#he mitosised...
misterradio · 8 months
if i had a nickel for every time salad fingers gives birth. i would have two nickels. which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice.
also if i had a nickel for every time he comits autocannibalism i would also have at least 2 nickels which is still not much bu
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Did I accidentally post that Ron doodle three times last night and not remember doing so or is there something wrong on my end
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six-of-cringe · 1 year
I think that one of the reasons why people misinterpret Wylan's character and arc, among others, is because they misinterpret the relationship between him and Kaz. This post has kind of mitosised off from the BFWP (Big Fucking Wylan Post) I'm writing because it's a bit of a different focus and constitutes its own post.
A lot of people talk about Wylan's character and development as though it's meant to match Kaz's - starting out as a nice kid who the city forces to become amoral, indifferent to violence, and well-versed in crime. These qualities are usually talked about with a weird reverence as an irrefutable symbol of "badassery", as though it's always a positive development for any character regardless of the story's narrative, which annoys me but is not the topic of this post. That's part of the BFWP's job.
Following Kaz's exact development is not the point of Wylan's character. The point is that Kaz and Wylan narrative foils - very similar in many ways, but with a fundamental difference that creates the "broken mirror" effect/shows how they could have turned out if they'd chosen differently. I think that difference is how they respond when they climb out of the harbor after their respective betrayals. Narratively, Ketterdam represents a very harsh system that presents the people struggling there with very few options. You can either choose to ditch decency, play by the Barrel's rules, and live, or you can hold on to decency and die.
When Kaz returns to the streets after Jordie's death, he chooses the first option. He copes with what happened through ideas of revenge, and to survive long enough to see it he quickly turns to thievery and violence. He thinks to himself after he robs a kid for money and food that it was much easier to survive when you've left decency behind. He survived through violence, creating the Dirtyhands persona around himself for protection.
When Wylan has to fend for himself, he choses the second option. He finds "honest work" at the tannery, where they exploit workers and expose them to toxins. He wonders if he'll live long enough to use his savings to leave the city, or if the chemicals would kill him first. He was smart enough to steal and survive, but he chose decency, and with it, he chose death. There are a number of reasons why he chose differently than Kaz despite their similarities - his older age and thus more developed moral code, having no one to avenge but himself when he believed himself worthless, his more privileged upbringing, and his relatively low drive to live. Alone, he would have died.
Then Kaz steps in. Kaz's role in all the crow's lives is that, intentionally or not, his ruthless rule of the Barrel creates a sort of haven that allows them to survive where they would have died had they stayed alone. Wylan is a really clear example of this, and though Kaz's intentions were at least partly self-serving, his involvement both kept Wylan from dying of exposure or street violence as well as prevented him from needing to do the more terrible things that it takes to survive in the Barrel. Throughout the books, we see Kaz kind of taking the brunt of enacting violence in Wylan's place - traumatizing Smeet's daughter, killing the clerk on the lighthouse. Wylan could get by making explosives in the workshop rather than having to shoot or stab or beat the life out of people. And at the end of the series, Kaz sees to it that he never will have to. Of course Wylan did bad stuff to survive when working with the Dregs, it's the Barrel. But the extent is greatly lessened because of Kaz's involvement.
Wylan's arc was never about becoming comfortable with violence, or becoming just like Kaz - the way people characterize him as some sort of ruthless murder mastermind is inaccurate and redundant with Kaz's character. He isn't nonchalant or celebratory about crime or death or violence by the end of the book. He doesn't HAVE to become like Kaz, because Kaz himself gave him the space to continue being decent, intentionally or otherwise. Understanding that dynamic is important to understanding what Wylan is like as a character and as a person. If you assume Wylan's trajectory is to become "Kaz 2.0", then you're going to mischaracterize him. I've seen posts about how Kaz was the Jordie that he didn't have to Wylan, and I think that makes a lot more sense. Because Kaz is willing to do the horrible things in his stead, Wylan has the third option otherwise impossible in the Barrel - maintaining his decency and surviving.
