#he only keeps me because im his shrink
maddiescars · 2 years
God FUCKING dammit I give up.
3 notes · View notes
megalony · 8 months
Late Night Fights
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine based on a few requests I've combined together. I hope you will all like it, feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@noonenuts@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @topguncultleader @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream
911 Masterlist
Summary: A rough day for everyone only gets worse when Eddie comes home in bruises and an argument stresses (Y/n) and the baby out.
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Tilting her head up, (Y/n) smiled gratefully when Eddie placed a cup of coffee down in front of her. She leaned to the right and let her head fall on his arm that was resting on the back of her chair and she felt him lean down to kiss the top of her hair.
"Are you actually going to eat before we leave?" He mumbled each word against the top of her head while he moved his free hand to rest on her shoulder.
Eddie was up, showered, dressed and had already had breakfast, all that was left was for (Y/n) and Chris to eat and then they would all be ready to go. But he could see (Y/n) had a full bowl of cereal in front of her that she had barely touched. Whereas Chris was munching his way through his usual rainbow hoops he had almost every day.
"M'not hungry,"
"We're not going unless you eat something," Eddie rose a brow when (Y/n) tilted her head back on his arm and glared up at him. "I'm serious. Remember last time? I'm not doing another emergency stop because you've fainted and whacked your head on the window. Eat."
He watched the way (Y/n) rolled her lips together and averted her eyes down to his chest, unable to keep the eye contact when she knew he was right.
They were going to be in the car for over an hour to get to the fayre and (Y/n) got car sick. If she ate before they left, it would at least settle her stomach and the baby and make her feel a little bit better. The last time they were taking a long car drive, (Y/n) didn't feel well enough for breakfast. One moment she had been telling Eddie she felt sick, then the next he had to brake hard when she fainted and fell against the door.
He could still hear the way (Y/n)'s head slammed into the window, he truly thought she had split her head open when her body bounced back and flailed into his arm.
Eddie wasn't having that memory repeat itself today.
"Bossy," (Y/n) spoke under her breath while a grin crept onto her lips.
When she turned her head back towards the table, her lips parted and her chest burst with adrenaline when she felt Eddie's fingers cup her chin. His thumb brushed across her jaw and his fingers pressed beneath her chin so he could tilt her head so she was looking at him as he crouched down beside her.
"What was that?" His eyebrows raised high and the way he pursed his lips showed he was trying to distort a smile.
He knew what effect he had on her when he stroked his thumb across her bottom lip and gave it a slight pinch.
"Baby. I called you baby," (Y/n) leaned forward, brushing her chin against his wrist so she could reach out and cup his face in her hands and pull him in for a searing kiss. Her fingertips tapped against his skin and left tingling sparks in her wake while she sucked his lower lip between hers, trying her best to wind him up but keep him sweet.
"Did you?" His breath fanned against her lips and (Y/n) could feel how breathless he was, panting against her, his lips so close but barely touching. "I could have sworn you called me bossy."
He leaned forward to kiss her again and moved his hand round to cup the back of her neck. Until he felt something splash against his cheek and his eyes snapped open and a gasp left his lips.
Chris giggled, shrinking down in his seat when his dad's gaze fixed on him after he flicked his spoon at them, splattering them both with droplets of milk from his cereal bowl. He could see his dad was about to stand up and come over to him either to tickle him or tease him in some way, but just as Eddie stood up, his phone started to ring in his back pocket.
"Saved by the bell," He pointed a finger menacingly at Chris and mumbled 'it's Bobby' into (Y/n)'s hair as he kissed her temple again before he wandered into the kitchen.
Propping her head up on her hand, (Y/n) looked back down at her cereal which looked as unappealing as ever. But she figured Eddie was right, she really needed to eat something and if she left the cereal much longer it would go soggy and she wouldn't touch it. She managed three mouthfuls that all felt like stones settling in the pit of her stomach before her eyes locked on Eddie when he walked back into the dining room.
He looked pale. He was swirling his phone around in circles between his fingers and his free hand was opening and closing into a fist like he was stretching out his fingers.
Something was wrong.
"Everything okay?"
He started to tap his phone against his other palm and the action made (Y/n) tense and sit up straighter in her chair. Had something happened down at the station? Was everyone alright?
"I uh… I gotta go to work."
"What?" A shiver rolled down (Y/n)'s spine and she couldn't stop herself from looking across the table at Chris.
They were supposed to be going out to the fayre today. A long drive out of town. Amusement rides. Games. Dinner. The plan wasn't going to work out very well if Eddie couldn't go with them. It was a family day, not a mother and son day which was very different and not planned out yet.
Chris didn't do well with change. Routines were everything and they made a point never to tell Chris about plans they made unless they were one hundred percent certain the plans would work out. If they told Chris they were going to the park on a certain day, that was what would happen come rain or shine, they would be at the park.
Ruined or changed plans meant the day shifted. Chris had gotten himself happy and geared up for this, if they spent the day at home he would be at a loss for what to do and it would set him right off balance.
"We're going out." Chris dropped his spoon into his half empty bowl and stared up at his dad with a crinkling nose and tightly pressed lips. It was more of a demand than a question or a statement. They were supposed to be going out. Now. What would of happened if they had already been in the car on their way to the fayre? Couldn't they just get in the car now and go?
Eddie slipped his phone back into his pocket and leaned one hand on the back of (Y/n)'s chair while the other hand ran up and down his freshly shaved jaw.
"Buddy I… I know and I'm sorry, but I'm on call this week. Hen is off sick so I have to go in and cover the shift."
He felt (Y/n)'s hand move to rub over his lower back and when she leaned her temple against his waist, he moved his hand to grip her shoulder.
The thought of being on call had slipped Eddie's mind completely. They had today planned for over a week and told Chris three days ago what the plans were. It wasn't very often that anyone on call usually had to go into shift. When someone rang in sick, they called round other workers to see if anyone wanted overtime and if they didn't, then the last resort was whoever was on call that week. Half the time Eddie got an extra fifty bucks just for being on call and he never had to go on shift.
Until today.
"Chris I don't have a choice, buddy I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you, we can go tomorrow-"
He didn't want to go tomorrow. He didn't want to go next week. Chris wanted to go today, like they planned, as they should do. He had barely slept last night, waiting in anticipation to get up and get ready to go out. He had been excited for the past few days waiting to go out today and now they weren't going.
And he knew (Y/n) couldn't take him on her own because she was pregnant so even if they went, they couldn't go on any of the rides together. The rides were something Chris and Eddie always did together while (Y/n) would watch and take photos for them. Chris wanted Eddie to go, he wanted a family day out with both his parents.
A jolt ran down (Y/n)'s spine and she jumped back in her chair when Chris slammed his hands down on the table. She wasn't sure whether it was intentional or not, but one of his hands hit the cereal bowl and sent it rolling into the middle of the table. The spoon flew through the air and clattered onto the floor, a sheet of milk spread across the wooden table along with multicoloured hoops that scattered all across the table and the floor.
(Y/n) tilted her head down and took a shallow breath while Eddie took a step back and shook his arms out at his sides to fling off the milk that sprayed all over his front.
"Christopher sit down please."
Using the table as leverage, (Y/n) pushed up to her feet and hovered one hand on Eddie's shoulder as she walked in front of him to try and go to Chris. She could feel Eddie's hands hovering over her waist as she reached out to take Chris's hand when he scrambled down from the table and went to run away.
"Baby please its-" As soon as (Y/n)'s hand curled around Chris's upper arm, he flung himself around at her and screamed. He slapped her hand away and dropped down to the floor on his bum, kicking his feet out at her to get her to leave him alone.
He didn't want touch. He didn't want comfort or promises or words to soothe him. He wanted to scream, hit, thrash and knock down everything in his path until the world felt like it was going in the right direction again and everything was back to how it should be. What was he supposed to do now? His day was ruined, he wasn't going out where he wanted to go and he wouldn't be with both his parents. For the rest of the day, possibly the rest of the week, all Chris was going to think about was the fact that today was ruined and he didn't get to go out.
That was going to be his focus whether he wanted it to be or not.
When his foot lashed out into her leg, (Y/n) stepped back into Eddie and leaned her hips against the table. This was going to be (Y/n)'s day in a nutshell when Eddie left for work.
She could feel Eddie's lips press to the back of her head and his hands squeezed her hips tightly so he could turn her to the side and move in front of her towards Chris. He watched for a few seconds as their son thrashed on the floor, slamming his heels into the floor and bashing his palms down until they were going to be inflamed and throbbing.
"Go to your room."
"Go away! Get off. Go away!" His face was as red as a tomato and his cheeks puffed out with each ragged, deep breath he took to try and fuel the anger burning within him. Chris could barely breathe with how badly he kept thrashing and fidgeting and a very loud scream left his lips as his glasses fell off the bridge of his nose and hung around his neck.
His hands clenched into small fists and he bashed them into Eddie's arms when Eddie leaned over him and gripped his sides beneath his armpits.
With a deep breath and a clenched jaw, Eddie hoisted Chris up to his feet and nudged him towards the corridor. He knew the rules. If he wanted to behave like this and have a meltdown then he had to go to his room. They understood he couldn't control they way he felt and the way certain changes upset him and a meltdown was Chris's way of releasing those feelings.
Mostly Chris would scream. He would scream and wave his hands or throw himself onto the floor, and then he would spend the next hour or so calming down and trying to level himself back out. But more recently his meltdowns were progressing to hitting. He would hit the walls- not punch, but slam his palm into the wall, he would sit on the floor and bash his hands down. Sometimes he would hit himself if he was very worked up.
If he had to do that, he needed to be in his room. He had toys he could throw and a bed he could toss himself onto and thrash around on because it was soft and safe so he wouldn't hurt himself.
"Go to your room." Eddie kept his tone level and his expression placid and stoic because the last thing either of them needed was to get into a screaming match.
He let go of Chris and stepped back, pointing towards the hallway until Chris screamed and turned around to leave. As he shuffled down the hall, he spread his arms out like wings and bashed his hands into the walls. Not enough to do any damage like Eddie had done in the past, but enough to make an echo vibrate in his wake.
"It's not your fault," Reaching up, (Y/n) curled her arms around Eddie's shoulders and pressed her lips against his shoulder, moulding her rounded stomach into his lower back. She could feel him shaking from the tension coursing through him and each breath he took started to run away from him.
It couldn't be helped. They should have remembered Eddie was on call this week and changed their day out to next week when there was no chance of bumps in the road happening like this.
Her lips moved from his shoulder to smother the side of his neck when he reached his hands up and gripped her wrists tightly, as if making sure she wasn't about to let go. Eddie tilted his head to the right, leaning his cheek on top of (Y/n)'s head as he stared down the corridor, shuddering when they both heard Chris's door slam closed.
"I can't leave when he's like this,"
"I'll sort him out, you go get ready for work. He'll calm down in a bit."
"It's only a twelve hour shift, I'll be back tonight."
By the time Eddie walked out the front door, (Y/n) could no longer hear Chris screaming or throwing things around his room. She decided it might be safe to go in and see if he wanted to talk yet.
"Baby, can I come in?"
(Y/n) gingerly opened the door and peeked her head round to see the damage and see where Chris was. All the soft toys were out of their box and strewn about on the bed which was a little odd. The race cars, fire trucks and harder toys were scattered across the floor, none of them looked broken but most looked like they had been in a traffic accident. Turned upside down with wheels still spinning.
And then there was Chris, curled up in the middle of his bed. Arms coiled into his chest, knees up to his stomach as he laid on his side with his back to the door. Even from the distance, (Y/n) could see his shoulders quaking and she noticed the deep breaths he was trying to take. The meltdown either wasn't quite finished or it hadn't worn off yet.
"Baby…" (Y/n) slowly slumped herself down onto the bed behind him and leaned up against the headboard. Her arm curved around the top of his head and she placed her other hand on his arm, testing the waters to see if physical touch was okay or not. "Are you okay?"
For a few seconds, Chris didn't answer or acknowledge that she was even in the room with him. But then he slowly flopped over onto his back and then he flipped again so he was laid on his other side, facing her.
He stretched an arm out and laid it across (Y/n)'s waist before he gingerly shuffled closer until he could bury his face into her chest. She didn't miss the way he huffed and shimmied against her stomach. Chris wasn't a fan of her being pregnant. He wasn't yet accustomed to the idea of having a sibling in the house or the thought of sharing his parents with someone else. And he did not like (Y/n)'s stomach changing because he couldn't hug her properly now with a six-month bump in the way.
"Dad gone?"
"Yeah, he's gone to work." (Y/n) leaned down and kissed his temple and slowly started to drag her fingers through his curls, brushing them back in a way she knew always made Chris calm down.
It felt like Chris wanted to say something more but he wasn't in the mood to talk yet. He nuzzled his face further into her shirt and wiggled around her stomach to cuddle as close as he could. (Y/n) had a knowing feeling that another meltdown was going to happen at some point during the day, Chris was going to explode again at some point.
But for now, they would stay like this until he wanted to move or fall asleep.
Eddie didn't bother to turn the lights on when he walked through the front door. He could walk the house blindfolded. He kicked off his shoes, feeling the soles of his feet burning from having almost no time to sit down today.
He did his best to pad across the floor as quietly as he could. It was midnight and he didn't want to disturb Chris if he was finally asleep and the last thing he wanted to do was wake (Y/n). Every muscle in Eddie's body ached as he trudged across into the kitchen and finally turned the light on, wincing at how bright it was when he had driven home on the dimly lit streets.
Reaching the kitchen side, Eddie slumped one arm down on the counter, supressing a groan as he stretched up into the top cupboard to grab the first aid box.
It was times like these when he regretted what he had done tonight.
Going to a fight after shift wasn't planned, Eddie didn't go to work with the intention of stopping off at one of the late fighting rings on the way home from work. But one of his old pals from the fights had sent him a message, like he did every few weeks when they had a big match going on.
After the horrid shift he had just been on where two people had died and the team had spent all day at a crash site, Eddie didn't want to go home feeling the way he did. It was the last thing he needed, to go home with a fire burning in his gut and pain coursing through his blood. It wouldn't be fair to his family to take that torment home with him.
