#he really wants to make a point and it's sweet
slvttyplum · 1 day
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you always got so shy when suguru would sneak in between your legs, slowly hook his finger underneath your waistband, and pull your panties down. it was in a smooth way, almost to the point where you didn't notice, but it never bothered you until it started to happen all the time.
getting ate from front to back all in one sitting and actually finishing was new to you—very new. he had you grabbing at the sheets, throwing your head back, and biting your lip; it was all too good for you to comprehend.
before, getting ate up was a privilege that your previous partner out on a pedestal for you to get; for suguru, it was just something he did every other day or every day if he was feeling lucky; maybe that's why you got shy. always covering your face and keeping your eyes closed while he licked up every fluid that slowly slid out of you, your heart pounding in anticipation of what he was going to do next.
he hated how you couldn't enjoy most of the things he was doing to you because, for ten minutes, you would tense up and your pretty mind would wander off doing something else. its not like you didn't like what he was doing because it was clear from the way your lower half would squirm whenever his tongue was flicking against your clit.
all suguru wanted was for you to look him straight in the eyes while he had two of his fingers pumping in and out of you while his tongue was slowly moving against your clit. he wanted to know and make sure you were feeling good, that you were grinding against his tongue to get to your high faster so he could do it all over again.
one thing he could admit was an upside to the fact it you kept body movement to a minimum and moans shoved down: he loved when your body would betray you, it was like a sweet treat after being on his stomach and using his tongue repeatedly just for you not to moan or anything.
having to add an extra finger just so he could get that reaction he wanted, slowly sliding in a third, hearing those soft, quiet moans that he could barely make out turn into full-blown moans, and your body moving against him to get that extra stimulation. a smile on his face as he continues to run his tongue over your clit, watching how your arm moves to the side, seeing your sweaty, sexy face on full display, and feeling how your pussy reacts.
any other time he would just let you be and watch you struggle to push the pleasure down, but on certain days he just really wanted to see your face and how your eyes would fight to stay open and how your body moved on its own for more pleasure, moans mindlessly slipping out of your mouth one by one.
it turned him on to see you fight the pleasure that you were trying to hide, how your body always reacted before you did, half of the time you wouldn't even realize you were grinding on his tongue or the fact that you finished on his fingers, all you knew was that you wanted more.
that you wanted his tongue licking all over your pussy and his fingers stretching you out one by one, while he looked up at you with his dark eyes.
he didn't want you to bring the baggage of having to be quiet and barely move during sex from your other relationships to him, he wanted you to make nose, wanted you to grind over his tongue until the pleasure was too much to take, he wanted you to moan his name and have your legs cramp up from how good you were feeling, he loved that shit.
his goal was to make you feel good, because when you did so did he, evidence was in his briefs.
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cheeseceli · 2 days
Reassuring them
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Pairing: Ot8 Skz × Gn!reader (individually)
Genre: headcanons, fluff, reverse comfort (1.6k words)
Request: could you do something sweet where the members are insecure and reader is comforting and reassuring them?
Warnings: mentions of insecurities regarding body image, personality and the idol life; mentions of food in Changbin's.
A/n: because everyone deserves comfort!! Also, this pic of Han 😭😭 | help Gaza
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When you reassure them by...
Bang Chan - simply looking at him
Chan never really liked his features, saying he would change most of his appearance given the opportunity. That's something that never really made sense to you. How could one dislike its appearance when it looked like that? He looked absolutely gorgeous in your point of view, and it pained you that he didn't see it.
Although you said thousands of compliments to him, that's not what made his perception of himself change. It helped, of course, but the most impactful thing you've ever done was to look at him. You looked at him the same all the time: lovestruck.
When he got all dressed up for a photoshoot, when he was sweating after practice, when he was with make up, when he just woke up... You would always look at him like he was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. At first he tried to hide himself from your gaze. He felt shy and unworthy of it in the beginning. But when it didn't work and you kept on admiring him all the same, he started to give in.
Now he likes the way you look at him. Although it still makes him shy, he hopes that you'll keep looking at him like that. And even though he's not totally there just yet, he's starting to see what you see whenever there's a mirror in front of him.
Lee Know - shutting down people's comments
Minho knows most people wouldn't describe him as the most affectionate person to ever exist. Most of the time he'd be okay with that. He needs his space and words of affirmation isn't his better love language. Nothing wrong with that, right?
But when people start to say that he's a bad boyfriend, he wonders how truthful those statements are. And he really wasn't supposed to eavesdrop, but when he hears your friends calling you to question your relationship, he can't help but feel defeated by hearing it. However, he doesn't miss how quick you are to shut down your friend's comments and list times where Minho made you feel loved.
And later on, when you see him, he notices how your eyes shine. There's still this voice on his head accusing him of not doing enough, but he also knows that you don't love him any less because of that.
Maybe, anytime now, he'll realise that he's already doing way more than enough in your eyes.
Changbin - caring for him
At some point in his life, Changbin convinced himself that he needed to be strong. He had to take all the weight of the world in his shoulders and he should do it smiling. That's one of the reasons why he usually keeps his problems to himself: he doesn't want to bother anyone.
But of course, this is not an easy task. Sometimes he fails to do so. And when he does, that's when he feels his world falling down all at once. He feels incapable, useless, nothing. And the words he repeats to himself get harsher every time. That is until you put a stop to it.
He never really allowed anyone to fully take care of him because that would go against his ideal of "I need to be the strongest". But you never asked for permission. You would just do it. And when he finds himself eating the food you cooked him, having his hair brushed by you and the tears being dried by your fingers, he feels like it's okay.
You make his weakness seem like a good thing, and if it keeps going like this, he might as well believe that it's not even a weakness at all.
Hyunjin - saying "I love you"
Every once in a while Hyunjin falls in this dilemma of receiving thousands of "I love you"s but not believing them in the slightest. Did these people on the internet, who have not seen him not once, loved him or the image of him? How much could he believe out of those confessions?
That made him wonder for nights if the real him, the one the internet didn't really know, was also worthy of love. And then he would feel himself falling on this rabbit hole where he was stuck. His questions started to become affirmations that would insist that no, he could never be truly loved.
You'd never hesitate on disagreeing with that though. Not when you knew him better than anyone, probably even more than himself, and still showed love in everything you would do. By the way you hugged him to how you'd text him goodnight every night. Your gifts and your acts. Everything screamed "I love you". Especially when you literally said those three words that Hyunjin desired more than anything.
Little by little Hyunjin felt that his own skin was also good and loveable. He started to glow because of that. That made even more people love him. This time though, he welcomed the affection with open arms. He felt like he deserved it this time.
Han - being there
Self doubt is a funny thing, Han thinks to himself. Once it appears in your life, it's extremely hard to get it out. And even though you know all of your insecurities aren't true, you still don't fully believe it. So when Han starts to think that he is insufferable, that all his friends hate him and that he deserves to be alone, it's hard to stop thinking that.
But then he sees you. And it's like the sun peeking from foggy weather: light at last. You're always there. In his happy moods, when he's sad, when he's screaming nonsense. It doesn't matter what is happening, you're always there. You're the affirmation that, no matter what happens, you'll be there. That he deserves to have someone by him.
He still finds himself distancing himself at times, when the insecurities speak louder. But your presence always reminds him of what's the truth. And sooner or later, the self doubt drowns a bit and he finds himself being more comfortable and confident. He allows himself to have people, to have you, in his life without the fear of abandonment.
Felix - endlessly complimenting him
Insecurities are nothing new to Felix. He has grown used to doubting himself and his actions constantly now. Add that to the infinite amount of hate he receives every day and it's easy to just drown in this endless cycle of self doubt and hatred.
However, he notices that he is now taking it easier with himself. The inner voices that could never stop complaining were slowly but surely stopping. They were being replaced with your sweet and soft spoken compliments.
It was almost second nature to you, he thinks. To just overflow with love and end up reassuring him with your words. He doesn't think you realise it, but it seems that you can always read his mind. You can always tell what he needs to hear. And you always say it as it's the most genuine thing you've ever said.
So when he stops listening to the hate and just hears your voice instead, he knows exactly how it happened. He also knows that, if it's up to you, your praises would be a thing that would follow him for the rest of his life.
Seungmin - taking pictures of him
Seungmin never really liked his smile, he doesn't even know why. It just never felt right for him. And as far as he can remember, he always did everything he could to hide his face whenever his lips would turn up. He thought he was doing it well.
However, he came to realise that he was horrible at hiding his smile. At least he was when it came to you. You had a lot of pictures, maybe up to a hundred, of him. Most of them were blurry and spontaneous. He didn't even know you were taking a picture of him for the majority of the time. Maybe that's why he never covered his smile in the photographs you had of him.
As your wallpaper, as a Polaroid, framed near your bed... There was always a picture where he was smiling carefree. And he looked beautiful in all of those.
You most likely didn't even realise how this little gesture of yours made him like his smile more and more, but you were glad when, after a few months, he stopped putting his hands in front of his mouth whenever a laugh erupted from his lips.
I.N - hyping him up
After living in such a competitive environment for years, Jeongin thinks he should be used to the music industry now. He can tolerate the overworking, he knows how to control the media, he loves his fans and job. Everything is fine. Still, there's always that one part of his mind saying he's incompetent at the job. Saying that becoming an idol was the wrong move.
These days he usually locks himself in the studio or in the dance room and refuses to get out of there until he feels like he deserves it, until he feels like he's good again. But then again, it feels like this time never comes.
That's when you have a vital role in his life. You're the living proof that he's actually doing a good job. And the funny thing is that you have never said it, not even once. But he still knows it. He knows when YouTube recommends you another fancam of him, because apparently you like his dancing and stage presence that much. He knows when you always applause him after a dancing session and when you playfully beg him to sing you a song, and the huge smile on your face when he finally does.
It's almost as if you are his biggest fan. At this point, you might be. And funnily enough, you are the "fan" that is motivating him to keep going. If he managed to make you like his work that much, he must be doing something right after all.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: when your parents don't like them
Thank you for reading <3
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143
Credit for images 1 2 and 3
Dividers by @thecutestgrotto
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moondirti · 24 hours
i accidentally deleted the ask i received yesterday (like an idiot) so im dumping the rant i left underneath it for archival reasons
what i love most about big ugly brute simon is pairing him with girls who get a little too close. perhaps they catch him staring in public and smile politely, a little daunted but attributing what they can to innocent intent over malice. who treat him with basic decency, or perhaps extend a little extra kindness if they take the dead look in his eyes to be consequence of a rough day. the one's who hold doors open for him, or let him skip in line because he looks like he can really do with the coffee. the maybe he's just misunderstood, never judge a book by it's cover, treat others the way you want to be treated type.
kind, polite, genuinely good girls, who live life by the please and thank you handbook they were given in kindergarten, and were never taught when to keep it to themselves. well-meaning always, yet either foolish or curious when they give a beast the benefit of the doubt.
because while their courtesy is just that in the eyes of conventional society, it has an absolutely foul effect on one simon riley.
say it's because hardly anyone is ever keen on him. certainly not pretty birds, with pretty wrists, and pretty hair and clothes and easily corruptible smiles. at the first sign of warmth, he'll pounce. all animal, blinded hunger. cruel passion he knows you're not built to take, your heart pulpy like saccharine fruit. cruel passion that he will inflict anyway; trailing behind you all the way home, choreographing meetings, pushing your courtesy to its limits by being nothing but a rude brute. he bullies his way into your life, making a man-sized hole where he was uninvited (though he'll contest that. what does a smile mean if not lay over me and print yourself on my womb?). bullies you into submission, weaponising that tenderness to suit his real needs–
not coffee, or a good morning, or anything but a warm cunt and meal to come home to.
i don't think he'd ever ease up the intensity, either. even if you acquiesce or are flattered by the distasteful attention. though simon might soften up to you (in the only way he can: lending his ear while you talk about his day, or walking blocks in the rain to fetch takeout from that specific greek place you've been craving), he's still mean about it. presses you where you're weak, isolates you from your friends. hones derision when you continue to be just as amicable to everyone else. you must be asking for it, see, if you had been asking for it with him. is a big dick about it, callous and nasty as he can be – because you allow him to be, babbling tearful apologies into his chest instead of standing up for yourself.
doesn't believe any of it, of course. he knows you're too sweet for your own good. but he can't help but love seeing you get all desperate when you cry. makes his knees go weak. his head itch. you'll hold on to his arm – soft and wet and repentant, pure silk against his gnarled edges (a point people will always latch onto. how'd he land that? right minger he is) – until he growls something about making it up to him.
which you jump at. good, good, generous girl. will seat yourself, fine china between thighs that could crush you, and choke on his ruddy cock. maybe he holds you down on it, stuffs your nose onto the untamed mess of his pubes until your little legs kick for breath. or, maybe he'll lead you to down to fit your tongue in his ass, tugging himself over you until cum mats your hair. whatever the most vile, debased thing he can conceptualise at the moment is fair game. not necessarily because of the deed itself, but because he lives for nothing more than watching you do it despite not wanting to. to please him :(
sorry im a little crazy about this
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theriverbeyond · 1 day
it is soooooo interesting to compare the way the Fifth and Sixth engage with the necrocav dynamic because like, on first look (and especially compared to Everyone Else) they both seen so devoid of Issues and Problems and Violence. Contrast them with, like, the Third and Eighth houses, which are two of the most explicitly exploitative but also (IMO) the most honest necrocav relationships in the entire series -- they're (literally) exploitative, (literally) consumptive, (literally) violent, built on unquestioning devotion that demands blood. Pal and Cam and Abigail and Magnus seem almost idyllic in comparison, and YET!! their relationships are no less shaped by the Empire's cult of violent and required devotion, they are just less honest about it.
