#he lets her go off and adventure and love with Emmett
ginwhitlock · 1 year
yeah alice is the favorite sister, the favorite cullen to everyone who meets her, to her brothers, to bella especially— but rosalie is carlisle’s favorite daughter. and I don’t want to hear anything else
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panlight · 2 years
Anon if you don’t mind! Most of us agree that Breaking Dawn was way too easy and happy and Bella didn’t have to really give up anything.  How would YOU have ended the story? Personally I probably would have killed off Edward, hahaha.
Here’s the thing: I’m a sucker for a bittersweet ending. Especially when we are dealing with a topic like vampires. Like, idk, I just don’t think ‘happily ever after’ and ‘eternally doomed to thirst for blood’ really jibe together. Vampires are only interesting to me as a topic if there is something aspect of a ‘curse’ to it. Perfect Piece of Forever is just Not For Me. 
If I could just throw out the whole concept of Breaking Dawn and make my own ending from scratch, Bella might choose not to marry Edward OR Jacob and like go live a life. That she realizes while she loves Edward, committing to literal eternity as a vampire right after graduating high school is . . . a lot and she needs more time to really think this through. That the idea of having this eternal, burning, painful thirst that can never be quenched but temporarily with the blood of human beings might be like, I don’t know, MORE OF A PROBLEM/FACTOR here than it is in the book. She goes on to live her life and then when she’s an old woman in hospice Edward and Alice show up to bid her goodbye. She tells them of the life she’s had, her loves and losses and adventures and everything, and they get a little taste of living vicariously through her and can let her go (I am ignoring the canon of vampires literally cannot go on without their mate or whatever but I don’t care for it lol). 
If I have to give it a happy ending, then Edward goes to turn Bella in BD as agreed (no pregnancy/baby) but it doesn’t work. After freaking out and getting Carlisle (and Rosalie) involved, they realize that the James bite and Edward sucking the venom out worked kind of like an inoculation: Bella’s immune to vampire venom now. She can’t be turned. She’s devastated but Carlisle and Rosalie are intrigued and somehow use her blood to craft a antidote to vampirism. A cure. A way back to humanity. Edward’s thrilled, Bella’s still kind of lowkey disappointed. But he becomes human and they have a long and happy life together (Rose and Emmett become human too and have a gaggle of kids; Alice and Jasper stay vampires. I could go either way with Carlisle and Esme [being able to ‘protect’ their human kids + eternally helping as a doctor vs the human life I think deep down both of them would like). For me you just can’t have the ‘oh woe is me’ style vampire she has with Edward and Rosalie and all the quotes she chose for the books (do not eat from the tree of knowledge, violent delights have violent ends, etc) and have it be a HAPPY FAIRY TALE SUNSHINE VAMPIRISM in the end. The over-the-top happy ending she is seemingly setting up here is Edward becoming human, not Bella becoming a vampire. 
But if I HAVE to stick to the basic Breaking Dawn stuff then Bella IS turned into a vampire after their wedding night (no pregnancy/baby) but it’s HARD. It’s a STRUGGLE. She has to learn how to handle the new abilities, the new thirst, she has to let Charlie go, Jacob is upset, it’s not just the “wow I’m strangely good at all aspects of being a vampire I was born for this!” and getting to keep Charlie and Jacob around. A girl who loves the sun and warmth and passes out around blood does not sound like a natural born vampire to me. It’s hard, there are accidents, there is angst and regret but it’s WORTH IT in the end because she gets to be with Edward forever and that’s what she really wanted (again I’m sticking closest to canon here). 
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
900 followers short celebration 🎉 (Part 2)
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I want to thank each one of you for following, for leaving ♥️, for sharing your thoughts and reblogs! It means absolutely everything to me ✨this is crazy, I never imagined I would get more than five, let alone this many.
But beyond the number, I’m very grateful for the beautiful and kind people I’ve been able to meet here. Really lovely mutuals sharing incredible stories that make my day go a million times better and take my mind off of worries, stress, etc. So thank you for the chats, for the laughs, for the learning, for sharing bits of your day to day with me, for listening to my non-sense as well. 🥰 You’re a shining light ⭐️
I still have some requests in my to-write list, so this celebration will be sharing some fics recommendations of mind-blowing stories written by the best fandom. (There are so many great stories so I will keep it down to one per writer) and I highly encourage you to stop by and read them if you haven’t -leaving the proper tip (also know as your thoughts, comments, reblog) it’s highly appreciated.
This is my master list in case you want to take a look around, who knows? Maybe you’ll find a story you haven’t read yet 🥰 I write for Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders), Cillian Murphy and some of his characters like Robert Fischer (Inception), Scarecrow (Batman), Lenny Miller (Anna movie), Emmett (A quiet place), etc
Last but not least, my recommendations to read (in no particular order)
Story share - proposed by @zablife (on going) each chapter is written by a different writer and trust me, you will want to get some snacks to enjoy the show 😉
Midnights -by @madame-wilsonn This series is just starting, I’m curious to see where this is going, join Tommy through the memories from the war, see by yourself the struggles he has to deal with.
All apologies - by @gypsy-girl-08 One mistake broke apart Tommy’s family, a thousand apologies won’t be enough to get back what he lost. The perfect mix of everything smut, angst, love…
Tachipen - by @zablife (series on going) This story will take us along reader when she moves to the Shelby house because her father lost a flip coin against Tommy and she starts to take care of the Shelby kids.
Betrayal - by @cillmequick (on going) You’ll find the perfect amount of angst, the war between the Shelby’s and the Changretta’s is about to get ugly.
Birmingham - by @runnning-outof-time get to see as reader escapes from her family gang and ends up in Small Heath with no other than the Shelby family, there will be angst and mystery.
The boy in the window - by @notyour-valentine (series) I’m fascinated by this story and how little Emma takes us by the hand to meet Charlie Shelby, the boy who her mum thought was an imaginary friend.
Misery loves company - by @shelbydelrey Tommy is sleeping with Arthur’s wife, follow their forbidden relationship and get ready to gasp constantly as you read!
Getting away with murder - by @theshelbyclan Join Teddy in one of her adventures, she will find out becoming a stylist isn’t the best idea, but at least Tommy wasn’t her target.
Dear Sister - by @l1-l4 Intriguing story about Grace’s sister, who happens to marry Tommy… loving it from the start!
A kind heart by @forgottenpeakywriter The relationship between Charlie and his sister will melt your heart, fluffy Tommy included.
Family ties - by @peakyscillian follow reader and Tommy’s story, they met at a gentlemen’s strip club, Tommy wants to help her out…
Birdcage - by @raincoffeeandfandoms Corrupt a wish stories will never be the same after you read this. (I don’t want to spoil anything, just read it!)
Prima ballerina - by @padfootdaredmetoo Loved the whole ballet idea, and the story is amazing!
Destiné à Être by @the-forest-witchh Remus Lupin story, if you’re a Harry Potter fan this is your story
The library - by @evita-shelby Tommy realizes the only way to shut you up is… 🤫 💋
Men with blue eyes and dark hair by @dandelionprints Tommy jealous of his brother for being close to Y/N, will he ruin the only chance to share his real feelings?
Christmas traditions - by @midnightmagpiemama get festive with Charlie and Tommy while decorating for the Christmas festivities! Lovely details. A lot of fluffy content!
Plus two recommendations @heidimoreton shared with me and I loved it!
Freedom / Poison
Tagging some lovely mutuals I adore 🥰 @lyarr24 @ange-thoughts @imichelle-l-rigby @heidimoreton @thesoldiersminute @theshelbyslimited @peakyv @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @allie131313 @lovemissyhoneybee @kittycatcait219 @already-broken144 @babaohhhriley @cillixn @sloanexx @kittycatcait219 @lespendy @moral-terpitude @theshelbyslimited @rangerelik
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isca-tide · 2 months
4x12 Lucy rubbing her tattoo when talking about Tim and Ashley my poor baby doesn't even know why she feels so uncomfortable when it comes to those two. God, you know what I want now? A nice fic of Tim asking Lucy to get him more comfortable with being in the ocean, maybe a future fic when they're married or she's early months pregnant, because he wants to be able to take his kid swimming. Or just because he wants to step out of his comfort zone for Lucy because she loves the ocean. My dad is not a strong swimmer and had a lot of fear about being in water, ocean or not, but he always pushed himself to be in the water with me and my sister when we were kids. I can see Tim doing that. Plus it'd make for some great sweet and soft Chenford with her helping him keep calm in the shallow water, dipping their feet in the tide, Lucy meditating next to him and him just watching her and realising the ocean isn't quite so awful. Nyla's pregnancy making her pathologically happy is fucking adorable. From what little I've seen of the BTS stuff, it's basically just Mekia being Mekia. Especially when you have perpetual sunshine Lucy next to her amplifying it. Air conditioned body armour, yes! Give that man whatever he wants. As someone who overheats at the drop of a button (seriously, I want to wear all the cute jumpers but I can barely cope in one layer in Winter, it's awful and I hate it), I fully support this man's need for 24/7 AC.
Ugh, Chris. Look, you're not a bad guy (but still I 100% think he acts sus enough to have been an acolyte or fanatic. I'm glad he wasn't, for Lucy's sake, but he does way too many weird things for it to not have been a possible storyline). You're just not right for Lucy. I know Chris and Ashley are important in this step so Lucy and Tim can realise what and who they want in a relationship, since Emmett and Rachel were their first steps into healthy relationships after their own individual traumas, but I just really preferred Emmett and Rachel as characters. Also Tim agreeing to go on a date with his girlfriend just to prove Lucy wrong. Oh boy.
And also Tim wanting to bring Lucy along to save him from a double date with a random couple. Bless these two oblivious idiots. Also c'mon Tim, you just set Lucy up with your competition down the line. God though, can you imagine if Chris had turned out to be an acolyte or fanatic? And Tim's now got that extra guilt on his shoulders?
Lucy trying so hard to actually talk to their dates and Tim just can't help himself. Though I don't blame him about the food/pop-up, I am not an adventurous eater whatsoever. Look at how he smiles when he looks at Lucy and talks about her. Jesus, maybe Chris and Ashley are right for Lucy and Tim because they're just as fucking oblivious as them. Poor Lucy really seems predisposed towards nightmares. It's played for laughs or just off-hand remarks, but that's numerous mentions of nightmares throughout the show. Overactive minds, I guess. Agh but I love when Lucy and Tim work together. Romantic stuff aside, they just work so well together. Their shorthands and silent conversations. They're sometimes so in sync and it's really lovely. Also Tim maneuvering Lucy by her duty belt so she can focus on keeping sight yes thank you. Sir, ma'am, you do not need to be standing that close to each other and good lord. Tim letting Lucy work through their options without taking over, not testing her but just guiding her through what to do and probably guiding himself as well. Oh Chris and Ashley. C'mon. Chris is too much for Lucy and what she wants, but Ashley just seems to constantly want to change Tim. These relationships really weren't built to last. And yes I know about S6 but that doesn't count because they will get back together eventually and be stronger for it.
Nolan's the most positive person you've ever met, Nyla? Really? Though fair, Lucy doesn't count because she's not a person she's goodness incarnate. As you were.
4x13 I've said it once I've said it a million times, this station is far too easy to get into. Nolan being Nolan aside, they just have civillians waltzing around every corner and peeking into briefings. C'mon y'all.