That message seemed to pop up at just the right time and Eddie found himself turning off and heading straight there on his way home.
He carefully laid the aqua blue box down in front of him and clicked it open with a grimace.
Pulling back, he took a deep breath, grabbed the hem of his shirt and rolled it up. Spit foamed past his lips as he hissed and growled when he tore the shirt over his head and dropped it to the floor.
He didn't realise he had been messed up this badly. At least he won the fight.
Deep red circles mixed in with pale yellow and baby pink marks were painted across the right side of Eddie's chest just beneath his armpit and the colours curved around to his abs. There was a smaller, lesser mark on the lower left part of his ribcage. A burning crimson and purple mark was swelling on his right arm right in the centre of his bicep, a foot down from his shoulder.
He had a jagged purple line stretching from his collar bone up to his neck and when Eddie looked down at his knuckles, he winced. Swollen, cherry purple, lathered in dried blood. And he didn't have to touch his right cheekbone to know it was starting to swell.
He wouldn't be able to hide this from his wife.
Eddie didn't sleep in a shirt, (Y/n) would become suspicious if he did. The markings on his chest he might just get away with by saying they happened on the job, it had been a rough shift. But when she saw his busted knuckles she was going to know something had happened. She wasn't stupid or naïve.
He did his best to be quiet as he grabbed a dish cloth and soaked it under the cold tap before he pinned it against his chest beneath his arm, biting down on his tongue to stop from groaning when icy shivers sparked through his nerves.
Anticeptic wipes cleansed his knuckles and revealed mostly bruises rather than cuts, Thank God. The cream made him groan and made each sting and ache triple and his body started to throb when he lathered each bruise in as much cream as he could. He needed these marks to disappear as fast as possible.
"Baby?" Tiredness dripped from (Y/n)'s voice as she slowly shuffled down the corridor, one hand on her lower back and the other rubbing her eyes to try and keep them open.
She had been half asleep, about to drift off when she heard the front door open and close. (Y/n) never slept well without Eddie beside her.
Eddie spun round on his heels as his jaw dropped open and his eyes swelled with panic. What was she doing awake at this hour? He didn't even hear the bedroom door open. He thought he was safer patching himself up in the kitchen rather than the bathroom that was right next to their bedroom.
His mind short-circuited and he became momentairily distracted when his eyes landed on his wife as she rounded the corner into the kitchen. He raked his eyes up and down, unable to stop from licking his lips when he drank her in. She wasn't wearing a shirt. She was wearing a black bra and a pair of his black pyjama shorts that hung low on her hips, tucked beneath her bump that was on full display.
But Eddie snapped back to reality when (Y/n)'s smile faded and her eyes widened. She hurried forward and planted her hands down on his neck, tilting his head down towards her as her frantic, worried eyes did three sweeps up and down over his body.
"What happened?!"
The cold cloth dropped to the floor when Eddie lifted his arms and gently cupped her wrists. His thumbs brushed across her flushed skin and he tried to smile, leaning forward to peck her lips but it didn't distract her nearly enough as he'd hoped.
She shook her hands from his grasp and trailed her fingertips along each bruise and mark on his skin, tensing when he flinched or growled at the tender spots.
"It's nothing mi amor. It's late, let's go to bed."
"Eddie, what have you been doing? Baby you're black and blue, tell me."
He could feel the way her fingertips started to shake against him and she stepped closer to observe his marks and tender wounds. She wouldn't let him hold her hands or try to move them both away from the kitchen. He wasn't getting out of this conversation no matter how hard he tried.
"I'm fine," His fingers cupped her chin and he tilted her head up, capturing her lips in a kiss and swallowing the gasp she let out. He could almost feel her resolve fading when his hand moved to cup the side of her face and he kissed her deeper. But then he felt her palms pressing into his chest, nudging him back so she could come up for air.
"You've been at the fights again, haven't you?" Apprehension flooded (Y/n)'s voice as she took a tentative step back to add some distance between them so Eddie couldn't try and distract her again.
He didn't need to speak, his face said it all.
"Why?" (Y/n) let herself lean against the counter while her hand moved to clamp down on her hip, squeezing tightly to try and help control her tone and keep her voice quiet. It had taken her over two hours to get Chris to sleep, she didn't want to wake him by arguing with Eddie.
"You know why. I feel better when I fight, I don't come home angry or… or feeling like I need to explode. It's not a big deal."
"It's… Eddie look at yourself, how is that not a big deal?" Her hand left her hip and waved across at him to try and prove her point. How could he stand there and pretend this was nothing but a little brawl outside a club that ended with a few scratches? He was bloodied and bruised, he was in pain. This was a very big deal to (Y/n).
"It's a few bruises, baby. I can handle this, look I'm okay. I get worse on bad day at work." He went to take a step closer to her, his hands stretched out in front of him but he stopped when (Y/n)'s jaw locked and both her hands moved to her hips.
"That's not the point and you know it."
"Look, you never had a problem with it before. If I remember right, you came to at least three of my fights so why is this any different?"
Eddie let his hips fall back against the counter and he folded his arms across his chest, puncturing his teeth into his lower lip to hide the grimace he felt when his arms rubbed his sore chest. His jaw set tight and his eyes narrowed on his wife as he waited for an answer.
When he started out at the fights in the parking lots, Eddie had (Y/n) standing behind him, watching and praising him and having her there pushed him to win. He loved those nights when (Y/n) came along with him, he loved having her in his corner and seeing her smile when he came out on top. But she never came to the darker fights. The indoor ones in a closed gym under headlamps. Eddie wouldn't take her to those even if he always looked around for her face when he won.
He didn't want her there around those people. Eddie trusted them in a fight, but he wouldn't trust anyone there out of the ring.
He didn't like the way (Y/n) scoffed as if he'd just told her a silly joke that didn't make sense or as if he'd just lied to her face.
And he found himself tensing and taking a deeper breath when he watched her jut her hip out and switch her weight to the other leg. Her left hand curled around the countertop but Eddie's eyes focused on her other hand that was running along her stomach. She was distracting him even if she didn't mean to.
"I didn't have a problem with you fighting for fun but I have a big problem with you fighting illegally for money. What if the next guy you knock out isn't as lucky as the last one? Will you stay and give medical help or do CPR until they put you in cuffs?"
(Y/n) may not have been to any of Eddie's illegal fights, but when he came home he always told her about them. He told her about the last one that happened four months ago which happened to be the reason he stopped going to those fights.
The man Eddie fought had taken too much of a beating. Eddie broke his nose so violently his cartilage shattered and he began to choke. No one was pleased when Eddie called for an ambulance and took the broken fragments out the man's throat and left him in the recovery position. He knew he had taken things too far that night, he should have stopped himself but he didn't want to and Eddie couldn't do that again.
He cracked tonight when he got the message but he held himself back, he won the fight but he did it safely, he didn't pummel his opponent almost to death.
"That wouldn't happen-"
"You don't know that Eddie! You didn't think you'd fight so hard you would break a guy's nose last time but that happened."
(Y/n) tilted her head back and let a shuddering breath escape past her lips. He wasn't seeing this from her point of view. It was all well and good if he went fighting for fun or to release some energy and stress, (Y/n) would never judge him for that and she knew her husband was a good fighter. But this wasn't right. Eddie was fighting somewhere unsafe where they had no rules and no one would help if someone got seriously hurt.
"I won't make that mistake again." His tone lowered down into a deep growl as he braced his hands on each side of the kitchen counter and hunched forward with tense shoulders.
"What if you're the one to get hurt next?" (Y/n)'s hand tightened around the counter when her stomach suddenly twisted.
She clicked her spine into place and tilted to the side a little to try and relieve the tension building up in her stomach that made her want to be sick. She could feel her breaths running away from her and the more Eddie argued with her, the more anxious she could feel herself becoming.
Her lips pressed together into a thin line and she started to press her palm harder against the lower side of her abdomen to try and settle the baby and the growing sickness she was feeling.
"I haven't lost one yet. I know what I'm doing, baby." The way he said her name made a shiver roll down (Y/n)'s spine and another jolt sparked through her stomach. She could see his fingers tightening around the counter tops and he arched forward until he was pushing his weight onto his hands and his feet were barely touching the floor.
"And so do they. They don't give a shit how badly you get hurt and if it was you that got knocked out they'd leave you there, for dead. They might not have families to go home to, but you do Eddie. I'm not raising two kids by myself."
(Y/n) could feel the blood rushing to her head as she spoke and shivers coursed beneath her skin that was prickling with goosebumps. The other people he fought against might not care about the people waiting at home for them, but that wasn't the case for Eddie. He had a family and (Y/n) didn't like the risk he was taking. If someone hurt Eddie badly, who there would call the emergency services for him? What if they left him and no one got to him in time? What if the police turned up and he got arrested?
She had those kind of worries already with the job Eddie did but at least (Y/n) knew when he was at the station, he was looked after. If anything ever happened to Eddie on the job, he had the team there to give him the best chance and watch his back and look out for him.
He didn't have that when he was fighting.
Eddie swallowed down the groan that burned at the back of his throat and dropped his weight back down to his feet. He turned around and moved over to the sink, rinsing his knuckles under the cold water to try and clean them and turn them numb for a while. Anything to distract him from this conversation that was turning into an argument.
"Nobody said you'd raise them alone," He whispered the words under his breath but he knew (Y/n) heard him when he heard her move. "I always come home to you, don't I?"
"That's not a guarantee!" (Y/n) snapped her jaw like that of a crocodile and hissed the words through clenched teeth. "You can't promise me that, not when you're risking your life with the team. And you can't guarantee you'll be fine when you're fighting in that ring. It's…"
A sigh passed through Eddie's lips and he turned off the tap, shaking his trembling hands in the sink as he pressed his lips into a thin line when he waited but (Y/n) didn't carry on talking. He reached across and grabbed the tea towel, roughly tossing it between his hands but when he turned on his heels to look over at his wife, his chest tightened. His stomach tensed and his brows narrowed as he took in her state.
(Y/n) was slumped forward, one arm folded on the counter and one leg bent forward so her lower back and bum were arched out. In any other situation Eddie would have smirked at the way she was stood but he could feel the panic dwelling in the pit of his stomach when (Y/n) pressed her forehead down into her arm.
He didn't get to say a word before (Y/n) groaned against the counter and he realised her other hand was cradling her bare stomach.
"Mi amor what's wrong?"
Advancing over to her, Eddie flopped his right arm on the counter so he could crouch over her and his other hand rested on her lower back just above the hem of her shorts. His upper lip curled when (Y/n) turned her head to face the other way and she pulled away from him and tried to shake his hand off her back.
"You're stressing me out!" (Y/n) reached her hand out and slapped his arm away before she turned her back to him and tried to straighten up.
Her hand moved to brush beneath her eyes, swiping away the tears starting to fall down the bridge of her nose. And her other hand stayed against her stomach, applying pressure as she rubbed circles into her skin to try and take away the twinging pains.
Deep breaths didn't take away the light-headed feeling or calm down the panic that was coursing through her blood and making her fingertips turn numb.
(Y/n) tipped her head back and closed her eyes as she sniffed, trying her best not to cry but it wasn't working. Her stomach was really starting to hurt now. Her fingernails pinched into her stomach to try and distract herself and when she felt Eddie's hands on her arms and his chest mould up against her back, she fought in vain to shake him off but she didn't have the energy.
He only became persistent, moving his hands down from her arms to hold her hips tightly so she couldn't push him away.
"Baby go sit down,"
"This is your fault." Her words made Eddie wince and he thought she was about to push him away but she didn't seem to know what she wanted to do. Her hand moved back and settled on his lower arm, gripping ferociously tight while her other hand stayed cupping her stomach and her chin pressed down into her chest.
"I know, I know and I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry," He whispered each word against the side of (Y/n)'s head as he gently nudged her to walk and guided her out of the kitchen, towards the living room that was basked in darkness.
He turned her round and helped her slump down onto the sofa and he hated the way she flopped her head onto the arm rest and tried to curl up. (Y/n) heard him turn on the lamp before his footsteps retreated back into the kitchen.
(Y/n) kept trying to rub circles across her stomach as she let her tears soak into the sofa and she jumped when she suddenly felt Eddie's hands on her waist. He gently nudged her until she was slumped back into the sofa instead of curled up and her chest tightened when he crouched down in front of her. His fingers curled around her thighs and raked up beneath her shorts so he could slowly part her legs and kneel between her thighs.
She felt the sharp breath he took when her knees pressed into his torso but he didn't say anything. His hands trailed up her thighs and over her stomach until he grabbed one of her hands and she realised he had brought the blood pressure cuff through with him.
She let him slide the cuff up her arm and waited through the discomfort of the band tightening around her arm making tingles shoot down to her fingers. (Y/n) wanted to close her eyes but she couldn't find the will power, all she could do was lock her gaze on her husband.
His eyes burned bright with intensity as he watched the monitor beep and flash before he raked his hands up and took the cuff off. He didn't give (Y/n) chance to speak before he held his fingers over her wrist and took her pulse.
"How bad are the pains?" Eddie dropped her wrist and moved his hands to grip her thighs while he sat back on his heels. His hands dug reassuringly into her flesh and he was relieved when (Y/n) moved her hand down to hold his wrist and she didn't push him away or shrink away from his touch.
"Mild cramps," (Y/n) dropped her eyes between her stomach and Eddie as she spoke quietly.
"Are you sure?" Eddie leaned forward to kiss her thigh when she bit her lip but nodded. "Your blood pressure is high, if it stays high or the pains don't go I'm taking you to the doctor in the morning."
(Y/n) moved her hand from his wrist so she could tangle her fingers through his hair, brushing the damp strands away from his forehead while he perched his chin on her thigh. Something softened in his eyes like melting chocolate and the way he stared at her made (Y/n) shiver and she could feel her resolve fading away by the second.
"I didn't mean to worry you or start an argument, I won't do those kind of fights anymore, mi amor. I swear."
