#he looks so stupid in this outfit i want to throw him down the stairs
scrimmification · 1 year
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happy glorious masquerade everybody :)
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 months
The Way That You Were
Pairing: fratboy!Peter Parker x reader
Synopsis: you and Peter reunite at a college party and discover he is no longer the sweet nerd you knew in high school
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“I’m gonna pee.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” Your friend asked you over the sound of the music of the party.
“I’ll be fine. But hold my drink, please.” You kindly requested and handed her your red solo cup.
“Have fun.” She called after you as you left for the bathroom. You adjusted your dress and leaned against the wall as you waited on the bathroom line. You looked around the frat house you were in and decided the walls were not actually something you wanted to lean against.
“God damn. If your ass blew me away I cannot wait to see your face.” A voice suddenly came from behind you. You scrunched your face in disgust and turned around to see who the voice belonged to. Your eyes met a boy in a backwards hat with curls spilling out of it on either side. But what made you lose your breath was the fact that you recognized the eyes staring back at you. The smug grin on the boys face instantly dropped when he recognized you as well.
“Peter? Peter Parker?” You asked and felt your heart ache just a little. You both slowly processed what he had just said and he turned a bright red.
“Y/n?” He asked in disbelief. “What are you doing here?”
“My friend invited me. What were you saying about my face?” You asked and folded your arms.
“Nothing. Something stupid.” He said quickly before breaking into a smile. He suddenly stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug. You blinked in surprise and hesitantly patted his back.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He said into your ear.
“Neither can I.” You laughed dryly as you pulled out of the hug. You stepped back and took a moment to take him in. His arms were much bigger than you remembered from back in high school and you had a full view of them in his white cut off tank top. Everything about his outfit was different from his typical style, down to the shoes he was wearing. You would’ve thought he was wearing a costume if he didn’t look so natural.
“God, look at you.” He sighed as he looked you up and down. A dopey smile remained on his face and he shook his head as if he trying to shake a thought out of his mind.
“Me? Look at you. You look so different. What are you doing at a party like this?” You wondered.
“Oh, this is my frat house. We throw parties like this every weekend.” He replied and you laughed. He didn’t laugh with you and you realized he wasn’t joking.
“You live here?“ You asked as your eyes darted to the poster of a girl in a bikini riding a beer can barely covering a hole in the wall.
“That’s not mine.” Peter said quickly.
“The hole or the poster?”
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked to change the subject.
“I’m kinda waiting for something.” You laughed awkwardly and nodded towards the bathroom door.
“After? I’ll wait.” He offered. He seemed very eager to talk to you and you couldn’t deny that you had been desperate to talk to him ever since you graduated high school.
“Okay.” You agreed. “Sure.”
“Wait, don’t use that bathroom. It’s probably disgusting. It’s actually most definitely disgusting. I have a bathroom in my room. It’s much cleaner. Come on.” He said and nodded towards the stairs.
“Oh. Okay.” You looked around at who was watching before following him up the stairs. You stayed close behind him until the two of you reached his bedroom. You would never normally follow a guy up to his bedroom at a party without telling anyone where you were going but you grew up with Peter so you trusted him. You entered his bedroom and you discreetly took a look around. You’d been to his apartment in high school and were saddened to see his posters of the periodic table and Star Wars were replaced with patched up holes in the wall and a poster of Goodfellas next to a tapestry that said “Saturdays are for boys” over an American flag.
“I’ll guard the door.” Peter told you as he showed you where the bathroom was.
“Thank you.” You shot him a smile before going inside. Peter’s bathroom was much more akin to the Peter you once knew. You smiled at the miscellaneous artifacts on his bathroom counter and did what you came to do before leaving.
“Hey.” You smiled awkwardly at him when you left the bathroom.
“Hey.” He smiled back. “I kinda can’t believe you just used my bathroom.”
“I kinda can’t believe you have pink hand towels and Darth Vader shampoo.”
“Hey, hey, hey. That’s not Darth Vader. It’s the Mandelorian.” He corrected. “And they’re only pink because I washed them with my Chiefs jersey.”
“You own a jersey?” You raised at eyebrow at him.
“I do now that Taylor Swift said it’s okay to watch football.”
“You still listen to Taylor?” You smiled in surprise.
“Obviously. I was listening to Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus while I pregamed for this party.”
“Jesus.” You chuckled. “Who hurt you?”
“I just like the line about wondering.” He laughed as well but didn’t meet your eyes.
“So do I.” You admitted and he finally looked at you. You shared a moment of lingering eye contact accompanied by a comfortable silence. He looked different, and not just because of his outfit. He looked older. His baby face had hardened and he looked more like a man now and not the boy you once knew. But as different as he was, his eyes were the same. So was his laugh. And despite the years that had gone by without you seeing each other, you slipped right back into your friendship.
“Can I make you that drink now?” Peter asked after a beat.
“Okay.” You smiled and he slung his arm around your shoulders.
“Stay close to me. The people that come to these parties haven’t had all their vaccines.” He whispered in your ear as he led you back downstairs.
“I will.” You laughed and felt relieved his sense of humor was still in tact. A few people from Peter’s school turned to look at the two of you as you made your way to the kitchen but Peter didn’t seem to notice.
“This is the kitchen. All the healthy cereals are mine.” Peter said proudly and pointed to a box of Mini Wheats on top of the refrigerator.
“By healthy do you mean the frosted strawberry Mini Wheats?”
“Those really hit after a nightmare.” He insisted. “Plus, strawberry is a fruit and wheat is good for you. God, what do they teach girls in school?”
“Not the important stuff, apparently.” You laughed and he smiled as he caught your eyes. He pulled out a fresh red solo cup and got some ice.
“Do you still like Shirley temples?” He asked you.
“Yeah. You remember that?”
“Of course I do. I remember making makeshift ones out of sprite and strawberry syrup at Ned’s Halloween party Junior year because you told me they were your favorite.”
“Those were not bad.” You recalled. “Or maybe they just tasted better because I was 17 and drunk for the first time.”
“That was my first time drinking too. White Claw does not taste as good on the way out as it does the way in.” Peter grimaced and grabbed a beer from the ice bucket on the counter. You watched him crack it open with ease and felt an ache of nostalgia for those few nights of getting drunk as teenagers off alcohol from 7/11 that someone’s older brother bought.
“But I see you’ve outgrown White Claw.”
“Yeah. My friends and I pretty much only drink beer.” Peter nodded and took a swig of it.
“Don’t you worry about getting a…” You trailed off when Peter lifted his shirt to wipe his mouth with, giving you a full view of his abdomen. Peter’s sweaters and nerdy t shirts never let on that he was carved by the gods underneath his clothing.
“Beer gut.” You barely got the words out and blinked a few times to get back into reality.
“I seriously can’t believe you’re here. I always wondered what happened to you after high school.” Peter admitted as he made your drink for you.
“I know. I dropped my phone on the subway tracks a few years back and got a new number. But I always wondered about you too.” You told him.
“You did?” He smiled in relief.
“Of course I did. I tried to find you on social media but I couldn’t find anything.
“Yeah. I never really got the hang of it. I did try to find you in a phone book once. But the librarian called me a nerd and told me to go back to the 90s.” Peter replied, making you laugh.
“Well that wasn’t very nice of them.” You said.
“No it was not. So I am very pleased that I find you in my house tonight. That’s why I made you the most delicious Shirley Temple in the world.” Peter said and proudly held out the red solo cup.
“Oh, my. Thank you.” You giggled and accepted the cup from him. You took a sip and felt your eyes water.
“Jesus Christ. Is there any Sprite in here or just vodka?” You said through a cough.
“Sorry. That was out of habit. My boys and I are heavy pourers.” Peter sound genuinely apologized and added more Sprite to your cup to make it less strong.
“It’s all right.” You shrugged. “So I have to ask you, how come you’re no longer at MIT?”
Peter looked a little frightened when you mentioned MIT and quickly looked over his shoulder. He stepped closer to you and looked around again.
“I wasn’t happy there so I transferred last semester.” He said in a quiet voice.
“Why are we whispering?” You whispered back through a light laugh.
“People here don’t really know that I was like that.” He admitted and looked a little disappointed to even be saying it.
“Like what? Smart?” You asked at full volume. He looked around again and waved his hand in dismissal.
“I’m still smart. I just don’t let my boys know that.” He told you, making you raise your eyebrows in surprise.
“Your boys?” You laughed dryly.
“You know. My frat brothers.” He explained and gestured to the party.
“Right, right. I think I met a few tonight when I walked in on their farting contest and they asked me to join. Do you still talk to Ned?”
“Oh, no.” Peter shook his head. “We kept in touch for a while after high school but we kinda fell off somewhere after I transferred here.”
“Wow, really? You guys were so close. I thought you’d be friends forever.”
“Yeah. I guess I did too.” Peter realized and stared down the barrel of his beer bottle.
“Are you still studying biochemistry?” You asked him. “It was biochemistry, right?”
“It was. But now I’m undeclared. I’m not really sure what I want to do anymore.”
“Really? But you’re so smart. You were the smartest guy I ever met. You still are.”
“I’m not that smart.” He laughed and shyly rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yes you are.” You insisted. “You always knew the answer to every question before I even processed what was being asked.”
“You’re smart too. In an original way that I still think about.” He replied, catching you by surprise. You took a sip to your cup for a little bravery and looked into his eyes.
“You still think about me?” You asked him with a coy smile.
“I do. All the time.” He answered without breaking eye contact. You sucked in a sharp breath and he smirked before moving same hair off your forehead. His hand stayed on your face and you felt your heart rate start to pick up. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to kiss him, it was that you had always wanted to kiss him. Now that he was standing in front of you and it might actually happen, you felt too nervous.
“Where are your glasses?” You blurted and ruined the moment. Before Peter could respond, me of his frat brothers walked in and clapped Peter’s on the back.
“Glasses? What’s this bird talking about, Parker?” He asked as he slung an arm around Peter and roughed him up a little.
“Shut up, Flash. She’s not a bird. She’s my friend from high school.” Peter defended you angrily and pushed the boy off.
“Oh shit. This isn’t the chick you were in love with, is it?” Flash gasped and looked at you.
“Who were you in love with?” You immediately asked Peter and felt a little jealous bubble up inside you.
“No, dumb ass. That was a different girl. This is Y/n. Don’t call her a chick either. Thats just another kind of bird.” Peter grumbled. Flash gave you an unapologetic once over before smirking.
“Nice to meet you, sweetie. I’m Flash. I hope you’re enjoying the party. But I do have to ask that you keep it down later because my room is right next to his and I have an 8 am class tomorrow.”
“Don’t, man.” Peter warned.
“Keep what down?” You wondered.
“Well, you know. Parker has girls in there so often I had to start charging them rent. Especially because they drink all the orange juice in the morning. And they tend to keep me up all night due to all the bed squeaking, so I ask that you’re considerate of the class I have tomorrow.” Flash said to you. You gulped and looked to Peter for an explanation, but Peter was busy glaring at Flash.
“Shut the fuck up, okay? Like you even go to class.” Peter scoffed. “Get out of here. Go drink some water. And take a bath. You stink.”
“All right. Just go easy on her, okay Parker? She seems like a nice girl. She deserves to be able to walk out of here in the morning.” Flash clapped him on the back again and you let out a shocked laugh.
“Fuck off. Now.” Peter demanded. Flash held up his hands and shot you a wink before walking away. You looked to Peter for an explanation for what just occurred. You have never heard him swear before and definitely never heard him get angry with someone like that. You also couldn’t help but wonder if there was any truth to what Flash had said about all the girls Peter slept with. You knew it shouldn’t bother you, but the Peter you knew had never even had his first kiss. Something about the guy you’d always pined after going from never being kissed to a guy with a long line of girls leaving his bedroom made your tummy hurt.
“I’m sorry about him. He’s such a dick sometimes.” Peter apologized to you.
“Yeah. I picked up on that.” You laughed nervously.
“Why’d don’t we get out of here? It’s too loud.” Peter’s said and gestured to the rest of the part. You sucked in a sharp breath and thought back to what Flash had just said. As much as you’d wondered about Peter, you were not ready to “get out of here” with him.
“I should probably get back to my friend.” You answered. Peter smiled politely and nodded in understanding but felt disappointed that your time together was ending.
“I’ll help you find her.” He offered and you agreed. You brought him to where you last saw her and found her making out with someone on the couch.
“Oh!” You said in surprise but your friend didn’t come up for sit.
“I think she’s okay for now.” Peter joked.
“I guess she is.” You agreed.
“Do you want to take a walk?” He asked and you felt relieved that he wasn’t asking to go back upstairs.
“Sure. I could use some air.” You agreed and followed him outside. The two of you walked down the sidewalk together and Peter stayed on the side facing the street to keep you from stumbling into it on accident. It felt easy to talk to him despite the years of being apart from each other and the longer you talked, the more you realized he hadn’t changed all that much. Sure, he swore a lot more now and made some dumb jokes, but his character was the same.
“Are you cold?” He asked you at one point.
“No. I’m okay. The fresh air feels good.”
“Good. Because I don’t have a jacket to offer you. But I would give you my jacket if I had one.”
“I appreciate that.” You laughed and looked over at him.
“So how long are you visiting your friend for?” He asked you.
“I go back to school on Tuesday.”
“So soon?” He stopped walking and frowned.
“Yeah. I’m just here for the long weekend.”
“Oh, shit, really? I was hoping we’d have more time together. I’d really love to see you again. Maybe we can get dinner tomorrow or something.”
“I don’t know.” You laughed nervously and folded your arms out of self consciousness.
“Why not?” He asked, sounding a little hurt.
“It was really good to see you again tonight. But I don’t think we have anything in common anymore, Pete.” You admitted without looking at him.
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know. Look at us. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I don’t know if we’d get along anymore. Not like we did in high school, anyway.”
“Just because it’s been a long time doesn’t mean we won’t get along. We have history together. I’m still the guy you competed with in the decathlon.” He insisted. You looked up at him and stared at him under the light of the streetlight. He sounded like the guy you once knew, but he looked and acted so different now.
“Are you?” You asked quietly. Peter blinked a few times and smiled sadly.
“You don’t think so?”
“Don’t get me wrong, you look great and you seem happy with where you are now.”
“But?” He asked, sensing there was more. You smiled sympathetically because there was in fact more and it wasn’t exactly nice.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m just a little surprised to see you tonight. I always wondered about you and assumed you were halfway to becoming a scientist or Nobel prize winner by now. I never expected all this.”
“All what?” He asked, sounding a little annoyed now.
“You know. Frat boy. Undeclared. Chugging beer. Long line of girls coming out of your room…” You trailed off and looked down at the ground again.
“Flash was joking about that. The only time I’ve had a girl in my room was when we had to get a maid after the New Year’s party because there was an unidentified goo on the floors. I’m still me.” He insisted and stepped closer to you. You still didn’t look up at him because you didn’t want to say what you were about to say.
“You commented on my ass.” You said quietly. You didn’t see it, but Peter’s face dropped. He had felt annoyed that you were judging him until he remembered his opening line to you tonight was about your body. He felt guilty for reducing a girl he knew so well to an object for him to comment on.
“I’m sorry about that. I really am.” He apologized. “I’m way drunk right now and not using my head.
“The guy I knew in high school was not the kind of guy who says things like that to girls.” You said and finally looked into his eyes. To your surprise, he looked genuinely apologetic.
“I know. I’m not like those guys. I swear, I never normally say things like that. I’m drunk and a fucking idiot. I’ve made a total ass of myself all night. What can I do?”
“Peter, it’s fine. I’m not here to judge you. And you don’t owe me anything. I’m being stupid anyway. I’m not the same person I was in high school so I don’t know why I expected you to be. Thats not fair to you. I guess I’m just little drunk and upset I never got to see my Peter again.”
“Your Peter?” Peter asked with a sad smile.
“Come on, Peter. I was crazy about you back then. The whole school knew. By senior year, everyone had figured it out but you. And I always regretted not telling you. So I’d fantasize about all the cool things you were doing in college. This just isn’t what thought it would be like when we found each other again.”
“For me either.” He admitted as he stared at you starry eyed.
“I liked you too. You were the girl Flash was talking about. I was in love with you in high school.” He confessed. You knew you should be happy to hear that but all you could think of was the wasted potential of a relationship that never got to happen.
“You never told me.” You said softly.
“How could I?“ He laughed. “You were so beautiful I could barely get an intelligent word out when you were around. You still are. And I still can’t.”
“I wish I knew. Now I’m always gonna wonder what would have happened if I had just told you how I felt.” You smiled sadly.
“So will I.” He said as his eyes filled with sadness. You stared at each other for a moment with the quiet understanding that at one point you wanted the same thing at the same time.
“Maybe we don’t have to wonder.” Peter said after a beat.
“What do you mean?” You asked him. Peter stepped closer suddenly and tilted your chin up with his pinky.
“Please.” He pleaded. “Just give me one night. I’ll take you to dinner and prove I’m still me.”
“And suppose you do.” You shrugged. “I’m only here for the weekend. What does it matter anyway?”
“It matters to me. Because I’ve always wanted you. Even if I just get one night.”
“Peter, I’m not trying to be one of your girls.” You shook your head and stepped away from him.
“I told you. There are no girls. You are the only girl who has ever taken my breath away. I never stopped thinking about you after high school. Just give me one chance.” He asked and pulled you back into his arms. You stared into his eyes for a moment and found yourself unable to say no.
“Please.” He whispered and sounded irresistibly desperate. You could see his gaze dropping to your lips and felt your heartbeat pick up again. But this time, you didn’t feel nervous.
“I shouldn’t.” You said quietly.
“But don’t you want to stop wondering and know for certain?” He asked, and you nodded. Your eyes fluttered shut and just as you were expecting his lips to meet yours, he cupped your face and kissed your cheek.
“I’m not going to kiss you tonight. Because I’m drunk. And you’re not.” He said when you looked at him in confusion. You were disappointed to not be kissed but smiled knowing he made the responsible decision.
“Oh. Yeah. Good call.” You cleared your throat and stepped out of his embrace.
“But I will be on my best behavior tomorrow for our date.” He assured you.
“I never actually agreed to a date.” You smiled coyly. Peter grinned and pulled you back into his arms and let his hands rest on your hips.
“You agreed when you closed your eyes to kiss me.” He said with his face close to yours. You gulped again but never broke eye contact with him.
“You’re kinda an asshole now.” You teased him.
“Yeah, but in a good way.” He shrugged, making you laugh.
“We’ll see.” You said pointedly. Peter pulled put his phone and handed it to you.
“We will see.” He insisted. “Here. Put your new number in. And don’t drop it on the subway this time.”
“I won’t.” You playfully rolled your eyes and typed your number into his phone. When you handed it to him, your hands touched as he took it back.
“You better not.” He said and slipped his fingers into yours as he pocketed his phone. You stared into his big brown eyes and felt like you were right back in high school.
“You could kiss me, if you wanted to. I had a drink too.” You said in a soft voice.
“I do want to. But I’ll save it for when my lips don’t taste like cheap beer.” He said with a smirk. He leaned in and kissed your cheek one more time before walking you back to the house. You stepped inside the frat house and just as your friend was heading to the door.
“Hey. The guy I was making out with tried to explain the stock market to me and laughed when I said I’m an economics major. I’m over this party. Are you ready to head out?” She asked you as she slung her purse over her shoulder.
“Oh, yeah. We can go.” You replied and felt disappointed to leave Peter so soon.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaned down and whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
“Goodnight.” You said as you turned around to see him.
“Goodnight.” He replied and cupped your chin one more time.
Ten minutes after Peter said he would pick you up, he still wasn’t there. You checked your phone for the hundredth time as saw the minutes adding up. You should have known it was all too good to be true and he wasn’t the exception he claimed to be. He joined a frat and they poisoned the once sweet boy you knew. Just as you were about to go inside, Peter sped down your block and rolled down the window.
“I’m late. I’m sorry.” Peter called out the open window. Since he didn’t even bother to get out of the car, you got off the front steps you were sitting on and bent down to look at him through the window.
“I was starting to think you weren’t coming.” You said and didn’t try to hide your annoyance.
“I’m sorry.” He said and pouted. “God damn. You look hot.”
You opened your mouth to scold him for objectifying you once again but he wasn’t done yet.
“I’m so sorry I was late. I bet you spent a long time getting ready dry. And I’m sure you’ve been waiting for a long time. I remember you saying you get ready with time to spare and sit by the door until the person picking you up gets there so they don’t have to wait outside for long. And I’m an asshole and came late.”
You had planned to walk away and go back inside to punish him for being late, but you just couldn’t. Him remembering that little detail about you combined with the way he looked in his jersey made you want to stay.
“Well maybe I’ve changed.” You said pointedly as you climbed into his car.
“You have. High school you didn’t wear rings or have sexy red nails. But I figured some things would stay the same. Hello.” He greeted and leaned in to kiss your cheek. You felt your face burning and turned away so he wouldn’t see your smile.
“I thought some things would stay the same too. Yet I met you last night with a backwards cap on. The Peter I knew wouldn’t never be caught dead in a hat. Let alone one representing a sports team.” You teased him.
“It’s not actually a sports team. Look.” Peter took his eyes off the road to reach into his backseat and get his hat. He handed it to you and your eyes widened.
“Oh my God.” You said as you turned over your old black hat you got at the Gap freshman year.
“You let me borrow that at the senior skip day at the beach because I forgot sunblock.” Peter recalled. “And when I tried to give it back to you, you said I could keep it since it looked better on me.”
“It did.” You smiled fondly at the memory.
“I wear it all the time now because I don’t know how to do my curly hair now that it’s longer.”
“I like it longer.” You told him. “But I also liked your short gelled look. With your cute little button downs and sweaters.”
“Yeah. I outgrew those.” He chuckled. “I started working out more and they looked silly on me once I got bigger. Then Flash showed me how to cut my shirts to show off my arms.”
“Yeah. I can’t imagine those arms in a little sweater.” You agreed.
“What about my arms?” He looked over at you with a smirk.
“Nothing.” You said coyly. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“It’s a surprise. But I’ll give you a hint. You wrote about it in your letter to your college self.”
“What?” You laughed in surprise. “Do you have a photographic memory of something? I don’t remember anything I wrote in that.”
“I told you. I was in love with you.” He said and looked over at you. You locked eyes and smiled until a car hocked at him for drifting into their lane.
“How come you’re so comfortable saying it now yet I had no idea back in high school?” You wondered. Then Peter got a text and pulled out his phone to read it. You eyed him but didn’t say anything as he replied to the text while driving. You’d never been in a car with him behind the wheel before and it was starting to make you a little nervous.
“I don’t know. You’re different too.” He answered finally. “I can tell from looking at you. So I guess I don’t feel like I’m telling the girl I was in love with how I feel because I don’t really know you anymore. It makes it less scary.”
“I didn’t think about it like that. You’re right. I guess we don’t know each other anymore.” You said with a sad smile.
“I want to, though. Because you seem like a cooler version of the girl I liked in high school. Who was already cool.” He said and looked over at you again. You smiled at his compliment and stopped worrying about hai driving for a moment.
“I have so many questions for you.” You to him.
“Why’d you leave MIT?”
“I don’t know. It wasn’t what I thought it would be. I realized I was a big fish in a small pond back in high school. Everyone seemed so much smarter and more experienced than I was. I felt so alone all the time. So I drove home one night and never looked back.”
“Yeah. I get that. I was always told I was a smart kid growing up and then I just felt so burnt out in college. At least you know you got into MIT and gave it your all.
“Thank you for saying that. I like the way you see things. I’ve been missing your perspective in my life.” He told you and you felt your face heat up again.
“How’d you end up at your new school?” You said to distract him from how flustered he made you.
“They had offered me a full ride if I joined the academic decathlon team. Which I do in secret. Don’t tell my frat please.” He chuckled and looked at you to see if you’d keep his secret. You feigned a smile and internally missed the boy who was a proud captain of the decathlon team.
“How’d you end up in a frat anyway? That seems so opposite of your personality.”
“It kinda happened by accident. I was in a group project with Flash and he invited me to a party after I did his half of the work. And it wasn’t the worst once I had something to drink so I started going to more parties. And then I started drinking a lot. I made friends with a lot of frat guys that Flash knew I so ended up pledging.” He shrugged. You nodded your head but were less than impressed with his story. You and Peter had shared many conversations about not wanting to be at the parties you were never invited to anyway back in high school and now he was the one throwing them.
“I still can’t wrap my head around you being in a frat. I really never imagined you’d be into something like that.”
“How did you imagine me?” He asked with a coy smile.
