#he makes me wanna pull a stanley uris
seecarrun · 1 year
Dinner was ready, and Eddie left to go pout somewhere, so that was fucking annoying.
Richie didn’t even know what he had done to piss him off this time; all he knew was that he, Eddie, and Stanley were hanging out with his parents, talking old people shit, because they were all fucking old people now, and Eddie slunk off to go sulk.
Maybe the whole midlife crisis thing hit him hard in the presence of Maggie and Went or something? Something with his late mom, maybe? Who knew.
He found Eddie on the back deck, in his mother’s comically bright orange lounge chair, looking the picture of dejection, and couldn’t help but sigh to himself, mentally preparing for whatever weird shit Eddie had to complain about this time.
“What’s got your noodles in a twist, Spaghetti?” he asked, leaning back on the deck railing.
Eddie scrunched up his nose at the nickname. “Don’t fucking call me that.”
Richie raised an eyebrow. “Answer the fucking question.”
Eddie opened his mouth to argue, but closed it and sighed sadly. “Your parents like Stan more than me,” he finally admitted.
Richie snorted. “What?”
“They like Stan more than me!” Eddie repeated, indignantly. “Your mom was so excited to see him!”
That was true, Richie admitted to himself. His mother had all but shoved Went out of the way to open the door and greet them.
“Stanley Uris, as I live and breathe!”
Stan smiled sheepishly as Maggie enveloped him in a tight hug, not loving it, but definitely not hating it either.
After a few tight squeezes, she pulled him back to arms length, her eyes welling a bit with unshed tears. “Oh sweetheart, look how handsome you are,” she gushed.
Stan’s cheeks flushed slightly, but he waved her off. “No, I’m nothing special, you’re just used to seeing Richie.”
Wentworth guffawed from where he had plopped himself on the old recliner after Maggie nearly tackled him, and Richie laughed out a ‘Stan the Man gets off a good one!’ while Maggie simply shook her head, smiled, muttered ‘Oh, you kids’ and ushered them all into the kitchen for a drink.
“She’s always had a soft spot for him,” Richie explained with a shrug. “They’ve both been middle aged old ladies since the eighties.”
Eddie glared at him, but kept his mouth shut, probably realizing he had a point. Stan wandered away from Richie’s eleventh birthday party to drink iced tea and bird watch with Maggie rather than eat chocolate cake and play video games with the guys. It wasn’t anything new.
Still, he looked crestfallen, which Richie knew, unfortunately, he had to fix, because he was pathetic and in love, like an idiot.
“Besides, they love you, dude! They just, you know, see you more. You came over last weekend because Mom made too much lasagna. They haven’t seen Stan since 1991.”
“That’s fair,” Eddie agreed. “I didn’t think about that.”
“Yeah, so don’t even sweat it.” He chuckled. “They like both of you more than me, anyway.”
“True,” Eddie said with a grin, so Richie flipped him off, good naturedly, making Eddie laugh and everything right with the world again.
“Okay, you little shit, c’mon. Soup’s on.”
Eddie smiled and stood up. “Thanks, Rich.”
Richie smiled back. “No prob.”
As they walked through the house together, Richie couldn’t help but add. “Honestly, you don’t wanna be their favorite anyway. They’re super lame.”
Eddie, strangely, just smiled cryptically. “I dunno,” he said simply, opening the door to the kitchen and glancing at Richie over his shoulder. “I have my reasons.”
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this guy i sit next to in my 6th period is the bane of my existence. he looks like mattybraps. and like. hes just!! so annoying!!! i had to work in a group project with him and two other ppl and he threw my PENCIL AND PAPER on the ground so i smacked tf outta him 😹😹 i hate him “hates a strong word” okay i meant it 🤨
i would rather get stapled in the finger than go through this torture. HE LITERALLY DOESNT EVEN KNOW MY NAME YET HE STARTS THE CONVERSATIONS EVERY DAY.
i’m perfectly fine with being silent, matter of fact; i love quiet! i’m so quiet! but noo he just has to talk while the teacher takes roll LIKE STFU I HAVE TO HEAR FOR MY NAME
anyways i hope he stubs his toe at 8 in the morning lol
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kafka-ish · 4 years
stanley’s sister has got it going on | r.t.
richie’s got a crush and he’s got it bad. the only thing that’s keeping him from the girl he’s been chasing is his best friend—her brother.
word count: 4,665
warnings/included: nsfw (not explicit), fluff, swearing, fem!reader
a/n: as i was rereading this i realized that this is the dirtiest thing i’ve ever written??? (so far). in comparison to other works it’s probably vv vanilla so pls bear with me
In the defense of Richie Tozier, it wasn’t his fault he ended up catching feelings for Stanley Uris’s little sister. There were a lot of things he couldn’t control. Like when his mouth opened and out came a poorly done impression of his chemistry teacher. (Which just so happened to have been done as Mr. Ford was standing behind the boy). 
Richie may as well just start a list of things he can’t help, marking y/n Uris down as number thirty-three. 
“Hey, Richie!” Well, well, well, if it wasn’t the person Richie had been most desperately trying to avoid. “Are you going to Stan’s tonight?” y/n asked. She was standing outside of his car door while he was in the driver’s seat, flicking through the radio stations, trying to find a good song for the ride home. 
Upon hearing the voice, Richie stopped fidgeting with the knob. It was honestly hopeless trying to find a good song at this point. None of the good stuff comes on until later. He turned his head to meet eyes with the accompanying voice from outside his car.
Bad idea. 
Of course, y/n chose to wear a tank top and the shortest skirt possible that day. Hell, any day he’d find his thoughts lost in her. Whether she was wearing a bikini at the quarry or in an oversized t-shirt and checkered pajama pants. 
“Earth to Richie?” y/n laughed. She waved her hand in front of his face, trying to capture his attention. Little did she know, that wasn’t necessary. 
“Actually, I was thinking about being a no-show today. I’ve been neglecting my training.” 
“Oh! You train? Which gym?” She was grinning wide and her gaze burned a hole through his heart. 
“The arcade. I gotta keep my skills fresh if I ever wanna keep that high score.” y/n rolled her eyes, but his comment still made her laugh. 
“Well, can you take me home? Once you drop me off I promise you can have all the time in the world to work on your skills.” Emphasis on ‘skills’. 
“Promise, eh?” Richie repeated, giving the girl a hard time. “Did Stan forget how to drive?” 
“No…” The ‘o’ part was drawn out. “He has his bird watching club today and I don’t feel like sitting in the sun for an hour while I wait for him.” 
Richie smiled to himself, thinking for a moment. On one hand, he shouldn’t be alone with the sister of one of his best friends’, as he had different intentions. On the other hand, he couldn’t just leave his best friend’s sister hanging like that. In hindsight, he had come to the conclusion that there was a possibility of Stan getting mad at him either way. 
Taking Stan’s sister home it was. 
“What are you waiting for, y/n/n, get in.” Richie finally made his decision. 
y/n cheered happily, thanking him, as she rounded his car and opened the door to the passenger’s seat. 
“You have no idea how happy this makes me!” y/n smiled, her expression reaching ear to ear. 
“Oh yeah. I bet you’re over the moon about getting a ride from your brother’s best friend in some beat up chevy.” Richie tried his best to distance himself. He really did. But he couldn’t help but notice y/n’s figure in the tight-fitting clothes, especially when she sat in such a close proximity to him. 
“I don’t think you get it, Tozier.” y/n hummed as she started turning the knob on the dash, finally settling on some rock station. She lowered the volume so they could still talk without yelling over the atmosphere. “We never hang out.” 
“We’re hangin’ out right now,” Richie argued, daring to look away from the road for one millisecond just so he could steal a glance at her. 
“Yeah, but… You hang out with Bill, Eddie, and Stan, and stuff.” She sounded disappointed. 
“I guess it’s different with them.” Richie shrugged. It was different with them. Bill, Eddie, Stan, Ben, and Beverly even, had their group together. They had the same classes together. They faced off a killer clown together. 
“I get that you guys have your own friend group and stuff.” y/n said quickly, not wanting to sound lonely or weird from her previous statement. “But we’re friends. Aren’t we?” She said this with an unsureness in her voice that Richie didn’t know how to reply to. 
I should’ve just left her at school. What’s so bad about waiting in the sun while Stan’s off watching some stupid birds? I guess it is kind of hot out. But a little heat won’t hurt anyone, right? Besides, she’s wearing a tank top. 
Richie peered over at y/n who was looking out the window as her head leaned against it. 
A white, lacy tank top that makes her skin look even more—
“Richie?” Concern washed over the girl’s eyes. Her attention turned to him instead of the scenery that passed by them. 
Richie whipped his head away from her body and stared blankly at the road. It was almost as if he were a ghost. Except he actually had color in his face. 
“What is it, y/n/n?” Richie’s eyes were still on the road. 
“I asked if we were friends.” The girl giggled, not being able to take anything seriously for longer than five minutes. “But that’s a stupid question.” She looked down and began to pick at her nails. 
“Of course we’re friends.” Richie insisted. The only problem is that I want more and your brother would kill me. 
Something inside of y/n calmed at the affirmation. “So we should hang out.”
“Already told ya, y/n/n. I got a date with destiny today.” 
“I don’t mind being the third wheel.” 
To be frank, that was the last thing Richie needed. It was bad enough that middle schoolers would wait lined up behind him, watching as he lost at some silly arcade game that he still had a passion for. He didn’t need some hot girl hanging over his shoulder while he did so, too. But Richie’s mouth had betrayed his thoughts. 
“Only if you want to, y/n/n.” He had avoided trying to call y/n anything other than her name or her nickname. He wouldn’t allow himself to call her any of the cutesy trademark pet names he’d call other girls that he would shamelessly flirt with for fun. He started implementing this tactic in sophomore year once he really started to notice her. 
At first, it was the way she greeted him every time the losers met up at Stan’s house. Maybe he was crazy, but he swore she gave him special attention: always running up towards him when she saw him, her lingering by his side before Stan yelled at her, asking if she had anything better to do. Her smile was seemingly wider and her eyes brighter whenever she held conversations with him compared to the other losers—or maybe that was just Richie looking into things too much. 
Due to drama and false rumors, y/n had started hanging out with the losers more this year. It was an attempt for her to take her mind off of the absence of friends on her part. None of the losers seemed to mind, even Stan. Thus, she became a regular when the group went on swimming trips to the quarry or slept over at each other’s houses. This didn’t really help Richie’s case. Now, he was basically forced to see her figure in a swimsuit and in every other setting imaginable. Not to mention, he couldn’t do anything about it either. 
The two had finally arrived at the arcade. Richie had managed to snag the closest parking spot to the entryway and y/n relentlessly made fun of how he never parked straight until they got in the door.
“Okay, kid. Once you get your license, you can criticize my ‘bad’ parking. But for now, since you’re hitching rides for free, I say you better just keep quiet for now.” 
“But you’re so over the lines! I can’t imagine your coloring if that’s how you park.” 
“I’ll have you know, y/n, I don’t color. For one, that shit’s for babies. And I am way past that preschool shit. And second of all, coloring’s way lame.” Richie had made his way over to the Street Fighter machine and inserted a quarter in the slot. 
y/n watched him thoughtfully for awhile as he fidgeted with the joystick and jammed the buttons. 
“Do you want anything to drink?” she asked, growing bored of watching the same repetitive visuals from over his shoulder. But she didn’t think she could ever grow tired of watching him. 
“Hold on.” His hand smashed against the buttons in rapid fire movements while he simultaneously maneuvered the joystick. A few seconds after, the game played a pitiful noise and the boy let out a groan. Richie had lost. 
“That’s a weird way of saying coke.” y/n hummed before skipping off to the lounge area. 
On her way back, she saw Richie’s face contort in frustration. Once again, he had lost to the game. 
“Cheer up, buttercup!” y/n passed handed him the glass bottle and Richie had finally stepped away from the Street Fighter machine. 
“Easy for you to say. You don’t got an inanimate object beating ya four to one.” Richie pretended to wipe the nonexistent sweat off his brow and looked down to y/n, offering her a smug look. 
“Would a kiss make you feel better?” The girl leaned closer to him and got up on her tippy toes, preparing to peck him on his cheek. 
This was the first of y/n showing any sign of real interest. And while Richie wanted to bask in the glory of his long time crush finally coming around, his thoughts also drew to Stan. What kind of friend would he be if he made a move on his friend’s little sister? Technically she’s the one making the moves- 
Cut it out, Rich!
His internal monologue argued for a while before he realized y/n’s lips were attached to his face. 
“W-what are you doing?” Richie belatedly snapped out of his thoughts and came to his senses. 
y/n pulled away. Her arms crossed tightly around her chest and her posture was now slightly hunched over. Oh. 
“I thought I could make you feel better.” She mumbled. When she eventually spoke, she let out a breath she wasn’t aware she was holding in. “Can you take me home?” She asked, though it was more of a statement than a question. 
“Of course.” The two started heading for the door and Richie tried to slow his pace so that his long legs would be in sync with hers. “To be honest, y/n/n, I was kinda getting tired of this ol’ dump anyways.” 
A small smile graced y/n’s lips as he talked. Even if she was still embarrassed from the previous events. 
“You’re not gonna be a professional video game player?” 
“Oh no. That dream’s been abandoned for a long time now.” Richie quipped back. He was turning the keys into the ignition and began to drive off. 
The car ride to Stan’s place was silent. Either because of the turn that had taken place earlier at the arcade, or because Richie didn’t wanna open his big mouth and accidentally slip up; ruining his relationship with both Stan the Man and Stan the Man’s hot sister. 
Richie’s old chevy slowly came to a stop at the front of Stan’s house. The sky was cloudless and an unnerving shade of blue today, highlighting how perfectly trim and green Uris’s lawn was. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” y/n finally spoke up. Her voice foreign to Richie’s ears after the fifteen minutes of dead air from the two of them. But it wasn’t that foreign. Her voice echoed through his brain practically everyday. Whenever classes got boring or nights seemed endless, Richie found himself either replaying past conversations between them. Or other scenarios… She was an unhealthy addiction he couldn’t quit. Like smoking, only hotter and way more deadly. 
“What’s there to talk about?” Richie faced y/n, putting on his best ‘I’m-not-interested-in-you’ face, when he really felt quite the opposite.
“Richie, I feel like you don’t like me.” Her accusation was dead wrong, but there was hurt in her eyes. Somehow, Richie had managed to convince the girl of his dreams he hates her when that couldn’t be less true. 
“I don’t.” He forced a chuckle to ease the tension but y/n wasn’t having it. 
“Can I tell you something?” y/n asked. Richie nodded, a quizzical look on his face. Before continuing, y/n swallowed. She didn’t usually get nervous, but Richie was someone to get nervous over. “I like you.” 
Her words felt like something out of a dream Richie once had before. 
“What can I say, kid. It’s impossible not to.” Of course, y/n didn’t really like him. At least, not like that. She was probably just saying this for shits and giggles. Pulling his leg. A classic Richie stunt. 
“I mean, I like you like how Ben likes Beverly.” 
Richie’s eyes then widened at the declaration and his body stiffened. 
“It’s okay if you don’t like me back,” she said with such ease that Richie admired. She shrugged and the thin strap of her tank top fell down her shoulder. Richie couldn’t help but notice, his eyes wandering where they shouldn’t. 
“Listen—” He gulped. His eyes kept trailing down no matter how hard he tried not to. “Listen,” he repeated, now meeting her big eyes, “I don’t not like you, y/n/n. In fact the funny thing is… is—” his words got caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her. Not with Stan’s breathing always down his back (whether Stan was actually there or not).  
“What’s so funny, Rich?” Her soft, sweet voice filled his ears once again. It was like a spell, because suddenly (and conveniently), the thought of Stan was no longer in the back of Richie’s mind. 
“I like you too, kid.” His voice was low, but y/n still heard him.
“So what’s stopping this?” A sly smirk formed on y/n’s face. She climbed over the control panel and her already short skirt rode up to be even higher. 
y/n sat herself on Richie’s lap. The boy had to keep from pinching himself. What was happening was straight out of a wet dream of his he’d probably had last night. 
The girl on his lap was toying with a strand of his hair while looking into his eyes. Her shoulder was still bare from the strap that fell off it.
“I’m so glad you feel the same way.” Richie didn’t think he could help himself any longer with the sultry way she was speaking and the fact that she was on his lap. “Now I can do this.” 
y/n placed a tender kiss to the awestruck boy’s lips. It was slow and steady. She didn’t want to mess things up since they had just admitted their feelings to one another. 
But Richie was impatient. 
As soon as she pulled away, he connected his lips to hers again. He was sloppy and fast paced with his movements, yet still full of passion. 
y/n giggled into his mouth which caused Richie’s heart to skip a beat. She’d been waiting for this moment since she first laid eyes on him. 
The first time Richie stepped foot into the Uris household, y/n had greeted him excitedly. 
“y/n could you get that!” Stan shouted to her from their den. He was busy setting up board games, making sure every last piece was in its designated place. 
“Why do I have to?” y/n grumbled, still walking out of her room so she could get to the door anyway. “You were closer.” 
“I’m preparing for game night. This is the first time my friends are coming over and I want everything to be suitable.” Stan was polishing the game pieces now. 
“I don’t think your friends will mind if one of your little thing-a-ma-bobs is out of place.” y/n jokingly tipped over one of the players to Stanley’s game that he had already put into place but she quickly put it back upon noticing the discontent that marked his face as she did so. 
“I’ll mind.” Her brother replied calmly. 
Another knock at the door. 
“Can you please get that?” 
y/n got up and walked over to the door. She was first met with a lanky boy whose legs were too long for his torso and eyes were too big for his face. 
She didn’t expect Stan’s friends to be hot. 
“Hi!” y/n exclaimed, hoping to give off a good impression on the group.
“I didn’t know Stan had an underaged maid. I guess the Uris’ will do anything for labor work.” No one laughed at Richies joke. 
“That’s Stan’s sister, dipwad,” Eddie said, disgusted at his friend. 
Richie made an ‘o’ shape with his mouth and the group shuffled in, meeting Stan in the den. 