Eddie moved his arms around (Y/n)'s waist when she leaned forward and buried her nose in his hair. Her cheek pressed against the top of his head and her hands cradled his neck when he pushed up and moved to kiss her bare stomach. His fingertips pressed into the back of her hips as he held her as tightly as he could, smothering himself against her.
He didn't want to make her worry or become ill, he wouldn't go into the ring anymore. Not now he could see how much it was jeopardising his family and making them worry.
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mydearesthrry · 9 months
right back home to you - h.s.
a/n: had a hard time deciding if i wanted to put this out since im not too happy with the outcome but i wanted to feed u guys. in the future ill probably go back in and edit it but for now i hope you all enjoy this little angsty girl xx im also working on part 2 of love in secret !!!!!!!!!! she should be out fairly soon <3
wc: 4.8k
warnings: none, angst, fluff, flight anxiety
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“Hello? ‘M home,” Harry shouted into the cold house. Not that he would even notice, but the air was dull and the atmosphere was still, hues in the normally vibrant house now gray and lifeless. “Baby?” 
“Oh, hi Harry,” A dulcet smile was on her face as she walked around the corner with sweatpants and a baggy hoodie on, a baseball cap on top of her head. She had her dirty and beat up air forces on her feet that Harry loved to make fun of, small dollops of paint on the soles of the shoe. She also had a pair of sunnies that lay stagnant on the dark blue visor, a tell tale sign for Harry that she was going out. “I didn’t hear you come home.” 
Harry hummed, holding his arms out for her to walk into. She did, but only embraced him with half of her body, one arm curling around his waist loosely while the other stayed swaying by her side. In both of their opinions, it was way too short to even be considered a hug, not even close to being an embrace, but Y/N did it purposely. Harry frowned, feeling a twinge of hurt at her unusual lack of affection. “Um… Are y- are y’going out?” 
She laughed falsely, shaking her head and turning her body to face the large windows in their apartment. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” 
Harry was still confused. “What d’you mean?” 
It’s now or never, Y/N thought, and mustered her bravest smile as she pivot turned to face him again. “I’m leaving, Harry. I’m going up to New York to stay with Eliza. I don’t know when I’ll be home, but I’ll be sure to let you know in advance, is that okay?” 
A few beats pass, Harry staring at her in disbelief. “What the fuck? No, no, s’not okay! Why- why are y’leaving? Y’didn’t even tell me? When were you planning on telling me y’were leaving?” 
“I’ve been planning on leaving for a long time, Harry. I was actually meant to leave before you even got home, really, but you’re early.” She sighed, rubbing at her temple and knowing the fight that was about to ensue. 
“Why are y’leaving?” Harry’s voice started to grow in volume, becoming harder and harsher as he tightened his hands into balled fists, trying to channel his feelings in another way rather than yelling at his girlfriend. 
“I’m leaving because I can’t do this anymore, Harry. I cant keep arguing with you every day, it’s just not fair to me. And it’s not fair to you either, really, so I’m just… taking the stress off of the both of us and making the bold decision to leave.” She explains, moving to grab her suitcases from the hallway and roll them into the living room. 
“That’s wha’ this is about? The fight we had last night?” He asks, eyes widening and mouth drying at the sight of her multiple suitcases. 
“Um— not entirely, I guess. I’ve meant to go up to visit Eliza, if you remember, we were going to but you had um— a party, that you needed to attend. So I just decided to book a flight last night after you went to sleep.” She's as quiet as a mouse, her words not staggering but it was physically obvious that she was nervous. 
“So what now? Is that it? You’re just… throwing away four years of my- of our fucking life?” Harry spat. She’d started to shrink into herself quite a bit, sweaty palms running over the now warm black handle of her small suitcase. 
“I’m not throwing away anything, Harry. We had a fight, you and I both said some nasty things, and I’m just going up to my sister's house for a little bit to clear my head. Like I said, I was meaning to go up anyway. This isn’t really about you, Harry, as much as you think it might be. I’ve been miserable here all alone and all I want is to be with someone who I know can provide me with love and attention right now, which is what I need. You need it too.” She tried to hold her ground but the tremble in her soft voice made her feel weak. 
She and Harry had gotten into a multitude of arguments within the past weeks that he had been off tour. It started from little things, like a sock being thrown over the laundry basket and not inside of it, or one of them leaving their dirty tea mugs on the counter when the sink was right there! But as small and insignificant as these things were, they also grew into arguments about bigger issues. One of the more nasty arguments had pushed her to pack her bags and book a plane ride up to her sister’s house in New York. 
The argument on the table this time around was that whenever Harry was home after an elongated amount of time on the road, he would treat Y/N as if she was his friend and not girlfriend of three years. She’d had a problem with this seeing as all she ever wanted him to do was love her and take care of her, and for some reason she couldn’t help but feel he found that hard. 
“Bullshit. I know y’leaving ‘cause your feelings got hurt or whatever, but you know y’don’t have to leave, pup. We can resolve this, don’t we always?” He grumbles, taking a few small steps forward to meet her where she stood by the door. 
“It’s entirely different this time, Harry.” She sighed, bending down to sit on the floor since she knew they’d probably be there for a while. 
“How?! How could this be any fuckin’ different? We’re jus’ arguin’ are we not?” Harry runs a stressed hand through his hair, trying to channel his energy away from his voice. Though he tried to refrain from allowing his anger to seep its way into his voice, his girlfriend could still pick up on the edge that lined his vocal chords. 
“No, baby. We aren’t just arguing. This is me trying to tell you how I feel, and you keep pushing it aside. So this isn’t just us arguing anymore, I guess I’m surrendering. I’m tired of doing this with you whenever you’re home, Harry. I’m alone every day, 24/7, and then you come home and it’s like nothing has changed. Which I love, I love how we can just bounce back, but sometimes I need more love or attention when you come back, and I just…” She starts to gnaw on her lips, trying to word her next thought carefully. “I’m tired of being treated like your friend rather than your girlfriend.” 
“Mhm. Besides me being alone all the time, whenever I do have you— or people around, you only ever want to keep me at arms length. The whole world knows we’re together, Harry. You’ve posted on my birthday and it’s no secret to anyone anymore. I… I just can’t understand why you do that, really. It makes me feel like I’m just your friend and not your lover.” She pauses, inhaling a sharp breath of air and willing her tears away. 
“What do you— what do you even mean? I’m always with you whenever I’m home, I bring y’everywhere w’me?” His anger just kept growing and growing, but this time he noticed that the weight of guilt that was sitting on his heart had gotten heavier with every breath he took, the weight of the pull almost being able to bring him to his knees.
She lets out a wet laugh, shaking her head before dropping it in defeat. “Harry… I hate to bring it up but— you’ve been home for what, three weeks now? We haven’t had sex, we barely have cuddled, you don’t put your arm around me in public or kiss my cheek. I— I feel like I’m losing you. It’s so hard to love you when you won’t let me. I’ve tried to be understanding and just trying to accept the fact that you’re readjusting to our normal life but… I miss you. The only time we talk for longer than a few minutes is when we fight, and that’s not okay. You know how much you mean to me, but I just can’t keep trying to love someone you aren’t anymore. It’s just too destructive to me and I just can’t. I’m sorry, Harry. I hope you can understand, and I’ll be back whenever we’re ready.” 
Harry’s now shaking with sobs. Uncontrollable, messy, heartbreaking sobs. Her words were finally making sense to him. All of the arguments had finally made sense. She was arguing with him just so he would talk to her. He thought he could die with the amount of guilt squeezing his heart right now. 
“I love you, isn’t that enough?” He whispered. 
“I don’t think it is anymore, Harry.” Lifting herself up to her feet, she rolls her suitcase to stand behind her, taking a few small steps to be inches away from her Harry. “I’ll be back, H. I promise.” 
Placing a kiss to his wet cheek, he watched her walk away with a damp smile, and against his will, engrained the image of her leaving to his mind. 
This wasn’t how he imagined they would end. 
He didn’t even entertain the thought of them ever ending; but now he feels like he just lost every single atom of his being in the quickest of moments. 
It was hell. 
Harry could say with full conviction that it was absolute hell to be in that house, that big house on the beach, alone. 
Nothing felt right. From the second he woke up in the morning, to the minute he slid his legs under the covers at night, he almost felt nauseous because of how unusual he felt. How unusual everything felt. 
And it was all his fault. 
Picking up his phone, he goes to text his sweet girl again when he decides to scroll up to find the reprieve of gray amongst the sea of blue. 
Harry: Please text me when you land. 
Harry: I love you, please don’t forget that. 
Harry: Take all the time you need, Angel. I’m here if you need me. I’m so sorry.
Harry: I’ll be waiting for you when you get home. Just say the word and I’ll get you a ticket. 
Harry: Take your time though, please be safe. I love you.
Harry: Again
Y/N: just landed. kinda busy rn, talk to you later bug
Harry: That’s okay, be safe. ❤️
Y/N loved this message
Harry: I love you 
Y/N: yeah love you too h
Allowing his head to drop onto the back of the sofa, his arm fell limp onto his thigh, his green eyes scanned the interior of the living room, twinges of pain and guilt panting in his chest whenever he’d land his gaze on something that was proprietarily hers. 
Her growing orchids in a handmade pot that they’d painted together on their first Valentine’s Day as a couple. 
The godawful mirror she thrifted from a random corner store back in her hometown that she begged Harry to put up. 
A small canvas filled with tiny paintings of inside jokes and memorable dates that she gifted to him last Christmas. He allowed himself to trace over that painting for a little longer than the rest of the small things placed among their living room. 
11/29/19. The first time they met. 
1/16/21. When Harry asked her to be his girlfriend. 
4/07/21. The first time they said I love you. 
12/25/22. When Harry surprised Y/N on Christmas with a down payment on a house. The one he was now residing in, alone. 
A red convertible figurine, the car they first kissed in. 
A coffee cup and a teacup, symbolizing the first date they went on, where he learned she hates tea and preferred coffee, which led to an argument on whether coffee or tea was better. 
A small tulip, representing the first bouquet of flowers he ever bought her. 
And a small pearl ring, an exact replica of the promise ring Harry had given her on their 3 year anniversary. 
He didn’t even notice the streaks of tears beginning to run down his face until he felt a teardrop fall onto his inner wrist, making him look down. 
But as he canvassed the room once more, he perked up at the sight of a small snow globe that she brought him back from New York, and that was when he got an idea. He knew it was dramatic, and a bit of a stretch, but who said he wouldn’t go to extreme lengths to get his soulmate back?
Yeah, no one ever. 
To: Eliza
Harry: Hey Liz, got a sec?
Harry hated flying alone. 
Since he was a teenager and stepped foot on his first plane, he was anxious even being next to someone he barely knew even though his friends were two seats away. Though he would claim that he’s always been a bit anxious and just chalking it up to flight anxiety, he knew that the real reason why he hated flying alone was because he always feared that something bad would happen on the ground when he was in the air and vice versa, and that was always his greatest vice. 
His hands began to tremble nervously as he looked out the window of the airplane, seeing nothing but fluffy white on the exterior and the soft red light of the aircraft’s wings blinking every so often. His headphones were placed over his head, smushing his curls down flat onto his head, a mask covering the bottom half of his face. His hood was pulled up as well, trying to conceal himself as much as possible. He hadn’t brought much, just a little carry on and a small tote to shove under the seat in front of him. It was wishful thinking that he wouldn’t be there for a long while, but he brought the keys to his apartment in New York anyway. 
He kept his head hung in nausea, the speed of his shaking hands increasing tenfold. The pit in his stomach grew and he had to beg his own body to allow his eyes to not stray to the window next to him. Sure, he could close it, but he feared if it was too dark he would become more anxious than he was right now. The mask covering the bottom half of his face now felt constricting— as if he was being suffocated by the thin layer of fabric. The light douse of perfume that danced around the sunflower print of the mask couldn’t even distract him, and it only pained him more that his senses were fully encompassed by her. He bit down on his lip to distract himself by the whirling feeling of nausea that now swirled around in his throat, willing away the sick that begged to come out.
The rest of the flight was the same, his anxiety only decreasing when he allowed himself to take a small nap. However, when he woke up, his nerves had heightened when he flickered his gaze from the window to the screen in front of him, reading only 20 minutes until he was set to touch down. Grasping his phone from his hoodie pocket, he aligned it to his face then rolling his eyes when he remembered he had a mask on. Lowering his phone he typed in his password— Y/N’s birthday— and pulled up their messages again. 
Harry: Good morning baby. I love you. I hope you have a good day today!! 
Y/N: thanks h love you
He couldn’t lie and say that her being short with him didn��t hurt his feelings, because it did. He wasn’t going to avoid the fact, but that didn’t mean that he liked it regardless. He felt like a fool checking his phone so often, especially when he knew that she wouldn’t be making an effort to reach out first, but he could be hopeful, right? 
At least that’s what he’s telling himself. 
The plane landed safely, nerves rolling off of his back in waves and he was more than happy to leave his flight anxiety on the floor of the plane, relieved to not be miles high in the air. There was a lull that was obvious to Harry, and he felt himself switch to function in autopilot, waiting mindlessly to enter the aisle to retrieve his bag from the overhead compartment. 
The nippy New York air was the first thing to snap Harry out of his trance. Looking down at his phone, he felt a soft buzz and soon after felt his heart beat almost fast enough to eject from his chest. 
Y/N: saw this in a store earlier, thought of u
Y/N: Attachment: 1 Image 
Eliza: waiting near terminal b for you, lmk when you get outside 
Harry: I’m outside, can you see me?
Eliza: yep. be there in a sec
Swiping out of Y/N’s sisters messages, he went to click on Y/N’s before a black car stopped in front of him, averting his attention from his device to the car that just screeched to a halt. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he trudged forward and grabbed onto the door handle, prying it open and avoiding Eliza’s deathly stare. “Um- hiiii.” 
She scoffed. “Hi, H.” 
He throws his tote to his feet, awkwardly buckling himself in and turned in his seat, avoiding eye contact but making sure she knew that conversation was open if she’d wanted to make it. “How— um… How are you?”