“I imagined you’d be student teaching a biochemistry class and have a devoted fan base of nerdy students who hung on your every word like in Dead Poets Society. And you’d have circular glasses and wear ties and cardigans like Spencer Reid.
“Wow, Dead Poets Society. I totally forgot about that movie. I haven’t seen it in forever.”
“Really? I thought it was your favorite movie?”
“It used to be. I just watched this movie last week where Seth Rogan and one of the Franco brothers were smoking weed and then they witnessed this murder so they were worried the murder was gonna find them-“ Peter started laughing as he remembered the plot but stopped when he noticed you weren’t laughing along with him. The plot was far from the science fiction films he used to talk extensively about during lunch in an effort to convince you to watch them. It wasn’t much, just another reminder of how different he was from when you knew him.
“It was stupid. Anyways.” He changed the subject. “What have you been up to lately? How’s school?”
“School is good.” You shrugged. “I don’t know how I’ll ever work a job once I graduate because now having one class at 12 pm drains me for the remainder of the day, but I enjoy it. I like the freedom.”
“Good, good. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I like the freedom too. I can eat macaroni at any hour and no one can tell me otherwise. And your friends are nice?”
“Yeah. I’ve found a good group of girls. It was really lonely at first like you said but I eventually found my people. It’s been a lot better now.” You answered as your eyes watching his thumbs type something on his phone. You looked at him in confusion but he was too busy switching back and forth between watching the road and texting to notice.
“I totally get that. I ate alone so many times that I started it get used to it. But it gets better when you find a few good people to spend time with.” He said after a minute. You nodded your head and tried not to be bothered by how distracted he was.
“Are your frat brothers good people?”
“I know you probably have a million and one presuppositions about frat guys but I promise we’re not as bad as you’ve been told. Lots of frats are crazy and have those worst kind of guys in it but were not like that. We have a no bullshit policy.” He informed you.
“Oh yeah? What kind of bullshit do you not tolerate?”
“All sorts of bullshit. We just kicked a guy out last week because he cheated on his girlfriend. And we banned the girl from our parties because she knew he had a girlfriend and slept with him anyway. We do not tolerate that kind of bullshit. Plus, Flash told me they once found out a guy was a bully in high school so they took turns farting on his pillow and then he got severe pink eye and had to drop out of school for the semester. Isn’t that hilarious?”
“That’s nice to hear. Except for the fart stuff. That’s really gross. But not tolerating bullshit is cool. I guess I assumed all frat guys were Brads and Chads who chugged beers and creeped on girls. And I assumed that because a frat guy at my school had sex with a pumpkin and put it on his Snapchat story.”
“Ew, what?” Peter laughed. “Who uses Snapchat still?”
“That’s the part you found gross? Damn, how many pumpkins are you having sex with?” You teased him.
“A gentleman never tells.” Peter said poshly, making you laugh. He got another text and pulled out his phone to read it.
“Peter-“ You began.
“I can’t believe you’re in my car. Do you know how many times I tried to awkwardly ask you out in high school? But I was so vague you never realized? And now you’re just in my car and you smell amazing and I barely had to do anything.” He cut you off and grinned at you as he put his phone down. Every time you got annoyed with his behavior, he pulled you back in some compliment.
“Thank you. It’s my perfume.” You smiled and held your wrist out. Peter caught it with ease and held your wrist to his nose.
“Oh, wow. I like that.” He complimented. “Usually I wake up and walk into a cloud of axe body spray in every area of the house. You’re a nice relief from that.”
“Thank you. You smell good too.” You chuckled.
“Thanks. I stole Flash’s expensive cologne.”
“For me?” You gasped and touched your heart.
“Hell yeah.” He scoffed. “I’ve been waiting on this date since I was 14.”
“I never said this was a date.” You said out of the corner of your mouth.
“I’m pretty sure you did.” He said and dragged the word “pretty” out.
“You would have been on time if it was.” You teased him, making him look at you with narrowed eyes.
“Okay, yes, I was late.” He admitted. “But I had good reason.”
“And what was that reason?”
“I was setting something up.” He said simply.
“Really?” You smiled. “What is it?”
“You’ll see.” He said coyly.
“Okay. Weirdo.” You chuckled. “So, where are we eating?”
“I know this great burger place a few blocks from here. You’re gonna love it.” He replied. You nodded and head and smiled until he pulled out his phone again to answer another text. His car swerved into the other lane and he barely noticed, making you shoot him a look.
“Who are you texting?” You finally asked him.
“Nobody. One second.” He answered as his eyes flipped back and forth between his phone and the road. He started to drift again and a car honked at him as it passed by to get away.
“Peter, you really need to keep your eyes on the road.” You said as another car shouted something at him out their window.
“What was that?” Peter asked and looked up from his phone. You looked at him incredulously and let out a short laugh.
“If you have someone else you’d like to be talking to right now, maybe you should go be with them.”
“Woah, woah, woah. Babe, chill. I don’t have anyone else. I want to be here with you.” He insisted.
“Don’t call me “babe”. Its condescending. And you’re putting both our lives in danger because you’re so busy texting. And if you want to be with me, why are you so distracted by your phone?”
“I just needed to respond to something. Sorry. I won’t do it anymore.” He grumbled and put his phone away. His lack of an apology and heavy attitude in his voice was the final straw for you.
“Just pull over.” You told him.
“What? No. We’re almost there. I won’t text anymore.” He promised.
“Peter, pull over.” You said sternly. “I do not want to be in this car anymore.”
“I’m trying to take you on a nice date and you’re gonna bail because I answered a few texts?”
“Pull the damn car over.” You raised your voice. Peter rolled his eyes and pulled over to the side of the street.
“Before you get out-“ He began. Just then, his phone rang with a girls name on his screen and his face dropped. You raised your eyebrows at him and he smiled sheepishly.
“Answer it.” You dared him. Peter gulped and looked between you and the phone before picking it up.
“I’m sorry. One second.” He said and answered the phone. You scoffed in disbelief and glared at him as he took the call.
“Hello? No, I’m not doing anything. I can talk. What’s going on?” He asked into the phone. You had seen enough and got out of the car and started walking down the street. Peter watched you get out and opened his car door to talk to you.
“Where are you going?” He called after you.
“Peter, I’m not gonna sit here while you text other girls. I’m leaving.” You answered and continued down the street. He quickly explained his situation over the phone and hung up before running after you.
“Wait, please don’t leave. I’ll put my phone away.” He promised but you didn’t stop walking.
“You can text whoever you want. I don’t care. You’re just not gonna do it and think you can still take me on a date.” You told him before storming off. You turned the corner and started heading towards a nearby park.
“Wait.” Peter called after you so you walked even faster. He eventually caught up and caught you gently by the arm.
“Damn, you’re fast for a girl in heels.” He said as he caught his breath. You pulled your arm away from him and went into the park to get away from him. He caught onto you again and this time, you had tears in your eyes.
“Where are you going?” He asked. “What about our date?
“This was a mistake.” You shook your head and looked down.
“What? No it wasn’t.” He said, sounding genuinely hurt.
“Yes it was. Look at us, Peter. We don’t have anything in common anymore. I really liked you back then but you’re not that guy anymore. That guy wouldn’t show up late, call me “hot” and “babe”, text and drive, forget his favorite movie, stop talking to his best friend-“
“Oh. I get it.” He cut you off. “You’re disappointed because I’m not the same person I was when I was 17.”
“Yeah. Maybe I am.” You snapped and folded your arms when you heard his attitude return.
“Yeah, well. You’re different too.” He insisted. “The girl I knew in high school was not this judgmental.”
“I am not judgmental.” You scoffed.
“Yes you are. You’ve been judging me since the moment you turned around at the party. Just admit it.”
“Maybe because you commented on my ass like you were one of the dickhead boys you used to make fun of I’m high school. God, what happened to you?”
“I said I was sorry about that.”
“But you still did it.” You laughed sadly. “And then showed up late. And then remembered things about me from high school. And then texted other girls. And then kept the hat I gave you. I don’t understand you, Peter. I can’t read you anymore. This is too confusing. And it’s all for nothing because I still go back home on Tuesday and we’re never going to see each other again.“
“It doesn’t have to be like that.” He said and put his hands on your shoulders. You were surprised by how desperate for you to stay he sounded since it contradicted his behavior thus far.
“I think it does, Peter. Goodbye.” You shook your head and walked away again.
“Wait. There’s snakes out there.” He called after you.
“No there’s not.” You called back. You kept walking through the park until you came across a picnic blanket surrounded by fake candles. Surrounding the blanket were printed out caricatures of celebrities strung up and tapped to trees.
“What is this?” You asked when you heard Peter come up behind you.
“Oh thank God. No one stole it.” He sighed in relief and walked over to the picnic blanket.
“Wait, you set this up?” You asked in disbelief.
“Yeah. Ellen’s Stardust Dinner turns out to be insanely difficult to get into so I made us one.”
“Ellen’s Stardust Dinner?”
“In your letter. I remembered you said it was your dream to eat there one day.” He said with a sheepish smile. You couldn’t help but smile as well and started to walk around to look at all the photos he had printed. Peter lingered behind you and kept a comfortable distance since you were upset with him.
“Is this Joey Graceffa?” You laughed and pointed to one of the pictures.
“I took some creative liberties with the celebrities I chose to showcase once I ran out of ones I knew you liked. Do you still like Dylan O’Brien?”
“Do bears still shit in the woods? The answer is yes. Sorry. That wasn’t funny.” You quickly corrected yourself and Peter snorted.
“It was a little funny.” He admitted. “Not really, though.”
“I see the entire cast of Modern Family made it.” You chuckled and touched one of the photos he had tapped up to a tree.
“Of course they did. It’s the best show ever.”
“You’re not wrong.” You looked over at him with a smile. Peter took that smile as a sign you were forgiving him and stepped closer to you. You could feel his presence behind you and turned around to face him.
“You set all this up for me?”
“I did. That’s why I was late.” He explained. “I started early but then I ran out of magenta ink so obviously I couldn’t print the rest of my photos despite them having no magenta parts.”
“What about all the texting?” You asked him.
“My aunt is getting a mammogram today. Her mom had breast cancer so she was really nervous. I was checking in with her. But don’t worry, she’s okay. She just called to tell me. And that doesn’t excuse me texting while driving which I normally never do but she was anxious in the waiting room and I didn’t want her to be alone with her thoughts.”
“You didn’t tell me that.” You said softly and immediately felt guilty for snapping at him.
“You would’ve told me to go be with her.” He shrugged. “And I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to see you before you left.”
“Well that’s very noble of you but it sounds like she needed you more than I did today.”
“Don’t worry. She insisted I come here instead. I would have just made her more nervous with my anxious pacing.”
You looked around at everything Peter had set up for you and all the details he had put in. You’d misread everything and judged him off of things you knew little about. You looked at him with guilt in your eyes and smiled sadly.
“I don’t know what to say.” You admitted. “You went through a lot today for me and I just threw a fit and stormed off.”
“I can’t say I didn’t give you good reason. I should have told you these things sooner. I’m just not good at this sort of thing. I wanted so badly to impress you that I ended up making you think I didn’t care.”
“Can we just start over then? And enjoy this set up you made?” You asked him.
“I would like that.” Peter smiled and sat down on the blanket. You sat down beside him and leaned into his side. Peter wasted no time in wrapping both arms around you, making you both fall backwards onto the blanket. You both laughed and stayed in each others arms as you rolled over to look into his eyes.
“I’m sorry I judged you.” You said and fixed his hair.
“It’s okay. I know I’m not what you thought I’d be.”
“You’re not. But you’re still you. You still have your heart and your humor. And those were always my favorite parts of you anyway. I don’t know why I got so hung up on the other things. Who cares what movies you watch or what you do with your free time now? None of that stuff matters.”
“Do you still like me? Even though I’m different?” He asked as he stared into your eyes.
“Look at what you did for me today. You’re not different. You just wear different clothes. I shouldn’t have been so quick to judge you. It wasn’t fair. And I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay. Honestly, I miss who I was too. I miss Ned. And being around people who know what amino acids are. And I missed you. God, I missed you so much. In the years since high school, there have been so many times when I’ve come across something I wanted to show you or thought something I wanted to tell you. I missed hearing your laugh when I made a stupid joke or hearing your thoughts on the bad movies I’d beg you to watch. I never made a friend like you again. And after a while, I realized I never would.”
“I never found someone like you either. No one ever had me like you did. I’ve been dreaming about the day we met again since the day I last saw you.”
“Sorry to disappoint.” He joked.
“Please. How could I be disappointed in this?” You playfully rolled your eyes and traced your fingertips up and down his arm. Peter reached forward and placed his hand on your face to stroke your cheek with his thumb.
“When do you leave on Tuesday?” He asked in a quiet voice.
“Late. My train is at 5.”
“Maybe we can get breakfast then.” He suggested without looking at you as he laced his fingers through yours.
“I’d like that.” You smiled and started to lean in.
“I can cook it.” He added. “After we wake up in my room.”
“Don’t push it.” You chuckled and rubbed your nose against his as you got closer.
“I won’t.” He replied before closing the gap between you and kissing you. The kiss that was years in the making was worth every minute of the wait. His right hand found his way to your hip and he squeezed it.
“Maybe you can push it just a little bit.” You said against his lips. Peter took that as his chance to pull you by the waist on top of him and deepen the kiss.
“That’s how I know you’ve changed. Nice boys don’t kiss like that.” You said when you pulled away to catch your breath.
“Yes they fucking do.” Peter said against your lisp before pulling you back into a heated kiss. You weren’t sure how much time passed as you kissed him but you only stopped when you Peters stomach let out a loud growl. You pulled away and rolled onto your back as you both laughed.
“Sorry about that. We never actually got any food.” He realized.
“Oh yeah. Maybe we should go do that.” You said and rolled over to face him.
“Yeah. We probably should.”
Despite the agreement to get up and go get some food, neither of you moved. You just laid on the blanket and stared into each others eyes with a comfortable silence in the air.
“In a minute?” You suggested after a minute and Peter smiled before leaning in to kiss you again.
“In a minute.”
PSA: DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE. it’s never worth it. It takes one second to get in an accident. Any text can wait. Your life is more important
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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starkeyisthelastname · 4 months
the funniest thing would be mean!rafe trying to comfort crybaby!reader like he wouldn’t know what to do 🤣
at the beginning of the relationship he definitely didn't know what to do 😂
He had been downstairs waiting for you to finish getting ready so that the two of you could go to dinner. He leaned against the kitchen island, scrolling through his phone boredly as he hoped you would be prancing down soon.
That was until he heard a frustrated yell, some things crashing, and a cry after. He quickly ran up the stairs and towards the bedroom, where he saw the closet door open. He walked over, eyebrow twitching upwards as he saw you on the floor, expensive purses now surrounding you and shelf fallen.
“What the hell happened?” He asked, watching as your lower lip continued to wobble. He wasn’t sure how to deal with this, never having seen you throw a fit like this. His first instinct was to wrap his hand around your throat to get you to shut the fuck up.
You looked at your fresh sparkly baby pink nail that was now broken, ruining all your plans for the rest of the evening. You couldn't go out to dinner with a broken nail, especially not since your set was freshly done. All because you wanted that stupid bag you couldn't reach because you were too short.
“I.. I was trying to reach my Louis bag you just got me because matched my outfit.. a-and.” You cried out, words jumbled together as if you had forgotten how to speak.
Rafe’s jaw tensed as he heard you ramble on, his patience already running thin. He put his hand out to stop you, quickly hearing your words turn into small hiccups. “Get to the fucking point.” He said.
You sniffed, holding up your broken nail for him to see. “The shelf fell on the edge of my nail and it broke. I can't go to dinner now because my nails look ugly now.” You cried again, tears staining your foundation covered cheeks.
Rafe had never been in a relationship where he actually took it seriously and if any girl had ever acted this way before in front of him over a broken fuckin nail, he would have told them to get the fuck out. You his were girl though and he had barely admitted to himself out loud that he had fallen for you hard. He was becoming the man his father had always wanted him to be and he needed to learn to deal with you the right way.
“Hey, enough. Alright?” He said, kneeling down to look at you. He wasn’t sure what to do next, but you made that easy for him as you wiped your face into his chest. “Okay, come on. Don’t do that shit.” He said with a sigh as the expensive dress shirt he was wearing was now covered in your makeup.
You just sniffled, not saying anything as you held onto him in hopes he’d make it better. Rafe just looked at you, shaking his head as he was assumed how this was all over a nail. He couldn’t help but wrap his arms around you though, something in him telling him he had to fix it.
“Fuckin brat.” He mumbled.
744 notes · View notes
hazelsmirrorball · 6 days
And they were roommates | F1 Drivers
summary: y/n wanted to live in New York, so that's how she ended up living with three losers faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter pairings: oscar piastri x fem!reader, lando norris x fem! reader, Logan Sargent x fem!reader, franco colapinto x fem!reader
a/n: Excuse any errors english isn’t my main language. this is inspired by new girl
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yourusername via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, oscarpiastri and 138 others
yourusername can someone pick me up? I don't think I can live with them anymore
tagged: @logansargent @oscarpiastri @landonorris
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logansargent we look really hot with our shades on!! But why the hell are Oscar and Lando wearing ur bras?
yourgirlbestfriend omg!! I thought you were joking when you said they used trash cans as pools in ur balcony
-> yourusername nothing is a joke when it comes to them
landonorris shoes off the couch! I sleep there
-> yourusername boo you whore
francolapinto you look so cute :)
-> yourusername omg im blushing
-> logansargent she really is blushing btw
-> yourusername delete this!
-> landonorris @oscarpiastri are you seeing this? isn't this ur girl
-> yourusername stop cockblocking me
-> oscarpiastri We are just friends.
-> landonorris but you wish you were more
-> yourusername do you guys know that private message exist
-> landonorris but I want your whole 100 followers to see that Oscar has a crush on you
-> oscarpiastri I do not.
-> <-
Logan and Y/n stood in front of the tv as the Zumba routine played at full volume. The clock read 4:30 am as the pair tried following the middle aged woman in front of them. Logan skipped in a circle moving his dumbbells side to side. As Y/n hollered when the woman on the TV would ask if they were hype. Oscar, being tired from the night before he could hear the pair having the time of their lives with the zumba. He quickly slipped on some pants not bothering to put on a shirt while walking down the stairs rubbing the tiredness of his eyes. When Oscar finally got to the bottom of the stairs he quickly got flashed with Logan’s short shorts. 
“Oh, Oscar, are you joining us?” Logan said, turning to him as he placed the dumbbells down taking a sip from his water. Y/n also turned jogging in place smiling at Oscar. 
 “I thought you guys were doing that dancing class” Oscar said as he yawned looking at the pair thinking that the clothes they had on was a cause of his imagination and lack of sleep. 
“Yeah, dummy. What do you think we are doing? This is a dancing class. We are doing Zumba. Logan found a cheap disk at a thrift store and he also found these sick outfits so we are matching with the ladies on the tv” Y/n responded stretching her wrist warmers. 
“Yeah, we are getting ripped”
“I thought you guys meant you were going to the gym and that they were offering the class. It's four in the morning guys. That stupid song is driving me insane” Oscar said glaring at the pair as he leaned against the wall. Logan groaned, throwing his head back as Y/n raised an eyebrow at him. 
“You are certainly not invited to our pilates mom group” 
“Logan, you are not a mother. Neither of you are” 
“Well with all you bitching and moaning, I should be” 
Lando pushed open the apartment door after  having one to many drinks at the club he looked at Y/n and Logan and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 
“Are you guys supposed to be John Travolta and Jaime Lee Curtis?”
-> <-
landonorris via instagram !
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 354 others
landonorris I just noticed that my whole camera roll is dedicated to my loser roommates. I need a life.
tagged: @logansargent @oscarpiastri @yourusername
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yourusername mom! I swear I don't drink
-> landonorris babe don't lie. those white claws are on ur side of the fridge
-> yourusername those white claws aren't mine, that's Logan side of the fridge
-> logansargent I hope none of you are touching my white claws
yourusername Oscar is such a nerd
-> oscarpiastri Hey! I have instagram.
-> logansargent surprisingly
-> <- Y/n pulled Franco Colapinto’s arm as she quietly tried to sneak him out of the apartment without waking her roommates up. Franco’s clothes hung loosely on her body as she shushed him for what felt like the one hundredth time. As they were almost near the exit, Lando turned on the light with a huge grin on his face.  
“Is this supposed to be his walk of shame?” 
“Lando shut up and go to be” Y/n replied through gritted teeth, as Franco stood in front of the door awkwardly. 
“I will not shut up. This is the first time you bring a guy home. Honestly I am so proud of you. I was worrying that I was the only one bringing people to the apartment. But now I don’t feel as bad.” Lando said walking up to them and wrapping his arms around both of their shoulders. 
“Lando, you literally bring two people daily. I think you should feel bad.” 
“No because, this is different. Wait until Osar finds out. Hold up, this means you are not a virgin anymore. Oh my God my kids are growing up.” 
“Lando, I wasn’t a virgin” 
“That’s what I am saying, Did he..Oh God. Oscar! Oscar, come here” 
The three of you guys stare at each other in silence while oscar quickly walks into the kitchen looking at the trio. He looked Franco up and down, quickly turning to Lando 
“Did you know, Y/n isn’t a virgin anymore?” 
“I know”
“You know?!” 
“Who did you took it?”
-> <-
yourusername via insta stories! landonorris via insta stories!
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-> <-
The four of roommates sat on the couch quietly scrolling on their phones. They have been like that for like for an hour. The peaceful silence had broke when Lando gasped loudly.
“You guys remember that we agreed on doing a group costume”  
“No one agreed to do a group costume” 
“No, you guys did!”
“You said, we should do a group costume for Charles halloween party and we didn’t answer” 
“Anyways, as I was saying, I saw a tik tok of some roommates that dressed as the main south park characters and that would be perfect for us. Logan can be Kyle, Y/n can be Stan, OScar can be Catman and I can be Kenny” Logan said while showing them the tiktok on his phone. Y/n laughed and turned to Logan. 
“You being Kenny is insane” 
“Oscar should be Kenny and you should be Cartman” Y/n responded as if it were obvious. 
“Stop defending your boyfriend. I don’t want to be Cartman”
“Lando. You are literally Cartman”
“ I am not! I already bought the costumes in our sizes so shut up”
“Wait, why did my card got charged” 
-> <-
oscarpiastri via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, landonorris and 50 others
oscarpiastri I am never saying yes for a 4th of July party.
tagged: @logansargent @oscarpiastri @yourusername
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yourusername who is that lady in the last picture, she is quite attractive
landonorris I look so good in this pic, what the fuck
logansargent oscars active era?
charlesleclerc I think I missed a chapter, what's up with that last picture
-> landonorris I don't even know what's going on, I thought the little guy that flirts was still in the picture
-> francolapinto i am taller than you
Francolapinto invite me next time
-> oscarpiastri No.
-> <-
“Damn it! Everyone to the bathroom right now!” Logan yelled, making everyone enter the small shared bathroom. Logan gripped on his towel showing it to the group. “Is someone playing a joke on me? Honestly, why is my towel still damp?”
“Because that’s not your towel, Logan. It’s my towel” Lando responded, pointing at the blue towel he was holding. Logan looked at Lando with fear. 
“No it’s not. Your towel is the red one. It always has been the red one” 
“I'll tell you this, pal. I've never used that. I do use that one every single day.”
“Oh, God.” Logan said, gagging. 
‘This towel's so warm and fluffy. It's like it's been in the sun forever.” Y/n said, touching the red towel. 
“This means you two have been drying your junk with the same towel.” Oscar commented, trying to escalate the situation. 
“Are you out of your mind?! What do you mean, am I... How do you think this is your towel? Do you even wash it?” Logan asked, trying to not get worked up, which he was failing miserably.  
“No, I don't wash the towel; the towel washes me. Who washes a towel?” Lando responded matter of factly while the others looked at him shocked. 
“You never wash?”
“You wash your towel?” 
“You never wash the towel?” 
“What am I going to do? Wash the shower next? Wash a bar of soap? You got to think here, pal.” Lando said, rolling his eyes. 
“I'm furious right now.” 
“ I get out of the damn shower, I'm clean as a damn baby, and I use the towel.”
“Let me ask you this. Have you been wearing my underpants” Logan asked as his eye twitch. 
“Sometimes, yeah. Who cares? You guys don't wear each other's underpants? You're lying. We all wear each other's underwear.”
-> <-
logansargent via instagram!
