#he slays the pirate aesthetic
flymmsy · 6 months
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Inroads by Pirate Lord Arms Dealer Gortash
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swampstew · 1 year
Meet the Master Strategist ~ Wire
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Wire invented the word aloof. This is a fact. He also invented the word slay. Besides being a silent giant, Wire also has the second biggest brain in the Kid Pirate crew, right behind Killer. Wire handles strategizing full stop. Schemes, plots, developments, trysts, pranks, rehabilitation, etc. Knows the ins and outs of everything somehow but won't spill on how he knows. Wire tells Killer what to do and Killer tells Kid what to do when it comes to pulling off anything, be it dinner bill dashing or infiltrating highly guarded castles. Don't let his unenthusiastic face fool you - if you're in the crew, you're his nakama, you can trust him with your life.
Meet your Vice-Captain 🡢  ☠️ Meet your Captain -> ☠️
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Wire may have also coined the phrase 'ride or die' but that's still unverified. Anyways, he's loyal as they come. Most of the crew came from the same island so it may seem intimidating to join the fray, and they all do have high walls, once they get over themselves, you'll find crew more like family.
Does he know sign language? He'll shrug and then give you a vague answer with an even vaguer gesture. You'll see him make signing motions from time to time, clearly holding conversation, communicating from a distance, or maybe giving direction during tougher than normal settings. It's not until one day Heat pulls you aside and let's you in on the secret. Yes Wire can sign, and he did it purely so he didn't have to expend his energy talking to people he didn't find interesting. Not a lot of people know how to sign back so they leave him alone, just the way he wants it to be.
If he finds time to relax, Wire enjoys simple pastimes to get through the days. He plays guitar and has been known to sing sometimes, he loves board and card games, is a vicious dart shark, and he loves napping. He's one of very few Kid Pirates that takes naps but he makes the absolute most of them. He wears a sleep mask too. It reads: Fuck Off (in really nice handsewn embroidery.)
Wire is the chillest between Kid (the unbridled anger), Killer (the stoic well of anxiety), and Heat (much nicer than he should reasonably be). If crew concerns don't meet a certain threshold criteria, most internal problems get handed to himself and Heat. The thresholds being: big bastard Kid needs to kill, and any situation not cited in Killer's emergency management guidebook.
Circling back to slay - it's a double entendre. Wire has the third highest body count on the crew (for murders), he's also a fashion icon. Have you seen his fit? Mesh netting on those tits and legs, WITH whore shorts? He knows what he's fucking doing. He helps all his little queer pirate kids pick out their outfit aesthetics, he's a proud gay dad.
Wire is only possessive of two things. One of them is his beloved trident. Kid made it for him years ago and it's still his weapon of choice. He cleans and oils it daily, sharpens the points and keeps on top of maintenance for it. Kid made him other weapons over the years: spiked brass knuckles (hurts Wire's back to bend down and utilize them properly); spiked boots (better application but Kid is not a cobbler and those promptly fell apart mid-fight leaving Wire barefoot in battle); a spiked flail (hit Kid's head by accident one time and Wire never saw the flail again). No weapon is more suited for his height and style of fighting than his trident. Wire suspects Kid made it to match his favorite pointed headdress.
If you try to get in the way of his Captain's dreams OR you try to sling pot on the deck, you're dead meat. There's only one weed dealer on the Victoria Punk and that's Wire.
Welcome to the crew and stay in your lane.
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taldigi · 16 days
Okay, uh here are some persona ideas. I expanded the themes of tricksters and thieves, to rebels as well. If you add anymore, I’m happy to come up with some more if you want! ^_^
A popular choice for Shiho is Boudicca, a queen of an ancient Iceni tribe, and national British hero. She is known for her failed uprising against the Roman Empire, but was immortalized as a symbol for the struggle for Justice and independence. The inciting incident that jump started her revolution was when she was flogged and her daughters, uh… “assaulted”. Shiho fortunately, most likely took Kamoshida down in contrast with Boudicca’s failed uprising.
If you want to go for the Oni aesthetic, Maybe Minamoto no Raikō would suffice. He is a samurai known for slaying Shuten Dōji, a demon known for kidnapping young girls and either enslaving them or eating them. Raikō and his allies infiltrated his lair, disguised themselves as yamabushi priests, and gave Shuten Dōji special saké, which incapacitated him allowing him to slay the wicked oni. Hifumi is someone very perceptive and focused on strategy more than raw power. Raikō utilized several of the traits the phantom thieves use and Shuten Dōji could represent her mother twisting things to make her famous and Hifumi changing her heart (if she’s a palace ruler).
Even if Ryuji is now the resident Navigator, he lacks Futaba’s technological know how and ability to gather information. So I imagine Mishima to take that mantle. As you said Merlin fits Mishima, but I have a few ideas myself you can possibly use; Jekyll & Hyde. Mishima, for all his cringefailness, harbours a dark side, as proved via him developing a shadow or corrupted desires of his own. But not only could this represent his darker desires, it could also be Mishima taking the first step into becoming someone he could be proud of, referring to the transformation between Jekyll and Hyde.
While you said Captain Kidd is his persona, I couldn’t get the thought of his Navigator persona being the Argo. The Argo is the ship the argonauts sailed upon their many adventures, and within it’s walls held several thieves and tricksters of their own right. Ryuji, like a ship desires to protect and guide his allies throughout stormy waters, even if he can’t move on his own.
Shihio: It fits very much! Though I'm still super on the fence. She's not coming to me as easily as the others are- I'll pin this as well for now and puzzle on her some more.
Hifumi: Usually the persona genders line up pretty 1-1 with their wielders, so having one be contrary is a really neat- especially when the stories line up. Unfortunately, I am struggling to find actual stuff on the character, as the Fate Grand Order character is dominating search results. I'll look into it more!
Mishimia: Ohh, I like that- I like it a LOT. It would fit that Hyde would be the shape of his rebellion. Im.. kind of suprised they chose Loki instead of Hyde of Akechi now that I think about it LOL. I like that a lot. I'll take it.
Ryuji: Is it.. is it bad I think it's kind of a crime to separate a golden retriever from his pirate captain bonesona? I mean, you're right. You're very right. But I can't separate the pirate theming. Tho, jumping off that point- perhaps a pirate vessel? The Flying Dutchman or the R.L.S. Legacy the Hispaniola or smth. I can imagine the conversation now: "Your inner self is a boat?" "Yes. She's beautiful, isn't she?"
