#he only carried the guitar for aesthetics
goldnhourwrites · 5 months
Not enough people talked about these so I'm gonna do it myself because oh my god (commentary and headcanons below, it's just long)
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Sett has a little travel-sized sewing kit in his bag... it's so tidy... sett stitching things back together when his bandmates rip them...
Sett just casually carries around like 20+ pounds of dumbbells. Mans is literally always working out. The grind never stops.
"yo Ezreal can you grab my bag for me?" "Yeah sure--what the FUCK do you have in here? This thing weighs a hundred pounds."
His little exercise headband... and is that a hair tie behind it? Sett with his hair tied back??
Sett's energy bar collection. Sett's the type of person to pack an entire backpack full of snacks for a road trip.
Ezreal has a plushie OF HIMSELF on his bag.
this guy practically collects aesthetic glasses. 3 pairs in the bag plus the circle ones he had in PARANOIA.
Sharpie (for signing autographs???) His signature on the polaroids of himself???
The photo under the lip balm looks like it might be Ezreal and Aphelios. Ezreal's the type of person to make sure he has photos with all of his friends. Ezreal hanging up his favorite polaroids in his room.
can we talk about the all-white fit in the very bottom photo omg
Aphelios has back-up headphones for his headphones.
The writing on the note looks like Korean but unfortunately I don't know any Korean :(
his sticky noted book... is it a journal? is it full of lyrics? who put the little smiley face sticker on the front!! does he write in it!!
I love the idea of Aphelios just pulling out a little keyboard whenever he wants to write down a tune. How well can he play the piano? Only enough to write music, or does he have songs memorized? Does he ever play for anyone?
he's not just in charge of putting together their fashion, he designs it himself. i'm going to scream
I am in love with those glasses. I need art of k'sante in those glasses ASAP. i will do it myself if i have to.
What is his book!! What does the W stand for!!
The way the button on his gloves matches the one on his jacket in his LoL splash art. This tiny detail is driving me insane.
Also, the cologne? The top is the same as his necklace? Does he have a specific personal cologne? So elegant...
Kayn's Pentakill guitar pick. Let me see him play the guitar I beg
The crumpled up receipts. This man goes Shopping (also see: cash, various coins). And he just has a bunch of random shit in his bag because he never bothers cleaning it out.
the open leaking bottle of hair dye. please. do you NEED that
The random jewelry... I love the idea of him either a) taking it off, shoving it in his bag, and forgetting where he put it or b) bringing backup drip with him everywhere in case he needs more
While Sett, Aphelios, and Yone all opted for headphones, Kayn's gone with good old-fashioned corded earbuds. Does he not like headphones? Is it because they mess up his hair?
Big ass box of matches and For Why? Does he smoke? Is he too cool to carry around a lighter? Does he just like setting shit on fire?
Yone keeps a little emergency travel kit. Band mom energy. He's got band-aids and a toothbrush and toothpaste At The Ready.
Bottle of lotion? Yone with a skincare routine? Yone who stays moisturized? Everybody in Heartsteel asking Yone for lotion?
Earplugs (for sleeping on long bus rides, maybe?) I want to see Yone going "I'm sick of this shit" and tuning the fuck out.
Yone is the only one with a real headphone case. Aphelios has his around his neck 24/7, but his wireless earbuds have a case. Sett's just shoving his in there with twenty pounds of dumbbells and hoping for the best.
Yone's got so many little gadgets and I don't even know what they all are. He has his laptop and (probably) his phone, plus a smartwatch, and maybe a portable charger? He's that prepared.
I can't tell what the object beside his smartwatch is (looks wooden?) If anyone knows, let me know? I'm so curious
This man's got even more stuff inside his bag. Yone doesn't leave the house without like fifteen things in case of an emergency.
good news everyone. i'm still losing my mind over them
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Gentle Sin
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Summary: A flat mate wanted listing sends you on a journey that leads you into the arms of the sweet but protective Jake.
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x Female Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI
Oral (female receiving), Uprotected Sex, Assault, Dirty talk, Biting, Hair pulling, Mentions of Alcohol
*This is my first fanfic/smut. Thank-you so much for reading and let me know if you want a part two*
When I saw the listing, I thought it could not be more perfect. 
Two musicians were in search of a flat mate for their spacious 3-bedroom house, featuring a generous bedroom, bath, and even a hot tub on a large balcony—all for just $250 a week. Being someone dedicated to learning guitar and nurturing my singer-songwriter aspirations within the confines of my bedroom, this opportunity felt like a gateway to fully immerse myself in Nashville's vibrant music scene. 
Knocking on the door, I was met by a captivating sight—a man with long, wavy brown hair, a striking face adorned with big doe brown eyes, and an enchanting smile. As he extended his hand for a shake, I could not help but feel the warmth of his soft yet calloused fingertips. 
"Hello, I'm Y/N. I'm here for the room viewing." 
"Yes, of course. Nice to meet you. I am Jake. Come inside, and I'll show you around." 
As Jake guided me through each room, his sweet demeanor captivated me. The house had a unique decoration style, blending modern and '70s aesthetics, with framed posters on the walls and electric guitars displayed proudly. Finally, we reached a white room at the end of the hallway, featuring a large bed with beautiful linens and a fur throw. 
"So, this would be your room if you decide to take it. It's filled with sunlight, and there's this lovely old desk for you to use." 
"That would be perfect for my music writing. It's a beautiful spot." 
"Oh, you're into music too?" 
"I wish I were a musician. I do it in my bedroom, but I dream of playing in front of people. I've been learning guitar as well." 
"That's great. I play guitar in a band with my brothers. I could teach you some things if you're interested." 
"Wow, yes, that would be amazing. I will definitely take the room now. 
"Perfect. I'll message you all the details in the next few days, and once you're settled in, we can have a jam session." 
"Sounds perfect. See you soon." 
"See you soon, Y/N." 
As I carried my last box into the new place, a sense of satisfaction washed over me. Seated on my bed, I thought, 'This is going to be good for me. Change is a good thing.' After a challenging previous relationship, being on my own to focus on my dreams felt like the right step. 
Over the next few days, I unpacked and transformed my room into a cozy haven. Yet, I had not interacted much with my new flat mates, who were both away on road trips playing gigs. 
The following day, a knock on the door revealed a tall man with short black hair, an eyebrow piercing, and deep blue eyes—Nick. 
"Sorry, I couldn't find my key. You must be Y/N." 
"Yes, I am. I just moved in a few weeks ago." 
"Hi, I'm Nick. Are you from Nashville?" 
"No, I'm from a small town in Michigan called Milford. What about you?" 
A voice chimed in from behind, and I turned to see Jake entering. 
"Wait, you're from Milford?" 
"Yeah, I grew up there." 
"No way, I grew up in Frankenmuth with my brothers. That's where we started our band in our parents' garage." 
Nick laughed, "And you never really made it out of there, did you?" 
"Hahaha. Good to see you as always, Nick." 
Jake suggested, "So, you guys hungry? I was thinking we could go out for some dinner, maybe a drink or two, or three." 
"Hell yeah," Nick exclaimed. 
"I'm down," I replied. 
As our nights out continued, the dynamics between us became more apparent. One evening, after dinner and a couple of drinks, Jake opened up about his musical journey. He shared the challenges of balancing artistic integrity with the demands of the industry. It became evident that he was not only a talented musician but also someone deeply passionate about the craft. 
Meanwhile, Nick's charisma was undeniable. Over drinks, he revealed that he was the lead singer of a rock band that had gained local recognition. He spoke animatedly about the thrill of performing in front of a roaring crowd, but there was an underlying competitiveness in his tone, especially when Jake's accomplishments were brought up. 
In the following days, as Nick's band went on tour, Jake and I spent more time together in the house. Our shared love for music created a natural connection, and Jake became not just a roommate but a mentor. He patiently guided me through chord progressions, song structures, and the art of storytelling through music. It was during these moments that a deeper bond formed, one that transcended the shared space we inhabited. 
Late nights turned into early mornings filled with laughter, music, and meaningful conversations. Jake's stories of his own musical journey, the ups, the downs, and the lessons learned, resonated with my own aspirations. It was in these moments that I realized our connection was evolving into something more profound. 
However, the peaceful harmony we were creating was disrupted when Nick returned from his tour. His demeanor had shifted – he was constantly drinking, and his once-charming confidence now bordered on arrogance. Nick's attempts to impress me became increasingly apparent, and his behavior towards Jake grew confrontational. 
Tensions escalated one evening when Nick, fueled by alcohol and jealousy, made snide remarks about Jake's music, and questioned his dedication to the craft. The atmosphere in the house became tense, and it was clear that the friendly camaraderie we once shared was threatened by Nick's insecurities. 
Amidst the growing discord, Jake and I found solace in our shared passion for music. We retreated to the balcony, away from the brewing storm inside. Under the starlit Nashville sky, Jake expressed his concern about the strained atmosphere and Nick's changing behavior. As we spoke, the undeniable connection between us became palpable, and the unspoken understanding deepened. 
In the days that followed, Jake and I continued to immerse ourselves in music. He shared not only technical knowledge but also the emotional nuances that make a song resonate. Our collaboration on songwriting projects became a therapeutic outlet, a sanctuary away from the brewing tension within the house. 
As the divide between Jake and Nick grew, it became clear that Nick's feelings for me were a driving force behind the conflict. The once vibrant energy of the house was now overshadowed by the growing animosity between the two musicians, leaving me caught in the middle of an unfolding drama that threatened to disrupt the harmony we had cultivated. 
One night, as I stepped out of the shower and hastily threw on some clothes, I heard a commotion downstairs. Curious and concerned, I headed down the stairs, only to witness Nick and his friend barging through the door. His friend continued down the hall, while Nick stood there, demanding my attention. 
"Come down here, Y/N, I need to talk to you," he insisted. As I descended the stairs, he began making inappropriate advances, emphasizing how beautiful I was and suggesting I deserved someone better. 
Uncomfortable and distressed, I asked him to stop, but he ignored my pleas. In that unsettling moment, Jake intervened, stepping up behind me. 
"Don't touch her, Nick," Jake warned. There was a silent exchange between them, a look that conveyed an unspoken rule. However, Nick's response was aggression, pushing Jake to the brink. 
As Nick lashed out, hitting Jake, and causing blood to flow from his nose, panic set in. I screamed for Nick to stop, but it only fueled his anger. Desperation took over, and I found myself standing between them, pleading for peace. 
In a fit of rage, Nick struck me and shoved me into the wall. Jake, driven by a protective instinct, retaliated, unleashing a torrent of punches on Nick until he crumpled to the ground. Frantically, I tried to pull Jake away, begging him to stop. Locking eyes with him, I implored, "Look at me, Jake. Please, stop." 
Something in his gaze shifted, and he paused, realizing the extent of the chaos. He looked down at his bloodied hands and whispered, "Oh my God, what have I done?" 
In the aftermath, Nick's friend emerged from the bathroom, appalled by the scene. He helped Nick up and ushered him out the door. Tears streaming down my face, Jake wiped them away and we clung to each other in silence, processing the whirlwind of emotions. 