Again, more Nolan and Lucy frienship in S7 please. Actual friendship. Like Nolan actually caring about Lucy and the shit she's going through and them working together. She can help him become a better TO because honestly he needs a lot of help with that. Aww, poor Tim waiting for his wifey.
Okay I also need teen rebel Lucy fics please.
Lucy my girl \o/ Nolan you listen to her.
The guy opening the door then bolting. My man, you have a peephole right there. Should've used it.
Can we keep Ken? Can we not just hire him at the station? He could probably solve all the crimes and sort out all the misunderstandings and personal problems in half an episode. Tim's really coming into his own as a sergeant. I'm excited to see more of this again in S7 now he's back from metro. I loved TO Tim and metro Tim was hot af, but patrol supervisor Tim is just really where he shines.
Sorry, tight white t-shirt Tim looks like the least delivery guy ever.
No Ken, don't leave us. I really really love Aaron as a character. Please come back in S7. Please. Tim inviting everyone out for drinks but looking specifically at Lucy the entire time. I see you and your secret wife, good sir.
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fangurk · 3 years
Puppy Love (The Cullen Family x Child! Werewolf! Reader)
Y/n - Your Name
Y/h/c - Your Hair Color
Y/e/c - Your Eye Color
Y/f/c - Your Favorite Color
Y/f/f - Your Favorite Flavor
Prompt (given to me by @inrice): but could you do something along the lines of the cullens (mainly alice) takes upon the job of raising a werewolf!reader? who's a child of course.
Summary: Alice Cullen stumbles upon a very strange, very lonely child while out on a hunt and, in true Cullen fashion, decides to take them home. Nobody knows how to take care of a werewolf or a child, but when they put in a collective effort (and bring in the help of Bella) things start getting easier...
Warning: Is this kidnapping? It might be kidnapping, fluff, slightly angsty at some parts, AU because Caius is cruel, and potentially odd genderless terms of endearment.
A/n: family fic makes the brain go brrr. so like i didn't really know how to handle the whole werewolf thing because the twilight lore is so... bare... and i wanted to write more on the family parts so it's not like a real focus but it is mentioned quite a bit. I hope that's okay! /gen
Word Count: 1.2k+
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Alice wasn’t able to foresee you.
She simply stumbled across you one day on a hunt, your tiny body curled up at the base of a tree. You smelled so much of dog she almost mistook you for one, and then you looked up at her with big y/e/c eyes and she knew.
Carlisle wasn’t very happy when she brought you home.
“The Volturi will have a field day with this.” He says as he repacks his doctor bag. “The child is dangerous to have around.”
“But they're all alone, Carlisle. You said it yourself, they looked like they were out there for days— and I waited there with them until nightfall, no one came…”
Her shoulders fall and she looks at the door separating them from the rest of the family.
“Oh please just let them stay, we’ll all take care of them— if anything we’re better suited for it than anyone!”
Carlisle opens his mouth to protest but is interrupted by Esme opening the door, you asleep in her arms. All of his hesitance melts away at the sight, and at the sound of your small snores.
He sighs. “Fine, the child can stay— but we have to be careful.”
Alice nearly erupts with her joy, and Carlisle tries to hide a smile.
They give you a nice bedroom.
Rosalie, Alice, and Esme take an entire day to shop, nearly clearing out three children’s stores in the process. They build you furniture and they paint the walls a pretty shade of y/f/c; you now own more toys and clothes than a kid can possibly comprehend.
You spend the day with Emmett, the only Cullen boy who’s comfortable getting close to you, and he introduces you to the wide range of children’s cartoons. Your browsing ended with Crashbox, something that had the big man far more into it than you, but it was fun nonetheless.
“Want to see your room, Y/n?” Rosalie hums, poking her head around the corner and flashing you a dazzling smile.
The ladies let you wander around the new space, excitement brightening your features.
Emmett is still enraptured by the TV long after you’re put to bed.
Most days are good days.
Even if two of the family members seem a little afraid of you, you’re happy. You’re fed and clothed and loved.
But then there are bad days.
You wouldn’t eat. Nothing Esme made you was satisfactory and you were too upset and overwhelmed to let anyone know what you wanted; everyone tries to comfort you, even Jasper with his powers, but none of it really seems to work.
And then Edward comes home.
He left at some point during the crying and everyone figured that he was just bailing ship like he usually does when it comes to you. But, in reality, he somehow managed to get a cohesive reading of your mind and immediately went to someone who could help him.
“I brought Bella.” He says, gesturing awkwardly at his equally awkward girlfriend when five sets of frustrated eyes land on him.
“And I brought chicken nuggets…” The brunette human raises the bag up with a smile.
Everyone watches in confusion as you perk up a bit.
“Uh, here.” Bella crosses the room and places the bag down in front of you.
You open the bag and immediately start eating, sniffling but no longer upset. Every Cullen is reeling in shock.
“Well. What do you have to say to Bella?” Alice clears her throat, giving you an encouraging smile.
“Thank you, Bella.” You mumble, mouth full of food.
“Oh- it was actually Edward’s idea.”
You turn and thank him, beaming, and he gives you a crooked smile in return.
Afterward, Edward doesn’t really avoid you anymore.
‘Children of the Moon’ don’t pass their lycanthropy onto their offspring.
Alice doesn’t like to think about it, but sometimes the implication that someone bit and infected you consumes her mind and it makes her want to cry.
On the days they go to school, you do too.
They figure it’s good for you to spend time with other kids your age, and it seems to be. You always come home with crazy stories of playtime adventures and smelling of paint and crayons; the teachers love you, or more so the bright little woman who picks you up from school.
“Draw your family.” The teacher encourages one day.
You draw the Cullens.
When you proudly hand it to Alice when she picks you up from school, she lifts you up in a hug. Jasper frames your little drawing and puts it up next to all of their graduation caps.
The full moon is pretty horrific.
In order to keep everyone safe from your tiny claws, they keep you in the basement. For hours before the transformation, you just lie down there and wail-- you’re only little, it’s only fair.
Alice sits outside and talks to you the whole time, her voice wavering and her hands shaking.
She doesn’t move after the wails turn into howls, even if it would be safer to do so.
“Does Jasper hate me?”
You’re wrapped up in bandages, sitting on the picnic blanket with your adoptive mother and eating a sandwich too big for you as her husband pretends to do something down by the water. Alice is completely blindsided. They’ve sort of explained what they are to you, and you’ve kind of filled in blank spaces to the best of your ability, but she’s still unsure how to explain Jasper’s hesitance.
She doesn’t wind up having to.
“No,” He says, sitting down next to you and wrapping an arm around your shoulders, “I don’t. I’m actually quite fond of you darlin’.”
That alone seems to satisfy you and, over time, he loosens up a bit.
Jasper seems happier than he has in a while, listening to you talk about things little kids talk about, and Alice watches fondly with a smile.
One of them reads a story and tucks you into bed every night.
Most times it’s Alice, sometimes Jasper joins in.
Tonight is one of those nights. You’re clean and showered, dressed in a cute little pajama set, and nestled under the covers; she’s lying down next to you, Goodnight Moon open in her hands, and he’s in a chair next to the bed.
“... goodnight noises everywhere.” She finishes, smiling at your drooping eyes and lulling head.
Carefully, she unwinds herself from you and, with the help of her husband tucks the blanket under your sides. You tug your favorite stuffed animal close to your chest, y/e/c eyes closed, and a smile on your little face.
“Goodnight, y/n.” “Night, kid.” They each say, Alice bending down to kiss your head and Jasper opting to stand there and smile.
“G’night mom and dad.”
Jasper’s eyes nearly bulge out of his head and he turns to face his wife quickly.
Alice Cullen, the girl who forgot half of her life, never felt more whole than she did standing in your room, holding her mate’s hand, and turning off the light as the hushed sound of a cricket’s song filled the big house...
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misteriios · 2 years
event starter / plotting call !
hello cuties. late to the party, but i am very excited for this event and have waited the entire weekend for this wild adventure we have ahead of us.
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     under the cut you will find information for my characters with powers and no powers. i will not have a cap for any of them. as i always say, go wild and let me for who of yours you want a starter for if you have multiple ! i will message on discord for plots if i get the time, hopefully.
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amy pond ( spiderman powers ) - jil, peter
she will have no clue what is going on with her and most likely will somehow hurt herself or others. since she is unaware, she will not understand these powers that has come, but it won’t stop her to test them. she’ll most likely often use her strength and speed to trying doing dangerous things.
archie andrews ( not affected ) - betty
he doesn’t have any powers for the event and is still human, but he will probably try helping others the best he can if possible. might not stay away from many people even though they might be dangerous.
bb-8 ( sharingan ; naruto ) - sally
he might be found somewhere freaking out about his new power, and will ask around if anyone knows what is going on with himself and others. at the same time he will think it’s cool, he will not know much what he can do.
bea cook ( telepathy ) - jessie
she will think she has gone insane and think people are actually talking to her when she can hear their mind. this can be plotted out how it shall be written.
colin bridgerton ( controlled telepathy and psionics ) - daphne, francesca
he won’t at first understand what’s going on, because he is unaware and might not believe anything he may hear. this can be plotted out!
jj maybank ( elemental bending ) - draco, flutter
he might become dangerous because he’s reckless. might use his powers more than he should, and may not be able to control it. 
lizzie saltzman ( bug ; butterfly ) - hope
because i love butterflies, will she be one. a blue / black one. she will change back and forth.
marie bonfamille ( compulsion ) - 
she will take this opportunity to get whatever she wants, ( but that can be plotted out of course! ) or to get most things she may want. let’s just say it will be wild, because she will love every moment of it.
roman sienna ( not affected ) -
haven’t been affected by anything, still is a vampire without his humanity, so may not care much about anyone.
simon lewis ( kryptonian physiology ) - izzy, emmett
he sees this as similar to his own vampire powers, even though he may do some mistakes along the way ; he might just laugh it off. the sight may scare him. will walk around with sunglasses, because he is unsure what his power is.
viserion ( superspeed ) - calcfier, fred
he may accidentally use this too often and run into things or people.
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YOOOO i absolutely screamed when you said Esme could have ended up with Edward! Then i was like... they might be onto something. Could you talk more about what that would look like? Would Esme have ended up with someone else in the fam and have it be less weird? Personally i think maybe Esme and Jasper could work. Esme is quite literally the goodness and beacon of hope Jasper thinks Alice is, minus the manipulation (well intended or not). BUT Esme would also do anything it took to keep her family together, she and Jasper were actually on the same side in the MS vote. Also I gotta say it... what if Esme was just really into hot blondes and not particularly Carlisle himself lol. Whatre your thoughts on Esme + pairings? Or Esme being not her canon self?
The post anon is referring to.
Well, from your first question you're asking what it'd look like for her to end up with Edward but the rest is clearly pointing towards discussing Esme and Jasper.
So, I'm going to ignore that bit for now (there's another ask on that anyway).
Could Esme Have Ended Up With Someone Else in the Family?
No, I don't think that'd work out.
First, when she's turned, it's just Edward and Carlisle. There are no other options there. Given who Esme is I... don't think she'd wait around too long single.
More, with Carlisle, it was such a perfect scenario. This man she'd idealized for years rescues her, resurrects her, and is as beautiful and kind as she remembers. And she, too, is now beautiful.
Instantly she's head over heels. I don't think her eye would wander elsewhere easily.