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tbcanary · 2 months
haiii uhm. idk if anyone has asked this but what are some of your favorite character costumes/outfits :O
iggy i love and adore you and i love this question. hold on, i have to dig up some images.
okay. i dug up some images. so many, in fact, that i hit image limit on this post and had to trim some things down. let's go through it.
we're gonna just go ahead and start out with dinah lance, the light of my life. this whole post won't be sorted by character, but she's the one i have the most images of, so she gets her own section.
i know people really, really love the short-haired, less effeminate dinah we get in grell's 80s run. i'll get to her! but i'm going to start by saying that her looks in the green lantern/green arrow run are all-time. please consider, if you will, the most fashionable lady in the room:
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(i can't include the house robe from snowbirds, but know that i spiritually do count it as part of this post. i hold it near and dear. for now, these two looks will do.)
her long black hair. her little white vest. the statement necklace for her date with ollie. and look, i would include ollie here too, because his outfits in this run are PEAK seventies dad energy, but i don't have the space and i like dinah more, so you get these.
then comes the 80s, when dinah is in her element. short black hair, noir vibes, wearing graphic tees for things like "seattle slugfest." (in longbow hunters, at least.)
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she gets some cute looks in grell's run, obviously, but i'm partial to this little skirt and sleeveless denim button-up because it's so very unlike her. she was putting in the work to look cute, and i appreciate it. oliver, meanwhile, looks like fred from scooby doo.
the 1991 run is important because of her extremely high heeled boots with the BIG cuffs around the calves. i miss the cuffs. i wish they would return to me. but the actual panels i think about the most from this run are when she cuts her fishnet stockings and uses them to tie her hair back.
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wh. who. i want to know which people in the writer's room decided that was a feasible option. i just want to talk. i can't imagine a less stable hairstyle to go karate-chop some yacht pirates. come on now. but also, she even ties them in a bow? i love her so much. what the fuck is happening.
she has a lot of good looks in birds of prey (1999), honestly, but none of the artists have EVER IN THEIR LIFE seen a woman's chest. not a one. i'm going to go ahead and stick to the two things i love: the fringed leather jacket (iconic) and the long-pants jumpsuit that they did instead of the fishnets.
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i don't know WHY they got rid of the fishnets, honestly, but i like this turtleneck situation and the yellow accents. also her communicator necklace on full display <3 she also usually wears a motor jacket OVER the jumpsuit. slay!
(it's maybe a little sacrilegious to like the long pants costume, given that she is so well-known for the bodysuit and fishnets. but to be fair, even when they cut the legs off this suit, she still isn't wearing the stockings. her legs are naked. 0/10 what the HELL.)
sean izaakse deserves his own post and i would not be able to pick out a limited number of panels from his work on green arrow (2023) but i will say i love dinah's new costume, i love the texture on her jacket, and i love that she gets to have the little canary logo on the chest now.
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i assume this was more of a birds of prey (2023) design and not izaakse's personal design, but i love how he draws her hair, and she's so short compared to everyone, and overall she just looks good. zero complaints here.
(actually, i do have a few complaints, they just aren't about dinah. one, lian's eyes should be brown. two, ollie should have KEPT HIS HORRIBLE MANBUN, THAT'S MY DAD. and three, mia's cape should still be yellow on the outside. otherwise, the art in this run is perfect.)
speaking of mia.
the art of green arrow (2001) is not like. my favorite art style ever in terms of aesthetics. but hester really, really sets the tone for a lot of these characters through his design choices. particularly mia, which makes a lot of sense given this is her introduction and he did a lot of the initial work with her character.
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the thought put into her costuming. she's wearing baggy clothes to contrast with what she wore before she moved in with ollie, she has the hair up in a messy ponytail, etc etc. this mia is everything to me. and i love ollie, too. he looks like a cartoon dad from a nickelodeon show. which is exactly who he is, to me.
we're gonna detour from dc and into marvel for just a second but don't worry we'll come right back. i was really excited when kelly thompson and leo romero were announced for birds of prey (2023) because i really liked their work on hawkeye (2016). it's such a good style for kate bishop, in particular; it feels very youthful and the style just suits her. this is The Kate Bishop, to me, outside of the 2012 run.
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(i also really, really like the way dinah is drawn in birds of prey (2023). she's small, she's compact, she looks like someone who's been doing gymnastics and karate her whole life. i could also fit her in my pocket! perfect!!!!)
but yeah okay i mentioned it so i also need to shout out hawkeye 2012. this comic's aesthetics were so fucking on point, and it is one of my favorite ones i've ever edited because it has such an INTENTIONAL color palette and use of graphics like the arrows and bullseyes.
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like i know everyone talks about how good this run is but that's because it is LITERALLY that fucking good. the writing. the art. the characterization. ugh. life-changing.
anyway that's enough marvel (for now). back to my hovel. dc.
spiritworld (2023) was so fun. the art is so intentionally drawing on manga and i loved it from the first issue. you can feel the love put into the character design and the color work, and xanthe's cool bomber jacket and undercut is SO essential. this is the nonbinary rep we deserve.
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shoutout to cass's look in this comic, too. i LOVE this costume for her. it moves in such a fun and exciting way when she's flipping around and moving through the air, it has a new silhouette, AND it STILL has the bat on the chest. perfect. everything to me. never change.
that being said, i DO have a favorite cass look, and it's these specific panels from batgirl (2000). the style in most of that comic is great, it's super funky and fun, but these were the panels i saw that ended up solidifying in my brain as "oh, that's cass."
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also from batgirl (2000) though, i love the funky design choices because they give us things like PEAK takes on stephanie brown's spoiler costume. she's just a fucking blob to me. look at her.
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steph has a lot of fun looks, to me, but my favorite will always be the era in like, issues 110-112 of robin (1993), where they gave her a bob cut and big :pleading: emoji eyes.
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i do wish she'd had freckles at this time. i know they were a later addition, but i like them. they add character.
unrelated to AAAANY of that, i need to talk about poison ivy (2022). this run is stuuuuuunning. i've only pulled panels of pamela here because i LOVE the way her freak body horror is done, as well as the way her hair is drawn, but the scenery and the textures of this comic as a whole are insane.
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even when the story isn't grabbing me, the art does. it's beautiful, it's unlike any other comic i'm reading right now, and it is one of the first comics i ever looked at that made me go, oh fuck, that's an ART piece. ykwim.
HOWEVER. if we're talking about comics that are just. art. through and through. there are a couple others i need to mention.
supergirl: woman of tomorrow is stunning. the colorwork, the hair texture, the EXPRESSIVENESS of the FACES. ugh. this comic made me cry, yeah, but it also made me stroke the pages lovingly because of the beautifully rendered colors.
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i love that kara doesn't always look Pretty. i love that she gets bloody, and beat up, and she looks tired and sad and sick sometimes. i love that it is so beautiful and also you can see genuine hurt on kara's face. ugh. UGH. this comic!!!!
now for the indie shit lol. die (2020) is sooooo lovely. stephanie hans is ordinarily a cover artist, but she jumped onto this project to do pages, and my GOD is it beautiful. the character design, the colors, the expressions. it feels like a PAINTING and i want to EAT it.
