#rosalie is the one who decides to come back each time
ginwhitlock · 1 year
yeah alice is the favorite sister, the favorite cullen to everyone who meets her, to her brothers, to bella especially— but rosalie is carlisle’s favorite daughter. and I don’t want to hear anything else
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
How do you think the Cullens would act around a disinterested crush? Maybe they're fated but reader isn't having it lol
(I love your twilight writing btw thank God someone is still doing it 🤤🤤)
ah it has been many moons since I've gotten a twilight request yay!
Cullen Clan Reacting To Their Crush Being Disinterested In Them
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Carlisle Cullen
Being alive for just over 400 years tends to give one a good perspective on life and the bigger picture, and Carlisle sure has a pretty good idea of how all things pan out. So you're not interested in him? That's fine, Carlisle can wait for as long as you need to change your mind.
In the meantime, Carlisle will continue to maintain your friendship and continue to show just how hard he's worked to become the kind caring father figure he is. He knows you'll fall for him, eventually.
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Esme Cullen
Obviously, she's not going to stop caring about you just because you don't return her feelings. But she might switch up how she shows her affection.
Rather than flirty winks and suspiciously candle-lit wine tastings, she'll back up to more traditionally motherly affections. Making sure you're eating right, baking cookies, etc. And of course, giving you homemade soup when you're sick is still one of her favourite things to do, no need to stop now.
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Edward Cullen
Of course, you're not interested, how could anyone love a monster like him? Who did he think he was, thinking he was worthy of your love? Or so his inner monologue goes.
But it's really not that dramatic, it almost never is, Edward just sprung his crush on you suddenly and it caught you off guard. It was largely the excessively long preamble about how he was an irredeemable murderer that put you off first, but of course, he won't realise that until considerably later.
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Rosalie Hale
She's a little relieved actually. All her mortal and immortal life, Rosalie has been aggressively pursued by people she wasn't particularly interested in, so the fact that she can crush on someone who isn't really that interested is a wonderful change of pace.
For the first time ever, Rosalie has butterflies in her stomach, she fumbles with her words when she speaks to you, and she feels like a silly, mortal teenage girl again, begging her mother to let her go to the dance just so she can sneak away to catch a glimpse of someone just like you.
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Emmett Cullen
You and Emmett had been good friends for a while so when he casually drops a blissful "We should get married" into the conversation, you initially choke on your drink in laughter.
Emmett's a little heartbroken that you'd laugh at something like that, considering that he was being 100% serious. But since you've known him, the both of you have been constantly cracking up jokes, trying to get on each other's nerves, so no wonder you thought this was another one of his pranks. He decides to take this reaction as a blessing, you have no idea he's actually into you, now he knows he has to work out a different way to confess his feelings for you.
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Alice Cullen
She's a little confused obviously, having multiple visions of the two of you in a romantic relationship kind of gave her the impression that it might've been going to come true, but your disinterest says something else altogether.
But the worst part is that those damn visions of you and her together keep coming back, taunting her, luring her in deeper to despair with the thoughts of what might be. It's all getting so intense, so she decides to skip town for a bit, see if that changes anything, or at least helps her clear her head.
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Jasper Hale
Oh well, so you're not interested in a romantic relationship, so what? Doesn't mean you can't still be friends. Doesn't mean he can't be the charming Southern gentleman he is. Doesn't mean he can't still pull out chairs or open doors for you. Or send anonymous bouquets to your house. Or leave your favourite snacks in your locker when you're having a rough day. Of course not.
It doesn't mean he can't worry about other people who might want to date you. Doesn't mean he can't scare off people who'd be bad for you. I mean, what else are friends for?
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Hello could I request an Immortal!reader who the Cullen's met in the past before they met again in the modern day? The reader could be another vampire or just immortal for another, completely unrelated reason.
Btw I love your work! It's so much fun to read and re-read :D
The Cullens with a Reader from their past
Re-read?!?!??!?!? I still can’t get over the fact that you guys actually like reading my shitty little stories thank you so much?!?!
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He met you briefly when he was on his crime vigilante streak in Britain a few years ago
He’s definitely not proud of the version of him that you met
You were another “vegetarian” vampire and to this day he’s still upset that you met him when he was giving into his temptations
Kinda like when you see a goth baddie at the store but you’re dressed like an npc
You had managed to find your way to the Denalis, joining their coven in Canada
The Cullens were on their way to a new house and had decided to visit their cousins since they were nearby
He’s shocked you even recognize him
And he’s a little ashamed
He does his best to prove to you that he can be civilized
Even though you never asked him to lol
You do find that he is a much nicer person when he’s not acting all dark and broody tho
He visits you more often after that and eventually convinces you to join the Cullens
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The two of you were very close right after Alice had been turned
You were friends with the other vampire who had turned her
But after he died you two went your separate ways
Alice to look for Jasper and the Cullens and you to just… wander
She was still attuned to your future, keeping tabs on you just to make sure you were still okay
She had called for you when the Cullens needed defending from the Volturi, but you hadn’t answered
One day though she saw your course change and you started wandering towards the Cullens
She waited for months for you to finally arrive
She welcomed you with open arms, you didn’t even know that’s where you were heading
She says it was fate
She helps you with everything, all of the cravings and the lifestyle changes
She regrets leaving you all of those years ago, but she's happy to finally be back with you
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He turned you
You were just another face in the crowd of Maria’s servants
The only difference is that you got away
He let you run, you’d always seemed to have better self control
He didn’t feel like he was unleashing a monster upon the world
Years passed and he didn’t think about you
There were a couple other vampires who he let go, it wasn’t uncommon for him to forget about them
But one day, Alice gets a vision of another vampire coming into their town, their eyes red
Everyone is on guard, but then you show up and he recognizes you
You're not a threat to them, you were simply passing through
You're delighted to see him again after all this time, forever grateful that he let you walk free
You saw how he had changed over the years, becoming more docile, and much happier
So you decided to stay
You and Jasper bond quickly over your shared past and your current struggles with cravings
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For a brief time when it was just Edward, Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie, she met you
You were an immortal, but she never found out specifically what you were
It was a whirlwind
She was still vulnerable and angry after her death
You loved her, but she was still so new and angry that she couldn't really reciprocate
You both spent all of your time together, never leaving each others' sides
But the Cullens left eventually
And Rosalie went with them
You were heartbroken, but you couldn't stop her
You meet her again by accident
You're in a crowded shopping center and you accidentally bump into her shoulder
She whips around to give you the stink eye but then she realizes it's you
She brings you back to the Cullens and you two talk for hours
She feels terrible about how she treated you in the past
But it's okay cause she's making up for it now :)
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You were his first partner
Back when he was alive, of course
You were each others' first love, but after he was turned you never saw each other again
He thought he would never see you again, never be able to give you the closure you deserved
He tried to track you down a couple of years later after he'd gained some control of himself, but all he found was your obituary
But now the Cullens had moved to a different city and they were all set to start school again
They'd all been assigned a current student to help show them around, and he was assigned someone who looked a whole lot like you
Spoiler alert it was you who knew
He's so happy
You quickly join the Cullens
Throuple with Rosalie?
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You were an old friend of Carlisle's
Esme had met you at her wedding, and you two hit it off instantly
She felt terrible and confused that she had feelings for you, especially since she just got married
So she let you leave without telling you how she felt
But now you were back in town
You'd decided you'd gone too long without seeing your doctor friend and his wife, so you decided to pay them a visit
Esme was so excited that you were back
She didn't want you to ever leave
So when it got to the end of your stay and you were packing your bags, she decided to try to get you to stay
You didn't really need any convincing
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He had treated you as a patient many many years ago
Before he even had Edward, back when it was just him
You had broken your leg and sought him out for treatment
He loved you
It was around this time when he started considering making a vampire to be his companion, but he wasn't fully decided yet
If he had met you a couple of years later, if you had been in worse condition, if, if, if
He kept thinking about you
Over the years it got better, but he never forgot you
Imagine the surprise when he finds you again, turned into a vampire
He hesitates a bit to welcome you back into his life
He has a wife, multiple "kids", and who knows you might not even want to be around him anymore
But after some pushing from everyone he takes you in
Yay for happiness
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Vampire! Bella:
You and Bella used to be best friends in middle school
You would go everywhere together, do everything together
You were inseparable
And then your family moved away
You were both devastated
Neither of you had a phone then, and because Bella moved so often too with Phil and Renee, you both didn't have a reliable home phone either
So you lost contact
But she never forgot you
Now it's about a year after her transformation, and she followed Edward to Dartmouth to study
And who does she meet on the first day of her classes but her old best friend
You've grown up, and you look amazing
You two immediately pick up like nothing ever happened
She tells you about vampires and about her life
And she turns you
Happily ever after
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iveleftitwithyou · 5 months
adjustment | edward cullen x reader
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hey besties!!! this is me finally (partially) fulfilling the request for reader visiting Bella from Arizona and becoming Edward's mate! i really tried to keep this in one part but it's definitely going to end up being two or three because i write too much. writing Edward is difficult when you're not a 108-year-old brooding man, so i hope i did him justice. anyways, hope you enjoy!
warnings: none
word count: 1.1k
it was a dreary day in Forks, like it almost always is. the patter of raindrops on the windows, the whir of the espresso makers, and the quiet chatter of the baristas and other patrons made the small coffee shop a popular place when the skies decided to open up on the small town.
Edward was sat at a small two-person table in the back corner of the shop, back to the wall as he alternated between reading his copy of Pride and Prejudice for the thousandth time and people-watching. it was all so interesting to him - the way the humans gossiped about their least favorite coworker or vented about their relationship issues. he wasn’t necessarily interested in the actual stories they told, but in the gravity of them. these issues were so small, so easily solvable, and he chuckled internally as he wished that Jennifer from accounting not leaving him alone in the break room was his biggest problem.
a soft chime rang through the small shop as the door opened and a figure ducked in quickly, obviously trying to find solace from the rain in the warm structure - Isabella Swan. he knew her from school - she was part of Mike Newton’s pack. pretty, but unremarkable, like all of her peers. the other girls in the pack, Jessica and Angela, evoked the same feeling as Isabella (and the rest of the school, for that matter) did: disinterest. he didn’t care to read her thoughts as she began to decide her order.