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri and 900 others
logansargent loving my roommates (excluding the little one)
tagged: @yourusername @oscarpiastri @landonorris
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landonorris the little one?! y/n is the little one. I am taller than her
-> yourusername oh shut up short king
-> logansargent take away the king
-> yourusername short
-> logansargent short
-> carlosainz short
-> oscarpiastri short
-> alexalbon short
-> georgerussell short
-> francolapinto short
oscarpiastri you are so American, im scared
-> <-
“I want to see who got podium!” Oscar said through his headset grinning, while lando scoffed. 
“I obviously got podium, did you not see my hard work out there? I for certain won” Lando replied hitting the table in front of him. As the screen went black. 
They all had been like that for the past two hours and none of them had gotten podium. So they had come up with a group strategy for at least one of them to come on top. When the screens comes back up lando yells angrily while Logan groans. 
“You guys didn’t give me five starts!” 
“Come on, Lando! We can’t  all be on the podium” Y/n replied from her room through the headset.
“You are such and ass. My outfit was better than your. Fuck! The theme was Main Character, you did a basic outfit, while I actually played the game correctly and did Sharpay Evans. It pisses me off that I lost. Like this game is dress to impress. Not dress to be mediocre. I am done”
logansargent via insta stories! oscarpiastri via insta stories!
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-> <-
yourusername via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, oscarpiastri and 127 others
yourusername apartment 512 got a doggy!
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charlesleclerc now our doggies can have a doggy date
-> landonorris I don't want my dog near your dog, leclerc
logansargent why did we also get pictures of you and Oscar? what happen to that handsome guy
landonorris if you guys are together don't you dare break up because we have a lease together, thanks x
alexalbon since when is Oscar this happy
oscarpiastri via instagram!
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liked by logansargent, yourusername and 17 others
oscarpiastri my favorite roommate
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landonorris I didn't get a post for my birthday
logansargent I think we are out of the loop what is happening
alexalbon Oscar is in his active era. I am afraid
yourusername love you, Osc.
logansargent you guys can't leave me alone with lando if you move out!
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
Twiddledee, Twiddledum
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Pairing: Eminem x afab!reader
Synopsis: You’ve never been the most sociable person, missing countless of romantic possibilities until an accritically acclaimed rapper decides that you’re the one for him. Of course, the mean girl who lives for theatrics doesn’t agree. 
Based off of this request
Divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Baby, you’ve been telling me for months about how great of man you’re with, but how come I’ve never seen him before?” Your mother practically whines through the phone call. 
You scoff, shaking your head. Because your other child is a hoe and three quarters. Despite her conscience, you decided to play it safe with your words. “We’ve just been busy, mama. Ya know, if there’s one thing about workaholics, we attract one another.” 
“Child, you may be grown, but I ain’t stupid,” the woman snorts. “Besides, you’re a bad liar. If you’re ashamed of us… I’ll cuss your ass out, but I won’t judge. Your father still believes that wearing socks with his sandals is a practical fashion statement. That’s enough shame to last a lifetime.”
You laugh, nostalgic moments of your family’s arguments over the man’s fashion choices. “That man could bring shame upon a village and he still wouldn’t care,” the two of you laugh. They settle down for a moment. “You do know that we tend to find love that reminds us of home or our loved ones, right? I bet you, that boy you’re with is just like yo’ daddy.”
You freeze for a second, thinking about whether the statement was the slightest bit true. 
“Oh my God,” Hailie gasps, eyes wide as she glares up the stairs. “Dad, no. Absolutely not!”
Stevie and Alaina lean over, trying to see what traumatized their sister. Immediately, their eyes widen, jaws dropping like never before. Their father, goofy as can be yet aggravating as hell, was dressed like the Boy Wonder in a tight costume and a fat blonde wig that contrasted heavily against his dark brown beard.
“What?” He shrugs, gesturing down at the outfit. “You don’t like the look? I was thinkin’ about tryin’ some’ new.” 
Stevie shakes their head, face turning as red as the vest of his costume. “No, you… you can’t. This should be illegal. How did we even get here?!” 
Alaina just laughs, flying back against the couch without a care if she’d smash her head into the frame. Walking around the corner, sipping on a homemade Pepsi slushie, you choke at the sight. Distressed, was the way Hailie described your reaction. Nothing could’ve prepared you for the bullshit that would arise on the once fine Tuesday evening. 
It was only fucking Tuesday. And this motherfucker actually went outside and walked the neighborhood in this shit. Not even your poor Corgi, Parlay, wanted to be caught dead beside this man. 
“Parlay,” he scolds, “come on, man. You gotta take a shit? You better do it now cause you sure as hell ain’t doin’ it in my house.” The dog huffs and whins, tossing and turning on his back, paws covering his eyes. 
You lean out of the living room window, smiling. “Stop stressing him out and maybe he wouldn’t be constipated. Crazy son of a bitch.” 
Oh, good times. Good times. Shit, your mother’s right. He was damn near the mirrored image of your just as comedic father. 
You simply sigh into the receiver, chuckling at the thought. “So, dinner?” Your mother questions, a smile so strong it could be heard through her words. Damn, snake. “Yeah, yeah. I can see about dinner. I’ll ask him first, so we can find a good time and I’ll text you.”
“Yes! I’ll be waiting, now! Kisses,” she hangs up with a quick air kiss to the phone. 
You toss the phone to the other side of the couch, forcing a throw pillow over her face in hopes you’d strangle to death. Marshall walks past, eyes widening at the sight, unsure if you were just being dramatic as per usual or if you needed to talk. 
He takes quick, hesitant steps your way. His strong hand quickly taps the tips of his digits against your neck. You scrunch, catching his fingers in the process, with a yelp. “Ow, Mars,” you wince, “what the hell, man?” 
He removes the pillow, meeting your squinting eyes with a shrug. “Hey, not my fault, you search for death on a regular basis. I still don’t know when you’re serious, sometimes.” 
The man plops beside you, sliding the phone over under your legs. “What’s going on, mama?” He pats your thighs. “My mother wants to meet you, have a nice little family dinner,” you easily open-up.
Between you and Marshall, nothing was complicated. You both found it easy to converse and open to one another, after he felt confident that you weren’t in search of his wealth that is. All of your insecurities, your fears – anything on your minds, was like an encrypted cope that only the two of you could decipher. His kids would constantly compliment your partnership, happy their father has found the beauty in love. 
“Okay, nothin’ wrong with that,” he shrugs. “You don’t avoid talking about your parents, so they can’t be that bad in your eyes.” 
“And they’re not. They’re not the cause behind my worry, it’s my sister,” you nearly growl at the thought of her. 
Growing up, you two were only a few months apart yet you two were polar opposites. While she basked in the praise for everything she did. From the way she talked down to the way she dressed, it was like experiencing Regina George before the Mean Girls movie. Now that you think about it, maybe she inspired the character. 
Outside of her appearance, she began to fraternize with boys a little too much. Sneaking uninvited guests in and out of their house when their parents were gone, knowing her little sister felt incredibly uncomfortable. You could never forget the night she stormed into your room with a boy, invading your privacy as they bounced onto your bed.
“Did you know that she’s a virgin,” your sister laughs, steadily watching your face. “It’s so bad that she gets disgusted by the idea of having sex.” The two laugh, finding humor in the fact that their abrasiveness and ignorance. 
“I don’t get disgusted about sex, idiot,” you hiss, shaking with anger. “I get pissed off when your slutty, disease having ass disrespects my personal space and our parents. So, yeah, I’m gonna get mad.” 
“Aw, poor baby’s gonna cry,” she laughs, hoping to cover the impact of the insult. The boy laughs as well, “maybe she just needs a little action. Really give her something to cry –” 
Irrationally, you swing at his face, smashing the old cd player against his cheek. His body rolls off the bed, shaking the ground on impact. Your sister glares up at you, eyes trembling with fear. “What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy?”
“Like a fucking patient,” you holler back, snatching her hair, pulling her off the bed. “Let me go, you crazy bitch!” She screams as you drag her down the stairs, silently hoping you’d cause even greater damage.
Since then, things have been different. Well, for one, word got out that you were a crazy, temperamental bitch so no one really got in your way which meant that your sister couldn’t mention bringing a boy home without him pissing his pants. And two, the girl stopped fucking with you. 
Once you graduated high school and went about your adult lives, you simply told your parents one thing. One rule: ‘I never want to hear a single update about that woman.’ Of course, they had their questions and opposals, but after a while, they began to understand that something happened and it was up to you two to figure it out. Which you never will. 
“What about her?” He asks. “That bitch is the reason why I look at sex with disgust, why I felt so uncomfortable with the idea of letting anyone so close and personal,” you huff. 
“She’s even went out of her way in the past to publicly humiliate me because I’d rather pick up a book than wonder who I can fuck for how ever much time.” Marshall’s eyebrows raise, “and that’s a problem, why?” You deadpan, receiving a shrug. “Just askin’, ya know, I used to act similarly in the past.”
You nod, “true, but I can bet that you’ve never gone so far that you’d humiliate and force it onto someone who’s just not comfortable with it.” He nods, “hell no. I couldn’t imagine doing that to anybody.” 
“Well, she had no problem doing that to her little sister. Bitch, had the damn nerve to act offended when I started lashing out.” Marshall snorts, “you do have an insane temper, babe. I thought I was bad, but you take the cake, boo.”
You lightly kick him in the side, rolling your eyes, amused. “Shut up.” He nods, “my bad. My bad. So, the dinner. Do you wanna go, take the risk of your sister being there? Or do you wanna just stay home?”
“We can go,” you shrug. “It’s not right that I got to meet all of your loved ones, but you’re just a stranger to mine.” He nods, “well then, we have a dinner to attend. I’m free this Friday night, okay.” You simply nod, turning your attention to the television. 
– Friday Night – 
The plans for dinner weren’t too fancy, instead it was just a casual steakhouse they were attending. Reaching the restaurant, you two step inside, eyes searching for the booth your mother described to you. 
‘Big and in the far corner,’ she texted. So descriptive mother, she could be a writer with those words. Finally, your eyes fall onto hers. The woman waves, enthusiastically causing her husband to turn around quickly, nearly giving himself whiplash.
“Let’s get this shit started,” you sigh, stepping forward. Marshall pecks you on the head, holding your hand in a gentle caress. 
The two of you reach the table as your parents stand, waiting to introduce themselves. “Mom, dad,” you smile, “this is Marshall. My boyfriend.” He steps forward, shaking your father’s hand before pulling your mother in for a quick hug. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Your mother nearly squeals, “oh, you’re so handsome! I’m so happy to finally meet you.” Your father nods, “our baby kept you hidden real good, but she’s told us somethings.” Marshall chuckles, “hopefully, all good things.”
“Of course,” your father leans forward, “it’s good to know that a man with humor has captured her little heart. We were afraid some average pain in the ass was gonna weave his way in.” 
“Dad,” you groan, slipping into one side of the booth when you feel a lump brush against your hip. You look down to see a fake snake skin purse. 
Your face scrunches with disgust, looking at your parents, “please tell me you didn’t get me a gift? Besides, you guys know I hate purses. Especially poorly designed ones.” You grimace, raising the bag by its strap. 
“Uh, about that, lovey,” your mother stutters when a shrill voice cuts in. “Oh my God, no way!” They scream, rushing for the table. You look up, eyes widening at the sight of the monster from under your bed hugging your boyfriend, legs wrapping around his waist.
Marshall coughs on his saliva, eyes widening at the invasion of space. “Get the hell off your sister’s boyfriend, what the hell is wrong with you?” Your mother scolds. 
“Yeah, sure. Eminem is that bastard’s boyfriend, anywhosers.” She drops down, coming to a stop at the dark look that overcame your features. It’s been years since the two of you have talked, much less stand in the same space. It’s obvious time took its toll on the both of you. 
She struggled to keep up with the trending makeup looks and fashion of the decade while you confidently dressed in your casual yet chic black wardrobe of button-ups, jeans, and boots – the sole color you owned being the accessories that fit your mood and simple makeup that worked with your features rather than fight against them. Not to forget the well sculpted figure that filled out said clothes. 
“I see you’ve gotten quite… big,” she scoffs. You smirk, “I see you like the drunkie aesthetic. You do realize the whole concealer for lipstick and clumpy mascara is an old trend of the past, right?” She huffs, “well, it’s back.”
You nod, “yeah. For drunkies.” She rolls her eyes. Quickly, your mother steps in, a gentle hand on Marshall’s shoulder. “This is your sister’s boyfriend, Marshall, she’s been telling us about. You’ll act –” 
“How much is she paying you?” Your sister leans in, “I know it’s not in sex, but it’s gotta be something appealing.” 
“Accordingly as if you were raised with manners and some damn sense or do I gotta knock it into you?” The older woman finishes, a scowl dressing her naturally sweet demeanor. 
Marshall clears his throat, shuffling to your side. “She’s not paying me anything. We started dating like 7 months ago and enjoy being together.” Your father gently guides your mother back to her side of the booth, sliding in beside her. 
“Let’s just continue our dinner,” he glares at his eldest, “respectfully.” You nod, sliding further in so Marshall could get beside you. “Of course, pops,” you snatch the woman’s purse and swing it onto the empty table behind you. “Unfortunately, this table is at capacity, you can sit in the back like a good dog.”
“Bitch,” she grumbles, snatching the bag off the floor. Your eyebrows raise, “I literally just called you that. Don’t tell me your hearing’s going out?” The older man sighs, pinching his nose bridge, “girls, please!” 
He opens his eyes, slowly, focusing on Marshall. “Marshall, please, tell us about yourself. We’d like to know the man who warmed our little girl’s heart.” The rapper nods, “yes, sir.”
As Marshall began talking, trying his hardest not to ramble on about your first meeting, your sister slides in beside him. Ignoring your glare, she set her purse between her hip and his, taking that as her moment to squeeze his thigh. Jolting, he side-eyes her, a flare of irritation taking in her actions like a fuel to his flame. 
He was already irritated that your sister had a history of putting you in such bad positions, but to be here in public and continue to try and humiliate you in your grown ages was infuriating. As begins to hype up your parents for the way they raised you, she goes for another squeeze a bit closer to his groin when he finally snaps.
“Genuinely, what the fuck is wrong with you?” He glares, body completely turned to face her. “You lack that much respect for yourself and your family that you just can’t keep your hands to yourself?” 
Your eyebrows raise, looking over his shoulder at the now flustered woman. “Wha– What? I didn’t do shit to you. You’re the one over here pathetically gushing over her when you’re copping a feel on me. I knew you were a pervert Eminem, but for fuck’s sake man, I thought being sober changed you.” 
You glare at your mother, her own matching yours like a mirror. In your family, your mother was known as the ultimate crashout. Granted, she’s gotten a bit softer in her older age, but that was fit and appeared physically younger than her mental. If needed, she can and is always ready to throw down. 
She slams her palm down onto the wooden table, the glasses clinking with the quake as your face silently stares upwards, lips mouthing a silent prayer. “Girl, when I tell you,” she snarls, pointing a manicured finger your sister’s way. “You need to tighten up, I mean that shit.”
“What– Mama,” she gawks.Your mother’s lips curl in anger, “tighten the fuck up. In your grown ass age, acting like some gahtdamn hussie. Now, I told you, when we do this dinner, it’s about your sister and her man. I ain’t about you, ain’t shit about you.”
“Now, I’m here to tell you,” she leans forward, “either you tighten up, sit in silence, and act like you got some damn sense, take your ass home, or you can go toe-to-toe with me or your sister. Choose wisely.” Both Marshall and your sister turn stiff, eyes widening with fear.
Apple really doesn’t fall too far from the tree, huh? He holds back his amusement, watching your sister stumble over her thoughts. She glances your way only to be met with a familiar glare that brings on memories she tried to forget. 
“I’ll fuck you up,” your accent comes out thick as your mother’s, emphasizing the ‘fuck’ slowly yet strong enough for her to get your point across.  
She nods, sliding out the booth. “I’m, uh, I’m actually getting kind of tired. I’ll talk to you guys later, yeah? It was nice meeting you, Mr. Mathers.” Holding her purse to her chest, she speed walks out down the aisle for the front entrance. 
Seconds after, your waitress set down your plates. Your father cuts into his rib-eye, enjoying the juicy fat that explodes with flavor on his tongue. He looks up, meeting Marshall’s shocked gaze. Bouncing his knife between you and your mother, cheerfully speaking about something completely different as if y’all didn’t just threaten your sister. 
“Twiddledee, Twiddledumb,” he simply says before going back to his food. Marshall laughs, shaking his head as he cuts into his sirloin. What the hell did he get himself into?
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Sorry for the tardiness, I got off work and my legs felt so fucking swollen for some reason, it hurts. I was debating if I wanna sleep first, but I knew that if I did, I was not gonna wake up again.
If I haven't got to your request yet, I'm most likely at work. So, if you guys want to, you can request through someone else if I don't respond some time after 8pm EDT. I'm really sorry, but my legs sting so bad.
Anyways, enjoy!! 💚
Eminem Taglist: @evasmlp
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ln4bub · 10 months
47 + charles 🩷✨
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Charles had been streaming for a while, his laugh coming from his sim room every few minutes. You were starting to miss him, you loved that he was happy to give fans content but that didn’t mean you didn’t want your boyfriend to give you equal attention. You head down to the kitchen, grabbing one of Charles’ favourite smoothies before heading back up to the room.
Standing outside the door you place your hand on the handle, Charles’ voice spilling through the wood. “Oh my god. I have never looked so good.” You hear him say, shuffling around in his seat. Your eyebrows furrow, clicking open the door. The sight you see as you walk in stumps you. Charles is sat in front of his stream set up, in a banana costume. He turns to look at you, cheesy grin spread over his face. “Hi mon amour, what do you think?” He asks, gesturing to his outfit.
You walk over to him, placing his smoothie down and shaking your head. Everyone in chat starts saying hi to you, asking you to ban Charles from using his credit card to buy costumes. You laugh at their desperation, sitting down on Charles’ lap. “I think you look ridiculous, but still adorable.” You tell him, placing a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll come back in a bit for you.” You say, getting up to leave. Charles turns back to the chat but not before yelling a thank you for the smoothie. You hear him giggle, “I know chat I know, I’m very lucky to have Y/N.” With a giddy smile, you head down to the kitchen ready to start dinner.
As the pasta bubbles on the stove and you fry some pancetta, you hear Charles' footsteps coming down the stairs. "Food's almost done Charlie, I was gonna bring it up to you." You say, not turning to look at him as you focus on not burning your food. He wraps himself around you from behind, pressing a kiss to the exposed skin of your neck. Out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of yellow and you pause. Turning the heat off under the food you turn to face him, seeing him still dressed in that costume. He takes a step back, spinning in a circle with his arms out, a cheesy grin painting his face. Your eyes scan him, black shorts and white t-shirt peeking out from underneath the banana costume. He's smirking by the time you look back at his face, "Did you just look me up and down? Because if you did we are having sex. Right now." Charles tells you, dimples deepening at the way you laugh at his antics.
He wraps his arms around you, tapping your thigh to encourage you to jump. You do just that, your legs encasing his waist as he carries you over to the couch. Your lips mould together as you walk, you moan into Charles’ mouth as you attempt to tangle your hands in his hair only to be stopped by his outfit. “Oh fuck me.” You groan against his lips, arms resting over his shoulders in defeat. “In case you haven’t noticed mon cherie I am trying to but I am still a banana.” Charles replies, lips curling into a smirk as you lightly smack his shoulder.
He lowers you down onto the couch, resting on top of you lightly. Charles leans to kiss you once more but you stop him, “Strip. Right now.” His eyebrows raise in shock at your command, “If I knew all it took to get you to order me around was to dress as a banana I would have put this thing on much sooner.” He mutters, pulling the costume and his t-shirt off in one smooth motion. You roll your eyes at him, removing your shirt and blindly throwing it on the floor. Charles descends on you, his lips attaching to your neck. Your hips buck up against him, rolling against the fast-growing bulge in his shorts. He groans at the friction, teeth nipping your collarbone, making you whine. “Charles please, we don’t have the time for teasing.” You grumble, pulling him back up to you as he laughs. “Just say you want me cherie, no need for an excuse.” He smirks, fingers slipping into your shorts. His eyes shut at the feeling of your arousal, always shocked by what he does to you, even in that stupid banana costume.
You roll your hips against his fingers, seeking some friction. Charles leans down to kiss you, lips swallowing your moans as he circles your clit. Your hands come up to cup his face, fingernails scratching lightly against his neck. He groans into your mouth at the sting, hips bucking against yours. Both of you pull away, heavy panting messes, and remove the rest of your clothes. Charles remains standing, staring down at your naked body before he pulls you up to him in a kiss. “So beautiful mon amour.” He whispers against your lips. Your hand travels down his chest, wrapping around his length, causing him to whimper into your mouth.
Your hand twists around the head of his cock, feeling the thick vein on the underside throb with each pass of your fingers. Charles stops your hand, picking you up once more only to spin around and sit down, positioning you on his lap. He groans at the way your wetness coats his cock immediately, your hips grinding against him. You reach behind you and hold the base of his cock, sliding the tip inside you. Charles’ head falls back at the feeling, eyes fluttering shut and mouth dropping open. His breathing gets heavier with every inch you take, encompassed by the feeling of your warm walls squeezing him.
“Please move mon cherie, can’t wait any longer.” He begs, hands finding your hips and eyes finding your own. His eyebrows furrow and a deep moan rumbles through his chest as you begin to bounce on his dick. His large hands slide down your hips to hold your ass, guiding your body to move on top of his faster, harder. You throw your head back with a moan, walls clenching around Charles at the feeling of his thick cock sliding in and out of you. Your wetness coats your thighs as he continues guiding you, his hips bucking up into yours.
His hand slides around the back of your neck, tugging your face to his. He slams his lips to yours, tongue swirling around your own as he feels the vibrations of your moans. Your legs start to burn with the movement, momentum slowing and causing Charles to whine. “No, no cherie, don’t stop, s’il vous plait.” He mumbles against your lips, hips thrusting up into you. You pull away from the kiss, your hand resting on Charles’ jaw. You slide the hand down to wrap around his thick neck, “Use me Charles, fuck me like this and make yourself cum.” You tell him, applying slight pressure to the sides of his neck. You feel the vibration of his groan against your palm.
Charles plants his feet on the floor before thrusting up into you. His cock hits your g-spot with every thrust, his name spilling out of your lips as curses spill out of his in French. His thrusts are sloppy but hard, desperate to give you pleasure. He’s begging now, needy whines spilling from his lips as he begs you to cum around him, holding back his own orgasm until he feels yours. His thumb slips around to the front of your body, rubbing circles against your clit. You scream his name, legs tensing as your orgasm floods over your body. The tightness of your pussy coupled with the way your eyes roll back and your hand tightens around his throat caused Charles to spill inside you. Ropes of his cum coat your walls as he moans out a string of mumbled thanks.
You collapse on top of him, gentle kisses placed to the red marks you left on his neck. He hums into your hair as you both lay in silence, until you remember the pasta sitting on the stove and rush to the kitchen; the sound of Charles giggling following you.
