#he saves his dying son's life and then his wife leaves him for it
judelaw · 2 years
I finally watched season 4 of The Dragon Prince and what the hell is up with that Reyla plot. The show spent three seasons constantly explaining how revenge is bad and how it creates this never ending circle of violence and how we need to break out of this circle — but then Reyla wants to get revenge on Viren for “killing” her parents and the crew is like ‘yeah, that’s perfectly fine and reasonable’. Like Callum was more then happy to give an entire speech about how revenge is bad when his own and Ezran’s lives were in danger but then Reyla tells him she needs to go to get revenge (by also risking her own life, which in itself should have been reason enough for him to say something) and he’s just like ‘I know, see you later bby’??
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linkspooky · 4 months
It's not just the fact that Hori decided to kill a lifelong victim of grooming.
My two favorite comic book storylines are New Teen Titans Judas Contract, and Uncanny X Men's Inferno. They both feature villains / victims (Madelyne Pryor and Terra) that die at the end of the story. Terra is specifically fifteen years old and a victim of sexual grooming.
However, both of these stories are clearly written as tragedies. It's clear from the start that these are tragic stories not only meant to get us to sympathize with the victim turned villain but also the failure to save a clear victim is meant to make the heroes look bad.
Let me just list off all the shit Scott Summers put Madelyne Pryor through.
Fell in love with her only because she looked like his ex girlfriend Jean. Even though Madelyne specifically stated before getting into the relationship she didn't want to be jeans replacement.
Married her, and refuses to take time off to the point where he misses the birth of his own son leaving Madelyne at home to deliver her baby on the floor.
When he finally retires and they move to Alaska together he gets a phone call that Jean is still alive and abandons his wife and daughter for weeks to go back to his high school girlfriend.
Madelyne is attacked by a group of supervillains while Scott is away and just barely manages to escape but loses her baby.
She joins up with the x men to look for scott only to find out in the time she's been gone Scott had already gotten back together with Jean.
She is tricked into making a deal with a demon who wants to overthrow ilyanas control of limbo (she thought it was just a dream and the contract to sell her soul didn't matter).
She used her newfound power in order to find her child Nathan only to find Mr sinister there who reveals that Madelyne was a clone of Jean Grey, her entire life was a lie, she was made to breed with cyclops and produce a baby for sinister.
At which point madelyne snaps and decides to burn everything to the ground and kill her own child.
It's clearly telegraphed as a tragedy. The reference to Medea is pretty obvious. Madelyne had no chance from the beginning, however even in this tragedy Scott specifically forbid any of the heroes from using lethal force on her. Jean and Maddie mindmeld at one point and Jean literally begs for Maddie not to die and that she should live on to raise her son. They even throw a funeral for Maddie afterwards because be no one else would ever mourn her.
Not only do the heroes look bad, especially Scott for not being able to save her, they do at least try to talk with her, use non lethal force, and beg her at one point to let them help her.
On the other hand not only did Deku never engage Shigaraki Tomura once, just the vision of a crying child in front of him. Deku doesn't look like a failure for failing in his goal to save him he's still the greatest hero, they don't hold a funeral for Shigaraki, Dekus last words are about how he doesn't forgive Shigaraki (and therefore he deserves to die i guess because deku is the punisher now). Deku doesn't even give Shigaraki the respect of calling him by his preferred name he just calls him Tenko who was the only person Deku cared about saving.
It's not just about a victim dying it's about how the story promised us over and over again the kids were going to save the villains in the final act, that this was going to be an optimistic story about the new generation being better than the old.
Only for Horikoshi to deliver something entirely different. If I'm watching punisher I know what I'm getting into. I'm here to watch Frank Castle shoot mobsters. If Batman picks up a Tommy Gun and starts shooting mobsters that's bad because Batman wouldn't do that shit.
There's writing a story that's tonally inconsistent, or changing your plans for how a character is going to end late in the game and then there's this.
Which is basically narrative gaslighting. Where one thing is clearly happening onscreen but the narrative needs you to believe those gaslights clearly are not dimming.
I know Deku made no effort to save Shigaraki when he explicitly said they OFA is a power for saving but not killing, but don't worry Deku became the greatest hero anyway, and this is still a happy optimistic ending!
Horikoshi isn't looking for treasure in the house. Those gaslights aren't dimming. You're clearly being hysterical, woman.
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touya todoroki x reader
you finally bring yourself to visit your husband in the hospital.
mha official ending spoilers
part 2/3, part 1
inspired by the black dog
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what a long 8 years.
touya’s defeat came at no surprise to you. as much as you wanted to root for your husband, to hope he achieves the twisted, revenge-filled dreams he dedicated his like (death) to, you knew his attempts would be futile.
you knew that the moment shouto’s fists connected with your husbands, it’d be over. the flames would subside, and dabi’s fiery reign would come to an end. for just a moment, in the midst of the blue and red flames, you saw a glimpse of two broken brothers. just a glimpse.
what followed wasn’t any less heartbreaking. touya was kept alive in his own, high tech cell. though he had made sure to keep you hidden from the world, you heard from short whispers that there was nothing that could be done about his current state. he could only manage a few words, his vessel slowly slowly dissipating into nothing but ash.
you absolutely could not bring yourself to visit. not in any of those 8 years. maybe its because you knew you could very well be hearing your last words from him soon.
too many memories engulfed in fire. his arsons match and your tear-stained eyes, watching it all helplessly.
so for as long as you could, you stayed in your house, grieving for the living.
until now.
it wasn’t a surprise you were eventually found out. when you opened your door, expecting the mail, you were greeted with a familiar face- not when you were angry about seeing, but not particularly delighted by any means. his dual coloured eyes and scar similar to that of your husbands- not by look but by origin.
you honestly couldn’t remember how he convinced you to leave your home. he may as well have dragged you by your feet, into his car and to the facility they were keeping touya in. this man was technically your brother, too. but seeing him felt like a wound reopened.
touya laid there, his body weak and emaciated, as the machines beeped and whirred around him, monitoring his vital signs and keeping him alive. a futile but admittedly impressive effort by his rich father, wanting to somehow make amends. everyone knew, however, that he was not saving a life- he was prolonging a death. the death of his firstborn son, to be exact.
his mind was hazy, his vision blurry as he struggled to keep his eyes open. the sound of the machines became a constant, familiar background noise, almost like white noise.
as he laid there, fading in and out of consciousness, one thought ran through his mind again and again: you.
while you stood outside the room, touya’s barren body laid in his tomb. his eyelids could hardly closed, so he was more or less forced to take in the grief-stained drywall. he thought about you, every single day. wondered where you were, how you could be doing- he hoped it was better now that he was gone.
your hand was wrapped shakily around the doorknob. just one twist and push. but it felt as though that door was made of iron. why was it suddenly so heavy? why was it being weighed down with the weight of your love and grief all rolled into one?
“…i don’t think i can do this.” you say shakily, a single tear rolling down your eye at the thought of seeing your dying husband after all this time.
a hand is placed on your shoulder. a comforting touch, like one who is learning to navigate through the grief alongside you.
shouto stood silently beside you, his expression stoic as he waited for you to make a decision.
he knew how difficult this must be for you, the years of pain and guilt weighing heavily on your shoulders. if he was grieving a man he hardy knew as his brother and more as a villain, he couldn’t even grasp how his wife must be feeling- someone who had loved him despite it all.
“you can do it.” he says softly, his voice firm but gentle as he tries his best to hold it together. he doesn’t want you to face this alone, though he knows he cant enter that room with you.