Edward often considered his sibling’s relationships; Rosalie and Emmett were a perfect match, the stereotypical beauty queen and jock. and Alice and Jasper were perfect for each other (of course, Alice knew that from the beginning). but he was all alone. it periodically crossed his mind that he should feel sad about this, but he never did - not until the coffee shop door opened again and she walked in.
she couldn’t have gone to school with him - he was sure he would have noticed her. the girl slowly closed the coffee shop door, looking relieved when her eyes found Isabella standing near the counter.
it was at that moment that Edward realized there was a complete lack of thoughts coming from her. he watched as she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration, staring at the chalkboard menu posted above the register. it was apparent the girl was having thoughts, he just couldn’t hear them. Edward tried his best to focus solely on the girl, to hear anything from her, but he continued to come up short. how could this be?
he observed as the girl ordered, smiling at the cashier and handing him a stack of one-dollar bills. he handed her the change, and she dropped it all in the tip jar below. she and Isabella retreated to a small table to wait for their drinks, chatting about people with names Edward didn’t recognize.
“did you hear that Chelsea Kennedy is pregnant?” the unfamiliar girl gossipped, leaning in as she spoke.
“what? who’s kid is it? Tyler Fisher’s?”
“that’s the thing - it’s actually his brother Zach’s!” the sound of the girls’ laughter filled his ears as he eavesdropped. it was hard to do when you have stronger hearing than most.
he still couldn’t get a read on her. Isabella’s mind was alive with visions of the three protagonists of their conversation, picturing the pregnant girl and who he assumed was the brother holding hands in the hallways of what seemed to be her old high school. still, nothing from the other girl.
maybe he just needed to be closer to her. he’d never needed proximity before, but he was more willing to hold onto hope that that would be the solution than admit that his gift didn’t work on this one girl.
before he knew it, he was up from his chair, approaching the table. “Isabella? i’m sorry to bother you, but i was wondering if i could ask you a question about the Romeo and Juliet essay for Mr. Banner’s class?”
“it’s just Bella, but, um, sure- yeah, what’s up?” she was stunned that he was speaking to her. she was well aware that he rarely initiated conversation with anyone. why is he talking to me? does he think i’m cute? oh god, my hair is probably so messed up from the rain. i hope he doesn’t think-
he cut her thoughts off, patience wearing thin as he still heard nothing from the girl across the table. “i was just wondering if you thought symbolism was a strong enough literary device for me to discuss in my essay. i’ve been going back and forth between that and foreshadowing.” he put on his best human-pleasing voice and smile, maintaining eye contact with Isabella. of course, he knew there was plenty of symbolism in the play, and he would have no problem writing about it for the essay.
“there’s a lot of symbolism in the play. i think you should go with that.” she replied simply, thoughts still reeling as Edward tried to ignore them. finally, he thought, he was able to turn his attention to the other girl.
“i’m sorry, let me introduce myself, i didn’t mean to be rude. my name is Edward Cullen. i haven’t seen you around here before. what is your name?” the same human-pleasing demeanor was on full display now.
the girl blushed in - embarrassment? shame? nervousness? he didn’t know, and it was killing him. “my name is y/n. it’s nice to meet you.”
“ah, y/n. that’s a beautiful name. how do you know Bella?” he remembered to call her the right name this time. of course, he had already figured out the pair likely went to school together before Isabella moved to Forks, but he figured he should let her tell him that.
“we went to high school together in Phoenix. my parents are moving to Japan for a year for my dad’s work, so i’m staying with her and Charlie until they get back.”
“you didn’t want to go with them?” he didn’t mean to pry, but he couldn’t help wanting to know more about her. he couldn’t gather anything from her head, so he had to verbalize his curiosities, which was mildly infuriating.
“no, i like it in america. plus i missed Bella.” she didn’t make eye contact, fidgeting with the corner of her paperback copy of The Great Gatsby.
“i see. that’s a great choice in book, by the way,” he smiled insincerely, deep in thought as he excused himself from the conversation. “well, i have to get going, but it was great to meet you. i guess i’ll see you around.”
with that, he returned to his corner table, packing up his things hastily and exiting the shop.
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panlight · 1 year
Let's say that vampirism actually enhances a person's WORST trait (rather than an innate ability or power). What would be each Cullen's enhanced flaw?
I keep trying to answer this and I keep coming back to like, twisting their positive traits into a flaw, so I guess that's where my brain is going with this.
Like, Carlisle. I think if negative things were enhanced we'd end up with someone who is like . . . 'saving' everyone. He knows best, he wants to help, congrats you're a vampire now whether that's something you'd ever have wanted or not. He'd like amass a huge coven much more quickly and before he himself had really beaten the bloodlust/thirst stuff, so either it's just way too many vampires to keep in line and they start killing lots of people, or it really becomes a cult-like sort of thing with his natural ability to draw people to him also being twisted/corrupted. Probably wiped out by the Volturi early on because yikes.
With Edward I guess it would be his judgmental streak? Already in canon he is pretty quick to decide this person is bad based on a few idle thoughts, thoughts this person might actually consider intrusive, or thoughts they would never voice nor act on. He's probably leave on his rebellion much sooner because he would be convinced he'd ridding the world of monsters and Carlisle's like, "he's just like my father." I think whether he can still read minds in this scenario or not wouldn't really make a difference, he'd still appoint himself judge, jury and executioner.
The dark side of ability to love, to me, is possessiveness and jealousy. So an Esme with flaws intensified I see as someone who is very possessive and jealous of those she loves, to a manipulative and unhealthy degree. Lots of guilt-trips and "don't you love me?" and all that. Carlisle probably can't keep a job because she's jealous of the time he spends there; the kids probably don't go to school because she wants them with her, etc.
SM seemed pretty happy to highlight Rosalie's flaws already; her vanity, self-absorption, her rudeness. But I think if her power is beauty than the enhanced flaw has to be related to that too, so either enhanced vanity or maybe she's more like a Heidi type who can lure people in not just with looks but with a little something supernaturally extra. Whether she still abstains from human blood or not, she could still use and manipulate people with that kind of power.
Emmett's competitiveness and impulsiveness could be the enhanced flaws. It would be sort of like James, I'd imagine, constantly compelled to put himself (and his family) in increasing levels of danger. It could also enhance his temper; instead of being kind of playfully competitive, he gets actually violently angry.
I mean Alice, let's be real, already manipulates reality and the people in to her will based on her visions. She does so in an attempt to bring about the 'best' future possible, but it still veers into questionable territory pretty quickly. If her sort of pushiness and desire to know and control everything were enhanced, it would take what is already sort of there in canon and push it all the way into a really dark place where she's pulling the strings and creating a future that solely benefits her and doesn't care one bit about who might be harmed in the process.
Jasper lack of self-control intensified would also be, uh, really bad. I suppose he would have been killed by Maria pretty early on if he was that impossible to rein in, unless he killed her first and then the Volturi would have to step in because there is this out of control killing machine who can't control himself running around. If we stick with his gift being corrupted/turned into a flaw, that charismatic streak that he had could turn into a power to actually make people do things, like mind-control of sorts. I personally don't like mind control powers because the lack of free will really squicks me out, but I can go with something like hypnosis, where like some people are more susceptible than others and you can't really get someone to do something they wouldn't do as themselves. So like he couldn't compel the average person to serve as his Renfield or to murder people on his behalf, but he could find people who were susceptible to the power of suggestion AND who had that darkness already in them and get them to do almost anything.
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jessicanjpa · 5 months
poison, or, Carlisle becomes a jeweler
An excerpt from this 1933 one-shot. The Cullens are taking sorta-newborn Rosalie out in public tonight, and she wishes she could have pierced ears again. Rosalie POV.
It was hard to decide which was worse, the smell of the baking cookies or the paint fumes coming from my bedroom. I finally went outside to lounge on one of the patio chairs, watching the clouds and ignoring the book in my hands. I had tried and given up on three hairstyles already, and frustration wasn't good for my thirst.
Carlisle came home early. He didn't usually work the day shift, but he had arranged to have tonight off because of the play.
"Hello, Rosalie," he said as he drew back down the garage door. "You look lovely today… a new dress?"
"Yes, Esme found it earlier this week."
He nodded absently and headed for the back door. But he paused halfway up the walk, sniffing the air and making a face. "Good heavens," he murmured. "What is going on in that house?"
"Cookies and paint," I explained, giving him a faint smile.
"I think I'll join you out here, then… as long as possible." He sat in the other chair, his eyes drifting briefly to the book in my lap. He looked awkward for a moment and then appeared to gratefully discover the pile of mail in his hands. I sighed and stared back up at the clouds. Why could we move faster than the human eye could see, but we couldn't speed up time? Each day seemed to grow longer. It was so dull sitting here in the middle of nowhere with nothing but birds and clouds for company. And I certainly didn't want to sit out here in awkward silence with Carlisle.
"Can't take the smell anymore," Edward grumbled as the back door banged behind him. He nodded to Carlisle in greeting. "I'm going down to the river for a while."
"You're all cowards!" Esme shouted from inside the house. At first I thought she was angry, but Carlisle was doing that laughing-silently-while-reading thing.
"Rosalie wants her ears pierced," Edward announced over his shoulder just before he ducked into the woods.
When are you going to learn to mind your own business?! "Never mind," I growled to Carlisle, who was looking at me thoughtfully.
"I'm sorry," he said, "but I don't have anything that would be able to pierce the skin, aside from…" He trailed off, making an uncomfortable gesture toward his mouth. I clenched my teeth and looked back up at the clouds. I wasn't going to dignify that with a response.
"Yes you do!" Edward called from the woods.
"No I… oh, yes I do," Carlisle murmured to himself. He was silent so long that I thought perhaps he had left, so I finally looked up at him again. "I could try," he told me. "I admit I've never done that particular procedure before, but… I actually do have something that might work."
I frowned. "What?"
"Something a friend once gave me, long ago…" he trailed off. His eyes glazed over in that way they did when he got lost in his memories. He stood, turning towards the house. "Join me?"
My curiosity was even stronger than my sense of smell, so I went with him back into the house and upstairs into his study. I had never been in here before. The walls were packed with bookcases, and books were also overflowing off of some smaller shelves that had been hung on the walls. Besides the hundreds of books—some old, some new, some in other languages—there were stacks of brittle, yellowed paper, all sorts of paintings covering every inch of the walls above the bookcases, and little odds and ends dotted around the room.
A huge ornate desk filled a good quarter of the room, strewn with even more books and crisp-looking medical journals, as well as a framed picture of himself, Esme, and Edward with the Statue of Liberty in the background. The air was heavy with dust and mold, as well as some sharper smells coming from a little row of vials up on one high shelf. I never would have guessed Carlisle could be so sloppy. Hadn't they only lived in this house for two years?
