#he needs a therapist tho fr
ashsd3ad · 10 months
# being gojo satoru’s therapist.
word count: 2.5k-ish
some angst (suicide is mentioned very briefly), no use of y/n, cursing, female!reader, idiots unknowingly pining for each other, emotionally constipated gojo
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it was so fucking stupid, he didn’t need any of this. he’s the strongest sorcerer of the modern era for god’s sake.
why on earth was he being forced to see a goddamn therapist?
upon yaga’s request- well, demand actually, he was required to see a shrink because, as the principal worded it, he needed ‘a lot of fucking help’.
of course, he refused at first.
thee satoru gojo in a shrink’s office? what was that, some twisted fucking joke?
sadly for him though, yaga decided to put his foot down and he wasn’t taking no for an answer. he threatened the snowy haired man to take away his teaching job if he didn’t get the help he apparently desperately needed.
so it began, satoru gojo’s journey with his therapist.
over the course of a couple of months, satoru had grown accustomed to his routine with his therapist.
he met up with her in her cozy little office, she tried to make the conversation about his feelings and he’d redirect it to something else entirely, mainly complaining about higher ups in his field.
that always earned him a look, but she never forced him to share his inner monologues with her.
she couldn’t do that even if she wanted to anyways, he wouldn’t let her.
all of this led to an unlikely.. friendship?
well, satoru wouldn’t exactly call it a friendship, but it was.. something.
that day, was no different than their usual meetings.
a tall and lean figure made its way into her office and sat on the comfortable armchair in front of her about 30 minutes prior, but all she got from him up until that point were silences and changes of subject.
“and how did that make you feel?” god here she went again with that stupid fucking question.
satoru sighed, stretching his legs and arms a little.
sometimes she forgot how massive he actually was.
the woman briefly averted her eyes, looking everywhere but at his stupidly stunning figure, afraid yet another crack would appear in her professional persona.
she’d tell herself it wasn’t her fault, it was only natural after all! he was just very nice to look at.
she could be pretty dense, for a therapist.
“you worry too much,” he said casually, albeit a little irritated, after some back and forth. for some reason he couldn’t quite understand, his mood wasn’t the best that day, but he still tried to keep his usual laid back attitude, hiding the annoyance behind a pout. for her sake.
“i’ve told you countless times, i’m here just because i was basically forced, nothing is actually wrong with me.. if yaga didn’t constantly check in with you, i wouldn’t even attend our ‘sessions’ in the first place”.
well.. if he had to be completely honest, satoru had told only half the truth.
he attended their meetings also because his therapist was a very pretty sight to look at, and surprisingly interesting to talk to (when she wasn’t trying to pry into his feelings, that is.)
satoru was more than aware she was only trying to do her job, he really was. he just.. didn’t care, so he decided he was going to make it her problem. maybe he’d manage to get her to her wits end and she’d finally give up on him.
‘please don’t give up on me’
gojo leaned forward a little, resting his elbows on his knees. a playful smile took over his previously pouty lips as he said something along the lines of ‘why don’t we talk about YOUR feelings instead?’.
maybe he could joke his way out of this? he hoped he could.
his therapist sighs, scrunching her nose and pinching the bridge of it slightly. cute.
“we don’t talk about my feelings because i am your therapist, not the other way around, gojo” she countered, trying to keep the conversation as workplace appropriate as possible, suppressing the urge to headbutt the stubbron (and gorgeous) man in front of her.
the woman was very proud of her skills as a therapist, so much so that the lack of progress with this peculiar snowy haired man left her particularly dissatisfied, so she started putting slightly more effort than usual in trying to crack his façade, hoping he wouldn’t notice.
“and, for your information, i do worry about you for a reason” she continued, voice firm, stern even.
‘she really worries about me?’
“judging by the very limited amount of insight on yourself you’ve provided me, you really do need someone to talk to about your feelings” his pretty therapist added, looking at him straight in the eyes.
she looked like she wanted to obliterate his sunglasses with her mind.
‘don’t look at me like that’
feelings feelings feelings, he was so tired of hearing her going on about them.
after that statement his mood quickly worsened even more, his face fading in a cold, borderline cynical, front.
‘well, thats a first’ she thought to herself, a little taken aback.
satoru had been curious about what exactly she saw in him from day one. was it concern? pity?
‘i don’t want her pity’
whatever it was, it was a waste of time on both ends.
"i see" he hummed thoughtfully as he tapped his fingers against his knee, pondering on his next words. "can I ask you something?"
“sure, go ahead” she answered calmly, a bit of unsureness and skepticism detectable in her voice given the sudden shift in his character.
satoru seemed to stare right through her for a few moments. his gaze was cold and unmoving, his eyes felt like they were piercing hers in a way that no other client's ever has.
“have you ever considered…” he begins slowly, voice low “that you might not be as good at this job as you think you are?”
his words were sharp, each one chosen with great intent. there was something behind his eyes that both fascinated and terrified her.
‘im sorry’
her eyes widened momentarily at his question.
a flash of annoyance, maybe even anger, thundering in them as her eyebrows furrowed, her lips parting to throw an equally biting remark back at him.
be professional.
she took a deep breath and crossed one leg over the other, speaking calmly once again.
“if you want to criticise my skills you’re free to do so, even though you’re not qualified to do so” the woman retorted.
“and if you want a different therapist you’re more than free to ask mr. yaga” her words did have a little edge to them, but she still managed to keep most of her composure.
before the man in front of her could get a word in, she added one more thing.
“but from my perspective, a therapist’s perspective, you do need one” she said as she tapped her heeled foot on the ground.
‘i know i need help’
‘help me please’
satoru pondered for a couple of seconds, then he chuckled humourlessly as he leaned back in his chair.
his face was stoic, similar to a statue, and his eyes lacked their usual shininess, almost looking muddy.
not that she’d noticed anyways, considering they were hidden behind his glasses.
there was an intensity to his gaze though, one that made even just looking at him feel as if she was under a microscope.
"I think you're taking this too personally." he hums, mocking her ever so slightly.
"i’m not criticising your skills per se, all I'm saying is..." he pauses for a moment, considering how best to say it. "even a blind man could see your ‘concern’ for me runs deeper than the usual pity you feel for all your patients”
“you must think i’m really fucking pathetic, huh?”
what the fuck was he going on about?
“my concern for you, or any other patient for the matter, is not based on pity in the first place, gojo” she looked at him, her face bewildered.
“you think i pity you?” she raised both her eyebrows in question, the incredulous expression still on her face.
satoru chuckles. though the sound is soft and quiet, delightful to hear, something about its sweetness makes it bone chilling.
nonetheless, this made her excited.
it was the widest range of emotions he’d ever shown her.
‘im breaking through!’
“do you not?” he asks, shifting in his chair, and leaning back in it once again, folding his arms over his broad chest.
“why else would you be trying as hard as you are to ‘fix’ me?” he asks, a frown stretched across his gorgeous face.
“i’m just a client like any other, but yet here you are! trying your damn hardest to change me.”
ah, so he did noticed her extra effort huh. fuck.
still, who the hell put the idea she pitied him into his stupid head?
“i do not pity you, gojo. i’ve seen patients far worse than you are” she said, almost sounding a little defensive.
“and i’m not trying to ‘fix you’, or change you for that matter! that is not my job!” she exclaimed, a smidge too loud, massaging her temple with one of her hands immediately after. probably to chase away the growing headache he’d given her.
‘i managed to piss off my own therapist what the fuck is wrong with me and why do i even care?’
before he was completely swallowed by his self deprecating thoughts, her voice brought him back once again, like a saving grace.
“my job is helping patients navigate through their emotions, using methods that are tailored perfectly for them” she explained.
“i communicate with my patients to help them find a way to process their feelings that works for them. i do not pity them, i just help them” she paused “..or, well, try to. if they let me” the woman concluded, face serious.
his face twists in distaste as he listened to her speak. bullshit.
“that’s the thing though,” he responds slowly “i don’t need help with that”
the man pulled his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose, finally meeting her eyes properly.
‘he’s so pretty’
“you think I need your little ‘tools’? or to talk about my feelings??” he said, annoyance lacing his voice.
“i have always known how to process my emotions. I don’t need you to teach me how. i’m. fine.”
she barely held back the urge to scoff.
gojo had never realised how bad his coping mechanism were, and she was just trying to get him to develop healthier ones, bit by bit.
‘communicating would be a great fucking start’
evidently though, it wasn’t working, so she decided it was time to switch up her approach and be a little brazen, maybe that would work.
“you? processing emotions? that’s a good one.” she snickered
he scrunched his nose up, questioningly “and what could you possibly mean by that, huh?” he felt himself get more and more agitated as the seconds ticked by.
he felt like he was being stripped naked, exposed, against his will. all the things he’d worked so hard to bury, the careless persona he’d built..