“you’ve made a good name for yourself.” you say, acknowledging shouto’s growth. at least one of the two brothers can still live, still be happy. “no one even calls you endeavours son anymore.”
he nods silently, his expression softening slightly at your words.
“i guess so.” he said quietly, a small hint of a smile on his face. he doesn’t dare to jinx his success. “ i’ve… i’ve tried to separate myself from my father’s shadow, to be my own person.”
he says for a paused moment, looking at the small glass panel that gave a window into touya’s room, his hand still resting on your shoulder.
“but t wasn’t easy. it never is.” he says, taking a deep breath before speaking his next piece.
“the doctors think they can buy him a few more months, maybe.” shouto reveals. the extent of your absence towards your dying husband finally begins to sink in. you waited until it was almost too late to see him. its a guilt like no other. what could you possibly say about to him after all this time?
“…i’m going in.” you say, pushing the door open and letting it close behind you with a click that rings through the room.
theres constant whirring and beeping from the technology keeping touya breathing. he lays there, his body held together by planks of metal and wiring. god, as morbid as it may seem, you wondered why they were even trying at this point?
he doesn’t seem to notice you, not till you walk closer to him. its hard to move his head with that brace around his skull, anyway.
his eyes weakly tracked your movements as you weakly made your way over to the bed, pressing your hands against the glass keeping him inside of his pod. he recognizes you, because how could he not? he married you, after all.
“…hey.” you manage, despite the dryness on your tongue.
your heart clenches as you watch him try and respond. his throat was dry and raspy, like his quirk had given him sandpaper for lung. he was forced to swallow several times before he could even mutter a word.
“hey..” he finally croaks out, his voice barely above a whisper, hoarse and strained.
you take a deep breath, silently cursing yourself for your already shaky words.
“you look like shit.” you have the audacity to chuckle at him, the numb laughter devoid of any empathy. you were grieving, grieving yet angry. as much as you understood and wanted to understand, he still left you.
touya would be nothing if not an asshole.
“thanks, doll.” his voice almost mechanical. “..don’t look too hot yourself.”
there he is. that smartass touya you love. his quick tongue and his smart heard, smarter then he lets on. you love his remarks, his sass, his demeanour. and it seemed that even through all this pain, he still managed to give you some of it.
the tears are already sliding down your cheeks, knowing that this is likely the last time you’ll ever get to feel it.
and for a moment, through your hazy eyes, a silver glimmer catches your eyes.
“…you kept the ring..?” you have to rub your eyes, unsure if its just a grief-stricken illusion.
he scoffs, as if it should be obvious. “yeah… course i did.”
his time is running out and you both know it. you cringe watching his weaken state, trying to slide the ring off his finger. you quickly hush him, your delicate hands carefully reaching into his pod to help him remove the band. though most of his nerves are killed off, he feels as though he’s truly lost his favourite part of him.
his eyes continue to grow tired, but me fights them valiantly to catch a glimpse of you slipping the ring onto your own hand. he had taken that part of him, and given it to you.
you sob, pressing your forehead against the glass. your hand just barely grazes his, feeling the charred skin you still loved, no matter how dead.
“i love you.” you sob, baring your soul to your husband. his eyes close, feeling the exhaustion sink in- but he can’t give in. not when this is his last chance to see his wife.
despite the pain and the knowledge of his imminent death, he manages to find his voice and responds, his voice hoarse but filled with a raw intensity of emotion. he’s doing everything to stay with you right now, though you know it can’t ever make it up.
“… i love you… too…” he croaks, letting what soul he has left reach itself out to you.
“and i’m so mad at you.” you sob. “not just you… i’m mad at the world.. i’m at the world that let your father get away with abusing you and breaking you down.. i’m mad at the world that didn’t see you were a boy who needed help. i’n mad at the universe for not giving you and i a chance… i’m mad at your god damn fire for taking you away from me.”
your tears slide down the glass, only continuing as you see his eyes close. he’s still breathing, yes, but either he was so exhausted from fighting death, or he couldn’t bare to see you in this much pain. probably both.
“i know… i’m… sorry…” he prays you know how sorry he really is. for doing this to you. for exposing you to the evil of the world when he should have been protecting you.
“..don’t cry..” he rasps, asking more for him than for you. you scoff.
“i’ll cry if i damn want to, touya.” you chuckle. “i lost my husband.”
just for a second, its almost like he smiles.
“you… still… call me.. that?”
without a trace of hesitation, you nod. “of course i do.”
he’s having trouble forming his next words and you can tell. you know you have to do it. you somehow have to say goodbye.
“i love you, touya todoroki. i love you so much.” you declare, showing your soul to him right before he enters the afterlife- maybe so he knows to look for you once your time comes as well.
“…i… love you.. too..” he rasps. he’s trying and you love him for it, despite the sobs that choke out of you seeing his struggle just to speak.
“i’ll never ever, ever forget you. i wouldn’t dream of it.” you whisper.
“you better not…” he rasps out weakly. what a fucking smartass you married.
you cant kiss him. but you do press your forehead and your lips to the glass, and give his hand once last squeeze. you have to rip yourself from the room and out the door, otherwise you might have stayed in there forever.
the door clicks behind you. a breath escapes your lips, knowing that you have truly said your goodbye. you still clutch his silver ring on your finger.
the ring served as a reminder. that no matter what happens now, a part of your soul forever belonged to touya todoroki. that no matter how many of your clothes you burn and how many exorcisms you perform on your house, the love you shared with touya will never leave. no matter how much clean air you breath, a small part of you will always miss the smoke he gave. always.
you vowed to never forget him, anyway.
@the-dumpster-fire-of-life @greenmanshoe @connorsui
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It's actually so important to me that the first time we see Ed actually cry in Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood and Manga) - apart from the automail surgery - is when Hohenheim offers him his life to bring back Alphonse.
Throughout the entire story Ed doesn't cry because of his misguided love-filled promise to Al. No matter how horrible their odds, no matter how traumatizing their journey, Ed refuses to cry. He comes close. So, so close. When Izumi tells them it's okay to be sad, offering comfort after a long time without. After Nina dies and Ed and Al let the rain wash away their sorrow. When Hughes dies and guilt becomes an even heavier cloak weighing their shoulders down. When death comes knocking on Ed's door and he decidedly sends it packing.
Ed laughs and rages and smiles and screams.
But he doesn't cry.
Just because Al can't.
Ed was eleven when he made that promise. He was a child suffering through something truly horrific when he promised himself and the world that he wouldn't cry as long as his brother wasn't allowed to do the same.
Which is painful to watch - especially since it tells us that Ed knows how much crying is a part of life. He gave something up, not out of some misguided idea of masculinity, but because he knew it would be a sacrifice to keep himself from crying. A punishment since his brother could no longer offer his tears in the face of sorrow.
But by the end of the story Ed has cried. And it's not tears of joy, like the ones he promised Winry. No, Ed is angry when he cries - and Alphonse is no longer there.
In a way Ed kept his promise to Al - he only cried when the person he made this promise to (be it silent and secretive) was gone.
As far as they knew Al was dead.
But that truth alone didn't bring tears to Ed's eyes, though it certainly shattered his heart and made him quiver in desperation. No, in the end it was Hohenheim who finally allowed Ed to spill tears kept locked away for four long years.
And I love it.
I love that Hohenheim trying to do something truly loving, something completely selfish, something absolutely sacrificial was the thing that pushed Ed over the edge.
Because Ed never forgave his father for leaving, but by the end of the story he understands why he left.
Because Ed is so unbelievably angry with this man who abandoned him, and he still cares for him - partially because he knows Alphonse does.