"I think it's in this one," Carlisle said absently. He knelt down by a trunk and flipped open its latches. It opened with a creak. After setting aside a stash of papers, Carlisle drew out what looked like a jewelry box. It was beautiful, delicately carved out of some dark wood with twining leaves and animals and stars. Tiny rubies had been set as the eyes in each of the animals, and some of the stars were inlaid with diamonds.
I couldn't begin to guess how much the box was worth. Carlisle carried it to the desk and opened it, revealing a bed of red velvet on which rested a neat row of white instruments. I supposed they were medical instruments: there were three blades, all different sizes, and two needles, one with an eye and a smaller one without, and a long hook-shaped thing, and two other sinister-looking objects that I hadn't the faintest guess about. Carlisle selected the smaller of the two needles.
"I don't know," I said, drawing away slightly. "What is that even made of?"
"Bone," he said absently, examining the needle with interest. "Vampire bone, I mean. I think it would work," he added to himself, testing the sharp point with his fingertip.
"Ugh! What kind of friend gave you that?"
"Do you remember what I told you about the Volturi? The coven in Italy?" I nodded. "Aro is one of the three who rule jointly. He was the one I spent the most time with during my time there. I found a sort of kindred spirit in his company. We differed on a great many issues, but we shared a deep curiosity about the nature of things, the sciences in particular. He has also made an extensive study on the supernatural world as a whole, both the mythical and…" he smiled. "Things that should be mythical. He has performed and compiled a great deal of research regarding our species.
"Anyway, Aro was quite amused with my desire to learn and practice medicine. Sadly, like so many of our kind, he does not share our respect for the sanctity of human life… he could not understand why I would trouble to devote myself to their care. He also had an interesting sense of humor, to say the least. When I took my leave of his coven, he presented me with this. I can't imagine how many hours it took him to fashion these." He looked back at the other instruments. "I suppose he copied their design from some of my regular instruments. He said I would need a proper set of tools, in case I ever got tired of patching up humans and decided to care for my own species."
"But why would you need these?" I asked. "You told me that we hardly ever get hurt, and that our bodies just repair themselves if it does happen."
He laughed again. "I think it was meant as rather a joke. I couldn't fathom a scenario where a vampire would require any medical procedure involving tools such as these… until today, that is!"
I twisted the silk of my skirt between my fingers. "And you think it will work on my skin? Would it hurt?"
"I don't think it would hurt any more than when you had your ears pierced before… at least not the bit with the needle. But in order for the hole to remain open, I'll need to apply just a bit of venom. I think that might sting, though it'll only be on there for a moment."
I squeezed the fabric tighter between my fingers, shaking my head. "I don't want your mouth on me again."
"No, of course not," he protested, quickly crossing the room to retrieve the black bag he took to work every day. He set it on the desk beside the carved box and drew out a small silver case. I frowned, expecting some other bizarre collection of implements, but it only contained a few cotton swabs, a small bottle of clear liquid, some gauze, and various other tools that a real doctor would actually carry around.
"What are you two working on?" Esme asked, tapping on the door as she came in.
"Making strides in vampire medicine," Carlisle announced cheerfully. "Although in this case I might be more of a jeweler than a surgeon… Rosalie is thinking about having her ears pierced."
Esme looked surprised. "We can do that?"
Carlisle went over the explanation again, enthusiastically showing her the bone instruments. She wrinkled her nose. "And whose bone is that, exactly?" she asked.
"I don't know," Carlisle admitted. "Aro always had various odds and ends lying around. Anyway, I was explaining to Rosalie that in order for the holes not to close again, I'll need to apply a bit of my venom." He flourished one of the cotton swabs, and then dug inside his black bag again, retrieving an empty syringe. "I could fill this with water and irrigate the wound to clean out the venom. If it goes according to plan, the venom will scar the damaged tissue just enough for the hole to remain open. Well, Rosalie, shall we try it?"
"I don't know," I muttered, staring at the needle in his hand and trying to imagine a dead person's bone being stabbed through my ear.
"I'll do it," Esme volunteered.
"Have you ever done it before?" I asked doubtfully.
"No!" she laughed. "I meant, I'll have mine done first. You can watch, and then decide if you want to go ahead with it."
"Oh. All right."
"You're sure, love?" Carlisle asked her. "It would be quite permanent."
"I would have done it years ago, had I known it was possible! Well, where do you want me, doctor?"
He decided that she should sit in the chair behind his desk, so that she could lay her head down on her arms with her ear up to the ceiling. He retrieved an old towel and draped it over her neck and shoulder, clearing away her hair.
"Saline or regular water for the irrigation?" he asked nobody in particular. "Saline, surely… fewer impurities that might interfere with tissue fusion…" He filled the syringe with the clear liquid that had been in the little bottle. He squirted some of it onto the needle and carefully wiped it dry with the gauze. But as soon as he brought the needle close to Esme's ear, it snapped in half in his fingers. He stood back up, staring at the rubble in his hands as though he had just witnessed a miracle.
"Fascinating," he mumbled, studying the jagged, broken ends of the needle. "I didn't expect…" He stopped breathing completely, lost in thought, and then began murmuring more long words to himself.
"Can we still use one of the pieces?" Esme asked. "Carlisle?"
He blinked and seemed to remember that we were in the room. "I have another… just the one, though. I'll be more careful this time." He cleaned the larger needle with the saline, this time handling it as if it were made of glass. "Ready?" he asked Esme.
She hummed her consent and he went to work, ever so carefully pushing the needle through the stone flesh of her earlobe. There was an odd little screeching sound, like an animal was screaming far out in the woods somewhere. Esme flinched slightly and he froze in place. "No, I'm fine; it doesn't hurt much," she reported, her voice muffled by her folded arms and sleeves. "The noise just startled me."
He withdrew the needle and immediately picked up a cotton swab, whisking it inside his mouth for a moment to coat it with his silvery venom. Esme's brow furrowed as he dabbed the venom into the puncture wound, and despite myself I leaned closer in curiosity, trying to catch a glimpse inside the torn flesh. I couldn't see much; the flesh was white inside, but the venom was already doing whatever it did. Next he gathered a handful of the towel directly under her ear and used the syringe to wash the venom out.
"Does it sting?" he asked her worriedly.
"It did, a bit," she answered. "When you put the venom in it. But it's gone now—oh!" She sat up suddenly, raising her hand to her ear. "It's feeling sort of tickly now."
"I think that's the tissue healing," Carlisle said. "We'll have to see if the venom worked like I thought it would. I don't know if I left it on long enough." We all waited, Carlisle and I watching in fascination as the miniature wound shrank somewhat. But his plan had worked; the healing soon slowed to a stop, leaving a hole that looked almost normal, if too large by a hair's width.
"Feels right," Esme said, tugging curiously on her ear. "Rosalie, would you get the earrings so we can try it?"
I dashed out and back in, and handed her the earrings. She carefully slid one into the new hole and pronounced the procedure a success. Carlisle went to work again and soon she was smiling into her hand mirror, wearing both earrings. The second time had looked easier, and it looked like the damage had been perfectly symmetrical.
"All right, I'll do it," I announced.
"You could wear these tonight," Esme said, taking the earrings back off. "They're perfect with that dress."
"But then you won't have anything to wear tonight," I pointed out, though I held out my hand to accept them.
"Oh, that will be soon remedied," she promised. "You could help me pick some out... Carlisle, when do you think she could go out shopping?"
"Shopping?" Carlisle said, his eyes darting to mine. "That's quite a jump from an outdoor concert at night."
"I'm doing well," I interrupted. "Aren't I? You've said it before. And the only way to get used to moving around people is to move around them."
Carlisle focused on the needle for a moment, carefully scrubbing it again with the saline. "I suppose you're right," he said uncomfortably. "It's just that you're doing so well that everything is quite ahead of schedule, and your eyes are still red. All it would take is for someone to accidentally cut themselves…"
"Please, Carlisle," I moaned. "I'll be careful, and I'll keep my eyes down. And Edward could come with us, or you, just in case. I just want to get out and do things again!"
"Perhaps after we've moved…" He was weakening. I was proud of my self-control, because I wanted to shout at him that it was his fault I couldn't be around people, but I didn't. He would only get that miserable look and use it as proof that I wasn't ready, and I was ready. I had to be.
"So this can be a test tonight," I offered, pleased with how calm I sounded. "If I do well again—and you know I will—then I can go out with Esme. We could wait until next week."
Carlisle frowned. "We'll see how tonight goes," he agreed. "Then we'll take it from there. If you do well, perhaps our next step could be an event indoors, but in a large space—another concert or play, where everyone is seated and we can stay out of sight."
Fury welled up inside me, all the more potent because I couldn't let it show. I smiled instead, almost feeling my stone flesh cracking from the tension as I forced it out. "Whatever you say. But I know I can do it."
"And confidence is important," Carlisle replied. "But so is prudence."
"Carlisle's right, dear," Esme soothed. "One day at a time… we have all the time in the world, after all. No rush."
I kept my mouth shut after that, afraid I would lose my shaky grip on my temper. It had been her idea to go shopping in the first place, but of course she would side with Carlisle as soon as he opened his mouth! I sat down and laid my head in my arms, refusing to wince as the needle stabbed through my earlobe with its little shrieking sound.
Carlisle left the needle in place this time while he prepared the venom, and then he slipped out the needle. He quickly applied the cotton swab, coating the edges of the wound with his poison as he spun it around.
My fingers crushed my hair as the familiar flame began to burn its way into the torn flesh. Only for a second, I told myself firmly. It won't be like before. But I could already feel the phantom flames creeping down my neck and out my arm; it seemed like only a moment ago I had been drowning in the lake of fire. My insides twisted and my breath quickened.
"Get it out," I demanded, my nails digging into the polished wood of his desk. "Get it out now!"
Carlisle hastily switched the swab for the syringe and then flooded the wound with the saline. Almost immediately the flame was quenched. "I'm sorry," he said, filling the syringe again and soaking the shoulder of my dress as he pumped more saline into my ear. "Did it hurt very much?"
"Of course it hurt," I hissed, sitting up and kneading my ear. "I'm fine. Let's get the other one done."
"You're sure?"
"I can't very well go around with one pierced ear, can I?" I snapped. But I drew a deep breath, forcing myself to look up into his wounded eyes. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry. I know you're doing the best you can. Let's just get it over with, please."
He worked quickly. The flames were smaller this time, and he worked in a blur so that the whole thing was over in less than ten seconds. He cleaned up while I tried on the earrings.
"Perfect," Esme proclaimed, giving me her warmest smile.