Finally finding words, Jake apologized sincerely, expressing disbelief that anyone would dare to harm me. We sat in quiet solidarity, grappling with the aftermath of the violent encounter. He eventually stood up, gently pulling me into his room.  
We perched on the edge of the bed, and Jake began cleaning up the remnants of the blood. Once the task was complete, he sat next to me, wiping away the tears that still streamed down my face. As he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, I impulsively grabbed his chin and kissed him. The warmth of the kiss provided solace after the pain that had just unfolded. 
He pulled away, a question in his eyes, "Are you sure you want to do that... now?" 
I responded with conviction, "I have never been more sure of anything." He cupped the back of my neck, and we shared a powerful kiss that felt like a healing balm for the wounds we had both endured. It was almost overwhelming, a moment of profound connection in the chaos. 
I kissed him back trying to match his fire but he pushed my back on the bed and soon he was on top if me kissing me with such intensity. He trailed kissed down my neck until I was moaning. Running his fingers through my hair I was overwhelmed with sensations. I could feel his cock getting hard against me which make me let out a moan. He pulled my shirt over my head “can I touch you?” “please” he cupped my breast and squeezed it running his fingers over my nipple while he bit into my neck. 
I was starting to get wet, then he pulled off my skirt and ran his hand over my panties “is this, okay?” “Yes, please don't stop” he pulled my panties down and started laying a trail of kisses from neck down to my pussy. Then started running circles over my clit with his tongue so slow and delicately I was losing it. 
I came hard and felt my wetness pooling. He brought two fingers up to my entrance and slowly put them inside me. The feeling of being filled up by his fingers with his tongue on my clit was too much and I came again.  
He then brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean. He came back up and kissed me so sweetly "can I fuck you"  "please fuck me I want you so bad" and he pulled his boxers down and lined up with my opening. He kissed me on the lips so passionately and pushed his cock inside me. The feeling was too much. 
He immediately filled me all the way up until I could not take anymore, and I moaned with pleasure. He started kissing my neck again and biting me while fucking me hard and deep “oh Y/N you feel so fucking good” he cupped my breasts and squeezed them while trusting into me. 
Then he grabbed a handful of my hair and gave it a gentle pull and layed into me so hard it feel like heaven ”fuck I am going to come” “come for me baby” “come all over my cock” just like that I was putty in his hands I came hard digging my nails into him "good girl" fuck this man was magic.  
I have never felt like this before he whispered in my ear “fuck you feel so good I'm going to come” “please come inside me” “you want me to fill you up baby?” “Yes, I'm begging you” he came so hard inside me I could feel his cock pulsating.  
As he pulled out of me the warm liquid rushed out, he got a towel to clean me up and after I was all cleaned up, he pulled me into a cuddle and played with my hair just as I was falling asleep I heard him whisper “I want to keep you Y/N, forever” 
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rosypenguins · 4 months
TMF Headcanons!
(Because they’re a precious little found family and I love that for them.)
🩵Hailey spends several hours scrolling through Pinterest.
💜Zander has a massive black cat plushie hidden away in his room.
🧡Luke has about 200 hours in Animal Crossing, and is emotionally attached to all his villagers.
🩷Milly shops at Hot Topic.
💙Sean tends to keep his headphones on during class, and only catches about half of what the teacher says.
🩵Hailey had a horse girl phase, while Zander’s always been terrified of horses.
💜Zander braided Hailey’s hair a lot when they were younger.
🧡Luke has an entire photo album full of pipctures he took of Zander.
🩷Milly had a dragon phase.
💙Sean’s considered the father of the group, as well as the group therapist.
🩵Hailey and Milly paint each other’s nails.
💜Zander has a habit of stealing the bathroom for hours on end just to make sure he looks his best. He’s very particular about his appearance, especially about his hair.
🧡Luke’s hair is usually pretty messy, but it’s always in an aesthetic way. None of the other club members know how he does it.
🩷Milly refuses to wear skirts.
💙Sean has a terrible sleep schedule due to balancing work, school, and club activities. His parents constantly arguing doesn’t help much either, which leads to him passing out sometimes during club meetings. Usually, the group tends to let him rest.
🩵Hailey loves blueberry lemonade.
💜Zander drinks grape juice out of wine glasses to feel sophisticated.
🧡Luke has a stash of grape juice at his house specifically for Zander.
🩷Milly’s really good at Hip-Hop styled dance. She’s tried to get Sean to do TikTok dances with her, and it usually never works out too well, considering Sean has two left feet.
💙Sean really good at both cooking and cleaning. (He’d make an amazing housewife.)
🩵Hailey’s a Swiftie, and has learned many of her songs on guitar.
💜Zander steals Luke’s clothes all the time, and Luke loves seeing Zander wear them.
🧡Luke and Zander have matching bracelets they made together.
🩷Milly listens to death metal.
💙Sean often takes walks late at night, putting his headphones on full volume and allowing himself to daydream.
🩵Hailey hasn’t seen nor read Heartstopper, yet knows several quotes from the series purely from how much Zander says them.
💜When Heartstopper came out on Netflix, Zander and Luke watched it together, and they both cried.
🧡Luke will listen to Zander ramble on and on about his interests, because he likes listening to Zander’s voice, and he likes learning about Zander’s interests so they have something to talk about.
🩷Milly’s love language is giving surprise hugs.
💙Sean’s love language is sharing his music playlists, and creating playlists for others.
🩵Hailey and Zander both drink tea a lot. Hailey tends to put sugar and cream in hers, whereas Zander drinks his without.
💜Zander can walk better in heels than Hailey can.
🧡Every year for the holidays, the Music Club plays Secret Santa. Luke was the one who started the tradition.
🩷Milly has no problem picking up bugs, and as a result, she’s usually the one to deal with them whenever they get inside the club room. (Zander’s also terrified of bugs, and Milly has chased him around while holding one multiple times.)
💙Sean gives the best hugs.
🩵Hailey and Zander host sleepovers a lot.
💜Zander has RBF.
🧡Luke tends to suppress his own feelings in favor of focusing on Zander’s.
🩷Milly’s always getting herself into dangerous situations on accident, and there have been numerous times Sean’s carried her under his arm after she tries doing something stupid.
💙Despite being the group’s therapist, Sean doesn’t like talking about his own problems in fear he’d be seen as a burden. He’s opened up to Milly a bit, but not much.
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Asking asking askiiiing...
Micah: 5, 9
Javier: 7, 8
Pearson: 14, 26 (Freebie: What would his favorite food be to make, if he didn't have to cook outdoors and in bulk? i.e. not being stuck with stew.)
5: What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
At the moment I have I Want It All by Lana Del Rey stuck in my head so I am a bit biased… at the moment. (Such a cunty song for him).😁
For serious songs I associate with him, Frontier Psychiatrist by The Avalanches is spot on. It is fun, it is chaotic, it sounds like a collection of disconnected memories and audio clips, it focuses on the unwell mental state of a person, so on…
I know some people tie metal music into Micah. Maybe it is me not liking metal music, but I’ve always associated Micah with wind instrument band music. American Venom or various songs from the RDR1 and RDR2 sound track capture the power of Micah to me; he carries the name of his past kin and wields it like his duel revolvers. He is feared and it only feels right a triumphant band of trumpets and electric guitar accompany him.
9: Could you be roommates with this character?
Haha NOOOOOO. Regardless of if it is canon Micah or a modern AU Micah, I think he would be a pain to deal with. Micah mainly does his own thing so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. I don’t wanna dwell and put TOO much thought into this, but I feel like Micah would be a cruddy roommate whenever he is inside the house, but the majority of the time he is out of the house doing something illegal or morally dubious.
7: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Tough, not because there isn’t a lot I love but because there is a lot that I love. The fandom has been pretty good to Javier in my opinion. Maybe too good and excuse him of his faults but that is not the focus of the question.
I do like when the fandom sheds light on Javier’s past, his family, his flaws, and his struggles. Idk if I have seen any art or fan fiction about Javier and his sister, but I want to. Idk if I have seen anything even about Javier in Mexico prior to the VDL gang. The small crumbs that are talked about by the fandom, I reaaaaally appreciate.
8: What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I am not sure because the fandom is usually respectful about Javier. There isn’t anything I despise, at most I roll my eyes.
I was going to say I felt the constant use of google translate Spanish in fan fiction felt ooc but I realized over time that Javier just does that and interchangeably uses English and Spanish in-game. Plus there is no one right way to right a character. Even if it was ooc that would be fine.
I think people (once again) infantilizing and excusing Javier of his flaws is an annoyance. That and steam rolling his rough edges and flaws to make him this suave guy who gets all the ladies. This man returns to camp smelling like fish and with dirt covered hands from worm collecting. He may have good clothing and hygiene but this man is also unsexy in his own ways. He is unconventionally sexy. You don’t need to replace parts of him to make him “better”. He is already a good character, you just gotta appreciate what’s there.
14: Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
D: oh no. I was not ready for Pearson headcanon time.
I feel like much of what Pearson already wears (minus the top hat and a few others) would fit into modern day as some sort of thrifted aesthetic, assuming the clothes are cleaned and not blood stained.
I especially like his sweater outfit which makes me think he would enjoy nice big sweaters the girls find on social media and then buy for him. They’re almost all muted colors and patterns. He especially likes the ones depicting nature like this one.
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26: favorite food to make with no restrictions.
I don’t have a solid idea for this one so excuse me as I take this in a unserious route: BURGER!
I can just imagine Pearson in a modern AU being a grill dude. He just wants to BBQ and feel good with a beer in his hands on a spring/summer afternoon. He isn’t obligated to provide food for the gang anymore, but he is happy to be invited over by Dutch to talk and grill.
Pearson is a man of varied cuisine so burgers aren’t his only thing. He does others. Burgers are just a crowd pleaser, not too difficult to make, and easy to customize. He might’ve even tried making those new fangled vegan burger black bean things for the gang members who don’t eat meat anymore (cough cough, Mary-Beth).
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privateolives · 5 months
Got the Octopath Traveler artbook but got no scanner. I'll leave someone else to figure out a pdf: In the meantime, here's a few notes I made for my roleplay group. I'm sure there's more, this was just the most relevant stuff to us it felt.
Designs needed to be down to earth compared to other titles to fit with game themes
Care was given to how other background characters of their classes might look, but characters still needed to stand out a little.
It was very very important that the character's personality shone through in all the character job sprites, thus the custom design works for each.
The hearth seems emphasized in all the home building concepts. They're not all build for the same utilisation but they're all reflected pretty centrally. Take note.
Tomes and stories are common imagery in concepts.
There's actually a leaf in the currency symbol!
Belts and cords were used on time-inappropriate designs to make them seem more medieval (mentioned with the obsidians designs). This trick persisted into CotC
Japanese fans sent valentines chocolates to the characters? All who received are depicted in the valentines sprite spread.
Modern stage illustration took specific care to depict their personalities
Her visuals are meant to carry a sense of both her allure and sadness
Older-sister type inspired animations
The white dress in the end card symbolizes freedom from her burdens, reflecting a "more poignant conclusion" than the other travelers.