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there's a lot of body horror and gruesome stuff in here. but like, somehow, even that manages to look pretty? i love the painterly textures. i love how the tone influences the colors. it's all just stunning. i need to go reread this one right now, actually.
annnnnnnd! last one, i promise! it's time for THE FORGED (2023).
i love this comic. everyone in it is a lesbian with an atypical body type, half of them are wearing bondage gear, and it's all set in a space sci-fi setting with more lore than you can shake a stick at.
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there are a few honorable mentions i don't have room to include images of, so i'm gonna go off and list them now:
the wild west arc of exiles (2012) in that very painterly style
the scenery and background work in wonder woman: the hiketeia
the INCREDIBLY clean lines and sharp colorwork of dan mora in world's finest (2023)
the super sketchy and rough pencil-esque art in the back half of green arrow/black canary (especially mia! i love her!)
i am sorry but i enjoy the very sharp style of batgirls (2022). i don't necessarily endorse the writing or the story of the run, but i think the shapes are good. sorry. take me out back, i know.
young justice (1998) also has very cute cartoony art!! i haven't read much of it yet, but every time i see it, it makes me smile. which is the point, i think?
OKAY. PHEW. do you regret asking me yet, gobby. did you get what you came for. am i welcome to come yell at you about the forged (2023) and die (2020) until the day we both shed this mortal coil and depart for the great beyond.
that's it ily mwah thank you for the best question i've ever been asked <3333
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
If this asshole kicks me out again, I'm going to happen to this building in a way that makes the Dweller attack seem like a mild inconvenience.
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Who even are your clientele? We barely even have a system of class and privilege. The only people of wealth I've ever met are Duke Aventry and the Watchmaker. "Duke" might be his name and the Watchmaker can't leave her castle.
Who are all these rich snooty assholes keeping this place in business!? How do you keep your nose so brown in a world suffering an intense anus shortage!?
I mean. Yes. We have a reservation. Because I am a lady of refinement and class. So you have to be nice to me.
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The shit we had to go through to get that is beyond belief. I would demand a word with your manager but I just came from talking to him and he said you have to be nice to me. We are hosting a reverse funeral. No, I will not explain what that means.
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Oh. You're going to provide us with high-class luxury clothes. Please ignore the threats upon your life that I was in the process of making and, by all means, show me to your finest of garments.
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Serai, I have seen you in Pirate, Ninja, and Robot, and you make everything work. This will be no different.
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Better watch yourself, Malkomud. You call him out like that, he might just expect you to draw, pard'ner. Haha!
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Oh, wow, we all look so good. Garl, absolutely dashing, that color looks so great on you. Zale, Yippie Ki Yay. Teaks, loving the suit, it's so refined. Valtraid, please don't muscle up and rip that suit because it makes you look like such refined gentry. Yolande, killing that blue dress, I love it. Keenathan, I know you can't see right now but very handsome.
Moraine... present. Sorry, the vest is very rugged but I'm not comfortable with complimenting you for attractiveness. You're like the deadbeat dad I never had.
Malkomud, I'm surprised they had Street Urchin available as an option but you're nailing the aesthetic. It's perfect. Could you do a cockney accent for me?
...I... guess... if the puppet's going to follow me around everywhere and not let me have a moment's peace then it makes sense to dress it up. Feels weird, though.
B'st, on the other hand, is easily the suavest gentleman in the room with his top hat and bow tie. It's not fair, B'st; You're giving Garl a run for his money on his own special day. ...hm. At a wedding, groomsmen aren't supposed to look better than the groom, but I don't think there are actually any social rules about outdressing the body in the casket at a funeral. You got lucky, B'st.
And... Serai. I was right, you make anything look good. The crown of spikes in particular is an amazing addition. It lends an air of elegance while still highlighting the strength underneath. Do you like my little moon brooch? I think it brings the whole look together.
I would like to say that the two of us are going to be the brightest lights in the constellation of Garl's reverse funeral but, alas, there's still one person here who has us beat. There's just no competing with Keenathan's squiddy over there. Just a top hat and tux jacket, and yet somehow they outshine even my great luster.
I guess you can't win them all. Congratulations, squiddy; You win this round.
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I still don't think it will compare with Garl on quality but credit where it's due, I'm very impressed with the quantity.
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Oh yeah, when we realized this poor kid was just neurodivergent and getting picked on for it, I was about ready to start chucking molekin off a cliff. I'm not saying blocking the wind tunnels was a good thing to do or anything, but it never should have come to that in the first place.
Malkomud got to witness Garl's bottomless kindness and compassion firsthand. And his people got to witness my, uh, incendiary temperament firsthand.
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We all did it for Garl. ...well, okay, I was chomping at the bit to slay a legendary volcano monster. Which I did by myself, don't ya know. But in the big picture, it was still for Garl.
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All of us except Morai-- OW. Serai, did you just kick me under the table?
Ugh. Fine. You're right. I won't start drama at Garl's reverse funeral.
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I'll fucking drink to that. I would be so utterly confused if it weren't for her.
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Odd sentiment given that I'm pretty sure he's like ten and the young have an easier time turning their lives around than the old, but okay.
*vibrates excitedly* Do me do me do me do me.
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We'd be lost without our crew, to be sure. They've done so much for us, ever since that fateful day when they swindled us into an arrangement they could have just bartered for anyway.
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That's a crock and a half, he-- OW. Fine, I'll bite my tongue.
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And the second-sharpest-- Squiddy, goddammit.
The third-sharpest... no, there's B'st over there.
You look nice, is what I'm trying to say. I don't words good when I'm reverse grieving.
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Could have happened sooner if anyone had communicated properly but, uh... *sweatdrop* We all make mistakes, let's not make a thing of who knew what and when.
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In all honesty, we owe you far more than you could ever possibly owe us. You gave your eye for me. And then you did it again and gave your life for me. In the future, I am begging you, please just let me deal with the consequences of my bad choices.
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Yeah. Okay. The Golden Pelican will be spared my fury. Their weirdass business practices are probably going to bankrupt them anyway.
This was a great event and I'm happy to have attended it. Welcome back, Garl. You have been dearly missed.
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
Who has the biggest Slay™? Poll number 1
Congratulations, you have voted on who will go through the horrors (you have voted, right???) - that means it's now time for the fun part of the Halloween Challenge: Costumes! As usual, I'm an indecisive little gremlin and so I shall now present you with the ideas my brain has come up with.
My beloved judges of style, please decide in the following pageant, based on... How fitting are the costumes? And of course... the funnies. Bonus for style points.
Day Twenty-Eight: Let’s Be Weird Together
We all know of an iconic squad that so many people are just dying to be a part of. Well, it’s your ocs and their friends chance! Day 28 is group costumes!