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spaceboibrainrot · 3 months
Is it just me or does anyone else see Professor Membrane as gay? Like im sorry but this man is NOT STRAIGHT 😭😭 at least for me
Well he's definitely ace but I can see him demi romantic gay dilf
I always view him as aroace, he mitosised to make his gothlings
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saltminerising · 2 years
new plot has tidelord in it. dig him up and you get a tidelord in your lair. tidelord was gone for so long because he was mitosising underground so that everyone can have him
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alastor-the-demon · 4 months
-,💫 anon
"No. We can grow at will."
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phissa · 1 year
Hello jade philever ^^ here to brainrot in ur inbox abt slime y Mike siblings.
Honestly. Imagine them knowing it's eachother immediately on the first day dude. Them hugging in the submarine and then when the introductions happen them going. Yeah that's my brother! U think they're twins or like. Which is older..
YYRREEYYYEEAAAAHHHH ❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗ IMAGINING SO HARD, LIKE IMAGINE MEETING UR BROTHER AFTER SO MANY YEARS AND HES IN A PLAYBOY BUNNY SUIT AND TRYING TO STEAL YOUR BRANDNEW SON, i think that they didnt really recognize eachother until they looked like up close alsaur i thjink (im my slime creature based brain) they are twins but after birth, they mitosised apart, mike is older because he reformed fully first slime got bullied for notforming fast enoguh or some shit
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*these things must be mitosising or something because they just don't. STOP. COMING!. the tiny desk engineers are preparing to do whatever it takes to hold their own and protect their god. they start setting up one of those snare net traps used to hunt game, attaching it to the support beams of the basement outside the secret door.* *what is dell doing while his cult is doing all of this??? just observing like a proud parent or somethin'???*
Dell is trying really hard to get Bug to stay by Jacques, who is getting swarmed by mini engies every few minutes. He is also trying to find Ludwig because if Mikhail realises his husband got kidnapped by the mini engines, the carnage that will ensue won't be pretty.
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calpalsworld · 1 year
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@transhitman said he needed ideas for Thaegan's design in his Deltora Quest adaptation so I made these :D
The gist of Transhitman's idea was that she is "sheer force in the shape of a woman." It also looks kinda like shes naked in her book of monsters illustration so I think the two of us always interpreted her as being naked lol?
My first idea is that she grows her Children on her body and then mitosises from them, which causes her to have monstrous body parts while they're still developing. (furry leg, snake-like back, spiny arm, lumpy shoulder that looks like it has faces on it). But otherwise she still resembles a human.
I felt like the first idea didn't fit the vibe of how Transhitman pictures the rest of the evil forces of Deltora (very industrial), so I tried to make my second idea less natural. Her insides have been corrupted into magical shadows, and her remaining flesh is plastic-y and ethereal, hard to distinguish between it and her protective magic.
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hybrid-battle · 10 months
okay, so lloyd is a bit of a weird case, because we don't know if he has a paternal grandmother. in a family tree in one book that, in-universe, is written by his uncle, lloyd's grandmother is just a silhouette, because literally nobody knows if the first spinjitzu master just. mitosised some kids. so he's at least 1/4 dragon and 1/4 oni, but the human percentage isn't specified
Got it, I’ll just add ???/4 Human to his polls
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today's shadow kirby is... roasting on a campfire!
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he mitosised
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graceygraicigracy · 6 months
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narvin · 6 months
he fucking mitosised?????
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 years
Jane: So you’re asexual?
Dave: yeah
Jane: When are you going to mitosis?
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relaxxattack · 3 years
i find the idea of ran mitosising a child so very funny because all i can envision is a scenario where he's trying to teleport to a pretty simple place, not far away, but suddenly he's teleporting in the *same* place like 100 different times & he's freaking out and then there's a Child??? in his arms???? wtf????? idk its just really funny to me
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