To do that... Carlisle would have to never realize she was interested. Which, given that Edward has to tell him, is entirely possible. Edward could decide that Esme marrying Carlisle is a threat, rather than everything he ever wanted, he doesn't want Carlisle taken away by some woman.
Of course, in that scenario, Edward is not Esme's doting son, their relationship is a complete catastrophe, and Esme's life is probably utterly miserable living with this oblivious perfect man and his terrifying son.
Edward would probably force her to leave and delay his murder eating adventures a few years. Of course, then Rosalie happens, and Edward in this universe likely straight up murders her. STOP TURNING PEOPLE, CARLISLE! AREN'T I ENOUGH FOR YOOOOOOOOU?!
Point being though, in canon, so much of Esme's interest in Carlisle defines her life. It defines her role in the Cullens once she's turned. It defines her human life as she pines after Carlisle and, presumably, turns down many marriage candidates before getting stuck with Charles.
An Esme who was not infatuated with Carlisle at sixteen is a very different character.
Come On, Try, Muffin
Alright, let's say, AU occurs so that Esme is turned but has 0 interest in Carlisle. Somehow, for some reason, Edward tolerates her presence without her being Mother. Though honestly she probably bores him.
Well, Edward can actually go two paths. He goes full Mother anyway but is very Norman Bates about it. Edward/Esme happens, it's much weirder and worse than Carlisle/Esme. Carlisle tries not to examine that relationship too closely. And I already said we weren't going to talk about it in this post.
The other path is that Edward's not an Esme fan and she desperately tries and fails to connect to him. She can fulfil the role of the mother he lost, this sad, angry, messed up orphan boy. He doesn't need her pity. Edward treats her like garbage and then a few short years later runs off to eat murderers.
Esme and Carlisle are the only ones left. And it's very awkward.
Esme doesn't know how to feel or interact with this really handsome guy and Carlisle, in turn, doesn't quite get Esme. It's mostly awkward, though not terrible.
Fast forward, Edward comes back, something in Esme's soul dies a little as this means hard times are incoming. Rosalie's turned, and while Rosalie likes Esme well enough and feels very bad for her, she's not interested.
The idea of being with a woman also probably wouldn't even occur to Esme.
Rosalie/Emmett is an immediate thing, so Emmett's off the table.
Not to mention, I think he's a little too mountain man for Esme. He's kind, but not an idealized, perfect, kind. Emmett loves Rosalie, but often does not support her, and I don't think Esme's strong enough to do what Rosalie does in that relationship (support herself). Esme's also beautiful, but not Emmett's brand of beautiful.
Honestly, in this universe Esme probably joins the Denali once the Cullens run into them. It's this nice, mostly single, mostly all women coven. Esme wouldn't feel so out of place there, and they still follow the diet.
Esme doesn't have a role in this pseudo human life Carlisle's living. She's not Mother in this world, she's not Carlisle's wife, and so her just staying inside the house for fear of eating others is depressing and lonely. It'd be a much better life for her to live with a more isolationist vegetarian coven (though Esme would likely find the Denali Sister's constant pursuit and seduction of mortal men disturbing).
But let's say she does stick around until Jasper and Alice finally show up. Well, Jasper and Alice show up as an item, the reason Jasper arrives is because Alice told him about these people and took him along, so that's not happening either.
As for Bella, Edward is interested in her and Esme would never look even if he wasn't. Would probably never meet Bella.
Esme remains single.
But What About Esme and Jasper?!
I think this is the least likely.
To like Jasper, Esme really would have to be an entirely different character with an entirely different history.
Remember, Jasper is terrifying. He looks terrifying, riddled with scars, and with little hesitation he makes horrifying decisions that have to be made. More, he's very intimidating.
He's a very quiet guy, but that quietness lends itself to the intimidation, and for how polite he truly is there's something about him that screams Danger.
He gives the polar opposite aura that Carlisle does.
Esme would never, ever, end up with a man like Jasper. He'd scare the shit out of her, and, given her experiences I don't blame her. After Charles, why would Esme want anything but the safest choice?
Carlisle oozes kindness and respect to women. I'm not saying Jasper doesn't, but he also looks like death on wheels, and that is not something Esme would ever go for.
Even if she was... mostly different from the surreal existence that is canon Esme.
To end up with Jasper, Esme can't have had her marriage with Charles, but if she never had that she likely never would have become a Cullen.
Even if she does, somehow, anyway, and she won't be the Esme we know, Jasper is still very scary looking, with a very scary past, and not the guy any sane woman immediately goes for.
Esme does not go for Jasper.
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renegadepack · 4 years
Could I request some headcanons on what you think the series would have been like if Bree Tanner would have been allowed to join the Cullens? Maybe with some Bree/Seth sprinkled in? Thanks for running such an amazing blog (●´ω`●)
Not many understood Carlisle’s offer to let the newborn join them, and even fewer were happy about it. He had almost fought with the Volturi over it, demanding they spare her unlike so many others. Jasper knew better than to argue with the patriarch of their coven, but it was months before they could be in the same room, even longer until they could hold a civil conversation. Edward was just worried she would scare or hurt Bella; Esme was grateful to help the child but scared she would expose them. Alice was ecstatic to have a new sister. Rosalie was irritated enough that the child existed in this state; her joining the family was a separate issue. Emmett just went with the flow, as always.
Understandably, Bree was hesitant at first. Sure, she had surrendered quickly. And they had never hurt her. But her first introduction to this coven (family still didn’t feel right) was watching them rip apart her friends. She was glad to be alive, and safe. But how was she supposed to just… befriend people she was told wanted her dead?
It started small. Esme - the oldest female with the gentle face- - helped her get some new clothes, and quickly converted a room in the house for her. It looked like the leader had previously claimed it, but he didn’t seem to mind the eviction. Bree had never had a place of her own and she wasn’t sure what to do with all the new space. Esme gave her some large markers, which she used to write quotes from her favorite books on the walls. The next day, Esme set up a few bookshelves, and Rosalie dropped off the books, all new, without a word.
The tiny one - Alice, Bree quickly gathered - was full of enthusiasm. It could be exhausting, but Bree found she didn’t mind/ her human life certainly wasn’t easy, and there wasn’t much room for fun when you were constantly fighting for your life; both her human life and the beginning of her vampire life had that in common. But Alice had her trying on clothes, playing with styles. She didn’t expect to love it as much as she did.
Her and Jasper mostly, and slightly unintentionally, avoided each other, he stopped thinking she was dangerous or a threat; his instincts to take on the unknown had been wrong. But they found themselves in the same place often - reading in the house library, sitting and talking with Alice, relaxing on the porch on sunny days. They never said much, but the silence was comfortable. 
She spent a lot of time with Rosalie as well. Rose was more quiet, reserved, she, more than anyone, took care of Bree. When Bree needed help with her homework, Rosalie spread out all their books and her notes from decades past and worked through every question, every problem, every section with her until she knew it like the back of her hand. She knew when Bree needed to go hunting, or when she needed to be alone, when she needed someone. Rosalie was always that someone.
When she first joined the family, she didn’t spend too much time around Bella and Edward. She didn’t want to hurt anyone, and didn’t trust her restraint around Bella. And as Edward was always with her, she didn’t see him much. But as time went on, and she got stronger, it was easier to hang out, especially outside. Usually Jacob and Seth, and sometimes Quil and Embry, would join too. Bree loved playing with the four of them, different sports or play fighting while Bella and Edward watched.
She was surprised to find out how much she had in common with Seth, and how much she grew to like him. They both loved books, and could spend hours discussing their favorites. Unlike the Cullens, Seth was her age and surprisingly adventurous, always willing to run somewhere new or explore anything, anytime. It wasn’t long until they were inseparable.
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deabbawallace · 4 years
The Umbrella Academy Season 2 overall thoughts (scroll if you don’t want spoilers !)
I’ve watched season 2 twice and here’s what I’ve noticed. feel free to agree/ disagree, let’s have a discussion! :)
- Luther’s character development was amazing this season. although he was mainly depressed and stress eating, he did grow as a character SO much by immediately apologizing to Vanya. he could have easily got away with not telling her the full extent of what happened/ what he did due to her memory loss (and Five also not directly telling her she was the cause, or “bomb”). he’s still struggling with who he is and how he lost his motivation and leadership-ness towards the end of season one. not seeing any of his siblings, especially Allison made Luther feel alone again, like when he was sent to the moon. Luther has SO much more of a idea between when he can lead and when it’s okay for him to follow (example: him telling Klaus to look for Allison while he watches over Five who was obviously upset due to the situation). he was very smart with the whole old/young Five situation, even if he got his ass beat in the process. overall Luther is a great character and deserves so much more of a love interest than his sister.
- Diego. as far as we know Diego and Vanya actually got parts of Klaus’ powers this season. originally in the comics Klaus can levitate and has telekinesis. Diego’s was able to manipulate the bullets in the finale with telekinesis that wasn’t brought up earlier. it made sense and for the character since he already know how to manipulate knives and other things to his favor. another Diego power that wasn’t described that i was quite disappointed about is the fact that he can hold his breath underwater for long periods of time. although Diego’s love interest this season is Lila, i have a feeling he is more infatuated with her than in love. it’s known that Diego loved Patch, and was torn and wished to remember and honor her memory, so there a chance he fell for Lila or his idea of her, mixed with some of the personality traits of Patch. Diego went from basically resenting Vanya and always going toe to toe with Luther to forgiving her and actually working as a pair with Luther, while Luther let Diego have his leader or “Number One” moments this season.
- Allison. wow. we had a minor complaint of her not dating her brother and boy did they take that and run with it. she went from an adored black actress with a white husband and mixed daughter to a time where black and whites couldn’t even enjoy a cup of coffee in the same diner. now i’m not sure if this was intentional but i noticed upon allison’s arrival, 3 white boys are taunting her saying “hey girl”. although i’m not sure, i was wondering if this line/scene is a reference to the Emmett Till case (he died in 1955 so less than a decade then where this harassment takes place). it could be possible since Emmett did get murdered for saying “hey baby” to a white women and i think it’s a good yet subtle part on the show runners half if this was their intention. Allison’s want of showing she loves Vanya showed tremendously throughout this season, she’s basically glowing around Vanya, especially in the scene where she was hanging out with Klaus and Vanya.
- Klaus. Klaus went through so much this season (as it seems like he always does) Klaus’ adventure of seeing Dave and telling him not to enlist is a case of “right intention, wrong time”. he came off too strongly and scared off Dave. eventually Dave wanted to know why Klaus knew so much about him so he visted Klaus at his weird cult house. i will say he obviously did have some influence over Dave since he got dave to enlist in the marines instead of the army. Klaus having a cult makes sense for his character. the lack of “daddy’s love” and attention he got in season one was filled by his cult, even if he was a fraud and only superficial worshipping. he started to push Ben away this season, and ultimately you could argue it helped tainting/ damaging his relationship with Ben a tad bit, but at the same time Klaus secretly wanted Ben to get a break from him and go to heaven, even if that meant loosing his brother from being with him 24/7. i wish he had more of reaction when Vanya tells him about Ben. it could just be usual Klaus, hiding his feelings to not feel like a burden to anyone. with Robert’s acting abilities, as much as i don’t want to see klaus in pain, a meltdown scene of Klaus missing Ben would be startling at how well it can be done.
