hand crawling at her. She ducked inside and went upstairs with Cade.
They both screamed and squealed and laughed as Kingr's hands playfully followed them around. He eventually got both of them, gently holding one in each hand and reels them down to him. "Gotcha."
"No fair, Uncle Kingr!! Your arms are too long!" Cade struggled against the light grip on him.
"You dared challenge me. Of course I'm going to use all of the assets at my disposal." He chuckled. "Who made this marvelous structure anyway?"
"Z did!" Cade answered. "They said they would do it, and they got it done so fast!"
"Have you thanked them yet?" Kingr arched a brow.
Both children looked sheepish. "No..." Anya said quietly.
"Then that is your next mission. Operation: gratitude." He looked around and spotted Z coming out of their residence. "There they are, go say thank you, but don't get too close. They can't see you if you're underfoot." He released them and Cade immediately bolted towards Z. Anya followed at a walk.
"Z! HEY, Z!" Cade waves his arms to get the massive puppet's attention.
Z stops and looks down at the comparatively tiny child. They weren't going to move an inch until they were sure Cade and Anya were clear of their footpath.
"Thanks for AWESOME TREEFORT!!" Cade fidgeted in place, still having way too much energy to burn.
Anya caught up. "Yeah! We love it!"
Z nodded. "I'm glad you like it." Their heart warmed from the admiration for their work. A constructor's pride that she could never quite deactivate.
"Did somebody say TREEFORT!?" A voice surprised them.
"JAX!!" Cade and Anya cheered at the sight of their favorite playmate. Cade immediately goes in for a tackle, only to be caught and hoisted onto Jax's shoulders. Anya runs in to hug his leg. Jax pats Anya on the head before scooping her up in his arm.
"What kind of trouble are you squirts getting into today?" Jax took long legged strides towards the treefort. Kingr had moved on elsewhere.
"We defended the fort from Uncle Kingr!" Cade raised his arms up in victory.
"I wanna go down the slides." Anya said quietly. "Will you go with me?" She gripped the lapels of Jax's coat.
He could never say no to her, especially when she gave him such baby doll eyes. "Of course. Which one do you want to do first?"
"The...the big one that spins around."
"How brave." He encourages her with a smile. "Chompers here can race us down the other one."
"YEAAAAH!!" Cade kicked his legs with excitement.
Jax's flexible body noodles down the slide with ease. Despite the spiraling slide being higher up, they beat Cade to the ground several times. When Anya had the courage to go down the slide alone, Jax waited at the bottom to catch her. "You did so good!" He cheers for her as he lifts her up in the air. She giggles and reaches out to him for a hug. He holds her close and squeezes warmly. Anya gives him a kiss on the nose with her teddy bear. A part of him heals in that moment.
"Oh boy! Snacks!!" Cade suddenly says and runs at Gangle, approaching with a tray of refreshments.
"Hello, young sir Cade." Gangle greeted with a gentle smile. She lowered the tray and let him take his choice of snack and drink. "Are you having fun?"
"THE BEST!!" He tossed the snack in his mouth and monched it loudly.
Anya joins and takes only a drink. "Thank you, aunty Gangle."
"You're very welcome, young miss Anya." She raised the tray back up and offered it to Jax. "Would sir Jax care for a snack?"
"I already do." He winked.
Gangle nearly dropped the tray, her mask flushing with flustered patterns. "Oh, my... Not in front of the children." She whispered.
Both Anya and Cade were completely oblivious to the conversation, enjoying their refreshments.
"I'll take one." Pomni grabbed a finger sandwich from the tray and popped it in her mouth.
"Oh! Of course, Madam Pomni! Have as much as you like."
"You really don't have to call me that." Pomni said through the food in her mouth. "We're friends for fu-" She spots her kids watching and clears her throat. "-for crying out loud."
"I insist!" Gangle asserted her stance. "You are the wife of the Master of the Manor! It's only proper."
Pomni rolled her eyes and popped in another mini sandwich. "Whatever you say."
After Cade finished his snack he wrapped his arms and legs around his mother's leg. "Play with us!" Anya joined him, grabbing Pomni's other leg. "Yeah!! Pleeeeeeease?"
"Fiiiiine, since you asked so nicely." Pomni smiled and tried walking with both kids clamped to her shins. It was slow and awkward but she was making progress to the swings under the treefort.
"Welp, looks like I've been replaced." Jax chuckled and put an arm around Gangle. "How about you and I go see what there is to eat in the pantry."
The tray clattered lightly as Gangle's hands shook. "That- that sounds like a wonderful idea, sir Jax." The patterns on her mask rorschached wildly on her cheeks as she left with him.
Pomni alternates pushing Cade and Anya on their swings. Cade insisted on going higher with every push, Anya was happy with a light swing.
Ragatha and Caine were having tea in the garden, watching Pomni and the children. Ragatha poured him a cup and he sipped it without adding any alcohol. He sighed contently. "I don't know about you, but I feel like we won at life."
Ragatha smiled, looking at Pomni and Anya. "I couldn't agree more."
Bubble hovered nearby. "Congratulations to you both for fucking the Harlequin and winning." He sniggered.
Ragatha spat her tea. "BUBBLE!!"