Like, the micro-level dynamic between Abigail and Magnus is as sweet and simple as they come, but there's no extricating their intimate relationship from the setting of violence in which that relationship is trapped in i.e. the cavalier as meat, the cavalier as a battery and the human body as something to be consumed and exploited.
And both Houses KNOW their relationships are built on violence. Both the Fifth (and Palamedes) seem visibly uncomfortable with the power dynamic inherent to the necrocav existance! Abigail and Magnus address this by attempting to perceive their dynamic as a marriage first and necrocav second, but their rejection of the necrocav framework is almost wholly aesthetic. They exist within and directly benefit from the bloody gears of the Empire without complaint, and even Abigail's critiques of the God/Empire seem to be purely academic in nature, more curious intrigue than any kind of genuine dissatisfaction with the status quo. And Magnus is by his own admission not a duelist nor any kind of fighter, but as a cavalier he takes up the sword, follows Abigail to Canaan House, and they both die together in the laboratory.
Compare this to the Sixth house, where instead of rejecting the paradigm at all Pal and Cam seem to have taken the stance of "through the power of love we can make necrocav healthy, actually", but again this is dishonest -- no amount of romanticization of necrocav consumption allows their relationship to actually BE non-exploitative, and the lie of equality haunts them to its natural end point i.e. their ultimate surrender to the Lyctoral process via their mutual death in flame.
And their relationship is especially interesting because of how Cam has thrown herself into the position of "cavalier" with complete abandon, leaving Pal unwilling to truly extricate himself from the role he has been assigned despite his clear discomfort with that level of devotion. See: "I can't bear this, I'm eating your life", "I never had rights to [your soul]" -- but, you know, he didn't HAVE to become the Master Warden, he didn't HAVE to accept Cam's devotion, he didn't HAVE to choose her as his cavalier. He chose to bear this, and he chooses to accept her ceding rights to her soul. I mean he does explode himself to prevent her from throwing herself on a spike to force his ascension but like, that didn't really stick, did it? Pal wants to escape the societal hierarchy he was born into, Cam says "no", and he accepts that answer, again and again and again.
"There was no alternative" / "We had the choice to stop"
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idyllcy · 3 days
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Much like everyone else, I too am enamored with Girl Dad!Leon
girl dad!Leon who wonders at first just whether or not he could be a good father to a girl, but hopes for the best when you tell him he'll be fine
girl dad!Leon who coos at his sweet daughter in the morning to calm her from her morning tantrum, bouncing her in his arms as he tells you to rest more
girl dad!Leon who rests both of his baby girl's feet on his, calling out "left, right, left, right" as she learns to walk
girl dad!Leon who spins his pretty baby around when she runs over to him no matter where he is
girl dad!Leon who matches outfits with you and his daughter at any. occasion possible
girl dad!Leon who ends up embodying the "do it for her" meme on a hard day, collapsing into you and your daughter's arms to rest his head as his daughter imitates the gentle pats against his back, her smaller hands resembling little thuds instead
girl dad!Leon who plays along with all his baby daughter's stories
"Noooo, daddy! You're supposed to kiss mommy on the mouth to wake her up!" Your daughter huffs, staring up from her book. You had asked Leon if it was really a smart idea to teach her to read earlier than her peers, but as you close your eyes and lay in bed before her bedtime, you really don't find it in yourself to complain.
Leon fights the smile that threatens to crack on his face. "Just a quick kiss?"
"Yes." She pouts. "On the mouth."
You feel Leon's breath against your cheek, failing to fight the smile that breaks on your lips as you hold back a laugh. Leon brushes your hair to the side as he glances at your daughter for her approval, and presses a quick kiss to your lips before you open your eyes slowly.
"And then how does it go, baby?"
"And then." Your daughter flips the page, pointing at you with a puff of her chest. "Mommy stares at daddy."
You listen, staring at Leon's face as he smiles back down at you, waiting for your daughter to give the next order.
Instead, the two of you are met with a yawn from her mouth.
"Okay, baby." Leon gets up to lift her into his arms, pressing his lips to her cheek as she whines. "It seems like this princess' body wants some rest."
"But we didn't finish the story..."
"And they lived happily ever after, right?" You brush her hair to the side, smiling. "The end."
"The people have to wake up first."
"Both mommy and daddy are awake now, hm? Rest well, baby. We'll be here in the morning." Leon pats her back gently as she closes her eyes.
"'night daddy... 'night mommy."
"Sleep well, baby." You scratch gently at her scalp as her breathing slows. "She's so cute."
"The cutest." Leon whispers, hand reaching for yours as he starts towards her room. "Really makes me want another one."
"Okay, not that cute, babe." You mumble, following him anyway. "Is she not enough?"
"She's more than enough, sweetheart." He gives your hand a squeeze. "Thank you, honey. I love you."
"Love you too, Leon."
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vivwritesfics · 2 days
I need some break up sex with lando
A little silly, a little sad
warnings: smut, p in v
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"I gotta go my own way."
She stared at Lando. "W-what about us? Lando, what about everything we've been through?"
"Baby, I can't keep putting you through this," he said. "It's not fair to you to have you waiting me on like this."
"But you know I don't mind waiting on you! Surely it's my choice, right?"
He stopped, furrowed his brows and licked his lips. "You might have a point there," he said and she sat back in her seat, wearing a smile like the cat that got the cream. But that smile was quickly ripped away. "But still, I love you too much to put you through this."
"Fine," she huffed. "Go ahead, break up with me. But we're having some bloody amazing break up sex before we do."
That Lando could get behind. His lips were on hers in an instant and she pushed him back onto the bed. Lando held her hips, pulled her on top of him as he kissed her. His grip was so tight, but she didn't mind. Not in the slightest.
He kept his hips flush against her own, rolling them slightly. But they were going to keep things slow, savour every moment they had together.
He couldn't tell her he loved her. No matter if he did. He pushed her back against the sofa. For once, she didn't mind it. For once, she didn't tell him to take her to the bed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled her down on top of him.
Her legs were around his hips and Lando let out a desperate whine. He didn't want to say goodbye, but he had to. His hips rolled against hers as her tears began to fall.
"Oh, baby," he whispered as he kissed away her tears. I love you. It was on the top of his tongue, but he couldn't bring himself to say it.
Gentle fingers pulled her her underwear. Foreplay was on neither of their minds as he ran his cock through her folds, catching on her clit. She sucked in a gasp, gripping him tighter.
His head was against her shoulder as he pushed into her, hiding his own tears. But she knew. When he pulled away, his eyes were red and she kissed him softly.
She couldn't say it either. But she did love him. She really, really, did love him. Her hand was on his cheek, thumb moving softly over his skin as he rocked his hips into her.
Their sex was usually full of desperate whines, nails raking down his back. But not this time. No, they were quiet, they couldn't bring themselves to make any of those noises they were so used to. It wasn't rough, hard fucking. It was sweet and soft.
It was a goodbye.
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chlorinecake · 21 hours
It's sad you haven't written that much for sunoo
𐙚 — 𝐜𝐫𝐲 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 | 𝐤.𝐬𝐧
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▹ PAIRING: boyfriend ! sunoo x girlfriend ! reader
▹ SUMMARY: While on a picnic date with your boyfriend in honor of your one year anniversary together, things take an unexpected turn as one simple touch leads to another...
▹ WARNINGS: TOUCH DEPRIVED SUNOO who can't help but leave marks all over your neck and thighs, fluff mixed with super messy smut, fingering + oral (f. r), handjob, protected sex (love that for them), tit and spit play, exhibitionism, mentions of food
▹ WORD COUNT: 2.5k
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“You brought ice cream to our picnic date in the summer?”
“Yes... and you wrote me a love letter,” Sunoo replied frankly, the gentle park breeze blowing his wavy bangs to the side of his face slightly... “of course I appreciate the gesture, baby, but why go through all that trouble of trying to hide it from me?”
His question made a memory resurface in the back of your mind.
One from earlier this morning when you threw a pillow at his face in an attempt to sneak away with the letter undetected.
Not one of your best moments, you'll admit, but he took it lightly anyways, laughing off the confusion your strange behavior brought about...
“You weren’t supposed to come back home til tomorrow, Sunoo, and I wanted to surprise you…” your voice trailed off just as your boyfriend rested his hand at your thigh, caressing the flesh in a soothing manner…
“I wanted to make it more special,” you went on, feeling your heart flutter slightly at the way he suddenly tilted his head at you, almost as if cooing at your worried confession.
“____… what could be more special than a letter with your sweet kisses all over it?” Sunoo asked, gaze falling to your lips for a second before his eyes flicked back up, displaying his comforting smile.
“Just open it already,” you whined playfully, making your boyfriend giggle a bit at your impatience.
“Wait, I wanna guess what’s inside first!” He paused excitedly, looking to the clouds as he sat in thought…
“Hmm,” Sunoo hummed, feeling through the envelope with his fingers to see if it'd give him any clues… “are these... condoms?!!”
“What!? No! Why would I give you such a thing!?” You laughed out loud, giving the park a brief scan to see if anyone was around to have heard your boyfriend's wild revelation.
“Relax, ____... nobody’s watching the romantic couple on their picnic date,” Sunoo reassured with a light-hearted chuckle, running his hand a little higher on your thigh this time, making your breath hitch slightly.
What was getting into him today?...
“Righttt... so it’s just us and the trees now, huh?” You asked sarcastically, just as a random hiker came walking up the trail a few feet behind you two.
“Yup!” Sunoo answered confidently, letting his touch leave your skin, “just us, the trees... and no protection…”
Tear ˎˊ˗ ...
Sunoo tore open the triangular flap that once sealed the envelope, opening the paper-pocket to reveal a set of tiny squares poking back at him…
“Wow,” his voice started, a feigned shock to his tone, “you must really wanna take me raw after this…”
“Oh my God, you’re being such a slut today,” you whisper-yelled, smacking his shoulder playfully before taking the envelope from his grasp, shaking out the contents into his open palm.
“They’re P o l a r o i d s,” you enunciated slowly, “of us, baby...” you continued with a smile, watching as he brought each photo to his face, one by one to examine them...
“Aww,” Sunoo pouted, feeling his own heart warm up at the burst of memories. “Thank you, love… this is such a sweet anniversary gift,” he said, leaning forward to hug you, his weight accidentally overtaking you to the point where your back fell against the picnic mat with a soft thud.
It wasn't unusual for Sunoo to underestimate his strength, especially whenever he got excited and wanted to show you his affection... still, it's something that he always felt bad about doing...
“____, I'm so sorry! I didn’t mean to...” your boyfriend's initially apologetic voice trailed off, all thanks to the mistakably erotic sound that slipped past your lips while caged beneath him.
“S-Sunoo… it's okay,” you stammered nervously, feeling his thigh brush up against your core as he adjusted him position, a small wet spot from your soaked panties now marking his jeans.
You couldn't think of anything to say, especially not with the way your sundress was hiked up now, putting your hips and bottom on full display.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you were met with the wet sight yourself now, Sunoo’s flexed thigh doing nothing but make things worse for the ache growing inside you...
“T-that's not what I think it is... right?”
Your boyfriend's voice came out quietly as a delayed silence followed right after, his eyes staying fixed on you as you raised to sit on your knees now.
You put a hand to his chest, pushing his back against the picnic mat now before leaning on top of him and whispering, “Stop staring and just kiss me already…”
Sunoo almost couldn't believe those words had left your mouth so smoothly, his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat with anticipation as his eyes fell back to your lips.
Your gorgeous, kissable lips...
“And if anyone sees us?” He asked with a slight rasp to his voice, eyes sparkling beneath the sunlight as you traced the side of his face with a finger...
“Then they can cry about it…”
That's all it took before you two started kissing, both of your eyes fluttering shut as gentle sounds of pleasure were exchanged by the tips of your tongues.
You felt one of his hands find the side of your face and drift down to your neck, his touch gripping just enough at your throat for the pressure to be noticeable, but not overwhelming.
“Been wanting to do this since we got here,” Sunoo groaned, a little weak yet heavy at the end as you broke away from the kiss, meeting his eyes with your own lovestruck ones as you noticed his touch wandered lower, pulling your sundress over the curve of your hips again, tugging at your panties.
“Wanna get these off of you so bad, baby,” your boyfriend said breathlessly, your legs wasted no time in moving just enough for him to slip your panties down and toss them.
“Much better,” you hummed, letting your lips find his again in an even more hungry kiss than before as you felt his fingers ghost over your folds, circling your clit in a way that had you twitching almost instantly.
Something about the way he kissed you in this moment was so raw and greedy, a bit of spit dribbling down the side of both your mouths, only for you two to take turns licking it back up with your tongues.