Because Ed was never forced to forgive Hohenheim, but we still know that Hohenheim loves his children and his wife and would do everything for them.
Even, no, especially if it means dying.
And Ed can't take it.
So many others have died by this point, they are all painted in blood and pain, and Ed has lost his only constant - and now his father wants to make an ultimate sacrifice?
So, Ed gets angry. And he cries. And he saves Al on his own - with the help of all of his friends, and Hohenheim.
Because no matter Ed's feelings on the man who gave him life, he doesn't want to see anyone else die. He doesn't want anyone else's blood on his hands.
And he wants Hohenheim to get a chance to be a rotten father - because at the end of the day Hohenheim is someone worth crying over even, no, especially by the boy who promised he wouldn't cry.
(there is something to be said about Hohenheim crying on their family portrait, only to be mirrored by Ed grinning while holding his own child - there is something to be said about Hohenheim willingly offering his life, only to be stopped by the tears running down his son's angry face - there is something to be said about Ed's anger and Hohenheim's soft grief and their shared past)
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rayroseu · 7 months
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"you are just as guilty" ⚔️🥀
last cough of art before the update ahkdhkshsksh AAAAAAAAAAA i dont wanna leave Briar Valley yet 😩😩😩😩 Lilia don't gatekeep all the lore,,, dang it,,,💔💔💔💔
sometimes i really do wonder what Meleanor or Dawn's last thoughts before dying..... ESPECIALLY Dawn... Bro rarely has the chances to express his individuality, he's so tragic to be with the Silver Owls sm.. 😭who suppresses all opinions as seen with their soldier garments (all of them basically have the same motifs and design) in contrast,.. Meleanor's army has differently designed mask to highlight the unique faes they are--
I have this thought that like Silver, he cries about the sins of his nation as well... 😭I think he has regrets that he made Meleanor overblot and blames himself for it 😭 (Like how Silver was the last straw to make Malleus overblot-)
I think its a common interpretation that Dawn is heroic, but I don't think of him that way KSJSKS, not because he's not a hero, but because he's a failed one. In the story, it felt like he was "just a person". He's not perfect, he's flawed.
And, I think the existence of "failed heroes" like Dawn is really intriguing in TWST,,,, because the heroic characters here are depicted as "never failing at anything". Like how RSA characters are. They never lose at anything, but ironically the character most inspired by this school (RSA) failed at "being a good hero."
I'm interpreting he failed because he couldn't make his mission come true; peace between fae and humans, in fact he might have worsened it with the passing of Meleanor 😭😭💔💔
The most tragic thing of all his life, was probably the part where he died, not because of the faes, but of his own fellow countrymen... I imagine in this image, what did he even kill Meleanor for? He couldn't make any peace between faes and humans, he couldn't save his country, we're not even sure if he did use Meleanor's magical stone to save the Human King and if he was successful with it, so if he has failed at everything he aspired to achieve, then what else is the point to all the bloodshed he has faced and committed?
In a way, his "punishment" is similar to Rollo's, celebrated by the achievement he didn't want to commit (except its the good guy this time adskjs)
(Thats why I'm sold at the idea of Dawn just giving up fighting at his death bcs theres no way if he did actually had the motivation to fight, he'd lose against fellow humans when he fought Meleanor on solo akhdkhs... unless they reveal how he died as well next update---🙏🏻✨😳/copium)
In a way, its similar to Silver's disappointment too, that he worked all his life to make Lilia proud, to make sure that faes like his Father can be understood better, only for Lilia to leave him all alone yk... 🥹
But on the other side, I don't think he failed too much... because of his losses, Silver was brought to Lilia 🥹🥹
I feel like Lilia will relate to Dawn as well,,, He said in the story that he sympathized with Dawn because he spared tamago Malleus, but I beg to differ.
I think its actually because like Dawn, Lilia is also a knight who failed at everything he aspired to commit to (he took so long to hatch the egg and he failed to protect Meleanor and keep his promise with Levan that he'll take care of his wife and son-) so at that realization, Lilia probably sees that there's no reason to hate him, they had the same fate, so why would he hate his child as well?
He's not living anymore but I think Lilia could see that Dawn probably awaited for centuries to wake his son up from sleep,,, like how Lilia desperately waited and wished that something would hatch Malleus already 😭😭💔💔
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twinterrors29 · 2 months
Codywan Merlin AU
once upon a time, King Jango made a deal with the Sith for sons; however, that magic came at a price, and he lost all his living Knights and nearly his own life to maintain the balance
in response to this perceived betrayal, he outlawed all Force-senstives from his Kingdom of Mandalore
Crown Prince Cody therefore grows up with his horde of little siblings, with no knowledge of the Force and a learned distrust of all Force-sensitives, be they Sith or Jedi alike
Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the other hand, grows up on tales of a prophecy he is to play a part in, that he must one day travel to the Kingdom where the Force is banned but the Sith grow in power in secret, find the Chosen One, and train him so he can restore Balance to the Force
he thinks he knows how his story is destined to end: with him dying on a pyre in Keldabe's square to protect the boy he will have raised
when he comes of age, having completed his training with the Jedi in secret on the edges of the Kingdom, he travels to Keldabe to meet the Chosen One
but when he arrives, he finds no sign of the boy he was told to look for: created through no natural birth, but glowing with the light of the Force
and accidentally finds himself...entangled, with a young man he later learns is the Crown Prince himself
as he falls more and more in love with the brilliant prince, who is so beautiful and so heartbreakingly kind, almost seeming to glow with the brilliance of the sun for the force of his own compassion, and without any trace of the boy he's meant to train, Obi-Wan begins to doubt the prophecy more and more
when Cody proposes they marry in secret, Obi-Wan agrees, choosing to close off his connection in the Force for good to seize this chance at a happy ending for himself and Cody with both hands
only for Anakin to show up at long last, forcing Obi-Wan to choose between fulfilling his promise to his beloved or answering the call of the Force to fulfill the prophecy by training the boy, as he's been prepared to do his whole life
Obi-Wan resigns himself to the idea of giving up on his own happiness after all
Anakin has ideas of his own about the need for training in secret with Obi-Wan, having been found serendipitously by Advisor Palpatine several years prior, who has been teaching the boy discreetly and convinced Anakin that he shouldn't have to hide as the Chosen One of Prophecy
as they argue about Anakin's training, King Jango is abruptly assassinated, and war immediately breaks out with the Force-imbued soldier constructs of the neighboring County of Serenno; Count Dooku claims that Jango had promised him the throne as part of their deal for his sons so long ago, and that he is now staking that claim
the newly-crowned King Cody is forced to answer that challenge with his own claim and forces
Obi-Wan cannot bring himself to abandon his love in such a moment, and fortunately, Anakin is insistent that they stay and aid the fight in secret, allowing Obi-Wan to begin training him in earnest, albeit with a more martial focus than he would prefer for the younger man
so they hold their positions through three long years of armed conflict, with Obi-Wan discreetly placed among Cody's household guard and Anakin growing closer to the young noblewoman Padme Amidala, all while Palpatine continuing to whisper his poisoned promises to Anakin in secret
finally, Cody's forces manage to corner the Count's, and Obi-Wan's secret support allows Cody to kill the Count and disengage the remaining constructs in one blow
only for Palpatine to show his hand at last during the celebratory feast
the Sith had managed to convince Anakin that he has the power to save his secret noble wife and strongly Force-blessed unborn child, and the two of them together manage to wrest control of the Force magics that created Cody and his siblings to control them, using them as puppets to install Palpatine's new regime
Obi-Wan is forced to flee, leaving his love and his apprentice behind as he tries to keep at least the infant twins safe from Palpatine's control
for a year and a day, Palpatine maintained control over the King and his younger siblings
but on that day, Cody turned and cut off the snakes' head the moment he was free, with his brother Rex taking out Anakin
Cody had known that Obi-Wan was a Jedi almost from the beginning, and had accordingly done his own research on the Force and Jedi, planning to surprise his beloved at their wedding with his knowledge
in the course of his studies, he discovered the nature of the deal his father had made, and what that same magic could be used for
so he found a way to put failsafes in place, in case his origins were ever used against him: a traditional limit, of a year-and-a-day
once he was free of the Sith's control, Cody was left with the knowledge that Obi-Wan had been declared dead by Palpatine, and that Cody had been the puppetted to order his death
he decides to abdicate the throne to Rex, the next in line, to mark a new beginning after both the war that marked the start of his reign and the year of suffering under Sith control that he couldn't easily explain to his people
Cody dies less than a year later, having lived just long enough to see his people thriving under his beloved brother's rule, but the war and the control and the loss took their toll on his body and psyche
it would be another three years before Obi-Wan got word of the change of regime in Mandalore, and another five after that before he felt the twins were old enough to make the journey back to their birthplace to investigate the matter
Obi-Wan meets with Rex, hearing Cody's account of his actions and reading the former King's journals, and sinks further into his own despair; he becomes convinced that Cody was the true Chosen One after all, having learned of the Force because of Obi-Wan himself and having defeated the Sith and brought balance to the Force through use of that knowledge
Rex agrees to foster the twins, helping symbolize the new era of Light he's hoping to begin for their people
and Obi-Wan dedicates the rest of his life to keeping watch over Cody's tomb, certain that some day his beloved will return to finish fulfilling the prophecy when his kingdom is most in need of his aid once again...