‘stop looking at me, stop finding out things about me i don’t want you to know.’
“you bottle everything up, pretend it’s fine and let it eat at you from the inside, little by little” she looked at him menacingly, her eyes narrowed into slits.
“that big goofy grin, or the confident smirk you put on, doesn’t work in here, gojo”
she clicked her tongue in disapproval. “in this office, i’m reading you, not the other way around” she continued ad she pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“i know you’re used to getting you way, because you’re smart, even though it doesn’t look like it, but as long as your ass is sat in that chair, you won’t find a way to give me answers you think will please me”
“if your goal is to get me to tell yaga to get off your back, then we’re going to be here for loooong. i’m striving for the truth and i’m going to get it”
to hell with being professional.
the man remained silent for a few moments, his expression almost..hurt? “…I think I hate you.”
he smiled in defeat, leaning forward once again, and though his voice was even and calm, it came out a bit strained.
“no, I know I do.” he didn’t though, and that confused him to no end.
the woman gently laid her hands in her lap, trying to ignore the sting his words left in her chest as her voice went back to its usually stoic connotation, completely discarding the venom it previously dripped in.
“i get that a lot from patients like yourself” she started, calmly.
“usually, they drop therapy after a few session because they can’t handle the truth being thrown in their face and then, after a while..”
a pause, like she was choosing her next words carefully “they end up dropping dead on the floor when the fire crew cuts the rope they hung themselves from” she finished, her expression darkening ever so slightly.
“you think you don’t need help, you think you’re fine just ignoring your emotions, but one day they will catch up to you and it’ll be too late to save you” her voice lowered, almost shamefully, as she tore her eyes away from his.
“nobody will be there to save you from drowning.”
satoru looked shocked for a moment, then he felt a sudden and unprovoked rage take over his body.
how dare she?
he wasn’t like that. he was strong. the strongest, actually.
he wordlessly jumped up from of his seat and went to stride straight out of the room, with the intention of never stepping foot there again, but then he stopped, his back still to her.
for some weird reason he couldn’t quite comprehend, gojo felt the need to still try and prove he was fine, despite the fact the issues he’d tried so hard to hide had been uncovered and brought up to the scorching sunlight.
“i’m not stupid. i am perfectly aware shit might eventually catch up to me, but i’m the strongest fucking being that ever walked this earth, i’ll deal with it”
what was meant to be a powerful statement, came out sounding whiny and hoarse, almost like he was trying to delude himself into believing his own words.
‘at least he admitted he has issues, progress is progress’
his therapist opened her mouth to talk, but he didn’t give her a chance.
he felt like he was being consumed by a sudden and foreign rage.
“BESIDES WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE?!” he suddenly screamed, rapidly turning to face her again, his glasses being hauled across the room in the process.
“why are you that concerned over some stranger like me?” he adds, his expression hard, “do you genuinely, truly, believe I’m worth helping?!”
‘we’re going to have to work on these self deprecating thoughts’
‘im the strongest, i don’t need to be cared for.’
“yes, i do” she stood up from her chair in a (failed) attempt to not crane her neck upwards to look at him.
“i do believe you are worth helping” she assured him in a gentle voice “you can walk out now, if you wish, but never forget this is a safe space where you’re free to talk, satoru” she said, her words surprisingly comforting.
“you’re not a god, you’re human just like the rest of us”
being called human never felt so good.. and it was also the first time she had ever called him by his first name.
and just like that, the usual gojo satoru was back, cracking jokes.
“do you normally call your clients by their first name, or am i special?” he asked, the question dripping with sarcasm and a tiny bit of flirt, as a small smile appeared on his lips.
the angry pretty boy has been calmed down, success.
“you definitely have a savior complex” he added quietly, chuckling a bit “it’s cute”.
a smile made its way on her face too as she shook her head a little, her cheeks a little warm at the compliment “whatever lets you sleep at night”
the woman sat back down, once again crossing one leg over the other.
“now, will you sit down and give therapy an actual chance, satoru?” she looked up at him, expectantly and hopefully.
“yeah.. yeah, i’ll do that.”
gojo satoru may have been the strongest sorcerer in modern history, but he was still human like everyone else.
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phatcatphergus · 6 months
tubbo is already one kind of neurodivergent tbh. But with your help we can upgrade him to neurodivergent+
It’s like the hulu Disney plus package 😭
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autistic-katara · 9 months
genuine question how do u stop someone from offing themself?
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ziracona · 2 years
Best friend messaging me “Does that exist???” bc their therapist told them today they “Are healthy now and don’t need therapy anymore.”
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percyluvr · 7 months
helloooooo!!!! can i request a percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader headcanons?? it would be pretty interesting to see hera having a child tbh
thank you if you do 💛
percy jackson x daughter of hera!reader summary: hcs for percy with a daughter of hera
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when he first met you he was kinda worried bc he has beef with hera
but he's also confused bc wasn't she not supposed to have kids??
he expected you to be just like your mom
and you lowkey were
but you were a bit less.. uptight
but at the same time, u cant really blame her, her husband literally cheats on her so much
i think u'd be so caring to him and he would love it SO MUCH
since hera is the goddess of marriage and childbirth, u would lowk take care of him like hes ur son
but like not in a weird way
u just care ab him so much that u baby him all the time
since both of ur cabins are always empty except for each other, u have sleepovers all the time
u have a pretty close relationship w ur mom, esp because ur her only demigod kid
percy isnt really jealous per say, bc he's decently close w poseidon, but like
he wishes he was that close with him
hera visits u in ur dreams a LOT bc she just loves u a lot
zeus is mad but she dgaf cuz ur her only daughter
and only kid
so obviously she's protective
esp when u tell her that u and percy r dating
shes at camp the next day asking u to introduce her to him
which ur like "mom pls y'all have already met"
and shes like "yes, but never when he was ur bf"
so u just go along w it bc u love her
they're lowk beefing bc she doesnt want u to get hurt
but as time goes on she realizes how much percy loves u and cares abt u
and she thinks ur the cutest couple ever
she is ready for yall to get married bc shes gonna throw the most extravagant and perfect wedding
and shes so excited esp bc ur the only kid she's going to be able to do this for
have i mentioned that she loves u a lot?
yk how in like house of hades and i think chalice of the gods when percy looks at annabeth and is js like "i cant wait to marry her and have kids"
yeah, hes like that but 300000x
and he's so excited bc he knows that ur gonna be SUCH a good mom
people always think ur weak bc ur mom "lets herself get cheated on"
or whatever dumbass shit they be saying
but u prove them wrong
mothers r fr the most powerful people in the UNIVERSE
and ur basically a mother bc u take care of everyone at camp
ur always at the infirmary helping the apollo kids bc its just in ur nature to love taking care of people
and percy always comes in with even the smallest little injuries
and it just warms ur heart to know that he wants to come see u even when ur working
u take care of the little baby pegasi too omg
gn thats so cute
imagine if blackjack had a lil baby pegasi and u took care of it
and percy is just like
ur so sweet to them even if theyre "just horses"
it makes him so excited to have kids w u
whenever u see a little kid
or like a younger camper
u always tell him that u cant wait to go to new rome uni and then get married and have kids w him
the two of u are just so excited for the future with each other fr
i just think the two of u would be taking care of the pegasi and u would fall asleep in the hay after staying up talking
big surprise for the kids that have riding lessons that morning...
yall werent embarrassed tho cuz u have no shame fr
well, u have shame
percy has none
not the point.
everyone at camp sorta sees u as a mother and they always come to u
lowk camp therapist
bc they NEED one real bad
but it doesnt bother u bc u love to help them
ur always trying to fix problems at camp
and its very upsetting for you when you cant, and percy is always there to comfort u
ur lowk a meddler like ur mom
but its okay bc ur just worried about ur friends
i think that u would maybe have some soothing powers kinda like a hypnos kid, where u can like calm people down or put them to sleep
i also think that percy would suffer from panic attacks after his nightmares
so after he has a nightmare, you're there and if you can't soothe him with your words you just use ur powers
u can't stand to see him like that
it just upsets you so much
percy is so grateful for ur powers, but hes even more grateful for you
i think ur a lot more relaxed than most people at camp
and u dont really see the point in doing dangerous things for fun
which is different for percy, but he really does like it
he likes that he can just go to you and ask to relax and ur always down for that
its a change of pace that is definitely welcome and necessary in his life
ur definitely more of a rational thinker than him, so u stop him from doing some pretty stupid things
but u would never stop him from having fun
or doing thing that are important to him
ur relationship is lowk the blue print
yall just take care of each other fr
and ur like an old married couple which u two get teased ab
but u dont care
cuz u cant wait to get married lol!
a/n: this was a vv interesting request to write and i honestly loved imagining what a child of hera would be like so thank u for the req!