Gordon Malloy as Han Solo (he gets to be the cool one for once <3)
John LaMarr as Lando Calrissian (ladies' man much?)
Alara Kitan as Leia Organa (girl power dot com)
Raevyn Maumahara as Luke Skywalker (she gets to pass off her baton as a lightsaber, I mean, come on now)
Hannibal as Egon Spengler (aka only braincell)
Face as Peter Venkman (the ladies' man, except a more successful one than Venkman is)
Murdock as Ray Stantz (autistic swag - he has a Slimer plushy that he carries with him)
B.A. as Winston Zeddemore nobody (he insists that he didn't agree to this nonsense and only participates once they let him cut off the sleeves on his flightsuit but he secretly enjoys dressing up)
Kit as Gozer (androgynous as heck, has declared war on gender)
Hogan as Athena (big brain strategy energy)
Newkirk as Hermes (god of thieves)
LeBeau as Demeter (goddess of harvest who is known to become pissed if someone messes with her family)
Carter as Hephaistos (Carter is a blacksmith, except he uses chemicals that go boom in whatever he forges, which creates fire, which Hephaistos is also the god of)
Kinch as Hestia (he is mama bear, period)
Vicky as Aphrodite (her faceclaim is Marilyn Monroe, she is beautiful as all hell - also a known seductress)
Monkey D. Luffy as Mario (he... he IS Mario, okay? Fun guy, red color theme...)
Roronoa Zoro as King Bowser (Zoro would make a great fire-breathing reptile and he deserves to wear leather, spiky bracelets and a choker)
Nami as Princess Daisy (do I need to explain?)
Usopp as Luigi (Luigi is a hero too, okay?!)
Sanji as King Boo (the vibes are there, okay? it would work super well with his suit aesthetic)
Akaito Coraline as Princess Peach (Cora is royalty, okay??? Also, she would love to wear a princess dress even for one day and put SO MUCH work into her costume - alternatively, I could see her as Pauline)
@daughter-of-melpomene @thehedgehogat221b @starcrossedjedis @come-along-pond
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forbothareinfinity · 8 months
One Piece
from the perspective of someone who knows absolutely nothing about the media except what I learned in the first netflix episode
my logical conclusion is that Gold Roger owned a FABULOUS one piece bathing suit that he sent everyone out looking for.
reasons? Everyone in this show is FANTASTICALLY dressed. Like, episode one villain was wearing zebra pants, everyone's aesthetic absolutely SLAYS
(yes I know this is not going to be where the show takes it, it's probably more related to the old 'pieces of eight' pirate thing, only it's the 'one piece' but seriously. Gold Roger's one piece bathing costume.)
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livvyofthelake · 1 year
tlh characters as pixie hollow fairies:
cordelia- TINKER BELL. her savior complex is insane… girls who are constantly getting into Situations… however in terms of aesthetics she is sooooo fira to me. dude just trust me idk
alastair- vidia core!!!! cunt realness…. could soooo do vidia in the great fairy rescue.
lucie- do y’all know my buddy prilla. anyway literally lucie is so prilla… she’s also very silvermist in a way if you want a more well known fairy
james- kinda terrence core in the sense that he’s like. ken coded. nobody fucks with ken. james is superfluous to the appeal of the last hours. etc. sorry he’s literally a main character i’m being a bit mean but like. be serious who is reading tlh and going wow james is so interesting he’s the best character here! like no one is doing that we are here for cordelia… also he’s kind of fawn core
christopher- he is sooo bobble. guy with his silly little inventions and stupid glasses…
anna- incredibly rosetta to me in the sense that she is getting sooo many bitches. rosetta obviously is like the token girly girl though which is. the opposite of anna. but just trust me that they’re like. they’re very cuntslay in the same direction
thomas- he’s giving lily… he could sooo do lily and the pesky plant. or periwinkle or iridessa maybe. idk. i’m sticking with lily!
matthew- could do do zerina of the pirate fairy fame. don’t even need to explain myself here it’s so clear so obvious so true and real
ari- rani swag!!!!! remember when she cut off her wings so she could swim with the mermaids and get that. hair comb? whatever she was getting from the mermaids that they needed to save mother dove. anyway when rani did that…. ari soooo has that swag. just trust me!!!!!
grace- vidia swag!! again. she also gives a bit of periwinkle in an aesthetic sense. and also because EYE love her…. oh what about the cunty little winter fairy debby ryan voiced… spike! yeah that’s grace
jesse- hm. somewhat fawn core. maybe a little queen clarion realness. basically he is the embodiment of calm and patience under pressure. slay!
ok hope everyone enjoyed this incredibly niche post for an audience of just myself 🫶
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izunias-meme-hole · 10 months
My Top 10 Favorite Zelda Games
(Excluding Spin-Offs like Hyrule Warriors)
Number 10. Link’s Awakening DX - This game… it’s not quite memorable, but the atmosphere, and chibi stylization make the experience feel nice.
Number 9. Spirit Tracks - Link and Zelda honestly make this game, but aside from that, this is one of the funner 2D Zelda games and the little unique features it had make it stand out.
Number 8. A Link Between Worlds - What’s this? A game where Link and Zelda have dark counterparts? Sounds like shit on paper, but the way it’s executed make these counterparts seem less like eviler variants of the duo, and more like people with personalities that are the complete opposite of the duo. As for the gameplay? It’s still pretty fun.
Number 7. Skyward Sword - A surprisingly great prequel to every single game in the series, with incarnations of Link and Zelda that feel like people, the Great Grooose, and the absolute icon that is Ghirahim. Still the gameplay is much to be desired and I’ll never forgive Nintendo for creating The Imprisoned.
Number 6. Twilight Princess - Good gameplay, good story, great secondary antagonist, great aesthetic, Midna herself is amazing, the final boss was great, and this game feels like an epilogue of Ocarina of Time, while also doing its own thing and expanding upon the lore.
Number 5. Wind Waker - This game… is far from perfect. Actually Twilight Princess if superior if you want to talk about mechanics, but this is arguably one of the most compelling versions of Link and Zelda’s tale in the series. Link here started out as just a kid who wanted to save his sister and Zelda started out as a young pirate, but both ended up basically getting dragged into an ordeal that’s bigger and a lot older than them. I’d write about this game in full because there is a good amount to talk about, but it’s nice.
Number 4. A Link To The Past - This may just be personal preference talking, but I love this game. This was the true progenitor of everything that people love about Zelda Games, and it honestly has the best interpretation of Classic Ganon and its not even close. Sure the gameplay is kinda outdated, but it’s a whole fun ass game and a case where the ancient stuff is great.
Number 3. Majora’s Mask - Despite only being Number 3, this game is on par with the next entries on this list. It’s easily the most horrific, creepy, and sadder Zelda games, but there’s more to it. This game can be funny now and again, while also being weirdly heartwarming. It juggles multiple things at once, and it’s surprising because you’re playing it while everything is on a literal doomsay timer. Then there’s the looming threat of Majora, a mysterious evil entity with the mind of a child who is the perfect Non-Ganon antagonist.