Silence follows his words for a few seconds, making him heat up in embarrassment. “Good.” 
“Oh- that’s good… I, um— haven't seen y’in quite a while, Lizzy,” He says softly, guilt evident in his voice. “I missed you.” 
Eliza was basically Gemma’s best friend. They were attached at the hip the first time they met, bonding over being the eldest sisters, and shared secrets. Y/N and Harry’s family had always been interconnected, close with each other even if Y/N and Harry lacked that communication. 
They were basically soul tied in every sense of the phrase. 
“Yeah, I missed you too, H. But,” Eliza starts. “You’ve been a right dick to my sister.” 
“I know,” He whispers. 
“Do you? Fuck, H, my fucking baby sister came to me crying because of you. And you know how much I love you, truly, you know I do, but I love her more. So, I just have to ask,” She pauses, gnawing on her lip and clicking her blinker on to signal her turn. “What the hell happened?” 
“I,” He sniffs, trying to contain his emotions already begging to come out. “I don’t know.” 
Eliza snorts. “Bullshit.” 
“I— I really don’t, Lizzy. I guess I was really in m’head about… well, everything. I lo- love her so much,” Harry’s voice cracks, his facade shattering into more microscopic pieces than the most delicate sheet of glass ever could. 
“I know you do, H. That’s why this is so confusing to me. To Gems. And most importantly, to Y/N. What happened, Curly? How’d we lose you?” She begs, trying to get him to explain where he was mentally. She loved him as she would Y/N, which was the hardest part. It hurt her as much as it hurt him to confront him about the issue. 
“I don’t want her to hate me! Okay?” Harry sobs, chin falling to his chest in weakness. “I don’t want her t’hate me for being away all the time, and I’m so fucking scared. ‘M scared because the press is doing nothing but talking bad about me and I don’t know if I can equally protect her as much as she does me when this happens. When it happens t’me I jus’ ignore it, but I know she can’t do that. I know it, Lizzy, and so d’you.” 
“I know, H. I know.” She whispers. 
“I jus’ wanted to keep her as far away as I could so that if she did decide she didn’t want me anymore, it wouldn’t hurt as bad.” He murmurs so quietly, he himself even doubts if he said it out loud. 
Silence followed the rest of the car ride, the only sound filling the space of the vehicle being the soft splatter of rain on the glass windows and windshield, paired with the crackly static of the stereo. The sun even seemed to be hiding away, the sky dark with clouds, little to no light making an appearance to greet Harry’s arrival. 
Pulling up to her driveway, Eliza parked the car, keeping her ignition on so she could drive away after Harry got into the house. Turning to Harry, she chewed on her bottom lip as she traced his side profile with her eyes. “You need to tell her exactly what you told me. Word for word, Harry. You can’t keep her in the dark. She doesn’t even know I went to pick you up. So, just promise me that you’ll tell her exactly what you told me.” 
“I promise.” Harry’s voice cracked in a broken whisper, vocal cords thrumming against each other as if they were rusted. “Love you, Lizzy. Thank you.”
Stepping out of the car, he knocked on the door thrice, and tapped softly on the doorbell for good measure. His hands had gone cold with anxiousness, but he wrote it off as the stark cold weather of New York. 
“Harry? Oh my god, baby, get inside,” Y/N pulled him in immediately, pushing his thick puffer jacket off of him that was shiny with rainwater, hands coming up to pull his baby blue beanie from his hair, revealing his soft curls. They shared no words as she pulled him to the living room, where she sat the both of them down and covered the length of their torsos and legs with a big fluffy blanket. Y/N didn’t waste a second before she threw her legs over his thighs, grabbing his hands and rubbing over the cold and cracked red skin, trying to exude as much warmth from her own as much as she could. 
She’s always been warm. 
Her hands have always been graced with heat and more significantly, she always tended to carry around an aura as sweet as honey and as warm as a hug with her wherever she went. Bringing their hands up to his lips, he presses kisses all over the back of hers, kissing her knuckles and fingertips that moved erratically over his own. She could feel the dry chap of his lips on her hands and down to her wrists but she didn’t care. She didn’t mind one bit. She would rather commit the feeling of his lips on her hands to memory rather than not know what they felt like at all. 
“What’re you doing here, baby?” She asks, concern etched in her face as she lifts her head to look at him, her movements on his hands not staggering or slowing. 
“Came t’see you,” He whispers weakly. “Couldn’t bear it. I need t’see you, hold y’again… Fuck, do jus’ about anything to be near y’again.” 
Her heart twisted with the most intense emotion that she could only describe as heartbreak. “You— you got on a plane by yourself just to come see me?” 
“Would do jus’ about anything f’you, sweet girl. Of course I would go on a plane jus’ by myself if it meant I could hold you.” He admitted. He avoided eye contact with her, keeping his eyes trained on their conjoined hands that now lay stagnant on the soft fabric of the blanket. 
“Harry,” She whispers. “Why are you here, my love?” 
“I felt too guilty t’let you leave like that,” He says, gnawing on his bottom lip to will away the tears begging to escape. “I couldn’t let y’go without telling y’I loved you. And I didn’t…” He pauses, struggling for air as he over explained. “I didn’t even explain m’self. I didn’t tell you I loved you. I didn’t kiss y’back. I didn’t even tell y’to be safe.” 
He’s fully sobbing now, Y/N tracing his side profile with his eyes, jittering with fear and anxiety. “It’s okay, hey, baby, listen,” Grabbing his chin with the tips of her fingers, she turns his head to hers, resting his forehead atop of hers. “It’s okay. I forgive you. I just needed time to think and I didn’t want to lash out on you because I didn’t have time to. We’re okay, baby. I promise.” 
He shook his head while she spoke, tears falling on the fluff of the blanket with every movement. His eyes were clenched as if he was in pain, and uneven erratic breaths fell from his mouth. “Nonono. I should— should’ve listened to you. I did- didn’t mean t’treat y’like tha’,” Harry’s accent had gotten heavier with how much emotion he was feeling, stumbling over his words as if he was drunk. 
“And I should’ve explained myself more. It’s not your fault, H. Please baby, breathe,” She begged, tightening her grip on his hands as she pleaded with her nose slotted next to his, every whispered beg pushing her lips forward to lightly brush against his raw-bitten ones. “There, that’s it.” 
His breaths began to even out, just the slightest bit. His hands still shook dramatically, veins in his neck that once protruded from the force of his cries now retracting. “I’m sorry.” 
“Harry, stop apolog-“ 
“No. I have t’say this before I leave because if I don’t, I don’t think I ever will. I— I didn’t mean t’push y’away. I was trying to protect m’self but I didn’t see that it was hurting y’too. It wasn’t my intention, and now I realize it wasn’t the right thing t’do.” He sniffles, pulling back from her face to hold eye contact for the utmost emphasis on his words. 
“I tried to keep you far away because if you ended up resenting me for being away all the time it would hurt less if you decided to leave me. Paired with everything that’s being said in the media about m’right now, I tried t’keep y’as far away as I could so that if everything came crashing down on me, I would’ve had to cope with losing y’less than everything else. And I kept picking fights with y’so that if— or when y’got too fed up w’me, you’d leave me yourself instead of something else forcing y’to leave me. I think it was all subconscious, seeing how I freaked out on y’when y’told me you were leaving. I guess I didn’t really prepare myself for when it was really going t’happen. I’m really, really sorry, Angel. I really do hope y’can forgive me.” 
She’s silent. It scares him, he can’t lie. He takes her silence as an answer and pulls his hands from her grasp and moves her legs softly off of his thighs, standing up and brushing off his pants in an attempt to stall. She’s still mute, and he takes it as his cue to go. There’s still tears streaming down his face, but they’re silent. Like he doesn’t even want to acknowledge that they’re falling at all. 
“I love you.” He whispers, before turning and walking to the door. Placing his hand on the knob, he turns it, and his heart follows the motion with a sharp twist that he thinks he feels in his entire body. He’s gnawing in his lip to avoid breaking down in front of her, even though she’s arguably seen him at his worst and most vulnerable times. Opening the door, he’s greeted with the harsh cold air, biting at his skin so aggressively he feels like his tears have now frozen to his face. Bearing the pain, he forced himself to take the step out the doorway and onto the porch, on autopilot as he let his feet decide his motions. 
“Harry, wait,” Y/N pleaded, running out behind him, meeting him in the middle of the driveway in nothing but tiny shorts and a stolen crewneck of his that she'd haphazardly stuffed into her luggage. “I love you. I love you more than I could probably ever explain, and I— I just need you to know that. If you’re done with me or done with this, that’s okay, I just need you to know that I love you.” 
“I love you. Always.” He whispers, lips trembling with sadness. 
“You know I always will, right?” She asks, placing a warm hand onto his wet and cold cheek.
“I know, baby. I do.” He says. 
“I’m here whenever you want me. I promise.” She pleads, coming up to reach his lips, placing a soft kiss to his cold ones. 
“Come home, please.” 
“Always, H. I’ll always come right back home to you.”
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𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚌𝚔𝚘𝚕𝚖 (𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚞𝚎?)
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Summary: Bored me tries something different (because writer’s block is a bitch) during a bus ride.
Pairing: Blackpool Combat Club x Fem!Reader
Warnings: +18, adult content, semi-erotic content, harsh language, dub-con, mild psychological torture, yandere vibes.
Tags: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @adamjf , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl , @sunshinevirus , @im-just-a-mississippi-girl , @ripleyswhore
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The youngest man was placed by the door as security, he couldn’t stop staring at her ever since the others bound her to the chair. His black hair and mischievous almond-shaped eyes gleamed underneath the blinding white lights.
She hadn’t slept in over 24 hours, adrenaline and the clarity in the room had successfully kicked sleep out of her system. She vaguely remembers the faces of two of the men, having bumped them a few times inside her father’s church, but the blonde one and the one by the door were still unfamiliar to her. She still didn’t know where she was, who these men were, and what they could possibly want with someone like her, but still, she found herself here. Somewhere at some place, with the four strangers, being held hostage for no apparent reason.
“I need to go to the bathroom”, she murmured. Red, tired eyes stared bluntly at the young man before her ears captured what sounded like a faint chuckle.
“Didn’t you just go like ten minutes ago?”
“Yes, but I need to go again”, she responded, shrinking herself in the chair when he took three steps forward.
He hovered over her, nose brushing against her perfumed hair, warm breath caressing the skin of her right temple. “What’s so interesting about that bathroom that you wanna go in there all the time, huh?” His hand pushed her hair behind her shoulder, rough fingertips brushing the skin of her neck and shoulder in the meantime. “Maybe I should go in with you to see what interesting things you’re up to”.
Her throat felt coarse and dry, and the many hours without water were beginning to affect her body. She subtly pulled herself away from the young man’s touch, the small action seemed to amuse him since his only response was to get closer to her again.
“Don’t tell me you’re one of the shy ones” He chuckled “You didn’t seem to have one single shy bone in your body when you snuck out of the church with Timmy boy”. The amused chuckle transformed into a full-out laugh as he spotted the disgusted look on her face.
“Tell me” He whispers in her ear “How far did you let Timmy boy go?” his hand grips her thigh, pushing it open until a voice echoes from behind them.
“Yuta! That’s enough” The blonde man stated, slowly walking into the room followed by the other two men. Yuta reluctantly stepped away from her and walked toward the blonde man who beckoned him closer. He whispered something in Yuta’s ear, and the young man just nodded and walked out of the room.
“I deeply apologize for this inconvenience” The blonde man pointed with his finger around the room “But dear old daddy didn’t leave us much of choice”. His eyes wrinkled as he smiled “I’m Bryan. And this is Mox and Claudio”, he pointed back and forth between the man beside him, “We promise you nothing bad will happen to you, as long as you behave and your father keeps his part of the deal, of course. But other than that, I promise you, we’re all gentlemen here”.
She tried to lick her lips in an attempt to moist the dry flesh as she spoke “Could I have some water, please?”
“Of course” The man who went by the name Claudio answered with a smirk. He grabbed a bottle of water from the mini-fridge by the door and opened it before placing it against her chapped lips.
They all stared at her with curiosity, like tourists on a safari. Both Mox and Claudio had a knowing smirk plastered on their lips as Bryan only stood there in silent mockery. Claudio squatted down beside her, pulling the water bottle away from her lips when she began to chug on it.
“Easy there” He whispered “We don’t want you to choke, at least not on water”
When she only answered a small, confused “What?”, Claudio laughed “You’re really cute, I wonder why it took us so long to do this”. He placed small pecks on her exposed shoulder, traveling up to her neck until he reached her cheek.
“Will you be our obedient little girl? Do everything we say with a pretty smile on your face” Claudio placed his chin on her shoulder, deep brown eyes staring directly at her soul “We know you want to” He grinned.
“We’re not like christian boy Timmy who doesn’t know what to do with his little dick” Mox tugged on her hair, pulling it down until she looked up at him. “We’re men, real men” His clear baby blue eyes roamed through her features “I know you’re supposed to keep that cherry intact for your honeymoon, but kitty cat, I’m not so sure that you’ll keep it though. You know why?”
She whined a “No” before she felt Claudio pressing his semi-hard bulge against her shoulder.
Mox took her hand in his as he began “Because unlike your dear old daddy, we love you”, he delicately placed her palm on top of his growing bulge, “See how much we love you?”
A boisterous laugh resonated from the wooden stairs, loud thumps made their way down to the small room until they stopped by the door. “Everything’s ready and the engine is running”. Yuta grinned like the Cheshire cat.
Bryan leaned over her and cut the ropes with a pocket knife. He caresses her hair, places a small peck on her lips, and whispers “Let’s get out of here, shall we?”
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pilot-boi · 10 months
“Hey, uh, Jaune? I, um. This is, uh… I’m sorry for yelling at you back in the Ever After, and I—…I get it if, um. If you don’t think I should know. Is… Penny… is she mad at me, for, um… for not being good enough?”