"image of a burly, diligent father figure from the Showa era"
His forehead scar also grazes his ear. Armor from the king and sword design resembles his straightforward swordplay.
Strong and stoic nature kept in mind for animations (radiates some majesty, but not mentioned by that word)
Sprite designer was impressed by his Japanese VA and it stuck with him
Expression slightly more "gung-ho" than usual, in his ending picture sparring with Phillip.
His "Berg" persona is listed among the shepherd designs. "He makes a living bringing wool and ewe milk (sometimes processed) down from the mountain, selling them or exchanging them for goods"
Has "adjusted to life among the mountainfolk" (NOT reflective of his prior lifestyle?)
Olberic and Erhardt are notably depicted together, fighting in the valentines art.
Therion could steal apples from his basket because he lowers his guard around comrades!
Modern Olberic seems to lean towards 80's rock aesthetics (noted by artist) (He's depicted as unusually smug every time he's holding a guitar.)
He is like a full head taller than everyone else in all the group art
Start image based on "adolescent youth coming home from school activities with the sun in his back. End illustration depicts him "as adult Alfyn" working with Zeph and Nina. Growing up theme implied.
Hair "like grass billowing in the wind"
Axe is a daily life tool first, weapon second. He carries it on his best, around his back, under his vest.
"The type of guy you'd see anywhere, but leaving an impression with a passionate heart."
Quick to "jump the gun", good natured and gung-ho, sometimes gets him and others in trouble.
Apothecary guild sends you a vest and bag once you're accepted. They're uniform. Also implying Alfyn and Zeph swapped Uniform pieces. Vanessa notably only wears a bag, not a vest.
Alfyn got his name from a type of dog (The one on Alfyn's head)
Miguel was originally laughing at crying Alfyn in the valentines art.
Isn't shy to steal from friends and teammates
Barely emotes. "Cool handsome dude."
Bemused countdown smirk was made to show a hidden side of Therion that didn't get much highlight in the games.
Yeah no the apple is everywhere in his art. Not just once or twice. Even his crossover with H'aanit have an apple with an arrow balanced on his head. Seems central symbolism.
Therion is purposefully turned away in the depiction of them travelling as friends.
"Quick to draw but whiffs almost every strike"
Strong and beautiful, but calm core aesthetic. At one with nature. "Natural stand that don't require movements come naturally to her."
No metal on her whatsoever. All "metallic" bits are horn and bone to avoid shine when hunting.
hair is canonically pink-golden.
She is telling her stories to Z'aanta in her ending credits. "They've got plenty to talk about"
Made Linde's tail-decoration herself and put it on her as a child. Made the decorations for Hägen too cause he seemed envious.
Tiny child H'aanit depicted with twin braids and holding a kitten Linde. Met early in life.
Eyes bright and always seem to gaze off "at some dazzling scenery".
Robe is NOT worn correctly. Uniform robe is more robe-like, Cyrus wears it like a coat.
Split bangs to avoid him looking too young.
"The type of man who looks good while sitting"
Does not pay attention to where he's going. Dense to "ways of the world" (valentines drawing, did not recognize white day.) Odette laughing at him finished the piece satisfyingly according to artist.
Highly expressive but not boisterous.
Dozed over after work in his ending credit. It's definitely meant to be night, showing his continued long working hours
He plays the piano? The art depicting the group taking a load off apparently started with him playing, and everyone else deciding to relax following.
Core concept is her lively, cheerful energy and eloquence.
The folded blanket on her rucksack is her pop-up store blanket.
Closely discerns wares with a serious face.
Different serious face from promotional art, which is "seldom seem"
All areas surrounding her character are designed to be whimsical and adventurous.
Definitely meant to be 18, but short.
Ending credit shows "tangible growth" and her parents are meant to reflect fondness as she listens to her stories. "She won't run out of them soon"
"Like a wildflower blooming valiantly from the snow-covered ground" "A proverbial guiding star - a shepherd to guide the way" "The image of a sun here suits Philia to a T."
Face and hair edited from early concept to reflect "intelligence and decisive will" to avoid airhead stereotype.
Shares the same strength in her eyes as Primrose
Depicted to thoughtfully share and lead people
turquoise colour differentiates aelfric flame from normal fire. Colour reflected in Ophilia's design for a "pop"
Dress is only not designed to be warmer 'cause it stood out like a sore thumb in warm areas
"Tidy and trim appearance, combined with dedication to her calling."
Receding winter and blooming flowers in their special place is symbolism for Ophilia and Lianna's bright future in their ending card.
His design was requested ASAP so details didn't get to be brushed up on. (Analyze less literally than others)
Composed stance stands out showing his calm demeanor (Seems contested in early concepts? They wanted him imposing then, but it must've grown on them). Stance allows for MOVEMENT
(Additional notes in text reblog)
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queen of the underworld: transfem stevie gets bred by kas!eddie while theyre both stuck in the upside down.
tags: monsterfucking, oviposition, breeding, implausible resilience of the human body
warning for slight dubcon bc stevie has no idea whats going on in the beginning and monster!eddie cant speak or be normal, but once she catches up she is. Ready And Willing.
also on ao3 here
Stevie hoists Dustin above her head, pulling on the last of her adrenaline to propel him through the gate in the ceiling of the trailer. The gate is closing rapidly now, the link between the dimensions decaying quickly following Vecna’s death. Stevie took her role as babysitter seriously, making sure everyone else was through the gate first, but now, with everyone else on the right side up, she’s now realising that without anyone’s help and the rope cut, she’s going to really struggle getting through herself.
She frantically looks around the trailer, looking for something to stand on for the extra boost as her friends desperately call her name through the portal. The demobats had done a number on the room, wrecking tables and chairs and anything else Stevie could have used to reach the gate. Her eyes fall on the couch, turned over against the wall on the opposite side of the trailer. It's heavy, and after a moment of pushing she's only moved it about a foot closer to the hole in the ceiling. 
She looks back at her friends through the gate, which has now shrunk to the width of her shoulders. She's not gonna make it. 
“Stay there, guys!” She yells. Nancy’s already trying to climb on a coffee table, and Robin is holding Dustin back with tears in her eyes. “Don't come back for me, okay? Keep it closed.”
“What??? No, we're not leaving you-”
“Dustin!” Stevie shouts, interrupting the sobbing boy. The gate is about the size of her head now. “It's okay. I love you, kid.”
The strange sucking sound of the closing portal cuts off Dustin's scream of anguish. And then it's quiet, except for the sound of rolling thunder in the distance. 
Stevie sits on the floor and sobs. 
She's not sure how long she stays there, curled up crying on the floor of the Munsons’ trailer as she comes to terms with being stuck in the Upside Down, but eventually she straightens herself out. Picks up her bat and braves the outdoors. 
Eddie’s body is still on the ground outside. 
They'd tried to carry him back, at first, before they realised the gates were closing and they were out of time. He's lying there, eyes closed, guitar tucked under his arm where Dustin had placed it like you would a bouquet of flowers at a funeral. Whoever said people look peaceful in death was full of shit. Eddie looks like he was eaten by bats and died in pain, his features still kind of scrunched up like being dead hurts just as much as dying did. 
Stevie should bury him, she thinks. He deserves that much. 
She looks around, but can't find a shovel. The ground is weird and hard, anyway, and with her injuries she probably couldn't dig much of a grave without tearing something. Instead, she finds a bunch of rocks, and piles them on top of his body, like a very shoddily made tomb. She places his guitar gently on top, and works a stick into the ground as a headstone. She'd considered tying two together to make a cross, but figured it didn't really fit his aesthetic. If nothing else, she knew Eddie loved his aesthetic. 
She sits with him for a moment. Doesn't say a prayer, knows even if there was a god to hear it he wouldn't be listening to prayers from this place. But she sits, and she thinks about Eddie, about a boy who by all rights should have been terrifying, and instead was one of the warmest people she'd ever met. She hopes he gets some peace now. 
And then she wanders off into the Upside Down. 
She manages to last two weeks before it all goes to shit. 
At least, Stevie thinks it's been two weeks. It's hard to measure time here, where there's no sun or moon and none of the clocks in the empty houses actually work. She doesn't seem to need to eat or drink, although she does still sleep, seemingly more out of habit than anything else. Sleep comes fitfully, her ears constantly straining to hear if the chitters of this dimension's creatures are coming closer, but it seems as good a way to measure the time as any. 
She's surprised by how… calm the Upside Down feels now. She remembers Nancy saying something about how Vecna came from their dimension and used the hive mind for his own purposes. Now, with him dead, the place seems to be settling back into some kind of natural order. The demobats don't attack if they're on their own- they recognise that she's bigger than them, and wouldn't be worth the effort it would take to eat her. Possibly they remember how she ripped one of their siblings in half with her bare hands. She's still pretty proud of that one. The demodogs aren't a threat either. While they do travel in packs and are more likely to attack, they can't deal with doors very well. All she has to do to avoid them is get indoors. It's almost funny to hear them whining and scrabbling at the door like a dog put in time out. And by funny, she means terrifying. 
The real problem is the demogorgons. She hasn't seen many, but they're big, strong, and smart, a dangerous combination. They are weak to fire, but the lighter in her pocket is running dangerously low on fuel, and the wood from the twisted trees that grow here doesn't burn well. Her best bet with the demogorgons is running. Running like hell. 
Which is what she's doing now. 
She'd cut her hand boarding up a broken window in the house she's staying in (not hers, she's not opening that can of worms), and not five seconds later, the demogorgon had appeared, drawn to the scent of her blood like a shark. 
She races through the woods, not chancing a look behind her because she's seen too many horror movies to risk a cliché trip. There are less vines now that Vecna’s dead, but she avoids stepping on them anyway, unsure if the creatures are still connected to them and unwilling to risk drawing more attention if they are. She can hear the demogorgon closing in on her. Its shrieks are getting closer, and after one particularly close growl she thinks she can feel the barest hint of claws brushing against her back. 
And then, the flap of wings, another shriek, followed by the unmistakable sound of flesh tearing. 
Almost against her will, she turns, desperate to know what happened to her pursuer even as her mind screams at her to keep running. Something is crouched over the now motionless corpse of the demogorgon, tearing at it with claws and teeth. It seems humanoid, but huge, over seven feet tall with giant bat-like wings that obscure most of its ashy grey body. Multiple tails wrap around the demogorgon’s body, holding it in place as the creature uses its hands to rip it apart. 
Stevie whimpers, backing up on instinct. And then, like all the girls in horror movies Stevie swore she'd never be, she trips and falls on her ass. 
The new creature whips its head towards her instantly. Its face is humanoid, too, head covered in a riot of black curls, and with big, round eyes that literally glow red, like two stoplights sitting in its head. And beyond that, when she really looks, it's… familiar. 
“Eddie?” she squeaks, a little breathlessly. 
The creature- Eddie- looks at her for a moment, head tilting with some emotion Stevie can't place- and then it pounces, scooping her into its arms and flying off into the stormy sky. 
