#he just breezes by something CRAZY and then says “enough about me tho let's talk about you”
petitesmafia · 4 months
hc thinking about Chuuya being that nonchalant friend who never really talks about if he's having a hard time or if he just went through some rough shit so whenever Shirase calls to catch up he's just baffled as hell
Shirase: so i ordered a large fried rice and the delivery guy brought me a MEDIUM Chuuya: that's unacceptable Shirase: i know right? btw bro ur eye bags are looking a lil dark Chuuya: yeah busy day yesterday. a dragon attacked the city so i had to handle that Shirase: Shirase: excuse me? Chuuya: so did they refund u the difference for the rice Shirase: no no no. PAUSE go back wdym DRAGON? Chuuya: there was a dragon. i got called in and i also owed the guy so i just handled it. it's fine i just need some sleep. btw u should stop eating so much takeout and just learn to cook Shirase: what goes on
Shirase: kinda annoyed today like the bus was 20min late. i should really get a car Chuuya: do u even have ur license Shirase : that's not important rn. do u have any recs since ur car's nice Chuuya: i guess it was nice Shirase: wdym "was"? did u upgrade Chuuya: no it blew up Shirase: what Chuuya: it's gone Shirase: HOW did BLOW UP???? Chuuya: no idea. but seriously u should look into getting a license before driving around bc what are u gonna do if u get caught
Shirase: lemme tell u the craziest thing happened yesterday. bumped into this girl at a cafe and we got to talking and guess what? she knows yuan! Chuuya: really? Shirase: yeah i wanted to tell u yesterday but u didn't call me back Chuuya: sorry i got trapped in some guy's book Shirase: Shirase: huh Chuuya: it was some mystery novel with a bunch of killers. i just fought everybody to get out so it's chill Shirase: what are u talking about Chuuya: enough about me tho. so how's yuan doing
basically it’s always Shirase just asking why Chuuya didn’t tell him about these crazy events and Chuuya’s just like “I don’t like making a big deal out of things. I don’t think it’s that serious” and Shirase is like YES IT IS???
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4aloysius-porteu · 4 years
i am your ally || tsukishima kei.
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pairing; tsukishima kei x f! reader
genre: oneshot, drama, flangst, a little comedy
word count: 5.6k
details: 3rd year Tsukishima, artist reader
warnings: reader going missing, verbal abuse, crushing of dreams, lots of sadness, heavy parental argument, everything that happens here hits home
synopsis: tsukishima didnt know what is the right thing to say after he heard of (y/n)’s situation, but the words that stumbled out from his mouth were a surprise, yet it blossomed to a meaningful talk that happens once in a blue moon.
(a/n): wrote in the middle of my depressing days to find a little comfort from this character that I love with all my heart. inspired by true situations irl; if you, my friend, is feeling down today, i hope reading this work of mine can help. i might make this into a full story if this got enough attention tho.
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(Y/N) was nowhere to be found. 
It wasn't Tsukishima's habit to eavesdrop on other people's conversation, but he couldn't help but listen when he heard her name from her classmates. She was a consistent top student that will never neglect her studies, so it was unusual to know that she was absent today. He thought that maybe she got sick or she decided to go crazy and skip school. If it was the latter, he hoped that she knows what she's doing, because midterms are coming in 3 days, and he's not going to listen to her whines and begs to help her study for the tests.
And now he just happened to overhear that she was missing. 
He saw her parents walk out of the campus after talking to the vice-principal and to the teachers. Gossip filled the corridors and rooms. Tsukishima went back to his room, clearly annoyed with the unnecessary noise.
He listened to the lectures of each subject and continued to write down important points, but the thought of (Y/N) lingered in his head. What could've happened that led to her disappearance? Was she kidnapped? No, he just walked her home last night and she'll never leave her place past midnight. Kidnappers won't dare to make a move in daylight because of the town's high authority visibility. There's no way she'll be lost in an area she's very familiar with. 
She ran away from home. That is the only logical possibility he could come up with, but he couldn't think of an idea as to why. (Y/N), who loves to be cooped up in her room with music blaring in her earphones while drawing, left her home without a trace. Tsukishima was a little worried, but he won't let his face show whatever the hell he's feeling. 
His plays and blocks aren't exactly bad, but Yamaguchi could sense that Tsukishima was thinking of something other than the volleyball practice. He approached his friend who was resting on the floor, his long arms covering his curled up legs. 
"Tsukki, what's with that expression? Did you get a failing score in a quiz?" Yamaguchi started, in an attempt to lighten up the atmosphere. 
The blonde's eyes darted to him, "Like hell, I'm going to let that happen. What do you want?"
He shrugged, "Nothing, I just noticed that you were a little quieter and more passive today. Normally, you would've chewed the first years out with their simple blocking errors, but you didn't say a thing. You're scarier in their eyes when you're silent."
"I was tired. I'll only waste my voice pointing out something I did a million times." A sigh escaped his lips 
"Right..." Yamaguchi paused, "So, I assume you have heard?"
"Heard of what?"
"That (Y/N) is missing."
"Oh," A frown fell on his features. It wasn't his usual frown. People who really know him would notice that his eyes are full of worry. 
He sat beside Tsukishima before he spoke again. "I know you have ideas on places (Y/N) could've gone to."
"I do not know what you're talking about."
The latter chuckled, "Oh, humor me, Tsukki. If you're that worried, I can excuse you for today's practice. No problem."
"Does that mean that you aren't concerned?"
"I am concerned. I want to look for her as well, but I have to whip the other players into shape. I'm sorry if I couldn't accompany you right away."
Tsukishima stood up and sighed again, "You will excuse me, you said?"
There were silence and the background noise of balls and shoes colliding on the floor. He wiped the sweat off his face before replying, "I'll be leaving the gym in a few minutes."
He changed his clothes and packed his things up, causing the team to exchange glances.
"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi called, throwing his friend's large jacket to him, which the other caught. "Take care! I hope you find (Y/N) and get her home safe."
"I wish. Then, I'll leave it to you, Captain."
The green-haired middle blocker's eyes teared up and sparkled as he beamed a smile back, "I got it!"
Tsukishima started to look for (Y/N) at the places she liked to go to; the art store, the Central Park, the kid's playground, the museum, and the prefectural library. But there was no sign of her anywhere. He looked at the nearby places to no avail. He walked on while dialing her number, but her phone is out of coverage area. He spent 3 more hours finding the girl and soon received a message from Yamaguchi, telling him that (Y/N) hasn't been found yet and that he joined the authorities to help them find her. 
He walked back to the direction of his home, panting softly. He had failed to find (Y/N), yet his brain won't stop thinking about her possible whereabouts. The cool breeze of winter hit Tsukishima's face and shivered at the contact. He had hoped again that she is inside of an establishment, safe from such cold weather.
Tsukishima's home has its lights out. Her mother was invited into her colleagues' reunion as said in her text, and both his father and brother are busy at work. He reached for his key in his pocket and was opening the door, not until he heard a loud sob from somewhere. Tsukishima looked around the place as the sobbing continued. He searched for the source and ended up in their backyard. He caught the sight of a small figure behind the bushes and went closer to confirm.
It was a cat. It had scurried away once he got close to it. Oh, how stupid he is to get his hopes up only to find a scared animal. But he was certain he heard a sob somewhere near. And cats aren't capable of making a sound like that. Or maybe he was only hearing things?
He dragged his feet to the main door to unlock it, but this time, there was a loud noise of scrubbing on the roof. What is it this time? He moved back and looked upon where it came from. 
To his surprise, it wasn't another cat but a person. Their legs were curled up, arms covered around them, with their chin on their knees. Tsukishima turned on his phone's flashlight and there she was. 
It was (Y/N). Her shoulders shook, either from the cold or trying her best not to cry out loud. 
"H-Help me."
He stared at the girl, confused and fighting back laughter because of how scared (Y/N) looked. "How the heck did you get in there?"
"I climbed that tree and jumped off to break in and hide in your room. Turned out that the windows are locked. I don't know how to jump back and I-I was too high from the ground. You know I'm scared of heights! Why did you lock the window?! Stupid!"
"Of course, I would lock the window for the security. And wow, aren't you the stupid one for knowing how to climb and jump up to my window and not knowing how to get down? Why did you climb if you are scared of heights? Such an idiot."
"Fine, fine. I am an idiot. Now, can you help me get off this roof?"
He crossed his arms and smirked, "No."
"Ugh! Please, Kei. I've been trapped here for hours. I am begging you to help me get down. Please?"
He sighed in defeat and raised his arms. "Here. Jump."
For seconds, (Y/N) didn't respond as she was having second thoughts about jumping.
"What? Do you expect me to get a ladder? I'm sorry, but it's in the basement, broken." He said in a mocking tone. "Don't you want to come down?"
"Can you catch me properly? Are your arms stable? Won't you fall on your ass?" (Y/N) interrogated.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes, "Alright, stay there and freeze to death."
"No, wait! I was just asking! Come back! Don't leave meeee!"
The blonde looked up to her and raised his arms again, "Don't think. Trust me, I will catch you properly and you won't crash to the ground. You weigh like nothing anyway."
"Are you talking about yourself?" She retorted, pertaining to his weight.
"Can you please just jump?"
(Y/N) inhaled and went to the edge of the roof. It was a scary view for her, just looking down makes her dizzy, and want to throw up.  She thought he would have the largest frown on his face because of how irritatingly slow she was, but there was Tsukishima waiting for her with the calmest expression. She smiled a little.
"Here I go..."
She took off, closing her eyes, and swallowing her fears. The gravity pulled her feet down shortly after, and Tsukishima readied himself for the impact as he reached her waist. He held on to her lower torso while (Y/N) placed her arms around his shoulders tightly and legs on his waist. The athlete's balance slightly went off, so he took a step back to support both their weights. It was now steady. 
"I'm surprised you didn't lose your balance. Where's the weak boned beanpole 3 years ago?"
"I did for a second."
"Doesn't matter. You caught me. Thank you."
They had stayed in that way for a moment until Tsukishima spoke, "Do you plan to get off?"
"No. I'm tired."
"I am too." Yet she refused to let go.
He exhaled, carrying (Y/N) to the main entrance and finally unlocking the door. Her hoodie was cold and some parts are wet, but it didn't rain on that day. He took her in and placed her on the couch. Tsukishima went to his room, changed clothes, and brought a spare sweatshirt, handkerchief, and a towel. He went down but didn't find (Y/N) where he left her, so he walked to the kitchen counter and found the girl on the corner, shivering like a pup.
He tossed the clothing at her without further words. There was a note from her mom beside the curry in the table, saying she had eaten and she left rolls in the refrigerator. He was about to turn on the stove to reheat the food his mother left, but his eyes landed on (Y/N) who sat quietly, hugging the sweatshirt instead of wearing it. Her hair was disheveled, the sleeves and neck part of her hoodie was damp, her nose was red and her puffy, bloodshot eyes implied that she has been crying for who knows how long. He set the pan down to get her a glass of water. 
"Everyone was looking for you." Said Tsukishima.
"No one was really looking for me." (Y/N) replied, clearing her nose. 
"I didn't spend the last 3 hours tiring myself to scan the whole town for no reason." He sat beside her, handing the glass. "Care to spill the tea?"
(Y/N) drank first before speaking weakly, "I hate them. So much."
The male remained quiet, waiting for her to continue her dilemma.
"Remember when I told you and the class that I will be the most successful doctor in Japan after I finished my studies? It was a lie. It wasn't my dream to stay in a hospital and treat ill people, I only wanted to draw and paint. I didn't care if it never made them or anyone happy, I am happy doing it. And they are taking it away from me."
He knew from the start that her dream job as a doctor wasn't true. For years she stayed close to him as a friend or more, she won't blabber anything of the medical topic. She was terrified of syringes. He saw her reading an article about surgeries and like, but her focus was easily taken away.
She will get a pencil then start scribbling and drawing. Something that Tsukishima always sees her doing whenever she has a pen and paper, but she insists that it was a mere hobby. Her notebooks are well designed and organized, but the back is always full of artistic doodles instead of algebra solutions. She only has very few art materials yet she can make a portrait with only her fingers to shade. She makes digital art without a stylus. She would drag him to the museum after class to view some western and eastern paintings or any work of art while he admires the dinosaur fossils. For times she's watching an art tutorial and talk about art, draw and paint, she has those stupid sparkles in her eyes and a huge smile on her face. 
"You know Tsukishima, after I finish studying and became a doctor, I'll become an artist and if the time let's it, I'll open my own art gallery. That's my ultimate dream." She looked alive and delighted.
Very much the opposite of what she looks like right now. 
Even though she was a slave of art, as Tsukishima was a slave of his own interests, (Y/N) prioritized her studies so much. He understood why when he went to her house and met her parents before their study sessions. He had noticed everything but chose to stay quiet. 
"I-I was drawing last night. Dad entered my room but I didn't notice so he ripped the music away from my ears and yelled. He said that I would always lock myself in my room and draw every night. It was never-ending and irritates the shit out of him. He asked why would I do something so useless that isn't even connected to any academic subject. He was looking down on my art like he was looking at a piece of crap. He told me to stop and threatened me if I didn't. Why would I get punished for drawing? I couldn't get myself to stay silent so I retorted. If he doesn't want to see me drawing, then he shouldn't enter my room at all. He should stop meddling with my hobbies. His anger only went up."
(Y/N) stopped for a while to wipe her tears and snot with her sleeves but Tsukishima placed a handkerchief on her hands. She muttered her thanks and blew her nose and soon followed with a sneeze.
"Soon, it became a full-blown argument. He said that he was checking out if I was doing my projects, but oh he was so disappointed only to find his daughter drawing for nothing. What the heck? I gave them the best grades I could get, and part of it was because of you, Tsukishima, but they still aren't satisfied? I balanced drawing and academics, but they made it seem that all I was doing was my hobby, completely ignoring my efforts at school. I finished the school activities and I reviewed for midterms and all I want is to be left alone and draw. What, they want me to go crazy by studying every hour with things I won't even apply in real life?"
Her fake laughter echoed in the kitchen for seconds before her depressed tone took over again.
"Mom heard all the shouting and joined the argument. Of course, she sided with dad without listening to my feelings and there they ridiculed their youngest child's interests and talent. They told me that everything I do is bullshit and wrong, that I was useless, that I was the huge opposite of their expectations, and... and how come God gave them a joke. She said they raised me so that I could help them, not to do such useless things. It hurts to shout back but I did to explain why I'm so passionate about art in hopes that they will listen and understand but, I was so wrong. I was suddenly slapped..." She placed her hand to her left cheek, her lips quivered a little. 
"I-It stung so much. Mom complained about how the Internet generation is so rebellious and won't listen to the elders. They didn't raise and teach me to talk back at them, but here is their child being a bitch. They started comparing me to my elder siblings or relatives who focused on their studies and who are at the door of success. I know they only want me to achieve the best, but my success isn't up to them! It's on me!! And I've invested a lot for that! They shouted at me as mom pulled my hair. It was so loud I thought I was going deaf. Dad blamed the gadget's influence and my drawings. I have only drawn decent fanarts of fictional characters, people, and sceneries, but they believed that because of these, I turned into a mannerless bastard. So mom decided to get my phone and lessen my allowance so that I wouldn't buy any art materials that are a waste of fortune--"
She bit her lower lip that is trembling uncontrollably and her eyesight blurred as her fat tears got in the way.
"and... D-Dad... he... he... he tore m-my sketch pad apart..."
Tsukishima's eyes widened. (Y/N) brought that thing with her almost everywhere she went and it was filled with good drawings and art plans. She has a lot of them though, but Tsukishima could only imagine how she felt when her efforts were trampled over by someone important to her. 
(Y/N) broke down, bawled her eyes out, and shrieked hysterically. He looked at her with a heavy heart. He had seen her crying sometimes, be it because of a sad movie or empathy, but never like this. A depressed, emotional wreck. Her eyes were sore enough after a lot of hours, but she won't stop crying. It was heartbreaking to see and hear his significant other in this state, yet Tsukishima didn't know what is the right thing to say. 
But maybe there was no need to say anything at all.
Kei wrapped his arms around her weeping figure and pulled her towards him. Cry it out, pipsqueak. (Y/N) didn't expect this action, nonetheless cried in his shoulder He didn't care anymore if this meant he gets his clothes drenched in her snot and tears as long as she felt a little less lonely. He rubbed her back and hair in an attempt to comfort his lover. (Y/N)'s airways hurt, but she screamed the pain out, in hopes that the pain in her heart would vanish. Her weeping went on for long minutes until she choked in her own sobs that Tsukishima had to get her another glass of water.
"Tell me, Kei." She began, wiping her eyes, "Is there... something wrong with me? Is my dream really that insignificant?"
"There's nothing wrong with you. You followed your ideals. Anyone including me would've done the same." He answered beside her.
"I-It's realistic, right?"
