#he looks fucking good and I would kiss that tum all day long
lowlights · 2 years
He looks fucking amazing and I legit love the fit
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I will fight u
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jo-harrington · 5 months
Pinprick (A Gutterballs Story)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Jo!Reader
Summary: You're sitting down to listen to one of your favorite podcasts when you hear your name as one of a long line of Eddie's loves, and you have a moment of reflection.
Note: This is a very very very late post in dedication to one of my fandom loves @dr-aculaaa (who is very much on hiatus but still deserves all of the love us resident weirdos have to give) and not only one of my favorite fics Sunday Morning but the offshoot she made for Valentine's Day: Gutterballs.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
You're sitting on the floor.
To be completely honest, you shouldn't be on the floor. You knew that, your doctor knew that, your team knew that. In fact, they yelled at you when you got down there, legs akimbo in a way that was comfortable for you to sit in but uncomfortable for them to look at, so you could start ripping the sleeves off of this fucking jacket.
You're alone in the studio now, hours after everyone left.
It's just you, a bottle of Tums, your favorite fucking jacket, and the dulcet tones of the man who gave it to you coming from your phone.
“Welcome back to another episode of Gutterballs! My name is Eddie Munson..."
As if he had to introduce himself.
"Nerd," you scoffed fondly.
It's your Wednesday night ritual. Well, not the jacket or the floor or the tums...Gutterballs. At the least, you owed it to your former client; at the most, you owed it to your ex.
And Eddie Munson was both of those things.
Although "ex" is a relative term.
An ex wouldn't still send you a gift basket full of goodies every award season when you barely took care of yourself, the way Eddie did for you.
An ex wouldn't shoot an email with wardrobe recommendations when they hear about some charity concert or something, like you did for Eddie and Corroded Coffin.
Still telling me what to wear Jo?
He would email back almost immediately.
Doesn't seem like anyone else is. I saw you at Lolla Ed. Not cute.
Would be your response.
You don't think I'm cute anymore?
That would go unanswered though.
Until next time.
Because you were exes.
But an ex didn't keep the jacket their ex got them because it was their favorite. Exes didn't take apart said favorite jacket because it got a rip in the sleeve, and then plan to just cut two new sleeves for it. Nor did they spend the last 20-ish years mending the jacket that their ex-slash-former-client got them as an apology for a spontaneous kiss before a red carpet.
The CFCA awards ceremony wasn't the band's usual haunt but they had composing credits for a film score that was up for nomination. It was a big deal. Something that would take them to a new caliber of their career; not just rowdy rockstars, but well-rounded musicians.
So of course, they were running late.
Their suits all needed a bit of alteration, Eddie was chattering nervously as you hemmed his pants, Gareth drummed a beat on his leg with two of the hangers from your roll rack and Phil, the band's manager, yelling for you all to get a move on.
"Do you want them to look good or not!" You yelled right back. "I'm not having them go up for their award looking like shit Phil!"
"Yeah remember the Grammy's," Jeff pointed out. "That's why you got us a stylist in the first place."
"You'd have thought you paid them to be here or something," Phil grumbled at you from across the room.
"I do pay," you shot up at Eddie with a conspiratorial smile. "With my sanity."
This was your schtick. He let you dress him in whatever dark-romantic victorian-gothic-inspired outfits your former-Catholic heart could dream up, and in return you let him be the spieling midwestern boy that he really wasn't allowed to be anywhere else. Because yeah the band was in charge here really--they were the talent, the money--but Eddie didn't like the whole pomp and circumstance of celebrity. Not anymore, according to him at least.
"The drugs are fun until they're not," he told you once. "We're just...guys from Indiana."
So you'd let them be that in the safety of your studio, shithead manager be damned.
You severed the thread with a swift bite of your teeth and wished the guys good luck with hugs before sending them on their way.
But Eddie...Eddie chose that moment to kiss you.
Well, you kissed each other.
As everyone walked out of the studio to get down to the car, you kissed each other.
And you froze.
Both of you.
Because it was a romantic, world-ending kiss. A kiss of declaration. A kiss of familiarity. The kiss you gave someone when you loved them for a long time and didn't know how to tell them.
Only...you hadn't loved each other for a long time.
Had you?
Hadn't said anything of the sort at least.
That wasn't love...was it?
He left for the awards ceremony and you absolutely spiraled questioning it all. You thought about all the long walks down State Street discussing ideas for this event and that one. The way he got you a membership to the Art Institute so you could sit in front of Salome and Hercules for hours and be inspired. The nights that he just couldn't work on lyrics anymore, so he would come over to sit in absolute silence save for the droning sound of your sewing machine.
The aches of the world were just a little bit easier when you could be near each other, whether it was being inspired or talking shit or sinking further into oblivion.
Was that love?
Eddie must have spiraled too. Because he showed up at your studio past midnight, disheveled and with a green Marshall Field's bag in his hand. A bag containing, you'd find out later, a black wool and leather coat that sat in a window that you'd noted looked nice months ago. One he made the guys make a special stop for before the award ceremony so he could get you to make up for fucking up your professional relationship.
The apologies were stuck on the tips of your tongues though.
And there was a beat before some silent decision was made.
And your lips came back together again, solidifying that decision, even though the words weren't said.
“Today on Gutterballs,” Mrs. H’s announces on the phone, breaking you from your reflection, “our lovely listeners at home are in for a real treat. As we record and discuss topics such as first loves, lost loves, and, as you can see, from our current location -body modifications."
“First we have… A spool and thread for Jo."
"She used to poke my ankles like a voodoo doll when she hemmed my pants. I still have the scars, if you wanna check ‘em out. I think that was her way of saying I love you."
Yeah that was the way it was with the two of you.
All the ways you said I love you without the words being said.
And they would never be said.
But that was another story.
"Yeah," you agree with Mrs. H belatedly, seam ripper making quick work of a line of stitches. "Lost love sounds better than ex."
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randomwriteronline · 3 years
I cant fucking write this down im gonna do it in points or whatever look out its LONG
Its all some fucking wizzrobes fault. It hits Skull Kid straight in the chest and when the blinding light from the spell dims theyre nowhere to be seen so the Chain freaks the fuck out (the wizzrobe gets murked). They all start calling for Skull Kid and Sky actually goes to look for them
He eventually finds them and manages to calm them down enough to bring them back to the lads, who, like him, are very concerned when they see the very-clearly-not-a-skull-kid kid wearing the skull mask, holding onto him for dear life and shaking. They can tell its Skull Kid (the clothes are still the same) but like. Holy shit thats a change
First of all: its a kid of flesh and blood. Not wood. So the limbs dont pop off. Also they have hair (lots of it, covering their eyes) and an actual nose, and they lack the pale swirls they had when made of wood. They’re also very obviously malnourished, taller, and covered in scratches (they did that by themself - suddenly having skin scared them)
Wild and Legend start brainstorming what they might need to make a potion to contrast the spell while Time tries out the song of healing (also to help calming them further), which doesnt work. The Lads decide to describe Skull Kid’s new body to them and check how their senses adapted to it to help them get comfy with it. Theyre still blind and their hearing and smell are still pretty good - also their sense of touch is very amplified and its weeeird
also! fucked up jagged teeth
They find that out when they give Skull Kid like a piece of bread and they. Fucking devour it. They eat it so viciously that they actually bite their fingers enough to draw blood
To which Wild goes oKAY BUD lets get some meat on those bones before you eat your own femurs
cue first few days of skull kid being exhausted all the time for various reasons and the chain doing their best to keep them functional and healthy
like pet shop owners tending to a very fucked up goldfish
Skull Kid everytime a bodily function turns out to be mandatory for survival: thanks i hate it
“Theres literally no perks to being a real child im not even fire resistant”
Not to mention how they jumped to like the later stages of puberty so the brain chemicals are Fucking Them Up
One time Four is holding their hand and suddenly he hears this loud tum-tum-tum-tum-tum coming from Skull Kid’s palm and he looks and Skull Kid is scarlet in the face shaking with sweaty palms possibly forgetting to breathe
“…Are you ok?” [skull kid wheezes in Gay 10yo Experiencing The Hormonal Fuckery Of A 15-16yo Body] “A'ight”
At one point Hyrule probably makes the others notice that you know. The kid could Die now. To which everyone responds with a Oh Fuck (again, NO PROS TO BEING A REAL CHILD)
Warriors is like dont worry guys i can teach them how to fight and as he says that he wraps a friendly arm around Skull Kid’s shoulders and Skull Kid fucking shortcircuits
Warriors: yeah if someone tries to mess with you you’ll be ready, right?
Skull Kid: im in love with you.
Warriors: … (Nervous laughter) i know im irresistible but uh. You should think abt it a bit more maybe
Skull Kid: im gonna kiss you on the mouth
Warriors: wOAH SLOW DOWN
Honestly tho which weapon would they get bc i dont think they would want a sword and their first pick would probably be like a mace just bc slamming it on someones head would be funny
Might get a rapier??? Bc they notice SK is a very avoidant fighter - runnin out of reach, dashing back in, teleporting away - so a light stabby elongated pin would probably be good for them. idk anything abt swords
Anyways thats all i got for now theres… So much in this one fucking thing…..
The whole hand smooching deal is the tags of the linked post please dont make me paste it im melting
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tatooedlaura-blog · 4 years
Done Pretending
Hi all,
I did a post-Per Manum ... I’ve had the quote ‘you and I are done pretending’ in my head for awhile and finally found a way to use it ... go me!
Anyways, enjoy :)
He hugged her for what felt like forever, the light fading in the room as he heard her heart break over and over, thudding erratically against his chest, body hitching as a poorly contained sob snuck through her cracking exterior.
She had come so close to kissing him at first, lips stopping at the corner of his mouth, before they traveled over cheek to ear, “I don’t know what to do.”
Whispering back as he tightened his hold on her, “we’ll figure it out tomorrow.”
So, there they stood, until finally, Scully moved her head back, sliding it along his shoulder, “how are you doing?”
“Crappy. You?”
Sad chuckle burbled from her chapping lips, “I meant your back. You’ve been hunched over for,” looking at the clock on the VCR, “a good half hour.”
“Back? What’s a back?”
Pulling away, she stayed connected through fisted bunches of his sweater, not willing to give up contact completely but knowing he needed to stand upright or he’d never do it again. He took this correctly as a hint to stop playing the Hunchback of Notre Dame and slowly, he straightened out. His face showed every damn cartilage crack and screaming muscle and Scully couldn’t help but give him a frowning smile in sympathy, “would you go sit down, please?”
Mulder continued his stretch beyond vertical, leaning back as far as he could. twisting side to side, “if you were just, maybe, four, five inches taller or we had a set of steps or something, this would be so much easier.”
“Yeah,” finally standing, wince clear on his face as his muscles finally began to calm, “I go down two steps, you stay at the top and I can hug you for a half-hour without dying.” Taking her by the hand, “come on. Let’s go find some stairs.”
“Mulder …”
“What? I’m not done with you yet. I need another hour at least.”
She loved him for trying, “how about we just order some pizza and sit down?”
Quickly taking her face in his hands, he kissed her forehead once again before she could swat his hands away, “make sure to order one of those useless veggie-tarian ones for yourself. I won’t say a word.”
Exhausted by her life, she gave him a sigh fitting someone much larger than her 5’ 3” stature, “screw vegetables. Tonight is extra cheese and as much sausage and pepperoni as they can pack on … and three-cheesy bread with at least four of those Ranch cups.”
Amused and terrified at the same time, “salad?”
“If you want me to throw bits of lettuce at you, sure, but otherwise I’m not touching it tonight.”
“You’re scary sometimes. I like it.”
Conversation gave her the distraction she needed to change into pajamas, toss Mulder some of his own from the stash she had managed to accumulate over the years, then listen to him order an obscene amount of greasy food. She made tea, a big kettle of it, knowing Mulder would consume at least half as well as all her ice cubes making it iced. She started a load of laundry and watered her last living plant. She calculated her half of the pizza bill and had a short argument with her partner when he refused to take her money.
Slow night for the pizza industry, their food arrived in under 30 minutes and once they were settled on the couch, steaming plates in hand, “are we taking tomorrow off?”
Mulder gave her a look, “this is food coma territory we are about to venture into. Just saying.”
And suddenly she started crying again, plate shaking in her hand, cheesy avalanche threating her lap. Taking the plate, Mulder set everything down on the coffee table and pulled her close once more, swiftly twisting so he was leaned against the arm of the sofa, Scully snuggled against his chest, sobbing into his t-shirt and kneading cotton between her fingers.
He didn’t know what to say so he cried with her, quiet but steady, until again, Scully was back down to random sniffles, "our pizza’s cold now.”
Mulder kissed the crown of her head, keeping his lips on her as he responded, “thank God you have an oven. Five minutes at 350 and we’ll never know it wasn’t fresh from Senor Jack’s House of Cheese.”
One long sniff later, Scully pushed herself up, using the back of her hand to wipe her nose, then, realizing what she’d done, “that was disgusting. Sorry.”
“Disgusting is what you did to my shirt.”
Glancing down at the large wet spot spread from collar to mid-chest, sternum to shoulder, “sorry.”
Tilting his head to look at her, wanting her to see the remnants of his own crying jag, tear streaks, bloodshot eyes, “don’t apologize. I’m not going to.”
She hadn’t realized he was crying as well and that filled her eyes once again, but blinking rapidly, she didn’t let the tears fall this time, “what was that about 350 degrees?”
He gave her possibly the saddest smile she’d ever seen, “are we going to talk about this at all? I’m not pushing, I swear, I just want to know.” Seeing her muscles tense to stand, he snagged the arm of her t-shirt, “It doesn’t have to be tonight but I’d like to at some point.”
“Can I maybe say tomorrow but reserve the right to change my mind?”
Still holding her in place, “for what it’s worth, I’m sorry.”
Her gaze drifted from enveloping green eyes to full mouth, before struggling north again, watching intently as he studied her, pupils expanding and contracting, trying to figure her out. She gave him a wannabe smile, corner of her mouth turning up a microscopic notch before she managed, “I’m sorry, too.”
Pizza re-heated, crust still crispy, cheese melty as ever, they ate while watching Jeopardy, then Wheel of Fortune. At eight, stuffed to the gills and both yawning, Mulder switched off the TV, asking into the darkness, “are we secure enough in our sense of self that we can go to sleep at 8pm and not feel really, really, and I mean, really old?”
“Well, I’m secure enough to know that we’re both going to need a handful of Tums before any kind of sleep can happen.”
“We are fucking old, Scully.” Standing up, “back in a minute.” He was indeed back in a minute, a little less, actually, pillow, comforter, and bottle of Tums in his hands, “catch.”
Snagging the bottle from the air, she chewed three before shaking the same amount out for him, holding them up to his now empty hands, “three for the old man.”
With a grin, glad some semblance of her sense of humor remained, “you should probably just leave the bottle on the table.”
She did, then stood, opting to clean up in the morning. Eyeing the bedding Mulder had dumped on the couch, she hesitated, her thoughts race-stumbling over one another, squishing their way to an undistinguishable mess. Fingered the corner of the deep-blue comforter, she had words fighting on the tip of her tongue, which she inexplicably ignored as she told him a soft ‘good night’ and skirted by him down the hall.
Mulder’s eyes shut, breath in, breath out, his own words fighting for freedom, to be called after her, to be spoken like they should have been hours, years, centuries, before. Instead, he waited, hearing her brush her teeth, wash something, face, hands, he wasn’t sure, then, not hearing the bedroom door shut, he instead heard the creak of her bed.
Finally opening his eyes again, he took in the shadowed living room, dimly lit kitchen, detritus of dinner for two, and turning on his heel, moved to walk down the hall. He made it three steps before he saw her come out of her bedroom door, stopping when she saw him.
He didn’t care anymore, “why do we keep doing this?”
The denial response automatic at this point, “doing what?”
Mulder took the deepest breath he could, holding it for a second before long, drawn-out exhale, “this. All of this. You there, me here, all of it.”
Her clenched fists fought down the denial this time, “it’s how we survive.”
“It’s shitty survival and getting shittier by the minute.” Tilting his head, he let his eyes bore into her, watching the flush on her skin crawl from small spots on her cheeks down her neck, and around past her ears, the hall nightlight providing everything he needed to read her clearly, “I’m done pretending, Scully. I don’t want to do it anymore.”
Her voice nearly failed her, she formed the words, which cracked as they came out, “what are we pretending?”
One pathetic chuckle later, head still shaking, “Pretending I don’t want to sleep next to you instead of on this couch. Pretending you don’t want me to sleep next to you instead of on this couch. Pretending that the only reason I’d like you to stand on some stairs is so I can hug you without dying. Pretending I haven’t wanted to be with you since three minutes after I met you. Pretending that I’m not dying just as much as you are about our child not being inside you right now. Take your damn pick.”
“Mulder …”
About to start bawling all over again, he bit his cheek, realizing his confessions had escaped the confines of his mind, “what?”
“Why are you still standing over there?”
His legs wouldn’t budge, rooting to the spot, needing a question answered before he moved his life forward, “are we done pretending?”
Eyebrows scrunching, lips a tight line of fear, she nodded, “I think we need to be.”
His muscles remember the act of walking and seven strides later, he was in front of her, “you need a place with steps in it.”
“How about we worry about steps later?” Smiling the smile of someone who’d been through the proverbial wringer several times in one day, she reached out, took his hand, “maybe we’ll start with forgetting about you sleeping on the couch.”
Because he was Mulder, he looked over his shoulder to do one last front door lock check before letting her lead him into her bedroom, “you got another non-crusty shirt for me?”
Ticking them off on her fingers, “I’ve got Power Puff girls, Brady Bunch, Tetris, or the one with the Easter Peeps.”
“This feels like a Tetris kinda night.”
“If that’s not a metaphor for our lives, I don’t know what is.”
“They get lined up eventually, Scully. I promise.”
Exhaustion hit her like a freight train and handing him the shirt, “I need some sleep, Mulder. Can we worry about our puzzling lives tomorrow?”
Exchanging one shirt for the other, he headed to the opposite side of the bed, pulling comforter back, “as long as we can order some more pizza while doing it.”
She gave him a curt nod that made him smile, then silence settled while they did, shifting, pulling covers, straightening pillows, giggling once on Scully’s part when Mulder’s cold feet hit hers. Once quiet, comfortable, Scully slowly reached across the expanse between, 14 inches feeling like a mile, stopping when her fingers reached his cheek, “I love that you wanted this child just as much as I did.”
His hand drifted across the same expanse, palm on her cheek, closing the circle between them, “I fell in love with the idea of him the moment you asked me.”
Fingers to his lips and endlessly tracing, “I fell in love with the idea of him three minutes after I met you.”
“I love you.”
Scooting forward, she breathed her ‘I love you’ back, running firmly into his chest, arm up and over his side in a hug.
Tetris, my ass. They’d fit together perfectly from the beginning.
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greatbigbellies · 3 years
Hello! Another new anonymous commission! This is a continuation of THIS STORY and follows the later half of Leo’s hyperpregnancy!  Contains hyperpregnancy, tmpreg, some more weight gain and lactation, belly worship, allusions to sex, and general soft lovey dovey content. Enjoy!