“Stan you never told me you had a hottie for a sister.” y/n could hear Richie’s voice from across the hall. Her intestines turned into butterflies and she could pass for a canary with how red her face had gotten. 
But despite having the hugest crush on Richie, y/n never shared any classes with the boy. She was a year younger than Stan, but in the same grade as him because of the accelerated classes she took. So y/n had to admire from afar. 
Well, not anymore. 
Her lips were now attached to his neck, eliciting a moan from him. She smirked at that and started to roll her hips against his. Her name fell from his lips over and over and over again which evoked her to keep going. 
“Richie!?” An angered voice called from the outside of his car. 
It was the one and only. Stanley Uris. 
It was too late to act fast. Richie pulled y/n off him and looked guiltily out the window to see the face that matched the voice. 
But Richie already knew who it was. 
“Who me? I dink you ghat de wrahng goey.” Richie did his best Irish man accent but it was no use. 
“Okay, Richie, cut the crap.” Stan’s face was twisted up in an expression that almost scared Richie. His hands were folded against his chest and he was waiting for an answer. 
Richie simply couldn’t bring himself to answer the boy. He sat in shame with y/n next to him staring at her brother. Richie may as well have had ‘I’M SORRY’ written on his forehead with the way he was gaping at Stan.  
“y/n get out of the car.” Stan said, breaking eye contact with his friend. 
The girl complied, whispering about how sorry she was to the boy who drove her home before getting out. After that, she didn’t dare glance back at him in his car and Richie didn’t have the energy to even look anywhere besides the steering wheel. 
That was last week. Since then, Stan and Richie hadn’t said a word to each other. Richie hadn’t spoken to y/n since then either. The tension was too thick between Stan and Richie and Richie didn’t want to mess things up more than he already did. 
“I c-cuh-can’t believe yo-you liked y/n.” Bill chuckled. 
It was after school and the two were in the library. The details of what happened that day eventually got out. Both Stan and Richie had told their sides of the story and the losers were respectful enough to not take sides. They just hung out with Richie when Stan wasn’t around and hung out with Stan when Richie wasn’t there. 
“What’s so bad about that?” Richie looked skeptically at his friend, trying his best to defend himself. 
“I mean, yea-yeah sh-sh-she’s cute—”
“She’s beautiful.” Richie cut off but Bill rolled his eyes. 
“What-h-ever. I-it’s just funny tha-hat you wuh-would go after her.” 
“I already told you she kissed me first.” Richie proclaimed, a little too proudly. 
“Sh-he’s Stan’s sister!” That was true. 
“And a good kisser.” That was also true. 
“Gross, Richie.” Bill returned to the book in front of him, but Richie kept egging on the conversation. 
“I don’t see why someone has to be off limits just because they’re related to a friend.” His annoyed tone was evident and Bill gave him a sympathetic look. 
“It-t’s b-ba-basically written in th-the br-r-ro code.” Bill paused for a moment and Richie didn’t know if it was because he was embarrassed of his stuttering or if he was gathering his thoughts. “But i-i-if you li-li-like her… wh-who am I to s-suh-say any-th-thing.” 
If Bill was insinuating what Richie thought he was, then that made him cooler than he already was. 
And that’s how Richie found himself in y/n’s room Friday night. The losers were meeting up at the Aladdin to see the new Jim Carrey movie and somehow Richie had been able to get himself out of it, claiming he was overdue on chores and couldn’t make it. 
“Th-that’s t-too bad, R-Rich.” Bill said over the phone (but he knew better) while the other losers pressed their ear up against it, listening in. “The c-co-omedy should be ri-right up your alley.” 
“Dumb and underdeveloped?” Eddie asked Bill. “I don’t wanna see a movie just to hate it,” he complained. 
“Yowza, Eds. And I thought you appreciated my jokes.” Richie feigned hurt over the speaker. “Anywho, I gotta make like a tree and hang up. The ‘rents are asking for me.” They weren’t. 
“O-okay. Maybe nuh-nuh-next wee—” Beep. 
Richie had already hung up. 
y/n grabbed his hand, which was clamped over her mouth and took it off. She was bursting to the seams with laughter. 
“I can’t believe you’re a liar now,” she tsked, trying to fake an ‘I’m-not-mad-at-you-just-disappointed’ look that her English teacher had given her once. 
“Only under these circumstances.” He was fast to attach his lips to hers. They didn’t have much time and he wanted to make the most of what they had now. 
Richie was on top of her now, his lips still on hers. He kissed her everywhere from the crown of her head to the crook of her neck. If his kisses left a print, her skin would be buried under them. 
“Rich…” She sighed contentedly, eyes fluttering from the pleasure he inflicted on her when he had found a sweet spot behind her ear. y/n kissed him back hard with force and a sort of dominance Richie didn’t know she had in her. 
She flipped them, so that she was on top now. y/n took this liberty of having full control to take off her shirt and Richie’s as well. 
Richie smirked and began to kiss lower. His pace was slower than he originally started. Painstakingly slow. y/n wined at how delicate his lips felt tracing her skin but she needed more. 
“Touch me,” she urged. Richie obeyed, his hands were now on her chest, massaging and caressing her delicate skin. 
There weren’t enough words to describe the thrill and satisfaction Richie gave her. y/n could relish in this boy’s embrace forever with how good he made her feel. She began grinding against his jeans, just like the day they were caught by Stanley, so she could ease the ache for him between his legs. 
Richie chuckled, feeling her press against him. He knew precisely what she wanted but to give or not to give in was the question. 
“y/n/n, we don’t have that long,” He warned. 
“I don’t care.” She started peppering his face in kisses the same way he had done to her. At the same time, she began to unbutton his jeans. Who would Richie be to turn down sex anyway? 
She was fast at getting him inside her. Definitely not inexperienced. But Richie didn’t want fast. Not with y/n, at least. He wanted their first together to be slow, sensual, special—
“You’re amazing,” he grunted and she blushed in response. 
Her pace quickened at his praise. Their movements together felt electric and y/n herself was so hypnotic, Richie felt he could get lost in the thought—or the feeling —of her forever. 
A feeling that was indescribable washed over Richie once the two of them were finished. He had stayed inside of her, and y/n was now laying on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and tracing circles on his skin with her thumb. Their chests rose and fell together at the same time, a small action that Richie melted at the sight of. 
“For the record, I didn’t want it to happen like this,” Richie said. There was a sort of fear palpable in his tone. 
“For the record, you kissed me first.” y/n eyed him suspiciously before giving him a peck on the cheek. “And what does that mean? Did you…” She shyly decided on her words for a moment. “Did you not want to..?” 
“No, no, no, no.” Richie immediately counteracted the girl’s suggestion. “I so wanted to do this. I’ve dreamed about doing this—” Richie stopped himself before his talking could make things worse, but y/n found his rambling amusing. 
“So, what did you mean?” y/n tried again. She reached out to hold his hand, intertwining her fingers with his. 
“I mean.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “I wanted us to be, like, an official couple and shit before we do this shit.” He motioned between them and to where they were still joined. 
y/n flushed at the sight and covered her face. 
“Hey.” Richie was soft. Softer than y/n had ever seen him be. He took her wrists in his hands, uncovering her face so he could admire her. 
She was stunning even after sex. 
“I don’t want this to be a one time thing.” He was almost embarrassed to admit it, but with y/n he didn’t feel the need to be afraid. “I want us to go on dates and hold hands and tell each other about our day.” He was looking at the ceiling, daydreaming at the thought.
y/n’s eyes searched his face thoughtfully. “Of course, Rich. I want that, too!” She kissed his lips once more, elated at the boy in front of her. Her face fell shortly after she had a sudden understanding. “What’re you gonna do about Stan?” 
“Who’s Stan?” But Richie’s fake grin wasn’t fooling anyone. “Uh, well, we could tell him…” But when Richie saw a certain uneasiness consume y/n’s face, he ruled that option out. “How do you feel about dating in secret?” He offered. The situation wasn’t ideal, but at the time it seemed to be the lesser of the two evils at hand. 
“Okay,” y/n whispered. “So you should leave.” 
“Woah, babe, I just got here.” Richie sat up, looking for his shirt. 
“Yeah, but the movie should’ve ended by now.” y/n gestured towards the alarm clock on her nightstand causing Richie’s jaw to drop. 
He was heading towards the window now, knowing he had enough time to get out, but he wanted to be careful. 
“See you tomorrow then?” y/n giggled at how clingy he could be. 
“I’ll call you.” And Richie just couldn’t get enough of the smile she was wearing. 
“Sounds like a date!” He yelled from outside her house. 
During the drive home, Richie’s thoughts became lost in y/n once again. This was just the beginning.
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beauregard-s · 4 years
Mrs. (Stan Uris x Reader)
Pairing: Reader x Adult!Stanley Uris (aka Andy Bean)
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Basically pure NSFW material, language, implicit mention of a breeding kink, fingering (fem receiving), Dom!Stan the man
Anon said: “// can you write another smut about stan uris? the first one was amazing”
A/n: Sorry about taking SO LONG to fulfill your request. Since you didn’t specify a plot, I hope it’s okay that I came up with this one and I must say the song “Yuppie” by Ginger Taylor inspired me A LOT. Hope you like it, dear anon <3
You had barely woken up when you felt your stomach roaring.
Grabbing your phone over the nightstand, you looked for what time was that.
7 pm. That was a hell of a nap.
The bedroom door was open but any sound came through it. You rolled out of the covers and walked out of there, through the hallway into the living room.
Every inch of the apartment was pungled into a certain level of darkness, only the pendant lights over the kitchen’s counter drawing halos on the marble underneath. Yawning, you went further, through another corridor, the shortest one that ended in a closed dark wood door with a little slit of light coming through it.
You pushed it gently, calling for him, the soft amber light of his fixture engulfing your sleepy eyes.
“Yeah, sweety?”
He had that voice again, the kind of inattentive one for when he was concentrated on something and a third piece entered the game to split his attention.
You looked at him. Stan was sitting at his desk, dark wood matching the door’s, glasses slid down his nose, his hand quickly writing something on a heavy book. Some company’s financial history. Quickly, he was done with it, eyes now drifting to an IPad on the other hand.
“Are you hungry?” You asked. He finally looked up from the low lit screen.
Stan’s eyes discreetly scanned your bare legs popping up from underneath the oversized white button that once was his.
“Yeah. Wanna order Chinese?” He smiled. You nodded. “Go ahead.”
But then, as soon as you gained some attention, it was taken away from your hands again when he went back to the screen. And you wouldn’t allow that.
So you let your spot at the doorway and walked quietly into his office. He kept swiping across documents at the damn IPad as you went around his desk and unceremoniously, propped yourself down to his lap. He even made room for you as you approached, leaning back on the chair and opening his arm to cradle you. But didn’t let the damn device as you sat down, your legs across his thighs.
His free hand rested on your thigh the other kept swiping as you tried to understand the various spreadsheets he went through. No success.
You had an arm around his neck as you noticed he was wearing dark jeans and also a button-up, a grey one, with a few first buttons opened. His sleeves perfectly rolled up to his elbows while yours fell too long, almost completely covering your hands.
His curls messed because you knew he kept running his fingers through them and sighing every time he’d feel frustrated about something in those sheets.
He side-eyed at you before properly turning his head. A smirk on his lips and he sounded hoarse, “What do you want, babylove?”
“Nothing much.” You shrugged, watching him licking his lips.
He chuckled, “Then why are you staring at me with those beautiful hungry eyes of yours?”
Somehow, he smelled like his cologne and white wine he had been sipping judging by the glass he had next to the light. Also, like a tiny bit of coffee, at the bottom, once he always drank a cup of it before diving into light alcohol when there was a lot of work to be done.
“Just wanted some attention,” you said quietly.
His smirk widened as he took the glasses off and settled them at the edge of the table. “Well, then I guess I need to give it to you.”
It was instantly. He turned for you again and you’re kissing. Stan was a slow kisser, no matter what. It could go from a very gentle, to the more rough one, but it was always his tongue slowly moving against yours.
Sneaky hands that moved around with precision and, when you realized, he had already taken you in his arms, getting up from his chair to sit you down onto his now clean table, all his stuff pushed aside.
The window’s blinds behind his desk were open, and you could see the city lights down there, from over his shoulder when he buried his face down your neck, kissing and biting over already fading purple marks that now would turn bright again.
Your breath was already shamefully uneven, legs around his waist as his large hands held them there.
“You’re already wet for me, aren’t you?” He whispered, against your damaged skin, the feeling of his stubble sending goosebumps up your spine.
Of course you were. Wet and grinding against him, purring like a kitten under his touch. Your hands dug into the skin you could reach on his lower back, feeling his muscles tense up every time you’d move your hips against his tentatively.
One of his hands popped the buttons of his-your shirt open past your ribs’ line, pulling it down to your shoulders as his lips met your collarbones and the bump of your breasts inside the bra.
You sighed as he pampered kisses over every inch of skin he could get, avidly, groping until you got rid of his grey shirt and could running your hands down his chest. Your nails scratched him lightly and that earned yourself a groan from him.
It didn’t take too long until his hands traveled up your thighs, reaching for your heat and rubbing circles over it. He grinned at your moans, gave you more of his touch as you demanded it, pulling your panties aside and sliding two fingers inside you as his thumb kept your clit under constant teasing.
“Damn it, Stan...” you moaned out of your breath. “What’s is that, babe? Do you want me to fuck you?” he whispered, hooded eyes glued on every expression of yours as his fingers moved inside you.
“Yes, please...”
His other hand hooked on each cup of your bra at once, pulling it down, exposing them as he leaned in for your chest. Stan licked and sucked on each of the sensitive nipples, humming against them as he did. “Louder, babylove” he demanded, tongue then flicking against the little bud as he curled his fingers inside you. “Please... I need you so much,” you whimpered.
“That’s my good girl...”
He unzipped his pants and soon his fingers were replaced by his hard cock, sliding into you, filling and stretching you out in a way that made you well-nigh scream his name. Your hands rested on the wood as he supported your thighs, trying to keep yourself steady on your place although your body swayed every time he thrust into you. The sound of skin against skin filled the room alongside your moans and grunts while Stan kept his forehead pressed against yours. You made an effort to keep your eyes on his because you knew that every time you’d close them in pleasure, he’d go “Open your eyes, I want to look inside them while I fuck you”. 
As you approached your high, you felt yourself clenching more and more around him, thighs squeezing his body closer. He took the chance to move a hand to your clit, rubbing it following his pace, the other one to cup your breast making you curse under your breath.
“Fuck, you’re practically strangling me, honey... So ready to cum” he grunted.
Like you were ruled by him, you did. You reached your orgasm, your spams milking him to spill inside you not even three thrusts later. Stan kissed you as he did, through your high, biting on your lips as it faded of your body. You panted against his lips, hands squeezing his shoulders as he was still inside you.
Slowly Stan pulled out, looking down at what he did to you. He chuckled and fixed your panties, just as he did to your bra. You only watched, still shaking lightly as he kissed your forehead and stepped back, buckling his pants and belt again.
“Did I pay you enough attention?” he raised a brow at you.
“Y-yeah, I guess...” you said lowly, numb yet, the sticky feeling of his cum inside you making you shift in your place a little. He perceived that, smirking at you.
“Great, now go order the Chinese food, Mrs. Y/l/n, hyphen, Uris” he said with a straight face and casual tone, seeking around for his shirt. “And you can stay just like that, and wait until we eat and I’m done with work for us to take a shower together. Later.” 
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
We Belong
Stanley Barber x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: talks about Stans shitty ass dad
Author’s Note: I just finished this show and Stanley Barber and Stanley Uris own me. Maybe its just Wyatt who knows these days but I really adored this like ugh he stole my heart
Summary: Dancing Stans room turns to talk in Stans room
Genre: fluff
(not my gif)
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You sat in Stanleys bedroom, looking over the records that he had in one of his shelves.
You groaned at his taste but knew that if it was up to him there was probably going to be another afternoon of Bloodwitch. Not that you minded them that much but you wanted some change in the environment.
Stan ran down the stairs just as you were pulling a stray record from the stack.
“Did I let you in?” he asked, dancing down the stairs over to you even though there was no music playing. You shrugged and pointed a little bit to the half opened window. He laughed and walked over, giving you a kiss on the cheek and then walking past you.
“You can’t just not be here when I want to be. Especially after school,” you told him seriously and then put the record on his player. You could hear the rain from outside and wanted to have the music playing. You carefully put the needle over the song you wanted.
“Well if you see my dad's car in the driveway you should probably just stay away. I think he’s coming home soon, there's something in the air,” he told you absentmindedly. You had been dating long enough to know about his dad and how much you hated him.
“Stan you drive your dad's car. Can’t believe you have a Pat Benatar album by the way,” you said as the sound of ‘We Belong’ came into the air. You did a little dance with your arms as you walked over to where he was putting away his backpack and books.
“You love this song, there is no denying that,” he told you with a small laugh. “Don’t wanna leave you really, I’ve invested too much time-” he started singing dramatically. You laughed at his abandoned books. He walked over to the couch and hopped up there, his bare feet making the cushions sink a little bit. You smiled and followed him as your boyfriend started dramatically singing.
He needed this. You had noticed he was a little off lately and you figured that it was because of his dad coming back after all. But if you could get him to sing We Belong to you you figured he would be fine for the night at least.
“We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder! We belong to the sound of the words we've both fallen under!” he called, his hand going out to you as he dramatically moved to the music. You figured if he was going to get it done you had to as well so you kneeled down on the ground in front of him, your hand over your forehead as though you were a damsel in distress.
“Whatever we deny or embrace for worse or for better. We belong, we belong, we belong together!” you sang together. You got up and he took your hand to help you stand up on the couch as well. He helped steadied you and ‘Painted Desert’ began to play but you weren’t really listening to it.
You were both laughing and holding on to each other but it was just unsteady enough that you almost fell and then you did fall, the dancing stopping as he landed on top of you. You laughed and gave him a soft kiss before moving so that you were laying on top of him, your head on his chest.