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electronix-arts · 1 month
i have the urge to ramble so why not ramble about murder drones
i have many fears over episode 8, my biggest one being is that everyone is going to fucking die, and since im now considered the khan guy, why not talk about him (THIS IS SO LONG HOLY FUCKING SHIT)
ok so funnily enough, im prepared if he does drop dead in ep 8. people have teased me going “oh lol what if khan dies in ep 8” but little do you all know ive been prepared since ep 7 dropped, my wife has improved so much he’s bound to be sniped by liam. i’d be upset as hell and act like a wife who lost her husband at sea but i would not be too surprised if he is killed off
before it was confirmed ep 8 is the series finale, i was a s2 believer and i held onto hope that they wouldn’t kill khan because it’d make his character feel worthless. you see this man improve so much to be a better father to uzi and grow a pair to actually do something; to me, him dying would have made all of that useless, the hypothetical season 2 could have grown his character more if he lived, hell, maybe even show flashbacks of him during his ‘kill all humans’ phase. ep 7 shows khan has nowhere to go but up (or go insane, like the ep 8 teaser showed us)
but since season 2 is not real, i have to accept the fact that yeah, khan might die. so instead of being upset over that, why not speculate how he’ll fuckin die even though him being in the teaser looking batshit insane makes me think he’ll be a survivor. look at him. he will live off of pure adrenaline. anyways.
it’d 100% be a sacrifice, his apology for everything he’s done (which i fucking HATE i wanted him to grow more to become more redeemable to others not [death = hooray your sins are mostly forgiven] but i just gotta suck it up for now)
it’d definitely be for uzi or nori, make sense if he sacrificed himself for both of them [“Turns out, I’m not who either of you needed”] buuut i think it’d be more uzi focused. he was the one who raised her for the entirety of her life, actually tried to become better and changed his main focus to her and tried to help whenever he could after that, he would take a hypothetical bullet for her. it could even parallel to pilot when he left her for dead, now he’s the one dying and telling uzi to leave him so she can save herself and the others (it could even reference heartbeat where she thought he actually died, i don’t know how they’d do it, but yeah. i like that scene in heartbeat, i enjoy characters i love oh so much in severe pain.)
while i like this a lot, i would want khan to sacrifice himself for someone else more than his own wife and daughter. shocking, i know. i make my entire personality based off these idiots why wouldn’t i want a doorman family reuni-
n. if khan dies in ep 8, i want him to die sacrificing himself for n. i want n to be in horror at what has happened as khan is slowly dying in front of him, basically giving n his blessing to date uzi even though the entire planet is doomed.
it parallels nori’s disapproval of the relationship, shows that khan’s views on the dds (mainly n) have changed [killing machine -> bad influence on uzi -> someone who genuinely cares for her, someone who she needed] -and i guess nicely ties up the gift that is his redemption arc.
it makes sense for him to give said blessing, he’s seen how close uzi has gotten with n as well I’m pretty sure when he reunites with nori (plsplspls) after they calm down she’s definitely gonna be like “YOU LET OUR DAUGHTER “HANG OUT” WITH THE THINGS YOU SAW KILL ME” so that’d be fresh on his mind when he hypothetically drops dead.
also i’d feel like him sacrificing himself for uzi is like. too perfect or easily guessable, maybe they could hint “oh yeah khan’s def gonna die to save uzi & nori” when haha sike he’s dying to save the future son-in-law (if there is a future)
anyways that’s it. im bad at wrapping up things so here is what i call my conclusion. if you actually read this i love you so much you will be in my will
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tuxebo · 7 months
What do you think of John marston?
he's hot, that's about it (pretending i didn't just write this whole thing abt him.) while i've read that he gets better over time, i'm yet to see it so i have mixed feelings on him. he's not a good father, not a good friend, not a good husband. let's be real here, he wouldn't make a good partner unless he fell in love before joining the gang.
john marston who wasn't completely alone before dutch saved his tail from getting hung. there was this poor baker and his wife, they had a kid, you. you weren't wealthy folk, no, but you always brought john dinner or shared yours. it wasn't large portions, but enough to keep him from dying of hunger.
you first met him when you caught him trying to steal from the bakery, rather than telling your parents you just handed him to bread. you had a mini picnic on the bakery's front porch, you talking his ears off was more than enough payment for the food.
you brought him food a couple more times, talking about yourself while he ate in silence, eventually he opened up and started engaging in the conversations you started. he never told you much about himself, other than the orphanage you could find him at. he showed you which window was his and that you only need to toss a pebble at it to get his attention.
as time passed, john became more and more of a no b.s. little boys. the kind of little boy that got himself killed or in a gang, as your daddy said. he didn't put up with anyone messing with you, in that respect he got more aggressive with your bullies, but never with you. you taught him things you learned from your mother as she was your teacher, some of it didn't stick but you tried.
inevitably, john disappeared. he was either dead in a ditch or in a gang, your dad didn't mention a third possibility but you liked to believe he'd been adopted by a nice family and that you'd see him again. you were only about 11 years old and he was 12, it wasn't shocking for you to have such enthusiasm.
life continued as usual for about three decades. you never married, business was going well after your parents died and suddenly you had one too many responsibilities on your plate for any of that. the world was becoming more and more industrialized by the day, you wouldn't even recognize it to what it once was when you were a kid. the only place that felt like home was your bakery, which is part of the reason it was doing so well, the nostalgia.
having had been in the business for so long, you were no stranger to thieves ─ you even caught one before you were double digits. one a particularly slow morning, the grey clouds settling in as you prepared for rain, a quiet hum caught your attention.
stepping out from the back, you caught a young man staring down your trays of different breads. he wasn't quiet at all, practically begging to be caught. you smiled, planning on just giving some to him anyway, but the look he gave you rendered you speechless from deja vu. same type of bread, same guilty smile, same brown eyes, same thinking hum.