"It is."
"Then... why did it turn out like this?" Her voice was cracking.
Tsukishima looked down, "The society is just very cruel."
"Yeah. It sure is. Such a cruel society to live with." 
(Y/N) let out a dejected sigh and leaned on Tsukki's shoulder. "I couldn't look at them without such overwhelming fear and hate anymore. I wonder if... they knew that I was doing this for them. I'd like to make them smile with something I've made myself. Once, I made each of them a portrait. A realistic one made from a pencil. I couldn't afford a material set that can be used to paint realistically, but I tried my best to impress them with a charcoal one. Oh, if only you saw their faces when I gave them the portraits. They returned a half-hearted smile. It wasn't the same kind of joy I see whenever I give them perfect scores on tests. I didn't spend 3 sleepless nights just to see their half happy, half unpleased reaction. I wish they could feel more proud of their daughter who worked hard for them... I wonder if they threw it away as he did on my sketch pad..." 
They let silence engulf the atmosphere for a while. (Y/N) had calmed down a little, despite shedding smaller tears from the side of her eyes. Tsukishima held the sweatshirt he gave her earlier to make her wear it on the top of her hoodie to lessen her shivering. He stared at her, while the other gazed down on the floor with dead eyes.
Tsukishima asked, "So, what are you going to do now?"
"What am I going to do now huh..." (Y/N) repeated. "I'll probably... put everything to an end."
"You know I won't let you."
"I'm not talking about my life, silly. I might stop drawing and all. I've lost it."
"Isn't your life and drawing one and the same? And I'm pretty sure you have that immense talent to continue."
"No... Besides, talent isn't a talent if it doesn't make anyone happy."
The blonde mentally scoffed. She just said that it makes her happy in the beginning.
"Oh? Fine, stop doing that one thing you put everything into. What would that girl you received a commission from would feel if she were to hear you though?"
(Y/N) was stunned. She had completely forgotten about the whole commission thing she opened in her social media accounts. Tsukishima accompanied (Y/N) on giving the commissioned charcoal portrait to a girl last 3 weeks ago. It was (Y/N)'s first commission for years she's making art. Someone liked her work for the first time and paid for it, and her client looks very contented and glad. The words she said filled her thoughts with inspiration.
"Wow, this is awesome! I'm so happy!! Thank you for making this, it was exactly what I've pictured on my mind! You're amazing! All the excitement I've bottled up for this day is so worth it," The girl, probably a little older than them paused and admired the painting she received from (Y/N).
"Would you ignore those words she said?"
 'Please don't stop drawing, I'll be looking forward to your future works!' 
A pang of guilt hit her chest. She wants to pursue art, but there are these shackles and chains on her limbs and around her neck that made it hard for her to move forward. She couldn't breathe. What happened yesterday night was too much. Her parents went overboard. 
A monotone voice interrupted her, "Don't. Never stop striving for something you have been building for years. You might be defeated now, but surely, you will win some time. There's no way you'll stay in the lowest level of the ladder after I saw how hard you worked. You will go to nationals again, and I will continue to support you. I'll cheer for you and stay by your side! So please, do not stop! Let me see those beautiful blocks that you execute in the game once more! And I will watch you reach the top! Doesn't matter how many times, I'll never get weary of watching you do amazing things!"
She was silenced by that statement. She had definitely heard those before, but couldn't quite remember where. 
"Does the sentiment seem familiar to you? Those are the same words that came from your mouth when I was planning to quit volleyball after our huge loss to Date Tech last year. I am returning them back to you."
"Huh?" She replied with a meek voice.
"That time, you really did a good job meddling with my decisions. It annoyed me first, but what you had stated held a weight that I couldn't disregard. You gave me the small push I didn't know I needed. In the end, I'd like to pay you back." Tsukishima stated with a far away look in his eyes.
(Y/N) listened with watery eyes. This Tsukishima's side isn't definitely the one she gets to see every day so she couldn't feel anything but the warm, fuzzy feeling that is healing her heart. 
"It's probably selfish for me to say this but, don't you dare give up. I didn't stop. No matter how long and hard the game is, no matter how tired and discouraged I get, and no matter how many pessimistic thoughts clouded my head, I didn't stop chasing after a falling ball and thinking of another tactic to counter the enemy. I kept your words with me in court. It was you who told me not to in the first place, and I'm not going to forgive you if you ever dropped everything. I won't let the stupid, starry-eyed (Y/N) die today."
The girl beside her started sobbing. "But you told me once that my drawing are ugly."
"Oh. That. I... kind of remember that. I'm not sorry about what I said because I did it to provoke and rile you up. It was a lie though. As someone who always sees you drawing, I can't call your work ugly at all. Your art is... astounding. You make it look like it's so easy to do. I think you forgot next sentence after I told you that."
"What was the sentence after?"
Tsukishima sighed, "I told you to keep doing it, right?"
The sound of (Y/N) crying engulfed the kitchen, "Oh gosh, why did I forget that... I'm sorry, I'm so idiotic..."
The blonde brought her back to his arms, "Will you stop crying, you've been too hard on yourself today,"
(Y/N) hid her face on his chest, muffling her speech, "c-couldn't help it... my mind is such a mess... I do not know..." She paused, coughing. "It's no use if m-my parents don't acknowledge me..."
"Hundreds, or perhaps thousands of people who follow you on social media account recognize you. People in school recognizes you. I recognize you. I am your ally. Isn't that enough reason for you to get back on your feet? I will support you just like how you supported me. You have a lot of people who admire you, but I only have a few people and you. Yet your words are enough. I'm certain that soon, you will reach your parents' standards and get them to acknowledge you. It's not impossible."
(Y/N) fixed her tear-stained face before looking up to him, "You know what? Who are you? Is a good spirit possessing your body? The Kei I know will either stay quiet or laugh at me for being pathetic."
"I was trying to be nice for once and this is what I get?" He frowned.
(Y/N) chuckled and hugged Tsukishima, "I'm sorry. Everything you said meant the world to me. Thank you very much."
She relaxed against his lean body, "I have a question though..."
"You literally had no business in my art, it was my own problem. Why are you doing this?"
"Why don't you ask yourself after you argued with me that night? Why did you have to butt in with my choices?"
"Because you like volleyball! You might look like that someone stole your dinosaur collection when you're at practice, but you're good at it and have a future in it! It is a part of you, and you're deciding to throw it away? Your potential is too big to be wasted and I refuse to let that happen." Her voice is a little louder now, but hoarse.
"There's your answer, little gremlin."
"How is that— Oh."
"But I'd like to add something."
"What is it?"
"You look better doing what you really like. It makes you look less like a hag."
It was silent after that. (Y/N) punched his arm. Tsukishima didn't even wince but asked, "What was that for?"
"The last statement was unnecessary, and the first one is sweet yet cringey." She criticized. 
"C'mon, I'm just a teenager. Aren't you the cringey one most of the times?"
She used the handkerchief to sniffle her runny nose away, "Why do you have a knack of returning everything I said to me?"
"I won't do it if it's not appropriate." Tsukishima placed his hands on her back and to her hair, "So, what are you going to do now, (Y/N)?"
"I'll think things through. My brain is still slightly messy, but I'll be fine, thanks to you. But Kei..."
He hummed as a response. "I don't want to go home. I want to run away."
"Not possible. You can't survive on your own. You're almost 18 and until now, you don't understand how a washing machine works with all your perfect scores in exams."
"This is just a thought. I didn't say I'll be alone. I'm taking you with me."
"I refuse."
"Couldn't you wait for more months until we graduate?"
(Y/N)'s eyebrows raised, "So basically, you're agreeing, but not this time?"
"No, but you'll be free of your parents' suffocating control. Who knows how huge is your potential by that time."
"How considerate of you." The girl smiled.
"Only this time. And no, we won't live in the same place in college. Not yet. Not until we finish our studies, have secured jobs, and get important things done." 
"Will you be playing volleyball at college?"
He lazily replied, "Probably."
"Don't give me such an ambiguous answer!"
"Probably yes." 
"Hmm. Fine by me. I'll continue to draw, then." (Y/N) rested her head near Tsukishima's neck. 
He smiled a little at her answer, "Another thing though. I don't think... you should leave things with your parents like that. There'll be a time where you have to face it."
"Yes, that sucks... I don't want to think about it but I'll have to go back eventually... When that confrontation happens, I'll try to calmly talk it out with them. I will never be certain if it will end well. But my hate and fear of them won't change."
"You can always run back here if it didn't end well."
"Kei, don't want to see their faces just yet. Can I stay here for a while?"
"You even bother to ask. You are welcome anytime in this household. Just enter the house in the front door, not in my window."
"Right... thank you."
"Oh, now it's my turn to ask. How did you get in there?"
(Y/N) sighed, "It was on 4:30pm. I was on the loose and I looked for a store where anyone can't recognize me so I can eat for lunch. But there's this creep who kept on following me—"
"Did he hurt you?" He abruptly questioned.
"No. I ran as fast as I could before he could even get close to me, but in the next block, there were the town authorities with my mom, and I knew they were looking for me, so I blended into the people with my hoodie on and made my way. I climbed the tree in panic that they'll find me and hid there. It took me hours to notice that your house is just next to it, so I decided to climb to your window. However, the window was locked, and I was stuck."
Tsukishima sighed in relief. "It was a miracle that a klutz like you didn't fell off the tree and surprisingly, no one found you."
"I was high in adrenaline when I climbed the tree. My blending and hiding skills are in ninja-tier now, I beat you."
"Whatever. What did you have for breakfast?"
"...a melon bread."
"Just that?"
"Just that." 
Tsukishima kissed her forehead before lifting her up with him. "Go change. Borrow any of my clothes. I'll reheat the food."
(Y/N) kissed his cheek, slowly got off him and went upstairs. Tsukishima opened his phone to text Yamaguchi about her situation and proceeded to reheat the spicy curry. 
"Wait, Kei! Is it okay for me to eat?" She shouted from upstairs.
"What kind of question is that? Of course you can." He shouted back.
"Your mom left that for you, for your dad and for your brother. I'd feel bad."
"My brother and dad will come home late and I'm sure they've eaten already. So is mom."
"Are you sure? I can replace the food." She said while going down the stairs.
"Oh, you can cook? I'm afraid you'll burn the whole kitchen." He mocked.
"At least not the whole house." (Y/N) laughed, "Just kidding, I have a tiny knowledge in cooking."
"You don't have to, I told you they already ate. I'll bring out the sushi mom made if you still want to eat."
"Alright. Thank you for the food."
Few hours later, Tsukishima's mom came home and took off her shoes. "I'm home."
As she was about to enter the living room, Akiteru greeted her and placed his finger in front of his lips, indicating her to keep quiet. She wondered what was going on and saw her youngest son and his girlfriend leaning on his shoulder, asleep on the couch in front of the TV. He signaled her to read the note Kei left on the table. 
To mom, dad, and brother,
Earlier in the morning, (Y/N) went missing and her parents and town authorities were looking for her. I found her on the way home, but it turns out that she ran away from her home because of an intense argument between her parents, and doesn't want to be found yet. Please let her stay here for a while. I'll do most of the household chores or any favor you ask me in return. 
Mom, I shared the curry and sushi rolls with her. I left for some for dad and brother. (Y/N) said it was very delicious. 
She smiled after reading the note and looked at the sleeping kids. She took notice of (Y/N)'s eyes and quickly understood the situation. Before she left to rest in her room, she looked for a spare blanket and laid it atop them to keep them warm. 
(Y/N) snuggled further to Tsukishima's arms, satisfied on how this night will end well, unlike yesterday's.
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©4aloysius.porteu.2021. please do not repost, copy, or edit. plagiarism is punishable by law.
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mxartcat · 4 years
Beetlejuice HLVRAI AU!!!!!!
Bubby and Coomer are newlyweds who recently retired to their dream home in the countryside away from annoying people who pester them about their domestic lives. They kinda wanted a kid at some point but they fear they’re too old at this point… and dangerous because they be rowdy.
Speaking of rowdy, their happy home life comes to an abrupt end when a playful scuffle in the old house turns deadly. A tumble down the broken stairs paired with uncontrollable pyrokenisis when startled burns the house down with them inside.
They “wake up” quite a while later with pained groans as they dust themselves off, thinking they just woke up from being knocked out. A regular occurrence. But this time something is wrong. Their home looks the same… yet completely different. Like someone came in while they were out and teeter all their stuff out and replaced it with cheesy white southern suburban mom decor.
Enter Deborah Freeman and her son Gordon Freeman and his son Joshua Freeman. Debby bought the land with the money she got from her late husband’s death and paid for the house to be rebuilt and restored. Her 27 year old son and his son has recently moved in following a terrible divorce from a rather abusive jerk and being fired from his dream job because of a work related accident. Tack on the recent death of his father and being forced to live with his controlling mother again and that leaves poor Gordon severely depressed.
Bubby is the first to try and fight the strange woman in his house. But upon realizing he can’t touch them and Coomer pointing out the more obvious changes… they come to the realization that they’re dead with a dawning dread.
They watch this annoying woman stomp through their home and go through their old things with her clearly not all there son for a few days with growing rage, the kid is okay and kinda cute but the bitch and the guy need to GO
In comes a new player in this fucked up game, an antagonistic demon that promises them help with their endeavor… for a simple price. They have to help him get one of these breathers to say his name.
Antics ensue with increasing hilarity and annoyance from all parties.
The three of them almost give up… when one day the crazy bitch leaves for the day with the kid to go shopping and Gordon is left alone at the house. He can finally let out a sigh he’s been holding for weeks now, deflating a little as he sits in the living room starring at his hands for a while.
Bubby drapés himself dramatically over an armchair as he loudly complains about the situation, sits in another chair across from him equally as frustrated but not as vocal. Benrey is busy messing with a few curls of Gordon’s hair, confident this adorable breather can’t see any of them like most can’t.
A knock at the door has Gordon slowly getting to his feet to answer it, inviting in his friends Tommy and his bf Darnold. They all get seated in the livingroom with hot cups of tea, unknowingly booting the angry dead gays from their seats, but this is when the three specters get the shock of their unlives.
Gordon is venting to his friends about the past couple weeks. And the main reason he hasn’t been improving any mentally is not only because of his mother, but he fears he’s going insane. He vividly describes Bubby, Coomer, and Benrey to his friends and even seems to glance at them as he does.
He can see them. And he’s been able to see them for some time. But because they are constantly antagonizing and haunting him to get him to leave… he believes they’re figments of his imagination. A form of creeping psychosis or something.
His friends can’t do much to comfort him but they try until they have to go. Alone again Benrey is the first to slide up to Gordon with that shit eating grin of his and speaks to him for the first time. Of course Gordon tries to actively ignore him, but when Coomer and Bubby join in he finally snaps and tells them to fuck off while curling up on the floor to try and shut them out.
It works for a while. Starting the next day tho the tactics change a little from trying to drive Gordon and his family insane or out or something to… talking. It starts with Coomer. Gordon has to clean out the basement and finds some of the salvaged boxing gear. The dead old coot starts reminiscing to himself about the good old days, but is surprised to see Gordon listing. He even speaks to Coomer for the first time, asking more about it all. They bond a little over that and Bubby gets dragged in when he comes to see why Coomer is shouting and sounding like he’s in a fight. He’s just very animated when retelling old tales of the ring and the shit he and Bubby would get up to in their glory days.
From then on, when he’s alone, Gordon would happily chat with Bubby and Coomer, the three of them becoming more and more friendly… while he actively goes out of his way to ignore Benrey and his weird and creepy advances and hurtful teasing to the point the demon is sure Gordon can’t actually see him like he thought he could.
So, Benrey do what Benrey do and he goes to mope on the roof, killing crows and pigeons with his freaky demon powers as he hums an annoyed and sad tune. He’s sure the curse will never be lifted now…
But, what he doesn’t know is that uhhhh… while he was up here having his own little potty party, the tension in the house has gotten a lot thicker between Gordon and his mom. Thank god Joshua is deaf and likes to play in his room more often than not because dear god does that woman tear into Gordon for every little thing. What set her off? Gordon was too scared to ask but he was left shaking by the time she calmed down enough to hiss out a single threat and leave.
Probably has something to do with Gordon being “lazy” and “unmanly” and all that toxic shit because he is currently unemployed and too depressed right now to do much of anything lately. No job, can’t act like a maid and clean the house the way she likes, talks too much, doesn’t talk enough, his long hair looks unkempt, and no wonder why his ex acted the way they did with a layabout washout like him…
“I’m surprised [redacted] didn’t do worse.”
Fucking caused his arm to get amputated.
Yknow, abusive mom shit.
So after a heavy cry and when he’s in that weird numb phase, he heads up to the roof. To get some fresh air, to be alone, to fee at one with the night sky and the breeze… to contemplate just stepping of the roof and ending the suffering once and for all…
Gordon lets out a frustrated groan, the bubbling irritation cutting through his fog as he hears Benrey loudly rant about his plight.