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billskeis · 5 months
this was a req from anon that was suuuper long but needless to say im obsessed ^.^
ᡣ𐭩 bill’s a stalking pervert
bill’s a pervert. a real, pervert. and not in the way you think. he’s not obvious. he won’t look up your skirt as you walk up the flight of stairs in front of him. he won’t stare down your cleavage as you yell and nag at him for calling you a ‘bitch’ as your tits press close together with the cross of your arms. god no, he’s not that stupid. he plans everything through.
at a good distance away, your house resides a couple houses down from him. perfect for you not to notice the way he’ll angle his head to get a perfect of you slipping out of your outfit, stripping completely naked to then put on a night gown. he relishes in the sight of your body, watering at the mouth. every inch and curve of yours was just utterly perfect to him. he gets hard thinking about running his hands on your soft and supple skin.
he takes pictures, a lot of them. don’t be surprised if you were to ever stumble upon his room and find a few of them pinned to a bulletin board on his wall. decorated nice and neat. one of the pictures he has is of a portrait of you, with a black-sharpie heart drawn on it. most of them were candids, of course, others taken from your social media and social media’s of your friends, and your friends friends, desperate to find anything of you.
try not to be surprised either at the fact he will have a photo of you by his bedside table, with a roll of toilet paper and body lotion.
one day he was following you while you were out on a weekday meeting up with a friend from work. you greeted your friend who was running a little late, embracing her in a friendly hug as the two of you sat down at the cafe table, drinks already ordered. was he sitting at the table next to you in some gaudy disguise? no, too weird. was he peeking through like a peeping tom from the entrance door? god no, he’s not an amateur.
he sat in his car, parked in the parking lot in front of the cafe as he adjusted the earbud he wore. while talking about friends and family, your friend brought up the odd question of what you thought of bill. cringing, you question her as to why she was asking this in the first place and she had mentioned how you two had always bitched at each other, to what she refers to as ‘a little too close for comfort to be just enemies.’
you roll your eyes at her, immediately beginning to throw insults at the man she spoke of. his heart stung a little, pouting at he looked at you through the car window while listening to the microphone of your friend’s earbud on the opposite side, hidden behind the locs of her hair so you wouldn’t notice that bill had been on call with her this whole time.
he had bribed her. but not to mention despite being your friend, she was closely acquainted to him more than she was with you, the money just had to be the cherry on top. feeling a little upset, he suddenly can’t help the gasp that let out his mouth when you told your friend that ‘despite him being hot, i don’t think he’d ever want to get with me, he hates me!’
oh how he was gonna change your mind.
turning the metal knob, you stop the shower water running as you exit the glass enclosure. wrapping yourself in the soft fuzzy towel, you step out of the bathroom into your bedroom, hair slightly dripping onto the wooden floor that creaked beneath your footsteps.
noticing that your closet door was left slightly open, you quirked an eyebrow up. what the hell? you thought you closed it before you left your room to go freshen up. you always leave it closed. well, it didn’t matter anyways because you needed to grab some clothes anyways.
opening the closet door, you heart almost sunk six feet under the ground as you were met with a figure you were least expecting. it was bill fucking kaulitz, your D1 enemy, standing, there, in your goddamn closet. you almost let out a shriek until he immediately covered your mouth with his palm. pressed his body against your half naked one, only the cover-up of your towel separating the two of you.
you blink fast. scared, anxious, what the hell was he doing in your room. he looked calm, but a little nervous. your heavy suffocated breaths are the only noise that fill the room, as he tells you to calm down, you attempt to slow your breathing. not wanting to concern anyone in your family, you comply with his orders. it would be a bad spot if any of them were to find you half naked with a complete stranger, a man, at that.
“gonna keep quiet?” you nod, you wanted answers. you wanted to know why the man you thought to dislike you, along with someone who you’d disliked so much was doing in the vicinity of your bedroom. letting his palm go away from your face, he shoves his hands into the pockets of his jeans, “well?? what the fuck are you doing here!? how—how the hell did you get inside??”
“does that really matter right now? aren’t you glad to see me?” he holds his arms out, waiting for your response. he knows just how to push your buttons, you bite your lip. god was he tall, he had to look down at you for the two of you to make eye contact. this fucker was lucky that he was good looking, or else you would’ve called the cops. pretty privilege amiright?
“get the hell out.” “princess—” “i said, get the hell out, bill.” bill can only stare at you. staring you down, his eyes shift up and down your figure. you can feel his gaze on you. of course, he was standing right in front of you, acting as if he wasn’t undressing you with his eyes. your face heats up, could it be you’re feeling shy that he was looking at you with such lust or the fact that you had taken a steaming hot shower not too long ago?
he steps a little closer to you, you take a step back to keep a distance. “prinzessin, bitte.. i need you so bad.. i don’t think you understand how much i want you. wanted you. i craved for this moment for ever.. can’t you make my dreams come true..?” you’re at a loss for words, totally unbelieving the words that are coming out of his mouth. he wants you?? does this mean he likes you??
“i came to see you, i love you.. and i want you to make me yours..” “i.. c-can i get a moment to think about this?? you’re moving way too fast—” pulling you into a hug, you towel could threaten to fall off if he were to let go, his body slightly unravelling the heavy cloth that wraps around your body. your head was pressed against his chest, you hear his heartbeat. it’s fast and never stopping.
“y/n please!! i can’t wait for your response.. just please let me out you out.. please let me fuck you.. i only want you to feel good.” his black dreads drape over and tickle your shoulders as he nuzzles his head into your neck. as he begged and he begged, you can feel his hard-on pressed into your thigh. swallowing, you let the lump go down your throat as you whisper him a small ‘fine.’ he can’t help but let out a moan of joy, clearly relieved by your answer. he’s so happy. he’s so happy he gets to go down on his favourite girl.
your legs clamps around bill’s head. a grip entangled in his black locs as you form a makeshift ponytail with your hands to hold bill’s dreads back away from his face as he eats you out. he’s starved, hungry, licking at your folds if it were his last meal on earth. his moans vibrate in your pussy, his nose nudging your clit as he motions his head up and down.
he wouldn’t be able to stop now, and neither were you going to be able to stop him. he’s been dreaming of this, dreaming of the day that he would be able to use your body as he likes. he wouldn’t wanna use you like that though! he loves you too much, he only cares about your pleasure, if you’re feeling good, he comes second in this equation.
“auugh, b-bill..” you thrash your head back into the pillow as he flicks your clit with the tip of his tongue, “you taste sooo fuckin’ good..” as he eats you out sloppily, he purposely sucks at your cunt in a way that the noises are only what’s heard in your bedroom.
he wanted to be gentle! trust me, he did! bill would only want the best for his girl’s first time. you let him know before he went down on you, telling you that it was okay and just let him do all the work for now. but he can’t get enough of the taste, it’s like nectar to him. he can’t get enough of how sweet your moans are either, how his name just so easily rolls of his tongue other than in the context of you screaming in his face.
your juices drip down his chin, and he looks up at you from between your thighs. expecting, his eyes look as though he expects you to say something, “feel s’good billy.. m’gunna cum soon..!” and this fires him up even more, wrapping both his arms around your legs to bury his face into your pussy even more. messily lapping at the wetness, he places wet kisses on your clit as he whimpers at how pretty your puffy, sensitive cunt is. suddenly, he stops.
“s’pretty, but i want you to come on this dick. get up schatzi..” with weak wobbly legs, you prop yourself up on the bed, crawling to bill who’s already sat up against the bed frame. nervously, you bring your hands to palm bill through his sweatpants, a wince escaping his lips as he slightly trembles.
“shit..” “sensitive are ya?” you let out a soft giggle as he nods his head, biting his bottom lip a little too hard that it may bleed. you free his cock from its constraints to see it stand tall. fuck. he’s huge. you pray to the gods he doesn’t rip you apart, with such a length and girth. it’s a pretty shade of pink, and it leaks pre, a lot of it.
bill brings his hand to jerk himself off, as you position yourself within his lap, cunt slightly hovering over him. both prepped, he asks if you’re ready, and with just a nod, he pushes himself into you. slow, he inches his dick into the tight walls of your cunt, letting out a wanton moan as tears begin to fill his eyes. he’s so sensitive, with just the tip inside, he might already come. his dreams were finally coming to life, and it’s all thanks to you :3.
he wanted to wait for you to feel adjusted to his size. he knows he’s big, he just doesn’t flaunt it, wanting to save himself in surprising you with it of course. sitting there, he holds your hips as he can only moan out words of affirmation to you, telling you how pretty you look perched up on his cock or how good you tasted.
as good as he knows how to get under your skin, you also learnt today how good he was at making you nervous. what a little shithead he is, isn’t he? to no further notice, you begin to bounce your hips on his cock, cunt sliding up and down his length as your walls mould to the shape of him.
“a-amazing.. you feel s’good.. don’t stop—oh god—p-please don’t stop!” a tear falls down bill’s cheek as he whimpers from the way you fuck your hips back onto his. a heavy slapping sound fills the room as you ride him with no intent to stop and his sensitive dick can only hold out so much..
bill’s gaze cannot seem to focus on one thing. the way your tits bounce with how hard you ride him, or how your cunt just envelopes his dick. he doesn’t know where to put his hands, so he lets them fall to the side of his body. as you do all the work, you smirk, suddenly clenching around bill as he gasps. eyes widening as he cries out from the pleasure.
he’s pathetic. a complete and utter sobbing mess. dreads prettily framing his face as his black eyeshadow runs down it. rising your hips, you attempt to get the both of you off as quick as possible. you notice how bill squints his eyes shut, he’s concentrating on trying not to come too fast. cupping his cheek with your hand, he opens his eyes in shock, quickly nuzzling his face to stifle his moans into your palm as he shies away.
“mmphf.. s’happy.. s’glad you said, ah! y-yes..” “yea?? you happy?” “mmhm!!” and that’s what did it for you. while bringing your face closer to his, you kiss bill hard as you shove your tongue in his mouth, invading his as you piston your hips on his. you grin at the whorish moans he lets out into the kiss, tongues swirling within one another as bill attempts to catch his breath, wanting to let go but you only kiss him deeper.
he’s pussy drunk, it’s like a drug. and for what seemed like forever, bill’s orgasm came as he filled your insides, cum spurting to paint the insides of you white. he wraps his arms around you to bring your torsos closer together. thighs trembling, bill only fucks himself deeper than he already is, hitting your cervix straight on as his cum fills your womb.
the cord in your stomach finally snapped as your orgasm followed shortly after, electricity pulsing through your body as you clenched around him. as you break off the kiss, a string of saliva following, heavy pants are exchanged as the two of you stare at one another. “you okay?” you ask bill, he seems way more disheveled than you were, “mm’kay.. that was.. amazing..”
“don’t tell me that was your first time too? “s-shut up..” you laugh as you wipe the sweat off his forehead, putting some of his dreads behind his ears as you peck the tip of his nose. bill only smiles at you, telling you that he’s sorry about earlier. you can only shake your head at him and tell him that despite the fact he could’ve confessed any other way, you didn’t mind this, telling him that you also like him.
bill’s heart can only skip a beat as you lead him into the washroom to run a nice warm bath.
so rip to everyone else who was in that house >.> anon also wanted aftercare but im lazy this is all u get >:3
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gn guys ! i did not proofread this .. or any of my works matter of fact :p
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klttn · 5 months
Can we get some husk smut with a brat reader pretty please!!🥺
𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒻𝓊𝒸𝓀𝒾𝓃’ 𝓁𝑜𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓅𝑜𝓅
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pairing : husk x f!reader
content!! : smut! spanking. slapping. husk has a knot. shh don’t look at me like that. knotting and breeding.
summary : you just want husk to be rougher with you so angel gets you a little slutty and tipsy and lets husk deal with the aftermath and brattiness.
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"angieee, are you sure about this?” you whined, slight buzz causing a little slur as you spoke.
angel smirked at you, “of course, honey, all men love a bit of skin, especially with tits and ass like yours,” he posed, imitating your figure, winking in the process.
you don't know how you let yourself be convinced into this, you just wanted to get to husk, make him jealous. but now, you were several shots in, that was just your pre drinks, and wearing a skirt so short and top so revealing, being naked would be more modest.
the tiny piece of fabric you had on barely touched the bottom of your ass, hugging it just so that you could see the faint outline of the lingerie set you had on underneath it. husk’s favourite set of yours.
the matching corset bra made your boobs look ravishing. husks favourite thing about it. the soft flesh of your tits spilling out of it oh so cutely. the tightness gripping you just so, drawing all the attention to the contrast of your waist.
you tried to convince angel you would need a top but he thought otherwise.
the look was finished off with sheer lacey stockings that only accentuated the curve of your thighs more and a pretty ribbon tangled into a bow in your hair, just the way husk liked it.
“baby, you look hot, hotter than me, hot.” angel sighed, dragging you out of your thoughts and handing you another shot which you gladly accepted. “now let’s get this show on the road, my moneys on we don’t even make it to the door.”
you giggled at angels exclamation before grabbing a candy lollipop to suck on, feeling more n more of the alcohol take over you. “you’re so silly, angie.”
he sent a cheesy smile your way as you let him take ahold of your hand to pull you down the stairs to where husk was tending the bar.
the closer you got the more nervous you got, the excitement of the alcohol mixing with the rush of what was to come.
that’s when you made eye contact with husk. you gulped tasting the sweet strawberry in your mouth.
“what the fuck.” it wasn’t a question that left husks mouth but a statement. “y/n what the fuck are you wearing.”
angel smirked and lent on a nearby wall, watching as you strutted over to husk.
“an outfit, dummy, do you like it?” you teased, twirling your hips, letting your skirt sway up just enough for him to see your ass.
husk more than liked it. “fuckin christ, have you been drinking?”
you moved your finger to your lips pulling out the red candy with a pop, giggling a little as you did so, “i’m going out with angie, wanted to look cute n we had some drinks in his room!!”
cute? you looked like pure sin. and husk was trying desperately not to imagine something else filling up where that stupid piece of candy rested.
you noticed husk eye your mouth as you slipped the treat back in, lips all puffy now from sucking. “so i have you to blame, huh?” he shifted his attention toward angel, eyeing him up in the corner.
“easy, big boy, she looks cute does she not?” angel asked, your eyes shifting to husks, hopeful and wide.
husk looked you up and down before cursing under his breath, “fuck, you know she does,” he almost whines, feeling the affect you had on him, “but you’re not going out looking like that.”
you huffed, rolling your eyes, “try n stop me, kitty,” you whispered to husk, leaning forward and kissing him, pushing the lolli past his lips and giving it to him before attempting to walk back to angel.
“that fuckin lollipop.” husk clicked his tongue, crunching the sweet and grabbing you by the hips, throwing you over his back, “you’re not going out looking like that because you’re coming to my room with me and you won’t be leaving it for the next few hours.” he spat, landing a few swats to your ass where it was resting on his shoulder.
angel rolled his eyes, smiling, “be gentle with her, would you huskie?”
“she’ll be lucky if every inch of her body isn’t covered by the time you get home.”
“laters, you kinky fucks,” angel winked at you, heading for the door as you feigned trying to escape… not that you actually could. husk was strong, far stronger than you.
“husk. let me go,” you demanded as he carried you to his room.
“you can go when you learn some fuckin respect.”
you made it to husks room in a flash, him opening and locking the door before you could even form another sentence.
he was pissed. maybe you overdid it. just a little.
he threw you on the soft, familiar mattress of his bed before leaning over you, stern eyes watching your every move.
“what the fuck has gotten into you, doll?” you wouldn’t even look at him, afraid you’ll break seeing him so assertive. “you’re being such a brat.”
“hmph, am not.”
husk scoffed, almost finding this cute, almost.
“first you come down in that little outfit, then you’re getting your entire ass out for me and then that damn sucker, you were practically deepthroating it,” he looked down at your lips, still stained red, “gave me a stupid fucking boner.”
a small smile formed on your face as you looked at him, “it did?” you sat up, biting your lip, moving your hand to cup his bulge, heart racing when you did.
husk nodded and sighed a little in relief from the touch, aching to be free from his trousers.
you took your attention to your feet, fiddling with the hem of your skirt with your spare hand. “wasn’t gonna go out like this.”
“damn right you weren’t.”
“just-“ you cut yourself off, stopping to sigh.
husk lifted your chin up with his finger, forcing you to look at him, “use your words, doll, i’m done playing games.”
your eyes were so big and round looking at him like this, so innocent compared to the lewdness of the rest of your body.
“just wanted to rile you up, huskie.”
husk chuckled almost sadistically, “you mean to tell me this little show was just to get me to lose my shit, baby? to make me mad?”
a small bit of bravery peered its way through, “it’s not my fault you treat me like i’ll break at every corner,” you sassed.
“oh. so that’s what this is about?” smirk now donning husks face. “you’re being a little brat because your mean old man of a boyfriend won’t hurt you?” husk took advantage from where he was stood and laced his hand through your hair, massaging softly, careful not to ruin the pretty bow, “is that it, sweet thing?”
“husk…” you breathed, slightly nuzzling into his palm he had in your hair.
without warning, his other hand landed a slap to your face, not too hard but enough to leave a pleasurable sting and red mark. your lips parted, small mewl leaving your mouth. he’d never done this to you before.
you’d begged so many times but he refused. ‘how could i ever hurt my sweet girl.’ you assured him he didn’t have to be mean, you just liked the way it felt. it wasn’t enough.
but now, sweet was the farthest thing you had been to him tonight, and him being so mean to you was everything you didn’t know you were craving.
“shit,” husk muttered so low you could barely hear him, “you actually like this don’t you? you want me to be mean to you? want me to hurt you, little girl?”
you keened, nodding your head, spreading your legs for him, “want you to be mean, want you to hurt me, please daddy.”
daddy? curse you, angel.
“you’re such a pretty lil thing, gettin off from me slapping you,” another slap landed on your face, “need your nasty ol’ daddy to be cruel to you huh?”
you’d never seen this side of husk before. it was thrilling, a whole new type of hot and pleasure and he seemed to like it too.
you started rolling your hips into the air, needing something to hump.
“we’re gonna try somethin, doll,” husk slid his thigh between your legs, rubbing up against your cunt, “hump.”
“but what, baby?
“s’embarrassing,” you whispered.
“i know, doll, i wanna see you all pathetic n humpin daddy’s thigh,” his expression dark and sultry, “punishment for lookin like the adorable little slut you are n makin me have t’ teach you a lesson.”
your hips started jutting slowly, letting out little whimpers, face flushing bright red, “good girlll,” husk praised, spuring you on.
“y’know what would be even more pathetic, takin those panties off n having you make a mess all over these slacks of mine.”
a whine left your throat, getting more n more turned on. “do you like the sound of that, darlin?” husk mocked before lifting your ass up to remove the tiny piece of fabric and placing you right where you left off.
the grinding doubled in pleasure now feeling everything against your bare pussy, head being thrown back as your humps got more desperate. “that’s it, baby, make a mess.”
you could see all your juices soaking into husks thigh as his cock twitched at the sight of you, his own hand coming down to assault your clit as you humped. “gonna cum, daddy, hit me, please, need you to slap me.” SLAP. you whimpered cutely, body starting to shake, getting ready to cum.
just before the rush of an orgasm could come husk pulled his thigh from between yours and stopped everything he was doing, retracting his hand from between your folds.
you started begging profusely, gripping to his thigh with your arms, trying to get him back, so desperate to cum, to finally have release.
“brats don’t get to cum,” he warned.
you whined and huffed signalling your annoyance at husk as sat down next you on the bed, pulling his cock free and patting his lap, “over my knee.”
“be good for me and bend over my knee, baby.”
you crawled over husks lap, arching your back, ass in the air for him. “such a pretty ass,” his cock pulsed against your tummy, “think it’d look cuter with daddy’s hand prints on it, don’t you think?”
you wiggled your ass, just wanting him to spank you already. smack. smack. smack. three harsh swats landed on you, making you whimper and jolt forward.
“so cute,” three more smacks.
husks soothing hand rubbed over the redness forming on your butt, slowly sliding itself to your bare pussy, “what about here?” he teased, a few slighter slaps straight onto your clit.
high pitched whines came from your throat as you pushed back into the touch.
“fuck me, you really are such a desperate little thing for pain aren’t you?” he teased, leaving your clit a couple more smacks and moving to do the same back to your ass.
you were squirming in his lap now, all flustered, cunt dripping n ass cherry red. you had little tear droplets running down your cheeks from the pleasure.
soft circles were being rubbed into your butt as husk praised you for taking the slaps so well. slipping his fingers in your pussy after your relaxed into his touch. “so wet for me.”
a soft moan left your lips, slowly pushing yourself back to fuck yourself on his fingers. “so eager.” he muttered, “sit still, baby, need to stretch you so my cock fits.”
he pushes two more fingers into you, putting his other hand round to your mouth for you to suck on, doing so eagerly and drooling around them.
“is this what you needed, doll? fingers in your mouth n cunt so you can’t be a brat?” you moaned around his fingers.
“mmmf-“ you tried to speak but couldn’t.
he pulled his fingers out your mouth, spit attached as he did, “what was that, doll?”
“need your-“ the curling of his fingers inside you cut you off with a needy whine, pressing against your walls just right, “need your knot.”
husk paused, cock violently twitching at the idea before he sat you up with ease and shifted you into straddling his lap, leaning back to look at you.
“yeah?” husk asked, “look at you,” he mused, rubbing his fingers over your hard nipples through the bra, “how is it you look this adorable after i’ve done such disgusting things to you?” he squeezed his fingers over your nipples, “and now you want my knot?”
“how do you want it baby?” he left a lick across one of your nipples and bit it softly.
your eyes rolled back, “dont care, jus’ need you.” your voice was hoarse and breathy.
husk hummed in thought, contemplating his options before moving his mouth to your neck. you tilted your head for him allowing him full access, him now sucking and biting harshly, watching you fall further apart in his lap as he did.
“gonna make you wait, you’re gonna cockwarm me whilst i mark you up, got it?” only temporarily coming up to speak before continuing his assault on your neck.
“no no no, ahh- daddy, need your cock mmm- please!”
“shhh shh baby, calm down, you’re gettin my cock,” he cooed, moving his lips to your collarbones and moving your hips to line himself up with your pussy.
he picked you up by your waist and slid you down his cock, grunting, “so fuckin tight.” you yelped at the stretch, pushing yourself down for husk to bottom out. “is this better, babygirl?”
you nodded frantically, husk moved his hands to the back of your bra and undid it, pulling the mesh fabric off your arms and discarding it somewhere in the room.
“such cute tits, doll, gonna look even cuter when i mark ‘em.”
you could barely string a sentence together now, so far gone before he’d even started to fuck you. all you could do is whimper every time his teeth and tongue would touch your skin. and when he sucked, your pussy would squeeze around him always followed by a subtle thrust up of his cock.
you knew he couldn’t last much longer before he had to take you.
he pulled back from your boobs to look at his work, kissing over all the newly formed bruises. his hands then started sliding under your ass before flipping you over onto your back, dick slipping out in the process as he leaned over, dragging himself down your body, face inches away from your pussy.
you whimpered softly, feeling empty. “fuckin perfect,” husk said under his breath, taking your skirt off and spreading your thighs wider, placing himself inbetween. “such a cute cunt, baby.”
you whined louder, revelling in the words spilling out of husks mouth which were only heightened when he started kissing down your thighs. your hips bucked, needing the attention on your pussy, causing husk to bite, purple splotch forming where he rest.
“gonna fuck you now, okay doll? n i’m not gonna stop til my knot is splitting you open.” in an instant husk was hovering over you, cock already pushing against your cervix, balls deep and pounding into you.
“god baby, you feel so good.” your hair was messy, stockings half rolled down, body glistening with sweat and covered in hickeys.
all the tension from before making husks stamina falter, his release wasn’t far and the more he looked at you, the closer he got.
his thrusts were rough but steady, attacking that same spot with precision and he rut into you. “you’re fuckin mine.” husk growled, wings flailing out by his sides, booming power.
one of husks hands snaked around your neck, squeezing your throat. “my girl. only mine. that stupid slutty outfit, that bratty mouth, this fuckin body, all mine.” he was talking to himself at this point. you too fucked out to think or do anything but feel husks cock and your impending orgasm.
now holding your jaw, husk forced you to look at him, glassy eyes blown out and needy, he watched as your face contorted, noticing the new pleasure of his spare hand rubbing your clit.
lewd mewls left your lips and you felt your legs start to shake in anticipation, soso close.
“not so bratty now, are you? now you're cock drunk and ready to cum,” husks pace fastened, “so do it. cum for me.”
your hands latched onto husks chest, squeezing as you road out your high, husks cock finally relenting.
“shit,” husk whispered, you came down from your release, feeling husks throbbing knot growing in your pussy, stilling his movements n keeping himself planted deep inside you.
you smiled cutely, eyes closed n breathing still heavy, earning yourself a soft kiss on your collarbones as he scooped you up closer to him, husks big knot forcing you together.
he shifted you both so that you were laying down, still on him, legs either side with your head buried deep in his neck.
"im sorry for being bratty," you mumbled in the fur of his neck.
husk gently took your shoulders in his hands and pushed you back, sitting you up with care, a soft whimper falling from your lips, still filled to the brim. "oh darlin," he was rubbing circles into your back now, "don't worry about that, pretty girl,” he paused, “but besides, i think i got my revenge," he chuckled, hands travelling up your to your chest, smoothing over the dozens of marks left on your skin.
you hit husks chest softly, "think your the brat here… so possessive."
"oh yeah?" husks gaze making its way all over your body.
husk sighed, “you look so pretty like this. makes me wish i would’ve listened to you and done this sooner,” he raised a hand to move a strand of hair out of your face. “you know i just don’t wanna really hurt you, doll, ‘m not the overlord i used to be.”
you keened at husks softness, even after all the filthy things he had said to you and done to you, “i know, huskie.” you kissed his nose.