"aw c'mon, son ─ jus' had to be this one of all the damn shops on the block," a man swore, the same way your dad did when he read about some young-ins doing stupid stuff in the paper. the voice was familiar, deeper as it had been many years now, but before you was john marston and another younger john marston.
since leaving the gang and his son's mother, john marston was a changed man. finally able to pay you back for all the bread and the bread his boy tried to steal. this time he gave you a proper picnic, in the large yard on his property. he set up under on of his sycamore trees, just like you had described three decades ago.
john marston may not have been adopted by some nice family nor was he always a nice man, but he was ready to become one for his son and you.
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conflictofthemind · 6 months
Can we Please Re-Open the Petergate?
Ever since learning about Petergate in its entirety, it has been breaking my brain. There’s obviously something incredibly important happening here, enough so that it has to be hidden until the final season of the season.
For those not in the know, Sam Owens has / had a son named Peter that was first name dropped in Season 4. For some reason, the military wants his old schoolwork as evidence in the investigation of the Chrissy murder in Hawkins.
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We also pretty much know that Peter is dead. The way Owens acts around Will in Season 2 as the only scientist who is actually determined to save his life, and the implications he makes that he understands the plight of Joyce both heavily imply he has lost a child. This also adds a layer to the whole ‘taking away your son’s precious school projects’ if that son is dead and those are some of the only memories you have left.
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Okay so: Sam Owens lost a child, which explains his character motivations in the show. But it’s not quite interesting just ending it there, is it? And why leave this to be seemingly be a reveal in the fifth season where we already have so much else to take care of? Would Sam Owens’ son dying really be that impactful towards the narrative? Would that warrant the copious amounts of references (at least seven just in season 4) to Peter that exist within the show and are still coming out even in recent ST5 BTS pictures?
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Something about Peter Owens has to be crucial information in the fight against Vecna.
Let us also remember that those military agents took Peter Owens’ schoolwork as some kind of evidence in relation to the Henry Creel murders, and it was important enough to highlight to the audience.
Let’s go over some facts:
1) Sam Owens has a house in Ruth, Nevada where he lives with his wife. Population irl of only a few hundred people.
2) Henry Creel lived in Rachel Nevada which uh didn’t exist in the 50s during his childhood where he encountered:
3) The Nevada Experiment. Henry happens upon related equipment and is briefly transported into Dimension X before coming back with powers and an altered personality.
4) In TFS, Henry is mentioned to have put a classmate from Nevada in a wheelchair following the events of his trip to Dimension X.
5) Henry was in the care of different doctors before he met Dr. Brenner and moved to Hawkins.
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We curiously get no more explanation on this matter; whatever happened in Nevada is probably some of the most crucial information and is thus saved for Season 5. We’ve already gotten most answers that are relevant to Henry’s backstory in Hawkins… but not for Nevada.
Some of the major questions for S5 include:
1) What is Dimension X?
2) What is the actual origin of the Mindflayer and is it an independent sentient being?
3) How did Henry develop powers while in Dimension X?
4) What was the Nevada Experiment and the original Project Rainbow?
Since the military took Peter Owens’ schoolwork as evidence… it means Peter is at least connected in some way to this mystery, if not directly to Henry and probably implies the two knew each-other and were even classmates who worked on projects together.
Here’s the basis of what I propose (to be expanded upon later of course):
Henry and Peter were classmates in their youth fairly likely at this point. Henry and Peter were working together on a project that had them investigating the Nevada cave system. Or perhaps something relating to Area 51 / secret US government stuff. The project has to be relevant evidence since the military took it. This is what led to Henry stumbling upon the dimensional equipment in the cave that transported him to Dimension X.
My question is - what if Peter was also involved in Henry’s disappearance? Maybe he disappeared with him, and this was covered up by the government. Or he was simply exposed to the event but didn’t get transported with Henry, just became severely ill because of this Dimension X virus, and died as a result.
Or maybe Peter was meant to disappear as part of Brenner’s Project Nevada experiment. They didn’t plan for Henry to be there as well, and sure didn’t plan for him to be taken. The whole “rogue staff member stealing the equipment and hiding it inside a cave where Henry just happens upon it I guess” has been weird for a while. Maybe Peter was actually older and involved with P. Nevada, and he was the rogue staff member who hid the equipment? But then how did Henry conveniently get there and why was the schoolwork taken.
I don’t want to make this post too long; but something about this gives me major Will and El parallels in a way I can’t really illustrate quite yet. Boy gets taken under suspicious circumstances that could imply HNL meddling, but this time the supernatural kid is able to save him and bring him back. Owens becomes interested by this and comes to study Will in S2.
Owens also mentions that he has risked his family’s lives for the sake of their research, which I feel is relevant here. He’s talking about the current day NINA Project… but it could of course be a reference to the fact that this happened before, and ended in tragedy.
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So wow, that got long! I didn’t even get to mention the Fringe parallels that people have brought up. This is just going to be Part 1 into my investigation of Petergate.
There’s so much promise in this potential storyline that I think really needs to get investigated, so I hope this interested people regardless of whether or not they’ve already come across Petergate. The fact that Henry’s time in Nevada is such a major gap in his backstory really fascinates me as to what they’re hiding from us.
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atlasdoe · 12 days
Evan Rosier was born with the idea of a savior. He was the one who would save his family and by doing so help save the Sacred 28 altogether.
The Pureblood families were dying out, and everybody knew it but were too scared to voice it. Dameon Rosier was his family's last hope to carry on their name, so he wasted no time, and from the moment he married Melanie Blishwick he got to work.
It was a struggle at first. They had many miscarriages and failed months but eventually Melanie proved herself strong enough to see a pregnancy through til the end.
Noody was happier than Daemon was when their baby first began to cry. “I have a son!” he cheered to the room, only to be met with scared looks from the midwives.
“Actually,” one of them began cautiously. “You have a daughter.”
The world stopped for a moment and as he scanned the room for anyone to give him hope that his family wasn’t doomed, his eyes met Melanies’ who was sweaty and crying, still, she sighed deeply, “We can always try again.”
He nodded and swiftly left the room, mumbling “I have to send out letters,” as he went, leaving her alone with their crying daughter.
The midwife looked at her with pitiful eyes and a sad smile.”What will her name be?” she asked.
Melanie looked at the small bundle in her arms and felt her heart grow. She had never fallen in love before, but from the moment the baby opened her eyes and saw her mother for the first time, Melanie suddenly understood what all the romantic poems had been about.
She also understood heartbreak for the first time, as she knew already that no matter what her baby does in her life, she will always be second to her future little brother. No matter how perfect their daughter already is, Daemon will make this little girl's life hell and blame her for everything simply because she was born a woman.
Because of this, Melanie named her Eve.
It didn’t take long for Eve to become a big sister. Less than six months later Melanie was pregnant again.
Another girl. Another birth that Dameon walked out of, leaving his wife to name their newest child.
This one was called Sabrina, and within four years she had three younger sisters; Aimee, Grace and Aria.
From the moment Aria sang her first cry it was known that their sixth time would be their last. If Melanie wasn’t able to produce an heir then Dameon would start over with someone else, leaving her disgraced, poor, and a single mother of five.
Luckily, on the 13th of February 1960, Dameon and Melanie Rosier finally had their boy.
His name, that patiently waited five other births for him, was Evan, and as he cried for the first time, his mother almost breathed for the last.