"I WILL DEACTIVATE YOU IF YOU DON'T LEAVE THIS INSTANT!!" Caine blustered at the moment being ruined by his snarky butler.
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sweetheartsaku · 2 months
𝜗𝜚 ―OT5 【투모로우바이투게더】 VERSION || NIGHT EDITION.
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HONEY RAYS BLEED ONTO THE WOODEN FLOOR. its sparkly glimmer draws to a precious high school group of six, finding them lying down on the cold wooden floor, sweating bullets and drained (or rather drowned) in the sun's merciless heat.
smiles and giggles like cold-iced tea, a sickly-sweet bond, a youthful and forever blooming teenage friendship that lasts 4EVER.
you find yourself with your beloved high school group, on the empty floor of your bedroom. dust follows the beams of burning light onto the wooden planks, summer sunshine absorbing the colour of your light curtains and smooth oaken floor.
the group of six are all lying down, playful banter filling the silence. yeonjun initiates, craving touch and physical affection. yeonjun being the ENFP he is, crawls closer towards you and basically blankets himself onto you hopefully soak up your cold.
"yeonjunnnn... get off meeeee..." you whine, his warm body pressing against yours. you attempt to swat him away, gently pushing him off except― he's very insistent on being under your skin during this heatwave.
soobin perks his head up, curious on seeing the commotion out of boredom. kai and taehyun are also next to each other, pinkies interlocked as one of kai's eye flutters open. taehyun feeling allured to sleep from the sunshine, not bothering to open his eyes. kai pokes his head up, torso instantly lifting up from the floor, pinkies still connected with taehyun's.
everyones attention is now on beomgyu, who has gotten up to impossibly increase the strength of the fan. the large window of your room is slightly open so that if a rare fresh breeze were to pass by, your group would be the first to feel it.
you notice this and use it as an excuse to escape yeonjun's affectionate antics. you wriggle out of yeonjun's grasp, and inch closer towards beomgyu. he currently has the fan angled towards him. his eyes flutter closed, sitting down, legs spread, and cold air of the fan biting his cheek. but this... didn't satisfy you.
you quickly angle the fan towards you instead, stealing his fresh air. but obviously... beomgyu took this a bit personally.
he immediately reacts and pouts, pointing the fan back at his face.
"'scuse me, gyu. this is my fan." you poke.
"EXCUSEEE ME? i was here first. if it's yours, go get one yourself!" he huffs. you both playfully banter over the fan, fan moving back and forth between you and beomgyu.
this goes on back and forth for about a minute, and hyuka gets impatient and giggly watching you both. yeonjun has now found coldness from his slightly younger member, soobin. still on the floor. he's visibly annoyed, but too lazy to actually do anything drowned in the sun (and yeonjun).
you suddenly realise taehyun's absence, snapping back into reality. your side eyes snap back, now widening.
just as you speak, taehyun opens the door to your room, with a ginormous blue box in hand. everyone breaks out of their sweltering daze, making yeonjun and soobin sit up. you, beomgyu and kai's head turn towards the boba eyed boy, eyes now curious.
nonchalantly, "it's a cooler, by the way." taehyun says.
the sun must've absorbed the groups braincells except his, because he somehow gained all the motivation to get up and pack an eski through that little nap he took.
he sits down a little farther away from the door, sitting closer to the group. everyone gathers around, fan now on a swivelling setting spreading its cold air. the brunette opens the cooler's lid, revealing heaven. a colourful assortment of frosty popsicles and ice-creams, packages underneath glistening ice.
everybody grabs their own, like they haven't eaten in years.
"bon appetit baby!" yeonjun calls, eagerly unwrapping his popsicle. everybody has a satisfied look on their faces, individually enjoying their own sweet and cold flavours melt on their tongue. they all savour this moment but...
you take a look around. these were the boys alongside you for as long as you can remember throughout high school. your other friends who had slowly drifted apart, the select few you had fought with, the friends who just never worked out. you had no idea what real friendship was until you felt their hands on your back, always being there no matter what happened. each individual who had provided you comfort in their own ways and haps.
yeonjun who knew how to lift up your mood and make you feel better about yourself,
soobin whose presence and warm hand soothe was more than enough,
beomgyu who knew how to make you smile and gently comfort you through understanding eyes,
taehyun whose mature and cute advice knew how to make your heart flip,
and kai's bubbly aura always being there to spend time and take your mind off things.
these were the wonderful boys who had been taking care of you, unveiling to you real friendship, and a teenage-dream bond that you could never fathom breaking. their smiles meant the world to you, and you have no idea how to repay them for everything they've simply unconsciously done for you.
yeonjun is the first to chomp away his popsicle, wooden stick still resting in his mouth.
"y'know, i bought a karaoke box."
ending the scorching summer with a passionate karaoke, and friends that would last a lifetime.
TAGLIST: @hyukassubi @lun4kazumii
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tuerescringe · 1 year
Songs That Remind Me of Redacted Characters:
- Angel: Hottie by Flo Milli
like…cmon. this is so angel. u gotta hear me out here. no one else could pull this off so flawlessly.
- David: Loyalty by Kendrick Lamar
it just. really fits him man. idk what u want me to say. loyalty is one of the biggest things for him. also this song is sexy.