They’re in Vacuo, it doesn’t feel real. Jaune is setting on an honest to gods mattress for the first time in decades, and it doesn’t feel real. Pyrrha keeps chuckling at his amazed expression, he can feel her over his shoulder.
There’s a knock on the door and Jaune jumps. His hand is on his sword and he’s halfway across the room before Penny floats through the wall beside the door, looking troubled. And Jaune’s heart sinks. He knows who’s going to be on the other side
Ever since Ruby landed in the Ever After, Penny has only briefly left her side, and only to visit her father.
“Jaune? Can…” Ruby’s voice, muffled, trails off. “Can I come in?” He glances at Penny, who nods reassuringly, and opens the door
Gods has Ruby always looked so small?
“Hey Ruby,” he says, sheathing his sword. They stare at each other for a moment before Jaune steps aside and Ruby sidles past him. She’s quiet in a way that reminds him of tea cups and shattered silver eyes, and it scares him.
He sits on the bed and she sits next to him, a careful distance away. “You doing okay?” he asks.
She shrugs. “Are you?” she asks.
He shrugs.
The silence drags on, awkward and stifling, broken only by Penny humming quietly. She didn’t flinch when he drew his weapon, but HE did. Gods, half of it is still sticking out of her chest and she didn’t even flinch.
“Hey, uh, Jaune? I, um. This is, uh…” Ruby’s voice gets more quiet by the word, and she won’t meet his eyes. “I’m sorry for yelling at you back in the Ever After, and I-”
Jaune is spouting apologies of his own before she’s even done talking. Pyrrha has to shush him multiple times before he realizes that he cut Ruby off.
“It’s okay but …I get it if, um. If you don’t think I should know.” Ruby shrinks in on herself. Her hands are tangled in her cape “Is… Penny… is she mad at me, for, um… for not being good enough?”
Penny, of course, immediately starts yelling reassurances, and Jaune winces at the volume of the echoey words. Ruby must take his reaction as confirmation though, because she sniffles and stands. “Right. Right I’m- im sorry, I shouldn’t have asked. I’ll just…”
“Wait! Wait no, Ruby, no she doesn’t!” Jaune says frantically, waving his hands. “Or she’s not! She’s not mad at you. She could never be mad at you.” He’s just passing on Penny’s words, but even if he wasn’t he’d know that they’re true. Even he isn’t stupid enough not to see how much the former-android cares about Ruby
“Ruby, it wasn’t your fault, you did everything you could. You are the most…” Jaune can’t find the words. “You are the most enough anyone could be. Penny isn’t mad at you, because come on, she’s Penny.” Ruby chuckles weakly, and he takes it as a win.
“But mostly she’s not mad because you were MORE than good enough. You got us all to Vacuo, you got EVERYONE to Vacuo. You gave all of us the strength to follow you. She…” Jaune glances up at Penny. “She wants you to know that not only is she not mad, but that she’s so SO proud. Being just you has always been more than enough.”
At this Ruby does actually start crying, and he panics for a second because shit he messed everything up again. Next he’s gonna get slammed into a wall and left to pick up the pieces, he just knows it.
Over her shoulder Penny is trying to hold Ruby’s shaking form, but she can’t make contact, and Jaune has to look away. That’s his fault, he did that. He’s the reason Penny will never be able to hug her friend again, why Ruby will never be able to be comforted by her friend again.
“Stop that…” Pyrrha’s staticky reprimand whispers. “It’s not your fault.”
It is, it is. But since it’s his fault, it’s also his responsibility to make up for it.
“Ruby can I… Can I hug you?” Jaune asks, his arms held out tentatively. It’s all the invitation his best friend needs, choking out a sob and diving at him with enough force to send them both to the ground.
And that’s what breaks Jaune, and soon enough he’s crying and sobbing into her hair while her cries are muffled against his chest.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to, I didn’t mean it, I’m so sorry.” Their apologies melt together, meaningless and meaningful in equal measure.
“It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t mean to, it’s okay, it’s okay, I’m here.” Reassurances from both of them, each the only one who can truly understand what the other is going through
He feels like some kind of poison is being drawn from a wound decades left unattended.
He’s not sure how long they sit there, the literal ghosts of their past whispering and cooing calming words to the broken leaders.
“You are more than enough, Ruby. You’re my best freaking friend, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You are SO much more than enough.” Jaune’s voice is broken, croaky with tears and emotion. He doesn’t know who he’s trying to convince, her or himself. “I can’t lose you again.”
He feels Ruby nod against his chest. “It wasn’t your fault. You’re my best friend, I could never be mad at you. It wasn’t your fault.” Her words are fierce, exhausted, insistent, and he chokes out a sob. Ruby is trying to convince herself as much as him. Gods they really are the same, aren’t they?
“We really are messed up, aren’t we?”
Ruby chuckles, and nods against his chest. “Yeah. Proper Hunters and everything, now.” She sounds bitter, and Jaune’s arms tighten around her.
“Yeah. Yeah I guess we are.”
“Does this… does this get better?”
Decades alone being burned alive by his own guilt, going half-mad with fear. “I’ll let you know when I find out.”
Ruby laughs again, and wipes at her eyes. “I’ll do the same.”
And on the floor of a Vacuo dorm room, two broken leaders begin to heal.
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makethatelevenrings · 2 years
Just a Name // D. Grayson x gn!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: smoking, vague mentions of domestic abuse, my final szn brain being absolutely fried and I wrote trash sorry this is a steaming pile of shit and im mad at myself lol
Summary: Your ex is in Bludhaven. Dick ensures you never have to see fear him again.
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It was a terrible habit, really, but it was comforting in the worst way possible.
You stood on the top of your apartment building and looked out at the buzzing city below you. Millions of people went about living their lives with no knowledge of you and the plight you were in. Millions of people simply didn’t care.
But as you inhaled another drag of your cigarette, the near silent thud of boots landing on the rooftop behind you reminded you that in a sea of a million people, one person would always remain.
“What’s wrong?” Dick asked. You shrugged and offered him your cigarette. He gave you a funny look, took it from you, and then crushed it under his boot.
“What makes you think something’s wrong?” You sighed and settled your chin on your forearms. Dick settled in beside you, his lithe form shielding you from the wind. He hummed absentmindedly and you tilted your head to the side to look at him.
“You only smoke when you’re really stressed,” he observed. “What is it?”
Anger and nicotine coursed through your veins and you shook your head. “It’s nothing, Grayson.”
A heavy hand landed on your shoulder and you flinched under his touch. Dick immediately yanked his hand back as though he had burned himself on your fear. Two years. Two years of knowing him and he could count on one hand the amount of times you had been scared of him, even when you found out that he was a escrima-toting vigilante with a serious anger streak.
“Please.” His voice didn’t break, but fuck, was it close. You shut your eyes and then sucked in a sharp, unsettled breath.
“Did I ever tell you what brought me to Bludhaven?”
“Yeah, that one asshole. Your ex.” He ground down on his back molars at the thought of the guy that had you running scared to his city.
“Well, he’s in town.” The words spilling out of your mouth made it that much more real and it killed you to admit it. This place of safety, despite the constant violent crime, was now threatened by his mere presence. You knew he was here because he texted you. How he got your number, you don’t know. But that meant he was on the hunt and you…you were merely prey.
Fear that you hadn’t felt for years was creeping into your chest and swallowing you whole. You could feel yourself shrinking under your shame, fear, and grief. Dick took a measured step forward, but made no effort to reach out to you.
“I need a name,” he murmured. You could hear the barely repressed anger on the edge of his voice. Your head raised and you met his eyes, hard and cold and entirely focused on you.
“Dick…” you breathed.
“You and I both know that I can find out what I need with one call to Oracle. This city is your home and Bludhaven is under my protection, which means this is my job. I won’t let you live in fear. Not anymore. Do you understand me?”
A rush of emotion flooded your chest and you shut your eyes to keep the tears at bay. You stepped closer, pressing against his chest, and wrapped your arms around his neck. You trembled with muted sobs and he buried his face against your neck.
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you, baby. Okay?”
You whispered two words. The name that haunted you. Dick stepped back, placed a kiss on your forehead, and then climbed over the railing and disappeared into the night.
He returned to you when the early dawn light began to creep up onto the horizon. The window slid open and you met him just as his foot stepped onto the floor. Your hands came up to cup his cheeks as he stood to his full height. Blood marred his knuckles and he kept his hands hovering at your sides. He always refused to touch you until he took a shower, but you didn’t care.
“He won’t be bothering you ever again. I promise.”
You didn’t ask. You knew better than to ask. You just wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him flush against you.
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Tag List: @someoneimsure @perpetual-fangirl900 @visagebrise @cursedandromedablack @alexxavicry​ @gone-batty-fics​
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yuquinzel · 1 year
HELLO HANA 🤭🤭🤭 here to annoy u again
anyway.. rinnie ko bas ek din ghar pe invite karna hai for a sleepover to see his face when he realizes ki woh tumhare saath same room mein nahi sone wala h 😭 and then he gets so pouty and you have to be like "sorry rinnie :P just my family...... they're a little...." so he's like ok (sad) and woh guest room mein sota h but then he gets a text from you at like 1 in the morning which says "be quiet when you come in <3" and he's already getting out of the bed in seconds ??????? ugh this man. and bonus when tumhare bhai/behen ghar mein rehte h because he's extra scared of getting caught 😭😭😭😭 and then after cuddling all night you have to quite literally push him out of your room at 4 AM bc he gets so clingy and won't let you go (how are u gonna escape from those strong ass arms ???) and you're whisper-yelling at him in the dark like "rin! go back to your room i swear to god—" kyuki mummy 5 baje hi uthti hai ... ☠️ bechara rin </3
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“rin... let go, it's almost 4 am!”
rin's hold on you is firm, it's hard enough to keep your voice low and close to a whisper-yell, it's even more difficult to wrestle yourself free from the embrace of his strong arms when he's very obviously determined to not let go.
“quit whining, you're the one who asked me to come.”
“yeah, like an hour ago. my mom will be up by 5! you and i are dead if she sees you leave my room at this hour.” you try to reason, hands going to push away at his forearms to allow space between you both, but to no avail. if anything, he just holds you even tighter.
“sounds like a you problem. first you ask me for a sleepover, and then i find we're not even gonna sleep in the same room. then i get a text asking me to come over to your room, and now you want me leave again? not happening.”
“bro,” you deadpan, “you're lucky my parents even agreed to let you sleep over! I'll make up for it later, but please go back to your room!”
you can't help but snicker as the events of earlier come playing in your mind— the look of pure horror on rin's pretty face as he learns he's not going to be spending the night with you, but in the guest room instead. the way he was shrinking in his seat as your siblings give him the side-eye everytime they'd catch him staring at you. god, he looked adorable pouting when you slapped his hand away from your own, in front of your parents.
but now when you feel him inch closer, burying his face in your shoulders as the warmth of your bodies cover you like a second blanket— you know you've already lost. you don't really want him to leave either, and there's a tremble in your voice that's enough to tell rin that your resistance isn't as legitimate as you're hoping for it to be.
“i don't care. your parents already love me. I'll win them over, now shut up and let me sleep.”
the hushed sweetness to his voice betrays his words, he's only threading his fingers through your hair in what you assume is an attempt to lull you to sleep. you take a mental note to not underestimate itoshi rin's ability to charm you with his words past 3 am— he's uncharacteristically clingy, being all soft and delicate, tentative and loving— the way only you know rin to be.
“my sister's in the other room, she definitely knows you're here.”
“that means we're already done for, might as well let it be.”
“god, you are insufferable.” you say, (begrudgingly) settling into his chest.
you can only imagine a satisfied smirk on his face when he breathes— the rise and fall of his chest slowing falling in sync with yours— and you feel it resonate with your own.
yeah, you don't really want him to leave.
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hiii val im sorry for the late reply </3 here take this as a peace offering,, literally wrote this just now— i love your ideas, please stay in my inbox forever :(
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comfortless · 6 months
a while back you posted some uncommon headcanons about König, I hope you don't mind me dumping my own uncommon headcanons into your blog ^^"
I headcanon that he has a pretty tight knit but small group of friends, not exactly the friendless total loner he seems to be in most peoples stories (nothing wrong with that interpretation of course!) some of his voice lines make him seem like a pretty chill dude to hang out with who values good comradery.
I don't think he's that pale either, I think he tans pretty decently and gets lots of freckles in the sun.
he has a receding hairline and a bald spot in the back of his head that he doesn't really care about cuz whose gonna be able to see it haha
he is reaaaaaallllyyyyy argumentative im my mind, would raise his voice if he gets heated.
mansplains but then says he's not mansplaining because in his words: "it is only mansplaining if I know less than you, which I don't"
i love these so much… oh my god. i have committed every one to memory, anon.
the idea of König actually having some sort of social circle apart from his team is endearing. what would these people be like? outcasts turned middle age? none of them probably fall into a specific category of people — all looking like a mismatched puzzle when they’re grouped up together. ^^ god please let them play dnd on scheduled nights or listen to the strangest music on aimless road-trips…
i always call him pale but… tan with sun-wrought freckles?! they probably pop out on his hikes through the forest, layer over his shoulders, neck and nose…
i wonder if he started losing hair when he was relatively young (possibly attributed to the bullying he received)… it’s a sore spot for him and for his confidence. but, as you said, it’s not like anyone will see (now)!
most of his voice lines are so loud, i can definitely see him raising his voice and causing a ruckus if he simply can’t see someone else’s side of things. likely shrinks back like a defensive kitten when he realizes oh… you’re mad or upset with him for getting that angry over such a little thing. he’ll make it up to you and try to keep his cool next time, but if steam could rise from his head during some of these arguments it certainly would…
and the last one???! yes yes yes. even telling him a simple joke can turn into a lecture. when you tell him you already know these things, he just says he needs to make sure you’re not actually that uninformed. /: annoying…
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flying-bear-tv · 1 year
Some stuff i noticed in the fionna and cake finale + betty theroy
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# 1 Prismo's face glitch
This one is pretty self explanatory. for a frame prismos face glitches for no reason. I cant think of something we have seen that would explain this.