It was a messy birth, and the celebration for the baby being a boy drowned out any attempt of hers for help. The only person in the room who was looking her way was Eve, who had snuck into the room after hearing her mothers cries. She had tugged on one of the midwife's skirts until they noticed Melanie’s pale face.
As the doctors tried to regain Melanie’s life, her husband continued to celebrate, ignoring any plea his daughter made to get him to help, and as Melanie watched them with heavy eyes, she saw what the next thirty years of her life will entail.
Evan would get everything. Daemon would make sure that he will have the best education and best clothes and anything money could buy. Evan will become just as arrogant, just as greedy and just as selfish as his father while Eve, Sabrina, Aimee, Grace and Aria would be left to fend for themselves.
If Melanie didn’t survive, she didn’t know if the girls would even be allowed to still live in the house.
That reason, and that reason alone was what made her stay. Because there was no one she loved more then her daughters and no one she hated more than her son.
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blake-wyatt · 19 days
Few questions I have left after finishing Iron Flame - SPOILERS ahead!
Brennan's death and Naolin:
He mentioned multiple times that his mother sent him to die and didn't care (this man's mummy issues put Xaden's to shame) - his level of rage and betrayal seems to suggest he died fighting venin he was unprepared for due to his mother's lies (it's likely he believes she knew he was going to face venin where he was deployed and still chose to protect the institutional lie. Knowing what we know about her I doubt it but only therapy can save Brennan now).
So. Was he drained by a venin and did Naolin siphon power back in him and drained himself in the process, dying? Did Brennan take power from the earth to maybe mend his dragon and did Naolin use his signet to save Brennan from veninism (channeling the power Brennan took back to earth) thus burning out? Or, did Naolin turn venin to save Brennan? Did he also turn for love and almost killed Tairn in the process?
(If Tairn/Sgaeyl had a nickel for every bonded rider who turned venin to save a Sorrengail they'd only have two nickels but its weird it happened twice)
Why was Nolon trying to mend Jack?
He clearly knew Jack was venin and his mission was to "mend the soul". It also looks like General Sorrengail asked him to (he writes TO HER to confirm it doesn't look like there's any way to reverse the process once you've turned).
Why was the General interested in curing venin? Especially if its a long process that takes incredible resources and almost killed their one mender. Seems like a bad military strategy.
Also!!! Why did they allow Jack to go back to class?! Was it part of a controlled experiment? Was Varrish a venin too (therefore: still alive) and influenced that? Did Nolon believe he had in fact cured Jack? Did they lie to Lilith Sorrengail?
Where is Xaden's mother?
Guys. If this isn't the biggest Chekhov's gun I have ever seen.
So allegedly good old Fen Riorson (honourable leader of a righteous revolution, beloved by his son and hundreds of Tyrrish people) entered a political marriage, which makes sense for nobility, and his wife hated him and Aretia so much she ABANDONED HER SON. Waited until the legal end of her contract, packed up and left. Never to be seen or heard of again. Even after her husband died, Aretia burned, and her only son was left alone and scarred.
Let's say this is a Zuko's mum case - so she's valid for leaving an oppressive situation she was forced into; and valid for abandoning a son she never wanted to begin with; valid for not making contact after the rebellion failed for fear she'd be killed; valid for not checking in with Aretia once it was rebuilt. But. WHERE IS SHE.
She's Poromish nobility. (Hopefully Xaden and Cat aren't related 👀) The fact we know nothing about her makes me think she's going to be a big player going forward.
Why did the Venin want Xaden?
We now know Violet was just experiencing Xaden's nightmare. And the Sage was working on their generals behalf to turn Xaden and use Violet against him (if Varrish is venin and alive, it makes sense - he knew Xaden's weakness, and the whole point of Violets torture was to trap Xaden and force his hand). But. Why?
Violet has two dragons, the only known signet that destroys venin and the key to protect Navarre against them. It made sense for them to want her. But...Xaden?
He's powerful but less than either Lilith or Violet. He has key knowledge but less than Brennan or Melgren or any head scribe. Undoubtedly, his second signet will be weaponised and it's useful in an information war but IF they knew what it was then they don't need mind workers.
Guys I know y'all think Violet's "twin" is at the head of the venin army but I fear...it might be Xaden's mother. And if he finds out, this is the only thing that would tempt him towards the dark side. Man thinks he failed every woman in his life and that's why they stopped loving him and left. It would only take a little maternal manipulation to convince him to stay venin, join his mother and somehow use it to "protect" the people he loves. ESPECIALLY since venin works like Borg and he'll be influenced by the whole psychic network.
Now that these are off my chest I can rest. See you in January unless I manage to sell my soul to Malek and get a proof before then.
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goblinwithartsupplies · 6 months
Juno's Point.
For the first time, Juno gets furious, - how dare this lustful bastard!? How dare he impose himself on the grieving groom, how dare he!? Isn't he the god of justice and honor, shouldn't he represent the highest morality!? Why is he acting so disgusting!? He did not save Jason, although for him it would have been as easy as asking a nymph to give him nectar - just one white-hot lightning and a vile chimera infamously enhanced by Hecate's magic would have been destroyed and Jason was alive.. But Jupiter never took care of his children, - Jason's death cry never sounded. This creature bit into his throat too quickly. She trashes their bedroom as when she found out about Beryl Grace's newly rounded belly and silently sits down amid the chaos she caused in a torn dress and with shaggy hair. The nymphs, timidly trying to restore order, run, flashing their heels when she screams at them. Soon everyone will find out that their sovereign seems to have taken a mortal lover again. Jupiter comes in amazingly on time, Juno is silent, just sits next to a broken mirror and combs her hair, Jupiter ignores her and just goes to bed. He is too busy fantasizing about the young body of son of Neptune, Juno would rather turn the boy into one of her peacocks than let Jupiter even touch him with the tip of her fingers.
For the second time, Juno is next to her mother. Rhea refused to change when the Roman Empire came, she remained Rhea, an endlessly loving and faithful mother of her children even when they became different. Juno is crying on her mother's lap, soiling her white linen tunic with tears, grief for Jason eats her nonexistent heart, she was so bad only when Jupiter hung her over chaos. maybe that's why the gods refused to fully love their demigod children? because it hurts too much to lose them. Rhea comforts her with her infinitely gentle voice and says that this is the truth of life, mortals are dying and they must accept it. Part of Juno's consciousness, with a touch of dark humor, draws a parallel between her and some mortal child who lost a pet for the first time. Jason was, in fact, her beloved, devoted and affectionate puppy. When she returns to Olympus, Jupiter greets her in their bedroom with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. maybe grief made her too sensitive, maybe she just longed for love, but this simple gesture melts her like snow in the rays of the sun in spring. They are entwined in a loving embrace in their bed as husband and wife, Juno prefers not to pay attention to his detachment, she feels desired again, and this dulls the grief and that's enough.
The third time, Juno looks and wants to intervene. Perseus is grieving just like her, the goddess is sincerely surprised that he is still alive. Perseus comes to work with trembling legs and a thick fog of pain in his mind, Jupiter is waiting for him as usual and Perseus pounces on any source of comfort. He asks for hugs, simple intimacy and warmth, but for Jupiter it's like a red rag for a bull, he kidnapped and possessed a mortal princess, just because she was swimming in the river where he saw. The wind roars, Juno feels anger boiling inside, no she won't allow it, no no no and once again no, let her husband pursue mortals, but leave Jason's grieving fiance alone. But to her amazement, Jupiter obeys Perseus, does not demand anything in return, there is not a hint of arousal in him, he does not crave his body. They hug, really just hug, - Perseus presses his back against Jupiter's chest, crying into the crook of his elbow, Jupiter presses his lips to the top of his head, his hands gently rest on his shoulders. It looks strange and gentle, pure, there is a strange closeness in them, a strange closeness, not like the closeness of lovers or father and son, but it is a tender and affectionate closeness, similar to love but not being it. Jupiter is not interested in Perseus as a beautiful body warming his bed or as a lover, Juno realizes, But he feels something gentle for him, while remaining loyal to me, a Perseus is still faithful and mourns Jason. Juno decides to give the son of Neptune his mercy, let this closeness with Jupiter comfort him. She would not harm him or the children if this strange union bore fruit.