"now don't ever pull that shit again."
you giggled, “no promises, you look hot when you’re being mean,” falling back onto husks chest to make yourself comfy, waiting for husks knot to subdue. "so would've sold my soul to you for free in your overlord days."
husk sighed, letting out a small laugh, "silly girl."
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A/N : okay okay so uhm this was a little wild and very long buuut i hope you liked it <3 this is for all my husk girlies
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dinogoofymutated · 5 months
Hey!!! Thank you again for Remy's one shot, it was amazing!!
I saw that you would like ideas for Cable and Warren, and I may have a few...
Especially for Warren....
I'd love to see Warren and mutant! Reader that "hate" each other, and reader thinks she has no chance with him, so she goes on a date. Warren is jealous and watches over her, and swoops in once the date goes sideways.
Words are said, feeling we shown, and Warren giver the fairytale kiss. (Could end with them going at it on a rooftop...)
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Could be sfw or nsfw, either way I'll enjoy it immensely!!! I can't wait to see more of your work ❤️
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Sfw! Warren/Fem!reader
OMGGGG UGG I LOVE THIS SM!!! I have a slight obsession with prompts like this- soooo yeah lololol. Oh! Also, I feel like I should mention this is more based off of comic and show warren, and not the version of him from the apocalypse movie. Hope this isnt too OOC!
Tws: Bad date, Warren is kind of an asshole but we love him. Kissing in the rain.
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Warren Worthington is a dick. He's always teasing you, snatching your books, and pencils, and really everything you meed and holding it out of reach. He'll thwak you with a wing on purpose, always saying some stupid excuse like "Oh I didn't see you there." When you know damn well he did.
And he's not even like this to anyone else! It's incredibly frustrating, especially with how often he'll just up and completely ignore you to go flirt with Jean- who's still with Scott, might I add! Ugh!
It shouldn't matter to you whether or not he flirts with other people- the guy was clearly uninterested in you. But you just... can't help it. You really liked Warren, more so before this whole event started, when you didn't know him that well but couldn't help but blush at some of the things he did. You knew he could be kind, and he had a sweet side to him despite the cocky persona he's always pushing. (Because is it really a persona at that point?) But he just seemed so out of your league. Around the time you started pulling away from him was when the teasing started up, and to be honest, it had just confirmed your thoughts that Warren didn't like you.
Whatever, though. You'd get over it. You wanted to get over it. And the opportunity was presented to you to do just that. You had been out shopping one day with Jean when a man had approached you- not Jean, but you. It was really surprising, as most men would completely skip over you to talk to your beautiful best friend. You didn't hold any resentment towards her, it's not like she can help it. But when a rather attractive man approaches you, asking you on a date? You couldn't help but be flattered.
    You were excited! Really, really excited for this date. You had put on a cute outfit, even throwing on a little makeup, dresses to impress you know? Plus, your date was really attractive, and for some reason, you felt like you needed to spruce yourself up a little bit to impress him. It had taken you forever to be happy with your look, with Jean reassuring you over and over that you looked perfect and that everything would be fine!
    Eventually, his car pulled up in front of the mansion to pick you up for your date. You only had to glance at the window before you were running down the stairs excitedly. Of course, leaving couldn’t be all that easy, could it?
    “What are you all dressed up for?” You hold in your groan at the sound of Warren’s voice. He’s leaning against the foyer wall, cocking an eyebrow at you with a smirk that makes your heart do something funny. Didn’t change the fact that you kinda wanted to punch him. 
    “If you have to know, I’m going on a date.” You say, rolling your eyes. His smirk drops immediately, but you don't really notice as you put your shoes on. 
    “A date? With who?” Warren Pushes himself off the wall to approach you, grabbing hold of your arm to keep you from running off just yet. You make a face at him, confused and a little annoyed at his attention. 
    “A guy. He asked me out while Jean and I were at the mall, not that you really need to know.” You snark. Warren scoffs at that, looking a little frustrated. He begins to talk again, but he’s cut off by the sound of a horn honking from outside. Your face falls, and your stomach drops at the sound. Your date must be impatient. You don’t like the implications of that. Warren looks angry, letting go of you as he takes a step back.
    “You’re really going to leave with a guy who doesn’t bother to ring the doorbell?” He asks. You can’t find any words to say, feeling a little hurt. You turn away from him, quickly opening the door to leave. Warren can see your face light up a little as you wave at your date, closing the door behind you. Warren’s wings sag a little, left in the foyer looking like a lost puppy without you. 
    “You know, if you were nicer to her you probably would’ve had a chance.” Warren sighs dramatically at the sound of Bobby’s voice, turning to see that he had been watching the whole time, eagerly munching on a bowl of cereal.
    “Can it, dude”
    The fact that you're going on a date doesn't sit well with Warren. There's a pit in his stomach that he can't seem to shake, and when he tried to talk about it, Bobby and Scott just waved him off, telling him he was just jealous- and well, he was. But that wasn't the point! He didn't like that you were going on a date with someone random, or anyone besides him, really. He just had a bad feeling about it all.
    He knows he doesn't really have the right to be as jealous as he was. The two of you weren't together- but at some point, he thought you would be. He liked you. More than friends should. He had for a while, but you started to pull away from him- so he started to do anything he could to get your attention. Sure, he wasn't exactly being nice, but he wasn't being mean. He wasn't trying to bully you or put you down, he was just… teasing. 
     Warren had been couped up in the library as the evening went on, staring out the window with a sigh as it had started to pour. He had been thinking a lot about what Bobby had said earlier, dwelling over it constantly. Normally when he was so caught up in thoughts like this he would fly around the mansion to clear his head, but with the storm outside that definitely wasn't going to happen. He sighs, resting his head against the window while his eyes begin to drift close, but a movement in the corner of his eye catches his attention.  He sits up a little bit, squinting at first to see whatever it is through the rain. When he finally realizes, it is like he was hit over the head with disbelief. 
     The rain was cold. You were shivering as you walked along the asphalt driveway up to the mansion doors, sniffling the whole time. You knew you looked like a mess, mascara running down your cheeks in inky black streams, soaked to the bone without a jacket to keep you warm. The date was a bust. You should have known better. Been smarter. Hell, you should have asked someone else to drive you so that you wouldn’t be stuck in this situation in the first place. Or at least brought your wallet so that you could’ve used the payphone to call someone to come get you. But here you are. You were sad, wet, and despairing over the long walk up the driveway, but at least you were back at the mansion. 
    It’s hard for you to see through the heavy rain, so you keep your head down towards the ground to keep the rain out of your eyes. You don’t even realize that someone had run out to get you until you hear footsteps splash through the puddled driveway. You try your best to wipe the tears from your eyes, praying that they won’t be able to tell with the rain, but it is hard to hide the puffy red face the tears left behind. 
    You don’t really want look look up when you feel the rain stop, already knowing who it is by the sound of his gait. Warren holds the umbrella out to you, and you take it. He has his trench coat over his arm, and he uses the extra hand to wrap it around your shoulders. It’s awfully big on you, but it’s warm and dry, and you're thankful. You wipe at your eyes again when Warren takes the umbrella back, trying hard not to start crying.
    “What happened?” Warren asks. You finally look at him, and the concerned look on his face just makes you feel worse. Your face scrunches as you tear up again, and you look up at the umbrella as you try to avoid the embarrassment. You don’t really know what to say. You don’t really want to say anything right now. But you do.
    “He didn’t know I was a mutant.” You say, voice shaking a little. Although, you can’t help but let out a pitiful laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation. “He thought that the school was just some place for rich kids. I mentioned it offhand because I assumed he knew- and he didn’t. He wouldn’t drive me home so…” You make a vague motion at your soaking clothes. Warren looks angry. Angrier than you’ve ever seen him before. He opens his mouth to say something and decides better of it. Instead, He wraps an arm around you and begins to guide you back to the mansion. You blush a little at the action, but realize he probably just has to stay close to keep the both of you under the umbrella- not that his wings even fit, by the way.
    “You’re gonna be soaked.” You say, pointing towards his wings. Warren glances back, flexing the limbs just slightly, and shrugs. 
    “I’ll get over it. Wouldn’t be much of a hero if I let a pretty girl walk in the rain, would I?” Warren flirts, sending you a wink. You send him an incredulous look, before bursting out in laughter. Warren gasps, putting a hand over his “wounded” heart. 
     “Seriously? That was a good one, and you’re just laughing?” Warren complains, which only makes you laugh a bit harder. 
    “Oh please, that one was so cheesy!” You manage to say through the laughs. Warren is smiling, and it’s different than the smile he wears when he’s being an annoying jerk. His hair is wet, and his clothes are damp, but to be honest, you really start to understand why they call him Angel. You look away when you realize you’re blushing, but you can’t seem to wipe the smile off of your face. 
    “That guy was an idiot, by the way,” Warren says after a moment. Your smile falls a bit at the reminder of the start of the evening. “He really has no clue what he’s missing out on.” You snort at that, unable to keep yourself from rolling your eyes.
    “You sure have a lot to say for a guy who doesn’t like me all that much.” The words come out before you can really think about it, and you’re caught off guard when Warren stops walking. He doesn’t remove his arm from around your shoulders, but he moves so that he can look at you better.
    “What do you mean by that?” Warren asks, His face twisted in an expression you can’t quite figure out. The question and the seriousness in his tone surprise you, and you don’t quite know how to respond at first.
    “I- Huh?”
    “You don’t seriously think I dislike you, do you?” Warren asks again, worry bleeding through his tone. You furrow your brow in confusion.
    “What?? Warren, you’re not exactly subtle about it.” You mention, and Warren’s recoil is unexpected.
    “Oh my god, you do.” Warren holds his face in his hands for a quick moment, wondering how he had done so wrong. “Why would I dislike you? I literally spend every waking moment trying to get your attention!” You can’t help but let out a noise of confusion, mind working overtime to get the gears working in your head.
    “By tormenting me, you mean.” You say, and Warren vehemently shakes his head.
    “No! That’s not what I…” He begins, but he trails off. He’s trying to figure out something to say. Some way to let you know about how he feels, and his thoughts, but he just can't seem to find the words.
    “Okay then, Prove it.” You eventually say, crossing your arms defensively underneath his coat. Warren frowns at you.
    “What?” He asks.
    “Prove it. Prove that you don’t actually hate me.” You repeat again. You’re not exactly sure what you are expecting him to do or say. To be honest, you half expected him to give up altogether, but you were wrong about a lot of things.
    “I- you seriously want me to show you. Right now.” Warren asks again. You shrug your shoulders in response.
    “Yup.” Warren seems to take a moment for the confirmation to process, and then he smiles just slightly. Like he’s in disbelief about what he’s about to do. Before you know it, warren has dropped the umbrella, cupped your face with both hands, and pulled you into a kiss. 
    You’re wide-eyed for a moment, simply letting him kiss you in your disbelief as the rain pours down on you once again. Your mind still hasn’t quite caught up yet. Warren is kissing you so deeply, so lovingly, that you almost feel like you’re dreaming. He separates from you for a quick moment before kissing you again, this one a little less intense, and finally you find yourself catching up to the situation. You kiss him back, heart thundering in your chest. You can feel Warren physically relax, his wings fluttering just slightly behind him as you fully lean into the kiss, hands latching onto his shirt as you move closer. You feel him sigh into the kiss, and despite the cold rain, all you can feel is warmth. 
    When the two of you finally separate, Warren rests his forehead against yours. His pretty eyes look at you with fondness, and you find yourself wondering how you’d never seen it before. All he really wanted was your attention, didn’t he?
    “...We are so gonna get sick after this.” You mumble, brain still stalling a little bit. Warren lets out a laugh, pulling away to pick up the umbrella again. He pulls you a little closer than before as the two of you finally make it to the front steps.
    “Yeah, Probably.”
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ahszoebns · 1 year
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Not just a one night stand. Colby Brock
Y/n's POV:
I sigh as I look myself over in the mirror of my best friend's, Kat’s, house before I call out to her.
"Kat I don't know about this, I feel stupid..." I confess feeling completely unsure about the costume she got me for her Halloween party that will start any minute now. Unamused that I told her I didn't feel like dressing up she told me she'd buy the perfect costume and if I didn't wear it I would not be allowed to come. Reluctantly I agreed, however, seeing myself in the slightly skimpy fallen angel outfit I wish I would have just stayed home. At least she didn't make me wear the fake blood on my face I guess.
Dressed as Morticia from the Addams family she pokes her head into the doorway and her eyes light up instantly. "What?! Why not it's perfect! You look so hot and you love the color black!"
"It's just a little much for me, Kat," I say, sighing trying not to disappoint her but also not understanding why on earth, besides for my love of the color black and darkness, she'd pick something like this for me.
"Exactly! Try something new, get out there, mingle!" She smiles and winks at me and now I suddenly know what all this is about.
I cross my arms over my chest and glare at her. "Is this about my love life again?" I ask her seriously and knowing she loves to try to set me up with anyone she deems fit the moment the opportunity presents itself as I have horrible luck in the dating world.
"What? No!" She lies trying to cover it with a laugh awkwardly. I glare at her again already knowing the truth. "Ugh, okay yes! But it's different this time I think you two will really hit it off!"
I groan running a hand through my hair. "Katrina girl, I love you, but you have to stop trying to set me up okay? I barely ever even get a first date out of them, I'm not like you, boys just don't fall at my feet."
She rolls her eyes. "Was is that suppose to mean? She asks.
"It means I'm not famous, I'm not talented, I'm not a youtube icon, I don't have a hair and makeup team on call, I'm just me," I say exasperatedly at the fact that Katrina doesn't see how different dating is for the two of us. You may be wondering how in fact we even become friends but that's a long story that includes a horrendously embarrassing spilled coffee episode.
"Yeah but your kind and funny and interesting, and beautiful! There is nothing wrong with being you and I know for a fact this guy will absolutely fall head over heels for you." She says confidently crossing her arms to mirror mine trying to convince me. Sighing in defeat I sit down on the closed toilet that is clad with a slightly tacky but admittedly comfy lavender fuzzy cover. "And if we are so perfect for each other why haven't you introduced us before?"
I ask skeptically.
She comes closer so she can fix the hair I slightly messed up by running my hand through it before explaining. "Well he has been in a relationship until recently plus I haven't seen him in a while but he's finally on the market again!"
I look at her in complete surprise. "Kat! I don't want to be some sad and lonely guy's rebound!" I protest, causing her to purse her lips and glares at me.
"He's not like that!" She insists before going over to the mirror to touch up her make up one more time.
"He's a great guy, you'll love him." She says and I sigh. "Oh and not to mention he's a great kisser." She smirks before winking walking out of the room when the sound of the doorbell rings through the house.
"Wait how do you know he's a great kisser?!" I call out to her as I see her head down the stairs. She just giggles without an answer casually turning on the music. Oh god, what am I in for tonight?
Colby’s POV:
"How do I look?" I ask my best friend Sam as we approach the house of my friend Kat. She is throwing a huge Halloween / costume party tonight but that's not all. After being single for almost two months after my long-term relationship I'm finally ready to get back out there and Katrina said she wanted to set me up with one of her good friends. Although I was a little reluctant at first I agreed and well, here I am.
"Yes dude, don't be so nervous." Sam chuckles, nudging me.
I roll my eyes at him. "I actually want this to go well please excuse me for caring," I say sarcastically as I straighten my black devil costume out. My last relationship ended because it simply wasn't going anywhere. It had lost its spark and just became a game of who was willing to cave first. I'm ready to have something real again and to be with someone I truly care about and who truly cares about me.
"I'm telling you, you don't have to worry, you guys are seriously perfect for each other." He says trying to convince me not to get too worked up.
I nod and we walk inside the house booming with music and the smell of liquor around every corner.
Katrina sure does know how to throw a party. We start making our way to the bar passing a few people we know casually saying hi and waving but I know if I'm going to make it through the night I'm going to need a drink.
"Can I get a beer?" I ask the bartender quickly paying him.
Sam orders a drink too and then starts to look for Kat and whoever this mystery girl is. I down about half of my drink immediately before Sam sighs. "Ugh." He groans. "She said they'd meet us at the bar but I don't see them."
"She probably bailed," I mumble slightly irritated by the situation wishing that they'd just let me do this on my own.
"Stop being so negative, I'll text Kat now," Sam grumbles pulling out his phone as I down half my beer down trying to get loosened up a little. "She's calling me now, hold on."
Sam answers the phone plugging the ear he isn't using to listen to his call so there isn't so much noise to distract him. "Yeah, we're here where are you!?" Sam says smiling as he talks into his phone.
"Okay, okay yeah, see you in a few."
"So?" I ask him curiously as he shoves the phone back into his back pocket.
"Kat wants to meet them outside by the pool, and said people are out there but it's not as loud." Sam shrugs and points towards the back door.
I nod and we start walking in that direction. I look around for any possible signs of Kat and her friend. We went outside and as we turned the corner Kat was standing there waiting for us.
"Hey! So look don't tell her I told you this but she's kind of nervous, she really doesn't do this stuff, and she might be shy but you'll love her I promise." Katrina immediately begins to ramble at us. We give her a hug seeing that she seems a little frazzled by everything happening right now.
"Don't worry Colby asked me if he looked okay like 20 times on the way here, he's just as flustered as she is," Sam says patting me on the back. I glare at him mumbling how it's just because I haven't done this in a while but they both ignore me. "Where is she anyway?"
Kat smiles widely, turns to look behind her and motions over to the table area. "See the cute Y/H/C one in the Fallen Angel costume? That's your girl." A
As my eyes fall on the girl matching the description my jaw slacks, she's absolutely gorgeous. She's sitting at one of the tables with a drink in her hand as she looks around at the people in the pool. I take notice right away of everything from the pink of her lips to the way the fabric of the costume hugs her curves.
"Like what you see buddy?" Sam asks with a laugh snapping me out of my gaze. I nod blushing slightly as I look back at him and Katrina who turns back to us. "I picked out her costume so it would match yours. You both love dark things and I figured it would be a great way to break the ice!"
I nod again trying to form sentences and not have my eyes wander back to her. "W-What's her name?" I ask softly.
"Y/F/N," Kat replies.
Sam groans as he nudges me. "Come on guys, are we just going to stand here gawking at her for the entire night or what?"
"Sam’s right, let's go!" Kat starts to laugh as he grabs my arm and begins pulling me over to the beautiful girl across the yard.
Y/n's POV:
As I look up from the pool I lock eyes with Kat who is heading straight towards me. Behind her are two guys and I instantly recognize them. Sam Golbach and Colby Brock. You have to be joking, it all makes sense now. She's setting me up with Colby who’s one of her and her boyfriends best friends.
She smiles at me and I flash her a look of I can't believe you. Narrowing her eyes she mouths the word "behave" to me like my mother would when I was a kid. I roll my eyes and stand up awkwardly as they get closer and closer.
"Y/n! There you are, I have someone for you to meet!" She says as if our little exchange didn't happen. "This is Sam and Colby, Colby was the one I was telling you about."
My whole face turns red at her last phrase and I look up forcing myself to smile and make eye contact with them. "H-hi." I manage to say.
Colby is looking down at me with a slight blush to his cheeks as well. He can't possibly be nervous to meet me, can he? "Hey, uh nice uh costume." He smiles trying his best to sound put together.
I look down at his costume and finally realizing why Kat choose this for me. Dylan and I match and our characters just happen to be in love.
Coincidence? I think not. I shoot her a look but laugh a little to cover it up. "You too."
"Well, Sam and I are going to leave you two be!
Have a good night you guys!" Katrina claps before grabbing Sam's arm and pulling him away.
Colby and I both instantly turn to our friends calling after them and then awkwardly meeting our eyes back to one another. I look away from him shyly. What was she thinking? I can't do this, I can't talk to him, let alone like he'd have any interest in me.
"Uh, can I get you a drink?" Colby asks me, snapping my attention back up to him.
I raise my hand up with my drink in it. "I uh already have one." I smile a little at him trying to be nice. "But thanks."
He chuckles. "Sorry I just, I haven't done this whole thing in a long time..." He says getting a little redder and reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
"It's okay, I understand, I'm not the best at this either," I say laughing a little and trying to lighten the mood a bit by confessing to him.
He rolls his eyes laughing. "Oh come on, yeah like I'm supposed to believe a beautiful girl like you has such a hard time finding someone to go out with."
His words cause my entire body to heat up. Does he think I'm beautiful? "Oh, I oh..." I giggle a little embarrassed.
He looks at me after taking a sip of his drink. "Oh sorry was that too creepy, fuck see, I'm not good at this!"
"No, no it's okay, it was nice, I'm just not used to being called that," I say immediately not trying to make him feel bad. "Well I think you're gorgeous and whoever says differently need to get their damn eyes checked."
He says recovering from closing up a bit to me.
I giggle taking a sip of my drink before answering.
"Well, you're not too bad yourself," I tell him blushing still. He smirks a little and I guess I helped boosts his confidence. I can't believe he's actually nervous just around me.
"Do wanna sit a while a talk? You know, get to know each other a little more?" He asks a glint of hope in his eyes as he smiles.
The same warm feeling spreads through me again and I nod. "I'd love that."
Colby’s POV:
An hour and a half, as well as three beers later Y/n and I haven't moved from our spot since. It turns out Kat may have been right when she said we have a lot in common. We are both complete tv and movie addicts, we listen to the same kind of music, and we are both super sarcastic.
I swear I could listen to her talk forever.
Occasionally she goes on these little side tangents where she begins to talk faster and her eyebrows move creating the cutest little creases on her forehead.
Oh and that's the other thing. She's probably the downright most beautiful girl I've ever seen. While we've been talking I realized how alluring her eyes are making me never want to look away. The way her hair falls so effortlessly drives me crazy thinking about how soft it must be. And then her smile, god, every time I make her smile my whole body heats up.
Fuck I really like her. I really really like her. I already know she'll be the death of me, that is if she likes me but I think she might. The way she leans a little when she laughs and how over the short amount of time we've spent together, she's already began to loosen up around me. However, that may also have to do with the fact she's on her second mixed drink.
Suddenly she stops talking and I worry that I got lost in my thoughts so much that I missed a question but thankfully she quickly sighs and smiles. "I love this song." She says nodding towards the house where the music is blaring and people are dancing.
I listen closely and chuckle a little. "Me too." She smiles and blushes having to look away from me and then I realize what she's doing. She wants me to ask her to dance. Right? Maybe not I could be miss-reading this but I think that's what's happening. I would really like to dance with her maybe I should just ask. I clear my throat a little.
"D-do you want to uh... dance? With me? I mean like in there... You don't have to but, if you like that song - I like the song - and I like uh, well I feel like we are getting along and-" I say stumbling a tad to find the wording I want.
She looks back up at me, her smile bright and her cheeks rosy as she cuts me off, saving myself from further embarrassment. "Yeah, I'd like that a lot
I smile trying to contain my excitement by biting my bottom lip a little. "Great." We stand up and leave our empty drinks behind as we make our way towards the house. I look down at her without her noticing she begins to look a little nervous. "You okay?" I ask her worried.
Y/n nods a little and looks up at me. "I just, uh, I'm not very good at this." She giggles. "I said yes because I want to but I don't really know what I'm doing. I'm not really a dancer."
I smile at her being shy, similar to how she was when we first met. I look out at the crowd watching people move to the beat and I look back at her. "I could teach you?" I offer.
"Y-you don't have to Colbs we can just go talk more I don't want to embarrass myself or you." She says the blush on her face growing stronger.
When she called me Colbs my heart nearly skipped a beat. "Oh stop, I know you want to, and I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to." I remind her as I slowly brush my hand against her's. "You could never embarrass me." "Okay." She says with a deep breath giving in to me while moving her hand to brush back over mine.
I decide to take a leap of faith and lace my fingers with hers gently. She smiles shyly at me as we give each other's palms a small squeeze. "Let's go." I pull her into the crowd with a spin making her giggle.
We begin to dance together and at first, we keep it friendly and silly always keeping our hands held tight but as one song turns to two, two to three, three to four, and four to five we have pressed up close to each other swaying again one another to the beat. Somehow along the way both of our awkwardness subsided and has now been replaced with undeniable sexual tension. I hold her hips firmly keeping her close to me as she has her on hand on my shoulder and the other slung over my shoulder. Her cheeks are flushed due to the heat of the dance floor and the heat between us. Hell, we are so close together I can feel her heart racing just like mine.
I look at her, looking back at me. I like her more with every passing second and I decide to take a shot in the dark. "I really want to kiss you right now." I mummer softly and breathy hoping my want for her doesn't ruin what we have.
She looks at my lips before her eyes flicker up to mine. "Nothing's stopping you." She whispers and smiles bashfully. Surprised but completely ecstatic I smirk before leaning in and pressing my lips to hers.