- Five. Five was an old man before he came back to the Academy in season one and it’s discussed that he messed up the calculations that put them in his kid body. it could be a possibility that when he was going back in time with his siblings he saw his siblings were turning into kids, panicked, and thought of a different equation in his head to make them adults. we have to remember as viewers that since he’s gotten back to the season one timeline he knows what it feels like to be not taken seriously due to his physical age and how he looks. so he wanted his siblings to be adults again? maybe it could also be because he couldn’t emotionally handle seeing the versions of his siblings from over 60+ years ago (in his mind) in front of him again. it could just be a simple miscalculation since math clearly isn’t Five’s strong suit since he’s 0/3, or could have a deeper meaning. you can argue both ways. i will say he developed more into trusting his siblings, even asking for their help on multiple occasions. you can tell he got more comfortable with the family he’s been missing and wishing to go back to for decades.
- Ben. Benerio. i just wanted to start off that it makes sense he wasn’t alive this season. although disappointed, when they were going back in time, none of the kids (Ben included) were born in the 60’s, so it can be argued that even if he was revived, he has no place in this timeline. you can argue none of the kids have a place there, but Five was focused on getting those around him (the alive academy) out of this timeline. Ben not being alive makes the most sense since he has passed before Five travelled. you can tell dallas made a huge tear between Ben and Klaus. i think that dallas was good for Be , even if he wasn’t alive, he got to grow as a person, even if that meant Klaus sort of forgot him and went on his own journey. i cried hysterically in the last two episodes about Ben because he’s such a genuinely caring character. i would compare his qualities to younger Vanya because when Luther locks Vanya up, Diego and Klaus say “Vanya? the one who cried when we stepped on ants as a kid?” also applies to Ben. it made me so happy when he stayed back and goes “i missed you guys” while they exposing each other for what they have done in this timeline to possibly mess it up
- Vanya went through a lot this season. i’m glad they changed the season one ending of Fove shooting her in the end and starting of the dallas storyline her being paralyzed and having amnesia. this season shows that vanya isn’t scared of her siblings anymore. for example, she got startled when Allison tried to rumor her again and accidentally hurt her, followed by apologizing profusely. this season she is unapologetically herself, saying she isn’t a disease and even leans her head on Diego in the last episode even though in last season they definitely were on rocky terms. Vanya frantically wanting to leave with Sissu and Harlan to give them a better and more accepting life in 2019 just proves how much she cares for others. the ending scene where Ben, the literal monster with tentacles basically falling out of him, telling Vanya isn’t a monster is so beautifully done. it’s also interesting how she is in way more control of her powers, even after Reginald made it seem basically impossible for her to control her emotions/ powers.
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panlight · 2 years
If the Cullens could get their nails done in a salon, would they? And if so, what would be their go-to style(s)?
I feel like Rosalie would go with dark, bold colors like blood red or deep wine or black. It's the ~drama for her. And she would appreciate the human experience and being pampered, I think.
Esme would lean more towards a classic red or pink or subtle neutrals. Maybe like French tips. Might dabble in some purples and mauves if she's feeling adventurous. Loves chatting with the manicurists and other people getting their nails done.
Alice would be the one to have fun with it, doing nail art and marble and experimenting; she's seeing the trends before they happen so it always on the cusp of it. Rosalie and Esme and Emmett sometimes indulge her and let her paint their nails in quirky ways. Jasper too, occasionally.
Bella doesn't do her nails that's like too frivolous and she'd rather be reading (or staring at Edward). Alice roped her into going to a salon once though and she secretly kind of loved it but shh don't tell anyone.
I don't know if standard human nail clippers or files would work on vampire nails, and obviously they don't grow at all, so it might be more likely they do them themselves at home and/or use fake nails.
Emmett's up for anything and doesn't give a crap about anything, totally let Nessie do his nails once thinking it would be hilarious but obviously she's so ridiculous perfect and talented that she probably like, painted a different classic painting on each finger and Emmett was like " . . . "
I don't think Edward and Carlisle are that into it. Carlisle theoretically wears gloves at work most of the time so like, what's the point? Esme may have painted them for fun a few times, or maybe he's done it in solidarity with a patient. Maybe Edward during like the grunge and emo music phases might have painted his nails black, alone in his room, and then wiped it off before his family could see it.
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unlostx · 3 years
[ Diana silvers, female, 25 ] Let’s give a warm welcome to one of Sparkwood’s finest, ALICE CULLEN!! Before coming here, SHE/HER once lived on the pages of TWILIGHT. Though now they currently spend most of their time as a(n) ART CURATOR . If you ask the townsfolk about what they are like, you will hear that they are EMPATHETIC but also BLINDLY DEVOTED . If they had a theme song it would be BLACK BUTTERFLIES & DE’JAVU -THE MAINE. Let’s see how their story unravels this time. [ nicole , 28, cst, she/her ] 
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Alice was the middle child of a big family, Carlisle and Esme never being able to have kids of their own adopted most of them between the ages of 4-7, but just because she was slapped in the middle of her siblings gave her all the more reason to make herself seen. Aside from her family everyone just saw her weird, calling her a freak just because of the way she dressed and how easily excitable she was, she never had to hold back that back with her family, and that's why she think she clung to them so much, because they never made her feel like she had to dial back her personality or make herself small. Always having a fixation in the weird and unusual she applied that to her personality and didn't hide that fact.
She didn't have many friends in high school aside from her siblings, so she grew obsessed with consuming every book containing a fantasy element, because she could pretend that those characters were her friends in a way, and that all the adventures and journeys they went on were together, it helped her cope that aside from her family everyone found her odd, but not in the books she consumed, it was honestly one of the only things that got her through high school, it made her feel like she was accepted even if it was just pretend. College came around and she changed her major every few months, always struggling to stay secure in a decision, first she tried fashion because she loved clothes and found it fascinating, but she realized quick that was just a fun hobby because she could barely draw and didn't have an eye for it the way others did. It was her fourth major that finally stuck in Archaelogy, her love for the strange and unusual finally coming in handy for a change and it felt like the right fit.
It was the summer before her junior year on a family camping trip when their world went spiraling, if they had known bears were common in that area they wouldn't have picked it. Emmett ensured they were all safe before going back to gather their things, thinking that the bear was gone, and that was where the other had been attacked. She stayed with her siblings as long as she could but her concern for her brother grew and even Edward had tried to stop her but she ran to where they had been staying and saw the gruesome scene, thankfully the bear was long gone, she went to her brother and held him as they waited for the ambulance, she insisted she rode along and her siblings rode behind following them. That night was spent in the emergency room just waiting for an update, and with so many hours and the adrenaline wearing off she finally let her emotions she was suppressing all came out, the fear of the unknown of her brother surviving and remembering the scene.
She doesn't remember much of her breakdown but she does however remember waking up being in a hospital bed her mom asleep in a cot, apparently they were concerned with her emotional response and her father being a doctor they didn't want to risk her hurting herself, so they admitted her to psych, she stayed for 3 days until she was released, and once she was the first stop was to see her brother who was bandaged up and looked exhausted, but he was alive and that's what she needed to see.
After her brother was fully healed and sent home Alice went back to college but still was very attentive to him even he would tell her he was fine, she couldn't help but worry even if every sign pointed to that he was fine. It got better the longer he was out, and when she graduated college she still managed to stay close to him even living in the same apartment building as him wanting to be around. Sure her other siblings like Edward pulled away but Alice wouldn't really let him fully stay away from them, always making sure to go to his piano recitals even if he acted annoyed by her actions she just didn't want to be fully shut out of his life.
After graduating she used her degree in Archaeology and got a job at a Museum, sure it was an art museum and at first she thought it would be just a job till she could go explore the world and go on digs and look up artifacts like she always planned, but somehow she fell in love with looking and collecting art pieces for the museum. So she ended up staying on instead of leaving like she always planned falling in love with something she never truly anticipated but that's beauty in life sometimes? You fall in love with the unexpected and it's better than your initial plans to begin with.
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twirev · 4 years
What I think the Cullens would be like in bed and in relationships:
So attentive to your needs! His ability is such a major advantage.
You almost wouldn’t need words because of his ability to know your emotions so he’ll definitely find out what pleases you in bed.
Has an interesting time whenever you fall asleep because he can’t see what you’re dreaming about but he can feel how it makes you feel so he spends his time wondering what you’re dreaming about. Whenever you have a nightmare he uses his ability to calm you down.
Is quite possibly happiest when it’s just you two alone. Jasper spends all day feeling other people’s emotions it really mean a lot to him when you ask him his own feelings and isolate for a little bit so he can just be. One of your favorite places to do that is a secluded area in the mountains and looking out at the water while you talk.
He plans things for your first time to make sure no one is home with the help of Alice of course. Brushes your skin softly and tells you how deeply he feels for you. Cautious and gentle but passionate. Soft music in the background makes it feel like a movie scene and fireplace. Holds you while fall asleep.
Laying in each other’s arms having deep conversations. I imagine he would read you poetry or excerpts from his favorite books.
Plays the most romantic music for you on the piano while you read also those ones from your favorite movie/tv soundtracks he actually enjoys the little challenge that comes with having to translate the music on his own.
Definitely the one in the family who motivates you to study by giving a small reward (like a kiss, chocolate, favorite dinner, sharing a story about himself you didn’t know) whenever you finish a section or get a question right.
Slow dancing in the moonlight
You have such a fun time swapping music playlists and discussing who has the better taste
Takes you up in the tree tops for star gazing
80s romance movies and cult classics are some of your favorites to watch together especially Sleepless in Seattle. Emmett joins in for the John Hughes movies and you both make comments and say the lines much to Edwards amusement and chagrin.
So romantic you feel like you’re in a fairytale or a romance novel
Loves to spoil you with gifts
One of the things that makes her happiest is someone that’s as into fashion as she is although you do have differing opinions on certain outfits/shoes/ accessories that can lead heated debates but always end with a kiss
She can see into the future so of course she can tell what can please you. Switch vibes. Always perfect.
Elaborate dates
Your running gag is you trying to get around her power to surprise her. It hasn’t worked yet but you don’t stop trying.
Brings you flowers she finds in the woods that remind her of you
Some of your most favorite times are around the holidays because you both love going all out when it comes to decorating.
Car rides singing along to music at the top of your lungs
has been around so long so he’s definitely learned a thing or two plus he’s a doctor so he for sure knows his way around. Takes you away for your first time that way there’s nobody around to disturb you, namely Emmett.
Makes you breakfast in bed and tells you about his day at the hospital.
Let’s you wear his cardigans because he knows how comfy you find them and it keeps you warm when he holds you.
Very subtly affectionate because he’s such a gentleman. Soft sweet kisses on your cheek. Gives you his arm to hold onto when you go on woodland strolls. Holds the umbrella over your head.
Loves to take you on vacation when work permits. Even though he’s seen so much in his years he loves sharing experiences with you and seeing the joy and wonder on your face.
Makes you swoon. Plants kisses on your hands like you’re the most precious thing.
You like to surprise him by pulling him in for a kiss by tugging on the ends of his scarf. You swear if he could blush he would.
Likes to watch old classic movies with you and slow dance to music from the 40’s/50’s
Definitely waits until everyone is at work or school to have special times. She decorates the room to make it romantic and special. Adoring gazes and soft kisses.
Would also make you breakfast or you two cook together.
Long conversations with your head laying in her lap while she happily strokes your hair and hums softly.
Relaxing bubble baths!
Comfortable silences
Lays a blanket out in the backyard on sunny days and feeds you fruit and you gush about her ideas to redecorate or plans for another house.