“Are you sure you don’t need help carrying anything?” asked Leo, his massive belly swaying left and right as we waddled next to his husband, Marko. Leo was wearing floral swim trunks, and his more than ample chest was covered by a large, stretched tank top, but it did nothing to shield his pale, pregnant belly form the sun. Marko’s arms were full of beach towels, a heavy picnic basket, a bucket of bulk-order sunscreen, and two folding chairs for the pair. He stared at Leo’s belly, then into Leo’s eyes, before shaking his head and smiling. “I love you hon but you’re carrying enough,” he said. Leo realized his hands were all but glued to the sides of his tummy to steady his gait, and he realized that, yes, 24 babies was probably enough for one man to carry. Or is it? He thought to himself.
Leo had maintained mobility for a little longer than expected, so the two set out for one final non-stay-home-and-eat date together, at a nearby beach just an hour away. The stretch of sand was largely unpopulated, save for some squawking seagulls, so the couple had the privacy they needed to just… be. Granted, Leo had grown more accustomed to being the center of attention, and in a weird way was starting to enjoy it, but there was still something serene about being alone with his doting husband.
Marko checked his watch, and looked around the beach before setting the chairs down in the sand. “Tide’s coming in… and if my information is correct, in a couple hours, the water well flow right up across your lower tummy, and run over your feet. From here, you can experience the ocean without having to get up!” he said, unfolding one chair behind Leo, letting him take a seat. Leo’s considerably widened hips and butt filled the chair, creating audible creaks as it supported his pregnancy weight.
Marko laid out a towel on the sand before plopping the rest of the supplies on it. There was a nice breeze, carrying the cool ocean mist up to the pair without being obnoxiously strong. “You hungry babe?” asked Marko. Leo nodded eagerly, prompting his husband to pull a very stacked sandwich out of the basket. “I’ll get to work on your sunscreen while you eat that,” he said, kissing Leo on the top of his head, making the pregnant man blush.
He popped open the bucket of sunscreen while Leo tore into the sub, taking in the cacophony of flavors. Marko all but dunked his hands into the sunscreen, getting a good thick coating on both hands, before moving over and placing them on the front of Leo’s tummy. He shivered a little at the sudden application of cold lotion to his bare skin. Marko moved his hands in large, sweeping circles, applying a coating of sunscreen to Leo’s expanse of gravid skin. He leaned forward and placed a quick , loving kiss on the front, before covering that spot with more sunscreen. 
“You love doing that, don’t you?” Leo asked between bites. “What, putting sunscreen on you? I guess?” said Marko confusedly. Leo chuckled, causing his belly to jiggle slightly. “No… well… yes obviously you love doing that, but… kissing my belly. You do it all the time,” he commented. Marko, blushed, but Leo couldn’t see it past his expansive midriff. “I mean… it’s like kissing you and our kids at the same time? I just… I have a lot of love to give you guys,” he replied. Leo beamed, his husband was such a softie. “Honey you DON’T have to explain yourself I love it when you do that! I was just pointing it out,” he said. The chair creaked again as he continued his sandwich. .
Marko moved onto the left flank of Leo’s tummy, blushing more intensely. Leo smirked, “I think the babies love it too,” Marko’s heart fluttered. “Really?” he asked. Leo nodded, “kiss me and feel how much they kick!” he teased, though Marko didn’t need to be told twice. He laid a deep, tender smooch on the side of Leo’s 13 month pregnant tummy, and felt it up with his hands. A flurry of kicks and shifts from inside confirmed what Leo said. If Leo thought Marko kissed his belly a lot before, he had no idea what was to come. Marko got back to work putting on the sunscreen, but would pepper a patch of skin with kisses before running his hands over them. Leo gleefully enjoyed the worship as he continued demolishing his sub. Right as he was about halfway through it…
Creeeaaaakkkk… the bolts holding his chair together snapped under his weight, and he plopped onto the ground with a THUD. Marko looked at him, shocked, and asked “Oh my god are you okay? Are you hurt? Are the babies okay?” Leo assessed himself. The surprise was the worst part. His belly simply shifted slightly, and his marshmallowy ass softened the landing, though his brood of 24 was completely riled up inside, causing visible movement. “Yeah I’m okay! I just…” he looked at his dropped food on the ground, now covered in sand. “Aw, I was going to finish that…” he lamented. Marko raised an eyebrow, “so, you’re okay?” he asked. Leo nodded, staring at his lost meal. “Yeah, I’m just down like… half a sandwich,” he brushed his fluffy frown hair out of his face and winced, a slight ache from his landing starting to manifest. Marko sighed and smiled, “Well I packed like… four of those subs, hon. There’s plenty more,” 
Leo gasped, if he could physically have hearts for eyes, he would. “You know how to treat a guy!” he puckered his lips, prompting Marko to lean over and kiss him. He chuckled, “you might be good at tummy kisses, but THOSE are my favorite,” he said before returning to eating, now planted firmly on the ground, legs spread to make room for his gargantuan tummy. Marko simply smiled before returning to work, getting back to spreading the UV protecting lotion over his husband’s pregnant body.
Fast forward a couple of hours, and not only had Leo’s belly been thoroughly coated in sunscreen, and thoroughly filled with food, but he’d been thoroughly peppered in kisses and thoroughly complimented by his husband. It was a good day. Marko had enjoyed his half of the date too. Feeding, kissing, and otherwise pampering Leo was what he lived for, and doing it on the beach with sand under his feet and the waves splashing nearby just set the whole mood for him. He sat on the ground next to Leo, discussing life, love, and baby names, and generally having a lovely time.
“eeEEEP!” eeped Leo. “What’s wrong?” asked Marko, nearly jumping to his feet. “The cold water just touched my tummy, the tide has really rolled in,” said Leo. “I really wasn’t expecting it,” another wave washed up and lightly coated the front lower end of Leo’s tum in cold, briney seawater. “You wanna get up? We’ve been here for quite a while,” Leo nodded, “We’re out of food, I’m getting cold form the seawater, and frankly my pregnant ass could use a nap,” he said. Marko chuckled, taking Leo’s hands and using his considerable upper body strength to help him to his feet.
Leo’s belly rolled forward, shifting as he stood. His brood of two dozen riled up inside, and his hands shot to his belly. Marko knew what to do and started running his hands over the expanses of belly that Leo couldn’t reach, soothing their babies. After a moment, Marko gathered up their supplies while Leo began the considerable task of rotating his entire body 180 degrees. The two began the slow trek back to their vehicle, satisfied with the outing. It would be their last for a long, long while.
6 months later
“Don’t get your hopes up, it’s been a couple years since I’ve done this and I’m out of practice,” said Marko, looking over his selection of brushes. Leo lat in his custom hyper-pregnancy recliner, designed to support his increased weight and girth, his shirt rolled up as he pumped. “Yeah and I’ve seen what you’ve done before hon, my hopes are SKY HIGH knowing you,” Leo said with a bubbly smile. Marko chuckled, “I’ve also never had this sort of canvas before,” Leo laughed giddily, “It’s a canvas that’s required the cooperation of 38 people to make, 39 if you count me!”
Marko stood up, having to stand on his tiptoes to peer over Leo’s belly and H cup breasts. “I think you’re forgetting who put those 38 in there!” he teased. Leo blushed, switching bottles to store more milk. As he’d grown ever more pregnant, pushing past the duration of a normal pregnancy, his milk had come in in spades to feed their growing brood, so the poor pregnant man had to pump regularly, or risk leaking on his rather expensive maternity tops.
Marko grabbed a large, wide brush, and squeezed a heap of white paint onto his palette, with so much area to cover, this piece was going to need a LOT of paint if he hoped to really utilize his canvas. He dipped his brush in the paint, and began applying it to the front of Leo’s pregnant belly. Leo squirmed and giggled, his sensitive skin tickled by the wet bristles. His giggling picking up as the brush ran over his hypersensitive bellybutton, causing Marko to grin. “This is going to be a long process if you’re that ticklish,” he chuckled. He got down on his knees and continued painting the base layer down to some of the power front of Leo’s titanic tummy.
Leo contained himself, “You get pregnant and let me paint YOUR tummy and then you tell me I’m being too ticklish! That skin is sensitive!” he teased. Marko shook his head with a smirk, “Imagine me being pregnant…” he paused. Imagine… “You’d look cute with a bump,” complimented Leo. He turned off his pumps and took them off, though his breasts still leaked slightly. He set the milk aside and pulled his shirt down, covering his chest.
Marko switched paints to a light blue to start on a sky line, wanting to do a forest panorama, thinking about the prospect. “Preggo marko… I mean I’d look cute as fuck but I’d miss my figure,” Leo snorted, “But you’d have a new figure! Round, like me!” Marko considered waddling around, looking like his husband. It was only a hypothetical concept, but not an unwelcome one. He looked up to see his husband’s shirt growing damp. “Uh, honey…” Leo looked down at himself, “Aw shit!” he quickly yanked up his top and put his pumps back on, trying to contain the mess. Marko got back to painting, he had a lot of belly ahead of him…
As time pressed on, Leo’s bottles of milk continued to fill, and his belly continued to be covered in paint. Marko was an impressive artist, and his practice allowed him to work relatively fast. Still, with so much midriff to cover, it took a good few hours to do. Front and center of the tummy pictured a large, sprawling lake, framed by tall pine trees, with snowy mountains looming in the background. Mossy rocks peppered the foreground, and cute, brightly colored birds were lovingly left in trees. The whole scene was based off of a place Marko had gone to with his family, camping in washington state. The cool taiga campground had always stuck with him, and now it was brought home, plastered across his husband’s massive belly of all places.
Leo had fallen sleep, relaxed from the subtle sensations of marko’s brush along his tightly stretched belly. He’d sat still for hours for this, and just languished in becoming a work of art. It was his idea, to have his tummy painted, and while he’d snoozed through half of it, the whole thing had been a fun experiment. At least now he could say he’d been part of a body art piece! 
He woke to the sharp hiss of his husband swearing. Not loudly, but with passion. “Mmmmh, what’s wrong?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. Marko chuckled, “I was putting the finishing touches on this stump, and one of our kids kicked my brush, so now there’s a big brown blotch on it. That’s how it is when your canvas is alive I guess,” he shrugged, getting back to painting. Leo giggled to himself, “You could call it a happy little accident?” he snickered. Marko smiled and rolled his eyes sarcastically, “What? The paint blotch, or the kid who caused it?” he asked. “The blotch you goof! Only the first kid was an accident and the odds of THAT ONE kicking there are pretty slim!”
With one last stroke, he was done. He stood up and surveyed his work, the massive painting spanning the front hemisphere of Leo’s 38-full pregnant tummy. It was sprawling, and detailed, and beautiful, and he was quite pleased with it. “Man, I really did miss painting,” he said, mostly to himself. “Such a shame it’s all gonna get washed off here soon,” Leo pursed his lips in thought, “Maybe it’s an exercise in impermanence? Like… some bhuddist shit?”
Marko smiled, “Gimmie your phone, you goof. It has a better camera, and I want you to see this!” Leo smirked, and held out a small tube, produced from the table next to him. “You gotta sign your work first, silly!” Marko squinted at the tube, too short and wide to be a pen. “Is that… lipstick?” he asked. Leo nodded. “Sign it with a kiss! Like a love letter! Except that love letter is me!” Marko blushed, and sighed, and relented. “God you’re gay,” he chuckled. Leo cocked his head to the side and smiled, “For you,”
Marko blushed harder, and wordlessly navigated to the lower right corner of his masterpiece. He put on the lipstick, then got down on his hands and knees, leaned forward, and placed a deep, loving kiss on Leo’s belly, leaving a perfect smooch mark. Now it was Leo’s turn to blush. Marko got back up, and made bedroom eyes at his husband. “I have an idea of how we could kill our evening,” he said. Leo blushed harder now, “do tell?” he squeaked in anticipation. “I could kiss you until all of this lipstick wears off, then help you to the shower and wash all this paint off… then I could…” Leo beamed, “You could make me MORE pregnant!?” Marko bit his lip and ran his hand through his black undercut. “If you’d like to?” “I would LOVE to!” 
...And so they did.
5 months later
“Well, you’ve exceeded my expectations in quantity, but everyone in there is healthy as can be!” said Leo’s midwife, as she slowly ran the ultrasound wand over his expansive belly. Marko sat next to Leo, holding his hand tenderly. “I’m proud of my big man, he’s kept everyone so safe and healthy for two years at this point,” Leo squeezed his hand in response to the praise. The midwife’s eyes grew large. “You’re two years pregnant?” she asked. Leo nodded, “24 months today!” he chirped. The midwife nodded, “Explains why everyone is so big and strong...” she trailed off. “How many is ‘everyone’ by now?” Leo asked. The midwife stayed silent for a spell before answering. “I’ve been trying to figure that out… there are so many heartbeats my equipment cant differentiate between them all… my midrange estimation is… probably 50,” she finally landed. “Fifty!?” Marko and Leo exclaimed in unison. The medical professional nodded, “that’s not an exact number, but… there’s at least 48 guaranteed in there, and judging by the volume of the measurements I took, you have enough volume in your frankly amazing womb for 52, so I’d average it at 50,” she pulled back the wand and turned off her portable doppler.
Marko’s eyes sparkled at the news. How he’d managed to put fifty babies into his husband. Leo held his K cup tits in his hands, and for the first time wondered if he’d be able to feed them all. The midwife’s watch beeped and she hissed, “This is so unprofessional, but, Marko, can I leave the wiping off of ultrasound jelly to you? I have another appointment that I’m already late for!” she said. Marko nodded eagerly, “Sure thing Miss Thorne! I’ll take care of it!” Miss Thorne nodded and closed up her equipment. She walked around Leo’s belly and shook his hand. “If anything changes, you have my number. Just… please don’t call past 2 am,” she sighed. Leo gently met her handshake and smiled, “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Miss Thorne nodded again and turned to leave, “Duty calls gentlemen, take care!” she said before closing the door behind her.
Marko leaned in and kissed Leo with reinvigorated passion. “Babe, we’re gonna be the dads of 50 babies!” he placed his hand on Leo’s tummy, feeling the near rock-hard firmness of it. “And I’ll be able to walk again!” said Leo, who had been too big to pass through standard doorways for the last 9 months. Marko stepped back and surveyed Leo, really taking in his size. The oblong mass of Leo’s tummy was, at this point, the tallest part of him, and the widest by a huge margin. He’d been well and truly immobile for a while now, the weight of his womb passing 450 lbs. It wasn’t all baby and amniotic fluid either, he’d put on a fair bit of baby weight thanks to his increased appetite.
He had subtle rolls on the side of his torso, and his hips had widened substantially to make room for his brood to pass through, though they were wrapped in their own lovely layer of pudge. His butt and thighs themselves were visibly wider, and even his arms were softer to the touch. His breasts were, in all honesty, enormous in their own right, each one comparable to a pregnant belly itself, but despite this, nothing drew peoples attention, and Marko’s attraction, more than that planetary belly. 
Hard to the touch, smooth, pale, shiny, and well and truly massive, Marko had compared it in his own mind to a small car. He definitely would fit inside with room to move around, that’s for sure. Marko USED to be the taller of the two, but with Leo’s belly bloated with presumably 50 babies, maybe more, he’d overtaken Marko’s height in a rather unorthodox way. The room was as dominated by midriff as Leos’ own body, and the pair had joked that they’d have to start knocking down walls if he got any more pregnant.
Marko grabbed a nearby towel and started working to wipe off the ample ultrasound jelly left on Leo’s exposed skin. He moved slowly and methodically, enjoying the belly while he could. He knew that the time would soon come for Leo to deliver, and their place would be bustling with newborns and nannies. He was excited to be a dad soon, but he would miss this. He felt Leo’s skin tense, and heard the poor man grunt in discomfort, and realized that maybe that time would come sooner than later.
“Should I call the doctor?” Marko asked, peeking around Leo’s gravidity to see him silently nodding. Leo’s contractions had been ever so slowly manifesting, and with his body readying itself for childbirth, the two knew it’d be best to have professionals on call sooner than later. Marko gently patted the side of Leo’s tightening belly, and pulled out his phone. It seems after two years, the time had come.
Three weeks later
Leo and Marko’s household had indeed become a bustling scene. After a successful, if very long, birthing process, they had welcomed all 50 healthy children into the world, 31 girls and 19 boys. Among the sea of singletons was three sets of identical twins, a set of triplets, and even a set of identical quadruplet boys. “They’re going to be a troublesome crew when they’re older,” Marko had joked. They took turns between sleeping, feeding, changing, and playing with their kids, making sure to spend time with all of them. Thankfully Leo’s body kept milk production to its max, so everyone stayed fed, but it took a crew of almost 20 nannies around the clock to keep everyone happy.
Still, the pair sat together, Leo breastfeeding and Marko bottle feeding two at a time each, falling into a rhythm of sorts. “Hey honey?” asked Marko. “Hmm?” replied Leo, a pair of three week old girls in his arms. “I’m proud of you,” Leo smiled, looking at his husband. “You helped me through it, it was a team effort,” he said. The couple sat in companionable silence, taking time to revel in how cute their kids were. Marko chuckled, “what?” asked Leo. Marko shook his head, “It’s stupid but… I’m just curious…” he paused. “Would you ever want to do this again?”
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sugarsugarmoon · 4 years
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Summary: You have been in a relationship with Jimin for years and things just aren’t clicking. All of your attempts to fix your relationship seem to be futile. That is until you meet Jungkook. Jimin x reader. Jungkook x reader.
Genre: smut, angst, angst, angst, fluff
Warnings: infidelity, discussion of BDSM, unprotected sex, threesome (fmf), protected sex, oral (m. and f. receiving), vaginal fingering, swearing, minor recreational alcohol use, minor cumplay
a/n: Thank you thank you thank you to the greatest beta reader, @minkive​. I treasure you already. I’ve decided that this is going to be two parts. Tagging: @miinoongi @absolutefantrash, @moonpjms​, and @glossyfever​
Release Date: July 6, 2020
Word Count: 8.3K
It’s hard to say when things started to change between you and Jimin. You had been together so long, and everything with him was...comfortable. But something within the last year or so you’d started to drift apart; the passion seemingly gone. Each of you floated through the day past one another. You ate dinner together and slept in the same bed, and then you spent the rest of your lives separate.
Jimin started work later than you did every weekday, so he was still asleep when you left in the morning. You left half the pot of coffee for him each morning and locked the door behind you as you prepared to face another day. You got home before him, and by the time you’d both had dinner, you were ready to get into bed and read for an hour before dozing off.
Your job was not easy, and you found yourself emotionally exhausted most days. It was hard to put any more effort in emotionally. That reflected in your relationship. Keeping up a relationship for years without much communication is less than ideal, but the love that you had between you seemed to be enough to keep you going for years.
Until it didn't.
Jimin had confronted you in the living room on a Saturday night. It started with him acting really evasive. He looked like he was upset, but when you asked him he just said that his stomach hurt. You offered to get him water or tums or something for it, but he just said no. He got up silently and left you sitting on the couch alone.
A few minutes later, he came back into the room, distress in his expression.
"I feel like you don't even want to talk to me anymore. It seems like you never want to have sex with me. I feel like I"m always initiating things."
To you it had felt ridiculous because you didn't think that was the case, but you had been having sex a lot less often in the past year than before. You were less spontaneous with him because you were so tired lately. However, there are always two parties in every relationship, and you certainly weren't the only one to blame here.