Y/N's POV:
Colby crashes his lips on mine as soon as I give him the okay. Somehow he seems to pull me closer to him than we were before. The kiss is long and passionate and I kiss him back. Our lips move together beautifully as he moves one of his hands up to my face cupping it and keeping my lips close.
I run my fingers through the hair on the back of his head in response.
After a few more moments we pull away. I let out a small gasp for air, my head feeling slightly dizzy from the intense kiss.
"I'm so fucking glad I met you..." Colby breaths out, his hot breath fanning across my face.
I blush and nod. "Agreed," I said giggling a little trying to make myself less nervous about this whole situation and how fast we seem to be moving.
He smiles and tucks some hair behind my ear. "I'm glad you think so too because I'd really love to take you out sometime... that is if you'd let me?" He asks again mirroring my nerves with his own uncertainty.
"I'd love that," I say softly and decided to be brave by going on my tippy toes to kiss him once again.
Colby smiles against my lips and kisses me back. When we pull back, movement catches my eye from behind him. Confused, I look over to see Kat waving her arms spastically. When we lock eyes she motions me over quickly.
"Everything okay?" Colby asks his grip loosening on my sides and looking over his shoulder at
Kat who tries to trick him into thinking she's calm and collected.
I roll my eyes and giggle a bit. "Yeah, I think Kat needs me for a moment," I say casually before his face falls into worry. Quickly I place a hand on his arm. "I'll be back."
He smiles again and nods happily. "I'll be here."
Smiling, I turn and walk over to Colby quickly and excitedly.
"Did I really just see what I think I saw?!" She asks with a huge smile plastered on her face.
I blush and nod as she squeals excitedly. "Kat!
Shhhhh!" I say turning and trying to make sure Colby isn't watching us. He's talking to some guy I don't know and I sigh thankfully.
"Oh my god! You like him so much!" She says not caring if he hears or not.
I laugh and pull her off to the side a little more.
"Yes, okay I like him," I admit to her and myself. "I like him a lot actually.." I can't help but smile at the thought of how our lips fit together like perfect puzzle pieces, and how much we had in common, and how overall he's just honestly blown me away.
"Awwww!" She smiles. "See I told you! And don't be mad but I've been keeping my eyes on you tonight, things are getting pretty heated out there, what are you going to do?" She asks me and I already know what she's referring to.
I sigh and scratch at my arm a tad anxiously. "I don't know Kat...."
She rolls her eyes at me crossing her arms firmly.
"Y/n I can see it in your eyes that you want him, and trust me girlie, he wants you. For once don't overthink this babe."
"What if he thinks I'm being easy and then nothing actually happens between us. As much as I hate to admit it, you were right, and now I really want things to work out with him. I never do things this quickly in a relationship." I explain conflicted on whether to give him to my desire or do guard my heart.
"I told you, he's not a one night stand kind of guy.
She tries to reason with me. Again I steal a quick look at him over my shoulder. I must have caught his eye because he smiles at me with a little wave.
"And look he obviously likes you too." I give him a small wave back before looking at her again without an answer. "Fine so don't fuck him right away, but at least get out of here. Go back to your place, have some wine, put in a movie, and see what happens?"
I decide she's right. I need to live a little more, try new things, and take some risks. I like Colby a lot, and well Kat does know about this stuff more than I do. "Fine." I sigh.
"Yes! Oh my god, go get 'em girlie!" She squeals again forcefully grabbing my shoulders and turning me towards the direction I came in and pushing me away.
I laugh at her and she winks at me before I disappear out of her sight to go catch up with Colby.
Walking back over him he grins widely once he sees me. "Everything okay?" He asks thoughtfully making my heart jump a little.
"Yeah everything is perfect," I say smiling. I think about what Kat said, and how right now here this seemingly perfect guy is standing here in front of me just waiting for me to say something else. I take a subtle deep breath. "D-do you maybe want to go somewhere?" I ask.
"Like where?" He asks chuckling a little bit.
I blush realizing I should have clarified more. "Well I didn't know if you wanted to go back to my place, maybe watch The Kissing Booth?" I ask him knowing we talked about the movie trailer and that he has been dying to see it.
His smile grows and he nods. "I'd love to, that sounds great."
My heart flutters at his words and the fact that I thankfully didn't just make a fool out of myself. We then head out of the house and Colby orders an uber considering we've both already had a few drinks.
On the drive over we make small talk about the party but he slowly moves his hand over to mine and laces our fingers back together. We keep them together as we get to my apartment building.
I unlock my door and let us into my apartment.
"Welcome to my humble abode," I say flicking the lights on and closing the door behind us.
We share a chuckle and Colby looks around, surveying the area. "Why thank you, madame." He teases me, making me blush for some reason.
"The movie is on the rack, do you want some wine or something?" I ask him as we walk further into the living room and I point over to my rack of movies.
He walks over to the rack pursuing it carefully. "Wine would be great." He says.
"Coming right up, make yourself at home," I say quickly before going into my kitchen to get us both a drink.
When I come back into the room Colby is sitting on the couch reading the back of the DVD case. I smile and set the wine glasses down on my coffee table.
"Here ya go, I'll put that in," I say as he hands me the DVD.
"Thank you." He says happily taking a sip from his glass. "Wow, good wine."
I laugh a little. "Thanks, honestly I just got was on sale last time I was at the store."
He chuckles and shrugs as I come to sit down next to him. "Well, I like it." I giggle back taking a sip myself.
The movie starts and we mutter remarks about the actors and plot and so on and as the sweet liquid starts to disappear from our glasses we subtly move closer and closer on the couch.
At one point as he scoots a little closer he looks down at me and smiles. "W-would it be okay if I put my arm around you?" He asks a little softly as he blushes.
I nod and blush back at him. "Sure..." I say turning back to the screen to hide the fact that I find myself nervously biting at my bottom lip.
I feel his arm move upwards and then gently wrap around my shoulder. Moving a little closer to him to make the position more comfortable I sigh a bit feeling surprisingly relaxed in his arms.
A while passes and the scene where Elle and Noah have their first kiss comes on. As finally, their lips touch a slight tension fills the air.
Colby clears his throat a little and to my surprise, he breaks the silence. "You know I bet they dated in real life.."
I look up at him slightly confused. "What makes you say that?" I ask him.
He shrugs a little looking down at me. "Well it's hard to fake something like that."
Well, how can you tell they just didn't fake it really well?" I ask with a small smirk playfully egging him on a little.
Smiling he shrugs again. "You can't fake something like that, you can't fake that kind of... of passion..." He looks me in the eyes and with the movie, and our proximity, and him just being him, I find myself wanting to kiss him again.
"Passion huh?" I giggle a little trying to cover up the fact that my heart is picking up a little speed as we now seem to be leaning in closer together.
He chuckles briefly and then looks at me for a moment. "What something wrong with a little passion?" He asks me softly while seemingly studying my eyes.
"Not at all, just seems like I don't come by it a lot these days," I say quietly as our faces have become so close that our noses are almost brushing.
"Me neither....'
." He whispers. "B-but I... I think I
felt it tonight... with you."
That smooth bastard, I swear it's like he knows exactly how to make me melt. "I think I did to..." I respond looking at his lips and then back up at his eyes.
He smiles and closes the gap between us. We share a long passionate kiss, just like at Kat’s, but then suddenly it's like a switch flips inside us both and it turns a little more electric. Colby's hand that was wrapped around my shoulder moves down to my waist, pulling me in closer to him. I move slightly to be able to face him more before moving one of my hands to the side of his head and rests the other on his chest.
The kiss intensifies even as Colby runs his one hand through my hair and I pull him closer by his shirt that my hand is now gripping. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance, which I immediately allow. He then slowly slips his tongue into my mouth exploring it excitedly. I do the same to him and we find ourselves in a slight battle for dominance. I give into him willingly, letting him set the pace.
He moves away from my mouth and kisses my cheek, my jaw, and to my neck where he whispers softly. "I-I really like you, and I really really like this, but I don't want to push you too far or too fast."
I pull away to look at him for a moment my heart overflowing with happiness of how sweet he's being. "D-do you think we're moving too fast?" I ask gently.
He smiles shyly. "Well, I usually don't even kiss on the first date, but this feels right to me.."
"I usually don't either... I think so too." I nod kissing him soft and sweet. "And for the record, I really like you too." I giggle a bit.
He chuckles and kisses me before answering. "God, you are so amazing." I roll my eyes at him playfully before kissing him once again.
His lips quickly find my neck again. He leaves open-mouthed kissing all along my neck before biting into my sensitive spot making me gasp as he sucks a mark onto my skin. "Cole..." I sigh in lust. "I love it when you call me that baby." He mumbles leaving my skin.
I don't really respond, although when he called me baby I about exploded. Instead, I just pull him back up to my lips kissing him desperately. He smiles against my lips before tightening his grip on my sides to pull me onto his lap.
Colby pulls me against him as I grip the hair on the back of his head and give it a tug. He groans under his breath and I feel his one hand move under my shirt setting my skin on fire. Slowly I move my hips grinding against him. We both breathe out subtle moans at the feeling of being that close together.
"Bedroom?" I ask pulling away breathlessly. He opens his eyes and nods with a huge grin coming over his face. I giggle a little at his reaction before climbing off of him and pulling him by his hand down the hallway.
I open the door and pull him in quickly but before I get the chance to do anything else he pushes me up against the door, shutting it in the process. He kisses me immediately taking me by surprise at first but then I fall right back under his spell.
Deciding to take things a step further I reach for his shirt and begin to tug it upwards. He takes the hint and moves only to take it off and throw it to the side but before I can do anything else he grabs my shirt pulling it off my body. Then he finally returns to my lips allowing us to pull each other close again. trail my hands down his chest and abdomen admiring the tattoos, ripples, and divets as I go while he moves his hands down to undo my pants. They fall to the ground and I kick them off before he decides to swing me around and push us back onto my bed.
We share a few more increasingly sloppy kisses before I move to kiss at his birthmark on his jaw. He moves his hands down to his pants to start getting them off of himself as I move down to his neck.
Once they're off he kicks them somewhere and flips us over so that I'm straddling him once again.
He begins to kiss at my shoulder as I focus on his neck but as he moves his hands to remove my bra he adds another mark to my collarbone. Between his lips and his hands now cupping both my bare breasts, Ilet out a moan. My moan causes him to jerk his hips a little and grind against me. I can feel how hard he is against my core and moan again.
"Fuck, you're so beautiful baby, I want to see the rest of you, okay?" Colby whispers huskily. I nod running my fingers through his hair.
Colby carefully begins to kiss down my body. All over my skin from the valley of my breasts to the dips of my pelvis occasionally nibbling as he goes.
"That feels so good," I mumble through a sigh.
He chuckles a little and after pressing a kiss to one of my hips he smiles up at me. I blush slightly embarrassed but he begins to pull down my panties. "Don't be embarrassed, I've got you." I nod again sitting up on my elbows to see him better. When he gets my panties off he licks his lips before moving my thighs apart and kissing up them. With each inch, my heartbeat increases and my body gets hotter and hotter. "May I?" He asks allowing his breath to fan over my throbbing center.
"Please Cole," I whine slightly tugging at his hair again and biting my bottom lip. Slowly he leans in and gently begins to tease me with his tongue. "Oh, fuck." I let out instantly.
"You taste fucking amazing baby." He mumbles continuing his movements that are beginning to make me moan.
Colby grips the top of my thighs with his hands keeping them apart and down for them as he feels me slightly squirm under his touch. And the more and more he teases me the more and more desperate I become for him. "C-colby, please, it feels so good but I need you, I can't wait anymore.
He pulls up from me and smirks. "No problem baby." He says sitting up and pulling down his boxers. His hard cock slaps against his skin and he groans at the feeling of his restrains finally being gone. "Do you have a condom?" He asks suddenly snapping me from the daze of staring at his impressive size.
"Yeah, one second," I say rolling over to get one from the bedside drawer. Once I've got it I rip it open and sit up on my knees. Blushing I look up at down at him. "D-do you want me to put it on?" I ask him shyly.
"Definitely, but only if you want to." he smiles caressing the curve of my hip gently. I lean forward and tenderly pick up his hard cock by its base.
"Fuck..." He mutters under his breath, obviously suppressing a moan.
Carefully I roll the rubber sleeve down over him making sure it's on properly. "That okay?" I ask to make sure.
He sits up on his knees as well, so that he can kiss me passionately and pull me close once again.
"Perfect..." He smiles pulling back just enough to speak. "A-and you're sure about this?"
I nod kissing him again before speaking. "I'm sure, are you?"
"A million percent sure." He chuckles before leaning down to sweep me up and throw be on my back so that he can hover over me.
We kiss passionately and desperately, our lips and occasionally our teeth crashing together. I tangle my hands in his hair as he grabs my hip with one hand and his cock with the other. He then begins to line up with me, the sensation of his tip slightly poking at my entrance causing me to shiver with anticipation.
"Colby, please don't tease." I whimper against his
lips. He smiles and whispers back. "I'm sorry." And with that, he carefully pushes into me. I gasp and he groans as he bottoms out inside me. His hand that was guiding him gripping my other hip. I swear he's holding me so tight bruises will be in the place of his fingertips in the morning. "T-tell me when you're ready princess." He stutters out probably trying his best not to just begin fucking the living hell out of me.
I quickly adjust to the way he fills me up and how it makes me have prolonged butterflies in my lower stomach. "Go ahead, you don't have to be careful," I whisper.
He smirks again as he moves his hips. It doesn't take long for him to pick up speed and begin pounding in and out of me.
"You feel so fucking good." He groans pressing his forehead against mine.
I moan, squeezing my eyes shut at the feeling of the blissful pleasure. "Fuck, Cole! More please, I need you." I gasp letting a moan follow.
He grunts focusing on thrusting inside of respond as well as moving his one hand to rub at my clit.
Another moan rips through me making me buck my hips up to him making him groan and grunt again.
Every little move he makes sends waves of pleasure all throughout my body as the sound of my slapping skin and desperate noises fill the room.
Then with one particularly hard thrust, he begins to hit a spot deep inside me that makes my pleasure spike and my inner walls clench around him.
"Shit I'm so close," I whine to him moving one of my hands to grip his shoulder.
"Just let go for me, Cum for me, I'm close too, just let go." He rambles pressing a sloppy and quick kiss against my lips. "But open those pretty eyes princess, I want to look in your eyes."
Through the pleasure and edging closer and closer to my peak, I force my eyes open to look up at him.
His eyes are dark with lust, his cheeks are flushed, his forehead has these wrinkles in the skin from his facial expression, and there is a thin layer of sweat forming all over him. Something about seeing him this way and feeling him absolutely wrecks me in the best possible way makes me spiral into my orgasm. My mind goes into a hot white state, blocking everything out except what's happening right now in front (well inside) of me.
I moan out for him loudly, my thighs shaking, my fingers raking down his back, and my body clenching around him. His hips stutter in there pace before he twitches inside me before he lets out a disgruntled moan. I then feel him fill up the condom and experience his own high.
After we both come down we work on regaining our breath's as he pulls out of me. Colby rolls off of me immediately waddling to the trashcan to dispose of the condom. He then uses a tissue to make sure he's clean before laying back on the bed with me.
"That was so fucking good." He chuckles tiredly before pulling me into his grasp.
"I very much agree." I giggle allowing myself to cuddle into him.
I let out a large yawn as he presses his lips to my forehead. "Get some rest babe.." He whispers. The tiredness takes over me and I nod in return before allowing myself to cuddle into his grasp and drift asleep.
Softly shifting in the warmth of the covers I begin to suddenly awaken from my sleep. I smile to myself as the memories of last night flood into my mind immediately. Last night was the best night I've had in a long time, and one of the best night I've in general. Colby was amazing just as a person and in bed.
I take a deep breath allowing my eyes to flutter open as I rollover. I give my eyes a moment to adjust to the light coming through the curtains but when they do my heart breaks. Colby's gone.
Sitting up I push away the tears. I can't believe I actually thought this would work.
Echoes of him telling me how much he liked me and Kat assuring me this would be different echo in my head. I'm not mad at her, I kind of want to be but I know I can't be. She was just trying to help and for a brief moment last night she did.
With Colby, I was the happiest I've been in a long time. He really got to me with that whole nice guy act, god I feel so stupid.
I wipe my eyes pathetically as I go over to my closet tripping over some of my clothes on the way. I don't even bother to pick them up, I don't know if I can take any more reminders of last night. Pulling a long shirt over my head I grab some underwear to slip on and decide to go make some coffee.
When I go over and open my bedroom door the light blinds me for a moment. I rub my eyes and when I open them again I stop dead in my tracks.
"Hey gorgeous, did I wake you? I'm so sorry, I was going to bring it to you.
There standing in front of me is Colby, smiling brightly at me as he flips the pancake that he has in a pan on my stove. My heart jumps to life in shock and happiness. "Y-you're here?" I ask with a gasp and a smile coming over my face.
He gives me a confused look before it sinks in. "Oh, did you think I-?" He cuts himself as I nod a little embarrassed. He immediately turns off the stove and comes over to me. "No, no, no, I'd never! I'm so sorry." He says grabbing my hands. I sniffle a little and let out a small laugh. "Do be sorry! I- I just really like you and I thought you left... you know..."
He smiles. "I meant everything I said last night
Y/n. I really like you, I really liked what happened last night, and I really want to take you out sometime."
Happiness fills up my entire body and I grab him kissing him. "I really like you, I really liked what happened last night, and I'd really like that Colbs."
He smiles picking me up and spinning me around giving me kisses all over my face. I giggle kissing him tenderly as he puts me down. "Remind me to thank Kat later." He chuckles.
"Ditto," I reply as he kisses once again and then returns to breakfast before spending the rest of the morning cuddled up on the couch, fantasizing about what's the come.
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babygorewhore · 8 months
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You are the only Exception
Eddie is your brother’s best friend. Who often reminds you Eddie would never go for you. But one night on a last minute change, Eddie takes you to a concert. Where he finally confesses what he’s always wanted to.
Warnings. None! Less than 1k. (Who am I?) thank you to my love @take-everything-you-can for giving me so many adorable thots for this one!!!
Your brother's best friend was Eddie Munson, someone you’ve had a crush on for years but your brother wouldn’t ever let you be alone with him for more than five minutes.
“Dude, you’re a princess and he’s just not into that.” He would say, but you didn’t care. You still admired and obsessed over him.
Tonight was the night of the paramore concert, something your brother promised to take you for your birthday. You half hoped Eddie would have joined but you didn’t voice it. You looked at your outfit in the mirror, the cropped black paramore shirt and plaid pants. Your boots gave you a few inches and your hair was styled out of your face from anticipating sweat.
Your makeup was perfect for the hot lighting and you took a million selfies and posted them all.
But a knock at your door caught your attention.
“Hey um im really sorry but I won’t be able to take you tonight.”
You spun around, prepared to scream at him when your brother held his hands up.
“But before you freak out, Eddie said he would take you. He’s downstairs. And don’t be weird. I know you have some stupid crush on him.”
You threw a shoe at him which hit him on the arm as he rolled his eyes and left. You smooth your outfit repeatedly out of nerves. Oh god. Eddie was taking you to a childhood dream concert?
As you came down the stairs, you saw Eddie talking and laughing with your brother and his smile briefly dropped and turned into something softer before he snapped into place.
“Hey, rocker girl.” He greeted you as you came closer. He reached to play with your hair and your brother smacked his hand.
“Man, come on. She’ll throw a fit if you mess up all that hairspray. She’s living her emo kid fantasy right now.”
Although he didn’t mention that it also included kissing Eddie Munson, your eyes flickered to his full lips that were casually upturned. Eddie was wearing all black with an oversized jean jacket. To your surprise, he held up two wristbands. They both said paramore.
“Kinda hard to get ahold of these but I got them. Here,” he reached to slip it on your hand and you swallowed as his ringed fingers touched your skin.
“Shall we?” Eddie held out his elbow and you curtsied.
“Lead the way, sir.” Your brother turned up his lip and you gave him an innocent look as you both walked out of the door.
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Your heart thudded the entire drive and as you both situated in the growing crowd near the stage. You rose to your tip toes and back down to ease some of the anxiety when you felt Eddie’s hand go to your lower back. “It’s okay. They’ll be out soon.” He said to your ear and you felt goosebumps.
“Trust me,” he pulled back, speaking louder. “I’m an expert.” You raised your eyebrows as he started grinning.
“Oh? I didn’t realize you were such a superstar, Edward.” He put a hand over his heart.
“You wound me, princess. Playing for five drunks has made me way better than some punk pop band.” He playfully rolled his eyes.
You smacked his shoulder lightly as you heard the crowd roar. Spinning, you saw the band walk out center stage. You met their screaming and started jumping as the guitars played with their opening song.
“Are we ready??” Hayley called out and you started clapping.
As the show continued, you shed tears and your favorite songs from your teen years were played. Finally, your favorite song. The Only exception began. You raised your arms and then felt another pair wrap around your waist. You felt his jacket on your bare flesh and you turned your head. Eddie was smiling at you, his lips turned up in the lights. The shadows across his face did nothing to conceal the yearning in his brown eyes.
You leaned into him, enjoying every second as the years of pining came to mind. His hands gently traced your ribs. His cool rings pricking your skin that was hot.
“You are the only exception.” You all sang out and you instinctively pulled out of Eddie’s hold but his hand slid into your pocket. And then he started aggressively head banging.
You gasped and then cackled. But then Eddie leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You turned and cupped his face. Meeting his kiss with parted lips as you briefly forgot about the crowd.
He pulled back and pecked your lips a few more times. “Let’s keep watching, sweetheart. Gotta face your brother when we get back.” He smirked.
“He can get over it.” You giggled and faced the stage again.
“Oh and by the way,” Eddie said against your ear again. “You’re not too much of a princess for me, sweetheart. You’re the only exception.”
Tagging @xxhellfirebunnyxx @lesservillain @emsgoodthinkin @reidsbtch @slvt4jamesmarch @marchsfreakshow
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tatesdiary · 2 years
Summary When the group that wants to reenact the murder scene of the two girls catches you and your mom Vivien, you don't expect a certain blonde haired boy to save you.
tags Tate's hot, cursing, home invasion ig
word count 1414
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Confused and frantic you search your bag and room for your cell phone. Why had your mom been so frantic?
When you're about to turn around and look in your closet something hits you against the side of your head and you pass out.
Waking up felt surreal, Vivien was tied to a chair and three people were standing in front of you, conversing in a relaxed manner. There was a splitting headache on the back of your head, making your vision blurry.
"Put this on," the guy demands and throws a white clothing at you. "I'm not gonna put this on!" You resist and throw it back at him. He huffs angrily and turns to his accomplices, "Take her to the bathroom upstairs." Before they can do that you get up and run around the corner, nearly reaching the front door when someone grabs you and pushes you in the small closet to the side.
A hand is placed over your mouth and when you look up, pressed against the wall, you see… Tate? His hair was adorably messed up and he wore that green striped sweater you'd seen once before - it suited him well in your opinion.
"What?" You breathe out, but he just urgently tells you, "Get to the basement. Quick," with that he's gone again, all that's left behind is his cologne.
The relief you feel at his presence is immense and the act of being pressed close to him in a closet was a whole different story. You had no idea why he wanted you to go to the basement, but you trusted him.
When you're back in the living room, acting like you were trying to free your mom, the one with the brown hair moves her knife and grips your wrists, tugging you along to the bathroom that was close to your room.
"Let me go!" You struggle against her grip but she just presses the knife close to your stomach, "Be quiet," when you're in the bathroom she gives you back the nurse outfit and tells you to put it on.
You could swear you saw a flash of green and black pass by, but you focus on listening to her. You start putting it on, getting a rise out of her when you seemingly take too much time.
Then the blonde girl comes in, holding her stomach. "I'm gonna shit myself. Don't do it without me!" Is all she says before she stumbles back outside.
"Ugh. Get in the tub," she pushes you toward it and you try making up an excuse why this wouldn't do. "This is the wrong tub," you simply state, throwing her off completely. "it's not. I studied the murder reports, this is the right bathroom."
You shrug, "Nope. We remodeled all of this, the actual tub is in the basement." You add a quick description that nearly matches the tub in this room and she curses, "Come with me."
She pushes you in front of her, the knife digging into your back as she makes you lead her to the basement - and the made up bathtub. You click the light on, the quiet buzzing of the old lamp disrupting the silence of the stone cellar.