Eddie brings Stevie into some kind of cave system. As soon as they're no longer so high in the sky she'd die if he dropped her, she starts fighting, pushing at his arms and wriggling desperately. He merely tightens his grip, growls a warning that has Stevie going limp in his arms. 
He carries her deeper into the caves, taking so many turns so quickly she knows she doesn't have a hope of finding her way out of here on her own. And that's if he doesn't, like, eat her. This seems like a lot of effort to go through if he was just going to eat her though, and there had been something like recognition in his eyes when she'd said his name, so Stevie just closes her eyes and hopes for the best. 
She opens them again when she's placed gently onto something soft. She's in a cavern now, the room lit by the gentle yellow glow of strange flowers blooming from the cave walls, and she sits in a strange collection of various fabrics. It looks like… a nest? She recognises a few of the items it's made of- the curtains from her room in the Harrington house, a few pieces of clothing that seem to belong to both her and Eddie, all pilfered from the Upside Down versions of their homes and arranged carefully in a circle, pillows padding the walls of the nest. It's… strangely cosy, as much as it is confusing. 
“Wh- Eddie?” she asks, eyes lifting once more to the strange being in front of her. It's definitely Eddie, still has his tattoos, although they've warped and stretched from his massive growth spurt. There are patches of lighter skin on his face, chest, and stomach, and she recognises them as scars left over from his death. It's oddly comforting to see something that links him so clearly to the body Stevie had buried weeks ago, even though so much has changed. His wings, the black tipped fingers that taper into claws, the long fangs, all pale in significance to the intense stare he gives her, so like the one he'd had when he told her she was ‘metal’ for having the strength to transition in small town Indiana. 
Eddie rumbles a growl at her, low but still somehow nonthreatening, like distant thunder on a warm summer night. When he advances toward her, however, she instinctively rears back. Eddie whines plaintively, and she forces herself to remain still as he… scents her? He rubs his cheeks against hers, buries his nose in her hair and neck as he purrs like a seven-foot tall housecat.
“Eddie,” she chuckles breathlessly, burying her hands in his mane of hair and sort of petting his head. He seems to enjoy it, though, if the way he keens and purrs even harder is any indication. “What are you d- oh!”
Stevie’s words are cut off with a gasp as Eddie licks her, starting at the base of her throat and dragging all the way up her cheek to her temple. She jumps, trying to lean away, but Eddie merely circles a long arm around her waist and pulls her in even closer with a growl, continuing to lick up and down her neck. His tongue doesn’t feel normal, thicker, pointed, and strangely slimy in a way that seems to leave a light film against her skin. It’s long too, able to reach from her collarbone to her temple all at once.
Stevie shudders, pushing gently at Eddie’s shoulders and opening her mouth to say… something. She’s not sure if it would be a complaint or a request for more, but she’s sure she would have figured it out if Eddie hadn’t taken her parted lips as an invitation. He slides his massive tongue into her mouth, curling it deliciously around her own. She practically melts as it fills her mouth, and she can feel Eddie's rumble in return, travelling from her tongue down her throat and settling low in her stomach. 
Eddie’s hands travel to Stevie’s neckline, claws slicing her shirt to shreds as Stevie gasps as best she can around the thick tongue in her mouth. 
“Mmph-” Stevie fights a bit against Eddie’s hands, only succeeding in scratching herself up as he disassembles her bra. His claws travel lightly down her torso, teasing with a light, rumbling growl, before tearing into her jeans. He cuts through the thicker fabric like butter, taking her underwear with it, and Stevie can’t help but whimper in a combination of fear and lust.
Eddie’s tongue withdraws from her mouth, leaving her panting from the loss. He quickly slides down her body, leaving little kitten licks over each scratch his claws had left, before he reaches her dick and just. Stares for a moment. His head tilts and he voices a little trill that reads as something like confusion.
Eddie had known about her before, obviously, but it’s possible there’s not enough left of him in there to really understand. He seems to take it in stride though, lifting and parting her legs, inspecting everything she has to offer, before rumbling another purr and swiftly wrapping his beautiful tongue around her dick.
Stevie melts as Eddie tongues at her cock. It’s nothing a human could do, tongue wrapping around her like a tentacle and milking. She’s never experienced anything like it, and it’s making her lose her mind. Eddie’s hands find her hips, holding her still as she helplessly tries to thrust into his warm mouth. His claws dig in, leaving little pinpricks of blood blooming along her hip bones, and she keens at the sensation.
Eddie moves his head down further, wrapping his lips around just the head of her cock, his tongue sliding even further down her shaft, circling one of her balls before teasing at her hole. 
All it takes to make her cum is a second of light suction around her head and the feeling of the tip of Eddie’s tongue entering her ass. Eddie sucks it all down, retracting his tongue and collecting her release in his mouth. He pulls back, and- oh god. 
He spits her cum into his hand and then brings it down between his own legs, massaging it into a slit Stevie hadn't noticed before. Soon, with a rumbling growl, something begins to emerge from the slit. It's a dark red, pointed at the top, and it seems to just keep going. Stevie is both excited and terrified to have that in her. It looks like it would go up to her bellybutton. Fuck, there are ridges down the underside, that thing's going to tear her up.
Eddie grabs her around the waist (and yeah, the fact that one of his hands fits almost the entire circumference of her waist is definitely doing it for her) and himself around the dick, lining himself up with her hole and attempting to push in. He’s not getting far, and Stevie whimpers, hands desperately batting at his shoulders in an attempt to get his attention. 
“Wait! Wait Eddie please you're too big- I need prep, you'll hurt me-” she begs, tears forming in her eyes as the head of Eddie’s cock catches threateningly against her rim. 
Thankfully, Eddie pauses, head tilting with something like confusion as he seems to consider her words. Stevie almost sobs in relief as he releases her waist, pulls his giant cock away from her hole. And then she sobs with pleasure as he kneels between her spread legs once again and begins to circle her hole with his slimy tongue.
The pointed tip of it goes in easily, its path eased by the strange, slick spit his mouth produces. And then it burrows deeper, getting thicker and thicker with each centimeter that enters her. It’s still definitely a stretch, but it burns so good as he fucks her with his monster tongue, the wet squelching noises echoing off of the cavern walls along with her debauched moans and pants. Stevie goes limp in ecstasy every time it brushes against her prostate, slick but delightfully rough in both texture and movement. She comes again when he curls it inside of her, doubling back on himself in a way that has her screaming with both pleasure and delightful, delirious pain.
She loses track of how long he fucks her like that, limbs loose and mind hazy, until he finally deems her ready for his cock and retreats, letting out a soothing chitter when she mewls at the gaping loss.
And then he’s grabbing her waist again, lifting up her limp body like a ragdoll and lining himself up.
She still screams when he enters her.
He’s as gentle as he probably can be, and she’s probably looser and slicker than she’s ever managed herself, but that huge, strangely shaped cock still seems to split her wide open. He only has the flared head in, but he just keeps going, each ridge catching delightfully on her stretched and abused hole. Stevie’s beyond words now, babbling broken sounds and breathy moans as Eddie continues to slide inside, panting roughly with what must be the extreme restraint he’s showing in not just using her like a fleshlight.
It takes forever for him to bottom out, and when he does, Stevie swears she can feel him in her throat. He chitters again, and when he purrs it vibrates up his cock and into her core in a way that seems to shake more overstimulated tears from her eyes. He brings a clawed hand up to her stomach, presses on the bottom of her ribcage, and when Stevie finds the strength to move her head from where it’s lolled back against the bottom of the nest, she sees that he’s pressing on himself, on the tip of the giant bulge straining out from her stomach. Her poor, tired cock gives another valiant twitch at the sight.
Eddie seems to take her surprised moan as permission to move.
He starts slow at first, but soon seems to be too caught up in his own pleasure to worry about her comfort as he begins to fuck her hard and fast, growling animalistically as he does. He doesn’t even bother moving his hips much, just wraps two hands tight around her waist until they overlap and moves her up and down his cock. She’s never felt so weak, so used in her life, powerless to do anything other than hang limply off his dick while tears stream down her face and high, breathy moans tear themselves from her throat. Anything recognisable as Eddie in him seems gone now, replaced by something animal, something monster as he snarls down at her, red lamplight eyes fixed on the point where their bodies meet.
It’s a few minutes of being torn apart by his size and the terrible, amazing ridges on his dick when something changes. He presses her into the nest, folding her in half and laying his entire giant body against hers as his thrusts change from hard and brutal slams of hip against hip to something slower, more grinding, but so much deeper. And then something else changes too. Stevie’s weak body still jumps in surprise as Eddie’s cock swells enormously, first at the base by her entrance, and then seemingly travelling up the length of his cock until it settles deep in her abdomen. And then it happens again.
Eggs. Eddie’s laying eggs in her.
At this point, Stevie’s too tired and cockdrunk to really question it at this point. She simply lies there, letting herself be torn open over and over as the eggs pass through Eddie’s cock and implant themselves inside of her. Each one is accompanied by a rush of sticky, viscous fluid that fills her so completely it spills out even with Eddie’s monster cock plugging her up. Her stomach is definitely distended now, and she whines to see the bulge peeking out beneath the small swell of her breasts. She looks pregnant. Well, she guesses she is now.
With quadruplets. Eddie gets four eggs in her before he finishes with a keen, panting and looking down at her with such pride and affection on his face that Stevie would definitely start crying if she wasn’t already.
Eddie gently shifts them onto their sides, still fully seated within her but turning so they’re both lying down facing each other. He purrs contentedly as he pushes her hair back from her sweaty forehead, licks the tears from her face until she’s giggling, and then just rests his forehead against hers as he gazes lovingly down at her stomach, stroking gently.
“Baby,” he says. It comes out croaky and a little garbled, like his throat isn’t made for speech, but despite this he still sounds so much like Eddie, like the sweet and kind of weird guy that Stevie had started to fall for all those weeks ago, that it brings another tear to her eye.
She smiles, places her hand gently over his, over the bulge in her stomach where their eggs are resting. “Yeah,” she says, a little breathlessly, because she truly can’t believe that she has somehow ended up trapped in a hell dimension carrying a monster’s eggs, and even more than that, she can’t believe how happy she is about it. “We’re gonna have babies.”
And as Eddie’s face lights up, radiating a kind of warmth and happiness that Stevie can’t remember ever seeing on a person back in the Right Side Up, she realises: This is home. Right here, curled up with Eddie in their nest.
“Mine,” he murmurs, placing a gentle kiss on Stevie’s forehead. And Stevie can’t think of anyone else’s she’d rather be.
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kultavalo · 15 days
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Summary: Danny gets hurt when the pyrotechnics go off at the wrong time during the final show of the Europe tour. Sam has a bit of a breakdown. Not all bartenders are licenced therapists.
Tags: Sam x Danny, hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, friends to lovers.
Word count: 3.4k
Sam was angry.
This last show should have been great. The final show to end all shows for this year’s Europe tour. Instead it had been one of the worst shows they had possibly ever played. And that was including all the shitty dive bars and biker festivals they had toured when they were just starting out.
The show had started half an hour late because there was an issue with security. Apparently some fans had tried to smuggle in a sword to match the show aesthetic. Sam had still been kind of able to laugh at that.