He put his arm over your back and your legs enter tangled as the music kept playing over you. Your laughter died down and you let out a content sigh. He rubbed your back and put his chin on your head.
“You don’t have to worry about my dad. By the way,” he told you softly. You hummed quietly. You couldn’t see his face but you could picture it on the reflection of the windows rain that was still half open.
“But I do have to worry about you,” you told him. He was silent which was new for him because he knew you were right but you tried to ignore it and move forward. “I’m going to get my mom's car if that's okay. I’ll drive you around in that so that you don’t have to drive the car you know?”
You turned up and looked at him and he was looking down at you, confused.
“Why are you doing this?” he asked you. You shrugged and sat up some, putting your elbow between his side and the couch. You put your head in your palm and shrugged.
“Because you’re Stanley and I like you. No worries you loser.” He smiled.
“Thanks. You’re a loser.” You rolled your eyes and put your head back on his chest.
“No you.”
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
OLLIE!! ily 💖😋
may I request 58 with stozier?
“Oh, my ankle! I think it must be broken!”
“Richie! Get down from there before you break your neck!” Stan yells.
Smiling widely, Richie climbs even higher on the fallen tree trunk he’s currently standing on. Logically he knows that Stan is right, that he should get down, that they are very far away from the car and if he hurts himself he’s going to be miserable walking back. It’s raining and everything is wet, but he can’t help it. The view is beautiful, plus he gets to drive Stan crazy.
“I’m not going to help you if you fall. I’ll leave you to die,” Stan says.
Richie scoffs as he looks up at the sky. “You won’t! You Boy Scout training won’t let you.” He twists a little to look down at Stan who is just staring at him with an annoyed look on his face, arms crossed over his chest.
“Stanny! I’m fi—” His words are cut off as he loses his footing. He falls heavily, branches breaking all round him as he lands in the mud.
“Richie!” Stan shrieks as he comes running around the tree. “Richie! Are you ok?” He kneels in the mud next to Richie, trying to look him over. When Richie starts to sit up, Stan pushes him back down. “Wait. Your leg. Your leg is all—”
Snorting a little, Richie adjusts his glasses. “Stan.”
“Your ankle is caught, are you ok?” Stan is working hard to try and pull Richie’s leg free from the branches. His laces are all tangled in the branches.
“I’m fine, Stan,” Richie says. Stan frees his foot and turns to help Richie’s sit up.
“Are you ok, you goof?” Stan asks as he begins to pull twigs out of Richie’s hair.
“I’m fine, Stan, really.”
“Are you sure?” Stan asks. “Your ankle—”
“Oh, my ankle! I think it must be broken!” Richie deadpans and Stan rolls his eyes.
“You are ridiculous!” Stan cups Richie’s face and really studies him, looking for the lie, for the brave face. He looks so concerned and Richie just wants to lean over and kiss him.
“I’m ok, Staniel. Really I am.”
Stan strokes his cheek and rolls his eyes. “You are so ridiculous.” He kisses Richie gently and they both get up.
Looking Stan over, Richie has to fight hard to suppress his giggles.
Brows furrowing, Stan asks, “What are you laughing at, asshole?”
“You’re covered in mud,” Richie informs him.
Rolling his eyes, Stan says, “You’re not exactly clean yourself.” He pats Richie’s ass and holds up his hand.
“What if I told you that wasn’t mud?”
“Eurgh! Richie!” He wipes his hand on Richie’s shirt and pushes away. Richie grabs his arm and pulls him close for a quick kiss.
“Love you,” Richie murmurs.
“I love you, too, trashmouth. Now let’s get home so we can get cleaned up.”
Richie snorts again. “You’re actually going to let us get in the car covered in mud like this?”
Not even stopping to look at his idiot of a boyfriend, Stan tugs him along the path. “We have a change of clothes in the car, smartass. Unless…”
“Unless you wanna walk home.”
Richie squawks. “It’s like ten miles to home!”
“Seventeen,” Stan corrects.
“You are such a little shit! You wouldn’t really make me walk home if I didn’t have a change of clothes!” He yells and pauses. In a much smaller voice he asks, “Would you?”
Stan’s face softens a little and he wraps his arm around Richie’s shoulders. “No, you little shit.” He kisses Richie’s cheek. “I’d just tie you to the roof of the car.”
Squawking again, Richie pinches Stan’s side. “You would not!”
Laughing, Stan pulls away and smirks. “Oh, wouldn’t I?” He steps out of reach. “Wanna try me?
“Stanley Uris! You’re not really suggesting you’d purposefully get my clothes dirty, are you?”
“And what if I am? You gonna stop me? Punk.” He winks at Richie and takes another step back.
“Uris! I swear to God! You’re not going to like me if you get my clothes dirty!” He lunges for Stan who just lithely takes another step back.
“But Richie! Your clothes are already dirty,” Stan says innocently.
“You know what I mean, Stanley.”
Stan responds simply but laughing and turning to run down the path.
“Get back here Uris!” Richie yells as he takes off after his stupid boyfriend.
When they get to the car, they race around it, both of them laughing and slipping until Richie stops abruptly and manages to catch Stan as he comes around the car. He holds him tight, both of them grinning hugely and panting hard.
“I fucking love you, Richie Tozier.”
“Love you, too, Stan the Man.” Richie kisses Stan and then runs his muddy fingers through his hair.
Stan groans. “Richie,” he whines. “Why would you do that?”
Laughing, Richie asks, “Since you don’t have a spare head in the car, does this mean we have to tie it to the roof of the car?”
“Oh, my God.” Stan laughs. “You are ridiculous.” He kisses Richie. “Come on, let’s get changed so we can go home. I’m getting cold.”
Chuffing, Richie just nods. “Yeah, I can tell.” He reaches out and touches Stan’s hard nipple through his soaked shirt.
Huffing, Stan shoves his hand away. “The worst.”
“Love you, too, Stanny.”
Rolling his eyes, Stan opens the trunk so they can get their change of clothes and go home.
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liilaac · 4 years
189.“I was there for you when no one else was!” for a stan x reader please, i'm a hoe for angst and he's my fav 🥺 i trust you with however you want to handle this, perfection is in your blood 💕
Nana stop giving me compliments omg my ego is getting too big. 🥺💖
I hope I did your fav justice with this fic !!
(Just a little heads up, decided to write the fic when the losers (It 2017) were a little older and on their last year of high school !!)
Stan hadn’t said anything for the last ten minutes. Sure, he’d always been the silent type, but when Richie made a joke and he didn’t tell him to shut up, you knew something was up. You thought about the last ten minutes and what could’ve made him so distant, but no luck.
You tried to forget it, convince yourself he was just lost in his thoughts like he often was... But you just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong.
“Do you guys wanna grab something to eat ?”
Everyone nodded cheerfully to Beverly’s suggestion. It was getting late and, even if the sleepover had been fun so far, they had eaten nothing but chips and brownies. Something warm would do them some good. Again, Stan was the only one to stay silent.
“Stan ? Hungry ?” Bev insisted.
“What ? Yeah, sure, whatever.”
Everyone shut up. It felt so weird seeing Stan be so... harsh ? He was always so polite and gentle, his tone surprised everyone. You shot him a questionning look, knowing he would understand you. You always found a way to communicate with each other without actually talking out loud. But, to your amazement, he ignored you, looking away like he hadn’t even seen your glances... Something was definitely wrong.
Bev ordered pizzas for all of you and she and Ben went to go get them. You all ate quietly and, even if everything seemed fine, the atmosphere was definitely eerie.
Suddenly, half of his pizza still left in the cardboard box, Stan stood up and said he had to go home. He was about to leave the room when some of the losers protested, asked what was wrong.
“Nothing, I’m just not feeling well. And it’s getting late. I just- I need to leave.”
And he was out of the room before anyone could say anything else... When you finally processed all of what had just happened, how weird it was, you stood up as well. You were about to explain yourself when Eddie interrupted, “Yeah, I definitely feel like you should go after him.” and all the losers nodded, pushing you to follow your best friend. So you threw your slice of pizza back in the box and ran out of the room.
You caught up to him in the street. He must have heard you call his name, but he just kept on ignoring you. At this point, you were really starting to get angry at his childish behavior.
Finally, you were able to grab his shoulder to make him face you. Your voice was trembling a little when you hissed, “Stan, what the fuck is wrong with you ?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“I’m not lying.”
“You know I’m here for you, why won’t you-“
“Here for me ?”
He finally stopped trying to get away. He jerked your hand away from him and looked at you with such a dark look it made your heart sink. What had you done? You wondered.
“Here for me ?” he repeated. “No, you’re not here for me. You’re leaving.”
“What ? Stan, I-“
“I was there for you when no one else was !”
His eyes were getting watery and you just couldn’t process what was happening. You’d never heard Stan scream like that, not at you at least... And it was terrifying and heartbreaking.
“I know you were.”
You hadn’t really realized it, but you were crying too, now.
“Then why are you leaving ?” His voice was desperate, hurt, and hopeless... which only made it worse for you.
Suddenly, it was all coming back to you. Before ordering food, you’d all talked about your plans for the following year and what you were planning on doing after high school. You said you wanted to go to college, probably in New York. You hadn’t even thought about it that much, it was just a thought...
“Is this about college, Stan ?” Your voice broke when pronouncing his name.
He tried to say “yeah”, but it came out in a whisper and he just ended up nodding instead. Without him having to explain it, you understood he was scared to loose you and angry that you would leave him behind. And you felt so ignorant for not having realized it sooner. You felt the instant need to explain everything, but something even more urgent overtook you and, before you could even register it, you were rushing at him. Your hug surprised him a little and it took him a few seconds to hug you back, but eventually he did. You felt him burry his face in your hair and it made your sobs stop.
You didn’t let go until he did. You both just stood there, a heavy and uneasy silence between you.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, you whispered, “I’ll never leave you, Stan.”
“What about college ?” His voice was still cold, but you knew it came from fear more than anger, now.
“College was just a thought.”
“Was it ?” he answered with disbelief in his voice, which made your heart beat a little bit faster.
“What I mean is that I’ll never leave you behind.”
He looked away and, desperate to make him listen, you grabbed his face and forced him to look at you. He gasped softly, apparently taken aback by the gesture and how close you were.
“I’ll never leave you, okay ?” Your voice broke again and he closed his eyes. “We’ll find a college we both like. We’ll live on campus together, and all our friends will be tired of us because we’re so insufferable together. You’re not getting rid of me that easily, Stanley Uris. You never will. Understood ?”
Before he could answer, you pulled him into another hug. This time he hugged you back instantly, almost lifting you from the ground. You knew the atmosphere was back to normal. And, thinking about the future with your best friend, you felt even better than you had earlier.
“Understood,” he whispered in your ear.
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thatwriterkei · 4 years
-Moment of Tangency-
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Series Summary: When Y/N's favorite fictional characters come to life, a mystery ensues as a killer wreaks havoc in Bangor, Maine.
Chapter Summary: What started out as a sleepover with your best friend turned into a night of unexplainable events.
Warnings: cursing, underage pining if you squint, mentions of sex.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: Here's the first chapter of the big series I was talking about! I really hope you guys enjoy this, I've been working on this for about a month and it would mean the world to me if you have feedback and brought attention to this to those who would enjoy it too! I'm really excited to see how this goes.
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Chapter One: The Beginning
"You will soon receive support from an unexpected source.." 
The red letters of your fortune stared back at you ominously.
"Hey, that's great timing huh?"
"Too soon, Marcus..Too soon."
A sheepish smile formed on his freckled face, "Sorry..Here, have another."
You shook your head, waving away the cookie. "I'll just stick to mine. I only have a little bit of room left for it." 
You took small bites, slowly indulging in the delicious treat, afraid of letting it go to waste with just two or three bites.
"I'm surprised your dad let me spend the night."
"Honestly, me too..I don't think he noticed that you're in the middle of transitioning."
"He probably just thinks I'm gay or something.."
You let out a choked laugh, "Maybe because you are."
"Hey, you can't tell me that Mr. Fisher isn't hot as fuck!"
"He isn't, oh my god!" You tried to finish the rest of your cookie without inhaling crumbs, suppressing the laughter building in your stomach.
"Have you seen his hands?! Y/N, I don't think you understand how much I adore him!"
"He's 20, Marcus!! Not to mention, he sucks at teaching physics."
"Hey, I didn't say my future man had to be smart."
"You're ridiculous."
"Yes, yes I am. Oh! Speaking of guys, any good gossip for the ship of a century?"
You could help but roll your eyes at his teasing, blood rushing to the apples of your cheeks.
"Kolby and I haven't spoken since last week. I don't think he likes me anyway. He's been talking to Heather more recently.." 
And, for some reason, you weren't too interested in him either. Yes, he was a nice looking, athletic guy but you just didn't care enough to go further than a 'hi, how're you?' with him.
"Well, his loss. You're a wonderful girl and it's a shame he's wasting your time with his boyish nonsense. Besides, he doesn't even wear watches like Mr. Fisher."
"I swear to god, if you mention him or watches one more time.."
"You're right, sorry," he held up his hands defensively before putting them down, "I just don't wanna see you get hurt, Y/N/N.."
"I know you're worried, Marcus, but I'm fine. It's our junior year, I don't think long-term relationships are supposed to happen for us until we're in like college."
"You never know..Anyway, what do you even see in him?"
You let out a sigh, sinking in the mounds of pillows and blankets that are laid astray on your bed.
"Umm..He's cute, without a doubt. His jokes are sometimes funny, depends on who he's around. He has a nice sense of style, I guess? I don't know..We've only known each other for a little over two months."
Marcus laid beside you, rolling to his side with a dopey grin plastered on his pale face. "And a lot could happen in two more months if you just talk to him. I promise, I won't even bother you in Algebra..Okay? Just trust me on this.."
You groaned but, nevertheless, agreed with a silent nod.
"Love shouldn't be this complicated.."
"Sometimes it is, sweetie..But only time can lead you to where you're supposed to be.."
"Yeah, I know...Since when did you become my therapist?" You let out a scoff.
"Since third grade! Now, c'mon, get off your lazy ass and let's do something cool!" 
He pulled at your limp arm once he stood up, dragging you to the floor and down the hallway towards the mini library your stepmom installed about a year ago; who has yet to use it.
"If you were looking for 'cool', you brought us to the wrong place." 
Your eyes scanned over the bookshelves, catching titles of famous works.
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Great Gatsby
War and Peace
Charlotte's Web
"You only have that perception because you hate her."
"Of course! Have you seen her?"
"Yeah, but this is still cool! You should take advantage of it while you can." 
Marcus released his hold from your ankle, scampering over to the section of the library where a red and white book was gleaming for attention.
"Oh my god! Miranda got the newest edition of IT?"
You stood up abruptly and made your way over. "She got what?!" 
"Holy shit, this is amazing! We haven't fangirled over this book since freshmen year."
"Oh yeah, our biggest obsession since One Direction." You laughed, taking the book out of his hands and running your finger over the textured title.
"Not gonna lie, the older cover looked better."
You rolled your eyes and ushered him over to the desk in the middle of the room. "Wait, let's see if they kept in that one part.."
"Which one? Does it have to do with Stanley? You had a major crush on his fictional ass." He teased, pulling up another chair beside yours.
"No no no, the one with Eddie and-Oh, I found it!"
Man, he had hated it when Richie called him Eds…but he had sort of liked it, too. It was something….like a secret name. A secret identity. A way to be people that had nothing to do with their parents’ fears, hopes, constant demands. Richie couldn’t do his beloved Voices for shit, but maybe he did know how important it was to creeps like them to sometimes be different people.
"Oh, I absolutely love this part..It's just, mwah, beautiful. Stephen King certainly knew what he was doing.."
"C'mon, let's go back to my room and reminisce." You took his arm and pulled him back to your bedroom.
You internally screamed at Marcus's onslaught recollection of memories.
"Oh, and that one time when you had a major attraction for-"
"Okay okay, that's enough reminiscing!!" You tossed the book at him.
"Aww, what? Feelin' embarrassed, sweetie?" He barely dodged the book, letting it bounce off your bed and onto the ground with a dull thud.
"Shut up.." You grabbed the nearest pillow and slightly smothered yourself with it.
The memories he continued to bring up brought back some nostalgia but looking back at it now made you cringe. You were practically grown up now, not 15 years old. 
"Okay, I'm sorry. But wouldn't it be cool if the losers club was real? Like actually around, in real life? Derry was based off of Bangor so it's more than likely you could find your own Stanley Uris." 
You cracked a smile at that and threw the pillow at him, situating yourself underneath the covers of your bed. "Yeah, yeah. I wish."
Marcus promptly pulled out his phone and checked the time, turning it over towards you  and flashing the bright light in your face. "Well, it's almost 11:11..Make a wish!"
"Seriously?" You deadpanned.
"C'mon, it wouldn't hurt!"
You sighed, sitting up on your elbows and closing your eyes. "Tell me when. You wish it too, okay?"
"Okay," some time passed, "now."
I wish the losers club was real..The entire gang. Every single one of them.
I wish I could blow Bill Denbrough.
You opened your eyes after you recited your wish a couple of times, sighing. You raised an eyebrow at Marcus, seeing him struggle to contain his laughter though the crimson red covering every inch of his face gave it away.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"I wished that I could blow Bill."
"Goddamnit, Marc."
It took about a half hour before the two of you could fully relax into a deep sleep but once you guys did, Marcus took up most of the bed. 
A heavy gush of wind pushed open your window, the cool air from outside blowing into your room. You snuggled a little more under the covers, face being buried into someone's back. They smelled so nice, a light hazelnut scent and freshly washed hair that reminded you of late night drives with your older cousin when you were younger; Just absolute nostalgia exuded from them. You felt your entire body relax against theirs, the warmth overtaking your slightly exposed skin from the nippy air coming through the window.
You hear a quiet groan from the opposite side of you, the noise causing you to stir from whatever you were dreaming about prior; It was a bit fuzzy.
"What the fuck? Dumbass window.." It was just Marcus.
You felt the weight from the bed disappear, his dull footsteps moving around the carpeted room as he shuts the window.
