#he loves his family dearly
corvidaeconundrum · 5 months
🟣 for Cesar mark and Sarah!
Purple- What is something that your OC could not live without? What keeps them grounded in the worst of times?
For Cesar, he could never live without his family. Not necessarily the one from before he became not him, though he does constantly think about his mother, and misses her very very dearly. He relies heavily now on the family he’s managed to make for himself. His friendship with Thatcher and Dave is what keeps him motivated to do things, especially when they drag him out to do activities. The BPS group he views like their his own kids, especially Adam. He cares deeply for him, and helps him when things are hard in regards to their true natures. They together keep his pieces from falling apart, and he would not be where he was if they didn’t exist, or ceased to.
For Mark, it’s a very similar case. Sarah is the last living remnant of who he was before, and is the embodiment of everything that made up his past(aside from Cesar, though he doesnt view him as anything more then his absolute enemy for a long time. Eventually they get better and he gets bumped up to a similar though definitely lower level as Sarah) despite his anger towards them in the beginning, he does eventually come around to Joseph and Mary as well, viewing them as some kind of odd aunt and uncle. Jonah he views as some what a son, or close to it. He relates to him, and does hid best to be the friend he deserves, especially after the house incident.
For Sarah, it’s Dave and Mark. She loves them both with all of her heart, and works tirelessly to be good enough for both. To Dave she owes everything, after he had given her a home, a job, and a life when her mother moved away. He raised her better then any of her real family ever had, save for Mark, who was her borderline dad when he was still alive. And she missed him every day. Her search for his killer is what keeps her grounded. It’s what gives her motive. A purpose. The reason she wakes up everyday. She wants to do him justice, and peace. She prays to The Lord every night that he’s happy wherever he is, and that he knows his sister loves him with every ounce of her being. He never responds, and Mark knows he never will.
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theloveinc · 1 month
I feel like, yall and Katsuki have a kid, it's going good, first day of school is tomorrow hell yeah right?
You spend hours convincing Katsuki that it's gonna be okay, nothing is gonna happen to baby, it's fine.
Then baby cries as soon as you both go to leave and Katsuki breaks hard.
He spends the day parked outside the kindergarten some days making sure his baby is okay 😭
You know how sometimes the parent has to stay for a little bit once class time actually starts just because the kid won't calm down? There's Kat with your weepy baby in his lap during opening ceremony, see; days of the week song and counting to ten, red faced n trying to hold back his own tears LMFAO because he honestly doesn't want to leave either.
(You ask him about it later, and he's defending himself with: what if something goes wrong? They don't like the lunch that's provided, or trip and fall in the unfamiliar hallways? Or god forbid, the teacher's an asshole and takes it out on the students???
Not that he hadn't already went overboard when you were looking at schools, vetting the program and reaching out to all the teachers to make sure they were exactly what he was looking for before even thinking about enrolling baby)
It's only when activity time actually starts that baby finally, finally pulls away from him when some kids ask yours to play with them, giving dad one last hug before shyly joining their circle and picking up a block.
AND there Bakugo is, crying on the way to the car and then low? high? key sobbing once you're in because your kid chose some "lil extras" to play with instead of continuing to cling onto him, which you have to remind him is actually a good thing, that other kids wanted to play with your child LMFAO.
He's such a freak LMFAO and it absolutely gets worse with your next baby, too jsdkafjkasdfjk BYE (he absolutely does hang out outside the kindergarten, sometimes even "forgetting" to give them their lunch ON PURPOSE, just so he has an excuse to drop it off and see them in the middle of the day).