You hadn't been down here often, now everything was up to Tate. The next second the light turns off and you shuffle around the corner. "Where are you?" The woman yells angrily, only for Tate to reply, "Over here, you stupid bitch." You suppress a chuckle and wait for what he is going to do.
She walks to where his voice comes from and you follow, staying unseen. You see him standing next to a tub filled with water, the stupid sweater making him look more attractive than he already was.
"I've already filled it with water for you," he tells her and she looks confused but not suspicious.
She walks closer to the tub, seeing a woman inside. The woman whose murder they were going to recreate.
Instead of staying you now run up to find your mom, seeing her run down the stairs right as you exit the cellar. You pull her out of the front door with you.
Walking past the detectives and to your parents felt weird, but that's basically all you've felt since you moved here, anyway.
"Your mom said that you told her Tate helped you escape?" Your dad inquires, "Yeah," you turn to your mother, "Thanks for nor dragging him into all that."
"What was he doing in the house?" He continues asking, and you shrug, saying you don't know - which was true. You know your dad has been suspicious of you and Tate, thinking he was bad for you or something.
But he doesn't let it go, and it's starting to get annoying. "You think I let him in? I don't know why Tate was here." You watch your parents before adding, "But I'm glad he was. You weren't." With that you leave and go back to your room.
It's later that day that you're sitting in your room while listening to music, a book in your hands. "Can I come in?" The door opens and standing there is Tate. He's still in the green and black sweater but his hair is even messier and the curls more prominent.
"Uh, yeah," you stop the smile from spreading on your face as he comes closer and sits next to you.
"How have you beenSince… you know," his voice is soft and you shrug. "It's hard to sleep but I'm fine." You'd have nightmares daily since that night - you couldn't even say when the last time was you slept through a full night.
He seemed pitiful as he listened to your answer and looked up, slowly taking your hand in his. "If you need me I'm usually always near." You smile and put the book to the side, about to answer when a knock sounds from the door.
You still before springing into action and shoving him into your closet, holding a finger to your mouth, "Stay here."
Then you sit down on your bed again, letting your mom know she could come in. "You okay? I heard you talking to someone?" You cough to cover up the chuckle that comes from the closet, "No, I was just on a call with someone from school. She needed the homework." Your mom looks suspicious but stays quiet and pats your leg. "Go to sleep. It's already ten thirty."
You nod and she gets up again, but not before nearing your closet and pushing the door closed. You exhale a heavy breath when she leaves, going to lock your door. "You're so bad at staying quiet!" You giggle and he laughs too, looking at you with fondness, "Gotta he had at something when I'm good at everything else," he winks.
You shake your head, getting comfortable on your bed. He sits at the foot of it, one hand on your calves. "Good night," he whispers and you smile, telling him the same.
But as he gets up, you don't think; "Tate?" He turns around again, a questioning look on his face. "Can you… stay? I just- I feel safer with you here…" it's embarrassing to admit, but you'd rather sleep for once than have no awkward feelings between you.
"Yeah, sure." He quickly agrees and your heart does a little excited jump. You scoot to the side and pat the empty space beside you, happy when he understands what you want and lays down next to you.
He turns on his side and you do the same, looking at each other. You don't know who leaned in first, but the next second his lips are on yours and your hand is holding his jaw.
One of his arms is laying over your hip and the other is gripping your hair carefully.
You continue with the kissing and you eventually pull him down to hover over you, his eyes piercing into yours. "Does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?" He asks breathlessly and you grin, "If you want to," he cocks his head and dives back down, kissing you longer.
"Seems like it."
That night you sleep in his arms, no nightmares anywhere.
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
Our little secret
Paring- rafe Cameron
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Summary- Your toppers little sister and one night he throws a little party with his boys. Rafe gets jealous when his friends start to take a liking to you. And all his feeling start pouring out. But topper can never know���
Warnings- kissing, swearing, fluff.
Series- outer banks
Request are open 🫶
“Can you please just stay In your room, just for a few hours they will be gone by… ten” topper begged at the bottom of the stairs while I was sat at the top sipping my tea. “Fine if you promise they will be gone at ten I’ll stay hidden” I sarcastically threw at him.
I didn’t actually mind staying in my room, I didn’t want to be out there with ten of my brothers friends. I wished they wasn’t coming at all. I always get so nervous when they do, i don’t know how to act or what to say. Mainly because a lot of them are so hot. Especially rafe.
“Thank you y/n! I really appreciate it and I promise this is the only day of the week I’ll have a gathering while mum and dad are away” topper smiled at me from at the bottom of the stairs. “It’s fine top! I get it your all back from uni and want to meet up” I shrugged. “I love you sis” Just as I opened my mouth a knock on the door came, topper turned to look. “Y/n can you go up now?” He ordered more than asked, as he turned back around to my direction.
but I was already up and gone from sight.
I went to my room and listened to music for a bit with my AirPods. They weren’t loud to be fair I didn’t hear much of the boy gathering from my room. I then turned on my TV to watch some vampire diaries, that show is the GOAT. I even managed to fit in some collage work putting my airpods back in after. Eventually I did get bored and turned my wrist so my Apple Watch could reveal the time.
“Perfect” I grinned at the half ten numbers that greeted my eyes because that meant everyone was gone. I turned my music up to full and left my phone on my bed while dancing my way into the kitchen for a drink and a snack to some drum and base. If I do say so myself I was actually quite good at dancing, it was one of my talents and I loved it. But I’d only dance at home as I was quite a shy person. I never had the confidences to do it in front of anyone even though I had the family’s encouragement.
“Y/N” I heard being yelled over my music. I turned around putting my glass of orange juice down and my jaw almost fell off. All of topper’s friends were still here, doing beer pong on the dining room table. “What are you doing down here?” Topper rolled his eyes while his friends drooled at my short shorts and dance moves. All except one boy. Rafe. His jaw was clenched and he looked pissed off.
“You said- everyone would be gone by ten!” I hissed at him feeling the embarrassment in my cheeks. “Okay well everyone’s not gone clearly!” He frowned probably feeling the same embarrassment as me. “I’m not being funny topper… this is my house too” I folded my arms, starting to get defensive. All his mates started giggling and doing that stupid “ooooo” sound at topper.
Which he didn’t like much. Obviously. All except rafe again. Topper opened his mouth but Rafe cut in directly. “Y/n will you show me where the toilet is” “But you’ve been here so many times” I frowned. Rafe walked forward grabbing my wrist and practically pulling me out of the kitchen. He let me go when we were up stairs and turned to look at me. “Why were you dancing like that? Huh… in front of all them boys, in that outfit?”
“I didn’t exactly know they were there Rafe” I folded my arms. Was he telling me off? He seemed angry but I didn’t know why. Rafe was always quite silent around me nowadays, i though it was because we once very drunkenly kissed at a party. I thought he felt awkward about it or perhaps embarrassed it happened. After all I was his best friends little sister. We’d never brought it up again I just assumed it wasn’t on the table to talk about, maybe he didn’t even remember.
“Well then you should be more aware of your surroundings” he raised an eyebrow at little me standing under his gaze. “maybe you should stop pretending like I care what you think” my eyes slimmed at the boy and his widened from shock at my backchat. “Why would I think that?” He asked catching me off guard. “Bec- well, that’s how you act”. “Since when” he laughed shaking his brown hair, never taking his eyes off me.
“Just go back down to your stupid party and leave me to mine” I rolled my eyes trying to walk away but Rafe blocked my body with his. “What are you doing” I questioned quietly, getting shy. “what are you doing? Now” “trying to go back and finish my stupid English work that makes no sense” I sighed backing down, moving a step backwards. “Want me to take a look?” Rafe asked staring into my eyes.
“You want to help me with my work? Have you got a brain injury”. Rafe laughed at my comment and then just started walking towards my bedroom. “This it?” He lied on my bed propping himself up on his elbows, scanning the question. Got he was hot. “This is easy you just need to put the terminology into the language levels” Rafe looked up at me leaning against the doorframe.
His eyes went all the way down my body before meeting my eyes. “I don’t know what language level they go into” I sighed wondering over to join him on the bed. The words started to become blurry on the page I’d stared at them so long. “It’s late are you sure you want to be doing this? Maybe your brains not functioning” “oh my brain is fine rafe” i scoffed shaking my head.
“I’m just trying to help” he chuckled looked up at me. “Yeah but I don’t know why” I folded my arms looking down at the boy. Rafe shrugged his shoulders “i know the stuff you don’t- why wouldn’t I help you”. I wanted to tell him why, but i couldn’t bring myself to talk about the kiss. It would be so embarrassing if he didn’t know what I was talking about. “Because your missing the party” I brushed it off looking towards the paper again.
“It’s been a long time since we’ve spoke, seems I’m at uni now” Rafe shrugged drawing my attention back to him. “Why? We never speak” I blinked. Now rafe was under the spot light. He looked unsure about what to say next. “We used to” he eventually told me. “When we were kids Rafe- then we grew up” I shrugged. “We grew up and kissed” he blurted out with his calm, deep voice.
My heart stopped beating when I heard them words. “W- what?” “Don’t pretend like you don’t remember, we really wasn’t that drunk” “y- yes we where- we were pissed” I scrambled and my cheeks burnt red. I needed to blame my actions on the alcohol or it means I wanted to kiss him. Which… I did. But Rafe could never know that. “Y/n we were just about tipsy” “you don’t know- how much a drank actually”
“Sure” Rafe giggled rolling onto his back and looking at the ceiling. “Is that really why you stopped talking to me?” I asked him quieter and softer than my other tones I’d had. “I needed to process what it meant” he told me looking up still. “I’m sure you kiss a lot of girls at partys rafe, especially the girls at uni now” I chuckled sitting crossed legged on the bed now. Staring down at his beautiful sculptured face.
“The girls at uni aren’t you y/n” he rolled his head over to look at me, my cheeked started to burn red again. What the hell did that mean. Aren’t me? Does he want me. I didn’t say anything I didn’t want to say anything because I might have said something wrong. “This is why I didn’t talk to you… because I knew when I did it would all come out” Rafe sighed looking back up.
“What is coming out Rafe? What are you saying” “I’m saying since that time I kissed you in summer, I can’t get you out my head y/n- it’s so frustrating” “why” “because I shouldn’t be telling you this! Because topper could find out how I feel and try to kill me” his fists closed and Rafe jumped uo looking at me now. “But I know I’d try to kill him if he denied me to have something with you”
“Rafe…” I started edging closer to him. “You want something with me?” “Of course I want something with you- your all I fucking want y/n” “do you know how wrong it feels to have fallen for my best friend little sister”
“Topper doesn’t have to know about everything that happens in my life” I whispered to him. “what are you saying?” He softly asked me after a few seconds, rafe bit his lip looking into my eyes again. “I’ve missed you rafe” I told him slowly leaning forward. He pulled his head back for a second. We stared at each other for a few seconds in silence. Rafes eyes flicked down to my lips and in that same second he moved forward to meet them. It wasn’t like last time at all.
It was slower and Rafe tucked my hair behind my ear while holding my face close. He was gentle with me and when we pulled away he leant his forehead against mine. “What are you doing to me y/n- your all thats on my mind all day, I cant control myself around you” he whispered, pecking my lips. I took his hand that was resting on my cheek. “I want you too rafe” I told him lowly. He pulled away from my forehead looking at me for a second.
“If we do this- topper cant know, not yet” he told me swallowing, almost like he was nervous. “Its just me and you” I nodded rubbing my thumb over his hand. Rafe leant back in planting a kiss on my forehead and pulling me into a bear hug. His face looked puzzled like he was still trying to put it all together. “Rafe” I turned his head to look at me. “Are you okay?” “Im in shock” he let out a little laugh. “I’ve imagined this Moment in my head so many times and- this is never how it goes”
“You underestimate your rizz Cameron” I smirked, Rafe laughed out loud not ever letting me go from his grasp. “Y/n” I heard topper calling out from the hallway. Me and Rafe looked at each other and pulled away moving to other sides of the bed. He pulled the book in front of him as the door opened and topper walked in. “Hey” I weakly smiled at him. “Whats happening” he wondered looking at the English book. His tone didn’t sound suspicious. 
“Rafes going though my homework with me, he got an A in English” I pointed bearly looking at my brother. “Im sorry okay, i know that was my fault but I just didn’t like how they were gawping at you” he rolled his eyes folding his eyes. “Why did you take it out on me then” I rolled my eyes at him. “Because I just wanted to get you out of there- so thank you rafe” he looked at his friend who just shrugged at him.
“If any of my mates ever try it on with you, I’ll fucking kill them” topper stared at me hard while fire danced in his eyes. “Well, I’ll let you know” I pulled a face blinking at him. “Now- me and Rafe are trying to get this finished can you stop distracting us” I folded my arms around my body. “Y/n im sorry” topper sighed not moving. “Your forgiven if you promise to stop excluding me from your parties” I rolled my eyes with a smirk. Topper thought about it for a second.
“Deal” he told me turning on his heals and walking out closing the door on the way. Me and Rafe eyed each other before giggling to ourselves. “Our little secret?” He pulled me towards him by my hand. “Our little secret” I brightly smiled showing all my teeth and leant in to rafes lips again.
For more like this see my masterlist!
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
this is us ~ jjk | 4
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jimin and taehyung want to party before they leave.
✨ title: this is us | (sequel to all grown up) ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: m/18+ | minors dni ✨ genre/au: drama, romance, angst, fluff, smut | est!relationship, age gap, bff's younger brother ✨ playlist ✨ a/n: if you haven’t read the prequel to this, please do so here! :) you can read them here on AO3 & Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] | next ✨ 5 ~ daydreams and stargazing
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chapter four ~ hot tubs and clubs part 2 | wc: 5.0k warnings: kissing, touching, groping, allusions to sex, alcohol consumption, girl x girl kiss, jungkook's day one my time outfit (yes, that's a warning), light thigh riding while dancing, jungkook getting an erection should just be a warning for the rest of this series, fingering, unprotected penetration (they're happily in love), they try to have sex but get interrupted again
The sun peeked through the window shutters, and the birds were bright and chipper as you wiped away your tears. Five episodes later, from where you and Hyunie left off, you silently cried as you watched Start-Up. You tapped on your phone to check the time, and it read 6:27 AM. You didn't realize how late…or early it was.
Shuffling could be heard from the loft upstairs, and your cute and sleepy boyfriend popped out. His hair was ruffled and fluffy, and the bags under his eyes were prominent. He rubbed his eyes, trying to get a better look at what was in front of him when he came down the stairs.
"G'morning, boyfriend."
He flashed you a lazy grin, slowly walking towards you, positioning his head on your lap, and spreading himself across the sectional. He groaned, wrapping his arms around your thigh and settling into a fetal position.
"What are you doing up so early?" he asked, still half-asleep, eyes closed.
His shivers gave away how cold the morning air was, even with all the windows closed. You reached for a throw blanket draped over the sectional to cover him up. "I couldn't sleep, so I decided to binge my drama. Why are you up so early, hmm?" You asked as you looked down at him, gently stroking his fluffy hair.
"I tried to get my morning cuddles in, but you were gone," he muttered. He quite liked the feeling of your fingers threading through his hair, lightly scratching his scalp, and it reminded him of Saturday morning snuggles with his mom when he was little.
You quickly paused the show because you didn't want to miss any scenes. Still stroking his hair, you sighed, "I'm never getting high again."
He opened his eyes, head turning to look up at you. A stupid grin plastered across his face. "Why not?"
"Last night, I felt like I was sinking into the bed. You know that scene in 'Get Out,' when he sits in the chair and then goes into the sunken place? That's literally what happened to me." You had chills just thinking about it all over again, and it was not a pleasant feeling.
Jungkook chuckled. "You're so cute when you're high, though. You get so spacey and giggly, and I love it." He reached up to gently stroke your cheek.
Leaning into it, you gave him a sweet smile. "What about you, huh? Asking all of these existential questions?"
"I was in the zone… the twilight zone," he joked stupidly.
You chuckled and shook your head. "Dummy…"
"A lovable dummy?"
"Mmhm, my loveable dummy." You leaned down to kiss him before reaching for the remote to continue your show.
"Why can't she be his dream?" Jungkook asked as he sat up, completely immersed in the episode you were watching.
You sniffled and wiped away the tears streaming down your face. "Hmm...? Maybe she wants him to choose a better future for himself instead of her."
"It's not her decision, though, and it's his."
"I can see where they're both coming from. Do-san didn't know his dream was her until they met, but Dal-mi doesn't want him to regret choosing her if he stays."
"Easy. Choose the girl," he stated, thinking what was so hard about it.
"It's not always that easy, boyfriend."
"If he loves her, then he should stay. Is his career really worth someone he loves?" He couldn't understand Dal-mi's determination to make Do-san choose something else, to push him away when she clearly loved him.
You chuckled. "And here I thought I was the hopeless romantic?"
"You're my dream…a lifelong dream come true." Smiling, he held your palm up to his lips and pressed a kiss. "I'm hungry and going to make some breakfast for us." He got up, leaving the spot in your lap empty and cold.
He established--time and time again, how head over heels, completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love he was with you. A small part feared you didn't deserve him, that you didn't love him as much as he loved you, that one day you'd break his heart...again. He deserved the world--you didn't know if you were the one to give it to him.
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"Jungkookie…did you get it in the right hole last night?" Taehyung snickered while looking at Jimin and Hyunie. The three of them apparently became besties over this past weekend. Everyone was huddled together at the kitchen counter, making a quick breakfast.
He rolled his eyes at his friend. "I blame the gummies you gave me, and they threw me off my game."
Taehyung almost choked on his cereal. "Yah-don't blame my gummies. You should train your dick better." Jimin kicked him, and Taehyung glared back, mouthing, "What?"
"Train my dick better? I can show you how well-trained my dick is right now. I'll stick it in that hole in your face if you don't quit it." Jungkook quipped back, forgetting how annoying his friends could be.
"Please, be my guest." Taehyung opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, teasing his friend.
"YAH--you guys are disgusting. Quit it, will ya?" Jimin barked at his two friends, shaking his head in disappointment. It was like college all over again.
The two of them went on bickering like old men. Jimin turned to you and Hyunie, apologizing for their behavior.
You set your coffee down, and a few splatters spilled on the counter as you walked over to your boyfriend and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the stairs. He was taken aback by your gesture but followed nonetheless.
"Where are you going?" Hyunie asked, munching on her bagel, watching the two of you.
He smirked at your boldness. He turned to his friends, "You guys should probably start packing up the car."
"YAH! YAH! YAH! I believe you, Jungkookie. I don't want to hear you guys fucking again." Taehyung cried. "That shit scarred me."
"Great...I'll be sure to be even louder than normal," you chirped at Taehyung before sticking out your tongue.
"Better hurry and finish your breakfast if you don't want to hear us."
Jungkook retorted cheekily, then he smacked your ass on your way up to the loft as you pulled your top over your head.
The three musketeers hurriedly grabbed their food and snuck out towards the deck to dodge your sex capade.
"Are they really gonna fuck?" Jimin asked before turning around and saw Jungkook's naked rear end from the window. "...and I just answered my own question." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I literally have deja vu," Taehyung closed his eyes and began rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"He has a nice ass, though…" Hyunie couldn't stop staring. Jimin and Taehyung glared at her. "What? It's true."
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"…they want to go clubbing?" You sighed when Jungkook told you what Jimin and Taehyung wanted to do before returning to California.
They unexpectedly stayed another week, crashing at Jungkook's place for the time being. He loved his friends, but he kept showing up at your place to sleep, again, claiming it was 'too crowded for his liking.'
He shrugged. "You can bring Hyunie. I'm sure she wants to see Taehyung before he leaves."
The last time you went to a club must have been right before you were with U-jin. The thought of sweaty bodies, loud pumping music, and idiotic drunks didn't seem like an idea of a fun time, but you reminded yourself of wanting to be the fun girlfriend.
"I'll invite Jin-hyung, Yuna, and Namjoon-hyung too. I'm sure they're all dying to have some fun," he added.
You doubted the old married couple would be up for a night out.
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"I'm so glad Jungkook invited us! We've been itching to get out of the house," Yuna exclaimed over the loud, deep bass, repeating the same beat.
"Didn't think this was your kind of crowd!" you yelled back to her over the loud music.
"It's not! But we've been so bored, we'll do just about anything!" Namjoon chimed before taking a sip of his beer.
You offered Yuna a shot of Vodka, but she refused. Shrugging, you took a swig of it instead. You hissed when it hit the back of your throat, burning as it went down. It was exactly how you pictured the club would be: loud and sweaty. Good thing you didn't bring a sweater. With all the bodies in there, it was like a sauna.
The club in Itaewon was packed, and of course, it would be. It was eleven o'clock on a Friday night. Luckily, Jin grabbed a booth for everyone early before the crowd began trickling in. Jimin, Taehyung, and Hyunie have been on the dance floor since they stepped foot in the club and barely sat down to take a breather. The 'old people,' including you, Jin, Namjoon, and Yuna, were all sitting in the booth, watching the crowd go wild.
Jungkook came back to the booth with water for everyone. Those sitting all grabbed one, quenching their thirst. He sat beside you, squeezing your thigh, trying to reassure you and assess if you were doing alright. He knew it wasn't your thing, but he was happy you were there. You flashed him a smile, letting him know you were okay.
He leaned into you, whispering in your ear, "Come dance with me."
You shook your head. "I wouldn't be caught dead shaking my ass in a club, especially in Itaewon."
He leaned back in. "Aw, come on, please...for me? Just one dance." He pressed a kiss into your neck. "...then I'll sit with you for the rest of the night." 
What he said was a lie. You knew he wouldn't let you sit for the rest of the night. You slowly craned away from him, keeping your eyes on Yuna, but she was paying no attention to you two. She was in a deep conversation with Jin and Namjoon across the booth.
"Kook...Yuna's here."
"So? You swear like she hasn't seen us kiss." He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him, beginning to nip on your earlobe.
Your body shuddered lightly; he knew it was your weak spot. "I know…but it's still weird sometimes."
"Come dance and let me kiss you where she can't see us then." He devilishly smirked before planting a wet kiss on your neck, letting it linger longer than you wanted. You were hoping it wouldn't leave a mark.
Fuck. Jungkook looked too good to say no to tonight. He was sporting a see-through black button-down with leather pants and a matching jacket. The button-down left nothing to one's imagination. You could see his defined chest and that stupid shiny nipple piercing poking through. You swore to God if he left one more button undone, you'd beg him to fuck you in the women's bathroom. His jet-black hair was growing, perfect for tugging if you could say so.
You downed another shot of Vodka, your third one of the night, groaning before you shooed him to move his way onto the dance floor. He grinned excitedly like a schoolboy who got a girl to agree to go to second base under the bleachers. You rolled your eyes at him, always getting what he wanted. He held onto your hand, squeezing it as he led you into the sea of sweaty bodies. He turned back to you once he found a spot, spinning you around, so your back was against his chest. He held you close, close enough to smell the perfume that he loved so much. You rolled your head back, molding your body into his, swaying to the beat of the music. He gripped tightly onto your waist, rocking and grinding himself into your ass. Your hands snaked back towards his neck, tugging his hair at the nape of his neck. One of his hands slowly traveled down the side of your tight black dress, stopping at the hem, fingers slightly lifting it for his own pleasure, wondering how far you'd let him go.
You briskly slapped his hand away. "People are watching."
"Nobody's watching," he whispered, kissing the shell of your ear before turning you around to face him. He gripped your waist again, moving back towards a less bright spot on the dance floor. He nudged his knee between your legs, having your crotch ride against his thigh. Your lace undies become soaked as his hands slide down to the soft flesh of your ass, gripping your waist, making you dry hump his thigh. So, now you understand why someone would like 'thigh riding.' Your eyes fluttered shut for a moment, savoring his hands on you. His eyes were dark, filled with lust, wanting to leave and take you home.
Your eyes opened when his hand traveled to the nape of your neck, threading your hair, getting lost in the moment simply from his touch. A view of Taehyung and Hyunie caught your attention, her arms wrapped around his shoulders and his hands on her waist. He smirked, leaning in and whispering something in her ear. She giggled as she touched her forehead against his. You wondered what nonsense they were up to, then before you knew it, she stepped away from Taehyung and headed in your direction.
"Sorry, lover boy, I'm going to steal her away," she stated as she pulled you towards her.
He kissed your cheek. "Have fun," he said, making his way to find Jimin and Taehyung at the bar. He sat on a stool, surrounded by his friends, intently watching you and Hyunie.
"What are you doing?" Curiously asking your friend.
"Making your boyfriend a little jealous....and horny," she grinned at you.