She also loves to sketch you
Definitely adventurous and down to explore kinks and I imagine you high five afterwards. Also he doesn’t take things too seriously so there’s lots of laughing.
Shows you all the affection and doesn’t care who’s around or gets grossed out.
Will watch Disney movies or sing show tunes with you without hesitation or embarrassment. You’ve re-enacted the Lay All Your Love on Me scene from Mamma Mia more than once.
Favorite way to sit with you is with you right next to him but your legs are slung over his lap
Esme has had to tell him more than once to stop carrying you around like you’re a doll but it makes you giggle so he continues to do it.
Likes to pick you up and sit you on the counter while you eat snacks. He’s not allowed to cook for you anymore per Esme and Carlisle’s request after he almost set the house on fire during the flambé incident.
So passionate she usually ends up taking the lead. Dom vibes. Also adventurous in bedroom. Queen of consent.
You both have a signal that lets the other know you’re in the mood. But everybody’s kind of figured it out by now so they all suddenly disappear
Even though she’s usually the more dominant one she’s vulnerable with you especially when it’s late at night and you’re curled up together listening to a rain or snowstorm.
You love helping her work on her cars even though you feel kind of bad you don’t know much about them but she tries to teach you and thinks you’re cute handing her all the tools she needs. Obviously you never have to take your car to a shop again and she regularly inspects your car to make sure everything is working correctly and you’re safe.
Super protective of you.
Loves bragging about you and showing you off especially when you dress up for date night
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iamtwilighttrash · 5 years
My Breaking Dawn
My Breaking Dawn
BACKGROUND: I am rewriting Breaking Dawn the way I think it should have been written. To preface, please note that in my Twilight universe: 
1) Jacob and Bella were never anything more than friends. In New Moon, they were nothing more than brother/sister-ish friends. In Eclipse, Jake and Edward actually became good friends, and he was ecstatic to hear about the wedding. (NO KISS EVER OCCURRED) 
2) Angela is more present in Bella’s life. This is very important to me. 
3) Edward and Bella have basically the same relationship: he still left her in New Moon, they’re still the classic/mushy/everlasting romance type, etc. BUT they also are young, they have more fun with one another, and Bella knows how to hold her own a little bit. 
4) Bella is much more integrated into Cullen life/family. She, Jasper, and Emmett are closer, and there is no tension between her and Rosalie after Eclipse. 
5) Edward does not buy Bella a new car. I like her truck, and so does she, and Jacob and Rosalie are around to fix it up. 
6) Please assume that Charlie found out about the engagement in the same way as in the original. I don’t feel like rewriting that, and I thought that it fit the narrative well. 
7) Jacob has long hair. This might seem insignificant, but it isn’t, and it means something to me. 
Anyway, I’m going to jump right in! I hope you enjoy my Breaking Dawn. 
(Stephenie Meyer OBVIOUSLY owns these characters and the saga. I’m just adding my creative aesthetic spin to it. Some elements will be incredibly similar in wording to the original, but for the most part I am entirely rewriting it) 
     I was getting married. I was getting married. I was getting married. Tomorrow. So soon, my head spun. 
     I paced around Alice’s bedroom, the sound of my socked feet just whispers to my own ears; to my vampire family, I probably sounded like an entire marching band. Alice was perched on the edge of her bed, Rosalie beside her, both of them bemused and statue-still. Esme flitted anxiously by my side. Her soft, sincere face broke my firm resolve to bolt from the door. 
     “Bella, honey, you’re going to wear a hole in the floor,” she murmured gently, slender fingers framing my face to stop me. I met her gaze, certain I appeared frantic. 
     I’m getting married! This was the final fitting. I would have to look at myself in the mirror, in the elegant gown of eggshell white, and see a stranger looking back. “Esme, what if its all...wrong?” Before Esme could answer, Alice surged to her feet and gripped my hands. Her touch was stone-cold, hard, but gentle. It soothed me marginally. 
     “It will be fine Bella, go to your happy place.” Rosalie sashayed to the corner, a vision of grace, to grab the satin dress. The color complimented her skin and hair beautifully. She would make a stunning bride. But what of me, silly, insignificant, young, human girl? Would the fabric turn my skin translucent; would the guests be able to see right through me? 
     I closed my eyes, trying to listen to Alice. If I couldn’t shut off the ramblings of my mind, perhaps I could redirect my thought. My happy place. The nerve-wracking wedding done and behind me. I had married Edward, fulfilled my end of our life-altering bargain. It would be his turn. Our final adventure together with me as a human. So soon, I would become just like him. The eternity that I had long-hoped for would begin. But, before that, there was just one more thing...
     Our honeymoon.
     Sex was not so scary to think about in the grand scheme of things, even if I would be having it with a vampire. I trusted Edward entirely. In fact, my only worries stemmed from insecurity. How would either of us know what...to do? Edward had his brothers around to help him. I supposed that I could ask Alice or Rosalie, but then...but then what if Edward heard them think about what I asked? The thought was so mortifying that, in the moment, I blushed. 
     Okay, so maybe I couldn’t go to my happy place with company in the room. Even barring my embarrassment at having him know I asked his sisters how to have sex, there was still the inevitability of my heart racing at the thought of being with him in that way. If Esme could hear the evidence of how much I enjoyed my happy place...
     So, instead, I focused the slip and glide of the satin gown over my skin and the cool brushes of Esme and Rosalie’s hands as they held the garment in place for Alice’s minor sewing adjustments. My weight hadn’t fluctuated much, so there was little that needed to be altered from the last fitting. Just a little bit taken in in the back, I thought, judging by the pinch of the fabric. Esme hummed while Alice worked, and the melody worked to soothe the nerves that threatened to fray. 
     “Oh, Bella...” It was Rosalie speaking. I opened my eyes to look at her, concerned by the tone. 
     “What? Is something wrong?” She was looking at me, at the dress, at me in the dress. Oh, god, I’m hideous! I’m too human. Esme had stepped back to join Rosalie, and she daintily covered her mouth with her hands. The only person seemingly unaffected was Alice, who had seen me in the dress many times. 
     “No, Bella, you’re...” 
     All wrong? 
     “Stunning.” The word shocked me. Stunning? Me? Coming from Rosalie’s mouth, Rosalie the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on, that word was like an expletive. I shuddered beneath the weight of her praise. 
     “You...you think so?” I had yet to turn around and look at myself in the mirror. I was frightened. Would I be able to recognize myself, Bella the bride? 
     “Oh, sweetie, you look beautiful!” Esme reached out and hugged me; she smelled like lavender, and orange blossom, and breakfast tea. Her body was like ice and yet, as she gave me a little squeeze, my whole body felt like it had been basking beneath the Arizona sun. I hugged her back automatically. In her, I had found a mother in the areas that my own was lacking. Unwanted tears sprung along my lower lash line. On a day such as this, my mom should have been there. I was reminded once again that my choice— becoming a vampire— would effect more than one aspect of my life. 
     Esme pulled back and wiped away the moisture with steady hands. Alice, sensing my unraveling, was quick to change the subject. 
     “Alright, Bella. Go ahead, look at yourself.” Simple enough task, but my feet felt like they were buried in cement. Look at myself? How? With an uneven breath, I forced myself to turn and face the long mirror on the wall. 
     The dress was so...Edward. Even on my body, I could tell it was designed for him. I panicked, trying to see myself in the timeless shape, the Calla Lily folds; even the lace of the sleeves mocked me. I was far too plain, too ordinary. Was I all wrong for him? They had spoken of how beautiful I was, but where? I noticed the splotches on my cheeks from crying, the puffiness under my tired eyes, the unevenness of my body’s proportions: human. Mortal. Meant to end.
     “Well?” beamed Alice. I turned back, and three pairs of golden honey eyes appraised me warily, waiting for my response. 
     “I love it,” I choked out. Esme’s smile vanished. Alice and Rosalie pursed their lips. I could not fool them. I was an awful liar. 
     “What’s wrong?” The dam broke; I came, at last, undone. Esme was quick to usher me towards Alice’s bed, folding me into a marble embrace. I was glad Edward wasn’t home; the sound of my distress would have roused him to check on me, regardless of Alice’s stern warning to mind his business and stay out of her room. 
     “I’m not,” a hiccup broke the sentence, “good enough for him. I’m all wrong.” Rosalie— I knew it was Rosalie from her feather soft touch— rubbed my back while Alice touched my hair. 
     “Isabella Swan,” it was her stern voice that jolted me. I sniffled, conscious of the fact that I was staining Esme’s lilac blouse with my tears, and pulled back to meet her gaze. One strand of spiky black hair had escaped its polished, messy spikes and was drooping over her left eye. She brushed it back, so quickly that my eyes barely registered the gesture. “Edward loves you, you silly girl. He wouldn’t go through all this trouble for just anybody.” It was teasing, but truthful. 
     “Okay.” Yes, she was right. He loved me. I loved him. It would be okay. I took a deep breath, mortified that I had started sobbing. “Sorry, sorry.” The knee-jerk reaction made me sniffle. Had Jacob been there, he would’ve made me laugh, told me to get over myself— maybe I should call him. As if on cue, my phone buzzed on Alice’s antique vanity, the sound like a beehive. Sometimes, I swore, Jacob could sense my sadness from miles away.
     Esme released me so I could answer my best friend. His voice, husky and warm, assaulted my ears before I could say a single syllable.
     “Bells, you better not be crying you idiot. I can hear you from outside. I’m here to spring you.” I rushed to the window to pull back the sheer curtains, and indeed he was there, leaning against his bike with my spare helmet tucked under his arm. He waved.
     “I have to get out of my dress you jerk. I’ll be down in a sec.” As I spoke, Alice started undoing the pearl buttons on my back.
     “Cool. I’m letting myself in and grabbing a snack.” Esme heard that and her soft, soothing laugh began when I snapped the phone shut.
     “I’ll go down and keep him company. I’ve been meaning to ask him about the progress on his new car. Oh, and Bella dear,” she said, reaching out to cup my cheek. I gave her my full attention. “Edward might not be biologically mine, but he’s still my son. I know how much he loves you. He smiles so much more now, and I can tell his happiness is due to you. You are so incredibly right for him, Bella. And I—” there was a little catch in the back of her throat, “I’m so happy you’re joining our family.” With that, she kissed my cheek and all but danced from the room.
     I couldn’t help but smile. I told myself to relax— all that mattered was that I loved Edward, and he loved me back. The rest— the dress, the wedding, the guests, the honeymoon— was unimportant. I stepped out of the gown, and Rosalie gave me a firm look.
     “Bella, this is your wedding. I thought the dress was lovely on you, but if you’d rather wear something else, the choice is yours.”
     “Of course, Bella,” said Alice, though her brows furrowed slightly. Visions of me prancing down the aisle in my sweatpants likely plagued her thoughts. “We can come up with something, anything you want, in time for tomorrow. I’ll hand sew a dress myself if I have to.” I looked at them, my sisters, and felt so loved I choked. Forgetting my partial nudity, I wrapped both of my arms around them in a tight hug.
     “I love you guys.” They both laughed. “Tomorrow is going to perfect. I’m just nervous.”
     “Well of course you are,” Rosalie chuckled. I pulled back to dress myself in my jeans and one of Edward’s hoodies. It smelled like him— I inhaled deeply. “It is your wedding day, after all. I’ve been married so many times and I still get butterflies.” I was so excited to get to attend one of Emmett and Rosalie’s weddings in the future; Emmett promised me that their next one would be ridiculously themed, as it was his turn to decide.