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When I Have You ~ Colors, Finale (Kai Parker Fanfiction)
Hello, my dear readers! I've been having a roller coaster of a summer on a personal level. In order to get through the last few twists and turns, I finally completed the last chapter of Colors, my Kai Parker Soulmate AU Fanfiction.
This is NOT meant to be read as a standalone piece. Events of the story and even the universe it is set in vary greatly from the original show. If you haven’t yet, please read the Details post and previous chapters linked on this masterlist.
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*not my gif
Word Count: 1,477 (excluding recap)
I don’t like writing with Y/N in the place of character names, but this IS a reader insert fanfiction. I use Rosalie Wilson as a placeholder. Use Rose/Rosalie as a substitution for Y/N.
Warnings: None, really! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I've enjoyed writing it :)
Recap of Chapter 11:
“Come with me.” With a gentle voice, Rose held her hand out to him. Kai took it, following behind her obediently. They went down the stairs and through the back door, standing in front of a big willow tree. Malachai watched as she knelt on the ground, using a garden tool to dig into some pile at the base of the tree.
“Rose, what are you–” His voice stopped abruptly. Malachai was no longer a siphon, but he had been one long enough to feel the unimaginable power emanating from the ground. Rosalie lifted this dirty, half-burnt hummingbird toy from the ground. 
In complete silence, she stood again, placing it into his hand. With tears in her eyes, Rosalie gave him the greatest gift of all. One drop slid down her cheek. Malachai brushed it away as the sun’s first rays of the day washed over them. 
“You shouldn’t have to lose anything.”
The frayed hummingbird toy felt heavy in Malachai’s hand. Beyond what it was, this tiny thing represented the darkest moments of Rosalie’s life. Entrusting him with the magic that terrified her – giving him the powers that tormented her – was the grandest form of faith.
Kai couldn’t explain what he was feeling. A sob crept into his throat, making it impossible to say a word. In the early sunlight of the day, they both stood silently. They looked at each other and at the symbol of Rosalie’s past between them. More minutes ticked by. It was as if time itself had decided to slow, understanding the gravity of what had occurred.
As one who’d been rejected by his family and the whole world, as one who knew the pain of hating themselves unyieldingly, Malachai knew what he had to do. Taking Rose’s hand, he placed the object she was so desperate to be rid of in her palm.
Her eyes widened, and her initial instinct was to discard the evil Kai was giving her. Before she could, Malachai wrapped his arms around her, trapping the toy between their chests.
With a gentle voice and a soothing kiss to her temple, Kai began to explain himself. “Just listen to me, love. Come with me.” Taking her hand, Malachai took her to the porch swing and made her take a seat before joining her.
The hummingbird toy had fallen to the ground. Rosalie curled her feet up under her instinctively, maintaining her distance from it. Her own magic disgusted her beyond belief. Kai said nothing for a few moments; he just watched Rose shy away from the most genuine parts of herself.
He kneeled in front of her, looking into the gorgeous, shining eyes he adored so much. “I can’t tell you how much it means to me… you trusting me with this…” He took her hands, encasing them in his own. “I know what this symbolizes for you. It’s something you’ve wished you could get rid of, something that weighs you down wherever you go.
“I lived the same way for decades. I despised what made me who I was with a burning passion, and it manifested itself in the way I treated others.” Rosalie’s expression flickered between her own shock and empathy for the man she loved. Kai smiled tenderly in return, rested his warm hand against her soft cheek, and ran his thumb under her eye to catch one stray tear.
“You taught me how to love others. You were the first to forgive me, even when I hadn’t forgiven myself. When I have you, I need nothing else. What kind of soulmate would I be if I didn’t help you heal in the same ways you’ve helped me?”
After a few seconds of meaningful silence, Kai placed the hummingbird containing Rose’s magic next to her on the porch swing.
“I cannot accept this, but I think you should. Reclaim what makes you who you are, and I will be here for you.” Rosalie said nothing in response, and Malachai didn’t expect her to. What he was asking of her was perhaps the most daunting challenge she would take on.
He sat with her on the porch swing as the sun made its way up into the sky. Kai’s arms wrapped around her shoulders as she leaned into him, silently processing his words in her own time. Many minutes had ticked by before Rosalie sat up. With a grateful but hesitant kiss to Malachai’s cheek, Rose picked up the object of her deepest anguish.
“You’ll stay with me?” Her voice quivered. With one touch, memories of the pain she’d caused and the pain she’d endured swam through her mind. She could barely feel Kai’s hand as it smoothed her hair in comfort.
“Every step of the way.”
It took months before she was ready, but with Malachai’s support, Rosalie finally reclaimed her magic. Along with it came the heart-wrenching emotions she’d felt that night. They made her crumble to her knees and stole the air from her lungs. Kai stood beside her, his hand hovering right over her shoulder. He was just about to help her stand when a beam of eerie red light shot from her palm, setting the grand oak tree in the backyard ablaze. Kai quelled the flames quickly, taking a deep breath. “It’s okay. It was an accident.” Rose bit the inside of her cheek so hard she drew blood. The metallic taste coated her tongue, and she swallowed it back bitterly. “It was an accident the last time, too. That doesn’t make it okay.” Kai pressed his lips together, silencing his instinctive quip. If harming her family on accident wasn’t okay, how was what he had done even remotely acceptable? How had she forgiven him? How had he forgiven himself? In Malachai’s silence, Rosalie realized the impact of her words. “Kai…” He smiled half-heartedly, shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it.” She stood, closing the distance between them with just a few steps. Kai stared at the ground, and when Rosalie made him lift his chin to look at her, he didn’t flinch away. Perhaps her magic would always scare her, but it would never scare him. He loved her too much, just as much as she did him. They would never hurt each other, not even unintentionally.
Their eyes met, and Malachai leaned in to press his forehead against hers. Nothing more was said, the silence eventually broken with a soft apology from Rosalie. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” Pressing a kiss to her temple, Kai reassured her that he was fine. He had some wounds to heal from, some that may never fill, but this wasn’t about him. “Focus.” He came to stand behind her, grasping both of her hands in his. “Breathe with me.” Her eyes closed, and she followed Kai’s every instruction. “Find your magic within you. Don’t fear it. It is not here to hurt you or anyone else.” His fingers laced into hers, giving her the strength and support she needed without her needing to ask. “Let it flow through you. Watch it course through your veins like water. Let it become one with you.” A few seconds later, Kai watched as their feet left the ground. He beamed with pride, allowing her to feel the power she had. “Open your eyes, Rosalie.” Malachai’s lips brushed her ear as he whispered to her. Rosalie gasped as her eyes fluttered open. They were floating five feet in the air, watching storm clouds cover the sun. “You did it.” In complete control, Rose brought them back to the ground. Thunder crashed above them as she threw her arms around Kai’s neck. Malachai had succeeded in returning the kindness she’d bestowed on him; she was no longer afraid of herself. The rain came down harshly, pouring where there had just been sun. Neither of them cared as their lips met. “I love you, Malachai.” “I’m so proud of you, love.”
Eleven years later…
“Bye, Mom!”
Rose waved her son off as he clambered into the back of Alaric’s van. Alaric was taking Lizzie and Josie to a waterpark and Asher insisted on tagging along with his cousins. “Have fun and be safe! Listen to your Uncle Ric!” In the backyard, Kai was setting up an inflatable pool for the twins. Both were jealous their brother was going to a waterpark. “Daddy, why couldn’t we go with Asher?” Amelia pouted and crossed her arms across her chest.
Ava, the one who was seven minutes younger yet somehow the elder of the two, patted her sister’s shoulder comfortingly. “Mommy and Daddy said it’s for bigger kids. We’ll get to go when we get bigger too, right Daddy?” Malachai looked at his adorable four-year-old daughters, nodding and turning off the air pump for the colorful plastic pool. “That’s right. But for now…” Getting a cheeky grin on his face, Kai turned the water for the hose on with magic, twisting his wrist and spraying a gentle rush of water directly at them. They squealed and ran away from him, making their dad chase them around the yard.
The back door opened, and Rosalie barely had the time to put the jug of lemonade on the table before the girls hugged her legs. “Mommy, help! Daddy’s attacking us!”
She looked up to see Kai wielding the garden hose, his hair shining in the sunlight. Something flickered inside her, the same flicker of joy, love, and peace she felt every time she looked into his beautiful blue eyes.
Malachai pulled the three most important girls in his life off the porch, wrapping his arms around them so they couldn’t escape. Their laughter rang clear and true; it was, and always would be, the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard…
~~~ This concludes the final chapter of Colors! Thank you so much for reading and for coming along on this adventure with me.
Please feel free to send any thoughts/comments/constructive criticisms my way. I always welcome them!
If you’d like to be added to the taglist for my other Kai Parker pieces, please send me a message or leave a comment on this post.
Author's Note:
I can't quite explain how I'm feeling as I post this chapter. So much has changed in my life from when I started writing this story. In some ways, it feels like I'm an entirely different person now. To those who have been with me from the start, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This story would not exist without you.
When Colors reached over 1,000 hits on AO3, I was beaming the whole day. It means the world to me that my writing has touched people, and I'm eternally grateful to each and every one of my readers.
Until next time, JustAThoughtfulAngel
Master Taglist: @socio-kai-path1972, @bluelicious, @genevivetaylor, @kolsangel, @callsign-luckyshot
Colors Taglist: @southernbell91, @rootbeerfaygo, @enretrogue, @felinegrate
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What if Hong had shown up during New Moon instead? Thats basically like his worst nightmare, as much as Hong has nightmares, right?
The Seventh Seal
That is his worst nightmare, you're right on that.
The Gift Shows Up in New Moon
First, the gift has decide on a plan.
It first considers being Hallucination Edward, again, except that failed miserably last time. Not to mention Bella is undoubtedly currently hallucinating Edward and that would just get confusing.
Not to mention that in may ways things are too late.
Bella's in love with Edward and she'll never fall out of love with him. Victoria's already hunting her, Laurent's in the area, a newborn army will be amassed, and if nothing's done to stop it the Volturi will catch wind of Bella who won't be turned for some time.
This is all very bad but more there's nothing to persuade Bella to do in this situation: she has no power here. The most the gift can try to do is tell her to avoid danger but the most dangerous things are those she can't protect herself from and the wolves can only do so much to stop.
What the gift needs is for the Cullens to come back sooner so they can finish off Victoria before she has an army and the Volturi get involved.
The gift decides to double down on protecting Bella, without bothering to try to talk her out of it, and to get the Cullens to come back here.
In other words, there's no Hong, only a series of unfortunate events.