"You're bad," you smiled back at her.
"I know." She noted before tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, letting her thumb linger along your jawline, stopping at your chin and bringing you in for a kiss.
When Jungkook saw the kiss between the sea of people, his dick automatically twitched in his leather pants. Taehyung elbowed him, "Looks like you have some competition."
The kiss was a surprise, and you stood there dumbfounded. You've never kissed a girl before, but you were sure Jungkook enjoyed watching it happen. Your eyes shifted from Hyunie's down to her lips, and you pressed your lips against hers again.
Both Taehyung and Jimin chuckled, watching their friend squirm sitting on the stool. Jungkook cleared his throat while shifting in his seat. He needed to readjust the stupid leather pants that were beginning to stick to him. If you continued to do what you were doing, he'd have to go home and change.
"You've definitely had way too much to drink," you shook your head at your friend.
Hyunie grabbed your arms around her waist as she put hers around your neck, pulling you close to her. She leaned in, whispering, "Do you think it worked?"
The two of you glanced in the boys' direction, and they quickly looked away, pretending not to be watching.
"Yeah, it worked," you chuckled softly as the two of you danced closely.
"Yah--you better watch out for Hyunie, and she's going to steal your girl," Taehyung jokes, licking the salt off the rim of the glass before downing the tequila shot and chasing it with a lime. He grimaced and hissed, and it was his fourth shot of the night.
Jungkook rolled his eyes at his friend. But, he had to admit, watching you kiss Hyunie turned him on...a lot, which was unexpected. "Whatever man. And what about you? Go get your girl..." He pointed to Hyunie, who was now laughing with you. "What's up with you guys anyway?"
Taehyung shrugged. "She's cute. I like her, but it's too early to tell."
"He's just scared that he likes her too much," Jimin chimed in.
The three continued watching the two of you dance away in the crowd. Jungkook loved seeing you having fun and not caring so much about how you looked to others. He knew it was difficult for you, but he was glad you had Hyunie to help loosen you up. Finally, his dick calmed down, so he straightened his jacket and leather pants.
"Where are you going?" Taehyung asked.
Jungkook grinned. "Taking my girl home."
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The fun started before you even left the club. Jungkook couldn't keep his hands off you, not after seeing the kiss between you and Hyunie. He was a bit jealous but mostly turned on. You felt bad for your taxi driver. He was probably annoyed with both of you. You tried to be on your best behavior while in the backseat, but Jungkook wasn't helping. His hands kept wandering between your thighs, fingers inching closer and closer to your wet core. Your eyes remained on the driver, ensuring he was paying attention to the road and not what the two of you were doing. You whimpered when he fully had his palm rubbing circles against your clit.
The driver quickly glanced back, meeting your eyes. He wasn't stupid. He knew what was happening. He'd seen too many couples while working in Itaewon late at night.
Your hand slipped down to stop him from going further. You didn't want to cum in the back of a taxi.
He leaned over, his nose nipping the shell of your ear. "Baby...you're driving me insane. Please..." He pleaded, aiming to continue what he started, but you didn't let him. He removed his hand from your crotch. He thought, if you didn't want to have any fun, he did at least. "Then can I have some fun?"
Oh jeez. Jungkook was relentless tonight. You gazed at your love-lust boyfriend, giving in once again to his wants, no needs. Your hand flew down to his crotch. He was already hard, which didn't surprise you. You were sure he had an erection the whole night and wouldn't be surprised if he had blue balls too. The friction between your palm and his hard-on was overwhelming. He kicked his head back, breath hitched in his throat, chest heaving, struggling to keep himself in control. He could clearly feel his pre-cum sticking to the confines of his boxers. His groan echoed throughout the car, making the driver shift in his seat and step on the gas.
You leaned into him, whispering, "I think we're making our driver uncomfortable." You smirked as you gently patted his dick and kept your hands to yourself.
The hunger continued once the door closed to his apartment. "Fuck--Kook..." You moaned breathily as his lips seeped deeply into your neck, marking you. His hands squeeze the soft flesh of your breasts through your dress. All the while, his hard cock pressed deeply into your stomach. You hastily removed his leather jacket, tossing it on the ground, leaving on the see-through button-down etched with leopard spots and zebra stripes. 
"You're so sexy," he panted between heated kisses on your lips and your neck. He was reminded of tonight's little antics of you kissing Hyunie at the club, and it made his cock twitch again.
"You like that? Hmm…?"
"Very much."
He kissed you again, tilting his head to deepen it, then tucked his arms under your thighs, lifting you up and pinning you against the wall. You helped slide the straps off your dress, letting your breasts spill out. He automatically latched on, harshly sucking on your tit. You whimpered when he bit down on your nipple.
"What...if...Jimin...and Taehyung come back?" you asked breathily as he peppered kisses along the top of your chest, your hands gripping tightly onto his dark locks. You offered to return to your place, but he insisted on his since it was closer, and he couldn't wait any longer. He had to have you.
"They won't," he said confidently as he held you up while waddling to his bedroom, lips never leaving you.
You yelped when you flew onto his bed. He kicked off his pants and boxers before crawling towards you to slip off your dress. Your heart was pounding, excitedly waiting for him to continue. The lace panties were already soaked from tonight's thigh riding and his stupid, sexy outfit.
"I've never wanted to fuck you so badly," he remarked before pumping his thick shaft, getting himself ready. He looked absolutely angelic on his knees. His dark locks were wet and sticking to the side of his temples, thanks to the sweaty sauna of a club. Maybe you should go more often. He continued making his way over to you, your legs already spread, waiting for him. His hands are on each side of you, hovering, taking you all in. You began to clench around nothing, wondering what was taking so long. His eyes shifted from yours down to your lips, then unexpectedly shoved two fingers inside your juicy cunt. You squirmed and gasped at the sudden contact.
Jungkook flashed a smirk and cocked his eyebrow. "I guess I'm not the only one who enjoyed the kiss."
"Shut up," you said as he kept pumping his fingers in and out, then you pulled him down for a kiss, moaning into it.
Then you pushed him off and rolled him over onto his back. You knew he loved doing all the work but not tonight. Tonight, it was your turn. And he didn't mind one bit. He loved the view from where he was. His hand flew up, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your breast while the other traveled to your clit, rubbing in circles. He smirked, seeing you kick your head back, mouth agape, clearing, enjoying yourself. You returned to your senses and remembered it was your turn to fuck him like there was no tomorrow. Tonight's shenanigans at the club made you horny too.
You leaned down to kiss him, letting yourself rub against his hard and thick erection. Your juices lather him up, ready to take him in. Your hand traveled down, holding his cock at your entrance, sliding it up and down your folds, the two of you groaning, the anticipation killing both of you. You swirled his reddened tip around your entrance, before slowly taking him in, stretching you out inch by inch. Fuck. You forgot how great his cock felt. Your pussy finally clenched around the one thing you've wanted all night.
"SHIT--!" Jungkook cried out.
"Kook, you're so big," you gasped, finally bottoming out, taking all of him in. You needed a moment to get used to his size again.
"The door--"
You stopped rolling your hips to look at him. "What? What?" you exclaimed, unsure of what was happening. Then you heard it too. Suddenly, you rushed to grab the duvet to cover yourself.
Taehyung groaned loudly as his knee hit the table in the entryway. He was way too drunk for his own good, and Jimin was trying his best to hold him up. "Really, Jungkook?!" Jimin shouted when he saw shoes and clothes all over the hallway. He walked Taehyung over to the sofa, plopping him there for now. Then Jimin strolled further down the hallway to see the bedroom door wide open, and Jungkook was glaring at him, peeking out from behind you.
Jungkook rolled you over. He propped his elbows up on the bed, the two of you still covered. "I told you I was going home and shoulda known I was trying to fuck my girlfriend," he quipped back at his friend.
You continued to hide out of embarrassment of being caught...again. You uncovered the blanket from your head, looking at your boyfriend. "I love your friends, but...they're really cramping our sex life."
"Ugh...I know. I'm sorry baby...but remember, they're leaving soon."
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Jungkook woke up early because he had to take his friends to the airport. He tried his best not to wake you, but you were completely knocked out when he looked over. At least it looked like you were. He sat at the kitchen counter with a cup of coffee and a laptop, trying his best not to look at any work emails, but he couldn't help it.
Jimin and Taehyung were fighting over the bathroom. Finally, Taehyung gave up and took a seat next to Jungkook. He slumped over the counter, letting out a big yawn. "Your girlfriend still sleeping?"
Jungkook nodded, brows furrowed, intensely looking at his computer screen. He was reviewing some last-minute revisions for the game launch coming up at work.
"Man…I'm gonna miss Seoul."
Jungkook peered over at his friend and chuckled softly. "All you guys did was party while you were here."
"We're young and dumb and allowed to do so...unlike you."
"What do you mean?" Jungkook's gaze fixed on his friend.
"You're all love-shacked up. You're chained down. You're whipped."
"And what's wrong with that?" He retorted back to his friend, a bit offended, to be honest.
Taehyung shrugged and looked away, finding a coaster to fumble with. "Nothing…"
Jungkook could tell he wanted to say more. He sighed. "Spit it out."
He wet his lips and debated if this was the best time for this conversation, but it was too late. "I like Y/n, but don't you think you're too young to want to settle down?"
"Who said anything about settling down?" He cocked his eyebrow and shifted himself towards his friend. Sure, it crossed his mind, but he wasn't thinking about asking you to marry him. You were engaged not that long ago.
"You guys are practically married." Jimin chimed in, now finished with the bathroom. He walked over to the two of you, leaning against the counter. "You didn't even hang out with us, and you were gone this whole week."
There was a tightness in Jungkook's chest after hearing Jimin's comment. "I was working, and you guys practically took over my apartment…and I came back to grab some things."
"Yeah, then went straight back to your girlfriend's…" Taehyung grumbled.
Jungkook couldn't believe what his friends were saying. He scoffed and shook his head. "You guys are ridiculous, and I can't believe you're giving me shit about hanging out with my girlfriend."
"We…don't want you to get hurt. Remember what happened with Alex?" Jimin uttered the name of the one person Jungkook hadn't heard in so long.
"She is nothing like Alex. Don't you dare compare them." Jungkook scowled at Jimin for even thinking that. "So, what are you guys saying? That I should break up with her or something?" Because he thought that was a stupid idea. Haven't they ever been in love? Doesn't dating eventually lead to marriage? He didn't understand what the fuss was about. It's not like he was proposing to you tomorrow.
Jimin squeezed Jungkook's shoulder. "Dude--calm down, that's not what I meant."
"I'm just saying…you're still young, you should go out there and experience the world…or…other women." Taehyung practically whispered the last part, then curled away from him in case Jungkook wanted to knock him out.
Jungkook glanced at Jimin to see if he thought the same thing. "Wow... un-fucking-believable...you think the same thing?"
Jimin stood there silently…looking at the pile of dishes they left in Jungkook's sink. Whoops…
"Of all people, I thought you would understand," Jungkook was referring to Jimin, "You have a girlfriend, for fucks sake. What if I told you to leave her because you need more life experiences? Or needed to fuck other women? Hmm?"
He wanted to punch the living daylights out of the two of them, and they knew he could too. He shook his head and closed his laptop. Taehyung and Jimin stood there without words, feeling bad for saying anything. Maybe it was a stupid idea to bring it up.
"Look…we both like her…and…I think what we're trying to say is to take it slow. That's all." Jimin urged his friend, trying to reassure him, although they were failing miserably.
Jungkook got up and began searching for his keys. He was ready for his friends to leave. After a few minutes, he found his keys on the coffee table. "Take it slow? I've been in love with her for as long as I can remember, and I've been waiting practically all my life to be with her. So no, I'm not going to take it slow. It's my life and my relationship, and I love her." Fists balled up, realizing he became increasingly louder by the end of his little rant. He took a deep breath to center himself.
Taehyung bit his bottom lip and nervously tapped his feet on the floor. He didn't mean it the way it came out and was just concerned for his friend. Or maybe he's never seen Jungkook so in love that this is how he was, being head over heels for someone.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry that I did. I love you, man...I'm happy that you're happy. You deserve it, really..." Taehyung trailed off, hoping you'd forgive him for being bold and forward about his relationship with you.
"I'm sorry too, man, you know we love you, and we'll support you no matter what," Jimin stated, walking over to his friend, holding him by the shoulders. "We just saw how bad it was with Alex, and we're just trying to look out for you."
There was an uneasiness that settled at the bottom of your stomach. What they didn't know was that you heard everything they discussed. It was hard to sleep with all the commotion, but it got you thinking, were you holding Jungkook back?
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✨ next ~ daydreams and stargazing
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lovelystoriesaj · 29 days
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word count: 1581
tw: 2 slurs
i lean against my locker, a green apple sucker hanging from my lips while i go through my books.
"hey blondie." stu taps the top of my head before going back over to tatum.
"hi dingus." i wiggle my fingers in a wave without looking up.
"i shouldn't be here." sidney slams her locker shut beside me, making my ears ring.
"i want you to meet us here right after class, ok?" tatum says, taking the cherry sucker she took from me out of her mouth.
"alright. hey i haven't seen billy around, is he really pissed?"
"what, after you branded him the candy man?" stu digs around in tatum locker, picking up a mirror.
"no, his hearts broken." i say, slamming my locker shut, just like sidney did before. i feel a hand hit the back of my head.
"ow!" stu and i groan.
i turn around facing the sound of screaming coming down the hall. people running toward us in the same outfit we use get up in sidney's face before running down the stairs. she obviously looks tense, considering my dumbass brother attacked her last night.
"why are they doing this?"
"are you kidding me? look at this place, it's like christmas!" stu exclaims. i shoot him a look that had 'shut up idiot' written all over it.
"stupidity leak!" tatum hit him in the face with her sucker.
"ow! easy!"
"way to go dingus." i mumble as sidney walks off. "i'm gonna go find randy. peace out girl scout."
i walk away from the two, trying to find my boyfriend. after turning around to walk in the opposite direction, i notice my brother and sidney talking by the stairs. sidney runs off down the hallway. i walk up to billy with a smile.
"way to go b, way to go." patting his shoulder before walking to class.
my head leaned against my desk as the teacher drained on and on.
"attention all students, due to the recent events that have occurred, affective immediately, all classes are suspended. the woodsboro police department has issued a citywide curfew beginning at nine o'clock tonight."
excited howls run through the halls as people run out the front door of the school.
"thank God for sidney prescott!" i yell while i walk out the door.
i run to meet up with tatum and sidney.
"hello my beautiful best friends, today is an absolutely divine day, besides the, retarted dinguses in ghost face masks running down the hall." i sling my arms over their shoulders.
"kizzo-kaskizzo is is-out! i don't know what you did sidney, but on behalf of the entire student body, we all say thank you!" stu laughs, pulling me from between the two girls.
"drop it stu." tatum mumbles.
"yo, know what i say-" he runs over and flings tatum over his shoulder, "impromptu party tonight, my house. celebrate this little siesta. what do you say?"
"are you serious?"
"that said, tatum, this little vixen dosent invite the entire world we'll be fine. intimate gathering, intimate friends."
"i'm down." jumping on stu's back after he sets tatum down.
"what do you say, sid? i mean, pathos could have it's perks." tatum says.
"totally protected. yo, i am so buff. i got you covered girl!" stu drops his voice, making me laugh.
"yeah, right." i pat the top of his head, hopping off his back.
"come on sid. for me and maddie? it could be fun."
"ok, whatever."
"yeah? nice. cool, you guys bring food, all right?" i realize i have been walking in the wrong direction and turn around to walk toward my car.
"wanna go pick up some videos? randy can give 'em to me for free." i smile, twirling my keys around on my finger.
"after you do your thing. i'll sit in the car." he throws me my backpack from the backseat.
"why thank you, kind sir." i walk into the school, doing my business before walking back out. "can you do my a favor and go string himbry up? i'm too short."
"sure, he out by the field?"
"mhm. took forever to get him out there though. that man is heavy as hell." i laugh, tossing stu a rope.
"ok, be back in a jiff."
after he comes back, i toss him a towel to wipe off his hands before i drive off to the video store.
i walk in, quickly finding randy in the crowd. i walk over and wrap my arms around his neck.
"hi babe." i say in his ear, he turns around with a smile.
"hey mads! what are you doing here?" he shifts the tapes that were in his hand to the other.
"looking for videos of couse! and to see you. stu is throwing a party tonight and we obviously need movies."
"oh!" stu yells from behind me, knocking the tapes out of randy's hand.
"you don't have to be a dickface, stu." i bend down and help him pick up the tapes.
"jesus, this place is packed tonight." stu looks around at the large crowd in the horror section.
"we had a run in the mass murder section."
"comin' to my fiesta?"
"yeah, i'm off early. curfew, you know." he starts stacking cases into the shelf. "oh now that's in poor taste."
"what?" i ask while picking at my nails.
"if you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?"
i look up, noticing billy surrounded by girls in the middle of the slasher section. i roll my eyes at his stupidity before looking back at my nails.
"what, it was just a misunderstanding. he didn't do anything." stu gestures to my brother.
"you're such a little lapdog. he's got killer printed all over his forehead!"
"can we just stop talking about my brother?" i mumble, looking between the two boys who were staring at billy.
"oh-kay, really? well why'd the cops let 'em go, smart guy?"
"because obviously they don't watch enough movies."
"this is standard horror movie stuff. prom night revisited." i answer, looking up from my hands to stare at stu.
"yeah? why would he wanna kill his own girlfriend then?" stu asks me, leaning over the shelf that separated him from randy and i.
"there's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. that's the beauty of it all. simplicity."
i shoot him a dirty look before slapping his arm.
"i wouldn't kill you baby." he take his hand in mine.
"aww, so adorable."
"besides, if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience." i explain to the obvious moron that is stu macher.
"well, what's his reason?" the taller boys head moves toward billy.
"maybe, just, going out on a limb here. sidney didn't wouldn't have sex with him." i say, throwing an empty case at his head.
"what, is she savin' herself for you?"
"last time i checked, stuart, i'm not a dyke."
"you know who i think it is? i think it's her father. why can't they find her pops man?" stu points a finger between the two of us.
"i didn't even think about that." i look at the taller boy.
"because he's probably dead. his body'll pop up in the last reel somewhere! eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!"
"randy, babe, i didn't need that description." i pat his back, trying to get the picture out of my mind.
"see, the police are always off track with this shit."
"come on man!" stu mutters through his teeth.
"if they watch prom night, they save time. there's a formula to it. a very simple formula! everybody's a suspect!" randy yells.
"baby, please shut up."
"i'm telling you, the dads a red herring, it's billy." randy says as he turns around, coming face to face with my brother, who grabs his collar.
"how do we know you're not the killer, huh?" billy asks, all up in his face. stu walks up and put his arms on his shoulders.
i walk up beside them, waiting for the interaction to escalate.
"hi billy."
"maybe your movie freaked mind lost it's reality button. you ever think of that?"
"you're absolutely right. i'm the first to admit it. if this were a scary movie, i'd be the prime suspect." randy says quickly, obviously stressed out by the closeness of his face to my brothers.
"that's right."
"and what would be your motive?" stu asks, tickling randy's earlobe. i slap his hand, making him pull it away with an 'ow!' randy turns around to look stu in the eyes.
"it's the millennium. motives are incidental."
"millennium, huh. millennium, i like that. that's good. it's the millennium." billy grabs randy's nose.
"ok, that's enough jackass time for you, buddy." i grab the hair on the very end of his neck, pulling him back. he lets out a yelp of pain, bringing his hand to the back of his neck.
"ow! was that really necessary?"
"mhm. now adios, william." i turn him around and push him forward.
"millennium. good word my man." stu says with a smile
"you're telling me that's not a killer? if i were maddie, i would have left that house by now."
"ok, randy, pick the best movies, im gonna head home to get ready."
"wait, but you drove me here?" stu whines.
"find a way back home bud, cause i ain't taking you. im not a taxi."
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darkimpala1897 · 2 years
Eddie after he nearly died can see the dead, he kept telling himself it was just hallucinations. He was just driving to meet with Steve, Billy starts to appear.
Billy: "Fucking finally some contact."
Eddie started to scream because Billy scared the crap out of him. Billy screams right back at him.
Eddie eventually got to Steve alright but he was shaken up, Jason was yelling at Billy for scaring Eddie.
Jason: "How stupid are you? You yelled at him in a moving car."
Billy frustrated at Jason mostly because he really didn't want to be spending his afterlife with him.
Billy: "Okay I didn't fucking yell, I was just a bit loud."
Chrissy was sitting on the counter her arms were crossed shaking her head.
Chrissy: "You did, you always yell at everything."
Billy not wanting to admit or give in that he made a mistake.
Billy: "It wasn't even my fucking idea, okay? It was Patrick's. He was the one going..."
Patrick pointed a finger at him like a mother glaring at him.
Patrick: "Don't try to blame you're mistake on me, boy."
Jason walked in front of Eddie who was ignoring that he could see them, he continues to talk to Steve.
Jason: "Well, how long do you think he's gonna ignore us this time?"
Jason was looking at Billy who just crossed his arms glaring at the other jock.
Billy: "Do I look like a fucking Eddie information board to you."
Jason just wanted to move on that was all.
Jason: "Come on I mean, we've already lost six months."
Eddie couldn't take it anymore, he looked towards Billy.
Eddie: "You don't yell at me well I'm driving that's common courtesy."
Patrick excited that Eddie's talking to them, he looked towards Eddie.
Patrick: "Eddie?
Jason going over to Patrick not wanting Eddie to ignore them again.
Jason: "He may be a tad upset."
Patrick not giving up because he wanted Eddie not to be mad.
Patrick: "Can you hear us? We are sorry for scaring you."
Chrissy joining in on Patrick's apology.
Chrissy: "I'm so sorry, Eddie. Don't worry, Billy wasn't trying to scare you."
Jason getting up in Eddie's face.
Jason: "How are you?"
Billy coming over to Eddie.
Billy: "I'm sorry I guess are you gonna be okay?"
Eddie completely overwhelmed throws himself over the couch not wanting to deal with them right now.
Jason: "Eddie, it's been a very long time since we made our appearances, we hope you haven't forgotten about us. We really need your help Ed."
Eddie grumbling under his breath because he thought they already crossed over.
Eddie: "Oh god, they're back."
Chrissy and Patrick: "He remembers us."
Eddie: "My hallucinations are back, Steve their back."
Eddie started to run away because he really didn't want to deal with them at the moment.
Billy: "We aren't fucking hallucinations you shit head."
Everyone started following after Eddie just wanting him to listen.
Chrissy: "Wait Ed."
Jason: "I'm not a fucking hallucination."
Patrick: "Where does he think he's going?"
Eddie running up the stairs terrified.
Billy: "Fucking Edward."
Steve followed after him managing to calm him down eventually, Eddie looking towards Steve.
Eddie: "Look, this is gonna sound crazy."
Steve just wanting him to speak to him about what's bothering him.
Steve: "Hmm? I'm all ears."
Eddie: "Do you see other people with me?"
Steve looking around the empty room confused.
Steve: "No besides those four."
Eddie blinking at him, he wonders if it has something to do with the bats.
Eddie: "Do you really see them?"
Steve: "Yes."
Eddie not believing him whatsoever.
Eddie: "Who are they?"
Steve: "Jason Carver he's got his Letterman on and a ridiculous looking hat, a very nice dressed Patrick, Chrissy in her cheerleading outfit with that pink bow in her hair, and Billy with his ridiculous leather jacket."
Steve looking into the corner and then at Eddie.
Steve: "Oh, and the naked guy with the nose ring."
All the ghosts look around confused trying to figure out where naked guy was.
Eddie: "Hmm? No, there's no naked guy..."
Steve gently smacking his shoulder laughing softly.
Steve: "I know that. You double check me I double check you."
Eddie looking towards the ghosts.
Eddie: "You guys are real?"
Jason being a smartass.
Jason: "We've always thought so."
Billy grumbling under his breath.
Billy: "Yeah, we really fucking can't do anything."
Jason: "We can't do anything actually."
Eddie feeling better about himself knowing he wasn't going crazy.
Eddie: "See, I thought that I had these emotional problems. And so, I convinced myself that I'd made you up."
Patrick shrugging, he smiles.
Patrick: "We've been here right beside you all the time, Edward."
Chrissy: "We were supposed to have you help us finish things for us, things we needed to do."
Eddie: "This is so amazing."
Jason: "I mean, the way the pieces all fit, you and us, I mean..."
Eddie: "What on Earth makes you guys think I can help you?"
Everyone shrugs but they know Eddie could help them.
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