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yanderespamton78 · 4 months
rb and put in tags the name of the stuffed toy(s) you sleep with
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kitamars · 1 year
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happy birfday patsuan! 🤍💙🤍
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necrotic-nephilim · 1 month
for the ask game (1)
au where bruce is attracted to his robins and batgirls. he tries not to think about it or act on it, but it's getting more difficult with every new member of his team he acquires. does anyone know? do the robins and batgirls notice his weird behavior? what do they do about it? do they ever find out the truth? who would think it's terrible and who would find it strangely hot/comforting/nice? does bruce ever act on his feelings?
for the ask game!
oh my GOD do i have thoughts for AUs like this, i love this shit so dearly, dirtybadwrong Bruce who's trying to keep a lid on it my beloved.
i think the fun of this AU is if characters would notice Bruce lusting for themselves vs would they notice Bruce lusting for a different Robin/Batgirl. like does Dick pick up on it when it's just him and Bruce? no, because it's just. him and Bruce. he and Bruce are weird and complicated and hold endless bounds of nuance. that's just How Bruce Is, and Dick is the "test run", in a sense. he knows Bruce is new to this whole sidekick/family thing and is giving Bruce grace for being rough around the edges. but when Bruce starts looking at Jason or Tim or Cass that way, that's when Dick starts to notice. it's never enough of a suspicion he feels justified to bring it up, but the thought lingers. he's hyperaware and grows less and less comfortable with leaving them alone with Bruce. it's a weird game of chicken, Dick and Bruce staring each other down when Bruce's touch lingers too long. each waiting for the other to say something first. if Bruce ever broke and actually acted on his feelings, Dick would be eaten alive by the guilt of knowing something was up, but never saying something until it was too late.
obviously, Cass would know. there's no world where Cass *doesn't* know, the nature of who and what she is would immediately clock it. but the issue is, Cass doesn't have a good framework of what family looks like. she doesn't really understand familial vs romantic love bc she has no firsthand experience of what a parent's love should even look like. so she never calls it out. she just watches. i'm a fan of Cass believing this is normal and believing she too can express and act on attraction that's vaguely incestuous. maybe it's with Babs, maybe it's with Dick or Tim or Bruce himself. but she recognizes this as Normal and Accepted within the Batfamily, so it severely fucks up her understanding of familial love and i just. man it's my favorite thing about Cass in Batcest honestly, is how you can play with her lack of experience with love, boundaries, and sexuality.
Tim is the fun one for me. because my favorite flavor of BruTim is when Tim knows, as he agrees to be Robin, that there's a non-zero chance that Bruce is going to be Weird and agrees anyway because he's decided it's an acceptable risk. so Tim knows from the get-go because he's expecting it. if Bruce acts on his attraction, i think it's either with Tim or Cass first, because they're the most likely to confront him about it in a way that isn't entirely negative. Tim has accepted it's a possibility and Cass just seeks being loved and touched so. it leads to the first time someone's ever confronted Bruce about it. and the thing is, Bruce really doesn't like confrontation about his flaws. the first time Tim tries to imply he's okay with it, Bruce would lash out at the idea, tell Tim how inappropriate that is and benches Tim for a week. it'd probably take a united front from Cass and Tim to get Bruce to even *admit* to the attraction. still Bruce wouldn't allow it to happen and he brushes them off until finally, the dam breaks. it's fun if there's a cause like sex pollen, but i think it's *more* fun if it's just. a random fucking Tuesday and finally Bruce is at his limit. he has no real reason, there's nothing particularly different about that day's routine. he just sees Tim or Cass striping armor and sighs and gives in.
i don't think Steph, Jason, or Babs would notice until anything substantial happened. not because they're not wicked smart, but just because none of them were looking for it. Jason put Bruce on a pedestal when he was alive, and when he came back from the dead he wasn't close enough to be noticing Bruce's interpersonal dynamics outside of his narrow scope. Steph has no real framework for what healthy fatherhood looks like, so if Bruce's touches linger, if he stares too long, she just shrugs and assumes it's how it is. and Babs was just never quite close enough to Bruce to notice. if and when she notices, is when actual sexual things start to happen between Cass and Bruce. because Cass would see no reason to hide it. Babs would be pissed, but it'd be tricky to navigate. Cass would be an adult, even if she's only 18/19, so technically, she's old enough to be consenting. if nothing else, Bruce is a careful man. even when he breaks and gives in to his desires, he covers his tracks well. he makes sure he has enthusiastic consent and there's no legal recourse that could be taken. age of consent and all that. there's not much Babs can *do* other than try to tell Cass (and/or Tim) that this isn't normal or okay. not that it gets her anywhere, but god would she try.