Bella, Riding in the Chariot of a Man Hated By Zeus
Things get strange for Bella and she realizes the universe may be trying to spite her or else that she and Edward are star crossed lovers in ways she never imagined.
Each time she tries to summon Hallucination Edward through something dangerous: something terrible happens that prevents her from doing anything dangerous.
(The gift, like Hong, is picking things up fast as it needs to.)
The motorcycle she brings to Jake explodes just before she can get on it. Then Jake's explodes to when she tries to get on that one.
The men she was going to ride off with suddenly have heart attacks.
Even Laurent in the meadow melts into... goo. Crystal goo. It's horrifying and gross.
Bella sincerely believes she's cursed and cries in horror that this will be the rest of her life.
(The gift soon after this realizes it can melt Victoria's entire army into goo and does so, quite pleased. Half the shapeshifters do not shift. Jacob likely never does.)
Carlisle Haunted by Ghosts
The gift doesn't want to bully Edward into returning. Edward is a mixed bag, yes, he eventually turned Bella and was the only reason to turn Bella, but he's also liable to eat her or vote for her to die horrifically in childbirth/abortion.
Carlisle is the one who can actually turn Bella (which, now that Victoria is taken care of, is all the gift wants to make Bella invulnerable).
Carlisle is suddenly haunted by visions of his Anglican father telling him to turn the girl back in Forks into a demon in 17th century English.
Carlisle does not take this well.
Especially when the ghost seems to get... threatening.
The house in Ithaca is lit on fire.
"Turn the girl or the other houses get it"
Carlisle is forced to conclude that he's going mad and that he burned down the house in a psychotic episode. He has no idea what to do.
He can't go to a pyschiatrist, he's a vampires, and drugs wouldn't work anyway. His mind, even, is wired differently than a human's and psychosis for him may not have the same root causes.
Carlisle has no choice but to go to the only man who can see everything in his head: Aro.
"Bye family, I have to take a vacation, I'm totally freaking out right now," Carlisle offers, not wanting to worry them, and leaves Esme with Rosalie and books it to Italy.
The last thing the gift wanted.
Carlisle/Aro, What Did You Expect from This Meta?
The last thing Aro ever expected just waltzes through the door like it's nothing.
"Carlisle?!" Aro asks, after three hundred years and, oh god is this actually happening?
"Can't talk, going mad," Carlisle shoves his hand at Aro, "Plz fix."
Aro gets three hundred years of ridiculous and the past few weeks of even more ridiculousness.
"Well, Carlisle, I've touched a lot of insane people and--you seem very coherent. I've also never seen this sort of psychosis in vampires before, we tend not to do that."
(The closest, of course, being Marcus suffering from unreasonably strong depression. But Aro's not here to talk about Marcus.)
Aro's curiosity is piqued.
Aro theorizes this is likely a vampire with a gift of illusions and perhaps some mind reading. They know Carlisle's issues with his father and used him to project this message, trying to torment him or else get a specific result. The very odd thing is that the figure never says anything all that damaging to Carlisle, it's not really tormenting him, it's just blatantly threatening him and constantly bringing up the human Bella Swan.
Who was very gifted if Edward was any indication.
"Carlisle, it seems we must go to Forks."
Bella Still Thinks She Has the Touch of Death
The gift allows Carlisle and Aro to arrive as, if Carlisle turns Bella, then Aro won't complain about Carlisle not turning Bella. It's not idea BUT AT THIS POINT IT'S FUCKING DONE.
They find Bella a neurotic mess who claims that she's cursed. (She's also over the moon to see Carlisle, but half expects him to explode, and also doesn't know how to react and is um Alice or Edward coming and oh god)
Terrible things keep happening to her all the time.
Aro's doubly intrigued, this sounds like what's going on with Carlisle.
Bella reluctantly reveals that it's whenever she uh endangered herself so as to... hallucinate... Edward.
"WE HAVE A COMMON THREAD!" Aro points out.
Bella vaguely recognizes him as that dude from the painting Edward talked about that one time and what Edward would use as his vehicle of suicide in the event of her death in Phoenix.
She's too depressed to care though.
Clearly, there's a vampire out there who has a vested interest in Bella. Knows Carlisle has the greatest chance of turning her successfully and the willingness to do so and is threatening Bella into keeping her alive.
"What vampire?" Carlisle asks in confusion, because there was no one other than his family and they certainly weren't doing anything like this (besides, the easy option then would have been talking to Carlisle, not gaslighting him into thinking he was mad)
There's also no new scents in the area of vampires (a lot like Ephraim though which Carlisle's really hoping Aro doesn't look into).
"Well, where there's a lack of vampire, we must look at other options," Aro throws out the batshit insane theory that Bella's doing it herself.
"Wut?" Bella asks.
Aro takes Bella's hand, nothing, delightful.
Carlisle, that's some powerful shit.
"She doesn't block Alice or Jasper," Carlisle points out slowly, "Or James"
It really was just Edward.
Aro doesn't care, roll with him Carlisle, what if Bella's gift has morphed to keep her alive. Has gone off the hook in its quest to do so and make her as invulnerable as possible.
"Wut?" Bella asks again.
She's still going with the cursed theory.
Even Carlisle would rather go with the cursed theory.
"Nonetheless, it seems all this will stop if someone turns the girl," Aro notes cheerily (and if it doesn't, well, they'll figure that out then). Aro volunteers Carlisle to do it as otherwise Aro will do it anyway.
"The girl knows the secret, really, Carlisle, you should have turned her in Phoenix."
Carlisle, very reluctantly, turns Bella.
(Who has had her world flipped upside down, oh my god, she's becoming a vampire after all, oh my god.)
Things Get Awkward
Bella's a vampire now, her family thinks she's dead, but the Cullens don't know about it and only Carlisle does and this weird Italian guy. Edward is... nowhere in sight.
Bella realizes that turning doesn't necessarily mean getting back together with Edward.
Especially when, since he'd clearly wanted her to be temporary, he wouldn't want her around forever.
Bella volunteers herself to go to Volterra (what Aro suggests as Bella's gift may be spiraling out of control).
"Splendid!" Says Aro.
"Wut?!" Says Carlisle, who imgaines confessing to Edward that he not only turned Bella because the angry ghost of his father told him to but also shipped her off to Volterra to be Aro's newest guard member.
Even one would be unforgivable to Edward, all of it is just a clusterfuck of going against everything Edward hoped for Bella.
But he can't bring Bella back home either with her gift running rampant and the family having left her. This seems to be Bella's choice and... he can't stop it...
"Erk" Carlisle thinks of the very near future where he's going to have to confess to all of this.
Edward Inevitibly Finds Out
... We'll stop this here.
As you can imagine, shenanigans.
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glampire-rockstar · 2 years
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Ship: Heel!Finn Balor (Best Friend) × Heel!Damian Priest (Romantic Interest) × Heel!Rhea Ripley (Best Friend) × Short!Fem!OC.
▍Plot: Sia Mysterio (OFC) was an innocent maiden, a big sister, an industry legacy, a young adult, an independent woman, a short wallflower, and a baby face. She have seen the proof that she can't trust others and was stabbed in the back several times to the full extent. Sia kept a fake smile masked upon her face for years and was tired of being a black sheep. She becomes her own person and joins the Judgment Day.
▍OC Character Protrayals: Camila Cabello (Sylvia) and Zayn Malik (Troy) ~ Twins.
Sia was sitting with her older twin brother Troy and his wife Shaul Guerrero next to him on the phone. The twins were secretly speaking to each other about the heel turn Sia will do for the Judgment Day to be with her boyfriend Damian Priest and her two best friends. Troy agreed to the heel turn and how this storyline will be played out as long as Sia will be comfortable with the family betrayal.
"Ms. Mysterio, you're up in 30!" Sia told her twin brother and his wife bye before hanging up.
Sylvia has her normal clothes on for the heel turn, she had also put some dark makeup on to go with her high pigtails and smoky eyes.
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'My family never paid no attention to me since I came back, if they don't want nothing to do with me then so be it!' Sia thought.
Ever since she left her AEW career for her WWE life back with her twin brother, her blood family have begun neglecting her and her older twin except for their own their mother Angie. They were thankful that their biological mother never forget about her firstborn son and daughter. Now it was time for her to shine as a heel and a new bad girl.
Sia's theme "Believe Me, I'm A Liar" by the Hype Theory played as fans went nuts and she walked out without any emotions. Sia headed down the ramp with a deep frown on her face, staring at the Judgment Day with no feelings and got a mic from the camera man. Sia slid under the ropes and stood her ground.
Her birth father Rey, her little brother Dominik, her baby sister Aalyah, and her best friend Liv Morgan were there to confront the Judgment Day as well. Sia saw her older twin brother Troy with their mother Angie right at ringside, he was frowning deeply while holding his mother's hand and letting his wife Shaul keep him at bay. The female masked luchadora was glaring at her family and tag partner in disgust while holding a mic.
"Well well well, if it ain't one half of the Black Sheep of the Mysterio Family." Rhea said about Sia. "Sweetheart listen, you know that only your twin brother and your own mother care for you unlike the rest of your family especially your best friend who stabbed you in the back years ago. I think you're much better off without having a family that ignores your talent and strength."
Fans booed while Sia fully kept her composure, Damian couldn't keep his eyes off of her and the choice of clothes she chose to wear for him. Finn and Rhea was busy talking smack about the Mysterio Family rather than Sia that she didn't even flinch whenever they only brought her up for a positive comment. They stopped to see Sia not responding to their words and decided to change the subject.
"What sweetheart, it struck a nerve, how about you join us and leave your family? They didn't care when you left here the first time with your brother Troy." Finn told her, suggesting Sia to join them and be her own person. "Take off the mask like your brother did and step out of the light...it's time for you to become part of the darkness."
Fans chanted "NO" while Sia bites her bottom lip and drops the mic. She walks away from the ring and keeps on shaking her head no while walking backwards on the ramp. Damian was mouthing that he'll be there after the segment to comfort her and get her mind cleared from the pain.
"Sia! SIA! ROSALIE SIA MYSTERIO! COME BACK DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY!" Rey called her out while Sia went backstage for a break and locked her locker room shut.
Damian, Finn, and Rhea unleashed their attack on their rivals while Sia was ignoring the noises outside. She slowly opens the door to see the motionless bodies of Dominik, Ruby, Rey, Aaylah, Christian, Liv, Edge, and Beth. She turns to the Judgment Day and saw her twin there in their shirt.
"Sia, leave them behind and be your true self again." Troy said, holding his hand for her to take. "I trust them, especially Damian, unleash your darkness and take down the light they put upon that mask."