Number 2. Breath of The Wild - Revolutionary. The open world gameplay, the story that is told through flashbacks and the environment, Zelda’s characterization, and most importantly, the atmosphere. This game not only returned the series to its roots, but with the power of technology, it became a modern masterpiece.
Number 1 (TIE). Ocarina of Time & Tears of The Kingdom - I wanted to seperate these two games, but if I’m being honest both are amazing. Everyone and their parents talk about Ocarina of time being a masterpiece and they certainly don’t lie. The gameplay, while old, is still revolutionary for its time and aged well in comparison to other N64 games, but the story of this kid named Link growing up into the hero who slayed the King of Evil, aged like fine wine. As for Tears of The Kingdom? The story isn’t as perfect as Breath of The Wild’s was, but the good outweighs the bad because Ganondorf is the scariest he’s been since his debut, the addition of the Zonai add a level of intrigue, the liveliness of Hyrule this time around help keep the game feel different, the larger hub world, the absolute horrors that are The Depths, and the game’s consistent theme of sacrifice and what it means. In short, both these games somehow just vibe with me.
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indigoire · 1 year
Things I really love that I found while playing TotK that I can't share with anyone because spoilers.
Edit: I started writing this on 5/04/23, having "obtained" the leaked copy. I now legally own the game on switch and am starting a fresh playthrough.
Hylia married Rauru, thus introducing the world to furries
To be fair Rauru is mad hot and I'd marry him (need to know his English VA).
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New creatures! Constructs, dragons, big boss moblins, WALKING TREES?? ����
PURAH IS BACK AND SHE'S OLDER AND HOT. Serving fucking cunt, got the heels, the jacket with the poofy sleeves, the glasses and eyeshadow, and the fucking posing! Yaaas, queen, slay! 💅
The new prodigy assistant of Robbie and Purah is so fucking precious
The Hylian fighters and being able to help them fight monsters! Hell yes!
The sheer sense of community! Everyone is helping Link and trying to save Hyrule
The caves! The Bubblfrog, the Like Like, the cool gems and bright flowers, it's so amazing
The aesthetic of the new shrines, they look so sleek and pure, like ancient Greece meets Windows 11
The little songs Link hums when he cooks 🥺🥺🥺
Pirates?? In Lurelin?? Still need to go find them but even the thought is amazing
The gloom! The horriblin! The dragons! The WALKING TREES! I keep getting jumpscared by this game lol
The new towers and their cool animations
The stable rewards system 😂
Blech sludge
It's really cool exploring somewhere as familiar as Lanayru and still find new challenges
They gave Sidon a case of the Not Gays but they still had him build a statue of Link riding him. 😏
History will call them "best friends"...
It's so much fun to use the new abilities, my only complaint is that ultrahand can be a little fiddly. Fuse is my new best friend. I made a sword sword and it sucks, but I was having so much fun with it.
There is so much more but these were the things that I literally couldn't contain inside myself. I don't care what anyone says, I'm only a fraction into this game and I love it so much.
Oh wait one more thing:
WALKING TREES!! The woods aren't safe anymore...
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Heyyy hun would you be down for a matchup?
I’m a pansexual demigirl, introverted but super rowdy and I rlly like parties and concerts. I am heavily dependent on caffeine, and I am a compulsive shopper. I dye my hair a different colour like three times a month, and my aesthetic is kinda like someone’s expensive secretary from the 1960s. I also rlly love baking and knitting and listening to music so loudly I have permanent eardrum damage. I am also incredibly disorganised and collect freezable fruit shapes.
Also I love your writing!!! You are very talented and have a distinctive style.
Keep slaying!!!
Hi, Julian
I mean, the word rowdy is in your request. What was I gonna do, not say Jules? Anyways, the rowdy raven is the perfect place for you. You can be rowdy and loud and drink if you wanna without actually needing to be extroverted. It's not the kind of party where you're expected to make friends. It's the kind of party where Julian gets a beer glass thrown at him (which he dodges) and later dances on the table with you. He'd also happily buy things for you, or maybe steal things, he is a pirate. Mazelinka and Jules both love that you bake and knit, and Julian would help you as much as he could in the kitchen. Though he'd be bumping his head against the ceiling a lot.
Thank you I'm so glad you love my writing!! ✨Slay✨
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coconut-cluster · 4 years
Ok so what I got from the outfits was: janus is a fancy/ classy ✨✨ pirate, Patton dresses like your typical pirate from a children’s book, remus out here being full on stinky trash pirate, Virgil somehow looking emo and pirate-y at the same time and pulling both aesthetics off (I love the jacket by the way), roman I’m sure will get even more extra with the way he wears the shirt and pants as time passes on and absolutely killing it because this prince has got to slay, pirate or no pirate (but like I see what you mean by roman looking very cute compared to remus), and Logan is just straight up being Senpai material in Remus’s eyes, which now that I see the outfit, I FEEL LIKE SIMPING TOO BUDDY-
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hugispuso-archive · 3 years
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 (yes i submitted ten-- if you don't want to do ten, you can lessen the number! i got a bit carried away ahaha-)
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ok firstly, t h i s. w/o context, it looks awkward SO I'LL EXPLAIN IT FOR Y'ALL LOL. this is actually the time when i was able to buy him 🥺🥺💕 !! i rmbr playing SO MANY matches just to get enough clues to buy and HE FINALLY CAME !! this happened at the very first day of August, and is probably one of the best days for me. his doll ingame is so well done, i'm gonna give that to net.ease.
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YOOOOOOOOO that frikin sword looks really cool. this is where i got the headcanon of him knowing how to swordfight and it still fits. he's a pirate sailor who lives in the 19th century, what did you expect. and that posture? that glare? y'all better be careful bc you never know what he might do with that SNDJDNDJBFF. the puffy sleeves bro!! the piratecore vibes in this one ugghthjfjjg 😩😩👌 BLESS
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*breathes* okay. um. WOW. i don't know what to say. modern jose? dndjdjdbdjdnn. yes we're completely ignoring kevin bc i hate the dude (/hj). BUT SHIIIIIIT AAAAA PUTANGINA. THE SUIT!!!! AND GLASSES!!!! JOSE JUST- TAKE ME SJSKSBDIJBFKGNG I'M ALL YOURS 🤲🤲🤲🤲
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pspspsps @sylvieselfships & @gentle-horrors come get y'alls boys. 👀👀👀 anyway JOSE LOOKS GOOD IN BLACK AS WELL. HOW THO??? IDFK BUT HE JUST SLAYS THE LOOK. OMFG WAIT I JUST REALIZED HE DOESN'T HAVE HIS PROSTHETIC ARM HAJABSJDBJD OMG HOW DIDN'T I NOTICE THAT. but i'm so happy to see him smiling here. it fits him!! he should smile more genuinely like that. that chest hair- *dies*
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THIS SKIN AWOOOOOGAAAAAAA- i slept on this skin when it was first released bc i seriously didn't like it KSNDJFNFNFN. but the more i looked at it and discovered more fanarts of it, i guess i just accepted that he looks good in any skin he has LOL. why is this bastard licking his finger ffs. STOP THAT YOU'RE MAKING ME FLUSTERED BITCH !!!! 😡😡😡
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hey this is an aesthetic photo! i love it sm 😭💕 he's just there, chilling with a genuine smile on his face while the sun is shining from behind. THIS ENTIRE PIECE IS SO SOFT I LOVE IT A LOT.