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edwardslvrr · 1 year
trevor zegras x singer!reader
the one where rumour has it YN has a new boyfriend and Trevor has a new girlfriend
taglist if you’d like to be added to my taglist, message me privately or comment on this post
warning this is all fake and just for fun, no hate to any of the people mentioned. Just a reminder that this is pure for entertainment xoxo
last part main masterlist trevor zegras masterlist
via twitter
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username imagine if she’s back together w trevor
username after that album? bro is sobbing in the corner
username would be such a YN thing to do tho
username what if new bf is old bf 👀
username so many paparazzi and no one thought tp take a picture of the dudes face???
username this outrageous behaviour, YN. we’re out here sobbing to her new album and she has been macking on some new dude
username no fr she has me sobbing here like a child for days now
username atleast she looks hella good
username cool and whatever but tour dates pls?
username YN it was suppose to be me next😔
username imagine it is jack hughes
username jack’s probably trying to shoot his shot w trevor now tbh
username she wasn’t interested in Trevor’s unemployed ass anymore lol
los angeles, california
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liked by jackhughes and 1.395.728 others
yourinstagram good riddance deluxe is out NOWW!!
view 19.738 comments
username oh wow- this is depressing
username “i hate the fact that i miss you around” MOOD
username jack really feeding into the rumours abt him and YN by liking this
username not people believing that rumour what??
username honestly the weirdest rumour i’ve ever heard
username y’all will believe anything atp
username WHAT DID U PUT IN 405 WHAT
username “how are you looking at me like a stranger” my heart bro??
username imma go call my therapist.. this is too much
yourbestfriend okay OUCH?
yourinstagram oops?
username ayo jack i see u dude
username the last picture such a mood
username too much pain girly
username “i loved you so hard for a time” trevor go sit in the corner and think about what you did.
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liked by colecaufield and 104.749 others
trevorzegras all summer long
view 1.284 comments
username in his tim mcgraw era?
username bringing up taylor swift any time he can in his personality
username uhm.. last picture?
colecaufield suspicious
username glad u seem to think so too
username cole spill what you know
username soft launch?
jackhughes winner
username wtf does that even mean
username ellen, get jack back on the leash pls
username pls let that be YN 🙏
username YN out w her new man, Trevor hinting his new girl. Can i please go cry..
username as long as it isn’t some tiktoker you got my approval.
username trevor just wants to be a tiktok star, leave him be
username he’s unemployed, he needs to get money from somewhere
username a lot of questions rn
via twitter
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username that’s definitely jack
username bro u say that abt an ARM
username she isn’t a homie hopper dude
username could be trevor🤷🏼‍♀️
username why do i feel like her and trevor are back together, like there’s no way it’s a coincidence they both have a new partner at the same time
username how did people ever get to the fact she could be dating jack?! y’all are so weird
username nah after that album i refuse to believe she has already moved on
username she’s probs dating him again
username i mean the album was writing a while back tho-
username i refuse.
username yn probably panicked so hard when she realised she posted that
username she def cried
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taglist - @ihrtdan
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amphitriteswife · 5 months
Do more of ror school au hcs please 🙏🏻 💓 💕 💗
📝✂️Ror/ Snv characters as Students📝✂️
Also am I spotting a fellow Alien stage fan??? @miserable-homo-momo
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☠️He’s a top student. On top of most of his classes, and he’s a senior.
☠️ Mostly hangs out with Qin or his brothers. He doesn’t necessarily have friends but a lot of ppl want to be tho, only he focuses on being a big brother.
☠️ Listens to a lot of music tastes. Like his play list is full of mood swings. It contains: Classic music, Pop Music, HipHop, Heavy metal ect. It kinda depends on what he feels tbh. A few of his faves would be: Tupac, Beyonce, Megan Thee Stallion, Cardi B and Mozart.
☠️Drives a nice car which made him very popular. He used it to take his brothers everywhere but he ended up sharing it between his brothers and bought a motorbike of his own🤭
☠️ He had a lot of piercings: Ears, lip, Eyebrow…nipple…But he looks good and knows how to pull it off. Like just Imagine it. Gah dayum
☠️ He actually skipped class?? You wouldn’t expect it from him but he did skip class. It’s not often but once in a blue moon. Most of the times it’s cause he wants to hang out with his brothers.
☠️ goes to all the house parties. As good of a student he is, he also likes going out. So most of the time he gets invited to parties or hang outs.
☠️ most ppl thought he was a player but ended up being one of the ppl that married their high school sweetheart. He might have dated some ppl but they weren’t flings but actually legit relationships
☠️ probably the one person that brings snacks or drinks for the class if they have a field trip or just a hot school day y’know. Like just imagine it being a hot sunny day and you still have a lot of lessons to follow and boom, hades brings ice cream for the class?? Life safer fr🙏
☠️ He probably likes History, astronomy and psychology. He kind of has random subject but he just chose what he deems as interesting. He only likes the 🪐⭐️🌠🌌 and not the math in astronomy.
☠️ He cooks on field trips that last more days. Only if its’s necessary tho. Mainly because he’s rich enough to afford going to restaurants or the school handles it.
☠️ he’s the therapist friend fr. Genuinely knows when there’s something wrong and asks, not in public tho. He doesn’t judge but actually listens to you. He also offers comfort if you need it. What a goat
☠️ class president. Even though he didn’t want to be. Most ppl voted for him for the above stated reasons. And because he’s kind of a big brother type.
☠️ man could do anything and he wouldn’t get into trouble. Mostly because all the teachers love him as a student so shawty has a good reputation.
☠️ He’s bad at art yet has very nice cursive handwriting. Probably because he takes extra poetry lessons. Or he practiced it till he was satisfied.
☠️ Is in the chess club with Beelzebub and the birb. They often play and even have participate in Tournaments.
☠️ He’s the type that also chose languages as subjects, so like German, French, Italian, Chinese, Latin and ofc Greek. Probably because his ass has a photographic memory
☠️ doesn’t eat cafeteria food and actually goed off campus to buy food. If some of his lessons are canceled he just goes to restaurants or shopping streets to kill time
☠️ Actually doesn’t rly do his homework. He only does it in classes that check homework or give bonuses for it, otherwise he usually doesn’t do it. Besides he only studies like 2 weeks before the week where all the tests are. Unless he knows he needs more time for a certain subject. Then he catches up
☠️ Went to Spain, Germany and France because he choose those subjects and teased his younger brothers for it. He did buy them a requested item for each of em. Not Zeus cause he requested a Latina babe.
☠️ He has a place in school where he always sits when he aint off campus. So if ya eveer try to find him he’s probably there.
☠️ graduated w honors fr. Mosy of the teacher wrote nice things about them and held wonderful speeches for him since he was a good student. His quote in the year book was sum like ‘👍’.
☠️ He probably went on luxurious vacations and posted the pictures on his insta. He dont do snap or any other form of social media.
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🪷 the student that doesn’t really care about grades but does get good ones.
🪷 He’s usually eats in class. But for some reason the teachers allow it cause he ain’t causing a mess. Or because he’s actually a prince and could buy the school in a second.
🪷 Definitely choose a language as a subject and geography cause man knows a lot about different cultures. My goat
🪷 Definitely a music lover. You can always catch him with one AirPod in his ear. Probably has the latest phone too cause he richy rich.
🪷 Goes to on lot of vacations. Like every break he’s somewhere. Japan, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Canada, Brazil, he goes to many places. Brodie might start doing them travel vlogs atp
🪷 He has lots of Social Media’s. Tiktok, Tenten, insta, snap, Discord??🤨 , Be real ect. His tiktok is just goofy ahh videos while his insta is usually pics of his vacations. Like you know them influencers who have them nice ahh pics? He has that, but he just aint a influencer
🪷 Never takes notes in class. So you might wanne share em w him if you have em. In return he’ll let you munch on his snacks.
🪷 BIG supporter of Cultural day. Like he already sighed a petition and complained that every school should have one. He even offered to host them and buy stuff for it.
🪷 biggest class skipper together with Qin. He’s either off campus buying stuff, at home cause brodie didn’t wanne come or he just bailed mid way with the ‘can i use the restroom?’ Tactic. His ass almost got into trouble w the school cause of the many times he was absent.