And he was gathering so much of your slick on his fingers, too, making your clit throb with need as he kept toying with it, your hips subconsciously rocking against his fingers as you grew closer and closer.
“You're making such a mess of me, Sunoo,” you said in between kissing him, his mouth traveling to your neck where he sucked even harder against your flesh, groaning against your skin.
“Can't help it when you taste so sweet, love,” is all he managed to say before rolling you over on your back and taking dominance again, your body being sprawled out face-up on the picnic mat as he started to pepper kisses down from your jaw, to your tits, before finally reaching your swollen cunt.
You couldn't help but close your thighs around his head, even though it was only a matter of time before he forced them open again, taking a break to finger your pussy while marking the expanse of your thighs, holding intense eye contact with you the entire time.
“Could play with your pussy all day, baby,” he mumbled against you, moving from your thigh to lick a stripe up the middle of your core, “might have to beg me to stop...”
“F-fuck,” you cried out, arching your back at the way your core trembled thanks to his skilled fingers curling inside you, “I'm so close, baby...”
“Yeah?” He asks breathlessly, looking you straight in the eye again while still fucking you with his digits, “gonna cream on my fingers, baby?... clench that pretty pussy as you cum for me?”
A string of desperate yes's spilled from your lips only to get caught in your throat, your teary eyes rolling to the back of your head as you felt yourself release from the inside out, shaking from the wave of pleasure that washed over you.
“That's it baby... let it all out,” Sunoo cooed, fingers not ceasing in fucking your hole until you reached your hand down to stop his wrist from moving.
Sunoo just stared at you for a second... and even though he knew you hated when he did that, he couldn't help it. You just looked so beautiful to him right now. Cheeks a flushed hue from your orgasm, covered in his marks from your chest to your thighs...
Using his free hand, Sunoo reach for the picnic basket, digging under a few things before pulling out a shiny gold package.
A condom.
“Babe, you... you planned this?” You asked with a glint of amusement to your voice, body still moving in slow-motion as you recovered from your first orgasm.
“Hey, don't judge me,” he smiled softly, tossing the condom in the middle of you two as he got started with unbuckling his pants, “you can put it on me, if you like...”
Timidly, you crawled towards your boyfriend on all fours, thankful to God that you didn't flinch once his dick sprung out from the confines of his boxers, nearly hitting you in the face given how hard it was.
Still, there was something about the subtle look of shock on your face that made Sunoo feel good about himself, reaching out a hand to caress your head as you tried opening the package with your nails.
“Just use your teeth, love,” Sunoo suggested, just as you took the plastic in your mouth, tearing it away with ease.
Pulling out the ring of rubber, you aligned it over his tip first, sliding it down in a stroking motion.
It doesn't take long before you have the whole condom slid down his shaft, but your ministrations don't stop there.
You kept pumping him in long, drawn out movements, experimenting with pressures and slightly escalating the speed with each stroke.
And it didn’t take long before he started moaning all loud and shamelessly, biting his lip with slightly screwed brows as you continued to jerk his cock in your hand, caressing his thigh with your free hand to help him relax.
“Sh-shit,” Sunoo cursed beneath his breath, eyes glued to the way you fisting his length, your hickey-stained cleavage coming into view as your sundress fell further down your shoulders with gravity.
The whole sight was just so intoxicating to him, especially coupled with the sensation of your fingers wrapped around him.
It was only a matter of time before you had him coming undone, filling the condom with his load as you started to stroke him more slowly now, somehow craving his dick even more.
He was a panting mess, pretty chest heaving beneath his shirt as you sat up on your knees now, crawling over to straddle his lap.
His lust-ridden eyes watched you the entire time, too, pants still lazily hanging around his thighs as you untied the bow keeping the top of your sundress together, revealing almost your full chest to him.
He didn’t hesitate to start groping your chest, squeezing the soft flesh in his hands as you humped against his lap, sliding your slick folds over his wrapped dick and shivering from the returned stimulation.
You moaned at his actions, clinging onto your boyfriend’s shirt at the sudden feeling of his tip prodding at your entrance.
“God, I need to be inside you so bad, ____... need to feel you taking me nice and slow...” Sunoo practically mewled against your lips, the desperation of words making your pussy clench around nothing.
You let your hips grind against his length even faster now, despite how you both were extremely sensitive at this point.
You didn’t expect one fleeting kiss to get you here… a slimy, moaning mess in your boyfriend's lap all in the middle of nature… but you were too far gone to turn back now, and besides… something about the risk of being caught like this was a turn on for you, anyways…
Reaching down for his dick, you let the head find your hole again before slowly feeling him slide past your ridged walls, shaky sighs coming from both your lips now…
You two stayed like that for a few moments, too, simply basking in each other’s closeness until you got ready to move, Sunoo’s delicate hands resting at your hips, eventually guiding your speed.
“S-Sunoo,” you started weakly, thighs trembling at the way his tip grazed your sweet spot as he rocked you back and forth against him, “we’re not gonna last very long in a state like this…”
Your sultry words sounded like fuzz in his brain for a second, his body being too pleasure drunk to focus on anything other than the way your perfect pussy was taking him.
You kept your hands secure at his shoulders, grinding against him the best your tired legs could manage as his lips connected to the skin below your ear, speaking the feathery words: “Might as well make it worth it, then…”
That's when your boyfriend let his back fall against the picnic mat, releasing his grip from your hips, only to find your hands instead, connecting you both by your latticed fingers.
His pelvis snapped up to help you both reach your highs faster, your chest heaving with emotions as you gasped at the feeling of his cock plunging inside you so well, a mere matter of seconds passing before your orgasms hit you both like a crashing wave.
Sweet mmm's and ahh's of pleasure left both your squirming bodies, Sunoo's thighs twitching beneath you as your walls clenched down on his length, your climax taking it's sweet time to leave you.
You felt his cum slowly fill up the condom from inside you, gentle pants escaping his swollen lips as your hands stayed intertwined, eyes slightly teary beneath the shining sun.
“I can't believe we just did that in public,” you sighed, lifting your hips from his to free yourself from the stimulation, helping yourself to removing the now filled rubber from your boyfriend's dick and tossing it in a picnic napkin.
Sunoo smiled at your choice of words before sitting back up to readjust his pants, still feeling a bit wobbly in his movements after everything that just happened.
“And I'm more than open to doing this again,” he said, crawling towards you on the mat to help re-tie the bow at the top of your dress, “… and again, and again, and again...”
“Okay, okay, I get it,” you chuckled with a smile, watching his hands finish up each bow before he creating a small distance between you, placing the picnic basket in the center of the mat and flipping open it's lid, his hair slightly disheveled as he asked, “In the mood for some ice cream soup?”
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AUTHOR’S NOTE 𐙚 | To the anon at the very top of this post, I hope you enjoyed what I came up for with for everyone’s favorite sunny boy !! That is, if you ever happen to cross paths with my blog again >< !!
TAGLIST 𐙚 | @squoxle @nikisvanillaccola @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @wonbinisbabygurl @addictedtohobi @watamotee33 @ot7sevenlvr + link to my enhypen bookshelf if you’re interested !!
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azzifudd · 2 days
always on my mind
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: Azzi has just finished dinner with her grandparents when the call comes. 
Azzi is confused because it’s barely been three hours since she said goodbye to Paige at the airport as their families drove them home on their return to the states from Argentina. 
They’d spent nearly the entire plane ride talking, even when Azzi had really wanted to nap, so Azzi can’t imagine what more Paige has to say to her, but she picks up anyway.
rated: teen
2.4k words
disclaimer: fictional!
[AO3 Link]
Paige Bueckers (USA Basketball) Facetime
Azzi has just finished dinner with her grandparents when the call comes.
Azzi is confused because it’s barely been three hours since she said goodbye to Paige at the airport as their families drove them home on their return to the states from Argentina.
They’d spent nearly the entire plane ride talking, even when Azzi had really wanted to nap, so Azzi can’t imagine what more Paige has to say to her, but she picks up anyway.
“Azzi!” Paige’s face is too close to the screen and all Azzi can see is the bridge of her nose and one clear blue eye.
“Hi…” There’s a moment of silence as Paige just stares at Azzi. “Did you need something?”
“Oh, um, yeah!” Paige perks up like she’s suddenly remembering that she’s the one who made the call. “I’m gonna be playing some pick up with my guy Jalen tomorrow and I was wonderin’ if you’d wanna come.”
Azzi notices then that Paige seems almost nervous. In all the weeks they’d spent together playing basketball, Azzi doesn’t think she’d seen Paige unsure of herself for even a second, but the way her eyes keep darting back and forth betrays her.
For a moment, Azzi wants to say no. She’s exhausted from the tournament and the nearly full day of travel it took to get to her grandparent’s house in Minnesota.
But then Paige pulls the camera back from her face and Azzi sees a sweet, uncertain smile on Paige’s face, and she can’t bear to disappoint her.
“Okay?” Paige seems surprised, but then she gives a little cheer and smiles so wide that Azzi blushes under the strength of it. “Aight! Cool!”
“Cool!” They sit in silence for an awkward moment, glancing around until they make eye contact through the cameras and begin to giggle.
“Who’s that?” Azzi asks, when they settle down. She points at the screen past Paige to the wall behind her.
“It’s Kyrie, he’s my favorite player.” Paige tilts her phone, showing a wall filled with posters of different NBA players, but mostly of this particular one.
“Oh, who does he play for?” Azzi asks, though she has to admit she doesn’t actually care. For some reason, she just doesn’t want to hang up yet.
“You don’t know Kyrie Irving?!” Paige sounds almost offended at the thought.
“Not really,” Azzi replies, with a shrug. “I don’t watch a lot of NBA.”
“Bruh, I gotta educate you.” Paige settles back on her bed, pulling out her iPad and opening Youtube. “We’ll start with the 2016 Finals.”
They stay up talking until after midnight. Azzi still doesn’t know much about Kyrie Irving, but she learns a lot about Paige Bueckers, and it changes everything.
“Azzi! Dinner’s ready!” Katie calls from the kitchen. Azzi has been spending almost all her time, outside of school, training and practice, holed up in the basement doing God knows what lately. It’s not quite like her daughter, who usually spends most of her time messing around with her brothers or hanging onto her parents, but Katie figures that her oldest might finally be hitting that moody teenager phase that everyone warned her about.
She scoops some stir fry into her bowl, joining her husband and sons who are already at the table. When another few minutes passes and Azzi still doesn’t show up, she goes to the door, yelling down the stairs.
“If you don’t get up here in the next thirty seconds, no phone for the rest of the night!”
Within seconds she hears feet clomping up the stairs.
“Mom! Okay! I’m coming!”
Azzi finally appears, giving her mom an annoyed look before brushing past her and serving herself a plate of dinner.
When she finally sits down at the table, she props her phone up on the table so it’s facing her. They can all hear some sounds coming from it.
“Azzi Fudd, I know you aren’t watching a video while we’re eating dinner.” It’s so unlike her to be so rude.
“Uhh, hey Mrs. Fudd. Mr. Fudd.” Paige Bueckers smiles sheepishly at her and waves through the screen.
“Oh, Paige.” Katie knows that Azzi and Paige had been keeping in touch since the summer. “You know you can call us Katie and Tim, sweetie.”
“Azzi’s going to have to put her phone away for dinner. She can call you back after dinner, alright?”
“Moooom.” Azzi whines, clearly embarrassed.
“I’ll talk to you later, Azzi.”
“Okay,” Azzi huffs. “Bye Paige.” Katie isn’t sure if she imagines it, but there’s something soft in the way her daughter says Paige’s name.
They hang up, and Azzi begins immediately shoveling food into her mouth.
“Azzi, slow down. Paige is still going to be there, but you won’t be if you choke because you aren’t chewing.”
Azzi scowls but she does slow down, chewing deliberately in her parents’ direction. When her bowl is empty, she reaches for her phone.
“May I be excused, please?”
“Not yet.”
“Ugh,” Azzi scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“Enough with the attitude, or did you not want one of your birthday presents early?”
Katie smirks as Azzi’s eyes bulge with excitement.
“I’m sorry!” Azzi bounces excitedly in her seat. “I’ll stop with the attitude, I promise.”
“Alright, we believe you, “ Tim says. “Well, we were talking to Paige’s parents the other day…” He lets the sentence linger, laughing when Azzi grows visibly annoyed.
“Dad!” She growls as her brothers mock her.
“Alright, alright. We were talking to them, and they agreed to let Paige come stay for the weekend for your sweet sixteen.”
Azzi barely lets him finish his sentence before she’s out of her seat, squealing with joy and giving her dad a big hug.
“Thank you! Thank you!” She throws herself into her mom’s lap, and though Azzi has been taller than her for about a year at this point, Katie still relishes every time her daughter lets her hold her this close.
“Does she know?! Can I tell her?” Azzi reaches for her phone, opening Facetime, and Katie can see her call log. The name Paige💗 fills the entire screen, non stop calls that must span the months since they had returned home from Minnesota.
“Go ahead.” Azzi leaps up, and they can hear the sound of barely half a dial tone before the call is answered.
Almost immediately, there’s a lot of chattering, then a lot of excited screaming. Katie shares a knowing look with her husband as their daughter talks excitedly with her best friend.