He turns around and gives one look over the room, his eyes partially open. He sees a couple of people in the room, the sight confusing him in his drowsy state.
"What the..?"
A mix of someone screaming bloody murder and a smoke alarm going off floods the room, echoing off the walls and throughout the house. Even Marcus wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard him too.
It takes just a few seconds before your sleeping mind can process the screeching, thus causing you to flip over to your other side and turning on the lamp. Your eyes are piercing with annoyance, though you were still a little concerned about your astonished friend across the room.
"Marc, what the hell?! What's wrong? What happened?"
You cast a glance around your room, trying to pick the oddball out.
"What the hell?!" You hear from behind you, the sudden noise alarming you and making you jump off the bed towards the ground. 
Your head whipped around so quickly you were sure it was the dizziness that made your imagination run wild from the sight. There laid a guy, around your age, with very curly light brown hair that just looked absolutely divine to twirl your fingers around.
Underneath you comes a strangled groan, almost upon impact. Looking below, you find a girl with fiery red hair in a bob style. You push yourself off of her and scoot away until your back hits Marcus's legs.
"Who the fuck is yelling-Oh, holy shit..!" You hear another slightly deep voice exclaim. 
Turning to your right sat five other guys with drastically different appearances, one after another coming to the realization that they had no fucking clue where they were.
The room grew quiet, fear growing in your eyes as you try to find a person to focus on but the thought only made you even more dizzy than before.
Let me know if you wanna be tagged for future chapters!! 💖
-Moment of Tangency- tags: @beauregard-s @demoniclust @deepestofwaters @grapesauze @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @soulwillower @19tozier @phrogtheguitarist @kindofokayimagines @stenbrozier @stenbrozier @brxken-heartsclub @fucking-greywater @theliterarymess
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bowieandqueen11 · 4 years
Bully / Stan Uris Imagine
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Request: Hello love! I was wondering if you could write a 2017 IT Stanley Uris where the reader is sort of in Henry’s gang and they see the lads bullying the losers so she steps in and yeah. Possibly could Stan be slightly older (15-16). Thank you. :) 
Of course my darling @confusedmilcc​, I hope this is okay! I’m sorry if imagines are a bit slow after this, I have some Uni stuff to do but hopefully I should be able to write as well
Warning, some strong language! The Losers are also around 15 in this one!
Summer break couldn’t have arrived any sooner for the Losers.
The last bell of the day had only just rung, but the halls of the schoolway were already filled with tons of kids ready to go home. Richie knocked his glasses back up his nose as Greta Bowie bashed into his backpack and nearly knocked him back down the stairs.
‘Yeah, and a happy summer to you too Greta! Do you wanna sign my yearbook? Dear Richie, sorry for being such a rat’s ass towards you-’
‘Beep beep Rich’, Eddie mutters as he runs up next to him, Stanley not even two steps behind as he elbows both of them out of the way to stand in the middle.
‘What do you guys want to do now?’
Laughter sounded along the halls, joined with excited conversations and shouts. Stanley ducks as a football flies above his head, between two jocks in varsity jackets. He doesn’t notice Bill run past the two lads, running past groups of high schoolers leaning with one leg pressed against the lockers, laughing and causing all kinds of ruckus. 
‘I was thinking we could go and train at the arcade?’
‘I thought you guys were going to come to the B-B-Barrens with me’, Bill pipes in from where he joins at Richie’s hip.
Stanley sighs to himself, shifting his yarmulke back as Richie’s elbow knocks into it again, his arms gesturing wildly as he argues against Bill to no avail. Stepping out the school door, he blinks against the steps: there is no sky today, only a rough woollen blanket of mottled grey smothering the sky and sweltering the air in a thick dullness. Stanley shivers lightly at Eddie’s oncoming words, a sense of fear in the air that makes his heart start thumping.
‘Do you see them?’, Eddie asks, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his inhaler. ‘Bowers is waiting at the bottom of the steps.’
‘They’re probably waiting for that new kid’, Richie adds with a frown on his face.
‘Why is Y/n with them?’ 
Stanley folds his arms as he looks down at you. Although a familiar face around the school, and a known member of the Bowers’ gang, he had never seen you out for blood like Henry usually is. You always seemed so sweet, so different from the rest, it seemed so out of character. His heart thumped so hard that he swore it was audible, your eyes meeting for a second, and only a second. But in that moment, you had offered him a smile - only a small smile, but it was enough to make Stanley go weak at the knees.
‘No other way, I suppose’, Richie sighs. ‘We’ve got to go through them.’
‘Why are we doing this Henry? Can’t you just leave these guys alone. What’s Ben done to you?’
‘What, you have a crush on him? Shut your mouth before I shut it for you, or just leave for all I care.’
Bowers and Patrick are resting against the wooden telephone pole with faces of utter nonchalance, as if they were merely waiting for the school bus on a spring day, switchblade in hand. Henry isn't slumped at all, yet it is just as relaxed as his face. He's almost smiling, grinning perhaps is more like it, smirking as if something good were about to happen. He doesn’t look at you, his eyes are too distant for that, the only sound Patrick’s hoarse chuckle and the swish of the switchblade as he closes it once again. 
You only let your eyes meet theirs for just a moment, giving a slight nod, then casting your eyes downward once more.
‘I’m just not on board with this-’
‘Shut up. Here comes fresh meat.’
‘Well, if it isn’t the fucking Losers. Nice frisbee, flamer.’
Eddie yelps as Belch grabs onto his oversized backpack and throws him backwards, managing to knock him and Richie down onto the grass in a tangled mess of bruised shins and bleeding elbows.
‘You s-s-suck Bowers!’
Henry clenched his fist, a vein popping out of his forehead.
‘You s-s-s-say something, Bi-Bi-Bi-Billy? You got a free ride this year 'cause of your little brother. Ride's over, Denbrough. For you and your friends.’
Before any of them could speak, his hand had reached out and grabbed Stanley by the corner, his eyes squeezing shut in pain. He lashes out at his hands, his collar tightening in Henry’s fist as his shirt began to ride up. He chokes as Henry leans over and licks the side of his face, and Stanley can’t help the groan of pain that leaves his mouth as he’s lifted slightly up the ground.
‘Henry, stop it! Your dad’s right over there!’
‘Yeah, well see if I care! These assholes need to pay!’
His yell was like a booming bark, it made even Patrick jump like a scared rabbit. I think he liked that. I think it made him feel mighty powerful.
Being brave isn't the same thing as being stupid. Often it pays to weigh up the pros and cons of action versus inaction. When a situation is intractable, when every move is a bad move, it can take courage to take yourself out of the equation. Right now, you can feel the fear. You take a step forwards. You feel the fear. But as you watch Stanley squirm, you take another step. Before you even know what’s happening, your hand has swung out and hit Bowers on the arm, and he lets go of Stanley in shock. Shuffling back, he bares his teeth, making as if to go for you, only stopping when he sees his dad staring at him from behind your head.
‘I’ll get you for this, Y/n. You and your loser friends.’ 
Rubbing your flushed nose with the back of your hand, surprise lines Stanley’s features as you come down to kneel before him, a protectiveness flaring up like hot flames.
‘Go to hell, Bowers.’ 
A smile twitches at Stanley’s lips as a soft ‘thank you’ bursts from them, his eyes glowing as he bashfully glances up at you. He reaches his hands out, looking at you with slight desperation behind his eyes as you hesitantly place your smaller fingers into his palm, his knuckles white as he closes his own around yours, as you pull the two of you up. 
‘No problem, Stanley.’
‘I’m sorry that Bowers is angry at you now, too.’
‘Well, I’d much rather be a loser than hang out with that asshole anymore.’
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years
‘are you sure?’ - stanley uris x reader
requested: yes and it took me a bit to get this out cause I legit suck sorry guys lol, but I honestly loved writing this one its adorable🥺
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summary: It’s finally Senior year, the last year all of the losers would spend together completely before they all went off to college. Stan and y/n had made a pact as young kids, that throughout the years if they hadn’t had their first kiss and so on, they would be each other’s first for everything. Now at the age of 12 or so, they don’t really fully realize what that entails, but once they hit 14 and share their first kiss, then 15 and it was their first date, then 16 and it was their first hickey, and so forth they start to realize there’s a first that they hadn’t talked about and by this time around they’ve finally found themselves together in a comitted relationship. Their first relationship. Now, it was time to go farther than they ever had, they both wanted it, but who would speak up first? There’s only one night left before they all go their separate ways and one night can change everything.
pairing: stanley uris x reader
warning: super fluff, smut, swearing.
August 29th, 1994
“I can’t believe we all leave tomorrow.” Eddie’s voice spoke solemnly and he let out a sad sigh following his words. All of his friends looked at him with sad smiles and nodded in agreement.
“Eds, I just want you to know, I’ll still keep in touch,” Eddie smiled briefly at Richie’s kind words, but instantly a frown took over his features when the taller boy kept speaking, “I mean, how could a step father ever abandon his step child?”
“Rich, shut the fuck up.” y/n laughed and spoke loudly in Richie’s direction as she lifted her head out of her boyfriend, Stan’s lap who was already rolling his eyes at Richie.
“Hey, it’s true.” Richie smirked at Eddie as he spoke to y/n.
“Can you guys just address it already before you leave and regret it, we put up with your suppressed feelings for years. That shit was stressful.” Mike laughed as Richie’s face flushed and y/n felt the fits of laughter vibrate in her boyfriend’s belly against her head. She looked up at him, a genuinely happy smile adorning her face. She loved Stanley Uris with all her heart and leaving for college and leaving the place where she met some of the most important people to her, was weighing down on her heavy in that moment.
She tuned out the bickering that began to ensue around her and she looked up at him, thinking back to when they were 12.
July 7th, 1988
“Let’s make a deal, everyone has a first for almost everything, right? How about if we haven’t had our first kiss and so on, we’ll promise to be each other’s?” Stan blushed at his own statement. He wondered if he was being too forward or too obvious. He had a crush on y/n since they were about 8 or 9 years old and he never thought she would ever feel the same. Boy, was he wrong.
“You got yourself a deal, Stanley.” y/n smiled, a blush creeping onto her face as well.
“W-Wait, really?” He was flustered and she laughed.
“Of course.”
July 13th, 1990
It was Stan’s birthday and he was 14 today. You had been 14 for a few months now. You still remembered the pact you guys had made two years ago and you wondered if he did, too.
Ring, ring, ring.
The landline on your bedside table shook you from your thoughts and you answered and instantly smiled as you heard Stan’s voice on the other line, “I’m coming over, need to see my best friend on my birthday, right?”
“Of course, and I have a gift for you, better hurry up!” You hung up before he could speak and you mentally slapped yourself. What the fuck was that? I sounded so ridiculous. He’s gonna show up expecting a gift and what am I going to say? It’s my lips?
You sighed heavily, your cheeks turning bright red. Oh god, you were about to mess this up. You could feel it. He didn’t live very far either, so you didn’t have much time to figure this out.
You spent most of the time waiting for him, pacing back and forth in your room and feeling the way your palms were becoming ridiculously sweaty. Don’t get too worked up, relax!
“y/n, Stan’s here, he’s coming up!” Your mom called out from the bottom of the stairs and it felt like your stomach almost fell out of your ass, you were so nervous.
He walked in with a big smile on his face and enveloped you in a sweet hug, “Hey, so where’s this present? Is it another pair of binoculars? I totally don’t need another pair, but another wouldn’t hurt I guess.” He laughed and then noticed your jittery state and how nervous you looked. Before he could speak again, you began to ramble.
“Do—shit okay, do you remember, when w-we were 12 and we uh, we made that pact?” His confused expression disappeared instantly and he smirked at you.
“You remember? Holy shit, I was thinking about that all day, but figured I’d look like a weirdo bringing it up, but you remember...” He murmured sweetly, his eyes widening and the adoration on his face was clear.
“Well, yeah I remember...” you twiddled with your thumbs, “So, I mean, you haven’t had your first kiss have you?” Your eyes shot up and looked into his and he shook his head furiously.
“No, no no, have you?”
Before he could speak another word, you stepped forward and cupped his face in your hands and your lips pressed against his, in short and sweet kiss and you pulled back slightly just to catch a glimpse of his reaction. You wanted to make sure he was okay with this and judging from the way he leaned forward and pulled you back in and kissed you quite feverishly, he totally was.
You thought about how the year after that came your first date and the year after that things got a little more intense. It was your first hickey and his as well. That one, you swore up and down was unnecessary, but Stan was more than eager and you couldn’t lie, you wanted to know what it felt like. And god, did it feel good. Or maybe it felt as good as it did, because the boy you were in love since you were in 4th grade had his lips pressed so firmly to your neck. His tongue traced your skin so softly, sending shivers up your spine and when he nibbled on the nape of your neck you had let out an involuntary moan. This totally only feels this good when you’re in love. You always told yourself that.
After the hickey escapades your group of friends noticed and relentlessly teased the two of you. They teased you so often and so badly, that they basically drove the two of you into each other’s arms. You didn’t mind, though. You and Stan were both very stubborn and also very shy sometimes. Even when it was clear as day, right in front of you both, you and him chose to ignore it out of fear. And now that you think about it, fear of what? God, 16 is such a weird hormonal age. It was obvious there was something there, but you both would never say it unless the other would admit it and like I said, both of you were very stubborn. So, you would always say your friends brought you two together.
Now, here you were. You were 18 years old, ready to leave for college and leave this life behind and depart from your life long friends. Something was eating away at you, nagging in the back of your mind.
There was still a first that you and Stan had yet to share and you only had about 12 more hours left before that opportunity was out the window. You weren’t sure when you would see him or any of your other friends again, you wanted to make your last night with him memorable. You wanted it to count.
You hummed softly, shutting your eyes and wanting to take mental note of the way he smelled sweet like cinnamon and his breathe always tickled your neck in the same spot when you laid with him like this. You took note of the way his thumb would circle over your hip bone, slowly and sweetly. He held you against him like he never would again, but he always did that. He always savored every minute he had with you in his arms, but now he was really savoring it. You were going to try and make plans for Thanksgiving or Christmas, neither of you were too sure which one and if it would even be 100% possible, but you chose not to think about that right now. Right now, he was here with you and you still had about 10 hours before you would be parting ways.
Stan leaned back, pulling his head away from the crook of your neck and looked at you, “What are you thinking about, babe?” He propped his body up with his elbow and rested his head on his hand, his eyes studying your face.
“I...” You breathed out, suddenly feeling as nervous as you did the day that had kissed him for the first time, “I just... I feel like there’s something we should be doing before we leave. Something that I wanna share with you, another first... it’s been eating away at me for the passed couple of weeks. It’s silly, and you probably don’t want to so—”
“No, stop. Don’t say that, of course I want to. Whatever it is, I want to. I want to do everything with you, y/n.” Your heart soared at the way your boyfriend spoke to you. He was so sweet and he wasn’t even trying to be.
“I want to... I want to have sex with you. Tonight. Preferably right now.” You let your eyes wander across the ceiling as you spoke and you were preparing for the worst when you didn’t hear a single thing come out of Stan’s mouth. As you turned to face him, his lips were parted slightly and his eyes were wide with that same look of adoration he had in his eyes when you were 14 years old rambling on about how you wanted to kiss him.
“God, I’m so in love with you.” He kissed you quite fast and with a longing you couldn’t explain. He wanted to kiss you until you were stuck together and you could never leave each other, but he knew that was impossible. A guy can dream, right?
“Are you sure?” You searched his eyes for any sign of doubt and found nothing. All you saw was the way his eyes were dilated and lips quivered in excitement. The way that his cheeks were flushed and his hands were shakily tracing over your arms and your waist.
“Yes, why are you even asking? I’ve wanted this since last year, but I didn’t want to say anything and make it weird. Plus, I just felt like you weren’t ready and now you are. I knew if you wanted it as bad as I did, you would suck it up and say it first, so I waited, but god I’ve wanted it for a long time. I swear,” He pressed his lips to your jaw and trailed kisses down your neck. His touch softened and he became as gentle as you’ve ever experienced him to be. This was new. This felt different. He took care of you.
You had rolled your eyes at the fact that he admitted his fear of telling you he had wanted this, so he waited for you to speak up first. You were both shy sometimes, yes, but out of the two of you it was safe to say that you were the boldest. You said things when they needed to be said. You did things when they needed to be done. And this needed to be said and done.
You smiled at the way he undressed you slowly, taking his time with you. He was really really trying to savor this now. His eyes scanned over your half naked body, watching as you blushed and tried to cover yourself.
“Baby, stop. Don’t cover yourself, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I wanna remember what you look like right now. I wanna close my eyes on the drive out of here tomorrow, and picture this moment. How you opened up to me and gave me the privilege to share something so meaningful with you. Something so intimate. I wanna remember the night that you really became mine in a whole new way.” His words were soft and full of love and his eyes glistened in the light that illuminated your room. He was so damn gorgeous.
“I love you.” You leapt forward, kissing him so hard you were sure your lips were swollen already. He reached around you, unclasping your bra. His fingers barely touched your shoulders as he sluggishly pulled the bra off of your chest. Goosebumps rose across your skin and the cool air hit your chest. He trailed kisses down your chest and whispered sweet nothings to you the whole way, in between kisses.
You were breathing so heavily, you felt like everything was going to collapse around you. At this point, you were completely naked, legs spread and Stan in between them in just his underwear. He pressed against you, letting you know how hard he was and you hummed against his lips. You felt yourself getting wetter and wetter by the minute. You thought you were going explode.
“I really hate this part. It’s going to hurt a bit, before it feels good and I don’t want to hurt you.” He murmured sweetly and you smiled.
“This is a good hurt. I want this. I want to have this with you. If it makes you feel better, talk me through it, kinda turns me on anyway.” You giggled and he laughed at you, placing a kiss against your forehead.
“Good to know.” He whispered. By this time, he was completely naked as well and back in between your legs positioning himself and pausing for a moment. He held on to himself as he slowly pushed his head against your entrance, “If it hurts, just tell me to stop, okay baby?” He tangled his other hand in your hair and you breathed a shaky okay in response.