- Asher: What is Love by Haddaway
YOU HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT ON THIS. PLEASEEE SEE MY VISION. every single karaoke night. every. single. time. he performs it with baabe and they have a fucking blast.
- Baabe: Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
i dont have a proper explanation for this one to be completely honest with you. but i think it really fits them. its cute and homey and i feel like its how they view their relationship with asher. ily baabe.
- Milo: La Carcacha by Selena
literally just take a listen man. this is so milo. everything about this is tailored to give u the spitting image of this man.
- Darlin’: Pride by Kendrick Lamar
do i have to explain. because i really feel like i don’t.
- Sam: After The Storm by Kali Uchis
idk the lyrics kinda speak to me. plus i feel like he’d enjoy this song, a small break from whatever fuckass country music he would listen to regularly. that is mean. i am sorry sam.
- Vincent: FASHION by Britney Manson
do i even have to explain myself. i know him. u know him. this is his fucking song.
- Lovely: My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
they honestly make me really really sad. so they get a mitski song. but honestly i feel like they would really relate to this one. so much has been taken from them whether it be malicious or not that all they truly have left is their love. whether that be their love for vincent or general love for themselves and life and such. lovely .. u will always be famous.
- Huxley: Ain’t It Fun by Paramore
ok first of all. he loves paramore, i know this for a fact because he told me. u gotta believe me. but also this is just so him!
- Freelancer: Hottie by Brockhampton
another one that i cant truly explain. idk man! friendship! this just reminds me alot of my specific vision of freelancer. those who get it, get it.
- Gavin: Daylight by Taylor Swift
- Blake: Once More To See You by Mitski
don’t even look at me.
- Elliot: Wasted Summers by Juju
shakes the bars of my enclosure. RAAUGHHHHH. i actually really love him and i also really love this song. im crazy.
- Sunshine: See You Again by Tyler The Creator
hehehehehehe. hehehehohohoho.
- Smartass: Upgrade U by Beyonce
i cant explain myself for this one. this one is simply off of vibes im sorry. but surely u can understand.
- Guy: Dumb Dick by Level
THIS IS ON HIS PLAYLIST. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACCCTTTT. he blasts this all the fucking time and honey is SICKKKK of it. u know im right.
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
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Giggles for Lixie pt 4
PT 4 is out!! Let me know if you want a pt 5😄
Positions: Lee!Felix Ler!Han 🐤 🐿
Check out the links below to the rest of the series ⬇️
Han was laying on the couch playing a game on his phone while Felix was in the kitchen making a snack for the two of them. Felix all of a sudden had the urge to go be one with his sunshine twin, so he walked out of the kitchen and laid on top of him, shoving his head between Han’s chest and his phone.
“Hello there,” Han laughed as Felix stared at him with his big beady eyes. Felix smiled and puckered his lips.
“I want a kiss,” Han mimicked 5 year old Felix. The younger one let out a snort and laughed against Han’s chest. Han smiled as he went back to his game, with his twin listening to his heartbeat. Not even a minute later Felix lifted his head and got impossibly closer to Han's face.
“Pay attention to meeee,” Felix sang out. Han laughed at his little Aussie brother, he was just too cute.
“You’re on top of me, baby,” Han smiled, poking Lix’s cheeks. Felix pressed his forehead against Han’s and stared into his soul. Han shook his head. He honestly loved when Felix was in one of his touchy cuddly moods, which was 99.9% of the time. Felix moved his hand and accidentally grazed Han’s side. He gasped at the ticklish feeling and looked into Felix’s eyes.
“Don’t tickle meeeee,” Han whined as he poked the younger. Felix jumped but didn’t budge. Han poked his other side as Felix bit back a smile. Han had that mischievous look on his face and Felix knew it. Han dropped his phone and started repetitively squeezing Felix’s sides. The Aussie squeaked and wiggled around on top of Han, trying his best to protect his sides. Given the situation, Han wasn’t holding him down or anything, but Felix remained put as if he were trapped.
“You could get out of this so easily you know,” Han snickered as Felix buried his face into his shoulder, his ears turning a light shade of red. Han had a feeling Felix wanted this the entire time, but he didn’t mind it. Felix filled the room with his sweet giggles, and Han’s cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
“You’re adorable,” Han cooed as he kept up with his actions. After a good few minutes, Felix wasn’t fighting back as much and he was definitely getting tired. Han let up and just held Felix in his arms, patting his head and rubbing his back.
“Mmmm thanks Hannie,” Felix murmured into his chest. Han smiled and kissed the top of his head before adjusting their position on the couch so they were a little more comfortable.
“No problem Lixie,” he whispered before they both fell asleep.
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astraysimp · 11 months
Matching Halloween costumes with Skz :Maknae line 🤭
Warnings:fluffy, gn!reader(if i make boo boos I'm sorry:(((), if this is poo...also sorry it's 1am 😭😭
Han Jisung:
Here's the backstory, you and jisung have known and been best friends for YEARS...I'm talking preschool days. So...matching costumes have been a longstanding tradition between the two of you, your first matching costumes being bumblebees (you two indeed went around "stinging" people and buzzing). Since you and Jisung were now dating and have been for the past two years(which you somehow hid from almost everyone) it meant the costumes meant even more. The costumes were great, a full bee suit(minus the face,) it was black and yellowed striped of course, with a plastic stinger on the butt, white wings on the back and to top it off little antenna headbands 🥹. Evert year was something new, one of you picking costumes or deciding on a costume together . Which lead to this...