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BLUSHING JESSE 🥺🥺💕 !!!! HE IS SO CUTE WAAAAAA I WANNA KISS HIM TO FLUSTER HIM EVEN FURTHER HEHEHEH. i find it adorable how he's using his hat to cover his face like NSJDIFNFN you ain't hiding from me cowboy lemme give you a kiss. 😚😚😚
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WHY ARE MY BOYS SO HANDSOME UGHHHHH THIS IS UNFAIR. the tiny heart beside him is what got him because wow that made him even cuter. AND GODDAMN THAT FRIKIN SMIRK. I LOVE HIM SM OMG JSNDIDNFJC.
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blackwatch jesse........ you can have me pls just take me YOU LOOK SO GOOD IN BLACK TOO IHHDHHFJFJJF SERIOUSLY. idk the reason [yet] why and how he got the idea of changing his belt to BAMF but issok i still love him.
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xviicprc · 4 years
10 Favorite Characters
Tagged by @pinkafropuffs​ (girl this are so fun to do, thank you!) about my 10 favorite characters so here we go-!
(y’all are ready to see how basic i am?)
1- N (Pokemon)
When will he return from the war-
Ferriswheel shipping flashbacks because honestly? When will Pokemon give us a character as good as N again
2- Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Ah, Fullmetal is basically responsible for me being a weeb lol
While everyone else can do an analysis of his complexity, I simply will say Edward is the sort of character I love as protagonists of anime-
Love how he isn’t either too serious or too goofy. Hmm it’s hard to me to say what I like specifically about him lol. 
Maybe it’s just nostalgia
3- Edmond Dantes (Fate Grand Order)
Ah yes, the current husband of mine- discount Komaeda. 
By seeing my art you should realize how much i love him lol
4- Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
YOu see, normally I DESPISE characters like Nanami, even after they develop as characters since most of the time they end up being “mean because inferiority complex” HOWEVER Nanami doesn’t have that, she is great and she know’s it!
(Also most of the time, these types of characters aren’t really used comically- and I don’t mean in the sense of “Haha the bully girl got what she deserved!” but instead of this character getting themselves in comical situations)
But it’s the way she matures across the show what made her my favorite among the cast. I love the cast and the show as a whole- but if I had to pick one character among them, it’s Nanami.
5- Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
But jokes aside Akihiko is my favorite character in Persona 3 (well....close tie with Shinjiro BUT).
He is just (lies on the floor) THE character I always romance because his route is just so cute and makes me feel warm and fuzzy having FEELINGS-
And I remember distincly rejecting his advances on accident and then realizing what I did and going “D:!!!!”
THis man right here was my REAL introduction to HAVING FEELINGS for anime men and I’ll never forgive HI-
6- Xion (Kingdom Hearts)
Shoutout to the firsts characters who I made deeper that the author intended.
If you ever have to fight agains me set it to Vector to the Heavens- if you have to avenge me set it to Another Side while you fight. 
Do you fucking know how I was at 12 years old?? No friends, no homework playing KH 358/2 days??? How much I got attached to Roxas and Xion as a lonely girl who was just discovering things about friendship?
so I’ll ramble on about my interpretations on them because i’ll make it as deep as i want-
The way in which they form a friendship related on both knowing about the keyblade and having no memories from their previous life and the way in which it all comes tumbling down thanks to things outside of their control and how much they try to stop it- 
The way Xion is willing to sacrifice herself for a greater good fully knowing that what the Organization is doing is bad and would endanger the worlds at large and how she, on her own accord, chooses to return her memories to sora even if it means dissapearing from the memories from everyone and truly dying in every sense of the world- all while having to run away from the organization because she would drain all the life from roxas because that was how she was created as a puppet-!
And the final clash! the way in which xion uses all of her power left to fight against the control of the organization because she wants roxas to slay her because she would rather die and lend her power to roxas instead of killing him and being used by the organization!
The way that final fight got integrated into the story! how she warns roxas when she will attack, or how she screams at him “STOP HOLDING BACK!” as her last efforts as an individual hanging to the remnants of their bond-!
As an extra note I’m so glad they didnt “end up together”- it was a good showcase of two teens who had a solid friendship that didn’t need to be turned into a romance because they already love eachother as friends!!!
So as you can see i have a lot of feelings for Xion-
7- Kishinami Hakuno (Fate/Extra)
SHOUTOUT to my favorite protagonist in the Fate Franchise she is so good and I just,,,,,,,,,love her?????
(if you pick Male Hakuno you are absolutely invalid)
So I completly love how she ends up inderectly being a subversion of the “amnesiac character self insert” because she NEEDS to start in a black slate for her to grow.
Love how sassy she can be in the dialouge options and SHE ALLOWED SABER ARCHER AND CASTER TO GROW AS PEOPLE and-
Play Fate/Extra
8-Kcalb (The Gray Garden)
He is so good :c when will he return from the hiatus.
Honestly he is the best character in the game and I love his interactions with Etihw and honestly he defined what 14 year old me loves in character design. AESTHETICS
9-Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Of Course I had to add the one who started this mess.
So anyways- Sonic the Hedgehog in the GOOD games with story is someone who never gives up no matter how hard or grim everything may seem, and how he shows kindness to those who needs it, who does what HE feels is the right thing, no matter what everyone else may say and maybe I’m reading too deep but this lil fucker whas the first videogame I ever *emulated* owned and had been a part of my childhood since I learned what the Internet was- I pirated the entire anime and took a REAL liking to drawing thanks to him.
Everyone out there in early 2010 tracing anime while I traced Sonic X screenshots lol
10-Steven Quartz Universe (Steven Universe)
I have a lot of feelings for Steven Universe as a show- and especially his protagonist.
When the show started everyone complained how annoying Steven was- but I never found him annoying? I really like how he has “traditionally femenine” traits and powers (healing, shielding, crying a lot) and isn’t shamed for it? The show has MANY problems but it I LOVE it.