You could feel yourself sitting very still, not looking him in the eyes. Your rigid frame reflecting the defiance and frustration you felt inside. You took three deep breaths.
"Look, Jimin, I have needs that are not being met!" you shouted at him, and you knew it was true.
You didn't realize that you had some many pent up feelings, but now that you were shouting, they were all coming up.
"Things have been so stale lately. There really isn't any passion anymore. We're just going through the motions."
Your eyes were welling with tears, and you couldn't even look Jimin in the eyes. You had felt that way for so long without realizing that the flood of tears that were pouring out of your eyes felt heavier than other tears you'd cried before.
The pain of the things that had been left unsaid was too much for you. You felt relieved you'd finally said it, but you knew it wasn't going to fix itself. Either the two of you were going to have to work really hard or call it quits. You weren't ready to give up years of love, building a home and a life together.
"I know."
His voice is quiet and broken, but it's genuine. From one of the most passionate men that you know, watching him disappear into the husk of the man he was was brutal. You knew that something else was going on with him that he wasn't telling you.
"Jimin, please. Now is the time to tell me everything. We have to get it out there if we're going to work it out. We can't fix what's broken if we aren't honest."
You look at him pleading for honesty, and you know that there is only so much more that you can say. The ball is in his court, so to speak. He stares at the ground for a moment, and when he looks up, he isn't looking directly at you. He's looking just over your right shoulder. You understand. You wouldn't be able to make eye contact either, choosing instead to stare at the floor. He sighs heavily then speaks.
"I think for the most part, it has nothing to do with you. Though I feel distant and disconnected from you, it's partially because I'm so unhappy with my life."
This sends a jolt to your heart. It's not about you, but he's unhappy with his life? You are part of his life.
"I mean that I just thought that things would be different. This job is just so...mind-numbing and soul-sucking. It's ripping all the passion out of me. I want to be doing something that I love rather than just making money for a giant corporation. I'm not doing anything except feeding into a capitalist system. I'm so unhappy, and I'm not doing what I love."
He is breathing heavily and tears are rolling down his cheeks. You could tell for the last few months that he wasn't super thrilled about work, but you didn't know it was so bad that he felt like it was sucking out his soul and his passion.
"What do you love that you aren't doing?" you ask, looking up at him sheepishly through your lashes.
"Well, for one, fucking you like I should be. But also traveling the world and...if I could have any job in the world...I'd want to be a baker."
He seems relieved after he says it, like maybe it's the first time he's ever expressed that thought out loud. You smile at him. It feels so good to hear this secret desire from him. He does often spend his weekends in the kitchen mixing up interesting sweet and savory concoctions, making his own bread, pies, cakes, and sweet treats. The idea of him being able to do that professionally makes your heart swell.
"Then do it."
Jimin looks at you, slightly confused.
"If you want to leave sales and start baking, I support you. I make enough for you to take a pay cut, and we can just live a little tighter. Find something that you want to do and go do it. I don't want you to have any regrets."
Before you've even completely finished the sentence, Jimin has flung his arms around you. He's holding you tightly against his body, and he is shaking slightly with tears. This moment is the most connected that you've felt to him in ages.
He takes the hands that are wrapped around your shoulders and slides them into your hair. He massages your scalp gently and buries his face into your neck. Jimin breathes deeply against you, making you shudder slightly underneath him. His lips find your skin, and he kisses tentative little kisses along the curve of your neck and collarbone.
You inhale deeply, and you can smell him. The way his cologne smells mixed with the way that his skin smells is intoxicating. It feels like maybe this catharsis was what you were looking for all along. Your hands explore his back and shoulders, his hips and waist.
You finally pull away, and your mouth finds his. The saltiness from his tears mingles with the taste of his mouth, and you press yourself harder against him. The vulnerability and raw emotions within him are causing you to grow wetter and wetter between your legs.
His tongue tangles with yours, and you feel so deeply connected to him. You moan into his mouth, and your fingers creep under the hem of his shirt. You pull it over his head and toss it aside. The skin of his torso is smooth and taut over his muscles and bones. The ink of his tattoo is bold against his pale, flawless skin. You run your fingers over his ribs and stomach, unable to tear your eyes away from it.
Jimin hooks his index finger under your chin and lifts it, so you're looking at him in his eyes. You feel yourself melting as you look at him, leaning in to kiss him tenderly on his lips. He pulls your shirt over your head and reaches around your back to unhook your bra. Even after years together, it's impressive how swiftly he can do that. You feel like it must be a natural talent, although practice didn't hurt.
Once you are both topless, he adjusts your position on the couch, and the skin from your chests together feels like satin to your senses. You unbutton his pants and push them down his hips. The muscles leading down to his crotch are mouthwatering, and you are pleased to see that he isn't wearing any underwear beneath it.
You wrap your fingers around his cock and stroke it lazily. He yanks your shorts down and presses his fingers gingerly to your folds. He swirls it around in the wetness and pulls the digit to your lips. He presses it gently against your lips. You moan as you wrap your mouth around him, sucking off the musky traces of your arousal.
With his finger in your mouth, Jimin adjusts himself, so his cock is aligned with your entrance. He slows pushes himself in through the slickness, and you moan around his finger again. While he pulls back and thrusts inside you again, he takes his middle finger and shoves it into your mouth again. The pads of his fingers press down on your tongue, and you feel the drool starting to pool in your mouth.
You look up at him, and his eyes are shimmering with lust and relief. You kiss and suck on his fingers to show him the feelings that you feel bubbling up inside of you. Your tongue swirls around them as he thrusts deeper inside of you. His cock, while not huge, is perfect for your tight pussy. He knows exactly how to hit the places inside of you that makes you crazy. There are few cocks that you've encountered, in real life or in porn, that you felt were prettier or more perfect. Jimin's cock was the only one you needed.
While you waxed on in your brain about how perfect he was, Jimin had slowed his hips to deeper, longer strokes. A steady overwhelming pressure on your sensitive places, and his pelvis grinding on your clit. You moan loudly, and then you feel your pussy start to clench. You pulse on his cock, and he moans. You are coming, and it feels like tumbling in a wave. Unable to resurface. Grasping for anything to hold on too. Gasping for air.
While you roll through your orgasm, Jimin's fingers curl hard inside your mouth and on your shoulder, clamping down on the skin. He spills inside of you, and you feel him fucking the hot cum deep inside you as he rides out his orgasm.
The two of you collapse together, panting and sweating. You feel like maybe something has changed. Maybe something has been renewed. You held him against you, breathing in the scent of his skin, excited for the future.
Two weeks later, Jimin bursts into the room excitedly while you're lying on the bed reading a book.
"I found something!" he exclaims, bounding over to you and plopping down next to you on the bed.
"Huh?" you look up from the page, marking your spot with your finger.
"I found a baking apprenticeship! I put in an application, and they already called me for an interview! I'm going in tomorrow to interview!"
The smile on his face makes you feel so happy and delighted. He rarely smiles like that anymore, so your heart swells at the sight of it. You grab his hand and hold it, squeezing it slightly.
"That's so amazing, baby. I'm so happy for you!"
You meant it. After that night a few weeks ago, things had fallen back to the way that they had been. You felt slightly more connected to Jimin because of the openness between you, but that was as much as you felt. You felt like maybe if he was finally doing something he loved, he would have the energy to connect to you in his free time.
"I'm going to go get a new shirt for the interview tomorrow! Want to come?"
You look up at him from your bed where, even though it's only 7:30, you're sitting in your pajamas with your book spread across your lap.
"Why don't you go on without me?" The motto of your relationship right now. Just go on without me.
Jimin landed the apprenticeship easily, and he had quit his job in sales. He was taking a bit of a pay cut, but you'd both agreed to tighten your belts slightly for him to have this opportunity. Ultimately, this could work out to be more money for him, but, most importantly, he would be happier. All you wanted in the world was for Jimin to be happy.
Two weeks into his apprenticeship, you realized that you hardly saw Jimin at all. He was either at the bakery or in the kitchen at home practicing. You felt like he was going to burn himself out, but you didn't want to say that to him. Instead, you sunk deeper into the internet.
You had an interest in BDSM for a while, but you hadn't ever fully explored it. You asked Jimin to spank you or refused to cum until you had permission before, but you'd never done much else in the BDSM community.  Until now.
You found a small social media network that shared in your interests. You were too shy to post for the first few weeks, unsure of what you'd even say. Soon, you started posting text posts about your deepest, most secret fantasies. Now, you've worked your way up to posting pictures in your lingerie without your face showing. The responses that you got from both men and women were empowering and helped you feel more confident.
You could tell that this was spreading to your real life too. You were wearing lower and tighter shirts, shorter skirts. Everything about the interactions that you had on this site made you feel better online and in your life.
One day, a name pops up in your DMs that you’ve seen around. He likes a lot of your posts and sometimes comments. You’ve gone to his page to see his posts too. It’s mostly about being a dom and pictures of his abs. You have definitely found yourself being mesmerized by his figure.
Jungkook: Hi there pretty girl
You: Why hello sir. How are you on this fine day?
It starts out innocent enough. A few messages back and forth. You really are just getting to know each other. Soon, you spend hours chatting with one another, talking about life and your childhoods and even your dreams and goals. 
You’ve never seen his face, but you know that he has a brother, chipped his front tooth playing water sports in high school, and wants to someday create his own tech startup. He works at a tech firm right now, but he feels like the politics are too much. He has plans in the works, but nothing concrete.
He's never seen your face, but he knows that you mostly only communicate through sarcasm, you have three siblings, and that you got suspended from high school for yelling at a teacher because he was wrong about the answer on a test and counted it wrong for you. He WAS wrong though.
You felt closer to Jungkook than you had with anyone for a long time. You knew that it probably didn't look great, you, a woman in a several year long relationship, talking online to a single guy who you met because of BDSM. Even though you talked about BDSM, it wasn't all you talked about. The conversations that you had with him were real and raw.
One day, you get a message that makes your heart do a little back flip.
Jungkook: Do you think maybe you'd like to see what I look like?
Jungkook: No pressure on you to reciprocate or anything.
You blush at the thought of it, but you are dying to know what he looks like. You've come to expect that men with great personalities online are not that good looking, so he can't be that hot, right?
When you receive the picture, your breath catches in your throat. He is possibly the most attractive man you’ve ever seen. At the very least, he’s tied with Jimin. Jimin is so pretty and beautiful, his features soft and feminine. Gorgeous. But this man, he has a softness about him, but mostly, he has a manly face. His jaw is sharp, brow strong. What softens him is the childish smile spread across his lips. 
Holy shit.
At that moment, you still didn’t know that you were in trouble. You thought that everything was totally fine, that you guys would be friends and nothing more. You did decide that you weren’t ready to show him your face yet, and he was completely understanding. He never pressured you into anything you didn’t want to do. He just chatted with you and made you feel safe each day. By the end of two months, he is your best friend in the world.
One day when you’re home, but Jimin is at work, you ask JK if he wants to video chat. You haven’t done that with anyone from the internet before, but you figure that since he knows you better than almost anyone, there isn’t really any reason not to.
As the call is ringing, you feel first-date kind of nerves. You tell yourself that it’s just because you are finally going to talk to your best friend, nothing else. Lying to yourself seems to work pretty well these days.
He picks up with a huge smile on his face and then his mouth falls open.
"Holy shit," he whispers to himself.
You reach up and grab at your hair, feeling your face reddening. "What?"
"You didn't tell me you looked like that!"
You blush even more, and your heart is racing in your chest. You know you shouldn't be doing this, but you can't help it. You can't stop yourself from staring at his face. It was one thing to see his face in still photos, but to see the beauty that is Jungkook smiling, laughing, talking to you is another thing entirely.
The call is several hours long, and the two of you just laugh and joke together. Though there is some sexual innuendo, for the most part, the conversation stays appropriate.
Near the end of the call he says, "It's so nice to hear your sarcastic voice. This way I can tell for sure that you don't actually hate me."
You giggled and blushed. He joked and stared. Overall, you were so pleased with the conversation, you had a hard time hanging up. This is probably the day when everything changed.
The two of you talk nearly every day that Jimin isn’t home, and when he is, you’re texting constantly. You aren’t sure if Jimin notices, but all he’s ever doing is baking or worrying about work. You hardly spend any time together except dinner most days of the week.
Things get a little more risque every day. Sometimes you show him some of your lingerie “for approval to post.” Sometimes the two of you talk about BDSM in a much more personal way. What you would do with the perfect partner. How you’d like to be tied up. How much pain you’d like.
Sometimes JK would come on the chat, naked the entire time but keeping the camera up so you couldn’t see. You often didn’t wear pants for your chats doing the same and not letting him see. Once his hand was just out of frame, but you could see his arm moving. When you’d asked what he was doing with a sly grin on your face, he had just shaken his head and said “noneya.” It was hardly innocent, but in your mind, you justified it as nothing actually explicit happening.
Weeks later, you're on a call with Jungkook when there's a knock on your door. You aren't expecting a package today, and the knock scares you. Jungkook tells you to be calm and just look out the window. When you peek through the curtains, there is an Amazon package sitting on your front porch.
"Huh. I don't remember ordering anything. It's probably Jimin's."
You made a point not to mention Jimin as much as possible. Jungkook was aware of your situation, but you both seemed to avoid the topic if you could. It was weird how you both seemed to know that the situation was weird and wasn't going to change.
"Just look at see," Jungkook urges you.
You open the door and see your name on the package.
"What the hell? What did I buy that I forgot about?"
Jungkook laughs on the other end. "Video chat me, and open it."
You start to become suspicious when he says that, but you switch the call over to video and bring the package inside. You carry it into your bedroom and plop down on the bed. Jungkook is smiling at you from the glowing screen, and you know that he has something to do with this. You look at him with consternation as you slide a pen through the tape holding it shut. He just laughs as you glare at him.
You are flabbergasted by what you see inside of the package. A small pink box with the words "Wand Massager" on it sits in the box, staring up at you.
"What the fuck?" you look up at Jungkook on the screen, unable to form any other words.
Jungkook just keeps laughing. "Open it. I wanna see it."
You just stare open-mouthed at him for a while, incredulous. You aren't sure how he got this to you, how he knew you wanted it. How he knew you didn't have one. How he knew that you'd wished you had one when you touched yourself at night thinking about him.
"It was on that Amazon wish list that you sent me..."
You had forgotten that you'd shared your wishlist with him because he wanted to know what kind of BDSM gear in which you were interested. You never in a million years thought that he would buy anything off of it for you. Your heart and mind are racing. It's thoughtful and jarring all at once.
"I...I don't expect anything from you. I didn't get it for you for any reason other than I thought that you'd like it. I'm sorry...." He drops his head slightly and rubs his hand across his face. "I overstepped."
You can't find the words to say. It's thoughtful. He did not overstep, but you feel a weird overwhelming feeling of being cared for by someone in that way. Jimin had never bought you sex toys. He hadn't even asked what your deepest sexual fantasies are.
While you're trying to figure out what to say, you hear the beeping of the call ending.
You try to call him back, and he doesn’t answer. You send him a text trying to explain that you were just surprised but excited; you weren’t upset with him. It was a few hours before he texted you back. He’d gone to workout and left his phone because he was so embarrassed. He thought he’d ruined his best friendship, and he had been overwhelmed by the thought of it. It’s so adorable to you that you just wish that you could throw your arms around him and pull him into the tightest hug.
One Friday in May, you had taken the day off to spend with Jimin because the two of you hadn’t seen each other in months. You had both been excited, planning to spend the day hiking then having a picnic together. But, of course, the universe was working against you. Jimin’s boss called and asked him to come in because literally every other employee was sick or out of town. He looked at you apologetically but agreed to go in.
You sit around the house feeling sorry for yourself, texting back one word replies to your friends. When you do it to Jungkook a few times, he calls. You tell him that you’re fine, that it’s just an off day, but he knows that something is up. You can’t keep a secret from him, so you spill the whole story, tears pouring out of your eyes unexpectedly, telling him that you’d kind of hoped that this would be the day that the two of you would reconnect.
You complain for a while, and Jungkook is silent on the other end of the phone. Once you’re done and your breathing has slowed slightly, he speaks.
In a dark, deep tone, he commands, “get your toy.”
“Wh-What?” you ask.
“Did I stutter? Go get your vibrator right now, and lie down on your bed.”
You walk into your room and dip your hand into your sock drawer, extracting the bright pink mini massage wand. You carry it with you and clamber into your bed. Jungkook switches the call to video. His face is slightly pink, and his hair looks disheveled as if he had just been running his hand through it.
“Take off your clothes.”
All of his commands are hitting you deep inside, some primal part of you that wants to be bossed around by a hot man. You blink at him for a moment, but then you peel off the straps of your tank top and toss it aside. You push your shorts and undies slowly down your hips, and they join your shirt.
You’re lying there naked while on a video chat with Jungkook, but you don’t feel self-conscious at all. The way he looks at you is like he’s been starving for months and has finally found food. You feel yourself blush as you watch him watching you.
“Turn it on the lowest setting,” he commands, while clearly undoing his own pants, “and put it on your clit.”
Your heart pounds against your sternum. You push the button to turn it on, and the buzzing rings in your ears like a temptation. You take the small head of the wand and press it against your clit. It immediately feels amazing. The small pulses move so quickly that it feels like one continuous vibration, and your clit instantly responds. You can’t stop the moans that begin spilling out of your mouth. The wetness between your legs is growing with every passing moment. You feel your head becoming fuzzy and a little less clear.
When you focus back on the screen, you see that Jungkook has positioned the camera so that you can see his face and his cock as he strokes it. It’s a little bigger and thicker than Jimin’s, and the skin is smooth and taut all the way around it. The head is red from the attention he’s been giving it, and you feel like the scarlet in your cheeks probably matches.
The sight of his cock makes you moan again, and your clit tingles with eminent release. 
“Turn it up higher,” he says, his voice steady but breathier.
You press the button, and you immediately gasp and moan. The sensation is overwhelming, and your thoughts and words aren’t working.
“Hey, yn?”
“Wha?” you manage to force out.
“Cum for me.”
You do. You cum hard, nearly screaming you cum so hard. The release feels like all the things that have been building up inside of you and between you and Jungkook are exploding out. It feels so breathtaking, that you aren’t even sure that it’s real.
When you start to come down from the orgasm, you move to take the vibrator off of your clit.
“Did I say to stop?” Jungkook asks, tone sharp.
You look at him with surprise in your eyes, but you put the vibrator right back in place on your clit, panting and squirming as you do so. You keep watching his massive hand stroking his cock lazily, and you feel yourself start to hurtle toward another orgasm. You’ve hardly even had time to recover from the first.
“Is my good girl going to cum again? Like a needy little slut?” Arousal overwhelms your senses at his words. “Cum for me.”
Once again, you do. Over and over you cum for him at his command, while he calls you a slut and a needy whore. You relish in the name calling, the image of him, the sensation on your clit. Everything about the situation is so right and so wrong.
You cum every time he tells you to, and the panting in his voice pushes you further and further over the edge. Nothing exists except for his voice after the third one, and he keeps you going. You’re calling out his name, and you keep coming.
Finally, he says, “one last one, baby. Cum with me.”