But then when they finally were able to enter the stage the curtain drop had gotten caught on some ceiling amps, making sure only the left half of the arena actually got to witness the dramatic opening.
After that Jake had snapped a string on his guitar, Josh’s mic kept cutting out on his high notes, Sam’s bass kept giving feedback and Danny had almost been roasted alive when the pyrotechnics didn’t go off as planned.
That last one had actually upset Sam the most. Technical difficulties be damned, They couldn’t tour without Danny. Hell, him and his brothers could barely live without Danny at this point. He was their rock, their silent guardian and impartial referee.
Not to mention Sammy was madly in love with him.
He’d never mentioned it to him of course. Not wanting to compromise their friendship or their careers. Danny was an honorary brother, he was one of them. Always had been and always would be.
But to Sam he was so much more.
He shook his head, trying to rid his brain of these unspoken feelings and the panic he had felt when he saw Danny flinch at the fire.
He had seemed all right in the moment, hardly even missing a beat in the song, and carrying on as if nothing had happened. As if this had all been part of the show.
But the pain on Danny’s face hadn’t been part of the show. And neither had the ragged gasp he’d let spill from his lips when Sam had put an arm around his back for their final bow.
As soon as they had left the stage medics had carted Danny off to the first aid area that had been set up backstage.
Jake and Josh had been upset as well of course, immediately confronting the technicians about what the hell had happened.
They had been upset, but Sammy saw red.
He wanted to punch someone in the face, wanted to yell at them, make them pay for hurting his Danny.
But he couldn’t do that.
Sam was not a violent person. And Danny was not his.
So instead he had stormed off to the backstage bar. He would have preferred to follow Danny to the first aid area but he needed to get his emotions under control first.
If Danny was actually hurt…. Sam couldn’t even think about that. Couldn’t think about all the things he’d never told him, all the moments they had never gotten to share.
Sam knew he was being overly dramatic. Danny had finished the set, he had calmly walked off stage and quietly followed the medics. If he was hurt it was probably very minor. But Sam’s mind was going a thousand miles an hour.
He had yelled “FUCK” as he’d swung open the doors to the bar area, slightly startling the poor barman who had been polishing some glasses and was probably still unaware the show had even ended. It usually took them quite a bit longer to make it to the bar after a performance. Prioritising showers and comfortable clothes before food and drink.
To his credit the barman quickly recovered from the jumpscare and plastered a standard, easy smile on his face.
“Mister Kiszka,” he said in a pleasant tone. “How can I be of service tonight?”
Sam let out a humourless laugh. No one ever called him by his last name.
“You can start by calling me Sam.” he said, voice coming out slightly harsher than intended.
“Tequila soda please.” he continued after a sigh and a concentrated effort to make himself sound slightly less like an asshole.
“Very well Sam,” the man replied. “One tequila soda coming right up.
Sam took a seat at the bar, placing his elbows on the wood in front of him and resting his head in his hands.
After a few moments a glass was placed in front of him. He barely looked up to take a sip from the drink, head still half resting on one of his hands as he used the other hand to drag the glass slightly more towards him and hold the straw in place.
Sam silently chugged the drink through the straw. It was cold and refreshing and the alcohol lightly burned its way down his throat.
The barman watched him quietly from the end of the bar.
When Sam finished his drink and immediately asked for another he spoke up.
“I almost hesitate to ask how the show went.” he said as he slowly started mixing another drink.
Sam scoffed.
“Then don’t.” he snapped back at the man. But he immediately kicked himself at the reply. He hated feeling like this, being like this.
He wasn’t a dick, he always tried to be nice to people no matter how he felt. He lived by the rule that just because your day was shit, that didn't give you the right to ruin someone else’s day too.
He slumped over a little more, anger fading to sadness and mumbled out a quick apology.
“Sorry.” he said, avoiding eye contact and simply staring at the woodgrain on the bartop instead.
“I’m not usually this much of an asshole. I didn’t even ask your name.” he looked up slightly, shooting the barman an apologetic smile.
The man smiled back at him, he looked kind.
He replaced Sam’s empty glass with a full one and extended his hand to him.
“I’m Felix, nice to meet you Sam.”
Sam shook his hand. He didn’t really believe he had been nice to meet, not right now anyway, but he appreciated the kind words.
“And don’t worry about it, dealing with assholes kind of comes with the job. So far you’re doing fine, I've definitely experienced worse.” Felix said with a smile.
Sam believed him on that one. He’d never worked in a bar before, but he’d been in enough of them to see the kind of shit that often went down and he’d always pitied the poor employees who would have to deal with rude and violent customers.
“To get back to your previous question,” Sam sighed, taking a smaller sip from his drink, intending to make this one last more than half a minute.
“The show was shit.”
Felix frowned at that. “Hate to hear that you feel like that, it looked pretty good from here.”
Sam looked up at him, slightly confused. The bar area was nowhere near the stage, how would Felix have been able to see it?
Seeing the confusion on his face Felix pointed at a flatscreen tv installed above the shelves above the bar. It currently still showed the arena, the audience lights had been turned on and people were slowly filling out of the hall. The stage was empty, but Sam couldn’t help but let his eyes linger on Danny’s drum kit for a second. Fire and Danny’s face, contorted in a silent scream flashed through his mind. He groaned lightly.
“I gotta say though, those pyrotechnics were intense.” Felix laughed. “For a second there I thought the show might have been an excuse to ritualistically burn your drummer alive.”
Sam plunged his face back into his hands as Felix laughed heartily at his own joke. But the laughter quickly stopped when Sammy’s shoulders started shaking. Heaving sobs wracked his body, tears streaming down his face like a waterfall.
“Shit man, are you alright?” he quickly asked, voice soft and slightly concerned. Sam felt a tentative hand on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say… shit, who’s being the asshole now huh?” Felix let out a nervous laugh.
Sam hated crying in public, especially in front of strangers. Especially if those strangers then might decide to cut off his booze cause they thought he was becoming an emotional drunk.
But Felix made no mention of cutting him off so Sam slightly lifted his head to wipe at his wet cheek. His hand came back red and sparkly. He was still wearing his stage make up and the sudden onslaught of tears was making the red eyeshadow run down his face. God he must look pathetic right now.
“Do you want some water?” Felix asked softly. Sam just nodded, too focussed on steadying his breathing to speak.
The warm and steady hand disappeared from his shoulder, returning a few seconds later as another hand handed him a cold glass of water.
Sam chugged it like he hadn’t had water in days. He hated the feeling in his mouth he always got when he cried. Like someone had stuffed his face with cotton balls soaked in syrup.
The water helped a little.
His breathing got a little steadier. No longer the heaving, ragged breaths that hurt his ribs. The tears were still flowing down his face like someone had opened a faucet however.
He wiped at his face again, smearing more red across his cheeks. Felix quietly handed him a napkin which he accepted gratefully.
He dragged the cloth across his face and blew his stuffy nose but the tears were unrelenting, tracing lines down his skin like they were trying to carve canyons.
Felix looked at him, concern and pity evident on his face.
“You know, the whole ‘bartenders are secretly therapists’ thing is honestly just a sales scheme promoted by Big Alcohol.” he laughed “But i’m willing to give it a try if you wanna talk?”
Sam looked up at his face.
Felix really did have a kind face. He looked like he was about thirty five, the start of smile lines framed the corners of his warm green eyes, his light brown hair was tied up in a small bun at the back of his head. His cheeks were rosy and his chin was clean shaven. He was definitely older than Sam, by a good ten years at least, but in a way he also looked boyish, like he could still be a student.
Sam didn’t know why, but something about him just made the words spill from his lips, just like the tears spilled from his eyes.
“I just love him so much man.” he said, voice sounding wet and shaky.
“I love him so much and I’ve never said anything cause I’m a fucking coward and I care more about my stupid career than about my own happiness, and I wanna tell him so bad but every time I try I feel like theres an anchor on my chest and I can’t say anything cause I don’t wanna ruin what we do have, and what if he doesn’t feel that way about me? What then? Then it’s gonna be weird and uncomfortable and I’ll have ruined all of our dreams with my stupid emotions cause he won’t wanna be in a band with me if he feels like i’m just perving on him from the corner all the time, but I can’t not tell him cause it feels like there’s a rat eating my insides every time I look at him and I just wanna kiss him and hold him and tell him he’s mine and i’m his and he looked so hurt tonight and I don’t know what to do, I can’t see him in pain, he’s the strongest out of all of us he’s always fine, he’s always supposed to be fine!”
Sam knew he was rambling but he couldn’t stop himself. His vision was blurry from the amount of tears streaming down his face, his entire body hurt from the laboured breaths that were shaking him to his core. But he couldn’t stop talking. He had kept all of this inside for so long, hadn’t even shared it with his brothers. And now he was sitting here, in a random venue bar, in a random country, on a random continent, far away from home, spilling his guts to a random stranger.
It honestly felt kinda good.
Sam was panting hard at this point and Felix’s eyes were huge.
He blinked twice, swallowed hard, and shook his head lightly, seemingly trying to order his thoughts before he spoke.
“Yeah I’m definitely not qualified to deal with that.” he said as he huffed out a laugh.
“I think I might be though.” an unsteady voice came from behind Sam.
Felix looked up immediately but it took Sam a moment longer to realise the bar was no longer empty.
He slowly turned around on his barstool and looked at who had entered.
He was still wearing his pants from the show, embroidered rhinestones sparkling softly in the dim bar lights. But his mesh top and cape had been replaced with thick bandages wrapping around his entire torso. His make up had also been running, dragging shiny black streaks across his face and down his neck.
He still looked beautiful.
Sam’s breath hitched in his throat. How long had he been standing there, one arm outstretched to hold the door open. How much had he heard?
“Daniel, I…” Sam started, but the words died on his lips.
Dany crossed the room and stopped about a foot in front of Sam.
The two men didn’t differ so much in height, especially not when you compared them to the twins. But Danny had always had a few inches on Sam. The height of the barstool had eliminated this difference, so now even though Sam was sitting down and Danny was standing they were perfectly eye to eye.
“Did you mean what you said?” Danny asked.
Sam didn’t know how to reply. He opened his mouth but his voice was stuck somewhere in his throat. Danny’s expression was unreadable.
He could deny everything. Turn it all into a joke, pretend he was drunk. But the tear tracks on his cheeks and his desperate eyes gave him away.
So he simply closed his eyes, swallowed once, and nodded.
Before he could open his eyes again to face whatever emotion had decided to settle on Danny’s features a set of lips crashed into his own.
The kiss was not exactly what Sam had always dreamt it would be. He had hoped for laughter, sunshine, fluttering hearts and soft promises.
But this kiss was tearstreaked, dark, grimy, and full of uncertainty.
Sam’s heart still fluttered though.
Danny’s hands found his face and his fingers made their way into his hair, gripping the strands at the back of his head, frantically trying to push their faces closer together.
Sam’s hands found Danny’s waist, pulling his hips between his own open legs in an attempt to press their chests together, aching for any inch of physical connection he could get before he would innevitably open his eyes and find out it had all been a dream wrapped up in a nightmare.