🪷 If you have a presentation with him. Yall will score perfectly. Especially if it’s a subject he knows a lot about, brodie will carry you like how Eren carried that stone in Shiganshina (aot reference 🤨)
🪷 Deals candy in school. Like you know how some schools have the policy that their cafeteria doesn’t sell unhealthy stuff? And the stuff is overpriced asf. Yeah he broke that by buying a lot of different candies and letting ppl buy em for €1 no matter what the OG price was. He may or may not have gotten into trouble but man did not care
🪷 LOVESS LOVES LOVES school trips. He always buys snacks for em. He usually researches the place where yall is going so that he can divide the time and go see the whole place instead of just only doing the assignment.
🪷 He is friends w actually almost everyone. Almost. Except Loki. But it’s difficult. Loki HATES him. While Buddha is kinda like 😒. It got so bad that Loki had to switch classes fr. Now one may ask why? Buddha worked together Sigyn that’s why
🪷 house parties, pool parties, after school parties, just any party tbh. If he catches one he is going. And Believe me it makes it so much better. He has the music, the vibe, the photo’s everything. Man is so chill fr
🪷 lowkey good friends w Hades. Mainly because they both chose languages. They usually practice together if they have like a verbal test. They got each other’s back. And yeah Buddha’s a senior cause he skipped some grades
🪷 Ppl expected him to actually be single cause of how care free he is but they were wrong cause man was SMITTEN by Yasodharā. They were literally THE couple.
🪷 Got into a class fight with Loki. Imma leave room for yall to think how that went. Man CLEARED him. But he didn’t hit tho. He didn’t square up. He just dodged and threw chips in his face.
🪷 watched anime, reads manhwa and hd merch. But he the cool ones that keep it lowkey and dont rly act upon it
🪷 Man saved the ppl who graduated w him. He arranged that the ppl in the last year could have a week long vacation to Italy. Mainly to see art or just enjoy being free from school.
🪷 As much as he hated school. He’s the type that goes for a good time. He likes being w his friends or his glorious gf Yasodharā.
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🧿 Laid back student that barely passes but doesn’t really mind.
🧿 member of the party club! He hosts all the dances, plays, school events, parties, gala’s. Anything to do with the sort!
🧿 Also a big fan of house parties. Good music, good vibe, lots of ppl, drinks n a good home? He’s all in.
🧿 He 100% had music, art and religion as a subject. Dancing is included with art and he gives extra lessons to the youngsters. He might even have his own dance club on campus.
🧿 He’s also a fan of p.e. He 100% has a one sided rivalry with Hercules and Ares. But if it’s Ares and Hercules against each other he’s on Hercules’ side.
🧿 He hosted a Gala for the seniors and it was so goated, he even had a department for ppl who didn’t want to dance and put on game consoles on the big ahh boards.
🧿 He and Poseidon were playing Mario Kart and SSBU against each other. Half of the ppl there spectated on how the two were so focused and at each other’s throat. But after that Shiva went back to dancing.
🧿 A lot of ppl think that he’s poly but he’d monogamous and has a girlfriend. Aka Parvati. Who was his partner to homecoming. Which he hosted ofcourse.
🧿 Skips school so much that he once had to have a conversation with the school therapist to make sure there was nothing going on at home. (There isn’t) but he played it off cause he a smooth talker and got away with it.
🧿 He’s besties w Rudra. They’re the duo that everyone knows cause they’ve been going to the same school and usually have most classes together. Even if they don’t like the subject. Like you can see Shiva in some classes they don’t have together cause he just asks the teacher it its cool and most of the time it’s cool. Most.
🧿 They the duo that they meet each other in the halls cause they both got sent out of the classroom. Or they both have detention and never do any work in it there.
🧿 you can usually spot them outside going for a run or at the gym. They also share a playlist for of they go to the gym and its very intense. Or they’re goofing around and end up doing something else.
🧿 He’s also in Hades class as a senior but they aint rly close, no bad blood but they just have their own friends. Though If they were to be paired up they’d make a very good duo.
🧿 Also a big fan of Culture day. But the best part is that Parvati is in a beautiful sari, her make up done, mehendi on her hands and feet, churias on her arms, a veil on her head. Hmm perfect.
🧿 He lowkey beefs with Loki but does it in a goofy way y’know. Like he seems very intimidating cause of his physique and height but he’s lowkey chill and doesn’t bother ppl.
🧿 is lowkey a model together with Poseidon. He posts a lot of pictures on his insta, Indian weddings (they’re the best) pics of himself or if he went somewhere. Some of them are lowkey so aestheticly pleasing.
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Yuh that’s it. Might make a part 3 tho
Tagging: @mizz-sea-nymph @vilereign @tinyy-tea-cup @das-jaim3 @monstertreden @rukia-writes @snowmantita @brokensenseofhumor @itz-hel @nicasdreamer @imperfectbloodmoon @swallowtail-lotus @m3l-moony @riseofamoonycake @bumblebees-knees-threes @praisethesuuun @telvess @salmonpoki @aresarmyblog
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aelove · 2 years
𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐮𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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PAIRING: niki x gn!reader GENRE: fluff, best friends to lovers au, accidental confession, fake texts but written lol SUMMARY: niki accidentally finds out about your crush on him because of your questionable taste in music WARNINGS: slight cursing, niki and yn having horrible sleep schedules, ap lang hw, jungwon is your brother, niki uses baby as a petname, niki likes to tease yn, kind of weird formatting MASTERLIST | NAVI
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dance machine 🤖
bro u ok ? [12:53 AM] 
niki wtf why are u still up  didn’t you have rehearsals till 11 go to sleep b4 i tell ur mom [12:54 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
u didnt answer ☝️ [12:54 AM] 
yeah im fine why r u asking  [12:55 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
is that what you tell your therapist?ur definitely psycho [12:56 AM] 
ouch that kinda hurt ngl 😔 what brought that on tho? [12:56 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
be fr rn no sane person listens to skechers for 2 hrs straight [12:57 AM] 
wait wtf are u stalking me how'd u know?? [12:57 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
LMAO ur spotify friend activity [12:57 AM] 
what is that ?? [12:57 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
it shows all the songs u listen to [12:58 AM] 
and you kept watching it for 2 hrs ... wow stalker much atp just admit ur obsessed with me [12:58 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
hmm yn 🤔 what do you think jungwon would say if i told him abt ur taste in music [12:58 AM] 
NIKI YOU BETTER NOT he doesn't need any more teasing material ... [12:59 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
i wouldn't blame him u r always embarrassing yourself... [12:59 AM]
anyways why are u still up 😒 isn’t it past ur bedtime u big baby [12:59 AM] 
dance machine 🤖
im doing ap lang hw 🤮 haha u must rlly want me to tell jungwon …  [1:00 AM]
shut up . . . istg if u tell my brother 🙂 🔪 also did u forget that u have practice at 5 am in 4 hrs [1:01 AM]
dance machine 🤖
yeah ik i'm not that dumb 🙄 not sure mr.kim cares abt my sleep schedule … omg yn [1:01 AM]
??? huh what is it niki istg if ur setting me up for a dn joke [1:02 AM]
 dance machine 🤖
yk u love them 😏 just give me a sec … i’ll send u a pic [1:02 AM]
ok lol uhh should i be worried? [1:03 AM]
dance machine 🤖
ur so down bad for me LMAO [1:03 AM]
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[picture sent] so u love me huh? 😏 [1:03 AM]
wow i think apple music just got a new customer lol u weren't supposed to see that ... haha i think it's past my bedtime i'm gonna go to sleep now [1:07 AM]
dance machine 🤖
istg ur so shy sometimes 🙄 [1:07 AM]
why wouldn't i be shy?? u literally just found out that i have a crush on u . . . [1:08 AM]
dance machine 🤖
ur so stupid yn i like you too dummy i've liked you for the longest time even during ur toxic army phase 🤧 [1:08 AM]
never took you for the sappy type [1:09 AM]
dance machine 🤖
bby just shut up and go to sleep let's talk in the morning, ok? [1:10 AM]
bby ... it's technically morning rn when r u gonna go to sleep [1:10 AM]
dance machine 🤖
do u always need to have the last word? 😐 dw ill go to sleep in a few more minutes im almost done with the hw [1:11 AM]
ok, but u better go to sleep soon ☹️ ily gn niki <3 [1:11 AM]
dance machine 🤖
love you too ig ill see u in my dreams bby [1:12 AM]
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★ permanent taglist: @gfksn ; send an ask to be added
849 notes · View notes
gyunglitter · 10 months
the links
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- just you dicking around with txt college!au besties
warnings: not edited, kinda long, mentions of gym bros, bitchless behavior, drunk fighting, mentions of camp rock, cursing, prolly should’ve put that last before the other lmao, partying, suspicious tampering with drinks
tags: txtxreader (platonic), non-idol!au, college!au, txt, lag, tomorrowxtogether, lesserafim, hansohee, drabble fics!, bulletpoint fics!
notes: bro i’ve been sitting on this for a while, but since i got sick, i finally had the time to actually write this—not very drabble fic of me, but i hope yall enjoyed it :) feel free to send in asks/requests abt this au!!