     “Okay. I’m going to go spend time with the Best Man before Edward steals him for the Bachelor Party.” That thought put a little knot in my stomach, though Jasper had promised me he would keep it under control. It would just be Edward, his brothers, Jacob, and Seth. 3 vampires and 2 werewolves walk into a strip club sounded like the start to a bad joke, and two of them were underage anyway.
     “Don’t forget, your Bachelorette starts at 8:00.” Alice’s tone was stern, but she was smiling.
     “Yes ma’am,” I joked, saluting playfully as a ducked through the door. On the way down, I could hear Jacob and Esme talking. After the battle that had rid us of Victoria, Jacob had spent a great deal of time recuperating at the Cullens. He and Esme bonded; I knew he saw some of his own mother in her features, and that warmed my heart. 
     “Hey Bells!” cheered Jacob. He draped one bulky arm over my shoulder as he finished up his conversation with my almost mother-in-law. In his opposite hand, he held a soda. Esme had started stocking food and drink for the wolves, and for my human father, the latter of the two having only ever braved the threshold once since finding out about my engagement. 
     “You two should get out of here before Edward shows up and ruins the tradition. I’ll see you both tomorrow.” Esme kissed both of my cheeks, and then stood on her tiptoes to do the same to Jacob, before shooing us from the kitchen. 
     “You wanna ride on my bike, pretty girl?” asked Jacob, wagging his brows at me while he offered me the helmet. I snorted and shoved him a little. 
     “My mom always told me to say no to creeps.” But I took the helmet, securing the thick strap beneath my chin. “Why aren’t we running?” Riding on Jacob in his wolf form took days of practice, but I had finally gotten the hang of it. Emmett had even taken his fair share of turns, much to everyone’s amusement at the time. Jacob revved the bike. 
     “I figured we better do something just a little dangerous. It’s your last night as a free woman, Bells. And its the last time I’ll get to spend a full day with human- you.” I swallowed hard at the reminder. I had no regrets, of course, about the impending wedding or my decision to join Edward’s family permanently. Even setting the Volturi aside, I knew I was meant for vampire life. I could feel it in my bones, in my heart— an eternity with Edward was what I wanted. I was almost there. 
     Jacob started to drive; the bike didn’t go very fast, but it felt like we were flying. I clung to him, watching the forest blur, as the wind whipped my skin. There wasn’t much room for conversation, so my mind— predictably— wandered. I thought of the passed summer, my last human summer, which was coming to its glorious end. I thought of staying out late to build card empires with Jasper and Alice, infuriating chess games, and movie nights with Emmett. I pictured Edward sprawled out in the sun, body engulfed in a see of purple wildflowers, as his diamond skin refracted endless light; they swore that my memories would fade, but I swore that nothing in the whole world could make me forget that. Even then, in the present, I could feel the hard planes of his cool chest as we swam in the hidden lake he’d taken me too in July, could see the way those amber eyes glittered in the moonlight streaming through his open bedroom windows on late June nights. 
     I would remember more of my last mortal summer than just the Cullens, of course, as I knew they would be mine forever. Going fishing with Charlie— who had begged me to go just one time with him— and hearing the way his surprised laughter echoed in the cab of his cruiser as I told a joke about fish (Why did the trout leave the cult? They were too sacrifishal). Roasting marshmallows with Jacob and the rest of his pack while Billy and Sam raced around the yard; of course, Billy had won. Buying books with Angela. Walking the beach with Jacob. Spending one last weekend in Florida with Renee, painting our nails and listening to rock. 
     But my human life was soon to be over. I had said goodbye to the possibility of having any more memories like that, as being a bloodthirsty newborn would ensure that I was too dangerous to have those moments again. 
     Just as thoughts began to somber, Jacob cut the engine. I realized I had closed my eyes— when I opened them, we were on the beach. We both dismounted and stretched, me removing the stuffy helmet so I could gulp in salty air and him tidying up his windblown locks. We headed down to the shoreline in silence. The quiet was comfortable; in it, I could hear the waves crashing against the rocky cliffs and the rhythm of our feet on the damp earth. It was an overcast day, but the sun promised to poke through the cloud cover at any moment. 
     “I’m going to miss this,” I said after a few minutes of us slipping off our shoes and wiggling our toes in the sand. Jacob nodded. His eyes were on the waves. 
     “Me too, Bells. It’s gonna be weird, after you...well, when I see you next.” 
     “I won’t be able to show my face in public for a long time. I’m gonna be a walking freak show.” 
     “Oh, yeah,” he said, teasing. “You’ll be a real circus act.” He took my hand as we continued to walk. With Jacob, there was nothing romantic about the action; he had always just been my sunshine, my best friend. I hadn’t realized until then just how much our friendship would be effected. No more beach trips, or dinner with Angela in Forks, or watching TV on his couch during lazy Saturday mornings. I would be a vampire. Though the pack and the Cullens were on good terms, there would be something in our biology pushing us apart. I was going to be, genetically, his enemy. 
     “Will you still be my friend, Jake, after all this is over?” There was a lump in my throat. It wasn’t time to say goodbye yet, but it would be the last time I would get to see him alone. He pulled us to a stop and studied my face.
     “Bella, how many times have I told you? What you are doesn’t matter to me. You’ll still be Bells. Just a little more creeptastic.” The fake word made me giggle despite the fact that tears threatened to surface. He gave me a goofy smile— when he hugged me, though, I could tell that he held on just a little bit tighter than he would have had this been any other day.
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peace-coast-island · 3 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Rainy day gyroids
Rainy days are the perfect excuse to stay inside with a cup of warm tea and a good show to watch while letting the day pass on by. How fitting is it that the theme of this gyroid event happens to be rainy days?
Joining us on this rainy day adventure are Robert and Mace, two former members of Jamie's entourage back when she lived on Peace Coast Island. Robert Azarias is a writer and actor, best known for his work in the TV show Faerie Town, which just ended earlier this year. Mace Callaghan is an actor whose career kicked off thanks to people like Jamie and his cousin Amelia, who's also an actor as well as a producer. Both have been super busy as they're on a new show that's set to premiere in the fall so they're at the camp for a short vacation after pretty much working nonstop for the past several weeks.
The new show is called Mount Barley, RFD - which stands for rural free delivery - and it's about a journalist who moves back to his old hometown to take care of his aging father and reconnects with his old friends. Mace plays the main character, Alex, an ambitious creative who has a tendency to get carried away with his ideas. Robert's the co-executive producer/showrunner and has a recurring role as Jerry, a friend and colleague of Alex's who sometimes gets dragged into everyone else's problems due to bad timing. Other characters include Alex's dad Emmett, the wise father figure everyone looks up to, Blossom the pharmacist who's a neighbor to Alex, Leia, a childhood friend and work colleague, and Deedee, the hairstylist who serves as Alex's source for gossip.
Having insider information is kinda a blessing and a curse. Well, what I mean by curse is that I can't say too much about something because of non-disclosure stuff, which means I have to be careful not to let anything slip. Especially with a lot of show creators, writers, and actors being active on social media, it's kinda easy to accidentally reveal something that wasn't supposed to publicly come out yet. It's not usually anything super confidential but some companies are more particular about what people say more than others. While being able to interact with crew members has its perks, it also has its drawbacks - then again, that's social media in general.
Robert's previous show, Faerie Town, ended last year after five seasons. A good number of the entourage members were in that show like April Wingate, Melody Muto, Linus Cooper, and Cecelia Argent. Robert was a writer on the show as well as a recurring character who became more prominent from season three onwards.
Ending the show was one of those cases where they were told ahead of time that they weren't going to get renewed. By then, the overall story they wanted to tell was coming to a conclusion so it made sense to start wrapping things up. Being an ensemble show, it kinda suffered from a large cast - I'm overall satisfied with the way the main characters were handled but at the same time I felt that it could've been balanced better. And I'll admit, the writing during the last two seasons were weak, but not to the point where the show went downhill.
The way I see it, there's a difference between a show going downhill and a show where the writing isn't as top notch. Downhill is bad, as in this has a negative impact on how I feel about the show in general. An example of downhill is Popular Besties, which, looking back wasn't entirely good, but I enjoyed it as a kid. It was one of those shows which the quality dipped a lot - and knowing the issues going on behind the scenes, it makes a lot of sense as to why - and it gets to the point where you're watching a new episode out of obligation or dropping it all together.
Hogan Family Values is an example of a show that has fallen to weak writing. Like Faerie Town, it has a big cast, though it struggles more in terms of having too many characters to handle. It's ending after three seasons, which has ten episodes left. Season three started out pretty strong, but since then it has been a mixed bag. We all kinda suspected that it was ending as some of the episodes kinda had that vibe and that was later confirmed by the creator just recently.
I think the biggest problem with this season is that the pacing's kinda rushed and I feel like the show has kinda written itself into a corner by trying to wrap up various plotlines while introducing a bunch of new characters/plot points at the same time. On one hand the show could use another season just to pad things out a bit, but at the same time it makes sense why they would end it there.
The show's still good though, it's just season three doesn't have the same spark as the first two did. I mean, the stronger episodes of this season are some of the best in the show overall while the weaker ones aren't entirely terrible, just mediocre, or at worst, somewhat boring. And despite my reservations at the moment, I have faith in the crew that the ending will be satisfying, even if rushed.
A show with a satisfying ending is Star's Universe, which has become one of my top favorite shows of all time. I think, if it wasn't for the network, the show could've easily run for another season to even out the pacing towards the end. It also suffered from the uncertainty of being renewed, which then led to a movie. While working on the movie, the network decided to order an additional season at the last minute to fully wrap things up. There's still a lot the show can touch on but it's all extra stuff - and while it could've focused more on the supporting cast, I can understand why they couldn't because it's essentially not their story.
As for the overall story the show wanted to tell, they not only succeeded, but exceeded my expectations. The conclusion's satisfying in a way that it's open enough to revisit but if that's the end, then I'm happy with that as well.
I think Star's Universe has ruined me in terms of judging series endings. It still kinda doesn't feel real that the show literally just ended less than a year ago. The writing has also remained consistently strong for the most part and it's just a brilliant show. Now I feel like binging on a bunch of episodes. I guess you can say it's one of my comfort shows.
While collecting gyroids, we got to talking about Mount Barley, RFD a bit as well as catch up on life in general. Robert's got an interesting backstory that Hollywood has been wanting to make into a movie for years. He was known as the Etienne Falls Baby as he was born en route on the ill fated train that crashed in the desert. His father died in the accident while his mother passed away shortly after, leaving Robert in the care of three friends who helped bring him into the world. Only one of them survived and he, while carrying Robert, made a dangerous trek through the desert to find help. After the tragic ordeal, he adopted Robert, becoming somewhat known as a hero.
Mace is the nephew of actor Gary Stewart, who's well known on stage and screen, as well as his daughters Amelia and Lesley. It was Amelia who helped Mace pursue his dream of acting by helping him stand up to his father, who was against it. At the time he was going through a lot and as a result of everything, he finally had enough. It wasn't easy going against his father's wishes, but he had to or else he'd be stuck working at the bank being his father's successor.
He's still hoping for a reconciliation, though it seems unlikely at the moment. Since moving to the island, Mace rarely spoke to his father, who has pretty much disowned him. Back home he heard that his father's not too crazy about Mace having his own show as that'll make him more well known. At least his cousins and uncle have always been supportive of him - he had always been closer to them, especially after his mom passed.