by the time Duke comes along (if we venture out of the pre-Flashpoint era) i think it's a sort of. open secret, in the Batfamily. talked about in nothing but hushed whispers and knowing glances. at some point, they've all had sex with Bruce, caving all for different reasons. some more than others. Tim sees it as a duty, Cass sees it as a way of seeking comfort, Steph sees it as getting Bruce's approval for once, etc. it's never forced on them, but eventually, they all come to Bruce sooner or later. and that's the fun irony of it, i think. they try to convince the others not to, but would go to Bruce on their own well. because complicated reasons they can't put into words. sometimes, Bruce is just a messy man who doesn't realize how prized his Attention to for the rest of the Batfamily. that weird duality of not liking him, but also wanting desperately for him to like you. all of them have dealt with it, at some point. so for Duke, it takes a while for him to understand this... whole dynamic. it's Cass who tries to explain it to him, and he's a little horrified, a lot confused. especially when Bruce starts staring at him a little too long as well. i think he'd only want to watch first but well. they all cave eventually.
also fun bonus if we venture into the Dark Knight Returns universe for my bestest girl Carrie Kelley: there's such a like, "i'm fucking around and i'm finding out" vibe to Carrie. like Tim, she's very proactive in just. deciding she's going to be Robin and she's ready for whatever that entails. (IMO canon Carrie is closer to fanon Tim than canon Tim is but *that* deserves its own post-) like she takes one look at the old man that is Batman and goes yup. he's never fucking getting rid of me now. if Bruce started having weird feelings about her, i think she'd have *fun* with it. she's decided she's in it for the long haul and for whatever being Robin means so. she's almost teasing about it, seeing how hard she can push before Bruce snaps. since it's an older, gruffer Bruce, i think he'd express open annoyance at it first, almost a sort of banter about how Carrie behave. but of course he caves and Carrie leans into it, because there's a fun in having all of Bruce's attention to herself. in the main timeline, Bruce is pretty split with so many Robins and Batgirls, but during their era, it's *just* her and him and she's very proud she's got him all to herself.
#bruce fucks/lusts after every batfam member and they all want to protect each other from him#but also they're all going to fuck him anyway bc they're hypocrite and self sacrificial.#necrotic answerings#ask game#brudick#brujay#brutim#brucass#brusteph#brubabs#bruduke#brucarrie#batcest#did i get all the ship names? god i hope so#listen i'm a pre-flashpoint girlie but know i believe there should be more duke in batcest spaces.#let him in on the fun. stop calling him the normal one. let him ALSO be toxic and gay damnit#though trying to figure out their ship name i cackling at the thought of it being bruke or duce. it's so fucking funny to me and idek why#also let carrie into batcest spaces damnit. there's so few bruce/carrie fics you're all uninspired /lh#anyway yeah i'm obsessed with the vibes of#does anyone like bruce? no but his attention. his approval. the things most of the batkids would do for it#i think you could do bruce/helena b with these vibes too#but ngl i got do mad at the batman: brave & the bold show for doing helena dirty by just making her hot for bruce#that i mentally tune that ship out#it's good. it has good potential for daddy issues.#but it just reminds me of how fucking *ass* helena is in that show. they fucked up my bbygirl.#idk why ppl like b:tb&tb so much. i don't think it's good??#is it nostalgia or something? like there's so many other better batman animated shows that can like. write women. idk that's just me#anyway love this concept so dearly <3#bruce who is so fucking bad at love he can't separate familial and romantic love my beloved <3#bruce wayne having *boundaries*? absolutely not in my good catholic batcest home.