You cum hard, moaning deeply and loudly. Your mind goes completely black as the waves of pleasure wash over you for what feels like hours. You are bathed in the warmth of your orgasm, swaddled within it, and as you start to come down, you feel yourself emerging anew. If there is such a thing as transformative orgasm, that's certainly what just happened to you.
When you emerge from the orgasm chrysalis, you are unable to open your eyes. You hear JK's voice speaking softly to you. It soothes you like the sound of the ocean or rain. His voice tells you not to worry about opening your eyes.
"You deserve a rest. You were so good for me baby. Good babies get to take naps after they're so good like that."
He talks for a while longer, and you start to drift off. Eventually, you hear the beeping of the call ending, but you don't look at the phone. Instead, you allow the sleep to overtake you, body and mind both exhausted.
Two hours later, you slowly emerge from the haze of sleep. As your conscious mind begins to remember what happened, you sit up in bed, flinging the covers off of you.
"Oh my god," you say over and over to yourself. "What did I do? Why did I do that? Oh my god."
You are immediately overcome with guilt for what you did, and you push away the arousal that you feel in your belly at the thought of Jungkook's voice and his cock. You push all the excitement about it away because, holy fuck, what did you just do?!
You have to think of a way to make it up to Jimin without saying anything about it. You can never ever tell him. He would never understand.
You think about it as you pace around the house in a tank top and your underwear. You're certain that your hair is disheveled, and you probably look like a mess. But at this moment you don't care. You would rather figure out what you can do to save your relationship with Jimin because right now, things don't look to great.
Then it hits you. Every man's stereotypical fantasy. Threesome with two women.
That night when Jimin gets home, you already have dinner ready. You had ordered food to be delivered just before he would be home. He looks exhausted with bags under his eyes. His clothes are disheveled and covered in flour and sugar. You want him to feel like he can relax tonight, and you want him to feel like you are taking care of him.
When he comes in, you make him sit right away. You bring him a plate full of the Korean fried chicken and kimchi jjigae that you ordered. You bring your own then sit down beside him. While the two of you eat, you put on some mindless show. It's nice and comfortable, and it feels good to just eat take out and watch TV with your boyfriend like you used to do sometimes.
After you finish eating, you pause the show your watching and turn to Jimin.
"Hey babe," you feel like the pet name is a little forced because of how guilty you're feeling, but you decide to just keep going. "I wanted to float an idea to you."
He wipes his mouth on his napkin and looks up at you. "Okay..." he says tentatively. "What's up?"
"So I've been thinking..." you wish you had planned exactly what you were going to say, but you'd been too busy planning every other detail of the night. "I think we should have a threesome."
You didn't mean to blurt it out like that, but it just falls out of your mouth all clumsy. The words seem to just lie there between you awkwardly.
"A threesome?"
"Yeah. Two girls. One of them being me, of course."
"You want me to have sex with you and another girl?" he asks.
Well, when he says it like that...
"Yes. Do you want that?"
He sits silently for a moment, as if he's thinking deeply about his response. You start to panic because you thought that this would be what he wanted, but now, with the way he's looking at you and not saying anything, you think that you maybe made a huge mistake.
"I would love that. Are you okay with that?" he says quietly and calmly.
"Of course!" you exclaim, with a little too much gusto, "That's why I suggested it!"
The two of you awkwardly make some of the plans and determine that you're going to use an app to find a girl to sleep with the two of you. You sit awkwardly until finally unpause the show. The two of you hold hands and watch it together silently.
Two weeks later, after using an app, you've found another woman and together have made plans to meet up, without Jimin at first. Her name is Areum, and she seems to be down for some no strings attached sex with the two you.
You meet for coffee, and even though you're kind of weird and don't know what you normally do with your hands, she is charming and delightful to be around. Before you've even left, you've decided that you are absolutely going to go through with this with her.
To try to play it cool, you wait until that night to text her and set a plan.
In the time between making the plan and meeting Areum, you haven't talked to Jungkook at all. He has texted a few times, but you haven't responded. Your guilt and arousal about the situation makes you confused and overwhelmed.
When the time comes, Areum shows up at your house. The three of you eat dinner together, put on a movie, and open a bottle of wine. You drink your first glass a little quicker than you probably should, but you pour yourself a second while the movie is still in the first act. Areum places her hand on your knee and slowly strokes up and down your thigh.
You finally bring yourself to look at her, and her eyes are glistening with lust. You feel your pussy pulse just at the sight of her. She leans in, close enough for her breath to tickle your lips, but she doesn’t kiss you. She waits for you to make the move. After a few painful seconds of waiting, you lean in and kiss her gently on the mouth. Her lips are soft, and her skin is soft, and her hair is soft, and everything about her feels so good.
Soon your tongue is exploring her mouth and your fingers are exploring her breasts under her shirt. You can’t help your fingers from gently tweaking her nipples, and the goosebumps on her skin just make you more aroused. Jimin leans over and gently touches you, clearly not wanting to interrupt. Areum reluctantly pulls away from you and latches on to Jimin. While they kiss, you continue to let your fingers explore her soft skin, kissing and biting at Jimin’s neck.
Jimin grabs one of your hands and leads it to the growing bulge in his lap. You stroke it gently while his lips explore the woman in front of you. He removes himself from her and presses his lips firmly against yours. He kisses you hard and fast, all teeth and tongue. You love it, and you’re already so aroused that it’s almost overwhelming to you.
The three of you move from the couch to your bedroom, touching and groping on the way there. When you cross the threshold, Jimin rips your shirt over your head, and you make quick work of the rest of your clothes. He asks Areum if it’s okay if he takes her clothes off, and when she says yes, he hastily removes every article of fabric on her thin frame.
She’s even more gorgeous naked, and you think it’s unfair for someone to be that hot and sexy and gorgeous and clever. Jimin tosses her on to the bed and spreads her legs. He dips his head down to her pussy and begins licking at her folds. She’s moaning and writing when you position yourself over her face and slowly lower your aching pussy to her mouth. She sucks and licks at the sensitive skin, dipping her tongue inside you, then swirling around your clit. She sucks the sensitive bud into her mouth and rolls it slightly with her lips. You feel an orgasm start to fall over you already. She moans against you hard, and you cum on her face, soaking her chin further in your juices.
She cums on Jimin’s face, and you moan just at the idea of it. Jimin stands up from his position, and he grabs you by the back of the head. He kisses you firmly on your lips, and you taste Areum on your lips and on your tongue. You lick the arousal off his face and press your mouth to hers, swirling your tongue across her lips and into her mouth.
Areum shifts her position on the bed, pulling Jimin down to be lying on his back. He situates himself more comfortably and pulls her chin down, so she’s kissing him deeply. You position yourself over Jimin’s erect cock, and you slide down on it, moaning as his cock is buried deep inside of you. You place your hands on his chest to steady yourself and slowly ride him. Areum positions herself over his face, facing you. You lean forward and wrap your fingers into the hair at the base of her neck.
The skin of her tits and her hard nipples against yours sends shivers down your spine, causing you to clench around Jimin. He moans from his position under Areum, and you sink your tongue back into her mouth. You feel so connected with both Jimin and Areum in the moment, and you feel like you just can’t get enough of either of them. 
You feel Jimin’s cock pulse slightly inside of you, and you smile up at Areum.
“Jimin’s going to cum inside of me, and you’re going to lick it up, aren’t you?”
This is the first time that you’ve ever taken a sort of dominant role in the bedroom, and you feel your pussy twitch when you do it. The power imbalance of it feels so good. You feel like you’re in charge of both of them. They’re both here just to pleasure you, to connect to you. You know in your wise mind that that isn’t the case, but your dumb sex brain can’t think logically now.
You speed up the movement of your hips, and Jimin squirms slightly underneath you. You ride him deeply, and soon, he’s spilling inside of you. You moan as you feel his hot cum spurting inside of you, and you fuck it deeper into yourself.
Once Jimin finishes, you dismount and spread your legs. Areum leans over, keeping her pussy over Jimin’s face, and licks at your entrance. She licks her lips and moans after tasting you and Jimin mixed together.
“You both taste so good. Please I need more.”
You smile at her, and you go to your dresser drawer. You pull out the vibrator and hold up to her, smiling. She beams back at you with glee on her countenance. Jimin looks slightly surprised underneath her.
You lead her off of Jimin’s face and onto the bed. She lies on her back, and you motion Jimin over to you.
“Babe, do you want to fuck this pretty little slut while I put a vibrator on her clut and make her squirm?”
His eyes widen, and he leans in to kiss you. His cock is already hard, and you are impressed by his refractory period in this situation. Jimin gets a condom from his drawer and rolls it down his hard cock before pushing himself into Areum.
You position yourself over her face once again. You turn on the vibrator and lean down, pressing it gently into her clit. She is immediately moaning and squirming, so you turn up the speed on it. Jimin is fucking her hard but slowly. You move the vibrator slightly to make it make contact with his cock, and he moans quietly at the contact. You go back to focusing on the pink swollen clit in front of you.
Before long, Areum cums hard around Jimin’s cock. He keeps stroking while she is nearly screaming against your clit. You leave the vibrator in place as she starts to come down, and another orgasm washes over her. In that moment, you remember the afternoon with Jungkook, and you immediately shut it off.
Neither of them seem to notice that you are slightly shaken, so they continue on. Soon Jimin is coming again inside of Areum, rope after rope of cum filling the condom. All three of you are panting, and you end up spooning together, Areum in the middle.
When you wake up 2 hours later, Areum and Jimin are soundly sleeping tangled in the sheets of your queen bed. You decide to get up and get yourself some water.
You sit on the couch and think about all the things that happened in your home tonight, and you are immediately turned on. You feel filthy and like you want to explore even more of your wanton, primitive desires now. Before you can even process what you’re doing, you are sending a text.
Have you ever just absolutely ruined two people at once?
Jungkook: not ruined, but made love, sure.
I want to ruin Jimin.
You don’t even care about the implications of your texting with Jungkook anymore. If you’re having actual real life sex with Jimin, then you don’t see how it could hurt anyone. You love Jimin. You won’t stop loving him. But you still want to be friends with Jungkook. So you will.
Picking things back up with Jungkook should be awkward, but it isn’t. Besides a joke here or there, you don’t mention what happened that day. Your friendship continues the way that it was.
One day in July, Jungkook suggests that you should meet up. 
“Think about it,” he says. “It’s only a 3 hour drive for both of us if we meet in the middle. That way we can hang out, see each other, and then just go home.”
You’re hesitant at first, but you decide that since things haven’t been inappropriate since that one day in May, then it should be totally fine. You agree to meet him the next week, and you can’t stop the nerves that rise up in your chest and stomach.
There’s a small town that’s about halfway between the two of you, so you decide to meet at a Starbucks there. When you get to the exit before the town, you get out of the car and go to the bathroom to slightly freshen yourself. You buy gum and check your reflection one more time.
When you pull into the starbucks parking lot, there are two other cars. You don’t see anyone in either of them, so you sit, waiting in your car. A silver car pulls up next to you, and you slowly look over, seeing the familiar face out the window.
You step out of your car and so does he. You can’t believe it, and you run to him, flinging your arms around him. You bury your face in his shoulder. He’s taller than you pictured, but you can’t help but breathe in his scent. Your nose stays buried in him, breathing him in for a long time. Something about holding him and him holding you feels like home to you. Finally, you pull back, and you look at his face. He’s even more gorgeous in person. He runs his hand gently over your hair and smiles at you.
“Want to get some coffee?” he asks, blushing slightly.
You nod vigorously, unable to form words at all. The two of you walk shoulder-to-shoulder into the cafe and place your orders. Jungkook pays for you, which just makes you blush even deeper crimson.
The two of you sit in the cafe for a few hours talking, then Jungkook suggests that since it’s getting late, the two of you should probably get going. At least find a different spot to hang out. You vacate your squashy chairs and move together to Jungkook’s car. You sit inside of it talking awkwardly again for a while.
When you finally dare to turn to look at Jungkook, he leans over and kisses you gently. You don’t pull away, and you aren’t sure what you should do. His mouth stays against yours, and before you know it you’re kissing him back. Your hands tangle into his hair, and your tongues are dancing together. It feels different than kissing Jimin or Areum. Not better. Just different.
Things escalate very quickly from there. Your shirt comes off. His pants are undone. Your skirt is lifted. His fingers are plunged deep inside of you, curling upward. You are straddling him in the driver's seat. He’s inside of you. It’s quick and dirty. The dirty talk is flying between the two of you, and he pulls your hair hard when he cums inside of you.
You stay wrapped around him for a while, resting your head on his shoulder while he softens inside of you. Finally, the two of you untangle yourselves from one another, and you get out of the car to straighten yourself out. You smile at him, and he stands up to kiss you again.
“I really should get going. Long drive ahead,” you mutter, the reality of what you’ve done dawning on you. 
You kiss a little more, then you clamber into your car, heading toward home. The whole drive, your head is swimming with the things that could happen once you tell Jimin. You still have another man’s cum inside of you; you have to tell Jimin. There’s no way around it.
You know that he’s going to leave, and you feel filthy and disgusting. You aren’t sure what has come over you. What made you do what you did. Why are you so fucking bad at decisions?
The three hour drive feels like twelve by the time that you pull into the driveway. You sit in your car outside of the house for a little while, knowing that things will change the second that you’re inside again.
You finally work up the nerve to go into the house. Jimin is standing in the kitchen, washing dishes in the sink.
“I need to talk to you,” you blurt out.
He walks over to you with an urgency like maybe you’re hurt. You wish it was just that. His movements are stiff and rigid, as if he can feel the tension in the air affecting the way his limbs swing.
“Are you okay?”
“No. I’m not. And you’re about to not be either.”
He looks at you puzzled and worried. He stiffens further, but he grabs your shoulder with his right hand, looking pleadingly into your eyes. You shrug his hand off of you and turn slightly away from him. You aren’t sure how this is going to go, but at least you’ve planned what you’re going to say. Quick and to the point. Rip off the bandaid.
“I cheated on you.”
“You WHAT?” he exclaims, face immediately turning red, tears brimming up in his eyes.
“I’m sorry. I had sex with another man. With Jungkook, actually.”
“Oh my god. When?! For how long has this been going on?!” He runs his hands through his hair then over his face.
“Today. I’m sorry.” You can’t say anything else. It’s the truth. You are sorry, but you won’t ask for forgiveness because you fucked up badly.
Jimin simply walks out of the room without saying anything else. He goes into the bedroom, and you hear banging around in there. Concerned, you make your way over to the illuminated doorway. Jimin has a duffle bag on the bed, and he is hastily loading it full of various clothes and other basica items. He brushes past you without acknowledging you and goes to retrieve his toiletries from the bathroom.
“Jimin, where are you going? I’m the one who fucked up. I should go.”
You’re crying, and he’s crying. He walks to the door, and, like a movie, he turns to you with his hand on the door handle.
“You’ve done enough. I’m leaving.”
He opens the door, and it swings closed hard behind him. Even though his delivery was cinematic, this was nothing like the movies. The two of you struggled to make your relationship work. You cheated. And now he’s gone. Not like the movies at all.
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Diego Hargreeves x reader - A Small Inconvenience
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Walking down the sidewalk with a warm bag of Chinese takeout securely in your arm, the scent of it wafting into your nostrils putting a smile upon your face as you trail your eyes down the street. You’d been tasked with hunting down the best food in town for yourself and Diego this evening, who’s patiently awaiting your arrival in your apartment. Well in all honesty, you’d actually lost to Rock Paper Scissors and were promptly sent out into the cool autumn air as your man cheered for his victory before he quickly made up for it with a kiss.
Just enough for you to brave the city streets, and the grumbling in your stomach.
So with a pinch to his cute firm bum did you say your goodbyes and walk out the door in search of something delicious for the evening. You’re hunt had taken you down a couple blocks and past some drug deal near an alleyway entrance before your eyes found the best Chinese restaurant in town.
It practically glows golden and red, a big beautiful dragon smiling at its front door welcoming everyone who enters. Wasting no more time, you make your way through the doors and up to the counter. You know the usual order by heart and the workers there are quick and efficient as they quickly bring your meal to the front counter.
You pay and happily walk out the glass doors with a delicious bag of yours and Diego’s favorite. You’re able to make it halfway to your apartment before you spot Klaus chatting up the hotdog guy from across the street. The man looks rather bored of Klaus as he attempts to make a hotdog for a customer. Shaking your head you quickly duck under a blue mailbox to avoid catching his eye.
No sooner do you hide does the tell tale sounds of Klaus’ shuffling reach your ears as he jogs across the street to find you. You let out a sigh as you stand up from your once crouched position, coming face to face with a beaming Klaus.
“So what brings you round these parts Y/N?” Wonders your childhood friend as he leans casually against the mailbox.
Handing him a half smile you clutch your takeout closer, “Oh you know, food n’such.”
He raises a brow, his green irises glancing down to your precious takeout, “And uh...where are you going with that delicious bag of goodies?” You purse your lips together, knowing exactly what Klaus is after.
“Not tonight Klaus.” You deadpan, trying to assert that you’re not interested in having a movie night with two Hargreeves.
He taps his fingers against the hood of the mailbox, “Ah come on Y/N/N, my tum tums a grumbling and.” He shakes your shoulders, “we could have such a fun time! It’d be like a party, we could lock Diego out of the gym and drink to our hearts content as we make fun of shitty romcoms....come on Y/N it’d be so fun.” Whines Klaus as you gently remove his arms away from your shoulders with your free hand.
Taking a short step back you squint your eyes at him suspiciously, “You’re not getting my teriyaki chicken strips.” His face falls as you firmly state your business, “Don’t even try to take it out of my hands you know you can’t outrun me.”
Klaus pouts, “Yeah, well you’re being a real butt right now. And to think you were my favorite, despicable.” He says with a disapproving shake of his head.
You simply chuckle at his childishness, “Maybe next time Klaus.” 
You smile as a second later does he lunge at you, an unknown force slapping your bag of Chinese food right out of your grasp as Klaus quickly grabs it, another invisible force pushing the back of your knees forward. With a surprised yelp do you quickly fall to the concrete, an annoyed huff of air leaving your lips as you watch Klaus book it past you as he races down the street cackling like a maniac.
“Fuck you Ben.” You whisper with a roll of your eyes, a smile breaking out upon your face as your nerves prick in excitement for your new hunt.
 And your Chinese takeout of course.
But before you’re able to even take a step does your phone buzz in your hand, fumbling to take it out of your coat pocket you look down to see it’s Diego calling. Pressing on accept you bring the device to your ear, “What’s up babe.”
“You’ve been gone a while, just making sure you’re okay.” Worries your sweet Diego, an adoring smile finds its way onto your lips.
“I’m fine. I’ve just run into a little problem is all.”
“What’s wrong Y/N.” He asks, his voice laced with concern.
You let out a small laugh, “Nothing terrible really, D. I was just robbed but I’ll be fine seriously don’t even worry oka...”
“What?! Where’d they go, I’ll stop them.”
“Diego take a breath.”
“Who was it? Anyone I know? What’d they look like?”
“It was Klaus.” You deadpan, the other line goes silent for a few long seconds as you wait for him to respond.
“Klaus. Is he far?”