“Shut the hell up, man! We’ve all got problems, you’re not special.”
“Huh-wha? You can- you see- you can see me?”
“See you, hear you, want to fucking deck you in the goddamn face for messing with me…”
Fuckin musical number here
Bubby and Coomer have been looking for Gordon ever since things have calmed down, they were looking after the bab during the fight, but now the angry old ghosts are concerned old ghosts.
Hell yeah gordon reluctantly agrees to marry the demon if he can fuckin off or scare his mom shitless or something. But only as a last resort because apparently the two old ghosts aren’t as useless as they once thought.
The deus ex machina of the story is Tommy believing Gordon because he’s secretly into the paranormal stuff plus his dad isn’t human so he kinda crashes the “wedding” with his dad who basically spritzes Benrey with a squeeze bottle of holy water like he’s a fucking cat.
“This is a slow burn fic… not marriage at first sight…”
All in all, in the end Gordon’s mom dies of natural causes and he gets the house and apparently a heafty inheritance from his dad his mom was hiding from him so he lives happily ever after in the mini mansion sized house with his son, his two gay roommates who are slowly restoring their home, and a demon who is certain they are at the very least dating if not engaged.
Gordon doesn’t deny it but he won’t confirm it either.
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eeunoia · 4 years
BTS Imagines
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Hiking | Min Yoongi
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x reader
Summary: Finally, boyfriend yoongi had a day off over the weekend so him and his s/o decided to do some hiking.
Warnings: Not proof read.
“Eh!? Yoongi hyung? In a hiking?” Taehyung starred over y/n’s smiling face with his shock face then took a bite over his banana. He’s currently at the living room of their dorm when Y/n arrived.
She nodded excitedly as she settle her bag pack at their white clean couch.
“How did you manage to make him agree?” Taehyung asked again still can’t believe of what he just heard. They had a very tough week so the company finally gave them their well-deserved day off. He was amused to hear that his hyung-- his lazy hyung, to be more precise, agreed to go hiking with his girl.
Y/n pouted her lips, “I don’t know. I just... asked him.” she said and even shrugged her shoulders off. Her eyes darted the new member who entered the scene.
“Hey Y/n! You’re early today.” Namjoon said as he let out a yawn before sitting beside Taehyung. She gave him a small wave.
“Hyung...” Taehyung said getting the attention of his hyung. Namjoon looked at him wondering what he wants.
“Hmm?” he hummed. Y/n just watched them talk as her eyes darted over the clock at the wall. It’s still early and she did came a bit too early.
Well she can’t help it. She was so excited because she can spend time with her boyfriend after a while of being not seeing each other. She even woke up before her alarm rings.
“Yoongi hyung agreed to go hiking with Y/n noona.” Taehyung told Namjoon like as if it’s a very big news. Namjoon gave the same reaction as Taehyung and they both looked at Y/n at the same time.
“Really? How did you...?” Namjoon didn’t have the time to ask more when a fresh from the shower Min Yoongi suddenly appeared at their sight. He’s already wearing his hiking attire while his hair is still wet.
“Oh, you’re here already...” he said in a monotone like he isn’t really surprised by it. She smiled sweetly admiring her handsome boyfriend.
“Yeah, I’m excited.” she said with her smile. She can feel the two boys watching them but she didn’t mind. They’re used to it and she’s used to them.
Yoongi’s lips lifted up for a smirk as he walked closer to her leaning down for a peck over her pink soft lips. The peck made a soft smooch sound that made the two audience cringed a bit.
“I’ll just get my things and then we can go.” Yoongi said ignoring the small whimpers from his members.
Y/n, on the other hand, was blushing hardly because she was surprised by the sudden affection. Yoongi is always bold with his moves. With them dating for a while now, he can show those kind of affection without minding the people around them.
She gulped trying to calm herself down. She turned over her sides when she heard small giggles from the two. “You’re blushing noona.” Taehyung pointed out that made her shy even more.
She then shoot glares at them but they just laughed it off. She was about to tell something when she heard Yoongi again. He’s now carrying a bag over his back and playing with his car keys.
“Let’s go, love.” he called out. She answered a soft ‘Yes’ before getting her stuff as she send one last glare over the two. She walked towards Yoongi who’s patiently waiting by the hallway of their dorm.
“We’ll be going now.” he said talking to his members.
When she’s already close to him, he quickly get her bag from her and carried it for her. He wasn’t paying much attention to it, it was his natural self that is doing that. He’s always the gentlemen type towards his girlfriend and been like that ever since but it still made her blush like crazy.
“Bye lovebirds! Enjoy.” was the last thing she heard before they went out of their dorm.
Yoongi guided her down the parking lot to go to his car. She cutely follows him and he made the car beeped as they approached it. Yoongi went straight to the back to settle their things down.
“Do you want help?” she asked concerned.
He shook his head no and just told her to go inside the car already. She quickly obliged and even put her seatbelts on. She can’t help but to smile widely because she was so excited. She can go hiking and be with her boyfriend. What a nice way to spend the weekend.
She was still all smile when Yoongi entered the car. He gave her a small smile as she just observe him while he starts the engine. She smiled a little getting contented just by sitting beside him as he manipulates the steering wheel.
“You good there, love?” he asked softly as he drives away out of their building.
She nodded her head keeping her eyes over him. It’s still a bit dark because they decided to hike early in the morning to check the view of sunrise. She was very excited planning it the moment she heard from Yoongi that he have a day off at the weekened.
He played music during the drive and they both naturally to his playlist. Y/n always loved his choice of music. One of the things she loves about him is his passion and love for music. She’s so proud of him.
When they arrived, Yoongi made sure she had stretched well before going hiking. They started the hike, holding hands from time to time as they enjoy the cold breeze and small talks. Y/n was smiling despite the sweat that running down from her back and soaking her shirt.
They were already near the top and they can see the sun rise already. She was yet again hyped up and looked back over her boyfriend who’s drinking water just behind her. She noticed him panting because of the activity. She pouted a bit worried for him. Now, she kind of feels bad that she suggested this when he had a very tough week. He must’ve been so tired.
Yoongi noticed her stares and he quickly pulled a small smile as he slide one of his arm over her waist.
“You’re panting...” she stated. Yoongi chuckled as he dropped a kiss over his now rosy cheeks.
“So are you. Do you want water?” and he even raised the hand that is holding his bottled water. She shook his head.
“You look so tired. I’m sorry I should’ve had suggested a different one.” she said feeling really sorry for him. She faced down fiddling with her fingers.
Yoongi chuckled finding her cute. If he’s being honest, he hates it. His body is hurting and he’s really tired right now. He just wants to lay down to his bed and sleep but he just can’t say no when he already missed a lot of promised dates with her. She’s just too nice and understanding to even not nag about it.
He kissed her forehead once as he hugs her to make her feel better. His girl is just too nice.
“Stop feeling sorry when we’re already just a few steps from the top. You should’ve had said that when we’re still at the starting point.” he said trying to crack a joke at her. He smirked leaning away to check her reaction.
She pouted, still feeling sorry. He chuckled and rolled his tongue over his lips once before he held her hand.
“Come on, you will miss the only thing we came here for.” he said trying his best to sound excited even tho he isn’t.
They both arrived the top and a cool breeze greeted both of them as they watch the sun rise above the beautiful view in front of them. He smiled, feeling relaxed.
He looked over his girl who’s pouting over the view. He laughed finding it cute. He went behind her to give her a hug and one kiss at her cheeks.
“Hey, I expect you to be all jolly about this and you’re pouting? Damn girl, I sacrificed sleep for this and you’ll just pout.”
“I feel sorry because I made you do this.” he sighed turning her to face him before cupping both of her cheeks.
“Look, yeah, I hate to go hiking. I don’t want to be here. I’d rather be in bed with you and have some sleep but I don’t regret going here as well. I agreed going here because I want to spend some time with my girlfriend and to make it up to you, okay?” he assured her and kissed her over her lips.
He tilted his head while starring at it, seems like one isn’t enough so he dropped another two before he stopped himself. He made her face the view again as he give her a warm back hug and rested his chin at her shoulders.
“Thank you for being here with me today, I love you Min Yoongi.” she muttered as they both looked over the sun rising beautifully. Yoongi smiled in satisfaction as he heard those words.
It was just one sentence but it already means a lot for him. To hear her appreciating his little effort to make it up for her and her saying that she loves him sure feels great.
“I love you even more, thank you for being part of my life Y/n. It was worth it.”
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So, first request done! Omg I’m so thrilled!!!! Thank you anon for requesting and I hope you enjoyed what I wrote. Have a nice day! ✨
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Blood, tears and sea breeze
Warnings: ANGST, mental health issues, graphic depictions of violence, blood, cursing, mentions of sexual assault, mentions of sex, substance abuse.
Summary: The not so peaceful town of Broadchurch face dead again, while Alec Hardy continues his journey to redemption will this school teacher be the key to solve the mystery or just another victim of the ever watching evilness that seems to reside in the town.
Hi!!! Long time without posting, work has been crazy, so many painful things, but I have a tiny space of time and I wanted to think about something else for a change, new chapter, more questions and so close to the end. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Please take care of yourselves, mental health is so important, specially in times like this. We will get out of this, until then I send you a lot of love and hugs from here.
Atte: a still tired but more hopeful doctor
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Chapter 18: Reality
The stinging pain across your cheek somehow brought you back to reality, a reality that you had comfortably numbed away the moment the handcuffs closed around your wrists.
But reality could be tricky sometimes, because the brief stolen kisses on his livingroom, the innocent way he touched your face, and the hunger look on his eyes every night you escape to sleep alone in his room were part of reality, even when now they feel ages away, and numbing all the pain, all the desperation even those perfect moments was the best solution you could find, because the way the kindness evaporate from his eyes when he told you "Miss Y/L/N, you are under arrest for the murder of Jonathan Norbury" and was replaced for an empty void and disappointment in his voice, was enough to keep you from wanting to be in this reality.
But you were back, the echo of Ash words were hurting you, because she was wrong, you love them too, and you would have never wanted any of that trouble for them, she was wrong for believing that you wanted any of this, but she was right to call you all thos hurtful things, even when you were not sure of what you did you felt like you deserved it.
And what did you do? Did you really slept with Charlie? Charlie who was more like an awkward little brother that anything to you, did you really order him to ... kill Jonathan? Even thinking about it was to hard to process, you tried search for your bracelet again knowing to well it wasn't there, but your hands were handcuffed to the table and the more you pull from them the more they hurt, and the cold steel started to mark your wrists.
And somehow that pain kept you from blacking out, the thought of Alec angry and sad because of you alone in his house again, Ashley's words, and Jonathan's body on the floor, and you started crying, letting the pain wash out from your eyes, and then as your wrist started to bleed from the handcuffs clarity followed, you were not screaming as last time, because there was something you could not shake off your mind, something that was almost ridiculous, like the idea of even touching Charlie, and the sudden realization make you wanted to laugh, but you keep it quiet, because the pretty officer that had brought you in returned with a laptop and you didn't want to appear more disturbed than they already thought you were.
"Sugar?" Miller said offering a small bowl to Ashley Langford, she seemed stressed and there were a few wrinkles around her eyes and her hair looked less shiny than usual, somehow Miller thought, she looked more human.
"Oh no, it's fine thank you" she said and kept looking at the door. " I'm sorry for the way I acted, is just that my parents are very old and having the police coming and trash the place was..." she put the tea aside and covered her face with her hands before starting to cry. "How did this happened? My brother is an asswhole but he would never... oh god what did he do?" She cried again and Miller offered her a paper tissue.
"Miss Langford I'm so sorry for the inconvenience that this process is causing you, but I can't tell you any details about the investigation, we are going to need you to cooperate with us and told us everything about your brother relationship with Y/N" she said and the woman rise her look puzzled.
"I'm sorry, but I already know, everybody knows" she said and Miller was shocked to hear that. "It's all on the internet, a friend of mine send it to me this morning, I called Charlie and he gave me a very confusing response and I run to my parents house to question him about them, but they had already arrested him" she said and took her phone out of her purse to show her.
They were not the explicit videos that Ramos had found, but they left clear that Y/N and Charlie were together and they had killed Jonathan.
"What did your brother said?" Miller asked when a quick search on her social media let her know that maybe all of Broadchurch had seen Y/N confession.
"I don't know, he sounded confused, angry, he said That count thinks that because that old jock is shagging her now she can dump me she is crazier than I thought, we'll see how much he likes her after this" she was convinced he meant some of the girls he often meet at bars, but the truth was clear to Ellie.
A couple nights before, in the middle of the night Alec had texted her to meet on the piers, on their usual spot. And after some crafted lie to Brian she was there, ready to fight whatever demon was torturing his mind, however what she found was different, he had a quiet smile, looking at the waves, and enjoying the sound of the ocean in the night, if she didn't knew him any better she would have swear that he was humming a song.
"Having a good night sir?" She asked and sited next to him.
"Miller, do you think I'm bad at my job?" He asked and she kept trying to guess his train of thought, a sixth sense told her she already knew what was happening, but she didn't want it to be truth.
"Yes, you are a nightmare, what is happening?" She said humoring him and he became all serious.
"Just answer the bloody question Ellie" the use of her name let her know it was serious so she looked at the ocean for a a long moment before speaking.
"You are not, you are capable, witted, yes you are a nightmare, but you are quite good at your job" She said honestly.
"Do you trust my judgment?" He asked then almost in a whisper.
"Without a doubt sir" she said, and before he could reply and make her part of something that was clearly against the rules she stoped him. "I trust you would never jeopardize an active investigation, and that whatever choice you make on your... personal... life, would be after a deep and conscious consideration" she said looking deeply into his eyes.
"Ellie..." He started but he knew he should keep it quiet, this was for the best. "Thank you detective Miller"
"You are welcome sir, and if I may... I hope you are happy, and have a good night" she said, meaning every word, even when the pain was pushing to make her cry. "I will change the patrol on your house tomorrow, to someone more trustworthy, you know for safety" she said and walked away from the piers, leaving him with that stupid smile on his face.
And now all she could think off was him alone in his house angry at himself and she had the need to run to his side, but no, there was only one way out of this for him, without damaging his image more, and that was with a conviction on Y/N, so she took Ashley Langford declaration and it was now certain for her that Charles had posted those videos, the how he found out Y/N was involved with a certain scottish man was still a mystery but she was determined to find out.
But I like you and your cock better than Jonathan's, Charlie the sound of your voice coming from the laptop saying those things almost made you throw up, but you kept watching You should kill him already and we can leave this place, don't you think big boy? It was you, there was no doubt about it, it was you in a very ordinary and nasty room, acting like a drunk idiot, rubbing your almost naked body on Charles, who had the creepiest smug on his face and you wanted to slap that dump expression out of him, this was degrading and humiliating, but you were focused, as you had been the last few days, everything was more clear than it had been in the last year and your mind was running fast trying to focus on one sole detail.
You have seen at least four different videos of yourself and the dates on them click on your head with dumb fights with Jonathan, headaches or days that everything seemed blurry, and for a solid minute your mind start deviating and consider the idea that maybe you were actually guilty, that maybe this semi naked idiot was actually you, but before that ridiculous idea could consume you another stupid phrase out of Charlie's mouth made DC Ramos blush and made you remember something as DC Harford looked careful at you.
The last time you had blushed was a few days ago in Alec's couch, once you came back from the cliff and he turned up the heat since the both of you were wet from the rain that had made you run inside, kissing him had been a childish decision, and he kissing you back was just as bad, but now you were sitting on the couch covered with a blanket and holding a cup of tea, glad that Daze was god knows where and you could talk like adults.
"We shouldn't" you started, "I want to, I really do, but you are still leading the case, and I can't lie, and if someone asks me are you sleeping with detective Hardy I will say yes, and ..." You blush at the look he gave you and quickly hide your face away from his smile.
"Fine, you should lock your door tonight then" he said jokingly with a playful grin and for a moment you wonder were have this man been all this time.
"Sure detective, let's make dinner, I'm starving" you said and kissed him again, thinking at the moment that everything was alright, but now as agent Ramos looked uncomfortable away from you the little bubble of happiness was finally burst, and once again that anger make your memories come back to you the image of the night club cleared, the toothy grin of the man in the red shirt, finally had a name, and things became more and more focused and you looked up to DC Harford.
"Enough" You said a little more aggressive than expected, but they stopped looking at you with petty on their eyes if just for a moment. "I seen enough, what do you want to know?"
"Look everyone in Broadchurch is talking about you" Miller started showing Charles her phone with the edited videos "Are you going to keep pretending that you had nothing to do with this or are you finally going to talk?" She said and the authority on her voice irritated him.
"Where is the guy?" He asked looking at the empty chair next to her, but he had abandoned the erratic tone, and was talking quietly.