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yuseirra · 3 months
Okay so I read onk ch 154 and kamiki literally SAYS Ai was the girl he was willing to sacrifice his own life for. The phrasing is EXACTLY like that. That really lines up with what's being mentioned in Mephisto and Fatal about giving lives and all. Those must be HIS songs and I'm getting this idea that he still means what he says
Because, just when would he have thought about having to "sacrifice" his life for Ai? I don't think thoughts like that would've crossed his mind in the past when they were still young and together, there wasn't a need for something as "dire" as sacrifices then. It must be something that's came after
When they were dating, Ai was the one that was older and SHE was the one who's protected HIM. It looks like she was the one who had more control over the relationship too. She was the one who's probably made the sacrifices(with the breakup being one too, from her point of view) so what circumstance brought kamiki to say he was willing to do that for her? (Though, I get how he'd be like he'd be able to give anything for Ai, it can be inferred that he was that attached to her) I'm sticking with my earlier guesses that he's actually doing that now and it has something to do with the gods (his name IS KAMIki + hikaru(light), right?)
Even Aqua's never said he'd give his life away FOR Ai's, did he? For her cause, and revenge, maybe, but Ai's already someone who's passed. I think the songs are really onto something. They sound too.. strong.. And a bit murky for it to be entirely from Aqua's perspective. It's going in even further than what's normally considered healthy, aren't they? It's about someone who's hopelessly lost and seeking for love. That's how Ai thought Kamiki was like too, she thought he was lost and needs saving.
Fatal's lyrics are too close to this guy's mental state, I just can't unsee it, seeing that new chapter having the same kind of stuff the lyrics are saying!! Makes me go this has to be it!! I think this should be it!! He's ACTUALLY thought about giving his own life for Ai at some point confirmed!! So shouldn't there be some things that leads up to/stems out from it?
I might embarrass myself later with these theories I'm throwing out later but I gotta say.. Try listening to Fatal and Mephisto picturing it's kamiki that's singing it, it clicks.
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mashedmangos · 9 months
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I'm a firm believer that they're all siblings
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lanayrutower · 9 months
going from the hylink depictions in fandom and all the zelda games where link dedicates his life to saving and serving her to the skyward sword prequel manga is wild because you meet the first link, and he's just like. idgaf about hylia (the goddess). you gods are just as pathetic and powerless as we humans whom you supposedly reign above. why are you coming to me to fix your problems. why do we even keep you around. i don't want your stupid sword. the bird is cool, though.
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invizz · 7 months
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juniperblank · 2 years
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look upon your blorbo and weep
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wayward-wren · 5 months
Actually no. Anyone who doesn't like Adric clearly doesn't have a younger brother.
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waitineedaname · 4 months
I was thinking about college au majors for the juniors and I was struggling with Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi, but I think I've decided they're business and philosophy respectively, making them two of the most annoying kinds of guys you will meet on a college campus
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mrsrookhunt · 1 year
Random thought because I'm sick and half-aware today
I love Rook but why with that ugly ass medieval haircut
He calls himself the chaser of love and like bitch the only reason you have to chase love is because when you walk into a town square people start running when you get within ten yards.
Mothers tell their children about him to make them behave.
Cults fear him.
He doesn't walk into a party, parties walk into him
His color palette was done entirely with the basic 24 pack of crayola crayons
And to slather all of that hot mess with the name 'rook', how the fuck did he get into the beauty dorm.
The only thing that saves him is that hideous hat, but I guess the ugliness cancels each other out.
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moe-broey · 8 months
Guy who doesn't check websites voice was anyone gonna tell me
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This is. Actually an INFINITELY CHARMING PIECE............ UNBELIEVABLY FUCKING CHARMING........ Henriette is SO SMITTEN by Gustav. She loves him SO MUCH SO DEARLY. Gustav?????? Fucking loves his wife????????? AND HE JUST KILLED ALL THOSE GUYS
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Wwwwwuuulghghhhhhhhhh........... micro organisms............................
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katierosefun · 5 months
oh nate ford how i love u nate ford. ex-catholic alcoholic asshole who's also bisexual but in a loser freak way. feels guilty about an affair that he never had filled with rage filled with hatred filled with so much grief. he is his father's son and he is also his son's father and maybe that is why he is so deeply sad and angry all the time. he would want to play god for a few days but i think he would probably also kill himself after fixing the world because he'd feel like there's no other reason why he should still be around. i love u nate ford i am kissing you gently on the forehead i am also shaking u so hard by the shoulders
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s0larseraph · 2 years
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human leo doodle that is totally completely normal
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