Jisung loves anime-demon slayer, Naruto, one piece, my hero academia-you name it and he's seen it. You on the other hand were not the biggest fan, and naturally he'd wanted to dress as anime characters. He'd been scrolling the internet looking for perfect costumes , and when I say scrolling I mean, looking at all the websites he could , checking amazon, Etsy, costume stores, THE WHOLE 9 YARDS.
"Sungie, do we really have to be anime characters this year?" You had whined to him for what seemed like the 100th time. "Yah, buggie of course we do! Come ooonnn , I'll find us the cutest costumes , please please please. Pleassseee for your sungieeeee pleaaasseeee." Jisung had pouted, jutting his lower lip out and batting his big eyes at you, as he laid across your lap. "Aissshhh, sungie I don't even know who these characters are," you'd protested back and you pinched his cheeks." B-but it's special for meeeee AND you picked our costumes last year, buggie!" Indeed, you did:deciding to dress up as Mario and princess peach , because you were his princess and he was always there to save you-just like Mario. Anywaysss, y/n sighed in defeat as you knew they knew Jisung would win this battle "yah you better find us really cute costumes then,hm?" They'd playfully argued, with a gentle boop to his nose. At which, Jisung giggled and clapped his hands, his endearing heart shaped smile coming into full view,"waahhh of course. Only the cutest for my baby, my princess, my buggie, my pookie wookie," he'd pulled his phone out which (unsurprisingly) had about 10 different anime couple costumes loaded.
Jisung pouted and held his phone out to you," buggie boo, who should we be? Bulma and goku.....or.....maki and okkutso yuta...shinji and rei!?" He'd peered up at you, a pout still adorning his face. " sungie...I love you but I don't know who any of those characters are, bubba. As long as you're happy ,I'm happy." You'd admonished, looking down at the puffy cheeked boy in your lap. "Mmmm....maki and okkutso it is!" He giggled , placing the order for your costumes on his phone.
Lee Felix:
This would be your first Halloween with felix, having only been dating for 6 months. So, you knew you'd wanted costumes to be special. You both wanted something cute, that would fit with your personalities, yet also be silly. It'd taken a little convincing to get him to agree. You'd argued the costumes would match your personalities amazing yet also suit your relationship. The costumes being anger and joy from Inside Out-felix being joy and y/n being anger.
Felix being joy just made sense- he's a walking ball of sunshine 🥹 spreading happiness and warmth wherever he goes. Y/n on the other hand, a little hot headed, and has a temper, that can only be calmed by a certain Aussie. So, there you two were , Halloween night, in your cute little costumes, hosting your party.
Felix felt adorable, even though he won't admit it. Grabbing your hand, he pulled you to the photo station , insisting you had pictures taken. Him wearing his yellow shirt with blue flowers, yellow pants to match, standing next to the love of his life, you. "Aaahhh smile baby! My little anger ball." He'd teased as you posed looking mad. So you did exactly that, how could you not be happy when you had a ball of sunshine standing next to you?" Bobokie, say cheese, sunshine!" *click* "what pose should we do next ?" He'd asked you , trying to think something up before the camera clicked again. "Hm....how about something silly, sunshine," y/n had pondered at her boyfriend, arm hugging his midsection. If silly was what y/n wanted, that's what they'd get. So...Felix crossed his eyes , putting his hands up by his head as to look like rays of light while y/n pouted, cheeks puffed out, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed over their chest...then *click
The couple had one picture left to take....and y/n had been thinking about what pose they should do, completely not hearing what Felix had been saying. "Y/n? Baby, do you have an idea? The photographer is getting the camera ready." He looked down at y/n, arm around their shoulder, eyes filled with love. Y/n looked up at Felix, suddenly snapped out of their thoughts. "Oh, sorry baby! Just was thinking of a pose," they'd mumbled out to him, sheepishly blushing for zoning out. Felix had never felt so in love, all he could do was lovingly cradle his lovers cheek, leaning in to press a kiss to their forehead and let out a low laugh."it's okay my love." He'd whisper against their forehead before resting his forehead against theirs. So engrossed in their moment, neither Felix nor y/n heard the soft click of the camera, the photographer deciding to capture that moment, the two of them looking into each others eyes so full of love, foreheads resting on one another's, as Felix hand cradled their cheek, soft love filled smiles on both of their faces ...it was picture perfect
Kim seungmin:
If Seungmin was anything it was a menace. So, when he got a partner, the menace level was doubled. You see, some couple go for cheesy costumes like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some do cute like Cinderella and Prince Charming. But , you and Seungmin? No...you went the menace route. You both deciding to be Tiffany and Chucky.
You two were dedicated! Y/n bought special effects makeup, wigs and everything else needed to perfect the look. The night of the Halloween party would be interesting...but getting ready would be worse...