He pushed into you further and you gasped, the pain hitting you in small waves, but you didn’t want to stop. He locked eyes with you, “Does it hurt? I’ll stop baby.” You furiously shook your head and without thinking, you pushed your hips into him and he suddenly found himself pushed fully inside of you. You yelped slightly and he groaned.
“Babe, that was totally a bad move if you were in pain.” He breathed, revelling in how amazing it felt to be inside of you.
“Keep going.” You whispered as you wrapped your arms around his neck and locked your ankles around his waist, “Please...” You bit your lip and suddenly you were gasping as he slowly pulled back, sliding almost completely out of you and then thrusting back into you softly.
“Fuck...” He was breathing heavily against your skin as he buried his head into your neck. He began to kiss and lick all over the skin before him, biting and sucking sweetly on your neck, “I love you so much, I’ve loved you since we were kids. This is the best moment of my life.” He picked up his pace, noticing the pleasure beginning to course through you. Your eyes half lidded and your lips swollen and wet from you licking them. Your face was flushed and your forehead was covered with a small trail of sweat. He looked down at you, into your eyes and wrapped you up in his arms. You clung to him, moaning out his name as you felt him slide further into you.
“I love you, too. I love you so much, too.” You whimpered and he groaned at the way you spoke. You sounded so sexy to him, he loved it.
You could still feel the sting and you winced a bit at the way his hips met yours, “Shhh, it’s okay baby, I’ve got you.” He moaned, “I’ve got you, mmm.”
“Stan, oh my god,” You gasped as his hips came up again, this time a bit harder and a whole new pleasure flew throughout your body, “It doesn’t hurt anymore, go faster, please.” You moaned loudly this time and he threw his head back as he squeezed you tightly, doing as you asked.
“Like this?” Your eyes met as he thrusted in and out of you, at a fast steady pace. You felt your body buzz in ecstasy and he leaned forward engulfing your lips in a hot chaste kiss. Your tongues tangled together and your hands roamed every inch of each other’s bodies.
“Yes, yes.” You cried out in pleasure as he started thrusting harder.
“You’re so beautiful.” He moaned sweetly and you watched as he titled his head back and closed his eyes and in that moment you came undone.
Your legs shook and your ankles detached from around him, your body practically melting into the mattress beneath you, “I-I’m cumming.” You spoke in between breaths and he leaned into you, as you arched your body into him. Your stomach exploded and your walls tightened around him and you swore you saw stars.
“That’s it baby, cum for me.” His thrusts became sloppy and he murmured I love yous over and over again as he twitched inside of you, finally letting himself go and spilling into you. You rode out your orgasms together, tightly pressed against one another, as if you were becoming one person.
You held onto him as you both came down from your highs, savoring the moment of being wrapped up in each other. Feeling him pressed flush against your body, skin stuck to skin, hearts beating erratically against each others.
He pressed his forehead to yours and slid out of you, turning over and laying beside you, “That was the best first by far. You’re amazing.” He pulled you against him, kissing top of your head.
“It definitely was.” You smiled up at him, “I love you so much.”
“I love you so much, too y/n.”
Okay, I’m actually extremely pleased with how this turned out. This was beautiful:’)
I hope you guys liked it, and to the anon that requested it I hope it was worth the wait for you❤️
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loserslibrary · 5 years
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pairing: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier [Reddie], Stanley Uris/Patricia Blum Uris [Stanpat], Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough [Hanbrough] & Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh [Benverly]  written by: Ashley rating: Teen word count:  2,905 prompt: from @ticomat​ “Ok, so, for a prompt, how about the Losers having a Dinner night in which all pairings have big news they planned to tell the others, and end up collectively stealing each others thunder?”
Eddie knew that he and Richie were the boring friends. They had been for years, and Eddie supposed that was normal. When you’ve been in a serious, committed relationship since… well, forever, it seemed only natural that they wouldn’t have as many crazy stories as their friends. Especially since Richie had been banned from telling sex stories. Eddie didn’t mind, he was never bored with Richie, and he much preferred the most adventurous part of his month being he and Richie trying a new brand of pasta sauce that gave Richie stomach cramps over failed Tinder dates or coworkers setting him up on blind dates with horrible, poorly smelling people. 
Eddie and Richie have been together officially since he turned sixteen, but they’d practically been together for years before that. They’d had their rough spots like any other couple; choosing colleges had been one of the lowest points that Eddie could remember and he still sometimes felt sick when thinking about how close he and Richie had come to ending things when it came down to New York City vs Los Angeles. Richie had crawled through his bedroom window, crying and swearing to go to with him to New York City- or “wherever the fuck in the world he wants to go”- and Eddie couldn’t imagine them ever living anywhere else.
So, no. Eddie didn’t feel any lack luster in his life and he didn’t envy his friends’ wild stories whenever they got together the past couple of years. As they rapidly approached their thirties, Eddie was more than content with being settled down and married. Job he liked, financial stability, a loving husband in a surprisingly spacious New York apartment. It was more than Eddie had ever thought he’d be able to have growing up, and he wouldn’t trade it up for all the dating scene moments in the world. He wasn’t sure why anybody would. 
There was, admittedly, one thing in his life that he and Richie had been discussing. Something that could only make things even more perfect. And tonight, Eddie was sure that he and Richie would finally have the most exciting news at the reunion table. 
“You sure you want to tell them?” Richie asked, rubbing his hands between Eddie’s shoulder blades as Eddie used the mirror to do up his tie. Dressing up to Richie was a button up shirt with jeans that didn’t have rips in the knees or thighs, but Eddie always tried to go that extra mile when they were going out for a meal. Especially one that felt as important as this one.
“Yeah, of course.” Eddie said, finishing up the tie and pressing a quick kiss to his husband’s cheek. “I know that maybe we should wait until we have more news but- the Losers are as much family as your mom and dad, Rich. I want them to know.”
Richie smiled and pulled Eddie in for a quick kiss, and rubbed their noses together as he pulled back. “Alright, then I guess we better get going then. Bev is going to talk our ears off the second she sees us. Since the dweeb skipped Christmas.”
“I’m sure that her finishing the designs for her first leading collection  was more important than our Boxing Day dinner.” 
“You sound just like her.” Richie swung his car keys around his fingers as Eddie slipped into his jacket. “You’re such a sham, Edward Spaghetti Kaspbrak. You don’t need a jacket from here to the freakin’ car. You just wanna show off your nice threads to our friends when we get there.”
Eddie buttoned up the jacket up and beamed at Richie. “So what if I do? My husband has a big fancy Saturday Night Live job now, so I can spend my salary on whatever I want. Jackets included.”
Richie rolled his eyes and guided Eddie out of their apartment door. “Yeah.” He said in a soft voice. “For now.” Eddie never thought he’d be so happy to have financial restrictions.
Bill and Mike were already sitting around the table when Eddie and RIchie were shown to the Losers’ usual table. “Hey guys!” Richie half-jogged over to them as Eddie thanked their hostess. He tossed an arm around Bill’s shoulders and tugged him into his side. “Mikey, I swear you get hotter every time I see you. How do you do it?” 
Bill yanked away from Richie and punched him in the side. Richie made a loud, wounded noise and Eddie came over to give him a patronizing pat on the cheek. “Hush.” He said softly, before smiling at their friends. “How was Florida?”
Bill and Mike exchanged small looks that made alarm bells start ringing in the back of Eddie’s mind, but they both quickly replaced the looks with smiles. “It was amazing!” Mike said happily, waving towards the entry of their private room as Stan came in with Patty on his arm. 
Stan had started dating Patricia Blum about three years earlier, and she had been an instant click with their tight knit group. It was rare for anybody to connect with the other Losers so quickly, more often than not the Losers’ partners found their little group hard to fit into. Patty hadn’t been like that, thankfully. She and Richie had been practically best friends by the end of their first meeting. 
This was made apparent again, as Richie launched himself from Bill’s side and rushed through the little room to scoop Patty up in his arms and spin her around. 
“I swear, Richard.” Stan rolled his eyes but there was smile spreading across his face. “We saw you not even two months ago.”
“Awwe.” Richie cooed, putting Patty back on the ground and moved to kiss Stan hard on the head. “You know me, Manly Stanny. I’m like a dog, waiting for you to get back from work. Very over excited when you come back inside because you forgot your keys.” 
Stan chuckled at Richie’s awkward analogy and flicked him in the face. “Yeah, you’re a big oversized lap dog. I don’t know how Eddie puts up with you.”
Eddie walked over and wrapped his arms around Richie’s mid section and stuck his tongue out at Stan. 
“I told you we’d be the last ones here.” Ben said, quickly undoing his scarf and giving everybody a forced smile. “Sorry, sorry! Somebody claimed the traffic wouldn’t be that bad.”
“Don’t blame me!” Beverly said, swooping into the room in all her usual beauty. She pressed a kiss to Mike and Bill’s cheeks before turning to look at Ben with her arms on her hips. “I live in New York! I don’t drive. I take the subway like any self respecting New Yorker.”
“I’ll drink to that!” Richie cheered, despite none of them having ordered any drinks yet. The group all started moving towards the big round table, chattering amongst themselves. Richie bumped his hip against Patty’s and grinned at her.
“Take your hand out of your pocket, baby doll.” Richie whispered in her ear. Patty turned him, cheeks turning a little pink even under the red tinge of the dining room. She just shook her head and Richie leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Well, congratulations. Even though I’m not supposed to know.” 
Patty smiled to herself, and reached out to grasp Stan’s hand under the table with her own. Richie couldn’t hide his own grin as Eddie took the empty seat next to him. Never one to disguise his affections, Richie leaned over and pressed a chaste kiss to Eddie’s cheek. 
Beverly made overly loud gagging noises and Richie rolled his eyes lovingly at her. “Cram it, Marsh. Let me love on my husband!” 
“Oh I’m sure that you smother Eddie enough in the privacy of your own home.” Bill said with a chuckle. 
“It’s not smothering!” Eddie shot to him, before pressing an almost rough kiss to Richie’s stubbly cheek. He immediately pulled away and wiped his hand across his mouth. “Oh god, Richard, you need to shave. I’m not going to keep kissing you if it feels like rubbing my face against sandpaper.”
Richie tossed his head back and cackled, wrapping an arm around Eddie’s shoulders and pulling him against him. Eddie whacked at his chest lightly, and Richie kissed him on top of the head.
“Truly disgusting.” Bill said with a roll of his eyes. “But enough of Dad and Dad’s domestic crap. How have you guys been. Some of us haven’t seen each other since the summer.”
“How targeted.” Beverly laughed, pouring a glass of water from the pitcher in the middle of the table. “But I’ll admit, I actually do have some news since the last time I saw you guys. And before you ask, no, it’s not about my new line so you don’t have to pretend to understand what I’m talking about.”
There was a moment of relief around the table, as they all smiled at their childhood female friend. Even after they’d started having more women in their group, Patty, or Bev’s roommate from college Kay, or Bill’s ex-girlfriend Audra whom he was still friendly with, they’d never really joined forces with anybody who was on Beverly’s level with clothes or trends. The closest was probably Richie- and only because with his career, he has to at least attempt to keep up.
Beverly reached out and tangled her hands with Ben’s on the top. Eddie looked at Richie from the corner of his eye, getting a raised eyebrow in return. Ben and Beverly had been having the ultimate will they or won’t they story in the history of the world, tracing back all the way to the eighth grade. They’d dated off and on all throughout high school, somehow always finding some sort of reason to break up, and then another to get back together. Two years earlier, they had rekindled the high school relationship and the Losers had been sure that they were going to be in it for the long haul this time. Then Ben’s job had promoted him six months into the relationship, sending him to live in Chicago, and they had broken it off once again. Not feeling as though the long distance could work for them. Though the two years had passed since then, the Losers could all tell that the feelings still lingered. Would possibly always linger between them. It was one of the few things that they all knew better than to interfere with. 
Ben smiled sheepishly, rubbing his thumb along the back of Beverly’s hand. “My company are starting a new project to create affordable living in New York City. They want me to head up the project.” His sheepish smile broke into a full blown grin. “I’m moving back. For good.”
The table erupted into cheers, which were quickly and embarrassingly quieted when the waitress came to take their drink orders. As she left, the gang all turned their attention back to Ben and Beverly, whose hands were still clasped together on the table. 
“So…” Richie sang, wagging his eyebrows. “Somebody’s gotta address the elephant in the room-”
“Jesus, Rich.” Bill groaned, though his voice hinted at laughter.
“Are you guys gonna be New York’s Next Hottest Couple or what?” Richie barrelled over top of Bill as though he hadn’t spoken. 
Ben and Beverly glanced at each other, stars in their eyes, before Beverly looked back at Richie and nodded. “That was my news. Ben and I are back together- and we’re moving in together.”
Softer, but no less enthusiast, cheers broke out then. Mike reached over and clasped Ben on the shoulder. The other man’s face had turned a bright red under the attention, always a shy boy deep in his heart, and started waving the others off. “Thank you guys! Really! But Mike and Bill! How was Florida?”
“Yeah!” Beverly jumped onto Ben’s attempts to deflect. “We want to hear all about it!” 
Bill cleared his throat. “It was great. You know, it’s always nice to go somewhere warm and know that your friends are all somewhere else freezing their asses off.”  
The group all grumbled and complained, while Eddie narrowed his eyes at his oldest friend. His hand was clenched around his glass and he used it to gesture towards Bill. “You’re holding back. Something happened. What is it?”
Bill and Mike glanced at each other. “Welll…” Mike said slowly. “I sort of feel like we’re stepping on Ben and Bev’s toes here but… Yeah, something did happen.”
“Oh shit, did you guys fuck?” Richie blurted out. Stan let out an exasperated “Richie” while Eddie swatted at his arm. “What!?! We were all thinking it!” 
“That’s not exactly the tactful way the rest of us would have put it.” Eddie said before knocking back the rest of his drink. 
Richie just rolled his eyes and slumped back in his seat, pouting until Eddie reached over and rested his hand on Richie’s knee. Richie dropped his hand on top of Eddie’s and squeezed. 
“Okay, so that’s not exactly how we wanted to say it either.” Mike said with a small smile. Bill was watching him from the corner of his eye, leaving all eyes on Mike. “But yes. We’re dating now. We’ve taking it slowly because we weren’t sure what this was, so please don’t be upset that we didn’t tell you right away-”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Billy. Richie and I were together for like two years before you we told you guys. We’re the last people be mad about that.”
“We weren’t talking to you.” Bill said happily with a toothy grin. “We were talking to all our normal friends.”
“Well, that’s fucking rude.” Richie muttered under his breath. A small rumble of laughter moved through the group, even Eddie chuckling. “Whatever. I haven’t decided if I saw this coming or not, and my gaydar is definitely a little off, but I’m so happy for you guys!”
“There’s no such thing as a gaydar.” Ben said with confidence.  Eddie, Mike and Richie all exchanged looks and Beverly kissed Ben gently on the cheek. 
“Well…” Patty spoke up then, her face looking like her cheeks were about to burst with joy. Richie nudged Eddie and wiggled his eyebrows, while Eddie frowned at him. 
Patty lifted her hand up away from Stan’s and held it out towards the table. The light coming from above them reflected off the rather large diamond on her left hand.
“Oh my God…” Beverly whispered. A hush fell over the table following Beverly’s words, everybody silently awaiting the confirmation of what they’d already pieced together. 
“We’re engaged.” Patty said softly. Stan’s ears and the back of his neck were both a deep red under the attention. The group remained quiet for a moment, then broke into cheers so loud that Richie was surprised they weren’t kicked out of the restaurant altogether. 
Everybody jumped to their feet, quick to hug the happy couple. Richie scooped Patty up in his arms and spun her around slightly, nearly sending their table flying. Both laughing, Richie sent Patty off into a teary Ben’s awaiting arms and turned to find himself facing Stanley. Stan’s cupped the back of Richie’s head as he pulled him into a hug. 
“You’ll be my best man, right?” Stan whispered directly into Richie’s ear. Though his friends would often say he had none, it took every inch of Richie’s self control not to immediately burst into tears as he nodded into Stanley’s shoulder. 
It took a couple minutes to get everybody calmed down and back into their seats, and their poor waitress came in to take their food orders. Richie was sure that once they sat back down all the couples were holding hands under the table. They all gave small chit chat until their meals showed up, and Richie dug in excitedly. 
“Oh, wait!” Beverly lowered her spoonful of pasta and blinked dramatically. “We totally forgot! Eddie, Rich, what’s new with you guys? Anything big happening in your lives since the last time we all hung out?”
Without even needed to look at his husband, Richie knew exactly what to say.
“Nope. You guys know us.” Richie draped his arm around the back of Eddie’s seat. “28 going on 88. Watch the news, in bed by 7.” 
The table all laughed, and dinner carried on without anymore cheering. The meal was peaceful and comfortable, Richie feeling almost blissful with Eddie’s heat pressing into his side while surrounded by their closest and most beloved friends. 
After saying their goodbyes, Eddie and Richie walked hand in hand to their car. “So,” Eddie started, with a smile in his voice. “Not ready to tell them after all?”
Richie laughed. “Nah, we’re ready.” He said. “But I didn’t wanna steal anybody’s thunder. We got enough news tonight. Ours can wait.” Richie pushed Eddie up against the car and kissed his jaw lightly. “What do you say? Let’s keep it our own little surprise. Just show them all by posting it on Instagram. Show up at the next get together with a baby.”
Eddie grinned. “We wouldn’t be the boring friends anymore.”
“Hell the fuck no.”
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cocastyle · 5 years
Change - Ch. 1 | N I N E
Pairing - Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 5,692
A/N - sooo I’m about to go out of the country for spring break so let’s hope I don’t get the corona virus ahaha (trying not to freak out but oh well). my school is out for the rest of the week and I leave early Friday morning so I’m going to try and write as many updates as I can tonight and tomorrow to prepare for next week :)) anyways, I hope you all are healthy and doing well! enjoy this chapter!
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N I N E  - Post-Breakup Stage
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Y/N had never had friends before. At least no friends that were anything like the Losers Club. So when the group split up, Y/N took it pretty hard. She began to fall back into old habits and the girl who had first arrived to Derry at the beginning of the summer was back and maybe even worse than before.