Hey, hello! could you please rate and voice your opinion about my letter - beginner anon.
This is honestly perfect. I’m intrigued about the idea of a platonic relationship causing kids. The way Juno is protective of Jason even when he’s dead is so sweet
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mlb-a-rewrite · 4 months
WHAT ABOUT GABRIEL?!?@?!?!?!?!?!?!
Oh, there is so much about Gabriel.
The best place to start is with his backstory.
Gabriel is a good man. He came from a run-of-the-mill family in rural France and moved to Paris with dreams of becoming a fashion designer. While working at a department store, he met Emilie, the daughter of a wealthy business owner who acted part-time and traveled full-time. They fell in love suddenly and fully.
It was then that Emilie introduced him to miraculous.
She told him she was being mentored by a man in possession of magic jewelry pieces and that she spent time as a vigilante. The man had multiple magic jewels called miraculous and she wanted Gabriel to work with her.
“They had to remain in the shadows”, she insisted, “because the old man was paranoid. They couldn’t gain a reputation or image so people wouldn’t track them down.”
Gabriel was initially disbelieving, as any sane person would be when the love of your life says they are a magic superhero in their free time. Still, he humored her and found out that she wasn’t crazy but that magic actually did exist. She gave him the butterfly miraculous while she wore the peacock.
For years they operated covertly, alleviating petty crime from the shadows. Eventually, Gabriel made it in the world of fashion and Emilie starred in a few big movies. When they had their son, vigilante work became a hobby. They still went out, but rarely together. They knew they couldn’t afford something to happen to them and leave their son behind.
But their precaution didn’t pay off and they were eventually, when Emilie was out one day alone, she was tracked down by other miraculous holders who insisted she give up her miraculous at once. When she refused, a fight broke out, and when Gabriel saw this he quickly transformed and rushed to his wife’s aid, but he got there too late.
Just as he arrived on the scene, he watched as she was overwhelmed by the miraculous holders and was powerless to stop as they struck her miraculous at once, causing it to shatter.
She collapsed quickly and Gabriel rushed to her side. The attackers fled once they realized what they had done, leaving Gabriel with his dying wife.
She retained consciousness for a week in the best hospital in England. Her parents heard of her sudden and mysterious illness and insisted she return home. Gabriel and Adrien remained by her side as they watched her slowly slip away.
Emilie was brain-dead at the start of her second week in the hospital. She remained there, kept alive by machines, for a week before her parents demanded Gabriel pull the plug. The doctors said she wasn’t coming back and at this point, it was sadistic to keep her in this limbo.
Gabriel refused and spent a fortune having her transported back to Paris. She remained comatose for 2 more weeks, Gabriel never leaving her side the entire time.
After those 2 weeks, Gabriel sent announcements that she had died. He had decided to end her suffering, but it had been a lie. In secret, Gabriel had organized for her to be placed in a specially designed chamber (that looked eerily like a coffin) and the chamber was placed in his basement. He knew that he would be judged if people knew what he was doing, so he didn’t tell anyone apart from his most loyal employee and friend, Natalie.
He knew of miraculous, but not much, so he devoted himself to research. For months he did nothing but find anything he could about the jewels and eventually, he learned that 2 first-rings could be used to make anything a reality. In that moment, he remembered the mentor, the one who had given Emilie her miraculous, who had trained her inadequately and let her die, who also possessed multiple other miraculous.
The best chance Gabriel had at saving his wife was to steal the miraculous from her killer.
There’s a lot more that happens to and with him throughout the show, but I’ll save that for another post. He is a very interesting character that, like every character in this show was done dirt (except Luka 😭😭 somehow my boy escaped character assassination and I’m so grateful). I will definitely talk about Gabriel more in the future, but this seems like a good place to start.
Thank you for the question! I kinda forgot I haven't really talked about Gabriel yet lmao.
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alhaithamhabibi · 2 years
( the continuation... yeah i know ineed a better title. It's mainly unedited and turns out my dialogue needs a little work but i'm excited to improve on it for this series. i do plan to come back in the near future and actually work on it in more detail! so once again, take you for your kind words and encouragement to keep me writing more! )
as the wedding procession began and the rings were exchanged, he still had that rigid face and cold manners. he didn't even look at you. and it disgusted you that you fell in love with him in your past life. there was nothing left to redeem him. and it made it much easier for you.
so you played the dutiful bride during the vows, even as you briefly pecked his lips and looked at the cheerful crowd with a charming smile. you still had some dignity left. and you know dion didn't like what you did base on his subtle expressions.
and as the reception party was held, you could feel all eyes on you and dion. some of his family and yours, coming to congratulate and gush about how you both make such a perfect pair. they may smile now and throw around such pretty words but you knew very that in the end, it was they who contributed to your ending. how revolting, you thought smiling so sweetly as you silently took in their empty praises, i'll certainly look forward to their deaths.
in the corner of your eyes, you noticed the head of the agriche household striding arrogantly towards you and dion. your heart clenched as you remember the words of the patriarch when you begged him to save your son, who was all but dying in your arms. tsk, to think that you stepped into this household foolishly without knowing its rules, he lit up a cigarette with a scowl as you desperately tried to stop the bleeding wounds on your child's body, i could see why he took that woman into his bed. she'll be a better wife than you, giving birth to stronger children worthy of the name agriche than this pathetic excuse of a human.
you forced yourself out of those haunting memories and bowed down as lante stopped in front of you and your husband. he didn't even acknowledge you, not to your and anyone's surprise. with merely just a look shared between both men, they left for the other room and you couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of relief. you need to get used to it but it was rather suffocating in their presence. distinctly, you could the music begin to play.
if you remembered the events correctly, lante was to leave right after his talk with dion. however dion also left you alone without a word to you, leaving you to handle a crowd of hungry predators wanting to devour scandalous gossip.
and if that's what they wanted, you eyed as one of dion's older brothers made his way toward you, you should deliver it well. unlike your last wedding, you will not let yourself be forgotten. you will not be know as dion's neglected wife. let them remember your name since it will be you who will drag them to hell.
you accepted the first dance from his nameless easily forgettable brother, as you took his hand. if it wasn't before, now all eyes are on you. after all, you just ignored the tradition of the husband and wife's first dance by dancing with his brother instead. and it seems the male in front of you also had his agenda as he smirked cockily behind you.
you don't have to turn around to know who it was. especially when it felt like your back was being burned through. hm, you were sure he left around this time, you were puzzled by a certain change, but still, you took advantage of it as you smiled oh so innocently at him as you were twirled around.
it's your fault, husband, you subtly pushed yourself closer to his brother, i'm just returning you the favor. in the past, you loathed the whispers around you. but now, it felt like angels harmonizing beautifully. it's still aimed at you but now you could hear dion's name being dragged out right behind yours. whether it was about another rival in the family or the way he left his wife temporarily only to be snatched up, he'll have to deal with this himself.