Looking down the street you catch the last glimpse of Klaus’ pink scarf as it flows wildly in the wind, “Not really, okay uh....I’m gonna go get our food. I’ll see ya at home. Love you D.”
“Alright I’ll be here, love you.” Replies Diego, confusion clear in his voice as he leaves you to save the day.
Stuffing your phone back into your pocket you let out a quiet “fuck” as someone gives you an odd look, flashing them a nervous smile you nod before booking it down the sidewalk like a mad woman on the run. Wind pushing your hair back as your feet pound against the sidewalk with each rushed step. You can practically smell your delicious takeout as it wafts into your nostrils while you’re on the chase.
In no time do you finally turn a corner to catch a pink flash of cloth as it hides behind an alleyway corner, huffing in frustration do you race forward and grasp the bricks as your feet slide into the opposite wall. When you look down the opening do you find the back of Klaus as he desperately races over the cracked cement. Rolling your eyes do you look down to fortunately find a discarded shoe next to the trash.
With a smile upon your face do you pick up the old smelly thing before chucking it in the direction of his messy brown hair as he cackles in the wind. You watch in delight as the worn out leather smacks him right in the back of his head with a thwack. Instantly does he fall to the ground as you race to save your food in a hasty blur. Luckily catching it before a mess is had on the dirty concrete, you turn to look down at Klaus who’s laying on his back in defeat.
He sticks his tongue out at you, “You have no right being that fast Y\N!” Grumbles Klaus as you chuckle.
“And you have no right to let Ben trip me.” You add with a raise of your brow.
Klaus simply rolls his green eyes, “He dared me to take it! And I’m not a bitch so of course I accepted.”
Reaching your hand out for him to take, he takes your offer and just like that do you pull him from the ground, “I haven’t seen you run that fast since you robbed that convenience store a month ago.”
“You didn’t even try and help me escape.” Remarks Klaus as he stands next to you, a hand upon his slender hip.
“Oh right, but if I remember correctly you told me and I quote Y/N watch me rob this store and flip off the cops inside as I make off with the donuts. Then you told me not to help you cause you’re not a little bitch. So I didn’t.”
Pursing his lips together, he nods, “Yeah well. Can I have a twenty?”
You scoff, “Drugs or food?”
“Food. Obviously.” Answers Klaus more quickly then you’d believe.
Nodding you fumble around in your pocket, “Fine. But if you steal my delicious sweet teriyaki chicken I will break your arm next time.” He smiles as you hand him the twenty.
“Noted.” Winks Klaus as he pockets the single bill excitedly. You say your goodbyes before turning around and making your way to the gym where Diego patiently awaits you and your food.
The walk there takes about three minutes, giving you time to settle your once pounding heartbeat from Klaus’ little adventure through the streets of the city. At long last does your eyes find the glass doors of the closed boxing gym, when you wander closer does Diego finally spot you. A smile comes to his face as he quickly opens up the door, his face turning to amusement as he takes in your disheveled appearance.
Walking through the door do you mock glare at him as he chuckles, “I’d ask, but I’m not sure if I want to know.” He says as you walk quickly to your shared apartment.
“Your brother just gave me a run for my money, literally and figuratively.” You muse before opening up your apartment door, swinging it back with a whoosh. He laughs as he shuts the door behind him, jogging down the small row of stairs as you sit down with a huff.
Diego smirks as he sets himself across from you, “Well I hope our food is still warm. Jeesh Y/N I give you one job and then you get robbed, thought you were a superhero or something.” Teases your man as he takes out his box of the usual favorite, opening it up with ease.
“You’re fucking hilarious.” You quip, no venom in your words as you fight back a smile.
He slurps up a noodle, “It’s warm so you’re off the hook.”
Swallowing your chicken you raise an eyebrow at him, “Oh really now. And what would you have done to me if it wasn’t and Klaus took all the goods, huh?” You challenge with a smirk before biting into another crunchy piece of chicken.
He simply shrugs, “Guess you wouldn’t get any of these goods.” Muses Diego as he implies something very intriguing yet not what you’d like to think about while stuffing yourself of chicken and steamed vegetables.
Slowly blinking at him you point a chopstick in his direction, “Don’t make it weird.” He breaks out into a huge smile as a laugh escapes him.
“You started it.” Replies Diego with a wink.
Leaning in closer to him you smirk, “And I’ll end it if you don’t shut that pretty mouth of yours.” Your add with a dark glare, he instantly shuts up at your words, an excited thrill coursing through him as you seductively sit back and chew your food.
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boltwrites · 4 years
Okay but like a mako one where he's so deep in fem reader that he can see the outline of his c*ck in their stomach and like him being like "aww is it too much?" And like him pressing his hand down and then him making reader feel him too bynplacing her hands on her tum but like also 0verstim. I thought this would be size difference lmao but I srsly love your work your mako ones are my fav
kinktober 2020 | this week’s list
anon asked: oooo perhaps size differences with mako where reader is much shorter/smaller than him..? boy clocks in at a nice 6 2’ according to canon?? ps about mirror requests, yes I think all the mako stans Come here bc even though Bolin is clearly your fav, the best takes on Mako are on here
A/N: ok, so i’m actually not the biggest fan of stomach bulges (what the first anon asked for) but i can definitely hit you up with some size kink for a smaller  reader (including dick size kink dsjfbsfkj)
by clicking read more you verify that you are at least 18 years old
ok, so you’re a little on the shorter side - maybe like 5′2-5′4 or something along those lines. like, short, but not super short. it’s never been a problem for you, and usually you don’t even think about it
until you start dating Mako
then you start thinking about it a lot
you’re holding hands in public? his absolutely engulf yours. like, you never thought holding hands could make you feel tiny and safe but somehow it does with him? and it’s one of his favorite things to do when you’re just walking around, and you love it
even when he’s just putting a hand on the small of your back - being a gentleman and helping you into a Satomobile, or maybe introducing you at a policemen’s ball - it makes you feel so tiny, because spirits he has big hands, you never even realized
and then, one day you were teasing Mako - in a good-natured, family-friendly way - and he just straight up told you that you wouldn’t get any kisses
you didn’t think this would be a problem until you realized that you wouldn’t be able to reach his mouth to steal a kiss, even on tip-toes. you would have to climb him like a tree. the fucking audacity
you ended up pouting and he ended up laughing at you, but oh dear. yeah, that was where the cute and wholesome energy ended
the first time you two fucked... it was an event
first of all, he could just? pick you up? with no effort on his end. (this man lifted an equalist completely off the ground with one hand, and he has no problem carrying Korra in multiple different configurations despite her muscles - he’s strong)
and you go kind of jelly-legged at that because holy shit, but then he throws you on the bed, and you catch some air? and you just kind of gasp
and when he pulls his dick out - 
he lays it against your stomach and the tip is further up your body than your own navel - 
you shiver, but at the same time, you’re a little scared, because will that thing even fit? 
but Mako looked at you, and you saw how dark his eyes were - how wide his pupils were blown when he saw your body in comparison to his dick. he ground against you a little - sliding against you, and you gasped, wiggling under him at just the idea of him thrusting inside of you
as he slid inside of you, you felt every inch? moaning at the feeling of him filling you so good? spirits, you felt like you could feel him in your throat, his dick was just that long, and you loved it, hooking your legs around his hips and pulling him in closer
he took it easy for your first time together - making sure that he didn’t hurt you, since he was so big and you had never been with someone that filled you so much before
but you loved it - rocked back into his touch, grabbed at his shoulders to feel him pressed flush against you - to feel safe under him, because his shoulders were so broad and you knew he would cover your completely
it was so good, and after that? Mako was sure to use his size to his advantage in the bedroom. he took you against walls - hauling you up easily - he tossed you onto the bed and flipped you into new positions with no problem at all
but the best part was cuddling afterwards. he always wrapped you up from behind, curling up around you, wrapping his arms around your waist and chest and holding you close. Mako’s face pressed against your hair, mumbling that he loved you, and that really made you melt? 
he made you feel so safe and protected and loved. sometimes you would turn around just to curl up against his chest and feel in squish you to it, holding you like you were something precious, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world
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cuddlecave · 3 years
is xiphoid
first: you *are* good
next: alright thingrey au
how bout an alternate 'the team finds out the shapeshifter is still alive, whoops!' but in an utterly disastrous way
it's been a while since antarctica! a long while, and gord and benr *meant* to tell the team about them ages ago, when benr became human shaped again, but there just never seemed to be a good time? and really, whats one more day, week, month...
anyway the team is utterly oblivious of benr, but being aware of gord, means that's they've noticed he's not been spending as much time with them! been spending, like, a lot of time at home, actually--or away from town. sometimes even avoiding them! they're worried, bc really, this is not the way to deal with trauma, gord! you don't pull away from your friends, you get help! just bc you can't see a therapist doesn't mean you shouldn't try to process it!
anyway, gords generally cagey about where he is, but on a rare team night where he had come to hang over...they very much on purpose get him drunk. now, drunk gord is still pretty fucking cagey (he loves his boyf and would never endanger him if possible), which is a shame, but tom is able to ask a question casually enough that gord doesn't think about it...and ends up telling them he goes out to the [insert desert area here] sometimes. when pressed on why he goes, he seems to realize he made a mistake, and bolts, cutting the night short.
now, credit to gord, him and benr don't go back to that particular desert area after that. but the team are damn smart, and figure that just bc he's not at that area anymore, doesn't mean he's not in *any* desert area anymore.
takes some trial and error--figuring out when gord seems to be out (he never answers his phone when he's out, his car is not at home), and then checking a desert area (didn't get anything but desert the first few times). but eventually...they find his car.
things paint...a worrying picture. there's camping/chilling gear in the car (chairs and a shitty tent, left from when gord tried camping several years ago and never bothered to remove from his car) but they're not set up and gords not there? the doors arent locked and the keys are in ignition? (gord doesn't want to drop his keys running from benr, he did that once and it sucked. also why he doesn't bring his phone! but he's out like 55 miles from the nearest town, who's gonna steal his car?) there's torn up foliage around, as if something big came through (benr may give gord a head start, but he still likes to be big enough to a) chase well, and b) nom gord after), and most worryingly--a set of human footprints in the sand, clearly running based on stride. and some strange larger footprint *next to them*.
their friend was ambushed by something big, and is going to get got. (this is not entirely untrue. not ambushed, but definitely going to get got, lol.) they set off quickly following the footprints.
meanwhile-gord and benr are having a *great* time! the exercise feels nice for both of them, it's a cloudy day so it's shady, they're gonna order pizza and play playstation after this--its gonna be a wonderful day. it already is!
gord, at this point, is beginning to tire out. benr is getting closer. he pushes himself a bit farther, to stretch out the chase just a touch longer, and makes a sharp turn around a rock formation, causing benr to briefly crash into it, giving him a few more steps. but he's tired, and well, benr has better stamina--and agility. benr bounds over the rock formation and uses it's height to gain just a bit of an extra boost, and tackle-hugs gord. they nearly crash into some sharp shrubs, but they're fine.
gord turns and looks up at benr and grins, and benr leans down to him, and gives him a long kiss. gord hums in contentment and relaxes. he's gonna get to doze, now, before driving. naptime, hell yeah.
benr picks him up to swallow him and he just remains basically limp, exhausted, letting benr manhandle him, gently maneuvering him into his jaws. he's swallowed with little fanfare, and happily settles in his tum, almost immediately starting to doze as benr starts to walk.
then he hears screaming, and benr sharply moves, and suddenly he's wide awake.
the team follow the tracks. it's a long walk, even moving at speed--gord must have really been booking it, which means hopefully he's still safe, got away some how. surely nothing would chase him for too long, when he was outrunning it this well. the trail goes on and on and on--its looking less like this thing gave up. and gords footsteps are shorter, he's not managing a hard run anymore. they're coming up on a rock formation--its still several hundred feet away. close enough to see a figure that can only be gord run from behind it, but far, far to far away to do anything about what happens next.
they see him turn sharply, and something big hits the rocks, clearly taken off guard. he makes it a few steps. and the team look on in absolute horror as what can only be the shapeshifter jumps off the top of the rocks, and tackles gord to the ground. they're partially obscured by the desert plants, but it's enough to see, even at this distance, the rippling body parts of the creature, pinning gord down.
the thing leans its head down toward gord, and they can't see what's happening with the plants and distance. and then.
it picks a completely unmoving gord up, and swallows him whole.
oh, god. it snapped his neck. it ate him. it's going to try to finish what it started in antarctica oh fuck does anyone have a flamethrower?!
a seeing it stand and start to leisurely walk in the direction they came from, they're finally broken from they're spell of silence and horror. somebody starts screaming angrily, and bubby has a lighter and big spray, making a makeshift flamethrower--and they run towards it in vengeance.
it notices them and sharply turns, booking it in the opposite direction.
continued under the read more!
(cont) oh fuck, thinks benr. this is not good. Not Good at all. gord frantically asks what's going on?! and goes cold when benr says 'ur friends saw us. and buby has fire.' the good thing is, benr is bigger and faster than humans. the bad thing is that he's been running all morning and now has over 200 pounds of boyf swaying in him, even if he's holding gord as tight as possible so he's not getting thrown everywhere. he's not gonna last long, and there's nowhere to hide. gord is furiously thinking. but he's also exhausted, and panicking. the thoughts in his brain are sticky like drying glue when he tries do something with them, and he can feel benr slowing. it's not by much, but his alien bf getting hurt *at all* is unacceptable, so. he decides to stop thinking and start doing. he tells benr to 'stop and let me out! as fast as you can!' and benr skids to a stop and turns half facing the approaching team, and splits his abdomen open and gord comes tumbling out into the light, getting immediately covered in dust and mud sticking to the saliva covering him. it's kinda gross, but at the moment it's not even registering, bc in those moments buby has nearly caught up. gord stands, pushes benr behind him, who let's himself be pushed purely out of surprise, and holds his hands out. 'its me! I'm fine it's ok it's me, please I can explain, just turn off the fire! it's ok!' but the thing is, as far as they're concerned...'you fucking imposter we saw gord die! get a better lie!' and buby is still running full tilt at them. gord has enough time to think, *aw fuck, this is gonna hurt*, before buby lights his makeshift flamethrower and gord is suddenly extremely hot, in pain, and knocked on his back. he can see the sky for a quick moment, before what can only be benr is standing over him, protecting him from further fire. a few limbs quickly use the dirt to put out the couple embers on his shirt (well, what's left of his shirt...) buby jerks back at the large being leaping in his direction, but it stops as it stands over the gord-imposter. which... is not moving. or writhing like the shapeshifter, or trying to split off from the damaged part. it's just...lying there. shallowly breathing as if in shock. buby gets a bit of a sinking feeling. - I got tired after writing this but basically benr tries to angle around enough to protect gord and also use teal green on him from another mouth. the team quickly figure out something is fucky, and that gord...might not be a Thing?? gord is in zero shape to have a real conversation--burns are serious business, and he basically passes out during teal-green. so why was the creature... protecting gord?? especially if it ate him?!?! there's an uneasy (extremely uneasy) truce, and benr carries gord back to the car, flamethrower pointed at them the whole way. they leave gords car and take them both back to toms place, in the car they drove in. it is supremely awkward. especially when gord wakes up for half a minute, kisses benr, and passes out again. not sure how it would go from there,, .... didn't mean to accidentally write a minific but here we are!! I really like the 'extreme misunderstanding vore' trope, lol.
ohhhh man this is like an angsty version of a regular not-a-game au idea i've thought up before o: thinking about what would happen next... the whole car ride home, benb was hitting gord with more healing (tho he gave the guys ample warning first about what he was doing so they wouldn't think he was attacking or something), and thanks to that, gord's burns are healed up to the point where he doesn't need hospitalization, just some burn cream and good rest to finish it off. (and a hair cut. benb is very sad that he couldn't repair gord's burned hair and beard. when gord's awake again he's just "Dude it'll grow back, don't worry." "i knooowwww but it still sucks. your hair was SO pretty. and you look like a sixteen-year-old without facial hair. kinda weird. babyfaceman." "WOW shut up."). when gord's awake and aware enough again, they all have a sit down and get an explanation from him and benb. benb goes on to basically give a summary of his whole backstory; explain what exactly he his and how he got to earth, and what he was trying to do both at the b'mesa base and that first norwegian base he first thawed out in. when he gets to the part about why he never wanted to hurt the sciteam, that does a pretty good job of warming them up to him. "the thing about that frzn guy is he was a total asshole. HUGE douche canoe. and i was like 'maaaan i don't wanna be this guy, he suuuuucks', but then i noticed that he'd hardly ever interacted with anybody else there. new guy on the base. nobody knew him, or knew what he was like. so i figured i could get away with acting like myself instead of him, and nobody would notice. i've never been able to just be me around other people, only when alone. i didn't really... know how it was gonna turn out. but you guys ended up liking me! you invited me to come hang out on breaks, and play video games, and watch movies, and talk about soda and photography and it was fun and nice and good! you were nice to my dog body, too. giving me a name and everything... you're all great cools. i got attached to you guys. like, super attached. didn't wanna hurt you, ever. 's the reason i never touched the sled dogs, too- i knew tommy would be sad if something happened to the dogs, and i didn't wanna make him sad." (bubs probably acts like he's not touched by that, but he is :B and also, like i've said in a post on my main, bubs feels some sympathy towards benb after hearing about his origins as an unethical science experiment. bubs wasn't grown in a lab in this au, but he was still subjected to some painful "knowledge tubes" experiments due to his contract with b'mesa. so he still knows that feel, bro. unwilling lab rat solidarity.) benb apologizes for everything in antarctica, and bubs apologizes for torching gord, but then the team asks what the fuck? happened in the desert?? and gord explains the "one-sided tag" game they do to help benb burn up energy, and that benb was just carrying gord to let him rest from the run on the way back to the car. ("Carrying you in his stomach, though?" "nah i don't put him where food goes. it's the uhhhh *lip smack* nap organ. custom made for sleeping in. bedry time.") (they also at one point explain "also we're dating" to which gord gets accused of being a monsterfucker ha ha. and then benb's like "ew no i'm ace" and harold goes on about how beautiful interracial young love is.)
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 01.12.20 lb
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ishani like this grubby-pawed bitch took control of the whole place the second you were gone, but dadi’s like okkkkkkk hold your horses, that’s not the whole truth. she did what she was supposed to. what you would have done if you were here.
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V looking left-right like he’s watching a tennis match, listening to the devil and angel on his shoulders lol.
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hein???? maut ke 40th day? i thought he said 16 days in the last ep???? 16 days for the ghaav to fill and what not in that convo kabir and him had....... HOW LONG HAVE Y’ALL BEEN STANDING HERE HAVING THIS SCENE???????????????
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anyway, bhai is really calling her out for getting all ready to become suhaagan again not 40 days after he went missing. body tak nahi mili thi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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dadi again coming to her defense again. thank god. warna madam toh mooh nahi kholti, aur khadi khadi beizzati sehti rehti, from a dude who as far as she knows isn’t even her real husband.
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shoulder devil is back to add some more mirch masala to story.
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lol kabir’s bhaiyya waale feelings for ishani are long-dead and gone. he’s like “isse chhodke bohut badi galti kardi. current mein jhulas ke marr gayi hoti toh aaj itna mooh nahi phaadti” hahahahahahaha. little sisters, huh, kabir???? a real pain, amirite?????