They both had their outfits on, y/n fully done up. They already had the wig on , makeup-thinly drawn on eyebrows, black lipstick and dark eyeshadow- and contacts in. On the other hand ...Seungmin only had his outfit ,wig and contacts on-that was easy."Yah! Seungminnie...stay still! I need to do the fake scars!" They'd whined , straddling their boyfriend, trying to apply the cosmetic scar decals to his face. "It's cold," Seungmin would protest, trying to push their hands away. "Yah! Just stay still, all I need to do is put the scars on , add the little bit of redness and add the staples. It's not going to take long!" They'd argue back, not budging from the lap of their fidgeting boyfriend. "Waahhhhh noooo. This is enough!" Seungmin would whine, shaking his head," yah! Kim seungmin! This was your idea! Stay still...or no kisses!" That was his breaking point ....no kisses? That was going too far . " okay okay...fine. I'll stay still but ...you owe me 10 kisses for threatening to take them away from me." He'd deadpanned. "Yeah yeah yeah, now let me finish."
Yang Jeongin:
Jeongin was new to relationships...but if there was one thing he wasn't new to...it was being a fashion icon. That meant whatever costumes you wore... had to be fashionable, at least fashionable enough for him. That's what lead you to the costume store...
"Yah...they all look...cheap!" Jeongin exclaimed, as you had been walking down the aisle of costumes. "Innie....they're not exactly supposed to look super expensive...you wear them once." Y/n had conceded, running their spare hand along his arm. "Yeah but still....the material is so....cheap...and the costumes are expensive!" He'd rebutted , gliding his hand along a clown costume. "Ssshhhh, innie it's okayyyyyyy." They whined , letting go of his hand briefly , only to wrap both arms around his midsection. "This looks cute , hm?" Y/n suggested , pointing to a bar or and Ken costume.
"It's cute....and still fashionable innie?" They smiled up at him as he pulled the costumes from the shelf. "Yeah...I think we'd pull them off...should we try them on?" Jeongin wondered, resting his cheek on the top of their head, feeling the movement of them nodding. Off to the fitting rooms they went...pulling the articles of clothing out of the bags. Y/n slipped into the pink vest and flared pants, accompanied by stars on the back pockets with a silver sparkly cowboy hat. Doing a once over in the mirror, they smiled and peeked their head out of the door..."innie...you ready?"
"I'm ready!" They'd heard him say, before hearing the door to his fitting room open. "Wwwaahhh so handsome!!!" Y/n exclaimed , clapping their hands, looking at jeongin. "Does it look okay?y/nnie?" He shyly asked, Reaching out to hold their hand. "You look amazing, my fashionista," y/n cooed, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "How do I look? Do I make a cute barbie?" They giggled and spun around , still holding his hands. Suddenly, Jeongin had pulled y/n to him, squishing their cheeks together. "Yyaahhh, you make a perfect barbie. You'd make a perfect anything. My baby, my y/nnie!" He'd giggled and pressed kisses to your face. Giggling, y/n leaned back and nodded." Okay so...barbie and Ken it is! Now , let's change and buy these so we can go eat! I'm craving cheese tteokbeokki!" Nodding his head, Jeongin let them go, and back into his fitting room he went...he never thought he'd be into matching costumes...but with his y/nnie..Jeongin was down to do anything
~~hi besties! This is part 2 of matching costumes with Skz! I hope you enjoyed it!🩷🩷
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mothgodofchaos · 1 day
Antisepticeye x F!Reader, TW: none Words: 747
Sometimes a little self indulgence is necessary.
You get ready on the cold fall morning, putting together a cute outfit of a sweater dress, thigh high wool stockings, and some knee-high boots. A little bit of thigh shows, hopefully not enough to make you freeze while you’re out today. You add a hat to your hot girl autumn outfit, and head out for the day. It’s a short stroll to the coffee shop down the street, hoping to get some writing done today. You pull out your laptop once you’re settled in at your table, thinking about your order.
“Got room fer two at yer table, acushla?”
You glance up, seeing Anti wearing a beanie and an oversized black jean jacket with his usual outfit. He looks you over, clearly admiring your outfit. “I didn’t think we had a date planned today.” “Maybe not. Still missed ye. Figured ye’d be here.” Anti walks around to your side, wrapping an arm around your waist as he kisses your cheek. It’s hard not to smile when he’s being this sweet. He glances down, and you see his eyes light up when he looks at your legs. “Oh, ye love me…” “Hmm?” He grabs your leg, squeezing your right thigh affectionately. He’s all giggles as you squeak, kissing you again with a tighter hug to pull you against his chest. “Ye always knew I was a thighs man, yer just teasin’ me now.” “In my defense, I wasn’t planning on seeing you today.” “So ye were just gonna flaunt all t’at t’ everyone but me? Ye wound me, acushla…”
Anti’s ears wiggle as you kiss under his jaw, full of giggles and affections for you. You send him away with your coffee order, and you watch as he bounces on his heels in line, trying to wait patiently for his turn. It’s adorable to watch, seeing him try to intermingle with society, covering his pointy ears with his hat. When he occasionally glances over to meet your gaze, he visibly lights up every time. You can almost see the points of his fangs when he smiles, radiating like a ray of sunshine at you. Don’t try and get him to admit it, but he’s absolutely adorable. He gets startled when he’s called forward to give your order to the barista, flustering him a little bit. 
You go back to your writing, watching him from over the screen of your laptop to make sure he’s not getting into trouble. He brings you over your pastry, stealing a kiss before he goes back over to the counter to grab your drinks. Really being quite a golden retriever boy. 