Sia ripped off the mask and tossed it away. She smirked up at Damian and he lifted her into his arms. The Judgment Day walked away while fans booed, the newly heel turned members grew cold and evil like their new team...they can be reincarnated...into their inner demons.
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faded-florals · 1 year
Could you or do you know anyone that could describe the plot of the before after musical to me? I’ve recently got into the music (mostly bc of Hadley and Rosalie) but I can’t find a plot synopsis anywhere and I get real confused towards the end. I’m so sorry if this is an odd request and I don’t know if it’s something you’re really a fan of anymore but if you could point me in a direction I would be eternally grateful, I’m so desperate 😭😭😭
I am still very much a fan of this beautiful musical! I tried my best to fully summarize it for you, I hope it helps! ❤️
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The story is told non-sequentially, jumping back and forth between moments in Ami and Ben's relationship, in the time before and after Ben was in an accident and was diagnosed with amnesia.
Act I (After) Ami returns to a place that is special to her, a secluded hilltop with a tree that overlooks the city (Coming Back). She reflects on the past when Ben unexpectedly arrives, but he does not recognize her. He explains he was in a car accident and has amnesia, and does not remember much about his life before. Ami invites Ben to get a drink.
(Before) Ami is stood up at a nice restaurant by her flaky boyfriend (A Little Longer). When she gets up to leave she accidentally runs into Ben, a painter working as a waiter at the restaurant, causing him to spill a glass of wine on her. Ben laughs about the accident and ends up leaving his job to go out for a drink with Ami.
(After) Ben and Ami are now dating and go to the hilltop together, and Ami presents Ben with a sketchbook. Ben tries to refuse the gift, saying that although he is has gotten flashes of memories in the form of ideas for sketches, the last time he tried to draw them it was painful for him. Ami convinces him to try again (Sketches Part One). Ami is hopeful that Ben will recover his memory through the sketches, and that they can further rekindle their relationship from before (This Time)
(Before) Ben prepares himself for Ami’s first visit to his apartment (For The First Time).
(After) Ami visits Ben at his apartment where he has been painting again. He shows her a painting of her, one that looks exactly like a sketch he had made before his accident of her sitting under the tree on their hill. She worries about him remembering how their previous relationship ended before she gets a chance to tell him herself (The Painting).
(Before) Ben takes Ami to the hilltop for the first time, and declares it as ‘our place’ (Up Here). Ami and Ben bicker about Ami’s relationship with her father, because she is constantly communicating with him but she has hesitated to tell her father about Ben. Ben sketches Ami under the tree on the hill (No More Forgetting) (Drawing Ami) Ben tells Ami that he wants to rent an apartment with her and they agree to start a life together (As Long As You're There).
Act II (Before) Ami considers how to tell her father about Ben, and eventually calls her dad to invite him to meet Ben. (Daddy, I Met This Boy).
(After) Ben is worried about the first showing of his paintings at Ami’s gallery, as well as about the future of their relationship if his memories return. Ami also worries about Ben remembering the past, because she still has not told him that they knew each other before (The Closer We Get).
(Before) Ben arrives late to meet Ami’s father, who has already left. Ami is furious and they argue until Ben admits that he was late because he was putting a deposit on their new apartment, spending the last of his money to secure it. Ami forgives him and they visit the apartment together, finding it to need a lot of work to fix up, but Ben is optimistic about their future together (The Next Step).
(After) Ami is worried that Ben will remember his past soon, seeing all of the moments from their past that Ben has painted. She decides to tell Ben everything after the exhibition (All These Pictures).
(Before) Ben and Ami have fixed up their apartment as well as they could and Ami leaves for work. Ben is happy but Ami is struggling, getting repeated phone calls from someone named “Jonathan” (Three Long Months).
(After) At the gallery, Ben is trying to rearrange his paintings into the correct narrative order for his exhibition. Nothing feels right until he recognizes Ami looks younger in the painting under the tree, after which his memories suddenly return. (Before After). Ami returns and Ben confronts her about knowing their history the entire time. They argue and Ben is in anger and pain, while Ami gets a phone call from Jonathan. (Sketches Part Two).
(Before) Ami returns home to the apartment, and Ben confronts her about lying about staying late at work, and accuses her of cheating with Jonathan. Ami tells him that her father is dying and that Jonathan is her father’s oncologist, and that she has been going to spend time with her dad every evening. They continue to argue about Ami's father, the apartment, about how Ben has recently lost another job, and they quickly break up. Ben leaves in a rage.
(After) Ben tells Ami what he remembers of his accident, which occurred immediately following their break up. He was driving drunk and drove his car off of the road into a tree in the early hours of the morning. Ami had thought that Ben was ignoring her after their break up, which was why she never reached out again or even knew about his accident. Ami attempts to reconcile with Ben, but he leaves instead. (This Time Reprise)
(After) By chance, Ami and Ben return to the hilltop on their own again. Ben admits that he is still in love with her and apologizes for leaving. They agree to try again. (Coming Back Reprise).
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harajuku-cookie · 3 months
Note: this was something that's been on my mind for a long time now and I finally took the plunge to write it. In my IkePri OC, Rosalia's profile, I wrote how even before they met as adults, that Rosalia and Gilbert were penpals as children. I wanted to expand on that point and so here it is!
Pairing: Gilbert von Obsidian x OC (Rosalia) (pre-relationship)
Rating: General
Tags: childhood friends, penpals, spoilers for Gilbert's route
CW: vague mentions of domestic abuse, brief mention of death (minor characters)
When Rosalia was younger and still living as Rosalie Cain in her father’s estate, the one thing she found solace in was a traveling book seller named Akatsuki. He would deliver books that were used for schooling, reading for leisure, or reference material. Even though Rosalia did get the short end of the stick, she still somehow managed to get a book or two on delivery day. Akatsuki noticed that she read a lot of advanced stuff for her age, similar to a certain boy who would pop by his stall back in the capital.
One of the days when he was at his stall, a young Gilbert came by to pick out a new book and that’s when Akatsuki recalled Rosalia. He made a comment to Gilbert about a girl a bit younger than him also being interested in the same reading material as he was. Gilbert became excited to hear that there was another child who understood those kinds of books and wished he had a chance to become her friend too. He asked if she lived in town to which Akastuki responded that no, she didn’t, she lived on the outskirts, and that’s when Gilbert got an idea. He loved receiving letters and writing them himself, especially with his mother and brother, Albert, back in Obsidian. Why not also write letters to this girl too?
Gilbert asked if he could write her a letter and for Akatsuki to deliver it to her. Akatsuki knew how lonely Rosalia was. He wasn’t one to pry into other people’s business, but even he could see the signs of mistreatment the poor girl went through. Each time he saw her, it was like seeing someone’s heart turn black, a scary concept for a child so young. The only moment where he saw a spark of joy was when she was handed a new book, the tiniest of smiles on her face and the softest thank you was uttered. He felt for her and decided at that moment that she deserved so much more than what she received, so he accepted Gilbert’s request.
The next time Akatsuki visited the estate again, he decided to go to Rosalia first. He handed her a new book Gilbert had picked out for her with his letter hidden inside. Akatsuki told her the same story he told Gilbert, but in reverse about a young boy who also loved reading the same books as her. He wanted to be her friend, but knew she was far away, so hopefully she’ll read his letter and become penpals, using the book as a starter conversation. Rosalia couldn’t believe it. Someone wanted to be her friend? Genuinely? It was a tiny glimmer of light, but she wanted to hold it close. She asked if he could come back to her after delivering books so she could quickly write a response. After accepting and going on his way, Rosalia scurried off to her room and sat in a corner to open up the letter. Even though she never met this boy before, he could feel genuine kindness overflowing from every word. At that moment she knew that he, who she now knew from his signature as Gil, would become something special to her.
Rosalia knew she didn’t have much time before Akatsuki was done, so she tried to cram as much as she could into her response letter, still making sure to put care into it, and signing it off as Rose. The moment where she handed off her letter was the start of something new. From that point on, Akatsuki would be the middleman to secretly deliver these letters to and from Gilbert and Rosalia. Gilbert was happy with his new friend and finally after seeing her heart darkened for so long, Rosalia started to look happy. Akatsuki knew it couldn’t fix everything, but if it brought some kind of happiness, then it was something. These letters were so special to Rosalia that she made sure to keep them in a special box where her siblings couldn’t damage them maliciously. As she waited for the next letter, she would lovingly re-read his past letters, where they wrote about the books they’ve read to things they liked to silly stuff that children their age would talk about. He even talked about how his mother used to read him fairytales about a prince dancing with his beloved and how he hoped he could do that too. Rosalia may have been young, but she hoped that someday, maybe she could be the one he danced with, that he would whisk her away from the sad life she lived and live happily ever after, just like in the fairytales.
When it got to the point in Rosalia’s life where she was finally going to make her big escape in Akatsuki’s book cart, she took whatever she could bundle up with her, including Gilbert’s letters, and went off onto a new life. Around the time Akatsuki had decided to take her in, that’s when the letters from Gilbert stopped since he went back to Obsidian, which Rosalia only knew as him going back home in his latest letter. She was bummed that she narrowly missed meeting him, but hoped that she would someday be able to. She was thankful to him for helping to keep her heart from turning completely black and giving her hope that kindness prevails and wished that she could repay him.
What Rosalia didn’t know was that Akatsuki had now started doing what Gilbert had done for her, but in reverse when he noticed that Gilbert’s heart was turning black in the aftermath of his mother and Albert’s execution. Akatsuki would tell Gilbert the stories of that same little girl now residing in the capital and living a much happier life and doing the best she could to spread that joy in others, whether it was a helping hand or a kind word.
What she also didn’t know was that her wish of meeting that boy and dancing with him would be granted years later at the goodwill gala hosted in Rhodolite, where Gil and Rose would finally meet as Gilbert von Obsidian and Rosalia Espinoza.
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sacrialege · 6 months
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plot wishlist for richard price.