Azzi has never had a shortage of friends, but it’s becoming more and more clear that her relationship with Paige is something different, something special.
Jazmine is not sure what to think of Paige Bueckers. She knows what everyone else says about her, that she might be the best player to ever wear a UConn jersey, and that she uses that to chat up every attractive woman on campus.
But as they work on their research project, Jazmine isn’t sure she sees this supposed player that everyone talks about.
Paige is charming, yes, and very friendly, but there’s something guarded in her demeanor, like she’s always keeping part of herself locked away.
She is cute though, Jazmine can’t deny that, and fun to flirt with as they make progress on their presentation.
They’re about to wrap up for the night when Paige’s phone vibrates from where it is face down on the table. Paige picks it up, and Jazmine watches as her entire being seems to bloom at what she sees on the screen.
“Sorry, I have to take this.” Paige pops a headphone in, stepping out of the study room they’ve been working in. Jazmine watches through the glass as she holds the phone up to her face, speaking with whoever is on the other side.
Her face is soft, and the smile that lights up her face is so different from the near smirk that Jazmine has seen directed at everyone else. She only spends a few minutes on that Facetime, but even in that short amount of time, Jazmine can see the way her entire body language has changed. She barely knows this girl, and she can see it.
Paige hangs up, coming back into the room with another apology.
“No worries.” Jazmine shrugs. “Your girlfriend?”
All the blood in her body seems to rush to Paige’s face.
“Oh, um, nah.” She stammers. “It was just Azzi.”
Everything clicks into place. Azzi Fudd, Paige’s best friend, and partner in crime. Azzi doesn’t even go to UConn, though she has visited a few times, and yet she’s probably heard just as many rumors about their relationship as she has about Paige herself, and despite Paige’s denial, Jazmine knows what she saw.
She doesn’t know if Azzi is Paige’s girlfriend, her best friend, both, or neither. But she does know that Paige loves that girl. And anyone who had seen what she had seen, how Paige’s entire being lit up at the mere thought of Azzi, would know it.
Paige doesn’t hear the sound of the call over the pounding of her dribble and the squeak of her shoes. In fact, she only realizes her phone is vibrating because it interrupts her music.
It’s past midnight, and Paige knows there’s only one person who could be calling her. The only person she would answer for, at any time of day or night.
💗 Facetime
She swipes to accept the Facetime, sitting on the floor against the wall. With a boop, the call opens to show her best friend, clearly dressed for bed and frowning disapprovingly at Paige through the screen.
“I knew it. Why are you still at the gym?”
Azzi disappears for a moment as she turns off her bedroom light, but soon her face is visible again by the light of the screen and as she lays down in bed with the phone propped up close to her face.
“Can’t sleep.” Paige shrugs, it’s the truth, even if it’s the simple version of it.
“You wanna talk about it?” Azzi always wants to talk, and there’s little that Paige likes to do more than listen to her, but she still has trouble doing the talking herself sometimes.
“Tomorrow, okay? You should sleep anyways, I know you had a tough game tonight.”
Azzi rolls her eyes, but Paige can see the day weighing on her, the way her eyelids look heavy and eyebags darken the skin beneath her eyes.
“Fine, but you have to promise you’ll go back to your apartment after this.” Azzi buries her face into her pillow.
“Promise. After a few more shots.”
“You need to take care of yourself.” Azzi’s voice is drowsy, and Paige watches as her eyelids flutter as she begins to struggle to stay awake. “At least until…”
Her voice faded away as her eyes slipped closed. Paige leans in close, desperate to hear the end of that sentence.”
“‘Til what, Azzi?” She whispers. On one hand, she wants to hear what the other girl was going to say. On the other hand, it’s late and she knows how important it is for Azzi to get enough rest.
Luckily, Azzi’s eyes open and meet Paige’s, soft and so deep she feels like she could drown in them.
“Until I’m there to take care of you.” She says it so casually, so matter of fact. It steals the breath from Paige’s lungs.
She’s taken care of herself for a long time, and she’s always been proud of that. It wasn’t until she met Azzi that she let herself even open up to someone else, and she never thought that she would ever want someone to take care of her.
But it hadn’t even been a choice with Azzi. Before she had realized it, the other girl had wormed her way into Paige’s mind, her heart.
She thinks about the last time she had seen Azzi in person, the morning she had left Azzi’s house to head back to her dad’s to move to UConn. She’d woken her up, way too early, and nearly cried thinking about how much she would miss seeing Azzi’s grumpy face every morning.
She’d almost said it then. Those three words. Cocooned in a pile of warm blankets before the sun had even risen, Paige could pretend that they weren’t about to be separated for who knows how many months. She could pretend that this wouldn’t be the biggest test their relationship would face yet.
She had wished that she could have just stayed there, with the girl she liked, safe from the rest of the world. But the world didn’t work that way, and she’d left Azzi behind with a promise that they would always be truthful with one another, and that they would always be best friends, no matter what else happened between them.
It’s a promise Paige knows she will be able to keep. She can’t imagine a force on this earth that could keep her from Azzi, and she knows Azzi feels the same about her.
When Paige finally focuses back on the call, she sees Azzi asleep, with the camera still on her. She packs up her stuff, and takes the short walk back to her dorm with nothing but the sound of the crickets and Azzi’s soft breaths keeping her company.
By the time she finally slips into bed, it’s past 1AM and Azzi is deeply asleep on the other line. But Paige doesn’t hang up. She plugs in her phone and leans it against a pillow.
As she looks at Azzi’s peaceful face, she feels it swelling within her. That same urge from months ago to just say it. This time, secure in the knowledge that Azzi won’t hear it, she opens her mouth to say it.
But just at that moment, the wifi lags and the call drops. She stares at her home screen, a photo of her and Azzi from the past summer, her hair a patchy purple as she pouts at the camera. Azzi is beside her, beaming at her with that squinty eyed, dimpled smile that Paige knows is her Paige smile.
She flops to lay on her back. Maybe it was destiny that she hadn’t been able to say it. Because Azzi deserves to hear it from her mouth for the first time. And Paige deserves to get to say it to her, to get to see her face light up, and then to, hopefully, hear it back.
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sanguineterrain · 1 day
I am FERAL over your knight Jason thought. FERAL!!! Okay check this out: so Jason's ignoring reader because he feels guilty right? Maybe he tried to give them back but the king wouldn't allow it. But maybe the reader misunderstands and thinks they're not doing their "duties" so they make dinner and breakfast and wash his clothes and basically act like a perfect spouse. How would Jason react? 👀
Dear god... I feel another series coming on...
Idkidk, their dynamic is just really interesting to me! it's probably gonna be a bit of a slow burn here. Feel free to send more thoughts about them. I am rotating these two like a rotisserie chicken in my brain.
knight!jason todd x gn!reader. ambiguous time period but just assume it's olden times *gestures vaguely*. tw arranged marriage/forced relationship but it's complicated! jason is full of angst and self-loathing but he's a sweetie as per usual. original post for context.
The soldier—Jason—has said four words since you've arrived.
The first was "here," which he said whilst handing you a mug of milk. He didn't look at you as he said it, and that morning, he left for a five-day long station. You only know that because he said, after handing you the milk, "I've been stationed."
You realized it was five days when you heard his horse galloping towards the house... five days later.
You haven't initiated conversation because though you're a commoner, and no one ever had much hope for you to become anything but an old spinster, you know not to challenge knights.
But this is fucking ridiculous.
"Do you like veal?" you ask on your fourteenth day here.
Jason is about to leave, his boots half laced. He freezes at your question and looks up.
You stand tall, chin up. This is a normal question. A question a wife would ask her husband, except you're not a wife, and you're pretty sure this soldier isn't a husband either.
"I like veal," he says carefully, slowly. "Would you like me to fetch some from the market?"
Now, this is where it gets tricky. When the king summoned you, he made it clear that you were expected to care for Jason under his rules. You don't know how to navigate this world. You know what couples in your village do, but you don't know what's expected of you here.
"Actually, I..." Jason looks at you. His eyes are very green. He has a surprisingly sweet face under his helmet. "Actually, I was wondering if I could go. On my own."
You brace yourself for arguing or yelling. True, he hasn't raised his voice once, but he also hasn't said much at all. It's like living with a ghost.
"Yes, of course. Of course you can go." He fishes out a pouch of coins and gives them to you. You take it slowly, waiting for him to realize his mistake. He doesn't.
"Thank you," you say.
He nods and watches you walk.
You stop. Here it comes.
"There's a cargo ship in port today. The guards rotate at noon."
He leaves before you can form a thought. You hold the coins, watching blankly as the door shuts behind him. His horse whinnies, and then he's gone.
The market isn't far from the cottage. It's fantastic to be outside again. No one's noticed your absence, clearly, but that's alright. You've never expected more.
You buy a good cut of veal and potatoes and carrots and apples. Jason gave you more money than any cut of meat would cost, so surely he assumed you would buy other food. Why else would he give you so much?
A ship's horn drones in the distance. You're feeling some oranges when you remember his words. A cargo ship.
The sun is almost at its highest point.
"Oi! Either buy 'em or stop feelin' 'em!" the seller snaps.
You roll your eyes and move on from the orange stand. You can see the horizon of where the sky meets the sea from here. Any moment, the guards will change, and the ship will be...
You stop. Was Jason hinting at your escape?
No, he couldn't have been! That's preposterous. Why would he want you gone? The king took you for a reason.
And where would you go anyway? Once you leave, you'd be a criminal forever. You couldn't make a home on your own. And who knows what could happen in between? Pirates, enemy soldiers, anybody could snatch you up.
This must've been a test. A test to see if you would run. That's why he agreed to you going so easily.
No, your escape can't be planned now. Not when you're so obviously uncomfortable, and Jason knows it.
You ignore the ship and go home with your purchases. You spend the rest of the afternoon preparing veal stew. You warm leftover bread over the fire and set a pot of butter on the table.
Jason comes in louder than he has before, humming quietly. You perk up at the sound, happy for the lack of silence.
You set a bowl of stew at his chair and wait by the fire. As soon as he enters the kitchen, the humming stops.
"Welcome home," you say, wringing your hands. "I made supper."
Jason glances at the table, then back at you.
"You came back," he says.
"Why wouldn't I?" you ask, face neutral as you cut the bread into chunks.
"That—did the ship come?"
Jason sits. His face is dirty from training.
"I bought more than veal," you say, and hand him the pouch. "I hope that's alright. We—there were no more potatoes."
He takes the pouch, rubbing the string tied around the top. "You went to the marketplace... and came back."
It's not a question, but it sounds like there might be one behind it.
"Certainly," you say. "I'm loyal to you, Jason. I serve you."
He looks up, blinking rapidly. Then he looks back at his stew.
Oh, right. He's waiting for you to ask permission to sit.
"May I join you?" you ask.
Jason flinches. "You don't... you don't have to ask. I would never stop you from eating."
The words hang in the air. It's like neither one of you can speak right.
You watch him, and he watches you as you serve yourself and sit on the opposite side of the table. Jason takes the first bite, and you eat right after.
"Is the supper satisfactory? Have I done well?" you ask.
Jason stops chewing and sets his spoon down. You're struck by his shift in demeanor. You worry for a moment you've screwed up something as dim-wittingly simple as stew.
His eyes are sad as they fall on you. It's akin to grief, the pain he wears, but you don't know why he's grieving. You silently offer him more bread, pushing it toward him. He takes it.
"Yes," he says quietly and eats another spoonful. "You did. Thank you for supper."
Jason cleans his bowl three times. You have no stew leftover, which pleases you.
But as soon as Jason finishes eating, he gets up, rinses his bowl, and wordlessly leaves.
You don't see him for the rest of the night.
Somehow, you feel lonelier than when you weren't speaking.
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exoticbvnni · 2 days
Movie night | J.Y.xP.S.
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Best friend!Yunho x fem reader x cousin!Sunghoon
Plot:movie night at your best friend’s house turns into something unexpected…and his little cousin,Sunghoon,is so ready for it
Warnings: heavy make out session, masturbation,fingering, mention of a blow job, Sunghoon is pervy,smut
Author’s notes:Little smutty crossover for y’all guys! I don’t know where this pair has come from, but enjoy!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ‘♡’- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“I think I’ll go to sleep now” Sunghoon said, standing up from the armchair he was sitting on
“You sure you don’t wanna finish the movie with us?” Yunho, his cousin, asked
“Yes. I’m tired, and I have to studytomorrow. Good night Yu. Good night y/n,it was a pleasure meeting you!” he smiled. You smiled back, watching as he left to go to his bedroom.
When you had arrived at Yunho’s, you didn’t expect to find his younger cousin there; yet, you had to admit that he was a really nice guy and that, luckily, you had a funny evening.
“He seems like an amazing guy!” you spoke, leaning onto Yunho’s side. He was your best friend, the guy you had known since kindergarten, and you were an extremely clingy person, so it was normal for you to hug him and lean against him when the you were together.
The only reason why, till that moment, you stood still, resting your back against the sofa without hugging or touching Yunho was Sunghoon:you felt pretty embarrassed, and didn’t want him to think you liked his cousin.
“He is, that’s why I’m pretty disappointed by his lifestyle” Yunho sighed, resting his hand on your thigh
“What do you mean?” you asked, adjusting onto his side.