“Alright, got yer coffee. Need me t’ grab anyt’in’ else?” “No, thank you, baby.” Anti beams at you, pulling a stool up next to yours, grabbing onto your arm and resting his head on your shoulder. He purrs as you reach around his shoulders, sneaking your fingers under his hat to give him scritches behind his ears. He repays the affections with kisses to your cheek, grabbing your thighs with both of his hands. “Squish~” “Anti-”
He just cackles, getting in one more squeeze before you swat him, retreating into his coffee. “You are absolutely insufferable.” “Ye love meeeee~”
Unfortunately he’s correct, making you blush behind your hand as you try to convince him you’re annoyed with his antics. It’s not terribly effective, but it does get him to stop being nearly as handsy as he was before. His attention alternates between you, his switch, and what you’re working on. If he notices you’re low on your beverage, he gets a refill for you from the counter, returning each time with a kiss to your cheek. 
“I know ye weren’t plannin’ on a date t’day, but I hope me intrudin’ on yer work isn’t pesterin’ ye too bad.” “I always want to see you, baby. I’m glad you’re here. Sometimes spontaneous dates are better than planned ones.” You can see his ears wiggling under his beanie as he beams at you again, wrapping you in his arms. For a brief moment, he almost hides his face in your chest, before he remembers that you’re in public.
“I love it when ye dress like t’is. Drives me insane.”
“Well, it is now the season for sweaters and tall socks, so maybe you’ll see me in more of them. Especially if you ask nicely.”
You kiss his lips, hearing him purr as you pull away.
“I love you.”
“Love ye too, acushla.”
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 7 months
i really originally made milo for the silly
you know
blissys mod has been inactive lately, and i really wanted sign and bob to have that connection again, so i made milo
but after a while, i realized that milo could be really good for everyone, not just them
and so came the idea that milo woyld be immune to trauma. maybe it came from my own selfish wish that i could be too, maybe it came because i have literally no characters that are trauma free, but either way, i liked it enough to make it canon.
now to how i feel he would react to others trauma.
youve already seen how he feels about sun. about the drama between her and bob. he still thinks of her as family. everyone that was family with bob before he was disowned, he loves like family. in his eyes, his family is big and maybe troubled, but he can fix it. hes a little ray of sunshine. hes the one who never cries, the one who always forgives, the one who loves all.
hes milo the angel baby.
so he hears about how sun is, and his first reaction is "i love her."
not "oh no, sun!"
not "please dont hurt yourself."
not "shes such a screw-up."
but "i love her."
the first thing he wants to do is give her a big hug and say that even if everyone else goes away, he never will. ever. if needs be, he will literally never leave her side, if only so she feels his love always. because thats his gramma. thats his family. and shes sad, and he doesnt want her to be, and he doesnt care what other people say, or what she says herself, she is still his grandmother. she is still bobs mother in her heart, even if her words say different things. and thats how milo sees her.
milo is my only trauma-free character. he is my most innocent, my sweetest, my most loving character. and he loves everyone. not just his family, not just his friends, but everyone.
he knows sun is good. he knows she can show it. he knows she can be happy. even if she doesnt know this herself, he knows its true. and he wants to show her. and if no one else will, if even her own sister who saved her life wont, then he will take that job on himself.
even if hes "too young"
even if she fights it
even if his parents tell him not to and to leave her alone because she did this to herself and is getting what she deserves
because his name is milo
and he is four years old
and he will make his family happy
no matter what
also "she did this to herself" the worst part about that line is that its completely right
it started as a tiny mistake. which she blamed herself for HEAVILY. the weight of two missing friends on her back.
and it got worse; she drank and got hurt and lashed out because of her decisions
and because of this, her pushing everyone away, there was no one to help her, comfort her, get her the help she needs
and now that sigils gone. she genuinely has no one. shes not even close enough to her own sister to feel she isnt burdening her.
so now that she has no one
theres nothing stopping her from getting worse and worse and worse until she finally snaps =)
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hushroomloser · 1 year
Chris Evans short story part 5
Pairing: ReaderxChrisEvans 
Request: Meeeee 
Prompt: “I’m sorry I thought you were somebody else”
Warning(s): I’m a first-time writer
Word count: 1457
A/N: Hey online strangers, I wrote the first part a while back and have the rest of the story in my drive but have never posted it. This story I wrote way back in 2019 :'(. I will be posting at random times if you stay and read it thank you so much. Enjoy xoxox - I have no idea how many parts this story and technically I haven’t an ending yet. 
I honestly to god have no more inspiration so this story will just be here for another 3 more years 
… I am back lol. I have no idea who even is enjoying this but yeah. I wrote this during finals so please excuse everything from it. From the grammar to the plot lol. I shall maybe edit it or something. Honestly didn’t this story needed more parts or anything and plus I am trying my hardest to make into a your name type without writing yourr name cause I never found it cute and plus whenever I read a yn i read out the yn has like yoon for some reason. So yeah 
Tension seemed to vibrate in the small cab, unlike the music slowly playing in the background their beating hearts seemed to rage louder. The sound of the bustling town waking up, the streets retreating for the night as the walk of shamers running back to their own homes.