And, since the start of the series I liked Steven, I love how he develops in the show, and honestly so many moments I saw myself in him- and then came Steven Universe Future which he explores his trauma after the events of the series- just everything about him just hit’s home- even more than I expected (the cactus Steven-)
How Steven goes from viewing the Gems as these all knowing powerful mother figures- and how he feels as if he has to live up to their expectations, and the impossible barrier set up by his mother at the start of the series-
(How later he view’s himself as a fraud- and how he doesn’t “pay the consequenses” and he is just “as bad as his mother”- the internalized self hatred, his drifting friends and represed trauma- I’m glad the show does this- I don’t think I would have self reflected as much as I did without this show)
Steven Universe is a show I hold close to my heart, so do I with it’s protagonist.
 Haha I don’t feel like tagging people after that lol
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
I don’t know if anyone here has been following the saga of my OC’s, which consists of me finally being brave enough to talk about them on Tumblr because what’s the use of guarding characters I don’t even have a manuscript for? And I wanna have fun. But mostly I’ve just been tagging fashion sets that belong to them, and as of late last night, too many prompts
I had been attempting to write a piece that introduces my villains in a SERIOUS manner by showing off the evil circus I plan to house them all in where each has a different tent they devote to an “act” that’s really their brand of villainy (dancing with deadly weapons, serving poison at the drinks garden, slaying innocent monsters for show, training horrific monsters from the deep sea), but I keep slacking on it, and I also keep adding new villains to the mix that would shake up the outline, so that’s stagnant.
But you know what I did figure out? Last night, I found a prompt that asked which of my OCs would go to Wal-Mart at midnight for fun. And my answer was that Alivain (the villainous leader, a smug young man who is not at all a Mozenrath ripoff) would take all his villain bros to Wal-Mart for a legitimate errand run, then turn around and realize they had all immediately scattered and just go “Oh no.” So here, I’m gonna introduce you to my villain squad by telling you what shit they would start in a Wal-Mart
Versafina is a weapons aficionado, so she’s gonna be looking for things that she can add to her repertoire of melee weapons. Especially small things that can fit in her hidden pockets...and not get noticed by security as she smuggles them out without paying. She spends way too long in the hardware section trying to figure out if a socket wrench is as good for scooping out eyes as she thinks.
Phantasia is busy giving herself a makeover in the cosmetics section, being the glam queen she is. She’s also opened it up for any teammates to come up to her and receive makeovers. She’s not paying for any of it either. Phantasia has also tested all the spray perfumes, then ran out of skin to spray, so she dragged Anastasios over. Anastasios is the physically oldest of the group, a rather elderly man who is about done with all these rowdy millennials (he’s just the character that’s there to say “OK Boomer” to), and he wanted to actually shop for the thing Alivain wanted except Phantasia is using him for more test perfume sprays and he won’t admit he likes smelling pretty.
Zangary is my resident monster hunter and also one of the sane men in the group and he probably ACTUALLY went to get what they came for in the first place and paid for it like a normal person, but no one noticed because no one expected anyone to actually do that. (*sweats nervously* Stoic monster hunter who wears purple and is shippable with the attractive sorcerer? I...I didn’t...it’s not the ADJL Huntsman no)
Dweixyn is lazy as hell and just found some patio furniture to collapse into and take a nap. Except she wears sunglasses everywhere she goes for the aesthetic, so the staff members who pass her briefly don’t realize her eyes are shut at first.
Belador wants two things out of life: to blow things up and to party hard. And because it’s probably not a good idea to blow up the Wal-Mart right now, he’s in the process of attempting to arrange several electronics and lamps to create a tiny pseudo-nightclub. He may also have hijacked the PA system for this purpose and is blasting techno.
Yridel is an angsty cyborg. She went right to the electronics section to see how many things she could connect to and corrupt. Eventually, she found a portable speaker through which she could just blast “Born Depressed” by Drill Queen on repeat, because it’s #mood for her, and just starts strutting around the store doing this to show off how edgy she is. Her snooty boyfriend who is usually narcissistic except when it comes to her, Lainnhartt, is following her and tossing confetti or an acceptable substitute in her wake, going, “That is my GIRL!”
Sherida is a monster who has a humanoid body, so she usually wears a bodysuit and a motorcycle helmet to pass among the general public. Well, tonight, she’s decided to take a walk in the mostly-deserted Wal-Mart with her helmet off so she can have a breather, but she came across some midnight shoppers who saw her paper-pale skin with blue veins, her lack of nose, her slit-pupil eyes, and her wide mouth full of fangs, and started panicking. So Sherida did the reasonable thing and began to eat them right there on the floor. Blood everywhere.
Lirian and Calpurniko are two teen girls - though Lirian is actually Fair Folk and has been alive for hundreds of years, but physically and mentally, she’s a teen. Lirian is a yandere and very exciteable; Calpurniko is a doomsday-device mechanic on a constant sugar high. So the two of them head right to the toy aisle to have a Nerf gun fight. Which is all fun and games until Calpurniko disappears into the hardware section for fifteen minutes and emerges with an augmented Nerf that can shoot (poisoned) foam darts at actual ballistic speeds.
Rachneira and Tomagi are also teens. Rachneira is a morbid Goth and also a variant of Fair Folk who is derived from spiders and therefore can spin webbing (and maybe has four arms? Undecided). Tomagi is an angsty sorceress who is mute. So the two of them decide to rifle through the cheap DVD bin, as kids do, and Rachneira keeps pulling out increasingly more disturbing horror films and stating in an ennui-laden tone that Tomagi should probably see them all before she dies. Then security blows by on their way to stop Belador from creating a mini-rave, they realize these kids are with the troublemakers, they turn on them, and Rachneira just webs her way up to chill out on the ceiling for a bit (as you do) while Tomagi gets angry and magically blasts the guards across the entire store, taking out several shelving units.
Diamandian puts on the airs of being a high-society man. What he is is a former manservant who killed his employer and usurped his fortune. He carries a white lace parasol wherever he goes. He heads right to the clothing section for the entire purpose of roasting every piece he finds, ripping it all off the hangers and throwing it to the ground because it’s all “Trash for the peasants!”.
Maraya is a pirate queen who is also an Eldritch Abomination thanks to an ancient tome of horrors. (Pink skin, silver or purple hair, the tattoos she previously had of nautical symbolism are now bright silver, pupil-less glowing eyes, stores a bunch of tentacles in her back.) She has a first mate, Soligeo, who has no eyes and many spidery limbs because he used the same book. Being that they’re pirates, they’re going to steal stuff, and they’re not gonna be subtle about it. They start ransacking the shelves and bragging very loudly about the fact that they will NOT BE PAYING FOR THIS. Unlike Sherida, Maraya doesn’t care so much about covering her monster exterior, and she likes scaring people for fun.