“He’s been having two friends since middle school. In five years of high school I’ve never seen him hanging out with any of his classmates, and now, in college, he spends most of his day alone. He’s not even shy, that’s the point, he literally refuses to talk to people”
You laughed:
“He’s a stubborn introvert, but don’t get too pressed, when he’ll change his mind he’ll change his behaviour as well. For now, let him enjoy his loneliness if he likes it”
“I’m not doing much ti change him! But he’s smart, kind and funny. He has an interesting, strong personality and could rule the world if he wanted to; yet the only thing he cares about is playing Genshin and Valorant with his two friends. He deserves so much more than that, he deserves to be surrounded by so many people that love him; but as much as I try to tell him, he keeps shutting me up. He could’ve been an heartthrob as well,yet I don’t think he has ever spoken to a girl in 21 years of life -Yunho sighed, scratching his forehead- he’s a lost cause”
“He’s not a lost cause! He’s just a boy,Yu! Relax! He’s got a lifetime to open up to people. I’m sure he will. Don’t press him, and don’t worry too much! As long as he’s happy, you can be happy” you squeezed his shoulder, resting your chin on it as his hand kept caressing your thigh, playing with the hem of your oversized t-shirt.
“Maybe you’re right, I don’t know. I get so sad every time I think about what he’s missing out on. There’s a world out there, he should be so eager for new experiences but he’s…he’s completely passive” Yunho huffed
“As I told you,he’s got a lifetime. People can do any kind of experience in any period of their life. Don’t worry about Sunghoon, he will be fine. Especially if he’s smart and nice as you said! Just let him take his time, Yu. It’s sweet being so worried, but you can’t let it consume you -you hugged him, stroking your cheek against his- he’ll be fine” you gave him a reassuring smile as you watched him nod and relax against the couch.
“Maybe you’re right, yeah, I’m stressing too much. I should just…let it go and focus on the movie” your best friend commented
“Exactly, you chose it, you better watch it” you ended, resting your head on his shoulder
Yunho welcomed you in his embrace:his arms surrounded your back and his hand rested, again, on your thigh, caressing your skin.
It started as nothing, as the usual manifestation of affection the two of you felt towards each other; but, then, slowly, it turned into something else.
You didn’t know why that day things seemed to be so different:maybe you were too close to the beginning of your period, maybe Yunho had been single for too long; maybe he looked more handsome than usual due to the black tank top he was wearing,and you looked particularly sexy in that oversized shirt and ponytail; maybe it was the movie, the chemistry that lead the two main characters to a night of sex; or, maybe, there had always been a feeling that none of you had ever completely understood; however your breath got so short and your body started begging for Yunho’s touch.
At first, you would simply look at him, who was completely focused on the tv, you would hold his bicep, caressing his soft skin with your slender fingers as he couldn’t stop sliding his hand in and out your shirt, hitting the cloth of your shorts,often repeating his movements
Then, Yunho turned to you, locking his eyes into yours, biting his lips in silence; but nothing happened as he fixed his gaze on the show. He just licked his lips.
The tension was growing slowly, but strong, the need crawled inside your bodies without you understanding it, until Yunho looked at you one last time, placing a fast kiss on your lips.
“I’m sorry” he said immediately after, his voice was strangely deep.
You stared at him for a second before kissing him one more time
“I’m sorry” you spoke, copying him; but Yunho didn’t reply, he just grabbed your chin with his hand, smashing his lips against yours.
The kiss was immediately intense. Yunho devoured your lips like a hungry puppy, sucking and biting. Your hand slipped behind his neck, grabbing the hair at the base of it. You craned your back to reach his height, your mouths not moving apart for a moment; needy, they tasted each other until you ran out of air.
You stood apart for a second, your labored breaths filling the silent room, then Yunho grabbed you by the hips, making you sit on his lap. Once again, he grabbed your face with one hand to kiss you; the other slipped under your shirt, stroking your back. His fingers moved up and down, drawing imaginary lines as the first moans of pleasure peeped from your red lips
"What are you doing?" you asked, breath short and forehead resting against Yunho's.
"I don't know. Don't you like it?" he demanded, panting
"No it's just..." you couldn't speak, your mind was distracted by his hand that was moving from your back to the front, up along your stomach until it reached your chest. Yunho squeezed one of your breasts, returning to kiss you, but you stopped him for a second
"It's strange, Yunho," you murmured, grabbing the wrist of his hand under your shirt.
"Do you want me to stop?" he asked
You didn't answer, not knowing what to say
"Do you want me to stop or not?" he demanded again, softly, in a whisper.
You lowered your gaze, releasing your grip on his wrist and shaking your head; a smirk appeared on Yunho's face as he begun to touch you again.
His hand squeezed the flesh of your breast, massaging it, sending discharges all along your body. You returned to kiss him intensely, grabbing his other hand to allow him to touch you. Yunho moaned; you followed him. Your chests rose and fell erratically:you felt your lower abdomen tingle and your intimacy burn. You needed Yunho as much as he needed you.
Your fingers left the boy’s arms,moving down his abdomen until they slipped between his legs.
"Fuck," he moaned, throwing his head back as you palmed him from his sweatpants.
"You're getting hard," you murmured.
"I know -he gasped- I know"
"Fuck, that's hot" you panted, starting to move your hips back and forth.
"Are you gonna fuck yourself like that?" Yunho teased you, but you didn't answer, just resumed moaning, followed by the boy.
Drawn by desire, you had completely forgotten that the two of you were not alone in the house:Sunghoon was also there.
The boy had not really gone to sleep, he was simply tired of having people around, so he had retreated to his room to play Genshin on his phone.
He had earphones in his ears, so it took him a moment to realize what was happening.
With his breath confined in his throat, he had turned off his phone, tossing it beside him, and got up slowly to see what was happening. His pants became tight as soon as, casting a glance from behind the living room door, he had seen Yunho touching you.
Immediately, he ran to his room, throwing himself under the covers:he should not have had the thoughts he was having or felt the sensations he was experiencing...but that was impossible.
As much as he tried to ignore your moans, it was too exciting to listen to you. He bit his lip, lowering his pants and sliding a hand into his boxers,touching himself in hope to find some relief.
He tried to be as quiet as possible; he didn't want the two of you to stop, nor did he want you to find out, so he stifled every single moan emitted by his vocal cords, jamming them all down his throat.
He listened to you in the darkness of his bedroom, head back and eyes shut as the situation in the living room grew hotter and hotter.
Yunho had just taken off his shirt; you,on the other hand,had been in pants and bra for a while:your best friend wanted to see you without veils, so, with avarice and desire, he had undressed you as soon as possible,throwing everything on the floor.
The palm of his hand rubbed back and forth against your intimacy, making your panties wetter and wetter as your lips filled his neck with kisses.
Yet another moan escaped your lips as you rubbed against Yunho's hand:
"I need you, Yu, please" you whined, arousing the boy even more and,with him,though unbeknownst to you, Sunghoon as well.
Never in his life, the youngest boy, had he longed to be his cousin as he did at that moment:how he wished he could have been the one to touch you with the knowledge that those moans were all for him. At the end of the day you were a beautiful girl, one of the few who had somehow affected him, and he resented the fact that the only thing he could do was jerking off to that real life porn.
"Fuck" he moaned, softly:he was about to come, but did his best to restrain himself so that his orgasm hit him only at the end of the show
"Yu, please," you continued to beg Yunho from the other room. Your best friend smiled, leaving a hickey on your neck before grabbing your hips and turning you around so that your back rested against his chest.
He moved your hair to the side, sucking in the soft skin of your neck, going lower and lower until he left purplish marks on the back of your shoulder as well; at that point, with one hand, he opened your legs and moved your panties aside, rubbing the fingertip of his index against your clit.
"Yu!" you exclaimed, sinking your fingernails into the flesh of his arms; the brunette laughed:
"You are so needy, aren't you? My little y/n crying for my fingers. You like it, don't you, little one?" he went on teasing you
Your cheeks turned red and rested your head against your friend's shoulder:
"Yu, please, please," you whimpered.
“How whiny! My little, naughty crybaby. I'll make you feel so good since you’re so noisy and cute," he spoke into your ear, sliding a finger inside you
You shut your eyes and bit your lips, tears started rolling down your cheeks as you begun to fuck yourself on his finger:
“Ah~ ah~ Yu! Yu! Mmh~” you moaned; he smirked, sliding one more finger in, and then, after a few seconds, another one.
“Fuck! Fuck!” you panted as his digits hit your g spot. He went soo deep you gasped.
“I’m-I’m about to-“ you could barely speak
“Cum,baby, cum for me” Yunho spoke as your release hit you.
Shortly after, out of breath, you let go into the arms of the boy, who kissed your neck again
"Babe don't let me down, I need you” he spoke, resting your hand on his bulge to remind you that he wasn't done yet
Sunghoo, prompted by your moans, was about to come; however, he still held back when he heard Yunho speak.
"Fuck...-he murmured, through clenched teeth-I can't hold back any longer."
He stopped touching himself for a moment, taking a breath, but started again as soon as he heard Yunho moan.
"Good girl, you take me so well," gasped the older one:the younger knew that, probably, you were giving him a blowjob; therefore, once again, he really wanted to be his cousin.
He could imagine you, on your knees, pleasuring him, his fingers clenched in your hair until he cum in your pretty mouth.
That thought had sent Sunghoon over the edge again and, finally, when he had heard Yunho's final moan, he cum. What a relief for both boys.
Yunho helped you up, making you sit on his lap. Your arms tightened around his waist and your head rested on his chest:
"That was so good" he giggled.
"It was" you replied, snuggling into his embrace.
You let your mind go blank for a moment, enjoying the brunette’s caresses; until, suddenly, a tiny detail came to your mind:
"Sunghoon!" you exclaimed, covering your mouth with one hand.
Yunho became petrified, and his cheeks turned as red as fire:
"He's a heavy sleeper..." he murmured, but you couldn't bring yourself to listen to him.
Without a second thought, you got up and ran to his cousin’s bedroom, finding the younger boy wrapped up in his sheets, asleep.
Yunho followed you:
"See? I told you, take it easy," he hugged you from behind, leading you back to the living room.
As soon as you and his cousin were gone, Sunghoon opened his eyes, taking a breath of relief:luckily , the two of you hadn't noticed anything.
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stevenose · 3 hours
bloom (18+)
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steve harrington x reader
fic notes: pool days, sunburnt skin, and cherries
contains: gender unspecified reader; reader with a vagina and breasts; make-outs; grinding; face sitting; pussy eating; needy!steve; unprotected sex; cumming inside
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Your skin is hot. Burnt, in fact - too high to get off of Steve’s pool chair or reapply any sunblock. Steve’s fingers are uncomfortable as they dig into the fat of your thighs, but they’re so welcomed, too, that you make no attempts to stop him.
He’s burning up. Cheeks red from falling asleep on a pool float. He’s a little higher than you, had a few beers. Something about a long week. His freckles come out more when the sun kisses his skin. Your thumb gingerly swipes over them as you grind down onto him, tongues clashing.
He tastes like cherry cola.
Speaking of cherries - your red swim top is hanging on by a literal thread. Steve paws at your tits with his free hand, nothing but gentle and kind and so incredibly interested in your soft skin. In the little whines and moans you make when his fingers pinch and twist gently. You bought this suit on purpose. Back eons ago, when he had mentioned in passing how hot Phoebe Cates was in Fast Times. Back before he ever did a double take at you, before you got high and lounged at his pool all summer, before your cunt met his thick cock through his blue swim trunks.
“You’re gonna get a fever,” you mumble, tugging on his hair. The sun brings out his highlights, too. “Might have to dunk you back in the pool.”
“Would you come with me?”
You hum and nod and Steve catches your lips again. He gets like this when he’s high, and he’s touchy enough when he’s sober. If there was a way to combine with you, he would. So clingy, fingers still digging into you all sweet, lips refusing to leave yours.
Like you’d go missing.
Steve’s nose bumps against yours. “You feel so good,” he says softly, bucking his hips up gently. Up, down, up, down, all slow and saccharine. “You look so good.”
“You’re not doing much looking,” you point out.
He scoffs. “I did earlier.”
You move away from his lips - a devastating action from Steve’s perspective - but they find the salty skin of his neck and he relaxes. His hands come to rest on your hips, fingers flicking against the waistband of your bottoms. You’re both still wet, sticky from sunblock and sweat and chlorine. Steve tastes like it - coconutty, chlorinated, smelling strongly of remnants of hairspray and cologne. You inhale deeply, eyes drifting shut at the smell of his pheromones.
Steve moans as you suck a hickey into his neck. You love nothing more than walking into Family Video and seeing him marked up. Especially when a hot girl comes in and flirts - you don’t even make yourself known, just watching as she eyes his neck and as Steve’s throat bobs when he swallows nervously.
“What’s somethin’ you always wanted to try?” he asks abruptly.
Yeah, he gets a little talkative when he’s high, too.
“Hm?” You bite down on his sweet spot and he groans.
“What’s - shit,” he whispers, train of thought disappearing. Then it returns. “What’s somethin’ that, like, really gets you off? What do you wanna try?”