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#2 After credits apple
After the credits there is a short animation of two shapes morphing into an apple. I thought this was a logo or something unrelated at first so I reversed image searched the apple but I couldn't find anything. So if its not related to a company it should be related to the show right? The shapes and bow for sure remind me of golbetty and apples have appeared multiple times (mostly use to shrink in size) This probably is important.
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#3 Season One
The image on the left is a promotional poster for the show. On the bottom it gives the date episodes will start airing. Notice the lack of "Season One" near the top. The image on the right Is for the show's soundtrack which was released yesterday. All im gonna say is if I were producing a 10 episode miniseries I wouldn't want to specifically label it as season one if there was only one season.. And I definitely wouldn't only put that on promotional materials AFTER the season was done airing. I bet $72 there will be a season 2.
OKEY GUYS IT TIME TO TALK ABOUT BETTY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!! :]
Adventure time season 6 episode 43. The Comet. yea im bringing this up.
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I saw a post saying this means "comet". It has the same number of characters as the bus sign but I no idea where they found how to read this. I think it makes sense though and I'll tell you why
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As Simon is flying away from golbetty he sees her do this .. Notice the color of the light (electricity?? fire?) I also think she changes shape a bit. the image on the left is her when she first electricitys herself and the image one the right is a few seconds later. I'm not gonna draw any conclusions on why this is right now.
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Now back to Adventure Time ;]
In The Comet finn witnesses several of his reincarnations. The two shown are a comet and a butterfly.
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Now IF the bus is saying golbettys destination is "comet" this HEAVILY implies reincarnation as comets are directly tied to this in adventure time. Also notice how the electricity golbetty is using is THE EXACT SAME FUCKING COLOR AS THE COMET. And what does simon wake up to after seeing golbetty do that.
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I think what happened is by Simon and Betty both moving on from their toxic yuri relationship Betty's wish to keep simon safe was realized. Because tbh the thing that was mostly likely to hurt Simon was his own indifference to life and tendency to self sacrifice. I mean, he was completely ready to say goodbye to his sanity multiple times JUST that episode.
This allowed Betty to separate from golb because she no longer needed its power. She gave simon and kiss, and then fucked off to do butterfly shit.
Even if im wrong this show was so beautiful TvT I really needed it. I totally understand if yall are disappointed because simon and betty didn't get a happy ending together but. They really needed to move on. And who knows.. maybe we'll get a season two ;) bye
Oh and the scarab fight scene was way too long and bringing jay and little destiny back was weird and forced.
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italiansteebie · 1 year
steddie week day three: first kiss @steddie-week
if Steve was being honest with himself, he'd always thought about what it would feel like to kiss a guy. would it be different than kissing a girl? softer? more intense? maybe he wouldn't have to take charge for the first time in his life.
that sounded nice.
and if he was going to be completely candid, the weed he and Eddie were smoking, currently rolled up into a joint that was being passed back and forth between the two of them, was only making it worse.
"I've never kissed a guy."
Eddie looked over at Steve and snorted, "Uh, duh. You're like super straight," and Steve shrugged. "does thinking about other guys' lips constantly fall under the category of straight?" and Eddie turned to look at him, really look at him. "Wha- Steve. you're high." and Steve only shrugged, once more. he smacked him lightly, "dude, if that's your fucked up way of trying to 'connect' with me or whatever, it's not funny."
Steve finally looked back at him, "Why would I joke about that," his eyes shined with hurt, and Eddie felt a little guilty, but laughed anyways. "I dunno. I just, you're king Steve. you aren't- you don't like guys." Steve scoffed, "don't tell me who I like, eds, that's not fair. and I haven't been king Steve in a long long time," and his tone was confessional, and suddenly the room felt a whole lot warmer.
Steve shifted so they were face to face.
"y'know. I am sorry, for what ever I did in high school. I wasn't a cool guy," Steve said, tone soft, and Eddie shrugged, "I kinda forgave you after you saved my life." and somehow it felt like a vulnerable confession. Eddie passed the burning joint back to Steve in hopes it would create some normalcy again.
Steve took it, taking in a long drag, eyes glazed over, "this is probably the wrong time to tell you this but- I've. I'm like, majorly in love with you, Eddie. and I- yeah I'm high but like, I don't have any inhibitions and I want you to know before the feeling swallows me whole and I die. sorry. I just- needed to tell you, it felt like I was keeping a secret and I don't wanna have secrets from you."
"do you always do that?"
"do what?"
"apologize for having feelings."
"oh. yeah, I guess I do."
"because I'm scare that if i'm not sorry, or I'm too honest, people will run away."
"im still here, aren't I?"
and Steve let a hazy smile form on his face, "yeah, you are."
their faces were closer now, noses almost touching. "I like you too, Steve. I've fallen victim to the Harrington charm, and I don't want anyone to save me." Steve giggled at eddies theatrics, "was that a line?" Eddie shrugged, "if you want it to be," and Steve nodded, "I really, really do."
"It's not just the weed talking, is it?"
"No. it just, gave me some blind confidence."
"Good, good. I'm going to kiss you now. is that okay?"
"yes, please, now."
and Eddie closed the ever shrinking gap, finally, lips meeting each others. there were no sparks, or fireworks, or anything like that. it felt like coming home, after a long day. it felt like the comfort of a warm shower, or the softness of a quiet morning. it was love, pure love. Eddie sighed into the kiss, placing his hands around steve's waist, pulling him closer. Steve whimpered as Eddie deepened this kiss, hands grabbing at his shirt, trying to get as much contact as he could.
he only whined a little bit when Eddie pulled away, "sorry, needed to breath," and that broke the tenderness as they both fell into a fit of comfortable laughter. "I wanna take you on a date." Steve said, still giggling, Eddie pulled him back into a cuddle, "oh yeah, where we goin' baby?"
"we can go to Enzo's, and then back to my house, and I'll make you dessert."
"aww, all that for little ol' me,"
"everything, always for you, eds."
"I'm looking forward to it," Eddie said, placing a kiss on Steve's forehead, stubbing out the long forgotten joint, pulling him in even closer. "There's nothing like a first kiss." Eddie sighed, "Only if I'm the last one," Steve said, grabbing Eddie's hand.
And there was no doubt in his mind that Steve would be.
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
I love love love yandere tropes I will restrain myself to just one I prommy. Im feeling geto today. Geto & wisteria 💜
a /n ; hello miss aleks... thank u for requesting getou bc im insane abt him. a lot of requests for wisteria!! v interesting
cw ; yandere, captivitity, implied violence, reader talks about being hungry but it's largely metaphorical, gn!reader
W - Wisteria (long life, immortality): “Tell me I’m your god/goddess and I’ll grant you a slice of heaven.”
You're of the belief that your anger will someday mean something.
You hold onto this belief. You nurse it like a child that cries so loud it could shatter glass windows. More than anything, you want this anger festering inside of you to mean something. To be visible or potent. You hope with utmost sincerity that someday you will reveal it to someone and they will be the one to shrink back.
Getou is not above being cruel. He doesn't prefer it. The cruelty is not sadistic in nature - it's not something he draws pleasure from. Not usually. Not often enough for you to notice, though some times there's a gleam to him. A sharpness at the corners of his mouth when he twists your wrist just a little too hard that makes you wonder if you're missing something.
In all the ways Getou is cruel, it's not the violence nor hunger that makes you feel the most vulnerable. It's the indifference to your own humanity that you regard as most inhumane. It is the almost pitiful glare as you push towards him defiantly, unwilling to stand down.
Getou is authoritarian, but not pragmatic. This means, if you bare your teeth at him he will only go so far as muzzling you. Even if it's more practical to shave your fangs down to nubs - the practically of a tamed animal is not enough for Getou Suguru. He would rather you keep them sharp, keep them bared - and to teach you the same lesson until your exhausted. To beat it into you until your howl is faint in the wind.
Getou shows preference for taming. He does not punish your hostility with violence. It's never an eye for an eye. That would assume that you and him are equals and that could never be. There's no such reality where a human being could be equal to him. You can't see curses. You bruise easily. You shout and light your temper rise even easier.
The days pass by. Slowly like time is hesitant to widen the gaps of your sanity, though you know that is unavoidable. You hold on still. Your hands are holding on so tight to the thing within yourself that feels you're sure your knuckles are white.
And Getou remains. Still. Steady. Not omnipotent. Because even a foolish human like you can recognize that only old times Gods are capable of acting selfish.
The chain around your neck feels heavy when Getou enters your quarters. A place with no sunlight and no wind. Getou approaches you like always, a softened smile. Long hair that flows down his back, tied half-up.
He always walks towards you, but never crouches to your height. As if he's waiting for the day you come to him obediently. Crawl towards him on your hands and knees with nothing but desperation. It hasn't come yet.
But he feels merciful. So he bends down and comes towards you, reaching his hand onto to touch you. Your limbs are heavy from exhaustion. Nothing much of a fight today, as he reaches his hand to pet your cheek.
"Tired today, hm?" He asks. He's not smug about it. You almost wish he was.
"Fuck off."
"So cold to me. Such a shame. I really cherish you, you know? I don't do this for just anyone." He says, nauseatingly sincere.
"Is this your idea of being cherished? You're sick."
"Don't be silly. Of course it isn't. I'm disciplining you. Trying to help you understand."
Anger bubbles up within you again. If your throat wasn't so hoarse you would scream.
"Understand what exactly?"
"That you're doomed to this, but you don't have to be." He strokes your thumb with your cheek, growing close. His eyes are so dark you can see yourself in them. You don't recognize your reflection anymore "Tell me I'm your God. Mean it. And I'll grant you a slice of heaven. You'd be happy if you could listen."
"I'll never give in to you. Never." You say, all too bitterly. He gives you a fond laugh.
"I like that part of you too. It reminds me of someone."
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whumpshaped · 1 year
I just read your tiny whump academia drabble and 👁👁 boy oh boy do I love little guys being crushed very near to the point of death where they think their bones are bending but I also started thinking hey, i wouldn't continue to trust such a small and wiley pet in a shoebox even if he is a puny nerd, I think the only way to soothe my worries about an escaping little mouse is to make sure it cant move at all shehfh- Or put it in a cute little leash and harness like a domestic rat :3 specifically a retracting leash so you can yank him back with no effort, and it makes them easier to show off for some friends or benefactors~
tw some nsfw talk, tiny whump, bullying, academia whump, dehumanisation
so idk if u know the context for the story, but bryce is basically blackmailing nate already. nate is being mercilessly bullied and exploited by him in private, while in public nate basically "joined bryce's friend group". bryce has some compromising photos of nate that hes holding over nate's head and basically forcing him to do all of his schoolwork instead of his own to ensure 1. he doesnt have to work much 2. nate cant keep up his own first place on the college leaderboard academically. bc bryce used to be outperformed by him in just this one aspect, and he thought hm... two birds, one stone
so yeah theres already an insane power dynamic going on when nate shrinks. and bryce is like holy fucking shit this is amazing. yes i'll have to go back to doing my own schoolwork but u know what i came to love even more than not working? bullying nate. and then another aspect of it is that..... how do i say this. turns out bryce has a kink for this sort of thing and now hes just horny. theres rly no better way to phrase this. hes not even gay but hes looking at tiny nate and hes suddenly very horny abt the prospect of this helpless little creature who also happens to be his ex academic rival who was already helpless- u get the picture. i wont go into detail but that has consequences. anyway bryce is obsessed w tiny nate. he also has immense cute aggression! hes restraining himself from crushing nate's tiny bones 24/7.
moving on, this also means bryce is incredibly possessive. he's not gonna show it off to anyone, because honestly he already reported nate missing and he doesnt need anyone trying to steal nate or whatever. what he does is he keeps nate in his pencilcase for a while until he can go out and get a little custom glass box with a detachable lid. its very nice <3 it has some padding at the bottom, tissues and cotton and cloth, whatever bryce could find. tiny food and water bowls are separate and never placed in the box, because controlling when and how nate eats and drinks is another aspect he enjoys a lot. the box is shoved in the closet whenever someone comes to visit.
that being said bryce looooooves to mess w nate, looooooves to mess with immobilising him completely w clear tape for example. very fun stuff. loves how exposed and vulnerable nate is. im sure he also makes little DIY harnesses and collars and stuff, basically just imagine him tying some thread or cloth around nate and yanking him around by it. dangling nate from high places it also fun bc he has a fear of heights. the closet is also fun in itself bc nate Also has a fear of the dark! and bugs. which leads bryce to pick up earthworms and shit and lock them in the glass box w nate. hes a menace and he loves tormenting nate so so much.
but at the end of the day bryce doesnt want to kill or seriously harm nate physically. if he threatens a knife or smth, he never rly goes thru w it. maybe the lightest little scrapes. but he mostly stays away from that. hes also afraid nate will one day turn back to normal and he doesnt want a full sized nate running around without an arm or smth. (he does eventually turn back btw but by that point hes so afraid and so conditioned and bryce has told him so much abt how everyone has moved on that hes just like...... ok. i guess i only have u bryce. sure i'll stay in the closet all the time hidden away until you graduate and can take me with you to your cool new house. its ok i'll stay soulless and very obedient as always.)
bryce treats nate like a toy, and nate never gets over it. nate already felt quite dehumanised and humiliated and small and powerless when he was normal sized. going thru that ordeal being tiny and violated and hurt in so many ways just cements it in. he feels like property, he feels like a toy, he feels like he doesnt have a life outside of being bryce's thing. and he rly doesnt. whenever bryce isnt playing w him, hes locked away in a dark place that makes him feel afraid and claustrophobic and honestly as horrible as bryce is, he doesnt have any other sort of life than the hours bryce spends actively teasing and bullying him.
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lollytea · 2 years
any huntlow miraculous au ideas ??
Disclaimer: I have not watched miraculous in nearly four years. I do not know what is going on in that show anymore and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.