Her smile was mostly non existent, the light gone from her eyes. She rarely talked, only ever speaking to her cousin when needed, and often spent her days silently bird watching in the backyard with Stan while the two tried to ignore the loneliness that was slowly creeping over them.
All she could think about were the Losers and how much she missed them. Mike, Ben, Beverly, Richie, Eddie, Bill. . .she missed them all.
The only person keeping her from falling into the darkness was her cousin. Stan was her best friend for a reason and maybe that's why things weren't as bad as they would've been if the two were to split up as well. They were each other's wall that kept the other from falling apart before their very eyes.
They stayed by each other's side as the days began to creep by. Stan helped keep Y/N's mind off of the Losers and her parents while Y/N helped distract her cousin by rehearsing his lines with him. It was a system that allowed both of them to forget the pain they were going through. But it was those times during the day, when the two were alone and away from each other, that the two were left to their own thoughts.
Having each other was enough to keep them going, but without the Losers by their side, it all just felt sort of meaningless.
Y/N wouldn't admit it, but she missed Bill the most. All she could see when she closed her eyes was the heartbroken look on his face as she had left. But how could she have stayed? She didn't want to be killed or worse get someone else killed in the process. Leaving had seemed like the only logical thing to do, but she didn't realize how losing her friends would hurt more than anything the clown threw at her.
At that thought, Y/N glanced down at her calf which was almost completely healed by now. Only a few scabs were left over from the scratch marks It had given her, but it was obvious there were going to be a few scars left over. The realization that It had made marks on her body that would last a while made Y/N feel sick, so she was quick to look away and pulled on her dress nervously instead.
Today was the big day in which Stanley Uris was supposed to 'become a man.' Y/N and Stan were still not quite sure what that was supposed to mean, but it was obviously important by the size of the crowd that was slowly shuffling their way into the synagogue that warm summer day.
Stan had left with his father about an hour before Y/N left with her aunt, so Y/N was left alone once they got inside while her aunt mingled with the guests before the ceremony was to start. The h/c girl let out a soft sigh as she looked around at the people around her, hoping to maybe see a familiar face.
As if someone had heard her prayers, Y/N suddenly caught sight of a pair of very familiar glasses and it was like her breath caught in her throat once the person's gaze locked with her own.
Richie Tozier let out an audible gasp as the people between him and Y/N moved out of the way, leaving the two standing in front of each other. They hadn't seen each other for a while now and it was obvious neither of them knew what to say. Both of them had left with the same opinion in mind, but the group splitting up meant that Y/N and Stan hadn't even talked to Richie since the big fight.
All Y/N and Richie could do was stare at each other, an awkward silence filling the air around them. Richie coughed awkwardly and pushed his glasses up his nose, but just when he went to open his mouth and say something, Y/N launched forward and wrapped her arms around the boy.
Richie stumbled back slightly and had to gain his balance once again before he looked down to find Y/N hugging him tightly with her head resting against his shoulder. Richie stiffened almost immediately before he swallowed thickly and muttered, "What the hell, Uris?"
Y/N could hear the slight shake in his voice and smiled sadly as she let out a breathy chuckle. "Calm the fuck down and just hug me back, Tozier," she whispered. "You and I could both use one right now."
Richie went silent at that and Y/N merely hugged him a little tighter, knowing that the boy wanted a hug just as desperately as her. He could try and deny it as much as he wanted, but Y/N had always been able to read him and Richie knew that.
There was another moment of silence before Y/N finally felt Richie's arms wrap around her, hugging her just as tight if not tighter than she was him. He tucked the girl's shoulder under his chin and leaned into her embrace more as he held her like he was afraid she would leave him again. His breath was shaky as he held onto her and Y/N had to blink her eyes a few time just to keep tears from coming.
For it was in that moment that the two finally felt a small feeling of relief wash over them after the hell they had been through since the fight. Even if the whole group hadn't made up yet, at least they were on their way and if that meant just the two of them making up at the moment then so be it. It was better than being alone.
The two didn't pull away until everyone was starting to take their seats and even then the two stayed by each other's side, sitting by each other in one of the many rows of the synagogue as they watched Stan walk up to the microphone.
Stan looked around for a minute as if he were looking for someone and it was only when he caught sight of Y/N and Richie that he paused. His eyes stared at Richie like a deer caught in headlights, but the moment Richie sent the curly haired boy a small smile and a thumbs up Stan instantly relaxed.
Stan's eyes then flickered over to his cousin and the reassuring smile she gave him was enough to have the boy smiling softly back before he gained the courage to begin his readings. Richie and Y/N were silent as they listened to the boy speak and both of them secretly fist bumped each other once Stan had finished without mispronouncing a single word.
"Reflecting on the meaning of what I just read," Stan began, gulping slightly as all eyes suddenly turned to him. "The word 'shana' comes up alot. Which means. . .uhm. . .to change, to transform. Which makes sense I guess, because today I'm supposed to become a man."
Stan hesitated for a moment and his eyes flickered over to lock with Y/N's. The girl gave him a questioning look, already recognizing the look in his eyes that said something was wrong.
Stan had to look away and he took in a shaky breath before saying, "It's funny though. Everyone, I think, has some memories they're prouder of more than others, right? And maybe that's why change is so scary."
That was enough to make Y/N still while Richie looked to her confused. Y/N merely shrugged and the two looked back to Stan who was looking around the room as if he were seeing everyone for the first time.
"Cause the things we wish we could leave behind, the whispers we wish we could silence, the nightmares we most wanna wake up from, the memories we wish we could change, secrets we feel that we have to keep, are the hardest to walk away from," Stan said and it was only then that he looked back over at his cousin, his eyes staying locked with hers and he continued to speak.
"The good stuff, the pictures in our mind that fade away the fastest, those pieces of you it feels the easiest to lose. Maybe, I don't want to forget. Maybe, if that's what today's all about, forget it, right?" Stan whispered, his eyebrows furrowed together as if he were coming to a realization and it seemed like Y/N and everyone else in the room was hanging onto every word.
Everyone except for his father.
"Thank you, Stanley," Mr. Uris said as he went to grab for the microphone, but Stan was quick and moved away from his father.
"Uh, uh, today I'm supposed to become a man but I don't. . .I don't feel any different," Stan continued as he walked away from his father who was trying to walk after him. But then Stan was suddenly stopping and he turned to look at his father with a look in his eyes that made Y/N raise her eyebrows in surprise.
"I know I'm a loser," Stan announced, his words making even his father stop. "And no matter what, I always fucking will be."
A loud gasp filled the air as Stan dropped the microphone and walked out of the room. Everyone stared after the boy in pure shock while Richie began to clap and cheer. As for Y/N, she couldn't help but burst out laughing and yell out in pure pride, "That's my cousin!"
Richie's mother was quick to hush her son while Mrs. Uris sent a small glare in Y/N's direction, but both of the kids merely shared a look before getting up from their seats and running out of the synagogue before anyone could stop them.
"Holy shit, Stan the Man!" Richie cried out as him and Y/N began to jog after Stan who was pacing around in the front yard. Stan looked up at that and he visibly relaxed at the sight of his friends before he was tackled in a hug by Y/N.
"I'm so proud of you," Y/N whispered as she squeezed the boy tight. Stan smiled at that and hugged her back just as tight before his eyes flickered over to Richie.
The cousins slowly pulled away from each other and Stan and Richie both stared at each other before smiling softly. "We good?" Stan questioned as he nervously put his hands into his pockets.
"We're good," Richie assured him with a nod while Y/N looked between the two boys with a warm smile on her face. "I cannot believe you fucking did that, Stanley. You should've seen their faces!" Richie exclaimed before dying with laughter, Y/N quickly joining in while Stan blushed.
"My father's going to kill me when I get home," Stan muttered out with a breathy laugh.
"Then let's not go home," Y/N suggested causing both boys to look to her. "At least not yet anyways. You're already in trouble, why not have some fun before we go back?"
"That's the best idea you've ever had, darlin'" Richie laughed as he wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulder and turned to look at Stan. "Come on, Stan the Man. We can go to the arcade or something."
Stan was silent as he let his calculating eyes flicker in between Richie and Y/N. But Y/N knew he was only pretending to think about it. After all, her and her cousin were similar in numerous ways and she knew how much they had both been yearning to hang out with at least one of their friends.
"Fine," Stan said as he let out a dramatic sigh that had Richie and Y/N both rolling their eyes with small smiles on their faces.
That was how the three ended up at the Derry arcade not too long after that. None of them had brought their bikes since they had come with their families, so the three had to walk all the way there in their dressy clothes. Richie complained nonstop, but it didn't take much for the Uris cousins to figure out that he was only doing it to hide his excitement about getting to hang out with them.
Y/N had only been to an arcade a few times in her lifetime, each of them being in the Derry arcade during the summers she would spend there. It was Richie's favorite place to go and Y/N still remembered the first time he had introduced her to Streetfighter, his favorite game. The two had played that game endlessly it had felt like and it didn't take long for the two to fall back into their old habits, the two friends trash talking each other as they tried to beat each other.
"Yes! Take that, Uris!" Richie yelled as he not only beat her, but the high score of the whole game as well. Y/N rolled her eyes, but couldn't stop the small smile beginning to play on her lips.
"You just got lucky," Y/N tried to say, but Richie only scoffed and gave her a look. "Okay, fine. You win," she sighed earning a smirk from Richie before the boy judged her playfully with his elbow.
Y/N smiled at the boy while Stan watched the two fondly. "Okay, my turn," Stan announced as he walked over to the console, Richie instantly by his side.
He began playing and before she knew it, Richie was yelling at the curly haired boy what he needed to do while Stan was yelling back at Richie to just shut up. It was enough to make Y/N laugh and she couldn't help but think about how much her mood had changed just by being able to be with one of her friends again.
This was the happiest she had felt since the argument and for a moment she seemed to forget about everything that was going on.
Y/N began to look around the arcade to see if she could find another game they could play later, but found herself looking out the window. She smiled softly as she watched the people all walking by, some of them laughing and smiling while others conversed with their friends. Y/N didn't even realize she had walked up to the window until her hand was pressing against the cool glass.
A feeling of calm washed over her as she watched the town of Derry go about their lives, the sound of the arcade and her cousin and Richie's bickering in the background.
Something then flashed at her eyes and Y/N grimaced before blinking a few times only to find that the sun had reflected off a silver bike and into her eyes. However, the light was quickly forgotten as soon as she read the word 'Silver' written across the bike, her smile being replaced with a look of pure shock as her eyes flickered up to lock on the person on the bike—Bill Denbrough.
Her breath hitched in her throat at the sight of the boy, his hair gently blowing in the wind while he leaned his head back ever so slightly to enjoy the sun's warmth and the gentle breeze. He was perfect just like always and Y/N swore her heart skipped a beat just at the sight of him.
She watched as the boy suddenly sat up straight and, as of sensing her gaze, his eyes flickered over to the window as he began to ride past it. His eyes widened ever so slightly and his jaw dropped open a little as their eyes locked.
It was like a scene from one of those movies where time stood still. A million words were spoken just through that one glance and Y/N felt a sudden sadness wash over her as she was reminded of the heartbroken look Bill had given her as she walked away.
Y/N had to quickly look away, ignoring the furious beating of her heart and the sickening feeling in her stomach. She waited a moment before looking out the window again and watching as Bill rose down the rest of the street, his head hanging a bit lower than before. She frowned at the sight and the sickening feeling in her stomach only got worse.
All she wanted was to run out of the arcade and run after the boy, but she knew she couldn't. After the fight, after the way Bill had acted and after he had punched Richie, she didn't know what to expect. Would he even want to talk to her? Would he even care?
Y/N swallowed thickly as those thoughts began to swirl around in her head. Then, with a shaky breath, the girl turned around and walked back over to Stan and Richie who were complaining about the best strategy to use for the game.
She let her eyes flicker between Richie and Stan and tried to smile, but the happy feeling she had gotten earlier was gone. After all, she had just been reminded about all of the people who weren't with them. She was reminded of the fight and how most of the group was still all on their own. And the pain of the realization was enough to make her happiness disappear.
"Y/N?" Stan whispered causing the girl to snap out of her thoughts and look at the two boys who were watching her with a hint of concern in their eyes.
"You okay, Uris?" Richie questioned, tilting his head slightly.
Y/N blinked and gave the boys a forced smile as she nodded her head. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?" she questioned. The two boys shared a look, but didn't get a chance to say anything before Y/N was gesturing towards the game.
"Come on. I want a rematch and there's no way in hell I'm letting you beat me again," Y/N said earning a loud laugh from Richie as she walked over to the console.
"Oh, you are so on, Uris," Richie laughed as he too took his place at the console.
Y/N smiled softly at that before her eyes caught sight of Stan giving her a look that asked if she was really okay. Y/N nodded ever so slightly but the look Stan gave her practically screamed that he didn't believe her. However, before Stan could question her, Y/N was already looking back at Richie was a smirk on her face.
"Loser has to buy the other whatever ice cream they want."
"Oh, you are so going down!"
- - -
Weeks passed and the Losers were still no where close to reuniting. Y/N had seen a few of her friends in passing, but the fight was still too fresh in their minds for any of them to talk to each other. Eddie was the only one Y/N hadn’t seen.
She had seen Mike from across the street and given him a smile and a wave, but he had only smiled at her sadly before walking in to a shop to make a delivery. She had been walking past the library when she caught sight of Ben sitting by a window, but the boy had only lowered his head sadly and focused on his book until she left.
Y/N had been walking out of a store with her aunt when she saw Beverly, but the red head had only given her the smallest of waves before disappearing around a corner. Then there were the few occasions she had seen Bill riding on his bike only for him to stare at her like it physically pained him to see her before he biked away as quick as possible.
Stan and Richie were the only reason Y/N hadn't gone spiraling down the rabbit hole. She spent almost every day hanging out with the two of them whether it be at the arcade or just biking around town. She was starting to do a little better now that she not only had Stan by her side but Richie as well. However, that sinking feeling of her stomach that came from missing the others never went away, especially when it came to Bill.
It wasn't until a couple of days after seeing Bill at the arcade that she had allowed herself to realize why she missed him so much. She liked Bill. She really liked him. And the realization of the fact only to remember that she now didn't even have him as a friend was enough to have her sobbing until Stan found her in her room. He had held her for what felt like hours after that while she just cried and Stan gave her the comfort she needed.
Y/N had confided in Stan about her crush after that and she had never seen her cousin so happy yet so upset at the same time. He was happy that she liked Bill, after all, he thought the two would be a perfect match. But then he saw his cousin's pain and it was like he felt it as well, his heart aching for the girl as he knew how much the fight with Bill must have affected her.
After that night, Y/N tried not to think about the Losers or Bill as much. It was hard, especially when she was alone. However, Richie and Stan helped her get by and before she knew it, it was August.
That meant she didn't have long before she would have to head home and Y/N hadn't realized how much she didn't want that to happen until it was slowly growing nearer with each passing day. Spending the summer with her cousin in Derry may have had some rocky moments, but it was also the happiest she had ever been in her whole life. She didn't want for it to end and she sure as hell didn't want to leave, so there were a few days at the beginning of August where she was a little quieter than usual and wanted to be left alone with her thoughts.
Stan didn't push it, knowing that the subject of her parents and her life back at home was a touchy topic for the girl. He and Richie had made it their sworn duty to make to rest of the summer the best Y/N had ever experienced and they hadn't been doing too bad so far.
In fact, Y/N was going to head down to the quarry with them that very afternoon. But before she could do that, the girl had promised her aunt that she would run to the pharmacy to pick up a few things that they had needed.
Stan had wanted to tag along, but his father was still upset about what had happened at his bar mitzvah, so Stan had to spend at least a couple of hours every day reading from the Torah. Wanting to go to the quarry later that day, Stan had decided it was best if he stayed home to read the Torah then rather than go to the pharmacy with Y/N.
Y/N didn't blame him and had taken the small list of things to get before making her way into town by herself. She hadn't been in the mood to ride Stan's bike, so the girl had resorted to walking, knowing that she didn't have to grab much anyways.
It took a little longer than riding a bike would, but Y/N didn't mind. She got to the pharmacy not that much later and went to open the door only for it to suddenly be thrown open and for someone to rush past her.
Y/N blinked in surprise and let her eyes flicker over to the person who she immediately recognized as Eddie. Her eyes widened at the sight of her friend, but she didn't have long to be shocked because she had caught sight of Eddie's distraught and completely red face as he struggled to hold back tears.
"Eddie?" Y/N questioned in a soft yet concerned voice as she hesitantly walked after the boy. She knew she probably shouldn't be talking to him, especially if his mother were to be around, but she frankly didn't care. If Eddie was upset, then whatever was his problem was now her problem whether his mother liked it or not.
Eddie froze at the sound of her voice and hesitated before slowly turning back around, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of her. "Y/N?" he whispered, his voice shaky as he quickly went to wipe his tears away with the arm that wasn't currently wrapped in a white cast.
"Eddie, what's-?" Y/N began, but she didn't even get a chance to finish what she was saying before Eddie had taken a few quick strides to hug the girl. Y/N blinked in surprise, but didn't hesitate to hug the boy back, squeezing her eyes shut as she held onto the boy who she hadn't even seen since that day at the Neibolt house.
Eddie was shaking as he hugged her, his one good hand balling into a fist around her shirt as he held her like he was afraid she would leave him. For a moment, it reminded Y/N of the hug Richie had given her, but this one was different not only because it was Eddie but because she could practically feel the emotions that were radiating off the boy.
Y/N frowned and pulled away to look at the boy, ignoring Eddie's confused face as she furrowed her eyebrows and wiped away his tears, whispering, "What's wrong, Eds?"
Eddie smiled ever so slightly at the nickname before lowering his head. He let out a pained laugh before whispering, "Oh, it's nothing." However, his eyes betrayed him by flickering down to his cast which Y/N finally was able to see well enough to notice the giant word 'Loser' that had been written in black marker across his cast.