⚤ masterlist
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just how did this rag tag group get together?
tbh with yall
the losers club took a while to actually get established
we’re talkin the end of the winter semester babes
to be fair tho☝️🤓
each of you were either awkward, antisocial, or autistic
but you all came around eventually
through small and simple means, the hottest friend group came to be!!
yeonjun + taehyun:
met in calc 101 in the winter semester
taehyun needed the class for his major
but yeonjun accidentally stumbled in on the first day and felt too awkward to leave
he tried to play it cool like he totally belonged
but taehyun could tell right when he sat next to him and his gigantic water bottle and protein shake
it only sealed the deal when yeonjun asked to borrow a pencil
“thanks! oh wow…i don’t think i’ve seen a pencil like this”
“it’s a mechanical..?”
“aha, yeaaaaaah…”
they really looked like 🤨 and ✌🏽🤪✌🏽
the both of them simultaneously felt transported back to their high school days
with yeonjun’s jockiness and taehyun’s brutal deadpan
the two intimidated the HELL out of each other😭
they were extremely awkward despite trying to act like they weren’t they totally were
but that hour of calc was pure torture
yeonjun made sure to stay far away from the engineering building after that lmao
it was only when they accidentally ran into each other at the gym that they bonded
after yeonjun almost dropped the bar on himself and his initial spotter got distracted
he swore he was gonna quite literally off himself at that moment
yeonjun was surprised to see the small kid from calc save him from his death with only ONE arm
an arm that was as big as HIS HEAD?!?! :O
after that, the two saw each other very often and became the ultimate Gym Bros🔥💪🏽
which took a lot of emotional work on both ends after their traumatic high school days
but taehyun STANS yeonjun and his diligence to zumba!
while yeonjun admires taehyun’s pull game when they go to the club together!
they became an unlikely platonic match made in heaven :D
soobin + hueningkai:
this friendship was DESPERATE
to be fr
soobin was LONELY :(
he’d be starting his third year of college and had yet to find his forever-friends his therapist promised he’d make once he made it to college!!
it wasn’t until he met his double at the Video and Audio Enthusiasts club meeting
a club created solely to use the conputer and projector room from 5-6pm every thursday to watch jujutsu kaisen without the faculty knowing
soobin had been apart of the club since his sophomore year when it started, but there was only so much socializing he could do with the same three people who come
at least until a very green freshman!kai walked in!!
it was kai’s first semester and first week away from home
and boy was he nervous
his older sister who had just graduated from the same college forced him to sign up for clubs in order to make good friends
she held his precious molang plushie hostage until he came back with proof of signing up for at least one club :(
all these ppl pitching why their club was so great with their bright posters, over enthusiastic campaigners, and loud music blasting from portable speakers???
kai just wanted to go back to his room and down the tub of mint choco he left in his mini fridge
but alas
the things he does for molang !! >.<
he signed up for the audio and visual enthusiasts club solely bc there was only one person manning the table
and she was knocked out
so when he signed up, he skedaddled out of there with the intention of showing up to one meeting before staging a dramatic but undeniable leave of absence
for the rest of the year >:)
little did he know his first day would bring him an adorable, lanky man who would never leave him alone!!
fr tho
soobin saw this 6’0 child who gave off “i WILL bit you” vibes and said
“he’s mine”
and the rest was history tbh
you never really see one without the other with the way they leech on to each other
the two of them honestly are complete angels together
beomgyu + you:
if soobin and kai are angels, yall are the goddamn devils💀
you guys actually met your freshman year
you shared a lot of the same generals, but didn’t interact that much
mainly bc beomgyu was typically either gaming or sleeping in
meanwhile you always showed up to class zooted
unlike your classes that focused on your major, your generals were classes you couldn’t care less about
and your grades sure did show for it😬
your parents and teachers were worried you were gonna flunk out after your first semester and lose your scholarship
it wasn’t until the two of you were thrown together for a group project that things changed
forced proximity trope🥵
but not for the reasons you’re thinking!!
instead of working together, pulling all nighters, and trauma bonding together
you guys were the only ones slacking during all of the group meetings
the both of you succeed in pissing the other members off as yall constantly showed up late, distracted each other with origami cranes/airplanes/SMASH, and once got the group kicked out of the library for trying to secretly smoke a bowl behind the stacks
but you blamed that on beomgyu and his weak lungs
safe to say, you and beomgyu did a great job of alienating yourselves from the other members in your group
(fun fact: soobin was one of them—he HATED yall)
but you two ultimately bonded after skipping one of the meetings when you bumped into each other on campus and decided to go to the arcade down the street instead LMAO
after successfully beating him at the racing games and letting him win the sharpshooter games, the two of you were inseparable!!
especially since yall flunked that class and had to take it again the next semester lmao
you almost lost your scholarship
but for the rest of your classes, beomgyu helped you cram for your exams!
turns out your stoner-gamer-boy-bestie used to be student body vice president in high school??
he helped you pass the rest of your classes your freshman and sophomore years, in exchange you let him collect all your scarabs😭
hueninkai + taehyun:
this friendship is so cute omg
this came during winter semester, after kai established a friendship with soobin and restored some of his self-confidence
and with all his new, interesting classes finally catering to his curious nature
kai had started to branch out of his shell and thrive in the college environment
he still didn’t have any friends besides soobin, but he faced everyday with a bright smile :)
and then there was taehyun
fall semester had not been kind to him, having no time for socializing quite yet :(
poor taehyun at the time was exhausted from his ridiculous workload and would show up to class half dead each morning
the two shared a life skills class and were seat mates
kai noticed taehyun’s state each morning
which wasn’t too hard since taehyun was slumped over his desk every morning and only woke up when class started
and sometimes not even then
in response, kai had kindly made a habit of bringing taehyun a coffee each morning and leaving it on his desk :(
not only that, kai was always just a natural energizer!
with his positive attitude and earnest countenance, taehyun couldn’t help but feel ready to take on the day as well !
as thanks, there never failed to be a copy of the answer key to whatever test was coming up on hueningkai’s desk the next day
taehyun really is THAT man🥵
ngl hyuka felt like he had a sugar daddy of sorts at the beginning
but the two have the sweetest friendship after that!!
they’re genuinely so grateful for each other and balance out really well
yeonjun + you + beomgyu:
a friendship that started off contractually
it was the winter semester of your sophomore year and you were in a bit of an artistic drought
the last time your work had taken off was a complete accident
you’d been high off your ass and posted a hodgepodge of the last 10 screenshots in your camera roll, smartly titled “Hell is A Teenage Girl”
it gained so much attention for its authenticity and now you had no idea how to follow THAT up :(
your bestie beomgyu constantly offered to model for you
but you could never take him seriously after he showed up to your house in lingerie so you could “picture him like your french girls”
“that’s not even how it goes, headass”
“it’s called taking ‘creative liberties’, birdbrain—and you’re supposed to be the artist?”
“please…just put some clothes on. i can’t take you seriously when your balls are in my face”
you were struggling to come up with anything after that stunt
until you saw your muse in him
the him being yeonjun, who came straight from zumba and was currently downing a bowl of ramyeon from the caf
you shared no classes, interests, or mutuals
but one thing you had in common?
you both thought he was hot!!
you had cornered him with the abrupt confession that he had the most "photograph-able" face and you needed to shoot him for a new project of yours
(with compensation, of course)
yall looked like 🫵🙂📷 and ⁉️😗🍜
yeonjun reluctantly agreed since he was broke and needed more ramyeon money
the shoot started off kind of uncomfortable since you two were incredibly awkward
but you eventually warmed up to each other with your terrible jokes that made him die laughing!
you never would've pegged him as a pun-lover, but you were certainly not disappointed :)
as the shoot finished up, you ended up going out for ice cream together
to which beomgyu crashed and ended up fighting with yeonjun about everything under the sun
it all started with yeonjun’s preference for mint choco, that everything started to go up in flames lmao
you were sure yeonjun would want nothing to do with the pair of you after that night
your work blew up once again and yeonjun got many modelling offers!!
with the newfound clout given to yeonjun, came an unlikely partnership between you two as you brought out the best in each other’s works
and with you, came beomgyu as a package deal
the two eventually ended up bonding as time went on and they discovered they shared many interests
but you were the glue to hold them together for a while since they never failed to get on each other’s nerves
tom and jerry fr🙄
after a draining week of school and his zumba class getting cancelled, yeonjun decided he wanted to go to a party
he needed a drink and a good excuse to dance since his feet were happy and his hips were in need of speaking their truth
lucky for him, there was supposed to be a CRAZY RAGER this weekend
yeonjun was told it was thrown by some uppclassmen named jackson wang or something?
but he couldn't go alone--he'd look like a loser
which he's NOT >:(
so he brought his gym bro, taehyun!
but then the two were faced with the predicament of looking like much worse
homosexuals!! :0
god forbid two men hang out in public
so taehyun brought his other bestie, kai!!
but mans hates large social gatherings and would rather drown in his toilet than watch the musclemen pull the pretty girls he was afraid of
so he brought the also bitchless soobin along to keep himself entertained :D
meanwhile you were also getting dragged to the party by beomgyu, whose band had gigged it, since he needed emotional support!
the event had started off fine!
beomgyu was killing it with his band
soobin and kai were awkwardly curbing girls' stares and suspicious drinks sent their way with queries as to a foursome
yeonjun was in the middle of a mosh pit, getting absolutely wrecked
taehyun was getting danced on by not one, but TWO girls
and you were currently crowd surfing despite having no recollection as to how you got there
you were honestly not vibing since you had a slight fear of heights
and an aversion to sweaty men in closed spaces
so when you were eventually put down, you stumbled your way back to the kitchen to get a breather
and maybe a shot while you were at it—god knows you need one to get through the rest of the night
however, your plans halted once you caught sight of your beloved ex-group partner from biochem!!