All the stolen glances and accidental touches that emerged from that cap ride burned them brighter than the crack of dawn arising in the back. At each brush, unbearable to one another they shifted in their seats. She couldn’t breathe she thought. Concentrate, concentrate, she repeated.
Her smell intoxicated him, his desire to touch her was especially unbearable and the butterflies in his stomach did not help. At each glance, it seemed more and more like a free fall into her beautiful eyes, what was happening to him? This pull she had on him, he could not put it into words. How could he? He was slowly and idiotically falling in love with a stranger. How could one explain this?
As they arrived at the ER parking lot, the taxi driver glanced at them through the mirror and smiled to himself, “That will be 20 $ miss.”
“She’s going to be late.”
“Why? I NEED my coffee.”
“Well, calm down princess. She called me saying she was bringing in someone she hit or something.” The brunette in her blue scrubs sat down at her desk. She had quickly finished her morning rounds for this casualty that her friend had picked up. She really didn’t understand her rambling earlier, but she had prepared a corner room.
“Do not worry I will bring you your coffee first thing.”
“Please.” He whined, “Do not make me drink this.” Gesturing to his surroundings.” place sewer water that passes for coffee.” She giggled.
“Yes, sir” Kissing him before leaving for his own rounds.
Lizzy had finished her residency two years prior, while her beautiful, caffeine addict finance had just entered his. As a non-traditional medical school graduate, he was older than most of his peers, but that never stopped him. And she loved him for that.
She was the friendly, bubbly, sunshine of a resident and he was the nerd, shy and quiet second-year med student. Everyone thought it could never work, how could it? Opposite attract only in films, however, their love flourished, continued, and survived.
She started to replay the conversation she had with her best friend. She hit someone, she thought. At this hour she would already be in her office answering her emails. She did say she was coming by cab.
“By cab, by cab … by cab.” She couldn’t connect any dots, her friend bringing in someone by cab that she hit at the coffee shop. She quickly shook her head and laughed it off. It couldn’t be that bad, could it? If it was, she would have called 911.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Nancy, her favourite nurse, telling her about this admission at the front desk.
She smiled at her, thinking today really is filled with mysteries. Why would Nancy come all this way and not page her? First off, she did not deal with admitting any patients.
Nancy’s little giggles and smile while walking to the front desk should have been a telling sign. She should have known. She should have known that her best friend was not only clumsy but as unlucky as it comes or in this case lucky.
Seeing a little crowd gathering around someone, she wondered if it was a code blue. “I didn’t hear any code blues”, questioning the nurse to her left.
“Ahhh, that’s the thing I forgot to tell you on the phone.” She looked at her best friend in the corner with the coffees and pastries in hand looking flustered if that was even possible.
Taking some of the drinks and pastries off her hands, “You should probably take care of him soon before the whole hospital figure outs who he is."
Lizzy was about to question her friend but before she could the crowd around this mysterious person slowly dispersed allowing her to finally see him. Words could not form; she was shocked, flabbergasted, and astonished at the person in front of her. All the thoughts ran through her head. Her friend is an angel, a clumsy angel. Life brings you lemons, in this case Chris Evans lemons and somehow she had to make lemonade. But also, she had to keep her composure, she was a professional. She dealt with things far beyond one’s imagination, she was not going to let her favourite celebrity change that.
“Hii” giggling her composure long gone. Her friend looked at her, her eyes said everything. Get your shit together, I assaulted a man that needs help. Lizzy mouthed back I am sorry but that’s Chris Fudging Evans. The glare that her friend gave her could pierce any shield. Sighing. Lizzy tried her best to be professional. She straightened herself up and gestured to Chris to the room.
“Follow me please, we will go somewhere where there won’t be much commotion.”
“And you are coming with me to explain what happened.” Her friend was about to protest but Lizzy gave her a look that said she could not run away. She was going to try though.
“I will be there in a sec; I’ll just go give Oliver his coffee.” She looked down at her shoes scared that she was going to get caught in her attempt to escape. “He must really be needing his coffee right about now.” She continued, taking the drinks, and running away before she could get an answer.
“Well, Ms. Evans, it seems like it’s just you and me. You will have to explain what happened to end up here.” Lizzy was over the moon at what she just said, not in a million years did she ever think she would be saying these words.
“It is a funny story”, Chris said not thinking this day would end up like this when he only wanted to go for a quick run before his shoot. Which reminds him to text his assistant that he would be late today.
His phone kept vibrating during the examination, he had texted his assistant that he had to quickly go to the hospital. Without adding much information as to why, she must be worried.
“You can answer your phone if you would like”, Lizzy had almost finished her checkup. Her friend hadn’t hit him that hard. And he didn’t have any scratches or neurological problems. He was good to go.
“We are almost done.” She sat down typing on her computer, while he put his shirt back on. She had to take a few moments to regain herself. God that man was beautiful. So is her finance but damn beauty is beauty, right? She shook her head.
“Do you have any questions for me?”
“You are good to go but if you want to ask questions, I am all ears.” She doubted he would, she was honestly trying to stall as much as she could for her friend to come and they could have the room.
Earlier, she witnessed something very intriguing, and she wanted to confirm it before he left.
“Oli, I come bringing gifts.” She entered his office. He had been spinning around his chair for the past 5 minutes now.