Danny disconnected their lips with a pained gasp when Sam’s hands blindly made their way up his back.
“Shit, fuck, Daniel, I’m so sorry.” Sam started to say when he realised what he had done. Danny’s back was obviously still painful despite whatever care the medics had provided.
Danny simply shook his head, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, trying to breath through the sudden resurgence of the shooting pain he had felt earlier that night.
His hands let go of Sam’s hair and travelled back to his cheeks, resting there while he slowly inhaled through his nose and exhaled through his mouth.
Sam was frozen in panic.
It had been bad enough that Danny had been hurt in the first place, but the fact that he had now added to the pain made his heart sink into his stomach like a rock into a lake.
When Danny finally opened his eyes again he shot Sam a weak smile.
“You worry too much.” he said, his thumb wiping a fresh tear off of Sam’s cheek.
Sam let out a shaky laugh, uncertain of what was happening at the moment. Danny had kissed him. On his own volition. But he hadn’t really said anything, hadn’t replied to Sam’s rambling monlogue. Had he just kissed him to shut him up? But why would he do that?
Sam’s mind was going a thousand miles an hour again and Danny could tell. Danny could always tell.
He wiped his thumb over Sam’s lips.
“And you think too loud.” he said before kissing him again.
This kiss was closer to what Sam had imagined. Still no sunshine or laughter, but his fluttering heart returned and he felt like the first steps towards soft promises had been made.
Felix had kept quiet behind them. Not fully understanding what had happened but getting the general impression that it was a good thing.
He couldn’t really leave the bar. He was the only one on shift tonight and even though he didn’t exactly expect these two to ransack it after they had stopped crying and making out, if his boss found out he’d just left while there were still patrons inside he would definitely get fired.
So his best option to give the two sobbing, kissing men some privacy was just to retreat to the furthest corner of the bar and focus very hard on polishing some already spotless glasses.
His good intentions were shattered a few moments later however as two more men entered the room.
Felix held his heart for a moment, not sure what the reaction would be but preparing to kick them out without hesitation if they so much as gave a dirty look.
What happened instead surprised him more than anything else that night.
“HA!” one of the two men exclaimed loudly. He had curly hair which was shaved at the sides and even though he was wearing a simple white sweater and tan jeans, traces of glitter still shimmered on his face.
The other man simply stood in the door opening for a moment. Quite obviously having been cut off in the middle of a sentence, a look of confusion on his face. Until he looked at the two man at the bar.
Once he spotted them he threw his head back and let out a groan. His long brown hair spilled down his shoulders in a dramatic fashion.
“I believe you owe me some money Jakey.” the first man laughed, a big toothy grin plastered across his face.
The long haired man groaned again, head now slumping forward as he started digging through his pockets.
“They couldn’t have waited one more week?” he muttered as he fished out a twenty dollar bill and threw it at the first man. “I was so sure they could make it to thanksgiving at least… Fuck you Josh, how the fuck did you know.”
The first man, Josh? bent down to pick up the money the other man, Jakey? Jake? Had thrown at him. When he stood up again he clasped Jake on the shoulder and flashed another dazzling smile at him.
“Because brother dear, I am five minutes older and therefore infinitely wiser than you can ever fathom to be.”
Jake frowned at him and shrugged the hand off of his shoulder.
“And also,” Josh continued “because my bunk is in the middle of the row between the two of them and they both talk in their sleep. If I had to listen to either of them moaning out the other’s name at 4am again I would have locked them in a room together and forced them to fess up myself.”
“That’s cheating!” Jake exclaimed.
“You had insider information!”
“Inside- what is this? The fucking stock market?”
The two men kept arguing as they left the bar, apparently having forgotten why they had entered in the first place.
The two at the bar hadn’t even seemed to notice them. Too lost in their own world and each other’s embrace.
Felix decided that his boss could honestly get fucked.
He needed a smoke break.
The end.
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dulcisregnumdorm · 2 months
Terrence Von Schweetz
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More info under the cut
Name: Terrence Von Schweetz
Age: 22
Gender: Transmasc
Sexuality: Gay
Pronouns: He/Him
Year: 3
Best Subject: History
Birthday: May 23rd
Twisted From: Taffyta Muttonfudge
Class: D (No 15)
Club: Equestrian
Height: 6’0
Hobby: Ice Skating,Racing,playing the guitar
Homeland:Glace Duchy
Likes: Flying Dislikes: Politics,his mother,his father,pageant shows
Unique Magic: Dulce Metamorphose (can turn any living being into candy)
VA:Kenji Nojima
Pet Peeves: His fangirls
Favorite Food: Strawberries
Least Favorite Food:Bugs
Talent(s): Modeling,playing the guitar
Personality type: ESTJ-T (Executive)
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Personality: Terrence is a young man that on paper (and around the important people he would have to kiss up to) would be defined as “prince-like”. With a repertoire of natural skills the upper class would consider common Terrence fits the standard any person of wealth would want their child to mold. 
Or would if it wasn’t for Terrence’s general bratty attitude towards his “fans” and actual sensitive nature. These persona’s act as shields in order to get by just existing in Twisted wonderland,not only as the first child of the Duke of the Glace Duchy but also as a person dehumanized by people who were supposed to protect him from harm.
Fun Facts:
Whenever he is bored Terrence would use one of his alt magicam accounts to troll his fangirls, this has carried on for 2 years.
Normally the ringleader in the dorm when someone outside of the dorm needs a good beatdown
 Whenever he has the chance terrence goes ice skating to clear his mind
Can actually drive very well, if he wanted he could give Temperence a good challenge
How does Terrence have two different lengths of hair? Magic
Despite his prince-like demenour Terrence gets the most feral when pissed
^fangs and mandibles out, Vincent having to hold him back
Likes the cybercore angel aesthetic
^every now and then he will dress up in that aesthetic
Terrence is known for coming up with the most creative insults known to man
Is known to be the one to cry most of the time in the group
^But because of this Terrence is the most mentally stable
Has played DnD one assuming it was going to be useless
^After that one game Terrence has now hosted 2 campaigns as a dungeon master
Is terrified of Vargas because one time in his first year Vargas flung Terrence into the air to get him to fly
Terrence is known for leaving cotton candy webbing in the rafters (they were attempts are making a cocoon)
Has the sharpest claws
Used to be childhood friends with Leona
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
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Love Is Love
A 2023 L.G.B.T+ Aesthetic Collection
Day 15 • Rachel Amber is Bisexual!
Day 14 • Day 16
👇🏽 Pride Headcanons Below! 👇🏽
Rachel has dated both men and women in the past canonically (more men overall), but I headcanon that she has preference towards women. She just... feels more comfortable around women. Also, unfortunately, Rachel falls into that bisexual stereotype of not being entirely faithful to her partner (who was Chloe at the time). Granted, it was more emotional cheating then physical cheating (except for a few kisses she shared with Nathan whilst they were both high), but... it happened and it kinda pissed Chloe off and made their relationship more strained
Dating Rachel Amber would be a chaotic and exciting affair. Be prepared to wake up at 3 in the morning to crash the local gas station, steal a few candy bars and/or instant coffees, and find an abandoned building to sit on it's roof and watch the stars fade into a sunrise. And then the next day it's cave exploring on the beach and the day after that it's breaking into Blackwell at night to go skinny dipping in the pool. She would keep you on your toes 24/7.
Rachel fucked around with Nathan Prescott for a bit during her freshman year of high school and then again when she was a senior. At first, it was a friendship turned tentative romance brought on by a mutual interest in the arts, then it got broken off during their sophomore year. But by their senior year, the teenagers were brought back together by the clawing desire to have someone who fucking UNDERSTANDS what it's like to have a father that's let you down and who is never going to change. The drugs made the connection stronger, even as many of Rachel's other connections discouraged the relationship. It wasn't an unhealthy romance, but it was obvious that something was gonna give eventually. A relationship built on suffering was never meant to last...
Rachel started officially dating Chloe in her sophomore year. Chloe was Rachel's rock, keeping her from flying to close to the sun, and Rachel was Chloe's angel, keeping her aloft even as the world crashed down around her. Rachel and Chloe would hang out in American Rust every single day, talking about everything from favorite bands to shitty home lives. Chloe's truck was where they talked, but occasionally they'd chill in the boat as well. Chloe also got into the habit of carrying a gun with her after the incident with Damon. Rachel and Chloe did take that lumber train all the way up to Seattle one time, sauntering through the city as they walked into every furniture store and pretended to pick out furniture for their apartment and twelve dogs. Dinner would be shitty subs that they ate on the train, holding hands as the trees zoomed by and guitar music played between them...
...but Chloe wasn't enough for Rachel. You see, Rachel needed to be free and Chloe was too stuck in her suffering to even consider a future with Rachel. Sure, in time Chloe could get there, but Rachel wanted that future NOW. Which is why she gravitated back to Nathan, because his family and wealth could be her ticket out of Arcadia Bay (and also because she related to him a bit too much). If only he could grow a pair and cut ties with his shitty fucking parents, but nope. He, too, was not enough for Rachel. Frank had a vehicle, he could get her places in a heartbeat... But he was volatile, too dependent upon drugs to give a shit about this reality. He was content in Arcadia Bay, just like Chloe and just like Nathan... But Rachel FUCKING WASN'T. She needed to get out Get Out GET OUT and be free... And unfortunately that's when Mark Jefferson stepped into the picture...
If Rachel had to pick a song to describe her sexuality, she'd pick: Sugar, We're Goin Down by Fall Out Boy
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ardate · 6 months
Your top 3 songs of this year?
Those are always so difficult but, nonetheless. Here's three songs I discovered this year that throttled me (/pos). We're going crescendo, starting off strong and ending with my most favoritest of this year.
Greta Van Fleet - Stardust Chords A friend has bestowed upon me the grand gift of the discovery of Greta Van Fleet via their album The Battle at Garden's Gate. It is, undoubtedly, an album that works extremely well as a unit, and its power is such that it convinced even my friends who aren't into listening to full albums that this one was worth the trouble. Musically, there is a lot of inspirations from classic rock of the 70s, obvious to those well acquainted with that genre, but of course much modernized to end up with an incredibly clean and refined sonority in the end that truly elevates it to new heights. Stardust Chords is for me one of the brightest highlights of this incredible piece of art, with those soaring vocals that grip your bones and send you ascending with them. -
Këkht Aräkh - Wanderer Is there any surprise? The ukrainian songwriter shook everyone with his sudden inclusion of rap-like diction and rhythm within his new song, clearly apparent in his music video that mixes classic rap moves within traditional BM aesthetic - and all of it, song and video, enshrined within his usual romantic melancholy as he sings about love and loneliness, as always. And it is masterful, and deeply moving. -
Les Chants de Nihil - Clarté de la Pluie Of course, I already rambled about this one in past posts: this is my absolute favourite discovery of this year. I had explored their discography in the past ('Là où nous étions les rois' being my fav song of theirs for a bunch of years now), but somehow had never taken the time to check out that particular album, and. What a punch in the chest. This album (namely, La Liberté Guidant le Fer) is a unique masterpiece that works at its best as a Whole, but still, I cherrypick this specific song because it carries itself strongly on its own. It sweeps you into the wet streets of an unknown city, under pouring rain - and as the singer, overtaken with old age, screams about his upcoming end and his willingness to meet it in peace, you're left with your heart bleeding through your chest.