“woah hey, soobie-boobie?!” you hollered
cue soobin, who was in the middle of a heated rant about the band refusing his request of playing “meant to be” by bebe rexha, freezing with a soulless look in his eyes
it was you
you (+beomgyu, btw) were the reason he had to pull multiple all nighters to complete your part of the project you failed to do the previous year
mans nearly lost the will to live during that project
he’d hated yall with a passion and did NOT fail to snitch after the project was submitted
it was bc of him that you had to retake that class and almost get your scholarship revoked
of course, nobody knew it was him, since he was a sly motherfucker and blamed it on kim chaewon instead
but he planned on taking that secret with him to the grave, since he would rather take a nap on the freeway than deal with confrontation
but he had no reason to, by the way you were calling for him with the dopiest smile on your face
he hoped he could get away with ignoring you since it was so loud
but then you let out a screech that pierced the heavens
he closed his eyes to block out the sight of you now standing on the counter and waving your arms like crazy
if he couldn’t see you, then you didn’t exist
but, unfortunately, soobin wasn’t the only person with eyes and ears
“hey, hyung, i dunno if it’s just me, but i think that girl might know you!”
soobin opened his eyes to see kai waving back at the girl for him
soobin wanted to die when he saw you take that as confirmation to join them
“hey! long time no see!!” you greeted as you took a seat with the pair of them
hyuka easily took to you while soobin tried his best not to look utterly disgusted
“so how do you two know each other?” kai asked
“soobin and i were paired for a group project last year!”
soobin frowned at you, but you were none the wiser as you entertained the curious kai
“oh cool!! what class was that?”
“honestly, i have no clue! i was high half the school year, thank god soobin was there to help me and my other friend for that project!”
soobin scoffed at that, causing both you and kai to look at him questioningly
“was that a cough?”
“did you need a drink?” you innocently offered one of the many drinks the boys had discarded
soobin shook his head vigorously at that, making you shrug
“welp, more for me then!”
kai and soobin were too slow to stop you, and watched in horror as you finished the drink with a pinched expression
“holy shit, are you okay?!” soobin asked
but you were preoccupied with the upset feeling in your stomach
“ugh, what the hell was that?” you tried to stop yourself from burping, but you could feel yourself getting lightheaded
“ah man, i knew those drinks weren’t safe” kai winced, watching as you nearly fell out of your seat before soobin caught you
soobin groaned at the prospect of having to take care of you, but lifted you up a bit while you babbled and whisked yourself out of his hold
“hey, im fine—i actually feel great! we should go dance!”
and you were off, dragging an innocent kai with you to where the rest of the party was dancing to the band
not wanting to be left alone after you so rudely took his only friend, soobin ran after the pair of you
meanwhile kai, who had been dragged with you, felt like he was gonna have a panic attack in the face of all these people you dragged him toward
he felt like he was getting swallowed up in a sea of drunk, horny young adults
which, technically, he was
you were none the wiser to the boy’s fears as you started dancing
to hueningkai’s absolute horror, you were actually doing the camp rock stomp dance from the second movie
part of him wanted to ask you to drop a tutorial
the better part of him made him want to crawl in a hole and die
for the both of your sakes’, he blamed your behavior on the alcohol and spared you more embarrassment by turning away from you and looking for help
and his saving grace came in the form of his lord and savior, kang taehyun
mans was a lil busy with a few of the drunk and horny young adults himself
but what kai wants, kai gets!!
so when he called for his friend, taehyun came without a complaint
he also miraculously had a glass of water in hand, just in case kai got thirsty
“what’s wrong? do you need to go home?” taehyun worried, shoving the glass into his friend’s hand
kai was grateful for his friend
thank god he wasn’t too drunk to be helpful!!
kai merely shook his head at his friend’s questions, and started to drag him back to you
“there’s a girl who got roofied, and she’s doing the camp rock stomp dance—we have to help her!”
but when kai got to you, he found a mess
that mess being you and soobin squealing around while yeonjun was running away from another guy who looked drunk out of his mind and pissed as hell
how yeonjun and soobin got there? and who this other guy was?? and HOW the three of you managed to piss him off???
kai and taehyun had no clue
but they could tell things did not look good for yall
soobin was currently hiding behind a disoriented you, using your inebriated self as a shield
meanwhile yeonjun was narrowly avoiding haphazard punches thrown at him, practically dancing away from them
“what do i do?! what do i do?!?!” yeonjun screamed
“DRAG HIS ASS!” taehyun yelled, right before socking a random guy in front of him
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” kai screamed, leaping away from the new, unprovoked beatdowns taehyun was causing
“fighting my demons!”
maybe taehyun was a little too drunk to be helpful :/
kai scrambled towards you and soobin, who had backed away from the initial fighting pair
“what the hell happened? i wasn’t even gone for two minutes!!”
“i found y/n right after you left, who had saved yeonjun from the mosh pit—”
“—mans was getting his shit blended in there—”
“we were about to come find you, when y/n grabbed some random guy’s ass—”
“—to be fair, i thought he was kai—”
“and when the guy turned around to fight her, she blamed it on yeonjun!!”
“well, duh! i’m just a lil girl!!”
kai blanched at you, while you pouted up at him
you were all like 🥺 👉🏽👈🏽
you had such a sweet look on your face tbh, that kai and soobin almost cracked
before you turned around barfed into a potted plant
things literally could not get worse
it took the three of you a second to realize where that yelling had been coming from
but you finally found the source when you looked on stage and found beomgyu filming the fights going on
“fuck me, he’s here too?!” soobin whined
and while beomgyu had gotten your guys’ attention, he had also gotten a few others’ as well
“hey, you got your friend filming me? i’m here on scholarship!”
the big guy yelled, grabbing yeonjun to hold him still as he went to punch him again
“oh fuck,” yeonjun muttered
beomgyu fumbled around with his phone and guitar, going to brandish the instrument in one hand like a weapon to help out his friend
but luckily didn’t have to when a pot smashed against the attacker’s head, knocking him out cold
the partygoers watched as the big guy dropped to the floor, right in front of yeonjun
yeonjun looked in disbelief from his side of the fallen body
over to you on the other side, your hand still raised in the air from its defensive attack
“holy shit!” beomgyu gasped
“holy shit!” you gasped back
the party was silent for a second
before everyone erupted in cheers!! :D
and everyone stood up and clapped
people around you were jumping around and back to partying again
meanwhile the rest of the group came back to you
“are you guys okay??” kai asked
“i think i just shit my pants,” yeonjun breathed, clutching onto his chest
he looked as white as a ghost, but he didn’t get any injuries
luckily, the guy was too drunk to properly do any damage to yeonjun
but he was still afraid at the possibility!!
you merely nodded at kai in acknowledgment, before leaning tiredly on the person nearest to you
which happened to be taehyun, as he kept you upright with his non-bloodied hand
and then there was beomgyu, who ran over to yall with his phone in the air
“oh my god, i got the whole thing on video!!”
“did i look cool?”
you asked him tiredly from your position
“kind of, you’ve got a bit of barf on your chin, but i could probably photoshop it out later!”