“Here, you need it don’t you.”
“My angel.” In all of his joy he sat up and grabbed the coffee and the pastries from her hands. Finally, he thought.
The sweet, sweet taste of coffee. He was happy.
She stood there looking at her friend enjoying his treats, wishing that he wouldn’t notice her still standing there.
Time seemed to pass slowly, she kept looking at her watch every few seconds, counting in her head how long it would take Izzy to finish up. She was honestly concerned about nothing. Why couldn’t she just go to her office?
“Heyy,, uhmm Lizzy just texted me.”
“It’s an emergency. You need to go see her.” He lied; Lizzy had actually texted him to make up an excuse so you could go back to the ER as fast as you could.
Squinting her eyes, she wondered what a medical physicist could possibly help out in the ER. Knowing very well that if any of the X-rays broke her supervisor would be the first to be called. Defeated, she decided to go hoping by the time she reached Lizzy he would be gone.
She just left. Care to explain? He quickly texted before replying to a few emails.
Thank you, and yes I will. Lunch?
Yes! Have a good day love. He put his phone down and went back to work. 
I wrote this instead of studying for my finals lol, I am the queen of procrastinating 😭😭😭😭
Anyways, hope you enjoy.
constructive criticism is very much appreciated, thank you. 
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Corey I just realized your icon includes Kenji and Reki!!!! The best sunshine boys!! ☀️💛
Tumblr media Tumblr media
[ID: two gifs. the first is of Kenji from the Bungou Stray Dogs anime smiling and tilting his head as he lifts a car above his head. the second is a gif of Reki from SK8 the Infinity. he looks up, smiles, then laughs. /End ID.]
YES!!! THE SUNSHINEST BOYS EVER!!! they are so special to meeeee
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forlorn-crows · 2 years
did anyone ask for call me little sunshine??? or year zero???
NO. HOW. ahem.
starting already with the fucking cymbals. the hi-hat. the TONE of that guitar. and how it SLAPS YOU IN THE FACE when the rest of the instruments come in. the bass is so nice in this song.
call out in the middle of the night (night) those echos? fuck me UP.
and those growly call me whispers
also, can we talk about how MAJESTIC copia is in his chasuble and the whole getup for this song live??
the drums on you will never walk alone how they accent the words?? yes. when you feel all alone just (drum roll) CALL ME
the break after the guitar solo? and when the drums pick up with that almost queen-like anthem rhythm.
all ya gotta do is call me . . .(little organ riff) CALL MEEEEE
this song has a funk to it. i love it a lot. i love how it ends on the whispered CALL ME with the drums
Year Zero:
BELIAL. BEHEMOTH. BELEZEBUB. ASMODEOUS. SATANAS. LUCIFER. haunting beat drop. too good. every time. fuck me up with this live.
the little bass lines after is that of lice + moving with out eyes
ARCHANGELOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (and the drums hyping it up)
the little pause after the end of the first chorus. i love breaks of silence in songs and this one slaps
unbeknownst to them / is the presence of the wraith
you shalt recognize / now behold the lord of flies i love the way the words sync here
the ancient serpent deceiver / the masses standing in awe/ he will descend to the heavens / above the stars of gooood/ HAIL SATAN the way it breaks off again here and just hits you all over again
also the quiet instrumental with the laughing at the end? i like it a lot
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sttoru · 11 months
I miss you too!! So much!!! </3 I'm glad you're ok! (ˆ³ˆ)♡
I'm fine, as usual. <33 Just sad about the genocide and also kind of tired. ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა My week was really draining: there were around 30 of those big ants with wings in my room, all over my ceiling, bed, blankets, pillows, plushies and one of them even went flying at me (×⌓×); every time I went out to eat, the only things I enjoy from the menu were unavailable; I didn't get any of the plushies I wanted from a claw machine; I'm trying to get my drivers licence, so I have online classes from 7 to 10pm (+my uni classes during the day) everyday, so eating and sleeping well has been difficult; and my microwave exploded and the smoke is making me feel nauseous, even though it's been hours since it happened. ;-;
𑣲Also, for the selfship ask game, please: Gojo with 4 and 25; Toji with 19 and 39; Ayato with 1 and 11; Noé with 23 and 38; Arthur (idk who this is, is he from rdr2??, but-) with 2 and 22; Blade with 10 and 17!! ᰔᩚ
- ☀️
HAIII BBY IM SORRY FOR THE LATE REACTIONNNNN !!!! but omg yeah .. the genocides going on (congo + palestine) are literally breaking my heart . been trying to donate all i could. ://
also that sounds like HELLL im so sorry u have to live with those hellish bugs in ur house ml i hope they disappear soon && ??!:!:!:’d IM WORRIED FOR U BBY :( pls tell me u r gonna catch up on ur sleep whenever u can !! & stay hydrated no matter what. i also hope the stuff with your microwave wasn’t anything bad omg, pls update meeeee . super worried rn 😞😞 i rlly hope things get better for you bby , keep your head up and lets all hope 4 better days to come
& thank u for the asks for my selfships (yes arthurs from rdr2) BUT i’ll answer those seperately . im rlly worried for u instead of the selfship asks ☹️ MY SUNSHINE I HOPE U R SAFE lmklmk
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