"In the other room talking to your girlfriend here" she said pointing at the pictures. "Whom I think will say everything so I will recomend you to start talking"
"No the little eye candy, the other one, the old one" he said and smiled when she change her stoic look. "I liked the guy, seems tough" he said with honesty and she repressed the impulse to sigh in relief.
"He is not working today" she said and tried to regain her pose. "He is loosing all the fun".
"Oh sad, because this is so entertaining" he said sarcastically "What do you expect me to say? I post them, she is suppose to be mourning, and sad, but no, the little cunt is so happy walking holding hands with some arse, well what can I expect right? She cheated on Jonathan, why wouldn't she cheat on me too" he said it upset at the thought of the woman seeing another men, and the whole situation became ridiculous to Miller, and at the same time something was not coming together.
"Did you saw her with someone else?" She asked cautiously, knowing too well that until the las four hours she had been enclosed in Hardy's house and if she ever leave his place was with him.
"I did, a couple days ago, acting like Jonathan was nothing to her, like I was nothing" He said, and she desperately needed to know if he was lying, because if he meant Alec he would have said it since the beginning, but if he meant someone else, who? Unless... maybe he was fabricating the whole thing.
"How was him?" She asked and without hesitation she add "I mean she has a type, Jonathan, you... another how did you call agent Ramos? Eye candy"
"Yeah" he said smiling sardonically "Some bloke, you know tall, black hair, I could take him down" it sounded rehearsed, and it became clear he was lying when he nervously add "Clean shaved bastard"
She was about to say something else when the door was opened and a nervous Harford came inside.
"I'm sorry to bother you, but we need you" she said and Miller followed her outside leaving a puzzled Charlie behind.
"What happened?" She asked and Katie looked at her feet uncomfortable "She still hasn't talked?"
"No, that's the problem, she talks but she says she doesn't remember anything..." she started
"Well she make this idiot kill her fiance I'm not surprised she wants to pretend it didn't happen" Miller say spiteful.
"No that's not the problem, she says she will confess, but only to you" she said and Miller was surprised to hear that.
"Absolutely no" she said calmly.
"I say that and she went silent again" I try everything, we even show her how those videos are running through all the town, by the way how the fuck that happened?" She said and show her a link send to her by her dad. "But she keeps asking for you"
Ellie remembered the last time she walked inside that particular interrogation room, a part of her wanted answers, but she feared she would act up against her, and ruin the case as she have done all those years ago, but no, Haedy needed her to fix this, so she make up her mind an asked Katie to leave her alone inside.
"Ellie" you said once she was sitted in front of you, "it may be in our best interest if you gave me 5 minutes before turning on that thing" you said looking at the tape recorder that Harford had turned off.
"Is Detective Miller, and why would I listen to you?" She said and her tone was not only dry and professional but also rude at some point.
"Because if you care about Alec as much as I do you may want to hear what I have to say first" you said and she raised her hand and you prepared to feel the pain in your face again but she only put the pictures of Jonathan's body and screenshots from the filthy videos in front of you.
"This is caring for him?" She said and this time was no longer any professionalism on her voice. "You have five minutes" she said finally.
"I didn't sleep with him" you said and she gave you an incredulous look "Alec," you said exasperated "I thought is better to let that out in the open, nothing happened, so he is safe on that end... and I have no intention of talking to a lawyer so you can rest" you said and her expression softened a little "where is he?" You couldn't help but ask.
"Alone in his house, probably wondering why did he trusted you" she spat at you "4 and a half minutes"
"Fine, I don't remember anything of this, ok? Completely blank, but I'm not an idiot I know how that sounds, and I won't play the victim, I will confess, to what is here to whatever agent Harford needs to put Charlie on jail, and me if I have to"
"And how are you so sure about Langford being guilty?" She asked.
"Because I remember now, the day I found him like this" you said pointing at the picture, I took the bus home and Charles was there, he put him there" you said since the images were flowing back to your mind, and you remembered, "I start screaming for help when I saw him, he said something about this being what I wanted, what I asked him to do all the time, and I fight him to run away and then I just remember his hand in my neck and the taste of something bitter he force down my throat and before everything went black again I saw him put my ring on his hand" you said and Ellie's eyes opened up drastically.
"The broken ring?" She said quietly.
"Yes, the next thing I remember was being in the front door reading Jonathan's letter, getting inside and freaking out over his body" you said very aware of how unrealistic all that sounded but she had to listen to you "He posted all this crap, but nothing about the parking lot, and I'm sure I fight that time, and this person that I don't remember is willing, drunk or drugged with a split personality or whatever, but she appeared to be ok with what is happening, then why will I need to scream, and run and fight on that car? What was different then, why did he needed to make a show out of Jonathan's dead, if he was so sure I wanted this, why did he have to make it all this big?" you said aware of the way that sounded but for some reason something on her eyes said she might believe you.
"I have no interest in understanding the train of thought of a lunatic" She Miller said trying to hide her own concerns "What is your point?"
"You are bsolutely right, but this was post right after we..." start dating? That sounded childish, we kiss? Sure Y/N rub it on her face "All I can think is that this is not over, and I can't let whatever else is coming affect Alec, so I'll confess so this ends quickly, but I need you to make sure he doesn't get dragged into this, I can't have that on me"
"Your time is up" she said and put out the note pad where you should write the declaration, completely ignoring your words.
"Ok, where should I start?" You said resigned.
"You are really going to confess?" She asked surprised and didn't turn the device on yet "why? If you really think there is more to it than the evidence, then why?"
"No matter how, I'm responsible for his dead, I might as well start paying, also this way I can make sure Alec's reputation and Ashley's life doesn't get more damaged for my mistakes" you said firmly.
"You really care about him huh?" She said and gave you a half smile. "I think I know exactly where you should start" she said and started writing instructions on the notepad, before you start speaking.
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thaliagrayce · 4 years
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it took a long time, but it’s also almost 5k? I got super into this one, whoops. I reread the chapter for this, so a good deal of the dialogue is directly from canon. I tweaked it, tho. hope you like it :)
Jason hadn’t been expecting the man to turn into the wind, but he was too used to life at this point to be surprised by it. He could track where he went—barely—and started pursuit, gesturing to Nico to follow him. He tried not to let the prickling feeling of Nico’s eyes on his back distract him too much.
He still wasn’t sure why, back on the ship, he’d agreed so quickly to Nico’s logic when he’d said that the two of them had to make this stop alone. Piper had offered to come along mostly for his benefit, he knew, and he was grateful to his friend for looking out for him, but he couldn’t deny that he almost felt relieved when Nico had shot her down. He’d told himself that it was because he wanted an opportunity to figure his newest teammate out for himself instead of relying on Hazel’s familial loyalty and Percy’s cautionary tales.
The truth was more complicated. Since he first made contact with other Romans, people who had met him before, he’d grown more and more uneasy with how different their memories of him were from the person he felt at his core. His gut told him that something didn’t add up, even from the start. By now, he only remembered bits and pieces of his time in Camp Jupiter—a few interactions with Reyna, parts of senate meetings that all blended together, hours spent training both with his cohort and by himself—but it was enough. His gut had been right. The loyal Roman Jason hadn’t fit in as well as everyone thought; no matter the place, Jason hadn’t ever felt comfortable with the weight of expectation that seemed to follow him around. He learned to trust his intuition when it was saying things about his past, even if he didn’t have the memory to back it up yet.
He was nervous around the son of Hades in a way that he wasn’t around most people. He would almost feel ashamed about that if his gut didn’t tell him that he had a good reason to be—a reason entirely separate from Percy’s stories. He had no memories to back it up yet, but something told him that this wasn’t the first time he had met Nico di Angelo.
The crumbling pink wall of Diocletian’s palace rose in front of them. The man made of air had gone inside without worrying about the ticket booth several blocks away. Or doors, for that matter. They had to get inside before they lost him.
“Hold on,” Jason said. He ignored the swoop of his stomach and the buzzing in his fingertips and wrapped his arms around Nico’s waist, then willed the winds to boost them up over the wall.
Nico made a noise that on anyone else, Jason would describe as a yelp, but that seemed too… Nico di Angelo wouldn’t yelp, even if he threw his arms around Jason’s shoulders and held just over the threshold of too tight. The sound was muffled in part by his own sleeve and part by Jason’s chest as he buried his head in between the two of them.
Nico pushed away as soon as they landed back on solid ground, face pink. Jason felt the loss of warmth acutely and missed it, despite the heat of the day around them. He filed the realization into the mental drawer labeled “things to figure out later” as soon as it crossed his mind.
“The peristyle,” Nico said. “This was the entrance to Diocletian’s private residence.” He scowled at Jason and turned away from the sun, throwing his face into shadow. He might have done that on purpose. “And please, I don’t like being touched. Don’t ever grab me again.”
Jason tensed with the implicit threat underlying those words. His heart tugged—he was a very physical person, but he should have known that not everyone appreciated casual touch as much as he did. In fact, something told him that he should have known that Nico, specifically, didn’t like people touching him. For half a second, the Nico in front of him flickered with the scenery. One moment he was looking gaunt and sweaty in his aviator jacket in the ruins of Diocletian’s palace. The next, he was standing a few inches shorter outside of the senate building in New Rome, wearing an inky black toga and matching scowl, half-hidden in shadows.
Confirmation, then. The memory was only a flash and contained almost no new information, but Jason was absolutely certain that he had met Nico before. He couldn’t tell how he felt about that, and by the time he blinked away the image and the feelings it brought completely, Nico had already started to move on. He was heading to a staircase in the corner that led down into the darkness.
Jason jogged a few steps to catch up. He held his hands up, palms out, when Nico turned to look at him. “Got it, no touching. I’m sorry.” Nico blinked at him curiously, but thankfully didn’t mention Jason’s lapse in presence.
Nico looked like he might have been about to speak, but cut himself off suddenly as a breeze rushed past. In front of them, at the entrance to the steps, a single rust-colored feather floated to the ground. The two boys looked to each other, hands subconsciously reaching for their swords.
Nico’s face broke out into a grin, and Jason noticed for the first time—or, maybe, for the first time that he could remember—that his teeth were a little crooked. It was humanizing on this mysterious, dangerous boy. Jason couldn’t figure out the feeling that jumped in his chest at the sight, so he ended up settling on “unsettled”.
Underground they went.
Several things about their journey to the palace of Cupid stuck out to Jason. The sudden appearance of Favonius, of course. His horrible story about killing the mortal he loved. The sensation of being turned into the wind instead of just riding it. Nico’s obvious discomfort that started when he figured out who Favonius was and only grew as they went on. Now, finally back on solid ground, Jason had the urge to reach out and grab Nico’s armor his shoulder or something, help steady him. He glanced at Nico’s hands, white-knuckled and shaking. He wanted to take one of them, just as a reassurance. He didn’t, though. Nico didn’t like touch, they weren’t there yet. Maybe someday.
He had to do something, though. Nico was even paler than when they first got him out of that jar, dark eyes wide. He could say something—
Or he could help actually complete the task at hand and help return to the ship as fast as possible. Right.
Nico was at his back now, and Jason could only barely feel the warmth of his body through the waves of unearthly chill that he was radiating. Jason tried his hardest to put out comforting vibes, but he seriously doubted that was anywhere close to a Jupiter kid power.
“Cupid!” Jason squinted around the ruins to no avail. The voice seemed to come out of thin air. “Where are you?”
Without warning, some invisible force slammed into him and sent him flying down a crumbling set of stairs. He landed hard in a cellar and coughed at the cloud of dust that billowed up around him.
Nico scrambled down the steps through the haze of dust that Jason had inadvertently kicked up. “You okay?”
Jason noticed that some of the dust clung to Nico’s dark hair as he took the offered hand and pulled himself up. There was a bit of something stuck in his thick eyelashes that had to be driving him crazy.
“Yeah,” he said instead of pointing that out, dropping Nico’s hand to dust off his jeans. “Just got sucker punched.” He spent a little to much time looking at his hands after he was done. Cupid was right, Jason barely knew who he was between his Roman life and his Greek one—but somehow he didn’t think that was all Cupid was talking about.
A laugh answered them, and Jason felt the air ripple for half a second. He threw up his gladius on instinct, just in time to deflect a three foot long monster of an arrow that would have pierced Nico’s chest.
Nico grabbed his arm and raced back up the steps and out of the basement. Two seconds after they were out, a limestone column collapsed over the entrance.
Nico growled in frustration. “We just want the scepter! We’re trying to stop Gaea. Are you on the gods’ side or not?”
Another arrow flashed toward Nico’s feet and he stumbled away from it, seeming to forget that he was still holding on to Jason’s arm.
Jason stumbled after him, his vision swimming. Another flashback—Nico in the principa as the legion prepared for war games. His hair was shorter, but Jason could remember that it seemed long back then. He had thought it suited Nico. He had… He had been trying to convince Nico to join the war games, to practice with the legion and teach them a thing or two. He was the first child of the Big Three Jason had ever met, aside from himself. Hazel would be a fearsome ally and opponent, he could already tell, but she was still a new recruit and could barely hold a sword correctly at that point.
A strand of hair fell into his eyes, and the memory of Jason clasped his hands behind his back to keep himself from reaching out and tucking it behind his ear.
“It could be fun, you know. Probably wouldn’t even last that long, if we were on the same side.”
Nico had looked up at him then, and Jason’s heart stuttered—both in the memory and in reality. His eyes were as dark as his sword and shone with just as much hidden strength and promised danger.
“Than you for the offer, but I don’t pick sides, Praetor Grace.” Memory Jason felt disappointment in his gut as Nico moved closer to the shadows, letting them reach out for him. “I’m just here for Hazel, you know that.”
He did, and was hoping for something else anyway.
Current Jason snapped back in place as he tripped over a broken column, nearly pulling Nico down with him. Nico finally realized that he was still holding on and dropped Jason’s arm as if it were too cold to touch. It made Jason’s stomach swoop in the same way that it had been since they left the ship, but Jason was beginning to understand that it probably wasn’t because the boy creeped him out. Maybe Cupid really was talking about more than just memory.
The air right in front of them rippled again, and Jason was still too dazed from his sudden memory to be able to figure out what it meant for them. Nico cried out in pain as an arrow materialized in his sword arm. He reached up for the shaft and the whole thing dissolved, leaving a jagged hole in his jacket and absolutely no blood. His face shone with rage.
“Enough games!” Nico growled. “Show yourself!”
Jason had to jump back as another limestone column came crashing down, this time cutting him off from Nico entirely. He could see the other boy through the rubble and the cloud of dust, and made a jerking motion with his thumb—he couldn’t get over the column unnoticed, but maybe he could sneak around the god. He started creeping forward as Cupid launched into a monologue about his wife.
His mission drew him further away from Nico than he was comfortable with, and the realization of that sank into him gradually. At the start of the mission, he had convinced himself to go in order to gauge Nico’s trustworthiness, to see whether he was as shifty as Percy seemed to think. By now, he was reluctant to go more than fifteen feet away from him.
In a stroke of both luck and great misfortune, Cupid appeared to have been completely serious when he said that Jason wasn’t worth his attention earlier; luck because it allowed him to sneak around to a point where he was fairly certain he could get a clean shot without much trouble. Misfortune because all of the god’s attention was solely on Nico, who was looking more harried by the second. Jason felt a twinge of guilt; he had left Nico on distraction duty with someone who clearly liked toying with people’s emotions. He reminded himself to apologize later, but for now, he just needed the god to say one more thing and he would have him as good as pinned.
“I’ve been to Tartarus and back,” Nico snarled. “You don’t scare me.”
Gotcha. Jason thrust his gladius to the sky and tasted copper. He closed his eyes against the blinding flash, but could do nothing against the energy that raced through his blood and set his nerves on high alert. When he opened his eyes again, there was a smoking crater about thirty feet from Nico, where Jason had placed Cupid. All sound had died in the aftermath of the thunder clap.
Jason met Nico’s eyes across the arena and it was like looking in a mirror; he could see the same incredulous hope in Nico’s eyes, their chests heaved in tandem. It almost felt a little too easy.
A force like a battering ram hit Jason in the chest, shoving him to the ground and knocking the wind out of him. His sword skittered across the broken paving stones and came to rest around three feet outside of his reach.
He heard a menacing crack off to his left, and rolled out of the way just in time to avoid the wall that crumbled into the space he had been occupying. His muscles trembled from a combination of exertion, adrenaline, and lack of oxygen. His chest heaved for air but came up empty.
He tried to force himself to breathe with his powers, but abandoned the attempt midway through as a microwave-sized chunk of limestone flew at his head at a speed that would make major league pitchers jealous. He threw himself to the right as much as he could from his position, which still left him close enough to be pelted by tiny shards of broken floor. Darkness started to creep in along the edges of his vision. His arms gave out on him and he fell back to the ground. He needed air.