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there are many people available to watch rosalie, richard’s little girl, but one day he decides that he wants an outsider. he wants someone completely unconnected to crime, someone he views as safe, to babysit rosalie when he’s away. the hiring process includes extensive background checks, public and private records pulled, etc. he’s overly cautious with the whole thing because that’s his baby girl, of course! after almost a month of continuous work and rigorous research and interviews, richard decides to hire your muse. they’re just a regular person with no connection to the crime world—not even a speeding ticket on their record—and they’re completely unaware of richard’s businesses. all they know of him is what the public knows: he’s a philanthropic rich man in a three-piece suit. he’s intimidating. he loves his daughter. after working for richard for a time, they begin to put together the pieces, possibly overhear a conversation or two they definitely weren’t supposed to, and maybe they begin to consider blackmail as an option to get a big lump sum of cash from richard. drama and angst ensue. also: give me the sweeter alternative to this, where they become aware and slowly start helping out more because of it. they accept richard’s late-night calls to look after rosalie, they don’t ask questions, they offer richard help whenever he needs it. they become an ally to richard and his business and eventually a friend of the family—and richard takes care of his family.
richie is a well-known face in his city and i want more plots centered around the concept!!! give me someone confronting him on horrible rumors when he’s spotted alone in a movie theater; give me interactions at big galas and business parties he’s invited to; give me sudden, awkward meetings between richard and a family member of an old associate who was killed on the job; give me someone going to richard for advice on starting a business, even though they’re very wary of him, because they know he’s really good at it; give me random meetings with strangers who recognize him not because of his rumored crimes, but because of public speeches and announcements he’s made; give me people coming to him for help because they’ve heard of his generosity instead of his cruelty; give me “fans” and people who attempt to get in good with him because they think it will get them places; give me people attempting to exploit him, loving him only for the doors it will open and the advantages it will give; give me eventual in-depth relationships that will build character development!!!
give me that one plot where a law enforcement agent goes deep undercover to infiltrate richard’s life in order to get information (either on him or someone he associates with) but then they end up falling for each other like crazy and by the time the secret comes out it’s already too late because he’s getting sent to a max security prison and the undercover agent is on the other side of the glass so they have to work together in 30-minute visitation rooms and through 5-minute phone calls to secretly plot his escape and then a getaway out of the country for the both of them because neither can go back to their previous lives after this. or, in another version, the secret comes out in a heat-of-the-moment confession (before any real harm has been done or maybe even in the thick of it) and richard’s first reaction is to take care of the threat as he’s always done: by killing them. but this time it can’t possibly go that way because he loves them. so now he’s basically got an undercover agent held hostage in some secret concrete room while he’s pacing around outside, torn and clueless on how to proceed, and the agent has to constantly remind him that if they don’t check in with their superiors every so often that the whole thing is going to go to shit anyway because the police will be at his door in minutes... and there’s just so much physical aggression but also soft touches in small moments of weakness that leave them both so confused. idk just give me the betrayal and anger and angst and sadness and all the feels pls thnx!!!
give me… more angst. one of richard’s closest men dies tragically on the job, leaving behind a struggling wife and kids. richard is a family man and he considers those involved in his crime enterprise to be family, and that doesn’t end simply because they are no longer with him. this man in particular was one of richard’s closest confidants and friends; having their families over for every holiday, birthday, and life milestone. for years now, both their families were intertwined in some way. his kids even referred to richard as “uncle.” so, richard grieves honorably and tries to make sure the family is taken care of in any way he can. he sends a sizable check (which is labeled as some kind of “workplace insurance” money on paper), food, and offers his help wherever and whenever possible. at the funeral, however, richard and any of his men who came are ran off before it begins. the wife doesn’t want them there. she blames richard for her husband’s death and, while she isn’t necessarily wrong in that, richard is heartbroken that she feels this way. she may or may not know what kind of work her husband was doing (dependent on plotting). richard doesn’t even get to apologize to her, however little it might have meant to her. give me richard trying his hardest to make amends; give me tears and anger and shared grief between the both of them when they finally talk again for the first time; give me the kids asking their mom when they’re going to see uncle richard again, but she knows she doesn’t want them around whatever richard has going on; give me richard’s daughter, rosalie, asking when she’s going to be able to play with her “cousins” again, but richard is unsure of what to tell her and he’s heartbroken again knowing that she might never get to; give me yelling and slammed doors when richard tries to come over and talk, declined calls and cold shoulders when the wife sees him in public; give me an eventual resolution—or not—and everything else that comes from that!!
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gisellelx · 2 years
Twilight Advent, Day 8
Dec. 8 - Besides baseball, which other vampire-level sport have the Cullens tried out? How do they modify it to be more challenging/fun?
I've borrowed a headcanon from one of my all time favorite fics, A Federation of Cassandras that the Cullens have long owned a home in Toulouse, France. They regrouped there slowly over the late 2010s after each living separately for awhile after they left Forks in late 2013, and they lived there together until Carlisle got a bee in his bonnet to come back to the USA when COVID-19 was raging here. Being so close to the Alps (about a 3 hour run at vampire speed), they have taken up...skiing.
And most of the time, they ski like normal people. Sometimes they run up the sides of mountains that humans can't get to in order to get to more challenging slopes, but Alice really likes cramming into a lift with her brothers and pretending, and Rosalie would always prefer to be acting as human as possible, and so very often they just ski. There was one time, however, when Emmett and Jasper egged each other up Mont Blanc, and then Emmett decided he would try to ski down a slope that was at a greater than 90-degree angle backward from his start. This had the very predictable result of a 1/3-mile vertical freefall and broken skis. Jasper hiked down, put him on his back, and skied him out.
When they arrived back in Toulouse, Carlisle, who had been working and had not joined the family, listened to the story, and simply looked up from his copy of Financial Times and raised his eyebrows. Emmett immediately replied, "I know; I know."
The rest of the family, confused because they were not used to it being Emmett that Carlisle was having a silent conversation with, looked confusedly back and forth between them until Emmett threw his hands in the air, made air quotes, and in a mocking voice said, "The laws of physics still apply." And Carlisle just looked at him, nodded, and went back to his newspaper.
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slayerwrites · 2 years
hi! so after being gone for a few months i’m finally ready to come back to the discord 1x1 world, so i’m desperate to get some things set up and to find new writing partners! i’ve just updated things on my blog but i’ve decided to throw everything i’m wanting in this post to make things easier.
please do read through my rules (my pinned post) before interacting with me. if you see anything you’re interested in (or if you just want to come up with something together) then either like this post or IM me.
21+ only (this includes writers, fcs and muses)
fxf, mxf, fxnb, mxnb
i play any gender
third person writing
ocs, canon
slice of life, supernatural, fantasy, fandom, crossovers
multiples/world building
tupperbox user
pinterest boards
stranger things
buffy the vampire slayer
the witcher (netflix only)
pirates of the caribbean
the mask of zorro/the legend of zorro
the mummy
van helsing (netflix series)
snowpiercer (netflix only) 
tony stark & pepper potts (mcu)
bruce banner & natasha romanoff (mcu)
natasha romanoff & oc (mcu)
wanda maximoff & oc (mcu)
peter quill & gamora (mcu)
clark kent & lois lane (dceu)
arthur curry & diana prince (dceu)
arthur curry & oc (dceu)
leo wyat & piper halliwell (charmed)
phoebe halliwell & cole turner (charmed)
joyce byers & jim hopper (stranger things)
buffy summers & spike (buffy the vampire slayer)
willow rosenberg & oc (buffy the vampire slayer)
geralt of rivera & yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher)
geralt of rivera & oc (the witcher)
emmett cullen & rosalie hale (twilight)
vampire oc & werewolf oc (twilight)
will turner & elizabeth swann (pirates of the caribbean)
elena de la vega & alejandro de la vega (mask of zorro)
evelyn o’connell & rick o’connell (the mummy)
age gaps
wlw in general
teacher/student (student must be 21+)
anything involving older muses
forbidden love
two people from different worlds
domestic fluff
bad boy or mob boss/innocent girl
001: muse a is from the past (maybe like the 1800s, but any time really) they’re just living their life, minding their own business when somehow they get sucked into the year 2022. they get hurt the second they arrive in the future, causing muse b to care for them and take them to the hospital. muse b sticks around to make sure they’re okay but no one seems to know who this person is and cannot find records of them. once muse a wakes up, they’re instantly freaked out and rambling about what this world is and questioning how they got there. when out of the hospital, muse a clings to muse b, feeling safe with them which at first annoys muse b, but they start to get used to their company. slowly they start to believe that muse a is from the past and starts to teach them about the future. they of course fall for each other, until one day they figure out a way to get muse a back to their own year, but neither of them want muse a to go.
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002: give me a plot with older muses (35-40) where they’ve been happily married for years, living in their dream home, have a great life together, maybe they have kids already who are all off in college or living their own lives. now that they no longer have children living at home they want to plan to live for themselves, go on trips and do things they never got to do with being young parents. however one day they found out they are pregnant and now they have to put everything on hold again as they adjust to pregnancy and being parents to a baby again at an older age. give me all the angst and fluff that could come with this!!
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003: muse a is a rich, successful person who lives in a mansion in a gated community and seems to have it all with their child. muse b is living pay check to pay check in a one bedroom apartment downtown, who has given up hope on furthering their career. muse b takes a job in muse a’s home and they hit it off but not without obstacles on the way. muse a gives muse b the motivation to work on their career and muse b shows muse a there’s more to life then work.
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004: kind of based on the movie burlesque. muse a moves to a new city and gets a job in a burlesque club, where the muse b already works as a waiter. muse b helps muse a to fit in and the rest is history. or we can do it where the dancer already works at the club and the new person wants a job as a waiter.
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005: both are monster/demon hunters, forced to work together and neither are happy about it. they constantly bicker and blame each other for everything, until maybe day it causes them to mess up and one gets seriously hurt (maybe even turned into a vampire or werewolf.) after that things change and they slowly the hate turns into love.
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006: based on ariana grande’s into you music video. muse a’s a superstar, their life isn’t their own and they’re plunged into the limelight. they’re in a pr relationship with a jerk who’s only using muse a for their own clout but muse a’s manager won’t let them leave. muse b is muse a’s bodyguard and one of the only people who treats them like a normal person. they start up a secret relationship, always sneaking off together and falling madly in love with each other. they want to go public, but muse b knows they would lose their job and the scandal could really effect muse a’s career.
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007: the typical one’s a vampire and one’s a werewolf, think underworld: rise of the lycans. muse a is vampire royalty, living the easy life in the darkness. muse b is a werewolf solider, created and trained to kill every last vampire since the war started thousands of years ago. muse b’s next target? muse a. but what happens when muse b comes face to face with muse a and imprints on them? 
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008: muse a is a famous star, used to living in the limelight and dealing with the media, fans and everyone knowing their business. muse b is just an ordinary person, who just so happens to be dating muse a. just a cute but angsty plot of muse b trying to come to terms with now having their life plastered over the internet and everyone having an opinion on them.