BONUS (More like I originally wrote this one for the first of the list and then remembered about Greta Van Fleet but didn't want to delete all my good writing talking about this cool band so i'm giving it to you here):
Hypno5e - Acid Mist Tomorrow Discovered this band in february of this year with the release of their newest album, Sheol, but if I had to share one song it'd be this one - Acid Mist Tomorrow, introduction to the album of the same name from 2011. It's also an excellent introduction to the band as a whole, I believe, because of its concentration of their signature sounds - the sudden, brutal, heavy metal phases, intercut with soft and tender light guitar adorned with voice samples, only for it to start and stop and start again, like a pulsating energy. If you're not shy in the face of experimental sounds, you might appreciate Hypno5e's grandiose and complex artistry.
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
Father’s Day
It was a complicated day for Valerie. She wanted to celebrate Thomas big and loud for his first official biological kids having Father’s Day. She knew it was bigger than that though. Scout and the boys were plotting which touched her heart. Chip was having his own big day and meanwhile honoring the Jet’s memory with Dale. That was something the twins had in their hearts. The non-traditional family had a web of love they had strings still tied to. Even in death some even had access to. To say the family was delicate but strong was one Hell of a conundrum but oh so true. 
Not only that, but she’d been preparing for feelings of Flotsam as Father’s Day approached. She didn’t want to step on Thomas’s day and yet everything in her, Flotsam was clawing at her insides to get out for this. 
She herself always took a moment out by her altar for Dr. Facilier, the shadow man of a father Flotsam grew up with. Valerie would even take a moment to flip through pictures of Zeke and put some bacon and bourbon out like a small tribute. She felt the need to wear her top hat and carry around her cards in her velvet bag for much of the day just to feel close to her Dr. F. She stuck a card in the band instead of a feather like her daddy sometimes did too. She chose the strength card. It would sit there with a big drawing a lion on the side of her head all day. She’d explain it would always fascinate her to stare at whatever card her dad had on the side of his head for however long he wore it that way. Valerie felt like she needed some strength today. It was a good card. 
It seemed she needed it more than ever when Maddy’s gifts arrived. It jarred her emotions even more unexpectedly. After her heart attack and everything else, it was just a lot. She needed calm on such an emotional day for all she held inside her about this day. She needed Thomas’s support on this all while she was trying to make it Thomas’s day. She’d only take her top hat with her strength card off for Thomas’s special performance. 
Thomas did not get any traditional breakfast in bed or greatest dad tee shirts or mugs this year. He didn’t get any power tools. But that man best bet his family had something in store for him. Maybe it was a lucky thing Scout had a month more with no sight because she and Chip and Dale were able to plan for this day without him seeing it coming. He’d only be able to see them setting up the living room come Father’s Day morning, but they had it all planned. 
Valerie would get herself all dolled up in most “Valerie” fashion, very Amy Winehouse hair, the big poof, wings on her eyes, fuck me pumps and all. She threw on her dress she wore on their first date and oh boy did fit so much nicer with a real body. She hadn’t worn it since. 
All the dogs, Dug, Willy, Wanker, the whole sled team were in the living room which was difficult. Willy, Wanker, and Dug were trained. The sled team were more their “outside dogs” that were allowed in whenever they wanted and were still in training. Still Scout managed to get them all in there and behaving for this image. Rephrase. Dug was able to snarl them into submission until they behaved nicely and settled down.  
It was set up for band practice they way they used to do it before everyone moved back away only holy smokes Chip and Dale were up at the mics too, not Valerie. Valerie and Scout were set to play the music with guitars strapped on. The triplets were in bouncers in front of the older kids. The lines of dogs were on the left. Valerie looked like a doowop girl. Thomas must have known he was in for a show when he was told he could come in. They were ready. River appeared on the drums in the background when the music started transparent, but he held those sticks and tap-tap-tap when that old school music that fit Valerie’s aesthetic started up his Father’s Day.
 Scout stood up and sang the first phrase with a twinkle in her eyes, eyes that could see right back through his own: 
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 There's a man at my house, he's so big and strong He goes to work each day, and he stays all day long He comes home each night looking tired and beat He sits down at the dinner table and has a bite to eat Never a frown always a smile When he says to me how's my child I said that I've been studying hard all day in school Tryin' very hard to understand the golden rule I think I'll color this man father I think I'll color him love Said I'm gonna color him father I think I'll color the man love, yes I will
Then Dale steps up and says the next lyrics: 
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He says education is the thing if you want to compete Because without it son, life ain't very sweet I love this man and I don't know why Except I'll need his strength until the day that I die My mother loves him and I can tell By the way she looks at him when he holds my little sister Nell I heard her say just the other day That if it hadn't of been for him she couldn't have found her way I think I'll color him father I'm gonna color him love I've got to color him father I think I'll color this man love
Then oh yes Chip stepped up and sang these lyrics: 
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Our real old man he got killed in the war And she knows she and seven kids couldn't of gotten very far She said she thought that she could never love again And then there he stood with that big wide grin He married my mother and he took us in And now we belong to the man with that big wide grin I've got to color this man father I'm gonna color him love I've got to color him father I believe I'll color this man love He's just been so good to me I know I've got to color him love I'm gonna color him father I've got to color this man love He's just been so kind I think I'll color him love I'm gonna color him father
Valerie would be there doowopping little background oh’s and ah’s and swaying her hips as her kids did this all the way till the end when she pointed at the dogs and got them all howling for a final extra round of singing the chorus all silly and fun. River would disappear the moment the music stopped however, but he’d have his moments. He’d look Thomas right in the eyes smiling as he tapped away. 
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Valerie was so happy by the end she managed to get through it without crying. It was such happy dappy doop-doop-dee-doo sounding song, but with all their history she knew it was emotional strings they were strumming. 
Scout would break the ender with a run up to Thomas jumping up and down, “Did you like it?” 
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ask-serendipity-sky · 10 months
I like Tae’s vibe. I actually like the New jeans approach of multiple low budget MVs instead of 1 big bang cause it increases more revenue without triggering the hyper competitive K-pop space.
What do you think?
and this suits Tae, something about him just gives off not interested in the K-pop space. In fact, the only member I think who actually respects K-pop is probably Jimin. I judge this based on the artists they look up to. Jhope & RM like Jcole & Nas, American rappers. Forgot who Suga likes. Tae looks up to older jazz artists. JK likes American pop artists and Jimin likes Big Bang & independent artist. Idk about Jin honestly.
I’ve listened to Jimin’s playlist on AM: Springtime sounds and none of these songs are big title tracks/ singles. These are low key artists singing about their lives and loves. Jimin listens to Alec Benjamin, a guy with a great voice, small but loyal following and purposefully left the music industry behind after making a breakout hit so he could sing about his stories. My flex is that Jimin and I listen to the same type of music.
Went off on a tangent but my point is: These guys obviously have different views as to what a successful artist is. And they are all following that path. I think for Jimin a successful artist is producing good music for loyal fans rather than a general audience. I could be wrong of course. If so, Like Crazy’s success would be heartwarming as everyone and their mama knows that it’s carried by fans sharing & streaming.
The funny thing with Jimin though is that even if he tried to be a low key artist he couldn’t. Yes he does his own thing, sings about his story, doesn’t get major airplay and is listened mainly by a loyal fanbase who lives him and shares his music.
However his loyal fanbase is hugeee, so by virtue of that he’s left the lowkey artist category and also the K-pop category behind. What you mean you wanna release your long awaited album as an mp3?
Thinking about that sometimes makes me laugh. Jimin just wanna be lowkey, regular K-pop male artist singing his tunes then boom #1 on hot 100, Ryan Gosling giving him a guitar, song going platinum in the states(I’m calling it), fans demanding to buy his song. He’s non existent on socials rn and still trending
To be honest i kind of find Jimin fans funny. He said in Suchwita he wants to top billboard continuously. And everyone kinda knew he meant as BTS but his fans said “oh YOU want it? Here you go baby have a #1 on hot 100”. Making it look like it’s easy. Lol I’m sure Jimin knows his fans have plans for him.
They keeping him in the top 50 global just cause and I don’t think they gonna stop. Right now they have a goal to rechart LC also just cause and I’m interested to see how things unfold.
All of these are gifts they want to give Jimin. Almost like they’re proving to him we are here, we support you and we appreciate your music, and to cause a ripple in the company doesn’t hurt either.
Ok, this is the only ask I will answer regarding Tae's music so don't come sending more, please!
I don't want to answer Tae music stuff, other anons!
But I'll answer this one because I appreciate that you took time to share all this.
First question. Our opinions vary greatly.
I think with how competitive kpop is, you need that big trigger, especially if it's a debut album. Tae needed to risk it but didn't. For me, this all feels safe although it wasn't intended to come across that way.
I think that his visual album should have been released all at once. I know this way is done to create anticipation but I haven't been pulled into his story yet. Maybe that will change once the 3rd mv is released or his photos tie more stuff together?
It's interesting that you find the aesthetic fitting because I don't lol I do agree that Tae is not kpop at all but this album concept feels off to me. Like it's fabricated and doesn't show the real Tae. I feel like his fans would appreciate that. Perhaps the concepts worked for New Jeans since it's quirky cute. And I remember writing a few weeks ago how Tae had changed his style and if that was reflective of what he would show in his upcoming album. And we are seeing change but not in any sort of direction. I don't see the essence of Tae in this. Or his new style.
I like to see the essence of the artist even in their on-stage personas. I'm not seeing it here.
But maybe this is just me being intense as usual.
Second question. Jimin. I do agree that Jimin tries to tell stories through his songs and he does that beautifully. Even if his songs differ greatly, like Promise and Set Me Free pt.2, they both have that air of Jimin in it. But I'm not being biased, I'm not a fan of both.
I do think the pandemic caused the change in direction of Jimin's artistry. But I hope that he has seen the reception, BB charts and worldwide records, and sees that his music is meant for a wider audience even if the stories are personal to him. We can see that FACE was his struggle and rebirth so I'm looking forward to his next album, which he said was going to more upbeat.
With the right team and tools, his songs can achieve greater success. It is heartwarming that Jimin lovers are still carrying his song still. It's our token of love and appreciation but I hope that the his next project has the company support he deserves added to the fan support he has rightfully earned.
Hopefully we get to see this soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I really like how you think. Maybe you won't like my take on Tae's music but do you want to be friends? Message me?