“Stop it!” Nico stepped into the space between them, lips curled back in a snarl. “It’s me you want. Leave him alone!” His chin tilted up, defiant, and a gust of wind whipped around him, fluttering his hair and his jacket and—
Air rushed into Jason’s lungs again. He breathed in until he was lightheaded, staring at the protective image Nico projected. Nico was so wrong, Cupid wasn’t just here for him. Jason wanted to punch the god in his monstrously beautiful face, as soon as he stopped shaking.
“Just give us Diocletian’s scepter! We don’t have time for games!” Nico snarled.
GAMES? Cupid struck, slapping Nico sideways into a granite pedestal. LOVE IS NO GAME. IT IS NO FLOWERY SOFTNESS. Nico was tossed backward as if he weighed no more than a kitten, and he landed in a pile of rubble hard enough that Jason could hear the clattering of stones. IT IS HARD WORK—A QUEST THAT NEVER ENDS. IT DEMANDS EVERYTHING FROM YOU, ESPECIALLY THE TRUTH. ONLY THEN DOES IT YIELD REWARDS.
Jason shoved himself upright, desperate to get over to Nico. He looked angry, struggling to get out of the rocks he had been thrown into. There was a scrape on his forehead, dripping down into his eyes, and—
Jason’s head rushed and the world tilted around him. He dropped to his knees as quickly as he could and sucked in a breath, shaking as his vision cleared out.
Fine. So he wasn’t completely recovered from getting the wind knocked out of him, standing was a bad idea. He could still crawl.
He got about five feet closer to Nico before a column toppled in front of him—one that he could have sworn wasn’t even there before. He reared back to avoid being hit and looked up to see Nico dive out of the way of a flying rock, tucking into a roll and coming up smoothly onto his feet.
Jason turned to go around the end of the column, but he didn’t even get a foot away before something else came crashing down in front of him. He looked urgently to where Nico was fighting against something he couldn’t see, and was hit with two realizations: he wouldn’t be able to get to him in any helpful capacity, and he was absolutely desperate to be next to him.
“Nico, what does this guy want from you?”
Nico looked more furious than Jason had ever seen him before. Every shadow in the ruins of the palace gravitated toward him, like hands reaching out, desperate to touch him. The stones at his feet rumbled and cracked as if something was moving in the earth beneath, trying to push its way through. His eyes were tinged with red, and for a second, Jason thought he might have some wild new aura of power going on, until he saw the way his eyes shined more than usual. Jason’s heart relocated to somewhere around his knees. He had never seen Nico cry before, he didn’t need all of his memories to know that. A skeletal hand clawed its way out of the dirt next to Nico’s boot.
WILL YOU HIDE AMONG THE DEAD, AS YOU ALWAYS DO? Cupid was taunting him. Jason snarled at the laugh he heard in the booming words.
Nico let loose a guttural scream and the rocks at his feet crumbled as whole skeletons dragged themselves out of the dirt, carrying ancient weapons and clad in tattered remnants of their time. Jason had enough time to see three of them move in the same direction before the first wave hit him hard enough to leave him gasping.
The intrusion of memories that weren’t his own felt like his mind was a bookshelf, and someone had just shoved something too big for the space allowed into it. Pressure built up between his ears as images of a different life flashed through his mind. He saw from Nico’s perspective, standing next to a girl who had the same dark eyes and olive skin as Nico. Percy Jackson stood in front of them, Riptide drawn, brown skin glowing in its light, keeping them safe from a manticore. He’d been the first demigod that Nico had ever seen in action, Mythomagic brought to life.
Later, at camp, Percy took Nico’s arm as he promised to keep Bianca safe. Jason could feel Nico’s conviction, the absolute unshakable certainty that Percy was trustworthy. He was a hero, and heroes couldn’t be wrong. He had looked into Percy’s green eyes and felt a fluttering warmth in his chest. The pressure in Jason’s head turned into pain, and his stomach turned. He wasn’t so sure the two things were related.
He saw the moment Percy returned to tell Nico that Bianca was dead, felt the raw anger and grief firsthand as Nico screamed. The betrayal felt larger than anything else Nico had ever felt, but he still couldn’t leave Percy to the skeletons. He’d created a chasm to send them back to hell before they could hurt Percy, then felt nauseous at the amount of power that took, the amount of power he had inside him. He glanced at Percy once more and ran.
Jason saw dozens of other scenes with Percy, each full of intense emotion. His skin felt clammy, and he was only marginally aware of what was going on in real life—the summoned skeletons had latched onto something invisible and were wrestling it to the ground—but the images in his head took all of his attention. Percy smiling Nico’s way, showing his dimples, before Nico realized that Annabeth was behind him. Percy holding on to a piece of blue cake on a fire escape in front of some brick building, surprised to see Nico, inviting him in. A glimpse of Percy coming out of the canoe lake at camp before Nico looked away. Jason’s head felt like it was going to burst. His own chest was a mess of pain and longing, caught up in Nico’s memories.
The pain in his head stopped abruptly and the scene in his head shifted. He was in the stands of the training arena in New Rome, looking down at a practice fight on the main grounds. It was Nico fighting, he realized with a start—this was his own memory. His opponent was Hazel, and Jason could see the smile on her face even from this far away. She circled around him until her back was to Jason, and Jason could see Nico’s face clearly. He looked happy, genuinely happy, for the first time since Jason had met him. His hair was half tied up, the other half not long enough to fit in the ponytail. He was smiling. Jason’s heart tripped over itself. This was the first time Jason had ever seen Nico smile, he realized. His teeth shone and it was a little predatory, honestly. His eyes were darker than anything Jason had ever seen, and like this, they glinted with something close to mischief. His smile carved little lines in his face next to them. He was in a well-guarded stance and even though he was clearly distracted by whatever Hazel was saying, it was equally clear that he wouldn’t be caught by surprise if she lunged. He was an excellent swordsman, he was powerful, he was…
He was beautiful. Jason’s throat felt a little dry. Nico di Angelo was beautiful right now, with sweat sticking some escaped strands of hair to his forehead. He was beautiful when he was sitting across from Jason in senate meetings, somehow managing to look both bored and respectful at the same time. He was beautiful on the rare few times Jason had caught up to him walking around New Rome, sunlight catching the planes of his face and the depths of his eyes. Jason was sure that there was so much more to Nico than the face he put up in public. He was the only other person who might understand the deep loneliness in Jason, the isolation that came from being his father’s son. Jason realized he didn’t want to get close to Nico just because of the Big Three solidarity.
In that moment, thirty feet away from Nico as he laughed and fought his sister, Jason would have given anything to be noticed by him, to be seen. To be loved.
The laughing Nico of his memory melted into the present version of him, still clutching his sword and facing an opponent, his mouth pressed firmly into a line, his eyes ringed with red. His face was caked with dirt save for matching tracks trailing down both cheeks.
His voice cracked, and Jason’s heart cracked with it. He looked to Jason, fearful, and Jason realized that he wasn’t scared of Cupid, not really. He was scared of Jason. He was scared of the reaction. Jason swallowed the spring of hurt.
“It’s okay, Nico.” He tried to force a smile onto his face. “I get it.”
Under the pile of skeletons, Cupid became visible. He was handsome, yeah. Jason didn’t care. Cupid was watching Nico with an expression that Jason interpreted as smug.
“I had a crush on Percy. That’s it, that’s the big secret.” Nico glared at Cupid with every ounce of venom in his body. “Happy now?”
Jason busied himself with finally, finally getting to his feet. He felt like he was intruding on something. He focused on dusting himself off and tried to tune out the exchange in front of him.
“Jason Grace.” He looked up to see Cupid’s plastic-heart-red eyes staring right at him from a foot away. He hadn’t heard the god approach. Nico was clutching a scepter back where they were before, glaring at his own feet.
“You surprised me.” He tilted his head and Jason felt like he was under inspection. He fought the heartbreak and anger in his chest to keep a straight face. “Learn from this.”
The god reached out his hand to clap Jason’s shoulder, but he jerked out of his way. When Cupid looked back at him, surprised, Jason let just a little bit of his Wolf Stare seep into his expression. He couldn’t shake the image of Nico crying out of his head.
“Have you said what you need to say?” Jason swallowed down a sneer. “Sir?”
Cupid had the nerve to grin. “You’re a very quick study. Good.” He winked once at Jason before dissolving into nothing. Static electricity crackled at Jason’s fingertips. He shook out his hands and his head. This wasn’t about him, he wasn’t the person who had been targeted by this. He vaulted over the toppled column to get to Nico.
Nico was looking straight up when Jason got to him, blinking rapidly. He decided it might be a good idea not to mention the crying. Nico held a staff about three feet long with this marble globe on the end of it—Diocletian’s scepter. Mission complete.
“If…” Nico broke the silence and Jason almost jumped with the suddenness of it. “If the others found out—”
“If the others found out,” Jason interrupted, “you’d have that many more people to back you up and to unleash the fury of the gods on anybody who gives you trouble.” This was… familiar. He believed the words with his whole being, but they didn’t feel like his own. For a moment, he heard Reyna’s voice in his head, saying almost the same thing. Something told him that this wasn’t the first time he’d had a conversation like this.
It might have been the first time he was on this side of it, though.
Nico frowned. Jason could still feel the anger and resentment rippling off of him.
“It’s your call, though,” Jason added. “Your decision to share or not. Nobody should be outed like that.” Nico looked up at him, surprised. “I can only tell you that you’re not alone.”
Nico tilted his head, considering, before looking back down at the scepter in his hands. They both stood there for a minute, alone in the crumbling ruins of an old palace, listening to the winds.
“I don’t feel that way anymore.” Nico cleared his throat. “I mean… I gave up on Percy. I was young and impressionable, and I—I don’t…”
His voice wobbled and he cut himself off, blinking too much. Jason’s heart sank. Nico’s words weren’t very convincing, but that didn’t matter in the long run. He had already been through so much, years of isolation and hordes of secrets in his wake. How long had he been keeping this one to himself? It must have been unthinkable to share in the 1940’s, and Nico’s life hadn’t gotten much happier since then. Jason felt certain that he’d had support in his life—in this regard, at least. Reyna’s smile flashed through his mind. Nico didn’t need someone to sweep him off his feet right now, and Jason doubted that he would want it, either. What he needed was a friend.
“Nico,” he murmured. “I’ve seen a lot of brave things. But what you just did? That was maybe the bravest.”
Nico looked up uncertainly. Jason smiled.
“We should get back to the ship.”
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lov3nerdstuff · 5 years
Dark Stars {Part 9}
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*Loki x OFC*
Part: 9/10
Words: 3k
Warnings: nudity, teasing, no smut tho
Summary: ~Loki could just let her die here and now. His problems would be solved and he could go back to his usual ways. But then he would forever be left with an unsolved mystery and he hated the prospect of that even more than the fear of what would happen if she lived.~
A story of what happens when Loki stumbles upon someone who is like him in every way. Only better. Oh, and they just happen save Asgard too.
A.N.: To celebrate over 1000 people following me (how insane is that?!), I decided to share the newly edited version of the very first Loki fanfiction I ever wrote! Enjoy the mischief 💚
All Parts can be found on my Masterlist!
"Oh yes!" Ivy grinned. "We found the man who poisoned the city... A council member seeking revenge for his own miserable existence. He's down in the water supply system with a few of his creepy plants, and you really might want to clean that up before any of the poisoned water gets into the wrong tunnels. And you might also want to make sure there are no poisoned foods left in the palace or the city."
"What? The man's still down there? Alone?!" Thor asked in confusion, staring first at Ivy, then at Loki.
"Yeah, but he's dead, so… no need to worry about that." Ivy shrugged. "Just tell the guards to clean that mess up and you're good to go."
"I didn't think you'd get the issue sorted out this fast, really, I'm impressed. But I'm not your personal palace servant!" Thor put his arms into his sides with a frown. "You can't come here every day to tell me what to do!"
"Yeah, I'm also quite disappointed that it didn't take us longer to find him… I was hoping for a spectacular chase, an exciting adventure… while all we got was a mere 'meh'. But at least now there won't be any more people dying, so that's nice. You're welcome!" Ivy smirked to herself, and Loki chuckled.
Thor on the other hand only sighed. "Maybe if I tell father about this incident and polish it up a little in the dramatics, he might let my brother return to the palace."
"Who said I want to come back?" Loki rose his eyebrows at Thor in question, unimpressed by the thunderer's attempt to right wrongs that weren't his own.
"Oh come on, I can hardly imagine that you enjoy living down in the streets! I will talk to our father about the issue and then I will speak with you again. We shall meet tomorrow at sunset, far back in the palace gardens." Thor smiled to himself, obviously very content with his idea.
"I'm only coming back if Ivy can come with me." Loki said calmly. "Either that, or this will be the very last you see of us."
With that, Loki had taken hold of Ivy's arm and they once more disappeared in an instant, leaving Thor alone on his grand balcony.
Thor sighed to himself once they were gone. He had always wanted for Loki to find someone who loved him dearly and truthfully, but now he wasn't so sure of that concept anymore. They would either heal each other from their bitterness, from their brokenness, or together they would be the end of everything Thor believed to know.
"So… Going back to the palace, huh?" Ivy asked in a stained voice once they had reached the secret opening and walked over to their spot with the still dirty blankets. However, Ivy didn't feel like sitting, or resting in any way… She felt gross and bruised and thus only leaned against the cold stone wall as she came to stand next to their provisional camp.
"Don't you think a real bed would be more comfortable than freezing on a blanket every night?" Loki asked with a small laugh. "It's only going to get colder and wetter as the year passes."
"Well, I have never before minded the weather." Ivy commented with an indifferent shrug. "And right now it's still warm and comfortable… We could stay here, you know… And try to make it work." She started rubbing her face, noticing how the sweat and the dirt of the streets still lingered on her body like a second skin that clung to her physique like it clung to her mind. In addition the obvious weardowns, she still felt the gross man's hands on her skin, even if he had barely gotten the chance to touch her at all. Still, unwanted touch brought back unpleasant memories.
"This place… It's not enough. Not right now, and definitely not for an eternity." Loki spoke quietly, looking into Ivy's eyes with such positive determination that it confused her more than it pained her.
"If you think like that, then maybe I'm not enough for you either." Ivy replied calmly, but the sadness in her voice was cold and bitter like a veil of venom. She turned to look away, avoiding his eyes for she didn't want to see pity yet again, nor whatever else he had meant to say. No, Ivy was too tired to deal with his shifts of mind. If he was pulling back again now, after everything, she wouldn't stop him. Not again.
Loki on the other hand placed a gentle finger under her chin, making her look back up at him. "I think you misunderstand my words…" He leaned his head down so his forehead was touching the top of hers, his voice only a breath. "I think this place is not enough for you… I want to give you so much more than this… I want to give you everything."
Ivy's eyes fluttered shut as she tried to calm her breathing, heart echoing in her ears like thunder. "Why would you say that? I'm not like you, I don't yearn for grandness… or for a palace. I was raised on the streets, I've lived on the streets my whole life and that's also where I will die. I have no right to ask for everything. Nor do I deserve it."
Loki lifted a hand, pushing a strand of hair out of her face in a movement so tender it made her heart sigh. "You deserve it more than anybody else." His hand went from caressing her cheek, slowly trailing down to her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps on her delicate skin.
"How could I possibly go back to the palace with you in the knowledge of how they treated you? I saw what you saw… I felt what they made you feel. If they think you're a monster, what will they think of me? Who am I, Loki, to keep them from hurting you yet again?"
"You are my queen." He replied easily, as if speaking a universal truth. "And I am your humble servant."
It didn't take any more words for Ivy to realize that she would never in her life love something as much as she loved Loki. Not freedom, not being right… not anything.
She brought her hands up to his cheeks and pulled him against her until their lips touched at last, for a kiss so gentle it made her heart flutter and her skin tingle as if under electricity. And Loki kissed her back, softly at first, but slowly all the affection, the passion and the desperation his heart had harbored deepened the kiss to become of such an intensity it made Ivy hold onto him as the only solid thing in a crazy spinning world. The feeling of his chilled lips moving against hers cleared her mind from every worry the world had to offer and every sorrow that was left within her from the past or present. There was only a future in this kiss, a promise of light.
A small moan escaped her lips and she pressed her body against his as tightly as possible, desperate for his touch, for closeness, for comfort.
But Loki pulled away, only a few inches, to look into her darkened eyes. "This is not the right time, my love…"
"Huh?" Ivy stared at him, through a haze of emotions, frustrated at the loss of his lips on her own.
"You deserve so much more than a quick makeout on the dusty ground... You deserve to be worshiped like the goddess you are."
"I deserve you!" Ivy pouted a little, poking him in the chest with her index finger. "And I didn't think you'd be the 'taking it slow' kind of person…" She winked at him, teasing, knowing exactly how to push his buttons by now.