It's been raining all day, though it started out as a light drizzle at first. I don't mind the rain too much - it adds to the rainy day theme! I love how gray and cloudy the sky gets - there's just something about rain that's calming and cozy. Also, it was the perfect excuse to break out my new umbrella - and it was worth every leaf ticket because not only it looks pretty, it kept me dry. Aside from the mud, collecting gyroids in the rain was a lot of fun!
When it started pouring we headed back to the cabin to begin crafting some stuff. I was surprised that we managed to collect a lot of gyroids today, then again, I think the rain might've helped some. We also managed to do some fishing and bug catching as well, which the guys had never done before. Robert's a fast learner when it comes to fishing - and a lucky one too as he managed to catch two king salmons!
Aside from collecting gyroids, we didn't get to be able to do too much sightseeing today. Once the weather clears up, I'm thinking of setting up a picnic in the meadow and a short hike along the trail. Then, depending on Gulliver's schedule, I was hoping we can catch a ride with him and explore an island or two. Robert mentioned that he always wanted to try out sailing so I want him to experience that. As for Mace, he says he's content with anything the camp has in store and he enjoys running errands for the campers.
With the rain pouring, we all were in the mood for some tea so I put on the kettle as soon as we got inside. While waiting for the tea we set up the TV to watch some shows while helping Daisy Jane package orders from her shop. Nothing like cozying up with a nice hot cup of tea on a cloudy rainy day!
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teflonsos · 4 years
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⌠ MIGUEL HERRAN, 21, CISMALE, HE/HIM ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, RICARDO ‘RICKY’ ALONSO! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in DRIVER’S ED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (5 a.m. cigarettes after a sleepless night, the smell of burning rubber after driving so fast you break the sound barrier, cheap vodka in an expensive shotglass, scraped knees and elbows from reckless parkour). when it’s the (scorpio)’s birthday on 11/04/98, they always request their CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. ⌿ kati, 23, est, she/her ⍀ @gallagherintro
fernando alonso – formula 1
james hunt – formula 1
jp – redline
peter quill – guardians of the galaxy 
emmett cullen – twilight
mercutio – romeo & juliet
han solo – star wars
charlie pace – lost
vert wheeler – acceleracers 
when ricky is born, there are expectations as the firstborn male but they are expectations that ricky refuses to meet. he’s stubborn, insolent, and straight up annoying. his dad is mysteriously never around and his mother suffers from chronic illness, so he generally has free range of the house and...free range to harass and drive out nanny after nanny
his younger sister is the balancing force in his life, proper in all the ways that he’s a mess and polite in all the ways that he’s uncouth. however, they get along really well and she’s his best friend in an otherwise large, empty house.
as he gets older, his father’s comings and goings are more noticeable to ricky and he realizes that he doesn’t really understand what his dad’s job actually is? and his father won’t answer his questions about it either. one night, when ricky is about ten years old, he sneaks downstairs to find his father covered in blood. at first he screams until he realizes, that’s not his father’s blood – it’s someone else’s.
put the pieces together, his dad is a blackthorne alumn, assassin, and...brotherhood member. 
ricky doesn’t really get the chance to be close with his parents, but he is super close with his grandfather. his grandfather is a big man with a full laugh who used to race formula one like, back in the sixties. he’s a big name, and ricky wants to be like him, and his grandfather is the one that gets ricky really into the sport. racing. 
ricky starts off by racing t cars, and when he’s fourteen and sneaking out to the track with his sister, things go awry. they’re stopped and kidnapped by brotherhood members. from conversations by the kidnappers, he can surmise that his father has something to upset the brotherhood and the kidnapping is a move to keep his father in his place. ricky have to listen to his father tell the kidnappers he doesn’t give a fuck about him (likely a bluff, but still stings) over the phone.
ricky’s father’s move doesn’t work, and he doesn’t get to them in time. ricky has to beg on the phone for his life. a gunshot rings out. everything else is a blur.
ricky wakes up the next day with a million questions, but there’s one answer: his sister will never walk again. a gunshot has left her without the use of her legs, but otherwise she’ll make a full recovery. she encourages ricky to continue his racing and tells him how much she believes in him.
he takes home trophies year after year while t car racing and people start to learn ricky’s name, to see him as an up and comer as they associate him with his grandfather. the next four years are hard work, but he’s healing from trauma with a new passion and a great support system.
ate age 19, he’s on the podium after his third formula three race, and he wins the championship, raining champagne on his teammates and laughing. his nights are busy, filled with parties and clubs, pretty girls and people willing to give him whatever he wants. 
he awaits the next season and the rise into formula two, but he’s getting ahead of himself. late nights spent partying before the race take their toll on him, and his sister says it best. “you shouldn’t go out there,” she says. “i have to go out there. it’s fine, i’m just a little hungover. besides, it’s raining today. i have the advantage.” but he never learns.
ricky crashes hard, lucky to get off with a tbi and some broken ribs, but the drugs in his system render him a pariah and no one will really want to sponsor him after that. everyone had high hopes for him, but now he just looks like another stupid kid. he’ll never forget the disappointment in his grandfather’s eyes. 
he spends most of the year blowing previous winnings.
after all of that bullshit, his grandfather sits him down. “you’re going to apply to gallagher academy,” he says. and that’s when he tells ricky everything, about his father’s profession, just like his grandfather’s brother and father before him. the legacy, the brotherhood, blackthorne academy, and ricky’s both riveted and horrified. “that’s what my sister got shot for?” 
ricky passes the test while the brotherhood still has its claws clenched tightly around the reigns of gallagher academy somewhere. he’s a good driver, the fastest, and he might’ve been the best if he wasn’t so irrational and drunk on his own pride (among other things.) 
before he can gain the skills to stop his father himself, someone else does. the news comes on ricky’s very first day of school: “dad’s been arrested.” and it’s like his whole world stops, because he always knew his father was bad, just someone else got to him first. 
ADVENTUROUS: ricky is not afraid of risks, and actually, this is usually in a good way. he pushes himself to want and pursue fulfilling life experiences, so while he’s made stupid decisions, he never lets fear stop him from taking chances and trying new things, so he’s pretty open-minded 
CHARISMATIC: pretty good at putting on a smile and making himself likable when he needs to be, he has a nice smile and a good-natured spirit even if he can be a bit MUCH at times ! the kind of asshole that you can’t help but like anyway, he means well 
FLEXIBLE: one of his great strengths is his ability to go with the flow, it doesn’t change him around or turn him inside out when things don’t go his way, he’s pretty adaptable and able to adjust when there’s a wrench in his plans
SELF-DESTRUCTIVE: ricky has a habit of ruining things when they’re going good for him, he’s notorious for self-sabotage and it probably comes from a mix of feeling like he’s invincible so he pushes limits and because he’s almost comfortable in the label of fuck-up at this point, not wanting to get his hopes up too high
ENTITLED: whether he likes it or not, he comes from a good family and a past where most things have just been handed to him. so, while he’s worked hard, he’s never had to work...that hard. he feels entitled to success and certain things in life and he can be a bit of a dick about it, even out of touch with other ways of life. he tends to feel like he deserves things, such as his gallagher education or another chance at racing
SELF-CENTERED: apart from his sister, ricky very much puts himself first and can be a bit selfish. it’s mostly out of self-preservation, but most of his thoughts revolve around him. he actually puts a lot of pressure on himself, which is why he turns to unhealthy coping mechanisms and doesn’t look at how his actions affect others in his life
when it comes to his memory loss, it’s pretty manageable. he keeps up with medication and IF he gets a good night sleep/eats well...it’s good on his brain. but sometimes he’s not so great about it! his most common habits are: putting something down and forgetting where he just put it, asking you a question he’s already asked, and he’s bad with names
used to be good at fighting games but now he isn’t and he still tries and it’s sad :(
as you can guess, he’s really bad at card games but he likes to gamble so he’ll just bet on other stuff. always ready to put money on the results of a sports game or something, loves to do fantasy brackets
really likes anime movies! watches a lot, but his faves are obviously redline, akira, princess mononoke, perfect blue, and ghost in the shell. he watches anime too and tbh probably a lot of anime i’ve never seen like naruto, one piece, and cowboy bebop. for my sanity please don’t talk to much about them with him bc i won’t know what to write.
loves to skateboard and snowboard, and is pretty good at it because really the main thing is confidence and he has plenty of that! 
loves to play pranks in class or on people, he’s got a whole repertoire of tricks he used to play on his nannies growing up and has no issue with playing them on a teacher with a stick up their ass
his primary coping mechanisms are 1) hating his father 2) cocaine and 3) acting stupid 
is bisexual and honestly doesn’t give a fuck! guys, girls, whatever, sex is sex and he’s gonna like who he likes. has never come out to his parents but has never known them well enough for it to matter. 
had a steady long term girlfriend but she broke up with him when he started to tank his future and started partying more, probably as self-preservation for herself and ricky feels guilty about how he treated her, doesn’t want to put anyone else through that
really likes german cars so it’s a bummer that he missed out on the berlin trip, he’s going to geek out and cry any time someone mentions berlin to him, he’ll be so jealous of their semester
has wicked good eyesight, 20/20 vision which is great on the track but he also has really good aim on a shooting range, he’s a pretty observant person as well 
BROTHERHOOD CONNECTIONS. Someone who also had someone close to them (likely a family member) that was also arrested for being involved with the Brotherhood by the strike team. Both Ricky and your muse are dealing with the shock of this together. 
FAN? SOMEONE WHO FOLLOWS RACING? Someone who watched Ricky’s rise and fall from grace by being invested in F1. It would make sense if they were a big fan of Ricky’s grandfather...and Ricky is the disappointment. Idk someone with predisposed opinions on Ricky. 
PARTNER IN CRIME. The two of them just vibe like immediately they both have the same chaotic energy and encourage each other’s recklessness to take chances and do stupid shit, are probably hilarious and can’t take anything seriously when they’re in the same room together, the kind of friends that other people can’t stand to see them together.
WHOLESOME FWB. They get along really well as friends and mainly just need to scratch an itch sometimes. None of that toxic shit, they probably lay around and talk about their crushes and are actually friends.
CONFIDANT. Late night rooftop conversations, this person can get Ricky to open up, is probably someone who is really chatty and comfortable with their own emotions and they encourage Ricky to be open about his. 
INFATUATION. Ricky doesn’t know your muse at all, just sees them in the hallway and thinks they’re super hot, probably an older and unattainable student that wouldn’t give him a second glance but he’s like...this is my future spouse. They just don’t know I exist. Has never talked to them and they might not even vibe if they ever spoke lol. 
ENEMIES? They simply don’t! Get along? Hate at first sight? They see Ricky smoking a blunt on campus and think he’s stupid irresponsible? He doesn’t remember their name when he should have? He makes a stupid immature comment that rubs your muse the wrong way? Any of the above, ready to fight at any moment. 
RACING BUDDIES. Another driver’s ed student who is willing to race with him after hours or practice together, they both wanna fuck the cars, they both are super competitive and bring that out in each other. 
OLD FAMILY FRIENDS. Their parents knew one another, likely on his dad’s (Blackthorne/spy) side, and they grew up closely. After the kidnapping happened, your character’s parent stopped speaking to the Alonsos and distanced themselves. Your character is probably the only one who knows about that part of Ricky’s past in any detail. 