and you know dion was certainly fuming internally. he expected a wife who would listen to him and never create a fuss. but you'll never be like that girl again.
finally, the song finished to your relief. just as you were about to leave, your dance partner dared to bring your hand onto his lips. great, now you were gonna have to take an extra long bath after this, you groaned internally, who let men have the audacity to do this? and it happened all too quickly.
the sound of a sword being unsheathed next to you, the blood staining your hands and your wedding dress, and a head rolling away somewhere. distantly, you could hear the guest's fearful screams and someone throwing up the contents of their stomach. it was chaos all around you and yet, you couldn't move an inch. your eyes still staring at the spot your dance partner formerly stood. and now there was merely a headless body.
and the very same man who had just sliced off the head cleanly had only calmly walked over the body, just in front of you. you couldn't look at him as fear forced your body to stay still.
my wife, dion placed his first two fingers on your chin so that you may look up to him. yet even then, you refused to as you looked past his shoulder. your eyes on the ceiling with such an empty gaze, refusing to satisfy him. let this be a warning of the consequences if you keep continuing these sorts of actions.
his words only added gasoline to the burning flames for hatred and revenge.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
More random ships with our beautiful queen Sora -> Hancock x Sora, Makino x Sora, Corazon x Sora
Hancock and Sora propaly has a age gap like Mihawk x Boa, but hear me out: I hc that Sora had Reiju when she was between 19-22, so makes her having the 1234ji with 22-25, and when Sanji and her are saved by a eighteen Boa, she would have 30-33, more pra less the same age as Mihawk (and also, the DYNAMIC!)
Makino x Sora? Perfect. Sora ran away from Germa with Sanji and stop at Dawn to hide, Sanji finds the ASL+Makino while he is stealing some food and they go help him and his mother (bc Makino is worried about the boy). So both womens just start to live near in case Sora needs help and thry fall in love <3
Corazon x Sora? Pair of sweet blondes who LOVES their children. Sora run away with Sanji and finds Cora (who is with Law) decides to help them and end up falling in love with her. Later on he almost dies bc of Doflamingo but survives and lives with his wife in a small island.
Okay so Hancock x Sora. They are saved and brought to lesbian island. Sora has gotta be teasing Boa like Mihawk does but she makes good on her promises and absolutely flusters Boa. Boa absolutely claims Sanji as her baby as well again and they're a happy little family. Boa using her royal status to spoil them but this is the SASSIEST family. If Boa is still swooning for Luffy, Sora HAS to be looking at her wife with the most unimpressed look. When Boa comes back and whines to her wife their kid is dating Luffy and Sora has to remind her that age gaps can be weird and the way she was doing it was making it weird. Boa looks at her with confusion and Sora explains that Boa flirted with her first. They are absolutely those lesbians that uhaul'd and then got married, and grew old together, they are THE dykes of the pirating world. They have to have the best sex life too tbh.
Makino x Sora. Could you also imagine if this when Shanks is there? Like Luffy and Makino find this Sanji stealing food and then finds Sora after the second or third time. Shanks somehow hasn't lost his arm yet but absolutely plays THE WORST wingman to those women. Sora is somehow the biggest help to Luffy after he eats the devil fruit and then Shanks loses his arm and leaves. Makino and Sora are doing their best to mother these kids but then Luffy disappears and comes back with more??? In the interim the women have gotten together. Sabo knows the queen of Germa when he sees her because he's been to several Reveries but Sora tells him it's a secret or they will all die. She's not even joking and then pats Sabo on the head. When ASL see her kiss Makino for the first time they ask Sanji about it and he's like 'idk, she's better than my dad' which Ace says Makino is better than his dad too.
Sora x Corazon. This man and his lead poisoned son find Sora and Sanji, her sick and dying as well and Sanji starved and matted. Fuck it, they could all band together and survive. Right? Right. They're traveling and Law is getting sicker and Sora is plateaued in her illness so that's probably a good thing. Cora is carrying both of them as Sanji follows as fast as his little legs will carry him. They bond over the kids and the kids bond over death. Listen, their fucked up, all of them. They save Law and Corazon from Doflamingo and death. Sora manages to stop the bleeding and asks where the boys are. So when he is propped and set to live and hidden somewhere she goes and finds the boys. They settle on an island until the boys set off, even if they don't think Sanji is quite old enough to be a pirate. It's fine, Law keeps Sanji on ship duties only until he's like fifteen and now he's Law's left hand. Cora and Sora(fuck i love that) display their sons proudly and the kids hang new photos their parents send them regularly. Cora is usually holding his much smaller wife with a cigarette in his mouth while on fire and Sora smiling widely while dumping water on her husband's flaming coat.
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Types of People in a JW Congregation
The professionally-trained(?) opera singer; always extroverted, with a booming laugh, and is either a super nice person, or the most passive-aggressively hateful son of a bitch you’ve met in your life. If they’re a guy, he’s an elder; if they’re a lady, she’s an elder’s wife
”Promising” young brother (fourteen-year-old mic handler) who has such a suave voice, it sounds like he’s recording an audiobook any time he opens his mouth; probably can’t carry a conversation to save his life
Group of plump old ladies who always sit in the back and wear fancy suits with matching hats; they have arms like a hydraulic press and will crush you when they hug you
That one brother you swear is a closeted gay man because he wears loud suits, bow ties, and has all the stereotypical mannerisms; but then he gets up on the platform and says the most homophobic shit ever; usually really nice, not necessarily because he actually is, but you feel that way because you feel sorry for him
Five-year-old who gives disturbingly articulate comments and is probably hyperlexic (reads their parents’ words off a card and gets all the credit for it); householders think she’s adorable and she places literature without trying it it’s a me
Old crotchety elder (or group thereof) who likes to fuck with the mind of one specific guy for a prolonged period of time, to the point of giving said guy severe health problems; has driven at least five people out of the congregation and/or out of this mortal coil
Young People who present “The Truth” in such a new, hip, and cool way, it’s physically painful to listen to
Mother who nudges their kid to answer and whispers what she wants them to say in his ear, word-by-word; said kid always sounds like he was just awoken out of a dead sleep
The elder’s wife who smiles too much; probably bursting at the seams to gossip about you
Super Witness Wife and her unbaptized mate who you could have sworn was already a ministerial servant; they’re both really fun, actually
Middle-aged pioneer with seventeen studies who’s dying from stress; usually ends up having some kind of mental breakdown or health concern
The POMI who shows up once in a blue moon; visibly dissociated from reality
Keepers of the Bonfire Party (probably old and/or wealthy, with a forest for a backyard)
That One Sister with a questionable hairstyle who everyone lets slide because she’s a pioneer; has dyke energy
Quiet single person who never comments and always leaves immediately following the prayer; either everyone wants to talk to them, or no one seems to like them and ignores them, depending on how old, attractive, and visibly neurodivergent they are
Person who will talk both your ears clean OFF about Jehovah and how he “helped” them; seems happy but is severely depressed and you‘re very concerned about them
Group of kids who all talk about watching Naruto and Marvel movies in the company of each other; they seem PIMO, but they’re so unafraid about their spiritistic tastes that you can’t tell
Witness family who thinks all modern-day media is demonic, and only watches, reads, and listens to old stuff; the whole family seems like they’re suicidal; there’s definitely more abuse going on than meets the eye
The ten-year-old unbaptized publisher who admits to staying up all night on their tablet because they can never get to sleep before 1:00 AM, but gets nervous when you ask what they were doing on said tablet; probably browses gore websites and reads about methods of torture to feel something and/or reading My Book of Bible Stories got them into it
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