Loki let out a short laugh, followed by a humored smirk. "Ivy, I think you know exactly what kind of person I am. And you know that I'm not as shallow as this." The seductiveness in his voice, the way he towered over her, his eyes so dark and intense that his mere gaze on her made Ivy press her back into the stone wall behind her for support. It really wasn't fair that he was getting to play with her... But two could play at this game.
In an instant, she grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and switched their position around, pressing his back against the stone wall with her entire body weight. Sure, he probably could've freed himself, but it was the gesture that counted after all.
Loki's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise and amusement, and Ivy could've sworn they darkened even more. Hiding her grin behind another smirk, she let her hands slowly wander down from his collar, fingers brushing against his neck, over his chest, and down to the hem of his biting, tracing it with one single finger. But then she stopped abruptly, taking an entire step backwards, and thus breaking every physical contact, but not once their locked gaze.
Now it was Loki's turn to protest, at least with his eyes, for surely begging, or pouting, he deemed below his pride. And still, Ivy could tell how much their little game was affecting him, and how pissed he was at her for pulling back. But that was what payback is all about, after all.
"I think I should really get cleaned up now, if you don't mind…" She grinned at him and sauntered over to the pool, first kicking off her boots, then dropping her jacket, pants following, until she stood at the edge of the water in nothing but his shirt. For a short moment that grew longer and longer in accordance with the stretching shadows on the grass, she hesitated. And waited. The sun was gone by now, and the light breeze made her shiver involuntarily, but also sobered her mind from her pressing need for his touch. Sure, she still craved his physical affection as much as the comfort of his mere presence, but that would also mean having to reveal her body with all its flaws and scars. It wasn't like she was ashamed or shy of herself, but she didn't want him to think she was a weak for having gotten beat up so many times over… a fragile object, a doll shattered and put back together. There had been quite a few times already when people had seen her naked, but it had always been without her consent. And the memory of all those times she had been touched or hurt for the pleasure of others didn't just vanish because someone, for once, was good for her, to her.
Ivy felt ridiculous for even thinking about it; Loki was the first person who ever truly cared about her. He would never hurt her like that nor consciously act in a way that was uncomfortable to her. She smiled at the thought. He was a much nicer person than he believed himself to be.
"May I join?" Loki asked then, his voice coming from so close behind her all of a sudden that it made her jump a little.
He could tell the mood had shifted with every item of clothing she had lost, and by merely looking at her now, shivering and waiting, he knew that this was not the time nor the place indeed.
"I can leave if you want to clean yourself." He said gently, as she turned around to face him.
Ivy wrapped her arms around her still mostly covered body and observed Loki's face for a moment. He didn't look angry, or disappointed or anything that would've made her feel guilty for pulling back now. There was only understanding and sincere worry in his eyes. Love, even.
"No." Ivy heard herself say before her mind caught on. "Don't leave."
"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, my love…" He said and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Whatever it is you wish for me to do, I will."
"Undress." Ivy commanded in a quiet, yet determined voice. "Without magic."
Loki lifted his eyebrows in surprise, but obeyed without another comment. He didn't try to make it any kind of seductive, or even longer than necessary… he simply took the pieces of clothing off one by one and discarded them on the ground.
Ivy watched intently, her eyes never leaving his until he was completely bare, and obviously still comfortable under his burning gaze. Only then she dared to truly look at him, taking in every inch of his being, tracing his skin with her eyes as she wished to let her hands do.
"No deceptions..." She said quietly, her voice hoarse. Loki sighed slightly, turning his back to her before doing as he was told and dropping every magic he had used to disguise the scars and wounds he had collected over the last centuries. He couldn't see her face, but he could hear a slight gasp.
To Ivy's eye, he was marvelous, in every aspect of his being. Not flawless, but perfect in a different way, a better way.
"I know… It happens when one steps onto a lot of people's feet. Which I happen to do quite often honestly." He said with a small and breathy laugh, turning back around towards Ivy, only to find her smiling almost affectionately.
"Am I that funny?" He asked, trying not to let on how insecure he truly felt about showing her the imprints his past had left on his body. It wasn't anything he had ever considered doing, as he himself felt repulsed by the many scars on his body, as he did by the ones left on his soul.
"No, you're not funny. At least not right now. I'm only very glad that you let me see." She smiled as she dropped her hands to her side, relaxing visibly under his insecure yet intent gaze.
"Well, I hardly had a choice, did I?" He chuckled, a little calmer now about his lack of covering magic, and still completely at ease with his lack of clothing. "You told me to undress and here I am now, bare to my soul and at your very mercy."
"I think I should return the favor." Ivy said in a breath and carefully pulled the shirt over her head, still reluctant to move too harshly after being pierced by a blade like a damn roast. Carelessly she dropped the piece of fabric to the ground, then turned to the side, showing him her own scars on her back and her ribcage. "See? You're not the only one."
Loki's eyes were fixed on her, taking in the beauty that was her body in the rapidly fading daylight. It pained him to see that once she had been hurt like this, but it also made him realize over and over again how strong she was for still being here, with him, with trust that he wouldn't hurt her yet again. Maybe she was stronger than him even.
Ivy enjoyed his gaze on her, despite her insecurities, and the look of absolute awe in his eyes made her feel all tingly once again and a lot more certain about her next words.
"I still wanna bath, so…" She said and held out a hand to him. "Join me?"
With a huge smile he took her hand and followed her into the freezing cold water, yet again surprised that Ivy didn't even flinch as the coldness met her heated skin. Oh, she definitely was stronger than him…
It took a few seconds before Ivy's body adjusted to the cold, but then she let go of Loki's hand and let herself fall backwards into the dark water.
The cold numbed her body just enough for it to still be bearable, and the sheer darkness and quiet around her made her smile. Being underwater was such a calming sensation… like a darkness, but without the pain. Ivy stayed like that for as long as she could, before coming back up for air at last.
"For a moment I thought you wanted to drown yourself." Loki chuckled from a few feet away.
"Nah, not today. Maybe later." She winked at him, slowly starting to rub the dirt off her skin with a sigh. This wasn't as luxurious as Loki's bathroom, but it still felt heavenly.
Finally she sighed once more in contentment when she was clean and the feeling of foreign hands was gone from her body. Once more she leaned backwards into the water, her body curving while she smoothed out her hair in an attempted to untangle it somehow. Then, having more or less succeeded, she moved through the water to stand in front of Loki. His hair was hanging around his face in wet strands and the water droplets on his skin glistened in the moonlight like he was some ancient sea creature. It looked so breathtakingly beautiful that it was almost cheesy to a certain extent. But Ivy had to smile nonetheless.
"Do you feel better now, my sweet?" Loki asked quietly, and for an answer, Ivy gently placed a hand in his neck and pulled him down into a soft kiss, which he returned just as lightly, while his hand reached around her waist, pulling her flush against his body.
"Tell me if you want me to stop." He whispered and his lips left hers, breathing kisses light as feathers down her jaw to her neck, nibbling at the soft skin while his one hand remained on her back, holding her tightly against him, leaving the other to explore the wonders of her ravishing body.
Ivy's fingers entangled in his hair on their own account, and his name spilled from her lips like a prayer as he moved to caress not only her body, but also her soul.
@vodka-and-some-sass @t-sunnyside @lokis-high-priestess
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@its-remy-not-ratatouille @wegingerangelica @thidls12333 @tomstoobeautiful @dreary-skies-stuff @averyhill4445 @wiczer @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @theweirdlunatic @caretheunicorn @kthemarsian @lady-of-lies @sadly-falling-through-wonderland @strawberrysandcream @noplacelikehome77 @theoneanna @mishaandthebrits @mygodisloki @i-am-a-mes @nonsensicalobsessions @exygon @hiddles-lobotomy @rjohnson1280 @annwhojumps @spookycatqueen @salempoe @headoverhiddleston @fanfiction-and-stress @createdfromblue @halszka-potter @thecreatiivecorner @themusingsofmany @inthemarvelvoid @from-hel-i-with-love @kinghiddlestonanddixon @scorpionchild81 @foodthatsgoodforyoursoul @crystal-28 @adefectivedetective @lokis-girl-in-mischief @booklover2929 @iamafangirl-fightme
Aaah this is the second to last part already! It's probably not the best steamy stuff I've written (it's definitely not), but yeah... Hope you enjoyed this nonetheless! 😊🥰
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writor-catto · 4 years
This is placed after the my lastest fic, you can read this one without need to read the other.
Sleeping in Catty's s eyes was like an endless struggle to deal with every day. The moment she closed her eyes, that's the moment her fight started, everyone seeks to sleep for various things but for her, sleeping is a never-ending battle. If she closed her eyes, it will come. And it's painful to watch, to see them walking through limbo over and over again, to hear their scream in pain and helplessly telling her why did they have to suffer and she gets to live peacefully and don't have to worried about what happened. And it's not true, she wants to scream back at them that does this look like a peaceful life to them, but then those voices get bigger and louder until all she can hear was their voices accusing at her.
"Catty!!" Catty snapped out of her thought as she looks up in the blue hue sky, hearing some fireworks blasted in the sky and she noticed that someone is flying over to her stargazing spot. While waiting for that person to come closer she started cleaning the wooden plank table to greet the mysterious guest. Catty was quite surprised to see Grian flying over her base, they have a small hello here and there but never fully talked with each other. Catty watched him landing down then walked over where she is sitting. 
"Hello Grian, are you coming here for some tea and cookies?" She let out a small giggle as Grian chuckle "Yes! I'm here to steal some cookies and tea!" She let out a small laugh again as Grian pulled the empty chair out and sit down in front of her, on the table was filled with plates filled with cookies and a teapot "How was your wound? Does it still hurt?" Grian asked as he reaches out and takes a cookie while still looking at her worried. 
"My left leg still needs to take time, healing potions only decrease the pains away but I also need to stay away from rough movements," She said as she pours out some tea for him "such as?" "jumping down from a tree, fall from a high place, basically anything involved with an explosion or fall damages." as she finished the last part, she glances at Grian then back at her teacup " I promise that I won't do that after you're all healed up" she hums and listens to Grian rambling about what happened in the server while she was gone.
"Also this morning, we went and checking up on you and noticed that our admin was sleeping next to you." Grian grabbed another cookie to eat as Catty remembers yesterday. It's a hopeless request from her and he does that because she just gets kidnapped by his evil-self, his brother. She remembers EX's words, 'Because you two are a lover!! You and my dumbass brother!' Catty wonders when she was nearby Xisuma, do they look like a couple? How they would talk and touches, cared for each other health, it's a normal thing that friends to do right? Catty has imagined how they would be together, but that question still appeared in front of her. And the answer will always be the same "I have a horrible nightmare so I asked him if he can stay with me for the night. Nothing happened between us" She hums and smiles at him but her eyes seem sad. Maybe it was a good idea, to buried this feeling deep down, he deserved someone better. Someone that isn't her. 
After talking with Grian for a while and it was getting dark, so he heads back his base. Before he heads back, he gives her a firm hug and whispers that everything will be okay. Catty returns the hug and watching him fly away in the golden hue sky, she decided to clean up the mess and maybe try going back to sleep. She already knows that she will wake up in cold sweats and panting heavily, even though the bed is calling her to go back to rest. 
Catty looks outside her window, normally she would find something to do to distract her, like mining, finished her other bases but she decided to go to her stargazing spot again and just enjoy the view. Who knows, it might help her go back to sleep. Catty slowly put her left legs down and then her right legs, slowly standing up even though it kinda shuffles to moves. Grabbing some few things on the way, she finally got back up to her stargazing spot, the chill breeze welcomes her but she doesn't mind at all. Catty laying down, watching the universe spread out before her eyes and enjoy these quiet moments before she hears those similar sound again. 
Wonder who wound crazy enough to stay up late and fly over in the middle of the night, Catty wrapped herself in the blanket, and pray that another hermit passed by. Seem like her pray was shut down as the sound of fireworks getting closer to her base as she can hear a small landing as Catty sees the man that she falls in love with, looking astonishing as always in the green armor. 
"I thought turtle live underwater, not live in the tree. What brings you here, Mr. turtle man?" she murmured as Xisuma let out a small laugh and go over where she is laying and lay down next to her "Can't a friend checking up how was their friend?" But I want us to be more than a friend tho, she thought as it's getting chilly. Catty wrapped the blanket around Xisuma's body and pulling herself close to him, mumbled: "It's getting chilly outside, you can always ask me thought the communicator, I always awake." 
Xisuma mutter as he leans in close as well, just like yesterday" I was worried... It was my fault, I let him in and now he hurts you." Catty stirred, now facing him and careless his helmet before holding it so he can't avoid her looks. Xisuma tries to look away but her grip isn't letting him move away, glad that he still has his helmet on, he doesn't want her to see how flushed his face was. "It's not your fault, don't blame yourself. Look, I'm fine, see? A few broken bones and some bruises but I'm fine" This time he finally looks back at her, eyebrows forming about her 'i'm fine' "Just promise me that you won't do anything that too thoughtless like before" 
Catty let out a small laugh at that memories, shaking her head before whispers "I'm sorry, I can't promise that" "Why can't you promise that?" His helmet touches her forehead, she breathes softly as her hand found a way to the admin's hand, squeezes it, "You know me, I... I will do it if it does means to keep you safe" Her voice suddenly sounds so small when said it "So.. I can't keep that promise, sorry Xisuma" Xisuma didn't say anything as he sits up and pulled his helmet off, reveals a blushing face as he looks over Catty, who is sitting up as well but this time she is the one avoid his gaze. 
Xisuma's hand slowly clutch her hands and placed it over his cheeks, feeling the warmth "Then promise me that you won't sacrifice yourself like that again" Catty, who is lost of words just nodded and slowly placed a small peck at his forehead "I promise" She whispers. Xisuma does the same and grinning at her now crimsoned face and ears "Weirdly, you can get flushed by that" "Oh, shut up, you also blushed as well" She defends "Just... get some sleep, you will need it for tomorrow" Xisuma lays down and Catty do the same and for once, sleeping has been more enjoyable without screams and howl.
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santana-maribel · 4 years
who: @santana-maribel and @finnsterhuddy​. where: santana & quinn’s apartment. when: monday 30th March. what: two morons make grilled cheese and fate intervenes once more to fuck up santana’s thirsting. warnings: nada.
Finn arrived to Santana and Quinn's apartment, a bag with grilled cheese ingredients in one hand. Not to repeat the same mistake as last time, he only brought enough ingredients for two sandwiches each, as he left a whole loaf of bread and an unopened pack of cheese at Rachel's. He knocked on the door, feeling slightly nervous although he wasn't sure if he had anything to be nervous about. Flirting with Santana was, to say the least, a highlight of his day, and he was intrigued to know if she had any motives behind it or if she was just simply being herself. Either way, he had always liked her company despite not having had a lot of it. "Hey. Ready for some grilled cheese?"
It was weird, one day Finn existed only on the edge of her radar. He was just her greek life partner, Sam's roommate. Then all of a sudden, Santana found herself with a pull towards him, something she couldn't explain or control. She'd slipped out earlier, bought a couple of six packs at the grocery store. She'd briefly remembered seeing him with the brand she'd bought, at the disastrous sleepover the previous week. So that's what she got. She was trying to impress him a little, not that she'd admit it. The apartment was quiet, as she paced around the kitchen, resisting the urge to look at her cellphone again, when there was a knock at the door. She opened it and looked up, smiling softly at him. "Come on in, make yourself comfortable," she requested, closing it behind him.
Finn stepped inside the apartment, once again in awe of how much higher standard these other apartments held compared to his and Sam's. "Should I leave this in the kitchen?" he asked, holding up the bag with groceries.
She nodded and made her way into the spacious kitchen, gesturing for him to follow her. "You can put it in the fridge or leave it on the counter, it's up to you," she suggested, as she leaned casually against the island countertop. "There's beer too."
"Cool, I'll just leave it in the fridge for now, just in case," Finn decided, leaving the bag as is in their fridge. He wasn't sure if he should be drinking at this point, but a beer couldn't hurt, right? Plus, it seemed like a casual hang-out enough to be chill about it. He grabbed a beer while he was at it. "So, about that fried chicken?"
"Pass me one too, would you?" she asked, stretching her hand across to him to take the beer. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. She reached into the utensil drawer for an opener, flicking the cap off of her own and then passed it to Finn to use. "Next time. I need to buy a pot big enough to actually fry chicken or a deep fat fryer. But I promise, it'll be the best chicken of your entire life," she gave him a cheeky wink at the end of her sentence.
Finn grabbed another beer and slid it over on her side of the countertop. "Thanks," he said as he accepted the opener, flicking off the cap on his bottle. "You telling me you haven't been making fried chicken here yet? Disappointed." He let out a small laugh, shaking his head in faux disapproval. "Is this why you're making me come over, to make you food?"