Y/N frowned at the sight and looked back at Eddie who was looking at his cast sadly. With a sigh, Y/N reached out and pat Eddie's shouldn't before saying, "Wait right here, okay? I'll be right back."
Eddie's head shot up at that and he went to question her, but the girl had already turned and was walking into the pharmacy he had come out of only moments before. Eddie frowned slightly before looking back down at his cast, the guilt of what his mother had said to Y/N the last time they were together eating away at him and making him feel sick.
Y/N returned a couple of minutes later to find that Eddie hadn't even moved an inch from the spot she had left him in. She began to rummage through the bag she had as she walked over to the boy, pushing past the things her aunt had needed until finding the one item she had bought on her own.
Eddie could hear the rustling of the bag and glanced up in time to see Y/N pull out a red marker with a smile on her face. The boy furrowed his eyebrows, but Y/N was already gently grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the curb for them to sit down.
Eddie watched as she set her stuff down before the h/c girl turned to look at him with a shy smile on her face. She gestured towards his cast and whispered, "May I?"
Eddie didn't quite understand what she was doing, but he trusted her. He trusted her with his whole life in fact and he had ever since the day the two first met. So nodding his head was almost an automatic response, knowing she would never do anything to hurt him or make him upset.
Y/N smiled softly at that before gently picking up the boy's cast and moving his arm to rest in her lap. She pulled the cap off the red marker in her hands before she began to write on his cast, her tongue sticking out in concentration while Eddie observed her quietly.
He thought back to when he was younger and how, for a whole summer, he had the biggest crush on the girl that sat before him today. She was just so kind to him and made him feel happier than most people did, not to mention she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
It wasn't really a surprise when he ended up having a crush on her, but it took a school year away from her and seeing her the next summer to know that his feelings had changed. Y/N was nothing more than a sister to him and he knew that Y/N felt the same way. The love they had for each other was strictly platonic and always would be.
And in that moment, Eddie wished he had been lucky enough to have been given a sister like Y/N. But it only took him a moment more to realize that although they may not actually be related, he had been given a Y/N as his sister and he would forever be grateful for that.
"There," Y/N smiled as she looked to Eddie and showed him his cast. The boy looked down and couldn't help but smile at the sight. She had taken the word 'Loser' and corrected it with the red marker so that it now read 'Lover,' something that made Eddie blush and let out a breathy chuckle.
His eyes flickered up to look at the girl and he stared at her for a moment before smiling and whispering, "Thank you.”
Y/N merely smiled in response before asking, "Is it okay if I sign it?"
Eddie was a little hesitant to say yes, but he couldn't help himself when his smile grew just a tiny bit. He instantly nodded his head and Y/N grinned before gently taking ahold of his arm once again and neatly writing her name across the white cast, knowing that the boy would want his cast to look as nice and clean as possible.
Once she was done, the girl put the cap back on her marker and shoved it into her bag before looking to Eddie who was already watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. "What?" Y/N questioned curiously as she tilted her head at the boy.
"I'm sorry," Eddie suddenly blurted out making Y/N blink in surprise. "What my mother said was not cool and none of it was true. And I’m just. . .I'm so sorry she said those things to you."
Eddie looked down at his cast and rubbed a thumb over the girl's signature before frowning and whispering, "I really hope you don't hate me for it."
Y/N blinked once before giving the boy a surprised look. "I could never hate you for something that your mother did," Y/N assured the boy as she wrapped an arm around him and rested her head against his shoulder. Eddie leaned into her touch and let his head rest against her own as the two sat there on the curb together.
"Your mother can try and stop us all she wants, but we're still going to be friends no matter what she says," Y/N whispered making the boy crack a smile at that.
Eddie reached his hand over and placed it on top of Y/N's before giving it a small squeeze. "I've missed you," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N smiled warmly and held the boy a little tighter as she whispered back, "I've missed you too, Eddie."
A beeping from Eddie's watch was enough to make him snap back to reality, a panicked look on his face as he muttered, "Fuck." Eddie was quick to pull away from Y/N and stood up before wiping the dust from his pants. "I'm sorry, but I've really got to go. If I don't get home soon, my mom is going to go batshit crazy."
Y/N let out a chuckle and accepted the hand Eddie held out to her before he helped her into her feet. "No, I get it. You get home safely, okay?" she said as she smiled at the boy.
Eddie stared at her for a second before quickly reaching out and pulling her in for one last hug, relishing in the feeling of having the girl by his side once again after a torturous and lonely few weeks.
"Bye, Eds," Y/N whispered as she hugged the boy back and for a moment Eddie wanted nothing more than to have a mother who wasn't so overbearing so that he could stay with Y/N for a little bit longer.
He pulled away and let his eyes flicker over the girl's face one last time before giving her a soft smile, "Bye, Y/N."
Eddie then turned on his heels and began on his way back home while Y/N watched after him until he had turned the corner. With a small sigh, the girl bent down and picked her bag back up before beginning the long walk back home to where Stan would no doubt be waiting for her return.
Although this time, she felt a little less alone than before and that was enough to put a small smile on her face.
* * *
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moonlit-imagines · 5 years
teen!Stanley Uris x reader
warnings: richie tozier makes sex joke for a minute bc hes richie tozier
a/n: hesnotdeadhesnotdeadhesnotdead idkwhatyouretalkingabout
prompt: anonymous: “Can you write a fluffy teen!Stanley Uris imagine please? Maybe while they are at the clubhouse. Nothing specific. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just miss my boy :)”
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You and Stan didn’t get enough alone time. The Losers were always two paces behind you. It was like they had nothing better to do than play follow the leader. Well, I guess that’s been a fact since the beginning of it all. Old habits die hard.
But today was pretty rainy, meaning nobody’s parents would let them outside. Bill for obvious reasons, Bev because her weird-ass dad, Eddie because his weird-ass mom, Richie because last time he went out in the rain he tracked mud all over the house, Mike because he had chores on the farm, and Ben because no one else was allowed out. Stan and you weren’t exactly permitted to go out, but this was the perfect time to do so.
You grabbed your rainboots, coat, and umbrella, and made a run for it. Lucky for you, your mom was working today. Stan’s plan was the same. You’d agreed to meet at the clubhouse at noon, not a minute later.
When you got there, Stan still wasn’t there. But you’d gotten there early, so you decided to check on the tarps you’d laid at the beginning of the spring season. Perfect for keeping the place dry. You sat on a milk crate and checked your watch. 12:03pm. Stan was never late. You heard leaves crunching and pulled a pocket knife.
“Relax, it’s just me.” He smiled. You took a deep breath and shoved the knife back in your pocket.
“I thought you were the one that said ‘and not a minute later.’” You mocked your boyfriend.
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes. “Come here.” Stan wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer for a kiss. You couldn’t help but smile at him, he was just too cute no matter what he did. “Now let’s get out of the rain.” The two of you put your umbrellas away and climbed down the ladder, him first so he could assist you on your way down. He wanted to be a gentleman.
“Can you turn on the lantern light?” You asked as you headed for the can of shower caps. It was a rule that you had to wear your respective shower cap, nobody elses. What was the punishment? You can’t even remember. Maybe you’re banned from the hammock for a few days? You dug out Stan’s and your own and tossed them on the hammock.
“I brought snacks.” He threw his bag on the caps and grabbed your hand.
“Oh, yeah?” You smiled. “What do you got?”
“Well, my mom made babka the other day, so there’s that. And I made cheese and crackers because it’s all I know how to make. Oh, except for PB and J. Which I also brought.” He jokingly bragged.
“Very nice,” You put his cap on him, “and for drinks?” You put on your own cap and rifled through the bag.
“Pop cans,” He presented as you pulled them out of the bag, “and a thermos of chocolate milk.” He added. “I will not have you chugging the whole thing again, it’s the last bit of chocolate milk in my house.” Stan crossed his arms, remembering his disappointment from before.
“Sorry, it was just really good, y’know?” You pouted. “Are you still mad?”
“I couldn’t stay mad at you.” He chuckled and pulled you in for a hug. “Unless you take my chocolate milk again.”
“Oh, come on.” You pulled away and laughed. “Give me a break, it was only once.”
“Yeah, I’m just giving you a hard time.” He kissed your forehead and you shook your head. The rain pattered on the tarp, which you tried to mimic. Then you decided to turn on the radio. You checked what CD’s were in there and pressed play. Breed by Nirvana started playing.
“Oh, yeah.” You turned it up.
“Oh, no.” Stan sat down on the hammock and watched you attempting to air guitar. Watching you sing and dance along to the music did make him happy though. The way your hair flew around and the way you got into the music. He couldn’t even notice the rain. “You spend way too much time with Richie.” He commented.
“Please, I’m the one that got him into Nirv—‘I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care, care, care if it’s old...” You tried to argue, but the music took over you.
“Will you please turn it down and eat with me before I drink all the chocolate milk.” Stan pulled the thermos out and you froze.
“You wouldn’t.” Your eyes widened.
“Watch me.” He opened it up and started chugging.
“Stanley Uris!” You stomped and jumped on top of him. Some of the chocolate milk dripped down his chin.
“Okay, okay, you got me. Remind me never to use chocolate milk as a bargaining chip ever again.” He handed it to you and you crawled off him and to his side.
“I take it very, very seriously.” You took a sip. “So, how about we eat over there,” you pointed, “and use the chest as a table.” You closed up the thermos.
“Fine. But I’d like to cuddle on the hammock for a little while. Richie and Eddie are always hogging it.” He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.
“Ten minutes?” You asked.
“Ten minutes.” He hummed and you laid your head on his chest. But it was a lot longer than ten minutes. You both fell asleep and woke up to Richie and Eddie poking your faces.
“Okay, good. They’re still alive.” Eddie stopped poking you, but Richie wouldn’t quit poking your boyfriend.
“Cut it out!” Stan swatted his hand away. Richie backed up and crossed his arms.
“So, what are you two losers doing here? Come here alone often? To bone?” Richie started pestering you with questions.
“Shut up, Richie, they’re not having sex. It’d be gross to do it here. There’s too much dirt.” Eddie rambled while you and Stan exchanged some very annoyed looks.
“Aw, wait, so we’re not gonna bone?” Richie frowned.
“Richie!” Eddie yelled. You and Stan got up from the hammock and adjusted your appearances.
“Well,” you clapped your hands, “we’re gonna leave. You kids have fun.” You grabbed your things and Stan grabbed the food. The pair of you climbed the ladder and noticed it wasn’t raining anymore. “What time is it?”
“3:25. Wanna go eat at the park?” He asked.
“Okie doke.” You shrugged and took his hand, leading the way.
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yikestripes · 5 years
Same old
A/N: Here you go anon!!! I hope you enjoy!!!!
Pairing: Bill x Reader
Request: May I request a fic with Bill Denbrough x reader that has Bill saving the reader from her worst fear that Pennywise is putting her through? (which can be something related to bullying or some sort of phobia). And I do think it’s more fitting as adults considering what happened in the second movie, but it’s also fine if they’re written younger—
(Y/D/J) = Your dream job
You swallowed hard, pulling up outside of the Chinese restaurant Mike had picked. You weren’t particularly prepared for the potential horrors waiting for you inside; you felt anxious as hell, being reunited with the people you’d called friends your entire childhood with barely any recollection of their names or virtually anything about them. As a matter of fact, you hardly remembered anything Mike had brought up during your brief phone call the night before about your childhood. You never had any reason to bring it up in conversation, or think about it for any other reason, so why would you remember? But then again, how could you forget? Isn’t that someone everyone does, forget? Especially when they grow up and move away? Apparently not.
You shook away the negative thoughts that swirled around your aching brain, and got out of your car as another car pulled into the parking lot. You paid no mind to the other car, too distracted by the restaurant looming overhead and what awaited you inside, when someone calling you from behind brought you back.
“(Y/N)?” You turned at the sound of your name being called by a distinctly deep, male voice, and were met with a man around your age squinting at you behind his glasses, seemingly confused. You stared for a second before it clicked; Richie “Trashmouth” Tozier stood before you, hands tucked sheepishly into his leather jacket, with his hair wild from running his fingers through it moments before.
“Oh my GOD! Richie!” You felt yourself running at him and attack him in a hug. He didn’t move at first, still slightly taken aback by having seen someone he hadn’t seen in 27 years look so painfully familiar but like a beautiful stranger. He moved to hug back but you’d already stepped back to get a better look at him.
“You look great, Trashmouth! What the hell!” You laughed and Richie’s awkwardness eased up as he smiled a bit.
“Look at you, you look gorgeous! What the fuck happened to me?” He glanced at his reflection in the glass of the window and shook his head a bit.
“Oh stop. When did you get in?” You asked, stuffing your own hands in your pockets, quickly becoming re-acquainted with the chilly air of Maine.
“Last night. You?”
“Earlier this afternoon. Have… have you seen anyone yet?”
“Nope. You?”
“Not yet. Wanna go in?”
“Not at all.”
“Alright, let’s do this.” You took your hands out of your pocket with a deep breath to calm your racing heart, and ripped the door open as Richie followed behind you.
The restaurant seemed nice and was brightly lit, which helped to relax you a little bit.
That might make it easier to recognize everyone.
The hostess led you and Rich to a private room aside from the main dining room, where 3 grown men near the fish tank, becoming readjusted to each other once again.
“Wow, take a look at these guys!” The shorter man in the red jacket said, attempting to relieve some of the tangible awkwardness.
You pressed your lips together as you made eye contact with the taller man, who seemed to be familiar in a different way than the others. His muscles contracted as he crossed his arms over his chest, his silver watch winking at you in the light. His blue eyes were bright, and full of hazy memory.
“Look at her TREMBLE girls! She’ll be a laughing stock by the end of the day!” Gretta Keene was cackling as you shook like a teapot, your back so far against the lockers that the locks were pressing into your back. You had no idea why Gretta was so terrifying, but she just was. There were no limits with her torment, and that certainly didn’t exclude you. She’d thrown wet trash on you, poured paint in your backpack in art class, and hid your clothes after gym class. She made you miserable at any opportunity, purely because she knew it bothered you; plus you were an easy target, you had no one to protect you. She had all the power. Especially since she found your sketchbook, filled with embarrassing drawings of one Bill Denbrough.
“Oh s-shut up, G-gretta.” The all-too-familiar lanky boy stepped out from behind Gretta, meekly followed by a few other boys you’d recognized from your classes through the years, who were always with Bill. Gretta whipped her ponytail around to look at who’d interrupted her fun, allowing you to sneak a bit closer to the boys.
“Aw would you look who it is, Stuttering Bill Denbrough! Coming to protect your little girlfriend, huh?” Bill’s blue eyes hardened, ignoring Gretta’s comment.
“Just leave her alone, she never did anything to you.” Bill crossed his arms over his chest.
“Oh yeah? Or what?”
“O-or I'll r-r-remind the w-wh-whole school a-about how R-Ri-Richie p-p-pulled up your skirt d-during the cl-class play i-in 4th grade.” Bill smirked as Gretta’s face turned a shade of pink.
Richie snickered as he adjusted his glasses, clearly still amused by the memory. Eddie glared at him and Richie shrugged.
“You win this round, Denbrough,” Gretta glared at him, clearly trying but failing to intimidate him. “Next time, Stuttering Bill won’t be around to save your ass, you little slut.” Gretta lunged at you and you slammed back into the lockers, trying to hide your wince after hitting a lock particularly hard.
She sashayed away as you recovered, rubbing the lower part of your back.
“Thank you.” You whispered to Bill, casting your eyes down. You were extremely shy, especially after Gretta’s torment had begun. You looked back up and Bill smiled kindly at you, extending his hand to help you up.
“I-I’m Bill D-D-Denbrough,” You shook his hand with a shy grin. “I-I know w-we’ve had c-cl-classes together f-for a few y-y-years, b-but I d-don’t thi-think we’ve e-ever spoken.”
“I’m (Y/N).” Bill nodded.
“I’m Richie!”
“Edward Kaspbrak, but you can call me Eddie.” “Call him Eddie Spaghetti, he LOVES that!”
“I told you to stop calling me that!”
“Alright Eds, have it your way.”
“I hate Eds too! It’s Eddie!”
“Calm yourself, Eduardo.”
“RICHIE!” Richie snickered again as Eddie crossed his arms, huffing in frustration.
“I”m Stanley, Stanley Uris.”
“Oh, yes! We have math together.” You smiled at the curly-haired boy. He sat behind you at math, always answering the teacher’s questions.
“Bill?” You whispered, frowning slightly. Bill broke out into a grin and approached you slowly, memories streaming back.
“(Y/N).” He said almost breathlessly, pulling you into a tight hug. Your knees almost buckled beneath you at his familiar scent and feeling of him holding you so close and so tight.
“I can’t believe it’s been so long, I just, I can’t believe it…” You trailed off, an eruption of memories causing your previous headache to return. You grimaced slightly, and shook it away, not allowing something so silly to ruin your evening.
“I know. It’s been what, 18 years? 17? Right after college, I believe, is when we last saw each other.” Bill took a step back, suddenly feeling like he was back in high school with the way his emotions were running so rampant.
“Something like that. How have you been?? What’s been going on? What do you do?” You became readjusted quickly, the other Loser’s looking on with a familiar feeling, as if they’d seen the same sort of interactions between the two of you. As a matter of fact, they had. When you were all much, much younger, and a lot more unable to speak your feelings.
You and Bill caught up very quickly as you awaited the other’s arrivals, one by one. You learned he followed his heart and became a writer, and you’d actually read a few of his books! Contrary to popular belief, you thought his endings were not that bad. He’d been married for a few years, but it never quite worked out, so they ended up divorcing on civil terms. He found out you hadn’t married; never quite finding the right person. Little did you know, the right one had been only a few hours away, subconsciously writing your personality into book characters. You’d become (Y/D/J), traveling the world like you’d always wanted to, and settling down in a place that was the complete opposite of Derry. Not that you’d remembered what it was like in Derry, but once you returned, you shuddered at how much the place had affected you.