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Revisiting AnWL’s Original Bachelors
Before I state my own opinion on the bachelors, I’d like to address this:
So with everything else in AWL, the game’s original three bachelors (Rock, Gustafa, and Matthew) have received a facelift and slightly updated dialogue/cutscenes. I’ve seen a lot of back and forth online on whether people liked the big changes made to Matthew and Gustafa’s appearance (Rock’s appearance changed very little from 2004 to now) and I, for one, welcome our new(old?) bishie overlords. To really put this topic in perspective, I think we gotta keep in mind that when Another Wonderful Life came out, it was more-or-less 98% the same as A Wonderful Life, just with a re-skinned female PC and male marriage candidates. I have the strong suspicion that Gustafa, Rock, and Matthew (Marlin in the OG) were never originally designed or written with the intention that they would become the hottest bachelors in a female-led game. A lot of this can be seen just by comparing them to their female counterparts - all of the bachelorettes (aside from Nami) have a traditionally cute appearance and warm personality. The bachelors don’t follow this pattern as rigidly. Matthew is stand-offish, if not outright rude; Gustafa isn’t handsome; and Rock is.... well, flakey?
This isn’t to say the bachelors didn’t have their own charm at all. Rock shows his inner heart of gold on occasion, and is always honest. Matthew is a hardworking man just trying to contribute to his sister’s farm, and dealing with his own baggage. Gustafa is light-hearted and easy to please.
I think their facelifts in the most recent game just signals Marvelous’s commitment to appeal to more players within their target age range. Gustafa and Matthew look younger and bishie. Rock’s dialogue has him slightly more sympathetic. I don’t think these changes could be considered bad at all - just a sign of different times, with Marvelous understanding their players better.
Anyways, on to my opinions on the latest version of each of the three original bachelors: (I’ll give Gordy, the new bachelor, his own post later!)
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Matthew is the first I wanted to talk about, because on the outside, he’s definitely changed the most. Gone is the bad-boy 90s delinquent hairstyle and demeanor that seemed more fit for a shonen manga than a farming sim - now he’s an office-worker bishie, but still struggling to make his own way in a new village, just like in 2004. Unfortunately, his updated looks don’t save him from his crappy attitude. One of his first rival cutscenes is him yelling at you for simply trying to carry on a conversation with Cecilia. You only get, like, two sentences in before he jumps down your throat. Ugh. That on it’s own way enough to discourage me from continuing to pursue him as a love interest. It’s just obnoxious and possessive. Would you believe this guy is 32 and still acting this way? In traditional fashion, other NPCs don’t call him out on his behavior, even Vesta, who knows how ‘he can be about Cecilia’ - and you’re just supposed to put up with it. I’m not sure if further cutscenes eventually remedy any of this, but his behavior is off-putting enough that I didn’t care about finding out.
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Gustafa remains as chill and groovy as ever. He’s looking a little more John Lennon than elf/leprechaun these days, but the overall aesthetic is the same. They took his original shrugging animation away and replace it with the same generic arm-wave as everyone else, but not everything can be a victory. He has some expanded dialogue that freshens his character up a bit, and the love song he sings during the romantic cutscenes makes more sense in this translation than the first game. Gustafa was always my favorite in the first, and he continues to be so in this remake - always gentle and kind, and a good spouse and father. If only he could play more than one melody on his guitar. I just hope he bathes more often this time around.
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Ah, Rock, the would-be playboy of Forgotten Valley. Still getting up at noon exactly. Still getting chased by the dog. His dialogue has been reworked to make him a little more humorous this time around, instead of mildly-annoying like before. The translators did a good job with him, and I was always interested in what he had to say, even if it was useless. Unlike Matthew and Gustafa, his design was almost entirely unchanged - his pants are slimmer and that’s it. His voice has also mysteriously deepened... though I wouldn’t put it past him to use a voice changer to try to entice the ladies. Just like Gustafa, his unique animation of gesturing with both hands was also removed for the generic arm-wave. He’s genuinely fun to talk to, just to hear what he has to say. His slacker attitude is off-putting as far as romance goes, though, even if none of the marriage candidates actually work on the farm. It’s about the attitude, people!
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the-ravenist · 8 months
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It's the one that says Phin (heartsteel) you can look at my others I don't mind
Name: Phin Trill
Pronounced fin trial
Pronouns: They/She
Age: unknown..yet
Height: 5'10.5
Zodiac: Aries
Power/Ability: Infrasound Manipulation
Occupation: Bands assistant producer, music video director, tattoo artist & wardrobe specialist
Spouse: Yone
Quick bio/extra facts:
Phin's longest and best friend is K'Sante, he was Phin's first tattoo client and soon became a regular. They bonded due to his recent visits, not just because he wanted more tattoos. With K'Sante's recent visits, they have met the rest of the guys including Yone. Phin is an introvert through and through unless you want to talk about any form of technology, they'll never shut up.
Phin had been hard of hearing pretty much since she came out of the womb, somebody had popped a confetti popper in the hospital room and pretty much damaged her barely formed eardrums. Along with her hard of hearing, their form of speech isn't the best, no amount of speech therapy has helped. So they use sign language to communicate. Phin originally would've been a triplet, yet she swallowed both her siblings in the womb. Yes, they are a natural blonde. Phin's bike was originally her mother's before she passed, and she's worked on it since she was 10. Now the bike is perfect, greatly matching her aesthetic. Despite being a tattoo artist Phin only has three tattoos, a heart tramp stamp, a band-matching tattoo behind her left ear, and a medium medusa tattoo on the right side of her pelvis.
To work their power, they often need some sort of sound hence the guitar. K'Sante had given the angel guitar to them for their birthday. Sometimes she'll use her powers on the guy's voices, to make them louder in case of a mic malfunction. Or just to hype up the crowd.
Phin knows how to sing, just thinks it'll mess up the band's vocal vibe. Their voice is a contralto. Kayn and Sett are the only ones who know about their voice. They were singing a bit too loud while cooking forgetting that Sett and Kayn were still at the house sick.
Now onto Yone & Phin's relationship. They're the intimidating and silent couple. Yet in the comfort of their own space, they're as sickeningly close and gross as it gets. They were definitely secret fwbs to lovers. They're the parents of the group, the guys often call them mom and dad(phin being dad and yone being mom). Yone knows how to do Phin's hair. Phin had gave every member and match tattoo yet Yone and Phin's are slightly different, have a tiny heart next to it.They guys didn't know about their relationship until Yone and Phin got caught making out on the couch.
Phin smells like sorbet, their favorite dessert is key like pie, and loves mango. Phin's eyebrows are dyed black. She always carries a camera on her when she travels just in case. The guys, especially Yone and K'Sante often go to them for fashion advice. Phin is actually quite thick despite their height.
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Similar to this.
She has quite a lot of scars around her lips and cheeks, hence her reason for wearing a mask. They had gotten the scars from a technological experiment exploding on her face.
If annoyed w/ any of the guys or upset, they'll take out their hearing aids and continue what they're doing. When their hearing aids are dead or for some odd reason, not working she'll place her hands on the guy's throats as they talk to further understand what they're saying. It's especially handy when the guys forget to sign to them. Since her hearing isn't the best the rest of her senses have heightened making her a hard target for Phel's pranks.
That's pretty much all I have so far. This OC really aligns with the HEARTSTEEL AU rather than the actual League of Legends lore, especially when I don't know nor do I play the game. I just love the song and the video that it has become my new hyperfixation. And I hope y'all enjoyed my OC.
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Another picture of her w/o mask and jacket
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Aesthetic/ outfit inspo
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reactivatedrockstar · 6 months
7. What does your muse's ideal example of their gender look like? Eg. "the ideal man" and so on. ( @spring-lxcked )
Character development questions for trans and gender diverse muses. (Accepting)
"I personally do not care either way! If I am going to be honest, I like to be completely androgynous in most aspects. I like someone who can slay, and rock out, I suppose. I am not too picky as far as aesthetics go, so long as you are a kind person." The rabbit shrugged, "you could be the handsome handsomest man in the world, or the prettiest gal in the world, or whatever it is you prefer, your looks will only carry you so far in my opinion. Actions speak louder than words."
He strummed his guitar before-
"And this speaks louder than actions!" rocking out on it for a second.
"But in all seriousness, I, personally, draw aesthetic inspiration from David Bowie. Both his voice and his androgyny are something to be jealous of."
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I started watching Beyond Evil after seeing your enthusiasm for it, and I’ve noticed the music often seems at odds with the tone of speech/ actions. For example, at the end of episode 2, they play Feeling Good (big band jazz) while the chief gives a serious speech and again while they show the new victim and Dong-sik’s grief.
Do you know why that is? Like, is there a cultural gap or different genre expectations in Korean dramas? Or is it an issue of the tone not being accurately portrayed by the English subtitles? Or just bad scoring?
Scoring is my favorite aspect of cinematography to analyze, and when it’s well done it adds so much, often without being noticed, but I just can’t figure out some of the choices they make.
Favorite aspect of cinematography? ;)
Interesting question. I remember thinking the scoring of Beyond Evil was brilliant. I don't think I noticed it not matching the tone.
I've found that some Asian dramas score in really bananas ways that don't work for me (Kei x Yaku, I'm looking at you and your dreadful song It's a Bop that plays all over all the serious moments for no reason.) But this kind of serious Korean drama usually feels to me like it's operating on the same aesthetic principles as a lot of Western stuff.
If I'm understanding which parts you mean, the song that plays during them is The Night by Choi Baek Ho. It's jazz, yes, but it certainly does not strike me as a happy song, neither in the sound of the instrumentals nor in the vocal quality.
(Unless they re-scored it for some locations? That's always possible on streaming services.)
I assume they decided on some jazz for Beyond Evil because it's a genre that has that same world-weary quality as Lee Dong Sik. It definitely worked for me tonally, though more at the end of the episode than during the chief's speech. The singer's voice feels to me like it matches Dong Sik.
As for why this particular song is under the chief's speech... I'm thinking it might be because of the lyrics. Now that I look them up, they seem melancholy, paranoid, and highly relevant. I think the song may have been written for the show, actually.
Here's the translation from that youtube video written out:
I've been looking for you anxiously. Was it in my dream last night that I passed by you? In the middle of the night, I'm asking you again and again but you're laughing at me. Would that be you?
This dawn when no one is awake I'm walking alone in the thick fog The unfamiliar shadow appears somewhere in the middle of the night. Would that be you?
The faint stalks of that falling flame stuck in the smoke Will I know you before you go away? Why can't you answer me before it's too late? I'm asking you again today.
A black night when no one is awake May the morning when the darkness is cleared never come. In the middle of the night, the one person who wants to be Who is that? Breathe out. In the middle of the night, it's gone far away. In the middle of the night, I don't know if that was you.
I've seen a few other translations that vary slightly, but it's something in this vein.
They actually don't play it under Dong Sik's grief unless we watched different versions.
The music starts with a sting on HJW noticing the body parts. Then tension music starts and plays over HJW watching LDS cry. Fairly standard score builds under the two of them having their realizations or coming to decisions ending with a sting. (Okay, maybe it's a bit heavy on the electric guitars. It didn't bother me though.)
Then there's naturalistic sound during the flashback to the mysterious figure who put the body parts there. The music only starts at the end of what he's doing as the camera starts to swing around with a big crescendo on his closeup.
In other words, this somewhat bombastic song is there for the "Dun dun DUNNNN" twist that is that face reveal and then carries us into the credits.
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