She shook her head back at him, "I normally go to Sam's, well your place to do it, but I guess I haven't for a while," she laughed, feeling her face turn a little pink from embarrassment. Oh well, it was just another excuse to hang out, wasn't it? "I made you come over because i'm craving a grilled cheese and I heard a rumour that you make the best ones," she teased, before taking a large gulp of her beer.
“I would’ve been all over it if I had been there for it,” Finn said with a certainty. He was happy she wasn’t totally disgusted over his grilled cheese - although he couldn’t understand why anyone would be. All due to his unconventional, yet genius method. “You’ve requested the right man,” he declared in a darker, goofy voice. “You want one now or do you wanna chill for a while?”
She nodded in agreement, he would have been all over it if she'd been around their apartment and making food recently. She made a mental note to check in with Sam later, now that she was done busting his balls about body shot-gate. "We could chill, finish our drinks, it's been six minutes and no one has interrupted us," she teased, as she breezed past him to walk into the living room, brushing against him slightly as she did. "I've got a good feeling about tonight."
"That's pretty crazy," Finn nodded at Santana's observation. It had been a running joke between them that started at the frat rushes and later at the mixers with her sorority, and while it was funny at first, it slowly became more and more frustrating that they never really got to talk before someone interrupted. "Don't jinx it though, Quinn's gonna come home in any second now." His face plastered with a grin, he followed Santana into the living room, taking a large swig off his beer. "So, West Side Story, huh? Didn't know you were into musicals."
The inside joke about being interrupted was one of the most irritating things in her life at that time. It seemed that fate intervened, every single time they tried to get to know each other better. Maybe they were cursed. She shook her head, as she plopped down on the couch, curling her feet under her. "Quinn is with Jesse, date night before rehearsals start, so no interruptions there. Unless Sammy decides to double down on the other night and burst through the door," she laughed, although her eyes did flicker towards the wooden frame, if only for a moment. She shrugged at his comment about the musical, "it started as just something to do but now i'm kind of into it. I like to sing and obviously as a raging narcissist, I love the attention," she explained, taking another large swig from her beer bottle.
"I see," Finn said nonchalantly, his heart skipping a beat knowing that they--or at least Quinn--weren't happy as she had confided in him. In a sense, he should've been happy about it considering he had been brewing feelings for the blonde the past few months, but he couldn't bring himself to be that selfish knowing his friends' relationship was on the line. He let out a faint, heartless chuckle, too caught up in his head to react to Santana's comment. "Yeah." He snapped out of his thoughts, turning to face Santana as she spoke further. "I'm not sure I've heard you sing properly, or at least in a performance kinda way. Glad I said yes to run lines with you, maybe I'll get to hear you sing."
Santana narrowed her eyes at him, watching silently as the wheels turned in his brain. She wasn't sure what he was thinking about, only that it gave her a strange sort of sinking feeling in her stomach. Her fingers traced over the silver scar on her left arm, a nervous habit that she'd had for as long as she could remember. No memory of how she got it, just that it had always been there. She nodded, now a little absentmindedly as he spoke. "Yeah, I mean it'll be fun. I'm just glad you said yes, Rachel, Jesse, Kurt, Blaine, they're all super into it, you'll be more fun," she smiled at him, before draining the remaining liquid in the bottle. "I'm gonna grab another."
"They'd scare you off," Finn chuckled half-heartedly as he took another sip of his beer. "Glad to hear you have faith in me to not be crazy about it." He nodded as she announced she was getting another beer. "Grab one for me too?"
"Yes they would," she readily agreed. She loved her friends but their intensity was a little much at times. Which was why she could find solace in a quiet, chilled night with a handsome man. Santana nodded as she rose from her spot and carried her empty to the kitchen. Out of sight, she took a moment to suck down a greedy breath of air, calming herself. What the fuck was going on? Why was she this flustered by Finn goddamn Hudson? Unclear. She grabbed two bottles and the opener and returned to the couch, springing the caps off of them. "So you're serious about leaving the frat then?" she asked, settling her beer on her thigh.
Finn leaned back in his seat, letting himself get comfortable on the couch while waiting for Santana. It was pretty nice getting this quiet, alone time with her, considering they never made the time to do so otherwise. It felt comfortable, safe, almost as if he kinda belonged in a weird way. He didn't exactly understand why - it wasn't like he really knew her that well. But yet, here he was, feeling almost more comfortable with her than he did with himself. "Thanks, San." He sat up a little, clearing his throat before speaking. "Uh, yeah, I think I am. I have to convince Seb and the rest of the boys that I'm not doing it because I wanna leave them, which is gonna be hard because they already gave me so much crap for moving in with Sam," he sighed, taking a large, final swig of his first bottle before moving on to the next. "It sucks a lot, but it's for the best. At least for me."
She nodded understandingly. It was no secret that she wasn't super into her sorority either, so she understood. Like a lot of things in Santana's life, rushing a sorority had just been something to pass the time. "So you told Seb then? How did he take it?" she asked, remembering how irritated the other man had been when Finn moved out. She couldn't really be bothered with him giving a pissy attitude over this. "Like I said though, you gotta do what's best for you," her voice trailed off at the end, before piping back up softly, "I'll miss you, really. If it wasn't for you swooping in and saving me at that first mixer, I would have got paired with that super senior, the grabby dickhead." It was a sweet memory now, lanky freshman Finn slipping in front of her, saving her from getting her tits squeezed like a stress ball, under the thinly veiled excuse of hazing.
"Not good," Finn groaned, shaking his head at the thought of Sebastian and the other guys condemning and icing him out from their lives. If it did any good, it proved that they were never real friends to begin with. "Yeah, that guy was a total dick. Pretty sure he got kicked out of school too," he reminisced. Honestly, he didn't remember too much from that first mixer, but he did remember thinking Santana was hot and didn't at all deserve to be harassed by that awful dude. It made him smile knowing she had remembered it, though.
She didn't say anything about Sebastian's shitty attitude towards him instantly, just nodded and took a sip of her drink. She didn't need to hear anymore than what he had said to know exactly the mood her best friend would be in. Deciding she had mulled over it long enough, she reached over and squeezed his hand with her own. "Seb will come around and if he doesn't, if it's any consolation, you'll still have me," she gave a soft smile. "But who's going to save me from sex offenders now?" she teased, leaning over to prod him in the ribs with her other index finger.
Finn felt a smile creep onto his face when he felt Santana’s hand in his, squeezing hers in return. “Thanks,” he said softly. “Sorry—“ He jerked to the side as her finger poked his ribs, letting out a short, breathy laugh. “You’re on your own. Or maybe Seb can scare them off.” Shrugging, he took a sip of his beer. “You hungry yet? Let’s make some grilled cheese.”
If she believed in that shit, she could have sworn that her heart skipped a beat the minute he squeezed her hand back. But she simply shrugged it off, laughing alongside him when he reacted to her prod. She nodded, she was actually quite hungry. She'd almost forgotten the bullshit reason that she had made up to get him to come over. "Sure," she agreed. She took another quick gulp of beer for courage or whatever, she didn't know, but the ice cold alcohol was welcomed. She stood up and walked into the kitchen, setting her beer on the counter, before hopping up beside it, crossing her legs at the knee.
Finn got up and walked into the kitchen alongside Santana, opening the fridge to get the ingredients. "Why don't you get me an iron and some tin foil and I'll show you the greatest way to make a grilled cheese?"
Santana nodded, pointing towards the drawer closest to Finn. "Tinfoil is in there, i'll go grab the iron," she chirped, hopping down off of the counter to go to the laundry cupboard in the hallway. She wasn't someone who ironed often, so really it didn't matter if the iron got all messed up anyway. Lifting it off of the shelf, she wrapped the cord up tightly and brought it back to the kitchen. "Your tool," she giggled, handing it over to him, before resuming her position on the counter top, the almost empty beer in hand.
Finn went to the drawer she pointed to, grabbing the tin foil and making sheets for each sandwich. He began doing his thing - buttering the bread slices on both sides, though lighter on the side touching the foil, then putting two slices of American cheese on one slice per sandwich. He assembled them, packed them in the foil and waited for Santana to return with the iron. "Awesome. Get ready for some epicness," he announced, turning the iron on and waiting for it to get warm. "This doesn't look bad, does it?"
If someone had told her a month ago, that she'd be sitting on her kitchen counter, throwing back beers and waiting on a grilled cheese with Finn, she would have laughed in their face. But the world had a funny way of surprising her. She watched, biting the inside of her cheek to keep herself from laughing at just how serious and methodical he was, as he assembled the sandwich. "No, it looks pretty good," she admitted.
Not even a week ago, Santana just about refused to try his grilled cheese or even believed it could be any good. Yet, she somehow had changed her mind, much to Finn's surprise (but excitement, nonetheless). Truth be told, his grilled cheese wasn't that unique, which everyone probably thought it was due to the way it was made, but he wasn't going to tell anyone that. "Right? People think I'm doing this to be weird, but honestly, it's just a convenience thing. It became a habit when my mom would use the kitchen and I would crave a grilled cheese, so I saw someone make it with an iron on TV and started doing it myself," he told. "And I guess it just kinda became a thing after that. I do know how to make a grilled cheese the usual way, just so you know."
Santana nodded, more bemused than anything else, watching as Finn wrapped the sandwiches in foil and then turned to speak to her about his method. She balanced the bottle on her thigh and listened intently as to how he came about his methods, still stifling a giggle that threatened to escape her. He was so cute and like she had said in her previous texts to him; it made he nervous. A hissing brought her back to earth with a bump and she eyeballed the iron. "I think it's ready to go, Chef Hudson," she remarked, eyes on him as he went to work. This was the most fun that Santana had, had in a long time, it was almost embarrassing how much she was enjoying simply being able to let go of everything else and just enjoy Finn's company.
Finn took Santana's cue and grabbed the iron to put it on the foil-packaged grilled cheese. "If you're new at this, you should hold the iron while it's on the sandwich. But you know, I'm a pro, so," he teased, laying the iron carefully on the sandwich and letting it rest on it for 30 seconds. "You should try the next one, if you want."
"Are you sure that i'm ready?" she joked, watching as he placed the iron on top of the little silver package that he'd made. Her stomach grumbled a little, as she waited for the sandwich to be ready. "Thanks for coming over and feeding me," she smiled at him. It was undeniably comfortable with him here. For some reason, it felt like he belonged. The thought made panic run through her body and she drained the rest of the golden liquid in her beer bottle.
Finn flipped over the sandwich, repeating the same steps with the other side. "I think you are," he encouraged, flashing a cheeky smile as he took the iron off the sandwich. "It's gonna be a little hot, so you have to be careful." Slowly, he took off the foil, revealing his infamous grilled cheese. The bread had browned slightly, but not charred, and the cheese had just begun to ooze out the bread. "Can you get me a knife?"
Her stomach grumbled again and she rubbed it soothingly, ignoring how her stomach then lurched when he shot her a devastatingly handsome smile. She nodded, watching as he unwrapped the foil to show her the sandwich. It looked absolutely to die for, she thought inside her head. Santana lifted a knife from the block on the counter next to her and held it out for him to take. "It looks really good," she acknowledged.
"Thanks," Finn said, grabbing the knife and cutting the grilled cheese in halves. He picked up one half for Santana and the other for himself. "Cheers. Hope you like it."
She took the sandwich from Finn and smiled at him, before she raised it to her mouth and took a large bite. Maybe it was the fact she was several beers deep, or the fact that she was battling a weird, out of nowhere infatuation with the boy next to her; but the grilled cheese might have been the best thing she'd ever eaten at that moment. "It's so good," she groaned through mouthfuls.
"Right?" Finn was truly excited that she actually liked it, but he never really doubted she would. It was a classic grilled cheese, after all. He took a last swig of his beer before handing the iron over to Santana, signalling her to try the next one. "Give it a go."
She sat the iron down on the counter for a moment and hopped off of her make-shift seat, slotting in directly next to him. She'd never quite realised just how small she was standing next to Finn and she lifted the foil wrapped sandwich and placed it in front of her. Heeding his original warning, she lifted the iron and held it on the sandwich, not letting her hands move from it, her tongue poking out a little in concentration. If she managed to screw this up, he'd never let her live it down.
Finn took a large bite of his sandwich, stepping carefully behind Santana. “If you want, you can put a little pressure on it too,” he said, gently laying his hand on top of hers to press the sandwich down. It felt nice being this close to her, almost as if it was something familiar instead of new, despite not having been close to her like this before. “Like this.”
If she thought she was in trouble before, when he was simply near her, Santana wasn't entirely prepared for Finn to step behind her, press his body into hers and clasp his hand over hers. Her entire brain was in panic mode now, as she kept her eyes down, ignoring how right it felt to have Finn grasping her hand. "Like this," she repeated, thumb brushing against the side of his hand.
Finn had always enjoyed flirting, knowing he had a charm that seemed to work most of the time. It was fun, easy and harmless. With Santana, it felt different and he couldn't point his finger at exactly what it was that was different. He never really thought about having real feelings for Santana, despite acknowledging that she was stunning, smart and a lot of fun to be around. But maybe that was what he was feeling now, or? "You're doing good," he said in a low voice, leaning in closer to the girl.
She'd been teetering a line with Finn recently, one that like him, she couldn't explain. Even Sebastian, her best friend and current bed warmer, who'd never once got jealous before when she'd been into someone, could tell that there was something different when it came to Finn. She didn't dare turn around to face him, not yet. Her heart was beating so loudly in her chest, she was afraid that he could hear it. "Well, I learned from the best," she chuckled softly, letting out a small shiver as his warm breath hit her bare skin.
With his hand still on Santana's, Finn moved his thumb slightly by instinct to rub her hand softly. He had bent down slightly due to the height difference, his lips inching closer to her face. Was he about to do this? Every bone in his body compelled him to make a move, and it was getting harder and harder to resist. It wasn't like he needed to resist - there was nothing in the way. Yet, he couldn't get a grip on why he didn't just turn her around, lift her onto the counter and finally feel her lips against his. The thought of it made him nervous.  Maybe, that was why she was nervous now, too. He could feel his palms starting to sweat, worried that she would sense it too.
Santana was practically frozen, trapped between the kitchen counter and Finn. Not that she minded it at all in the slightest normally, but right now, she was panicking. His hand brushed hers and she let out a soft whimper at the small interaction. She wasn't the kind of girl who considered consequences, she simply just took things that she wanted. And fuck, she wanted Finn. There was no explanation, no reason, she simply just knew that she needed to take a chance and make a move. Yet, she was terrified. This was uncharted territory; a culmination of so many attempts to get to know one another. Now they were alone, with no interruptions, his lips dangerously close to the exposed skin of her shoulders.
It was like the whole world had stopped and it was only the two of them and nothing else. Finn had never really felt that way before, not intensely as this moment felt. This moment felt like a now-or-never kind of ordeal, and if he missed out on taking a chance, he'd never get the opportunity again. They were unfortunate, bound to have their chances taken away from them in a heartbeat, and he was certain he had to act on it now or someone would barge in the door. He grabbed the hand he was already holding, jerking his hand up her arm and swiftly turned her around so they were facing each other and looking into each other's eyes. He moved his hands to her waist, scooting her body closer to his and he leaned down to kiss her. His lips had barely just begun to touch hers when he registered a loud beeping noise coming from somewhere, and he let go of Santana's body the moment he realized why it was beeping. The hot iron on the foil had been lying on it for far too long, and the scent of smoke was becoming more and more prominent. "Crap," he muttered as he quickly removed the iron from the sandwich, waving off the smoke that was forming in front of them.
Time seemed to slow down, as they stood together in the kitchen, fingers lacing together. The room was silent, save for the sound of their breathing, her shallow breaths filling the air. She considered saying something but before she could, Finn’s hands were on her, spinning her around to face him. This was a side of him that she'd never seen before; the take charge and get shit done side. She was definitely a fan of it. His hands moved to her waist and she pressed her body into his, arms moving to circle around his neck. “Finn...” she whispered, eyes fluttering shut as he closed the gap between the two of them. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. She could hear ringing and this time, it wasn’t in her ears because of the man in front of her. Her eyes shot open and she glanced up towards the ceiling. The smoke alarm above their heads was beeping, smoke riding from the sandwich underneath the iron. She’d committed the cardinal grilled cheese sin and taken her focus off of the iron. “Fuck,” she groaned, grabbing a kitchen towel and wafting underneath the alarm. The moment was lost.
The smoke alarm going off really slapped Finn back to reality. Dumbfounded, he stood there taking a moment to realize what had happened. Time went so fast, yet simultaneously so slow, but now they were faced with another situation where things got cut off between the two of them, only this time it was due to the lack of attention being paid to the grilled cheese. "I got it," he said as he reached for the smoke alarm, ripping the battery off the device to stop the shrieking sound. "Crazy, huh?" He attempted to chuckle it off, not sure whether to find the situation humorous or not, as the atmosphere was pretty intense just a short minute before.