Kaxhalen is an intergalactic alien warlord (blue skin, silver hair) who acts like a stoic in the general public but is secretly neurotic and exciteable. He has sequestered himself in a fort made of bedding with several craft supplies he’s stolen to work on a therapy project.
Osmend Osmodias is a smug gambler, so he just sets up a shell game in the corner of the store and starts charging shoppers to find the hidden bean. When the guards try to oust him for soliciting, he argues that he’s not technically selling anything, and they can’t get anywhere unless they have the right charges on him.
Valencindri is this team’s token idiot and steals the toilet paper out of the men’s room, holding it up in triumph and screaming about how awesome it was that he got away with the (free) toilet paper without having to pay for it (it’s still free)!
Dr. Hope Lessness is a mad-scientist supervillain and sadist with cybernetic augmentations. She at first just starts breaking things at random to cause mayhem and monger fear, but then she hits the electronics section and gets distracted trying to wire together an iPod with a Fitbit and hook them to a drone mechanism that is somehow also a weapon. Her snarky robot companion, Mercy Lessness, makes several cracks about her attention span that she doesn’t dignify.
Orianelle is a biker witch swordswoman who likes to dress in leather shorts and tanks. She heads to the automotive section to pick up supplies to maintain her bike, but then some jerk dudebro makes a pass at her and she suplexes him into the nearest shelf, which causes an outcry. This somehow tuns into a mass brawl with Orianelle knocking ten men unconscious.
EDIT: I forgot Siersyrei on the first go. She’s a werewolf, but the joke is she’s more like a “were-human” because she defaults to acting wolflike even when in human form and refers to herself in the third person. So she’s over here literally eating dog food and looking for any sudden motions indicating prey she can hunt until Lirian shows up with a laser pointer to drive her insane.
By the time security has dispersed enough to actually be a problem, Alivain hijacks the PA system to announce “I’m going to bomb the Wal-Mart,” which is his code word to let the others know that he’s going to bomb the Wal-Mart. Everyone evacuates, and he dramatically activates a bomb that reduces the store to a column of flames as he dances in the parking lot victoriously with his back to the carnage.
Also, Zangary probably bought the wrong thing, so now they have to find a new Wal-Mart and start all over.
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kyrie-silverwings · 5 years
RP Roster~
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Kyrie Silverwings (Balmung)
sideblog: @darklordkyrie (aesthetics, shares posts from here)
A stranger to the land of Eorzea, Kyrie appears to be a polite, professional blade-for-hire to some and a capable Adder officer to others. Often in charge of investigating voidsent within the Black Shroud, it is also rumored that she deals with Gridania’s more unsavory elements; her way of “keeping the peace”. She also works a day job as her company’s accountant and manages their expenses. All this is a cover to hide that she is from another world, with unnatural abilities granted by an Undead curse. Her “talents” make her effective in her field, though Kyrie leans towards monster hunting (and slaying) and espionage and stealth as her niches. 
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Kyrien Silverwings (Balmung)
A young man with a striking resemblance to Kyrie, even sharing the same surname, Kyrien is openly a world traveler. He seems an ordinary hunter, with a kind heart and gentle disposition, albeit clumsy at times. He currently lives in Kyrie’s company, serving to repay the damages he caused by falling through the roof of the house. He is loyal to his “Master” - the Ascian Emet-Selch - though he keeps his identity a well-guarded secret (from most). Like Kyrie, he is also cursed, but he has much less control over his abilities and unwillingly plays host to another personality, one much more aggressive and arrogant. It is when he is pressed in battle it will manifest, but Kyrien takes great caution to avoid overuse of his aether channeling. 
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“Kyr” / Morag (Mateus)
The “banshee”, a stranger who temporarily stole Kyrie’s identity. She is a voidsent, passing as an Elezen and frequently hops between the city-states to keep herself hidden. She has amnesia, only remembering the events of her life up to several months and is looking for anything that will help her recover her memories. She has many aliases, but she seems fond of the name “Morag” as her personal appellation. Morag is actively wanted through Ul’dah for theft of magical possessions and Ishgard has tales of a “she-devil” who was brazen enough to steal from sky pirates and successfully escape. Her personality is aloof, occasionally imperious, and evasive; she trusts very few people and can be very aggressive with strangers. She is currently looking through records of Mhach and Sharlayan academia; the former due to familiarity and the latter due to a stranger who helped her one day.
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Naveia Silverwings (Balmung)
An old witch with many secrets, Naveia is Kyrie’s grandmother. She is reunited with Kyrie and assists her company with research into souls and manipulation of aether. Stubborn and exacting, she pours all of her attention into her projects to seek a way to cure Kyrie’s curse. She transported herself between worlds but in doing so, exacted a heavy toll. Her “spiritwalking” accidentally merged her with another Naveia and now causes her to change appearance on occasion. Despite the grave consequences of her magic, Naveia forges on, dealing with the effects as she can. She possesses a number of unusual pets - all “projects” and each one bearing eldritch properties.
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Cyneric (Goblin)
A quiet, introspective man with ties to Kyrie and Naveia’s past. He appeared unexpectedly, and gave Kyrie an unusual stone without much knowledge of what it was or its purpose. According to his words to Kyrie’s friend Völundr, Cyneric shares memories with her and can recall some of her past. The mystery deepens, as he never appears where Kyrie is and must communicate to her through others. He seems unperturbed by the fact he is in a different world from his homeland and is making a living as a hired guard in Coerthas. 
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Adalie “Pentathera” Phanuel (Balmung)
sideblog: @the-white-azalea (most content, wip)
A Duskwight swordswoman seeking to train as a Paladin. She took on the name Pentathera as a professional alias when she departed the Shroud. Her family was displaced in the Seventh Umbral Calamity, moving to Gridania to escape the fall of Dalamud. Her childhood was rough and isolated, though she bore her upbringing with as much grace as she could muster. Despite her twenty-and-eight years, Pentie tends to feel inexperienced in social interactions and comes off as cold and overbearing, especially around her peers in Ul’dah and Limsa. In spite of the hard exterior she tries to project, she is acutely aware of her obligations to the common folk and will give more than what she asks for. A devout of Halone, she can be found occasionally at shrines dedicated to Her and will always extend a hand to Her followers.
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Ingram Diamandis / Ingram bas Diamandis (Balmung / Mateus)
sideblog: @aspiringaetherologist (most content, wip)
A shy Gridanian working as a courier in Limsa, Ingram is also a student of the Arcanist’s Guild. Truthfully, she’s just an intern at the guild, but has taken it upon herself to learn arcanima and increase her knowledge of aetherology. Her family had ties to Garlemald through her grandfather, Lazarus, but has long since expatriated themselves from their homeland - though some old records remain. However, the previous machinations of Lazarus’s studies in Garlemald will eventually expose Ingram to unexpected tribulations...
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