#he looks good but hmmmm
chalamet-chalamet · 8 months
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Timothée Chalamet in LA recently 🔥🔥🔥
Credit to: Daily Mail
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ink-the-artist · 9 months
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Video game I saw in a dream. It was in this low poly style like an older video game. You play as this character I think was meant to be a lamb, or maybe a weird mix of a lamb a mouse and a rabbit, (while not really looking like any of those things) and you’re running away from a wolf. Your objective is to last as long as possible before the wolf catches and eats you.
The house you’re running in is endless and bizarrely put together like most building interiors in dreams are (like the infinite toilet dream dimension on Reddit lol) the layout of the house is pretty detailed, you can stop and hide in places like closets or bins while the wolf looks for you, you can go up and down stairs and into rooms etc.
You never actually know where the wolf is or how close it is to you until it appears in your line of sight, it makes no noise and the game gives you no way of knowing where it is, and it’s pretty unpredictable it doesnt move at a consistent pace. When the wolf catches you there’s an animation showing it eating your character
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sysig · 6 months
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It’ll all go fine if you’d just don’t worry about it, probably (Patreon)
#Doodles#Handplates#UT#Fellplates#Gaster#Toriel#And technically Sans and Papyrus are offscreen in that last one but they're there!#Starting with a dress because Gaster always needs some pretty clothes!#His cute little angel wings expanded into a shawl :D With a feather-themed dress as well#I was thinking he'd look good in a bleeding-heart pigeon getup - just a little on the nose symbolism hehe - but it'd be very stark as well#But I mean Monsters don't bleed it's fine probably it's just a pop of bright red! Doesn't mean anything!#Thinking about the symbolism of his decorative wings normal-like as well...and of Gerson talking about the Angel of Death.....hmmmm#I'm sure it's nothing haha :)#Thinking again about Toriel taking issue with Gaster's new hole punches but not necessarily of her knowing what they mean#He has to be careful how much he shares of his progress! If she knew what might she make of him? Of them?#Two new little things to be subjugated? Or worse? All the more reason to keep them secret#I like both so much but hmmm he also wouldn't be held as accountable if he kept them secret#It's interesting as well - Gaster had a lot of growing pains with his experiments initially - I wonder how much Fell!Gaster struggled?#He always seems so placid and put together but surely Something breaks him - hard to avoid where and how he is now#Maybe not forever but just for a moment! A moment of weakness is all it takes after all ♪#All the more reason to have safeguards in place!#Like teaching the boys how to heal! :0 Fellplates!Gaster would be able to heal wouldn't he? But nobody else could haha#Would the boys be able to from the beginning? Or do Fell Monsters have to develop it? :0 Through inaction or through intention? Hm ♪#It'd be nice proof of concept if they could heal :) No time like the present!
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rawliverandgoronspice · 6 months
oh no I stopped working for five minutes and remembered I love he...................... ;;
#thoughts#ganondorf#I allowed myself a tiny “working on thralls outline” session#and I do love he a lot.....#trying to salute all the classics#the “will harm a child and will not even question whether that's a look”#the “absolutely unbearable cocky bastard with a dash of absolute pettiness omg shut uppppp”#the “actually scary and sadistic and morally bankrupt for real”#the “I love my people and resent my people but I won't explore neither emotion otherwise I will fall apart and there's no one to catch me”#the “the gods hate me???? fuck the gods then!!!! but like... the gods hate me or no? ;;”#the “I hate hylian monarchs so fucking much it's unreal I am going to shoot myself in the foot just because I hate them so goddamn much”#the “awww twinrova and he... they love each other <333 VS maams will you please stop injecting mental illnesses into your Big Son”#the “mutually destructive relationship with anyone who ever gets even a little close to him which 10000% includes his own people”#the “wouldn't it be fucked up and important to take gerudo objectification as an actual problem with complex psychological consequences”#the “Me A Problem with Masculinity or Men or gender? hahahahaha.... yea”#the “Impa buddy-hate trainwreck + Nabooru buddy-hate planecrash”#the “hmmmm no why is the hylian princess and I having a brief flicker of mutual recognition but we both know it's too late for amends”#and the “mystic crisis that will slowly but surely unravel a whole man if given enough time and grievances and Ls”#ANYWAY I like this story#it's wayy too ambitious for my own good#but
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pwurrz · 7 months
i didn’t talk about the newest nukani even but this was the kind of dante character development i wanted. show him being a human being!! someone who makes mistakes sometimes!! someone who’s does care about what eiden thinks about him!! someone that doesn’t pretend that he’s totally aloof and doesn’t care because he all know he does!!!
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
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fauvester · 1 year
tain absolutely had millions stashed away in weird offplanet banks across the quadrant For A Rainy Day. and after he dies it all trickles down thru the wartorn legal system through mila and then to her sole inheritor. by rite of everyone else's cardassian investments being obliterated garak is now the richest man in the cardassian empire
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kojoty · 5 months
Kind of considering now that my hair is longer and I need to redye.... Of dying the front blond? Like redoing all the red (prob a whole head bleach and start fresh with the red we'll see) and leaving the front pieces bleached? It's that or cut my hair and try something new..... Any thots
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sukibenders · 5 months
Now Matthew know he wrong as hell for telling Chris that he, essentially, doesn't know what it's like to be discriminated against. Like, sir, he's a black man and was born in the south, Alabama to be specific. He DEFINITELY knows fully well.