You left the Chinese restaurant feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders, weighing down on you like never before. Between finding out about why Stanley hadn’t been at dinner, the fortune cookie massacre, and your feelings for Bill all coming rushing back at once, there was almost nothing keeping you from leaving. Almost.
“I-I’m gonna go w-w-with Mikey to the library, you o-okay to get back by yourself?” Bill asked, mentally cursing for allowing his stutter to rear its head.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. I’m probably gonna go to bed and mull things over.” You rubbed your hand up and down his arm, watching as he untensed a little bit. Your touch was always enough to relax Bill, especially back in the days after the first battle.
You slept over his house pretty often, sneaking in and out of his window on the days you were afraid his parents would think you were spending too much time there. Half the time when you would wake up in the middle of the night by yourself, usually after a Gretta or Pennywise induced nightmare, and sneak over to Bill’s and climb into bed with him; your safe space. He would crack an eye open, smile, and open his arms to you. You climbed in and wiggled up next to him as he held you close, a smile gracing both of your faces.
“I’ll see you back there, then.” He smiled at you and his hand lingered on your shoulder for just a moment, before joining Mike in his car. You made it back to the motel without incident, and fell into a dreamless sleep.
The following morning, you woke up and found yourself shivering for the first time in years; and you knew it wasn’t because of any sort of draft. Along with the horrid memories that poisoned your childhood, the ones that remained untouched by the horrors you experienced also recurred. It was almost as if you were reverting to the person you were while living in Derry, complete with your need for Bill Denbrough to protect you.
“It’s only going to work if we split up,” Mike said, glancing at each Loser.
“No way, statistically speaking we’re much better off if we remain together as a group!” Eddie said, nervousness lacing his already edgy voice.
“W-we can’t. You w-won’t b-be able to find y-your tokens, it’s a sort o-of… personal journey. E-each of us h-has to par-partake.” Bill said, clapping a hand on Mike’s shoulder.
You shrugged and started climbing the ladder, squinting in the filtered light of the Barrens as you walked forward, feeling propelled by some unknown force. Just as Mike had advised, you all split up. You’d crossed paths with Bill a bit later in the day, who looked extraordinarily pale. Assuming he’d already grabbed his token by the look on his face, you just pulled him into a hug.
You pulled away with a smile, quickly realizing your mistake. A mangled sort of Gretta Bowie stood in front of you, hair matted and her typical blue eyeshadow was replaced by something red and gooey, assumably blood.
“Did you miss me, freak?” A voice that was only partially human seemed to be coming from Gretta, even though her mouth didn’t move.
You stood in frozen horror, mouth agape.
“I missed you, I thought you’d never come back to talk with me.” The creature that resembled your former tormenter remarked. “No one ever wants to talk with me.” The creature flipped its matted hair. “Look at you TREMBLE! The whole school is gonna know about your pathetic little crush on Bill Denbrough, the boy with the stutter. You know he never loved you, right? He thought you were a freak, like the rest of us. Just a quiet, little freak. He only pretended to like you, because he’s such a nice guy. Look at you now! All grown up and the same little crush on Big stuttering Bill Denbrough!” Gretta cackled in the most sickeningly familiar way, and you dropped to your knees in tears.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
It’s not real.
It’s real.
You felt like you were going to throw up, all the anxiety and shame rushing back at you all at once.
Bill had crossed the street near his old neighborhood, still slightly unnerved by his encounter with Pennywise. Subconsciously, he had been hoping to run into you on the hunt for your token, looking for some sort of excuse to see you. He hated the idea of the whole group splitting up, despite the visions Mike had forced him to see the previous night. He knew it was the only way but the reality of the situation sat heavy like a rock in his stomach; he couldn’t stand the idea of losing another loved one to the goddamn clown that had been terrorizing him since he was just 13 years old.
An ear piercing scream rang out suddenly, breaking Bill from his thoughts. A very familiar scream.
“(Y/N)!” Bill whipped around wildly, looking for some sort of direction to go in. Another scream rang out and he followed the sound to Jackson Street, where he found you on your hands and knees, screaming unintelligible words. It was almost as if you were screaming at someone, not just something.
“(Y/N)!” He yelled again. You hadn’t heard him, and just kept on screaming your head off. Suddenly you stopped, and curled up in a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. You were clutching something to your chest that Bill couldn’t quite see as he tried to ease you into sitting up.
“H-hey, it’s okay. It’s me.” You looked up at him, your face completely tear stained with mascara running down your cheeks. Bill’s heart clenched a little bit.
“What h-h-happened?” You jumped into his arms, and began sobbing all over again. “Shhh, it’s o-over now. T-the clown c-c-can’t hurt you any-anymore.” He whispered into your hair, trying to get you to relax a little bit. Your heavy breathing eased as your breaths became more even, and you sat back on your heels.
“It was Gretta.” You said, your throat feeling raw from screaming. “She was telling me all these horrible things, and I-I just lost it.” You hugged the book tight to your chest.
“Well,” Bill’s eyes darted from the book to you. “At least you got your artifact.” He smiled his same old smile, making you feel a little bit warm inside. That smile could make anything seem a little bit brighter.
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
Oh??? You would like some asks based on things hmmm? Well, Ollie, please tell me... what WOULD Happen if Sonia walked in on Stan and Eddie? :3c
Ok. You goober.
So Sonia leaves for a few weeks on some sort of trip, and Eddie and Stan have been dating for a bit, but like since Stan lives with his parents too, they have no real privacy. So when they find out Sonia is going to be gone, they take FULL ADVANTAGE, and Stan pretty much moves in for the time. And like, it’s Sonia, so she probably catches them because she comes home early.
On the particular night Sonia comes home, Stan’s probably three fingers deep into Eddie’s ass, making him squeal and cry, and Sonia panics and thinks he’s getting hurt. She rushes up the stairs and bursts in his room.
And then chaos.
“Eddiebear! Eddiebear, are you ok?” She calls as she comes in, eyes wide. “What the-”
Stan pulls his fingers out of Eddie, and scrambles to grab anything to cover up his nudity and Eddie is tugging at the sheets.
“Sonia! Get out of here!” Eddie growls, cheeks burning.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Stan mumbles as he grabs a pillow to cover himself and his pants. He backs up against a wall, holding the pillow in front of himself.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She yells at him. “You disgusting little shit! Get out of my house! Tainting my son.” She goes to Eddie. “Are you ok? Did he hurt you?”
“Sonia. Do not. Fucking. Touch me. Or I swear to God,” Eddie says as he manages to tug the sheet over himself.
“Just tell me if he hurt you! That’s-”
“He didn’t hurt me, Sonia. I wanted him to do that.”
“You- What?” Sonia asks.
“Sonia, now is not the time to explain gay sex to you. Get out of my room,” Eddie says.
“No, Sonia. Get out. Just- Just get out!”
She’s so flustered she leaves the room. As soon as she’s gone, Stan scrambles for the door and closes it.
“Oh my fucking-” Stan starts.
“No time. Get dressed. We have to get out of here.” Eddie gets up and tugs on some pants, not even bothering with underwear. After they tug on their clothes, Eddie grabs the keys to his truck, and they rush down the stairs. Sonia is waiting by the door.
“Get out of the way,” Eddie growls. He stands between Sonia and Stan, his heart pounding loudly in his chest.
“No,” she says simply.
“Sonia. Let us leave.”
“This is- You can’t do this under my roof.”
“Ok. Then let us leave,” Eddie insists.
“You don’t want us here, I get it-”
“I just don’t want him here,” Sonia says.
“I’m not leaving without Eddie,” Stan says. Eddie gropes for his hand.
“Stanley Uris. This does not concern you.”
“He’s my boyfriend. It does concern him. Let us leave,” Eddie says.
“You can’t have a boyfriend while you’re living under my roof.”
“Ok. I’ll move out.”
“Ha!” Sonia yells. “And where do you think you’ll go? You have no money, no job. You have no where to go.”
“Sonia, shut up,” Stan says. Eddie looks back at Stan, eyes wide. “Just stop. Eddie is a grown up. He can make his own decisions. You treat him like he has no idea how to take care of himself, but you’re the one who faked a fucking stroke so he would come home. He had a job, he had an apartment, he had a life, but he gave it up to come take care of you, when you don’t even need to be taken care of. You’re just a sad, needy woman who has no idea what it means to have a healthy relationship with anyone. You’re so afraid of being alone, you manipulate and lie to your son about a serious medical condition.” He shakes his head and squeezes Eddie’s hand who squeezes back tightly. “You wanna know where he’s gonna go? He’s going to go to my house, and he’ll be fine. In a few weeks we’ll move to Georgia, and he’ll never have to see you again.”
“Georgia?” Sonia asks. “What-”
“Oh, you think he’s going to stay here forever?” Stan laughs. “This town doesn’t deserve him, Sonia. You don’t deserve him. Now, please. Let us leave.”
Stunned, Sonia moves enough for them to slip by. They step out into the summer night and rush to Eddie’s truck without their shoes and take off before Sonia can pull herself together. They go to Stan’s and sit outside for a long time.
“Did that just happen?” Eddie asks after nearly a minute of silence.
“Yeah,” Stan says. “I’m sorry I told your mom about Georgia.”
“It’s ok,” Eddie says. He rubs his face. “Jesus. Are you sure your parents are going to be ok with me staying?”
“Absolutely, you know they love you,” Stan says.
Eddie kisses Stan’s cheek.
The front porch light comes on, and Andrea comes out. She sees Eddie’s truck and comes down the path.
“You two ok?” She asks as Stan rolls down his window. “Sonia just-” Andrea looks between her son and Eddie and just starts laughing. Eddie knows they look ridiculous. Wild sex hair, clothes all crumpled, and many of their hickeys out for anyone to see.
“Hey, you wouldn’t be laughing if your mom walked in on you and dad,” Stan says smiling.
“If my mom walked in on me and your dad, I’d probably die twice. Once because that would be the most embarrassing thing ever and another because she’s dead and I’d be haunted by a ghost,” Andrea says. She clears her throat and really looks at them. “Seriously though, are you ok?”
“Yeah, we’re ok,” Stan says.
“My mom-” Eddie starts.
“You can stay with us until you guys leave,” Andrea cuts him off. “You know you’re welcome here any time. I just have one request.”
“What’s that?” Eddie asks.
“No sex.”
“Fair enough.” Eddie sighs. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Eddie. Be quiet when you come in,” Andrea says. “Donald is still asleep.”
“Ok, mom,” Stan says.
“Good night, boys.” She walks away, and Stan lets out a sigh of relief.
Stan looks at Eddie and laughs a little. “At least we’re spared my dad tonight.”
“I can’t believe that happened,” Eddie laughed.
“It’s gonna be ok,” Stan says. “Let’s go take a shower and try and get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day.”
Eddie nods, leans over and kisses Stan, and follows him into the house to take a shower.
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icannott · 5 years
Like That (Stanley Uris x Reader)
Requested: yes!! by anon “Hey!! if requests are still open, can I have one like that scene in new girl where they want Jess and Nick to kiss and then she’s like just do it and Nick’s like “Not like this!!!” <3″
Pairings: Stan Uris x Reader, Reddie (Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak)
Warnings: its a little longer than most of my stuff but its worth the read i promise
a/n: i literally loved writing this omg
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gif cred belongs to @the-losers-clubs​
Seven minutes in heaven had been your idea. You and the rest of the losers had been trying for weeks to get Richie and Eddie to confess to each other before either of them exploded. You had tried everything: making plans and everyone but them cancelling last minute, “accidentally” locking them into a room together, and all but shoving them to each other at any given opportunity. But none of it was working. So you had suggested that lovely game.
“We rig it!” you grinned when Ben questioned you. “We make sure they draw the other’s object. Like we all know that Eddie would put in his inhaler, so we make all the other objects significantly smaller, because we know Richie’s ambitious and would go straight for the big prize!” They laughed and nodded along. “But to make it more believable as a totally random quirky idea of mine, we should also play a few rounds in total.”
“Throw them off the scent,” Mike nodded.
“Exactly, my boy!” you grinned. The determined look on your face was absolutely adorable to Stan.
Though Stan had a major crush on you, he prayed you two wouldn’t end up in the closet together. While it could be a dream come true, he had a plan. And that plan involved sweeping you off your feet, not being pressured to kiss in some dinky old closet.
At the hangout the next day, you tried to mention it as casually as you could. You kept the hang out lowkey, just some funny truth games, and when Richie finally piped up that he was bored, you tried to act as if the idea were brand new.
“Let’s spice it up!” Richie exclaimed. “Something fun!”
They all considered their different ideas, before you said, “Truth or dare? Actually, never mind. I think we’re all tired of truths...” They chuckled and agreed. 
“20 questions?” Ben piped.
“What did I just say?” You all laughed again. Then you grinned, “Oh, I got it! Seven minutes in heaven!”
“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Richie exclaimed, jumping to his feet. You giggled.
“Lemme go get a hat. Pick out your items, fellas.”
When you returned, everyone put in their pieces secretly, no one allowed to look at anyone’s. But you snuck a little peek, and nodded to the knowing losers after Eddie had plopped in his inhaler. They grinned.
“Alright, who first?” you hummed, shaking the hat in your hand, hearing rattling. They stayed silent. “Aw, come on guys.”
When Mike caught Eddie about to pipe up, he said, “Me! I’ll take this one for the team!” You all laughed at his enthusiasm as he jogged up. He made a show of shuffling his hand through, pulling out and raising high a walkman. “Oh, Benny boy...”
You all laughed and whooped teasingly as they entered the closet. You set your watch timer. “Don’t have too much fun, boys.”
You all chittered and laughed for the seven minutes they were in there, and occasionally you’d hear them bark with laughter or make some kind of suggestive noise or phrase. It was extremely entertaining.
“Alright lovebirds, it’s time to put the clothes back on,” you hummed, swinging the closet open. Mike pretended to be slipping his shirt back on. You all laughed as they walked out.
“Who’s next?” you hummed.
“Oh, I think Miss Idea Master should have some fun,” Beverly winked. You raised your eyebrows.
“You just want a piece of this, Marsh, don’t deny it,” you sighed dramatically, making them laugh and Richie whistle as you shuffled through the hat. You whipped out a necklace of the Star of David and Stan’s hand immediately went to where it usually resided in his pocket.
Richie whooped louder than the others. “Get it, Stan the Man!” He ambitiously nudged him toward you and the closet while you giggled. Stan immediately regretted all the choices he had made that night and before. Coming to the hang out, putting in his charm, and telling Richie about his feelings in the first place. He never more wanted to disappear from your presence.
“After you,” you hummed charmingly, opening the door to the closet. He chuckled, trying to mask his anxiety as he walked in. You tossed Bill your watch before you closed the door. “I trust you, Billy boy!”
“Wh-Why?” he asked, making them all burst into laughter. You swung the door shut without answering. You slid down the door and he slid down the wall next to you.
“How’s it going, Stan?” you asked casually.
“Good as ever,” he sighed and you giggled. He smiled, leaning his head back against the wall. “How are you?”
“My blood hasn’t felt this rush since Richie dared me to smoke that one time,” you laughed and he joined. “I just wanna see them, happy, ya know?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Richie’s a dickhead, but Eddie balances that out.”
“Exactly,” you grinned. 
You both kept chattering for a few minutes, and he thought to himself, Why was I so worried?
Then he heard Richie’s voice and remembered why.
“One minute, lovebirds!” You laughed as another series of whoops followed. “If you guys didn’t kiss, it wasn’t worth it!”
“What?” you laughed out.
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” Richie chanted, and Stan noted that Beverly and Mike joined. He added those names to his list. 
They kept their chanting up, and you pretended not to be incredibly flustered as you yelled out, “Shouldn’t that minute be up?” Your voice warbled as you talked, but Stan barely noticed in his annoyance.
“We’re not letting you out until you kiss!” 
Stan never more wanted to punch wall. 
You turned your head to him. “Get it over with?” He shook his head immediately. You raised your eyebrows at him. “Gee.”
“No, no, no,” he added quickly. “It’s not that- You don’t- I just, uh, I-”
“What?” you cut in as his mind raced.
“Not like this,” he blurted. And though there was still chattering outside of the closet, the silence in there was prominent. And then the door swung open and you fell on your back with an ‘oof’.
Eddie was standing in the doorway over you. “We figured you’d suffered enough.”
Stan stood up and offered you a hand. You took it and allowed him to pull you up, muttering a quick ‘thanks’ before putting a grin back onto your face and grabbing the hat.
“Okay,” you hummed, back to your cheery hosting self, though your cheeks were tinted an incredible pink. “Who’s next?”
Eddie and Richie spent nine minutes in the closet. Neither of them complained about the overtime, and they both came out blushing. But for once, you didn’t pay attention to the results. Everyone else was nonchalant and teasing as ever about it, waiting to see what would develop in coming days.
You wished everyone good bye and good night when the hang out was over, as your house was in a separate direction from everyone else’s. Except for one.
“Can I walk you home?” 
And there was the man on your mind. You nodded. You both walked in a mostly comfortable silence until he made some joke about Eddie and Richie, which sparked you back into your previous mood. If he wasn’t making a big deal out of it, why should you?
When you finally got to your house, he walked you to the front door, finishing, “All I’m saying is I think we should keep a watch on the janitor’s closet on Monday.”
You laughed. “You think we started a closet fetish?”
He put his hands up in mock surrender. “Your words, not mine.” You laughed and he grinned. You unlocked the door.
“Night, Stan,” you smiled.
“Night, [name],” he sighed, stepping off the small porch. Then before you could open the door, he stepped back up, turning you to him and connected your lips with his. One of his hands went in your hair, the other on your waist as he messily poured all of his fluster from that night into that deep kiss. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders quickly, standing on your tip-toes for better leverage as you relieved yourself with that kiss, pouring out what you had hid from him in that closet. 
Though it was hasty and inexperienced, the kiss was deep and meaningful, and he only pulled away a minute later when he ran out of breath. And even after that, he went back in for a shorter one, sliding the hand in your hair down to your waist. When you were finally apart, you rested your forehead against his, eyes closed as you tried to catch your breath. You only opened them again when he spoke to you.
“I meant like that.”
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