She'd promised Aubrey that she'd give it one more chance, that she would make her move and see where it led them. She'd done that and once again, they had failed to take it further. It really was like the universe couldn't stand to see them together, couldn't stand to see them explore whatever the flirtation that they had going on. Maybe that was it really, maybe it just had to stay a flirtation. She gave him a half smile and lifted the now burnt sandwich, wrinkling her nose at the smell before she tossed it in the trash can. Part of her wanted to grab his face and press her lips against his, hard, but she busied herself tidying up the mess that they'd made. "Crazy, yeah," she murmured, as she looked over to him, trying to get a read on his thoughts.
"At least we got to eat one," Finn comforted, his genuine attempt at lightening up the mood falling short even for him. "I don't wanna be weird, but I think I have to go. I got a presentation for human development class tomorrow, so I gotta get that finished." It wasn't like he tried to escape this moment, but that was probably what it seemed like. Maybe that was for the best. "It's been really cool hanging with you, Santana. We should, uh, do it again."
For someone like Santana, the feeling of utter humiliation and rejection that was washing over her body, was completely foreign. This wasn't supposed to happen. She stayed silent for a moment before she gave him a half smile. "Yeah, sure," she said quietly. Her appetite for food was lost and she wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed. She was right; he wasn't into her. At least now she had concrete confirmation. They'd almost kissed, he'd ran out straight after it. Hard to find a grey area with that. She helped him pack up his things and walked him to the front door. "Well, you know where to find me, Huds," she offered, in a voice that didn't quite sounds like her own. "Good luck with your... thing," she called after him. Truthfully, she hadn't listened to exactly what it was, just that he was most likely making an excuse to get out of the apartment, quickly and without hurting her feelings. She closed the door behind him and let out a soft sigh, as she leaned against the cold wood. Fuck feelings.
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inqshead · 7 years
no vacancy.
it was the second part of our family we met. and luckily the only one left. they had been visiting my granny every other month, but we never took the journey of driving for two days to them. it was family on blood and name. nothing else. still everyone was kinda excited to see them. me excluded. my thoughts were surprisingly not with him, but at home. i missed my two best friends. and for the first time since i met him i thought of sava. he had been drunk the night before we left home which was exactly eight nights ago. he was drunk, and high, and a mess. we layed in his bed, the stars and a bright moon shone bright on our faces and suddenly he sat on me, he kissed me. as if there was no morning. i always had a small crush on him, being openly bisexual, absolutely sexy and a huge fuckboy. and yes, my male best friend for almost seventeen years. i don’t know how we stopped, but i remember him throwing up for hours ongoing and him being completely unaware of everything the morning after that. (not great). i love his black hair, that falls in his eyes whenever he moves his head; i love his intense grey eyes that seem to take off all my clothes in a rush; i love his strong arms, the way he smiles and just how hot it is when he lies besides me  and tells me stories with that passion. i also missed katy, which used to be kaiden,, she was born a he. i wanted to talk with her about what happened, if she heard anything from sava or if he just looked like he remembered anything. but as i said, wifi is not to be found here. also i wasn’t really sure if it was a good idea, i thought talking with sava first would be better. anyways, i was really surprised that i forgot about that the moment we stepped into the motel. when we arrived in the nearby town and the whole time we stayed, there was this cloud in my head which made my mood pretty bad. not cool man. everyone was convinced i needed some strong homebrewed wodka to feel better and to look happier. it felt like drinking fire; which doesn’t feel good. my dad was really happy, my mom overwhelmed by all the love and my brother annoyed coz his phone died halfthrough a ‘really important match’. i laughed. when we drove back to the motel mommy fell asleep and i felt some kind of peace and good silence in my head, watching the sky that was dark blue above us and orange near the horizont, stretching the dark parts wider with each second passing. there weren’t many cars and only a few trees around. the radio played some old love song and i felt my heart aching, so much that i cried a bit. home seemed way too far away. everyone was really tired when entering the dining room at ten pm. we were afraid that, after foodtime was over for more than some hours already, we wouldn’t find any food anymore. but still, many people were drinking and having a good time. my brother and i searched for a place to sit while my parents searched for tryah or some other employee that could tell them what to pay, since the blue eyed demon told us to do it later. tho i wasn’t sure how they planned on doing the communication. ten seconds after we sat down, someone came to take our order. i was too focused on my menu, when my brother hit me with his foot underneath the table to signal me that it was my part to order. i didn`t even notice my parents coming back to us. when i looked up, i was killed by blue eyes. he was like an angel, and that angel looked at me. not nice tho. pretty mean actually. he opened his lips a bit and his breath started going faster. i couldn’t think and said the most random and classy thing i could find in my head: ,,Pommes’‘. After saying that and his ears turning red i wanted to die. dumb dumb answer ty. my mom laughed. pommes was something she understood. ,,Oh tyty’‘, was everything she could add. my goose was so cooked. trying to save me, i pointed on the menu without looking and confidentally smiling, saying ,,And this one please’‘. Now he was the one showing me a small smile. bitch. i was suffering like so much. my face must have looked like a tomato. cute cute smile gosh. i should open a fanclub. ,,the snails for the sir then?’‘ i didn’t nod and he just turned around and walked away. this is when i noticed that this wasn’t a shitty motel, this was a high luxury hotel with a restaurant. he wore a white button-down shirt with a red tie and black pants. and this was when i realized how different he was compared to sava. tho i didn’t know him, he was gorgeous. just stunning, a god. breathing fire and throwing darts made of ice. he walked with grace and laughed like an innocent baby. (lol i only knew him for a few hours gods). he had no name yet and he acted so mature and lovely, passionate and polite. sava was so different. i mean, yes, both were sexy and hot as fuck. but to sava was no grace, no hard beauty. he knew which moves to make to make everyone turn crazy, while he wasn’t even aware of his whole impact. sava was focused on drugs and sex and fun, on his sports, his status and surviving. well, he always accepted me, the loner, as his friend and defended me, even fought for me. but just because i was listening, because i knew how broken and depressed he really was. he turned somewhat grey, boring and uninteresting in my head. but not enough. i still remember his demanding lips and his hands that told me he waited for too long to wait any longer. i sighed, excused myself to my angry parents telling them i was tired and ran to my room. i met a mirror in a hallway, a red one, and sighed again when seeing my ugly blue jeans and that plain black shirt tucked  into it under the belt. my vans seemed unnecessary and dirty. i needed to look better the next day. oh and the dark circles around my eyes made it worse. i ran my fingers through my hair, lost in my head, in the thoughts that continued to turn around each other in a never ending circle. when doing that, a door opened and someone crashed into me. i was the one to fall down, but just came back up to my feet, ignoring the words spoken and the hand that wanted to help me. i mumbled sorry and made my way to my room. it took me ten minutes to recognize the british accent, when laying on my cold bed under an open window which let in a cold breeze, watching the sky and thousands of stars.
chapter three end.
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Ghost from the rainforest
James Conrad x Reader
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Summary: A simple rescue mission will bring him back to a place full of nightmares, and maybe this time he could find redemption. Situated in 1975, 2 years after the events of Skull Island.
Warnings: Violence, blood, wounds, mentions of war, cursing, implied smut, smoking, angst.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 3: Those who never came home
At 4:35am you were already in the departures site, checking the truck was fully loaded and that there were enough food and water for the men that will accompany you.
It had been a long night, and you barely had any sleep since every time you closed your eyes you could picture Conrad's face laughing at you.
You shake those feelings away and lean your back in the truck, and close your eyes for a moment, the cold breeze of the early morning was more comfortable than the hot room you were staying. And suddenly you were on the edge of sleeping holding yourself standing against the dirty tarp covering the backside of the truck.
"Morning" His voice said suddenly and you frown with your eyes still closed "We are ready when you are Doctor" His tone was oddly professional and when you finally looked at him he immediately look aside, it hurt that he was in the same place as you, regretting what happened.
"Fine, who's driving?" You had the keys on your hand and look at the men with him, there were only three, apart from Conrad. "Aren't you missing people? I count five last night, Dr. Y/L/N" you said shaking his hands.
"Reles" Said the shorter of the four, he had a nice candid smile and brown skin. "Nice to meet you Doc, I must say you look nothing like your dad" That make you smile.
"Glenn Mills" Said the black men next to him looking embarrassed at his teammate behavior "Ignore him doctor, he doesn't know how to be around women." You only nodded in response.
"Ah Reg, I remember" You say at the youngest of them, before he spoke.
"Slivko is fine, those idiots run away, they say the won't be at the jungle for a month" He spoke as someone way older than he looked like, and you could figure they were another form of victims of the war, even when they were alive.
"I'm driving" James said, extending his hand to grab the keys.
"No you're not, they drive on the correct side of the road here" You said ignoring him, "You guys can handle the stick?" You ask the men holding the keys in front of them. Mills raised his hand and you throw them at him. "Let's go then".
Slivko and Reles got inside the backside to guard the boxes and you hop on the front seat next to Mills, and after a minute Conrad sit next to you, and closed the door careful to not look at you.
"I think there is plenty space in the back guarding the medicine." You said to him coldly.
"And I think I get paid to guard you not your boxes" he answered and Glenn was desperately trying to start the engine and ignore you two.
"Fine, but at least keep that thing away from me" you said rolling your eyes and then pointing to the large gun he was carrying with him. And you could hear a giggle on the back knowing pretty well that by now the whole crew knew about what had happened.
The way out of the town was boring and easy, after four hours there was only a country road surrounded by small houses and when it was time to eat you chose to stop at small village. You got something to eat and gave some medicine to the children that couldn't go to the main city to get a proper doctor, and you were back on the road.
"So what kind of doctor are you then?" Reg asked from the back of the truck opening the window that separated you.
"I have a PhD in Chemistry and Biology" You said to him taking the canteen he offered you "And work as a nurse in the 60's so I know my way around wounds and diseases" you said to him.
"See Captain?" Reles said to Conrad in a very serious tone "She is too smart for you" He add making Slivko and Mills laugh while Conrad only gave him a murderous look. "But for real tho, isn't it boring to spend all your time here? I mean don't you mis America?"
"Of course I do, but this is important, I mean the troops are leaving yes, but someone has to help clean the mess they made, no offense" you said and James nodded understanding. "Who's that by the way?" You asked pointing at a picture Glenn had attached to the windshield, where the four men were standing in some field with water to the knees, and next to Conrad an old man with a beard carrying what it seems to be a katana.
"That's Marlow, an old friend" Conrad said and you could tell it was true because there was a happiness in his eyes when he talked about him.
"Yeah, is like a crazy Santa" Reg said, "But anyone would have gone crazy after..."
"Is getting late, we should stop don't you think?" Mills interrupted suddenly and you could see how the three of them looked at Slivko with anger, he had been about to tell you something he shouldn't.
"Yeah sure" You said looking at the map, and then the road "We will be at our first delivery point in ten minutes, and we can sleep there". You haven't told them where you were delivering part of the medicine, you have done it several times and Noah's men never had a problem with it, but you doubt the Captain will be ok with it. "This people can be a little unfriendly" you start when the lights of the village were clear on the road. "Just do as I tell you and it should be fine"
"You don't sound convinced" James noted.
"Because I'm not" You said and you make your hands into fists on your lap praying at nobody in particular that things will go well.
A couple of kids with large guns were at the entrance of the village, you bend over Conrad's lap to reach the window and make sure the see it was you, they immediately let you go in and you get back to your sit pretending it didn't feel like heaven to touch his hard chest.
A man came out of one of the huts with a smile on his face, framed by a thick goatee, he wasn't bad looking but the AK-47 in his hands, and the ones he had put on other children hands was enough reason to hate him.
"I thought you said you hated militars" Conrad said offering you his hand to get down of the truck.
"They're are militia, nor proper militars" You said ignoring his help and jumping of the truck.
"Is there a difference?" He asked looking at the man waiting for you with a smile.
"Yeah, they're worst" You said and walk towards Shukri.
"Selamat kembali, saya isteri cantik saya" Welcome back, my beautiful wife The man said to you and tried to give you a hug that you didn't respond to.
"Santai Shukri, dan hentikan memanggil saya isteri awak, inilah yang anda minta." Relax Shukri, and stop calling me your wife, here is what you asked for. You pointed at the truck and Reg and Joe were already carrying down boxes helped by Shukri's men.
"This are not your usual companions" The man said then looking directly at Conrad who had been pending on your whole interaction since the beginning.
"No, they're not. Is safer don't you think? If we get use to the same people there could be snitches" You lied to him and he nodded approvingly"
"Ahh isteri, I told you you have to stay with me, I could use that quick mind of yours" He said and tried to pull you closer to him but then Conrand put his body between you two making both you and Shukri look in surprise, plus anger on his side.
"How many boxes are we downloading?" He asked and you could see some anger in his eyes.
"14, the ones that are marked with a black cross" You said still shock by his reaction.
"British? That's different" The guerrilla lider said behind his back and you could see Conrad shoulders tense and his nostrils move with fury.
"Yeah, and very helpful, right prince charming?" You said, and touch his arm softly trying to calm whatever the hell was going on in his head. "Put those nice arms of you to good use and help the boy will you?" It was not an order but a plea and he listened because he relaxed his back and start walking towards the truck. You indulge Shukri with a smile and remained close to him while the man take part of the medicine, after that they show you a hut where you could spend the night with two cots inside blankets and a couple chairs "Just that?" You asked him and could see a disgusting grin on his face. "We are five, three of us are going to have to sleep on the floor, I won't risk my men to get bit by a snake, a spider or god knows what"
"Thats all I have isteri, unless you want to share mine" He showed you a toothy grin.
"Hentikan memanggil isteri!" Stop calling me wife you shouted exasperated. "I will take my chances with the spiders, thank you" You said and walk inside where the tired men were resting. "Glenn take one of the cots, Reg and Reles you can take turns for the other" you took a chair and sit there, any hope you had about a civil conversation with Shukri was now gone and with that also your hopes to take a shower. That certainly was not something you will miss when you came back with them to america, if you go back, your mind corrected you.
"You are not sleeping in that chair Y/N" Conrad said, taking a pair of blankets under his arm. "Let's go Reg, the truck will be more comfortable and safer than the floor, we will see you in the morning" He said and reg followed him making it impossible for you to reply. "Also" He had holding the door open for you "Saya tidak percaya suami anda" I don't trust your husband He said putting a venomous inflection in the word husband.
"Oh please don't" You said tired and embarrassed "Do you speak Malay?" You asked when you were at the truck but you didn't come up and let Slivko in first. The night was humid and hot, and you couldn't believe you'll have to wait another two days for a bath.
"I told you I have been here before" He answered, and took a cigarette to his lips, and offered you another.
"Well at least that was true" You said and let him light the cigarette for you.
"Isteri?" He asked again, imitating the disgusting tone Shukri used, and you rolled your eyes at him.
"Let it go Captain" You said taking one long puff "Is just the delusion of a crazy man"
"I think there has to be an interesting story behind" He said facing you and looking you again with his perfect blue eyes.
"Well if you really want to know. I have been here for about five years" You started and look at the quiet village in front of you. "And at first I spend every little money I still had buying medicine from Noah, one day I was trying to help a kid from this village"
"The little guard that welcome us?" He asked throwing the cigarette butt to the ground.
"Yeah, precisely." You said mimicking his movements "Anyway he needed medicine and I couldn't find it, so I talk to the village lider, Shukri's father, and he send his man to "get" the medicine from a local hospital in Bandar. The boy lived and they asked me to check on the rest of the kids. And boy they were in poor shape. So I make a deal with him, I will take his money, and get the medicine peacefully from Noah, if they gave me enough to help others. So long story short I'm kind of a pharmacist for them"
"That's a compelling story" Conrad said rising a brow to you. "But doesn't answer my question"
"Shukri's dad died, and he is a crazy sociopath, who thinks he would take down the Malaysian government with drugs and weapons trafficking. He said to the people that he is their father, and since I take care of his sick children as a mother..."
"You are his wife" He said bitterly "That's a clever way to get a wife without the effort"
"He is just an stupid man" You said crossing your arms "And honestly you didn't have to literally put yourself between us, I have been doing this for long enough to take care of myself. But thank you" You poke his feet with yours.
"You are welcome" He said grinning at you and making a head gesture to you. And at that moment you wanted to forget you were suppose to be mad at him, maybe it was the tiredness or maybe it was how gorgeous he looked under the stars, but you feel the need for him to hold you again.
"Yeah yeah! Is all beautiful, can you two shut the fuck up and go to sleep already??" Reg voice shout from inside the truck and you realized how late it was.
"He is right, you sleep in there, I will be in the back so I can guard the medicine" He said and you agreed
"Captain" You said climbing in to the truck.
"Doctor" He gave you a wink that paralyzed you and walk to the back of the truck. You were glad you were in talking terms now, but you knew there was still a long way to follow to Borneo and you were certain he and the other men were not being completely honest with you. So you were not planning on lowering your guard, at least not yet.
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