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idunnoausersname · 8 months
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mattodore · 1 year
still working on this sim i started about seven hours ago
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scooberdiver · 11 months
re-scrying my zacharie dragon bc i originally planned him back when bogsneaks were first released.... which one of these terts look the best i cannot decide
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fratboykate · 11 months
She’s dating a homophobe so we gotta make Kate/yelena like extra gay. Let’s wife them both up so hard
What's a "Kate"? Don't know it lol
But jokes aside, the fact that y'all continue to support women who keep getting in bed with THE worst men just because you "stan" them is why we're going to get absolutely fucked by those who want us dead or back in the closet. You'll keep being lulled by these folks while the people in power strip our rights piece by piece. Like...that purple album that came out yesterday should've gotten ZERO streams. At least not from anyone who isn't a straigt white conservative. No one with a brain should've talked about it after who that woman has knowingly dated...TWICE. But instead I've seen endless videos of POC and queer people who still swear she's secretly gay hosting listening parties and singing the songs. These celebs know they can do whatever they want and you're going to keep giving them your time, attention, and hard earned money no matter what so, why change or even hide who they really are at this point? It's genuinely a bummer. Y'all are super into "accountability" and bring out the "dragging"/"canceling" energy for the dumbest shit. But when it actually involves your fave??? Nowhere to be found.
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zorbs · 11 months
so i don’t have energy to make link click posts this week but my thoughts are in the tags. spoilers included
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flatstarcarcosa · 1 year
The thing about Sam is that he’s honest to an infuriating degree. Reese and I used to plan ‘surprise’ parties for each others birthdays with him just for the amusement of watching him try to lie his way out of direct questions about it.
Sorry if this is how he finds out about that, by the way.
It also means he’s direct. There’s never any question about what Sam means, or why he means it. There’s no ambiguity. I don’t remember enough about the world before the Rising to know if that ever bit him in the ass, but in today’s world, it’s an asset.
When he told us about becoming our legal guardian, that was exactly what happened: he told us what the situation was, what our options were, and the idea he’d had. Then he left it up to us to choose. No hard feelings, no strings attached.
The state-mandated therapy wasn’t something any of us chose, and also wasn’t something we could get out of. The first therapist we had didn’t like how dependent Reese and I were, and wanted Sam to put a stop to it. She even made some not-so-vague threats about dragging him to court over it, and making our new life as fucked as possible.
The problem was that she was one of those people that thought the zombies would pass. Even five years since the Rising began, she still insisted that all ‘this stuff’-- she never called it what it was, like doing so is what would make it real, not the corpses in the streets-- would go away and the important thing was making sure we’d be able to blend right back into polite society.
She even started suggesting I should move out, since legally I was well old enough, though that also meant she couldn’t make him make me.
We used to get ice cream after those appointments. I don’t know what kind of weird ass logic he had in his brain that you get the kids ice cream after two hours of them bullshitting their trauma, but that’s what ended up happening.
It’s funny enough now that I almost feel bad about the time I cussed him out about it being stupid. Almost.
He brought it up after a few minutes, being honest and to the point about what games the therapist was playing. I think Reese heard ‘separate’ and proceeded to shut everything else out; they were still defaulting to shutting up, and down, at the slightest chance of something being emotionally taxing.
I asked him what he was going to do about it.
Not, ‘what are we going to do’, but what he was going to do. I knew how the cards were stacked, and that despite being over 18 there were still some things I may not ultimately get a say in. He couldn’t make me leave, but I couldn’t make him let me stay.
Wouldn’t shut me up about it, of course, but at least I knew when fighting was pointless.
He looked at me, and was quiet for a moment.
Then he casually took a spoonful of his coffee ice cream, making a show of digging it out of the cup and said, “I think we should lie about it.”
He banked on the therapist caring more about the illusion of power she had, that if she forced enough people that didn’t have the option of fighting against her to do what she wanted, that it would eventually pay off and she would be proven right when ‘this stuff’ finally ended.
In short, tell her what she wanted to hear and she’d be happy enough with it she wouldn’t figure out we were playing her as much as she was playing us.
At the time, it took me by surprise.
Looking back, it shouldn’t have.
More importantly, it was the first time I remember thinking that maybe he actually did give a shit about us, and this whole situation wasn’t just some way he was trying to assuage whatever guilt he had about his time in the service.
The moral of the story kids, is this: just because someone presents themselves as being more powerful than you doesn’t mean they’re automatically correct. And if the most straight-laced, no-bullshit person you know is suggesting you do the opposite of what the people in power are saying to do, you should listen to them.
Also, coffee ice cream is still shit-tier.
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scoreplings · 1 year
renfield was a swag movie btw but i wish they hadn’t done a cop plot and they let renfield stay dressed as an out-of-time weirdo 💔
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