#he sent you himself
thoodleoo · 3 months
hmmm. thinking about a version of theseus and the minotaur where theseus goes to crete but it's the minotaur that comes back to athens
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bunnieswithknives · 22 days
Song: Plastic by Cheekface
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doctorsiren · 4 months
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more textures ft. Beanix getting into spats 😁
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yourangle-yuordevil · 2 months
So Aziraphale finds a mysterious man that broke into his home at night while knowing someone is trying to kill him think “ oh the gods have answered my prayers and given me a protection.”
✨ He trusts his deities and trusts people even more ✨ …and this can create some misunderstandings x°D
For example, after befriending Crowely (without knowing that he's the Snake of Ithaca) Apollo grants him a vision and-
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wat-zu · 27 days
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Dysfunctional family au— showdown aftermath, one week later
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bertoyana · 3 days
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Erik, what are you doing?
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mxtxfanatic · 4 months
The common thread tying together how mxtx treats all her well-rounded character across all her works is that a character's past is as real as their actions. That means that a character's tragic past is a key part of their character and should be considered while analyzing them. It also means that their actions are also their own and must be considered when analyzing them. One does not negate the other. The trauma that a character experiences in the narrative is not erased by their shitty actions, but those experiences also don't redeem their immoral behavior. Everyone must live with the consequences of their chosen actions, regardless of what drove them to make those choices. That is the lesson.
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feniksido · 10 months
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For when we rule together, as The Absolute
I guess we never got to do that, huh?
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bloodmoonloveletter · 27 days
you know the gravity falls obsession is strong when you wake up from a tarot-motif inspired, set-in-gravity-falls, started-as-a-party, billford-y, ending-with-bill-sacrificing-himself-for-ford-in-the-most-heartbreaking-way-so-the-latter-won't-die, thisisnotawebsitedotcom-computer-prism-with-bill-messages-inside-featuring dream
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clownsuu · 1 year
Hey, uhm, hope I'm not bothering you today. I'll just drop this here. It's the continuation of what I wrote form the Mob Au. Hope you like it.
That's all. Goodbye. Have a nice day.
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coachbeards · 6 months
I think something that bothers me about how the writers handled Rebecca’s actions was that,,, not only were there no mentions of it afterwards save for like two jokes…but nobody was upset with her after she apologized. everyone moved on? The people who knew, anyways. There weren’t any consequences for her, really. higgins, julie, ted, keeley, they all moved on and acted like it wasn’t a big deal. whereas Jamie’s entire three season arc is consumed by his s1 actions. he had to fight tooth and nail to get back into the team’s good graces, to prove himself to the coaches and keeley and everyone. Even in s3, the coaches are shown to not value his growth and keep thinking of jamie “prick” tartt instead of seeing him as someone capable of being better and different. idk. It just bothers me that in a show about forgiveness and being better, rebecca only had to apologize and everything was forgiven, while Jamie literally could not Not be defined by how he was
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tiger-balm · 6 months
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they shipped him to carolina alone???
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
TW // Food , EDs
Something about Usopp getting sent to an island where delicious food is used as bait and he has to actively fight to eat (thus probably ending up just straight-up not eating some days and relating food to negative experiences) and Sanji constantly using food to serve and make others enjoy but barely eating himself because it isn't as rewarding and he doesn't really care about his well-being because he is used to starving (both physically and emotionally).
Like-- Usopp not really refusing to eat but kind of having a defense mechanism/odd quirks around it (eating too fast, keeping food for later, feeling safer if he straight up doesn't eat, or directly not being hungry at all) and Sanji actively just forgetting to feed himself and when he tries to do so he isn't... Full? At all? or satisfied? It just leaves him emptier. He likes giving food to others, that's what completes him. Eating just because just feels wrong for him.
So you have this guy with strong defense mechanisms against food who treats it as a necessity to live instead of enjoyment and another who treats food as an enjoyment but ONLY for other people and never himself.
And I like to think Usopp, after spending so much time getting used to storing food just in case he can't go hunting for more, still does the same when he's back with the crew. But he doesn't even know why he does it exactly. He is eating. He doesn't need to do this. But then he realizes he always thinks about Sanji whenever he keeps food. Usopp notices Sanji barely eats if the food is something he gives to himself, but gladly enjoys it when it's somebody else's doing. So Usopp just waits until everybody is out of the kitchen to approach Sanji and go "Hey, um, would you like to share the leftovers with me?" and something like that. And Sanji does end up eating more than usual which is, you know, an average meal.
On the other hand, Sanji stays with Usopp while he eats and speaks to him. Makes him feel safe so he doesn't have to make everything quick and running. Make him see that he is alright and he can take his time to enjoy the food without any worries. At the end of the day, they end up eating together after the whole crew has gone away, but that's more than fine with them.
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zannolin · 1 year
no 'cause tony and ziva both going to somalia on separate suicide missions but finding each other instead. surviving instead. reuniting and continuing to live afterwards. like what the hell. the look on ziva's face when tony said he thought she was dead and it completely recontextualized "couldn't live without you, i guess." after everything, everything, they still have each other's backs. he was ready to die avenging her and she was ready to die trying to save him and actually i'm screaming crying throwing up what the hell is wrong with this show why would it do this to me.
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hkpika07 · 4 months
ITAR version of the Excess Express? 😮
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Gordon and the famous visitor but worse. How's that inferiority complex treating you Big Blue?
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sadboytristan · 1 month
The Fix-it Felix Jr fromthegame Fix-it Felix Jr. DID NOT call RalpH,
Nah cause Ralph, "B I G eArS" he didn't have to cALL HIM OUT LIKE THAT– cause nAH. Unprovoked,, Ralph out here– OHMYGOD.
the fucking grin,, the SHIT EATING GRIN! my smug ass, chUCKLING. Man I'm, sO PROUD OF MYSELF
Nah I'm not gonna lie, Felix caught that mug smOoThLy. But then— nah caUSE fIRST OF ALL, a- ✨️AUuGhh~✨️ nnO caUSE,,,,thE soUND. whYTHEFUCK,, MaN, his ass went "AaUuGhh~ BeLiEvE tHiS iS yOuRs."
Man, he's got the vibe, he's the dad that asks, "aRe YoU gUyS rEaDy T O RoCk n' RoLL!"👉👉 after paying the bill at a restaurant. He would do the finger guns, and the "eheh I mAdE a fuNnY" tone. Man, the genuine grin, like he didn't just make 15 kids cringe. Oh god, the way he was cheering at the race. Homie out here, yel— nah he's not "yelling." He's WHOOPING and HOLLERING, Y'all see it too, right?? Oh man, I'm starting to think this is canon.
Did you guys hear him do the NESQUIKSAND NOISE, that shit caught me off guard! The EXACT same, "oUuGh-oH—"
I fully thought he wasn't going to catch the mug, man. He just got lucky catching the first one💀
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