You laugh at the forwardness. And you refuse to answer. You’re not quite there yet with him. You don’t need him running away. “What are you thinking about, perv?”
You grind down hard and his breath hitches.
“Wanna be topped,” he gasps. No hesitation. His hips roll up again. “Wanna - I want you to sit on my face.”
Your own turns hotter than it has been, stomach flipping, chest blooming. “Yeah?”
“Mhm.” He sounds pathetic. “Want you to take what you need from me.”
In a rush, your lips are back on his. It’s all teeth. You moan, tangling your hands in his hair. You’ve never really considered this - yes, Steve’s the most lovesick guy you know, and you know he’d get on his hands and knees for you in an instant. There’s just something about his tone, voice cracking, his hands holding you a little tighter as he confesses.
“Want me to ride your nose?” you ask, and it comes out clumsily, but Steve still moans and nods.
“Yes,” he hisses. You can feel him throbbing. “Want to taste your pussy, wanna….” He hesitates, like he’s just now gaining some clarity.
“C’mon.” You tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. “Be a good boy and tell me.”
Steve shivers. “Want you to smother me.”
You knew he liked pussy. God, did you know. Your clit was perpetually sore the entire first month of your rendezvous. You just didn’t quite know he liked it this much.
“Please?” he whispers, squeezing your ass, pleading at you with very hooded eyes. “Need to taste you, want it so bad —“ and to emphasize his point, he thrusts upwards, his cock hard against your ass.
“I’ll just taste like your pool,” you breathe.
“Don’t care,” he moans, hands lifting you off of him.
You both shift so he’s laying on the couch as you tug your bottoms off and throwing them haphazardly onto his parent’s several thousand dollar rug. Steve’s already shoving his hand into his trunks, pushing them down to free his cock, licking his lips while you awkwardly straddle his face.
“I’ve never done this before,” you warn, which is pretty obvious.
“Neither have I,” he says.
And then he pulls you down onto his face.
You’re hardly in position, slipping a bit. One leg is extended down to the floor and the other folds against the back of the couch, beside Steve’s reddened shoulder. You’re suddenly aware that his face is burned and you gasp out, “Steve -!” but it’s no use, because the boy under you is gone.
He moans louder than you. Makes out with your pussy, pressed flush against his face, your swollen clit rubbing against the bridge of his nose. You brace a hand against the back of the couch and straighten to keep yourself upright. It’s hard, though, especially when Steve’s tongue fucks into your hole repeatedly - firm, wet, determined.
“Fuck,” you gasp, legs already shaking. “Steve - oh, good boy, feels so good.”
Steve moans again, a hand resting on your ass and squeezing, digging his nails into it. He says something, but it’s muffled, and you have to sort of fight with his grip to lift up enough. “What?”
“Ride me,” he pants, jerking his cock roughly behind you. He babbles some more, clearly high on two different things, and then he brings you down hard again.
You almost protest, I’m going to suffocate you!, and then you remember that’s nearly what he wants.
“Jesus Christ,” you gasp, letting your hips roll a little. The flat bridge of his nose feels so good up against your clit. “You - oh… I th-think you like my pussy m-more than me.”
He groans and shakes his head, nails digging into you harder, leaving impressions. You’re burning up, sunburnt and orgasm blooming. You can’t imagine how Steve feels, how this is any good for him, but you look over your shoulder and, yeah. His cock is red, weeping, so hard and stiff in Steve’s big hand. It gives you a jolt, makes your clit throb harder, that familiar feeling in your stomach starting to form.
“Steve, tell - tell me when you’re close, please?”
He moves his head up, your clit sliding off of his nose and right onto his lips. He sucks, licks, like it’s a goddamn popsicle, and you’re really starting to see white. Sweating, chest heaving, you look down and see his eyes looking up at you all pretty and needy, brows furrowed, sweat beading. His face is so red. You make a mental note to get some aloe for him after this is over.
The hand on his cock slows down. Panting, you ask, “are you close?”
He nods, blinks up at you, fucks his hips up into his fist.
“I’m sorry,” you say, because you’re sure he wants to cum with your pussy on his face. But you lift up, against his grip, and awkwardly shuffle backwards to sink yourself down on his cock.
Both of you gasp. You’re so fucking full. And Steve — well, nothing quite beats your cunt on his cock. Steve’s hands fly to your hips and he grips them hard enough to bruise.
You lift up once. Twice. And then, with a loud, gravelly groan, Steve spills. Ruts himself up as far as he’ll go so his cum is nice and deep inside of you.
He’s chanting, voice breaking. “Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby….”
You grind down on his pelvis, so close, feeling his heat everywhere. Inside, outside. He looks so good, face a total mess, all shiny with sweat and your arousal. Hair disheveled. Catching his breath, he suddenly realizes you need to get off, too, and his fingers find your clit easily.
“Please?” he moans again. “Use me to cum, baby, please?”
His cock is so sensitive. He whines and gasps as you start fucking him again, but he still lets you ride him, until your body blooms and you collapse onto his sweat-slick chest, heaving.
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maiiuelle · 3 days
he's just so yum!! anyways, how do the boys act when they're sick? i can see rafe either trying to ignore it to get back to work or him exaggerating it so you can dote on him. jayj i feel like would brag about never getting sick and then immediately after he's sneeze and just freeze up like.. what was that?
omg 🪻 anon your mind…
honestly, i don’t think rafe would take a day off. he is a proactive person and you think some sniffles are going to get in his way? absolutely not. it gets to the point where you’re kind of worried about him, knowing you’re going to have to step in and give him a reason to slow down. he gets home exhausted and you’re in the kitchen playing housewife, cooking him up a warm soup to help him feel better. he thinks it’s so sweet that you’re worried about him, and for your sake he takes the next day off to let you take care of him. <3
jj on the other hand… i love the idea of him being like “yeah bro, never been sick a day in my life.” but really he just never went to the doctor and his deadbeat dad wasn’t on top of giving him medicine so he just muscles through every time he’s sick. he gets a horrible cough and you’re like “hey jayj.. are you feeling okay?”
“oh yeah, don’t sweat it. usually stops after like.. a week or whatever.”
you frown, promptly searching through your knit bag for your trusty dayquil. you hand him two and a half empty bottle of water. “here — these’ll help for a few hours.”
he takes them and like magic.. he feels better! you make sure to check in on him more after that, getting him medicine every time he needs it. from then on he goes to you if he’s not feeling well, trusting you to help him feel better, and just appreciating that you want to look after him.
long story short, neither of them are going to turn down being babied 🤭🤭
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chaiifluuf · 1 day
Pop your pérignon — d. osamu
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summary. so what if he doesn’t care about his own birthday? you still wanted to make him feel special
content. gn!reader, fluff, idk the ending seems rushed sorry :(
notes. the silly doodle is drawn by me <3 and happy happy birthday to our sweet, adorable, charming dazai !!! mwah mwah ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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you have been mentally counting the days to his birthday.
dazai has told you about his birthday once and you’ve told yourself to not forget it since. he doesn’t really care for it, thinking that there’s little to no point celebrating his age growing by one, a mere reminder that he’s managed to live through yet another year. or so he told you and it makes you a little sad when you think about it. most people you have met get excited or at least look forward to their birthdays so seeing him be so indifferent about his own is unusual for you.
that doesn’t mean you were going to keep it that way. while you had nothing grand planned, you still wanted to surprise him and that in itself turned out to be a much more difficult task than you expected. dazai knows you really well and because of that you can’t afford to make even a single slip up. 
now the hardest part was actually figuring out what to gift him. you didn’t want to get him just something random and expensive, you wanted it to have a meaning for him. you found the amount of time you spent thinking about it embarrassing because who doesn’t know what to give to their own boyfriend? but in the end you did get an idea. a simple but sweet idea. whenever dazai went on a longer mission or had to be somewhere, you used the chance to work on it and put it together. and of course afterwards making sure it was hidden well, under the bed behind many boxes to be exact.
getting a cake was trickier. at first you thought about making it yourself but then you’d have to make it a day before his birthday with no way of knowing if he was going to be away somewhere or not. so if he were to stay with you then making a cake without him noticing is near impossible. with that in mind you chose to buy one and that wasn’t easy either. to somehow get a cake in the fridge a day before without him suspecting anything? yeah you couldn’t have done it alone. that’s when you decided to ask tanizaki for help.
you told him exactly which cake to get and when the time was right, you sent tanizaki a message, a sign that he could enter since you had intentionally left the front door unlocked for him. you were laying bed with dazai when he came in and you didn’t even hear him open or close the fridge. his ability was the plan b in case if dazai happened to suddenly go there. in the end everything went smoothly and you couldn’t feel more relieved. you made a mental note to yourself to pay him back for the cake later.
and before you know it, the day is here. you lazily rubbed your eyes as the rising sunlight woke you up. you slightly shift your body, turning your head a little to see the familiar chocolate brown hair and his face nuzzled against your back. his peaceful state always managed to bring a subtle smile to your lips. but that soon falls as you remember something and god you should have realised this earlier.
how are you going to get out of bed?
the ideal scenario would be that you slowly manage to escape his grasp, placing a pillow in your place and then you would have the chance to get everything ready and surprise him before he wakes up. except it’s dazai that we’re talking about. asleep or not, this man refuses to let go of you easily and only whines about how cold it is without your warmth. and most of the time it works because you can’t deny how comfortable it is to relax in his embrace and forget about the world around you for a moment.
but right now you actually wanted no, needed to get up. you sigh slightly as you think what to do. you know he is going to wake up, dazai has never been a heavy sleeper so moving out of bed would definitely alert him. which leaves you one last option that has to work. you carefully start to shift your body, trying to move his arm, which is wrapped around your waist, out of the way. you were close to sitting up before you could feel dazai’s hold tighten around you, making your movements pause.
“where are you going..?” he mumbles against your skin, the sleep in his voice evident. i take a small breath and then respond. “to the bathroom, i’ll be right back.” your voice is quiet as you let one of your hands brush through his hair. you silently prayed for him to let you since you really have no idea what else you’re going to do otherwise.
you have to hold in an exhale of relief when his hold loosens again, giving you the chance to sit up. a sleepy ‘okay’ is all he says in return and you’re almost surprised at how effortlessly you managed to leave. it could be because he’s still half asleep. all that matters now is the cake and the present. as quietly as possible, you take out your wrapped gift and the cake from the fridge. a rather small cake because you know that he doesn’t have a really big sweet tooth. you wanted to put candles on it too but now wonder how many. definitely not the age he is turning because they wouldn’t all fit. without thinking too hard you just put three as it looked nice like that.
you took out a lighter and within a few moments, all the candles were lit. all that is left now is to go and wish him a happy birthday the way he deserves. you carefully take the cake and the present, approaching the bedroom door as small nervousness starts to grow. what if he doesn’t like it? the last thing you want to do is to make his own day worse for him. thankfully you don’t get to dwell on your thoughts too long because you don’t want the candle wax dripping down on the cake.
when you enter the room, dazai is laying on his back, lazily rubbing his eyes before he turns to look at you. the immediate confused look in his eyes made you smile.
“happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear osamu, happy birthday to you!” you sing softly while slowly sitting down on the bed, placing the cake beside him. you noticed the way he is blinking and dumbfounded as if he couldn’t believe this was real at first. you expected that kind of reaction.
“what?” he speaks up after you sing, slowly sitting up. seeing dazai so off guard is rare, even to you. “come on, blow out the candles!” you tell him with a chuckle. with some hesitation, he does as you say and your face beamed. you also decide to give him the present.
“i know you don’t really care about your birthday but i couldn’t let today just pass by either.” dazai seems like he’s speechless for a moment before focusing on you again.
“you seriously didn’t need to do this.” his voice is soft yet you could sense a bit of disbelief in it as he sees the wrapped gift for him as well. “but i wanted to and there’s nothing you can do to stop me,” you say back with certainty, leaving no room for argument.
you then encouraged him to open the gift, your anticipation for his reaction growing. as he removes the wrapping, a small book is revealed and as soon as he opens it, a couple of pages filled with pictures of him and you can be seen. basically a photo album. while dazai flips through the pages you can’t help but notice his lack of reaction, only a small smile coating his lips.
does he not like it that much? you had hoped that he would at least point out a few photos or something but he’s completely quiet, which makes you even more anxious.
“…is it okay? i’m going to be honest, for the longest time i wondered what to give you because i wanted it to be something special or meaningful to you. then i got this idea and thought it’s perfect, a photo album containing the memories of us. but if you don’t like it then i can—“ your unsure rambling is cut off by dazai as he presses a tender kiss on your lips. and suddenly everything seems okay again.
“don’t like it? my love, you have no idea how grateful i am for this,” he tells you, holding your face so that you’d see the sincerity in his gaze, “…i don’t think anyone has ever properly celebrated my birthday, including myself so you just going out of your way to do this for me? i don’t deserve it.” his words push you to give him a light kiss, relishing in the soft surprised sound he lets out.
“yes you do, osamu. i’ll make sure that today will be all about you.” you say to him with a sweet smile, warmth and fondness pooling in your eyes. you swear that for a brief moment you could hear dazai’s breath falter. it’s clear as day that he is not used to this but you are determined to change that.
he looks like he’s about to argue back before eventually sighing in defeat, cuddling closer to you as he buries his face into the crook of your neck and you almost miss his quiet words spoken against your skin. 