However the reason I did start watching it for a time was because I was intrigued by the concept. I liked this idea of different facets of your personality only on display depending on the identity you're presenting and how mixed up that can get when it's a romance between two people who know each other with and without the mask and how the relationships shift depending on that. It's very basic superhero trope stuff but idk it scratches the little part of my brain that's obsessed with psychology and messy convoluted character dynamics. So the idea of doing something like that with huntlow DOES sound cool. But I have no concrete ideas.
Me personally I don't like doing AUs with huntlow unless it keeps them in the Boiling Isles setting and it keeps their respective backgrounds as GG and half-a-witch Willow. So I'm not big on Human AUs. So I wouldn't think too much about a typical miraculous AU myself. I'll leave that to other people to have their fun with. I love the miraculous AU art they do 💕
Okay okay okay. So what if we start off with the idea of Willow having a celebrity crush on the Golden Guard. Remember that AU? So lets say its pre-season 1. So Willow is still in the abomination track and is kinda a shrinking violet. So the Golden Guard happened to rescue her once and now she's all smitten over how cool and confident he is.
Anyway, Willow is forbidden from doing plant magic. However Willow loves to do plant magic. So her solution to this is to do plant magic in secret. One thing leads to another and now she sneaks out of the house every night and uses her magic to assist civilians in need. She's never really had a chance to let loose with her powers before. It makes her feel so cool and strong. Plus she really does empathize with how it feels to be vulnerable so she likes to help when she can. So she's developed a little bit of a superhero-ish alter ego.
The aesthetic of this is just making me go insane. Like the plant based superhero costume Willow would fashion for herself. It'd be so dorky and over-the-top. Im seeing shit like a poofy little dress, a skirt made out of giant flower petals, boots made of leaves, vines snaking all over her limbs. Fairycore vibes. I also really like the idea of using her magic to spread a cluster of tiny flowers around her eyes in the shape of a domino mask.
She calls herself "Force of Nature" (or "Force" for short.) And honestly, the name suits the person she becomes. When she's taking on this identity, Willow's full chaotic side comes out. She's got a big personality. She's ruthless, she's talkative, she's mischievous, she's everything that's always been bubbling under her surface. I wanna say she even takes a little inspiration from the trademark Golden Guard dazzle.
Now Hunter is the Golden Guard and he believes it's his duty to help and protect people of the Boiling Isles. However, he begins to notice that Belos is constantly preventing him from doing so. Hunter keeps getting sent on tedious tasks to collect ingredients for his uncle's experiments or deal with business matters or WHATEVER. There is a distinct lack of helping going on here. And everytime he tries to respectfully point it out, Belos insists that the work Hunter does is important. Admittedly, Hunter is beginning to get a little frustrated. He certainly doesn't want to believe that his uncle is wrong (His uncle is never wrong.) Buuuuut maybe his uncle just isn't seeing the big picture correctly. Maybe he just needs a little convincing.
So this is when Hunter commits himself to sneaking out of the castle at night and helping all the people that the Golden Guard was too busy to help. If he used his GG persona, word would get around and he'd be in trouble for disobeying. So Hunter opts to carry out these deeds unmasked. He might have a special outfit for the occasion but his full face is on display. Doing these things has nothing to do with building Hunter's confidence, it's just to do what's right.
He keeps a journal where he documents all the good he's done while carrying out this secret job and intends to hand it over to Belos once it's full so his uncle will finally understand. The mental gymnastics are insane here. Deep down, Hunter knows Belos would kill him if he ever found out and he's taking this secret to his grave. But the journal helps him feel less disobedient so we'll let him have this.
Anyway of course Willow and Hunter eventually cross paths and decide to work together for the greater good. A friendship is formed and it does not take long before Hunter falls head over heels for Force of Nature. And because he's so transparently himself with none of his Golden Guard swag, he's a shy blushy mess around her. It doesn't help that she's one of the only people besides Belos to call him by name.
(He didn't tell her his name at first. It only slipped out after he developed a crush and he found that he had a really hard time saying no to her.)
Meanwhile Willow is very fond of Hunter. However, I feel like she's kinda blocked herself off from entertaining the idea that she might have feelings for him because of her crush on the Golden Guard. It's a very idealized crush and she's built it up so much in her head that it subconsciously prevents her from even thinking about anyone else in a romantic light. But I think some feelings for Hunter might be sneaking up on her without her noticing.
Anyway Willow has hung around Bonesborough often enough that she knows the exact times the Golden Guard shows up for patrol. She slinks around the areas where he's known to meet with people and discuss business. She'll wander around town on weekends just for the off chance of spotting him. However, though she's brave enough to march right up and say hello, she really hasn't a clue how to talk to him like a normal person so all that comes out is word vomit. (Again, this is pre-season 1 Willow. A bit of a nervous wreck.) Anyway she's stopped to "talk" with him enough times that he remembers who she is now. So that's a start!
On Hunter's end, there's this one schoolgirl who he usually meets in town and she's a massive stroke to his ego. She's clearly starstruck with him and he's eating it up. He's constantly playing up the GG persona for her to the point that it's almost flirtatious. He doesn't really notice that he's doing this and doesn't understand that she might take that the wrong way. Hunter doesn't have any strong opinions about Willow Park. She's sweet, she's a little awkward and he humors her whenever they meet. But he doesn't really form a deep friendship with her for quite a while because it can be very difficult to make connections when you're playing a character.
Anyway. There's a basic premise for your consideration. Hijinks ensue and whatnot.
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bratshaws · 2 years
through the hourglass 79. brb x oc
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a/n: apparently this hellsite can't handle the amount of chapters I have??? 8) so I uh, cut them in half but kept chapter one because it's the main masterlist for all the chapters. IM TIRED OF THIS WEBSITE I SWEAR
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: no ne, JUST FLUFF
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @dhwanishah09 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl
Today was fun, after dealing with Evelyn and having to keep her pregnancy a secret that is. They went to the pumpkin patch, chose a few pumpkins - a big one that Rooster said he was going to make a gorgeous pumpkin pie with - and took several pictures of Nicole and the dogs enjoying the day out.
So she should be as exhausted as Rooster was, but she couldn’t sleep.
Maybe it was her worry for Evelyn that kept Beatrice up, maybe it was the thought of the ‘risks’ of both of their partners’ professions or maybe it was Beatrice’s anxiety making a lovely return. She chewed her lower lip while wringing her hands together, looking up at the ceiling.
She should make herself some tea.
Wait, no, it’s too late and she had to wake up early tomorrow.
“Baby.” Rooster’s deep groggy voice snaps her out of her thoughts. She turns her head to see his eyes still closed, arms under the pillow but his eyebrows arching as he speaks, “What’s making you think so loud? You’ve been like that for a few minutes.”
Now his eyes opened, pupils enlarging and shrinking as he gets used to the dark surroundings, his sandy brown hair messy because of him moving around on the bed, “I’m serious,Roos. You can go to sleep.” her husband just stares at her, then wraps his arms around her waist so bring her closer to his body, “Roos.”
“I don’t like when you play it off as something I shouldn’t worry about.” he begins, “When you lie awake for minutes looking at the ceiling, wringing your hands.” Beatrice immediately lets her hands go, looking away almost ashamedly, “And as your husband,” he kisses her temple, “And as the man who’s crazy about you and worries about you,I can’t simply let it go.”
Bradley pulls his head back to meet her green eyes, only for them to look away from him. He lets go of her waist just so he can touch her chin with his thumb, “Talk to me,gorgeous.” he whispers, “What’s flooding that pretty brain of yours?”
Beatrice chuckled a bit, “Pretty brain?”
“The prettiest.” he smirks, only for his eyelids to lower a bit, still trying to keep himself awake, “Talk to me.”
How would she begin? She promised Evelyn she wouldn’t tell Rooster why she was there - and to be fair he did seem to accept her response of ‘Evelyn feeling under the weather’ - but there was also the itching in the back of her throat to say something to him, ‘...can I ask you something?”
“Mhm.” he smiles lazily, rubbing the side of her face, “Whatever you want.”
“Do you think that sometimes I worry too much?” he blinked, “Because of us?”
Rooster groaned as he adjusted himself on the bed, propping his head up with a hand as his arm remained under the pillow, still caressing her cheek, “Gorgeous,I think you worry a lot and sometimes I think it’s unfounded…but I don’t worry about you worrying about our family.” he chuckles at his own joke, “I know you care about us a lot.”
“I do.”
“And I also know that this didn’t come out of nowhere.” he says, making Beatrice sigh in defeat, “So out with it,baby.”
Beatrice chewed her lower lip, burying her face in his neck, “It’s just…well,Ev–” she almost spilled it, oh God, “E-Ev’s dad,” she quickly added, “She um, told me some things about him.”
“I don’t usually care for juicy gossip about my superiors.” he pauses, “Buuut I am very interested.”
Beatrice just chuckled, trying to figure out how to explain without exposing too much of the information, “She said that…he is really strict about some things, especially when it comes to family and stuff,” she peeks up at him to check her husband’s face, he still looked blank, “And that he…is still getting used to her and Jake.”
Rooster’s silence is deafening because if there is one thing that can be said about her husband was that he could be extremely observant…and he could read her like a book. Which was why Beatrice kept looking up at him to check if he was finally figuring this weird puzzle of words out.
But the longer he didn’t say anything, the worse she felt, “Bea,” he finally says, blinking at her, “Is Evelyn pregnant?”
And like a slap to the face,Beatrice felt her whole body go soft almost as if she was fainting, “I-I-no! No, she’s not-” her husband just arched his brow, “I mean…y-you shouldn’t have known about it…”
“So she is.”
“She–”another groan, “Yes, but you can’t tell anyone. You can’t, oh no,I can’t believe I let that slip! Ugh!” she buries her face into the pillow, “Fhis fri woer!” was her muffled complaint against the fabric, one that only makes her husband question what she said, “I said this is the worst! I knew I should’ve played it off better!”
“Baby,” he smiles, “Baby,I’m not telling anyone.” he pinches his index and thumb over his lips, then tugs them to the side as if he was closing a zipper, “My lips are sealed. I promise to you.”
And Rooster never broke his promises.
Beatrice makes a face while rubbing a random pattern on the pillow cover, tsking under her breath, “She is terrified Roos.” she says, since the cat is out of the bag now there was no point in hiding anything from him as much as she hated it, “She doesn’t want her parents to get mad at Jake or something.”
“Is she going to tell Jake?”
“She planned to do it tonight but,” a shrug, “I don’t know if she will. She sounded and appeared completely out of herself, she just…looked so tired.” Beatrice frowns, looking to the side with her fingers still moving on top of the pillow, “I just…hope she can come to a consensus with her parents or something. She didn’t even eat so I heated some stuff for her so she could fill her stomach before I left too…”
Rooster just stares at Beatrice with his head still propped by his hand and his smile slowly widens because his heart is so full. Someone this sweet,this kind be absolutely real? He groans happily, rolling onto his stomach on top of her - which in turn makes Beatrice lie on her back and look up at him - their chests touching. He’s still grinning, “You are too fucking sweet.” he says quietly, “God, you are so sweet.”
Her response was just a shy glance and her cheeks going red, “She’s going to be fine,Bea.” he assures her, leaning down to kiss the tip of her nose, “But if you want you can call her tomorrow, check on her.” 
“I guess…”
“I know you don’t want to be a bother,” he smiles, “I know you,Bea. And I know that cute puppy look you have whenever you are thinking about something.” her lips pout without her noticing, her cheeks getting redder by the second, ‘And it’s cute as fuck…but you did what you could.” she met his eyes with her own gaze still shining with worry, “They have to deal with it now. Okay?”
Beatrice chews her lower lip but nods in silence, making her husband kiss her lips and fall back on his side of the bed, “Now c’mere.” he spreads his arms, making grabby hands at her, “I want my wife close to me tonight.”
“Oh, just tonight?”
“Call me clingy.” he smirks, kissing the top of her head when she snuggles up to his chest, “But something about holding you helps me sleep.” he feels her smile against his bare chest, her smaller hands touching his upper back with her fingers barely touching his nape.
“I feel the same way.”
She nods, nuzzling his skin, “It helps me remember you stayed.”
He knew she was muttering out of tiredness, she was probably exhausted from holding that worry the whole day plus spending the afternoon at the pumpkin patch with Nikki and the dogs. Whenever Beatrice was too tired - or too drunk - she’d blurt out things that would leave him speechless.
His eyes closed almost in pain, his arms wrapping around her waist in a hug as his lips pressed another kiss to her scalp. Remember he stayed, God, that was heavy and yet so important for him to hear. “Course I stayed.” he whispered on her head, earning a happy moan from Beatrice as she got comfortable, “You ain’t gettin’ rid of me,pretty girl.” 
He knew he had to sleep too but he wanted to spend some time looking at her, just a little bit, to admire her sleeping face and the way her lips curled into a smile as she dreamt. Rooster smiles back, not being able to contain his own joy as Beatrice dozed off, a gentle snore escaping her nose meaning she was more tired than she showed, “Ah,Bea…” he whispered, “Pretty girl you just don’t know what you do to me.”
She deserved the world, he thought as his smile widened when her hands tightened their hold against his body.She truly did.
Beatrice moaned in bed, burying her face into the pillow with a little smile, all tucked up and warm from the covers. She curled up into a little ball, using part of the futon to hide her head as she slept…wait, why was she still sleeping?
Her eyes snapped open as she turned around to check her phone, ‘...06:55- oh shit!” she kicks the covers the best she can, yelping when part of the sheets wrap around her ankle and make her fall face first on the soft rug under their bed. She groans, the pain and sleep making her brain feel muddy before she slowly pushes herself up - legs still on the bed.
Heavy footsteps - followed by the known clicking of claws - approach the bedroom. Rooster’s body appears on the doorway, eyes widening, “Bea!” he shouts already making his way inside so he could approach her fallen form, ‘Gorgeous!Are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine!”
‘Baby what just-” he untangles the sheets from her foot then helps her up just as Jolene walks inside as well, her cold nose touching Beatrice’s hand, “Gorgeous, Jesus Christ, I heard you fall from downstairs - are you sure you are okay?”
“Y-Yeah,I’m fine.” she smiles, checking her ankle just to be sure she hadn’t twisted it again, ‘I just– well, it’s late.”