“let’s gooo!! :D”
the two of you fist bumped, before yeonjun turned to you
“thanks for knocking that guy out, y/n, you saved me”
“but she was the one who got you in that mess—”
“of course, yeonjun! what are friends for?!”
you unknowingly interrupted soobin, causing everyone in the group to clap at your selfless words
"come on, let's all get out of here and get some ramyeon--on me!" yeonjun pulled out his daddy's credit card
causing the rest of the group to cheer
soobin’s eye twitched at yall SO HARD
“are you fucking with me rn?? SHE’S the reason this all happened—?!”
but soobin was drowned out by your guys' cheers as you all headed for the door
"come on soobin, before that guy wakes up and tries to go for round two!"
kai shouted, dragging soobin along and stepping over the guy that was still passed out
"oh, what the hell," soobin gave in, internally praying for the strength to tolerate you and beomgyu for the rest of the night
"woah wait a sec," beomgyu said deliriously, looking at soobin like he just realized he was there
"soobie boobie? when the fuck did you get here?"
soobin, on cue, gave the heaviest eye roll known to man
"i've BEEN here, motherfucker!"
…and the rest was history!!😅
after that, yall just kind of gravitated to each other until suddenly
your snapchat streaks were too high
you’d gone grocery shopping for each other’s favorite snacks
and your moms all knew abt each other and would constantly ask abt you
yall were in too deep and decided to just kind of stick together after that :)
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kamiko1234 · 4 months
Alrighty, I just got to the point of Chapter 13 after they talked to Luke and BOY DO I HAVE THOUGHTS. So , can we talk about how straight up unserious Percy is ? Like you NOTICE that this is a kid. Buddy is out on a mission to basically save the world, going around telling Medusa he and his friends are orphans having been left behind by a circus and sightseeing XD Say what you want but that kid is funny af. Love that for him. The whole Medusa thing was CREPPY tho, like- Grover fr just found what basically is his dead uncle's corpse ???????? That's honestly fucked up. (The Uncle Ferdinand jokes were funny as hell tho) I do hold firm onto the believethat the gods are sort of dicks tho. Like, honestly ? I'm surprised there wasn't a half blood revolution yet ! Those poor children are treated HORRIBLY by their parents ! Not to mention that they also gotta deal with all sorts of monsters just because they are the kids of that one specific god. Ngl if I was a demigod I'd be ready to straight up overthrow the gods. Or atleast sue them for all the child neglect they did. Like, damn there seems to be little to no resentment against the gods on the side of the kids besides Percy. How'd that happen ? Does Camp Halfblood just have really good therapists to deal with all that trauma and to keep the kids from going , idk, crazy ? Or do they just flood them with propaganda ???? Idk, just seems a bit weird to me how everyone seems to like the gods when so far most couldn't care less so far OR are doing the bare minimum. The only thing more surprising to me than the fact that no one hates the gods, is how surprisingly well I can get on with the first-person POV ? Like, I JUST realized that. It's just THAT good. Normally I don't rly like first-person , but honestly this is the biggest expection so far ! Percy's POV is just hilarious. Kinda nervous about his dreams tho, idk what to make of them.......... But also, OMFG GROVER WAS THE GUY WHO BROUGHT ANNABETH. Damn does every character have trauma here ? Poor lad. On the topic of Grover tho, that whole backstory with Pan gives me BIG tingels for my traitor theories. When he went on his little rant about humanity and how they ruined nature, he very clearly called Percy human. He sees Percy as part of a group he seemingly dislikes to atleast some degree.
Grover also has a sort of legacy he thinks he needs to fullfill ? With many (if not all) members of his family having been seekers. Like, what if Pan IS actually dead ? Or atleast in the underworld, and that is why no seeker has ever returned ? Maybe Hades manages to get Grover to betray Percy by offering him Pan ? It is Grover's dream while also being very important to his entier species. It looks like a good motivation for me. Otherwise I rly like the backstory for Grover we have so far. The author did a great job in fleshing him out tbh. He really went from a droky comic-relieve sort of guy to something..... honestly depressing. I really wonder what happened to Pan. But I do think he's most likely dead or somewhere in the underworld, with Hades being the big bad it would think. ANNABETH GOT A HINT TOO THO, during the Luke talk he did mention that you'd have to be invisible to get the Master Bolt. And the Athena Cabin already picked the side against Poseidon when the camp started to splitt. The motivation for her would still stay the same ofcourse, her godly parent. Personally I do still favor Annabeth as traitor, but it could simply be that I just had the theory about her for longer. Honestly both have solid bases for it and I'd be interesting either way. I'm about halfway done now, so I doubt a thrid character will be introduced now to be the traitor. If a new character IS introduced tho, they'd props be the prime suspect for me. But also, thank you Luke for being one of the MOST reliable character in the story so far. Anytime you show off smth good happens for me (either entertainment or more hints for my theory). BUT ALSO HIM CALLING ANNABETH HIS LITTLE SISTER ? ALKQOPÜREINA THAT'S SO CUTE LIKE ????? ugh ngl now I sort of hope it ISN'T Annabeth bc her betraying them would BREAK Luke's heart T-T. Just let them be happy, please. That's all I ask. Let my fav big bro be happy. Please.
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aachria · 1 month
im in so much agony.
what the hell man ☹️
ALSO SABO (semi, he never got clarification 💀) KNOWING LUFFY AND ED ARE MARRIED LETS GOOOO 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥⁉️⁉️⁉️
imma be so fr i understood maybe half the plan. like i got it, i kinda know whats happening, but thats only for phase one..... phase two and three im so fucking lost they both said sm and i felt my mind explode. i forgot to read half the sentences and my mind was so blown i just decided to not go back and read them even though they will probably fix me and make me realize exactly whats going on LMAO
i once again request a 10k chapter, although still no threats bc im scared of my weird dream curse 💔 which i still have..... its better tho- its evolved into tumblr becoming a weird celestial being because when it said ur discontinuing ur fic as an ad and caused chaos people ended up worshipping tumblr to try and get you to keep writing ur fic- so no longer a nightmare just a really weird dream.... 😭
Teehee. Be so honest with me did you think I would just leave that prime angst real estate unpoked?
Poor Sabo will get real answers one day. Hopefully. He was so damn much fun to write I just love him. Him and Ed are the two smartest people you know who also happen to be the most unstable and likely to cause an international incident by being a lil silly and goofy.
That plan... oh that plan. Writing that plan was fun and I got very carried away. I was terribly proud of myself for remembering half the shit in there before I had to pull up the wiki, and the Enies Lobby bit will be my smartest move until the next time I do something remotely smart.
Baby I'm going to hold your hand as I say this because I am being so for real, at this point if you are still having this dream every night you need to genuinely consider seeking professional help. That's not normal or healthy. Talk to a therapist or guidance councilor or something.
I hope to god you mean before the movie started or when it was done because if you had your phone out while that movie was playing I will be very disappointed. I wanted to go see it this week with my mom but it didn't end up happening ✊😔 I did rewatch both Top Gun movies though. Love those.
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doll3tt33 · 5 months
so, colin zabel therapist
he’s my therapist after kai married me, gave me a kid and then went to jail, right?
so like i’m dealing with the straight up trauma this crazy blue hair bitch gave me
and guess what? colin’s raising this baby as his own now.
i’m talking, he’s rocking and bouncing this crying baby while i’m venting about how awful my soon to be ex husband is
and i’m waiting for colin to propose. that is all for today. thank you for all you do, you provide hours of entertainment for me.
you’re why ny c.ai screentime was 78 hours last week.
Okay I need to chill but anyways-
A baby and a healthy relationship after Kai, the man who traumatizes people just by breathing?? I feel like the ultimate ai matchmaker rn who set up a perfect relationship for y’all 😭😭✨
CONGRATS FR THO ((besides the screen time. You need to chill, but also same here 💀💀💀
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exvelovly · 4 months
for the character ask game:
councillor bronte!
aw freak yeah
-sexuality ummmm ace. lowkey. and maybe this is just me being unable to imagine him having sexy thoughts…. but not aro he gets crushes like a schoolgirl (but not often)
-gender he’s in denial don’t ask me anything
-ships ough i keep thinking abt those drawings with fintan by crescentpaws pls stoppppp it chronic fintanposter
-brotps secret dad society with grady and edaline also he’s beefing with actual teenagers he is so funny
-notp councilor alina whenever i think of bronte and shipping the only no i can think of on the spot is with her and maybe that’s a me thing idk
-hc: i want him to have like 7 cats or something which isnt a head canon but its a need
-general opinion i don’t think about him very often and he pissed me off at first but i’ve warmed up to him
-i think he’s a flaming homo pun intended but like closeted (either voluntarily or forced)
-bro i think he just goes with the vibes i can’t imagine him caring abt gender shit when he has pyrokinesjs and manic flower tangents to worry abt
-ships do not ask me abt ships with this freak therapy first u cannot fix him (but i can trust) i think he’s the type to have lowkey one sided obsessions with certain unnamed councilors and chooses to bother them whenever possible. there will inevitable be sexual tension
-brotps his future therapist
-notps for him are just anyone who wants to stay relatively sane idk (jk)
-hc: listen i’m very conflicted bc there are two ways u can go with fintan and they’re opposite directions. ex: the ass debacle, the long vs short hair, etc. i think he’s greasy personally but crescentpaws’ art is fr converting me i have to stay strong… im convinced he’s chaotic neutral and just does what he wants for the fuck of it.