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riddhima is very happy to hear ishani proclaim from danke ki chottttt pe ki meraaaaa vansh bhaiiiiiii, iss ghar ka asli haqqdaaar waapas aa gaya hai!!!!!
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lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo chachi is like oh god ishani agli class humari lagayegiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. LORDDDDDD I WISH.
but nope, she’s on her fave topic “we hate riddhima” so she’s gonna be on this soapbox for a while now.
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ishani said riddhima has a “sharp brain” and lmao ok. yeah sure, her brain as sharp as a fucking bowling ball. i’ve seen pillows and goldfish bowls that are sharper than riddhima’s fucking brain. she’s a member of the rare and exclusive smooth brain club. no thoughts, this bitch empty, yeeeeeeeeeeeet.
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ishani continues to bitch bitch bitch and V ka paara bad raha haiiiiii. death glare getting more and more intense.
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oh dang!!!!!!!!!!!
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the bloodlust in riddhima’s eyes is a biggggggg mood, lol. i too would like to see these two fight again. preferably shirtless. 
damnit kabir decided to be the bigger man and throw the stick back into the havan kund.
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blah blah he’s like sautela hi sahi, you’re still my brother. i don’t want you to misunderstand me. i left no stone unturned looking for your body. and i was gonna leave the city. but riddhima thought i should take on the responsibilities of this house.
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riddhima and V’s reactions to this bs, lmao.
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anyway, he’s like now you’re back, it’s best i leave. i’m going to take something that’s precious to me, it’s my right.
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lol pls. he’d murder this Mummy in a fucking heartbeat for a hissa of this riyaasat.
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Mummy like kabir tfffff you doing, this is not our plan!!!!!! aunty, learn to cut your losses. honestly. this is why y’all don’t win.
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manhooson ka reaction.
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“tumhe nahi lagta ki tum mujhse bohut hi keemti cheez cheen ke lee jaa rahe ho???”
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Mummy like yesssssss, my time to shine, time for Mamta Overload Acting.
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lol riddhima and ishani’s reactions, while dadi is closing her eyes in horror at his bad manners.
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“thank you. jo mera hai, woh mera hi rahega.”
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bwahahahahahahahahahahaha ghazabbbbbb beizzati.
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riddhima has never been this turned on in her lifeeeeee.
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V ka baahari face is:
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but his internal face is:
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same as wifey and sis, lol.
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ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dadi’s laying on the emotional blackmail thickkkkkkk ki are you really my vansh, my vansh always kept his relationships close no matter how much tension blah blah. fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.
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“dushmani bohut nibhaa li. ab rishtey nibhaatey hain.”
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ok fine a hug will do too.
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aslkjdlaskjdlaskjdlaskjdlaksjdlkjasldkjlaskdjlaskjdlsakdlaskldjlas time for kabir to get an angre of his own (mishra?????) coz V is fully threatening to destroyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy him where he stands.
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bwahahahahahaha that sweet as pie smile. butter wouldn’t melt in this mouth.
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riddhima like ugh, ok anyway, time to carry out predetermined maafi kaaryakram.
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lmao she’s telling vihaan ki mere vansh ka dil bohutttttt bada tha, aur woh hota toh mujhe maaf kar deta, and his face hahahahahahahaha:
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‘yeah, not anymore, b. that was before you betrayed me and made me jump off a cliff, all for that chomu ex of yours.’
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hahahahahahahahahahahaha he’s gone off-script. going super duper hard on the dhokaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
omggggggggggggg he’s going into details ki dadi just told you to marry him secure your future, she wouldn’t have expected you to say yes AND THIS IDIOT GIRL IS LIKE HAS VIHAAN BEING WATCHING THE HOUSE FROM BEFORE????????? THE THOUGHT THAT HE’S VANSH STILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL HASN’T CROSSED HER PEA SIZED BRAIN. HONESTLY I CANNOT WITH HER ANYMORE.
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lol she’s hissing “yeh kyaaaaa naatak laga rakha hai????” par bhai toh apne alag hi trip par hain. character mein ghussnaa isse hi kehte hain, riddhima. good thing daniel day-lewis has already retired, coz this one reallllllly coming for his spot with the intenseeeee method acting.
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dadi is like beta plssssssssssssss, but ishani and chachi are piling on riddhima. love them messy bitches.
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“i want a divorce.”
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even kabir is scandalized at the turn of events!!!!!!!!!!!
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but lmao, ishani’s reaction is best, as usual.
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“jab tak divorce nahi ho jaata, tum outhouse mein rahogi.”
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inke liye toh diwali waapas aa gayi saal mein doosri baar.
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dadi is trying to intervene and lmao ishani is emotionally blackmailing her saying don’t increase bhai ka darddddddd by opposing him this time.
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“kabhi nahi socha tha ki tum aisa kuch karoge. apni maa ki kasam khaayi thi tumne.”
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lmao waise bhi maa toh already marr chuki hai, jhoooti kasam khaane se kaunsa dobara marr jaati?
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trollololololololololol ghar se get outhouse kar diyaaaa (only my fellow mallus gonna get this joke.)
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nanad is here to help. “itna haq toh mera bhi banta haina!”
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Survey #376
“when the wind bends the branch to softly touch me  /  when the band plays your song  /  i feel strong enough to keep dreaming”
If your s/o smoked pot/did drugs would you care? Yes, but for pot that's only because it's illegal here. I also find smoking to be a turn-off, but I'd be able to look past that if it was for actual health reasons. Do people ever call you by your last name? No. Has the last person you dated/fell in love with ever seen you cry? Yes. Where are you going on your next vacation (or where do you WANT to go)? I've got none planned, nor do I know where I'd want to prioritize. Like there's South Africa, but I first need to get healthier before I could handle the heat and trudging through sand. I want to go to Yellowstone National Park to spread Teddy's ashes there (seeking permission of course), but again, I need to be in better shape before I go on a venture of photographing there, as well. I need to be healthier to do a lot of the things I want to... Do you own anything bought in another country? No. Who do you text the most? Sara. Four things you wish you had? Better health (including mental), financial stability, a job, and motivation to indulge more in my artistic hobbies. What was the last thing you cried about? Stress regarding this dog we're stuck with. What is your favorite Elvis song? Probably "You're The Devil In Disguise." Do you think you could be the next American Idol? Ha, absolutely not. Do you prefer reading fiction or non-fiction? Fiction, by a long shot. Does anybody send you money in the mail for your birthday? No. My grampa used to, but he's been dead a couple years. Who is one person you met and automatically didn’t like? I was not a fan of a doctor I once saw for my tremors. She was very rude and just threw the idea of me having Parkinson's or something at what, 17 years old or whatever? My psychiatrist knows her as well and knows she's a whackjob. Heard her name and was essentially like "ew" lmao. What monster would you be most afraid to have in your closet? A male one with a knife, I guess. I really hate knives. And men scare me anyway. Which Adam Sandler movie do you like the most? I don't know, he's in too many to possibly think of one right off the top of my head. Who was one of your first celebrity crushes? Jesse McCartney was my first true love, haha. Have you ever been hit on through text messages? Yes. Do you have to do any yard work? No. Have you ever mowed the lawn? No. Do you get an allowance? No. Did you ever know your great grandparents? I think I knew one? There was this woman from my childhood I knew as "GG" for "great grandma," but I have no recollection of who she was related to or even if she was directly related to me. I remember that I really really liked her, though. Do you like the taste of Tums? It's the texture I really don't like. The candy-like Tums though, y'know, not the chalky ones, I like more than someone should like medicine, haha. How about Pepto Bismol? Omfg no. Do you have a fast or slow metabolism? I have a slow metabolism, but thank Christ it's not as bad as when I was on Abilify. That stupid fucking medicine was the reason I gained so much weight that I haven't been able to lose. What’s your favorite onomatopoeia? (Crash, bang, zoom, meow) I dunno. Do you eat ramen? There's only one specific kind of ramen I've had that I like: Yakisoba's spicy chicken one. Sweet or regular pickles? Regular. I don't like sweet pickles. What kind of dreams do you have most often? Since my nightmares started, violent ones. I'm usually trying to defend myself or lashing out at someone myself. What do you do for personal growth? I try to be a deep thinker, for one. This can way too easily lead to overthinking, but I appreciate that I think it at least helps me learn from my mistakes and work towards making me a better person. I need to start challenging my anxiety more, as that would definitely be massive growth... If you could read anyone’s mind, who would be the first person you’d read? Jason's, only because all I want to know is if he thinks I was emotionally abusive after the breakup or not. But I also don't want to know. Do you have a makeup item or style trick that you feel improves your look significantly and that you feel like you couldn’t go without now that you have it? No. What’s your favourite cereal? Probably Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but I like a lot of cereals. Do you prefer red wine or white wine? I don't like wine. Way too bitter. Do you read Reddit? If so, how often and what subreddits do you like? I don't, but I've thought about lurking on a reptile husbandry one or something like that. Might learn some stuff. But at the same time, there are so many conflicting and very strong opinions amongst hobbyists to the point of awful toxicity that I'd rather not read. Have you recently broken up with a significant other or even just a friend? No. Have you ever eaten at a restaurant and left without paying? God no. When was the last time you played a board game? What did you play? Probably Scrabble back when Sara visited. Do you primarily use cash or card for your purchases? Why? Cash, because I don't have a debit or credit card. Do you believe sex should be mandatory in an ongoing dating relationship? Um, no? Some people don't care for it, and that's completely fine. Have you ever recorded yourself doing a cover of a song? No. Any secrets you’d never tell anyone? No matter how close they are to you? Yes. Do you like deviled eggs? NO. FUCK that yolk shit. What career are you most interested in? I still think my first career goal, a paleontologist, would be most interesting and exciting. Like just IMAGINE discovering a new dinosaur. And it's such a job of passion - you have to be so, SO careful and invest so much time in slowly recovering it from millions of years of rock and sand and time. I can only imagine the feeling of accomplishment when an excavation is complete. Have you ever seen a rooster? Yeah? What do you think about religion? Honestly, I personally wish it had never been a thing. It's brought with it so much hatred and bigotry, but I do acknowledge at the same time it's brought great comfort and hope to some people, and that's wonderful. But just all things considered, I feel it's done more harm than good. What’s your favorite sweetheart name (baby, honey, angel, dumpling) Probably "lovely." Has a little kid ever fallen asleep on your lap before? Yes, back when I babysat my neighbor's kid once. Have you ever thrown a grenade? Yikes, no. Have you ever talked face to face with someone famous before? No. Have you ever owned a rocking horse? I don't think so? If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Have you ever wished you were dead? Yes. Is it awkward when people start talking all deep around you? No, I actually like deep convos. Have you ever played the old school Pac Man arcade game? Possibly? Ever played Mario Karts on Nintendo 64? No. Have you ever been scuba diving? No. Can you surf/boogie board? No. Do you like Chinese food, Mexican food, or American food better? American. What’s your favorite thing to order from Taco Bell? Cheese quesadilla and fiesta potatos. Sometimes I get the cinnabon delight thingies, but I avoid 'em with how unhealthy they are. Do you like hot, cold, or lukewarm showers? Pretty hot. Do you like to swing? I LOVED swinging as a kid. I haven't done it in a very long time now. How about jumping on a trampoline? I loved that as a kiddo, too. I haven't done that in years. What are you favorite color eyes? Sapphire blue or like an emerald green. Do you have long arm hair? Nah, at least I don't think so. What third generation console is your favorite? PS3, Xbox 360, or Wii? I loved my PS3. I'm still so bummed mine broke. How often do you like to have sex? I'm not sexually active, but even when I was, I didn't care. Do you have a facial expression you seem to pull a lot? What is it? Not really. I think I look stoic most of the time. Do you always listen to music when you’re online? No; I usually have a let's play or something like that on that I can split my screen and watch while doing something else. If so, what are you currently listening to? I'm listening to "Love Goes On And On" by Lindsey Stirling and Amy Lee right now. Do you ever forget how to do really simple things? Like what? Yes, like how to control the laundry machine and other things like that. There's just so many options that I never, ever remember what to set it to, no matter how many times Mom shows me. That's how my memory is with most things these days, really... Were you born with naturally straight teeth? No; I needed braces. If you were the opposite gender, what name would you like to be called? Uhhh maybe Severin. Do you prefer original or sour Skittles? I love both, but sour wins. What about chocolate or peanut M&M’s? I also enjoy both, but the original are better. Your favourite band: Do you prefer their old or new stuff? That's like... impossible to answer, lol. I just love everything. Do you check to make sure your ear phones are going in the right ear? No. Do you secretly still listen to Ace of Base? I have no idea who that is. Have you ever broken someone else’s bone? No, thank goodness. I'd feel awful. Is it stupid to think you can write a book at thirteen? No?????????? There are incredibly talented writers out there at young ages. Hell, I remember as a kid, I wanted to be the youngest published author way before that age. Are you ever embarrassed about what you dream about? There've been some I wouldn't share. Have you ever had sex with someone as a favor? No, and I never would. Does your mom let you date? I'm 25, my dude. She let me when I felt ready, though. If you had the last person you kissed’s Facebook password, would you go snooping through their stuff? Why or why not? She doesn't have one, but hypothetically, fuck no. Because that's none of my damn business, and it still wouldn't be even if we were still dating. Have you ever fainted? If so, when was the last time? If not have you ever come close? I've fainted once when I was a teen and have come close many other times. Ever take a keyboarding class? Do you type using the skills you learned in class, or how you used to before you took the class? Yeah; it was mandatory for I think one year in middle school. I type how I was taught in there. Do you find your best friend’s significant other/crush attractive? She doesn't have an s/o, and idk who her "real" crush is, as much as she'd love Frieza to be real, haha. What do you do with your clothes that don’t fit anymore or just don’t want? Donate them. Do you cut out coupons? My mom will keep some fast food ones she gets in the mail sometimes. Did you ever breathe in helium and talk funny afterwards? I think I did once at a birthday party, but I'm unsure. Would you ever open your own business? If so, what kind of business could you imagine yourself having? I want to be a freelance photographer so, so badly. I want to specialize in nature and wildlife, but having a boudoir studio would be great to help keep me afloat, plus I adore the art of boudoir. I've shot it once for an old friend, and by god, I loved how empowered it made her feel, especially as a plus-sized woman. She adored the pictures, and I'd just love to help other clients feel like they're gorgeous in their unique body, too. Last type of candy you ate? I had a donut from Starbuck's yesterday. Did you decorate your house for Halloween? If so, how many decorations? Did you go all out, or just put up a few things? Mom and I don't really decorate anymore. :/
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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@joonzreina: “hi tum, how are you?!. i wanna congratulate you on your 100 milestone!. keep up the good work!. if you don’t mind, may i please request a matchup with the hq boys only please?. i am she/her, straight, latina, and 5”0. i have light brown eyes, long dark curly brown hair, and curly bangs. my personality is described as wild, crazy, hilarious, hot tempered, blunt, sarcastic, brave, loyal, and kindhearted. i only have a 3 best friends that are like family to me. i will stand up for myself and them no matter what!. i’m a leader too. my hobbies consists of me watching anime, kdramas,/netflix, sleeping, eating, reading manga,webtoons, and astrology. i am a huge believer in astrology!. i love listening to rap/rnb and kpop!. i’m a very affectionate person too and who isn’t afraid of skinship. i would kiss my man on the lips all the time!. what i look for in a man is for him to respect me, who loves affection/skinship, tall, sweet, caring, funny, understanding, protect me, loves affection, and who will always be there with me through thick and thin. my aesthetic would be baddie vibes, like dark red colors, black, sexy colors, light pink, and just i don’t give a fuck vibes/bad bitch energy!. i’m 20 years old old so NSFW would be good to put!. my favorite color is pink and neon green!. thank you so so much tum, you’re such a sweetheart!. i hope you have a wonderful night!. take care hun!. i can’t wait to see what content you post!”
notes: firstly, thank you so much for your kind words, sweetpea 🥺 i love seeing your url in my notifs, your support means the world to me! i really hope you approve of this matchup, because much like the last one, bo was the first person i thought of after reading what you sent. thanks again for your sweet self and i hope to see you more ❥ drabble under the cut because it does include NSFW content!
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why i matched you:
» i might be completely biased when saying this, but bokuto is literally the whole package when it comes to relationships. he will always be there for you, will always protect you, will love you unconditionally, etc. like there is not a single thing he wouldn’t do for you once you have him wrapped around your little finger. 
» bokuto loves how passionate you are about your friends/family because he feels the same way about his loved ones. he knows you’d do anything for them, and finds it incredibly admirable that you’re willing to go through extreme lengths to protect them. he values loyalty a whole lot, so you’re a perfect partner for him in that aspect!
» your confidence and bravery are definitely somethings that attract him the most to you. we all know he’s got his lil’ “emo” moments, because in reality he does have the tendency to doubt himself and his abilities when faced with certain challenges he doesn’t know he’s ready for. but you’re always there to help him see how he is capable of facing those challenges! your own self confidence really pushes him to be the best he can possibly be, and he really idolizes you for that. even if there are times where you actually end up being the one to struggle, he’ll never fail to remind you how proud of you he is and how much he looks up to you!
» affectionate? bokuto’s got you covered. man LOVES having near constant skin-on-skin contact with you. whether it’s a hand wrapped around your waist/shoulders, fingers interlocked with his, or even resting his chin on your head, he’s gonna take advantage of any chance he gets to hold you. his favorite thing to do is come up behind you when you least expect it to wrap his arms around you, bury his nose in the crook of your neck, and whisper how much he missed you/loves you against your skin. the action never fails to make you smile.
» bokuto absolutely ADORES your aesthetic, he’s constantly in a state of “how can someone be so adorable yet so hot at the same time?”. because it’s true! your bad bitch persona really meshes well with your sweet n’ kind personality, and it definitely threw him for a loop at first. but now? baby he praises you CONSTANTLY. there’s not a day that goes by where he isn’t complimenting what you’re wearing, how your hair looks, how sharp your eyeliner is, etc. like he is your personal hypeman. and you DESERVE it.
» bokuto is really the kinda guy to keep you on your toes, but that’s just part of his appeal. there’s never a dull moment with him and he loves seeing you smile or giggle because of his antics. you really just make his heart melt like a marshmallow over a campfire with everything you do so he wants to make sure he’s enough for you with everything he does. he’s gonna give you his all no matter what - so make sure you’re prepared for that kinda commitment, because this boy will want to put a ring on your finger someday!
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“Kou, c’mon, I’m trying to finish this chapter!” You whine halfheartedly to your absolute brick wall of a boyfriend, who is currently laying open mouthed kisses at the space just between your neck and collarbone. Your attempts at pushing him away are futile, and you begin to wonder if he has always been this dense. Bokuto only chuckles at the gentle gasp you emit once his tongue pokes out to lave at your soft skin. Of course he would take advantage of your distraction with his muscular hold. 