“god i love you so much…”
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brittle-doughie · 16 hours
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A Warm Welcome (Strawberry Stick Cookie and Mint Wafer Cookie
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You followed the rhythm and melody down the flight of stairs into the hallway, their sweet sound leading you to the Sweet Punch band room. There, you saw a pink haired cookie playing a rhythm on her drums, she noticed you once she heard you walk in.
“Heh. Did you like my drum playing? ‘Cause there’s a lot more where that came from with me, Strawberry Stick Cookie!”
“But enough of the introductions, are you here to join Sweet Punch? I’ll warn you, it’s not going to easy! I have to make sure you’ll fit right into the band!”
She then hops off the drums and heads towards you, getting just a bit too close for comfort.
“Tell me! What kinds of instruments are you good at? How’s your schedule so you can make it to practice? Do you prefer upbeat rhythms or smooth melodies? Do you have a preference for pink-haired drummers-“
Another cookie had just walked in to cut off her questions, he laughed awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head.
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“Strawberry Stick Cookie, don’t you think you’re going a little too fast with the questions?”
“I don’t think I am, Mint Wafer Cookie. I just to have to make sure they’ll be alright joining our band. We don’t just take anyone and I’d hate to turn away this one…”
“L-let me handle them. Sorry about her, I’m Mint Wafer Cookie and you can probably guess, we’re in need of new band members for the upcoming festival. In case you don’t know, we kind of have to make sure the Cookies we have join the band are good with music.”
“Which was what I was about to do! Come on, you! Let’s see if you’re good with the guitar!”
Mint Wafer tugs you along with him.
“Wait, they could try out my keyboard. That seems like a good starting point.”
Strawberry Stick Cookie pulls you towards her in return.
“The keyboard is too much! Oh, I know! Why not try out my drums! I just know you’ll be good at them!”
Mint Wafer pulled you towards him, an ominous shadow casted over his eyes.
“They’re practicing with me, sister…..”
Strawberry Stick pulled you to her with equal strength, her own eyes with an ominous shadow her over them.
“Likewise, brother. I had met them first, so wouldn’t it be fair that I taught them first?”
“You’ll just burn them out and we wouldn’t want to scare them away, right?”
“Then why don’t you let go so they’re not scared. I’ll handle them from here…”
“You first.”
“Not happening.”
All sense of peace faded away as the two cookies looked at each other with a scowl, their grip on both of your arms tightening up!
“Back off.”
Crackling streamers of lightning arc back and forth between their eyes as their rivalry grew, neither side willing to back down from their spot….
You started to awkwardly smile as you sweat nervously. Was joining the band really the most you could handle?
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bombuni · 2 days
contains: soft dom!jjongsang x sub!fem!reader, established relationship, a dacryphilia kink awakening, ofc mean jongho, everything is consensual
minors dni
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It starts with shiny eyes and the tiniest kitten sniffles.
Neither of them are very good at comforting, but they’re quick to surround you as soon as they sense the slightest hint of sadness. Their worry sort of suffocates you to the point where you start to forget what you’re crying about. Yeosang rubs circles on your back, his gentle hands touching your skin so you have an anchor to Earth. They both stare incredulously, waiting uncomfortably for the first tear to fall.
You chuckle sorrowfully at your introverted boyfriends, “You guys are being so awkward right now,”
Yeosang looks away bashfully, “Well, this is the first time you’ve cried in front of us. We’re not really sure what to do, angel…”
Jongho’s still staring with a focused intensity, “Why are you sad?”
You bite your lip in thought, “I don’t think I’m sad, necessarily. I mean, I’m with you guys-“ Yeosang coos at that, “I think I’m just having an overflow of emotions right now. It was a long day. Now I’m home and I’m with you two, so I’m relieved.”
Yeosang’s soft-albeit slightly confused-smile sends warmth through your body. He opens his arms and you lunge into him. Hugging Yeosang is like being enveloped with a robe that was spun with clouds by cherubs in the sky. Jongho makes no signal that he understood any of what you said, but you don’t feel compelled to explain or reason yourself with them. They just appreciate you as is, and the thought makes you want to cry all over again.
Jongho glances up at Yeosang in united concern when you muffle your tears with Yeosang’s tummy. Your emotional outburst due to an abundance of love (?) is cute, but Jongho is too used to tears being a bad sign. It’s hard to rewire that feeling.
“Are you…sure you’re okay?”
Your head raises and they feel their hearts fluttering at the pretty sight on your face. Your lips are plump and your eyes look like they hold galaxies, and Yeosang sort of understands why you’re crying out of love. He feels things overflowing inside him too.
Yeosang can’t resist the instinct to kiss you. You’re too pretty right now, and he hopes that maybe a kiss could heal your heart-or at least show you he’s teeming with love too. He’s surprised when you kiss back feverishly, hands pulling him in by the nape of his neck. You’re desperate and hungry to prove you’re ok. Yeosang is out of breath and panting when you finally let him go.
Jongho spectates with rapt interest, your ache and ravenousness catching onto him. He wastes no time when you let go of Yeosang, his lips crashing onto yours. His hands roam your body, forcing you closer to him like he can’t fathom letting you go. Jongho always knocks the breath out of you, and Yeosang always brings it back to you.
He mumbles into your lips, “You’re…okay, right?”
They’re holding back, their last check-in and warning to you before they finally let everything unleash, “I really want you guys to fuck me right now.”
Yeosang’s on your neck in seconds, suckling on your sweet points and trailing kisses so you’ll remember the path of his lips forever. Jongho pulls your shorts down slowly, taking his time to admire your plush thighs in your pretty, blue panties. Already, their attention is causing the pieces of you to fall entirely to them.
Jongho’s hands leave a trail of warmth, skin buzzing where he touches and probes. His hands consequently raise your shirt as he roams, greeting your tits with soft and delicate kisses. He chuckles when he feels your hips buck at his suckling, tongue lapping like you’re a lifeline.
Yeosang kisses you to stop your cries, fearing the power your pathetic and broken voice has over him.
From your spot in Yeosang’s lap, Jongho has full view and access to your weeping cunt. It’s cute how it’s just as wet as your eyes.
You whine in impatience again and Jongho tsk’s, “Don’t be bratty.”
Yeosang chuckles at the pout on your lips, “He likes it when you’re bratty,”
Jongho takes your guys’ cheeky giggles as a personal challenge, intending to keep those sparkling tears rolling down your cheeks. To give you so much to the point it’s overwhelmingly wicked.
He suddenly pulls your panties down with his new stubborn goal in mind. The cool air against your core is a shock to your senses, the new sensations only bringing fresh tears to your eyes. Jongho figures this will be easier than he thought. His fingers slide up and down between your folds, playing with your wetness. He adds pressure every time he reaches your clit, his sick smirk growing every time your hips buck. He glances at Yeosang, who immediately brings one hand to hold you down. That’s all it takes.
Yeosang’s voice is breathy, his eyes entranced by the sight of Jongho using you like his toy, “Why are you running away from Jjong, angel?”
“‘M not, ‘m not, I swear Sangie-“
Jongho suddenly licks a stripe in between you, tongue slipping into your entrance and sending a new electric wave to your nerves. A tear rolls down your cheek. Jongho feels his pants constrict just a little more. Your attempts to writhe under him are stopped by Yeosang, your body shaking as you can’t do anything but lay as Jongho absolutely ravishes you. His hands kneading your thighs gently are the complete opposite to his unapologetically depraved mouth. Your high pitched moans are pathetic.
Yeosang’s cock throbs when his spit drips onto your clit and like it’s a siren calling his name, he brings his fingers down to your button. He spreads the wetness, the lewd sounds your pussy makes spurring him on.
Yeosang can’t help but admire you, “Oh, look at you, baby. So nice and sweet for us, always, are those tears for Jjong?”
You nod haphazardly, entirely unaware as to what you’re agreeing to but responding to Yeosang’s voice. Jongho pipes up, “Does your mouth not work?”
“‘M crying cause I feel so good Sangie, so, so good,”
Yeosang smiles devilishly, “What a sweet girl we have, Jongho.”
Jongho has taken to pumping you full of his fingers to make you cry with his words now. Their hands are touching all over you, sending shockwave after shockwave into your body. Enthralled by your glistening, starry eyes, they work in tandem with each other as Jongho reaches deep inside you and Yeosang keeps rubbing circles to keep you flowing. They fill you with themselves and their words to make sure you burst.
Jongho’s lips shine with your slick as he smirks down at you, “Nah, she’s a crybaby. Cryin’ from her pretty eyes and her pretty pussy,”
You feel the moment every one of your nerves set alight, and they can too. Yeosang’s words flow right to your core, “Can you cum for us? Pretty please, baby?”
Now, your nerves detonate inside you. Waves of pleasure rupture through you, reaching you from head to toe. Their voices talking you down are in the back of your mind, pulling from inside you and bringing you back to reality.
When you blink in realization, Yeosang is wiping your tears away. They’re sheepish now, the smallest blush dusting Jongho’s cheeks as he slips your panties back on.
“I didn’t think you guys would like me crying that much,” you mumble sleepily.
Yeosang puts his hands in mock surrender, “Ask the other guy. That was all him.”
You can’t do much as your forgotten shorts are launched at Yeosang’s face right in front of you.
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bom note: i seriously just need jjongsang to take care of me mentally physically and financially i think i was born to bring them breakfast in bed every morning (feminism be gone).
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prettyboykatsuki · 14 hours
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lock and key | h. sakura
✮ tags ; afab + gender neutral reader, dom!reader, sub!sakura, ejaculation management, so much dirty talk, praise kink, cumming untouched, nipple play / teasing, established relationships, aged-up characters, 18+
✮ wc ; 3.6k (??)
✮ a/n ; my melatonin is begging me to sleep and im too busy thinking about this guys dick. fuck man whatever.
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On the rooftop of Furin, among flower-beds and tomato plants - Sakura asks you to be his with a less than confident pout and a single rose.  
It is stupidly corny and so sincere it borders on funny. You’re a little surprised by it given the nature of your relationship. You’ve been friends since he came into town three years ago - dancing around unrequited feelings for about two years, and recently landed on mutual feelings after someone gave Sakura spiked punch at one of Umemiya’s gatherings.  
He is characteristically clumsy in asking you. He spends the first half of your conversation getting pissed about nothing before you ask him what he wants, all smiles, and he loses his cool all over again. You fall in love with him a little more when he has to avert his eyes to get the words out. He has so many nervous tics. A hand on the back of his neck, chewing the inside of his lip.  
The most noticeable part of his confession is just how red he is the entire time. His shirt is a little loose, and when he ducks his head down - you can see perfectly along the curve of back and he’s blushing. It’s so cute, so stupidly endearing - you completely lose track of what’s happening around you.  
You manage to accept the confession. Sakura gains the courage to kiss you but he’s shaking the whole time, and it’s so cute to see how much he fumbles despite having known you for years.  
It’s a good memory, and it leaves a strong impression - and it’s no doubt the start of your desire to warp your boyfriends body to your desires so strongly.  
Sakura blushes easily.  
Too easily. 
For as long as you’ve been friends, he’s never been able to kick the habit. You’d almost think he was allergic to sincerity given how much he reacts to even the faintest presence of it. It doesn’t matter where that sincerity is directed—though it’s much worse when it’s for him—it’s just something he’s conscious of generally. It’s to the point where it’s a running joke amongst the friend group, though never to his face.  
He suffers enough with so little teasing, no one really has the heart to go further. And even without being teased, Sakura is super reactive. Like a cat hissing or electricity bubbling through water - pure danger at the lightest brush or sensation. Be it romance, or friendship, or the vaugest compliment. Sakura will blush and squirm for any reason at all, really. 
In a way, you think that’d take away from the novelty of it but it hasn’t. Every time Sakura breaks out into a faint blush, you feel your heart squeeze tight in your chest.  
It’s hard not to bully Sakura when he makes it so unbelievably easy. And looks so cute when you do it.  
You do your best to curb your desires at first because Sakura tries hard to look cool in front of you. Towards the beginning of your relationship, he seemed especially determined to be more boyfriend-like towards you. You’re sure that’s tangentially related to how you two started as friends and how terribly self-aware he is of it all the time. You already know each other well, but the step-up from friend to partner is just a little bit too steep for him to climb easily. This manifests in the most try-hard version of Sakura you’ve ever known in your life, and it’s very sweet.  
It is, really.  
Too sweet. Too cute. It does nothing but pour gasoline on the sexual desire and mild fetish you’ve developed for your boyfriends easily embarrassed personality. It worsens it so much it’s a little shocking to you.  
Maybe you’ve always had that kind of inclination, but Sakura takes what was once just a passing thought and blooms into full blown sexual fantasy with no effort at all.  
You plan on keeping it to yourself at first, because you’re pretty sure you’d scare him off if you brought it up too soon. 
The first time you make out with Sakura though, after you start dating - he cums in his pants after a little kissing and grinding. Not that abnormal for a virgin you think. What is, however, abnormal - is what actually ends up pushing him over the edge and making him cum so quickly: praise. 