“Late?” he blinks, then his face relaxes “Oh, oh no I turned off your alarm.”
“You…you did? Why?!”
“Because I wanted you to sleep more today.” he says with a cute smile, picking Beatrice bridal style to set her on the bed, gently covering her back up, “Because I wanted to pamper you today.”
His wife blinked, “Oh…really?”
“Yes,ma’am.” he leans down to kiss her lips, “Now you stay here, looking beautiful and amazing and I’ll bring your breakfast over,yeah?” she could only nod with her lips parting in surprise, opening her mouth to speak when he was by the door, “Nikki already had her breakfast. You left some in the fridge,honey.” he winks as soon as he leaves.
Beatrice is still trying to understand what’s happening, Jolene hopping on the bed to keep her owner company - she usually hates doing that but it’s possible she thinks Beatrice is hurt so she wants to be close - as Bea adjusts herself against the headboard. She didn’t know what made him want to do that..but she wasn’t complaining, “It’s not even my birthday.” she whispered to Jolene, who just plopped her head on Beatrice’s thigh before closing her eyes.
With Rooster busy downstairs she decided to check her phone…especially because of Evelyn. She grabbed it from the nightstand, unlocking it only to see there were no messages from her friend yet, nothing at all. Well…it was really early in the morning, so maybe she should wait a bit.
Also if there was any chance that Hangman knew, he’d immediately start saying something in the group chat. And she knew that Rooster kept his phone off during the night because of it. “Yeah,I better wait.’ she says, placing the phone aside and then fluffing her pillows behind her back.
“Okay, come on Nikki.” she hears her husband’s voice from downstairs, ‘Time to give mama her breakfast, yes are you excited? Yes me too! Come on then.” she loved how his voice went higher whenever he spoke to Nicole, followed by the baby’s babbled response.
Beatrice was looking at the door when she sees Eleanor and Jack stepping in the room, the white dog looking back towards the hallway with her tail wagging, undoubtedly waiting for Rooster, “Alright,Ellie,sit.” she did immediately, looking up at Rooster as he came into view. He was holding Nicole against his side while his other hand was busy holding up a tray, “Ah, look who it is Nikki, it’s mommy.”
Nicole squealed happily, shaking her arms almost trying to reach for her mother, “Alright, easy there missy, we need to get closer first.” he chuckles, kissing her head, “And mama needs to have her breakfast,so.”
Beatrice giggled sweetly before pressing her back even more against the headboard, the movement making Jolene lift her head from her lap. Rooster gently placed the tray down on top of her thighs, turning his head to kiss her again, “There you go,gorgeous.”
“Thank you,Roos.”
“Hm, you are welcome.” he mutters against her lips, “Now let me back away before I spend too much time kissing those pretty lips of yours and prevent you from eating.”
Beatrice giggled again, “You can sit next to me.” she nods to his side of the bed, “I’d like the company,did you have breakfast yet?”
Rooster bounced Nicole in his arms for a little bit, her bedhead still wild and her fox onesie was still on, apparently everyone was going to have a lazy day today, “I did.” he smiles at Nicole, kissing her tiny fist, “Nikki was my buddy while it happened weren’t you,honey?”
Nicole was getting more and more talkative as the days went by, she had no concept of words yet - obviously, she was only four months old - but knowing she was trying to keep up with their conversation was adorable. Their daughter gurgled happily once her father sat down on the bed, still holding her against him as she peered over her father’s bicep to her mother.
“I can’t believe you made my favorites.” Beatrice smiles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Blueberry muffin? And toast with pumpkin hummus and egg?” she pokes the egg and gasps happily, “With runny yolk! Oh Roos,this is so wonderful, thank you.”
“You are more than welcome.” he couldn’t help but look at her, the light from the window hit her face just right and the night shirt she wore was flowy, with long sleeves that ended up with laces by the wrists and reached the middle of her thigh. It really made her look like a maiden in the middle of a fantastical forest. She took a bite of her toast, trying her best to not spill any yolk on her clothes, bringing the plate closer only to meet his eyes. 
Her cheek bulged with the food, but she offered him a small smile, “What?” she asks with her mouth full, covering it up with a hand, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You are out of this world,Bea. God look at you.” there was a halo of light that shone around her hair, the dark brown had hints of red and bronze when the light hit the strands, making her appear even more precious than she already was, “You are…the most angelical thing I’ve ever seen.”
Beatrice’s cheeks were red, not only because of the sunlight, and she smiles shyly at him, “Roos.” she whispers, playfully swatting his leg, “D-Don’t start with this…so early.”
“I can’t help it.” he smiles, bringing Nikki close to his chest when her little hand neared her mother’s plate out of curiosity, “You can’t have those yet, Nikki- also, really, you are. I can’t stop looking at you.” his eyes glinted, “You are fucking incredible, you know that?”
“What?” he chuckles, “Am I lying?”
Beatrice huffs softly, sipping her latte with a pleased hum, “No,” she says after placing the mug down, “But you always make me blush with your smooth words. It’s not fair.” deep inside it was. It really was, she couldn’t get enough of it, “But thank you.”
“You are welcome.” he smiles, leaning back against the headboard with his hands holding Nikki upright, “How are you feeling? No worrying today?”
Beatrice chews her toast for a few seconds, then once she swallows she sends him a look, “I’m okay…I think the shock finally passed, you know?I still want to talk to Evelyn, but it’s still pretty early to call her. She needs to rest.” she sighs happily, “Plus, today we are going to decorate the rest of the house and then get ready for Penny’s party this weekend!” so yeah, she was feeling a lot better, “You know…I have a good feeling about this Saturday.”
“Yeah,I don’t know, it feels…” she waves her hand, trying to find words, ‘It feels like it’ll be an amazing night. Maybe it’ll end up with- oh! Ohhh!! I know!” she smiles, clapping her hands, “What if, after we finish everything, we go out?” Rooster arches his brow at her, “You remember when we started dating and we went to that club? I heard there’s going to be a Halloween party close by! We could go! Nikki is going to stay with my parents anyway.”
Oh how could he forget that club? He didn’t want to voice it, especially because he had Nikki in his grasp, but he gave his wife a very slow look that traveled from her head to her legs, “I wouldn’t mind it.” she smiles back at him, blushing brightly and taking a sip of her morning coffee instead of replying.
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storiesofsvu · 7 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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Made up fake fic title?
Take me deeper than I've ever known
Put me together with staples and string
Never Ever
A Race to one's demise
Twisted Fates
OH THANK YOU :D these are great, so I definitely tried to think of something for all of these <3
They all turned into g/t or somewhat g/t bullet-point plots haha. Still tried to do summaries since that's usual for these tho
Take me deeper than I've ever known
Ranboo doesn't know what happened to him, just that one day he was tall enough to do all the stuff humans do, then the next day so small that a mouse could probably fistfight him and win. The even crazier thing is that he meets someone just as small, who apparently has been the one taking snacks from his stash, and not a ghost. Great, one question solved and a thousand more left unanswered. At least while they're stuck like this they won't have to be alone, Tommy may be strange but he isn't all that bad, besides the fact he'd probably ditch Ranboo if they revealed they're human. But while it lasts, he doesn't mind seeing more of Tommy's world.
magic, tiny fairy or fae, hmm
Ranboo gets shrunk and found by a tiny Tommy who decides 'gosh you suck at survival, i'll help you'
Tommy acts like he doesn't know Ranboo was shrunk, but he does
like 'don't interact with bigs, but they're not big anymore so…'
Ranboo doesn't know this but learns interacting with humans is a no-no so keeps their shrinking a secret
Ranboo learns more than they thought about the world at a smaller size
and they do want to be normal height again, someday (…maybe), but his life with Tommy is something they start to cherish, and the tiny really loves having them around
the twist is that Tommy is a fae of sorts that shrunk Ranboo, bc they were interesting and alone and and it seemed like something fun to do, but then feelings and friendship happened
Ranboo will have to find out eventually..
fae shenanigans and morals
Put me together with staples and string
What do you do when your reason for existing is to comfort and make smiles bloom, but you're built of dead things brought back, nightmarish and far too tall? For Ranboo, the answer is to enjoy what he can. Tubbo certainly makes this strange second-first life worth being a monster, at least.
second idea version:
Tubbo might not be real, full of stuffing and magic, but Tommy wants a friend, a best friend, and maybe Tubbo wants that too. So if Tommy thinks he's real enough to be that friend, despite how much smaller he is and inability to go places with Tommy without acting like a normal doll, then Tubbo is happy. Tommy may have done some questionable magic because he was lonely and desperate, but Tubbo is amazing, so he doesn't regret it. If only others could see it the same way.
Angst angst angst?
ended up with two ideas oops:
Ranboo is a minigiant frankenstein's monster kinda creature (created by Tubbo because Dude Is So Alone He Reanimated A Corpse For Company)
OR Tubbo is a life-like doll brought to life to be a friend (clingyduo and magic)
whichever idea, they have existential issues and put their worth into how useful they can be
both want to be able to go out into the world but don't, because they know if they're seen they'd terrify or unsettle people
Ranboo idea: sad times, fluff times, and sneaky outings with Tubbo
maybe at some point Ranboo's thoughts that he's a monster get real bad and he's convinced he'll hurt Tubbo and runs away to some woods
so then Tubbo has to go find him and bring him back before other people find him and think he's some monster come to terrorize them
who knows maybe Ranboo will even make some friends in a surprising twist?
Tubbo idea: lots of 'im not real' thoughts but also sweet friendship times
possible interference from other people coming back into Tommy's life since the magic to make Tubbo may or may not have been illegal
insisting that Tubbo isn't a real friend and this isn't healthy
Tubbo would normally agree, but seeing how much it hurts and upsets Tommy he might have some Choice Words instead
do these stories have happy endings? I wanna say yes, things work out, issues are eventually addressed, and there is lots of holding small friend in arms throughout.
Never Ever
The lives of borrowers are far from easy, even if they have family, but that doesn't mean it's terrible or always dangerous. A skilled or very sheltered borrower especially has very few worries, to the point that the universal rules of borrowers can be disregarded. But there are times when borrowers are reminded of why these rules are important, so that the worst never, ever happens.
after much thought, a 5+1 story
like '5 things a borrower should never ever forget and 1 thing they do' or something along those lines
5 are angst or close calls, etc. and 1 is good times, fluff
maybe tiny bedrock bros?
or five borrowers, one chapter each, with a borrower problem or angst, and the +1 is something nice with them all together
could be sbi+tubbo in that case
kinda slice-of-life regardless
+1 could also be angst instead of fluff, like they get caught, leaving story with an open end lol
A Race to one's demise
Slaying a giant is no easy task, especially one as infamous as The Lady Death—giants are already enough trouble without magic, thanks. Yet a few people head out for her territory anyway, not from any real drive to kill giants, simply because it was the only option given that lets them live a little longer. Their odds still aren't good, but really how much worse could a giant be from what they came from? (... No, yeah, probably worse.) Kristin and Phil find some truly exhausted kids on their doorstep and decide to invite them in, which they surprisingly agree to. The hard part is getting them to stop the halfhearted murder attempts and open up.
they know they're going to die. will they actually? nah
a handful of people are chosen for what's seen as a suicide mission
(probably benchtrio + wilbur and techno for these guys)
the mission/quest is to steal a magic item from a giant
they all upset the leaders of wherever they're from in some way, so this is those guys' way of either getting them to redeem themselves or get rid of them
both options seem like death though, if not immediate then eventually
they also specified that only one of them can come back victorious, so they're all doing their best to reach the giant's territory before each other, using sabotage or whatever they can, maybe even a little attempted murder or two at the start
near the end of their journey though there is talk of teaming up, because really None of them are capable of taking down a giant alone
The Lady Death is what they call her, a giantess that lives on the edge of a wasteland, who scoops up travelers that come too close never to be seen again
there is a lesser known story about the giantess that some of them know, saying she is more benevolent than she seems, with an angel on her shoulder
if you prove yourself to the angel she will listen and grant you passage into the wastes where, supposedly, there is a lush sanctuary somewhere (Philza's builds inspired?)
none of them actually think this version of the tale holds more truth, but it does stick with them, the tiniest idea that maybe they have a third option that's not 'death now' or 'death later'
Lots of build-up? since i want it to be g/t but the main giant only appears later. more focus on the stories they know and what they imagine they'll find
also run-ins with 'smaller' giants on the way
Obviously Kristin and Philza just gain a bunch of tired, scared kids from this
the story after that likely has found family as a main focus whereas it was more like a subplot when benchtrio+twinsduo were traveling
Twisted Fates
Being a crown prince sounds great unless you're actually a crown prince; Techno would much rather live far away from people, never having to deal with their problems, only whatever challenges come his way. Wilbur longs for a life where providing for himself isn't a constant struggle with danger wherever he looks, a life where he can relax or even meet people. Just watching and swiping the occasional thing from the royalty in this castle isn't enough to fulfill this dream. Until Techno wakes up to the disorienting sight of the castle far larger than he recalls and Wilbur is suddenly big and visible and sees an opportunity for both of them. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time might've just fixed both of their problems, or given them entirely new ones.
for this one I've settled on swapped sizes and royal au
twinsduo. Techno is (reluctantly) a crown prince and Wilbur is (enthusiastically) a borrower in the castle
Wilbur happened to be sneaking around the same room Techno is in when some magic mishap happens, swapping their sizes
princess and the pauper situation where they realize they look very similar and think the other's life sounds amazing so they swap places
I like giving borrowers tails so Wilbur has to either pass his off as the magic accident or hide it, same with his hair or he dyes it
and Techno still has bright pink hair he's unwilling to part with so he stands out a bit too much sometimes
but they seem to be having fun? at least for now. no care for fixing the situation yet
Philza is the king who loves his son very much but starts suspecting this might not be his son
angst and misunderstandings and reveals, by the end of this Phil has two sons
And that's all of them! Thank you again, I had fun brainstorming these. Also if anyone else likes these ideas feel free to use them or whatever :]
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