“Baby you’ve been saying that for the past half hour.” He shifts on the sofa to rest between your open legs, elbows perched on either side of you, thumbs doing god’s work at rubbing circles against your hips. You’d be lying if you said what he was doing wasn’t enticing, but…
“I-It’s just a long chapter, I can’t help it! Seriously, I only have a few more panels left.” Your bottom lip juts out into a pout, eyes wide in pleading. As antsy as Bokuto was to cover your entire body with his kisses, he can never say no to your sweet, sullen face. How could he? It always turns him into putty in your hands without fail. With a (fake) groan, he plants his cheek back against the surface between your breasts, arms looping around your frame just as they did before he started teasing you. That’s when an idea springs to the forefront of his mind. Oh, he’ll let you finish that chapter alright. 
“Fine,” He huffs, turning his head so his chin is resting on your chest. His eyes burn into yours with a playful glint and an equally playful smirk plastered to his features, “you have 1 minute.”
“Starting…” Bokuto’s grin grows impossibly wider, tongue peeking behind his pearly whites, “now.” And with that his skillful hands snake their way under your sweatshirt to feel as much of you as possible. Bokuto thanks his lucky stars that you opted out of wearing a bra today, making it much easier for him to trace his digits over your peaking nipples, calloused thumbs rolling sensually over each pebble. Your sharp intake of breath only spurs him on further - and your weak, breathy whimper encourages him to follow suit with his tongue trailing up your stomach, nimble fingers sliding the hem of your jumper upward to expose more of your heated skin to his merciless lips. 
Suddenly the comic on your phone screen has no room for your attention as Bokuto’s ministrations demand all focus to his sinful lips, eliciting another mewl from your agape mouth. You quickly lock your screen and let your head fall back into the cushions once his tongue finally reaches your sensitive tits. The feeling only intensifies when he lets out another heated laugh in response, relishing in the way your back arches into him. 
“Heh, that’s what I thought, baby.”
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deadline for matchups is (08/29/20)! be sure to submit your entry before this date and check the tag #tumplaysmatchmaker to stay updated!
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lyrazehedgieboiii · 4 years
Sonic Babies! (Oneshot)
I still have some asks, and don’t worry, I will get to them, I just had a sudden urge to write this story, and I just couldn’t help myself tho-
Amy and Tails stood in shock as three baby hedgies and a baby echidna were on the floor, gurgling at the sight of the older hedgehog and fox.
    “T-They just turned into babies...” Tails murmured. “I told them to stay away from the machine. What do they do? Go near the machine. Chaos, now I have to fix this...Amy, I hope you’re not ma-” Tails turned around to find Amy laying on the floor, while baby Sonic was nuzzling Amy’s cheek, baby Silver was climbing onto her stomach, baby Knuckles was chewing on Amy’s thumb, and baby Shadow was rested on Amy’s legs. 
   “I had no idea they were so CUTE as babies!” Amy gushed as Silver giggled at her. Amy got up and scooped them all up into her lap and cuddled with them. 
   “Hey Amy, do you mind watching them while I find a way to reverse this?” Tails asked the pink hedgie, who had stars in her eyes.
    “Yeah! Don’t you have a stroller from when you were younger?” Amy replied, and stood up. She saw a red chaos emerald, and assumed that it was Shadow’s, so she gave it to Tails to keep safe. 
    “Yup, it’s under that table, Cream used it last week for Cheese’s kids.” Amy nodded, and grabbed the stroller, and put everyone in, or at least three of them in...
    “SONIC!” Amy screamed. Baby Sonic had wires in his hand, and even though he was a baby, he still had that annoying smirk of his. “Put the wire down, or you will be in time-out faster than you can run!” Sonic dropped the wires immediately and Amy could see tears starting to make its way down his cheeks. She ran to him and hugged him close to her. “I’m so sorry, Sonikku. I promise I won’t yell at you like that, again. Or at least while you’re a baby. All you have to do is be a good boy to me. That applies to you three as well,” Amy looked at the infants which were playing with the stuffed animals in the stroller.
    “M...Mama!” Everyone suddenly went so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. Sonic giggled and continued to babble. Even Knuckles, and Silver started saying ‘mama.’ Shadow only grunts, and mutters something that sounded like “momma.” Amy squealed and scooped them out of the stroller and hugged them once again.
She put them down into the stroller, again, and gave them pecks on the cheeks, and then giggled.
     “Your older selves would kill me if I did that.” Amy walked out of the workshop, leaving Tails processing everything that just happened.
- In The Village -
    “Now listen here, boys. You have to be on your best behavior, and no crying. Got it?” She commanded the boys, but they only tilted their head. “. . .Let’s just you do.” She walked with the stroller, earning many odd stares from the villagers, but Amy didn’t seem to notice. “Let’s see, Shadow likes oranges (LMAO IDK) Silver likes honey, Knuckles likes grapes, Sonic likes chilidogs...There isn’t any chilidog flavored baby food...I’ll buy some of this, and if he doesn’t like it, I’ll just blend up the chillidog!” She bought everything, until she saw Blaze, Rouge, and Lyra standing near a boutique. She walked over to them (Let’s talk about her outfit first)
 She’s wearing a Ditsy Floral Print Square Neck Dress (Link to dress on Pinterest) With a white sun-hat with roses on the side.
     “Why do these little guys look like our boys?” Rouge asked with interest, focusing mainly on Knuckles.
     “Oh, you know, I fucked all four of them and gave birth to their kids. Their names are Dash, Emo, Weed, and Steroids.” Amy sarcastically said. Blaze and Rouge looked frightened for a moment before they realized that she was only kidding. “They’re the boys, I have to take care of them. Long story short, they got into an age-changer invention thing, and they all turned into babies. Aren’t they the cutest? Especially little Sonic.” She bent down and started cooing to him. “Yes? Who’s the cutest little baby in the whole universe? You are! Yes you are, yes you are~!” The girls watched as Amy fangirled over her crush as an infant.
    “Wow, Pinky. I’m guessing if you and Big Blue were to have a kid, he’d look just like that.” Rouge smirked. Amy blushed.
     “That is, if he actually likes me...” Amy muttered. “But what about you and Knuckles, hmm?” Amy smirked back at her. This time it was Rouge that had gone the same color as her favorite red echidna. Amy giggled at her reaction. “Anyways, we should buy some clothes, because they’re only covered by their normal outfit, but the sports tape was there, and Amy was worried they’d wrap it around their necks and suffocate.
    “I have some baby clothes from when I was taking care of Cheese’s children. Maybe that could fit on them?” Blaze asked. Amy nodded eagerly.
   “Yes please! I don’t want to waste money on something that won’t even come to use later on!” Amy squeaked out in agitation. They all separated to retrieve everything they needed for the boys. They all met back at Amy’s house.
    “Okay, now, we should feed them. Yes~, we should feed your chubby wittle tum-tums!~ Yes, we should! Who wants chilidogs, and grow so big and strong, and have your little Ames swoon over how handsome you are?~” Amy continued to baby-talk to Sonic, as he only giggled and fell over to his side. This made all the girls go crazy over how adorable and pure he was acting. The others, desperate for attention, dragged themselves onto the girls’ laps. They all fan-girled because the boys they’ve wanted since, well, FOREVER, crawled into their laps submissively! 
    “OH MY ASS, THE DAY HAS FINALLY COME, KNUXIE IS ON MY LAP! I mean, not the way I wanted, but YES.” Rouge squealed with excitement. She stroked his dreads, while Blaze was running her hands through Silver’s quills. Lyra was gently traced the red stripes on Shadow’s quills, being very light, so he wouldn’t get all moody and fuss about it. Sonic noticed this and grimaced at them. He climbed up on to Amy, and nipped at the top of her dress.
   “Oh my goodness! Uhh, what am I supposed to do? SONIC! Stop nipping at my dress, little gummy bear!” Amy said, grabbing baby Sonic’s torso and lifted him up, while he flailed his arms and legs around. “Stop it! Do you want any chilidogs?” Sonic immediately stopped and smiled with his mouth open. He put his tiny little hand in his mouth and gurgled. Amy inwardly swooned, her cheeks heating up. Even as a baby, Sonic was still a ladies’ man. She put them on a floor, after putting a plastic tablecloth cover under them, and prepared their food. Amy mashed up the chilidogs, making sure it wasn’t too spicy, and fed it to Sonic.
He happily ate it with no complaints, but you couldn’t really say the same for Knuckles and Silver. Silver constantly kept rejecting the food, and Knuckles wouldn’t pay attention. Knuckles seemed to look at something else, which wasn’t exactly food...
   “WOAH MY CHAOS! KNUCKLES! I’M NOT FOOD!” Rouge yelled as Knuckles pounced on Rouge and attempted to pull down the heart on her outfit. After a few minutes of squirming and yelling and Lyra having to pry Knuckles’s hands off with a crowbar, Silver and Shadow seemed to be enjoying the show in front of him, and Sonic was laughing hysterically and clapped his hands. After all that happened, the girls decided that the boys needed a bath. 
Amy filled the bathtub up, strapping Sonic to her with a scarf, seeing as she didn’t have those baby-body carrier things. (I’m not going to look it up to confirm its name) The bathtub was too deep for the kids, and they couldn’t exactly sit on their own, so the girls got their swimsuits and went into the water with them. They used washcloths to cleanse them, covering their eyes when they got to the lower body. They gurgled and giggled. (Lmao I keep repeating the same words over and over again) Shadow, being Shadow, only huffed, while his tail wagged. Lyra chuckled at his reaction.
Now, you might be wondering, ‘Doesn’t Sonic hate water?’ Why yes, he does. I forgot to mention that Amy had a hard time getting him into the bathtub, he kept spindashing out of the tub and Amy had to catch him before he fell on the ground. 
    “Sonic! Get in the bathtub, NOW.” Amy gave a deadly glare to Baby Sonic, and he widened his eyes, a little creeped out by her, but didn’t obey her. He tried to run, but only being around six months, he had a little trouble crawling. Amy picked him up, and distracted him by kissing him on his bare stomach, while he laughed. While he was chortling, Amy quickly bounced right into the tub. Silver was making the bubbles and water float. As if sensing Sonic’s fear of water, he made the water fall onto Sonic. Blaze scolded him, while Amy glared at him.
Sonic smirked at Silver, while Shadow did something that wiped the smug look off his face. Shadow took a toy that could soak in water, and he squeezed it, causing the water to fall all over Sonic. He whined, splashing water into Shadow’s eyes, and before the girls could even blink, they started a water fight. They got the babies out before the fight got physical.
Amy got a call from Tails that the age reverse mawas face, and they quickly took them to Tails’s workshop. 
    “Are you girls ready?” Tails asked. The girls were internally crying. They had grown emotionally attached to the babies during the one hour they had them. Perhaps it was because the boys gave more attention to them more than they had when they were adults.  They brought the kids in blankets, so the neighbors wouldn’t start rumors.    
     “Can we just say goodbye?” Blaze asked in a depressed tone. Tails nodded.
     “Take all the time you want. I don’t think anything’s gonna happen, anyways.” He replied. The girls smiled.  
   “Even though the babies are far more charming, cuter, kinder, and actually appear thankful when we do something for them.” Amy sighed as she snuggled Sonic into her arms. “But I love him more as his normal self. Even if we have to endure their dumb, cruel behavior, we still love them. Don’t tell them we said that, or else.” Amy continued, before glaring at Tails to keep the secret. Tails nodded rapidly. They placed the babies in the invention, after giving them kisses on the cheeks and forehead. 
   “One...Two...THREE!” And with that, the boys were back to normal. The girls ran up to them, and hugged their favorite boy, from Amy to Sonic, Blaze to Silver, Rouge to Knuckles, and Lyra to Shadow. Sonic didn’t know what to do, Silver hugged her back, Knuckles was blushing by the ‘you-know-what’ squishing against his chest, and Shadow was trying to push Lyra away.    
  “Sorry, Knuxie. It’s just that...we missed you!” Rouge cried as she jumped on Knuckles once more. Once Tails explained what had happened, Sonic grabbed Amy’s waist and whispered into her ear. 
  “By the way, we could see and hear everything while we were babies. We could also control ourselves.” Insert a blushing Amy Rose processing everything he had just said.
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gainerstories · 5 years
Freshman Fatties: Chapter 6
Shortly after the boys’ button-popping dinner, word began to spread about Andy’s weight gain. All the athletes were gossiping about how the school’s star quarter back had turned into a fat slob and was supposedly fucking his gay roommate. Word even spread into Benjamin’s inner circle, who had known about the relationship all along but were growing concerned about the boys’ weight. Andy grew self-conscious and began skipping class to avoid going out in public, preferring to stay inside and eat his feelings. Not surprisingly, he continued to pile on the weight at an astronomical level with Benjamin not far behind.
By the end of March, it was official. Andy had been kicked off the team. It was rather scandalous and rumors implied homophobia was involved. However, once Benjamin’s rather wealthy parents caught wind of the story they intervened. They pledged to fund the rest of Andy’s college career, football or not. The former jock was now free to pursue his interest in literature and leave the world of college sports behind. He felt relieved, but still insecure about his weight.
“Are you sure you like me like this?” He asked Benjamin one day. “I mean look at this gut. It’s covered in stretch marks, I can’t even see my cock. I have to sit down to pee.”
“Honey, I think you’re beautiful inside and out. I’m in love with who you are, not what you look like. Besides, you see how fast I get hard for that big fat belly.”
“I know, I know. It just takes getting used to I guess. I’m three hundred twenty pounds now. I never imagined I’d weigh that much. I mean christ, I break a sweat bending over nowadays.”
“Well look at me! At two fifteen I think I can kiss my twink days goodbye! Every part of me is fat now, and the last fifteen pounds went straight to my gut. It’s never stuck out like this before.”
“Your gut and your ass,” Andy grinned. “As long as that keeps growing along with the rest of you then I’m satisfied.”
“It doesn’t seem to be stopping. You’ve really rubbed off on me you know. I was skinny all my life.”
“God I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I don’t know how I got to this place.”
“Hey! You got here because you love food and I love you. You’re so fucking fat and sexy. You know it’s really turned me on watching you grow like this? It’s so great.”
“You know, if I’m being honest… I’ve kinda enjoyed it too. Part of me likes being the fat guy in the room, my belly commanding space and attention. And it feels soooo good when we’re fucking. Feeling your fat slap against mine, like fuck. That’s sex. That’s it.”
“You really feel that way?” Benjamin asked.
“Yeah, I really think I do.”
“You know, maybe we should intentionally try to get fatter. You know, like push ourselves more than usual.”
Andy sat in silence for a moment before exclaiming, “fuck yeah! Let’s get properly plump.”
The boys decided to challenge each other to ten pounds in one week, knowing it was next to impossible. No harm in falling short they wagered, every pound gained together was worth it. So they began to pig out at levels previously unheard of for them. Chinese takeout, pizza, and milkshakes with weight gain powder defined their week of unbridled gluttony. They only left the dorm to go to class or get food. Otherwise, they were naked, fucking, or eating.
They began chugging cartons of whole cream before bed. Both were completely bloated at all times of the day, prone to sweating and sleepiness from the constant supply of food. Andy’s heartburn had begun to flare up but they powered through it with Tums. Benjamin had grown intensely uncomfortable in his own body with the sensation of constant bloat and digestion. His belly had also become intensely itchy as new stretch marks began to settle in.
Although both Andy and Benjamin would go to gym a few times a week, they decided to abandon it altogether during their week of gluttony. They had to use every moment for maximum gains. Most everyone else in the dorm had begun to take notice to the fact that the two fat gay boys seemed to be in a constant food hangover, their bellies always gurgling and their shirts constantly riding up.
By the time the week drew to a close both were exhausted and frankly ready to go back to normal. Although they enjoyed eating and were turned on by all the fat play, it had become uncomfortable and expensive to maintain that level of consumption. Sure enough, though, their efforts paid off. Andy gained eleven pounds by the end of the week. Surprising both of them, Benjamin outpaced the former football player at a whopping fifteen pounds gained in one week.
Their successful stuffing was certainly evident. Andy’s gut began to droop out of most of his shirts and for the first time his massive pecs softened up considerably. More than ever his former life as a jock was disappearing under all the chub. Benjamin’s body exploded in all directions. He had a juicy layer of padding over every inch of his body, and had finally grown a proper paunch that hung over his waistband.
Of course, Benjamin’s ass grew as well. Two massive fluffy cakes bounced behind him wherever he went. When he sat down, the fat from his ass formed a fat roll that extended across his legs and down into the fat pad above his crotch. For the first time he had a signifcant FUPA and he could not stop playing with it, loving the way his erect cock would cause it to squish sideways.
In addition, his underwear could simply no longer contain his ass. The waistband stopped three quarters of the way up his cheeks and the fabric used in the seat left little room for his junk in the front. He felt positively restricted. Due to the discomfort, Benjamin began to forgo underwear altogether. It was much more comfortable to let his fat ass, juicy FUPA, and cock and balls bounce around his joggers now.
Both boys appetites evened out to slow and steady gains after their week of fun, but their libidos skyrocketed. They couldn’t get enough of each other’s chubby bodies, soft rolls, and sweaty bouncy curves. They were fucking every chance they got. Constantly aroused by the newness of their weight gain, they would sometimes even meet up on campus to suck each other off in the bathroom. Whenever one of them was overcome with desire, the other would help relieve it, even if it was just through FaceTime. They were embroiled in their own little world of eating and sex.
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silent-killer-0227 · 4 years
Love By Chance on CRACK - Part I
100 Love By Chance INCORRECT quotes that might as well be correct.
I do not take any credit on these quotes. All I did was to compile and arrange them in a way that they’d follow a timeline.
Ping: What's your default reaction when you see someone who's just too good-looking for this world?
Pond: I stare.
Pond: I smile.
Pond: Then I put down the mirror.
Pete: What's the first thing you notice when someone comes up to you?
Tin: The audacity.
Ae: You can't make everyone like you. You're not Pete.
Pond: What? Not everyone likes Pete.
Ae: Who doesn't?
Pond: Well -
Ae: Names, now. Give me their names.
Can: That's one of my biggest fears.
Good: What is?
Can: If I ever, like, woke up as a doughnut.
Good, gasping: You would eat yourself?
Can: I would not even hesitate.
Ae: I started school with straight A's.
[ Pete walks by. ]
Ae: Now I'm not even straight.
Techno: I think you should-
Champ: I am not taking advice from someone who pronounces "g" in lasagna
Ae: Can I talk to you for a minute?
Pond: Oh, no... Am I in trouble?
Ae: Take a guess.
Pond: No?
Ae: Take another guess.
Technic: You need a hobby.
Kengkla: I have a hobby.
Technic: Obsessing over my brother isn't a hobby.
Pete: Do you have any bags I can borrow?
Tin: The only bags I have are the ones under my eyes, and they're specifically designed to carry the burden of my existence.
Pete: ...
Pete: A simple 'no' would have sufficed.
Ae: *holds the door open for Pete* After you.
Pete: No, after you.
Ae: I insist, after you.
Pond: *pushes past both of them* After me.
Tin: Love is dead. It never existed. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fool.
Can: *does something stupid but cute*
Tin: Hold up a second -
Techno: Ae said he has butterflies in his stomach.
Can: Why would he eat butterflies?
Good: How will they come out?
Can: Even I wouldn't dare to eat butterflies.
Ping: So is this thing between Ae and Pete supposed to be a secret?
Pond: Hardly. The only people who don't know Ae loves Pete are Ae and Pete.
Type: Has anyone ever told you that you're damn smart?
Techno, grinning: No.
Type: At least you're surrounded with honest people.