It was like feeling time slow down. You’d whispered in his ear that he felt good - that he was kissing you in a way that felt good. On the next breath, he bucked his hips up against the seam of his pants and made a mess in his jeans. Whimpered in your ear like a whining cat in heat, with no self-awareness until after the fact. His cum was warm against your clothed crotch as he rode his high - breathless and stupid. Not a thought behind his eyes for a few seconds until he could collect himself enough to be ashamed.  
Sakura having a praise kink is so obvious when you think about it, it’s a little laughable. But to know the extent of it made your desires towards him all that much stronger.  
It gave you the confidence to proceed in trying to change his body and make it a little more sensitive. Not being able to stop think about it made you want to push the boundaries, which is why you end up asking Sakura to let you take the reigns.  
Of course he doesn’t want to agree at first. It’s a hit to his pride you’re sure.  
But with a little more coaxing, he agrees to let you do as you please and hear you out on whatever weird thing you seem so interested in doing. He’s weak to your pouting, even weaker to pleasure - so fine, if you want to do something weird to him, he’ll let you.  
Permission was all you needed.  
You start slowly.  
The first time you see Sakura again after agreeing on letting you lead, he can barely stand to be in the same room as you. He decides to let you come over to his apartment instead of going over to yours. You spend the whole day together having an at-home date that ends up being more cooking and watching movies on a laptop together than anything else.  
Night falls when Sakura eventually signals his desire for intimacy after he spent the day escaping his nerves. He doesn’t say it as much as he shows it. After you come out from the shower, he stares at you so intensely it’s hard not to get the.  
You get down on your knees to kiss him before you pull away, a hand on his cheek and pure adoration seeing the state of his face. Cherry red blush dusted all over his skin and pupils blown wide with such adorably obvious desire. 
“Can I touch you?”  
“Why’re you asking?” He stumbles over the words. “J-just do it.”  
You press your back against the wall and tell Sakura to sit between your spread legs - pleased as he obliges you even after some hesitance. You’re a little afraid yourself, the enormity of your lust as Sakura rests his back against your chest overwhelming.  
“This is weird.”  
“Bear with it, please?”  
He doesn’t complain again. You kiss against his shoulder blades, smiling at the way he squirms - tilting his head to meet your mouth and kiss him over his shoulder.  
Your hands clasp his waist, nails running along his sides deliberately slow - dragging against the fabric and so lightly against the skin. He protests it but doesn’t tell you to stop. You let your nails brush against his nipples and his cock jumps in his boxers. Moonlight seeps through the windows, emphasizing the paleness of him under his clothes You can feel his musculature as his back lays against your chest, the steady pumping of your heart matching your own.  
When he reaches the brink of a complaint, you whisper his name against his ear.  
“Haruka-kun,” Tender and breathless - warm against his cool skin. “Just trust me okay? I’ll make you feel really good.”  
“I’m the one that should be—,” His words cut off with a moan, a little helpless sound as you brush against his nipples again. “Damn it.”  
“You want to make me feel good, right? You’re so thoughtful, baby.” Your praise comes in thick - accompanied with a more direct touch. You brush your palms over his clothed erection, smiling as it twitches again. His hips buck for more friction that you don’t afford him. “It makes me feel good when you listen.”  
You squeeze his shaft through his clothes for a few seconds before letting go again. “You’re a good boy, aren’t you Haruka?”  
“The hell,” It intends to come out harsher than it does. Another muffled moan as you squeeze his cock again, watching his face bloom in reds. He drops his head back along your shoulders. Almost boneless in your arms, you continue to touch his cock indirectly. “What are you.. ohhh,”  
“My good boy. Listen well, and I’ll make sure it feels really good. And you can have anything you want afterwards. Okay?” 
“Anything,” You promise gently. “But you have to listen. Can do you that for me?“ 
He gives you another short, precise nod as you rub his cock again affectionately, a kiss on the nape of his neck. He shivers as goosebumps form along his skin.  
“Damn it. Fine.”  
You kiss him again, another stroke following the touch as you grin against his shoulder. “Perfect.”  
You spend three weeks managing Sakura’s orgasms.   
It takes him a little while to deal with your unreasonable request. You tell him again though that if bears with for a while, he can have anything he possibly wants from you. The prospect of that is too exciting for him to turn you down, so he caves eventually.  
You have one rule: Sakura can’t cum for seven consecutive days. After seven days you want him to cum untouched. No matter what though, you’ll reward him. 
 It takes him a while to reach that goal. You spend your nights doing the same routine as the first nigh, escalating by drawing it out more each time. Light touches followed with deliberately thick, syrupy praise. You fulfill his needs through other means, but showering him in affection makes up most of it.  
You get good at learning what things make him tick. Sakura likes to hear that he’s good for you above all else. That’s always the thing that makes him twitch. He likes being praised for his efforts less than he likes mindless flattery. He likes when you attach possession to the words you use. Affirm his place as yours with every stroke of hands or tracing of fingers. Light touches make him shiver so much it’s cute.  
You learn that his nipples are sensitive and so are his ears and the inside of his thighs when you squeeze them. He likes rougher treatment of his chest but softer against his neck. He likes to be squeezed firmly instead of lightly but you tend to avoid touching his dick too much if at all.  
It’s a little like training a puppy. You follow your routine with strict habituation and Sakura picks up on your cues quickly. Over a few weeks, you watch him grow to anticipate the session of unadulterated praise. Eventually, he’s red before you even touch him, glassy eyed and hard before you even get on your hands on him or kiss him. Just the anticpation is enough because he’s already so easy to work up.  
He fails in not cumming a few times, but that’s okay - you always assure him it’ fine.  
Again and again, you shape his tastes to fit your preferences with cool direction and repetition like water eroding stone. Sakura stops questioning it once the pleasure starts to sink in, eventually so hung up on the feeling - you can barely be in public together without his mind drifting back to it. His headspace gets so melty.  
He’s always been quiet when it comes to affection but he’s practically docile, putty between your fingers as he lets himself be completely pampered when you’re alone. It’s a little surprising ow well he takes it, but you think the desperation outweighs the shame. The desire for release too strong to refuse it no matter how much of a fuss he puts up at the start.  
It’s cute to see him corrupt so fast for your sake. He’s too prideful to beg but once he gets so desperate, he makes a face that’s practically the same. He starts to be interested in the reward at one point or another - though you’re not sure when exactly that is. He really tries so hard not to cum. Your rules are always clear and simply.  
He can cum before you if he wants,  but he has to wait seven days for a rewards. You’ll know if he cums before then. 
After three weeks of ruined orgasms, he eventually abides by this. He still wants you to touch him though. You spend your time as a normal couple until nightfall, and when it’s time - Sakura waits for you to start.  
He’s not vocal about his submission, doesn’t acknowledge it in full even when it’s so obvious. His compliance speaks for itself you think. How he spreads his legs and relaxes into your body more and more - allowing himself to be completely quiet and listen to you. You know you’ve got him when he stops fighting any of it and just allows you to touch him without too much fuss.  
You’re good to Sakura of course. You always praise him softly, sweetly - always kiss him as much as he wants even if you don’t touch his cock directly. You always make him feel good in other ways even if he’s not allowed to cum.  
Eventually, he makes good on the promise of one week. It’s hard on him, you can tell - and he doesn’t do it without whining, but he fights for it. Lets you touch and tease and praise him until his brain shuts off, crawling into your arms right afterwards so you can card your fingers through his hair and praise him more with his face buried in your chest eventually falling to sleep.  
A week passes, eventually - and this time, you end up on Sakura’s lap. A good distance away from his cock. You sit closer to his knees as he sits on a comfortable chair in your well furnished apartment. You haven’t touched him at all, but he’s already got the pretty, glassy expression on his face.  
You cup his cheek with your hand, endeared by how he nuzzles instinctively into your palm. He’s not wearing anything today while you remain clothed aside from your top. 
“I’m so proud of you, baby.” You coo. The reaction is instant, eyes lidding and face growing hot as you continue to shower him with attention. He groans faintly but doesn’t say anything in reply. “It took a little while, but you made it a whole week. Haruka-kun did a good job for me. Made me so happy.” 
He likes hearing that. Praise about how it pleases you always sticks. His face grows warm with familiar, pained arousal. He flushes red down to his chest - his whole body radiating heat. You stare at his cock as it twitches to life at the words, elated when you see the first dribble of precum slide down the shaft. It’s hard for you to not to touch him but you wouldn’t ruin your own hard work.  
“You like making me happy huh? You always do,” You mutter, brushing your thumb across his cheek bone. He’s quiet, eyes look misty as you talk. “My pretty boy. All mine forever. All of you. From here to,” Your brush hair from his forehead before trailing your nails down his chest - lightly scratching above the base of his cock, on his stomach. You brush the soft, bi-colored hairs at the base but don’t get close enough to touch. “Here. Always mine, baby.”  
“S-shit, hngh,”  
“You worked so hard, didn’t you?” You kiss his forehead, his temple, his cheek. “I know it was tough. Bet you’re gonna cum so much for me today. I’ll give you anything you want after you cum once. Anything. Doesn’t that sound nice?”  
His words come out as a slur, thick with want. “Y’promise?”  
Your heart flutters. “Mhm. Whatever you want. You can fuck me, use my mouth. Anything, baby. It’s all yours. You earned it. Such a good boy.”  
“Nghhh,” He throws his head back slightly, his cock twitching again. Bobbing as it jumps against air, you stare down at how more pre-crum dribbles from the tip. “Fuck, fuck. Need to cum, can’t—I can’t”  
“You can cum whenever, Haruka. You’re getting so messy. It’s for me, right? Haruka’s cum,” You mumble, staring at it. “So thick. So much of it left,”  
His eyes go wide before breaking out into another wave of heat - cheels flushing red. His ears, nose, face — all of it. He groans aloud, adams apple bobbing in his throat as arousal makes his cock pulse.  “Good boy. Come on. I want to see you cum for me. Do you think you can? Think you can cum if I praise you a bit? Your cock twitches so much when I’m sweet to you baby, does it make you feel that good to hear? Made you so weak to praise your dick can barely stand it, right? It’s cute. Haruka-kun is so, so cute.”  
His jaw is dropped open dumbly, unable to speak or say anything else as he shivers underneath you. You can feel him squirm, his cock twitching again and again. You don’t touch his dick at all, but you slide your hand down to the soft planes of his stomach and hold it there. Rubbing soft circles into it with your thumb.  
“It’s twitching so hard,” You say with fascinated delight. His whole body strains, a short, clipped, helpless whimper escaping his lips completely involuntary. He bites back as much of the noise as he possible can as your own arousal builds in your stomach. “I’m so turned on watching you like this.”  
It’s almost like a switch flips in him. You can see the surprise in his face, see the reaction in his physical body so fast you can’t help but laugh in awe. “Did you think I just did it for no reason?”  
“No, but… I didn’t think — I d-don’t know, I just didn’t think.” 
You laugh again. “Then should I tell you? I get wet when I bully you and you get like this. So pathetic and needy and so cute. You always get mad when I call you cute but your cock is twitching so much hearing it,” You tell him contentedly. “It feels so good seeing you blush like this. You turn red and it’s so pretty - Haruka-kun is so pretty it’s unfair. Isn’t it natural that I get like this looking at you?”  
He groans, his shoulders shaking as you push him forward. You laugh, delighted by his reaction.  
“Should I tell you something good?” You tease, watching for his eyes to lock with yours before you go on. “I alway went home and touched myself thinking of what kind of face you made for me the night before. Came so much to how pretty Haruka is, you know? Even right now, I’m holding back from touching you and making you cum all over my hands. You wanna cum inside instead though right? After you cum once, I’ll get you nice and hard again and then you can cum where you want. Okay? Cum for me, baby. Be good for me.”  
You hear Sakura gasp and know what’s coming, smiling to yourself as his muscles go taut - hips bucking up as it overtakes him. 
You let your hand hover over the tip of his cock and watch his body shudder as he lets out a load of cum completely untouched. It’s so thick and heavy it doesn’t really shoot as much as it spills all along his shaft in his spurts. Sakura sobs in ruin at the sensation, groaning as your hand wraps around the base of his cock and pumps out the rest.  
His entire body shudders in a flush of red - all rashy knees and blushy chest, nipples tense and hard as he cums while his stomach tightens as he releases. His cock throbs against your hands, still completely hard even after having orgasmed. His face is wet, vision blurred from fat tears that he can barely blink away in time.  
He’s so reactive to the feeling of your hand, he ends up cumming again a little with a strained cry.  
You watch him in amusement, waiting for him to settle down as you rest your palm over the tip to catch any more cum. After you lean forward to meet his mout. He kisses you so eagerly, all tongue and spit - pulling away with breath.  
“You’re so good for me, Haruka,” You kiss the corner of his mouth. “How should I reward you?”  
“Don’t care just,” He drops his head down. “Touch me. All over. Make me feel good. I want to feel you. P-please.”  
You smile a little. “Must be really bad for you to ask me something so embarrassing with your own voice.”  
“Shut the hell up. My dick is gonna explode and it’s so embarrassing so just” He groans. “Y-you’re the devil, just. Please.”  
“Course baby,” You mutter, stroking his cock for emphasis - happy as you watch him shiver. “Anything you want.”  
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