GOT OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT. Ricky tried to flirt with your character but actually wound up pissing them off by seeming like an entitled white boy, which he is. He’s trying to prove to your character that he’s not so bad! This connection has nothing to do with feet I just had no better ideas for a name I hate feet. 
REALLY BAD SEX. your muse has ricky saved in their phone like [link]...prob a hookup that happens on one of the first days after he heard about his dad but...he’s fucked up and sad and he can’t get it up! It’s literally so embarrassing, maybe they’re both embarrassed, he wants to die when he sees ur muse around bc they saw his limp ass sad boy dick.
CAT AND MOUSE TYPE THING. essentially ricky has a bunch of attempts to flirt with your muse & your muse fucking hates it. Tom and jerry but like, if tom wanted to fuck jerry. I think of this gifset. 
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Gendry Kingsley → Matt Smith  → Witch
→ Basic Information
Age: 1435
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual/Demisexual
Powers: Archive
Birthday: 14th October
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Religion: Druidry
Mark: Whilem
Generation: 2nd
→ His Personality
There are some that would consider Gendry mad, a thought that is only likely to be solidified when they learn of his power and age. It is not uncommon for Archives to go mad with the amount of knowledge their minds contain you see. In Gendry this conclusion may be drawn from his habit of disappearing for days at a time, his tendency randomly jump topics in conversations, the fact he is often talking to himself or inanimate objects and that he seems to be ‘away with the fairies’ half the time. It’s hard to know what’s going on in his head but usually there is method to the madness as they say.
He is at heart though a kind man, a wise teacher and a storyteller. Friendships aren’t something he goes out of his way to form very often anymore but to those who stick around he tends to form a loyal bond to. They might not hear from him for a while but then out of the blue they’ll receive an invite to dinner like he hasn’t been gone at all. Sometimes these absences are as a result of travel plans he decided on last minuet or forgot to tell anyone about, other times he is simply studying or writing and completely lost to the world in the process.
Frequently he forgets that not everyone knows as much as he does and thus doesn’t often explain himself, presuming the other person will understand what he is going on about. He also has a tendency to start talking half way through a conversation, not realizing he’d been having the first part of it with himself in his head. The level at which this happens depends on the day. Somedays his mind is a whirlwind of information making it hard for him to see the wood for the trees, other days are much calmer and it is far easier for him to have cohesive conversations with people. As a result it can take a good deal of patients to be friends with him at times.
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Records keeper, Mentor and Master Craftsman
Scars: A few
Tattoos: A triquetra on his right side & a triskelion on his left side
Two Likes: home grown fruit & rain storms
Two Dislikes: microwave ovens & shell fish
Two Fears: loosing his mind completely & knowledge projection
Two Hobbies: Cooking & book binding
Three Positive Traits: curious, cheerful & loyal
Three Negative Traits: chaotic, obsessive & vague
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Tobias Wilhelm (Father): Gendry didn’t know his father for the first years of his life. In fact he didn’t meet him until he was taken away from his mother by an uncle to be raised by the Wilhelms. He tried to like Tobias but the man always seemed ashamed of Gendry, or perhaps ashamed of what he’d done. Either way their relationship was never very strong.
Gwen (Mother): She was the daughter of a travelling bard, a strong first generation witch of an unknown mark and she instilled her love of story telling in her son. Though her life was not easy, being shunned by her father after having Gendry out of wedlock, she cared for him the very best she could. That was until a Wilhelm first generation found them and took Gendry away from her.
Sibling Names:
Unknown: He didn’t keep in contact with his father and so isn’t sure if he had any more children.
Children Names:
Gwendolyn Kingsley (Daughter): Gwen inherited her mothers adventurous spirit and has moved around most of her life finding new mentors all over the world. In her youth Gendry was careful to keep her out of the reach of their family but now trusts her well enough to let her make her own choices. She like him doesn’t like many of the things they do and has made her own mind up to stay clear of them. They have a very strong relationship and visit each other often. At present she is mentoring in New Zealand.
Romantic Connections:
Ada Kingsley (Wife/deceased): Ada was a free spirit who spent most of her time outdoors in nature. They were an unlikely pair but when their friendship was formed it quickly became something more. Gendry turned his back on the wishes of his family to marry her and has no regrets about it.
Platonic Connections:
Emmett Wilhelm (Wilhelm Family): It was clear to Gendry from the first moment he met him that he wasn’t like the main faction of their family. In his eyes this was an extremely good thing. It wasn’t long before Gendry thought of him as family, not just as someone whom he shared a mark with but as true family.
Lyla Wilhelm (Wilhelm Family): Gendry took to Lyla instantly, liking her disposition and appreciating her interests. He also think she and Emmett make a really rather lovely couple.
Audo Wilhelm (Uncle): Audo was clearly unsure of Gendry at first and he understood why so he didn’t push the relationship. Instead he let the younger man come to his own conclusion about it. Since he did they have been on good terms.
Maya ‘Flower’ Hanes (Wilhelm Family): Gendry doesn’t know Maya all that well but would be happy to get to know this other member of their extensive family.
Amberlynn ‘Amber’ Chase (Wilhelm Family): Amber was introduced to him by her mother when she first moved to the city. In the years since then Gendry has started to see Amber as a niece.
Ronan Cleirigh (Old Friend): The very first time they met is a little foggy in Gendry’s memory but he does know it was some time in their youth and that he is one of his oldest friends, if not his oldest. Sometimes they have gone almost a century without seeing each other but always manage to pick up right where they left off.
Averill Sookram (Old Friend): Averill and Gendry might seem like an odd pair but they hit it off from the first time they met and have been friends ever since. They have a running joke about which one of them will be the one to disappear for a few weeks without telling anyone next.
Eric Lasiter (Old Friend): Gendry was introduced to Eric when he first became a mentee of Ronan’s and a friendship naturally formed between them.
Brighton ‘Bee’ Genesis (Old Friend): Gendry met Bee when he was first mentoring with Ronan and they quite quickly became friends.
Roman Clerigh (Friend): Gendry first met Roman the way he met most of the Clerigh’s he knows - through Ronan. They became friends easily and have remained so since. He also credits Roman with saving his daughters life when she was born.
Judson Clerigh (Former Mentee/Friend): Gendry met Judson through Ronan and they instantly hit it off. So much so that when Judson asked if he could mentor with Gendry the elder witch happily said yes. It has been many years since he has been Gendry’s mentee but they still have a good friendship.
Ethan Clerigh (Former Mentee/Friend): Ethan is another former mentee that Gendry first met through Ronan. During those training years the two developed a friendship that is still going strong today.
Kady Gaines (Former Mentee): Kady is one of the few archives Gendry has mentored over the course of his life. He found it very rewarding teaching one of his own and is immensely proud of her for being a mentor now herself.
Hostile Connections:
Some of the Wilhelm Family (Disapproves/ Distrusts): Gendry doesn’t like many of the ways the family has operated over the years and has taken measures to distance himself from those who would like to see it continue as it has been.
Gus: A ginger cat who is as likely to come and go as his owner. He’ll disappear for a week or two but always comes home eventually.
→ History 
Gendry was never meant to happen. His parents weren’t married and were never likely to be. His mother was a beautiful, 1st generation witch but her mark was unknown, and she wasn’t considered a good match. This didn’t stop Tobias falling for her when he met her whilst travelling in Britain. For a while he stayed with her and her father, travelling round castles where they performed their songs and poems. Tobias loved listening to her but the longer he was away the more his family tried to pull him back. Eventually they won and one day he just woke up and left. When he did so he had no idea that Gwen was pregnant.
Years later he heard rumours of a pretty witch, with a beautiful voice travelling round Britain with her son who bared a 2nd generation Wilhelm mark. In his shock he told one of his siblings of his suspicion that he was the boys father. A few weeks later he found the boy, Gendry, had been brought to the family home to be raised amongst Wilhelm blood.
Those first years of his life spent with his mother are treasured memories for Gendry. They weren’t well off, struggling to get by for many years as Gwen was disowned by her father when he discovered she was pregnant. After a number of years though she started to gain a name for herself as a bard in her own right. Mother and son travelled the countryside visiting many castles and villages. Gendry loved learning all the tales, the songs and the poems his mother knew. He dreamed of one day telling them along side her. That was all cute short when his uncle came to take him away. Gwen put up a fight but in the end she simply wasn’t strong enough.
His magical training began straight away. No proper magic at first, just learning about their world. He absorbed all they taught him with remarkable speed so they started to test him, giving him scroll after scroll to learn. It wasn’t long before they knew for certain he was an archive. The training that then followed was heavily weighted in marks and family lineage as they groomed him to work in that area when he was old enough.
At first Gendry didn’t mind this, he loved learning about it all. Slowly though he started to see traditions and attitudes within the family that he didn’t like. The more he learnt the more his own views started to differ with theirs. As he grew older he took every opportunity to wander away from them that he could, meeting witches and warlocks of other marks, and reading things that hadn’t been given to him by the family. He then started to work on convincing them to let him mentor outside of the family, getting his wish before long. The argument that finally won it for him was his desire to train to be a Master Craftsman. So they allowed him to go off into the world, finding the best mentors he could to learn from. Once that had happened though, he never really went back to them. Especially after they forbid him from marrying the woman he loved.
Ada and he left his family far behind, seeking out the company of his friends instead. With them Gendry started to feel what family truly should be and more than once caught himself wishing he was a Clerigh instead. By this time he was already becoming a little chaotic, his mind so full of all the knowledge he’d learnt but they accepted him just as he was.  It wasn’t long before Ada announced she was pregnant. He didn’t think he could be happier but that wasn’t going to last. His bubble was shattered the day Ada gave birth to their daughter. She was on one of her long walks she still insisted on taking even in her condition when she went into labour. Perhaps most women would have made it giving birth out there alone but Ada had the gift of aquakinesis and was prone to hemophilia and dehydration. It proved a deadly combination. Gendry heard the news from Roman after Ada’s ghost had appeared to him begging him to save her daughter. It almost broke him and the only things that stopped him burying himself in books and studying was that little baby girl and his friends. He loved his daughter from the first moment he held her and decided to name her after his own mother.
He kept Gwendolyn close to him through her upbringing, keeping a good distance between her and the Wilhelm family. She grew up to be as strong willed and adventurous as her mother, and with a love of music like his mother. They have always been very close, even after she flew the nest to find mentors of her own.
Since then he has lived alone, often in towns or cities where he had friends. He finds having them close helps him from getting too lost in his own mind or research. He has also had a continues stream of mentees but never more than a couple at a time. Teacher has always been one of his greatest joys but he is aware that too many at once would likely end in confusion for all involved.
His last moved was to Chicago just over a few hundred years ago. On moving he started to build a home for himself, to continue mentoring and to do more work as a Master Craftsman. He was also pleased to find that he wasn’t the only Wilhelm that didn’t agree with the old order, something he discovered when Emmett, Lyla and Audo moved to town.
→ The Present 
Gendry still considers Chicago home, even though he often travels away for short periods of time. He is currently without mentees and has been spending time working on his library - expanding it in both the works it contains and in it’s physical size. He’s aware his mind is more chaotic than it used to be but has come to accept that that is who he is now. He’s just grateful that at the moment it seems his friends can accept that too. Looking to the future he would love to take on a mentee or two again, as well as continue to bridge connections with those of the Wilhelm mark that don’t hold with the old way of doing things.
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