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009: tw: crime, prison, drugs, alcohol. muse a has had a bad life, getting into the wrong crowd at a young age and turning to drugs and alcohol. at 18 they are arrested and put in prison for armed robbery. muse b is a do gooder, glass is half full and can never do no wrong kind of person, who volunteers at the local prison to talk to the inmates and to listen when needed. this is where muse a and muse b meet. muse b helps muse a find the motivation to change their life once they get out. now that muse a is out of prison they go to find muse b to carry on the friendship and for help as they try to get settled in a normal life away from crime. the friendship quickly turns into romance but what happens when muse a’s past comes to haunt them and old friends try to get them back into a life of crime?
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010: tw: crime, suicide. muse a is a vampire gang leader, hundreds of years old, ruthless, feared far and wide within the vampire community. muse b is an innocent mortal, living their life unaware of the dark world hiding within the city they live in. however after being in the wrong place at the wrong time, muse b is suddenly caught up in the vampire world. muse a saves muse b unexpectedly, randomly feeling protective of the mortal. the vampire who once only saw humans as food is suddenly in love with this mortal. muse b is now the most protected mortal within the city, going after them would be suicide. but can muse b live in such a brutal world of not only crime but also with a constant target over their head for who they are dating.
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sacrialege-archive · 1 year
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plot wishlist for richard price.
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there are many people available to watch rosalie, richard’s little girl, but one day he decides that he wants an outsider. he wants someone completely unconnected to crime, someone he views as safe, to babysit rosalie when he’s away. the hiring process includes extensive background checks, public and private records pulled, etc. he’s overly-cautious with the whole thing because that’s his baby girl, of course! after almost a month of continuous work and rigorous researching and interviews, richard decides to hire your muse. they’re just a regular person with no connection to the crime world—not even a speeding ticket on their record—and they’re completely unaware of richard’s businesses. all they know of him is what the public knows: he’s a philanthropic rich man in a three-piece suit. he’s intimidating. he loves his daughter. after working for richard for a time, they begin to put together the pieces, possibly overhear a conversation or two they definitely weren’t supposed to, and maybe they begin to consider blackmail as an option to get a big lump sum of cash from richard. drama and angst ensue. also: give me the sweeter alternative to this, where they become aware and slowly start helping out more because of it. they accept richard’s late-night calls to look after rosalie, they don’t ask questions, they offer richard help whenever he needs it. they become an ally to richard and his business and eventually a friend of the family—and richard takes care of his family.
richie is a well-known face in his city and i want more plots centered around the concept!!! give me someone confronting him on horrible rumors when he’s spotted alone in a movie theater; give me interactions at big galas and business parties he’s invited to; give me sudden, awkward meetings between richard and a family member of an old associate who was killed on the job; give me someone going to richard for advice on starting a business, even though they’re very wary of him, because they know he’s really good at it; give me random meetings with strangers who recognize him not because of his rumored crimes, but because of public speeches and announcements he’s made; give me people coming to him for help because they’ve heard of his generosity instead of his cruelty; give me “fans” and people who attempt to get in good with him because they think it will get them places; give me people attempting to exploit him, loving him only for the doors it will open and the advantages it will give; give me eventual in-depth relationships that will build character development!!!
give me that one plot where a law enforcement agent goes deep undercover to infiltrate richard’s life in order to get information (either on him or someone he associates with) but then they end up falling for each other like crazy and by the time the secret comes out it’s already too late because he’s getting sent to a max security prison and the undercover agent is on the other side of the glass so they have to work together in 30-minute visitation rooms and through 5-minute phone calls to secretly plot his escape and then a getaway out of the country for the both of them because neither can go back to their previous lives after this. or, in another version, the secret comes out in a heat-of-the-moment confession (before any real harm has been done or maybe even in the thick of it) and richard’s first reaction is to take care of the threat as he’s always done: by killing them. but this time it can’t possibly go that way because he loves them. so now he’s basically got an undercover agent held hostage in some secret concrete room while he’s pacing around outside, torn and clueless on how to proceed, and the agent has to constantly remind him that if they don’t check in with their superiors every so often that the whole thing is going to go to shit anyway because the police will be at his door in minutes... and there’s just so much physical aggression but also soft touches in small moments of weakness that leave them both so confused. idk just give me the betrayal and anger and angst and sadness and all the feels pls thnx!!!
give me… more angst. one of richard’s closest men dies tragically on the job, leaving behind a struggling wife and kids. richard is a family man and he considers those involved in his crime enterprise to be family, and that doesn’t end simply because they are no longer with him. this man in particular was one of richard’s closest confidants and friends; having their families over for every holiday, birthday, and life milestone. for years now, both their families were intertwined in some way. his kids even referred to richard as “uncle.” so, richard grieves honorably and tries to make sure the family is taken care of in any way he can. he sends a sizable check (which is labeled as some kind of “workplace insurance” money on paper), food, and offers his help wherever and whenever possible. at the funeral, however, richard and any of his men who came are ran off before it begins. the wife doesn’t want them there. she blames richard for her husband’s death and, while she isn’t necessarily wrong in that, richard is heartbroken that she feels this way. she may or may not know what kind of work her husband was doing (dependent on plotting). richard doesn’t even get to apologize to her, however little it might have meant to her. give me richard trying his hardest to make amends; give me tears and anger and shared grief between the both of them when they finally talk again for the first time; give me the kids asking their mom when they’re going to see uncle richard again, but she knows she doesn’t want them around whatever richard has going on; give me richard’s daughter, rosalie, asking when she’s going to be able to play with her “cousins” again, but richard is unsure of what to tell her and he’s heartbroken again knowing that she might never get to; give me yelling and slammed doors when richard tries to come over and talk, declined calls and cold shoulders when the wife sees him in public; give me an eventual resolution—or not—and everything else that comes from that!!
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masqsims4 · 1 year
Gen 8 - Part 8
Tartosa (Tartosa Duchy)
The Vakki Royal Family
Since its founding, Tartosa has prided itself in remaining peaceful and neutral in times of conflict. Advertising itself as the ultimate romantic getaway for the world, many have decided that it wasn’t worth conquering or making enemies with Tartosa or its royals. And life seemed to continue on in a blissful peace, until the First Invasion of Gen 8.
The Archduke’s wife, Leah Zakanagi, took her part in the fight on the front lines, along with the wife of Aoki Riku, Chaeya Faltal-Aoki. But Chaeya perished, and Riku wasn’t able to recover from the loss, and not long after the couple had their baby together. So, the Vakki family took Riku, their royal advisor, in to raise their two smallest family members together.
As Archduke Gianbatista Vakki readies himself to take the throne, he starts to wonder how long his family and his people can sit on the sidelines during global crisis, and wonders who’s side he should take and what fate is in store for his country.
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(from top left to right) Duchess Valrea Vakki, Duke Doriyan Braie-Vakki, Prince-honorary Aoki Riku (kiraseindu), Archduchess Leah Zakanagi
(from bottom left to right)Archduke Gianbatista Vakki, Archduke-in-waiting Coriolano Vakki, Lady Cleo Faltal-Aoki
Tartosa Life
Tartosa continues to be a peaceful, profitable, romantic destination that the locals take a lot of pride in. Everyone knows each other, and are welcoming to all outsiders whether they are tourists, or those looking for better places to spend their golden years.
Recently widowed former Queen Anahi Seindu came to retire with her husband and family, but Seth Bongrin decided to join the fight against the First Invasion of Gen 8, and was killed. Anahi, growing older with a growing family of children now wonders how to truly care for family alone with no money or power to back her up.
And hearing how Tartosa never had an army, coast guard, or anything needed to protect themselves, action movie star Dariux Beerloith, who survived in the First Invasion of Gen 8, wanted to start his own protective militia here. Everyone is skeptical, but The Duke and Duchess have allowed him temporary stay to build his army and put it to practice. If it fails, then the program is canceled permanently. Tartosa has done just fine in the past without an army.
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(from top left to right) Prof. Uvand (servo), Lord Marmaduke Bongrin, Princept Lorenzo Vakki, Princept Armando Vakki
(from bottom left to right) Princept Anton Vakki, Lady Rosalie Mallor, Lord Justice Yaso Aoki
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(from top left to right) Prim Julisa Vakki, Princept Blayne Vrod-Vakki, Lord Devon Lucero, Lord Jared Lucero
(bottom) Prim-in-waiting Sabina Vakki
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(from top left to right) Queen Anahi Seindu (abdicated), Lady Freya Bongrin, Lord Stanley Carabajal, Lady Camille Carabajal
(from bottom left to right) Princess Giana Seindu, Princess Leski Seindu
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(from top left to right) Princess Aurora Braieforma-Beerloith, Prince Dariux Beerloith
(from bottom left to right) Prince Zakai Beerloith, Prince Kohren Beerloith
Moonwood Mill (Independant)
The quiet woodlands of Moonwood have become havens for those looking to get away from the royal nonsense and live their lives. It has mostly been the home of werewolves, who were wary of strangers for generations, but have come to welcome the well-meaning settlers who respect their pack life.
Former star-traveler Miychiri Ohnaka, granddaughter of space pirate Hondo Ohnaka, did help fight the First Invasion of Gen 8, along with her father and grandfather, both of whom perished. She and her husband, Jacob Volkov, were badly injured and taken to staying in their hometown to raise their children. 
One household recently changed their names to Sanguine, and have started a tea farm and apothecary. Spellcaster Roxana Sanguine seems to have unlocked the potential to change one’s occult status with no danger of death, but she has yet to prove if it works.
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(from top left to right) Princess (former) Sanyah Nimek-Beerloith, Own Chambers (werewolf), Temrance Chambers (alien), Tobias Chambers (werewolf)
(from bottom left to right) Regina Chambers (werewolf), Julian Chambers (werewolf)
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(from top left to right) Jacob Volkov (werewolf), Miychiri Ohnaka, Ando Stovall
(bottom) Ian Volkov (werewolf)
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(from top left to right) Roxana Sanguine (spellcaster), Kodan Sanguine (formerly Lero Hakzar)
(bottom) Minerva Sanguine
Britechester (Independent)
The two main institutions in this college town enjoy having anyone in the world come and study either in their halls or online for online degrees and GEDs. But some have made their home here. Professor Melnie Hakzar is the Dean of Britechester campus, while Kora Braie not only started a Paranormal course but became the head of the Federal Bureau of Spooky Investigation.
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(from top left to right) Princess Kora Braie, Prince-conjoin Aldo Xesuvixes (vampire), Princess-honorary Diamanda Dreildols
(bottom) Princess-in-waiting Lola Braie (vampire)
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Dean Melnie Hakzar (princess, former)
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