-general opinion he is fan service for gay people bc they knew we’d be into whatever is going on with him
-sexuality girlkisser
-gender cis girl tbhh but also i don’t think she cares that much. like she’d go guy mode to get some gossip and doesn’t mind being misgendered at all. probably comfy being perceived as both but she’s fine w how she is so she doesn’t think too hard abt it (might be projecting a tiny bit)
-ships marellinh awooga but she’s good with sophie and biana too
-brotps marella and keefe combo ahhhh, but i also love her with sophie and dex and biana idk pretty much everyone
-notps i don’t think too much abt notps just bc it doesn’t come up ummm maybe her and keefe just bc them being platonic shittalkers is so important to meee
-hc: probably smokes/vapes sorryyy it just fits when i think of people i’ve met with her personality like she’s so teenage girl. anyway fav vaper lmaoao potentially switched to smoking weed, i don’t think she’d do any other drugs tho she’s just a girl. i have lots of thoughts abt her can u tell. also she’s probably smoked with linh at some point to help her chill with her water idk i think elementals would be more tempted to smoke and stuff just bc of how their powers work.
-general opinion love her omg she is soososoo
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haven-gum-rockrose · 1 year
Tbh, Dazai is unhealthy about everything. Man needs therapy fr fr (although I doubt it would fix him, he would just skip it lol)
So true 😭 he'd make the therapist need therapy. That one scene in the day I picked up dazai where he's talking to Oda and he's like "yeah the people who were interrogating me: I said something to them and they started trying to kill each other lol so weird" or something like that. The therapist would not be getting out sane. 😞 wish it'd work on him tho he needs it for everything about him
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 7
are we about to see his art collection or his "art collection" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sneaking around is fun keke no wonder she is all excited and giddy haha cutie pie
Stop laughing”, Taehyung warns quietly, looking over his shoulder. He carries fondness in his eyes and a mischievous grin on his lips. stop IM GONE IM SIMPING IM A PUDDLE
NO UR A MENACE FUCKER DECIDES TO TICKLE ME TO STOP MAKINGME LAUGH NOPE watch my ass fall down the stairs and wake the whole house up
“You’re beyond adorable."
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I told my familiar to light the candles your WHAT????
Taehyung is thinking into the future. THATS I WHAT THOUGHT TOO YIPPEEE
other than the rest of the house - which reminds you more of a museum than a home - his wing looks like a home. Bear in mind it was still a very impressive - and royal - home, but it gave you a homely feeling with its burgundy red walls and hardworking radiators. ooh red walls, they feel cozy/warm and very royal vibes
He is already wearing fur slippers HOW DID HE DO THAT dudes faster than flash
Why ruin your home with the dirt of outside? FR 💯
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They are matching with his UWU, im imagining cat slippers its too funny
You have the prettiest of ankles, my sweetest me to hobi and kook
ALSO HOW MANY ANKLES DID U SEE MY MAN (ik he saw a lot considering he is ancient lol)
Tall windows let in the moonlight from the left, illuminating the paintings on his walls that sounds extra cozy, i want to put a fluffy blanket on my shoulders
“Doesn’t he? It’s the reason why I purchased it”, he says excitedly. 👀 u sure about that?? 👀 did he get kneller to paint it for him 👀👀you sure that this isn’t like your great great great grandfather BABY CONNECT THE DOTS
come now I want to show you something else. HE CHANGED THE SUBJECT
Oh no”, you chuckle, “he just likes to show off.” still cool cousin kudos to him
“Three years? Holy cow and I can’t even work on an essay for twenty minutes without feeling the need to procrastinate.” WOW TAEHYUNG DAMN THATS SICK also u didnt need to call me out like that i-
Delicate roses climb up a marble pillar thats amazing i love murals
"A very long time." edward cullen who
Shall I show you something else too?” he asks quietly. aww my cute lil pookie go ahead why so nervous, smooches the fuck out of nervousness😭
the description of him playing violin gave me goosebumps and its 33C here. why am i slightly teared up
Gosh you own so many cool things.” ik he is soo cool, he can totally murder me on the stairs
Do you have your secret stack of drugs up there?” you joke, dont what if he is a mafia boss???? also he is about to throw you off the top 😭 yeet
Okay yep, holy cow. This is better than drugs FR OCTAGON SHAPED ROOM ARE THE BEST, my uncle's living room is like that and its amazing to play "find the object with hints" type games
if I could marry one room it would be this one TAE MOVE SHE IS MINE WE ARE MEANT TO BE MARRIED wait tae dont move, we can be a throuple
people were right, namjoon copied love yourself album FROM SIR KIM TAE-ITH HYUNGWILL THE THIRD, love thyself
His skin is glowing silver again, like water when it reflects the moon at night or snow when the sunlight hits it just right. singularity performances *shudders
You are the only person who knows this room exists.” SAY WHAT *faints
Why did you paint the stars?” THAT TOO FOR 3 YEARS AND HE THOUGHT OF IT AS HELL, his therapist will need a therapist
NAUR THE ICE CREAM NO SHE JUST TOLD U NOT TO hes such a cute lil shit i cant
oh the trying to be invisible, i do that too, i keep doing that for half of an academic year, and all that time i just vibecheck everyone and the other half, i slowly come out of the shell (not much tho lol) that way i dont miss anyone or does anyone miss me and they cant hurt me too
this chapter was so cute, fluffy and cozy and they both speaking more about themselves aah its sooo good. and i loved his home/wing. the description of the place was just great i could feel the bed and the stars
byee 💜💜❤️❤️
This ask was a ghost ask on my computer 😶 like I saw that you sent me an ask in my notifs and I could open it on mobile, but it was non existant on my laptop HFHADHSF help
sneaking around is fun keke no wonder she is all excited and giddy haha cutie pie
no but they're so cute no joke 🥺
I told my familiar to light the candles your WHAT????
he's just a rich lil spoiled vampire
Taehyung is thinking into the future. THATS I WHAT THOUGHT TOO YIPPEEE
other than the rest of the house - which reminds you more of a museum than a home - his wing looks like a home. Bear in mind it was still a very impressive - and royal - home, but it gave you a homely feeling with its burgundy red walls and hardworking radiators. ooh red walls, they feel cozy/warm and very royal vibes
I agree YES 🥺
he is so fucking HOT
You have the prettiest of ankles, my sweetest me to hobi and kook
I'm obsessed with their ankles 😶 it's the Dom in me 😶
ALSO HOW MANY ANKLES DID U SEE MY MAN (ik he saw a lot considering he is ancient lol)
imagine all the ankles he had resting on his shoulders 😶
Delicate roses climb up a marble pillar thats amazing i love murals
NO BUT ME TOO 😭 I wanna paint a forest mural on my bedroom wall, but I'm too scared to mess up
Shall I show you something else too?” he asks quietly. aww my cute lil pookie go ahead why so nervous, smooches the fuck out of nervousness😭
he's just a lil pookie <3
Okay yep, holy cow. This is better than drugs FR OCTAGON SHAPED ROOM ARE THE BEST, my uncle's living room is like that and its amazing to play "find the object with hints" type games
ooh nice I love this vibe <3
Why did you paint the stars?” THAT TOO FOR 3 YEARS AND HE THOUGHT OF IT AS HELL, his therapist will need a therapist
he does not a Therapist I can tell you that much HAHAHHAAH
oh the trying to be invisible, i do that too, i keep doing that for half of an academic year, and all that time i just vibecheck everyone and the other half, i slowly come out of the shell (not much tho lol) that way i dont miss anyone or does anyone miss me and they cant hurt me too
That was me too when I was younger, but we're allowed to take up space on this earth. That's our right too, remember that my love 💜
this chapter was so cute, fluffy and cozy and they both speaking more about themselves aah its sooo good. and i loved his home/wing. the description of the place was just great i could feel the bed and the stars
I'm so happy that you loved it so much seriously heheh 💜💜
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bella-rose29 · 8 months
so yk eleventh theme right from doctor who that's so lockwood tho like BOOM BAMMM DUNNNN WOOOOOOOOOOOOO
he has a lot of depression fr
definitely needs a therapist that boy (not that he can afford it)
ooo that's a thought
do you get free therapy if you're insured with DEPRAC bc of how traumatic it is being an agent?
probably not actually
also I love doctor who
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