Pond: Ae can't be that good in everything. There's got to be something he's bad at.
Bow: Maybe he's a bad kisser.
Pete: No, he's good at that too.
Pond: ....
Ping: What?
Bow: What?
Pete: What?
Pond: You kissed Pete?
Ae: In my defense, it was dark and Pete was looking utterly adorable.
Tin: Are we fighting or flirting right now?
Can: I just told you I hate you.
Tin: Unclear.
ChaAim: Don't say a word.
Pond: Fergalicious.
ChaAim: I said no words!
Pond: Oh I see how it is. Two weeks ago, playing Scrabble, it wasn't a word, but now it is. How convenient for you.
Can: How come "you're a peach" is a compliment but "you're bananas" is an insult? Why are we allowing fruit discrimination to tear society apart?!
Type: Where do you even come up with these thoughts??
*Techno does something stupid*
Kengkla: What an absolute idiot.
Kengkla: Can’t believe I’d kill for them.
Ae: Pete is really good-looking.
Chompoo: Don't be jealous, P'Ae, you're good-looking too.
Ae: I am not being jealous, Chompoo, I am being gay.
Pete: Will you two stop arguing?
Tin: We're not arguing. We're having a discussion.
Can: We too are having an argument!
Tin: Discussion.
Can: Argument!
Tin: Discussion.
Can: Argument!
Ae: Can't believe they're actually having an argument about if they're having an argument
Officer: Okay, what are your names?
Good: Don't tell him, Can.
Officer, writing it down: Can.
Good: Oh...
Can: Way to go, Good.
Officer: ....
Can: Shit.
Techno: Why are you two holding hands?
Ae: Studies show that holding hands relieve stress.
Techno: Oh, I thought you were dating or something.
Pete: We are. We're also very stressed.
Pete: Are you alright?
Tin: Yes, why?
Pete: You asked the woman at the store if damage repair shampoo also works on emotions.
Can: I wasn't even that drunk.
Lemon: You were watching the television and laughing.
Can: So?
Lemon: The television wasn't even on.
Pond: I dare you to kiss the first person who walks into this room.
Ae: That's stupid. I'm not going to-
[ Pete walks in ]
Ae: Well, I mean, a dare is a dare.
Can: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Techno: Wasn't Good with you?
Good: In my defense, I was left unsupervised too.
Techno, tearing up: My cramps are so awful. I hate mother nature.
Kengkla: I'll screw mother nature up!
Kengkla: *throws trash everywhere*
Pete: You don't want to admit it but if anyone else is mean to Can, you'd beat them up.
Tin: *scoffs* Not really.
Can, coming into the room with a pout on his face: Pond said he's gonna kick my ass.
Tin, standing up: Not if I kick his first.
Pond: Are you alright?
Ping: Do you feel like you're going to pass out?
Ae, bleeding out: I can't. I have a date with Pete tonight.
Ping: ....
Ping: We need to discuss your priorities.
Pete: I know you actually care for your supposed enemy, Can.
Can, internally: Act dumb.
Can: Who's Can?
Can, internally: not that dumb.
Techno: I miss hanging out with Champ.
Type: Well, I'm still here.
Techno: It's not the same, Type. I can talk to Champ about the things I can't talk with you.
Type: Like?
Techno: Well, for instance, the annoying things you do.
Type, glaring: Techno...
Techno, pointing at Type: See? I can't talk to you.
Technic: You're really bad with boundaries.
Kengkla: Name one boundary I've crossed.
Kengkla, picking the front door lock of No and Nic's house with a paper clip: Hey, can I come in?
Pond: I know I have been talking about ChaAim all morning. But another thing I love about her is she just gets me.
Ae: Can she come get you right now?
Can: What type of person do you like?
Tin: Small-eyed, loves food and football, dumb, sometimes cute, sometimes annoying, overprotective of their friends.
Can: That sounds just like me, except I'm not a girl.
Tin: Did I mention 'dumb'?
Can: Yeah...
Tin: Just making sure.
Bow: Is that a hickey?
Pete: No... It's a mosquito bite.
Ae: *walks in* Hey guys.
Pond: Hi, mosquito.
Techno: Love is dead and never existed. All you did was betray me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.
Champ: Are you okay?
Techno: Ai'Can stole my fucking french fries!
Pond: Wanna hear a joke?
ChaAim: Not really.
Pond: Oh, c'mon, please?
ChaAim: Fine.
Pond: Knock knock!
ChaAim: Come in.
Pond: ...
Pond: Seriously…
Pete: Are you sure you aren't dating Tin?
Can: If I am, I certainly wasn't informed of it.
Pond: To be fair, if anyone of us were dating someone without realizing it, it would be you.
Tar: I would die for you.
Tum: I'd die for you first.
Type, shouting across the field: No one here is dying!
Techno: What's up, Ae?
Ae, after another day of dealing with Pond: My blood pressure, Captain.
Tin: I've never had a best friend in my entire life.
Can: I'll be your best friend.
Tin: Now that I think about it, I've never had a boyfriend either.
Can: ...
Ae: You know when I was your age...
Kengkla: You know when I was your height...
Ae: ...
Ae: Listen –
Ae and Pete: *staring at each other lovingly*
Pond: *pops soda can open*
Ae: We were having a moment.
Pond: Yeah, and I'm having a soda.
Can: You like me? You like my personalities?
Tin: That’s a normal reaction. I'm surprised too.
Technic: What's this?
Kengkla: It's my to-do list.
Technic: Wow, that's cool! So you're starting to be-
Technic: ...
Technic: This just says 'Techno'
Kengkla, smirking: Yeah.
Pete: Having something or someone to take care of has the ability to improve your mental health!
Techno: Like a kid?
Pete: Well yeah, or perhaps a plant, or-
Techno: I already have Can and Good and I don't see how it's improving my mental health in the slightest.
Pond, texting: Where are you and Pete?
Ae: GETTING [not delivered]
Ae: SOME LUNCH [not delivered]
Pond: OK, nvm
Ae: NO, WAIT [not delivered]          
No: I'm such an idiot.
Nic: ...
No: ...
Nic: ...
No: ...
Nic: If you're waiting for me to argue with you, P', it's gonna be a long night.
Tin: *holding Can's hand*
Pond: Who asked who?
Tin: I did. Kept it nice and short.
Can: You yelled, "Listen here, you little shit. I have feelings for you and I know you have feelings for me and it's goddamn time we acknowledge them!" drunk outside my house.
Tin: Nice and short.
Can: Tin and I are no longer friends.
Tin: That's the worst way to admit we're dating, Cantaloupe.
Kengkla: P'No, I think we should be more than friends.
Techno: Best friends?
Kengkla: No, more than that.
Techno: Mega best friends?
Champ: What?
Type: Oh my god, you finally figured it out.
Champ: Huh...
Type: Your misery brings me a great joy.
Pete: The food's too hot. I can't eat it.
Pond: …
Ping: ...
Ae: you're hot and I'd still eat y-
Bow, slamming her hands on the table: One meal. One peaceful meal is all I ask for.
Click here for PART II
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ohblackdiamond · 4 years
little t&a (gene/paul, nc-17) (part 24 of 29)
part 1   part 2   part 3   part 4   part 5   part 6   part 7   part 8   part 9   part 10   part 11   part 12   part 13   part 14   part 15   part 16   part 17   part 18   part 19   part 20   part 21  part 22   part 23   part 24    part 25   part 26   part 27   part 28   part 29  
Four weeks before KISS gets back on tour, Gene discovers that Paul’s been cursed by a groupie. For the sake of KISS’ finances, Paul’s comfort levels, and Gene’s libido, this crisis must be resolved. Sexswap fic. In this chapter:  Paul has a mild crisis of fear; Gene decides to get some air and think things over.
           It was a pretty good time overall. Paul hadn’t expected to feel much—the groupies he’d done it with had definitely never gotten off during the act—but he did get twinges of warmth whenever Gene groped and pressed his breasts together himself, just enough for some squirming. It’d been oddly intriguing to watch Gene, intriguing and a little intimidating. Gene wasn’t really trying to bear down on him any more than he had to, but his physicality and heft hadn’t ever been more obvious than while Gene was straddling him, dick between his breasts. Paul wasn’t petite, either, even now, so he couldn’t quite picture what a real girl, someone little like Carol, must’ve thought while fucking around with him.
           It hurt to consider someone else in his place. But someone else was going to be there. A whole bevy of interchangeable girls that Gene could get to do just anything at all, instead of someone too scared to even let him get in a proper lay yet.
He let Gene come across his cleavage and neck, undoing the point of the shower earlier, instead of sucking him off to finish. He started to get up after, to at least get a towel for himself, but Gene eased him back down by the shoulder, shaking his head.
           “You stay. I’ll get you cleaned up.”
           “My hero,” Paul quipped dryly, but his face felt warm. Gene got up and retrieved a damp washcloth from the bathroom. Gene wasn’t delicate about it, didn’t treat him like he was fragile, but he was thorough, careful. Surprisingly so, for a guy that was so remiss with his own personal hygiene. The rub of the cloth against his skin, more what it signified than how it felt, was enough to get Paul’s heart pumping, nipples stiffening up long before Gene teasingly traced a clean edge of the towel over them.
           “Turn your head a little. You’ve got some of it in your hair.”
           “That’s your bad aim.”
           Gene laughed softly.
           “Turn a little more.”
           Paul hesitated, barely inching his head a bit further to the right. He knew instinctively that his hair was covering up his ear, that Gene wasn’t able to see anything from his angle, but it didn’t keep his tension at bay. If Gene noticed, he didn’t mention it, wiping the smear of semen out of his hair without a word. Just as kindly as he had wiped away the vomit last night. Paul felt so warm, so full. Undeserving of any of it. Gene leaned in, probably trying to make sure he’d gotten it all—but then their lips met instead. Paul couldn’t help himself, reaching out to grasp the sides of Gene’s face, urging him in closer. Within a few seconds, the washcloth ended up abandoned on the side of the bed, Gene going from leaning over him to pressed against him, their bodies flush. His skin was hot against Paul’s. Gene wasn’t hard again yet, but a little more time and teasing and it wouldn’t be long, not at all, it wouldn’t—
           Paul was about to give in. Just on the verge of it. His legs felt like jelly, and he was wet again, almost embarrassingly so. It was only when Gene started to pull back that he remembered himself again.
           “You ready?” Gene said.
           “You don’t have to be.”
           “I’ve got to be sometime.” It felt like he was trying to convince himself, like the mumbled words of prayers he’d never memorized. “I know I’ve got to. I know we can’t keep on like this.”
           Gene didn’t say anything for a few seconds. His brows were furrowed as he started to sit up. Paul grasped his arm.
           “What do you want to do, Paul?”
           Paul hesitated.
           “I don’t know.” He watched Gene’s face carefully, expecting to watch it cloud with disappointment, and then he added, “Maybe we should stop for tonight.”
           No arguments at all. Gene didn’t try to coax him into anything else, shifting off of him and pulling back the covers to properly crawl into bed. He didn’t even ask for an explanation. Sickly, Paul wondered if Gene was relieved. Wondered if it was just confirmation of what he’d known all along. Gene wouldn’t want him after. Couldn’t possibly.
           Part of him wanted Gene to push, or at least look disappointed. Part of him wanted to take it back, contrary as that seemed. But take it back to what, another round of oral? Gene would have to get tired of that at some point, if he wasn’t already. It wasn’t good enough. It just wasn’t good enough.
           “Are you okay?” Gene again, quiet. “Look, if you want to talk—”
           “I’m fine. My back hurts.” Abruptly, Paul realized that sounded almost as textbook as the old I-have-a-headache that he’d assumed was the rallying cry of housewives everywhere. “Lemme go take something for it. Maybe watch some T.V. I’ll be back in a bit.”
           “Okay.” Gene pulled back the covers on Paul’s side as soon as Paul got up. Paul could feel his eyes on him as he shrugged on the bathrobe from earlier and started out the bedroom door. “I’ll be here.”
           Lousy as it sounded, his back really did hurt. It had been hurting all day. He wasn’t sure why, but he suspected it had more to do with spending over a week now with tits than anything else. He wouldn’t let himself really consider the other possibility, the one involving the box of Kotex still at the bottom of that paper grocery bag in the kitchen. The one he pushed to the side as he dug through his medicine cabinet, coming up with a few bottles of uppers, Tums, and Pepto-Bismol before finding some Tylenol. He swallowed down two with half a glass of water, and then he sat down at the kitchen island, tying and retying the sash of his bathrobe. Fiddling with the bow, making it perfectly even, then uneven. Tying it in a hard knot just so he could waste time and nerves untangling it. It wasn’t helping. Just a distraction.
           He’d known he couldn’t be a real girl for him. But he’d wanted to try. He’d wanted to keep that interest going as long as he could. He didn’t want to be in this body forever, but he didn’t despise it any more deeply than he despised how he really was. Another couple of days wouldn’t damage his psyche any. Maybe just the sheer fact that it wouldn’t hurt him was another testament to how little really defined him as a person.
           Except Gene had kept him, ultimately, from facing much of what actually living as a chick was really like. And the tour was an inevitability to be dealt with. Bill and Sean would start making police inquiries if his own parents didn’t. Every day would force his hand a little further, and provide for more disastrous fallout once he finally decided to go through with it.
He tried to tick off all the things he’d give up if he kept putting it off. If, even worse, he opted to just try to stay this way for as long as he could. There was the roar of the crowd, the only thing in his whole life that had ever made him feel like he might be okay, besides Gene. There was his money, his car, his lifestyle. His family. He couldn’t—he couldn’t turn his back on all that for something as stupid as wanting to hold on to Gene for just a little bit longer.
           He left the kitchen after a minute or two more and slunk down the stairs as quietly as possible. His overblown record collection greeted him again, though the whole effort looked foolish now, without Gene to show them to. His gold records on the wall. The People’s Choice award for “Beth.” He read over each inscription like it was the first time, trying to engrave it all into his brain—there, that’s what you’re giving up. That’s what you’re making everyone else give up, too, every day you put this off. People who had nothing at all to do with it. Ace and Peter. Bill and Sean. Dozens of roadies. Even the girls that helped run the KISS publicity machine. Out of a livelihood if Paul decided Gene’s attention was more important than the band. Because Paul didn’t believe Gene would ever want him like he really was.
           He yanked an album off the shelf almost blindly. More of the Monkees. Christ. He put it on the turntable anyway. He’d been way too old to enjoy the show when it had come on, too old and too enamored by the Beatles to be interested in an American rip-off, but the songs had been a guilty pleasure. Another influence he couldn’t point to. Gene could talk about Pinocchio without losing any confidence at all. Paul always had to play pretend with everything. Everything. Had to hide behind Starchild just to get onstage. Had to hide behind Gene just to find out how to break the curse. Worth nothing on his own merits. Sense of self all shot to hell. Moldable. Desperate.
           He wanted, not for the first time, to talk to Dr. Hilsen. As if Hilsen would even believe him, and as if Hilsen would really guide him if he did. He’d think Paul had finally cracked up just like Julia had. It had just taken him longer. Two spoiled rotten, fucked-up kids with no right to be fucked-up at all. No right and every right. The same thing was wrong with both of them in the end.
His breaths hitched like he’d been running a marathon. There was a pain somewhere new and untraceable in his gut.
           He snuck back upstairs before he’d gotten more than halfway through the B-side of the record. Gene was still there, and just awake enough to shift a little when Paul slipped back into bed. But Gene was facing the other side, covers swaddled around him, and Paul didn’t feel like trying to worm his way back into his arms.
           He lay there instead, watching the alarm clock on the nightstand, the tick not nearly enough to drown out the slight sound of Gene’s breaths, or the blood dully pounding in his ear for hours as he finally fell asleep.
           Gene got up early the next morning. He checked on Paul, who was still shifting and wriggling in his sleep next to him. The dull morning light barely played off his face, a face that was, honestly, more similar to the one in the photos than it was different. He didn’t have that peaceful look to him right now. His hand wasn’t between his legs this time, either.
           Gene pulled on the jeans he’d borrowed the day before, and then, thinking better of it, took them off and put on a pair of Paul’s sweatpants instead. Bummy enough that he’d never be recognized when he went out. He borrowed another of Paul’s shirts—this one was an old flowery one he remembered Paul wearing while KISS was still just Wicked Lester. Then he retrieved the paper from the front porch, read a few of the sections, and then just stuck them on his side of the bed.
           He needed to clear his head. He needed to make a decision. Ultimately, it was up to Paul, but he had a part in it, too. Paul’s words in the rowboat kept rattling in his brain. They hadn’t been the tease he’d probably meant them as. More of a plea.
           Do I have your heart yet?
          Paul hadn’t had the guts to wait on an answer. Gene hadn’t had the guts to give him one.
           Did he have Paul’s heart? That wasn’t even a question. Mary-Anne at CBGB, who’d rescued a rockstar without even knowing it, had answered it for him. She’s yours. Yours. Gene had never thought of Paul as belonging to anyone. He wasn’t even comfortable enough to belong to himself. And yet—
           I want to belong somewhere.
            I wanna be with you.
           He ripped a clean piece of paper from one of Paul’s sketchpads, found a pen by the nightstand, and scribbled a note.
           “Paul—went to pick up food for us & clothes from home.”
           He skipped a couple lines, staring at them, wondering if he needed to add something dirty or witty, and in the end he settled for neither.
           “Be back soon. Gene”
           It didn’t quite seem sufficient. Paul had been oversleeping almost every morning; he might not even wake up until after Gene returned. But this whole time, Gene hadn’t gone anywhere without him. He considered it some more, and then stuck another few sentences in the lines he’d left blank:
           “I wanted to buy you some real groceries.”
            You’re always eating sandwiches when you’re at home by yourself, he wanted to write next. You’re still doing that. You worry too much. But all that sounded so weirdly doting that he dismissed it before his pen met the paper again.
           “Will try to bring you back some matzo ball soup, too. but only if it’s good. Jewish delis aren’t like they used to be.”
           That accomplished, he set the note on the bedside table, covering up the alarm clock. Paul’s bathrobe was on the floor, and he picked it up and, in an odd moment, started to put it in the hamper. Peeking out from inside the basket were most of their clothes from the last few days. Paul’s random array of t-shirts and boxers, the jeans he’d bought, the shorts from that first night at CBGB.
           There was a napkin in the pocket of the shorts. He tugged it out just from pure curiosity, but he only found where Mary-Anne had scribbled Carol’s old address. Their first dead-end. Gene shook his head, sticking the napkin in his own pocket, not sure why. The napkin seemed to burn there, bothering him even twenty minutes later when his driver pulled in and gave him the old, tired where-to.
           Gene’s first instinct was to tell him to drive to the nearest grocery store. His second was the nearest Jewish deli. But something weird and strange made him push the napkin into the driver’s hand instead.
           “You want to go there?” The driver cocked his head. “I know where those apartments are. That’s a crappy part of town—it’s all fucking crappy these days, but man—”
           “I’ve lived in worse.” Gene exhaled. “Take me over there.”
           He nodded, apparently opting not to argue further. A few minutes stretched out along the highway before the driver spoke again.
           “Where’s the girl?”
           “Figures.” A snort, and then he adjusted his mirror. “He always gets the pretty ones.”
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